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Wetlands and other Waters of the U.S.

and State

Determination that wetlands are present or absent within the API- based on Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Man al !pro"ide in table# $or areas that meet the %riteria for wetland in a%%ordan%e with the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetlands Man al& a determination as to whether s %h wetland areas are ' risdi%tional nder state and federal reg lations( If ' risdi%tion is not readil) apparent&
state wh) and what steps need to be ta*en to ma*e the determination !e(g( additional field data& timing& reg lator) agen%) site "isit& et%(#

+hort des%ription of wetlands in the API !Cowardin %lassifi%ation& dominant "egetation t)pe,spe%ies& appro-imate si.e or e-tent !if appropriate# /riefl) des%ribe the 0 alit) of wetlands in the API- be s re to note whether wetlands lo%ated within e-isting right of wa) differ in 0 alit) than those o tside( 1se best professional ' dgment !/P2# and do% ment reasoning( If wetland reso r%es o%% r on both sides of a highwa) or str %t re& ran* these reso r%es in order to help a designer ma*e informed %hoi%es regarding design %hanges( 1se /P2 and do% ment reasoning( Identif) potential a"oidan%e and minimi.ation meas res 3ote the %ost of mitigation if wetlands within the API are impa%ted& and note whether the pro'e%t site is lo%ated within the ser"i%e area of a mitigation ban* In%l de a map that shows the lo%ation of obser"ed wetlands& waterwa)s& and other bodies of water o%% rring within the API 3ote an) areas within the API that were not in"estigated& and wh)( In%l de referen%e to an) te%hni%al reports or memos& indi%ating name of spe%ialist responsible for determinations& and date of report,memo(

ODOT Environmental Baseline Report Guidelines

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Visual Resources

4esear%h 0 ad maps& %it) and %o nt) maps to identif) $ederal +%eni% 5ighwa) or 6o r 4o te and indi%ate designation7 3ational +%eni% /)wa)& All-Ameri%an 4oad& 8regon +%eni% /)wa)& 8regon 6o r 4o te& or 8regon Memorial Dri"e9 8regon +%eni% Waterwa)s and 3ational Wild and +%eni% 4i"ers9 $ederal& +tate or :o%al par*s and re%reation or %onser"ation lands !in%l des 3ational 5istori% and +%eni% 6rails& wildlife san%t aries& ref ges and preser"es& ;bea%h land;#( Determine if there is a 1+$+ or /:M Management Plan( Do% ment so r%es of data sed and methods sed to resear%h and %olle%t data( Conta%t 8D86;s Distri%t Maintenan%e 8ffi%e and determine if there a "egetation management plan for the area( Conta%t lo%al agen%) to determine design re"iew re0 irements( Cond %t site "isit and photograph e-isting %onditions& in%l ding "iew areas( Do% ment e-isting %onditions in%l ding map of potential +e%tion <!f#,=!f# reso r%es( $ollow $5WA g idelines and >is al 4eso r%e 6emplate !4oadside De"elopment Design Man al# to identif) and des%ribe reso r%es& potential impa%ts( In%l de photographs of the pro'e%t area and s rro nding "iews( ?e) photographed "iews to map(


In%l de an) so r%es sed to prepare te%hni%al report( Do% ment an) phone %on"ersations with reso r%e agen%ies& propert) owners& et%( $ederal and +tate stat tes dealing wild and s%eni% ri"ers& national s%eni% b)wa)s& national histori% and s%eni% trails& and state ,federal wildlife ref gees and san%t aries( $ederal and state management agen%) plans dealing with the reso r%es in 0 estion(

ODOT Environmental Baseline Report Guidelines

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