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Meeting of the General Assembly

Wednesday 29 January 2014, 8:30pm

Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall

Table of Contents
Appendix A
S.A.F.C. Allocations to Date
Appendix B
S.O.O.C. Club Charters Update


Meeting of the General Assembly
29 January 2014
Daggett Lounge, Thorne Hall

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Public Comment Time
V. Introduction of Guests
VI. Old Business
VII. Reports of Committees
a. Student Affairs Roberto Tavel 16
b. Academic Affairs Jordan Goldberg 14
c. Student Organizations Oversight Committee Daniel Mejia-Cruz 16
d. Student Activities Funding Committee Megan Massa 14
e. Facilities & Sustainability David Levine 16
f. Executive Committee Sarah K. Nelson 14 / Allen Wong Yu 14
VIII. Report of Members
a. Class Councils
b. Inter-House Council
c. Entertainment Board
d. Athletic Council
e. The McKeen Center
f. At-Large
IX. Report of the President Sarah K. Nelson 14
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment


Appendix A

SAIC A||ocat|ons 1o Date
Date Group kequested Amt A||ocat|on Amt Descr|pt|on
9/13/13 Plllel $130.00 $130.00 8agels on Lhe Cuad
9/13/13 8owdoln llnance SocleLy $2,012.00 $2,012.00 1ralnlng Lhe SLreeL
9/13/13 LquesLrlan $270.00 $270.00 1eam league dues
9/13/13 8owdoln uemocraLs $12.00 $12.00 osLer prlnLlng Lo adverLlse club
9/13/13 Creen 8owdoln Alllance $30.00 $30.00 Snacks of semesLer
9/13/13 lmprovablllLles $180.00 $90.00 osLer prlnLlng for shows and faclllLles seLup
9/13/13 Creen 8owdoln Alllance $962.00 $962.00 CreensLock
9/13/13 lrench Club $330.00 $330.00 vans and 1lckeLs for a lrench Comedlan
9/17/13 Men's Club WaLer olo $433.68 $403.68 1ournamenL ln v1
9/17/13 SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne $633.30 $633.30 WashlngLon u.C. Conference
9/17/13 Anlme SocleLy $12.00 $12.00 AdverLlsemenLs
9/19/13 8CSA $80.00 $80.00 Mlxer aL Powell
9/23/13 neuro $173.60 $173.60 Speaker (dlnner, lunch, Lravel)
9/23/13 8owdoln uemocraLs $12.00 $12.00 osLers
9/23/13 Club 1ennls $422.00 $422.00 SemesLer fees (balls, LournamenL, LransporL)
9/23/13 8razlllan !lu !lLsu $130.00 $130.00 Coach "Lry-ouLs"
9/23/13 Plllel $120.00 $120.00 2 Candle LlghLlngs + 1 ulnner
9/23/13 ConLra uance Club $23.00 $23.00 ConLra danclng aL Common Crounds lalr
9/23/13 Men's Club WaLer olo $130.00 $130.00 1ournamenL Lravel
9/23/13 olar 8ear Swlng $2,300.00 $2,300.00 lnsLrucLors fees
9/26/13 ! SLreeL u $1,202.30 $1,202.30 Conference Lo u.C.
10/7/13 Mlddle LasLern uance Lnsemble $1,012.00 $1,012.00 Palf lnsLrucLor lee and osLers
10/7/13 Aslan SLudenL AssoclaLlon $362.31 $362.31 Aslan nlbbles
10/7/13 AcLlve Mlnds $62.00 $62.00 naLlonal uay WlLhouL SLlgma
10/7/13 AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal $342.88 $482.68 Mlllenlum Campus Conference
10/7/13 Safe Space $3,360.00 $3,360.00 lall Advocacy and 1ralnlng
10/7/13 Safe Space $230.00 $230.00 llrsL-?ear 8ep rogram
10/7/13 Skl and 8lde $1,403.00 $1,780.00 All-?ear lundlng (mlnus on-campus fllm)
10/7/13 8CSA $444.00 $444.00 CuL Week
10/7/13 lng ong $130.00 $130.00 8alls and dlvlders
10/7/13 Men's ulLlmaLe lrlsbee $600.00 $600.00 Cllnlc
10/7/13 Plllel $340.00 $340.00 Candle llghLlngs and dlnners
10/7/13 Plllel $83.00 $83.00 Apple lcklng
10/7/13 LquesLrlan $362.23 $362.23 PoLels and vans for v1 meeL
10/7/13 v-uay $139.00 $147.00 1ake 8ack Lhe nlghL
10/7/13 Afrlcan Amerlcan SocleLy $30.00 $30.00 1rlp Lo Colby (vans)
10/7/13 PunLlngLon 8lrd Club $163.00 $163.00 Whale and Sea 8lrd 1rlp
10/7/13 8owdoln Creen Alllance $32.90 $32.90 1oll vlolaLlon
10/21/13 Cheer $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Coachlng fees
10/21/13 Cxfam $220.00 $20.00 8owdoln ArL SocleLy LvenL
10/21/13 ArL Club $230.00 $230.00 8owdoln ArL SocleLy LvenL
10/21/13 ASA $633.00 $674.00 uaLe-apalooza week of evenLs
10/21/13 SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne $2,123.00 $1,784.00 CuesL Speaker As'ad Abukhalll
10/21/13 8razlllan !lu !lLsu $800.00 $800.00 Coachlng lees
10/21/13 8CSA $37.00 $37.00 lay readlng, 1he normal PearL


10/21/13 Clrcle $36.00 $36.00 osLers, dlnlng hall dlnners for advlsor
10/21/13 naLlve Amerlcan SLudenL AssoclaLlon $312.00 $312.00
naLlve Amerlcan PlsLory MonLh food and
10/21/13 LquesLrlan $3,796.16 $3,796.16
semesLer cosLs (LournamenL, coachlng fees,
10/28/13 Club Pockey $1,430.00 $1,430.00 League uues, vans
10/28/13 Cheer $1,290.00 $1,290.00 new unlforms
10/28/13 Afrlcan Amerlcan SocleLy $204.00 $62.00 PaunLed house Lrlp
10/28/13 CloballsL $3,000.00 $3,000.00 rlnLlng CosLs for Lhe year
10/28/13 Men's WaLer olo $133.71 $0.00 Cas money from Lrlp
10/28/13 LASC $108.00 $30.00 uomlnoes and uomlno's lzza arLy
10/28/13 8CSA $12.00 $12.00 osLer prlnLlng
11/4/13 8razlllan !lu !lLsu $300.00 $100.00 More semesLer coachlng fees
11/4/13 8owdoln ChrlsLlan lellowshlp $1,030.00 $1,030.00 vans for Lhe semesLer
11/4/13 Men's WaLerpolo $2,334.00 $0.00 no-Show
11/4/13 Af-Am $73.00 $23.00 Soclal LvenL (uance)
11/4/13 AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal $87.00 $87.00 lllm and Screenlng
11/4/13 lnLernaLlonal Club $33.00 $30.00 Snacks for semesLer evenLs
11/4/13 euclnlan SocleLy $193.84 $100.00 Snacks for year evenLs
11/4/13 Safe Space $113.30 $113.30 Self-Care nlghL
11/4/13 vACuL $90.73 $90.73 vACuL
11/11/13 1he 8abble $1,671.00 l rlnLlng CosLs for Lhe semesLer
11/11/13 A Cappella Councll $430.00 $213.00 LlghLlng cosLs for wlnLer concerL
11/11/13 Curllng Club $2,813.00 $2,813.00 vans, equlpmenL, and LournamenL fees
11/11/13 8owdoln ArL SocleLy $233.00 $0.00 Snacks for ArL Show ln Ldwards
11/11/13 Men's WaLer olo $2,334.00 $2,334.00 League uues
11/11/13 ! SLreeL u $292.00 $292.00 lllm and Screenlng and snacks
11/18/13 Af-Am $1,670.00 $1,200.00 8lack SolldarlLy Conference
11/18/13 8razlllan !lu !lLsu $1,300.00 $1,000.00 Lessons for Sprlng SemesLer
11/18/13 Men's Alplne Skllng $414.00 $414.00 uues and SemesLer CosLs
11/18/13 Af-Am $230.00 $114.00 1hanksglvlng poLluck, use board Lransfer
11/18/13 8Cl $1,700.00 $0.00 AlLernaLlve Sprlng 8reak
11/18/13 8MC $82.00 $82.00 lall Muslc Showcase
11/18/13 8owdoln ArL SocleLy $2,000.00 $1,000.00 Sprlng ArL Show
11/18/13 Men's ulLlmaLe lrlsbee $1,930.00 $1,023.00 8-Slde 1eam CosLs
11/18/13 8CSA $12.00 $12.00 rograms
11/18/13 Men's volleyball $1,648.00 $1,224.00 League dues and semesLer cosLs
11/18/13 olar 8ear naLlon $286.00 $286.00 ep rally for Colby-8owdoln Pockey game
11/18/13 SMAC $100.00 $100.00
SLudy ln Lhe museum nlghL, and semesLer
11/18/13 8owdoln Women's Lacrosse $323.00 $323.00 League dues
11/23/13 1alko $1,691.00 $1,210.30 Conference aL Skldmore
11/23/13 lenclng $1,728.00 $1,728.00 8eplacemenL LqulpmenL
11/23/13 lnLersecLlon $240.00 $240.00 CosLumes for wlnLer dance show
11/23/13 1he Culll $1,390.00 $1,390.00 rlnLlng for fall semesLer, 300 coples
11/23/13 Cxfam Amerlca $317.00 $33.00 Palyan lundralser, daLe aucLlon
11/23/13 SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne $261.07 $36.07 varlous semesLer cosLs and relmbursemenLs
11/23/13 Afrlcan Amerlcan SocleLy $73.00 $30.00 vans for acLlvlLles
11/23/13 Arabesque $340.00 $340.00 lall uance Show (mulLlple groups lnvolved)
11/23/13 ASA $437.00 $437.00
MulLlculLural oLluck (mulLlple groups
11/23/13 8CSA $73.00 $73.00 Coody 8ags
11/23/13 Creen 8owdoln Alllance $43.73 $43.73 8elmbursemenL for evenLs
11/23/13 lng ong $300.00 $300.00 llx Lhe broken plng pong Lable
11/23/13 Alplne Skl $3,124.00 $3,124.00 ?early 8udgeL
1/19/14 AmnesLy lnLernaLlonal $276.00 $201.00 Speaker !acquellne ScoLL
1/20/14 8owdoln llnance SocleLy $2,206.00 $2,206.00 1ralnlng Lhe SLreeL second semesLer
1/20/14 undlscussed $114.00 $101.00 laclllLaLor breakfasL


1/20/14 Men's Club Lacrosse $873.00 $873.00 WlnLer Season uome ln 1opsham
1/20/14 Af-Am $1,833.00 $1,909.00 Comedlenne evenL
1/20/14 Mock 1rlal $2,231.00 $1,871.00 SemesLer budgeL
1/20/14 LquesLrlan $169.00 $169.00 relmbursemenL for hoLel room mlx-up
1/20/14 Men's volleyball $373.80 $420.80 1ournamenL ln C1
1/20/14 Clrcle $23.00 $0.00 van Lo performance
1/27/14 8CSA $3,312.00
AnyLhlng buL sLralghL ln ALhleLlcs, need Lo Lalk Lo
1/27/14 Clrcle $12.00 $9.00 flyers
1/27/14 SLudenLs for !usLlce ln alesLlne $12.00 $12.00 posLers
1/27/14 8owdoln Crganlc Carden $23.00 $0.00 farmers markeL snacks
1/27/14 Mlddle LasLern uance Lnsemble $2,012.00 $2,012.00 Classes for whole semesLer
1/27/14 Afrlcan Amerlcan SocleLy $32.00 $32.00 anel ulscusslon
1/27/14 Creen 8owdoln Alllance $3,306.30 $1,306.30 LnvlronmenLal !usLlce Symposlum
1/27/14 Cheer $1,000.00 $0.00 Lessons for semesLer
1/27/14 8owdoln ChrlsLlan lellowshlp $1,043.00 $1,043.00 vans for semesLer, dlnner
1/27/14 Men's volleyball $30.00 $30.00 Second van renLal for 2-day LournamenL
1/27/14 olar 8ear Swlng $2,312.00 $2,312.00 SemesLer of lessons
1/27/14 ursus verses $133.00 $133.00 vans for 8osLon concerL, wlLh Lolls
1/27/14 v-uay $136.49 $136.49 vaglna Monologues
1ota|s: 592,946.9S 574,7S0.S0
kema|n|ng Iunds: 5S9,2S1.84

1ota| Iunds Spent at th|s t|me Last ear:


kema|n|ng Iunds at th|s t|me Last ear:


A||ocat|on 1ota| for kest of ear 2012-2013:



Appendix B

S.O.O.C. Club Charter Update

Clubs Chartered Since Fall

Mock Trial

Society of Physics Students

The Op-Ed Project

Bowdoin Art Society

Bowdoin International Relations Society

Clubs Pending Charter

Radical Alternatives

No More Capitalism

The Sex Project

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