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Austin Rau Ms.

Lyman Jenna, Camila, Maddie 1/27/2014

Calorie or calorie
Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to measure the energy given off by different objects in the process of incineration and heating the water. The heat that came from the burning food was transferred into the burning water.

Procedure: The steps we took for this lab was first getting a coffee bin, a soda can, a wooden pike, matches, a bunsen burner stand, a glass rod, half a cork, and the selected foods. For this lab we chose Puff Cheetos, Flamin-hot Cheetos, and a Marshmallow. First we measured the food with the cork and the wooden spike. The reason for the cork and the spike is so that we could make the food stand up in the middle of the coffee tin. Then we measured out a specific amount of water to put into the soda can. We then put a glass rod through the soda can so we could have it over the coffee tin. Then we used the matches to light the food on fire and waited for it to go out. After that we measured the temperature of the water and the wait that the water has lost. We also measured how much mass was lost in the food item. We repeated these steps with all of the food items 2 twice.

Pre-lab questions

(1) Of the food items we will be testing, hypothosize which one has the most calories or the least?

-Marsh mellows because it have the most sugar ergo all the calories.

(2)Rank foods on highest energy to lowest. -(1) Hot-cheetos -(2) Cheetos -(3)Marsh mellow

-I think that the hot cheetos will burn most violently because of all the chemicals used to make them, they have a chance to react more violently.

(3)Define specific heat.

The required heat per mass required to raise the temperature by one degree celsius.

(4)What is the specific heat of water?

4.186 J (5)What is the specific heat of air?

(6) What is the difference in chemistry between a calorie and a Calorie?

-calorie: This is also called a kilogram calorie. It is the energy required to increase 1kg if water by 1 degree under 1 atmospheric pressure.

-Calorie: This is a gram calorie it is the energy required to increase 1gm or water 1 degree celsius under 1 atmospheric pressure.

(7) Define the terms in the following equation Q=m*c*T

Q= host energy M=mass

c= specific heat =Change


Food Sample

Initial Mass

Final Mass

In Mass of Food




Temperat Temperat Temperat -ure -ure 24C -ure 3C

Marshmall ow

9.8 grams

9.6 grams

.2 grams



3.6 grams

3.8 grams

+0.2 grams




Hot Cheeto Marshmall ow#2 Cheeto#2

4.7 grams

4.2 grams

-0.5 grams




9.8 grams

9.1 grams

-0.7 grams




4.7 grams

3.9 grams

-0.8 grams




Hot Cheeto#2

3.4 grams

2.6 grams

-0.8 grams




Mass of Can (grams) 14.6 grams 14.2 grams 13.6 grams 13.8 grams 18.4 grams

Mass of Can + Water 64.6 grams 64.2 grams 63.6 grams 63.8 grams 68.4 grams

Mass of Water (grams) 50 grams 50 grams 50 grams 50 grams 50 grams

16.6 grams

66.6 grams

50 grams


I used the equation from above and plugged it into my data and got this.

Marshmallow- Q=.5014= 2 Cheeto- Q=.50110= 5 Hot Cheeto- Q= .50124=12

Then I figured out the calories per gram. To do so would be to take the calories and divide it by the mass of the food used.

Marshmallow- 20.7=2.85 Cheeto- 50.8=6.25 Hot Cheeto- 120.8=15


I thought the flaming-hot Cheeto would burn the most but it was actually the Cheeto

puff that had the most mass to burn. So the more mass that something had to offer the harder and faster it burned.


If I were to improve on thing i would have created a better way of burning the food. I only say that because each trial the food did not burn completely through, or to put it on other words, did not produce its maximum fuel output. I suggest we use something that is a reliable fuel, do a test burn and subtract it from the energy from the food and the fuel.


1. How many calories were transferred to the water by the marshmallow? Marshmallow- Q=0.314=2 calories 2. Divide this number of calories by the grams of marshmallows that burned up. 20.7=2.85 calories 3. Calculate how much heat was lost to the air around you. 3.33-2.85= 0.48 calories 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the Cheeto. Cheeto- Q= -2110=-50 Cheeto- -500.8=62.5 5. How does the answer for question 4 relate to the real value of a cheeto?

Im pretty sure my math is wrong because the measure ments either got heavier or didnt change at all.

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