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Seminar on Spiritual Practice and Education

2009 12 19 ( )
900 100
( ) D1-LP-03

: 2009 12 19 ( )

: 9:00 1:00
: ( ) D1-LP-03

-- Taize

8:45 9:00

9:00 9:05





9:05 9:10




9:10 9:50


-- Taize
9:50 10:30


10:30 10:40
10:40 11:20

11:20 12:00

12:00 12:40

12:40 1:00

Youth Development


enlightenment aspect



Right from the Start project

Burrell & Riley, 2005 Mysteries ProgramKessler, 2000, p. xv Brahma Kumaris Sect and Living Values
Educational Programme Lovat, 2006

Positive Youth Development

2006Dunn, 2001Kessler, 2000Tacey, 2004, 2006








Transcendencethe Sacred

2005Belousa2006Brussat & Ann, 1996Sinetar, 2000Wright, 2000Zohar & Marshall, 2000

inner strengthspiritual

2009 10 18
Moore, 1994



e. other learning experience
2009 10 25 20072009 10 18 Bulman & Jenkins, 1998DSouza
2005Hyde2005Moon2005SCAA, 1996


spiritual educationreligious education

2008 3

36 08 3 6

2008 09

ultimate concern

08 3 7
3 200
35 60mins
44 9 8
2009 7

Eugene Peterson2006
2009 11 8

Tony Jones2007

3 1

2009 10 25

2009 10 18




30 2010 2012

2009 11 25
Palmer, 1983

Belousa, I. (2006). Defining spirituality in education: A post-Soviet perspective. In M. Souza, K. Engebretson, G. Durka, R.
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Brussat, F. & Ann, M. (1996). Spiritual literacy: Reading the sacred in everyday life. New York: Scribner.

Bulman, L., & Jenkins, D. (1998). The Pastoral Curriculum . Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Burrell, A. & Riley, J. (2005). Promoting childrens well-being in the primary years . Stafford: Network Educational Press.

DSouza, A. (2005). Tai Chi in the playground before the school day starts. In A. Burrell, & J. Riley (Ed.). Promoting

childrens well-being in the primary years (pp.124-125). Stafford: Network Educational Press.
Dunn, R. R. (2001). Shaping the spiritual life of students: a guide for youth workers, pastors, teachers & campus
ministers . Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.
Hyde, L. (2005). Meditation for young people from the age of ten. In A. Burrell, & J. Riley (Ed.). Promoting childrens
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Kessler, R. (2000). The soul of education: Helping students find connection, compassion, and character at school.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

2009 11 8

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an embodied self
mystical experience
Gustavo Gutierrez

Love Your
Enemies: A Theology for Aliens in Their Native Land the Chin in Myanmar The Emergence of
Exchange Politics in China and its Implications for Religion/State Relations.

1940 Brother Roger


1952-1953 6

1990 7


1 Office for Standards in Education, Promoting and Evaluating Pupils Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development : OFSTED HMI 2125.
2G.Gutierrez, We Drink from our Own Wells (London: Orbis, 1985), p.132.
3Jason B.Santos, A Community Called Taize (Downers Grove: IVP, 2008).
4 Liam Gearon, Taize: A global and Post-colonial Theology of Community, in Clive Erricker and Jan Erricker eds., Contemporary Spiritualities (London;
Continuum, 2001), pp.192-207.
5Rex Brico, Taize: Brother Roger and his Community (London: Collins, 1978), p.14.
6J.L.G.anzalez Balado, The Story of Taize (London: Mowbray, 1989), pp.23-32.
7Roger, No Greater Love: Sources of Taize (London: Mowbray, 1990).
8The Taize community, Letter from Taize 1999-2001 (Taize: Les Presses de Taize, 1999).


2009 10

Philip Sheldrake




Richard W.Flory Donald E.Miller 11

Richard W.Flory Donald E.Miller

Richard W.Flory Donald E.Miller embodied spirituality Max Weber

Robert Bellah






10P.Sheldrake, A Brief History of Spirituality (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007), pp.195-197.

11R.W.Flory and D.E.Miller, The Embodied Spirituality of the Post-Boomer Generations, in Kieran Flanagan and Peter C.Jupp (ed.), A Sociology of Spirituality
(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), pp.201-218.
12 217
13Mircea Eliade, The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion (Harcourt, Brace, World, 1959).






14Michael Dallaire, Contemplation in Liberation: A Method for Spiritual Education in the Schools (New York: Edwin Allen, 2001).
15 142-151





16 Borrowed place borrowed time





(Generosity) ( ) (Sacredness)
(Integrity) ( ) (Connectedness)
(Inter-being) (blessing) ( ) (Spiritual


/ ( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )


(Martin Seligman) 1998
(Abraham Malsow)

(Christopher Peterson) (Character Strengths and Virtues)
wisdom courage humanity justice temperance


(Spiritual Education)

( ) (Transcendence)



2008 2009

(spiritual crisis)

(Wright, 2000)

(World Health
Organization) 1948 (well-being)
( , 2008)
(Cottrell, Girvan & Mckenzie, 1999)
Miller(2007) (spirituality) (holistic education)


: (balance)
(inclusion) (connection)
(educational orientation)
(Tacey, 2006)


1. --

William James Hay

Hallowell(2005) (attention-deficit disorder (ADD))

Nye (spiritual sensitivity)

(awareness sensing) (here-and-now experiences)


(flow) (mystery sensing) (wonder and

awe) (value sensing)


(silence) Brady
(2007) (brainstorming)

Fontana(2007) (ideational) (non-

2. --

(pure awareness) (concentration) (tranquility)


(mindfulness practice)

(personal growth) (Hayes, Follette & Linehan,

(mindfulness) (moment-to-moment

2004; Greco & Hayes, 2008; 2008)

awareness)(Blackmore, 2003; Germer, 2006; Kabat-Zinn, 1990; Wallace, 2007)

(being in the now) (a sense of freedom) (not judging) (of being connected)
(Germer, 2009)

3. --

(Barnard, 1938)


(mindful meditation)

(loving-kindness) (compassion)

(Aftanas & Golosheikin, 2003) Davidson(2003)

(Brach, 2006)

(brain synchrony) (gamma wave)

(Benson, 2004; Bishop et al., 2004; Blackmore, 2003; Carmody & Baer, 2008; Germer,

Siegel, & Fulton, 2006; Kabat-Zinn, 1990; Leigh, Bowen, & Marlatt, 2005; Shapiro, Schwartz, & Bonner, 1998)


2008 2009
( )


(2008 11 12 )

(2008 10 26 ) walking walking


( ) ( )

(2009 3 7 )


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Internal Research Grant

Internal Research Grant


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