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Prepared By: Delfin, Ciara Mae D.l. 1-Education.

Submitted To: Madme.Niyle Amiel L. Pascual


Introduction: Some young lady who, aborted their child, Id learned more a lot, about the reason why she do this abortion. One of the reasons is financial problem of course as she said she cant raise her child if she dont, have money. She said that shes an elementary graduate, thats why she dont, have a work. Some says that the reason why they do this is they cant be accepted their parents. And also some says that they do this because they left by their boyfriends thats why abortion do exists. I have learned a lot by this Interview, and I am hoping that this kind of crime wont happen again, but this abortion is not happen only for teenage this case is happen for any age ,because of financial problem, but they dont know what happen after this, this is a crime to the law and of course to god.

Statement of the Problem: 1. What are the perceptions of minors on and their experiences with abortion the new abortion law? 2. Why youth now days are getting worst? 3. What are community members, religious leaders and health professionals Opinion on abortion of minors? 4. What are the barriers that minors identify, influencing their access to safe Abortion services?

Conceptual Framework:

This kind of crime have big effect to the women, this case also become a psychological problem for them.

It base on Survey


TITLE: Abortion

Synthesis: The kind of crime have big effect to the women, this case also become a

Significance of the Study: Significance to the Researcher. The significance of pregnancy for adolescent women is usually related to unconscious motivations. Some teenagers faced with the problem choose to abort, and others do not. Psychosocial status, contraceptive and sexual habits, attitudes towards pregnancy and environmental influences were studied in 50 teenagers who chose abortion. These young women were matched for age and parity with a control group of 50 who elected to carry their pregnancies to term. The results point to significant differences between the two groups, particularly as to the meaning of pregnancy and the decision-making process. Significance to the People.

Significance to the Community.

Significance to the local government.

Scope and Delimitation: The study covered the local government of Quezon City and the rest of NCR.

Definition of terms:

Abortion An object or undertaking that is unpleasant or badly made or carried out. Anti-abortion This is a term whose meaning is in flux. Sometimes it is used as a derogatory synonym for "pro-life." Recently, it has been frequently used to refer to individuals and groups who take violent action against abortion providers or clinics, up to and including shooting staff and bombing clinic. Abortifacient medication which terminates pregnancy and induces an abortion. Since the prolife movement generally defines the start of pregnancy as occurring during the process of conception, while physicians and the pro-choice movement generally defines it at the implantation of the blastocyst in the wall of the uterus, a medication can be considered as an abortifacient by pro-lifers and a contraceptive by everyone else. Baby Normally, this means a very young child aged from birth to perhaps 1 year. The term is also sometimes used (particularly by pro-life advocates) to refer to a zygote, blastocyst, morula, embryo, or fetus. Infant A child; variously defined as aged from birth to 12 months, seven years, and even (in some legal applications) as old as 21 years



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