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Important Facts About High Blood Pressure

The high blood pressure of the biggest risk factors for heart disease and blood vessels, it leads to about 45 per cent of deaths from these diseases, and the spread in all countries of the world, where the statistics indicate that the World Health Organization that there are about a billion people suffer high pressure in the world.

lood pressure readings on this sub!ect, talk to "health# consultant, $nternal %edicine and a specialist blood pressure clinical clinics medical reference in &eddah, e'plained at the outset that high blood pressure is defined as the force hanging on the walls of the arteries when the heart contraction, which recorded in the form of two numbers, such as( )*+,-+ .mm Hg/ as s0mbolized b0 the first number .top/ to the s0stolic pressure represents the ma'imum pressure is located on the walls of blood vessels, and s0mbolizes the second number .bottom/ and the diastolic pressure is the lowest pressure when the heart rela'es.

The different levels of blood pressure in adults, and is the ideal pressure in humans of about )*+,-+ mm Hg or less, and the rise to between )*+,-+ and )12,-2 shall be deemed pre, h0pertension 345 H6354T578$O7.

$t is noted that the pre,h0pertension stage are those whose human,uninfected clicking, but ma0 develop to the stage of the degree of pressure ")# if there is an increase in weight or famil0 histor0 of blood pressure. $t does not have to worr0 or take an0 drugs, but this stage 0ou need to organize lifest0le.

There are three degrees of high blood pressure, namel0( , The degree of ")#( When the pressure between )4+,2+ and )52,22. , The degree of "*#( When pressure rises to between )9+,)++ and ):2,)+2. , The degree of "1#( When pressure rises to )-+,))+ or higher.

The spread of disease, he added. The prevalence of high blood pressure in adults in the world up to about 4+ per cent and leads to about :.5 million deaths annuall0, which affects males more than females in the middle age and increasingl0 prevalent in old age in both se'es, and within the age of 95 0ears or more increases females more than males.

$n 8audi ;rabia, the prevalence rate of up to about *5 per cent, and also spreads in the <ulf countries to var0ing degrees. $t is e'pected that the increasingl0 widespread in the coming 0ears in order to increase the spread of the factors helping to rise, and the most important disorders of obesit0, diabetes and high proportion of elderl0 people, in addition to the changing pattern of life in the region, where increasing binge eating, and at least the level of movement and sport in the communit0.

There are risk factors for infection of blood pressure, including age, and people with dark skin, in addition to the factor of heredit0 and the increased weight and eating salt in abundance and lack of dail0 movement and lack of e'ercise.

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