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Jan. 17, 2014

Families of Tri-County Intermediate, Welcome back to school! As the New Year begins, many people make New Years resolutions. All resolutions have a goal in mind. Some people make resolutions with a goal to lose weight, or to exercise more. Like you may have done, TCI has named some goals for the year: Goal 1: 80% of Tri-County Intermediate students will be reading at/above grade level by the end of spring semester, 2014. Goal 2: 45% of Tri-County students will score a 4, 5 or 6 on the writing application portion of ISTEP+, 2014. Our first goal is for students to read, read, read. During the second nine weeks, students made a goal for Reading Counts points. The reward was for students to attend the Rockin Reading Dance. Im happy to report that 170 students achieved their goal! To continue to encourage students to read, we have a new reward planned for the third grading period (see back side for details). Ive also included some details about how reading helps students. To help us achieve our second goal, TCI teachers are learning a new way to teach students writing called Simple 6. This approach will help students understand how to be successful writers and help them prepare for the ISTEP Applied Skills Test, which takes place in March. I truly appreciate what you do at home to help your child be successful in school. So many people have been welcoming and helpful during my first semester at TCI. As always, I welcome your concerns and looking forward to working with you to achieve your childs goals.

Homework Policy: At TriCounty Intermediate, teachers are sensitive to family time together. Teachers make an effort to not give too much homework. That being said, homework is an opportunity for students to get another look at material learned during the day. Brain research indicates shorter, more frequent review of material is most beneficial to students. Homework is another way to develop good work ethic. The school shares the responsibility with parents to help children establish good work habits. Therefore, it is important that students and families understand the following: After school detention policy: Any student who has a zero for a missing/incomplete* assignment will have an after school detention. Detentions will take place after school on Wednesdays until 4:15. There is a shuttle bus that can take students to TCPrimary after the detention. Otherwise, families are responsible for transportation. Notices will be sent home to parents before the assigned detention. *Allowances are made for absences at the teachers discretion.

We are so excited about the next Reading Counts challenge. Students are busy setting point goals and will be reading to reach them so they can go to the PIZZA PARTY! Teachers will be helping students track their Reading Counts points over the next 8 weeks to reach their goals. Like last time, students who have an average of 85% or better on quizzes will get a bonus prize :)

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