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Marketing as we know it today began in the 1970s with the birth of the "marketing orientation". During the first stage of capitalism business had a production orientation. Business was concerned with production manufacturing and efficiency issues. By the mid 19!0s a second stage emerged the sales orientation stage. Business"s prime concern was to sell what it produced.

By the early 1970s a third stage the marketing orientation stage emerged as businesses came to reali#e that consumer needs and wants dro$e the whole process. Marketing research became important. Businesses reali#ed it was futile putting a lot of production and sales effort into products that people did not want.

%ome commentators claim that we are now on the $erge of a fourth stage one of a personal marketing orientation. &hey belie$e that the technology is a$ailable today to market to people on an indi$idual basis 'see personali#ed marketing permission marketing and mass customi#ation(. &hey feel it is no longer necessary to think in broad aggregated terms like market segments or target markets.

Marketing has become an academic discipline in itself with tertiary degrees in the field now routinely awarded. Masters and Doctrinal degrees can be obtained in numerous subcategories of marketing including) Marketing *esearch +onsumer Beha$ior

,nternational Marketing ,ndustrial Marketing 'also called b-to-b marketing( +onsumer Marketing 'also called b-to-c marketing( .roduct Management and e-Marketing.

7 Marketing was defined by the /merican Marketing /ssociation in 1901 as 2the performance of business acti$ities that direct the flow of goods and ser$ices from producer to consumer or user3.

Marketing management is the practical application of marketing techni4ues. ,t is the analysis planning implementation and control of programs designed to create build and maintain mutually beneficial e5changes with target markets. &he marketing manager has the task of influencing the le$el timing and composition of demand in way that will achie$e organi#ational ob6ecti$es.

,n modern times mainly after the in$ention of the electronic computer markets are not always located in a physical space. %uch $irtual markets consist of communication paths where information e5change is easy and deals may be struck. / notable e5ample of this is the international currency market.

Marketing is the craft of linking the producers 'or potential producers( of a product or ser$ice with customers both e5isting and potential. %ome form of marketing arises naturally in all capitalist societies but is not limited to capitalist societies. Marketing techni4ues are also applied in politics religion personal affairs and many other aspects of life.

Marketing methods are informed by many of the social sciences particularly psychology sociology and economics. Marketing research underpins these acti$ities. &hrough ad$ertising it is also related to many of the creati$e arts. %uccessful marketers typically ha$e a customer orientation or focus.

< ,n popular usage the term "marketing" refers to the promotion of products especially ad$ertising and branding. 8owe$er in professional usage the term has a wider meaning. ,t can be di$ided into four sections often called the "four .s " only one of which is promotion. &hey are) Product - &he .roduct management aspect of marketing deals with the specifications of the actual good or ser$ice and how it relates to the end-user"s needs and wants. Pricing - &his refers to the process of setting a price for a product including discounts. Promotion - &his includes ad$ertising promotion publicity and personal selling and refers to the $arious methods of promoting the product brand or company. Place or distribution refers to how the product gets to the customer9 for e5ample point of sale placement or retailing. &hese four elements are often referred to as the marketing mi5. / marketer will use these $ariables to craft a marketing plan. :or a marketing plan to be successful the mi5 of the four "p"s" must reflect the wants and desires of the consumers in the target market. Marketing management in$ol$es)

;nderstanding the economic structure of your industry ,dentify segments within your market ,dentify the Marketing strategy which best fits your company ,dentifying your target market Do marketing research to de$elop profiles 'demographic psychographic and beha$ioral( of your core customers

0 ;nderstand your competitors and their products De$elop new products =stablish en$ironmental scanning mechanisms to detect opportunities and threats ;nderstand your company"s strengths and weaknesses /udit your customers" e5perience of your brand in full De$elop marketing strategies for each of your products using the marketing mi5 $ariables of price product distribution and promotion +reate a sustainable competiti$e ad$antage ;nderstand where you want your brands to be in the future and write marketing plans on a regular basis to help you get there %etup feedback systems 'management information system( to help you monitor and ad6ust the process .hilip >otler has described the modern marketing concept in the following words) 2&he marketing concept is a customer orientation backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customers satisfaction as the key to satisfying organi#ational goals.3 ROLE OF ADVERTISIN /d$ertising is the paid promotion of goods ser$ices companies and ideas by an identified sponsor. Marketers see ad$ertising as part of an o$erall promotional strategy. ?ther components of the promotional mi5 include publicity public relations personal selling and sales promotion.

,n ancient times the most common form of ad$ertising was by word of mouth. 8owe$er commercial messages were found in the ruins of .ompeii. /s printing de$eloped in the 1!th and 1@th century the first steps towards modern ad$ertising were taken. ,n the 17th

! century ad$ertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in =ngland and a century later ad$ertising had become a popular thing.

/s the economy was e5panding during the 19th century the need for ad$ertising grew at the same pace. ,n 110< the first ad$ertising agency was established by Aolney .almer in .hiladelphia. /t first the agencies were 6ust brokers for ad space in newspapers but in the 70th century ad$ertising agencies started to take o$er responsibility for the content as well. /d$ertising is multidimensional. ,t is a form of mass communication a powerful marketing tool a component of the economic system a means of financing the mass media a social institution an art form an instrument of business management a field of employment and a profession. %ome commercial ad$ertising media include) billboards printed flyers radio cinema and tele$ision ads web banners skywriting bus stop benches maga#ines newspapers town criers sides of buses ta5icab doors and roof mounts musical stage shows elastic bands on disposable diapers stickers on apples in supermarkets the opening section of streaming audio and $ideo and the backs of e$ent tickets. /ny place an "identified" sponsor pays to deli$er their message through a medium is ad$ertising. +o$ert ad$ertising embedded in other entertainment media is known as product placement. &he &A commercial is generally considered the most effecti$e mass-market ad$ertising format and this is reflected by the high prices &A networks charge for commercial airtime during popular &A e$ents.

&he purpose of ad$ertising is to stimulate demand for a product ser$ice or idea. ?ther factors influencing demand are price and substitutability. / ma6or way ad$ertising may stimulate demand is to create a brand franchise for a product. >leene5 for e5ample can

@ distinguish itself as a type of tissue. But because it has successfully attained a brand franchise among consumers it is fre4uently used as a generic term. ?ne of the most successful firms to ha$e achie$ed a brand franchise is 8oo$er whose name was for a $ery long time synonymous with $acuum cleaner.

.ublic ser$ice ad$ertising non-commercial ad$ertising public interest ad$ertising cause marketing and social marketing are different terms for 'or aspects of( the use of sophisticated ad$ertising and marketing communications techni4ues 'generally associated with commercial enterprise( on behalf of non-commercial public interest issues and initiati$es.

/im of e$ery company is to earn profit by selling products and ser$ices in the market. &o sell ser$ices you need to do market research and good ad$ertising. &oday the world is mo$ing so fast that customers needs e$erything in front of him readily a$ailable9 hence the need of ad$ertisement arises.

/d$ertisement is a special tool of marketing which deli$ers how B what you want to sell. /d$ertising should attain that much power so that e$eryone wishes to use

ser$iceCproduct. &his is possible only through ad$ertising market research. ,n fact it is a non-personal presentation B promotion of ideas goods B ser$ices.

De perform ad$ertising research which would co$er up $arious aspects essentially re4uired in make an effecti$e ad$ertisement plan. De guide you which method of ad$ertising is to be taken in where B how the ad$ertisements should be displayed. 8ow much effect does the consumer ha$e after going through the ad$ertising9 how more appealing could be made are some of the basic things which we co$er up.

7 /d$ertising as a means of communication has made mass selling possible. Marketers and times engaged in selling their products and ser$ices throughout the country and or in other nations are fully aware of the necessity and importance of ad$ertising. /s a means of forceful communication ad$ertising promotes the sale of goods ser$ices images and ideas through information and persuasion.

/d$ertisingEs specific role is of pre-selling to present B potential customers. &ogether with other elements of the promotion mi5 such as personal selling B sales promotion acti$ities the point of purchase displays coupons premium offers demonstrations B trade shows ad$ertising ensures that these important functions lead to a successful marketing programmed of selling mass produced mass marketed consumer goods. /d$ertising is any form of nonCpersonal presentation of goods ser$ices or ideas for action openly paid for by and identified sponsor.

2B.%.F.G.3 abbre$iated form of 2Bharat %anchar Figam Gtd.3 formally known as Department of &elecommunication is 0th ma6or &ele +ommunication +ompany in /sia B 7th in world today which is one of the most earning re$enue in ,ndia. /bo$e more than < laces employs officers B engineers working in B.%.F.G. at present. :or last !! years after independence any other sector or department in ,ndia would not ha$e performed the progress achie$ed by B.%.F.G. .re$iously electro-mechanically e5changes for use in ,ndia namely stowage type e5change cross bar e5changes were there. ,n these electro-mechanical e5changes which were humanly operated has $ery much fault rate. But in late 1910Es it was same .ithrotha Gtd. who introduces 2+-D?&3 e5change in ,ndia. %lowly these e5changes begin to replace by electro- mechanical e5change.&hese e5changes which has wild range of capacity replaced electro-

mechanical e5change +-D?&-171 +-D?&-7!@ +-D?&-!17 +-1070 '%BM( e5change +-D?&-7001 'MBM( e5change and so on. &hese +-Dot e5changes pro$ed a wild stone in &ele communication sector in ,ndia. *esulting small town which ha$e small population. &hese D-Dot e5changes were installed according to there capacity. %o slowly in ,ndia in 1990Es &ele communication facility were pro$ides in small towns in which telephone facility was pro$ided ne$er before.

Besides +-D?& e5change fatects-1!0 ,G& e5change =-10B e5changes also pro$ed of mild stone in &ele communication sector to replace electromechanical e5changes which were most sophisticated and modern latest techni4ues electronics e5changes e$en in modern and big city also.

&here after it was ?+B-71< which pro$ed $ery important e5change in this series to replace electro-mechanical e5changes. %o today almost in ,ndia all these electronics e5changes are working.&oday in ,ndia in almost all the big and smaller city telephone facility has been pro$ided besides these it is 2M/** 'Multi /ccess *adio *elay( which pro$ed a $ery important and sophisticated e4uipment using latest techni4ue based on micro wa$e transmission by the line of site transmission to the ad6oining circumstances area by which all the remote areas to that station 2M/**3 installed. %o all these small $illages connecting in the transmitting limits of thatEs M/** line of site transmission &ele communication facility pro$ided to these $illages. Fow it is 2DGG3 and 2H%M3 mobiles which is also pro$ed a mild stone in &ele communication sector. Fow a subscriber can ha$e either DGG city mobile or H%M mobile ser$ices at $ery low cost all the times and he may be in communication all the times either mo$ing. ,t was <1st march 7007 when B.%.F.G. started these H%M mobile and today then has pro$ided almost <! lacks mobile in all o$er country. ,n H%M mobile a subscriber can ha$e talking with out any interruption either mo$ing or tra$eling in train or by road $ehicles almost all railways and high ways road are being co$ered by the B.%.F.G.

DGG 'wireless local 1oop( system which is also a mobile with limited modality in the city and can ha$e &ele communication facility in that area all most at the rate of basic telephone e$en today a B.%.F.G. has begin to sale DGG instruments that is city mobile at $ery low cost.

10 Gatest techni4ues in telecommunication sectors and all the sophisticated and modern e4uipment which are being used in would be introduced in ,ndia. %o &ele

communication sector has changed once life style today entirely and today it seems that world has become $ery small.

?n ?ctober 1 7000 the department of telecom operations Ho$ernment of ,ndia become a corporation and was christened Bharat %anchar Figam Gimited 'B%FG(. &oday B%FG is the Fo. 1 &elecommunication +ompany and the largest public sector ;ndertaking of ,ndia with authori#ed share capital of I <977 million and net worth of J 10.<7 billion. ,& has a network of o$er 0! million lines co$ering !000 towns with o$er <! million telephone connections.



&he ob6ecti$e of the study includes the following)

&o assess the satisfaction of a specific mobile phone ser$ices towards the se$eral marketer ser$ice brand pro$ider. &o assess the appealing ability of consumer or users for its pro$ider ser$ices. &o e5amine the impact of different brand ser$ices used by the consumers. &o e5amine the consumers beha$ior influence by the mobile phone ser$ice pro$ider. &o collect tabulate and analy#e information collected through sur$ey and draw result about the effect of marketing and ad$ertisement of different brand preference &o find the effecti$eness in branding through communications like print

ad$ertisements and media ad$ertisement that a company tries to impress its customers and inform them about the facilities being offered. &o analyses whether the customers are satisfied with B%FG and if yes how much is that le$el of appreciation in comparison to other network pro$iders.



*esearch Design is the o$erall description of all the steps though which the pro6ects ha$e preceded forms the setting of ob6ecti$es to the writing of the pro6ect report. &he success of the pro6ect depends on the soundness of the research design which includes problem definition specific method of data collection and analysis and time re4uired for the pro6ect.

:or the purpose of this research both primary as well as secondary data and information will be collected.

PRI!AR" DATA COLLECTION) &he study undertaken by me needed e5tensi$e research and understanding of the human attitude towards ad$ertisements. &herefore , had to take the help of 4uestionnaires to 6udge their preference. &he following was the procedure of the research.

&he sample si#e for the research was decided. /s the uni$erse for the study is $ery large 'consisting of e$erybody e5posed to ad$ertisements( the standard formula for calculating sample si#e nK #L7'pM4(CeL7 would gi$e a result near to @000. &herefore a sample si#e of 700 was chosen considering 70 days of field work and 10 inter$iews a day in Nodhpur &he sample si#e was further di$ided into two groups on the basis of age) 1!-7! consisting mainly of students who are mostly ad$enturous and easy to con$ince to e5periment with new schemes and the second group of age group 7! and abo$e who are more rational and would take more time to accept changes.

1< / semi structured 4uestionnaire was created to inter$iew the sample si#e &he 4uestionnaire contained dichotomous 4uestions and 4uestions on likert scale. /ided recall is used to 6udge the le$el to which customers can remember B%FG ad$ertisements. /d$ertisements to be studied were on new promotion schemes of B%FG /ll the three ser$ices taken were aimed primarily at the youth and so the response from the younger group was gi$en a lot of importance while analy#ing the results. &he 4uestionnaire contains 4uestion on customers liking towards 8utch and *,M as well to make a comparati$e study possible. 70 days of field work was re4uired to complete the data collection i.e. the filling up of 4uestionnaires. &he data was then tallied and charts and pie diagrams formed to arri$e at the result. /irtel

Secondar( Data Collection

%ome of the important sources from where the secondary data will be collected are as Debsites Books Nournals and +orporate Broachers etc.



+hapter O 1 +hapter O 7 +hapter O < +hapter O 0 +hapter O ! ,ntroduction Marketing and /d$ertising +ompany .rofile *esults and Discussion summing up


&he study would help to know what branding strategies are being utili#ed by the telecom industry inorder to attract the customers in reference to B%FG. Dhether more emphasis should be gi$en to the tele$ision ad$ertisements or depend upon the local media inorder to attract consumers. &he study will help to know how the customer remember the company schemes and what different they find in other ser$ice pro$iders. &his will help the B%FG to understand what marketing strategy should be adopted inorder to capture the Nodhpur market. %tudy would help to know whether ad$ertisements in newspaper ha$e to be made more colorful to attract the youth. &hey are $ery fond of the offers and schemes designed by B%FG. &hese can be emphasi#ed in newspaper communications to attract them. %tudy would also focus to know whether the ad$ertisement of brand ambassador Deepika .udonkar helps the customers to recall the company B%FG and what why its effects their decision too.


#OO)S& >otler .hilip) Marketing in Few Millennium Millennium =dition .rentince 8all of ,ndia Few Delhi. +.* >othari) *esearch Methodology9 Dish$a .ublication Few Delhi. Manuals pro$ided by N&?. &elecommunication %witching %ystems B Fetworks 2By &. Aishwanathan and 2Basic +ommunication %ystems3 by Heorge +anady.. Marketing Management) ..>. /garwal Marketing Management 17th ed.. .earson .rentice 8all. 700@. ,%BF 0-1<10!7!7-1. Mc>enna *egis 'Nanuary 1991(. "Marketing is =$erything". 8ar$ard Business *e$iew. Drucker >otler .eter :. '199< 'reprint((. Management) &asks *esponsibilities .ractices. 8arper+ollins. ,%BF 0-117<0-@1!-7. .hilip 'Fo$ember 1977(. ":rom %ales ?bsession to Marketing =ffecti$eness". 8ar$ard Business *e$iew. a b +lancy >e$in N.9 .eter +. >riegafsd '7000(. +ounterintuiti$e Marketing. &he :ree .ress. ,%BF 0-@10-1!!!!-0. >eller >e$in Gane '7007(. %trategic Brand Management 7nd ed.. .rentice 8all. ,%BF 0-1<-0011!0-7. .orter Michael '1991(. +ompetiti$e %trategy 're$ised ed.(. &he :ree .ress. ,%BF 0-@10-10101-7. / b >otler .hilip.9 >e$in Gane >eller '700@(. Marketing Management 17th ed.. .earson .rentice 8all. ,%BF 0-1<-10!7!7-1. / b *ies /l9 Nack &rout '7000(. .ositioning) &he Battle for Pour Mind '70th anni$ersary ed.(. McHraw-8ill. ,%BF 0-07-1<!91@-1. .orter Michael '1991(. +ompetiti$e /d$antage 're$ised ed.(. &he :ree .ress. ,%BF 0-@10-1010@-0.

1@ %chult# Don =.9 .hilip N. >itchen '7000(. +ommunicating Hlobally. .algra$e Macmillan. ,%BF 0-<<<-971<7-7. !A A*INES&' Business world. Business &oday ?ffer Documents of Different %chemes. +E#STIES&'

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