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None will see the Kingdom of God, not unless they are born again. Dying and re-birth are but the same
thing. To be reborn the seeker must die. In other words the act of dying is actually the act of being re-
born. The seeker must relinquish all his/her possession because they cannot go where he/she is going.
Hell, or the underworld, is the transmission period, or state, between heaven and earth. In this
transmission state, or process, the seeker’s scales are shed; his/her sins are painfully scrubbed off. The
seeker becomes like a caterpillar being transformed into a butterfly. During this process the seeker is
faced with himself as he/she truly is. The confrontation with oneself is bitter, demeaning, tormenting
and suicidal, and none can escape from it. In there the seeker losses himself/herself, the old self dies
and the ego realizes that it is nothing, even less than nothing. It is through realizing that he/she is
nothing that the seeker comes face to face with his/her creator, and is redeemed to everything,
redeemed to the Kingdom of God. And so it is that the seeker gives up everything, picks up his cross,
and follow Yeshua, the Light of the World, that he/she gains everything.


In the beginning the Word was with God, and through the Word, God created everything. Heaven and
Earth will come to pass but the Word of God will never seize to be. During the days of our Ancestors,
the Word was there for the Word is there eternally. Through Him, through Yeshua, the Word was made
flesh. The eternal drama of the Word of God was made flesh. Indeed Yeshua is the Light of the World.
Through His life the Truth was revealed, Dearth was defeated. Indeed He is the Way, the Life, and the
eternal Truth. Through His Dearth all things are made new, all things are re-born. He came unto the
World to Die, for He was, He is, and He will forever be the Sacrificial Lamb of God. And so it is that it
is not how you live your life that counts, but it is how you lose it, how you die that counts. Whoever
wants to save his life will lose it, and whoever losses his life for His sake will gain it. His Birth was
Death, His Life was Dying, and His Death was Resurrection. The Resurrection of all True Believers
unto Life eternal. Through His Blood, through His Name, all sins are forgiven and all sicknesses are
healed for He came to Die for the World so that the World could be Re-born.


Let the dead bury the dead. Unless you are born again, you are dead in the Kingdom of God. Let the
dead preach the gospel of a dead man, and let the dead weep for the dead. Everyone dies but how we
die determines how we are reborn. Unbelievers lose their lives while trying to retrieve it. True
believers gain their lives by losing it. Unbelievers fear death, they fear the possibility of not attaining
eternal life, and through fear they preach a gospel of the dead. True believers on the other hand
embrace death, they fearlessly sacrifice their lives, and through this dying they gain their lives. Dying
is to give up everything you have, to give without expecting anything in return, to crush down your
ego. In dying you relinquish everything until you have nothing. It is easier for a camel to enter a
needle’s hole than a rich man to enter Heaven. Unbelievers preach of the goodness of God like devils
fearing the pits of hell. True believers portray the goodness of God like the Sacrificial Lamb of God
heading for the gallows. And so it is that the greatest distinction between unbelievers and true
believers is fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of dying, fear of not leaving a legacy, fear of non existence,
fear of hell. And so it is that to be redeemed into life eternal the unbeliever must discard his/her fears,
pick up his cross, and follow in the footsteps of Yeshua, the Sacrificial Lamb of God.

Why is Yeshua the Name above all names? This Sacred Name has the power to heal diseases, the
power to cast out demons. The name Yeshua simply means that God (Jehova – I Am Who I Am) is my
Savior (Redeemer). During His life or His act of Dying Yeshua knew that only God would redeem
Him. In the desert when He was tempted by Satan He did not seek to redeem Himself. So unwavering
was His faith in God that even when He was tormented, persecuted and eventually crucified on the
cross he never sought to redeem Himself. Indeed He had the power to redeem Himself, but such power
was His to give not to save Himself with, only God would redeem Him. Otherwise, what is the point
of the persecution if He was going to save Himself. He lived or should I say died in order to be
redeemed by God. Even in His last act, when He had nothing more to give, He calls out to God: My
God, why have you forsaken me? Because he had given everything he had. After these words He seals
it and says It is done. Now what does it mean to be a follower of Yeshua? To be a follower of Yeshua
the seeker must have faith in the Name of Yeshua, the redemption power of God. The seeker must
follow in His footsteps and give off all he/she has with the knowledge that only God will redeem


Giving off yourself is to search for the philosopher’s stone and giving it to the world once you find it.
Giving off yourself is to have no banner around you to which credit can be put. Giving off yourself is
to let not your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Giving off yourself is to use what you
have to conquer the world, and then redistribute your lot until there is nothing left to give. Giving off
yourself is to acquire a hidden treasure, and let everybody partake of it without thinking twice about it.
Giving off yourself is to master both the land of the living and that of the dead, but be a slave to both
of them. Giving off yourself is to acquire not for your sake but for everyone’s sake. Giving off yourself
is to have nothing else in you to give; it is to exhaust everything in you. Giving off yourself is to own
nothing, but be owned by everything. Giving off yourself is to deny yourself, to deny your physical
body, to deny your thoughts, to deny even the I of your existence. Giving off yourself is to be nothing,
because it is in nothingness that our redeemer steps forward and says Behold I Am Who I Am, and in
that moment we are redeemed into everything. It is in having nothing, and being nothing, that the
prodigal son returns to his father who has everything. And so it is that Whoever seeks to be the
greatest, let him be the least and Whoever is the least is the greatest in the Kingdom of God. Give off
yourself therefore, pick up your cross, and follow Yeshua.

The lore of the dying is a lonely path, in which the seeker is a lonely traveler on a doubtful journey.
Endowed with faith in the redemption power of God the seeker moves on towards his maker. In his
odyssey he gives off himself, not for himself but for those he meets along the way. Villains and thieves
partake of him without giving back. He goes over high mountains and across stormy seas, and to
whoever he meets he gives off himself. Still he goes until he has nothing else to give. In having
nothing else to give, beasts and devils make him their slave. They torment and persecute him until he
is less than nothing. He sleeps with pigs and eats of the left-overs reserved for dogs. In that moment of
nothingness, pain and anguish, he calls out to his redeemer: “My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Hearing his cry the redeemer approaches him with all power and might and He says Behold I Am Who
I Am and the redeemer sheds light to his plight, the plight of all ages, the lore of the wounded healer.


God said to my Lord sit here on my right while I put all your enemies under your feet. The plight of the
wounded healer is the mystery of all ages. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do? How
can God bless you if you have not done right by your brother on whom you have sinned against? Only
he who had been sinned upon can forgive sins. Only he who himself had been wounded can best heal a
wound. Only she who herself had been sick can best heal a sickness. The lore of the dying is but a
journey that leads to the lore of the wounded healer. The wounded healer heals because he bears scars
of his wounds. The wounded healer enlightens because he too was in the dark. The wounded healer
redeems because he too was left for dead. But only God can redeem? Indeed, only God redeems. And
so it is that through Yeshua, the redemption power of God, the wounded healer redeems. The mystery
of all ages is that because he is wounded, the seeker is overshadowed by the Almighty, while the
Almighty puts his persecutors under his feet. The overshadowing is the journey of the Israelites out of
Egypt, it is the proclamation: Pharaoh, let my people go. Now that is Yeshua, the redemption power
of God, the lore of the wounded healer. Indeed, Mosses was a wounded healer. The healer himself
does not heal, but through his overshadowing, Yeshua - the redemption power of God, heals.


To the Egyptian princess, Moses came out of the reeds hence she gave him the name of Moses. In
Egypt Moses was a stranger raised as a prince, even his customs were those of the Egyptians. It’s not
until he witnessed a fellow Israelite being beaten by an Egyptian that Moses rebuked against the
Egyptian slavery. His sickness started when he killed the Egyptian and fled to the wilderness. In the
wilderness all his previous prestige as an Egyptian prince were shed. The old Moses he knew was now
lost to him forever. In there he was a nobody, he was nothing. His redeemer, the Almighty found him
guarding a stranger’s livestock. The Almighty called him from a burning bush and told him that I Am
Who I Am. The Almighty told him to go tell Pharaoh to Let my people go. At first Moses was reluctant,
as with all wounded healers, but the Almighty told him he need not be afraid because the words he
would utter would be straight from the Almighty. After a succession of plagues on Egypt Pharaoh
eventually let the Israelites go, and Moses led them to the Promised Land. Even on the journey to the
Promised Land, it was Moses who interceded between the Almighty and the Israelites. It was Moses
who came down Mount Sinai with the Book of the Law from the Almighty. Such is the lore of the
wounded healer, to go to the Most High and come back with the Elixir of Life.
Nobody can get to the Father, except through me. None can see the Kingdom of Heaven, not unless
they are born again. Yeshua is the Way, the Life, and the Truth. The Way is Life, and in His Life there
is the Whole Truth. His Life is that of Giving Off, His Life is that of Sacrificial Love. His Life is a Re-
birth of the World. The Truth is that for the World to be Re-born He had to Die, not that He chose to
Die, but had to Die because that is the Way, the Way of Re-birth. Humanity and the whole of It is His
Body, even before the Crucifixion, It always was His Body. Father, forgive them for they do not know
what they do. For Humanity to be Re-born, Humanity had to descend and see Himself as He truly is.
The confrontation with Himself was bitter and tormenting, but it had to happen that way for Him to be
Re-born. Humanity could not see Heaven, not unless Humanity was Re-born. And so it is that through
Him, through Yeshua, Humanity is Born Again because Humanity and everything there is, is Yeshua

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