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Islamic Compassion and the Virtues of Muslims

Is it possible to talk of such a thing?Yes it is.The problem is so much negative

images of the faith are given in public and by potrayal in the media.This is the
adverse psychology behind it all now,whenever something bad or catastrophic
happens and a person is involved,if that person is a Muslim,this is pointed
out.Not his nationality or personal characteristics but simply his Islamic
background.This was very similar to what I experienced as a child growing up in
the north of England in the 1970,s.If a person was heard to speak in a Irish
accent it was assumed immediatley that he was a bomber and a member of the IRA!
At present it is the month of Ramadan and all we are told is that the people are
fasting,but how many people in the media or elsewhere actually give us the reason
as to why they are fasting or the fact that a certain percentage of their income
is given as charity to the poor and needy !
We are told that Islamic men have a choice of having up to 4 wives.but how many of
us know that,when this belief arose,that
there was a very good logical thought behind all this.
The Islam race,as well as,the Jewish race are condemned for the methods involved
in the slaughter of animals as
food.But,correct me if I am wrong,does the Bible not recommend a similar
procedure?In addition,personal hygiene to a Muslim is of paramount importance.Ive
never met any group of people so "obsessed" with cleanliness
Recently in the city of Bristol,south-west England a convert planned to destroy a
shopping complex.Before he could carry out this attack,the police were informed of
his suspicious behaviour............ by the muslim community !

Could it be the psychology behind it all? We have had so much bad press about the
Islamic faith and its people that all we want to believe in is the negative aspect
of it all and refuse to hear anything good?

I was heard a crazy speech on television from a man in the far east stating that
if the world was rid of Christianity,Islam and Judaism,then most of the world
troubles were at an end !

Now here in Europe there seems to be afear of a slow but eventual takeover by
Islam!I am of no religion,so thanfully i have a choice in pointing out the good
and nad points of any religion,i just dont hear much good about the
faith.Fundamentalism is one word that always seems to be associated with the

Followers of Christianity,Hinduism and Sikhism have all had their extreme

followers,like all religions.Maybe we should take stock of the situation and see
whats happening in the wider world to realise that maybe politics,economics and
power play a large part in all this.

Surely people cant believe that over 1 billion followers of a the Islamic religion
in over 5o countries want nothing but an ideological takeover of the world?

I am open for comments on this article,especially critical ones as i am sure i

will receive,as I am fortunate to have friends

of all the major religions but not having a religion myself.Thank you

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