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Chapter 11: Herbs that Warm Interior and Expel Cold

Fu zi
radix aconiti lateralis praeparata Aconite accesory root Acrid, hot, toxic HT,KI,SP 3-15 ! Incomp: bei mu, gua lou, bai ji, ban xia, bai lian

1"restores de#astated yan $a%undant cold yin" - #1 herb to warm interior& diarrhea '( undi ested )ood, $Si Ni Tang - cold extre!ities" **assists HT yan to unblock essels and toni)ies KI yan to au !ent )ire and pre#ent loss o) yuan +i ,"'ar!s )ire - assists yan . i!potence, cold 'o!%, (Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan - cold a%d pain, SP yan xu", diarrhea, (Zhen Wu Tang -edema )ro! SP(KI yan xu!, $Jing Gui Shen Qi Wan- KI yan xu" 3"disperse cold,'ar! channels, alle#iate pain . /01, HA, chest %i 1ontra2 pre nancy& *use 'ith 3an 1ao or 3an 4ian to reduce toxicity 1"'ar!s the KI, assists yan , leads )ire %ac: to source $!in !en", $descends" . $You Gui Wan - KI yan xu", i!potence, )re+ urination, 'heezin , **pri!ary her% )or up'ard )loatin o) de)icient yan $)lushed )ace, se#ere oily s'eat, rootless pulse" ,"'ar!s SP& expels cold, relie#es pain . SP yan xu '( a%d pain(cold, reduced appetite, diarrhea& Gui Fu Li Zhong Wan 3"'ar!s - un%loc:s channels - #essels, alle#iates pain . deep cold causin +i or xue yu, a!(dys!enorrhea, $Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan -01 %i", $Yang He Tang - yin %oils, chronic a%scess(sores" 1aution2 pre nancy

positi#e inotropic and chronotropic e))ects $inc HT contractility, #asodialtion, inc cardia 5P& inc H6"& anti-in)la!!, anal esic

3an 7ian
rhozo!a zin i%eris 0ried in er Acrid, hot SP(ST, 89,HT 3-1, !

1"'ar!s !iddle, expels cold . epig"abd pain, omiting, diarrhea d(t excess ext cold or $Li Zhong Wan - cold d(t SP yan xu", (Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang . SP(ST dishar!ony" ,"rescues de#astated yan - expels cold . 'ea: pulse, cold li!%s& Si Ni Tang 3"'ar!s 89 - trans)or!s phle ! . #$ cold w" cough, asth!a, thin 'atery 'hite sputu!& Xiao Qing Long Tang

sti! 3I )or peristalsis, ante!etic, 1;S sti!ulant

6ou ui
cortex cinna!o!i 1inna!on %ar: o) trun: Acrid,s'eet,hot KI,HT,8<,SP 1=5-> ! add near end

dec ?P and H6, peripheral #asodilation and dec #essel resistance, sedati#e, anal esic, sti! sali#a and astric secretion, enhance di esti#e )xn and relie#e intest spas!s and pain, inc /?1, a%x()un al

/u zhu yu
@#odio )ruit Acrid,%itter,hot,sl toxic 8<,KI,SP,ST 1=5-> !

Biao hui xian

Fennel )ruit Acrid,'ar! 8<,KI,SP,ST 3-> !

1"'ar!s 8< - K0, expels cold, alle#iates pain . cold hernia ds, lo' a%d pain d(t cold lo' %ac: pain )ro! KI xu ,"re ulates +i, har!onizes ST . ST cold '( epi (a%d pain, indigestion, 85A, #o!itin

Hua 7iao
pericarpiu! zanthoxyli Szechuan pepper Acrid,hot, sl toxic SP,ST,KI 1)*+, gm

1"'ar!s the 8< channel, relie#es constrained 8< +i, alle#iates pain . $Wu Zhu Yu Tang - 8< ch ds '( 7ueyin HA", epi pain '( nausea, droolin , reduced taste sensation, pale ton ue, 'iry('ea: pulse, cold anti-ulcer $reduce hernia '( lo'er lat a%d pain, $Wen Jing Tang . dys!enorrhea", also astric acid", antida!p cold le +i e!etic, antidiarrheal, anal esic, ,"redirects re%ellious +i do'n, stops #o!it . #% and"or &' positi#e inotropic and disharmon( '( )lan: pain, re ur o) sour )luid ne ati#e chronotropic 3"'ar!s SP, stops diarrhea . $Si Shen Wan - diarrhea d"t cold )ro! e))ect, SP(K0 xu", coc:s cro' diarrhea A"leads )ire do'n . sores o) !outh(ton ue and HT; $topical on KI-1" 1aution2 pre nancy 1"'ar!s the C4, disperses cold, alle#iates pain . exo enous cold in#asion or SP(ST de)icient cold '( cold and pain in a%d, #o!itin , diarrhea& Da Jian Zhong Tang ,":ills parasites, alle#iates a%d pain - auxillary her% )or a%d pain d(t roundworms, and ene!a )or pin'or!s&Wu Mei Wan 3"dry da!p, relie#es itch . ext use )or ecze!, itching o) s:in and enitals 1"'ar!s the !iddle, redirects +i do'n'ard, alle#iates pain . hiccup, &3"&' de4icient cold '( 85A, diarrhea, #o!itin , a%d pain& Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang ,"'ar!s the KI, assists Dan . impotence, #a inal dischar e d(t cold 'o!%

3ao lian 7ian

rhizo!a alpiniae o))icinaru! 3alan a Acrid, hot SP,ST 1)*+- gm

0in xian
1"'ar!s the !iddle, alle#iates pain . epi (a%d pain, #o!itin , hiccups, diarrhea d"t cold in ./0 Liang Fu Wan
)los caryophylii 1lo#e )lo'er %ud Acrid,'ar! SP,ST,KI 1=5-> ! 1ntagonist: 2u /in

Chapter 151 6 7egulate 8lood: &top 8leeding

11: Herbs that stop bleeding and 1stringe
Her%s are enerally neutral or sli htly cool and !ay %e used )or situations without stasis

19: Herbs that stop bleeding and Cool 8lood

he!ostatic, sti! 3I $lo' dose", inhi%it 3I $hi dose"& a%x, antiparasite, sper!acide, anti1a

Bian he cao
her%a a ri!oniae ?itter,neutral, astrin ent 89,8<,SP E-15 !, up to >F

?ai 7i
rhizo!a %letillae ?itter,s'eet, astrin ent, sl cold 89,ST,8< 3-15 ! *inco!pat2 'u tou, )u zi

1"restrains lea:a e o) %lood - stops %leedin . hematemesis, epistaxis, hemopt(sis, bleeding gums, blood( lin, uterine %leedin 0 $Zhi Xue Tang - upper 3I %leed) ,"alle#iates diarrhea - dysentery . chronic diarrhea $not o)ten used" 3!treats %lood xu . exhaustion d(t o#erstrain, 4atigue, pale 4ace, 1:E.I1 A":ills parasites . trichomonas aginitis, tapeworm $topical(int" 1"restrains lea:a e o) %lood and stops %leedin $stron )xn )or %indin " .hematemesis, ;I bleeding, nasal bleeding, hemopt(sis, (Bai Ji %i %a Wan +'8)& ,"reduces swelling - enerates )lesh . $top" burns, sores, &' ulcers *t! or int u'e or non hea(ing ST u("er' an) )uo)enu* (Wu Ji San)

0a 7i
her%a seu radix cirsii 7aponici ?i 4apanese thistle ?itter,s'eet,cool HT, 8< 1F-15 !

1"cools %lood,stops %leedin . rec:less !o#Gt o) hot blood, epistaxis, %lood in urine or stool, uterine %leedin , hematemesis, hemopt(sis0 Shi Hui San $stron er than xiao 7i"& ,"reduces s'ellin - relie#es toxicity (better or to!i"it# than !iao $i" . topic(int use )or sores, car%uncles, s'ellin s

he!ostatic, a%x, dec H6 and lo'er ?P

?loody urine

Biao 7i
he!ostatic $red %leedin and thro!%in ti!e", anti-ulcer, a%x her%a cirsii S!all thistle ?itter,s'eet,cool 8<,HT 1F-15 !& 3F->F )resh

1"cools %lood, stops %leedin . rec:less !o#Gt o) hot %lood, epistaxis, %lood in urine or stool, uterine %leedin , esp )or hematemesis, he!optysis ,"reduces s'ellin - relie#e toxicity . topical )or sores, car%uncles 3"pro!ote urination . $Xiao Ji Yin Zi -%loody lin syndro!e" *o)ten !ixed 'ith 0a 4i to !a:e 0a Biao 4i 1"cools %lood, stops %leedin . epistaxis,hemopt(sis, %loody urine, he!ate!esis Shi Hui San ,"clears heat, pro!ote urination . (Mao Gen Yin - hot(%loody lin)- dysuria, ede!a, 7aundice, nephritis, hepatitis 3"clear heat )ro! ST - 89 . nausea and thirst d(t ST heat, coughing and whee<ing d(t #$ heat *Goe' to b(oo) 'tage .er'u' Lu genQi 'tage 1"cools %lood, stops %leedin . eps )or %leedin d(t =H in #/, (Huai Jiao Wan - %leedin he!orrhoids)& %lood in stool, ut %leedin ,"relie#es toxicity, enerates )lesh . topical 4or burns, reduces oozin %y holdin )luids, %oils, car%uncles, ecze!a, %urns 1"cools %lood, stops %leedin . 8I 0H 'ith %leedin $Huai Hua San - he!orrhoids - %loody dysentery", he!optysis, epistaxis ," clears 8< )ire . red eyes, dizziness due 8< heat, !odern use $Jiang Ya %ing %ian -HT;) 1"cools %lood, stops %leedin . he!ate!esis, %leedin u!s, nose, hemopt(sis, $Huai Hua San - %lood in stool) or urine, %loody dys, ut %leedin , $Si Sheng Wan -hot blood ds)& ,"stops cou h, expels phle ! . cou h, thic: sputu! that is di))icult to dischar e and d(t phlegm heat in #$ 3"treats %urns and hair loss . topical )or earl( stg burns caution )or %leedin d(t %lood stasis and 89 yin xu

Bue yu tan
crinis car%onisatus 1harred hu!an hair ?itter, astrin ent,neutral HT,8<,KI >-1F !

1" restrains lea:a e o) %lood - stops %leedin , re!o#es %lood stasis ie uterine %leedin , epistaxis, he!optysis, he!ate!esis, %lood in stools, %lood in urine +'a e or a(( t#,e' o b(ee)ing ,"pro!ote urination 6 %loody lin, dysuria

?ai !ao en
rhizo!a i!peratae 'ooly rass rhizo!e S'eet,cold #$,ST,SI,?l 15-3F !

he!ostatic, diuretic, a%x

Hon lu tan(pi
)i%ra stipulae trachycarpi ?itter,astrin ent,neutral 8<,8I,89,SP E-15 !

?loody stools, he!orrhoids

1"restrains lea:a e o) %lood - stops %leedin . uterine %leedin , blood( stool, epistaxis, hemopt(sis& Shi Hui San

0i yu
radix san uisor%ae ?urnet root ?itter,sour ,sl cold 8<,8I,ST >-15 !

he!ostatic, anti-in)la!! and #ascular per!ea%ility 'hen used topically )or %urns& a%x, anti-e!etic he!ostatic, !aintain capillary inte rity %y dec per!ea%ility and inc )lexi%ility& inc HT output, dec H6, anti-lipid, antiin)la!!, anti-spas!, antiulcer, anti-radiation, anti-)rost%ite he!ostatic $)reshIdried", antitussi#e, expectorant, relaxes s!ooth !! o) respiratory tract, sedati#e, anti-HT;, a%x

1>: Herbs that stop bleeding and 7emo e &tasis

?leedin turnin into stasis, li:e %ruisin , )ro! trau!a= ?lood stasis is also the cause o) %leedin = These her%s are in#i oratin so are caution(contra in pre nancy, %lood, yin xu

Huai hua !i
)los sophorae Pa oda tree )lo'er %ud ?itter,sour, sl cold 8<, 8I >-15 !

San +i
radix noto insen Pseudo insen S'eet,sl %itter,'ar! 8<,ST,8I 3-E ! 1rush )irst

1"stops %leedin , trans)or!s stasis . %leedin '( stasis, $Hua Xue Dan -94 %leedin ", ut %leedin , %lood in urine(stool, Yu Nan Bai Yao, Dan Shen %ian ,"reduces s'ellin , alle#iates pain .trau!atic in7uries, chest - a%d pain, 7oint pain d(t %lood stasis, 1A0 or 1<0, an ina, $Dan Shen %ian /chest %i), 'indstro:e, $Tian Qi %ian -sur ery pain) contra2 pre nancy

he!ostatic $dec PTT", anti-platelet, 1;S sedati#e $aerial parts", 1;S sti! and adapto enic $roots"& dec ?P, H6 and inc per)usion to 1A& i!!uno-sti!

1e %ai ye
cacu!en platycladi ?iota lea#es ?itter,astrin ent sl cold 8<,#$,8I >-15 !

Trau!atic %leedin

Jian cao en
radix ru%iae Cadder root ?itter,cold HT,8< E-15

Pu huan
pollen typhae 1attail pollen S'eet, neutral 8<,HT,SP A=5-1, ! 0ecoct in cheesecloth *contra2 pre nancy

1"stop %leedin d(t stasis $%u Huang San). trau!atic in7ury, ut %leed, epistaxis, stool, he!optysis, he!ate!esis, he!aturia ,"in#i orates %lood,dispels %lood stasis. esp menstrual pain d(t %lood stasis, p-p a%d pain, chest %i& Shi Xiao San 3"pro!ote urination, pre#ents P90 - $Xiao Ji Yin Zi. %loody lin"

he!ostatic, inc HT contractility and per)usion, dec ?P and peripheral #asc resistance& anti-HT;, anti-lipid, sti! ut !! contraction $s! dose"& inc intestinal peristalsis and relie) o) cra!ps& anti-in)la!!, i!!unolo ic $l doses"

/ar!s the uterus

1"cools %lood, stops %leedin trans)or!s stasis,.%leedin d(t rec:less !o#Gt o) hot blood or %lood stasis -#o!it, nose, $0n 1hong Tang- ut %leed)& stool, urine, $Qian Gen San . yin xu )ire '( %leedin " ,"in#i orates %lood to dispel stasis . pain d(t %lood stasis, esp chest - )lan:, trau!a, 7oint pain, early st car%uncle caution2 pre nancy

1?: Herbs that stop bleeding and Warm .eridians

he!ostatic, a%x, antitussi#e, expectorant, anti-spas!, pre#ents KI stone )or!ation, i!!uno-sti!

Pao 7ian
0eep )ried in er ?itter, astrint, 'ar! #%,SP 3-> !

1"'ar!s !eridians - uterus, stops %leedin . (2u Shen San %leedin d(t de)icient cold), uterine %leedin $Sheng Hua Tang -p-p a%d pain), he!ate!esis, %loody stools, cold dystenric ds ,"'ar!s the C4 - relie#es pain. a%d pain, diarrhea& 3 Jiao Wan 1"'ar!s !eridians(uterus, stops %leedin $tan" $Jiao 0i Tang. prolon ed !enses, uterine %leedin d(t de) cold", he!ate!esis, epistaxis, %lood in stool ,"re ulates !enses, alle#iates pain, paci)ies restless )etus $0i Fu Nuan Gong Wan - threatened 18!, abd pain d(t SP yan xu 3"resol#es da!pness, stops itchin . ec<ema, tinea )or topical use

Ai ye
)oliu! arte!isiae ar yi Cu 'ort lea) ?itter,acrid,'ar! 8<,SP,KI 3-E !

he!ostatic, a%x, antiasth!a, anti-tussi#e, expectorant, chola o ic

Chapter 158 6 7egulate 8lood: In igorate blood

81: Herbs that In igorate 8lood and 7elie e 3ain
1"in#i orates %lood, pro!otes +i !o#Gt $stron est in cate ory", relie#es pain $Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang). @i stag"blood stasis '( pain - soreness in chest()lan:s, hypochondriac re ions, he!iple ia& **i!p )or yn ds, a"d(smenorrhea, lochieschesis ,"expels 'ind, !o#es +i up'ards, alle# pain. (Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang - H1) d(t %lood stasis, cold, da!p, 'ind, heat, or %lood xu& $Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang . %i syndro!e)& skin ds d"t wind *caution2 pre nancy, 8< yan risin
#asodilator, dec ?P, inc 1A per)usion, dec 5, consu!ption o) HT& anti-platelet, anti-coa & inc %rain %lood per)usion, sedati#e, !ild contraction o) ut(intest '( s! dose, l dose results in nu!%ness and inhi%its contraction& radiation protectant

89: Herbs that In igorate 8lood and 7egulate .enses

1"in#i orates %lood,re ulates !enses .a!(dys!enorrhea, palpa%le !ass, lochioschesis, pain in chest, treat and pre ent cardiac ischemia, $Dan Shen Yin - epi )& hypochondriac pain, an ina pectoris $Dan Shen %ian - chest bi", stroke reco er( ,"clears heat, soothes HT, cal!s spirit . (Sa(.ia 45 - restless, irritable, anxious, depressed)& palps,AQing Ying Tang - inso!nia d(t yin le#el heat)& $Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan + HT(KI dishar!ony) 3"cools %lood, reduces s'ellin . carbuncles, boils $not used !uch"
++not u'e) *u"h or g#n )' in "(a''i" or*u(a'& "on'i)ere) 6b(oo) toni"7 8hi"h bene it' the b(oo) b# "(earing o() b(oo) or ne8 b(oo)& u'e) *ore or 19D an) 10D an) or )e,re''ion

1huan Bion
radix li ustici Acrid,'ar! 8<,3?,P1 3-E !

0an Shen
radix sal#iae !iltiorrhizae ?itter,sl cold HT,P1,8< >-15 ! *inco!pati%le '( 8i 8u

#asodilator, inc coronary per)usion& anti-platelt, anticoa ulant and thro!%olytic, a%x, hepato-protecti#e, anti1a, 1;S suppressant $sedati#e"

Pro!ote Ji and %lood !o#Gt

Dan Hu Suo
rhizo!a corydalis Acrid,%itter,'ar! 8<, SP(ST,HT,89 A=5-1, ! *contra2 pre

1"in#i orates %lood, pro!otes +i !o#Gt, alle#iates pain $speci)ic to treat pain". blood stasis - trauma esp )or d(smenorrhea& #% @i stagnation and heat $Jin Ling Zi San) pain related to chest, epigastrial, abd, menstrual, hernial pain, bi s(ndrome, $Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang . %lood stasis %elo' diaphra !", $Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang . %lood stasis in lo' a%d" 1"in#i orate %lood, pro!otes !o#Gt o) +i, alle#iates pain . traumatic injur(, pain d(t +i sta and %lood stasis in chest, h(poch, abd pain, d(smenorrhea $8ea@e't or ,ain re(ie ) ,"clears HT - cools %lood, relie#es constraint . hot phlegm obst H' ori4ice, anxiet(, agitation, depression, seizures, !ental deran e!ent& **goo) or ',irit 3"%ene)its 3?, relie#es 7aundice . jaundice, gallstones caution2 pre nancy 1"in#i orates %lood, pro!otes !o#Gt o) +i, alle#iate pain . cold t(pe chest or epig"abd pain, $Jiang Huang Tang pain(s'ellin )ro! trauma), a!(dys!enorrhea *'tronger or ,ain re(ie than #u $in ++ better or ,ain in interna( organ' ,"expels 'ind, %ene)its shoulders . W=8 w" blood stasis in shoulder, Jiang Huang %ian contra2 pre nancy

anal esic, sedati#e, tran+uilizin , antiin)la!!, anti-ulcer, dec resistance to %lood )lo' and inc HT %lood per)usion, inc hor!one secretion )ro! adrenal lands, !! relaxant

Hon Hua
)los cartha!i Sa))lo'er )lo'er Acrid,'ar! HT,8< 3-E ! 1oo: short ti!e

1"in#i orates %lood, un%loc:s !enses Tao Hong Si Wu Tang. a!enorrhea, a%d pain and(or !asses, lochioschesis, p-p a%d pain *generate' b(oo) (4-:g*)& har*oni;e' b(oo) (<-=g*)& in.igorate b(oo) (>-?g*)& brea@ u, b(oo) 'ta'i' (45-4=g*) ,"dispels %lood stasis, alle#iates pain 6 %lood stasis pain, trau!a, sores '(o pus, dar: purplish erythe!a, inco!plete expression o) !easles rash, $Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang + chest bi, C%=" *Zang Hong Hua('a ron 'tig*a)'to, "oughA8hee;e- *oi'ten' inte'tine- "oo(A)eto! b()- "a(*' 'hen contra2 pre nancy 1"%rea:s up %lood stasis $and !enses" . !enstrual ds, p-partu! a%d pain, trau!a, )lan: pain ,"in#i orates %lood, treats a%scess- $Wei Jing Tang + #$ abscess), $Da Huang Mu Dan Tang + intestinal abscess) 3"!oistens intestines - un%loc: %o'els . $2un 1hang Wan- Wu 2en Wan constipation d"t dr(ness) 1ontra2 pre nancy 1"pro!ote !o#Gt o) %lood, toni)y %lood . irreg menses, a!(dys!enorrhea, d(t %lood de)iciency, ood )or %lood stasis and(or de)ic& !odern use to build blood esp in con7uction '( cancer tx ,"in#i orate channels - relax sine's . %i syndro!e d(t %lood stasis and(or de)& nu!% ext, paralysis o) li!%s 1aution2 pre nancy, excess %leedin

s! dose sti!ulates HT, anti-platelet, 1;S suppressant, adapto enic, uterine sti!ulant

Du 4in
radix curcu!ae Tu!eric tu%er acrid,%itter,cold HT,8<,3? >-1, ! *anta onist to din xian

hepatoprotecti#e, antilipid, increases astric acid secretion and lo'ers ST(duod pH and inc %ile secretion

Tao 6en
se!en persicae Peach :ernel ?itter,s'eet,neutral sl toxic, 8I,HT,8<,89 A=5-E !

pre#ent, )acilitate dissolution o) thro!%i, anti-in)la!!

4ian Huan
rhizo!a curcu!ae lon ae Tu!eric rhizo!e Acrid,%itter,'ar! SP,ST,8< 3-E !

anti-lipid, anti-in)la!!, anti-platelet, chola o ic, uterine sti!ulant

4i Bue Ten
caulis spatholo%i 1hic:en %lood #ine ?itter,s'eet, 'ar! HT,8<,SP E-15 !

sedati#e, hypnotic, lo'ers ?P, ut sti!

6u Bian
enerates )lesh
u!!i oli%anu! Fran:incense Acrid,%itter,'ar! HT,8<,SP3-E !

1" in#i orates %lood, pro!otes !o#Gt o) +i, relaxes sine's, alle#iate pain . $Qi Li San + traumatic pain d(t %lood stasis), chest"epig"abd pain, d(smenorrhea, $Xiao Huo Luo Dan + W=8), rigidit(, spasms ,"reduces s'ellin , enerates )lesh . topical as oint!ent(po'der )or chronic nonhealin sores, early st car%uncles, trau!a, redness, s'ellin , pain in u!s, !outh, throat, bi s(ndrome0 contra2 pre nancy

/an ?u 8iu Bin

se!en #acarriae ?itter,neutral 8<,ST 3-E ! *contra2 pre

1"pro!otes !o#Gt o) %lood, in#i orates channels, reduces s'ellin . poor lactation, pain)ul s'ellin s o) %reasts, %reast a%scess, a!(dys!enorrhea d(t %lood stasis ,"pro!ote urination, treats P90 . lin s(ndromes, prostatitis, urinar( stones 1"in#i orates %lood, re ulates !enses . g(n ds ie= irre !enses, PCS a%d pain, p+p abd pain '( lochioschesis, in)ertility d(t stasis ,"pro!ote urination, reduces ede!a $>F-1,F !" . ede!a, di))icult urination, esp '( ede!a '( %lood stasis, !odern use )or 3; $EF-1,F ! )or nephritis"&or se#ere %loatin '( PCS 3"clears heat, relie#es toxicity . boils, carbuncles, skin rashes, int(ext use contra2 pre nancy

ut sti!

Co Dao
Cyrha ?itter,neutral,acrid HT,8<,SP 3-E !

/u 8in Hhi
excre!entu! tro opteri seu ptero!i Flyin s+uirrel )eces ?itter,s'eet,'ar! 8<,SP 3-E ! 1oo: in cheesecloth anta onist2 ren shen

1"in#i orates %lood, alle#iates pain . am"d(smenorrhea, p+ p abd pain, epig"chest$Shi Xiao San), low abd pain $Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang)- chan/coll(Shen Ton Hhu Du Tan "0 topical 4or bone 4ractures ,"dispels %lood stasis, stops %leedin . $' bleeding, blood( stools, lochioschesis& Wu Ling Zhi San caution2 pre nancy

Pro!otes urination

1" in#i orates %lood, dispels and disperses stasis, alle#iate pain - $Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang . trauma!, car%uncles, s'ellin s, i!!o%ile a%d !ass, pain)ul %i, chest"abd pain, a!enorrhea ,"reduces s'ellin , enerates )lesh 6 topical )or non healing sores, $Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin - int use )or boils), (Hong Teng Jian + intestinal abscess) contra2 pre nancy

Di Cu 1ao
her%a leonuri 1hinese !other'ort Acrid,%itter,sl cold HT,8<,?8 E-3F !

uterine sti!ulant, s! dose sti! HT, antiplatelet, sti! respiratory syste! to inc )re+ and depth o) respiration $s! dose"&

He 8an
a%x, anti-spas!odic $s!ooth !! cra!ps" her%a lycopi ?u le'eed Acrid,%itter,sl 'ar! 8<,SP E-15 !

1"in#i orates %lood,re ulates !enses. am"d(smenorrhea, p-p a%d pain d(t %lood stasis, Ze Lan Tang- **!ost used action ,"dispels stasis, reduces s'ellin . carbuncles, abscess, trauma, top(int use 3"pro!ote urination, reduces ede!a . p-p ede!a, di))icult urination, )acial ede!a, esp 4or edema w" blood stasis& *!odern use )or ascites 4rom #% cirrhosis caution2 pre nancy 1"in#i orates %lood,expels stasis $1H9A;" . g(n ds d"t stasis, a!(dys!enorrhea, lochiaschesis, (Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang + low back"knee pain d"t blood stasis)& $Wen Jing Tang 6 de4icient cold in Chong"7en) ,"toni)ies 8< - KI, stren thens sine's and %ones $H9AI". (Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan + pain, soreness"weak back"knees)0 $San Miao San + weak legs 4rom =H) 3"clears da!p heat in lo'er 7iao $1H9A;"& pro!ote urination 6 =H in knee or lo' %ac:, =H lin s(ndrome$Niu Xi Tang), edema d"t xu$Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan), ag dischg A"induces do'n'ard !o#Gt o) %lood $H9AI" . %leedin s(s )ro!2 $Yu Nu Jian + &' 4ire"BI (in xu), $Tian Ma Gou Teng + #% (ang rising), $Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang + #% wind)dizziness, H1, blurred ision, H': contra2 pre nancy

8>: Herbs that In igorate 8lood and 'reat 'raumatic injuries Hhe 1hon
a:a Tu ?ie chon eupolypha a /in less coc:roach Salty,cold, sl toxic 8< 3-E !

1"rene's sine's - 7oins %ones . lacerations, contusions, )ractures, acute lu!%ar sprain ,"%rea:s up - dri#es out %lood stasis . abd masses $enl 8< and SP", )i%roids, tu!ors a!enorrhea, ectopic pre nancy contra2 pre nancy 1"in#i orates %lood, reduces s'ellin , alle#iate pain . traumatic injuries, 4ractures, contusions, sprains, also )or p-p a%d pain, a!(dys!enorrhea contra2 pre nancy


1huan( Huai ;iu Bi

radix cyanthulae Huai$,(A" de)ic 1huan$1(3" excess ?itter,s'eet,sour , neutral 8<,KI >-15 !

1H9A;2 decreased )ertilization H9AI2 anal esic, antiin)la!!, ut sti!, dec )ertilization

Su Cu
li nu! sappan Sappan 'ood S'eet,salt(,neutral HT,8< 3-E !

anti-in)la!!, 1;S supressant, anti1a, a%x

3u Sui ?u
rhizo!a drynariae ?itter,'ar! KI,8< >-1K !

1"in#i orates %lood, pro!otes !endin o) shattered %ones - sine's-4ractures, contusions, sprains ,"toni)ies KI Dan . KI xu, 'ea: lo' %ac:, diarrhea, tinnitus, dea)ness, toothache, %leedin u!s, osteoporosis 3"sti!ulates ro'th o) hair . hair loss, #itili o, tincture )or topical application caution2 pre nancy

8?: Herbs that In igorate blood and resol e masses @ Hhu

rhizo!a curcu!ae ?itter,acrid,'ar! 8<,SP 3-E !

San 8en Bue 4ie

san uis draconis 0ra ons %lood S'eet,salt(, neutral HT,8< 1-1=5 !

1"dispels %lood stasis, alle#iates pain . trau!a '( 4ractures, )alls, contusions ,"stops %leedin , enerates )lesh . topical use to stop %leedin to ext in7ury, he!orrhiods, cos!etic use )or spider eins, int use )or chronic non healin ulcers and %leedin in up 3I& Topical2 a!%er sal#e )or spider #eins contra2 pre nancy

rhizo!a spar anii ?itter,acrid,neutral 8<,SP 3-E !

1"%rea:s up %lood stasis, pro!ote +i !o#Gt, alle#iate pain . a%d(epi !ass - pain, a!(dys!enorrhea, p+p abd pain ,"dissol#es accu!ulations o) )ood . se ere 4ood stagnation, pain distention, )ullness 3"treats cancer . cer#ical '( local in7ections& o#, li#er, leu:e!ia $%e'are o) !etastases" contra2 pre nancy 1"%rea:s up %lood stasis, pro!otes !o#GGt o) +i, alle#iates pain . li:e e zhu ,"dissol#es accu!ulation o) )ood . se ere 4ood stagnation 3" treats cancer . 8<,ST,cer#ical, %reast etc= $%e'are o) !etastases" contra2 pre nancy 1"dispels %lood stasis, un%loc:s !enses . a!enorrhea d(t %lood stasis, a%d !ass, W= 8i ,"pro!otes lactation . insu44 lactation d"t blood stasis 3"reduces s'ellin , pro!otes dischar e o) pus . toxic s'ellin s, a%scess, %oils %e)ore ulceration, phle ! nodules, int(ext use= $%ai zhi" contra2 pre nancy

anti1a, a%x, prolon s a re ation o) platelets and pre#ents thro!%i )or!ation

anti1a, sti! s!ooth !! o) intestines to help contractions, inhi%its a re ation o) platelets

1huan Shan 4ia

s+ua!a !anis Anteater scales &alt(, cool 8<,ST 3-E ! 3rind into po'der

i!!uno-sti! $inc /?1", inc %leedin ti!e, anti-in)la!!

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