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html ----------------------------------------------------Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release - A Video Guide to Techniques Myofascial Osteoarthritis --------------------------------------------------------------Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS), also known as Texidor's twinge, is a common cau se of chest pain complaints in children and adolescents. It also occurs, though less frequently, in adults. PCS manifests itself as a very intense, sharp pain t ypically at the left side of the chest which is worse when taking breaths. Patie nts often think that they are having a heart attack which causes them to panic. This typically lasts 30 seconds to 3 minutes, though some episodes last only a f ew breaths and in rare cases can last up to 30 minutes. In all cases the pain is resolved quickly and completely. [1] Contents 1 2 3 4 5 History Symptoms Causes Treatment References

History The syndrome was first described and named by Miller and Texidor in 1955[2]. The y reported the condition in 10 patients, one being Miller himself. In 1978, PCS was discussed by Sparrow and Bird who reported that 45 healthy patients suffered from it and that it was probably more frequent than generally assumed[3]. PCS h as also been reported on by Pickering in 1981[4] and by Reynolds in 1989[5] who did a report of the children in the US with the condition. These constitute the literature available on PCS.

Symptoms PCS has consistent characteristics. Its symptoms begin with a sudden onset of an terior chest pain on the left side of the chest. The pain is localised and does not radiate like heart attack pain typically does. Breathing in, and sometimes b reathing out, often intensifies the pain. Typically this causes the patient to f reeze in place and breathe shallowly until the episode passes. Episodes typicall y last a couple of seconds to three minutes. The frequency of episodes varies by patient, sometimes occurring daily, multiple episodes each day, or years betwee n episodes. This is believed to be localized cramping of certain muscles groups. Intensity of pain can vary from a dull annoying pain to intense pain causing mo

mentary vision loss/bluriness. Although in, many l result lves the deep inhalation during a PCS attack will likely cause an increase in pa have found that forcing themselves to breathe as deeply as possible wil in a "popping" or "ripping" sensation which quickly and completely reso PCS episode.

PCS episodes happen most often while sitting or lying down, and being inactive.

Causes It is speculated that it could be caused by the pinching of a nerve and may be d ue to spasm of intercostal muscles fibers (N.A.Exeer MD). There is also a correl ation of PCS to stress and anxiety. PCS is often seen to occur during rest or a sudden change in posture. A bleb of the lung may be mistaken for PCS.

Treatment There is no known cure for PCS. However PCS is also not believed to be dangerous . Therefore PCS is generally not seen as a problem. Perhaps the worst part about PCS is the fear that this chest pain is an indicator of a heart attack or other dangerous condition, so therefore a correct diagnosis of PCS is a relief. PCS s hould only occasionally interfere with normal activity, and there is no reason t o use any form of medication. While there is no known cure, some patients have reported relief after slowly in haling and holding their breath for a short while. Also, lifting the elbows whil e in upright position reportedly decreases pressure on the region. On rare occasions, breathing in or out suddenly will cause a small popping or cr acking sensation in the chest, which results in the pain going away. In most cas es the pain is resolved quickly and completely, and medication is not needed for the pain to subside. There is no known treatment or cure for PCS. ------------------------------------------------------This used to happen to me so I know how painful and scary it is. I saved this fr om a website awhile back, but I don't have the link. Here ya go! Do you ever get a piercing pain in your chest, usually on your left side under y our rib, which almost feels like a bubble ready to burst? It causes you to catch your breath, and you try not to breathe in or breathe out too much because it s extremely painful either way. You take short, staggered bre aths and try not to move. Finally, you work up the courage to take a sharp inhal e or exhale. You feel a sensation similar to a bubble bursting and the pain is g one. What is this strange sensation that is so painful and uncomfortable? It is actua lly a very common condition and most people have experienced it. The medical ter m for this occurrence is Precordial Catch Syndrome. Many people mistakenly believe that they are having a heart attack at the onset

of this type of pain. While the pain is strong and located in an area that would seem like the heart, this condition is not a heart attack, nor is it heart rela ted. Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS) is the most common cause of recurring chest pain . It is also sometimes known as a stitch in the side or Texidor s twinge . It occurs mo st often in children and teenagers, but does persist into adulthood as well. The pain occurs just under the left nipple, near where you feel the heart beat most strongly on the front of the chest, and comes on very suddenly. Nerve DiagramThis extremely sharp pain causes a person to not want to move or br eathe. This is where the catch part of the name is derived. Any movement or breath ing only seems to intensify the pain. The pain usually lasts for around 30 secon ds to 1 minute before disappearing. Sometimes the pain will suddenly disappear u pon taking a strong breath or moving suddenly as well. This can almost feel like a pop of an imaginary bubble. After the pain is gone, there is usually a dull a che that lingers. These onsets of pain can occur frequently, sometimes several times a day, and ca n occur when exercising, resting, or when in virtually any other state. Doctors have not been able to correlate PCS with any particular triggers, such as heavy activity or the like. However, there are some doctors that believe things like h eavy or irregular breathing or even posture could play some type of role in brin ging about an episode of PCS. At this time, doctors and researchers do not know what causes the pain associate d with PCS. The most accepted theory is that the pain is the result of a pinched nerve somewhere. Due to the fact that the onsets of PCS are so quick and disapp ear just as quickly, it s hard for doctors to actually see the condition in action . While doctors aren t sure of the actual causes, they are sure that it poses no dan ger. They believe it to be a completely benign condition and is most certainly n ot cause for alarm. For this reason, there is not a lot of information or studie s regarding the physical cause of PCS available. Doctors feel no need to intensi fy study of something they know to be only a minor inconvenience. The only real worry is that sometimes, what seemed like PCS, could possibly turn out to be something more serious. The following are signs of more concerning il lness: - Chest pain that extends into the left side of the jaw or arm - Chest pain that a person describes as a heavy feeling - Pain that does not improve at least a little after 24 hours of regular doses o f ibuprofen - Fever - Cough, especially a cough that produces phlegm ("flem," or flame") - Extreme anxiety with the pain or a feeling of impending doom - Blueness or paleness of the lips or fingernails - An irregular, rapid, or pounding heart rate - Marked difficulty breathing or catching one s breath (different from mild pain w ith breathing) If any of these occur, please be sure to call your doctor s office right away. The se could be indications of a more serious and potentially threatening condition. DoctorPeople experiencing PCS need no particular treatment at all. Usually, just the reassurance that they aren t having something dangerous happening is all that they need to hear to set their minds at ease. PCS should not interfere with nor mal activity, and there s no reason to use any form of medication.

If you are experiencing PCS, it may be worth a visit to the doctor just to go ov er the symptoms to be sure that it is not a different condition that could be mo re serious. Doctors can easily tell the difference between a serious heart condi tion and Precordial Catch Syndrome just by talking with the patient, and doing a physical examination. In the meantime, you can rest assured that your extremely painful, stabbing feel ing is completely normal and only a minor inconvenience. And remember, the key t o getting rid of the pain quickly is to just work up the courage to take that de ep breath, scream in pain, and be done with it. ----------------------------------------------------You have tight back muscles that are the cause of the pain. When tight they can be pinched by the spine and they often send the pain around the body on the nerv es to become pains in the rib, chest or heart areas. The nerve yours took ended up under your breast and when you press around it you are pressing onto the nerv e that is carrying the pain to make it hurt more. When you are moving your spine gets to places where it is doing the pinching and after a while the movement ge ts back off the muscle so the pain can go away again. You should be able to sit upright and move your spine a little one way or the other to find the pinching t aking place. To get rid of the pain you have to free up your back muscles to rel ease the ones being pinched and here's how to free them up: Back: (do while sitting) Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand o ver your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firm ly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward a nd to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pr essure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions a nd do your right side. For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed. --------------------------------------------Rib cage pain Definition Rib cage pain includes any pain or discomfort in the area of the ribs. See: Chest pain Alternative Names Pain - rib cage Considerations With a broken rib, the pain gets worse when bending and twisting the body. Such movement does not cause the pain in those who have pleurisy (swelling of the lin ing of the lungs) or muscle spasms. Common Causes Bruised, cracked, or fractured rib Inflammation of cartilage near the breastbone (costochondritis) Osteoporosis Pleurisy (the pain is worse when breathing deeply)

-------------------------------------------------------There is A Cure for Arthritis By Dr. Bruce Fife I have had chronic pain for 10 years, says Barbara Moody of Redmond, Washington. ecause of the pain I had to end my career as a firefighter. She also was an avid rock climber and runner, but had to give those up too. Barbara suffered from art hritis in her knees and back with accompanying nerve involvement in her feet. Wa lking summoned pain with every step. Over the years she endured four back surger ies and a spinal fusion. Despite medications and surgeries, her condition contin ued to worsen. Doctors recommended a fifth surgery and second fusion. Conventional treatments for arthritis rely on drugs and surgery to calm inflamma tion and deaden pain. Doctors have yet to fully understand what causes arthritis . Treatment consists of trying to ease symptoms. This approach may help reduce t he pain and discomfort temporarily, but does nothing to stop the progression of the disease. Although arthritis can occur at almost any age, the risk of developing this dege nerative disease increases as we get older. Many doctors consider it an unavoida ble part of the aging process. They give their patients pain killers and tell th em to learn to live with it. Over the years many theories have been proposed as to the cause of arthritis inc luding food allergies, genetics, trauma, and infection. As the evidence mounts i t is becoming evident that arthritis occurs primarily as a consequence of infect ion. Researchers have identified numerous bacteria, viruses, and fungi with all the forms of arthritis. The disease can be triggered by almost any type of infec tion, such as the flu, a urinary tract infection, or even candidiasis. The most common cause, however, appears to be from infected teeth and gums. Bacteria from oral infections can easily filter into the bloodstream and cause secondary infe ctions in the joints. If arthritis is caused by microorganisms then you might think the solution would be simple antibiotics! While antibiotics can help with the systemic condition, th ey often have little effect on the joints. One of the reasons for this is that j oints do not have a blood supply like other organs. Our joints are encased in a tough protective membrane. Blood cannot pass through this membrane, but bacteria can. Consequently, joints make a good hiding place for them. Without blood circulation, white blood cells and antibiotics are less effective in fighting off invasion. If the infection is caused by a virus or fungus, antib iotics are completely useless. Chronic infection in the joints can cause arthrit is during or immediately after an illness or it may not show up for months or ye ars. Infections can flair up whenever the body is put under stress. Therefore, p eople with no apparent symptoms or who have only a mild case of arthritis can go alone fine without problem and then suddenly be hit was an attack of arthritis pain. Triggers can be anything that stresses the body such as poor diet, allergi es, illness, excessive physical or emotional stress, exposure to toxins, and eve n aging. If antibiotics are of little value in combating the arthritic infections what ca n be done? Knowing what causes arthritis provides a key to understanding the cur e. The book The New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain Pe rmanently outlines several important steps you must take to overcome this crippl ing disease, stop the pain, and restore flexibility and motion. B

The first step is to build up your immune system so it can more effectively figh t off chronic infection. The primary way to do this is by dietary modification. In fact, a poor diet is a major contributing factor to the development of arthri tis. A lack of good nutrition depresses immune function allowing infection to sp read and migrate into joint tissues. A diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetabl es, whole grains, organic meat, eggs, and dairy and the reduction or elimination of overly processed foods is a must. Sweets and refined carbohydrates are the w orst offenders. They contain little nutritional value, deplete essential nutrien ts during metabolism, and feed oral and intestinal microorganisms that cause mos t of the trouble. The second step is to actively fight off the infection within the body and the j oints. Antibiotics have only a limited ability. They cannot fight viruses, fungi , or drug resistant bacteria. However, there is a natural product that can. That product is coconut oil. Unlike any other dietary oil, coconut oil is composed p redominately of a unique group of fat molecules known as medium chain fatty acid s. These fatty acids possess potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral a ctivity. Taking 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil daily, with meals can help rid yo ur body of chronic infection. The third step is to address your oral health. Since the vast majority of arthri tis cases involve oral infections, this is an essential step. If you have any kn own dental issues you need to get them taken care of. Regular tooth brushing, f lossing, and the use of mouthwash are not enough to remove infection and keep it out. Many people with good oral hygiene habits still get infections. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 90 percent of the populat ion has some level of tooth decay. So apparently these methods aren t working. Wha t does work is a process called oil pulling. Oil pulling is basically rinsing yo ur mouth with vegetable oil, much like you would a mouthwash. However, in this c ase you would rinse your mouth for 15-20 minutes at a time at least once daily, before breakfast. After breakfast you would brush your teeth as normal. The oil attracts and collects the microorganisms in your mouth along with toxins, mucous , and pus. After swishing the oil in your mouth for the allotted time, spit it o ut, then rinse your mouth with water. Your mouth will feel clean and refreshed. There are other steps described in the book, but these are the most crucial. Barbara, who was mentioned at the beginning of this article, followed these step s. Here are the results I have noticed so far, she says after only four weeks. Reve rsed documented nerve impingement and foot drop. Reversed documented osteoarthri tis of my spine and knees. Avoided my fifth spine surgery and threatened second fusion. Restored my ability to exercise. I am able to walk down a flight of stai rs without pain, limping or gimping. I can also walk two miles without knee pain !...My prior problems were well documented with MRI and PET scans that showed ne rve impingement, lack of ankle reflex and foot drop (inability to heel walk), in ability to resist downward pressure on my great toe and foot. Then only four wee ks later, I had a perfectly normal EMG; I could heal walk; and I had a normal an kle reflex and good toe, foot, and ankle strength. The fact that this was so wel l documented, my doctors were completely amazed. A diagnosis of arthritis is not a life sentence. There now is a cure for arthritis. ? Bruce Fife, CN, ND is a certified nutritionist and naturopathic physician. He is the author of over 20 books including The New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthrit is and Fibromyalgia Pain Permanently.

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