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Bushong: Radiologic Science for Technologists: 8th Edition Chapter 40: Radiation Protection Procedures Q &A

1. a. b. c. d. Exposure to technologists and radiologists is measured in ______. rems rads Roentgens curies

ANS: A - Exposure to technologists and radiologists is measured in rems. 2. a. b. c. d. Exposure (R re!ers to radiation intensit" in _____. #ater s$in air gonads

ANS: % - Exposure in R or gra"s re!ers to radiation intensit" in air. &. a. b. c. d. 'ose in _______ is used to identi!" irradiation o! patients. rems rads R S(

ANS: ) - 'ose in rads is used to identi!" irradiation o! patients. *. a. b. c. d. +atient dose can be reported as entrance s$in exposure, ____ dose,-_____ dose. hand and arm, exit s$in e"e, gonadal mean marro#, gonadal mean marro#, .S'

ANS: % +atient dose can be reported as entrance s$in exposure, mean marro# dose, and gonadal dose. /. 0or nursing personnel present during mobile x-ra" imaging, a personnel monitoring de(ice is a. re1uired at all times. b. not re1uired at all. c. re1uired during exposures. d. re1uired onl" !or c-arms. ANS: )

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%hapter *3: Radiation +rotection +rocedures 0or nursing personnel present during mobile x-ra" imaging, a personnel monitoring de(ice is not re1uired at all. 6. a. b. c. d.

7he highest occupational exposure o! diagnostic x-ra" personnel occurs during _____. !luoroscop" mobile radiograph" %7 )oth a and b.

ANS: ' - 7he highest occupational exposure o! diagnostic x-ra" personnel occurs during !luoroscop" and mobile radiograph". 8. Exposure to the technologist is lo#est during mobile %-arm !luoroscop" i! the x-ra" tube is placed a. under the patient. b. o(er the patient. c. !acing the #all. d. !acing the technologist. ANS: A - Exposure to the technologist is lo#est during mobile %-arm !luoroscop" i! the x-ra" tube is placed under the patient. 9. 7he best #a" !or technologists to reduce occupational exposure is to !ollo# the principles o! a. A:ARA. b. time and distance. c. shielding. d. All o! the abo(e. ANS: ' 7he best #a" !or technologists to reduce occupational exposure is to !ollo# the principles o! time, distance, shielding, and A:ARA. ;. 7echnologists #or$ing in ________________ recei(e higher occupational exposure than those #or$ing in other areas o! radiolog". a. mammograph" b. %7 c. inter(entional radiolog" d. surger" ANS: % 7echnologists #or$ing in inter(entional radiolog" recei(e higher occupational exposure than those #or$ing in other areas o! radiolog". 13. A technologist can reduce his or her exposure during !luoroscop" b" stepping a. bac$ !rom the patient. b. behind the radiologist. c. close to the patient<s head.

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%hapter *3: Radiation +rotection +rocedures d. )oth a and b.


ANS: ' - A technologist can reduce his or her exposure during !luoroscop" b" stepping bac$ !rom the patient and behind the radiologist. 11. 7he data on the personnel radiation monitoring report must al#a"s include the a. current exposure. b. cumulati(e annual exposure. c. s$in dose. d. )oth a and b. ANS: ' 7he data on the personnel radiation monitoring report must al#a"s include the current exposure and the cumulati(e annual exposure. 12. 7he minimum allo#able thic$ness !or protecti(e aprons is ______ +b e1ui(alent. a. 3.2/ mm b. 3.& mm c. 3./ mm d. 1.3 mm ANS: A 7he minimum allo#able thic$ness !or protecti(e aprons is 3.2/ mm +b e1ui(alent. 1& A 1.3 mm lead e1ui(alent apron is _____________ !or technologists during !luoroscop". a. ideal b. too hea(" c. re1uired d. una(ailable ANS: ) A 1.3 mm lead e1ui(alent apron is too hea(" !or technologists during !luoroscop". (but =>?:' +R>@5'E the )ES7 +rotection 1*. 7he best #a" to hold patients #ho are unable to support themsel(es is to use a. restraining de(ices. b. !amil" members. c. other hospital sta!!. d. technologists. ANS: A 7he best #a" to hold patients #ho are unable to support themsel(es is to use restraining de(ices. . 1/. 7echnologists can reduce patient radiation doses b" reducing the a. number o! repeat exams. b. $@p used. c. distance !rom the tube.

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%hapter *3: Radiation +rotection +rocedures d. unnecessar" doctor orders. ANS: A - 7echnologists can reduce patient radiation doses b" reducing the number o! repeat exams. 16 . .onadal shielding should be used a. on sinus studies and s$ull x-ra"s. b. #hen the gonads lie in or near the use!ul beam. c. on all patients #ho are o(er the age o! *3. d. !or all o! the abo(e. ANS: ) .onadal shielding should be used #hen the gonads lie in or near the use!ul beam.

E CERTS !R"# C$% &' ( &) RE*AT+,- T" RA.+AT+", E!!ECTS / !*0"R" & PT ."SE

18. Aumans are most radiosensiti(e during a. !etal stages. b. in!anc". c. adulthood. d. old age. ANS: A - Aumans are most radiosensiti(e during !etal stages. 19. A __________ response to radiation is directl" proportional to the dose recei(ed. a. linear b. nonlinear c. cur(ilinear d. nonthreshold ANS: A - A linear response to radiation is directl" proportional to the dose recei(ed 1;. A local dose o! ______ rad(s or more can cause gonadal d"s!unction. a. 1 b. / c. 13 d. 133 ANS: % - A local dose o! 13 rads or more can cause gonadal d"s!unction. 23. >(aries are most radiosensiti(e during _______________. a. !etal gro#th b. earl" childhood c. earl" adulthood d. )oth a and b. ANS: ' - >(aries are most radiosensiti(e during !etal gro#th and earl" childhood. 21. .onadal responses to radiation ha(e been obser(ed at doses as lo# as _____ rads. a. 133 b. /3 c. 23

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%hapter *3: Radiation +rotection +rocedures

d. 13 ANS: ' -.onadal responses to radiation ha(e been obser(ed at doses as lo# as 13 rads. 22. 7he three cardinal principles o! radiation protection in(ol(e a. dose, shielding, and exposure. b. exposure, shielding, and A:AR. c. time, distance, and shielding. d. A:ARA, time, and distance. ANS: % 7he three cardinal principles o! radiation protection in(ol(e time, distance, and shielding. 2&. Exposure is measured b" multipl"ing _________ b" _______. a. shielding thic$ness, exposure time b. exposure rate, exposure time c. exposure rate, shielding thic$ness d. exposure time, distance ANS: ) Exposure is measured b" multipl"ing exposure rate b" exposure time. 2*. 5! a technologist is exposed to * mRBhr !or */ minutes during a !luoroscop" exam, #hat #ill be her total exposureC a. 1 mR b. 2 mR c. & mR d. * mR ANS: % Exposure D exposure rate E exposure timeF there!ore, her total exposure is * mRBhr E G hr, #hich e1uals & mR. 2/. =hen using the in(erse s1uare la# during !luoroscop", the patient should be considered a(n _________ source o! radiation. a. area b. linear c. round d. point ANS: ' =hen using the in(erse s1uare la# during !luoroscop", the patient should be considered a point source o! radiation. 26. 5! a technologist is recei(ing 233 mRBhr standing 1 !oot !rom the patient during !luoroscop", #hat is his rate o! exposure #hen he steps bac$ to a distance o! 2 !eet !rom the patientC a. /3 mRBhr b. 8* mRBhr c. 133 mRBhr
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%hapter *3: Radiation +rotection +rocedures d. 18/ mRBhr ANS: A ?sing the in(erse s1uare la#, doubling the distance #ill reduce the dose rate to one !ourth o! #hat it #as. Ais exposure rate at a distance o! 2 !eet #ill be /3 mRBhr.

28. 7he N%R+ publishes annual dose limits !or ___________ exposure. a. public b. occupational c. prenatal d. All o! the abo(e. ANS: ' - 7he N%R+ publishes annual dose limits !or public, occupational, and prenatal exposure 29. 'ose limits are based on a ________dose-response relationship to radiation. a. nonlinear, nonthreshold b. linear, nonthreshold c. linear, threshold d. nonlinear, threshold ANS: ) 'ose limits are based on a linear, nonthreshold dose-response relationship to radiation 2;. 7he dose limit !or the general public is ____ the dose limit !or occupational exposure. a. 1B13 b. 1B/ c. 1B2 d. &B* ANS: A 7he dose limit !or the general public is 1B13 the dose limit !or occupational exposure. &3. =hat is the annual e!!ecti(e dose limit recommended !or occupational exposureC a. 3./ rem b. 1 rem c. / rem d. /3 rem ANS: % -7he annual e!!ecti(e ': recommended !or occupational exposure is / rem. &1. 7he recommended cumulati(e li!etime exposure !or technologists is ___________. a. 3.1 rem E age in "ears b. 1 rem E age in "ears c. 13 rem d. 133 rem ANS: ) 7he recommended cumulati(e li!etime exposure !or technologists is 1 rem E age in "ears. &2. =hat is the total dose limit !or the embr"o and !etusC a. 3.31 rem

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%hapter *3: Radiation +rotection +rocedures b. 3.3/ rem c. 3.1 rem d. 3./ rem ANS: ' 7he total dose limit !or the embr"o and !etus is 3./ rem. &&. 5t is most critical to a(oid radiation exposure to a !etus during the _____ o! the pregnanc". a. third to tenth #ee$ b. second trimester c. third trimester d. !irst 2 #ee$s ANS: A 5t is most critical to a(oid radiation exposure to a !etus during the third to tenth #ee$ o! the pregnanc". &*. =hen a technologist becomes pregnant she should a. 1uit her Hob or ta$e a lea(e o! absence. b. be issued a second personnel monitoring de(ice. c. be gi(en onl" administrati(e duties. d. begin #earing t#o lead aprons. ANS: ) =hen a technologist becomes pregnant she should be issued a second personnel monitoring de(ice. &/. 7he recommended dose limit !or the pregnant technologist is _____mremBmonth. a. 3./ b. / c. /3 d. /33 ANS: % 7he recommended dose limit !or the pregnant technologist is /3 mremBmonth. &6. =hat is the best approach to occupational radiation exposureC a. 4aintain the annual dose limits. b. 0ollo# the concept o! A:ARA. c. Reduce "our exposure to hal! the N%R+ dose limits. d. =ear protecti(e apparel at all times. ANS: ) 7he best approach to occupational radiation exposure is to !ollo# the concept o! A:ARA.

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