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Convert a PDF into a Series of Images using C# and 'host(cript

'+ )ichard ames *oss, 21 =&n 2013
5/00 (7 votes) Tweet 0 Like 3 0 )"te t!is,

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A Technical Blog, origin"ll+ poste$ "t !ttp,--c+ote./com -blog-convert0"0p$10into0"0 series0o10im"ges0&sing0 cs!"rp0 "n$0g!ostscript2so&rce3rss 4o( to convert " 5D6 into " series o1 im"ges &sing 7 "n$ #!ostScript 8+pe Technical Blog CPOL 20 an 20!2 ""#$%% 2#!%& 2% times

'host(cript +,-T integration component . !!+$ /B P01 con2ersion component . &+3 /B


An "pplic"tion % ("s recentl+ ( on receive$ 5D6 1iles 1rom " (ebservice (!ic! it t!en nee$e$ to store in " $"t"b"se/ % ("nte$ t!e "bilit+ to $ispl"+ previe(s o1 t!ese documents (it!in t!e "pplic"tion/ W!ile t!ere "re " n&mber o1 sol&tions 1or cre"ting 5D6 1iles 1rom 7, options 1or vie(ing " 5D6 (it!in +o&r "pplic"tion is m&c! more limite$, &nless +o& p&rc!"se e<pensive commerci"l pro$&cts, or &se >? interop to embe$ Acrob"t )e"$er into +o&r "pplic"tion/ 8!is "rticle $escribes "n "ltern"te sol&tion, in (!ic! t!e pages in " 5D6 "re converte$ into im"ges using 'host(cript, 1rom (!ere +o& c"n t!en $ispl"+ t!em in +o&r "pplic"tion/

6irst 5oste$ :ie(s Do(nlo"$s 'oo.m"r.e$

%n or$er to "voi$ !&ge ("lls o1 te<t, t!is "rticle !"s been split into t(o p"rts, t!e 1irst $e"ling (it! t!e "ct&"l conversion o1 " 5D6, "n$ t!e secon$ $emonstr"tes !o( to e<ten$ t!e %m"ge'o< control to $ispl"+ t!e im"ges/

Ca2eat -mptor
'e1ore (e st"rt, some @&ic. points, 8!e met!o$ %Am "bo&t to $emonstr"te converts t!e p"ge o1 t!e 5D6 into "n im"ge/ 8!is me"ns t!"t it is ver+ s&it"ble 1or vie(ing, b&t inter"ctive elements s&c! "s 1orms, !+perlin.s "n$ even goo$ ol$ te<t selection "re not "v"il"ble/ 'host(cript !"s " n&mber o1 licenses "ssoci"te$ (it! it b&t % c"nAt 1in$ "n+ in1orm"tion o1 t!e pricing o1 commerci"l licenses/ 8!e 'host(cript A5% %ntegr"tion libr"r+ &se$ b+ t!is proBect isnAt complete "n$ %Am not going to go into t!e bells "n$ (!istles o1 !o( it (or.s in t!is p"ir o1 "rticles 0 once %Ave complete$ t!e o&tst"n$ing 1&nction"lit+, %All create " ne( "rticle 1or it/

'etting (tarted
Co& c"n $o(nlo"$ t!e t(o libr"ries &se$ in t!is "rticle 1rom t!e lin.s belo(, t!ese "re,

# of $

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Convert a PDF into a Series of Images using C# and Gho... rtic!es/"#$$%%/Convert&a...

Cyotek.GhostScript 0 core libr"r+ provi$ing 'host(cript integr"tion s&pport Cyotek.GhostScript.PdfConversion 0 s&pport libr"r+ 1or converting " 5D6 document into im"ges
Please note that the native GhostScript DLL is not included in these downloads, you will need to obtain that from the GhostScript project page.

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Win$o(s D rele"se $"te, ne(s "n$ r&mors
#et t!e %nsi$er ;e(s 1ree e"c! morning/

5sing the 'host(criptAP4 Class

As mentione$ "bove, t!e core 'host(cript libr"r+ isnAt complete +et, so %All B&st give " $escription o1 t!e b"sic 1&nction"lit+ re@&ire$ b+ t!e conversion libr"r+/ 8!e GhostScriptAPI cl"ss !"n$les "ll comm&nic"tion (it! 'host(cript/ W!en +o& create "n inst"nce o1 t!e cl"ss, it "&tom"tic"ll+ c"lls gsapi_new_instance in t!e n"tive 'host(cript D99/ W!en t!e cl"ss is $ispose$, it (ill "&tom"tic"ll+ rele"se "n+ !"n$les "n$ c"lls t!e n"tive gsapi_exit "n$ gsapi_delete_instance met!o$s/ %n or$er to "ct&"ll+ c"ll 'host(cript, +o& c"ll t!e Execute met!o$, p"ssing in eit!er " string "rr"+ o1 "ll t!e "rg&ments to p"ss to 'host(cript, or " t+pe$ $iction"r+ o1 comm"n$s "n$ v"l&es/ 8!e GhostScriptCommand enum cont"ins most o1 t!e comm"n$s s&pporte$ b+ 'host(cript, (!ic! m"+ be " pre1er"ble "ppro"c! r"t!er t!"n tr+ing to remember t!e p"r"meter n"mes t!emselves/

Related ideos

0efining Con2ersion (ettings

8!e Pdf2ImageSettings cl"ss "llo(s +o& to c&stomiHe v"rio&s properties o1 t!e o&tp&t im"ge/ 8!e 1ollo(ing properties "re "v"il"ble,

AntiAlias ode 0 speci1ies t!e "nti"li"sing level bet(een 9o(, ?e$i&m "n$ 4ig!/ 8!is intern"ll+ (ill set t!e d!extAlp"a#its "n$ d$rap"icsAlp"a#its 'host(cript s(itc!es to "ppropri"te v"l&es/ %pi 0 $ots per inc!/ %ntern"ll+ sets t!e r s(itc!/ 8!is propert+ is not &se$ i1 " p"per siHe is set/ $rid&it ode 0 controls t!e te<t re"$"bilit+ mo$e/ %ntern"ll+ sets t!e d$rid&it!! s(itc!/ Image&ormat 0 speci1ies t!e o&tp&t im"ge 1orm"t/ %ntern"ll+ sets t!e s%E'ICE s(itc!/ PaperSi(e 0 speci1ies " p"per siHe 1rom one o1 t!e st"n$"r$ siHes s&pporte$ b+ 'host(cript/ !rim ode 0 speci1ies !o( t!e im"ge s!o&l$ be siHe$/ Co&r mile"ge m"+ v"r+ i1 +o& tr+ "n$ &se t!e p"per siHe option/ %ntern"ll+ sets eit!er t!e d&I)E% E%IA "n$ sPAPERSI*E or t!e d+seCrop#ox or t!e d+se!rim#ox s(itc!es/
8+pic"l settings co&l$ loo. li.e t!is,
oll"pse J op+ o$e Pdf2ImageSettings settings, settings - new Pdf2ImageSettings./, settings.AntiAlias ode - AntiAlias ode.0ig", settings.%pi - 122, settings.$rid&it ode - $rid&it ode.!opological, settings.Image&ormat - Image&ormat.Png23, settings.!rim ode - Pdf!rim ode.Crop#ox,

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Con2erting the P01

8o convert " 5D6 1ile into " series o1 im"ges, &se t!e Pdf2Image cl"ss/ 8!e 1ollo(ing properties "n$ met!o$s "re o11ere$,

10 ?in&tes to $oc&ment +o&r co$e (it! r+st"l )eports in /;et ?>SS ?&ltiling&"l Site on1ig&r"tion #ener"ting D+n"mic 5D6 Doc&ments &sing t!e >pen So&rce Scr+ber 9ibr"r+ 8!e Eltim"te 8oolbo< 3D 8"b :ie(s 5D6 6ile An"l+Her Wit! 7 5"rsing l"sses oll"pse J op+ o$e re"ting +o&r 1irst ?6 Doc-:ie( "pplic"tion G?9 cl"ss 1or processing "n$ b&il$ing simple G?9 $oc&ments 'eginnerAs #&i$e, I<ploring %%S 6/0 Wit! AS5/;I8 '&il$ing " Web ?ess"ge 'o"r$ &sing :is&"l St&$io 2008 5"rt %% 0 5osting mess"ges &sing ?icroso1t Wor$ Driver Development 5"rt 3, %ntro$&ction to $river conte<ts AS5/;I8 Applic"tion "n$ 5"ge

ConvertPdfPage!oImage 0 converts " given p"ge in t!e 5D6 into "n im"ge (!ic! is s"ve$ to $is. $etImage 0 converts " p"ge in t!e 5D6 into "n im"ge "n$ ret&rns t!e im"ge $etImages 0 converts " r"nge o1 pages into t!e 5D6 into im"ges "n$ ret&rns "n im"ge "rr"+ PageCount 0 ret&rns t!e n&mber o1 pages in t!e so&rce 5D6 Pdf&ilename 0 ret&rns or sets t!e 1ilen"me o1 t!e 5D6 document to convert PdfPassword 0 ret&rns or sets t!e p"ss(or$ o1 t!e 5D6 document to convert Settings 0 ret&rns or sets t!e settings obBect $escribe$ "bove
A t+pic"l e<"mple to convert t!e 1irst im"ge in " 5D6 document,

#itmap firstPage - new Pdf2Image.4sample.pdf4/.$etImage./,

The 4nner 6orkings

?ost o1 t!e co$e in t!e cl"ss is t".en &p (it! t!e $etConversionArguments met!o$/ 8!is met!o$ loo.s "t t!e v"rio&s properties o1 t!e conversion s&c! "s o&tp&t 1orm"t, @&"lit+, etc/ "n$ ret&rns t!e "ppropri"te comm"n$s to p"ss to 'host(cript,
oll"pse J op+ o$e protected virtual I%ictionary5GhostScriptCommand6 o78ect9 $etConversionArguments.string pdf&ile:ame6 string outputImage&ile:ame6 int page:um7er6 string password6 Pdf2ImageSettings settings/

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Convert a PDF into a Series of Images using C# and Gho...

; I%ictionary5GhostScriptCommand6 o78ect9 arguments, rtic!es/"#$$%%/Convert&a...

9i1e +cle arguments - new %ictionary5GhostScriptCommand6 o78ect9./, // basic GhostScript setup arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.Silent6 null/, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.Safer6 null/, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.#atc"6 null/, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.:oPause6 null/, // specify the output arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.%evice6 GhostScriptAPI.$et%evice:ame.settings.Image&ormat//, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.<utput&ile6 outputImage&ile:ame/, // page numbers arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.&irstPage6 page:um7er/, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.=astPage6 page:um7er/, // graphics options arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.+seCIEColor6 null/, if .settings.AntiAlias ode >- AntiAlias ode.:one/ ; arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.!extAlp"a#its6 settings.AntiAlias ode/, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.$rap"icsAlp"a#its6 settings.AntiAlias ode/, ? arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.$rid!o&it!!6 settings.$rid&it ode/, // image size if .settings.!rim ode >- Pdf!rim ode.PaperSi(e/ arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.@esolution6 settings.%pi.!oString.//, switc" .settings.!rim ode/ ; case Pdf!rim ode.PaperSi(eA if .settings.PaperSi(e >- PaperSi(e.%efault/ ; arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.&ixed edia6 true/, arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.PaperSi(e6 settings.PaperSi(e/, ? 7reak, case Pdf!rim ode.!rim#oxA arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.+se!rim#ox6 true/, 7reak, case Pdf!rim ode.Crop#oxA arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.+seCrop#ox6 true/, 7reak, ? // pdf password if .>string.Is:ull<rEmpty.password// arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.P%&Password6 password/, // pdf filename arguments.Add.GhostScriptCommand.Input&ile6 pdf&ile:ame/, return arguments, 8en 8ips o1 Web App 8esting

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8!e Issenti"l #&i$e to ?obile App 8esting, 8ips 1or Developers in ESA * "n"$"

As +o& c"n see 1rom t!e met!o$ "bove, t!e comm"n$s "re being ret&rne$ "s " strongl+ t+pe$ $iction"r+ 0 t!e GhostScriptAPI cl"ss (ill convert t!ese into t!e correct 'host(cript comm"n$s, b&t t!e enum is m&c! e"sier to (or. (it! 1rom +o&r co$eL 8!e 1ollo(ing is "n e<"mple o1 t!e t+pic"l 'host(cript comm"n$s to convert " single p"ge in " 5D6 document,
oll"pse J op+ o$e BC BdSA&E@ Bd#A!C0 Bd:<PA+SE Bs%E'ICE-pngDEm Bs<utput&ile-tmpFG#C.tmp Bd&irstPage-D Bd=astPage-D Bd+seCIEColor Bd!extAlp"a#its-3 Bd$rap"icsAlp"a#its-3 Bd$rid&it!!-2 BrDH2 Bd+seCrop#ox-true sample.pdf

8!e ne<t step is to c"ll 'host(cript "n$ convert t!e 5D6 (!ic! is $one using t!e ConvertPdfPage!oImage met!o$,
oll"pse J op+ o$e pu7lic void ConvertPdfPage!oImage.string output&ile:ame6 int page:um7er/ ; if .page:um7er 5 D II page:um7er 9 t"is.PageCount/ t"row new ArgumentException.4Page num7er is out of 7ounds46 4page:um7er4/, using .GhostScriptAPI api - new GhostScriptAPI.// api.Execute.t"is.$etConversionArguments.t"is._pdf&ile:ame6 output&ile:ame6 page:um7er6 t"is.PdfPassword6 t"is.Settings//, ?

As +o& c"n see, t!is is " ver+ simple c"ll 0 create "n inst"nce o1 t!e GhostScriptAPI cl"ss "n$ t!en p"ss in t!e list o1 p"r"meters to e<ec&te/ 8!e GhostScriptAPI cl"ss t".es c"re o1 ever+t!ing else/ >nce t!e 1ile is s"ve$ to $is., +o& c"n t!en lo"$ it into " #itmap or Image obBect 1or &se in +o&r "pplic"tion/ DonAt

" of $

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1orget to $elete t!e 1ile (!en +o& "re 1inis!e$ (it! itL Altern"tivel+, t!e $etImage met!o$ (ill convert t!e 1ile "n$ ret&rn t!e bitm"p im"ge 1or +o&, "&tom"tic"ll+ $eleting t!e tempor"r+ 1ile/ 8!is s"ves +o& 1rom !"ving to (orr+ "bo&t provi$ing "n$ $eleting t!e o&tp&t 1ile, b&t it $oes me"n +o& "re responsible 1or $isposing o1 t!e ret&rne$ bitm"p/
oll"pse J op+ o$e pu7lic #itmap $ page:um7er/ ; #itmap result, string work&ile, if .page:um7er 5 D II page:um7er 9 t"is.PageCount/ t"row new ArgumentException.4Page num7er is out of 7ounds46 4page:um7er4/, work&ile - Pat".$et!emp&ile:ame./, try ; t"is.ConvertPdfPage! page:um7er/, using .&ileStream stream - new & &ile ode.<pen6 &ileAccess.@ead// result - new, ? finally ; &, ? return result, ?

Co& co&l$ "lso convert " r"nge o1 pages "t once using t!e $etImages met!o$,
oll"pse J op+ o$e pu7lic #itmapJK $ startPage6 int lastPage/ ; =ist5#itmap9 results, if .startPage 5 D II startPage 9 t"is.PageCount/ t"row new ArgumentException .4Start page num7er is out of 7ounds46 4startPage4/, if .lastPage 5 D II lastPage 9 t"is.PageCount/ t"row new ArgumentException .4=ast page num7er is out of 7ounds46 4lastPage4/, else if .lastPage 5 startPage/ t"row new ArgumentException .4=ast page cannot 7e less t"an start page46 4lastPage4/, results - new =ist5#itmap9./, for .int i - startPage, i 5- lastPage, iLL/ results.Add.t"is.$etImage.i//, return results.!oArray./, ?

4n Conclusion
8!e "bove met!o$s provi$e " simple ("+ o1 provi$ing b"sic 5D6 vie(ing in +o&r "pplic"tions/ %n t!e ne<t p"rt o1 t!is series, (e $escribe !o( to e<ten$ t!e %m"ge'o< component to s&pport conversion "n$ n"vig"tion/

8!is "rticle, "long (it! "n+ "ssoci"te$ so&rce co$e "n$ 1iles, is license$ &n$er 8!e o$e 5roBect >pen 9icense ( 5>9)

About t!e Aut!or

)ichard ames *oss

So1t("re Developer (Senior)

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Convert a PDF into a Series of Images using C# and Gho... rtic!es/"#$$%%/Convert&a...

Enite$ King$om ;o 'iogr"p!+ provi$e$ 6ollo( on

8(itter #oogle

Article 8op

Comments and Discussions

7ou must (ign 4n to use this message 8oard+ (earch this forum 5ro1ile pop&ps Sp"cing Relaxed ;oise Very High 9"+o&t Open All 5er p"ge 10 Go Update

6irst 5rev ;e<t

Con2ert 2ertical 4mages

*em8er 93"!&9!

9.,o2.!" 3:!"

4i, 4o( c"n % convert m&ltiple p"ge p$1 1ile to ti11 !"s sinle long p"ge/ 8!"n.s/
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

)e: Con2ert 2ertical 4mages

)ic!"r$ ="mes ?oss

70;ov013 2,N2

Well, i1 +o& !"ve converte$ t!e 5D6 into " series o1 im"ges, +o& c"n @&er+ t!eir Si(e properties to $etermine t!e 1in"l siHe o1 t!e im"ge, cre"te " ne( #itmap obBect "n$ t!en &se t!e met!o$s o1 t!e $rap"ics cl"ss to $r"( t!e $i11erent im"ges "ppropri"tel+ into t!e 1in"l im"ge/ As /;I8 s&pports re"$ing "n$ (riting 8%66 1iles (not too s&re "bo&t m&lti0p"ge 8%66 1iles t!o&g!) +o& (o&l$ t!en be "ble to s"ve +o&r ne( im"ge into t!"t 1orm"t/ Seems prett+ str"ig!t1or("r$ to me/// )eg"r$sO )ic!"r$ ?oss
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

Compati8le for 6e8 apllication <

*em8er !002%"%0

;.Oct.!" 2!:23

4i % "m ( in (eb "pplic"tion "n$ i !"ve to convert " 5D6 into im"ge t!ere/ %s t!is "lso ( 1or (eb "pplic"tion "lso 2
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

)e: Compati8le for 6e8 apllication <


)ic!"r$ ="mes ?oss

100>ct013 7,58

Ces, t!is (or.s (it! AS5/net "pplic"tions ((it! " c"ve"t or 10) 0 +o& c"n see " 1ollo( &p "rticle % $i$ $escribing m+ e<periences (it! t!is !ere/ 4ope t!"t !elpsL )eg"r$sO )ic!"r$ ?oss
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

6ould 8e 8etter if you use 8etter 'hostscript wrapper like++

*em8er !009$""0

2$.Aug.!" !%:&"

+ of $

#/'(/'%#) (:'$ P*

Convert a PDF into a Series of Images using C# and Gho... rtic!es/"#$$%%/Convert&a...

!ttps,--g!ostscriptnet/co$eple</comPQR %t "llo(s +o& to ren$er p$1 p"ges to im"ges in memor+ so +o& $ont nee$ to s"ve it on t!e $is. 1irst/ %t !"s " lot more 1e"t&res///
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

runtime e>ception ?modified@

*em8er !0!%3%!3

$.Aug.!" 20:""

!i, $o(nlo"$e$ &r co$e, compile bo&t! /$ll0s/ compile is o./ "$$ t!em to m+ proBect/ (!en tr+ to &se,

#itmap firstPage - new Pdf2Image.M4%ANtestD.pdf4/.$etImage./,

c"tc! e<ception 0 6"ile$ to process #!ostScript comm"n$/ (!"t c"n it be2 % !"$ no gs32$ll/$ll on m+ 5 "t t!e beginning/ W!en % trie$ to &se

#itmap firstPage - new Pdf2Image.M4%ANtestD.pdf4/.$etImage./,

% !"$ e<ception somet!ing li.e t!"t 0 c"nnot 1o&n$ gs32$ll mo$&le/// % 1o&n$, $o(nlo"$e$ "n$ tr+ pl"ce$ t!"t $ll into Win$o(sSs+stem32 "n$ into Win$o(sSs+s(o(6N/ 8!ere is no e11ect e<cept % got ne( .in$ o1 e<pection mentione$ "bove/ (!"t "$$itio"nl in1orm"tion & nee$ to "ns(er2 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 solve$L ?ention plH in &r "cticle t!"t &ser nee$ last version o1 #!ostScript /$ll in &ser pro=ect 8in.folder, not (!ere elseL
modified 8-Aug- ! "#$%am.

Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

Out of memory e>ception



2$. un.!" 2":&2

% trie$ to m".e " b"tc! o1 converting p$1s in sever"l Bpgs/ &n1ort&n"tel+, % got "n o&t o1 memor+ e<ception "1ter N8 1iles/ is t!ere " b&g in t!e sol&tion or is g!ostscript not possible to $o t!"t2 t!"n.s, t!orsten
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

)e: Out of memory e>ception

)ic!"r$ ="mes ?oss

280=&n013 5,N5

W!ere $oes t!e o&t o1 memor+ e<ception to come 1rom2 %A$ be more incline$ to "ss&me t!e error c"me 1rom !o( it ("s being &se$/ 6or e<"mple, +o& s"i$ N8 1iles 0 !o( m"n+ im"ges (ere in t!ese 1iles "n$ (ere +o& $isposing o1 t!e im"ge 1iles once +o&A$ 1inis!e$ (it! t!em2 )eg"r$sO )ic!"r$ ?oss
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

)e: Out of memory e>ception

%Am getting ro&g!l+ t!e s"me problem/


180=&l013 23,52

8!e "pp 1rom N0mb to D00mb (!en % c"ll t!e #et%m"ges co$e/ %Am B&st testing "g"inst " rel"tivel+ sm"ll p$1 1ile/ #r"nte$, %Am setting t!e @&"lit+ to " !ig!er v"l&e, b&t "1ter t!e processing is $one, t!e memor+ is never

, of $

#/'(/'%#) (:'$ P*

Convert a PDF into a Series of Images using C# and Gho... rtic!es/"#$$%%/Convert&a...

rele"se$ even i1 i e<plicitl+ .ill "ll t!e v"l&es/ %1 % r&n t!e process t!e 2n$ time, it gives me t!e o&t o1 memor+ e<ception/ %s t!ere somet!ing else % nee$ to $o to 1ree &p t!e reso&rces "1ter t!e processing is $one2
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

)e: Out of memory e>ception

)ic!"r$ ="mes ?oss

220=&l013 6,36

Are +o& c"lling %ispose on e"c! #itmap obBect "1ter +o&Are 1inis!e$ (it! it2 % s&ppose itAs possible t!e #"rb"ge ollector isnAt cle"ring &p 1"st eno&g!, +o& co&l$ tr+ intro$&cing " $C.Collect c"ll or t(o, "lt!o&g! t!is (ill "11ect t!e per1orm"nce o1 +o&r "pplic"tion "n$ slo( it $o(n " to&c!/
Sign %n M :ie( 8!re"$ M 5erm"lin.

9"st :isit, 310Dec0DD 18,00

9"st Ep$"te, 2D0="n01N 11,25


! 2 ;e<t










5erm"lin. J A$vertise J 5riv"c+ J ?obile Web02 J 2/8/1N0127/2 J 9"st Ep$"te$ 21 =&n 2013

9"+o&t, 1i<e$ J 1l&i$

Article op+rig!t 2012 b+ )ic!"r$ ="mes ?oss Iver+t!ing else op+rig!t T o$e5roBect, 1DDD0201N 8erms o1 Ese

$ of $

#/'(/'%#) (:'$ P*

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