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The Immigration Invasion

Republicans have no obligation to assist the Dem ocrats as they change the country in a way that favors them electorally, particularly when it does great harm to the people already here. That quote by Ann Coulter in her article on 1/29/14 titled, GOP Crafts Plan to W reck the Country, Lose Voters (see link below) is spot on. If the Republicans turn into the Dem ocrats with what is basically a program of appeasem ent through am nesty, then they're going to lose ... self-destruct ... because, lets face it ... is there any reason any longer to keep them around? I see none. The m ost direct attack on Am erica is the expansion of legal im m igration to this country. Alm ost half the people currently living in the US are here as a result of the Im m igration Reform Act of 1965. The work and student visa program , green cards and refugee program s m ake illegal im m igration look puny. Contrary to the attem pt at revisionist history, our country was NOT founded by im m igrants. Rather, it was founded by COLONISTS who forged a new country out of the wilderness for them selves and their posterity. It is OUR inheritance, and it is being sacrificed at the table of political correctness. Am ericans are giving up their inheritance for a false self-righteousness of "m ulticulturalism " that is nothing but the death of the Am erican way of life and freedom . Millions of unlawfully present im m igrants are underm ining Am ericas core principle of the rule of law, while the legal naturalization process isnt working as it should. Large-scale im m igration without effective assim ilation threatens social cohesion, along with Am ericas civic culture and com m on identity. This is particularly true when im m igrants are assim ilated into the welfare state rather than into a society of opportunity. All the Eurotrash socialists and third world bottom -feeders have no history or tradition of natural rights, and in fact have never heard of the concept, or understand that the Constitution was an attem pt to codify those natural God-given rights. They do not understand what our Founders understood that m en who are drawn to centers of power are by nature the worst am ong us, and that laws are needed to keep them in check. They do not understand or respect that the Constitution was written as a witness against the fallen nature of m an, and that it is as tim eless as m an's nature, which has not changed, and will not be out-dated until that nature has becom e angelic. And do you know W HO is the biggest obstacle to the One-W orld-Governm ent loving, anti-Am erican revisionist history hating, equally-distributed-m isery m oochers, level-playing-field-pushers-of-poverty progressive pim ps? Ill tell you who: The Am erican gun-owning, freedom -loving, m iddle-class. Do you think its an accident that Am erican wages started stagnating in 1970 and have decreased every since? Uh uh. Sim ple supply and dem and: More jobs were m oved overseas, and m ore foreigners were m oved in to take the jobs still here. On Decem ber 10, 2002, in an article entitled, The 1965 Im m igration Act: Anatom y of A Disaster, for Front Page Magazine, Ben Johnson wrote: "Despite the overwhelm ing assurances of the bill's supporters, the 1965 Im m igration Reform Act has rem ade society into the im age its critics m ost feared. Im m igration levels topping a m illion a year will increase U.S. population to 400 m illion within 50 years. Meanwhile, exponents of m ulti-culturalism insist new arrivals m ake no effort to assim ilate; to do so would be "genocidal," a notion that m akes a m ockery of real genocides. Instead, long-forgotten grudges are nursed against the white populace. Native citizens take to flight as the neighborhoods around them , the norm s in their hom etowns, are debased for the convenience of low-paid im m igrants and well-heeled businessm en. All the while, indigenous paychecks drop through lower wages and higher taxes collected to provide social services for im m igrants. And this only takes into account legal im m igration. "Am ericans m ust realize dem ographic trends are not inevitable, the product of m ysterious forces beyond their control. Today's population is the result of yesterday's im m igration policy, and that policy is as clearly broken as its backers' assurances were facetious. A rational policy will only com e about when Am ericans place the national interest above liberal howls of 'prejudice' and 'tribalism .'" Its only gotten worse m uch, m uch worse since Mr. Johnson wrote that article.

At a tim e when unem ploym ent is at an all tim e high, there are those Conservatives," m any of whom I adm ire in m ore ways than I don't, who want to expand legal im m igration, m ost of whom will vote Dem ocrat or RINO big-governm ent Republican once they get here and take your job. Thats right: take your job because the law of supply and dem and will still apply, whether you intended it or not. After all, will it m atter to you if a "legal" im m igrant takes your job at half the pay you currently get, and you can only get another job at half your form er paycheck? W ill we then be satisfied that Ted Cruz and others only allowed "legal" im m igrants to continue to flood our country? The ONLY way those seeking to com e in legally should be allowed to do so is if they are EXEMPT from ALL Federal welfare program s. This im m igration issue is a war against the Am erican people and culture, and Am ericans are losing badly and m ost are too dum bed down and dependent to either give a crap or even understand why, or both. Most Am ericans blam e only illegal im m igration, which is a m ere fraction of the problem , and m iss the bigger picture of legal im m igrants. Rem em ber how in 2006 the Am erican people OVERW HELMINGLY voted for a border fence? Rem em ber how Congress played us for a bunch of fools? They never had ANY intention of solving the problem . They passed that Secure Fence Act of 2006 and forgot about it (just as they did with a sim ilar law in 1986) and de-funded the wall. Instead of building a wall, they decided to rebuild a new governm ent ... with new citizens. W e often hear people ask the question of how Am erica becam e such a divided Nation. W ell ... now you know. Heres what we also know: ... that Am ericans have purchased so m any firearm s that m any m anufacturers of m ilitary pattern sem i-autom atic rifles are back ordered for a year or m ore, and am m unition has doubled in price, when you can find it. ... that there are now at least 100 m illion gun owners in the U.S. ... that the DHS has purchased over 2 billion rounds of am m unition and "assault rifles." Am erica is preparing for a civil war, and to deny that fact is whistling past the graveyard of history.

_______________ Lori W allach Boxer Facebook - Twitter

GOP Crafts Plan to W reck the Country, Lose Voters /colum ns/2014-01-29.htm l

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