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Moldova is the small country of the Eastern Europe and the most densely populated.

Industry accounts for only 20% of its labor force, while agriculture's share is more than one-third. It is landlocked, bounded by Ukraine on the east and Romania to the west. Despite improvements on the economy the Republic of Moldova remains Europe's poorest nation. The Republic of Moldova is an industrial-agricultural country. The share of agriculture and industry in real GDP constitutes 37%, which amounted Lei 10134 million in 2003. About 50,8 % of the countrys active population are involved in agriculture.The industry is specially concentrated on processing the raw agricultural material, and is also represented by light, chemical, wood processing, machine building industries.The main products imported by Moldova are the natural gas, petrol products, transport means, and equipment. The most part of energetic resources is also imported. The process of energetic complex privatisation is presently taking place in the Republic of Moldova. The cultural heritage of Moldova is abundant with traditions and customs. there, many of them are centuries old. It is hard to believe that the multi-ethnic character of the country still exists within the popular traditions.In spite of the differences of nationalities, the people here have the most important quality Hospitality. The householder will always serve his guest with great Moldovan wine and with the best dishes of food. Usually, the guests are invited into the "Casa Mare" (Big Room) a traditional room in each house where people feast together. There are a lot of holidays in Moldova and everyone can join in them. Although the folk arts flourished, similarities with were hidden. Music and dance, particularly encouraged by Soviet authorities, were made into a showcase, but were subtly distorted to hide their Romanian origins. For example, the national folk costume, in which the traditional Romanian moccasin (opinca) was replaced by the Russian boot. Moldova's traditional folk culture is very rich. The ancient folk ballads, such as "Mioria" and "Meterul Manole", play a central role in this traditional culture. Folk traditions, including ceramics and weaving, continue to be practiced in rural areas. The folk culture tradition is promoted at the national level and is represented by, among other groups, the republic's dance company, Joc, and by the folk choir, Doina. In the early 1990s, Moldova had twelve professional theaters. All performed in Romanian, except the A.P. Chekhov Russian Drama Theater in Chiinu, and the Russian Drama and Comedy Theater in Tiraspol, both of which performed solely in Russian, and the Licurici Republic Puppet Theater, in Chiinu, which performed in both Romanian and Russian. Although, among those controlled tendencies by Soviets, real artists in music formed real art-bands, such as "Ciocrlia", led by Serghei Lunchevici and "Lutarii" of Nicolae Botgros. Members of ethnic minorities manage a number of folklore groups and amateur theaters throughout the country.

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