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Embryonic stem cell has a great benefit for medicinal improvement though it needs the destruction of human embryos,

for the reason that embryonic stem cell research has a great promise, it is ethical. Although there still no proven cures of ES cell and there are other stem cells that can be an alternative for ES cell that dont need destroying embryos, many scientists believe ES cell has a great potential and it is the best to research on all types of stem cells. There are two moral positions in ES cell debate. First, those who are not in favor of ES cell research. For them embryos are considered humans and should be protected. Second position is for those who believe that scientific research using in vitro embryos, wherever they come from, must be moral because the embryos used in experiments are not implanted in womb. Moreover, between these positions is a intermediate view which they consider as happy medium. This middle position has two main variants. First is based on the use-derivation distinction, the moral distinction between the use of ES stem cell and its derivation. Second variant is the discarded-created distinction, the moral distinction between the usage of excess embryo from IVF and usage of embryos that are created for research. The use-derivation distinction, the use of ES cells is not the same as embryos. Therefore, ES cell is not a human embryo research. Embryos can develop into a whole organism but ES can only develop into new tissue or organs but not a whole organism. But can we separate the use of embryos from its derivation? ES cell derivation needs the destruction of embryos and it is immoral for those who consider embryos as moral beings. ES cell research is significant for medical innovation. If it is still insisted to stop ES cell research, the potentials of these stem cells might be wasted. Moreover, without research on ES cell, the whole research for stem cells will be affected. Millions of people will benefit if new

treatments are discovered from this research but this can only be done if we allow scientists to research on all types of stem cells. Stem cell research has a great promise in the field of medicine. For the twenty-first century, it is believed it has the greatest promise for medicine because it can proliferate and differentiate. It can cure different diseases and it is possible for stem cells to replace damaged tissues or even the whole organ. Stem cell research involves three main lines based on its originstem cells derived from surplus embryos from in vitro fertilization, cord-blood and tissues or organs from fetuses or organisms after birth. These stem cells may have different qualities and uses. Research on all types of stem cells is necessary to get the full potential of stem cells. Because producing ES cells requires the destruction of the embryos that contain them, ES cell research is opposed by people who believe that human embryos are moral beings and should have right to live. But is it wrong to destroy excess human embryos even they are just excess from IVF procedure and it can help to save millions of lives? They are going to be destroyed anyway, so why do not use them for research instead. There is no proven cure of ES cell and there are promising treatments known from Adult stem cells and on cord-derived stem cells. So many people believe that it is better to focus on nonembryonic-derived stem cells; in this case, we do not need to destroy embryos. However, we cannot say that other stem cells are better than ES cells, because there is no known cure using ES cells. It is a fallacy of ignorance; we should research to know the full potential of ES cells. How can we know its benefits if do not try to know?

What if life-saving therapies based on ES cell research are discovered? What will the countries banned ES cell research do? How are they citizens? What if their citizens really need this therapy? Are they willing to change their policies about ES cells? Probably the most common problem about ES cell research is about its moral complicity. The use-derivation distinction is always questioned. We can say that there is no real separation between the use and derivation of ES cells. Even ES cells are not totipotent and it is alright to conduct research on them. The process of derivation is the problem because it needs the destruction of embryo to get the stem cells. However, is it wrong to destroy spare embryos for benefit of many people? Many embryos are created and destroyed for no good purpose. For instance, in unwanted pregnancies, the parents will decide to abort the babies. It is same as spare embryos; the excess embryos are to be destroyed. So instead of letting them to be destroyed with no purpose, why do not let them to be used in research where it can help in scientific innovation? Can we consider embryos as moral persons? Even we consider embryos as moral persons, people cannot treat them same as adult persons. For instance, in times of need to choose between the life of baby or the mother, mother is always chosen to be saved rather than the baby. So even we insist that embryos are the same of us, the treatment of people to them will always be different to us.

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