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(12) Unlted States Patent

Fogelman et a].

(10) Patent N0.2

(45) Date of Patent:
5,733,549 A 5,733,879 A
5,814,467 A

US 8,404,635 B2
*Mar. 26, 2013

3/1998 Yamada et a1. 3/1998 Rosseneu et a1.

9/1998 Curtiss et a1.


Inventors. Alan M. Fogelman, Beverly Hills, CA

(US); GattadahalllMAnantharamaiah, Birmingham, AL (US)' Mohamad Navab L05 Angeles
CA (Us)
_ _

6,004,925 A
6,011,002 6,019,739 6,037,323 6,040,147

5,854,238 A

l2/l999 Dasseux et al
1/2000 Pastan et a1. 2/2000 Rhee et al. 3/2000 Dasseux et a1.
3/2000 Ridkeret a1.
4/2000 Dasseux et a1.
7/2000 Stern et a1.




6,046,166 A
6,086,918 A

(73) Ass1gnees: The Regents of the Unlverslty of California, Oakland, CA (US); The
UAB Research Foundation,

6,191,151 B1 6,228,989 B1
6,265,377 B1

2/2001 Zik 5/2001 Traugh et a1.

7/2001 Dasseux et a1.

BmmnghamAL (Us)
. . . . .



6,287,590 B1

6,273,913 B1

9/2001 Dasseux et a1.

10/2001 L' d


Wright et a1.



Subject to any d1scla1mer, the term ofth1s

patent is extended or adjusted under 35

6,329,341 B1
6,376,464 B1

12/2001 DZISSZEX et a1
4/2002 Dasseux et a1.

U,S,C, 154(b) by 0 days,

This patent is subject to a terminal disC1ajmer_

6,383,808 B1
6,444,230 B1

5/2002 Monia et a1.

9/2002 Godin et al.

6,444,681 B1
6,455,088 B1 6,464,975 B2
6,498,038 B1
6,555,651 B2

9/2002 Flavahan et a1.

9/2002 Dasseux et a1. 10/2002 Millis
12/2002 Ghosh et a1.
4/2003 Stern et a1.


APPLNO" 13/180309

6,518,412 B1

2/2003 Dasseux et a1.

6/2003 Dasseux et a1.
8/2003 Dasseux et a1.


Prior Publication Data

6,573,239 B1
6,602,854 B1

US 2012/0035095 A1

Feb- 9, 2012

6,630,450 B1 6,635,623 B1 6,664,230 B1

6,696,545 B1

10/2003 Dasseux et a1. 10/2003 Hoogeveen et al. 12/2003 Fogelman et a1.

2/2004 Buelow et a1.


Related US. Application Data Continuation of application No. 11/830,687, ?led on

6,717,031 B2 6,727,063 B1
, ,

6,716,816 B1

40004 Games et a1 4/2004 Lander et a1~

4/2004 Dasseux et a1.

Jul. 30, 2007, noW Pat. No. 7,994,132, which is a

. . . .


Basseux 8 a1~
asseux et a1.

cont1nuat1on of appl1cat1on No. 11/431,412, ~?led on

May 9, 2006, noW Pat. No. 7,531,514, Wh1ch 1s a

6,846,636 B1
6,849,714 B1

V2005 Argmves et al
2/2005 Bridon et a1,

continuation of application No. 10/423,830, ?led on Apr. 25, 2003, noW Pat. No. 7,199,102, Which is a continuation-in-part of application No. 10/273,386,



?led on Oct. '16, 2902,11OW Pat. No. 7,166,578, Wh1ch

is a cont1nuat1on-1n-part of appl1cat1on No.




10/187,215, ?led on Jun. 28, 2002, noW Pat. No. 7,144,862, Which is a continuation-in-part of application No. 09/896,841, ?led on Jun. 29, 2001,
noW Pat. No. 6,933,279, Which is a


US Appl' NO l0/269755 ?led Oct 11 2002 Fogelman et 31' (Continued)
Primary Examiner * Jeffrey E Russel (74) Attorney, Agent, orFirm * Tom Hunter; WeaverAustin
Villeneuve & Sampson LLP
_ _ _ _

continuation-in-part of application No. 09/645,454, ?led on Aug. 24, 2000, noW Pat. No. 6,664,230.

Int. Cl. A61K 38/10


US. Cl. ...................................... .. 514/1.9; 514/21.4

Field of~Class1?cat1on Search ............. ..: ...... .. None
See appl1cat1on ?le for complete search history.

_ _

This 1nvent1on prov1des novel peptides that amel1orate one or


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Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Aug. 28, 2009 issued in


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200380 1063671 Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Jan. 16, 2009 issued in CN 200380 1063671 Chinese First Of?ce Action dated Jan. 25, 2011 issued in CN 201010156423.4.

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Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Aug. 16, 2011 issued in CN


European Supplementary Search Report dated Jun. 29, 2009 issued

in EP 03 77 6360.4-2403 / 1562624.

Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Apr. 30, 2010 issued in CN


European Examination Report dated Oct. 7, 2009 issued in EP 03 776

360 .4-2403.

Chinese Of?ce Action (Final Rejection) dated Feb. 24, 2011 issued in
CN 2006101006693.

European Examination Report dated Oct. 14, 2011 issued in EP 03

776 3604-2403.

Chinese First Of?ce Action dated Feb. 2, 2008 issued in CN

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2006/034056. Australian Examiner s First Report dated Nov. 10, 2010 issued in AU 2005287004. Australian Examiners Second Report dated Feb. 8, 2011 issued in AU 2005287004. Chinese First Of?ce Action dated Sep. 25, 2009 issued in CN 2005800392242. Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Dec. 1, 2010 issued in CN 2005800392242.

Eurasian Of?ce Action dated Apr. 6, 2007 issued in EA 2005 01744/


European Supplementary Partial Search Report dated Sep. 9, 2004 issued in EPO 19661982 (EP 1318828).
European Of?ce Action dated Mar. 7, 2005 issued in EP 01966198.2

(EP 1318828).
European Of?ce Action dated Jan. 9, 2007 issued in EP 019661982

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007 775.5 (EP1864675).
European Of?ce Action dated Jul. 15, 2009 issued in EP 07 007 775.5

European Communication and Search Opinion dated Jan. 20, 2010

issued in EP 058037243-2405.

Japanese Of?ce Action (Notices of Reasons for Rejection) dated Jun.

14,2011 issued in JP 2007-532511. Russian First Of?ce Action dated Dec. 7, 2010 issued in RU

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20053 14043. Chinese First Of?ce Action dated Jan. 8, 2010 issued in CN 2005800477560. Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Mar. 2, 2011 issued in CN 2005800477560.

European Reminder Concerning Payment of Designation Fee and

Examination Fee dated Dec. 6, 2010 issued in EP 10 00 2402.5-2401/ 2198877. Israeli Of?ce Action dated Nov. 20, 2007 issued in IL-154545. Israeli Of?ce Action dated Aug. 7, 2008 issued in IL-154545. Israeli Of?ce Action dated Nov. 10, 2009 issued in IL-154545. Israeli Of?ce Action dated Nov. 2, 2010 issued in IL-154545. Israeli Of?ce Action dated Feb. 13, 2011 issued in IL-206114. Japanese Of?ce Action dated Jul. 19, 2005 issued in JP2002-520844. Japanese Of?ce Action dated Nov. 15, 2005 issued in JP2002 520844. Japanese Of?ce Action dated Feb. 14, 2006 issued in JP 2005
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Indonesian Of?ce Action dated Oct. 26, 2010 issued in Indonesian Patent Application No. W-00200701762. Israeli Of?ce Action (description) dated Oct. 26, 2009 issued in IL

Japanese Of?ce Action dated May 14, 2008 issued in JP2005

304531 .

Indian First Examination Report dated Mar. 24, 2011 issued in IN

Appln No. 2439/KOLN/2007.

Japanese Of?ce Action dated Jul. 28, 2011 issued in JP 2007-544634. Malaysian Examination and Search Report dated Jun. 30, 2010
issued in PI 20070907.

Japanese Of?ceAction dated Oct. 3 1, 2006 issued in JP2006-220831. Japanese Of?ce Action dated May 29, 2007 issued in JP2006
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Japanese Of?ce Action dated Jan. 8, 2009 issued in JP2006-220831. Japanese Of?ce Action dated Jul. 7, 2010 issued in JP2007-250264. Japanese Final Of?ce Action dated Oct. 21, 2011 issued in JP2007

New Zealand Examination Report dated May 23, 2008 issued in NZ


New Zealand Examination Report dated Jul. 3, 2009 issued in NZ


Japanese First Of?ce Action dated May 10, 2010 issued in JP2007
1 18451 .

New Zealand Examination Report dated Nov. 2, 2009 issued in NZ


Japanese Notice of Final Rejection dated Jul. 29, 2011 issued in


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US Of?ce Action dated Nov. 26, 2008 issued in US. Appl. No.

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Eurasian Search Report dated May 26, 2010 issued in EA


European Extended Search Report; Supplementary European Search Report and the European Search Opinion dated Sep. 30, 2009 issued
in EP 06 750 791.3-2403.

US Of?ce Action Final dated Dec. 18, 2009 issued in US. Appl. No.

European Examination Report dated Jun. 7, 2010 issued in EP 06 750

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US Notice ofAllowance dated Jun. 18, 2010 issued in US. Appl. No.

European Result of Consultation dated Aug. 6, 2010 issued in EP 06

750 791.3-2403.

US Of?ce Action dated Sep. 9, 2009 issued in US. Appl. No.

European Examination Report dated Dec. 17, 2010 issued in EP 06

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US Of?ce Action Final dated Feb. 26, 2010 issued in US. Appl. No.

European Examination Report dated Oct. 14, 2011 issued in EP 06

750 791.3-2403.

US Of?ce Action dated Jul. 1, 2010 issued in US. Appl. No.

European Extended Search Report and Written Opinion dated Nov. 24, 2010 issued in EP 10 177 8587-2403. European Examination Report dated Aug. 25, 2011 issued in EP 10
177 858.7-2403.

US Of?ce Action Final dated Jan. 11, 2011 issued in US. Appl. No.

US Notice ofAllowance dated Mar. 29, 2011 issued in US. Appl. No.

European Extended Search Report dated Aug. 23, 2011 issued in EP

11 15 5927.4-2403.

US Of?ce Action dated Sep. 12, 2002 issued in US. Appl. No.

Israeli Of?ce Action (description) dated Mar. 2, 2009 issued in IL


US Of?ce Action dated Jan. 23, 2003 issued in US. Appl. No.

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Mexican Of?ce Action dated Jan. 19, 2008 issued in MX/a/2007/

US Notice ofAllowance dated Jun. 25, 2003 issued in US. Appl. No.

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US Final Of?ce Action dated May 7, 2004 issued in US. Appl. No.

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US Notice ofAllowance dated Dec. 20, 2004 issued in US. Appl. No.

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US Notice ofAllowance dated May 1, 2006 issued in US. Appl. No.

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US Of?ce Action dated Jun. 21, 2004 issued in US. Appl. No.

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Vietnamese Of?ce Action dated Dec. 30, 2011 issued in VN 1-2007 01344. Chinese Second Of?ce Action dated Dec. 16, 2011 issued in CN200680023011.5. Eurasian Opinion as to patentability dated Feb. 27, 2012 issued in EA 200900786/28. Egyptian Of?ce Action dated Dec. 7, 2011 issued in EG 1169/2007. European Examination Report dated Jun. 4, 2012 issued in EP 06 750 791 .3 -2403. Japanese Of?ce Action dated Dec. 14, 2011 issued in JP 2008
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disease mice, FASEB Journal, Fed. OfAmerican Soc. for Experi mental Biology, US, 17(4-5):258.12, 1 page. Ou et al., (Mar. 1, 2003) An apo A-I mimetic peptide preserves vasodilation in hypercholesterolemic mice, FASEB Journal, Fed. Of American Soc. for Experimental Biology, US, 17(4-5):341.15, 1

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hypercholesterolemia, Circulation, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, US, 108(17)Suppl:IV-281, 2 pp. Ou et al., (Oct. 19, 2004) L-4F dramatically improve endothelium dependent vasodilation under lipoprotein oxidative stress,

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Zhonghua Zhongliu ZaZhi-Chinese Journal of Oncology, Zhonghua Yixuehui, Beijing, CN, 32(10)911-914.

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