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Reading List for Personal Growth
Descriptions from "Your Life is a Work of Art and You are the Artist" - a Workshop Outline by Prof. Srikumar S. ao - Do!nload the PD". #his is a $reat read and to do the !orkshop is an incredible e%perience. Creativit !"he #rt of Problem $olving! by ussell L. Ackoff. Wharton School professor and father fi$ure in operations research& uss Ackoff is brilliant and incisi'e. (e has an uncanny ability to frame problems so the solutions pop out and is funny to boot. #here are many parables in the te%t - a form of e%position to !hich ) am partial - and these clarify some *uite complicated analy+es and lead to "morals" such as& "#he less !e understand somethin$& the more 'ariables !e need to e%plain it". !Concept%al &lockb%sting! by ,ames L. Adams. #he author has a back$round as an en$ineer and Stanford professor. (e defines 'arious "blocks" to creati'ity such as stereotypin$& -ud$in$ etc. and su$$ests strate$ies to o'ercome them. #he best parts are the e%ercises peppered throu$hout the 'arious chapters. .e sure to try these. /Sample0 )ma$ine the sensation of a lon$ attack of hiccups1. !Lateral "hinking! by 2d!ard De.ono. 3ertical thinkin$& accordin$ to De.ono& is di$$in$ the same hole deeper. Lateral thinkin$ is di$$in$ someplace else. ,unior is botherin$ his aunt !ho is knittin$ a s!eater. (e feels constricted by the playpen and ho!ls. Solution0 put the aunt in the playpen !here she can knit undisturbed !hile -unior romps outside. Se'eral sets of e%ercises are included. !$i' "hinking (ats! by 2d!ard De.ono. De.ono specifies hats of si% colors& each associated !ith a different thinkin$ mode. Puttin$ on the !hite hat re*uires you to present facts and fi$ures in a neutral& ob-ecti'e manner. #he red hat re*uires you to present ho! you feel about "the proposal" emotionally& the black hat !hat your ne$ati'e assessments are& and so on. #he method is desi$ned to s!itch thinkin$ a!ay from ar$uments into collaboration. !$erio%s Creativit ! by 2d!ard De.ono. Prolific as he is& it is easy to understand ho! De.ono can afford to li'e on his o!n pri'ate island. #his book summari+es his other !orks and $i'es ne! anecdotes& business e%amples and e%ercises.. !Creative Problem $olving: "he &asic Co%rse! by Scott 4. )sakson and Donald ,. #reffin$er. #his is a !orkbook that comes in a three hole binder and pro'ides detailed instructions on data findin$& problem structurin$& idea and solution findin$ etc. #he checklists of *uestions are *uite helpful. !"he Creative )dge! by William 5iller. A consultant to ma-or corporations& 5iller does a fine -ob of sho!in$ ho! to enhance creati'ity in indi'idual and $roup settin$s. (is discourse on intuiti'e methods is $ood& as is his discussion of human 'alues. 5ethods of achie'in$ "!in-!in" solutions in the !orkplace are neat. !"he *agic of +o%r *ind! by Sidney ,. Parnes. Another book that talks about the creati'e process& !hat blocks it and ho! !e can o'ercome the blocks. 5any standard e%ercises are

presented. #he sans-serif type is none too easy to read but& to compensate& there is a profusion of cartoons most of !hich are 'ery& 'ery funny. !# ,hack on the $ide of the (ead! and !,holeness and the -mplicate .rder! by Da'id .ohm. A reno!ned physicist and collaborator of 2instein& .ohm makes the point that scientists are too hun$ up on a fra$mented !orld 'ie! in !hich thou$ht and matter are separate and distinct and the thinker is different from !hat he thinks about. (e postulates that the uni'erse is an unbroken !hole in !hich any element contains !ithin itself the totality of the uni'erse. (e also e%plicitly discusses consciousness !hich is a sub-ect most scientists shy a!ay from. !"he "ao of Ph sics! by "rit-of 6apra. With the cult success of this book imitators s!armed in and there is no! a "#ao" of e'erythin$ from leadership to cookin$. #he author& a scientist in his o!n ri$ht& $i'es an o'er'ie! of *uantum physics and muses philosophically on its implications. )t is !ell !ritten and you do not ha'e to possess much of a scientific back$round to understand it. (e is particularly $ood at dra!in$ and e%plainin$ parallels bet!een 2astern mysticism and modern physics. You may also !ish to e%plore his co-authored book& !Paradigms Lost: -mages of *an in the *irror of $cience! by ,ohn L. 6asti. 6asti& a mathematician by trainin$& discusses deep *uestions such as "What is the true nature of mankind7" (e considers *uantum reality& e%traterrestrial intelli$ence and the ori$in of life. )n each case he presents opposin$ 'ie!points and the e'idence for each and then puts on his -udicial hat and plops on one side or the other. A particularly neat feature of this book is that 6asti presents the social conte%t in !hich many famous scientists !orked and sho!s ho! their political and other beliefs contributed to their findin$s. !/ist%rbing the 0niverse! by "reeman Dyson. A physicist at the )nstitute for Ad'anced Studies at Princeton& Dyson !orked !ith many of the most famous names in the field includin$ Oppenheimer and "eynman. #he title of the book comes from a #. S. 2liot poem and ser'es to illustrate the breadth of the author8s interests. (e muses on many topics from inter-$alactic coloni+ation to nuclear and biolo$ical !eapons and has a keen feel for political reality. (is description of !ar years at .omber 6ommand in 2n$land is particularly !orth!hile. !"he )legant 0niverse! by .rian 4reene. A mar'elous e%position of the une%plained mysteries of physics !ith an especially lucid discussion of relati'ity. )f 2instein8s famous disco'ery still lea'es you bemused& this book !ill $i'e you understandin$. #he author is a stron$ proponent of Strin$ #heory and he e%plains ho! this may !ell be the theoretical underpinnin$ for the much sou$ht after 8theory of e'erythin$8. !Cosmic Coincidences: /ark *atter1 *an and #nthropic Cosmolog ! by ,ohn 4ribbin and 5artin ees. A science !riter and a physicist take you on an intri$uin$ tour of some of the most re'olutionary ideas to emer$e from science0 the particle +oo9 black holes9 cosmic strin$s9 $ra'itational lenses9 6openha$en and 5any Worlds interpretation of *uantum mechanics9 and much more. 6lear !ritin$. !Ph sics and &e ond! by Werner (eisenber$. #he debate is ra$in$ a$ain about !hether (eisenber$& head of the :a+i e*ui'alent of the 5anhattan Pro-ect& !as a coura$eous scientist !ho sabota$ed the effort or an incompetent mana$er !ho fell on his face. #here is no doubt that he !as one of the $reatest physicists of all time and his uncertainty principle is a cornerstone of our understandin$ of the uni'erse. (e muses on politics& history& reli$ion and other topics and reports on his con'ersations !ith other scientific $reats like 2instein& .ohr and Schrodin$er. !*argins of Realit ! by obert 4. ,ahn and .renda ,. Dunne. A former Dean of the School of 2n$ineerin$ at Princeton ;ni'ersity and a :ASA consultant ,ahn had a to!erin$ reputation !hich did not pre'ent 'ociferous attacks !hen he chose to in'esti$ate& usin$ ri$orous scientific

methodolo$y& sub-ects !hich !ere taboo then and are still lar$ely so. #he subtitle of the book is #he ole of 6onsciousness in the Physical World and he documents the results of his e%periments sho!in$ that consciousness and matter interact in measurable !ays. !Cosmic 2o and Local Pain: *%sing of a * stic $cientist! by (. 5oro!it+. A Yale professor of biophysics muses on his field durin$ a sabbatical and !hile on his sailboat in (a!aii. 5any simple& and some *uite comple%& topics in science - the importance of !ater in or$anic life& ener$y flo! and entropy - are made clear in simple lan$ua$e. !,h God ,on3t Go #wa : &rain $cience and the &iolog of &elief! by Andre! :e!ber$& 2u$ene D8A*uill and 3ince ause. 5ystics in many traditions speak of po!erful e%periences of unity& of mer$in$ !ith the uni'erse& of becomin$ one !ith the cosmos. 5ost persons dismiss such descriptions as metaphorical. .ut !hat if they are not7 5odern science has pro'ided us !ith e'er more po!erful tools to map the brain8s neuronic acti'ity. #he authors report on studies that sho! that there is& indeed& such a state of mer$in$ and it is associated !ith a uni*ue brain map. :eurotheolo$y is a ne! discipline and it poses interestin$ *uestions such as "Did 4od create the .rain or did the .rain create 4od7" !"he Cosmic Code: 4%ant%m Ph sics as the Lang%age of 5at%re! by (ein+ . Pa$els. Pa$els& former president of the :e! York Academy of Sciences& does a pretty $ood -ob of e%plainin$ ho! *uantum physics e'ol'ed from :e!tonian physics. (e clearly e%plains the e%perimental anomalies of the latter& !hich forced the "creation" of the former. (e also does an e%cellent -ob of describin$ the indi'idual contributions of the $reat physicists !ho flourished in the <=>?s and ho! the theoretical !ork of each tied in !ith that of others and cumulati'ely e'ol'ed a fundamental shift in physics. !,hat is Life6! by 2. Schrodin$er. A :obel Pri+e !innin$ physicist ponders on the implications of his disco'eries. "ate and free !ill9 science and reli$ion9 the physical basis of consciousness9 sub-ect-ob-ect differentiation9 and more. !"he *ind and the &rain: 5e%roplasticit #nd the Power of *ental 7orce! by ,effrey 5. Sch!art+ and Sharon .e$ley. #he mind can shape the brain. What you intensely& deeply 'isuali+e can lea'e a permanent imprint on your brain. 5any traditions say this& but until no! you had to take it on faith. :o! there is proof. .rain maps re'eal that thinkin$ does indeed create chan$es in brain !a'es. Also& the brain can re!ire itself. #he implications are profound and pro'ide scientific rationale for the mental e%ercises propounded by reli$ious teachers& sports coaches and many& many others. !&e ond the 4%ant%m: God1 Realit 1 Conscio%sness in the 5ew $cientific Revol%tion! by 5ichael #albot. Well !ritten book that e%plains recent scientific e%periments and !hy they are important. #rue& he selects only e%periments that further his point of 'ie!& but they are fascinatin$ any!ay. (is thesis is that science !ill one day e%plain& or at least accept& mysticism and the paranormal and e%plores !hy so many scientists oppose them 'iscerally. !4%ant%m 4%estions: * stical ,ritings of the ,orlds Great Ph sicists! - @en Wilber /editor1. 6ollection of !ritin$s from a pantheon of :obel Pri+e !inners0 (eisenber$& Schrodin$er& 2instein& de .ro$lie& Pauli& Planck and others. #he book makes the case that& contrary to :e! A$e thinkin$& contemporary physics does not "pro'e" mysticism. :e'ertheless& e'ery one of these $iants !as a mystic. )t attempts to e%plore !hy. "ascinatin$ readin$ as the to!erin$ fi$ures of modern science re'eal their personal beliefs and !orld 'ie!s. !/ancing ,% Li *asters : #n .verview of the 5ew Ph sics! by 4ary Auka'. Wu Li is supposedly the 6hinese !ord for physics. #his is in the same tradition as 6apra8s #ao of Physics and is 'ery readable. #he discussions of philosophical *uandaries like !hether Schrodin$er8s cat

is ali'e and the implications of the 2instein-Podolsky- osen e%periment are !ell done. #he last chapter& !hich deals !ith the limits of science& is fascinatin$. *anifestation

!*anifest +o%r /estin : "he 5ine $pirit%al Principles for Getting )ver thing +o% ,ant! by Wayne W. Dyer. A popular speaker and author& Dyer has other books you may !ish to e%plore includin$ " eal 5a$ic" and "Wisdom of the A$es." #his book is a $ood manual on ho! you can use mental forces to create a physical reality. 4ood tips on ho! to harness the po!er of the subconscious mind and the !hole has an e%plicitly spiritual underpinnin$ !hich is *uite common in this entire $enre. !"he -nstant *illionaire! by 5ark "isher. )t is a slim 'olume and !ritten as a fable in !hich a youn$ man seeks the secret of !ealth from an elderly millionaire mentor. )t discusses the po!er of focused thou$ht ho! to master your subconscious and many similar topics in an easy& con'incin$ style. 5any homilies such as& "Al!ays remember that at a certain hei$ht there are no clouds. )f there are clouds in your life& it8s because your soul has not soared hi$h enou$h. 5any people make the mistake of fi$htin$ a$ainst their problems. What you must do is raise yourself abo'e those problems once and for all. #he heart of the rose !ill lead you abo'e the clouds& !here the sky is fore'er clear. Don8t !aste your time chasin$ the clouds& they !ill unceasin$ly reappear..." !Creative 8is%ali9ation! by Shakti 4a!ain. An introduction and !orkbook for usin$ mental ener$y to transform your life. #here are many po!erful affirmations and 'isuali+ations alon$ !ith tips on meditation. #he startlin$ success of this book catapulted the author to :e! A$e cult status and she promptly started $i'in$ !orkshops and lectures to lar$e audiences. )f you do e%plore this !ork be sure to do the e%ercise on establishin$ your o!n sanctuary. !"hink and Grow Rich! by :apoleon (ill. )ndustrialist Andre! 6arne$ie& !ho may ha'e been the !orld8s richest man at the turn of the century& commissioned (ill to study the li'es of the !orlds richest and most successful men and come !ith a "success formula" that others could apply in their li'es. (e sur'eyed do+ens of the top leaders of his time includin$ #heodore oose'elt& ,ohn D. ockefeller& (enry "ord& Ale%ander 4raham .ell& 6larence Darro! and #homas A. 2dison and published his findin$s in a series of articles and papers. #his particular 'olume has become a cult classic and is one of the all-time bestsellers. A better book is the thicker tome& "#he La! of Success." !Ps cho-C bernetics! by 5a%!ell 5alt+. A plastic sur$eon& 5alt+ !as ama+ed at the psycholo$ical complications that !ere tied up !ith physical imperfections !hether real or ima$ined. (e found that his scalpel did not merely chan$e persons8 faces& they chan$ed their psyches as !ell and transformed many run do!n hacks into spirited char$ers. (e elaborates on !hat you can do to take char$e of your life usin$ !ell-tested psycholo$ical principles that make hea'y use of autosu$$estion. !"he Power of Positive "hinking! by :orman 3incent Peale. "or half a century Peale !as the belo'ed pastor of :e! York8s 5arble 6olle$iate 6hurch and an inspiration to $enerations of his con$re$ation. Still sellin$ briskly after more than forty years this book catapulted the author to preeminence as the confidant of presidents and the spiritual mentor of many mo'ers-and-shakers. Simply and po!erfully !ritten it calls for enlistin$ the help of ,esus 6hrist to sol'e a 'ariety of human problems.

!"he / namic Laws of Prosperit ! by 6atherine Ponder. Another book 'ery much alon$ the lines of #he Po!er of Positi'e #hinkin$. )n fact the author has been referred to as "the :orman 3incent Peale amon$ lady ministers." )t also talks about "prosperity la!s" and ho! to apply them in your o!n life. 4ood sections on $oal-settin$ and ho! to de'elop an attitude of abundance. Stron$ 6hristian reli$ious undertone. !Creating *one ! by Sanaya oman and Duane Packer. #his book !as supposedly transmitted to the authors by a pair of "bein$s of li$ht" !ho d!ell in the hi$her dimensions. )t is simple to read& !ell !ritten and contains many e%ercises that absolutely do !ork to help you on the stated $oal of achie'in$ !ealth. #here are t!o catches0 <1 You must ha'e an underlyin$ !orld 'ie! that is compatible !ith the e%ercises prescribed& and >1 #he time frame can sometimes be a 'ery lon$ one. !"he $cience of Getting Rich! by Wallace D. Wattles. One of the early classics& this book is still hi$hly rele'ant. "irst published in<=<?& it is one of the clearest e%positions of the La! of Wealth that ) ha'e come across. )t is a po!erful la! and it !orks.

Life changing books

!"he 7aith and Practice of #l-Gha9ali! translated by W. 5ont$omery Watt. .orn in ele'enth century Persia& Al-4ha+ali $a'e up a career as a distin$uished academic to become a !anderin$ ascetic. Widely acclaimed as the $reatest 5uslim after 5uhammad he makes a case for hi$her forms of human apprehension than the co$niti'e le'els of normal functionin$. (e absorbed the philosophical te%ts and trod the !ay of the mystics. (e presents his synthesis in simple lan$ua$e and deep con'iction. !Confessions! by St. Au$ustine of (ippo. One of the early $reat leaders of 6hristianity& Au$ustine !as a libertine deeply !edded to physical pleasure till his con'ersion at a$e thirty t!o. #his is a personal account of his search for truth& his !restlin$ !ith his libido and other passions& his repentance of his early !ays and the consecration of his life to ,esus. !&e (ere 5ow! by am Dass. "ormerly kno!n as ichard Alpert& am Dass !as a professor of psycholo$y !ho !as fired from (ar'ard because of his hi$hly public e%periments !ith psychedelic dru$s. (is subse*uent pere$rinations took him to )ndia !here he found his master and settled do!n to dru$-free spiritual practice. #he first part of the book is a brief autobio$raphy. #he $uy has a Ph. D. from Stanford and is !ell a!are of the mental $ames !e all play& particularly academics. #he third part consists of plain lan$ua$e essays on a 'ariety of topics such as money and ri$ht li'elihood& $ettin$ strai$ht& the rational mind& etc. #here are some $reat *uotes in this section. #he middle part is the kernel of the !alnut - a series of cryptic statements about ho! life8s odyssey really !orks. !Contact ,ith God! by Anthony de 5ello. A ,esuit priest& !ho passed a!ay une%pectedly in <=BC& de 5ello achie'ed international reno!n for the !orkshops he conducted for both priests and laypersons. #his book !as published posthumously from his retreat notes and deals !ith ho! to use prayer as a po!erful and effecti'e means of brin$in$ a spiritual presence into your life at all times& and also !hy you should stri'e to do this. You may also !ish to e%plore "A 6all to Lo'e&" !hich is a series of meditations& and "A!areness&" !hich !as compiled from !orkshop lectures. !"he ,a of a Pilgrim! by . 5. "rench. :obody kno!s !ho the Pil$rim !as or much about his antecedents. Written in ussian& the manuscript !as disco'ered years after his death and first published in <BBD. #he first 2n$lish edition came in <=E?. (e !as not only unkno!n but also

uneducated. (e !as crippled in one arm. (e !as dirt poor all his life and fre*uently destitute. Yet his touchin$ account of his unrelentin$ search for enli$htenment has ra! po!er that has inspired countless others. And& despite his penurious out!ard circumstances& he found the "peace !hich passeth all understandin$" by usin$ a simple de'ice. ead it to find out !hat and ho! and try to do like!ise. !"he #rt of *editation! by ,oel 4oldsmith. A mystic himself& 4oldsmith takes you by the hand and sho!s you ho! to meditate in simple& uncomplicated steps. Whether you find it easy or impossibly difficult depends on the stren$th of your intent. 4oldsmith is unambi$uous about the process& the e%perience and the fruits. !"he *iracle of *indf%lness! by #hich :hat (ahn. A 3ietnamese Aen master& !ho no! li'es in e%ile in "rance& #hich :hat (ahn8s !ritin$ is both $entle and insistent. (e !ell kno!s human foibles and the spirit of compassion is palpable. #he book contains anecdotes and e%ercises desi$ned to help you practice mindfulness& the eastern skill of bein$ a!ake and fully a!are. As common in .uddhist traditions& breath is the 'ehicle used to brin$ you to mindfulness. #he e%ercises !ill brin$ you rela%ation& peace and e'entually self-a!areness. !"he $pirit%al )'ercise of $t. -gnati%s! by St. )$natius of Loyola. A Spanish nobleman& )$natius of Loyola left court life to enter the army. eco'erin$ from se'ere !ounds suffered at the battle of Pamplona he read se'eral books by and about the early saints and under!ent a remarkable con'ersion that led to his han$in$ up his s!ord at the .enedictine monastery of 5ontserrat. (e entered priesthood& founded the ,esuit order and !as its first superior-$eneral. While practicin$ austerities and meditation he under!ent mystical e%periences !hich formed the basis for this book. #hese are po!erful contemplati'e e%ercises. !"he -mitation of Christ! by #homas A. @empis. A 4erman-born fourteenth century man& relati'ely little is kno!n about #homas of @empis. 2'en the attribution of this !ork to him has been contested. )t is a po!erful and simple interpretation of the teachin$s of ,esus and the attitude needed to benefit from them in daily life. )mmensely practical& it does not d!ell on theolo$ical points. )t $oes instantly to the heart of man8s predicament0 (o! to $ain happiness and freedom from sufferin$ by learnin$ the #ruth. !"he Practice of the Presence of God! by .rother La!rence. :icholas (erman of Lorraine& a footman and soldier& uneducated and lo!born& entered a 6armelite monastery in se'enteenth century "rance. .y the time he died at a$e ei$hty he !as kno!n as .rother La!rence and deeply re'ered for his saintliness. #he latter trait sho!s throu$h in this book& particularly in the spiritual ma%ims and $athered thou$hts. Practical& de'otional and inspirational. !"he Gospel of $ri Ramakrishna! by S!ami :ikhilananda. amakrishna !as the untutored nineteenth century mystic and sa$e !ho proclaimed& throu$h personal e%perience& that the endpoints of the !orld8s ma-or reli$ions !ere identical. #he best !estern account of his life and times is 6hristopher )sher!ood8s " amakrishna and his Disciples." #his book is a translation of a .en$ali !ork that recounts details of his con'ersations !ith his disciples and 'isitors. 5uch of amakrishna8s teachin$s !ere throu$h parables. !"he "eachings of $ri Ramana *aharshi! - edited by Arthur Osborne. amana 5aharshi !as the )ndian saint introduced to the West by Paul .runton in Search in Secret )ndia. An e%ponent of the philosophical system of Ad'aita 3edanta& he espoused the short& direct solution to the human predicament - self en*uiry. Steady and continuous in'esti$ation into the nature of the mind transforms the mind and resol'es it into its source. !"he #%tobiograph of $t. "eresa of #vila! - translated and edited by 2. Allison Peers. She !as in her late teens !hen she entered a 6armelite con'ent in Spain in <FEE. A series of 'isions

helped her find her life8s !ork helpin$ reform the mo'ement and brin$in$ it back to austere !ays and its spiritual roots. #he book is a mo'in$ description of her trials and tribulations& early doubts and ho! she al!ays found stren$th !hen she needed it most. Paradigm b%sters

!Getting )ver thing +o% Can .%t of #ll +o%3ve Got! by ,ay Abraham. ,ay Abraham has incredibly profound and useful marketin$ insi$hts. (e also has a finely nuanced understandin$ of ho! spiritual principles affect !ealth and ho! it is built. !"he -nner Game of "ennis! by #imothy W. 4all!ey. #here is the tennis that you play on the court. And then there is the tennis you play in your head. #he latter is much more important and $reatly influences the former. 2%cellent tips on ho! to break out of bad habits in strokes of all kinds. .reak out of them effortlessly by substitutin$ ne! $ood habits. #he same techni*ues !ork as !ell in life. A classic and it is easy to understand !hy it became a bestseller. !$ nchronicit : "he -nner Path of Leadership! by ,oseph ,a!orski. ,a!orski is a successful la!yer from a distin$uished family in the profession. (is father !as the Water$ate Special Prosecutor. #his book is a chronicle of his -ourney from hard char$in$& hi$h li'in$ attorney to a thou$htful e%ponent of the principles of relationships and interconnectedness. (e $i'es interestin$ accounts of ho! he came to reali+e that !e create the !orld in !hich !e li'e and ho! there is an underlyin$ unity in the uni'erse& !hich embraces animate and inanimate matter. !#t (ome in the 0niverse: "he $earch for the Laws of $elf-.rgani9ation and Comple'it ! by Stuart @auffman. @auffman is a renaissance scientist& flittin$ easily bet!een physics& biolo$y and the history of science. (e makes a po!erful case that e'olution by natural selection& the essence of Dar!inism& is only a part of reality. 6omple% entities& from me$alopolises to me$a corporations& "self or$ani+e" accordin$ to rules of comple%ity theory that are only be$innin$ to be understood. #here is profound hope for sol'in$ many of humankind8s most intractable problems if this is true. )n any e'ent& the book is fascinatin$ readin$. !P%nished b Rewards! by Alfie @ohn. Our entire society is based on the concept of re!ards and incenti'es. #eachers hand out stickers to kinder$artners. (uman esources 'ice presidents a$oni+e o'er merit pay raises. .est sellers ad'ise mana$ers to catch employees doin$ somethin$ ri$ht and then praise them. @ohn ar$ues that this is a fundamentally fla!ed approach because punishment and re!ard are t!o sides of the same coin. )n his 'ie! re!ards rupture relationships& discoura$e risk-takin$ and actually reduce intrinsic moti'ation. (e also propounds alternati'es. !,hen Corporations R%le the ,orld! by Da'id 6. @orten. We operate under the assumption that liberal democracy& as !e understand it& is the "best" form of $o'ernment and the prescription to sal'ation for third !orld countries as !ell as fallen communists like the many countries released by the fall of the ;SS . @orten& a former (ar'ard .usiness School professor& asserts that the market system spa!ned by this form of $o'ernment is actually responsible for much of !hat ails humanity. )nstitutions such as the World .ank and the )nternational 5onetary "und are capti'es of the system and perpetuate it to the detriment of entire countries and peoples. 6orporate colonialism has replaced the other kind and is $reatly e%acerbatin$ ine*uality of all kinds. !Ps chic ,arrior! by Da'id 5orehouse. )n the cold !ar era the 6)A funded a top secret psychic espiona$e pro$ram. 5orehouse !as one of the small number of trained psychics !ho !ere part of that pro$ram and he recounts his tales of the ri$orous trainin$ and double blind tests of 'alidity. (is story is that he broke philosophically !ith the 6)A because somethin$ as

miraculous as remote 'ie!in$ !as a $ift to humankind and he did not like it bein$ used solely as an espiona$e tool. "acin$ court martial for improper disclosure of classified material& he !as dischar$ed from the army and $enerally harassed. 5uch of !hat he says - in terms of results obtainable - has been independently corroborated by researchers at other institutions such as the Princeton 2n$ineerin$ Anomalies Laboratory. 5orehouse8s account is self-ser'in$ in some !ays and you mi$ht !ant to look up ,im Schnabel8s " emote 3ie!ers" for a -ournalist8s perspecti'e of the same e'ents. !"he $even Laws of *one ! by 5ichael Phillips. Phillips has had a checkered career in and out of corporate life. (e !as a bank e%ecuti'e and one of the persons !ho helped set up !hat is no! 5astercard. #akes a hard& candid look at some of our dilemmas re$ardin$ money and also posits some unusual rules that $o'ern the money in our li'es. See if you can relate to this0 "#he treadmill is a common e%ample. People !ork hard to pro'ide themsel'es and their families !ith !orldly $oods& ne! and better toys& better appliances. )ts somethin$ !e -oke about so often keepin$ up !ith the ,oneses. Yet the process of !orkin$ for more money so consumes our time and is considered so 'alid by our peers that !e ne'er stop to consider our 'alues& our priorities." )f this strikes a chord& read the book. !.ld $o%ls: "he $cientific )vidence for Past Lives! by #om Shroder. Shroder& a Washin$ton Post -ournalist& reports on the !ork of Dr. )an Ste'enson& professor at the ;ni'ersity of 3ir$inia& !ho has documented more than t!o thousand cases of reincarnation. Guite a skeptic !hen he be$an Shroder traipsed behind the $ood doctor in remote parts of the !orld and personally !itnessed his research procedures and field!ork. (e found the e'idence o'er!helmin$ and there !ere cases on many continents. :o! he too echoes Dr. Ste'enson8s refrain& "Why7" Why !ill the scientific community still not accept such findin$s7 Why is there reluctance to e'en study the sub-ect more closely $i'en the immense amount of $round!ork that has already been done7 Scientists ha'e open minds& ri$ht7 Or do they7 !,ritings on an )thical Life! by Peter Sin$er. A collection of essays from many of his pre'ious !orks& this book !ill make you think. Sin$er is the poster child for animal ri$hts and he decries 8speciesism8 or the unthinkin$ assumption that human life is more sacred than any other. (e also has uncon'entional 'ie!s on abortion& po'erty and ho! to alle'iate it and a host of similar topics. When Princeton offered him a professorship& !ealthy donors like Ste'e "orbes threatened to !ithhold support. (e certainly arouses stron$ feelin$s. (is lo$ic is unassailable and he lays his ar$uments on clearly articulated assumptions.

"ho%ght provokers

!:en and the #rt of *aking a Living! by Laurence 4. .oldt. #he subtitle of this book is "A Practical 4uide to 6reati'e 6areer Desi$n" and it is that and more. #he best book& by far& that ) ha'e come across on ho! to identify !hat your stren$ths are& ho! to 'isuali+e your ideal -ob and ho! to $o about brin$in$ it into e%istence. (undreds of inspirin$ *uotes and do+ens of thou$htful checklists. )f you $o throu$h this book !ith care& it !ill assuredly be life chan$in$ in addition to thou$ht pro'okin$. !"he #lchemist: # 7able #bo%t 7ollowing +o%r /ream! by Paulo 6oelho. #his is easy readin$& but it is profound and has more layers than an onion. )t is !ritten like a parable - a form of e%position to !hich ) am addicted - and talks about a shepherd boy !ho sets out to disco'er a $reat treasure and the stran$e persona$es !ho help him alon$ the !ay. ) hope that this book !ill inspire you to reach for your Personal Le$end. You !ill understand !hen you read it.

!C%ltivating -nner Peace! by Paul . "leischman. #he author tries to deli'er on the title by definin$ "inner peace" and outlinin$ simple steps that can be taken to reach the state !here the noise and 'iolence is all outside you. (e makes reference to po!erful role models such as ,ohn 5uir& Walt Whitman& 4andhi& #horeau and #a$ore and dra!s lessons from their pri'ations and methods of dealin$ !ith them. !"he Reinvention of ,ork! by 5atthe! "o%. A defrocked Dominican priest& "o% is a cultfi$ure in his o!n ri$ht. (e has !ritten a thou$htful treatise on the meanin$ of !ork as opposed to -obs. (ere is a *uote0 "...-obs are to !ork as lea'es are to a tree. )f a tree is ailin$ the lea'es !ill fall. "iddlin$ !ith lea'es is not $oin$ to cure an ailin$ tree9 -ust as one cures an ailin$ tree by treatin$ its roots& so !e cure the crisis in !ork by treatin$ the root meanin$ and purpose of !ork." Dra!in$ on the e%perience of mystics from all parts of the $lobe and tyin$ it to a modern frame!ork he offers an alternati'e 'ision of the definition of !ork& the compensation of !ork and its infusion !ith ritual and healin$. !,herever o% go1 "here o% are! by ,on @abat-Ainn. A beautiful title& and the statement is indisputable. @abat-Ainn is a stress reduction specialist !ith the ;ni'ersity of 5assachusetts 5edical 6enter and talks about action& patience& simplicity& trust& $enerosity and similar topics. 6hapters are brief and there are e%ercises at the end of many. !:en: /awn in the ,est! by Philip @apleau. "ounder of the famous Aen center at ochester& oshi @apleau made Aen accessible to Americans by strippin$ a!ay the cultural out$ro!ths !hile retainin$ the essence. #his book contains discourses& dialo$ues& ans!ers to *uestions& letters and commentaries on te%ts. (e $i'es practical instructions on such matters as !hat are un!holesome thou$hts and ho! should one $et rid of them. (is earlier book& !# Path with (eart: # G%ide "hro%gh the Perils and Promises of $pirit%al Life! by ,ack @ornfeld. #rained as a psycholo$ist& @ornfeld has a deep appreciation of the human predicament. (e talks about spiritual practice& the difficulties inherent in the path and methods of copin$ !ith them. #he lan$ua$e is simple and the meditation e%ercises *uite po!erful. 4ood e%planations of such phenomena as the "dark ni$ht" mentioned by St. ,ohn and descriptions of altered states. !"hink on "hese "hings! by ,. @rishnamurti. An e%cellent compilation from public talks $i'en by @rishnamurti in many settin$s. (e fields *uestions on ambition& attention& simplicity of life& self discipline and like topics. (e is penetratin$ly lucid and rather sharp at times but al!ays uncon'entional. (is $oal is to break you out of mental stupor and his discourses on the nature of mind and thinkin$ do a fine -ob of this. !,hat +o% "hink is ,hat +o% Get: Reali9ing +o%r Creative Power and "r%e Potential! by 4eor$e La'enia. Another of those books that tell you that you create your !orld and e'erythin$ in it. #hat you are responsible for anythin$ in your life that is not !orkin$ !ell and can chan$e it at !ill. What makes it different is the simplicity of e%position and the po!er of the e%amples and the *uotes& sayin$s and meditations. Sa'or it like a fine !ine and spend hours follo!in$ each train of thou$ht it opens up. )t !ill be time !ell spent. !*one and the *eaning of Life! by ,acob :eedleman. 5oney is the $reat taboo in our society. We scramble after it and animatedly discuss !hat ballplayers& celebrities and chief e%ecuti'es make. We do not e'er discuss !hat money means to us& !hat compromises !e make in life in our o!n *uest for it and ho! bi$ a place it occupies in our thinkin$ and actions. :eedleman& a philosophy professor& discusses such topics as the limits of material happiness and !hether money can buy lo'e. #his book !ill help you accept and come to terms !ith money in your o!n life.

!"he Corrosion of Character! by ichard Sennet. #his is a series of essays and reports on inter'ie!s !ith bakers& barmaids and ad'ertisin$ e%ecuti'es. #here are ruminations on the nature of !ork and time in our ne! post-industrial economy and ho! the ad'anta$e of fle%ibility may perhaps be more than o'ershado!ed by the loss of a sense of purpose. 5any *uestions& fe! ans!ers& but then the author does not belie'e that there are any easy ans!ers. !-nner Revol%tion! by obert #hurman. A one time buddhist monk& personally ordained by the Dalai lama& #hurman is no! a professor at 6olumbia ;ni'ersity and a mini celebrity in his o!n ri$ht. (e has done as much as anyone to focus attention on the pli$ht of #ibet and the atrocities it has been sub-ected to. )n this book he ar$ues that the "cool re'olution" launched by the .uddha& as opposed to re'olutions that in'ol'e 'iolence and bloodshed& is a model !orth emulatin$ and a phenomenon that is still far from ha'in$ run its course. (e tellin$ly makes the point that military pro!ess cannot be e*uated !ith $reater ci'ili+ation and presents an alternate 'ision of ho! $o'ernments and citi+ens can relate to each other. !"he Power of 5ow: # G%ide to $pirit%al )nlightenment! by 2ckhart #olle. #he story $oes that #olle& at a$e >=& under!ent a profound spiritual e%perience that destroyed his pre'ious identity and plun$ed him into an in!ard -ourney that led to enli$htenment. #here are certainly !ell documented instances of somethin$ similar in spiritual literature& but don8t !aste your time tryin$ to fi$ure out if this is 8true8. "ocus on !hether !hat he says is helpful to your -ourney. (e has much to offer and the discussions of psycholo$ical time and the ha'oc it can !reak are profound. )t has become a best seller and !ell deser'es to. !* stics1 *asters1 $aints1 and $ages: $tories of )nlightenment! by obert ;llman and ,udyth eichenber$-;llman. 2nli$htenment is a $oal in many traditions and many are the tra'elers !ho ha'e arri'ed there. 2ach ser'es as a uni*ue beacon that appeals to still others. #his book is a collection of the enli$htenment e%periences of se'eral masters ran$in$ from the supremely !ell kno!n such as the .uddha& St. ,ohn of the 6ross and amana 5aharshi to the relati'ely unkno!n such as Su+anne Se$al and A. (. Almaas. )n most cases the accounts are in their o!n !ords and the cultural conte%ts come across clearly. !Conversations with God: &ook -! by :eale Donald Walsch. )t purports to be a con'ersation !ith the .i$ 6heese - the author poses the *uestions and transcribes ans!ers& !hich appear automatically. )t has been on the :e! York #imes bestseller list for ni$h on t!o years. Despite these t!o strikes a$ainst it& it has profound insi$hts into the nature of human sufferin$& life and liberation. Particularly $ood e%planation of ho! thou$ht leads to manifestation.

&%siness ; *anagement < <

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