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In the 1930s, a terrible drought

It didnt rain. Nothing

George E. Marsh Album//NOAA/AP Images

Ferocious dust

A violent dust
storm rages
toward the town
of Stratford,
Texas, 1935.

Scholastic Scope MARCH 12, 2012





struck America.
would grow.
storms turned the sky black.


that you were there.

this incredible story. MARCH 12, 2012

This is a story about an
environmental disaster. As you
read, think about the connection
between the land and the
humans who live on it.

By Alex Porter
and Kristin Lewis
saac Ike Osteen rolled
down the window of his
car, letting the breeze
blow in. The air felt
eerily hot, but Ike, 17,
was so busy chatting

with his two friends that he didnt

really pay attention. It was April
14, 1935. High school graduation
was only a month away. As Ike

After a storm, piles of dirt

could be 20 feet high. Dust
would seep into houses,
ruining everything inside.

drove his friends to town in Baca

excitedly about their plans.

farmhouse as fast as they could.

But the storm moved faster.

in damp rags to filter out the

grit. Farmers would smear their

When the blast hit, it knocked them

nostrils with Vaseline to keep their

very strange: In the sky, thousands

to the ground, enveloping them in

nasal passages from clogging and

of birds, squawking and shrieking

choking dust.

bleeding. The dust made everyone

Then they noticed something

and cawing, were frantically flying

Ike and his friends were caught

sick, especially children and the

south. Hundreds of rabbits were

in Black Sunday, the worst dust

elderly, who contracted dust

scampering across the ground. The

storm in American history.

pneumonia. Many of them died.

animals seemed terrifiedlike they

were trying to escape.
But from what?

Dust Everywhere
Dust storms were nothing new

It hadnt always been this way.

True, the Great Plains had
always had severe weatherbitter

to Ike. For the past few years, they

winters and scorching summers,

jolt. Bzzt! Electricity shot through

had been ravaging the Great Plains,

with periods of drought and

the car, shorting it out. He and his

a large area of mostly treeless,

flooding. Indeed, for thousands

friends leapt out of the car.

flat grassland that extends from

of years, these extremes had

northern Texas all the way to

been a normal part of the region.

horizon, a monstrous cloud of

Canada. Each time a storm hit, the

In fact, the Great Plains had

dust, hundreds of feet high. It was

dust would get into everything

accommodated all kinds of life.

a swirling, churning, roaring mass.

kitchens, bedrooms, hair, nails,

Buffalo had grazed on the long,

mouths. Families would cower

thick grasses; small bands of

inside their homes, faces wrapped

American Indians had followed

Suddenly, Ike felt a powerful

And then they saw it: on the

They ran toward a nearby

Go to
e for

our in
ble Du
st Bow
Scholastic Scope MARCH 12, 2012
l vide

Top: Arthur Rothstein/Corbis; Opposite Page: Bettmann/Corbis (2); map: Jim McMahon/Mapman

County, Colorado, they talked

these vast herds across the prairies.

By the time Ikes father moved

Money to Be Made

They ate the eggs laid by their hens

When Ike was growing up, daily

and carried water from a well.

to Baca County in 1909, those days

life was often a struggle for him and

were long gone. In the late 1800s,

his family. His house was a dugout:

loved the frontier. He loved the

a new generation of frontiersmen

a one-room home built into a hill,

golden wheat fields in autumn.

had arrived. They were determined

with walls made of sod, or soil. He

He loved the smell of the hay in the

to make this vast and unsettled

shared this room with his parents

barn. He loved listening to his dad

region their own. In short order,

and eight siblings.

play music with his friends, their

Life was far from easy, but Ike

the buffalo were hunted almost

Throughout the spring, Ikes

fiddles echoing through the night.

to extinction, then the American

mother would pour boiling water

But this way of life didnt last.

Indians were forced to move to

over the walls to kill the bugs that

Ikes father fell ill and died. At

reservations. Ranchers fenced

appeared every morning. On winter

the age of 12, Ike went to work,

off the open prairies and let their

nights, the family burned cow dung

determined to help his family.

cattle feed on the rich grasses.

to keep warm. They raised cattle,

Thankfully, the rains had been

which provided milk and cream

abundant throughout the

that could be traded for supplies.

1920s. Crops flourished.

But the ranchers didnt last. They

were soon pushed out by farmers

like the Osteens, who ripped out

the tall grasses to plant crops.
Then the dust storms arrived.
Nature was out of balance.


Area of the
greatest damage

Dust Bowl





Baca County




Los Angeles


New Mexico





Only portions of the

original route remain.

Scale of Miles






LEFT: The dust was especially hard on

the lungs. TOP: Many families in the
Great Plains lived in dugouts like this. MARCH 12, 2012

There was money to be made

a tractor. Thousands of others had

buried. Cows went blind. Animals

helping plow fields. Ike gave every

the same idea.

choked to death, their bellies

penny he earned to his mom.

No One Listened
By the 1930s, grain prices were
falling and farmers in the Great

Soon, millions of acres were

transformed into a new landscape.
The prairies vanished, replaced by
endless rows of corn and wheat.
There were some who raised

swollen with dust. Soon, the region

was being called the Dust Bowl.
As Kansas author Avis D. Carlson
wrote, We live with the dust, eat
it, sleep with it, watch it strip us

Plains were in trouble. To make

concerns about these farming

of possessions and the hope of

ends meet, they had to plant more

techniques. Another drought,


grain. So they ripped out more and

they said, was sure to come. Crops

Sure enough, crops died, and

more grassland to make room.

would choke. Things could get bad.

Ike watched Baca County fall apart.

And why shouldnt they? At

the time, Americans thought the
supply of land was limitless. The
government had declared that land
was one resource that cannot be
used up. Ike earned extra money
helping neighbors turn their

But the dream of prosperity was too

alluring, and no one listened.
Mother Nature, however, was
about to strike back.

Black Rollers
By 1932, the grim predictions

Then came Black Sunday.

A New Era
Black Sunday was far worse
than anything Ike had seen.
Eventually, he and his friends
managed to grope their way into

prairie land into farmable soil

had come true. The Great

the farmhouse. By then, the world

by tearing out the top layer with

Plains was hit by record-

had gone pitch-black; the dust had

breaking heat and

blotted out the sun. They waited

relentless drought.

while the storm howled outside,

Temperatures soared

rattling the house like a babys toy.

to 115 degrees.

Hours later, in the quiet of

Ikes mom tried to

dawn, they emerged into a world

cool their dugout

that had changed forever. The

by dousing it with

storm had been hundreds of miles

water, which quickly

wide. It had blown all the way to

sizzled into steam.

New York City. It had dumped 12

Fields were baked

million tons of dust on Chicago. It

into powder. Soil,

even reached ships 300 miles off

once held in place by

the Atlantic coast.

the tough, drought-

Prairie residents would later say

grass, dried out and

era. That day was a wake-up call.

blizzards of dirt.

The country realized that humans

These black

Scholastic Scope MARCH 12, 2012

heralded the beginning of a new

winds, kicking up

But the truth is that Black Sunday

blew away in the high

During the 1930s, America went through an economic

crisis called the Great Depression. Thousands lost
their homes, their savings, everything. Desperate and
starving, millions waited in bread lines like this one.

that it was the end of the world.

had devastated the land, and that

rollers could funnel

land was not a limitless resource.

as high as 10,000 feet

If they didnt do something, the

into the sky. Cars

dust storms would return.

and buildings were

In the coming years,


resistant prairie

government officials worked to

restore the Great Plains. They
replanted grasses and millions
of trees. They dispatched relief
workers, equipped with new
farming practices that would be
less harmful. It worked. Today,
many areas have been restored.

Nothing Comes Close

More than 2.5 million people
fled the Dust Bowl in the 1930s
many to California. For them,

POETRY connection

This is a
poem from
the awardwinning
Out of the
Dust, about
a young girl
in Oklahoma
during the
Dust Bowl

the dream of a prosperous farm

life had faded. As far as they were
concerned, nature had spoken, and
the message was clear: Go away.
So what about Ike Osteen?
Eventually, the drought in
Baca County ended and the rains

Go to Scope
Online for the
whole poem.

returned. By then, most of Ikes

lives in happier places. Ike had
moved on too. After graduating
from high school (second in his
and traveled the country. He fought
in World War II. Many years later,

By Karen Hesse
It started out as snow,
big flakes
catching on my sweater,
lacy on the edges of my sleeves.
Snow covered the dust,
softened the fences,
soothed the parched lips
of the land.
And then it changed,
halfway between snow and rain,
glazing the earth.
Until at last
it slipped into rain,
light as mist.

family had moved on, starting new

class!), he worked on the railroads


From OUT OF THE DUST by Karen

Hesse. Copyright 1997 by
Karen Hesse. Reprinted by
permission of Scholastic Inc.

Why do
you think
this poem
is called

It was the kindest

kind of rain
that fell.

he returned to Baca County, the

lived through the Dust Bowl can

times are, he thinks. Nothing can

understand. When he hears others

come close to the horror of those

His life has been fulfilling. He has

complain about hard times, he

long years, when simply taking a

a resilience that only those who

shrugs. They dont know what hard

breath could kill you.

land he had always loved so dearly.

Today, Ike is well into his 90s.


Connect the Genres

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