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Presentation on Fast Food Group showed that they were familiar with the literature relate to the topic

(Ritzer, Barber, Watson). Linkages were made with the course. Definitions of globalization, fast food etc meant that the foundations of the presentation were well laid before going off into more detailed case studies. Good presentation coherent and well presented. Questions answered satisfactorily. Maybe it would have been interesting to make a deeper connection with how other changes in lifestyle led to the uptake in fast food. How did those cultural changes effect other parts of ones culture? Food on the go, dinner as the time when families would sit together, how we came to view food, food as cheap and convenient, etc. Was it linked to younger populations? The impact of Fordism on techniques of food service. Maybe look at the knock on effects of this in terms of the commercialization of agriculture. Increase in meat consumption. How did the impact of McDonalds change over time? Did move from being a food experience to being a wider cultural exchange? You bought into a lifestyle rather than simply a hamburger? Elements of glocalization were well covered. But beyond glocalization the fast food industry has itself changed. Could also look at how fast food fits in today with the global world economy commercialization of agriculture, labour conditions, contracts, hygiene, standardization. Has the shift to healthier eating been an anti-globalization movement? Has it been coopted by the fast food industry? Are McDonalds salads really healthy? Is subway healthy? Maybe more interesting is the rise of other foods as fast foods shwarma, sushi, falafel, hummus, How do more recent food corporations match up to McDonalds Nandos, starbucks (strategies for expansion). What is the future of fast food? Breakfast bars? Why do we need to spend time eating? Comments from class: Too much text on slides, more analysis, slow food movement should have been explored more comprehensively as an anti-globalization movement. A-

Presentation on Global Fundamentalisms The presentation required a more analytical approach rather than the largely descriptive one that was adopted. This would also have allowed presenters to engage more with their audience. Descriptive approaches also means that slides tend to get very dense. There was also not enough of a linkage made between the sections. Tjat weakened the overall linkage with globalization which is clearly present but was not brought out because so much time was spent on giving out information. There is always a need to tell the audience what it is that you are trying to say and then to tell them that this is what we have argued. Al Qaeda section has substantial potential to be an essay that shows the two way effects of globalization. How was Al Qaeda a reaction to globalization (poverty, inequality, imperialism, McDonalidization) but also how Al Qaeda is a child of globalization spurred on by recent communication developments, impacted by global events such as the Afghan war. Globalization will change religious fundamentalism and movements as much as they change the course of events. Christianity is changing rapidly and soon will no longer be the religion of affluent, white Euro Americans. Why did we speak of Jewish Fundamentalism? Not explained as to how it fits into the wider presentation. Could have been framed by saying that Islamic fundamentalism is not the only type of extremist behavior. Similarly, the section on migration could have been reduced and the lead in and linkage to sectarianism should have been stronger in terms of the engendered cultural changes. Presentation was a little long. B/BBibliography and references are a must!

Films and Globalization Group did well to set up the presentation and show that various readings had been completed . Literature review was sound and presentation attempted to be analytical. Background was well compiled. Interesting analysis of language and accents as a form of globalization but not made clear enough. Disney. In Disney maybe look at how global stereotypes are reinforced in films gender, beauty, racial. Bollywood has gone global and is an excellent case study because it represents a response to globalization of Hollywood but is not alternate cinema but a mainstream alternative. But you can also look at how globalization has effected Bollywood. Diasporic audiences have necessitated changes. More shooting abroad, more diasporic characters mainly to cater to a more global audience. International markets are lucrative markets. But Bollywood has ventured into more than simply diasporic markets. Arab and Nigerian viewers. Why the allure of it? Slide on Dreamworld of globalization was excellent. Slumdog Millionaire is a more problematic issue. The way I would tackle it is to see it as a film that represents the elements of globalization (essay) that we have looked at in the course slums, prostitution, inequality, Alternate cinema presentation was excellent good literature review, well presented. But the presentation got too long by then. Presenters needed to engage more with their audience. Inter-linkages not that strong between sections. B

Globalization and Music Interesting start with linkage to phases of globalization and evolution of music But then did not really relate the history of music to globalization. The section became too descriptive and therefore overlong. Talk of globalization begins with rock, pop and then the internet. No academic references. The transition between topics was not smooth and the linkages between them was not made clear. The overall presentation looked like a series of separate presentations and little collaboration or overall vision. Question to answer may have been how globalization affected music (Beetles in 60s) to how music affects globalization. Jazz, hip hop etc were made by globalization and they have had global effects. There is an essay here but the topic was made incidental in the presentation. Lots of interesting themes and issues but not brought together in a conclusion. Manaal Khalids presentation could have been the presentation by itself. You have not learnt from one another. What is the linkage between music, capitalism and globalization? Could have concentrated on world music alone as presentation topic. Good analysis including questions of deterritorialisation and cultural identities, migration and diaspora. Solid background, beetles in the 1960s and onwards. What social changes led to the growth in world music? Reggae is a good example and fusion could have been part of this discussion. Social movements and music - how do we move from world music to social movements? Is it not episodic as a presentation? Are we trying to argue that music become a medium for reflecting global issues? Racism, segregation white power. Why music? Power of icons? Why is music a global phenomenaband aid, live aid. Michael Jackson as a global phenomena - interesting idea. Was initially unconvinced but has some potential. Why global? How did he become global? What other socio-economic factors (media - MTV, communication, US economic power etc) led to Jackson becoming a global icon.

Crime Interesting presentation, coherent and well presented. But again avoid the tendency to present a series of mini-presentations. You have not met and discussed this presentation which is why everyone has made a separate presentation. It does not come together. Why has globalisation and how has globalisation changed the arms trade? Cocaine is an excellent topic but now need to go into far greater detail. Where is it produced? If not Peru then central America (transit) Where is it distributed (global) Where are the drug traffickers relocating Are they involved in other criminal networks? Linkages between criminal networks. For example Al Qaeda and the opium trade. Drugs often linked to arms trade as well. All underground criminal networks. Tackled through global laws. How does it effect Narco states? Wildlife Value chain highlighting was excellent. Also interesting was the global responses - google earth and whaling. Make linkages with the global throughout environment, biodiversity, consumers are also global, the loss will be global as well. Cyber Crime - Frame the presentation and say how it links first with globalisation. Just because cyber space is so vast do not assume that makes it automatically global. I know this is global but why? Cyber criminals connected and victims are across the world. Losses to global economy. How will you draw all the three separate segments together? Top and tail are very important. Multi Nationals and Globalisation Good start to the presentation by linking globalisation and multi-national companies though the topic was such that you could not get away from that. Definitions were good for globalisation and MNCs. Sets the foundations of the presentation.

MNCs and the environment - good but explain why you have chosen to do this. Are MNCs all villains? Are they responsible for destruction of the environment? Maybe? Any positive impacts? Why are MNCs able to pllute the way that they do? Is it weak states? Should they lead the world in ethics? Nikes propagandado you believe it all? Maybe this section had too much space. Critique it and/or reduce it. Found the presentation interesting because it showed just how people with social science backgrounds can provide an insight to business practices. May have been important to look at corporate social responsibility. Question though arises in over what the motivations of corporate giants are. Is it window dressing? Or are they really caring brands? Does the caring brand sense a business opportunity? Political Sphere of MNCs - good literature review. Other sections had far fewer academic references. power of advertising and the power of MNCs that often have higher profits than developing countries GNPs. how does the power of the MNC translate to their political influence in weak states? Race to the bottom? Does the country benefit? How can it benefit? Chad. The section on advertising and the cultural differences in advertising was interesting. Different audiences require different strategies despite the brands being global. Standardization vs Glcalization. Expand to essay.

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