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"# %&'(%)*

In fho !nIfod Sfnfos Courf of AonIs for fho Tonfh CIrcuIf

I!IK KITCHI, of nI.,


CA!Y !. HI!II!T, In hIs offIcInI cnncIfy ns Covornor of !fnh, nnd
SIA . !IYIS, In hIs offIcInI cnncIfy ns Affornoy ConornI of !fnh,


SHI!!II SWISO, ns SnIf !nko Counfy CIork,


On nonI from fho !.S. IsfrIcf Courf for fho IsfrIcf of !fnh,
Tho HonornbIo !oborf J. ShoIby rosIdIng, Cnso o. 2:l3-CV-002l? !JS

,-./0 "0 122/334567 84-9 :# ;/-</-6 45= >/45 ?# :/9/7

Wnrnor orcross & Judd !!I
lll !yon Sfroof, W. Sfo. 900
Crnnd !nIds, MI 49503

l2550 W. IxIoror r., Sfo. l00
IoIso, I 83?l3

SocInI AssIsfnnf Affornoy
ChIof oufy Affornoy ConornI
ChIof of Sfnff & CounsoI ConornI
l60 Insf 300 Soufh
SnIf !nko CIfy, !T 84ll4-0856
80l-366-0l00 (hono)

@:1A 1:8BCD!E :DFBD>ED?
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l
1??GEG@!1A H@B!>DA

Assf. !T Affornoys ConornI
l60 Insf 300 Soufh
SnIf !nko CIfy, !fnh 84ll4-0856

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 2
E1,AD @I H@!ED!E>

TAI!I OI A!THO!ITIIS ..................................................................... Iv
I!IO! O! !I!ATI AIIIA!S .......................................................... xIv
IT!O!CTIO ...................................................................................... l
J!!ISICTIO ........................................................................................ 4
ISS!I I!ISITI ................................................................................ 4
IACT!A! A I!OCI!!A! STATIMIT ...................................... 4
A. Tho Sfnfos` frndIfIonnI nufhorIfy ovor mnrrIngo .......................... 4
I. HIsfory of fho mnn-womnn dofInInfIon ........................................ ?
C. HIsfory of Amondmonf 3 ............................................................. l0
. Ofhor !fnh Inws oncourngIng mofhor-fnfhor nronfIng ............ l4
I. !oconf oxorImonfnfIon In ofhor Sfnfos ..................................... l?
I. IrocodurnI hIsfory of fhIs cnso .................................................... l?
C. Tho dIsfrIcf courf`s docIsIon ........................................................ l8
H. Sfny rocoodIngs ......................................................................... 2l
S!MMA!Y OI A!C!MIT ................................................................. 22
STAA! OI !IVIIW....................................................................... 28
A!C!MIT ........................................................................................... 28
CII!I IIIITIO OI MA!!IACI ................................... 28
A. Tho dIsfrIcf dourf`s docIsIon confrnvonos Bo/er t. Aeleon, whIch
Is bofh confroIIIng nnd consIsfonf wIfh WinJeor nnd fho
fodornIIsm rIncIIos If ronffIrms. .............................................. 28
l. Bo/er Is confroIIIng. .............................................................. 29
2. Tho dIsfrIcf courf`s ronsons for rofusIng fo foIIow Bo/er nro
mIsguIdod. ............................................................................. 32
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 3
I. VIowod In IIghf of fho roor IognI sfnndnrds, fho dIsfrIcf courf`s
duo rocoss nnd oqunI rofocfIon hoIdIngs nro IognIIy orronoous.
..................................................................................................... 36
l. Thoro Is no fundnmonfnI duo-rocoss rIghf fo mnrry somoono
of fho snmo sox. ..................................................................... 3?
2. !ndor fho dIsfrIcf courf`s own concIusIons nbouf fho
IogIfImnfo urosos of !fnh`s dofInIfIon, !fnh doos nof dony
snmo-sox couIos fho oqunI rofocfIon of fho Inws. .............. 42
C. Tho dIsfrIcf courf orrod In fnIIIng fo gIvo ndoqunfo woIghf fo
!fnh`s ronsons, suorfod by common sonso nnd subsfnnfInI
socInI scIonco, for rofnInIng fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo. ..................................................................................... 50
l. !fnh`s mnrrIngo dofInIfIon furfhors fho Sfnfo`s vIfnI Inforosf
In fosforIng n chIId-confrIc mnrrIngo cuIfuro fhnf oncourngos
nronfs fo subordInnfo fhoIr own Inforosfs fo fho noods of
fhoIr chIIdron. ........................................................................ 5l
2. !fnh`s mnrrIngo dofInIfIon furfhors fho Sfnfo`s vIfnI Inforosf
In chIIdron boIng rnIsod by fhoIr bIoIogIcnI mofhors nnd
fnfhorsor nf Ionsf by n mnrrIod mofhor nnd fnfhorIn n
sfnbIo homo............................................................................ 62
3. !fnh`s mnn-womnn dofInIfIon furfhors fho Sfnfo`s vIfnI
Inforosf In onsurIng ndoqunfo roroducfIon by nronfs
wIIIIng nnd nbIo fo rovIdo n hIgh-qunIIfy homo onvIronmonf
for fhoIr chIIdron. .................................................................. 82
4. IrosorvIng !fnh`s mnrrIngo dofInIfIon furfhors fho Sfnfo`s
vIfnI Inforosfs In nccommodnfIng roIIgIous froodom nnd
roducIng fho ofonfInI for cIvIc sfrIfo. ................................... 90
COC!!SIO ...................................................................................... l0l
STATIMIT !ICA!IC O!A! A!C!MIT .............................. l0l
CI!TIIICATI OI COMI!IACI WITH !!!I 32(n) ...................... l03
ICI CI!TIIICATIOS ....................................................................... l03
CI!TIIICATI OI SI!VICI ............................................................... l04
AIA ............................................................................................. l05
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 4
E1,AD @I 1BE;@:GEGD>

AJoronJ Cone/ruc/ore, 1nc. v. Peno, 5l5 !.S. 200 (l995) ...................... 44
AnJereen t. King Cn/,., l38 I.3d 963 (Wnsh. 2006) ........................ 3?, 38
Bo/er t Aeleon, 409 !.S. 8l0 (l9?2) ..................................... l8, 22, 23, 28
Bo/er t. Aeleon, l9l .W.2d l85 (MInn. l9?l) .............................. nssIm
Bo/er t. S/o/e, ?44 A.2d 864 (Vf. l999) ............................................ l2, 45
Bill Jolneon'e Iee/ouron/e, 1nc. t. A.L.I.B., 46l !.S. ?3l (l983) .. 90, 9?
BoI Jonee Initerei/, t. Ini/eJ S/o/ee, 46l !.S. 5?4 (l983) .................. 95
Bouen t. GilliorJ, 483 !.S. 58? (l98?) ................................................... 66
!"#$%&$'( *+#$&',+ -.'/0 10 234'0 5+.6(/'#7 5."0 -%%8(9 483 I.3d l025
CIr. 200?) ...................................................................................... 28
Ci/icene for 1quol Pro/. v. Bruning, 455 I.3d 859 (8fh CIr. 2006)... 3l, 43
Ci/, of Dolloe t. S/onglin, 490 !.S. l9 (l989) ........................................ 46
Clin/on t. Ci/, of Aeu Yor/, 524 !.S. 4l? (l998) ................................... 35
Colline t. Ci/, of Hor/er Heigl/e, 503 !.S. ll5 (l992) .......................... 3?
Croig v. Boren, 429 !.S. l90 (l9?6) ........................................................ 44
Dotie v. Prieon Heol/l Serte., 6?9 I.3d 433 (6fh CIr. 20l2) .................. 43
Deon t. Die/ric/ of ColunIio, 653 A.2d 30? (.C. l995) .................. 38, 43
DonolJeon t. S/o/e, 292 I.3d 364 (Monf. 20l2) ...................................... 3l
1lone Plo/ogropl,, LLC t. Willoc/, 309 I.3d 53 (.M. 20l3) ............... 95
1x por/e Burrue, l36 !.S. 586 (l890) ....................................................... 5
:0!0! 10 ;+'." !6<<.8(%9 =(.0, 508 !.S. 30? (l993).............................. 46
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 5
Goncolee t. Corlor/, 550 !.S. l24 (200?) ......................................... 4l, 65
Goncolee t. Oregon, 546 !.S. 243 (2006) ................................................ 36
>66/#$/,+ 10 ?+@8& 6A BCD0 *+'4&", ?98 .I.2d 94l (Mnss. 2003) .......... l2
HoJJoc/ t. HoJJoc/, 20l !.S. 562 (l906) ............................................... 5
HernonJec t. IoIlee, 855 .I.2d l (.Y. 2006) ............................. nssIm
Hic/e t. MironJo, 422 !.S. 332 (l9?5) ................................................... 29
HiequierJo t. HiequierJo, 439 !.S. 5?2 (l9?9) ........................................ 5
H,Je t. H,Je, |!.!.] l I. & . l30 (l866) (!ord Ionznnco) ................... ll
1n re KonJu, 3l5 I.!. l23 (Innkr. W.. Wnsh. 2004) ........................... 43
1n re Morrioge of J.B. & H.B., 326 S.W.3d 654 (Tox. A. 20l0) .......... 43
Joc/eon t. AIercronIie, 884 I. Su. 2d l065 (. Hnw. 20l2) . 38, 43, 4?
Jolneon t. IoIieon, 4l5 !.S. 36l (l94?) .......................................... 25, 4?
Kinel t. IloriJo BJ. of Iegen/e, 528 !.S. 62 (2000) .............................. 49
Lourence t. Texoe, 539 !.S. 558 (2003) ............................................ 33, 40
Lelnloueen v. Lo/e Slore Au/o Por/e Co., 4l0 !.S. 356 (l9?3) ............ 46
Leuie t. Horrie, 908 A.2d l96 (.J. 2006) ........................................ 3?, 59
Lof/on v. 5+.#+&'#7 6A &"+ ?+@8& 6A !"$4/#+( E Ionil, Serte., 358 I.3d
804 (llfh CIr. 2004) ....................................................................... 43, 50
Loting t. Virginio, 388 !.S. l (l96?) ...................................... 9, 2?, 39, 84
Moler t. Ioe, 432 !.S. 464 (l9??) ........................................................ l00
MonJel t. BroJle,, 432 !.S. l?3 (l9??) ..................................... 23, 29, 30
Morcotoge t. Ci/, of Aeu Yor/, 689 I.3d 98 (2d CIr. 20l2) ................... 62
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 6
F'%%'."C%+&&% 10 G0 50 ?+@8& *+'4&" E *C<'( 5+#1%0, 682 I.3d l (lsf
CIr. 20l2) .............................................................................................. 3l
Mo,norJ t. Hill, l25 !.S. l90, 2ll (l888) ............................................. 84
Morrieon t. SoJler, 82l .I.2d l5 (Ind. Cf. A. 2005) ........................ 43
Murpl, t. Ionee,, ll4 !.S. l5 (l885) ............................................. 8, l00
AorJlinger v. Holn, 505 !.S. l (l992) ............................................. 46, 5l
PoJulo v. WeIe/er, 822 I.2d 9? (.C. CIr. l98?) .................................... 44
Porlon t. J.I., 442 !.S. 584 (l9?9)....................................................... 65
Plillipe Clenicol Co. v. Dunoe Sclool Die/., 36l !.S. 3?6 (l960) ....... 48
Price-Cornelieon v. Broo/e, 524 I.3d ll03 (l0
CIr. 2008) .............. 43, 44
IoJriquec Je Quijoe t. Sleoreon/An. 1xpreee, 1nc., 490 !.S. 4?? (l989)
........................................................................................................ 23, 32
Ioner t. 1tone, 5l? !.S. 620 (l996) ...................................................... 42
Ioee t. Ioee, 48l !.S. 6l9 (l98?) ............................................................. 5
Sinne t. Sinne, l?5 !.S. l62 (l899) ...................................................... 5
S/inner t. O/lolono, 3l6 !.S. 535 (l942) ......................................... 9, 84
Sni/l/line Beeclon Corp. t. AIIo// LoIe, __ I.3d __, 20l4 W! 2ll80?
(9fh CIr., Jnnunry 2l, 20l4) ................................................................. 44
Soeno t. 1ouo, 4l9 !.S. 393 (l9?5) ..................................................... 5, 34
S/enIerg t. Corlor/, 530 !.S. 9l4 (l999) ............................................... 4l
Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. Griffin, ? I.3d l5l2 (l0fh CIr. l993) ........................... 62
Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. 26?5 (20l3) ........................... nssIm
Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. Yocell, 382 !.S. 34l (l966) ............................................ 5
Von OrJen t. Perr,, 545 !.S. 6?? (2005) ................................................ 9?
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 7
WorJ t. Poli/e, 66? I.3d ?2? (6fh CIr. 20l2) .......................................... 96
Woeling/on t. Gluc/eIerg, 52l !.S. ?02 (l99?) ............................. nssIm
ZoIloc/i t. IeJloil, 434 !.S. 3?4 (l9?8) ...................................... 9, 39, 84
Zelnon t. Sinnone-Horrie, 536 !.S. 639 (2002) ................................... 9?
>646/ >646J6/7
!fnh Codo 30-l-2(5) .............................................................................. ll
!fnh Codo 30-l-30 ................................................................................ l5
!fnh Codo 30-l-4.l ............................................................................... l2
!fnh Codo 30-3-ll.3 ............................................................................. 5?
!fnh Codo 62A-4n-l03(2)(b) ................................................................. l5
!fnh Codo 62A-4n-l0?(5)(n) nnd (b) .................................................... l5
!fnh Codo 62A-4n-20l(l)(c) ................................................................. l5
!fnh Codo 62A-4n-203(l)(n) ................................................................. l5
!fnh Codo 62A-4n-60?(l)(b) ................................................................. l?
!fnh Codo 68-3-l .................................................................................. l0
!fnh Codo ?8A-6-l02(5)(g) ................................................................... l6
!fnh Codo ?8A-6-302 ........................................................................... 5?
!fnh Codo ?8A-6-503(l0)(d) ................................................................. l6
!fnh Codo ?8A-6-503(8) ....................................................................... l6
!fnh Codo ?8I-6-l02(4) ....................................................................... l6
!fnh Codo ?8I-6-ll?(2) ....................................................................... l6
!fnh Codo ?8I-6-ll?(3) ....................................................................... l6
!fnh Codo ?8I-6-ll?(4) ....................................................................... l?
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 8
!TAH COST. nrf. III ................................................................................ l0
@6K/- >"J-L/7
A.!. !ndcIIffo-Irown, S/ruc/ure onJ Iunc/ion in Prini/ite Socie/, l0
(l952) .............................................................................................. 53, 5?
AIInn CnrIson, Decone/ruc/ion of Morrioge. Tle SueJiel Coee, 44 Snn
Iogo !. !ov. l53 (200?) ...................................................................... 80
Anicue Curie Brief of Sclolore of Hie/or, onJ Ielo/eJ Dieciplinee, o.
l2-l44, !.S. Suromo Courf .................................................................. ?
Androw J. ChorIIn, Tle Deine/i/u/ionolico/ion of Anericon Morrioge, 66
J. MnrrIngo & Inm. 848 (2004) ............................................................ ?5
Ass`n of !oIIgIon nfn ArchIvos .............................................................. 9l
IonjnmIn ScnfIdI, InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, Tle Toxpo,er Coe/e of
Ditorce onJ InueJ ClilJIeoring. Iire/-1ter 1e/ino/ee for /le Ao/ion
onJ All Iif/, S/o/ee (2008) ................................................................... 69
Iorfrnnd !ussoII, Morrioge & Morole (!IvorIghf l9?0) ........................ 56
IronIsInw MnIInowskI, Sex, Cul/ure, onJ M,/l (l962) .......................... 53
Iruco J. IIIIs of. nI, Doee Io/ler AIeence Ploce Dougl/ere o/ Speciol
Iie/ for 1orl, Sexuol Ac/iti/, onJ Teenoge Pregnonc,:, ?4 ChIId ov.
80l (2003) ............................................................................................. 66
CnrI I. SchnoIdor, Tle Clonneling Iunc/ion in Ionil, Lou, 20 Hofsfrn
!. !ov. 495 (l992) ................................................................................. 55
Conf. InfoIIIgonco Agoncy, Coun/r, Conporieon. Bir/l Io/e, Tho WorId
Incfbook ......................................................................................... 85, 86
Conf. InfoIIIgonco Agoncy, Coun/r, Conporieon. To/ol Ier/ili/, Io/e,
Tho Word Incfbook ........................................................................ 85, 86
CInronco Ingo, An oJJ puel /o prito/ice norrioge, ChIcngo TrIbuno
(ArII 3, 20l3) ....................................................................................... ?8
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 9
CInudo !ovI-Sfrnuss, 1n/roJuc/ion, in A Hie/or, of /le Ionil,. Die/on/
WorlJe, Ancien/ WorlJe ........................................................................ l0
CInudo !ovI-Sfrnuss,Tle Vieu Iron Afor (l985)................................... l0
Cfrs. for Isonso ConfroI & IrovonfIon, Morrioge Io/ee I, S/o/e. 1990,
199, onJ 1999-2011 ............................................................................ 80
Cfrs. Ior Isonso ConfroI nnd IrovonfIon, Ao/ionol Vi/ol S/o/ie/ice
Iepor/eHBir/le. Iinol Do/o for 2010 (Aug. 28, 20l2) .................. 85, 86
CynfhIn C. Hnror nnd Snrn S Mc!nnnhnn, Io/ler AIeence onJ You/l
1ncorcero/ion, l4 J. !os. AdoIosconco 369 (2004) ................................ 68
nn Insfonborg, A Brief Hie/or, of 1n/erno/ionol Go, Morrioge, TImo,
JuIy 22, 20l0 ........................................................................................ 86
nnIoI AvIIn, Sone-Sex AJop/ion in Moeeocluee//e, /le Co/lolic
Clurcl, onJ /le GooJ of /le ClilJren. Tle S/or, BelinJ /le
Con/rotere, onJ /le Coee for Conecien/ioue Iefueole 2? ChIIdron`s
!ognI !Ighfs J. l (200?) ....................................................................... 95
nvId Ioonoo, Life Wi/lou/ Io/ler. Conpelling Aeu 1tiJence Tlo/
Io/lerlooJ & Morrioge ore 1nJiepeneoIle for /le GooJ of ClilJren &
Socie/, (l996) ........................................................................................ 64
onn Iyrd, Duol-GenJer Poren/ing. A Sociol Science Perepec/ite for
Op/inol ClilJ Ieoring, in Ionil, Lou. Boloncing 1n/eree/e onJ
Pureing Priori/iee (200?) ...................................................................... 65
onn Iyrd, GenJer Conplenen/ori/, onJ ClilJ-reoJing. Wlere
TroJi/ion onJ Science Agree, 6 J. !. & Inm. Sfuds. 2l3 (2004) ......... 65
ougIns W. AIIon, Higl Sclool GroJuo/ion Io/ee Anong ClilJren of
Sone-eex HoueelolJe ll !ov. Icon. HousohoId 635 (20l3) ................ 6?
IorIk !ngorsofz, On /le 1xie/ence of 1ne/i/u/ione, in On /le Ao/ure of
Sociol onJ 1ne/i/u/ionol Ieoli/, (IorIk !ngorsofz of nI. ods., 200l) . 54
IorIk !ngorsofz, Tle Oppoei/e Mirrore. An 1eeo, on /le
Conten/ionolie/ Tleor, of 1ne/i/u/ione (l995) ..................................... 54
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l0
IIIon WIIIIs, Con Morrioge Be SoteJ: A Iorum, Tho nfIon (2004) .... ??
ImIIy IsfnhnnI SmIfh, Woeling/on, Go, Morrioge onJ /le Co/lolic
Clurcl, WnII Sfroof JournnI (Jnn. 9, 20l0)......................................... 94
Iuroonn CommIssIon, CruJe Morrioge Io/e, Selec/eJ Yeore, 1960-2011
.............................................................................................................. ?9
Iromn Hnrro, To/e Goternnen/ ou/ of /le Morrioge Bueineee, !onI
CIonr IoIIfIcs (JuIy 2, 20l3) ................................................................. ?8
C. !obInn QunIo, A Hie/or, Of Morrioge S,e/ene (l988) ...................... 53
InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, Morrioge onJ /le Lou. A S/o/enen/ of
Principlee (2006) ............................................................................. 59, 6l
InfornnfIonnI SocInI Survoy Irogrnmmo, Ionil, onJ Clonging GenJer
Iolee 111. 2002 (Sofombor 2004) ......................................................... ?9
Jnmos Q. WIIson, Tle Morrioge ProIlen (2002) .................................... 53
Jonn-IIorro Cuongnnf, Tle Proxino/e De/erninon/e During /le
Ier/ili/, Tronei/ion ......................................................................... 83, 84
JooI IronfIss IIsho, Connen/oriee on /le Lou of Morrioge & Ditorce
VoI. l (lsf od. l852) ................................................................................ 8
John IouvIor, A !nw IcfIonnry Adnfod fo fho ConsfIfufIon nnd !nws
of fho !nIfod Sfnfos (l856) .................................................................... 8
John Cnrvoy, S/o/e Pu//ing Clurcl Ou/ of AJop/ion Bueineee, Iosfon
CIobo (Mnrch l4, 2006) ........................................................................ 95
John !. SonrIo, Mo/ing /le Sociol WorlJ. Tle S/ruc/ure of Hunon
Citilico/ion (20l0) ................................................................................ 54
John !. SonrIo, Tle Cone/ruc/ion of Sociol Ieoli/, (l995) ..................... 54
Josoh I. Worcosfor, A Prinor, Dic/ionor, of /le 1ngliel Longuoge
(l8?l) ...................................................................................................... 8
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll
Joyco A. MnrfIn, of nI., Cfrs. for Isonso ConfroI & IrovonfIon, Ao/ionol
Vi/ol S/o/ie/ice Iepor/eHBir/le. Iinol Do/o for 2012 (ocombor 30,
20l3) ..................................................................................................... 84
JudIfh Sfncoy, 1n /le Aone of /le Ionil,. Ie/lin/ing Ionil, Voluee in
/le Poe/noJern Age (l996) ................................................................... ??
Junfu Zhnng nnd Xuo Song, Ier/ili/, Differencee Ie/ueen MorrieJ onJ
ColoIi/ing Couplee. A Sui/cling Iegreeeion Anol,eie, IZA IscussIon
Inor o. 3245 (ocombor 200?) ......................................................... 89
KoIfh AbIow, Wlen 1/ Conee /o Morrioge, Goternnen/ SloulJ Ditorce
1/eelf, Iox ows (Mnrch 2?, 20l3) ....................................................... ?9
KrIsfIn Andorson Mooro of nI., F'##$',+ :#6< ' !"$4/8% B+#%@+.&$1+I
Hou Doee Ionil, S/ruc/ure Affec/ ClilJren onJ Wlo/ Con We Do
AIou/ 1/, ChIId Tronds !osonrch IrIof (Juno 2002) ...................... 63, 66
!nwronco !. Wu & IrInn C. MnrfInson, Ionil, S/ruc/ure onJ /le Iie/
of o Prenori/ol Bir/l, 54 AmorIcnn SocIoIogIcnI !ov. 2l0 (l993) ....... 6?
!offor from ougIns !nycock, MIchnoI Iorry, nnd Mnrk . Sforn fo
!orosonfnfIvo MIchnoI MndIgnn (Mnr. ll, 20l3) .............................. 94
!oron . Mnrks, Sone-5+J B'#+(&$(, '(/ !"$4/#+(8% 2C&.6<+%I -
!46%+# KJ'<$('&$6( 6A &"+ -<+#$.'( B%7."646,$.'4 -%%6.$'&$6(8% ;#$+A
on LeeIion onJ Go, Poren/ing, 4l Soc. ScI. !osonrch ?35 (20l2) ...... ??
!ynn . WnrdIo, Tle Ioll of Mori/ol S/oIili/, onJ /le Iiee of Jutenile
Delinquenc,, l0 J. !. & Inm. Sfuds. 83 (200?) ................................... 68
!ynn WnrdIo, LFC4&$@47 '(/ M+@4+($%"NI !6(%$/+#$(, 5'<+-Sex
Morrioge in Ligl/ of S/o/e 1n/eree/e in Mori/ol Procreo/ion, 24
Hnrvnrd J. !. & Iub. IoI`y ??l(200l) ............................................ 82, 83
Mnnyn A. Irnchonrm, Ioc/forJ Co/lolic Clori/iee 1nJing Ioe/er Core,
ChIcngo TrIbuno (Mny 26, 20ll) .......................................................... 95
Mnrk . !ognorus, Aneuering Cri/ice of /le Aeu Ionil, S/ruc/uree
S/uJ, ui/l AJJi/ionol Anol,eie, 4l Soc. ScI. !os. l36? (20l2)........... 68
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l2
Mnrk . !ognorus, Hou Differen/ Are /le AJul/ ClilJren of Poren/e
Wlo Hote Sone-Sex Ielo/ionelipe: IinJinge fron /le Aeu Ionil,
S/ruc/uree S/uJ,, 4l Soc. ScI. !os. ?52 (20l2) .............................. 68, ?6
MIchnoI I. !nmb, Infhors: Iorgo//en Con/riIu/ore /o ClilJ
Detelopnen/,l8 Humnn ovoIomonf 245 (l9?5) ............................... 65
MIchoIIo IoorsfoIn, Ci/ing Sone-Sex Morrioge Bill, Woeling/on
ArclJioceee 1nJe Ioe/er-Core Progron, WnshIngfon Iosf (Iob. l?,
20l0) ..................................................................................................... 94
Monfo oII Sfownrf, GenJerleee Morrioge, 1ne/i/u/ionol Ieoli/iee, onJ
JuJiciol 1lieion, l uko J. Consf. !. & Iub. IoI'y l (2006) ......... 54, 55
Monfo oII Sfownrf, Morrioge Ioc/e, 3l Hnrv. J.!. & Iub. IoI'y 3l3
(2008) .................................................................................................... 54
onh Wobsfor, 1/,nologicol Dic/ionor, (lsf od. l869) ............................ 8
orvnI . CIonn, Tle S/ruggle for Sone-Sex Morrioge, 4l Soc`y 25
(2004) .............................................................................................. 64, ?4
OIC, SocInI IoIIcy IvIsIon, Irocfornfo of ImIoymonf, !nbour nnd
SocInI AffnIrs, SI2.1. Ier/ili/, ro/ee, OIC InmIIy nfnbnso (Juno
26, 20l3) ............................................................................................... 85
InfrIck J. Iorchors, Inkor v. ConornI Mofors: 1nplico/ione for
1n/erjurieJic/ionol Iecogni/ion of Aon-TroJi/ionol Morriogee, 32
CroIghfon !. !ov. l4? (l998) ............................................................... 49
Iow !osonrch !oIIgIon & Iub. !Ifo Irojocf, M+4$,$6C% >#6C@%8 2AA$.$'4
Poei/ione on Sone-Sex Morrioge (oc. ?, 20l2) ............................ 9l, 92
Iross !oIonso, !6(,#+%%<'( ;6D ;'##8% M+<'#3% '& OPQQ R6, !'D$(
Ao/ionol Conten/ion (ArII 30, 20ll) .................................................. ?8
!nj Choffy of. nI, Wlere ie /le LonJ of Oppor/uni/,: Tle Geogropl, of
1n/ergenero/ionol MoIili/, in /le I.S., ToIle 1V, II! WorkIng
Inor o. l9843 (Jnnunry 20l4) ......................................................... ?l
Ieligioue 1e/oIlielnen/ Bigo/e SounJ Alorn Agoine/ Loting Sone-Sex
Morriogee, Tho nIIy Kos (Jnn. l2, 20l2) ........................................... 95
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l3
!Ichnrd C. WIIkIns, AJul/ Sexuol Deeire onJ /le Bee/ 1n/eree/e of /le
ClilJ, l8 Sf. Thomns !. !ov. 543 (2005) ............................................. 68
!oborf Coorgo of nI., Wlo/ ie Morrioge: Mon onJ Wonon. A Defenee
(20l2) .................................................................................................... 52
Sone-Sex Morrioge onJ Ieligioue LiIer/,. 1nerging Conflic/e (ougIns
!nycock of nI. ods., 2008) ..................................................................... 94
Sex, Morrioge onJ Ionil, in WorlJ Ieligione (on S. IrownIng, M.
ChrIsfInn Croon & John WIffo, Jr. ods., 2009) .................................... 93
SfohnnIo WoIInnd IowIIng & !onnId J. Wornor-WIIson, Io/ler-
Dougl/er Ielo/ionelipe onJ AJoleecen/ Ienole Sexuoli/,. Po/ernol
Quoli/iee Aeeocio/eJ ui/l IeeponeiIle Sexuol Belotior 3 J. HIV/AIS
IrovonfIon & Iduc. AdoIosconfs & ChIId. 5 (2003) ............................. 6?
Teocler, Sclool SueJ Oter Go, Ioir, Tole, I! (ArII 2?, 2006) ........ 96
Tle Meoning onJ Significonce of Morrioge in Con/enporor, Socie/,, in
Con/enporor, Morrioge. Conporo/ite Perepec/itee on o Clonging
1ne/i/u/ion (KIngsIoy nvIs od., l985) ................................................... ?
Todd Sfnrnos, A//, So,e Sclool Tlreo/eneJ, PunieleJ Bo, Wlo OppoeeJ
Go, AJop/ion, Iox ows !ndIo............................................................ 96
Todd Sfnrnos, Clrie/ion Teocler InJer 1ntee/igo/ion for Oppoeing
Honoeexuoli/,, Iox ows !ndIo (Ocf. l9, 20ll) ................................. 96
W. Irndford WIIcox of nI., InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, Wl, Morrioge
Mo//ere. Tlir/, Conclueione fron /le Sociol Sciencee 20 (3rd od. 20ll)
.............................................................................................................. 53
WIIIInm IIncksfono, Connen/oriee .................................................... ?, 65
WIfhorsoon InsfIfufo, Morrioge onJ /le PuIlic GooJ. Ten Principlee
(2008) ........................................................................................ 64, 66, ?2
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l4

M:G@: @: :DA1ED? 1MMD1A>

Bielop t. Sni/l, o. l4-5003, ondIng In fhIs Courf, InvoIvos n
consfIfufIonnI chnIIongo fo OkInhomn`s dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo ns onIy
fho unIon bofwoon n mnn nnd n womnn.
AddIfIonnIIy, fhoro Is n ondIng nonI In fho !nIfod Sfnfos Courf
of AonIs for fho Infh CIrcuIf nddrossIng fho consfIfufIonnIIfy of
ovndn`s dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. Setci/ t. SonJotol, o. l2-l?668.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l5

As wIfh ofhor Issuos of domosfIc-roInfIons Inw, choosIng n
dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo In fodny`s worId rosonfs n cInsh bofwoon dooIy
hoId Inforosfs nnd vnIuos. On ono hnnd nro fho Inforosfs of !fnh
cIfIzons who hnvo formod InfImnfo, commIffod roInfIonshIs wIfh
somoono of fho snmo soxnnd In somo cnsos nro rnIsIng or wIsh fo rnIso
chIIdron fogofhornnd who wnnf fho Sfnfo fo confor on fhom fho
bonofIfs of mnrrIngo. Tho Sfnfo rosocfs nnd vnIuos fhoso cIfIzons nnd
fhoIr chIIdron ns bofh oqunI boforo fho Inw nnd fuIIy onfIfIod fo ordor
fhoIr rIvnfo IIvos In fho mnnnor fhoy hnvo choson.
On fho ofhor hnnd nro fho Iong-form Inforosfs of nII !fnh`s
chIIdronbofh now nnd In fufuro gonornfIons. Thoy cnnnof dofond
fhoIr own Inforosfs. Tho Sfnfo fhus hns n dufy fo consIdor fhoIr
Inforosfs In docIdIng whofhor fo nbnndon fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo. And !fnh vofors, In onncfIng fho consfIfufIonnI nmondmonf
known ns Amondmonf 3, ronffIrmod nmong ofhor fhIngs fhoIr fIrm
boIIofnIso suorfod by sound socInI scIoncofhnf moms nnd dnds nro
dIfforonf, nof InforchnngonbIo, nnd fhnf fho dIvorsIfy of hnvIng bofh n
mom nnd n dnd Is fho IdonI nronfIng onvIronmonf.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l6
Thnf modoI Is nof Infondod fo domonn ofhor fnmIIy sfrucfuros, nny
moro fhnn gIvIng nn A fo somo sfudonfs domonns ofhors. As
bofwoon mufunIIy oxcIusIvo modoIs of mnrrIngo, fho mnn-womnn modoI
Is sImIy fho ono fho Sfnfo nnd Ifs ooIo boIIovo Is bosf for chIIdron.
Whnf mnkos fho docIsIon nbouf rodofInIng mnrrIngo nrfIcuInrIy
oIgnnnf Is nof moroIy fho uncorfnInfy Inhoronf In rodIcfIng Ifs Iong-
form offocfs. If Is nIso fho mounfIng ovIdonco fhnf such n rodofInIfIon
osos ronI, concrofo rIsks fo chIIdronosocInIIy In fufuro gonornfIons.
Mnny of fhoso rIsks fIow from fho InovIfnbIo offocf of shIffIng fho ubIIc
monnIng of mnrrIngo nwny from n InrgoIy chIId-confrIc InsfIfufIon
whnf JusfIco AIIfo (wIfhouf dIsngroomonf from fho ofhor JusfIcos)
cnIIod n conjugnI vIow of mnrrIngonnd fownrd n moro nduIf-confrIc
or consonf-bnsod vIow. See Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. 26?5,
2?l8 (20l3) (AIIfo, J, dIssonfIng). As dofnIIod boIow, fho socIfIc Iong-
form rIsks fo chIIdron IncIudo:
(l) n rIsk of Incronsod soIf-Inforosf In nronfnI docIsIon-mnkIng on
n rnngo of Issuos, IncIudIng rocronfIon, cnroor choIcos nnd
romnnfIc roInfIonshIs;

(2) n rIsk of Incronsod fnfhorIossnoss (nnd mofhorIossnoss), wIfh
nII fho omofIonnI, socInI nnd oconomIc dnmngo fhnf hns boon
shown fo cronfo; nnd

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l7
(3) n rIsk of roducod bIrfhrnfos, wIfh fho domogrnhIc nnd
oconomIc crIsos fhnf couId brIng.

CIvon fho sfnkos, fho Sfnfo hns Imorfnnf nnd comoIIIng Inforosfs In
nnd corfnInIy n rnfIonnI bnsIs formInImIzIng onch of fhoso rIsks.
oformInIng fho roor bnInnco bofwoon comofIng Inforosfs In
fho mnrrIngo dobnfo fnIIs squnroIy wIfhIn whnf fho Suromo Courf In
WinJeor cnIIod fho Sfnfos` brond| ] nufhorIfy fo roguInfo fho subjocf of
domosfIc roInfIons . . . . Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. 26?5,
2690 (20l3). Ifforonf sfnfos hnvo sfruck n dIfforonf bnInnco fhnn
!fnh`s, nnd WinJeor hoId fhnf choIco Is rofocfod by fho Sfnfos` hIsforIc
nnd ossonfInI nufhorIfy fo dofIno fho mnrIfnI roInfIon froo from fodornI
InfrusIon. 1J. nf 2692. Yof Sfnfos IIko !fnh fhnf docIdo fo Inco
gronfor woIghf on fho bonofIfs fo clilJren of rofnInIng fho gondorod
dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo nro onfIfIod fo fho snmo doforonco nnd rosocf.
AnyfhIng Ioss wouId offocfIvoIy fodornIIzo domosfIc roInfIons Inw.
Iocnuso fho dIsfrIcf courf dId nof gIvo roor doforonco fo fho
choIco of !fnh`s cIfIzons, fho Sfnfo roquosfs fhnf fhIs Courf rovorso.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l8

Tho dIsfrIcf courf hnd jurIsdIcfIon undor 28 !.S.C. l33l,
l343(3). Thnf courf`s docIsIon wns onforod on ocombor 20, 20l3.
Momornndum ocIsIon nnd Ordor (ocIsIon) nf 53, nffnchod ns
Addondum l. Thnf snmo dny, !fnh`s Covornor nnd Affornoy ConornI
(Sfnfo ofondnnfs) fIIod n nofIco of nonI. A. 2??0. ThIs Courf hns
noIInfo jurIsdIcfIon undor 28 !.S.C. l29l.

Whofhor fho Iourfoonfh Amondmonf`s IqunI IrofocfIon CInuso or
Ifs uo Irocoss CInuso roquIros !fnh fo chnngo Ifs dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo from fho unIon of n mnn nnd n womnn fo fho unIon of fwo
IrosorvnfIon: Tho Sfnfo rnIsod fhIs Issuo fhroughouf Ifs
summnry judgmonf brIofIng. A. l08-l?8.
I1HEB1A 1!? M:@HD?B:1A >E1EDCD!E

1# !"# %&'&#() 6-4=.6."543 4J6K"-.69 "O/- P4--.4Q/

In cnsos snnnIng fhroo confurIos, fho Suromo Courf hns
omhnsIzod fhnf |f]ho whoIo subjocf of fho domosfIc roInfIons of
husbnnd nnd wIfo, nronf nnd chIId, boIongs fo fho Inws of fho sfnfos,
nnd nof fo fho Inws of fho !nIfod Sfnfos. 1x por/e Burrue, l36 !.S.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l9
586, 593-94 (l890); Sinne t. Sinne, l?5 !.S. l62, l6? (l899) (snmo);
Ioee t. Ioee, 48l !.S. 6l9, 625 (l98?) (snmo); l33 S. Cf. nf 269l
(quofIng Burrue). Tho Sfnfos` owor fo dofIno mnrrIngo fIows from fho
fncf fhnf |f]ho sfnfos, nf fho fImo of fho ndofIon of fho ConsfIfufIon,
ossossod fuII owor ovor fho subjocf of mnrrIngo nnd dIvorco . . . . |nnd]
fho ConsfIfufIon doIognfod no nufhorIfy fo fho govornmonf of fho
!nIfod Sfnfos on fho subjocf . HoJJoc/ t. HoJJoc/, 20l !.S. 562, 5?5
(l906), oterruleJ on o/ler grounJe, Willione t. Aor/l Corolino, 3l?
!.S. 28? (l942).
Thus, mnrrIngo nnd domosfIc roInfIons Is nn nron fhnf hns Iong
boon rognrdod ns n vIrfunIIy oxcIusIvo rovInco of fho Sfnfos. Soeno t.
1ouo, 4l9 !.S. 393, 404 (l9?5). And Suromo Courf rocodonf ovor fho
yonrs hns fnughf soIIcIfudo for sfnfo Inforosfs, nrfIcuInrIy In fho fIoId
of fnmIIy nnd fnmIIy-roorfy nrrnngomonfs. Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. Yocell,
382 !.S. 34l, 352 (l966). Indood, |I]nsofnr ns mnrrIngo Is wIfhIn
fomornI confroI, fho Sfnfos Iny on fho guIdIng hnnd. HiequierJo t.
HiequierJo, 439 !.S. 5?2, 58l (l9?9).
In WinJeor, fho Suromo Courf ronffIrmod fho Sfnfos` frndIfIonnI
nufhorIfy ovor mnrrIngo. l33 S. Cf. nf 269l. In docInrIng 3 of fho
fodornI ofonso of MnrrIngo Acf unconsfIfufIonnI, fho Courf omhnsIzod
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 20
fho Sfnfos` hIsforIc nnd ossonfInI nufhorIfy fo dofIno fho mnrIfnI
roInfIon, on fho undorsfnndIng fhnf |f]ho dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo Is fho
foundnfIon of fho Sfnfo`s brondor nufhorIfy fo roguInfo fho subjocf of
domosfIc roInfIons wIfh rosocf fo fho '|]rofocfIon of offsrIng, roorfy
Inforosfs, nnd fho onforcomonf of mnrIfnI rosonsIbIIIfIos.` 1J. nf 2692,
269l (quofIng Willione, 3l? !.S. nf 298 (nIfornfIon In orIgInnI)). Tho
Courf furfhor nofod fhnf, |c]onsIsfonf wIfh fhIs nIIocnfIon of nufhorIfy,
fho IodornI Covornmonf, fhrough our hIsfory, hns doforrod fo sfnfo-Inw
oIIcy docIsIons wIfh rosocf fo domosfIc roInfIons. 1J. nf 269l.
SocIfIcnIIy, fho Courf hoId fhnf ow York`s rocognIfIon of snmo-sox
mnrrIngo wns wIfhouf doubf n roor oxorcIso of Ifs sovoroIgn
nufhorIfy wIfhIn our fodornI sysfom, nII In fho wny fhnf fho Irnmors of
fho ConsfIfufIon Infondod. 1J. nf 2692. Congross wonf nsfrny fhoro,
fho Courf hoId, by Inforfor|Ing] wIfh fho oqunI dIgnIfy of snmo-sox
mnrrIngos . conforrod by fho Sfnfos In fho oxorcIso of fhoIr sovoroIgn
owor. 1J. nf 2693.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 2l
,# ;.76"-9 "0 6K/ P45'R"P45 =/0.5.56."5
Tho undorsfnndIng of mnrrIngo ns n unIon bofwoon n mnn nnd n
womnn nnd Ifs uroso of unIfIng mombors of fho oosIfo sox nnd fhoIr
chIIdron Info fnmIIy unIfs rocognIzod by socIofy wns, unfII roconfIy,
unIvorsnIIy nccofod by courfs, IognI schoInrs, hIIosohors nnd
socIoIogIsfs. See, e.g., l WIIIInm IIncksfono, Connen/oriee *422
(doscrIbIng fho roInfIonshI bofwoon nronf nnd chIId ns consoquonfInI
fo fhnf of mnrrIngo, boIng Ifs rIncInI ond nnd dosIgn: nnd If Is by
vIrfuo of fhIs roInfIon fhnf Infnnfs nro rofocfod, mnInfnInod, nnd
oducnfod). In fho words of socIoIogIsf KIngsIoy nvIs:
Tho fnmIIy Is fho nrf of fho InsfIfufIonnI sysfom fhrough
whIch fho cronfIon, nurfuro, nnd socInIIznfIon of fho noxf
gonornfIon Is mnInIy nccomIIshod.. Tho gonIus of fho
fnmIIy sysfom Is fhnf, fhrough If, fho socIofy normnIIy hoIds
fho bIoIogIcnI nronfs rosonsIbIo for onch ofhor nnd for fhoIr
offsrIng. Iy IdonfIfyIng chIIdron wIfh fhoIr nronfs . fho
socInI sysfom oworfuIIy mofIvnfos IndIvIdunIs fo soffIo Info
n soxunI unIon nnd fnko cnro of fho onsuIng offsrIng.

Tle Meoning onJ Significonce of Morrioge in Con/enporor, Socie/,, in
Con/enporor, Morrioge. Conporo/ite Perepec/itee on o Clonging 1ne/i/u/ion
?-8 (KIngsIoy nvIs, od. l985) A. l043-l044; eee oleo Anicue Curie Brief of
Sclolore of Hie/or, onJ Ielo/eJ Dieciplinee nf ll-22, Cnso l2-l44, !.S.
Suromo Courf; A. 292-296.

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 22
ThIs hIsforIc undorsfnndIng wns rofIocfod In romInonf
dIcfIonnrIos from fho fImo of fho Iourfoonfh Amondmonf`s frnmIng nnd
Indood, fho counfry`s IondIng oxorf on fnmIIy Inw durIng
fhnf orn oInod fhnf: |m]nrrIngo bofwoon fwo orsons of ono sox couId
hnvo no vnIIdIfy, ns nono of fho onds of mnfrImony couId bo
nccomIIshod fhoroby. If hns nIwnys, fhoroforo, boon doomod roquIsIfo
fo fho onfIro vnIIdIfy of ovory mnrrIngo . fhnf fho nrfIos shouId bo of
dIfforonf sox.

Tho Suromo Courf hns fnkon fho snmo vIow:
|C]orfnInIy, no IogIsInfIon cnn bo suosod moro whoIosomo
nnd nocossnry In fho foundIng of n froo, soIf-govornIng
commonwonIfh, fIf fo fnko rnnk ns ono of fho co-ordInnfo
sfnfos of fho !nIon, fhnn fhnf whIch sooks fo osfnbIIsh If on
fho bnsIs of fho Idon of fho fnmIIy, oe coneie/ing in onJ
epringing fron /le union for life of one non onJ one uonon .
. . .
Murpl, t. Ionee,, ll4 !.S. l5, 45 (l885) (omhnsIs nddod).
Moro roconfIy, fho Suromo Courf hns confInuod fo ncknowIodgo

1.g., onh Wobsfor, 1/,nologicol Dic/ionor, l30 (lsf od. l869); ; Josoh I.
Worcosfor, A Prinor, Dic/ionor, of /le 1ngliel Longuoge l?6 (l8?l); ; John
IouvIor, A !nw IcfIonnry Adnfod fo fho ConsfIfufIon nnd !nws of fho
!nIfod Sfnfos l05 (l856).

JooI IronfIss IIsho, Connen/oriee on /le Lou of Morrioge & Ditorce VoI.
l nf l?5 (lsf od. l852)
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 23
fho hIsforIcnI roofs nnd socIofnI Imorfnnco of mnn-womnn mnrrIngo.
See, e.g., ZoIloc/i t. IeJloil, 434 !.S. 3?4, 386 (l9?8) (MnrrIngo Is fho
foundnfIon of fho fnmIIy In our socIofy. . . . |I]f noIIoo's rIghf fo
rocronfo monns nnyfhIng nf nII, If musf ImIy somo rIghf fo onfor fho
onIy roInfIonshI In whIch fho Sfnfo of WIsconsIn nIIows soxunI
roInfIons IognIIy fo fnko Inco.); Loting t. Virginio, 388 !.S. l, l3
(l96?) (MnrrIngo Is ono of fho 'bnsIc cIvII rIghfs of mnn,` fundnmonfnI
fo our vory oxIsfonco nnd survIvnI.); S/inner t. O/lolono, 3l6 !.S.
535, 54l (l942) (MnrrIngo nnd rocronfIon nro fundnmonfnI fo fho vory
oxIsfonco nnd survIvnI of fho rnco.). Indood, jusf Insf yonr fho Suromo
Courf roIfornfod fhnf unfII roconfIy, mnrrIngo bofwoon n mnn nnd n
womnn no doubf hnd boon fhoughf of by mosf ooIo ns ossonfInI fo fho
vory dofInIfIon of fhnf form nnd fo Ifs roIo nnd funcfIon fhroughouf fho
hIsfory of cIvIIIznfIon. WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. nf 2689.
ThIs concofIon Is nof unIquoIy AmorIcnn. !nfII n docndo ngo, If
wns nn nccofod frufh for nImosf ovoryono who ovor IIvod, In nny socIofy
In whIch mnrrIngo oxIsfod, fhnf fhoro couId bo mnrrIngos onIy bofwoon
nrfIcInnfs of dIfforonf sox. HernonJec t. IoIlee, 855 .I.2d l, 8
(.Y. 2006). In fho words of omInonf nnfhrooIogIsf CInudo !ovI-
Sfrnuss, fho fnmIIybnsod on n unIon, moro or Ioss durnbIo, buf
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 24
socInIIy nrovod, of fwo IndIvIdunIs of oosIfo soxos who osfnbIIsh n
housohoId nnd bonr nnd rnIso chIIdronnonrs fo bo n rncfIcnIIy
unIvorsnI honomonon, rosonf In ovory fyo of socIofy. Tle Vieu
Iron Afor 40-4l (l985), A. l026-l02?. In shorf, mnrrIngo hns Iong
boon undorsfood ns n socInI InsfIfufIon wIfh n bIoIogIcnI foundnfIon. l
CInudo !ovI-Sfrnuss, 1n/roJuc/ion, in A Hie/or, of /le Ionil,. Die/on/
WorlJe, Ancien/ WorlJe 5 (Andro IurguIoro, of nI. ods., l996).
H# ;.76"-9 "0 1P/5=P/56 &

Tho hIsfory of !fnh`s dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo bogIns wIfh n fodornI
mnndnfo fhnf roquIrod !fnh fo IImIf mnrrIngo fo fho unIon of ono mnn
nnd ono womnn. To bocomo n Sfnfo, !fnh hnd fo ndof n vIrfunIIy
IrrovocnbIo Sfnfo consfIfufIonnI rovIsIon fhnf forovor rohIbIfod
oIygnmous mnrrIngo nnd fhoroby mndo ndhoronco fo monognmous
mnrrIngo (nf fho fImo undoubfodIy undorsfood ns bofwoon ono mnn nnd
ono womnn) fho onIy nIfornnfIvo. !TAH COST. nrf. III.
SInco fhon, fho Sfnfo hns nIwnys ndhorod fo n dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo ns fho unIon of ono mnn nnd ono womnn nnd hns novor
rocognIzod ns n mnrrIngo nny ofhor kInd of roInfIonshI. InIfInIIy, nf
Ionsf sInco l898, fho Sfnfo`s dofInIfIon wns dorIvod from ndofIon of fho
common Inw, !fnh Codo 68-3-l (ndofIng common Inw of IngInnd),
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 25
whIch dofInod mnrrIngo ns fho voIunfnry unIon for IIfo of ono mnn nnd
ono womnn, fo fho oxcIusIon of nII ofhors. H,Je t. H,Je, |!.!.] l I. &
. l30 (l866) (!ord Ionznnco). Ovor fImo, !fnh choso fo oxrossIy
codIfy fho common-Inw dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. In l9??, fho IogIsInfuro
IncIudod on fho IIsf of rohIbIfod nnd voId mnrrIngos n unIon
|b]ofwoon orsons of fho snmo sox. l9?? !fnh !nws, l
SossIon, Chn. l, l (now codIfIod nf !fnh Codo 30-l-2(5)).
Subsoquonf IognI chnIIongos fo fho frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo In ofhor nrfs of fho counfry romfod !fnh (nnd mnny ofhor
Sfnfos) fo onncf Inws nnd/or nmond fhoIr consfIfufIons fo furfhor rofocf
fho hIsforIc dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. WhIIo n fow scnfforod cnsos woro
fIIod onrIIor, In fho l990`s snmo-sox couIos bognn fIIIng suIfs In sfnfo
courfs nssorfIng fhnf dofInIng mnrrIngo ns bofwoon ono mnn nnd ono
womnn vIoInfod fhoIr sfnfo consfIfufIonnI rIghfs. SovornI sfnfo courfs
rojocfod fhoso nrgumonfs. A. 2ll. Howovor, somo ronchod fho
oosIfo concIusIon, ruIIng fhnf fhoIr sfnfo consfIfufIons roquIrod fho
sfnfo fo ormIf sIngIo-sox mnrrIngos, or nf Ionsf nfford such couIos fho
bonofIfs of mnrrIngo. 1J.
In nrfIcuInr, fho Vormonf Suromo Courf ruIod In l999 fhnf
Vormonf hnd fo offor nII fho bonofIfs of mnrrIngo fo snmo sox-couIos,
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 26
Bo/er t. S/o/e, ?44 A.2d 864, 886-8? (Vf. l999). Thnf ncfIon Iod fho
Vormonf IogIsInfuro fo cronfo n now IognI sfnfus cnIIod cIvII unIons.
l999 Adj. Soss. o. 9l, 3; Vf. Sfnf. Ann. TIf. l5, 23. !IkowIso, fho
Mnssnchusoffs Suromo JudIcInI Courf In 2003 hoId fhnf Ifs sfnfo
consfIfufIon roquIrod fho rodofInIfIon of mnrrIngo fo IncIudo snmo-sox
unIons. GooJriJge t. Dep8/ of PuI. Heol/l, ?98 .I.2d 94l (Mnss.
AgnInsf fhIs bnckground, fho 2004 !fnh !ogIsInfuro onncfod n
rovIsIon onfIfIod MnrrIngo rocognIfIon oIIcy:
(l)(n) If Is fho oIIcy of fhIs sfnfo fo rocognIzo ns mnrrIngo
onIy fho IognI unIon of n mnn nnd n womnn ns rovIdod In
fhIs chnfor.

(b) Ixcof for fho roInfIonshI of mnrrIngo bofwoon n
mnn nnd n womnn rocognIzod ursunnf fo fhIs chnfor, fhIs
sfnfo wIII nof rocognIzo, onforco, or gIvo IognI offocf fo nny
Inw cronfIng nny IognI sfnfus, rIghfs, bonofIfs, or dufIos fhnf
nro subsfnnfInIIy oquIvnIonf fo fhoso rovIdod undor !fnh
Inw fo n mnn nnd n womnn bocnuso fhoy nro mnrrIod.

(2) ofhIng In SubsocfIon (l) ImnIrs nny confrncf or ofhor
rIghfs, bonofIfs, or dufIos fhnf nro onforconbIo IndoondonfIy
of fhIs socfIon.

!fnh Codo 30-l-4.l. Tho sfnfufo mnkos InIn fwo urosos: (l) fo
codIfy !fnh`s oxIsfIng dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo ns bofwoon ono mnn nnd
ono womnn, nnd (2) fo rofocf fho rIghfs of nny couIo, IncIudIng snmo-
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 27
sox nrfnors, fo confInuo fo govorn fhoIr roInfIonshIs fhrough
onforconbIo rIvnfo confrncfs.
Af fho snmo fImo, fho !fnh !ogIsInfuro nrovod n JoInf
!osoIufIon fhnf Incod n roosod consfIfufIonnI nmondmonf on fho
ucomIng ovombor 2004 gonornI oIocfIon bnIIof. Tho roosnI, whIch
wns known ns Amondmonf 3 nnd bocnmo ArfIcIo l, 29 of fho !fnh
ConsfIfufIon, sfnfod:
(l) MnrrIngo consIsfs onIy of fho IognI unIon bofwoon n
mnn nnd n womnn.

(2) o ofhor domosfIc unIon, howovor donomInnfod, mny bo
rocognIzod ns n mnrrIngo or gIvon fho snmo or subsfnnfInIIy
oquIvnIonf IognI offocf.

!nws 2004, H.J.!. 25 l, A. l9l, 34?.

Affor nrovnI by fho !fnh oIocfornfo, Amondmonf 3 wouId
rovonf fho fyo of judIcInI rodofInIfIon of mnrrIngo fhnf hnd occurrod In
Mnssnchusoffs nnd Vormonf. Thnf Is bocnuso fho nmondmonf rovIdos
cone/i/u/ionol rofocfIon ngnInsf n sfnfo courf rodofInIfIon of !fnh`s
oxIsfIng e/o/u/or, dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo, nnd rovonfs judIcInI nffomfs
fo sIdo-sfo fhnf dofInIfIon. As oxInInod fo fho vofors:
ConsfIfufIonnI Amondmonf umbor 3 nvoIds n rosuIf In
!fnh sImIInr fo fhnf of ofhor sfnfos whoro sfnfo sfnfufo
|dofInIng mnrrIngo] hns boon doformInod fo bo In confIIcf
wIfh fho sfnfo consfIfufIon. Tho Amondmonf rnIsos fo
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 28
consfIfufIonnI sfnfus rIncIIos roInfIng fo mnrrIngo fhnf nro
now oxrossod onIy In sfnfufo. Iocnuso fho Amondmonf
Incos fhoso rIncIIos In fho !fnh ConsfIfufIon, nny
ofonfInI confIIcf bofwoon fho !fnh ConsfIfufIon nnd fho
sfnfufory rovIsIon oxrossIng fho snmo rIncIIo Is

!fnh Vofor InformnfIon InmhIof, ConornI IIocfIon ovombor 2, 2004,
nf 34, A. 34?.
Tho roosod nmondmonf surrod n honIfhy nnd robusf ubIIc
dobnfo. Tho vIows of bofh sIdos woro woII-fInnncod, woII-nrfIcuInfod,
nnd woII-suorfod by romInonf oIIfIcnI fIguros nnd schoInrs, ns woII
ns by busInoss, roIIgIous, nnd ofhor communIfy Iondors. A. 32?, 353-
423. Tho fonor of fho oIIfIcnI dIscourso fondod fownrd fho InfoIIocfunI
nnd IognIIsfIcromnrknbIo for n cnmnIgn on nn Issuo fhnf sfIrs sfrong
nnd doo fooIIngs nmong mosf cIfIzons. 1J.
!fnh`s vofors nrovod fho consfIfufIonnI nmondmonf by n mnrgIn
of 65.9 fo 34.l. A. 322, 352. On Jnnunry l, 2005, Amondmonf 3,
now known ns ArfIcIo I, 29, bocnmo nrf of fho !fnh ConsfIfufIon.
?# @6K/- B64K 34R7 /5L"J-4Q.5Q P"6K/-'046K/-

!fnh`s comoIIIng Inforosf In nnd commIfmonf fo chIIdron boIng
rnIsod by n bIoIogIcnI mofhor nnd fnfhor, or ofhor mnn-womnn unIons, Is
rofIocfod fhroughouf Ifs domosfIc roInfIons Inws. Tho Sfnfo`s
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 29
commIfmonf bogIns ovon boforo n couIo Is mnrrIod nnd nny chIIdron
nro born. |T]o onhnnco fho ossIbIIIfy of couIos fo nchIovo moro
sfnbIo, snfIsfyIng nnd ondurIng mnrIfnI nnd fnmIIy roInfIonshIs, fho
Sfnfo rovIdos for nnd oncourngos mnrIfnI counsoIIng boforo n couIo
socuros n mnrrIngo IIconso. !fnh Codo 30-l-30.
Affor n couIo hns n chIId, !fnh Inw omhnsIzos fhnf |I]f Is In fho
bosf Inforosfs nnd woIfnro of n chIId fo bo rnIsod undor fho cnro nnd
suorvIsIon of fho chIId`s nnfurnI nronfs. !fnh Codo 62A-4n-
20l(l)(c). Whonovor ossIbIo fho IvIsIon of ChIId nnd InmIIy SorvIcos
musf rofocf fho InfogrIfy of fho fnmIIy. 1J. 62A-4n-l03(2)(b).
ChIId-woIfnro-workor frnInIng omhnsIzos fho Imorfnnco of
mnInfnInIng fho nronf-chIId roInfIonshI whonovor ossIbIo nnd fho
roforonco of rovIdIng In-homo sorvIcos ovor romovIng n chIId from hIs
or hor nronfs. 1J. 62A-4n-l0?(5)(n) nnd (b). ChIId woIfnro workors
nro dIrocfod fo mnko ronsonnbIo offorfs fo rovonf or oIImInnfo fho
nood for romovnI of n chIId from fho chIId`s homo nnd fo doformIno
whofhor fhoro nro sorvIcos nvnIInbIo fhnf wouId oIImInnfo fho nood fo
romovo fho chIId from fho homo. 1J. 62A-4n-203(l)(n) nnd -
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 30
Tho urosos of !fnh`s JuvonIIo Courfs IIkowIso IncIudo
rosorv|Ing] nnd sfrongfhon|Ing] fnmIIy fIos. 1J. ?8A-6-l02(5)(g).
And fho JuvonIIo Courf Acf socIfIcnIIy rovIdos:
If Is In fho bosf Inforosf nnd woIfnro of n chIId fo bo rnIsod
undor fho cnro nnd suorvIsIon of fho chIId`s nnfurnI
nronfs. A chIId`s nood for n normnI fnmIIy IIfo In n
ormnnonf homo, nnd for osIfIvo, nurfurIng fnmIIy
roInfIonshIs Is usunIIy bosf mof by fho chIId`s nnfurnI
nronfs. . Ior fhoso ronsons, fho courf shouId onIy
frnnsfor cusfody of n chIId from fho chIId`s nnfurnI nronf for
comoIIIng ronsons nnd whon fhoro Is n jurIsdIcfIonnI bnsIs
fo do so.
1J. ?8A-6-503(8). IIsowhoro fho sfnfufo omhnsIzos fhnf |f]ho
Inforosfs of fho sfnfo fnvor rosorvnfIon nnd nof sovornnco of nnfurnI
fnmIIInI bonds . . . . 1J. ?8A-6-503(l0)(d).
!fnh ndofIon Inw sImIInrIy nIIows ndofIon onIy fo nduIfs who
nro IognIIy mnrrIod fo onch ofhor In nccordnnco wIfh fho Inws of fhIs
sfnfo, nnd doos nof ormIf ndofIon by n sIngIo nduIf, iJ. ?8I-6-
ll?(2), If fhnf orson Is cohnbIfnfIng In n roInfIonshI fhnf Is nof n
IognIIy vnIId nnd bIndIng mnrrIngo undor fho Inws of fhIs sfnfo. 1J.
?8I-6-ll?(3); eee oleo iJ. ?8I-6-l02(4). Ior ndofIons of chIIdron In
fho cusfody of fho IvIsIon of ChIId nnd InmIIy SorvIcos, roforonco Is
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 3l
gIvon fo n mnn nnd womnn who nro mnrrIod fo onch ofhor. 1J. ?8I-
6-ll?(4); eee oleo iJ. 62A-4n-60?(l)(b).
D# :/L/56 /S2/-.P/5646."5 .5 "6K/- >646/7

Mosf Sfnfos hnvo foIIowod n nfh sImIInr fo !fnh`s. CurronfIy, 33
Sfnfos dofIno mnrrIngo ns bofwoon ono mnn nnd ono womnn, IncIudIng
29 sfnfos fhnf hnvo n consfIfufIonnI rovIsIon so rovIdIng. Addondum
2. Of fhoso, 20 sfnfos hnvo nn nddIfIonnI consfIfufIonnI rovIsIon
rocIudIng govornmonf snncfIon of nny ofhor mnrrIngo-IIko roInfIonshI.
A. 205.
Snmo-sox mnrrIngo Is IognI In l? sfnfos. Addondum 2. IIovon
sfnfos hnvo voIunfnrIIy nufhorIzod fho mnrrIngos fhrough fho oIIfIcnI
rocoss, nImosf hnIf of fhom wIfhIn fho nsf yonr. 1J. Tho ofhor sIx
Sfnfos fhnf nIIow snmo-sox mnrrIngos woro comoIIod fo do so by
judIcInI docIsIon. 1J.
I# M-"L/=J-43 K.76"-9 "0 6K.7 L47/

IInInfIffs nro fhroo snmo-sox couIos. A. ?l-?3. Two dosIrod fo
gof mnrrIod buf couId nof undor !fnh`s Inws. 1J. Tho fhIrd mnrrIod In
Iown buf wnnfod !fnh fo rocognIzo fhnf mnrrIngo. 1J. ?2. IInInfIffs
fIIod suIf ngnInsf fho !fnh Covornor nnd Affornoy ConornI nnd fho SnIf
!nko Counfy CIork In fhoIr offIcInI cnncIfIos, chnIIongIng ArfIcIo l, 29
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 32
nnd !fnh sfnfufos dofInIng mnrrIngo consIsfonfIy wIfh fho
consfIfufIonnI rovIsIon. 1J. 68, ?3-?4. IInInfIffs nrguod fhnf !fnh`s
dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo vIoInfod fho uo Irocoss nnd IqunI IrofocfIon
CInusos of fho Iourfoonfh Amondmonf fo fho !nIfod Sfnfos
ConsfIfufIon. Thoy roquosfod n docInrnfory judgmonf so sfnfIng, nnd n
ormnnonf InjuncfIon bnrrIng onforcomonf of fho chnIIongod Inws. 1J.
68 e/ eeq.
IInInfIffs nnd Sfnfo ofondnnfs fIIod cross-mofIons for summnry
judgmonf on Ocfobor ll, 20l3. 1J. l08, l?4?, l943, 2005. Tho dIsfrIcf
courf honrd ornI nrgumonf on ocombor 4. 1J. 29l5, nnd Issuod n 53-
ngo momornndum docIsIon nnd ordor on ocombor 20, 20l3.
8# EK/ =.76-.L6 L*+,&)( -#./(/*0

Tho dIsfrIcf courf hoId fhnf !fnh`s dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo vIoInfos
fho Iourfoonfh Amondmonf In fwo mnIn rosocfs. Iuf boforo nnnIyzIng
fho morIfs, fho dIsfrIcf courf fIrsf doformInod fhnf noIfhor WinJeor nor
Bo/er t Aeleon, 409 !.S. 8l0 (l9?2), confroIIod Ifs docIsIon. As fo
WinJeor, fho dIsfrIcf courf ronsonod fhnf fodornIIsm concorns woro
InsuffIcIonf fo snvo !fnh`s dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. ocIsIon nf l3. Tho
courf fhon doformInod fhnf Bo/erwhIch squnroIy rojocfod fho snmo
cInIms IInInfIffs nssorfodIs no Iongor confroIIIng rocodonf.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 33
ocIsIon nf l6. AIfhough fho Suromo Courf hns novor oxrossod nny
doubfs nbouf Bo/er, fho dIsfrIcf courf ronsonod fhnf If hnd boon
suorsodod by Suromo Courf docIsIons hoIdIng fhnf sox Is n qunsI-
susocf cInss (Croig t. Boren, 429 !.S. l90 (l9?6)), fhnf Sfnfos cnnnof
IrrnfIonnIIy fnrgof nnd Imoso IognI dIsnbIIIfIos on cIfIzons bnsod on
fhoIr soxunI orIonfnfIon (Ioner t. 1tone, 5l? !.S. 620 (l996)), nnd fhnf
Sfnfos cnnnof crImInnIIzo rIvnfo soxunI conducf (Lourence t. Texoe,
539 !.S. 558 (2003)). 1J. nf l4. Ivon moro Imorfnnf fo fho dIsfrIcf
courf wns fho fncf fhnf fwo dIssonfIng JusfIcos (!oborfs, C.J. nnd
ScnIIn, J.) bofh forosnw fhnf fho WinJeor docIsIon wouId rocodo
sfnfo nnd fodornI InwsuIfs nddrossIng fho consfIfufIonnIIfy of sfnfo Inws
dofInIng mnrrIngo. 1J. nf l5
On fho morIfs, fho dIsfrIcf courf nnnouncod, fIrsf, fhnf fho uo
Irocoss CInuso gIvos IInInfIffs n fundnmonfnI rIghf fo mnrry fhnf
rofocfs fhoIr choIco of n snmo-sox nrfnor. 1J. nf 3l. Tho courf snId
fhnf fho nbIIIfy fo rocronfo wns nof n roIovnnf dIsfInguIshIng fncfor
bofwoon oosIfo-sox nnd snmo-sox couIos for urosos of mnrrIngo,
bnsod on Ifs vIow fhnf rocronfIon Is nof n dofInIng chnrncforIsfIc of
conjugnI roInfIonshIs from n IognI nnd consfIfufIonnI oInf of vIow. 1J.
nf 26. Tho courf nIso docIdod If dId nof hnvo fo foIIow fho confroIIIng
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 34
fundnmonfnI-rIghfs nnnIysIs In Woeling/on t. Gluc/eIerg, 52l !.S. ?02
(l99?), bocnuso fho Suromo Courf dId nof ndof fhIs IIno of ronsonIng
In fho nnnIogous cnso of R61$(, 10 S$#,$($'NHn curIous obsorvnfIon
gIvon fhnf Loting wns docIdod somo 30 yonrs Iefore Gluc/eIerg. See
Loting nf l. ocIsIon nf 28. !IfImnfoIy, fho courf doformInod fhnf Ifs
fundnmonfnI rIghfs hoIdIng wns roquIrod by Lourence t. Texoe, 539
!.S. 558 (2003) nf Ionsf ns Inforrofod by JusfIco ScnIIn`s dIssonf, whIch
fho dIsfrIcf courf quofod. 1J. nf 30-3l.
Socond, fho courf concIudod fhnf !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws, whIch
roquIro bofh mon onJ womon fo mnrry somoono of fho oosIfo sox,
ncfunIIy fronf fho gondors unoqunIIy. 1J. nf 34-35. IurorfIng fo
|n]Iy|] fho snmo IogIc ns Loting, fho courf doformInod fhnf fho oqunI
nIIcnfIon of frndIfIonnI mnrrIngo Inws fo mon nnd womnn dId nof
rocIudo n fIndIng of gondor dIscrImInnfIon bocnuso fho oqunI
nIIcnfIon of nnfI-mIscogonnfIon Inws dId nof snvo fhoso Inws from
hoIghfonod consfIfufIonnI scrufIny. 1J. nf 35.
AIfhough fho dIsfrIcf courf urorfod fo fInd fhnf fho Inws nf
Issuo dIscrImInnfo on fho bnsIs of sox nnd nro fhoroforo subjocf fo
hoIghfonod scrufIny, fho courf uIfImnfoIy docIInod fo nnnIyzo whofhor
fhoso Inws ncfunIIy snfIsfy hoIghfonod scrufIny bocnuso, In fho courf`s
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 35
vIow, fhoy do nof ovon snfIsfy rnfIonnI-bnsIs rovIow. 1J. nf 35. To
bogIn, fho dIsfrIcf courf doformInod Ifs rnfIonnI-bnsIs nnnIysIs wouId
nof consIdor whofhor oxfondIng mnrrIngo bonofIfs fo hoforosoxunI
couIos sorvos n IogIfImnfo govornmonfnI Inforosf. . . . |!nfhor,] |f]ho
courf musf . . . nnnIyzo whofhor fho Sfnfo`s Inforosfs In rosonsIbIo
rocronfIon nnd ofImnI chIId-ronrIng nro furfhorod by proliIi/ing
snmo-sox couIos from mnrryIng. 1J. nf 42-43 (omhnsIs nddod). Irom
fhnf orsocfIvo, nnd wIfhouf quosfIonIng fho IogIfImncy of !fnh`s
Inforosfs, fho dIsfrIcf courf found no rnfIonnI connocfIon bofwoon
frndIfIonnI mnrrIngo nnd fho Sfnfo`s gonI of fosforIng nn IdonI fnmIIy
onvIronmonf for n chIId. 1J. nf 42-43, 46-4?.
Insod on fhoso concIusIons, fho dIsfrIcf courf onjoInod !fnh from
onforcIng fho chnIIongod mnrrIngo Inws. Sfnfo ofondnnfs ImmodInfoIy
;# >649 2-"L//=.5Q7

Tho dIsfrIcf courf rofusod fo sfny Ifs InjuncfIon ondIng nonI.
A. 2??2. Sfnfo ofondnnfs ImmodInfoIy nnd unsuccosfuIIy roquosfod
n sfny from fhIs Courf. A. 2??9. Tho Sfnfo fhon ofIfIonod JusfIco
Sofomnyor, CIrcuIf JusfIco for fho Tonfh CIrcuIf, for n sfny. A. 2?8l,
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 36
28?5. JusfIco Sofomnyor roforrod fho roquosf fo fho fuII Suromo Courf,
whIch grnnfod n sfny ondIng rosoIufIon of fhIs nonI. A. 29l4.
>BCC1:T @I 1:8BCD!E

A fow shorf monfhs ngo, fho Suromo Courf hoId In Ini/eJ S/o/ee
t. WinJeor fhnf sfnfos hnvo fho nufhorIfy undor fho fodornI
ConsfIfufIon fo nbnndon fho frndIfIonnI mnn-womnn dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo nnd fo rodofIno If In gondorIoss formsn owor fho Courf snId
fnIIs wIfhIn fho Sfnfos` brond| ] nufhorIfy fo roguInfo fho subjocf of
domosfIc roInfIons . . . . l33 S. Cf. 26?5, 2690 (20l3). Tho quosfIon
horo Is whofhor !fnh cnn uso fhnf snmo nufhorIfy fo re/oin fho mnn-
womnn dofInIfIon fhnf hns rovnIIod nof onIy sInco fho orIgIns of fhIs
nfIon, buf sInco fho bogInnIng of hIsfory. Ior fhroo Indoondonf
ronsons, fho Sfnfo rofnIns fhnf nufhorIfy, nnd fho dIsfrIcf courf wns
Incorrocf fo concIudo ofhorwIso bnsod on Ifs novoI rondIng of fho
Iourfoonfh Amondmonf`s gunrnnfoos of duo rocoss nnd oqunI
A. Ono ronson fho Sfnfo rofnIns fhnf nufhorIfy Is fhnf fho
Suromo Courf hns nIrondy hoId ns much In Bo/er t. Aeleon, 409 !.S.
8l0 (l9?2). Thnf docIsIon dIsmIssod on fho morIfs fho snmo Iourfoonfh
Amondmonf chnIIongos fo fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon fhnf fho dIsfrIcf
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 37
courf susfnInod In fhIs cnso. Bo/er Is fhoroforo bIndIng horo. See, e.g.,
MonJel t. BroJle,, 432 !.S. l?3, l?6 (l9??) (or curInm). Bo/er Is nIso
fuIIy consIsfonf wIfh WinJeor; Indood, If rofIocfs fho snmo rIncIIos of
fodornIIsm fhnf WinJeor wouId Infor ronffIrm.
In nny ovonf, ns fhIs Courf Is woII nwnro, Iowor fodornI courfs do
nof hnvo nufhorIfy fo donrf from bIndIng Suromo Courf rocodonf
moroIy bocnuso fhoy boIIovo If hns boon undorcuf by whnf fho dIsfrIcf
courf cnIIod subsoquonf docfrInnI dovoIomonfs. Tho Suromo Courf
hns hoId In no uncorfnIn forms fhnf, |I]f n rocodonf of fhIs Courf hns
dIrocf nIIcnfIon In n cnso, yof nonrs fo rosf on ronsons rojocfod In
somo ofhor IIno of docIsIons, Iowor courfs shouId foIIow fho cnso whIch
dIrocfIy confroIs, IonvIng fo fhIs Courf fho rorognfIvo of ovorruIIng Ifs
own docIsIons. IoJriquec Je Quijoe t. Sleoreon/An. 1xpreee, 1nc.,
490 !.S. 4??, 484 (l989).
I. Ivon If Bo/er woro nof confroIIIng, fho Iourfoonfh
Amondmonf doos nof dorIvo !fnh of Ifs nufhorIfy fo rofnIn fho mnn-
womnn dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. Confrnry fo fho dIsfrIcf courf`s
concIusIon, fhoro Is no fundnmonfnI Iourfoonfh Amondmonf rIghf fo n
Sfnfo mnrrIngo corfIfIcnfo nIIowIng fwo ooIo of fho snmo sox fo mnrry.
As courfs nround fho counfry hnvo unIformIy hoId, such n rIghf doos
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 38
nof como cIoso fo snfIsfyIng fho sfnndnrd for fundnmonfnI cone/i/u/ionol
rIghfs sof by fho Suromo Courf In Woeling/on t. Gluc/eIerg, 52l !.S.
?02 (l99?), nnmoIy, fhnf fho nIIogod rIghf bo objocfIvoIy, dooIy roofod
In fhIs nfIon`s hIsfory nnd frndIfIon, nnd ImIIcIf In fho concof of
ordorod IIborfy, such fhnf noIfhor IIborfy nor jusfIco wouId oxIsf If |If]
woro sncrIfIcod. 1J. nf ?20-2l (quofnfIons nnd cIfnfIons omIffod). of
surrIsIngIy, fho dIsfrIcf courf dId nof ovon nffomf fo moof fhIs
sfnndnrdngnIn, IncorrocfIy fronfIng Gluc/eIerg ns hnvIng boon
eilen/l, ovorruIod by WinJeor.
To bo suro, fho dIsfrIcf courf wns rIghf In rofusIng fo fInd fhnf fho
Sfnfo ncfod wIfh nnImus In rofnInIng Ifs frndIfIonnI mnrrIngo
dofInIfIon. And If wns rIghf In fIndIng fhnf undor confroIIIng CIrcuIf
Inw fho IInInfIffs` oqunI-rofocfIon cInIms nro govornod by rnfIonnI-
bnsIs rovIow.
Howovor, fho dIsfrIcf courf orrod In concIudIng fhnf fho Sfnfo
Incks nn ndoqunfo jusfIfIcnfIon for rofnInIng fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon.
As much ns fho Sfnfo vnIuos nnd suorfs Ifs gny nnd IosbInn cIfIzons,
If Is nof fho Sfnfo`s burdon, on rnfIonnI-bnsIs rovIow, fo jusfIfy fho
ImIIcIf oxcIusIon of snmo-sox couIos from fho Sfnfo`s dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo. Whofhor or nof fho dofInIfIon Is undor- or ovor-IncIusIvo, nII
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 39
fho Sfnfo nood show Is fhnf fho dofInIfIon ns If sfnnds rnfIonnIIy
ndvnncos IogIfImnfo Sfnfo Inforosfs. See, e.g., Jolneon t. IoIieon, 4l5
!.S. 36l, 385 (l94?). Iocnuso fho dIsfrIcf courf dId nof nnd couId nof
dony fhnf fho curronf dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo rnfIonnIIy ndvnncos fho
Sfnfo`s Inforosfs In (nf n mInImum) offocfIvo nronfIng nnd ndoqunfo
rocronfIon, fho courf shouId hnvo rojocfod fho IInInfIffs` oqunI-
rofocfIon cInIm ns n mnffor of Inw.
C. Ivon If fho Courf woro fo nIy hoIghfonod scrufInyns fho
dIsfrIcf courf suggosfod In Jic/o, !fnh`s choson dofInIfIon Is sfIII woII
wIfhIn Ifs consfIfufIonnI nufhorIfy. IosIdos nvoIdIng rIsks fo roIIgIous
froodom nnd cIvIc onco, !fnh`s docIsIon fo rofnIn fhnf dofInIfIon
subsfnnfInIIy ndvnncos nf Ionsf fhroo dIsfIncf Sfnfo Inforosfs fhnf nro
nof onIy IogIfImnfo, buf Imorfnnf nnd comoIIIng.
Iire/, mnInfnInIng fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon hoIs rovonf
furfhor orosIon of fho frndIfIonnI concep/ of mnrrIngo ns boIng
rIncInIIy n chIId-conforod InsfIfufIon, ono focusod fIrsf nnd foromosf
on fho woIfnro of chIIdron rnfhor fhnn fho omofIonnI Inforosfs of nduIfs.
See WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. nf 2?l8 (AIIfo, J., dIssonfIng) (dIscussIng
dIsfIncfIon bofwoon conjugnI nnd consonf-bnsod vIows of mnrrIngo).
A socIofy cnn hnvo buf ono undorsfnndIng of mnrrIngo: If Is oIfhor n
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 40
unIquoIy mnn-womnn InsfIfufIon, or If Is nof. Iocnuso mnn-womnn
unIons nro unIquo In fhoIr nbIIIfy fo roduco chIIdron, mnInfnInIng fho
mnn-womnn dofInIfIon roInforcos fho chIId-confrIc vIow of mnrrIngo.
And by roInforcIng fhnf undorsfnndIng, fho Sfnfo gonfIy oncourngos
nronfs fo roufInoIy sncrIfIco fhoIr own Inforosfs fo fho IogIfImnfo noods
nnd Inforosfs of fhoIr chIIdron. CIvon Ifs onormous bonofIfs fo chIIdron
gonornIIy, fho Sfnfo hns nn Imorfnnf nnd comoIIIng Inforosf In
oncourngIng soIfIoss nronfIng.
SeconJ, nnd moro socIfIcnIIy, mnInfnInIng fho mnn-womnn
dofInIfIon Incronsos fho IIkoIIhood fhnf chIIdron wIII bo rnIsod by fhoIr
bIoIogIcnI mofhors nnd fnfhorsor nf Ionsf o mofhor nnd fnfhorIn
Infncf fnmIIIos. Common sonso nnd n wonIfh of socInI-scIonco dnfn
fonch fhnf chIIdron do bosf omofIonnIIy, socInIIy, InfoIIocfunIIy nnd ovon
oconomIcnIIy whon ronrod In nn Infncf homo by bofh bIoIogIcnI nronfs.
Such nrrnngomonfs bonofIf chIIdron by (n) hnrnossIng fho sfrong
bIoIogIcnI connocfIons fhnf nronfs nnd chIIdron nnfurnIIy fooI for onch
ofhor, nnd (b) rovIdIng whnf oxorfs hnvo cnIIod gondor
comIomonfnrIfyI.o., dIvorsIfyIn nronfIng. Common sonso nnd
socInI scIonco nIso fonch fhnf fho socond-bosf nrrnngomonf for chIIdron
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 4l
Is fo bo rnIsod by n bIoIogIcnI nronf nnd nn ndofIvo nronf of fho
oosIfo sox.
In n vnrIofy of wnys oxInInod In dofnII boIow, fho frndIfIonnI
dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo oncourngos nronfs nnd wouId-bo nronfs fo rnIso
fhoIr chIIdron In ono of fhoso roforrod nrrnngomonfs. And In n vnrIofy
of wnys, rodofInIng mnrrIngo In gondorIoss forms wouId IIkoIy roduco,
ovor fImo, fho roorfIon of chIIdron boIng rnIsod In ono of fhoso
nrrnngomonfsfhus IncIng nf sorIous rIsk fho woIfnro of chIIdron who
wIII bo rnIsod In ofhor nrrnngomonfs ns n rosuIf.
TlirJ, mnInfnInIng fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon hoIs fo onsuro
ndoqunfo roroducfIon by nronfs wIIIIng nnd nbIo fo rnIso fhoIr
chIIdron In sfnbIo homos. Iy rovIdIng socInI rIvIIogos nnd
rocognIfIon fo soxunI unIons fhnf, ns n cInss, nro unIquoIy cnnbIo of
rocronfIon, fho Sfnfo gonfIy oncourngos fhnf vIfnI ncfIvIfy. Indood,
fhnf Is why fho Suromo Courf hns offon cnIIod mnn-womnn mnrrIngo
fundnmonfnI fo our vory oxIsfonco nnd survIvnI. Loting, nf l2. Tho
Sfnfo hns n comoIIIng Inforosf In onsurIng ndoqunfo roroducfIon nnd,
convorsoIy, In nvoIdIng n dofInIfIonnI chnngo fhnf (ovor fImo) couId hoI
sond Ifs bIrfhrnfo boIow roIncomonf IovoIsns hns nIrondy hnonod
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 42
In n numbor of nnfIons nnd !.S. Sfnfos fhnf hnvo ndofod n gondorIoss
Ior nII fhoso ronsons, !fnh hns nmIo nufhorIfy undor fho
ConsfIfufIon fo rofnIn Ifs mnn-womnn dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo.
>E1!?1:? @I :DUGDV

Tho Courf rovIows Je noto n grnnf of summnry judgmonf,
!"#$%&$'( *+#$&',+ -.'/0 10 234'0 5+.6(/'#7 5."0 -%%8(9 483 I.3d l025,
l030 (l0
CIr. 200?), whIch musf bo grnnfod onIy whon fhoro nro no
gonuIno dIsufos of mnforInI fncf nnd fho movnnf Is onfIfIod fo
judgmonf ns n mnffor of Inw. Iod. !. CIv. I. 56(n).

E;D ?G>E:GHE H@B:E D::D? G! ;@A?G!8 E;1E BE1;
A1HW> H@!>EGEBEG@!1A 1BE;@:GET E@ :DE1G! GE>
8D!?D:D? ?DIG!GEG@! @I C1::G18D#

1# !"# -/(&,/.& -*+,&)( -#./(/*0 .*0&,'1#0#( !"#$% '(
)$*+,-X RK.LK .7 <"6K L"56-"33.5Q 45= L"57.76/56 R.6K
./-0+,% 45= 6K/ 0/=/-43.7P 2-.5L.23/7 .6 -/400.-P7#

Tho fIrsf dIsosIfIvo orror In fho dIsfrIcf courf`s nnnIysIs Is fhnf If
dIrocfIy confrnvonos Bo/er t. Aeleon, 409 !.S. 8l0 (l9?2), whIch IfsoIf
nnfIcInfos nnd mIrrors fho rIncIIos of fodornIIsm nnd ouInr
sovoroIgnfy Infor roIfornfod In WinJeor.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 43
%# !"#$% .7 L"56-"33.5Q#

In Bo/er, fho !.S. Suromo Courf summnrIIy dIsmIssod, for wnnf
of n subsfnnfInI fodornI quosfIon, nn nonI by fwo mon whom fho
Sfnfo of MInnosofn donIod n mnrrIngo IIconso on fho soIo ground fhnf
ofIfIonors woro of fho snmo sox. Bo/er t. Aeleon, l9l .W.2d l85,
l85 (MInn. l9?l). Such n summnry dIsmIssnI Is n docIsIon on fho
morIfs by whIch Iowor courfs nro bound . unfII such fImo ns fho Courf
Informs (fhom) fhnf (fhoy) nro nof. Hic/e t. MironJo, 422 !.S. 332,
344-45 (l9?5) (InfornnI quofnfIon mnrks omIffod). A summnry
dIsmIssnI IIko fho ono In Bo/er wIfhouf doubf rojocf|s] fho socIfIc
chnIIongos rosonfod In fho sfnfomonf of jurIsdIcfIon, nnd rovonf|s]
Iowor courfs from comIng fo oosIfo concIusIons |l] on fho rocIso
Issuos rosonfod nnd |2] nocossnrIIy docIdod by fhoso ncfIons. MonJel
t. BroJle,, 432 !.S. l?3, l?6 (l9??) (or curInm). ThIs cnso moofs bofh
MonJel roroquIsIfos.
IIrsf, Bo/er unmIsfnknbIy rosonfod fho rocIso Issuos ruIod on
by fho dIsfrIcf courf horo. Bo/er, l9l .W. 2d. nf l85. Bo/er InInfIffs
socIfIcnIIy cInImod fhnf fho Sfnfo`s donInI of n mnrrIngo IIconso
dorIvo|d] |fhom] of fhoIr IIborfy fo mnrry nnd of fhoIr roorfy
wIfhouf duo rocoss of Inw undor fho Iourfoonfh Amondmonf nnd
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 44
vIoInfo|d] fhoIr rIghfs undor fho oqunI rofocfIon cInuso of fho
Iourfoonfh Amondmonf. A. 22l.
Socond, fho MInnosofn Suromo Courf nocossnrIIy docIdod fhoso
whon If rojocfod cInIms fhnf, by fho donInI of fhoIr nIIcnfIon for n
mnrrIngo IIconso, ofIfIonors nro dorIvod of IIborfy wIfhouf duo
rocoss nnd nro donIod fho oqunI rofocfIon of fho Inws, bofh
gunrnnfood by fho Iourfoonfh Amondmonf. Bo/er, l9l .W. 2d. nf
l86. Tho courf shnrIy robuffod fho cInIm fhnf snmo-sox mnrrIngo wns
n fundnmonfnI rIghf, hoIdIng fhnf |f]ho duo rocoss cInuso of fho
Iourfoonfh Amondmonf Is nof n chnrfor for rosfrucfurIng |mnrrIngo] by
judIcInI IogIsInfIon. 1J. And fho courf hoId fhnf oqunI rofocfIon wns
nof offondod by IImIfIng mnrrIngo fo n mnn nnd n womnn wIfhouf
roquIrIng roof of nbIIIfy or wIIIIngnoss fo rocronfo. AccordIng fo fho
courf, fho cInssIfIcnfIon Is no moro fhnn fhoorofIcnIIy Imorfocf, nnd
'|f]ho ConsfIfufIon doos nof roquIro fhIngs whIch nro dIfforonf In fncf or
oInIon fo bo fronfod In Inw ns fhough fhoy woro fho snmo.` 1J. nf l8?
nnd n.4 (quofIng Tigner t. Texoe, 3l0 !.S. l4l, l4? (l940) (nIfornfIon In
orIgInnI)). Tho courf nIso roudInfod nny nnnIogy bofwoon fho
frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo nnd fho nnfI-mIscogonnfIon Inws
InvnIIdnfod In Loting. |I]n commonsonso nnd In n consfIfufIonnI sonso,
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 45
fhoro Is n cIonr dIsfIncfIon bofwoon n mnrIfnI rosfrIcfIon bnsod moroIy
uon rnco nnd ono bnsod uon fho fundnmonfnI dIfforonco In sox. 1J.
nf l8?.
CIvon fho nnnIysIs In fho MInnosofn Suromo Courf`s oInIon nnd
In fho jurIsdIcfIonnI sfnfomonf chnIIongIng fhnf docIsIon, numorous
courfs hnvo rocognIzod fho Suromo Courf`s Bo/er docIsIon ns
confroIIIng on fho consfIfufIonnIIfy of Sfnfo Inws wIfhhoIdIng mnrrIngo
from snmo-sox couIos. See e.g., Moeeocluee//e t. I. S. ?+@8& *+'4&" &
Hunon Serte., 682 I.3d l, 8 (lsf CIr. 20l2) (Bo/er doos nof rosoIvo our
own cnso |undor OMA] buf If doos IImIf fho nrgumonfs fo onos fhnf do
nof rosumo or rosf on n consfIfufIonnI rIghf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo.);
Ci/icene for 1quol Pro/ec/ion t. Bruning, 455 I.3d 859, 8?0-8?l (8fh
CIr. 2006) (Bo/er mnndnfos rosfrnInf boforo concIudIng n sfnfo
sfnfufo or consfIfufIonnI rovIsIon codIfyIng fho frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo vIoInfos fho IqunI IrofocfIon CInuso or nny ofhor rovIsIon of
fho !nIfod Sfnfos ConsfIfufIon); AJone t. Houer/on, 6?3 I.2d l036,
l039 n.2 (9fh CIr. l982) (Bo/er Is n docIsIon on fho morIfs) (quofnfIon
omIffod); DonolJeon t. S/o/e, 292 I.3d 364, 3?l n.5 (Monf. 20l2); (Tho
!.S. Suromo Courf`s ncfIon In Bo/er hns boon doscrIbod ns bIndIng
rocodonf.) (cIfnfIons omIffod). To our knowIodgo, no ofhor fodornI
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 46
cIrcuIf or Sfnfo suromo courf hns gono fho ofhor wny. Tho dIsfrIcf
courf IIkowIso shouId hnvo nccofod Bo/er ns confroIIIng, nnd Ifs fnIIuro
fo do so roquIros rovorsnI.
Y# !"# -/(&,/.& .*+,&)( ,#'(*0( 2*, ,#2+(/03 &* 2*44*5
!"#$% 4-/ P.7QJ.=/=#

Ior fho dIsfrIcf courf, howovor, Bo/er wns no moro fhnn n sood
bum. If hoId fhnf subsoquonf docfrInnI dovoIomonfsosocInIIy
fho mnjorIfy oInIon In WinJeorIoff Bo/er wIfh IIffIo If nny
rocodonfInI offocf fodny. ocIsIon nf l4. Ior fwo ronsons, fhnf Is
Iire/, Iowor fodornI courfs do nof hnvo fho ofIon of donrfIng from
bIndIng rocodonf sImIy bocnuso fhoy boIIovo If hns boon undorcuf by
Infor docfrInnI dovoIomonfs. AIfhough fhnf ossIbIIIIIfy hnd boon
suggosfod In Infor docIsIons, fho Suromo Courf oIImInnfod fhnf ofIon
In IoJriquec Je Quijoe t. Sleoreon/An. 1xpreee, 1nc., 490 !.S. 4??
(l989). Thnf docIsIon hoId In no uncorfnIn forms: If n rocodonf of fhIs
Courf hns dIrocf nIIcnfIon In n cnso, yof nonrs fo rosf on ronsons
rojocfod In somo ofhor IIno of docIsIons, Iowor courfs shouId foIIow fho
cnso whIch dIrocfIy confroIs, IonvIng fo fhIs Courf fho rorognfIvo of
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 47
ovorruIIng Ifs own docIsIons. 1J. nf 484. Thoro Is no doubf fhnf Bo/er
dIrocfIy confroIs horo.
SeconJ, nnd moro fundnmonfnIIy, WinJeor dId nof undorcuf
Bo/er. Indood, fho WinJeor mnjorIfy oxrossIy dIscInImod nny
InfonfIon fo ronch fho Issuo docIdod In Bo/er, sfnfIng fhnf Ifs oInIon
nnd Ifs hoIdIng nro confInod fo fhoso InwfuI mnrrIngos olreoJ,
nufhorIzod by sfnfo Inw. l33 S. Cf. nf 2696. Thnf Is why fho mnjorIfy
dId nof ovon nddross Bo/ermuch Ioss crIfIcIzo If, whIch fho Courf
suroIy wouId hnvo dono hnd If Infondod fo ovorruIo If. SImIInIry,
noIfhor Ioner t. 1tone, 5l? !.S. 620 (l996), nor Lourence t. Texoe,
539 !.S. 558 (2003), nddrossod fho consfIfufIonnIIfy of sfnfo mnrrIngo
Inws, nnd noIfhor monfIons Bo/er.
or Is fhoro nny InconsIsfoncy bofwoon fho Bo/er nnd WinJeor8%
IognI nnnIysIs. WinJeor InvnIIdnfod OMA 3 bocnuso ow York
conforrod nn oqunI dIgnIfy on snmo-sox couIos fhnf fho fodornI
sfnfufo dIsInco|d] by fronfIng fhoso orsons ns IIvIng In mnrrIngos
Ioss rosocfod fhnn ofhors. l33 S. Cf. nf 2696. In concIudIng fhnf
OMA Injuro|d] fhoso whom fho Sfnfo, by i/e mnrrIngo Inws, soughf fo
rofocf In orsonhood nnd dIgnIfy, iJ. (omhnsIs nddod), fho Courf dId
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 48
nof cronfo n froo-sfnndIng subsfnnfIvo duo rocoss rIghf for snmo-sox
couIos fo mnrry.
Indood, WinJeor roInforcod nnd comIomonfod Bo/er by
omhnsIzIng fho nood fo snfogunrd fho Sfnfos` hIsforIc nnd ossonfInI
nufhorIfy fo dofIno fho mnrIfnI roInfIon froo from fodornI InfrusIon.
l33 S. Cf. nf 2692. Tho mnjorIfy sfrossod fhnf, |b]y hIsfory nnd
frndIfIon fho dofInIfIon nnd roguInfIon of mnrrIngo . . . hns boon fronfod
ns boIng wIfhIn fho nufhorIfy nnd ronIm of fho sonrnfo Sfnfos. 1J. nf
2689-90. Mosf sIgnIfIcnnfIy, fho Courf ronffIrmod fhnf |f]ho dofInIfIon
of mnrrIngo Is fho foundnfIon of fho Sfnfo`s brondor nufhorIfy fo
roguInfo fho subjocf of domosfIc roInfIons wIfh rosocf fo fho
'|]rofocfIon of offsrIng, roorfy Inforosfs, nnd fho onforcomonf of
mnrIfnI rosonsIbIIIfIos.` 1J. nf 269l (quofIng Willione t. Aor/l
Corolino, 3l? !.S. 28?, 298 (l942)) (nIfornfIon In orIgInnI). And If wns
rocIsoIy Iecouee of Ifs undorsfnndIng of fho mnrIfnI roInfIon ns 'n
vIrfunIIy oxcIusIvo rovInco of fho Sfnfos,` iJ. nf 2680 (quofIng Soeno,
4l9 !.S. nf 404), fhnf fho Courf concIudod fhnf OMA`s rofusnI fo
rosocf ow York`s docIsIon fo ormIf snmo-sox mnrrIngo rorosonfod
nn ImormIssIbIo fodornI InfrusIon on sfnfo owor. 1J. nf 2692.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 49
Whon rond fogofhor, Bo/er nnd WinJeor osfnbIIsh n rIncIIod,
fodornIIsm-bnsod rosoIufIon fo fho dIffIcuIf quosfIon of snmo-sox
mnrrIngo: Bo/er Ionvos fho dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo for ovory Sfnfo fo
docIdo for IfsoIf, whIIo WinJeor rohIbIfs fho fodornI govornmonf from
InforforIng In fho docIsIon fo nIIow snmo-sox mnrrIngo. As sfnfod by n
grou of fodornIIsm schoInrs cIfod by fho WinJeor mnjorIfy, such
dIvorsIfy of oufcomos onnbIos fho domocrnfIc rocoss fo nccommodnfo n
hIghor roorfIon of our cIfIzons` vIows on |snmo-sox mnrrIngo] fhnn
wouId n unIform nnfIonnI nnswor. And If rovonfs fho mnjorIfy of
Sfnfos from ImrossIng fhoIr oIIcy roforoncos on fho mInorIfy who
wnnf fo rocognIzo gny mnrrIngo. IrIof of Anici Curioe IodornIIsm
SchoInrs, Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. WinJeor, o. l2-30?, nf 9 (20l2). !osocfIng
fhnf fodornIIsm-mnndnfod dIvorsIfy Is nIso ossonfInI fo IndIvIdunI
froodomor whnf JusfIco Konnody hns cnIIod IIborfy In fho
fundnmonfnI oIIfIcnI sonso of fho form. See Clin/on t. Ci/, of Aeu
Yor/, 524 !.S. 4l?, 450 (l998) (Konnody, J., concurrIng) (fho Irnmors
usod fho rIncIIos of sonrnfIon of owors nnd fodornIIsm fo socuro
IIborfy In fho fundnmonfnI oIIfIcnI sonso of fho form).

As JusfIco Konnody hns nIso nofod, fodornIIsm nIIows fho Sfnfos gronf
InfIfudo undor fhoIr oIIco owor fo IogIsInfo ns fo fho IIvos, IImbs, honIfh,

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 50
Tho dIsfrIcf courf shouId hnvo rosocfod fho rIncIIod
comromIso fhnf fho Suromo Courf ronchod In Bo/er nnd WinJeor, ono
fhnf ormIfs n dIvorsIfy of oufcomos on fho quosfIon of mnrrIngo
rnfhor fhnn mnndnfIng n unIform nnfIonnI nnswor.
Tho dIsfrIcf
courf`s fnIIuro fo rosocf fhnf comromIsonnd Ifs consoquonf rofusnI
fo foIIow Bo/erHroquIros rovorsnI.
,# U./R/= .5 3.QK6 "0 6K/ 2-"2/- 3/Q43 7645=4-=7X 6K/
=.76-.L6 L*+,&)( =J/ 2-"L/77 45= /ZJ43 2-"6/L6."5
K"3=.5Q7 4-/ 3/Q4339 /--"5/"J7#

Bo/er nnd WinJeor woro nof fho onIy cnsunIfIos of fho dIsfrIcf
courf`s duo rocoss nnd oqunI rofocfIon nnnIysos. Thoso nnnIysos
Ignoro or mIsnIy confroIIIng IognI sfnndnrds nrfIcuInfod by fho
Suromo Courf nnd, ns n rosuIf, confIIcf dIrocfIy wIfh docIsIons by ofhor
fodornI cIrcuIfs ns woII ns fho hIghosf courfs of numorous sfnfos.

comforf nnd quIof of nII orsons. Goncolee t. Oregon, 546 !.S. 243, 2?0
(2006)) (quofnfIons nnd cIfnfIons omIffod). Thnf rIncIIo nIIos wIfh socInI
forco fo Sfnfo docIsIons nbouf mnrrIngo, whIch hnvo onormous ImIIcnfIons
for fho omofIonnI nnd hysIcnI honIfh nnd comforf of fho Sfnfo`s chIIdron.
As for fho dIsfrIcf courf`s mIschnrncforIznfIon of JusfIco ScnIIn`s dIssonf, eee
ocIsIon nf l3, hIs concorns nbouf whoro fho mnjorIfy`s ronsonIng nigl/ Iond
cnnnof bo fnkon ns nn ondorsomonf of fho nofIon fhnf WinJeor IfsoIf dIcfnfos
snmo-sox mnrrIngo. l33 S. Cf. nf 2?09 (ScnIIn, J., dIssonfIng) (ngrooIng fhnf
wIfh rognrd fo fho sfnfo donInI of mnrIfnI sfnfus fo snmo-sox couIos Sfnfo
nnd Iowor fodornI courfs shouId fnko fho Courf nf Ifs word nnd dIsfInguIsh
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 5l
%# EK/-/ .7 5" 0J5=4P/5643 =J/'2-"L/77 -.QK6 6" P4--9
7"P/"5/ "0 6K/ 74P/ 7/S#

As fo fho IInInfIffs` duo rocoss cInIm, fho Suromo Courf hns
oxrossod roIucfnn|co] fo oxnnd fho concof of subsfnnfIvo duo rocoss
bocnuso guIdoosfs for rosonsIbIo docIsIonmnkIng In fhIs unchnrfod
nron nro scnrco nnd oon-ondod. Colline t. Ci/, of Hor/er Heigl/e, 503
!.S. ll5, l25 (l992). As n rosuIf, courfs musf oxorcIso fho ufmosf cnro
whonovor . . . nskod fo bronk now ground In fhIs fIoId. 1J.
IsrognrdIng fhnf guIdnnco, fho dIsfrIcf courf nnnouncod n now
fundnmonfnI rIghf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo wIfhouf ovon monfIonIng fho
gronf woIghf of nufhorIfy fhnf hns gono fho ofhor wny. See, e.g.,
AnJereen t. King Cn/,., l38 I.3d 963, 9?9 (Wnsh. 2006) (on bnnc)
(IInInfIffs hnvo nof osfnbIIshod fhnf nf fhIs fImo fho fundnmonfnI rIghf
fo mnrry IncIudos fho rIghf fo mnrry n orson of fho snmo sox.);
HernonJec t. IoIlee, 855 .I.2d l, l0 (.Y. 2006) (by dofInIng
mnrrIngo ns If hns, fho ow York !ogIsInfuro hns nof rosfrIcfod fho
oxorcIso of n fundnmonfnI rIghf); Leuie t. Horrie, 908 A.2d l96, 2ll
(.J. 2006) (wo cnnnof fInd fhnf n rIghf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo Is so
dooIy roofod In fho frndIfIons, hIsfory, nnd conscIonco of fho ooIo of
fhIs Sfnfo fhnf If rnnks ns n fundnmonfnI rIghf.); Deon t. Die/ric/ of
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 52
ColunIio, 653 A.2d 30?, 333 (.C. l995) (snmo-sox mnrrIngo cnnnof bo
cnIIod n fundnmonfnI rIghf rofocfod by fho duo rocoss cInuso); Bo/er,
l9l .W.2d nf l86 (Tho duo rocoss cInuso of fho Iourfoonfh
Amondmonf Is nof n chnrfor for rosfrucfurIng |mnrrIngo] by judIcInI
Indood, no noIInfo courf nIyIng n fodornI
consfIfufIonnI nnnIysIs hns ronchod fhIs rosuIf|.] AnJereen, l38 I.3d nf
9?9 (omhnsIs nddod), IncIudIng fho Suromo Courf.
oformInIng whofhor fhoro Is n fundnmonfnI rIghf fo snmo-sox
mnrrIngo Is confroIIod by Woeling/on t. Gluc/eIerg, 52l !.S. ?02
(l99?), nnd roquIros fwo sfos. Tho fIrsf Is n coreful doscrIfIon of fho
nssorfod fundnmonfnI IIborfy Inforosf, nnd fho socond Is nddIng fo fho
cnnon onIy fhoso fundnmonfnI rIghfs nnd IIborfIos whIch nro,
objocfIvoIy, dooIy roofod In fhIs nfIon`s hIsfory nnd frndIfIon, nnd
ImIIcIf In fho concof of ordorod IIborfy, such fhnf noIfhor IIborfy nor
jusfIco wouId oxIsf If fhoy woro sncrIfIcod. 1J. nf ?20-2l (quofnfIons
nnd cIfnfIons omIffod; omhnsIs nddod). CnrofuIIy doscrIbod, fho
Inforosf nssorfod horo Is fho fundnmonfnI rIghf fo mnrry somoono of fho
snmo sox. As fho docIsIons cIfod nbovo hnvo rocognIzod, such nn

AccorJ Joc/eon t. AIercronIie, 884 I. Su. 2d l065,l098 (. Hnw.
20l2)20l2) (no fundnmonfnI rIghf fo snmo sox mnrrIngo); Setci/ t. SonJotol,
9ll I. Su. 2d 996, l0l? n.9 (. ov. 20l2).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 53
Inforosf Is nof dooIy roofod buf roconfIy rocognIzod, nnd ovon fhon by
onIy n mInorIfy of sfnfos. ThIrfy-fhroo sfnfos66 of fho counfrynro
govornod by Inws IIko !fnh`s, dofInIng mnrrIngo ns bofwoon ono mnn
nnd ono womnn.
Tho dIsfrIcf courf`s confrnry concIusIon orrod In four crIfIcnI wnys.
IIrsf, fho dIsfrIcf courf mIsfnkonIy chnrncforIzod IInInfIffs ns sookIng
nccoss fo nn exie/ing rIghf, nof fho docInrnfIon of n now rIghf. ocIsIon
nf 29 (omhnsIs nddod). ToIIIngIy, howovor, ovory Suromo Courf
docIsIon cIfod by fho dIsfrIcf courf for fho fundnmonfnI rIghf fo mnrry
wns romIsod on n mnIo-fomnIo roInfIonshI. See ZoIloc/i, 434 !.S. nf
3?9 (noIIoo nnd fho womnn ho dosIrod fo mnrry woro oxocfIng n
chIId In Mnrch l9?5 nnd wIshod fo bo InwfuIIy mnrrIod boforo fhnf
fImo.); Loting, 388 !.S. nf 2 (doscrIbIng fho comInInnnfs ns MIIdrod
Jofor, n ogro womnn, nnd !Ichnrd !ovIng, n whIfo mnn). Indood, fho
Suromo Courf`s mosf roconf ronouncomonf on fho subjocf, WinJeor,
IndIcnfod fhnf snmo-sox mnrrIngo Is n now rIghf, nnd rojocfod fho
dIsfrIcf courf`s nssumfIon horo fhnf snmo-sox mnrrIngo Is subsumod by
fho Courf`s rIghf fo mnrry rocodonfs:
If sooms fnIr fo concIudo fhnf, un/il recen/ ,eore, mnny
cIfIzons hnd nof ovon consIdorod fho ossIbIIIfy fhnf fwo
orsons of fho snmo sox mIghf nsIro fo occuy fho snmo
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 54
sfnfus nnd dIgnIfy ns fhnf of n mnn nnd womnn In InwfuI
mnrrIngo. Ior mnrrIngo bofwoon n mnn nnd n womnn no
doubf hnd boon fhoughf of by mosf ooIo ns ossonfInI fo fho
vory dofInIfIon of fhnf form nnd fo Ifs roIo nnd funcfIon
fhroughouf fho hIsfory of cIvIIIznfIon.

l33 S. Cf. nf 2689 (omhnsIs nddod). WinJeor fhon wonf on fo nofo fhnf
fho IImIfnfIon of InwfuI mnrrIngo fo hoforosoxunI couIos . . . for
confurIos hn|s] boon doomod bofh nocossnry nnd funJonen/ol. 1J. nf
2689 (omhnsIs nddod); eee oleo Lourence, 539 !.S. nf 56?, 5?8 (rIghf fo
InfImnfo snmo-sox roInfIonshI froo of crImInnI onnIfy doos nof ImIy n
rIghf fo formnI rocognIfIon of fhnf roInfIonshI). !ndor WinJeor`s
chnrncforIznfIon, fhon, snmo-sox-mnrrIngo Is fho nnfIfhosIs of n
fundnmonfnI rIghf.
Socond, fho dIsfrIcf courf mnInfnInod fhnf hIsfory nnd frndIfIon
woro InsuffIcIonf ronsons fo wIfhhoId rocognIfIon from fho nssorfod
rIghf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo. ocIsIon nf 29. Iuf fhnf sfnfomonf dIrocfIy
confIIcfs wIfh Gluc/eIerg, whIch InvoIvod nn nssorfod rIghf fo nssIsfod
suIcIdo. Thoro fho Suromo Courf concIudod fhoro wns no fundnmonfnI
rIghf nf sfnko bocnuso of n consIsfonf nnd nImosf unIvorsnI frndIfIon
fhnf hns Iong rejec/eJ fho nssorfod rIghf, nnd con/inuee explici/l, /o
rejec/ i/ /oJo,. 52l !.S. nf ?23 (omhnsIs nddod). Tho snmo Is fruo
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 55
ThIrd, fho dIsfrIcf courf ronsonod fhnf n fundnmonfnI rIghf fo
snmo-sox mnrrIngo Is ImIIcIf In nofIons of IIborfy nnd nufonomy.
ocIsIon nf 23-24. AgnIn, fhIs ronsonIng confIIcfs wIfh Gluc/eIerg,
whoro fho Courf omhnsIzod fhnf sImIy bocnuso mnny of fho rIghfs
nnd IIborfIos rofocfod by fho uo Irocoss CInuso sound In orsonnI
nufonomy doos nof wnrrnnf fho swooIng concIusIon fhnf nny nnd nII
Imorfnnf, InfImnfo, nnd orsonnI docIsIons nro so rofocfod.
Gluc/eIerg, 52l !.S. nf ?2?-28.

IInnIIy, fho dIsfrIcf courf wrongIy comnrod !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws
wIfh nnfI-mIscogonnfIon Inws. ocIsIon nf 5l-52. AnfI-mIscogonnfIon
Inws woro odIous monsuros fhnf rosfod on InvIdIous rncInI
dIscrImInnfIon. In confrnsf fo fhoso roIIcs of fho sInvo-hoIdIng Soufh, ns
fho WinJeor mnjorIfy uf If, mnrrIngo bofwoon n mnn nnd n womnn no
doubf hn|s] boon fhoughf of by mosf ooIo ns ossonfInI fo fho vory
dofInIfIon of fhnf form nnd fo Ifs roIo nnd funcfIon fhroughouf fho

AccorJ S/enIerg t. Corlor/, 530 !.S. 9l4, 956-5?, 96l (l999) (Konnody, J.,
dIssonfIng) (crIfIcIzIng fho mnjorIfy for nogIocfIng fho Sfnfos` crIfIcnI nnd
IogIfImnfo roIo In IogIsInfIng on fho subjocf of nborfIon nnd oInfIng ouf fhnf
fho ConsfIfufIon ormIfs Sfnfos fo fnko sIdos In fho nborfIon dobnfo nnd
como down on fho sIdo of IIfo, ovon IIfo In fho unborn); Goncolee t. Corlor/,
550 !.S. l24, l33 (200?) (susfnInIng n fodornI sfnfufo romIsod on
govornmonfnI Inforosfs fho mnjorIfy hnd rojocfod In S/enIerg).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 56
hIsfory of cIvIIIznfIon. WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. nf 2689. In ofhor words,
dofInIng mnrrIngo ns fho unIon of ono mnn nnd ono womnn mny bo
confrovorsInI In fodny`s oIIfIcnI cIImnfo, buf If Is hnrdIy InvIdIous.
Ior nII fhoso ronsons, fhIs Courf shouId rovorso nnd foIIow fho
mnny fodornI cIrcuIf nnd Sfnfo suromo courf docIsIons fhnf hnvo
unIformIy docIInod fo rocognIzo n fundnmonfnI rIghf fo snmo-sox
Y# 60-#, &"# -/(&,/.& .*+,&)( *50 .*0.4+(/*0( '7*+& &"#
4#3/&/8'&# 9+,9*(#( *2 6&'")( =/0.5.6."5X B64K ="/7
5"6 =/59 74P/'7/S L"J23/7 6K/ /ZJ43 2-"6/L6."5 "0 6K/

AIfhough fho dIsfrIcf courf wns corrocf In docIInIng fo hoId fhnf
!fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws nro mofIvnfod by nnImus ngnInsf gnys nnd
fho courf orrod In hoIdIng fhnf !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws
novorfhoIoss vIoInfo fho InInfIffs` rIghf fo oqunI rofocfIon undor fho
Iourfoonfh Amondmonf. Thnf hoIdIng dIrocfIy confIIcfs wIfh numorous

IInInfIffs cIfod Ioner t. 1tone, 5l? !.S. 620 (l996), nnd Ini/eJ S/o/ee t.
WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. 26?5 (20l3),), In suorf of fhoIr nnImus nrgumonf. Iuf
fho dIsfrIcf courf wns nrorInfoIy wnry of ndofIng such nn nronch horo
In fho nbsonco of moro oxIIcIf guIdnnco from fho Suromo Courf. ocIsIon
nf 39. Ivon moro fundnmonfnIIy, fho dIsfrIcf courf roorIy concIudod fhnf
If Is ImossIbIo fo doformIno whnf wns In fho mInd of onch IndIvIdunI vofor.
1J. nf 40. Thoro Is no nood for fhIs Courf fo rovIsIf fhIs nsocf of fho dIsfrIcf
courf`s ruIIng.

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 57
ofhor docIsIons hoIdIng fhnf sfnfo Inws dofInIng mnrrIngo ns onIy
bofwoon n mnn nnd n womnn nss oqunI-rofocfIon scrufIny. 1.g.
Bruning, 455 I.3d nf 86?-68; Setci/, 9ll I. Su. 2d nf l0l5-l6.

!ndor fho dIsfrIcf courf`s oun concIusIons nbouf fho urosos
undorIyIng fhoso Inws, nnd nIyIng fho roor rnfIonnI-bnsIs sfnndnrd,
fhoso Inws InInIy nss oqunI-rofocfIon musfor.
:46."543 <47.7 4223./7# AcknowIodgIng fhIs Courf`s hoIdIng In
Price-Cornelieon v. Broo/e, 524 I.3d ll03, lll3 (l0
CIr. 2008), fho
dIsfrIcf courf corrocfIy concIudod fhnf fhIs Courf curronfIy nIIos onIy
rnfIonnI bnsIs rovIow fo cInssIfIcnfIons bnsod on soxunI orIonfnfIon.
ocIsIon nf 36. Af Ionsf nIno ofhor cIrcuIfs hnvo ronchod fho snmo
Mosf ImorfnnfIy, fho Suromo Courf hns novor nIIod

AccorJ Joc/eon, 884 I. Su. 2d nf llll-lll5; 1n re KonJu, 3l5 I.!. l23,
l45-l46 (Innkr. W.. Wnsh. 2004), AJone t. Houer/on, 486 I. Su. lll9,
ll24-25 (C.. CnI. l980),), 'AA8/ 6( 6&"+# ,#6C(/%, 6?3 I.2d l036 (9fh CIr.
l982); Deon t. Die/ric/ of ColunIio, 653 A.2d 30?, 363 (.C. l995)
(Sfondmnn, A.J., concurrIng); Morrieon t. SoJler, 82l .I.2d l5, 23- 3l (Ind.
Cf. A. 2005); HernonJec t. IoIlee, 855 .I.2d l, ?-9 (.Y. 2006) (IurnIIfy
o.); Bo/er, l9l .W.2d nf l86-8?; 1n re Morrioge of J.B. & H.B., 326 S.W.3d
654, 6?6-?8 (Tox. A. 20l0);).

See, e.g., Dotie v. Prieon Heol/l Serte., 6?9 I.3d 433, 438 (6fh CIr.
20l2);20l2); Coo/ v. Go/ee, 528 I.3d 42, 6l-62 (lsf CIr. 2008); Bruning, 455
I.3d nf 866-6?; Jolneon v. Jolneon, 385 I.3d 503, 532 (5fh CIr. 2004); Lof/on
v. 5+.87 6A ?+@8& 6A !"$4/#+( E :'<$47 5+#1%., 358 I.3d 804, 8l8 (llfh CIr.
2004); Tlonoeeon v. Perr,, 80 I.3d 9l5, 92?-28 (4fh CIr. l996); Higl Tecl
Go,e v. Def. 1nJue. Sec. Cleoronce Office, 895 I.2d 563, 5?3-?4 (9fh CIr.

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 58
hoIghfonod scrufIny bnsod on soxunI orIonfnfIon dosIfo roonfod
InvIfnfIons fo do so, IncIudIng mosf roconfIy In WinJeor. See, e.g., !.S.
Ir. nf l8-36, A. 244l-59 (nrguIng fhnf cInssIfIcnfIons bnsod on
soxunI orIonfnfIon shouId bo subjocf fo hoIghfonod scrufIny). On fho
confrnry, WinJeor hoId fhnf OMA 3 wns InvnIId for InckIng n
legi/ino/e uroso, l33 S. Cf. nf 2696 (omhnsIs nddod). ThIs Is
sfnndnrd rnfIonnI-bnsIs Inngungo, nnd If confrnsfs shnrIy wIfh fho
roquIromonfs of sfrIcf scrufIny, eee, e.g., AJoronJ Cone/ruc/ore, 1nc. t.
Peno, 5l5 !.S. 200, 22? (l995) (sfrIcf scrufIny roquIros showIng fhnf
Inw Is nnrrowIy fnIIorod fo furfhor conpelling govornmonfnI
Inforosfs) (omhnsIs nddod), nnd InformodInfo scrufIny, eee, e.g., Croig
t. Boren, 429 !.S. l90, l9? (l9?6) (InformodInfo scrufIny roquIros fhnf
gondor cInssIfIcnfIons sorvo inpor/on/ govornmonfnI objocfIvos nnd bo
subsfnnfInIIy roInfod fo nchIovomonf of fhoso objocfIvos.) (omhnsIs

l990); Ben-Slolon v. Morel, 88l I.2d 454, 464 (?fh CIr. l989); WooJuorJ v.
Ini/eJ S/o/ee, 8?l I.2d l068, l0?6 (Iod. CIr. l989); PoJulo v. WeIe/er, 822
I.2d 9?, l03 (.C. CIr. l98?).

Jusf Insf monfh, n Infh CIrcuIf nnoI roudInfod Ifs rIor rocodonf nnd
nIIod hoIghfonod scrufIny fo n Bo/eon chnIIongo nIIogIng fhnf n juror wns
ImroorIy sfruck bnsod on soxunI orIonfnfIon. Sni/l/line Beeclon Corp. t.
AIIo// LoIe, __ I.3d __, 20l4 W! 2ll80? (9fh CIr., Jnnunry 2l, 20l4)
(!oInhnrf, J.). Thnf nnoI`s concIusIon fhnf WinJeor ndofod hoIghfonod
scrufIny wIfhouf snyIng so Is Incorrocf for ronsons oxInInod In fho foxf.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 59
nddod). In sum, fhoro Is no bnsIs for fhIs Courf fo rovIsIf Ifs own woII-
soffIod rocodonf on fhIs oInf.
Tho dIsfrIcf courf wns nIso wrong fo fIndnIboIf In Jic/ofhnf
hoIghfonod scrufIny nIIos bocnuso If snId !fnh`s mnrrIngo dofInIfIon
dIscrImInnfos on fho bnsIs of sox. In nIIowIng onIy mnrrIngos bofwoon
mon nnd womon, !fnh Inw nffocfs mon ns n cInss nnd womon ns n cInss
IdonfIcnIIy, fo fho dIsndvnnfngo of noIfhor.
Confrnry fo fho dIsfrIcf courf`s nnnIogy, moroovor, Loting
InvoIvod sfrIcf scrufIny of n whoIIy InvIdIous mnrrIngo rogImo bonf on
rncInI orossIon, whIch jusfIfIod fho Courf`s summnry rojocfIon of
nrgumonfs bnsod on n formnI oqunIIfy bofwoon fho rncos. Iuf In fho
sox-dIscrImInnfIon confoxf, |n]II of fho |Suromo Courf`s] somInnI. . .
docIsIons. . .hnvo InvnIIdnfod sfnfufos fhnf sIngIo ouf mon or womon oe
o Jiecre/e cloee for unoqunI fronfmonf. Bo/er t. S/o/e, ?44 A.2d 864,
880 n.l3 (Vf. l999) (coIIocfIng cnsos, omhnsIs nddod). In confrnsf,
!fnh`s mnrrIngo dofInIfIon Is nof dIrocfod fownrd orsons of nny
nrfIcuInr gondor nnd doos nof nffocf ooIo of nny nrfIcuInr gondor
dIsroorfIonnfoIy such fhnf n gondor-bnsod nnImus |couId] ronsonnbIy
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 60
bo orcoIvod. Setci/, 9ll I. Su. 2d nf l005.
Tho dIsfrIcf courf`s
confrnry concIusIon wns orronoous.
:46."543 <47.7 .7 746.70./=# Tho dIsfrIcf courf hoId Insfond fhnf
!fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws couId nof survIvo ovon undor rnfIonnI bnsIs
rovIow. Thnf hoIdIng, howovor, fundnmonfnIIy mIsnrohond|s] fho
nnfuro of rnfIonnI-bnsIs scrufIny, whIch Is fho mosf roInxod nnd foIornnf
form of judIcInI scrufIny undor fho IqunI IrofocfIon CInuso. Ci/, of
Dolloe t. S/onglin, 490 !.S. l9, 26 (l989). IsocInIIy whon nIIod fo
sfnfo Inws, such rovIow Is n nrndIgm of judIcInI rosfrnInf fhnf donIos
courfs nny IIconso . . . fo judgo fho wIsdom, fnIrnoss, or IogIc of
IogIsInfIvo choIcos. :0!0! 10 ;+'." !6<<.8(%9 =(.0, 508 !.S. 30?, 3l3,
3l4 (l993).
AccordIngIy, !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws musf bo nccordod n sfrong
rosumfIon of vnIIdIfy. Heller t. Doe, 509 !.S. 3l2, 320 (l993). Thoy
musf bo uhoId so Iong ns fhoro Is n ploueiIle oIIcy ronson for fho
cInssIfIcnfIon. AorJlinger t. Holn, 505 !.S. l, ll (l992) (omhnsIs
nddod). Thoso ronsons, moroovor, mny bo bnsod on rnfIonnI

AccorJ, e.g., Joc/eon, 884 I. Su. 2d nf l098-99; Snel/ v. Coun/,, 3?4 I.
Su. 2d 86l, 8?6-?? (C.. CnI. 2005) 'AA8/ $( @'#&9 1'.'&+/ $( @'#&, 44? I. 3d
6?3 (9fh CIr. 2006); Wileon v. A/e, 354 I. Su. 2d l298, l30?-08 (M.. IIn.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 6l
socuInfIon unsuorfod by ovIdonco or omIrIcnI dnfn. Beocl
Connc'ne, 1nc., 508 !.S. nf 3l5. Indood, rnfIonnI-bnsIs rovIow musf bo
nrfIcuInrIy doforonfInI whon rovIowIng chnIIongos fo mnrrIngo Inws.
Bruning, 455 I.3d nf 86?.
Mosf Imorfnnf, undor rnfIonnI-bnsIs rovIow, n cInssIfIcnfIon musf
bo susfnInod If fho IncIusIon of ono grou rovIdos n IogIfImnfo
govornmonfnI uroso, nnd fho nddIfIon of ofhor grous wouId nof.
Jolneon t. IoIieon. Thus, undor T6"(%6(8% IncIusIon nnnIysIs, If Is nof
!fnh`s burdon fo show fhnf donyIng mnrrIngo fo snmo-sox couIos Is
nocossnry fo romofo fho sfnfo`s Inforosf or fhnf snmo-sox couIos wIII
suffor no hnrm by nn oosIfo-sox dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. AIercronIie,
884 I. Su. 2d nf ll08 (cIfnfIon omIffod). Insfond, fho roIovnnf
quosfIon Is whofhor nn oosIfo-sox dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo furfhors
IogIfImnfo Inforosfs fhnf wouId nof bo furfhorod, or furfhorod fo fho
snmo dogroo, by nIIowIng snmo-sox couIos fo mnrry. 1J. Iocnuso fho
dIsfrIcf courf dId nof dIsufo fhnf fho Inws nf Issuo horo furfhor
IogIfImnfo Inforosfs fhnf wouId nof bo furfhorod fo fho snmo dogroo by
nIIowIng snmo-sox mnrrIngos, If shouId hnvo rojocfod fho IInInfIffs`
oqunI rofocfIon cInIms ns n mnffor of Inw.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 62
Indood, ns fho courf ncknowIodgod, o ono dIsufos fhnf
mnrrIngo bonofIfs sorvo nof jusf IogIfImnfo, buf comoIIIng
govornmonfnI Inforosfs . . . . ocIsIon nf 42. !ndor roor rnfIonnI
bnsIs rovIow, fhnf shouId hnvo ondod fho dIsfrIcf courf`s InquIry.
Yof fho dIsfrIcf courf ImroorIy rofrnmod fho fosf, nskIng
whofhor fho sfnfo`s comoIIIng Inforosfs woro furfhorod by proliIi/ing
snmo-sox couIos from mnrryIng. 1J. nf 43 (omhnsIs nddod). As jusf
dIscussod, fhnf Is nof !fnh`s burdon. Indood, undor T6"(%6(8% IncIusIon
nnnIysIs, undorIncIusIvonoss chnIIongos IIko fho ono fho dIsfrIcf courf
frnmod horo vIrfunIIy nIwnys fnII rnfIonnI-bnsIs rovIow. As fho
Suromo Courf hns hoId, |o]von If |n] cInssIfIcnfIon . . . Is fo somo
oxfonf bofh undorIncIusIvo nnd ovorIncIusIvo, nnd honco fho IIno drnwn
by |fho IogIsInfuro or ooIo] Imorfocf, If Is novorfhoIoss fho ruIo fhnf
In |rnfIonnI bnsIs rovIow] 'orfocfIon Is by no monns roquIrod.` Vonce t.
BroJle,, 440 !.S. 93, l08-09 (l9?9) (quofIng Plillipe Clenicol Co. t.
Dunoe Scl. Die/., 36l !.S. 3?6, 385 (l960)). As fho Courf hns nIso
Insfrucfod, fodornI courfs wIII nof ovorfurn such |cInssIfIcnfIons] unIoss
fho vnryIng fronfmonf of dIfforonf grous or orsons Is so unroInfod fo
fho nchIovomonf of on, combInnfIon of IogIfImnfo urosos fhnf wo cnn
onIy concIudo fhnf fho |cInssIfIcnfIons] woro IrrnfIonnI. Kinel t.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 63
IloriJo BJ. of Iegen/e, 528 !.S. 62, 84 (2000) (cIfnfIon nnd quofnfIon
mnrks omIffod; omhnsIs nddod). If rnfIonnI bnsIs rovIow woro
ofhorwIso, InnumornbIo IogIsInfIvo cInssIfIcnfIons nnd roguInfIons wouId
AccordIngIy, bnsod soIoIy on fho dIsfrIcf courf`s mIssfnfomonf nnd
mIsnIIcnfIon of fho rnfIonnI-bnsIs sfnndnrd, fhIs Courf cnn rovorso fho
dIsfrIcf courf`s oqunI-rofocfIon hoIdIng ns woII ns Ifs duo-rocoss

Insod on Ifs hoIdIng fhnf !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws nro unconsfIfufIonnI, fho
dIsfrIcf courf consIdorod ns moof fho cInIm of IInInfIffs Knron Archor nnd
Knfo CnII fhnf !fnh`s Inws nro unconsIfIfuIonnI fo fho oxfonf fhoy rohIbIf
rocognIfIon of fhoIr mnrrIngo fhnf wns vnIIdIy orformod In Iown. ocIsIon nf
5l. Howovor, ns oxInInod nbovo, !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws nro consfIfufIonnI
nnd !fnh hns n consfIfufIonnIIy vnIId oIIcy fo nof rocognIzo snmo-sox
mnrrIngos rognrdIoss of whoro fhoy nro orformod. Thoroforo, fho
consfIfufIon doos nof roquIro !fnh fo rocognIzo fho IInInfIffs` Iown mnrrIngo.
See e.g., AetoJo t. Holl, 440 !.S. 4l0, 422 (l9?9). IorcIng n sfnfo fo
rocognIzo snmo-sox mnrrIngos orformod oIsowhoro wouId bo fho mosf
nsfonIshIngIy undomocrnfIc, counfor-mnjorIfnrInn oIIfIcnI dovoIomonf In
AmorIcnn hIsfory. InfrIck J. Iorchors, Inkor v. ConornI Mofors:
1nplico/ione for 1n/erjurieJic/ionol Iecogni/ion of Aon-TroJi/ionol
Morriogee, 32 CroIghfon !. !ov. l4?, l50 (l998). And SocfIon 2 of fho fodornI
ofonso of MnrrIngo Acf whIch wns nof nddrossod In WinJeor or chnIIongod
boIowsqunroIy forocIosos fhoso IInInfIffs` cInIm fo rocognIfIon In !fnh.
WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. nf 2682-83 (nofIng fhnf socfIon 2 of OMA, 28 !.S.C.
l?38C, wns nof nf Issuo nnd nIIows Sfnfos fo rofuso fo rocognIzo snmo-sox
mnrrIngos orformod In ofhor Sfnfos).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 64
H# EK/ =.76-.L6 L"J-6 /--/= .5 04.3.5Q 6" Q.O/ 4=/ZJ46/
5#/3"& &* 6&'")( ,#'(*0(: (+99*,&#- 7; .*88*0 (#0(#
45= 7J<76456.43 7"L.43 7L./5L/X 0"- -/64.5.5Q 6K/ P45'
R"P45 =/0.5.6."5 "0 P4--.4Q/#

Tho dIsfrIcf courf`s orror Is confIrmod by n cnrofuI oxnmInnfIon of
!fnh`s ronsons for uhoIdIng mnrrIngo ns fho unIon of husbnnd nnd
wIfo. Thoso ronsons nro nof jusf rnfIonnI, fhoy nro comoIIIng. Indood,
fhoy nro so comoIIIng fhnf unfII onIy n fow yonrs ngo fhoro wns nonrIy
unnnImous ngroomonf nmong Ionrnod fhInkorsfrom hIIosohors,
nnfhrooIogIsfs nnd socIoIogIsfs fo omInonf jurIsfs nnd oIIcy mnkors
fhnf sfnbIo mnrrIngos bofwoon mon nnd womon nro IndIsonsnbIo fo fho
woIfnro of bofh chIIdron nnd socIofy. SocIofy hns nn oxIsfonfInI nood fo
socuro n suffIcIonf socInI nnd oconomIc bnso fo cnro for fho oIdorIy; fo
fund socInI woIfnro rogrnms; nnd fo fosfor fho hoo, soIf-sncrIfIco nnd
cIvIc vIrfuo fhnf como onIy from n cuIfuro fhnf fronsuros chIIdron ns Ifs
gronfosf nssof. Thnf Is why, ns fho IIovonfh CIrcuIf obsorvod, If Is
hnrd fo concoIvo nn Inforosf moro IogIfImnfo nnd moro nrnmounf for
fho sfnfo fhnn romofIng nn ofImnI socInI sfrucfuro for oducnfIng,
socInIIzIng, nnd ronrIng Ifs fufuro cIfIzons fo bocomo roducfIvo
nrfIcInnfs In cIvII socIofy. Lof/on v. 5+.#+&'#7 6A &"+ ?+@8& 6A !"$4/#+(
& Ionil, Serte., 358 I.3d 804, 8l9 (llfh CIr. 2004).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 65
Wo noxf oxnmIno jusf four of fho comoIIIng ronsons fhnf undorIIo
!fnh`s docIsIon fo rofnIn Ifs gondorod dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. Inch
rorosonfs n vIfnI Sfnfo Inforosf. And onch of fhom suffIcos fo ovorfurn
fho dIsfrIcf courf`s ruIIng undor fho confroIIIng rnfIonnI bnsIs sfnndnrd,
whIch roquIros moroIy n ploueiIle oIIcy ronson for fho cInssIfIcnfIon.
AorJlinger t. Holn, 505 !.S. l, ll (l992) (omhnsIs nddod). Inch Is
IIkowIso suffIcIonf fo susfnIn !fnh`s docIsIon undor nny form of
hoIghfonod scrufIny. And nIfhough fho Sfnfo Is nof obIIgnfod fo show
hnrm, wo novorfhoIoss domonsfrnfo somo of fho common-sonso hnrms
nnd rIsks fhnf rodofInIng mnrrIngo wouId IIkoIy oso fo onch of fhoso
Sfnfo Inforosfs In fho woIfnro of Ifs chIIdron, rosonf nnd fufuro.
%# 6&'")( 8',,/'3# -#2/0/&/*0 2+,&"#,( &"# %&'&#)( 1/&'4
.56/-/76 .5 0"76/-.5Q 4 LK.3='L/56-.L P4--.4Q/ LJ36J-/
6K46 /5L"J-4Q/7 24-/567 6" 7J<"-=.546/ 6K/.- "R5
.56/-/767 6" 6K/ 5//=7 "0 6K/.- LK.3=-/5#

Af fho mosf bnsIc IovoI, !fnh hns n crIfIcnI Inforosf In rosorvIng
fho chIId-confrIc, husbnnd-wIfo (conjugnI) mnrrIngo cuIfuro fhnf If hns
cnrofuIIy nurfurod sInco Ifs IncofIon ns n Sfnfo. !odofInIng mnrrIngo
In nn nduIf-confrIc, consonf-bnsod mnnnor undormInos fhnf cuIfuro fo
fho dofrImonf of nII !fnh`s chIIdron.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 66
EK/ K.76"-.L -46."543/ 0"- P45'R"P45 P4--.4Q/# Thnf
cuIfuronnd fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon on whIch If Is bnsodnrIsos
from n bIoIogIcnI nnd socIoIogIcnI ronIIfy: IrocronfIon Is nn InhoronfIy
gondorod onforrIso; no chIId cnn bo concoIvod wIfhouf n mnn nnd n
womnn. And nIfhough sox bofwoon mon nnd womon nnfurnIIynnd
offon nccIdonfnIIyroducos chIIdron, If doos nof nocossnrIIy roduco
sfnbIo fnmIIIos dodIcnfod fo rofocfIng nnd nurfurIng fhoso chIIdron.
Thus fho oronnInI chnIIongo for socIofIos fhroughouf hIsfory hns
boon fo osfnbIIsh n monns of formnIIy IInkIng mofhors onJ fnfhors wIfh
fhoIr offsrIng so ns fo mnxImIzo fho woIfnro of chIIdron, nnd honco of
fho communIfy.
MnrrIngo bofwoon fho mnn nnd womnn who cronfo n
chIId rovIdos fhnf ossonfInI IInk.
Honco, ns fho ow York Courf of AonIs hns nofod, unfII roconfIy
If wns nn nccofod frufh for nImosf ovoryono who ovor IIvod, In nny
socIofy In whIch mnrrIngo oxIsfod, fhnf fhoro couId bo mnrrIngos onIy
bofwoon nrfIcInnfs of dIfforonf sox. HernonJec, 855 .I.2d nf 8.
Indood, fhIs gondorod nnd chIId-conforod undorsfnndIng of mnrrIngo

!oborf Coorgo of nI., Wlo/ ie Morrioge: Mon onJ Wonon. A Defenee 28-30,
33-36, 9? (20l2) A. l463-l4?l, cIfod In WinJeor, l33 S.Cf. nf 2?l5, 2?l8
(AIIfo, J., dIssonfIng).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 67
hns Iong boon so ubIquIfous, nnd consIdorod so comoIIIng by omInonf
nufhorIfIos, fhnf fo cIfo nnd quofo ovon n smnII orconfngo of fhoso
nufhorIfIos couId onsIIy consumo nn onfIro book.

C4--.4Q/ 47 4 7"L.43 .576.6J6."5# Iocnuso of Ifs crIfIcnI socInI
funcfIons, mnrrIngo Is nIso ono of our mosf Imorfnnf socInI InsfIfufIons.
Such InsfIfufIons nro mnInfnInod by shnrod ubIIc monnIngsn wob of
oxocfnfIons nnd undorsfnndIngs fhnf rofoundIy InfIuonco bohnvIor.

See, e.g., eupro nf Sfnfomonf, SocfIon I; occorJ 2 ChnrIos do MonfosquIou,
Tle Spiri/ of Loue l0l (Thomns ugonf od. l8?3); IronIsInw MnIInowskI,
Sex, Cul/ure, onJ M,/l ll (l962) A. l05?; C. !obInn QunIo, A Hie/or, Of
Morrioge S,e/ene 2 (l988) A. l033 (MnrrIngo, ns fho socInIIy rocognIzod
IInkIng of n socIfIc mnn fo n socIfIc womnn nnd hor offsrIng, cnn bo found
In nII socIofIos.); Jnmos Q. WIIson, Tle Morrioge ProIlen 24 (2002) (n
InsfIng, socInIIy onforcod obIIgnfIon bofwoon mnn nnd womnn fhnf nufhorIzos
soxunI congross nnd fho suorvIsIon of chIIdron oxIsfs nnd hns oxIsfod |I]n
ovory communIfy nnd for ns fnr bnck In fImo ns wo cnn robo); eee iJ. nf 4l;
A. l05l; (MnrrIngo Is n socInIIy nrrnngod soIufIon for fho robIom of
goffIng ooIo fo sfny fogofhor nnd cnro for chIIdron fhnf fho moro dosIro for
chIIdron, nnd fho sox fhnf mnkos chIIdron ossIbIo, doos nof soIvo.); W.
Irndford WIIcox of nI., InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, Wl, Morrioge Mo//ere.
Tlir/, Conclueione fron /le Sociol Sciencee 20 (3rd od. 20ll) A. 456
(|M]nrrIngo ncross socIofIos Is n ubIIcIy ncknowIodgod nnd suorfod soxunI
unIon fhnf cronfos kInshI obIIgnfIons nnd rosourco ooIIng bofwoon mon,
womon, nnd fho chIIdron fhnf fhoIr soxunI unIon mny roduco.).

As nofod by fho fnfhor of modorn socInI nnfhrooIogy, A.!. !ndcIIffo-
Irown, socInI InsfIfufIons IIko mnrrIngo nro fho ordorIng by socIofy of fho
InforncfIons of orsons In socInI roInfIonshIs. A.!. !ndcIIffo-Irown,
S/ruc/ure onJ Iunc/ion in Prini/ite Socie/, l0-ll (l952). AccordIngIy, n
orson |In n socInI InsfIfufIon] knows fhnf ho |or sho] Is oxocfod fo bohnvo
nccordIng fo fhoso norms nnd fhnf fho ofhor orson shouId do fho snmo. 1J.

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 68
Iocnuso shnrod ubIIc monnIngs nro fho comononfs of socInI
InsfIfufIons, fhoso InsfIfufIons nocossnrIIy nro chnngod whon fhoso
monnIngs nro chnngod or nro no Iongor suffIcIonfIy shnrod.
And If
ubIIc monnIngs nnd norms chnngo onough fho InsfIfufIon cnn bo
offocfIvoIy doInsfIfufIonnIIzod. Whon fhnf hnons, nnofhor
InsfIfufIon, wIfh dIfforonf monnIngs nnd norms, cnn fnko fho Inco of
fho oId ono, nnd fho socInI bonofIfs gonornfod by fho orIgInnI monnIngs
nnd norms oIfhor dIssInfo or dIsnonr.

AccordIngIy, If fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon nf fho coro of socIofy`s
undorsfnndIng of mnrrIngo woro roIncod by n dIfforonf monnIng (I.o.,

See, e.g., IorIk !ngorsofz, Tle Oppoei/e Mirrore. An 1eeo, on /le
Conten/ionolie/ Tleor, of 1ne/i/u/ione 28 (l995); IorIk !ngorsofz, On /le
1xie/ence of 1ne/i/u/ione, in On /le Ao/ure of Sociol onJ 1ne/i/u/ionol Ieoli/,
?0, 82 (IorIk !ngorsofz of nI. ods., 200l); Monfo oII Sfownrf, GenJerleee
Morrioge, 1ne/i/u/ionol Ieoli/iee, onJ JuJiciol 1lieion, l uko J. Consf. !. &
Iub. IoI'y l, l0-ll (2006); John !. SonrIo, Mo/ing /le Sociol WorlJ. Tle
S/ruc/ure of Hunon Citilico/ion 89-l22 (20l0) A. l34?-l35?; John !.
SonrIo, Tle Cone/ruc/ion of Sociol Ieoli/, 32, 5?, ll? (l995) A. l282, l290,
l322. As Irof. SonrIo oxInIns: Tho socrof of undorsfnndIng fho confInuod
oxIsfonco of InsfIfufIonnI fncfs Is sImIy fhnf fho IndIvIdunIs dIrocfIy InvoIvod
nnd n suffIcIonf numbor of mombors of fho roIovnnf communIfy musf
confInuo fo rocognIzo nnd nccof fho oxIsfonco of such fncfs. . . . Tho momonf,
for oxnmIo, fhnf nII or mosf of fho mombors of n socIofy rofuso fo
ncknowIodgo |fho socInI InsfIfufIon of] roorfy rIghfs, ns In n rovoIufIon or
ofhor uhonvnI, roorfy rIghfs conso fo oxIsf In fhnf socIofy. 1J. nf ll? A.

See, e.g., Monfo oII Sfownrf, Morrioge Ioc/e, 3l Hnrv. J.!. & Iub. IoI'y
3l3, 32?-28 (2008),), nnd sourcos cIfod fhoroIn.

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 69
fho unIon of nny fwo or moro consonfIng nduIfs), fho oxIsfIng monnIng
wouId bocomo doInsfIfufIonnIIzod. As n rosuIf, fho bonofIfs roducod by
fhnf monnIng wouId oIfhor wnno or bo Iosf.
A gIvon socIofy, moroovor, cnn hnvo onIy ono socInI InsfIfufIon
donomInnfod mnrrIngo.
If cnnnof sImuIfnnoousIy hnvo ns shnrod,
coro monnIngs of fho mnrrIngo InsfIfufIon Io/l fho unIon of n mnn nnd
n womnn onJ fho unIon of nny fwo orsons. Ono monnIng nocossnrIIy
dIsIncos fho ofhor, IondIng fo dIfforonf undorsfnndIngs, InconfIvos nnd
bohnvIors. Moroovor, ns fho now monnIng Is mnndnfod In foxfs, In
schooIs, nnd In ofhor nrfs of fho ubIIc squnro, fho oId InsfIfufIon no
Iongor chnnnoIs or shnos orcofIons nnd conducf.

Tho Inw Inys n crIfIcnI roIo In shnIng nnd rosorvIng socInI
InsfIfufIons IIko mnrrIngo. As fho omInonf IognI schoInr Josoh !nz hns
oxInInod, fho Inw offon suorfs socInI InsfIfufIons In ordor fo gIvo
fhom formnI rocognIfIon, brIng IognI nnd ndmInIsfrnfIvo nrrnngomonfs

See, e.g., Sfownrf, GenJerleee Morrioge, eupro nofo l6, nf 24-26, nnd
sourcos cIfod fhoroIn.

See CnrI I. SchnoIdor, Tle Clonneling Iunc/ion in Ionil, Lou, 20 Hofsfrn
!. !ov. 495, 498 (l992) (|I]f Is |socInI InsfIfufIons`] vory rosonco, fho socInI
curroncy fhoy hnvo, nnd fho govornmonfnI suorf fhoy rocoIvo whIch
combIno fo mnko If soom ronsonnbIo nnd ovon nnfurnI for ooIo fo uso fhom.
Thus ooIo cnn bo snId fo bo chnnnoIod Info fhom.).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 70
Info IIno wIfh fhom, fncIIIfnfo fhoIr uso by mombors of fho communIfy
who wIsh fo do so, nnd oncourngo fho frnnsmIssIon of boIIof In fhoIr
vnIuo fo fufuro gonornfIons. In mnny counfrIos fhIs Is fho sIgnIfIcnnco
of fho IognI rocognIfIon of monognmous mnrrIngo . . . .
To bo suro,
mnrrIngo, IIko mnny ofhor socInI InsfIfufIons, hns Ifs own socInI
convonfIons, norms, nnd shnrod undorsfnndIngs fhnf oxfond boyond fho
Inw`s ronch. Yof fho Inw cnn nIso chnngo fho InsfIfufIon by surossIng,
rnfhor fhnn roInforcIng, oxIsfIng convonfIons, norms, nnd shnrod
!"# %&'&#)( 123*/4 .56/-/76 .5 P4--.4Q/# As rosonfIy
undorsfood In !fnh, nnd ns undorsfood fhroughouf mosf of hIsfory,
mnrrIngo`s mosf vIfnI ubIIc uroso Is fo oncourngo fho cronfIon of
sfnbIo, husbnnd-wIfo unIons for fho bonofIf of fhoIr chIIdron.
mny nIso Inco gronf woIghf on romnnco, comnnIonshI nnd mufunI
oconomIc suorfwhIch fho mnn-womnn mnrrIngo InsfIfufIon nIso
suorfs nnd nurfuros. Iuf fhoso prito/e ondsfhough Imorfnnfnro

Josoh !nz, Tle Moroli/, Of IreeJon l6l (l986).

See, eupro, Sfnfomonf, SocfIon I. Tho hIIosohor Iorfrnnd !ussoII bIunfIy
nofod fhnf, |b]uf for chIIdron, fhoro wouId bo no nood of nny InsfIfufIon
concornod wIfh sox. Iorfrnnd !ussoII, Morrioge & Morole ?? (!IvorIghf
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 7l
nof fho rIncInI Inforosfs fho Sfnfo ursuos by roguInfIng mnrrIngo.
Tho Sfnfo`s fundnmonfnI puIlic Inforosf In mnrrIngo IIos In mnxImIzIng
fho woIfnro of chIIdronrosonf nnd fufuro. Affor nII, chIIdron nro fho
mosf vuInornbIo mombors of socIofy, nnd fho Ionsf cnnbIo of rofocfIng
fhoIr own Inforosfs.
IIrsf nnd foromosf, fho mnn-womnn dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo
romofos fho Inforosfs of chIIdron by fosforIng n gonornIIy chIId-confrIc
mnrrIngo cuIfuro fhnf oncourngos nronfs roufInoIy fo subordInnfo fhoIr
own rIvnfo InforosfsomofIonnI, soxunI, cnroor, rocronfIonnI,
fho noods of fhoIr chIIdron, rosonf nnd fufuro. Thnf oncourngomonf
fIows nof jusf from fho InwIncIudIng rosfrIcfIons on dIvorco nnd
rohIbIfIons on such fhIngs ns chIId nogIocf
buf nIso from fho
cuIfurnI oxocfnfIons, norms nnd IdonIs fhnf mnko mnrrIngo n socInI
In n hosf of wnys, such ruIos, norms nnd oxocfnfIons
guIdo husbnnd-wIfo couIos fo sncrIfIco fhoIr orsonnI dosIros for fho
bonofIf of fhoIr chIIdron. Thoy fonch, ns ono ow York courf nfIy uf

See, e.g., !fnh Codo 30-3-ll.3 (IvorcIng nronfs roquIrod fo nffond
courso fo sonsIfIzo |fhom] fo fhoIr chIIdron`s noods bofh durIng nnd nffor fho
dIvorco rocoss.); !fnh Codo ?8A-6-302 e/ eeq. (Abuso, ogIocf nnd
oondoncy IrocoodIngs); eee oleo eupro nf Sfnfomonf, SocfIon .

A.!.!ndcIIffo-Irown, S/ruc/ure onJ Iunc/ion in Prini/ite Socie/,, eupro, nf
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 72
If, fhnf mnrrIngo Is nof rImnrIIy nbouf nduIf noods for offIcInI
rocognIfIon nnd suorf, buf nbouf fho woII-boIng of chIIdron nnd
socIofy . . . . HernonJec t. IoIlee, 805 .Y.S.2d 354, 360 A. Iv.
2005, 'AA8/ 855 .I.2d l (.Y. 2006).
HK.3='L/56/-/= O7# 4=J36'L/56/-/= P4--.4Q/# Tho dIsfrIcf
courf`s ruIIng rosfs on n vory dIfforonf undorsfnndIng of fho rIncInI
ubIIc uroso nnd monnIng of mnrrIngoono conforod on
nccommodnfIng nduIf roInfIonshI choIcos. In fho dIsfrIcf courf`s vIow,
fho mosf Imorfnnf uroso of mnrrIngo Is fo rovIdo 'sfnfo rocognIfIon
nnd nrovnI of n .6C@4+8% choIco fo IIvo wIfh onch ofhor, fo romnIn
commIffod fo ono nnofhor nnd fo form n housohoId bnsod on fhoIr own
fooIIngs nbouf ono nnofhor|,] nnd fo joIn In nn oconomIc nrfnorshI nnd
suorf ono nnofhor nnd nny doondonfs.` ocIsIon nf 25 (quofIng
Perr, t. Scluorcenegger, ?04 I. Su. 2d 92l, 96l (.. CnI. 20l0)).
ThIs formuInfIon Ignoros !fnh`s sfnfod rnfIonnIo for Ifs mnrrIngo
dofInIfIon. And foIIIngIy, If doos nof monfIon chIIdron, oxcof IndIrocfIy
fhrough Ifs gonorIc roforonco fo doondonfs. Ivon fhon, chIIdron nro
monfIonod onIy ns nn nfforfhoughffo bo suorfod, IIko nny ofhor
doondonf, If fhoy hnon fo bo nrf of fho housohoIdrnfhor fhnn ns
n rIncInI objocf of fho mnrIfnI roInfIonshI.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 73
WhIIo fhIs nduIf-confrIc concofIon of mnrrIngo mny hnvo gnInod
nscondnncy In ofhor jurIsdIcfIons, If doos nof hoId In !fnh, whoro fho
IooIo, fhrough muIfIIo domocrnfIc rocossos, hnvo choson n dIfforonf
nnd moro chIId-confrIc modoI. Thoy nnd, honco, fho Sfnfo hnvo
sfondfnsfIy soughf fo rosorvo unIquo socInI rocognIfIon for mnn-womnn
mnrrIngo so ns fo guIdo ns mnny rocronfIvo couIos ns ossIbIo Info fho
ofImnI, conjugnI chIIdronrIng modoI. AccordIngIy, rodofInIng mnrrIngo
ns n gondorIoss, nduIf-confrIc InsfIfufIon wouId fundnmonfnIIy chnngo
!fnh`s chIId-conforod monnIng nnd uroso of mnrrIngo. As fho ow
Jorsoy Suromo Courf uf If In Leuie t. Horrie, 908 A.2d l96, 222 (.J.
2006): To nIfor fhnf monnIng wouId rondor n rofound chnngo In fho
ubIIc conscIousnoss of n socInI InsfIfufIon of nncIonf orIgIn.
Tho dIsfrIcf courf brushod nsIdo fhIs ronIIfy, buf If cnnnof bo
oscnod. A sfnfomonf on mnrrIngo nnd fho Inw by l0l IognI schoInrs
nnd socInI scIonfIsfs nofos fhnf fho bnsIc undorsfnndIng of mnrrIngo
undorIyIng much of fho ndvocncy for rodofInIng mnrrIngo Is sorIousIy
fInwod. InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, Morrioge onJ /le Lou. A
S/o/enen/ of Principlee l8 (2006), A. 542. Thnf Is bocnuso |I]f Is
nduIf-confrIc, furnIng on fho rIghfs of nduIfs fo mnko choIcos, nnd
bocnuso If fnII|s] fo fronf wIfh InfoIIocfunI sorIousnoss nny ofonfInI
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 74
consoquoncos fhnf chnngIng fho bnsIc IognI dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo mny
hnvo for fho chIIdron of socIofy, such ns dIsconnocf|Ing] mnrrIngo from
Ifs hIsforIc connocfIon fo rocronfIon. 1J. ofInIfIons mnffor
osocInIIy for so ossonfInI n socInI InsfIfufIon ns mnrrIngo. And whIIo
ofhor jurIsdIcfIons mny chooso fo oIovnfo nduIf-confrIc roInfIonshIs,
!fnh hns choson n dIfforonf coursousIng Ifs consfIfufIonnIIy rofocfod
oIIco owor, IncIudIng Ifs nufhorIfy ovor domosfIc-roInfIons Inw, fo
furfhor Ifs consIdorod judgmonf nbouf how bosf fo rofocf fho Inforosfs
of nII Ifs chIIdron.
D00/.&( *2 &"# -/(&,/.& .*+,&)( ,#-#2/0/&/*0. !fnh`s soIf-
sncrIfIcIng, chIId-confrIc vIow of mnrrIngo nnd nronfIng Is Imorfnnf fo
n rnngo of nronfnI docIsIons boyond onsurIng fhnf fho chIId Is rnIsod by
bofh hor fnfhor nnd hor mofhor. Ior oxnmIo, If mIghf oncourngo
nronfs fo forogo nbusIng nIcohoI or drugs; nvoId dosfnbIIIzIng
oxfrnmnrIfnI nffnIrs; nvoId oxcossIvoIy domnndIng work schoduIos; or
IImIf fImo-consumIng hobbIos or ofhor Inforosfs fhnf fnko fhom nwny
from fhoIr chIIdron.
ThIs Is nof fo sny fhnf ofhor nronfs cnnnof mnko fho snmo
soIfIoss, chIId-confrIc choIcos ns n bIoIogIcnI mofhor nnd fnfhor; fhoy
cIonrIy cnn. Iuf, ns JusfIco AIIfo nofod In WinJeor, rodofInIng mnrrIngo
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 75
fo IncIudo snmo-sox couIos wouId bo n oworfuI symboIIc sfnfomonf
fhnf, nf boffom, mnrrIngo Is moro nbouf fho Inforosfs of nduIfs fhnn fho
noods of chIIdron, nnd If wouId fhoroby undormIno fho soIf-sncrIfIcIng,
chIId-confrIc modoI of mnrrIngo fhnf !fnh sooks fo fosfor. WinJeor, l33
S. Cf. nf 2?l5-l6, n.6 (AIIfo, J., dIssonfIng). Thnf rodofInIfIon mIghf
rosuIf (nf Ionsf In fho shorf form) In n fow moro chIIdron IIvIng In
mnrrIod housohoIdsbuf nf fho rIco of roorIonfIng fho whoIo concof
of mnrrIngo fownrd nduIf Inforosfs nnd nwny from fho woIfnro of
!fnh cnnnof sImIy Ignoro fhIs soIsmIc shIff. As fho l0l IognI nnd
socInI-scIonco oxorfs uf If:
Ono mny soo fhoso kInds of socInI consoquoncos of IognI
chnngo ns good, or ns quosfIonnbIo, or ns bofh. Iuf fo nrguo
fhnf fhoso kInds of cuIfurnI offocfs of Inw do nof oxIsf, nnd
nood nof bo fnkon Info nccounf whon confomInfIng mnjor
chnngos In fnmIIy Inw, Is fo domonsfrnfo n fundnmonfnI Inck
of InfoIIocfunI sorIousnoss nbouf fho owor of Inw In
AmorIcnn socIofy.

Morrioge onJ /le Lou, eupro, nf 26, A. 550.

In sum, fho rodofInIfIon mnndnnfod by fho dIsfrIcf courf wouId
chnngo fho ubIIc monnIng of mnrrIngo so ns fo convoy fhnf mnrrIngo Is
nbouf fho Inforosfs of nduIfs, nof fho noods of chIIdron. In myrInd wnys,
fhnf In furn wouId oso sorIous rIsks fo fho Inforosfs of chIIdron
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 76
gonornIIy. !fnh hns nn ImorfnnfIndood, comoIIIngInforosf In
rovonfIng fhoso rIsks. See e.g., Ini/eJ S/o/ee t. Griffin, ? I.3d l5l2,
l5l? (l0fh CIr. l993) (Imorfnnf govornmonf Inforosfs IncIudo . . .
mInImIzIng fho rIsk of hnrm fo . . . fho ubIIc.); Morcotoge t. Ci/, of
Aeu Yor/, 689 I.3d 98, l05 (2d CIr. 20l2) (mnnngIng ofonfInI rIsks
ndvnncos n subsfnnfInI govornmonf Inforosf.)
Y# 6&'")( 8',,/'3# -#2/0/&/*0 2+,&"#,( &"# %&'&#)( 1/&'4
.56/-/76 .5 LK.3=-/5 </.5Q -4.7/= <9 6K/.- <."3"Q.L43
P"6K/-7 45= 046K/-7<"- 46 3/476 <9 4 P4--./= P"6K/-
45= 046K/-<.5 4 764<3/ K"P/#

Tho mosf obvIous nnd Imorfnnf Imncf of fhIs shIffmnndnfod
by judIcInI rodofInIfIon of mnrrIngo In gondorIoss formswouId bo fho
Ioss of fho Sfnfo`s nbIIIfy fo gIvo socInI roforonco nnd rocognIfIon fo
fnmIIIos consIsfIng of chIIdron boIng rnIsod oIfhor by bofh bIoIogIcnI
nronfs or nf Ionsf by fwo nronfs of oosIfo sox. Common sonso, Iong
oxorIonco, nnd socIoIogIcnI ovIdonco confIrm fhnf, In fho nggrognfo,
chIIdron do bosf whon rnIsod by fhoIr bIoIogIcnI mofhors nnd fnfhors In
sfnbIo mnrrIngo unIons. Thoso chIId-woIfnro bonofIfs fIow bofh from
bIoIogy nnd gondor comIomonfnrIfy (I.o. dIvorsIfy) In nronfIng, nnd
wouId bo sorIousIy dIsrufod or roducod If !fnh woro forcod fo rodofIno
Ifs mnrrIngo Inw fo IncIudo snmo-sox couIos.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 77
EK/ .P2"-645L/ "0 P"6K/-'046K/- 24-/56.5Q# InfuIfIvoIy, n
fnmIIy sfrucfuro bnsod on fho bIoIogIcnI connocfIon bofwoon nronfs nnd
fhoIr nnfurnI chIIdron hoIs mnxImIzo fho commIfmonf of Io/l nronfs
fo fhoIr chIIdron`s woIfnro, unIfyIng fho nronfs` omofIonnI nnd socInI
commIfmonfs wIfh InsfIncfIvo bIoIogIcnI nffnchmonfs. Thnf InfuIfIon
fInds confIrmnfIon In n wonIfh of socInI scIonco rosonrch. As ono
rovIowor oxInIns, rosonrch cIonrIy domonsfrnfos fhnf fnmIIy sfrucfuro
mnffors for chIIdron, nnd fho fnmIIy sfrucfuro fhnf hoIs chIIdron fho
mosf Is n fnmIIy hondod by /uo Iiologicol poren/e In n Iow-confIIcf

ThIs bIoIogIcnI ndvnnfngo Is furfhor onhnncod by fho unIquo,
gondor-bnsod confrIbufIons fhnf fnfhors nnd mofhors mnko fo fhoIr
chIIdron`s woIIboIng. WhIIo fho vnIuo of gondor dIvorsIfy In nronfIng Is
common sonso fo mnny, fho nofIon IIkowIso fInds confIrmnfIon In n
growIng body of socInI scIonco rosonrch. As n grou of ?0 schoInrs
roconfIy concIudod, fho omIrIcnI IIfornfuro on chIId woII-boIng

KrIsfIn Andorson Mooro of nI., F'##$',+ :#6< ' !"$4/8% B+#%@+.&$1+I *6U
Doee Ionil, S/ruc/ure Affec/ ClilJren onJ Wlo/ Con We Do AIou/ 1/, ChIId
Tronds !osonrch IrIof 6 (Juno 2002) A. ll0l (omhnsIs nddod)
(horoInnffor Mooro); occorJ iJ. nf l-2; A. l096-9?; (|I]f Is nof sImIy fho
rosonco of fwo nronfs, . . . buf fho rosonco of /uo Iiologicol poren/e fhnf
sooms fo suorf chIIdron`s dovoIomonf.).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 78
suggosfs fhnf fho fwo soxos brIng dIfforonf fnIonfs fo fho nronfIng
onforrIso, nnd fhnf chIIdron bonofIf from growIng u wIfh bofh
bIoIogIcnI nronfs.
In ofhor words, fho bonofIfs fIow nof jusf from
hnvIng /uo nronfs of nny gondor, buf from whnf schoInrs cnII gondor-
dIfforonfInfod or mofhor-fnfhor nronfIng: Tho burdon of socInI
scIonco ovIdonco suorfs fho Idon fhnf gondor-dIfforonfInfod nronfIng
Is Imorfnnf for humnn dovoIomonf nnd fhnf fho confrIbufIon of
fnfhors fo chIIdronrIng Is unIquo nnd IrroInconbIo.
Indood, rosonrch
shows fhnf mon nnd womon nronf chIIdron dIfforonfIy, nnd In so doIng
confrIbufo dIsfIncfIy fo honIfhy chIId dovoIomonf.

WIfhorsoon InsfIfufo, Morrioge onJ /le PuIlic GooJ. Ten Principlee l8
(2008) A. 50?.

nvId Ioonoo, Life Wi/lou/ Io/ler. Conpelling Aeu 1tiJence Tlo/
Io/lerlooJ & Morrioge ore 1nJiepeneoIle for /le GooJ of ClilJren & Socie/,
l46 (l996) A. l069; occorJ, e.g., orvnI . CIonn, Tle S/ruggle for Sone-
Sex Morrioge, 4l Soc`y 25, 2? (2004) (|T]horo nro sfrong fhoorofIcnI ronsons
for boIIovIng fhnf bofh fnfhors nnd mofhors nro Imorfnnf, nnd fho hugo
nmounf of ovIdonco of roInfIvoIy oor nvorngo oufcomos nmong fnfhorIoss
chIIdron mnkos If soom unIIkoIy fhnf fhoso oufcomos nro soIoIy fho rosuIf of
fho corroInfos of fnfhorIossnoss nnd nof of fnfhorIossnoss IfsoIf.); WIIson, Tle
Morrioge ProIlen, eupro, nf l69 A. l052; (Tho woIghf of scIonfIfIc
ovIdonco sooms cIonrIy fo suorf fho vIow fhnf fnfhors mnffor.).

AIfhough ho Infor ombrncod fho movomonf fo rodofIno mnrrIngo fo IncIudo
snmo-sox couIos, chIId-dovoIomonf oxorf MIchnoI !nmb oInfod ouf nonrIy
40 yonrs ngo fhnf |b]ofh mofhors nnd fnfhors Iny crucInI nnd qunIIfnfIvoIy
dIfforonf roIos In fho socInIIznfIon of fho chIId. MIchnoI I. !nmb, Infhors:
Iorgo//en Con/riIu/ore /o ClilJ Detelopnen/, l8 Humnn ovoIomonf 245,

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 79
Moroovor, fho Inw IfsoIf hIsforIcnIIy . . . hns rocognIzod fhnf
nnfurnI bonds of nffocfIoni.e., bIoIogIcnI connocfIonsIond nronfs
fo ncf In fho bosf Inforosfs of fhoIr chIIdron. Porlon t. J.I., 442 !.S.
584, 602 (l9?9).
AccorJ, e.g., Goncolee t. Corlor/, 550 !.S. l24, l59
(200?) (!osocf for humnn IIfo fInds nn uIfImnfo oxrossIon In fho bond
of Iovo fho mofhor hns for hor chIId.). Moroovor, ns ow York`s hIgh
courf uf If, |I]nfuIfIon nnd oxorIonco suggosf fhnf n chIId bonofIfs
from hnvIng boforo hIs or hor oyos, ovory dny, IIvIng modoIs of whnf
Io/l n mnn nnd n womnn nro IIko. HernonJec, 855 .I.2d nf ?
(omhnsIs nddod). And JusfIco Ironnnn summnrIzod If woII: fho
ofImnI sIfunfIon for fho chIId Is fo hnvo bofh nn InvoIvod mofhor nnd

246 (l9?5); occorJ onn Iyrd, GenJer Conplenen/ori/, onJ ClilJ-reoJing.
Wlere TroJi/ion onJ Science Agree, 6 J. !. & Inm. Sfuds. 2l3 (2004); eee oleo
A. onn Iyrd & KrIsfon M. Iyrd, Duol-GenJer Poren/ing. A Sociol Science
Perepec/ite for Op/inol ClilJ Ieoring, in Ionil, Lou. Boloncing 1n/eree/e
onJ Pureing Priori/iee 382-38? (200?).

As IIncksfono uf If confurIos ngo, fhoro Is ImInnf|od] In fho bronsf of
ovory nronf fhnf nnfurnI . . . InsuornbIo dogroo of nffocfIon, whIch nof ovon
fho doformIfy of orson or mInd, nof ovon fho wIckodnoss, IngrnfIfudo, nnd
roboIIIon of chIIdron, cnn fofnIIy suross or oxfInguIsh. l WIIIInm
IIncksfono, Connen/oriee, *44?.

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 80
nn InvoIvod fnfhor. Bouen t. GilliorJ, 483 !.S. 58?, 6l4 (l98?)
(Ironnnn, J., dIssonfIng).

ConvorsoIy, oxorIonco nnd rosonrch nIIko confIrm fhnf chIIdron
suffor whon rocronfIon nnd chIIdronrIng occur oufsIdo sfnbIo mnn-
womnn mnrrIngos. As n IondIng rosonrch survoy oxInIns:
ChIIdron In sIngIo-nronf fnmIIIos, chIIdron born fo
unmnrrIod mofhors, nnd chIIdron In sfofnmIIIos or
cohnbIfIng roInfIonshIs fnco hIghor rIsks of oor oufcomos
fhnn do chIIdron In Infncf fnmIIIos hondod by fwo bIoIogIcnI
nronfs. InronfnI dIvorco Is nIso IInkod fo n rnngo of ooror
ncndomIc nnd bohnvIornI oufcomos nmong chIIdron. Thoro Is
fhus vnIuo for chIIdron In romofIng sfrong, sfnbIo
mnrrIngos bofwoon bIoIogIcnI nronfs.

Tho Imorfnnco of mofhor-fnfhor nronfIng Is so unIvorsnIIy rocognIzod
fhnf fho !nIfod nfIons ConvonfIon on fho !Ighfs of fho ChIId docInros fhnf
n chIId ns fnr ns ossIbIo, |hns fho rIghf] fo know nnd bo cnrod for by hIs or
hor nronfs. ConvonfIon on fho !Ighfs of fho ChIId l5?? !..T.S. 3, 4?.

Mooro, F'##$',+ A#6< ' !"$4/8% B+#%@+.&$1+9 %C@#'9 nf 6; A. ll0l; occorJ
Morrioge onJ /le PuIlic GooJ. Ten Principlee, , eupro, nf l?; A. 506;
(|C]hIIdron rnIsod In sIngIo-nronf fnmIIIos wIfhouf fho bonofIf of n mnrrIod
mofhor nnd fnfhor nro fwo fo fhroo fImos moro IIkoIy fo oxorIonco sorIous
nognfIvo IIfo oufcomos such ns ImrIsonmonf, dorossIon, foonngo rognnncy,
nnd hIgh schooI fnIIuro, comnrod fo chIIdron from Infncf, mnrrIod fnmIIIos
ovon nffor confroIIIng for socIooconomIc fncfors fhnf mIghf dIsforf fho
roInfIonshI bofwoon fnmIIy sfrucfuro nnd chIId woII-boIng.); Iruco J. IIIIs
of. nI, Doee Io/ler AIeence Ploce Dougl/ere o/ Speciol Iie/ for 1orl, Sexuol
Ac/iti/, onJ Teenoge Pregnonc,:, ?4 ChIId ov. 80l (2003) (concIudIng fhnf
fnfhor nbsonco Is nssocInfod wIfh onrIy soxunI bohnvIor of gIrIs, ovon whon
ofhor fncfors, such ns sfross nnd ovorfy, woro nccounfod for); SfohnnIo
WoIInnd IowIIng & !onnId J. Wornor-WIIson, Io/ler-Dougl/er Ielo/ionelipe
onJ AJoleecen/ Ienole Sexuoli/,. Po/ernol Quoli/iee Aeeocio/eJ ui/l
IeeponeiIle Sexuol Belotior, 3 J. HIV/AIS IrovonfIon & Iduc. AdoIosconfs

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 8l
Thoso fIndIngs nro roInforcod by n sfudy comnrIng fhroo grous
of young nduIfs: fhoso who woro concoIvod by sorm donors, fhoso
ndofod ns Infnnfs, nnd fhoso rnIsod by fhoIr bIoIogIcnI nronfs.
!osonrchors Ionrnod fhnf, on nvorngo, young nduIfs concoIvod fhrough
sorm donnfIon nro hurfIng moro, nro moro confusod, nnd fooI moro
IsoInfod from fhoIr fnmIIIos. Thoy fnro worso fhnn fhoIr oors rnIsod by
bIoIogIcnI nronfs on Imorfnnf oufcomos such ns dorossIon,
doIInquoncy nnd subsfnnco nbuso.
SfudIos nIso show fhnf, ovon whon
fhoy hnvo fwo cnrogIvors of fho snmo sox, chIIdron who grow u wIfhouf
n fnfhor or n mofhor nro socInIIzod In n wny fhnf undormInos fhoIr
nbIIIfy fo funcfIon offocfIvoIy In n dunI-gondor socIofy.

& ChIId. 5, l3 (2003) (nughfors whoso fnfhors gnvo fhom IIffIo fImo nnd
nffonfIon woro moro IIkoIy fo sook ouf onrIy soxunI nffonfIon from mnIo
oors.); ougIns W. AIIon, Higl Sclool GroJuo/ion Io/ee Anong ClilJren of
Sone-eex HoueelolJe, ll !ov. Icon. HousohoId, 635-58 (20l3); (ChIIdron
IIvIng wIfh gny nnd IosbInn fnmIIIos |In Cnnndn] In 2006 woro nbouf 65 ns
IIkoIy fo grndunfo comnrod fo chIIdron IIvIng In oosIfo sox fnmIIIos.
nughfors of snmo sox nronfs do consIdornbIy worso fhnn sons.), otoiloIle
=l#ronIfImo (Insf vIsIfod Jnn. 3l, 20l4).

IIIznbofh Mnrqunrdf of nI., InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, F7 ?'//78%
Aone ie Donor. A Aeu S/uJ, of Young AJul/e ConceiteJ Tlrougl Spern
Dono/ion 5 (20l0); A. ?46.

See !nwronco !. Wu & IrInn C. MnrfInson, Ionil, S/ruc/ure onJ /le Iie/
of o Prenori/ol Bir/l, 54 AmorIcnn SocIoIogIcnI !ov. 2l0 (l993) foons of

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 82
ThIs body of rosonrch oxInIns why doIInquoncy rnfos nmong boys
whoso fnfhors nro nbsonf from fhoIr homos Is sIgnIfIcnnfIy hIghor fhnn
fho rnfos for boys wIfh n fnfhor nf homo.
If nIso oxInIns why
dnughfors rnIsod oufsIdo of Infncf mnrrIngos . . . nro nroxImnfoIy
fhroo fImos moro IIkoIy fo ond u young, unwod mofhors fhnn nro
chIIdron whoso nronfs mnrrIod nnd sfnyod mnrrIod.

mnrrIod nronfs hnvo fowor rognnncIos ouf of wodIock); Mnrk . !ognorus,
Hou Differen/ Are /le AJul/ ClilJren of Poren/e Wlo Hote Sone-Sex
Ielo/ionelipe: IinJinge fron /le Aeu Ionil, S/ruc/uree S/uJ,, 4l Soc. ScI.
!os. ?52, ?52-??0 (20l2); A. l2l8; (fIndIng sIgnIfIcnnf dIfforoncos bofwoon
chIIdron rnIsod by mnrrIod mofhors nnd fnfhors nnd fhoso rnIsod In ofhor
fnmIIy sfrucfuros, IncIudIng fhoso rnIsod by snmo-sox couIos). Irofossor
!ognorus` sfudy hns boon crIfIcIzod by ndvocnfos of fho moms-nnd-dnds-nro-
InforchnngonbIo fhoory. Iuf In hIs fhorough rosonso, ho concIudos fhnf,
ovon nccounfIng for hIs crIfIcs` concorns, fho dnfn sfIII rovonI numorous
dIfforoncos bofwoon nduIf chIIdron who roorf mnfornnI snmo-sox bohnvIor
(nnd rosIdonco wIfh hor nrfnor) nnd fhoso wIfh sfIII-mnrrIod (hoforosoxunI)
bIoIogIcnI nronfs. Mnrk . !ognorus, Poren/ol Sone-Sex Ielo/ionelipe,
Ionil, 1ne/oIili/,, onJ SuIeequen/ Life Ou/conee for AJul/ ClilJren.
Aneuering Cri/ice of /le Aeu Ionil, S/ruc/uree S/uJ, ui/l AJJi/ionol
Anol,eie, 4l Soc. ScI. !os. l36?, l36? (20l2); A. l238; eee oleo, AIIon, Higl
Sclool GroJuo/ion Io/ee Anong ClilJren of Sone-eex HoueelolJe, eupro 30.

!ynn . WnrdIo, Tle Ioll of Mori/ol S/oIili/, onJ /le Iiee of Jutenile
Delinquenc,, l0 J. !. & Inm. Sfuds. 83 (200?) (comrohonsIvo rovIow of
IIfornfuro nnd socInI scIonco).

!Ichnrd C. WIIkIns, AJul/ Sexuol Deeire onJ /le Bee/ 1n/eree/e of /le ClilJ,
l8 Sf. Thomns !. !ov. 543, 594 (2005) (InfornnI quofnfIon mnrks omIffod).
AccorJ, e.g., CynfhIn C. Hnror nnd Snrn S Mc!nnnhnn, Io/ler AIeence onJ
You/l 1ncorcero/ion, l4 J. !os. AdoIosconco 369, 384-86 (2004)) (fIndIng fhnf
comnrod wIfh nII ofhor fnmIIy forms, |y]oufh who novor hnd n fnfhor In fho
housohoId hnd fho hIghosf IncnrcornfIon odds).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 83
In nddIfIon, whon nronfs, nnd nrfIcuInrIy fnfhors, do nof fnko
rosonsIbIIIfy for rnIsIng fhoIr chIIdron, fho Sfnfo Is offon forcod fo
nssIsf fhrough cosfIy socInI woIfnro rogrnms nnd ofhor monns. A
roconf sfudy osfImnfos fhnf dIvorco nnd unwod chIIdbonrIng cosfs !.S.
fnxnyors nf Ionsf $ll2 bIIIIon onch nnd ovory yonr, or moro fhnn $l
frIIIIon onch docndo.
ThIs cosf Is nof roInfod fo whofhor sIngIo
nronfs or snmo-sox couIos cnn bo wondorfuI nnd IovIng nronfs; fhoy
cIonrIy cnn. Thoso sfudIos sImIy show fhnf bofh fho bIoIogIcnI
connocfIon nnd fho gondor dIvorsIfy Inhoronf In fho mnrrIod, mofhor-
fnfhor nronfIng modoI oworfuIIy onhnnco chIId woIfnro, ovon ns fhoy
rofocf fho Sfnfo`s fIsc. Such consIdornfIons IIkowIso rovIdo comoIIIng
suorf for !fnh`s mnrrIngo modoI.
!"# (+..#(( *2 6&'")( 8',,/'3# 4'5( '0- 9*4/./#(= To
nchIovo fhIs nnd ofhor bonofIfs fo chIIdron, !fnh hns choson fo ombrnco
nnd, whoro ossIbIo, forfIfy fho socInI InsfIfufIon of mnrrIngo In Ifs
frndIfIonnI chIId-confrIc form. Thus, rocognIzIng fho cIoso roInfIonshI
bofwoon fho Inw nnd socInI InsfIfufIons govornIng fnmIIy IIfo, !fnh hns
soughf In Ifs mnrrIngo Inws fo romofo fho gondorod nronfIng modoI

IonjnmIn ScnfIdI, InsfIfufo for AmorIcnn VnIuos, Tle Toxpo,er Coe/e of
Ditorce onJ InueJ ClilJIeoring. Iire/-1ter 1e/ino/ee for /le Ao/ion onJ All
Iif/, S/o/ee 5 (2008); A. l3?8.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 84
fhnf hns Iong boon nrf of fho socInI InsfIfufIon of mnrrIngo. Thnf
modoI rIvIIogos mnrrIngo ovor nII ofhor roInfIonshIs fhoroby sIgnnIIng
fo oll wouId-bo nronfs fhnf fho Sfnfo wnnfs fhom fo do fhoIr bosf fo
onsuro fhnf nny chIIdron fhoy concoIvo nro rnIsod by fhoIr bIoIogIcnI
mofhor nnd fnfhor wIfhIn n sfnbIo mnrIfnI unIon. OffIcInI Sfnfo
oncourngomonf, nnd fho socInI undorsfnndIngs fhnf fIow from If,
Incronso fho ovornII IIkoIIhood fhnf chIIdron wIII bo rnIsod In fho
nronfIng onvIronmonf fhnf !fnh nnd hor cIfIzons hnvo found ofImnI.
In !fnh, fhIs Is nof moro fhoory or conjocfuro. Whnfovor fho
offocfIvonoss of frndIfIonnI mnrrIngo Inws In ofhor sfnfos, !fnh`s
mnrrIngo Inws nnd oIIcIos nro nchIovIng romnrknbIo rosuIfs. As
Irofossor IrIco`s nffIdnvIf domonsfrnfos, !fnh hns fho nnfIon`s Iowosf
orconfngo of unwod bIrfhsl9.4, Ioss fhnn hnIf fho nnfIonnI nvorngo
of 4l. A. 426. !fnh nIso rnnks fIrsf nmong sfnfos In fho orconfngo
of chIIdron boIng rnIsod by bofh nronfs from bIrfh unfII ngo l??8.6
comnrod wIfh n nnfIonnI nvorngo of 60.5. A. 42?. ThIs no doubf
oxInIns why fho cosf fo !fnh fnxnyors nssocInfod wIfh chIIdron who
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 85
IIvo In ofhor nrrnngomonfs Is nmong fho Iowosf In fho nnfIon.
Iuf fnr
moro Imorfnnf Is fho bonofIf fo chIIdron fhomsoIvos: As Irofossor
IrIco concIudos, comnrod fo chIIdron born In nII fho Sfnfos, n chIId
born In !fnh hns fho Iee/ chnnco of knowIng nnd boIng ronrod by hIs or
hor bIoIogIcnI mnrrIod mofhor nnd fnfhor. A. 42?. Thnf fncf nIso
IIkoIy oxInIns why !fnh hns n vory smnII orconfngo of Ifs chIIdron
growIng u In ovorfyl5, fho fourfh Iowosf In fho nfIon, comnrod
fo n nnfIonnI nvorngo of 23.
If nIso IIkoIy oxInIns why !fnh
chIIdron, ovon In fho Iowosf-Incomo housohoIds, hnvo ono of fho hIghosf
rnfos of uwnrd mobIIIfy.

Thnf cosf for !fnh fnxnyors Is osfImnfod nf $2?6 mIIIIon nnnunIIy, or
nbouf $l08 or cnIfn, whIch Is fho l3fh Iowosf or cnIfn cosf In fho
counfry. See ScnfIdI, Toxpo,er Coe/e, eupro, nf 38, A. l4ll.

See KIds Counf nfn Confor, AnnIo I Cnsoy IoundnfIon, ClilJren in
Poter/, hff://
ovorfyIoc=l&Iocf=2#rnnkIng/2/nny/fruo/868/nny/322 (Insf vIsIfod Jnnunry
30, 20l4).

See !nj Choffy of. nI, Wlere ie /le LonJ of Oppor/uni/,: Tle Geogropl, of
1n/ergenero/ionol MoIili/, in /le I.S., ToIle 1V, II! WorkIng Inor o.
l9843 (Jnnunry 20l4), hff://obs.rc.fns.hnrvnrd.odu/choffy/mobIIIfy_goo.df
(Insf vIsIfod Jnn. 2l, 20l4) (concIudIng fhnf chIIdron of Iow-Incomo fnmIIIos In
SnIf !nko CIfy hnvo ono of fho hIghosf rnfos of uwnrd mobIIIfy nmong fho
nfIon`s 50 Inrgosf mofrooIIfnn nrons).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 86
Such ronI-worId bonofIfs fo chIIdron nro oxncfIy whnf !fnh`s
mnrrIngo oIIcIos nro Infondod fo roduco, nnd whnf fho dIsfrIcf courf`s
docIsIon bofh Ignoros nnd ImorIIs.
>*5 ' ,#-#2/0/&/*0 5*+4- +0-#,8/0# 6&'")( ?0&#,#(&(=
ComoIIIng !fnh fo rodofIno mnrrIngo fo IncIudo snmo-sox
couIosforcIng If fo roInco Ifs gondorod mnrrIngo dofInIfIon wIfh n
gondorIoss onowouId nocossnrIIy undormIno fho Sfnfo`s Inforosf In
romofIng bIoIogIcnI nnd gondor-dIfforonfInfod nronfIng In nf Ionsf
sovon dIsfIncf wnys. And mosf of fhoso, by fho wny, hnvo nofhIng fo do
wIfh whofhor snmo-sox nronfIng Is on nvorngo comnrnbIo In qunIIfy
fo mnn-womnn nronfIng.
5/%+6, ns mnny commonfnfors hnvo obsorvod, bocnuso rocronfIon
Is nn InhoronfIy gondorod nffnIr, rodofInIng mnrrIngo In gondorIoss
forms wouId bronk fho crIfIcnI concofunI IInk bofwoon mnrrIngo nnd
As n mnffor of bIoIogIcnI fncf, n snmo-sox couIo cnnnof
rovIdo n chIId wIfh fho ndvnnfngos oIfhor of fwo bIoIogIcnI nronfs or of

See, e.g., Coorgo, Wlo/ 1e Morrioge:, eupro, nf ?, A. l452; (sfnfIng fhnf If
mnrrIngo Is rodofInod fho Inw wIII fonch fhnf mnrrIngo Is ossonfInIIy nn
omofIonnI unIon fhnf hns no Inhoronf connocfIon fo rocronfIon nnd fnmIIy
IIfo); WIfhorsoon InsfIfufo, Morrioge AnJ Tle PuIlic GooJ, eupro, nf l8,
A. 30l; (Snmo-sox mnrrIngo wouId furfhor undorcuf fho Idon fhnf
rocronfIon Is InfrInsIcnIIy connocfod fo mnrrIngo.).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 87
gondor comIomonfnrIfy In nronfIng: Iy dofInIfIon, oIfhor fho chIId`s
bIoIogIcnI fnfhor or mofhor (or bofh) wIII bo nbsonf. In fonchIng fhnf
snmo-sox unIons nro on n nr wIfh frndIfIonnI mnn-womnn mnrrIngos,
nnd fhus fhnf bIoIogIcnI fIos nro of IIffIo or no Imorfnnco fo nronfIng,
fho rodofInIfIon ordorod by fho dIsfrIcf courf wouId fond fo oncourngo
moro nronfs fo rnIso fhoIr exie/ing bIoIogIcnI chIIdron wIfhouf fho ofhor
bIoIogIcnI nronf.
CIvon fho mnnIfosf IIIs of fnfhorIoss nronfIng, fho Sfnfo hns n
comoIIIng Inforosf In sondIng n oworfuI mossngo fo womon fhnf,
whonovor ossIbIo, mnrrIngo fo fho fnfhors of fhoIr chIIdron Is vory
Imorfnnf fo fho woIfnro of fhoso chIIdron nnd fo socIofy IfsoIf. Iy fho
snmo fokon, fho Sfnfo hns n oworfuI Inforosf In oncourngIng fnfhors fo
mnrry fho mofhors of fhoIr chIIdron. !odofInIng mnrrIngo fo IncIudo
snmo-sox couIos wouId undormIno fhnf mossngo. If wouId suggosf fhnf
fnfhors nnd mofhors nro InforchnngonbIo, fhnf fho nbsonco of ono or fho
ofhor Is InconsoquonfInI, nnd fhoroforo fhnf fhoro Is no nrfIcuInr nood
for n sIngIo nronf fo mnrry fho fnfhor or mofhor of hIs or hor chIId, or
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 88
fo mnrry somoono oIso who wIII (IdonIIy fhrough ndofIon) rovIdo fho
gondor comIomonfnrIfy fho chIId noods.

7$4,-08 for sImIInr ronsons, fho Ioss of fho Sfnfo`s cIonr mossngo
In fnvor of bIoIogIcnI mofhor-fnfhor nronfIng wIfhIn mnrrIngo wouId
IIkoIy rosuIf In n hIghor orconfngo of couIos concoIvIng chIIdron
wIfhouf fho sfnbIIIfy fhnf mnrrIngo wouId ofhorwIso brIng. Thnf foo
wouId rosuIf In Ioss nronfIng wIfhIn fho Sfnfo`s roforrod nronfIng
modoI. As n rncfIcnI mnffor, fhnf wouId monn rImnrIIy moro
fnfhorIoss nronfIng, wIfh fho rocognIzod IIIs fhnf modoI offon vIsIfs on
mofhor nnd chIId nIIko.
9:/%08 roIncIng fho chIId-confrIc or conjugnI vIow of mnrrIngo
wIfh n moro nduIf-confrIc vIow wouId undormIno fho oxIsfIng socInI
norm fhnf offon Ionds nronfs In nccofnbIo buf nof IdonI mnrrIngos fo
mnko soIf-sncrIfIcos nnd renoin mnrrIod fo fho nronfs of fhoIr chIIdron.

ThIs Is ono ronson fhnf n Inrgo grou of romInonf schoInrs from nII
roIovnnf ncndomIc fIoIds hns oxrossod doo| ] concorns nbouf fho
InsfIfufIonnI consoquoncos of snmo-sox mnrrIngo for mnrrIngo IfsoIf.
WIfhorsoon InsfIfufo, Morrioge AnJ Tle PuIlic GooJ, eupro, nf l8-l9, A.
50?-508. Among ofhor fhIngs, fhoy show fhnf |s]nmo-sox mnrrIngo . . .
wouId undormIno fho Idon fhnf chIIdron nood bofh n mofhor nnd n fnfhor,
furfhor wonkonIng fho socIofnI norm fhnf mon shouId fnko rosonsIbIIIfy for
fho chIIdron fhoy bogof. 1J. nf l9, A. 508; CIonn, Tle S/ruggle Ior Sone-
Sex Morrioge, eupro, nf 26 (oxrossIng concorn nbouf oIIfIcnIIy mofIvnfod
donInI of fho vnIuo of fnfhors for fho socInIIznfIon, dovoIomonf, nnd woII
boIng of chIIdron).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 89
Ovor fImo, fhIs foo wouId IIkoIy Iond fo moro chIIdron boIng rnIsodnnd
for Iongor orIodswIfhouf bofh of fhoIr bIoIogIcnI nronfs.
5,2%6:8 by shIffIng fho undorsfnndIng of mnrrIngo fo n moro
nduIf-confrIc vIow, fho rodofInIfIon ordorod by fho dIsfrIcf courf wouId
nIso undormIno fho curronf socInI norm (wonkonod fhough If mny bo)
fhnf fhoso who wIsh fo hnvo chIIdronor fo ongngo In conducf fhnf
couId Iond fo chIIdroneloulJ gof mnrrIod. If mnrrIngo Is nbouf
nccommodnfIng fho noods nnd dosIros of nduIfs rnfhor fhnn moofIng fho
noods of chIIdron (nnd socIofy), fhon If Is no Iongor nn obIIgnfIon
somofhIng ono Is suosod fo do If ono wnnfs fo hnvo chIIdron. !nfhor,
If Is sImIy nn ofIon, fo bo choson If, buf onIy If, If Is whnf ono wnnfs or
whnf ono fhInks wIII mnko ono hny.

See, e.g., Androw J. ChorIIn, Tle Deine/i/u/ionolico/ion of Anericon
Morrioge, 66 J. MnrrIngo & Inm. 848, 848, 850, 853, 858 (2004) (oxInInIng
fhnf wonkonIng of fho socInI norms fhnf dofIno ooIo`s bohnvIor In .
mnrrIngo shIffs fho focus of mnrrIngo from sorvIng vIfnI socIofnI noods
(IncIudIng fho noods of chIIdron) fo fncIIIfnfIng fho orsonnI fuIfIIImonf of
IndIvIdunIs nnd couId ovon cuImInnfo, In fho fndIng nwny of mnrrIngo, fo fho
oInf fhnf If bocomos jusf ono of mnny kInds of InfororsonnI romnnfIc
roInfIonshIs); CIonn, Tle S/ruggle for Sone-Sex Morrioge, eupro, nf 25-26
(oxInInIng fhnf fho hIsforIcnI urosos of mnrrIngoroguInfIon of soxunI
ncfIvIfy nnd fho rovIsIon for offsrIng fhnf mny rosuIf from Ifhnvo
nIrondy boon wonkonod by fho bIurrIng of fho dIsfIncfIon bofwoon mnrrIngo
ns nn InsfIfufIon nnd moro 'cIoso roInfIonshIs,` nnd wnrnIng fhnf
nccofnnco of fho nrgumonfs mndo by somo ndvocnfos of snmo-sox mnrrIngo
wouId brIng fhIs frond fo Ifs IogIcnI concIusIon, nnmoIy, fho dofInIfIon of
mnrrIngo ns boIng for fho bonofIf of fhoso who onfor Info If rnfhor fhnn ns nn

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 90
5/;6:, nnd mosf obvIousIy, n gondorIoss dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo
wouId IIkoIy Incronso fho numbor of chIIdron boIng rnIsod by snmo-sox
nronfs. Thnf couId hnon bocnuso fho couIo docIdos fo rnIso
fogofhor nn oxIsfIng chIId of ono of fho nrfnors. Or If couId rosuIf from
fho concofIon of n now chIId fhrough surrogncy or sorm-donnfIon.
IIfhor wny, such chIIdron wIII nof bonofIf from fho Sfnfo`s roforrod
mofhor-fnfhor nronfIng modoI; offon fhoy wIII hnvo no wny of knowIng
ovon fho IdonfIfy of bofh bIoIogIcnI nronfs. And roconf ovIdonco on
snmo-sox nronfIng, whIIo nof concIusIvo, IndIcnfos fhnf snmo-sox
nronfIng nrrnngomonfs nro Ioss offocfIvo fhnn mnrrIod bIoIogIcnI
mofhors nnd fnfhors In roducIng osIfIvo oufcomos In fho IIvos of fhoIr

InsfIfufIon for fho bonofIf of socIofy, fho communIfy, or nny socInI onfIfy
Inrgor fhnn fho couIo).

See !ognorus, Hou Differen/ Are /le AJul/ ClilJren of Poren/e Wlo Hote
Sone-Sex Ielo/ionelipe:, eupro, nf ?52-??0, A. l2l8; (fIndIng sIgnIfIcnnf
dIfforoncos bofwoon chIIdron rnIsod by mnrrIod mofhors nnd fnfhors nnd
fhoso rnIsod In ofhor fnmIIy sfrucfuros, IncIudIng fhoso rnIsod by snmo-sox
couIos). !ognorus, Aneuering Cri/ice of /le Aeu Ionil, S/ruc/uree S/uJ,
ui/l AJJi/ionol Anol,eie, eupro, nf l36?, A. l238; eee oleo iJ. nf l3??, A.
l248; (!nfII much Inrgor rnndom snmIos cnn bo drnwn nnd ovnIunfod, fho
robnbIIIfy-bnsod ovIdonco fhnf oxIsfsIncIudIng nddIfIonnI ISS nnnIysos
horoInsuggosfs fhnf fho bIoIogIcnIIy-Infncf fwo-nronf housohoId romnIns
nn ofImnI soffIng for fho Iong-form fIourIshIng of chIIdron.). Indood,
rosonrchors hnvo nofod fhnf mnny of fho sfudIos urorfIng fo show no
dIfforonco In nronfIng suffor from doo mofhodoIogIcnI fInws. See, e.g.,

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 9l
7/<6:8 If fho frndIfIonnI mnIo-fomnIo nsocf of mnrrIngo woro
fhrown ouf ns IrrnfIonnI, If wouId IIkoIy bocomo moro dIffIcuIf fo rosIsf
ofhor InnovnfIons fhnf wouId Iond fo nddIfIonnI chIIdron boIng rnIsod
wIfhouf n fnfhor or mofhor. As ono of fho snmo-sox mnrrIngo ndvocnfos
quofod In JusfIco AIIfo`s WinJeor oInIon uf If, conforrIng fho
IogIfImncy of mnrrIngo on homosoxunI roInfIons wIII Infroduco nn
ImIIcIf rovoIf ngnInsf fho InsfIfufIon Info Ifs vory honrf . . . . Ior
sfnrfors, If homosoxunI mnrrIngo Is OK, why nof grou mnrrIngo|].
IIIon WIIIIs, Con Morrioge Be SoteJ: A Iorum, Tho nfIon l6 (2004),
cIfod In WinJeor, l33 S. Cf. nf 2?l6 n.6 (AIIfo, J., dIssonfIng).
To fho

!oron . Mnrks, Sone-5+J B'#+(&$(, '(/ !"$4/#+(8% 2C&.6<+%I - !46%+#
KJ'<$('&$6( 6A &"+ -<+#$.'( B%7."646,$.'4 -%%6.$'&$6(8% ;#$+A 6( R+%D$'(
onJ Go, Poren/ing, 4l Soc. ScI. !osonrch ?35, ?48 (20l2), A. l263; (nofIng
sIgnIfIcnnf fInws In 59 sfudIos conducfod on snmo-sox nronfIng fhnf InvoIvod
smnII, convonIonco snmIos nnd fhnf fho gonornIIzod cInIm of no dIfforonco
wns nof omIrIcnIIy wnrrnnfod); eee oleo Lof/on, 358 I.3d nf 325 (nofIng
crIfIquos of fhoso sfudIos, IncIudIng sIgnIfIcnnf fInws In fho|so] sfudIos`
mofhodoIogIos nnd concIusIons, such ns fho uso of smnII, soIf-soIocfod
snmIos; roIInnco on soIf-roorf Insfrumonfs; oIIfIcnIIy drIvon hyofhosos;
nnd fho uso of unrorosonfnfIvo sfudy ouInfIons consIsfIng of
dIsroorfIonnfoIy nffIuonf, oducnfod nronfs.)

AccorJ, e.g., JudIfh Sfncoy, 1n /le Aone of /le Ionil,. Ie/lin/ing Ionil,
Voluee in /le Poe/noJern Age l22-23, l26-2? (l996); iJ. nf l2? (If wo bogIn
fo vnIuo fho monnIng nnd qunIIfy of InfImnfo bonds ovor fhoIr cusfomnry
forms, fhoro nro fow IImIfs fo fho kInds of mnrrIngo nnd kInshI nfforns
ooIo mIghf wIsh fo dovIso. . . . |I]orhns somo mIghf dnro fo quosfIon fho
dyndIc |I.o., fwo-orson] IImIfnfIons of Wosforn mnrrIngo nnd sook somo of fho
bonofIfs of oxfondod fnmIIy IIfo fhrough smnII-grou mnrrIngos . . . .).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 92
oxfonf fhoy InvoIvo ooIo of bofh soxos, such nrrnngomonfs nro
osocInIIy IIkoIy fo roduco chIIdron who wIII nof bo rnIsod by ono or
bofh of fhoIr bIoIogIcnI nronfs, much Ioss by n mnn-womnn couIo. Tho
Sfnfo cnnnof sImIy Ignoro fho rIsks fo chIIdron nrIsIng from such
InsfIfufIonnI dovoIomonfs whIch ndvocnfos of snmo-sox mnrrIngo
/leneeltee rodIcf wIII hnon If fhnf chnngo woro ndofod.
7$'$-6:8 n courf-ordorod rodofInIfIon of mnrrIngo couId woII Iond
fo Ifs whoIosnIo rIvnfIznfIonfor oxnmIo, by onncfmonf of n cIvII-
unIon rogImo for nII couIos, wIfh roIIgIous nnd ofhor orgnnIznfIons
boIng froo fo offor fho fIfIo of mnrrIngo ns fhoy soo fIf. Commonfnfors
from ncross fho oIIfIcnI socfrumIncIudIng somo gny-rIghfs grous
hnvo ndvocnfod for fhnf nnd ofhor forms of govornmonfnI rofronf from
fho whoIo subjocf of mnrrIngo.
In !fnh nnd oIsowhoro, judIcInI

1.g., CInronco Ingo, An oJJ puel /o prito/ice norrioge, ChIcngo TrIbuno
(ArII 3, 20l3) l//p.//or/iclee.clicogo/riIune.con/2013-04-03/neue/c/-opeJ-
0403-poge-20130403_1_ron-poul-liceneee-eloulJ-goternnen/; Iross !oIonso,
!6(,#+%%<'( ;6D ;'##8% M+<'#3% '& OPQQ R6, !'D$( V'&$6('4 !6(1+(&$6(
(ArII 30, 20ll) l//p.//
Iorre-renor/e-o/-2011-log-coIin-no/ionol-conten/ion/; Iromn Hnrro, To/e
Goternnen/ ou/ of /le Morrioge Bueineee, !onI CIonr IoIIfIcs (JuIy 2, 20l3)
_fho_mnrrIngo_busInoss_ll9046.hfmI; KoIfh AbIow, Wlen 1/ Conee /o
Morrioge, Goternnen/ SloulJ Ditorce 1/eelf, Iox ows (Mnrch 2?, 20l3)

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 93
InvnIIdnfIon of fho frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo couId woII cronfo n
brond oIIfIcnI consonsus for such n rndIcnI sfo.
Such n dovoIomonfnnd fho consoquonf roducfIon In
govornmonfnI oncourngomonf for mnrrIngocouId woII cnuso n
subsfnnfInI docIIno In fho ubIIc`s Inforosf In mnrrIngo, sImIInr fo fho
docIIno nIrondy soon In mnny nrfs of Iuroo. Ior oxnmIo, n 2002
survoy by fho InfornnfIonnI SocInI Survoy Irogrnmmo roorfod fhnf
onIy l5.? orconf of Swodos, l6.9 orconf of IoIgInns nnd 22.? orconf
of ofhorInndors boIIovod fhnf mnrrIod ooIo nro gonornIIy hnIor.
Ivon moro froubIIng, onIy 30.9 of Swodos, 3l.5 of IoIgInns, nnd n
moro 25.3 of ofhorInndors fhoughf ooIo who wnnf chIIdron oughf
fo gof mnrrIod.
of surrIsIngIy, mnrrIngo nrfIcInfIon rnfos In
fhoso fhroo nnfIons nro sImIInrIy Iow.
Any socInI InsfIfufIon wIfh so


InfornnfIonnI SocInI Survoy Irogrnmmo, Ionil, onJ Clonging GenJer
Iolee 111. 2002, ZA Sfudy 3880 nf 26-2?, 30-3l (Sofombor 2004).

In 20ll, fho mnrrIngo rnfo or l,000 ouInfIon In IoIgIum wns 4.l, In fho
ofhorInnds If wns 4.3, nnd In Swodon If wns 5.0. See Iuroonn
CommIssIon, CruJe Morrioge Io/e, Selec/eJ Yeore, 1960-2011 nf
20ll_(or_l_000_InhnbIfnnfs).ng&fIIofImosfnm=20l30l30lll229. Iy

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 94
IIffIo ubIIc suorf nnd nrfIcInfIon hns Iosf much of Ifs socIofnI vnIuo
nnd cnn no Iongor sorvo ns offocfIvoIy ns nn Insfrumonf of socInI oIIcy.

Thoro nro good ronsons fo boIIovo fhnf ovor fImo, fho rodofInIfIon
of mnrrIngo ordorod by fho dIsfrIcf courf couId do jusf fhnf. Tho kInd of
rIvnfIznfIon jusf dIscussod wouId rovIdo ono mochnnIsm. And If
mnrrIngo Is rIvnfIzod, or If If comos fo bo undorsfood ns rImnrIIy for
fho bonofIf of nduIfs rnfhor fhnn chIIdron, fhon fhoso who wIsh fo hnvo
chIIdron (or fo ongngo In conducf fhnf couId Iond fo chIIdron) mny chooso
nof fo mnrry If fhoy boIIovo ofhor socInI nrrnngomonfs wouId boffor
sorvo fhoIr IndIvIdunI noods. CIvon fho sfnkososocInIIy for
chIIdronfho Sfnfo hns n comoIIIng Inforosf In mInImIzIng fhnf rIsk.
CJ6J4339 /SL3J7.O/ L"5L/26."57 "0 P4--.4Q/# In sum, gIvon
fho sfrong connocfIon In !fnh Inw nnd cuIfuro bofwoon mnrrIngo nnd
chIIdron, rodofInIng mnrrIngo In gondorIoss forms wouId sorIousIy

comnrIson, !fnh`s 20ll mnrrIngo rnfo wns 8.6 nnd fho nnfIonnI nvorngo wns
6.8. See Confors for Isonso ConfroI & IrovonfIon, Morrioge Io/ee I, S/o/e.
1990, 199, onJ 1999-2011 nf
hff:// CIvon
!fnh`s young ouInfIon, fho ronI dIvorgonco wouId IIkoIy bo ovon sfnrkor.

See, e.g., AIInn CnrIson, Decone/ruc/ion of Morrioge. Tle SueJiel Coee, 44
Snn Iogo !. !ov. l53, l54 (200?) (Swodon's oxorIonco Is ono of fho
doIIbornfo oIIfIcnI oIImInnfIon of mnrrIngo ns n monnIngfuI IognI nnd socInI
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 95
undormIno, If nof dosfroy, fho Sfnfo`s mossngo fhnf bIoIogIcnI mofhor-
fnfhor nronfIng Is bosf for chIIdron. How cnn fho Sfnfo InsIsf fhnf
fnfhors (or mofhors) nro ossonfInI fo fhoIr chIIdron`s woII-boIng If If Is
forcod fo rodofIno mnrrIngo fo mnko fnfhors (or mofhors) ofIonnI Or
how cnn fho Sfnfo InsIsf fhnf fnfhors nnd mofhors nro nof
InforchnngonbIo whon Ifs own mnrrIngo Inw offocfIvoIy mnkos fhom
Thnf Is nof fo sny fhnf fho Sfnfo Incks comnssIon for fho chIIdron
of sIngIo nronfs or couIos In snmo-sox roInfIonshIs. Sfnfo offIcInIs
nnd communIfy Iondors romnIn concornod wIfh fhoIr woIfnro, jusf ns
fhoy nro concornod wIfh fho woIfnro of ovory chIId. A nnoIy of ubIIc
nnd rIvnfo woIfnro rogrnms, from subsIdIzod honIfhcnro fo chIIdhood
oducnfIon, rofIocfs fhnf concorn. Iuf fho domnnd fhnf mnrrIngo bo
rodofInod fo IncIudo snmo-sox couIos forcos n dIffIcuIf choIco bofwoon
mufunIIy oxcIusIvo concofIons of mnrrIngoono nImod nf nffIrmIng
nduIf-choson roInfIonshIs or ono fhnf Is chIId-confrIc, bIndIng n
mofhor, n fnfhor, nnd fhoIr chIId In n IognI InsfIfufIon. Inch concofIon
cnrrIos unnvoIdnbIo nnd unInfondod cosfs. Yof In fho consIdorod
judgmonf of fho Sfnfo nnd Ifs ooIo, fho cosfs nnd rIsksosocInIIy fo
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 96
chIIdron gonornIIyof rodofInIng mnrrIngo In gondorIoss forms vnsfIy
oufwoIgh fho cosfs of rosorvIng fho frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon.
Such dIffIcuIf nnd offon nInfuI docIsIons nro nf fho honrf of fho
Sfnfo`s nufhorIfy ovor domosfIc-roInfIons mnffors. !fnh`s cIfIzons nnd
IogIsInfors hnvo woIghod fho comofIng InforosfsIncIudIng fho
comoIIIng Inforosf In fho woIfnro of nII fho Sfnfo`s chIIdronnnd hnvo
choson fho oIIcy fhoy boIIovo fo bo sound. Thnf choIco shouId bo
&# 6&'")( 8'0'5*8'0 -#2/0/&/*0 2+,&"#,( &"# %&'&#)(
O.643 .56/-/76 .5 /57J-.5Q 4=/ZJ46/ -/2-"=JL6."5 <9
24-/567 R.33.5Q 45= 4<3/ 6" 2-"O.=/ 4 K.QK'ZJ43.69
K"P/ /5O.-"5P/56 0"- 6K/.- LK.3=-/5#

!fnh hns n sfrong nnd comoIIIng Inforosf nof onIy In fho qunIIfy
of nronfIng Ifs chIIdron rocoIvo, buf nIso In fho nunIer of chIIdron who
wIII bo concoIvod In fho fufuro nnd rnIsod In hIgh-qunIIfy homo
nrrnngomonfs. SocIofIos wIfh Iow bIrfhrnfos ovonfunIIy suffor n hosf of
robIomsfrom roducod oconomIc growfh nnd dynnmIsm, fo Inndoqunfo
fundIng for crIfIcnI socInI woIfnro rogrnms, fo doouInfIon of
communIfIos, hIsforIc cIfIos nnd ovon fho nnfIon IfsoIf.
In fho

See, e.g., !ynn WnrdIo, LFC4&$@47 '(/ M+@4+($%"NI !6(%$/+#$(g Sone-Sex
Morrioge in Ligl/ of S/o/e 1n/eree/e in Mori/ol Procreo/ion, 24 Hnrvnrd J. !.
& Iub. IoI`y ??l, ?84-86 (200l).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 97
dovoIood worId, moroovor, doouInfIon Is n sorIous, rosonf concorn:
IIrfh rnfos In fho !nIfod Sfnfos nnd In mnny ofhor counfrIos hnvo
fnIIon fo boIow roIncomonf IovoIs, rnIsIng fho socfor of n fufuro rnfIo
of doondonf ngod (mosfIy rofIrod) orsons fo workIng ngod AmorIcnns
fhnf orfonds burdons uon fho nnfIonnI oconomy.

H"--/346."5 </6R//5 Q/5=/-3/77 P4--.4Q/ 45= 3"R/-
<.-6K-46/7# Tho nood fo onsuro ndoqunfo rocronfIon Is ono ronson
why, sInco fImo ImmomorInI, nnd ovon In socIofIos fhnf ombrncod
homosoxunI IInIsons, mnrrIngo hns nIwnys boon concoIvod ns n unIon of
n mnn nnd n womnn for /le purpoee of loting clilJren.
Thnf Is nIso
why fho Suromo Courf hns roonfodIy roIfornfod fhnf mnn-womnn
mnrrIngo Is fundnmonfnI fo our vory oxIsfonco nnd survIvnI. Loting

WnrdIo, Mul/ipl, onJ Iepleniel, eupro, nf ?89; eee oleo See Jonn-IIorro
Cuongnnf, Tle Proxino/e De/erninon/e During /le Ier/ili/, Tronei/ion,
omIofIng-forfIIIfy/2!ovIsodC!ICATnor.II (Insf vIsIfod Jnn. 24,
20l4); eee oleo ConfrnI InfoIIIgonco Agoncy, Coun/r, Conporieon. To/ol
Ier/ili/, Io/e, Tho WorId Incfbook,
fncfbook/rnnkordor/2l2?rnnk.hfmI (Insf vIsIfod Jnn. (Insf vIsIfod Jnn. 24,
20l4) (IIsfIng forfIIIfy rnfos worIdwIdo).

WnrdIo, Mul/ipl, onJ Iepleniel, eupro nf ?84-86 (dIscussIng nncIonf
!omnn nnd Crook mnrrIngo Inws nnd frndIfIons nnd cIfIng nufhorIfIos).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 98
nf l2; ZoIloc/i nf 384; S/inner nf 54l; Mo,norJ t. Hill, l25 !.S. l90,
2ll (l888).
If Is nIso sfrIkIng fhnf forfIIIfy nnd bIrfhrnfos fond fo bo mnrkodIy
Iowor In nnfIons nnd sfnfos fhnf hnvo ombrncod snmo-sox mnrrIngo.
Ior oxnmIo, fho bIrfhrnfo In sfnfos (nnd WnshIngfon, .C.) fhnf hnvo
ndofod n gondorIoss mnrrIngo dofInIfIon Is sIgnIfIcnnfIy Iowor fhnn fho
nnfIonnI nvorngo. In fncf, fho sIx Iowosf bIrfhrnfo sfnfos hnvo nII
ndofod fhnf rodofInIfIon, whIIo nono of fho nIno hIghosf bIrfhrnfo
sfnfos hnvo dono so.

omogrnhors hnvo shown fhnf, for n socIofy fo mnInfnIn n
consfnnf ouInfIon ovor fImo, If musf nchIovo n forfIIIfy rnfofho
nvorngo numbor of chIIdron born fo n womnn ovor hor IIfofImoof
nroxImnfoIy 2.l.
Tho nnfIonnI nvorngo In fho !nIfod Sfnfos Is 2.06,

Joyco A. MnrfIn, of nI., Cfrs. for Isonso ConfroI & IrovonfIon, Ao/ionol
Vi/ol S/o/ie/ice Iepor/eHBir/le. Iinol Do/o for 2012, TnbIo l2 (ocombor 30,
20l3), hff:// (Tho sIx
Iowosf: ConnocfIcuf (l0.2), MnIno (9.6), Mnssnchusoffs (l0.9), ow
HnmshIro (9.4), !hodo IsInnd (l0.4), nnd Vormonf (9.6). Tho nIno hIghosf:
AInskn (l5.3), Idnho (l4.4), Knnsns (l4.0), obrnskn (l4.0), orfh nkofn
(l4.4), OkInhomn (l3.8), Soufh nkofn (l4.5), Toxns (l4.?), nnd !fnh (l8.0)).

See Cuongnnf, eupro, nf

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: 99
nIrondy somowhnf Ioss fhnn fho roIncomonf rnfo.
Iuf fho nvorngo In
sfnfos fhnf hnvo ndofod n gondorIoss mnrrIngo dofInIfIon Is 2l bnsIs
oInfs boIow fhnf IovoInf l.85. As of 20l0, moroovor,
Mnssnchusoffsfho fIrsf Sfnfo fo fnko fhIs sfo hns nn ovon Iowor
forfIIIfy rnfo of jusf l.6?whIch Is down l3 bnsIs oInfs from Ifs IovoI In
2000, shorfIy boforo mnrrIngo wns rodofInod fhoro.

Conf. InfoIIIgonco Agoncy, Coun/r, Conporieon. Bir/l Io/e, Tho WorId
Incfbook, hffs://
fncfbook/rnnkordor/2054rnnk.hfmI (Insf vIsIfod Jnnunry 3l, 20l4),
fncfbook/rnnkordor/2054rnnk.hfmI;); nnd Conf. InfoIIIgonco Agoncy, Coun/r,
Conporieon. To/ol Ier/ili/, Io/e, Tho Word Incfbook (Insf vIsIfod Jnnunry
3l, 20l4), hffs://
fncfbook/rnnkordor/2l2?rnnk.hfmI. Tho nvorngo fofnI forfIIIfy rnfo (TI!)
for nII OrgnnIznfIon for IconomIc Co-oornfIon nnd ovoIomonf (OIC)
counfrIos Is l.6. See OIC, SocInI IoIIcy IvIsIon, Irocfornfo of
ImIoymonf, !nbour nnd SocInI AffnIrs, SI2.1. Ier/ili/, ro/ee, OIC InmIIy
nfnbnso (Juno 26, 20l3),
20l3.df (cuIIIng TI!s from 20ll dnfn nnd showIng onIy 6 ouf of 4l OIC
counfrIos wIfh TI!s ovor 2.l, fho ouInfIon roIncomonf rnfo).

WIfhIn fho !nIfod Sfnfos, forfIIIfy rnfos vnry gronfIy, o.g.: CnIIfornIn
(l.94?), ConnocfIcuf (l.?23), oInwnro (l.940), .C. (l.646), HnwnII (2.l53),
IIIInoIs (l.882), Iown (2.009), MnIno (l.?00), MnryInnd (l.999), Mnssnchusoffs
(l.665), MInnosofn (l.96l), ow HnmshIro (l.666), ow MoxIco (2.064), ow
Jorsoy (l.900), ow York (l.8l4), !hodo IsInnd (l.630), Vormonf (l.664), nnd
WnshIngfon (l.90?). See Cfrs. for Isonso ConfroI & IrovonfIon, Ao/ionol
Vi/ol S/o/ie/ice Iepor/eHBir/le. Iinol Do/o for 2010, 42 (Aug. 28, 20l2),
hff:// In 2000, boforo
snmo-sox mnrrIngo wns ndofod In Mnssnchusoffs, fhnf sfnfo hnd n bIrfhrnfo
of l.8. See Cfrs. for Isonso ConfroI & IrovonfIon, Ao/ionol Vi/ol S/o/ie/ice
Iepor/eHBir/le. Iinol Do/o for 2000, 40 (Iob. l2, 2002),
hff:// .

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l00
Tho snmo Is fruo ovorsons. As of 20ll, fon counfrIos ormIffod
snmo-sox mnrrIngo.
SIx of fhoso fon fnII woII Info fho boffom qunrfor
In bofh bIrfh rnfos nnd forfIIIfy nmong 223 counfrIos nnd forrIforIos,
nnd nII fon fnII boIow fho nvorngo worIdwIdo forfIIIfy rnfo.
fhoso sfnfIsfIcs obvIousIy do nof rovo n cnusnI IInk bofwoon snmo-sox
mnrrIngo nnd docIInIng bIrfhrnfos, fhoy do cronfo cnuso for concorn.
;"R E-4=.6."543 C4--.4Q/ D5L"J-4Q/7 M-"L-/46."5#
So fnr, !fnh hns boon moro succossfuI fhnn fhoso sfnfos nnd counfrIos
In oncourngIng rocronfIon. As of 20l0, Ifs forfIIIfy rnfo wns 2.45
sIIghfIy nbovo fho roIncomonf rnfo.

Thoy IncIudod fho ofhorInnds, SnIn, Cnnndn, IoIgIum, Soufh AfrIcn,
orwny, Swodon, IorfugnI, IcoInnd, nnd ArgonfInn. See nn Insfonborg, A
Brief Hie/or, of 1n/erno/ionol Go, Morrioge, TImo, JuIy 22, 20l0, nvnIInbIo ,
nf hff://,8599,20056?8,00.hfmI.

Conf. InfoIIIgonco Agoncy, Coun/r, Conporieon. Bir/l Io/e, Tho WorId
Incfbook (Insf vIsIfod Jnnunry 3l, 20l4),
fncfbook/rnnkordor/2054rnnk.hfmI; nnd Conf.; nnd Conf. InfoIIIgonco Agoncy,
Coun/r, Conporieon. To/ol Ier/ili/, Io/e, Tho Word Incfbook (Insf vIsIfod
Jnnunry 3l, 20l4), hffs://

Cfrs. Ior Isonso ConfroI nnd IrovonfIon, Ao/ionol Vi/ol S/o/ie/ice
Iepor/eHBir/le. Iinol Do/o for 2010, TnbIo l2 (Aug. 28, 20l2),
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l0l
WhIIo n numbor of fncfors confrIbufo fo !fnh`s succoss, ono of
fhoso Is undoubfodIy Ifs mnrrIngo InwsIncIudIng fhoIr IImIfnfIon fo
mnn-womnn couIos. Iy rovIdIng socInI rIvIIogos nnd sfnfus fo
couIos fhnf nro unIquoIy cnnbIo of roducIng offsrIng wIfhouf
bIoIogIcnI nssIsfnnco from fhIrd nrfIos, fho Sfnfo sonds n cIonr If subfIo
mossngo fo oll of Ifs cIfIzons fhnf nnfurnI roroducfIon Is honIfhy,
dosIrnbIo nnd hIghIy vnIuod. Thnf mossngo fosfors moro roroducfIon,
ovon ns If oncourngos fho couIos so ongngod fo rnIso fho rosuIfIng
chIIdron wIfhIn mnn-womnn mnrrIngos.
AddIfIonnI roInforcomonf comos from fho gonornI orcofIon fhnf
!fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws nnd frndIfIons hnvo boon buIIf on fho chIId-confrIc
vIow of mnrrIngo rnfhor fhnn fho moro nduIf-confrIc vIow. Iocnuso of
fhnf, !fnh`s mnrrIngo Inws nnd frndIfIons subfIy convoy fo nII cIfIzons
fhnf If Is good fo mnko fho sncrIfIcos nocossnry fo hnvo chIIdronovon
fhough doIng so mny bo InconvonIonf or ovon burdonsomo fo nduIf
nronfs. Thnf mossngo foo hns nn uwnrd InfIuonco on forfIIIfy.
As ImIomonfod In !fnh, fhon, fho vory InsfIfufIon of mnn-womnn
mnrrIngo sfnnds ns n Sfnfo ondorsomonf nof onIy of fho vnIuo of rnIsIng
chIIdron In Infncf mnrrIngos, buf nIso of fho vnIuo of rocronfIon. Ior
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l02
fhnf ronson foo, fho Sfnfo hns n oworfuI Inforosf In rofnInIng fhnf
frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon.
D00/L67 "0 Q/5=/-3/77 P4--.4Q/# Iy confrnsf, rodofInIng
mnrrIngo In gondorIoss forms wouId fond fo roduco forfIIIfy rnfos, for nf
Ionsf fhroo ronsons.
5/%+6, ns mnny commonfnfors hnvo obsorvod, bocnuso rocronfIon
Is nn InhoronfIy gondorod mnffor, rodofInIng mnrrIngo In gondorIoss
forms bronks fho crIfIcnI concofunI IInk bofwoon mnrrIngo nnd
rocronfIonnnd In fhnf wny nIono wouId dIIufo fho ImIIcIf
oncourngomonf fho InsfIfufIon of mnrrIngo curronfIy rovIdos for
rocronfIon by mnrrIod couIos.
7$4,-0, by ImIIcIfIy ondorsIng fho nduIf-confrIc modoI of
mnrrIngo, n gondorIoss rodofInIfIon wouId sond n oworfuI mossngo fhnf
If Is onfIroIy nrorInfoovon oxocfodfor nduIfs fo forogo or
sovoroIy IImIf fho numbor of fhoIr chIIdron bnsod on concorns for fhoIr
own convonIonco. Thnf n now chIId mIghf crnm fho sfyIo of nn nduIf
wouId como fo bo soon ns suffIcIonf ronson nof fo hnvo fho chIId nf nII.
Thnf foo wouId fond fo roduco forfIIIfy rnfos.
9:/%08 fo fho oxfonf n gondorIoss mnrrIngo dofInIfIon oncourngos
fho furfhor nbnndonmonfor rIvnfIznfIonof mnrrIngo, If wouId
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l03
nImosf corfnInIy roduco bIrfhrnfos. SfudIos hnvo shown fhnf cohnbIfIng
couIos fond fo roduco fowor chIIdron on nvorngo fhnn mnrrIod couIos
orhns bocnuso fho rosuIfIng InsfnbIIIfy mnkos fho nrfIcInnfs
Ioss wIIIIng fo brIng chIIdron Info fho mIx. Thus, If ovornII mnrrIngo
rnfos docIIno furfhor, bIrfhrnfos wouId IIkoIy docIIno ns woII.
Af n mInImum, fhoso InsfIfufIonnI nnd bIoIogIcnI ronIIfIos sfrongIy
suggosf fhnf nbnndonIng !fnh`s mnrrIngo dofInIfIon wouId cronfo or
Incronso fho rie/ of such n docIIno. Thnf Is osocInIIy fruo In !fnh,
whIch hns fhus fnr boon moro succossfuI fhnn ofhor sfnfos nf counforIng
ofhor socInI nnd oconomIc rossuros fhnf hnvo fondod fo roduco fho
mnrrIngo rnfo nnd, wIfh If, fho forfIIIfy rnfo. Yof for ronsons jusf
oxInInod, fho Sfnfo hns good ronson fo fonr fhnf n judgo-Imosod
rodofInIfIonnnd fho chnngos fo fho ubIIc monnIng of mnrrIngo such n
rodofInIfIon wouId onfnIIwouId ovor fImo wonkon Ifs mnrrIngo
frndIfIon onough fo roduco Ifs forfIIIfy rnfo, orhns ovon boIow fho

Junfu Zhnng nnd Xuo Song, Ier/ili/, Differencee Ie/ueen MorrieJ onJ
ColoIi/ing Couplee. A Sui/cling Iegreeeion Anol,eie, IZA IscussIon Inor
o. 3245 (ocombor 200?), SS!: hff://;
IIIznbofh Irown nnd AIfrod Iffgon, IorfIIIfy of mnrrIod nnd unmnrrIod
couIos (2000), Inor 4.4 rosonfod nf !nIfod nfIons IconomIc CommIssIon
for Iuroo Conforonco, IrussoIs, IoIgIum, Mny 2000,

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l04
roIncomonf rnfo. !fnh hns n comoIIIng Inforosf In mInImIzIng fhnf
rIsk, nnd fhoroforo In rosorvIng Ifs gondorod dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo.
(# @,#(#,1/03 6&'")( 8',,/'3# -#2/0/&/*0 2+,&"#,( &"#
%&'&#)( 1/&'4 /0&#,#(&( /0 '..*88*-'&/03 ,#4/Q."J7
0-//="P 45= -/=JL.5Q 6K/ 2"6/56.43 0"- L.O.L 76-.0/#

Yof nnofhor vIfnI ubIIc woIfnro Inforosf nrIsos from fho fncf fhnf
husbnnd-wIfo mnrrIngo Is dooIy Inforwovon Info fho fnbrIc of !fnh IIfo,
IncIudIng Ifs dIvorso fnIfh communIfIos. AccordIngIy, rosorvIng fho
frndIfIonnI dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo Is ossonfInI fo rosorvIng socInI
hnrmony In fho Sfnfo, whIIo rodofInIng mnrrIngo wouId bo n rocIo for
socInI nnd roIIgIous sfrIfo, conforod on fho InsfrumonfnIIfIos of Sfnfo
nnd IocnI govornmonf. Cf. Bill Jolneon'e Iee/ouron/e, 1nc. t. A.L.I.B.,
46l !.S. ?3l, ?4l (l983) (roforrIng fo fho Sfnfos` comoIIIng Inforosf In
fho mnInfonnnco of domosfIc onco).
:/3.Q."J7 45= LJ36J-43 7J22"-6 0"- P4--.4Q/# Tho socInI
consonsus surroundIng mnrrIngo rofIocfs, In nrf, oworfuI roIIgIous
symboIIsm nnd frndIfIons fhrough whIch !fnh`s dIvorso fnIfh
communIfIos fosfor nnd nourIsh mnrrIngo ns fho IdonI InsfIfufIon for
fnmIIy IIfo. Thnf nonrIy ubIquIfous roIIgIous suorf Is nn ossonfInI
IIInr In fho socInI Infrnsfrucfuro fhnf susfnIns !fnh`s mnrrIngo rnfos
ns woII ns fho consonsus fhnf mnrrIngo Is fho bosf vonuo for bonrIng nnd
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l05
ronrIng chIIdron. Of courso, fho Sfnfo ondorsos no roIIgIous boIIofs
nbouf mnrrIngo. Yof Ifs Inforosfs nro InInIy ndvnncod by fho roIIgIous
nnd ofhor cuIfurnI InsfIfufIons fhnf suorf Ifs ro-mnrrIngo cuIfuro.
Irond roIIgIous suorf for mnrrIngo, howovor, oxIsfs onIy bocnuso
fho curronf IognI dofInIfIon corrosonds fo fho undorsfnndIng of fho vnsf
mnjorIfy of fnIfh communIfIos. Thnf IncIudos nroxImnfoIy 20 of fho
25 Inrgosf fnIfh communIfIos In !fnh, Ius ofhors nccounfIng (In fho
nggrognfo) for ?5 or moro of fho Sfnfo`s ouInfIonnnd somo 98 of
fhoso who consIdor fhomsoIvos roIIgIous boIIovors.

Of fho 25 Inrgosf fnIfh communIfIos In !fnh, onIy fIvofho IIsconI
Church, fho IrosbyforInn Church (!SA), fho IvnngoIIcnI !ufhornn Church,
!oform JudnIsm nnd fho !nIfod Church of ChrIsfoffIcInIIy nccof snmo-sox
unIons ns fhooIogIcnIIy ormIssIbIo for fhoIr mombors. Conpore Ass`n of
!oIIgIon nfn ArchIvos, S/o/e MenIerelip Iepor/,
(Insf vIsIfod Jnn. 3l, 20l4) (roorfIng momborshI sfnfIsfIcs for !fnh fnIfh
grous) ui/l Iow !osonrch !oIIgIon & Iub. !Ifo Irojocf, M+4$,$6C% >#6C@%8
Officiol Poei/ione on Sone-Sex Morrioge (oc. ?, 20l2),
snmo-sox-mnrrIngo/ (doscrIbIng offIcInI osIfIons of vnrIous fnIfh grous on
snmo-sox mnrrIngo). Thoso fIvo grous, moroovor, nro nmong fho smnIIor
fnIfh grous In !fnhnccounfIng for Ioss fhnn ono orconf of fho ouInfIon.
See Ass`n of !oIIgIon nfn ArchIvos, eupro. Tho ofhor fnIfh grous In fho fo
25IncIudIng fho Church of Josus ChrIsf of !nffor-dny SnInfs
(nroxImnfoIy 55 orconf of fho ouInfIon), fho !omnn CnfhoIIc Church
(nroxImnfoIy 5 orconf), nnd vIrfunIIy nII ovnngoIIcnI ChrIsfInn fnIfhs
(nbouf 2.3 orconf In fho nggrognfo)objocf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo on
fhooIogIcnI grounds. AroxImnfoIy 20 orconf of !fnh`s ouInfIon cInIms
no roIIgIous nffIIInfIon.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l06
In fhnf rognrd, fho roIIgIous confoxf surroundIng snmo-sox
mnrrIngo Is vnsfIy dIfforonf from fho roIIgIous confoxf fhnf surroundod
InforrncInI mnrrIngon dIfforonco fhnf onco ngnIn IIIusfrnfos fho
unwnrrnnfod IogIcnI Ion fhnf fho dIsfrIcf courf fook In InvokIng Loting.
HIsforIcnIIy, objocfIons fo InforrncInI mnrrIngo woro nIwnys rIncInIIy
nbouf rncIsm, nof nbouf roIIgIon or fho mnrrIngo InsfIfufIon.
Iy confrnsf, roIIgIous suorf for dofInIng mnrrIngo ns bofwoon
ono mnn nnd ono womnn Is bofh wIdosrond nnd dooIy roofod In fho
roIIgIous foxfs of nII fhroo mnjor AbrnhnmIc fnIfhsChrIsfInnIfy,
JudnIsm, nnd IsInmIus ono of fho ofhor fwo Inrgosf worId roIIgIons
Tho AbrnhnmIc fnIfhs In nrfIcuInr hnvo rIch roIIgIous
nnrrnfIvos oxfoIIIng fho husbnnd-wIfo, chIId-confrIc monnIng of
mnrrIngo. MIIIIons of !fnhns who nccof fhoso frndIfIons undorsfnnd
mnrrIngo nnd soxunIIfy ns gIffs from Cod, dosIgnod nof rIncInIIy for
fho grnfIfIcnfIon of nduIfs (I.o., nduIf-confrIc), buf fo rovIdo nn ofImnI

See Iow !osonrch !oIIgIon & Iub. !Ifo Irojocf, M+4$,$6C% >#6C@%8 2AA$.$'l
Poei/ione on Sone-Sex Morrioge, (oc. ?, 20l2),

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l07
soffIng for bonrIng nnd rnIsIng chIIdron (I.o., chIId-confrIc).

Thoso boIIofs nbouf mnrrIngo nro nof goIng nwny. Thoy nro hoId
by mnjor worIdwIdo roIIgIous bodIos, wIfh bIIIIons of boIIovors, fhnf nro
unIIkoIy fo chnngo fhoIr docfrInos bnsod on fho vIows of fho !.S. ubIIc,
much Ioss fho !.S. courfs. Thoso boIIofs nro fIod nof onIy fo fhooIogy
buf nIso fo roIIgIous nnd fnmIIy rncfIcos, dooIy nnd sIncoroIy hoId
orsonnI boIIofs, nnd onfIro wnys of IIfo. Thoy nro no Ioss InfogrnI fo fho
dIgnIfy nnd IdonfIfIos of mIIIIons of !fnh cIfIzons fhnn IInInfIffs` soxunI
orIonfnfIon Is fo fhom.
CIvon fhoso ronIIfIos, judIcInI ImosIfIon of n gondorIoss dofInIfIon
of mnrrIngo wouId frncfuro fho confurIos-oId consonsus nbouf fho
monnIng of mnrrIngo, snwnIng doo fonsIons bofwoon cIvII nnd
roIIgIous undorsfnndIngs of fhnf InsfIfufIon, nnd nII fo fho dofrImonf of
bofh mnrrIngo nnd fho Sfnfo`s Inforosfs In socInI onco.
1O".=.5Q -/3.Q."5'L/56/-/= L"503.L67# !odofInIng mnrrIngo In
gondorIoss forms wouId cronfo fho ofonfInI for roIIgIon-roInfod sfrIfo
nnd InfrIngomonfs of roIIgIous froodomIn n wIdo vnrIofy of
govornmonf-roInfod sIfunfIons fhnf hnvo nIrondy nrIson nround fho

See e.g., Sox, MnrrIngo nnd InmIIy In WorId !oIIgIons xxII-xxvII (on S.
IrownIng, M. ChrIsfInn Croon & John WIffo, Jr. ods., 2009).ods., 2009).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l08
counfry. SchoInrs ncross fho IdooIogIcnI socfrum ngroo on fho fhronf.

Indood, ns n grou of ro-snmo-sox-mnrrIngo Inw rofossors roconfIy uf
If fo fho IIIInoIs IogIsInfuro, fho kInd of rodofInIfIon Imosod by fho
dIsfrIcf courf horo couId cronfo n whoIo now sof of robIoms for fho
roIIgIous IIborfy of fhoso roIIgIous boIIovors who cnnnof conscIonfIousIy
nrfIcInfo In ImIomonfIng fho now rogImo.
To fnko jusf n fow
! Covornmonfs wouId IIkoIy bo rossurodnnd orhns ngroofo
forco roIIgIous socInI sorvIco ngoncIos fo conso rovIdIng ndofIon
nnd fosfor cnro sorvIcos unIoss fhoy ngroo fo rovIdo fhoso sorvIcos
In n mnnnor confrnry fo fhoIr docfrInos nnd boIIofs.

See generoll, Sone-Sex Morrioge onJ Ieligioue LiIer/,. 1nerging
Conflic/e (ougIns !nycock of nI. ods., 2008) (dIvorso schoInrs dIscussIng
Issuo); eee iJ. nf l24-25 (Irofossor ChnI IoIdbIum, !CIT schoInr nnd curronf
commIssIonor of fho fodornI IIOC, nofIng fhnf fhoro Is offon n confIIcf . . .
bofwoon Inws Infondod fo rofocf fho IIborfy of !CIT ooIo nnd fho
roIIgIous boIIofs of somo IndIvIdunIs whoso conducf Is roguInfod by such
Inws, nnd fhnf somofImos fhoso who ndvocnfo for !CIT oqunIIfy hnvo
downInyod fho Imncf of such Inws).

!offor from ougIns !nycock, MIchnoI Iorry, nnd Mnrk . Sforn fo
!orosonfnfIvo MIchnoI MndIgnn (Mnr. ll, 20l3) .

See, e.g., MIchoIIo IoorsfoIn, Ci/ing Sone-Sex Morrioge Bill, Woeling/on
ArclJioceee 1nJe Ioe/er-Core Progron, WnshIngfon Iosf (Iob. l?, 20l0),
dyn/confonf/nrfIcIo/20l0/02/l6/A!20l002l604899.hfmIl?, 20l0), ; ImIIy
IsfnhnnI SmIfh, Woeling/on, Go, Morrioge onJ /le Co/lolic Clurcl, WnII
Sfroof JournnI (Jnn. 9, 20l0),
852.hfmI; Mnnyn A. Irnchonrm, Ioc/forJ Co/lolic Clori/iee 1nJing Ioe/er
Core, ChIcngo TrIbuno (Mny 26, 20ll),

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l09
! Covornmonfs wouId IIkoIy bo rossurodnnd orhns ngroofo
rovoko fho fnx-oxomf sfnfus of churchos or ofhor non-rofIf
roIIgIous orgnnIznfIons fhnf rofuso on roIIgIous grounds fo
rocognIzo snmo-sox mnrrIngos or fo rovIdo bonofIfs fo snmo-sox
couIos on fho snmo forms ns husbnnd-wIfo couIos.

! Covornmonfs wouId IIkoIy bo rossurodnnd orhns ngroofo
InvosfIgnfo, rosocufo nnd unIsh ooIo In woddIng-roInfod
busInossos for rofusIng on roIIgIous conscIonco grounds fo nssIsf
wIfh snmo-sox woddIngs.

! Covornmonfs wouId IIkoIy bo rossurodnnd orhns ngroofo
unIsh schooI fonchors for rofusIng on roIIgIous conscIonco

20ll0526,0,4532?88.sforyfrnck=rss; nnIoI AvIIn, Sone-Sex AJop/ion in
Moeeocluee//e, /le Co/lolic Clurcl, onJ /le GooJ of /le ClilJren. Tle
S/or, BelinJ /le Con/rotere, onJ /le Coee for Conecien/ioue Iefueole 2?
ChIIdron`s !ognI !Ighfs J. l, ll (200?); John Cnrvoy, S/o/e Pu//ing Clurcl
Ou/ of AJop/ion Bueineee, Iosfon CIobo, (Mnrch l4, 2006),l, ll (200?); John
Cnrvoy, S/o/e Pu//ing Clurcl Ou/ of AJop/ion Bueineee, Iosfon CIobo, Mnrch
l4, 2006, nf Al5.

Cf. BoI Jonee Initerei/, t. Ini/eJ S/o/ee, 46l !.S. 5?4 (l983);); Ieligioue
1e/oIlielnen/ Bigo/e SounJ Alorn Agoine/ Loting Sone-Sex Morriogee, Tho
nIIy Kos (Jnn. l2, 20l2),
bIgofs-sound-nInrm-ngnInsf-IovIng-snmo-sox-mnrrIngos (Thoso roIIgIous
bIgofs wnnf fo rocoIvo fnxnyor suorf for fhoIr offorfs, buf wnnf fo koo
dIscrImInnfory rncfIcos In Inco. . . . . ThoIr rIghf fo bo bIgofs Isn`f In
quosfIon. Whnf`s In quosfIon Is whofhor AmorIcnn fnxnyors shouId subsIdIzo
fhnf bIgofry. And fho nnswor, quIfo obvIousIy, shouId bo n rosoundIng O.).

See 1lone Plo/ogropl,, LLC t. Willoc/, 309 I.3d 53 (.M. 20l3))
(uhoIdIng fIno dosIfo rofusIng on roIIgIous grounds fo hofogrnh snmo-sox
commIfmonf coromony).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll0
grounds fo ondorso snmo-sox mnrrIngo or for oxrossIng confrnry

! Covornmonf IIconsIng ngoncIos wouId IIkoIy bo rossurodnnd
orhns ngroofo InvosfIgnfo nnd unIsh counsoIors for rofusIng
on roIIgIous conscIonco grounds fo counsoI snmo-sox mnrrIod
couIos on fho snmo forms ns hoforosoxunI couIos.

! !oIIgIon-bnsod confIIcfs bofwoon ubIIc schooIs nnd nronfs wouId
IIkoIy Incronso ns chIIdron nro fnughf nbouf soxunIIfy nnd
mnrrIngo In wnys fhnf confrnvono nronfs` nnd sfudonfs` dooIy
hoId roIIgIous boIIofs.

! Covornmonfs wouId IIkoIy bo rossurodnnd mIghf ngroofo
unIsh roIIgIous coIIogos nnd sImIInr InsfIfufIons for ndhorIng fo

See, e.g., Todd Sfnrnos, Clrie/ion Teocler InJer 1ntee/igo/ion for
Oppoeing Honoeexuoli/,, Iox ows !ndIo (Ocf. l9, 20ll),
hff:// fo-sforIos/chrIsfInn-fonchor-undor-
InvosfIgnfIon-for-oosIng-homosoxunIIfy.hfmI (fonchor InvosfIgnfod for
osfIng mossngo on rIvnfo Incobook ngo oosIng homosoxunIIfy
bnsod on hor ChrIsfInn fnIfh; sfnfowIdo gny rIghfs grou domnndod hor
romovnI nnd govornor crIfIcIzod hor ubIIcIy).

WorJ t. Poli/e, 66? I.3d ?2? (6fh CIr. 20l2).

Conpore Teocler, Sclool SueJ Oter Go, Ioir, Tole, I! (ArII 2?, 2006),
hff:// (IognIIznfIon
of SSM In Mnssnchusoffs bnsIs for rondIng book doIcfIng mnrrIngo of fwo
rIncos), ui/l Todd Sfnrnos, A//, So,e Sclool Tlreo/eneJ, PunieleJ Bo, Wlo
OppoeeJ Go, AJop/ion, Iox ows !ndIo,
unIshod-boy-who-oosod-gny-ndofIon.hfmI (Insf vIsIfod Iob. (Insf vIsIfod
Iob. l, 20l4) (sfudonf bornfod by schooI dIsfrIcf suorInfondonf nffor wrIfIng
o-od Ioco In schooI nowsnor oosIng gny ndofIons; boy cnIIod fo
suorInfondonf`s offIco, subjocfod fo hours of moofIngs, nnd nccusod of
vIoInfIng fho schooI`s nnfI-buIIyIng oIIcy; suorInfondonf fhronfonod
susonsIon, domnndod fhnf sfudonf ndmIf fo rogrof ovor coIumn, nnd cnIIod
sfudonf Ignornnf).

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: lll
fhoIr vIows on mnrrIngo In such fhIngs ns mnrrIod sfudonf
housIng, hIrIng, nnd currIcuIum.

IrovonfIng fhoso kInds of socInI fonsIons nnd confIIcfsnnd fho
InfrIngomonfs of roIIgIous froodom fhoy couId cronfoIs nn Imorfnnf
nnd comoIIIng Sfnfo Inforosf, IogIfImnfoIy groundod In fho Sfnfo`s
concorn for ubIIc woIfnro. 5++ ;$44 T6"(%6(8% M+%&'C#'(&%9 %C@#'9 nf
?4l. As JusfIco Iroyor romnrkod In Zelnon t. Sinnone-Horrie, 536
!.S. 639, ?l? (2002) (Iroyor, J., dIssonfIng), ono of fho concorns
undorIyIng fho fodornI IsfnbIIshmonf CInuso Is rofocfIng fho nfIon`s
socInI fnbrIc from roIIgIous confIIcf. AccorJ Von OrJen t. Perr,, 545
!.S. 6??, 698-99 (2005) (Iroyor, J., concurrIng). If fhnf Is n IogIfImnfo
feJerol Inforosf, bnsod ns If Is on fho fodornI IIrsf Amondmonf, fhon
suroIy fho Sfnfo hns n comoIIIng Inforosf In doIng whnf If cnn fo
rofocf fho Sfnfo`s own socInI fnbrIc from roIIgIous confIIcf.
Thnf Is nof fo sny fhnf fho Sfnfo cnn Invoko concorns nbouf
roIIgIous froodom or roIIgIon-roInfod socInI sfrIfo ns n bnsIs for donyIng
rIghfs ofhorwIso gunrnnfood by fho ConsfIfufIon. Yof for ronsons
nIrondy oxInInod, fho rIghf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo cInImod horo Is

See, e.g., Letin t. Yeelito Init., ?54 .I.2d l099 (.Y. 200l); eee generoll,
. SmIfh, AccreJi/o/ion Conni//ee DeciJee /o Keep Ieligioue 1xenp/ion, 33
MonIfor on IsychoIogy l6 (Jnn. 2002).
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll2
nnyfhIng buf woII-osfnbIIshod. Insfond, ns fho dIsfrIcf courf IfsoIf
rocognIzod, fho oxIsfonco of n consfIfufIonnI rIghf fo snmo-sox mnrrIngo
hIngos on whofhor fho Sfnfo hns suffIcIonf ronson for dofInIng mnrrIngo
In gondorod forms. Tho Sfnfo`s Inforosfs In rofocfIng roIIgIous froodom
nnd mInImIzIng roIIgIon-roInfod cIvIc confIIcfs nro fhus hIghIy roIovnnf
fo fho consfIfufIonnI InquIry.
EK/ O43J/ "0 =/P"L-46.L =/L.7."5'P4[.5Q# AvoIdIng such
confIIcfs, moroovor, Is nnofhor ronson fho Sfnfo hns n rofound Inforosf
In hnvIng dIsngroomonfs ovor fho nnfuro nnd uroso of mnrrIngo
rosoIvod fhrough domocrnfIc InsfIfufIons. Tho rIsk of doo socInI
dIvIsIon Is nf Ifs nox whon courfs roomf domocrnfIc dIscourso nnd
forco mnjor socInI chnngos on nn unwIIIIng ouInco.
Iy confrnsf, domocrnfIc chnnnoIs nIIow for dInIoguo, orsunsIon,
IncromonfnI sfos, cronfIvo comromIsos, socond nnd fhIrd chnncos nnd,
somofImos, ronffIrmnfIons of osfnbIIshod wnys. WhIIo If cnnnof
gunrnnfoo ovoryono`s roforrod oufcomo, fhIs ncfIvo IIborfy, ns JusfIco
Iroyor hns cnIIod Iffho rIghf fo nrfIcInfo ns oqunI cIfIzons In
domocrnfIc docIsIon-mnkIng nbouf how bosf fo IIvo ouf our common
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll3
onsuros n IogIfImncy In InwmnkIng fhnf judIcInI mnndnfos
cnnnof mnfch. Tho Sfnfo hns fho hIghosf Inforosf In rosorvIng fho
rIghf of fho IooIo nnd fhoIr domocrnfIc InsfIfufIons fo rosoIvo
confrovorsInI Issuos In n wny fhnf socuros fho gronfosf ossIbIo
consonsus nnd hnrmony.
Snmo-sox mnrrIngo Is n cInssIc oxnmIo. To sny fhnf ooIo hoId
dIvorgonf vIows nbouf mnrrIngo Is nn undorsfnfomonf. As rovIousIy
oxInInod, somo boIIovo mnrrIngo Is focusod rIncInIIy on fho
omofIonnI fuIfIIImonf of nduIfs, nnd fhnf moms nnd dnds nro
InforchnngonbIo. Ofhors boIIovo mnrrIngo Is rIncInIIy nbouf chIIdron,
nnd fhnf fhoy bonofIf from boIng rnIsod by bofh n mom nnd n dnd. As
fhIs Courf Is woII nwnro, domocrnfIc rocossos nro III-sorvod whon fho
judIcInry sfos Info such n confonfIous dobnfo nnd, ns fho dIsfrIcf courf
dId, InboIs ono sIdo ns IrrnfIonnI. To do so ImroorIy dIsmIssos ns
InfoIornnf fho orsonnI nnd roIIgIous boIIofs of nf Ionsf hnIf fho counfry.
Thnf Is nof fho Inco or funcfIon of fho judIcInry. Such dobnfos nro

|T]ho ConsfIfufIon |Is] confrnIIy focusod uon ncfIvo IIborfy, uon fho rIghf
of IndIvIdunIs fo nrfIcInfo In domocrnfIc soIf-govornmonf. Sfohon C.
Iroyor, Ac/ite LiIer/,. 1n/erpre/ing Our Denocro/ic Cone/i/u/ion 2l (2005).
JusfIco Iroyor urgos fhnf courfs shouId fnko gronfor nccounf of fho
ConsfIfufIon`s domocrnfIc nnfuro whon fhoy Inforrof consfIfufIonnI nnd
sfnfufory foxfs. 1J. nf 5. JudIcInI rosfrnInf i.e, judIcInI modosfy In
consfIfufIonnI docIsIon-mnkIng Is ossonfInI. 1J. nf 3?; eee oleo iJ. nf l?.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll4
roorIy rosorvod for fho oIIfIcnI brnnchos or for fho IooIo sonkIng
nf fho bnIIof box.
!fnh`s mnrrIngo oIIcy, moroovor, doos nof dIcfnfo fho rIvnfo
choIcos of Ifs cIfIzons. Tho Suromo Courf hns Iong ncknowIodgod n
bnsIc dIfforonco bofwoon dIrocf sfnfo in/erference wIfh n rofocfod
ncfIvIfy nnd sfnfo encourogenen/ of nn nIfornnfIvo ncfIvIfy consonnnf
wIfh IogIsInfIvo oIIcy. Moler t. Ioe, 432 !.S. 464, 4?5 (l9??)
(omhnsIs nddod). Iy dofInIng mnrrIngo ns boIng bofwoon ono mnn nnd
ono womnn, !fnh doos nof Inforforo wIfh nduIfs` nbIIIfy fo commIf fo nn
oxcIusIvo, IovIng roInfIonshI wIfh ofhors of fho snmo sox, or fo brIng
chIIdron Info fhnf roInfIonshI. Insfond, fho Inws nf Issuo horo sImIy
encouroge n fnmIIInI sfrucfuro fhnf hns sorvod socIofy for fhousnnds of
yonrs ns fho IdonI soffIng for rnIsIng chIIdron. ofhIng In fho fodornI
ConsfIfufIon rovonfs !fnh`s cIfIzons from mnkIng fhnf choIco.
\ \ \ \ \

onrIy l30 yonrs ngo, In Murpl, t. Ionee,, ll4 !.S. l5, fho
Suromo Courf hoId fhnf no IogIsInfIon cnn bo suosod moro
whoIosomo nnd nocossnry In fho foundIng of n froo, soIf-govornIng
commonwonIfh . . . fhnn fhnf whIch sooks fo osfnbIIsh If on fho bnsIs of
fho Idon of fho fnmIIy, ns consIsfIng In nnd srIngIng from fho unIon for
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll5
IIfo of ono mnn nnd ono womnn . 1J. nf 45 (omhnsIs nddod). Thnf
wns fruo fhon, nnd If romnIns fruo fodny: Ior nII fho ronsons dIscussod
nbovo, fho Sfnfo hns Imorfnnf nnd conpelling Inforosfs In rofnInIng Ifs
gondorod dofInIfIon of mnrrIngo. A forfIorI, If hns fho roquIrod rnfIonnI
bnsIs for doIng so.

AccordIngIy, fhIs Courf shouId rovorso fho dIsfrIcf courf`s grnnf of
summnry judgmonf fo fho IInInfIffs, nnd vncnfo fho ormnnonf
>E1EDCD!E :D81:?G!8 @:1A 1:8BCD!E

CIvon fho Imorfnnco of fho IognI nnd oIIcy Issuos nf sfnko, ornI
nrgumonf Is rosocffuIIy roquosfod.
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll6
nfo: Iobrunry 3, 20l4.

!osocffuIIy submIffod,

/s/ Cono C. Schnorr
SocInI Assf. !T Affornoy ConornI
ChIof oufy !T Affornoy ConornI
ChIof of Sfnff & CounsoI ConornI
AssIsfnnf !T Affornoys ConornI
l60 Insf 300 Soufh
SnIf !nko CIfy, !fnh 84ll4-0856
80l-366-0l00 (hono)
Wnrnor orcross & Judd !!I
lll !yon Sfroof, W. Sfo. 900
Crnnd !nIds, MIchIgnn 49503

l2550 W. IxIoror r., Sfo. l00
IoIso, Idnho 83?l3

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll7


l. ThIs brIof comIIos wIfh fho fyo-voIumo IImIfnfIons of Iod.
!. A. I. 32(n)(?)(I) bocnuso:

|x] fhIs brIof confnIns 2l,?45 words, oxcIudIng fho nrfs of
fho brIof oxomfod by Iod. !. A. I. 32(n)(?)(I)(III).

2. ThIs brIof comIIos wIfh fho fyofnco roquIromonfs of Iod.
!. A. I. 32(n)(5) nnd fho fyo sfyIo roquIromonfs of Iod. !.
A. I. 32(n)(6) bocnuso:

|x] fhIs brIof hns boon ronrod In n roorfIonnIIy sncod
fyofnco usIng Word In l4 oInf TImos ow !omnn fonf.

/s/ Cono Schnorr


Iursunnf fo SocfIon II(I) of fho Courf`s CM/ICI !sor`s MnnunI,
fho undorsIgnod corfIfIos fhnf:

l. nII roquIrod rIvncy rodncfIons hnvo boon mndo;

2. hnrd coIos of fho forogoIng brIof roquIrod fo bo submIffod fo
fho cIork`s offIco nro oxncf coIos of fho brIof ns fIIod vIn ICI;

3. fho brIof fIIod vIn ICI wns scnnnod for vIrusos wIfh fho mosf
roconf vorsIon of MIcrosoff SocurIfy IssonfInIs v. 2.l.lll.6.0,
nnd nccordIng fo fho rogrnm Is froo of vIrusos.

/s/ Cono Schnorr

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll8


I horoby corfIfy fhnf on fho 3rd of Iobrunry, 20l4, n fruo, corrocf
nnd comIofo coy of fho forogoIng IrIof of AoIInnfs nnd Addondum
wns fIIod wIfh fho Courf nnd sorvod on fho foIIowIng vIn fho Courf`s
ICI sysfom:
Ioggy A. TomsIc
Jnmos I. MngIoby
JonnIfor Irnsor InrrIsh
l?0 Soufh MnIn Sfroof, SuIfo 850
SnIf !nko CIfy, !T 84l0l

Knfhryn . KondoII
Shnnnon I. MInfor
nvId C. CodoII
nfIonnI Confor for !osbInn !Ighfs
8?0 Mnrkof Sf., Sfo. 3?0
Snn IrnncIsco, CA 94l02

!nIh Chnmnoss
nrcy M. Coddnrd
SnIf !nko Counfy IsfrIcf Affornoys
200l Soufh Sfnfo, S3?00
SnIf !nko CIfy, !T 84l90

/s/ Cono Schnorr

Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: ll9

l. Momordum ocIsIon nnd Ordor dnfod ocombor 20, 20l3.

2. Sfnfo ofInIfIons of MnrrIngo: Sfnfufos, ConsfIfufIonnI
IrovIsIons nnd JudIcInI ocIsIons
Appellate Case: l3-4l78 Document: 0l0l9l96784 Date Filed: 02/03/20l4 Page: l20

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