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Anterior wall erogenous zone or Freudian myth?
Rhalou Allerhand examines the mystery of the G-spot
Illustrations: Matt Reynolds

he female orgasm has always been the subject of considerable media hype.
a matter of intense interest (especially Statistics vary greatly, but past surveys
to the half of the world population who suggest that the majority of women have
possess a vagina), but the reality of what never experienced an internal G-spot or-
women actually experience is often shroud- gasm, and some women even find it difficult
ed in mystery (mostly to the other half of the to achieve a clitoral one. According to the
population, who don’t possess one). 2008 National Orgasm Survey, 72 per cent
Some women argue it’s essential for or- of women have got a G-spot, although only
gasms and others refute its existence, but 31 per cent claim to have experienced a
for many women, vaginal orgasms and the vaginal orgasm and 36 per cent of women
mysterious G-spot are nothing but an unat- don’t orgasm at all during sex unless they
tainable dream. Whatever your stance, the stimulate their clitoris themselves.
G-spot has always been controversial and While some ‘experts’ dismiss the idea


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She says, ‘We’re

all different. Some
women will have cer-

Some women will have tain areas within the

vagina which will be
very sensitive, and
certain areas within the some won’t — but
they won’t neces-

vagina which will be

sarily be in the area
called the G-spot.
‘If a woman

very sensitive spends all her time

worrying about
whether she is nor-
mal, or has a G-spot
or not, she will focus
that G-spot and clitoral orgasms are distin- on just one area, and ignore everything else.
guishable, and some argue that the G-spot It’s telling people that there is a single, best
doesn’t exist at all, there are also lots of way to have sex, which isn’t the right thing
women who would be happy to experience to do.’
an orgasm of any kind, and couldn’t care As an avid reader of Just Seventeen
less which way it comes. and More magazine, from my early teens I
The location and even existence of the G- studied the Position of the Fortnight intently
spot has long been hotly contested in medi- every week and, despite not being terribly
cal circles. Despite professional and scien- successful with my own, have always as-
tific scepticism, as a concept the G-spot sumed that the G-spot exists. After carrying
has actually been widely accepted by the out some research, which basically involved
public and many women who haven’t even pestering all the ladies in my office, I was
experienced one still believe that it’s achiev- interested (and mildly envious) to discover
able. But some specialists argue that the that more than half of them claim to have
term has led to over-anxiety among women fully functioning G-spots which, with a bit of
who cannot reach satisfaction this way, and special attention, can perform wonders for
can leave women and their partners feeling orgasm intensity.
inadequate. ‘I definitely have one, and think I would
Dr Petra Boynton, a sexual psychologist be a little bit lost without it,’ claimed Sandra
at University College London, argues that from IT. ‘I find that a G-spot orgasm is more
an entire industry has grown up around the intense and lasts longer than a clitoral or-
concept of the G-spot, and labeling women gasm. I see the clitoral orgasm as a quick fix,
who are unable to achieve vaginal orgasm as whereas a G-spot orgasm is when you’re in
‘dysfunctional’ has had a negative effect. for the long run and mean business.’


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Deidre from ad sales agreed. ‘I’m quite gist, Ernst Gräfenberg, the existence of the
lucky; it’s been a regular occurrence for me humble G-spot was first officially confirmed
since I have been with my current boyfriend. in 1944, although fans of Tantric sex have
Definitely marriage material! been heralding the ‘sacred spot’ for thou-
‘It takes me quite a bit longer; the longest sands of years (indicating that perhaps yogic
amount of time has probably been around flying hippy sex isn’t so daft after all). How-
thirty minutes. It takes longer for me to ever, the purported location of the G-spot
achieve a G-spot orgasm, but it’s well worth has changed over time, and many experts
the wait.’ continue to quibble over its location and ex-
Personally, despite my familiarity with the istence. The G-spot orgasm is sometimes
apparent location, I’ve not had much truck referred to as vaginal, because it results from
with my own, and manipulating the area gen- stimulation inside the vagina, including dur-
erally makes me feel the need to pee, rather ing intercourse.
than scream out in orgasmic bliss. But ever The concept of purely vaginal orgasm
the investigative journalist, I was determined was actually first hypothesised In 1905 by
to search out the truth behind the elusive fe- the original sexpert Sigmund Freud. Freud
male pleasure zone. boldly argued that clitoral orgasm was an
For many women, it’s a highly sensitive adolescent phenomenon, and upon reach-
area that provides hours of pleasure when ing puberty the proper response of a ma-
massaged. For others, much like me, it’s a ture women would be to change to vaginal
spongy bit that, if pressed, creates an over- orgasms. While most women would prob-
whelming urge to urinate. And then some ably be very pleased if this theory were true,
women don’t feel any sensation at all. Freud provided no evidence for his wild as-
There are a number of different theories sumption, and the consequences of the
about what the G-spot, which technically theory were greatly elaborated, partly be-
is more of a G-zone, actually is. Some ex- cause many women felt inadequate when
perts say we should consider it more of an they could not achieve ‘mature’ orgasm via
‘anterior wall erogenous complex’, although vaginal intercourse wihch involved little or no
saying that is nearly as tricky as finding the clitoral stimulation.
damn thing. Using ultrasound, Italian scientists claim
One view is that it’s an area of tissue simi- to have found the first compelling evidence
lar to the male prostate. Further research has that the G-spot exists, but say not all women
shown that stimulation of the G-spot area appear to have one and the location varies.
can increase the pain threshold, so this sen- If you’re one of the lucky ladies, it’s alleged
sitive and erogenous area is one of nature’s to be approximately a few centimetres up,
natural childbirth painkillers. So as you can on the front inner wall of the vagina and usu-
see, the theories are divided and no one can ally no bigger than a pea; but once you’re
agree on what to do with the G-spot, much sexually aroused and in the mood for some
less whether or not it even exists. action, its size can increase significantly.
Named after the German gynecolo- Doctors at the University of L’Aquila in Italy,


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where the pioneering

The scans identified an

ultrasound study was
conducted, say the
scans revealed clear
anatomical differences
between women who area of thicker tissue
said they experienced
vaginal orgasms and
women who did not.
where the G-spot is
The scans identified
an area of thicker tis-
sue where the G-spot
allegedly located
is allegedly located,
which was not visible
in the women who had never managed to a G-spot cannot have a vaginal orgasm,’
achieve a vaginal orgasm. explained Jannini, ‘but they can still have a
The latest research, carried out by Dr Em- normal orgasm through stimulation of the
manuele Jannini at the University of L’Aquila, clitoris.’
was published in the Journal Of Sexual Med- So if you’re on a quest to plunder your
icine. ‘For the first time, it is possible to de- undiscovered G-spot, it’s worth remember-
termine by a simple, rapid and inexpensive ing that you just might not have one, and
method if a woman has a G-spot or not,’ Dr ferreting around down there for hours might
Jannini told New Scientist magazine. The be a futile task. However, it’s also entirely
team used ultrasound to scan twenty wom- possible that you do have one, but much like
en and discovered that an identifiable G-spot my jelly tummy, your inner muscular area just
is only present in women who could experi- needs a bit of attention.
ence vaginal orgasm, and for these women, As fans of Sex And The City will know, the
the tissue between the vagina and the ure- pelvic floor muscle or Kegel exercise is sup-
thra was found to be considerably thicker posedly key when it comes to achieving or-
than in the other women. gasmic ecstasy. Arnold Kegel, of the epony-
The ultrasound was used to measure the mous exercise routine, published a study in
size and shape of the tissue inside the front 1952 highlighting this link and demonstrated
wall of the vagina, often suggested as the that ‘sexually dysfunctional’ women taught a
location of the G-spot. In the nine women resistive exercise programme could achieve
who reported being able to achieve vaginal orgasm for the first time.
orgasm, the tissues between the vagina and So, based on his findings, it’s worth re-
the urethra were on average thicker than in membering to do your Kegels, as it can do
the 11 women who could not reach orgasm wonders for your pleasure quota and hope-
this way. fully assist with locating your elusive G-spot
‘Women without any visible evidence of and achieving the much sought-after vaginal


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ing position. As your

muscles become
stronger this move-

It’s normal to feel ment will be more

pronounced and
hopefully soon you’ll
the need to pee when be bathing in orgas-
mic bliss. This may

your G-spot is being

or may not open the
hidden door to your
G-spot, but either

stimulated way you will benefit

sexually, as a strong-
er pelvic floor muscle
equals more powerful
orgasms either way.
orgasm. And, as luck would have it, you can As experts argue that we aren’t all bless-
do them discreetly on the bus and no one ed with an interior wall pleasure zone, if you
will ever know. do decide to embark on a G-spot discovery
Publishers of the 2008 Orgasm Survey expedition, the first step to enjoying vaginal
claim that the link between a healthy and orgasmic heaven is establishing whether or
strong pelvic floor and better sex will improve not you actually have one. Stroking is usu-
the general health and sexual wellbeing of ally the most enjoyable form of stimulation,
millions of women, improve and restore mil- although sex toys can play an important rôle.
lions of relationships, and reduce the inci- Sexperts recommend inserting the forefinger
dence of stress incontinence which afflicts and making a ‘come hither’ motion towards
many women. They suggest purchasing the front vaginal wall, but you’ll need to ex-
a Pelvic Toner, available from www.iwabo. periment with pressure and length of stroke, which is a progressive resistance vag- to find out what makes you — or your good
inal exerciser, designed to help women meet lady wife — tick.
the fundamentals of Kegel exercise. It’s incredibly normal for you to feel the
To make sure you’re doing manual Kegel need to pee when your G-spot is being
exercises correctly, try to stop the flow of urine stimulated, so make sure you’ve been to the
while you’re going for a pee. If you succeed, toilet first to avoid confusion. It also helps
you’ve got the basic move. Or try inserting a if you’re already sexually aroused. The first
finger inside your vagina and squeezing the couple of times it might be a bit odd, so it’s
surrounding muscles. You should be able to best to battle through the urge, as Kate from
feel your vagina tighten and your pelvic floor the post room in my office agreed. ‘I didn’t
move upward. Then relax your muscles and like it at first, as I just felt like I needed to
feel your pelvic floor move down to the start- wee, and I didn’t want to do that on my boy-


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friend’s hand, but after a bit of perseverance cent having tried both alone or with a partner
the feeling passed and it became incredibly and 17 per cent eager to set out on solo ex-
pleasurable.’ plorations, so don’t be afraid to explore your
Depending on the location of your G- elusive G-spot pleasure zone as apparently
spot, you may or may not be able to feel everyone’s at it.
stimulation during intercourse, but you’re As any man convinced he’s been weed on
most likely to feel something if you have your will tell you, some women can even ejaculate
pelvis raised, so experiment with conven- when their G-spot is stimulated. Research
iently placed pillows. Another popular posi- has shown that approximately 10 per cent
tion to stimulate the relevant area is doggy of women expel between 9 ml and 900 ml
style, which should be quite pleasing for all of fluid from the urethra during arousal and
parties involved. orgasm, but experts have yet to agree on
It would seem that the majority of us do what this fluid actually is, so concentrate on
have faith in the existence of the elusive your personal sexual fulfillment rather than
pleasure button. If you are keen to experi- worrying about squirting at your lover. And
ment solo, or your partner needs a helping if you do mysteriously produce gluey fluids
hand, you can now get all manner of sex aids upon orgasm, Lord knows us women spend
designed specifically for the area. Seasoned enough time on the receiving end of it, so it’s
sexpert and TV regular Tracey Cox has about time the boys got an eyeful of sticky
launched her own supersex G-Spot Orgasm white stuff.
Kit, designed specifically for stimulating the You may or may not have a sensitive G-
area — featuring a single speed curved vi- spot, and everyone is unique, so if that spe-
brator designed to stimulate the G-spot, wa- cific area does nothing for you, don’t feel
ter-based lube and a G-spot orgasm guide. pressured into commencing a quest for the
‘Opinion divides on whether there is a Holy Grail just because everyone else seems
universal pleasure spot that’s the same on to be having vaginal orgasms in abundance.
all women, but there’s absolutely no doubt The key to a healthy, happy sex life is be-
that most women find stimulation of the front ing open and honest with your partner and
vaginal wall extraordinarily exciting,’ says having lots of fun experimenting, so don’t
Tracey. ‘The supersex G-Spot Orgasm Kit succumb to the pressure to perform won-
helps you to explore this ultra-sensitive area ders with your G-spot if it just isn’t playing
and up your orgasm quota.’ ball. But spending a few hours investigating
Research carried out by LoveHoney. the area (or asking your man to assist) might on behalf of Tracey Cox revealed that be half the fun, even if you don’t find your
the desire to discover the G-spot is remarka- apex of passion whilst you’re down there.
bly high, with 90 per cent of the 1500 people There are so many ways to enjoy your sexu-
they asked agreeing that they would happily ality, and the G-spot is just one of them. So
use a sex aid to help them achieve G-spot ignore Sigmund Freud: you are not sexually
orgasms, 50 per cent happy to ask their dysfunctional if you can’t achieve a G-spot
partner to help them in their quest, 23 per orgasm; you’re just rather lucky if you can.


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