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ME 491: Measurements and Instrumentation Experiment VM Viscosity Measurement () Purpose: This experiment finds the viscosity of a highly viscous

s fluid using the falling spherical viscometer approach. Learning O !ecti"es: #no$%edge: 1. Understand the correlation between velocity and viscosity using the Navier Stoke Theorem. 2. earn how to calculate the drag coefficient. !. "xplain how the density and diameter of a sphere affects the velocity and drag coefficient. &'i%%s: 1. Use of a stop watch. 2. Use of a veneer caliper. !. #alibration and verification procedures. (e)erences: Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications$ #engel$ %c&raw 'ill$ #hapter 1(. E*uipment: 2 2(((ml &raduated cylinder 2 )eakers 1 Stop watch * comparable si+e spherical balls , varying si+e spherical balls %eter stick -ater soluble marker #orn syrup .live oil "lectric mass balance /eneer caliper

Experimenta% Procedure: Pre-Lab: 1. 2. !. 0eview the theory about creeping flow$ drag forces$ and buoyancy forces. -rite a brief description of the forces and creeping flow. 1raw and free body diagram of the forces on spherical ball falling vertically through a fluid. 1etermine the maximum velocity for the spherical balls in the following table for a 0eynolds number below 1.
Spherical balls Diameter 10 mm 12 mm 15 mm 20 mm

In-Lab: 2art 34 1. Using a /eneer caliper$ measure and record the diameters of the comparable si+e spherical balls. %ark each ball with a number. 2. %easure and record the mass of each ball. !. %easure and record the mass of a *( ml beaker. ,. 5ill *( ml of olive oil into the *( ml beaker. 0ecord the total mass of the olive oil and the beaker. Subtract the mass of the beaker from the total mass measured to find the mass of the olive oil. 1etermine the density of the fluid. *. 5ill a 2((( ml graduated cylinder with 2((( ml of olive oil. Use the marker to mark this point 6initial marker7 on the graduated cylinder$ at the 2((( ml line. %easure down .!( m and mark this point 6final marker7 on graduated cylinder. 8. Set the stop watch to record time. 'old a spherical ball as close to the top surface of the olive oil$ without touching the fluid. 9. 0elease the sphere and start recording time when the bottom of the ball cross the initial marker. -hen the bottom of the ball reaches the final marker$ stop the clock and record the time. :. 0epeat steps 9 and : for each of the comparable si+e spherical balls. ;. 0epeat steps 1 through : for corn syrup 2art )4 1(. 0epeat steps 1 through ; for the varying si+e spherical balls. +a%cu%ations and p%ots using experimenta% data4 1. Tabulate all the data. 2. 1etermine the 0eynolds number of the spherical balls in part 3. !. 5rom part )$ plot the velocity versus diameter of the spherical ball for each fluid. ,. 5rom the plot$ calculate the viscosity of each fluid. *. 1etermine the 0eynolds number of the spherical balls in part ). ,iscussion topics 1. #ompare the result obtained in part 3 for both fluids. 2. 1iscuss the effects of the density of the fluid on the terminal velocity of the sphere.

!. #omment on the approximation of creeping flow. -.eory: /iscosity is characteri+ed by the force created when two ob<ects$ that are in contact$ move in opposite directions. 5or example$ when an ob<ect is moving vertically downward through a medium an e=uilibrium e=uation forms4 g = c f f >N? -here gravity g >m@s2? is proportional to the force of friction f >N?$ by a coefficient of friction cf. /iscosity is a measure of the resistance of a fluid to motion or fluidity. 3 relation is formed between shear stress and viscosity through the e=uation4

-here the shear stress >m@s2? e=uals the coefficient of viscosity 6dynamic viscosity7 >kg@m s? multiplied by the derivative of velocity in the y direction$ where y >m@s? is the velocity perpendicular to fluid flow. The most common form of viscosity known as Akinematic viscosityB is characteri+ed by the e=uation4

F du = A dy

>N@m2 ?

-here the Cinematic viscosity >m2@s? is e=ual to the dynamic viscosity >kg@m s? divided by the density >kg@m!? of the fluid. Dn order to find the viscosity of a fluid one must use the concept of Acreeping flowB. The definition of creeping flow says that if the 0eynolds numbers is much less than 1$ the drag on sphere does not depend on the density of the fluid4 FD = !VD >N? -here Fd >N? is the force of drag$ V >m@s? is the velocity of the sphere$ and D >m? is the diameter of the sphere. Df the Acreeping flowB is satisfied this e=uation will be used to find the dynamic viscosity of the fluid4 gD s2 6 s f 7 = >NEs@m2? 1:U s Df creeping flow is not satisfied$ then this e=uation must be used to find the viscosity of the fluid4 6 f 7 2 D 2 + 6!U s f 7 > gD 2 s ? =( -here g >m@s ? is gravity$ >kg@m s? is the viscosity$ U s >m@s? is the terminal velocity of the



1:U s

sphere$ s >kg@m!? is the density of the sphere$ and f >kg@m!? is the density of the fluid. /udget E*uipment +ost

Dtem 2((( m cylinder Spherical balls4 1( mm 12 mm 1* mm 2( mm

Unit #ost Fuantity #ost G81.(( 2 G122.(( G1.:* G2.1* G!.8* G*.!* -O-0L 8 1 1 1 G11.1( G2.1* G!.8* G*.!* G1,,.2*

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