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newLISP ForMacOSX,GNULinux,UnixandWindows

UserManualandReferencev.10.5.4201412 Permissionisgrantedtocopy,distributeand/ormodifythisdocumentunderthetermsoftheGNUFreeDocumentationLicense, Version1.2oranylaterversionpublishedbytheFreeSoftwareFoundationwithnoInvariantSections,noFrontCoverTexts, andnoBackCoverTexts.AcopyofthelicenseisincludedinthesectionentitledGNUFreeDocumentationLicense. TheaccompanyingsoftwareisprotectedbytheGNUGeneralPublicLicenseV.3,June2007. newLISPisaregisteredtrademarkofLutzMueller.

1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Deprecatedfunctionsandfuturechanges InteractiveLispmode Commandlineoptions Commandlinehelpsummary SpecifyingfilesasURLs Noloadingofinit.lsp Stacksize Maximummemoryusage Directexecutionmode LoggingI/O Specifyingtheworkingdirectory newLISPasaTCP/IPserver TCP/IPdaemonmode SuppressingthepromptandHTTPprocessing ForcingpromptsinpipeI/Omode HTTPonlyservermode LocaldomainUnixsocketserver Connectiontimeout i n e t d daemonmode LinkingasourcefilewithnewLISPforanewexecutable 5. Startup,directories,environment

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14.

15. 16.




20. 21.

EnvironmentvariableNEWLISPDIR Theinitializationfilei n i t . l s p DirectoriesonLinux,BSD,MacOSX DirectoriesonWin32 ExtendingnewLISPwithsharedlibraries newLISPasasharedlibrary EvaluatingnewLISPexpressions Interactivemultilineexpressions Integer,floatingpointdataandoperators Biginteger,unlimitedprecisionarithmetic Evaluationrulesanddatatypes LambdaexpressionsinnewLISP n i l ,t r u e ,c o n s and( ) innewLISP Arrays Indexingelementsofstrings,listsandarrays Implicitindexingforn t h Implicitindexingandthedefaultfunctor Implicitindexingforr e s t ands l i c e Modifyreferencesinlists,arraysandstrings Destructiveversusnondestructivefunctions Makeadestructivefunctionnondestructive Earlyreturnfromfunctions,loops,blocks Usingc a t c h andt h r o w Usinga n d ando r Dynamicandlexicalscoping Contexts Symbolcreationincontexts Creatingcontexts Globalscope Symbolprotection Overwritingglobalsymbolsandbuiltins Variablesholdingcontexts Sequenceofcreatingcontexts Contextsasprogrammingmodules Contextsasdatacontainers Loadinganddeclaringcontexts Serializingcontextobjects Thecontextdefaultfunctor Functionswithmemory Hashfunctionsanddictionaries Passingdatabyreference Functionalobjectorientedprogramming FOOPclassesandconstructors Objects Thecolon: operatorandpolymorphism StructuringalargerFOOPprogram Concurrentprocessinganddistributedcomputing TheCilkAPI Distributednetworkcomputing JSON,XML,SXMLandXMLRPC Customization,localizationandUTF8 Customizingfunctionnames Switchingthelocale Decimalpointanddecimalcomma UnicodeandUTF8encoding FunctionsworkingonUTF8characters

FunctionsonlyavailableonUTF8enabledversions 22. Commasinparameterlists

1. Syntaxofsymbolvariablesandnumbers 2. Datatypesandnamesinthereference 3. Functionsingroups Listprocessing,flowcontrol,andintegerarithmetic Stringandconversionfunctions Floatingpointmathandspecialfunctions Matrixfunctions Arrayfunctions Bitoperators Predicates Dateandtimefunctions Statistics,simulationandmodelingfunctions Patternmatching Financialmathfunctions FileandI/Ooperations ProcessesandtheCilkAPI Fileanddirectorymanagement HTTPnetworkingAPI SocketTCP/IP,UDPandICMPnetworkAPI Reflectionandcustomization Systemfunctions Importinglibraries newLISPinternalsAPI 4. Functionsinalphabeticalorder !+*/%AbApAsBaCaClCoCuDeDiDoEn ExFiFlGaGlInLaLiMaMuNetNewNtPa PrRaReaRegSeaSeqSlStSyTiTrUtWr

ErrorCodes SystemSymbols GNUFreeDocumentationLicense GNUGeneralPublicLicense


newLISPfocusesonthecorecomponentsofLisp:lists,symbols,andlambdaexpressions.Tothese,newLISPaddsarrays,implicit indexingonlistsandarrays,anddynamicandlexicalscoping.Lexicalscopingisimplementedusingseparatenamespacescalled contexts.

TheresultisaneasiertolearnLispthatisevensmallerthanmostSchemeimplementations,butwhichstillhasabout350builtin functions.Notmuchover200kinsize,newLISPisbuiltforhighportabilityusingonlythemostcommonUnixsystemClibraries. Itloadsquicklyandhasasmallmemoryfootprint.newLISPisasfastorfasterthanotherpopularscriptinglanguagesandusesvery fewresources. Bothbuiltinanduserdefinedfunctions,alongwithvariables,sharethesameglobalsymboltreeandaremanipulatedbythesame functions.Lambdaexpressionsanduserdefinedfunctionscanbehandledlikeanyotherlistexpression. newLISPisdynamicallyscopedinsidelexicallyseparatedcontexts(namespaces).ContextsinnewLISPareusedformultiple purposes.Theyallow(1)partitioningofprogramsintomodules,(2)thedefinitionofClassesinFOOP(FunctionalObjectOriented Programming),(3)thedefinitionoffunctionswithstateand(4)thecreationofHashtreesforassociativekeyvaluestorage. newLISP'sefficientredblacktreeimplementationcanhandlemillionsofsymbolsinnamespacesorhasheswithoutdegrading performance. newLISPallocatesandreclaimsmemoryautomatically,withoutusingtraditionalasynchronousgarbagecollection.Allobjects exceptforcontexts,builtinprimitives,andsymbolsarepassedbyvalueandarereferencedonlyonce.Uponcreationobjectsare scheduledfordelayeddeletionandLispcellsarerecycledfornewlycreatedobjects.Thisresultsinpredictableprocessingtimes withoutthepausesfoundintraditionalgarbagecollection.newLISP'suniqueautomaticmemorymanagementmakesitthefastest interactiveLispavailable.MorethananyotherLisp,itimplementsthedataequalsprogramparadigmandfullselfreflection. ManyofnewLISP'sbuiltinfunctionsarepolymorphicandacceptavarietyofdatatypesandoptionalparameters.Thisgreatly reducesthenumberoffunctionsandsyntacticformsnecessarytolearnandimplement.Highlevelfunctionsareavailableforstring andlistprocessing,financialmath,statistics,andArtificialIntelligenceapplications. newLISPhasfunctionstomodify,insert,ordeleteelementsinsidecomplexnestedlistsormultidimensionalarraystructures. BecausestringscancontainnullcharactersinnewLISP,theycanbeusedtoprocessbinarydatawithmoststringmanipulating functions. newLISPcanalsobeextendedwithasharedlibraryinterfacetoimportfunctionsthataccessdatainforeignbinarydatastructures. ThedistributioncontainsmodulesforimportingpopularClibraryAPIs. newLISP'sHTTP,TCP/IP,andUDPsocketinterfacesmakeiteasytowritedistributednetworkedapplications.ItsbuiltinXML interface,alongwithitstextprocessingfeaturesPerlCompatibleRegularExpressions(PCRE)andtextparsingfunctions makenewLISPausefultoolforCGIprocessing.ThesourcedistributionincludesexamplesofHTMLformsprocessing.newLISP canberunaasaCGIcapablewebserverusingitsbuiltinhttpmodeoption. newLISPhasbuiltinsupportfordistributedprocessingonnetworksandparallel,concurrentprocessingonthesameCPUwithone ormoreprocessingcores. ThesourcedistributioncanbecompiledforLinux,MacOSX/Darwin,BSDsSolaris,andWin32.newLISPcanbecompiledasa 64bitLP64applicationforfull64bitmemoryaddressing.

newLISPGScomprisesagraphicaluserinterface(GUI)andlibraryserver.TheGUIfrontendiswritteninnewLISP,whereasthe libraryserverisJavabasedandusesthestandardJavaruntimeenvironmentinstalledonallWindowsandMacOSXplatforms. ApplicationsbuiltwithnewLISPGScanhavethehostoperatingsystem'snativelookandfeel.InterfacestoGTK,Tcl/Tkand OpenGLgraphicslibrariesarealsoavailable. newLISPandJavaareavailableformostoperatingsystems.ThismakesnewLISPGSaplatformindependentsolutionforwriting GUIapplications. FormoreinformationonnewLISPGS,seenewLISPGS.

newLISPandnewLISPGSarelicensedunderversion3oftheGPL(GeneralPublicLicense).ThenewLISPdocumentationas wellasotherdocumentationpackagedwithnewLISParelicensedundertheGNUFreeDocumentationLicense. ()

Sinceversion10.3.0newLISPcanswitchbetweenIPv4andIPv6modesduringruntimeusingthenewnetipvfunction.The6 commandlineoptioncanbeusedtostartnewLISPinIPv6mode.AftertransitiontoIPv6the6 commandlineswitchwillbe changedto4 forstartingupinIPv4mode. Theoldwritingp a r s e d a t e ofdateparseisstillrecognizedbutdeprecatedsinceversion10.3.0.Theoldwritingwillberemoved inafutureversion. Sinceversion10.4.6newLISPhasabuiltinfunctionjsonparsefortranslatingJSONdataintoSexpressions.Themodulefile j s o n . l s p isremovedfromthedistribution. Sinceversion10.4.8newLISPhasbuiltinsupportforunlimitedprecisionintegers.ThismakestheGNUGMPmoduleg m p . l s p obsolete. ()

ThebestwaytoexperienceLispandexperimentwithit,isusinginteractivemodeinaterminalwindoworoperatingsystem commandshell.Sinceversion10.3,newLISP'sreadevalprintloop(REPL)acceptsmultilinestatements. Toenteramultilinestatementhitthe[enter]keyonanemptylineafterthesystemprompt.Toexitmultilinemode,hitthe[enter] keyagainonanemptyline.Inthefollowingexamplecomputeroutputisshowninboldletters:
> ( d e f i n e( f o oxy ) ( +xy ) ) ( l a m b d a( xy )( +xy ) ) >( f o o34 ) 7 >

Note,thatmultilinemodeisonlypossibleinanOScommandterminalwindoworcommandshell.ThemonitorwindowintheJava basednewLISPGSIDEwillnotacceptmultilinestatements. InteractiveLispmodecanacceptoperatingsystemshellcommands.TohitanOScommandenterthe'! 'characterrightafterthe prompt,immediatelyfollowedbytheshellcommand:

>! l s* . h t m l C o d e P a t t e r n s . h t m l E x p r e s s i o n E v a l u a t i o n . h t m l L i c e n s e . h t m l > M e m o r y M a n a g e m e n t . h t m l n e w L I S P d o c . h t m l m a n u a l _ f r a m e . h t m l n e w l i s p _ i n d e x . h t m l n e w L I S P 1 0 . 3 R e l e a s e . h t m l n e w l i s p _ m a n u a l . h t m l

Intheexampleal s shellcommandisenteredtoshowHTMLfilesinthecurrentdirectory.OnMSWindowsad i r commandcould beusedinthesamefashion. Themodecanalsobeusedtocallaneditororanyotherprogram:

>! v if o o . l s p

>( l o a d" f o o . l s p " )

Theprogramf o o . l s p isnowrun.Thismodeusing'! 'canalsobeusedfromthenewLISPGSIDE. WhenusingaUnixterminalorcommandshell,tabexpansionforbuiltinnewLISPfunctionscanbeused:

>( p r i p r i n t >( p r i p r i n t l n p r i m i t i v e ?

Afterenteringthecharacters( p r i hitthe[tab]keyoncetoshowallthebuiltinfunctionsstartingwiththesamecharacters.When hitting[tab]twicebeforeafunctionnamehasstarted,allbuiltinfunctionnameswillbedisplayed. OnmostUnix,parenthesismatchingcanbeenabledonthecommandlinebyincludingthefollowinglineinthefile. i n p u t r c inthe homedirectory:

s e tb l i n k m a t c h i n g p a r e no n

Notallsystemshaveaversionofl i b r e a d l i n e advancedenoughforthistowork. ()

n e w l i s ph

ht h i sh e l p nn oi n i t . l s p( m u s tb ef i r s t ) x< s o u r c e >< t a r g e t >l i n k vv e r s i o n s< s t a c k s i z e > m< m a x m e m M B >c e l lm e m o r y e< q u o t e dl i s pe x p r e s s i o n > l< p a t h f i l e >l o gc o n n e c t i o n s L< p a t h f i l e >l o ga l l w< w o r k i n gd i r > cn op r o m p t s ,H T T P Cf o r c ep r o m p t s t< u s e c s e r v e r t i m e o u t > p< p o r t n o > d< p o r t n o >d e m o nm o d e h t t po n l y 6I P v 6m o d e

Beforeorafterthecommandlineswitches,filestoloadandexecutecanbespecified.IfanewLISPexecutableprogramisfollowed byparameters,theprogrammustfinishwithand( e x i t ) statement,elsenewLISPwilltakecommandlineparametersasadditional newLISPscriptstobeloadedandexecuted. OnLinuxandotherUnixsystems,an e w l i s p manpagecanbefound:

m a nn e w l i s p


newLISPwillloadandexecutefilesspecifiedonthecommandline.Filesarespecifiedwitheithertheirpathnameoraf i l e : / / URLonthelocalfilesystemorwithah t t p : / / URLonremotefilesystemsrunninganHTTPserver.ThatHTTPservercanbe newLISPrunninginHTTPservermode.
n e w l i s pa p r o g . l s pb p r o g . l s pp r o g . l s p n e w l i s ph t t p : / / n e w l i s p . o r g / e x a m p l e . l s p n e w l i s pf i l e : / / / u s r / h o m e / n e w l i s p / d e m o . l s p

Thisoptionsuppressesloadingofanypresentinitializationfilei n i t . l s p or. i n i t . l s p .Inordertowork,thismustbethefirst optionspecified:
n e w l i s pn


n e w l i s ps4 0 0 0 n e w l i s ps1 0 0 0 0 0a p r o gb p r o g n e w l i s ps6 0 0 0m y p r o g n e w l i s ps6 0 0 0h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / e x a m p l e . l s p

TheaboveexamplesshowstartingnewLISPwithdifferentstacksizesusingthes option,aswellasloadingoneormorenewLISP sourcefilesandloadingfilesspecifiedbyanURL.Whennostacksizeisspecified,thestackdefaultsto2048.Perstackposition about80bytesofmemoryarepreallocated.

n e w l i s pm1 2 8

ThisexamplelimitsnewLISPcellmemoryto128megabytes.In32bitnewLISP,eachLispcellconsumes16bytes,sothe argument1 2 8 wouldrepresentamaximumof8,388,608newLISPcells.Thisinformationisreturnedbysysinfoasthelist'ssecond element.AlthoughLispcellmemoryisnottheonlymemoryconsumedbynewLISP,itisagoodestimateofoveralldynamic memoryusage.

n e w l i s pe" ( +34 ) " 7;O nW i n 3 2a n dU n i x n e w l i s pe' ( a p p e n d" a b c "" d e f " ) ' " a b c d e f ";O nU n i x

Theexpressionenclosedinquotationmarksisevaluated,andtheresultisprintedtostandardout(STDOUT).InmostUnixsystem shells,singlequotescanalsobeusedascommandstringdelimiters.Notethatthereisaspacebetweene andthequotedcommand string.

Inanymode,newLISPcanwritealogwhenstartedwiththel orL option.DependingonthemodenewLISPisrunning, differentoutputiswrittentothelogfile.Bothoptionsalwaysmustspecifythepathofalogfile.Thepathmaybearelativepathand canbeeitherattachedordetachedtothel orL option.Ifthefiledoesnotexist,itiscreatedwhenthefirstloggingoutputis written.
n e w l i s pl . / l o g f i l e . t x tc n e w l i s pL/ u s r / h o m e / w w w / l o g . t x th t t pw/ u s r / h o m e / w w w / h t p d o c s

Thefollowingtableshowstheitemsloggedindifferentsituations: loggingmode
n e w l i s pl n e w l i s pL

commandlineandnetevalwithc logonlyinputandnetworkconnections logalsonewLISPoutput(w/oprompts)

HTTPserverwithh t t p logonlynetworkconnections logalsoHTTPrequests

Allloggingoutputiswrittentothefilespecifiedafterthel orL option.

Thew optionspecifiestheinitialworkingdirectoryfornewLISPafterstartup:
n e w l i s pw/ u s r / h o m e / n e w l i s p

Allfilerequestswithoutadirectorypathwillnowbedirectedtothepathspecifiedwiththew option.

n e w l i s pc

Listenandconnectionmessagesaresuppressedifloggingisnotenabled.Thec optionisusefulwhencontrollingnewLISPfrom otherprogramsitismandatorywhensettingitupasanetevalserver. Thec optionalsoenablesnewLISPservernodestoanswerH T T PG E T ,P U T ,P O S T andD E L E T E requests,aswellasperformCGI processing.Usingthec option,togetherwiththew andd options,newLISPcanserveasastandaloneh t t p d webserver:
n e w l i s pcd8 0 8 0w/ u s r / h o m e / w w w

WhenrunningnewLISPasai n e t d orx i n e t d enabledserveronUnixmachines,use:

n e w l i s pcw/ u s r / h o m e / w w w

Inc mode,newLISPprocessescommandlinerequestsaswellasHTTPandnetevalrequests.RunningnewLISPinthismodeis onlyrecommendedonamachinebehindafirewall.Thismodeshouldnotberunonmachinesopenandaccessiblethroughthe Internet.Tosuppresstheprocessingofnetevalandcommandlinelikerequests,usethesaferh t t p option.


AcapitalC forcespromptswhenrunningnewLISPinpipeI/OmodeinsidetheEmacseditor:
n e w l i s pC


n e w l i s ps o m e . l s pp9 0 9 0

ThisexampleshowshownewLISPcanlistenforcommandsonaTCP/IPsocketconnection.Inthiscase,standardI/Oisredirected totheportspecifiedwiththep option.s o m e . l s p isanoptionalfileloadedduringstartup,beforelisteningforaconnectionbegins. Thep optionismainlyusedtocontrolnewLISPfromanotherapplication,suchasanewLISPGUIfrontendoraprogramwritten inanotherlanguage.Assoonasthecontrollingclientclosestheconnection,newLISPwillexit. AtelnetapplicationcanbeusedtotestrunningnewLISPasaserver.Firstenter:

n e w l i s pp4 7 1 1&

The& indicatestoaUnixshelltoruntheprocessinthebackground.OnWindows,starttheserverprocesswithoutthe& inthe foregroundandopenasecondcommandwindowforthetelnetapplication.Nowconnectwithatelnet:

t e l n e tl o c a l h o s t4 7 1 1

Ifconnected,thenewLISPsignonbannerandpromptappear.Insteadof4 7 1 1 ,anyotherportnumbercouldbeused. Whentheclientapplicationclosestheconnection,newLISPwillexit,too.

Whentheconnectiontotheclientisclosedinp mode,newLISPexits.Toavoidthis,usethed optioninsteadofthep option:
n e w l i s pd4 7 1 1&

Thisworkslikethep option,butnewLISPdoesnotexitafteraconnectioncloses.Instead,itstaysinmemory,listeningforanew connectionandpreservingitsstate.Anexitissuedfromaclientapplicationclosesthenetworkconnection,andthenewLISP daemonremainsresident,waitingforanewconnection.Anyportnumbercouldbeusedinplaceof4 7 1 1 . Aftereachtransaction,whenaconnectioncloses,newLISPwillgothrougharesetprocess,reinitializestackandsignalsandgoto theM A I N context.Onlythecontentsofprogramandvariablesymbolswillbepreservedwhenrunningastatefulserver. Whenrunninginp ord mode,theopeningandclosingtags[ c m d ] and[ / c m d ] mustbeusedtoenclosemultilinestatements. Theymusteachappearonseparatelines.Thismakesitpossibletotransferlargerportionsofcodefromcontrollingapplications. Thefollowingvariantofthed modeisfrequentlyusedinadistributedcomputingenvironment,togetherwithnetevalontheclient side:
n e w l i s pcd4 7 1 1&

Thec specsuppressesprompts,makingthismodesuitableforreceivingrequestsfromthenetevalfunction. newLISPservernodesrunningwillalsoanswerH T T PG E T ,P U T andD E L E T E requests.Thiscanbeusedtoretrieveandstorefiles withgeturl,puturl,deleteurl,readfile,writefileandappendfile,ortoloadandsaveprogramsusingloadandsavefromandto remoteservernodes.Seethechaptersforthec andh t t p optionsformoredetails.

newLISPcanbelimitedtoHTTPprocessingusingtheh t t p option.Withthismode,asecureh t t p d webserverdaemoncanbe configured:
n e w l i s ph t t pd8 0 8 0w/ u s r / h o m e / w w w

WhenrunningnewLISPasani n e t d orx i n e t d enabledserveronUnixmachines,use:

n e w l i s ph t t pw/ u s r / h o m e / w w w

n e w l i s ph t t p d c o n f . l s ph t t pw/ u s r / h o m e / w w w

Thefileh t t p d c o n f . l s p containsacommandeventfunctionconfiguringauserdefinedfunctiontoanalyze,filterandtranslate requests.Seethereferenceforthisfunctionforaworkingexample. IntheHTTPmodesenabledbyeitherc orh t t p ,thefollowingfiletypesarerecognized,andacorrectlyformattedC o n t e n t T y p e : headerissentback: fileextension mediatype .avi video/xmsvideo .css .gif .htm .html .jpg .js .mov .mp3 .mpg .pdf .png .wav .zip anyother text/css image/gif text/htm text/html image/jpg application/javascript video/quicktime audio/mpeg video/mpeg application/pdf image/png audio/xwav application/zip text/plain

ToserveCGI,HTTPservermodeneedsa/ t m p directoryonUnixlikeplatformsoraC : \ t m p directoryonWin32.newLISPcan processGET,PUT,POSTandDELETErequestsandcreatecustomresponseheaders.CGIfilesmusthavetheextension. c g i and haveexecutablepermissiononUnix.MoreinformationaboutCGIprocessingfornewLISPservermodescanbefoundinthe documentCodePatternsinnewLISP. Inbothservermodesc andh t t p theenvironmentvariablesDOCUMENT_ROOT,HTTP_HOST,REMOTE_ADDR, REQUEST_METHOD,SERVER_SOFTWAREandQUERY_STRINGareset.ThevariablesCONTENT_TYPE, CONTENT_LENGTH,HTTP_HOST,HTTP_USER_AGENTandHTTP_COOKIEarealsoset,ifpresentintheHTTPheader sentbytheclient.

Insteadofaport,alocaldomainUnixsocketpathcanbespecifiedinthed orp servermodes.
n e w l i s pcd/ t m p / m y s o c k e t&

n e w l i s pe' ( n e t e v a l" / t m p / m y s o c k e t "0" ( s y m b o l s ) " ) '

Alistofallbuiltinsymbolswillbeprintedtotheterminal Thismodewillworktogetherwithlocaldomainsocketmodesofnetconnect,netlisten,andneteval.Localdomainsocketsopened withn e t c o n n e c t andn e t l i s t e n canbeservedusingnetaccept,netreceive,andnetsend.Localdomainsocketconnections canbemonitoredusingnetpeekandnetselect. LocaldomainsocketconnectionsaremuchfasterthannormalTCP/IPnetworkconnectionsandpreferredforcommunications betweenprocessesonthesamelocalfilesystemindistributedapplications.ThismodeisnotavailableonWin32.

Specifiesaconnectiontimeoutwhenrunninginp ord demonmode.AnewLISPServerwilldisconnectwhennofurtherinputis readafteracceptingaclientconnection.Thetimeoutisspecifiedinmicroseconds:
n e w l i s pct3 0 0 0 0 0 0d4 7 1 1&


i n e t d daemonmode

Thei n e t d serverrunningonvirtuallyallLinux/UnixOSescanfunctionasaproxyfornewLISP.TheserveracceptsTCP/IPor UDPconnectionsandpassesonrequestsviastandardI/OtonewLISP.i n e t d startsanewLISPprocessforeachclientconnection. Whenaclientdisconnects,theconnectionisclosedandthenewLISPprocessexits.

i n e t d andnewLISPtogethercanhandlemultipleconnectionsefficientlybecauseofnewLISP'ssmallmemoryfootprint,fast

executable,andshortprogramloadtimes.Whenworkingwithneteval,thismodeispreferredforefficientlyhandlingmultiple requestsinadistributedcomputingenvironment. Twofilesmustbeconfigured:s e r v i c e s andi n e t d . c o n f .BothareASCIIeditableandcanusuallybefoundat/ e t c / s e r v i c e s and/ e t c / i n e t d . c o n f . Putoneofthefollowinglinesintoi n e t d . c o n f :

n e t e v a l s t r e a m t c p n o w a i t r o o t / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s pc #a sa na l t e r n a t i v e ,ap r o g r a mc a na l s ob ep r e l o a d e d n e t e v a l s t r e a m t c p n o w a i t r o o t / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s pcm y p r o g . l s p

Insteadofr o o t ,anotheruserandoptionalgroupcanbespecified.Fordetails,seetheUnixmanpagefori n e t d . Thefollowinglineisputintothes e r v i c e s file:

n e t e v a l 4 7 1 1 / t c p #n e w L I S Pn e t e v a lr e q u e s t s

OnMacOSXandsomeUnixsystems,x i n e t d canbeusedinsteadofi n e t d .Savethefollowingtoafilenamedn e t e v a l inthe / e t c / x i n e t d . d / directory:

s e r v i c en e t e v a l { s o c k e t _ t y p e=s t r e a m w a i t=n o u s e r=r o o t s e r v e r=/ u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p p o r t=4 7 1 1

s e r v e r _ a r g s=c o n l y _ f r o m=l o c a l h o s t

Forsecurityreasons,r o o t shouldbechangedtoadifferentuserandfilepermissionsofthewwwdocumentdirectoryadjusted accordingly.Theo n l y _ f r o m speccanbeleftouttopermitremoteaccess. Seethemanpagesforx i n e t d andx i n e t d . c o n f forotherconfigurationoptions. Afterconfiguringthedaemon,i n e t d orx i n e t d mustberestartedtoallowtheneworchangedconfigurationfilestoberead:
k i l lH U P< p i d >

Replace< p i d > withtheprocessIDoftherunningx i n e t d process. Anumberornetworkprotocolotherthan4711orTCPcanbespecified. newLISPhandleseverythingasiftheinputwerebeingenteredonanewLISPcommandlinewithoutaprompt.Totestthei n e t d setup,thet e l n e t programcanbeused:

t e l n e tl o c a l h o s t4 7 1 1

newLISPexpressionscannowbeentered,andi n e t d willautomaticallyhandlethestartupandcommunicationsofanewLISP process.Multilineexpressionscanbeenteredbybracketingthemwith[ c m d ] and[ / c m d ] tags,eachonseparatelines. newLISPservernodesanswerH T T PG E T andP U T requests.Thiscanbeusedtoretrieveandstorefileswithgeturl,puturl,read file,writefileandappendfile,ortoloadandsaveprogramsusingloadandsavefromandtoremoteservernodes.

SourcecodeandthenewLISPexecutablecanbelinkedtogethertobuildaselfcontainedapplicationbyusingthex commandline flag.
; ;u p p e r c a s e . l s p-L i n ke x a m p l e ( p r i n t l n( u p p e r c a s e( m a i n a r g s1 ) ) ) ( e x i t )

Theprogramu p p e r c a s e . l s p takesthefirstwordonthecommandlineandconvertsittouppercase. Tobuildthisprogramasaselfcontainedexecutable,followthesesteps:

#o nO S X ,L i n u xa n do t h e rU N I X n e w l i s pxu p p e r c a s e . l s pu p p e r c a s e c h m o d7 5 5u p p e r c a s e#g i v ee x e c u t a b l ep e r m i s s i o n #o nW i n d o w st h et a r g e tn e e d s. e x ee x t e n s i o n n e w l i s pxu p p e r c a s e . l s pu p p e r c a s e . e x e

u p p e r c a s e" c o n v e r tm et ou p p e r c a s e "


Notethatneitheroneoftheinitializationfilesi n i t . l s p nor. i n i t . l s p isloadedduringstartupoflinkedprograms. ()

EnvironmentvariableN E W L I S P D I R
Duringstartup,newLISPsetstheenvironmentvariableN E W L I S P D I R ,ifitisnotsetalready.OnLinux,BSDs,MacOSXandother Unixesthevariableissetto/ u s r / s h a r e / n e w l i s p .OnWin32thevariableissetto% P R O G R A M F I L E S % / n e w l i s p . TheenvironmentvariableN E W L I S P D I R isusefulwhenloadingfilesinstalledwithnewLISP:
( l o a d( a p p e n d( e n v" N E W L I S P D I R " )" / g u i s e r v e r . l s p " ) ) ( l o a d( a p p e n d( e n v" N E W L I S P D I R " )" / m o d u l e s / m y s q l . l s p " ) )

Apredefinedfunctionm o d u l e canbeusedtoshortenthesecondstatementloadingfromthem o d u l e s / directory:

( m o d u l e" m y s q l . l s p " )

Theinitializationfilei n i t . l s p
Beforeloadinganyfilesspecifiedonthecommandline,andbeforethebannerandpromptareshown.newLISPtriestoloadafile . i n i t . l s p fromthehomedirectoryoftheuserstartingnewLISP.OnMacOSX,LinuxandotherUnixthehomedirectoryis foundintheH O M E environmentvariable.OnWin32thedirectorynameiscontainedintheU S E R P R O F I L E orD O C U M E N T _ R O O T environmentvariable. Ifa. i n i t . l s p cannotbefoundinthehomedirectorynewLISPtriestoloadthefilei n i t . l s p fromthedirectoryfoundinthe environmentvariableN E W L I S P D I R . WhennewLISPisrunasasharedlibrary,aninitializationfileislookedforintheenvironmentvariableN E W L I S P L I B _ I N I T .Thefull pathnameoftheinitializationfilemustbespecified.IfN E W L I S P L I B _ I N I T isnotdefined,noinitializationfilewillbeloadedbythe librarymodule. AlthoughnewLISPdoesnotrequirei n i t . l s p torun,itisconvenientfordefiningfunctionsandsystemwidevariables. Notethatneitheroneoftheinitializationfilesi n i t . l s p nor. i n i t . l s p isloadedduringstartupoflinkedprograms.

Thedirectory/ u s r / s h a r e / n e w l i s p / m o d u l e s containsmoduleswithusefulfunctionsPOP3mail,etc.Thedirectory / u s r / s h a r e / n e w l i s p / g u i s e r v e r containssampleprogramsforwritingGUIapplicationswithnewLISPGS.Thedirectory / u s r / s h a r e / d o c / n e w l i s p / containsdocumentationinHTMLformat.

OnWin32systems,allfilesareinstalledinthedefaultdirectory% P R O G R A M F I L E S % \ n e w l i s p .P R O G R A M F I L E S isaWin32 environmentvariablethatresolvestoC : \ P r o g r a mf i l e s \ n e w l i s p \ inEnglishlanguageinstallations.Thesubdirectories % P R O G R A M F I L E S % \ n e w l i s p \ m o d u l e s and% P R O G R A M F I L E S % \ n e w l i s p \ g u i s e r v e r containmodulesforinterfacingtoexternal librariesandsampleprogramswrittenfornewLISPGS. ()

ManysharedlibrariesonUnixandWin32systemscanbeusedtoextendnewLISP'sfunctionality.Examplesarelibrariesfor writinggraphicaluserinterfaces,librariesforencryptionordecryptionandlibrariesforaccessingdatabases. Thefunctionimportisusedtoimportfunctionsfromexternallibraries.Thefunctioncallbackisusedtoregistercallbackfunctionsin externallibraries.Otherfunctionslikepack,unpack,getstring,getintandgetlongexisttofacilitateformattinginputandoutputto andfromimportedlibraryfunctions. Seealsothechapter23.ExtendingnewLISPintheCodePatternsinnewLISPdocument. ()

newLISPcanbecompiledasasharedlibrary.OnLinux,BSDsandotherUnixflavorsthelibraryiscalledn e w l i s p . s o .On Windowsitiscalledn e w l i s p . d l l andn e w l i s p . d y l i b onMacOSX.AnewLISPsharedlibraryisusedlikeanyothershared library. Themainfunctiontoimportisn e w l i s p E v a l S t r .Likeevalstring,thisfunctiontakesastringcontaininganewLISPexpressionand storestheresultinastringaddress.Theresultcanberetrievedusinggetstring.Thereturnedstringisformattedlikeoutputfroma commandlinesession.Itcontainsterminatinglinefeedcharacters,butnotthepromptstring. Whencallingn e w l i s p E v a l S t r ,outputnormallydirectedtotheconsole(e.g.returnvaluesorprintstatements)isreturnedinthe formofanintegerstringpointer.Theoutputcanbeaccessedbypassingthispointertotheg e t s t r i n g function.Tosilencethe outputfromreturnvalues,usethesilentfunction. Whenpassingmultilinesourceton e w l i s p E v a l S t r ,thatsourceshouldbebracketedby[ c m d ] ,[ / c m d ] tags,eachonadifferent line:
( s e t' c o d e[ t e x t ] [ c m d ] . . . . . . . . . [ / c m d ] [ / t e x t ] )

Sincev.10.3.3callbackscanalsoberegisteredusingn e w l i s p C a l l b a c k .Formoreinformationreadthechapter24.newLISP compiledasasharedlibraryintheCodePatternsinnewLISPdocument. ()

ThefollowingisashortintroductiontonewLISPstatementevaluationandtheroleofintegerandfloatingpointarithmeticin newLISP. Toplevelexpressionsareevaluatedwhenusingtheloadfunctionorwhenenteringexpressionsinconsolemodeonthecommand line.


> ( d e f i n e( f o oxy ) ( +xy ) ) ( l a m b d a( xy )( +xy ) ) >( f o o34 ) 7 >_

Enteringmultilinemodebyhittingtheenterkeyonanemptylinesuppressestheprompt.Enteringanotheremptylinewillleavethe multilinemodeandevaluateexpressions. Asanalternativotoenteringemptylines,the[ c m d ] and[ / c m d ] tagsareused,eachenteredonseparatelines.Thismodeisusedby someinteractiveIDEscontrollingnewLISPandinternallybythenetevalfunction.The[ c m d ] and[ / c m d ] tagsmustalsobeused intheconsolepartofthenewLISPGSJavaIDE.

newLISPfunctionsandoperatorsacceptintegerandfloatingpointnumbers,convertingthemintotheneededformat.Forexample,a bitmanipulatingoperatorconvertsafloatingpointnumberintoanintegerbyomittingthefractionalpart.Inthesamefashion,a trigonometricfunctionwillinternallyconvertanintegerintoafloatingpointnumberbeforeperformingitscalculation. Thesymboloperators(+ * / % $ ~ | ^ < < > > )returnvaluesoftypeinteger.Functionsandoperatorsnamedwithawordinsteadof asymbol(e.g.,a d d ratherthan+ )returnfloatingpointnumbers.Integeroperatorstruncatefloatingpointnumberstointegers, discardingthefractionalparts. newLISPhastwotypesofbasicarithmeticoperators:integer(+ * / )andfloatingpoint(a d d s u b m u l d i v ).Thearithmetic functionsconverttheirargumentsintotypescompatiblewiththefunction'sowntype:integerfunctionargumentsintointegers, floatingpointfunctionargumentsintofloatingpoints.TomakenewLISPbehavemorelikeotherscriptinglanguages,theinteger operators+ ,,* ,and/ canberedefinedtoperformthefloatingpointoperatorsa d d ,s u b ,m u l ,andd i v :
( c o n s t a n t' +a d d ) ( c o n s t a n t' -s u b ) ( c o n s t a n t' *m u l ) ( c o n s t a n t' /d i v ) ; ;o ra l l4o p e r a t o r sa to n c e ( c o n s t a n t' +a d d' -s u b' *m u l' /d i v )

Nowthecommonarithmeticoperators+ ,,* ,and/ acceptbothintegerandfloatingpointnumbersandreturnfloatingpointresults. Caremustbetakenwhenimportingfromlibrariesthatusefunctionsexpectingintegers.Afterredefining+ ,,* ,and/ ,adouble floatingpointnumbermaybeunintentionallypassedtoanimportedfunctioninsteadofaninteger.Inthiscase,floatingpoint numberscanbeconvertedintointegersbyusingthefunctionint.Likewise,integerscanbetransformedintofloatingpointnumbers usingthefloatfunction:
( i m p o r t" m y l i b . d l l "" f o o " ) ( f o o( i n tx ) ) ( i m p o r t" m y l i b . d l l "" b a r " ) ( b a r( f l o a ty ) ) ;i m p o r t i n gi n tf o o ( i n tx )f r o mC ;p a s s e da r g u m e n ta si n t e g e r ;i m p o r t i n gCi n tb a r ( d o u b l ey ) ;f o r c ed o u b l ef l o a t

SomeofthemodulesshippingwithnewLISParewrittenassumingthedefaultimplementationsof+ ,,* ,and/ .Thisgives importedlibraryfunctionsmaximumspeedwhenperformingaddresscalculations. ThenewLISPpreferenceistoleave+ ,,* ,and/ definedasintegeroperatorsandusea d d ,s u b ,m u l ,andd i v whenexplicitly required.Sinceversion8.9.7,integeroperationsinnewLISPare64bitoperations,whereas64bitdoublefloatingpointnumbers offeronly52bitsofresolutionintheintegerpartofthenumber.

Theintegerarithmeticoperators,+*/++%andthecomparisonoperators<>=<=>=!=andthefunctionsabs,even?,odd?, length,number?andzero?nowacceptbigintegerswithunlimitedprecision.Ifthefirstargumentinanyoftheseoperatorsand functionsisabiginteger,thecalculationperformedwillbeinbigintegermode.Nomorethantwoargumentsareallowedinbig integerarithmeticoperations.Useapplywithareduceparameterof2toworkaroundthis. Literalintegervaluesgreaterthan9223372036854775807orsmallerthan9223372036854775808,orintegerswithanappended letterL,willbeconvertedandprocessedinbigintegermode.Thefunctionbigintcanbeusedtoconvertfrominteger,floatorstring formattobiginteger.Thepredicatebigint?checksforbigintegertype.
;f i r s ta r g u m e n tt r i g g e r sb i gi n t e g e rm o d eb e c a u s ei t ' sb i ge n o u g h ( +1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 2 3 4 5 )1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 0 2 3 5 L ;f i r s ts m a l ll i t e r a lp u ti nb i gi n t e g e rf o r m a tb y ;a p p e n d i n gLt og u a r a n t e eb i gi n t e g e rm o d e ( +1 2 3 4 5 L1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 )1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 0 2 3 5 L ( s e t qx1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 ) ( *xx )1 5 2 4 1 5 7 8 7 5 3 2 3 8 8 3 6 7 5 0 4 9 5 3 3 4 7 9 9 5 7 3 3 8 6 6 9 1 2 0 5 6 2 3 9 9 0 2 5 L ;c o n v e r s i o nf r o mb i g i n tt of l o a ti n t r o d u c e sr o u n d i n ge r r o r s ( b i g i n t( f l o a t( *xx ) ) )1 5 2 4 1 5 7 8 7 5 3 2 3 8 8 3 7 2 5 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ;o n l y2a r g u m e n t sa r ea l l o w e di nb i gi n t e g e ro p e r a t i o n s ;a p p l yw i t hr e d u c ep a r a m e t e r2g u a r a n t e e s2a r g sa tat i m e ;s e q u e n c ei t s e l fd o e sn o tt a k eb i gi n t e g e r s ,b e f o r eu s i n g ;a p p l y ,t h es e q u e n c ei sc o n v e r t e dw i t hb i g i n t ( a p p l y*( m a pb i g i n t( s e q u e n c e11 0 0 ) )2 );c a l c u l a t e1 0 0 ! 9 3 3 2 6 2 1 5 4 4 3 9 4 4 1 5 2 6 8 1 6 9 9 2 3 8 8 5 6 2 6 6 7 0 0 4 9 0 7 1 5 9 6 8 2 6 4 3 8 1 6 2 1 4 6 8 5 9 2 9 6 3 8 9 5 2 1 7 5 9 9 9 9 3 2 2 9 9 1 5 6 0 8 9 4 1 4 6 3 9 7 6 1 5 6 5 1 8 2 8 6 2 5 3 6 9 7 9 2 0 8 2 7 2 2 3 7 5 8 2 5 1 1 8 5 2 1 0 9 1 6 8 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ;l e n g t ho nb i gi n t e g e r sr e t u r n st h en u m b e ro fd e c i m a ld i g i t s ( l e n g t h( a p p l y*( m a pb i g i n t( s e q u e n c e11 0 0 ) )2 ) ) 1 5 8;d e c i m a ld i g i t s ;a l lf i b o n a c c in u m b e r su pt o2 0 0 ,o n l yt h ef i r s tn u m b e r ;n e e d st ob ef o r m a t t e da sb i gi n t e g e r ,t h er e s tf o l l o w s ;a u t o m a t i c a l l y-w h e ne x e c u t e df r o mt h ec o m m a n dl i n ei n ;a1 2 0c h a rw i d et e r m i n a l ,t h i ss h o w sab e a u t i f u lp a t t e r n ( l e t( x1 L )( s e r i e sx( f n( y )( +x( s w a pyx ) ) )2 0 0 ) )

;b e c a u s et h ef i r s ta r g u m e n ti s6 4 b i t ,n ob i gi n t e g e ra r i t h m e t i c ;w i l lb ed o n e ,a l t h o u g ht h es e c o n da r g u m e n ti sb i gi n t e g e r ( +1 2 31 2 3 4 5 L ) 1 2 4 6 8 ;t h es e c o n da r g u m e n ti sr e c o g n i z e da sab i gi n t e g e r ;a n do v e r f l o w st h ec a p a c i t yo fa6 4 b i ti n t e g e r ( +1 2 31 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 5 4 6 3 5 6 3 5 4 6 ) E R R :n u m b e ro v e r f l o w si nf u n c t i o n+ ;n o wt h ef i r s ta r g u m e n tc o n v e r t st ob i gi n t e g e ra n dt h e ;w h o l ee x p r e s s i o ne v a l u a t e si nb i gi n t e g e rm o d e ( +1 2 3 L1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 5 4 6 3 5 6 3 5 4 6 ) 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 6 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 5 4 6 3 5 6 3 6 6 9 L

Undermostcircumstancesmixingfloat,integersandbigintegersistransparent.Functionsautomaticallydoconversionswhen neededonthesecondargument.Theoverflowbehaviorwhenusingnormalintegersandfloatsonly,hasnotchangedfrom newLISPversionspreviousto10.5.0.

Evaluateexpressionsbyenteringandeditingthemonthecommandline.Morecomplicatedprogramscanbeenteredusingeditors likeEmacsandVI,whichhavemodestoshowmatchingparentheseswhiletyping.Loadasavedfilebackintoaconsolesessionby usingtheloadfunction. Alinecommentbeginswitha; (semicolon)ora# (numbersign)andextendstotheendoftheline.newLISPignoresthisline duringevaluation.The# isusefulwhenusingnewLISPasascriptinglanguageinLinux/Unixenvironments,wherethe# is commonlyusedasalinecommentinscriptsandshells. Whenevaluationoccursfromthecommandline,theresultisprintedtotheconsolewindow. Thefollowingexamplescanbeenteredonthecommandlinebytypingthecodetotheleftofthesymbol.Theresultthat appearsonthenextlineshouldmatchthecodetotherightofthesymbol. nilandtrueareBooleandatatypesthatevaluatetothemselves:
n i l t r u e n i l t r u e

1 2 3 1 2 3 0 x E 8 2 3 2 0 5 5 4 5 0 b 1 0 1 0 1 04 2 1 . 2 3 1 . 2 3 1 2 3 e 3 0 . 1 2 3 ;d e c i m a li n t e g e r ;h e x a d e c i m a lp r e f i x e db y0 x ;o c t a lp r e f i x e db y0( z e r o ) ;b i n a r yp r e f i x e db y0 b ;f l o a t ;f l o a ti ns c i e n t i f i cn o t a t i o n

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 L;p a r s e st ob i gi n t e g e r

Integersare64bitincludingthesignbit.Validintegersarenumbersbetween9,223,372,036,854,775,808and +9,223,372,036,854,775,807.Largernumbersconvertedfromfloatingpointnumbersaretruncatedtooneofthetwolimits.Integers internaltonewLISP,whicharelimitedto32bitnumbers,overflowtoeither+2,147,483,647or2,147,483,648. FloatingpointnumbersareIEEE75464bitdoubles.Unsignednumbersupto18,446,744,073,709,551,615canbedisplayedusing specialformattingcharactersforformat. Bigintegersareofunlimitedprecisionandonlylimitedinsizebymemory.Thememoryrequirementofabigintegeris: bytes=4*ceil(digits/9)+4. Wheredigitsaredecimaldigits,bytesare8bitsandceilistheceilingfunctionroundinguptothenextinteger. Stringsmaycontainnullcharactersandcanhavedifferentdelimiters.Theyevaluatetothemselves.

" h e l l o " " \ 0 3 2 \ 0 3 2 \ 0 6 5 \ 0 3 2 " " \ x 2 0 \ x 2 0 \ x 4 1 \ x 2 0 " " \ t \ r \ n " " \ x 0 9 \ x 0 d \ x 0 a " " h e l l o " " A" " A" " \ t \ r \ n " " \ t \ r \ n "

; ;n u l lc h a r a c t e r sa r el e g a li ns t r i n g s : " \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 " " \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 " { t h i s" i s "as t r i n g }" t h i s\ " i s \ "as t r i n g " ; ;u s e[ t e x t ]t a g sf o rt e x tl o n g e rt h a n2 0 4 7b y t e s :

[ t e x t ] t h i si sas t r i n g ,t o o [ / t e x t ] " t h i si sas t r i n g ,t o o "

Stringsdelimitedby" (doublequotes)willalsoprocessthefollowingcharactersescapedwitha\ (backslash): character description

\ " \ n \ r \ b \ t \ f \ n n n \ x n n \ u n n n n \ \

foradoublequoteinsideaquotedstring foralinefeedcharacter(ASCII10) forareturncharacter(ASCII13) forabackspaceBScharacter(ASCII8) foraTABcharacter(ASCII9) foraformfeedFFcharacter(ASCII12) forathreedigitASCIInumber(nnnformatbetween000and255) foratwodigithexASCIInumber(xnnformatbetweenx00andxff) foraunicodecharacterencodedinthefourn n n n hexadecimaldigits.newLISPwilltranslatethistoaUTF8character intheUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP. forthebackslashcharacter(ASCII92)itself

Quotedstringscannotexceed2,048characters.Longerstringsshouldusethe[ t e x t ] and[ / t e x t ] tagdelimiters.newLISP automaticallyusesthesetagsforstringoutputlongerthan2,048characters. The{ (leftcurlybracket),} (rightcurlybracket),and[ t e x t ] ,[ / t e x t ] delimitersdonotperformescapecharacterprocessing. Lambdaandlambdamacroexpressionsevaluatetothemselves:

( l a m b d a( x )( *xx ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( *xx ) ) ( l a m b d a m a c r o( ab )( s e t( e v a la )b ) ) ( l a m b d a m a c r o( ab )( s e t( e v a la )b ) ) ( f n( x )( *xx ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( *xx ) ) ;a na l t e r n a t i v es y n t a x

( s e t' s o m e t h i n g1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 s o m e t h i n g 1 2 3

( c o n t e x t' C T X ) C T X C T X C T X

a d d ( e v a l( e v a la d d ) ) ( c o n s t a n t' +a d d ) + a d d< B 8 4 5 7 7 0 D > a d d< B 8 4 5 7 7 0 D > a d d< B 8 4 5 7 7 0 D > a d d< B 8 4 5 7 7 0 D >

Intheaboveexample,thenumberbetweenthe<>(anglebrackets)isthehexadecimalmemoryaddress(machinedependent)ofthe a d d function.Itisdisplayedwhenprintingabuiltinprimitive. Quotedexpressionsloseone'(singlequote)whenevaluated:

' s o m e t h i n g s o m e t h i n g ' ' ' ' a n y ' ' ' a n y ' ( abcd ) ( abcd )

Asinglequoteisoftenusedtoprotectanexpressionfromevaluation(e.g.,whenreferringtothesymbolitselfinsteadofitscontents ortoalistrepresentingdatainsteadofafunction). Listsareevaluatedbyfirstevaluatingthefirstlistelementbeforetherestoftheexpression(asinScheme).Theresultofthe evaluationisappliedtotheremainingelementsinthelistandmustbeoneofthefollowing:al a m b d a expression,l a m b d a m a c r o

expression,orp r i m i t i v e (builtin)function.
( +1234 ) 1 0 ( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )

( s e t' d o u b l e( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( d o u b l e2 0 ) 4 0 ( ( l a m b d a( x )( *xx ) )5 ) 2 5

Forauserdefinedlambdaexpression,newLISPevaluatestheargumentsfromlefttorightandbindstheresultstotheparameters (alsofromlefttoright),beforeusingtheresultsinthebodyoftheexpression. LikeScheme,newLISPevaluatesthefunctor(functionobject)partofanexpressionbeforeapplyingtheresulttoitsarguments.For example:

( ( i f( >X1 0 )*+ )XY )

DependingonthevalueofX,thisexpressionappliesthe* (product)or+ (sum)functiontoXandY. Becausetheirargumentsarenotevaluated,l a m b d a m a c r o expressionsareusefulforextendingthesyntaxofthelanguage.Most builtinfunctionsevaluatetheirargumentsfromlefttoright(asneeded)whenexecuted.Someexceptionstothisruleareindicatedin thereferencesectionofthismanual.Lispfunctionsthatdonotevaluateallorsomeoftheirargumentsarecalledspecialforms. Arraysevaluatetothemselves:

( s e t' A( a r r a y22' ( 1234 ) ) )( ( 12 )( 34 ) ) ( e v a lA ) ( ( 12 )( 34 ) )

Shellcommands:Ifan! (exclamationmark)isenteredasthefirstcharacteronthecommandlinefollowedbyashellcommand,the commandwillbeexecuted.Forexample,! l s onUnixor! d i r onWin32willdisplayalistingofthepresentworkingdirectory.No spacesarepermittedbetweenthe! andtheshellcommand.Symbolsbeginningwithan! arestillallowedinsideexpressionsoron thecommandlinewhenprecededbyaspace.Note:Thismodeonlyworkswhenrunningintheshellanddoesnotworkwhen controllingnewLISPfromanotherapplication. ToexitthenewLISPshellonLinux/Unix,pressC t r l D onWin32,type( e x i t ) orC t r l C ,thenthexkey. UsetheexecfunctiontoaccessshellcommandsfromotherapplicationsortopassresultsbacktonewLISP. ()

( s e t' d o u b l e( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( s e t' d o u b l e( f n( x )( +xx ) ) ) ;a l t e r n a t i v es y n t a x ( l a s td o u b l e ) ( +xx ) ;t r e a tl a m b d aa sal i s t

Note:No' isnecessarybeforethelambdaexpressionbecauselambdaexpressionsevaluatetothemselvesinnewLISP. Thesecondlineusesthekeywordf n ,analternativesyntaxfirstsuggestedbyPaulGrahamforhisArclanguageproject. Alambdaexpressionisalambdalist,asubtypeoflist,anditsargumentscanassociatefromlefttorightorrighttoleft.Whenusing append,forexample,theargumentsassociatefromlefttoright:

( a p p e n d( l a m b d a( x ) )' ( ( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )


( c o n s' ( x )( l a m b d a( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )

Notethatthel a m b d a keywordisnotasymbolinalist,butadesignatorofaspecialtypeoflist:thelambdalist.
( l e n g t h( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) 2 ( f i r s t( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( x )

( ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )1 2 3 ) 2 4 6 ( a p p l y( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )' ( 1 2 3 ) ) 2 4 6 ( m a p( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )' ( 123 ) ) ( 246 )

( s e t' d o u b l e( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ( d o u b l e1 2 3 ) 2 4 6

( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ( d o u b l e1 2 3 ) 2 4 6

Intheaboveexample,theexpressionsinsidethelambdalistarestillaccessiblewithind o u b l e :
( s e t' d o u b l e( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ( l a s td o u b l e ) ( +xx )

( s e t f( n t h1d o u b l e )' ( m u l2x ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( m u l2x ) ) d o u b l e ( l a m b d a( x )( m u l2x ) ) ( d o u b l e1 2 3 ) 2 4 6

Allargumentsareoptionalwhenapplyinglambdaexpressionsanddefaultton i l whennotsuppliedbytheuser.Thismakesit possibletowritefunctionswithmultipleparametersignatures. ()

10.n i l ,t r u e ,c o n s ,and( )
InnewLISP,n i l andt r u e representboththesymbolsandtheBooleanvaluesfalseandtrue.Dependingontheircontext,n i l and t r u e aretreateddifferently.Thefollowingexamplesusen i l ,buttheycanbeappliedtot r u e bysimplyreversingthelogic. Evaluationofn i l yieldsaBooleanfalseandistreatedassuchinsideflowcontrolexpressionssuchasi f ,u n l e s s ,w h i l e ,u n t i l , andn o t .Likewise,evaluatingt r u e yieldstrue.
( s e t' l s t' ( n i ln i ln i l ) ) ( n i ln i ln i l ) ( m a ps y m b o l ?l s t ) ( t r u et r u et r u e )

Intheaboveexample,n i l representsasymbol.Inthefollowingexample,n i l andt r u e areevaluatedandrepresentBoolean values:

( i fn i l" n o "" y e s " ) " y e s " ( i ft r u e" y e s "" n o " )" y e s " ( m a pn o tl s t ) ( t r u et r u et r u e )

InnewLISP,n i l andtheemptylist( ) arenotthesameasinsomeotherLisps.Onlyinconditionalexpressionsaretheytreatedasa Booleanfalse,asina n d ,o r ,i f ,w h i l e ,u n l e s s ,u n t i l ,andc o n d . Evaluationof( c o n s' x' ( ) ) yields( x ) ,but( c o n s' xn i l ) yields( xn i l ) becausen i l istreatedasaBooleanvaluewhen evaluated,notasanemptylist.Thec o n s oftwoatomsinnewLISPdoesnotyieldadottedpair,butratheratwoelementlist.The

predicatea t o m ? istrueforn i l ,butfalsefortheemptylist.TheemptylistinnewLISPisonlyanemptylistandnotequalton i l . AlistinnewLISPisanewLISPcelloftypelist.Itactslikeacontainerforthelinkedlistofelementsmakingupthelistcell's contents.ThereisnodottedpairinnewLISPbecausethecdr(tail)partofaLispcellalwayspointstoanotherLispcellandneverto abasicdatatype,suchasanumberorasymbol.Onlythecar(head)partmaycontainabasicdatatype.EarlyLispimplementations usedcarandcdrforthenamesheadandtail. ()

newLISP'sarraysenablefastelementaccesswithinlargelists.Newarrayscanbeconstructedandinitializedwiththecontentsofan existinglistusingthefunctionarray.Listscanbeconvertedintoarrays,andviceversa.Mostofthesamefunctionsusedfor modifyingandaccessinglistscanbeappliedtoarrays,aswell.Arrayscanholdanytypeofdataorcombinationthereof. Inparticular,thefollowingfunctionscanbeusedforcreating,accessing,andmodifyingarrays: function append array arraylist array? det first invert last mat multiply nth rest setf slice description appendsarrays createsandinitializesanarraywithupto16dimensions convertsanarrayintoalist checksifexpressionisanarray returnsthedeterminantofamatrix returnsthefirstrowofanarray returnstheinversionofamatrix returnsthelastrowofanarray performscalaroperationsonmatrices multipliestwomatrices returnsanelementofandarray returnsallbutthefirstrowofanarray setscontentsofanarrayreference returnsasliceofanarray

sort sorttheelementsinanarray transpose transposesamatrix

newLISPrepresentsmultidimensionalarrayswithanarrayofarrays(i.e.,theelementsofthearrayarethemselvesarrays). Whenusedinteractively,newLISPprintsanddisplaysarraysaslists,withnowayofdistinguishingbetweenthem. Usethesourceorsavefunctionstoserializearrays(orthevariablescontainingthem).Thearraystatementisincludedaspartofthe definitionwhenserializingarrays. Likelists,negativeindicescanbeusedtoenumeratetheelementsofanarray,startingfromthelastelement. Anoutofboundsindexwillcauseanerrormessageonanarrayorlist. Arrayscanbenonrectangular,buttheyaremaderectangularduringserializationwhenusingsourceorsave.Thearrayfunction alwaysconstructsarraysinrectangularform. Thematrixfunctionsdet,transpose,multiply,andinvertcanbeusedonmatricesbuiltwithnestedlistsorarraysbuiltwitharray.

Formoredetails,seearray,array?,andarraylistinthereferencesectionofthismanual. ()

Somefunctionstakearray,list,orstringelements(characters)specifiedbyoneormoreintindex(integerindex).Thepositive indicesrun0 ,1 , ,N 2 ,N 1 ,whereN isthenumberofelementsinthelist.Ifintindexisnegative,thesequenceisN ,N + 1 , ,2 ,1 .AddingN tothenegativeindexofanelementyieldsthepositiveindex.Unlessafunctiondoesotherwise,anindex greaterthanN 1 orlessthenNcausesanoutofboundserrorinlistsandarrays.

Implicitindexingforn t h
( s e t' l s t' ( abc( de )( fg ) ) ) ( l s t0 ) ( l s t3 ) ( l s t31 ) ( l s t1 ) a ;s a m ea s( n t h0l s t ) ( de ) e ;s a m ea s( n t h' ( 31 )l s t ) ( fg )

( s e t' m y a r r a y( a r r a y32( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) ) ( m y a r r a y1 ) ( 34 ) ( m y a r r a y10 ) 3 ( m y a r r a y01 ) 2 ( " n e w L I S P "3 ) " L "

Indicesmayalsobesuppliedfromalist.Inthisway,implicitindexingworkstogetherwithfunctionsthattakeorproduceindex vectors,suchaspush,pop,refandrefall.
( l s t' ( 31 ) ) ( s e t' v e c( r e f' el s t ) ) ( l s tv e c ) e ( 31 ) e

NotethatimplicitindexingisnotbreakingnewLISPsyntaxrulesbutismerelyanexpansionofexistingrulestootherdatatypesin thefunctorpositionofansexpression.InoriginalLisp,thefirstelementinansexpressionlistisappliedasafunctiontotherest elementsasarguments.InnewLISP,alistinthefunctorpositionofansexpressionassumesselfindexingfunctionalityusingthe indexargumentsfollowingit. Implicitindexingisfasterthantheexplicitforms,buttheexplicitformsmaybemorereadabledependingoncontext. NotethatintheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISP,implicitindexingofstringsorusingthenthfunctionworkoncharacterrather thansinglebyteboundaries.

Thedefaultfunctorisafunctorinsideacontextwiththesamenameasthecontextitself.SeeThecontextdefaultfunctionchapter. Adefaultfunctorcanbeusedtogetherwithimplicitindexingtoserveasamechanismforreferencinglists:
( s e t' M y L i s t : M y L i s t' ( abcdefg ) ) ( M y L i s t0 ) a ( M y L i s t3 ) d ( M y L i s t1 ) g

( 32M y L i s t )( de ) ( 3M y L i s t ) ( efg ) ( s e t' a L i s tM y L i s t ) ( a L i s t3 ) d

Inthisexample,a L i s t referencesM y L i s t : M y L i s t ,notacopyofit.Formoreinformationaboutcontexts,seeVariablesholding contexts. Theindexeddefaultfunctorcanalsobeusedwithsetfasshowninthefollowingexample:

( s e t' M y L i s t : M y L i s t' ( abcdefg ) ) ( s e t f( M y L i s t3 )9 9 9 ) ( M y L i s t3 ) M y L i s t : M y L i s t 9 9 9 9 9 9 ( abc9 9 9efg )

Implicitindexingforr e s t ands l i c e
Implicitformsofrestandslicecanbecreatedbyprependingalistwithoneortwonumbersforoffsetandlength.Ifthelengthis negativeitcountsfromtheendofthelistorstring:
( s e t' l s t' ( abcdefg ) ) ;o ra sa r r a y ( s e t' l s t( a r r a y7' ( abcdefg ) ) ) ( 1l s t ) ( 2l s t ) ( 23l s t ) ( 32l s t ) ( 22l s t ) ( bcdefg ) ( cdefg ) ( cde ) ( ef ) ( cde )

( s e t' s t r" a b c d e f g " ) ( 1s t r ) ( 2s t r ) ( 23s t r ) ( 32s t r ) ( 22s t r ) " b c d e f g " " c d e f g " " c d e " " e f " " c d e "

Thefunctionsrest,firstandlastworkonmultibytecharacterboundariesinUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP.Buttheimplicit indexingformsforslicingandrestingwillalwaysworkonsinglebyteboundariesandcanbeusedforbinarycontent.Offsetand lengthresultsfromtheregularexpressionfunctionsfindandregexarealsoinsinglebytecountsandcanbefurtherprocessedwith sliceorit'simplicitform.

;l i s t s ( s e t' l s t' ( abcd( efg ) ) ) ( l s t1 )b ( s e t f( l s t1 )' z )z l s t( azcd( efg ) ) ( s e t f( l s t1 )' ( EFG ) )( EFG )

l s t( azcd( EFG ) ) ;a r r a y s ( s e t' m y a r r a y( a r r a y23( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) )( ( 123 )( 456 ) ) ( s e t f( m y a r r a y12 )6 6 )6 6 m y a r r a y( ( 123 )( 456 6 ) ) ;s t r i n g s ( s e t' s" N e w L I S P " ) ( s e t f( s0 )" n " )" n " s" n e w L I S P "

Notethatonlyfullelementsornestedlistsorarrayscanbechangedthisway.Slicesorrestpartsoflistsorarraysasusedinimplicit restingorslicingcannotbesubstitutedatonceusingsetf,butwouldhavetobesubstitutedelementbyelement.Instringsonlyone charactercanbereplacedatatime,butthatcharactercanbereplacedbyamulticharacterstring. ()

MostoftheprimitivesinnewLISParenondestructive(nosideeffects)andleaveexistingobjectsuntouched,althoughtheymay createnewones.Thereareafewdestructivefunctions,however,thatdochangethecontentsofavariable,list,array,orstring: function ++ bind constant extend dec define inc netreceive pop popassoc push read receive replace reverse rotate set setfsetq setref setrefall sort swap description incrementsnumbersinintegermode decrementsnumbersinintegermode bindsvariableassociationsinalist setsthecontentsofavariableandprotectsit extendsalistorstring decrementsanumberreferencedbyavariable,listorarray setsthecontentsofavariable incrementsanumberreferencedbyavariable,listorarray readsintoabuffervariable popsanelementfromalistorstring removesanassociationfromanassociationlist pushesanewelementontoalistorstring readsintoabuffervariable receivesamessagefromaparentorchildprocess replaceselementsinalistorstring reversesalistorstring rotatestheelementsofalistorcharactersofastring setsthecontentsofavariable setsthecontentsofavariable,list,arrayorstring searchesforanelementinanestedlistandreplacesit searchesforanelementinanestedlistandreplacesallinstances sortstheelementsofalistorarray swapstwoelementsinsidealistorstring

( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcdef ) ) ( r e p l a c e' c( c o p ya L i s t ) )( abdef ) a L i s t( abcdef )

Thelistina L i s t isleftunchanged. ()

Whatfollowsaremethodsofinterruptingthecontrolflowinsidebothloopsandthebeginexpression. Theloopingfunctionsdolistanddotimescantakeoptionalconditionalexpressionstoleavetheloopearly.catchandthrowarea moregeneralformtobreakoutofaloopbodyandarealsoapplicabletootherformsorstatementblocks.

Usingc a t c h andt h r o w
BecausenewLISPisafunctionallanguage,itusesnob r e a k orr e t u r n statementstoexitfunctionsoriterations.Instead,ablockor functioncanbeexitedatanypointusingthefunctionscatchandthrow:
( d e f i n e( f o ox ) . . . ( i fc o n d i t i o n( t h r o w1 2 3 ) ) . . . 4 5 6 ) ; ;i fc o n d i t i o ni st r u e ( c a t c h( f o op ) ) 1 2 3 ; ;i fc o n d i t i o ni sn o tt r u e ( c a t c h( f o op ) ) 4 5 6

( c a t c h ( d o t i m e s( iN ) ( i f( =( f o oi )1 0 0 )( t h r o wi ) ) ) ) v a l u eo fiw h e nf o o ( i )e q u a l s1 0 0

TheexampleshowshowaniterationcanbeexitedbeforeexecutingN times. Multiplepointsofreturncanbecodedusingthrow:

( c a t c h( b e g i n ( f o o 1 ) ( f o o 2 ) ( i fc o n d i t i o n A( t h r o w' x ) ) ( f o o 3 )

( i fc o n d i t i o n B( t h r o w' y ) ) ( f o o 4 ) ( f o o 5 ) ) )

Ifc o n d i t i o n A istrue,x willbereturnedfromthec a t c h expressionifc o n d i t i o n B istrue,thevaluereturnedisy .Otherwise, theresultfromf o o 5 willbeusedasthereturnvalue. Asanalternativetocatch,theerroreventfunctioncanbeusedtocatcherrorscausedbyfaultycodeoruserinitiatedexceptions. Thethrowerrorfunctionmaybeusedtothrowuserdefinederrors.

Usinga n d ando r
Usingthelogicalfunctionsandandor,blocksofstatementscanbebuiltthatareexiteddependingontheBooleanresultofthe enclosedfunctions:
( a n d ( f u n c a ) ( f u n c b ) ( f u n c c ) ( f u n c d ) )

Theandexpressionwillreturnassoonasoneoftheblock'sfunctionsreturnsn i l oran( ) (emptylist).Ifnoneofthepreceding functionscausesanexitfromtheblock,theresultofthelastfunctionisreturned. orcanbeusedinasimilarfashion:

( o r ( f u n c a ) ( f u n c b ) ( f u n c c ) ( f u n c d ) )

Theresultoftheorexpressionwillbethefirstfunctionthatreturnsavaluewhichisnotn i l or( ) . ()

newLISPusesdynamicscopinginsidecontexts.Acontextisalexicallyclosednamespace.Inthisway,partsofanewLISP programcanliveindifferentnamespacestakingadvantageoflexicalscoping. Whentheparametersymbolsofalambdaexpressionareboundtoitsarguments,theoldbindingsarepushedontoastack.newLISP automaticallyrestorestheoriginalvariablebindingswhenleavingthelambdafunction. Thefollowingexampleillustratesthedynamicscopingmechanism.ThetextinboldistheoutputfromnewLISP:
>( s e t' x1 ) 1 >( d e f i n e( f )x ) ( l a m b d a( )x ) >( f ) 1 >( d e f i n e( gx )( f ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( f ) ) >( g0 ) 0 >( f ) 1 >_

Thevariablex isfirstsetto1 .Butwhen( g0 ) iscalled,x isboundto0 andx isreportedby( f ) as0 duringexecutionof( g0 ) . Afterexecutionof( g0 ) ,thecallto( f ) willreportx as1 again. ThisisdifferentfromthelexicalscopingmechanismsfoundinlanguageslikeCorJava,wherethebindingoflocalparameters occursinsidethefunctiononly.InlexicallyscopedlanguageslikeC,( f ) wouldalwaysprinttheglobalbindingsofthesymbolx with1 . Beawarethatpassingquotedsymbolstoauserdefinedfunctioncausesanameclashifthesamevariablenameisusedasafunction parameter:
( d e f i n e( i n c s y m b o lxy )( i n c( e v a lx )y ) ) ( s e t' y2 0 0 ) ( i n c s y m b o l' y1 2 3 ) 2 4 6 y 2 0 0 ;yi ss t i l l2 0 0

Becausetheglobaly sharesthesamesymbolasthefunction'ssecondparameter,i n c s y m b o l returns246(123+123),leavingthe globaly unaffected.Dynamicscoping'svariablecapturecanbeadisadvantagewhenpassingsymbolreferencestouserdefined functions.newLISPoffersseveralmethodstoavoidvariablecapture. Thefunctionargscanbeusedwhenpassingsymbols. Oneormoreuserdefinedfunctionscanbeplacedintheirownnamespacecalledacontext.Asymbolnameclashcannot occurwhenaccessingsymbolsandcallingfunctionsfromoutsideofthedefiningcontext. Contextsshouldbeusedtogrouprelatedfunctionswhencreatinginterfacesorfunctionlibraries.Thissurroundsthefunctionswith alexical"fence",thusavoidingvariablenameclasheswiththecallingfunctions. newLISPusescontextsfordifferentformsoflexicalscoping.SeethechaptersContextsanddefaultfunctorsformoreinformation. ()

InnewLISP,symbolscanbeseparatedintonamespacescalledcontexts.Eachcontexthasaprivatesymboltableseparatefromall othercontexts.Symbolsknowninonecontextareunknowninothers,sothesamenamemaybeusedindifferentcontextswithout conflict. Contextsareusedtobuildmodulesofisolatedvariableandfunctiondefinitions.Theycanalsobecopiedanddynamicallyassigned tovariablesorpassedasarguments.BecausecontextsinnewLISPhavelexicallyseparatednamespaces,theyallowprogramming withlexicalscopingandsoftwareobjectstylesofprogramming. ContextsareidentifiedbysymbolsthatarepartoftherootorM A I N context.Althoughcontextsymbolsareuppercasedinthis chapter,lowercasesymbolsmayalsobeused. Inadditiontocontextnames,M A I N containsthesymbolsforbuiltinfunctionsandspecialsymbolssuchast r u e andn i l .TheM A I N contextiscreatedautomaticallyeachtimenewLISPisrun.ToseeallthesymbolsinM A I N ,enterthefollowingexpressionafter startingnewLISP:
( s y m b o l s )

Thefollowingrulesshouldsimplifytheprocessofunderstandingcontextsbyidentifyingtowhichcontextthecreatedsymbolsare beingassigned. 1. newLISPfirstparsesandtranslateseachtoplevelexpression.Thesymbolsarecreatedduringthisphase.Aftertheexpression

istranslated,itgetsevaluated. 2. AsymboliscreatedwhennewLISPfirstseesit,whilecallingtheload,sym,orevalstringfunctions.WhennewLISPreadsa sourcefile,symbolsarecreatedbeforeevaluationoccurs. 3. Whenanunknownsymbolisencounteredduringcodetranslation,asearchforitsdefinitionbeginsinsidethecurrentcontext. Failingthat,thesearchcontinuesinsideM A I N forabuiltinfunction,context,orglobalsymbol.Ifnodefinitionisfound,the symboliscreatedlocallyinsidethecurrentcontext. 4. Onceasymboliscreatedandassignedtoaspecificcontext,itwillbelongtothatcontextpermanently. 5. Whenauserdefinedfunctionisevaluated,thecontextisswitchedtothenamespacewhichownsthethatsymbol. 6. Acontextswitchonlyinfluencessymbolcreationduringload,sym,orevalstring.loadbydefaultloadsintoMAINexcept whencontextswitchesoccuronthetoplevelofthefileloaded.Thecontextshouldalwaysbespecifiedwhenthefunctions symandevalstringareused.Whenthisruleisfollowed,acontextswitchshouldonlyoccuronthetoplevelofaprogram, neverinsideafunction.

Contextscanbecreatedeitherbyusingthecontextfunctionorviaimplicitcreation.Thefirstmethodisusedwhenwritinglarger portionsofcodebelongingthesamecontext:
( c o n t e x t' F O O ) ( s e t' v a r1 2 3 ) ( d e f i n e( f u n cxyz ) . . .) ( c o n t e x tM A I N )

Ifthecontextdoesnotexistyet,thecontextsymbolmustbequoted.Ifthesymbolisnotquoted,newLISPassumesthesymbolisa variableholdingthesymbolofthecontexttocreate.Becauseacontextevaluatestoitself,existingcontextslikeMAINdonot requirequoting. WhennewLISPreadstheabovecode,itwillread,thenevaluatethefirststatement:( c o n t e x t' F O O ) .ThiscausesnewLISPto switchthenamespacetoFOOandthefollowingsymbolsv a r ,x ,y andz willallbecreatedintheFOOcontextwhenreadingand evaluatingtheremainingexpressions. Torefertov a r orf u n c fromanywhereelseoutsidetheFOOnamespacetheyneedtobeprefixedwiththecontextname:
F O O : v a r1 2 3 ( F O O : f u n cpqr )

( s y m b o l sF O O )( F O O : f u n cF O O : v a rF O O : xF O O : yF O O : z )

Implicitlycreatingcontexts Acontextisimplicitlycreatedwhenreferringtoonethatdoesnotyetexist.Unlikethec o n t e x t function,thecontextisnot switched.ThefollowingstatementsareallexecutedinsidetheM A I N context:

>( s e t' A C T X : v a r" h e l l o " ) " h e l l o " >A C T X : v a r " h e l l o " >_

( d e f i n e( A C T X : f o oxy ) ( +xy ) )

WhenabovecodeisloadedinMAINonlyf o o willbepartofA C T X .Thesymbolsx andy willstillbepartofM A I N . Loadingmodulefiles Whenloadingsourcefilesonthecommandlinewithload,orwhenexecutingthefunctionsevalstringorsym,thec o n t e x t functiontellsnewLISPwheretoputallofthesymbolsanddefinitions:

; ; ;f i l eM Y _ P R O G . L S P ; ; ; ;e v e r y t h i n gf r o mh e r eo ng o e si n t oG R A P H ( c o n t e x t' G R A P H ) ( d e f i n e( d r a w t r i a n g l exyz ) ( ) ) ( d e f i n e( d r a w c i r c l e ) ( ) ) ; ;s h o wt h er u n t i m ec o n t e x t ,w h i c hi sG R A P H ( d e f i n e( f o o ) ( c o n t e x t ) ) ; ;s w i t c hb a c kt oM A I N ( c o n t e x t' M A I N ) ; ;e n do ff i l e

Thed r a w t r i a n g l e andd r a w c i r c l e functionsalongwiththeirx ,y ,andz parametersarenowpartoftheG R A P H context. ThesesymbolsareknownonlytoG R A P H .Tocallthesefunctionsfromanothercontext,prefixthemwithG R A P H :

( G R A P H : d r a w t r i a n g l e123 ) ( G R A P H : f o o ) G R A P H

ThelaststatementshowshowtheruntimecontexthaschangedtoG R A P H (functionf o o 'scontext). Asymbol'snameandcontextareusedwhencomparingsymbolsfromdifferentcontexts.Thetermfunctioncanbeusedtoextract thetermpartfromafullyqualifiedsymbol.

; ;s a m es y m b o ln a m e ,b u td i f f e r e n tc o n t e x tn a m e ( =' A : v a l' B : v a l ) n i l ( =( t e r m' A : v a l )( t e r m' B : v a l ) ) t r u e

Note:Thesymbolsarequotedwitha' (singlequote)becauseweareinterestedinthesymbolitself,notinthecontentsofthe symbol.

Bydefault,onlybuiltinfunctionsandsymbolsliken i l andt r u e arevisibleinsidecontextsotherthanM A I N .Tomakeasymbol visibletoeverycontext,usetheglobalfunction:
( s e t' a V a r1 2 3 )1 2 3 ( g l o b a l' a V a r ) a V a r ( c o n t e x t' F O O ) F O O a V a r 1 2 3

Withouttheg l o b a l statement,theseconda V a r wouldhavereturnedn i l insteadof1 2 3 .IfF O O hadapreviouslydefinedsymbol (a V a r inthisexample)thatsymbol'svalueandnottheglobal'swouldbereturnedinstead.Notethatonlysymbolsfromthe

M A I N contextcanbemadeglobal.


>( c o n s t a n t' a V a r1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 >( s e t' a V a r9 9 9 ) E R R :s y m b o li sp r o t e c t e di nf u n c t i o ns e t:a V a r > _

( c o n s t a n t( g l o b a l' a V a r )1 2 3 )

Inthecurrentcontext,symbolsprotectedbyc o n s t a n t canbeoverwrittenbyusingthec o n s t a n t functionagain.Thisprotectsthe symbolsfrombeingoverwrittenbycodeinothercontexts.

( c o n t e x t' A c c o u n t ) ( d e f i n e( A c c o u n t : n e w ) ( ) ) ( c o n t e x t' M A I N )

Inthisexample,thebuiltinfunctionnewisoverwrittenbyA c c o u n t : n e w ,adifferentfunctionthatisprivatetotheA c c o u n t context.

( s e t' F O O : x1 2 3 ) ( s e t' c t xF O O ) c t x : x F O O 1 2 3

( s e t' c t x : x9 9 9 ) 9 9 9 F O O : x 9 9 9

( d e f i n e( u p d a t ec t xv a l ) ( s e t' c t x : s u mv a l ) ( c t x : f u n c9 9 9 ) ) ( c o n t e x t' F O O ) ( d e f i n e( f u n cx ) ( p r i n t l n" = > "x ) ) ( c o n t e x tM A I N )


>( u p d a t eF O O1 2 3 ) = >9 9 9 >F O O : s u m 1 2 3 >

Thesameonefunctionu p d a t e candisplaydifferentbehaviordependingonthecontextpassedasfirstparameter.

Thesequenceinwhichcontextsarecreatedorloadedcanleadtounexpectedresults.Enterthefollowingcodeintoafilecalled d e m o :
; ;d e m o-f i l ef o rl o a d i n gc o n t e x t s ( c o n t e x t' F O O ) ( s e t' A B C1 2 3 ) ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) ( c o n t e x t' A B C ) ( s e t' F O O4 5 6 ) ( c o n t e x t' M A I N )

>( l o a d" d e m o " ) E R R :s y m b o li sp r o t e c t e di nf u n c t i o ns e t:F O O >_

LoadingthefilecausesanerrormessageforF O O ,butnotforA B C .WhenthefirstcontextF O O isloaded,thecontextA B C doesnot existyet,soalocalvariableF O O : A B C getscreated.WhenA B C loads,F O O alreadyexistsasaglobalprotectedsymbolandwillbe correctlyflaggedasprotected.
F O O couldstillbeusedasalocalvariableintheA B C contextbyexplicitlyprefixingit,asinA B C : F O O .

Thefollowingpatterncanbeappliedtoavoidunexpectedbehaviorwhenloadingcontextsbeingusedasmodulestobuildlarger applications:
; ;b e g i no ff i l e-M y M o d u l e . l s p ( l o a d" T h i s . l s p " ) ( l o a d" T h a t . l s p " ) ( l o a d" O t h e r . l s p " ) ( c o n t e x t' M y M o d u l e ) ( d e f i n e( f u n cxyz )( ) ) ( c o n t e x t' M A I N ) ( M y M o d u l e : f u n c123 ) ( e x i t ) ; ;e n do ff i l e

Alwaysloadthemodulesrequiredbyacontextbeforethemodule'sc o n t e x t statement.Alwaysfinishbyswitchingbacktothe M A I N context,wherethemodule'sfunctionsandvaluescanbesafelyaccessed.


ContextsinnewLISParemainlyusedforpartitioningsourceintomodules.Becauseeachmodulelivesinadifferentnamespace, modulesarelexicallyseparatedandthenamesofsymbolscannotclashwithidenticalnamesinothermodules. Themodules,whicharepartofthenewLISPdistribution,areagoodexampleofhowtoputrelatedfunctionsintoamodulefile,and howtodocumentmodulesusingthenewLISPdocutility. Forbestprogrammingpractice,afileshouldonlycontainonemoduleandthefilenameshouldbesimilarifnotidenticaltothe contextnameused:

; ;f i l ed b . l s p ,c o m m o n l yu s e dd a t a b a s ef u n c t i o n s ( c o n t e x t' d b ) ; ;V a r i a b l e su s e dt h r o u g h o u tt h i sn a m e s p a c e ( d e f i n ed b : h a n d l e ) ( d e f i n ed b : h o s t" h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t " ) ; ;C o n s t a n t s ( c o n s t a n t' M a x _ N1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ( c o n s t a n t' P a t h" / u s r / d a t a / " ) ; ;F u n c t i o n s ( d e f i n e( d b : o p e n. . .) . . .) ( d e f i n e( d b : c l o s e. . .) . . .) ( d e f i n e( d b : u p d a t e. . .) . . .)

Theexampleshowsagoodpracticeofpredefiningvariables,whichareglobalinsidethenamespace,anddefiningasconstantsthe variablesthatwillnotchange. Ifafilecontainsmorethanonecontext,thentheendofthecontextshouldbemarkedwithaswitchbacktoM A I N :

; ;M u l t ic o n t e x tf i l em u l t i . l s p ( c o n t e x t' A c t x ) . . . ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) ( c o n t e x t' B c t x ) . . . ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) ( c o n t e x t' C c t x ) . . . ( c o n t e x tM A I N )

; ;C o n f i g . l s p-c o n f i g u r a t i o ns e t u p ( c o n t e x t' C o n f i g ) ( s e t' u s e r n a m e" a d m i n " ) ( s e t' p a s s w o r d" s e c r e t " ) ( s e t' d b n a m e" / u s r / d a t a / d b . l s p " ) . . . ; ;e o f

LoadingtheC o n f i g namespacewillnowloadawholevariablesetintomemoryatonce:
( l o a d" C o n f i g . l s p " ) ( s e t' f i l e( o p e nC o n f i g : d b n a m e" r e a d " ) ) . . . . . .

( s a v e" C o n f i g . l s p "' C o n f i g )


Modulefilesareloadedusingtheloadfunction.Ifaprogrammingprojectcontainsnumerousmodulesthatrefertoeachother,they shouldbepredeclaredtoavoidproblemsduetocontextforwardreferencesthatcanoccurbeforetheloadingofthatcontext.
; ;p r e d e c l a r i n gc o n t e x t s ,f i n i s hw i t hM a i nt or e t u r n ( m a pc o n t e x t' ( U t i l i t i e sC o n f i gA c q u i s i t i o nA n a l y s i sS y s L o gM A I N ) ) ; ;l o a d i n gc o n t e x tm o d u l ef i l e s ( l o a d" U t i l i t i e s . l s p "" A c q u i s i t i o n . l s p " ) ( l o a d" h t t p : / / 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 3 4 / C o n f i g . l s p " );l o a dm o d u l ef r o mr e m o t el o c a t i o n ( l o a d" A n a l y s i s . l s p "" S y s L o g . l s p " ) ( d e f i n e( r u n ) . . .) ( r u n ) ; ;e n do ff i l e

Whenpredeclaringandloadingmodulesasshownintheexample,thesequenceofdeclarationorloadingcanbeneglected.All forwardreferencestovariablesanddefinitionsinmodulesnotloadedyetwillbetranslatedcorrectly. ModulesnotstartingwithacontextswitcharealwaysloadedintoM A I N exceptwhentheloadstatementspecifiesatargetcontextas thelastparameter.TheloadfunctioncantakeU R L stoloadmodulesfromremotelocations,viaH T T P . Thecurrentcontextaftertheloadstatementwillalwaysbethesameasbeforetheload.

Serializationmakesasoftwareobjectpersistentbyconvertingitintoacharacterstream,whichisthensavedtoafileorstringin memory.InnewLISP,anythingreferencedbyasymbolcanbeserializedtoafilebyusingthesavefunction.Likeothersymbols, contextsaresavedjustbyusingtheirnames:
( s a v e" m y c o n t e x t . l s p "' M y C t x ) ( l o a d" m y c o n t e x t . l s p " ) ;s a v eM y C t xt om y c o n t e x t . l s p ;l o a d sM y C t xi n t om e m o r y

( s a v e" m y c o n t e x t s . l s p "' C t x 1' C t x 2' C t x 3 ) ;s a v em u l t i p l ec o n t e x t sa to n c e

Fordetails,seethefunctionssave(mentionedabove)andsource(forserializingtoanewLISPstring). ()

Adefaultfunctorordefaultfunctionisasymboloruserdefinedfunctionormacrowiththesamenameasitsnamespace.Whenthe contextisusedasthenameofafunctionorinthefunctorpositionofansexpression,newLISPexecutesthedefaultfunction.
; ;t h ed e f a u l tf u n c t i o n ( d e f i n e( F o o : F o oabc )( +abc ) ) ( F o o123 ) 6

IfadefaultfunctioniscalledfromacontextotherthanM A I N ,thecontextmustalreadyexistorbedeclaredwithaforward declaration,whichcreatesthecontextandthefunctionsymbol:

; ;f o r w a r dd e c l a r a t i o no fad e f a u l tf u n c t i o n ( d e f i n eF u b a r : F u b a r ) ( c o n t e x t' F o o ) ( d e f i n e( F o o : F o oabc ) ( F u b a rab ) ;f o r w a r dr e f e r e n c e ( ) ) ;t od e f a u l tf u n c t i o n ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) ; ;d e f i n i t i o no fp r e v i o u s l yd e c l a r e dd e f a u l tf u n c t i o n ( c o n t e x t' F u b a r ) ( d e f i n e( F u b a r : F u b a rxy ) ( ) ) ( c o n t e x tM A I N )

Defaultfunctionsworklikeglobalfunctions,buttheyarelexicallyseparatefromthecontextinwhichtheyarecalled. Likealambdaorlambdamacrofunction,defaultfunctionscanbeusedwithmaporapply.

; ;af u n c t i o nw i t hm e m o r y ( d e f i n e( G e n : G e nx ) ( i fG e n : a c c ( i n cG e n : a c cx ) ( s e t qG e n : a c cx ) ) ) ( G e n1 ) ( G e n1 ) ( G e n2 ) ( G e n3 ) 1 2 4 7

g e n : a c c 7

ThefirsttimetheG e n functioniscalled,itsaccumulatorissettothevalueoftheargument.EachsuccessivecallincrementsG e n 's accumulatorbytheargument'svalue. ThedefinitionofG e n : G e n shows,howafunctionisputinitsownnamespacewithoutusingthesurrounding( c o n t e x t' G e n ) and ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) statements.InthatcaseonlysymbolsqualifiedbythenamespaceprefixwillendupintheG e n context.Inthe aboveexamplethevariablex isstillpartofM A I N .

Thereareseveralfunctionsthatcanbeusedtoplacesymbolsintonamespacecontexts.Whenusingdictionariesassimplehashlike collectionsofvariablevaluepairs,usetheuninitializeddefaultfunctor:
( d e f i n eM y h a s h : M y h a s h );c r e a t en a m e s p a c ea n dd e f a u l tf u n c t o r ;o ra sa na l t e r n a t i v eu s e ( n e wT r e e' M y H a s h );c r e a t ef r o mb u i l t i nt e m p l a t e

EithermethodcanbeusedtomaketheM y H a s h dictionaryspaceanddefaultfunctor.Creatingkeyvaluepairsandretrievingavalue iseasy:

( M y h a s h" v a r "1 2 3 );c r e a t ea n ds e tv a r i a b l e / v a l u ep a i r ( M y h a s h" v a r " );1 2 3;r e t r i e v ev a l u e

Notethatthedefaultfunctorshouldnotbeinitializedtoanyvalueotherthann i l .Thedefaultfunctorworkslikeadictionaryhash functioncreatingthesymbolsinthestringfollowingitandsettingittothevalueifspecified. SymbolvariablescreatedthiswaycancontainspacesorothercharactersnormallynotallowedinnewLISPsymbolnames:

( d e f i n eF o o : F o o ) ( F o o" J o h nD o e "1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( F o o" # 1 2 3 4 "" h e l l ow o r l d " ) " h e l l ow o r l d " ( F o o" v a r "' ( abcd ) ) ( abcd ) ( F o o" J o h nD o e " ) 1 2 3 ( F o o" # 1 2 3 4 " ) " h e l l ow o r l d " ( F o o" v a r " ) ( abcd )

Anentrywhichdoesn'texistwillreturnn i l :
( F o o" b a r " ) n i l

Settinganentryton i l willeffectivelydeleteitfromthenamespace. Anassociationlistcanbegeneratedfromthecontentsofthenamespace:

( F o o )( ( " # 1 2 3 4 "" h e l l ow o r l d " )( " J o h nD o e "1 2 3 )( " v a r "( abcd ) ) )

( F o o' ( ( " # 1 2 3 4 "" h e l l ow o r l d " )( " J o h nD o e "1 2 3 )( " v a r "( abcd ) ) )F o o

( d o l i s t( i t e m( F o o ) )( p r i n t l n( i t e m0 )">"( i t e m1 ) ) ) # 1 2 3 4>h e l l ow o r l d J o h nD o e>1 2 3 v a r>( abcd )

( p o p( F o o" v a r " ) )a ( F o o" v a r " )( bcd ) ( p u s h' z( F o o" v a r " ) )( zbcd ) ( F o o" v a r " )( zbcd )

Whensettinghashvaluestheanaphoricsystemvariable$ i t canbeusedtorefertotheoldvaluewhensettingthenew:
( F o o" b a r "" h e l l ow o r l d " )

( F o o" b a r "( u p p e r c a s e$ i t ) ) ( F o o" b a r " )" H E L L OW O R L D "

( F o o" b a r "1 2 3 ) 1 2 3

( s e t f( F o o" b a r " )4 5 6 )4 5 6 ( F o o" b a r " ) 4 5 6

Butsupplyingthevalueasasecondparametertothehashfunctionsisshortertowriteandfaster. Dictionariescaneasilybesavedtoafileandreloadedlater:
;s a v ed i c t i o n a r y ( s a v e" F o o . l s p "' F o o ) ;l o a dd i c t i o n a r y ( l o a d" F o o . l s p " )

Internallythekeystringsarecreatedandstoredassymbolsinthehashcontext.Allkeystringsareprependedwithan_ underscore character.Thisprotectsagainstoverwritingthedefaultsymbolandsymbolslikes e t ands y m ,whichareneededwhenloadinga hashnamespacefromdiskoroverH T T P .Notethefollowingdifference:

( F o o )( ( " # 1 2 3 4 "" h e l l ow o r l d " )( " J o h nD o e "1 2 3 )( " v a r "( abcd ) ) ) ( s y m b o l sF o o )( F o o : F o oF o o : _ # 1 2 3 4F o o : _ J o h nD o eF o o : _ v a r )

Inthefirstlinehashsymbolsareshownasstringswithouttheprecedingunderscorecharacters.Thesecondlineshowstheinternal formofthesymbolswithprependedunderscorecharacters. Foramoredetailedintroductiontonamespaces,seethechapteronContexts.

Adefaultfunctorcanalsobeusedtoholddata.Ifthisdatacontainsalistorstring,thecontextnamecanbeusedasareferenceto thedata:
; ;t h ed e f a u l tf u n c t o rf o rh o l d i n gd a t a ( d e f i n eM y l i s t : M y l i s t' ( abcdefg ) ) ( M y l i s t3 )d ( s e t f( M y l i s t3 )' D )D M y l i s t : M y l i s t( abcDefg ) ; ;a c c e s sl i s to rs t r i n gd a t af r o mad e f a u l tf u n c t o r ( f i r s tM y l i s t )a ( r e v e r s eM y l i s t )( gfeDcba ) ( s e t' S t r : S t r" a c d e f g h i j k l m n o p " ) ( u p p e r c a s eS t r )" A C D E F G H I J K L M N O P "

Mostofthetime,newLISPpassesparametersbyvaluecopy.Thisposesapotentialproblemwhenpassinglargelistsorstringsto userdefinedfunctionsormacros.Stringsandlists,whicharepackedinanamespaceusingdefaultfunctors,arepassed automaticallybyreference:

; ;u s ead e f a u l tf u n c t o rt oh o l dal i s t ( s e t' M y d b : M y d b( s e q u e n c e11 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( d e f i n e( c h a n g e d bo b ji d xv a l u e ) ( s e t f( o b ji d x )v a l u e ) ) ;p a s sb yc o n t e x tr e f e r e n c e ( c h a n g e d bM y d b1 2 3 4" a b c d e f g " ) ( M y d b1 2 3 4 ) " a b c d e f g "

Anyargumentofabuiltinfunctioncallingforeitheralistorastringbutnootherdatatypecanreceivedatapassedby reference.Anyuserdefinedfunctioncantakeeithernormalvariables,orcantakeacontextnameforpassingareferencetothe defaultfunctorcontainingalistorstring. Notethatonlistswithlessthanabout100elementsorstringsoflessthanabout50000characters,thespeeddifferencebetween referenceandvaluepassingisnegligible.Butonbiggerdataobjects,differencesinbothspeedandmemoryusagebetween referenceandvaluepassingcanbesignificant. Builtinanduserdefinedfunctionsaresuitableforbothtypesofarguments,butwhenpassingcontextnames,datawillbepassedby reference. Quotedsymbolscanalsobeusedtopassdatabyreference,butthismethodhasdisadvantages:

( d e f i n e( c h a n g e l i s ta L i s t )( p u s h9 9 9( e v a la L i s t ) ) ) ( s e t' d a t a' ( 12345 ) ) ;n o t et h eq u o t e'i nf r o n to fd a t a ( c h a n g e l i s t' d a t a ) ( 9 9 912345 ) d a t a ( 9 9 912345 )

Althoughthismethodissimpletounderstandanduse,itposesthepotentialproblemofvariablecapturewhenpassingthesame symbolasusedasafunctionparameter:
; ;p a s sd a t ab ys y m b o lr e f e r e n c e >( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcd ) ) ( abcd ) >( c h a n g e l i s t' a L i s t ) E R R :l i s to rs t r i n ge x p e c t e d:( e v a la L i s t ) c a l l e df r o mu s e rd e f i n e df u n c t i o nc h a n g e l i s t >

Atthebeginningofthechapteritwasshownhowtopackagedatainanamespaceusingadefaultfunctor.Notonlythedefault functorbutanysymbolincontextcanbeusedtoholddata.Thedisadvantageisthatthecallingfunctionmusthaveknowledge aboutthesymbolbeingused:

; ;p a s sd a t ab yc o n t e x tr e f e r e n c e ( s e t' M y d b : d a t a( s e q u e n c e11 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( d e f i n e( c h a n g e d bo b ji d xv a l u e ) ( s e t f( o b j : d a t ai d x )v a l u e ) ) ( c h a n g e d bM y d b1 2 3 4" a b c d e f g " ) ( n t h1 2 3 4M y d b : d a t a ) " a b c d e f g " ;o r ( M y d b : d a t a1 2 3 4 ) " a b c d e f g "

Thefunctionreceivesthenamespaceinthevariableo b j ,butitmusthavetheknowledgethatthelisttoaccessiscontainedinthe d a t a symbolofthatnamespace(context).


Functionalobjectorientedprogramming(FOOP)isbasedonthefollowingfiveprinciples: Classattributesandmethodsarestoredinthenamespaceoftheobjectclass. Thenamespacedefaultfunctorholdstheobjectconstructormethod. Anobjectisconstructedusingalist,thefirstelementofwhichisthecontextsymboldescribingtheclassoftheobject. Polymorphismisimplementedusingthe: (colon)operator,whichselectstheappropriateclassfromtheobject. Atargetobjectinsideaclassmethodfunctionisaccessedviatheselffunction.

Classattributesandmethodsarestoredinthenamespaceoftheobjectclass.Noobjectinstancedataisstoredinthis namespace/context.Datavariablesintheclassnamespaceonlydescribetheclassofobjectsasawholebutdon'tcontainanyobject specificinformation.AgenericFOOPobjectconstructorcanbeusedasatemplateforspecificobjectconstructorswhencreating newobjectclasseswithn e w :
;b u i l t i ng e n e r i cF O O Po b j e c tc o n s t r u c t o r ( d e f i n e( C l a s s : C l a s s ) ( c o n s( c o n t e x t )( a r g s ) ) ) ;c r e a t es o m en e wc l a s s e s ( n e wC l a s s' R e c t a n g l e ) ( n e wC l a s s' C i r c l e ) R e c t a n g l e C i r c l e

;c r e a t es o m eo b j e c t su s i n gt h ed e f a u l tc o n s t r u c t o r ( s e t' r e c t( R e c t a n g l e1 02 0 ) ) ( s e t' c i r c( C i r c l e1 01 02 0 ) ) ( R e c t a n g l e1 02 0 ) ( C i r c l e1 01 02 0 )

;c r e a t eal i s to fo b j e c t s ;b u i l d i n gt h el i s tu s i n gt h el i s tf u n c t i o ni n s t e a do fa s s i g n i n g ;aq u o t e dl i s te n s u r e st h a tt h eo b j e c tc o n s t r u c t o r sa r ee x e c u t e d ( s e t' s h a p e s( l i s t( C i r c l e581 2 )( R e c t a n g l e48 )( C i r c l e771 5 ) ) ) ( ( C i r c l e581 2 )( R e c t a n g l e48 )( C i r c l e771 5 ) )

ThegenericFOOPconstructorisalreadypredefined,andFOOPcodecanstartwith( n e wC l a s s. . . ) statementsrightaway. Asamatterofstyle,newclassesshouldonlybecreatedintheMAINcontext.Ifcreatinganewclasswhileinadifferent namespace,thenewclassnamemustbeprefixedwithMAINandthestatementshouldbeonthetoplevel:

( c o n t e x t' G e o m e t r y ) ( n e wC l a s s' M A I N : R e c t a n g l e ) ( n e wC l a s s' M A I N : C i r c l e ) . . .

CreatingthenamespaceclassesusingnewreservestheclassnameasacontextinnewLISPandfacilitatesforwardreferences.At thesametime,asimpleconstructorisdefinedforthenewclassforinstantiatingnewobjects.Asaconvention,itisrecommendedto startclassnamesinuppercasetosignalthatthenamestandsforanamespace.

Insomecases,itmaybeusefultooverwritethesimpleconstructor,thatwascreatedduringclasscreation,withn e w :
;o v e r w r i t es i m p l ec o n s t r u c t o r ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : C i r c l exyr a d i u s ) ( l i s tC i r c l exyr a d i u s ) )

;c o n s t r u c t o rw i t hd e f a u l t s ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : C i r c l e( x1 0 )( y1 0 )( r a d i u s3 ) ) ( l i s tC i r c l exyr a d i u s ) ) ( C i r c l e )( C i r c l e1 01 03 )

Inmanycasestheconstructorascreatedwhenusingn e w issufficientandoverwritingitisnotnecessary.

FOOPrepresentsobjectsaslists.Thefirstelementofthelistindicatestheobject'skindorclass,whiletheremainingelements containthedata.Thefollowingstatementsdefinetwoobjectsusinganyoftheconstructorsdefinedpreviously:
( s e t' m y r e c t( R e c t a n g l e551 02 0 ) )( R e c t a n g l e551 02 0 ) ( s e t' m y c i r c l e( C i r c l e121 0 ) )( C i r c l e121 0 )

;c r e a t ec l a s s e s ( n e wC l a s s' P e r s o n ) ( n e wC l a s s' A d d r e s s ) ( n e wC l a s s' C i t y ) ( n e wC l a s s' S t r e e t ) ;c r e a t ea no b j e c tc o n t a i n i n go t h e ro b j e c t s ( s e t' J o h n D o e( P e r s o n( A d d r e s s( C i t y" B o s t o n " )( S t r e e t1 2 3" M a i nS t r e e t " ) ) ) ) ( P e r s o n( A d d r e s s( C i t y" B o s t o n " )( S t r e e t1 2 3" M a i nS t r e e t " ) ) )

ObjectsinFOOPnotonlyresemblefunctionstheyalsoresembleassociations.Theassocfunctioncanbeusedtoaccessobjectdata byname:
( a s s o cA d d r e s sJ o h n D o e )( A d d r e s s( C i t y" B o s t o n " )( S t r e e t1 2 3" M a i nS t r e e t " ) ) ( a s s o c( l i s tA d d r e s sS t r e e t )J o h n D o e )( S t r e e t1 2 3" M a i nS t r e e t " )

( s e t f( a s s o c( l i s tA d d r e s sS t r e e t )J o h n D o e )' ( S t r e e t4 5 6" M a i nS t r e e t " ) ) ( S t r e e t4 5 6" M a i nS t r e e t " )

Thestreetnumberhasbeenchangedfrom1 2 3 to4 5 6 . Notethatinnoneofthea s s o c statementsA d d r e s s andS t r e e t needtocarryquotes.Thesameistrueinthesetstatement:( s e t ' J o h n D o e( P e r s o n. . . ) ) forthedatapartassigned.Inbothcaseswedonotdealwithsymbolsorlistsofsymbolsbutratherwith contextsandFOOPobjectswhichevaluatetothemselves.Quotingwouldnotmakeadifference.

Thecolon: operatorandpolymorphism
InnewLISP,thecoloncharacter: isprimarilyusedtoconnectthecontextsymbolwiththesymbolitisqualifying.Secondly,the colonfunctionisusedinFOOPtoresolveafunction'sapplicationpolymorphously. Thefollowingcodedefinestwofunctionscalleda r e a ,eachbelongingtoadifferentnamespace/class.Bothfunctionscouldhave beendefinedindifferentmodulesforbetterseparation,butinthiscasetheyaredefinedinthesamefileandwithoutbracketing

contextstatements.Here,onlythesymbolsr e c t a n g l e : a r e a andc i r c l e : a r e a belongtodifferentnamespaces.Thelocal parametersp ,c ,d x ,andd y areallpartofM A I N ,butthisisofnoconcern.

; ;c l a s sm e t h o d sf o rr e c t a n g l e s ( d e f i n e( R e c t a n g l e : a r e a ) ( m u l( s e l f3 )( s e l f4 ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( R e c t a n g l e : m o v ed xd y ) ( i n c( s e l f1 )d x ) ( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) ) ; ;c l a s sm e t h o d sf o rc i r c l e s ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : a r e a ) ( m u l( p o w( s e l f3 )2 )( a c o s0 )2 ) ) ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : m o v ed xd y ) ( i n c( s e l f1 )d x ) ( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) )

Byprefixingthea r e a orm o v e symbolwiththe: (colon),wecancallthesefunctionsforeachclassofobject.Althoughthereisno spacebetweenthecolonandthesymbolfollowingit,newLISPparsesthemasdistinctentities.Thecolonworksasafunctionthat processesparameters:

( : a r e am y r e c t )2 0 0;s a m ea s( :a r e am y r e c t ) ( : a r e am y c i r c l e )3 1 4 . 1 5 9 2 6 5 4;s a m ea s( :a r e am y c i r c l e ) ; ;m a pc l a s sm e t h o d su s e sc u r r yt oe n c l o s et h ec o l o no p e r a t o ra n dc l a s sf u n c t i o n ( m a p( c u r r y: a r e a )( l i s tm y r e c tm y c i r c l e ) )( 2 0 03 1 4 . 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 ) ( m a p( c u r r y: a r e a )' ( ( R e c t a n g l e551 02 0 )( C i r c l e121 0 ) ) )( 2 0 03 1 4 . 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 ) ; ;o b j e c t sa r em u t a b l e( s i n c ev 1 0 . 1 . 8 ) ( : m o v em y r e c t23 ) ( : m o v em y c i r c l e45 ) m y r e c t ( R e c t a n g l e781 02 0 ) m y c i r c l e ( C i r c l e571 0 )

Inthisexample,thecorrectqualifiedsymbol(r e c t a n g l e : a r e a orc i r c l e : a r e a )isconstructedandappliedtotheobjectdatabased onthesymbolfollowingthecolonandthecontextname(thefirstelementoftheobjectlist). Note,thatalthoughthecallerspecifiesthecalledtargetobjectofthecall,themethoddefinitiondoesnotincludetheobjectasa parameter.WhenwritingfunctionstomodifyFOOPobjects,insteadthefunctionselfisusedtoaccessandindextheobject.

Inallthepreviousexamples,classfunctionmethodswheredirectlywrittenintotheMAINcontextnamespace.Thisworksandis adequateforsmallerprogramswrittenbyjustoneprogrammer.Whenwritinglargersystems,allthemethodsforoneclassshouldbe surroundedbycontextstatementstoprovidebetterisolationofparametervariablesusedandtocreateanisolatedlocationfor potentialclassvariables. Classvariablescouldbeusedinthisexampleasacontainerforlistsofobjects,countersorotherinformationspecifictoaclassbut nottoaspecificobject.Thefollowingcodesegmentrewritestheexamplefromaboveinthisfashion. Eachcontext/namespacecouldgointoanextrafilewiththesamenameastheclasscontained.Classcreation,startupcodeandthe maincontrolcodeisinafileM A I N . l s p :
;f i l eM A I N . l s p-d e c l a r ea l lc l a s s e su s e di nM A I N ( n e wC l a s s' R e c t a n g l e )

( n e wC l a s s' C i r c l e ) ;s t a r tu pc o d e ( l o a d" R e c t a n g l e . l s p " ) ( l o a d" C i r c l e . l s p " ) ;m a i nc o n t r o lc o d e ;e n do ff i l e

;f i l eR e c t a n g l e . l s p-c l a s sm e t h o d sf o rr e c t a n g l e s ( c o n t e x tR e c t a n g l e ) ( d e f i n e( R e c t a n g l e : a r e a ) ( m u l( s e l f3 )( s e l f4 ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( R e c t a n g l e : m o v ed xd y ) ( i n c( s e l f1 )d x ) ( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) ) ;e n do ff i l e

AndtheC i r c l e classfilefollows:
;f i l eC i r c l e . l s p-c l a s sm e t h o d sf o rc i r c l e s ( c o n t e x tC i r c l e ) ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : a r e a ) ( m u l( p o w( s e l f3 )2 )( a c o s0 )2 ) ) ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : m o v ed xd y ) ( i n c( s e l f1 )d x ) ( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) ) ;e n do ff i l e

Allsetsofclassfunctionsarenowlexicallyseparatedfromeachother. ()

newLISPhashighlevelAPIstocontrolmultipleprocessesonthesameCPUordistributedontodifferentcomputernodesona TCP/IPnetwork.

newLISPimplementsaCilklikeAPItolaunchandcontrolconcurrentprocesses.TheAPIcantakeadvantageofmulticore computerarchitectures.Onlythreefunctions,spawn,syncandabort,arenecessarytostartmultipleprocessesandcollecttheresults inasynchronizedfashion.TheunderlyingoperatingsystemdistributesprocessesontodifferentcoresinsidetheCPUorexecutes themonthesamecoreinparalleliftherearenotenoughcorespresent.NotethatnewLISPonlyimplementstheAPIoptimized schedulingofspawnedproceduresisnotperformedasinCilk.Functionsarestartedintheordertheyappearins p a w n statements andaredistributedandscheduledontodifferentcoresintheCPUbytheoperatingsystem. Whenmultiplecoresarepresent,thiscanincreaseoverallprocessingspeedbyevaluatingfunctionsinparallel.Butevenwhen runningonsinglecoreCPUs,theCilkAPImakesconcurrentprocessingmucheasierfortheprogrammerandmayspeedup

processingifsubtasksincludewaitingforI/Oorsleeping. Sinceversion10.1sendandreceivemessagefunctionsareavailableforcommunicationsbetweenparentandchildprocesses.The functionscanbeusedinblockingandnonblockingcommunicationsandcantransferanykindofnewLISPdataorexpressions. Transmittedexpressionscanbeevaluatedintherecipientsenvironment. Internally,newLISPusesthelowerlevelfork,waitpid,destroy,andsharefunctionalitiestocontrolprocessesandsynchronizethe passingofcomputedresultsviaasharedmemoryinterface. OnlyonMacOSXandotherUnixeswilltheCilkAPIparallelizetasks.OnWin32,theAPIpartlysimulatesthebehavioronUnix butexecutestaskssequentially.Thisway,codecanbewrittenthatrunsonallplatforms.

Withonlyonefunction,neteval,newLISPimplementsdistributedcomputing.Usingn e t e v a l ,differenttaskscanbemappedand evaluatedondifferentnodesrunningonaTCP/IPnetworkorlocaldomainUnixsocketsnetworkwhenrunningonthesame computer.n e t e v a l doesallthehousekeepingrequiredtoconnecttoremotenodes,transferfunctionstoexecute,andcollectthe results.n e t e v a l canalsouseacallbackfunctiontofurtherstructureconsolidationofincomingresultsfromremotenodes. Thefunctionsreadfile,writefile,appendfileanddeletefileallcantakeURLsinsteadofpathfilenames.ServersidenewLISP runningindemonmodeoranotherHTTPserverlikeApache,receivestandardHTTPrequestsandtranslatethemintothe correspondingactionsonfiles. ()

JSONsupport JSONencodeddatacanbeparsedintoSexpressionsusingthejsonparsefunction.ErrorinformationforfailedJSONtranslations canberetrievedusingjsonerror. ForadescriptionoftheJSONformat(JavaScriptObjectNotation) ToretrievedatainnestedlistsresultingfromJSONtranslation,usetheassoc,lookupandreffunctions. SeethedescriptionofjsonparseforacompleteexampleofparsingandprocessingJSONdata. XMLsupport newLISP'sbuiltinsupportforXMLencodeddataordocumentscomprisesthreefunctions:xmlparse,xmltypetags,andxml error. UsethexmlparsefunctiontoparseXMLencodedstrings.Whenx m l p a r s e encountersanerror,n i l isreturned.Todiagnose syntaxerrorscausedbyincorrectlyformattedXML,usethefunctionxmlerror.Thexmltypetagsfunctioncanbeusedtocontrolor suppresstheappearanceofXMLtypetags.ThesetagsclassifyXMLintooneoffourcategories:text,rawstringdata,comments, andelementdata. XMLsource:
< ? x m lv e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 " ? > < D A T A B A S En a m e = " e x a m p l e . x m l " > < ! T h i si sad a t a b a s eo ff r u i t s > < F R U I T > < N A M E > a p p l e < / N A M E >

< C O L O R > r e d < / C O L O R > < P R I C E > 0 . 8 0 < / P R I C E > < / F R U I T > < / D A T A B A S E >

( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) ) ( ( " E L E M E N T "" D A T A B A S E "( ( " n a m e "" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) )( ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n " ) ( " C O M M E N T "" T h i si sad a t a b a s eo ff r u i t s " ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( )( ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( )( ( " T E X T "" a p p l e " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( )( ( " T E X T "" r e d " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( )( ( " T E X T "" 0 . 8 0 " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n " ) ) ) )

SXMLcanbegenerateddirectlyfromXMLusingxmltypetagsandthespecialoptionparametersofthexmlparsefunction: SXMLgenerationusingalloptions:
( x m l t y p e t a g sn i ln i ln i ln i l ) ( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " )( +12481 6 ) ) ( ( D A T A B A S E( @( n a m e" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" a p p l e " ) ( C O L O R" r e d " ) ( P R I C E" 0 . 8 0 " ) ) ) )

SXMLisXMLreformattedasnewLISPSexpressions.The@ (atsymbol)denotesanXMLattributespecification. ToretrievedatainnestedlistsresultingfromSXMLtranslation,usetheassoc,lookupandreffunctions. Seexmlparseinthereferencesectionofthemanualfordetailsonparsingandoptionnumbers,aswellasforalongerexample. XMLRPC TheremoteprocedurecallingprotocolXMLRPCusesHTTPpostrequestsasatransportandXMLfortheencodingofmethod names,parameters,andparametertypes.XMLRPCclientlibrariesandservershavebeenimplementedformostpopularcompiled andscriptinglanguages. FormoreinformationaboutXML, XMLRPCclientsandserversareeasytowriteusingnewLISP'sbuiltinnetworkandXMLsupport.AstatelessXMLRPCserver implementedasaCGIservicecanbefoundinthefilee x a m p l e s / x m l r p c . c g i .Thisscriptcanbeusedtogetherwithawebserver, likeApache.ThisXMLRPCservicescriptimplementsthefollowingmethods: method
s y s t e m . l i s t M e t h o d s s y s t e m . m e t h o d H e l p s y s t e m . m e t h o d S i g n a t u r e n e w L I S P . e v a l S t r i n g

description Returnsalistofallmethodnames Returnshelpforaspecificmethod Returnsalistofreturn/callingsignaturesforaspecificmethod EvaluatesaBase64newLISPexpressionstring

ThefirstthreemethodsarediscoverymethodsimplementedbymostXMLRPCservers.ThelastoneisspecifictothenewLISP XMLRPCserverscriptandimplementsremoteevaluationofaBase64encodedstringofnewLISPsourcecode.newLISP's base64encandbase64decfunctionscanbeusedtoencodeanddecodeBase64encodedinformation.

Inthem o d u l e s directoryofthesourcedistribution,thefilex m l r p c c l i e n t . l s p implementsaspecificclientinterfaceforallofthe abovemethods.

( l o a d" x m l r p c c l i e n t . l s p " ) ;l o a dX M L R P Cc l i e n tr o u t i n e s ( X M L R P C : n e w L I S P . e v a l S t r i n g " h t t p : / / l o c a l h o s t : 8 0 8 0 / x m l r p c . c g i " " ( +34 ) " ) " 7 "

Inasimilarfashion,standards y s t e m . x x x callscanbeissued. Allfunctionsreturneitheraresultifsuccessful,orn i l ifarequestfails.Incaseoffailure,theexpression( X M L R P C : e r r o r ) canbe evaluatedtoreturnanerrormessage. Formoreinformation,pleaseconsulttheheaderofthefilem o d u l e s / x m l r p c c l i e n t . l s p . ()

( c o n s t a n t' p l u s+ )

Now,p l u s isfunctionallyequivalentto+ andrunsatthesamespeed. Theconstantfunction,ratherthanthes e t function,mustbeusedtorenamebuiltinprimitivesymbols.Bydefault,allbuiltin functionsymbolsareprotectedagainstaccidentaloverwriting. Itispossibletoredefineallintegerarithmeticoperatorstotheirfloatingpointequivalents:

( c o n s t a n t' +a d d ) ( c o n s t a n t' -s u b ) ( c o n s t a n t' *m u l ) ( c o n s t a n t' /d i v )

Alloperationsusing+ ,,* ,and/ arenowperformedasfloatingpointoperations. Usingthesamemechanism,thenamesofbuiltinfunctionscanbetranslatedintolanguagesotherthanEnglish:

( c o n s t a n t' w u r z e ls q r t ) ;G e r m a nf o r' s q u a r e r o o t '

;m a k et h en e ws y m b o lg l o b a la tt h es a m et i m e ( c o n s t a n t( g l o b a l' i m p r i m e )p r i n t ) ;S p a n i s hf o r' p r i n t '


newLISPcanswitchlocalesbasedontheplatformandoperatingsystem.Onstartup,nonUTF8enablednewLISPattemptstoset theISOCstandarddefaultPOSIXlocale,availableformostplatformsandlocales.OnUTF8enablednewLISPthedefaultlocale fortheplatformisset.Thesetlocalefunctioncanalsobeusedtoswitchtothedefaultlocale:
( s e t l o c a l e" " )


correctly. ManyUnixsystemshaveavarietyoflocalesavailable.TofindoutwhichonesareavailableonaparticularLinux/Unix/BSD system,executethefollowingcommandinasystemshell:

l o c a l ea

( s e t l o c a l e" e s _ U S " )

ThiswouldswitchtoaU.S.Spanishlocale.AccentsorothercharactersusedinaU.S.Spanishenvironmentwouldbecorrectly converted. Seethemanualdescriptionformoredetailsontheusageofsetlocale.

Manycountriesuseacommainsteadofaperiodasadecimalseparatorinnumbers.newLISPcorrectlyparsesnumbersdepending onthelocaleset:
;s w i t c ht oG e r m a nl o c a l eo naL i n u x o rO S Xs y s t e m ( s e t l o c a l e" d e _ D E " )( " d e _ D E "" , " ) ;n e w L I S Ps o u r c ea n do u t p u tu s ead e c i m a lc o m m a ( d i v1 , 23 ) 0 , 4

ThedefaultPOSIXClocale,whichissetwhennewLISPstartsup,usesaperiodasadecimalseparator. Thefollowingcountriesuseaperiodasadecimalseparator: Australia,Botswana,Canada(Englishspeaking),China,CostaRica,DominicanRepublic,ElSalvador,Guatemala, Honduras,HongKong,India,Ireland,Israel,Japan,Korea(bothNorthandSouth),Malaysia,Mexico,Nicaragua, NewZealand,Panama,Philippines,PuertoRico,SaudiArabia,Singapore,Switzerland,Thailand,UnitedKingdom, andUnitedStates. Thefollowingcountriesuseacommaasadecimalseparator: Albania,Andorra,Argentina,Austria,Belarus,Belgium,Bolivia,Brazil,Bulgaria,Canada(Frenchspeaking),Croatia, Cuba,Chile,Colombia,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Ecuador,Estonia,Faroes,Finland,France,Germany,Greece, Greenland,Hungary,Indonesia,Iceland,Italy,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Macedonia,Moldova,Netherlands, Norway,Paraguay,Peru,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Russia,Serbia,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,SouthAfrica, Sweden,Ukraine,Uruguay,Venezuela,andZimbabwe.

NotethatformanyEuropeanlanguages,thesetlocalemechanismissufficienttodisplaynonASCIIcharactersets,aslongaseach characterispresentedasonebyteinternally.UTF8encodingisonlynecessaryformultibytecharactersetsasdescribedinthis chapter. newLISPcanbecompiledasaUTF8enabledapplication.UTF8isamultibyteencodingoftheinternationalUnicodecharacter set.AUTF8enablednewLISPrunningonanoperatingsystemwithUTF8enabledcanhandleanycharacteroftheinstalled locale. ThefollowingstepsmakeUTF8workwithnewLISPonaspecificoperatingsystemandplatform:
( 1 ) Useoneofthemakefilesendinginu t f 8 tocompilenewLISPasaUTF8application.IfnoUTF8makefileisavailablefor

yourplatform,thenormalmakefileforyouroperatingsystemcontainsinstructionsonhowtochangeitforUTF8. TheMacOSXbinaryinstallercontainsaUTF8enabledversionbydefault.
( 2 ) EnabletheUTF8localeonyouroperatingsystem.CheckandsetaUTF8localeonUnixandUnixlikeOSesbyusingthe l o c a l e commandorthes e t l o c a l e functionwithinnewLISP.OnLinux,thelocalecanbechangedbysettingtheappropriate

environmentvariable.Thefollowingexampleusesb a s h tosettheU.S.locale:
e x p o r tL C _ C T Y P E = e n _ U S . U T F 8 ( 3 ) TheUTF8enablednewLISPautomaticallyswitchestothelocalefoundontheoperatingsystem.Makesurethecommand

shellisUTF8enabled.TheU.S.versionofWinXP'sn o t e p a d . e x e candisplayUnicodeUTF8encodedcharacters,butthe commandshellcannot.OnLinuxandotherUnixes,theXtermshellcanbeusedwhenstartedasfollows:

L C _ C T Y P E = e n _ U S . U T F 8x t e r m

( p r i n t l n( c h a r9 3 7 ) ) ;d i s p l a y sG r e e ku p p e r c a s eo m e g a ( p r i n t l n( l o w e r c a s e( c h a r9 3 7 ) ) ) ;d i s p l a y sl o w e r c a s eo m e g a

Whiletheuppercaseomega()lookslikeabigOontwotinylegs,thelowercaseomega()hasashapesimilartoasmallw inthe Latinalphabet. Note:Onlytheoutputofp r i n t l n willbedisplayedasacharacterp r i n t l n 'sreturnvaluewillappearontheconsoleasamultibyte ASCIIcharacter. WhenUTF8enablednewLISPisusedonanonUTF8enableddisplay,boththeoutputandthereturnvaluewillbetwo characters.Thesearethetwobytesnecessarytoencodetheomegacharacter.

WhenUTF8enablednewLISPisused,thefollowingstringfunctionsworkononeormultibytecharactersratherthanone8bit byteboundaries: function char chop date dostring explode first last lowercase nth pop push rest select titlecase trim uppercase description translatesbetweencharactersandASCII/Unicode chopscharactersfromtheendofastring convertsdatenumbertostring(whenusedwiththethirdargument) evaluatesonceforeachcharacterinastring transformsastringintoalistofcharacters getsfirstelementinalist(car,head)orstring returnsthelastelementofalistorstring convertsastringtolowercasecharacters getsthenthelementofalistorstring deletesanelementfromalistorstring insertsanewelementinalistorstring getsallbutthefirstelementofalist(cdr,tail)orstring selectsandpermuteselementsfromalistorstring convertsthefirstcharacterofastringtouppercase trimsastringfrombothsides convertsastringtouppercasecharacters

Allotherstringfunctionsworkon8bitbytes.Whenpositionsarereturned,asinfindorregex,theyaresingle8bitbytepositions ratherthancharacterpositionswhichmaybemultibyte.Thegetcharandslicefunctionsdonottakemultibytecharacteroffsets, butsinglebyteoffsets,eveninUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP.Thereversefunctionreversesabytevector,notacharacter vector.ThelastthreefunctionscanstillbeusedtomanipulatebinarynontextualdataintheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISP. ToenableUTF8inPerlCompatibleRegularExpressions(PCRE)usedbydirectory,find,member,parse,regex,regexcomp andreplacesettheoptionnumberaccordingly(2048).Notethatoffsetandlengthsinregexresultsarealwaysinsinglebyte counts.Seetheregexdocumentationfordetails. UseexplodetoobtainanarrayofUTF8charactersandtomanipulatecharactersratherthanbyteswhenaUTF8enabledfunction isunavailable:

( j o i n( r e v e r s e( e x p l o d es t r ) ) ) ;r e v e r s eU T F 8c h a r a c t e r s

Theabovestringfunctions(oftenusedtomanipulatenontextualbinarydata)nowworkoncharacter,ratherthanbyte,boundaries, socaremustbeexercisedwhenusingtheUTF8enabledversion.Thesizeofthefirst127ASCIIcharactersalongwiththe charactersinpopularcodepagessuchasISO8859isonebytelong.Whenworkingexclusivelywithinthesecodepages,UTF 8enablednewLISPisnotrequired.Thesetlocalefunctionaloneissufficientforlocalizedbehavior.

function unicode utf8 utf8len description convertsUTF8orASCIIstringsintoUSC4Unicode convertsUCS4UnicodestringstoUTF8 returnsthenumberofUTF8charactersinastring

Thefirsttwofunctionsarerarelyusedinpractice,asmostUnicodetextfilesarealreadyUTF8encoded(ratherthanUCS4,which usesfourbyteintegercharacters).Unicodecanbedisplayeddirectlywhenusingthe" % l s " formatspecifier. ForfurtherdetailsonUTF8andUnicode,consultUTF8andUnicodeFAQforUnix/LinuxbyMarkusKuhn. ()

Someoftheexampleprogramscontainfunctionsthatuseacommatoseparatetheparametersintotwogroups.Thisisnotaspecial syntaxofnewLISP,butratheravisualtrick.Thecommaisasymboljustlikeanyothersymbol.Theparametersafterthecommaare notrequiredwhencallingthefunctiontheysimplydeclarelocalvariablesinaconvenientway.ThisispossibleinnewLISP becauseparametervariablesinlambdaexpressionsarelocalandargumentsareoptional:
( d e f i n e( m y f u n cabc,xyz ) ( s e t' x ) ( ) )

Whencallingthisfunction,onlya ,b ,andc areusedasparameters.Theothers(thecommasymbol,x ,y ,andz )areinitializedto n i l andarelocaltothefunction.Afterexecution,thefunction'scontentsareforgottenandtheenvironment'ssymbolsarerestoredto theirpreviousvalues. Forotherwaysofdeclaringandinitializinglocalvariables,seelet,letexandletn. ()



SourcecodeinnewLISPisparsedaccordingtotherulesoutlinedhere.Whenindoubt,verifythebehaviorofnewLISP'sinternal parserbycallingparsewithoutoptionalarguments.

Thefollowingrulesapplytothenamingofsymbolsusedasvariablesorfunctions: 1. Variablesymbolsshouldnotstartwithanyofthefollowingcharacters:

2. Variablesymbolsstartingwitha+ orcannothaveanumberasthesecondcharacter. 3. Anycharacterisallowedinsideavariablename,exceptfor: "'():, andthespacecharacter.Thesemarktheendofavariablesymbol. 4. Asymbolnamestartingwith[ (leftsquarebracket)andendingwith] (rightsquarebracket)maycontainanycharacter excepttherightsquarebracket. 5. Asymbolnamestartingwith$ (dollarsign)isglobal.ThereareseveralofthesesymbolsalreadybuiltintonewLISPandset andchangedinternally.Thistypeofglobalsymbolcanalsobecreatedbytheuser. AllofthefollowingsymbolsarelegalvariablenamesinnewLISP:
m y v a r A n a m e X 3 4 z z [ *75( ) } ; ] * 1 1 1 *

SometimesitisusefultocreatehashlikelookupdictionarieswithkeyscontainingcharactersthatareillegalinnewLISPvariables. Thefunctionssymandcontextcanbeusedtocreatesymbolscontainingthesecharacters:
( s e t( s y m" ( # : L * " )4 5 6 ) 4 5 6;t h es y m b o l' ( # : L * ' ( e v a l( s y m" ( # : L * " ) ) 4 5 6 ( s e t( s y m1 )1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( e v a l( s y m1 ) ) 1 2 3 1 1 ( +12 ) 3

Thelastexamplecreatesthesymbol1 containingthevalue1 2 3 .AlsonotethatcreatingsuchasymboldoesnotalternewLISP's normaloperations,since1 isstillparsedasthenumberone.

newLISPrecognizesthefollowingnumberformats: Integersareoneormoredigitslong,optionallyprecededbya+ orsign.Anyothercharactermarkstheendoftheintegerormay bepartofthesequenceifparsedasafloat(seefloatsyntaxbelow).
1 2 3 + 4 5 6 7 9 9 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0;w i l la u t o m a t i c a l l yb ec o n v e r t e dt ob i gi n t 1 2 3 L ;a p p e n d e dLf o r c e sc o n v e r s i o n 0 L

whenparsingthecommandlineorprogrammingsource,newLISPwillrecognise,integersbiggerthan64bitandconvertthetobig integers.SmallernumberscanbeforcedtobigintegerformatbyappendingtheletterL. Hexadecimalsstartwitha0 x (or0 X ),followedbyanycombinationofthehexadecimaldigits:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F .Any othercharacterendsthehexadecimalnumber.

0 x F F 2 5 5 0 x 1 0 a b 4 2 6 7 0 X 1 0 C C 4 3 0 0

Binariesstartwitha0 b (or0 B ),followedbyupto641'sor0s.Anyothercharacterendsthebinarynumber.

0 b 1 0 1 0 1 0 4 2

Octalsstartwithanoptional+ (plus)or(minus)signanda0 (zero),followedbyanycombinationoftheoctaldigits:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . Anyothercharacterendstheoctalnumber.

0 1 2 0 1 0 0 7 7 0 7 7 1 0 8 6 3 6 3

Floatingpointnumberscanstartwithanoptional+ (plus)or(minus)sign,buttheycannotbefollowedbya0 (zero)thiswould makethemoctalnumbersinsteadoffloatingpoints.Asingle. (decimalpoint)canappearanywherewithinafloatingpointnumber, includingatthebeginning.

1 . 2 3 1 . 2 3 + 2 . 3 4 5 6 . 5 0 6 1 . 2 3 1 . 2 3 2 . 3 4 5 6 0 . 5 0 6

Asdescribedbelow,scientificnotationstartswithafloatingpointnumbercalledthesignificand(ormantissa),followedbythe lettere orE andanintegerexponent.

1 . 2 3 e 3 1 . 2 3 E 3 + 2 . 3 4 e 2 . 5 0 6 E 3 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 . 0 2 3 4 5 0 6



Todescribethetypesandnamesofafunction'sparameters,thefollowingnamingconventionisusedthroughoutthereference section: syntax:(formatstrformatexpdata1[expdatai...]) Argumentsarerepresentedbysymbolsformedbytheargument'stypeandname,separatedbya(hyphen).Here,strformat(a string)andexpdata1(anexpression)arenamed"format"and"data1",respectively. Argumentsenclosedinbrackets[ and] areoptional.Whenargumentsareseparatedbyavertical| thenoneofthemmustbe chosen.


17 . 8 n i l ( +34 ) " H i "( +ab ) ( p r i n tr e s u l t ) ( d o t h i s ) ( d o t h a t )1 2 3

t r u e ,n i l ,oranexpressionevaluatingtooneofthesetwo. t r u e ,n i l ,( < =X1 0 )

M y C o n t e x t ,a C t x ,T h e C T X


+ ,a d d ,( f i r s t' ( a d ds u b ) ) ,( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )

Anintegeroranexpressionevaluatingtoaninteger.Generally,ifafloatingpointnumberisusedwhenanintisexpected,thevalue istruncatedtoaninteger.
1 2 3 ,5 ,( *X5 )

( abc" h e l l o "( +34 ) )

Aninteger,afloatingpointnumber,oranexpressionevaluatingtooneofthesetwo.Ifanintegerispassed,itisconvertedtoa floatingpointnumber.
1 . 2 3 4 ,( d i v1 03 ) ,( s i n1 )

Alistinwhicheachrowelementisitselfalistoranarrayinwhicheachrowelementisitselfanarray.Allelementlistsorarrays (rows)areofthesamelength.Anydatatypecanbeelementofamatrix,butwhenusingspecificmatrixoperationslikedet, multiply,orinvert,allnumbersmustbefloatsorintegers. Thedimensionsofamatrixaredefinedbyindicatingthenumberofrowsandthenumberofcolumnelementsperrow.Functions workingonmatricesignoresuperfluouscolumnsinarow.Formissingrowelements,0 . 0 isassumedbythefunctionsdet,multiply, andinvert,whiletransposeassumesn i l .Specialrulesapplyfortransposewhenawholerowisnotalistoranarray,butsomeother datatype.
( ( 1 2 3 4 ) ( 5 6 7 8 ) ( 91 01 11 2 ) )

;3r o w s4c o l u m n s

( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 ) ) ;3r o w s2c o l u m n s

Aplacereferencedbyasymboloraplacedefinedinalist,arrayorstringbyindexingwithnthorimplicitindexingoraplace referencedbyfunctionslikefirst,last,assocorlookup.

" H e l l o " ,( a p p e n df i r s t n a m e "M i l l e r " )

Specialcharacterscanbeincludedinquotedstringsbyplacinga\ (backslash)beforethecharacterordigitstoescapethem: character description \ " foradoublequoteinsideaquotedstring \ n thelinefeedcharacter(ASCII10) \ r thecarriagereturncharacter(ASCII13)

\ b \ t \ f \ n n n \ x n n \ u n n n n \ \

forabackspaceBScharacter(ASCII8) foraTABcharacter(ASCII9) foraformfeedFFcharacter(ASCII12) adecimalASCIIcodewherennnisbetween000and255 ahexadecimalcodewherennisbetween00andFF aunicodecharacterencodedinthefourn n n n hexadecimaldigits.Whenreadingaquotedstring,newLISPwill translatethistoaUTF8characterintheUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP. thebackslashcharacteritself

Decimalsstartwithadigit.Hexadecimalsstartwithx :
" \ 0 6 5 \ 0 6 6 \ 0 6 7 "" A B C " " \ x 4 1 \ x 4 2 \ x 4 3 "" A B C "

Insteadofa" (doublequote),a{ (leftcurlybracket)and} (rightcurlybracket)canbeusedtodelimitstrings.Thisisusefulwhen

quotationmarksneedtooccurinsidestrings.Quotingwiththecurlybracketssuppressesthebackslashescapeeffectforspecial characters.Balancednestedcurlybracketsmaybeusedwithinastring.Thisaidsinwritingregularexpressionsorshortsectionsof HTML.

( p r i n t" < Ah r e f = \ " h t t p : / / m y s i t e . c o m \ " > ");t h ec r y p t i cw a y ( p r i n t{ < Ah r e f = " h t t p : / / m y s i t e . c o m " > }) ;p a t hn a m e so nM SW i n d o w s ( s e t' p a t h" C : \ \ M y D i r \ \ e x a m p l e . l s p " ) ;n oe s c a p i n gw h e nu s i n gb r a c e s ( s e t' p a t h{ C : \ M y D i r \ e x a m p l e . l s p } ) ;o nM SW i n d o w st h ef o r w a r ds l a s hc a nb eu s e di np a t hn a m e s ( s e t' p a t h" C : / M y D i r / e x a m p l e . l s p " ) ;i n n e rb r a c e sa r eb a l a n c e d ( r e g e x{ a b c { 1 , 2 } }l i n e ) ( p r i n t[ t e x t ] t h i sc o u l db e av e r yl o n g( >2 0 4 8c h a r a c t e r s )t e x t , i . e .H T M L . [ / t e x t ] ) ;t h er e a d a b l ew a y

Thetags[ t e x t ] and[ / t e x t ] canbeusedtodelimitlongstringsandsuppressescapecharactertranslation.Thisisusefulfor delimitinglongHTMLpassagesinCGIfileswritteninnewLISPorforsituationswherecharactertranslationshouldbecompletely suppressed.Alwaysusethe[ t e x t ] tagsforstringslongerthan2048characters.

' x y z ,( f i r s t' ( +-/ ) ) ,' * ,' -,s o m e S y m b o l ,


Asymbol,anexistingcontext,oranexpressionevaluatingtoasymbolfromwhichacontextwillbecreated.Ifacontextdoesnot alreadyexist,manyfunctionsimplicitlycreatethem(e.g.,bayestrain,context,evalstring,load,sym,andxmlparse).Thecontext mustbespecifiedwhenthesefunctionsareusedonanexistingcontext.Evenifacontextalreadyexists,somefunctionsmay continuetotakequotedsymbols(e.g.,context).Forotherfunctions,suchascontext?,thedistinctioniscritical.



+,,*,/,% ++ integerarithmetic incrementintegernumbers

<,>,= <=,>=,!= : and append apply args assoc begin bigint bind case catch chop clean cond cons constant count curry define definemacro defnew difference doargs dolist dostring dotimes dotree dountil dowhile dup endswith eval exists expand explode extend first filter find flat fn for forall

decrementintegernumbers comparesanydatatype:less,greater,equal comparesanydatatype:lessequal,greaterequal,notequal constructsacontextsymbolandappliesittoanobject logicala n d appendslists,arraysorstringstoformanewlist,arrayorstring appliesafunctionorprimitivetoalistofarguments retrievestheargumentlistofafunctionormacroexpression searchesforkeywordassociationsinalist beginsablockoffunctions convertanumbertobigintegerformat bindsvariableassociationsinalist branchesdependingoncontentsofcontrolvariable evaluatesanexpression,possiblycatchingerrors chopselementsfromtheendofalist cleanselementsfromalist branchesconditionallytoexpressions prependsanelementtoalist,makinganewlist definesaconstantsymbol countselementsofonelistthatoccurinanotherlist transformsafunctionf(x,y)intoafunctionfx(y) definesanewfunctionorlambdaexpression definesamacroorlambdamacroexpression copiesasymboltoadifferentcontext(namespace) returnsthedifferencebetweentwolists iteratesthroughtheargumentsofafunction evaluatesonceforeachelementinalist evaluatesonceforeachcharacterinastring evaluatesonceforeachnumberinarange iteratesthroughthesymbolsofacontext repeatsevaluationofanexpressionuntiltheconditionismet repeatsevaluationofanexpressionwhiletheconditionistrue duplicatesalistorstringaspecifiednumberoftimes checkstheendofastringorlistagainstakeyofthesametype evaluatesanexpression checksfortheexistenceofaconditioninalist replacesasymbolinanestedlist explodesalistorstring extendsalistorstring getsthefirstelementofalistorstring filtersalist searchesforanelementinalistorstring returnstheflattenedlist definesanewfunctionorlambdaexpression evaluatesonceforeachnumberinarange checksifallelementsinalistmeetacondition

if index intersect lambda last length let letex letn list local lookup map match member not nth or pop popassoc push quote ref refall rest replace reverse rotate select self set setfsetq setref setrefall silent slice sort startswith swap unify unique union unless until when while

evaluatesanexpressionconditionally filterselementsfromalistandreturnstheirindices returnstheintersectionoftwolists definesanewfunctionorlambdaexpression returnsthelastelementofalistorstring calculatesthelengthofalistorstring declaresandinitializeslocalvariables expandslocalvariablesintoanexpression,thenevaluates initializeslocalvariablesincrementally,likenestedlets makesalist declareslocalvariables looksupmembersinanassociationlist mapsafunctionovermembersofalist,collectingtheresults matchespatternsagainstlistsformatchingagainststrings,seefindandregex findsamemberofalistorstring logicaln o t getsthenthelementofalistorstring logicalo r deletesandreturnsanelementfromalistorstring removesanassociationfromanassociationlist insertsanewelementintoalistorstring quotesanexpression returnsthepositionofanelementinsideanestedlist returnsalistofindexvectorsofelementsinsideanestedlist returnsallbutthefirstelementofalistorstring replaceselementsinsidealistorstring reversesalistorstring rotatesalistorstring selectsandpermuteselementsfromalistorstring AccessesthetargetobjectinsideaFOOPmethod setsthebindingorcontentsofasymbol setscontentsofasymbolorlist,arrayorstringreference searchesforanelementinanestedlistandreplacesit searchesforanelementinanestedlistandreplacesallinstances workslikebeginbutsuppressesconsoleoutputofthereturnvalue extractsasublistorsubstring sortsthemembersofalist checksthebeginningofastringorlistagainstakeyofthesametype swapstwoelementsinsidealistorstring unifiestwoexpressions returnsalistwithoutduplicates returnsauniquelistofelementsfoundintwoormorelists. evaluatesanexpressionconditionally repeatsevaluationofanexpressionuntiltheconditionismet evaluatesablockofstatementsconditionally repeatsevaluationofanexpressionwhiletheconditionistrue

address bigint bits char chop dostring dup endswith encrypt evalstring explode extend find findall first float format getchar getfloat getint getlong getstring int join last lowercase member name nth pack parse pop push regex regexcomp replace rest reverse rotate select setfsetq slice source getsthememoryaddressofanumberorstring convertanumbertobigintegerformat translatesanumberintobinaryrepresentation translatesbetweencharactersandASCIIcodes chopsoffcharactersfromtheendofastring evaluatesonceforeachcharacterinastring duplicatesalistorstringaspecifiednumberoftimes checkstheendofastringorlistagainstakeyofthesametype doesaonetimepadencryptionanddecryptionofastring compiles,thenevaluatesastring transformsastringintoalistofcharacters extendsalistorstring searchesforanelementinalistorstring returnsalistofallpatternmatchesfoundinstring getsthefirstelementinalistorstring translatesastringorintegerintoafloatingpointnumber formatsnumbersandstringsasintheClanguage getsacharacterfromamemoryaddress getsadoublefloatfromamemoryaddress getsa32bitintegerfromamemoryaddress getsalong64bitintegerfromamemoryaddress getsastringfromamemoryaddress translatesastringorfloatintoaninteger joinsalistofstrings returnsthelastelementofalistorstring convertsastringtolowercasecharacters findsalistorstringmember returnsthenameofasymboloritscontextasastring getsthenthelementinalistorstring packsnewLISPexpressionsintoabinarystructure breaksastringintotokens popsfromastring pushesontoastring performsaPerlcompatibleregularexpressionsearch precompilesaregularexpressionpattern replaceselementsinalistorstring getsallbutthefirstelementofalistorstring reversesalistorstring rotatesalistorstring selectsandpermuteselementsfromalistorstring setscontentsofastringreference extractsasubstringorsublist returnsthesourcerequiredtobindasymbolasastring

startswith string sym titlecase trim unicode utf8 utf8len unpack uppercase

checksthestartofthestringorlistagainstakeystringorlist transformsanythingintoastring translatesastringintoasymbol convertsthefirstcharacterofastringtouppercase trimsastringononeorbothsides convertsASCIIorUTF8toUCS4Unicode convertsUCS4UnicodetoUTF8 returnslengthofanUTF8stringinUTF8characters unpacksabinarystructureintonewLISPexpressions convertsastringtouppercasecharacters

abs acos acosh add array arraylist asin asinh atan atanh atan2 beta betai binomial ceil cos cosh crc32 dec div erf exp factor fft floor flt gammai gammaln gcd ifft inc inf? log returnstheabsolutevalueofanumber calculatesthearccosineofanumber calculatestheinversehyperboliccosineofanumber addsfloatingpointorintegernumbersandreturnsafloatingpointnumber createsanarray returnsalistconversionfromanarray calculatesthearcsineofanumber calculatestheinversehyperbolicsineofanumber calculatesthearctangentofanumber calculatestheinversehyperbolictangentofanumber computestheprincipalvalueofthearctangentofY/Xinradians calculatesthebetafunction calculatestheincompletebetafunction calculatesthebinomialfunction roundsuptothenextinteger calculatesthecosineofanumber calculatesthehyperboliccosineofanumber calculatesa32bitCRCforadatabuffer decrementsanumberinavariable,listorarray dividesfloatingpointorintegernumbers calculatestheerrorfunctionofanumber calculatestheexponentialeofanumber factorsanumberintoprimes performsafastFouriertransform(FFT) roundsdowntothenextinteger convertsanumbertoa32bitintegerrepresentingafloat calculatestheincompleteGammafunction calculatesthelogGammafunction calculatesthegreatestcommondivisorofagroupofintegers performsaninversefastFouriertransform(IFFT) incrementsanumberinavariable,listorarray checksifafloatingpointvalueisinfinite calculatesthenaturalorotherlogarithmofanumber

min max mod mul NaN? round pow sequence series sgn sin sinh sqrt sub tan tanh uuid

findsthesmallestvalueinaseriesofvalues findsthelargestvalueinaseriesofvalues calculatesthemodulooftwonumbers multipliesfloatingpointorintegernumbers checksifafloatisNaN(notanumber) roundsanumber calculatesxtothepowerofy generatesalistsequenceofnumbers createsageometricsequenceofnumbers calculatesthesignumfunctionofanumber calculatesthesineofanumber calculatesthehyperbolicsineofanumber calculatesthesquarerootofanumber subtractsfloatingpointorintegernumbers calculatesthetangentofanumber calculatesthehyperbolictangentofanumber returnsaUUID(UniversalUniqueIDentifier)

det invert mat multiply transpose returnsthedeterminantofamatrix returnstheinversionofamatrix performsscalaroperationsonmatrices multipliestwomatrices returnsthetranspositionofamatrix

append array arraylist array? det first invert last mat multiply nth rest setf slice transpose appendsarrays createsandinitializesanarraywithupto16dimensions convertsanarrayintoalist checksifexpressionisanarray returnsthedeterminantofamatrix returnsthefirstrowofanarray returnstheinversionofamatrix returnsthelastrowofanarray performsscalaroperationsonmatrices multipliestwomatrices returnsanelementofanarray returnsallbutthefirstrowofanarray setscontentsofanarrayreference returnsasliceofanarray transposesamatrix


<<,>> & | ^ ~

bitshiftleft,bitshiftright bitwiseand bitwiseinclusiveor bitwiseexclusiveor bitwisenot

atom? array? bigint? context? directory? empty? even? file? float? global? inf? integer? lambda? legal? list? macro? NaN? nil? null? number? odd? protected? primitive? quote? string? symbol? true? zero? checksifanexpressionisanatom checksifanexpressionisanarray checksifanumberisabiginteger checksifanexpressionisacontext checksifadisknodeisadirectory checksifalistorstringisempty checkstheparityofanintegernumber checksifafileexists checksifanexpressionisafloat checksifasymbolisglobal checksifafloatingpointvalueisinfinite checksifanexpressionisaninteger checksifanexpressionisalambdaexpression checksifastringcontainsalegalsymbol checksifanexpressionisalist checksifanexpressionisalambdamacroexpression checksifafloatisNaN(notanumber) checksifanexpressionisn i l checksifanexpressionisn i l ," " ,( ) ,0 or0 . 0 checksifanexpressionisafloatoraninteger checkstheparityofanintegernumber checksifasymbolisprotected checksifanexpressionisaprimitive checksifanexpressionisquoted checksifanexpressionisastring checksifanexpressionisasymbol checksifanexpressionisnotn i l checksifanexpressionis0 or0 . 0

date datelist dateparse datevalue now time convertsadatetimevaluetoastring returnsalistofyear,month,day,hours,minutes,secondsfromatimevalueinseconds parsesadatestringandreturnsthenumberofsecondspassedsinceJanuary1,1970,(formerlyp a r s e d a t e ) calculatesthetimeinsecondssinceJanuary1,1970foradateandtime returnsalistofcurrentdatetimeinformation calculatesthetimeittakestoevaluateanexpressioninmilliseconds



amb bayesquery bayestrain corr critchi2 critf critt critz kmeansquery kmeanstrain normal probchi2 probf probt probz rand random randomize seed stats ttest randomlyselectsanargumentandevaluatesit calculatesBayesianprobabilitiesforadataset countsitemsinlistsforBayesianorfrequencyanalysis calculatestheproductmomentcorrelationcoefficient calculatestheChistatisticforagivenprobability calculatestheFstatisticforagivenprobability calculatestheStudent'ststatisticforagivenprobability calculatesthenormaldistributedZforagivenprobability calculatesdistancestoclustercentroidsorotherdatapoints partitionsadatasetintoclusters makesalistofnormaldistributedfloatingpointnumbers calculatesthetailprobabilityofaChidistributionvalue calculatesthetailprobabilityofaFdistributionvalue calculatesthetailprobabilityofaStudent'stdistributionvalue calculatesthecumulatedprobabilityofaZdistributionvalue generatesrandomnumbersinarange generatesalistofevenlydistributedfloats shufflesalloftheelementsinalist seedstheinternalrandomnumbergenerator calculatessomebasicstatisticsforadatavector comparesmeansofdatasamplesusingtheStudent'ststatistic

endswith find findall match parse ref refall regex replace search startswith unify testsifalistorstringendswithapattern searchesforapatterninalistorstring findsalloccurrencesofapatterninastring matcheslistpatterns breaksastringalongaroundpatterns returnsthepositionofanelementinsideanestedlist returnsalistofindexvectorsofelementsinsideanestedlist findspatternsinastring replacespatternsinastring searchesforapatterninafile testsifalistorstringstartswithapattern performsalogicalunificationofpatterns

fv irr returnsthefuturevalueofaninvestment calculatestheinternalrateofreturn

nper npv pv pmt

calculatesthenumberofperiodsforaninvestment calculatesthenetpresentvalueofaninvestment calculatesthepresentvalueofaninvestment calculatesthepaymentforaloan

appendfile close currentline device exec load open peek print println read readchar readfile readkey readline readutf8 save search seek write writechar writefile writeline appendsdatatoafile closesafile retrievescontentsoflastreadlinebuffer setsorinquiresaboutcurrentprintdevice launchesanotherprogram,thenreadsfromorwritestoit loadsandevaluatesafileofnewLISPcode opensafileforreadingorwriting checksfiledescriptorfornumberofbytesreadyforreading printstotheconsoleoradevice printstotheconsoleoradevicewithalinefeed readsbinarydatafromafile readsan8bitcharacterfromafile readsawholefileinoneoperation readsakeyboardkey readsalinefromtheconsoleorfile readsUTF8characterfromafile savesaworkspace,context,orsymboltoafile searchesafileforastring setsorreadsafileposition writesbinarydatatoafile writesacharactertoafile writesafileinoneoperation writesalinetotheconsoleorafile

! abort destroy exec fork pipe process receive semaphore send share spawn sync shellsouttotheoperatingsystem abortsachildprocessstartedwiths p a w n destroysaprocesscreatedwithf o r k orp r o c e s s runsaprocess,thenreadsfromorwritestoit launchesanewLISPchildprocess createsapipeforinterprocesscommunication launchesachildprocess,remappingstandardI/Oandstandarderror receiveamessagefromanotherprocess createsandcontrolssemaphores sendamessagetoanotherprocess sharesmemorywithotherprocesses launchesachildprocessforCilkprocessmanagement waitsforchildprocesseslaunchedwiths p a w n andcollectsresults



changedir copyfile deletefile directory fileinfo makedir realpath removedir renamefile changestoadifferentdriveanddirectory copiesafile deletesafile returnsalistofdirectoryentries getsfilesize,date,time,andattributes makesanewdirectory returnsthefullpathoftherelativefilepath removesanemptydirectory renamesafileordirectory

base64enc base64dec deleteurl geturl jsonerror jsonparse posturl puturl xferevent xmlerror xmlparse xmltypetags encodesastringintoBASE64format decodesastringfromBASE64format deletesafileorpagefromtheweb readsafileorpagefromtheweb returnserrorinformationfromafailedJSONtranslation. parsesJSONformatteddata postsinfotoaURLaddress uploadsapagetoaURLaddress registersaneventhandlerforHTTPbytetransfers returnslastXMLparseerror parsesanXMLdocument showsormodifiesXMLtypetags

netaccept netclose netconnect neterror neteval netinterface netipv netlisten netlocal netlookup netpacket netpeek netpeer acceptsanewincomingconnection closesasocketconnection connectstoaremotehost returnsthelasterror evaluatesexpressionsonmultipleremotenewLISPservers SetsthedefaultinterfaceIPaddressonmultihomedcomputers. SwitchesbetweenIPv4andIPv6internetprotocolversions. listensforconnectionstoalocalsocket returnsthelocalIPandportnumberforaconnection returnsthenameforanIPnumber sendacustomconfiguredIPpacketoverrawsockets returnsthenumberofcharactersreadytobereadfromanetworksocket returnstheremoteIPandportforanetconnect

netping netreceive netreceivefrom netreceiveudp netselect netsend netsendto netsendudp netservice netsessions

sendsapingpacket(ICMPechorequest)tooneormoreaddresses readsdataonasocketconnection readsaUDPonanopenconnection readsaUDPandclosestheconnection checksasocketorlistofsocketsforstatus sendsdataonasocketconnection sendsaUDPonanopenconnection sendsaUDPandclosestheconnection translatesaservicenameintoaportnumber returnsalistofcurrentlyopenconnections

commandevent errorevent lasterror ostype prefix promptevent readexpr readerevent setlocale source syserror sysinfo term preprocessesthecommandlineandHTTPrequests definesanerrorhandler reportthelasterrornumberandtext containsastringdescribingtheOSplatform Returnsthecontextprefixofasymbol customizestheinteractivenewLISPshellprompt readsandtranslatessexpressionsfromsource preprocessexpressionsbeforeevaluationeventdriven switchestoadifferentlocale returnsthesourcerequiredtobindasymboltoastring reportsOSsystemerrornumbers givesinformationaboutsystemresources returnsthetermpartofasymboloritscontextasastring

$ callback catch context copy debug delete default env exit global import mainargs new prettyprint readexpr reset accessessystemvariables$0>$15 registersacallbackfunctionforanimportedlibrary evaluatesanexpression,catchingerrorsandearlyreturns createsorswitchestoadifferentnamespace copiestheresultofanevaluation debugsauserdefinedfunction deletessymbolsfromthesymboltable returnsthecontentsofadefaultfunctorfromacontext getsorsetstheoperatingsystem'senvironment exitsnewLISP,settingtheexitvalue makesasymbolaccessibleoutsideMAIN importsafunctionfromasharedlibrary getscommandlinearguments createsacopyofacontext changestheprettyprintingcharacteristics translatesastringtoansexpressionwithoutevaluatingit goestothetoplevel

signal sleep sym symbols throw throwerror timer trace tracehighlight

setsasignalhandler suspendsprocessingforspecifiedmilliseconds createsasymbolfromastring returnsalistofallsymbolsinthesystem causesapreviouscatchtoreturn throwsauserdefinederror startsaoneshottimer,firinganevent setsorinquiresabouttracemode setshighlightingstringsintracemode

address callback flt float getchar getfloat getint getlong getstring import int pack struct unpack returnsthememoryaddressofanumberorstring registersacallbackfunctionforanimportedlibrary convertsanumbertoa32bitintegerrepresentingafloat translatesastringorintegerintoafloatingpointnumber getsacharacterfromamemoryaddress getsadoublefloatfromamemoryaddress getsa32bitintegerfromamemoryaddress getsalong64bitintegerfromamemoryaddress getsastringfromamemoryaddress importsafunctionfromasharedlibrary translatesastringorfloatintoaninteger packsnewLISPexpressionsintoabinarystructure DefinesadatastructurewithCtypes unpacksabinarystructureintonewLISPexpressions

commandevent cpymem dump promptevent readexpr readerevent preprocessesthecommandlineandHTTPrequests copiesmemorybetweenaddresses showsmemoryaddressandcontentsofnewLISPcells customizestheinteractivenewLISPshellprompt readsandtranslatessexpressionsfromsource preprocessexpressionsbeforeevaluationeventdriven




Executesthecommandinstrcommandbyshellingouttotheoperatingsystemandexecuting.Thisfunctionreturnsadifferent valuedependingonthehostoperatingsystem.
( !" v i " ) ( !" l sl t r " )

Usetheexecfunctiontoexecuteashellcommandandcapturethestandardoutputortofeedstandardinput.Theprocessfunction maybeusedtolaunchanonblockingchildprocessandredirectstdI/Oandstderrortopipes. OnMsWindowstheoptionalintflagsparametertakesprocesscreationflagsasdefinedfortheWindowsC r e a t e P r o c e s s A functiontocontrolvariousparametersofprocesscreation.Theinclusionofthisparameterwhichalsocanbe0 forcesadifferent creationoftheprocesswithoutacommandshellwindow.ThisparameterisignoredonUnix.

;o nM SW i n d o w s ;c l o s et h ec o n s o l eo ft h ec u r r e n t l yr u n n i n gn e w L I S Pp r o c e s s ( a p p l y( i m p o r t" k e r n e l 3 2 "" F r e e C o n s o l e " ) ) ;s t a r ta n o t h e rp r o c e s sa n dw a i tf o ri tt of i n i s h ( !" n o t e p a d . e x e "0 ) ( e x i t )

Withouttheadditionalparameter,the! callwouldcreateanewcommandwindowreplacingtheclosedone. Notethat! (exclamationmark)canbealsobeusedasacommandlineshelloperatorbyomittingtheparenthesisandspaceafterthe ! :

>! l sl t r ;e x e c u t e di nt h en e w L I S Ps h e l lw i n d o w

Usedinthisway,the! operatorisnotanewLISPfunctionatall,butratheraspecialfeatureofthenewLISPcommandshell.The! mustbeenteredasthefirstcharacteronthecommandline.

syntax:($intidx) Thefunctionsthatuseregularexpressions(directory,endswith,find,parse,regex,search,startswithandreplace)allbindtheir resultstothepredefinedsystemvariables$ 0 ,$ 1 ,$ 2 $ 1 5 afterorduringthefunction'sexecution.Systemvariablescanbetreatedthe sameasanyothersymbol.Asanalternative,thecontentsofthesevariablesmayalsobeaccessedbyusing( $0 ) ,( $1 ) ,( $2 ) , etc.Thismethodallowsindexedaccess(i.e.,( $i ) ,wherei isaninteger).
( s e t' s t r " h t t p : / / n e w l i s p . o r g : 8 0 " ) ( f i n d" h t t p : / / ( . * ) : ( . * ) "s t r0 ) 0 $ 0 " h t t p : / / n e w l i s p . o r g : 8 0 " $ 1 " n e w l i s p . o r g " $ 2 " 8 0 " ( $0 ) " h t t p : / / n e w l i s p . o r g : 8 0 " ( $1 ) " n e w l i s p . o r g " ( $2 ) " 8 0 "


Returnsthesumofallnumbersinint1. syntax:(int1[int2...]) Subtractsint2fromint1,thenthenextintifromthepreviousresult.Ifonlyoneargumentisgiven,itssignisreversed. syntax:(*int1[int2...]) Theproductiscalculatedforint1tointi. syntax:(/int1[int2...]) Eachresultisdividedsuccessivelyuntiltheendofthelistisreached.Divisionbyzerocausesanerror. syntax:(%int1[int2...]) Eachresultisdividedsuccessivelybythenextint,thentherest(modulooperation)isreturned.Divisionbyzerocausesanerror.For floatingpointnumbers,usethemodfunction.
( +12345 ) ( +12( -52 )8 ) ( -1 0321 ) ( -( *34 )612 ) ( -1 2 3 ) ( m a p-' ( 1 02 03 0 ) ) ( *123 ) ( *1 0( -82 ) ) ( /1 23 ) ( /1 2 032 02 ) ( %1 03 ) ( %1 03 ) ( +1 . 23 . 9 ) 1 5 1 4 4 3 1 2 3 ( 1 02 03 0 ) 6 6 0 4 1 1 1 4

Floatingpointvaluesinargumentsto+ ,,* ,/ ,and% aretruncatedtotheintegervalueclosestto0 (zero). Floatingpointvalueslargerorsmallerthanthemaximum(9 , 2 2 3 , 3 7 2 , 0 3 6 , 8 5 4 , 7 7 5 , 8 0 7 )orminimum (9 , 2 2 3 , 3 7 2 , 0 3 6 , 8 5 4 , 7 7 5 , 8 0 8 )integervaluesaretruncatedtothosevalues.Thisincludesthevaluesfor+ I n f andI n f . Calculationsresultinginvalueslargerthan9 , 2 2 3 , 3 7 2 , 0 3 6 , 8 5 4 , 7 7 5 , 8 0 7 orsmallerthan9 , 2 2 3 , 3 7 2 , 0 3 6 , 8 5 4 , 7 7 5 , 8 0 8 wrap aroundfrompositivetonegativeornegativetopositive. FloatingpointvaluesthatevaluatetoN a N (NotaNumber),artreatedas0 (zero).

syntax:(++place[num...]) The+ + operatorworkslikeinc,butperformsintegerarithmetic.Withouttheoptionalargumentinnum,+ + incrementsthenumberin placeby1 . Iffloatingpointnumbersarepassedasarguments,theirfractionalpartgetstruncatedfirst. Calculationsresultinginnumbersgreaterthan9,223,372,036,854,775,807wraparoundtonegativenumbers.Resultssmallerthan 9,223,372,036,854,775,808wraparoundtopositivenumbers. placeiseitherasymboloraplaceinaliststructureholdinganumber,oranumberreturnedbyanexpression.

( s e t' x1 ) ( + +x ) 2 ( s e t' x3 . 8 ) ( + +x ) 4 ( + +x1 . 3 ) 5 ( s e t' l s t' ( 123 ) ) ( + +( l s t1 )2 ) ) 4 l s t ( 143 )

Ifthesymbolforplacecontainsn i l ,itistreatedasifcontaining0 . Seefordecrementingnumbersinintegermode.Seeincforincrementingnumbersinfloatingpointmode.

syntax:(place[num...]) Theoperatorworkslikedec,butperformsintegerarithmetic.Withouttheoptionalargumentinnum2,decrementsthe numberinplaceby1 . Iffloatingpointnumbersarepassedasarguments,theirfractionalpartgetstruncatedfirst. Calculationsresultinginnumbersgreaterthan9,223,372,036,854,775,807wraparoundtonegativenumbers.Resultssmallerthan 9,223,372,036,854,775,808wraparoundtopositivenumbers. placeiseitherasymboloraplaceinaliststructureholdinganumber,oranumberreturnedbyanexpression.
( s e t' x1 ) ( -x ) 0 ( s e t' x3 . 8 ) ( -x ) 2 ( -x1 . 3 ) 1 ( s e t' l s t' ( 123 ) ) ( -( l s t1 )2 ) ) 0 l s t ( 103 )

Ifthesymbolforplacecontainsn i l ,itistreatedasifcontaining0 . See++forincrementingnumbersinintegermode.Seedecfordecrementingnumbersinfloatingpointmode.

syntax:(<exp1[exp2...]) syntax:(>exp1[exp2...]) syntax:(=exp1[exp2...]) syntax:(<=exp1[exp2...]) syntax:(>=exp1[exp2...]) syntax:(!=exp1[exp2...]) Expressionsareevaluatedandtheresultsarecomparedsuccessively.Aslongasthecomparisonsconformtothecomparison operators,evaluationandcomparisonwillcontinueuntilallargumentsaretestedandtheresultist r u e .Assoonasonecomparison fails,n i l isreturned. Ifonlyoneargumentissupplied,allcomparisonoperatorsassume0 (zero)asasecondargument.Thiscanbeusedtocheckifa

numberisnegative,positive,zeroornotzero. Alltypesofexpressionscanbecompared:atoms,numbers,symbols,andstrings.Listexpressionscanalsobecompared(list elementsarecomparedrecursively). Whencomparinglists,elementsatthebeginningofthelistareconsideredmoresignificantthantheelementsfollowing(similarto charactersinastring).Whencomparinglistsofdifferentlengthsbutequalelements,thelongerlistisconsideredgreater(see examples). Inmixedtypeexpressions,thetypesarecomparedfromlowesttohighest.Floatsandintegersarecomparedbyfirstconvertingthem totheneededtype,thencomparingthemasnumbers. Atoms:nil,true,integerorfloat,string,symbol,primitive Lists:quotedlist/expression,list/expression,lambda,lambdamacro
( <3589 ) t r u e ( >4236 ) n i l ( <" a "" c "" d " ) t r u e ( > =d u b aa b a ) t r u e ( <' ( 34 )' ( 15 ) ) n i l ( >' ( 123 )' ( 12 ) ) t r u e ( =' ( 578 )' ( 578 ) ) t r u e ( ! =14373 ) t r u e ( <1 . 26" H e l l o "' a n y' ( 123 ) ) ( <n i lt r u e ) ( <' ( ( ( ab ) ) )' ( ( ( bc ) ) ) ) ( <' ( ( a( bc ) )' ( a( bd ) )' ( a( b( d ) ) ) ) ) ;w i t hs i n g l ea r g u m e n tc o m p a r e sa g a i n s t0 ( >1 ) t r u e;c h e c k sf o rp o s i t i v e ( >1 ) n i l;c h e c k sf o rn e g a t i v e ( =1 2 3 ) n i l;c h e c k sf o rz e r o ( m a p>' ( 134312 ) ) ( t r u et r u en i ln i lt r u et r u e )

t r u e t r u e t r u e t r u e

syntax:(<<int1int2[int3...]) syntax:(>>int1int2[int3...]) syntax:(<<int1) syntax:(>>int1) Thenumberint1isarithmeticallyshiftedtotheleftorrightbythenumberofbitsgivenasint2,thenshiftedbyint3andsoon.For example,64bitintegersmaybeshiftedupto63positions.Whenshiftingright,themostsignificantbitisduplicated(arithmetic shift):
( > >0 x 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 ) 0 x C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;n o t0 x 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 !

( < <13 ) ( < <121 ) ( > >1 0 2 41 0 ) ( > >1 6 022 ) ( < <3 ) ( > >8 )

8 8 1 1 0 6 4

Whenint1istheonlyargument< < and> > shiftbyonebit.

syntax:(&int1int2[int3...]) Abitwisea n d operationisperformedonthenumberinint1withthenumberinint2,thensuccessivelywithint3,etc.
( &0 x A A B B0 x 0 0 0 F ) 1 1 ;w h i c hi s0 x B

syntax:(|int1int2[int3...]) Abitwiseo r operationisperformedonthenumberinint1withthenumberinint2,thensuccessivelywithint3,etc.
( |0 x 1 00 x 8 021 ) 1 4 7

syntax:(^int1int2[int3...]) Abitwisex o r operationisperformedonthenumberinint1withthenumberinint2,thensuccessivelywithint3,etc.
( ^0 x A A0 x 5 5 ) 2 5 5

syntax:(~int) Abitwisen o t operationisperformedonthenumberinint,reversingallofthebits.
( f o r m a t" % X "( ~0 x F F F F F F A A ) ) " 5 5 " ( ~0 x F F F F F F F F ) 0

syntax:(:symfunctionlistobject[...]) Thecolonisusednotonlyasasyntacticseparatorbetweennamespaceprefixandtheterminsidebutalsoasanoperator.When usedasanoperator,thecolon: constructsacontextsymbolfromthecontextnameintheobjectlistandthesymbolfollowingthe colon.Theobjectlistinlistobjectcanbefollowedbyotherparameters. The: operatorimplementspolymorphismofobjectmethods,whicharepartofdifferentobjectclassesrepresentedbycontexts (namespaces).InnewLISP,anobjectisrepresentedbyalist,thefirstelementofwhichisthesymbol(name)ofitsclasscontext.

Theclasscontextimplementsthefunctionsapplicabletotheobject.Nospaceisrequiredbetweenthecolonandthesymbol followingit.
( d e f i n e( R e c t a n g l e : a r e a ) ( m u l( s e l f3 )( s e l f4 ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : a r e a ) ( m u l( p o w( s e l f3 )2 )( a c o s0 )2 ) ) ( d e f i n e( R e c t a n g l e : m o v ed xd y ) ( i n c( s e l f1 )d x ) ( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) ) ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : m o v epd xd y ) ( i n c( s e l f1 )d x )( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) ) ( s e t' m y r e c t' ( R e c t a n g l e551 02 0 ) );xyw i d t hh e i g h t ( s e t' m y c i r c l e' ( C i r c l e121 0 ) );xyr a d i u s ; ;u s i n gt h e:( c o l o n )o p e r a t o rt or e s o l v et oas p e c i f i cc o n t e x t ( : a r e am y r e c t ) ( : a r e am y c i r c l e ) 2 0 0 3 1 4 . 1 5 9 2 6 5 4

; ;m a pc l a s sm e t h o d su s e sc u r r yt oe n c l o s et h ec o l o no p e r a t o ra n dc l a s sf u n c t i o n ( m a p( c u r r y: a r e a )( l i s tm y r e c tm y c i r c l e ) )( 2 0 03 1 4 . 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 ) ( m a p( c u r r y: a r e a )' ( ( R e c t a n g l e551 02 0 )( C i r c l e121 0 ) ) )( 2 0 03 1 4 . 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 ) ; ;c h a n g eo b j e c ta t t r i b u t e su s i n gaf u n c t i o na n dr e a s s i g n i n g ; ;t ot h eo b j e c t sn a m e ( : m o v em y r e c t23 ) m y r e c t ( R e c t a n g l e781 02 0 ) ( : m o v em y c i r c l e45 ) m y c i r c l e( C i r c l e571 0 )


syntax:(abortintpid) syntax:(abort) Inthefirstform,a b o r t abortsaspecificchildprocessofthecurrentparentprocessgivingtheprocessidinintpid.Theprocessmust havebeenstartedusingspawn.Forprocessesstartedusingfork,usedestroyinstead. Thefunctiona b o r t isnotavailableonWin32.
( a b o r t2 2 4 5 ) t r u e

Toabortallchildprocessesspawnedfromthecurrentprocessusea b o r t withoutanyparameters:
( a b o r t ) t r u e;a b o r ta l l

Thefunctiona b o r t ispartoftheCilkAPIforsynchronizingchildprocessesandprocessparallelization.Seethereferenceforthe functionspawnforafulldiscussionoftheCilkAPI.

syntax:(absnum) Returnstheabsolutevalueofthenumberinnum.
( a b s3 . 5 ) 3 . 5

syntax:(acosnumradians) Thearccosinefunctioniscalculatedfromthenumberinnumradians.
( a c o s1 ) 0 ( c o s( a c o s1 ) )1

syntax:(acoshnumradians) Calculatestheinversehyperboliccosineofnumradians,thevaluewhosehyperboliccosineisnumradians.Ifnumradiansisless than1,a c o s h returnsN a N .
( a c o s h2 ) 1 . 3 1 6 9 5 7 8 9 7 ( c o s h( a c o s h2 ) )2 ( a c o s h0 . 5 )N a N

syntax:(addnum1[num2...]) Allofthenumbersinnum1,num2,andonaresummed.a d d acceptsfloatorintegeroperands,butitalwaysreturnsafloatingpoint number.AnyfloatingpointcalculationwithN a N alsoreturnsN a N .
( a d d23 . 2 59 ) 1 4 . 2 5 ( a d d12345 ) 1 5

syntax:(addressint) syntax:(addressfloat) syntax:(addressstr) Returnsthememoryaddressoftheintegerinint,thedoublefloatingpointnumberinfloat,orthestringinstr.Thisfunctionisused

( s e t' s" \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 \ 0 0 3 \ 0 0 4 " ) ( g e t c h a r( +( a d d r e s ss )3 ) ) 4

( s e t' x1 2 3 4 5 );xi sa6 4 b i tl o n gi n t ;o nab i g e n d i a nC P U ,i . e .P P Co rS P A R C ( g e t l o n g( a d d r e s sx ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 ;t h e3 2 b i ti n ti si nh i g h3 2 b i tp a r to ft h el o n gi n t ( g e t i n t( +( a d d r e s sx )4 ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 ;o nal i t t l e e n d i a nC P U ,i . e .I n t e li 3 8 6 ;t h e3 2 b i ti n ti si nt h el o w3 2 b i tp a r to ft h el o n gi n t ( g e t i n t( a d d r e s sx ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 ;o nb o t ha r c h i t e c t u r e s( i n t e g e r sa r e6 4b i ti nn e w L I S P ) ( s e t' x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ) ( g e t l o n g( a d d r e s sx ) ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

WhenastringispassedtoClibraryfunctiontheaddressofthestringisusedautomatically,anditisnotnecessarytousethe a d d r e s s functioninthatcase.Astheexampleshows,a d d r e s s canbeusedtodopointerarithmeticonthestring'saddress.

a d d r e s s shouldonlybeusedonpersistentaddressesfromdataobjectsreferredtobyavariablesymbol,notfromvolatile

intermediateexpressionobjects. Seealsothegetchar,getint,getlongandgetfloatfunctions.

syntax:(ambexp1[exp2...]) Oneoftheexpressionsexp1...nisselectedatrandom,andtheevaluationresultisreturned.
( a m b' a' b' c' d' e ) o n eo f :a ,b ,c ,d ,o rea tr a n d o m ( d o t i m e s( x1 0 )( p r i n t( a m b357 ) ) ) 3 5 7 7 7 5 3 5 7 5 5

Internally,newLISPusesthesamefunctionasrandtopickarandomnumber.Togeneraterandomfloatingpointnumbers,use random,randomize,ornormal.Toinitializethepseudorandomnumbergeneratingprocessataspecificstartingpoint,usetheseed function.

syntax:(andexp1[exp2...]) Theexpressionsexp1,exp2,etc.areevaluatedinorder,returningtheresultofthelastexpression.Ifanyoftheexpressionsyield n i l ortheemptylist( ) ,evaluationisterminatedandn i l ortheemptylist( ) isreturned.
( s e t' x1 0 ) ( a n d( <x1 0 0 )( >x2 ) ) ( a n d( <x1 0 0 )( >x2 )" p a s s e d " ) ( a n d' ( ) ) ( a n dt r u e ) ( a n d ) 1 0 t r u e " p a s s e d " ( ) t r u e t r u e

syntax:(appendlist1[list2...]) syntax:(appendarray1[array2...]) syntax:(appendstr1[str2...]) Inthefirstform,a p p e n d workswithlists,appendinglist1throughlistntoformanewlist.Theoriginallistsareleftunchanged.
( a p p e n d' ( 123 )' ( 456 )' ( ab ) ) ( 123456ab ) ( s e t' a L i s t' ( " h e l l o "" w o r l d " ) ) ( a p p e n da L i s t' ( " h e r e "" Ia m " ) ) ( " h e l l o "" w o r l d " ) ( " h e l l o "" w o r l d "" h e r e "" Ia m " )

Inthesecondforma p p e n d worksonarrays:
( s e t' A( a r r a y32( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) ) ( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 ) ) ( s e t' B( a r r a y22( s e q u e n c e71 0 ) ) ) ( ( 78 )( 91 0 ) ) ( a p p e n dAB ) ( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 )( 78 )( 91 0 ) ) ( a p p e n dBBB ) ( ( 78 )( 91 0 )( 78 )( 91 0 )( 78 )( 91 0 ) )

Inthethirdform,a p p e n d worksonstrings.Thestringsinstrnareconcatenatedintoanewstringandreturned.
( s e t' m o r e"h o wa r ey o u " ) "h o wa r ey o u "

( a p p e n d" H e l l o"" w o r l d , "m o r e ) " H e l l ow o r l d ,h o wa r ey o u " a p p e n d isalsosuitableforprocessingbinarystringscontainingzeroes.Thestringfunctionwouldcutoffstringsatzerobytes.

Linkagecharactersorstringscanbespecifiedusingthejoinfunction.Usethestringfunctiontoconvertargumentstostringsand appendinonestep. Usethefunctionsextendandpushtoappendtoanexistinglistorstringmodifyingthetarget.

syntax:(appendfilestrfilenamestrbuffer) Workssimilarlytowritefile,butthecontentinstrbufferisappendedifthefileinstrfilenameexists.Ifthefiledoesnotexist,itis created(inthiscase,a p p e n d f i l e worksidenticallytowritefile).Thisfunctionreturnsthenumberofbyteswritten. Onfailurethefunctionreturnsn i l .Forerrorinformation,usesyserrorwhenusedonfiles.WhenusedonURLsneterrorgives moreerrorinformation.
( w r i t e f i l e" m y f i l e . t x t "" A B C " ) ( a p p e n d f i l e" m y f i l e . t x t "" D E F " ) ( r e a d f i l e" m y f i l e . t x t " ) " A B C D E F " a p p e n d f i l e cantakeah t t p : / / orf i l e : / / URLinstrfilename.Incaseoftheh t t p : / / prefix,a p p e n d f i l e worksexactly

likeputurlwith" P r a g m a :a p p e n d \ r \ n " intheheaderoptionandcantakethesameadditionalparameters.The" P r a g m a : a p p e n d \ r \ n " optionissuppliedautomatically.

( a p p e n d f i l e" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / m e s s a g e . t x t "" M o r em e s s a g et e x t . " )

Thefilem e s s a g e . t x t isappendedataremotelocationh t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m withthecontentsofstrbuffer.Ifthefiledoesnotyet exist,itwillbecreated.Inthismode,a p p e n d f i l e canalsobeusedtotransferfilestoremotenewLISPservernodes. Seealsoreadfileandwritefile.

syntax:(applyfunclist[intreduce]) Appliesthecontentsoffunc(primitive,userdefinedfunction,orlambdaexpression)totheargumentsinlist.
( a p p l y+' ( 1234 ) ) ( s e t' a L i s t' ( 345 ) ) ( a p p l y*a L i s t ) ( a p p l ys q r t' ( 2 5 ) ) ( a p p l y( l a m b d a( xy )( *xy ) )' ( 34 ) ) 1 0 ( 345 ) 6 0 5 1 2

Theintreduceparametercanoptionallycontainthenumberofargumentstakenbythefunctioninfunc.Inthiscase,funcwillbe repeatedlyappliedusingthepreviousresultasthefirstargumentandtakingtheotherargumentsrequiredsuccessivelyfromlist(in leftassociativeorder).Forexample,ifo p takestwoarguments,then:

( a p p l yo p' ( 12345 )2 ) ; ;i se q u i v a l e n tt o ( o p( o p( o p( o p12 )3 )4 )5 ) ; ;f i n dt h eg r e a t e s tc o m m o nd i v i s o r ; ;o ft w oo rm o r ei n t e g e r s ; ;n o t et h a tn e w L I S Pa l r e a d yh a sag c df u n c t i o n ( d e f i n e( g c d _ab ) ( l e t( r( %ba ) ) ( i f( =r0 )a( g c d _ra ) ) ) ) ( d e f i n e m a c r o( m y g c d ) ( a p p l yg c d _( a r g s )2 ) ) ( m y g c d1 21 86 ) 6 ( m y g c d1 21 864 ) 2

Thelastexampleshowshowa p p l y 'sreducefunctionalitycanbeusedtoconvertatwoargumentfunctionintoonethattakes multiplearguments.Note,thatabuiltingcdisavailable.

a p p l y shouldonlybeusedonfunctionsandoperatorsthatevaluatealloftheirarguments,notonspecialformslikedotimesorcase,


syntax:(args) syntax:(argsintidx1[intidx2...])

Accessesalistofallunboundargumentspassedtothecurrentlyevaluatingdefine,definemacrolambda,orlambdamacro expression.Onlytheargumentsofthecurrentfunctionormacrothatremainafterlocalvariablebindinghasoccurredareavailable. Thea r g s functionisusefulfordefiningfunctionsormacroswithavariablenumberofparameters.

a r g s canbeusedtodefinehygienicmacrosthatavoidthedangerofvariablecapture.Seedefinemacro. ( d e f i n e m a c r o( p r i n t l i n e ) ( d o l i s t( x( a r g s ) ) ( p r i n tx" \ n " ) ) ) ( p r i n t l i n e" h e l l o "" W o r l d " )

Thisexampleprintsalinefeedaftereachargument.Themacromimicstheeffectofthebuiltinfunctionprintln. Inthesecondsyntax,a r g s cantakeoneormoreindices(intidxn).

( d e f i n e m a c r o( f o o ) ( p r i n t( a r g s2 )( a r g s1 )( a r g s0 ) ) ) ( f o oxyz ) z y x ( d e f i n e( b a r ) ( a r g s021 ) ) ( b a r' ( 12( 34 ) ) ) 4

Thefunctionf o o printsouttheargumentsinreverseorder.Theb a r functionshowsa r g s beingusedwithmultipleindicestoaccess nestedlists. Rememberthat( a r g s ) onlycontainstheargumentsnotalreadyboundtolocalvariablesofthecurrentfunctionormacro:

( d e f i n e( f o oab )( a r g s ) ) ( f o o12 ) ( )

( f o o12345 ) ( 345 )

Inthefirstexample,anemptylistisreturnedbecausetheargumentsareboundtothetwolocalsymbols,a andb .Thesecond exampledemonstratesthat,afterthefirsttwoargumentsarebound(asinthefirstexample),threeargumentsremainandarethen returnedbya r g s .

( a r g s ) canbeusedasanargumenttoabuiltinoruserdefinedfunctioncall,butitshouldnotbeusedasanargumenttoanother

macro,inwhichcase( a r g s ) wouldnotbeevaluatedandwouldthereforehavethewrongcontentsinthenewmacroenvironment.

syntax:(arrayintn1[intn2...][listinit]) Createsanarraywithintn1elements,optionallyinitializingitwiththecontentsoflistinit.Uptosixteendimensionsmaybe specifiedformultidimensionalarrays. Internally,newLISPbuildsmultidimensionalarraysbyusingarraysastheelementsofanarray.newLISParraysshouldbeused wheneverrandomindexingintoalargelistbecomestooslow.Notalllistfunctionsmaybeusedonarrays.Foramoredetailed discussion,seethechapteronarrays.
( a r r a y5 ) ( n i ln i ln i ln i ln i l )

( a r r a y5( s e q u e n c e1 5 ) ) ( 12345 ) ( a r r a y1 0' ( 12 ) ) ( 1212121212 )

Arrayscanbeinitializedwithobjectsofanytype.Iffewerinitializersthanelementsareprovided,thelistisrepeateduntilall elementsofthearrayareinitialized.
( s e t' m y a r r a y( a r r a y34( s e q u e n c e11 2 ) ) ) ( ( 1234 )( 5678 )( 91 01 11 2 ) )

( s e t f( m y a r r a y23 )9 9 )9 9 ) m y a r r a y( ( 1234 )( 5678 )( 91 01 19 9 ) ) ( s e t f( m y a r r a y11 )" h e l l o " ) " h e l l o " m y a r r a y( ( 1234 )( 5" h e l l o "78 )( 91 01 19 9 ) ) ( s e t f( m y a r r a y1 )' ( abcd ) )( abcd ) m y a r r a y( ( 1234 )( abcd )( 91 01 19 9 ) ) ( n t h1m y a r r a y ) ( abcd ) ;a c c e s saw h o l er o w

; ;u s ei m p l i c i ti n d e x i n ga n ds l i c i n go na r r a y s ( m y a r r a y1 ) ( abcd )

( m y a r r a y01 ) 4 ( 2m y a r r a y ) ( ( 91 01 19 9 ) )

( 32m y a r r a y ) ( ( 1234 )( abcd ) )

Caremustbetakentouseanarraywhenreplacingawholerow. arraylistcanbeusedtoconvertarraysbackintolists:
( a r r a y l i s tm y a r r a y ) ( ( 1234 )( abcd )( 1239 9 ) )

( s e t' a L i s t' ( ( 12 )( 34 ) ) ) ( ( 12 )( 34 ) )

( s e t' a A r r a y( a r r a y22( f l a ta L i s t ) ) ) ( ( 12 )( 34 ) )

( a r r a y ?m y a r r a y ) t r u e

( a r r a y ?( a r r a y l i s tm y a r r a y ) ) n i l

Whenserializingarraysusingthefunctionsourceorsave,thegeneratedcodeincludesthea r r a y statementnecessarytocreatethem. Thisway,variablescontainingarraysarecorrectlyserializedwhensavingwithsaveorcreatingsourcestringsusingsource.

( s e t' m y a r r a y( a r r a y34( s e q u e n c e11 2 ) ) ) ( s a v e" a r r a y . l s p "' m y a r r a y ) ; ;c o n t e n t so ff i l ea r r a y l s p; ; ( s e t' m y a r r a y( a r r a y34( f l a t' ( ( 1234 ) ( 5678 ) ( 91 01 11 2 ) ) ) ) )


syntax:(arraylistarray) Returnsalistconversionfromarray,leavingtheoriginalarrayunchanged:
( s e t' m y a r r a y( a r r a y34( s e q u e n c e11 2 ) ) ) ( ( 1234 )( 5678 )( 91 01 11 2 ) ) ( s e t' m y l i s t( a r r a y l i s tm y a r r a y ) ) ( ( 1234 )( 5678 )( 91 01 11 2 ) ) ( l i s t( a r r a y ?m y a r r a y )( l i s t ?m y l i s t ) ) ( t r u et r u e )

syntax:(array?exp) Checksifexpisanarray:
( s e t' M( a r r a y34( s e q u e n c e14 ) ) ) ( ( 1234 )( 1234 )( 1234 ) ) ) ( a r r a y ?M ) t r u e

( a r r a y ?( a r r a y l i s tM ) ) n i l

syntax:(asinnumradians) Calculatesthearcsinefunctionfromthenumberinnumradiansandreturnstheresult.
( a s i n1 ) 1 . 5 7 0 7 9 6 3 2 7 ( s i n( a s i n1 ) )1

syntax:(asinhnumradians) Calculatestheinversehyperbolicsineofnumradians,thevaluewhosehyperbolicsineisnumradians.
( a s i n h2 ) 1 . 4 4 3 6 3 5 4 7 5 ( s i n h( a s i n h2 ) ) 2

syntax:(assocexpkeylistalist) syntax:(assoclistexpkeylistalist)

Inthefirstsyntaxthevalueofexpkeyisusedtosearchlistalistforamemberlistwhosefirstelementmatchesthekeyvalue.If found,thememberlistisreturnedotherwise,theresultwillben i l .
( a s s o c1' ( ( 34 )( 12 ) ) ) ( 12 ) ( s e t' d a t a' ( ( a p p l e s1 2 3 )( b a n a n a s1 2 34 5 )( p e a r s7 ) ) ) ( a s s o c' b a n a n a sd a t a ) ( b a n a n a s1 2 34 5 ) ( a s s o c' o r a n g e sd a t a ) n i l

Togetherwithsetfa s s o c canbeusedtochangeanassociation.
( s e t f( a s s o c' p e a r sd a t a )' ( p e a r s8 ) ) d a t a ( ( a p p l e s1 2 3 )( b a n a n a s1 2 34 5 )( p e a r s8 ) )

( s e t' p e r s o n s' ( ( i d 0 0 1( n a m e" A n n e " )( a d d r e s s( c o u n t r y" U S A " )( c i t y" N e wY o r k " ) ) ) ( i d 0 0 2( n a m e" J e a n " )( a d d r e s s( c o u n t r y" F r a n c e " )( c i t y" P a r i s " ) ) ) ) ) ( a s s o c' ( i d 0 0 1a d d r e s s )p e r s o n s )( a d d r e s s( c o u n t r y" U S A " )( c i t y" N e wY o r k " ) ) ( a s s o c' ( i d 0 0 1a d d r e s sc i t y )p e r s o n s )( c i t y" N e wY o r k " )

ThelistinlistaListcanbeacontextwhichwillbeinterpretedasitsdefaultfunctor.Thiswayverybiglistscanbepassedby referenceforspeedieraccessandlessmemoryusage:
( s e t' p e r s o n s : p e r s o n s' ( ( i d 0 0 1( n a m e" A n n e " )( a d d r e s s( c o u n t r y" U S A " )( c i t y" N e wY o r k " ) ) ) ( i d 0 0 2( n a m e" J e a n " )( a d d r e s s( c o u n t r y" F r a n c e " )( c i t y" P a r i s " ) ) ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( g e t c i t yd bi d ) ( l a s t( a s s o c( l i s ti d' a d d r e s s' c i t y )d b) ) ) ( g e t c i t yp e r s o n s' i d 0 0 1 )" N e wY o r k "

Formakingreplacementsinassociationlists,usethesetftogetherwiththea s s o c function.Thelookupfunctionisusedtoperform associationlookupandelementextractioninonestep.

syntax:(atannumradians) Thearctangentofnumradiansiscalculatedandreturned.
( a t a n1 ) 0 . 7 8 5 3 9 8 1 6 3 4 ( t a n( a t a n1 ) ) 1

syntax:(atan2numYradiansnumXradians) Thea t a n 2 functioncomputestheprincipalvalueofthearctangentofY/Xinradians.Itusesthesignsofbothargumentsto determinethequadrantofthereturnvalue.a t a n 2 isusefulforconvertingCartesiancoordinatesintopolarcoordinates.

( a t a n 211 ) ( d i v( a c o s0 )( a t a n 211 ) ) ( a t a n 201 ) ( =( a t a n 212 )( a t a n( d i v12 ) ) )

0 . 7 8 5 3 9 8 1 6 3 4 2 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 t r u e

syntax:(atanhnumradians) Calculatestheinversehyperbolictangentofnumradians,thevaluewhosehyperbolictangentisnumradians.Iftheabsolutevalue ofnumradiansisgreaterthan1,a t a n h returnsN a N ifitisequalto1,a t a n h returnsinfinity.
( a t a n h0 . 5 )0 . 5 4 9 3 0 6 1 4 4 3 ( t a n h( a t a n h0 . 5 ) )0 . 5 ( a t a n h1 . 1 )N a N ( a t a n h1 )i n f

syntax:(atom?exp) Returnst r u e ifthevalueofexpisanatom,otherwisen i l .Anexpressionisanatomifitevaluatestonil,true,aninteger,afloat,a string,asymboloraprimitive.Lists,lambdaorlambdamacroexpressions,andquotedexpressionsarenotatoms.
( a t o m ?' ( 123 ) ) n i l ( a n d( a t o m ?1 2 3 ) ( a t o m ?" h e l l o " ) ( a t o m ?' f o o ) ) t r u e ( a t o m ?' ' f o o ) n i l

syntax:(base64decstr) TheBASE64stringinstrisdecoded.NotethatstrisnotverifiedtobeavalidBASE64string.Thedecodedstringisreturned.
( b a s e 6 4 d e c" S G V s b G 8 g V 2 9 y b G Q = " ) " H e l l oW o r l d "

Forencoding,usethebase64encfunction. newLISP'sBASE64handlingisderivedfromroutinesfoundintheUnixcurlutilityandconformstotheRFC4648standard.

syntax:(base64encstr[boolflag]) ThestringinstrisencodedintoBASE64format.Thisformatencodesgroupsof3*8=24inputbitsinto4*8=32outputbits, whereeach8bitoutputgrouprepresents6bitsfromtheinputstring.The6bitsareencodedinto64possibilitiesfromthelettersA

Zandazthenumbers09andthecharacters+(plussign)and/(slash).The=(equalssign)isusedasafillerinunused3to4 bytetranslations.Thisfunctionishelpfulforconvertingbinarycontentintoprintablecharacters. Withouttheoptionalboolflagparametertheemptystring" " isencodedinto" = = = = " .Ifboolflagevaluatestot r u e ,theempty string" " istranslatedinto" " .Bothtranslationsresultin" " whenusingbase64dec. Theencodedstringisreturned. BASE64encodingisusedwithmanyInternetprotocolstoencodebinarydataforinclusionintextbasedmessages(e.g.,XML RPC).
( b a s e 6 4 e n c" H e l l oW o r l d " ) " S G V s b G 8 g V 2 9 y b G Q = " ( b a s e 6 4 e n c" " ) ( b a s e 6 4 e n c" "t r u e ) " = = = = " " "

Notethatb a s e 6 4 e n c doesnotinsertcarriagereturn/linefeedpairsinlongerBASE64sequencesbutinsteadreturnsapure BASE64encodedstring. Fordecoding,usethebase64decfunction. newLISP'sBASE64handlingisderivedfromroutinesfoundintheUnixcurlutilityandconformstotheRFC4648standard.

syntax:(bayesquerylistLcontextD[boolchain[boolprobs]]) Takesalistoftokens(listL)andatraineddictionary(contextD)andreturnsalistofthecombinedprobabilitiesofthetokensinone category(AorMc)versusacategory(B)againstallothercategories(Mi).AlltokensinlistLshouldoccurincontextD.When usingthedefaultR.A.FisherChimode,nonexistenttokenswillskewresultstowardequalprobabilityinallcategories. NonexistingtokenswillnothaveanyinfluenceontheresultwhenusingthetrueChainBayesianmodewithboolchainsetto t r u e .Theoptionallastflag,boolprobs,indicateswhetherfrequenciesorprobabilityvaluesareusedinthedataset.Thebayestrain functionistypicallyusedtogenerateadataset'sfrequencies. Tokenscanbestringsorsymbols.Ifstringsareused,theyareprependedwithanunderscorebeforebeinglookedupincontextD.If bayestrainwasusedtogeneratecontextD'sfrequencies,theunderscorewasautomaticallyprependedduringthelearningprocess. Dependingontheflagspecifiedinboolprobs,bayesqueryemployseithertheR.A.FisherChimethodofcompounding probabilitiesortheChainBayesianmethod.Bydefault,whennoflagorn i l isspecifiedinboolprobs,theChimethodof compoundingprobabilitiesisused.Whenspecifyingt r u e inboolprobs,theChainBayesianmethodisused. IftheR.A.FisherChimethodisused,thetotalnumberoftokensinthedifferenttrainingset'scategoriesshouldbeequalorsimilar. Unevenfrequenciesincategorieswillskewtheresults. FortwocategoriesAandB,b a y e s q u e r y usesthefollowingformula: p(A|tkn)=p(tkn|A)*p(A)/(p(tkn|A)*p(A)+p(tkn|B)*p(B)) ForNcategories,theformulacanbegeneralizedto: p(Mc|tkn)=p(tkn|Mc)*p(Mc)/sumiN(p(tkn|Mi)*p(Mi)) Theprobabilities(p(Mi)orp(A),alongwithp(B))representtheBayesianpriorprobabilities.p(Mc|tkn)andp(A|tkn)arethe posteriorBayesianprobabilitiesofacategoryormodel.ThisnaiveBayesformuladoesnortakeintoaccountdependenciesbetween differentcategories.

Priorsarehandleddifferently,dependingonwhethertheR.A.FisherChiortheChainBayesianmethodisused.InChainBayesian mode,posteriorsfromonetokencalculationgetthepriorsinthenextcalculation.InthedefaultR.A.Fishermethod,priorsarenot passedonviachaining,butprobabilitiesarecompoundedusingtheChimethod. InChainBayesmode,tokenswithzerofrequencyinonecategorywilleffectivelyputtheprobabilityofthatcategoryto0(zero). Thisalsocausesallposteriorpriorstobesetto0andthecategorytobecompletelysuppressedintheresult.Queriesresultinginzero probabilitiesforallcategoriesyieldNaNvalues. ThedefaultR.A.FisherChimethodislesssensitiveaboutzerofrequenciesandstillmaintainsalowprobabilityforthattoken.This maybeanimportantfeatureinnaturallanguageprocessingwhenusingBayesianstatistics.Imaginethatfivedifferentlanguage corpuscategorieshavebeentrained,butsomewordsoccurringinonecategoryarenotpresentinanother.WhenthepureChain Bayesianmethodisused,asentencecouldneverbeclassifiedintoitscorrectcategorybecausethezerocountofjustoneword tokencouldeffectivelyexcludeitfromthecategorytowhichitbelongs. Ontheotherhand,theChainBayesianmethodoffersexactresultsforspecificproportionsinthedata.WhenusingChainBayesian modefornaturallanguagedata,allzerofrequenciesshouldberemovedfromthetraineddictionaryfirst. Thereturnvalueofb a y e s q u e r y isalistofprobabilityvalues,oneforeachcategory.Followingaretwoexamples:thefirstforthe defaultR.A.Fishermode,thesecondforadatasetprocessedwiththeChainBayesianmethod. Previoustoversion10.3.0thelistofprobabilityvaluesreturnedinFisherChimodewasnormalizedbydividingeachvaluebythe sumofthewholelist.Thisnormalizationhasbeendroppedinversion10.3.0.

Inthefollowingexample,thetwodatasetsarebooksfromProjectGutenberg.Weassumethatdifferentauthorsusecertainwords withdifferentfrequenciesandwanttodetermineifasentenceismorelikelytooccurinoneortheotherauthor'swriting.Asimilar methodisfrequentlyusedtodifferentiatebetweenspamandlegitimateemail.
; ;f r o mP r o j e c tG u t e n b e r g :h t t p : / / w w w . g u t e n b e r g . o r g / c a t a l o g / ; ;T h eA d v e n t u r e so fS h e r l o c kH o l m e s-S i rA r t h u rC o n a nD o y l e ( b a y e s t r a i n( p a r s e( l o w e r c a s e( r e a d f i l e" D o y l e . t x t " ) ) " [ ^ a z ] + "0 )' ( )' D o y l e D o w s o n ) ; ;AC o m e d yo fM a s k s-E r n e s tD o w s o na n dA r t h u rM o o r e ( b a y e s t r a i n' ( )( p a r s e( l o w e r c a s e( r e a d f i l e" D o w s o n . t x t " ) ) " [ ^ a z ] + "0 )' D o y l e D o w s o n ) ( s a v e" D o y l e D o w s o n . l s p "' D o y l e D o w s o n )

Thetwotrainingsetsareloaded,splitintotokens,andprocessedbythebayestrainfunction.Intheend,theD o y l e D o w s o n dictionaryissavedtoafile,whichwillbeusedlaterwiththeb a y e s q u e r y function. Thefollowingcodeillustrateshowb a y e s q u e r y isusedtoclassifyasentenceasDoyleorDowson:

( l o a d" D o y l e D o w s o n . l s p " ) ( b a y e s q u e r y( p a r s e" h ew a sp u t t i n gt h el a s tt o u c h e st oap i c t u r e " ) ' D o y l e D o w s o n ) ( 0 . 9 6 2 4 9 6 3 4 6 90 . 0 3 7 5 0 3 6 5 3 1 ) ( b a y e s q u e r y( p a r s e" i m m e n s ef a c u l t i e sa n de x t r a o r d i n a r yp o w e r so fo b s e r v a t i o n " ) ' D o y l e D o w s o n ) ( 0 . 0 1 4 7 7 4 1 8 1 7 80 . 9 8 5 2 2 5 8 1 8 2 )



ThesecondexampleisfrequentlyfoundinintroductoryliteratureonBayesianstatistics.ItshowstheChainBayesianmethodof usingb a y e s q u e r y onthedataofapreviouslyprocesseddataset:

( s e t' D a t a : t e s t p o s i t i v e' ( 81 8 ) ) ( s e t' D a t a : t e s t n e g a t i v e' ( 27 2 ) ) ( s e t' D a t a : t o t a l' ( 1 09 0 ) )

Adiseaseoccursin10percentofthepopulation.Abloodtestdevelopedtodetectthisdiseaseproducesafalsepositiverateof20 percentinthehealthypopulationandafalsenegativerateof20percentinthesick.Whatistheprobabilityofapersoncarryingthe diseaseaftertestingpositive?

( b a y e s q u e r y' ( t e s t p o s i t i v e )D a t at r u e ) ( 0 . 3 0 7 6 9 2 3 0 7 70 . 6 9 2 3 0 7 6 9 2 3 ) ( b a y e s q u e r y' ( t e s t p o s i t i v et e s t p o s i t i v e )D a t at r u e ) ( 0 . 6 40 . 3 6 ) ( b a y e s q u e r y' ( t e s t p o s i t i v et e s t p o s i t i v et e s t p o s i t i v e )D a t at r u e ) ( 0 . 8 7 6 7 1 2 3 2 8 80 . 1 2 3 2 8 7 6 7 1 2 )

NotethattheBayesianformulasusedassumestatisticalindependenceofeventsfortheb a y e s q u e r y toworkcorrectly. Theexampleshowsthatapersonmusttestpositiveseveraltimesbeforetheycanbeconfidentlyclassifiedassick. CalculatingthesameexampleusingtheR.A.FisherChimethodwillgivelessdistinguishedresults.

Often,dataisalreadyavailableasprobabilityvaluesandwouldrequireadditionalworktoreversethemintofrequencies.Inthelast example,thedatawereoriginallydefinedaspercentages.Theadditionaloptionalboolprobsflagallowsprobabilitiestobeentered directlyandshouldbeusedtogetherwiththeChainBayesianmodeformaximumperformance:
( s e t' D a t a : t e s t p o s i t i v e' ( 0 . 80 . 2 ) ) ( s e t' D a t a : t e s t n e g a t i v e' ( 0 . 20 . 8 ) ) ( s e t' D a t a : t o t a l' ( 0 . 10 . 9 ) ) ( b a y e s q u e r y' ( t e s t p o s i t i v e )D a t at r u et r u e ) ( 0 . 3 0 7 6 9 2 3 0 7 70 . 6 9 2 3 0 7 6 9 2 3 ) ( b a y e s q u e r y' ( t e s t p o s i t i v et e s t p o s i t i v e )D a t at r u et r u e ) ( 0 . 6 40 . 3 6 ) ( b a y e s q u e r y' ( t e s t p o s i t i v et e s t p o s i t i v et e s t p o s i t i v e )D a t at r u et r u e ) ( 0 . 8 7 6 7 1 2 3 2 8 80 . 1 2 3 2 8 7 6 7 1 2 )


syntax:(bayestrainlistM1[listM2...]symcontextD) Takesoneormorelistsoftokens(M1,M2)fromajointsetoftokens.InnewLISP,tokenscanbesymbolsorstrings(otherdata typesareignored).TokensareplacedinacommondictionaryinsymcontextD,andthefrequencyiscountedforeachtokenin eachcategoryMi.Ifthecontextdoesnotyetexist,itmustbequoted. TheMcategoriesrepresentdatamodelsforwhichsequencesoftokenscanbeclassified(seebayesquery).EachtokeninDisa contentaddressablesymbolcontainingalistofthefrequenciesforthistokenwithineachcategory.Stringtokensareprependedwith an_ (underscore)beforebeingconvertedintosymbols.Asymbolnamedt o t a l iscreatedcontainingthetotalofeachcategory.The

t o t a l symbolcannotbepartofthesymbolspassedasanMicategory.

( b a y e s t r a i n' ( AABCC )' ( ABBCCC )' L ) ( 56 ) L : A L : B L : C L : t o t a l ( 21 ) ( 12 ) ( 23 ) ( 56 )

( b a y e s t r a i n' ( " o n e "" t w o "" t w o "" t h r e e " ) ' ( " t h r e e "" o n e "" t h r e e " ) ' ( " o n e "" t w o "" t h r e e " )' S ) ( 433 ) S : _ o n e S : _ t w o S : _ t h r e e S : t o t a l ( 111 ) ( 201 ) ( 121 ) ( 433 )

Thefirstexampleshowstrainingwithtwolistsofsymbols.Thesecondexampleillustrateshowan_ isprependedwhentraining withstrings.

b a y e s t r a i n createssymbolsfromstringsprependinganunderscorecharacter.Thisisthesamewayhashesarecreatedand

contextspopulateswithsymbolsbyb a y e s t r a i n canbeusedlikehashes:
;u s eab a y e s t r a i n e dc o n t e x tn a m e s p a c el i k eah a s hd i c t i o n a r y ( S" t w o " ) ( 201 ) ( S" t h r e e " )( 121 ) ( S )( ( " o n e "( 111 ) )( " t h r e e "( 121 ) )( " t w o "( 201 ) ) )

Notethattheseexamplesarejustfordemonstrationpurposes.Inreality,trainingsetsmaycontainthousandsormillionsofwords, especiallywhentrainingnaturallanguagemodels.Butsmalldatasetsmaybeusedwhenthefrequencyofsymbolsjustdescribe alreadyknownproportions.Inthiscase,itmaybebettertodescribethemodeldatasetexplicitly,withouttheb a y e s t r a i n function:

( s e t' D a t a : t e s t e d p o s i t i v e' ( 81 8 ) ) ( s e t' D a t a : t e s t e d n e g a t i v e' ( 27 2 ) ) ( s e t' D a t a : t o t a l' ( 1 09 0 ) )

Thelastdataarefromapopularexampleusedtodescribethebayesqueryfunctioninintroductorypapersandbooksaboutbayesian networks. Trainingcanbedoneindifferentstagesbyusingb a y e s t r a i n onanexistingtrainedcontextwiththesamenumberofcategories. Thenewsymbolswillbeadded,thencountsandtotalswillbecorrectlyupdated. Traininginmultiplebatchesmaybenecessaryonbigtextcorporaordocumentsthatmustbetokenizedfirst.Thesecorporacanbe tokenizedinsmallportions,thenfedintob a y e s t r a i n inmultiplestages.Categoriescanalsobesingularlytrainedbyspecifyingan emptylistfortheabsentcorpus:

( b a y e s t r a i ns h a k e s p e a r e 1' ( )' d a t a ) ( b a y e s t r a i ns h a k e s p e a r e 2' ( )' d a t a ) ( b a y e s t r a i n' ( )h e m i n g w a y 1' d a t a ) ( b a y e s t r a i n' ( )h e m i n g w a y 2' d a t a ) ( b a y e s t r a i ns h a k e p e a r e r e s th e m i n g w a y r e s t' d a t a ) b a y e s t r a i n willcorrectlyupdatewordcountsandtotals.

Usingb a y e s t r a i n insideacontextotherthanM A I N requiresthetrainingcontextstohavebeencreatedpreviouslywithintheM A I N contextviathecontextfunction.

b a y e s t r a i n isnotonlyusefulwiththebayesqueryfunction,butalsoasafunctionforcountingingeneral.Forinstance,the



syntax:(beginbody) Theb e g i n functionisusedtogroupablockofexpressions.Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedinsequence,andthevalueofthe lastexpressioninbodyisreturned.
( b e g i n ( p r i n t" T h i si sab l o c ko f2e x p r e s s i o n s \ n " ) ( p r i n t" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " ) )

Somebuiltinfunctionslikecond,define,doargs,dolist,dostring,dotimes,whenandwhilealreadyallowmultipleexpressionsin theirbodies,butb e g i n isoftenusedinanifexpression. Thesilentfunctionworkslikeb e g i n ,butsuppressesconsoleoutputonreturn.

syntax:(betacumanumb) TheBetafunction,b e t a ,isderivedfromthelogGammag a m m a l n functionasfollows: beta=exp(gammaln(a)+gammaln(b)gammaln(a+b))
( b e t a12 ) 0 . 5

syntax:(betainumxnumanumb) TheIncompleteBetafunction,b e t a i ,equalsthecumulativeprobabilityoftheBetadistribution,b e t a i ,atxinnumx.The cumulativebinomialdistributionisdefinedastheprobabilityofanevent,pev,withprobabilityptooccurkormoretimesinNtrials: pev=Betai(p,k,Nk+1)
( b e t a i0 . 538 ) 0 . 9 4 5 3 1 2 5

Theexamplecalculatestheprobabilityforaneventwithaprobabilityof0.5tooccur3ormoretimesin10trials(8=103+1). TheincompleteBetadistributioncanbeusedtoderiveavarietyofotherfunctionsinmathematicsandstatistics.Seealsothe binomialfunction.


syntax:(bigintstring) Afloatingpointorintegernumbergetsconvertedtobigintegerformat.Whenconvertingfromfloatingpoint,roundingerrorsoccur goingbackandforthbetweendecimalandbinaryarithmetic. Astringargumentgetsparsedtoanumberandconvertedtoabiginteger.

( b i g i n t1 2 3 4 5 ) 1 2 3 4 5 L

( b i g i n t1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 e 3 0 )1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 7 3 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L ( s e t' n u m5 6 7 8 9 0 ) ( b i g i n tn u m ) ( b i g i n t" 5 4 3 2 1 " ) ( b i g i n t" 1 2 3 . 4 5 " ) ( b i g i n t" 1 2 3 h e l l o " ) 5 6 7 8 9 0 L 5 4 3 2 1 L 1 2 3 L 1 2 3 L


syntax:(bigint?number) Checkifanumberisformattedasabiginteger.
( s e t' x1 2 3 4 5 ) ( s e t' y1 2 3 4 5 L ) ( s e t' z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ) ( s e t' p1 . 2 3 4 5 e 2 0 ) ( s e t' q( b i g i n tp ) ) ( b i g i n t ?x ) ( b i g i n t ?y ) ( b i g i n t ?z ) ( b i g i n t ?p ) ( b i g i n t ?q ) n i l t r u e t r u e n i l t r u e


syntax:(bindlistvariableassociations[booleval]) listvariableassociationscontainsanassociationlistofsymbolsandtheirvalues.b i n d setsallsymbolstotheirassociatedvalues. Theassociatedvaluesareevaluatediftheboolevalflagist r u e :
( s e t' l s t' ( ( a( +34 ) )( b" h e l l o " ) ) ) ( b i n dl s t ) a b ( +34 ) " h e l l o " " h e l l o " " h e l l o "

( b i n dl s tt r u e ) a 7

b i n d isoftenusedtobindassociationlistsreturnedbyunify. ( b i n d( u n i f y' ( pXYa )' ( pYXX ) ) ) X Y a a a

( s e t' s t r u c t u r e' ( ( o n e" t w o " )3( f o u r( xyz ) ) ) ) ( s e t' p a t t e r n' ( ( AB )C( DE ) ) ) ( b i n d( u n i f yp a t t e r ns t r u c t u r e ) ) Ao n e B" t w o " C3 Df o u r E( xyz )

unifyreturnsanassociationlistandb i n d bindstheassociations.

syntax:(binomialintnintkfloatp) Thebinomialdistributionfunctionisdefinedastheprobabilityforaneventtooccurintktimesinintntrialsifthateventhasa probabilityoffloatpandalltrialsareindependentofoneanother: binomial=pow(p,k)*pow(1.0p,nk)*n!/(k!*(nk)!) wherex!isthefactorialofxandpow(x,y)isxraisedtothepowerofy.

( b i n o m i a l1 030 . 5 ) 0 . 1 1 7 1 8 7 5

Theexamplecalculatestheprobabilityforaneventwithaprobabilityof0.5tooccur3timesin10trials.Foracumulated distribution,seethebetaifunction.

syntax:(bitsint[bool]) Transformsanumberininttoastringof1'sand0'soralist,ifboolevaluatestoanythingnotn i l . Instringrepresentationbitsareinhightoloworder.Inlistpresentation1'sand0'sarerepresentedast r u e andn i l andinorder fromthelowesttothehighestbit.Thisallowsdirectindexingandprogramcontrolswitchingontheresult.
( b i t s1 2 3 4 ) " 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 "

( i n t( b i t s1 2 3 4 )02 )1 2 3 4 ( b i t s1 2 3 4t r u e ) ( n i lt r u en i ln i lt r u en i lt r u et r u en i ln i lt r u e )

( ( b i t s1 2 3 4t r u e )0 )n i l;i n d e x i n go ft h er e s u l t

intwithabaseof2istheinversefunctiontob i t s .

syntax:(callbackintindexsymfunction) syntax:(callbacksymfunctionstrreturntype[str_param_type...]) syntax:(callbacksymfunction) Inthefirstsimplec a l l b a c k syntaxuptosixteen(0to15)callbackfunctionsforuptoeightparameterscanberegisteredwith importedlibraries.Thec a l l b a c k functionreturnsaprocedureaddressthatinvokesauserdefinedfunctioninsymfunction.The followingexampleshowstheusageofcallbackfunctionswhenimportingtheOpenGLgraphicslibrary: Ifmorethansixteencallbackfunctionsarerequired,slotsmustbereassignedtoadifferentcallbackfunction.
. . . ( d e f i n e( d r a w ) ( g l C l e a rG L _ C O L O R _ B U F F E R _ B I T) ( g l R o t a t e dr o t x0 . 01 . 00 . 0 ) ( g l R o t a t e dr o t y1 . 00 . 00 . 0 ) ( g l u t W i r e T e a p o t0 . 5 ) ( g l u t S w a p B u f f e r s ) ) ( d e f i n e( k e y b o a r dk e yxy ) ( i f( =( &k e y0 x F F )2 7 )( e x i t ) );e x i tp r o g r a mw i t hE S C ( p r i n t l n" k e y : "( &k e y0 x F F )"x : "x "y : "y ) ) ( d e f i n e( m o u s eb u t t o ns t a t exy ) ( i f( =s t a t e0 ) ( g l u t I d l e F u n c0 );s t o pr o t a t i o no nb u t t o np r e s s ( g l u t I d l e F u n c( c a l l b a c k4' r o t a t i o n ) ) ) ( p r i n t l n" b u t t o n :"b u t t o n"s t a t e : "s t a t e"x : "x"y : "y ) ) ( g l u t D i s p l a y F u n c( c a l l b a c k0' d r a w ) ) ( g l u t K e y b o a r d F u n c( c a l l b a c k1' k e y b o a r d ) ) ( g l u t M o u s e F u n c( c a l l b a c k2' m o u s e ) ) . . .

Theaddressreturnedbyc a l l b a c k isregisteredwiththeGlutlibrary.Theabovecodeisasnippetfromthefileo p e n g l d e m o . l s p , inthee x a m p l e s / directoryofthesourcedistributionofnewLISPandcanalsobedownloadedfrom Inthesecondextendedc a l l b a c k syntaxtypespecifiersareusedtodescribethefunctionsreturnandparametervaluetypeswhen thefunctioniscalled.Anunlimitednumberofcallbackfunctionscanberegisteredwiththesecondsyntax,andreturnvaluesare passedbacktothecallingfunction.ThesymbolinsymfunctioncontainsanewLISPdefinedfunctionusedasacallbackfunction callablefromaCprogram. Inthethirdsyntaxc a l l b a c k returnsapreviouslyreturnedCcallableaddressforthatsymbol. Whilethefirstsimplec a l l b a c k syntaxonlyhandlesintegersandpointervalues,c a l l b a c k intheexpandedsyntaxcanalsohandle simpleanddoubleprecisionfloatingpointnumberspassedinanoutofthec a l l b a c k function. Boththesimpleandextendedsyntaxcanbemixedinsidethesameprogram. Thefollowingexampleshowstheimportoftheq s o r t Clibraryfunction,whichtakesasoneofit'sargumentstheaddressofa comparisonfunction.ThecomparisonfunctioninthiscaseiswritteninnewLISPandcalledintobytheimportedq s o r t function:
;Cv o i dq s o r t ( . . . )t a k e sa ni n t e g e ra r r a yw i t hn u m b e ra n dw i d t h ;o fa r r a ye l e m e n t sa n dap o i n t e rt ot h ec o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o n ( i m p o r t" l i b c . d y l i b "" q s o r t "" v o i d "" v o i d * "" i n t "" i n t "" v o i d * " ) ( s e t' r l i s t' ( 2312443303 ) )

;p a c kt h el i s ti n t oa nCr e a d a b l e3 2 b i ti n t e g e ra r r a y ( s e t' c a r r a y( p a c k( d u p" l d"1 0 )r l i s t ) ) ;t h ec o m p a r i s o nc a l l b a c kf u n c t i o nr e c e i v e sp o i n t e r st oi n t e g e r s ( d e f i n e( c m pab ) ( -( g e t i n ta )( g e t i n tb ) ) ) ;g e n e r a t eaCc a l l a b l ea d d r e s sf o rc m p ( s e t' f u n c( c a l l b a c k' c m p" i n t "" v o i d * "" v o i d * " ) ) ;s o r tt h ec a r r a y ( q s o r tc a r r a y1 04f u n c ) ;u n p a c kt h es o r t e da r r a yi n t oaL I S Pl i s t ( u n p a c k( d u p" l d "1 0 )c a r r a y ) ( 0122333344 )

Astypespecifiersthesamestringtagscanbeusedasintheimportfunction.Allpointertypesarepassedasnumbersinandoutof thec a l l b a c k function.Thefunctionsgetchar,getint,getlongandgetstringcanbeusedtoextractnumbersofdifferentprecision fromparameters.Usepackandunpacktoextractdatafrombinarybuffersandstructures. NotethatnewLISPasalreadyafastbuiltinsortfunction.

syntax:(caseexpswitch(exp1body1)[(exp2body2)...]) Theresultofevaluatingexpswitchiscomparedtoeachoftheunevaluatedexpressionsexp1,exp2,.Ifamatchisfound,the correspondingexpressionsinbodyareevaluated.Theresultofthelastbodyexpressionisreturnedastheresultfortheentirec a s e expression.
( d e f i n e( t r a n s l a t en ) ( c a s en ( 1" o n e " ) ( 2" t w o " ) ( 3" t h r e e " ) ( 4" f o u r " ) ( t r u e" C a n ' tt r a n s l a t et h i s " ) ) ) ( t r a n s l a t e3 ) " t h r e e " ( t r a n s l a t e1 0 ) " C a n ' tt r a n s l a t et h i s "

Theexampleshowshow,ifnomatchisfound,thelastexpressioninthebodyofac a s e functioncanbeevaluated.

syntax:(catchexp) syntax:(catchexpsymbol) Inthefirstsyntax,c a t c h willreturntheresultoftheevaluationofexportheevaluatedargumentofathrowexecutedduringthe evaluationofexp:
( c a t c h( d o t i m e s( x1 0 0 0 ) ( i f( =x5 0 0 )( t h r o wx ) ) ) ) 5 0 0

( d e f i n e( f o ox )

( i fc o n d i t i o n( t h r o w1 2 3 ) ) 4 5 6 ) ; ;i fc o n d i t i o ni st r u e ( c a t c h( f o op ) ) 1 2 3 ; ;i fc o n d i t i o ni sn o tt r u e ( c a t c h( f o op ) ) 4 5 6

Inthesecondsyntax,c a t c h evaluatestheexpressionexp,storestheresultinsymbol,andreturnst r u e .Ifanerroroccursduring evaluation,c a t c h returnsn i l andstorestheerrormessageinsymbol.Thisformcanbeusefulwhenerrorsareexpectedasanormal potentialoutcomeofafunctionandaredealtwithduringprogramexecution.

( c a t c h( f u n c34 )' r e s u l t ) n i l r e s u l t " E R R :i n v a l i df u n c t i o ni nf u n c t i o nc a t c h:( f u n c34 ) " ( c o n s t a n t' f u n c+ ) +< 4 0 6 8 A 6 > ( c a t c h( f u n c34 )' r e s u l t ) t r u e r e s u l t 7

Whenathrowisexecutedduringtheevaluationofexp,c a t c h willreturnt r u e ,andthet h r o w argumentwillbestoredinsymbol:

( c a t c h( d o t i m e s( x1 0 0 ) ( i f( =x5 0 )( t h r o w" f i n " ) )' r e s u l t ) t r u e r e s u l t " f i n "

Aswellasbeingusedforearlyreturnsfromfunctionsandforbreakingoutofiterationloops(asinthefirstsyntax),thesecond syntaxofc a t c h canalsobeusedtocatcherrors.Thethrowerrorfunctionmaybeusedtothrowuserdefinederrors.

syntax:(ceilnumber) Returnsthenexthighestintegerabovenumberasafloatingpoint.
( c e i l1 . 5 ) 1 ( c e i l3 . 4 ) 4


syntax:(changedirstrpath) Changesthecurrentdirectorytobetheonegiveninstrpath.Ifsuccessful,t r u e isreturnedotherwisen i l isreturned.
( c h a n g e d i r" / e t c " )

Makes/ e t c thecurrentdirectory.

syntax:(charstr[intindex[true]]) syntax:(charint) Givenastringargument,extractsthecharacteratintindexfromstr,returningeithertheASCIIvalueofthatcharacterorthe UnicodevalueonUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP. Ifintindexisomitted,0(zero)isassumed.Ifintidxisfollowedbyabooleant r u e value,thantheindextreatsstrasan8bitbyte arrayinsteadofanarrayofmultibyteUTF8characters. Theemptystringreturnsn i l .Both( c h a r0 ) and( c h a rn i l ) willreturn" \ 0 0 0 " . SeeIndexingelementsofstringsandlists. Givenanintegerargument,c h a r returnsastringcontainingtheASCIIcharacterwithvalueint. OnUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP,thevalueinintistakenasUnicodeandaUTF8characterisreturned.
( c h a r" A B C " ) ( c h a r" A B C "1 ) ( c h a r" A B C "1 ) ( c h a r" B " ) ( c h a r" " ) ( c h a r" "1t r u e ) ( c h a r6 5 ) " A " ( c h a r6 6 ) " B " ( c h a r( c h a r6 5 ) ) 6 5 ;t w oi n v e r s ea p p l i c a t i o n s 6 5 ;A S C I Ic o d ef o r" A " 6 6 ;A S C I Ic o d ef o r" B " 6 7 ;A S C I Ic o d ef o r" C " 6 6 ;A S C I Ic o d ef o r" B " 9 3 7;U T F 8c o d ef o r" " 1 6 9;b y t ev a l u ea to f f s e t1

( m a pc h a r( s e q u e n c e12 5 5 ) ) ;r e t u r n sc u r r e n tc h a r a c t e rs e t ;T h eZ e no fU T F 8 ( c h a r( &( c h a r" " )( c h a r" " ) ) ) ;b y@ k o s h _ b o t

syntax:(chopstr[intchars]) syntax:(choplist[intelements]) Ifthefirstargumentevaluatestoastring,c h o p returnsacopyofstrwiththelastintcharcharactersomitted.Iftheintcharargument isabsent,onecharacterisomitted.c h o p doesnotalterstr. Ifthefirstargumentevaluatestoalist,acopyoflistisreturnedwithintelementsomitted(sameasforstrings).
( s e t' s t r" n e w L I S P " ) " n e w L I S P " ( c h o ps t r ) " n e w L I S " ( c h o ps t r2 ) " n e w L I " s t r " n e w L I S P " ( s e t' l s t' ( ab( cd )e ) ) ( c h o pl s t ) ( ab( cd ) ) ( c h o pl s t2 ) ( ab ) l s t ( ab( cd )e )

syntax:(cleanexppredicatelist) Thepredicateexppredicateisappliedtoeachelementoflist.Inthereturnedlist,allelementsforwhichexppredicateist r u e are eliminated.
c l e a n workslikefilterwithanegatedpredicate. ( c l e a ns y m b o l ?' ( 12d4fg5h ) ) ( 1245 )

( f i l t e rs y m b o l ?' ( 12d4fg5h ) ) ( dfgh ) ( d e f i n e( b i g ?x )( >x5 ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( >x5 ) )

( c l e a nb i g ?' ( 11 036451 1 ) ) ( 1345 ) ( c l e a n< =' ( 3460230 ) ) ( 342 ) ( c l e a n( c u r r ym a t c h' ( a* ) )' ( ( a1 0 )( b5 )( a3 )( c8 )( a9 ) ) ) ( ( b5 )( c8 ) )

Thepredicatemaybeabuiltinpredicateorauserdefinedfunctionorlambdaexpression. Forcleaningnumbersfromonelistusingnumbersfromanother,usedifferenceorintersect(withthelistmodeoption). Seealsotherelatedfunctionindex,whichreturnstheindicesoftheremainingelements,andfilter,whichreturnsallelementsfor whichapredicatereturnstrue.

syntax:(closeintfile) Closesthefilespecifiedbythefilehandleinintfile.Thehandlewouldhavebeenobtainedfromapreviousopenoperation.If successful,c l o s e returnst r u e otherwisen i l isreturned.
( c l o s e( d e v i c e ) ) t r u e ( c l o s e7 ) t r u e ( c l o s ea H a n d l e ) t r u e

Notethatusingc l o s e ondeviceautomaticallyresetsitto0(zero,thescreendevice).

syntax:(commandeventsymeventhandler|funceventhandler) SpecifiesauserdefinedfunctionforpreprocessingthenewLISPcommandlinebeforeitgetsevaluated.Thiscanbeusedtowrite customizedinteractivenewLISPshellsandtotransformHTTPrequestswhenrunninginservermode.
c o m m a n d e v e n t takeseitherasymbolofauserdefinedfunctionoralambdafunction.Theeventhandlerfunctionmustreturna


Toonlyforceaprompt,thefunctionshouldreturntheemptystring" " . ThefollowingexamplemakesthenewLISPshellworklikeanormalUnixshellwhenthecommandstartswithaletter.Butstarting thelinewithanopenparenthesisoraspaceinitiatesanewLISPevaluation.

( c o m m a n d e v e n t( f n( s ) ( i f( s t a r t s w i t hs" [ a z A Z ] "0 )( a p p e n d" ! "s )s ) ) )

SeealsotherelatedprompteventwhichcanbeusedforfurthercustomizinginteractivemodebymodifyingthenewLISPprompt. ThefollowingprogramcanbeusedeitherstandaloneorincludedinnewLISP'si n i t . l s p startupfile:

# ! / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p ;s e tt h ep r o m p tt ot h ec u r r e n td i r e c t o r yn a m e ( p r o m p t e v e n t( f n( c t x )( a p p e n d( r e a l p a t h )" >" ) ) ) ;p r e p r o c e s st h ec o m m a n d l i n e ( c o m m a n d e v e n t( f n( s ) ( i f ( s t a r t s w i t hs" c d " ) ( s t r i n g""( t r u e ?( c h a n g e d i r( l a s t( p a r s es"" ) ) ) ) ) ( s t a r t s w i t hs" [ a z A Z ] "0 ) ( a p p e n d" ! "s ) t r u es ) ) )

InthedefinitionofthecommandlinetranslationfunctiontheUnixcommandc d getsaspecialtreatment,tomakesurethatthe directoryischangedfornewLISPprocesstoo.Thiswaywhenshellingoutwith! andcomingback,newLISPwillmaintainthe changeddirectory. CommandlinesfornewLISPmuststarteitherwithaspaceoranopeningparenthesis.Unixcommandsmuststartatthebeginning oftheline. WhennewLISPisrunninginservermodeeitherusingthec orh t t p option,itreceivesHTTPrequestssimilartothefollowing:
G E T/ i n d e x . h t m l

G E T/ i n d e x . c g i ? u s e r i d = j o e & p a s s w o r d = s e c r e t

Afunctionspecifiedbyc o m m a n d e v e n t couldfilterandtransformtheserequestlines,e.g.:discoveringallqueriestryingtoperform CGIusingafileendingin. e x e .Sucharequestwouldbetranslatedintoarequestforanerrorpage:

; ;h t t p d c o n f . l s p ; ; ; ;f i l t e ra n dt r a n s l a t eH T T Pr e q u e s t sf o rn e w L I S P ; ;co rh t t ps e r v e rm o d e s ; ;r e j e c tq u e r yc o m m a n d su s i n gC G Iw i t h. e x ef i l e s ( c o m m a n d e v e n t( f n( s ) ( l e t( r e q u e s ts ) ( w h e n( f i n d" ? "s );i st h i saq u e r y ( s e t' r e q u e s t( f i r s t( p a r s es" ? " ) ) ) ;d i s c o v e ri l l e g a le x t e n s i o ni nq u e r i e s ( w h e n( e n d s w i t hr e q u e s t" . e x e " ) ( s e t' r e q u e s t" G E T/ e r r o r p a g e . h t m l " ) )) r e q u e s t ) ) )

Whenstartingtheservermodewithn e w l i s ph t t p d c o n f . l s pcd 8 0w. / h t t p d o c newLISPwillloadthedefinitionfor c o m m a n d e v e n t forfilteringincomingrequests,andthequery:

G E T/ c m d . e x e ? d i r


G E T/ e r r o r p a g e . h t m l

TheexampleshowsatechniquefrequentlyusedinthepastbyspammersonWin32based,badconfiguredwebserverstogain controloverservers.
h t t p d c o n f . l s p filescaneasilybedebuggedloadingthefileintoaninteractivenewLISPsessionandenteringtheHTTPrequests

manually.newLISPwilltranslatethecommandlineanddispatchittothebuiltinwebserver.Theserveroutputwillappearinthe shellwindow. Note,thatthecommandlinelengthaswellasthelinelengthinHTTPheadersislimitedto512charactersfornewLISP.

syntax:(cond(expcondition1body1)[(expcondition2body2)...]) Likei f ,c o n d conditionallyevaluatestheexpressionswithinitsbody.Theexpconditionsareevaluatedinturn,untilsomeexp conditioniisfoundthatevaluatestoanythingotherthann i l oranemptylist( ) .Theresultofevaluatingbodyiisthenreturnedas theresultoftheentirecondexpression.Ifallconditionsevaluateton i l oranemptylist,condreturnsthevalueofthelastcond expression.
( d e f i n e( c l a s s i f yx ) ( c o n d ( ( <x0 )" n e g a t i v e " ) ( ( <x1 0 )" s m a l l " ) ( ( <x2 0 )" m e d i u m " ) ( ( > =x3 0 )" b i g " ) ) ) ( c l a s s i f y1 5 ) ( c l a s s i f y2 2 ) ( c l a s s i f y1 0 0 ) ( c l a s s i f y1 0 ) " m e d i u m " " n i l " " b i g " " n e g a t i v e "

Whenabodynismissing,thevalueofthelastcondexpressionevaluatedisreturned.Ifnoconditionevaluatestot r u e ,thevalueof thelastconditionalexpressionisreturned(i.e.,n i l oranemptylist).

( c o n d( ( +34 ) ) ) 7

Whenusedwithmultiplearguments,thefunctionifbehaveslikec o n d ,exceptitdoesnotneedextraparenthesestoenclosethe conditionbodypairofexpressions.

syntax:(consexp1exp2) Ifexp2evaluatestoalist,thenalistisreturnedwiththeresultofevaluatingexp1insertedasthefirstelement.Ifexp2evaluatesto anythingotherthanalist,theresultsofevaluatingexp1andexp2arereturnedinalist.Notethatthereisnodottedpairin newLISP:consingtwoatomsconstructsalist,notadottedpair.
( c o n s' a' b ) ( c o n s' a' ( bc ) ) ( c o n s( +34 )( *55 ) ) ( c o n s' ( 12 )' ( 34 ) ) ( c o n sn i l1 ) ( c o n s1n i l ) ( c o n s1 ) ( c o n s ) ( ab ) ( abc ) ( 72 5 ) ( ( 12 )34 ) ( n i l1 ) ( 1n i l ) ( 1 ) ( )

UnlikeotherLispsthatreturn( s ) astheresultoftheexpression( c o n s' sn i l ) ,newLISP'sc o n s returns( sn i l ) .InnewLISP, n i l isaBooleanvalueandisnotequivalenttoanemptylist,andanewLISPcellholdsonlyonevalue.

c o n s behavesliketheinverseoperationoffirstandrest(orfirstandlastifthelistisapair): ( c o n s( f i r s t' ( abc ) )( r e s t' ( abc ) ) ) ( abc ) ( c o n s( f i r s t' ( xy ) )( l a s t' ( xy ) ) ) ( xy )

syntax:(constantsym1exp1[sym2exp2]...) Identicaltosetinfunctionality,c o n s t a n t furtherprotectsthesymbolsfromsubsequentmodification.Asymbolsetwithc o n s t a n t canonlybemodifiedusingthec o n s t a n t functionagain.Whenanattemptismadetomodifythecontentsofasymbolprotected withc o n s t a n t ,newLISPgeneratesanerrormessage.Onlysymbolsfromthecurrentcontextcanbeusedwithc o n s t a n t .This preventstheoverwritingofsymbolsthathavebeenprotectedintheirhomecontext.Thelastexpninitializerisalwaysoptional. Symbolsinitializedwithset,define,ordefinemacrocanstillbeprotectedbyusingthec o n s t a n t function:
( c o n s t a n t' a V a r1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( s e t' a V a r9 9 9 ) E R R :s y m b o li sp r o t e c t e di nf u n c t i o ns e t :a V a r ( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) ( c o n s t a n t' d o u b l e ) ; ;e q u i v a l e n tt o ( c o n s t a n t' d o u b l e( f n( x )( +xx ) ) )

Thefirstexampledefinesaconstant,a V a r ,whichcanonlybechangedbyusinganotherc o n s t a n t statement.Thesecondexample protectsd o u b l e frombeingchanged(exceptbyc o n s t a n t ).BecauseafunctiondefinitioninnewLISPisequivalenttoan assignmentofalambdafunction,bothstepscanbecollapsedintoone,asshowninthelaststatementline.Thiscouldbean importanttechniqueforavoidingprotectionerrorswhenafileisloadedmultipletimes. Thelastvaluetobeassignedcanbeomitted.c o n s t a n t returnsthecontentsofthelastsymbolsetandprotected. Builtinfunctionscanbeassignedtosymbolsortothenamesofotherbuiltinfunctions,effectivelyredefiningthemasdifferent functions.Thereisnoperformancelosswhenrenamingfunctions.
( c o n s t a n t' s q u a r e r o o ts q r t ) s q r t< 4 0 6 C 2 E > ( c o n s t a n t' +a d d ) a d d< 4 0 6 8 A 6 > s q u a r e r o o t willbehavelikes q r t .The+ (plussign)isredefinedtousethemixedtypefloatingpointmodeofa d d .The


syntax:(context[symcontext]) syntax:(contextsymcontextstr|sym[expvalue]) Inthefirstsyntax,c o n t e x t isusedtoswitchtoadifferentcontextnamespace.SubsequentloadsofnewLISPsourceorfunctions likeevalstringandsymwillputnewlycreatedsymbolsandfunctiondefinitionsinthenewcontext.

Ifthecontextstillneedstobecreated,thesymbolforthenewcontextshouldbespecified.Whennoargumentispassedtoc o n t e x t , thenthesymbolforthecurrentcontextisreturned. Becausecontextsevaluatetothemselves,aquoteisnotnecessarytoswitchtoadifferentcontextifthatcontextalreadyexists.

( c o n t e x t' G R A P H ) ;c r e a t e/s w i t c hc o n t e x tG R A P H

( d e f i n e( f o o d r a wxyz ) ;f u n c t i o nr e s i d e si nG R A P H ( ) ) ( s e t' v a r1 2 3 4 5 ) ( s y m b o l s ) ( f o o d r a wv a r ) ;G R A P Hh a sn o wt w os y m b o l s ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) ( p r i n tG R A P H : v a r )1 2 3 4 5 ( G R A P H : f o o d r a w1 02 03 0 ) ( s e t' G R A P H : v a r6 7 8 9 ) ;s w i t c hb a c kt oM A I N( q u o t en o tr e q u i r e d ) ;c o n t e n t so fs y m b o li nG R A P H ;e x e c u t ef u n c t i o ni nG R A P H ;a s s i g nt oas y m b o li nG R A P H

( s e t' p e r s o n : a g e0 ) ;n on e e dt oc r e a t ec o n t e x tf i r s t ( s e t' p e r s o n : a d d r e s s" " ) ;u s e f u lf o rq u i c k l yd e f i n i n gd a t as t r u c t u r e s

( n e wp e r s o n' J o h n D o e ) J o h n D o e ( s e t' J o h n D o e : a g e9 9 )

( s e t' h u m a nJ o h n D o e ) h u m a n : a g e 9 9 ( s e t' h u m a n : a d d r e s s" 1M a i nS t r e e t " ) J o h n D o e : a d d r e s s " 1M a i nS t r e e t "

>( c o n t e x t' F O O ) F O O F O O >( c o n t e x tM A I N ) M A I N >( s e t' o l dF O O ) F O O >( c o n t e x t' B A R ) B A R B A R >( c o n t e x tM A I N : o l d ) F O O F O O >

Ifanidentifierwiththesamesymbolalreadyexists,itisredefinedtobeacontext. Symbolswithinthecurrentcontextarereferredtosimplybytheirnames,asarebuiltinfunctionsandspecialsymbolsliken i l and t r u e .Symbolsoutsidethecurrentcontextarereferencedbyprefixingthesymbolnamewiththecontextnameanda: (colon).To quoteasymbolinadifferentcontext,prefixthecontextnamewitha' (singlequote). Withinagivencontext,symbolsmaybecreatedwiththesamenameasbuiltinfunctionsorcontextsymbolsinMAIN.This overwritesthesymbolsinMAINwhentheyareprefixedwithacontext:

( c o n t e x t' C T X ) ( d e f i n e( C T X : n e wv a r ) ( ) ) ( c o n t e x t' M A I N )

C T X : n e w willoverwritenewinMAIN.

Inthesecondsyntax,c o n t e x t canbeusedtocreatesymbolsinanamespace.Notethatthisshouldnotbeusedforcreatinghashes ordictionaries.Forashorter,moreconvenientmethodtousenamespacesashashlikedictionaries,seethechapterHashfunctions anddictionaries.

; ;c r e a t eas y m b o la n ds t o r ed a t ai ni t ( c o n t e x t' C t x" a b c "1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( c o n t e x t' C t x' x y z9 9 9 ) 9 9 9 ; ;r e t r i e v ec o n t e n t sf r o m ( c o n t e x t' C t x" a b c " ) ( c o n t e x t' C t x' x y z ) C t x : a b c C t x : x y z s y m b o l 1 2 3 9 9 9 1 2 3 9 9 9

Thefirstthreestatementscreateasymbolandstoreavalueofanydatatypeinside.Thefirststatementalsocreatesthecontext namedC t x .Whenasymbolisspecifiedforthename,thenameistakenfromthesymbolandcreatesasymbolwiththesamename inthecontextC t x . SymbolscancontainspacesoranyotherspecialcharactersnottypicallyallowedinnewLISPsymbolsbeingusedasvariable names.Thissecondsyntaxofc o n t e x t onlycreatesthenewsymbolandreturnsthevaluecontainedinit.Itdoesnotswitchtothe newnamespace.

syntax:(context?exp) syntax:(context?expstrsym) Inthefirstsyntax,context?isapredicatethatreturnst r u e onlyifexpevaluatestoacontextotherwise,itreturnsn i l .
( c o n t e x t ?M A I N ) t r u e ( s e t' x1 2 3 ) ( c o n t e x t ?x ) n i l ( s e t' F O O : q" h o l a " ) " h o l a " ( s e t' c t xF O O ) ( c o n t e x t ?c t x ) t r u e ;c t xc o n t a i n sc o n t e x tf o o

( c o n t e x t ?F O O" q " ) t r u e ( c o n t e x t ?F O O" p " ) n i l


syntax:(copyexp) Makeacopyfromevaluatingexpressioninexp.Somebuiltinfunctionsaredestructive,changingtheoriginalcontentsofalist, arrayorstringtheyareworkingon.Withc o p y theirbehaviorcanbemadenondestructive.
( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcdef ) ) ( r e p l a c e' c( c o p ya L i s t ) )( abdef )

a L i s t( abcdef ) ( s e t' s t r" n e w L I S P " )" n e w L I S P " ( r o t a t e( c o p ys t r ) )" P n e w L I S " s t r" n e w L I S P "

Usingc o p y thefunctionsreplaceandrotatearepreventedfromchangingthedata.Amodifiedversionofthedataisreturned.

syntax:(copyfilestrfromnamestrtoname) Copiesafilefromapathfilenamegiveninstrfromnametoapathfilenamegiveninstrtoname.Returnst r u e ifthecopywas successfulorn i l ,ifthecopywasunsuccessful.
( c o p y f i l e" / h o m e / m e / n e w l i s p / d a t a . l s p "" / t m p / d a t a . l s p " )

syntax:(corrlistvectorXlistvectorY) CalculatesthePearsonproductmomentcorrelationcoefficientasameasureofthelinearrelationshipbetweenthetwovariablesin listvectorXandlistvectorY.Bothlistsmustbeofsamelength.
c o r r returnsalistcontainingthefollowingvalues:

name description r Correlationcoefficient b0 Regressioncoefficientoffset b1 Regressioncoefficientslope t df p tstatisticforsignificancetesting Degreesoffreedomfort Twotailedprobabilityoftunderthenullhypothesis

( s e t' s t u d y t i m e' ( 9 01 0 01 3 01 5 01 8 02 0 02 2 03 0 03 5 04 0 0 ) ) ( s e t' t e s t e r r o r s' ( 2 52 82 02 01 51 21 31 086 ) ) ( c o r rs t u d y t i m et e s t e r r o r s )( 0 . 9 2 62 9 . 2 4 10 . 0 6 46 . 9 4 480 . 0 0 0 1 1 9 0 )

Thenegativecorrelationof0 . 9 2 6 betweenstudytimeandtesterrorsishighlysignificantwithatwotailedp ofabout0 . 0 0 0 1 underthenullhypothesis. Theregressioncoefficientsb 0=2 9 . 2 4 1 andb 1=0 . 0 6 4 canbeusedtoestimatevaluesoftheYvariable(testerrors)from valuesinX(studytime)usingtheequationY = b 0+b 1*X .

syntax:(cosnumradians) Calculatesthecosineofnumradiansandreturnstheresult.
( c o s1 ) 0 . 5 4 0 3 0 2 3 0 5 9 ( s e t' p i( m u l2( a c o s0 ) ) ) 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 ( c o sp i ) 1

syntax:(coshnumradians) Calculatesthehyperboliccosineofnumradians.Thehyperboliccosineisdefinedmathematicallyas:(exp(x)+exp(x))/2.An overflowtoi n f mayoccurifnumradiansistoolarge.
( c o s h1 ) 1 . 5 4 3 0 8 0 6 3 5 ( c o s h1 0 ) 1 1 0 1 3 . 2 3 2 9 2 ( c o s h1 0 0 0 ) i n f ( =( c o s h1 )( d i v( a d d( e x p1 )( e x p1 ) )2 ) ) t r u e

syntax:(countlist1list2) Countselementsoflist1inlist2andreturnsalistofthosecounts.
( c o u n t' ( 123 )' ( 3214231122 ) ) ( 342 ) ( c o u n t' ( za )' ( zdzbazya ) ) ( 32 ) ( s e t' l s t( e x p l o d e( r e a d f i l e" m y F i l e . t x t " ) ) ) ( s e t' l e t t e r c o u n t s( c o u n t( u n i q u el s t )l s t ) )

Thesecondexamplecountsalloccurrencesofdifferentlettersinm y F i l e . t x t . Thefirstlistinc o u n t ,whichspecifiestheitemstobecountedinthesecondlist,shouldbeunique.Foritemsthatarenotunique, onlythefirstinstancewillcarryacountallotherinstanceswilldisplay0 (zero).

syntax:(cpymemintfromaddressinttoaddressintbytes) Copiesintbytesofmemoryfromintfromaddresstointtoaddress.Thisfunctioncanbeusedfordirectmemorywriting/readingor forhackingnewLISPinternals(e.g.,typebitsinnewLISPcells,orbuildingfunctionswithbinaryexecutablecodeonthefly). NotethatthisfunctionshouldonlybeusedwhenfamiliarwithnewLISPinternals.c p y m e m cancrashthesystemormakeitunstable ifusedincorrectly.
( s e t' s" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 " )

( c p y m e m" x x x "( +( a d d r e s ss )5 )3 ) s " 0 1 2 3 4 x x x 8 9 " )

Theexamplecopiesastringdirectlyintoastringvariable. Thefollowingexamplecreatesanewfunctionfromscratch,runsapieceofbinarycode,andaddsuptwonumbers.Thisassembly languagesnippetshowsthex86(IntelCPU)codetoadduptwonumbersandreturntheresult:

5 5 p u s he b p 8 BE C m o v e b p ,e s p 8 B4 50 8m o v e a x ,[ e b p + 0 8 ] 0 34 50 Ca d d e a x ,[ e b p + 0 c ] 5 D p o p e b p C 3 r e t ;f o rW i n 3 2 / s t d c a l lc h a n g el a s tl i n e C 20 80 0r e t

( s e t' f o o c o d e( a p p e n d ( p a c k" b b b b b b b b b b "0 x 5 50 x 8 B0 x E C0 x 8 B0 x 4 50 x 0 80 x 0 30 x 4 50 x 0 C0 x 5 D ) ( i f( =o s t y p e" W i n 3 2 " )( p a c k" b b b "0 x C 20 x 0 80 x 0 0 )( p a c k" b "0 x C 3 ) ) ) ) ( s e t' f o op r i n t ) ( c p y m e m( p a c k" l d "( i f( =o s t y p e" W i n 3 2 " )8 4 5 64 3 6 0 ) )( f i r s t( d u m pf o o ) )4 ) ( c p y m e m( p a c k" l d "( a d d r e s sf o o c o d e ) )( +( f i r s t( d u m pf o o ) )1 2 )4 ) ( s e t' f o o n a m e" f o o " ) ( c p y m e m( p a c k" l d "f o o n a m e )( +( f i r s t( d u m pf o o ) )8 )4 ) ( f o o34 ) 7

ThelastexamplewillnotworkonallhardwareplatformsandOSs. UsethedumpfunctiontoretrievebinaryaddressesandthecontentsfromnewLISPcells.

syntax:(crc32strdata) Calculatesarunning32bitCRC(CircularRedundancyCheck)sumfromthebufferinstrdata,startingwithaCRCof 0 x f f f f f f f f forthefirstbyte.c r c 3 2
( c r c 3 2" a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z " ) 1 2 7 7 6 4 4 9 8 9 c r c 3 2 isoftenusedtoverifydataintegrityinunsafedatatransmissions.

syntax:(critchi2numprobabilityintdf) CalculatesthecriticalminimumChiforagivenconfidenceprobabilitynumprobabilityunderthenullhypothesisandthedegrees offreedominintdffortestingthesignificanceofastatisticalnullhypothesis. Notethatversionspriorto10.2.0took(1.0p)fortheprobabilityinsteadofp.
( c r i t c h i 20 . 0 14 ) 1 3 . 2 7 6 7 0 4 4 3


syntax:(critfnumprobabilityintdf1intdf2) CalculatesthecriticalminimumFforagivenconfidenceprobabilitynumprobabilityunderthenullhypothesisandthedegreesof freedomgiveninintdf1andintdf2fortestingthesignificanceofastatisticalnullhypothesisusingtheFtest.
( c r i t f0 . 0 51 01 2 ) 2 . 7 5 3 3 8 6 7 2 7


syntax:(crittnumprobabilityintdf) CalculatesthecriticalminimumStudent'stforagivenconfidenceprobabilitynumprobabilityunderthenullhypothesisandthe degreesoffreedominintdffortestingthesignificanceofastatisticalnullhypothesis.
( c r i t t0 . 0 51 4 ) 1 . 7 6 1 3 1 0 1 4 2


syntax:(critznumprobability) CalculatesthecriticalnormaldistributedZvalueofagivencumulatedprobabilitynumprobabilityfortestingofstatistical significanceandconfidenceintervals.
( c r i t z0 . 9 9 9 ) 3 . 0 9 0 2 3 2 3 7 2


syntax:(currentline) Retrievesthecontentsofthelastreadlineoperation.c u r r e n t l i n e 'scontentsarealsoimplicitlyusedwhenwritelineiscalled withoutastringparameter. ThefollowingsourceshowsthetypicalcodepatternforcreatingaUnixcommandlinefilter:
# ! / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p

( s e t' i n F i l e( o p e n( m a i n a r g s2 )" r e a d " ) ) ( w h i l e( r e a d l i n ei n F i l e ) ( i f( s t a r t s w i t h( c u r r e n t l i n e )" ; ; " ) ( w r i t e l i n e ) ) ) ( e x i t )

. / f i l t e rm y f i l e . l s p

Thisdisplaysallcommentlinesstartingwith; ; fromafilegivenasacommandlineargumentwheninvokingthescriptf i l t e r .

syntax:(curryfuncexp) Transformsfuncfromafunctionf(x,y)thattakestwoargumentsintoafunctionfx(y)thattakesasingleargument.c u r r y workslike amacrointhatitdoesnotevaluateitsarguments.Instead,theyareevaluatedduringtheapplicationoffunc.
( s e t' f( c u r r y+1 0 ) ) ( l a m b d a( $ x )( +1 0$ x ) ) ( f7 ) 1 7 ( f i l t e r( c u r r ym a t c h' ( a* ) )' ( ( a1 0 )( b5 )( a3 )( c8 )( a9 ) ) ) ( ( a1 0 )( a3 )( a9 ) ) ( c l e a n( c u r r ym a t c h' ( a* ) )' ( ( a1 0 )( b5 )( a3 )( c8 )( a9 ) ) ) ( ( b5 )( c8 ) ) ( m a p( c u r r yl i s t' x )( s e q u e n c e15 ) ) ( ( x1 )( x2 )( x3 )( x4 )( x5 ) ) c u r r y canbeusedonallfunctionstakingtwoarguments.

syntax:(date) syntax:(dateintsecs[intoffset]) syntax:(dateintsecsintoffsetstrformat) Thefirstsyntaxreturnsthelocaltimezone'scurrentdateandtimeasastringrepresentation.Ifintsecsisoutofrange,n i l is returned. Inthesecondsyntax,d a t e translatesthenumberofsecondsinintsecsintoitsdate/timestringrepresentationforthelocaltimezone. Thenumberinintsecsisusuallyretrievedfromthesystemusingdatevalue.Optionally,atimezoneoffset(inminutes)canbe specifiedinintoffset,whichisaddedorsubtractedbeforeconversionofintsectoastring.Ifintsecsisoutofrangeoraninvalid strformatisspecified,anemptystring" " isreturned.
( d a t e ) ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e ) ) ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e )3 0 0 ) ( d a t e0 ) ( d a t e0( n o w02 ) ) " F r iO c t2 90 9 : 5 6 : 5 82 0 0 4 " " S a tM a y2 01 1 : 3 7 : 1 52 0 0 6 " " S a tM a y2 01 6 : 3 7 : 1 92 0 0 6 " ;5h o u r so f f s e t " W e dD e c3 11 6 : 0 0 : 0 01 9 6 9 " " T h uJ a n 10 0 : 0 0 : 0 01 9 7 0 " ;U n i xe p o c h


Thesecondexamplewouldshow1119700:0whenintheGreenwichtimezone,butitdisplaysatimelagof8hourswhenin PacificStandardTime(PST).d a t e assumestheintsecsgivenareinCoordinatedUniversalTime(UTCformerlyGreenwichMean Time(GMT))andconvertsitaccordingtothelocaltimezone. Thethirdsyntaxmakesthedatestringfullycustomizablebyusingaformatspecifiedinstrformat.Thisallowsthedayandmonth namestobetranslatedintoresultsappropriateforthecurrentlocale:

( s e t l o c a l e" g e r m a n " )" d e _ D E " ;o nL i n u x-n ol e a d i n g0o nd a yw i t h% d ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e )0" % A% d .% B% Y " ) " M o n t a g 7 .M r z2 0 0 5 " ( s e t l o c a l e" C " ) ;d e f a u l tP O S I X ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e )0" % A% B% d% Y " ) " M o n d a yM a r c h0 72 0 0 5 "

;s u p p r e s s i n gl e a d i n g0o nW i n 3 2u s i n g# ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e )0" % a% # d% b% Y " ) " M o n7M a r2 0 0 5 " ( s e t l o c a l e" g e r m a n " ) ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e )0" % x " )" 0 7 . 0 3 . 2 0 0 5 " ( s e t l o c a l e" C " ) ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e )0" % x " )" 0 3 / 0 7 / 0 5 " ;m o n t hd a yy e a r ;d a ym o n t hy e a r

ThefollowingtablesummarizesallformatspecifiersavailableonbothWin32andLinux/Unixplatforms.Moreformatoptionsare availableonLinux/Unix.Fordetails,consultthemanualpagefortheCfunctions t r f t i m e ( ) oftheindividualplatform'sClibrary. format description %a abbreviatedweekdaynameaccordingtothecurrentlocale %A fullweekdaynameaccordingtothecurrentlocale %b abbreviatedmonthnameaccordingtothecurrentlocale %B %c %d %H %I %j %m %M %p %S %U %w %W %x %X %y %Y %z %Z %% fullmonthnameaccordingtothecurrentlocale preferreddateandtimerepresentationforthecurrentlocale dayofthemonthasadecimalnumber(range0131) hourasadecimalnumberusinga24hourclock(range0023) hourasadecimalnumberusinga12hourclock(range0112) dayoftheyearasadecimalnumber(range001366) monthasadecimalnumber(range0112) minuteasadecimalnumber either'am'or'pm'accordingtothegiventimevalueorthecorrespondingstringsforthecurrentlocale secondasadecimalnumber061(60and61toaccountforoccasionalleapseconds) weeknumberofthecurrentyearasadecimalnumber,startingwiththefirstSundayasthefirstdayofthefirstweek dayoftheweekasadecimal,Sundaybeing0 weeknumberofthecurrentyearasadecimalnumber,startingwiththefirstMondayasthefirstdayofthefirstweek preferreddaterepresentationforthecurrentlocalewithoutthetime preferredtimerepresentationforthecurrentlocalewithoutthedate yearasadecimalnumberwithoutacentury(range0099) yearasadecimalnumberincludingthecentury timezoneornameorabbreviation(sameas%ZonWin32,differentonUnix) timezoneornameorabbreviation(sameas%zonWin32,differentonUnix) aliteral'%'character

Leadingzeroesinthedisplayofdecimaldaynumberscanbesuppressedusing" % d " onLinuxandFreeBSDandusing" % e " on OpenBSD,SunOS/SolarisandMacOSX.OnWin32use" % # d " . Seealsodatevalue,datelist,dateparse,timeofday,time,andnow.

syntax:(datelistintseconds[intindex]) Returnsalistofyear,month,date,hours,minutes,seconds,dayofyearanddayofweekfromatimevaluegiveninsecondsafter January1st,197000:00:00.ThedateandtimevaluesarengivenasUTC,whichmaydifferfromthelocaltimezone. Theweekdayvaluerangesfrom1to7forMondaythruSunday.
( d a t e l i s t1 2 8 2 4 7 9 2 4 4 ) ( d a t e l i s t1 2 8 2 4 7 9 2 4 40 ) ( d a t e l i s t1 2 8 2 4 7 9 2 4 42 ) ( 2 0 1 082 21 21 442 3 41 ) 2 0 1 0;y e a r 2 3 4 ;d a yo fy e a r

( a p p l yd a t e v a l u e( d a t e l i s t1 2 8 2 4 7 9 2 4 4 ) )1 2 8 2 4 7 9 2 4 4 ( d a t e l i s t0 ) ( 1 9 7 01100014 );T h u r s d a y1 s t ,J a n1 9 7 0

d a t e l i s t istheinverseoperationofdatevalue.

syntax:(dateparsestrdatestrformat) Parsesadatefromatextstringinstrdateusingaformatasdefinedinstrformat,whichusesthesameformattingrulesfoundin date.Thefunctiond a t e p a r s e returnsthenumberofUTCsecondspassedsinceJanuary1st,1970UTCstartingwith0andupto 2147472000foradateofJanuary19th,2038. ThisfunctionisnotavailableonWin32platforms.Thefunctionwasnamedp a r s e d a t e inpreviousversions.Theoldformis deprecated.
( d a t e p a r s e" 2 0 0 7 . 1 . 3 "" % Y . % m . % d " ) 1 1 6 7 7 8 2 4 0 0 ( d a t e p a r s e" J a n u a r y1 0 ,0 7 "" % B% d ,% y " ) 1 1 6 8 3 8 7 2 0 0 ;o u t p u to fd a t e p a r s ea si n p u tv a l u et od a t e l i s tp r o d u c e st h es a m ed a t e ( d a t e l i s t( d a t e p a r s e" 2 0 1 0 . 1 0 . 1 87 : 0 0 "" % Y . % m . % d% H : % M " ) ) ( 2 0 1 01 01 87002 9 01 )


syntax:(datevalueintyearintmonthintday[inthourintminintsec]) syntax:(datevalue)

Inthefirstsyntax,d a t e v a l u e returnsthetimeinsecondssince19701100:00:00foragivendateandtime.Theparametersfor thehour,minutes,andsecondsareoptional.ThetimeisassumedtobeCoordinatedUniversalTime(UTC),notadjustedforthe currenttimezone. Inthesecondsyntax,d a t e v a l u e returnsthetimevalueinsecondsforthecurrenttime.

( d a t e v a l u e2 0 0 222 8 ) 1 0 1 4 8 5 4 4 0 0 ( d a t e v a l u e1 9 7 011000 ) 0 ( d a t e( a p p l yd a t e v a l u e( n o w ) ) ) " W e dM a y2 41 0 : 0 2 : 4 72 0 0 6 " ( d a t e( d a t e v a l u e ) ) " W e dM a y2 41 0 : 0 2 : 4 72 0 0 6 " ( d a t e ) " W e dM a y2 41 0 : 0 2 : 4 72 0 0 6 "

Thefunctiondatelistcanbeusedtotransformad a t e v a l u e backintoalist:
( d a t e l i s t1 0 1 4 8 5 4 4 0 0 ) ( 2 0 0 222 8000 ) ( a p p l yd a t e v a l u e( d a t e l i s t1 0 1 4 8 5 4 4 0 0 ) )1 0 1 4 8 5 4 4 0 0


syntax:(debugfunc) Callstraceandbeginsevaluatingtheuserdefinedfunctioninfunc.d e b u g isashortcutforexecuting( t r a c et r u e ) ,thenentering thefunctiontobedebugged.
; ;i n s t e a do fd o i n g ( t r a c et r u e ) ( m y f u n cabc ) ( t r a c en i l ) ; ;u s ed e b u ga sas h o r t c u t ( d e b u g( m y f u n cabc ) )

Whenind e b u g ortracemode,errormessageswillbeprinted.Thefunctioncausingtheexceptionwillreturneither0 orn i l and processingwillcontinue.Thisway,variablesandthecurrentstateoftheprogramcanstillbeinspectedwhiledebugging. Seealsothetracefunction.

syntax:(decplace[num]) Thenumberinplaceisdecrementedby1 . 0 ortheoptionalnumbernumandreturned.d e c performsfloatarithmeticandconverts integernumberspassedintofloatingpointtype. placeiseitherasymboloraplaceinaliststructureholdinganumber,oranumberreturnedbyanexpression.
( s e tx1 0 ) ( d e cx ) x ( d e cx0 . 2 5 ) x 1 0 9 9 8 . 7 5 8 . 7 5

Ifthesymbolforplacecontainsn i l ,itistreatedasifcontaining0 . 0 :

z ( d e cz )

n i l 1

( s e tzn i l ) ( d e cz0 . 0 1 ) 0 . 0 1

( s e t' l' ( 1234 ) ) ( d e c( l3 )0 . 1 )3 . 9 ( d e c( f i r s tl ) )0 l( 0233 . 9 ) ( d e c( +34 ) )6


syntax:(defnewsymsource[symtarget]) Thisfunctionworkssimilarlytonew,butitonlycreatesacopyofonesymbolanditscontentsfromthesymbolinsymsource. Whensymtargetisnotgiven,asymbolwiththesamenameiscreatedinthecurrentcontext.Allsymbolsreferencedinsidesym sourcewillbetranslatedintosymbolreferencesintothecurrentcontext,whichmustnotbeMAIN. Ifanargumentispresentinsymtarget,thecopywillbemadeintoasymbolandcontextasreferencedbythesymbolinsymtarget. Inadditiontoallowingrenamingofthefunctionwhilecopying,thisalsoenablesthecopytobeplacedinadifferentcontext.All symbolreferencesinsymsourcewiththesamecontextassymsourcewillbetranslatedintosymbolreferencesofthetargetcontext.
d e f n e w returnsthesymbolcreated: >( s e t' f o o : v a r' ( f o o : xf o o : y ) ) ( f o o : xf o o : y ) >( d e f n e w' f o o : v a r' c t : m y v a r ) c t : m y v a r >c t : m y v a r ( c t : xc t : y ) >( c o n t e x t' K ) K >( d e f n e w' f o o : v a r ) v a r K >v a r ( xy )

>( s e t' t e m p( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) >( d e f n e w' t e m p' d o u b l e : d o u b l e ) d o u b l e : d o u b l e >( d o u b l e1 0 ) 2 0 >d o u b l e : d o u b l e ( l a m b d a( d o u b l e : x )( +d o u b l e : xd o u b l e : x ) )

Thefollowingdefinitionofd e f s t a t i c canbeusedtocreatefunctionslivingintheirownlexicallyprotectednamespace:

( d e f i n e( d e f s t a t i csb o d y ) ( d e f n e w' b o d y( s y mss ) ) ) ( d e f s t a t i c' a c c( l a m b d a( x ) ( i n cs u mx ) ) ) >( a c c1 ) 1 >( a c c1 ) 2 >( a c c8 ) 1 0 >

Thefunctiond e f n e w canalsobeusedtoconfigurecontextsorcontextobjectsinamoregranularfashionthanispossiblewith new,whichcopiesawholecontext.

syntax:(defaultcontext) Returnthecontentsofthedefaultfunctorincontext.
( d e f i n eF o o : F o o1 2 3 ) ( d e f a u l tF o o )1 2 3 ( s e t f( d e f a u l tF o o )4 5 6 ) ( s e t' c t xF o o ) ( d e f a u l tc t x )4 5 6 F o o : F o o 4 5 6

InmanysituationsnewLISPdefaultsautomaticallytothedefaultfunctorwhenseeingacontextname.Incircumstanceswherethis isnotthecase,thed e f a u l t functioncanbeused.

syntax:(define(symname[symparam1...])[body1...]) syntax:(define(symname[(symparam1expdefault)...])[body1...]) syntax:(definesymnameexp) Definesthenewfunctionsymname,withoptionalparameterssymparam1.d e f i n e isequivalenttoassigningalambda expressiontosymname.Whencallingadefinedfunction,allargumentsareevaluatedandassignedtothevariablesinsymparam1 ,thenthebody1expressionsareevaluated.Whenafunctionisdefined,thelambdaexpressionboundtosymnameisreturned. Allparametersdefinedareoptional.Whenauserdefinedfunctioniscalledwithoutarguments,thoseparametersassumethevalue n i l .Ifthoseparametershaveadefaultvaluespecifiedinexpdefault,theyassumethatvalue. Thereturnvalueofd e f i n e istheassignedlambdaexpression.Whencallingauserdefinedfunction,thereturnvalueisthelast expressionevaluatedinthefunctionbody.
( d e f i n e( a r e axy )( *xy ) ) ( l a m b d a( xy )( *xy ) ) ( a r e a23 ) 6

Asanalternative,a r e a couldbedefinedasafunctionwithoutusingd e f i n e .

( s e t' a r e a( l a m b d a( xy )( *xy ) )

( ( l a m b d a(xy )( *xy ) )23 ) 6 ( ( f n(xy )( *xy ) )23 ) 6 f n isjustashorterformofwritingl a m b d a .

( d e f i n e( f o o( a1 )( b2 ) ) ( l i s tab ) ) ( f o o ) ( 12 ) ( f o o3 ) ( 32 ) ( f o o34 ) ( 34 )

( d e f i n e( f o o( a1 0 )( b( d i va2 ) ) ) ( l i s tab ) ) ( f o o ) ( 1 05 ) ( f o o3 0 ) ( 3 01 5 ) ( f o o34 ) ( 34 )

Thesecondversionofd e f i n e workslikethesetfunction.
( d e f i n ex1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ; ;i se q u i v a l e n tt o ( s e t' x1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( d e f i n ea r e a( l a m b d a(xy )( *xy ) ) ) ; ;i se q u i v a l e n tt o ( s e t' a r e a( l a m b d a(xy )( *xy ) ) ) ; ;i se q u i v a l e n tt o ( d e f i n e( a r e axy )( *xy ) )


syntax:(definemacro(symname[symparam1...])body) syntax:(definemacro(symname[(symparam1expdefault)...])body) Functionsdefinedusingd e f i n e m a c r o arecalledfexprsinotherLISPsastheydon'tdovariableexpansion.InnewLISPtheyare stillcalledmacros,becausetheyarewrittenwiththesamepurposeofcreatingspecialsyntaxformswithnonstandardevaluation patternsofarguments.Functionscreatedusingd e f i n e m a c r o canbecombinedwithtemplateexpansionusingexpandorletex. Definesthenewfexprsymname,withoptionalargumentssymparam1.d e f i n e m a c r o isequivalenttoassigningalambdamacro expressiontoasymbol.Whenad e f i n e m a c r o functioniscalled,unevaluatedargumentsareassignedtothevariablesinsym param1....Thenthebodyexpressionsareevaluated.Whenevaluatingthed e f i n e m a c r o function,thelambdamacroexpression isreturned.
( d e f i n e m a c r o( m y s e t qp 1p 2 )( s e tp 1( e v a lp 2 ) ) ) ( l a m b d a m a c r o( p 1p 2 )( s e tp 1( e v a lp 2 ) ) ) ( m y s e t qx1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 x 1 2 3


accesstheargumentsinsideaparameterlist,theycanbeusedtocreateflowcontrolfunctionslikethosealreadybuiltinto newLISP. Allparametersdefinedareoptional.Whenamacroiscalledwithoutarguments,thoseparametersassumethevaluen i l .Ifthose parametershaveadefaultvaluespecifiedinexpdefault,theyassumethatdefaultvalue.

( d e f i n e m a c r o( f o o( a1 )( b2 ) ) ( l i s tab ) ) ( f o o ) ( 12 ) ( f o o3 ) ( 32 ) ( f o o34 ) ( 34 )

( d e f i n e m a c r o( f o o( a1 0 )( b( d i va2 ) ) ) ( l i s tab ) ) ( f o o ) ( 1 05 ) ( f o o3 0 ) ( 3 01 5 ) ( f o o34 ) ( 34 )

Notethatinfexprs,thedangerexistsofpassingaparameterwiththesamevariablenameasusedinthed e f i n e m a c r o definition.In thiscase,thefexpr'sinternalvariablewouldendupreceivingn i l insteadoftheintendedvalue:

; ;n o tag o o dd e f i n i t i o n ! ( d e f i n e m a c r o( m y s e t qxy )( s e tx( e v a ly ) ) ) ; ;s y m b o ln a m ec l a s hf o rx ( m y s e t qx1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 x n i l

Thereareseveralmethodsthatcanbeusedtoavoidthisproblem,knownasvariablecapture,bywritinghygienicd e f i n e m a c r o s: Putthedefinitionintoitsownlexicallyclosednamespacecontext.Ifthefunctionhasthesamenameasthecontext,itcanbe calledbyusingthecontextnamealone.Afunctionwiththischaracteristiciscalledadefaultfunction.Thisisthepreferred methodinnewLISPtowrited e f i n e m a c r o s. Useargstoaccessargumentspassedbythefunction.

; ;ad e f i n e m a c r oa sal e x i c a l l yi s o l a t e df u n c t i o n ; ;a v o i d i n gv a r i a b l ec a p t u r ei np a s s e dp a r a m e t e r s ( c o n t e x t' m y s e t q ) ( d e f i n e m a c r o( m y s e t q : m y s e t qxy )( s e tx( e v a ly ) ) ) ( c o n t e x tM A I N ) ( m y s e t qx1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ;n os y m b o lc l a s h x 1 2 3

Thedefinitionintheexampleislexicallyisolated,andnovariablecapturecanoccur.Insteadofthefunctionbeingcalledusing( m y s e t q : m y s e t q ) ,itcanbecalledwithjust( m y s e t q ) becauseitisadefaultfunction. Thesecondpossibilityistorefertopassedparametersusingargs:

; ;a v o i dv a r i a b l ec a p t u r ei nm a c r o su s i n gt h ea r g sf u n c t i o n ( d e f i n e m a c r o( m y s e t q )( s e t( a r g s0 )( e v a l( a r g s1 ) ) ) )


syntax:(deletesymbol[bool]) syntax:(deletesymcontext[bool]) Deletesasymbolsymbol,oracontextinsymcontextwithallcontainedsymbolsfromnewLISP'ssymboltable.Referencestothe symbolwillbechangedton i l . Whentheexpressioninboolevaluatestot r u e ,symbolsareonlydeletedwhentheyarenotreferenced. Whentheexpressioninboolevaluateston i l ,symbolswillbedeletedwithoutanyreferencechecking.Notethatthismodeshould onlybeused,ifnoreferencestothesymbolexistoutsideit'snamespace.Ifexternalreferencesexist,thismodecanleadtosystem crashes,astheexternalreferenceisnotsetton i l whenusingthismode.Thismodecanbeusedtodeletenamespacehashesandto deletenamespacesinobjectsystems,wherevariablesarestrictlytreatedasprivate. Protectedsymbolsofbuiltinfunctionsandspecialsymbolsliken i l andt r u e cannotbedeleted.
d e l e t e returnst r u e ifthesymbolwasdeletedsuccessfullyorn i l ifthesymbolwasnotdeleted.

Whendeletingacontextsymbol,thefirstd e l e t e removesthecontextnamespacecontentsanddemotesthecontextsymboltoa normalmonovariablesymbol.Asecondd e l e t e willremovethesymbolfromthesymboltable.

( s e t' l s t' ( aba V a rcd ) ) ( d e l e t e' a V a r ) ;a V a rd e l e t e d ,r e f e r e n c e sm a r k e dn i l l s t ( abn i lcd ) ( s e t' l s t' ( aba V a rcd ) ) ( d e l e t e' a V a rt r u e ) n i l;p r o t e c ta V a ri fr e f e r e n c e d l s t ( aba V a rcd ) ; ;d e l e t ea l ls y m b o l si nac o n t e x t ( s e t' f o o : x1 2 3 ) ( s e t' f o o : y" h e l l o " ) ( d e l e t e' f o o ) f o o : x ,f o o : yd e l e t e d

Inthelastexampleonlythesymbolsinsidecontextf o o willbedeletedbutnotthecontextsymbolf o o itself.Itwillbeconvertedto anormalunprotectedsymbolandcontainn i l . Notethatdeletingasymbolthatispartofanexpressionwhichiscurrentlyexecutingcancrashthesystemorhaveotherunforeseen effects.

syntax:(deletefilestrfilename) Deletesafilegiveninstrfilename.Returnst r u e ifthefilewasdeletedsuccessfully. Onfailurethefunctionreturnsn i l .Forerrorinformation,usesyserrorwhenusedonfiles.WhenusedonURLsneterrorgives moreerrorinformation. ThefilenamecanbegivenasaURL.
( d e l e t e f i l e" j u n k " ) ( d e l e t e f i l e" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / e x a m p l e . h t m l " )

( d e l e t e f i l e" f i l e : / / a F i l e . t x t " )

Thefirstexampledeletesthefilej u n k inthecurrentdirectory.ThesecondexampleshowshowtouseaURLtospecifythefile.In thisform,additionalparameterscanbegiven.Seedeleteurlfordetails.

syntax:(deletefilestrurl) ThisfunctiondeletesthefileonaremoteHTTPserverspecifiedinstrurl.TheHTTPD E L E T E protocolmustbeenabledonthe targetwebserver,oranerrormessagestringmaybereturned.Thetargetfilemustalsohaveaccesspermissionssetaccordingly. Additionalparameterssuchastimeoutandcustomheadersareavailableexactlyasinthegeturlfunction. Ifstrurlstartswithf i l e : / / afileonthelocalfilesystemisdeleted. ThisfeatureisalsoavailablewhenthedeletefilefunctionisusedandaURLisspecifiedforthefilename.
( d e l e t e u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . a s e r v e r . c o m / s o m e f i l e . t x t " ) ( d e l e t e u r l" h t t p : / / s i t e . o r g : 8 0 8 0 / p a g e . h t m l "5 0 0 0 ) ;d e l e t eo nt h el o c a lf i l es y s t e m ( d e l e t e u r l" f i l e : / / / h o m e / j o e / s o m e f i l e . t x t " )

Thesecondexampleconfiguresatimeoutoptionoffiveseconds.OtheroptionssuchasspecialHTTPprotocolheaderscanbe specified,aswell.Seethegeturlfunctionfordetails.

syntax:(destroyintpid) syntax:(destroyintpidintsignal) Destroysaprocesswithprocessidinintpidandreturnst r u e onsuccessorn i l onfailure.Theprocessidisnormallyobtained fromapreviouscalltoforkonMacOSXandotherUnixorprocessonallplatforms.OnUnix,d e s t r o y workslikethesystem utilitykillusingtheSIGKILLsignal. CAUTION!Ifintpidis0 thesignalissenttoallprocesseswhosegroupIDisequaltotheprocessgroupIDofthesender.Ifintpid is1 allprocesseswiththecurrentuseridwillbekilled,ifnewLISPisstartedwithsuperuserprivileges,allprocessesexceptsystem processesaredestroyed. Whenspecifyingintsignal,d e s t r o y workslikeaUnixk i l l commandsendingthespecifiedUnixsignaltotheprocessinintpid. ThissecondsyntaxisnotavailableonWin32.
( s e t' p i d( p r o c e s s" / u s r / b i n / b c "b c i nb c o u t ) ) ( d e s t r o yp i d ) ( s e t' p i d( f o r k( d o t i m e s( i1 0 0 0 )( p r i n t l ni )( s l e e p1 0 ) ) ) ) ( s l e e p1 0 0 )( d e s t r o yp i d )


syntax:(detmatrix[floatpivot]) Returnsthedeterminantofasquarematrix.Amatrixcaneitherbeanestedlistoranarray. Optionally0 . 0 oraverysmallvaluecanbespecifiedinfloatpivot.ThisvaluesubstitutespivotelementsintheLUdecomposition algorithm,whichresultinzerowhenthealgorithmdealswithasingularmatrix.

( s e t' A' ( ( 111 )( 145 )( 120 ) ) ) ( d e tA ) 1 ;t r e a t m e n to fs i n g u l a rm a t r i c e s ( d e t' ( ( 21 )( 42 ) ) ) n i l ( d e t' ( ( 21 )( 42 ) )0 ) 0 ( d e t' ( ( 21 )( 42 ) )1 e 2 0 ) 4 e 2 0

Ifthematrixissingularandfloatpivotisnotspecified,n i l isreturned. Seealsotheothermatrixoperationsinvert,mat,multiplyandtranspose.

syntax:(device[inthandle]) inthandleisanI/Odevicenumber,whichissetto0(zero)forthedefaultSTDI/Opairofhandles, handlemayalsobeafilehandlepreviouslyobtainedusingopen.Inthiscaseboth,inputandoutputarechanneledthroughthis handle.Whennoargumentissupplied,thecurrentI/Odevicenumberisreturned. TheI/Ochannelspecifiedbyd e v i c e isusedinternallybythefunctionsprintandreadline.WhenthecurrentI/Odeviceis0or1, printsendsoutputtotheconsolewindowandreadlineacceptsinputfromthekeyboard.IfthecurrentI/Odevicehasbeensetby openingafile,thenprintandreadlineworkonthatfile.
( d e v i c e( o p e n" m y f i l e "" w r i t e " ) ) 5 ( p r i n t" T h i sg o e si nm y f i l e " ) " T h i sg o e si nm y f i l e " ( c l o s e( d e v i c e ) ) t r u e

Notethatusingcloseond e v i c e automaticallyresetsd e v i c e to0(zero).

syntax:(differencelistAlistB) syntax:(differencelistAlistBbool) Inthefirstsyntax,d i f f e r e n c e returnsthesetdifferencebetweenlistAandlistB.Theresultinglistonlyhaselementsoccurringin listA,butnotinlistB.Allelementsintheresultinglistareunique,butlistAandlistBneednotbeunique.Elementsinthelistscan beanytypeofLispexpression.
( d i f f e r e n c e' ( 25603502 )' ( 123321 ) ) ( 560 )

Inthesecondsyntax,d i f f e r e n c e worksinlistmode.boolspecifiest r u e oranexpressionnotevaluatington i l .Intheresulting list,allelementsoflistBareeliminatedinlistA,butduplicatesofotherelementsinlistAareleft.

( d i f f e r e n c e' ( 25603502 )' ( 123321 )t r u e ) ( 56050 )


syntax:(directory[strpath]) syntax:(directorystrpathstrpattern[intregexoption]) Alistofdirectoryentrynamesisreturnedforthedirectorypathgiveninstrpath.Onfailure,n i l isreturned.Whenstrpathis omitted,thelistofentriesinthecurrentdirectoryisreturned.
( d i r e c t o r y" / b i n " ) ( d i r e c t o r y" c : / " )

Thefirstexamplereturnsthedirectoryof/ b i n ,thesecondlinereturnsalistofdirectoryentriesintherootdirectoryofdriveC:. NotethatonWin32systems,aforwardslash(/ )canbeincludedinpathnames.Whenused,abackslash(\ )mustbeprecededbya secondbackslash. Inthesecondsyntax,d i r e c t o r y cantakearegularexpressionpatterninstrpattern.Onlyfilenamesmatchingthepatternwillbe returnedinthelistofdirectoryentries.Inintregexoptions,specialregularexpressionoptionscanbespecifiedseeregexfordetails.

( d i r e c t o r y" . "" \ \ . c " ) ( " f o o . c "" b a r . c " ) ; ;o ru s i n gb r a c e sa ss t r i n gp a t t e r nd e l i m i t e r s ( d i r e c t o r y" . "{ \ . c } ) ( " f o o . c "" b a r . c " ) ;s h o wo n l yh i d d e nf i l e s( s t a r t i n gw i t hd o t ) ( d i r e c t o r y" . "" ^ [ . ] " ) ( " . "" . . "" . p r o f i l e "" . r n d "" . s s h " )

Theregularexpressionforcesd i r e c t o r y toreturnonlyfilenamescontainingthestring" . c " . Otherfunctionsthatuseregularexpressionsarefind,findall,parse,regex,replace,andsearch.

syntax:(directory?strpath) Checksifstrpathisadirectory.Returnst r u e orn i l dependingontheoutcome.
( d i r e c t o r y ?" / e t c " ) t r u e ( d i r e c t o r y ?" / u s r / b i n / e m a c s / " ) n i l

syntax:(divnum1num2[num3...]) syntax:(divnum1) Successivelydividesnum1bythenumberinnum2.d i v canperformmixedtypearithmetic,butitalwaysreturnsfloatingpoint numbers.AnyfloatingpointcalculationwithN a N alsoreturnsN a N .
( d i v1 03 ) 3 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ( d i v1 2 0( s u b9 . 06 )1 0 0 ) 0 . 4 ( d i v1 0 ) 0 . 1

Whennum1istheonlyargument,d i v calculatestheinverseofnum1.

syntax:(dountilexpcondition[body]) Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedbeforeexpconditionisevaluated.Iftheevaluationofexpconditionisnotn i l ,thenthed o u n t i l expressionisfinishedotherwise,theexpressionsinbodygetevaluatedagain.Notethatd o u n t i l evaluatestheconditional expressionafterevaluatingthebodyexpressions,whereasuntilcheckstheconditionbeforeevaluatingthebody.Thereturnvalueof thed o u n t i l expressionisthelastevaluationofthebodyexpression.Ifbodyisempty,thelastresultofexpconditionisreturned.
d o u n t i l alsoupdatesthesystemiteratorsymbol$ i d x . ( s e t' x1 ) ( d o u n t i l( >x0 )( i n cx ) ) x 2 ( s e t' x1 ) ( u n t i l( >x0 )( i n cx ) ) x 1

Whiled o u n t i l goesthroughtheloopatleastonce,untilneverenterstheloop. Seealsothefunctionswhileanddowhile.

syntax:(dowhileexpconditionbody) Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedbeforeexpconditionisevaluated.Iftheevaluationofexpconditionisn i l ,thenthed o w h i l e expressionisfinishedotherwisetheexpressionsinbodygetevaluatedagain.Notethatd o w h i l e evaluatestheconditional expressionafterevaluatingthebodyexpressions,whereaswhilecheckstheconditionbeforeevaluatingthebody.Thereturnvalue ofthed o w h i l e expressionisthelastevaluationofthebodyexpression.
d o w h i l e alsoupdatesthesystemiteratorsymbol$ i d x . ( s e t' x1 0 ) ( d o w h i l e( <x1 0 )( i n cx ) ) x 1 1 ( s e t' x1 0 ) ( w h i l e( <x1 0 )( i n cx ) ) x 1 0

Whiled o w h i l e goesthroughtheloopatleastonce,whileneverenterstheloop. Seealsothefunctionsuntilanddountil.


Iteratesthroughallmembersoftheargumentlistinsideauserdefinedfunctionormacro.Thisfunctionormacrocanbedefined usingdefine,definemacro,lambda,orlambdamacro.Thevariableinsymissetsequentiallytoallmembersintheargumentlist untilthelistisexhaustedoranoptionalbreakexpression(definedinexpbreak)evaluatestot r u e oralogicaltruevalue.The d o a r g s expressionalwaysreturnstheresultofthelastevaluation.

d o a r g s alsoupdatesthesystemiteratorsymbol$ i d x . ( d e f i n e( f o o ) ( d o a r g s( i )( p r i n t l ni ) ) ) >( f o o1234 ) 1 2 3 4

Theoptionalbreakexpressioncausesd o a r g s tointerruptprocessingofthearguments:
( d e f i n e m a c r o( f o o ) ( d o a r g s( i( =i' x ) ) ( p r i n t l ni ) ) ) >( f o oabxcde ) a b t r u e


syntax:(dolist(symlist[expbreak])body) Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedforeachelementinlist.Thevariableinsymissettoeachoftheelementsbeforeevaluationof thebodyexpressions.Thevariableusedasloopindexislocalandbehavesaccordingtotherulesofdynamicscoping. Optionally,aconditionforearlyloopexitmaybedefinedinexpbreak.Ifthebreakexpressionevaluatestoanynonn i l value,the d o l i s t loopreturnswiththevalueofexpbreak.Thebreakconditionistestedbeforeevaluatingbody.
( s e t' x1 2 3 ) ( d o l i s t( x' ( abcdefg ) ) ;p r i n t s :a b c d e f g ( p r i n tx ) ) g ;r e t u r nv a l u e ( d o l i s t( x' ( abcdefg )( =x' e ) ) ;p r i n t s :a b c d ( p r i n tx ) ) ; ;xi sl o c a li nd o l i s t ; ;xh a ss t i l li t so l dv a l u eo u t s i d et h el o o p x 1 2 3 ;xh a ss t i l li t so l dv a l u e

Thisexampleprintsa b c d e f g intheconsolewindow.Aftertheexecutionofd o l i s t ,thevalueforx remainsunchangedbecausethe x ind o l i s t haslocalscope.Thereturnvalueofd o l i s t istheresultofthelastevaluatedexpression. Theinternalsystemvariable$ i d x keepstrackofthecurrentoffsetintothelistpassedtod o l i s t ,anditcanbeaccessedduringits execution:
( d o l i s t( x' ( abdefg ) ) ( p r i n t l n$ i d x" : "x ) ) g 0 : a 1 : b 2 : d

3 : e 4 : f 5 : g

Theconsoleoutputisshowninboldface.$ i d x isprotectedandcannotbechangedbytheuser.

syntax:(dostring(symstring[expbreak])body) Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedforeachcharacterinstring.ThevariableinsymissettoeachASCIIorUTF8integervalue ofthecharactersbeforeevaluationofthebodyexpressions.Thevariableusedasloopindexislocalandbehavesaccordingtothe rulesofdynamicscoping. Optionally,aconditionforearlyloopexitmaybedefinedinexpbreak.Ifthebreakexpressionevaluatestoanynonn i l value,the d o l i s t loopreturnswiththevalueofexpbreak.Thebreakconditionistestedbeforeevaluatingbody.
;A S C I Ie x a m p l e ( s e t' s t r" a b c d e f g " ) ( d o s t r i n g( cs t r )( p r i n t l nc"-"( c h a rc ) ) ) 9 7-a 9 8-b 9 9-c 1 0 0-d 1 0 1-e 1 0 2-f 1 0 3-g ;U T F 8e x a m p l e ( s e t' u t f 8 s t r" " ) ( d o s t r i n g( cu t f 8 s t r )( p r i n t l nc"-"( c h a rc ) ) ) 2 5 1 0 5- 3 3 0 2 1- 2 1 5 3 4- . . . 2 0 3 0 7- 1 2 2 9 0-

Thisexampleprintsthevalueofeachcharacterintheconsolewindow.InUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP,individual charactersmaybelongerthanonebyteandthenumberintheloopvariablemayexceed255.Thereturnvalueofd o s t r i n g isthe resultofthelastevaluatedexpression. Theinternalsystemvariable$ i d x keepstrackofthecurrentoffsetintothestringpassedtod o s t r i n g ,anditcanbeaccessedduring itsexecution.

syntax:(dotimes(symvarintcount[expbreak])body) Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedinttimes.Thevariableinsymissetfrom0(zero)to(int1)eachtimebeforeevaluatingthe bodyexpression(s).Thevariableusedastheloopindexislocaltothed o t i m e s expressionandbehavesaccordingtherulesof dynamicscoping.Theloopindexisofintegertype.d o t i m e s returnstheresultofthelastexpressionevaluatedinbody.After evaluationofthed o t i m e s statementsymassumesitspreviousvalue. Optionally,aconditionforearlyloopexitmaybedefinedinexpbreak.Ifthebreakexpressionevaluatestoanynonn i l value,the

d o t i m e s loopreturnswiththevalueofexpbreak.Thebreakconditionistestedbeforeevaluatingbody. ( d o t i m e s( x1 0 ) ( p r i n tx ) ) 9 ;r e t u r nv a l u e

Thisprints0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 totheconsolewindow.

syntax:(dotree(symsymcontext[bool])body) Theexpressionsinbodyareevaluatedforallsymbolsinsymcontext.Thesymbolsareaccessedinasortedorder.Beforeeach evaluationofthebodyexpression(s),thevariableinsymissettothenextsymbolfromsymcontext.Thevariableusedastheloop indexislocaltothed o t r e e expressionandbehavesaccordingtherulesofdynamicscoping. Whentheoptionalboolexpressionevaluatestonotn i l ,onlysymbolsstartingwithanunderscorecharacter_ areaccessed.Symbol namesstartingwithan_ underscoreareusedforhashkeysandsymbolscreatedbybayestrain.
d o t r e e alsoupdatesthesystemiteratorsymbol$ i d x . ; ;f a s t e ra n dl e s sm e m o r yo v e r h e a d ( d o t r e e( sS o m e C T X )( p r i n ts"" ) ) ; ;s l o w e ra n dh i g h e rm e m o r yu s a g e ( d o l i s t( s( s y m b o l sS o m e C T X ) )( p r i n ts"" ) )


syntax:(dump[exp]) ShowsthebinarycontentsofanewLISPcell.Withoutanargument,thisfunctionoutputsalistingofallLispcellstotheconsole. Whenexpisgiven,itisevaluatedandthecontentsofaLispcellarereturnedinalist.
( d u m p' a ) ( 9 5 8 6 9 9 659 5 7 8 6 9 29 5 7 8 6 9 29 7 5 9 2 8 0 )

( d u m p9 9 9 ) ( 9 5 8 6 9 9 61 3 09 5 7 8 6 9 29 5 7 8 6 9 29 9 9 )

Thelistcontainsthefollowingmemoryaddressesandinformation: offset description 0 memoryaddressofthenewLISPcell 1 cell>type:major/minortype,seenewlisp.hfordetails 2 cell>next:linkedlistptr cell>aux: stringlength+1or 3 low(littleendian)orhigh(bigendian)wordof64bitintegeror lowwordofIEEE754doublefloat cell>contents: string/symboladdressor 4 high(littleendian)orlow(bigendian)wordof64bitintegeror


ThisfunctionisvaluableforchangingtypebitsincellsorhackingotherpartsofnewLISPinternals.Seethefunctioncpymemfora comprehensiveexample.

syntax:(dupexpintn[bool]) syntax:(dupexp) Iftheexpressioninexpevaluatestoastring,itwillbereplicatedintntimeswithinastringandreturned.Whenspecifyingan expressionevaluatingtoanythingotherthann i l inbool,thestringwillnotbeconcatenatedbutreplicatedinalistlikeanyother datatype. Ifexpcontainsanydatatypeotherthanstring,thereturnedlistwillcontainintnevaluationsofexp. Withouttherepetitionparameter,d u p assumes2.
( d u p" A "6 ) ( d u p" A "6t r u e ) ( d u p" A "0 ) ( d u p" A B "5 ) ( d u p97 ) ( d u p90 ) ( d u p' x8 ) ( d u p' ( 12 )3 ) ( d u p" \ 0 0 0 "4 ) ( d u p" * " ) " A A A A A A " ( " A "" A "" A "" A "" A "" A " ) " " " A B A B A B A B A B " ( 9999999 ) ( ) ( xxxxxxxx ) ( ( 12 )( 12 )( 12 ) ) " \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " " * * "

Thelastexampleshowshandlingofbinaryinformation,creatingastringfilledwithfourbinaryzeroes. Seealsothefunctionssequenceandseries.

syntax:(empty?exp) syntax:(empty?str) expistestedforanemptylist(orstrforanemptystring).Dependingonwhethertheargumentcontainselements,t r u e orn i l is returned.
( s e t' v a r' ( ) ) ( e m p t y ?v a r ) ( e m p t y ?' ( 1234 ) ) ( e m p t y ?" h e l l o " ) ( e m p t y ?" " ) t r u e n i l n i l t r u e


syntax:(encryptstrsourcestrpad) Performsaonetimepad(OTP)encryptionofstrsourceusingtheencryptionpadinstrpad.Thelongerstrpadisandthemore randomthebytesare,thesafertheencryption.Ifthepadisaslongasthesourcetext,isfullyrandom,andisusedonlyonce,then onetimepadencryptionisvirtuallyimpossibletobreak,sincetheencryptionseemstocontainonlyrandomdata.Toretrievethe original,thesamefunctionandpadareappliedagaintotheencryptedtext:
( s e t' s e c r e t ( e n c r y p t" As e c r e tm e s s a g e "" m ys e c r e tk e y " ) ) " , Y S \ 0 2 2 \ 0 0 6 \ 0 1 7 \ 0 2 3 \ 0 1 7 T M \ 0 1 4 \ 0 2 2 \ n \ 0 1 2 \ 0 3 0 E " ( e n c r y p ts e c r e t" m ys e c r e tk e y " ) " As e c r e tm e s s a g e "

( w r i t e f i l e" m y f i l e . e n c " ( e n c r y p t( r e a d f i l e" m y f i l e " )" 2 9 k H 6 7 * " ) )

syntax:(endswithstrdatastrkey[numoption]) syntax:(endswithlistexp) Inthefirstsyntax,e n d s w i t h teststhestringinstrdatatoseeifitendswiththestringspecifiedinstrkey.Itreturnst r u e orn i l dependingontheoutcome. Ifaregularexpressionoptionnumberisspecified,strkeycontainsaregularexpressionpattern.Seeregexforvalidnumbersfor option.
( e n d s w i t h" n e w L I S P "" L I S P " ) t r u e ( e n d s w i t h" n e w L I S P "" l i s p " ) n i l ; ;u s er e g u l a re x p r e s s i o n s ( e n d s w i t h" n e w L I S P "" l i s p | y o r k "1 ) t r u e

Inthesecondsyntax,e n d s w i t h checksifalistendswiththelistelementinexp.t r u e orn i l isreturneddependingonoutcome.

( e n d s w i t h' ( 12345 )5 ) t r u e ( e n d s w i t h' ( abcde )' b ) n i l ( e n d s w i t h' ( abc( +34 ) )' ( +34 ) ) t r u e

Thelastexampleshowsthatexpcouldbealistbyitself. Seealsothestartswithfunction.

syntax:(env) syntax:(envvarstr) syntax:(envvarstrvaluestr) Inthefirstsyntax(withoutarguments),theoperatingsystem'senvironmentisretrievedasanassociationlistinwhicheachentryisa keyvaluepairofenvironmentvariableandvalue.

( e n v ) ( ( " P A T H "" / b i n : / u s r / b i n : / s b i n " )( " T E R M "" x t e r m c o l o r " ). . .) )

Inthesecondsyntax,thenameofanenvironmentvariableisgiveninvarstr.e n v returnsthevalueofthevariableorn i l ifthe variabledoesnotexistintheenvironment.

( e n v" P A T H " ) " / b i n : / u s r / b i n : / u s r / l o c a l / b i n "

Thethirdsyntax(variablenameinvarstrandvaluepairinvaluestr)setsorcreatesanenvironmentvariable.Ifvaluestristhe emptystring" " ,thenthevariableiscompletelyremovedfromtheenvironmentexceptwhenrunningonSolaris,wherethevariable stayswithanemptystring.

( e n v" N E W L I S P B I N "" / u s r / b i n / " ) ( e n v" N E W L I S P B I N " ) ( e n v" N E W L I S P B I N "" " ) ( e n v" N E W L I S P B I N " ) t r u e " / u s r / b i n / " t r u e n i l

e r f calculatestheerrorfunctionofanumberinnum.Theerrorfunctionisdefinedas:

( m a pe r f( s e q u e n c e0 . 06 . 00 . 5 ) ) ( 00 . 5 2 0 4 9 9 8 7 7 80 . 8 4 2 7 0 0 7 9 2 90 . 9 6 6 1 0 5 1 4 6 50 . 9 9 5 3 2 2 2 6 50 . 9 9 9 5 9 3 0 4 8 0 . 9 9 9 9 7 7 9 0 9 50 . 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 5 6 90 . 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 4 60 . 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8111 )

syntax:(erroreventsymeventhandler|funceventhandler) symeventhandlercontainsauserdefinedfunctionforhandlingerrors.Wheneveranerroroccurs,thesystemperformsaresetand executestheuserdefinederrorhandler.Theerrorhandlercanusethebuiltinfunctionlasterrortoretrievethenumberandtextof theerror.Theeventhandlerisspecifiedaseitheraquotedsymboloralambdafunction.
( d e f i n e( m y h a n d l e r ) ( p r i n t" e r r o r#"( f i r s t( l a s t e r r o r ) )"h a so c c u r r e d \ n " )) ( e r r o r e v e n t' m y h a n d l e r ) m y h a n d l e r ; ;s p e c i f yaf u n c t i o nd i r e c t l y ( e r r o r e v e n tm y h a n d l e r ) $ e r r o r e v e n t ( e r r o r e v e n t ( f n( )( p r i n t" e r r o r#"( f i r s t( l a s t e r r o r ) )"h a so c c u r r e d \ n " ) ) ) ( e r r o r e v e n te x i t ) $ e r r o r e v e n t


syntax:(evalexp) evalevaluatestheresultofevaluatingexpinthecurrentvariableenvironment.
( s e t' e x p r' ( +34 ) ) ( e v a le x p r ) ( e v a l( l i s t+34 ) ) ( e v a l' ' x ) ( s e t' y1 2 3 ) ( s e t' x' y ) x y ( e v a lx ) 1 2 3 ( +34 ) 7 7 x

;e v a li ng l o b a l( t o pl e v e l )e n v i r o n m e n t ( s e t' x3' y4 ) ( e v a l' ( +xy ) ) 7 ;e v a li nl o c a le n v i r o n m e n t ( l e t(( x3 3 )( y4 4 )) ( e v a l' ( +xy ) ) ) 7 7 ;o l de n v i r o n m e n ta f t e rl e a v i n gl o c a ll e te n v i r o n m e n t ( e v a l' ( +xy ) ) 7

newLISPpassesallargumentsbyvalue.Usingaquotedsymbol,expressionscanbepassedbyreferencethroughthesymbol.e v a l canbeusedtoaccesstheoriginalcontentsofthesymbol:
( d e f i n e( c h a n g e l i s ta L i s t )( p u s h9 9 9( e v a la L i s t ) ) ) ( s e t' d a t a' ( 12345 ) ) ( c h a n g e l i s t' d a t a ) ( 9 9 912345 )

Intheexample,theparameter' d a t a isquoted,sop u s h canworkontheoriginallist. ThereisasafermethodtopassargumentsbyreferenceinnewLISPbyenclosingthedatainsidecontextobjects.Seethechapter Passingdatabyreference.Passingreferencesintouserdefinedfunctionusingnamespaceidsavoidsvariablecaptureofthepassed symbol,incasethesymbolpassedisthesameusedasaparameterinthefunction.

syntax:(evalstringstrsource[symcontext[experror[intoffset]]]) ThestringinstrsourceiscompiledintonewLISP'sinternalformatandthenevaluated.Theevaluationresultisreturned.Ifthestring containsmorethanoneexpression,theresultofthelastevaluationisreturned. Anoptionalsecondargumentcanbeusedtospecifythecontexttowhichthestringshouldbeparsedandtranslated. Ifanerroroccurswhileparsingandevaluatingstrsourcethenexperrorwillbeevaluatedandtheresultreturned. intoffsetspecifiesanoptionaloffsetintostrsource,wheretostartevaluation.
( e v a l s t r i n g" ( +34 ) " ) 7 ( s e t' X1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( e v a l s t r i n g" X " ) 1 2 3 ( d e f i n e( r e p l );r e a dp r i n te v a ll o o p

( w h i l et r u e ( p r i n t l n" = >"( e v a l s t r i n g( r e a d l i n e )M A I N( l a s t e r r o r ) ) ) )

( s e t' a1 0 ) ( s e t' b2 0 ) ( s e t' f o o : a1 1 ) ( s e t' f o o : b2 2 ) ( e v a l s t r i n g" ( +ab ) " ) 3 0 ( e v a l s t r i n g" ( +ab ) "' f o o ) 3 3

ThesecondexampleshowsasimplenewLISPinterpreterevalloop. Thelastexampleshowshowtospecifyatargetcontextfortranslation.Thesymbolsa andb nowrefertosymbolsandtheirvalues incontextf o o insteadofM A I N . Seealsothefunctionreadexprwhichtranslatesastringwithoutevaluatingit.

syntax:(even?intnumber) Checksifanintegernumberisevendivisibleby2 ,withoutremainder.Whenafloatingpointnumberispassedforintnumber,it willbeconvertedtoanintegerbycuttingoffitsfractionalpart.
( e v e n ?1 2 3 ) n i l ( e v e n ?8 ) t r u e ( e v e n ?8 . 7 ) t r u e

Useodd?tocheckifanintegerisnotdivisibleby2 .

syntax:(execstrprocess) syntax:(execstrprocess[strstdin]) Inthefirstform,e x e c launchesaprocessdescribedinstrprocessandreturnsallstandardoutputasalistofstrings(oneforeachline instandardout(STDOUT)).e x e c returnsn i l iftheprocesscouldnotbelaunched.Iftheprocesscouldbelaunchedbutonly returnsanderrorandnovalidoutput,theemptylistwillbereturned.
( e x e c" l s* . c " ) ( " n e w l i s p . c "" n l m a t h . c "" n l s t r i n g . c " )

Theexamplestartsaprocessandperformstheshellcommandl s ,capturingtheoutputinanarrayofstrings. Inthesecondform,e x e c createsaprocesspipe,startstheprocessinstrprocess,andreceivesfromstrstdinstandardinputforthis process.Thereturnvalueist r u e iftheprocesswassuccessfullylaunchedotherwiseitisn i l .

( e x e c" c g i P r o c "q u e r y )

Inthisexample,cgiProccouldbeacgiprocessor(e.g.,PerlornewLISP)thatreceivesandprocessesstandardinputsuppliedbya stringcontainedinthevariablequery.

syntax:(existsfuncconditionlist) Successivelyappliesfuncconditiontotheelementsoflistandreturnsthefirstelementthatmeetstheconditioninfunccondition.If noelementmeetsthecondition,n i l isreturned.
( e x i s t ss t r i n g ?' ( 2346" h e l l o "7 ) ) ( e x i s t ss t r i n g ?' ( 342730 ) ) ( e x i s t sz e r o ?' ( 342730 ) ) ( e x i s t s<' ( 342730 ) ) ( e x i s t s( f n( x )( >x3 ) )' ( 342730 ) ) " h e l l o " n i l 0;c h e c kf o r0o r0 . 0 7;c h e c kf o rn e g a t i v e 4

( e x i s t s( f n( x )( =x1 0 ) )' ( 342730 ) ) n i l

Iffuncconditionisn i l ? ,theresultn i l isambiguous.Inthiscaseindexorfindarethebettermethodwhenlookingforn i l . Usetheforallfunctiontocheckifaconditionismetforallelementsinalist.

syntax:(exit[int]) ExitsnewLISP.Anoptionalexitcode,int,maybesupplied.Thiscodecanbetestedbythehostoperatingsystem.WhennewLISP isrunindaemonservermodeusingd asacommandlineoption,onlythenetworkconnectionisclosed,whilenewLISPstays resident,listeningforanewconnection.
( e x i t5 )

syntax:(expnum) Theexpressioninnumisevaluated,andtheexponentialfunctioniscalculatedbasedontheresult.e x p istheinversefunctionoflog.
( e x p1 ) 2 . 7 1 8 2 8 1 8 2 8 ( e x p( l o g1 ) ) 1

syntax:(expandexpsym1[sym2...]) syntax:(expandexplistassoc[bool]) syntax:(expandexp) Inthefirstsyntax,onesymbolinsym(ormoreinsym2throughsymn)islookedupinasimpleornestedexpressionexp.Theyare thenexpandedtothecurrentbindingofthesymbolandtheexpandedexpressionisreturned.Theoriginallistremainsunchanged.

( s e t' x2' a' ( de ) ) ( s e t' f o o' a ) ( e x p a n df o o' a ) ( de ) ( e x p a n d' ( axb )' x ) ( a2b ) ( e x p a n d' ( ax( bcx ) )' x ) ( a2( bc2 ) ) ( e x p a n d' ( ax( bcx ) )' x' a ) ( ( de )2( bc2 ) ) e x p a n d isusefulwhencomposinglambdaexpressionsanddoingvariableexpansionasinrewritemacros. ( d e f i n e( r a i s e t op o w e r ) ( e x p a n d( f n( b a s e )( p o wb a s ep o w e r ) )' p o w e r ) ) ( d e f i n es q u a r e( r a i s e t o2 ) ) ( d e f i n ec u b e( r a i s e t o3 ) ) ( s q u a r e5 ) 2 5 ( c u b e5 ) 1 2 5

Ifmorethanonesymbolispresent,e x p a n d willworkinanincrementalfashion:
( s e t' a' ( bc ) ) ( s e t' b1 ) ( e x p a n d' ( abc )' a' b ) ( ( 1c )1c )

Liketheapplyfunction,e x p a n d reducesitsargumentlist. syntax:(expandlistlistassoc[bool]) Thesecondsyntaxofe x p a n d allowsexpansionbindingstobespecifiedonthefly,withoutperformingasetontheparticipating variables: Iftheboolevaluatestot r u e ,thevaluepartsintheassociationlistareevaluated.

( e x p a n d' ( abc )' ( ( a1 )( b2 ) ) ) ( 12c ) ( e x p a n d' ( abc )' ( ( a1 )( b2 )( c( xyz ) ) ) ) ( 12( xyz ) ) ( e x p a n d' ( ab )' ( ( a( +12 ) )( b( +34 ) ) ) ) ( ( +12 )( +34 ) ) ( e x p a n d' ( ab )' ( ( a( +12 ) )( b( +34 ) ) )t r u e )( 37 )

Notethatthecontentsofthevariablesintheassociationlistwillnotchange.Thisisdifferentfromtheletexfunction,where variablesaresetbyevaluatingandassigningtheirassociationparts. Thisformofe x p a n d isfrequentlyusedinlogicprogramming,togetherwiththeunifyfunction. syntax:(expandlist) Athirdsyntaxisusedtoexpandonlythecontentsofvariablesstartingwithanuppercasecharacter.ThisPROLOGmodemayalso beusedinthecontextoflogicprogramming.Asinthefirstsyntaxofe x p a n d ,symbolsmustbepreset.Onlyuppercasevariables andthoseboundtoanythingotherthann i l willbeexpanded:
( s e t' A1' B v a r2' Cn i l' d5' e6 ) ( e x p a n d' ( A( B v a r )Cdef ) ) ( 1( 2 )Cdef )

OnlythesymbolsA andB v a r areexpandedbecausetheyhavecapitalizednamesandnonn i l contents. Thecurryingfunctionintheexampledemonstratingthefirstsyntaxofe x p a n d cannowbewrittenevenmoresimplyusingan uppercasevariable:

( d e f i n e( r a i s e t oP o w e r ) ( e x p a n d( f n( b a s e )( p o wb a s eP o w e r ) ) ) ) >( d e f i n ec u b e( r a i s e t o3 ) ) ( l a m b d a( b a s e )( p o wb a s e3 ) ) >( c u b e4 ) 6 4


Seetheletexfunction,whichalsoprovidesanexpansionmechanism,andthefunctionunify,whichisfrequentlyusedtogetherwith e x p a n d .

syntax:(explodestr[intchunk[bool]]) syntax:(explodelist[intchunk[bool]]) Inthefirstsyntax,e x p l o d e transformsthestring(str)intoalistofsinglecharacterstrings.Optionally,achunksizecanbespecified inintchunktobreakthestringintomulticharacterchunks.Whenspecifyingavalueforboolotherthann i l ,thelastchunkwillbe omittedifitdoesnothavethefulllengthspecifiedinintchunk.
( e x p l o d e" n e w L I S P " ) ( " n "" e "" w "" L "" I "" S "" P " ) ( j o i n( e x p l o d e" k e e pi tt o g e t h e r " ) ) " k e e pi tt o g e t h e r " ( e x p l o d e" n e w L I S P "2 ) ( e x p l o d e" n e w L I S P "3 ) ( " n e "" w L "" I S "" P " ) ( " n e w "" L I S "" P " )

;o m i tl a s tc h u n ki ft o os h o r t ( e x p l o d e" n e w L I S P "3t r u e ) ( " n e w "" L I S " )

OnlyonnonUTF8enabledversions,e x p l o d e alsoworksonbinarycontent:
( e x p l o d e" \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 \ 0 0 3 " ) ( " \ 0 0 0 "" \ 0 0 1 "" \ 0 0 2 "" \ 0 0 3 " )

WhencalledinUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP,e x p l o d e willworkoncharacterboundariesratherthanbyteboundaries.In UTF8encodedstrings,charactersmaycontainmorethanonebyte.Processingwillstopwhenazerobytecharacterisfound. ToexplodebinarycontentsonUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISPuseunpackasshowninthefollowingexample:

( s e t' s t r" \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 \ 0 0 3 \ 0 0 4 " )" \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 \ 0 0 3 \ 0 0 4 " ( u n p a c k( d u p" c "( l e n g t hs t r ) )s t r )( 1234 ) ( u n p a c k( d u p" s "( l e n g t hs t r ) )s t r )( " \ 0 0 1 "" \ 0 0 2 "" \ 0 0 3 "" \ 0 0 4 " )

Inthesecondsyntax,e x p l o d e explodesalist(list)intosublistsofchunksizeintchunk,whichis1(one)bydefault. Thefollowingshowsanexampleofthelastchunkbeingomittedwhenthevalueforboolisotherthann i l ,andthechunkdoesnot havethefulllengthspecifiedinintchunk.

( e x p l o d e' ( abcdefgh ) ) ( ( a )( b )( c )( d )( e )( f )( g )( h ) ) ( e x p l o d e' ( abcdefg )2 ) ( ( ab )( cd )( ef )( g ) ) ;o m i tl a s tc h u n ki ft o os h o r t ( e x p l o d e' ( abcdefg )2t r u e ) ( ( ab )( cd )( ef ) ) ( t r a n s p o s e( e x p l o d e' ( abcdefgh )2 ) ) ( ( aceg )( bdfh ) )

Thejoinandappendfunctionsareinverseoperationsofe x p l o d e .


syntax:(extendlist1[list2...]) syntax:(extendstring1[string2...]) Thelistinlist1isextendedbyappendinglist2.Morethanonelistmaybeappended. Thestringinstring1isextendedbyappendingstring2.Morethanonestringmaybeappended.Thestringcancontainbinary0 (zero)characters. Thefirstparametercanbeanuninitializedvariable. Theextendedlistorstringisreturned.

;e x t e n d i n gl i s t s ( e x t e n dl s t' ( ab )' ( cd ) )( abcd ) ( e x t e n dl s t' ( efg ) )( abcdef ) l s t( abcdefg ) ;e x t e n d i n gs t r i n g s ( e x t e n ds t r" a b "" c d " )" a b c d " ( e x t e n ds t r" e f g " )" a b c d e f g " s t r" a b c d e f g " ;e x t e n d i n gi np l a c e ( s e t' L' ( ab" C D "( ef ) ) ) ( e x t e n d( L2 )" E " ) L( ab" C D E "( ef ) ) ( e x t e n d( L3 )' ( g ) ) L( ab" C D E "( efg ) )


syntax:(factorint) Factorsthenumberinintintoitsprimecomponents.Whenfloatingpointnumbersarepassed,theyaretruncatedtotheirintegerpart first.
( f a c t o r1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) ( 3371 11 31 93 6 0 73 8 0 35 2 5 7 9 ) ; ;c h e c kc o r r e c t n e s so ff a c t o r i n g ( =( a p p l y*( f a c t o r1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) )1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) t r u e ; ;f a c t o rt h eb i g g e s ti n t e g e r ( f a c t o r9 2 2 3 3 7 2 0 3 6 8 5 4 7 7 5 8 0 7 ) ( 777 31 2 73 3 79 2 7 3 76 4 9 6 5 7 ) ; ;p r i m e s . l s p-r e t u r na l lp r i m e si nal i s t ,u pt on ( d e f i n e( p r i m e sn,p ) ( d o t i m e s( en ) ( i f( =( l e n g t h( f a c t o re ) )1 ) ( p u s hep1 ) ) )p ) ( p r i m e s2 0 ) ( 23571 11 31 71 9 ) f a c t o r returnsn i l fornumberssmallerthan2 .Fornumberslargerthan9,223,372,036,854,775,807(thelargest64bitinteger)


syntax:(fftlistnum) CalculatesthediscreteFouriertransformonthelistofcomplexnumbersinlistnumusingtheFFTmethod(FastFourierTransform). Eachcomplexnumberisspecifiedbyitsrealpartfollowedbyitsimaginarypart.Ifonlyrealnumbersareused,theimaginarypartis setto0 . 0 (zero).Whenthenumberofelementsinlistnumisnotapowerof2,f f t increasesthenumberofelementsbypadding thelistwithzeroes.Whentheimaginarypartofacomplexnumberis0 ,simplenumberscanbeusedinstead.
( i f f t( f f t' ( ( 10 )( 20 )( 30 )( 40 ) ) ) ) ( ( 10 )( 20 )( 30 )( 40 ) ) ; ;w h e ni m a g i n a r yp a r ti s0 ,p l a i nn u m b e r sw o r k ,t o o ; ;c o m p l e xn u m b e r sc a nb ei n t e r m i x e d ( f f t' ( 1234 ) ) ( ( 1 00 )( 22 )( 20 )( 22 ) ) ( f f t' ( 12( 30 )4 ) ) ( ( 1 00 )( 22 )( 20 )( 22 ) )

Theinverseoperationoff f t istheifftfunction.

syntax:(fileinfostrname[intindex[boolflag]]) Returnsalistofinformationaboutthefileordirectoryinstr_name.Theoptionalindexspecifiesthelistmembertoreturn.Whenno boolflagisspecifiedorwhenboolflagevaluateston i l informationaboutthelinkisreturnedifthefileisalinktoanoriginalfile. Ifboolflagevaluatestoanythingelsethann i l ,informationabouttheoriginalfilereferencedbythelinkisreturned. offset contents 0 size 1 mode(differswitht r u e flag) 2 devicemode 3 userID 4 groupID 5 accesstime 6 modificationtime 7 statuschangetime

Dependingonboolflagset,thefunctionreportsoneitherthelink(noflagorn i l flag)orontheoriginallinkedfile(t r u e flag).

( f i l e i n f o" . b a s h r c " ) ( 1 2 43 3 1 8 805 0 009 2 0 9 5 1 0 2 29 2 0 9 5 1 0 2 29 2 0 9 5 3 0 7 4 ) ( f i l e i n f o" . b a s h r c "0 ) 1 2 4 ( d a t e( f i l e i n f o" / e t c "1 ) ) " M o nM a r81 8 : 2 3 : 1 72 0 0 5 "

f i l e i n f o givesfilestatistics(size)foralinkedfile,notthelink,exceptforthemodefield.

syntax:(file?strpathname[bool]) Checksfortheexistenceofafileinstrname.Returnst r u e ifthefileexistsotherwise,itreturnsn i l .Thisfunctionwillalsoreturn t r u e fordirectories.Iftheoptionalboolvalueist r u e ,thefilemustnotbeadirectoryandstrpathnameisreturnedorn i l ifthe fileisadirectory.Theexistenceofafiledoesnotimplyanythingaboutitsreadorwritepermissionsforthecurrentuser.
( i f( f i l e ?" a f i l e " )( s e t' f i l e N o( o p e n" a f i l e "" r e a d " ) ) ) ( f i l e ?" / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p "t r u e )" / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p " ( f i l e ?" / u s r / b i n / f o o "t r u e ) n i l

syntax:(filterexppredicateexplist) Thepredicateexppredicateisappliedtoeachelementofthelistexplist.Alistisreturnedcontainingtheelementsforwhichexp predicateistrue.f i l t e r workslikeclean,butwithanegatedpredicate.
( f i l t e rs y m b o l ?' ( 12d4fg5h ) ) ( dfgh ) ( d e f i n e( b i g ?x )( >x5 ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( >x5 ) ) ( f i l t e rb i g ?' ( 11 036451 1 ) ) ( 1 061 1 ) ;f i l t e rw i t hc o m p a r i s o nf u n c t o r ( s e t' L' ( ( a1 027 )( b5 )( a83 )( c8 )( a9 ) ) ) ( f i l t e r( c u r r ym a t c h' ( a* ) )L ) ( f i l t e r( c u r r ym a t c h' ( ?? ) )L ) ( ( a1 027 )( a83 )( a9 ) ) ( ( b5 )( c8 )( a9 ) )

( f i l t e r( c u r r ym a t c h' ( *8* ) )L )( ( a83 )( c8 ) )

Thepredicatemaybeabuiltinpredicate,auserdefinedfunction,oralambdaexpression. Forfilteringalistofelementswiththeelementsfromanotherlist,usethedifferencefunctionorintersect(withthelistoption). Seealsotherelatedfunctionindex,whichreturnstheindicesofthefilteredelementsandclean,whichreturnsallelementsofalist forwhichapredicateisfalse.

syntax:(findexpkeylist[funccompare|intregexoption]) syntax:(findstrkeystrdata[intregexoption[intoffset]])

Ifthesecondargumentevaluatestoalist,thenf i n d returnstheindexposition(offset)oftheelementderivedfromevaluatingexp key.

Optionally,anoperatororuserdefinedfunctioncanbespecifiedinfunccompare.Iftheexpkeyisastring,aregularexpression optioncanbespecifiedwiththeintregexoptionparameter. Whenusingregularexpressionsorcomparisonfunctorsthesystemvariable$ 0 issettothelastelementfound.

;f i n da ne x p r e s s i o ni nal i s t ( f i n d' ( 12 )' ( ( 14 )56( 12 )( 89 ) ) ) 3 ( f i n d" w o r l d "' ( " h e l l o "" w o r l d " ) ) ( f i n d" h i "' ( " h e l l o "" w o r l d " ) ) 1 n i l

( f i n d" n e w l i s p "' ( " P e r l "" P y t h o n "" n e w L I S P " )1 ) 2 ;u s et h ec o m p a r i s o nf u n c t o r ( f i n d3' ( 843 726 )> ) 4 $ 02 ( f i n d" n e w l i s p "' ( " P e r l "" P y t h o n "" n e w L I S P " ) ( f n( xy )( r e g e xxy1 ) ) )2 $ 0" n e w L I S P " ( f i n d5' ( ( l3 )( k5 )( a1 0 )( z2 2 ) ) ( f n( xy )( =x( l a s ty ) ) ) ) 1 $ 0( k5 ) ( f i n d' ( a? )' ( ( l3 )( k5 )( a1 0 )( z2 2 ) )m a t c h ) 2 $ 0( a1 0 ) ( f i n d' ( XX )' ( ( ab )( cd )( ee )( fg ) )u n i f y ) 2 $ 0( ee ) ;d e f i n et h ec o m p a r i s o nf u n c t o rf i r s tf o rb e t t e rr e a d a b i l i t y ( d e f i n e( h a s i t a s l a s txy )( =x( l a s ty ) ) ) ( f i n d2 2' ( ( l3 )( k5 )( a1 0 )( z2 2 ) )h a s i t a s l a s t ) 3 $ 0( z2 2 )


Ifthesecondargument,strdata,evaluatestoastring,thentheoffsetpositionofthestringstrkey(foundinthefirstargument,str data)isreturned.Inthiscase,f i n d alsoworksonbinarystrdata.Theoffsetpositionreturnedisalwaysbasedoncountingsingle bytecharactersevenwhenrunningtheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISP. Thepresenceofathirdparameterspecifiesasearchusingtheregularexpressionpatternspecifiedinstrpattern,aswellasanoption numberspecifiedinintregexoption(i.e.,1(one)forcaseinsensitivesearchor0 (zero)fornospecialoptions).Ifintregexoptionis specifiedanoptionalintoffsetargumentcanbespecifiedtootostartthesearchnotatthebeginningbutattheoffsetgiven.Inany casethepositionreturnedbyf i n d iscalculatedrelativetothebeginningofthestring. Tospecifyintoffsetinasimplestringsearchwithoutregularexpressions,specifyn i l forintregexoption. InnewLISP,regularexpressionsarestandardPerlCompatibleRegularExpression(PCRE)searches.Foundexpressionsor subexpressionsarereturnedinthesystemvariables$ 0 ,$ 1 ,$ 2 ,etc.,whichcanbeusedlikeanyothersymbol.Asanalternative,the contentsofthesevariablescanalsobeaccessedbyusing( $0 ) ,( $1 ) ,( $2 ) ,etc.Thismethodallowsindexedaccess(i.e.,( $i ) , wherei isaninteger). Seeregexforthemeaningoftheoptionnumbersandmoreinformationonregularexpressionsearching.
;s i m p l es t r i n gs e a r c h ( f i n d" w o r l d "" H e l l ow o r l d " ) 6 ( f i n d" W O R L D "" H e l l ow o R L d " ) n i l ;c a s e i n s e n s i t i v er e g e x ( f i n d" W o r l D "" H e l l ow o R L d "1 ) 6

( f i n d" h i "" h e l l ow o r l d " ) ( f i n d" H e l l o "" H e l l ow o r l d " ) ;r e g e xw i t hd e f a u l to p t i o n s

n i l 0

( f i n d" c a t | d o g "" Ih a v eac a t "0 ) $ 0 ( f i n d" c a t | d o g "" m yd o g "0 ) $ 0 ( f i n d" c a t | d o g "" M YD O G "1 ) $ 0

9 " c a t " 3 " d o g " 3 " D O G "

;u s ea no p t i o n a lo f f s e t ( f i n d" c a t | d o g "" Ih a v eac a ta n dad o g "0 ) 9 ( f i n d" c a t | d o g "" Ih a v eac a ta n dad o g "01 2 )1 9 ; ;f i n dw i t hs u b e x p r e s s i o n si nr e g u l a re x p r e s s i o n ; ;a n da c c e s sw i t hs y s t e mv a r i a b l e s ( s e t' s t r " h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 " ) ( f i n d" h t t p : / / ( . * ) : ( . * ) "s t r0 ) 0 $ 0 " h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 " $ 1 " n u e v a t e c . c o m " $ 2 " 8 0 " ; ;s y s t e mv a r i a b l e sa sa ni n d e x e de x p r e s s i o n( s i n c e8 . 0 . 5 ) ( $0 ) " h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 " ( $1 ) " n u e v a t e c . c o m " ( $2 ) " 8 0 "

Forotherfunctionsusingregularexpressions,seedirectory,findall,parse,regex,replace,andsearch. Tofindexpressionsinnestedormultidimensionallists,usetherefandrefallfunctions.

syntax:(findallstrregexpatternstrtext[exp[intregexoption]]) syntax:(findalllistmatchpatternlist[exp]) syntax:(findallexpkeylist[exp[funccompare]]) Inthefirstsyntax,f i n d a l l findsalloccurrencesofstrregexpatterninthetextstrtext,returningalistcontainingallmatching strings.Theemptylist( ) isreturnedifnomatchesarefound.Inthefirstsyntaxstringsearchesarealwaysdoneusingregular expressionpatterns,evenifnointregexoptionisspecified.Thesystemvariable$ c o u n t isupdatedwiththenumberofmatches found. Optionally,anexpressioncanbespecifiedtoprocessthefoundstringorregularsubexpressionsbeforeplacingthemintothe returnedlist.Anadditionaloption,intoption,specifiesspecialregularexpressionoptions(seeregexforfurtherdetails).
( f i n d a l l{ \ d + }" l k j h k l j h 3 4 g h f d h g f d 6 7 8 g f d h f g d 9 " ) ( " 3 4 "" 6 7 8 "" 9 " ) $ c o u n t3 ( f i n d a l l{ ( n e w ) ( l i s p ) }" n e w L I S P i s N E W L I S P "( a p p e n d$ 2$ 1 )1 ) ( " L I S P n e w "" L I S P N E W " ) ( u n i q u e( s o r t ( f i n d a l l{ [ a z A Z ] + } ( r e p l a c e" < [ ^ > ] + > "( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / n e w l i s p . o r g " )" "0 )) ) ) ( " A "" A C C "" A I "" A P I "" A b o u t "" A l l "" A m a z i n g "" A p p s " . . . " w h e r e "" w h o l e "" w i d t h "" w i k i "" w i l l "" w i t h "" w o r k "" w r i t t e n " )

;u s e$ c o u n ti ne v a l u a t e de x p r ( f i n d a l l" a "" a b a b a b "( s t r i n g$ c o u n t$ i t ) )( " 1 a "" 2 a "" 3 a " )

Thefirstexamplediscoversallnumbersinatext.Thesecondexampleshowshowanoptionalexpressioninexpcanworkon subexpressionsfoundbytheregularexpressionpatterninstrpattern.Thelastexampleretrievesawebpage,cleansoutallHTML tags,andthencollectsallwordsintoauniqueandsortedlist. Notethatf i n d a l l withstringsalwaysperformsaregularexpressionsearch,eveniftheoptioninintoptionisomitted. Inthesecondsyntax,f i n d a l l searchesforalllistmatchpatternslistmatchpatterninlist.Asinf i n d a l l forstrings,an expressioncanbespecifiedinexptoprocessfurtherthematchedsublistfoundinlist.Thesystemvariable$ c o u n t isupdatedwith thenumberofmatchesfound.
( f i n d a l l' ( ?2 )' ( ( a1 )( b2 )( a2 )( c4 ) ) )( ( b2 )( a2 ) ) ( f i n d a l l' ( ?2 )' ( ( a1 )( b2 )( a2 )( c4 ) )( f i r s t$ i t ) )( ba ) $ c o u n t2 f i n d a l l forlistmatchesalwaysusesmatchtocomparewhensearchingforsublistsandalwaysneedsalistforthepattern

expression. Inthethirdsyntax,f i n d a l l canspecifyabuiltinoruserdefinedfunctionusedforcomparinglistelementswiththekey expressioninexpkey:

( f i n d a l l5' ( 27459249748 )$ i t< )( 79978 ) ;p r o c e s st h ef o u n de l e m e n ta v a i l a b l ei n$ i t ( f i n d a l l5' ( 27459249748 )( *3$ i t )< )( 2 12 72 72 12 4 ) ;s a m ea s ( f i n d a l l5' ( 27459249748 )( *3$ i t )( f n( xy )( <xy ) ) )( 2 12 72 72 12 4 ) ( f i n d a l l5' ( 27459249748 )( " a b c d e f g h i j k "$ i t )< )( " h "" j "" j "" h "" i " ) $ c o u n t5 ;u s e$ c o u n t ( f i n d a l l' a' ( ababab )( l i s t$ c o u n t$ i t ) )( ( 1a )( 2a )( 3a ) )

Anytypeofexpressioncanbesearchedfororcanbecontainedinthelist.f i n d a l l inthissyntaxworkssimilartofilterbutwith theaddedbenefitofbeingabletodefineaprocessingexpressionforthefoundelement. Ifnofunccompareisdefinedandexpkeyisalist,thenmatchwillbeusedforcomparison,asinthesecondsyntax.

syntax:(firstlist) syntax:(firstarray) syntax:(firststr) Returnsthefirstelementofalistorthefirstcharacterofastring.Theoperandisnotchanged.Thisfunctionisequivalenttocaror headinotherLispdialects.
( f i r s t' ( 12345 ) ) 1 ( f i r s t' ( ( ab )cd ) ) ( ab ) ( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcde ) ) ( abcde ) ( f i r s ta L i s t ) a a L i s t ( abcde ) ( s e t' A( a r r a y32( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) )

( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 ) ) ( f i r s tA ) ( f i r s t' ( ) )

( 12 ) E R R :l i s ti se m p t y

( f i r s t" n e w L I S P " ) " n " ( f i r s t( r e s t" n e w L I S P " ) ) " e "

NotethatfirstworksoncharacterboundariesratherthanbyteboundarieswhentheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISPisused. Seealsothefunctionslastandrest.

syntax:(flatlist[intlevel]) Returnsaflattenedlistfromalist:
( s e t' l s t' ( a( b( cd ) ) ) ) ( f l a tl s t ) ( abcd ) ;e x t r a c tal i s to fi n d e xv e c t o r so fa l le l e m e n t s ( m a p( f n( x )( r e fxl s t ) )( f l a tl s t ) ) ( ( 0 )( 10 )( 110 )( 111 ) )

( f l a t' ( ab( cd( ef ) )( gh( ij ) ) )) ( abcdefghij )

( f l a t' ( ab( cd( ef ) )( gh( ij ) ) )1 ) ( abcd( ef )gh( ij ) ) ( f l a t' ( ab( cd( ef ) )( gh( ij ) ) )2 ) ( abcdefghij )

Ifintlevelis0 ,noflatteningwilloccur.
f l a t canbeusedtoiteratethroughnestedlists.

syntax:(floatexp[expdefault]) Iftheexpressioninexpevaluatestoanumberorastring,theargumentisconvertedtoafloatandreturned.Ifexpcannotbe convertedtoafloatthenn i l or,ifspecified,theevaluationofexpdefaultwillbereturned.Thisfunctionismostlyusedtoconvert stringsfromuserinputorwhenreadingandparsingtext.Thestringmuststartwithadigitorthe+ (plussign),(minussign),or. (period).Ifexpisinvalid,f l o a t returnsn i l asadefaultvalue. Floatswithexponentslargerthan1e308orsmallerthan1e308areconvertedto+INForINF,respectively.Thedisplayof+INF andINFdiffersondifferentplatformsandcompilers.
( f l o a t" 1 . 2 3 " ) ( f l o a t"1 . 2 3 " ) ( f l o a t" . 5 " ) ( f l o a t" 1 . 2 3 " ) ( f l o a t" . 5 " ) ( f l o a t" # 1 . 2 3 " ) 1 . 2 3 1 . 2 3 0 . 5 0 1 . 2 3 n i l n i l

( f l o a t" # 1 . 2 3 "0 . 0 ) 0 ( f l o a t ?1 2 3 ) n i l ( f l o a t ?( f l o a t1 2 3 ) ) t r u e ( f l o a t' ( abc ) ) n i l ( f l o a t' ( abc )0 ) 0 ( f l o a tn i l0 ) 0 ( f l o a t" a b c "" n o tan u m b e r " ) " n o tan u m b e r " ( f l o a t" 1 e 5 0 0 " ) i n f ( f l o a t" 1 e 5 0 0 " ) i n f ( p r i n t" E n t e raf l o a tn u m : " ) ( s e t' f n u m( f l o a t( r e a d l i n e ) ) )


t r u e isreturnedonlyifexpevaluatestoafloatingpointnumberotherwise,n i l isreturned. ( s e t' n u m1 . 2 3 ) ( f l o a t ?n u m ) t r u e

syntax:(floornumber) Returnsthenextlowestintegerbelownumberasafloatingpoint.
( f l o o r1 . 5 ) 2 ( f l o o r3 . 4 ) 3


syntax:(fltnumber) Convertsnumbertoa32bitfloatrepresentedbyaninteger.Thisfunctionisusedwhenpassing32bitfloatstolibraryroutines. newLISPfloatingpointnumbersare64bitandarepassedas64bitfloatswhencallingimportedClibraryroutines.
( f l t1 . 2 3 ) 1 0 6 7 2 8 2 5 9 6 ; ;p a s s3 2 b i tf l o a tt oC f u n c t i o n :f o o ( f l o a tv a l u e ) ( i m p o r t" m y l i b . s o "" f o o " ) ( f o o( f l t1 . 2 3 ) ) ( g e t i n t( p a c k" f "1 . 2 3 ) ) 1 0 6 7 2 8 2 5 9 6 ( u n p a c k" f "( p a c k" l d "( f l t1 . 2 3 4 5 ) ) ) ( 1 . 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 5 1 )

Thelasttwostatementsillustratetheinnerworkingsoff l t . Usetheimportfunctiontoimportlibraries.

f n isusedtodefineanonymousfunctions,whicharefrequentlyusedinmap,sort,andmanyotherfunctionswherefunctionscanbe

usedasarguments. Usingananonymousfunctioneliminatestheneedtodefineanewfunctionwithdefine.Instead,afunctionisdefinedonthefly:
( m a p( f n( x )( +xx ) )' ( 12345 ) )( 24681 0 ) ( s o r t' ( " . . "" . . . "" . "" . . . . . " )( f n( xy )( >( l e n g t hx )( l e n g t hy ) ) ) ) ( " . . . . . "" . . . "" . . "" . " )

Theexampledefinesthefunctionfn(x),whichtakesaninteger(x)anddoublesit.Thefunctionismappedontoalistofarguments usingmap.Thesecondexampleshowsstringsbeingsortedbylength. Thelambdafunction(thelonger,traditionalform)canbeusedinplaceoff n .

syntax:(for(symnumfromnumto[numstep[expbreak]])body) Repeatedlyevaluatestheexpressionsinbodyforarangeofvaluesspecifiedinnumfromandnumto,inclusive.Astepsizemaybe specifiedwithnumstep.Ifnostepsizeisspecified,1 isassumed. Optionally,aconditionforearlyloopexitmaybedefinedinexpbreak.Ifthebreakexpressionevaluatestoanynonn i l value,the f o r loopreturnswiththevalueofexpbreak.Thebreakconditionistestedbeforeevaluatingbody.Ifabreakconditionisdefined, numstepmustbedefined,too. Thesymbolsymislocalindynamicscopetothef o r expression.Ittakesoneachvaluesuccessivelyinthespecifiedrangeasan integervalueifnostepsizeisspecified,orasafloatingpointvaluewhenastepsizeispresent.Afterevaluationofthef o r statement symassumesitspreviousvalue.
>( f o r( x11 02 )( p r i n t l nx ) ) 1 3 5 7 9 >( f o r( x860 . 5 )( p r i n t l nx ) ) 8 7 . 5 7 6 . 5 6 >( f o r( x11 0 02( >( *xx )3 0 ) )( p r i n t l nx ) ) 1 3 5

t r u e >_

Thesecondexampleusesarangeofnumbersfromhighesttolowest.Notethatthestepsizeisalwaysapositivenumber.Inthethird example,abreakconditionistested. Usethesequencefunctiontomakeasequenceofnumbers.

syntax:(forallfuncconditionlist) Appliesthefunctioninfuncconditiontoallelementsinlist.Ifallelementsmeettheconditioninfunccondition,theresultist r u e otherwise,n i l isreturned.
( f o r a l ln u m b e r ?' ( 23467 ) ) ( f o r a l ln u m b e r ?' ( 2346" h e l l o "7 ) ) t r u e n i l

( f o r a l l( f n( x )( =x1 0 ) )' ( 1 01 01 01 01 0 ) ) t r u e


syntax:(forkexp) TheexpressioninexpislaunchedasanewLISPchildprocessthreadoftheplatformsOS.Thenewprocessinheritstheentire addressspace,butrunsindependentlysosymbolorvariablecontentschangedinthechildprocesswillnotaffecttheparentprocess orviceversa.Thechildprocessendswhentheevaluationofexpfinishes. Onsuccess,f o r k returnswiththechildprocessIDonfailure,n i l isreturned.Seealsothewaitpidfunction,whichwaitsfora childprocesstofinish. ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonLinux/UnixversionsofnewLISPandisbasedonthef o r k ( ) implementationoftheunderlying OS. AmuchsimplerautomatedmethodtolaunchprocessesandcollectresultsisavailablewithspawnandtheCilkAPI.
>( s e t' x0 ) 0 >( f o r k( w h i l e( <x2 0 )( p r i n t l n( i n cx ) )( s l e e p1 0 0 0 ) ) ) 1 7 6 >1 2 3 4 5 6

Theexampleillustrateshowthechildprocessthreadinheritsthesymbolspaceandhowitisindependentoftheparentprocess.The f o r k statementreturnsimmediatelywiththeprocessID1 7 6 .Thechildprocessincrementsthevariablex byoneeachsecondand printsittostandardout(boldface).Intheparentprocess,commandscanstillbeentered.Typex toseethatthesymbolx stillhasthe value0 (zero)intheparentprocess.Althoughstatementsenteredwillmixwiththedisplayofthechildprocessoutput,theywillbe

correctlyinputtotheparentprocess. Thesecondexampleillustrateshowpipecanbeusedtocommunicatebetweenprocesses.
# ! / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p ( d e f i n e( c o u n t d o w n p r o cxc h a n n e l ) ( w h i l e( ! =x0 ) ( w r i t e l i n ec h a n n e l( s t r i n gx ) ) ( d e cx ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( o b s e r v e r p r o cc h a n n e l ) ( d o u n t i l( =i" 1 " ) ( p r i n t l n" p r o c e s s"( s e t qi( r e a d l i n ec h a n n e l ) ) ) ) ) ( m a ps e t' ( i no u t )( p i p e ) ) ( s e t' o b s e r v e r( f o r k( o b s e r v e r p r o ci n ) ) ) ( s e t' c o u n t e r( f o r k( c o u n t d o w n p r o c5o u t ) ) ) ;a v o i dz o m b i e s ( w a i t p i do b s e r v e r ) ( w a i t p i dc o u n t e r ) ( e x i t )

p r o c e s s5 p r o c e s s4 p r o c e s s3 p r o c e s s2 p r o c e s s1

Thec o u n t d o w n p r o c writesnumberstothecommunicationpipe,wheretheyarepickedupbytheo b s e r v e r p r o c e s s and displayed. Aforkedprocesscaneitherexitbyitselforitcanbedestroyedusingthedestroyfunction.

( d e f i n e( f o r k d e s t r o y d e m o ) ( s e t' p i d( f o r k( d o t i m e s( i1 0 0 0 )( p r i n t l ni )( s l e e p1 0 ) ) ) ) ( s l e e p5 0 ) ( d e s t r o yp i d ) ) >( f o r k d e s t r o y d e m o ) 0 1 2 3 4 t r u e >

Theprocessstartedbyf o r k d e s t r o y d e m o willnotfinishbutisdestroyed50millisecondsafterstartbyacalltodestroy. Usethesemaphorefunctionforsynchronizingprocessesandshareforsharingmemorybetweenprocesses. Seespawnforamuchsimplerandautomatedwaytosynchronizeprocessesandcollectresults.

syntax:(formatstrformatexpdata1[expdata2...]) syntax:(formatstrformatlistdata)

Constructsaformattedstringfromexpdata1usingtheformatspecifiedintheevaluationofstrformat.Theformatspecifiedis identicaltotheformatusedforthep r i n t f ( ) functionintheANSIClanguage.Twoormoreexpdataargumentscanbespecified formorethanoneformatspecifierinstrformat. Inanalternativesyntax,thedatatobeformattedcanbepassedinsidealistinlistdata.

f o r m a t checksforavalidformatstring,matchingdatatype,andthecorrectnumberofarguments.Wrongformatsordatatypes,float,orstringcanbeusedtoensurecorrectdatatypesandtoavoiderrormessages. Theformatstringhasthefollowinggeneralformat: "" The% (percentsign)startsaformatspecification.Todisplaya% insideaformatstring,doubleit:% % Thew representsthewidthfield.Dataisrightaligned,exceptwhenprecededbyaminussign,inwhichcaseitisleftaligned.If precededbya+ (plussign),positivenumbersaredisplayedwitha+ .Whenprecededbya0 (zero),theunusedspaceisfilledwith leadingzeroes.Thewidthfieldisoptionalandservesalldatatypes. Thep representstheprecisionnumberofdecimals(floatingpointonly)orstringsandisseparatedfromthewidthfieldbyaperiod. Precisionisoptional.Whenusingtheprecisionfieldonstrings,thenumberofcharactersdisplayedislimitedtothenumberinp . Thef representsatypeflagandisessentialitcannotbeomitted. Belowarethetypesinf : format description s textstring c character(value1255) d decimal(32bit) u unsigneddecimal(32bit) x hexadecimallowercase X hexadecimaluppercase o octal(32bits)(notsupportedonallofnewLISPflavors) f floatingpoint e scientificfloatingpoint E scientificfloatingpoint g generalfloatingpoint

Formatting64bitnumbersusing32bitformatspecifierswilltruncateandformatthelower32bitsofthenumber. For64bitnumbersusethefollowingformatstringsonUnixlikeoperatingsystems: format description lld decimal(64bit) llu unsigneddecimal(64bit) llx hexadecimal(64bit) llX hexadecimaluppercase(64bit)

For64bitnumbers(sinceversion8.9.7)usethefollowingformatstringsonTru64Unix: format description ld decimal(64bit)

lu lx lX

unsigneddecimal(64bit) hexadecimal(64bit) hexadecimaluppercase(64bit)

OnWin32platformsthefollowingcharactersapplyfor64bitnumbers: format description I64d decimal(64bit) I64u unsigneddecimal(64bit) I64x I64X hexadecimal(64bit) hexadecimaluppercase(64bit)

Othertextmayoccurbetween,before,oraftertheformatspecs. NotethatonTru64Unixtheformatcharacteri canbeusedinsteadofd .

( f o r m a t" > > > % 6 . 2 f < < < "1 . 2 3 4 5 ) ( f o r m a t" > > > % 6 . 2 f < < < "1 . 2 3 4 5 ) ( f o r m a t" > > > % + 6 . 2 f < < < "1 . 2 3 4 5 ) ( f o r m a t" > > > % + 6 . 2 f < < < "1 . 2 3 4 5 ) ( f o r m a t" > > > % + 6 . 2 f < < < "1 . 2 3 4 5 ) ( f o r m a t" % e "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) ( f o r m a t" % 1 2 . 1 0 E "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ) ( f o r m a t" % 1 0 g "1 . 2 3 ) " ( f o r m a t" % 1 0 g "1 . 2 3 4 ) "

" > > > 1 . 2 3 < < < " " > > > 1 . 2 3 < < < " " > > >+ 1 . 2 3 < < < " " > > >1 . 2 3 < < < " " > > > 1 . 2 3< < < "

" 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 8 e + 0 8 " " 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 E + 0 8 " 1 . 2 3 " 1 . 2 3 4 "

( f o r m a t" R e s u l t=% 0 5 d "2 ) " R e s u l t=0 0 0 0 2 " ( f o r m a t" % 1 5 s "" h e l l o " ) ( f o r m a t" % 1 5 s% d "" h e l l o "1 2 3 ) ( f o r m a t" % 5 . 2 s "" h e l l o " ) ( f o r m a t" % 5 . 2 s "" h e l l o " ) ( f o r m a t" % o "8 0 ) " 1 2 0 " " h e l l o " " h e " " h e " " h e l l o1 2 3 "

( f o r m a t" % x% X "11 ) " f f f f f f f fF F F F F F F F " ;6 4b i tn u m b e r so nW i n d o w s ( f o r m a t" % I 6 4 X "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) " 1 B 6 9 B 4 B A 6 3 0 F 3 4 E " ;6 4b i tn u m b e r so nU n i x( e x c e p tT R U 6 4 ) ( f o r m a t" % l l X "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) " 1 B 6 9 B 4 B A 6 3 0 F 3 4 E " ( f o r m a t" % c "6 5 ) " A "

( s e t' L' ( " h e l l o "1 2 3 ) ) ( f o r m a t" % 1 5 s% d "L ) " h e l l o1 2 3 "

Iftheformatstringrequiresit,newLISP'sf o r m a t willautomaticallyconvertintegersintofloatingpointsorfloatingpointsinto integers:

( f o r m a t" % f "1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 . 0 0 0 0 0 0

( f o r m a t" % d "1 2 3 . 4 5 6 ) 1 2 3

syntax:(fvnumratenumnpernumpmtnumpv[inttype]) Calculatesthefuturevalueofaloanwithconstantpaymentnumpmtandconstantinterestratenumrateafternumnperperiodof timeandabeginningprincipalvalueofnumpv.Ifpaymentisattheendoftheperiod,inttypeis0 (zero)orinttypeisomittedfor paymentatthebeginningofeachperiod,inttypeis1.
( f v( d i v0 . 0 71 2 )2 4 07 7 5 . 3 01 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 . 5 5 4 4 6 4 5 0 5 2

Theexampleillustrateshowaloanof$100,000ispaiddowntoaresidualof$0.55after240monthlypaymentsatayearlyinterest rateof7percent. Seealsothefunctionsirr,nper,npv,pmt,andpv.

syntax:(gammainumanumb) CalculatestheincompleteGammafunctionofvaluesaandbinnumaandnumb,respectively.
( g a m m a i45 ) 0 . 7 3 4 9 7 4 0 8 4 7

TheincompleteGammafunctionisusedtoderivetheprobabilityofChitoexceedagivenvalueforadegreeoffreedom,df,as follows: Q(Chi|df)=Q(df/2,Chi/2)=gammai(df/2,Chi/2) Seealsotheprobchi2function.

syntax:(gammalnnumx) CalculatesthelogGammafunctionofthevaluexinnumx.
( e x p( g a m m a l n6 ) ) 1 2 0

Theexampleusestheequalityofn!=gamma(n+1)tocalculatethefactorialvalueof5. ThelogGammafunctionisalsorelatedtotheBetafunction,whichcanbederivedfromit: Beta(z,w)=Exp(Gammaln(z)+Gammaln(w)Gammaln(z+w))


syntax:(gcdint1[int2...]) Calculatesthegreatestcommondivisorofagroupofintegers.Thegreatestcommondivisoroftwointegersthatarenotbothzerois thelargestintegerthatdividesbothnumbers.g c d willcalculatethegreatestcommondivisorforthefirsttwointegersinintiand thenfurtherreducetheargumentlistbycalculatingthegreatestcommondivisoroftheresultandthenextargumentintheparameter list.

( g c d0 ) ( g c d00 ) ( g c d1 0 ) ( g c d1 23 6 ) ( g c d1 53 66 ) 0 0 1 0 1 2 3


syntax:(getcharintaddress) Getsan8bitcharacterfromanaddressspecifiedinintaddress.Thisfunctionisusefulwhenusingimportedsharedlibrary functionswithimport.
c h a r*f o o ( v o i d ) { c h a r*r e s u l t ; r e s u l t=" A B C D E F G " ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; }

( i m p o r t" m y l i b . s o "" f o o " ) ( p r i n t( g e t c h a r( f o o )) ) 6 5;A S C I I" A " ( p r i n t( g e t c h a r( +( f o o )1 ) ) ) 6 6;A S C I I" B "

Notethatitisunsafetousetheg e t c h a r functionwithanincorrectaddressinintaddress.Doingsocouldresultinthesystem crashingorbecomingunstable. Seealsotheaddress,getint,getlong,getfloat,getstring,pack,andunpackfunctions.

syntax:(getfloatintaddress) Getsa64bitdoublefloatfromanaddressspecifiedinintaddress.Thisfunctionishelpfulwhenusingimportedsharedlibrary functions(withi m p o r t )thatreturnanaddresspointertoadoublefloatorapointertoastructurecontainingdoublefloats.
d o u b l ef l o a t*f o o ( v o i d ) { d o u b l ef l o a t*r e s u l t ; * r e s u l t=1 2 3 . 4 5 6 ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; }


( i m p o r t" m y l i b . s o "" f o o " ) ( g e t f l o a t( f o o ) ) 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 f o o isimportedandreturnsapointertoadoublefloatwhencalled.Notethatg e t f l o a t isunsafewhenusedwithanincorrect

addressinintaddressandmayresultinthesystemcrashingorbecomingunstable. Seealsotheaddress,getint,getlong,getchar,getstring,pack,andunpackfunctions.

syntax:(getintintaddress) Getsa32bitintegerfromtheaddressspecifiedinintaddress.Thisfunctionishandywhenusingimportedsharedlibraryfunctions withi m p o r t ,afunctionreturninganaddresspointertoaninteger,orapointertoastructurecontainingintegers.
i n t*f o o ( v o i d ) { i n t*r e s u l t ; * r e s u l t=1 2 3 ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; } i n tf o o b ( v o i d ) { i n tr e s u l t ; r e s u l t=4 5 6 ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; }

ConsidertheCfunctionf o o (fromasharedlibrary),whichreturnsanintegerpointer(addressofaninteger).
( i m p o r t" m y l i b . s o "" f o o " ) ( g e t i n t( f o o ) ) 1 2 3 ( f o o b ) 4 5 6

Notethatusingg e t i n t withanincorrectaddressinintaddressisunsafeandcouldresultinthesystemcrashingorbecoming unstable. Seealsotheaddress,getchar,getfloat,getlong,getstring,pack,andunpackfunctions.

syntax:(getlongintaddress) Getsa64bitintegerfromtheaddressspecifiedinintaddress.Thisfunctionishandywhenusingi m p o r t toimportsharedlibrary functions,afunctionreturninganaddresspointertoalonginteger,orapointertoastructurecontaininglongintegers.
l o n gl o n gi n t*f o o ( v o i d ) { i n t*r e s u l t ; * r e s u l t=1 2 3 ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; } l o n gl o n gi n tf o o b ( v o i d )

{ i n tr e s u l t ; r e s u l t=4 5 6 ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; }

ConsidertheCfunctionf o o (fromasharedlibrary),whichreturnsanintegerpointer(addressofaninteger).
( i m p o r t" m y l i b . s o "" f o o " ) ( g e t i n t( f o o ) ) 1 2 3 ( f o o b ) 4 5 6

Notethatusingg e t l o n g withanincorrectaddressinintaddressisunsafeandcouldresultinthesystemcrashingorbecoming unstable. Seealsotheaddress,getchar,getfloat,getint,getstring,pack,andunpackfunctions.

syntax:(getstringintaddress) Getsacharacterstringfromtheaddressspecifiedinintaddress.Thisfunctionishelpfulwhenusingimportedsharedlibrary functionswithimport.
c h a r*f o o ( v o i d ) { c h a r*r e s u l t ; r e s u l t=" A B C D E F G " ; r e t u r n ( r e s u l t ) ; }

( i m p o r t" m y l i b . s o "" f o o " ) ( p r i n t( g e t s t r i n g( f o o ) ) ) " A B C D E F G "

Whenastringispassedasanargument,g e t s t r i n g willtakeitsaddressastheargument.Becauseg e t s t r i n g alwaysbreaksoff atthefirstfirst\ 0 0 0 (nullcharacter)itencounters,itcanbeusedtoretrieveastringfromabuffer:

( s e t' b u f f" A B C \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 D E F " ) " A B C \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 D E F " ( l e n g t hb u f f ) 9 ( g e t s t r i n gb u f f ) " A B C " ( l e n g t h( g e t s t r i n gb u f f ) ) 3 ;g e tas t r i n gf r o mo f f s e ti n t oab u f f e r ( g e t s t r i n g( +( a d d r e s sb u f f )6 ) )" D E F " ;u s eu n p a c kt og e tt h ew h o l eb u f f e r ( u n p a c k" s 9 "b u f f ) ( " A B C \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 D E F " )

Seealsothegetchar,getint,getfloat,pack,andunpackfunctions. Notethatg e t s t r i n g cancrashthesystemormakeitunstableifthewrongaddressisspecified.


syntax:(geturlstrurl[stroption][inttimeout[strheader]]) ReadsawebpageorfilespecifiedbytheURLinstrurlusingtheHTTPGETprotocol.Bothh t t p : / / andf i l e : / / URLsare handled." h e a d e r " canbespecifiedintheoptionalargumentstroptiontoretrieveonlytheheader.Theoption" l i s t " causes headerandpageinformationtobereturnedasseparatestringsinalist. A" d e b u g " optioncanbespecifiedeitheraloneorafterthe" h e a d e r " or" l i s t " optionseparatedbyonecharacter,i.e." h e a d e r d e b u g " or" l i s td e b u g " .Including"debug"outputsalloutgoinginformationtotheconsolewindow. Theoptionalargumentinttimeoutcanspecifyavalueinmilliseconds.Ifnodataisavailablefromthehostafterthespecified timeout,g e t u r l returnsthestringE R R :t i m e o u t .Whenothererrorconditionsoccur,g e t u r l returnsastringstartingwithE R R : andthedescriptionoftheerror.
g e t u r l handlesredirectionifitdetectsaL o c a t i o n : specinthereceivedheaderandautomaticallydoesasecondrequest.g e t u r l

alsounderstandstheT r a n s f e r E n c o d i n g :c h u n k e d formatandwillunpackdataintoanunchunkedformat.
g e t u r l requestsarealsounderstoodbynewLISPservernodes. ( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m " ) ( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m "3 0 0 0 ) ( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m "" h e a d e r " ) ( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m "" h e a d e r "5 0 0 0 ) ( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m "" l i s t " ) ( g e t u r l" f i l e : / / / h o m e / d b / d a t a . t x t " );a c c e s sl o c a lf i l es y s t e m ( e n v" H T T P _ P R O X Y "" h t t p : / / o u r p r o x y : 8 0 8 0 " ) ( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m / n e w l i s p / " )

Theindexpagefromthesitespecifiedinstrurlisreturnedasastring.Inthethirdline,onlytheHTTPheaderisreturnedinastring. Lines2and4showatimeoutvaluebeingused. Thesecondexampleshowsusageofaf i l e : / / URLtoaccess/ h o m e / d b / d a t a . t x t onthelocalfilesystem. Thethirdexampleillustratestheuseofaproxyserver.Theproxyserver'sURLmustbeintheoperatingsystem'senvironment.As shownintheexample,thiscanbeaddedusingtheenvfunction. Theinttimeoutcanbefollowedbyanoptionalcustomheaderinstrheader:

Thecustomheadermaycontainoptionsforbrowsercookiesorotherdirectivestotheserver.Whennostrheaderisspecified, newLISPsendscertainheaderinformationbydefault.Afterthefollowingrequest:
( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / s o m e h o s t . c o m "5 0 0 0 )

G E T/H T T P / 1 . 1 H o s t :s o m e h o s t . c o m U s e r A g e n t :n e w L I S Pv 8 8 0 0 C o n n e c t i o n :c l o s e

( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / s o m e h o s t . c o m "5 0 0 0 " U s e r A g e n t :M o z i l l a / 4 . 0 \ r \ n C o o k i e :n a m e = f r e d \ r \ n " )

G E T/H T T P / 1 . 1 H o s t :s o m e h o s t . c o m U s e r A g e n t :M o z i l l a / 4 . o C o o k i e :n a m e = f r e d

C o n n e c t i o n :c l o s e

Notethatwhenusingacustomheader,newLISPwillonlysupplytheG E T requestline,aswellastheH o s t : andC o n n e c t i o n : headerentries.newLISPinsertsallotherentriessuppliedinthecustomheaderbetweentheH o s t : andC o n n e c t i o n : entries.Each entrymustendwithacarriagereturnlinefeedpair:\ r \ n . SeeanHTTPtransactionsreferenceforvalidheaderentries. Customheaderscanalsobeusedintheputurlandposturlfunctions.

syntax:(globalsym1[sym2...]) Oneormoresymbolsinsym1[sym2...]canbemadegloballyaccessiblefromcontextsotherthanMAIN.Thestatementhastobe executedintheMAINcontext,andonlysymbolsbelongingtoMAINcanbemadeglobal.g l o b a l returnsthelastsymbolmade global.
( g l o b a l' a V a r' x' y' z ) z ( d e f i n e( f o ox ) ( ) ) ( c o n s t a n t( g l o b a l' f o o ) )

Thesecondexampleshowshowconstantandg l o b a l canbecombinedintoonestatement,protectingandmakingaprevious functiondefinitionglobal.

syntax:(global?sym) Checksifsymbolinsymisglobal.Builtinfunctions,contextsymbols,andallsymbolsmadeglobalusingthefunctionglobalare global:
g l o b a l ?' p r i n t ) ( g l o b a l' v a r ) ( g l o b a l ?' v a r ) t r u e v a r t r u e

( c o n s t a n t( g l o b a l' f o o ) ) ( g l o b a l ?' f o o ) t r u e

syntax:(ifexpconditionexp1[exp2]) syntax:(ifexpcond1exp1expcond2exp2[...]) Ifthevalueofexpconditionisneithern i l noranemptylist,theresultofevaluatingexp1isreturnedotherwise,thevalueofexp2 isreturned.Ifexp2isabsent,thevalueofexpconditionisreturned.

( s e t' x5 0 ) ( i f( <x1 0 0 )" s m a l l "" b i g " ) ( s e t' x1 0 0 0 ) ( i f( <x1 0 0 )" s m a l l "" b i g " ) ( i f( >x2 0 0 0 )" b i g " )

5 0 " s m a l l " 1 0 0 0 " b i g " n i l

;m o r et h a no n es t a t e m e n ti nt h et r u eo rf a l s e ;p a r tm u s tb eb l o c k e dw i t h( b e g i n. . . ) ( i f( =xy ) ( b e g i n ( s o m e f u n cx ) ( s o m e f u n cy ) ) ( b e g i n ( d o t h i sxy ) ( d o t h a txy ) ) )

Thesecondformofi f workssimilarlytocond,exceptitdoesnottakeparenthesesaroundtheconditionbodypairofexpressions. Inthisform,i f canhaveanunlimitednumberofarguments.

( d e f i n e( c l a s s i f yx ) ( i f ( <x0 )" n e g a t i v e " ( <x1 0 )" s m a l l " ( <x2 0 )" m e d i u m " ( > =x3 0 )" b i g " " n / a " ) ) ( c l a s s i f y1 5 ) ( c l a s s i f y1 0 0 ) ( c l a s s i f y2 2 ) ( c l a s s i f y1 0 ) " m e d i u m " " b i g " " n / a " " n e g a t i v e "

Thelastexpression," n / a " ,isoptional.Whenthisoptionisomitted,theevaluationof( > =x3 0 ) isreturned,behavingexactlylike atraditionalcondbutwithoutrequiringparenthesesaroundtheconditionexpressionpairs. Inanycase,thewholei f expressionalwaysreturnsthelastexpressionorconditionevaluated. Seealsothewhenandunlessfunctions.

syntax:(ifftlistnum) CalculatestheinversediscreteFouriertransformonalistofcomplexnumbersinlistnumusingtheFFTmethod(FastFourier Transform).Eachcomplexnumberisspecifiedbyitsrealpart,followedbyitsimaginarypart.Incaseonlyrealnumbersareused, theimaginarypartissetto0 . 0 (zero).Whenthenumberofelementsinlistnumisnotanintegerpowerof2,i f f t increasesthe numberofelementsbypaddingthelistwithzeroes.Whencomplexnumbersare0 intheimaginarypart,simplenumberscanbe used.
( i f f t( f f t' ( ( 10 )( 20 )( 30 )( 40 ) ) ) ) ( ( 10 )( 20 )( 30 )( 40 ) ) ; ;w h e ni m a g i n a r yp a r ti s0 ,p l a i nn u m b e r sw o r kt o o ( i f f t( f f t' ( 1234 ) ) ) ( ( 10 )( 20 )( 30 )( 40 ) )

Theinverseoperationofi f f t isthefftfunction.

syntax:(importstrlibnamestrfunctionname["cdecl"]) syntax:(importstrlibnamestrfunctionnamestrreturntype[strparamtype...]) syntax:(importstrlibname) Importsthefunctionspecifiedinstrfunctionnamefromasharedlibrarynamedinstrlibname.Dependingonthesyntaxused, stringlabelsforreturnandparametertypescanbespecified Ifthelibraryinstrlibnameisnotinthesystem'slibrarypath,thefullpathnameshouldbespecified. Afunctioncanbeimportedonlyonce.Arepeatedimportofthesamefunctionwillsimplyreturnthesamealreadyallocated functionaddress. Onlibffienabledversionscapableofthesecondextendedsyntaximportedsymbolsareprotectedagainstchangeandcanonlybe modifiedusingconstant. ThethirdsyntaxonOSX,LinuxandotherUnixonlyallowspreloadinglibrarieswithoutimportingfunctions.Thisisnecessary whenotherlibraryimportsneedaccessinternallytootherfunctionsfrompreloadedlibraries. Incorrectlyusingi m p o r t cancauseasystembuserrororasegfaultcanoccurandcrashnewLISPorleaveitinanunstablestate.

Thesimplei m p o r t syntax
Mostlibraryfunctionscanbeimportedusingthesimplerfirstsyntax.ThisformispresentonallcompileflavorsofnewLISP.The APIexpectsallfunctionargumentstobepassedonthestackineithercdeclorstdcallconventions.On32bitplatforms,integers, pointerstostringsandbufferssometimesfloatingpointvaluescanbepassedasparameters.On64bitplatformsonlyintegerscanbe passedbutnofloatingpointvalues.Asreturnvaluesonly32bitor64bitvaluesandpointersareallowed.Nofloatingpoint numberscanbereturned.Stringsmustberetrievedwiththegetstringhelperfunction.Regardlessoftheselimitations,mostmodules includedinthedistributionusethissimpleimportAPI. Ifpointersarereturnedtostringsorstructuresthefollowinghelperfunctionscanbeusedextractdata:getchar,getint,getfloat,get string,unpack Topasspointersfordatastructuresthefollowingfunctionshelptopackdataandcalculateaddresses:address,pack. TotransformnewLISPdatatypesintothedatatypesneededbytheimportedfunction,usethefunctionsfloatfor64bitdouble floats,fltfor32bitfloats,andintfor32bitintegers.Bydefault,newLISPpassesfloatingpointnumbersas64bitdoublefloats, integersas32bitintegers,andstringsas32bitintegersforstringaddresses(pointersinC).Floatscanonlybeusedwith32bit versionsofnewLISPandlibraries.Tousefloatingpointnumbersina64bitenvironmentusetheextendedi m p o r t syntax.
; ;d e f i n eL I B Cp l a t f o r mi n d e p e n d e n t ( d e f i n eL I B C( l o o k u po s t y p e' ( ( " W i n 3 2 "" m s v c r t . d l l " ) ( " O S X "" l i b c . d y l i b " ) ( p r i n t f" % g% s% d% c \ n "1 . 2 3" h e l l o "9 9 96 5 ) 1 . 2 3h e l l o9 9 9A 1 7;r e t u r nv a l u e ; ;i m p o r tW i n 3 2D L L si nW i n 3 2v e r s i o n s ( i m p o r t" k e r n e l 3 2 . d l l "" G e t T i c k C o u n t " ) G e t T i c k C o u n t ( i m p o r t" u s e r 3 2 . d l l "" M e s s a g e B o x A " ) M e s s a g e B o x A ( G e t T i c k C o u n t ) 3 3 2 8 8 9 6

Inthefirstexample,thestring"1.23hello999A"isprintedasasideeffect,andthevalue17(numberofcharactersprinted)is returned.AnyCfunctioncanbeimportedfromanysharedlibraryinthisway. ThemessageboxexamplepopsupaWindowsdialogbox,whichmaybehiddenbehindtheconsolewindow.Theconsoleprompt

; ; t h i sp o p su pam e s s a g eb o x ( M e s s a g e B o x A0" T h i si st h eb o d y "" C a p t i o n "1 )

TheotherexamplesshowseveralimportsofWin32DLLfunctionsandthedetailsofpassingvaluesbyvalueorbyreference. Wheneverstringsornumbersarepassedbyreference,spacemustbereservedbeforehand.
( i m p o r t" k e r n e l 3 2 . d l l "" G e t W i n d o w s D i r e c t o r y A " ) ; ;a l l o c a t i n gs p a c ef o ras t r i n gr e t u r nv a l u e ( s e t' s t r( d u p" \ 0 0 0 "6 4 ) ) ;r e s e r v es p a c ea n di n i t i a l i z e ( G e t W i n d o w s D i r e c t o r y As t r( l e n g t hs t r ) ) s t r " C : \ \ W I N D O W S \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0. . ." ; ;u s et r i mo rg e t s t r i n gt oc u to fb i n a r yz e r o s ( g e t s t r i n gs t r ) " C : \ \ W I N D O W S " ( t r i ms t r ) " C : \ \ W I N D O W S " ( i m p o r t" k e r n e l 3 2 . d l l "" G e t C o m p u t e r N a m e A " ) ; ;a l l o c a t em e m o r ya n di n i t i a l i z et oz e r o s ( s e t' s t r( d u p" \ 0 0 0 "6 4 ) ) ( s e t' l e n( l e n g t hs t r ) ; ;c a l lt h ef u n c t i o n ; ;t h el e n g t ho ft h es t r i n gi sp a s s e da sa d d r e s sr e f e r e n c e ; ;s t r i n gs t ri sa u t o m a t i c a l l yp a s tb ya d d r e s s( Cp o i n t e r ) ( G e t C o m p u t e r N a m e As t r( a d d r e s sl e n ) ) s t r " L U T Z P C \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0. . ." ( t r i ms t r ) " L U T Z P C " i m p o r t returnstheaddressofthefunction,whichcanbeusedtoassignadifferentnametotheimportedfunction. ( s e t' i m p r i m e( i m p o r t" l i b c . s o . 6 "" p r i n t f " ) ) p r i n t f @ 4 0 0 8 6 2 A 0 ( i m p r i m e" % s% d "" h o l a "1 2 3 ) " h o l a1 2 3 "

TheWin32andCygwinversionsofnewLISPusesstandardcallstdcallconventionstocallDLLlibraryroutinesbydefault.Thisis necessaryforcallingDLLsthatbelongtotheWin32operatingsystem.MostthirdpartyDLLsarecompiledforCdeclarationcdecl callingconventionsandmayneedtospecifythestring" c d e c l " asanadditionallastargumentwhenimportingfunctions.newLISP compiledforMacOSX,LinuxandotherUnixsystemsusesthecdeclcallingconventionsbydefaultandignoresanyadditional string.

; ;f o r c ec d e c lc a l l i n gc o n v e n t i o n so nW i n 3 2 ( i m p o r t" s q l i t e . d l l "" s q l i t e _ o p e n "" c d e c l " ) s q l i t e _ o p e n< 6 7 3 D 4 8 8 8 >

Importedfunctionsmaytakeuptofourteenarguments.Notethatfloatingpointargumentstakeuptwospaceseach(e.g.,passing fivefloatstakesuptenofthefourteenparameters).

Theextendedi m p o r t syntax
TheextendedimportAPIworkswiththesecondsyntax.Itisbasedonthepopularl i b f f i librarywhichispreinstalledonmostOS platforms.ThestartupbannerofnewLISPshouldshowthewordl i b f f i indicatingtherunningversionofnewLISPiscompiledto usetheextendedi m p o r t API.Thefunctionsysinfocanalsobeusedtocheckforl i b f f i support. TheAPIworkswithallatomicCdatatypesforpassedparametersandreturnvalues.TheextendedAPIrequiresthatparameter typesarespecifiedinthei m p o r t statementasstringtypelabels.ProgramswrittenwithextendedimportAPIwillrunwithout changeon32bitand64bitnewLISPandlibraries.Integers,floatingpointvaluesandstringscanbereturnedwithoutusinghelper functions.

Thefollowingtypescanbespecifiedforthereturnvalueinstrreturntypeandforfunctionparametersinstrparamtype: label Ctypeforreturnvalueandarguments "void" void(onlyasreturntype) "byte" byteunsigned8bit "char" charsigned8bit "unsignedshortint" unsignedshortint16bit "shortint" shortintsigned16bit "unsignedint" unsignedint32bit "int" intsigned32bit "long" "longlong" "float" "double" "char*" "void*" newLISPreturnandargumenttype n i l isreturned integer integer integer integer integer integer

longsigned32or64bitdependingonplatform integer longlongsigned64bit integer float32bit IEEE75464bitfloatcutto32bitprecision double64bit IEEE75464bitfloat displayablestringreturn(zeroterminated) char*32or64bitptrdependingonplatform stringbufferarg(noaddr.since10.4.2) integeraddressreturn void*32or64bitptrdependingonplatform eitherstringbufferorintegeraddressarg

Thetypes" c h a r * " and" v o i d * canbeinterchangedandaretreatedidenticalinsidel i b f f i .Dependingonthetypeofarguments passedandthetypeofreturnvalues,oneortheotherisused. Aggregatetypescanbecomposedusingthestructfunction. Thefollowingexamplesshowhowtheextendedi m p o r t syntaxcanhandlereturnvaluesoffloatingpointvaluesandstrings:

; ;r e t u r naf l o a tv a l u e ,L I B Cw a sd e f i n e de a r l i e r ; n a m e r e t u r n a r g ( i m p o r tL I B C" a t o f "" d o u b l e "" c h a r * " ) ( a t o f" 3 . 1 4 1 " )3 . 1 4 1 ; ;r e t u r nac o p i e ds t r i n g ; n a m e r e t u r n a r g 1 a r g 2 ( i m p o r tL I B C" s t r c p y "" c h a r * "" c h a r * "" c h a r * " ) ( s e t' f r o m" H e l l oW o r l d " ) ( s e t' t o( d u p" \ 0 0 0 "( l e n g t hf r o m ) ) );r e s e r v em e m o r y ( s t r c p yt of r o m )" H e l l oW o r l d "

Thec h a r * typetakesastringbufferonly.The" v o i d * typecantakeeitherastringbufferoramemoryaddressnumberasinput. Whenusing" v o i d * " asareturntypetheaddressnumberoftheresultbufferwillbereturned.Thisisusefulwhenreturningpointers todatastructures.Thesepointerscanthenbeusedwithunpackandstructfordestructuring.Inthefollowingexamplethereturntype ischangedtov o i d * :

( i m p o r tL I B C" s t r c p y "" v o i d * "" c h a r * "" c h a r * " ) ( s e t' f r o m" H e l l oW o r l d " ) ( s e t' t o( d u p" \ 0 0 0 "( l e n g t hf r o m ) ) ) ( s t r c p yt of r o m ) 2 4 4 9 4 2 4 ( a d d r e s st o ) 2 4 4 9 4 2 4 ( u n p a c k" s 1 1 "2 4 4 9 4 2 4 )" H e l l oW o r l d " ( g e t s t r i n g2 4 4 9 4 2 4 ) " H e l l oW o r l d " t o " H e l l oW o r l d "

AnewLISPstringisalwayspassedbyit'saddressreference. ForamorecomplexexampleseethisOpenGLdemo.


Anyallocationperformedbyimportedforeignfunctionshastobedeallocatedmanuallyifthere'snocallintheimportedAPItodo so.SeetheCodePatternsinnewLISPdocumentforanexample. Incaseofcallingforeignfunctionswithpassingbyreference,memoryforvariablesneedstobeallocatedbeforehandbynewLISP seeimportofG e t W i n d o w s D i r e c t o r y A aboveandhence,memoryneedsnotbedeallocatedmanually,becauseitismanaged automaticallybynewLISP.

syntax:(incplace[num]) Incrementsthenumberinplaceby1 . 0 orbytheoptionalnumbernumandreturnstheresult.i n c performsfloatarithmeticand convertsintegernumberspassedintofloatingpointtype. placeiseitherasymboloraplaceinaliststructureholdinganumber,oranumberreturnedbyanexpression.
( s e t' x0 ) ( i n cx ) x ( i n cx0 . 2 5 ) x ( i n cx ) 0 1 1 1 . 2 5 1 . 2 5 2 . 2 5

Ifasymbolforplacecontainsn i l ,itistreatedasifcontaining0 . 0 :
z ( i n cz ) n i l 1

( s e t' zn i l ) ( i n cz0 . 0 1 ) 0 . 0 1

( s e t' l' ( 1234 ) ) ( i n c( l3 )0 . 1 )4 . 1 ( i n c( f i r s tl ) )2 l( 2234 . 1 ) ( i n c( +34 ) )8


syntax:(indexexppredicateexplist) Appliesthepredicateexppredicatetoeachelementofthelistexplistandreturnsalistcontainingtheindicesoftheelementsfor whichexppredicateistrue.
( i n d e xs y m b o l ?' ( 12d4fg5h ) ) ( 2457 ) ( d e f i n e( b i g ?x )( >x5 ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( >x5 ) ) ( i n d e xb i g ?' ( 11 036451 1 ) ) ( 136 )

( s e l e c t' ( 11 036451 1 )' ( 136 ) )( 136 )

Thepredicatemaybeabuiltinpredicate,auserdefinedfunction,oralambdaexpression. Usethefilterfunctiontoreturntheelementsthemselves.

syntax:(inf?float) Ifthevalueinfloatisinfinitethefunctionreturnst r u e elsen i l .
( i n f ?( d i v10 ) )t r u e ( d i v00 )N a N

Notethatanintegerdivisionbyzeroe.g.( /10 ) willthrowan"divisionbyzero"errorandnotyieldinfinity.SeealsoNaN?to checkifafloatingpointnumberisvalid.

syntax:(intexp[expdefault[intbase]]) Iftheexpressioninexpevaluatestoanumberorastring,theresultisconvertedtoanintegerandreturned.Ifexpcannotbe convertedtoaninteger,thenn i l ortheevaluationofexpdefaultwillbereturned.Thisfunctionismostlyusedwhentranslating stringsfromuserinputorfromparsingtext.Ifexpevaluatestoastring,thestringmuststartwithadigitoneormorespacesorthe+ orsign.Thestringmustbeginwith'0 x 'forhexadecimalstringsor'0 '(zero)foroctalstrings.Ifexpisinvalid,i n t returnsn i l asa defaultvalueifnototherwisespecified. Asecondoptionalparametercanbeusedtoforcethenumberbaseofconversiontoaspecificvalue. Integerslargerthan9,223,372,036,854,775,807aretruncatedto9,223,372,036,854,775,807.Integerssmallerthan 9,223,372,036,854,775,808aretruncatedto9,223,372,036,854,775,808. Whenconvertingfromafloat(asinthesecondformofi n t ),floatingpointvalueslargerorsmallerthantheintegermaximumor minimumarealsotruncated.AfloatingpointexpressionevaluatingtoN a N isconvertedto0 (zero).
( i n t" 1 2 3 " ) ( i n t"1 2 3 " ) ( i n t" a 1 2 3 "0 ) ( i n t( t r i m"1 2 3 " ) ) ( i n t" 0 x F F " ) ( i n t" 0 5 5 " ) ( i n t" 1 . 5 6 7 " ) ( i n t1 . 5 6 7 ) 1 2 3 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 2 5 5 4 5 1 1

( i n t e g e r ?1 . 0 0 ) n i l ( i n t e g e r ?( i n t1 . 0 0 ) ) t r u e ( i n t" 1 1 1 1 "02 ) 1 5 ;b a s e2c o n v e r s i o n ( i n t" 0 F F "01 6 ) 2 5 5 ;b a s e1 6c o n v e r s i o n ( i n t' x y z ) n i l ( i n t' x y z0 ) 0 ( i n tn i l1 2 3 ) 1 2 3

( i n t" a b c "( t h r o w e r r o r" n o tan u m b e r " ) ) E R R :u s e re r r o r:n o tan u m b e r ( p r i n t" E n t e ran u m : " ) ( s e t' n u m( i n t( r e a d l i n e ) ) ) ( i n t( b i t s1 2 3 4 5 )02 )1 2 3 4 5

Theinversefunctiontoi n t withbase2 isbits. Usethefloatfunctiontoconvertargumentstofloatingpointnumbers.

syntax:(integer?exp) Returnst r u e onlyifthevalueofexpisanintegerotherwise,itreturnsn i l .
( s e t' n u m1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( i n t e g e r ?n u m ) t r u e

syntax:(intersectlistAlistB) syntax:(intersectlistAlistBbool) Inthefirstsyntax,i n t e r s e c t returnsalistcontainingonecopyofeachelementfoundbothinlistAandlistB.
( i n t e r s e c t' ( 301323421 )' ( 1425 ) ) ( 241 )

Inthesecondsyntax,i n t e r s e c t returnsalistofallelementsinlistAthatarealsoinlistB,withouteliminatingduplicatesinlistA. boolisanexpressionevaluatingtot r u e oranyothervaluenotn i l .

( i n t e r s e c t' ( 301323421 )' ( 1425 )t r u e ) ( 12421 )


syntax:(invertmatrix[floatpivot]) Returnstheinversionofatwodimensionalmatrixinmatrix.Thematrixmustbesquare,withthesamenumberofrowsand columns,andnonsingular(invertible).Matrixinversioncanbeusedtosolvesystemsoflinearequations(e.g.,multipleregression instatistics).newLISPusesLUdecompositionofthematrixtofindtheinverse. Optionally0 . 0 oraverysmallvaluecanbespecifiedinfloatpivot.ThisvaluesubstitutespivotelementsintheLUdecomposition algorithm,whichresultinzerowhenthealgorithmdealswithasingularmatrix. Thedimensionsofamatrixaredefinedbythenumberofrowstimesthenumberofelementsinthefirstrow.Formissingelements

innonrectangularmatrices,0 . 0 (zero)isassumed.Amatrixcaneitherbeanestedlistoranarray.
( s e t' A' ( ( 111 )( 145 )( 120 ) ) ) ( i n v e r tA ) ( ( 1 029 )( 514 )( 615 ) ) ( i n v e r t( i n v e r tA ) )( ( 111 )( 145 )( 120 ) ) ;s o l v eA x=bf o rx ( m u l t i p l y( i n v e r tA )' ( ( 1 )( 2 )( 3 ) ) )( ( 4 1 )( 1 9 )( 2 3 ) ) ;t r e a t m e n to fs i n g u l a rm a t r i c e s ( i n v e r t' ( ( 21 )( 42 ) ) ) n i l ( i n v e r t' ( ( 21 )( 42 ) )0 . 0 ) ( ( i n fi n f )( i n fi n f ) ) ( i n v e r t' ( ( 21 )( 42 ) )1 e 2 0 ) ( ( 5 e + 1 92 . 5 e + 1 9 )( 1 e + 2 05 e + 1 9 ) ) i n v e r t willreturnn i l ifthematrixissingularandcannotbeinverted,andfloatpivotisnotspecified.

Alloperationsshownhereonlistscanbeperformedonarrays,aswell. Seealsothematrixfunctionsdet,mat,multiplyandtranspose.

syntax:(irrlistamounts[listtimes[numguess]]) Calculatestheinternalrateofreturnofacashflowpertimeperiod.Theinternalrateofreturnistheinterestratethatmakesthe presentvalueofacashflowequalto0 . 0 (zero).Inflowing(negativevalues)andoutflowing(positivevalues)amountsare specifiedinlistamounts.Ifnotimeperiodsarespecifiedinlisttimes,amountsinlistamountscorrespondtoconsecutivetime periodsincreasingby1(1,2,3).Thealgorithmusedisiterative,withaninitialguessof0.5(50percent).Optionally,adifferent initialguesscanbespecified.Thealgorithmreturnswhenaprecisionof0.000001(0.0001percent)isreached.n i l isreturnedifthe algorithmcannotconvergeafter50iterations. irrisoftenusedtodecidebetweendifferenttypesofinvestments.
( i r r' ( 1 0 0 05 0 04 0 03 0 02 0 01 0 0 ) ) 0 . 2 0 2 7 ( n p v0 . 2 0 2 7' ( 5 0 04 0 03 0 02 0 01 0 0 ) ) 1 0 0 0 . 0 3 3 8 4 8;~1 0 0 0 ( i r r' ( 1 0 0 05 0 04 0 03 0 02 0 01 0 0 )' ( 034567 ) ) 0 . 0 9 9 8 ( i r r' ( 5 0 0 02 0 0 05 0 0 06 0 0 0 )' ( 031 21 8 ) ) 0 . 0 3 2 1

Ifaninitialinvestmentof1,000yields500afterthefirstyear,400aftertwoyears,andsoon,finallyreaching0 . 0 (zero)afterfive years,thenthatcorrespondstoayearlyreturnofabout20.2percent.Thenextlinedemonstratestherelationbetweeni r r andnpv. Only9.9percentreturnsarenecessarywhenmakingthefirstwithdrawalafterthreeyears. Inthelastexample,securitieswereinitiallypurchasedfor5,000,thenforanother2,000threemonthslater.Afterayear,securities for5,000aresold.Sellingtheremainingsecuritiesafter18monthsrenders6,000.Theinternalrateofreturnis3.2percentper month,orabout57percentin18months. Seealsothefv,nper,npv,pmt,andpvfunctions.


syntax:(jsonerror) Whenjsonparsereturnsn i l duetoafailedJSONdatatranslation,thisfunctionretrievesanerrordescriptionandthelastscan positionoftheparser.

;f a i l e dp a r s er e t u r n sn i l ( j s o n p a r s e[ t e x t ] { " a d d r e s s "" h t t p : / / e x a m p l e . c o m " } [ / t e x t ] )n i l ;i n s p e c tt h ee r r o ri n f o r m a t i o n ( j s o n e r r o r )( " m i s s i n g:c o l o n "1 1 )

syntax:(jsonparsestrjsondata) ThisfunctionparsesJSONformattedtextandtranslatedittonewLISPSexpressions.AlldatatypesconformingtotheECMA262 standardaretranslated.TheresultinglistsfromJSONobjectdatacanbeprocessedusingassoc,lookupandref. ThefollowingexampleshowsanestedJSONobjectfromafilep e r s o n . j s o n :
{ " n a m e " :" J o h nS m i t h " , " a g e " :3 2 , " e m p l o y e d " :t r u e , " a d d r e s s " :{ " s t r e e t " :" 7 0 1F i r s tA v e . " , " c i t y " :" S u n n y v a l e ,C A9 5 1 2 5 " , " c o u n t r y " :" U n i t e dS t a t e s " } , " c h i l d r e n " :[ { " n a m e " :" R i c h a r d " , " a g e " :7 } , { " n a m e " :" S u s a n " , " a g e " :4 } , { " n a m e " :" J a m e s " , " a g e " :3 } ]

Thefileisread,parsedandtheresultingSexpressionstoredinj s p :
( s e t' j s p( j s o n p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" p e r s o n . j s o n " ) ) ) (( " n a m e "" J o h nS m i t h " ) ( " a g e "3 2 ) ( " e m p l o y e d "t r u e ) ( " a d d r e s s "(( " s t r e e t "" 7 0 1F i r s tA v e . " ) ( " c i t y "" S u n n y v a l e ,C A9 5 1 2 5 " ) ( " c o u n t r y "" U n i t e dS t a t e s " ) )) ( " c h i l d r e n "( ( ( " n a m e "" R i c h a r d " )( " a g e "7 ) ) ( ( " n a m e "" S u s a n " )( " a g e "4 ) ) ( ( " n a m e "" J a m e s " )( " a g e "3 ) ) )) )


;t h ea d d r e s s ( l o o k u p" a d d r e s s "j s p ) ( ( " s t r e e t "" 7 0 1F i r s tA v e . " )( " c i t y "" S u n n y v a l e ,C A9 5 1 2 5 " )( " c o u n t r y "" U n i t e dS t a t e s " ) ) ;t h ec i t yo ft h ea d d r e s s ( l o o k u p" c i t y "( l o o k u p" a d d r e s s "j s p ) ) " S u n n y v a l e ,C A9 5 1 2 5 " ;ac h i l dn a m e dS u s a n ( r e f' ( (*" S u s a n " )* )j s pm a t c ht r u e ) ( ( " n a m e "" S u s a n " )( " a g e "4 ) ) ;a l ln a m e s ( m a pl a s t( r e f a l l' ( " n a m e "* )j s pm a t c ht r u e ) ) ( " J o h nS m i t h "" R i c h a r d "" S u s a n "" J a m e s " ) ;o n l yn a m e so fc h i l d r e n ( m a pl a s t( r e f a l l' ( " n a m e "* )( l o o k u p" c h i l d r e n "j s p )m a t c ht r u e ) ) ( " R i c h a r d "" S u s a n "" J a m e s " ) ;n a m e so fc h i l d r e no t h e rm e t h o d ( m a pl a s t( m a pf i r s t( l o o k u p" c h i l d r e n "j s p ) ) ) ( " R i c h a r d "" S u s a n "" J a m e s " )

AlthoughmostofthetimeJSONobjecttypesareparsed,allJSONdatatypescanbeparseddirectly,withoutoccurringaspartofa JSONobject.ThefollowingexamplesshowparsingofaJSONarray:
;p a r s eaJ S O Na r r a yd a t at y p e ( j s o n p a r s e" [ 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ] " )( 12345 )

;p a r s eaJ S O No b j e c td a t at y p ea n d sU n i c o d e ;t h eo u t e r{ , }a r en e w L I S Ps t r i n gd e l i m i t e r s[ t e x t ] , [ / t e x t ]t a g sc o u l da l s ob eu s e d ;t h ei n n e r{ , }a r eJ S O No b j e c td e l i m i t e r s ( j s o n p a r s e{{ " g r e e kl e t t e r s ":" \ u 0 3 b 1 \ u 0 3 b 2 \ u 0 3 b 3 \ u 0 3 b 4 " }} )( ( " g r e e kl e t t e r s "" " ) ) ;s t r i n g sl o n g e rt h a n2 0 4 7b y t e ss h o u l db ed e l i m t e dw i t h[ t e x t ] ,[ / t e x t ]t a g s ( j s o n p a r s e[ t e x t ] { " g r e e kl e t t e r s ":" \ u 0 3 b 1 \ u 0 3 b 2 \ u 0 3 b 3 \ u 0 3 b 4 " } [ / t e x t ] )( ( " g r e e kl e t t e r s "" " ) )

ThehexcoderepresentationofUnicodercharactersinJSONisthesameascanbeusedinUTF8enablednewLISP. BecauseJSONobjectscontain{ , } , " characters,quotesshouldnotbeusedtolimitJSONdata,orallquotesinsidetheJSONdata wouldneedaprecedingbackslash\ .{ , } bracescanbeusedaslongasbracesinsidetheJSONdataarebalanced.Thesafest delimiterare[ t e x t ] ,[ / t e x t ] tagstheysuppressallspecialprocessingofthestringwhenreadbynewLISPandaresuitableto delimitlargedatasizesgreater2047bytes.

syntax:(joinlistofstrings[strjoint[booltrailjoint]]) Concatenatesthegivenlistofstringsinlistofstrings.Ifstrjointispresent,itisinsertedbetweeneachstringinthejoin.Ifbooltrail jointist r u e thenajointstringisalsoappendedtothelaststring.
( s e t' l s t' ( " t h i s "" i s "" a "" s e n t e n c e " ) ) ( j o i nl s t"" ) " t h i si sas e n t e n c e " ( j o i n( m a ps t r i n g( s l i c e( n o w )03 ) )" " ) " 2 0 0 3 1 1 2 6 "

( j o i n( e x p l o d e" k e e pi tt o g e t h e r " ) ) " k e e pi tt o g e t h e r " ( j o i n' ( " A "" B "" C " )" " ) ( j o i n' ( " A "" B "" C " )" "t r u e ) " A B C " " A B C "

Seealsotheappend,string,andexplodefunctions,whicharetheinverseofthej o i n operation.

syntax:(kmeansquerylistdatamatrixcentroids) syntax:(kmeansquerylistdatamatrixdata) Inthefirstusage,k m e a n s q u e r y calculatestheEuclidiandistancesfromthedatavectorgiveninlistdatatothecentroidsgivenin matrixcentroids.Thedatavectorinlistdatahasmelements.The2dimensionallistinmatrixcentroids,resultfromaprevious kmeanstrainclustering,haskrowsandmcolumnsforkcentroidsmeasuringmfeatures.
;c e n t r o i d sf r o mp r e v i o u sk m e a n s t r a i n K : c e n t r o i d s (( 6 . 3 97 . 1 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 35 . 9 3 5 ) ( 7 . 9 2 5 7 1 4 2 8 63 . 8 4 5 7 1 4 2 8 69 . 1 9 8 5 7 1 4 2 9 ) ( 2 . 2 0 7 1 4 2 8 5 72 . 8 8 1 4 2 8 5 7 10 . 8 8 8 5 7 1 4 2 8 6 )) ( k m e a n s q u e r y' ( 123 )K : c e n t r o i d s ) ( 8 . 0 3 6 4 8 7 2 7 99 . 4 7 5 9 9 4 2 6 72 . 5 8 6 9 3 6 5 7 );d i s t a n c e st oc l u s t e r1 ,2a n d3

Thedatarecord( 123 ) showsthesmallestdistancetothe3rdclustercentroidandwouldbeclassifiedasbelongingtothatcluster. Inthesecondapplicationk m e a n s q u e r y calculatesEuclidiandistancestoalistofotherdatapointswhicharenotcentroids.The followingexamplecalculatesdistancesofthe( 123 ) datavectortoalloriginalpointsfromtheoriginalkmeanstraindataanalysis. Thedatainmatrixdatacanbeeitheranestedlistora2dimensionalarray. ThisvectorcouldbesortedforasubsequentkNN(kNearestNeighbor)analysis:
( k m e a n s q u e r y' ( 123 )d a t a ) ( 1 0 . 9 1 6 7 1 1 9 63 . 1 9 0 6 2 6 8 9 89 . 1 9 7 2 3 3 2 83 . 0 1 4 4 1 5 3 6 69 . 0 7 9 7 6 3 2 1 3 6 . 8 3 1 3 0 2 9 58 . 5 3 3 1 1 1 9 7 69 . 6 2 4 8 1 6 8 8 16 . 4 4 4 2 6 1 0 1 32 . 0 1 3 1 0 7 0 5 1 3 . 1 8 6 5 4 9 8 5 89 . 4 7 5 1 9 9 2 0 69 . 3 2 9 3 6 7 6 12 . 8 7 4 7 8 6 9 4 97 . 0 8 4 6 3 8 3 1 1 1 0 . 9 6 2 2 1 2 3 71 0 . 5 0 0 8 0 4 7 33 . 1 6 2 4 1 9 9 5 92 . 4 2 3 6 7 4 8 9 69 . 5 2 6 4 3 6 8 9 9 ) ;s h o wd i s t a n c e st om e m b e r si ne a c hc l u s t e r ;f o rc l u s t e rl a b e l e d1 ( s e l e c t( k m e a n s q u e r y' ( 123 )d a t a )( K : c l u s t e r s0 ) ) ( 9 . 0 7 9 7 6 3 2 1 36 . 8 3 1 3 0 2 9 59 . 6 2 4 8 1 6 8 8 16 . 4 4 4 2 6 1 0 1 37 . 0 8 4 6 3 8 3 1 11 0 . 5 0 0 8 0 4 7 3 ) ;f o rc l u s t e rl a b e l e d2 ( s e l e c t( k m e a n s q u e r y' ( 123 )d a t a )( K : c l u s t e r s1 ) ) ( 1 0 . 9 1 6 7 1 1 9 69 . 1 9 7 2 3 3 2 88 . 5 3 3 1 1 1 9 7 69 . 4 7 5 1 9 9 2 0 69 . 3 2 9 3 6 7 6 11 0 . 9 6 2 2 1 2 3 79 . 5 2 6 4 3 6 8 9 9 ) ;f o rc l u s t e rl a b e l e d3 ( s e l e c t( k m e a n s q u e r y' ( 123 )d a t a )( K : c l u s t e r s2 ) ) ( 3 . 1 9 0 6 2 6 8 9 83 . 0 1 4 4 1 5 3 6 62 . 0 1 3 1 0 7 0 5 13 . 1 8 6 5 4 9 8 5 82 . 8 7 4 7 8 6 9 4 93 . 1 6 2 4 1 9 9 5 92 . 4 2 3 6 7 4 8 9 6 )

Weseethatthesmallestdistancesareshownforthedatapointsinthe3rdclusteratoffset2. Ifthenumbersofelementsfeaturesinrecordsoflistdataisdifferentfromthenumberofcolumnsinthedataorcentroidmatrix, thenthesmalleristakenforcalculatingtheEuclidiandistances.Thisisusefulwhenthelastcolumnofthedatamatrixdoesnot containfeaturedata,butlabelsidentifyingtheclustermembershipofadatapoint.

syntax:(kmeanstrainmatrixdataintkcontext[matrixcentroids]) ThefunctionperformsKmeansclusteranalysisonmatrixdata.Allndatarecordsinmatrixdataarepartitionedintoanumberof intkdifferentgroups. Both,then*mmatrixdataandtheoptionalk*mmatrixcentroidscanbeeithernestedlistsor2dimensionalarrays. TheKmeansalgorithmtriestominimizethesumofsquaredinnerclusterdistances(SSQ)fromtheclustercentroid.Witheach iterationthecentroidsgetmovedclosertotheirfinalposition.Onsomedatasets,theendresultcandependonthestartingcentroid points.Therightchoiceofinitialcentroidscanspeeduptheprocessandavoidnotwantedlocalminima. Whennooptionalmatrixcentroidsaregiven,k m e a n s t r a i n willassignaninitialrandomclustermembershiptoeachdatarowand calculatestartingcentroids.
k m e a n s t r a i n returnsavectoroftotalSSQs,thesumofsquaredinnerdistancesfromthecentroidinsidetheclusterforallclusters.

TheIteratingalgorithmstopswhenthechangeofSSQfromonetothenextiterationislessthan1e10. Otherresultsoftheanalysisarestoredaslistsinvariablesofcontext. Thefollowingexampleanalyses20datarecordsmeasuringm=3featuresandtriestopartitiondataintok=3clusters.Other numbersthank=3couldbetried.Thetargetisaresultwithfewclustersofhighdensitymeasuredbytheaverageinnercluster distances.

( s e t' d a t a' ( ( 6 . 5 74 . 9 61 1 . 9 1 ) ( 2 . 2 94 . 1 81 . 0 6 ) ( 8 . 6 32 . 5 18 . 1 1 ) ( 1 . 8 51 . 8 90 . 1 1 ) ( 7 . 5 67 . 9 35 . 0 6 ) ( 3 . 6 17 . 9 55 . 1 1 ) ( 7 . 1 83 . 4 68 . 7 ) ( 8 . 1 76 . 5 97 . 4 9 ) ( 5 . 4 45 . 95 . 5 7 ) ( 2 . 4 32 . 1 41 . 5 9 ) ( 2 . 4 82 . 2 60 . 1 9 ) ( 8 . 1 63 . 8 38 . 9 3 ) ( 8 . 4 95 . 3 17 . 4 7 ) ( 3 . 1 23 . 11 . 4 ) ( 6 . 7 76 . 0 43 . 7 6 ) ( 7 . 0 14 . 21 1 . 9 ) ( 6 . 7 98 . 7 28 . 6 2 ) ( 1 . 1 74 . 4 61 . 0 2 ) ( 2 . 1 12 . 1 40 . 8 5 ) ( 9 . 4 42 . 6 57 . 3 7 ) ) ) ( k m e a n s t r a i nd a t a3' M A I N : K ) ( 4 3 9 . 7 9 4 9 3 5 79 0 . 7 4 7 4 2 7 68 5 . 0 6 6 3 3 1 6 38 2 . 7 4 5 9 7 6 1 9 ) ;c l u s t e rm e m b e r s h i p K : l a b e l s( 23231121133223121332 ) ;t h ec e n t r o i df o re a c hc l u s t e r K : c e n t r o i d s (( 6 . 3 97 . 1 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 35 . 9 3 5 ) ( 7 . 9 2 5 7 1 4 2 8 63 . 8 4 5 7 1 4 2 8 69 . 1 9 8 5 7 1 4 2 9 ) ( 2 . 2 0 7 1 4 2 8 5 72 . 8 8 1 4 2 8 5 7 10 . 8 8 8 5 7 1 4 2 8 6 ))

ThereturnedlistofSSQsshowshowineachiterationthesumofinnersquareddistancesdecreases.ThelistinK : l a b e l s showsthe membershipfoeachdatapointinthesameorderasinthedata. ThecentroidsinK : c e n t r o i d s canbeusedforlaterclassificationofnewdatarecordsusingkmeansquery. TheaverageinnerK : d e v i a t i o n s fromclustermemberstotheircentroidshowhowdenseaclusterispacked.Formally,deviations

arecalculatedsimilarlytoEuclidiandistancesandtostandarddeviationsinconventionalstatistics.Squaringthedeviationsand multiplyingeachwiththeirclustersize(numberofmembersinthecluster)showstheinnerSSQofeachcluster:
;a v e r a g ei n n e rd e v i a t i o n so fc l u s t e rm e m b e r st ot h ec e n t r o i d ;d e v i a t i o n=s q r t ( s s q o f c l u s t e r/n o f c l u s t e r ) K : d e v i a t i o n s ( 2 . 4 5 7 0 5 2 2 0 92 . 2 6 0 0 8 9 3 9 71 . 2 4 0 2 3 6 9 7 5 ) ;c a l c u l a t i n gi n n e rS S Q sf r o mc l u s t e rd e v i a t i o n s ( m a pm u l' ( 677 )( m a pm u lK : d e v i a t i o n sK : d e v i a t i o n s ) ) ( 3 6 . 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 33 5 . 7 5 6 0 2 8 5 71 0 . 7 6 7 3 1 4 2 9 );i n n e rS S Q s ;S S Qf r o ml a s ti t e r a t i o na ss u mo fi n n e rS S Q s ( a p p l ya d d' ( 3 6 . 2 2 2 6 3 3 3 33 5 . 7 5 6 0 2 8 5 71 0 . 7 6 7 3 1 4 2 9 ) )8 2 . 7 4 5 9 7 6 1 9 K : c l u s t e r s givesindicesofdatarecordsintotheoriginaldataforeachcluster.Withthese,individualclusterscanbeextractedfrom

;c e a c ho ft h er e s u l tc l u s t e r sw i t hi n d i c e si n t ot h ed a t as e t K : c l u s t e r s (( 45781 41 6 ) ( 0261 11 21 51 9 ) ( 1391 01 31 71 8 )) ;c l u s t e ro fd a t ar e c o r d sl a b e l e d1a to f f s e t0 ( s e l e c td a t a( K : c l u s t e r s0 ) ) (( 7 . 5 67 . 9 35 . 0 6 ) ( 3 . 6 17 . 9 55 . 1 1 ) ( 8 . 1 76 . 5 97 . 4 9 ) ( 5 . 4 45 . 95 . 5 7 ) ( 6 . 7 76 . 0 43 . 7 6 ) ( 6 . 7 98 . 7 28 . 6 2 )) ;c l u s t e ro fd a t ar e c o r d sl a b e l e d2a to f f s e t1 ( s e l e c td a t a( K : c l u s t e r s1 ) ) (( 6 . 5 74 . 9 61 1 . 9 1 ) ( 8 . 6 32 . 5 18 . 1 1 ) ( 7 . 1 83 . 4 68 . 7 ) ( 8 . 1 63 . 8 38 . 9 3 ) ( 8 . 4 95 . 3 17 . 4 7 ) ( 7 . 0 14 . 21 1 . 9 ) ( 9 . 4 42 . 6 57 . 3 7 )) ;c l u s t e ro fd a t ar e c o r d sl a b e l e d3a to f f s e t2 ( s e l e c td a t a( K : c l u s t e r s2 ) ) (( 2 . 2 94 . 1 81 . 0 6 ) ( 1 . 8 51 . 8 90 . 1 1 ) ( 2 . 4 32 . 1 41 . 5 9 ) ( 2 . 4 82 . 2 60 . 1 9 ) ( 3 . 1 23 . 11 . 4 ) ( 1 . 1 74 . 4 61 . 0 2 ) ( 2 . 1 12 . 1 40 . 8 5 ))

;a p p e n dac l u s t e rl a b e lt oe a c hd a t ar e c o r d ( s e t' l a b e l e d d a t a( t r a n s p o s e( p u s hK : l a b e l s( t r a n s p o s ed a t a )1 ) ) ) l a b e l e d d a t a : (( 6 . 5 74 . 9 61 1 . 9 12 ) ( 2 . 2 94 . 1 81 . 0 63 ) ( 8 . 6 32 . 5 18 . 1 12 ) ( 1 . 8 51 . 8 90 . 1 13 ) ( 7 . 5 67 . 9 35 . 0 61 ) ( 3 . 6 17 . 9 55 . 1 11 ) . . .. . . ( 2 . 1 12 . 1 40 . 8 53 ) ( 9 . 4 42 . 6 57 . 3 72 ))

TheresultcontextshouldbeprefixedwithM A I N whencodeiswritteninanamespacecontext.Ifthecontextdoesnotexistsalready, itwillbecreated.

ResultsinK : l a b e l s ,K : c l u s t e r s ,K : c e n t r o i d s andK : d e v i a t i o n s willbeoverwritten,ifalreadypresentfrompreviousrunsof k m e a n s t r a i n .

Seethedescriptionoffn,whichisashorterformofwritingl a m b d a .


syntax:(lambda?exp) Returnst r u e onlyifthevalueofexpisalambdaexpressionotherwise,returnsn i l .
( d e f i n e( s q u a r ex )( *xx ) )( l a m b d a( x )( *xx ) ) s q u a r e( l a m b d a( x )( *xx ) ) ( l a m b d a ?s q u a r e ) t r u e


syntax:(lastlist) syntax:(lastarray) syntax:(laststr) Returnsthelastelementofalistorastring.
( l a s t' ( 12345 ) ) 5 ( l a s t' ( ab( cd ) ) ) ( cd ) ( s e t' A( a r r a y32( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) ) ( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 ) ) ( l a s tA ) ( 56 ) ( l a s t' ( ) ) E R R :l i s ti se m p t y

( l a s t" n e w L I S P " ) " P "

NotethatlastworksoncharacterboundariesratherthanbyteboundarieswhentheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISPisused.See alsofirst,restandnth.

syntax:(lasterror) syntax:(lasterrorinterror) ReportsthelasterrorgeneratedbynewLISPduetosyntaxerrorsorexhaustionofsomeresource.Forasummaryofallpossible errorsseethechapterErrorcodesintheappendix. IfnoerrorhasoccurredsincethenewLISPsessionwasstarted,n i l isreturned. Wheninterrorisspecified,alistofthenumberandtheerrortextisreturned.
( l a s t e r r o r ) n i l ( a b c ) E R R :i n v a l i df u n c t i o n:( a b c ) ( l a s t e r r o r )( 2 4" E R R :i n v a l i df u n c t i o n:( a b c ) " ) ( l a s t e r r o r2 4 )( 2 4" i n v a l i df u n c t i o n " ) ( l a s t e r r o r1 )( 1" n o te n o u g hm e m o r y " ) ( l a s t e r r o r1 2 3 4 5 )( 1 2 3 4 5" U n k n o w ne r r o r " )

Forerrornumbersoutofrangethestring" U n k n o w ne r r o r " isgivenfortheerrortext. Errorscanbetrappedbyerroreventanduserdefinederrorhandlers. Seealsoneterrorforerrorsgeneratedbynetworkingconditionsandsyserrorforerrorsgeneratedbytheoperatingsystem.

syntax:(legal?str) ThetokeninstrisverifiedasalegalnewLISPsymbol.Nonlegalsymbolscanbecreatedusingthesymfunction(e.g.symbols containingspaces,quotes,orothercharactersnotnormallyallowed).Nonlegalsymbolsarecreatedfrequentlywhenusingthemfor associativedataaccess:
( s y m b o l ?( s y m" o n et w o " ) ) t r u e ( l e g a l ?" o n et w o " ) n i l ;c o n t a i n sas p a c e

( s e t( s y m" o n et w o " )1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( e v a l( s y m" o n et w o " ) ) 1 2 3

Theexampleshowsthatthestring" o n et w o " doesnotcontainalegalsymbolalthoughasymbolcanbecreatedfromthisstring andtreatedlikeavariable.


l e n g t h appliedtoasymbolreturnsthelengthofthesymbolname.Appliedtoanumber,l e n g t h returnsthenumberofbytes

( l e n g t h' ( ab( cd )e ) ) ( l e n g t h' ( ) ) ( s e t' s o m e L i s t' ( qwerty ) ) ( l e n g t hs o m e L i s t ) 4 0 ( qwerty ) 6

( s e t' a r y( a r r a y24' ( 0 ) ) ) ( ( 1234 )( 5678 ) ) ( l e n g t ha r y ) 2 ( l e n g t h" H e l l oW o r l d " ) 1 1 ( l e n g t h" " ) 0 ( l e n g t h' s o m e V a r ) 7 ( l e n g t h1 2 3 ) 8 ( l e n g t h1 . 2 3 ) 8 ( l e n g t h( g e t i n t" \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 " ) )4


syntax:(let((sym1[expinit1])[(sym2[expinit2])...])body) syntax:(let(sym1expinit1[sym2expinit2...])body) Oneormorevariablessym1,sym2,...aredeclaredlocallyandinitializedwithexpressionsinexpinit1,expinit2,etc.Inthefully parenthesizedfirstsyntax,initializersareoptionalandassumedn i l ifmissing. Whenthelocalvariablesareinitialized,theinitializerexpressionsevaluateusingsymbolbindingsasbeforethel e t statement.To incrementallyusesymbolbindingsasevaluatedduringtheinitializationoflocalsinl e t ,useletn. Oneormoreexpressionsinexpbodyareevaluatedusingthelocaldefinitionsofsym1,sym2etc.l e t isusefulforbreakingup complexexpressionsbydefininglocalvariablesclosetotheplacewheretheyareused.Thesecondformomitstheparentheses aroundthevariableexpressionpairsbutfunctionsidentically.
( d e f i n e( s u m s qab ) ( l e t( ( x( *aa ) )( y( *bb ) ) ) ( +xy ) ) ) ( s u m s q34 )2 5 ( d e f i n e( s u m s qab ) ;a l t e r n a t i v es y n t a x ( l e t( x( *aa )y( *bb ) ) ( +xy ) ) )

Thevariablesx andy areinitialized,thentheexpression( +xy ) isevaluated.Theletformisjustanoptimizedversionand syntacticconvenienceforwriting:

( ( l a m b d a( s y m 1[ s y m 2. . .] )e x p b o d y)e x p i n i t 1[e x p i n i t 2] )

Seealsoletnforanincrementalornestedformofl e t andlocalforinitializington i l .Seelocalforautomaticinitializationof variableston i l .


syntax:(letex((sym1[expinit1])[(sym2[expinit2])...])body) syntax:(letex(sym1expinit1[sym2expinit2...])body) Thisfunctioncombinesletandexpandtoexpandlocalvariablesintoanexpressionbeforeevaluatingit.Inthefullyparenthesized firstsyntaxinitializersareoptionalandassumedn i l ifmissing. Bothformsprovidethesamefunctionality,butinthesecondformtheparenthesesaroundtheinitializerscanbeomitted:

( l e t e x( x1y2z3 )' ( xyz ) ) ( 123 )

( l e t e x(( x1 )( y' ( abc ) )( z" h e l l o " ))' ( xyz ) ) ( 1( abc )" h e l l o " )

Beforetheexpression' ( xyz ) getsevaluated,x ,y andz areliterallyreplacedwiththeinitializersfromthel e t e x initializerlist. Thefinalexpressionwhichgetsevaluatedis' ( 123 ) . Inthesecondexampleafunctionm a k e a d d e r isdefinedformakingadderfunctions:
( d e f i n e( m a k e a d d e rn ) ( l e t e x( cn )( l a m b d a( x )( +xc ) ) ) ) ( d e f i n ea d d 3( m a k e a d d e r3 ) )( l a m b d a( x )( +x3 ) ) ( a d d 31 0 )1 3 ;l e t e xc a ne x p a n ds y m b o l si n t ot h e m s e l v e s ;t h ef o l l o w i n gf o r ma l s ow o r k s ( d e f i n e( m a k e a d d e rn ) ( l e t e x( nn )( l a m b d a( x )( +xn ) ) ) ) l e t e x evaluatesn totheconstant3 andreplacesc withitinthelambdaexpression.Thesecondexamplesshows,howal e t e x


syntax:(letn((sym1[expinit1])[(sym2[expinit2])...])body) syntax:(letn(sym1expinit1[sym2expinit2...])body)
l e t n islikeanestedletandworkssimilarlytolet,butwillincrementallyusethenewsymbolbindingswhenevaluatingthe

initializerexpressionsasifseveralletwerenested.Inthefullyparenthesizedfirstsyntax,initializersareoptionalandassumedn i l if missing. Thefollowingcomparisonofletandl e t n showthedifference:

( s e t' x1 0 ) ( l e t( ( x1 )( y( +x1 ) ) ) ( l i s txy ) ) ( 11 1 ) ( l e t n( ( x1 )( y( +x1 ) ) ) ( l i s txy ) ) ( 12 )

Whileinthefirstexampleusingletthevariabley iscalculatedusingthebindingofx beforetheletexpression,inthesecond exampleusingl e t n thevariabley iscalculatedusingthenewlocalbindingofx .

( l e t n ( x1yx ) ( +xy ) ) 2 ; ;s a m ea sn e s t e dl e t ' s

( l e t( x1 ) ( l e t( yx ) ( +xy ) ) ) 2 l e t n workslikeseveralnestedlet.Theparenthesesaroundtheinitializerexpressionscanbeomitted.

syntax:(listexp1[exp2...]) Theexpareevaluatedandthevaluesusedtoconstructanewlist.Notethatargumentsofarraytypeareconvertedtolists.
( l i s t12345 ) ( 12345 ) ( l i s t' a' ( bc )( +34 )' ( )' * )( a( bc )7( )* )


syntax:(list?exp) Returnst r u e onlyifthevalueofexpisalistotherwisereturnsn i l .Notethatlambdaandlambdamacroexpressionsarealso recognizedasspecialinstancesofalistexpression.
( s e t' v a r' ( 1234 ) ) ( l i s t ?v a r ) ( 1234 ) t r u e

( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) ( l i s t ?d o u b l e ) t r u e

syntax:(loadstrfilename1[strfilename2...][symcontext]) LoadsandtranslatesnewLISPfromasourcefilespecifiedinoneormorestrfilenameandevaluatestheexpressionscontainedin thefile(s).Whenloadingissuccessful,l o a d returnstheresultofthelastexpressioninthelastfileevaluated.Ifafilecannotbe loaded,l o a d throwsanerror. Anoptionalsymcontextcanbespecified,whichbecomesthecontextofevaluation,unlesssuchacontextswitchisalreadypresent inthefilebeingloaded.Bydefault,fileswhichdonotcontaincontextswitcheswillbeloadedintotheM A I N context. ThestrfilenamespecscancontainURLs.Bothh t t p : / / andf i l e : / / URLsaresupported.
( l o a d" m y f i l e . l s p " ) ( l o a d" a f i l e . l s p "" b f i l e . l s p " ) ( l o a d" f i l e . l s p "" h t t p : / / m y s i t e . o r g / m y p r o " ) ( l o a d" h t t p : / / 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 . 2 1 : 6 0 0 0 / / h o m e / t e s t / p r o g r a m . l s p " )

( l o a d" a f i l e . l s p "" b f i l e . l s p "' M y C T X ) ( l o a d" f i l e : / / / u s r / s h a r e / n e w l i s p / m y s q l . l s p " )

Incaseexpressionsevaluatedduringthel o a d arechangingthecontext,thiswillnotinfluencetheprogrammingmoduledoingthe l o a d . Thecurrentcontextafterthel o a d statementwillalwaysbethesameasbeforethel o a d . NormalfilespecsandURLscanbemixedinthesameloadcommand.

l o a d withH T T P URLscanalsobeusedtoloadcoderemotelyfromnewLISPservernodesrunningonaUnixlikeoperating

system.Inthismode,l o a d willissueanHTTPGETrequesttothetargetURL.Notethatadoublebackslashisrequiredwhenpath namesarespecifiedrelativetotherootdirectory.l o a d inH T T P modewillobservea60secondtimeout. ThesecondtolastlinecausesthefilestobeloadedintothecontextM y C T X .Thequoteforcesthecontexttobecreatedifitdidnot exist. Thef i l e : / / URLisfollowedbyathird/ forthedirectoryspec.

syntax:(local(sym1[sym2...])body) Initializesoneormoresymbolsinsym1ton i l ,evaluatestheexpressionsinbody,andreturnstheresultofthelastevaluation.
l o c a l workssimilarlytolet,butlocalvariablesareallinitializedton i l . l o c a l providesasimplewaytolocalizevariableswithoutexplicitinitialization.

syntax:(lognum) syntax:(lognumnumbase) Inthefirstsyntax,theexpressioninnumisevaluatedandthenaturallogarithmicfunctioniscalculatedfromtheresult.
( l o g1 ) ( l o g( e x p1 ) ) 0 1

( l o g1 0 2 42 ) ( l o g( e x p1 )( e x p1 ) ) 1 0 1

Seealsoexp,whichistheinversefunctiontol o g withbasee(2.718281828).


Findsinlistassocanassociation,thekeyelementofwhichhasthesamevalueasexpkey,andreturnstheintindexelementof association(orthelastelementifintindexisabsent). Optionally,expdefaultcanbespecified,whichisreturnedifanassociationmatchingexpkeycannotbefound.Iftheexpdefaultis absentandnoassociationhasbeenfound,n i l isreturned. SeealsoIndexingelementsofstringsandlists.

l o o k u p issimilartoassocbutgoesonestepfurtherbyextractingaspecificelementfoundinthelist. ( s e t' p a r a m s' ( ( n a m e" J o h nD o e " ) ( a g e3 5 ) ( g e n d e r" M " ) ( b a l a n c e1 2 . 3 4 ) ) ) ( l o o k u p' a g ep a r a m s ) 3 5

;u s et o g e t h e rw i t hs e t ft om o d i f ya n da s s o c i a t i o nl i s t ( s e t f( l o o k u p' a g ep a r a m s )4 2 ) 4 2 ( l o o k u p' a g ep a r a m s ) 4 2 ( s e t' p e r s o n s' ( ( " J o h nD o e "3 5" M "1 2 . 3 4 ) ( " M i c k e yM o u s e "6 5" N "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) ) ) ( l o o k u p" M i c k e yM o u s e "p e r s o n s2 ) ( l o o k u p" M i c k e yM o u s e "p e r s o n s3 ) ( l o o k u p" J o h nD o e "p e r s o n s1 ) ( l o o k u p" J o h nD o e "p e r s o n s2 ) " N " 6 5 3 5 " M "

( l o o k u p" J a n eD o e "p e r s o n s1" N / A " ) " N / A "


syntax:(lowercasestr) Convertsthecharactersofthestringinstrtolowercase.Anewstringiscreated,andtheoriginalisleftunaltered.
( l o w e r c a s e" H E L L OW O R L D " ) " h e l l ow o r l d " ( s e t' S t r" A B C " ) ( l o w e r c a s eS t r ) " a b c " S t r " A B C "


syntax:(macro?exp) returnst r u e ifexpevaluatestoalambdamacroexpressionotherwise,n i l isreturned.
( d e f i n e m a c r o( m y s e t ql vr v )( s e tl v( e v a lr v ) ) )

( m a c r o ?m y s e t q ) t r u e

syntax:(mainargs) syntax:(mainargsintindex)
m a i n a r g s returnsalistwithseveralstringmembers,oneforprograminvocationandoneforeachofthecommandlinearguments. n e w l i s p123 >( m a i n a r g s ) ( " / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p "" 1 "" 2 "" 3 " )

Aftern e w l i s p123 isexecutedatthecommandprompt,m a i n a r g s returnsalistcontainingthenameoftheinvokingprogram andthreecommandlinearguments. Optionally,m a i n a r g s cantakeanintindexforindexingintothelist.Notethatanindexoutofrangewillcausen i l tobereturned, notthelastelementofthelistlikeinlistindexing.

n e w l i s pabc >( m a i n a r g s0 ) " / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p " >( m a i n a r g s1 ) " c " >( m a i n a r g s2 ) " b " >( m a i n a r g s1 0 ) n i l

NotethatwhennewLISPisexecutedfromascript,m a i n a r g s alsoreturnsthenameofthescriptasthesecondargument:
# ! / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p # #s c r i p tt os h o wt h ee f f e c to f' m a i n a r g s 'i ns c r i p tf i l e ( p r i n t( m a i n a r g s )" \ n " ) ( e x i t ) #e n do fs c r i p tf i l e ; ;e x e c u t es c r i p ti nt h eO Ss h e l l : s c r i p t123 ( " / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p "" . / s c r i p t "" 1 "" 2 "" 3 " )


syntax:(makedirstrdirname[intmode]) Createsadirectoryasspecifiedinstrdirname,withtheoptionalaccessmodeintmode.Returnst r u e orn i l dependingonthe outcome.Ifnoaccessmodeisspecified,mostUnixsystemsdefaulttod r w x r x r x . OnUnixsystems,theaccessmodespecifiedwillalsobemaskedbytheOS'susermasksetbythesystemadministrator.Theuser

maskcanberetrievedonUnixsystemsusingthecommandu m a s k andisusually0 0 2 2 (octal),whichmaskswrite(andcreation) permissionfornonownersofthefile.

; ;0( z e r o )i nf r o n to f7 5 0m a k e si ta no c t a ln u m b e r ( m a k e d i r" a d i r "0 7 5 0 )

Thisexamplecreatesadirectorynameda d i r inthecurrentdirectorywithanaccessmodeof0 7 5 0 (octal750=d r w x r x ).

syntax:(mapexpfunctorlistargs1[listargs2...]) Successivelyappliestheprimitivefunction,definedfunction,orlambdaexpressionexpfunctortotheargumentsspecifiedinlist args1,listargs2,returningallresultsinalist.
( m a p+' ( 123 )' ( 5 06 07 0 ) ) ( 5 16 27 3 ) ( m a pi f' ( t r u en i lt r u en i lt r u e )' ( 12345 )' ( 67891 0 ) ) ' ( 17395 ) ( m a p( f n( xy )( *xy ) )' ( 34 )' ( 2 01 0 ) ) ( 6 04 0 )

Thesecondexampleshowshowtodynamicallycreateafunctionform a p :
( d e f i n e( f o oo pp ) ( a p p e n d( l a m b d a( x ) )( l i s t( l i s to pp' x ) ) ) )

Wecanalsousetheshorterf n :
( d e f i n e( f o oo pp ) ( a p p e n d( f n( x ) )( l i s t( l i s to pp' x ) ) ) ) f o o nowworkslikeafunctionmaker: ( f o o' a d d2 ) ( l a m b d a( x )( a d d2x ) ) ( m a p( f o oa d d2 )' ( 12345 ) ) ( 34567 ) ( m a p( f o om u l3 )' ( 12345 ) ) ( 3691 21 5 )

NotethatthequotebeforetheoperandcanbeomittedbecauseprimitivesevaluatetothemselvesinnewLISP. Byincorporatingm a p intothefunctiondefinition,wecandothefollowing:

( d e f i n e( l i s t m a po ppl s t ) ( m a p( l a m b d a( x )( o ppx ) )l s t ) ) ( l i s t m a p+2' ( 1234 ) ) ( 3456 ) ( l i s t m a pm u l1 . 5' ( 1234 ) ) ( 1 . 534 . 56 ) m a p alsosetstheinternallistindex$ i d x . ( m a p( f n( x )( l i s t$ i d xx ) )' ( abc ) )( ( 0a )( 1b )( 2c ) )

Thenumberofargumentsusedisdeterminedbythelengthofthefirstargumentlist.Argumentsmissinginotherargumentlists causemaptostopcollectingparametersforthatlevelofarguments.Thisensuresthatthenthparameterlistgetsconvertedtothenth columnduringthetranspositionoccurring.Ifanargumentlistcontainstoomanyelements,theextraoneswillbeignored. Specialformswhichuseparenthesesassyntaxcannotbemapped(

syntax:(mat+||*|/matrixAmatrixB) syntax:(mat+||*|/matrixAnumber) Usingthefirstsyntax,thisfunctionperformsfastfloatingpointscalaroperationsontwodimensionalmatricesinmatrixAormatrix B.Thetypeofoperationisspecifiedbyoneofthefourarithmeticoperators+ ,,* ,or/ .Thistypeofarithmeticoperatoristypically usedforintegeroperationsinnewLISP.Inthecaseofm a t ,however,alloperationswillbeperformedasfloatingpointoperations (a d d ,s u b ,m u l ,d i v ). MatricesinnewLISParetwodimensionallistsorarrays.Internally,newLISPtranslateslistsandarraysintofast,accessibleC languagedataobjects.ThismakesmatrixoperationsinnewLISPasfastasthosecodeddirectlyinC.Thesameistrueforthematrix operationsmultiplyandinvert.
( s e t' A' ( ( 123 )( 456 ) ) ) ( s e t' BA ) ( m a t+AB ) ( m a t-AB ) ( m a t*AB ) ( m a t/AB ) ( ( 246 )( 81 01 2 ) ) ( ( 000 )( 000 ) ) ( ( 149 )( 1 62 53 6 ) ) ( ( 111 )( 111 ) )

;s p e c i f yt h eo p e r a t o ri nav a r i a b l e ( s e t' o p+ ) ( m a to pAB ) ( ( 246 )( 81 01 2 ) )

( m a t+A5 ) ( m a t-A2 ) ( m a t*A3 ) ( m a t/A1 0 ) ( ( 678 )( 91 01 1 ) ) ( ( 101 )( 234 ) ) ( ( 369 )( 1 21 51 8 ) ) ( ( . 1. 2. 3 )( . 4. 5. 6 ) )


syntax:(matchlistpatternlistmatch[bool]) Thepatterninlistpatternismatchedagainstthelistinlistmatch,andthematchingexpressionsarereturnedinalist.Thethree wildcardcharacters? ,+ ,and* canbeusedinlistpattern. Wildcardcharactersmaybenested.m a t c h returnsalistofmatchedexpressions.Foreach? (questionmark),amatchingexpression elementisreturned.Foreach+ (plussign)or* (asterisk),alistcontainingthematchedelementsisreturned.Ifthepatterncannotbe matchedagainstthelistinlistmatch,m a t c h returnsn i l .Ifnowildcardcharactersarepresentinthepatternanemptylistisreturned. Optionally,theBooleanvaluet r u e (oranyotherexpressionnotevaluatington i l )canbesuppliedasathirdargument.Thiscauses m a t c h toshowallelementsinthereturnedresult.
m a t c h isfrequentlyemployedasafunctorparameterinfind,ref,refallandreplaceandisinternallyusedbyfindallforlists. ( m a t c h' ( a?c )' ( abc ) ) ( b ) ( m a t c h' ( a?? )' ( abc ) ) ( bc )

( m a t c h' ( a?c )' ( a( xyz )c ) ) ( ( xyz ) ) ( m a t c h' ( a?c )' ( a( xyz )c )t r u e ) ( a( xyz )c ) ( m a t c h' ( a?c )' ( axyzc ) ) n i l ( m a t c h' ( a*c )' ( axyzc ) ) ( ( xyz ) ) ( m a t c h' ( a( bc? )xyz )' ( a( bcd )xyz ) ) ( d ) ( m a t c h' ( a( * )x?z )' ( a( bcd )xyz ) ) ( ( bcd )y ) ( m a t c h' ( + )' ( ) ) n i l ( m a t c h' ( + )' ( a ) ) ( ( a ) ) ( m a t c h' ( + )' ( ab ) ) ( ( ab ) ) ( m a t c h' ( a( * )x?z )' ( a( )xyz ) ) ( ( )y ) ( m a t c h' ( a( + )x?z )' ( a( )xyz ) ) n i l

Notethatthe* operatortriestograbthefewestnumberofelementspossible,butm a t c h backtracksandgrabsmoreelementsifa matchcannotbefound. The+ operatorworkssimilarlytothe* operator,butitrequiresatleastonelistelement. Thefollowingexampleshowshowthematchedexpressionscanbeboundtovariables.

( m a ps e t' ( xy )( m a t c h' ( a( ?c )d* )' ( a( bc )def ) ) ) x b y ( ef )

Notethatm a t c h forstringshasbeeneliminated.Formorepowerfulstringmatching,useregex,find,findallorparse. unifyisanotherfunctionformatchingexpressionsinaPROLOGlikemanner.

syntax:(maxnum1[num2...]) Evaluatestheexpressionsnum1andreturnsthelargestnumber.
( m a x4623 . 5 47 . 1 ) 7 . 1


syntax:(memberexplist) syntax:(memberstrkeystr[numoption]) Inthefirstsyntax,m e m b e r searchesfortheelementexpinthelistlist.Iftheelementisamemberofthelist,anewliststartingwith theelementfoundandtherestoftheoriginallistisconstructedandreturned.Ifnothingisfound,n i l isreturned.Whenspecifying numoption,m e m b e r performsaregularexpressionsearch.

( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcdefgh ) ) ( abcdefgh ) ( m e m b e r' da L i s t ) ( defgh ) ( m e m b e r5 5a L i s t ) n i l

Inthesecondsyntax,m e m b e r searchesforstrkeyinstr.Ifstrkeyisfound,allofstr(startingwithstrkey)isreturned.n i l is returnedifnothingisfound.

( m e m b e r" L I S P "" n e w L I S P " ) ( m e m b e r" L I "" n e w L I S P " ) ( m e m b e r" "" n e w L I S P " ) ( m e m b e r" x y z "" n e w L I S P " ) ( m e m b e r" l i "" n e w L I S P "1 ) " L I S P " " L I S P " " n e w L I S P " n i l " L I S P "


syntax:(minnum1[num2...]) Evaluatestheexpressionsnum1andreturnsthesmallestnumber.
( m i n4623 . 5 47 . 1 ) 2


syntax:(modnum1num2[num3...]) syntax:(modnum1) Calculatesthemodularvalueofthenumbersinnum1andnum2.m o d computestheremainderfromthedivisionofthenumerator numibythedenominatornumi+1.Specifically,thereturnvalueisnumeratorn*denominator,wheren isthequotientofthe numeratordividedbythedenominator,roundedtowardszerotoaninteger.Theresulthasthesamesignasthenumeratorandits magnitudeislessthanthemagnitudeofthedenominator. Inthesecondsyntax1 isassumedfornum2andtheresultisthefractionalpartofnum1.
( m o d1 0 . 53 . 3 ) 0 . 6 ( m o d1 0 . 53 . 3 ) 0 . 6 ( m o d1 0 . 5 ) 0 . 5


syntax:(mulnum1num2[num3...]) Evaluatesallexpressionsnum1,calculatingandreturningtheproduct.m u l canperformmixedtypearithmetic,butitalways returnsfloatingpointnumbers.AnyfloatingpointcalculationwithN a N alsoreturnsN a N .
( m u l123451 . 1 ) 1 3 2

( m u l0 . 50 . 5 )

0 . 2 5

syntax:(multiplymatrixAmatrixB) ReturnsthematrixmultiplicationofmatricesinmatrixAandmatrixB.IfmatrixAhasthedimensionsnbymandmatrixBthe dimensionskbyl(mandkmustbeequal),theresultisannbylmatrix.m u l t i p l y canperformmixedtypearithmetic,butthe resultsarealwaysdoubleprecisionfloatingpoints,evenifallinputvaluesareintegers. Thedimensionsofamatrixaredeterminedbythenumberofrowsandthenumberofelementsinthefirstrow.Formissingelements innonrectangularmatrices,0 . 0 isassumed.Amatrixcaneitherbeanestedlistorarray.
( s e t' A' ( ( 123 )( 456 ) ) ) ( s e t' B' ( ( 12 )( 12 )( 12 ) ) ) ( m u l t i p l yAB ) ( ( 61 2 )( 1 53 0 ) ) ( s e t' v' ( 1 02 03 0 ) ) ( m u l t i p l yA( t r a n s p o s e( l i s tv ) ) )( ( 1 4 0 )( 3 2 0 ) )

Whenmultiplyingamatrixwithavectorofn elements,thevectormustbetransformedinton rowsby1 columnmatrixusing transpose. Alloperationsshownhereonlistscanbeperformedonarrays,aswell. Seealsothematrixoperationsdet,invert,matandtranspose.


syntax:(NaN?float) TestsiftheresultofafloatingpointmathoperationisaN a N .CertainfloatingpointoperationsreturnaspecialIEEE754number formatcalledaN a N for'NotaNumber'.
;f l o a t i n gp o i n to p e r a t i o no nN a Ny i e l dN a N ( s e t' x( s q r t1 ) ) N a N ( N a N ?x ) t r u e ( a d dx1 2 3 ) N a N ( m u lx1 2 3 ) N a N ;i n t e g e ro p e r a t i o n st r e a tN a Na sz e r o ( +x1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( *x1 2 3 ) 0 ;c o m p a r i s o n sw i t hN a Nv a l u e sy i e l dn i l ( >x0 ) n i l ( < =x0 ) n i l ( =xx ) n i l

( s e t' i n f i n i t y( m u l1 . 0 e 2 0 01 . 0 e 2 0 0 ) )i n f ( N a N ?( s u bi n f i n i t yi n f i n i t y ) )t r u e

NotethatallfloatingpointarithmeticoperationswithaN a N yieldaN a N .AllcomparisonswithN a N returnn i l ,butt r u e when comparingtoitself.Comparisonwithitself,however,wouldresultinnott r u e whenusingANSIC.IntegeroperationstreatN a N as 0 (zero)values. Seealsoinf?fortestingafloatingpointvalueforinfinity.

syntax:(netacceptintsocket) Acceptsaconnectiononasocketpreviouslyputintolisteningmode.Returnsanewlycreatedsockethandleforreceivingand sendingdataonthisconnection.
( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t l i s t e n1 2 3 4 ) ) ( n e t a c c e p ts o c k e t )

Notethatforportslessthan1024,newLISPmustbestartedinsuperusermodeonUnixlikeoperatingsystems. Seealsothefiless e r v e r andc l i e n t examplesinthee x a m p l e s / directoryofthesourcedistribution.

syntax:(netcloseintsocket[true]) Closesanetworksocketinintsocketthatwaspreviouslycreatedbyanetconnectornetacceptfunction.Returnst r u e onsuccess andn i l onfailure.
( n e t c l o s ea S o c k )


syntax:(netconnectstrremotehostintport[inttimeoutms]) syntax:(netconnectstrremotehostintport[strmode[intttl]]) syntax:(netconnectstrfilepath) Inthefirstsyntax,connectstoaremotehostcomputerspecifiedinstrremotehostandaportspecifiedinintport.Returnsasocket handleafterhavingconnectedsuccessfullyotherwise,returnsn i l .
( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t c o n n e c t" e x a m p l e . c o m "8 0 ) ) ( n e t s e n ds o c k e t" G E T/ \ r \ n \ r \ n " ) ( n e t r e c e i v es o c k e tb u f f e r1 0 0 0 0 ) ( p r i n t l nb u f f e r ) ( e x i t )

Ifsuccessful,then e t c o n n e c t functionreturnsasocketnumberwhichcanbeusedtosendandreceiveinformationfromthehost.

IntheexampleaHTTPGETrequestissentandsubsequentlyawebpagereceived.NotethatnewLISPhasalreadyabuiltin functiongeturlofferingthesamefunctionality. Optionallyatimeoutvalueinttimeoutinmillisecondscanbespecified.Withoutatimeoutvaluethefunctionwillwaitupto10 secondsforanopenport.Withatimeoutvaluethefunctioncanbemadetoreturnonanunavailableportmuchearlierorlater.The followingexampleshowsaportscannerlookingforopenports:

( s e t' h o s t( m a i n a r g s2 ) ) ( p r i n t l n" S c a n n i n g :"h o s t ) ( f o r( p o r t11 0 2 4 ) ( i f( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t c o n n e c th o s tp o r t5 0 0 ) ) ( p r i n t l n" o p e np o r t :"p o r t""( o r( n e t s e r v i c ep o r t" t c p " )" " ) ) ( p r i n tp o r t" \ r " ) ) )

TheprogramstakesthehoststringfromtheshellcommandlineaseitheradomainnameoranIPnumberindotnotationthentries toopeneachportfrom1to1024.Foreachopenporttheportnumberandtheservicedescriptionstringisprinted.Ifnodescription isavailable,anemptystring""isoutput.Forclosedportsthefunctionoutputsnumbersintheshellwindowstayingonthesame line. OnUnixn e t c o n n e c t mayreturnwithn i l beforethetimeoutexpires,whentheportisnotavailable.OnWin32n e t c o n n e c t willalwayswaitforthetimeouttoexpirebeforefailingwithn i l .

Inthesecondsyntax,athirdparameter,thestring" u d p " or" u " canbespecifiedintheoptionalstrmodetocreateasocketsuitedfor UDP(UserDatagramProtocol)communications.InUDPmode,n e t c o n n e c t doesnottrytoconnecttotheremotehost,but createsthesocketandbindsittotheremoteaddress,ifanaddressisspecified.AsubsequentnetsendwillsendaUDPpacket containingthattargetaddress.Whenusingnetsendto,onlyoneofthetwofunctionsn e t c o n n e c t orn e t s e n d t o should provideatargetaddress.Theotherfunctionshouldspecifyandemptystring" " asthetargetaddress.
; ;e x a m p l es e r v e r ( n e t l i s t e n4 0 9 6" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "" u d p " ) 5 ( n e t r e c e i v e f r o m52 0 ) ; ;e x a m p l ec l i e n tI ( n e t c o n n e c t" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "4 0 9 6" u d p " )3 ( n e t s e n d3" h e l l o " ) ; ;e x a m p l ec l i e n tI I ( n e t c o n n e c t" "4 0 9 6" u d p " )3 ( n e t s e n d t o" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "4 0 9 6" h e l l o "3 )

ThefunctionsnetreceiveandnetreceivefromcanbothbeusedandwillperformUDPcommunicationswhenthe" u d p " optionas beenusedinn e t l i s t e n orn e t c o n n e c t .netselectandnetpeekcanbeusedtocheckforreceiveddatainanonblocking fashion. netlistenbindsaspecificlocaladdressandporttothesocket.Whenn e t c o n n e c t isused,thelocaladdressandportwillbepicked bythesocketstackfunctionsofthehostOS.

Whenspecifying" m u l t i " or" m " asathirdparameterforstrmode,asocketforUDPmulticastcommunicationswillbecreated. Optionally,thefourthparameteri n t t t l canbespecifiedasaTTL(timetolive)value.Ifnointttlvalueisspecified,avalueof3 isassumed. NotethatspecifyingUDPmulticastmodeinn e t c o n n e c t doesnotactuallyestablishaconnectiontothetargetmulticastaddress butonlyputsthesocketintoUDPmulticastingmode.Onthereceivingside,usenetlistentogetherwiththeUDPmulticastoption.
; ;e x a m p l ec l i e n tI ( n e t c o n n e c t" "4 0 9 6" m u l t i " ) 3 ( n e t s e n d t o" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "4 0 9 6" h e l l o "3 )

; ;e x a m p l ec l i e n tI I ( n e t c o n n e c t" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "4 0 9 6" m u l t i " ) 3 ( n e t s e n d3" h e l l o " ) ; ;e x a m p l es e r v e r ( n e t l i s t e n4 0 9 6" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "" m u l t i " ) 5 ( n e t r e c e i v e f r o m52 0 ) ( " h e l l o "" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "3 2 7 6 9 )

Ontheserverside,netpeekornetselectcanbeusedfornonblockingcommunications.Intheaboveexample,theserverwould blockuntiladatagramisreceived. Theaddress2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 isjustonemulticastaddressintheClassDrangeofmulticastaddressesfrom2 2 4 . 0 . 0 . 0 to 2 3 9 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . Thenetsendandnetreceivefunctionscanalsobeusedinsteadofnetsendtoandnetreceivefrom.

Specifyingthestring" b r o a d c a s t " or" b " inthethirdparameter,strmode,causesUDPbroadcastcommunicationstobesetup.In thiscase,thebroadcastaddressendingin255isused.
; ;e x a m p l ec l i e n t ( n e t c o n n e c t" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 . 2 5 5 "3 0 0 0" b r o a d c a s t " ) 3 ( n e t s e n d3" h e l l o " ) ; ;e x a m p l es e r v e r ( n e t l i s t e n3 0 0 0" "" u d p " ) 5 ( n e t r e c e i v e5b u f f1 0 ) b u f f " h e l l o " ; ;o r ( n e t r e c e i v e f r o m51 0 ) ( " h e l l o "" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 . 1 "4 6 6 2 0 )

Notethatonthereceivingside,netlistenshouldbeusedwiththedefaultaddressspecifiedwithan" " (emptystring).Broadcasts willnotbereceivedwhenspecifyinganaddress.AswithallUDPcommunications,netlistendoesnotactuallyputthereceiving sideinlistenmode,butrathersetsupthesocketsforthespecificUDPmode. Thenetselectornetpeekfunctionscanbeusedtocheckforincomingcommunicationsinanonblockingfashion.

Inthethirdsyntax,n e t c o n n e c t connectstoaserveronthelocalfilesystemviaalocaldomainUnixsocketnamedusingstrfile path.Returnsasockethandleafterhavingconnectedsuccessfullyotherwise,returnsn i l .
( n e t c o n n e c t" / t m p / m y s o c k e t " ) 3 ;o nO S / 2u s e" \ \ s o c k e t \ \ "p r e f i x ( n e t c o n n e c t" \ \ s o c k e t \ \ m y s o c k e t " )

Alocaldomainfilesystemsocketiscreatedandreturned.Ontheserverside,localdomainsocketshavebeencreatedusingnet listenandnetaccept.Aftertheconnectionhasbeenestablishedthefunctionsnetselect,netsendandnetreceivecanbeusedas usualforTCP/IPstreamcommunications.Thistypeofconnectioncanbeusedasafastbidirectionalcommunicationschannel betweenprocessesonthesamefilesystem.ThistypeofconnectionisnotavailableonWin32platforms.


syntax:(neterrorinterror) Retrievesthelasterrorthatoccurredwhencallingaanyofthefollowingfunctions:netaccept,netconnect,neteval,netlisten,net lookup,netreceive,netreceiveudp,netselect,netsend,netsendudp,andnetservice.Wheneveroneofthesefunctionsfails,it returnsn i l andn e t e r r o r canbeusedtoretrievemoreinformation. Functionsthatcommunicateusingsocketsclosethesocketautomaticallyandremoveitfromthenetsessionslist. Eachsuccessfulterminationofanet*functionclearstheerrornumber. Thefollowingmessagesarereturned: no description 1 Cannotopensocket 2 DNSresolutionfailed 3 Notavalidservice 4 Connectionfailed 5 Acceptfailed 6 Connectionclosed 7 Connectionbroken 8 Socketsend()failed 9 Socketrecv()failed 10 Cannotbindsocket 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Toomanysocketsinnetselect Listenfailed BadlyformedIP Selectfailed Peekfailed Notavalidsocket Cannotunblocksocket Operationtimedout HTTPbadformedURL HTTPfileoperationfailed HTTPtransferfailed HTTPinvalidresponsefromserver HTTPnoresponsefromserver HTTPdocumentempty HTTPerrorinheader HTTPerrorinchunkedformat

( n e t e r r o r )n i l ( n e t c o n n e c t" j h g h j g k j h g "8 0 ) n i l ( n e t e r r o r ) ( 2" E R R :" D N Sr e s o l u t i o nf a i l e d " )

( n e t e r r o r1 0 )( 1 0" C a n n o tb i n ds o c k e t " )


syntax:(netevalstrhostintportexp[inttimeout[funchandler]]) syntax:(neteval'((strhostintportexp)...)[inttimeout[funchandler]]) CanbeusedtoevaluatesourceremotelyononeormorenewLISPservers.Thisfunctionhandlesallcommunicationsnecessaryto connecttotheremoteservers,sendsourceforevaluation,andwaitandcollectresponses. Theexpressioninexpevaluatestoeitherastringoranexpressionwhichwillbeevaluatedremotelyintheenvironmentofthetarget node. TheremoteTCP/IPserversarestartedinthefollowingway:
n e w l i s pcd4 7 1 1& ;o rw i t hl o g g i n gc o n n e c t i o n s n e w l i s plcd4 7 1 1& ;c o m m u n i c a t ev i aU i xl o c a ld o m a i ns o c k e t n e w l i s pc/ t m p / m y s o c k e t

Insteadof4 7 1 1 ,anyotherportnumbercanbeused.Multiplenodescanbestartedondifferenthostsandwiththesameordifferent portnumbers.Thel orL loggingoptionscanbespecifiedtologconnectionsandremotecommands. Thed daemonmodeallowsnewLISPtomaintainstatebetweenconnections.Whenkeepingstatebetweenconnectionsisnot desired,theinetddaemonmodeoffersmoreadvantages.TheInterneti n e t d orx i n e t d servicesdaemonwillstartanewnewLISP processforeachclientconnection.Thismakesformuchfasterservicingofmultipleconnections.Ind daemonmode,eachnew clientrequestwouldhavetowaitforthepreviousrequesttobefinished.Seethechapterinetddaemonmodeonhowtoconfigure thismodecorrectly. Inthefirstsyntax,n e t e v a l talkstoonlyoneremotenewLISPservernode,sendingthehostinstrhostonportintportarequestto evaluatetheexpressionexp.Ifinttimeoutisnotgiven,n e t e v a l willwaitupto60secondsforaresponseafteraconnectionis made.Otherwise,ifthetimeoutinmillisecondshasexpired,n i l isreturnedelse,theevaluationresultofexpisreturned.
;t h ec o d et ob ee v a l u a t e di sg i v e ni naq u o t e de x p r e s s i o n ( n e t e v a l" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1' ( +34 ) ) 7 ;e x p r e s s i o na sas t r i n g ( n e t e v a l" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1" ( +34 ) " ) ;w i t ht i m e o u t ( n e t e v a l" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1' ( +34 )1 ) ( n e t e r r o r ) 7 n i l ;t i m e o u tt os h o r t ( 1 7" E R R :O p e r a t i o nt i m e do u t " )

( n e t e v a l" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1' ( +34 )1 0 0 0 ) 7 ;p r o g r a mc o n t a i n e di nav a r i a b l e ( s e t' p r o g' ( +34 ) ) ( n e t e v a l" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1p r o g )

;s p e c i f yal o c a l d o m a i nU n i xs o c k e t( n o ta v a i l a b l eo nW i n 3 2 ) ( n e t e v a l" / t m p / m y s o c k e t "0' ( +34 ) ) 7

Thesecondsyntaxofn e t e v a l returnsalistoftheresultsafteralloftheresponsesarecollectedortimeoutoccurs.Responsesthat timeoutreturnn i l .ThelastexamplelineshowshowtospecifyalocaldomainUnixsocketspecifyingthesocketpathandaport numberof0 .Connectionerrorsorerrorsthatoccurwhensendinginformationtonodesarereturnedasalistoferrornumbersand descriptiveerrorstrings.Seethefunctionneterrorforalistofpotentialerrormessages.

;t w od i f f e r e n tr e m o t en o d e sd i f f e r e n tI P s ( n e t e v a l' ( ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1' ( +34 ) ) ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 5 "4 7 1 1' ( +56 ) ) )5 0 0 0 ) ( 71 1 ) ;t w op e r s i s t e n tn o d e so nt h es a m eC P Ud i f f e r e n tp o r t s ( n e t e v a l' ( ( " l o c a l h o s t "8 0 8 1' ( f o o" a b c " ) ) ( " l o c a l h o s t "8 0 8 2' ( m y f u n c1 2 3 ) ' ) )3 0 0 0 ) ;i n e t do rx i n e t dn o d e so nt h es a m es e r v e ra n dp o r t ;n o d e sa r el o a d e do nd e m a n d ( n e t e v a l' ( ( " l o c a l h o s t "2 0 0 0' ( f o o" a b c " ) ) ( " l o c a l h o s t "2 0 0 0' ( m y f u n c1 2 3 ) ) )3 0 0 0 )

Thefirstexampleshowstwoexpressionsevaluatedontwodifferentremotenodes.Inthesecondexample,bothnodesrunonthe localcomputer.ThismaybeusefulwhendebuggingortakingadvantageofmultipleCPUsonthesamecomputer.Whenspecifying 0 fortheportnumber,n e t e v a l takesthehostnameasthefilepathtothelocaldomainUnixsocket. Notethatdefinitionsoff o o andm y f u n c mustbothexistinthetargetenvironment.Thiscanbedoneusingan e t e v a l sending d e f i n e statementsbefore.Italsocanbedonebypreloadingcodewhenstartingremotenodes. Whennodesareinetdorxinetdcontrolled,severalnodesmayhavethesameIPaddressandportnumber.Inthiscase,theUnix daemoninetdorxinetdwillstartmultiplenewLISPserversondemand.Thisisusefulwhentestingdistributedprogramsonjustone machine.Thelastexampleillustratesthiscase.ItisalsousefulonmulticoreCPUs,wheretheplatformOScandistributedifferent processesontodifferentCPUcores. Thesourcesentforevaluationcanconsistofentiremultilineprograms.Thisway,remotenodescanbeloadedwithprogramsfirst, thenspecificfunctionscanbecalled.Forlargeprogramfiles,thefunctionsputurlorsave(withaURLfilename)canbeusedto transferprograms.Thean e t e v a l statementcouldloadtheseprograms. Optionally,ahandlerfunctioncanbespecified.Thisfunctionwillberepeatedlycalledwhilewaitingandonceforeveryremote evaluationcompletion.
( d e f i n e( m y h a n d l e rp a r a m ) ( i fp a r a m ( p r i n t l np a r a m ) ) ) ( s e t' N o d e s' ( ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 1 ) ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 5 "4 7 1 1 ) ) ) ( s e t' P r o g s' ( ( +34 ) ( +56 ) ) ) ( n e t e v a l( m a p( f n( np )( l i s t( n0 )( n1 )p ) )N o d e sP r o g s )5 0 0 0m y h a n d l e r ) ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "4 7 1 17 ) ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 5 "4 7 1 11 1 )

Theexampleshowshowthelistofnodespecscanbeassembledfromalistofnodesandsourcestoevaluate.Thismaybeuseful whenconnectingtoalargernumberofremotenodes.
( n e t e v a l( l i s t ( l i s t( N o d e s00 )( N o d e s01 )( P r o g s0 ) ) ( l i s t( N o d e s10 )( N o d e s11 )( P r o g s1 ) ) )3 0 0 0m y h a n d l e r )

Whilewaitingforinputfromremotehosts,m y h a n d l e r willbecalledwithn i l astheargumenttop a r a m .Whenaremotenoderesult

iscompletelyreceived,m y h a n d l e r willbecalledwithp a r a m settoalistcontainingtheremotehostnameorIPnumber,theport, andtheresultingexpression.n e t e v a l willreturnt r u e beforeatimeoutorn i l ifthetimeoutwasreachedorexceeded.Allremote hoststhatexceededthetimeoutlimitwillcontainan i l intheirresultslist. Foralongerexampleseethisprogram:mapreduce.Theexampleshowshowawordcountingtaskgetsdistributedtothreeremote nodes.Thethreenodescountwordsindifferenttextsandthemasternodereceivesandconsolidatestheresults.

syntax:(netinterfacestripaddr) syntax:(netinterface) Setsthedefaultlocalinterfaceaddresstobeusedfornetworkconnections.Ifnotsetthennetworkfunctionswilldefaulttoan internaldefaultaddress,exceptwhenoverwrittenbyanoptionalinterfaceaddressgiveninnetlisten. Whennostripaddrisspecified,thecurrentdefaultisreturned.Ifthen e t i n t e r f a c e hasnotbeenusedyettospecifyanIP address,theaddress0 . 0 . 0 . 0 isreturned.Thismeansthatallnetworkroutineswillusethedefaultaddresspreconfiguredbythe underlyingoperatingsystem. Thisfunctionhasonlyusageonmultihomedserverswitheithermultiplenetworkinterfacehardwareorotherwisesuppliedmultiple IPnumbers.Onallothermachinesnetworkfunctionswillautomaticallyselectthesinglenetworkinterfaceinstalled. Onerrorthefunctionreturnsn i l andneterrorcanbeusedtoreporttheerror.
( n e t i n t e r f a c e" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 5 " ) " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 5 " ( n e t i n t e r f a c e" l o c a l h o s t " ) " 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 "


syntax:(netipvintversion) syntax:(netipv) SwitchesbetweenIPv4andIPv6internetprotocolversions.intversioncontainseithera4forIPv4ora6forIPv6.Whenno parameterisgiven,n e t i p v returnsthecurrentsetting.
( n e t i p v ) ( n e t i p v6 ) 4 6

BydefaultnewLISPstartsupinIPv4mode.TheIPv6protocolmodecanalsobespecifiedfromthecommandlinewhenstarting newlisp:
n e w l i s p6

Onceasocketisconnectedwitheithernetconnectorlistenedonwithnetlisten,thenetaccept,netselect,netsend,netreceiveand netreceivefromfunctionsautomaticallyadjusttotheaddressprotocolusedwhencreatingthesockets.Differentconnectionswith differentIPv4/6settingscanbeopenatthesametime. Note,thatcurrentlynetpacketdoesnotsupportIPv6andwillworkinIPv4moderegardlessofsettings.

syntax:(netlistenintport[stripaddr[strmode]]) syntax:(netlistenstrfilepath) Listensonaportspecifiedinintport.Acallton e t l i s t e n returnsimmediatelywithasocketnumber,whichisthenusedbythe blockingnetacceptfunctiontowaitforaconnection.Assoonasaconnectionisaccepted,netacceptreturnsasocketnumberthat canbeusedtocommunicatewiththeconnectingclient.
( s e t' p o r t1 2 3 4 ) ( s e t' l i s t e n( n e t l i s t e np o r t ) ) ( u n l e s sl i s t e n( b e g i n ( p r i n t" l i s t e n i n gf a i l e d \ n " ) ( e x i t ) ) ) ( p r i n t" W a i t i n gf o rc o n n e c t i o no n :"p o r t" \ n " ) ( s e t' c o n n e c t i o n( n e t a c c e p tl i s t e n ) ) ( i fc o n n e c t i o n ( w h i l e( n e t r e c e i v ec o n n e c t i o nb u f f1 0 2 4" \ n " ) ( p r i n tb u f f ) ( i f( =b u f f" \ r \ n " )( e x i t ) ) ) ( p r i n t" C o u l dn o tc o n n e c t \ n " ) )

Theexamplewaitsforaconnectiononport1234,thenreadsincominglinesuntilanemptylineisreceived.Notethatlisteningon portslowerthan1024mayrequiresuperuseraccessonUnixsystems. Oncomputerswithmorethanoneinterfacecard,specifyinganoptionalinterfaceIPaddressornameinstripaddrdirectsn e t l i s t e n tolistenonthespecifiedaddress.

; ;l i s t e no nas p e c i f i ca d d r e s s ( n e t l i s t e np o r t" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 5 4 " )

Inthesecondsyntax,n e t l i s t e n listensforaclientonthelocalfilesystemviaalocaldomainUnixsocketnamedusingstrfile path.Ifsuccessful,returnsasockethandlethatcanbeusedwithnetaccepttoacceptaclientconnectionotherwise,returnsn i l .
( n e t l i s t e n" / t m p / m y s o c k e t " ) 5 ;o nO S / 2u s e" \ \ s o c k e t \ \ "p r e f i x ( n e t l i s t e n" \ \ s o c k e t \ \ m y s o c k e t " ) ( n e t a c c e p t5 )

Alocaldomainfilesystemsocketiscreatedandlistenedon.Aclientwilltrytoconnectusingthesamestrfilepath.Aftera connectionhasbeenacceptedthefunctionsnetselect,netsendandnetreceivecanbeusedasusualforTCP/IPstream communications.Thistypeofconnectioncanbeusedasafastbidirectionalcommunicationschannelbetweenprocessesonthe samefilesystem.ThistypeofconnectionisnotavailableonWin32platforms.

Asathirdparameter,theoptionalstring" u d p " or" u " canbespecifiedinstrmodetocreateasocketsuitedforUDP(User DatagramProtocol)communications.Asocketcreatedinthiswaycanbeuseddirectlywithnetreceivefromtoawaitincoming UDPdatawithoutusingn e t a c c e p t ,whichisonlyusedinTCPcommunications.Thenetreceivefromcallwillblockuntila UDPdatapacketisreceived.Alternatively,netselectornetpeekcanbeusedtocheckforreadydatainanonblockingfashion.To senddatabacktotheaddressandportreceivedwithnetreceivefrom,usenetsendto. Notethatnetpeerwillnotwork,asUDPcommunicationsdonotmaintainaconnectedsocketwithaddressinformation.
( n e t l i s t e n1 0 0 0 2" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 2 0 "" u d p " )

( n e t l i s t e n1 0 0 0 2" "" u d p " )

Thefirstexamplelistensonaspecificnetworkadapter,whilethesecondexamplelistensonthedefaultadapter.Bothcallsreturna socketnumberthatcanbeusedinsubsequentnetreceive,netreceivefrom,netsendto,netselect,ornetpeekfunctioncalls. BothaUDPserverandUDPclientcanbesetupusingn e t l i s t e n withthe" u d p " option.Inthismode,n e t l i s t e n doesnot reallylistenasinTCP/IPcommunicationsitjustbindsthesockettothelocalinterfaceaddressandport. Foraworkingexample,seethefilese x a m p l e s / c l i e n t ande x a m p l e s / s e r v e r inthenewLISPsourcedistribution. Insteadofn e t l i s t e n andthe" u d p " option,thefunctionsnetreceiveudpandnetsendudpcanbeusedforshorttransactions consistingonlyofonedatapacket.
n e t l i s t e n ,netselect,andnetpeekcanbeusedtofacilitatenonblockingreading.Thelistening/readingsocketisnotclosedbutis

usedagainforsubsequentreads.Incontrast,whenthenetreceiveudpandnetsendudppairisused,bothsidesclosethesockets aftersendingandreceiving.

Iftheoptionalstringstrmodeisspecifiedas" m u l t i " or" m " ,n e t l i s t e n returnsasocketsuitableformulticasting.Inthiscase, stripaddrcontainsoneofthemulticastaddressesintherange2 2 4 . 0 . 0 . 0 to2 3 9 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 . 2 5 5 .n e t l i s t e n willregisterstrip addrasanaddressonwhichtoreceivemulticasttransmissions.ThisaddressshouldnotbeconfusedwiththeIPaddressofthe serverhost.
; ;e x a m p l ec l i e n t ( n e t c o n n e c t" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "4 0 9 6" m u l t i " ) 3 ( n e t s e n d t o" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "4 0 9 6" h e l l o "3 ) ; ;e x a m p l es e r v e r ( n e t l i s t e n4 0 9 6" 2 2 6 . 0 . 0 . 1 "" m u l t i " ) 5 ( n e t r e c e i v e f r o m52 0 ) ( " h e l l o "" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 4 "3 2 7 6 9 )

Ontheserverside,netpeekornetselectcanbeusedfornonblockingcommunications.Intheexampleabove,theserverwould blockuntiladatagramisreceived. Thenetsendandnetreceivefunctionscanbeusedinsteadofnetsendtoandnetreceivefrom.

Ifstrmodeisspecifiedas" d i v e r t " ,adivertsocketcanbecreatedforadivertportinintportonBSDlikeplatforms.Thecontent ofIPaddressinstripaddrisignoredandcanbespecifiedasanemptystring.Onlytheintportisrelevantandwillbeboundtothe rawsocketreturned. Tousethedivertoptioninn e t l i s t e n ,newLISPmustruninsuperusermode.ThisoptionisonlyavailableonUnixlike platforms. Thedivertsocketwillreceiveallrawpacketsdivertedtothedivertport.Packetsmayalsobewrittenbacktoadivertsocket,in whichcasetheyreenterOSkernelIPpacketprocessing. RulesforpacketdiversiontothedivertportmustbedefinedusingeithertheipfwBSDoripchainsLinuxconfigurationutilities. Thenetreceivefromandnetsendtofunctionsareusedtoreadandwriterawpacketsonthedivertsocketcreatedandreturnedby then e t l i s t e n statement.Thesameaddressreceivedbynetreceivefromisusedinthenetsendtocallwhenreinjectingthe packet:
;r u l e sh a v eb e e np r e v i o u s l yc o n f i g u r e df o rad i v e r tp o r t

( s e t' d i v e r t S o c k e t( n e t l i s t e nd i v e r t P o r t" "" d i v e r t " ) ) ( u n t i l( n e t e r r o r ) ( s e t' r l i s t( n e t r e c e i v e f r o md i v e r t S o c k e tm a x B y t e s ) ) ( s e t' b u f f e r( r l i s t1 ) ) ;b u f f e rc a nb ep r o c e s s e dh e r eb e f o r er e i n j e c t i n g ( n e t s e n d t o( r l i s t0 )d i v e r t P o r tb u f f e rd i v e r t S o c k e t ) )


syntax:(netlocalintsocket) ReturnstheIPnumberandportofthelocalcomputerforaconnectiononaspecificintsocket.
( n e t l o c a l1 6 ) ( " 2 0 4 . 1 7 9 . 1 3 1 . 7 3 "1 6 8 9 )


syntax:(netlookupstripnumber) syntax:(netlookupstrhostname[bool]) ReturnseitherahostnamestringfromstripnumberinIPdotformatortheIPnumberindotformatfromstrhostname:
( n e t l o o k u p" 2 0 9 . 2 4 . 1 2 0 . 2 2 4 " ) " w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m " ( n e t l o o k u p" w w w . n u e v a t e c . c o m " ) " 2 0 9 . 2 4 . 1 2 0 . 2 2 4 " ( n e t l o o k u p" 2 1 6 . 1 6 . 8 4 . 6 6 . s b l x b l . s p a m h a u s . o r g "t r u e ) " 2 1 6 . 1 6 . 8 4 . 6 6 "

Optionally,aboolflagcanbespecifiedinthesecondsyntax.Iftheexpressioninboolevaluatestoanythingotherthann i l ,hostby namelookupwillbeforced,evenifthenamestringstartswithanIPnumber.

syntax:(netpacketstrpacket) Thefunctionallowscustomconfigurednetworkpacketstobesentviaarawsocketsinterface.Thepacketinstrpacketmuststart withanIP(InternetProtocol)headerfollowedbyeitheraTCP,UDPorICMPheaderandoptionaldata.newLISPmustberunwith superuserprivileges,andthisfunctionisonlyavailableonMacOSX,LinuxandotherUnixoperatingsystemsandonlyforIPv4. Currentlyn e t p a c k e t isIPv4onlyandhasbeentestedonMacOSX,LinuxandOpenBSD. Onsuccessthefunctionreturnsthenumberofbytessent.Onfailurethefunctionreturnsn i l andboth,neterrorandsyserror, shouldbeinspected. Whencustomconfiguredpacketscontainzerosinthechecksumfields,n e t p a c k e t willcalculateandinsertthecorrectchecksums. Alreadyexistingchecksumsstayuntouched.

ThefollowingexampleinjectsaUDPpacketforIPnumber1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 2 .TheIPheaderconsistsof20bytesendingwiththe targetIPnumber.ThefollowingUDPheaderhasalengthof8bytesandisfollowedbythedatastringH e l l oW o r l d .The checksumbytesinbothheadersareleftas0 x 0 00 x 0 0 andwillberecalculatedinternally.

;p a c k e ta sg e n e r a t e db y :( n e t s e n d u d p" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 9 2 "1 2 3 4 5" H e l l oW o r l d " ) ( s e t' u d p p a c k e t( p a c k( d u p" b "3 9 )' ( 0 x 4 50 x 0 00 x 0 00 x 2 70 x 4 b0 x 8 f0 x 0 00 x 0 00 x 4 00 x 1 10 x 0 00 x 0 01 9 2 1 6 8 1 9 5 1 9 2 1 6 8 1 9 2 0 x f 20 x c 80 x 3 00 x 3 90 x 0 00 x 1 30 x 0 00 x 0 00 x 4 80 x 6 50 x 6 c0 x 6 c 0 x 6 f0 x 2 00 x 5 70 x 6 f0 x 7 20 x 6 c0 x 6 4 ) ) ) ( u n l e s s( n e t p a c k e tu d p p a c k e t ) ( p r i n t l n" n e t e r r o r :"( n e t e r r o r ) ) ( p r i n t l n" s y s e r r o r :"( s y s e r r o r ) ) )

Then e t p a c k e t functionisusedwhentestingnetsecurity.Itswrongapplicationcanupsetthecorrectfunctioningofnetwork routersandotherdevicesconnectedtoanetwork.Forthisreasonthefunctionshouldonlybeusedonwellisolated,privateintra netsandonlybynetworkprofessionals. Forotherexamplesofpacketconfiguration,seethefileq a s p e c i f i c t e s t s / q a p a c k e t inthenewLISPsourcedistribution.

syntax:(netpeekintsocket) Returnsthenumberofbytesreadyforreadingonthenetworksocketintsocket.Ifanerroroccursortheconnectionisclosed,n i l is returned.
( s e t' a S o c k( n e t c o n n e c t" a s e r v e r . c o m "1 2 3 ) ) ( w h i l e(=( n e t p e e ka S o c k )0 ) ( d o s o m e t h i n g e l s e ) ) ( n e t r e c e i v ea S o c kb u f f1 0 2 4 )

Afterconnecting,theprogramwaitsinawhileloopuntila S o c k canberead. Usethepeekfunctiontocheckfiledescriptorsands t d i n .

syntax:(netpeerintsocket) ReturnstheIPnumberandportnumberoftheremotecomputerforaconnectiononintsocket.
( n e t p e e r1 6 ) ( " 1 9 2 . 1 0 0 . 8 1 . 1 0 0 "1 3 )



syntax:(netpinglistaddresses[inttimeout[intcountbool]]]) ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonUnixbasedsystemsandmustberuninsuperusermode,i.e.using:s u d on e w l i s p tostart newLISPonMacOSXorotherBSD's,orastherootuseronLinux.Broadcastmodeandspecifyingrangeswiththe(hyphen)or *(star)arenotavailableonIPv6addressmode. SuperusermodeisnotrequiredonMacOSX. Inthefirstsyntax,n e t p i n g sendsapingICMP64byteechorequesttotheaddressspecifiedinstraddress.Ifitisabroadcast address,theICMPpacketwillbereceivedbyalladdressesonthesubnet.Notethatforsecurityreasons,manycomputersdonot answerICMPbroadcastping(ICMP_ECHO)requests.Anoptionaltimeoutparametercanbespecifiedininttimeout.Ifnotimeout isspecified,awaitingtimeof1000milliseconds(onesecond)isassumed.
n e t p i n g returnseitheralistoflistsofIPstringsandroundtriptimeinmicrosecondsforwhicharesponsewasreceivedoran

emptylistifnoresponsewasreceived. Areturnvalueofn i l indicatesafailure.Usetheneterrorfunctiontoretrievetheerrormessage.IfthemessagereadsC a n n o to p e n s o c k e t ,itisprobablybecausenewLISPisrunningwithoutrootpermissions.newLISPcanbestartedusing:

s u d on e w l i s p

( n e t p i n g" n e w l i s p . o r g " ) ( ( " 6 6 . 2 3 5 . 2 0 9 . 7 2 "6 3 4 0 8 0 ) ) ( n e t p i n g" 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 " ) ( ( " 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 "1 1 5 ) ) ( n e t p i n g" y a h o o . c o m "3 0 0 0 ) n i l

Inthesecondsyntax,n e t p i n g isruninbatchmode.Onlyonesocketisopenedinthismode,butmultipleICMPpacketsaresent outoneeachtomultipleaddressesspecifiedinalistorspecifiedbyrange.Packetsaresentoutasfastaspossible.Inthiscase, multipleanswerscanbereceived.Ifthesameaddressisspecifiedmultipletimes,thereceivingIPaddresswillbefloodedwith ICMPpackets. Tolimitthenumberofresponsestobewaitedforinbroadcastorbatchmode,anadditionalargumentindicatingthemaximum numberofresponsestoreceivecanbespecifiedinintcount.Usageofthisparametercancausethefunctiontoreturnsoonerthan thespecifiedtimeout.Whenagivennumberofresponseshasbeenreceived,n e t p i n g willreturnbeforethetimeouthasoccurred. Notspecifyingintcountorspecifying0 assumesanintcountequaltothenumberofpacketssentout. Asthirdoptionalparameter,at r u e valuecanbespecified.Thissettingwillreturnanerrorstringinsteadoftheresponsetime,ifthe hostdoesnotanswer.
( n e t p i n g' ( " n e w l i s p . o r g "" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 2 5 5 " )2 0 0 02 0 ) ( ( " 6 6 . 2 3 5 . 2 0 9 . 7 2 "8 2 6 4 2 0 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 "1 2 4 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 2 5 4 "2 1 0 ) ) ( n e t p i n g" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . * "5 0 0 );f r o m1t o2 5 4 ( ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 "1 2 0 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 2 "2 4 5 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 . 3 "1 8 0 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 2 . 2 5 4 "2 3 4 ) ) ( n e t p i n g" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . * "5 0 02 );r e t u r n sa f t e r2r e s p o n s e s ( ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 3 "1 1 5 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 "1 4 5 ) ) ( n e t p i n g" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 1 0 "1 0 0 0 );r e t u r n sa f t e r1s e c o n d ( ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 3 "1 9 6 )( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 "2 0 5 ) ) ( n e t p i n g' ( " 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 0 0 1 2 0 "" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 2 4 1 3 2 " )2 0 0 0 );r e t u r n sa f t e r2s e c o n d s ( )

BroadcastorbatchmodeaswellasnormaladdressesandIPnumbersorhostnamescanbemixedinonen e t p i n g statement byputtingalloftheIPspecsintoalist. Thesecondandthirdlinesshowhowthebatchmodeofn e t p i n g canbeinitiatedbyspecifyingthe* (asterisk)asawildcard characterforthelastsubnetoctetintheIPnumber.ThefourthandfifthlinesshowhowanIPrangecanbespecifiedforthelast subnetoctetintheIPnumber.n e t p i n g williteratethroughallnumbersfromeither1to254forthestar* ortherangespecified, sendinganICMPpackettoeachaddress.NotethatthisisdifferentfromthebroadcastmodespecifiedwithanIPoctetof2 5 5 . Whileinbroadcastmode,n e t p i n g sendsoutonlyonepacket,whichisreceivedbymultipleaddresses.Batchmodeexplicitly

generatesmultiplepackets,oneforeachtargetaddress.Whenspecifyingbroadcastmode,intcountshouldbespecified,too. WhensendinglargerlistsofIPsinbatchmodeoveronesocket,alongertimeoutmaybenecessarytoallowenoughtimeforallof thepacketstobesentoutoveronesocket.Ifthetimeoutistooshort,thefunctionn e t p i n g mayreturnanincompletelistorthe emptylist( ) .Inthiscase,neterrorwillreturnatimeouterror.Onerror,n i l isreturnedandneterrorcanbeusedtoretrievean errormessage. Onsomesystemsonlylistsuptoaspecificlengthcanbehandledregardlessofthetimeoutspecified.Inthiscase,therangeshould bebrokenupintosubrangesandusedwithmultiplen e t p i n g invocations.Inanycase,n e t p i n g willsendoutpackagesas quicklyaspossible.

syntax:(netreceiveintsocketsymbufferintmaxbytes[waitstring]) Receivesdataonthesocketintsocketintoastringcontainedinsymbuffer.symbuffercanalsobeadefaultfunctorspecifiedbya contextsymbolforreferencepassinginandoutofuserdefinedfunctions. Amaximumofintmaxbytesisreceived.n e t r e c e i v e returnsthenumberofbytesread.Ifthereisabreakintheconnection,n i l isreturned.Thespacereservedinsymbufferisexactlythesizeofbytesread. Notethatn e t r e c e i v e isablockingcallanddoesnotreturnuntilthedataarrivesatintsocket.Usenetpeekornetselecttofind outifasocketisreadyforreading. Optionally,awaitstringcanbespecifiedasafourthparameter.n e t r e c e i v e thenreturnsafteracharacterorstringofcharacters matchingwaitstringisreceived.Thewaitstringwillbepartofthedatacontainedinsymbuffer.
( d e f i n e( g e t t i m e ) ( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t c o n n e c t" n e t c o m . c o m "1 3 ) ) ( n e t r e c e i v es o c k e tb u f2 5 6 ) ( p r i n tb u f" \ n " ) ( n e t c l o s es o c k e t ) )

Whencallingg e t t i m e , installations.Uponconnection,theserversendsastringcontainingthedateandtimeofday.

( d e f i n e( n e t r e c e i v e l i n es o c k e ts B u f f ) ( n e t r e c e i v es o c k e ts B u f f2 5 6" \ n " ) ) ( s e t' b y t e s R e c e i v e d( n e t r e c e i v e l i n es o c k e t' s m ) )

Thesecondexampledefinesanewfunctionn e t r e c e i v e l i n e ,whichreturnsafterreceivinganewlinecharacter(astring containingonecharacterinthisexample)or256characters.The"\n"stringispartofthecontentsofsBuff. Notethatwhenthefourthparameterisspecified,n e t r e c e i v e isslowerthanthenormalversionbecauseinformationisread characterbycharacter.Inmostsituations,thespeeddifferencecanbeneglected.

n e t r e c e i v e f r o m canbeusedtosetupnonblockingUDPcommunications.Thesocketinintsocketmustpreviouslyhavebeen

openedbyeithernetlistenornetconnect(bothusingthe" u d p " option).intmaxsizespecifiesthemaximumnumberofbytesthat

willbereceived.OnLinux/BSD,ifmorebytesarereceived,thosewillbediscardedonWin32,n e t r e c e i v e f r o m returnsn i l andclosesthesocket. Onsuccessn e t r e c e i v e returnsalistofthedatastring,remoteIPnumberandremoteportused.Onfailureitreturnsn i l .

; ;l i s t e no np o r t1 0 0 1o nt h ed e f a u l ta d d r e s s ( n e t l i s t e n1 0 0 1" "" u d p " ) 1 9 8 0 ; ;o p t i o n a l l yp o l lf o ra r r i v i n gd a t aw i t h1 0 0 m st i m e o u t ( w h i l e( n o t( n e t s e l e c t1 9 8 0" r "1 0 0 0 0 0 ) )( d o s o m e t h i n g. . .) ) ( n e t r e c e i v e f r o m1 9 8 02 0 ) ( " h e l l o "" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 . 5 "3 2 4 0 ) ; ;s e n da n s w e rb a c kt os e n d e r ( n e t s e n d t o" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 0 . 5 "3 2 4 0" h e l l ot oy o u "1 9 8 0 ) ( n e t c l o s e1 9 8 0 );c l o s es o c k e t

Thesecondlineinthisexampleisoptional.Withoutit,then e t r e c e i v e f r o m callwouldblockuntildataarrives.AUDPserver couldbesetupbylisteningandpollingseveralports,servingthemastheyreceivedata. Notethatn e t r e c e i v e couldnotbeusedinthiscasebecauseitdoesnotreturnthesender'saddressandportinformation,which arerequiredtotalkback.InUDPcommunications,thedatapacketitselfcontainstheaddressofthesender,notthesocketover whichcommunicationtakesplace.n e t r e c e i v e canalsobeusedforTCP/IPcommunications. Seealsothenetconnectfunctionwiththe" u d p " optionandthenetsendtofunctionforsendingUDPdatapacketsoveropen connections. ForblockingshortUDPtransactions,seethenetsendudpandnetreceiveudpfunctions.

syntax:(netreceiveudpintportintmaxsize[intmicrosec[straddrif]]) ReceivesaUserDatagramProtocol(UDP)packetonportintport,readingintmaxsizebytes.Ifmorethanintmaxsizebytesare received,bytesoverintmaxsizearediscardedonLinux/BSDonWin32,n e t r e c e i v e u d p returnsn i l .n e t r e c e i v e u d p blocksuntiladatagramarrivesortheoptionaltimeoutvalueinintmicrosecexpires.Whensettingupcommunicationsbetween datagramsenderandreceiver,then e t r e c e i v e u d p statementmustbesetupfirst. Noprevioussetupusingn e t l i s t e n orn e t c o n n e c t isnecessary.
n e t r e c e i v e u d p returnsalistcontainingastringoftheUDPpacketfollowedbyastringcontainingthesender'sIPnumberand

; ;w a i tf o rd a t a g r a mw i t hm a x i m u m2 0b y t e s ( n e t r e c e i v e u d p1 0 0 0 12 0 ) ; ;o r ( n e t r e c e i v e u d p1 0 0 0 12 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ;w a i tf o rm a x5s e c o n d s ; ;e x e c u t e do nr e m o t ec o m p u t e r ( n e t s e n d u d p" n u e v a t e c . c o m "1 0 0 1" H e l l o " ) 4 ; ;r e t u r n e df r o mt h en e t r e c e i v e u d ps t a t e m e n t ( " H e l l o "" 1 2 8 . 1 2 1 . 9 6 . 1 "3 3 1 2 ) ; ;s e n d i n gb i n a r yi n f o r m a t i o n ( n e t s e n d u d p" a h o s t . c o m "2 2 2 2( p a c k" cccc "0123 ) ) 4 ; ;e x t r a c t i n gt h er e c e i v e di n f o ( s e t' b u f f( f i r s t( n e t r e c e i v e u d p2 2 2 21 0 ) ) )

( p r i n t( u n p a c k" cccc "b u f f ) ) ( 0123 )

Seealsothenetsendudpfunctionforsendingdatagramsandthepackandunpackfunctionsforpackingandunpackingbinary information. Tolistenonaspecifiedaddressoncomputerswithmorethanoneinterfacecard,aninterfaceIPaddressornamecanbeoptionally specifiedinstraddrif.Whenspecifyingstraddrif,atimeoutmustalsobespecifiedinintwait. Asanalternative,UDPcommunicationcanbesetupusingnetlisten,ornetconnecttogetherwiththe" u d p " optiontomakenon blockingdataexchangepossiblewithnetreceivefromandnetsendto.

syntax:(netselectintsocketstrmodeintmicroseconds) syntax:(netselectlistsocketsstrmodeintmicroseconds) Inthefirstform,n e t s e l e c t findsoutaboutthestatusofonesocketspecifiedinintsocket.Dependingonstrmode,thesocketcan becheckedifitisreadyforreadingorwriting,orifthesockethasanerrorcondition.Atimeoutvalueisspecifiedinintmicro seconds. Inthesecondsyntax,n e t s e l e c t cancheckforalistofsocketsinlistsockets. Thefollowingvaluecanbegivenforstrmode:
" r e a d " or" r " tocheckifreadyforreadingoraccepting. " w r i t e " or" w " tocheckifreadyforwriting. " e x c e p t i o n " or" e " tocheckforanerrorcondition.

Read,send,oracceptoperationscanbehandledwithoutblockingbyusingthen e t s e l e c t function.n e t s e l e c t waitsfora sockettobereadyforthevaluegiveninintmicroseconds,thenreturnst r u e orn i l dependingonthereadinessofthesocket. Duringtheselectloop,otherportionsoftheprogramcanrun.Onerror,neterrorisset.When1 isspecifiedforintmicroseconds, n e t s e l e c t willnevertimeout.

( s e t' l i s t e n s o c k e t( n e t l i s t e n1 0 0 1 ) ) ; ;w a i tf o rc o n n e c t i o n ( w h i l e( n o t( n e t s e l e c tl i s t e n s o c k e t" r e a d "1 0 0 0 ) ) ( i f( n e t e r r o r )( p r i n t( n e t e r r o r ) ) ) ) ( s e t' c o n n e c t i o n( n e t a c c e p tl i s t e n s o c k e t ) ) ( n e t s e n dc o n n e c t i o n" h e l l o " ) ; ;w a i tf o ri n c o m i n gm e s s a g e ( w h i l e( n o t( n e t s e l e c tc o n n e c t i o n" r e a d "1 0 0 0 ) ) ( d o s o m e t h i n g ) ) ( n e t r e c e i v ec o n n e c t i o nb u f f1 0 2 4 )

Whenn e t s e l e c t isused,severallistenandconnectionsocketscanbewatched,andmultipleconnectionscanbehandled.When usedwithalistofsockets,n e t s e l e c t willreturnalistofreadysockets.Thefollowingexamplewouldlistenontwosocketsand continueacceptingandservicingconnections:

( s e t' l i s t e n l i s t' ( 1 0 0 11 0 0 2 ) ) ;a c c e p t c o n n e c t i o n ,r e a d c o n n e c t i o na n dw r i t e c o n n e c t i o n ;a r eu s e rd e f i n e df u n c t i o n s ( w h i l e( n o t( n e t e r r o r ) ) ( d o l i s t( c o n n( n e t s e l e c tl i s t e n l i s t" r "1 0 0 0 ) )

( a c c e p t c o n n e c t i o nc o n n ) ) ;b u i l da na c c e p t l i s t ( d o l i s t( c o n n( n e t s e l e c ta c c e p t l i s t" r "1 0 0 0 ) ) ( r e a d c o n n e c t i o nc o n n ) ) ;r e a do nc o n n e c t e ds o c k e t s ( d o l i s t( c o n n( n e t s e l e c ta c c e p t l i s t" w "1 0 0 0 ) ) ( w r i t e c o n n e c t i o nc o n n ) ) ) ;w r i t eo nc o n n e c t e ds o c k e t s

Inthesecondsyntax,alistisreturnedcontainingallthesocketsthatpassedthetestiftimeoutoccurred,anemptylistisreturned.An errorcausesneterrortobeset. Notethatsupplyinganonexistentsocketton e t s e l e c t willcauseanerrortobesetinneterror.

syntax:(netsendintsocketstrbuffer[intnumbytes]) Sendsthecontentsofstrbufferontheconnectionspecifiedbyintsocket.Ifintnumbytesisspecified,uptointnumbytesaresent. Ifintnumbytesisnotspecified,theentirecontentswillbesent.n e t s e n d returnsthenumberofbytessentorn i l onfailure. Onfailure,useneterrortogetmoreerrorinformation.
( s e t' b u f" h e l l ot h e r e " ) ( n e t s e n ds o c kb u f ) ( n e t s e n ds o c kb u f5 ) 1 1 5

( n e t s e n ds o c k" b y eb y e " )7

Thefirstn e t s e n d sendsthestring" h e l l ot h e r e " ,whilethesecondn e t s e n d sendsonlythestring" h e l l o " .

syntax:(netsendtostrremotehostintremoteportstrbufferintsocket) CanbeusedforeitherUDPorTCP/IPcommunications.Thesocketinintsocketmusthavepreviouslybeenopenedwithanet connectornetlistenfunction.Iftheopeningfunctionswasusedwiththe" u d p " option,n e t l i s t e n orn e t c o n n e c t arenotused tolistenortoconnectbutonlytocreatetheUDPsocket.Thehostinstrremotehostcanbespecifiedeitherasahostnameorasan IPnumberstring. Whenusingn e t c o n n e c t togetherwithn e t s e n d t o ,thenonlyoneofthefunctionsshouldspecifytheremotehost.Theother shouldleavetheaddressasanemptystring.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;U D Ps e r v e r ( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t l i s t e n1 0 0 0 1" "" u d p " ) ) ( i fs o c k e t( p r i n t l n" s e r v e rl i s t e n i n go np o r t"1 0 0 0 1 ) ( p r i n t l n( n e t e r r o r ) ) ) ( w h i l e( n o t( n e t e r r o r ) ) ( s e t' m s g( n e t r e c e i v e f r o ms o c k e t2 5 5 ) ) ( p r i n t l n" >"m s g ) ( n e t s e n d t o( n t h1m s g )( n t h2m s g ) ( u p p e r c a s e( f i r s tm s g ) )s o c k e t ) ) ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;U D Pc l i e n t ( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t l i s t e n1 0 0 0 2" "" u d p " ) ) ( i f( n o ts o c k e t )( p r i n t l n( n e t e r r o r ) ) ) ( w h i l e( n o t( n e t e r r o r ) ) ( p r i n t" >" )

( n e t s e n d t o" 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 "1 0 0 0 1( r e a d l i n e )s o c k e t ) ( n e t r e c e i v es o c k e tb u f f2 5 5 ) ( p r i n t l n" >"b u f f ) )

Intheexamplesboth,theclientandtheserverusen e t l i s t e n tocreatetheUDPsocketforsendingandreceiving.Theserver extractstheclientaddressandportfromthemessagereceivedandusesitinthen e t s e n d t o statement. Seealsothenetreceivefromfunctionandthenetlistenfunctionwiththe" u d p " option. ForblockingshortUDPtransactionsusenetsendudpandnetreceiveudp.

syntax:(netsendudpstrremotehostintremoteportstrbuffer[bool]) SendsaUserDatagramProtocol(UDP)tothehostspecifiedinstrremotehostandtotheportinintremoteport.Thedatasentisin strbuffer. ThetheoreticalmaximumdatasizeofaUDPpacketonanIPv4systemis64KminusIPlayeroverhead,butmuchsmalleronmost Unixflavors.8kseemstobeasafesizeonMacOSX,BSDsandLinux. Noprevioussetupusingn e t c o n n e c t orn e t l i s t e n isnecessary.n e t s e n d u d p returnsimmediatelywiththenumberofbytes sentandclosesthesocketused.Ifnon e t r e c e i v e u d p statementiswaitingatthereceivingside,thedatagramsentislost.When usingdatagramcommunicationsoverinsecureconnections,settingupasimpleprotocolbetweensenderandreceiveris recommendedforensuringdelivery.UDPcommunicationbyitselfdoesnotguaranteereliabledeliveryasTCP/IPdoes.
( n e t s e n d u d p" s o m e h o s t . c o m "3 3 3 3" H e l l o " ) 5 n e t s e n d u d p isalsosuitableforsendingbinaryinformation(e.g.,thezerocharacterorothernonvisiblebytes).Foramore

comprehensiveexample,seenetreceiveudp. Optionally,thesendingsocketcanbeputinbroadcastmodebyspecifyingt r u e oranyexpressionnotevaluatington i l inbool:

( n e t s e n d u d p" 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 2 5 5 "2 0 0 0" H e l l o "t r u e ) 5

TheUDPwillbesenttoallnodesonthe1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 network.Notethatonsomeoperatingsystems,sendingthenetworkmask2 5 5 withouttheboolt r u e optionwillenablebroadcastmode. Asanalternative,thenetconnectfunctionusingthe" u d p " optiontogetherwiththenetsendtofunctioncanbeusedtotalktoa UDPlistenerinanonblockingfashion.

syntax:(netservicestrservicestrprotocol) syntax:(netserviceintportstrprotocol) Inthefirstsyntaxn e t s e r v i c e makesalookupintheservicesdatabaseandreturnsthestandardportnumberforthisservice. Inthesecondsyntaxaserviceportissuppliedinintporttolookuptheservicename. Returnsn i l onfailure.
;g e tt h ep o r tn u m b e rf r o mt h en a m e ( n e t s e r v i c e" f t p "" t c p " ) 2 1

( n e t s e r v i c e" h t t p "" t c p " ) 8 0 ( n e t s e r v i c e" n e t e v a l "" t c p " ) 4 7 1 1 ;i fc o n f i g u r e d ;g e tt h es e r v i c en a m ef r o mt h ep o r tn u m b e r ( n e t s e r v i c e2 2" t c p " ) " s s h "

syntax:(netsessions) Returnsalistofactivelisteningandconnectionsockets.

syntax:(newcontextsourcesymcontexttarget[bool]) syntax:(newcontextsource) Thecontextcontextsourceiscopiedtosymcontexttarget.Ifthetargetcontextdoesnotexist,anewcontextwiththesamevariable namesanduserdefinedfunctionsasincontextsourceiscreated.Ifthetargetcontextalreadyexists,thennewsymbolsand definitionsareadded.Existingsymbolsareonlyoverwrittenwhentheexpressioninboolevaluatestoanythingotherthann i l otherwise,thecontentofexistingsymbolswillremain.Thismakesmixinsofcontextobjectspossible.n e w returnsthetargetcontext, whichcannotbeMAIN. Inthesecondsyntax,theexistingcontextincontextsourcegetscopiedintothecurrentcontextasthetargetcontext. Allreferencestosymbolsintheoriginatingcontextwillbetranslatedtoreferencesinthetargetcontext.Thisway,allfunctionsand datastructuresreferringtosymbolsintheoriginalcontextwillnowrefertosymbolsinthetargetcontext.
( n e wC T X' C T X 2 ) C T X 2 ; ;f o r c eo v e r w r i t eo fe x i s t i n gs y m b o l s ( n e wC T XM y C T Xt r u e ) M y C T X

ThefirstlineintheexamplecreatesanewcontextcalledC T X 2 thathastheexactsamestructureastheoriginalone.NotethatC T X isnotquotedbecausecontextsevaluatetothemselves,butCTX2mustbequotedbecauseitdoesnotexistyet. ThesecondlinemergesthecontextC T X intoM y C T X .AnyexistingsymbolsofthesamenameinM y C T X willbeoverwritten.Because M y C T X alreadyexists,thequotebeforethecontextsymbolcanbeomitted. Contextsymbolsneednotbementionedexplicitly,buttheycanbecontainedinvariables:

( s e t' f o o : x1 2 3 ) ( s e t' b a r : y9 9 9 ) ( s e t' c t x af o o ) ( s e t' c t x bb a r ) ( n e wc t x ac t x b ) ;f r o mf o ot ob a r b a r : x 1 2 3 ;xh a sb e e na d d e dt ob a r b a r : y 9 9 9 )

Theexamplereferstocontextsinvariablesandmergescontextf o o intob a r . Seealsothefunctiondefnewformovingandmergingsinglefunctionsinsteadofentirecontexts.Seethecontextfunctionfora morecomprehensiveexampleofn e w .

syntax:(nil?exp) Iftheexpressioninexpevaluateston i l ,thenn i l ? returnst r u e otherwise,itreturnsn i l .
( m a pn i l ?' ( xn i l 1n i l" h i "( ) ) ) ( n i lt r u en i lt r u en i ln i l ) ( n i l ?n i l ) t r u e ( n i l ?' ( ) ) n i l ;n i l ?m e a n ss t r i c t l yn i l ( n i l ?( n o t' ( ) ) ) n i l

Then i l ? predicateisusefulfordistinguishingbetweenn i l andtheemptylist( ) . Notethatn i l ? meansstrictlyn i l whilet r u e ? meanseverythingnotn i l ortheemptylist( ) .

syntax:(normalfloatmeanfloatstdevintn) syntax:(normalfloatmeanfloatstdev) Inthefirstform,n o r m a l returnsalistoflengthintnofrandom,continuouslydistributedfloatingpointnumberswithameanof floatmeanandastandarddeviationoffloatstdev.Therandomgeneratorusedinternallycanbeseededusingtheseedfunction.
( n o r m a l1 031 0 ) ( 76 . 5 6 3 4 7 6 5 6 21 1 . 9 3 9 4 5 3 1 26 . 1 5 3 3 2 0 3 1 29 . 9 8 8 2 8 1 2 5 7 . 9 8 4 3 7 51 0 . 1 7 8 7 1 0 9 46 . 5 8 9 8 4 3 7 59 . 4 2 5 7 8 1 2 51 2 . 1 1 2 3 0 4 6 9 )

Inthesecondform,n o r m a l returnsasinglenormaldistributedfloatingpointnumber:
( n o r m a l01 ) 0 . 6 6 3 0 8 5 9 3 7 5

Seealsotherandomandrandfunctionsforevenlydistributednumbers,ambforrandomizingevaluationinalistofexpressions,and seedforsettingadifferentstartpointforpseudorandomnumbergeneration.

syntax:(notexp) Ifexpevaluateston i l ortheemptylist( ) ,thent r u e isreturnedotherwise,n i l isreturned.
( n o tt r u e ) ( n o tn i l ) ( n o t' ( ) ) ( n o t( <11 0 ) ) ( n o t( n o t( <11 0 ) ) ) n i l t r u e t r u e n i l t r u e

syntax:(now[intminutesoffset[intindex]]) Returnsinformationaboutthecurrentdateandtimeasalistofintegers.Anoptionaltimezoneoffsetcanbespecifiedinminutesin intminutesoffset.Thiscausesthetimetobeshiftedforwardorbackwardintime,beforebeingsplitintoseparatedatevalues. Anoptionallistindexinintindexmakesn o w returnaspecificmemberintheresultlist.
( n o w ) ( 2 0 0 222 71 82 13 01 4 0 0 0 05 733 0 00 ) ( n o w02 ) 3 0 0;m i n u t e sw e s to fG M T ( a p p l yd a t e v a l u e( n o w ) ) 1 0 1 4 8 3 4 0 9 0

Thenumbersrepresentthefollowingdatetimefields: format year month day hour minute second microsecond dayofcurrentyear dayofcurrentweek timezoneoffsetinminutes daylightsavingstimetype description Gregoriancalendar (112) (131) (023)UTC (059) (059) (0999999)OSspecific,millisecondresolution Jan1stis1 (17)startingMonday westofGMT (06)onLinux/UnixorbiasinminutesonWin32

ThesecondexamplereturnstheCoordinatedUniversalTime(UTC)timevalueofsecondsafterJanuary1,1970. Rangingfrom0to23,hoursaregiveninUTCandarenotadjustedforthelocaltimezone.Theresolutionofthem i c r o s e c o n d s fielddependsontheoperatingsystemandplatform.Onsomeplatforms,thelastthreedigitsofthem i c r o s e c o n d s fieldarealways0 (zero). The"dayoftheweek"fieldstartswith1onMondayconformingtotheISO8601internationalstandardfordateandtime representation. Onsomeplatforms,thedaylightsavingstimeflagisnotactiveandreturns0 (zero)evenduringdaylightsavingstime(dst). Dependingonthegeographicalarea,thedaylightsavingstimetype(dst)hasadifferentvaluefrom1to6: type 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 area notondst USAstyledst Australianstyledst WesternEuropeandst MiddleEuropeandst EasternEuropeandst Canadadst


syntax:(npernuminterestnumpmtnumpv[numfv[inttype]]) Calculatesthenumberofpaymentsrequiredtopayaloanofnumpvwithaconstantinterestrateofnuminterestandpaymentnum pmt.Ifpaymentisattheendoftheperiod,inttypeis0 (zero)orinttypeisomittedforpaymentatthebeginningofeachperiod,int typeis1.
( n p e r( d i v0 . 0 71 2 )7 7 5 . 3 01 0 0 0 0 0 ) 2 3 9 . 9 9 9 2 8 2 8

Theexamplecalculatesthenumberofmonthlypaymentsrequiredtopayaloanof$100,000atayearlyinterestrateof7percent withpaymentsof$775.30. Seealsothefv,irr,npv,pmt,andpvfunctions.

syntax:(npvnuminterestlistvalues) Calculatesthenetpresentvalueofaninvestmentwithafixedinterestratenuminterestandaseriesoffuturepaymentsandincome inlistvalues.Paymentsarerepresentedbynegativevaluesinlistvalues,whileincomeisrepresentedbypositivevaluesinlist values.
( n p v0 . 1' ( 1 0 0 01 0 0 01 0 0 0 ) ) 2 4 8 6 . 8 5 1 9 9 1 ( n p v0 . 1' ( 2 4 8 6 . 8 5 1 9 9 11 0 0 01 0 0 01 0 0 0 ) ) 1 . 4 3 4 3 8 6 8 3 2 e 0 8 ;~0 . 0( z e r o )

Intheexample,aninitialinvestmentof$2,481.85wouldallowforanincomeof$1,000aftertheendofthefirst,second,andthird years. Seealsothefv,irr,nper,pmt,andpvfunctions.

syntax:(nthintindexlist) syntax:(nthintindexarray) syntax:(nthintindexstr) syntax:(nthlistindiceslist) syntax:(nthlistindicesarray) Inthefirstsyntaxgroupn t h usesintindexanindexintothelist,arrayorstrfoundandreturningtheelementfoundatthatindex. SeealsoIndexingelementsofstringsandlists. Multipleindicesmaybespecifiedtorecursivelyaccesselementsinnestedlistsorarrays.Iftherearemoreindicesthannesting levels,theextraindicesareignored.Whenmultipleindicesareused,theymustbeputinalistasshowninthesecondsyntaxgroup.

( s e t' L' ( abc ) ) ( n t h0L ) a ;o rs i m p l y ( L0 )a ( s e t' n a m e s' ( j o h nm a r t h ar o b e r ta l e x ) ) ( j o h nm a r t h ar o b e r ta l e x ) ( n t h2n a m e s ) ;o rs i m p l y ( n a m e s2 ) ( n a m e s1 ) r o b e r t r o b e r t a l e x

;m u l t i p l ei n d i c e s ( s e t' p e r s o n s' ( ( j o h n3 0 )( m a r t h a1 2 0 )( ( j o h nd o e )1 7 ) ) ) ( p e r s o n s11 ) 1 2 0

( n t h' ( 201 )p e r s o n s ) d o e ;o rs i m p l y ( p e r s o n s201 ) d o e

;m u l t i p l ei n d i c e si nav e c t o r ( s e t' v' ( 201 ) ) ( p e r s o n sv ) d o e ( n t hvp e r s o n s ) d o e ;n e g a t i v ei n d i c e s ( p e r s o n s20 ) m a r t h a ;o u t o f b o u n d si n d i c e sc a u s ee r r o r ( p e r s o n s1 0 ) E R R :l i s ti n d e xo u to fb o u n d s ( p e r s o n5 ) E R R :l i s ti n d e xo u to fb o u n d s

ThelistL canbethecontextofthedefaultfunctorL : L .Thisallowslistspassedbyreference:

( s e t' L : L' ( abcdefg ) ) ( d e f i n e( s e c o n dc t x ) ( n t h1c t x ) ) ( r e v e r s eL )( gfedcba ) L : L( gfedcba ) ; ;p a s s i n gt h el i s ti nL : Lb yr e f e r e n c e ( s e c o n dL ) b ; ;p a s s i n gt h el i s ti nL : Lb yv a l u e ( s e c o n dL : L )b

Referencepassingisfasteranduseslessmemoryinbiglistsandshouldbeusedonlistswithmorethanafewhundreditems. Notethattheimplicitindexingversionofn t h isnotbreakingnewLISPsyntaxrulesbutshouldbeunderstoodasalogicalexpansion ofnewLISPsyntaxrulestootherdatatypesthanbuiltinfunctionsorlambdaexpressions.Alistinthefunctorpositionofans expressionassumesselfindexingfunctionalityusingtheindexargumentsfollowing. Theimplicitindexedsyntaxformsarefasterbuttheotherformwithanexplicitn t h maybemorereadableinsomesituations.

n t h worksonarraysjustlikeitdoesonlists: ( s e t' a A r r a y( a r r a y23' ( abcdef ) ) ) ( ( abc )( def ) ) ( n t h1a A r r a y ) ( def ) ( a A r r a y1 ) ( def ) ( n t h' ( 10 )a A r r a y ) ( a A r r a y10 ) ( a A r r a y' ( 10 ) ) d d d

( s e t' v e c' ( 10 ) ) ( a A r r a yv e c )

IntheStringversion,n t h returnsthecharacterfoundatthepositionintindexinstrandreturnsitasastring.
( n t h 0" n e w L I S P " ) ( " n e w L I S P "0 ) ( " n e w L I S P "1 ) " n " " n " " P "

NotethatnthworksoncharacterboundariesratherthanbyteboundarieswhenusingtheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISP.To accessASCIIandbinarystringbuffersonsinglebyteboundariesuseslice. Seealsosetfformodifyingmultidimensionallistsandarraysandpushandpopformodifyinglists.

syntax:(null?exp) Checksifanexpressionevaluateston i l ,theemptylist( ) ,theemptystring" " ,N a N (notanumber),or0 (zero),inwhichcaseit returnst r u e .Inallothercases,n u l l ? returnsn i l .Thepredicaten u l l ? isusefulinconjunctionwiththefunctionsfilterorcleanto checktheoutcomeofothernewLISPoperations.
( s e t' x( s q r t1 ) )N a N;o rn a no nU N I X ( n u l l ?x )t r u e ( m a pn u l l ?' ( 100 . 02" h e l l o "" "( abc )( )t r u e ) ) ( n i lt r u et r u en i ln i lt r u en i lt r u en i l ) ( f i l t e rn u l l ?' ( 1020 . 0" h e l l o "" "( abc )( )n i lt r u e ) ) ( 00" "( )n i l ) ( c l e a nn u l l ?' ( 1020 . 0" h e l l o "" "( abc )( )n i lt r u e ) ) ( 12" h e l l o "( abc )t r u e )


t r u e isreturnedonlyifexpevaluatestoafloatingpointnumberoranintegerotherwise,n i l isreturned. ( s e t' x1 . 2 3 ) ( s e t' y4 5 6 ) ( n u m b e r ?x ) t r u e ( n u m b e r ?y ) t r u e ( n u m b e r ?" 6 7 8 " ) n i l



syntax:(odd?intnumber) Checkstheparityofanintegernumber.Ifthenumberisnotevendivisibleby2 ,ithasoddparity.Whenafloatingpointnumberis passedforintnumber,itwillbeconvertedfirsttoanintegerbycuttingoffitsfractionalpart.

( o d d ?1 2 3 ) t r u e ( o d d ?8 ) n i l ( o d d ?8 . 7 ) n i l

Useeven?tocheckifanintegeriseven,divisibleby2 .

syntax:(openstrpathfilestraccessmode[stroption]) Thestrpathfileisafilename,andstraccessmodeisastringspecifyingthefileaccessmode.o p e n returnsaninteger,whichisa filehandletobeusedonsubsequentreadorwriteoperationsonthefile.Onfailure,o p e n returnsn i l .Theaccessmode" w r i t e " createsthefileifitdoesn'texist,orittruncatesanexistingfileto0 (zero)bytesinlength. Thefollowingstringsarelegalaccessmodes:
" r e a d " or" r " forreadonlyaccess " w r i t e " or" w " forwriteonlyaccess " u p d a t e " or" u " forread/writeaccess " a p p e n d " or" a " forappendread/writeaccess

( d e v i c e( o p e n" n e w f i l e . d a t a "" w r i t e " ) ) 5 ( p r i n t" h e l l ow o r l d \ n " ) " h e l l ow o r l d " ( c l o s e( d e v i c e ) ) 5 ( s e t' a F i l e( o p e n" n e w f i l e . d a t a "" r e a d " ) ) ( s e e ka F i l e6 ) ( s e t' i n C h a r( r e a d c h a ra F i l e ) ) ( p r i n ti n C h a r" \ n " ) ( c l o s ea F i l e )

Thefirstexampleuseso p e n tosetthedeviceforprintandwritestheword" h e l l ow o r l d " intothefilen e w f i l e . d a t a .Thesecond examplereadsabytevalueatoffset6inthesamefile(theASCIIvalueof' w ' is119).Notethatusingc l o s e on(device) automaticallyresetsdeviceto0 (zero). Asanadditionalstroption," n o n b l o c k " or" n " canbespecifiedafterthe" r e a d " or" w r i t e " option.OnlyavailableonUnix systems,nonblockingmodecanbeusefulwhenopeningnamedpipesbutisnotrequiredtoperformI/Oonnamedpipes.

syntax:(orexp1[exp2...]) Evaluatesexpressionsexpxfromlefttorightuntilfindingaresultthatdoesnotevaluateton i l ortheemptylist( ) .Theresultisthe returnvalueoftheo r expression.
( s e t' x1 0 ) ( o r( >x1 0 0 )( =x1 0 ) ) t r u e ( o r" h e l l o "( >x1 0 0 )( =x1 0 ) ) " h e l l o " ( o r' ( ) ) ( )

( o rt r u e ) ( o r )

t r u e n i l

o s t y p e isabuiltinsystemconstantcontainingthenameoftheoperatingsystemnewLISPisrunningon. o s t y p e " W i n 3 2 "

Oneofthefollowingstringsisreturned:" L i n u x " ," B S D " ," O S X " ," T r u 6 4 U n i x " ," S o l a r i s " ," S u n O S " ," W i n 3 2 " ,o r " O S / 2 " .
o s t y p e canbeusedtowriteplatformindependentcode: ( i f ( =o s t y p e" L i n u x " )( i m p o r t" l i b z . s o " ) ( =o s t y p e" B S D " )( i m p o r t" l i b z . s o " ) ( =o s t y p e" O S X " )( i m p o r t" l i b z . d y l i b " ) . . . ( p r i n t l n" c a n n o ti m p o r tl i b zo nt h i sp l a t f o r m " )

UsesysinfotolearnmoreaboutthecurrentflavorofnewLISPrunning. ForatableofotherbuiltinsystemvariablesandsymbolsseethechapterSystemSymbolsandConstantsintheappendix.

syntax:(packstrformatexp1[exp2...]) syntax:(packstrformatlist) syntax:(packstructexp1[exp2...]) syntax:(packstructlist) Whenthefirstparameterisastring,p a c k packsoneormoreexpressions(exp1toexpn)intoabinaryformatspecifiedintheformat stringstrformat,andreturningthebinarystructureinastringbuffer.Thesymmetricalunpackfunctionisusedforunpacking.The expressionargumentscanalsobegiveninalist.p a c k andu n p a c k areusefulwhenreadingandwritingbinaryfiles(seereadand write)orwhenunpackingbinarystructuresfromreturnvaluesofimportedCfunctionsusingi m p o r t . Whenthefirstparameteristhesymbolofastructdefinition,p a c k usestheformatasspecifiedinstruct.Whilep a c k withstrformat literallypacksasspecified,p a c k withstructwillinsertstructurealigningpadbytesdependingondatatype,orderofelementsand CPUarchitecture.Refertothedescriptionofthestructfunctionformoredetail. Thefollowingcharactersareusedinstrformat: format
c b d u l d

description asigned8bitnumber anunsigned8bitnumber asigned16bitshortnumber anunsigned16bitshortnumber

l u L d L u f l f s n n n > <

anunsigned32bitlongnumber asigned64bitlongnumber anunsigned64bitlongnumber afloatin32bitrepresentation adoublefloatin64bitrepresentation astringofnnullpaddedASCIIcharacters nnullcharacters switchtobigendianbyteorder switchtolittleendianbyteorder

p a c k willconvertallfloatsintointegerswhenpassedtob ,c ,d ,l d ,orl u formats.Itwillalsoconvertintegersintofloatswhen

passingthemtof andl f formats.

( p a c k" ccc "6 56 66 7 ) " A B C " ( u n p a c k" ccc "" A B C " ) ( 6 56 66 7 ) ( p a c k" ccc "012 ) " \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 " ( u n p a c k" ccc "" \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 " ) ( 012 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" cdu "1 01 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 ) ) ( u n p a c k" cdu "s ) ( 1 01 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" s 1 0f "" r e s u l t "1 . 2 3 ) ) ( u n p a c k" s 1 0f "s ) ( " r e s u l t \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 "1 . 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 ) ( p a c k" n 1 0 " )" \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " ( s e t' s( p a c k" s 3l f "" r e s u l t "1 . 2 3 ) ) ( u n p a c k" s 3f "s ) ( " r e s "1 . 2 3 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" cn 7c "1 12 2 ) ) ( u n p a c k" cn 7c "s ) ( 1 12 2 ) ) ( u n p a c k" b "( p a c k" b "1 . 0 ) ) ( 2 5 5 ) ( u n p a c k" f "( p a c k" f "1 2 3 ) ) ( 1 2 3 )

Thelasttwostatementsshowhowfloatingpointnumbersareconvertedintointegerswhenrequiredbytheformatspecification. Theexpressionstopackcanalsobegiveninalist:
( s e t' l s t' ( " A "" B "" C " ) ) ( s e t' a d r( p a c k" l u l u l u "l s t ) ) ( m a pg e t s t r i n g( u n p a c k" l u l u l u "a d r ) )

( " A "" B "" C " )

Notethatthelistshouldbereferenceddirectlyinp a c k ,sothepointerspassedbya d r arevalid.a d r wouldbewrittenasc h a r* a d r [ ] intheCprogramminglanguageandrepresentsa32bitpointertoanarrayof32bitstringpointers. The> and< specifierscanbeusedtoswitchbetweenlittleendianandbigendianbyteorderwhenpackingorunpacking:

( p a c k" d "1 ) " \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 0 " ; ;o nl i t t l ee n d i a nC P U ( p a c k" > d "1 ) " \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 " ; ;f o r c eb i ge n d i a n ( p a c k" l d "1 ) " \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 "; ;o nl i t t l ee n d i a nC P U ( p a c k" < l d "1 ) " \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 "; ;f o r c eb i ge n d i a n ( p a c k" > u< u "11 )" \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 0 "; ;s w i t c ht w i c e

Switchingthebyteorderwillaffectallnumberformatswith16,32,or64bitsizes. Thepackandunpackformatneednotbethesame:

( s e t' s( p a c k" s 3 "" A B C " ) ) ( u n p a c k" ccc "s ) ( 6 56 66 7 )

Theexamplesshowspacesbetweentheformatspecifiers.Thesearenotrequiredbutcanbeusedtoimprovereadability. Seealsotheaddress,getint,getlong,getchar,getstring,andunpackfunctions.

syntax:(parsestrdata[strbreak[intoption]]) Breaksthestringthatresultsfromevaluatingstrdataintostringtokens,whicharethenreturnedinalist.Whennostrbreakis given,p a r s e tokenizesaccordingtonewLISP'sinternalparsingrules.Astringmaybespecifiedinstrbreakfortokenizingonlyat theoccurrenceofastring.Ifanintoptionnumberisspecified,aregularexpressionpatternmaybeusedinstrbreak. Whenstrbreakisnotspecified,themaximumtokensizeis2048forquotedstringsand256foridentifiers.Inthiscase,newLISP usesthesamefastertokenizeritusesforparsingnewLISPsource.Ifstrbreakisspecified,thereisnolimitationonthelengthof tokens.Adifferentalgorithmisusedthatsplitsthesourcestringstrdataatthestringinstrbreak.
( p a r s e" h e l l oh o wa r ey o u " ) ( p a r s e" o n e : t w o : t h r e e "" : " ) ( " h e l l o "" h o w "" a r e "" y o u " ) ( " o n e "" t w o "" t h r e e " )

( p a r s e" o n e t w o t h r e e "" " ) ( " o n e "" t w o "" t h r e e " ) ( p a r s e" o n e t w o t h r e e f o u r "" + "0 ) ( " o n e "" t w o "" t h r e e "" f o u r " ) ( p a r s e" h e l l or e g u l a r e x p r e s s i o n1 ,2 ,3 "{ , \ s * | \ s + }0 ) ( " h e l l o "" r e g u l a r "" e x p r e s s i o n "" 1 "" 2 "" 3 " )

Thelasttwoexamplesshowaregularexpressionasthebreakstringwiththedefaultoption0 (zero).Insteadof{ and} (leftand rightcurlybrackets),doublequotescanbeusedtolimitthepattern.Inthiscase,doublebackslashesmustbeusedinsidethepattern. ThelastpatterncouldbeusedforparsingCSV(CommaSeparatedValues)files.Fortheregularexpressionoptionnumbers,see regex.

p a r s e willreturnemptyfieldsaroundseparatorsasemptystrings: ( p a r s e" 1 , 2 , 3 , "" , " )( " 1 "" 2 "" 3 "" " ) ( p a r s e" 1 , , , 4 "" , " ) ( " 1 "" "" "" 4 " ) ( p a r s e" , "" , " ) ( " "" " ) ( p a r s e" " ) ( ) ( p a r s e" """ ) ( )

Thisbehaviorisneededwhenparsingrecordswithemptyfields. Parsinganemptystringwillalwaysresultinanemptylist. Usetheregexfunctiontobreakstringsupandthedirectory,find,findall,regex,replace,andsearchfunctionsforusingregular expressions.


Returnsthenumberofbytesreadytobereadonafiledescriptorotherwise,itreturnsn i l ifthefiledescriptorisinvalid.p e e k can alsobeusedtochecks t d i n .ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonUnixlikeoperatingsystems.

( p e e k0 ) ;c h e c k#o fb y t e sr e a d yo ns t d i n

Usethenetpeekfunctiontocheckfornetworksockets,orforthenumberofavailablebytesonthem.OnUnixsystems,netpeek canbeusedtocheckfiledescriptors.Thedifferenceisthatnetpeekalsosetsneterror.

syntax:(pipe) Createsaninterprocesscommunicationspipeandreturnsther e a d andw r i t e handlestoitwithinalist.
( p i p e ) ( 34 ) ;3f o rr e a d ,4f o rw r i t i n g

Thepipehandlescanbepassedtoachildprocesslaunchedviaprocessortoforkforinterprocesscommunications. Notethatthepipedoesnotblockwhenbeingwrittento,butitdoesblockreadinguntilbytesareavailable.Areadlineblocksuntila newlinecharacterisreceived.Areadblockswhenfewercharactersthanspecifiedareavailablefromapipethathasnothadthe writingendclosedbyallprocesses. Morethanonepipecanbeopenedifrequired. newLISPcanalsousenamedpipes.Seetheopenfunctionforfurtherinformation.

syntax:(pmtnuminterestnumperiodsnumprincipal[numfuturevalue[inttype]]) Calculatesthepaymentforaloanbasedonaconstantinterestofnuminterestandconstantpaymentsovernumperiodsoftime. numfuturevalueisthevalueoftheloanattheend(typically0 . 0 ).Ifpaymentisattheendoftheperiod,inttypeis0 (zero)orint typeisomittedforpaymentatthebeginningofeachperiod,inttypeis1.
( p m t( d i v0 . 0 71 2 )2 4 01 0 0 0 0 0 ) 7 7 5 . 2 9 8 9 3 5 6

Theaboveexamplecalculatesapaymentof$775.30foraloanof$100,000atayearlyinterestrateof7percent.Itiscalculated monthlyandpaidover20years(20*12=240monthlyperiods).Thisillustratesthetypicalwaypaymentiscalculatedfor mortgages. Seealsothefv,irr,nper,npv,andpvfunctions.

syntax:(poplist[intindex1[intindex2...]]) syntax:(poplist[listindexes]) syntax:(popstr[intindex[intlength]])

Usingp o p ,elementscanberemovedfromlistsandcharactersfromstrings. Inthefirstsyntax,p o p extractsanelementfromthelistfoundbyevaluatinglist.Ifasecondparameterispresent,theelementatint indexisextractedandreturned.SeealsoIndexingelementsofstringsandlists. Inthesecondversion,indicesarespecifiedinthelistlistindexes.Thisway,p o p workseasilytogetherwithrefandrefall,which returnlistsofindices.

p o p changesthecontentsofthetargetlist.Thepoppedelementisreturned. ( s e t' p L i s t' ( ( fg )abc" h e l l o "de1 0 ) ) ( p o pp L i s t ) ( fg ) ( p o pp L i s t ) a p L i s t ( bc" h e l l o "de1 0 ) ( p o pp L i s t3 ) d ( p o pp L i s t1 0 0 ) 1 0 p L i s t ( bc" h e l l o "e ) ( p o pp L i s t1 ) e p L i s t ( bc" h e l l o " ) ( p o pp L i s t2 ) c p L i s t ( b" h e l l o " ) ( s e t' p L i s t' ( a2( xy( pq )z ) ) ) ( p o pp L i s t120 ) p ; ;u s ei n d i c e si nal i s t ( s e t' p L i s t' ( ab( cd( )e ) ) ) ( p u s h' xp L i s t' ( 220 ) ) ( ab( cd( x )e ) ) p L i s t ( ab( cd( x )e ) ) ( r e f' xp L i s t ) ( 220 ) ( p o pp L i s t' ( 220 ) ) x p o p canalsobeusedonstringswithoneindex: ; ;u s ep o po ns t r i n g s ( s e t' s t r" n e w L I S P " ) ( p o ps t r44 ) " L I S P " s t r " n e w " ( p o ps t r1 ) " e " s t r " n w " ( s e t' s t r" x " ) ( p o ps t r ) " x " ( p o ps t r ) " "

Poppinganemptystringwillreturnanemptystring. Seealsothepushfunction,theinverseoperationtop o p .

syntax:(popassocexpkeylistassoc) syntax:(popassoclistkeyslistassoc) Removesanassociationreferredtobythekeyinexpkeyfromtheassociationlistinlistassocandreturnsthepoppedexpression.
; ;s i m p l ea s s o c i a t i o n s ( s e t' L' ( ( a1 )( b2 )( c3 ) ) ) ( p o p a s s o c' bL )( b2 ) L( ( a1 )( c3 ) ) ; ;n e s t e da s s o c i a t i o n s ( s e t' L' ( ( a( b1 )( c( d2 ) ) ) ) ) ( p o p a s s o c' aL )( a( b1 )( c( d2 ) ) ) L( ) ( s e t' L' ( ( a( b1 )( c( d2 ) ) ) ) ) ( p o p a s s o c' ( ab )L ) ( b1 ) L ( ( a( c( d2 ) ) ) ) ( s e t' L' ( ( a( b1 )( c( d2 ) ) ) ) ) ( p o p a s s o c' ( ac )L ) ( c( d2 ) ) L( ( a( b1 ) ) ) )


syntax:(posturlstrurlstrcontent[strcontenttype[stroption][inttimeout[strheader]]]) SendsanHTTPPOSTrequesttotheURLinstrurl.POSTrequestsareusedtopostinformationcollectedfromwebentryformsto awebsite.Mostofthetime,thefunctionp o s t u r l mimicswhatawebbrowserwoulddowhensendinginformationcollectedin anHTMLformtoaserver,butitcanalsobeusedtouploadfiles(seeanHTTPreference).Thefunctionreturnsthepagereturned fromtheserverinastring. Whenp o s t u r l encountersanerror,itreturnsastringdescriptionoftheerrorbeginningwithE R R : . Thelastparameter,inttimeout,isforanoptionaltimeoutvalue,whichisspecifiedinmilliseconds.Whennoresponsefromthehost isreceivedbeforethetimeouthasexpired,thestringE R R :t i m e o u t isreturned.
; ;s p e c i f yc o n t e n tt y p e ( p o s t u r l" h t t p : / / s o m e s i t e . c o m / f o r m . p l " " n a m e = j o h n D o e & c i t y = N e w % 2 0 Y o r k " " a p p l i c a t i o n / x w w w f o r m u r l e n c o d e d " ) ; ;s p e c i f yc o n t e n tt y p ea n dt i m e o u t ( p o s t u r l" h t t p : / / s o m e s i t e . c o m / f o r m . p l " " n a m e = j o h n D o e & c i t y = N e w % 2 0 Y o r k " " a p p l i c a t i o n / x w w w f o r m u r l e n c o d e d "8 0 0 0 ) ; ;a s s u m e sd e f a u l tc o n t e n tt y p ea n dn ot i m e o u t ( p o s t u r l" h t t p : / / s o m e s i t e . c o m / f o r m . p l " " n a m e = j o h n D o e & c i t y = N e w % 2 0 Y o r k "

Theaboveexampleuploadsausernameandcityusingaspecialformatcalleda p p l i c a t i o n / x w w w f o r m u r l e n c o d e d .p o s t u r l canbeusedtopostothercontenttypessuchasfilesorbinarydata.SeeanHTTPreferenceforothercontenttypespecificationsand dataencodingformats.Whenthecontenttypeparameterisomitted,p o s t u r l assumesa p p l i c a t i o n / x w w w f o r m u r l e n c o d e d asthedefaultcontenttype.

Whenstrcontenttypeisspecified,thestroption" h e a d e r " or" l i s t " canbespecifiedasthereturnpage.Iftheinttimeoutoption isspecified,thecustomheaderoptionstrheadercanbespecified,aswell.Seethefunctiongeturlfordetailsonbothofthese options. Seealsothegeturlandputurlfunctions.

syntax:(pownum1num2[num3...]) syntax:(pownum1) Calculatesnum1tothepowerofnum2andsoforth.
( p o w1 0 02 ) 1 0 0 0 0 ( p o w1 0 00 . 5 ) 1 0 ( p o w1 0 00 . 53 ) 1 0 0 0 ( p o w3 ) 9

Whennum1istheonlyargument,p o w assumes2fortheexponent.

syntax:(prefixsym) Returnsthecontextofasymbolinsym:
( s e t fs' F o o : b a r ) F o o : b a r ( p r e f i xs ) F o o ( c o n t e x t ?( p r e f i xs ) ) t r u e ( t e r ms ) " b a r " ( =s( s y m( t e r ms )( p r e f i xs ) ) ) t r u e > ( c o n t e x t( p r e f i xs ) ) F o o F o o > ;s w i t c h e st oc o n t e x tF o o


syntax:(prettyprint[intlength[strtab[strfpformat]]) Reformatsexpressionsforprint,save,orsourceandwhenprintinginaninteractiveconsole.Thefirstparameter,intlength,specifies themaximumlinelength,andstrtabspecifiesthestringusedtoindentlines.Thethirdparameterstrfpformatdescribesthedefault formatforprintingfloatingpointnumbers.Allparametersareoptional.p r e t t y p r i n t returnsthecurrentsettingsorthenew settingswhenparametersarespecified.

( p r e t t y p r i n t ) ( 8 0""" % 1 . 1 0 g " ) ;d e f a u l ts e t t i n g ( p r e t t y p r i n t9 0" \ t " ) ( 9 0" \ t " ) ( p r e t t y p r i n t1 0 0 ) ( 1 0 0" \ t " ) ( s i n1 ) 0 . 8 4 1 4 7 0 9 8 4 8 ( p r e t t y p r i n t8 0""" % 1 . 3 f " ) ( s i n1 ) 0 . 8 4 1 ( s e t' x0 . 0 ) x 0 . 0 0 0

Thefirstexamplereportsthedefaultsettingsof80forthemaximumlinelengthandas p a c e characterforindenting.Thesecond examplechangesthelinelengthto90andtheindenttoaTABcharacter.Thethirdexamplechangesthelinelengthonly.Thelast examplechangesthedefaultformatforfloatingpointnumbers.Thisisusefulwhenprintingunformattedfloatingpointnumbers withoutfractionalparts,andthesenumbersshouldstillberecognizableasfloatingpointnumbers.Withoutthecustomformat,x wouldbeprintedas0 indistinguishablefromfloatingpointnumber.Allsituationswhereunformattedfloatingpointnumbersare printed,areaffected. Notethatp r e t t y p r i n t cannotbeusedtopreventlinebreaksfrombeingprinted.Tocompletelysuppressprettyprinting,usethe functionstringtoconverttheexpressiontoarawunformattedstringasfollows:
; ;p r i n tw i t h o u tf o r m a t t i n g ( p r i n t( s t r i n gm y e x p r e s s i o n ) )

syntax:(primitive?exp) Evaluatesandtestsifexpisaprimitivesymbolandreturnst r u e orn i l dependingontheresult.
( s e t' v a rd e f i n e ) ( p r i m i t i v e ?v a r ) t r u e

syntax:(printexp1[exp2...]) Evaluatesandprintsexp1tothecurrentI/Odevice,whichdefaultstotheconsolewindow.Seethebuiltinfunctiondevicefor detailsonhowtospecifyadifferentI/Odevice. Listexpressionsareindentedbythenestinglevelsoftheiropeningparentheses. Severalspecialcharactersmaybeincludedinstringsencodedwiththeescapecharacter\ : character description
\ n \ r \ t \ n n n \ x n n

thelinefeedcharacter(ASCII10) thecarriagereturncharacter(ASCII13) thetabcharacter(ASCII9) wheren n n isadecimalASCIIcodebetween000and255 wheren n isahexadecimalASCIIcodebetween00andFF

( p r i n t( s e t' r e s( +123 ) ) ) ( p r i n t" t h er e s u l ti s "r e s" \ n " ) " \ 0 6 5 \ 0 6 6 \ 0 6 7 " " A B C "


syntax:(printlnexp1[exp2...]) Evaluatesandprintsexp1tothecurrentI/Odevice,whichdefaultstotheconsolewindow.Alinefeedisprintedattheend.See thebuiltinfunctiondevicefordetailsonhowtospecifyadifferentI/Odevice.p r i n t l n worksexactlylikeprintbutemitsaline feedcharacterattheend. Seealsothewritelineandprintfunctions.

syntax:(probchi2numchi2intdf) ReturnstheprobabilityofanobservedChistatisticinnumchi2withnumdfdegreesoffreedomtobeequalorgreaterunderthe nullhypothesis.p r o b c h i 2 isderivedfromtheincompleteGammafunctiongammai.
( p r o b c h i 21 06 ) 0 . 1 2 4 6 5 2 0 1 9 5


syntax:(probfnumfintdf1intdf2) ReturnstheprobabilityofanobservedFstatisticinnumfwithintdf1andintdf2degreesoffreedomtobeequalorgreaterunder thenullhypothesis.
( p r o b f2 . 7 51 01 2 ) 0 . 0 5 0 1 9 9 0 8 0 4


syntax:(probtnumtintdf1) ReturnstheprobabilityofanobservedStudent'ststatisticinnumtwithintdfdegreesoffreedomtobeequalorgreaterunderthe

( p r o b t1 . 7 61 4 ) 0 . 0 5 0 1 1 4 5 4 5 5 1


syntax:(probznumz) Returnstheprobabilityofnumz,nottoexceedtheobservedvaluewherenumzisanormaldistributedvaluewithameanof0 . 0 andastandarddeviationof1 . 0 .
( p r o b z0 . 0 ) 0 . 5


syntax:(processstrcommand) syntax:(processstrcommandintpipeinintpipeout[intwin32option]) syntax:(processstrcommandintpipeinintpipeout[intunixpipeerror]) Inthefirstsyntax,p r o c e s s launchesaprocessspecifiedinstrcommandandimmediatelyreturnswithaprocessIDorn i l ifa processcouldnotbecreated.Thisprocesswillexecutetheprogramspecifiedorimmediatelydieifstrcommandcouldnotbe executed. OnMacOSXandotherUnixes,theapplicationorscriptmustbespecifiedwithitsfullpathname.ThenewprocessinheritstheOS environmentfromtheparentprocess. Commandlineargumentsareparsedoutatspaces.ArgumentscontainingspacesmustbedelimitedusingsinglequotesonMacOS XandotherUnixes.OnWin32,doublequotesareused.Theprocessidreturnedcanbeusedtodestroytherunningprocessusing destroy,iftheprocessdoesnotexitbyitself.
( p r o c e s s" c : / W I N D O W S / s y s t e m 3 2 / n o t e p a d . e x e " ) 1 8 9 4;o nW i n 3 2 ;f i n do u tt h ep a t ho ft h ep r o g r a mt os t a r tu s i n ge x e c , ;i ft h ep a t hi sn o tk n o w n ( p r o c e s s( f i r s t( e x e c" w h i c hx c l o c k " ) ) ) 2 2 6 0 7;o nU n i x

Ifthepathoftheexecutableisunknown,e x e c togetherwiththeUnixw h i c h commandcanbeusedtostartaprogram.Thepid returnedcanbeusedtodestroytheprocess. Inthesecondsyntax,standardinputandoutputofthecreatedprocesscanberedirectedtopipehandles.Whenremappingstandard I/Oofthelaunchedapplicationtoapipe,itispossibletocommunicatewiththeotherapplicationviawritelineandreadlineorwrite andreadstatements:

; ;L i n u x / U n i x ; ;c r e a t ep i p e s ( m a ps e t' ( m y i nb c o u t )( p i p e ) ) ( m a ps e t' ( b c i nm y o u t )( p i p e ) ) ; ;l a u n c hU n i x' b c 'c a l c u l a t o ra p p l i c a t i o n ( p r o c e s s" / u s r / b i n / b c "b c i nb c o u t )7 9 1 6

( w r i t e l i n em y o u t" 3+4 " ) ;b ce x p e c t sal i n e f e e d ( r e a d l i n em y i n ) " 7 " ; ;b cc a nu s eb i g n u m sw i t ha r b i t r a r yp r e c i s i o n ( w r i t e l i n em y o u t" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5*1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 " ) ( r e a d l i n em y i n ) " 1 5 2 4 1 5 7 8 7 5 3 2 3 8 6 6 9 1 2 0 5 6 2 3 9 9 0 2 5 " ; ;d e s t r o yt h ep r o c e s s ( d e s t r o y7 9 1 6 ) ; ;W i n 3 2 ( m a ps e t' ( m y i nc m d o u t )( p i p e ) ) ( m a ps e t' ( c m d i nm y o u t )( p i p e ) ) ( p r o c e s s" c : / P r o g r a mF i l e s / n e w l i s p / n e w l i s p . e x ec "c m d i nc m d o u t ) 1 2 8 4 ( w r i t e l i n em y o u t" ( +34 ) " ) ( r e a d l i n em y i n )" 7 " ; ;d e s t r o yt h ep r o c e s s ( d e s t r o y1 2 8 4 )

OnWin32versionsofnewLISP,afourthoptionalparameterofintwin32optioncanbespecifiedtocontrolthedisplaystatusofthe application.Thisoptiondefaultsto1 forshowingtheapplication'swindow,0 forhidingit,and2 forshowingitminimizedonthe Windowslaunchbar. OnbothWin32andLinux/Unixsystems,standarderrorwillberedirectedtostandardoutbydefault.OnLinux/Unix,anoptional pipehandleforstandarderroroutputcanbedefinedinintunixpipeerror. Thefunctionpeekcanbeusedtocheckforinformationonthepipehandles:

; ;c r e a t ep i p e s ( m a ps e t' ( m y i nb c o u t )( p i p e ) ) ( m a ps e t' ( b c i nm y o u t )( p i p e ) ) ( m a ps e t' ( e r r i ne r r o u t )( p i p e ) ) ; ;l a u n c hU n i x' b c 'c a l c u l a t o ra p p l i c a t i o n ( p r o c e s s" b c "b c i nb c o u te r r o u t ) ( w r i t em y o u tc o m m a n d ) ; ;w a i tf o rb cs e n d i n gr e s u l to re r r o ri n f o ( w h i l e( a n d( =( p e e km y i n )0 ) ( =( p e e ke r r i n )0 ) )( s l e e p1 0 ) ) ( i f( >( p e e ke r r i n )0 ) ( p r i n t l n( r e a d l i n ee r r i n ) ) ) ( i f( >( p e e km y i n )0 ) ( p r i n t l n( r e a d l i n em y i n ) ) )

NotallinteractiveconsoleapplicationscanhavetheirstandardI/Ochannelsremapped.Sometimesonlyonechannel,inorout,can beremapped.Inthiscase,specify0 (zero)fortheunusedchannel.Thefollowingstatementusesonlythelaunchedapplication's output:

( p r o c e s s" a p p "0a p p o u t )

Normally,twopipesareused:oneforcommunicationstothechildprocessandtheotheroneforcommunicationsfromthechild process. Seealsothepipeandsharefunctionsforinterprocesscommunicationsandthesemaphorefunctionforsynchronizationofseveral processes.SeetheforkfunctionforstartingseparatenewLISPprocessesonLinux/Unix.

syntax:(prompteventsymeventhandler|funceventhandler) RefinesthepromptasshownintheinteractivenewLISPshell.Thesymeventhandlerorfunceventhandleriseitherasymbolofa userdefinedfunctionoralambdaexpression:
>( p r o m p t e v e n t( f n( c t x )( s t r i n gc t x" : "( r e a l p a t h )" $" ) ) ) $ p r o m p t e v e n t M A I N : / U s e r s / n e w l i s p $( +34 ) 7 M A I N : / U s e r s / n e w l i s p $

Thecurrentcontextbeforecallingthep r o m p t e v e n t codeispassedasaparametertothefunction.Computeroutputisshownin bold. Theexampleredefinesthe> prompttobethecurrentcontextfollowedbyacolon: ,followedbythedirectoryname,followedby thedollarsymbol.Togetherwiththecommandeventfunctionthiscanbeusedtocreatefullycustomizedshellsorcustomcommand interpreters. Thefunctioninp r o m p t e v e n t mustreturnastringof63charactersmaximum.Notreturningastringwillleavetheprompt unchanged.

syntax:(protected?sym) Checksifasymbolinsymisprotected.Protectedsymbolsarebuiltinfunctions,contextsymbols,andallsymbolsmadeconstant usingtheconstantfunction:
( p r o t e c t e d ?' p r i n t l n ) ( c o n s t a n t' a V a r1 2 3 ) ( p r o t e c t e d ?' a V a r ) t r u e t r u e

syntax:(pushexplist[intindex1[intindex2...]]) syntax:(pushexplist[listindexes]) syntax:(pushstr1str2[intindex]) Insertsthevalueofexpintothelistlist.Ifintindexispresent,theelementisinsertedatthatindex.Iftheindexisabsent,theelement isinsertedatindex0 (zero),thefirstelement.p u s h isadestructiveoperationthatchangesthecontentsofthetargetlist. Thelistchangedisreturnedasareferenceonwhichotherbuiltinfunctionscanwork.SeealsoIndexingelementsofstringsand lists. Ifmorethanoneintindexispresent,theindicesareusedtoaccessanestedliststructure.Improperindices(thosenotmatchinglist elements)arediscarded.

Thesecondversiontakesalistoflistindexesbutisotherwiseidenticaltothefirst.Inthisway,p u s h workseasilytogetherwithref andrefall,whichreturnlistsofindices. Iflistdoesnotcontainalist,listmustcontainan i l andwillbeinitializedtotheemptylist. Repeatedlyusingp u s h totheendofalistusing1 astheintindexisoptimizedandasfastaspushingtothefrontofalistwithno indexatall.Thiscanbeusedtoefficientlygrowalist.

;i n s e r t i n gi nf r o n t ( s e t' p L i s t' ( bc ) ) ( bc ) ( p u s h' ap L i s t ) ( abc ) p L i s t ( abc ) ;i n s e r ta ti n d e x ( p u s h" h e l l o "p L i s t2 ) ( ab" h e l l o "c ) ;o p t i m i z e da p p e n d i n ga tt h ee n d ( p u s h' zp L i s t1 ) ( ab" h e l l o "cz ) ;i n s e r t i n gl i s t si nl i s t s ( p u s h' ( fg )p L i s t ) ( ( fg )ab" h e l l o "cz ) ;i n s e r t i n ga tn e g a t i v ei n d e x ( p u s h' xp L i s t3 ) ( ( fg )ab" h e l l o "xcz ) ;u s i n gm u l t i p l ei n d i c e s ( p u s h' hp L i s t01 ) ( ( fgh )ab" h e l l o "xcz ) ;u s ei n d i c e si nal i s t ( s e t' p L i s t' ( ab( cd( )e ) ) ) ( p u s h' xp L i s t' ( 220 ) ) ( ab( cd( x )e ) ) ( r e f' xp L i s t ) ( 220 )

( p o pp L i s t' ( 220 ) ) x ;t h et a r g e tl i s ti sap l a c er e f e r e n c e ( s e t' l s t' ( ( a1 )( b2 )( c3 )( d ) ) ) ( p u s h4( a s s o c' dl s t )1 )( d4 ) l s t( ( a1 )( b2 )( c3 )( d4 ) ) ;p u s ho nu n i n i t i a l i z e ds y m b o l a V a r n i l ( p u s h9 9 9a V a r ) ( 9 9 9 ) a V a r ( 9 9 9 ) p u s h andpopcanbecombinedtomodelaqueue: ;p o pa n dp u s haa saq u e u e ( s e t' Q' ( abcde ) ) ( p o p( p u s h' fQ1 ) )a ( p o p( p u s h' gQ1 ) )b Q ( cdefg )

Becausep u s h returnsareferencetothemodifiedlist,p o p canworkonitdirectly. Inthethirdsyntaxp u s h canbeusedtochangestrings.Whenintindexisused,itreferstocharacterpositionsratherthanbyte positions.UTF8charactersmaybemultibytecharacters.

; ;p u s ho ns t r i n g s ( s e t' s t r" a b c d e f g " )

( p u s h" h i j k "s t r1 ) " a b c d e f g h i j k " s t r " a b c d e f g h i j k " ( p u s h" 1 2 3 "s t r ) " 1 2 3 a b c d e f g h i j k " ( p u s h" 4 "s t r3 ) " 1 2 3 4 a b c d e f g h i j k " ( s e t' s t r" \ u 0 3 b 1 \ u 0 3 b 2 \ u 0 3 b 3 " ) " " ( p u s h" * "s t r1 ) " * " ; ;p u s ho nas t r i n gr e f e r e n c e ( s e t' l s t' ( " a b c "" x y z " ) ) ( p u s hx( l s t0 ) )" x a b c " l s t( " x a b c "" x y z " )

Seealsothepopfunction,whichistheinverseoperationtop u s h .

syntax:(puturlstrurlstrcontent[stroption][inttimeout[strheader]]) TheHTTPPUTprotocolisusedtotransferinformationinstrcontenttoafilespecifiedinstrurl.ThelesserknownHTTPPUT modeisfrequentlyusedfortransferringwebpagesfromHTMLeditorstoWebservers.InordertousePUTmode,thewebserver's softwaremustbeconfiguredcorrectly.OntheApachewebserver,usethe' S c r i p tP U T ' directiveinthesectionwheredirectory accessrightsareconfigured. Ifstrurlstartswithf i l e : / / thenstrcontentiswrittentothelocalfilesystem. Optionally,aninttimeoutvaluecanbespecifiedinmillisecondsasthelastparameter.p u t u r l willreturnE R R :t i m e o u t whenthe hostgivesnoresponseandthetimeoutexpires.Onothererrorconditions,p u t u r l returnsastringstartingwithE R R : andthe descriptionoftheerror.
p u t u r l requestsarealsounderstoodbynewLISPservernodes. ( p u t u r l" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / m y F i l e . t x t "" H it h e r e " ) ( p u t u r l" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / m y F i l e . t x t "" H it h e r e "2 0 0 0 ) ( p u t u r l" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / w e b p a g e . h t m l " ( r e a d f i l e" w e b p a g e . h t m l " ) ) ;w r i t e/ h o m e / j o e / n e w f i l e . t x to nt h el o c a lf i l es y s t e m ( p u t s u r l" f i l e : / / / h o m e / j o e / n e w f i l e . t x t "" H e l l oW o r l d ! " )

Thefirstexamplecreatesafilecalledm y F i l e . t x t onthetargetserverandstoresthetextstring' H it h e r e ' init.Inthesecond example,thelocalfilew e b p a g e . h t m l istransferredtoa s i t e . c o m . OnanApachewebserver,thefollowingcouldbeconfiguredinh t t p d . c o n f .

< d i r e c t o r y/ w w w / h t d o c s > O p t i o n sA l l S c r i p tP U T/ c g i b i n / p u t . c g i < / d i r e c t o r y >

Thescriptp u t . c g i wouldcontaincodetoreceivecontentfromthewebserverviaSTDIN.Thefollowingisaworkingp u t . c g i writteninnewLISPfortheApachewebserver:

# ! / u s r / h o m e / j o h n d o e / b i n / n e w l i s p # # #g e tP U Tm e t h o dd a t af r o mC G IS T D I N

#a n dw r i t ed a t at oaf i l es p e c i f i e d #i n tt h eP U Tr e q u e s t # # ( p r i n t" C o n t e n t T y p e :t e x t / h t m l \ n \ n " ) ( s e t' c n t0 ) ( s e t' r e s u l t" " ) ( i f( =" P U T "( e n v" R E Q U E S T _ M E T H O D " ) ) ( b e g i n ( s e t' l e n( i n t( e n v" C O N T E N T _ L E N G T H " ) ) ) ( w h i l e( <c n tl e n ) ( s e t' n( r e a d( d e v i c e )b u f f e rl e n ) ) ( i f( n o tn ) ( s e t' c n tl e n ) ( b e g i n ( i n cc n tn ) ( w r i t er e s u l tb u f f e r ) ) ) ) ( s e t' p a t h( a p p e n d " / u s r / h o m e / j o h n d o e " ( e n v" P A T H _ T R A N S L A T E D " ) ) ) ) ( w r i t e f i l ep a t hr e s u l t )

( e x i t )

Notethatthescriptappends".txt"tothepathtoavoidtheCGIexecutionofuploadedmaliciousscripts.Notealsothatthetwolines wherethefilepathiscomposedmayworkdifferentlyinyourwebserverenvironment.Checkenvironmentvariablespassedbyyour webserverforcompositionoftherightfilepath.

p u t u r l returnscontentreturnedbythep u t . c g i script.

Instroption," h e a d e r " or" l i s t " canbespecifiedforthereturnedpage.Iftheinttimeoutoptionisspecified,thecustomheader optionstrheadercanbespecified,aswell.Seethefunctiongeturlfordetailsonbothoftheseoptions. Seealsothefunctionsgeturlandposturl,whichcanbeusedtouploadfileswhenformattingformdataasm u l t i p a r t / f o r m d a t a .

syntax:(pvnumintnumnpernumpmt[numfv[inttype]]) Calculatesthepresentvalueofaloanwiththeconstantinterestratenuminterestandtheconstantpaymentnumpmtafternumnper numberofpayments.Thefuturevaluenumfvisassumedtobe0 . 0 ifomitted.Ifpaymentisattheendoftheperiod,inttypeis0 (zero)orinttypeisomittedforpaymentatthebeginningofeachperiod,inttypeis1.
( p v( d i v0 . 0 71 2 )2 4 07 7 5 . 3 0 ) 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 3 7 3

Intheexample,aloanthatwouldbepaidoff(futurevalue=0 . 0 )in240paymentsof$775.30ataconstantinterestrateof7percent peryearwouldstartoutat$100,000.14. Seealsothefv,irr,nper,npv,andpmtfunctions.

syntax:(quoteexp) Returnsexpwithoutevaluatingit.Thesameeffectcanbeobtainedbyprependinga' (singlequote)toexp.
( q u o t ex ) ( q u o t e1 2 3 ) ( q u o t e( abc ) ) ( =( q u o t ex )' x ) x 1 2 3 ( abc ) t r u e

syntax:(quote?exp) Evaluatesandtestswhetherexpisquoted.Returnst r u e orn i l dependingontheresult.
( s e t' v a r' ' x ) ' x ( q u o t e ?v a r ) t r u e

Notethatinthes e t statement,' ' x isquotedtwicebecausethefirstquoteislostduringtheevaluationofthes e t assignment.

syntax:(randintrange[intN]) Evaluatestheexpressioninintrangeandgeneratesarandomnumberintherangeof0 (zero)to(intrange1).When0 (zero)is passed,theinternalrandomgeneratorisinitializedusingthecurrentvaluereturnedbytheCt i m e ( ) function.Optionally,asecond parametercanbespecifiedtoreturnalistoflengthintNofrandomnumbers.
( d o t i m e s( x1 0 0 )( p r i n t( r a n d2 ) ) )= > 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1. . .1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ( r a n d31 0 0 ) ( 201120 )

Thefirstlineintheexampleprintsequallydistributed0 'sand1 's,whilethesecondlineproducesalistof100integerswith0 ,1 ,and 2 equallydistributed.Usetherandomandnormalfunctionstogeneratefloatingpointrandomnumbers,anduseseedtovarythe initialseedforrandomnumbergeneration.

syntax:(randomfloatoffsetfloatscaleintn) syntax:(randomfloatoffsetfloatscale) Inthefirstform,r a n d o m returnsalistofintnevenlydistributedfloatingpointnumbersscaled(multiplied)byfloatscale,withan addedoffsetoffloatoffset.Thestartingpointoftheinternalrandomgeneratorcanbeseededusingseed.

( r a n d o m011 0 ) ( 0 . 1 0 8 9 8 9 7 30 . 6 9 8 2 3 7 8 30 . 5 6 4 3 4 8 7 20 . 0 4 1 5 0 7 2 8 90 . 1 6 5 1 6 7 3 3 0 . 8 1 5 4 0 9 1 70 . 6 8 5 5 3 7 8 40 . 7 6 4 7 1 0 6 80 . 8 2 3 1 4 5 8 50 . 9 5 9 2 4 5 6 4 )

Whenusedinthesecondform,r a n d o m returnsasingleevenlydistributednumber:
( r a n d o m1 05 ) 1 1 . 0 9 7 1


syntax:(randomizelist[bool]) Rearrangestheorderofelementsinlistintoarandomorder.
( r a n d o m i z e' ( abcdefg ) ) ( bacgdef ) ( r a n d o m i z e( s e q u e n c e15 ) ) ( 35412 ) r a n d o m i z e willalwaysreturnasequencedifferentfromthepreviousonewithouttheoptionalboolflag.Thismayrequirethe

functiontocalculateseveralsetsofreorderedelements,whichinturnmayleadtodifferentprocessingtimeswithdifferent invocationsofthefunctiononthesameinputlistlength.Toallowfortheoutputtobeequaltotheinput,t r u e oranyexpression evaluatingtonotn i l mustbespecifiedinbool.

r a n d o m i z e usesaninternalpseudorandomsequencegeneratorthatreturnsthesameseriesofresultseachtimenewLISPisstarted.


syntax:(readintfilesymbufferintsize[strwait]) Readsamaximumofintsizebytesfromafilespecifiedinintfileintoabufferinsymbuffer.Anydatareferencedbythesymbol symbufferpriortothereadingisdeleted.Thehandleinintfileisobtainedfromapreviousopenstatement.Thesymbolsymbuffer containsdataoftypestringafterthereadoperation.symbuffercanalsobeadefaultfunctorspecifiedbyacontextsymbolfor referencepassinginandoutofuserdefinedfunctions.
r e a d isashorterwritingofr e a d b u f f e r .Thelongerformstillworksbutisdeprecatedandshouldbeavoidedinnewcode.

Optionally,astringtobewaitedforcanbespecifiedinstrwait.r e a d willreadamaximumamountofbytesspecifiedinintsizeor returnearlierifstrwaitwasfoundinthedata.Thewaitstringispartofthereturneddataandmustnotcontainbinary0 (zero) characters. Returnsthenumberofbytesreadorn i l whenthewaitstringwasnotfound.Inanycase,thebytesreadareputintothebuffer pointedtobysymbuffer,andthefilepointerofthefilereadismovedforward.Ifnonewbyteshavebeenread,symbufferwill containn i l .

( s e t' h a n d l e( o p e n" a F i l e . e x t "" r e a d " ) ) ( r e a dh a n d l eb u f f2 0 0 )

Reads200bytesintothesymbolb u f f fromthefilea F i l e . e x t .
( r e a dh a n d l eb u f f1 0 0 0" p a s s w o r d : " )

Reads1000bytesoruntilthestringp a s s w o r d : isencountered.Thestringp a s s w o r d : willbepartofthedatareturned.


syntax:(readchar[intfile]) ReadsabytefromafilespecifiedbythefilehandleinintfileorfromthecurrentI/Odevicee.g.stdinwhennofilehandleis specified.Thefilehandleisobtainedfromapreviousopenoperation.Eachr e a d c h a r advancesthefilepointerbyonebyte.Once theendofthefileisreached,n i l isreturned.
( d e f i n e( s l o w f i l e c o p yf r o m f i l et o f i l e ) ( s e t' i n f i l e( o p e nf r o m f i l e" r e a d " ) ) ( s e t' o u t f i l e( o p e nt o f i l e" w r i t e " ) ) ( w h i l e( s e t' c h r( r e a d c h a ri n f i l e ) ) ( w r i t e c h a ro u t f i l ec h r ) ) ( c l o s ei n f i l e ) ( c l o s eo u t f i l e ) " f i n i s h e d " )

Usereadlineanddevicetoreadwholetextlinesatatime.NotethatnewLISPsuppliesafastbuiltinfunctioncalledcopyfilefor copyingfiles. Seealsothewritecharfunction.

r e a d e x p r parsesthefirstexpressionsitfindsinstrsourceandreturnsthetranslatedexpressionwithoutevaluatingit.Anoptional

contextinsymcontextspecifiesanamespaceforthetranslatedexpression. Afteracalltor e a d e x p r thesystemvariable$ c o u n t containsthenumberofcharactersscanned. Ifanerroroccurswhentranslatingstrsourcetheexpressioninexperrorisevaluatedandtheresultreturned. intoffsetspecifiesanoptionaloffsetintostrsourcewhereprocessingshouldstart.Whencallingr e a d e x p r repeatedlythisnumber canbeupdatedusing$ c o u n t ,thenumberofcharactersprocessed.

( s e t' c o d e" ;as t a t e m e n t \ n ( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) " ) ( r e a d e x p rc o d e )( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) $ c o u n t4 1 r e a d e x p r behavessimilartoevalstringbutwithouttheevaluationstep: ( r e a d e x p r" ( +34 ) " ) ( +34 )

( e v a l s t r i n g" ( +34 ) " ) 7

Usingr e a d e x p r acustomizedcodereadercanbeprogrammedpreprocessingexpressionsbeforeevaluation. Seealsoreadereventforpreprocessingexpressionseventdriven.

syntax:(readfilestrfilename) Readsafileinstrfilenameinoneswoopandreturnsastringbuffercontainingthedata. Onfailurethefunctionreturnsn i l .Forerrorinformation,usesyserrorwhenusedonfiles.WhenusedonURLsneterrorgives moreerrorinformation.
( w r i t e f i l e" m y f i l e . e n c " ( e n c r y p t( r e a d f i l e" / h o m e / l i s p / m y F i l e " )" s e c r e t " ) )

Thefilem y f i l e isread,thenencryptedusingthepassword" s e c r e t " beforebeingwrittenbackintoanewfiletitled " m y f i l e . e n c " inthecurrentdirectory.

r e a d f i l e cantakeanh t t p : / / orf i l e : / / URLinstrfilename.Whentheprefixish t t p : / / ,r e a d f i l e worksexactlylikeget

( r e a d f i l e" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / s o m e f i l e . t g z "1 0 0 0 0 )

Thefiles o m e f i l e . t g z isretrievedfromtheremotelocationh t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m .Thefiletransferwilltimeoutafter10secondsif itisnotfinished.Inthismode,r e a d f i l e canalsobeusedtotransferfilesfromremotenewLISPservernodes. Seealsothewritefileandappendfilefunctions.

syntax:(readkey) Readsakeyfromthekeyboardandreturnsanintegervalue.Fornavigationkeys,morethanoner e a d k e y callmustbemade.For keysrepresentingASCIIcharacters,thereturnvalueisthesameonallOSes,exceptfornavigationkeysandothercontrolsequences likefunctionkeys,inwhichcasethereturnvaluesmayvaryondifferentOSesandconfigurations.
( r e a d k e y ) ( r e a d k e y ) ( r e a d k e y ) ( r e a d k e y ) 9 7 6 5 1 0 1 3 ;a f t e rh i t t i n gt h eAk e y ;a f t e rh i t t i n gt h es h i f t e dAk e y ;a f t e rh i t t i n g[ e n t e r ]o nL i n u x ;a f t e rh i t t i n g[ e n t e r ]o nW i n 3 2

( w h i l e( ! =( s e t' c( r e a d k e y ) )1 )( p r i n t l nc ) )

Thelastexamplecanbeusedtocheckreturnsequencesfromnavigationandfunctionkeys.Tobreakoutoftheloop,pressC t r l A . Notethatr e a d k e y willonlyworkwhennewLISPisrunninginaUnixshellorWin32commandshell.ItwillnotworkintheJava basednewLISPGSorTcl/TkbasednewLISPTkfrontend.ItwillalsonotworkwhenexecutedbynewLISPUnixsharedlibrary ornewLISPWin32DLL(DynamicLinkLibrary).

syntax:(readline[intfile]) ReadsfromthecurrentI/Odeviceastringdelimitedbyalinefeedcharacter(ASCII10).Thereisnolimittothelengthofthestring

thatcanberead.Thelinefeedcharacterisnotpartofthereturnedstring.Thelinealwaysbreaksonalinefeed,whichisthen swallowed.Alinebreaksonacarriagereturn(ASCII13)onlyiffollowedbyalinefeed,inwhichcasebothcharactersare discarded.Acarriagereturnaloneonlybreaksandisswallowedifitisthelastcharacterinthestream. Bydefault,thecurrentdeviceisthekeyboard(device0 ).UsethebuiltinfunctiondevicetospecifyadifferentI/Odevice(e.g.,a file).Optionally,afilehandlecanbespecifiedintheintfileobtainedfromapreviousopenstatement. Thelastbuffercontentsfromareadlineoperationcanberetrievedusingcurrentline. Whenr e a d l i n e isreadingfromafileorfromstdininaCGIprogramorpipe,itwillreturnn i l wheninputisexhausted. Whenusingr e a d l i n e onstdin,linelengthislimitedto2048charactersandperformanceismuchfaster.
( p r i n t" E n t e ran u m : " ) ( s e t' n u m( i n t( r e a d l i n e ) ) ) ( s e t' i n f i l e( o p e n" a f i l e . d a t "" r e a d " ) ) ( w h i l e( r e a d l i n ei n f i l e ) ( w r i t e l i n e ) ) ( c l o s ei n f i l e )

Thefirstexamplereadsinputfromthekeyboardandconvertsittoanumber.Inthesecondexample,afileisreadlinebylineand displayedonthescreen.Thew r i t e l i n e statementtakesadvantageofthefactthattheresultfromthelastr e a d l i n e operationis storedinasysteminternalbuffer.Whenwritelineisusedwithoutargument,itwritesthecontentsofthelastr e a d l i n e bufferto thescreen. Seealsothecurrentlinefunctionforretrievingthisbuffer.

syntax:(readutf8intfile) ReadsanUTF8characterfromafilespecifiedbythefilehandleinintfile.Thefilehandleisobtainedfromapreviousopen operation.Eachr e a d u t f 8 advancesthefilepointerbythenumberofbytescontainedintheUTF8character.Oncetheendofthe fileisreached,n i l isreturned. ThefunctionreturnsanintegervaluewhichcanbeconvertedtoadisplayableUTF8characterstringusingthecharfunction.
( s e t' f l e( o p e n" u t f 8 t e x t . t x t "" r e a d " ) ) ( w h i l e( s e t qc h r( r e a d u t f 8f l e ) ) ( p r i n t( c h a rc h r ) ) )


syntax:(readerevent[symeventhandler|funceventhandler]) syntax:(readerevent'nil) AneventhandlercanbespecifiedtohookbetweennewLISP'sreader,translationandevaluationprocess.Thefunctionspecifiedin symeventhandlerorfunceventhandlergetscalledafternewLISPtranslatesanexpressionandbeforeevaluatingit.Theevent handlercandotransformationontheexpressionbeforeitgetsevaluated. Specifyingaquotedn i l fortheeventwilldisableit.

Thefollowingonelinerr e a d e r e v e n t couldbeusedtoenhancetheinteractiveshellwithatracer:
> ( r e a d e r e v e n t( l a m b d a( e x )( p r i n t"= >"e x ) ) ) $ r e a d e r e v e n t >( +123 ) = >( +123 ) 6 >

Theexpressioninterceptedpassesthroughunchanged,butoutputisenhanced. Thefollowingexampleshowsthecoreofasimplemacrorewritepreprocessor.Afullversionisinstalledinthestandardlocationas modulefilem a c r o . l s p .

( c o n t e x t' m a c r o ) ;i n i t i a l i z em a c r ol i s t ( s e t fm a c r o l i s t' ( ) ) ;r e g i s t e r sam a c r o ( d e f i n e m a c r o( m a c r o : m a c r oc a l l pb o d y ) ( p u s h( l i s t( f i r s tc a l l p )' * )m a c r o l i s t1 ) ( e v a l( e x p a n d' ( d e f i n e m a c r oc a l l p( e x p a n d' b o d y ) )' c a l l p' b o d y ) ) ) ;t h ee v e n th a n d l e rt r a n s l a t i n ge x p r e s s i o n s ( d e f i n e( r e w r i t ee x p r ) ( i f( l i s t ?e x p r ) ( d o l i s t( p a t t e r nm a c r o l i s t ) ( i f( m a t c hp a t t e r ne x p r ) ( s e t fe x p r( e v a le x p r ) ) ( s e t r e f a l lp a t t e r ne x p r( e v a l$ i t )m a t c h ) )) ) e x p r ) ;r e g i s t e re v e n th a n d l e r ( r e a d e r e v e n tr e w r i t e ) ( c o n t e x tM A I N )

Thereadereventfunctionwillbecalledaftereachreadingofansexpressionbytheloadorevalstringfunction. Registerafunctionmacroforpreprocessing:
( m a c r o( s q u a r eX )( p o wX2 ) );m u s tu s eu p p e r c a s ev a r s ;u s et h em a c r o ( s q u a r e3 )9

Afterregisteringthemacros q u a r e newLISPwillexpandeachoccurrenceofa( s q u a r e. . . ) toa( p o w. . .2 ) expression. Note,thatvariablesinthemacrodefinitionmustbeuppercase.Themacroregisteringfunctionusesasyntaxformofe x p a n d workingonlyonuppercasevariables. Foramoredetaileddescriptionseethedocumentationform a c r o . l s p .

syntax:(realpath[strpath]) syntax:(realpathstrexecnametrue) Inthefirstsyntaxr e a l p a t h returnsthefullpathfromtherelativefilepathgiveninstrpath.Ifapathisnotgiven," . " (thecurrent

( r e a l p a t h ) " / u s r / h o m e / f r e d " ;c u r r e n td i r e c t o r y ( r e a l p a t h" . / s o m e f i l e . t x t " ) " / u s r / h o m e / f r e d / s o m e f i l e . t x t "

Inthesecondsyntaxr e a l p a t h returnsthefullpathforanexecutablefoundgiveninstrexename.Thissyntaxreliesonan environmentvariablePATHdefinedonUNIXandWindowssystems.

( r e a l p a t h" m a k e "t r u e )" / u s r / b i n / m a k e "

TheoutputlengthislimitedbytheOS'smaximumallowedpathlength.Ifr e a l p a t h fails(e.g.,becauseofanonexistentpath),n i l isreturned.

syntax:(receiveintpidsymmessage) syntax:(receive) Inthefirstsyntax,thefunctionisusedformessageexchangebetweenchildprocesseslaunchedwithspawnandtheirparent process.Themessagereceivedreplacesthecontentsinsymmessage. Thefunctionreadsonemessagefromthereceiverqueueofintpidforeachinvocation.Whenthequeueisempty,n i l isreturned.
;s e n d i n gp r o c e s s ( s e n ds p i d" h e l l o " ) t r u e ;r e c e i v i n gp r o c e s s ( r e c e i v ep i dm s g ) t r u e m s g " h e l l o "

Tomaker e c e i v e blockingandwaitforarrivingmessages,usethefollowingform:
;w a i tu n t i lam e s s a g ec a nb er e a d ( u n t i l( r e c e i v ep i dm s g ) )

Thefunctionwillloopuntilamessagecanbereadfromthequeue. Inthesecondsyntax,thefunctionreturnsalistofallchildprocesseswithpendingmessagesfortheparentprocess:
;r e a dp e n d i n gm e s s a g e sf r o mc h i l dp r o c e s s e s ( d o l i s t( p i d( r e c e i v e ) ) ( r e c e i v ep i dm s g ) ( p r i n t l n" r e c e i v e dm e s s a g e :"m s g"f r o m : "p i d ) )

ThelistofchildprocessIDsreturnedby( r e c e i v e ) onlycontainsPIDsofprocesseswhichhaveunreadmessagesintheirsend queues.The( r e c e i v ep i dm s g ) statementnowcanbeissuednonblocking,becauseitalwaysisguaranteedtofindapending messageinachild'smessagequeue. Ther e c e i v e functionisnotavailableonWin32. Foramoredetaileddiscussionofthisfunctionandexamples,seethesendfunction.


r e f searchesforthekeyexpressionexpkeyinlistandreturnsalistofintegerindicesoranemptylistifexpkeycannotbefound. r e f canworktogetherwithpushandpop,bothofwhichcanalsotakelistsofindices.

Bydefault,r e f checksifexpressionsareequal.Withfunccompare,morecomplexcomparisonfunctionscanbeused.The comparisonfunctioncanbeapreviouslydefinedfunction.Notethatthisfunctionalwaystakestwoarguments,evenifonlythe secondargumentisusedinsidethefunction. Whentheoptionalt r u e parameterispresent,theelementfoundisreturnedinsteadoftheindexvector.

;g e ti n d e xv e c t o r sf o rl i s te l e m e n t s ( s e t' p L i s t' ( ab( cd( x )e ) ) ) ( r e f' xp L i s t ) ( r e f' ( x )p L i s t ) ( 220 ) ( 22 )

;t h ek e ye x p r e s s i o ni si nav a r i a b l e ( s e t' p' ( cd( x )e ) ) ( r e fpp L i s tp ) ( 2 )

;i n d e x i n gu s i n gt h ev e c t o rr e t u r n e df r o mr e f ( s e t' v( r e f' ( x )p L i s t ) )( 22 ) ( p L i s tv )( x ) ;i fn o t h i n gi sf o u n d ,n i li sr e t u r n e d ( r e f' f o op l i s t ) n i l ;n o ts p e c i f y i n gac o m p a r i s o nf u n c t o ra s s u m e s= ( s e t' L' ( ab( cd( e )f ) ) ) ( r e f' eL ) ( r e f' eL= ) ( 220 ) ( 220 )

;ai st h ef i r s ts y m b o lw h e r eei sg r e a t e r ( r e f' eL> ) ( 0 ) ;r e t u r nt h ee l e m e n ti n s t e a do ft h ei n d e x ( r e f' eL>t r u e ) a ;u s ea na n o n y m o u sc o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o n ( r e f' eL( f n( xy )( o r( =xy )( =y' d ) ) ) ) ( 21 )

( r e f' eL( f n( xy )( o r( =xy )( =y' d ) ) )t r u e )d

Thefollowingexampleshowstheuseofmatchandunifytoformulatesearchesthatareaspowerfulasregularexpressionsarefor strings:
( s e t' L' ( ( l3 )( a1 2 )( k5 )( a1 0 )( z2 2 ) ) ) ;u s em a t c ha sac o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o n ( r e f' ( a? )Lm a t c h )( 1 ) ;u s eu n i f ya sac o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o n ( s e t' L' (( ( ab )( cd ) )( ( ee )( fg ) )) ) ( r e f' ( XX )Lu n i f y ) ( 10 )

( r e f' ( Xg )Lu n i f y )

( 11 )

( r e f' ( Xg )Lu n i f yt r u e )( fg )

The' ( XX ) patternwithunifysearchesforalistpairwherethetwoelementsareequal.Theu n i f y pattern' ( Xg ) searchesfora listpairwiththesymbolg asthesecondmember.Thepatternsarequotedtoprotectthemfromevaluation. Passthelistasadefaultfunctor:

( s e t' C : C' ( ab( cd )ef ) ) ( r e f' dC ) ( 21 )

Thisissuitablewhenpassinglistsbyreferenceusingacontext.SeealsothechapterPassingdatabyreference. Seealsotherefallfunction,whichsearchesforalloccurrencesofakeyexpressioninanestedlist.

syntax:(refallexpkeylist[funccompare[true]]) Workssimilarlytoref,butreturnsalistofallindexvectorsfoundforexpkeyinlist. Whentheoptionalt r u e parameterispresent,theelementsfoundisreturnedoftheindexvectors. Bydefault,r e f a l l checksifexpressionsareequal.Withfunccompare,morecomplexcomparisonfunctionscanbeused. Thesystemvariable$ c o u n t countsthenumberofelementsfound.
( s e t' L' ( abc( daf( aha ) )( ka( mna )( x ) ) ) ) ( r e f a l l' aL )( ( 0 )( 31 )( 330 )( 332 )( 41 )( 422 ) ) $ c o u n t6 ;t h ei n d e xv e c t o rr e t u r n e db yr e f a l lc a nb eu s e dt oi n d e xt h el i s t ( L' ( 31 ) )a ;m a p p e di m p l i c i ti n d e x i n go fL ( m a p' L( r e f a l l' aL ) )( aaaaaa ) ;w i t hc o m p a r i s o no p e r a t o r ( s e t' L' ( abc( df( hla ) )( ka( mn )( x ) ) ) ) ;n o ts p e c i f y i n gac o m p a r i s o nf u n c t o ra s s u m e s= ( r e f a l l' cL ) ( r e f a l l' cL= ) ( ( 2 ) ) ( ( 2 ) )

;l o o kf o ra l le l e m e n t sw h e r eci sg r e a t e r ( r e f a l l' cL> ) ( ( 0 )( 1 )( 322 )( 41 ) ) ( r e f a l l' cL>t r u e ) ( abaa ) ;u s ea na n o n y m o u sf u n c t i o nt oc o m p a r e ( r e f a l l' aL( f n( xy )( o r( =xy )( =y' k ) ) ) ) ( ( 0 )( 322 )( 40 )( 41 ) ) ;t h ek e yi sn i lb e c a u s et h ec o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o no n l yl o o k sa tt h es e c o n da r g u m e n t ( r e f a l ln i lL( f n( xy )( >( l e n g t hy )2 ) ) )

( ( 3 )( 32 )( 4 ) ) ;d e f i n et h ec o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o n sf i r s t ( d e f i n e( i s l o n g ?xy )( >( l e n g t hy )2 ) );t h exg e t so c c u p i e db y' n i l ( r e f a l ln i lLi s l o n g ? ) ( ( 3 )( 32 )( 4 ) )

( d e f i n e( i s i t o r dxy )( o r( =xy )( =y' d ) ) ) ( s e t' L' ( ab( cd( e )f ) )) ( r e f a l l' eLi s i t o r d ) ( ( 21 )( 220 ) )

Thecomparisonfunctioncanbeapreviouslydefinedfunction.Notethatthecomparisonfunctionalwaystakestwoarguments,even ifonlythesecondargumentisusedinsidethefunction(asintheexampleusingi s l o n g ? ). Usingthematchandunifyfunctions,listsearchescanbeformulatedthatareaspowerfulasregularexpressionsearchesarefor strings.

( s e t' L' ( ( l3 )( a1 2 )( k5 )( a1 0 )( z2 2 ) )) ;l o o kf o ra l lp a i r ss t a r i n gw i t ht h es y m b o la ( r e f a l l' ( a? )Lm a t c h ) ( ( 1 )( 3 ) ) ( r e f a l l' ( a? )Lm a t c ht r u e )( ( a1 2 )( a1 0 ) ) ;l o o kf o ra l lp a i r sw h e r ee l e m e n t sa r ee q u a l ( s e t' L' (( ( ab )( cd ) )( ( ee )( fg ) )( ( z )( z ) ) ) ) ( r e f a l l' ( XX )Lu n i f y ) ( ( 10 )( 2 ) ) ( r e f a l l' ( XX )Lu n i f yt r u e )( ( ee )( ( z )( z ) ) ) ;l o o kf o ra l lp a i r sw h e r et h es e c o n de l e m e n ti st h es y m b o lg ( s e t' L' (( ( xyz )g )( ( ab )( cd ) )( ( ee )( fg ) )) ) ( r e f a l l' ( Xg )Lu n i f y ) ( ( 0 )( 21 ) ) ( r e f a l l' ( Xg )Lu n i f yt r u e )( ( ( xyz )g )( fg ) )


syntax:(regexstrpatternstrtext[intoption[intoffset]]) PerformsaPerlCompatibleRegularExpression(PCRE)searchonstrtextwiththepatternspecifiedinstrpattern.Thesame regularexpressionpatternmatchingisalsosupportedinthefunctionsdirectory,find,findall,parse,replace,andsearchwhenusing thesefunctionsonstrings.
r e g e x returnsalistwiththematchedstringsandsubstringsandthebeginningandlengthofeachstringinsidethetext.Ifnomatchis

found,itreturnsn i l .Theoffsetnumberscanbeusedforsubsequentprocessing. Additionallyanintoptioncanbespecifiedtocontrolcertainregularexpressionoptionsexplainedlater.Theadditionalintoffset parametertellsr e g e x tostartsearchingforamatchnotatthebeginningofthestringbutatanoffset. Theoffsetandlengthnumbersinther e g e x resultsaregivenbasedonsinglebytesevenwhenrunningtheUTF8enabledversion ofnewLISP.

r e g e x alsosetsthevariables$ 0 ,$ 1 , and$ 2 totheexpressionandsubexpressionsfound.JustlikeanyothersymbolinnewLISP,

thesevariablesortheirequivalentexpressions( $0 ) ,( $1 ) , and( $2 ) canbeusedinothernewLISPexpressionsforfurther

processing. Functionsusingregularexpressionswillnotresetthe$ 0 ,$ 1. . .$ 1 5 variableston i l whennomatchisfound.

( r e g e x" b + "" a a a a b b b a a a a " ) ( " b b b "43 ) ;c a s e i n s e n s i t i v es e a r c ho p t i o n1 ( r e g e x" b + "" A A A A B B B A A A A "1 ) ( " B B B "43 ) ( r e g e x" [ b B ] + "" A A A A B b B A A A A ") ( " B b B "43 ) ( r e g e x" h t t p : / / ( . * ) : ( . * ) "" h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 " ) ( " h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 "02 2" n u e v a t e c . c o m "71 2" 8 0 "2 02 ) $ 0 " h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 " $ 1 " n u e v a t e c . c o m " $ 2 " 8 0 " ( d o t i m e s( i3 )( p r i n t l n( $i ) ) ) h t t p : / / n u e v a t e c . c o m : 8 0 n u e v a t e c . c o m 8 0 " 8 0 "

Thesecondexampleshowstheusageofextraoptions,whilethethirdexampledemonstratesmorecomplexparsingoftwo subexpressionsthatweremarkedbyparenthesesinthesearchpattern.Inthelastexample,theexpressionandsubexpressionsare retrievedusingthesystemvariables$ 0 to$ 2 ortheirequivalentexpression( $0 ) to( $2 ) . When" " (quotes)areusedtodelimitstringsthatincludeliteralbackslashes,thebackslashmustbedoubledintheregularexpression pattern.Asanalternative,{ } (curlybrackets)or[ t e x t ] and[ / t e x t ] (texttags)canbeusedtodelimittextstrings.Inthesecases, noextrabackslashesarerequired. CharactersescapedbyabackslashinnewLISP(e.g.,thequote\ " or\ n )neednottobedoubledinaregularexpressionpattern, whichitselfisdelimitedbyquotes.
; ;d o u b l eb a c k s l a s hf o rp a r e n t h e s e sa n do t h e rs p e c i a lc h a ri nr e g e x ( r e g e x" \ \ ( a b c \ \ ) "" x y z ( a b c ) x y z " ) ( " ( a b c ) "35 ) ; ;d o u b l eb a c k s l a s hf o rb a c k s l a s h( s p e c i a lc h a ri nr e g e x ) ( r e g e x" \ \ d { 1 , 3 } "" q w e r t y 5 6 7 a s d f g " ) ( " 5 6 7 "63 ) ; ;o n eb a c k s l a s hf o rq u o t e s( s p e c i a lc h a ri nn e w L I S P ) ( r e g e x" \ " "" a b c \ " d e f " ) ( " \ " "31 ) ; ;b r a c k e t sa sd e l i m i t e r s ( r e g e x{ \ ( a b c \ ) }" x y z ( a b c ) x y z " ) ( " ( a b c ) "35 ) ; ;b r a c k e t sa sd e l i m i t e r sa n dq u o t ei np a t t e r n ( r e g e x{ " }" a b c \ " d e f " ) ( " \ " "31 ) ; ;t e x tt a g sa sd e l i m i t e r s ,g o o df o rm u l t i l i n et e x ti nC G I ( r e g e x[ t e x t ] \ ( a b c \ ) [ / t e x t ]" x y z ( a b c ) x y z " ) ( " ( a b c ) "35 ) ( r e g e x[ t e x t ] " [ / t e x t ]" a b c \ " d e f " ) ( " \ " "31 )

Whencurlybracketsortexttagsareusedtodelimitthepatternstringinsteadofquotes,asimplebackslashissufficient.Thepattern andstringarethenpassedinrawformtotheregularexpressionroutines.Whencurlybracketsareusedinsideapatternitself delimitedbycurlybrackets,theinnerbracketsmustbebalanced,asfollows:

; ;b r a c k e t si n s i d eb r a c k e t sa r eb a l a n c e d ( r e g e x{ \ d { 1 , 3 } }" q w e r t y 5 6 7 a s d f g " ) ( " 5 6 7 "63 )

Thefollowingconstantscanbeusedforintoption.Severaloptionscanbecombinedusingabinaryor| (pipe)operator.E.g.( |1 4 ) wouldcombineoptions1 and4 .TheuppercasenamesareusedinthePCREregexdocumentationandcouldbepredefinedin i n i t . l s p .ThelastoptionisanewLISPcustomoptiononlytobeusedinreplaceitcanbecombinedwithPCREoptions. PCREname PCRE_CASELESS PCRE_MULTILINE no 1 2 description treatuppercaselikelowercase limitsearchatanewlinelikePerl's/m


4 8 16

.(dot)alsomatchesnewline ignorewhitespaceexceptinsidecharclass anchoratthestart $matchesatendofstring,notbeforenewline additionalfunctionalitycurrentlynotused firstch,notstartofline^shouldn'tmatch lastchar,notendofline$shouldn'tmatch invertgreedinessofquantifiers emptystringconsideredinvalid


2048 patternandstringsasUTF8characters 0x8000 replaceonlyoneoccurrenceonlyforuseinreplace 0x10000 patternisprecompiled,canonlybecombinedwithRREPLACE_ONCE0x8000

ThesettingsofthePCRE_CASELESS,PCRE_MULTILINE,PCRE_DOTALL,andPCRE_EXTENDEDoptionscanbe changedfromwithinthepatternbyasequenceofoptionlettersenclosedbetween"(?"and")".Theoptionlettersare: i forPCRE_CASELESS m forPCRE_MULTILINE s forPCRE_DOTALL x forPCRE_EXTENDED

Notethatregularexpressionsyntaxisverycomplexandfeaturerichwithmanyspecialcharactersandforms.Pleaseconsultabook orthePCREmanualpagesformoredetail.MostPERLbooksorintroductionstoLinuxorUnixalsocontainchaptersaboutregular expressions.Seealsohttp://www.pcre.orgforfurtherreferencesandmanualpages. Regularexpressionpatternscanbeprecompiledforhigherspeedwhenusingchangingrepetitivepatternswithregexcomp.

syntax:(regexcompstrpattern[intoption]) newLISPautomaticallycompilesregularexpressionpatternsandcachesthelastcompilationtospeeduprepetitivepatternsearches. Ifpatternschangefromonetothenext,butarerepeatedoverandoveragain,thenthecachingofthelastpatternisnotsufficient. r e g e x c o m p canbeusedtoprecompilerepetitivepatternstospeedupregularexpressionsearches:
;s l o w e rw i t h o u tp r e c o m p i l a t i o n ( d o l i s t( l i n ep a g e ) ( r e p l a c ep a t t e r n s t r 1l i n er e p l 10 ) ( r e p l a c ep a t t e r n s t r 2l i n er e p l 25 1 2 ) ) ;f a s tw i t hp r e c o m p i l a t i o na n do p t i o n0 x 1 0 0 0 0 ( s e t' p 1( r e g e x c o m pp a t t e r n s t r 1 ) ) ( s e t' p 2( r e g e x c o m pp a t t e r n s t r 25 1 2 ) ) ( d o l i s t( l i n ep a g e ) ( r e p l a c ep 1l i n er e p l 10 x 1 0 0 0 0 ) ( r e p l a c ep 2l i n er e p l 20 x 1 0 0 0 0 ) )

Whenusingprecompiledpatternsinanyofthefunctionsusingregularexpressions,theoptionnumberissetto0 x 1 0 0 0 0 tosignal thatprecompiledpatternsareused.Normalpatternoptionsarespecifiedduringprecompilationwithr e g e x c o m p .The0 x 1 0 0 0 0 optioncanonlybecombinedwith0 x 8 0 0 0 ,theoptionusedtospecifythatonlyonereplacementshouldbemadewhenusing replace. Thefunctionendswithshouldnotbeusedwithcompiledpatterns,asittriestoappendtoanuncompiledpatterninternally.

syntax:(removedirstrpath) Removesthedirectorywhosepathnameisspecifiedinstrpath.Thedirectorymustbeemptyforr e m o v e d i r tosucceed.Returns n i l onfailure.
( r e m o v e d i r" t e m p " )

Removesthedirectoryt e m p inthecurrentdirectory.

syntax:(renamefilestrpatholdstrpathnew) Renamesafileordirectoryentrygiveninthepathnamestrpatholdtothenamegiveninstrpathnew.Returnsn i l ort r u e dependingontheoperation'ssuccess.
( r e n a m e f i l e" d a t a . l i s p "" d a t a . b a c k u p " )

syntax:(replaceexpkeylistexpreplacement[funccompare]) syntax:(replaceexpkeylist) syntax:(replacestrkeystrdataexpreplacement) syntax:(replacestrpatternstrdataexpreplacementintregexoption)

Ifthesecondargumentisalist,r e p l a c e replacesallelementsinthelistlistthatareequaltotheexpressioninexpkey.Theelement isreplacedwithexpreplacement.Ifexpreplacementismissing,allinstancesofexpkeywillbedeletedfromlist. Notethatr e p l a c e isdestructive.Itchangesthelistpassedtoitandreturnsthechangedlist.Thenumberofreplacementsmadeis containedinthesystemvariable$ c o u n t whenthefunctionreturns.Duringexecutionsofthereplacementexpression,theanaphoric systemvariable$ i t issettotheexpressiontobereplaced. Optionally,funccomparecanspecifyacomparisonoperatororuserdefinedfunction.Bydefault,funccompareisthe= (equals sign).
; ;l i s tr e p l a c e m e n t

( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcdeabcd ) ) ( r e p l a c e' ba L i s t' B ) ( aBcdeaBcd ) a L i s t ( aBcdeaBcd ) $ c o u n t2 ;n u m b e ro fr e p l a c e m e n t s ; ;l i s tr e p l a c e m e n tw i t hs p e c i a lc o m p a r ef u n c t o r / f u n c t i o n ;r e p l a c ea l ln u m b e r sw h e r e1 0<n u m b e r ( s e t' L' ( 142 2568 9232 4 ) ) ( r e p l a c e1 0L1 0< )( 141 0561 0231 0 ) $ c o u n t3 ;s a m ea s : ( r e p l a c e1 0L1 0( f n( xy )( <xy ) ) )( 141 0561 0231 0 ) ;c h a n g en a m e s t r i n gt os y m b o l ,xi si g n o r e da sn i l ( s e t' A L' ( ( j o h n564 )( " m a r y "347 )( b o b4279 )( " j a n e "3 ) ) ) ( r e p l a c en i lA L( c o n s( s y m( $ i t0 ) )( r e s t$ i t ) ) ( f n( xy )( s t r i n g ?( y0 ) ) ) );p a r a m e t e rx=n i ln o tu s e d ( ( j o h n564 )( m a r y347 )( b o b4279 )( j a n e3 ) ) ;u s e$ c o u n ti nt h er e p l a c e m e n te x p r e s s i o n ( r e p l a c e' a' ( ababab )( l i s t$ c o u n t$ i t )= ) ( ( 1a )b( 2a )b( 3a )b )

;c a l c u l a t et h es u mi na l la s s o c i a t i o n sw i t h' m a r y ( s e t' A L' ( ( j o h n564 )( m a r y347 )( b o b4279 )( j a n e3 ) ) ) ( r e p l a c e' ( m a r y* ) A L( l i s t' m a r y( a p p l y+( r e s t$ i t ) ) )m a t c h ) ( ( j o h n564 )( m a r y1 4 )( b o b4279 )( j a n e3 ) ) $ c o u n t1 ;m a k es u mi na l le x p r e s s i o n s ( s e t' A L' ( ( j o h n564 )( m a r y347 )( b o b4279 )( j a n e3 ) ) ) ( r e p l a c e' ( * )A L( l i s t( $ i t0 )( a p p l y+( r e s t$ i t ) ) )m a t c h ) ( ( j o h n1 5 )( m a r y1 4 )( b o b2 2 )( j a n e3 ) ) $ c o u n t4 ;u s i n gu n i f y ,r e p l a c eo n l yi fe l e m e n t sa r ee q u a l ( r e p l a c e' ( XX )' ( ( 31 0 )( 25 )( 44 )( 67 )( 88 ) )( l i s t( $ i t0 )' d o u b l e( $ i t1 ) )u n i f y ) ( ( 31 0 )( 25 )( 4d o u b l e4 )( 67 )( 8d o u b l e8 ) )

Thelastformofr e p l a c e hasonlytwoarguments:theexpressionexpandlist.Thisformremovesallexpsfoundinlist.
; ;r e m o v i n ge l e m e n t sf r o mal i s t ( s e t' l s t' ( abaacdafg ) ) ( r e p l a c e' al s t ) ( bcdfg ) l s t ( bcdfg ) $ c o u n t4

Ifallargumentsarestrings,r e p l a c e replacesalloccurrencesofstrkeyinstrdatawiththeevaluatedexpreplacement,returningthe changedstring.Theexpressioninexpreplacementisevaluatedforeveryreplacement.Thenumberofreplacementsmadeis containedinthesystemvariable$ c o u n t .Thisformofr e p l a c e canalsoprocessbinary0 s(zeros).

; ;s t r i n gr e p l a c e m e n t ( s e t' s t r" t h i si s as e n t e n c e " ) ( r e p l a c e" i s a "s t r" i sa " ) " t h i si sas e n t e n c e " $ c o u n t1

Thepresenceofafourthparameterindicatesthataregularexpressionsearchshouldbeperformedwitharegularexpressionpattern specifiedinstrpatternandanoptionnumberspecifiedinintoption(e.g.,1 (one)forcaseinsensitivesearchingor0 (zero)fora standardPerlCompatibleRegularExpression(PCRE)search).Seeregexabovefordetails. Bydefault,r e p l a c e replacesalloccurrencesofasearchstringevenifabeginningoflinespecificationisincludedinthesearch pattern.Aftereachreplace,anewsearchisstartedatanewpositioninstrdata.Settingtheoptionbitto0 x 8 0 0 0 inintoptionwill forcer e p l a c e toreplaceonlythefirstoccurrence.Thechangedstringisreturned.
r e p l a c e withregularexpressionsalsosetstheinternalvariables$ 0 ,$ 1 , and$ 2 withthecontentsoftheexpressionsand

subexpressionsfound.Theanaphoricsystemvariable$ i t issettothesamevalueas$ 0 .Thesecanbeusedtoperformreplacements thatdependonthecontentfoundduringreplacement.Thesymbols$ i t ,$ 0 ,$ 1 , and$ 2 canbeusedinexpressionsjustlikeany othersymbols.Ifthereplacementexpressionevaluatestosomethingotherthanastring,noreplacementismade.Asanalternative, thecontentsofthesevariablescanalsobeaccessedbyusing( $0 ) ,( $1 ) ,( $2 ) , andsoforth.Thismethodallowsindexed access(e.g.,( $i ) ,wherei isaninteger). Afterallreplacementsaremade,thenumberofreplacementsiscontainedinthesystemvariable$ c o u n t .
; ;u s i n gt h eo p t i o np a r a m e t e rt oe m p l o yr e g u l a re x p r e s s i o n s ( s e t' s t r" Z Z Z Z Z x Z Z Z Z y y " ) " Z Z Z Z Z x Z Z Z Z y y " ( r e p l a c e" [ x | y ] "s t r" P P "0 ) " Z Z Z Z Z P P Z Z Z Z P P P P " s t r " Z Z Z Z Z P P Z Z Z Z P P P P " ; ;u s i n gs y s t e mv a r i a b l e sf o rd y n a m i cr e p l a c e m e n t ( s e t' s t r" a x b a y b " ) ( r e p l a c e" ( a ) ( . ) ( b ) "s t r( a p p e n d$ 3$ 2$ 1 )0 ) " b x a b y a " s t r " b x a b y a " ; ;u s i n gt h e' r e p l a c eo n c e 'o p t i o nb i t0 x 8 0 0 0 ( r e p l a c e" a "" a a a "" X "0 ) " X X X " ( r e p l a c e" a "" a a a "" X "0 x 8 0 0 0 ) " X a a " ; ;U R Lt r a n s l a t i o no fh e xc o d e sw i t hd y n a m i cr e p l a c e m e n t ( s e t' s t r" x x x % 4 1 x x x % 4 2 " ) ( r e p l a c e" % ( [ 0 9 A F ] [ 0 9 A F ] ) "s t r ( c h a r( i n t( a p p e n d" 0 x "$ 1 ) ) )1 ) s t r " x x x A x x x B "

$ c o u n t2

Thesetffunctiontogetherwithnth,firstorlastcanalsobeusedtochangeelementsinalist. Seedirectory,find,findall,parse,regex,andsearchforotherfunctionsusingregularexpressions.


syntax:(resettrue) Inthefirstsyntax,r e s e t returnstothetoplevelofevaluation,switchesthetracemodeoff,andswitchestotheMAIN context/namespace.r e s e t restoresthetoplevelvariableenvironmentusingthesavedvariableenvironmentsonthestack.Italso firesanerror"userresetnoerror".Thisbehaviorcanbeusedwhenwritingerrorhandlers.

r e s e t mayreturnmemorythatwasclaimedbynewLISPtotheoperatingsystem.r e s e t walksthroughtheentirecellspace,which

r e s e t occursautomaticallyafteranerrorcondition.

Inthesecondsyntax,r e s e t willstopthecurrentprocessandstartanewcleannewLISPprocesswiththesamecommandline parameters.ThismodewillonlyworkwhennewLISPwasstartedusingitsfullpathname,e.g./ u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p insteadofonly n e w l i s p .ThismodeisnotavailableonWin32.

syntax:(restlist) syntax:(restarray) syntax:(reststr) Returnsalloftheitemsinalistorastring,exceptforthefirst.r e s t isequivalenttocdrortailinotherLispdialects.
( r e s t' ( 1234 ) ) ( r e s t' ( ( ab )cd ) ) ( s e t' a L i s t' ( abcde ) ) ( r e s ta L i s t ) ( f i r s t( r e s ta L i s t ) ) ( r e s t( r e s ta L i s t ) ) ( r e s t( f i r s t' ( ( ab )cd ) ) ) ( 234 ) ( cd ) ( abcde ) ( bcde ) b ( de ) ( b )

( s e t' A( a r r a y23( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) ) ( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 ) ) ( r e s tA ) ( ( 34 )( 56 ) ) ( r e s t' ( ) )( )

Inthesecondversion,r e s t returnsallbutthefirstcharacterofthestringstrinastring.
( r e s t" n e w L I S P " ) " e w L I S P " ( f i r s t( r e s t" n e w L I S P " ) ) " e "

Seealsothefirstandlastfunctions. Notethatanimplicitrestisavailableforlists.SeethechapterImplicitrestandslice. NotethatrestworksoncharacterboundariesratherthanbyteboundarieswhentheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISPisused.

syntax:(reverselist) syntax:(reversestring) Inthefirstform,r e v e r s e reversesandreturnsthelist.Notethatr e v e r s e isdestructiveandchangestheoriginallist.

( s e t' l' ( 123456789 ) ) ( r e v e r s el ) ( 987654321 ) l ( 987654321 )

Inthesecondform,r e v e r s e isusedtoreversetheorderofcharactersinastring.
( s e t' s t r" n e w L I S P " ) ( r e v e r s es t r ) " P S I L w e n " s t r " P S I L w e n "


syntax:(rotatelist[intcount]) syntax:(rotatestr[intcount]) Rotatesandreturnsthelistorstringinstr.Acountcanbeoptionallyspecifiedinintcounttorotatemorethanoneposition.Ifint countispositive,therotationistotherightifintcountisnegative,therotationistotheleft.Ifnointcountisspecified,r o t a t e rotates1totheright.r o t a t e isadestructivefunctionthatchangesthecontentsoftheoriginallistorstring.
( s e t' l' ( 123456789 ) ) ( r o t a t el ) ( 912345678 ) ( r o t a t el2 ) ( 789123456 ) l ( 789123456 ) ( r o t a t el3 ) ( 123456789 ) ( s e t' s t r" n e w L I S P " ) ( r o t a t es t r ) " P n e w L I S " ( r o t a t es t r3 ) " L I S P n e w " ( r o t a t es t r4 ) " n e w L I S P "

Whenworkingonastring,r o t a t e worksonbyteboundariesratherthancharacterboundaries.

syntax:(roundnumber[intdigits]) Roundsthenumberinnumbertothenumberofdigitsgiveninintdigits.Whendecimalsarebeingrounded,intdigitsisnegative.It ispositivewhentheintegerpartofanumberisbeingrounded. Ifintdigitsisomitted,thefunctionroundsto0 decimaldigits.
( r o u n d1 2 3 . 4 92 ) ( r o u n d1 2 3 . 4 91 ) ( r o u n d1 2 3 . 4 90 ) ( r o u n d1 2 3 . 4 9 ) ( r o u n d1 2 3 . 4 91 ) ( r o u n d1 2 3 . 4 92 ) 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 . 5 1 2 3 . 4 9


syntax:(savestrfile) syntax:(savestrfilesym1[sym2...]) Inthefirstsyntax,thes a v e functionwritesthecontentsofthenewLISPworkspace(intextualform)tothefilestrfile.s a v e isthe inversefunctionofl o a d .Usingl o a d onfilescreatedwiths a v e causesnewLISPtoreturntothesamestateaswhens a v e was originallyinvoked.Systemsymbolsstartingwiththe$ character(e.g.,$ 0 fromregularexpressionsor$ m a i n a r g s fromthe commandline),symbolsofbuiltinfunctionsandsymbolscontainingn i l arenotsaved. Inthesecondsyntax,symbolscanbesuppliedasarguments.Ifsymnissupplied,onlythedefinitionofthatsymbolissaved.Ifsym nevaluatestoacontext,allsymbolsinthatcontextaresaved.Morethanonesymbolcanbespecified,andsymbolsandcontext symbolscanbemixed.Whencontextsaresaved,systemvariablesandsymbolsstartingwiththe$ characterarenotsaved. Specifyingsystemsymbolsexplicitlycausesthemtobesaved. Eachsymbolissavedbymeansofasetstatementorifthesymbolcontainsalambdaorlambdamacrofunctionbymeansof defineordefinemacrostatements.
s a v e returnst r u e oncompletion. ( s a v e" s a v e . l s p " ) ( s a v e" / h o m e / m y s e l f / m y f u n c . L S P "' m y f u n c ) ( s a v e" f i l e : / / / h o m e / m y s e l f / m y f u n c . L S P "' m y f u n c ) ( s a v e" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m : 8 0 8 0 / / h o m e / m y s e l f / m y f u n c . L S P "' m y f u n c ) ( s a v e" m y c o n t e x t . l s p "' m y c o n t e x t ) ; ;m u l t i p l ea r g s ( s a v e" s t u f f . l s p "' a C o n t e x t' m y F u n c' $ m a i n a r g s' A c o n t e x t )

BecauseallcontextsymbolsarepartofthecontextM A I N ,savingM A I N savesallcontexts. SavingtoaURLwillcauseanHTTPPUTrequesttobesenttotheURL.Inthismode,s a v e canalsobeusedtopushprogram sourcetoremotenewLISPservernodes.Notethatadoublebackslashisrequiredwhenpathnamesarespecifiedrelativetotheroot directory.s a v e inH T T P modewillobservea60secondtimeout. Symbolsmadeusingsymthatareincompatiblewiththenormalsyntaxrulesforsymbolsareserializedusingasymstatementinstead ofasetstatement.
s a v e serializescontextsandsymbolsasifthecurrentcontextisM A I N .Regardlessofthecurrentcontext,s a v e willalwaysgenerate

thesameoutput. Seealsothefunctionsload(theinverseoperationofs a v e )andsource,whichsavessymbolsandcontextstoastringinsteadofafile.

syntax:(searchintfilestrsearch[boolflag[intoptions]]) Searchesafilespecifiedbyitshandleinintfileforastringinstrsearch.intfilecanbeobtainedfromapreviousopenfile.Afterthe search,thefilepointerispositionedatthebeginningortheendofthesearchedstringorattheendofthefileifnothingisfound. Bydefault,thefilepointerispositionedatthebeginningofthesearchedstring.Ifboolflagevaluatestot r u e ,thenthefilepointeris

positionedattheendofthesearchedstring. Inintoptions,theoptionsflagscanbespecifiedtoperformaPCREregularexpressionsearch.Seethefunctionregexfordetails.If intoptionsisnotspecifiedafaster,plainstringsearchisperformed.s e a r c h returnsthenewfilepositionorn i l ifnothingisfound. Whenusingtheregularexpressionoptionsflag,patternsfoundarestoredinthesystemvariables$ 0 to$ 1 5 .

( s e t' f i l e( o p e n" i n i t . l s p "" r e a d " ) ) ( s e a r c hf i l e" d e f i n e " ) ( p r i n t( r e a d l i n ef i l e )" \ n " ) ( c l o s ef i l e ) ( s e t' f i l e( o p e n" p r o g r a m . c "" r " ) ) ( w h i l e( s e a r c hf i l e" # d e f i n e( . * ) "t r u e0 )( p r i n t l n$ 1 ) ) ( c l o s ef i l e )

Thefilei n i t . l s p isopenedandsearchedforthestringd e f i n e andthelineinwhichthestringoccursisprinted. Thesecondexamplelooksforalllinesinthefilep r o g r a m . c whichstartwiththestring# d e f i n e andprintstherestofthelineafter thestring"#define". Forotherfunctionsusingregularexpressions,seedirectory,find,findall,parse,regex,andreplace.

syntax:(seedintseed) Seedstheinternalrandomgeneratorthatgeneratesnumbersforamb,normal,rand,andrandomwiththenumberspecifiedinint seed.NotethattherandomgeneratorusedinnewLISPistheClibraryfunctionrand().AllrandomizingfunctionsinnewLISPare basedonthisfunction. Notethatthemaximumvalueforintseedislimitedto16or32bits,dependingontheoperatingsystemused.Internally,onlythe32 leastsignificantbitsarepassedtotherandomseedfunctionoftheOS.
( s e e d1 2 3 4 5 ) ( s e e d( t i m e o f d a y ) )

Afterusings e e d withthesamenumber,therandomgeneratorstartsthesamesequenceofnumbers.Thisfacilitatesdebugging whenrandomizeddataareinvolved.Usings e e d ,thesamerandomsequencescanbegeneratedoverandoveragain. Thesecondexampleisusefulforguaranteeingadifferentseedanytimetheprogramstarts.

syntax:(self[intindex...]) Thefunctions e l f accessesthetargetobjectofaFOOPmethod.Oneormoreintindexareusedtoaccesstheobjectmembers.s e l f issetbythe:colonoperator. Objectsreferencedwiths e l f aremutable:
( n e wC l a s s' C i r c l e ) ( d e f i n e( C i r c l e : m o v ed xd y )

( i n c( s e l f1 )d x ) ( i n c( s e l f2 )d y ) ) ( s e t' a C i r c l e( C i r c l e123 ) ) ( : m o v ea C i r c l e1 02 0 ) a C i r c l e( C i r c l e1 12 23 ) ;o b j e c t sc a nb ea n o n y m o u s ( s e t' c i r c l e s' ( ( C i r c l e123 )( C i r c l e456 ) ) ) ( : m o v e( c i r c l e s0 )1 02 0 ) ( : m o v e( c i r c l e s1 )1 02 0 ) c i r c l e s( ( C i r c l e1 12 23 )( C i r c l e1 42 56 ) )


syntax:(seekintfile[intposition]) Setsthefilepointertothenewpositionintpositioninthefilespecifiedbyintfile.Thenewpositionisexpressedasanoffsetfrom thebeginningofthefile,0 (zero)meaningthebeginningofthefile.Ifnointpositionisspecified,s e e k returnsthecurrentposition inthefile.Ifintfileis0 (zero),onBSD,s e e k willreturnthenumberofcharactersprintedtoSTDOUT,andonLinuxandWin32,it willreturn1 .Onfailure,s e e k returnsn i l .Whenintpositionissetto1 ,s e e k setsthefilepointertotheendofthefile.
s e e k cansetthefilepositionpastthecurrentendofthefile.Subsequentwritingtothispositionwillextendthefileandfillunused

( s e t' f i l e( o p e n" m y f i l e "" r e a d " ) ) 5 ( s e e kf i l e1 0 0 ) 1 0 0 ( s e e kf i l e ) 1 0 0 ( o p e n" n e w l i s p _ m a n u a l . h t m l "" r e a d " ) ( s e e kf i l e1 ) ;s e e kt oE O F 5 9 3 8 1 6 ( s e t' f l e( o p e n" l a r g e f i l e "" r e a d " ) ( s e e kf i l e3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


syntax:(selectlistlistselection) syntax:(selectlist[intindex_i...]) syntax:(selectstringlistselection) syntax:(selectstring[intindex_i...]) Inthefirsttwoforms,s e l e c t picksoneormoreelementsfromlistusingoneormoreindicesspecifiedinlistselectionortheint index_i.
( s e t' l s t' ( abcdefg ) ) ( s e l e c tl s t' ( 03253 ) ) ( adcfd )

( s e l e c tl s t' ( 210 ) ) ( fga ) ( s e l e c tl s t210 ) ( fga )

Inthesecondtwoforms,s e l e c t picksoneormorecharactersfromstringusingoneormoreindicesspecifiedinlistselectionorthe intindex_i.

( s e t' s t r" a b c d e f g " ) ( s e l e c ts t r' ( 03253 ) ) " a d c f d " ( s e l e c ts t r' ( 210 ) ) " f g a " ( s e l e c ts t r210 ) " f g a "

Selectedelementscanberepeatedanddonothavetoappearinorder,althoughthisspeedsupprocessing.Theorderinlistselection orintindex_icanbechangedtorearrangeelements.

syntax:(semaphore) syntax:(semaphoreintid) syntax:(semaphoreintidintwait) syntax:(semaphoreintidintsignal) syntax:(semaphoreintid0) Asemaphoreisaninterprocesssynchronizationobjectthatmaintainsacountbetween0 (zero)andsomemaximumvalue.Usefulin controllingaccesstoasharedresource,asemaphoreissettosignaledwhenitscountisgreaterthanzeroandtononsignaledwhen itscountiszero. Asemaphoreiscreatedusingthefirstsyntax.ThisreturnsthesemaphoreID,anintegerusedsubsequentlyasintidwhenthe semaphorefunctioniscalled.Initially,thesemaphorehasavalueofzero,whichrepresentsthenonsignaledstate. Ifcallings e m a p h o r e withanegativevalueinintwaitcausesittobedecrementedbelowzero,thefunctioncallwillblockuntil anotherprocesssignalsthesemaphorewithapositivevalueinintsignal.Callstothesemaphorewithintwaitorintsignal effectivelytrytoincrementordecrementthesemaphorevaluebyapositiveornegativevaluespecifiedinintsignalorintwait. Becausethevalueofasemaphoremustneverfallbelowzero,thefunctioncallwillblockwhenthisisattempted(i.e.,asemaphore withavalueofzerowillblockuntilanotherprocessincreasesthevaluewithapositiveintsignal). Thesecondsyntaxisusedtoinquireaboutthevalueofasemaphorebycallings e m a p h o r e withtheintidonly.Thisformisnot availableonWin32. Supplying0 (zero)asthelastargumentwillreleasesystemresourcesforthesemaphore,whichthenbecomesunavailable.Any pendingwaitsonthissemaphoreinotherchildprocesseswillbereleased. OnWin32,onlyparentandchildprocessescanshareasemaphore.OnLinux/Unix,independentprocessescanshareasemaphore. Onfailurethes e m a p h o r e functionreturnsn i l .syserrorcanbeusedtoretrievetheerrornumberandtextfromtheunderlying operatingsystem. Thefollowingcodeexamplessummarizethedifferentsyntaxforms:
; ;i n i ts e m a p h o r e s ( s e m a p h o r e )

; ;a s s i g nas e m a p h o r et os i d ( s e t' s i d( s e m a p h o r e ) ) ; ;i n q u i r et h es t a t eo fas e m a p h o r e( n o to nW i n 3 2 ) ( s e m a p h o r es i d ) ; ;p u ts i ds e m a p h o r ei nw a i ts t a t e( 1 ) ( s e m a p h o r es i d1 ) ; ;r u ns i ds e m a p h o r ep r e v i o u s l yp u ti nw a i t( a l w a y s1 ) ( s e m a p h o r es i d1 ) ; ;r u ns i ds e m a p h o r ew i t hXt i m e sas k i p( b a c k w a r do rf o r w a r d )o nt h ef u n c t i o n ( s e m a p h o r es i dX ) ; ;r e l e a s es i ds e m a p h o r es y s t e m w i d e( a l w a y s0 ) ( s e m a p h o r es i d0 )

; ;c o u n t e rp r o c e s so u t p u ti nb o l d ( d e f i n e( c o u n t e rn ) ( p r i n t l n" c o u n t e rs t a r t e d " ) ( d o t i m e s( xn ) ( s e m a p h o r es i d1 ) ( p r i n t l nx ) ) ) ; ;h i te x t r a< e n t e r >t om a k et h ep r o m p tc o m eb a c k ; ;a f t e ro u t p u tt ot h ec o n s o l ef r o mt h ec o u n t e rp r o c e s s >( s e t' s i d( s e m a p h o r e ) ) >( s e m a p h o r es i d ) 0 >( f o r k( c o u n t e r1 0 0 ) ) c o u n t e rs t a r t e d >( s e m a p h o r es i d1 ) 0 >( s e m a p h o r es i d3 ) 1 2 3 >( s e m a p h o r es i d2 ) 4 5 >_

Afterthesemaphoreisacquiredins i d ,ithasavalueof0 (thenonsignaledstate).Whenstartingtheprocessc o u n t e r ,the semaphorewillblockaftertheinitialstartmessageandwillwaitinthesemaphorecall.The1 istryingtodecrementthesemaphore, whichisnotpossiblebecauseitsvalueisalreadyzero.Intheinteractive,mainparentprocess,thesemaphoreissignaledbyraising itsvalueby1 .Thisunblocksthesemaphorecallinthec o u n t e r process,whichcannowdecrementthesemaphorefrom1 to0 and executethep r i n t statement.Whenthesemaphorecallisreachedagain,itwillblockbecausethesemaphoreisalreadyinthewait (0 )state. Subsequentcallstos e m a p h o r e withnumbersgreaterthan1 givethec o u n t e r processanopportunitytodecrementthesemaphore severaltimesbeforeblocking. Morethanoneprocesscanparticipateincontrollingthesemaphore,justasmorethanonesemaphorecanbecreated.Themaximum numberofsemaphoresiscontrolledbyasystemwidekernelsettingonUnixlikeoperatingsystems. Usetheforkfunctiontostartanewprocessandthesharefunctiontoshareinformationbetweenprocesses.Foramore comprehensiveexampleofusings e m a p h o r e tosynchronizeprocesses,seethefilep r o d c o n s . l s p exampleinthee x a m p l e s directoryinthesourcedistribution,aswellastheexamplesandmodulesdistributedwithnewLISP.

syntax:(sendintpidexp) syntax:(send) Thes e n d functionenablescommunicationbetweenparentandchildprocessesstartedwithspawn.Parentprocessescansendand receivemessagestoandfromtheirchildprocessesandchildprocessescansendandreceivemessagestoandfromtheirparent process.Aproxytechniqueshownfurtherdownisemployedtocommunicatebetweenchildprocesspeers.s e n d andreceivedo notrequirelocksorsemaphores.Theyworkondualsendandreceivemessagequeues. Processesstartedusingforkorprocesscannotuses e n d andr e c e i v e messagefunctions.Insteadtheyshoulduseeithersharewith semaphoreorpipetocommunicate. Thes e n d functionisnotavailableonWin32. Inthefirstsyntaxs e n d isusedtosendamessagefromaparenttoachildprocessorachildtoaparentprocess. Thesecondsyntaxisonlyusedbyparentprocessestogetalistofallchildprocessesreadytoacceptmessagefromtheparentin theirreceivequeues.Ifachild'sreceivequeueisfull,itwillnotbepartofthelistreturnedbythe( s e n d ) statement. ThecontentofamessagemaybeanynewLISPexpressioneitheratomicorlistexpressions:booleanconstantsn i l andt r u e , integers,floatingpointnumbersorstrings,oranylistexpressioninvalidnewLISPsyntax.Thesizeofamessageisunlimited. Theexpparameterspecifiesthedatatobesenttotherecipientinintpid.Therecipientcanbeeitheraspawnedchildprocessofthe currentprocessortheparentprocess.Ifamessagequeueisfull,itcanbereadfromthereceivingend,butas e n d issuedontheother sideofthequeuewillfailandreturnn i l .
;c h i l dp r o c e s sd i s p a t c h i n gm e s s a g et op a r e n t ( s e t' p p i d( s y s i n f o4 ) );g e tp a r e n tp i d ( s e n dp p i d" h e l l o " );s e n dm e s s a g e

;p a r e n tp r o c e s sr e c e i v i n gm e s s a g ef r o mc h i l d ( r e c e i v ec h i l d p i dm s g )t r u e m s g " h e l l o "

Whenthes e n d queueisfull,s e n d willreturnn i l untilenoughmessagecontentisreadonthereceivingsideofthequeueandthe queueisreadytoacceptnewmessagesfroms e n d statements. Usingtheuntilloopingfunction,themessagestatementscanberepeateduntiltheyreturnavaluenotn i l .Thisway,nonblocking s e n d andr e c e i v e canbemadeblockinguntiltheysucceed:
;b l o c k i n gs e n d e r ( u n t i l( s e n dp i dm s g ) );t r u ea f t e rm e s s a g ei sq u e u e du p ;b l o c k i n gr e c e i v e r ( u n t i l( r e c e i v ep i dm s g ) );t r u ea f t e rm e s s a g ec o u l db er e a d

Thesenderstatementblocksuntilthemessagecouldbedepositedintherecipientsqueue. Ther e c e i v e statementblocksuntilanewmessagecanbefetchedfromthequeue. Astheu n t i l statementsinthisexamplelackbodyexpressions,thelastvalueoftheevaluatedconditionalexpressionisthereturn valueoftheu n t i l loop.


Thefollowingcodeshowshowarecipientcanlistenforincomingmessages,andinturnhowasendercanretrytodeposita messageintoaqueue.Theexampleshows5childprocessesconstantlydeliveringstatusdatatoaparentprocesswhichwilldisplay thedata.Afterthreedatasetshavebeenread,theparentwillabortallchildprocessesandexit:

# ! / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p ;c h i l dp r o c e s st r a n s m i t sr a n d o mn u m b e r s ( d e f i n e( c h i l d p r o c e s s ) ( s e t' p p i d( s y s i n f o4 ) );g e tp a r e n tp i d ( w h i l et r u e ( u n t i l( s e n dp p i d( r a n d1 0 0 ) ) ) ) ) ;p a r e n ts t a r t s5 c h i l dp r o c e s s e s ,l i s t e n sa n dd i s p l a y s ;t h et r u ef l a gi ss p e c i f i e dt oe n a b l es e n d / r e c e i v e ( d o t i m e s( i5 )( s p a w n' r e s u l t( c h i l d p r o c e s s )t r u e ) ) ( f o r( i13 ) ( d o l i s t( c p i d( s y n c ) );i t e r a t et h r up e n d i n gc h i l dP I D s ( u n t i l( r e c e i v ec p i dm s g ) ) ( p r i n t" p i d : "c p i d" > "( f o r m a t" % 2 d "m s g ) ) ) ( p r i n t l n ) ) ( a b o r t );c a n c e lc h i l d p r o c e s s e s ( e x i t )

p i d : 5 3 1 8 1 > 4 7 p i d : 5 3 1 8 0 > 6 1 p i d : 5 3 1 7 9 > 7 5 p i d : 5 3 1 7 8 > 3 9 p i d : 5 3 1 7 7 > 3 p i d : 5 3 1 8 1 > 5 9 p i d : 5 3 1 8 0 > 1 2 p i d : 5 3 1 7 9 > 2 0 p i d : 5 3 1 7 8 > 7 7 p i d : 5 3 1 7 7 > 4 7 p i d : 5 3 1 8 1 > 6 p i d : 5 3 1 8 0 > 5 6 p i d : 5 3 1 7 9 > 9 6 p i d : 5 3 1 7 8 > 7 8 p i d : 5 3 1 7 7 > 1 8

The( s y n c ) expressionreturnsalistofallchildPIDs,and( u n t i l( r e c e i v ec p i dm s g ) ) isusedtoforceawaituntilstatus messagesarereceivedforeachofthechildprocesses. Atimeoutmechanismcouldbepartofanu n t i l orw h i l e looptostopwaitingaftercertaintimehasexpired. Theexamplesshowmessagesflowingfromachildprocessestoaparentprocess,inthesamefashionmessagescouldflowintothe otherdirectionfromparenttochildprocesses.Inthatcasetheparentprocesswoulduse( s e n d ) toobtainalistofchildprocesses withplaceintheirmessagequeues.

ThemostpowerfulfeatureofthemessagefunctionsistheabilitytosendanynewLISPexpression,whichthencanbeevaluatedby therecipient.Therecipientusesevaltoevaluatethereceivedexpression.Symbolscontainedintheexpressionareevaluatedinthe receiversenvironment. Thefollowingexampleshowshowaparentprocessactslikeamessageproxy.Theparentreceivesmessagesfromachildprocess AandroutesthemtoasecondchildprocesswithIDB.Ineffectthisimplementsmessagesbetweenchildprocesspeers.The implementationreliesonthefactthattherecipientcanevaluateexpressionscontainedinmessagesreceived.Theseexpressionscan beanyvalidnewLISPstatements:
# ! / u s r / b i n / n e w l i s p ;s e n d e rc h i l dp r o c e s so ft h em e s s a g e ( s e t' A( s p a w n' r e s u l t ( b e g i n ( d o t i m e s( i3 ) ( s e t' p p i d( s y s i n f o4 ) ) / *t h es t a t e m e n ti nm s gw i l lb ee v a l u a t e di nt h ep r o x y* / ( s e t' m s g' ( u n t i l( s e n dB( s t r i n g" g r e e t i n g sf r o m"A ) ) ) ) ( u n t i l( s e n dp p i dm s g ) ) ) ( u n t i l( s e n dp p i d' ( b e g i n ( s l e e p1 0 0 );m a k es u r ea l le l s ei sp r i n t e d ( p r i n t l n" p a r e n te x i t i n g. . . \ n " )

( s e t' f i n i s h e dt r u e ) ) ) ) )t r u e ) ) ;r e c e i v e rc h i l dp r o c e s so ft h em e s s a g e ( s e t' B( s p a w n' r e s u l t ( b e g i n ( s e t' p p i d( s y s i n f o4 ) ) ( w h i l et r u e ( u n t i l( r e c e i v ep p i dm s g ) ) ( p r i n t l nm s g ) ( u n l e s s( =m s g( s t r i n g" g r e e t i n g sf r o m"A ) ) ( p r i n t l n" E R R O Ri np r o x ym e s s a g e :"m s g ) ) ) )t r u e ) ) ( u n t i lf i n i s h e d( i f( r e c e i v eAm s g )( e v a lm s g ) ) );p r o x yl o o p ( a b o r t ) ( e x i t )

ChildprocessA sendsthreemessagestoB .AsthiscannotbedonedirectlyA sendss e n d statementstotheparentforevaluation.The statement:

( u n t i l( s e n dp i d B( s t r i n g" g r e e t i n g sf r o m"A ) ) )

willbeevaluatedintheenvironmentoftheparentprocess.EvensothevariablesA andB areboundton i l inthesenderprocessA , intheparentprocesstheywillbeboundtothecorrectprocessIDnumbers. Aftersendingthethreemessages,thestatement:

( s e t' f i n i s h e dt r u e )

issenttotheparentprocess.Onceevaluated,itwillcausetheu n t i l looptofinish. Formoredetailsons e n d andr e c e i v e andmoreexamplesseetheCodePatternsdocument.

syntax:(sequencenumstartnumend[numstep]) Generatesasequenceofnumbersfromnumstarttonumendwithanoptionalstepsizeofnumstep.Whennumstepisomitted,the value1 (one)isassumed.Thegeneratednumbersareoftypeinteger(whennooptionalstepsizeisspecified)orfloatingpoint (whentheoptionalstepsizeispresent).
( s e q u e n c e1 05 ) ( 1 098765 ) ( s e q u e n c e010 . 2 ) ( 00 . 20 . 40 . 60 . 81 ) ( s e q u e n c e200 . 3 ) ( 21 . 71 . 41 . 10 . 80 . 50 . 2 )

Notethatthestepsizemustbeapositivenumber,evenifsequencingfromahighertoalowernumber. Usetheseriesfunctiontogenerategeometricsequences.

syntax:(seriesnumstartnumfactornumcount) syntax:(seriesexpstartfuncnumcount) Inthefirstsyntax,s e r i e s createsageometricsequencewithnumcountelementsstartingwiththeelementinnumstart.Each subsequentelementismultipliedbynumfactor.Thegeneratednumbersarealwaysfloatingpointnumbers.

Whennumcountislessthan1 ,thens e r i e s returnsanemptylist.

( s e r i e s225 ) ( s e r i e s11 . 26 ) ( s e r i e s1 00 . 94 ) ( s e r i e s001 0 ) ( s e r i e s9 915 ) ( 2481 63 2 ) ( 11 . 21 . 4 41 . 7 2 82 . 0 7 3 62 . 4 8 8 3 2 ) ( 1 098 . 17 . 2 9 ) ( 0000000000 ) ( 9 99 99 99 99 9 )

Inthesecondsyntax,s e r i e s usesafunctionspecifiedinfunctotransformthepreviousexpressionintothenextexpression:
;e m b e dt h ef u n c t i o nP h i :f ( x )=1/( 1+x ) ;s e ea l s oh t t p : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / G o l d e n _ r a t i o ( s e r i e s1( f n( x )( d i v( a d d1x ) ) )2 0 ) ( 10 . 50 . 6 6 6 6 6 6 60 . 60 . 6 2 50 . 6 1 5 3 8 4 60 . 6 1 9 0 4 70 . 6 1 7 6 4 7 00 . 6 1 8 1 8 1 8 0 . 6 1 7 9 7 7 50 . 6 1 8 0 5 5 50 . 6 1 8 0 2 5 70 . 6 1 8 0 3 7 10 . 6 1 8 0 3 2 70 . 6 1 8 0 3 4 4 0 . 6 1 8 0 3 3 80 . 6 1 8 0 3 4 00 . 6 1 8 0 3 3 90 . 6 1 8 0 3 3 90 . 6 1 8 0 3 3 9 ) ;p r e d e f i n et h ef u n c t i o n ( d e f i n e( o s c i l l a t ex ) ( i f( <x ) ( +( -x )1 ) ( -( +x1 ) ) ) ) ( s e r i e s1o s c i l l a t e2 0 ) ( 1234567891 01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 92 0 ) ;a n yd a t at y p ei sa c c e p t e da sas t a r te x p r e s s i o n ( s e r i e s" a "( f n( c )( c h a r( i n c( c h a rc ) ) ) )5 )( " a "" b "" c "" d "" e " ) ;d e p e n d e n c yo ft h et w op r e v i o u sv a l u e si nt h i sf i b o n a c c ig e n e r a t o r ( l e t( x1 )( s e r i e sx( f n( y )( +x( s w a pyx ) ) )1 0 ) ) ( 123581 32 13 45 58 9 )

Thefirstexampleshowsaseriesconvergingtothegoldenratio,(foranystartingvalue).Thesecondexampleshowshowfunc canbedefinedpreviouslyforbetterreadabilityofthes e r i e s statement. Thes e r i e s functionalsoupdatestheinternallist$ i d x indexvalue,whichcanbeusedinsidefunc. Usethesequencefunctiontogeneratearithmeticsequences.

syntax:(setsym1exp1[sym2exp2...]) Evaluatesbothargumentsandthenassignstheresultofexptothesymbolfoundinsym.Thes e t expressionreturnstheresultofthe assignment.Theassignmentisperformedbycopyingthecontentsoftherightsideintothesymbol.Theoldcontentsofthesymbol aredeleted.Anerrormessageresultswhentryingtochangethecontentsofthesymbolsn i l ,t r u e ,oracontextsymbol.s e t can takemultipleargumentpairs.
( s e t' x1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( s e t' x' y ) y ( s e tx" h e l l o " ) " h e l l o " y " h e l l o " ( s e t' a l i s t' ( 123 ) ) ( 123 )

( s e t' x1' y" h e l l o " ) " h e l l o " ;m u l t i p l ea r g u m e n t s x 1 y " h e l l o "

( s e t' l s t' ( xyz ) ) ( xyz ) ( s e t( f i r s tl s t )1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 x 1 2 3

( s e t' d o u b l e( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )

( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )

( d e f i n ed o u b l e( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) ) ) ( l a m b d a( x )( +xx ) )

Usetheconstantfunction(whichworkslikes e t )toprotectthesymbolfromsubsequentalteration.Usingthesetqorsetffunction eliminatestheneedtoquotethevariablesymbol.

syntax:(setlocale[strlocale[intcategory]]) Reportsorswitchestoadifferentlocaleonyouroperatingsystemorplatform.Whenusedwithoutarguments,setlocalereportsthe currentlocalebeingused.Whenstrlocaleisspecified,setlocaleswitchestothelocalewithallcategoryoptionsturnedon (L C _ A L L ).Placinganemptystringinstrlocaleswitchestothedefaultlocaleusedonthecurrentplatform.
s e t l o c a l e returnseitherthecurrentlocalestringanddecimalpointstringinalistorn i l iftherequestedchangecouldnotbe

;r e p o r tc u r r e n tl o c a l e ( s e t l o c a l e ) ;s e td e f a u l tl o c a l eo fy o u rp l a t f o r ma n dc o u n t r y ;r e t u r nv a l u es h o w nw h e ne x e c u t i n go nG e r m a nM S W i n d o w s ( s e t l o c a l e" " ) ( " G e r m a n _ G e r m a n y . 1 2 5 2 "" , " ) ( a d d1 , 2 3 41 , 2 3 4 ) 2 , 4 6 8

Bydefault,newLISPifnotenabledforUTF8startsupwiththePOSIXCdefaultlocale.ThisguaranteesthatnewLISP's behaviorwillbeidenticalonanyplatformlocale.OnUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISPthelocaleofthecurrentplatformis chosen.

;a f t e rn o n U T F 8n e w L I S Ps t a r tu p ( s e t l o c a l e ) ( " C "" . " )

Inintcategory,integernumbersmaybespecifiedascategoryoptionsforfinetuningcertainaspectsofthelocale,suchasnumber display,datedisplay,andsoforth.Thenumbersusedvaryfromsystemtosystem.Theoptionsvalidonyourplatformcanbefound intheCincludefilel o c a l e . h .ThisfiledefinesconstantslikeL C _ A L L ,L C _ N U M E R I C , andL C _ M O N E T A R Y .Whens e t l o c a l e is usedwithouttheoptionnumber,itassumestheL C _ A L L option,whichturnsonalloptionsforthatlocale. Notethatthelocalealsocontrolsthedecimalseparatorinnumbers.ThedefaultClocaleusesthedecimaldot,butmostothersusea decimalcomma. Notethatusings e t l o c a l e doesnotchangethebehaviorofregularexpressionsinnewLISP.TolocalizethebehaviorofPCRE (PerlCompatibleRegularExpressions),newLISPmustbecompiledwithdifferentcharactertables.Seethefile,LOCALIZATION, inthenewLISPsourcedistributionfordetails. SeealsothechapterSwitchingthelocale.

syntax:(setrefexpkeylistexpreplacement[funccompare]) Searchesforexpkeyinlistandreplacesthefoundelementwithexpreplacement.Thelistcanbenested.Thesystemvariables$ i t containstheexpressionfoundandcanbeusedinexpreplacement.Thefunctionreturnsthenewmodifiedlist.
( s e t' d a t a' ( f r u i t s( a p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( o r a n g e s153 ) ) ) ( s e t r e f' a p p l e sd a t a' A p p l e s ) ( f r u i t s( A p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( o r a n g e s153 ) ) d a t a( f r u i t s( A p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( o r a n g e s153 ) ) ) d a t a couldbethecontextidentifierofadefaultfunctionforpassinglistsbyreference: ( s e t' d b : d b' ( f r u i t s( a p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( o r a n g e s153 ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( u p d a t ec tk e yv a l u e ) ( s e t r e fk e yc tv a l u e ) ) ( u p d a t ed b' a p p l e s' A p p l e s ) ( f r u i t s( A p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( o r a n g e s153 ) ) ( u p d a t ed b' o r a n g e s' O r a n g e s ) ( f r u i t s( A p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( O r a n g e s153 ) ) d b : d b( f r u i t s( A p p l e s1 2 34 4 )( O r a n g e s153 ) )

Forexamplesonhowtousefunccompareseesetrefall Forchangingalloccurrencesofanelementinalistusesetrefall.

syntax:(setrefallexpkeylistexpreplacement[funccompare]) Searchesforexpkeyinlistandreplaceseachinstanceofthefoundelementwithexpreplacement.Thelistcanbenested.The systemvariable$ i t containstheexpressionfoundandcanbeusedinexpreplacement.Thesystemvariable$ c o u n t containsthe numberofreplacementsmade.Thefunctionreturnsthenewmodifiedlist.
( s e t' d a t a' ( ( m o n d a y( a p p l e s2 03 0 )( o r a n g e s249 ) )( t u e s d a y( a p p l e s5 )( o r a n g e s3 21 ) ) ) ) ( s e t r e f a l l' a p p l e sd a t a" A p p l e s " ) ( ( m o n d a y( " A p p l e s "2 03 0 )( o r a n g e s249 ) )( t u e s d a y( " A p p l e s "5 )( o r a n g e s3 21 ) ) )

$ c o u n t2

Usingthedefaultfunctorinthe( l i s tk e y ) patternallowsthelisttobepassedbyreferencetoauserdefinedfunctioncontaininga s e t r e f a l l statement.Thiswouldresultinlessmemoryusageandhigherspeedsinwhendoingreplacementsinlargelists:

( s e t' d b : d b' ( ( m o n d a y( a p p l e s2 03 0 )( o r a n g e s249 ) )( t u e s d a y( a p p l e s5 )( o r a n g e s3 21 ) ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( f o oc t x ) ( s e t r e f a l l' a p p l e sc t x" A p p l e s " ) ) ( f o od b ) ( ( m o n d a y( " A p p l e s "2 03 0 )( o r a n g e s249 ) )( t u e s d a y( " A p p l e s "5 )( o r a n g e s3 21 ) ) )

Whenevaluating( f o od b ) ,thelistind b : d b willbepassedbyreferenceands e t r e f a l l willmakethechangesontheoriginal, notonacopyofd b : d b . Likewithfind,replace,refandrefall,complexsearchescanbeexpressedusingmatchorunifyinfunccompare:

( s e t' d a t a' ( ( m o n d a y( a p p l e s2 03 0 )( o r a n g e s249 ) )( t u e s d a y( a p p l e s5 )( o r a n g e s3 21 ) ) ) ) ( s e t r e f a l l' ( o r a n g e s* )d a t a( l i s t( f i r s t$ i t )( a p p l y+( r e s t$ i t ) ) )m a t c h ) (. . .( o r a n g e s1 5 ). . .( o r a n g e s3 3 ). . .)

Theexamplesumsallnumbersfoundinrecordsstartingwiththesymbolo r a n g e s .Thefounditemsappearin$ i t Seealsosetrefwhichreplacesonlythefirstelementfound.

s e t q ands e t f workalikeinnewLISPandsetthecontentsofasymbol,list,arrayorstringorofalist,arrayorstringplace

reference.Likeset,s e t q ands e t f cantakemultipleargumentpairs.Althoughboths e t q ands e t f pointtothesamebuiltin functioninternally,throughoutthismanuals e t q isusedwhensettingasymbolreferenceands e t f isusedwhensettinglistorarray references.

( s e t qx1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ;m u l t i p l ea r g u m e n t s ( s e t qx1y2z3 ) 3 x 1 y 2 z 3 ;w i t hn t ho ri m p l i c i ti n d i c e s ( s e t qL' ( ab( cd )efg ) ) ( s e t f( L1 )' B ) B ;o rt h es a m e ( s e t f( n t h1L )' B ) L ( aB( cd )efg ) ( s e t f( L20 )' C ) L ( s e t f( L2 )' X ) L C ( aB( Cd )efg ) ( ABXefg )

;w i t ha s s o c ( s e t qL' ( ( a1 )( b2 ) ) ) ( s e t f( a s s o c' bL )' ( b3 ) )( b3 )

( ( a1 )( b3 ) )

;w i t hl o o k u p ( s e t f( l o o k u p' bL )3 0 )3 0 L ( ( a1 )( b3 0 ) ) ;s e v e r a ll i s ta c c e s s o r sc a nb en e s t e d ( s e t qL' ( ( a1 )( b2 ) ) ) ( p u s h' b( s e t f( a s s o c' bl )' ( b4 ) ) )' b )b L ( ( a1 )( bb4 ) ) ) ;o ns t r i n g s ( s e t' s" N e w I S P " ) ( s e t f( s0 )" n " )" n " s" n e w I S P " ( s e t f( s3 )" L I " )" L I " s" n e w L I S P "

Oftenthenewvaluesetisdependentontheoldvalue.s e t f canusetheanaphoricsystemvariable$ i t torefertotheoldvalue insidethes e t f expression:

( s e t qL' ( ( a p p l e s4 )( o r a n g e s1 ) ) ) ( s e t f( L11 )( +$ i t1 ) )2 L ( s e t' s" N e w L I S P " ) ( s e t f( s0 )( l o w e r c a s e$ i t ) )" n " ) s" n e w L I S P " ( ( a p p l e s4 )( o r a n g e s2 ) )

syntax:(sgnnum) syntax:(sgnnumexp1[exp2[exp3]]) Inthefirstsyntax,thes g n functionisalogicalfunctionthatextractsthesignofarealnumberaccordingtothefollowingrules: x>0 :sgn(x)=1 x<0 :sgn(x)=1 x=0 :sgn(x)=0
( s g n3 . 5 ) 1 ( s g n0 ) 0 ( s g n1 2 3 ) 1

Inthesecondsyntax,theresultofevaluatingoneoftheoptionalexpressionsexp1,exp2,orexp3isreturned,insteadof1 ,0 ,or 1 .Ifexpnismissingforthecasetriggered,thenn i l isreturned.

( s g nx101 ) ( s g nx111 ) ( s g nxn i lt r u et r u e ) ( s g nx( a b sx )0 ) ;w o r k sl i k e( s g nx ) ;1f o rn e g a t i v exa l lo t h e r s1 ;n i lf o rn e g a t i v ee l s et r u e ;( a b sx )f o rx<0 ,0f o rx=0 ,e l s en i l


syntax:(share) syntax:(shareintaddressorhandle) syntax:(shareintaddressorhandleexpvalue) syntax:(sharenilintaddress) AccessessharedmemoryforcommunicatingbetweenseveralnewLISPprocesses.Whencalledwithoutarguments,s h a r e requests apageofsharedmemoryfromtheoperatingsystem.ThisreturnsamemoryaddressonLinux/UnixandahandleonWin32,which canthenbeassignedtoavariableforlaterreference.ThisfunctionisnotavailableonOS/2. Tosetthecontentsofsharedmemory,usethethirdsyntaxofs h a r e .SupplyasharedmemoryaddressonLinux/Unixorahandle onWin32inintaddressorhandle,alongwithaninteger,float,stringexpressionoranyotherexpression(sincev.10.1.0)supplied inexpvalue.Usingthissyntax,thevaluesuppliedinexpvalueisalsothereturnvalue. Toaccessthecontentsofsharedmemory,usethesecondsyntaxofs h a r e ,supplyingonlythesharedmemoryaddressorhandle. Thereturnvaluewillbeanyconstantorexpression(sincev.10.1.0)writtenpreviouslyintothememory.Ifthememoryhasnotbeen previouslysettoavalue,n i l willbereturned. OnlyavailableonUnixlikeoperatingsystems,thelastsyntaxunmapsasharedmemoryaddress.Notethatusingasharedaddress afterunmappingitwillcrashthesystem. Memorycanbesharedbetweenparentandchildprocesses,butnotbetweenindependentprocesses. Sincev.10.1.0sizeofshareobjectscanexceedthesharedmemorypagesizeoftheoperatingsystem.Forobjectsbiggerthanthe pagesize,newLISPinternallyusesfilesforsharing.Thisrequiresa/ t m p directoryonUnixlikeoperatingsystemandat e m p directoryintherootofthecurrentdiskdriveonWin32systems.OnUnixlikesystemsthisdirectoryispresent,onWin32itmay havetobecreated.
( s e t' m e m( s h a r e ) ) ( s h a r em e m1 2 3 ) 1 2 3 ( s h a r em e m ) 1 2 3 ( s h a r em e m" h e l l ow o r l d " )" h e l l ow o r l d " ( s h a r em e m ) " h e l l ow o r l d " ( s h a r em e mt r u e ) t r u e ( s h a r em e m ) t r u e ( s h a r em e m' ( +1234 ) ) ( +1234 ) ( s h a r em e m ) ( +1234 ) ;e x p r e s s i o n sr e c e i v e dc a nb ee v a l u a t e d( s i n c ev . 1 0 . 1 . 0 ) ( e v a l( s h a r em e m ) ) 1 0 ( s h a r en i lm e m ) t r u e ;u n m a po n l yo nU n i x

Expressionreadfromsharedmemoryandevaluated,willbeevaluatedintherecipient'sprocessenvironment. Notethatsharedmemoryaccessbetweendifferentprocessesshouldbesynchronizedusingasemaphore.Simultaneousaccessto sharedmemorycancrashtherunningprocess. ForamorecomprehensiveexampleofusingsharedmemoryinamultiprocessLinux/Unixapplication,seethefile e x a m p l e / p r o d c o n s . l s p inthenewLISPsourcedistribution.


syntax:(signalintsignalsymeventhandler|funceventhandler) syntax:(signalintsignal"ignore"|"default"|"reset") syntax:(signalintsignal) Setsauserdefinedhandlerinsymeventhandlerforasignalspecifiedinintsignalorsetstoafunctionexpressioninfuncevent handler. Aparameterfollowingintsignalisnotevaluated. Ifnosignalhandlerisspecifiedanyofthestringconstants" i g n o r e " ," d e f a u l t " or" r e s e t " canbespecifiedineitherloweror uppercaseorsimplyusingthefirstletteroftheoptionstring.Whensignalsetupwithanyofthesethreeoptionshasbeensuccessful, t r u e isreturned. Using" i g n o r e " willmakenewLISPignorethesignal.Using" d e f a u l t " willsetthehandlertothedefaulthandlerofthe underlyingplatformOS.The" r e s e t " optionwillrestorethehandlertonewLISPstartupstate. Onstartup,newLISPeitherspecifiesanemptynewLISPhandleroraCtrlChandlerforS I G I N T andaw a i t p i p d ( 1 ,0 , W N O H A N G ) CcallforS I G C H L D . DifferentsignalsareavailableondifferentOSplatformsandLinux/Unixflavors.Thenumberstospecifyinintsignalalsodiffer fromplatformtoplatform.Validvaluescannormallybeextractedfromafilefoundin/ u s r / i n c l u d e / s y s / s i g n a l . h or / u s r / i n c l u d e / s i g n a l . h . SomesignalsmakenewLISPexitevenafterauserdefinedhandlerhasbeenspecifiedandexecuted(e.g.,signalSIGKILL).This behaviormayalsobedifferentondifferentplatforms.
( c o n s t a n t' S I G I N T2 ) ( d e f i n e( c t r l C h a n d l e r )( p r i n t l n" c t r l Ch a sb e e np r e s s e d " ) ) ( s i g n a lS I G I N T' c t r l C h a n d l e r ) ;n o wp r e s sc t r l C ;t h ef o l l o w i n gl i n ew i l la p p e a r ;t h i sw i l lo n l yw o r ki na ni n t e r a c t i v et e r m i n a lw i n d o w ;a n dw i l ln o tw o r ki nt h en e w L I S P G Se d i t o r c t r l Ch a sb e e np r e s s e d ;r e s e tt r e a t m e n to fs i g n a l2t os t a r t u pc o n d i t i o n s ( s i g n a lS I G I N T" r e s e t " )

OnWin32,theaboveexamplewouldexecutethehandlerbeforeexitingnewLISP.OnmostLinux/Unixsystems,newLISPwould stayloadedandthepromptwouldappearafterhittingthe[enter]key. Insteadofspecifyingasymbolcontainingthesignalhandler,afunctioncanbespecifieddirectly.Thesignalnumberispassedasa parameter:

( s i g n a lS I G I N Te x i t ) $ s i g n a l 2 ( s i g n a lS I G I N T( f n( s )( p r i n t l n" s i g n a l"s"o c c u r r e d " ) ) )

NotethatthesignalSIGKILL(9onmostplatforms)willalwaysterminatetheapplicationregardlessofanexistingsignalhandler. Thesignalcouldhavebeensentfromanothershellonthesamecomputer:
k i l lsS I G I N T2 0 3 5

Inthisexample,2 0 3 5 istheprocessIDoftherunningnewLISP. ThesignalcouldalsohavebeensentfromanothernewLISPapplicationusingthefunctiondestroy:

( d e s t r o y2 0 3 5 )t r u e

IfnewLISPreceivesasignalwhileevaluatinganotherfunction,itwillstillacceptthesignalandthehandlerfunctionwillbe executed:
( c o n s t a n t' S I G I N T2 ) ( d e f i n e( c t r l C h a n d l e r )( p r i n t l n" c t r l Ch a sb e e np r e s s e d " ) ) ( s i g n a lS I G I N T' c t r l C h a n d l e r ) ; ;o r ( s i g n a lS I G I N Tc t r l C h a n d l e r ) ( w h i l et r u e( s l e e p3 0 0 )( p r i n t l n" b u s y " ) ) ; ;g e n e r a t e sf o l l o w i n go u t p u t b u s y b u s y b u s y c t r l Ch a sb e e np r e s s e d b u s y b u s y

Specifyingonlyasignalnumberwillreturneitherthenameofthecurrentlydefinedhandlerfunctionorn i l . Theuserdefinedsignalhandlercanpassthesignalnumberasaparameter.
( d e f i n e( s i g n a l h a n d l e rs i g ) ( p r i n t l n" r e c e i v e ds i g n a l :"s i g ) ) ; ;s e ta l ls i g n a l sf r o m1t o8t ot h es a m eh a n d l e r ( f o r( s18 ) ( s i g n a ls' s i g n a l h a n d l e r ) )


syntax:(silent[exp1[exp2...]]) Evaluatesoneormoreexpressionsinexp1.s i l e n t issimilartobegin,butitsuppressesconsoleoutputofthereturnvalueand thefollowingprompt.ItisoftenusedwhencommunicatingfromaremoteapplicationwithnewLISP(e.g.,GUIfrontendsorother applicationscontrollingnewLISP),andthereturnvalueisofnointerest. Silentmodeisresetwhenreturningtoaprompt.Thisway,itcanalsobeusedwithoutargumentsinabatchofexpressions.Whenin interactivemode,hit[enter]twiceafterastatementusings i l e n t togetthepromptback.
( s i l e n t( m y f u n c ) ) ;s a m ea sn e x t ( s i l e n t )( m y f u n c ) ;s a m ee f f e c ta sp r e v i o u s

syntax:(sinnumradians) Calculatesthesinefunctionfromnumradiansandreturnstheresult.
( s i n1 ) 0 . 8 4 1 4 7 0 9 8 3 8 ( s e t' p i( m u l2( a c o s0 ) ) ) 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 4

( s i n( d i vp i2 ) )

syntax:(sinhnumradians) Calculatesthehyperbolicsineofnumradians.Thehyperbolicsineisdefinedmathematicallyas:(exp(x)exp(x))/2.An overflowtoi n f mayoccurifnumradiansistoolarge.
( s i n h1 ) 1 . 1 7 5 2 0 1 1 9 4 ( s i n h1 0 ) 1 1 0 1 3 . 2 3 2 8 7 ( s i n h1 0 0 0 ) i n f ( s u b( t a n h1 )( d i v( s i n h1 )( c o s h1 ) ) )0

syntax:(sleepnummilliseconds) GivesupCPUtimetootherprocessesfortheamountofmillisecondsspecifiedinnummilliseconds.
( s l e e p1 0 0 0 ) ;s l e e p s1s e c o n d ( s l e e p0 . 5 ) ;s l e e p s5 0 0m i c r os e c o n d s

Onsomeplatforms,s l e e p isonlyavailablewitharesolutionofonesecond.Inthiscase,theparameterintmillisecondswillbe roundedtothenearestfullsecond.

syntax:(slicelistintindex[intlength]) syntax:(slicearrayintindex[intlength]) syntax:(slicestrintindex[intlength]) Inthefirstform,s l i c e copiesasublistfromalist.Theoriginallistisleftunchanged.Thesublistextractedstartsatindexintindex andhasalengthofintlength.Ifintlengthisnegative,s l i c e willtaketheparameterasoffsetcountingfromtheendandcopyupto thatoffset.Iftheparameterisomitted,s l i c e copiesalloftheelementstotheendofthelist. SeealsoIndexingelementsofstringsandlists.
( s l i c e' ( abcdef )32 ) ( s l i c e' ( abcdef )22 ) ( s l i c e' ( abcdef )2 ) ( s l i c e' ( abcdef )43 ) ( de ) ( cd ) ( cdef ) ( cde )

( s e t' A( a r r a y32( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) )( ( 12 )( 34 )( 56 ) ) ( s l i c eA12 )( ( 34 )( 56 ) )

Inthesecondform,apartofthestringinstrisextracted.intindexcontainsthestartindexandintlengthcontainsthelengthofthe substring.Ifintlengthisnotspecified,everythingtotheendofthestringisextracted.s l i c e alsoworksonstringbufferscontaining binarydatalike0 's(zeroes).Itoperatesonbyteboundariesratherthancharacterboundaries.SeealsoIndexingelementsofstrings andlists.

Notethats l i c e alwaysworksonsingle8bitbyteboundariesforoffsetandlengthnumbers,evenwhenrunningtheUTF8 enabledversionofnewLISP.

( s l i c e" H e l l oW o r l d "62 ) ( s l i c e" H e l l oW o r l d "05 ) ( s l i c e" H e l l oW o r l d "6 ) ( s l i c e" n e w L I S P "42 ) " W o " " H e l l o " " W o r l d " " L I "

Notethatanimplicitsliceisavailableforlists.SeethechapterImplicitrestandslice. BeawarethatslicealwaysworksonbyteboundariesratherthancharacterboundariesintheUTF8enabledversionofnewLISP. Asaresult,slicecanbeusedtomanipulatebinarycontent.

syntax:(sortlist[funccompare]) syntax:(sortarray[funccompare]) Allmembersinlistorarrayaresortedinascendingorder.Anythingmaybesorted,regardlessofthetypes.Whenmembersare themselveslistsorarrays,eachelementisrecursivelycompared.Iftwoexpressionsofdifferenttypesarecompared,thelowertype issortedbeforethehighertypeinthefollowingorder:
A t o m s :n i l ,t r u e ,i n t e g e ro rf l o a t ,s t r i n g ,s y m b o l ,p r i m i t i v e L i s t s :q u o t e de x p r e s s i o n ,l i s t ,l a m b d a ,l a m b d a m a c r o

Thes o r t isdestructive,changingtheorderoftheelementsintheoriginallistorarrayandreturningthesortedlistorarray.Itisa stablebinarymergesortwithapproximatelyO(nlog2n)performancepreservingtheorderofadjacentelementswhichareequal. Whenfunccompareisuseditmustworkwitheither< = or> = operatorstobestable. Anoptionalcomparisonoperator,userdefinedfunction,oranonymousfunctioncanbesupplied.Thefunctororoperatorcanbe givenwithorwithoutaprecedingquote.

( s o r t' ( vfrthnmj ) ) ( fhjmnrtv ) ( s o r t' ( ( 34 )( 21 )( 11 0 ) ) ) ( ( 11 0 )( 21 )( 34 ) ) ( s o r t' ( ( 34 )" h i "2 . 88b ) ) ( 2 . 88" h i "b( 34 ) ) ( s e t' s' ( kals ) ) ( s o r ts ) ( akls ) ( s o r t' ( vfrthnmj )> )( vtrnmjhf ) ( s o r ts< ) ( akls ) ( s o r ts> ) ( slka ) s ( slka ) ; ;d e f i n eac o m p a r i s o nf u n c t i o n ( d e f i n e( c o m pxy ) ( > =( l a s tx )( l a s ty ) ) ) ( s e t' d b' ( ( a3 )( g2 )( c5 ) ) ) ( s o r td bc o m p ) ( ( c5 )( a3 )( g2 ) ) ; ;u s ea na n o n y m o u sf u n c t i o n ( s o r td b( f n( xy )( > =( l a s tx )( l a s ty ) ) ) )


syntax:(source) syntax:(sourcesym1[sym2...]) Worksalmostidenticallytosave,exceptsymbolsandcontextsgetserializedtoastringinsteadofbeingwrittentoafile.Multiple variablesymbols,definitions,andcontextscanbespecified.Ifnoargumentisgiven,s o u r c e serializestheentirenewLISP workspace.Whencontextsymbolsareserialized,anysymbolscontainedwithinthatcontextwillbeserialized,aswell.Symbols containingn i l arenotserialized.Systemsymbolsbeginningwiththe$ (dollarsign)characterareonlyserializedwhenmentioned explicitly. Symbolsnotbelongingtothecurrentcontextarewrittenoutwiththeircontextprefix.
( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex )( +xx ) ) ( s o u r c e' d o u b l e ) " ( d e f i n e( d o u b l ex ) \ n ( +xx ) ) \ n \ n "


syntax:(spawnsymexp[true]) Launchestheevaluationofexpasachildprocessandimmediatelyreturns.Thesymbolinsymisquotedandreceivestheresultof theevaluationwhenthefunctionsyncisexecuted.s p a w n isusedtostartparallelevaluationofexpressionsinconcurrentprocesses. IfnewLISPisrunningonamulticoreCPU,theunderlyingoperatingsystemwilldistributespawnedprocessesontodifferentcores, therebyevaluatingexpressionsinparallelandspeedingupoverallprocessing. Theoptionalt r u e parametermustbesetifsendorreceiveisusedtocommunicatedwiththechildprocessspawned. Thefunctions p a w n isnotavailableonWin32. Aftersuccessfullystartingachildprocess,thes p a w n expressionreturnstheprocessidoftheforkedprocess.Thefollowing examplesshowshowthecalculationofarangeofprimenumberscanbesplitupinfoursubrangestospeedupthecalculationof thewholerange:
;c a l c u l a t ep r i m e si nar a n g e ( d e f i n e( p r i m e sf r o mt o ) ( l o c a l( p l i s t ) ( f o r( if r o mt o ) ( i f( =1( l e n g t h( f a c t o ri ) ) ) ( p u s hip l i s t1 ) ) ) p l i s t ) ) ;s t a r tc h i l dp r o c e s s e s ( s e t' s t a r t( t i m e o f d a y ) ) ( s p a w n' p 1( p r i m e s11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 2( p r i m e s1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 3( p r i m e s2 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 4( p r i m e s3 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ;w a i tf o ram a x i m u mo f6 0s e c o n d sf o ra l lt a s k st of i n i s h ( s y n c6 0 0 0 0 );r e t u r n st r u ei fa l lf i n i s h e di nt i m e ;p 1 ,p 2 ,p 3a n dp 4n o we a c hc o n t a i nal i s t so fp r i m e s ( p r i n t l n" t i m es p a w n :"( -( t i m e o f d a y )s t a r t ) ) ( p r i n t l n" t i m es i m p l e :"( t i m e ( p r i m e s14 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ) ( e x i t )

Ona1.83IntelCore2Duoprocessor,theaboveexamplewillfinishafterabout13seconds.Calculatingallprimesusing( p r i m e s 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) wouldtakeabout20seconds.

Thesyncfunctionwillwaitforallchildprocessestofinishandreceivetheevaluationresultsinthesymbolsp 1 top 4 .Whenall resultsarecollected,s y n c willstopwaitingandreturnt r u e .Whenthetimespecifiedwasinsufficient,s y n c willreturnn i l and anothers y n c statementcouldbegiventofurtherwaitandcollectresults.Ashorttimeouttimecanbeusedtodootherprocessing duringwaiting:
( s p a w n' p 1( p r i m e s11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 2( p r i m e s1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 3( p r i m e s2 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 4( p r i m e s3 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ;p r i n tad o ta f t e re a c h2s e c o n d so fw a i t i n g ( u n t i l( s y n c2 0 0 0 )( p r i n t l n" . " ) ) s y n c whenusedwithoutanyparameters,willnotwaitbutimmediatelyreturnalistofpendingchildprocesses.Forthep r i m e s

example,thefollowings y n c expressioncouldbeusedtowatchtheprogress:
( s p a w n' p 1( p r i m e s11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 2( p r i m e s1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 3( p r i m e s2 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 4( p r i m e s3 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ;s h o wal i s to fp e n d i n gp r o c e s si d sa f t e re a c ht h r e e t e n t h so fas e c o n d ( u n t i l( s y n c3 0 0 )( p r i n t l n( s y n c ) ) )

Aparameterof1 tellss y n c towaitforaverylongtime(~1193hours).Abettersolutionwouldbetowaitforamaximumtime, thenabortallpendingchildprocesses:

( s p a w n' p 1( p r i m e s11 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 2( p r i m e s1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 3( p r i m e s2 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( s p a w n' p 4( p r i m e s3 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 ) ) ;w a i tf o ro n em i n u t e ,t h e na b o r ta n d ;r e p o r tu n f i n i s h e dP I D s ( i f( n o t( s y n c6 0 0 0 0 ) ) ( b e g i n ( p r i n t l n" a b o r t i n gu n f i n i s h e d :"( s y n c ) ) ( a b o r t ) ) ( p r i n t l n" a l lf i n i s h e ds u c c e s s f u l l y " ) )

Thethreefunctionss p a w n ,s y n c anda b o r t arepartoftheCilkAPI.Theoriginalimplementationalsodoessophisticated schedulingandallocationofthreadedtaskstomultipleCPUcores.ThenewLISPimplementationoftheCilkAPIletstheoperating systemoftheunderlyingplatformhandleprocessmanagement.Internally,theAPIisimplementedusingtheUnixlibcfunctions f o r k ( ) ,w a i t p i d ( ) andk i l l ( ) .Intercommunicationsbetweenprocessesandchildprocessesisdoneusingthesendandreceive functions.

s p a w n canbecalledrecursivelyfromspawnedsubtasks: ( d e f i n e( f i b on ) ( l o c a l( f 1f 2 ) ( i f ( <n2 )1 ( b e g i n ( s p a w n' f 1( f i b o( -n1 ) ) ) ( s p a w n' f 2( f i b o( -n2 ) ) ) ( s y n c1 0 0 0 0 ) ( +f 1f 2 ) ) ) ) ) ( f i b o7 ) 2 1

With( f i b o7 ) 41processeswillbegenerated.AlthoughtheabovecodeshowstheworkingoftheCilkAPIinarecursive application,itwouldnotbepractical,astheoverheadrequiredtospawnsubtasksismuchhigherthanthetimesavedthrough parallelization. Sinceversion10.1asendandreceivemessagefunctionsareavailableforcommunicationsbetweenparentandchildprocesses. Usingthesefunctionsanydataorexpressionofanysizecanbetransferred.Additionallymessagedexpressionscanbeevaluatedin


syntax:(sqrtnum) Calculatesthesquarerootfromtheexpressioninnumandreturnstheresult.
( s q r t1 0 ) 3 . 1 6 2 2 7 7 6 6 ( s q r t2 5 ) 5

syntax:(startswithstrstrkey[numoption]) syntax:(startswithlist[exp]) Inthefirstversion,s t a r t s w i t h checksifthestringstrstartswithakeystringinstrkeyandreturnst r u e orn i l dependingonthe outcome. Ifaregularexpressionnumberisspecifiedinnumoption,strkeycontainsaregularexpressionpattern.Seeregexforvalidoption numbers.
( s t a r t s w i t h" t h i si su s e f u l "" t h i s " ) ( s t a r t s w i t h" t h i si su s e f u l "" T H I S " ) t r u e n i l

; ;u s er e g u l a re x p r e s s i o n s ( s t a r t s w i t h" t h i si su s e f u l "" T H I S "1 ) t r u e ( s t a r t s w i t h" t h i si su s e f u l "" t h i s | t h a t "0 )t r u e

Inthesecondversion,s t a r t s w i t h checkstoseeifaliststartswiththelistelementinexp.t r u e orn i l isreturneddependingon outcome.

( s t a r t s w i t h' ( 12345 )1 ) t r u e ( s t a r t s w i t h' ( abcde )' b ) n i l ( s t a r t s w i t h' ( ( +34 )bcd )' ( +34 ) ) t r u e


syntax:(statslistvector) Thefunctionscalculatesstatisticalvaluesofcentraltendencyanddistributionmomentsofvaluesinlistvector.Thefollowingvalues arereturnedbys t a t s inalist: name description N Numberofvalues mean Meanofvalues avdev Averagedeviationfrommeanvalue

sdev Standarddeviation(populationestimate) var Variance(populationestimate) skew Skewofdistribution kurt Kurtosisofdistribution

Thefollowingexampleusesthelistoutputfromthes t a t s expressionasanargumentfortheformatstatement:
( s e t' d a t a' ( 9 01 0 01 3 01 5 01 8 02 0 02 2 03 0 03 5 04 0 0 ) ) ( p r i n t l n( f o r m a t[ t e x t ] N =% 5 d m e a n =% 8 . 2 f a v d e v =% 8 . 2 f s d e v =% 8 . 2 f v a r =% 8 . 2 f s k e w =% 8 . 2 f k u r t =% 8 . 2 f [ / t e x t ]( s t a t sd a t a ) ) ) ;o u t p u t st h ef o l l o w i n g N = 1 0 m e a n = 2 1 2 . 0 0 a v d e v = 8 4 . 4 0 s d e v = 1 0 6 . 1 2 v a r =1 1 2 6 2 . 2 2 s k e w = 0 . 4 9 k u r t o s i s= 1 . 3 4

syntax:(stringexp1[exp2...]) Translatesintoastringanythingthatresultsfromevaluatingexp1.Ifmorethanoneexpressionisspecified,theresultingstrings areconcatenated.
( s t r i n g' h e l l o ) ( s t r i n g1 2 3 4 ) ( s t r i n g' ( +34 ) ) ( s t r i n g( +34 )8 ) ( s t r i n g' h e l l o""1 2 3 ) " h e l l o " " 1 2 3 4 " " ( +34 ) " " 7 8 " " h e l l o1 2 3 "

Ifabufferpassedtos t r i n g contains\ 0 0 0 ,onlythestringuptothefirstterminatingzerowillbecopied:

( s e t' b u f f" A B C \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " ) " A B C \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " ( l e n g t hb u f f ) 6 ( s t r i n gb u f f ) " A B C " ( l e n g t h( s t r i n gb u f f ) ) 3

Usetheappendandjoin(allowsthejoiningstringtobespecified)functionstoconcatenatestringscontainingzerobytes.Usethe sourcefunctiontoconvertalambdaexpressionintoitsnewLISPsourcestringrepresentation.


syntax:(string?exp) Evaluatesexpandteststoseeifitisastring.Returnst r u e orn i l dependingontheresult.

( s e t' v a r" h e l l o " ) ( s t r i n g ?v a r ) t r u e

syntax:(structsymbol[strdatatype...]) Thes t r u c t functioncanbeusedtodefineaggregatedatatypesforusagewiththeextendedsyntaxofimport,packandunpack. ThisallowsimportingfunctionswhichtakeClanguagestructdatatypesorpointerstotheseaggregatedatatypes. Thefollowingexampleillustratestheusageofs t r u c t togetherwiththeCdatafunctionsl o c a l t i m e anda s c t i m e .Thel o c a l t i m e functionsworkssimilartothebuiltinnowfunction.Thea s c t i m e functiontakesthenumericaldataoutputbyl o c a l t i m e and formatsthesetoreadabletext.
/ *T h eCf u n c t i o np r o t o t y p e sf o rt h ef u n c t i o n st oi m p o r t* / s t r u c tt m*l o c a l t i m e ( c o n s tt i m e _ t* c l o c k ) ; c h a r*a s c t i m e ( c o n s ts t r u c tt m* t i m e p t r ) ; / *t h et ms t r u c ta g g r e g a t i n gd i f f e r e n tt i m er e l a t e dv a l u e s* / s t r u c tt m{ i n tt m _ s e c ; i n tt m _ m i n ; i n tt m _ h o u r ; i n tt m _ m d a y ; i n tt m _ m o n ; i n tt m _ y e a r ; i n tt m _ w d a y ; i n tt m _ y d a y ; i n tt m _ i s d s t ; l o n gt m _ g m t o f f ; c h a r* t m _ z o n e ; } ; / *s e c o n d sa f t e rt h em i n u t e[ 0 6 0 ]* / / *m i n u t e sa f t e rt h eh o u r[ 0 5 9 ]* / / *h o u r ss i n c em i d n i g h t[ 0 2 3 ]* / / *d a yo ft h em o n t h[ 1 3 1 ]* / / *m o n t h ss i n c eJ a n u a r y[ 0 1 1 ]* / / *y e a r ss i n c e1 9 0 0* / / *d a y ss i n c eS u n d a y[ 0 6 ]* / / *d a y ss i n c eJ a n u a r y1[ 0 3 6 5 ]* / / *D a y l i g h tS a v i n g sT i m ef l a g* / / *o f f s e tf r o mC U Ti ns e c o n d s* / / * * *n o to nW i n d o w s* * * / / *t i m e z o n ea b b r e v i a t i o n* / / * * *n o to nW i n d o w s* * * /

; ;f o rp o i n t e r st os t r u c t sa l w a y su s ev o i d * ; ;a sal i b r a r yu s em s v c r t . d l lo nW i n d o w so rl i b c . s oo nU n i x . ; ;T h et ms t r u c tt y p ei sc o n f i g u r e df o rM a cO S Xa n dL i n u x . ; ;O no t h e rO St h et ms t r u c t u r em a yb ed i f f e r e n t ( i m p o r t" l i b c . d y l i b "" a s c t i m e "" c h a r * "" v o i d * " ) ( i m p o r t" l i b c . d y l i b "" l o c a l t i m e "" v o i d * "" v o i d * " ) ;d e f i n i t i o no ft h es t r u c t ( s t r u c t' t m" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" i n t "" l o n g "" c h a r * " ) ; ;u s ei m p o r ta n ds t r u c t ;t o d a y sd a t en u m b e r( s e c o n d sa f t e r1 9 7 0a l s oc a l l e dU n i xe p o c ht i m e ) ( s e t' t o d a y( d a t e v a l u e ) ) 1 3 2 4 1 3 4 9 1 3 ; ;t h et i m ev a l u ei sp a s s e db yi t ' sa d d r e s s ; ;l o c a l t i m er e t i r n sap o i n t e rt oat ms t r u c t ( s e t' p t r( l o c a l t i m e( a d d r e s st o d a y ) ) )2 8 9 6 2 1 9 6 9 6 ;u n p a c kt h et ms t r u c t ( 7 : 1 5 : 1 3o nt h e1 7 t he t c . )

( u n p a c kt mp t r )( 1 31 571 71 11 1 163 5 002 8 8 0 0" P S T " ) ;t r a n s f o r mt or e a d a b l ef o r m ( a s c t i m ep t r )" S a tD e c1 70 7 : 1 5 : 1 32 0 1 1 \ n " ;a l li no n es t a t e m e n td o e sa c t u a l l yn o tu s es t r u c t ,p o i n t e r sa r ep a s s e dd i r e c t l y ( a s c t i m e( l o c a l t i m e( a d d r e s st o d a y ) ) )" S a tD e c1 70 7 : 1 5 : 1 32 0 1 1 " ;s a m ea st h eb u i l t i nd a t ef u n c t i o n ( d a t et o d a y )" S a tD e c1 70 7 : 1 5 : 1 32 0 1 1 "

Caremustbetakentopassvalidaddressestopointerparametersinimportedfunctionsorwhenpassingaddresspointerstounpack. InvalidaddresspointerscancrashnewLISPormakeitunstable.
s t r u c t definitionscanbenested: ;t h ep a i ra g g r e g a t et y p e ( s t r u c t' p a i r" c h a r "" c h a r " )p a i r ;n e s t e ds t r u c tt y p e ( s t r u c t' c o m p" p a i r "" i n t " ) c o m p ;p a c kd a t au s i n gt h ee x t e n d e dp a c ks y n t a x ;n o t et h ei n s e r t i o no fs t r u c t u r ea l i g n m e n tb y t e sa f t e rt h ep a i r ( p a c kc o m p( p a c kp a i r12 )3 )" \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 3 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " ;u n p a c kr e v e r s e st h ep r o c e s s ( u n p a c kc o m p" \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 2 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 3 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " )( ( 12 )3 )


syntax:(subnum1[num2...]) Successivelysubtractstheexpressionsinnum1,num2.s u b performsmixedtypearithmeticandhandlesintegersorfloating points,butitwillalwaysreturnafloatingpointnumber.Ifonlyoneargumentissupplied,itssignisreversed.Anyfloatingpoint calculationwithN a N alsoreturnsN a N .
( s u b1 080 . 2 5 ) 1 . 7 5 ( s u b1 2 3 ) 1 2 3

syntax:(swapplace1place2) Thecontentsofthetwoplacesplace1andplace2areswapped.Aplacecanbethecontentsofanunquotedsymboloranylistor arrayreferencesexpressedwithnth,first,lastorimplicitindexingorplacesreferencedbyassocorlookup.
s w a p isadestructiveoperationthatchangesthecontentsofthelists,arrays,orsymbolsinvolved. ( s e t' l s t' ( abcdef ) ) ( s w a p( f i r s tl s t )( l a s tl s t ) )a l s t ( fbcdea ) ( s e t' l s t b' ( xyz ) ) ( s w a p( l s t0 )( l s t b1 ) )f

l s t l s t b

( zbcdea ) ( xyf )

( s e t' A( a r r a y23( s e q u e n c e16 ) )( ( 123 )( 456 ) ) ( s w a p( A0 )( A1 ) )( 123 ) A ( ( 456 )( 123 ) ) ( s e t' x1' y2 ) ( s w a pxy ) 1 x 2 y 1 ( s e t' l s t' ( ( a123 )( b1 02 03 0 ) ) ) ( s w a p( l o o k u p' al s t1 )( l o o k u p' bl s t1 ) ) l s t( ( a121 0 )( b32 03 0 ) ) ( s w a p( a s s o c' al s t )( a s s o c' bl s t ) ) l s t ( ( b32 03 0 )( a121 0 ) )


syntax:(symstring[symcontext[nilflag]]) syntax:(symnumber[symcontext[nilflag]]) syntax:(symsymbol[symcontext[nilflag]]) Translatesthefirstargumentinstring,number,orsymbolintoasymbolandreturnsit.Iftheoptionalcontextisnotspecifiedinsym context,thecurrentcontextisusedwhendoingsymbollookuporcreation.Symbolswillbecreatediftheydonotalreadyexist. Whenthecontextdoesnotexistandthecontextisspecifiedbyaquotedsymbol,thesymbolalsogetscreated.Ifthecontext specificationisunquoted,thecontextisthespecifiednameorthecontextspecificationisavariablecontainingthecontext.
s y m cancreatesymbolswithinthesymboltablethatarenotlegalsymbolsinnewLISPsourcecode(e.g.,numbersornames

containingspecialcharacterssuchasparentheses,colons,etc.).Thismakess y m usableasafunctionforassociativememoryaccess, muchlikehashtableaccessinotherscriptinglanguages. Asathirdoptionalargument,n i l canbespecifiedtosuppresssymbolcreationifthesymbolisnotfound.Inthiscase,s y m returns n i l ifthesymbollookedupdoesnotexist.Usingthislastform,s y m canbeusedtocheckfortheexistenceofasymbol.

( s y m" s o m e " ) ( s e t( s y m" v a r " )3 4 5 ) v a r ( s y m" a S y m "' M y C T X ) ( s y m" a S y m "M y C T X ) s o m e 3 4 5 3 4 5 M y C T X : a S y m M y C T X : a S y m ;u n q u o t e dc o n t e x t

( s y m" f o o "M y C T Xn i l ) n i l ;' f o od o e sn o te x i s t ( s y m" f o o "M y C T X ) f o o ;' f o oi sc r e a t e d ( s y m" f o o "M y C T Xn i l ) f o o ;f o on o we x i s t s

Becausethefunctions y m returnsthesymbollookeduporcreated,expressionswiths y m canbeembeddeddirectlyinother expressionsthatusesymbolsasarguments.Thefollowingexampleshowstheuseofs y m asahashlikefunctionforassociative memoryaccess,aswellassymbolconfigurationsthatarenotlegalnewLISPsymbols:

; ;u s i n gs y mf o rs i m u l a t i n gh a s ht a b l e s ( s e t( s y m" J o h nD o e "' M y D B )1 . 2 3 4 ) ( s e t( s y m" ( "' M y D B )" p a r e n t h e s i so p e n " ) ( s e t( s y m1 2' M y D B )" t w e l v e " ) ( e v a l( s y m" J o h nD o e "' M y D B ) ) 1 . 2 3 4 ( e v a l( s y m" ( "' M y D B ) ) " p a r e n t h e s i so p e n "

( e v a l( s y m1 2' M y D B ) )

" t w e l v e "

; ;d e l e t eas y m b o lf r o mas y m b o lt a b l eo rh a s h ( d e l e t e( s y m" J o h nD o e "' M y D B ) ) t r u e

Thelaststatementshowshowasymbolcanbeeliminatedusingdelete. Thethirdsyntaxallowssymbolstobeusedinsteadofstringsforthesymbolnameinthetargetcontext.Inthiscase,s y m willextract thenamefromthesymbolanduseitasthenamestringforthesymbolinthetargetcontext:

( s y m' m y V a r' F O O ) F O O : m y V a r ( d e f i n e m a c r o( d e f c o n t e x t ) ( d o l i s t( s( r e s t( a r g s ) ) ) ( s y ms( f i r s t( a r g s ) ) ) ) ) ( d e f c o n t e x tf o oxyz ) ( s y m b o l sf o o ) ( f o o : xf o o : yf o o : z )

Thed e f c o n t e x t macroshowshowthiscouldbeusedtocreateamacrothatcreatescontextsandtheirvariablesinadynamic fashion. Asyntaxofthecontextfunctioncanalsobeusedtocreate,setandevaluatesymbols.

syntax:(symbol?exp) Evaluatestheexpexpressionandreturnst r u e ifthevalueisasymbolotherwise,itreturnsn i l .
( s e t' x' y ) y ( s y m b o l ?x ) t r u e ( s y m b o l ?1 2 3 ) n i l ( s y m b o l ?( f i r s t' ( v a rxyz ) ) ) t r u e

Thefirststatementsetsthecontentsofx tothesymboly .Thesecondstatementthenchecksthecontentsofx .Thelastexample checksthefirstelementofalist.

syntax:(symbols[context]) Returnsasortedlistofallsymbolsinthecurrentcontextwhencalledwithoutanargument.Ifacontextsymbolisspecified,symbols definedinthatcontextarereturned.
( s y m b o l s ) ( s y m b o l s' C T X ) ( s y m b o l sC T X ) ( s e t' c tC T X ) ( s y m b o l sc t ) ;l i s to fa l ls y m b o l si nc u r r e n tc o n t e x t ;l i s to fs y m b o l si nc o n t e x tC T X ;o m i t t i n gt h eq u o t e ;a s s i g n i n gc o n t e x tt oav a r i a b l e ;l i s to fs y m b o l si nc o n t e x tC T X


syntax:(syncinttimeout[funcinlet]) syntax:(sync) Wheninttimeoutinmillisecondsisspecified,s y n c waitsforchildprocesseslaunchedwithspawntofinish.Wheneverachild processfinishes,s y n c assignstheevaluationresultofthespawnedsubtasktothesymbolspecifiedinthespawnstatement.The s y n c returnst r u e ifallchildprocesseshavebeenprocessedorn i l ifthetimeoutvaluehasbeenreachedandmorechildprocesses arepending. Ifs y n c additionallyisgivenwithanoptionaluserdefinedinletfunctioninfuncinlet,thisfunctionwillbecalledwiththechild processidasargumentwheneveraspawnedchildprocessreturns.funcinletcancontaineitheralambdaexpressionorasymbol whichdefinesafunction. Withoutanyparameter,s y n c returnsalistofpendingchildprocessPIDs(processidentifiers),forwhichresultshavenotbeen processedyet. Thefunctions y n c isnotavailableonWin32.
;w a i tf o r1 0s e c o n d sa n dp r o c e s sf i n i s h e dc h i l dp r o c e s s e s ( s y n c1 0 0 0 0 ) ;w a i tf o rt h em a x i m u mt i m e( ~1 1 9 3h o u r s ) ( s y n c1 ) ( d e f i n e( r e p o r tp i d ) ( p r i n t l n" p r o c e s s :"p i d"h a sr e t u r n e d " ) ) ;c a l lt h er e p o r tf u n c t i o n ,w h e nac h i l dr e t u r n s ( s y n c1 0 0 0 0r e p o r t );w a i tf o r1 0s e c o n d sm a x ;r e t u r nal i s to fp e n d i n gc h i l dp r o c e s s e s ( s y n c ) ( 2 4 52 4 62 4 72 4 8 ) ;w a i ta n dd os o m e t h i n ge l s e ( u n t i l( t r u e ?( s y n c1 0r e p o r t )) ( p r i n t l n( t i m e o f d a y ) ) )

Whens y n c isgivenwithatimeoutparameter,itwillblockuntiltimeoutoruntilallchildprocesseshavereturned,whichevercomes earlier.Whennoparameterisspecifiedorafunctionisspecified,s y n c returnsimmediately. Thefunctions y n c ispartoftheCilkAPIforsynchronizingchildprocessesandprocessparallelization.Seethereferenceforthe functionspawnforafulldiscussionoftheCilkAPI.

syntax:(syserror) syntax:(syserrorinterror) syntax:(syserror0 ) ReportsthelasterrorgeneratedbytheunderlyingOSwhichnewLISPisrunningon.Theerrorreportedmaydifferontheplatforms newLISPhasbeencompiledfor.Consulttheplatform'sClibraryinformation.Theerrorisreportedasalistoferrornumberand errortext.

Ifnoerrorhasoccurredorthesystemerrornumberhasbeenreset,n i l isreturned. Wheninterrorisgreater0 (zero)alistofthenumberandtheerrortextisreturned. Toresettheerrorspecify0 astheerrornumber. WheneverafunctioninnewLISPwithinthesystemresourcesareareturnsn i l ,s y s e r r o r canbecheckedfortheunderlying reason.Forfileoperations,s y s e r r o r maybesetfornonexistentfilesorwrongpermissionswhenaccessingtheresource.Another causeoferrorcouldbetheexhaustionofcertainsystemresourceslikefilehandlesorsemaphores.
; ;t r y i n gt oo p e nan o n e x i s t e n tf i l e ( o p e n" x y z "" r " ) n i l ( s y s e r r o r ) ; ;r e s e te r r n o ( s y s e r r o r0 ) ( s y s e r r o r ) ( 2" N os u c hf i l eo rd i r e c t o r y " ) ( 0" U n k n o w ne r r o r :0 " ) n i l


syntax:(sysinfo[intidx]) Callings y s i n f o withoutintidxreturnsalistofinternalresourcestatistics.Tenintegersreportthefollowingstatus: offset description 0 NumberofLispcells 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MaximumnumberofLispcellsconstant Numberofsymbols Evaluation/recursionlevel Environmentstacklevel Maximumcallstackconstant Pidoftheparentprocessor0 PidofrunningnewLISPprocess Versionnumberasanintegerconstant Operatingsystemconstant: linux=1,bsd=2,osx=3,solaris=4,win32=6,os/2=7,cygwin=8,tru64,unix=9,aix=10,android=11 bit11willbesetforffilib(extendedimport/callbackAPI)versions(add1024) bit10willbesetforIPv6versions(add512) bit9willbesetfor64bit(changeableatruntime)versions(add256) bit8willbesetforUTF8versions(add128) bit7willbeaddedforlibraryversions(add64)

Thenumbersfrom0 to9 indicatetheoptionaloffsetinthereturnedlist. Itisrecommendedtouseoffsets0to5toaddressupandincluding"Maximumcallstackconstant"andtousenegativeoffsets1to 4toaccessthelastfourentriesinthesysteminfolist.Futurenewentrieswillbeinsertedafteroffset5.Thiswayoldersourcecode doesnotneedtochange. Whenusingintidx,oneelementofthelistwillbereturned.

( s y s i n f o ) ( 4 2 92 6 8 4 3 5 4 5 64 0 2102 0 4 801 9 4 5 31 0 4 0 61 1 5 5 ) ( s y s i n f o3 ) 1 ( s y s i n f o2 ) 1 0 4 0 6; ;v e r s i o n1 0 . 4 . 6

ThenumberforthemaximumofLispcellscanbechangedviathem commandlineswitch.ForeachmegabyteofLispcell memory,64kmemorycellscanbeallocated.Themaximumcallstackdepthcanbechangedusingthes commandlineswitch.

syntax:(ttestlistvectornumbervalue) syntax:(ttestlistvectorAlistvectorB[t r u e ]) syntax:(ttestlistvectorAlistvectorBfloatprobability) InthefirstsyntaxthefunctionusesaonesampleStudent'sttesttocomparethemeanvalueoflistvectortothevalueinnumber value:
;o n es a m p l et t e s t ( t t e s t' ( 35425743 )2 . 5 ) ' ( 4 . 1 2 52 . 51 . 5 5 20 . 5 4 92 . 9 6 070 . 0 2 1 )

Thefollowingdataarereturnedinalist: name mean value sdev description meanofdatainvector valuetocompare standarddeviationindatavector

meanerror standarderrorofmean t tbetweenmeanandvalue df p degreesoffreedom twotailedprobabilityoftunderthenullhypothesis

Inaboveexamplethedifferenceofthemeanvalue4 . 1 2 5 from2 . 5 ismoderatelysignificant.Withaprobabilityp = 0 . 0 2 1 ( 2 . 1 % ) thenullhypothesisthatthemeanisnotsignificantlydifferent,canberejected. Inthesecondsyntax,thefunctionperformsattestusingtheStudent'ststatisticforcomparingthemeansvaluesinlistvectorAand listvectorB.Ifthet r u e flagisnotused,bothvectorsinAandBcanbeofdifferentlengthandgroupsrepresentedbyAandBare notrelated. Whentheoptionalflagissettot r u e ,measurementsweretakenfromthesamegrouptwice,e.g.beforeandafteraprocedure. Thefollowingresultsarereturnedinalist: name description meana meanofgroupA meanb meanofgroupB sdeva standarddeviationingroupA sdevb standarddeviationingroupB t df p tbetweenmeanvalues degreesoffreedom twotailedprobabilityoftunderthenullhypothesis


;S C A T( S a m ' sC o g n i t i v eA b i l i t yT e s t ) ;t w oi n d e p e n d e n ts a m p l et t e s t ( s e t' h o u r s s l e e p 8' ( 57535339 ) ) ( s e t' h o u r s s l e e p 4' ( 81466412 ) ) ( t t e s th o u r s s l e e p 8h o u r s s l e e p 4 ) ( 542 . 1 3 82 . 5 6 30 . 8 4 71 40 . 4 1 1 )

ThedurationofsleepsbeforetheSCATdoesnothaveasignificanteffectwithaprobabilityvalueof0 . 4 1 1 . Inthesecondexample,thesamegroupofpeoplegettestedtwice,beforeandafteratreatmentwithProzacdepressionmedication:
;E f f e c to fa na n t i d e p r e s s a n to nag r o u po fd e p r e s s e dp e o p l e ;t w or e l a t e ds a m p l e st t e s t ( s e t' m o o d p r e' ( 306743214 ) ) ( s e t' m o o d p o s t' ( 51571 0971 18 ) ) ( t t e s tm o o d p r em o o d p o s tt r u e ) ( 3 . 3 3 372 . 2 3 63 . 0 4 13 . 1 4 380 . 0 1 3 7 )

Theeffectoftheantidepressanttreatmentismoderatelysignificantwithap of0 . 0 1 3 7 . Inthethirdsyntax,aformoftheStudent'stcalledWelch'sttestisperformed.Thismethodisusedwhenthevariancesobservedin bothsamplesaresignificantlydifferent.Thethresholdcanbesetusingthefloatprobabilityparameter.Whenthisparameterisused thet t e s t functionwillperformaFtesttocomparethevariancesinthetwodatasamples.IftheprobabilityofthefoundFratiois belowthefloatprobabilityparameter,theWelch'sttestmethodwillbeused.Specifyingthisvalueas1 . 0 effectivelyforcesa Welch'sttest:

;t w oi n d e p e n d e n ts a m p l et t e s tu s i n gt h eW e l c hm e t h o d ( t t e s t' ( 1 0471161824 )' ( 46946893 )1 . 0 ) ( 4 . 46 . 1 2 53 . 2 3 92 . 3 5 71 . 3 0 71 50 . 2 1 1 ) ;t w oi n d e p e n d e n ts a m p l et t e s tu s i n gt h en o r m a lm e t h o d ( t t e s t' ( 1 0471161824 )' ( 46946893 ) ) ( 4 . 46 . 1 2 53 . 2 3 92 . 3 5 71 . 2 6 01 60 . 2 2 6 )

Thereisnosignificantdifferencebetweenthemeansofthetwosamples.TheWelchmethodofthettestisslightlymoresensitivein thiscasethanusingthenormalttestmethod. Smallervaluesthan1 . 0 wouldtriggertheWelch'sttestmethodonlywhenthesignificanceofvariancedifferenceinthesamples reachescertainvalue.

syntax:(tannumradians) Calculatesthetangentfunctionfromnumradiansandreturnstheresult.
( t a n1 ) 1 . 5 5 7 4 0 7 7 2 5 ( s e t' p i( m u l2( a s i n1 ) ) ) 3 . 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 4 ( t a n( d i vp i4 ) ) 1

syntax:(tanhnumradians) Calculatesthehyperbolictangentofnumradians.Thehyperbolictangentisdefinedmathematicallyas:sinh(x)/cosh(x).

( t a n h1 ) 0 . 7 6 1 5 9 4 1 5 6 ( t a n h1 0 ) 0 . 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 9 ( t a n h1 0 0 0 ) 1 ( =( t a n h1 )( d i v( s i n h1 )( c o s h1 ) ) ) t r u e

syntax:(termsymbol) Returnsasastring,thetermpartofasymbolwithoutthecontextprefix.
( s e t' A C T X : v a r1 2 3 ) ( s e t' s m' A C T X : v a r ) ( s t r i n gs m ) " A C T X : v a r " ( t e r ms m ) " v a r " ( s e t' s' f o o : b a r ) ( =s( s y m( t e r ms )( p r e f i xs ) ) )


syntax:(throwexp) Workstogetherwiththecatchfunction.t h r o w forcesthereturnofapreviousc a t c h statementandputstheexpintotheresult symbolofc a t c h .
( d e f i n e( t h r o w t e s t ) ( d o t i m e s( x1 0 0 0 ) ( i f( =x5 0 0 )( t h r o w" i n t e r r u p t e d " ) ) ) ) ( c a t c h( t h r o w t e s t )' r e s u l t ) t r u e r e s u l t " i n t e r r u p t e d " ( c a t c h( t h r o w t e s t ) ) " i n t e r r u p t e d "

Thelastexampleshowsashorterformofcatch,whichreturnsthet h r o w resultdirectly.
t h r o w isusefulforbreakingoutofalooporforearlyreturnfromuserdefinedfunctionsorexpressionblocks.Inthefollowing

example,theb e g i n blockwillreturnX if( f o oX ) ist r u e elseY willbereturned:

( c a t c h( b e g i n ( i f( f o oX )( t h r o wX )Y ) ) ) t h r o w willnotcauseanerrorexception.Usethrowerrortothrowusererrorexceptions.


( d e f i n e( f o oxy ) ( i f( =x0 )( t h r o w e r r o r" f i r s ta r g u m e n tc a n n o tb e0 " ) ) ( +xy ) ) ( f o o12 ) 3 ( f o o02 ) ;c a u s e sau s e re r r o re x c e p t i o n E R R :u s e re r r o r:f i r s ta r g u m e n tc a n n o tb e0 c a l l e df r o mu s e r d e f i n e df u n c t i o nf o o

Theusererrorcanbehandledlikeanyothererrorexceptionusinguserdefinederrorhandlersandtheerroreventfunction,orthe formofcatchthatcancaptureerrorexceptions.

syntax:(timeexp[intcount) Evaluatestheexpressioninexpandreturnsthetimespentonevaluationinfloatingpointmilliseconds.Dependingontheplatform decimalsofmillisecondsareshownornotshown.
( t i m e( m y p r o gxyz ) ) 4 5 0 . 3 4 0 ( t i m e( m y p r o gxyz )1 0 ) 4 4 2 0 . 0 2 1

Infirsttheexample,450millisecondselapsedwhileevaluating( m y p r o gxyz ) .Thesecondexamplereturnsthetimeforten evaluationsof( m y p r o gxyz ) .Seealsodate,datevalue,timeofday,andnow.

syntax:(timeofday) Returnsthetimeinmillisecondssincethestartofthecurrentday. Seealsothedate,datevalue,time,andnowfunctions.

syntax:(timersymeventhandler|funceventhandlernumseconds[intoption]) syntax:(timersymeventhandler|funceventhandler) syntax:(timer) StartsaoneshottimerfiringofftheUnixsignalS I G A L R M ,S I G V T A L R M ,orS I G P R O F afterthetimeinseconds(specifiedinnum seconds)haselapsed.Whenthetimerfires,itcallstheuserdefinedfunctioninsymorfunceventhandler. OnLinux/Unix,anoptional0 ,1 ,or2 canbespecifiedtocontrolhowthetimercounts.Withdefaultoption0 ,realtimeismeasured. Option1 measuresthetimetheCPUspendsprocessingintheprocessowningthetimer.Option2 isacombinationofbothcalled profilingtime.SeetheUnixmanpages e t i t i m e r ( ) fordetails.

Theeventhandlercanstartthetimeragaintoachieveacontinuousflowofevents.Startingwithversion8.5.9,secondscanbe definedasfloatingpointnumberswithafractionalpart(e.g.,0 . 2 5 for250milliseconds). Defining0 (zero)astimeshutstherunningtimerdownandpreventsitfromfiring. Whencalledwithsymorfunceventhandler,t i m e r returnstheelapsedtimeofthetimerinprogress.Thiscanbeusedtoprogram timelinesorschedules.

t i m e r calledwithoutargumentsreturnsthesymbolofthecurrenteventhandler. ( d e f i n e( t i c k e r ) ( p r i n t l n( d a t e ) )( t i m e r' t i c k e r1 . 0 ) ) >( t i c k e r ) T u eA p r1 22 0 : 4 4 : 4 82 0 0 5 t i c k e r >T u eA p r1 22 0 : 4 4 : 4 92 0 0 5 T u eA p r1 22 0 : 4 4 : 5 02 0 0 5 T u eA p r1 22 0 : 4 4 : 5 12 0 0 5 T u eA p r1 22 0 : 4 4 : 5 22 0 0 5 ;f i r s te x e c u t i o no ft i c k e r ;r e t u r nv a l u ef r o mt i c k e r ;f i r s tt i m e re v e n t ;s e c o n dt i m e re v e n t. . .

Theexampleshowsaneventhandler,t i c k e r ,whichstartsthetimeragainaftereachevent. Notethatatimercannotinterruptanongoingbuiltinfunction.ThetimerinterruptgetsregisteredbynewLISP,butatimerhandler cannotrununtiloneexpressionisevaluatedandthenextonestarts.TointerruptanongoingI/Ooperationwitht i m e r ,usethe followingpattern,whichcallsnetselecttotestifasocketisreadyforreading:

d e f i n e( i n t e r r u p t ) ( s e t' t i m e o u tt r u e ) ) ( s e t' l i s t e n( n e t l i s t e n3 0 0 0 1 ) ) ( s e t' s o c k e t( n e t a c c e p tl i s t e n ) ) ( t i m e r' i n t e r r u p t1 0 ) ; ;o rs p e c i f y i n gt h ef u n c t i o nd i r e c t l y ( t i m e r( f n( )( s e t' t i m e o u tt r u e ) )1 0 ) ( u n t i l( o rt i m e o u td o n e ) ( i f( n e t s e l e c ts o c k e t" r e a d "1 0 0 0 0 0 ) ( b e g i n ( n e t r e c e i v es o c k e tb u f f e r1 0 2 4 ) ( s e t' d o n et r u e ) ) ) ) ( i ft i m e o u t ( p r i n t l n" t i m e o u t " ) ( p r i n t l nb u f f e r ) ) ( e x i t )

Inthisexample,theu n t i l loopwillrununtilsomethingcanbereadfroms o c k e t ,oruntiltensecondshavepassedandthe t i m e o u t variableisset.

syntax:(titlecasestr[bool]) Returnsacopyofthestringinstrwiththefirstcharacterconvertedtouppercase.Whentheoptionalboolparameterevaluatestoany valueotherthann i l ,therestofthestringisconvertedtolowercase.
( t i t l e c a s e" h e l l o " ) " H e l l o " ( t i t l e c a s e" h E L L O "t r u e ) " H e l l o "

( t i t l e c a s e" h E L L O " )

" H E L L O "


syntax:(trace[bool]) Tracingisswitchedonwhenboolevaluatestoanythingotherthann i l .Whennoargumentissupplied,t r a c e evaluatestot r u e or n i l dependingonthecurrenttracemode.Iftracemodeisswitchedon,newLISPgoesintodebuggingmodeafterenteringthenext userdefinedfunction,displayingthefunctionandhighlightingthecurrentexpressionuponentryandexit. Highlightingisdonebybracketingtheexpressionbetweentwo#(numbersign)characters.Thiscanbechangedtoadifferent characterusingtracehighlight.Uponexitfromtheexpression,theresultofitsevaluationisalsoreported. Ifanexpressionoccursmorethanonceinafunction,thefirstoccurrenceoftheexecutingfunctionwillalwaysbehighlighted (bracketed). newLISPexecutionstopswithapromptlineateachentryandexitofanexpression.
[ >2 ]s | t e pn | e x tc | o n tq | u i t>

Attheprompt,ans ,n ,c ,orq canbeenteredtostepintoormerelyexecutethenextexpression.Anyexpressioncanbeenteredat thepromptforevaluation.Enteringthenameofavariable,forexample,wouldevaluatetoitscontents.Inthisway,avariable's contentscanbecheckedduringdebuggingorsettodifferentvalues.

; ;s w i t c h e sn e w L I S Pi n t od e b u g g i n gm o d e ( t r a c et r u e ) t r u e ; ;t h ed e b u g g e rw i l ls h o we a c hs t e p ( m y f u n cabc ) ; ;s w i t c h e dn e w L I S Po u to fd e b u g g i n gm o d e ( t r a c en i l ) n i l

TosetbreakpointswherenewLISPshouldinterruptnormalexecutionandgointodebuggingmode,put( t r a c et r u e ) statements intothenewLISPcodewhereexecutionshouldswitchonthedebugger. Usethedebugfunctionasashortcutfortheaboveexample.

syntax:(tracehighlightstrprestrpost[strheaderstrfooter]) Setsthecharactersorstringofcharactersusedtoencloseexpressionsduringtrace.Bydefault,the#(numbersign)isusedtoenclose theexpressionhighlightedintracemode.Thiscanbechangedtodifferentcharactersorstringsofuptosevencharacters.Ifthe consolewindowacceptsterminalcontrolcharacters,thiscanbeusedtodisplaytheexpressioninadifferentcolor,bold,reverse,and soforth. Twomorestringscanoptionallybespecifiedforstrheaderandstrfooter,whichcontroltheseparatorandprompt.Amaximumof 15charactersisallowedfortheheaderand31forthefooter.
; ;a c t i v ee x p r e s s i o n sa r ee n c l o s e di n> >a n d< < ( t r a c e h i g h l i g h t" > > "" < < " )

; ;' b r i g h t 'c o l o ro naV T 1 0 0o rs i m i l a rt e r m i n a lw i n d o w ( t r a c e h i g h l i g h t" \ 0 2 7 [ 1 m "" \ 0 2 7 [ 0 m " )

Thefirstexamplereplacesthedefault# (numbersign)witha> > and< < .ThesecondexampleworksonmostLinuxshells.Itmay not,however,workinconsolewindowsunderWin32orCYGWIN,dependingontheconfigurationoftheterminal.

syntax:(transposematrix) Transposesamatrixbyreversingtherowsandcolumns.Anykindoflistmatrixcanbetransposed.Matricesaremaderectangular byfillinginn i l formissingelements,omittingelementswhereappropriate,orexpandingatomsinrowsintolists.Matrix dimensionsarecalculatedusingthenumberofrowsintheoriginalmatrixforcolumnsandthenumberofelementsinthefirstrowas numberofrowsforthetransposedmatrix. Thematrixtotransposecancontainanydatatype. Thedimensionsofamatrixaredefinedbythenumberofrowsandthenumberofelementsinthefirstrow.Amatrixcaneitherbea nestedlistoranarray.
( s e t' A' ( ( 123 )( 456 ) ) ) ( t r a n s p o s eA ) ( ( 14 )( 25 )( 36 ) ) ( t r a n s p o s e( l i s t( s e q u e n c e15 ) ) ) ( ( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )( 5 ) ) ;a n yd a t at y p ei sa l l o w e di nt h em a t r i x ( t r a n s p o s e' ( ( ab )( cd )( ef ) ) ) ( ( ace )( bdf ) ) ;a r r a y sc a nb et r a n s p o s e dt o o ( s e t' A( a r r a y23( s e q u e n c e16 ) ) ) ( s e t' M( t r a n s p o s eA ) ) M( ( 14 )( 25 )( 36 ) )

Thenumberofcolumnsinamatrixisdefinedbythenumberofelementsinthefirstrowofthematrix.Ifotherrowshavefewer elements,t r a n s p o s e willassumen i l forthosemissingelements.Superfluouselementsinarowwillbeignored.

( s e t' A' ( ( 123 )( 45 )( 789 ) ) ) ( t r a n s p o s eA ) ( ( 147 )( 258 )( 3n i l9 ) )

( s e t' A' ( ( 123 )X( 789 ) ) ) ( t r a n s p o s eA ) ( ( 1X7 )( 2X8 )( 3X9 ) )

Alloperationsshownhereonlistscanalsobeperformedonarrays. Seealsothematrixoperationsdet,invert,matandmultiply.

syntax:(trimstr[strchar]) syntax:(trimstrstrleftcharstrrightchar)

Thefirstsyntaxtrimsthestringstrfrombothsides,strippingtheleadingandtrailingcharactersasgiveninstrchar.Ifstrchar containsnocharacter,thespacecharacterisassumed.t r i m returnsthenewstring. Thesecondsyntaxcaneithertrimdifferentcharactersfrombothsidesortrimonlyonesideifanemptystringisspecifiedforthe other.

( t r i m" h e l l o " ) ( t r i m" h e l l o "" " ) ( t r i m" 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 "" 0 "" " ) ( t r i m" 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 "" "" 0 " ) ( t r i m" h e l l o = = = = = "" "" = " ) " h e l l o " " h e l l o " " 1 2 3 4 0 " " 1 2 3 4 " " h e l l o "

syntax:(true?exp) Iftheexpressioninexpevaluatestoanythingotherthann i l ortheemptylist( ) ,t r u e ? returnst r u e otherwise,itreturnsn i l .
( m a pt r u e ?' ( x1" h i "( abc )n i l( ) ) ) ( t r u et r u et r u et r u en i ln i l ) ( t r u e ?n i l ) n i l ( t r u e ?' ( ) ) n i l t r u e ? behaveslikeifandrejectstheemptylist( ) .

syntax:(unicodestrutf8) ConvertsASCII/UTF8characterstringsinstrtoUCS4encodedUnicodeof4byteintegerspercharacter.Thestringisterminated witha4byteinteger0 .ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonUTF8enabledversionsofnewLISP.
( u n i c o d e" n e w " ) " n \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 e \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 w \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " ( u t f 8( u n i c o d e" n e w " ) ) " n e w "

OnbigendianCPUarchitectures,thebyteorderwillbereversedfromhightolow.Theu n i c o d e andutf8functionsaretheinverse ofeachother.ThesefunctionsareonlynecessaryifUCS4Unicodeisinuse.MostsystemsuseUTF8encodingonly.

syntax:(unifyexp1exp2[listenv]) Evaluatesandmatchesexp1andexp2.Expressionsmatchiftheyareequalorifoneoftheexpressionsisanunboundvariable (whichwouldthenbeboundtotheotherexpression).Ifexpressionsarelists,theyarematchedbycomparingsubexpressions. Unboundvariablesstartwithanuppercasecharactertodistinguishthemfromsymbols.u n i f y returnsn i l whentheunification processfails,oritreturnsalistofvariableassociationsonsuccess.Whennovariableswerebound,butthematchisstillsuccessful, u n i f y returnsanemptylist.newLISPusesamodifiedJ.AlanRobinsonunificationalgorithmwithcorrectlyappliedoccurscheck. SeealsoPeterNorvig'spaperaboutacommonunificationalgorithmbug,whichisnotpresentinthisimplementation.

Sinceversion10.4.0theunderscoresymbol_ (ASCII95)matchesanyatom,listorunboundvariableandneverbinds. Likematch,u n i f y isfrequentlyemployedasaparameterfunctorinfind,ref,refallandreplace.

( u n i f y' A' A ) ( ) ;t a u t o l o g y ( u n i f y' A1 2 3 ) ( ( A1 2 3 ) ) ;Ab o u n dt o1 2 3 ( u n i f y' ( AB )' ( xy ) ) ( ( Ax )( By ) ) ;Ab o u n dt ox ,Bb o u n dt oy ( u n i f y' ( AB )' ( Ba b c ) ) ( ( Aa b c )( Ba b c ) ) ;Bi sa l i a sf o rA ( u n i f y' a b c' x y z ) n i l ;f a i l sb e c a u s es y m b o l sa r ed i f f e r e n t ( u n i f y' ( AA )' ( 1 2 34 5 6 ) ) n i l ;f a i l sb e c a u s eAc a n n o tb eb o u n dt od i f f e r e n tv a l u e s ( u n i f y' ( fA )' ( fB ) ) ( ( AB ) ) ;Aa n dBa r ea l i a s e s ( u n i f y' ( fA )' ( gB ) ) n i l ;f a i l sb e c a u s eh e a d so ft e r m sa r ed i f f e r e n t ( u n i f y' ( fA )' ( fAB ) ) n i l ;f a i l sb e c a u s et e r m sa r eo fd i f f e r e n ta r i t y ( u n i f y' ( f( gA ) )' ( fB ) ) ( ( B( gA ) ) ) ;Bb o u n dt o( gA ) ( u n i f y' ( f( gA )A )' ( fBx y z ) ) ( ( B( gx y z ) )( Ax y z ) ) ;Bb o u n dt o( gx y z )At ox y z ( u n i f y' ( fA )' A ) n i l ;f a i l sb e c a u s eo fi n f i n i t eu n i f i c a t i o n( f ( f ( f ) ) ) ( u n i f y' ( Ax y zA )' ( a b cXX ) ) n i l;i n d i r e c ta l i a sAt oXd o e s n ' tm a t c hb o u n dt e r m s ( u n i f y' ( pXYa )' ( pYXX ) ) ' ( ( Ya )( Xa ) ) ) ;Xa l i a sYa n db i n d i n gt o' a ( u n i f y' ( q( pXY )( pYX ) )' ( qZZ ) ) ( ( YX )( Z( pXX ) ) ) ;i n d i r e c ta l i a s ( u n i f y' ( Ab_ )' ( xGz ) )( ( Ax )( Gb ) );_m a t c h e sa t o mz ( u n i f y' ( Abc_ )' ( xG_z ) )( ( Ax )( Gb ) );_n e v e rb i n d s ,m a t c h e sca n dz ( u n i f y' ( Ab_ )' ( xG( xyz ) ) )( ( Ax )( Gb ) );_m a t c h e sl i s t( xyz ) ; ;s o m ee x a m p l e st a k e nf r o mh t t p : / / e n . w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / U n i f i c a t i o n u n i f y cantakeanoptionalbindingorassociationlistinlistenv.Thisisusefulwhenchainingu n i f y expressionsandtheresultsof

previousu n i f y bindingsmustbeincluded:
( u n i f y' ( fX )' ( f1 2 3 ) ) ( ( X1 2 3 ) ) ( u n i f y' ( AB )' ( XA )' ( ( X1 2 3 ) ) ) ( ( X1 2 3 )( A1 2 3 )( B1 2 3 ) )

Inthepreviousexample,X wasboundto1 2 3 earlierandisincludedinthesecondstatementtoprebindX .

Useu n i f y withe x p a n d
NotethatvariablesarenotactuallyboundasanewLISPassignment.Rather,anassociationlistisreturnedshowingthelogical binding.Aspecialsyntaxofexpandcanbeusedtoactuallyreplaceboundvariableswiththeirterms:
( s e t' b i n d i n g s( u n i f y' ( f( gA )A )' ( fBx y z ) ) ) ( ( B( gx y z ) )( Ax y z ) ) ( e x p a n d' ( f( gA )A )b i n d i n g s ) ( f( gx y z )x y z ) ;o ri no n es t a t e m e n t ( e x p a n d' ( f( gA )A )( u n i f y' ( f( gA )A )' ( fBx y z ) ) ) ( f( gx y z )x y z )

Useu n i f y withb i n d fordestructuring


( b i n d( u n i f y' ( f( gA )A )' ( fBx y z ) ) ) Ax y z B( gx y z )

( s e t' s t r u c t u r e' ( ( o n e" t w o " )3( f o u r( xyz ) ) ) ) ( s e t' p a t t e r n' ( ( AB )C( DE ) ) ) ( b i n d( u n i f yp a t t e r ns t r u c t u r e ) ) Ao n e B" t w o " C3 Df o u r E( xyz ) u n i f y returnsanassociationlistandb i n d bindstheassociations.

Modelpropositionallogicwithu n i f y
Thefollowingexampleshowshowpropositionallogiccanbemodeledusingu n i f y andexpand:
;i fs o m e b o d yi sh u m a n ,h ei sm o r t a l>( Xh u m a n ): -( Xm o r t a l ) ;s o c r a t e si sh u m a n>( s o c r a t e sh u m a n ) ;i ss o c r a t e sm o r t a l ?>? ( s o c r a t e sm o r t a l ) ( e x p a n d' ( Xm o r t a l ) ( u n i f y' ( Xh u m a n )' ( s o c r a t e sh u m a n ) ) ) ( s o c r a t e sm o r t a l )

; ;as m a l lP R O L O Gi m p l e m e n t a t i o n ( s e t' f a c t s' ( ( s o c r a t e sp h i l o s o p h e r ) ( s o c r a t e sg r e e k ) ( s o c r a t e sh u m a n ) ( e i n s t e i ng e r m a n ) ( e i n s t e i n( s t u d i e dp h y s i c s ) ) ( e i n s t e i nh u m a n ) ) ) ( s e t' r u l e s' ( ( ( Xm o r t a l )< -( Xh u m a n ) ) ( ( X( k n o w sp h y s i c s ) )< -( Xp h y s i c i s t ) ) ( ( Xp h y s i c i s t )< -( X( s t u d i e dp h y s i c s ) ) ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( q u e r yt r m ) ( o r ( i f( f i n dt r mf a c t s )t r u e )( c a t c h( p r o v e r u l et r m ) ) ) ) ( d e f i n e( p r o v e r u l et r m ) ( d o l i s t( rr u l e s ) ( i f( l i s t ?( s e t' e( u n i f yt r m( f i r s tr ) ) ) ) ( i f( q u e r y( e x p a n d( l a s tr )e ) ) ( t h r o wt r u e ) ) ) ) n i l ) ;t r yi t >( q u e r y' ( s o c r a t e sh u m a n ) ) t r u e >( q u e r y' ( s o c r a t e s( k n o w sp h y s i c s ) ) ) n i l >( q u e r y' ( e i n s t e i n( k n o w sp h y s i c s ) ) ) t r u e

Theprogramhandlesadatabaseoff a c t s andadatabaseofsimpleAisafactifBisafactr u l e s .Afactisproventrueifiteither canbefoundinthef a c t s databaseorifitcanbeprovenusingarule.Rulescanbenested:forexample,toprovethatsomebody ( k n o w sp h y s i c s ) ,itmustbeprovedtruethatsomebodyisap h y s i c i s t .Butsomebodyisonlyaphysicistifthatpersons t u d i e d p h y s i c s .The< symbolseparatingtheleftandrighttermsoftherulesisnotrequiredandisonlyaddedtomaketherulesdatabase morereadable. Thisimplementationdoesnothandlemultipletermsintherightpremisepartoftherules,butitdoeshandlebacktrackingofthe r u l e s databasetotryoutdifferentmatches.Itdoesnothandlebacktrackinginmultiplepremisesoftherule.Forexample,ifinthe followingruleA i fBa n dCa n dD ,thepremisesB andC succeedandD fails,abacktrackingmechanismmightneedtogoback andreunifytheB orA termswithdifferentfactsorrulestomakeD succeed. Theabovealgorithmcouldbewrittendifferentlybyomittingexpandfromthedefinitionofp r o v e r u l e andbypassingthe environment,e ,asanargumenttotheu n i f y andq u e r y functions. Alearningofprovenfactscanbeimplementedbyappendingthemtothef a c t s databaseoncetheyareproven.Thiswouldspeed upsubsequentqueries. LargerPROLOGimplementationsalsoallowtheevaluationoftermsinrules.Thismakesitpossibletoimplementfunctionsfor doingotherworkwhileprocessingruleterms.p r o v e r u l e couldaccomplishthistestingforthesymbole v a l ineachruleterm.

u n i o n returnsauniquecollectionlistofdistinctelementsfoundintwoormorelists. ( u n i o n' ( 131443 )' ( 21564 ) ) ( 134256 )

Liketheothersetfunctionsdifference,intersectandunique,u n i o n maintainstheorderofelementsasfoundintheoriginallists.

syntax:(uniquelist) Returnsauniqueversionoflistwithallduplicatesremoved.
( u n i q u e' ( 23446787 ) ) ( 234678 )

Notethatthelistdoesnotneedtobesorted,butasortedlistmakesu n i q u e performfaster. Othersetfunctionsaredifference,intersectandunion.

syntax:(unlessexpconditionbody) Thestatementsinbodyareonlyevaluatedifexpconditionevaluateston i l ortheemptylist( ) .Theresultofthelastexpressionin bodyisreturnedorn i l ortheemptylist( ) ifbodywasnotexecuted.

Becauseu n l e s s doesnothaveanelseconditionasinif,thestatementsinbodyneednottobegroupedwithbegin:
( u n l e s s( s t a r t s w i t h( r e a d l i n e )" q u i t " ) ( p r o c e s s( c u r r e n t l i n e ) ) . . . ( f i n i s h ) )


syntax:(unpackstrformatstraddrpacked) syntax:(unpackstrformatnumaddrpacked) syntax:(unpackstructnumaddrpacked) syntax:(unpackstructstraddrpacked) Whenthefirstparameterisastring,u n p a c k unpacksabinarystructureinstraddrpackedorpointedtobynumaddrpackedinto newLISPvariablesusingtheformatinstrformat.u n p a c k isthereverseoperationofp a c k .Usingnumaddrpackedfacilitatesthe unpackingofstructuresreturnedfromimported,sharedlibraryfunctions. Ifthenumberspecifiedinnumaddrpackedisnotavalidmemoryaddress,asystembuserrororsegfaultcanoccurandcrash newLISPorleaveitinanunstablestate. Whenthefirstparameteristhesymbolofastructdefinition,u n p a c k usestheformatasspecifiedinstruct.Whileu n p a c k withstr formatliterallyunpacksasspecified,u n p a c k withstructwillskipstructurealigningpadbytesdependingondatatype,orderof elementsandCPUarchitecture.Refertothedescriptionofthestructfunctionformoredetail. Thefollowingcharactersmaydefineaformat: format
c b d u l d l u L d L u f l f s n n n > <

description asigned8bitnumber anunsigned8bitnumber asigned16bitshortnumber anunsigned16bitshortnumber asigned32bitlongnumber anunsigned32bitlongnumber asigned64bitlongnumber anunsigned64bitlongnumber afloatin32bitrepresentation adoublefloatin64bitrepresentation astringofnnullpaddedASCIIcharacters nnullcharacters switchestobigendianbyteorder switchestolittleendianbyteorder

( p a c k" ccc "6 56 66 7 ) " A B C " ( u n p a c k" ccc "" A B C " ) ( 6 56 66 7 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" cdu "1 01 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 ) )

( u n p a c k" cdu "s ) ( 1 01 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 9 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" s 1 0f "" r e s u l t "1 . 2 3 ) ) ( u n p a c k" s 1 0f "s ) ( " r e s u l t \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 "1 . 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" s 3l f "" r e s u l t "1 . 2 3 ) ) ( u n p a c k" s 3f "s ) ( " r e s "1 . 2 3 ) ( s e t' s( p a c k" cn 7c "1 12 2 ) ) ( u n p a c k" cn 7c "s ) ( 1 12 2 ) )

The> and< specifierscanbeusedtoswitchbetweenlittleendianandbigendianbyteorderwhenpackingorunpacking:

; ;o nal i t t l ee n d i a ns y s t e m( e . g . ,I n t e lC P U s ) ( s e t' b u f f( p a c k" d "1 ) ) " \ 0 0 1 \ 0 0 0 " ( u n p a c k" d "b u f f ) ( 1 ) ( u n p a c k" > d "b u f f ) ( 2 5 6 )

Switchingthebyteorderwillaffectallnumberformatswith16,32,or64bitsizes. Thep a c k andu n p a c k formatneednotbethesame,asinthefollowingexample:

( s e t' s( p a c k" s 3 "" A B C " ) ) ( u n p a c k" ccc "s ) ( 6 56 66 7 )

Theexamplesshowspacesbetweentheformatspecifiers.Althoughnotrequired,theycanimprovereadability. Ifthebuffer'ssizeatamemoryaddressissmallerthantheformattingstringspecifies,someformattingcharactersmaybeleftunused. Seealsotheaddress,getint,getlong,getchar,getstring,andpackfunctions.

syntax:(untilexpcondition[body]) Evaluatestheconditioninexpcondition.Iftheresultisn i l ortheemptylist( ) ,theexpressionsinbodyareevaluated.Evaluationis repeateduntiltheexpconditionresultsinavalueotherthann i l ortheemptylist.Theresultofthelastexpressionevaluatedinbody isthereturnvalueoftheu n t i l expression.Ifbodyisempty,theresultoflastexpconditionisreturned.u n t i l workslike(while (not)).
u n t i l alsoupdatesthesystemiteratorsymbol$ i d x . ( d e v i c e( o p e n" s o m e f i l e . t x t "" r e a d " ) ) ( s e t' l i n e c o u n t0 ) ( u n t i l( n o t( r e a d l i n e ) )( i n cl i n e c o u n t ) ) ( c l o s e( d e v i c e ) ) ( p r i n t" t h ef i l eh a s"l i n e c o u n t"l i n e s \ n " )


syntax:(uppercasestr) Returnsacopyofthestringinstrconvertedtouppercase.Internationalcharactersareconvertedcorrectly.

( u p p e r c a s e" h e l l ow o r l d " ) " H E L L OW O R L D "


syntax:(utf8strunicode) ConvertsaUCS4,4byte,Unicodeencodedstring(str)intoUTF8.ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonUTF8enabledversionsof newLISP.
( u n i c o d e" n e w " ) " n \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 e \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 w \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 \ 0 0 0 " ( u t f 8( u n i c o d e" n e w " ) ) " n e w "

Theu t f 8 functioncanalsobeusedtotestforthepresenceofUTF8enablednewLISP:
( i fu t f 8( d o u t f 8 v e r s i o n o f c o d e )( d o a s c i i v e r s i o n o f c o d e ) )

OnbigendianCPUarchitectures,thebyteorderwillbereversedfromhighesttolowest.Theu t f 8 andunicodefunctionsarethe inverseofeachother.ThesefunctionsareonlynecessaryifUCS4Unicodeisinuse.MostsystemsuseUTF8Unicodeencoding only.

syntax:(utf8lenstr) ReturnsthenumberofcharactersinaUTF8encodedstring.UTF8characterscanbeencodedinmorethanone8bitbyte. u t f 8 l e n returnsthenumberofUTF8charactersinastring.ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonUTF8enabledversionsof newLISP.
( u t f 8 l e n" " ) ( l e n g t h" " ) 1 2 3 6


syntax:(uuid[strnode]) ConstructsandreturnsaUUID(UniversallyUniqueIDentifier).Withoutanodespecinstrnode,atype4UUIDrandomgenerated bytenumberisreturned.Whentheoptionalstrnodeparameterisused,atype1UUIDisreturned.Thestringinstrnodespecifiesa validMAC(MediaAccessCode)fromanetworkadapterinstalledonthenodeorarandomnodeID.WhenarandomnodeIDis specified,theleastsignificantbitofthefirstnodebyteshouldbesetto1toavoidclasheswithrealMACidentifiers.UUIDsoftype 1withnodeIDaregeneratedfromatimestampandotherdata.SeeRFC4122fordetailsonUUIDgeneration.
; ;t y p e4U U I Df o ra n ys y s t e m ( u u i d ) " 4 9 3 A A D 6 1 2 6 6 F 4 8 A 9 B 9 9 A 3 3 9 4 1 B E E 3 6 0 7 "

; ;t y p e1U U I Dp r e f e r r e df o rd i s t r i b u t e ds y s t e m s ; ;c o n f i g u r en o d eI Df o re t h e r0 0 : 1 4 : 5 1 : 0 a : e 0 : b c ( s e t' i d( p a c k" c c c c c c "0 x 0 00 x 1 40 x 5 10 x 0 a0 x e 00 x b c ) ) ( u u i d i d ) " 0 7 4 9 1 6 1 C 2 E C 2 1 1 D B B B B 2 0 0 1 4 5 1 0 A E 0 B C "

Eachinvocationoftheu u i d functionwillyieldanewuniqueUUID.TheUUIDsaregeneratedwithoutsystemwidesharedstable store(seeRFC4122).IfthesystemgeneratingtheUUIDsisdistributedoverseveralnodes,thentype1generationshouldbeused withadifferentnodeIDoneachnode.Forseveralprocessesonthesamenode,validUUIDsareguaranteedevenifrequestedatthe sametime.ThisisbecausetheprocessIDofthegeneratingnewLISPprocessispartoftheseedfortherandomnumbergenerator. Whentype4IDsareusedonadistributedsystem,twoidenticalUUID'sarestillhighlyunlikelyandimpossiblefortype1IDsif realMACaddressesareused.

syntax:(waitpidintpid[intoptions|n i l ]) Waitsforachildprocessspecifiedinintpidtoend.Thechildprocesswaspreviouslystartedwithprocessorfork.Whenthechild processspecifiedinintpidends,alistofpidandstatusvalueisreturned.Thestatusvaluedescribesthereasonforterminationofthe childprocess.TheinterpretationofthereturnedstatusvaluediffersbetweenLinuxandotherflavorsofUnix.Consultthe Linux/Unixmanpagesforthew a i t p i d command(withoutthehyphenusedinnewLISP)forfurtherinformation. When1 isspecifiedforintpid,pidandstatusinformationofanychildprocessstartedbytheparentarereturned.When0 is specified,w a i t p i d onlywatcheschildprocessesinthesameprocessgroupasthecallingprocess.Anyothernegativevalueforint pidreportschildprocessesinthesameprocessgroupasspecifiedwithanegativesigninintpid. Anoptioncanbespecifiedinintoption.SeeLinux/Unixdocumentationfordetailsonintegervaluesforintoptions.Asan alternative,n i l canbespecified.Thisoptioncausesw a i t p i d tobenonblocking,returningrightawaywitha0 inthepidofthe listreturned.Thisoptionusedtogetherwithanintpidparameterof1 canbeusedtocontinuouslyloopandactonreturnedchild processes. ThisfunctionisonlyavailableonMacOSX,LinuxandotherUnixlikeoperatingsystems.
( s e t' p i d( f o r k( m y p r o c e s s ) ) )8 5 9 6 ( s e t' r e t( w a i t p i dp i d ) ) ( 8 5 9 60 );c h i l dh a se x i t e d ( p r i n t l n" p r o c e s s :"p i d"h a sf i n i s h e dw i t hs t a t u s :"( l a s tr e t ) )

Theprocessm y p r o c e s s isstarted,thenthemainprogramblocksinthew a i t p i d calluntilm y p r o c e s s hasfinished.

syntax:(whenexpconditionbody) Thestatementsinbodyareonlyevaluatedifexpconditionevaluatestoanythingnotn i l andnottheemptylist( ) .Theresultofthe lastexpressioninbodyisreturnedorn i l ortheemptylist( ) ifbodywasnotexecuted. Becausew h e n doesnothaveanelseconditionasinif,thestatementsinbodyneednottobegroupedwithbegin:
( w h e n( r e a d l i n e ) ( s e t' r e s u l t( a n a l y z e( c u r r e n t l i n e ) ) )

( r e p o r tr e s u l t ) ( f i n i s h )

Seealsothefunctionunlessworkinglike( w h e n( n o t. . . ). . . ) .

syntax:(whileexpconditionbody) Evaluatestheconditioninexpcondition.Iftheresultisnotn i l ortheemptylist( ) ,theexpressionsinbodyareevaluated. Evaluationisrepeateduntilanexpconditionresultsinn i l ortheemptylist( ) .Theresultofthebody'slastevaluatedexpressionis thereturnvalueofthew h i l e expression.
w h i l e alsoupdatesthesystemiteratorsymbol$ i d x . ( d e v i c e( o p e n" s o m e f i l e . t x t "" r e a d " ) ) ( s e t' l i n e c o u n t0 ) ( w h i l e( r e a d l i n e )( i n cl i n e c o u n t ) ) ( c l o s e( d e v i c e ) ) ( p r i n t" t h ef i l eh a s"l i n e c o u n t"l i n e s \ n " )


syntax:(writeintfilestrbuffer[intsize]) syntax:(writestrstrbuffer[intsize]) Thefunctionw r i t e writesintsizebytesfromabufferinstrbuffertoafilespecifiedinintfile,previouslyobtainedfromafileo p e n operation.Ifintsizeisnotspecified,alldatainsymbufferorstrbufferiswritten.w r i t e returnsthenumberofbyteswrittenorn i l onfailure.
w r i t e isashorterwritingofw r i t e b u f f e r .Thelongerformstillworksbutisdeprecatedandshouldbeavoidedinnewcode. ( s e t' h a n d l e( o p e n" m y f i l e . e x t "" w r i t e " ) ) ( w r i t eh a n d l ed a t a1 0 0 ) ( w r i t eh a n d l e" aq u i c km e s s a g e \ n " )

Thecodeintheexamplewrites100bytestothefilem y f i l e . e x t fromthecontentsind a t a . Inthesecondsyntax,w r i t e canbeusedfordestructivestringappending:

( s e t' s t r" " ) ( w r i t es t r" h e l l ow o r l d " ) s t r " h e l l ow o r l d "



syntax:(writecharintfileintbyte1[intbyte2...]) Writesabytespecifiedinintbytetoafilespecifiedbythefilehandleinintfile.Thefilehandleisobtainedfromapreviouso p e n operation.Eachw r i t e c h a r advancesthefilepointerbyone8bitbyte.

w r i t e c h a r returnsthenumberofbyteswritten. ( d e f i n e( s l o w f i l e c o p yf r o m f i l et o f i l e ) ( s e t' i n f i l e( o p e nf r o m f i l e" r e a d " ) ) ( s e t' o u t f i l e( o p e nt o f i l e" w r i t e " ) ) ( w h i l e( s e t' c h r( r e a d c h a ri n f i l e ) ) ( w r i t e c h a ro u t f i l ec h r ) ) ( c l o s ei n f i l e ) ( c l o s eo u t f i l e ) " f i n i s h e d " )

Usetheprintanddevicefunctionstowritelargerportionsofdataatatime.NotethatnewLISPalreadysuppliesafasterbuiltin functioncalledcopyfile. Seealsothereadcharfunction.

syntax:(writefilestrfilenamestrbuffer) Writesafileinstrfilenamewithcontentsinstrbufferinoneswoopandreturnsthenumberofbyteswritten. Onfailurethefunctionreturnsn i l .Forerrorinformation,usesyserrorwhenusedonfiles.WhenusedonURLsneterrorgives moreerrorinformation.
( w r i t e f i l e" m y f i l e . e n c " ( e n c r y p t( r e a d f i l e" / h o m e / l i s p / m y F i l e " )" s e c r e t " ) )

Thefilem y f i l e isread,encryptedusingthepasswords e c r e t ,andwrittenbackintothenewfilem y f i l e . e n c inthecurrent directory.

w r i t e f i l e cantakeanh t t p : / / orf i l e : / / URLinstrfilename.Whentheprefixh t t p : / / isused,w r i t e f i l e worksexactly

( w r i t e f i l e" h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m / m e s s a g e . t x t "" T h i si sam e s s a g e ")

Thefilem e s s a g e . t x t iscreatedandwrittenataremotelocation,h t t p : / / a s i t e . c o m ,withthecontentsofstrbuffer.Inthismode, w r i t e f i l e canalsobeusedtotransferfilestoremotenewLISPservernodes. Seealsotheappendfileandreadfilefunctions.

syntax:(writeline[intfile[str]]) syntax:(writelinestrout[str]]) Thestringinstrandthelineterminationcharacter(s)arewrittentothedevicespecifiedinintfile.Whenthestringargumentis omittedw r i t e l i n e writesthecontentsofthelastreadlinetointfileIfthefirstargumentisomittedtoothenitwritestotostandard out(STDOUT)ortowhateverdeviceissetbydevice.

w r i t e l i n e returnsthenumberofbyteswritten. ( s e t' o u t f i l e( o p e n" m y f i l e "" w r i t e " ) ) ( w r i t e l i n eo u t f i l e" h e l l ot h e r e " ) ( c l o s eo u t f i l e ) ( s e t' m y F i l e( o p e n" i n i t . l s p "" r e a d " ) ( w h i l e( r e a d l i n em y F i l e )( w r i t e l i n e ) ) ( s e t' s t r" " ) ( w r i t e l i n es t r" h e l l o " ) ( w r i t e l i n es t r" w o r l d " ) s t r " h e l l o \ n w o r l d \ n "

Thefirstexampleopens/createsafile,writesalinetoit,andclosesthefile.Thesecondexampleshowstheusageofw r i t e l i n e withoutarguments.Thecontentsofi n i t . l s p arewrittentotheconsolescreen. Seealsothefunctionwriteforwritingtoadevicewithoutthelineterminatingcharacter.

syntax:(xfereventsymeventhandler|funceventhandler) RegistersafunctioninsymbolsymeventhandlerorinlambdafunctionfunceventhandlertomonitorHTTPbytetransfersinitiated bygeturl,posturlorputurlorinitiatedbyfilefunctionswhichcantakeURLslikeload,save,readfile,writefileandappendfile. E.g.wheneverablockofdatarequestedwithgeturlarrives,thefunctioninsymorfuncwillbecalledwiththenumberofbytes transferred.Likewisewhensendingdatawithposturloranyoftheotherdatasendingfunctions,symorfuncwillbecalledwiththe numberofbytestransferredforeachblockofdatatransferred.
( x f e r e v e n t( f n( n )( p r i n t l n" > "n ) ) ) ( l e n g t h( g e t u r l" h t t p : / / n e w l i s p . o r g " ) ) > 7 3 > 7 9 9 > 1 4 5 2 > 3 5 1 > 1 0 9 3 > 3 5 2 > 2 1 1 > 8 8 5 > 5 6 4 > 8 8 4 > 5 6 1 > 7 5 > 8 1 2 > 6 3 8 > 1 4 5 2 > 8 0 1 > 5 > 9 2 7 1 1 9 3 5

Thecomputeroutputisshowninbold.Wheneverablockofdataisreceiveditsbytesizeisprinted.Insteadofdefiningthehandler functiondirectorywithalambdafunctioninfunc,asymbolcontainingafunctiondefinitioncouldhavebeenused:
( d e f i n e( r e p o r tn )( p r i n t l n" > "n ) ) ( x f e r e v e n t' r e p o r t )


syntax:(xmlerror) Returnsalistoferrorinformationfromthelastxmlparseoperationotherwise,returnsn i l ifnoerroroccurred.Thefirstelement containstextdescribingtheerror,andthesecondelementisanumberindicatingthelastscanpositioninthesourceXMLtext, startingat0 (zero).
( x m l p a r s e" < a t a g > h e l l o < / a t a g > < f i n " ) n i l ( x m l e r r o r ) ( " e x p e c t e dc l o s i n gt a g :> "1 8 )

syntax:(xmlparsestringxml[intoptions[symcontext[funccallback]]]) ParsesastringcontainingXML1.0compliant,wellformedXML.x m l p a r s e doesnotperformDTDvalidation.ItskipsDTDs (DocumentTypeDeclarations)andprocessinginstructions.NodesoftypeELEMENT,TEXT,CDATA,andCOMMENTare parsed,andanewLISPliststructureisreturned.Whenanelementnodedoesnothaveattributesorchildnodes,itinsteadcontains anemptylist.Attributesarereturnedasassociationlists,whichcanbeaccessedusingassoc.Whenx m l p a r s e failsdueto malformedXML,n i l isreturnedandxmlerrorcanbeusedtoaccesserrorinformation.
( s e t' x m l " < p e r s o nn a m e = ' J o h nD o e 't e l = ' 5 5 5 1 2 1 2 ' > n i c eg u y < / p e r s o n > " ) ( x m l p a r s ex m l ) ( ( " E L E M E N T "" p e r s o n " ( ( " n a m e "" J o h nD o e " ) ( " t e l "" 5 5 5 1 2 1 2 " ) ) ( ( " T E X T "" n i c eg u y " ) ) ) )

Optionally,theintoptionsparametercanbespecifiedtosuppresswhitespace,emptyattributelists,andcomments.Itcanalsobe usedtotransformtagsfromstringsintosymbols.Anotherfunction,xmltypetags,servesfortranslatingtheXMLtags.The followingoptionnumberscanbeused: option description 1 suppresswhitespacetexttags 2 4 8 16 suppressemptyattributelists suppresscommenttags translatestringtagsintosymbols addSXML(SexpressionXML)attributetags(@...)

Optionscanbecombinedbyaddingthenumbers(e.g.,3 wouldcombinetheoptionsforsuppressingwhitespacetexttags/infoand emptyattributelists). Thefollowingexamplesshowhowthedifferentoptionscanbeused:

< ? x m lv e r s i o n = " 1 . 0 "? > < D A T A B A S En a m e = " e x a m p l e . x m l " > < ! T h i si sad a t a b a s eo ff r u i t s > < F R U I T > < N A M E > a p p l e < / N A M E > < C O L O R > r e d < / C O L O R > < P R I C E > 0 . 8 0 < / P R I C E > < / F R U I T > < F R U I T > < N A M E > o r a n g e < / N A M E > < C O L O R > o r a n g e < / C O L O R > < P R I C E > 1 . 0 0 < / P R I C E > < / F R U I T > < F R U I T > < N A M E > b a n a n a < / N A M E > < C O L O R > y e l l o w < / C O L O R > < P R I C E > 0 . 6 0 < / P R I C E > < / F R U I T > < / D A T A B A S E >

( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) ) ( ( " E L E M E N T "" D A T A B A S E "( ( " n a m e "" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) )( ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ( " C O M M E N T "" T h i si sad a t a b a s eo ff r u i t s " ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( )( ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " )( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( ) ( ( " T E X T "" a p p l e " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( )( ( " T E X T "" r e d " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( )( ( " T E X T "" 0 . 8 0 " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ r \ n \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( )( ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " )( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( ) ( ( " T E X T "" o r a n g e " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( )( ( " T E X T "" o r a n g e " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( )( ( " T E X T "" 1 . 0 0 " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ r \ n \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( )( ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " )( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( ) ( ( " T E X T "" b a n a n a " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( )( ( " T E X T "" y e l l o w " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t \ t " ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( )( ( " T E X T "" 0 . 6 0 " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n \ t " ) ) ) ( " T E X T "" \ r \ n " ) ) ) )

TheT E X T elementscontainingonlywhitespacemaketheoutputveryconfusing.Asthedatabaseine x a m p l e . x m l onlycontains data,wecansuppresswhitespace,emptyattributelistsandcommentswithoption( +124 ) :

( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " )( +124 ) ) ( ( " E L E M E N T "" D A T A B A S E "( ( " n a m e "" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) )( ( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( ( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( ( " T E X T "" a p p l e " ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( ( " T E X T "" r e d " ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( ( " T E X T "" 0 . 8 0 " ) ) ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( ( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( ( " T E X T "" o r a n g e " ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( ( " T E X T "" o r a n g e " ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( ( " T E X T "" 1 . 0 0 " ) ) ) ) )

( " E L E M E N T "" F R U I T "( ( " E L E M E N T "" N A M E "( ( " T E X T "" b a n a n a " ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" C O L O R "( ( " T E X T "" y e l l o w " ) ) ) ( " E L E M E N T "" P R I C E "( ( " T E X T "" 0 . 6 0 " ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Theresultingoutputlooksmuchmorereadable,butitcanstillbeimprovedbyusingsymbolsinsteadofstringsforthetags "FRUIT","NAME","COLOR",and"PRICE",aswellasbysuppressingtheXMLtypetags"ELEMENT"and"TEXT" completelyusingthexmltypetagsdirective.

; ;s u p p r e s sa l lX M Lt y p et a g sf o rT E X Ta n dE L E M E N T ; ;i n s t e a do f" C D A T A " ,u s ec d a t aa n di n s t e a do f" C O M M E N T " ,u s e! ( x m l t y p e t a g sn i l' c d a t a' ! -n i l ) ; ;t u r no na l lo p t i o n sf o rs u p p r e s s i n gw h i t e s p a c ea n de m p t y ; ;a t t r i b u t e s ,t r a n s l a t et a g st os y m b o l s ( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " )( +128 ) ) ( ( D A T A B A S E( ( " n a m e "" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) ) ( ! -" T h i si sad a t a b a s eo ff r u i t s " ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" a p p l e " )( C O L O R" r e d " )( P R I C E" 0 . 8 0 " ) ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" o r a n g e " )( C O L O R" o r a n g e " )( P R I C E" 1 . 0 0 " ) ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" b a n a n a " )( C O L O R" y e l l o w " )( P R I C E" 0 . 6 0 " ) ) ) )

Whentagsaretranslatedintosymbolsbyusingoption8 ,acontextcanbespecifiedinsymcontext.Ifnocontextisspecified,all symbolswillbecreatedinsidethecurrentcontext.

( x m l t y p e t a g sn i ln i ln i ln i l ) ( x m l p a r s e" < m s g > H e l l oW o r l d < / m s g > "( +12481 6 )' C T X ) ( ( C T X : m s g" H e l l oW o r l d " ) )

Specifyingn i l fortheXMLtypetagsTEXTandELEMENTmakesthemdisappear.Atthesametime,parenthesesofthechild nodelistareremovedsothatchildnodesnowappearasmembersofthelist,startingwiththetagsymboltranslatedfromthestring tags"FRUIT","NAME",etcetera.

UsingxmltypetagstosuppressallXMLtypetagsalongwiththeoptionnumbers1 ,2 ,4 ,8 ,and1 6 SXMLformattedoutput canbegenerated:
( x m l t y p e t a g sn i ln i ln i ln i l ) ( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " )( +12481 6 ) ) ( ( D A T A B A S E( @( n a m e" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" a p p l e " )( C O L O R" r e d " )( P R I C E" 0 . 8 0 " ) ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" o r a n g e " )( C O L O R" o r a n g e " )( P R I C E" 1 . 0 0 " ) ) ( F R U I T( N A M E" b a n a n a " )( C O L O R" y e l l o w " )( P R I C E" 0 . 6 0 " ) ) ) )

IftheoriginalXMLtagscontainanamespacepartseparatedbya: ,thatcolonwillbetranslatedintoa. dotintheresulting newLISPsymbol. Notethatusingoptionnumber1 6 causesan@ (atsymbol)tobeaddedtoattributelists. SeealsothexmltypetagsfunctionforfurtherinformationonXMLparsing.

WhenparsingXMLexpressions,XMLtagsaretranslatedintonewLISPsymbols,whenoption8isspecified.Thesymcontext optionspecifiesthetargetcontextforthesymbolcreation:
( x m l t y p e t a g sn i ln i ln i ln i l ) ( x m l p a r s e( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " )( +12481 6 )' C T X ) ( ( C T X : D A T A B A S E( @( C T X : n a m e" e x a m p l e . x m l " ) ) ( C T X : F R U I T( C T X : N A M E" a p p l e " )( C T X : C O L O R" r e d " )( C T X : P R I C E" 0 . 8 0 " ) )

( C T X : F R U I T( C T X : N A M E" o r a n g e " )( C T X : C O L O R" o r a n g e " )( C T X : P R I C E" 1 . 0 0 " ) ) ( C T X : F R U I T( C T X : N A M E" b a n a n a " )( C T X : C O L O R" y e l l o w " )( C T X : P R I C E" 0 . 6 0 " ) ) ) )


Normally,x m l p a r s e willnotreturnuntilallparsinghasfinished.Usingthefunccallbackoption,x m l p a r s e willcallbackafter eachtagclosingwiththegeneratedSexpressionandastartpositionandlengthinthesourceXML:
; ;d e m oc a l l b a c kf e a t u r e ( d e f i n e( x m l c a l l b a c ks e x p rs t a r ts i z e ) ( i f( o r( =( s e x p r0 )' N A M E )( =( s e x p r0 )' C O L O R )( =( s e x p r0 )' P R I C E ) ) ( b e g i n ( p r i n t" p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : "s e x p r ) ( p r i n t l n" ,s o u r c e : "( s t a r ts i z ee x a m p l e x m l ) ) ) ) ) ( x m l t y p e t a g sn i l' c d a t a' ! -n i l ) ( x m l p a r s e ( r e a d f i l e" e x a m p l e . x m l " )( +128 )M A I Nx m l c a l l b a c k )

Thefollowingoutputwillbegeneratedbythecallbackfunctionx m l c a l l b a c k :
p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( N A M E" a p p l e " ) ,s o u r c e : < N A M E > a p p l e < / N A M E > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( C O L O R" r e d " ) ,s o u r c e : < C O L O R > r e d < / C O L O R > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( P R I C E" 0 . 8 0 " ) ,s o u r c e : < P R I C E > 0 . 8 0 < / P R I C E > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( N A M E" o r a n g e " ) ,s o u r c e : < N A M E > o r a n g e < / N A M E > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( C O L O R" o r a n g e " ) ,s o u r c e : < C O L O R > o r a n g e < / C O L O R > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( P R I C E" 1 . 0 0 " ) ,s o u r c e : < P R I C E > 1 . 0 0 < / P R I C E > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( N A M E" b a n a n a " ) ,s o u r c e : < N A M E > b a n a n a < / N A M E > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( C O L O R" y e l l o w " ) ,s o u r c e : < C O L O R > y e l l o w < / C O L O R > p a r s e de x p r e s s i o n : ( P R I C E" 0 . 6 0 " ) ,s o u r c e : < P R I C E > 0 . 6 0 < / P R I C E >


syntax:(xmltypetags[exptexttagexpcdatatagexpcommenttagexpelementtags]) CansuppresscompletelyorreplacetheXMLtypetags"TEXT","CDATA","COMMENT",and"ELEMENT"withsomething elsespecifiedintheparameters. Notethatx m l t y p e t a g s onlysuppressesortranslatesthetagsthemselvesbutdoesnotsuppressormodifythetaggedinformation. Thelatterwouldbedoneusingoptionnumbersinxmlparse. Usingx m l t y p e t a g s withoutargumentsreturnsthecurrenttypetags:
( x m l t y p e t a g s ) ( " T E X T "" C D A T A "" C O M M E N T "" E L E M E N T " ) ( x m l t y p e t a g sn i l' c d a t a' ! -n i l )

Thefirstexamplejustshowsthecurrentlyusedtypetags.Thesecondexamplespecifiessuppressionofthe"TEXT"and "ELEMENT"tagsandshowsc d a t a and! insteadof"CDATA"and"COMMENT".


syntax:(zero?exp) Checkstheevaluationofexptoseeifitequals0 (zero).

( s e t' v a l u e1 . 2 ) ( s e t' v a r0 ) ( z e r o ?v a l u e ) n i l ( z e r o ?v a r ) t r u e ( m a pz e r o ?' ( 00 . 03 . 44 ) ) ( t r u et r u en i ln i l ) ( m a pz e r o ?' ( n i lt r u e00 . 0" "( ) ) ) ( n i ln i lt r u et r u en i ln i l ) z e r o ? willreturnn i l ondatatypesotherthannumbers.


newLISPAPPENDIX Errorcodes
description notenoughmemory environmentstackoverflow callstackoverflow problemaccessingfile notanexpression missingparenthesis stringtokentoolong missingargument numberorstringexpected valueexpected stringexpected symbolexpected contextexpected symbolorcontextexpected listexpected listorarrayexpected listorsymbolexpected listorstringexpected listornumberexpected arrayexpected array,listorstringexpected lambdaexpected no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

lambdamacroexpected invalidfunction invalidlambdaexpression invalidmacroexpression invalidletparameterlist problemsavingfile divisionbyzero matrixexpected wrongdimensions matrixissingular syntaxinregularexpression throwwithoutcatch problemloadinglibrary importfunctionnotfound symbolisprotected errornumbertoohigh regularexpression missingendoftext[/text]

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

mismatchinnumberofarguments 41 probleminformatstring 42 datatypeandformatdon'tmatch 43 invalidparameter invalidparameter:0.0 invalidparameter:NaN invalidUTF8string illegalparametertype symbolnotinMAINcontext symbolnotincurrentcontext targetcannotbeMAIN listindexoutofbounds arrayindexoutofbounds stringindexoutofbounds nestingleveltoodeep listreferencechanged invalidsyntax usererror userreset receivedSIGINT functionisnotreentrant localsymbolisprotected noreferencefound listisempty I/Oerror workingdirectorynotfound invalidPID cannotopensocketpair 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68

cannotforkprocess nocommchannelfound

69 70

description invalidFFItype FFIstructexpected no 72 73 FFIpreparationfailed 71

no description 1 Cannotopensocket 2 DNSresolutionfailed 3 Notavalidservice 4 Connectionfailed 5 Acceptfailed 6 Connectionclosed 7 Connectionbroken 8 Socketsend()failed 9 Socketrecv()failed 10 Cannotbindsocket 11 Toomanysocketsinnetselect 12 Listenfailed 13 BadlyformedIP 14 Selectfailed 15 Peekfailed 16 Notavalidsocket 17 Cannotunblocksocket 18 Operationtimedout 19 HTTPbadformedURL 20 HTTPfileoperationfailed 21 HTTPtransferfailed 22 HTTPinvalidresponsefromserver 23 HTTPnoresponsefromserver 24 HTTPdocumentempty 25 HTTPerrorinheader 26 HTTPerrorinchunkedformat

newLISPmaintainsseveralinternalsymbolvariables.Allofthemareglobalandcanbeusedbytheprogrammer.Somehavewrite protection,othersareusersettable.Somewillchangewhenusedinasubexpressionoftheenclosingexpressionusingit.Othersare safewhenusingreentrantinnestedfunctionsorexpressions. Allsymbolsstartingwiththe$ characterwillnotbeserializedwhenusingthesaveorsourcefunctions. variablename
$ 0-$ 1 5 $ a r g s $ c o u n t


protected reentrant no yes no yes

Usedprimarilyinregularexpressions.$ 0 isalsousedtorecordthelaststateorcountof no executionofsomefunctions. Containsthelistparametersnotboundtolocalvariables.Normallythefunctionargsis yes usedtoretrievethecontentsofthisvariable. Thecountofelementsmatchingwhenusingfindall,replace,refallandsetrefallor thecountofcharactersprocessedbyreadexpr. yes

Thefunctiondolistmaintainsthisasalistindexoroffset.Thefunctionsmap,series, while,until,dowhileanddountilmaintainthisvariableasaniterationcounterstarting yes with0(zero)forthefirstiteration. Theanaphoric$ i t referstotheresultinsideanexecutingexpression,i.e.inself referentialassignments.$ i t isonlyavailableinsidethefunctionexpressionsettingit, $ i t yes andissetton i l onexitofthatexpression.Thefollowingfunctionsuseit:hashes,find all,replace,setref,setrefallandsetfsetq. ContainsthelistofcommandlineargumentspassedbytheOStonewLISPwhenit $ m a i n a r g s yes wasstarted.Normallythefunctionmainargsisusedtoretrievethecontents.
$ i d x



Thesearepresetsymbolconstants.Twoofthemareusedasnamespacetemplates,onetwowriteplatformindependentcode. name purpose protected reentrant n/a

IsthepredefinedgeneralFOOPclassconstructorwhichcanbeusedtogetherwithn e w to createnewFOOPclasses,e.g:( n e wC l a s s' R e c t a n g l e ) wouldcreateaclassandobject C l a s s no constructorforauserclassR e c t a n g l e .SeetheFOOPclassesandconstructorschapterinthe usersmanualfordetails. ContainsastringidentifyingtheOSPlatformforwhichtherunningnewLISPversionhas o s t y p e yes beencompiled.Seethereferencesectionfordetails Isapredefinednamespacetoserveasahashlikedictionary.Insteadofwriting( d e f i n e T r e e F o o : F o o ) tocreateaF o o dictionary,theexpression( n e wT r e e' F o o ) canbeusedaswell. no SeethechapterHashfunctionsanddictionariesfoedetails.
m o d u l e

n/a n/a n/a

Isapredefinedfunctiontoloadmodules.Insteadofusingl o a d togetherwiththeN E W L I S P D I R no environmentvariable,them o d u l e functionloadsautomaticallyfrom$ N E W L I S P D I R / m o d u l e s / .

ThesymbolsC l a s s ,T r e e andm o d u l e arepredefinedasfollows:

;b u i l t i nt e m p l a t ef o rF O O Pc o n s t r u c t o r s ;u s a g e :( n e wC l a s s' M y C l a s s ) ( d e f i n e( C l a s s : C l a s s ) ( c o n s( c o n t e x t )( a r g s ) ) ) ;b u i l t i nt e m p l a t ef o rh a s h e s ;u s a g e :( n e wT r e e' M y H a s h ) ( d e f i n eT r e e : T r e e )

;l o a dm o d u l e sf r o ms t a n d a r dp a t h ;u s a g e( m o d u l e" m y m o d u l e . l s p " ) ( d e f i n e( m o d u l e$ x ) ( l o a d( a p p e n d( e n v" N E W L I S P D I R " )" / m o d u l e s / "$ x ) ) ) ( g l o b a l' m o d u l e )

Thesesymbolsarenotprotectedandcanberedefinedbytheuser.The$ x variableisbuiltinandprotectedagainstdeletion.This$ x variableisalsousedincurryexpressions.


Version1.2,November2002 Copyright(C)2000,2001,2002FreeSoftwareFoundation,Inc.59TemplePlace,Suite330,Boston,MA021111307USA Everyoneispermittedtocopyanddistributeverbatimcopiesofthislicensedocument,butchangingitisnotallowed.

0.PREAMBLE ThepurposeofthisLicenseistomakeamanual,textbook,orotherfunctionalandusefuldocument"free"inthesenseoffreedom: toassureeveryonetheeffectivefreedomtocopyandredistributeit,withorwithoutmodifyingit,eithercommerciallyor noncommercially.Secondarily,thisLicensepreservesfortheauthorandpublisherawaytogetcreditfortheirwork,whilenot beingconsideredresponsibleformodificationsmadebyothers. ThisLicenseisakindof"copyleft",whichmeansthatderivativeworksofthedocumentmustthemselvesbefreeinthesamesense. ItcomplementstheGNUGeneralPublicLicense,whichisacopyleftlicensedesignedforfreesoftware. WehavedesignedthisLicenseinordertouseitformanualsforfreesoftware,becausefreesoftwareneedsfreedocumentation:a freeprogramshouldcomewithmanualsprovidingthesamefreedomsthatthesoftwaredoes.ButthisLicenseisnotlimitedto softwaremanualsitcanbeusedforanytextualwork,regardlessofsubjectmatterorwhetheritispublishedasaprintedbook.We recommendthisLicenseprincipallyforworkswhosepurposeisinstructionorreference. 1.APPLICABILITYANDDEFINITIONS ThisLicenseappliestoanymanualorotherwork,inanymedium,thatcontainsanoticeplacedbythecopyrightholdersayingit canbedistributedunderthetermsofthisLicense.Suchanoticegrantsaworldwide,royaltyfreelicense,unlimitedinduration,to usethatworkundertheconditionsstatedherein.The"Document",below,referstoanysuchmanualorwork.Anymemberofthe publicisalicensee,andisaddressedas"you".Youacceptthelicenseifyoucopy,modifyordistributetheworkinawayrequiring permissionundercopyrightlaw. A"ModifiedVersion"oftheDocumentmeansanyworkcontainingtheDocumentoraportionofit,eithercopiedverbatim,orwith modificationsand/ortranslatedintoanotherlanguage. A"SecondarySection"isanamedappendixorafrontmattersectionoftheDocumentthatdealsexclusivelywiththerelationshipof thepublishersorauthorsoftheDocumenttotheDocument'soverallsubject(ortorelatedmatters)andcontainsnothingthatcould falldirectlywithinthatoverallsubject.(Thus,iftheDocumentisinpartatextbookofmathematics,aSecondarySectionmaynot explainanymathematics.)Therelationshipcouldbeamatterofhistoricalconnectionwiththesubjectorwithrelatedmatters,orof legal,commercial,philosophical,ethicalorpoliticalpositionregardingthem.

The"InvariantSections"arecertainSecondarySectionswhosetitlesaredesignated,asbeingthoseofInvariantSections,inthe noticethatsaysthattheDocumentisreleasedunderthisLicense.IfasectiondoesnotfittheabovedefinitionofSecondarythenitis notallowedtobedesignatedasInvariant.TheDocumentmaycontainzeroInvariantSections.IftheDocumentdoesnotidentify anyInvariantSectionsthentherearenone. The"CoverTexts"arecertainshortpassagesoftextthatarelisted,asFrontCoverTextsorBackCoverTexts,inthenoticethat saysthattheDocumentisreleasedunderthisLicense.AFrontCoverTextmaybeatmost5words,andaBackCoverTextmaybe atmost25words. A"Transparent"copyoftheDocumentmeansamachinereadablecopy,representedinaformatwhosespecificationisavailableto thegeneralpublic,thatissuitableforrevisingthedocumentstraightforwardlywithgenerictexteditorsor(forimagescomposedof pixels)genericpaintprogramsor(fordrawings)somewidelyavailabledrawingeditor,andthatissuitableforinputtotext formattersorforautomatictranslationtoavarietyofformatssuitableforinputtotextformatters.Acopymadeinanotherwise Transparentfileformatwhosemarkup,orabsenceofmarkup,hasbeenarrangedtothwartordiscouragesubsequentmodification byreadersisnotTransparent.AnimageformatisnotTransparentifusedforanysubstantialamountoftext.Acopythatisnot "Transparent"iscalled"Opaque". ExamplesofsuitableformatsforTransparentcopiesincludeplainASCIIwithoutmarkup,Texinfoinputformat,LaTeXinput format,SGMLorXMLusingapubliclyavailableDTD,andstandardconformingsimpleHTML,PostScriptorPDFdesignedfor humanmodification.ExamplesoftransparentimageformatsincludePNG,XCFandJPG.Opaqueformatsincludeproprietary formatsthatcanbereadandeditedonlybyproprietarywordprocessors,SGMLorXMLforwhichtheDTDand/orprocessing toolsarenotgenerallyavailable,andthemachinegeneratedHTML,PostScriptorPDFproducedbysomewordprocessorsfor outputpurposesonly. The"TitlePage"means,foraprintedbook,thetitlepageitself,plussuchfollowingpagesasareneededtohold,legibly,the materialthisLicenserequirestoappearinthetitlepage.Forworksinformatswhichdonothaveanytitlepageassuch,"TitlePage" meansthetextnearthemostprominentappearanceofthework'stitle,precedingthebeginningofthebodyofthetext. Asection"EntitledXYZ"meansanamedsubunitoftheDocumentwhosetitleeitherispreciselyXYZorcontainsXYZin parenthesesfollowingtextthattranslatesXYZinanotherlanguage.(HereXYZstandsforaspecificsectionnamementioned below,suchas"Acknowledgements","Dedications","Endorsements",or"History".)To"PreservetheTitle"ofsuchasection whenyoumodifytheDocumentmeansthatitremainsasection"EntitledXYZ"accordingtothisdefinition. TheDocumentmayincludeWarrantyDisclaimersnexttothenoticewhichstatesthatthisLicenseappliestotheDocument.These WarrantyDisclaimersareconsideredtobeincludedbyreferenceinthisLicense,butonlyasregardsdisclaimingwarranties:any otherimplicationthattheseWarrantyDisclaimersmayhaveisvoidandhasnoeffectonthemeaningofthisLicense. 2.VERBATIMCOPYING YoumaycopyanddistributetheDocumentinanymedium,eithercommerciallyornoncommercially,providedthatthisLicense, thecopyrightnotices,andthelicensenoticesayingthisLicenseappliestotheDocumentarereproducedinallcopies,andthatyou addnootherconditionswhatsoevertothoseofthisLicense.Youmaynotusetechnicalmeasurestoobstructorcontrolthereading orfurthercopyingofthecopiesyoumakeordistribute.However,youmayacceptcompensationinexchangeforcopies.Ifyou distributealargeenoughnumberofcopiesyoumustalsofollowtheconditionsinsection3. Youmayalsolendcopies,underthesameconditionsstatedabove,andyoumaypubliclydisplaycopies. 3.COPYINGINQUANTITY Ifyoupublishprintedcopies(orcopiesinmediathatcommonlyhaveprintedcovers)oftheDocument,numberingmorethan100, andtheDocument'slicensenoticerequiresCoverTexts,youmustenclosethecopiesincoversthatcarry,clearlyandlegibly,all theseCoverTexts:FrontCoverTextsonthefrontcover,andBackCoverTextsonthebackcover.Bothcoversmustalsoclearly andlegiblyidentifyyouasthepublisherofthesecopies.Thefrontcovermustpresentthefulltitlewithallwordsofthetitleequally prominentandvisible.Youmayaddothermaterialonthecoversinaddition.Copyingwithchangeslimitedtothecovers,aslongas theypreservethetitleoftheDocumentandsatisfytheseconditions,canbetreatedasverbatimcopyinginotherrespects. Iftherequiredtextsforeithercoveraretoovoluminoustofitlegibly,youshouldputthefirstoneslisted(asmanyasfitreasonably)

ontheactualcover,andcontinuetherestontoadjacentpages. IfyoupublishordistributeOpaquecopiesoftheDocumentnumberingmorethan100,youmusteitherincludeamachinereadable TransparentcopyalongwitheachOpaquecopy,orstateinorwitheachOpaquecopyacomputernetworklocationfromwhichthe generalnetworkusingpublichasaccesstodownloadusingpublicstandardnetworkprotocolsacompleteTransparentcopyofthe Document,freeofaddedmaterial.Ifyouusethelatteroption,youmusttakereasonablyprudentsteps,whenyoubegindistribution ofOpaquecopiesinquantity,toensurethatthisTransparentcopywillremainthusaccessibleatthestatedlocationuntilatleastone yearafterthelasttimeyoudistributeanOpaquecopy(directlyorthroughyouragentsorretailers)ofthateditiontothepublic. Itisrequested,butnotrequired,thatyoucontacttheauthorsoftheDocumentwellbeforeredistributinganylargenumberofcopies, togivethemachancetoprovideyouwithanupdatedversionoftheDocument. 4.MODIFICATIONS YoumaycopyanddistributeaModifiedVersionoftheDocumentundertheconditionsofsections2and3above,providedthat youreleasetheModifiedVersionunderpreciselythisLicense,withtheModifiedVersionfillingtheroleoftheDocument,thus licensingdistributionandmodificationoftheModifiedVersiontowhoeverpossessesacopyofit.Inaddition,youmustdothese thingsintheModifiedVersion: A.UseintheTitlePage(andonthecovers,ifany)atitledistinctfromthatoftheDocument,andfromthoseof previousversions(whichshould,iftherewereany,belistedintheHistorysectionoftheDocument).Youmayusethe sametitleasapreviousversioniftheoriginalpublisherofthatversiongivespermission. B.ListontheTitlePage,asauthors,oneormorepersonsorentitiesresponsibleforauthorshipofthemodificationsin theModifiedVersion,togetherwithatleastfiveoftheprincipalauthorsoftheDocument(allofitsprincipalauthors,if ithasfewerthanfive),unlesstheyreleaseyoufromthisrequirement. C.StateontheTitlepagethenameofthepublisheroftheModifiedVersion,asthepublisher. D.PreserveallthecopyrightnoticesoftheDocument. E.Addanappropriatecopyrightnoticeforyourmodificationsadjacenttotheothercopyrightnotices. F.Include,immediatelyafterthecopyrightnotices,alicensenoticegivingthepublicpermissiontousetheModified VersionunderthetermsofthisLicense,intheformshownintheAddendumbelow. G.PreserveinthatlicensenoticethefulllistsofInvariantSectionsandrequiredCoverTextsgivenintheDocument's licensenotice. H.IncludeanunalteredcopyofthisLicense. I.PreservethesectionEntitled"History",PreserveitsTitle,andaddtoitanitemstatingatleastthetitle,year,new authors,andpublisheroftheModifiedVersionasgivenontheTitlePage.IfthereisnosectionEntitled"History"in theDocument,createonestatingthetitle,year,authors,andpublisheroftheDocumentasgivenonitsTitlePage,then addanitemdescribingtheModifiedVersionasstatedintheprevioussentence. J.Preservethenetworklocation,ifany,givenintheDocumentforpublicaccesstoaTransparentcopyofthe Document,andlikewisethenetworklocationsgivenintheDocumentforpreviousversionsitwasbasedon.These maybeplacedinthe"History"section.Youmayomitanetworklocationforaworkthatwaspublishedatleastfour yearsbeforetheDocumentitself,oriftheoriginalpublisheroftheversionitreferstogivespermission. K.ForanysectionEntitled"Acknowledgements"or"Dedications",PreservetheTitleofthesection,andpreservein thesectionallthesubstanceandtoneofeachofthecontributoracknowledgementsand/ordedicationsgiventherein. L.PreservealltheInvariantSectionsoftheDocument,unalteredintheirtextandintheirtitles.Sectionnumbersorthe equivalentarenotconsideredpartofthesectiontitles. M.DeleteanysectionEntitled"Endorsements".SuchasectionmaynotbeincludedintheModifiedVersion.

N.DonotretitleanyexistingsectiontobeEntitled"Endorsements"ortoconflictintitlewithanyInvariantSection. O.PreserveanyWarrantyDisclaimers. IftheModifiedVersionincludesnewfrontmattersectionsorappendicesthatqualifyasSecondarySectionsandcontainnomaterial copiedfromtheDocument,youmayatyouroptiondesignatesomeorallofthesesectionsasinvariant.Todothis,addtheirtitlesto thelistofInvariantSectionsintheModifiedVersion'slicensenotice.Thesetitlesmustbedistinctfromanyothersectiontitles. YoumayaddasectionEntitled"Endorsements",provideditcontainsnothingbutendorsementsofyourModifiedVersionby variouspartiesforexample,statementsofpeerrevieworthatthetexthasbeenapprovedbyanorganizationastheauthoritative definitionofastandard. YoumayaddapassageofuptofivewordsasaFrontCoverText,andapassageofupto25wordsasaBackCoverText,tothe endofthelistofCoverTextsintheModifiedVersion.OnlyonepassageofFrontCoverTextandoneofBackCoverTextmaybe addedby(orthrougharrangementsmadeby)anyoneentity.IftheDocumentalreadyincludesacovertextforthesamecover, previouslyaddedbyyouorbyarrangementmadebythesameentityyouareactingonbehalfof,youmaynotaddanotherbutyou mayreplacetheoldone,onexplicitpermissionfromthepreviouspublisherthataddedtheoldone. Theauthor(s)andpublisher(s)oftheDocumentdonotbythisLicensegivepermissiontousetheirnamesforpublicityfororto assertorimplyendorsementofanyModifiedVersion. 5.COMBININGDOCUMENTS YoumaycombinetheDocumentwithotherdocumentsreleasedunderthisLicense,underthetermsdefinedinsection4abovefor modifiedversions,providedthatyouincludeinthecombinationalloftheInvariantSectionsofalloftheoriginaldocuments, unmodified,andlistthemallasInvariantSectionsofyourcombinedworkinitslicensenotice,andthatyoupreservealltheir WarrantyDisclaimers. ThecombinedworkneedonlycontainonecopyofthisLicense,andmultipleidenticalInvariantSectionsmaybereplacedwitha singlecopy.IftherearemultipleInvariantSectionswiththesamenamebutdifferentcontents,makethetitleofeachsuchsection uniquebyaddingattheendofit,inparentheses,thenameoftheoriginalauthororpublisherofthatsectionifknown,orelsea uniquenumber.MakethesameadjustmenttothesectiontitlesinthelistofInvariantSectionsinthelicensenoticeofthecombined work. Inthecombination,youmustcombineanysectionsEntitled"History"inthevariousoriginaldocuments,formingonesection Entitled"History"likewisecombineanysectionsEntitled"Acknowledgements",andanysectionsEntitled"Dedications".You mustdeleteallsectionsEntitled"Endorsements." 6.COLLECTIONSOFDOCUMENTS YoumaymakeacollectionconsistingoftheDocumentandotherdocumentsreleasedunderthisLicense,andreplacetheindividual copiesofthisLicenseinthevariousdocumentswithasinglecopythatisincludedinthecollection,providedthatyoufollowthe rulesofthisLicenseforverbatimcopyingofeachofthedocumentsinallotherrespects. Youmayextractasingledocumentfromsuchacollection,anddistributeitindividuallyunderthisLicense,providedyouinserta copyofthisLicenseintotheextracteddocument,andfollowthisLicenseinallotherrespectsregardingverbatimcopyingofthat document. 7.AGGREGATIONWITHINDEPENDENTWORKS AcompilationoftheDocumentoritsderivativeswithotherseparateandindependentdocumentsorworks,inoronavolumeofa storageordistributionmedium,iscalledan"aggregate"ifthecopyrightresultingfromthecompilationisnotusedtolimitthelegal rightsofthecompilation'susersbeyondwhattheindividualworkspermit.WhentheDocumentisincludedinanaggregate,this LicensedoesnotapplytotheotherworksintheaggregatewhicharenotthemselvesderivativeworksoftheDocument. IftheCoverTextrequirementofsection3isapplicabletothesecopiesoftheDocument,theniftheDocumentislessthanonehalf oftheentireaggregate,theDocument'sCoverTextsmaybeplacedoncoversthatbrackettheDocumentwithintheaggregate,or

theelectronicequivalentofcoversiftheDocumentisinelectronicform.Otherwisetheymustappearonprintedcoversthatbracket thewholeaggregate. 8.TRANSLATION Translationisconsideredakindofmodification,soyoumaydistributetranslationsoftheDocumentunderthetermsofsection4. ReplacingInvariantSectionswithtranslationsrequiresspecialpermissionfromtheircopyrightholders,butyoumayinclude translationsofsomeorallInvariantSectionsinadditiontotheoriginalversionsoftheseInvariantSections.Youmayincludea translationofthisLicense,andallthelicensenoticesintheDocument,andanyWarrantyDisclaimers,providedthatyoualso includetheoriginalEnglishversionofthisLicenseandtheoriginalversionsofthosenoticesanddisclaimers.Incaseofa disagreementbetweenthetranslationandtheoriginalversionofthisLicenseoranoticeordisclaimer,theoriginalversionwill prevail. IfasectionintheDocumentisEntitled"Acknowledgements","Dedications",or"History",therequirement(section4)toPreserve itsTitle(section1)willtypicallyrequirechangingtheactualtitle. 9.TERMINATION Youmaynotcopy,modify,sublicense,ordistributetheDocumentexceptasexpresslyprovidedforunderthisLicense.Anyother attempttocopy,modify,sublicenseordistributetheDocumentisvoid,andwillautomaticallyterminateyourrightsunderthis License.However,partieswhohavereceivedcopies,orrights,fromyouunderthisLicensewillnothavetheirlicensesterminated solongassuchpartiesremaininfullcompliance. 10.FUTUREREVISIONSOFTHISLICENSE TheFreeSoftwareFoundationmaypublishnew,revisedversionsoftheGNUFreeDocumentationLicensefromtimetotime. Suchnewversionswillbesimilarinspirittothepresentversion,butmaydifferindetailtoaddressnewproblemsorconcerns.See EachversionoftheLicenseisgivenadistinguishingversionnumber.IftheDocumentspecifiesthataparticularnumberedversion ofthisLicense"oranylaterversion"appliestoit,youhavetheoptionoffollowingthetermsandconditionseitherofthatspecified versionorofanylaterversionthathasbeenpublished(notasadraft)bytheFreeSoftwareFoundation.IftheDocumentdoesnot specifyaversionnumberofthisLicense,youmaychooseanyversioneverpublished(notasadraft)bytheFreeSoftware Foundation.

Version3,29June2007 Copyright(C)2007FreeSoftwareFoundation,Inc. thislicensedocument,butchangingitisnotallowed. Preamble TheGNUGeneralPublicLicenseisafree,copyleftlicenseforsoftwareandotherkindsofworks. Thelicensesformostsoftwareandotherpracticalworksaredesignedtotakeawayyourfreedomtoshareandchangetheworks. Bycontrast,theGNUGeneralPublicLicenseisintendedtoguaranteeyourfreedomtoshareandchangeallversionsofaprogram

tomakesureitremainsfreesoftwareforallitsusers.We,theFreeSoftwareFoundation,usetheGNUGeneralPublicLicensefor mostofoursoftwareitappliesalsotoanyotherworkreleasedthiswaybyitsauthors.Youcanapplyittoyourprograms,too. Whenwespeakoffreesoftware,wearereferringtofreedom,notprice.OurGeneralPublicLicensesaredesignedtomakesurethat youhavethefreedomtodistributecopiesoffreesoftware(andchargeforthemifyouwish),thatyoureceivesourcecodeorcanget itifyouwantit,thatyoucanchangethesoftwareorusepiecesofitinnewfreeprograms,andthatyouknowyoucandothese things. Toprotectyourrights,weneedtopreventothersfromdenyingyoutheserightsoraskingyoutosurrendertherights.Therefore,you havecertainresponsibilitiesifyoudistributecopiesofthesoftware,orifyoumodifyit:responsibilitiestorespectthefreedomof others. Forexample,ifyoudistributecopiesofsuchaprogram,whethergratisorforafee,youmustpassontotherecipientsthesame freedomsthatyoureceived.Youmustmakesurethatthey,too,receiveorcangetthesourcecode.Andyoumustshowthemthese termssotheyknowtheirrights. DevelopersthatusetheGNUGPLprotectyourrightswithtwosteps: (1)assertcopyrightonthesoftware,and(2)offeryouthisLicensegivingyoulegalpermissiontocopy,distributeand/ormodifyit. Forthedevelopers'andauthors'protection,theGPLclearlyexplainsthatthereisnowarrantyforthisfreesoftware.Forbothusers' andauthors'sake,theGPLrequiresthatmodifiedversionsbemarkedaschanged,sothattheirproblemswillnotbeattributed erroneouslytoauthorsofpreviousversions. Somedevicesaredesignedtodenyusersaccesstoinstallorrunmodifiedversionsofthesoftwareinsidethem,althoughthe manufacturercandoso.Thisisfundamentallyincompatiblewiththeaimofprotectingusers'freedomtochangethesoftware.The systematicpatternofsuchabuseoccursintheareaofproductsforindividualstouse,whichispreciselywhereitismost unacceptable.Therefore,wehavedesignedthisversionoftheGPLtoprohibitthepracticeforthoseproducts.Ifsuchproblemsarise substantiallyinotherdomains,westandreadytoextendthisprovisiontothosedomainsinfutureversionsoftheGPL,asneededto protectthefreedomofusers. Finally,everyprogramisthreatenedconstantlybysoftwarepatents.Statesshouldnotallowpatentstorestrictdevelopmentanduse ofsoftwareongeneralpurposecomputers,butinthosethatdo,wewishtoavoidthespecialdangerthatpatentsappliedtoafree programcouldmakeiteffectivelyproprietary.Topreventthis,theGPLassuresthatpatentscannotbeusedtorendertheprogram nonfree. Theprecisetermsandconditionsforcopying,distributionandmodificationfollow. TERMSANDCONDITIONS 0.Definitions. "ThisLicense"referstoversion3oftheGNUGeneralPublicLicense. "Copyright"alsomeanscopyrightlikelawsthatapplytootherkindsofworks,suchassemiconductormasks. "TheProgram"referstoanycopyrightableworklicensedunderthisLicense.Eachlicenseeisaddressedas"you"."Licensees"and "recipients"maybeindividualsororganizations. To"modify"aworkmeanstocopyfromoradaptallorpartoftheworkinafashionrequiringcopyrightpermission,otherthanthe makingofanexactcopy.Theresultingworkiscalleda"modifiedversion"oftheearlierworkorawork"basedon"theearlier work. A"coveredwork"meanseithertheunmodifiedProgramoraworkbasedontheProgram. To"propagate"aworkmeanstodoanythingwithitthat,withoutpermission,wouldmakeyoudirectlyorsecondarilyliablefor infringementunderapplicablecopyrightlaw,exceptexecutingitonacomputerormodifyingaprivatecopy.Propagationincludes copying,distribution(withorwithoutmodification),makingavailabletothepublic,andinsomecountriesotheractivitiesaswell.

To"convey"aworkmeansanykindofpropagationthatenablesotherpartiestomakeorreceivecopies.Mereinteractionwitha userthroughacomputernetwork,withnotransferofacopy,isnotconveying. Aninteractiveuserinterfacedisplays"AppropriateLegalNotices"totheextentthatitincludesaconvenientandprominentlyvisible featurethat(1)displaysanappropriatecopyrightnotice,and(2)tellstheuserthatthereisnowarrantyforthework(excepttothe extentthatwarrantiesareprovided),thatlicenseesmayconveytheworkunderthisLicense,andhowtoviewacopyofthis License.Iftheinterfacepresentsalistofusercommandsoroptions,suchasamenu,aprominentiteminthelistmeetsthiscriterion. 1.SourceCode. The"sourcecode"foraworkmeansthepreferredformoftheworkformakingmodificationstoit."Objectcode"meansanynon sourceformofawork. A"StandardInterface"meansaninterfacethateitherisanofficialstandarddefinedbyarecognizedstandardsbody,or,inthecase ofinterfacesspecifiedforaparticularprogramminglanguage,onethatiswidelyusedamongdevelopersworkinginthatlanguage. The"SystemLibraries"ofanexecutableworkincludeanything,otherthantheworkasawhole,that(a)isincludedinthenormal formofpackagingaMajorComponent,butwhichisnotpartofthatMajorComponent,and(b)servesonlytoenableuseofthe workwiththatMajorComponent,ortoimplementaStandardInterfaceforwhichanimplementationisavailabletothepublicin sourcecodeform.A"MajorComponent",inthiscontext,meansamajoressentialcomponent(kernel,windowsystem,andsoon) ofthespecificoperatingsystem(ifany)onwhichtheexecutableworkruns,oracompilerusedtoproducethework,oranobject codeinterpreterusedtorunit. The"CorrespondingSource"foraworkinobjectcodeformmeansallthesourcecodeneededtogenerate,install,and(foran executablework)runtheobjectcodeandtomodifythework,includingscriptstocontrolthoseactivities.However,itdoesnot includethework'sSystemLibraries,orgeneralpurposetoolsorgenerallyavailablefreeprogramswhichareusedunmodifiedin performingthoseactivitiesbutwhicharenotpartofthework.Forexample,CorrespondingSourceincludesinterfacedefinitionfiles associatedwithsourcefilesforthework,andthesourcecodeforsharedlibrariesanddynamicallylinkedsubprogramsthatthework isspecificallydesignedtorequire,suchasbyintimatedatacommunicationorcontrolflowbetweenthosesubprogramsandother partsofthework. TheCorrespondingSourceneednotincludeanythingthatuserscanregenerateautomaticallyfromotherpartsoftheCorresponding Source. TheCorrespondingSourceforaworkinsourcecodeformisthatsamework. 2.BasicPermissions. AllrightsgrantedunderthisLicensearegrantedforthetermofcopyrightontheProgram,andareirrevocableprovidedthestated conditionsaremet.ThisLicenseexplicitlyaffirmsyourunlimitedpermissiontoruntheunmodifiedProgram.Theoutputfrom runningacoveredworkiscoveredbythisLicenseonlyiftheoutput,givenitscontent,constitutesacoveredwork.ThisLicense acknowledgesyourrightsoffairuseorotherequivalent,asprovidedbycopyrightlaw. Youmaymake,runandpropagatecoveredworksthatyoudonotconvey,withoutconditionssolongasyourlicenseotherwise remainsinforce.Youmayconveycoveredworkstoothersforthesolepurposeofhavingthemmakemodificationsexclusivelyfor you,orprovideyouwithfacilitiesforrunningthoseworks,providedthatyoucomplywiththetermsofthisLicenseinconveyingall materialforwhichyoudonotcontrolcopyright.Thosethusmakingorrunningthecoveredworksforyoumustdosoexclusively onyourbehalf,underyourdirectionandcontrol,ontermsthatprohibitthemfrommakinganycopiesofyourcopyrightedmaterial outsidetheirrelationshipwithyou. Conveyingunderanyothercircumstancesispermittedsolelyundertheconditionsstatedbelow.Sublicensingisnotallowedsection 10makesitunnecessary. 3.ProtectingUsers'LegalRightsFromAntiCircumventionLaw. Nocoveredworkshallbedeemedpartofaneffectivetechnologicalmeasureunderanyapplicablelawfulfillingobligationsunder article11oftheWIPOcopyrighttreatyadoptedon20December1996,orsimilarlawsprohibitingorrestrictingcircumventionof

suchmeasures. Whenyouconveyacoveredwork,youwaiveanylegalpowertoforbidcircumventionoftechnologicalmeasurestotheextentsuch circumventioniseffectedbyexercisingrightsunderthisLicensewithrespecttothecoveredwork,andyoudisclaimanyintentionto limitoperationormodificationoftheworkasameansofenforcing,againstthework'susers,yourorthirdparties'legalrightsto forbidcircumventionoftechnologicalmeasures. 4.ConveyingVerbatimCopies. YoumayconveyverbatimcopiesoftheProgram'ssourcecodeasyoureceiveit,inanymedium,providedthatyouconspicuously andappropriatelypublishoneachcopyanappropriatecopyrightnoticekeepintactallnoticesstatingthatthisLicenseandanynon permissivetermsaddedinaccordwithsection7applytothecodekeepintactallnoticesoftheabsenceofanywarrantyandgive allrecipientsacopyofthisLicensealongwiththeProgram. Youmaychargeanypriceornopriceforeachcopythatyouconvey,andyoumayoffersupportorwarrantyprotectionforafee. 5.ConveyingModifiedSourceVersions. YoumayconveyaworkbasedontheProgram,orthemodificationstoproduceitfromtheProgram,intheformofsourcecode underthetermsofsection4,providedthatyoualsomeetalloftheseconditions: a)Theworkmustcarryprominentnoticesstatingthatyoumodifiedit,andgivingarelevantdate. b)TheworkmustcarryprominentnoticesstatingthatitisreleasedunderthisLicenseandanyconditionsaddedunder section7.Thisrequirementmodifiestherequirementinsection4to"keepintactallnotices". c)Youmustlicensetheentirework,asawhole,underthisLicensetoanyonewhocomesintopossessionofacopy. ThisLicensewillthereforeapply,alongwithanyapplicablesection7additionalterms,tothewholeofthework,and allitsparts,regardlessofhowtheyarepackaged.ThisLicensegivesnopermissiontolicensetheworkinanyother way,butitdoesnotinvalidatesuchpermissionifyouhaveseparatelyreceivedit. d)Iftheworkhasinteractiveuserinterfaces,eachmustdisplayAppropriateLegalNoticeshowever,iftheProgram hasinteractiveinterfacesthatdonotdisplayAppropriateLegalNotices,yourworkneednotmakethemdoso. Acompilationofacoveredworkwithotherseparateandindependentworks,whicharenotbytheirnatureextensionsofthe coveredwork,andwhicharenotcombinedwithitsuchastoformalargerprogram,inoronavolumeofastorageordistribution medium,iscalledan"aggregate"ifthecompilationanditsresultingcopyrightarenotusedtolimittheaccessorlegalrightsofthe compilation'susersbeyondwhattheindividualworkspermit.Inclusionofacoveredworkinanaggregatedoesnotcausethis Licensetoapplytotheotherpartsoftheaggregate. 6.ConveyingNonSourceForms. Youmayconveyacoveredworkinobjectcodeformunderthetermsofsections4and5,providedthatyoualsoconveythe machinereadableCorrespondingSourceunderthetermsofthisLicense,inoneoftheseways: a)Conveytheobjectcodein,orembodiedin,aphysicalproduct(includingaphysicaldistributionmedium), accompaniedbytheCorrespondingSourcefixedonadurablephysicalmediumcustomarilyusedforsoftware interchange. b)Conveytheobjectcodein,orembodiedin,aphysicalproduct(includingaphysicaldistributionmedium), accompaniedbyawrittenoffer,validforatleastthreeyearsandvalidforaslongasyouoffersparepartsorcustomer supportforthatproductmodel,togiveanyonewhopossessestheobjectcodeeither(1)acopyoftheCorresponding SourceforallthesoftwareintheproductthatiscoveredbythisLicense,onadurablephysicalmediumcustomarily usedforsoftwareinterchange,forapricenomorethanyourreasonablecostofphysicallyperformingthisconveyingof source,or(2)accesstocopytheCorrespondingSourcefromanetworkserveratnocharge. c)ConveyindividualcopiesoftheobjectcodewithacopyofthewrittenoffertoprovidetheCorrespondingSource.

Thisalternativeisallowedonlyoccasionallyandnoncommercially,andonlyifyoureceivedtheobjectcodewithsuch anoffer,inaccordwithsubsection6b. d)Conveytheobjectcodebyofferingaccessfromadesignatedplace(gratisorforacharge),andofferequivalent accesstotheCorrespondingSourceinthesamewaythroughthesameplaceatnofurthercharge.Youneednotrequire recipientstocopytheCorrespondingSourcealongwiththeobjectcode.Iftheplacetocopytheobjectcodeisa networkserver,theCorrespondingSourcemaybeonadifferentserver(operatedbyyouorathirdparty)thatsupports equivalentcopyingfacilities,providedyoumaintaincleardirectionsnexttotheobjectcodesayingwheretofindthe CorrespondingSource.RegardlessofwhatserverhoststheCorrespondingSource,youremainobligatedtoensurethat itisavailableforaslongasneededtosatisfytheserequirements. e)Conveytheobjectcodeusingpeertopeertransmission,providedyouinformotherpeerswheretheobjectcodeand CorrespondingSourceoftheworkarebeingofferedtothegeneralpublicatnochargeundersubsection6d. Aseparableportionoftheobjectcode,whosesourcecodeisexcludedfromtheCorrespondingSourceasaSystemLibrary,need notbeincludedinconveyingtheobjectcodework. A"UserProduct"iseither(1)a"consumerproduct",whichmeansanytangiblepersonalpropertywhichisnormallyusedfor personal,family,orhouseholdpurposes,or(2)anythingdesignedorsoldforincorporationintoadwelling.Indeterminingwhether aproductisaconsumerproduct,doubtfulcasesshallberesolvedinfavorofcoverage.Foraparticularproductreceivedbya particularuser,"normallyused"referstoatypicalorcommonuseofthatclassofproduct,regardlessofthestatusoftheparticular userorofthewayinwhichtheparticularuseractuallyuses,orexpectsorisexpectedtouse,theproduct.Aproductisaconsumer productregardlessofwhethertheproducthassubstantialcommercial,industrialornonconsumeruses,unlesssuchusesrepresent theonlysignificantmodeofuseoftheproduct. "InstallationInformation"foraUserProductmeansanymethods,procedures,authorizationkeys,orotherinformationrequiredto installandexecutemodifiedversionsofacoveredworkinthatUserProductfromamodifiedversionofitsCorrespondingSource. Theinformationmustsufficetoensurethatthecontinuedfunctioningofthemodifiedobjectcodeisinnocasepreventedor interferedwithsolelybecausemodificationhasbeenmade. Ifyouconveyanobjectcodeworkunderthissectionin,orwith,orspecificallyforusein,aUserProduct,andtheconveying occursaspartofatransactioninwhichtherightofpossessionanduseoftheUserProductistransferredtotherecipientin perpetuityorforafixedterm(regardlessofhowthetransactionischaracterized),theCorrespondingSourceconveyedunderthis sectionmustbeaccompaniedbytheInstallationInformation.Butthisrequirementdoesnotapplyifneitheryounoranythirdparty retainstheabilitytoinstallmodifiedobjectcodeontheUserProduct(forexample,theworkhasbeeninstalledinROM). TherequirementtoprovideInstallationInformationdoesnotincludearequirementtocontinuetoprovidesupportservice,warranty, orupdatesforaworkthathasbeenmodifiedorinstalledbytherecipient,orfortheUserProductinwhichithasbeenmodifiedor installed.Accesstoanetworkmaybedeniedwhenthemodificationitselfmateriallyandadverselyaffectstheoperationofthe networkorviolatestherulesandprotocolsforcommunicationacrossthenetwork. CorrespondingSourceconveyed,andInstallationInformationprovided,inaccordwiththissectionmustbeinaformatthatis publiclydocumented(andwithanimplementationavailabletothepublicinsourcecodeform),andmustrequirenospecial passwordorkeyforunpacking,readingorcopying. 7.AdditionalTerms. "Additionalpermissions"aretermsthatsupplementthetermsofthisLicensebymakingexceptionsfromoneormoreofits conditions.AdditionalpermissionsthatareapplicabletotheentireProgramshallbetreatedasthoughtheywereincludedinthis License,totheextentthattheyarevalidunderapplicablelaw.IfadditionalpermissionsapplyonlytopartoftheProgram,thatpart maybeusedseparatelyunderthosepermissions,buttheentireProgramremainsgovernedbythisLicensewithoutregardtothe additionalpermissions. Whenyouconveyacopyofacoveredwork,youmayatyouroptionremoveanyadditionalpermissionsfromthatcopy,orfrom anypartofit.(Additionalpermissionsmaybewrittentorequiretheirownremovalincertaincaseswhenyoumodifythework.) Youmayplaceadditionalpermissionsonmaterial,addedbyyoutoacoveredwork,forwhichyouhaveorcangiveappropriate copyrightpermission.

NotwithstandinganyotherprovisionofthisLicense,formaterialyouaddtoacoveredwork,youmay(ifauthorizedbythe copyrightholdersofthatmaterial)supplementthetermsofthisLicensewithterms: a)Disclaimingwarrantyorlimitingliabilitydifferentlyfromthetermsofsections15and16ofthisLicenseor b)Requiringpreservationofspecifiedreasonablelegalnoticesorauthorattributionsinthatmaterialorinthe AppropriateLegalNoticesdisplayedbyworkscontainingitor c)Prohibitingmisrepresentationoftheoriginofthatmaterial,orrequiringthatmodifiedversionsofsuchmaterialbe markedinreasonablewaysasdifferentfromtheoriginalversionor d)Limitingtheuseforpublicitypurposesofnamesoflicensorsorauthorsofthematerialor e)Decliningtograntrightsundertrademarklawforuseofsometradenames,trademarks,orservicemarksor f)Requiringindemnificationoflicensorsandauthorsofthatmaterialbyanyonewhoconveysthematerial(ormodified versionsofit)withcontractualassumptionsofliabilitytotherecipient,foranyliabilitythatthesecontractual assumptionsdirectlyimposeonthoselicensorsandauthors. Allothernonpermissiveadditionaltermsareconsidered"furtherrestrictions"withinthemeaningofsection10.IftheProgramas youreceivedit,oranypartofit,containsanoticestatingthatitisgovernedbythisLicensealongwithatermthatisafurther restriction,youmayremovethatterm.Ifalicensedocumentcontainsafurtherrestrictionbutpermitsrelicensingorconveyingunder thisLicense,youmayaddtoacoveredworkmaterialgovernedbythetermsofthatlicensedocument,providedthatthefurther restrictiondoesnotsurvivesuchrelicensingorconveying. Ifyouaddtermstoacoveredworkinaccordwiththissection,youmustplace,intherelevantsourcefiles,astatementofthe additionaltermsthatapplytothosefiles,oranoticeindicatingwheretofindtheapplicableterms. Additionalterms,permissiveornonpermissive,maybestatedintheformofaseparatelywrittenlicense,orstatedasexceptionsthe aboverequirementsapplyeitherway. 8.Termination. YoumaynotpropagateormodifyacoveredworkexceptasexpresslyprovidedunderthisLicense.Anyattemptotherwiseto propagateormodifyitisvoid,andwillautomaticallyterminateyourrightsunderthisLicense(includinganypatentlicensesgranted underthethirdparagraphofsection11). However,ifyouceaseallviolationofthisLicense,thenyourlicensefromaparticularcopyrightholderisreinstated(a) provisionally,unlessanduntilthecopyrightholderexplicitlyandfinallyterminatesyourlicense,and(b)permanently,ifthe copyrightholderfailstonotifyyouoftheviolationbysomereasonablemeanspriorto60daysafterthecessation. Moreover,yourlicensefromaparticularcopyrightholderisreinstatedpermanentlyifthecopyrightholdernotifiesyouofthe violationbysomereasonablemeans,thisisthefirsttimeyouhavereceivednoticeofviolationofthisLicense(foranywork)from thatcopyrightholder,andyoucuretheviolationpriorto30daysafteryourreceiptofthenotice. Terminationofyourrightsunderthissectiondoesnotterminatethelicensesofpartieswhohavereceivedcopiesorrightsfromyou underthisLicense.Ifyourrightshavebeenterminatedandnotpermanentlyreinstated,youdonotqualifytoreceivenewlicenses forthesamematerialundersection10. 9.AcceptanceNotRequiredforHavingCopies. YouarenotrequiredtoacceptthisLicenseinordertoreceiveorrunacopyoftheProgram.Ancillarypropagationofacovered workoccurringsolelyasaconsequenceofusingpeertopeertransmissiontoreceiveacopylikewisedoesnotrequireacceptance. However,nothingotherthanthisLicensegrantsyoupermissiontopropagateormodifyanycoveredwork.Theseactionsinfringe copyrightifyoudonotacceptthisLicense.Therefore,bymodifyingorpropagatingacoveredwork,youindicateyouracceptance ofthisLicensetodoso. 10.AutomaticLicensingofDownstreamRecipients.

Eachtimeyouconveyacoveredwork,therecipientautomaticallyreceivesalicensefromtheoriginallicensors,torun,modifyand propagatethatwork,subjecttothisLicense.YouarenotresponsibleforenforcingcompliancebythirdpartieswiththisLicense. An"entitytransaction"isatransactiontransferringcontrolofanorganization,orsubstantiallyallassetsofone,orsubdividingan organization,ormergingorganizations.Ifpropagationofacoveredworkresultsfromanentitytransaction,eachpartytothat transactionwhoreceivesacopyoftheworkalsoreceiveswhateverlicensestotheworktheparty'spredecessorininteresthador couldgiveunderthepreviousparagraph,plusarighttopossessionoftheCorrespondingSourceoftheworkfromthepredecessor ininterest,ifthepredecessorhasitorcangetitwithreasonableefforts. YoumaynotimposeanyfurtherrestrictionsontheexerciseoftherightsgrantedoraffirmedunderthisLicense.Forexample,you maynotimposealicensefee,royalty,orotherchargeforexerciseofrightsgrantedunderthisLicense,andyoumaynotinitiate litigation(includingacrossclaimorcounterclaiminalawsuit)allegingthatanypatentclaimisinfringedbymaking,using,selling, offeringforsale,orimportingtheProgramoranyportionofit. 11.Patents. A"contributor"isacopyrightholderwhoauthorizesuseunderthisLicenseoftheProgramoraworkonwhichtheProgramis based.Theworkthuslicensediscalledthecontributor's"contributorversion". Acontributor's"essentialpatentclaims"areallpatentclaimsownedorcontrolledbythecontributor,whetheralreadyacquiredor hereafteracquired,thatwouldbeinfringedbysomemanner,permittedbythisLicense,ofmaking,using,orsellingitscontributor version,butdonotincludeclaimsthatwouldbeinfringedonlyasaconsequenceoffurthermodificationofthecontributorversion. Forpurposesofthisdefinition,"control"includestherighttograntpatentsublicensesinamannerconsistentwiththerequirements ofthisLicense. Eachcontributorgrantsyouanonexclusive,worldwide,royaltyfreepatentlicenseunderthecontributor'sessentialpatentclaims,to make,use,sell,offerforsale,importandotherwiserun,modifyandpropagatethecontentsofitscontributorversion. Inthefollowingthreeparagraphs,a"patentlicense"isanyexpressagreementorcommitment,howeverdenominated,nottoenforce apatent(suchasanexpresspermissiontopracticeapatentorcovenantnottosueforpatentinfringement).To"grant"suchapatent licensetoapartymeanstomakesuchanagreementorcommitmentnottoenforceapatentagainsttheparty. Ifyouconveyacoveredwork,knowinglyrelyingonapatentlicense,andtheCorrespondingSourceoftheworkisnotavailablefor anyonetocopy,freeofchargeandunderthetermsofthisLicense,throughapubliclyavailablenetworkserverorotherreadily accessiblemeans,thenyoumusteither(1)causetheCorrespondingSourcetobesoavailable,or(2)arrangetodepriveyourselfof thebenefitofthepatentlicenseforthisparticularwork,or(3)arrange,inamannerconsistentwiththerequirementsofthisLicense, toextendthepatentlicensetodownstreamrecipients."Knowinglyrelying"meansyouhaveactualknowledgethat,butforthe patentlicense,yourconveyingthecoveredworkinacountry,oryourrecipient'suseofthecoveredworkinacountry,would infringeoneormoreidentifiablepatentsinthatcountrythatyouhavereasontobelievearevalid. If,pursuanttoorinconnectionwithasingletransactionorarrangement,youconvey,orpropagatebyprocuringconveyanceof,a coveredwork,andgrantapatentlicensetosomeofthepartiesreceivingthecoveredworkauthorizingthemtouse,propagate, modifyorconveyaspecificcopyofthecoveredwork,thenthepatentlicenseyougrantisautomaticallyextendedtoallrecipientsof thecoveredworkandworksbasedonit. Apatentlicenseis"discriminatory"ifitdoesnotincludewithinthescopeofitscoverage,prohibitstheexerciseof,orisconditioned onthenonexerciseofoneormoreoftherightsthatarespecificallygrantedunderthisLicense.Youmaynotconveyacovered workifyouareapartytoanarrangementwithathirdpartythatisinthebusinessofdistributingsoftware,underwhichyoumake paymenttothethirdpartybasedontheextentofyouractivityofconveyingthework,andunderwhichthethirdpartygrants,toany ofthepartieswhowouldreceivethecoveredworkfromyou,adiscriminatorypatentlicense(a)inconnectionwithcopiesofthe coveredworkconveyedbyyou(orcopiesmadefromthosecopies),or(b)primarilyforandinconnectionwithspecificproductsor compilationsthatcontainthecoveredwork,unlessyouenteredintothatarrangement,orthatpatentlicensewasgranted,priorto28 March2007. NothinginthisLicenseshallbeconstruedasexcludingorlimitinganyimpliedlicenseorotherdefensestoinfringementthatmay otherwisebeavailabletoyouunderapplicablepatentlaw.

12.NoSurrenderofOthers'Freedom. Ifconditionsareimposedonyou(whetherbycourtorder,agreementorotherwise)thatcontradicttheconditionsofthisLicense, theydonotexcuseyoufromtheconditionsofthisLicense.Ifyoucannotconveyacoveredworksoastosatisfysimultaneously yourobligationsunderthisLicenseandanyotherpertinentobligations,thenasaconsequenceyoumaynotconveyitatall.For example,ifyouagreetotermsthatobligateyoutocollectaroyaltyforfurtherconveyingfromthosetowhomyouconveythe Program,theonlywayyoucouldsatisfyboththosetermsandthisLicensewouldbetorefrainentirelyfromconveyingtheProgram. 13.UsewiththeGNUAfferoGeneralPublicLicense. NotwithstandinganyotherprovisionofthisLicense,youhavepermissiontolinkorcombineanycoveredworkwithawork licensedunderversion3oftheGNUAfferoGeneralPublicLicenseintoasinglecombinedwork,andtoconveytheresultingwork. ThetermsofthisLicensewillcontinuetoapplytothepartwhichisthecoveredwork,butthespecialrequirementsoftheGNU AfferoGeneralPublicLicense,section13,concerninginteractionthroughanetworkwillapplytothecombinationassuch. 14.RevisedVersionsofthisLicense. TheFreeSoftwareFoundationmaypublishrevisedand/ornewversionsoftheGNUGeneralPublicLicensefromtimetotime. Suchnewversionswillbesimilarinspirittothepresentversion,butmaydifferindetailtoaddressnewproblemsorconcerns. Eachversionisgivenadistinguishingversionnumber.IftheProgramspecifiesthatacertainnumberedversionoftheGNUGeneral PublicLicense"oranylaterversion"appliestoit,youhavetheoptionoffollowingthetermsandconditionseitherofthatnumbered versionorofanylaterversionpublishedbytheFreeSoftwareFoundation.IftheProgramdoesnotspecifyaversionnumberofthe GNUGeneralPublicLicense,youmaychooseanyversioneverpublishedbytheFreeSoftwareFoundation. IftheProgramspecifiesthataproxycandecidewhichfutureversionsoftheGNUGeneralPublicLicensecanbeused,thatproxy's publicstatementofacceptanceofaversionpermanentlyauthorizesyoutochoosethatversionfortheProgram. Laterlicenseversionsmaygiveyouadditionalordifferentpermissions.However,noadditionalobligationsareimposedonany authororcopyrightholderasaresultofyourchoosingtofollowalaterversion. 15.DisclaimerofWarranty. THEREISNOWARRANTYFORTHEPROGRAM,TOTHEEXTENTPERMITTEDBYAPPLICABLELAW.EXCEPT WHENOTHERWISESTATEDINWRITINGTHECOPYRIGHTHOLDERSAND/OROTHERPARTIESPROVIDETHE PROGRAM"ASIS"WITHOUTWARRANTYOFANYKIND,EITHEREXPRESSEDORIMPLIED,INCLUDING,BUT NOTLIMITEDTO,THEIMPLIEDWARRANTIESOFMERCHANTABILITYANDFITNESSFORAPARTICULAR PURPOSE.THEENTIRERISKASTOTHEQUALITYANDPERFORMANCEOFTHEPROGRAMISWITHYOU. SHOULDTHEPROGRAMPROVEDEFECTIVE,YOUASSUMETHECOSTOFALLNECESSARYSERVICING, REPAIRORCORRECTION. 16.LimitationofLiability. INNOEVENTUNLESSREQUIREDBYAPPLICABLELAWORAGREEDTOINWRITINGWILLANYCOPYRIGHT HOLDER,ORANYOTHERPARTYWHOMODIFIESAND/ORCONVEYSTHEPROGRAMASPERMITTED ABOVE,BELIABLETOYOUFORDAMAGES,INCLUDINGANYGENERAL,SPECIAL,INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGESARISINGOUTOFTHEUSEORINABILITYTOUSETHEPROGRAM(INCLUDING BUTNOTLIMITEDTOLOSSOFDATAORDATABEINGRENDEREDINACCURATEORLOSSESSUSTAINEDBY YOUORTHIRDPARTIESORAFAILUREOFTHEPROGRAMTOOPERATEWITHANYOTHERPROGRAMS), EVENIFSUCHHOLDEROROTHERPARTYHASBEENADVISEDOFTHEPOSSIBILITYOFSUCHDAMAGES. 17.InterpretationofSections15and16. Ifthedisclaimerofwarrantyandlimitationofliabilityprovidedabovecannotbegivenlocallegaleffectaccordingtotheirterms, reviewingcourtsshallapplylocallawthatmostcloselyapproximatesanabsolutewaiverofallcivilliabilityinconnectionwiththe Program,unlessawarrantyorassumptionofliabilityaccompaniesacopyofthePrograminreturnforafee.



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