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The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki




Transcribed by Maria Iqbal

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

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T#e Madeenan Period

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

T#e Hi'ra# to Medina (D ) InshaAllah Taala well start with the hijra of Rusool ullah (pbuh ! I ha"e already #o"ered in the past the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh in Me##a! $o InshaAllah in these sessions well talk about the early sta%e of Medina&and well start with Al'hijra& but before that just a word on $eera! The books of seera are #on#erned with what usually historians are #on#erned with& and that is the history of politi#s and the history of the military en%a%ements! (hen it #omes to the Ikhlaa) of Rusool ullah (pbuh youll find those in the books of *adith& if your interested in the the $*AMA+A of Rusool ullah (pbuh & whi#h are issues related to his #hara#ter& youll find those in the books of $*A,A+A$! *owe"er the books of seera usually #o"er the politi#al and military aspe#ts of the life of Rusool ullah (pbuh and thats why many of us s#holars #all seeras MA-*A.I& ma%ha/i means 0status1! *owe"er well try to brin% in the "erses of 2uran that relate to the e"ent that were happenin% at the time of Rusool ullah (pbuh & be#ause 2uran would #omment on e"ents that happened in the time of Rusool ullah (pbuh ! $ometimes the ayat of 2uran would pre#ede an e"ent& sometimes the ayat of 2uran would #ome #on#urrent with an e"ent and sometimes the ayat of 2uran would #ome to #omment on an e"ent! $o for e3ample you ha"e -ha/wat ul Anfal& whi#h was re"ealed& talkin% about the 4attle of 4adr and what happened therein& for the battle of 5hud you ha"e the end of the $urah Al'Imran whi#h relates the story! $urah tul *ashr talks about the battle of 4anu ,adir& $urah Munafi)un and $urah Al',ur relates the battle of 4ani al'Mustali) and also $urah Al'Ah/ab relatin% what happened in the battle of the Tren#h! $o well try to brin% in these "erses that relate to these e"ents in seera! (ell start with the hijra of Rusool ullah (pbuh ! Allah /aujal re"ealed ayat in Me##a talkin% about al' *ijra! Allah .aujal says6 A/' .umar (78619

Say, "O My servants who have believed, fear your Lord. For those who do good in this world is good, and the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account."

$o Allah .aujul in this ayat says 0waardu Allahi wasiAAatun1 the earth of Allah is spa#ious& meanin% that if you are sufferin% oppression in Me##a then you #an mo"e somewhere else where you will be able to apply and li"e a##ordin% to the reli%ion of Allah .aujal! Mujahid was one of al' Muffassirun& one of the Imams of tafsir& he says #ommentin% about this ayat& he said 0make hijra in the land and fi%ht in the way of Allah .aujal and stay away from the idol worshippin%1 and Atta one of the early s#holars of this ummah& he said 0if you are in"ited to do a sin then run away1 so we should run away from sins and these two )uotes are in the tafsir of Ibn :athir! Allah .aujal also says6 An',ahl (1;6<1

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Allah Zaujal says And those who e igrated for !the cause of" Allah after they had been wronged # $e will surely settle the in this world in a good place% but the reward of the &ereafter is greater, if only they could 'now( so noti#e here& Allah Zaujal is promising the ones who make hijra for His sake and the ones who
have been oppressed. Allah promises them that He will settle them in this world in a good place, so what does this mean? What does this mean, when Allah Zaujal says that We will settle them in this world in a good place? ome of the scholars of tafsir said if we look at the al!muhajirun, the ones who moved out of "ecca and went to "edina. #hey all later on became a leader of a state or a leader of an army so Allah Zoujal gave them a better status in this World than what they had in "ecca, $ut Allah Zoujal says %but the reward of the Hereafter is greater& so Amar bin 'hattab when he became khalifa and he would give money or gifts to the muhajirun he would tell them (#his is a gift from Allah for you in this World but what Allah has reserved for you in the Hereafter is even greater.) And the scholars say whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah Zaujal will give him something better. Allah Zaujal says* An! +ahl ,-.*--/0

)hen, indeed your Lord, to those who e igrated after they had been co pelled !to renounce their religion" and thereafter
fought !for the cause of Allah " and were patient # indeed, your Lord, after that, is Forgiving and Merciful o hijra has a very high status in islam. Have you ever asked yourself the 1uestion, where did they stay, when they moved from "ecca to "edina? 2id they check in to hotels? 3r, did they stay in refugee camps? +o, they stayed in the houses of Ansar, and that&s why we call them %ansar&. #hat&s why we call them the ones who gave victory to islam. Ansar means they gave support, they gave victory to the religion of Allah. #heir houses were open for the muhajirun, even though they were very modest houses for e4ample Al! Hasan Al $asri says that (5 entered into the rooms of 6usool Allah ,pbuh0 and 5 could touch the ceiling with my own hand and when 6usool Allah ,pbuh0 would pray in the room of Aisha, he would have to touch her, so that she would move her feet away so that he can make sujood.) 7very, every wife of 6usool Allah ,pbuh0 had a room, that was it just one


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

room, you know they didn&t have a kitchens, living rooms, and a balconies, bedrooms, basement, etc. 7very wife of 6usool Allah just had one room, it was that small. o for e4ample in the house of Habib ibn !sa& Talhah ibn 5baydullah his mother and $uhayb thats where they stayed! *am/a

stayed in the house of $ad bin .urra& $aad bin :haitan all of the ba#helors stayed in his house so they #alled it the house of ba#helors! 5baida ibn *aris and his mother Tufayl ibn *aris& Tunayl bin Amr& Al *ussain bin *aris& all of them stayed in the house of Abdullah ibn $alama! $o one thin% that you learn is that bein% %enerous and bein% supporti"e of muslims is one of the si%ns of emaan& it was one of the si%ns of al' ansar (ra ! There were two hijras& one to Medina and the other to *abasha! $o whats the differen#e the differen#e between the two= (hen it #omes to the hijra to al' *abasha& they went there flee perse#ution but they didnt be#ome part of the so#iety in Abyssinia& they werent really part of the so#iety& rather they were se#luded! Therefore there ability to #han%e the so#iety was hindered! They were like refu%ees in Abyssinia and thats why when they left Abyssinia they didnt lea"e a stron% Islami# impression behind! *owe"er the *ijra to Medina was a hijra to establish the Islami# #ommunity& so theres a bi% differen#e between the two! *ome o" t#e irtues o" Medina6 Rusool Allah (pbuh asked Allah to make them lo"e Medina so he said 0>h Allah& make us lo"e Medina like we lo"e Me##a or more1 Rusool Allah (pbuh made duas that Allah .aujal %i"es barakat in Medina & this hadith is in 4ukhari& 0>h Allah double the barakat (double the blessin%s of Medina #ompared to what you ha"e %i"en Me##a1 It was Ibrahim Allay#issalaam asked Allah to %i"e barakat in Medina! $o Rusool Allah (pbuh is askin% Allah .aujal to double the blessin% in Medina! Medina is prote#ted from dajjal! Rusool Allah (pbuh says that there are an%els on e"ery entran#e to Medina prote#tin% it from dajjal! There is a spe#ial reward for bein% patient on the hardship of Medina& be#ause& it was diffi#ult to li"e in Medina at that time! It was "ery hot and the en"ironment was harsh so Rusool Allah (pbuh says in $ahih Muslim& 0Anyone who is patient on the hardships of Medina& I will be his inter#essor on the ?ay of @ud%ement& I will inter#ede on his behalf on the ?ay of @ud%ement1! There is a spe#ial blessin% of dyin% in Medina& Rusool Allah (pbuh says& 0(hoe"er is able to die in Medina then let it be so& be#ause I will inter#ede for you on the ?ay of @ud%ement1 and this hadith is in Muslim!(hen Amr ibn :hatab be#ame khalifa& he wanted to die in Medina and he also wanted to die as a shaheed! $o he made a dua to Allah sayin%& 0>h Allah& I want to die as a martyr in the town of +our Prophet1 so his dau%hter *afsa said& 0>h my father& how #an you be#ome a shaheed in Medina when its safe= Medina is the #apital of the muslim empire if you want to die as a shaheed you need to %o to Ira)A you need to %o to $yria& not in Medina1! Amr bin :hattab said& 0If Allah wants somethin% to happen& *e will make it happen1! $o not only did Amr die as a shaheed in Medina& he died in as a shaheed in the mos)ue of Rusool Allah (pbuh while prayin%! Medina is also the refu%e of emaan! Rusool Allah (pbuh says in 4ukhari that& 0Bmaan seeks refu%e in Medina or %oes ba#k to Medina like a snake would %o ba#k to his hole1! Medina #leanses it self from the impure or the un#lean! Rusool Allah (pbuh says in Muslim& 0In the name of (hom my soul is in *is hands& nobody lea"es Medina be#ause he doesnt want it anymore& e3#ept that Allah will repla#e him with someone better than him1 and then Rusool Allah (pbuh says that 0Medina #leanses itself from the people who are impure or the people who are e"il1 and Rusool Allah (pbuh says 0the ?ay of

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

@ud%ement will not o##ur until Medina dri"es out all of the e"il people in it like the fire will dri"e out the impurities of iron1! Allah .aujal prote#ts Medina& Rusool Allah (pbuh says& 0(hoe"er plots a%ainst the people of Medina& Allah will make him dissol"e like salt dissol"es in water1& and this hadith is in 4ukhari! And Medina also is sa#red so Rusool Allah (pbuh says& 0+ou are not allowed to #ut down trees in Medina& your not allowed to hunt in Medina& your not allowed to #arry weapons in Medina& be#ause of its san#tity1! $o these are some of the blessin%s of Medina!

4efore Rusool Allah (pbuh de#ided to make hijra& the people of Me##a plotted a%ainst him! They #ame to%ether and they started dis#ussin% how to deal with the Islami# problem! $ome of them su%%ested that we should throw Muhammed (pbuh in jail! The response was that it is not a %ood idea be#ause if we throw him in jail his followers will #ome and take him out& theyre %oin% to re"olt a%ainst us! $o the se#ond su%%estion was to e3ile him& dri"e him out of Medina! They reje#ted this statin% that his talk is "ery sweet& so hes %oin% to de#ei"e other people& and e"entually they will belie"e him and then theyre %oin% to #ome ba#k to #hallen%e us! $o the third su%%estion was that of ob"iously no one other than Abu @ahl he %a"e the idea of killin% Rusool Allah (saw & and said& the way to do that would be to appoint a stron% man from e"ery #lan& %i"e him a sharp sword& and then ha"e them all strike Muhammed at on#e& so that his blood will disperse amon% the different #lans of Me##a& so that the family of Rusool Allah (pbuh will not be able to seek re"en%e and then they will ask for blood money and we will be happy to pay to them! They said this is the su%%estion we adopt! And Allah .aujal says6 Al D Anfal (E679

And !re e ber, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. $o they plan to e3e#ute Prohet Muhammed (pbuh & they wanted to assassinate him& but Allah .oujal will prote#t him! Allah .oujal told Prophet Muhammed (pbuh to re#ite the followin% dua& this
is an ayat in surat al' Isra6 ,-8*9/0

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And say, "My Lord, cause e to enter a sound entrance and to e*it a sound e*it and grant e fro +ourself a supporting

$o to F#ause me to enter a sound entran#e is to %o to Medina and to e3it a Fsound e3it is to lea"e Me##a, %and grant me from :ourself a supporting authority&, because Allah Zoujal is teaching
"uhammed that this religion is supported by authority. 6usool Allah ,saw0 says that (Allah Zoujal sometimes could support this religion through authority in ways that ;uran can not support the religion.) And that&s why khilafah was a very important concept to the muslims. 5nfact the sahabah met to decide the issue of khilafah before they buried 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 as we mentioned in the story of Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0.

Rusool Allah ,pbuh0 set out to prepare for hijra, Aisha 6a<iullah unha said that, one day at midnoon in the house of Abu $akr, (we saw a man approaching us and he was masked), he covered his face, so Abu $akr iddi1 saw that it was =rophet "uhammed ,pbuh0, he said %=rophet "uhammed wouldn&t come at this time e4cept if its something important& this was because it was at noon and people ususally sleep at noon. o 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 came in and he said, (3h Abu $akr had everyone in your house leave?) Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 said, (#he only ones who are in my house are your family oh 6usool ullah.) "eaning my family is like yours, you can trust speaking in the presence of my family because they&re like your own family. o 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 said, (5 was given permission to leave and make hijra to "edina.) Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 said, (3h "essenger of Allah, can 5 be your companion?) 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 said, yes. Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 started to weep, Aisha 6a<iullah anha said, (5 never saw somebody weeping because of pleasure, because of joy, like my father that day.) ,ow I just want to stop ri%ht here and say& this was not an entertainin% journey! Abu 4akr knew "ery well that he was riskin% his life& by bein% t he companion of 6usool Allah ,pbuh0 on hijra.

o how come he is crying of joy? When he knows that he is putting his life on the line. $rothers and sisters this shows you the level of sacrifice, that Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 is willing to go to and it shows you that he is so happy, to sacrifice for 6usool ullah ,pbuh0. His heart was not trembling he was not afraid, he was instead crying of joy knowing that he could be killed. $ut this shows you the love that he had for 6usool ullah ,saw0.

Rusool ullah (pbuh appointed Ali ibn Abu Talib to sleep on his bed& and this is another sa#rifi#e be#ause Ali ibn Abu Talib was also riskin% his life! 4ut these were the sahabah of Rusool ullah (pbuh & this is how far they were willin% to %o! Rusool ullah (pbuh and Abu 4akr left Me##a!Rusool ullah (pbuh lo"ed Me##a "ery mu#h& he looked ba#k and said& 0 In the name of Allah& you are the most belo"ed land to Allah& and if it wasnt that I was dri"en out from you& I wouldnt ha"e left! I wouldnt lea"e Me##a if I had the #hoi#e!1 4ut he was dri"en out of it!
#he journey started and Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 for sometime would walk ahead of 6usool ullah, and then for sometime he would walk behind 6usool ullah. o the "essenger of Allah noticed this and asked Abu $akr, (How come sometimes you walk infront of me and sometimes you walk behind me?) Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 said, (When 5 remember that somebody could anguish you infront of us, 5 would walk ahead of you, and then 5 remember that somebody could be pursuing us, 5 walk behind you.) #hen 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 said, (3h Abu $akr would you rather have harm happen to you or to me?) Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 said, (3h messenger of Allah, 5 would rather have happen to me, and not to you.) And then they reached the cave so Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 went in to check the cave to make sure there were no snakes, scorpions, or ambushes, and then he told 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 to come in. When they were in the cave, the kuffar of ;uraish succeeded in following their tracks until they reached to the mouth of the cave. Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 told 6usool ullah ,saw0 (3h 6usool ullah, if one of them would stare right under their feet, they would see us.) #hey were right there at the mouth of the cave. 6usool ullah ,pbuh0 with all confidence, he said, (3h Abu $akr, what do you think about two men if Allah is the third?), (Abu $akr how would you regard the safety of two people who had Allah as their third companion?) :ou know what stopped them from entering the cave? 5t was the web of a spider. Allah Zaujal says about the web of a spider* Al!Ankabut ,>?*@-0

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

" , the ost feeble of houses is the house of a spider,(# with one fin%er you #ould tear down the whole web& so this feeble weak web was the soldier of Allah& what stopped the disbelie"ers from enterin% into the #a"e& and this shows us that Allah .oujal #an #hoose sometimes the weakest of *is #reations to be *is soldier! This story of the web of the spider is an a%reeable narration& it is hassan! Allah .oujal re"eal this ayat later on after the hijra! This ayat is in $urah Taubah& where Allah .oujal is speakin% to the sahaba and tellin% them& -If you do not aid hi now , Allah has already aided hi .(. That day when Abu 4akr was the only #ompanion of Rusool ullah (pbuh and the kuffar surrounded the #a"e& none of the sahabah were around and Allah didnt need them to support the prophet! Allah sais 6 At')auba ./0123

-If you do not aid the 4rophet # Allah has already aided hi when those who disbelieved had driven hi out !of Ma''ah" as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his co panion, "5o not grieve% indeed Allah is with us." And Allah sent down his tran6uillity upon hi and supported hi with angels you did not see and ade the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah # that is the highest. And Allah is 7*alted in Might and $ise.( The an%els of Allah were the unseen soldiers& howe"er the spider was the seen soldier! ,ow they stayed in the #a"e for three days& durin% those three days Abdullah the son of Abu 4akr& would spend a day in "ecca, listening to the conversations about =rophet "uhammed ,pbuh0 and

Abu $akr. He would spend the nights with =rophet "uhammed ,saw0 and Abu $akr. He would tell the servant of Abu $akr, Amir ibn Huhairah (ra & to follow him with his sheep! There was a double

purpose for this& the sheep would pro"ide milk to the prophet and Abu 4akr& and the sheep would also #o"er the tra#ks of Abdullah and Amir! Thus no one will know where they went! This pro#edure went on for three days! The %uide& Abdullah bin 5rai)uit& then showed up& he was a mushri)& but the Prophet (saw hired him be#ause he had an allian#e with the people of 2uraish! $o he was responsible for showin% them a different route& from Me##a to Medina& than what

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

people usually take! They be%an their journey to Medina& not followin% the re%ular route! They followed the #oastline until they rea#hed Medina! The people of 2uraish had a bounty on the #apture of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh and Abu 4akr& hundred #amels for ea#h dead or ali"e! They had sent their messen%ers to the bedouin tribes in the desert to inform them of the reward! These tribal people were the e3perts of the roots of the desert! >ne of the heads of the 4edouin tribes& $ura)a ibn Malik& said& 0I was sittin% in the %atherin% of my people& when a man showed up and said& FI saw two men in the hori/on and I think that these are the two men the 2uraish are lookin% for& I told him no& these two men were here a while a%o& they just left! I told him that to de#ei"e him& but I knew that those two were Prophet Muhammed (pbuh and Abu 4akr& but I told him that be#ause I wanted the #amels for myself!1 $o $ura)a stayed in the %atherin%s for a while& so that they wouldnt be suspi#ious& and then he went to his house and told his ser"ant to %o and prepare his horse& and to hide it& he then left from the ba#kdoor! *e #arried his spear whi#h was Fdra%%in% on the %round! This was be#ause spears are lon%A he didnt want anyone to see it! *e mounted his horse and went towards the dire#tion where that man thou%ht he saw Prophet Muhammed (pbuh and Abu 4akr %o! Iater the %uess turned out to be #orre#t! $ura)a was now only few meters away from be#omin% a millionaire! Abu 4akr was lookin% ba#k while Prophet Muhammed (pbuh was re#itin% the 2uran& Muhammed (saw ne"er looked ba#k& and he was #onfidentA he knew that with the help of Allah "i#tory was in their hands! Abu 4akr was "ery #on#erned& not for himself but for the safety of Muhammed (pbuh ! Abu 4akr told the prophet (pbuh that there was someone pursuin% us! Rusool Allah (pbuh then made a dua& and the horse of $ura)a sank in the sand& #ausin% $ura)a to fall of the horses ba#k! $ura)as %reediness insisted on followin% them ne"ertheless! *e tried a%ain but he fell off his horse a%ain& he #laimed that this ne"er happened to him before! The third time it happened to him& he said a #loud of dust e3ploded in my fa#e from the front! $ura)a then knew that Allah was supportin% this man! $ura)a then asked them to %rant him pea#e! $ura)a who was pursuin% Prophet Muhammed (pbuh was now worried about his own sur"i"al $ura)a said& 0(rite for me a warrant of se#urity!1 Thereupon the Prophet (saw ordered FAmir Ibn Huhayrah to write the warrant whi#h he wrote on a pie#e of tanned leather or bone! $ura)a preser"ed the do#ument as a memento of sorts! ($ubhanaAllah E'8 years later he was arrested when Muhammed was layin% $ie%e to Persia& $ura)a was a #apti"eA he took this paper out& whi#h sa"ed his life! $ura)a went ba#k to Me##a he dis#oura%ed the 2uraish on findin% MuhammedA he did this on Prophet Muhammed re)uest! $o e"entually $ura)a be#ame a %uardian for Muhammed& who was before an enemy! Rusool Allah (pbuh and Abu 4akr "isited the tent of 5mm Mabad& a woman of :hu/aa! $he was a "ery %enerous woman& anyone who would pass by she would feed them! 4ut when the prophet (pbuh and Abu 4akr rea#hed there& she didnt pro"ide them with anythin%! Rusool Allah (pbuh asked her if she had anythin% to spare! *er response was that if she had anythin%& you wouldnt ha"e had to ask! Apparently 5mm Mabad owned a ewe but it was weak and her udder had dried up due to drou%ht! Rusool Allah (pbuh asked if he #ould milk the ewe& she allowed! Rusool Allah (pbuh asks for a bi% #ontainer& knowin% that she had no milk! *e tou#hes the sheep and starts milkin% it& the milk flows out& till the "essel is full! *e first %i"es 5mm Mabad some to drink then e"eryone else until e"eryone was satisfied! Rusool Allah (pbuh was the last to drink& he said& 0the ser"ant of the people is the last to drink!1 Rusool Allah (pbuh left some milk for 5mm Mabad! (hen Abu Mabad #ame ba#k home with his flo#k of sheep& he asks his wife where did the milk #ome from= $he said a blessed man "isited us and he was the one who milked the ewe! *e asked her to des#ribe this man to her! 5mm Mabad %a"e the des#ription of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh & whi#h remains until this day the best of the des#riptions e"er %i"en of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh & e"en thou%h she only met him on#e! And Ill read to you her des#ription of Rusool Allah (pbuh she said& 0I saw him to be a man of e"ident splendor& fine in fi%ure& his fa#e handsome& slim in form& his head not too small& ele%ant and %ood'lookin%& his eyes lar%e and bla#k& his eyelids lon%& his "oi#e deep& "ery intelli%ent& his brows hi%h and ar#hed& his hair in pla#e& his ne#k lon% and his beard thi#k! *e %a"e an impression of di%nity when silent and of hi%h intelli%en#e when he talked& his words were impressi"e and he was de#isi"e not tri"ial not trite& his ideas like pearls mo"in% on their strin%! *e

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

seems the most splendid and fine lookin% man from a distan#e& and the "ery best of all from #lose by& medium in hei%ht& the eye not findin% him too tall nor too short& a tree bran#h as it were between two others but he was the finest lookin% of the three! The best proportioned& he was the #enter of his #ompanions attention! (hen he spoke they listened well and if he ordered they hurried to obey! A man well helped& well ser"ed& ne"er sullen& ne"er refuted!1 *er husband said& 0This man must be Muhammed& the one who 2uraish are pursuin%& if I meet him I will pled%e alle%ian#e to him and be#ome Muslim!1 5mm Mabad had already pled%ed alle%ian#e to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh & thus she be#ame Muslim! *ome lessons "rom #i'ra# T#e concept o" #i'ra# 6 there are two types of hijra the fi%urati"e hijrah and the literal hijrah! The fi%urati"e hijrah is as was mentioned in a hadith in Annasai& 0*ijrah is to lea"e what Allah .aujal dislikes!1 $o this is the fi%urati"e hijrah& it is to emi%rate from the state of sin to the state of obeyin% Allah .aujal! Allah .aujal says in the 2uran& 0stay away from impurities1 make hijrah from impurities& from idol worshipin% from e"il& and this type of hijrah is mandatory on e"eryone! All of us ha"e to lea"e from the state of sin to the state of obedien#e! Then we ha"e the literal hijrah& and that is to mo"e from one land to another& you mo"e from the land of e"il to the land of %ood! B3amples of that are the hijrah of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh and the sahabah or the hijrah of the man from the #hildren of Israel who killed a hundred people and then he went to #onsult a s#holar& the s#holar told him that& Allah will a##ept your repentan#e but you ha"e to mo"e from this town of e"il& and mo"e to another where people will support you in worshippin% Allah .aujal! T#e "irst lesson6 *ijrah #an #ause an e#onomi# boom! Hor e3ample& the muslim -renada& the last Islami# state in AndalusiaA the Jhristian north& $paniards started takin% o"er& #on)uerin% Islami# land& the muslims started mi%ratin% to southern $pain! The population boom of the south rea#hed o"er 2 million& but these men were skilled& #ausin% -renada to flourish! It e"entually be#ame the wealthiest state in all of Burope! ,ow we ha"e a sur%e of Muslim minds immi%ratin% to the western world& so the Muslim land is depri"ed of their abilities! T#e second lesson6 (hen Rusool Allah (pbuh for the first time was e3posed to re"elation& he #ame down from the #a"e tremblin% and worried! *e went to his wife :hadija Ra/iullah unha& and told her to wrap him in a %arment& that is when the "erses of Mu//ammil and Muddassir were re"ealed! :hadija su%%ested %oin% to her un#le (ara)a ibn ,aufal& who was a wise old man who had studied the early s#riptures! (ara)a asked Prophet Muhammed (pbuh & 0>h nephew what do you see=1 Rusool Allah (pbuh e3plained to him what happened& (ara)a said& 0This was the an%el @ibrael& who used to #ome down to Musa& and how I wish I were a youn% man a%ain! I hope I will be ali"e when your people e3ile you!1 This last statement was a sho#k to Prophet Muhammed (pbuh & we should keep in mind that Prophet Muhammed (pbuh was the most belo"ed man of the 2uraish! Rusool Allah (pbuh asked (ara)a& 0Are they %oin% to e3ile me=1 *e affirmed he said& 0,o one has e"er re#ei"ed what you ha"e& without bein% treated as an enemy& if Im ali"e when your time #omes& I will %i"e you e"ery help!1 Thus (ara)a Ibn ,aufal has been speakin% of the reality of the history of dawa! (hene"er a person de#lared the truth of Islam& people rebelled! Allah .aujal says about the people of Thamoud6 An',aml (2G6<C


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And we have certainly sent to Thamoud their brother Saaleh, saying, worship Allah and at once they were two parties conflicting. !"#$%&' $o $aaleh was in a "ery similar position to Muhammed (pbuh & he was mu#h respe#ted amon%st his people& but when he started to prea#h the messa%e of Allah .aujal& the people split in to two #onfli#tin% %roups! And that is why the 2uran is #alled FAl Hur)an& the JriterionA it separates the %ood and the e"il& splittin% the so#iety in to two! The 4attle of 4adr is #alled FHur)an for the same reason! 17 years later& what (ara)a had predi#ted did happen& Allah .aujal says6 Al'Anam (;6112

(And thus have $e ade for every prophet an ene y fro a ong the cri inals. 8ut sufficient is your Lord as a guide
and a helper.(

$o e"ery prophet has enemies& that is sunnah of Allah .aujal! The third lesson: (e #an noti#e from the hijrah of Rusool ullah (pbuh the elaborate plannin%& that went into it! Rusool ullah (pbuh first "isits Abu 4akr at noon& all masked! Then when he entered the house he asked Abu 4akr, to clear his house to maintain secrecy. #hird, he had Ali bin Abu #alib sleep on his
bed. Aourth, the camels were ready and prepared, Aifth, they left under the cover of darkness from the backdoor. i4th, they hired a guide. eventh, "edina is north of "ecca, but just to decieve the disbelievers , they headed south. 7ighth, they hid in the cave for three days +inth, Abdullah would gather information during the day, and provide them with information during the night. #enth Amir bin Auhayra brings them food.

Rusool ullah (pbuh went to and e3treme e3tent to ensure his safe journey to Medina& e"en thou%h he knew that Allah has promised to prote#t him& after all he is the Messen%er of Allah! $ut
he did this to teach us that as a muslim we have to do our best, this is %ahsaan&. #hus this is how we should conduct, and plan our islamic work. The fourth lesson of the hijrah of Prophet Muhammed (pbuh is the role of women6

*ow do we hear the story of hijrah= (hether its fro m ahih "uslim or $ukhari, it was narrated my
Aisha 6a<iullah unha. All of it was peserved by her. Asma bint Abi $akr, the sister of Aisha, she tore her griddle to put food into it, to send it to =rophet ,saw0 and her father, Abu $akr. Bater she suffered because of hijrah, as Abu Cahl and some men from the ;uraish came and knocked on the door of Abu $akr. Asma opened the door, Abu Cahl asked her where her father was, she said 5 don&t know, in response Abu Cahl slapped her hard on her face. he remained patient for the safety of the =rophet ,saw0 and her father. Another thing to notice here is that she lied, but it is allowed to lie for the protection of a muslim. #he father of Abu $akr, her grandfather , was a blind man, he came in and he said, ( 5 see that my son has caused you two sufferings, one, by him leaving, and two by him not leaving you behind any money.) Asma was very creative she went and filled a sack with some rocks, and put it in the hands of her grandfather, to show that her father has left them a lot of money. Her grandfather was satisfied by this, she did this to keep him calm.

The fifth lesson from hijrah is to #hoose a #ompanion wisely! RusoolAllah (pbuh #hose Abu 4akr $iddi) Ra/iAllah anhu& he was the best #ompanion that Rusool Allah (pbuh #ould make! Abu 4akr (ra lo"ed Prophet Muhammed (pbuh & his lo"e was %enuine and not just lip ser"i#e! *e #ried when he found out that he would ha"e the honour of bein% the Prophets (pbuh #ompanion for hijrah! Abu 4akr was a wise man who RusoolAllah (pbuh #ould trust& Abu 4akr was willin% to sa#rifi#e his life for the life of RusoolAllah (pbuh ! This #an be made out by the way Abu 4akr


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

#he#ked the #a"e before Muhammed (pbuh entered! This in#ident was narrated by Amr bin :hattab! (hen Amr bin :hattab be#ame :halifa& he heard that some people %athered to dis#uss& who was better& Abu 4akr or Amr= >n hearin% this& Amr rushed towards them and said to them& 0>ne day in the life of Abu 4akr is better than the entire family of Amr!1 *e then narrated this story of hijrah! And said that& that one day of hijrah is not only better than the life of Amr but better than the life of the entire family of Amrs! This e"ent shows us the re#o%nition that the sahaba had of the hi%h status of Abu 4akr $iddi) (ra ! The sixth lesson: A lot of what Rusool Allah (saw did durin% that sta%e was done in se#re#y& he did this to
preser"e islam and muslims! 4ut a balan#e needs to be kept between se#re#y and dawa . 2a&wa by nature is a public outward act, so how do you keep a balance between giving da&wa and protecting your organisation? 5n hijrah we find e4amples of both. 6elated to secrecy, 5bn 5shaa1 says, (And as 5 had been told, no one knew of the departure of the "essenger of Allah e4cept Ali bin Abu #alib and Abu $akr and his family.) #hese were the only people who knew about the hijrah of 6usoolAllah ,saw0. When 6usoolAllah ,saw0 and Abu $akr were travelling and they would need some people to help, Abu $akr was a known man while 6usoolAllah ,saw0 was not known outside of "ecca. Abu $akr used to travel a lot due to his business, because of that he was familiar to most of the people in villages, towns etc. 6usool Allah ,saw0 didn&t travel much, as most of his da&wa was done in "ecca, e4cept #aif. Although people had heard of him, no one knew what he looked like. Anas ibn "alik said, that Abu $akr was a known man so people would come to meet him, then they would ask Abu $akr who was the man with him, Abu $akr would reply, (#his man is a guide, and he is showing me the path.) +ow what people would obviously think he was saying was that, he was guiding Abu $akr through the desert but what he really meant was that this man is guiding him towards Allah. $ut he said it in this manner to protect the identity of 6usool Allah ,saw0, because of his fear of endangering 6usool Allah&s ,saw0 life. At the same time Abu $akr is not lying. #his is what you call Tauree. This is the se#re#y part!

4ut when it #omes to dawa the identity needs to be e3posed! $o when Rusool Allah (saw met $uraidah Aslami, he did introdu#e himself as the last and final Messen%er& and did %i"e him dawa and
4uraidah be#ame muslim! $uraidah joined 6usool Allah ,pbuh0 in -. out of his -? battles. 6usool Allah ,saw0 also came across two thieves. #hey were also given da&wa, they too became muslim. When 6usoolAllah ,saw0 asked for their names they said, (3ur name is the Al "uhanan) , Al "uhanan means %the dishonoured ones&, 6usoolAllah ,saw0 disagreed declaring them as the honoured ones. Another e4ample of da&wa was when 6usoolAllah ,saw0 met with a shepherd. 6usoolAllah ,saw0 asked this shepherd for some milk. #he shepherd, e4plained how none of his goats have milk at the moment. 6usoolAllah ,saw0 asked the shepherd if he would allow him to milk it. 3n his allowance 6usoolAllah ,saw0 did milk it, as a result milk started to flow out. After everyone drank , first the shepherd and then "uhammed ,saw0 and Abu $akr, the shepherd asked, (Aor heavans sake, who are you? 5 never saw the like of you.) 6usoolAllah ,saw0 responded, (2o you think you can keep it secret, if 5 told you?), so the man said, (yes), 6usoolAllah ,saw0 said 5, (5 am "uhammed, the messenger of Allah.) #he shepherd asked if he was the one the ;uraish say, claims to be a sabian. abian was a degrading accusation, that the people of ;uraish would level towards the muslims. #hey would call them %Assabiun& rather than %muslims&. 6usoolAllah said, (:es, they do say that.) #he man said, (5 bear witness that you bring the truth and that only a prophet could do as you have. 5 am your follower now.) 6usoolAllah ,saw0 told him, (:ou can not be that right now, come and join us, when you hear that 5 have declared my self openly.) 6usoolAllah ,saw0 does not mean that you can not be a "uslim right now, he meant that he could not join the islamic ja&maa at the moment, because 6usoolAllah ,saw0 is still at that secretive stage. #hus by these e4amples the balance betweem giving da&wa and the secrecy of 6usoolAllah&s ,saw0 identity can be understood. 6usoolAllah,saw0 only declared his identity to those people who he thought would respond to da&wa.

The Seventh lesson: (hen RusoolAllah (saw told Abu 4akr that& he had been %i"en the permission for hijrah& and Abu 4akr was ready to join him& Abu 4akr told Muhammed (saw that& 0*ere are two #amels for hijrah.) 6usoolAllah ,saw0 replied that he will take the camel but, he&ll pay for it. #hus it&s important

for the da&i to be financially independent. When a scholar is on the government pay roll, there&s a conflict of interest when that scholar is giving a fatwa on any issue that relates to the government. When the scholar is dependant on the government then automatically the scholar will be hesitant to do anything against the will of the government even if that means favouring falsehood. An e4ample of this is when we hear scholars giving fatwas, that it is allowed to have interest banks. #hus to prevent this evil, there should be financial independence of such 5slamic figures.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

RusoolAllah (saw and Abu 4akr were tra"ellin% in the desert at the peak of the summer season! It was a "ery hot weather! The %uide took them down the Kalley& and 2uba to the 4anu Amr bin Auf& it was Monday the 12 th of Rabi ull awwal& the heat was e3treme& the sun had almost rea#hed its peak! The Ansar would %o out of Medina e"eryday in the mornin%& in the anti#ipation of meetin% RusoolAllah (saw and %reetin% him& but when the heat would be#ome e3treme& they would %o ba#k indoors! $o one day& just like their pra#ti#e& they went early in the mornin% waitin% for RusoolAllah (saw & and when he didnt show up they went ba#k in! There was a jew who was #limbin% on one of their hi%h buildin%s& and he saw Muhammed (saw and Abu 4akr approa#hin% all dressed in white! The reason why they were dressed in white was that when they had rea#hed the "alley of Reem& they met .ubayr bin Awwam (ra & who was a##ompanyin% a trade #ara"an of Muslims returnin% from $yria! *e presented the Prophet (saw and Abu 4akr (ra with sheets of white #loth! Anyway this jew after spottin% them& #alled out6 0> people of ArabiaL (hat you ha"e been waitin% for has arri"edL1 The Ansar lifted their weapons and rushed to %reet the Prophet (saw ! The reason why the ansar %rabbed their weapons was that it was their tradition& they would do this whene"er they would %reet an important %uest!This was also a si%n& that they were willin% to offer him prote#tion! This is still a tradition in some tribal so#ieties! Rusool Allah (saw and Abu 4akr arri"ed at the outskirts of Medina #alled 2uba& where people started %reetin% them! Rusool Allah (saw stayed in 2uba for 1< days& durin% whi#h he built the mos)ue of 2uba& the first masjid in islam! This masjid is spe#ial& if you make wudu at your pla#e and pray 2 rakats in the Masjid of 2uba 2uba then we %et the sawaab of one umra! Rusool Allah (saw stayed in a house #alled& the house of ba#helors& all of the men in there were ba#helors! *e stayed in the house of $ad bin :hathima! *e stayed there be#ause he had a lot of "isitors& he didnt want to burden a family with all the ha"o#! (hile he stayed there& Rusool Allah (saw sent messen%ers to Medina& askin% them permission for their entran#e! They in response sent for the Prophet (saw a lar%e dele%ation& whi#h #ame and met Rusool Allah (saw and said& 0Jome in& you are safe& and you will be obeyed!1 Rusool Allah (saw was not %oin% to Medina as a %uest but rather as a leader! Allah /aujal also says6 *+RAH AN,NI*A -./0.1

()very *essenger that +e have sent, +e sent them to be obeyed , $o the people are under a duty to follow the Messen%ers of Allah! It was an ama/in% day when Rusool Allah (saw entered into Medina& there was a hu%e #elebration! People were %reetin% him! The men #ame out armed& the Abyssinians were dan#in% with their spears& women stood on their rooftops& #hildren flooded the streets just to #at#h a %limpse of Rusool Allah (saw ! Anas ibn Malik (ra says& 0 The Messen%er of Allah did #ome& and his #ompanion! They were amon%st the town people! B"en the old people #ame out to %reet them& #limbin% on top of houses and shoutin%& Fwhi#h one is he=L1& Anas Ibn Malik says& 0(e ne"er saw su#h a si%ht before!1 People were "ery happy the Rusool Allah (saw had arri"ed! Anas Ibn Malik (ra said& 0I witnessed the day he entered amon% us and I witnessed the day he died& and I ne"er saw two days as those! I ne"er saw two days like that in my life!1 Anas Ibn Malik (ra sais in another narration& 0I witnessed two days! >ne day was the bri%htest and best day in my life and that was the day& Rusool Allah (saw and Abu 4akr #ame into Medina! The other day was the darkest day and the worst day in my life& and that was the day in whi#h Rusool Allah (saw passed away and I ha"e witnessed both of them!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o dear brothers and sisters the best day that Medina had e"er had& was the day Rusool Allah (saw had entered Medina and the worst day Medina has e"er witnessed was the day Rusool Allah (saw left them! Rusool Allah ($aw was offered to stay in e"ery house in Medina& but Rusool Allah (saw wanted to stay with 4anu ,ajjar& this is be#ause 4anu ,ajjar were his relati"es! *ashim married a woman from 4anu ,ajjar& 4anu ,ajjar are from :hu/ruj! Their for Abdul Muttalib& his maternal un#les were from Medina& from 4anu ,ajjar! Rusool Allah (saw wanted said he wanted to stay with 4anu ,ajjar& then he asked them whi#h house of 4anu ,ajjar was #losest to him! Abu Ayyub Ansari responded& that his house was! Rusool Allah (saw thus stayed with Abu Ayyub! Rusool Allah (saw wanted to stay on the lower le"el& while Abu Ayyub was tryin% to #on"in#e him to settle on the upper floor! The reason for this was be#ause peole "isited Rusool Allah (saw often& so it was more #on"enient for e"eryone for him to stay in the lower le"el! Hinally Abu Ayyub a%reed! Aby Ayyub sais& 0(e had a #ontainer filled with water that fell! (e were afraid that the water wuld drip on Rusool Allah (saw so we used our blanket& and me and my wife only had that blanket! (e used it to soak up the water and we had to sleep without that blanket!1 This is the %enerosity that the sahaba (ra were willin% to offer to Rusool Allah (saw ! Another e3ample of the %enerosity of the people in Medina6 .aid bin Thabit (ra sais 0The first %ift made to the Messen%er of Allah& after he took up residen#e in the home of Abu Ayyub was brou%ht to him by myself! It was a bi% wooden bowl filled with bread #rumbled up with milk and butter! I told him that my mother had sent him the bowl! *e #ommented& Fmay Allah bless her then he #alled o"er his #ompanions and they ate& then a wooden bowl #ame from $ad ibn 5bada& it was bread mi3ed with meat %ra"y!1 .aid bin Thabit sais& 0not an e"enin% went by without there bein%& at the door of the messen%er of Allah& three or four people& who would #ome one after the other& #arryin% food! *e remained there in the home of Abu Ayyub for se"en months!1 These were mostly poor people& who were %i"in% up their food for the messen%er of Allah! People lo"ed Rusool Allah ($aw ! A few youn% %irls went out on the streets& and they were sin%in%& 0(e are %irls of the 4anu ,ajjab! *ow wonderful if Muhammed were our nei%hborL1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Allah knows& that my heart lo"es you all!1 This was the relationship between the people of Medina and Rusool Allah (saw ! Allah .aujal had #hosen the Ansar& to be the ansar of Rusool Allah (saw ! Towards the end of the Prophets (saw life he said& 0If it wasnt for hijra& I would #onsider myself to be a member of al'ansar!1 (hat was the situation of Medina like when Rusool Allah (saw mi%rated= There were fi"e tribes li"in% in Medina! Three of them were jewish and two were Arab! The three jewish tribes wereA 4anu ,adir& 4anu 2uray/a& and 4anu 2aynu)a! 4anu 2aynu)a li"ed in the #enter of Medina& the market pla#e& they had a business of jewellery! They were pre"iously settled in the outskirts of Medina but were dri"en out by a war between them and the other jews! 4oth 4anu ,adir and 4anu 2uray/a li"ed in forts in the ouskirts of Medina! They had about C8 fortresses in whi#h they li"ed in! They had a fi%htin% for#e of about 2999! The two arab tribes wereA Al'Aus and Al':ha/ruj! They had a fi%htim% for#e of about <999! >ne tribe li"ed in the north while the other li"ed towards the south inside Medina! $o Medina was a sort of a #ity full of many "illa%es& with areas spe#ified for ea#h tribe! The li"elihood of the people of Medina was dependant on a%ri#ulture! They had palm %ro"es for whi#h the farmers would need money throu%hout the year& until the time of har"est! The jewish tribes would lend the arabs money who would #har%e interest on the loan! This #reated some #onfli#t or bitter feelin%s between the arab and the jews! This was the situaion prior to the ad"ent of Islam !(hen islam #am & Medina had muslims & pa%an worshippers and jews !! thus there were different ethni# %roups! Rusool Allah (saw had to be "ery #areful while dealin% with these people! There were some people who were not happy of Rusool Allahs (saw presen#e& to %i"e an e3ample of the #ompli#ated situation that e3isted due to the "arious ethni# %roups is that& on#e Rusool Allah (saw was ridin% on his donkey and he went towards a %atherin% whi#h in#luded arabs& muslim and non'muslim& and jews! (hen he went there his donkey #aused some dust&


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Abdullah bin 5bayy (who later be#ame the head of the munafi)een said& 0:eep your dust away from us!1 Rusool Allah (saw did not respond to that& Rusool Allah (saw started to prea#h islam to them! (hen he was finished& Abdullah bin 5bayy said& 0?ont #ome and bother us in our meetin%s with your talk! $tay home& and whoe"er #omes to "isit you& then tell them your stories!1 Abdullah ibn Rawaha& who was a muslim said& 0,oL (e want him to #ome to our meetin%s and talk to us!1 People then started shoutin% and ar%uin%& it seemed like a battle was %oin% to o##ur! Rusool Allah (saw started to #alm them down! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0$ad didnt you see what Abdullah bin 5bayy did=1 $ad asked him what happened and then he responded to Rusool Allahs response& 0>h Rusool Allah& Abdullah bin 5bayy was a man whom his people was almost %oin% to appoint him kin% o"er them& when you arri"ed! $o he feels that you ha"e stripped him of his kin%dom!1 $o $ad was e3plainin% how it was understandable that Abdullah was a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw & be#ause the tribe of :ha/raj was about to appoint Abdullah bin 5bayy as the kin% o"er them! $o this was the situation that Rusool Allah (saw was dealin% with! (D 23 (hen Rusool Allah (saw rea#hed Medina& he had four proje#ts to work on! The masjid Bstablishin% 4rotherhood A #o"enant that would %o"ern the relationship between the "arious %roups in Medina! The establishment of the army

)*T PRO4E(T THE MA*4ID The masjid was the first thin% Rusool Allah (saw worked on when he arri"ed to Medina! It is to be noti#ed that the first thin% that Rusool Allah (saw worked on in 2ubaa was also a masjid! The reason why it was the first proje#t he laun#ed is be#ause al'masjid is the #enter of learnin% for the muslims! The Rusool Allah (saw had ?ar ul Ar)am in Me##a and then he was %oin% to built a masjid in Medina whi#h would e3pand the fun#tions of ?ar ul Ar)am! ?ar ul Ar)am was a se#ret lo#ation where the muslims would meet to pray and tea#h! 4ut sin#e Rusool Allah (saw now had established an islami# state& nothin% needed to be kept a se#ret anymore rather they built a mos)ue #alled 0Masjid'e',ab"i1! How did t#ey c#oose t#e location "or t#e mosque5 Rusool Allah (saw was ridin% his #amel and people were pullin% it towards their dire#tion! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Iea"e it& be#ause it is bein% #ommanded by Allah!1 The #amel while %oin% throu%h the streets of Medina stopped at a parti#ular lo#ation whi#h was a field for dryin% dates! This field belon%ed to two orphans in Medina! After the #amel #hose his lo#ation& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0This is our pla#e!1 This would be the lo#ation for the masjid and the Prophets (saw li"in% )uarter! Rusool Allah (saw wanted to buy the area& but the orphans refused to sell& they said they wanted to %i"e the land to Rusool Allah (saw ! The buildin% of Masjid'e'Mab"i be%an! They built it from mud'bri#ks and the roof was palm lea"es! (hen it would rain the drops would fall ri%ht on top of their heads! The floor was just sand! B"en thou%h it was "ery simple& it was the most blessed masjid & this was where the first %eneration %raduated from! Rusool Allah (saw also took part& alon% with the sahaba& in the buildin% of the masjid! The poet amon% them said& 0If we sit down while the messen%er of Allah is workin%& that is a mis%uided a#t on our behalf!1 Rusool Allah (saw e"en #arried the bri#ks for the masjid!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

*ome lessons "rom t#e buildin% o" t#e ma'sid $irst lesson/ The masjid was the first thin% Rusool Allah (saw did! Allah .aujal says6 Al'*ajj (226<1

(!And they are" those who, if $e give the authority in the land, establish prayer,( $o when %llah &aujal 'rants them authority in the land the first thin' they did salah. (y establishin' a masjid they are establishin' the center of salah. was establish

Second lesson: Rusool Allah (saw tau%ht the sahabah throu%h pra#ti#e! >ur belo"ed Prophet (saw
worked side by side with the sahabah& he did not %i"e orders from a hi%h pla#e! This e3plains the role of leaders in islam!

Third lesson: $pe#ialisation is respe#ted in islam& people should do what they belie"e they are %ood at!
This we #an tell be#ause when the Prophet (saw and the sahabah were buildin% the masjid'e',ab"i& there was a man from ,A@? who was with them! This man was a builder! *e asked Rusool Allah (saw if he should join them in #arryin% the bri#ks! Rusool Allah (saw refused& instead he asked the builder to make the mi3ture for the bri#ks and make them!! Thus Rusool Allah (saw asked him to do this be#ause the builder needed to fo#us on doin% what he was best at! This indi#ates that in our islami# work& e"erybody does not ha"e to do the same thin%! B"erbody does not need to be a %ood daI& imam& or a s#holar! Allah has %i"en e"eryone different %ifts& people should be allowed to utilise these %ifts to their full! A %ood leader will be able to re#o%ni/e these %ifts and ad"ise his followers on how to stren%then these %ifts! 4ut keepin% in mind that these %ifted abilities should be used for the benefit of Islam!

What is the role of the masjid? %llah &aujal says in the )uran: Al-Nur (24:36)

-[ uch niches are] in mos!ues which Allah has ordered to be raised and that "is name be
mentioned therein# e$alting "im within them in the morning and the evenings

Al-Nur (24: !"


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

-!Are" en who neither co erce nor sale distracts fro the re e brance of Allah and perfor ance of prayer and giving of 9a'ah. )hey fear a 5ay in which the hearts and eyes will !fearfully" turn about( A#-NUR (24:38)

-)hat Allah ay reward the !according to" the best of what they did and increase the bounty. And Allah gives provision to who &e wills without account.(



*. This tells us that the masjid is just a buildin%& the real essen#e of the buildin% are
the people inside the buildin%! That is the spirit of the Masjid! The 2uran talks about men who are in the houses of Allah& these men are not distra#ted by money& or makin% a li"in%! Althou%h they indeed do run businesses or they do earn for a li"in%& but when they are present in the house of Allah& they are busy with the remembran#e of Allah only! Thus the primary role of masjid is that it is a pla#e for salah and /ikr!

2. The masjid is the #enter of learnin% . 5n

"ecca it was 2ar ul Ar1am and "asjid!e! +abvi in "adina. #hese were the places where 6usool Allah ,saw0 would give his khutbas, talks, and lectures. Also the sahabas would sit in circles and sit together to study the $ook of Allah.

+. Rusool Allah (saw says& 0If people #ome to%ether in the house of Allah& studyin%
the book of Allah .aujal and readin% it! Allah will %i"e them four thin%sA $afina (tran)uility & rahma (mer#y & an%els will surround them& and Allah will mention their names in a %atherin% better than theirs!1

4. The

masjid is a place for muslims to meet. 5t plays a vital role in their social life. "uslims who pray jama&a would meet five times a day. #his would strengthen the bond of brotherhood between them. #hey also meet on juma&a and this word like jama&a means congregation. Dongregation means an assembly of people gathering.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

,. The masjid was a dwellin% for the tra"eller and the poor! There was a pla#e
#alled Ahl ul $ufa whi#h was built for su#h people in the masjid!

-. The masjid was the pla#e where the armies set out from! The banners or the
standards of war will be handed out inside the masjid .

7. The masjid was a pla#e for dawa! (hen the #hirstians from +emen "isited& they
stayed inside the masjids! They stayed there& so that they #an see the muslims pray and ha"e dis#ussions with Muhammed (saw ! This tells us that non'muslims should be allowed to enter masjids!

(e talked about how the masjids of Rusool Allah (saw and Masjid'e',ab"i were simple! They didnt ha"e all that fan#y de#orations! So $hat is the rulin% on such decorations? $#holars say that %tashheed& is allowed while %<akhrufa& and %naksh& is not. #ashheed means having
good 1uality building material for the building itself. o after the masjid was first built from mudbricks, it was rebuilt with stones etc. the roof was replaced by wood and all this is allowed. However there is a difference in opinion about the decoration of the masjid. ome say it is haraam and some say it is mukroo. 7ven the ones who say it is mu1roo, they say that if someone designates money to be used as a %wa1f&, trust for a masjid, it is haraam to use that money to decorate the masjid. #he money must be put in for the building of the masjid. #his is because substance is more important that symbol.

The Masjid'e',ab"i was simple (mud bri#ks but the best of people %raduated from there& and now you ha"e hu%e& ma%nifi#ent buildin%s but this merely shows how mu#h money was thrown into this!

&irtues of 'asjid-e-Na(vi

Rusool Allah (saw sais in a hadith narrated by 4ukhari& 0>ne salah in my masjid is better than 1999 salah in any other masjid e4cept the "asjid ul Haram ,'a&aba0.) Which means if you pray
5sha once in "asjid!e!+abvi, it is as if you prayed 5sha for 9E years in any other masjid. #his is the amount of blessing you get by praying in 6usool Allah&s ,saw0 masjid.

Rusool Allah (saw also sais& 0+ou should not tra"el to "isit a masjid& e3#ept if it is one of three masjidsA Al' Masjid ul *aram (:aaba & Al'Masjid ul A)sa (@erusalem & and this Masjid of mine (Masjid'e',ab"i !1 Rusool Allah (saw sais& 0#here is a garden from the gardens of =aradise between my house and
my pulpit, and my pulpit is on my Bake Aount ,Al!'authar0) $ook E/*-->

A)aan Abdullah bin .aid& one of the sahabah of Rusool Allah (saw saw a dream& at the time the Masjid' e',ab"is #onstru#tion was #omplete! After the #ompletion of the masjid they were now thinkin% of ways of how to in"ite people to prayer! $ome of the su%%estions were toA use a bell like the Jhristians or blow a horn like what the @ews in Medina ould do! $o Abdullah bin .aid (ra saw a dreamA he saw a man #arryin% a bell& who Abdullah asked how mu#h he would sell that bell for!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

The man then asked him why he wanted it! Abdullah responded in the dream& that he wanted it to in"ite people to prayer! The man then asked him if he #ould su%%est somethin% better! Abdullah asked what it was! The man told him to say6
Allahu AkbarF Allahu AkbarF

Allahu AkbarL Allahu AkbarL Ash'hadu Al Ia ilaha illAllah Ash'hadu Al Ia ilaha illAllah Ash'hadu anna Muhammadar RasoolAllah Ash'hadu anna Muhammadar RasoolAllah *ayyaa ala'salaah *ayyaa ala'salaah *ayyaa alal'falaah *ayyaa alal'falaah Allahu AkbarL Allahu AkbarL Ia ilaha illAllah Then the man waited for a while& he then said to Abdullah and told him that when you ha"e to make I)ama you say6 Allahu AkbarL Allahu AkbarL Ash'hadu Al Ia ilaha illAllah Ash'hadu anna Muhammadar RasoolAllah Allahu AkbarL Allahu AkbarL Ia ilaha illAllah
Abdullah bin Zayd later, related this dream to the =rophet ,saw0. 6usool Allah ,saw0 reali<ed that this dream was meant to be fulfilled. He then asked Abdullah to teach the words to $ilal, who had a strong and beautiful voice. When Gmar ,ra0 heard the new prayer call, he hurried to the mos1ue and said that he had heard this call in his dream. When more than one person sees the same dream, it is an indication that it is a true dream. A<aan has become one of the most prominent symbol of islam. 5t is the most outwardly or public symbol of islam.

In the be%innin% the dire#tion of the 2ibla was towards north! This was be#ause they used to pray towards @erusalem! A few months after hijrah the 2iblah #han%ed from the north towards the south& the e3a#t opposite dire#tion fa#in% towards Me##a! *e%ardin% Ahl us-Suffa (hen the 2ibla was towards the north& the people had built a shed to pro"ide shade& and the pla#e underneath it& was #alled As'$uffa! The definition of As'$uffa a##ordin% to Ibn *ajr is that As'$ufa is a pla#e at the ba#k of the Masjid'e',ab"i& it is shaded and it was prepared for the forei%ners! The ones who dont ha"e any family or any pla#e to stay! Abu *uraira , who was also
an ahl al! uffa says ,in $ukhari0 about Ahl al! uffa that, Ahl al! uffa are the guests of 5slam, they are the ones who don&t have any family or wealth to fall back on. o they live in this place called As! uffa. +ow not everyone who lived there was forced to live there, because of their condition.

$ome of them "olunteered to join Ahl al'$uffa like Abu *uraira& who had enou%h wealth& but he #hose to de"ote his time to studyin% and therefore he li"ed with the people of As'$uffa! He sais
about himself that, some people comment that ,how come Abu Huraira narrates more hadith than the muhajireen and the ansar? #hey wondered this because Abu Huraira was late in becoming a muslim. Abu Huraira narrated more hadith than anyone else. o Abu Huraira e4plains how the brothers from the muhajireen were busy with business, while he used to follow 6usool Allah ,saw0 with an empty stomach. He said that he was poor and had nothing but he would follow 6usool Allah ,saw0 all the time. o he would attend when the muhajireen were absent and he would remember, when they would forget. #hen he would e4plain that the ansar were busy with their farms. He said that he was a poor man and that he would remember what they wouldn&t.

4e#ause Abu *uraira de"oted all his time to studyin% he had time to re"iew all the hadith of the Prophet (saw ! Infa#t Abu *uraira said that he splits the ni%ht into three parts! >ne part for sleepin%& one for prayin%& and one for re"iewin% the ahadith of Rusool Allah (saw that he would


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

hear throu%hout the day! #he muhajireen and the ansar were busy with business and farms. Abu
Huraira had nothing to occupy himself so he chose to join Ahl al! uffa so he could study with 6usool Allah ,saw0 full time.

>ne sour#e of li"elihood for As'$uffa was the sada)at that Rusool Allah (saw sent to them! (hen Rusool Allah (saw re#ei"e sada)at he would send it to them! Also when he would re#ei"e a %ift he would take some of it and %i"e them the rest! Rusool Allah (saw did not a##ept sada)at for himself! Rusool Allah (saw would encourage the sahabah who are well!off to invite the people
of As! uffa. 3ne of the Ansar said that his father was among the people of As! uffa. 6usool Allah ,saw0 ordered the sahaba to invite the Ahl ul! uffa to their houses and so the sahabah came and invited some until H of them were left. #hen 6usool Allah ,saw0 told them to go to that ansar&s house and he fed them.

Rusool Allah (saw says that whoe"er has food enou%h for two people should take a third and whoe"er has food enou%h for four people& su#h a person should take a fifth of si3th person with him! #hese sahaba, who were told to invite these people, were not millionaires. 6usool Allah ,saw0
asked them to invite a third when they have food enough for just two people.

This tells us that sa#rifi#e and %enerosity has been part of Islam sin#e the be%innin%! Allah .aujal has repeatedly re"ealed ayats be kind to the orphans, the poor, the needy, being
generous towards guests etc. All of these are ibadaat that have been encouraged from day one. o we should accept that being a muslim does demand sacrifice, and this we have to do, to seek the pleasure of Allah Zaujal Iiving is big part of sacrifice. Hatima (ra was the daughter of 6usool Allah ,saw0, the most beloved to the messenger of Allah ,saw0. Aatima had to do all of the hard work at home. #his even caused her hands to become injured and coarse. Ali ibn #alib told her that her father has received slaves, and then he advised her to go ask 6usool Allah ,saw0 for a servant. o Aatima ,ra0 goes to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and asks for a servant, 6usool Allah ,saw0 responded to his daughter, that 5 am not going to give you and leave the people of As! uffa with hungry stomachs, because they don&t have any money. 5 don&t have any money to spend on them, so 5&m going to sell these slaves and use that money to give to Ahl us! uffa. #his tell us how much concern 6usool Allah ,saw0 had for Ahl us! uffa.

It should not be thou%ht that Ahl us'$uffa would just sit and eat free food& and that they dont do any work! #hese were actually very active people in ibadat, these were true monks. #hey had

immense knowledge, who were scholars, mujahideen, many of them became huhadah. Aor e4ample one of the scholars who graduated from among the ranks of Ahl us! uffa was Abu Huraira ,ra0, the most prolific narrator of the hadith of 6usool Allah ,saw0. Another member of Ahl us! uffa was Ha<rat Hu<afia ibn :amaan ,ra0, who narrated most of the ahadith about the end of time. huhada from among Ahl us! uffa were ufwan, Habib bin 5saaf, Hareem , Harifa ibn +auman, arem bin Gmair were shuhadah at the battle of $adar. Hanbala the one who was washed by the angels was a shaheed in Ghud. #here were also some shuhadah from As! uffa in Hudaibiyah and various other battles. #hey would also try to earn for a living my collecting date seeds and selling them as animal feed. #hey would try to make a living, but due to the difficult conditions in "edina they were forced into poverty.

The number of Ahl us'$uffa rose and de#reased dependin% on the #onditions! 4ut on a"era%e they were G9! They used to li"e 2< hours at the ba#k of Masjid'e',ab"i! They were ob"ioulsy a#ti"e in studyin% be#ause they were #lose to the #enter of learnin%& Masjid'e',ab"i& whi#h was the uni"ersity of islam! That is why these people ha"e narrated a lot of ahadith! The is a lot of importance of having a social welfare system in islam. =eople would stay at As! uffa

and eat at the houses of al!Ansar. #o take care of social needs is also a part of da&wa. Gbadah ibn us! amet ,ra0 said that, (6usool Allah ,saw0 would become busy, so he would turn over the new muslim to us.) He also said, (5f a new muhajir ,new muslim0 would come to 6usool Allah ,saw0, and if 6usool Allah ,saw0 is busy then he would send him over to one of us to teach him ;uran., 6usool Allah sent to me a man, he stayed with me at home, and 5 would feed him as a member of my own family and then 5 would teach him ;uran.)

?awa to them in#ludes feedin% and takin% #are of the muhajir! They were aware that these muhajir had left e"erythin% they own behind& thus were in need of help!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Rusool Allah (saw wanted the muslim so#iety to be#ome or%ani/ed& so he appointed representati"es o"er these %roups! Abu *uraira (ra was Areef& areef is someone who represents people and would e3press& or #on"ey the peoples need to the leader! $o Abu *uraira (ra was the representati"e of Ahl us'$uffa. 5f 6usool Allah ,saw0 wanted to give a message to Ahl us! uffa,
then he would convey it through Abu Huraira ,ra0.

3ND PRO4E(T E*TA67I*HIN8 6ROTHERHOOD Allah .aujal says in Al'IMRA, (76197

-And hold fir ly to the rope of Allah all together and do not beco e divided. And re e ber the favor of Allah upon you # when you were ene ies and &e brought your hearts together and you beca e, by &is favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and &e saved you fro it. )hus does Allah a'e clear to you &is verses that you ay be guided.( Allah .aujal also sais in AI'A,HAI (E6;7


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

-And brought together their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have brought their hearts together% but Allah brought the together. Indeed, &e is 7*alted in Might and $ise.( Allah .aujal is tellin% Muhammed (saw that it is Allah& that brou%ht the hearts of the muslims to%ether! And that e"en if Muhammed (saw had spent all the money in the world& he #ouldnt ha"e done this! This tells us that it is not possible to buy the hearts of men! This was a fa"our of Allah .aujal to unite the hearts of the muhajireen and the ansar makin% them brothers! Allah .aujal says about al'Ansar in AI'*A$*R (C868

-And !also for" those who were settled in al#Madinah and !adopted" the faith before the . )hey love those who e igrated to the and find not any want in their breasts of what the e igrants were given but give !the " preference over the selves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected fro the stinginess of his soul # it is those who will be the successful.( Hrom this Ayat& we know that Allah has prote#ted the Ansar from stin%iness in their souls! These ayar are talkin% about brotherhood in %eneral& but the brotherhood between the muhajireen and the ansar is uni)ue! A##ordin% to As'$ohaili some people said that this brotherhood started C months after hijra& some say 8 months after hijra& while others say it was established as soon as Masjid'e',ab"i was built! This brotherhood was like as if the muhajireen and the ansar were blood brothers! B"en the rules of inheritan#e would apply to them as if they were blood'brothers! An e3ample of this & was the bond between $ad bin Rabia and Abdur Rahman bin Auf! Abdur Rahman was one of the muhajireen& he is one of the ten who were %i"en %lad tidin%s of @annah! Abdur Rahman bin Auf stayed in the house of $ad bin Rabia& an ansari!

Narrated Ibrahim bin Sad from his father from his grand-father:
Abdur Rahman bin Auf said, "When we came to Medina as emigrants, Allah's Apostle established a bond of brotherhood between me and Sad bin Ar-Rabi' Sad bin Ar-Rabi' said !to me", '# am the richest among the Ansar, so # will gi$e %ou half of m% wealth and %ou ma% loo& at m% two wi$es and whiche$er of the two %ou ma% choose # will di$orce her, and when she has completed the prescribed period !before marriage" %ou ma% marr% her ' Abdur Rahman replied, "# am not in need of all that #s there an% mar&et-place where trade is practiced'' (e replied, ")he mar&et of *ainu+a " Abdur-Rahman went to that mar&et the following da% and brought some


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

dried butter-mil& !%ogurt" and butter, and then he continued going there regularl% ,ew da%s later, 'Abdur Rahman came ha$ing traces of %ellow !scent" on his bod% Allah's Apostle as&ed him whether he had got married (e replied in the affirmati$e )he -rophet said, 'Whom ha$e %ou married'' (e replied, 'A woman from the Ansar ' )hen the -rophet as&ed, '(ow much did %ou pa% her'' (e replied, '!# ga$e her" a gold piece e+ual in weigh to a date stone !or a date stone of gold". )he -rophet said, '/i$e a Walima !wedding ban+uet" e$en if with one sheep ' " !Sahih 0u&hari 0oo& 1 2olume 13 (adith 453"

These brothers would also ad"ise ea#h other! An e3ample of that would be the brothers $alman and Abu Ad'?arda! 6arrated Abu 7uhaifa8 )he -rophet made a bond of brotherhood between Salman and Abu Ad-9arda: Salman paid a $isit to Abu Ad-9arda' and found ;m Ad-9arda' dressed in shabb% clothes and as&ed her wh% she was in that state She replied, "<our brother Abu Ad-9arda' is not interested in !the lu=uries of" this world " #n the meantime Abu Ad-9arda' came and prepared a meal for Salman Salman re+uested Abu Ad-9arda' to eat !with him", but Abu Ad-9arda' said, "# am fasting " Salman said, "# am not going to eat unless %ou eat " So, Abu Ad-9arda' ate !with Salman" When it was night and !a part of the night passed", Abu Ad-9arda' got up !to offer the night pra%er", but Salman told him to sleep and Abu Ad-9arda' slept After sometime Abu Ad-9arda' again got up but Salman told him to sleep When it was the last hours of the night, Salman told him to get up then, and both of them offered the pra%er Salman told Abu Ad-9arda', "<our >ord has a right on %ou, %our soul has a right on %ou, and %our famil% has a right on %ou? so %ou should gi$e the rights of all those who has a right on %ou " Abu Ad-9arda' came to the -rophet and narrated the whole stor% )he -rophet said, Salman has spo&en the truth " !Sahih 0u&hari 0oo& 1 2olume 1@ (adith @AB" $alman was a muhajir but not from Me##a& he #ame from Persia to Medina in sear#h of the Prophet (saw ! 4ut still he was made the brother of Abu Ad'?arda by Rusool Allah (saw ! The Ansar were thus "ery #o'operati"e and %i"in% towards the muhajireen! 6arrated Abu (uraira8 )he Ansar said !to the -rophet", "-lease di$ide the date-palm trees between us and them !i e emigrants" " )he -rophet said, "6o " )he Ansar said, ">et them !i e the emigrants" do the labor for us in the gardens and share the date-fruits with us " )he emigrants said, "We accepted this " !Sahih 0u&hari 0oo& C 2olume CA (adith @45" Thou%h the a%reement was that the muhajir will do half of the work& that didnt happen and that the Ansar ended up doin% most of the workL The muhajirun #ame to Rusool Allah (saw and said& >h Messen%er of Allah& we ha"e ne"er seen people like this& they #omfort us when they are poor and they are %enerous when they are well off& they work in their farms and then they split their har"est with us! Then, 6arrated Anas ibn Mali&8 )he #mmigrants !MuhaDirun" said8 Apostle of Allah. )he (elpers !Ansar" got the entire reward (e said8 no, so long as %ou pra% to Allah for them and praise them


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!9awud 0oo& 3@ (adith 3EB3" This now tells us the "alue of bein% %rateful! If you #an not %i"e then we are obli%ed to thank the person who is %enerous to us& and pray for himMher! To wish %ood for others is a part of be#omin% a Muslim! >f #ourse Allah deser"es to be thanked the mostL The bond of brotherhood was in pairs between the muhajireen and the ansar! And this lasted till the situation of the muhajireen impro"ed! >n#e their #onditions impro"ed the brotherhood of the pairs dissol"ed& but the %eneral brotherhood of the ummah remained! The inheritan#e laws now only apply to blood relati"es! Allah .aujal says in AI'A,HAI (E6GC

-And those who believed after !the initial e igration" and e igrated and fought with you # they are of you. 8ut those of !blood" relationship are ore entitled !to inheritance" in the decree of Allah . Indeed, Allah is :nowing of all things.(

A new #ommunity was de"eloped in Medina& based on a new bond! 5sually in Arabia the re#o%ni/ed bonds wereA blood relationships& e#onomi#al relationships! 4ut then a #ommunity was born based on faith! It was mentioned that in Medina there were Arab pa%ans& Arab Jhristians& muslims and then there were jews! This multiethni# so#iety #aused some #onfli#ts or disputes in the #ity! >ne e3ample mentioned was when Rusool Allah (saw went in a %atherin% to do dawa and war was about to break out between the Muslims and :aafirs! (hen Rusool Allah (saw was tryin% to establish an ummah based on imaan& Allah .aujal re"ealed ayat askin% Muslims to first break down your pre"ious allian#es! Allah .aujal says in AT'TA54A (8627

-O you who have believed, do not ta'e your fathers or your brothers as allies if they have preferred disbelief over belief. And whoever does so a ong you # then it is those who are the wrongdoers.(


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Thus Allah .aujal is now tellin% the muslims that you need to terminate the relationships of loyalty that you ha"e with your tribes& if they are not muslim! And Allah .aujal says in AL#M;M)A&I<A& .=20>3

-O you who have believed, do not ta'e My ene ies and your ene ies as allies, e*tending to the affection while they have disbelieved in what ca e to you of the truth, having driven out the 4rophet and yourselves !only" because you believe in Allah , your Lord. If you have co e out for ?ihad in My cause and see'ing eans to My approval, !ta'e the not as friends". +ou confide to the affection, but I a ost 'nowing of what you have concealed and what you have declared. And whoever does it a ong you has certainly strayed fro the soundness of the way.( AL#M;M)A&I<A& .=20@3

-If they gain do inance over you, they would be to you as ene ies and e*tend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve.( AL#M;M)A&I<A& .=20A3


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-<ever will your relatives or your children benefit you% the 5ay of Besurrection &e will ?udge between you. And Allah , of what you do, is Seeing.( The muslims then had to follow new rules! The former allian#es with tribes needed to end! This was about the relationship of the Muslims and non'muslims in %eneral! There were also some ayat re"ealed related to the relationship of the muslims and the People of the 4ook (jews and Jhristians ! This is be#ause in Medina there were also people of the 4ook! The Arabs in Medina had this on'%oin% relationship with the @ewsA nei%hbourly& e#onomi#al or politi#al! Allah .aujal re"ealed ayat to deal with this issue! Allah .aujal says in AB!"A52AH ,H*H-0

-O you who have believed, do not ta'e the Cews and the Dhristians as allies. )hey are !in fact" allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to the a ong you # then indeed, he is !one" of the . Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.( This Ayat tells us that if a muslim has allied with the People of the 4ook& then he will be#ome a disbelie"er!& he will be#ome one of Fthem! Allah .aujal says in AB!5"6A+ ,E*-//0

-O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you bac', after your belief, !to being" unbelievers.( AL#IMBA< .A0>2>3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

-And how could you disbelieve while to you are being recited the verses of Allah and a ong you is &is MessengerE And whoever holds fir ly to Allah has !indeed" been guided to a straight path.( Thus a%ain the muslims are bein% warned that& if they follow the ways of the @ews and Jhristians in Medina then they will be#ome disbelie"ers! Allah .aujal says in AB!$A;A6AH ,>*->/0

-And never will the Cews or the Dhristians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the !only" guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has co e to you of 'nowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.( All the relationships of loyalties ha"e been #ut off! An important a)eedah of islam is that& it first asks us to ne%ate then it affirms! Iike when a muslim says& Fla ilaha illAllah & the first part is & Fthere is no %od!! & thus it first asks you to disbelie"e in all the %ods that you pre"iously belie"ed in& then F!!but Allah thus your faith in Allah is then established! Pre#isely similarly& Allah here asks muslims to first break their ties with the disbelie"ers and then affirms (ho muslims loyalty should be towards! Allah Fau?al says in A%&MA'A()A" *+,++-

-+our ally is none but Allah and !therefore" &is Messenger and those who have believed # those who establish prayer and give 9a'ah, and they bow !in worship".(


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki


-And whoever is an ally of Allah and &is Messenger and those who have believed # indeed, the party of Allah # they will be the predo inant.( A new #ommunity is established based on faith& this #ommunity is the Fparty of Allah! Allah .aujal says in AI'HAT* (<E628

-Muha ad is the Messenger of Allah % and those with hi are forceful against the disbelievers, erciful a ong the selves. +ou see the bowing and prostrating !in prayer", see'ing bounty fro Allah and !&is" pleasure. )heir ar' is on their faces fro the trace of prostration. )hat is their description in the )orah. And their description in the Iospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens the so they grow fir and stand upon their stal's, delighting the sowers # so that Allah ay enrage by the the disbelievers. Allah has pro ised those who believe and do righteous deeds a ong the forgiveness and a great reward.( Virtues o" Al,Ansar

6arrated Al-0ara8 # heard the -rophet sa%ing !or the -rophet said", "6one lo$es the Ansar but a belie$er, and none hates them but a h%pocrite So Allah will lo$e him who lo$es them, and (e will hate him who hates them " !Sahih 0u&hari 0oo& C 2olume CA (adith @4E"


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Another hadith mentioned in 4ukhari is that Rusool Allah (saw said that if the ansar take one path and the rest of the people would take another path& I would follow the path of al'Ansar and if I hadnt made hijra& I would #onsider myself a member of the ansar!

6arrated Musa bin ';+ba8 'Abdullah bin Al-,adl told me that Anas bin Mali& said, "# was much grie$ed o$er those who had been &illed in the 0attle of Al-(arra When Faid bin Ar+arr heard of m% intense grief !o$er the &illed Ansar", he wrote a letter to me sa%ing that he heard Allah's Apostle sa%ing, G Allah. ,orgi$e the Ansar and the Ansar children )he sub narrator, #bn Al-,adl, is not sure whether the -rophet also said, and their grand-children " Some of those who were present as&ed Anas !about Faid" (e said, "(e !Faid" is the one about whom Allah's Apostle said, '(e is the one whose sound hearing Allah testified ' !Sahih 0u&hari 0oo& 5 2olume 5H (adith 34B" In another narration Prophet (saw said that people will in#rease and the ansar will de#rease then Rusool Allah (saw says a##ept from the ones who do %ood and o"erlook mistakes& he then said& in the name of Allah I lo"e Al'Ansar& the Ansar ha"e done their part & now it is your turn! Prophet Muhammed (saw is tellin% us that the Ansar ha"e done their duty and now its the Muslims turn to their duty! This was about the 2nd proje#t of Rusool Allah (saw in Medina6 establishin% a #ommunity based on brotherhood! (e should keep in mind that shaitan is always tryin% to disunite us! Muslims need to be aware of this wuswusa and fi%ht it! (e need to be aware that shaitan is #onstantly plottin% to break this bond of brotherhood amon% muslims! And that is why Allah Zaujal says in A-./S0A 12#$&34

-And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces !dissension" a ong the . Indeed Satan is ever, to an'ind, a clear ene y.( 9RD PRO4E(T (OVENANT THAT 8OVERNED THE RE7ATION*HIP 6ET:EEN (OMM+NITIE* IN MEDINA A #o"enant is #alled Fal Fwahee)a& or the do#ument! This do#ument %o"erned the relationship of the #ommunities of Medina It is narrated by ibn Isha)& 0This messen%er of Allah wrote a #ontra#t between the immi%rants and the helpers in whi#h he e3pressed #on#iliation!1 T#e (o enant/


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

In the name of Allah The Mer#iful& The 4enefi#ient 'This is a do#ument from Muhammed& the unlettered Prophet& between the belie"ers and Muslims of 2uraish& and +athrib and their followers& allies& and supporters! Bstablishin% that they are one nation apart from all others! 'The immi%rants from 2urasih will maintain their #urrent pra#ti#e and will honour blood money #ontra#ts between themsel"es and will treat their weaker members with kindness and justi#e! 'The 4anu auf shall maintain their #urrent pra#ti#e and honour their former blood money #ontra#ts & ea#h party treatin% their weaker members with kindness and justi#e amon% all belie"ers! (Then a referen#e was made to ea#h #lan of the helpers and to the families of ea#h home! *e went on to say N 'The belie"ers shall not lea"e anyone amon% them burdened by debts without %i"in% him in kindness and payin% for him any randsom& money& or blood money he owes! 'A belie"er will not ally with any freed man of a se#ond belie"er a%ainst that man! Pious belie"ers shall a#t a%ainst any of their own peopleA who pra#ti#e e"il& or seek to brin% harm& sin& a%%ression& or #orruption amon% belie"ers! 4elie"ers will unite a%ainst anyone doin% this& e"en if he bein% one of their own sons! ',o belie"er shall kill any belie"er for any disbelie"er& nor shall he help a disbelie"er a%ainst a belie"er! 'Allahs propte#tion is all oneA the least of them #an offer prote#tion to others! '4elie"ers are allies to one another e3#ludin% others! (Meanin% we are a nation e3#ludin% e"eryone else! '@ews who be#ome Muslim shall re#ei"e help and e)uality! They shall not be mal'treated nor will others be helped a%ainst them! Pea#e for all belie"ers! ',o pea#e shall be a##epted for any one belie"er& to the e3#lusion of others& the entire #ommunity is responsible if an indi"idual failed to #arry out his duty when the battle is for Allahs #ause! 'Amon% them e)uality and justi#e must pre"ail! 'In e"ery e3pedition we en%a%e in& riders shall take turns on their mounts! '4elie"ers shall a"en%e one another for blood'shed in Allahs #ause! '4elie"ers who are pious are well'%uided on the strai%htest of paths! ',o polytheist shall be allowed to offer prote#tion& for the property or persons of 2uraish! ,or try to interfere with any belie"er! 'Anyone who has #learly a%%ressed a%ainst and #aused the death of any belie"er shall be subje#t to retaliation& unless the dead persons e3e#utor #an be satisfied! 4elie"ers as a whole shall take a#tion a%ainst him and no e3#use will be a##eptable! 'It shall not be permissible for any belie"er who has a##epted what is in this do#ument& and who belie"es in Allah& to %i"e help or shelter to any wron%'doer! Any belie"er who does this shall be


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

the obje#t of Allahs #urses and an%er on @ud%ement ?ay! And neither #ompensation nor e3#use will be a##eptable! 'Any matter in whi#h you disa%ree must be refered to Allah All'Mi%hty& and -lorious is *e and to Muhammed (saw ! 'The @ews shall pay e3penses alon% with the Muslims& so lon% as they are allied in war'fare! 'The @ews of 4ani Auf and Muslims would li"e to%ether as two separate nations! The jews will ha"e their reli%ion& the Muslims their own! This applies to their freemen and to them themsel"es& e3#ept for those who #ommit sins and are unjust! $u#h persons only harm themsel"es and their families! '(hat applies to 4ani Auf shall also apply to the @ews of 4anu ,ajjar& 4anu *arith& 4anu $aada& 4anu @ishum& 4anu ul'Aus& 4anu Thaaluba& 4anu @ifna& and 4anu $hutaiba! The #lose asso#iates of the @ews shall be "iewed as themsel"esA none of them shall %o to war without Muhammeds permission! *owe"er he is not thereby #onstrained from takin% re"en%e for injury! '(hoe"er atta#ks another may do so to prote#t himself and his family& but a#t not unjustly! Hor Allah #ondemns su#h a#ts! 'The @ews shall bear their own e3penses& the Muslims theirs! '4oth nations must help one another& a%ainst any who fi%ht those who adopt this do#ument! They must %i"e one another ad"i#e and #onsult one another! ?o %ood and a"oid e"il! 'A man is not held blameworthy on behalf of his allies! '*elp must be %i"en to those wron%ed! 'The #enter of +athrib shall be a san#tuary for those who a%ree to this do#ument! '>nes nei%hbor shall be treated as oneself& without bein% harmed! ',o property shall be en#roa#hed upon without the permission of its owner! 'In the #ase of any dispute or in#ident o##urrin% between those a%reein% to this do#ument and in"ol"in% #onse)uen#es likely to be harmful& the matter must be refered to Allah& and to Muhammed the Messen%er of Allah! 'Allah a#knowled%es what is "ery %ood and pious in this do#ument& the 2uraish and their allies are not to be helped or %i"en prote#tion! 'Those a##eptin% this do#ument must help one another a%ainst anyone atta#kin% +athrib& if they are #alled upon to make pea#e& to do so& and keep it& then they will be makin% pea#e! If they make a similar demand then is is up to the muslims to a%ree& if the warfare is o"er the faith! 'Ba#h parti#ipant shall re#ei"e whate"er portion is due to him from his own sides winnin%s! 'This do#ument will not pro"ide prote#tion to people who are wron%'doers or unjust! '(hoe"er %oes to war will be safe& or whoe"er lea"es will be safe& whoe"er stays in the town will be safe e3#ept for those who ha"e sinned or ha"e been unjust! Allah pro"ides prote#tion for those who are %ood!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

J? O7 (e talked about the #o"enant whi#h %o"erned the relationship between the "arious #ommunitiesA polytheist Arabs& Muslim Arabs and the @ewish tribes of Medina! (omments on t#e co enant *ere you ha"e a faith based #ommunity& an ummah based on faith& this was an unusual #on#ept amon% the arabs& who used to base their unity on the relationship of blood! Rusool Allah (saw #ame up with this new #on#ept& whi#h says that we are brothers be#ause we are belie"ers! A statement in the #o"enant was that F4elie"ers are allies to one another e3#ludin% others! Thus we are e3#ludin% e"eryone else! This mi%ht be one of the reasons why Rusool Allah (saw %a"e many orders to distin%uish the Muslims from the jews! There are many ob"ious distin#tions between the pa%an worshippers and the Muslims whereas there are some similarities between muslims and the People of the 4ook! Muhammed (saw wanted to keep the muslim identity distin#t! +ou will find that there are many ahadith orderin% Muslims to be different than the jews in Medina!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Hor e3ample Rusool Allah (saw noti#ed that the jews of Medina did not pray in leather so#ks so Rusool Allah (saw allowed muslims to pray in leather so#ks! The jews in Medina would not dye with henna so Rusool Allah (saw instru#ted muslims to dye their hair with henna! This is for men! Another in#ident6

6arrated #bn Abbas8 When the -rophet arri$ed at Medina, the 7ews were obser$ing the fast on 'Ashura' !@Hth of Muharram" and the% said, ")his is the da% when Moses became $ictorious o$er -haraoh," Gn that, the -rophet said to his companions, "<ou !Muslims" ha$e more right to celebrate Moses' $ictor% than the% ha$e, so obser$e the fast on this da% " !Sahih 0u&hari boo& 5 2olume 5H (adith 4H4"

Therefore Rusool Allah (saw meant that we& as Muslims& are #loser to Moses be#ause he was a Muslim too! Rusool Allah (saw started the tradition of fastin% on the 19 th of Muharram #alled Ashura& howe"er before he passed away& he said that if he li"es till ne3t year than he will also fast the ninth of Muharram! Thus he was %oin% to fast the ninth and the tenth to distin%uish the Muslims from the @ews who would only fast on the 19 th of Muharram! This do#ument was establishin% authority of Rusool Allah (saw who entered Medina as a %uest! Rusool Allah (saw was in"ited there& but he was a#tually there to be followed! Allah .aujal says in A<#<ISA .10=13

-And $e did not send any

essenger e*cept to be obeyed by per ission of Allah,(

o 6usool Allah ,saw0 was meant to be followed and he was establshing his authority by the will of Allah Zaujal, through various means and one of them was this covenant. All of the first four projects of 6usool Allah ,saw0 which wereJ The masjid establishin% brotherhood& a

#o"enant that would %o"ern the relationship between the "arious %roups in Medina and the establishment of an army& all four #ontributed to the establishment of the authority of Muhammed (saw & the one who was sent by Allah to brin% people out of darkness and into li%ht! $o it is mentioned in the do#ument that if there is any matter in whi#h you disa%ree must be refered to Allah All'Mi%hty& and -lorious is *e and to Muhammed (saw ! The only name of an indi"idual mentioned in this do#ument& is that of Muhammed (saw ! Any matter of dispute that o##urs between the @ews and the Arabs& amon% the Arabs& between a #iti/en of Medina and an outsider! All of these matters need to be referred to Allah and the Messen%er of Allah! This meant that now Allahs rule will pre"ail in Medina& alon% with the sunnah of Muhammad (saw ! This was a%reed by e"eryone in Medina& muslims& and non'muslims! Relationship with the @ews6

It is #lear form the #o"enant that Rusool Allah (saw was e3tendin% a hand of toleran#e towards the people of the book! +ou find that this do#ument #onsiders @ews to be #iti/ens of Medina& thus #iti/ens of an Islami# state! They were %ranted reli%ious freedom& they were


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

allowed to worship a##ordin% to their tea#hin%s and it was the responsibility of the Islami# state to prote#t them! >n the other hand the @ews were re)uired to support the Muslims a%ainst any enemy that atta#ked Medina! They were also re)uired to %i"e sin#ere #ounselin% to the Muslim state& and ne"er #onspire a%ainst it& and to ne"er withhold information that was ne#essary for the se#urity of the Medina! Also nobody was allowed to lea"e Medina& without the permission of Rusool Allah (saw ! The @ews were under a duty to refer to Muhammed (saw in any dispute that mi%ht arise between them and the Muslims! This was where the relationship of the @ews and the Muslims started& howe"er from there on& their relationship only went downhill! The reason for this was the response of the @ews of the Muslim presen#e in Medina! 4ut from the Muslim side& Muhammed (saw tried li"e pea#efully in Medina "ia the #o"enant (by %i"in% them prote#tion& e)ual ri%hts& and freedom A howe"er the @ews did not let this happen! Bstablishment on the san#tity of Medina6

Me##a was #onsidered to be Fharam by the Arabs! *aram is a san#tuary& it was holy! Rusool Allah (saw did the same with Medina! It is mentioned in the do#ument that the #enter of +athrib is a san#tuary for e"eryone in this #o"enant! This in#ludes not #uttin% down treesA they are not allowed to hunt& and they are not allowed to fi%ht or #arry weapons within the boundaries of this area! These were a few #omments re%ardin% this #o"enant!

$ome of the sahabah were held ba#k from doin% hijra& so they #ame after Rusool Allah (saw #ame to Medina! >ne of these sahabah was $uhayb Ar'roomi (ra ! $uhayb (ra was imprisoned by the Romans in one of the wars between the Romans and the Arabs! $uhayb ended up %rowin% up amon% the Romans and he a#)uired their lan%ua%e! Thus he would ha"e a roman a##ent when he would speak Arabi#! *e was sold from one master to another endin% up in the hands of Abdullah ibn @udan! Abdullah ibn @udan was a wealthy man in Me##a& who freed $uhayb (ra ! $uhayb (ra was a bri%ht& intelli%ent& and an a#ti"e person! *e started his own business& and soon a#)uired wealth! (hen he wanted to make hijra& he du% up a hole& hid his wealth somewhere& and then left! $ome of the people of the 2uraish followed him& and told him that& 0you #ame to us as a& po"erty stri#ken be%%ar& with us you %rew wealthy and a#)uired status& and now you want to take yourself and your money away= 4y Allah we will not allow this to happen!1 $uhayb asked them if he #ould pay for his freedom& they said then they said& 0Then we will allow you to %o!1 In another narration it said that when $uhayb (ra saw the 2uraish followin% him& $uhayb drew out <9 arrows& and threatened that he will sti#k ea#h arrow into them& and after the arrows finish he said he would draw out his sword and fi%ht and then the 2uraish will know that he is a man! *e then demanded& that he be let %o& in return for his money! This story of $uhayb (ra represents an immi%rant who went to Me##a& settled their& earned his li"in% and %ained a status! 4ut when he wanted to lea"e Me##a (hijra for the sake of Allah& he fa#ed hindran#es! The Muslims in the west today should take heed in the story of $uhayb Ar' Rumi (ra ! The muhajireen who mo"ed from Me##a to Medina& were feelin% homesi#k! They wanted to %o ba#k to Me##a! Infa#t 4ilal (ra used to say& 0May Allah #urse 5tba bin Rabia& $hayba bin Rabia& 5mmayya bin :halaf& be#ause of whom they were dri"en out of Me##a into this land of diseases!1 Medina had swampy land& due to whi#h a lot of diseases su#h as malaria& or fe"er were #ommon!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

<ah%a related to me from Mali& from (isham ibn ;rwa from his father that A'isha, umm almuminin said, "When the Messenger of Allah, ma% Allah bless him and grant him peace, came to Madina, Abu 0a&r and 0ilal came down with a fe$er # $isited them and said, ',ather, how are %ou' 0ilal, how are %ou''" She continued, "When Abu 0a&r's fe$er worsened he would sa%, 'I$er% man is struc& down among his people in the morning -death is nearer than the strap of his sandal '" When it left 0ilal, he raised his $oice and said, 'Would that # &new whether # will spend a night at the $alle% of Ma&&a with the idh&hir herb and Dalil herb around me Will # go one da% to the waters of MaDinna' Will the mountains of Shama and )afil appear to me'' " J A'isha continued, "# went to the Messenger of Allah, ma% Allah bless him and grant him peace, and informed him (e said, 'G Allah. Ma&e us lo$e Madina as much as we lo$e Ma&&a or e$en more Ma&e it sound and bless us in our sa: and mudd Remo$e its fe$er and put it in al-7uhfa ' !Mali& 0oo& 3C (adith 3C 3 @3" In another narration when Aisha when to "isit& e"en Amr bin Huhaira was down with fe"er and when she asked him how he was& he also did not reply and would say& 0I ha"e found death before tastin% it& a #oward has his demise ri%ht abo"e him! B"ery man fi%hts hard with all his power& as a bull prote#ts its skin with its horns!1 Abu 4akr was talkin% about death& 4ilal (ra speaks about $hama and Tafil whi#h are two mountains in Me##a& and Amr talks about his death! All of these men are homesi#k and they want to %o ba#k to Me##a! These people were for#ed out of their homes and went into a pla#e in whi#h they didnt really to J*>>$B to li"e in! After that you be#ome si#kLL It is understandably a horrible feelin%! They also didnt ha"e their family around& to ha"e someone to take #are of them! $o Rusool Allah (saw felt "ery sorry for the sahabah (ra and made the dua& mentioned in the hadith! And $ubhanaAllah due to the dua& the muhajireen ended up lo"in% Medina more than anypla#e in this (orld! In fa#t when they opened Me##a Abu 4akr (ra & 5mar (ra & 5thman (ra & 4ilal (ra all #hose to stay in Medina! And the fa#t of the matter is that e"eryone who has faith is hisMher heart will lo"e Medina! 5ntil this day there is a spe#ial feelin% in the hearts of belie"ers when they enter the #ity of Rusool Allah (saw ! (hen you enter Me##a& and see the hu%e pillars masjid ul'haram you ha"e this feelin% of ma%nifi#en#e but when you %o to Medina whi#h is flat& unlike Me##a whi#h is mountainous& you ha"e a different feelin% than what you feel in Me##a! In Medina you e3perien#e a feelin% of tran)uility! +ou feel at pea#e! It is a belo"ed pla#e for any belie"er! This is due to the barakat of the dua of Rusool Allah (saw ! The first new'born in Medina was Asma bint Abu 4akr (ra & she says& 0(hen I immi%rated I was at term& when I #ame to Medina& I stayed in 2uba and %a"e birth to him there (Abdullah bin .ubair !1 $he then took him to Rusool Allah (saw and pla#ed the new born in his lap! Rusool Allah (saw #alled for a date& whi#h Rusool Allah (saw #hewed and then he pla#ed the #hewed date into the mouth of Abdullah bin .ubair! Asma said that the first thin% that entered the babys mouth was from the mouth of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw then prayed for Abdullah and blessed him! Asma said that Abdullah was the first baby born in Islam! 6arrated Asma8 )hat she concei$ed 'Abdullah bin AK-Fubair She added, "# migrated to Medina while # was at full term of pregnanc% and alighted at *uba where # ga$e birth to him )hen # brought him to the -rophet and put him in his lap )he -rophet as&ed for a date, chewed it, and put some of its Duice in the child's mouth So, the first thing that entered the child's stomach was the sali$a of Allah's Apostle )hen the -rophet rubbed the child's palate with a date and in$o&ed for Allah's 0lessings on him, and he was the first child born amongst the Imigrants in the #slamic >and !i e Medina" !Sahih 0u&hari 0oo& C 2olume CA (adith 43A"


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Thus this shows that the sahabah #onsidered the be%innin% of Islam in Medina& be#ause that was where the first Islami# state had formed! As if the first 17 years spent in Me##a was a preparation for this! Asma did not say first #hild born after hijra or first #hild born in Medina! This was the first #hild born in Islam! Islam only be#ame #omplete when Muslims started li"in% to%ether in a Muslim so#iety in a Muslim state& followin% the Rules and Re%ulations of Allah .aujal! This makes 5$ reali/e that we are missin% a lotL Abdullah ibn $alam (ra was the most knowled%eable rabbi in Medina! (hen he heard of the #omin% of the Prophet (saw & he de#ided to %o and meet him! In one narration of Imam Ahmed Abdullah ibn $alam says that when he saw the fa#e of Rusool Allah (saw & he knew that this was not the fa#e of a liar! $ubhanAllah truth shined out from the fa#e of Rusool Allah (saw ! As mentioned Abdullah ibn $alam was a rabbi (s#holar & he wanted to test Muhammed (saw whether he was the true messen%er or not! These rabbis knew of si%ns related to the up#omin% prophet!

6arrated Anas8 When the news of the arri$al of the -rophet at Medina reached 'Abdullah bin Salam, he went to him to as& him about certain things, (e said, "# am going to as& %ou about three things which onl% a -rophet can answer8 What is the first sign of )he (our' What is the first food which the people of -aradise will eat' Wh% does a child attract the similarit% to his father or to his mother'" )he -rophet replied, "/abriel has Dust now informed me of that " #bn Salam said, "(e !i e /abriel" is the enem% of the 7ews amongst the angels )he -rophet said, "As for the first sign of )he (our, it will be a fire that will collect the people from the Iast to the West As for the first meal which the people of -aradise will eat, it will be the caudate !e=tra" lobe of the fish-li$er As for the child, if the man's discharge precedes the woman's discharge, the child attracts the similarit% to the man, and if the woman's discharge precedes the man's, then the child attracts the similarit% to the woman " Gn this, 'Abdullah bin Salam said, "# testif% that 6one has the right to be worshipped e=cept Allah, and that %ou are the Apostle of Allah " and added, "G Allah's Apostle. 7ews in$ent such lies as ma&e one astonished, so please as& them about me before the% &now about m% con$ersion to # slam )he 7ews came, and the -rophet said, "What &ind of man is 'Abdullah bin Salam among %ou'" )he% replied, ")he best of us and the son of the best of us and the most superior among us, and the son of the most superior among us )he -rophet said, "What would %ou thin& if 'Abdullah bin Salam should embrace #slam'" )he% said, "Ma% Allah protect him from that " )he -rophet repeated his +uestion and the% ga$e the same answer )hen 'Abdullah came out to them and said, "# testif% that 6one has the right to be worshipped e=cept Allah and that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah." Gn this, the 7ews said, "(e is the most wic&ed among us and the son of the most wic&ed among us " So the% degraded him Gn this, he !i e 'Abdullah bin Salam" said, "#t is this that # was afraid of, G Allah's Apostle. 1 Sahih 5u6hari 5oo6 & 7olume &8 9adith "#&4 In the in#ident mentioned abo"e when Abdullah ibn $alam& #laimed that -ibrael an enemy of the @ews& Rusool Allah (saw in response re#ited the ayat in Surat ul 8a6arah .@0/J3 -$hoever is an ene y to Allah and &is angels and &is indeed, Allah is an ene y to the disbelievers.( essengers and Iabriel and Michael # then

+ou thus, cannot pick and choose who you like and dislike. All of the angels are made by Allah and they all obey Him. #here is no such thing as an enemy or a friend angel. 6usool Allah ,saw0 was correcting this error in Abdullah ibn alam&s a1eedah.
Another thing to note is 6usool Allah&s ,saw0 answer to the the second 1uestion. +ow fish liver might not be a very desirable meal in this world, but things in Cannah will be different. #hings may


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

seem similar but are actually very different in Cannah. #he answer to the third 1uestion is now scientifically proven. +ow science says that if the gene of the father is dominant in the child then the child will resemble the father and the same goes for the mother if the gene of the mother is dominant in the child. #his is what 6usool Allah ,saw0 is saying because the genes are carried in the fluidJ sperm of the man and egg of the woman. #he way the Cews had changed their opinion of Abdullah ibn alam shows the e4tent to which they lie. 5ncidents such as this one are what contributed to the deterioration of the relationship of the "uslims and the Cews. Cews were stubborn on refusing that "uhammed ,saw0 as the messenger of Allah, and 5slam is the true and final religion. Also they would often talk against the 5slamic state behind the scenes. 5n an authentec narration 5bn Abbas ,ra0 says that when Abdullah ibn alam, Thalaba ibn $aya& 5sayd ibn $aya & Asad ibn 5bayd and some other jews be#ame Muslim& the other rabbis of the @ews said that these people who ha"e followed the reli%ion of Muhammed (saw are the most e"il amon% us! They thou%ht that if they were ri%hteous they would not ha"e left the reli%ion of their fore'fathers!

Allah .aujal says in Surah AL#IMBA< .A0>>A3

()hey are not !all" the sa e% a ong the 4eople of the Scripture is a co
of Allah during periods of the night and prostrating !in prayer".

unity standing !in obedience", reciting the verses

AL#IMBA< .A0>>13

-.hey believe in Allah and the %ast )ay, and they en/oin what is right and forbid what is
wrong and hasten to good deeds. And those are among the righteous.

AL#IMBA< .A0>>H3

0And whatever good they do & never will it be removed from them. And Allah is 1nowing of the righteous.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Allah .aujal is sayin% that not all the people of the book are disbelie"ers& some of them did a##ept Islam! Allah praises people su#h as Abdullah ibn $alam in these ayat! These ayat will apply to any #hristian or jew who re"erted to Islam and not only that but pra#ti#ed Islam! A "ery important e"ent o##urred 1< months after the hijra of Rusool Allahs (saw & and that was the #han%e of the 2ibla! In Me##a Rusool Allah (saw would pray towards @erusalem 45T the :aaba would #ome in between& thus he would be fa#in% the :aaba and @erusalem! 4ut when they mo"ed to Medina :aaba was then in the opposite dire#tion of @erusalem! Rusool Allah (saw wanted to fa#e the :aba but he didnt dare ask Allah .aujal about it! Then in Medina Allah .aujal re"ealed ayat tellin% the muslims to fa#e the 2ibla of Ibrahim (as & the :aaba! 6usool Allah
,saw0 prayed towards the new ;ibla, and one of the sahabah who was with him went back to his people who were a few miles outside of "edina. He saw that they were praying Asr towards Cerusalem, while they were in salat, he said, (5 bear witness that 5 just prayed with 6usool Allah ,saw0 towards "ecca.) #hey all turned in their salah, towards "ecca. #his shows the obedience they had for 6usool Allah ,saw0 and the trust that was present among the muslim community.

4ut this e"ent also #aused some #ontro"ersy& in fa#t it was a "ery #ontro"ersial e"ent! Allah urat ul!$a1arah dealing with this issue aloneFF Ibn'ul'2ayyum says that this was a test from Allah .aujal for the people and of them& the mushrikeen! The mushrikeen said about Rusool Allah (saw that6 Fhe has re"erted ba#k to our 2ibla and he will re"ert ba#k to our reli%ion be#ause the :aabah was the 2ibla of the pa%an worshippers in Arabia! Ibn'ul'2ayyum said that it was a test for the hypo#rites who said that Muhammed (saw doesnt know what hes doin%& and that he #han%es his mind! It was a test from Allah .aujal for the @ews& who said about Muhammed (saw & Fhe has left the 2ibla of the anbiya before him and that shows you that Muhammed is not a prophet of Allah!1 The jews #onsidered @erusalem to be the 2ibla of the anbiya! Also it was a test for the belie"ers to see if there are firm in followin% Rusool Allah (saw & in other words to see if they #han%e the 2ibla with him or not! Thus it was a trial from Allah .aujal for these four %roups!
Zaujal revealed over @/ ayat in

Allah .aujal re"ealed AL#8AKABA& .@0>1@3

)he foolish a ong the people will say, "$hat has turned the away fro their 6iblah, which they used to faceE" Say, ")o Allah belongs the east and the west. &e guides who &e wills to a straight path." (ho is the one who #reated :aaba& Me##a& or @erusalem= All of it belon%s to Allah .aujal!!! as the ayat says Fto Allah belon%s the east and the west!!! therefore it is up to Allah .aujal to de#ide& towards whi#h dire#tion *e wants his followers to pray! *e has the authority to tell where to fa#e! The @ews would say Allah #an not #han%e *is mind& either the first 2ibla was ri%ht or the se#ond was ri%ht! They would then %o on to say that if the first 2ibla is ri%ht then your prayers now is wasted and if the se#ond 2ibla is ri%ht then all your pre"ious prayers are wasted! In response to this #laim by the @ews& Allah .aujal re"ealed another ayat! A-.5A:A0A9 1"$2%34


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And thus we have ade you a ?ust co unity that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you. And $e did not a'e the 6iblah which you used to face e*cept that $e ight a'e evident who would follow the Messenger fro who would turn bac' on his heels. And indeed, it is difficult e*cept for those who Allah has guided. And never would Allah have caused you to lose your faith. Indeed Allah is, to the people, :ind and Merciful. Ibn :athir #omments on this and says&1likewise (e ha"e made you the best of nations& the "ery essen#e of the (orld! The most noble of all %roups& the most honorable of t#e ancient and t#e #i%# born & so that you may be witnesses on the @ud%ement day a%ainst those who ha"e #ombined a%ainst you& and so that they may %i"e testimony on that day to your %reat "irtue!1Allah makes it #lear in this ayat that a belie"ers prayers towards @erusalem will ne"er be wasted& thus reje#tin% @ews idea that if a person died before this re"elation& then all of hisMher prayers are wasted! A-.5A:A0A9 1"$2%%4

$e have certainly seen the turning of your face, !O Mu .a

ad", toward the heaven, and $e will surely turn you to a 6iblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al#Mas?id al#Lara . And wherever you !believers" are, turn your faces toward it !in prayer". Indeed, those who have been given the cripture well know that it is the truth from their %ord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.

A-.5A0A0A9 1"$2%&4


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And if you brought to those who were given the Scripture every sign, they would not follow your 6iblah. <or will you be a follower of their 6iblah. <or would they be followers of one anotherMs 6iblah. So if you were to follow their desires after what has co e to you of 'nowledge, indeed, you would then be a ong the wrongdoers.

A-.5A:A0A9 1"$2%;4

)hose to who $e gave the Scripture 'now hi the conceal the truth while they 'now !it". AL#8AKABA& .@0>1N3

as they 'now their own sons. 8ut indeed, a party of

)he truth is fro

your Lord, so never be a ong the doubters.

AL 8AKABA& .@0>1J3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

For each !religious following" is a direction toward which it faces. So race to !all that is" good. $herever you ay be, Allah will bring you forth !for ?udge ent" all together. Indeed, Allah is over all things co petent. AL#8AKABA& .@0>1/3

So fro wherever you go out !for prayer, O Muha ad" turn your face toward al# Mas?id al#Lara , and indeed, it is the truth fro your Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what you do. AL#8AKABA& .@0>H23

And fro wherever you go out !for prayer", turn your face toward al#Mas?id al#Lara . And wherever you !believers" ay be, turn your faces toward it in order that the people will not have any argu ent against you, e*cept for those of the who co it wrong% so fear the not but fear Me. And !it is" so I ay co plete My favor upon you and that you ay be guided. In ayat 1C9& Allah .aujal states an important #on#ept Ffear them not& but fear MeL N People mi%ht blame or #riti#i/e thin%s that are Islami# or ri%hteous! In e"ery %eneration& there ha"e been some people who #riti#i/e "arious fa#tors of Islam! ,ow they say Islam oppresses women& at one point they mi%ht say that Islam %i"es too many ri%hts! There are some who say Islam is a reli%ion of "iolen#e and so on and on and on! Allah .aujal tells the belie"ers to fear Allah and not su#h people! (e should do what Allah .aujal wants from us and for%et about what people say! The ayat says !!!GI ay co plete My favour upon you,G &e"ery new #ommand that #omes from Allah& is a fa"our from Allah! This was the in#ident of the #han%in% of the 2ibla whi#h was "ery #ontro"ersial in its time& in fa#t it was a test from Allah! Rusool Allah (saw was de"elopin% the e#onomi# system of the new Islami# state so he appointed an area ne3t to Masjid ul'*aram to be Medinas market pla#e& the #entral market of


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Medina! Rusool Allah (saw de"oted this pla#e for the market and he said that this is the market pla#e of Medina& so no ta3es will be le"ied! Thus it was a ta3'free market pla#e! >n#e the pri#es were "ery hi%h so the sahabah #ame to Muhammed (saw N L 6arrated Anas ibn Mali&8 )he people said8 Apostle of Allah, prices ha$e shot up, so fi= prices for us )hereupon the Apostle of Allah !peace be upon him" said8 Allah is the one Who fi=es prices, Who withholds, gi$es la$ishl% and pro$ides, and # hope that when # meet Allah, none of %ou will ha$e an% claim on me for an inDustice regarding blood or propert% !9awud8 0oo& 41 (adith 1333" Thus Allah is the one (ho %i"es ri/)& the pri#e will be a##ordin% to the supply and demand! That will "ary a##ordin% to Allahs will& *e is the one (ho fi3es the pri#es! The Apostle of Allah refused to interfere in Allahs work! This shows the freedom %i"en by the Islami# e#onomi#al system& whi#h does not pla#e restri#tions on how people buy and sell in their trade! Then Allah .aujal re"ealed ayat on the rulin%s of fastin% in AL#8AKABA& .@0>JA3

O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you ay beco e righteous $o the purpose or wisdom behind fastin% is ta)wa so that we may be#ome ri%hteous! ((e are still within the first 2 years of hijra Rusool Allah (saw also married Aishaa (ra durin% that time or a#tually the #onsummation of his marria%e to her happened then! The a#tual marria%e itself happened towards the end of Rusool Allahs time in Me##a when Aisha was ; years old and the marria%e was #onsummated in Medina when she was 8 years old! The a%e of Aishaa was "ery youn%& this is an issue that many raise a%ainst Islam and the Prophet of Allah (saw sayin% that your prophet married a #hild! The wisdom behind all of Rusool Allahs (saw marria%es was #o"ered in the Me##an period! >ne point to add here is that Rusool Allah (saw was C< years old when he married Aishaa& but he was youn% e"en thou%h he was C<! (hen Rusool Allah (saw met the dele%ation of the tribe of Rabia& at that time he was C9 years old& the head of the tribe went ba#k to his people and referred to Muhammed (saw as a Fyoun% man! It was be#ause of his stren%th and a#ti"e attitude by whi#h his a%e #ould not be told by lookin% at his fa#e! Another in#ident was that when Anas ibn Malik was narratin% the story of hijra& when Rusool Allah and Abu 4akr (ra were walkin% in the desert and people re#o%ni/ed Abu 4akr (ra but not Rusool Allah (saw be#ause they didnt know what he looked like! Anas referred to Abu 4akr as an old man& who was known while Rusool Allah (saw was a youn% man& who wasnt known! A #omment by Ibn *ajar aluf :alam re%ardin% this is that Abu 4akrs a%e showed on him& or that the


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

way Abu bakr (ra looked was a##ordin% to his a%e& he did not look youn%er or older! (hile Rusool Allah (saw appeared to be a youn% man e"en thou%h he was 2 years elder to Abu 4akr $iddi) (ra ! This was a point to be mentioned re%ardin% Rusool Allahs (saw marria%e to Aishaa! (e know from the $unnah& that Rusool Allah (saw used to ra#e Aishaa!

6arrated Aisha, ;mmul Mu'minin8 While she was on a Dourne% along with the Apostle of Allah !peace be upon him"8 # had a race with him !the -rophet" and # outstripped him on m% feet When # became flesh%, !again" # had a race with him !the -rophet" and he outstripped me (e said8 )his is for that outstripping !9awud8 0oo& @3 hadith 4CE4" In this hadith the word fleshy means when Aisha be#ame hea"ier! And the adorable part of this hadith is when Rusool Allah (saw said& Fthis is for that outstrippin%! Meanin% this is a sort of tit for tat& for the time when Aisha (ra won! Thus Rusool Allah (saw was a "ery healthy and a#ti"e indi"idual! And he needed to be all that& to #omplete his mission bein% the Messen%er of Allah .aujal! T#e 8#a;wat -6attles1 4efore we start talkin% about the battles& first a bit about @ihad will be spoken! This is important be#ause durin% the ten years in Medina& Rusool Allah (saw had parti#ipated himself in 18 battles and he had sent out o"er CC e3peditions in whi#h he didnt take part! $o if we add there had been o"er G9 battles within 19 years! This is about G battles per year! 4attles take time to prepareA you ha"e to finan#e& mobili/e and or%ani/e the armyN then time is spent in rea#hin% the destination and then time is spent in #omin% ba#k! $o this was a#tually a hu%e burden on the Islami# state! The )uestion is why Rusool Allah (saw de"oted so mu#h time and ener%y to this! Another reason why this needs to be dis#ussed is that this issue has be#ome "ery #ontro"ersial today! There is a major mis#on#eption on what @ihad really means& and what is the obje#ti"e and wisdom behind it! The word @ihad itself means Fstru%%le it #omes from the word F@uhd whi#h means e3ertin% effort! $o the lin%uisti# meanin% of the word is to e3ert effort or to stru%%le! This word later on #arried a spe#ifi# Islami# meanin%! There are words in Arabi# whi#h had a lin%uisti# meanin% but then Islam %a"e a new meanin% to those words! Hor e3ample the word Fsalah in Arabi# ori%inally means suppli#ation but now it #arries a new meanin% and that is prayer! This word now is a terminolo%y in Islam! @ihad fi $abi lillah later #arried a new meanin% and that is Fto fi%ht the enemies of Allah .aujal& who obje#t to *is reli%ion! A##ordin% to all the four ma/ahib it means& Fto fi%ht in the path of Allah! B"ery war is an a#t of injusti#e and is e"il with the e3#eption of fi%htin% in the path of Allah .aujal! $o e"ery blood shed is e"il with this e3#eption& whi#h is that the >,I+ war whi#h is allowed is to fi%ht in the path of Allah! And the evidence for this is an ayat in :uran, A-.</SA 1%$#;4


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

)hose who believe fight in the cause of Allah , and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of )aghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been wea'. In this ayat Allah is sayin% that there are two types of war! >ne type is fou%ht for Allah by the belie"ers and the se#ond type of war is for Ta%hut whi#h is fou%ht by the disbelie"ers! Ta%hut means anythin% worshipped other than Allah or it #ould mean those trans%ressors who assert the di"ine ri%ht of %o"ernship! Thus if belie"ers fi%ht for Allah then that is a rewardin% a#t and those who disbelie"e fi%ht for Ta%hut! It doesnt matter what the disbelie"ers state their obje#ti"e to be& it will always be e"il! B"en if they say that it is fou%ht for freedom from a%%ression it will still be e"il! The >,I+ war whi#h is ri%hteous is the war fou%ht under the banner of Fla ilaha illAllah! Islam is a%ainst all types of a%%ression e3#ept if it is done for the sake of AllahN Islam is not a "iolent reli%ion! Allah is the Jreator& therefore *e is the only one (ho has the ri%ht to desi%nate the permissible and the impermissible& or what is preferable o"er the other! Hor e3ample the G days of the week& they are all e)ual from a s#ientifi# point of "iew! *owe"er Allah .aujal has told us that Hriday is preferred o"er the rest of the days of the week! There is no differen#e between the month of Ramadan and the rest of the months in terms of the solar system& howe"er Allah .aujal has pi#ked Ramadan to be the most preferred month of the year& the same %oes for the first 19 days of .il'*ujja in terms of the reward for the %ood deeds done durin% those 19 days! B"en last 19 ni%hts of Ramadan are spe#ial and out of those 19 ni%hts& the odd ones and out of those odd ones *e #hose laila tul 2adr to be the best ni%ht of the year! It is somethin% that >nly Allah has the ri%ht to do! The purpose of @ihad fi sabilillah is to free the people from the sla"ery of one another& and to be#ome the ser"ants of Allah .aujal! $o it is mu#h better to be a sla"e of The Jreator rather than to be a sla"e of #reations (ro#k& idol& human bein% et# ! It is also to brin% the people under the blessed rule of Islam& whether they be#ome Muslim or not& be#ause in Islam you #annot for#e someone to be#ome a Muslim! *owe"er there is an in#reased #han#e of more people #omin% to Islam if people li"e under the Islami# rule! Rusool Allah says in a hadith that Allah .aujal is ama/ed by people& who are dra%%ed into @annah in #hains! A s#holar #ommented on this hadith and said that these people are dra%%ed into Islam e"en thou%h they dont want it& and that be#omes a reason for them to enter into @annah! In %eneral people are not interested in hearin% about reli%ion! If you announ#e to non'muslims that there will be a le#ture on Islam& then people are not %oin% to show up! B"en if they do show up they wont really %i"e you mu#h of a response& but if you make an announ#ement that whoe"er shows up will %et Rs! 2999 then people are %oin% to rush for the le#ture and e"entually there will not be enou%h seats! This situation is not only with the non'muslims but e"en the Muslims! The masjids are pa#ked for @umaa but only about 19P of those #ome for Hajr! B"en here if you make an announ#ement that whoe"er shows up for Hajr will %et a 1999 rupee note then e"erybody will #ome! To #on#lude people are least interested to talk about reli%ion and that is why when Rusool Allah (saw #alled on the people of Me##a and %athered them


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

(e then said, "# am a warner to %ou in face of a terrific punishment " Abu >ahab said !to the -rophet" "Ma% %our hands perish all this da% #s it for this purpose %ou ha$e gathered us'" !Sahih 0u&hari8 0oo& 5 2olume 5H (adith 4B1" Abu Iahab was upset be#ause he #losed his shop and went to listen to Muhammed (saw & he thou%ht that there was somethin% important that Rusool Allah (saw had to say& e"en thou%h it was important& but Abu Iahab did not think so! (hen it turned out to be a matter of reli%ion he be#ame furious! That is when the ayat of $urat Al'Masad were re"ealed (1116 1'C Allah says that Abu Iahabs wealth and #hildren will not benefit himA this wealth was what pre"ented Abu Iahab from listenin% to Muhammed (saw prea#hin% Islam! It was be#ause he had to #lose down his shop that is why he be#ame upset! Anyway when the sahabah fou%ht fi sabi llilah and bou%ht people under the rule of Islam that is when they listened! The people listen to the sahabah attenti"ely be#ause they now ruled and had some authority! The sahabah had a #han#e to do dawa as a %o"ernment and not as a prea#her! This was when people in multiples entered Islam! In Me##a when Rusool Allah (saw was %i"in% dawa& only a few people were interested& ne"ertheless when Rusool Allah (saw established an Islami# state the people& the tribes& and other nations were listenin% and takin% it seriously! That was when people be#ame Muslim in thousands! 4y the end of 17 years in Me##a Rusool Allah (saw had followers in hundreds& ne"ertheless in Medina the Muslims in#reased in thousands e"ery yearL $o in Hatah Me##a Rusool Allah (saw had an army of 12&999 or 19&999& in *ajja tul (ida 89&999 and when he passed away the ones who prayed his salah jana/a were o"er 11<&999! $o what are the sta%es that @ihad went throu%h= Ibn ul 2ayyum says in .aad'ul'Maad& that in the be%innin% @ihad was prohibited& it was not allowed! Rusool Allah (saw used to tell the Muslims to be patient be#ause they were not %i"en the permission to fi%ht! $o in the be%innin% it was patien#e& and then in the se#ond sta%e @ihad was merely allowed& it was not instru#ted& #ommanded& or obli%atory& it was just allowed! Allah Zaujal revealed the ayat in surah A-.9A== 1""$3>4

4er ission !to fight" has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is co petent to give the victory. Thus here permission was %i"en to them! ,ow the followin% sta%e& as Ibn ul 2ayyum says is& then they were #ommanded to fi%ht the ones who fi%ht them! This was the third sta%e and the ayat for that is the followin%6 Surah A-.5A:A0A9 1"$2>?4


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not li'e transgressors. $o here the #ommand #ame from Allah .aujal to fi%ht the ones who are tran%ressors! Then #ame the final sta%e& in which the final law was revealed by Allah Zaujal for the ummah. 5bn ul
;ayyum says about this stage that the "essenger of Allah was instructed to fight all the disbelievers.

S;BA& A)#)A;8A ./0A=3

,And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively, /here is also a hadith narrated by over 20 sahaba of 0usool %llah 1saw2 and that is: 6arrated #bn ';mar8 Allah's Apostle said8 "# ha$e been ordered !b% Allah" to fight against the people until the% testif% that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the pra%ers perfectl% and gi$e the obligator% charit%, so if the% perform a that, then the% sa$e their li$es an propert% from me e=cept for #slamic laws and then their rec&oning !accounts" will be done b% Allah " !Sahih 0u&hari8 0oo& @ 2olume 4 (adith 43" These were the four sta%es of @ihad fi sabi lillah Ob'ecti es o" 4i#ad $ome ayat in 2uran %i"e us the obje#ti"es of fi%htin% fi sabi lillah Promotion of Islam6 To fi%ht until Allah .aujals reli%ion pre"ails Allah Zaujal says in A-.A<@A- 18$3>4

And fight the

until there is no fitnah and !until" the religion, all of it, is for Allah

Hor the prote#tion of rituals and worship pla#es Allah .aujal says$ A-.9A= 1""$384


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed. Indeed, Allah does not li'e everyone treacherous and ungrateful. AL#&AC .@@0A/3

4er ission !to fight" has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is co petent to give the victory.

A-.9A= 1""$%?4

!)hey are" those who have been evicted fro their ho es without right # only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah ." And were it not that Allah chec's the people, so e by eans of others, there would have been de olished onasteries, churches, synagogues, and os6ues in which the na e of Allah is uch entioned. And Allah will surely support those who support &i . Indeed, Allah is 4owerful and 7*alted in Might.

,oti#e here that Allah .aujal is sayin% & Fwere it not that Allah #he#ks the people& some by means of others& there would ha"e been demolished monasteries& #hur#hes& and syna%o%ues& and mos)uesN People are #he#ked by fi%htin%& this is #alled sunnat'ul'mudaafaah! Allah has %o"erned the li"es of men& if it wasnt for this fi%htin%& #hur#hes& syna%o%ues& and mos)ues would ha"e been would ha"e been demolished! The reason why #hur#hes and syna%o%ues are mentioned is be#ause we are not the first nation to fi%ht in the path of Allah! The first nation to fi%ht fi sabi lillah was 4ani Israel! Hor the pre"ious nations before 4ani Israel fi%htin% was not pres#ribed! Allah would destroy the anbiyas enemies throu%h mira#ulous e"ents& thus the belie"ers did not ha"e to be in"ol"ed in fi%htin% themsel"es! The followers of Musa (as were the first nation to fi%ht in the path of Allah! 4e#ause they were the ummas whi#h fou%ht in the path of Allah (jihad & syna%o%ues and #hur#hes were prote#ted! And of#ourse mos)ues are prote#ted be#ause the ummah of Muhammed (saw also pra#ti#es this a#t of worship (@ihad !


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki



!And they are" those who, if $e give the authority in the land, establish prayer and give 9a'ah and en?oin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outco e of !all" atters.

Prote#tin% the (orld from #orruption& thus when you fi%ht fi sabi lillah it is not destru#tion but rather a form of prote#tion for the (orld! Allah .aujals ayat makes this "ery #lear #an#elin% the efforts of $haitan to try to make e"il seem %ood& and %ood seem e"il! The ayat of 2uran #leanses our hearts from the #orruption #aused by the media! Allah Zaujal says in A-.5A:A0A9 1"$"&24

, And if it were not for Allah chec'ing !so e" people by Allah is full of bounty to the worlds.

eans of others, the earth would have been corrupted, but

Test for mankind& it is a trial! >ur entire e3isten#e in this world is a test from Allah .aujal and fi%htin% in *is path is a part of that test Allah Zaujal says in SA0A9 *A9A**AB 1%#$%4

, )hat !is the co and". And if Allah had willed, &e could have ta'en vengeance upon the ordered ar ed struggle" to test so e of you by eans of others,

!&i self", but !&e

Thus armed stru%%le is a test for the belie"ers and a test for the disbelie"ers! Allah is testin% the patien#e of the belie"ers and whether they #an sa#rifi#e for Allah! The bi%%est sa#rifi#e that a belie"er #an %i"e for Allah .aujal is to sa#rifi#e his soul and wealth! It is also a test of whether you fear Allah more or *is #reations more!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

It a#tually tests most of what you #all FAmaal 2uloob& the deeds of the heart! These diseases of the heart appear when the time of the sa#rifi#e of #omes! Hor e3ample the munafi)een blended "ery well with the Islami# so#iety& but their reality was only e3posed in the "arious battles! That is why Allah .aujal says about them6 Surah AT.TAA5A 1>$2";4

5o they not see that they are tried every year once or twice,

The a"era%e of the %ha/wat of 6usool Allah ,saw0 was around one or two per year, and in each
battle their hypocricy would be e4posed.

To punish and humiliate the enemies of Allah .aujal Allah Zaujal says in A-.A<@A- 18$;?4

And prepare against the whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you ay terrify the ene y of Allah and your ene y and others besides the who you do not 'now !but" who Allah 'nows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged. Allah +aujal also sa,s in S-*A. AT-TA-/A (0:14" and (0:12"

Fight the % Allah will punish the the breasts of a believing people

by your hands and will disgrace the

and give you victory over the

and satisfy


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And re ove the fury in the believersM hearts. And Allah turns in forgiveness to who and $ise. And Allah Zaujal says in Surah AL-ANFAL (8:17) and (8:18)

&e wills% and Allah is :nowing

And you did not 'ill the , but it was Allah who 'illed the . And you threw not, !O Muha ad", when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that &e ight test the believers with a good test. Indeed, Allah is &earing and :nowing.

)hat !is so", and !also" that Allah will wea'en the plot of the disbelievers.

The si3th obje#ti"e is to e3pose the hypocrites Allah Zaujal says in A-./*0A< 13$2#>4

Allah would not leave the believers in that !state" you are in !presently" until &e separates the evil fro the good. <or would Allah reveal to you the unseen. 8ut !instead", Allah chooses of &is essengers who &e wills, so believe in Allah and &is essengers. And if you believe and fear &i , then for you is a great reward.

Thus the way you #an separate the e"il from the %ood is by fi%htin% fi sabi lillah! These ayat were re"ealed after %ha/wa'e'5hud , because Abdullah bin Gbay withdrew, along with his troops
which formed -KErd of the army!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

It is a defense a%ainst the a%%ression of the enemies of Allah! These enemies plan to trans%ress a%ainst the ummah! Allah Zaujal says in A<.</SAA 1%$8%4

So fight, !O Muha ad", in the cause of Allah % you are not held responsible e*cept for yourself. And encourage the believers !to ?oin you" that perhaps Allah will restrain the ! ilitary" ight of those who disbelieve. And Allah is greater in ight and stronger in !e*e plary" punish ent. D5O1
In Me##a the belie"ers were not allowed to fi%ht ba#k& e"en thou%ht the :aafir had used all forms of a%%ression a%ainst the muslims! It wasnt easy for the Arabs to restrain themsel"es from fi%htin% , they were tribesmen they didn&t have an anti!war background. #hey were no peace activists in those days like "artin Buther 'ing or Iandhi. Ienerally if you fight against a tribesmen then, then he would fight back. o for for them to restrain themselves from fighting was very difficult. $ut it was a test of their patience.

(hen the permission for fi%htin% #an Abu 4akr (ra said that i knew there was %oin% to be fi%htin%& ultimately we would ha"e to fi%ht& there is no way we #ould %et out of this situation e3#ept by fi%htin% in the path of Allah! The permission was %i"en durin% the early days of Medina! $ome say the permission was %i"en before hijra but the a#tual pra#ti#e of it started from Medina!
#o fight against the enemies of Allah Zaujal, demanded preparation. #hat is why 6usool Allah ,saw0 trained the muslims to fight. #his training took two formsJ physical and spiritual training. #his would now lead us to the fourth project.

3STA/#4S.'3NT 56 T.3 '-S#4' A*'7 The word army isnt really a##urate be#ause they werent any professional soldiers& it was more of a militia rather than a professional army! It says in the ameri#an di#tionary that a militia is a #iti/ens army as the state from a body of professional solidiers! $o they werent any prefessional soldiers in the time of Rusool Allah (saw ! B"eryone who fulfilled fi"e re)uirements was e3pe#ted to parti#ipate in @ihad fi sabi lillah! There re)uirements were6

*. 2. +. 4. ,.

Islam a%e of puberty sanity to be free of defe#ts (that would pre"ent a person from bein% able to parti#ipate finan#ial ability 3inancial ability was important because 0usool %llah 1saw2 did not have the ability to sponsor every fi'hter. 4veryone had to finance themselves. %lso it says that the militia is the whole body of physically fit male civilians legible by law for
military service. o the word militia suits more than the word army.

$o Rusool Allah (saw was preparin% the troops spiritually! Allah was doing the sa e thing via an ayat
of Kuran in Surat A)#)A;8A ./0>>>3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Indeed, Allah has purchased fro the believers their lives and their properties !in e*change" for that they will have 4aradise. )hey fight in the cause of Allah , so they 'ill and are 'illed. !It is" a true pro ise !binding" upon &i in the )orah and the Iospel and the KurMan. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah E So re?oice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attain ent. )hen Allah teaches the to be patient in AL#IMBA< .A0>123 .A0>1>3.A0>1@3.A0>1A3

If a wound should touch you # there has already touched the !opposing" people a wound si ilar to it. And these days !of varying conditions" $e alternate a ong the people so that Allah ay a'e evident those who believe and ! ay" ta'e to &i self fro a ong you artyrs # and Allah does not li'e the wrongdoers 2

And that Allah

ay purify the believers !through trials" and destroy the disbelievers.

Or do you thin' that you will enter 4aradise while Allah has not yet in &is cause and ade evident those who are steadfastE

ade evident those of you who fight


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And you had certainly wished for artyrdo !before you" while you were loo'ing on.

before you encountered it, and you have !now" seen it

These were e3amples of ayat in whi#h Allah was preparin% the Muslims! There are some ahadith for the same purpose!

6arrated Abu (uraira8 A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "#nstruct me as to such a deed as e+uals 7ihad !in reward" " (e replied, "# do not find such a deed " )hen he added, "Man %ou, while the Muslim fighter is in the battle-field, enter %our mos+ue to perform pra%ers without cease and fast and ne$er brea& %our fast'" )he man said, "0ut who can do that'" Abu (uraira added, ")he MuDahid !i e Muslim fighter" is rewarded e$en for the footsteps of his horse while it wanders bout !for graKing" tied in a long rope " !Sahih 0u&hari8 0oo& 3 2olume C4 (adith 33" Thus the reward of the mujahid is %reater than fastin% and prayin% #ontinuously! Hi%htin% with the disbelie"ers is more "irtuous than @ihad'un',afs! Prayin% and fastin% is part of @ihad un',afs! (hen the Muslims #ame ba#k from 4attle of Tabuk& Rusool Allah (saw said to Muadh bin @abal that if you want I will tell you about head of the affair& its pillar and its peak! The head of the affair is Islam and its pillar is salah and its peak is @ihad fi sabi lillah! This tells us that the peak of Islam is to fi%ht in the path of Allah!

6arrated Salim Abu An-6adr8 )he freed sla$e of ';mar bin ';baidullah who was ';mar's cler&8 'Abdullah bin Abi Aufa wrote him !i e ';mar" a letter that contained the following8-"Gnce Allah's Apostle !during a hol% battle", waited till the sun had declined and then he got up among the people and said, "G people. 9o not wish to face the enem% !in a battle" and as& Allah to sa$e %ou !from calamities" but if %ou should face the enem%, then be patient and let it be &nown to %ou that -aradise is under the shades of swords " !Sahih 0u&hari8 boo& 3 2olume C4 (adith 4@H" #t has been narrated on the authorit% of Faid b Nbalid al-7uhani that the Messenger of Allah !ma% peace be upon him" said8 An%bod% who e+uips a warrior !going to fight" in the wa% of Allah !is li&e one who actuall%" fights And an%bod% who loo&s well after his famil% in his absence !is also li&e one who actuall%" fights !muslim8 0oo&-4H (adith-355A" There is also a hadith in Muslim in whi#h it says that ribat (to station or stay in for one day in the path of Allah is better than prayin% and fastin% for one entire month! All of these Ahadith were for the purpose of preparin% the muslims spiritually for whats #omin%! The muslims were bein% prepared to fa#e enemies from e"ery dire#tion! Rusool Allah


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

(saw was tellin% them about the "irtues of @ihad! There was also the physi#al preparation& and that is military trainin%! The sahabah were not told to %o jo%%in% or lift wei%hts& there lifestyle was a#ti"e anyway so there was no need for them to be told to be physi#ally fit! They were a#ti"e be#ause of the type of work they used to do! It wouldnt make sense to tell a farmer& who works from fajr till late in the day& to %o jo%%in% after farmin%! *owe"er in the areas where the muslims were la#kin%& Rusool Allah (saw did spe#ify for e3ample swimmin%! The arabs of Me##a and Medina were far away from the sea! They ne"er really %ot the #han#e to swim& thus Rusool Allah (saw told them to swim! Rusool Allah (saw also trained them for tar%et shootin%& marksmanship! In his tafsir of the ayat in AI'A,HAI (E6;9 & he said stren%th is marksmanship and he repeated that three times!

And prepare against the whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you ay terrify the ene y of Allah and your ene y and others besides the who you do not 'now !but" who Allah 'nows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.

Narrated Uqbah ibn Amir:

# heard the Apostle of Allah !peace be upon him" sa%8 Allah, Most (igh, will cause three persons to enter -aradise for one arrow8 the ma&er when he has a good moti$e in ma&ing it, the one who shoots it, and the one who hands it? so shoot and ride, but %our shooting is dearer to me than %our riding I$er%thing with which a man amuses himself is $ain e=cept three !things"8 a man's training of his horse, his pla%ing with his wife, and his shooting with his bow and arrow #f an%one abandons archer% after becoming an adept through distaste for it, it is a blessing he has abandoned? or he said8 for which he has been ungrateful !9awud8 0oo& @3 (adith 4CHE" In a similar narration there are four e3#eptions instead of three in whi#h the fourth one is learnin% how to swim and tea#hin% it to others! $o these four thin%s are ibadah of Allah .aujal& and any other form of entertainment is a waste of your time! $o from these tea#hin%s we #an noti#e that& there was what you #all an absolute war! (here there is a total mobili/ation of the so#iety %earin% all of its resour#es towards the militari/ation& on order to defend the so#iety! This entire pro#ess was happenin% in the time of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw told Muslims to fi%ht the unbelie"ers with your wealth arms and ton%ues all %eared up to defend the newly formed Muslim state! This time was a "ery diffi#ult time for the Muslims! The 2uraish were threatenin% them! Hor e3ample as soon as Rusool Allah (saw made hijrah to Medina the 2uraish sent a letter to Abdullah bin 5bayd tellin% him that the people of Medina ha"e %i"en san#tualy to Fassuba ! They used a de%radin% term for Rusool Allah (saw ! They also %a"e them the option that you either


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

hand Rusool Allah (saw o"er& or the 2uraish will kill them and lea"e their wi"es as widows and your #hildren as orphans! $o they were threatenin% the people of Medina! Another e3ample is when $ad ibn Muadh went to "isit Me##a& he was friends with 5mayya bin :hala) sin#e @ahiliya! $ad went to 5mayya and asked him for a suitable time when he #ould make tawaaf around the :aabah! A time when the people around are few! They waited for it to %et late then they went to make tawaaf! Abu @ahl saw them! Abu @ahl #ame and asked 5mayya who the man with him was! 5mayya said that he is $ad bin Muadh! $ad bin Muadh was well' known& he was the head of Al'Aus& whi#h was one of the two tribes in Medina who be#ame Muslim! Abu @ahl told 5mayya that he does not appro"e of 5mayya helpin% this man make tawaaf when his people ha"e %i"en san#tuary to Muhammed (saw ! $ad ibn Muadh then warned Abu @ahl& that if he will pre"ent him form makin% tawaaf then $ad will pre"ent his #ara"an from rea#hin% their destination! This was be#ause the 2uraish #ara"ans used to pass Medina! This shows the #onstant effort by the 2uraish a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw and the sahaba (ra ! Thus the militari/ation was to prote#t the Muslim #ommunity! After Rusool Allah (saw re#ei"ed the permission to fi%ht from Allah! Rusool Allah (saw started sendin% out what you #all Fsaraya! In the books of seerah you ha"e saraya and %ha/wat! $o you %ha/wat 5hud or 4adr and then there is $arayah Abu 5baidah! $arayah is when the militia was sent out& without Rusool Allah (saw parti#ipatin% in them! (hile a %ha/wat is an army whi#h is led by Rusool Allah (saw ! This is the differen#e! The lin%uisti# meanin% of %ha/wat is an army of #on)uest& while sarayahs is just army! The first %ha/wa in whi#h Rusool Allah (saw parti#ipated in is #alled %ha/wat ul abwa! The army went out& but there was no fi%htin%! Then Rusool Allah (saw sent out a sariya lead by 5baidah ibn *arith& there were ;9 muhajirun& who were on foot! They would walk at ni%ht and hide durin% the day! ?urin% the sariya arrows were e3#han%ed but no one was killed! The first one to shoot was $ad bin Abi (a)as (ra ! *e said that Im the first one to strike an arrow in the path of Allah! Then there was sariya lead by *am/a bin Abdul Muttallib! The militia #omprised of 79 muhajirun& but this time they were ridin% #amels! They went out to raid a #ara"an full of belon%in%s of 2uraish& this #ara"an had many %uardians! Anyway no fi%htin% o##urred be#ause one of the tribesmen in the area had a pea#e a%reement with Muhammed (saw and 2uraish! *e ensured that no fi%htin% o##urred! (hen this happened& Abu @ahl went ba#k to his people and warned them that Muhammed (saw is after them! Abu @ahl also said that Muhammed (saw is like an an%ry lion be#ause they had dri"en his people out of Me##a like inse#ts dri"en off the ba#k of a #amel! $o he told his people to be #areful& and that Muhammed (saw is out there waitin% to lay his hands on their #ara"ans and them! There was another %ha/wat #alled -ha/wat 4uwat! They also had set out to inter#ept a 2uraish trade #ara"an& but #ould not find it! In -ha/wat Al Ashira too& they went to pursue a #ara"an but #ould not find it! Then there was $ariya $ad bin Abi (a)as and -ha/wat 4adr >ola! All of these took pla#e within the first two years of hijra& before the 4attle of 4adr! Then another sariya happened and this one is important be#ause of the #onse)uen#es of it& and this $iriya was the $ariya of Abdullah ibn @ahsh (ra ! This was a small %roup of sahabah (ra who were sent out to pursue a #ara"an belon%in% to the 2uraish! Abdullah ibn @ahsh& the leader& was handed a letter by Rusool Allah (saw ! That letter was sealed and Rusool Allah (saw told Abdullah not to open it& until after two days! $o Rusool Allah ($aw told him to %o to a su#h and su#h pla#e and then read the letter after two days! Abdullah ibn @ahsh (ra opens the letter after two days and it states in there Rusool Allah (saw had instru#ted Abdullah ibn @ahsh to %o to this pla#e& whi#h was between Me##a and Taif& and ask the members of the sariya to follow him& but it should be optional for the members to follow him! $o this was a "oluntary sariya! Probably the reason was that this was a risky operation! They had to %o deep into the territory of the :uffar! ,ow they had to raid the #ara"ans of the 2uraish whi#h were between Me##a and Taif& pre"iously they had been tryin% to raid #ara"ans passin% by Medina! This was a risky operation as they would be "ery far from their base& Medina! Abdullah ibn @ahsh told the members about the letter and said that he would %o and that whoe"er wishes #an follow him! It was "oluntary on all of them in#ludin% Abdullah ibn @ahsh! They all were willin% to %o with Abdullah ibn @ahsh! ,one of them stayed behind! This tells us how willin% they were to fi%ht in the way Allah! It also


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

differentiates between someone who fi%hts for %reed& power or any other worldly purpose and someone who fi%hts for the sake of Allah! Abdullah ibn @ahsh (ra and his men e"entually do spot the #ara"an of the 2uraish whi#h was li%htly %uarded& there were only four %uards! The #ara"an was within a strikin% distan#e! 4ut there was a dilemma! That time& it was a day of the sa#red month out of the four sa#red months in whi#h arabs did not fi%ht! It was the last day of the month of Rajab& whi#h is one of the sa#red months! The Muslims a%reed to follow this and took this seriously! The )uestion arisesA why not just wait for another day= 4ut the problem was that if they wait for another day then this #ara"an would enter within the sa#red limits of Me##a& where they are not supposed to fi%ht either! Bither way they would be "iolatin% either the san#tity of the four months or the san#tity of the limits of Me##a! They de#ided to %o ahead and atta#k in the month of Rajab! They shot the arrows and one of the four %uards was killed& Al*adrami& one ran away and two were taken prisoners and the whole #ara"an was taken into the hands of the Muslims! They then went ba#k to Medina! This was breakin% news& e"eryone was talkin% about it! The 2uraish made a bi% deal about itA they took this opportunity and milked it as far as possible! They went around sayin% thatA Muhammed and his people are "iolatin% the sa#red months& they are sheddin% blood& and they are takin% prisoners& and stole our wealth durin% the holy months! This news was spread throu%hout the #ountry! (hen these men #ame ba#k Rusool Allah ($aw said thatA I didnt tell you to fi%ht durin% the holy month& I didnt %i"e you those instru#tions! The Muslims were reproa#hin% the sahabah askin% them who told you to atta#k durin% the holy months= The men of the sirya were in a "ery diffi#ult situation& they were "ery worried! They were "ery #on#erned about how this would seem to Allah .aujal! Rusool Allah (saw refused to take the prisoners and the #ara"an! These sahabah must be "ery desperateA they went out there and risked their li"es and all that they did was not bein% a##epted& e"eryone was upset with them! The 2uraish were takin% ad"anta%e of thisN and then ayat from the 2uran were re"ealed SA0AT A-.5A:A0A9 1"$"2#4

)hey as' you about the sacred onth # about fighting therein. Say, "Fighting therein is great !sin", but averting !people" fro the way of Allah and disbelief in &i and !preventing access to" al#Mas?id al# Lara and the e*pulsion of its people therefro are greater !evil" in the sight of Allah . And fitnah is greater than 'illing." And they will continue to fight you until they turn you bac' fro your religion if they are able. And whoever of you reverts fro & is religion [to disbelief] and dies while he is a
disbeliever & for those, their deeds have become worthless in this world and the "ereafter, and those are the companions of the 3ire, they will abide therein eternally.

FThey ask you about the sa#red month'about fi%htin% therein!& so then people started askin% about the rulin% of the fi%htin% durin% the sa#red months! Allah said that what Abdullah and his


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

men did was a %reat sin& thus fi%htin% in the sa#red months was a %reat sin! #hen Allah puts
everything into perspective, He sais that what the sahabah did was a sin but then Allah Zaujal lists four other sins.

1! A"ertin% people away from the path of Allah' the people of 2uraish were standin% in the way of people in be#omin% Muslim! 2! ?isbelief in Allah' that too is a %reat sin& whi#h the 2uraish were #ommittin% 7! Pre"entin% a##ess to Masjid ul'*aram' The Muslims were not allowed to %o to Me##a <! B3pulsion of the people therefrom' the muhajireen were dri"en out from Me##a by the 2uraish! $ubhanaAllah Allah says that these four sins are %reater than what Abdullah ibn @ahsh did! Allah .aujal thus put thin%s in perspe#ti"e! Ibn Ishaa# says& Fthe people of 2uraish will sedu#e a Muslim until he %i"es up Islam! This Ayat was #learin% up the minds of the people! It indi#ates what Abdullah ibn @ahsh did and then asks them to look at what the people of the 2uraish ha"e been doin% for 17 years! Allah does not want the Muslims to make a bi% deal about what Abdullah ibn @ahsh did and for%et about the sins of the 2uraish! B"en thou%h what Abdullah ibn @ahsh did was wron%& but what the 2uraish had been doin% outwei%hs all that! Abdullah ibn @ahsh and his followers were relie"ed that atleast Allah mentioned the sins of the 2uraish& and %a"e #larity to the issue! Abdullah and his followers were now ea%er for some #redit& so they went to Rusool Allah (saw e"en thou%ht the ayat says that it was a sin too! Allah then re"ealed the followin% ayat 1"$"284

Indeed, those who have believed and those who have e igrated and fought in the cause of Allah # those e*pect the ercy of Allah . And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. $ubhanAllah& Allah then says that Abdullah ibn @ahsh and his followers #an e3pe#t the mer#y of Allah! Thus they #an e3pe#t to be %i"en the reward of a mujahideen! Abdullah ibn @ahsh and his sariya were the first to take prisoners in the path of Allah& they were the first to take booty of battle in the path of Allah& and they were the first to kill a disbeie"er in the path of Allah! This was an honour for them! (hen these ayat were re"ealed Rusool Allah (saw took the #ara"an and took the two men as prisoners! The people of 2uraish #ame to ransom them! Two men of the sariya went to look for their #amels! Rusool Allah (saw said that he will only %i"e the two prisoners back after the two
men from the sariya come back. 6usool Allah ,saw0 was afraid that the ;uraish might kill them. #his shows the care that 6usool Allah ,saw0 had for his followers. #his is how "uslims should be, they should never give one another up. After a&d ibn abi Wa1as and and Gtba came back, 6usool Allah ,saw0 released the prisoners in return of money. 3ne of them, Al'*akim Ibn :eisan be#ame

Muslim! *e stayed ba#k! Al *akim died as a shaheed later on! (hile the other prisoner >thman Ibn Al'Mo%hira& went to Me##a and died as a disbelie"er! 7E**ON* $RON THI* *ARI<A The enemies of Allah will pi#k on a Muslims a#tion and then try to blow them out of proportion! They mi%ht try to twist the truth in effort to present a Muslim in the worst form #apable! $o a Muslim needs to be aware of this& heMshe needs to study the reality of the situation and put thin%s in perspe#ti"e! @ust like what Allah did throu%h these ayat of surah 4a)arah! *o i" Muslims are e er accused o" bein% terrorists& or t#at Islam promotes iolence t#en remind people t#at more t#an a million people were =illed in Iraq&


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Palestinians #a e been su""erin% "or o er "i"ty years! Muslims in >as#mir& (#ec#nya& (#ina& #a e been su""erin% "or a ery lon% time! T#e list can 'ust %o on an on and on! 6rin% t#ese t#in%s up and it will become clear t#at EVEN I$ t#e Muslims do somet#in% t#at is not 'usti"ied it can ne er reac# t#e le el o" iolence and e il a%ainst t#e Muslims "rom t#e disbelie ers! THIN8* NEED TO 6E P+T IN THE RI8HT PER*PE(TIVE!!! Don?t be %ullible and na@ e& belie in% w#ate er t#e media says! T#e media is not on t#e trut#?s side! T#e enemies o" Alla# are not on your side! A Muslims needs to be aware& and should not just a##ept thin%s as heMshe hears it! Iook at what the 2uraish did at their time and look at what the enemies of Allah are doin% to the Muslims today! Prea#hers& who are spreadin% the true Islam& are bein% thrown in jail& are killed& or are subju%ated to threats! If Muslims try to present the truth then they are suppressed and restri#ted! Muslim blood has be#ome worthlessL The #are that Muslims should ha"e for one another! The way Rusool Allah (saw refused to hand o"er the prisoners until the Muslims returned& shows how we should treat ea#h other!

A few lessons re%ardin% the issue of sarayah in %eneral A few lessons re%ardin% the issue of sarayah in %eneral! These sarayah were to establish the military presen#e of Rusool Allah ($aw in the Muslims! Rusool Allah (saw sent sarayah in all dire#tions to let people know that the Muslims ha"e for#es and are #apable of usin% it! In the old tribal system of Arabia& if one tribe is weaker than another& then the stron%er one would take ad"anta%e of that! Rusool Allah ($aw would send out sarayah as a deterrent for others& for the 4edouins who surrounded Medina who still ha"e respe#t for the 2uraish in their hearts! This is be#ause the 2uraish was seen as the #enter of Arabia! They were the #ustodians of the :aaba& so the 2uraish were held in hi%h esteem by the rest of Arabia! Rusool Allah (saw was tryin% to break that& he tried to tell the people that there was now a ri"al power in the area Rusool Allah (saw was winnin% o"er tribes and establishin% allian#es! ?urin% this time& Rusool Allah (saw was allowed to establish allian#es with the mushrikeen & and he did! This was done throu%h these sarayah! These sarayah were mostly for e#onomi#al reasons! Most of the time the sarayah were sent out to raid the #ara"ans of 2uraish& that is be#ause in the Islami# Hi)ah& if the Muslim state is in war with another in the #ause of Allah& then that makes the li"es and the wealth of the enemy halal! $o Rusool Allah (saw was atta#ked the e#onomi#al network of the 2uraish and this was a serious threat to 2uraish and this is what lead to the 4attle of 4adr! 4e#ause it all started as an attempt by the Muslims to take o"er the bi%%est #ara"an of the 2uraish led by Abu $ufyan! These sarayah was trainin% for the Muslims& these sarayah were a#tually a %reat #han#e for the sahabah to e3perien#e and to learn! They would learns methods of re#onnaissan#e& and learn how to ambush! They would %et to know the area& and the tribes around them! $o they were benefitin% %reatly from these e3peditions! >"erall they were )uite su##essful! ?urin% this war whi#h #arried on between the 2uraish and the Muslims& it is noti#ed that the 2uraish did not ha"e the ta#ti# of sendin% out sarayah a%ainst the Muslims! This was pretty mu#h an Islami# way!

Rusool Allah (saw wasnt totally se#ure in Medina! The number of Muslims was not that lar%e! >ne ni%ht Rusool Allah (saw #ouldnt sleep& and he wished that someone #ould %uard him durin% this ni%ht!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger !ma% peace he upon him" la% on bed during one night and said8 Were there a pious person from amongst m% companions who should &eep a watch for me during the nightt' She said8 We heard the noise of arms, whereupon Allah's Messenger !Ma% peace is upon him" said8 Who is it' And Sa:d b Abi Wa++as said8 Allah's Messenger # ha$e come to ser$e as %our sentinel 'A'isha said8 Allah:s Messenger !Ma% peace be upon him" slept !such a sound sleep" that # heard the noise of his snoring !Muslim8 0oo&-1@ (adith-CB4C" Ibn *ajar #ommented on this hadith and e3plained that this shows that Muslims should not be #areless when #are is needed! Rusool Allah (saw felt that there was a threat then& and he wasnt #areless about it! *e #ouldnt sleep be#ause he wanted someone to be his %uard! Thus a Muslim should not be #arefree! *e also said that the Muslims should prote#t their leaders& %uard their 5lema& their military leaders! The third thin% he said was that Rusool Allah (saw did this as a lesson for his 5mma& that they should be #areful and alert and this #arried on until Allah re"ealed the ayat of surah A-. *A/BA9 1&$;#4

And Allah will protect you from the people. . Allah was tellin% Rusool Allah (saw that he does not need a %uard& Allah *imself takes the responisbility of the prote#tion of *is messen%er! And that is when Rusool Allah (saw #ame out and told a&d to go back.

The Muslims had a #ensus! Rusool Allah (saw ordered to #ount the number of souls that profess Islam! The total number of men of fi%htin% a%e was 1C99! The sahabah then wondered that if their number is 1C99 then they shouldnt be afraid .

#he ;uraish were sending out their major caravan to Ashsham, the caravan was headed by Abu ufyan, one of the leaders of ;uraish. 6usool Allah ,saw0 heard of this, he sent out spies to gain information on this caravan. $usaisah bin Gmroo comes back, he enters the house of 6usool Allah ,saw0. At that time there was ony Anas ,ra0 and $usaisah at 6usool Allah&s ,saw0 house. $usaisah gives him the news that the caravan of the ;uraish has been spotted at such and such place. (*a"in% heard the news & the Messen%er of Allah (may pea#e be upon him #ame out

(hurriedly & spoke to the people and said6 (e are in need (of men A whoe"er has an animal to ride upon ready with him should ride with us! People be%an to ask him permission for brin%in% their ridin% animals whi#h were %ra/in% on the hillo#ks near Medina! *e said6 ,o! (I want only those who ha"e their ridin% animals ready! Rusool Allah (saw wanted this to be a speedy operation! *e #ould not wait for people to %o %et their ridesA there was no time to wait for them to prepare themsel"es! That is why the people& who #ould %o& were "ery few& some say there were 71G troops and some say there were 718& but it wasnt more than that! The purpose of this army was to take o"er the #ara"an of 2uraish led by Abu $ufyan! Rusool Allah (saw told the people that6 This #ara"an is of the 2uraish and will #arry mu#h wealth& atta#k it& may Allah present it to you! Abu $ufyan was "ery #areful and as we mentioned earlier& Abu @ahl had already warned his people about possible atta#ks by Muhammed (saw ! Thus Abu $ufyan too had sent out spies to %ather the whereabouts of Muhammed (saw ! Abu $ufyan rea#hed 4adr& whi#h is 1C9 km from Medina! *e held some #amel manure in his hand and #rushed it! *e sensed that the manure had the animal feed of Medina in it! *e fi%ured out that Muhammeds followers were pursuin% him! Abu $ufyan sent out an ur%ent messa%e to the 2uraish& informin% them about the threat to the #ara"an and #alled them to #ome and prote#t it! *e sent the messa%e with Amr bin 5mayya ?hamri but before we talk about what Amr does when he hoes to the 2uraish lets %o ba#k to Me##a! In Me##a& Atika bint Abdul Muttallib& the aunt of Rusool Allah (saw saw a dream! $he saw that a man rushes into Me##a ridin% his #amel and he s#reams to %ather the people of Me##a around him! *is #amel stands on top of Al':aaba and after that it stands on top of a mountain in Me##a! *e then warns the people of 2uraish that6 In three days you will perish! This man then takes a


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

ro#k and throws it from on top of the mountainA it e3plodes as it lands in the "alley of Me##a! B"ery house in Me##a is hit by a fra%ment of that e3plosion! Atika was worried about this dream so she told her brother Al'Abbas about it& but told Abbas not to tell anyone about it! Al'Abbas heard the dream and said that it was a "ision& he told Atika to keep )uiet about it! ,ow Atika told her brother not to tell anyone& howe"er Al'Abbas the ne3t #ame a#ross his friend (aleed bin 5tba& and told him about the dream! Al'Abbas tells (aleed not to tell anybody about it! (aleed bin 5tba %oes and tells his father and soon the news is all o"er Me##a! Al'Abbas said6 I woke up early to make tawaaf around :aaba and there was Abu @ahl sittin% with a %roup of 2uraish leaders sittin% and dis#ussin% the "ision of Atika! (hen Abu @ahl saw Al'Abbas he asked him to join the dis#ussion after his tawaaf! Abbas joined them after tawaaf and Abu @ahl said6 *ow lon% has your family of Abdul Muttalib had this female prophet= Abbas pretended he didnt know what Abu @ahl was talkin% about! Abu @ahl said that he was talkin% about Atikas "ision! Abu @ahl then sar#asti#ally asked that6 arent you Abdul Muttalibs satisfied with your men be#omin% prophets& has it %ot to be your women now= Abu @ahl then said that Atika %a"e the time of three days! Abu @ahl warned Abbas that the 2uraish will keep a #lose eye on them for three days and if what she said is true& so be it! 4ut if it turns out to be false then they will #all him one of the bi%%est liars of Arabia! $o Abu @ahl here had insulted the Abdul Muttalibs& insulted the Al'Abbas and Atika #laimin% that they are liars! Al'Abbas went ba#k home and e"ery woman of Abdul Muttalibs "isited and said6 *a"e you a%reed to let that dirty old reprobate atta#k first your men and then your women while you just listened= ?idnt anythin% you heard& offend you= Al'Abbas said6 I would ha"e done somethin% but I ne"er had a problem with him before! I swear I will #onfront him! If he repeats this& I will #onfront him for you! $o after three days Abbas %oes to haram and walks by Abu @ahl so that Abu @ahl #an #all him& and then he #ould %et a #han#e to ar%ue ba#k and take re"en%e for what happened! Al Abbas says6 >n the mornin% of the third day after Atikas "ision& I was e3tremely an%ry feelin% that I ha"e let him %et away with somethin% I should ha"e put a stop to! I went into the mos)ue and saw himA I swear I was mo"in% towards him to #onfront him& to %et him to retra#t what he had said! *e was a sli%ht man with a sharp fa#e& a sharp "oi#e and a sharp %a/e! (hen he hurried of towards the door of the mos)ue& I asked myself& Fwhat #ould be the matter with the fellow= and whether he was doin% this be#ause he feared I was about to #onfront him= 4ut a#tually he had heard somethin% I had notA he had heard the "oi#e of ?amdam Ibn Amr Al' -hafari& who was out in the #enter of the "alley standin% by his #amel! The man& who was sent by Abu $ufyan& arri"es three days after the dream of Atika! ?amdam Al'-hafari #omes into Me##a in a s#ene! @ust by lookin% at him it was enou%h to strike fear in the hearts of people! *e #ame in and he #ut the nose of his #amel and he turns its saddle upside down& and he tears his shirt! *e stands in the middle of the "alley s#reamin% #allin% to the people and sayin%& F>h 2uraishL The #ara"anL The #ara"anL +our %oods bein% brou%ht by Abu $ufyan ha"e been raided by Muhammed and his men! I dont think you #an sa"e them! *elpL *elpL Al' Abbas said6 Fand so all this di"erted us from our personal #onfli#t! This was an emer%en#y situation nowA e"eryone was tryin% to defend their #ara"an! The people of 2uraish mobili/e to %o and fi%ht Muhammed (saw in order to prote#t their #ara"an! Rusool Allah (saw made shura (to #onsult with the sahabah (ra & he asked for #ounselin% from his troops! Abu 4akr (ra spoke& 5mar (ra spoke but it seemed as if Rusool Allah (saw didnt take interest in what they had to say! $ad ibn Muadh said& that it seems Rusool Allah (saw want the ansar to speak! Rusool Allah (saw said yes! $ad bin Muadh said6 > Messen%er of Allah& if you want us to lead our horses towards the sea& we will do that& and if you want us to lead our horses towards 4ark ul'-hamad whi#h was at the tip of Arabia& we will do so (muslim6 4ook 18 *adith <78< ! This made Rusool Allah (saw "ery happy! The reason why Rusool Allah (saw didnt pay heed to what Abu 4akr (ra and 5mar (ra had to say is be#ause he wanted to hear what the ansar had to say be#ause the pled%e or alle%ian#e that was %i"en by Al'Ansar to Rusool Allah (saw was to prote#t him& and this prote#tion #ould possibly (not ne#essarily apply only within the boundaries of Medina! 4ut at that time Rusool Allah (saw was leadin% an army outside of Medina to raid a #ara"an belon%in% to the 2uraish! Rusool Allah (saw wanted to know what the ansar were thinkin%! The ansar J>5I? ha"e interpreted their a%reement with Rusool Allah (saw that the a%reement to prote#t only applied within Medina! Rusool Allah (saw was "ery


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

%lad with the attitude of Al'Ansar& and it shows us the understandin% that the ansar had& about the importan#e of the prote#tion of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw heads forward but on his way he had to return some of the sahaba be#ause they were too youn% to fi%ht *e returned Abdulla bin 5mar :hattab (ra &he returned Al' baraa! This is in #ontrast with soldiers of today who would take any #han#e to es#ape fi%htin% and who are just in the army be#ause of all the free ser"i#es they %et like edu#ation! Rusool Allah (saw was dealin% with people who were "ery ea%er to fi%ht fi sabi lillah!

It has been narrated on the authority of A'isha, wife of the Holy Pro het !may ea"e be u on him#, who said: $he %essenger of Allah !may ea"e be u on him# set out for &adr' (hen he rea"hed Harrat-ul-(abara !a la"e four miles from %edina# a man met him who was )nown for his *alor and "ourage' $he +om anions of the %essenger of Allah !may ea"e be u on him# were leased to see him' He said: I ha*e "ome so that I may follow you and get a share from the booty' $he %essenger of Allah !may ea"e be u on him# said to him: ,o you belie*e in Allah and His A ostle- He said: No' $he %essenger of Allah !may ea"e be u on him# said: .o ba"), I will not see) hel from a %ushri) ! olytheist#' He went on until we rea"hed Sha/ara, where the man met him again' He as)ed him the same question again and the man ga*e him the same answer' He said: .o ba")' I will not see) hel from a %ushri)' $he man returned and o*ertoo) him at &aida'- He as)ed him as he had as)ed re*iously: ,o you belie*e in Allah and His A ostle- $he man said: 0es' $he %essenger of Allah !may ea"e be u on him# said to him: $hen "ome along with us'
!Muslim8 0oo& @B (adith 33E4" Hinan#ially the Muslims were %oin% throu%h a hard time& so e"ery #amel was shared by three men! These men would take turns! Rusool Allah (saw like e"rybody else shared a #amel with two other sahabah! (hen their turn approa#hed they would ask Rusool Allah (saw if they #ould keep walkin% and Rusool Allah (saw ride on the camel. 6usool Allah ,saw0 said to them that * :ou are
not stronger than 5 am, and 5 am in need of reward just as you are. o 6usool Allah ,saw0 was just like anybody else in the army. 6usool Allah ,saw0 went towards the direction of $adr to pursue the caravan, however Abu ufyan was cautioned and he was able to divert the caravan and get away.

(D2A Abu $ufyan was "ery alert& he himself was s#outin% the area& he passed ne3t to the wells of 4adr and he asked the people there& who were drawin% water from those wells! *e asked the people if they saw somebody here who seemed forei%n or distin%uished! They responded that they saw two men there& Abu $ufyan went to where their #amels were and he then held some of the #amel manure in his hand and he #rushed it! *e #ould tell by #rushin% it that the food of the #amels was #rushed dates& and that is the food of the #amles in Medina! *e re#o%ni/ed that these two men #ame from MedinaA he rushed towards the #oast #han%in% his #ourse thus was able to e"ade the Muslims! *e sends a letter ba#k to Me##a sayin%6 +ou #ame out to do battle in order to prote#t your #ara"an& people and wealth! Allah has now sa"ed these& so %o ba#k! Abu $ufyan said that there was no point in fi%htin% be#ause the #ara"an was now free of threat! Abu @ahl said6 4y Allah we will not turn around until we rea#h 4adr! 4adr was a pla#e where the arabs would hold a fare and a market ea#h year! Abu @ahl went on and said6 (e sill stays there three days& slau%hter some #amels eat well& drink whine& and entertainers will play musi# for us! The 4edouin will %et to hear of our journey and our %atherin% there and they will respe#t us for it! Iet us pro#eed ahead!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o for Abu @ahl this was nothin% but a show of the stren%th of the 2uraish! Allah .aujal says in A-.A<@A- 18$%#4

And do not be li'e those who ca e forth fro their ho es insolently and to be seen by people and avert !the " fro the way of Allah . And Allah is enco passing of what they do. $o the people #ame out with insolen#e and arro%an#e! They wanted to boast there power and stren%th! Rusool Allah (saw realised that the #ara"an is tryin% to %et away and he thou%ht that instead of fa#in% around <9 men with the #ara"an they mi%ht ha"e to fa#e an army of thousand men!

6usool Allah ,saw0 held a shura and asked the companions what they think. Abu $akr iddi1 ,ra0 stood and spoke, Gmar ,ra0 did the same, then "a1dad said something and in response Abdullah bin "asood ,ra0 said* Al!"a1dad stood up and spoke some words, 5 would sacrifice the World to be the one who spoke those words. Al "a1dad stood up and said*3 "essenger of Allah go forth to what Allah Zaujal has commanded you to do and we are not going to say like the children of 5srael told "usa ,as0* Io and fight with your Bord we are going to stay here. Al!"a1dad went on to say* $ut we will fight infront of you, behind you, on your right, and to your left. And we will say %go forth and fight with your Bord, we will fight with you&.

>n hearin% this the fa#e of Muhammad (saw lit up& shined and then he stood up! These words of Al'Ma)dad (ra stren%thened the sahabah& but that wasnt the #ase with all of them $ome of the troops were not prepared to fi%ht a war! This is be#ause they had left Medina with the intent to raid a #ara"an& thou%h they were armed& they were not mentally prepared to face an
army. #hat is why some were reluctant and inside their heart they wished they could just raid the caravan. 5t is to be noticed that the only way we know today what was in their hearts is via the ;uran. Allah Zaujal knows what is in the hearts of people. Gnlike a historian writing history, he can only write what he observes he can never know about the thoughts or feelings of people. o Allah Zaujal says in AL#A<FAL .J0H3

!It is" ?ust as when your Lord brought you out of your ho e !for the battle of 8adr" in truth, while indeed, a party a ong the believers were unwilling Allah .aujal is tellin% us that some of the belie"ers were unwilllin%& (there was no other way we would ha"e found out ! 4y the way the people we are talkin% about here was part of the #ream of Muslims&
they were the best! ?espite them bein% the #ream& some of them were unwillin%! This was be#ause fi%htin% is somethin% disliked and this was their first time& some of them may not ha"e had to fa#e an enemy before! 3bviously fear of fighting was also present. o understandaby fightins is something disliked. Allah Zaujal says in AL#8AKABA& .@0@>=3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Fighting has been en?oined upon you while it is hateful to you. 8ut perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you% and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah :nows, while you 'now not. Allah .aujal then says in A-.A<@A- 18$;4 and 18$#4

Arguing with you concerning the truth after it had beco e clear, as if they were being driven toward death while they were loo'ing on.

4emember, 5 believers], when Allah promised you one of the two groups & that it would be yours & and you wished that the unarmed one would be yours. But Allah intended to establish the truth by "is words and to eliminate the disbelievers

.hat "e should establish the truth and abolish falsehood, even if the criminals disliked it.

In the ayat (E6G Allah .aujal talks about two %roups& these areA to raid the #ara"an or to defeat the enemy! FAnd you wished that the unarmed one would be yours! People wanted the #ara"an& whi#h had the money of the muhajireen in it! $o Allah had a plan& and the Muslims had a plan& but the plan of Allah was superior! #he
muslims wanted to raid the caravan and take over its wealth while Allah Zaujal wanted this battle to be the first meeting between good and evil, and for it to be %#he 2ay of Aur1an&, the criterion.

$o Rusool Allah (saw was %atherin% information on the whereabouts of the army of 2uraish and also the whereabouts of the #ara"an! Rusool Allah (saw met ! Then Rusool Allah (pea#e and blessin% of Allah be upon him stopped near 4adr with one of his Jompanions& Ibn *isham said this Jompanion was Abu 4akr& they stopped by an old man of the 4edouin and in)uired about& 2uraish and about Muhammad and his Jompanions and what he had heard about them! The old man said& 0I wonQt tell you before you tell me whi#h party you belon% to!1 The Messen%er of Allah (pea#e and blessin% of Allah be upon him said& RIf you tell us we will tell you!R The man said& R$hould this be for that=R +es& he replied! The man said& 0I ha"e heard that Muhammad and his Jompanions went out on su#h'and'su#h a day! If that is true& today they are in su#h'and'su#h a pla#e& Sreferrin% to the pla#e in whi#h the Messen%er of Allah (pea#e and blessin% of Allah be upon him a#tually wasTA and I heard that 2uraish went out in su#h'and'su#h a day& and if this is true& today they are in su#h'and'su#h a pla#e!1 Meanin% the one in whi#h they a#tually were! 0(hen he had finished he said& F>f whom are you= the Messen%er of Allah (pea#e and blessin% of Allah be upon him said& 0(e are from Ma!R


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Then he left him& while the old man was sayin%& R(hat does Qfrom MaQ mean= Is it from the water of Ira)= Rusool Allah (saw walked away so that the man would not ask him more )uestions! (hat he meant by his answer was that we are from water& be#ause Allah .aujal says in the 2uran that man is #reated from water! Rusool Allah (saw %ot some "aluable information on the lo#ation of the 2uraish! This old man was reliable be#ause he %a"e the pre#ise lo#ation of Muhammad (saw and his #ompanions! The Messen%er of Allah (saw returned to his Jompanions and he sent Ali Ibn Abi Talib& A/'/ubair and $aQd Ibn Abi (a))as with a number of his Jompanions in )uest for news! They found a ser"ant belon%in% to the army of the 2uraishA they arrested him and took him alon%! (hen they rea#hed Rusool Allah (saw was prayin%! They asked him who he belon%s toA he responded that he belon%ed to the army of 2uraish The sahabah then beat him up badly and ask him about the lo#ation of Abu $ufyan& but the ser"ant did not know where Abu $ufyan was! The sahabah then asked asked him who he knows about! *e said that he knows the whereabouts of Abu @ahl& Abu 5mmayya bin :halaf& 5tba bin Rabia and some other prominent members of the army of 2uraish! They then would start beatin% him up to know about Abu $ufyan& so the man would a%ree to %i"e information about Abu $ufyan& when the beatin% stopped he would then say that he doesnt know! *a"in% #ompleted his Prayer& the Messen%er of Allah (saw said&R(hen he told you the truth& you beat him6 and when he lied& you lea"e him alone!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw said that when the man sais the truth that he doesnt know& you beat him but when he lies that he will tell them& the sahabah lea"e him alone! And then Rusool Allah (saw interro%ated himself be#ause the sahabah were not askin% the ri%ht )uestions! The Messen%er of Allah (saw asked him how many are they& and he said& RMany&R Rusool Allah (saw wanted a more spe#ifi# answer so he asked for the number& but he did not knowA so he asked them how many #amels do they slau%hter e"ery day& so the man said one day they would slau%hter 19 #amels and the ne3t day they would slau%hter nine& the Messen%er of Allah (saw said& QThe people are between nine hundred and a thousand!1 The a#tual number was 8C9 for the 2uraish while the Muslim army was a little o"er 799! $o the Muslims were 1M7 rd of the army of 2uraishL The muhajirun were E; in number& Al'Aus were ;1& and Al':ha/raj were a 1G9! The reason why Al'Aus were mu#h fewer than Al':ha/raj was be#ause the dwellin% of Al'Aus was in the upper part of Medina and when Rusool Allah (saw mobili/ed this army he said that the ones who ha"e their rides ready #an join the army! $o due to the fa#t that Al'Aus li"ed a bit far away& they werent able to join the army! In 4ukhari Al'4araa bin Aa/ib (ra said6 (e the #ompanions of Rusool Allah (saw & when we would talk about the battle of 4adr& we would say that Fthe number of people who parti#ipated in the 4attle of 4adr is e)ual to the number of people who parti#ipated with Talut& after they passed the trial of the ri"er! And the only ones who passed were the belie"ersA we were al little o"er 719!1 The fa#t there was a #oalition between the muslims at the 4attle of 4adr and the 4anu Israel who parti#ipated with Talut and the fa#t that Al'4araa here mentions that these are the ones who pass the test and joined Talut tells you that the belie"ers who were in the 4attle of 4adr were also the best! These were the ones who passed the trials of this world! $o they are the best of the best! Rusool Allah (saw had banners& fla%s& slo%ans& and battle #riesA this was all to en#oura%e the soldiers to fi%ht! The banner for the army durin% the 4attle of 4adr was white and it was handed to Musab ibn 5mair! Rusool Allah (saw also had two bla#k fla%sA one of them was #alled Al'5)ab& this was standard it was #arried by Ali ibn abi Talib and the other bla#k fla% was %i"en to one of the Ansar! The entire army had only two horses one was with .aubair and the other with Al'Ma)dad bin Amr (ra ! The Muslims had G9 #amelsA ea#h #amel as shared by three people! Rusool Allah (saw shared his #amel with Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Marthad Ibn Abi Marthab! They offered to %i"e their turns to Rusool Allah (saw & 6usool Allah ,saw0 said to them that* :ou are not stronger than 5 am,
and 5 am in need of reward just as you are. ubhanaAllah this was their leader and their teacher.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

6usool Allah ,saw0 would not even let them give up their turns for him. #his is why the sahabah loved 6usool Allah ,saw0 so much. +o followers have ever, or will ever love their leader as much as they loved 6usool Allah ,saw0. When 6usool Allah ,saw0 chose the location of the army Al'*abbab bin Al'Mundhir (ra (one of

the ansar said6 > Messen%er of AllahL Is this the pla#e about whi#h Allah re"ealed to you& thatA we should not ad"an#e beyond or stop before& or is this a )uestion of opinion in warfare ta#ti#s= Iook at how al'*abbab stated the )uestion N if this was a wahi from Allah& then Al'*abbab was satisfied but if its a )uestion of ta#ti#s then Al'*abbab had somethin% to say! Rusool Allah (saw told him that it is a matter of warfare ta#ti#s! Al'Mundhir su%%ested that the army should %o ahead till they %et to the well of 4adr and stop there& stop up the wells beyond it& and #onstru#t a #istern so that they would ha"e plenty of waterA then they #ould fi%ht their enemy who would ha"e nothin% to drink! The Messen%er of Allah (saw a%reed that this was an e3#ellent plan and they a#ted a##ordin%ly! The ni%ht before the battle started Rusool Allah (saw saw a dream& and these are the dreams whi#h the mujahideen fi sabi lillah see in whi#h Allah .aujal stren%thens them! In the dream Rusool Allah (saw saw that the army of 2uraish "ery few in number than what it really was! ,ow why would Allah .aujal make Muhammed (saw see the 2uraish army fewer than what it really was= Allah .aujal wanted to stren%then the hearts of the belie"ers! The army of 2uraish army was three times more in number than the Muslims& their morale #ould ha"e been weakened by this! If soldier %oes to the battlefield knowin% that they ha"e no #han#e& he will be weak in the battlefield! Allah .aujal is hen#e showin% the 2uraish as few in number! Allah .aujal says in A-. A<@A- 18$%34

Be e ber, O Muhammad], when Allah showed them to you in your dream as few# and if "e had shown them to you as many, you [believers] would have lost courage and would have disputed in the matter [of whether to fight], but Allah saved [you from that]. (ndeed, "e is 1nowing of that within the breasts.

$o the dream was to stren%then them& and this was the ni%ht before the battle! The followin% mornin% it rained& thou%h it was not a rainy season! I Ibn Isha) said that the "alley was soft brownA the water from the sky dampened the earth for the Messen%er of Allah and his for#e but did not impede their pro%ress but the 2uraish had su#h rain fall upon them that they #ould not mo"e ahead! This was rain that showered on bothA the Muslims and the non'muslims& but for the Muslims it dampened the Barth and made it firm while for the 2uraish the Barth be#ame muddy and sti#ky whi#h impeded their pro%ress! $o subhanAllah& the same rain had differin% effe#ts on both sides! This was a mira#le from Allah .aujal also some of the Muslims woke up in a state of impurity be#ause they had wet dreams! $ubhanAllah& a Muslim does not feel #omfortable in a state of impurity& heMshe wants to purify themsel"es as soon as heMshe #an! $o to spare the Muslims of this un#omfortable feelin%& Allah .aujal sent down water to #leanse them! This was spiritual #leanin% in addition to the Barth be#omin% firm for them to mar#h o"er! Allah .aujal says in A-. A<@A- 18$224


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

!Be e ber" when &e overwhel ed you with drowsiness !giving" security fro &i and sent down upon you fro the s'y, rain by which to purify you and re ove fro you the evil !suggestions" of Satan and to a'e steadfast your hearts and plant fir ly thereby your feet. Ali ibn abi Talib said about the ni%ht before the battle that all of the Muslim army was asleepA this sleep was a blessin% from Allah as mentioned in the ayat F*e o"erwhelmed you with drowsiness! 5sually ri%ht before the battle you would e3pe#t people to be an3ious& tensed& worried& and afraidN but the sahabah (ra were asleepL Ali ibn Abi Talib said that ea#h one of the soldier was in deep sleep! $ubhanaAllah that is why our s#holars say that sleepin% before a battle is a si%n of emaan& while sleepin% durin% salah is a si%n of hypo#risy As Allah .aujal says that when the munafi)een %o to pray they %o in state of la/iness! The s#holars say that feelin% drowsiness before or surin% battle is a si%n of emaan& be#ause it shows the #onfiden#e of the heart! Ali ibn abi Talib said that the only one who was awake that ni%ht was Rusool Allah (saw ! $ubhanAllah Rusool Allah (saw was standin% and makin% dua! As mentioned in the ayat& $haitan was whisperin% to the Muslims about how they #an fi%ht when they are impureN Allah .aujal remo"es su#h su%%estions of $haitan by #leansin% the Muslims with rain! Thus this rain had ser"ed those purposes as mentioned by the ayat! Allah FauDal tal&s about the scene in A-.A<@A- 18$%"4

!Be e ber" when you were on the near side of the valley, and they were on the farther side, and the caravan was lower !in position" than you. If you had ade an appoint ent !to eet", you would have issed the appoint ent. 8ut !it was" so that Allah ight acco plish a atter already destined # that those who perished !through disbelief" would perish upon evidence and those who lived !in faith" would live upon evidence% and indeed, Allah is &earing and :nowing. (hat does Fappointment mean in this ayat= Allah .aujal is sayin% that meetin% the army of 2uraish wasnt by appointment& the Muslims did not ha"e an appointment with the 2uraish and the 2uraish did not make an appointment with the Muslims! The Muslims wanted the #ara"an but Allah .aujal had set a date for the meetin% of the Muslims with the 2uraish! PIf you had ade an


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

appoint ent !to eet", you would have issed the appoint ent.G the Muslims did not want to meet the 2uraish nor did the 2uraish want to meet the Muslims . Abu ufyan and some other ;uraish were telling the army to go back , some of the ;uraish were afraid because they knew that they were fighting the "essenger of Allah ,saw0, but they were too arrogant to be his followers. #his kind of kufr is called 'ufr ul 5stikbar, disbelief because of arrogance. And as we mentioned earlier many of the "uslims didn&t want to fight because they werent prepared for battle, they had left their homes with the intention of raiding the caravan.Pthat those who perished [through disbelief] would perish upon evidence and those who lived [in faith] would live upon evidence'# This battle %round was the ultimate test of emaan and of :ufr!

$ad ibn Muadh (ra had a su%%estion to make& he went to Rusool Allah (saw and su%%ested that a porti#o should be built for Rusool Allah (saw & and #amels and %uards should be ready for the Prophet (saw . a&d said that if "uslims won then that is what is desired but if the "uslims are defeated then he suggested that 6usool Allah ,saw0 should go back to "edina to join the people who are left behind& for they were just as deeply atta#hed to Muhammed (saw as they were! And then $ad said about the Muslims in Medina that had they known that the Muslims would be fi%htin% they would not ha"e stayed behind! $ad here was probably talkin% about Al'Aus& who wanted to join Muhammed (saw but #ouldnt! *e then went on to say that Muhammed (saw #an %o ba#k and fi%ht with the Muslims& to #arry on his mission! The Messen%er of Allah (pea#e and blessin%s of Allah be upon him thanked him and blessed him! Then a booth was #onstru#ted for the Messen%er of Allah (pea#e and blessin%s of Allah be upon him and remained there! Abu 4akr $iddi) (ra was his body%uard! Ibn Isha) said that when the Messen%er of Allah saw them (2uraish #omin% forward into the "alley from their position behind the sandhill at A)an)al the Messen%er of Allah said& 0 > AllahL *ere #ome 2uraish in their "anity and pride #ontendin% with you and #allin% your Messen%er a liar! > AllahL -rant the help& whi#h you ha"e promised me! ?estroy them his mornin%L1 This was what Rusool Allah (saw said when he first saw the army! >ne of the :uffar from 2uraish was ridin% a red #amel& lookin% at him Rusool Allah (saw said& 0If there is any %ood in any of them& it will be with the man on the red #amel6 if they obey him& they will take the ri%ht way!1 Rusool Allah (saw was referrin% to 5tba bin Rabia! (hy did Rusool Allah (saw say this= N The :uffar of 2uraish had sent 5mar ibn (ahab to s#out on the stren%th and number of the Muslim army! 5mar did do that and he went ba#k to the 2uraish and said that he said6 > 2uraishL (hat I saw was #amels bearin% deaths& there are people whose only aid and refu%e are their swords! I swear I dont foresee any of them bein% killed before he kills one of you and if they kill of you a like number as their own& what %ood will it be to li"e after that= Jonsider #arefully! Thus 5mar ibn (ahab had %one and saw that the Muslim army was )uite small& but when he looked in their fa#es he saw death! *e saw men willin% to die! *akim Ibn *i/am %oes to 5tba bin Rabis& one of the prominent leaders of 2uraish& and sais6 > 5tbaL $hall I su%%est somethin%& if you do& you will #arry the honour of this day unti l the end of time! 5tba asked him what he wanted to say! *akim said6 +ou withdraw this for#e ba#k to Me##a& you take #are of the blood of your ally& *adhrami! (*adhrami was the %uard of the #ara"an who died durin% the $ariya of Abdullah ibn @ahsh $o another reason for this battle was to a"en%e the death of *adhrami! 5tba was an ally with *adhrami& so *akim was tellin% him to spare the battle and instead %i"e the blood money of *adhrami to the 2uraish! 5tba liked this ideaA howe"er they needed to %et the a%reement of Abu @ahl! 5tba then stands up and sais6 >h 2uraishL 4y fi%htin% Mohammeds #ompanions you will a##omplish nothin%& if you do atta#k him& ea#h of you will always be lookin% at others who will always dislike lookin% ba#k at you! +ou will be known to ha"e killed their #ousin or a member of their tribe! -o home& and lea"e Muhammed up to the other Arabs! If they kill him that will be a##omplishin% your aims and if otherwise& he will find you not to ha"e been e3posed to the risk of what you now plan! $o what 5tba was sayin% is that to fi%htin% Muhammed (saw that would mean fi%htin% their own people also that if the Arabs kill Muhammed (saw then that is %ood& while if Muhammed (saw wins then they wont #ome and take re"en%e from the 2uraish!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

(hile 5tba was speakin% to the 2uraish& *akim ibn *i/am went to #on"in#e Abu @ahl! *akim says what he has to say and says that this was the messa%e from 5tba! Abu @ahl says that6 5tba didnt find anybody else to send but +>5L= *akim in response said that 5tba #ould ha"e sent someone else& but he wouldnt ha"e been a messen%er for someone e3#ept for 5tba! And then Abu @ahl said6 I swear his lun%s are filled with terror when he saw Muhammed and his men& by Allah we will not return until Allah de#ides the issue between us and Muhammed& 5tba is not sin#ere in what he says! *e sees Muhammed and his men as fodder for #amels awaitin% slau%hter and his own son is there amon% them *e is s#arin% you for his own sake! The meanin% of the words of Abu @ahl F*e sees Muhammed and his men as fodder for #amels awaitin% slau%hterN means that he was sayin% that the :afir will slau%hter the Muslims and that the disbelie"ers will win& Abu @ahl was sayin% that 5tba is afraid be#ause his son is a Muslim& so he doesnt want his son to be killed! That is why 5tba was tryin% to make e"eryone withdraw! And then Abu @ahl %oes to the brother of Amr bin *adhrami and says to him that6 +our ally& your prote#tor& 5tba wants to withdraw the army ba#k& %o and inspire the army to fi%ht! $o the brother of Amr bin *adhrami %oes to the army and s#reams& 0(oe to AmrL (oe to AmrL1N he mar#hes infront of the army inspirin% them to fi%ht! Ibn Isha) says that the mood for warfare be#ame heated& and the attitudes of the for#es hardened and they be#ame determined to fi%ht& while 5tbas ad"i#e was i%nored! 5tba said& 0That fellow with the filthy yellow ba#kside will find out whether its me or him whose lun%s are filled with terror!1 ,ot only did Abu @ahl sweep the entire army with an%er but he also made 5tba an%ry& and to pro"e Abu @ahl wron% he was the first one to stand forth and ask for a duel with a Muslim! This shows you how effe#ti"e this de"il Abu @ahl was! Iets stop here and #omment on this Rusool Allah (saw said about 5tba that 0If there is any %ood in any of them& it will be with the man on the red #amel6 if they obey him& they will take the ri%ht way!1 $o brothers and sisters amon% the #amp of disbelie"ers there are "oi#es of reason& there are men of wisdom& there are people who are moderate& howe"er when it #omes to it bein% a battle a%ainst Islam& when it is a reli%ious war with the intention of defeatin% the truth& the reli%ion of Allah N these "oi#es of reason and moderation are swept aside while the "oi#es of fanati#ism and e3tremism %ain the upper hand! This is important to mention be#ause sometimes Muslims think that6 sin#e amon% the enemies of Allah there are people who are anti'war& moderate& or there are people who are supporti"e of Muslim #auses then we think that su#h peoples "oi#es will o"er#ome the other "oi#es of e3tremism that #ould be the #ase when the battle is between :ufr and :ufr! 4ut we ha"e to understand that when it #omes to fi%htin% with the anbiya of Allah .aujal or the followers of the anbiya of Allah& the #ase is then different! Abu $ufyanL ?idnt he ur%e the army to %o ba#k= (asnt he representin% a "oi#e of reason& didnt 4anu .ahra withdraw= 4anu .ahra were lead by Akhnas bin $hurai)& who refused to fi%ht in the 4attle of 4adr! They refused to fi%ht with their own brothers! ?idnt 5tba and *akim try= Infa#t I will mention another in#ident& to show how the disbelie"ers are when it #omes to Islam! Abu $ufyans son was taken a prisoner of war& by the Muslims! Abu $ufyan was told to %o and ransom him but he refused& be#ause the Muslims had killed one his sons& he refused to %o and ransom the other! *e preferred that his son stays there! The people of 2uraish used to really respe#t and honor any pil%rim who would #ome to Me##a! This respe#t and honor was based on them showin% %enerosity to the pil%rims! There was a Muslim member of one Arab Muslim tribe& who went to Me##a for pil%rima%e& this Muslims was taken as a prisoner by Abu $ufyan! Ibn Isha) says6 2uraish only e"er treated well those who #ame as pil%rims! $o this was the first time they "iolated that law& Abu $ufyan took that pil%rim as a prisoner! The family of the prisoner went upto Rusool Allah (saw and told him about the situation! Rusool Allah (saw e"entually had to free Abu $ufyans son& then Abu $ufyan freed the pil%rim! The reason why this is important to brin% up is be#ause when the :uffar& deal with the Muslims& they deal with them in a different standard! $o e"en if amon% the :uffar& you ha"e people who are wise& pea#e a#ti"ists& moderate they #han%e when it #omes to dealin% with Muslims! This is be#ause $haitan is out there #on"in#in% his followers that the followers of Islam need to be wiped off the fa#e of the Barth!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o as we mentioned Allah blessed the Muslims with sleep the ni%ht before& and the earth was firm (due to the rain for them to walk on! Allah blessed the Muslims with somethin% else! Rusool Allah (saw saw a dream that the 2uraish were few in number& and when the Muslims a#tually #onfronted the 2uraish& they still saw the 2uraish as fewLL $ubhanAllah NAllah .aujal says in Al.Anfal 18$%%4

And !re e ber" when &e showed the to you, when you et, as few in your eyes, and &e ade you !appear" as few in their eyes so that Allah ight acco plish a atter already destined. And to Allah are !all" atters returned.

$o we"e already talked about why Allah would make the enemy seem fewer in the eyes of the belie"er& but the abo"e ayats also talks about how Allah made the Muslims seem few in the eyes of the disbelie"ers! ,ow why would Allah .aujal do that= Allah %i"es the e3planation in the same "erse Fso that Allah ight acco plish a atter already destine.G Allah wanted this battle to happen, so when
the enemies heard the "uslims were few, it made them more eager and an4ious to fight. #his was because they thought that they had a greater chance to defeat the "uslims. $ut what this also did was make the 'uffar careless and overconfident. o this was like a bait, to bring them to fight. $ut once they truly realise the strength of the "uslims, it will be too late. $o what was the strate%y of Muhammed (saw in fi%htin%= Rusool Allah (saw used a tactic that wasn&t used by the arabs before. 5t might have been used by other nations but not the arabs. #he arab method of fighting was %l-kurru wulfur & Al kuroo wulfur is to atta#k and withdraw& then atta#k a%ain then withdrawN this happens repeatedly. #his is a very disorganised attack. *owe"er Rusool Allah (saw employed the method of ranks. He would line up the army in one, two, three or four ranks depending on the number of troops. 6usool Allah ,saw0 had the first rank armed with lances and he would have the ranks in the back armed with arrows or archers. o the archers would fire from behind while the front rank would prevent the enemy or the cavalry from advancing. As mentioned before this was a new tactc for the Arabs. Allah says in Surat As#saf .=>013

Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in &is cause in a row as though they are a !single" structure ?oined fir ly. This method of fi%htin% in ranks is #alled &ahf& whi#h also probably emplyed by the Romans and the Persians! This method %i"es the leader a %reater #ontrol o"er the army rather than just atta#kin% and withdrawin% in a disor%anised fashion! And that is how Muhammed (saw fou%ht in the majority of his battles! Rusool Allah (saw also en#oura%ed and inspired the army be#ause that was instru#ted to him by Allah .aujal! Allah says in AL#A<FAL .J0=H3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

O 4rophet, urge the believers to battle. If there are a ong you twenty !who are" steadfast, they will overco e two hundred. And if there are a ong you one hundred !who are" steadfast, they will overco e a thousand of those who have disbelieved because they are a people who do not understand.
$o Rusool Allah (saw stands up infront of the army and says6 B"ery man who fi%hts them bra"ely and ad"an#es without retreatin% will ha"e Allah %i"e him entry into Paradise!

And in Muslim Rusool Allah (saw stands up infront of the army and says& 0-o forth towards the -arden the si/e of the hea"ens and Barth #ombined!1 o one of the sahabah, +mar 6in Al Hamman said& 0>h messen%er of AllahL Jould a %arden really be the si/e of the *ea"ens and the earth #ombined=1 Rusool Allah (saw said yes! 5mair then said& 0Hine fine1& Rusool Allah (saw asked umair what made him say that& he replied& 0>h messen%er of AllahL It is only my hope of bein% one of its people!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him that he #ertainly will be! $o 5mair bin Al *amman stands up draws his sword& and then he had some dates whi#h he took out from his po#ket& and started eatin% those dates! Then 5mair bin Al *amman said& 0If I li"e lon% enou%h to eat these dates& it would be a lon% life!1 5mar was so inspired by the words of Rusool Allah (saw & that he was in a hurry to die in the path of Allah! *e was in su#h a hurry that he thou%ht that if his life lasted till the time he finished his dates then that would be a lon% lifeL *e then rushed in to the 4attle!

6arrated 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud8 ,rom Sa:d bin Mu'adh8 Sa:d bin Mu'adh was an intimate friend of ;mai%a bin Nhalaf and whene$er ;mai%a passed through Medina, he used to sta% with Sa:d, and whene$er Sa:d went to Mecca, he used to sta% with ;mai%a When Allah's Apostle arri$ed at Medina, Sa'd went to perform ';mra and sta%ed at ;mai%a's home in Mecca (e said to ;mai%a, ")ell me of a time when !the Mos+ue" is empt% so that # ma% be able to perform )awaf around the Na'ba " So ;mai%a went with him about midda% Abu 7ahl met them and said, "G Abu Safwan. Who is this man accompan%ing %ou'" (e said, "(e is Sa:d " Abu 7ahl addressed Sa:d sa%ing, "# see %ou wandering about safel% in Mecca inspite of the fact that %ou ha$e gi$en shelter to the people who ha$e changed their religion !i e became Muslims" and ha$e claimed that %ou will help them and support them 0% Allah, if %ou were not in the compan% of Abu Safwan, %ou would not be able to go %our famil% safel% " Sa:d, raising his $oice, said to him, "0% Allah, if %ou should stop me from doing this !i e performing )awaf" # would certainl% pre$ent %ou from something which is more $aluable for %ou, that is, %our passage through Medina " Gn this, ;mai%a said to him, "G Sa:d do not raise %our $oice before Abu-l-(a&am, the chief of the people of the 2alle% !of Mecca" " Sa:d said, "G ;mai%a, stop that. 0% Allah, # ha$e heard Allah's Apostle predicting that the Muslim will &ill %ou " ;mai%a as&ed, "#n Mecca'" Sa:d said, "# do not &now " ;mai%a was greatl% scared b% that news When ;mai%a returned to his famil%, he said to his wife, "G ;m Safwan. 9on't %ou &now what Sa:d told me' "She said, "What has he told %ou'" (e replied, "(e claims that Muhammad has informed them !i e companions that the% will &ill me # as&ed him, '#n Mecca'' (e replied, '# do not &now " )hen ;mai%a added, "0% Allah, # will ne$er go out of Mecca " 0ut when the da% of !the /haKwa of" 0adr came, Abu 7ahl called the people to war, sa%ing, "/o and protect %our cara$an " 0ut ;mai%a disli&ed to go out !of Mecca" Abu 7ahl came to him and said, "G Abu Safwan. #f the people see %ou sta%ing behind though %ou are the chief of the people of the 2alle%, then the% will remain behind with %ou " Abu 7ahl &ept on urging him to go until he !i e ;mai%a" said, "As %ou ha$e forced me to change m% mind, b% Allah, # will bu% the best camel in Mecca )hen ;mai%a said !to his wife" "G ;m Safwan, prepare what # need !for the Dourne%" " She said to him, "G Abu Safwan. (a$e %ou forgotten what %our <athribi brother told %ou'" (e said, "6o, but # do not want to go with them but for a short distance " So when ;mai%a went out, he used to


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

tie his camel where$er he camped (e &ept on doing that till Allah caused him to be &illed at 0adr 0u&hari8 0oo&-C 2olume-CB (adith-4A5" B"en thou%h 5maiya was a disbelie"er& he sill belie"ed Rusool Allah (saw & this shows that deep inside their hearts they knew that it was Rusool Allah (saw was the last and final messen%er! $o 5maiya said that he would not lea"e Me##a& now when the #all #ame to respond to the battle of 4adr& 5maiya didnt want to lea"e! $o Abu @ahl brin%s him a mubkhura & mubkhura is this thin% in whi#h you burn the oudh ! Abu @ahl made fun of him by sayin% that 5mmaiya is an old woman& and that he should use this like old women do! Abu @ahl indi#ated that 5mmaiya was a #oward! Abu @ahl tried until he #on"in#ed 5maiya to %o with him! 5maiya went ba#k home to prepare for the journey! *is wife asked him if he for%ot what his friend from Medina ($ad told him! *e responded that he remembers but he will just %o with the 2uraish and then #ome ba#k! Ibn :athir said that whene"er the 2uraish would stop on their way& 5maiya would make the intention that it was their last stop& but he e"entually ended up enterin% the fray of the battle himself! $o 5maiya ended up bein% #aptured by Abdur Rahman bin Auf! Abdur Rahman bin Auf narrated the story himself! *e said that he had a bun#h of #oatnails with him as armor! Abdur Rahman had #olle#ted them one by one as booty! 5maiya sees him and says 0> Abd AmrL1 Abdur Rahman didnt respond! Abdur Rahman and 5maiya were friends in Me##a and before Abdur Rahman be#ame Muslim his name was Abd Amr! Abdur Rahman refused to listen to him when he #alled him by his pre"ious name! $o 5maiya said& 0(hen I #all you FAbd Amr you refuse to respond ba#k& and I do not re#o%ni/e Abdur Rahman so I #annot #all you FAbdur Rahman& so how about you #hoose a name for yourself just for me and you!1 Abdur Rahman told 5maiya to %o ahead and #hoose a name& so 5maiya ha"e the name FAbdul ilah& the ser"ant of -od! They a%reed to this! (hen 5maiya and Abdur Rahman were walkin% to the site of 4adr& 5maiya asked Abdur Rahman& 0who was that man& who had an ostri#h feather a#ross his #hest=1 Abdur Rahman ibn Auf said& 0That is *am/a bin Abdul Muttallib!1 5maiya bin :halaf said& 0This is the man who ruined us!1 $o *am/a (ra was truly the lion of Allah! In another narration in 4ukhari Abdur Rahman said that he had an a%reement with 5maiya bin :halaf that Abdur Rahman will take #are of his business interests in Medina& while 5maiya will take #are of Abdur Rahmans business interests in Me##a! Abdur Rahman said that he didnt respond when 5maiya #alled him FAbd Amr but then 5maiya said FAbdul Ilah so then Abdur Rahman responded! 5maiya asked Abdur Rahman if he wanted somethin% better than the #oatnails that Abdur Rahman had been #arryin%! Abdur Rahman asked him what that was! 5maiya said& 0me and my son!1 >b"iously 5maiya was ri#h so his ransom would brin% a lot of money! Abdur Rahman said that he threw the armor from his hand and held 5maiya and his son& Ali! Thus 5maiya and Ali were Abdur Rahmans prisoners of war! This was a %ood deal for Abdur Rahman be#ause he would %et the ransom! *owe"er someone spots 5maiya bin :halaf& and that was 4ilal (ra & the former sla"e of 5maiya! 4ilal was tortured by 5maiya! $o when 4ilal saw him he s#reamed& 05maiyaL The head of the disbelie"ers1& Abdur Rahman said 0hey 4ilalL *e is my prisoner!1 4ilal says& 0I will not li"e if he does!1 Then Abdur Rahman tries to tell him that 5maiya is his prisoner! (hen 4ilal reali/ed that Abdur Rahman is not %oin% to %i"e 5maiya up& so then he %oes to the ansar and tells them& 0That man is 5maiya bin :halaf& the head of the disbelie"ers! I am not %oin% to li"e if he doesL1 Abdur Rahman said that the Ansar then atta#ked& he was afraid that they would #at#h them& so he left 5maiyaQs son for them to keep them busy but the Ansar killed the son and insisted on followin% Abdur Rahman and 5maiya! 5maiya was a fat man& and when they approa#hed them& Abdur Rahman told him to kneel down& then Abdur Rahman laid on him to prote#t him by his own body& but the Ansar killed 5maiya by passin% their swords underneath Abdur Rahman& and one of the Ansar e"en injured his foot with his sword! And the sub narrator said& 0FAbdur Rahman used to show us the tra#e of the wound on the ba#k of his foot!R


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Abdur Rahman would then say& 0May Allah ha"e mer#y on 4ilal& he made me lose my armor and my prisoners! I lost them both!1 $o that was what happened with 5maiya bin :halaf who was an Imam of disbelief! Anas ibn Malik (ra tells us the story of Al :aleed he says6 0The Messen%er of Allah ordered on the day of the battle at 4adr& that 2< of the #hiefs of 2uraish be thrown into a dirty refused laden old well!1 $o the 2< leaders bodies were dra%%ed into this pla#e! (hen they were pullin% the body of 5tba bin Rabia his son *u/aifa was wat#hin%& so Rusool Allah (saw looks into his fa#e and sees that he was sad! Rusool Allah (saw asked *u/aifa if he was "ery upset at his fathers fate! Abu *u/aifa responded ba#k& 0I swear oh Messen%er of Allah& I ha"e no problem with my fathers fate& but I on#e knew him as a man of reason& jud%ment& and %oodness and hoped those )ualities would lead him to Islam! (hen I saw what his fate was and how he had died in disbelief& despite my hopes for him& I was saddened!1 Rusool Allah (saw then made dua for him! The issue of %uidan#e is in the hands of Allah& nobody #an #ontrol it! *u/aifa was sayin% that his father was a wise man with reasonin%& jud%ment and %oodness! 4ut thin%s did not turn out as *u/aifa e3pe#ted and that was the #ase with Abu Talib as well! Abu Talib the un#le of Rusool Allah (saw had all these )ualitiesA in fa#t he prote#ted Rusool Allah (saw durin% until the day he died! 4ut Abu Talib did not be#ome Muslim! $o in the issue of %uidan#e you #ant really tell who will be %uided and who wont! (hile 5mar bin :hattab was so e"il& but he be#ame Muslim! There was e"en an in#ident in whi#h one of the sahabiat was e3pe#tin% 5mar to be#ome Muslim be#ause he spoke to her softlyA he said that the donkey of his father would be#ome a Muslim before he does! And 5mar (ra be#ame one of the best Muslims! $o the issue of %uidan#e is somethin% under Allahs #ontrol& we #annot jud%e anyone! (e #annot say that he mi%ht be#ome Muslims& and we also #annot say that someone wont be#ome a Muslim! At the end Abu Talib dies as a :afir and Abu $ufyan dies as a Muslim! Abu Talib who supported Rusool Allah (saw all of his life dies as a disbelie"er while Abu $ufyan who fi%hts Rusool Allah (saw for most of his life ends up bein% a belie"er! $o su#h issues should b left in the hands of Allah .aujal! And that is why Rusool Allah (saw says& 0+ou dont %uide the ones you want& the ones you lo"e& the ones you like& but it is Allah who %uides the one *e wants!1 This in#ident of *u/aifa also tells us that our lo"e should be for Allah only! B"en thou%h *u/aifa was "ery upset about his fathers fate& that sadness didnt #ause him to lea"e Islam& or to blame someone or somethin%! Instead he a##epted Allahs will! (e should be #ontempt with what Allah %i"es us or does to us! $o we should do our best in dawa but then we shouldnt be#ome o"erwhelmed or upset if they dont be#ome Muslim& we should A##ept it as Allahs will! If they do be#ome Muslim& then say Allhumdullilah that Allah .aujal has %uided them! $o Rusool Allah (saw ordered these bodies to be thrown into this well!!! 6arrated Abu )alha8 Gn the da% of 0adr, the -rophet ordered that the corpses of twent% four leaders of *uraish should be thrown into one of the dirt% dr% wells of 0adr !#t was a habit of the -rophet that whene$er he con+uered some people, he used to sta% at the battle-field for three nights So, on the third da% of the battle of 0adr, he ordered that his she-camel be saddled, then he set out, and his companions followed him sa%ing among themsel$es " "9efinitel% he !i e the -rophet" is proceeding for some great purpose " When he halted at the edge of the well, he addressed the corpses of the *uraish infidels b% their names and their fathers' names, "G so-and-so, son of soand-so and G so-and-so, son of so-and-so. Would it ha$e pleased %ou if %ou had obe%ed Allah and (is Apostle' We ha$e found true what our >ord promised us (a$e %ou too found true what %our >ord promised %ou' "';mar said, "G Allah's Apostle. <ou are spea&ing to bodies that ha$e no souls." Allah's Apostle said, "0% (im in Whose (and Muhammad's soul is, %ou do not hear, what # sa% better than the% do " !*atada said, "Allah brought them to life !again" to let them hear him, to reprimand them and slight them and ta&e re$enge o$er them and caused them to feel remorseful and regretful "" !0u&hari8 0oo&-C 2olume-CB (adith-1@3"


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o Allah made the bodies listen to this& just to add to their punishment!

(D20 Rusool Allah (saw sends Abdullah bin Rawaha and .aid bin haritha to deli"er the news to the people of Medina! Abdullah bin Rawaha went to Awali& the upper re%ion of Medina and deli"ered the news in the house of ea#h Ansar& while .aid bin *aritha went to the #enter of Medina to deli"er the news! ,ow .aid ibn *aritha was ridin% on the #amel of Rusool Allah (saw & as he entered he was namin% all the people who were killed durin% the battle like & 05tba bin Rabia was killed& Abu @ahl was killed N1 (hen .aid was mentionin% all the famous leaders of 2uraish who were killed& the munafi)een and the @ews said&1 This man doesnt know what hes talkin% anout& hes #onfused and he has run away from the battle field& And Muhammed himself was killed and the e"iden#e is that .aid is ridin% his #amel!1 And they all started spreadin% this news! >sama and 5thman stayed behind to take #are of Ru))ayya the dau%hter of Rusool Allah (saw ! $o >sama went to his father (.aid bin *aritha and said6 > fatherL Is the news that youre deli"erin% true=1 *e said yes to his son! People would %o up to ask Abdullah bin Rawaha if the news .aid was deli"erin% true! And he would say yes it is true and tomorrow Rusool Allah (saw is %oin% to brin% the #apti"es! People had su#h a diffi#ult time in belie"in% what happened! A for#e a little o"er 799 defeats a 1999 and then kills the most famous leaders of themL The news was too %ood to be true! The ne3t day Rusool Allah (saw enters medina with the prisoners! The prisoners were kept in a spe#ifi# lo#ation! (hen $awdah& the wife of Rusool Allah (saw & saw $uhayl bin Amrs hands tied to his ne#k& she said& 0(hy didnt you die as noble men=1 Rusool Allah (saw o"erlooked that statement and said& 0Are you askin% them to fi%ht Allahs Messen%er=1 *e said this be#ause what $awdah )uestion meant was that why didnt you fi%ht& instead of bein% defeated! And ob"iously if he would fi%ht& then he would fi%ht a%ainst Muhammed (saw ! $awdah apolo%i/ed for she said& 0>h Messen%er of Allah& when I saw him in that state& I #ouldnt help but make su#h a statement!1 *er emotions o"erwhelmed her when she saw $uhayl! This tells us how humiliated the leaders of 2uraish were that day& be#ause of their disbelief and :ufr and the way they dealt with the Muslims!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Rusool Allah (saw stopped at Roha to re#ei"e #on%ratulations from all of the people who were #omin% to "isit him and when the people were doin% this& one of the Ansar said& 0(hat are you #on%ratulatin% us for= (e ha"e only met old bald men like #amels awaitin% slau%hter and we slau%htered them!1 Rusool Allah (saw told the Ansar not to say that& be#ause the people who were killed were the #hiefs! ,ow this Ansar was sayin% that it was so easy& be#ause those people whom they fou%ht were old men who didnt know how to fi%ht! 4ut it was Allah who sent an%els to assist them and help them! The 2uraish were stron% and had it not been for Allahs help the Muslims would ha"e lost! The news was deli"ered to Me##a by a man #alled Al'*aythuman :hu/ai ! Al'*aythuman :hu/ai rushes into Me##a and mentions all those of the 2uraish who were killed! $afwan ibn 5mayya was listenin% and he said& 0This man has lost his mindA ask him about me& to make sure he isnt #ra/y!1 They asked him what happened to $afwan& he said& 0$afwan is sittin% ri%ht there and I ha"e seen the death of his father and his brother with my own eyes!1 Hor the people of Me##a this news was too bad to be true! They #ould not ima%ine how the stron% leaders of the 2uraish be killed! Abu Iahab was one of those who stayed behind but he sent a person in his pla#e to fi%ht! Rafa says that he was a ser"ant of Al'Abbas and that their household was Muslim! Rafa& Al' Abbas& and 5mm ul'Hadal& she was the wife of AbbasA they all were Muslim! Rafa used to make arrows! >ne day he was sittin% in the pa"ilion around :aaba& sharpenin% arrows! Abu Iahab was sittin% with his ba#k towards Rafa when a fi%hter of the 2uraish approa#hed! Abu lahab said to that fi%hter& 0Jome and tell us the news of what happened!1 The man #ame and said& 0As soon as the fi%htin% started we handed them o"er oursel"es to be killed and to be taken as #apti"es! 4ut I dont blame them for it& be#ause we were fa#in% men in white #lothes on horses between the hea"ens and earth& and nothin% #an stop them!1 $o this fi%hter was sayin% that yes it is true that the 2uraish lost but the #redit doesnt %o the Muslims but to this other for#e of people in white& who #ould not be defeated! (hen Rafa heard that he said& 0In the name of Allah& those are the an%els!1 Abu Iahab turned around and pun#hed him in the fa#e! Rafa then started fi%htin% ba#k& but Abu Iahab was mu#h stron%er than him! Abu Iahab sat on Rafa and was beatin% him up when 5mm'e' Hadl #ame with a rod and hit Abu Iahab on the head! Then she said to Abu Iahab that he was takin% ad"anta%e of the fa#t that his master is not around! Abu Iahab then left! Rafa said that a week later Abu Iahab #au%ht a disease be#ause of whi#h he died! This parti#ular disease terrified the people of the 2uraish! People wouldnt %o near anyone who had that disease! Abu Iahab died& and his body lay in his house for three days until his body started de#omposin%! ,obody wanted to bury him! The people of the 2uraish went up to the two sons of Abu IahabA and told them to ha"e shame be#ause their fathers body has been in the house for three days& and they didnt bury him! They said that they are afraid of that disease! $o what they did was dra% the body of Abu Iahab ne3t to a wall and then threw stones o"er him to #o"er his body N they didnt e"en di% a %ra"e for him! This was the humiliation that he suffered& e"en after his deathL In order to minimi/e the happiness of the Muslims on their "i#tory& the people of 2uraish pre"ented any one from #ryin% in publi#& so there was no wailin% allowed! Also they refused to allow anybody to in"esti%ate the issue of ransomin% the prisoners! $o Muhammed (saw would not raise the pri#e of ransom! Ibn :athir #omments on this he said& 0I obser"e that Allahs for#in% them to fore%o mournin% for their dead was part of the totality of the punishment of those of them that remained ali"e at that time& for weepin% for the dead #ontributes to the re#o"ery of the %rie"in% heart!1 $o this pre"ention of mournin% was in fa#t more of a punishment for the people of the 2uraish! And then ibn :athir says that Ibn Isha) stated that Al'Aswad Abdul Muttallib was infli#ted with the loss of three of his sons! This was an old man who was already blindA he lost three of his sons! This man also wasnt allowed to mourn their deaths! $o one ni%ht he hears a woman weepin%& so he said& 0-o and see if mournin% has be#ome permissible& are 2uraish now be wailin% their dead= Perhaps now I will be able to lament the loss of Abu *akim (his eldest son &


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

for I am in %reat pain!1 $o they went to find out why the woman was #ryin%N and they found that she was #ryin% be#ause she lost her #amel! $o Al'Aswad Abdul Muttallib sais his poetry& 0Is she weepin% be#ause of a #amel of hers has %one astray& and so insomnia keeps her from sleepin%! ?o not weep o"er a youn% #amel but o"er 4adr that ruined all hopes& o"er 4adr and the elite of 4anu *usais and Makh/oom and the tribe of Abul (aleed and weep if you weep at all for Abu A)eel and *arith the lion of lions! (eep for them all and do not hold ba#k for there is none the like of Abu *akina & after them it is other men who rule and had it not been for 4adr& they would not ha"e #ome to lead!1 $o this poor old man wasnt e"en allowed to weep for his own three sons! (hy= $o Muhammed (saw doesnt %et the news that the :uffar were sufferin%! They wanted to show that they didnt #are about the dead or of the ransom of the #apti"es! $urat AI'A,HAI was re"ealed after the %ha/wah of 4adr! 5badah bin $aamit says about the first "erses of $urah Al'Anfal& 0they were re"ealed about us& the Muslims at 4adr& when we disputed the issue of booty with one another!1 (hat happened was that the Muslims were in three %roupsA one %roup was prote#tin% Rusool Allah (saw & the se#ond %roup was pursuin% the enemy and the third %roup was #olle#tin% the spoils of war! $o the ones who #olle#ted the spoils of war said& that the booty belon%s to them! The ones who prote#ted Rusool Allah (saw wanted their share of the booty be#ause they were prote#tin% the Prophet (saw ! And the ones who pursued the enemy said that if it wasnt for them& there wouldnt be any spoils of war for the Muslims! $o they all disputed! To this Allah .aujal re"ealed the ayat of surah Al.A<@A- 18$24

)hey as' you, !O Muha ad", about the bounties !of war". Say, ")he !decision concerning" bounties is for Allah and the Messenger." So fear Allah and a end that which is between you and obey Allah and &is Messenger, if you should be believers.

$o the de#ision of the bounty was for Allah and *is Messen%er! All the spoils of war were %i"en to Muhammed (saw ! All of it! This ayah %oes on to tea#h the mujahideen to Ffear Allah!!!! that they should ha"e ta)wa& you #annot fi%ht fi sabi lillah without ta)wa& and it tells them to Famend that whi#h is between youN N thus the Muslims ha"e to ha"e unity! The third lesson was that to be a belie"er you ha"e to obey Allah and *is Messen%er! There needs to be dis#ipline amon% the mujahideen! $o these are the three essential )ualities that a mujahideen fi sabi lillah should ha"eA ta)wa& unity& and obedien#e! And then Allah .aujal %i"es the %roomin% re%ardin% ho the spoils of war should be di"ided! Allah .aujal says in Al'A,HAI (E6<1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And 'now that anything you obtain of war booty # then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for !his" near relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the !stranded" traveler, if you have believed in Allah and in that which $e sent down to Our Servant on the day of criterion # the day when the two ar ies et. And Allah , over all things, is co petent.

$o the rulin% re%ardin% the spoils of war is as followsA They are di"ided into fi"e e)ual portions! Hour of those fi"e portions are distributed amon% the fi%hters! $o E9P of the spoils of war are split amon% the fi%hters! The foot soldier re#ie"es one share and the horse men re#ei"e three shares! The remainin% 29P is then di"ided into C portions! That means <P ea#h! <P %oes to Allah <P %oes to Rusool Allah (saw <P %oes to Rusool Allahs near relati"es <P %oes to orphans& the needy <P %oes to the tra"eler! ,ow the EP per#ent for Allah and Rusool Allah (saw in in"ested in anythin% for the betterment for Islam & su#h as musajids& roads or whate"er! It is upto the Imam of the Muslims to distribute that! Another issue dealt by Allah in the ayat of surat AI'A,HAI was the issue of the prisoners of war! Rusool Allah (saw had G9 prisoners of war& so he in"ited the sahabah for shura! *e listened to "arious opinions! Abu 4akrs opinion was& 0> Messen%er of AllahL These are our relati"es& these are our tribes& ask for ransom! This ransom will stren%hthen us! And maybe these people will be#ome Muslim! 5mer bin :hattab opinion was& 0> Messen%er of AllahL They e3iled you and #alled you a liar brin% them #lose and strike their ne#ks!1 In another narration& it says that Abu 4akr said& 0> Messen%er of AllahL These are your #lose relati"es& your tribal brothers! I think you should a##ept ransom from them! (hat we re#ei"e from them will %i"e us power a%ainst the unbelie"ers and Allah mi%ht well %i"e them %uidan#e& so that they be#ome allied to us!1 Then 5mer said& 0 I dont a%ree with Abu 4akr& I think you should hand o"er to me so and so (referrin% to one of his relati"es and Ill strike his ne#k and you hand o"er A)eel to his brother Ali& so he #an strike his ne#k& and you hand o"er to *am/a so and so (his brother so he #an strike his ne#k! That way Allah will know that we feel no lenien#y towards the mushrikeen! These men are their #hieftains& their "ery leaders!1 And in another narration Abdullah bin Rawaha spoke and he said& 0I su%%est oh Messen%er of Allah& you find a "alley of many trees make them enter it& and then set them on fire! +ou burn them in that "alley!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Allah softens the hearts of men #on#ernin% *im! $o that they be#ome softer than soft and Allah hardens the hearts of men& so that they be#ome harder than stone! +ou Abu 4akr are like Ibrahim who said& Fwhoe"er follows me& is of me and whoe"er disobeys me& then +ou are for%i"in% and mer#iful! +ou Abu 4akr are like @esus who said& FIf you punish them& they are your ser"ants& if you for%i"e them then +ou are all powerful and wise!1 Rusool Allah (saw said that Abu 4akr (ra was simillar to Ibrahim (as and Isa (as & who were lenient with their people! Then Rusool Allah went on and said& 0+ou 5mer are like ,uh who said& F>h Iord& do not lea"e on the Barth any pla#e for the unbelie"ers and 5mer you are like Musa who said& F>h AllahL ?estroy their wealth and make their hearts hard for they will not belie"e until they see the painful punishment!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And then Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Iet none be e3empt from either ransom or ha"in% their head smitten!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw was in#lined to adopt the opinion of Abu 4akr (ra and he was willin% to a##ept ransom! The followin% day 5mer bin :hattab (ra said& 0I went to the Prophet early in the mornin%& he was with Abu 4akr and they were weepin%& I asked F>h Messen%er of Allah& tell me why you and your #ompanion are weepin%& if I find a reason to weep I will do so& if I dont Ill pretend to weep at your weepin%! Rusool Allah said& FI am weepin% at how your #ompanions proposed to me that I a##ept ransom& your punishment for doin% so was proposed to me and it was #loser than this tree!1 Rusool Allah (saw meant that Allah .aujal wasnt happy of the Muslims de#ision to a##ept ransom! (hy= Allah .aujal re"ealed ayat in AL#A<FAL .J0=N3 .J0=J3

(t is not for a prophet to have captives [of war] until he inflicts a massacre [upon Allah 6s enemies] in the land. ome Muslims desire the commodities of this world, but Allah desires [for you] the "ereafter. And Allah is 7$alted in Might and 8ise.

If not for a decree fro punish ent.

Allah that preceded, you would have been touched for what you too' by a great

Two thin%s ayat (E6;G and (E6;E tells us! Hirst is that Allah says that Rusool Allah (saw should ha"e e3e#uted them all! That is what would ha"e pleasd Allah .aujal! To e3e#ute all of the prisoners! (hy= 4e#ause Allah sais6 It is not for a prophet to have captives !of war" until he inflicts a assacre
!upon Allah Ms ene ies" in the land. A newly formed state needs to show its stren%th in the be%innin%! Askin% for ransom shows a less stron% position of the Muslims #ompared to what it would ha"e been had they e3e#uted them! *owe"er Allah .aujal says in the followin% ayat (E6;E & that Allah has made askin% for ranosm halal& therefore what the Muslims did was allowed! >therwise they would ha"e been punished!

A##ordin% to Mujahid At'Thauri FIf not for a decree fro

Allah that preceded, youG means in for%i"in%

them& while the majority opinion is as Ibn :athir states that it is the allowin% of ransom!

So consu e what you have ta'en of war booty !as being" lawful and good, and fear Allah . Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

As we mentioned Rusool Allah (saw adopted the method of formal ranks in the battlefield rather than the method of the traditional arab warfare& iin whi#h they would atta#k and withdraw in a "ery disor%anised manner! Rusool Allah (saw was strai%htenin% the lines of the ranks as if he was strai%htenin% the lines for prayer and he was holdin% an arrow in his hands! *e #ame up to one of the soldiers & $awad bin -hua//aiyya & who was protrudin% a bit from the line! $o Rusool Allah (saw sli%hty nud%ed him ba#k with his arrow! $awad said& 0>h Rusool Allah (saw you hurt me& I want to retaliate!1 This was just before the battle! *ere was one soldier who was sayin% to the prophet of Allah that he wants to retaliate with him! $o Rusool Allah (saw e3posed his stoma#h to $awad and said6 %o ahead and retaliate! Rusool Allah (saw didnt %et an%ry& he didnt ask his soldiers to throw him in prison& be#ause a soldier is talkin% to the head of the military in su#h a fashion! *e simply allowed him to retaliate! $o $awad (ra hu%s Rusool Allah (saw and he kisses his stoma#h! That was his retaliation! Rusool Allah (saw asked $awad why he did that= $awad (ra said& 0>h Messen%er of Allah& you #an see what is about to happen! I wanted my last #onta#t with you! To be my skin tou#hin% yours!1 $awad (ra was sayin% that he mi%ht die durin% the battle& they were fa#in% death then! The last thin% he wanted in this world was to make his skin tou#h Rusool Allahs (saw skin! This was how mu#h they lo"ed Rusool Allah (saw ! $awad (ra who was a##idently hurt by Rusool Allah (saw used this oppurtunity to kiss and hu% Rusool Allah (saw ! The Muslims did not think that be#ause of Rusool Allah (saw they were ha"in% to fi%ht or e"en death! They all were willin%ly ready to fa#e death for the sake of Allah .aujal and his ser"ant and messen%er& Muhammed (saw ! Rusool Allah then made dua for $awad! It is this lo"e for Muhammed (saw that we need to de"elop! Io"e for Muhammed (saw isnt words& poetry& or sin%in%! Io"e for him means puttin% e"erythin% on the line for Muhammed (saw A our wealth& family& money& #hildren& our talents& e"erythin% that we #an sa#rifi#e! (e should lo"e Rusool Allah (saw Fs messa%e & his way& and his sunnah! (e should also ask Allah .aujal to make us lo"e his sharia! In a hadith Rusool Allah (saw said that we #an ne"er taste the sweetness of emaan until we prefer to thrown in fire& rather than %o ba#k to kufr! Rusool Allah (saw after he did his best in terms of preparation& arran%in% the army& #hoosin% the lo#ation and makin% shuraN when all the worldly means had e3hausted he then put his trust in Allah .aujal and made dua! This is what Ftawa))ul means! It means you do your best by worldly means and then after that you throw the matter into the hands of Allah .aujal! +ou then lea"e it to him! $o after e"erythin%& Rusool Allah (saw went to a side& raised his hands and started makin% dua& whi#h took him a lon% time! *e was "ery in"ol"ed in it& he said& 0>h AllahL I appeal to your pa#t and to your oath& if you wish it& you will not be worshipped a%ain after this day!1 *e said this be#ause & this was it& those were the Muslims& if they %et killed no will remain to worship Allah! Rusool Allah went on and on makin% dua to Allah .aujal! Abu 4akr (ra felt sorry for Muhammed (saw & he went up to him held his hand and said to him6 0thats enou%h >h Messen%er of Allah!1 Ibn :athir %a"e the reason why Abu 4akr (ra said that& 04y sayin% these words& he was in effe#t askin%& Fwhy are you so e3haustin% yourself= Allah has made you a promise of help!1 May Allah bless Abu 4akr& he was a tender hearted man with %reat empathy and #ompassion for the messen%er of Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw then went outside his porti#o walkin% "i%orously and his armor was speakin% the "erse A-.:A*A0 1&%$%&4 1&%$%;4

)heir" asse bly will be defeated, and they will turn their bac's !in retreat".


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

8ut the &our is their appoint ent !for due punish ent", and the &our is bitter.

ore disastrous and


Allah .aujal has promised Rusool Allah (saw "i#tory& after his lon% dua Allah .aujal says in
S;BA& AL#A<FAL .J0/3

[4emember] when you asked help of your %ord, and "e answered you, 9(ndeed, ( will reinforce you with a thousand from the angels, following one another.9

$o this was the response of Rusool Allahs (saw dua from Allah! Allah .aujal %a"e him the news that *e will send him 1999 an%els! ,ow e"en one an%el would be enou%h! (e know that @ibrael (as destroyed the people of Iut with the tip of his win%! $o then why one thousand= The point here was to %i"e #omfort to Rusool Allah (saw ! If Allah wanted he #ould"e destroyed all the 2urasih! 4ut here Allah .aujal is %i"in% #omfort to the Muslims and Allah .aujal says in AL#
A<FAL .J0>N3

And you did not 6ill them but it was Allah who 6illed them and you threw not 1C *uhammed4 when you threw, but it was Allah who threw that 9e might test the believers with a good test indeed Allah is 9earing and Dnowing. In this ayat the portion6 and you threw not 1C *uhammed4 when you threw, but it was Allah who threw, this #ould apply to any situation of war in whi#h a Muslim was fi%htin% his enemy! *owe"er the s#holars of tafsir mention a spe#ifi# in#ident after whi#h this ayat was re"ealed! They say that Rusool Allah (saw held in his hand some dirt and he threw it towards the enemy of Allah .aujal and one parti#le of that sand flew into the eyes of ea#h of the disbelie"ers there! And after this Allah .aujal re"ealed this ayat! Al'Aswad Al'Makh/umi was an e"il bad'#hara#tered man from the people of 2uraish! *e made an oath that he will rea#h for the wells and drink from them! The wells were under the #ontrol of the Muslims! Aswad mar#hes forth towards the wells and *am/a (ra #omes forth and strikes his le%! Al'Aswads le% seperated from his body N and he fell on his ba#k! Al'Aswad was so stubborn that he #ontinued #rawlin% in order to fulfill his oath! 4ut *am/a (ra stru#k him a%ain #ausin% Al'Aswads death!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

5tba bin Rabia his son Al'(aleed bin 5tba& and his brother $hayba& all three stood infront of their army and #hallen%ed the Muslims for a dual #ombat! Three youn% men from amon% the Ansar jumped forthA Awf and MuQadh& Ibn Aafra as well as Abdullah Ibn Rawahah! (hen they approa#hed& 5tba asked& 0(ho are you=1 They told them that they were from the Ansar! 5tba said& 0(ere the opponents& howe"er we want to meet our peers from amon% our own people!1 5tba is sayin% to these men that they ha"e no )uarrel with the you& they ha"e a problem with the men of 2uraish& who then be#ame Muslim! 5tba was askin% to fi%ht the peers of the 2uraish! 5tba bin Rabia was one of the leaders of the 2uraishA he #ame out with his brother and his son! 5tba here was tryin% to pro"e that he wasnt a #oward& as Abu @ahl #laimed he was! Al' Amawi one of the s#holars of seerah& said that Rusool Allah (saw was not happy when he saw that three men from amon% the Ansar responded to the #hallen%e by 5tba! Rusool Allah (saw wanted his own relati"es and his family to %o forth! This was be#ause this was the first time the Muslims and the Mushrikeen were standin% fa#e to fa#e in battle! There had been skirmishes before& but this was the first battle! This was a "ery si%nifi#ant e"ent! In fa#t Ali ibn Talib (ra says& 0I will be the first person who kneels before Allah& the All'Mi%hty amon% the ad"ersaries on @ud%ment ?ay!1 Ali (ra is sayin% that he will be the first person to kneel infront of Allah on @ed%ment day when Allah will @ud%e amon% the ad"ersaries& amon% the people who disputed in this duniya! These tree men are not fi%htin% o"er land& they are not fi%htin% o"er wealth or power! They are fi%htin% for Allah! $o Allah .aujal re"ealed in surah A-. 9A== 1""$2>4

)hese are two adversaries who have disputed over their Lord. 8ut those who disbelieved will have cut out for the gar ents of fire. 4oured upon their heads will be scalding water
The s#holars of tafsir ha"e said that this ayat is referrin% to the dualin% that happened on the ?ay of 4adr!

$o when told the Ansar to %o ba#k& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0>h *am/a stand upL >h 5baidah $tand upL >h Ali stand upL1 5baidah here is 5baidah bin *arith bin Abdul Mutallib& the #ousin of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw asked these three men to %o forth! $o Ali (ra & *am/a (Ra and 5baidah (ra & rushed to fa#e 5tba& $hayba & and Al'(aleed! 5baidah was the eldest amon% them so he said he will fa#e 5tba& sin#e 5tba was the oldest amon% the mushrikeen! Ali (ra stood in front of Al'(aleed& these two were the youn%est! *am/a (ra fa#ed $hayba! Ali (ra and *am/a (ra immediately killed their opponents! 4ut 5tba and $hayba bothed e3#han%ed blows and fell down! Ba#h of them was hurt so they #ouldnt #arry on fi%htin% but they were not dead! Ali (ra and *am/a (ra then atta#ked 5tba then killed him! Ali (ra says& 0Rusool Allah did not reprimand us for doin% that!1 Meanin% it was an a##eptable thin% in a dual! They then #arried 5baidah ba#k to Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw honored himA by pla#in% 5baidahs head on the thi%h of Rusool Allah (saw ! Abu Talib the un#le of Rusool Allah (saw would say& 0(e will ser"e the messen%er of Allah until we are laid out before him un#arin% e"en of our sons and our wi"es!1 5baidah bin *arith (ra said to Rusool Allah (saw while he was lyin% on Rusool Allahs (saw lap& 0>h Messen%er of Allah if Abu Talib #ould only see me& he would know that it was to me his words applied!1 5baidah bin *arith (ra had %i"en his life for the Messne%er of Allah (saw & 5baidah then passed away! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0I testify that you are a shaheed!1 Allah .aujal also re"ealed these ayats 9A== 1""$"?4 1""$"24 1""$""4 1""$"34 1""$"%4


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

8y which is

elted that within their bellies and !their" s'ins.

And for !stri'ing" the


aces of iron.

7very ti e they want to get out of &ellfire fro ")aste the punish ent of the 8urning FireQ"

anguish, they will be returned to it, and !it will be said",

Indeed, Allah will ad it those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. )hey will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their gar ents therein will be sil'.

And they had been guided !in worldly life" to good speech, and they were guided to the path of the 4raiseworthy. These are the ayat related to the dualin% of 4adr! Allah u Akbar three Muslims killed three mushrikeen in sin%le #ombat! This enra%ed the 2uraish! They started to ad"an#e towards the Muslims! Rusool Allah s(saw instru#ted his army to not atta#k until the enemy #omes #lose! *e did not want random random arrows bein% shooted hapha/ardly! Rusool Allah (sa( told his troops to preser"e their arows& and in another narration he asked them to %ather their arrows! In another narration Abu ?awud& Rusool Allah (saw says& 0and do not draw out your swords until they are near to you!1 $ubhanAllah when the battle started the mushrikeen started seein% the Muslims double in number! Hirst it was mentioned that 4efore the battle started the mushrikeen saw the Muslims& less than what they really are! ,ow when the battle started the mushrikeen saw them as double to what they were! $o the Mushrikeen were 1999& so they saw the Muslims as 2999! Allah .aujal says in AL#IMBA< .A0>A3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Already there has been for you a sign in the two armies which met & one fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelievers. .hey saw them [to be] twice their [own] number by [their] eyesight. But Allah supports with "is victory whom "e wills. (ndeed in that is a lesson for those of vision.

$o in the be%innin% the disbelie"ers see them less in number& so that they would be #areless& but when they be%in to fi%ht they see them as double in numberN so this would destroy their morale! The Muslims had a battle #ry and that was& 0AhadL AhadL1 meanin% F>,B! Muslims in their battles would ha"e a fi3ed war #ry that they would keep on repeatin%! *aritha (ra & who was one of the ansar was shot by a stray arrow! $o he was killed by a friendly fire! (hen the battle was o"er his mother met Rusool Allah (saw & she asked Rusool Allah (saw to tell her whether *aritha is in Paradise or not! If he is then she will be happy& but if he isnt then she will #ry for him! Rusool Allah (saw asked him& if she is #ra/y !! he said that there
are se"eral %ardens in Paradise& and that *aritha is in the hi%hest of them!

And already had Allah given you victory at !the battle of" 8adr while you were few in nu ber. )hen fear Allah % perhaps you will be grateful.

!Be e ber" when you said to the believers, "Is it not sufficient for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand angels sent downE Pre"iously the number & mentioned was 2999& but that was the minimum! It #ould be more than that!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

+es, if you re ain patient and conscious of Allah and the ene y co e upon you !attac'ing" in rage, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels having ar's !of distinction".

And Allah ade it not e*cept as !a sign of" good tidings for you and to reassure your hearts thereby. And victory is not e*cept fro Allah , the 7*alted in Might, the $ise R This ayat meant that & the Muslims didnt really need the an%els& but it was a si%n of %ood tidin%s and to pro"ide #omfort to the Muslims! $o in what form did the an%els parti#ipate in this battle! @ibra el himself joined in. 6usool Allah
,saw0 says, (5 saw Cibrael taking his horse by the reins and leading it.)

All of the an%els were wearin% a white turban e3#ept @ibrael& he was wearin% a yellow one& to distin%uish him! *e was the leader of the army of the an%els that day! In $ahih Muslim it says& while one of the Muslim warriors was "i%orously pursuin% one of the unbelie"ers ahead of him& he heard abo"e him the noise of a whip strikin%&and a riders "oi#e sayin%&%iddy'up'hay/oomL G1dim
hay<oomF& When the "uslim warrior looked at the polytheist infront of him, he found him prostrating against the ground, e4amining his closely he found that the man&s nose had been smashed and his face split apart by a blow from a whip. #his was a whipp of fire. #heAnsari went to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and told him about this, 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (:ou speak truth that was help from the third heaven.) o this was an angel that was riding a horse called %hay<oom.&

Ibn Isha) narrates another story he said& 0A ghafari man said, %5 and a cousin of mine were present at $adr, though we still polytheists then. We were up on a mountain waiting for the battle to take place and to see who would win, when a cloud approached, when it drew near the mountain we heard the sound of horses galloping and a voice saying,&G1dim Hay<oomF Iiddy up Hay<oomF&, my companion suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. While alomost e4pired but later recovered.&)
Al "a<uni says that, (While 5 was pursuing one of the mushrikeen infront of me, suddenly his head flew off, so 5 realised that he was killed by someone other than me.) #he casualties caused by the "uslims was distinguishable by the casualties caused by the believers. Anas ibn "alik said, (3ur mens could differentiate the ones the angels had killed from those they had struck by the blow, having occurred above their necks, and by their finger tips looking as though they have been burned by a branding iron.)

The strikes of the an%els were #lean'#ut and it was bla#k as if it was burned! ,ot only did the an%els kill& but they also #aptured prisoners of war& Al'Abbas says& 0>h Messen%er of AllahL This is not the man who #aptured me& a bald fine lookin% man on a piebald horse who I had not seen with your men! It was he who took me prisoner!1 $o the Ansari said& 0,o& it was I who #aptured him& >h Messen%er of AllahL1 and then Rusool Allah (saw said& 0keep )uiet& Allah %a"e you help of a noble an%el!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Ibn Abbas (ra said& 0The only battle in whi#h the an%els parti#ipated was at 4adr! At the other battles they #onstituted au3iliaries and reinfor#ements& they did not a#tually fi%ht!1 ?eath toll was G9 mushrikeen& and G9 were taken prisoners of war! Amon% the Muslims there were no prisoners of war& and there were 1< deaths! ; from Muhajirun& ; from Al':ha/raj and 2 from Al'Aus! An in#ident durin% the battle6 Abdur Rahman bin Auf (ra said that he was flanked by two youn% men! ,ow soldiers usually want stron% and %ood soldiers on your ri%ht and left& who would be %ood fi%htin% #ompanions by your side! Abdur Rahman bin Auf (ra wasnt happy that he had these two kids ne3t to him! Abdur Rahman said that the boy to his ri%ht whispered to him and said& 0>h un#le& show me whi#h one is Abu @ahl!1 Abdur Rahman bin Auf said& 0>h my son& what do you want with Abu @ahl=1 This youn% man said& 0I swore to Allah& that if I saw him I would kill him& or die in front of him!1 After hearin% this Abdur Rahman (ra started to #han%e his mind about who was flankin% him! This tells us that we should not make jud%ments based on looks! Abdur Rahman pointed out Abu @ahl to this youn% man! ,ow the youn% man to Abdur Rahmans left whispers in the ear of Abdur Rahman bin Auf (ra and asks him the same )uestion! The reason why they were whisperin% was that these two brothers were #ompetin% with ea#h other! They were whisperin% so that the other one doesnt hear! After Abdur Rahman pointed Abu @ahl to these youn% men& in a #rowdN Abdur Rahman (ra said& 0They flew at him as fal#ons and they stru#k him down!1 These two youn% men a##ordin% to one narration are Muadh ibn Amr bin @amuh and Muadh ibn Afra! The two are brothers! In another narration it says that when they atta#ked Abu @ahl& one of them stru#k the foot of Abu jahl it #ra#ked and then it flew off! 51ramah saw that, so he struck "uadh, tearing off
his arm. #he arm remained hanging from his body. "uadh said that he then carried on fighting, and when his arm started to bother him while fighting, he then stepped on his arm and tore it off. o Abu Cahl was killed or disabled by these two young ansari men. Abu Cahl was laying there on the ground during his last moments.

Rusool Allah (saw asked the sahabah& 0(ho would find out for me& what happened to Abu @ahl=1Abdullah bin Masood said& 0$o I went and when I realised that the man layin% in front of me was Abu @ahl& I put my fut o"er his ne#k& he had on#e held me #apti"e in Me##a and hurt me and ki#ked me!1 And then Abdullah asked him& 0so Allah has put you to shame then you enemy of Allah!1 Abu @ahl said& 0And how has he shamed me= Arent I the most noble man& you ha"e e"er killed= Tell me& whi#h side won the day=1 $o e"en thou%ht Abu @ahl is in his last moments he wants to know the results of the battle! Abdullah bin Masood said& 0It went to Allah and *is Messen%er!1 In another narration it says that Abdullah bin Masood said that Abu jahl was layin% on the %round holdin% a fine sword and prote#tin% himself& while I had a poor sword! $o he stru#k his arm so that his sword fell and then he #arried his sword! Abdullah then sat on Abu jahls #hest to se"er his head and when I was o"er his #hest he said& 0+ou ha"e #limbed "ery hi%h for ha"in% bein% just a herdsman!1 Abu @ahl was e"en bein% arro%ant e"en when he was dyin%! *e was sayin% to Abdullah that for Abdullah to be on his #hest is too hi%h of a pla#e for him! Abdullah bin Masood said& 0I then se"ered his head& and took it to the Messen%er of Allah!1 Abdullah said that he was "ery happy to present the head of Abu @ahl infront of Rusool Allah (saw when he was walkin%& he felt as if he was walkin% on air! Abdullah bin Masood (ra said& 0This > Messen%er of Allah is the head of Allas enemy!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Is it really by Allah& other than whom there is none=1 Abdullah said & 0yes!1 Abdullah then dropped the head of abu jahl infront of Rusool Allah (saw N the narration of Imam Ahmed of Rusool Allah (saw said!& 0Allhumdullilah& Allah has dis%ra#ed you& you enemy of AllahL This man was the Pharoah of his people! B"ery nation has a Pharoan and the pharoan of our nation is Abu @ahl!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Ibn :athir #omments on the death of Abu jahl and he said& 0The death of Abu jahl #ame about at the hands of a youth from Al'Ansar& there after Abdullah bin Masood was pla#ed o"er him!4y this Allah #omforted the belie"ers and this was more effe#ti"e than if *e had made a bolt of li%htnin% strike Abu @ahl down or made the roof of his house fall upon him or if he had died a natural death 1 And then he re#ited the ayat in AL#A<FAL ./0>13 ./0>H3

Fight the % Allah will punish the breasts of a believing people

by your hands and will disgrace the

and give you victory over the

and satisfy the

Thus this ayat says that Allah will punish them Fby your hands not as Ibn :athir says& not by li%htnin% or natural death!

And re ove the fury in the believersM hearts. And Allah turns in forgiveness to who Allah is :nowing and $ise.

&e wills% and

There is an element of re"en%e here& be#ause Muslims ha"e been tortured and oppressed for a "ery lon% time! $o Allah is sayin% that it will Fsatisfy the breasts and to Fremo"e the fury from the hearts of the belie"ersN when they see the fate of the enemies of Allah! >ne of the famous fi%hters of Al'Mushrikeen& Abul 'irsh, the one with the potbelly. He was covered in armor, you could only see his eyes. o A<!Zubair bin Al!Awwam ,ra0 attacked him Abu 'irsh was a man covered in steel from head to toe. A<!Zaubair bin Al!Awwam ,ra0 was able to strike him with his javelin right in the opening, in Abu 'irsh&s eye. #he opening was so small that the javelin could not go through so A<!Zubair had to step on his javelin with his foot and forces it deep into the head of Abul 'irsh. When he pulled out his javelin, his blade was bent so bad. 6usool Allah ,saw0 asked to keep that javelin as a souvenir. #his shows the strength of A<!Zubair ,ra0. ubhanAllah when 6usool Allah ,saw0 passed away Abu $akr ,ra0 asked for it, and when Abu $akr passed away Gmer ,ra0 asked for it and when Gmer ,ra0 passed away, A<!Zubair ,rA0 got it back again. $ut then Gthman ,ra0 asks A<!Zubair to give it to him, so then A<!Zubair hands it to the 'halifa at that time, Gthman ,ra0. And when Gthman passes away Ali ,ra0 takes it. And after Ali ,ra0 passes away, Abdullah ibn Zubair, the son of Zubair gets it. Abu Al'4ukhturi& was one of the noble men of the 2uraish& thou%h he was a disbelie"er he wasnt #ruel a%ainst the Muslims! In fa#t he was one of the men who parti#iated in the endin% of the sei%e (the 7 year lon% sei%e a%ainst 4anu *ashim and 4anu Muttallib in Me##a a%ainst the Muslims! $o Rusool Allah (saw was %reatful to him and he asked the Muslims not to kill him& if you see Abu Al'4ukhturi in battle! There is a lesson for us here& that if there are disbelie"ers but they do %ood to you & then we should re#ipro#ate! >ne of the Ansar who saw Al'4ukhturi in battle& he told him that Rusool Allah (saw told the Muslims not to kill him! Al'4ukhturi said& 0(hat about my #ompanion=1 The Ansar said that they will not spare his #ompanion! Abu Al'4ukhturi said that he will then fi%ht to prote#t his #ompanion! Thus the Ansari was for#ed to fi%ht Al'4ukhturi and he was killed!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

The Ansari went ba#k to Rusool Allah (saw and said& 0I swear by *im& (ho sent you with the truth! I did try to take him prisoner& to brin% him to you but he insisted on fi%htin% me so I fou%ht ba#k and killed him!1 $o look at who Allah #hose to kill Abu @ahl! Two youn% men from the Ansar and Abdullah bin Masood! Abdullah bin Masood who was belittled by Abu @ahl& he was a "ery thin person! >ne day he was #limbin% a palm tree and there was wind blowin%& whi#h #aused him to shake with the wind! The sahabah lau%hed when they saw the thinness of the le%s of Abdullah bin Masood& so Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Are you lau%hin% be#ause he has "ery slim le%s= In the name of Allah they are hea"ier on the s#ale on the ?ay of @ud%ment& than the mountain of 5hud!1 (e shouldnt look at worldly standards& about how stron% the soldier is how mus#ular he is! A Muslim soldier is supposed to prepare but not to depend on them! They should only depend on Allah!

J?OG Rasool Allah (saw says in a hadith by Abu ?awud6 If Mutam ibn Adi was still ali"e and he talked to me about these prisoners of war& I would ha"e released them for him! Rusool Allah (saw was sayin% this be#ause he was %rateful to Al'Mutam ibn Adi& who was a disbelie"er& be#ause of his honesty and his %ood stand towards Muslims! This shows that Rusool Allah (saw would a#t appropriately a##ordin% to the deeds of a person! $o he would deal with %ood people kindly and he would deal with e"il people a##ordin%ly! ,ow we shouldnt be#ome "ery e3treme by bein% in#apable of showin% anythin% other than brutality towards the kuffar& or to a#t in su#h a way that we are only interested in appeasin% the kuffar! A Muslims should jud%e ea#h situation and a#t in a wise method of a#tion! A person should o"er#ome emotions& and should stop bein% worried about what other people think! (e should for%et about su#h #onsiderations and do what is ri%ht! $o Rusool Allah (saw said that if this man was ali"e he would ha"e released the prisoners of war for that man! >n the other hand Rusool Allah (saw spe#ifi#ally #hose 5)ba bin Abi Muait and ,adar ibn *arith to be e3e#uted from amon% the rest of the G9 prisoners! Rusool Allah (saw #alls 5)ba& and 5)ba sais& 0*ow #ome& > Messen%er of Allah& you are #hoosin% me out of e"eryone else to be killed= > Messen%er of Allah& if you are %oin% to kill the rest of the prisoners of war& then kill me with them! If you are %oin% to ransom them& then ransom me with them! *ow #ome you are pi#kin% me out of e"eryone else to be e3e#uted=1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 04e#ause of your animosity towards Allah and his messen%er!1 $o 5)ba said& 0(ho will take #are of my #hildren=1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0The fire! > AsimL Pull him forward and behead him!1 5)ba was promptly beheaded by Asim bin Thabit (ra ! Rusool Allah (saw told Ali bin Abi Talib to e3e#ute ,adar ibn *arith! These two men were spe#ifi#ally pi#ked out& be#ause of their e"ilness!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Ibn :athir (ra said& 0I would #omment that these two men were amon% the most e"il of Allahs ser"antsA the most stubborn& wi#ked& en"ious& and disbelie"in% of men! And they ha"e been "ery a#ti"e in satiri/in% Islam and its supporters! Allah damned them& and he did indeed!1 5)ba bin Abi Muait was the one who saw Rusool Allah ($aw in sujood ne3t to Al':aaba& and he stepped o"er his ne#k with his foot! Rusool Allah (saw said that he felt at that moment he felt that his eyes were %oin% to pop out& and that he was %oin% to die! Also 5)ba was the one who saw Rusool Allah (saw in rukooh& so he threw the intestines of a #amel o"er his ba#k! And then Hatima (ra #ame and remo"ed them! $o 5)ba was a de"il from the 2uraish and that is why he deser"ed this punishment! ,adar ibn *arith was the one who would %o to Persia to learn the stories of Isbandiyar and Ar' Rustum and then he would #ome ba#k to Me##a and he would in"ite people to #ome and listen to his stories #laimin% that his stories are better than Muhammeds stories! *e would say ask people that6 what makes Muhammed more befittin% to be a Prophet& when I #ould tell stories just like him= $o he used to sway people away from the majlis of Rusool Allah (saw ! These two men were e3e#uted howe"er for the restA Rusool Allah (saw %a"e the sahabah spe#ifi# instru#tions& 0Treat the prisoners of war kindly!1 $o Abu A/i/& the brother of Musab bin 5mair& he said& 0I was with a %roup of Ansar brin%in% me from 4adrA when they had their lun#h and dinner& they %a"e me the bread and ate the dates themsel"es& in a##ordan#e with the instru#tions %i"en by Rusool Allah re%ardin% us! B"ery pie#e of bread that #ame in to their hands they passed it on to me! I was embarrassed and would return the bread but they would pass it ba#k untou#hed!1 4read was the better food& #ompared to dates! $o the Ansar would sur"i"e on dates and %i"e a prisoner the breads! $o they were treatin% them a better treatment then they were %i"in% themsel"es! Ibn *isham #omments on this& he said& 0This Abu A/i/ was the standard bearer for the mushrikeen at 4adr!1 $o Abu A/i/ wasnt just a foot soldier! B"en then Rusool Allah (saw had told the sahabah to treat su#h men well! Abu Maa/ bin Ar'Rabia& and Al'(aleed bin Mu%haira said pretty mu#h the same thin%& 0They would walk& while we would ride!1 $o the prisoners of war were ridin% while the sahabah were walkin%! This %ood treatment was what #aused many of the prisoners to be be#ome Muslim! Throu%hout the battles of Rusool Allah (saw there are in#idents of #apti"es bein% taken and then they would be#ome Muslims and stay with the Muslims! $ome of these re"erts would %o to their people first and then %o ba#k to Rusool Allah (saw and be#ome Muslim& just to show that they were not be#omin% Muslims out of fear of the sword! Hor e3ample Abu A/i/& he be#ame a Muslim after he saw how he was treated! $o akhlaa) is important e"en with your enemy! The Muslims should treat their enemy with di%nity! A Muslim is not #ruel& wi#ked or de#epti"e! A Muslim treats e"eryone with honesty& di%nity and strai%htforwardness e3#ept those who deser"e to be dealt with #rueltyA you #ant afford to treat them kindly! Treatin% them kindly is a#tually like bein% fooled by them& be#ause these are people who are %oin% to turn around and harm the Muslims! Al'Abbas ibn Abdul Muttallib& the un#le of Rusool Allah (saw was asked by Rusool Allah (saw to ransom himself out! Al'Abbas said& 0> Messen%er of Allah& Im a Muslim!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0(hat was e"ident was that you were a%ainst us& Allah knows best about your a##eptin% Islam!1 Rusool Allah (saw here is settin% a rule for us& whi#h is to %o by what you see! (e do not and #annot know what is in the hearts& only Allah .aujal is the one who #an see the hearts! Rusool Allah (saw was tellin% Abbas that& Allah is the one who knows whether hes Muslim or not! (hat the Muslims saw was that Al'Abbas was fi%htin% a%ainst the Muslims! *e was with the enemy& so they looked at that!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

5mer bin :hattab (ra & when he be#ame a khallifa he said& 0In the time of Rusool Allah (sa( re"elation would #ome down and tell us what is in the hearts of men but now we are %oin% to make our jud%ments by what we see& if what appears from you is Islam& we will a##ept that! And if what appears from you is disbelief& we will assume that you are a disbelie"er e"en if you #laim that you are otherwise! If your a#tions are those of a disbelie"er& it doesnt benefit you to say that you are a Muslim! (e will %o by your a#tions!1 This is a "ery important lesson& we should not jud%e people about what is in their hearts& we #an jud%e them by their a#tions! At the same time dont allow people to fool you by #laimin% they are somethin% while their a#tions %i"e e"iden#e of the opposite! $o Al'Abbas said& 0I dont ha"e any money!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(hat about the money that you buried in the %round and you told your wife 5mme Ha/al& Fif I am killed then make use of this money!1 Al'Abbas said& 0I testify and bear witness that you are a messen%er of Allah& no one knew of that treasure of mine& e3#ept me and my wife!1 Al'Abbas then did pay for his ransom! Allah .aujal re"ealed the ayat (1<67Cse# $o Allah is tellin% these men who #laimed that are Muslims and paid there ransomA that if they are Muslims& then Allah will repla#e that money (for ransom that was taken from you! Al'Abbas said& 0I paid 29 oukia of %old& for my ransom& and then Allah .aujal has %i"en me mu#h more than that!1 Meanin% Allah had repla#ed that money that he paid for ransom infa#t Allah had multiplied it for Abbas (ra ! Abul Aas was the husband of .ainab bint Rusool Allah (saw ! $o the dau%hter of Rusool Allah (saw was married to a disbelie"er& this was before the rulin% of pre"entin% Muslim women to be married to mushriks! $o .ainab then was in Me##a and she wanted to free her husband! $o .ainab (ra sends an amount of money suffi#ient to release her husband from #apti"ity& she also sends alon% with that money a ne#kla#e! This ne#kla#e was %i"en to her as a %ift by her mother :hadija (ra & when she %ot married! Thus this ne#kla#e was .ainabs weddin% %ift from her mother! (hen the ne#kla#e falls into the hands of Rusool Allah (saw & it brou%ht ba#k memories of his wife khadija! This ne#kla#e tou#hed his heart! $o Rusool Allah (saw told the Ansar who was holdin% Al'Aas that& 0If you should think fit to deli"er her prisoner to her& and to return to her what is hers then do so!1 They immediately released Abul Aas without ransom and also sent ba#k the ne#kla#e! Rusool Allah (saw pla#ed a #ondition on the release of Abul Aas& and that #ondition was that Abul Aas will ne"er assist an enemy a%ainst the Muslims and that he has to send .ainab to Rusool Allah (saw ! Abul Aas was a man of his word! (hen he went ba#k to Me##a& he allowed .ainab to lea"e Me##a and %o to her father! Ibn Isha# said about this situation that& 0$o she #ontinued makin% plans& when she was ready& her husbands brother :inaana ibn Rabia brou%ht a #amel whi#h she mounted and he takin% his bow and )ui"er led her away& she ridin% in haudij and it bein% daytime! $ome of the 2uraish men dis#ussed this and followed after her #at#hin% up with her at dutua! The first to rea#h her was *abbar ibn Aswad ibn Muttallib& he s#ared her with his spear as she was there in the haudij and be#ause as they #laim she was pre%nant at the time& she suffered a mis#arria%e! *er brother in law then knelt down and took his arrows from his )ui"er sayin%& F4y Allah& if any man #omes near me& Ill put an arrow into him! The men drew away from him& and then Abu $ufyan arri"ed with some other 2uraish leaders and said& FPut down your arrows so we #an talk with you! *e did so& Abu $ufyan drew near him and said& F+ou ha"e not done well& you #ame forth with a woman openly %oin% o"er peoples heads e"en thou%h you are aware of the injury and dama%e done to us by Muhammed! (hen you took away his dau%hter openly re%ardless of anyone else& the people thou%ht this was due to the humiliation we had under%one and that this refle#ted our weakness and in#apa#ity! I swear we dont want to keep her from her father& and were not after re"en%e! 4ut youd better return ba#k then you #an se#retly take her away to her father!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o it shows you that these :uffar of 2uraish& they respe#ted women! 5nlike the enemies of Allah today& who "iolate the ri%hts of Muslim women and Muslim #hildren! $o anyway .ainab (ra rea#hed safely to Medina! Abu A//a was another prisoner of war he said& 0> Messen%er of Allah you know my state of finan#es! I am poor and ha"e a family& so be %ra#ious to me!1 Abu A//a had dau%hters to take #are of and he was poor! Rusool Allah (saw was #onsiderate of his situation so he said that& 0I am %oin% to allow you to be freed& howe"er my #ondition is that& you do not support anyone else a%ainst me! This time you #ame out fi%htin% a%ainst me in the 4attle of 4adr& ne3t time you refuse to fi%ht a%ainst Muhammed (saw and the Muslims!1 Abu A//a a%reed& howe"er in the battle of 5hud& the people of 2uraish were able to sedu#e him into joinin% them and $ubhanAllah a%ain he fell into the hands of the Muslims& them a%ain he tried to use the same e3#use& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0I will not let you stroke your beard and say that you ha"e de#ei"ed Muhammed twi#e!1 $o Muhammed (saw wasnt sentimental& he wasnt the sort who #ould be tri#ked or de#ei"ed& he was kind& #ompassionate& tolerant but at the same time he would not allow Muslims to take ad"anta%e of his %ood )ualities to harm the Muslims! Muhammed (saw ordered the e3e#ution at the spot! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0A belie"er will not be bitten twi#e from the same layer (sour#e !1 This is an important lesson for the Muslims! Muslims should not be %ullible and be#ome a prey by de#epti"e words! A Muslim should be alert and know that what and who are there to benefit Islam and Muslims and who are there to harm Islam and Muslims! $uhayl bin Amr one of the nobility& one of the leaders of the 2uraish! *e was taken as a prisoner of war! *e used to speak a%ainst Islam& usin% his fluent and ele%ant spee#h! 5mer bin :hatttab (ra said& 0> Rusool Allah& let me e3tra#t the two front teeth of $uhayl bin Amr& so his ton%ue will protrude and he will ne"er speak ill of you a%ain!1 $o 5mer (ra wanted to mutilate his mouth so that $uhayl wont be able to speak properly a%ain& as a lesson for his bad deeds! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0I will not mutilate him& be#ause Allah #ould mutilate me!1 Meanin% this is not the Islami# way of treatin% enemies! Rusool Allah (saw then said& 0Maybe he will take a stand for whi#h you will not #riti#i/e him!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw was sayin% that maybe one day this ton%ue of $uhayl will be used by him& for the %ood of Islam! $ubhanAllah that did happen as stated by Rusool Allah (saw ! (hen Rusool Allah (saw died and all of the arabs be#ame apostasies! $uhayl bin Amr was the reason for the stead fasted ness of Me##a& he would say& 0> people of 2uraishL ?ont be the last people to enter Islam and the first people to lea"e it& whoe"er we are suspi#ious of& we will behead him!1 These words kept the people of Me##a firm in Islam! Rusool Allah (saw told the prisoners of war& who #ould tea#h readin% and writin% that& 0If you tea#h ten #hildren to read and write& that will be your ransom!1 This tells us the importan#e of edu#ation and litera#y in Islam! The Rulin% of Prisoners of (ar (P>( 6 It is up to the Muslim Imam to determine the faith of P>(s! #hoi#e of e3e#utin% them free them without ransom free with ransom ensla"e some of the P>(s $o Muslims ha"e their own sharia we dont need to follow worldly rules& we ha"e our own -ene"a #on"entions we dont need to follow anyone elses -ene"a #on"entions! This sharia has the hidayat for the Muslims!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

5said bin :hu/air (ra went to Rusool Allah (saw after the 4attle of 4adr and said& 0> Messen%er of Allah& we didnt know that any fi%htin% would ha"e o##urred& otherwise we would ha"e followed you!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0+ou are speakin% the truth!1 $ome of the Ansar stayed behind be#ause they didnt think that fi%htin% would o##ur! (hat is the status of the people at 4adr= (ell the people of 4adr #arry a spe#ial status! @ibrael #ame to Rusool Allah (saw and asked him& 0(hat do you #onsider the people of 4adr amon% you to be=1 Rusool Allah (saw said! 0They are amon% the best of the Muslims!1 @ibrael said& 0The same is the #ase with the an%els who attended 4adr!1 $o 4adr was a spe#ial e"ent not only for the Muslim people but also for the an%els who attended it! That is why in our books the people of 4adr are #onsidered to be a spe#ial #lass! *atib bin Abi 4altah #ommitted an a#t of treason a%ainst Allah and *is messen%er by informin% the people of Me##a of the plan of Rusool Allah (saw to atta#k them! 5mer bin :hattab (ra went to Rusool Allah (saw and said&1> messen%er of Allah& let me e3e#ute him he is a munafi)!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0> 5mer probably Allah has looked down at the people of 4adr and said& F?o whate"er you want& be#ause I ha"e for%i"en you!1 Rusool Allah (saw is sayin% that be#ause of attendin% 4adr& Allah looked at them and told them that you #an do whate"er you want! (hen Rusool Allah (saw said that 5mer (ra eyes swelled with tears! *atib bin Abi 4altah was one of the Muslims who attended 4adr& and be#ause of that he was %ranted for%i"eness! There is another hadith& 0,o one who attended 4adr or *udaibiyah will enter into *ell'fire!1 (onsequence o" t#e 6attle o" 6adr *ypo#risy B3posed There were many people in medina who were not happy to see the Muslims "i#torious& but they werent stron% enou%h to publi#ly de#lare that so the went under%round! They publi#ly professed Islam& so outwardly you #ouldnt tell the differen#e between them and the Muslims! They would pray like Muslims& fast like Muslims& an e"en pay /akat! 4ut deep in their hearts they despise IslamA they hate the Muslims& and wish that Islam would "anish from the fa#e of the Barth! These were the munafi)un& but be#ause Islam was then "i#torious and the Muslims were stron%& they dared not speak their mind! These munafi)un were then plannin% under%round a%ainst the Muslims! These hypo#rites were probably the most dan%erous enemy of all be#ause they were li"in% with the Muslims and knew e"erythin% about the Muslims! These hypo#rites would then pass on information to the outside enemies of Islam! *ypo#rites are a "ery diffi#ult enemy to deal with be#ause they dont %o publi# with their disbelief! Rusool Allah (saw himself didnt know about these hypo#rites! Allah .aujal says in the 2uran& 0you dont know them (e know them!!!1 $o e"en Rusool Allah (saw didnt know who they were& until and unless Allah tells him! Allah .aujal says in A-.5A:A0A9 1"$2%4

And when they eet those who believe, they say, "$e believe"% but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, "Indeed, we are with you% we were only oc'ers."


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o the 4attle of 4adr introdu#ed this new #ate%ory of people& FAl'Munafi)un! Gmair ibn Wahab was one of the devils of ;uraish. He was once sitting with afwan bin Gmayya, ne4t to Al!ka&aba and said, (5f it wasn&t for the fact that 5 am in debt and 5 have children to take care for, 5 would go and assassinate "uhammed myself.) o afwan took advantage of that and he said, (5 will pay your debt and 5 will take care of your children if anything happens to you.)

(ahab ibn 5mair a%reed with $afwan that he will tra"el to Medina& with the intent of assassinatin% Rusool Allah (saw ! 5mair dipped his sword in poison until it absorbs the poison& and then he went to Medina! *e enters Medina and he passes ne3t to a %atherin% that in#luded 5mer bin :hattab (ra ! 5mer was talkin% to some men about the battle of 4adr& to the men who didnt attend the battle! 5mer (ra spots 5mair ibn (ahab and said& 0This enemy of Allah& this do% 5mair ibn (ahab is not here for any %ood!1 5mer (ra stands up and %rabs 5mair ibn (ahab and wraps the sheath of his sword around his ne#k! 5mer bin :hattab (ra then takes 5mair to rusool Allah (sa( and says& 0> messen%er of AllahL This enemy of Allah did not #ome for any %ood!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Iet him %o 5mer!1 5mer (ra let 5mair %o& but still 5mer (ra told some of the sahabah outside to be #areful and %uard Rusool Allah (saw !
Wahab ibn Gmair enters and sais, (Iood "orning), 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (Allah has replaced us with a better greeting than that, Assalam u Alaykum wa rahmatullah.) Gmair ibn Wahab said, (:ou havent been using that for long.) He meant to say that 6usool Allah ,saw0 recently changed his traditions and customs otherwise he used to say %good morning& just like the ;uraish. 6usool Allah ,saw0 asked, (Why did you come?) He said, (5 came to ask for the release of my son.) His son Wahab was a prisoner of war, that was his cover story. 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (#ell me the truth, why did you come?) Gmair said affirmed that he came for the release of his son. 6usool Allah ,saw0 then said, ( o, why are you carrying a sword?) He said, (Woe to these swordsF #hey havent done us any good.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 told him, (:ou are lying, the reason why you came is because you met with afwan ne4t to Al!'a&aba and you told him that if it wasn&t for the fact that you are in debt and you have children to take care of, you would come and assassinate me. And then afwan told you, %5 will take care of your debt and your children, if anything happens to you. And then you agreed with afwan that you will keep this issue secret and you will tell nobody about it.)

5mair said& 0I testify that you are the messen%er of Allah& be#ause no one o"erheard that #on"ersation between me and $afwan! $o only Allah .aujal #ould tell you about that #on"ersation!1 $o (ahab ibn 5mair be#ame a Muslim& and he went ba#k to Me##a! >n his way ba#k $afwan was tellin% the people of Me##a& 0$oon you will hear news that will make you for%et what happened in 4adr!1 4ut them 5mair ibn wahab #omes ba#k de#larin% Islam! $afwan said& 0Im ne"er %oin% to speak to him a%ain!1 5mair ibn (ahab who was a de"il of the 2uraish then be#ame a daia& and instead of perse#utin% Muslims& he would perse#ute people who would perse#ute Muslims! Many people be#ame Muslim throu%h the dawah of 5mair ibn (ahab! 7essons "rom t#e 6attle o" 6adr $irst/ Lictory is from Allah
After victory normally soldiers wil be very proud of their training, their skill, their bravery, Allah Zaujal never ever praised the "uslims for their victory. Book at the ayat that commented on the victory. Allah Zaujal says in AL#IMBA< .A0>@=3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And Allah ade it not e*cept as !a sign of" good tidings for you and to reassure your hearts thereby. And victory is not e*cept fro Allah , the 7*alted in Might, the $ise R

And you did not 'ill the , but it was Allah who 'illed the . And you threw not, !O Muha you threw, but it was Allah who threw that &e ight test the believers with a good test.

ad", when

$o the #redit %oes to Allah! It was Allah (ho made this diffi#ult taks easy for the Muslims! It is "ery important to remember that whate"er "i#tory you a#hie"e in life is be#ause of Allah! (hether you are su##essful in your business& edu#ation& family& or e"en as a daia attribute your su##ess to the >ne it belon%s to and that is Allah! ?ont be like 2arun who said& 0I ha"e this wealth be#ause of my knowled%e!1 Another ayat mistakenly not mentioned is Allah .aujal says in AL#A<FAL .J0@=3

And re e ber when you were few and oppressed in the land, fearing that people ight abduct you, but &e sheltered you, supported you with &is victory, and provided you with good things # that you ight be grateful. Allah reminds the Muslims of their situaion before& that they were few& oppressed and li"ed in fear of abdu#tion! 4ut Allah sheltered& supported& and pro"ided for them! Miracles t#at occurred in 6adr The redu#in% of number in si%ht! The rain The Muslims slept pea#efully the ni%ht before the battle The an%els #omin% down Rusool Allah (saw said that 5maiyya will be killed so his prophe#y was fulfilled! >kajha had a wooden sword but when Rusool Allah (saw held it turned into a real sword! The killin%s of the Imams of :ufr& be#ause before the battle Rusool Allah (saw said that this is where so and so will be killed& and this is where so and so will be killed! These people were killed on the e3a#t spots that were mentioned by Rusool Allah (saw ! 2atada ibn ,uman was hit and one his eye fell out of its so#ket and was han%in% by a ner"e! They were about to #ut it& but Rusool Allah (saw told them not to do so!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Rusool Allah (saw held the eye& pla#ed it ba#k in the so#ket and then wiped it! 2atada said& 0That eye be#ame stron%er than my other eye!1 :nowin% the where bouts of the money of Al'Abbas Re"ealin% the assassination plot that (ahab ibn 5mair was plannin%

All of these mira#les happened at the time of 4adr! It is true that 2uran is the mira#le of Muhammed (saw ! 4ut he had many other mira#les! Most of the mira#les of Rusool Allah (saw o##urred in the #onte3t of @ihad and also most of the Fkaramat of the auliya of Allah .aujal o##ur in the #onte3t of jihad!

*econd/ Ioyalty to Allah& *is messen%er and the belie"ers& and disasso#iatin% oneself from disbelief! A few e3amples from 4adrA Abu 4akr was on the Muslim side and his son& Abdur Rahman was on the side of the kuffar! Abdur Rahman ibn Abu 4akr said to his father later when he be#ame Muslim& 0> my father& I saw you on the day of 4adr but I would a"oid you& be#ause I didnt want to atta#k you!1 Abu 4akr said& 0I didnt see you and if I saw you& I would ha"e pursued you and killed you!1 $o Abu 4akr (ra was willin% to fi%ht his own son for the sake of Allah .aujal! (e also spoke of the story of *udhaifa and his father 5tba! Musab ibn 5mair and his brother Abu A/i/A Abu A/i/ was a prisoner of war! Musab passed by the Ansar who were holdin% Abu A/i/& he told them& 0Tie his hands fast& ti%hten the ropes on Abu A/i/& be#ause his mother is wealthy and she will ransom him for you!1 $o $ubhanAllah this was the ad"i#e that Musab %a"e to the ones who were holdin% his brother! Abu A/i/ was ama/ed and said& 04rotherL Is this how you treat me=1 Musab ibn 5mair said& 0*e is more my brother than you are!1 Musab was pointin% to the Ansar who was holdin% Abu A/i/ and said& 0These are my real brothers you are not& these are my brothers be#ause of Islam& and e"en thou%h you are my blood'brother but your kufr has separated between us!1 Another issue was that there were some youn% men of 2uraish who were interested in Islam& and be#ame Muslims! $ome of them were sons of the noble families of 2uraish! Allah knows best what their intention was! 4e#ause we all know the youth usually do thin%s be#ause they want to be different& and uni)ue! >ften they want to rebel a%ainst the norm! These were wealthy youn% kids who be#ame Muslim su#h as Ali bin 5maiya bin :halaf& Abul 2ays bin Al' (aleed bin Mu%haira& Abu 2ays bin Ha)ih& Al'harith bin .amaa& and Al'Aus bin MunnabbihA these were all sons of the wealthy men of 2uraish! All these men be#ame Muslim& but they #ouldnt stand the demands of Islam& the sa#rifi#e that Islam asks from you! These men stayed behind and didnt mi%rate to Medina! These were spoilt kidsA they didnt want to %o throu%h the hassle of mi%ratin%! B"en if& it was Allahs order for the Muslims to do so! ,ot only did they stay behind but they joined their fathers and their tribes in the battle of 4adr! Ibn *isham says& 0All of them were killed on the battle of 4adr!1 $o the Muslims said6 F(ell these were Muslims& probably they didnt want to %o out and fi%ht but they are Muslims! Iets now thinkN what do you think their faith is! These men who were killed were Muslims! They a##epted the kalima& but they didnt sa#rifi#e enou%h or didnt %o far enou%h for Islam! They didnt mi%rate and then they ended up bein% killed in battle of 4adr! Maybe they ne"er shot an arrow towards the Muslims& maybe they ne"er stru#k a sword& maybe they were there be#ause they had to! (hat do you think there faith was= Iets look at what Allah has to say! Allah .aujal re"ealed the ayat of sura# AN,NI*A -./BC1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Indeed, those who the angels ta'e !in death" while wronging the selves # !the angels" will say, "In what !condition" were youE" )hey will say, "$e were oppressed in the land." )he angels will say, "$as not the earth of Allah spacious !enough" for you to e igrate thereinE" For those, their refuge is &ell # and evil it is as a destination. ?ont play around with Islam&! ?ont fool around with it! This is a serious reli%ion and you need to be serious! This reli%ion does not a##ept half'hearted effort& %i"in% it part'time& or followin% Islam when it is #on"enient& and doin% otherwise when it isnt! Allah .aujal has promised you jannah (paradise but you ha"e to pay a pri#e! In the tafsir of this ayat by Ibn :athir& he mentions a few narrations one of them is by 4ukhari #bn 'Abbas told me that there were some Muslims who were with the pagans to increase their number against Allah's Apostle !and the Muslim arm%" so arrows !from the Muslim arm%" would hit one of them and &ill him or a Muslim would stri&e him !with his sword" and &ill him So Allah re$ealed8 -- !38BE" $o the Muslims who joined the disbelie"ers joined the army just to in#rease their number! They didnt really %o out to fi%ht they just went be#ause they had to& like a soldier respondin% to the #all of duty! $o while they were in the army an arrow would #ome killin% one and a blow from a sword would kill another that is how they died! These are the ones whom Allah re"ealed this ayat about! $o their Islam did not benefit them& be#ause they didnt make hijra and joined the army of 2uraish! ,ow we need to think "ery deeply about this in#ident& be#ause of the impli#ations of it! +ou dont want to die and ha"e the an%els tellin% you that your reward is hell'fire! T#ird/ $eekin% assistan#e from Allah! After Rusool Allah (saw prepared the army& trained them& %a"e instru#tions& #hose the best lo#ation& lined them up after all of that he went aside and started makin% dua! That is the meanin% of tawwa))ul! Tawwa))ul means that you do your best& you e3haust the worldly means and then you depend on Allah .aujal! Rusool Allah (saw did his best& in e"erythin% that he was #apable of doin% and after that he started makin% dua to Allah .aujal! $o dont think that Allah will %i"e you "i#tory if you sit at home& all #omfortable in your #ou#h& and then you raise your hands and ask Allah for "i#tory! +ou ha"e to stand up and do somethin%! This applies to e"erythin%! >n#e a #ouple of men were walkin% la/ily pretendin% as if they were A/'.uhaad& 5mer bin :hattab saw them and said& 0(ho are these=1 They said& 0These are the mutta))ilun (the ones who ha"e tawwa))ul on Allah ! 5mer (ra went and beat them with a sti#k and said& 0+ou know the sky doesnt rain in %old and sil"er!1 $o you ha"e to %o out and work! Rusool Allah (saw mentions in the hadith& 0If you ha"e the ri%ht tawwa))ul on Allah& Allah will pro"ide for you& like he pro"ides for the birds! They lea"e in the mornin% hun%ry and they #ome ba#k at e"enin% full!1 The birds didnt stay at homeA they went out worked and %ot their


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

food! $o tawwa))ul is that you do your best but you do not depend on your efforts& you do not depend on your intelli%en#e& on your skills& or anythin% in this world! 4ut you depend on Allah! $o we shouldnt do our best and for%et to make dua and we shouldnt make dua and for%et about doin% our best! They both %o hand in hand! This is the end of the e"ents of 4adr!

J?OE (e already mentioned the hypo#risy whi#h be#ame e3posed after the battle of 4adr! There was also another %roup in Medina whi#h posed threat to the newly formed Islami# state whi#h was lead by Muhammed (saw ! This %roup was the @ews! (hen we talk about the history of the Muslim and @ewish relations& with referen#e to the hadith and ayat of 2uran& we are not bein% anti'$emiti#& in fa#t a %ood portion of the Muslim ummah are $emiti# people to start with! (e are not ra#istsA we do not #laim ethni# superiority o"er any ethni# %roup& these are thin%s Muslims shouldnt do! *owe"er we speak about histori#al truths& and if these histori#al truths do not abide by the modern rules of politi#al #orre#tness& that isnt our problem! (e Muslims are not %oin% to reje#t the 2uran and the $unnah in fa"or of rules of politi#al #orre#tness! $o what we will mention now& are a#tual e"ents that happened! The e"ents that will be mentioned o##urred after Rusool Allah (saw made an a%reement& the #o"enant whi#h %o"erned the relationship between the Muslims& @ews& and the non'Muslim Arabs in Medina! $o in the be%innin% Rusool Allah (saw was dealin% with the @ews as #iti/ens of Medina! Rusool Allah (saw did not approa#h them with any hidden a%enda or pre'jud%ment and hatred! Rusool Allah (saw treated them as People of the 4ook who are supposed to be #loser to the Muslims than the polytheists! *owe"er it was the @ews who started plottin% a%ainst the Islami# state& it was them& who broke their a%reement with Rusool Allah (saw ! There are ayahs in the 2uran talkin% spe#ifi#ally about the @ews! @ews were upset by the arri"al of Rusool Allah (saw A this was sensed after the #on"ersation between two leaders of the @ews in MedinaA *uyayy ibn Akhtab and Abu +asir ibn Akhtab! $afiya (ra the wife of Rusool Allah (saw she said& 0,one of the #hildren of my father or my un#le were more popular with them (her father and un#le& Abu +asir both than I was& whate"er


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

#hild of theirs wanted their attention& it was always me they put first! (hen the Messen%er of Allah #ame to 2uba& the "illa%e of the 4anu Amr bin Awf& my father and my un#le& Abu +asir& went to him early in the mornin% and only returned at sunset! $o tired out they #ould s#ar#ely walk& sta%%erin% from e3haustion! I ra#ed o"er to %reet them as was my #ustom& but I swear& neither so mu#h as looked at meA I heard my un#le Abu +asir ask my father FIs that he& then=1 ($o he was askin% is he the one mentioned in their book= Is he the prophet= *e responded& 0+es& I swear by Allah1& Abu +asir said& 0+ou re#o%ni/e him from his #hara#ter and des#ription then=1 *uyayy said& 0I #ertainly do& in the name of Allah!1 Abu +asir says& 0$o how will you relate to him=1 *uyay said& 04y Allah& I will be his enemy for as lon% as I li"e!1 $o first he re#o%ni/es that Muhammed (saw is the prophet of Allah& and he is sure that he is! Rather than sayin% that he is %oin% to follow him& he says that he will be Muhammeds (saw enemyL (hy= (ell the reason is #learA it is be#ause of en"y and jealousy! The prophet ended up bein% from the Arabs& rather than the @ews! This en"y leads to disbelief! *ere we are dealin% with the worst type of kufr& and that is disbelie"in% in the truth when you know that it is the truth! $ome people disbelie"e be#ause they dont think that Islam is true! They think this is all made up! Then you ha"e some people who know Islam is the truth& ne"ertheless they still reje#t it! This was the #ase with *uyay bin Akhtab! The @ews would attempt to disunite the Muslims! Ibn Isha) said& an old @ewish man& $has bin 2ais& was deep in kufr& and he had so mu#h hatred of the Muslims! *e saw that Al'Aus and Al' kha/raj are unitedA he saw that they would sit to%ether in the same %atherin%! 4efore Islam these two tribes hated ea#h other! They were enemies of ea#h other! Iater be#ause of Islam they united! This @ewish man wasnt "ery happy to see this he said& 0The Aus and kha/raj are united in this land& in the name of Allah& we ha"e no pla#e here as lon% as they are united! >ur sur"i"al as @ews in Medina is based on the disunity of the Arabs& and as lon% as they are united we are at risk!1 $o he tells this youn% @ewish man who was sittin% in that %atherin% to start remindin% them about their days of war& to brin% up the battle of 4uath& and other battles& and to re#ite sar#asti# "erses& whi#h they would use a%ainst ea#h other& to insti%ate a fi%ht amon% them! This youn% man did thisA he started to talk about pre'islami# e"ents of the two parties! $lowly he was able to #reate an unpleasant atmosphere there! Jhaos was #reated and they e"entually stood up and #hallen%ed ea#h other to fi%ht! They a%reed to meet at su#h and su#h pla#e for battle! $o war was about to start all o"er a%ain! $ee how words #an #ause so mu#h fitnah! That is why Allah .aujal says in A-./S0A 12#$&34

And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces !dissension" a ong the . Indeed Satan is ever, to an'ind, a clear ene y.

"uslims should be very careful about what they say.

Allah asks us to say %ood words to ea#h other& be#ause $haitan is there to disunite them. o

Anyway the news of the battle between Aus and :ha/raj rea#hed Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw rushed forward and said& 0> Muslims fear AllahL Are you to resume the enmity of i%noran#e& when I am still amon% you= After Allah has %uided you to belie"e in Islam and submit to *im! ?id you for%et Allahs blessin% as he has sa"ed you from i%noran#e and disbelief and planted lo"e and friendliness in your hearts instead of hostility=1 $o he was askin% them if they are %oin% to brin% ba#k jahiliya& the pre'islami# times while Muhammed (saw was with them! Rusool Allah (saw reminded them that this untiy amon% Muslims was a fa"or from Allah! ?ont turn your ba#ks on it! Allah #reated lo"e amon% them!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$ubhanAllah these words of 6usool Allah ,saw0 had so much effect on them, they started hugging each other. A while ago they were all getting ready for war, and after 6usool Allah&s ,saw0 words, they were hugging each other, and asking each other for forgiveness. Allah Zaujal says in AL#IMBA< .A0/J3 .A0//3.A0>223 .A0>2>3.A0>2@3.A0>2A3

Say, "O 4eople of the Scripture, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah while Allah is $itness over what you doE"

Say, "O 4eople of the Scripture, why do you avert fro the way of Allah those who believe, see'ing to a'e it !see " deviant, while you are witnesses !to the truth"E And Allah is not unaware of what you do."

O you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they would turn you bac', after your belief, !to being" unbelievers. $o Allah .aujal says there is only one result of followin% the People of the 4ook& and that is that they will re"ert you ba#k to disbelief! $o this is a warnin% to the Muslims! Hollowin% the People of the 4ook is a one way road!

And how could you disbelieve while to you are being recited the verses of Allah and a ong you is &is MessengerE And whoever holds fir ly to Allah has !indeed" been guided to a straight path.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

O you who have believed, fear Allah as &e should be feared and do not die e*cept as Musli s !in sub ission to &i ".

And hold fir ly to the rope of Allah all together and do not beco e divided. And re e ber the favor of Allah upon you # when you were ene ies and &e brought your hearts together and you beca e, by &is favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and &e saved you fro it. )hus does Allah a'e clear to you &is verses that you ay be guided. $o Allah asks in ayat -/E, the "uslims to be united. He tells them not to me divided, like how has bin ;ais tried to do. Allah reminds them of their time of Caahiliya ,5gnorance0.

And let there be !arising" fro you a nation inviting to !all that is" good, en?oining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.

And do not be li'e the ones who beca e divided and differed after the clear proofs had co e to the . And those will have a great punish ent.
These were some of the "erses whi#h are talkin% about the @ews! Allah also re"ealed ayat& dis#ussin% another problem from the @ews and that was blasphemy! They would speak ill about Rusool Allah (saw & the Muslims& Islam and Allah .aujal! An ayah was re"ealed after a #on"ersation between Abu 4akr and a rabbi of the @ews& Hinhas! Abu 4akr $iddi) (ra was %i"in% him dawah (in"itation to islam so Hinhas responded by sayin%& 0+our -od is poor and we are ri#h! *ow #an *e ask you to %i"e #harity& if your -od is ri#h& he wouldnt be askin% them to %i"e him money= That pro"es that *e is in need and we are ri#h and *e needs us!1 Abu 4akr $iddi) was )uite upset with those words& and started to pun#h him in the fa#e! Hinhas rushes to Rusool Allah (saw to #omplain about what Abu 4akr did! Rusool Allah (saw asked Abu 4akr (ra why he hit Hinhas! Abu 4akr told Rusool Allah (saw what he said! Hinhas denied that he said that so Allah .aujal rea"ealed ayat sayin% AL#IMBA< .A0>J>3 .A0>J@3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Allah has certainly heard the state ent of those !Cews" who said, "Indeed, Allah is poor, while we are rich." $e will record what they said and their 'illing of the prophets without right and will say, ")aste the punish ent of the 8urning Fire.

)hat is for what your hands have put forth and because Allah is not ever un?ust to !&is" servants." The @ews would speak ill about the "uslims so Allah Zaujal said in AL#IMBA< .A0>J=3

+ou will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear fro those who were given the Scripture before you and fro those who associate others with Allah uch abuse. 8ut if you are patient and fear Allah # indeed, that is of the atters !worthy" of deter ination. $o Allah .aujal is tellin% the Muslims& this is e3pe#ted& they will make ne%ati"e statements about Muslims& their newspapers will write blasphemous thin%s about you& and their media will a##use you of thin%s that are not true! 4ut then Allah tells us that their propa%anda will not affe#t Islam and Muslims if the Muslims are patient and ha"e ta)wa! 4e#ause truth remains and lies "anish! @ews were disrespe#tful to Rusool Allah (saw & they #ame to him on#e and said& FAssam u Alayka yaa Rusool Allah& now this sounds "ery similar to FAssalam u Alayka& but they pi#ked out the Fl and would say saam instead of salaam! FAsaam u Alayka meant FMay death fall upon you! Aisha (ra was "ery upset when she heard this& she started sayin%& Asaam u Alaykum& you sons of monkeys& pi%s N she was #ursin%! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0?ont say that& > Aisha& be#ause Allah .aujal doesnt like foul lan%ua%e!1 And then Allah .aujal re"ealed the ayat in A-. *A=AB/-A 1&8$84


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

&ave you not considered those who were forbidden fro private conversation, then they return to that which they were forbidden and converse a ong the selves about sin and aggression and disobedience to the MessengerE And when they co e to you, they greet you with that !word" by which Allah does not greet you and say a ong the selves, "$hy does Allah not punish us for what we sayE" Sufficient for the is &ell, which they will !enter to" burn, and wretched is the destination. $o Allah tells us that the @ews would talk amon% themsel"es and say& 0(hy does Allah not punish us for what we say=1 $o they would then #on#lude that Muhammed (saw isnt really the messen%er of Allah! Allah said that the *ell fire is a suffi#ient punishment for them! The @ews were also supporti"e to the hypo#rites! The jews were the spiritual advisors to the

hypocrites. Allah Zaujal says in AL#8AKABA& .@0>13

And when they eet those who believe, they say, "$e believe"% but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, "Indeed, we are with you% we were only oc'ers." The Fe"il ones referred to are the @ews& who the hypo#rites used to %o to! Allah .aujal says in M;&AMM75 .1N0@H3 about the munafi)een (hypo#rites

Indeed, those who reverted bac' !to disbelief" after guidance had beco e clear to the the and prolonged hope for the .

# Satan enticed


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

)hat is because they said to those who disli'ed what Allah sent down, "$e will obey you in part of the atter." And Allah 'nows what they conceal. In ayat (<G62; Fthose is referrin% to the @ews! $o Allah .aujal is sayin% if e"en if you a%ree to a small thin% in part of the matter ,>T all of it& then that is suffi#ient to #lassify someone as a disbelie"er! $o we Muslims need to be "ery #areful about this matter! ,ot to be#ome a prey by the @ews and the Jhristians! Allah .aujal says in AL#M;CA5ILA& .HJ0>13 .HJ0>H3

&ave you not considered those who a'e allies of a people with who Allah has beco e angryE )hey are neither of you nor of the , and they swear to untruth while they 'now !they are lying". The people whom Allah is an%ry with are the @ews& as it is also said in sirah Hatihah!

Allah has prepared for the

a severe punish ent. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing.

)hey too' their !false" oaths as a cover, so they averted !people" fro a hu iliating punish ent.

the way of Allah , and for the


Another thin% that the @ews were doin% in Medina& is that they were tryin% to pre"ent people from be#omin% Muslim& when Abdullah bin $alam be#ame Muslim& they started a##usin% him of
being a liar, accusing of being unfaithful to his religion. #hey did not only do that to the Cews like Abdullah bin alam, but also the Arabs who would become "uslim.

>b"iously all of this lead to a #onfrontation between the Muslims and the @ews! After the battle of 4adr& Rusool Allah (saw went to the @ews of 4anu 2unai)a& who were the #losest to the Muslims in terms of lo#ation! *e spoke to them and said& 0> @ews beware of Allah affli#tin% you as *e did 2uraish and so a##ept Islam! +ou will know that I am a prophet sent with a mission! +ou find that to be so in your 4ook and in Allahs pa#t with you!1 Rusool Allah (saw w as telling
them to take heed from how Allah humiliated the ;uraish. 6usool Allah ,saw0 went to warn them, because of all the fitnah they were creating.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

There response was& 0Muhammed& do you think we are your people= ?ont delude yourself! @ust be#ause you did battle with those who la#ked knowled%e of warfare and so you #ould take ad"anta%e of them& if you fi%ht a%ainst us& youll find us to be the real men!1 Allah .aujal said in AL#IMBA< .A0>@3 .A0>A3

Say to those who disbelieve, "+ou will be overco e and gathered together to &ell, and wretched is the resting place."

Already there has been for you a sign in the two ar ies which et # one fighting in the cause of Allah and another of disbelievers. )hey saw the !to be" twice their !own" nu ber by !their" eyesight. 8ut Allah supports with &is victory who &e wills. Indeed in that is a lesson for those of vision. $o what happened in the 4attle of 4adr was a lesson& whi#h only people of "ision #an understand! >ne day (after the 4attle of 4adr & a Muslim woman went to the marketpla#e! (e already know that the jewellery market was #ontrolled by the @ews! $o this Muslim woman went to sell or trade some jewellery that she had! $he sits ne3t to this store on the floor& and %i"es it to the @ewish owner of the store! $ome @ews %athered and they asked her to un#o"er her fa#e! $he refused to them! The owner of this store %oes behind her without her knowin% and he pins the bottom of her dress to her ba#k! $he #ouldnt feel he did that be#ause she was sittin% so the bottom of her dress was spread on the %round! 4ut when she stood up part of her body was e3posed! This woman s#reamed! A Muslim who was there saw what happenedA he atta#ked the @ew and killed him! The @ews %an%ed up a%ainst the Muslim and killed him! This news was delivered to 6usool Allah ,saw0 immediately. 6usool Allah ,saw0 called the army

and laid siege to their forts immediately. 6usool Allah ,saw0 laid siege to their forts for -H days. #hese Cews who were bragging about their skills, and training compared to the ;uraish were then shaking in their forts and were willing to surrender.

Abdullah ibn 5bayy& who was the ally of the @ews in @aahiliya& %oes to Rusool Allah (saw and tries to appeal for his allies! 3bada bin amit was also their ally. $oth Adullah bin Gbayy and Gbada
bin amit were the allies of $anu ;aynu1a. #hey both went to 6usool Allah ,saw0.

>bada bin $amit was a good "uslimJ he goes to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and says, ("essenger of Allah, my only loyalty is to Allah, His messenger and the believers. 5 renounce the alliance with those unbelievers and 5 am giving them no support, whatsoever.) o Gbada did this, on his own initiative. (hile Abdullah bin 5bayy %oes to Rusool Allah (saw and said& 04e %ood to my alliesL1 Rusool Allah (saw does not respond to him! Abdullah bin 5bayy %oes to Rusool Allah (saw the se#ond


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

time and says& 04e %ood to my alliesL1 Rusool Allah (saw does not respond ba#k! $o Abdullah bin 5bayy puts his hand in Rusool Allahs (saw po#ket and pulls him! Abdullah refused to let Rusool Allah (saw %o and said& 04e %ood to my allies!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Iet me %oL1 the narrator of this hadith said that the fa#e of Rusool Allah (saw be#ame an%ry& and said& 0(oe to youL Iet me %oL1 Abdullah bin 5bayy made his %rip ti%hter and said& 0I will not let you %o& until you are %ood to my allies! They are G99 fi%hters who prote#ted me a%ainst all my enemies and now you want to mow them down in one mornin%L I am a man who fears the turns of fortune!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0They are yours& they are yours!1 Rusool Allah (saw let them free! $o the people of 4anu 2aynu)a were set free& they were allowed to lea"e! The one who would administer their tra"ellin% was >bada bin $amitA they tra"elled to Ash'$ham ($yria ! Their money was taken as booty of warA it was distributed amon% the Muslims! $ome ayat were re"ealed re%ardin% Abdullah bin 5bayy and >bada bin $amitA be#ause they showed the differen#e in loyalty to their allian#e to the @ews! Allah .aujal says in AL#MAA5IA& .H0H>3.H0H@3

O you who have believed, do not ta'e the Cews and the Dhristians as allies. )hey are !in fact" allies of one another. And whoever is an ally to the a ong you # then indeed, he is !one" of the . Indeed, Allah guides not the wrongdoing people.

o you see those in whose hearts is disease hastening into [association with] them, saying, 98e are afraid a misfortune may strike us.9 But perhaps Allah will bring con!uest or a decision from "im, and they will become, over what they have been concealing within themselves, regretful.

Kerse (C6C2 is talkin% about Abdullah bin 5bayy& he was worried that a disaster mi%ht befall him if his allian#e with the @ews is re"oked! $omehow he thou%ht that his prote#tion lies with the @ews! Abdullah bin 5bayy did not ha"e tawakkul on Allah .aujal! In the rest of the "erse Allah says that *e will %i"e the belie"ers "i#tory& and that the belie"ers will win a%ainst the allies that you think are prote#tin% you! Allah %oes on to say in .H0HA3.H0H13


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And those who believe will say, 9Are these the ones who swore by Allah their strongest oaths that indeed they were with you:9 .heir deeds have become worthless, and they have become losers.

5 you who have believed, whoever of you should revert from his religion & Allah will bring forth [in place of them] a people "e will love and who will love "im [who are] humble toward the believers, powerful against the disbelievers# they strive in the cause of Allah and do not fear the blame of a critic. .hat is the favor of Allah # "e bestows it upon whom "e wills. And Allah is all&7ncompassing and 1nowing.

Kerse (C6C< #ontains the attributes of the "i# torious party. 1! Allah loves them 2. They lo"e Allah +. *umble towards the belie"ers 4. Powerful a%ainst the disbelie"ers ,. $tri"e in the path of Allah -. They do not fear the blame of #riti#s $o the "i#torious party will not #are about what the media will say about them& or what the disbelie"ers& or anyone else say about them! As lon% as what they do pleases Allah .aujal then that is enou%h! Allah says in .H0HH3.H0H=3

;our ally is none but Allah and [therefore] "is Messenger and those who have believed & those who establish prayer and give <akah, and they bow [in worship].


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And whoever is an ally of Allah and &is Messenger and those who have believed # indeed, the party of Allah # they will be the predo inant.
$ee 5bada bin $amit was approa#hed by Abdullah bin 5bayy& he said to 5bada& 0*ow are you %oin% to re"oke your allian#e with these people who ha"e helped you on su#h and su#h dayN1 5bada said& 0,ow hearts are different and Islam has erased all of the former allian#es and you are holdin% on to somethin% y ou will see that it is wrong tomorrow.) o Gbada was telling Abdullah to give up his thoughts because soon he will reali<e that he has taken the wrong path. Allah confirmed what Gbada said, in the mentioned ayatJ that if our loyalty goes to Allah and His "essenger and the believers, then they are the ones who will be victorious in the end.

There was a woman #alled Asma bint Marwan& she was %atherin% people to fi%ht a%anst the Muslims! Asma would spread lies about the Muslims& so a man #alled Gmair Al!Hatami killed her.
#his man goes to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and said, (5s that what 5 did wrong?) 6usool Allah ,saw0 told him, (:ou have assissted Allah and His "essenger, 3 Gmair. #his thing that you did, no two rounds will butthead over.) "eaning that this is a mission in which there should be no dispute about.

Abu Af1 Al!:ahudi, was a Cewish man who also would inspire others to fight against the "uslims. 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (Who will rid us of Abu Af1?) Abu Af1 was assassinated by the "uslims.

The most famous assassinations of all was that of :aab ibn Al'Ashraf! :aabs father was an Arab! *e %ot married to a @ewish woman from 4anu ,adhir! :aab thus be#ame a @ew! :aab was a wealthy man& he was "ery elo)uent and a %ood poet! *e was respe#ted amon% the Arabs! :aab ibn Al'Ashraf was leadin% a media #ampai%n a%ainst the MuslimsA he was "ery a#ti"e in his animosity towards Islam! After the 4attle of 4adr& he lamented the battle in form of poetry& in whi#h he e3presses his sorrow for the people of 2uraishA sayin% that if this is what happened to the noble men of 2uraish then it is better to die! :aab also made poetry a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw and the Muslims& and would spread the poetry all o"er the pla#e! Iike after 4adr& he went to Me##a and spent time with the people of the 2uraish& to %i"e his #ondolen#es and inspirin% them to fi%ht ba#k! :aab ibn Al'Ashrafs poetry would dis#uss thin%s not tolerable& like he started des#ribin% Muslim women and their beauty& he would mention names! Hor Muslims& the san#tity of Muslim women is hi%hly prote#ted and they ha"e mu#h honour for their women! It is #onsidered "ery e"il amon% Muslims to "iolate the pri"a#y of a Muslim woman!!! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(ho will rid us from :aab ibn Al'Ashraf be#ause he has harmed Allah and *is messen%er!1 This was so bad that Rusool Allah (saw wanted this man to be assassinated! Ibn Isha) said& 0*e then returned to Medina& where he #omposed "erses that were su%%esti"e about the Muslim women and #riti#i/ed the prophet of Allah and *is followers!1 Musa bin 5)ba said& 0*e harmed the Messen%er of Allah by ridiculing him in verses.) o 'aab&s war was a verbal

*assan bin $abit& the poet of Rusool Allah (saw was fi%htin% ba#k! ,ow you mi%ht wonder , what is the big deal about poetry? Well at that time poetry was the media of the day. =oetry for the Arabs was how the news was conveyed, how history was written. #his poetry was then handed down from one generation to another, it was an oral tradition. #he Arabs were not literate. A one line poetry could honour a man or a tribe and one line of poetry could dishonour a man or a tribe.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Aor e4ample there was this tribe, +umair whose reputation was wrecked due to one line of poetry against them.

Poetry then #ould be fa#t or fi#tion but there was no way people know that the information was true or not! That is the #ase of media todayA people believe whatever it tells them, media can ruin a
reputation thus majorly affects the minds of people. war against 6usool Allah ,saw0. o 'aab ibn Al!Asharaf was fighting a media

Muhammed ibn Muslama was an Ansar who "olunteered to kill :aab! $o Rusool Allah (saw assi%ns to him this mission! Muhammed ibn Muslama goes to 'aab bin Al!Ashraf alone and he
says, (#his man&s arrival among us was a disaster, the Arabs became hostile to us and united against us. #hey have cut of our roots, so that our young are deprived and scared. We and our families are suffering greatly.) "uhammed was talking about "uhammed ,saw0. #his was how "uhammed ibn "uslama tried to win over the trust of 'aab ibn Al!Ashraf. 'aab ibn Al!Ashraf said, (5 am Al!Ashraf&s son, didn&t 5 tell you that things would turn out this way?) o Abu +aila said, (What 5 wanted was for you to sell us some food for which we would give you security, because we are in need of food.) o 'aab ibn Al!Ashraf said, (:ou pledge your women as a security.) #hey said no, (We can&t hand over our women to you, when you are such a handsome man.) 'aab then asked them to pledge their sonsJ they again denied and said, ( *ow #an we mort%a%e our sons to you=

Iater they would be abused by the peopleQs sayin% that so and so has been mort%a%ed for a #amel load of food! That would #ause us %reat dis%ra#e!1 $o :aab ibn Al'Ashraf said& 0Then what do you want to pled%e=1 They said& 0(e will %i"e our arms!1 (eapons are e3pensi"e& so that was a %ood deal! Muhammed bin Muslama and Abu ,aila said this be#ause they didnt want :aab bin Al'Ashraf to be suspi#ious when they brin% their weapons! This was all part of the plot! $o they %o ba#k and arran%e a team of fi"e men and they "isit :aab ibn Al'Ashraf at ni%ht at the appointed time& to deli"er their weapons and re#ei"e the food! :aab heard the #allin% of Abu ,aila& Abu ,aila was the brother of :aab ibn Al'Ashraf from nursin%! In Islam when a woman nurses two #hildren& then the #hildren are #onsidered as brothers be#ause of breast'feedin%! $o Abu ,aila #alls :aab at ni%ht& apparently :aab had just %otten married& when he stood up to respond to their #all his wife said to him& 0(here are you %oin% at this late hour of the ni%ht!1 *e said& 0This is my brother Abu ,aila #allin% me!1 $he said& 0I #an hear blood drippin% from his "oi#e!1 *e said& 0This is my brother Abu ,aila& and if a man is #alled to stabbin% he should respond!1 :aab meant that e"en if there is some intention of killin% someone& e"en then a man should respond to that #all! 4ut :aab wasnt suspi#ious! :aab trusted Abu ,aila be#ause of the blood relation they had and also be#ause he thou%ht that Abu ,aila and Muhammed ibn Musalma were allied with him a%ainst Muhammed (saw ! $o :aab %oes down and they talk to him for sometime and then they asked :aab& 0*ow about we %o and take a walk in $haybul Ajoos1& he a%reed! $o they wanted to take him away from the fort he was li"in% in! :aab was in a state of war with the Muslims& so he had %uards and prote#tion! Abu ,aila or Muhammed ibn Muslama dependin% on the narration puts his hand in the hair of :aab! *e asked :aab& 0(hat is this beautiful smell #omin% form you=1 :aab responded that he was with this woman who had this s#ent on& so anyway Muhammed bin Musalama asked if he #ould smell it! :aab said& 0$ure!1 Muhammed ibn Muslama %rabbed :aabs hair to smell the s#ent and Muhammed already a%reed that he would %i"e his men a si%nal& of when to atta#k! After they walked for a while& Muhammed ibn Muslama asked if he #ould smell it a%ain and :aab said& 0-o ahead!1 This time he %rabbed his head and said& 0Atta#k him!1 The team started stabbin% him with their swords& but apparently :aab had armor on& so they were not able to kill him! :aab was s#reamin% "ery loud and suddenly the li%hts of the pla#e started li%htin% up in the fortresses! Muhammed ibn Muslama said& 0I had a knife with me and I stabbed him in his lower abdomen and I #ut his abdomen open until he fell down and when we reali/ed that the man would die then we left!1 >ne of them %ot stabbed by mistake by one of their swords& so while the Muslims were rushin% away be#ause they knew that people had awakened be#ause of :aabs s#reams& the man who


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

was stabbed was losin% a lot of blood and was %ettin% weaker& so they had to #arry him! Rusool Allah (saw met them in the outskirts of Medina and then he immediately pla#ed his hand on the injury and it was healed! 7essons "rom 6anu Daynuqa The messen%er of Allah wa%ed war a%ainst 4anu 2aynu)a for the sake of one Muslim womanA to defend her! This tells you how important it is to prote#t the ri%hts of Muslim women! And now in the (orld of today& when there are so many #alls of women around the (orld and no one responds that shows that there are no men left! 4e#ause a Muslim man will jump to the defense of his sister! This is what Rusool Allah (saw did& and what the khulafaa did followin% Rusool Allahs (saw sunnat! Iike the :halifa of 4anu Abbas& Al Mutasim! (hen one woman would #all for help& he would respond by sendin% an army to fi%ht the superpower of that time& the Roman Bmpire! And part of the reason why :aab ibn Al'Ashraf was assassinated& was be#ause he spoke disrespe#tfully about some women in his poetry! 7essons "orm t#e assassination o" >aab ibn Al,As#ra" The sahabah took their work seriously! After Muhammed bin Muslama "olunteered to kill :aab bin Al'Ashraf& till three days after that Muhammed bin Muslama lost his appetite and was barely eatin%! That news was deli"ered to Rusool Allah (saw #alls him and said& 0Muhammed ibn Muslama& what happened=1 Muhammed said& 0>h Messen%er of Allah& I had %i"en my word& and Im worried that I wouldnt be able to fulfill it!1 $o Muhammed was worried that he #ould fail in his mission! *e was worried& whether he would su##eed& whether his plan was %ood enou%h or not! Muhammed ibn Muslama #ouldnt eat for three daysL ,ot be#ause he was afraid of dyin% but be#ause he wanted to make sure that he fulfills his pled%e to Rusool Allah (saw ! This shows how seriously the sahabah took their word seriously& if they %a"e their word they had to fulfill it! ,ow we throw our words ri%ht and left& we dont worry about them or we e"en for%et about them! Makin% promises is taken "ery li%htly now! Muhammed ibn Muslamah #ould not eat& drink or sleep! Rusool Allah (saw told him6 +ou do your best that is what Allah holds people a##ountable for whether they did their best or not! As lon% as you do your best Allah .aujal will a##ept your deeds! +ou are not responsible for the out#ome of the missionA you are responsible to do your best! This is a lesson for us& we should do our best! (e should try to a#hie"e perfe#tion in anythin% that we doN this is "ery important for Muslims today be#ause as I said& we take our words "ery li%htly! It is a si%n of a munafi) to make a promise that he doesnt fulfill! Muhammed ibn Muslama had said& 0Then allow me to speak about you!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0-o ahead!1 Muhammed ibn Muslamah felt that in order for his mission to su##eed& he would ha"e to speak a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw and that was san#tioned by Rusool Allah (saw ! This tells us that if Muhammed ibn Muslamah was allowed to say thin%s that are kufr& in order for his mission to su##eed then a Muslim is allowed to do thin%s that are less than kufr! Hor e3ample if a Muslim spy is amon% the enemys army& then how will he pray= $o some s#holars say that if he #annot pray standin% then he should pray sittin% and if he #annot pray sittin% then he #an pray mo"in% his fin%er! If not e"en that then he #an pray with mo"in% his eyes!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o Muhammed ibn Muslamah spoke words that were kufr& he spoke ill of Prophet (saw but that was allowed! This tells us that there are some spe#ial rulin%s for military operations! If a mission depends on a person hidin% their Islami# identity then that is allowed! The ne3t lesson6 :aab was a @ew& but ethni#ally he was an Arab! That shows that our ne%ati"e attitude towards the @ews is not based on ra#ism& we do not dislike them be#ause of their ethni#ity! >ur problem is not with the ethni#ityA our problem is with the mindset! This mindset whi#h #auses them to speak ill a%ainst Muhammed (saw & and the Muslims& it #auses them to plot a%ainst the Muslims and de#ei"es them! *itlers problem for e3ample was ra#ismA he thou%ht that their ra#e was better than that of the Al'yahood! ,ot all battles are held in the battle field& sometimes spe#ial operations are needed to infli#t harm on the enemies of Allah and this was the #ase with :aab bin Al'Ashraf

J?O8 4efore we start with the 4attle of 5hud& we will mention a few %ha/wat and sarayah that o##urred after 4adr and before 5hud! >ne of them is -ha/wat ma :adr and subhanAllah se"en days after the battle of 4adrA the Muslims were already on the road! They went to make a pre'empti"e atta#k on 4anu $ulaym& a tribe! Rusool Allah (saw heard that this tribe was %ettin% ready to atta#k Medina& so Rusool Allah (saw atta#ked them first! This was somethin% that repeats throu%hout the -ha/wat of Rusool Allah (saw & he would hear that people are plottin% to atta#k Medina& so he would then surprise atta#k before the enemy would! The 4anu $ulaym were #au%ht by surprise& they fled and left behind C99 #amels& whi#h was %ood booty for the Muslims! Ba#h soldier ended up with two #amels! After this they went ba#k to Medina! There was another -ha/wat #alled %ha/wat As'$uway)! Abu $ufyan in attempt to wash away the shame of 4adr %oes to the @ewish tribe of 4anu ,adhir! *e stayed as a %uest at the pla#e of the head of 4anu ,adhir& $alam bin Mushkam! The 2uraish %ot some "aluable information from the @ews about how to atta#k the outskirts of Medina! They found two Muslims o"er there& whi#h they killed! They destroyed the area took some thin%s and left!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Rusool Allah (saw pursued them as soon as he heard about this& with two hundred soldiers! Abu $ufyan had two hundred soldiers with him as well& but he kept on runnin% away! They were so terrified that they were throwin% their food to li%hten the load& so they #ould run away )ui#kly! $o no fi%htin% took pla#e! Another %ha/wat was -ha/wat ?huimr& there were <C9 Muslims& this %ha/wat was a%ainst a tribe in ,ajd! Rusool Allah (saw atta#ked them be#ause he heard they were plannin% to atta#k him! Rusool Allah (saw %oes to their territory to meet them& on the way he (saw arrests one of their men #alled @abar bin Taliba& later on he be#omes Muslim! (hen they rea#hed there& it was rainin%A the #lothes of Rusool Allah (saw %ot wet& so he took off his armor and hun% it on a tree! *e then lay down under the tree so that his #lothes #ould dry! $o @athur& the head of the enemys army sneaked in and stood ri%ht abo"e Rusool Allah (saw with is sword in his hand! @athur woke Muhammed (saw and said& 0>h MuhammedL (ho #an sa"e you from me now=1 Rusool Allah (saw with all #onfiden#e said Allah& suddenly @athur falls ba#k droppin% his sword! Rusool Allah (saw pi#ks up his sword and stands on top of @athur and sais& 0>h @athurL (ho #an prote#t +>5 from me now=1 @athur then pleads to Rusool Allah (saw to spare his life! @athur then be#ame Muslim! (hen @athur went ba#k to his people& he was asked him what happened& he said& 0A tall man stood in front of me and pushed me in my #hest& and that was @ibrael (as !1 $o @athur who wanted to kill Muhammed (saw be#ame Muslim& he went ba#k to his people and in"ited them to IslamNmany of them be#ame Muslim! This was one of the mira#les that happened! Then there was a $ariyah lead by .aid bin *aritha! Rusool Allah (saw didnt %o with them to :arada! The people of 2uraish were ha"in% finan#ial problems due to the #ontinuous raids! The Muslims were puttin% some serious pressure on the 2uraish by raidin% their #ara"ans! ,ow the route from Me##a to $yria was jeopardi/ed! 2uraish then thou%ht that if the route of *ija/ is not safe then why dont they %o throu%h ,ajd= $o they planned to enter $yria throu%h ,ajd& whi#h was a lon% route& whi#h ob"iously #ost more! $o Rusool Allah (saw sent out this sariyah lead by .aid bin *aritha and a 199 other Muslims to raid it! This was a su##essful atta#k& the %uards of the #ara"an ran away and the Muslims took o"er the #ara"an! These skirmishes or small battles ser"ed few obje#ti"es of Rusool Allah (saw A 1! These battles helped the Muslims& rather train the Muslims for @ihad! It is worship just like any other form of worship! If @ihad be#omes far/ then the trainin% be#omes far/ too so they were worshipin% Allah .aujal throu%h this trainin%! 2! ?urin% these battles the sahabah would spend a lot of time with Rusool Allah (saw A tra"elin%& eatin%& walkin% with him (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw s personality was e3posed durin% these journeys as a result the sahabah learnt a lot from him! And this is how the $unnah of Rusool Allah (saw was known! 7! It tau%ht Muslims how to be members of a %roup or a jamaah! In a %roup there is obedien#e& dis#ipline& sa#rifi#eA so these are #hara#teristi#s they adopted by tra"elin% for su#h e3tended periods with Rusool Allah (saw ! It was a lesson for them on how to li"e part of an ummah! 4e#ause Islam is not an indi"idualisti# reli%ion& it is a #olle#ti"e reli%ion! A lot of the worship in Islam is done #olle#ti"ely like $alah& *ajj& 5mrah and sometimes @ihad! (e now mo"e on to the 4attle of 5hud! The reasons for the battle of 5hud wereA reli%ious& politi#al& e#onomi#al& and so#ial reasons! Reli%ious reasons/


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

The people of 2uraish wanted to stop the ad"an#ement of Islam! Allah .aujal says in A-. A<@A- 18$3;4

Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert !people" fro the way of Allah . So they will spend it% then it will be for the a !source of" regret% then they will be overco e. And those who have disbelieved # unto &ell they will be gathered. $o it says in this ayah that they were spending their wealth to avert people from the way of Allah. At!tabari says, (#hey are spending their money to prevent people from becoming "uslim.) And Ash! hawkani says about this ayat, (#he objective of these kuffar in spending their money is to stand between the people in becoming "uslim by fighting 6usool Allah ,saw0 and mobli<ing armies for that purpose.) ,ow history is repeatin% itself! Iook at how mu#h money the enemy of Allah is spendin% to fi%ht Islam& billions of dollars are spe nt. #o kill the Awliya of Allah, to capture them and to
tarnish the reputation of 5slam. Bots of money is spent for that purpose. arent very different from the kuffar of ;uraish. o the kuffar of today

*ocial/ 2uraish wanted to wash away the shame of 4adr! That was a serious dent in their reputation so they wanted to make up for that!

We talked about the many raids on the ;uraish, which were putting serious pressure on them. #he ;uraish were accustomed for them to be respected by all the Arab tribes who would open their way to :emen and yria, but things had changed.

Allah .aujal says S;BA& K;BAIS& .>2=0 >#13

For the accusto ed security of the Kuraysh #

)heir accusto ed security !in" the caravan of winter and su

er #

The #ara"an of winter was to +emen and Abyssinia and their #ara"an to summer was to $yria!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Let the

worship the Lord of this &ouse,

$ho has fed the , !saving the " fro

hunger and

ade the

safe, !saving the " fro


4e#ause the 2uraish refused Allah .aujal& that a##ustomed se#urity was %one! ,ow only one part of their journey was affe#ted and that was from Me##a to $yria! *owe"er #uttin% the route to $yria also affe#ted the route to +emen! (hy= 4e#ause the business of 2uraish was based on buyin% produ#ts from $yria and sellin% them in +emen and "i#e "ersa!

$o $ufwan ibn 5mayya says& 0Muhammed and his #ompanions ha"e ruined our trade& while we do not know what measures to take a%ainst them& we are at loss! They are #onstantly threatenin% the #oastal area while its inhabitants are at pea#e or in allian#e with him! (here shall we li"e= And where shall we stay= If we stay here in our homtown we will be for#ed to eat from our #apital whi#h will soon be #onsumed! (e depend for our li"es from our trade with $yria in the summer and with +emen and Abyssinia in winter!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw was makin% thin%s "ery diffi#ult for the 2uraish! They were feelin% suffo#ated and this shows you the strate%y of Rusool Allah (saw of not only affli#tin% physi#al harm at 2uraish in a#tual warfare but also atta#kin% their e#onomi#al status! Political/ The status of 2uraish was shakened! This defeat seriously weakened the reputation of 2uraish in Arabia! 2uraish were seen as the most noble most respe#ted tribe! 2uraish were not fou%ht a%ainst& be#aue they were "ery poerful! 4ut after 4adr thin%s had #han%ed!The 2uraish wanted to re%ain their position a%ain& so there was a politi#al reason!

2uraish assembles an army 7999 stron% and they finan#e that army from the #ara"an whi#h Abu $ufyan sa"ed! This entire #ara"an was used to finan#e the battle of 5hud! Rusool Allah (saw was #onstantly re#ei"in% information& he had spies all o"er! Al'Abbas bin Abdul Muttallib (ra now is workin% for Rusool Allah (saw in Me##a! *e sends a messa%le swiftly to Rusool Allah (saw in three days& whi#h was impressi"e lookin% at the modes of transportation in those days! The Ietter was #on"eyed to Rusool Allah (saw whi#h told him (saw the detailsA of the 7999 in number army and how many horses there were alon% with other info! $o this was the first news that rea#hed Rusool Allah (saw about the plans of 2uraish! And the sour#e of this information was Abbas bin Abdul Muttallib (ra ! (hen the news was deli"ered he told 5bayy bin kaab& who read the letter& to keep it a se#ret! Then Rusool Allah (saw sends in Mundhir to %o and blend in within the army to %et information& Mundhir #omes ba#k with the same information whi#h was narrated by Al'Abbas! Rusool Allah (saw also sent Anas and Munis to %o and %ather information about the 2uraish! They too brin% ba#k the same news! Rusool Allah (saw then %oes to the Jheifs of Al'Ansar& $ad ibn Rabia! *e (saw "isits $ad at his house and he tells him that the 2uraish will atta#k Medina! Rusool Allah (saw e3plained to $ad the details and then asks for his opinion! 4efore lea"in% Rusool Allah (saw told $ad to keep their #on"ersation a se#ret!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

After 6usool Allah ,saw0 leaves, the wife of a&d ibn 6abi&a goes up to him and sais, (What did 6usool Allah ,saw0 tell you?) He tells her, (it&s none of your business.) he said she heard everything 6usool Allah ,saw0 told a&d. a&d ibn 6abi&a said, (inna lillahi wa innallillayhi raajiun). #his is something to say when you suffer a loss.

$ad then went to Rusool Allah (saw and told him that his wife knows and that just in#ase the information %ets out& I dont want you to think that I am the one who leaked it! Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0Iea"e her alone!1 ,ow we learn from this& that a se#ret is a se#ret you #annot tell it to anyone! $ad refused to tell his own wife! Also in su#h %ra"e issues where the se#urity of the Muslims #ould be in dan%er& Rusool Allah (saw would #ommuni#ate with the sahabah on a need to know basis! $omebody who doesnt ha"e to know #ertain information doesnt ha"e to know it! $o $ad ibn Rabia didnt tell anyone e"en his own wife about their #on"ersation! *e didnt boast to anyone that6 >h the Messen%er of Allah (saw #ame to me for ad"i#eL *e didnt tell anyone he trusts! This point is "ery important be#ause a lot of times we tend to tell a #ertain someone e"erythin% just be#ause you trust that personA e"en then you #annot dis#lose someone elses se#ret! If you do then you are bein% dishonest! Also it is thou%ht that a husband is supposed to tell his wife e"erythin% , that is actually not true. ome issues need to be kept away from the ones who are closest to you. +ow 5 know that many women won&t be happy to hear this but the fact is that majority women are more emotional than men, they cannot handle situations as well as men. 5 hope that the men don&t take disadvantage of this statement and start hiding information that the wife has a right to know about. Anyway Rusool Allah (saw holds a meetin% with the sahabah (ra on what to do! Rusool Allah (saw %athers them and asks them what they think! There were two opinions!

*. (e should fi%ht within medina and use it as a fortress! Therefore the women and #hildren
will be able to parti#ipate by fi%htin% from the roofs! This was the opinion of Rusool Allah (saw and Abdullah bin 5bayy! Rusool Allah (sa( from a strate%i# point of "iew adopted this opinion but Abdullah bin 5bayy adopted it be#ause he was too afraid to %o outside Medina!

2. (hile the majority opinion was to %o out and meet the enemy in open field! There
reasonin% is that it is shameful to allow them enter Medina and atta#k their homes! This was the opinion of espe#ially the ones who did not attend 4adr! They reali/ed that they had missed out on a lot so they were "ery ea%er to fi%ht! They were afraid that the enemy mi%ht not enter Medina if they stayed in "edina. #his group put some pressure on 6usool
Allah ,saw0 until he agreed with them.

6usool Allah ,saw0 stood up and left the meeting and went inside his house to put on his armor. #hey felt that they had pressurised 6usool Allah ,saw0, so they went up to Ham<a ,ra0 and said , ( Io and talk to 6usool Allah ,saw0, we think that we have presssured him and we are willing to go with what he thinks is the better idea.)

*am/a %oes to Rusool Allah (saw & he (saw #omes out and says& 0It &s not appropriate for a =rophet to put on his armor and prepare for war and then take it off, until Allah Zaujal judges between him and his enemy.) o here 6usool Allah ,saw0 was saying that we have taken a decision, and we are going to go ahead with it, we&re not going to change our minds, we&re not going to be indecisive. 5f a =rophet makes shura and then makes a decision, then he will go ahead with it.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

This is a "ery important lesson for the leader& the l eader shouldn&t be indecisive, he leader shouldn&t change his mind every now and then. #he leader shouldn&t be wavering back and forth according to who spoke to him last. :ou should maake shura ,consult0 listen to different opinions, deliberate, and then make a decision, but when you take the decision, it should be final. Gnless there has been a change in information, or something on which the decision was based on turned out to be wrong. #hen the decision should be changed. Also followers don&t like to be lead by somebody who is indecisiveJ especially war soldiers don&t like it, because the lives of the sahabah were on the line. 6usool Allah ,saw0 gave an e4ample to every leader in such a situation that if you take a decision it needs to be final. $o they de#ided their destination to be ne3t to the mountain of 5hud! 5hud is a lar%e moutain a few miles outside of Medina! The Muslim army mar#hes& Rusool A llah ,saw0 asked the sahabah,
(Dan any one of you guide us through a way that will bring us out to the enemy without them reali<ing.) Abu 'haitan volunteered. #hey travelled through the agricultural land rather than the traditional routes that lead out of "edina. #hey passed through a farm owned by one of the munafi1een, "urba bin ;aybi. o when they were walking through his farm, obviously walking through agricultural land, damage was inavoidable. o "urba wanted to stop the "uslim army, and he was blind he said, (5f you are the "essenger of Allah, then 5 do not permit you to enter my garden.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 ignores him and the army goes forward, so "urba picks up some dirt in his hand and says, ($y Allah if 5 knew 5&d strike no one but you "uhammed, 5&d hit you in the face with this.) #his was a very disrespectful man, the sahabah got so mad, they wanted to kill him. $ecause cursing 6usool Allah ,saw0 is such a grave sin that its punishment is death.

4ut Rusool Allah (saw told them& 0Iea"e him dont kill him& this si%htless fellow is blind both in his heart and in his eyes!1 $o they left him alone! A lesson/ The benefit of the whole supersedes the benefit of the indi"idual in Islam! $o the dama%e done here to the a%ri#ultural land is dama%e done was a dama%e done to an indi"idual& but it was for the benefit of the whole! $o the whole #omes before the indi"idual! Then the munafi)een withdrew! The Muslim army was 1999! Abdullah bin 5bayy was 1M7 rd of the "uslim army, so they were left with 8// soldiers. #he munafi1een withdrew and the justification given by Abdullah bin Gbayy was, ("uhammed listened to the kids and he ignored my opinion.) 5t was the young sahabah who were urging 6usool Allah ,saw0 to leave "edina to meet the enemy. ,ow $ubhanAllah we #an see that it is the battlefield that seperates the momin from the munafi)! In a pea#eful situation it is hard to differentiate between a momin and a munafi)! A munai) #ould be any one e"en one who is prayin% with you! A munafi) #ould also be a mufti or an aalim! 4ut what seperates the belie"er from the hypo#rite is the battlefield! Allah .aujal says in
AL#IMBA< .A0>N/3

Allah would not leave the believers in that [state] you are in [presently] until "e separates the evil from the good. This "erse was rea"ealed at the o##asion of the battle of 5hudN

Allah Zaujal also says in AL#IMBA< .A0>=N3 .A0>=J3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And what struc' you on the day the two ar ies evident the !true" believers.

et was by per ission of Allah that &e



And that &e ight a'e evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to the , "Do e, fight in the way of Allah or !at least" defend." )hey said, "If we had 'nown !there would be" fighting, we would have followed you." )hey were nearer to disbelief that day than to faith, saying with their ouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is ost :nowing of what they conceal R $o Allah tells us that the hypocrites were retreating because there WA going to be fighting. #here were two tribes who were almost going to withdrawJ $anu alima and $anu Harith, but Allah Zaujal made them steadfast. Allah says in .A0>@@3

$hen two parties a ong you were about to lose courage, but Allah was their ally% and upon Allah the believers should rely.
$o this was a ne%ati"e thin% for these two tribes to do& but @abbar ibn Abdullah said& 0I wouldnt hope that this didnt happen be#ause Allah re"ealed the ayat that *e is our ally!1 $o it was Allah who made them steadfast!

Rusool Allah ,saw0 refused assistance from the mushrikeen. ome Cews came to help him, he said, (We don&t need the help of disbelievers.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 also returned the under age in the army. 6afa bin 'hatij was turned back, 6usool Allah ,saw0 wasn&t turning them back by asking how old are you, he would just looked at the army and whoever would seem to young would be turned back. #heir youngsters would hide around so 6usool Allah ,saw0 wouldn&t see them ! Abdullah bin Amr was turned away!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Anyway with 6afa, 6usool Allah ,saw0 told him that he wasn&t allowed to join the army, he said, ($ut 6usool Allah, 5&m a good archer.) $ecause of that he was allowed to join. 6afa&s friend amoor went crying to his foster father saying, (6usool Allah ,saw0 allowed 6afa but he doesn&t allow me, when 5 can beat 6afa in wrestling.) o his foster father takes him to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and told 6usool Allah ,saw0 that amoora actually defeats 6afa in wrestling. 6usool Allah ,saw0 calls them both and makes them wrestle infront of him, and amura does defeat 6afa. o 6usool Allah ,saw0 allows him to join. $o by this we see how important trainin% is to join the army! $o these boys who were e3perts in #ertain fields were e3#eptions to the %eneral rule! The Plan
6usool Allah ,saw0 divided the army into three battallionsJ Al "uhajirunJ the standard was given to "usab bin Gmair, Al!AusJ standard given to Gsaib bin 'hu<air and Al!'ha<rajJ the standard given to Al!Habbab bin "undhir.

Rusool Allah (saw had the mountain of 5hud towards his ba#k and when he took a look at the battlefield he realised that there was a potential of atta#k from the rear! There was a small hill! Rusool Allah (saw pla#ed C9 of his men on this hill& and he %a"e them #lear instru#tions! *e (saw0 said, (=rotect our backs, if you see us being killed don&t come to our aid, and if you see us

winning do not join us.) And he also said, (5f you see the vultures flying off with us, don&t leave until 5 send you a message, and if you see us victorious over the enemy and trampling them under foot, do not leave until 5 send you a message.)

$o the instru#tion of Rusool Allah (saw was "ery #lear& to stay put at their position no matter what& without it the enemy #ould outflank the Muslims from the side or from the rear! It was ob"ious that this was a #riti#al position to hold on to. Rusool Allah (saw was also tea#hin% the sahabah obedien#e by tellin% them not to mo"e until he (saw sends a messa%e! The enemy was tryin% to disunite the Muslims& Abu $ufyan sends a messa%e to Al'Ansar& he said& narrated6 0Iea"e us alone to fi%ht with our #ousin be#ause we ha"e no purpose in fi%htin% you!1 #hey ,ansar0 responded, (+ow you say this? 5snt it ;uraish who
sent a letter to Al!Ansar as soon as 6usool Allah ,saw0 made hijra to them threatening them that they are going to kill your men enslave your women and take your women and take your money? +ow suddenly you say that you have no objective in fighting them? #his is a lie, it is a trick, and the kuffar did that yesterday and they would do that today.)

They wanted to split the Muslims& so that they #ould eat them one by one! @ust like we see today the #laim is that6 we are just fi%hitn% the terrorists! That is what they say but on#e the so' #alled terrorists are defeated they will then mo"e on to %et the rest of the ummah! The Muslims ha"e to unite before they in"ade other #ountries! The 2uraish a%ain tried to disuntie the Muslims by sendin% Abu Amr and Hasi)! Abu Amr was from Al'Aus and he was so lo"ed by them& they named Abu Amr 0the priest1! Aby Amr refused to be#ome Muslim& he joined the army of 2uraish and left "edina when 5slam entered it. When he
came out with the army of ;uraish he said, (5 will go and convinve my people not to go and fight with "uhammed.) Abu Amr was very confident because they loved him so much.

4ut when he went to meet them& they started #ursin% at him! $o he said& 0$ome e"il has befallen my people after I left!1 It wasnt e"il but Islam that #han%ed them! $o the se#ond attempt Alhumdullilah too failed!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

J? O19 Rusool Allah (saw held a sword in his hand& and he (saw asked the sahabah& 0(ho will take this from me=1 $o the sahabah (ra "olunteered& but then Rusool Allah ($aw said& 0(ho will take this sword alon% with its ri%hts=1 Meanin% he wont simply just %i"e away the sword& but the "olunteer must also take the sword& alon% the ri%hts of the sword! $o the sahabah asked Rusool Allah (saw & what are the ri%hts of this sword= Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Hor you to strike the enemy with it& till it bends!1 After hearin% this& the sahabah were %i"in% it a se#ond thou%ht! 4ut Abu ?ujana (ra #ame forward& 0I will >h Rusool Allah (saw & I will fulfill its ri%hts!1 Rusool Allah (saw handed the sword to him! Ibn Isha) says& 0*e took the sword from Rusool Allah (saw and he took out the red head band and put it on! *e then be%an struttin% about between the two lines!1 Abu ?ujana when he would fi%ht& he would put on a red headband that was the si%n that he was %oin% to battle! *e would then walk with pride in front of the enemy with pride and you #ould feel the stren%th in his walk! Iookin% at his walk& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0That is the way of walkin% that Allah dislikes& e3#ept in #ir#umstan#es like this!1 $o in this parti#ular situation Allah does like it! A Muslim is not supposed to be arro%ant& thats why we walk with humbleness& but we dont want to #onfuse humbleness with weakness! (hen Rusool Allah (saw would walk& you #ould see the stren%th in Rusool Allah (saw ! Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra said& 0As if he is #omin% downhill!1 $o he was firm when he walked but not arro%ant!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

4ut Abu ?ujana (ra was walkin% with pride at the time of battle in front of the enemyA Allah likes this but only in this situation! Imam Ahmed said& 0*e did take it (referrin% to the sword and #lea"ed a path with it throu%h the middle of the polytheists& in order to bend it& he wre#ked ha"o# in the ranks of the enemy!1 Abdullah bin .ubair (ra narrates a story& of a s#ene that he witnessed on the day of 5hud& he said& e"ery man who met Abu ?ujana (ra was killed! 0Amon% the enemy there was one man who e3e#uted e"ery man he wounded1& meanin% this man didnt spare the life of anyone! If that man meets a Musim& the Muslim is dead! 0This mushri) and Abu ?ujana #ame e"er #loser to one another and I prayed to Allah to brin% them to%ether and they did meet! They e3#han%ed a #ouple of blows& the mushri) then stru#k at Abu ?ujana who defended off the blow with his shield whi#h trapped the mans sword! Then Abu ?ujana stru#k and killed him!1 :aab ibn Malik (ra narrates a storyA we arent sure who he is talkin% about& he said& 0I then saw one mushri)& hea"ily armored& was strikin% the Muslims hard and sayin%& FJommon you sheep %atherin% for slau%hterL& but then I saw one Muslim fully armored waitin% for him and I went on o"er behind him to #ompare the Muslim from the mushri)!1 $o :aab was si/in% both of them up& he said& 0The latter (meanin% the mushri) was better in e)uipment and form& I kept on waitin% until they met& the Muslim then stru#k the unbelie"er a blow with this sword on his shoulder! The sword #ame ri%ht down throu%h to his thi%h!1 $o he hit stru#k the mushri) on the shoulder and the sword went throu%h tearin% apart his torso until the sword #ame out from under his thi%h& #uttin% him into two! :aab ibn Malik (ra said& 0Then the Muslim un#o"ered his fa#e and said& F(hat about that :aab=L Im Abu ?ujana!1 $o Abu ?ujana knew that :aab was wat#hin% the mat#hN Abu ?ujana was a proud man& and he had e"ery ri%ht to be proud! The Muslims were winnin%& and the enemy was fleein% the battle %round! And the sahabah said& 0(e #ould see the jewelry the women of Arabia used to put on their feet!1 This was be#ause the women were tu#kin% up their #lothes to run away! $o that was it& the enemy was showin% their ba#k to the Muslims! In the 2uraishs army different families had different duties! Iike one family would feed the pil%rims& one family had the key to Al':aaba& one family had the key to Al',adwa (a sort of Parliament of the 2uraish & and one family held the banners of war this family was 4anu Abbiddal& they were the ones responsible for it& on 4adr& and also responsible for it on 5hud! The banners si%nifi#an#e was a lot& it was the indi#ation that the war is not o"er yet! If the banner falls down of a side& that means that side has lost the war& they will not fi%ht anymore! To show the si%nifi#an#e of this banner& let us talk about what happened! Abu $ufyan told 4anu Abbidat& 0+ou were in#har%e of our banner at the battle of 4adr and you saw what happened to us& men will only fi%ht for their fla%s& if on#e they are lost they withdraw! Bither take #are of our banner for us& or %i"e it to us& and we will relie"e you of it!1 4anu Abbidal fou%ht well under their banner! 4anu abbidal lost se"en of their men& one after the other! >ne would hold the banner& he would be killed& the se#ond will hold it& and he would be killed& this went on to se"en of their men were killed holdin% the banner! And then one of their sla"es& he was an Abyssinian& he took hold of the banner his arm was se"ered and he was still tryin% to hu% the banner and sayin%& 0*a"e I done my part=1 The banner fell on the %round& and that is when the 2uraish started to lea"e the battle%round! $o they were defeated! Allah .aujal says6 in A-./*0A< 13$2&"4


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And Allah had certainly fulfilled &is pro ise to you when you were 'illing the ene y by &is per ission $o e"en a##ordin% to the 2uran& the Muslims had won initially! 4ut the tides were turnin%! (e already said that the archers were strictly instructed by 6usool Allah ,saw0 to remain on the hill,
not to move until and unless 6usool Allah ,saw0 sends a message.

In the heat of battle when emotions take o"er , the mind becomes obscured. When the archers saw that the "uslims were gathering booty, they wanted to go down and join, but their ameer, Amir Abdullah bin Cubayr ,ra0 said, (2on&t you remember the instructions of 6usool Allah ,saw0 that we shouldn&t come down until he tells us so?) #hey said the battle is over and they left, so out of the H/ archers @/ of them disobeyed the order of 6usool Allah ,saw0. :halid bin (aleed was the head of the #a"alry of 2uraish& he and Akrama bin Abi @ahal dete#ted the weak point whi#h was e3posed! They immediately took ad"anta%e of that and outflanked the Muslim army and the Muslims were not e3pe#tin% this! The 2uraish saw this& so they too atta#ked from the front! $o the Muslims were sandwi#hed! This disoriented the Muslim soldiers be#ause they were fi%htin% in both dire#tions! The ranks be#ame disor%ani/edA they werent lined up as they should be! That is when the Muslims were defeated and that is when the Muslims were killed! Rusool Allah (saw was tryin% to or%ani/e a retreat& but retreats #an be #atstrophi# if they are not or%anised well! $o the enemy now had the upperhand and was atta#kin% in full for#e! They were approa#hin% Rusool Allah (saw so Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(hoe"er will repel them will be my #ompanion in paradise!1 $o this is how serious the situation had be#ome! >ne of the Ansar "olunteered and he fired his arrows at the enemy until he was killed& then Rusool Allah (saw asks for a "olunteer another time& another Ansari #omes up& he was also killed ! A%ain a third Ansari& and then a fourthN the same thin% happened until G of Al'Ansar died! Allah u AkbarL This is why they %et this honor of bein% #alled the FAnsar& they didnt %et this title out of nothing, they
earned itF :ou have seven young men, dead under the feet of 6usool Allah ,saw0. 3ther than the sacrifice of these people, this also shows the disasterous effect of this battle.

In 4ukhari Ali bin Abi Talib ,ra0 says, (5 never heard the =rophet of Allah swear by both of his parents to anyone e4cept a&d ibn "alik ,ra0. At Ghud 5 heard him ,saw0 say, % a&d shoot may my father and my mother be your ransom.&) Allah u Akbar, this is how pleased 6usool Allah ,saw0 was with the performance a&d bin Abi Wa1as ,ra0. Another hero who was standing ne4t to 6usool Allah ,saw0 was #alha bin Gbaidullah ,ra0.
+arrated by 5mam Ahmed in "uslim, At the battle of Ghud, Abu #alha ,ra0 was shooting from directly infront of 6usool Allah ,saw0, who was shielding himself behind him. As he shot the "essenger of Allah would raise himself up to see where the arrows will strike. Abu #alha says, (as he brought his chest up to its full height, he ,saw0 would say, %let it be so may my father and my mother be your ransom&, 3 "essenger of AllahF +o arrow will hit you, my chest will be in the way of yours.&) #alha would also say, (5 am sturdy 3h messenger of Allah, direct me according to your needs, order me to do whatever you want.) #hese were the companions of 6usool Allah ,saw0.

Rusool Allah (saw retreated to the mountain of 5hud& in a crevice in a mountain. Dlimbing up the mountain was difficult for him, so #alha had to carry him ,saw0 because 6usool Allah ,saw0 was injured. When they climbed up the mountain that is when the battle had stopped. #he ;uraish did not dare pursue the "uslim up the mountain, to fight on the terrain was something the enemy wasn&t prepared to do.
o 6usool Allah ,saw0 and the "uslims were up on the mountain of Ghud, Abu ufyan approaches them, he calls on to them, (5s "uhammed alive?) #here was no response, he then asked, (5s Abu


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$akr alive?) again no response, (5s Gmar alive?) no responseMso Abu his people that these men have been killed.

ufyan was happy and told

Gmar bin 'hattab ,ra0 couldn&t stand it when he said that so he said, (#he three men whom you mentioned are alive, to upset you.) o Abu ufyan replied, (A battle for the battle of $adr, warfare goes in cycles.) "eaning one day you win, one day we win. Aby ufyan went on to say, (And you will find some bodies mutilated, 5 did not order that, but it didn&t bother me. 6aise up hubulF 6aise up HubulF) Hubul was one of their idols. 3n hearing 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (Arent you going to respond back?) #hey said, (What should we respond?) He ,saw0 said, ( ay Allah is Higher and more IloriousF) and in arabic it rhymed with what Abu ufyan was chanting. Abu ufyan said, (We have an G<<a, you don&t have an G<<aF) G<<a was another idol. 6usool Allah ,saw0 told them to respond by saying, (Allah is our "aster, and you have no "asterF)

Allah des#ribes the #limbin% of the Muslims up the mountain of uhud in AL#IMBA< .A0>HA3

!Be e ber" when you !fled and" cli bed !the ountain" without loo'ing aside at anyone while the Messenger was calling you fro behind. So Allah repaid you with distress upon distress so you would not grieve for that which had escaped you !of victory and spoils of war" or !for" that which had befallen you !of in?ury and death". And Allah is !fully" Ac6uainted with what you do. Also Allah says in .A0>HH3

(ndeed, those of you who turned back on the day the two armies met, it was atan who caused them to slip because of some [blame] they had earned. But Allah has already forgiven them. (ndeed, Allah is 3orgiving and 3orbearing.

$o Allah is sayin% is that the defeat at 5hud is not be#ause of their sins but be#ause of $haitan! Allah also says in .A0>H13


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Say, "Indeed, the atter belongs co pletely to Allah." )hey conceal within the selves what they will not reveal to you. )hey say, "If there was anything we could have done in the atter, so e of us would not have been 'illed right here." Say, "7ven if you had been inside your houses, those decreed to be 'illed would have co e out to their death beds." !It was" so that Allah ight test what is in your breasts and purify what is in your hearts. And Allah is :nowing of that within the breasts. The munafi)een will say why are the Muslms %ettin% themsel"es into trouble= (hy are Muslims fi%htin% @ihad= Allah .aujal is sayin% that you werent killed be#ause of fi%htin% @ihad& it was the time of death whi#h had #ome for those people& and e"en if they had been in their homes& the ones who are meant to die would ha"e died! $o the people& who blame the death of Muslims on the mujahideen& are wron%! They are followin% the footsteps of the munafi)een& when it #omes to death it is a de#ree on Allah that people will die whene"er their time will #ome! It doesnt make a differen#e if you %o out or stay at home! +ou will die when Allah wills! The battle of 5hud was a test from Allah to them! ?ont blame battle of 5hud for the deaths of the Muslims!

It is said only 12 men remained around Rusool Allah (saw ! Allah Fau?al says in .A0>H@3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And Allah had certainly fulfilled &is pro ise to you when you were 'illing the ene y by &is per ission until !the ti e" when you lost courage and fell to disputing about the order !given by the 4rophet" and disobeyed after &e had shown you that which you love. A ong you are so e who desire this world, and a ong you are so e who desire the &ereafter. )hen he turned you bac' fro the !defeated" that &e ight test you. And &e has already forgiven you, and Allah is the possessor of bounty for the believers. $o Allah tested the belie"ers by %i"in% them "i#tory in 4adr& and *e tested them by %i"in% the Muslims defeat in 5hud! Ibn Isha) ,ra0 said, (#he "uslim ranks broke and the enemy gained
advantage over them. 5t was a day of trial and testing in which Allah honored some with martydom. Ainally the enemy broke through to 6usool Allah ,saw0, he ,saw0 was hit with a rock causing him to fall on his side. His front teeth broke, bashing his face and splitting his lips.) o 6usool Allah , aw0 was badly injured in Ghud.

In 4ukhari it says that Hatima (ra was the one washin% him& and Ali (ra poured water o"er his wounds! (hen Hatima (ra saw that the water was in#reasin% the blood flow& she took a pie#e of ash& set fire to it& and atta#hed it to the wound! Ashes absorb the water from the wounds and make it dry& that would pre"ent the blood from flowin%& and it is also hot so it mi%ht disinfe#t the wound!
+ow we will talk about the shuhadah of Ghud. 8/ "uslims were shaheed in the battle of GhudJ it was in the battle of Ghud that the verses of shahadah were revealed. And many of the ahadith of shuhada were stated in this battle. Ham<a bin Abdul "uttallib ,ra0 was the seed of the shuhada at Ghud. 2ied or dead are not the right words to use but we are using it only to understand, but it is to remember that a shaheed is not dead according to the ;uran. #wo of the tabaeen went to visit Wahshi who was old at the time, they wanted to hear the story of the death of Ham<a bin Abdul "uttallib ,ra0. Wahshi said, (5 will narrate the story to you as 5 narrated it to 6usool Allah ,saw0. When he asked me about it, 5 was a slave of Cubair ibn "utam, who&s uncle was #u&aima bin Gdayy who was struck down at $adr. When ;uraish went forth to Ghud, Cubair told me, %if you kill Ham<a in retaliation for my uncle&s death then you will be a free man.& o 5 went out with the warriors, 5 was an Abyssinian and could throw my spear like my countrymen. 5 rarely missed with it. When the forces met in battle, 5 went forth looking for Ham<a and waited for him. 5 found amidst the fray like an enormous camel striking out viciously at our men with his sword, nothing withstanding him. 5 made use of bushes and rocks to get close to him but iba got to him before me, when Ham<a saw him he said, Q> $ibaQ! > Ibn 5mm Ammar& the one

who #ir#um#ises other ladiesL ?o you #hallen%e Allah and *is Apostle= *e then stru#k him a blow so )ui#kly that it appeared to ha"e missed his head! I then aimed my spear #arefully and when sure of it& I threw it at him! It stru#k below his na"el and emer%ed between his le%s! *e tried to mo"e towards me& but was o"er#omed I left him with the spear until he died! Then I went o"er to him retrie"ed my spear and returned to #amp where I stayed I ha"e no business with anyone other than him! I only killed him to %et my freedom! Rusool Allah (saw heard the news of the death of his un#le and we #annot ima%ine how de"astatin% that news was to Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw asked& 0?id anyone see the death spot of my un#le= (here is he=1 $o one of the sahabah spoke up and said that he did! $o the sahabi (ra and Rusool Allah (saw went to%ether and when Rusool Allah (saw sasw him& he #ried and #hoked! *am/a bin Abdul Muttallibs (ra stoma#h was open and his insides were pulled out! $o the man who took Rusool Allah (saw said& 0In the name of Allah& he was mutilated!1 Meanin% this was not the state the man saw *am/a (ra last when he was killed! *ind bin 5tba the wife of Abu $ufyan& wanted to eat the li"er of *am/a (ra ! $he ordered his li"er to be pulled out to eat! $o this was the state in whi#h Rusool Allah (saw saw his un#le in! $o we #annot e"en ima%ine how sad Rusool Allah (saw was!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Anyway (ahshi %oes on to narrate the story& I went ba#k to Me##a& but then Rusool Allah (saw opened Me##a& so I had to lea"e! *e said 0I rea#hed Me##a and remained there until Messen%er of Allah (saw #on)uered Me##a& I then fled to Taif where I stayed! (hen the Taif dele%ation left to meet Rusool Allah (saw to a##ept Islam& I didnt know what to do! I told people Ill %o to $yria or +emen or some other #ountry! I was in the state of inde#ision and an3iety when someone told me& FJome on now& I swear he wont kill anyone who has adopted his reli%ion and testified to the truth!1 Rusool Allah (saw was known for his for%i"eness& forbearan#e and his mer#y! $o this man was tellin% (ahshi that if he be#omes Muslim& he will not harm you! (ahshi %oes on& 0(hen he told me that I went to Rusool Allah (saw in Medina surprisin% him by standin% before him and speakin% the testimony of truth! (hen he saw me& he said& FAre you (ahshi= I replied& F+es&oh Messen%er of Allah! *e then said& F$it down and relate to me how you killed *am/a! $o I related it& as I did to you both! (hen I finished my a##ount he said& F(ahshi& #an you remo"e your fa#e from me=1 Rusool Allah (saw did not want to see the fa#e of (ahshi a%ain& be#ause it will brin% ba#k memories of his un#le! (ahshi said& 0$o I used to a"oid Rusool Allah (saw where"er he mi%ht be& so that he will not see me and e"entually Allah all Mi%hty and All -lorious is *e took him to *imself1 (ahshi later on joined in the army that went to fi%ht Musailamah :adhdhab who #laimed to be a prophet! (ahshi said& 0I took the spear the spear with whi#h I killed *am/a and when the for#es met I saw Musailmah standin% sword in hand& while on the other side there was another Muslim tryin% to atta#k Musailmah! I studied my spear until I felt %ood about it and then I let it loose on him and it stru#k him! (hile the other Muslim atta#ked from the other side& it hit Musailamah with his sword and killed him!1 $o it was (ahshi who stru#k him first! The other Muslim stru#k ne3t! The other Muslim was Abu ?ujana& the hero of battle of 5hud! (ahshi would say& 0If it was I who killed him& then I killed the best of men and I also killed the worst of them!1 The best meanin% *am/a bin Muttallib (ra and worst refers to Musailmah! It was mentioned that Rusool Allah (saw told (ahshi& 0-o and fi%ht in the path of Allah& as you fou%ht a%ainst the reli%ion of Allah!1 That is how it is in Islam& if you #ommit a sin& then try to erase it by doin% a %ood deed& be#ause %ood deeds erase the e"il ones! (e should always make up for our sins! 5mer bin :hattab (ra said about an ar%ument of his with Rusool Allah (saw & he felt that what he did was wron%& so he said& 0After that I remained fastin% and %i"in% #harity and prayin% at ni%ht to wipe away that sin!1 This is part of repentan#e and how we should approa#h our sins!
5t was 5bn ;amiah, who shot at the cheek, and it was Gtba bin Abi Wa1as, who hit the lip and the front teeth of 6usool Allah ,saw0. Abdur 6a<<a1 ais, (#he "essenger of Allah spoke a curse agaisnt Gtba bin Abi Wa1as saying, %3h Allah may change not come to him, so that he dies as an unbeliever.&) 5bn 'athir commented, (+o change did come over him, so that he did die as an unbeliever bound for hell!fire.) o what was the reaction to this defeat?

,arrated by Anas ibn "alik ,ra0, (While 6usool Allah ,saw0 was wiping the blood off his face, he ,saw0 said, %How could any people prosper, who struck their =rophet and broke his front teeth, while he called people to Allah?&) Allah Zaujal revealed the ayat in AL#IMBA< .A0>@J3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

<ot for you, !O Muha ad, but for Allah ", is the decision whether &e should !cut the forgive the or punish the , for indeed, they are wrongdoers.

down" or

$o Allah .aujal is sayin%& the faith of these people is not upto you! It is upto Allah .aujal& whether to #ut them down& for%i"e them or to punish them! They indeed are wron%doers but it is upto Allah how to deal with them! $o this shows us that e"en Rusool Allah (saw did not #ontrol the faiths of people& its all in the hands of Allah .aujal! If this wasnt e"en the ri%ht of Rusool Allah (saw then , who are we to claim
that role?

The Muslims saw the defeat and heard the rumour that Rusool Allah (saw was killed! The ori%in of this rumour was that he was injured& in su#h a state thin%s %et blown out of proportion& and as a result people thou%ht he (saw was killed! $ome of the Muslims on hearin% this news said& 0(ed better send an en"oy to Abdullah bin 5bayy and ha"e him %et us a tru#e from Abu $ufyan! People Muhammed has been killed& %o ba#k home before they %et to you and kill you!1 The Muslims who said this were defeated& the defeat rea#hed to their hearts , and under the pressure of those moments, they thought that the best way was to go to Abdullah bin Gbayy, who was a hypocrite, since he had good relations with ;uraish, he could call for a truce with the ;uraish. The battle of 5hud #annot repeat& but the a#tions of the people in 4adr #ould repeat by people! $o sometimes you find that when Muslims are under pressure& and they feel that they #ould be defeated in battle, there might be some people who might think of going to the enemy of
Allah for help. #his is a sign of weakness.

4ut the Muslims who had the stren%th of emaan in their hearts had a different rea#tion! >ne of the Muhajrun said that& 0They passed by one of Al'Ansar& a man who was #o"ered in his own blood& I asked him& FAre you aware that Muhammed has been killed=& the Ansari responded& FIf Muhammed has been killed then he must ha"e fulfilled his mission& so fi%ht on for your reli%ion& lets die as he died& fi%htin% for Islam!1 $o some people #annot be defeated in their hearts e"en if they are defeated on the battle%round! This is the steadfastness that we should learn from the sahabah (ra ! Allah will %i"e e"eryone their due reward! $ome of the Muslims died without %ettin% their reward in this world! Musab ibn 5mair ,ra0 was one of themJ he was killed at the battle of Ghud,
leaving nothing but a cloak. When they covered his head with it, his feet emerged and when you covered his feet with it his head emerged. 6usool Allah , aw0 ordered his head to be covered with the cloak and some plants over his feet. ome "uslim&s the fruit has already ripened and they are harvesting them. o some people are receiving their reward for their deeds in duniya and some will receive it in Akhirah. Abdur 6ahman ibn Auf was one of the wealthiest of the sahabah ,ra0, food was served to Abdur 6ahman bin Auf ,ra0, he said, ("usab was killed yet he was better than me, a cloak was used as his shroud. Ham<a was killed yet he was better than me, while we have been granted earthly favors.) He then wept until his food was cold.

Rusool Allah (saw #ame and stood o"er Musab ibn 5mair (ra and he re#ited the ayat in
S;BA& AL#A&FA8 .AA0@A3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

A ong the believers are en true to what they pro ised Allah. A ong the is he who has fulfilled his vow !to the death", and a ong the is he who awaits !his chance". And they did not alter !the ter s of their co it ent" by any alteration R

This ayat means that we ha"e a #o"enant with Allah! $ome people fulfill that promise and died like Musab ibn 5mair (ra ! And then Rusool Allah (saw says& 0I bear witness that these are $huhada& so #ome and "isit them& in the name of (hom my soul is in *is *ands anyone who %i"es them salaam up to the ?ay of @ud%ement they would respond ba#k to it!1 This was narrated by *akim (ra ! $ad ibn Rabia ,ra0 was one of the ansar, 6usool Allah ,saw0 wanted to know what happened to him. 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (Who will find out for me, what became of a&d ibn 6abi&a? Whether he is alive or dead?) o one of the ansar went looking for him, he saw a&d, he was in his last moments. #he Ansari told a&d that, (6usool Allah ,saw0 sent me to you, Are you dead or are you alive?) a&d ,ra0 said, (5 am among the dead, inform the messenger of Allah this, a&d ibn 6abi&a says to you, %"ay Allah reward you on our account better than he ever rewarded any prophet on account of his nation&, and greet your people from me and tell them, a&d bin 6abi&a says to you, %you will find no e4cuse with Allah, if harm comes to your prophet, while you still have one eye to blink.& ) Rusool Allah (saw asked this man to #he#k out the status of $ad bin Rabia (ra & Rusool Allah (saw told the man that& 0If you find him ali"e& %i"e him my salaam!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw %a"e $ad a messa%e and $ad %a"e Rusool Allah (saw and the Muslims a messa%e! Those were $ads last words! $ad asked Allah to reward Prophet Muhammed (saw better than what Allah rewarded to the other Prophets (pbuh ! $ad said this before he died! $ubhanAllah& $ad was askin% Allah to reward Muhammed (saw e"en thou%h it was be#ause of Muhammed (saw that $ad was then dyin%! These "uslims of today are so stingy in giving their lives and wealth, when harm comes to them, if they think it is because of 5slam, they will be willing to compromise their religion just to protect their duniya. If we #ompare& the li"es of ansaris are wrecked, their business is going down, their families suffered. #heir entire livelihood is upside down because of giving refuge to "uhammed ,saw0 and the "uslims. 7ven then a&d ibn 6abi&a ,ra0 is asking Allah to reward "uhammed ,saw0. And then a&d tells his people that as long as they have life in them, they will have no e4cuse infront of Allah, even if "uhammed ,saw0 was pricked by a thornF 5f "uhammad ,saw0 feels any pain while you are alive, you are to blame.. this was his message to his people. #hese were the ansar, who gave victory to the religion of "uhammed ,saw0. Abdullah bin @ahsh (ra and $ad bin Abi (a)as ,ra0 met before the battle, Abdullah bin Cahsh said, (Bets go and make dua.) o they go together, one of them was going to make dua and the other one is going to say ameen. a&d bin Abi Wa1as made his dua, he said, (3h AllahF 5f 5 meet the enemy, then enable me to meet a strong fighter, who will fight me and 5 will fight him and then give me victory over him, and enable me to kill him, and take his armor.) Abdullah bin jahsh said, (Ameen), a&d told him, that its now your turn. Abdullah bin Cahsh said, (3h AllahF 7nable me to meet a strong fighter, who would fight me and 5 would fight him, and then he would kill me and cut my nose and ear. o when 5 meet :ou, :ou will say %why was your ear and nose cut, 3h Abdullah?& 5 will say, %for :ou and :our messenger& and :ou will say, %you are speaking the truth.&) a&d bin Abi Wa1as said, (Ameen.) $ad bin Abi (a)as was narratin% this story to his son and he said& 0>h my son& the dua of Abdullah was better than mine& by the end of the day& I saw his nose and his ear tied to a strin%! Allah did a##ept the dua of Abdullah bin @ahsh& and he did meet a stron% man& who fou%ht him and killed him! *is body was mutilated& his nose was #ut and his body was #ut& and they were tied in a strin%!1 This dua tells us that it is allowed to ask for death& if it is in Allahs path!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Another story of a shaheed was of 'haithama ,ra0, 'haithama ,ra0 was an old man but he still wanted to fight, even though old men are e4cused from ;ital. 'haithama&s son died as a shaheed in $adr. o 'haithama said, (5 missed the battle of $adr, and 5 was so eager to join, but me and my son drew lots and he was awarded with martydom.) o one of them had to stay behind. :haithama ,ra0 then said, (5 saw him last night in my sleep, he looked great and was enjoying the fruits of Cannah, he told me %come and be our companion in paradise, 5 have found what Allah promised me to be true.& o oh "essenger of AllahF 5 swear by Allah 5 am so eager to join him in Cannah. 5 am old and my bones are soft, so ask Allah, oh "essenger of Allah, to award me shahadah. Allow me to join a&d in Cannah.)
o 'haithama ,ra0 was saying that he was getting old, and that if he doesn&t fight in the battle now, he was afriad he&ll die on his bed rather as dying as a shaheed. 6usool Allah ,saw0 did make dua for him, and he did die as a shaheed. Wahab Al! "u<ani, he wasn&t from "edina, they were outsiders from a tribe called "u<aina. He and his relatives were shepherdsJ they came to "edina with their sheep. #hey came to find 6usool Allah ,saw0. When they asked where everyone is, they found out that everyone is gone to fight the battle of Ghud. o they left their sheep, to join the battle. #hey came when "uslims were winning, they started to fight and when the kuffar became stronger, they carried on fighting. 6usool Allah ,saw0 saw a group approaching them, and he said, (Who will take care of this group?) Wahab Al! "u<ani said, (5 will), so he advances and attacks them and he pushes them back. A second group comes in and Al!"u<ani comes again and volunteers. He stops the men pushes them back, the third time 6usool Allah ,saw0 stands up and says to him, (Io and receive the glad tidings of Cannah.) o he went in to fight attacking this huge group, 6usool Allah ,saw0 saw this and said, (3h Allah have mercy on him.) Wahab Al!"u<ani kept on fighting until the swords shredded him and he was killed. When they found his body he had >/ fatal injuries and Gmer bin 'hattab ,ra0 said, (#hat is the best death 5 could wish for.) #hat is how Gmar ,ra0 wanted to die, he had >/ injuries and each one of them was fatal and he was still fighting.

$ad bin Abi (a)as ,ra0 after the battle of ;adisiya was approached by a man from "u<aina, his name was $ilal. $ecause his relatives didn&t get a share of the booty, so a&d asked this man, (Are you a relative of Wahab Al!"u<ani?) He said, (:es, 5&m his nephew.) #his whole event is happening -E years later. Anyway so a&d said, (3n that day when 6usool Allah ,saw0 was asking for volunteers, it was your uncle who was attacking them all the time. #he third time 5 went and joined him, because 5 wanted to receive the same reward he would receive because 5 heard 6usool Allah ,saw0 say, %receive glad tidings of Cannah.&) o a&d mentioned how brave and courageous Wahab was until he was killed, so a&d said, (+o state of death would 5 love to meet Allah with more than the state of death of "u<ani.) a&d said, (When he was killed after the battle was over, 5 saw 6usool Allah ,saw0 stand on top of his grave when they were digging it and waiting right there until the burial was over, even though 6usool Allah ,saw0 was e4hausted.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 was injured and he was tired and he could barely stand up but he he stood up on his grave until Wahab ,ra0 was buried. And then 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (3h Allah be pleased with him, because 5 am pleased with him.)
Amr bin @amooh ,ra0, was another shaheed. 5bn 5sha1 said, ("y fathers related to me from elders of $anu alima who said, %Amr bin Camooh was a man who was e4ceedingly lame, he had four sons who fought battle like lions alongside the "essenger of Allah, when it came time for battle of Ghud, they wanted to restrain Amr saying that Allah has e4cused him. o he went to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and said, %my sons want to restrain me from going to battle with you, but by Allah 5 want to step this lame foot of mine into paradise.& 6usool Allah ,saw0 told him, it is not obliged for you to fight since he was lame, but then 6usool Allah ,saw0 told his sons, %it is not your duty to restrain him, if he wants to fight let him go, Allah might well grant him martydom.&) And he did die as a shaheed. o it is allowed for a person to go for 1ital, even if he is e4cused from battles to fight. #his also shows you, how eager the sahaba ,ra0 were to die as a shaheed.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

J?O11 *an/ala (ra (ra was one of the AnsarA he %ot married ri%ht before the battle of 5hud! *is first ni%ht with his wife was the ni%ht ri%ht before the battle of 5hud! 5sually the mujahideen should spent that time at base& but *an/ala (ra sou%ht permission from Rusool Allah (saw to allow him to %o and spend that ni%ht with his wife& so he spends a ni%ht with his wife! Barly in the mornin% he wakes up and prays Hajr with the sahabah (ra and with Rasool Allah (saw ! *e %oes ba#k home& his wife holds on to him& they sleep to%ether& and sin#e it was %ettin% late& he left without makin% %husl! *an/ala (ra fi%hts the battle of 5hud in that state& *an/ala (ra was a foot soldierA he atta#ked Abu $ufyan who had a horse& so *an/ala (ra was at a disad"anta%e! >ne of the enemy soldiers atta#ked him with his spear& whi#h entered throu%h *an/alas torso and #omes out from the other side! *an/ala (ra not %i"in% up& tried to pursue the enemy that stru#k him& so the enemy atta#ked him a%ain and hit him another time& and this time the blow killed *an/ala (ra ! After the battle was o"er Rasool Allah (saw saw somethin% stran%e& so he (saw told someone to %o and ask his wife about him! $o they %o and asked the wife of *an/ala(ra & @ameela was a ri%hteous woman e"en thou%h she was the dau%hter of the head of the munafi)een (Abdullah bin 5bayy ! Abdullah bin 5bayy had two ri%hteous #hildrenA @ameela and Abdullah! Anyway so they %o and talk to @ameela& she told them that& 0I slept with my husband and he didnt make %husl and he left in a state of ritual impurity!1 Rasool Allah (saw said& 0I saw *an/ala (ra ri%ht there between the hea"en and earth bein% #arried by the an%els and they were washin% him with water from paradise in "essels of silk!1 $ubhanaAllah the an%els #ame down to wash *an/ala (ra & thus he was known as& 0The one washed by the an%els!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Another stran%e thin% that o##urred was that after @ameela slept with *an/ala (ra & she #alled in four witnesses to tell them that she had slept with *an/ala (ra ! (hi#h was "ery stran%e why should a husband and a wife tell other people about their personal life= $o they asked her& why she was tellin% people this= $he said& 04e#ause I saw a dream& I saw that the sky opened& *an/ala went throu%h and then the sky #losed! $o I interpreted that dream to mean that *an/ala would die as a shaheed!1 ,ow why in the world would a woman who just %ot married want to sleep with her husband and probably #on#ei"e from him when she knows that he will die the ne3t day= It doesnt make sense& the prudent think to do would be to a"oid inter#ourse so that it would be easier for her to %et married after that! Probably this shows that the sahabah had a different mindset than ours! They "iew the world in a different way& than us& in e"ery matter! $o for @ameela& she wanted to ha"e a #hild with *an/ala be#ause he was %oin% to be a shaheed! $he was happy that her husband was %oin% to die as a shaheed! Thou%h she knew life would be diffi#ult for her in this world& but she did it for Allah& and Allah helps *is sla"es! @ameela ended up marryin% Talhah bin 5baidullah (ra & one of the %reat sahabas of Rusool Allah (saw ! $he did ha"e a #hild with *an/ala (ra & his name was Abdullah! $he also had a #hild with Talhah (ra and his name was Muhammed! Muhammed was the one who was #losest to Abdullah! $o thou%h Abdullah was an orphan& he %ot a lot of lo"e from his step'father and half brother! $o we should ha"e ta)wa and Allah will reward us with somethin% better! This also shows the lo"e for Allah in the sahabah& e"en thou%h *an/ala (ra just %ot married& he ea%erly went to the battle the ne3t mornin%& and he didnt just %o to show that he was there& but he fou%ht bra"ely and attained martydom! 4rothers who ha"e e3perien#ed marria%e& if they %o ba#k to the day they %ot married& will probably know how atta#hed to this world you feel durin% those days! Abdullah bin Amr bin *aram told his son that& 0+ou are the dearest thin% to me in this world after Rusool Allah (saw and I would ha"e wished you to die as a shaheed& but I want you to take #are of your sisters and pay my debt!1 That is why his son stayed behind& and he went to fi%ht and he was killed in 5hud! *is son @aber (ra and his famly %athered around him and were weepin% be#ause of the loss of Abdullah bin *aram! Rusool Allah (saw told them& 0(hether or not you weep for him& the an%els went on shadin% him with their win%s until you ha"e lifted him up!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw was sayin% that it doesnt make a differen#e if you #ry or not& Abdullah (ra is happy and then Rusool Allah (saw meets @aber and said& 0$hall I %i"e you some %lad tidin%s=1 *e (saw said& 0Allah %reeted your father ri%ht there at 5hud& where he was stru#k down& *e (swt then asked him& F(hat is your wish Abdullah= Abdullah replies& F>h IordL To return me to the world& so that I may fi%ht a%ain for +ou and be killed on#e more!1 ,o one& absolutely no one wants to %o ba#k to the (orld e3#ept for the shaheed& be#ause if the a%iny of death& but sin#e for the shaheed the moment of death is nothin% but pleasure& they would want to %o throu%h it a%ain! $ome of the "irtues of shahadah are mentioned in hadith! ,arrated Abdullah ibn Abbas6 The Prophet (saw said6 (hen your brethren were stru#k down at the battle of 5hud& Allah pla#ed their spirits in the #rops of %reen birds whi#h %o down to the ri"ers of Paradise& eat its fruit and nestle in lamps of %old in the shade of the Throne! Then when they e3perien#ed the sweetness of their food& drink and rest& they asked6 (ho will tell our brethren about us that we are ali"e in Paradise pro"ided with pro"ision& in order that they mi%ht not be disinterested in jihad and re#oil in war= Allah Most *i%h said6 I shall tell them about youA so Allah sent downA ($urah Al'Imran "erse 1;8'1G1 RAnd do not #onsider those who ha"e been killed in AllahQs path!R till the end of the "erse


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$o the shuhada wanted someone to en#oura%e their brothers on Barth to fi%ht in the path of Allah& and not to be relu#tant to fi%ht! $o Allah .aujal said that *e will& thus the mentioned ayat were re"ealed (761;8'1G1 ! $o these ayat tell us6 1! $haheed is ali"e 2! They wanted their brothers to #arry on fi%htin% $o this bond of brotherhood was so spe#ial between the mujahideen that e"en after they passed away& they wanted to #on"ey a messa%e to their mujahideen brothers! The shuhadah were so ea%er to #on"ey this messa%e that Allah (swt #on"eyed their messa%e for them! /t has been narrated on the authority of *asruE +ho said$ +e as6ed FAbdullah about the :urFanic verse$G Thin6 not of those who are slain in AllahFs way as dead. <ay, they are alive, finding their sustenance in the presence of their -ord..G 13$2;>4. 9e said$ +e as6ed the meaning of the verse 1from the 9oly Hrophet4 who said$ The souls, of the martyrs live in the bodies of green birds who have their nests in chandeliers hung from the throne of the Almighty. They eat the fruits of Haradise from wherever they li6e and then nestle in these chandeliers. Cnce their -ord cast a glance at them and said$ Bo ye want anythingI They said$ +hat more shall we desireI +e eat the fruit of Haradise from wherever we li6e. Their -ord as6ed them the same Euestion thrice. +hen they saw that they will continue to be as6ed and not left 1without answering the Euestion4. they said$ C -ord, we wish that Jou may return our souls to our bodies so that we may be slain in Jour way once again. +hen 9e 1Allah4 saw that they had no need 1other reEuest4, they were left 1to their joy in heaven4. 1*uslim4 $o $ubhanaAllah Allah insisted an answer when Allah saw that they will %i"e no other answer& then they were left to enjoy in hea"en! A story mentioned by Ibn Abi ?uniya narrated by Attaf bin :halid& he said that his aunt related it to him& 0I rode one day to the %ra"es of the martyrs& somethin% she often did& and I stopped and prayed for a #ertain time near to the %ra"e of *am/a! There was no one there in the "alley e3#ept for the yews standin% holdin% the head of my mount& when I had finished& I made a farewell %esture indi#atin%& Fpea#e be upon you& then I heard the %reetin% bein% returned to me emanatin% from beneath the %round! I am as sure of this as I am& that All'Mi%hty and -lorious Allah #reated me and as I know ni%ht from day! B"ery hair on my body stood on end!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(hoe"er "isits the %ra"es of the shuhada of 5hud and %i"es them salaam& they will respond ba#k to it!1 Al (a)adi says& 0(hen Mauwiya was about to di% the #anal& he had a )uire announ#e& Fanyone who had a relati"e killed at 5hud should be a witness& be#ause this #anal mi%ht #ut throu%h some of the %ra"es! *e wanted the relati"es of he de#eased to be there& so they #ould point out whose %ra"e is it& and mo"e them if ne#essary!1 @aber (ra said& 0A man #ame to me and said& F@aber some of Muawiyas workers ha"e un#o"ered your father to si%ht and part of him is outside the %ra"e!1 $o @aber %oes and he said& 0(hen we du% for them I found my father in his %ra"e& lyin% as thou%h asleep un#han%ed! (e also found that his #ompanion in the %ra"e Amr bin @amooh& had his hand o"er a wound and when it was remo"ed& it emitted blood& his spade stru#k the foot of *am/a and blood #ame out!1 @aber (ra said& 0(e brou%ht them as thou%h they were buried the pre"ious day!1 Ibn :athir says& 0And it is said that the %ra"e of ea#h one of them& may Allah be pleased with them& %a"e forth a s#ent of that of musk!1 *ow lon% after they were buried was this==L <; +BAR$ IATBRL It was as if they were just buried& the s#ent of musk was still #omin% out of their %ra"es!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

It is $unnah to bury a shaheed where they die& and not mo"e to a different lo#ation! (hen some of the sahabah were takin% the dead bodies to Medina& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Return them and ha"e them buried at 5hud!1 That is where the #emetery of the shuhada is& e"en thou%h Medina was near so the bodies #ould ha"e been #arried to Medina but Rusool Allah (saw wanted them buried in the site of the battlefield! 4ukhari narrates that @aber (ra said& 0The Messen%er of Allah would pla#e one pla#e of #lothin% o"er ea#h two of the men killed at 5hud& and then would ask& F(hi#h one of these had a better knowled%e of 2uran& he would then pla#e the one indi#ated in the %ra"e first sayin%& FI will testify for these at the ?ay of @ud%ement!1 It shows how poor they were that they had to share the shroud between bodies! Probably due to e3haustion they pla#ed more than one person in ea#h %ra"e& and they pla#ed the one who had more knowled%e of the 2uran first! Rusool Allah (saw ordered that the shuhada be buried in their blood& (so they shouldnt be washed & there was no namaa/ De D @anaa/a be#ause the shaheed is not dead! They shouldnt be washed be#ause Rusool Allah (saw said that& 0on the ?ay of @ud%ment& these injuries and this blood will be emittin% the smell of musk!1 Anyway Rusool Allah (saw prayed .uhr sittin% down due to the e3haustion of the battle& and then Rusool Allah (saw asked the sahabah to line up& be#ause he wanted to make dua! Rusool Allah (saw re#ited the followin% dua& narrated by Imam Ahmed& 0>h AllahL To +ou is due all praise& >h Allah& there us no %rasp in what +ou ha"e dispersed nor dispersin% what +ou %rasp! There is no %uidin% ri%ht those whom +ou ha"e led astray! ,or any leadin% astray of those +ou ha"e %uided! There is no %i"in% of what +ou ha"e pre"ented& nor any pre"ention of what +ou ha"e %i"en! There is no drawin% #lose what +ou ha"e distan#ed& nor any distan#in% what +ou ha"e drawn #lose! >h Allah spread +our blessin% your mer#y& +our %enerosity and +our fa"ors upon us! >h AllahL I ask you those endurin% blessin%s that ne"er #han%e or #ease! >h Allah I ask +ou for blessin%s at time of the probation and se#urity and at time of fear! >h AllahL I seek refu%e with +ou& a%ainst the e"il of whi#h you ha"e %i"en us& as well as the e"il from whi#h you ha"e sa"ed us! >h Allah ha"e us "iew faith with fa"or and endear it to us well& ha"e us "iew disbelief in morality and disobedien#e with antipathy! Pla#e us amon% those who are well'%uided! >h Allah take us to +ourself as Muslims and %i"e us life as Muslims& pla#e us amon% the "irtuous& not the shamed or the demented! >h Allah do battle with those disbelie"ers& who %i"e the lie to +our messen%ers and who oppose them& torment and punish them! >h Allah do battle a%ainst those disbelie"ers who were %i"en the s#ripture > -od of truth!1 Ibn Isha) said& 0The battle of 5hud took pla#e on $aturday in the middle of $hawwal on the mornin% of $unday the 1;th of $hawwal& the )uire of the Messen%er of Allah announ#ed to the people that they should lea"e in pursuit of the enemy!1 ,ow the Muslims just #ame ba#k from battle& they fou%ht the battle on $aturday& and ri%ht away on $unday mornin% there was an announ#ement& that they had to pi#k up their arms and pursue the enemy a%ain! The mujahideen were tired& e3hausted& injuredA they had just lost G9 of their men in one day! The ne3t day immediately followin% all this& they were supposed to #arry on a fi%ht! This was a bi% deal! The hypo#rites didnt want to lea"e for battle& so they started spreadin% rumors! This was be#ause a rumour was spread that Abu $ufyan and his army were plannin% another atta#k& so the hypo#rites said thin%s like6 Are you #ra/y=L Abu $ufyan won yesterday& and now they are re%roupin% and re#ei"in% reinfor#ements and you want to %o and fi%ht them a%ain= These rumors were ha"in% their effe#t& but Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(ell %o out and meet them!1 Ibn Isha) said& 0The purpose of the messen%er of Allah in pursuin% was to fri%hten the enemy& this was by makin% them aware that they were still powerful and that their losses had not so weakened them& that they #ould no lon%er fa#e their enemy!1 Rusool Allah (saw was showin% patien#e& steadfastness in fa#e of dan%er& and he was showin% persisten#e& these are important


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

)ualities Muslims& should ha"e in the fi%ht for the path of Allah! B"en if you are defeated& you ha"e to #arry on fi%htin% and #ontinue to ha"e faith and trust in Allah .aujal! Ibn Isha) spoke about the out#ome of this battle& he said& 0The :hu/a tribe& both& those of them who were Muslim and those who were unbelie"ers& were se#retly the allies of Rusool Allah (saw in Tihama& and their understandin% with his was that they would not #on#eal anythin% that would happen there!1 $o these were tribes li"in% in Tihama in *ija/ and whether Muslim or non'muslim& they were allies of Rusool Allah (saw & and they would brin% information of any mo"ements that would o##ur in their area! Mabad at that time was a mushri)& a disbelie"er& he told Rusool Allah (saw on his way past *amra Al'Asad& 0Muhammed& were deeply sorry at what happened to your men and we hope from Allah to prote#t you and them!1 $o e"en thou%h he was a mushri)& but he was supporti"e of Rusool Allah (saw and he e3pressed his sorrow for the loss of Muslims! Mabad then left& while Rusool Allah (saw was still at *amra Al'Asad& he met up with Abu $ufyan and his men at Roha& they had de#ided to return to fi%ht Rusool Allah (saw and his men! They had #on#luded& 0(e ha"e se"erly dama%ed the best of his #ompanions and their #hieftains and nobles& so should we now %o home& before we uproot them #ompletely= (e should %o ba#k for the rest of them and be finished with them!1 This was the plan of the kuffar! (hen Abu $ufyan saw Mabad he asked him& 0*ow are thin%s ba#k up behind you Mabad=1 he replied& 0Muhammed has #ome out with his men& seekin% you in a for#e the like of whi#h I ne"er saw before! They are truly enra%ed towards you& he has been joined by those who stayed behind& when you did battle with him and these men mu#h re%ret what they did! The an%er they ha"e towards you is somethin% the like of whi#h I"e ne"er seen before!1 This wasnt trueA Mabad was e3a%%eratin% the stren%th of the Muslims! Abu $ufyan said& 0(hat are you su%%estin%=1 *e replied& 0I swear& I dont think youll be able to lea"e before you #at#h si%ht of the forelo#k of their #a"alry!1 Meanin% they are #omin% fast& so Abu $ufyan said& 04ut we"e de#ided to atta#k the rest of them!1 Mabad said& 0I really do ad"ise you a%ainst that& I swear I was so affe#ted by what I saw that I #omposed some "erses on the subje#t!1 Abu $ufyan asked what he #omposed& Mabad said& 0At the noise my mount almost shied The earth s#reamin% with masses of fine horses Ra#in% on their riders like noble lions Men not effeminate in the fray and not poorly armed I ran on thinkin% the earth itself mo"in% As they brou%ht up a leader ne"er to be forsaken And I said& Fwoe to ibn harith when you meet the plane shakes beneath the lines of men I warned the people of Me##a "ery plainly addressin% e"ery wise and sane man they ha"e >f the army of Ahmed& not some mi3ed rabble And my warnin% should not be des#ribed as mere hearsay1 (hen Abu $ufyan heard this& his party was dissuaded and they went ba#k! Mabad did a "ery %ood job in demorali/in% the enemy and sendin% them ba#k& by #on"in#in% them that they ha"e no #han#e a%ainst the Muslims! Allah .aujal re"ealed an ayat talkin% about the munafi)een who didnt want to fi%ht in A- /*0A< 13$2#".2#&4

)hose !believers" who responded to Allah and the Messenger after in?ury had struc' the . For those who did good a ong the and feared Allah is a great reward #


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

)hose to who hypocrites said, "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear the ." 8ut it ! erely" increased the in faith, and they said, "Sufficient for us is Allah , and !&e is" the best 5isposer of affairs."
o the true believers& response to the statement made by Allah is given in verse no. -8E. And that these rumors would actually increase the faith of the true believers as they would say, "Sufficient for us is Allah , and !&e is" the best 5isposer of affairs."

So they returned with favor fro Allah and bounty, no har having touched the . And they pursued the pleasure of Allah , and Allah is the possessor of great bounty.
,o fi%htin% o##urred! $o they didnt fi%ht and e"en then the true belie"ers re#ei"ed the pleasure of Allah!

)hat is only Satan who frightens !you" of his supporters. So fear the !indeed" believers.

not, but fear Me, if you are

$o $haitan would #ome to us and say& the enemy is stron% and the enemy is powerful& look at his weapons& their number& their resour#es et#& but this will be only from haitan, and if we trust Allah then Allah will give us victory. #he only prisoner of war that was taken by the "uslims at Ghud was Abu A<<a. Abu A<<a was the one captured by the "uslims at the battle of $adr and he told "uslims that he was poor and that he had daughters to take care of. At the time of $adr 6usool Allah ,saw0 had let him go without any ransom, but 6usool Allah ,saw0 took an oath from Abu A<<a, that he would never fight against the "uslims. Abu A<<a agreed to this oath, but in "ecca at the time of Ghud, the ;uraish were convincing Abu A<<a to fight he refused but they eventually did fool him and Abu A<<a did join the army, and ubhanAllah he was caught again. Abu A<<a tries the same trick that he tried during $adr, by saying that he has daughters to take care off and that he is a poor man. 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (5 will not let you stroke your beard and say that you have deceieved "uhammed twice.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 ordered Abu A<<a to be beheaded and then he said, (A believer will not be bitten twice from the same layer.) o A "uslim should not be naNve and fooled.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

In the battle of 5 hud, we have e4amples of good ending and evil ending, ending is what decides our fate in the Akhirah. A<<aman is an e4ample of an evil ending, the man from "edina, he wasn&t interested in 5slam, but when the "uslim went out to fight in the battle of Ghud, he joined in and whenever the name of A<<maan would be mentioned infront of 6usool Allah ,saw0 he would say, (He is in hell!fire.)$ut the sahabah saw that he was fighting like a lion and he had killed atleast 8 disbelievers before he fell due to his wounds. #his made some of them skeptical thinking* how could this man go to hell!fire when he had fought so hard against the disbelievers. ome of A<<maan&s people came to him from "edina and congratulated him, so he said, (Why are you congratulating me for shahada? 5 didn&t fight for the sake of 5slam, 5 fought for the sake of my people.) o this man fought with the wrong intentions, so he ended up going to the Hell!fire. He didn&t fight fi sabi lillah. #his is an e4ample of an evil!ending.
"ukhairi1 was a jew, he said to his people, (3h CewsF :ou have learned 5 swear by Allah, that it is your duty to help "uhammed to victory.) #hey said, (#his is the abbath we&re not going to fight.) o he left them, and he said, (5f 5 should fall, then my wealth goes to "uhammed as he wishes.) o not only does he fight along the "uslims, but he also dedicates his wealth to "uhammed ,saw0 if he passes away. "ukhairi1 was killed, 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, ("ukhairi1 is the very best of Cews.) Asuhaili said, (#he messenger of Allah, converted "ukhairi1&s property consisting of seven orchards into a %wa1f& a charitable endowment in "edina), and "uhammed ibn kabal ;ura<i said, (#his was "edina&s very first wa1f.) o the first endowment in "edina was that of a Cew. #here is a difference of opinion on whether he embraced 5slam or died as a Cew, with the majority of them saying that he did actually embrace 5slam and when 6usool Allah ,saw0 said that he is the best of Cews, he was referring to his ethnicity and not his religion.

And then there was Gsairin, who was from Al!Aus, but he wasn&t interested in 5slam, he was a mushri1. Gsairin had not accepted 5slam yet, when he went to "edina during the battle of Ghud, and asked, (Where is a&d bin "uadh?) He got the response, (he&s at Ghud.) He then asked where is so and soM and he everytime got the same response, that they&re at Ghud. Gsairin said, (5f all these people are fighting at Ghud, 5&m going to join them.) And he did join the "uslims in Ghud, and he fought and he was wounded. $efore he died, some of his relatives, when they saw him, they said, (#his is GsairinF As far as we know, he wasn&t isterested in becoming a "uslim. What is he doing here?) #hey went up to him and said, (GsairinF 2id you fight for the sake of 5slam, or did you fight for the honour of you people?) He said, (+o, 5 fought for the sake of 5slam.) o Gsairin was the opposite of a<amaan, he then dies.
6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (He is in Cannah.) Abu Huraira ,ra0 asked the people, he would 1ui< them and ask, (#ell me about a man who entered into Cannah, without praying one prayer to Allah Zaujal?) #hey wouldn&t know the answer, he would tell them, and (5t was Gsairin.)

Rusool Allah (saw said in 4ukhari& 0*e did "ery little& but he was rewarded a lot!1 Therefore shahadah is the one deed that would guarantee the highest level of Cannah, without doing
anything else. Here Gsairin did not pray did not fast, did not do anything. All that he did was took his shahadah before he died as a shaheed and attained jannah. "iracles of the $attle of Ghud*


The eye of 2atada6 this was mentioned as a mira#le in the battle of 4adr& but it is mentioned as a mira#le in 4adr and 5hud! This is be#ause there is a differen#e in opinion between the s#holars between where and when it happened! 5bayy bin 'halaf* He was the leader of the hypocrites. Gbayy bin 'halaf used to say, (5 am
going to kill "uhammed.) When that news reached 6usool Allah ,saw0, he said, (+o, 5 will kill him.) o in the battle of Ghud, Gbayy ibn 'halaf charges at "uhammed ,saw0 on his horse. #his horse used to be fed special foodJ like corn and he would say, (5 am going to kill "uhammed on you.) o when he was charging at "uhammed ,saw0, the sahabah said that they wanted to volunteer and stop the attack. $ut 6usool Allah ,saw0 didn&t allow them. #he "essenger of Allah ,saw0 picks up a spear and shakes it in his hand, the sahabah flew away, and then 6usool Allah ,saw0 throws it at Gbayy bin 'halaf who was covered in armor, you could only see his eye. #here was a small opening between the helmet and his armor, at his neck, the spear struck him right there and it reached his neck but it couldn&t go



The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

through because of the steel armor. Gbayy ibn 'halaf falls from his horse, and he goes back runnning to his people bellowing like a bull screaming. #hey said, (What&s wrong with you?) He said, "uhammed killed him. #hey uncovered him, and they didn&t see any injury in his neck, they said, (#here is nothing wrong with you, why are you so terrified?) He said, ($ecause "uhammed told me that he will kill me, if he did nothing but spit on me, 5 would die.) ubhanAllah, they believed every word of 6usool Allah ,saw0 so much. Cust because 6asool Allah ,saw0 said, that he ,saw0 will kill him, Gbayy thought that it will happen as 6asool Allah ,saw0 said it. 5n another narration he said, (5f the pain 5 am suffering is distributed amongst all the people in "ecca, it will be sufficient to kill them.) And very shortly after, he died. #his is a miracle as what 6asool Allah ,saw0 prophesied came true. #his is the only person who we know 6asool Allah ,saw0 killed in battle, there may be others but Gbayy bin 'halaf is the only one who&s name is known. 6asool Allah ,saw0 sais, (Ireat is Allah&s wrath, against the man whom the "essenger of Allah kills in Allah&s cause.) o the worst of men is the one whom the "essenger of Allah kills. Abdullah bin Gmer said one night when he was travelling, in the same place where Gbayy bin 'halaf was killed, he said, (suddenly 5 saw flames of fire and then 5 saw a man being dragged in chains asking for water and the response was, %don&t provide him with any water, this is a man who was killed by the "essenger of Allah.) o Abdullah ibn Gmer was able to see the torment of Gbayy bin 'halaf. :ou see, it happens that some men will be able to see the punishment of the kuffar or the pleasure of "uslims. #his could happen in dreams, or it could happen in front of you as what happened with Abdullah bin Gmer. o some people might be shown scenes from the Gnseen by the will of Allah. #he 6ole of women 5ts important to talk about this topic because we want our brothers to have role models and our sisters to have role models among the sahabiyat. ince both men and women are now far away from the lifestyles from the way of the sahabah, these sahabah were the ones who best understood 5slam. #hey were the best generation who were closest to the truth, therefore their way is the best way. Whenever you find that what you are doing or thinking is different from the way of the sahabah, then realise that your way is the wrong way. #he ahabiyat in the battle of Ghud, used to provide water and medical assisstance. Anas ibn "alik said in $ukhari, (5 saw Aisha bint Abi $akr and Gmm aleem tucking up their clothes and 5 could see their legs ,this is before hijab0, and they were carrying buckets of water on their shoulders and they would pour the water in the mouths of the soldiers and then they would go back and fill them again, and do the same.) We can also notice that jihad is a family effort, the women participates the men participates, here you have Aisha ,ra0 the wife of the leader, 6usool Allah ,saw0 serving the men of the army. 'ab ibn malik said, (Hamana bint jahsh used to provide water to the thirsty and she would give medical assisstance to the injured and Gmm Aiman used to provide water to the injured.) Anas ibn "alik would say, (When 6usool Allah ,saw0 would go out to fight in battle, he would take with him Gmm aleem and some woman from the Ansar, to serve the army.) #his shows you that woman would accompany the army of 6usool Allah ,saw0. 5n the time of Gmer bin 'hattab ,ra0 he received pieces of cloth, he was handing them out to the women of "edina. o some of the nice cloth was left so someone there said, (3h Amir ul "umineen, give this to the daughter of 6asool Allah ,saw0, your wife.) #hey were referring to the daughter of Ali ,ra0, who was actually the granddaughter of 6asool Allah , aw0, she was umm e 'ulthum bint Ali bint Abi talib. Gmer bin 'hattab said, (+o, Gmm alit deserves it more, she was one of the women of Al!Ansar who gave allegiance to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and she was the one giving us water on the day of Ghud.) o Gmer ,ra0 recogni<ed the effort of this woman years later. And in this event an ansari woman deserved recognition for her efforts and this shows us why had Allah called these people the %Ansar&.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Aatima also participated, $ukhari said, narrated by ,arrated $ahl bin $aud As'$aQidi6 ((hen the helmet broke on the head of the Prophet and his fa#e be#ame #o"ered with blood and his in#isor tooth broke (i!e! durin% the battle of 5hud & QAli used to brin% water in his shield while Hatima was washin% the blood off his fa#e! (hen Hatima saw that the bleedin% in#reased be#ause of the water& she took a mat (of palm lea"es & burnt it& and stu#k it (the burnt ashes on the wound of AllahQs Apostle& whereupon the bleedin% stopped!

,ot only did the women ha"e supportin% roles for the army likeA pro"idin% water or %i"in% medi#al assistan#e& but there are also in#idents where women fou%ht with the sword! An e3ample of this is ,usaybah bint :aQb al'Ma/iniyyah (ra & she was a stron% woman! $he fou%ht alon% the Muslims in 5hud& and other battles! $he e"en fou%ht in the time of Abu 4akrs (ra :hilafa a%ainst Musailamah& and when she died her %randdau%hter who had washed her said& 0$he had 17 injuries in her body and the worst of them was the s#ar left behind be#ause of the sword of Ibn 2amiah& (the one who injured Rusool Allah (saw stru#k her on her shoulder when she stood infront of Rasool Allah (saw to defend him!1 This injury #aused by Ibn 2amiah was so bad that she suffered the pain from it for one year that is how bad it was! $he also suffered injuries in other battles like in the battle a%ainst Musailamah& in the time of Abu 4akr (ra & the way her injuries of that battle was healed was by pourin% boilin% oil o"er them& she (ra said& 0The pro#ess of healin% was worse and more painful than the injuries themsel"es!1 $ubhanAllah e"en thou%h she had su#h se"ere injuries at 5hud& when Rusool Allah (saw wanted to %o to *amra Al'Asad the ne3t day& she wanted to %o too! 4ut when she stood up she #ollapsed& she #ouldnt %o any further! This is how stron% the dri"e in her spirit was (may Allah be pleased with her ! (hen Rasool Allah (saw went to *amra Al'Asad immediately when he #ame ba#k& he sent someone to ask about her& and he #ame ba#k to Rasool Allah (saw and said& 0$hes %ettin% better1 and hearin% this Rasool Allah (saw was "ery happy! This also shows you& how mu#h the Rasool Allah (saw #ared for the sahabah! *e would ask about them& always stayin% in tou#h with their life& basi#ally the sahabah were always on his mind! B3amples of the patien#e of the sahabiyat6 $afiya (ra was the sister of *am/a (ra & and when she re#ei"ed the news that ham/a was killedA she wanted to %o and take a look at his body! (e ha"e mentioned how *am/as (ra body was mutilated so .ubair stops her and she pushes him aside and said& 0(hy are you stoppin% me= I ha"e been told how my brother has been mutilated& that was in Allahs #ause& and that fa#t has #omforted us! I will keep myself under #ontrol and remain #alm& if Allah wills it!1 *am/a (ra was mutilated badly& they #ut his nose& his ears& his pri"ate parts& and they opened up his stoma#h and #hest& so he was badly disfi%ured! 4ut $afiya (ra insisted on seein% him& and Rasool Allah (saw allowed her& she went and stood o"er the body of *am/a (ra ! Ibn Isha) said& 0$he looked at him& said a prayer o"er him& asked for%i"eness for him and spoke the words6 FTo Allah we belon%& and to *im do we return!1 This is how she dealt with the #alamity of losin% her brother and seein% him in that #ondition! Another e3ample is *amra bint @ahsh& she was the sister of Abdullah bin @ahsh! (e talked about what happened with Abdullah bin @ahsh (ra & *amras father and her husband Musab bin 5mair also died! $o she lost the three #losest men in her life! (hen the Muslims #ame to her they said& 0+our father has passed away1& she said #almly& 0To Allah we belon%& and to *im do we return!1 They then told her& 0+our brother& Abdullah has died1& she remained #alm and said& 0To Allah we belon%& and to *im do we return!1 And then they said& 0And your husband Musab bin 5mair died1& she then s#reamed! Ibn Isha) narrated when Rusool Allah (saw saw that& he said& 0A womans husband has a "ery spe#ial pla#e with her!1 And in the narration of Ibn Majah& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0A husband alone has #ontrol o"er his wifes feelin%s!1 $o the husband is spe#ial to a wife! $o *amra bin @ahsh broke down when she heard the news of her husband& when they asked her why& she said& 0That is be#ause I remembered that my #hildren will be orphaned!1 Rasool Allah (saw made dua for her!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Another e3ample is Addeenarriya& she lost her husband& father and brother! They #ame to her and said& 0+our husband& brother and father were killed!1 $he said& 0And how is the Messen%er of Allah=1 They said& 0*e is fine& he is just as you mi%ht wish1& she said& 0$how him to me& I want to see him!1 And when Rusool Allah (saw was pointed out to her& she said& 0B"ery loss& other than you is tri"ial!1 $o she was sayin% that it doesnt matter what she loses& whate"er she loses is tri"ial as lon% as the Messen%er of Allah (saw is fine! ?ear brothers and sisters& we talk a lot about lo"in% Rusool Allah (saw & we talk about sa#rifi#e! These will remain intan%ible& theoreti#al #on#epts until you see how the sahabah li"ed them! If you want to know what it means to lo"e Rusool Allah (saw & take a look at this woman& she re#ei"es the news of the death of her husband& father& and brother& and the only the only thin% she thinks about is Rusool Allah (saw ! $he wanted to see him& to satisfy herself that Rusool Allah (saw was ali"e and safe! This is what it means to lo"e Rusool Allah (saw ! J?O12 (e all know that 5hud was a defeat& but the ama/in% thin% is that Ibn ul 2uyyum thinks otherwise& he says it was a "i#tory for the Muslims! The reason why he said that was be#ause 5hud was a %oldmine for lessons to be learned! Most of the lessons we will see in the li%ht of the 2uranA from $urah Al'Imran! $urah tul Anfal was re"ealed after the battle of 4adr and $urah Al'Imran was re"ealed after the battle of 5hud! 7E**ON* $ROM THE 6ATT7E O$ +H+D 1! $tudy history6 Allah .aujal says in (7617G (7617E

Si ilar situations !as yours" have passed on before you, so proceed throughout the earth and observe how was the end of those who denied. $o %o and tra"el and study history to see what happened to nations before! Iook at the #onfli#t between %ood and e"il and see the results! Iearn lessons from history!

)his !KurMan" is a clear state ent to !all" the people and a guidance and instruction for those conscious of Allah.
+ow we cannot believe in history if we do not believe in the authenticity of the rule of cause and effect. We have to believe that causes do lead to a certain result. 5f that isn&t the case then there is no benefit in studying history, because when we study history, we are actually looking at causes that lead to certain results. o we need to look at the believers of the early history and compare them with the disbelievers of nations and learn our lessons from them. Allah is telling us to study history to learn the lessons not entertain ourselves. tudying history is e4actly what we are doing now, because we are studying the seerah of "uhammed ,saw0 and this is the greatest part of history. We are studying the life of the final prophet, who&s message will be carried on till the 2ay of Cudgment..


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

$e have sent you as

ercy to all

an'ind .@>0>2N3

6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (7very prophet before me was sent to his specific nation, while 5 am sent to all mankind.) Allah Zaujal says in ,E*-E?0

o do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers. #his was revealed after the defeat at Ghud, when the "uslim spirit was low. Allah Zaujal is telling the "uslims not to weaken or grieve. o Allah is telling the "uslims that if you are true believers then victory is with the them. Another verse which was revealed after the defeat of Ghud was ,E*--/0

+ou are the best nation produced for


This "erse didnt #ome after& 4adr& after Hateh' me##a & or when the Islami# empire was #o"erin% 2M7rd of 7arth. #his was revealed after the worst defeat that the "uslims suffered from

at the time of 6usool Allah ,saw0. #his shows that the "uslims are the best nation even if they are weak, oppressed, or defeated. Allah was reminding the "uslims who they are. Allah Zaujal says in ,E*-@/!-@E0

If a wound should touch you # there has already touched the !opposing" people a wound si ilar to it. And these days !of varying conditions" $e alternate a ong the people so that Allah ay a'e evident those who believe and ! ay" ta'e to &i self fro a ong you artyrs # and Allah does not li'e the wrongdoers R

And that Allah may purify the believers [through trials] and destroy the disbelievers.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Or do you thin' that you will enter 4aradise while Allah has not yet fight in &is cause and ade evident those who are steadfastE

ade evident those of you who

And you had certainly wished for artyrdo !before you" while you were loo'ing on.

before you encountered it, and you have !now" seen it

There are se"eral lessons in these four verses* 2!G If a wound should touch you # there has already touched the !opposing" people a wound si ilar to it,G (hat does this indi#ate= 4e#ause Muslims had lost the battle of uhud& they lost their morals and were depressed! $o Allah was tellin% them& they what happened to you in the battle of 5hud& happened to the 2uraish in the battle of 4adr! If you are sufferin% wounds now& they suffered wounds then! If the Muslims are sufferin% defeat& then the 2uraish suffered a defeat a year a%o! Also that if the 2uraishs loss didnt pre"ent them from fi%htin% at 5hud& then the wounds of the Muslims at 5hud should not pre"ent the Muslims from #arryin% on the fi%ht! $o Allah is askin% the Muslims not to %i"e up& their spirits must remain hi%h! If some of the Muslims are killed then be patient& if you lost be patient! *a"e perse"eran#e be steadfast! 7! P.. And these days !of varying conditions" $e alternate a ong the people..G o one day the ;uraish won, and one day the "uslims won, that is how it is in this life. Winning and Bosing is part of life. Ibn Al' 2uyyum said& 0It was the wisdom of Allah and *is way with his prophets and their followers that they would on#e win& and on#e loose but in the end they are the "i#torious!1 $o the end result is that Islam will win& howe"er until we rea#h that sta%e& it will be a win and loose situation! Ibn Al'2uyyum then said& 0If the belie"ers always win& then others would join them& and then it wouldnt be #lear& who are the belie"ers and who are not!1 $o to distin%uish between the belie"ers and the disbelie"ers& there needs to be these alternatin% #onditions between the truth and falsehood! If there wasnt su#h a situation then& people would join the Muslims for worldly reasons! Then he said& 0And if the Muslims are always losin%& then the obje#ti"e of sendin% the Prophets will not be fulfilled!1 The obje#ti"e is to spread Islam& throu%hout the (orld! $o it is not appropriate to always win& and it is not appropriate to always lose! $o the losin% phase separates the belie"ers from the munafi)een and the winnin% phase would spread the reli%ion!
@. P..So that Allah ay a'e evident those who believe..G $ As we mentioned before, the true test of emaan is Cihad in the path of Allah. #hat is the true test, and that is where the fakeness shows. o Allah Zaujal is saying is that He wanted to separate the believers from the munafi1een.

C! P..and ! ay" ta'e to &i self fro a ong you artyrs..G $ 5bn Al!;uyyum says, ("artyrdom is among the highest levels, in the eyes of Allah Zaujal, and the martyrs are the ones whom Allah drives closer to Him. And how can there be martyrs if Allah Zaujal doesn&t allow the enemy to kill some of the "uslims.) o if shahadah is such a high status then how are people going to achieve it? #he only way to achieve it is for Allah to allow the enemy to kill the believers. o this was one of the wisdoms of the battle of Ghud, Allah Zaujal drew towards him 8/ shuhada.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

;!GAnd that Allah

ay purify the believers !through trials..G0 5bn Al!;uyyun has some interesting words, he said, (Allah Zaujal loves some of his servants so much, he reserves for them high places in Cannah. However the deeds of this servant are not sufficient enough to take him up to that level.) o how could that person achieve it? 5t is by Allah making that person go through trials in this World by suffering hardships and pain, and that is how this person&s status can be raised in =aradise. o Allah Zaujal loved these sahabah so much, but because their deeds are not sufficient enough to take to that level reserved for them in Cannah, Allah Zaujal made them go through battle of Ghud, and suffer the pain, hardship, injury, suffering the sorrow when the rumor spread that 6usool Allah ,saw0 was killed, and defeat. 5bn Al!;uyyum says, (5t&s a purification process). G! P..and destroy the disbelievers.G $ And Allah dislike some of the kuffar so much that Allah has places
reserved them in the hell!fire. Allah Zaujal destroys them through their actions in duniya. o the fact that the kuffar defeated the "uslims and the muslim had to suffer so much by the hands of the kuffar, this is actually destruction for the kuffar. Aor 5bn ;amiah to strike 6usool Allah ,saw0 and Gtba bin Abi Wa1as to strike 6usool Allah ,saw0M is that good thing for them? 5s that something to be happy about? #hat is the worst thing that ever happened to them in their lives, and they will surely be condemned to hell!fire for eternity for it. o Allah dislike some of the kuffar, and they deserve his damnation and eternal punishment because of the actions that they committed in this World.

$o when we see that a #ertain nation of :ufr& it appears that it has free ran%e to do whate"er they want to the Muslims& to kill them& harass them& torture them& throw them in prisons without any #har%esN we should stop and think& is that %ood news for them= That is a si%n that Allah is an%ry with those people! That is a si%n of what will happen to them on the ?ay of @ud%ment! $o Allah %i"es these tyrants #han#es in this world& so that they #an ri%htfully a#hie"e hell'fire! (e #an take the e3ample of Pharoan& how he punished the #hildren of Israel for years& so is that somethin% Pharaon should be happy about= Allah was a#tually buildin% a #ase a%ainst him& by whi#h he has no way to es#ape hell'fire! >n the ?ay of @ud%ment& all that they ha"e done will be presented! Allah know the e"il of their hearts& and *e makes it manifest with a#tions& so that they wouldnt be able to defend themsel"es! E! GOr do you thin' that you will enter 4aradise while Allah has not yet ade evident those of you who fight in &is
cause and ade evident those who are steadfast.G 2on&t think that you can make it to =aradise without Cihad in the path of Allah, Allah is telling the "uslims, and that they have to go through these stages. :ou cannot claim your place in paradise, without Cihad in the path of Allah, and conse1uently it will show your steadfastness. o Allah is telling the "uslim that 5slam is not a mystic religion, in which you do a few rituals and then can enter =aradise. Allah will test people in the fieldJ Allah Zaujal has some serious demands for us, because He will then give us =aradise in return. We have to work for paradise. We have to remember that even 6usool Allah ,saw0 will enter =aradise by the mercy of Allah, so our deeds will never be good enough for paradise that is how ama<ing =aradise will be. $ut we are still e4pected to do our best.

After the battle of 4adr& the outstandin% "i#tory for the Muslims& the ones who missed it were lookin% forward to fi%ht at 5hud& a lot of them were askin% of shahadah! 4ut that is all desires& somethin% they kept in their heart! That means you #an ha"e the intentionN but is that intention real= $o Allah .aujal said in the "erse abo"e (761<7 5n other words, actual fighting
was necessary to verify whether their wishes were true or not. ubhanAllah maybe a lot of them weren&t sure what they wanted until they actually got in the battlefield. "any of us may have intentions in our hearts to be a shaheed but does that mean that when we see an opportunity we would actually make an effort to fulfill our intention? #his is something only Allah knows, and that is why He brought such situations to make evident what was in their hearts.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

8! Treatin% mistakes6 *ow did Allah treat the mistakes of the sahabah (ra = Allah .aujal has ne"er e"er praised the Muslims for their victory, even after $adr there was no verse in which
Allah was praising the "uslim, infact Allah said in ,E*->.0

And Allah ade it not e*cept as !a sign of" good tidings for you and to reassure your hearts thereby. And victory is not e*cept fro Allah , the 7*alted in Might, the $ise R
o Allah didn&t give the "uslims credit for the battle of $adr, also remember when there was a dispute on what to do with the prisoners of war .. Allah revealed ,9*.90.

(f not for a decree from Allah that preceded, you would have been touched for what you took by a great punishment.

$o After the battle of 4adr& Allah said that *e #ould ha"e punished the Muslim& for Allah did not a%ree to the de#ision the Muslims took& for the prisoners of war! Allah said that be#ause the Muslims wanted the ransom& they did not e3e#ute the prisoners! This tells us somethin%! After the 4attle of 4adr& Allah .aujal wanted to #lean the hearts of the Muslims from all diseases! In#ase the Muslim were feelin% any feelin%s of pride& or arro%an#e& that was remo"ed by Allah! Allah reminded the Muslims& that "i#tory was only be#ause of Allah! (hile after the battle of 5hud& the Muslims were distressed and their morales were low! Allah .aujal raised their spirits& by #omfortin% them by tellin% them that Allah has for%i"en the Muslims! The Muslims had a #ommitted a sin by disobeyin% the Prophet& by #omin% down that hill and they #ommitted a sin by bein% hun%ry for this (orldN but in the end Allah tells them that *e for%a"e them! 19! Allah .aujal is turnin% our attention to the pre"ious mujahideen! Allah .aujal says in "erses (761<;'1<E


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And how any a prophet !fought and" with hi fought any religious scholars. 8ut they never lost assurance due to what afflicted the in the cause of Allah , nor did they wea'en or sub it. And Allah loves the steadfast.

And their words were not but that they said, "Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the e*cess !co itted" in our affairs and plant fir ly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people."

So Allah gave the the doers of good.

the reward of this world and the good reward of the &ereafter. And Allah loves

(hat #an we learn from these ayat= Allah .aujal is sayin% that the Prophets before you fou%ht and alson%side them fou%ht reli%ious s#hlolars! $o the s#holars should not sit at home& they should stand with their Prophets and fi%ht! After a while when s#holars& from all reli%ions& %ain respe#t from the people& they ha"e a #ertain status is so#iety! $#holars wear spe#ial #lothes and they a#t in a spe#ial way! This all #ould be superfi#ious& s#holars dont %o throu%h what soldiers %o throu%h like they stay away from the dirt& and they dont ha"e to sleep on hard %round or maybe dont e"en ha"e to miss their sleep! They arent used to sufferin% pain& they at times mi%ht for%et they are e)ual to e"erybody else! Probably $haitan says to the s#holar that& Fyou dont ha"e to %o throu%h all that& you ha"e knowled%e& just stay at home and tea#h people! That would be enou%h! $o Allah .aujal is sayin% is sayin% that& that is not the way of the ri%hteous s#holars! The ri%hteous one& were in the field with the prophets! 5..But they never lost assurance due to what afflicted them in the cause of Allah , nor did they weaken or submit..'$ o when the schoars lost, they were never affected by this set back. 2on&t let is pull you down. $elievers have to carry on, and stay steadfast . =.. they said, POur Lord, forgive us our sins and the e*cess !co itted" in our affairs..G, This is "ery important& when you fi%ht for the sake of Allah& you dont depend on your preparation& you depend on Allah! Muslims should seek for%i"eness from Allah! The fi%hters should make them humble infront of Allah& that is somethin% Allah lo"es from his ser"ants! $o Allah is tellin% the Muslim ummah what the mujahideen before Muhammed (saw used to do! This was their way& and after they admit their sins to Allah they would say F!! plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.., and that is when Allah .aujal has %i"en them the reward of this life and the hereafter! 11! The e"il of disobedien#e6 ?isobeyin% Rusool Allah (saw is a %ra"e sin that is why they lost the battle of 5hud! Allah .aujal says in A,',I$A (<6C8


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Oh you who have believed, obey Allah and Obey the essenger and those in authority a ong you. And if you disagree over anything, refer to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last 5ay, )hat is the best way and the best result. If we ha"e a dispute o"er any affair& we take it ba#k to 2uran and sunnah& that is our referen#e and after the Messen%er of Allah you we the Amir! 12! Preferrin% this (orld o"er Akhirah6 The story of this 5mmah with the booty of war is a sad one! It started in the battle of 4adr& when Allah re"ealed the "erse of surah Al'Anfal and >bada bin Al'$amit said& 0these ayat were re"ealed be#ause we the sahabah disputed o"er the booty and our manners were not appropriate!1And in the battle of 5hud& the booty was the reason why ar#hers #ame down! They were ea%er to parti#ipate in #olle#tin% the booty& and subhanAllah this problem #arried on& yes there were some Muslims who learned their lesson but there were others who didnt! (hat stopped the Muslim #on)uest in (estern Burope was bootyL The Muslims& when they entered into $pain& Abdur Rahman Al'-hafi)i was the ameer of the Muslims and he was leadin% them into Hran#e now! They su##eeded in #on)uerin% almost two'thirds of Hran#e& they were 199 km away from Paris& the #apital& and they were almost %oin% to run o"er Hran#e but by the time they rea#hed the outskirts of Paris they were loaded with booty! $o then the soldiers instead of thinkin% of the enemy were thinkin% of their share of the booty& and that weakened the army! They ended up losin% the battle #alled FThe Jourt of Martyrs! It was %i"en this name be#ause of the hu%e number of Muslims that were killedA amon% them was one of the %reatest heroes of the Muslim army& Abdur Rahman Al'-hafi)i! That marked the end of the Muslim ad"an#e in (estern BuropeA from there on it was retreat! The turnin% point was due to booty! Abdullah bin Masud (ra said& 0I did not know that there was amon% us& the #ompanions of Rusool Allah (saw & people who prefered duniya o"er Akhirah!1 Allah .aujal says& -A ong you are so e who desire this world, and a ong you are so e who desire the hereafter.( $o Abdullah bin Masud (ra is sayin% that he ne"er knew that there were su#h people amon% the mumineenL This tells us how @ihad fi sabi lillah e3posed so many thin%s whi#h would ne"er ha"e been dis#o"ered otherwise! 17! (e should hold on fast to our reli%ion6 (hen the rumors spread that Muhammed (saw was killed& some of the Muslims were tryin% to find a way to meet with Abdullah bin 5bayy to ha"e him ne%otiate with the kuffar of 2uraish! Allah .aujal tau%ht us a lesson& *e said in (761<<


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Muha ad is not but a essenger. !Other" essengers have passed on before hi . So if he was to die or be 'illed, would you turn bac' on your heels !to unbelief"E And he who turns bac' on his heels will never har Allah at all% but Allah will reward the grateful. $o Allah tells the Muslims that there ha"e been other Messen%ers before Muhammed (saw and they are dead now! $o Muhammed (saw is like all of them& and Muhammed (saw too will die like the others! So if he was to die or be 'illed, would you turn bac' on your heels !to unbelief"E Allah then )uestions the Muslims& that will they turn to disbelief after the death of Muhammed (saw ! @ust be#ause Muhammed (saw died doesnt mean that we %i"e up our reli%ion! Islam does not depend on personalities& the faith of this reli%ion does not hin%e to any person& e"en if that person is the %reat and noble Muhammed (saw ! $o we should ne"er think& or feel that if su#h and su#h person is killed the ad"an#e of Islam will stop! Ki#tory is not dependant on any leader! That is why 5mer bin :hattab (ra fired :halid bin (aleed (ra from his post as the %eneral of the Muslim army! 5mer (ra wanted people to know that "i#tory is not be#ause of :halid bin (aleed& "i#tory is be#ause of Allah! $o the Muslims who depend on parti#ular leader should only depend on Allah! That is when Abu 4akr $iddi) (ra after the death of Rusool Allah (saw & he said to the people& 0(hoe"er worships Muhammed& Muhammed is dead& but whoe"er worships Allah& Allah is ali"e and ne"er dies!1 &e who turns bac' on his heels will never har Allah at all0 $o Allah tells us that& we are the ones who need Allah& Allah does not need us! 1<! *ow did the Prophet (saw deal with the ar#hers and the hypo#rites= 4oth disobeyed him! *e dealt with ea#h differently! Allah .aujal says in (761C8

So by ercy fro Allah, !O Muha ad", you were lenient with the . And if you had been rude !in speech" and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded fro about you. So pardon the and as' forgiveness for the and consult the in the atter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely !upon &i ". $o Allah is tellin% Muhammed (saw that your (saw messa%e of dawah is based on bein% lenient and soft& not harsh in word or spee#h& or in his (saw heart! Allah .aujal tells Muhammed (saw to pardon the ar#hers and ask for%i"eness for them! $ubhanAllah& we lost be#ause of the ar#hers& Rusool Allah (saw was injured be#ause of them& G9 Muslims were


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

killed be#ause of them and then Allah tells Muhammed (saw to pardon them& not only that but Allah also wanted him (saw to ask for%i"eness for them! (e talked about the shura (askin% for ad"i#e & and we said that some of the Muslims& espe#ially the ones who missed the battle of 4adr were askin% Rusool Allah (saw to %o out and fi%ht outside Medina& this howe"er wasnt the opinion of Rusool Allah (saw ! This was also probably one of the reasons why they lost& ne"ertheless Allah .aujal said& 0 and consult the in the atter.( B"en if #onsultation has lead to defeat at 5hud& Allah is sayin% dont let that pre"ent Muhammad (saw from makin% shura a%ain! $hura is the ri%ht way to %o! That tells us the importan#e of shura in Islam& and on#e the de#ision is made& relian#e should be upon Allah! $o Muhammed (saw was asked to pardon& ask for%i"eness for the ar#hers and #onsult the ar#hers! *ow did Muhammed (saw deal with the hypo#rites=

And what struc' you on the day the two ar ies a'e evident the !true" believers.

et was by per ission of Allah that &e


And that &e ight a'e evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to the , "Do e, fight in the way of Allah or !at least" defend." )hey said, "If we had 'nown !there would be" fighting, we would have followed you." )hey were nearer to disbelief that day than to faith, saying with their ouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah is ost :nowing of what they conceal R Allah e3posed what was in the hearts of the munafi)een& and that was it! They were not punished& they were just e3posed! They are some Muslims& in fa#t some mo"ements whi#h are based on a false hypothesis! There are some Muslims who say6 for the 5mmah to su##eed& and be "i#torious& we ha"e to in"ite them all to truth and they all ha"e to obey Allah and a"oid sins! As lon% as there are Muslims who dont pray& Muslims who are #ommittin% sins& we are not %oin% to win& and we are not %oin% to win until the Muslims who pray in Hajr are e)ual to the ones who pray in @umaa! They then brin% up this in#ident of this rabbi who went to this holy mos)ue in @erusalem and said& F@erusalem will fall in Muslim hands when the people who pray in Hajr are e)ual to the ones who pray in @umaa! As if it is the rabbis who are re#ei"in% re"elations from Allah .aujal!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

That is not a #orre#t hypothesisL There will AI(A+$ be more Muslims in @umma #ompared to Hajr prayers& and there will always be Muslims who #ommit sins& there will always be Muslims who will not fulfill their obli%ations! If you are waitin% for "i#tory& when all the Muslims are obedient then that will ne"er happen! The proof that this hypothesis is wron% is the fa#t that 1M7rd of the Muslim army& who were hypo#rites& defe#ted and this did not affe#t the out#ome of the battle of 5hud! The munafi)un who departed from the army were not the reason why the Muslims were defeated! This wasnt mentioned as a reason in the $unnah and this wasnt mentioned as a reason in the 2uran! $in#e there will always be hypo#rites amon% the Muslim 5mmah& they will not affe#t the out#ome of the battle between %ood and e"il! The out#ome is affe#ted by the #ore %roup of Muslims #alled& FTaif Al'Mansoora! Rusool Allah (saw has talked about a #ore %roup of Muslims #alled At'Taif Al'Mansoora& this is the sa"ed %roup& and it is them that ha"e to be on the strai%ht path! If they start sinnin% then the Muslims will lose! >ut#ome depends on them& not the entire 5mmah! Their disobeyin% Rusool Allah (saw on that hill is what led to the defeat of Muslims! It was the a#tion of those <9 Muslims on the hill that lead to defeatA it wasnt the 799 that left with Abdullah bin 5bayy! Allah .aujal says in (761C2

And Allah did indeed fulfil &is 4ro ise to you when you were 'illing the .your ene y3 with &is 4er ission% until .the o ent3 you lost your courage and fell to disputing about the order, and disobeyed after &e showed you .of the booty3 which you love. A ong you are so e that desire this world and so e that desire the &ereafter. )hen &e ade you flee fro the .your ene y3, that &e ight test you. 8ut surely, &e forgave you, and Allah is Most Iracious to the believers. 1C! +ou would e3pe#t the site of 5hud to brin% sad memories to Muhammed (saw & the defeat& the loss of his lo"ed ones in#ludin% his un#le *am/a (ra ! Also the injuries he suffered& but Rusool Allah (saw was optimisti# and he hated pessimism! Rusool Allah (saw said& 05hud is the mountain that lo"es us& and we lo"e it!1 And Rusool Allah (saw says& 05hud is the mountain in Paradise!1 Rusool Allah (saw did asso#iate the mountain of 5hud& with sad memories& but he was not a ne%ati"e person MashaAllah! (e should throw away all our pessimism& whene"er we think of the 4attle of 5hud& we should think of lo"e for Allah! (e should not think of hardship and pain! As a result we should keep in mind that a Muslim should always look at the bri%ht side of thin%s& we should be optimisti#! 1;! The rules for "i#tory and defeat are in $urah Al'Anfal and Al'Imran6 There are many rules in other surahs but we will refer to Al'Imran and Al'Anfal be#ause these two were re"ealed after 5hud and 4adr respe#ti"ely! Rules for "i#tory6 Ki#tory is from Allah6 Allah says in (E619


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And victory is not but fro Allah, so it belongs to &i , If Allah wants to %i"e you "i#tory& then no power on Barth #an stop that from happenin%& so we should fear no one! *e %a"e "i#tory to Musa (as e"en thou%h he was fi%htin% a%ainst Pharaoh!! Allah .aujal sasys in (761;9

If Allah should aid you, no one can overco e you% but if &e should forsa'e you, who is there that can aid you after &i E And upon Allah let the believers rely.
o we should rely on Allah, if we don&t rely on Allah then He will forsake us.

Attachment to this world, and prefering it over Akhirah is a reason for defeat, Allah Zaujal said in ,E*-H>0

And Allah had certainly fulfilled &is pro ise to you when you were 'illing the ene y by &is per ission until !the ti e" when you lost courage and fell to disputing about the order !given by the 4rophet" and disobeyed after &e had shown you that which you love. A ong you are so e who desire this world, and a ong you are so e who desire the &ereafter. )hen he turned you bac' fro the !defeated" that &e ight test you. And &e has already forgiven you, and Allah is the possessor of bounty for the believers. $o one of the reasons for losin% was the Muslims desire for this world& other reasons was disobeyin% Rusool Allah (saw and disunity!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

,umbers are not the #ause of "i#tory or defeat! Allah .aujal says in (76127

And already had Allah given you victory at !the battle of" 8adr while you were few in nu ber. )hen fear Allah% perhaps you will be grateful. (hile Allah .aujal says in the 4attle of *unayn in $5RA* TA54A* (862C

Allah has already given you victory in any regions and !even" on the day of Lunayn, when your great nu ber pleased you, but it did not avail you at all, and the earth was confining for you with its vastness% then you turned bac', fleeing. B"en in the battle of *uanyn& the Muslims had lost& e"en thou%h they were %reat in number& while many times many small parties ha"e defeated lar%er parties by the will of Allah! This has e"en happened before the #omin% of Muhammed (saw !

>beyin% Allah and his messen%er 5nity Perse"eran#e6 Allah says in S;BA& AL#A<FAL .J01=3

And obey Allah and &is Messenger, and do not dispute and !thus" lose courage and !then" your strength would depart% and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Preparation6 be prepared but dont depend on preparation! Allah .aujal asks us to be prepared physi#ally& mentally& spiritually and of#ourse militarily! Allah .aujal says in .J0=23

And prepare against the whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you ay terrify the ene y of Allah and your ene y and others besides the who you do not 'now !but" who Allah 'nows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.

$teadfastness Remembran#e of Allah

The last two points steadfastness and remembran#e of Allah is mentioned in one "erse& Allah .aujal says in .J01H3

O you who have believed, when you encounter a co pany !fro stand fir and re e ber Allah uch that you ay be successful.

the ene y forces",

$o Muslims stand firm fa#in% the enemy of Allah and remember Allah to be su##essful! Allah also says in .J0>H3

O you who have believed, when you eet those who disbelieve advancing !for battle", do not turn to the your bac's !in flight". 1G! (hy were youths su#h as $amra Ibn @andab& RafiQ Ibn :hdeij& QArabeh Ibn Aus& and Abdullah ibn 5mer so ea%er to fi%ht in the battle of 5hud= >ne mi%ht ar%ue that the reason is that they belon%ed to a militant so#iety& so that is why these kids wanted to join the battle! That is not ne#essarily the #ase be#ause on one hand we ha"e youn%sters su#h as


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

these who wanted to join the army on the other hand 799 troops from the army defe#ted! $o it wasnt about the so#iety! The issue here is imaan! The ones with imaan were ea%er to join while the ones without it were ea%er to run away! Abdullah ibn 5bayy and his three hundred men defe#ted from 5hud& they refused to fi%ht& and they also refused to join in many other battles like Tabuk and :handa)! 1E! >ne #an see the #hara#teristi#s of the munafieen in this battleA they refused to fi%ht in 5hud be#ause of fear of death! (hen Rusool Allah (saw #ame ba#k and he wanted to pursue Abu $ufyan& what is referred to as %ha/wat e *amra Al'Asad& the munafi)een then wanted to join! 4ut Rusool Allah (saw refused to allow them& he (saw only allowed the ones who were present at 5hud! The only reason they wanted to join in *amra Al'Asad was be#ause they thou%ht there was a %ood possibility of winnin%& whi#h would mean they would %et booty of war! They hypo#rites wanted the worldly benefits of Islam& but they refused to submit to the demands of Islam! $o this battle e3posed the hypo#rites! (hen a person follows Islam when it %i"es worldly benefit and to turns hisMher ba#k to Islam when it asks for sa#rifi#e is a si%n of hypo#risy! It applies to many situations& and one should #he#k themsel"es! ?o we be#ome e3#ited when an Islami# a#ti"ity has a worldly benefit= 4ut when it be#omes demandin%& then do we ba#k off= Hor e3ample there are some parents who are "ery happy about Islam when it talks about the obedien#e of #hildren to their parents& the ri%hts of the parents& and they lo"e all those ahadith! *owe"er when it #omes to the part of Islam& when it asks to send your son to fi%ht fi sabi lillah& they dont want that part& and they dont want their #hildren to hear that part! (e should be #areful and not fall into the #ate%ory of hypo#risy! Allah .aujal asks us to take Islam in its entirety! (hen Rusool Allah (saw took the pled%e from the Ansar& he said& 0+ou obey me in times of ease and in times of diffi#ulty!1 Ibn Al 2uyyum says that one of the benefits of 5hud is& 0to show the ser"itude of the sahabah (ra & that they are willin% to worship Allah .aujal in times of ease and in times of diffi#ulty! $o if they are firm and steadfast on their reli%ion in both situations& that is a si%n of true ser"itude! That is unlike people who only worship Allah in one #ondition!1 $o sometimes people worship Allah when thin%s %et tou%h& for e3ample all of those ba#helors out there& they would pray in e"ery dua and e"ery sujood& F>h Allah I want to %et married! They would pray all the time& and soon as they %et married they stop makin% dua! $o that is an e3ample of people who worship Allah in only one #ondition! The e3ample for this is in the 2uran& of the people who were stu#k in the middle of the o#ean& their only hope was Allah! 4ut when Allah sa"ed them& they went ba#k to their idols! 18! Ibn ul'2uyyum also says& 0Alla/ .aujal tested them by them bein% defeated and humiliated and weakened them and that made them humble& and that is when Allah a##epted their duas!1 Allah a##epts dua made in humility and in ser"itude! Allah .aujal said in (76127 And already had Allah given you victory at !the battle of" 8adr while you were few in nu ber. )hen fear Allah % perhaps you will be grateful. (hile in 4attle of *unain& as mentioned before be#ause they were dependant on their numbers& the Muslims lost! 29! Ibn ul'2uyyum says& 05hud was a preparation for the most #atastrophi# e"ent that would e"er happen to the Muslims!1 This e"ent was so %reat that the Muslims needed to %o throu%h some sort of trainin%& to be prepared for it& and this e"ent was the death of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw was e"erythin% for the sahabah& he (saw was their sour#e of Islam! They didnt ha"e books& or internet to %et their information! $o Rusool Allah (saw was like their father who tau%ht them e"erythin%! $o for the sahabah to lose him was a %reat setba#k& and it #ould"e also #aused a serious psy#holo%i#al effe#t& but they were trained by the help of the rumor that was spread durin% the battle that Rusool Allah (saw was


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

killed! Then the "erse (761<< was re"ealed6 Muha ad is not but a essenger. !Other" essengers have passed on before hi . So if he was to die or be 'illed, would you turn bac' on your heels !to unbelief"E



The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

J?O17 ,ow& well talk about the e"ents between 4attle of 5hud& and :handa) Rusool Allah (saw heard news that 4anu Asad are mobili/in% for#es to atta#k Medina& these are tribes in ,ajd and were headed by Tulaiha Al'A/di! This man is )uite fas#inatin%& his story is )uite interestin%! Hirst he started out by despisin% Islam and fi%htin% Rusool Allah (saw and then later be#ame Muslim& later after Rusool Allah (saw passed away he apostates and #laimed to be a prophetL After that he #han%ed his mind and be#ame a Muslim a%ain and died as a mujahid! $o Tulaiha was re#ruitin% men to fi%ht Rusool Allah (saw & while Rusool Allah (saw was %oin% to atta#k them by surprise! A saraaya was sent out by Rusool Allah (saw whi#h was headed by Abu $alama (ra & was injured at the 4attle of 5hud! Abu $alama (ra #ame ba#k "i#torious& with a lot of #attle! *is (ra injury whi#h was about to heal& had erupted& so he then died fi sabi lillah! Another tribe was mobili/in% troops to fi%ht a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw & and these were *udai and their leader was :halid bin $ufyan Ass'Al *udhali! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0:halid bin $ufyan Ass Al *udhali is re#ruitin% an army to fi%ht us& so %o and kill him!1 This order was deli"ered to Abdullah bin 5nais (ra & who was from the tribe of @uhaina! Abdullah bin 5nais said& 0Jan you des#ribe him for me& so that I will know him=1 Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0If you see him you will tremble!1 This #ould ha"e meant that it will be somebody so powerful that when you see that person you will be tremble be#ause of bein% s#ared! Abdullah bin 5nais said& 0I ha"e ne"er trembled from the si%ht of anyone1& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0but if you see :halid bin $ufyan& you will tremble!1 $o this tells us that Abdullah bin 5nais was the ri%ht person to #hoose& he was a #oura%eous man who didnt fear people easily! This was a spe#ial si%n& by whi#h he would be able to re#o%ni/e who is :halid bin $ufyan! $o Abdullah bin 5nais said& 0I #arried my sword and went out!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him that he will %ather men at Arafat& so Rusool Allah (saw was %atherin% men #lose to Me##a& #lose to where his tribe li"es! That territory was supporti"e of the 2uraish! Rusool Allah (saw was re#ruitin% an army& to the #amp Arafat! Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I was walkin% towards this man& and when I saw him& I shi"ered! $o I knew that this man is :halid bin $ufyan& and he was with some women tryin% to find a #amp %round for them!1 $o Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said that& 0It was time for Asr& and I was worried that my fi%ht with him #ould preo##upy me from salah!1 $o he wasnt sure how lon% this fi%ht will take& but the problem was how #ould he pray Asr in the presen#e of this man= If he prayed openly then :halid bin $ufyan would re#o%ni/e that he is a Muslim! $o Abdullah bin 5nais said& 0I was prayin% while I was walkin% towards him and my sujood and rukuh would be mo"ement of my head!1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0(hen I rea#hed him he said& Fand who is the man=1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I am a 4edouin Arab& who heard about your plans to fi%ht Muhammed so I #ame to join you!1 :halid bin $ufyan said& 0+es& that is what I am doin%! I am %atherin% for#es to fi%ht a%ainst Muhammed!1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I talked to him for a while until I felt #onfident that I #an now atta#k! And I atta#ked him with my sword and killed him!1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I left him with his women #rou#hed o"er him!1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra left and enters Medina& Rusool Allah (saw saw him and said& 0May this fa#e su##eed!1 *e made dua for Abdullah bin 5nais (ra and then Abdullah said& 0I killed him!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0+es you did& you are speakin% the truth!1 And then Rusool Allah (saw


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

#alls him in to his house and %i"es him a sti#k& so Abdullah bin 5nais (ra takes the sti#k and lea"es! *is people met him and asked why Rusool Allah (saw %i"e you the sti#k! Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I dont know& he just %a"e it to me!1 They said& 0-o ba#k and ask him& why did he %i"e you the sti#k=1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I went ba#k and I asked Rusool Allah (saw & F(hy did you %i"e me the sti#k=1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0This will be a si%n between me and you on the ?ay of @ud%ment! And on that day a few people will ha"e somethin% to lean on!1 Abdullah bin 5nais (ra said& 0I tied that sti#k to my sword!1 That means he always kept it with him& and when Abdullah bin 5nais (ra died& his instru#tion was to bury that sti#k with him! That indeed did happenA when he died the sti#k was wrapped with him in his shroud and buried with him! $o that on the ?ay of @ud%ment he #an ha"e that sti#k as a si%n between him and Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw has said in a hadith& 0And on that day a few people will ha"e somethin% to lean on!1 $#holars say that& that Fsomethin% is deeds on whi#h people #an lean on! $ome people mi%ht wonder what all of these politi#al assassinations are that Rusool Allah (saw was in"ol"ed inN well that was a#tually to sa"e the people from blood shed! Rather than fa#in% battle with :halib bin $ufyans tribe& :haild was killed! The tribe would not ha"e a%reed to fi%ht with Rusool Allah (saw had it not been for :halid bin $ufyan! :halid bin $ufyan was a "ery powerful and influential man who was the #ause of the whole problem& and was leadin% people into e"il! Rusool Allah (saw sent a %roup of 19 men for a mission and their leader was Asim bin Thabit (ra & they rea#hed to the land of 4anu Iahyan and were ambushed by a 199 ar#hers! $o it was 19 "s 199& they fled to a small hill or a ro#kN the ar#hers had surrounded them and said& 0Jome down& we pled%e to you that we wouldnt kill you& this is our word!1 The ameer said& 0I do not a##ept the pled%es of mushrikeen1& so they #hose to fi%ht& se"en of them %ot killed! (hen the men of 4anu Iayhan were killin% the Muslims they were strippin% them naked& so Asim said& 0>h AllahL As I fou%ht for your reli%ion when I am ali"e& prote#t my body when Im dead!1 (hen he Asim (ra died they wanted to strip them naked& they also wanted to #ut off his head! This was be#ause there was a woman whose sons were killed by Asim bin $abit (ra & so she made an oath that if someone would brin% her the skull of Asim bin $abit (ra & she would pay him 199 #amels and she would drink wine in his skull! $o these men really wanted #ut off his head! Allah .aujal sent a swarm of wasps to prote#t the body of Asim (ra ! $o whene"er someone would try to %o near his body the wasps would jump on them! $o they de#ided to lea"e the body and #ome and #laim it the ne3t day! At ni%ht Allah .aujal sent a flood that took the body away and the body disappeared! The three whi#h were left surrendered& they were tied up in ropes! >ne of them felt that they would be betrayedA he was able to pull out his hand and drew out his sword! *e tried to atta#k these men of 4anu Iahyan& but they kept a distan#e from him and kept on peltin% him with ro#ks until they killed him! The other two men were sold to the people of Me##aA these two were :habbab ibn al'Aratt and .aid bin Ad'?athina (ra ! The people of the 2uraish de#ided that they were %oin% to kill the two men& they take them outside the sa#red boundaries of Me##a and they ask these two men& 0(ould you wish that Muhammed was in your pla#e& and you are safe with your family=1 They responded& 0(e dont wish to be safe with our family while Muhammed (saw is hurt by a thorn& and we would rather die than Rusool Allah (saw bein% hurt!1 Abu $ufyan said& 0I"e ne"er seen a people who lo"e their leader& more than the people of Muhammed lo"e him!1 Iets stop for a while a talk about the issue of lo"e for Muhammed (saw ! The lo"e of the sahabah for Rusool Allah (saw was so true and so deep that it was e"en known to the enemies of Muhammed (saw ! $o here you ha"e Abu $ufyan& the leader of the enemy of Rusool Allah (saw admits publi#ly that he has ne"er seen people lo"e their leader as mu#h as the Muslims lo"e Muhammed (saw ! This wasnt be#ause they used to talk about Muhammed (saw day and


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

ni%ht& the lo"e for Muhammed (saw radiated from the sahabahs a#tions! It was refle#ted in their deeds! Anyway both of them were killed and :hubaib was #ru#ified and his body remained on that #ross until 5mayya bin Amr #ame and buried him! 4efore :hubaib (ra was #ru#ified& he was held #apti"e in this house of this widow& and they said that it was :hubaib (ra who killed her husband! $o he was in their house and he tells this woman& 0Jan you brin% me a steel blade& so that I #an prepare myself for death=1 :hubaib (ra wanted to #lean his pubi# hair& so she sends him the blade with her #hild! The #hild ended up in the lap of :hubaib (ra & when the woman sees her #hild in :hubaibs lap and :hubaib (ra was holdin% this blade in his hand& the woman %ot worried! :hubaib (ra noti#ed that& and he said& 0InshaAllah that is not somethin% I would do!1 The lesson here is that e"en thou%h :hubaib (ra knew he was %oin% to be killed& that didnt make him take re"en%e by killin% a #hild! A Muslim would not take the life of an inno#ent human bein%! That woman said& 0I ha"e ne"er seen a prisoner better than him& I would #ome in and see him eatin% from a plate full of %rapes& when there are no %rapes in Me##a whatsoe"er& and I am sure he re#ei"ed those %rapes from the an%els!1 This is what a mushri) woman said! Another lesson is that e"en thou%h he knew he was %oin% to die& he still wanted to fulfill the sunnah i!e! sha"in% his pubi# hair! Also before bein% #ru#ified he sou%ht permission from his killers some time to pray& whi#h was allowed! *e prayed two rakaat& and said& 0If it wasnt for you a##usin% me of bein% afraid of death& I would ha"e made these two rakaat lon%er!1 *e was the first one to start the sunnah of prayin% two rakaat before death! $o the entire 19 members of this mission were killed! Ibn Abbas (ra said the hypo#rites said& 0*ow sad for those mis%uided people who died that way& they neither stayed with their families nor did they #arry out their masters mission!1 (hat the munafi)een were tryin% to say was that these 19 men are failuresA they ended up dyin% for nothin%! The mission wasnt a##omplished and they ended up losin% their li"es& so what they were sayin% was that it was better if they had stayed home! Allah .aujal re"ealed the ayat sayin% in (2629<

And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of opponents. This "erse is talkin% about hypo#ritesN Allah says in (2629G

And of the people is he who sells hi self, see'ing !&is" servants.

eans to the approval of Allah. And Allah is 'ind to

This is the ayat talkin% about these ten men& it doesnt matter whether they a#hie"ed their mission or not! They sold themsel"es for Allah& they %a"e their li"es for Allah& and they will be


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

rewarded by Allah %reatly! A lot of thin%s #an be said& like the de#ision took by the 19 shuhada was too rash& and that they should not ha"e unne#essarily taken the step to fight. $ut the big
point here is that the intention of these men was righteous therefore they died fi sabi lillah. Allah holds us accountable for our intention. Another event took place between Ghud and 'handa1 was $ir "auna. 3ne of the leaders of the tribe of +ajd came to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and said, (5slam is spreading among my people, 5 want you to send me preachers who would call to 5slam.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 sent above 8/ men, these men were called %Al!;urra&, the reciters of ;uran. #hey would work during the day by selling wood and during the night at ;iyam ul Bayl, reciting ;uran. #his was their lifestyle, so they went to invite people to 5slam. #his man who camed from +ajd, Abul $arra, promised the security of these men. When Al!;urra reached their territory, Abul $arra&s nephew Amr bin #ufail invited the men of his tribe to fight against the 8/ ;urra. His uncle refuses but he manages to bring up a force sufficient to attack these 8/ men. Amr bin #ufail had already met 6usool Allah ,saw0 previously, he had said, (3h "uhammed, 5 give you three alternatives -0 you become king over the town and 5 become king over the $edouin people >0 you make me a khalifa after you E0 5&ll attack you with an army of >/// men.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 refused to even negotiate with him, so this was why Amr bin #ufail wanted to attack these 8/ men ,Al!;urra0. .? men were massacred, when the news reached to 6usool Allah ,saw0, he was greatly affected by it. 6usool Allah ,saw0 was very sad about what happened and the betrayal of these people. o 6usool Allah ,saw0 started making dua Al!;unut. 2ua Al!;unut was never done before, this was the first time he said it, and he would say it in Aajr, Zuhr, Asr, "aghrib, and isha. 5n every salah 6usool Allah ,saw0 would make dua against those people. Against RiQl& ?hakwan& Iihyan& and 5sayya6

these tribes that betrayed the Muslim and killed them in #old'blood! >nly of the 2urras life was spared and that was Amr bin 5mayya ?hamri& they #aptured him but when Amr bin Tufail found out that he was from Mudhar! The mother of Amr bin Tufail had made an oath that she will free a man from Mudhar! $o Amr freed him& to fulfill the oath of his mother! 5rwa narrated6 (hen those (Muslims at 4ir MaQuna were martyred and QAmr bin 5mayya Ad' ?hamri was taken prisoner& QAmir bin Tufail& pointin% at a killed person& asked Amr& R(ho is this=R QAmr bin 5mayya said to him& R*e is QAmir bin Huhaira!R QAmir bin At'Tufail said& RI saw him lifted to the sky after he was killed till I saw the sky between him and the earth& and then he was brou%ht down upon the earth! $o that was a mira#le that happened with Amr bin Huhaira (ra ! *aram bin Milhan (ra was the ameer of the Muslims! Amr bin Tufail was talkin% to *aram while Amr bin Tufail si%naled a man to kill *aram bin Milhan! This man who was si%naled was @abbar& @abbar sneaks behind *aram bin Milhan and he stabs him with a spear in his ba#k and the blades #ame out from the #hest of *aram! *aram didnt say6 >h my %od Im deadL Instead his response was sho#kin% to those present& he said& 0Allah u AkbarL (Allah is -reat I ha"e won in the name of the Iord of Al':aaba!1 Those were his last words before he falls down as a shaheed! ,ow this was a sho#kin% statement to make when he is soakin% wet in his own blood! The man who killed him later on said& when he was tellin% the story of how he be#ame Muslim& he said& 0I stabbed the man from behind and the spear #ame out from his #hest and he said& FAllah is %reat I"e su##eeded by the name of the Iord of Al':aaba so I went around askin% people what he meant by that!1 (hat does he mean I su##eeded= I killed himL $o they told him& 0*es talkin% about shahadah!1 They then e3plained to him what a shaheed means and then that is when he be#ame a Muslim! $o when he understood why *aram (ra said that he said& 0+es he truly won!1 $o $ubhanAllah *aram bin Milhan %a"e dawah e"en while dyin%N and somebody be#ame Muslim be#ause of him! *is own assassin be#ame Muslim be#ause of *arams (ra last words!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

J? O 1< *assan bin Thabit (ra was the head of the media effort for Rusool Allah ($aw ! *e would respond ba#k to the poetry of the kuffar in poetry to defend Islam! *assan bin Thabit (ra had said a lot of poetry talkin% about the trea#hery of those tribes in ,ajd who killed the G9 2urra! >b"iously translatin% lines of poetry destroys the beauty of it& but he had said some "ery beautiful thin%s about those e"ents! A/'.ubair bin Awwam (ra named his sons after the shuhada& so he named two of his sons after two of the shuhada in 4ir Mauna& one of them was 5rwa and the other one was Al'Mundhir! A/'.ubair and Talhah were friends& and both of them are two of the ten who were %i"en the %lad tidin%s in @annah! Talhah (ra would name his sons after the anbiya& and .ubair (ra would name them after the shuhada! Rusool Allah (saw in that period of time %ot married to .ainab bint :hu/aimah (ra and she is #alled 5mm ul' Masakin& the mother of the poor! (hy= 4e#ause she used to take #are of the poor and %i"e them food& %i"e them money! .ainab (ra was the wife of Abdullah bin @ahsh (ra who died in the battle of 4adr! (e #an see here an element of so#ial welfare in the marria%es of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw wanted to take #are of his followers& so he married .ainab (ra who was a widow! (e #an see this throu%hout the life of Rusool Allah (saw and in the marria%es of the sahabah (ra & they didnt want to lea"e any woman behind without a husband or a family! This is one of the wisdoms of poly%amy! The purpose isnt to satisfy ones desires& there are other aspe#ts! Rusool Allah (saw also %ot married to 5mm $alama (ra & 5mm $alama (ra was from 2uraish! The 4anu Makh/um& this was the family of :halid bin (aleed! 5mm $alamas (ra husband was an early sahabahA he had made hijrah to al'*abasha and also Medina! In the battle of 5hud he %ot injured& his injury was startin% to heal when Rusool Allah (saw sent him on another mission! *is injury had %otten worse and he ended up dyin%& now before that Abu $alama (ra had a #on"ersation with his wife 5mm $alama& he said& 0If a husband dies and his wife does not %et married after him& they would be brou%ht to%ether a%ain in @annah& if both of them are destined to %o to @annah!1 $o Abu $alama (ra made an a%reement with 5mm $alama& that& if either of them dies& the one left& will not %et married a%ain! 5mm $alama a%reed& but then Abu $alama (ra said& 0,o& I asked Allah .aujal& if I die that *e repla#es me with somebody better& who will marry you and will not harm you or hurt you!1 5mm e $alama (ra then said& 0And who is better than Abu $alama=1 $he was sayin% who in this world is better than Abu $alama! This tells us that they had a "ery %ood and lo"in% relationship! (hen he died& she went to Rusool Allah (saw and told him& 0Abu $alama is dead!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0$ay& oh Allah for%i"e me& and for%i"e him and repla#e me with somebody better!1 $he made that dua! Abu 4akr $iddi) (ra proposed marria%e& she refused! 5mer bin :hattab (ra proposed marria%e& she refused& and then Rusool Allah (saw proposed marria%e! $he said& 0(el#ome& but tell Rusool Allah (saw that I am a jealous woman and I ha"e youn% kids and none of my wali are present!1 $o she a%reed but she wanted Rusool Allah (saw know her #ondition& that she is a jealous woman and Rusool Allah (saw was already married and she had kids they mi%ht be a burden for him (saw & and she had no wali to marry 5mm $alama to him (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0+ou said that you ha"e #hildren& Allah will take #are of those kids! +ou said that you are jealous& I am %oin% to ask Allah to take that jealousy away& and the walis who are absent (dead & none of them will refuse to marry you to me!1 In another narration& it said& 5mm $alama said& 0I a%ree& but I am %ettin% old!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw said& 0If you are old& I am older than you!1 This shows the intention of Rusool Allah (saw !


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

*e (saw married for the sake of reli%ion! 5mm $alama (ra narrated 77E ahadith! $he #on"eyed this knowled%e from Rusool Allah (saw ! There is a purpose for e"erythin%! Rusool Allah (saw married 5mm $alama (ra and said& 0I am %oin% to %i"e you furniture e)ual to that& that I %a"e to .ainab!1 $o what was this furniture= (e %o to Ameri#an furniture shops and buy all these thin%s for a newly married #ouple! Iets see what Rusool Allah (saw %ot for 5mm $alama& keepin% in mind he (saw is the best of mankind& and all the booty he earned from all those %ha/wat& he #ould ha"e easily spent most of it on his family and nobody would ha"e #omplained! After all he is the messen%er of AllahA he deser"ed to li"e in a #omfortable fashion! Rusool Allah (saw was an e3ample for us& he said& 0I will %i"e you no less than what I %a"e so and so& I will %i"e you two stone mails& two #lay jars& and pillow stuffed with leaf!1 That was it! *e spent three days with her when Rusool Allah (saw %ot married to her! *e (saw said& 0Hor a person who is married to more than one woman& as soon as he %ets married to the se#ond wife& if she is a "ir%in then he spends G days with her& if she is widowed or di"or#ed then he spends 7 days with her!1 $o umm e $alama was widowed& that is why he spent three days with her! Also durin% that year Al'*assan bin Ali bin Abi Talib was born& when he was born Ali bin Abi Talib (ra #ame to %i"e Rusool Allah (saw the %reat news! (hen Rusool Allah (saw asked what he named him& Ali (ra said& 0*ard1& *ard means Fwar& Rasool Allah (saw said& 0,oL *e is *assan!1 Rusool Allah (saw didnt like harsh names like& Fwar Fstone or other tou%h names& thus he #han%ed the name to *assan! Rusool Allah (saw made a/aan in his ear& and asked *assans mother Hatima to sha"e his head and then wei%h it& and pay the e)ui"alent wei%ht in sil"er as sada)at fi sabi lillah! *assans a)ee)ah also took pla#e in whi#h two sheeps were slau%htered! Anyway& so Rusool Allah (saw #alled in .aid bin Thabit (ra and he tells him& 0>h .aid& learn the *ebrew lan%ua%e be#ause I #annot trust the @ews!1 Rusool Allah (saw #ould not trust the @ews to read letter that he re#ei"ed or write ba#k to them! $in#e Rusool Allah ($aw was illiterate he had to ha"e people to write letter for him& and read letters he re#ei"es! There was some #orrespondent between Rusool Allah (saw and the @ews so he wanted a Muslim to read and write for him! .aid (ra said& 0I learned the *ebrew lan%ua%e in 1C days!1 $ubhanAllah learnin% a new lan%ua%e in 1C days& showed how mu#h hard work the sahabah (ra did! This is a lesson for all those brothers and sisters who want to learn Arabi# to understand the 2uran! It shouldnt take us years to plan the ne3t step! Iearnin% Arabi# for Muslims is "ery important& without this& there will always remain a barrier between us and understandin% Islam! $in#e the ori%inal te3t for Islam& whether it is the 2uran or ahadith is in Arabi#! If .aid (ra learned a forei%n lan%ua%e& whi#h is not e"en ne#essary as a Muslim& then what about the lan%ua%e that is ne#essary as a Muslim= This e"ent also tells us that& Muslims need people who are e3pert in forei%n lan%ua%es! Muslims need to study the literature of other nations& or the famous lan%ua%es of this (orld! 8HAE:AT 6AN+ NADHIR 5mayya ad'?hamri saw two men sleepin% under a tree& he asked them who do you belon% toA they said so and so tribe! This was the tribe that killed the G9 men (Al'2urra & so he went aside until they fell asleep and he killed them! *e thou%ht that he was doin% somethin% ri%ht by killin% these two men! It turned out that spe#ifi#ally these two men had a pea#e a%reement with Rusool Allah ($aw ! $o Rusool Allah (saw said to 5mayya ad'?hamri& 0+ou ha"e killed two men& I ha"e to pay their blood'money!1 $o one important rulin% that should be noti#ed is that a Muslim does not %et killed for a kaafir! $o e"en thou%h 5mayya here has killed two men& who shouldnt ha"e been killed& he was not e3e#uted! 4ut the Muslims pay blood money instead! Remember that Rusool Allah (saw had a #o"enant with the @ews& that they would support ea#h other in blood'money! $o Rusool Allah ($aw %oes with some of the sahabah (ra to 4anu ,adhir! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0These two men ha"e been killed& so I want you to support me in %i"in%


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

their blood'money!1 They a%reed! Rusool Allah (saw sat under this wall of theirs and they pretended that they were %oin% to brin% money for Rusool Allah ($aw ! They were a#tually #onspirin% on how to assassinate Rusool Allah ($aw & they said& 0+oure ne"er %oin% to find him in a better position to assassinate than this& hes ri%ht under your wall& ha"e somebody #limb up and throw a stone on him and lets %et rid of him on#e and for all!1 $o they tried to assassinate Rusool Allah (saw & Rusool Allah (saw re#ei"es re"elation from @ibrael (as & so Rusool Allah (saw stands up and lea"es& he doesnt say anythin% to the sahabah (ra ! $o the sahabah (ra waited for Rusool Allah (saw and he didnt show up! $o they went to Medina to in)uire and Rusool Allah (saw told them what happened! Rusool Allah (saw sends them a letter& he sends Muhammed ibn Muslamah to tell them& 0Im sent by the Messen%er of Allah& and he is tellin% you to Flea"e from my land& be#ause you ha"e betrayed our a%reement by #onspirin% a%ainst me& and I %i"e you ten days to lea"e& anyone s#ene after that will be e3e#uted!1 ,ow Muhammed bin Muslamah was the ally of 4anu ,adhir in their time of jahiliya! They said& 0The last person we would ha"e e3pe#ted to #ome and deli"er this messa%e would be you Muhammed!1 Muhammed responded ba#k and said& 0Islam has #han%ed us& and our hearts are different& and Islam has abro%ated the #o"enants!1 Muhammed was sayin% that thin%s ha"e #han%edA all his loyalties now are for Allah only! *is #o"enant with Allah is more important than his #o"enants with his allies in the time of @ahiliya! Their initial rea#tion was to a##ept it& and lea"e! 4ut Abdullah bin 5bayy the head of the hypo#rites& said to them& 0If you stay firm and resist& we will not %i"e up on you! If you fi%ht we will fi%ht alon% with you& and if you are e3pelled we will lea"e with you!1 Abdullah bin 5bayy made it "ery #lear that he will stand side by side with 4anu ,adhir! Abdullah bin 5bayy said& 0I ha"e 2999 men from my people and from our other arabs who are sympatheti# to our #ause!1 This stren%thened the @ews& they #han%ed their mind& so they de#ided to stay and fi%ht! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0The @ews want to fi%ht!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw laid sie%e to the fortresses of 4anu ,adhir! ,ow banu ,adhir was ri#h& they had these fortresses and outside they had a#res of a%ri#ultural land& palm %ro"es& whi#h they depended on for their li"elihood! Their plan was to remain in their fortresses until Muhammed (saw & and the Muslims %et tired and lea"e them! They were %oin% to remain insideA they knew they had enou%h pro"ision to remain inside for some time! As we said a lot of this li"elihood was based on palm %ro"es& Rusool Allah (saw used a strate%y that #ompletely baffled the @ews! Rusool Allah (saw started burnin% down their palm trees& this dro"e them #ra/y! $in#e their partial sur"i"al depended on that land& they thou%ht& what was the point of them stayin% in Medina if all their a%ri#ultural land %ets burned=L They said& 0>h Muhammed& you used to forbid #ausin% destru#tion& and #riti#i/ed those who did so! (hy are you #uttin% down and burnin% our date palms=1 The reason why they were surprised be#ause they didnt e3pe#t Muhammed (saw to do this& sin#e he used to pre"ent #ausin% destru#tion of property! In Islam there is instru#tion %i"en by Muhammed (saw not to #ut down trees! They then surrendered and asked Muhammed (saw to allow them to e"a#uate and spare their li"es& and allow them to take their wealth! Rusool Allah (saw %a"e the followin% #onditions! +ou do not take any weapons with you +ou are only allowed to #arry one #amel load B"ery three men were %i"en one #amel for transportation The one responsible for their o"ersi%ht was Muhammed bin Musalamah (ra ! Ibn Isha) said& 0They therefore loaded their belon%in%s on their #amels to the e3tent that they #ould bear! $ome of their men tore down their houses and remo"ed the door lintels whi#h they mounted on the ba#k of their #amels and took away!1 $ome were "ery ri#h& su#h as $alam bin Abi *u)ai)& he filled the skin of a bull with %old and sil"er& and he said& 0This is what we ha"e prepared for the ups and downs of this world& and if we are lea"in% behind our palm %ro"es& we will find palm %ro"es in


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

:haibar!1 $ome of them went to :haibar and some went to As'$haam& and they had a lot of pride! 4anu ,adhir were the "ery respe#ted amon% @ewish tribes& they were the most learned ones with the s#holars! They didnt want the Muslims to lau%h at their fortune! They wanted to %i"e the impression that they were not sad about what happened! $o when they went to :haibar& Abdullah ibn Abi 4akr said& 0They were re#ei"ed by women and youn% men& %ifts& tambourines& flutes& and %irls walkin% behind them sin%in% boldly and with pride& nothin% similar is related of any tribe of people in their era!1 B"en thou%h 4anu ,adhir were defeated in Medina& they were wel#omed in :haibar as heroes! That is be#ause they didnt want the Muslims to feel sorry for them& for their %reat loss! An entire surah was re"ealed talkin% about this %ha/wat& it was $urah *ashr& ibn Abbas used to #all it& 0The surah of 4anu ,adhir!1 Allah .aujal said6 $5RA* *A$*R (C862

It is &e who e*pelled the ones who disbelieved a ong the 4eople of the Scripture fro their ho es at the first gathering. +ou did not thin' they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would protect the fro Allah % but !the decree of" Allah ca e upon the fro where they had not e*pected, and &e cast terror into their hearts !so" they destroyed their houses by their !own" hands and the hands of the believers. So ta'e warning, O people of vision.
Allah said, +ou did not thin' they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would protect the fro Allah, that means that the e3pe#tations on both sides was that they @ews will not lea"e! The Muslims thou%ht that they were too stron% while the @ews thought that they, themselves were too strong. $ut the "uslims did succeed, only by Allah&s will. Allah e4pelled them. o if any nation is mistaken that they are too strong, or have the best weapons to fight like nuclear bombs or aircraft, Allah reminds them that nothing can happen unless Allah wills it. but !the decree of" Allah ca e upon the fro where they had not e*pected0 $ee no matter how stron% the army is& there will always be some points of weakness& whi#h Allah knows about! Allah .aujal will atta#k the enemies of Allah throu%h these points of weakness! +ow how did Allah attack the people of $anu +adhir? Allah sais* and &e cast terror into their hearts !so. If the hearts are terrified& it doesnt make a differen#e what arms you ha"e& or how well fortified you areL That is why ibn Al'2uyyum says& 0The Romans and Persians had stron%er bodies& %reater numbers and more arms than the Muslims had! 4ut their hearts failed them when they needed them the most.) When the sahabah ,ra0 stood in battle in front of the 6omans and =ersians, they were not as strong as their opponents, their training was definitely less, and they were few in number comparatively and the arms were limited compared to the opponents. However the sahabah emaan in their hearts and that made them steadfast. #he enemies of Allah were attached to this world, so they lost. Allah says in .H/0A3


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And if not that Allah had decreed for them evacuation, "e would have punished them in [this] world, and for them in the "ereafter is the punishment of the 3ire. o Allah is saying that if the people of $anu +adhir didn&t evacuate then the people of $anu +adhir would have been e4ecuted, which would have been worse. #hat would be their punishment in this world and hell!fire in the here!after. ,H?*@0

)hat is because they opposed Allah and &is Messenger. And whoever opposes Allah # then indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.
Allah says this be#ause 4anu ,adhir disobeyed Allah and his messen%er! Allah .aujal just& he didnt punish them for nothin%! They were punished be#ause they were standin% a%ainst Islam! Bither an indi"idual or a nation is #allin% the wrath of Allah! Allah says (C86C

$hatever you have cut down of !their" pal trees or left standing on their trun's # it was by per ission of Allah and so &e would disgrace the defiantly disobedient.
,ow %oin% ba#k to the issue of Rusool Allah (saw prohibited destroyin% property and then he did it himself! Hirst of all this was done by the permission by Allah (# it was by per ission of Allah (hy= $o that *e #ould disgrace the defiantly disobedient. Rusool Allah (saw had %i"en instru#tions that trees should not be #ut& women& #hildren& and old men should not be killed! *e also said that monks who are in monasteries should not be killed! *owe"er& we find that with e"ery one of these rules there are in#idents that %o a%ainst the rule! Here in Iha<wat $anu +adhir 6usool Allah ,saw0 had given orders to burn the palms down, so that went against the ruling of cutting down trees. And then there is what is called %bayaat& and this is called attacking the dwellings at night and the residents are killed. alama bil Akwa said, (5 myself participated in bayaat and 5 killed the residents of ? houses with my own hands.)

,ow ob"iously here you had old men& women& and #hildren killed! $o this too went a%ainst the standards rulin%s! (e also know that Rusool Allah (saw had also ordered the e3e#ution of two womenA of these women was a @ewish woman who had tried to poison Rusool Allah (saw ! There were also in#idents in whi#h old men were killed! Also $alahuddin who was "ery tolerant with the #rusaders& but he would not let members of military reli%ious orders su#h as the Templars or the *ospitallers %o& he would kill them& e"en thou%h these were monks! This too %oes a%ainst instru#tion of not killin% monks! $o what is %oin% on here= (hy all these #ontradi#tions= #hen
answer to that is the following*


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

5slam is a tolerant religion, and it has laid down rules that govern Cihad fi sabi lillah, however whenever the enemy tries to take advantage of these rules and harm the "uslims, these rules are suspended. o if the enemy tries to take advantage of "uslims, then the "uslims are allowed to put those rules allowed. #o sum it up, 5slam will not let allow its tolerance to be used against "uslims. 5n this situation, 6usool Allah , aw0 ordered the trees to be burnt, because $anu +adhir were planning on a long siege, depending on those trees, while they deserved the punishment because of their betrayal and because of their conspiracy to assassinate 6usool Allah , aw0. #herefore it wasn&t allowed for the Cews to used "uslim rule against "uslims. Allah Zaujal says in ,H?*.0

And what Allah restored !of property" to &is Messenger fro the # you did not spur for it !in an e*pedition" any horses or ca els, but Allah gives &is essengers power over who &e wills, and Allah is over all things co petent.

And what Allah restored to &is Messenger fro the people of the towns # it is for Allah and for the Messenger and for !his" near relatives and orphans and the !stranded" traveler # so that it will not be a perpetual distribution a ong the rich fro a ong you. And whatever the Messenger has given you # ta'e% and what he has forbidden you # refrain fro . And fear Allah % indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. -hanimah is the name %i"en to spoils of war& that are taken by an army after a fi%htN fai is the booty taken by an army without a fi%ht! $o these ayats are talkin% about fai! $in#e no fi%htin% o##urred with 4anu ,adhir& the rulin% of what they lea"e behind %oes to Muhammed (saw ! (hile for %hanimah < portions out of the C portions was %i"en to the fi%hters! $o Rusool Allah (saw had authority to de#ide the distribution of the booty!
#his was a new source of income, 5bn 5sha1 says, (#hey left their properties for the messenger of Allah, these consisted of their palm trees and their farms. #hese became his personal property to dispose off as he wished.) 6usool Allah , aw0 called the Ansar, Aus and 'ha<raj and said, (5f you want, 5 can split this money among you all and the muhajireen continue living in your houses and working in your farms, or if you want 5 can distribute this money among the muhajireen only and they would leave your houses and not take any share from your harvest.) #he Ansar agreed and told 6usool Allah ,saw0 to distribute it to the muhajirun and they also said* 5f you want us to carry on giving them a share of our farms, we don&t have a problem with that either. #his shows us the generosity of Ansar ,ra0.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

#he muhajirun now moved into the houses of $anu +adhir, their financial situation was improved. #he farms of $anu +adhir was also split among the muhajirun, only two of the Ansar got a shareJ Abu 2ujana, and ahl bin Haneef. #his was because they complained of their poverty. 5bn 'athir said, (#hese were specifically for the messenger of Allah, he would set aside his family&s e4penses for a year and then whatever weapons remain, he would treat as military supplies to be used in the cause of Allah.) o 6usool Allah , aw0 finally had some wealth, before that he would survive on gifts.

(e know that Rusool Allah (saw started out his life as a shepherd *e (saw worked as a businessman (hen he (saw be#ame a prophet& he stopped workin%& and de"oted all his time for dawah! Then when he %ot the money from -ha/wat banu ,adhir& he would take from it e3penses
from a year and the rest spend it on @ihad fi sabi lillah! Rusool Allah (saw says& 0My pro"isions #ome from beneath my spear!1 *is pro"isions #ame from fi%htin% in the path of Allah& by the booty of war! Anas ibn Malik (ra said& 0A man mi%ht donate to him his palms or whate"er else Allah mi%ht wish& up to when 2urai/a or ,adhir #on)uered for him& thereafter he be%an %i"in% it ba#k!1 $o now finally Rusool Allah ($aw has money to %i"e ba#k& before he was takin%! $urah *ashr also talks about the munafi1een in .H/0>>83 *e would li"e of the money off :hadija (ra & and from his un#le Abu Talib ! (hen he (saw mo"ed to Medina& he sur"i"ed on %ifts %i"en by the Ansar!

&ave you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers who have disbelieved a ong the 4eople of the Scripture, "If you are e*pelled, we will surely leave with you, and we will not obey, in regard to you, anyone # ever% and if you are fought, we will surely aid you." 8ut Allah testifies that they are liars.

(f they are e$pelled, they will not leave with them, and if they are fought, they will not aid them. And [even] if they should aid them, they will surely turn their backs# then [thereafter] they will not be aided.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

#hese munafi1een proved to be worthless. #hey promised the Cews that they will stand by them no matter what. +one of the promises of the munafi1un to the Cews were fulfilled. #he Cews were waiting for help from Abdullah bin Gbayy, but it never came. #he Cews were deceived, and even if they were aided, they would still have lost. Allah says* .H/0>A3 .H/0>13

+ou !believers" are do not understand.

ore fearful within their breasts than Allah. )hat is because they are a people who

.hey will not fight you all e$cept within fortified cities or from behind walls. .heir violence among themselves is severe. ;ou think they are together, but their hearts are diverse. .hat is because they are a people who do not reason. Allah is re"ealin% this )uality of the kuffar& that they will not fi%ht unless they are well'fortified! $ubhanAllah this fear of the kuffar& translates itself into different forms! In the time of Rusool Allah (saw & it was fortresses! In the time of #rusades it manifested itself into ar#hite#tural wonders& in the land of $haam& the most beautiful works of ar#hite#ture are the #astles of the #rusaders& and this also refle#ted the fear of the soldiers of Allah .aujal! Today too the enemies of Allah will not fi%ht until they are not well'fortified! Iook at this wall in Palestine that is a refle#tion of the fear& that wall #ompletes the ayah of 2uran! They will not fi%ht until and unless they are well'prote#ted!

Allah Zaujal says )heir violence a ong the selves is severe. This is to tell the Muslims that e"en thou%h they %an% up a%ainst you& they ha"e hatred amon% ea#h other! Iook at the world wars and other wars, but when it comes to 5slam, they unify and fight against the "uslims. We should reali<e that they have differences among themselves. Allah says in .H/0>H3

S)heirs is" li'e the e*a ple of those shortly before the 0 they tasted the bad conse6uence of their affair, and they will have
a painful punish ent. #his verse is talking about $anu ;ainu1a who were driven out of "edina before $anu +adhir, $anu +adhir should have taken heed from what happened to $anu ;ainu1a. #he Arabs of "edina in the time of Cahiliya, had this superstition that if they have children and they keep on dying, then you make a vow that your ne4t child will be a Cew then the child will live because of this, they had children who were growing up with the Cews as a fulfillment of their vows. When $anu +adhir was driven out, people came to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and said, ( ome of our sons and brothers are with them. What should we do?) 6usool Allah ,saw0 did not answer them back until a verse was revealed. 5n S;BA& 8AKABA& is no compulsion in religion. The path of %ood is #lear and the path of e"il is #lear& so Rusool Allah (saw told them& 0-i"e these brothers and sons


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

of yours the #hoi#e& if they #hoose you then they stay with you& if they #hoose to be with the @ews then they lea"e with them!1 :ou cannot force someone to come to 5slam. 6usool Allah ,saw0 says, (Allah Zaujal does not look at your form and the color of your skin, Allah Zaujal looks at your hearts.)

Also al#ohol was banned durin% the sie%e of 4anu ,adhir& that is when this ayat was re"ealed! (e know that the prohibition of Al#ohol happened in four sta%es& so Muslims #ontinued to drink till the <th year of Hijra. 5t wasn&t till the last si4 years of 6usool Allah&s ,saw0 life that it was banned.

J? 1C Rusool Allah (saw went out with <99 sahabah for a battle #alled 0Ri)a1! Ri)a means pie#es of #loth! Abu Musa Al'Ashari (ra said& 0(e went with Rusool Allah (saw to a %ha/wat and I was one of the si3 men who were sharin% the same #amel!1 Meanin% ea#h of them only %ets 1M; th of


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

the time on the #amel and the rest of the time they were walkin% on foot! $o he said& 0The skin of my feet was peelin% off and my nails were fallin% down& we would wrap pie#es of #loth around our feet!1 This was a harsh journey walkin% on hot sand and ro#ky areas! Those days they didnt ha"e %ood boots! They would wrap #loths around their feet to prote#t thief feet and that is why this %ha/wat was #alled FRi)a! The enemy fled from the Muslims& so no fi%htin% o##urred! The Muslims were still "ery #arefulA they would pray the $alah tul :hauf& Fthe salah of fear! This salah is pres#ribed in the 2uran in $5RA* A,',I$A (<6192 !

And when you are a ong the and lead the in prayer, let a group of the stand !in prayer" with you and let the carry their ar s. And when they have prostrated, let the be !in position" behind you and have the other group co e forward which has not !yet" prayed and let the pray with you, ta'ing precaution and carrying their ar s. )hose who disbelieve wish that you would neglect your weapons and your baggage so they could co e down upon you in one !single" attac'. 8ut there is no bla e upon you, if you are troubled by rain or are ill, for putting down your ar s, but ta'e precaution. Indeed, Allah has prepared for the disbelievers a hu iliating punish ent.
%..let the carry their ar s..G so they stand in salah with their arms! $o the way of this salah is that one part of the army is prayin% behind the imam and the other part is %uardin%! The ones who are prayin% will pray one rakat with the Imam& and then the Imam stands up for the se#ond Rakah& and would not mo"e& while the ones prayin% will finish the se#ond rakah and say salaam! This means they prayed one rakat with the Imam& the Imam is now waitin%! #he ne4t group which was gurading will step in and pray with the imam the second rakah and then they would finish praying their second rakah alone. #his is one opinion. #he other opinion is that the imam leads the first half in the two rakah and then they make salaam and then the ne4t two come in and pray with the imam, so the imam would end up praying four rakah.

The lesson here is the important of salah that e"en if you are afraid that the enemy mi%ht ambush you& you still ha"e to pray! If this is the #ase with the ones who are fi%hitn% in the path of Allah& then what about people who are in no su#h situation and ne"ertheless they ne%le#t salah! In Islam e"ery form of worship has #onditions in whi#h you dont ha"e to do that worship e3#ept salah! Hor e3ample the poor don&t have to pay Zakat, or do Hajj. #he ill don&t have to fast, and this
can go on. A "uslim has to pray, if you can&t pray standing up, you pray sitting down, if you can&t sit, then lie down and move your head, if you can&t move your head then move your finger and if you can&t move your fingers then move your eyesFF #he point is salah is re1uired. 5t must be done.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

6usool Allah ,saw0 appointed guards that night, Ammar bin +asir and Abbad bin 4ishr! They would alternate& while Ammar would sleep& Abbad would %uard and "i#e "ersa! (hile Ammar was sleepin%& Abbad was %uardin%! Abbad started to en%a%e himself in $alat! (hile he was re#itin%& one of the enemy shot an arrow at him& but he didnt mo"e! The enemy shot another arrow at him& he still didnt mo"e& a third arrow was shot and then Abbad woke up Ammar bin +asir! (hen Ammar woke up and saw that Abbad had three arrows sti#kin% out of his body! Ammar said& 0$ubhanAllah& (hy didnt you wake me up=1 *e replied& 0I was re#itin% a surah& I didnt want to stop until I finish it& but when he kept on firin% arrows at me& I made rukuh and then I woke you up! In the name of Allah if I wasnt #onsidered to be ne%le#tful of my responsibility& whi#h was %i"en to me by Rusool Allah (saw & I would ha"e rather died than stop my salah or I would ha"e finished it!1 This is an impressi"e story!

These arrows are strikin% at him& and he still had that #on#entration in salah to #arry on readin%! This shows the le"el of emaan! Also noti#e how he was wei%hin% his duties& one hand he didnt want to stop in between the surah and on the other hand he was thou%htful of the responsibility %i"en to him by Rusool Allah (saw ! (e ask Allah .aujal to make us reali/e our responsibilities! ?urin% this e3pedition there was an interestin% #on"ersation between @aber (ra and Rusool Allah (saw ! @aber (ra bin Abdullah was ridin% a feeble weak #amel and his #omrades were %ettin% ahead of him! $o Rusool Allah (saw approa#hes him and said& 0(hats wron% @aber=1 @aber (ra said& 0>h Messen%er of Allah& this #amel of mine is slowin% me down!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0Make it new!1 (hile Rusool Allah (saw was dismountin% he said& 0-i"e me that sti#k of yours or %et one for me from a tree!1 @aber (ra %a"e him the sti#k! Rusool Allah (saw prodded the #amel with that sti#k and then he told @aber bin Abdullah (ra & 0Mount up!1 @aber (ra said& 0My weak #amel was now #ompetin% with the fast #amel of Rusool Allah (saw !1 This was a mira#le! @aber bin Abdullah (ra was then #on"ersin% with Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0(ould you sell me this #amel of yours& oh @aber!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw now like his #amel! @aber bin Abdullah (ra said& 0Ill just %i"e it to you!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0,o& I want to buy it!1 @aber (ra said& 0Make me an offer!1 Rusool Allah ($aw said& 0one dirham!1 @aber (ra said& 0,o& you would be #heatin% me!1 @aber (ra was basi#ally jokin% around with him! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Then Ill %i"e you two dirhams!1 @aber (ra said& 0More!1 And @aber bin Abdullah (ra kept on raisin% the pri#e until Rusool Allah (saw offered one oun#e of %old! Muhammed (saw said& 0would that be a%reeable to you= @aber (ra said& 0+es!1 @aber bin Abdullah (ra said& 0Then its all yours!1 And then Rusool Allah (saw asked him& 0@aber& are you married yet=1 Rusool Allah (saw is talkin% to his ummah and in)uirin% about their li"es! Rusool Allah (saw wanted to know the li"in% #onditions of his people be#ause he #ared "ery mu#h! @aber (ra said& 0+es& I am!1 Rusool Allah (saw asked& 0To a woman pre"iously married or to a "ir%in=1 *e said a married woman! Rusool Allah (saw said& R(hy didnQt you marry a "ir%in %irl so that you mi%ht play with her and she with you (or& you mi%ht make her lau%h and she makes you lau%h =R @aber said& RMy father died& lea"in% se"en or nine %irls (orphans and I did not like to brin% a youn% %irl like them& so I married a woman who #an look after them!R *e said& RMay Allah bestow *is 4lessin% on you!R Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(hen we %et to $irar& I will slau%hter a #amel and stay there& she will hear about us #omin% and she will dust off her #ushions for us!1 Rusool Allah (saw before he would enter Medina& he would stay outside and let his family know that hes #omin%! *e wouldnt surprise them& so that they #ould %et ready to meet him! $o anyway Rusool Allah (saw said to @aber that his wife will dust #ushions for you& when she hears him #omin%! @aber bin Abdullah (ra said& 0(e dont ha"e #ushions!1 Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0+ou will ha"e some!1 $o they %et ba#k to Medina& and Rusool Allah (saw #omes out of the Masjid and he sees this #amel tied up so he asks& 0(hat is this=1 They said& 0@aber brou%ht it to you!1 Rusool Allah (saw #alled for @aber (ra & Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Jousin lead your #amel away& it is yours!1 And then Rusool


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Allah (saw #alled 4ilal (ra and said& 0Take @aber away and %i"e him an oun#e of %old!1 @aber (ra said& 0I went with 4ilal& he %a"e me an oun#e and a little more as well& and by Allah my finan#ial affairs impro"ed #onstantly thereafter until they suffered re#ently when what befell us!1 (hat @aber (ra was referrin% to sufferin% as the re#ent sufferin% was F+aum al *arra it was the worst day for the people of Medina& many were massa#red! $o Rusool Allah (saw was ne%otiatin% that deal with @aber (ra but he didnt really want to buy it& he just wanted to %i"e @aber (ra money& or when Rusool Allah (saw found out about the diffi#ult situation of @aber (ra he #han%ed his mind and de#ided to %i"e the #amel and the %old to @aber (ra ! The Muslims won the battle of 4adr& and the kuffar won the battle of 5hud& so they a%reed to meet the followin% year& same time& same pla#e for the third battle! That was #alled FThe appointed 4adr! $o Abu $ufyan with a 2999 stron% army left Me##a& when they tra"eled for a while& Abu $ufyan said& 0Men of 2uraish it is ri%ht for you to make su#h an e3pedition only in a fruitful year& when you #an pastor on trees and drink milk! This year it is barren& Im %oin% ba#k& you do the same!1 Abu $ufyan bailed out alon% with his army! They were too afraid to meet the Muslims& so they walked away! Their e3#use was that it is a barren year& and that they will suffer alon% the way! Rusool Allah (saw shows up at the appointed time and the appointed pla#e& but the 2uraish do not show up& so he stays there for a few days and then lea"es! (hile he was there& he met with Makshi bin Amir ad'?amri from the tribe of 4anu ?amra& these men had a pea#e allian#e with Rusool Allah (saw ! $o this man #omes up to Rusool Allah (saw and said& 0Muhammed& ha"e you #ome here to this well& to meet with 2uraish=1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0+es& brother from 4anu ?amra& but if you want& we will release you from your a%reement with us& and we will battle you until Allah de#ides between us!1 *e said& 0,o& by Allah& Muhammed there is no need for that!1 Rusool Allah (saw is tellin% this man that& if you want us to end this a%reement between us& we wouldnt ha"e any problem with that and that we are ready to fi%ht you! This shows us somethin% about the personality of Rusool Allah (saw ! If Rusool Allah ($aw entered into a tru#e or allian#e with anyone& it was be#ause the opposin% party needed that& Rusool Allah (saw didnt! There tru#es were not entered into be#ause Rusool Allah (saw was weak& he was stron% and he made that "ery #lear! It is important for Muslims to reali/e that if Muslims enter in to a tru#e it should not be be#ause they are weak& rather should happen be#ause they are stron% and the disbelie"ers dont want to fi%ht! Another %ha/wat is -ha/wah ?oomatul'@andal& ?oomatul @andal is about <C9 km north of Medina! Al'(a)idi states& 0*e (Muhammed saw therefore or%ani/ed his men& and left with a for#e of 1999 Muslims! They tra"eled by ni%ht keepin% under#o"er by day& he had a %uide with him from 4anu 5dra named Markur& who was a skilled tra#ker!1 Rusool Allah (saw tra"els this lon% distan#e of 2C9 km to %o and meet with the people ?oomatul @andal whom he heard were %atherin% a for#e to ad"an#e to Medina to atta#k him! $ubhanAllah& Rusool Allah (saw didnt e"en %i"e them the #han#e to mar#h towards him& he went out to meet them in their own territory& and he wouldnt allow them to #ome near Medina! This happened in the Cth year of *ijra a%ainst the tribe of kubaa& the people fled when they heard that Rusool Allah (saw was approa#hin%! The mo"ement of Rusool Allah (saw was )uiet& be#ause they would tra"el at ni%ht and hide durin% the day& thus the people of kubaa were surprised! The Muslims had taken o"er some of their #attle and they just ran away! The Muslims stayed there for a few days and no one showed up to fi%ht! The Muslims went ba#k home "i#torious! These %ha/wat ser"ed "arious purposesA the Muslims learned about some new territories& it was a physi#al trainin%& they were lessons of dis#ipline& and also the %ha/wat ser"ed the purpose of bondin% this ummah! 4efore they would only bond with family and tribe but after Islam thin%s


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

had #han%ed! The time spent to%ether by the fi%hters was why they bonded with ea#h other! Hor e3ample we mentioned how Rusool Allah (saw #on"ersed with @aber bin Abdullah (ra ! Rusool Allah (saw was also establishin% politi#al a%reements with different tribes! It was an e3pression of stren%th! Rusool Allah (saw was "ery darin% and was willin% to take risks but at the same time were "ery well'planned! $o the Muslims a#tions were not rash they were well'or%ani/ed! Another famous %ha/wah was 4anul Mustalu)& they are a tribe from :hu/aa! Rusool Allah (saw atta#ked them be#ause they too were plannin% to atta#k Medina! They were #ompletely #au%ht by surprise by the Muslims& they didnt e"en %et the #han#e to fi%ht& instead their wealth was taken and their women and #hildren were held as sla"es! The Muslim army #onsisted of G99 Muslims! 7essons "rom 8#a;wa# banul Mustaluq/ It is allowed to atta#k people without ad"an#e noti#e if dawah has already rea#hed them! $o they then dont ha"e to %i"e them a #han#e to be#ome Muslim& usually the Muslim army %i"es three days to the enemy! Three #hoi#es are %i"en to the people of the 4ook and two #hoi#es if they are not! The #hoi#es for the people of the book areA 1! To be#ome Muslim 2! If not then pay @i/ya 7! And if none of the abo"e then Muslims will fi%ht! The #hoi#es %i"en to the people who are not people of the book areA 1! To be#ome Muslim 2! If not then Muslims will fi%ht! The disbelie"ers are %i"en three days to make up their mind& but here they werent e"en %i"en a moments #han#e! (hy= 4e#ause dawa has already rea#hed them& they li"e in Arabia they"e heard about Islam! They were ambushed! Abdullah bin 5mer said& 0*e atta#ked them while they were unaware while theyre li"esto#k were drinkin% water so he killed some of their men& and he has taken their families as sla"es!1 ?urin% this battle the Muslim battle #ry was& 0>h #on)uerer& kill& kill1! Also a lot of fi)h was learned durin% the %ha/wat& so durin% the %ha/wah of 4anul Mustalu) the rulin% of tayyammum was re"ealed in the 2uran! In 4ukhari Abu $aeed Al':hudri said& 0(e went forth with the messa%e of Allah& on the e3pedition to 4anul Mustalu)! (e took many of the 4edouins #apti"e and we desired the women& be#ause #eliba#y was "ery hard on us! (e liked the pra#ti#e of #oitus interruptus but wondered whether we should do this& without askin% the Messen%er of Allah! $o we asked him about it& he said& FThere is no differen#e in you doin% that for any soul that is %oin% to e3ist till @ud%ment ?ay will so e3ist!1 $o Rusool Allah (saw said that it wouldnt make a differen#e if you do that or not be#ause Allah has already ordained e"ery soul that will be #reated! $ome ulema use this hadith to pro"e that #ontra#epti"es are allowed! 4ut there is a differen#e of opinion amon% s#holars& also there is a differen#e in opinion if this has %ot to do with a free woman and sla"e %irl! The reason why they wanted to pra#ti#e #oitus interruptus here is be#ause if a man owns a sla"e woman& and she be#omes pre%nant and has a #hild from him& then he #annot sell her! $o she would then remain with him& be#ause of the #hildren& she will be #alled umm'ul (alad& FMother of Jhildren! $he is almost like his wife! *owe"er if they pra#ti#e #oitus interruptus& then they would ha"e se3ual relations with these women and they #ould still sell them! Ibn Isha) narrated6 Aisha (ra said& 0(hen the Messen%er of Allah distributed the #apti"es taken from 4anul Mustali)& the dau%hter of Al'*arith ibn Al'Mustali) was awarded to Thabit ibn 2ays ibn $hammas!1 $o one woman was taken #apti"e and she was the dau%hter of the head of the tribe& her name was @uwairiya! Aisha said&1 $he made makaatuba with Thabit ibn 2ays!1


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Mukaatuba is a #ontra#t between the master and the sla"e& whi#h would allow the sla"e to be free by payin% a #ertain amount of money! $o sla"ery is not permament! Aisha said& 0$he was a "ery sweet and attra#ti"e woman& e"ery man who saw her& fell for her! $he #ame to the Messen%er of Allah to ask him& help in preparin% the do#ument! And I swear as soon as I saw her at the door of my room& I disliked her and re#o%ni/ed that he would see in her what I did!1 $o Aisha (ra was sayin% that she felt was jealous& and she was worried that if Rusool Allah (saw sees her& he mi%ht want to %et married to her! @uwairia said& 0Messen%er of Allah& I am @uwairiyah dau%hter of Al'*arith& the leader of his people& you #an see what my pli%ht is now! I ha"en fallen to the lot of Thabit bin 2ays and I"e prepared a deed awardin% myself to him! I ha"e #ome to ask your help in writin% it! 1Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(ould you prefer better=1 $he asked6 0(hat is that& Apostle of Allah=1 *e (saw replied& 0I shall pay the pri#e of your freedom on your behalf& and I shall marry you!1 $he replied I shall do this! $he (Aisha said6 The people then heard that the Apostle of Allah (saw had married @uwayriyyah! They released the #apti"es in their possession and set them free& and said6 They are the relati"es of the Apostle of Allah (saw by marria%e! (e did not see any woman %reater than @uwayriyyah who brou%ht blessin%s to her people! >ne hundred families of 4anu al'Mustali) were set free on a##ount of her! 5mer bin :hattab (ra had a ser"ant& his ser"ant was a muhajir! They were ne3t to this well& fet#hin% water and this ser"ant of 5mer (ra %ot into a fi%ht with one of the Ansar! $o the Ansari #alled on the Ansari to %an% up a%ainst the Muhajireen and the Muhajir #alled on the Muhajireen! A fi%ht was about to break out& but when Rusool Allah (saw #ame in and mediated between them& he would not allow su#h thin%s to happen! *e would immediately #ome and stop them before the fitnah in#reases! Anyway so the news (of the fi%ht rea#hes Abdullah bin 5bayy& and he said& 0?id they really #ause this= They #hallen%e us and outnumber us in our own land! I swear by Allah& the old ma3im applies to us and these 2uraish& ruffians fatten your do% and you it will eat! I swear when we dri"e out to Medina& the stron%er will dri"e out the weaker! $ee what you ha"e done to yoursel"es& you let them settle amon% you and share your property with them! I swear if you had kept your property from them& they would ha"e %one somewhere else! 1 Abdullah bin 5bayy was sayin% that the Ansar allowed the muhajireen to #ome in Medina and helped them and then the muhajireen %o a%ainst the Ansar& their "ery helpers& so he used the ma3im! A youn% sahabi& .ayd bin Ar)am& heard what Abdullah bin 5bayy said& so he went and #on"eyed the news to Rusool Allah (saw ! $ome men from the Ansar who were also present there told Rusool Allah (saw & 0Perhaps the lad mistook what was said or did not memori/e it #orre#tly!1 $o they were defendin% Abdullah bin 5bayy! 5mer (ra said& 0Iet me %o and e3e#ute this munafi)!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0*ow would it be 5mer& to ha"e people say& 0Muhammed kills his own #ompanions! ,o orders to lea"e instead!1 5said bin :hu/air (ra was from the Ansar& he was from the people of Abdullah bin 5bayy! Rusool Allah (saw told him& 0?idnt you hear& what your friend said=1 *e said& 0(hi#h friend=1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Abdullah bin 5bayy!1 5said asked Rusool Allah (saw what Abdullah said! Rusool Allah (saw told him what all he said& so 5said responded& 0(ell I swear by Allah& Messen%er of Allah& you will dri"e him out if you wish& he is #ertainly the weak one and you are the stron%! 4e kind to him of Messen%er of Allah& I swear Allah brou%ht you to us while his (Abdullah bin 5bayy people were strin%in% pearls with whi#h to make a #rown from him and so he #onsiders that you ha"e robbed him his kin%dom!1 And this is the problem& when people ha"e authority and money& when they feel that Islam will threaten their authority or their wealth& they be#ome munafi)een! Allah .aujal says about this in#ident in $5RA* M5,AHI25, (;76G (;76E


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

)hey are the ones who say, "5o not spend on those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they disband." And to Allah belongs the depositories of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand.

)hey say, "If we return to al#Madinah, the ore honored !for power" will surely e*pel therefro the ore hu ble." And to Allah belongs !all" honor, and to &is Messenger, and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not 'now.

$o honor belon%s to Allah& *is messen%er and the momineen! 7essons/

Rusool Allah (saw told the army to lea"eA the wisdon in this a#tion is that if people dont keep themsel"es pre'o##upied in %ood& they will o##upy themsel"es with e"il! $in#e this fitnah was #ausin% a lot of talk and rumour& Rusool Allah (saw told the army to pa#k up and lea"e! They mar#hed for the entire day& then the entire ni%ht and mar#hed the ne3t mornin% and when Ruysool Allah (saw told them to stop they fell asleep immidiately be#ause they were so tired! They didnt time to think of this issue! Rusool Allah (saw wanted them to for%et! It is important to prote#t the reputation of the Muslim #ommunity! Rusool Allah (saw didnt allow 5mer (ra to e3e#ute Abdullah bin 5bayy! The reason was that Rusool Allah (saw did not want people to think that Muhammed (saw kills his #ompanions! *e (saw did not want people to think that if they be#ome Muslim& they will be killed by their leader& or will be oppressed by their leader! B"en thou%h Abdullah bin 5bayy wasnt a #ompanion& he was a hypo#rite& but he was #ounted as a Muslim& be#ause that is what he #laimed to be! Another reason he refused to 5mer (ra was that Rusool Allah (saw was thinkin% lon% term! Ibn Isha) said6 Thereafter& if anythin% bad happened& Abdullahs people would blame and reproa#h him!1 $o Rusool Allah after bein% told how they were treatin% Abdullah bin 5bayy he later asked 5mer (ra & 0(ell 5mer& what do you think now=1 5mer (ra said& 0I swear& if I had killed him& the day you had su%%ested it& there would ha"e been mu#h resentment!1 $o Rusool Allahs (saw wisdon pro"ed benefi#ial& be#ause o"er time Abdullahs #hara#ter was e3posed to his own people! (hen"er some thin% bad happened& they would reproa#h Abdullah! If Abdullah bin 5bayy was killed when 5mer (ra wanted to& people would ha"e went a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw out of pride and nationalism as they were not familiar with the #hara#ter of Abdullah bin 5bayy& they re#o%ni/ed his true


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

#olours! People did not know Abdullah bin 5bayy was a hypo#rite like we all know today& it was only slowly as time passed that this truth was dis#o"ered! Pre"iously whene"er Rusool Allah (saw walked towards the pulpits to %i"e khutba tul @umah towards Al'Mimba& Abdullah bin 5bayy would stand up and say& 0This is the messen%er of Allah support him and hold him!1 4ut after his true #olours were slowly bein% re"ealed when he would stand up& hs people would pull him down and tell him to sit down! $o this was the result of the wisdom of Rusool Allah (saw ! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0if I were to order his death today& they will all kill him!1 5mer bin :hattab said& 0+es rusool Allah& I reali/e that your de#sion is better than mine!1 This shows us the benefit of
leniency. 6usool Allah ,saw0 established this ummah with his soft heart.

+ationalism is an enemy of 5slam* "uhajirun were going to fight with the Ansar, Al!Aus used to fight 'ha<raj. 6usool Allah ,saw0 stepped in and reminded them the similarities between them. haitan uses this to create disunity against the ummah. We need to be very aware, there is no such thing as Arabs, =akistanis, $ritish "uslims, or etc. haitan uses these label tags to create disunity against the ummah. We are "uslimsJ islam howwever does recogni<e that we belong to tribes. #he reason for this is so that we can know each other, because imagine if were all copies, copies of one another, everyone would look the same and would belong to the same place, then how would be recogni<e one another. Allah made us all different, with different personalities and names. #hat is how we can know one another. 7veryone is uni1ue, and has their own individuality.

Abdullah bin 5bayys son was also named Abdullah. When Abdullah ,son0 heard that
6asool Allah , aw0 might kill his father, because of what he ,Abdullah bin Gbayy0 said. Abdullah went to 6asool Allah ,saw0 and told him, (5 heard that you want to kill my father, if you plan to do so, then let me kill him. +ow the people of 'ha<araj know that 5 am the most obedient towards my father and the best among them in obedience and fulfilling the rights of my father and 5 don&t want someone else to kill my father and then after that 5 see this man walking safely, and shaitan comes to me and causes me to kill him and then 5 would have killed a believer for the sake of a disbeliever. o if you want to kill him, then you order me to do so, and 5&ll do it.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (+o, we will not kill him. We will accompany him in this life.) #hen 6usool Allah ,saw0 made dua for Abdullah ,ra0 ,the son0.

Abdullah (ra %a"e the e3ample of true emaan& where your loyalty %oes toA for Allah and *is Messen%er! Rusool Allah (saw told him not to& that he (saw will %i"e Abdullah bin 5bayy #ompany in this lifeA this shows us what a bi% heart Rusool Allah (saw had for the belie"ers!

J? 1;


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

?urin% the 4attle of 4anul Mustali) an important in#ident o##urred! The Muslim ummah learnt %reat lessons from this unfortunate in#ident! Aisha (ra narrates this in#ident6 0(hen the Messen%er of Allah was about to %o on a journey& he would draw lots amon% his wi"es to de#ide who would a##ompany him& he did so as usual& a%ainst the e3pedition a%ainst 4anul Mustali)& my name was drawn and so he took me with him! The women on su#h o##asions would eat li%ht fillin% foods and they would be li%ht wei%ht! I would sit in my haudaj while my #amel was bein% saddled! (*audaj is a #losed spa#e& put on top of the #amel! The men responsible for mountin% it& would then %rasp the haudaj from below it& and lift it and pla#e it upon the #amels ba#k& tyin% it there with ropes! They would then lead the #amel away by the heads! (hen Rusool Allah (saw had #ompleted that journey& dire#ted the party to return home! Then #lose to Medina he made a halt for a part of the ni%ht! A#)uired and #alled out to people to depart a%ain& and people prepared to do so! I went out to relie"e myselfA I was wearin% a ne#kla#e of ony3 made of stones of /afar! (hen I had finished& it slipped from the ne#k without my knowled%e! *a"in% returned to my mount I felt for it around my ne#k but didnt find it there! 4ut people were be%innin% to lea"e so I returned where I had been to sear#h for the ne#kla#e& and e"entually I found it! The men who had now finished saddlin% my #amel had #ome ba#k for me and rose up the haudaj thinkin% I was inside as usual& and fastened it on to the #amel! They had no doubts about me bein% inside& and then they took the #amel by the head and lead it away! (hen I returned to the #amp site& there was absolutely no one there& e"eryone had left! $o I wrapped myself in my #loak and laid down& I was sure that they would return for me when they miss me& I swear I was lyin% there when $afwan b! MuQattal $ulami ?hakwini #ame by! *e had for some reason of his own been la%%in% behind the other warriors and had not spent the ni%ht with the others! (hen he saw my form he approa#hed and stood o"er me& he had seen me before the "eil was pres#ribed for us! (hen he saw me he e3#laimed FTo Allah we belon% and to *im we return& isnt it the $aa: eena (woman sittin% in haudaj of Rusool Allah (saw = I was all wrapped up in my #loak& he then asked& F(hat made you stay behind= May Allah ha"e mer#y on you! I did not speak to him! *e then brou%ht up the #amel and said& Fyou ride& he kept away from me! $o I mounted and he led the #amel away by the head mo"in% )ui#kly to #at#h up with the rest! I swear by Allah we neither #au%ht them up nor did they miss me before mornin%! 4y the time the for#e had halted and made se#ure the man appeared leadin% me& and so those who spread the #alumny started talkin% and the men were %reatly puttered! *owe"er I swear I knew nothin% of this! (e then went on to Medina& there I soon felt seriously si#k and heard nothin% of what was %oin% on! All the talk soon rea#hed Rusool Allah (saw and my parents& but they told me absolutely nothin% of this! All I noti#ed was that Rusool Allah (saw was not as kind as usual towards meA whene"er I had been si#k he had been "ery kind and #omfortin% to me& but not on this o##asion! I pretended not to noti#e& when he #ame and see me& my mother bein% present nursin% me& he would just say formally Fhow is she= *e would add nothin% more! B"entually this #oldness of his bothered me& and so I asked him& F>h Rusool AllahL If you will allow it& I would like to %o and stay with my mother to ha"e her #are for me! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0,o problem! And so I mo"ed in with my mother& I still had no knowled%e what was %oin% on& until I re#o"ered from my illness some three weeks later! (e were arab people and did not ha"e in our homes those toilets that forei%ners use& we find them dis%ustin%! (e would %o out and use the open areas of medina! Ba#h ni%ht the women would %o outside to relie"e them sel"es!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

I went out to do so one ni%ht a##ompanied by 5mm Mista dau%hter of Abu Rhm b! Muttalib& she was walkin% with me when she tripped o"er her %own an swore& FPerish that Mistah! I #ommented that is a terrible thin% to say about a muhajir& and a man who fou%ht at 4adr! $he said& F*as the news not rea#hed you& dau%hter of Abu 4akr! I said& F(hat news= $he then told me what those spreadin% the slander were sayin%! $o I e3#laimed& FThis is really so=L $he said& F+es it is really so! I swear I was so upsetA I #ould not do my business and went home! I wept so mu#h& I thou%ht my #ryin% would burst my li"er! I told my mother& FMay Allah for%i"e you for not tellin% me anythin% about what the people ha"e been sayin% about me! $he said& F?ont take it too seriously dau%hter& rarely a does a beautiful woman with a husband who lo"es her& not ha"e her #o'wi"es and others to speak badly about her! Rusool Allah (saw had stood and addressed people on this subje#t but I knew nothin% on that! *e had praised and thanked Allah& then said& F(hy is it that people are %i"in% me #on#ern about my family& and speakin% untruths a%ainst them! I swear by Allah& I know nothin% but %ood of them! And they are sayin% the same a%ainst a man of whom I ha"e ne"er known anythin% but %ood! *e has ne"er entered any of my dwellin%s without me& bein% his #ompany!1 Rusool Allah (saw was sayin% that he only knows %ood in Aisha (ra and only knows %ood in $afwan (ra !1 Aisha (ra said& 0The %reatest blame for this slay was Abdullah bin 5bayy& some from the :ha/rah& Mustah& and *amnah& dau%hter of @ahsh! *amnah spoke thus& be#ause she was the sister of .ainab& dau%hter of @ahsh& who also li"ed with Rusool Allah (saw ! .ainab was the only one of his wi"es who ri"aled my status with him! .ainab herself was %i"en Allahs prote#tion throu%h her reli%ion& for she spoke only %ood of me! *amna spread rumors about me& to do harm for her sisters sake& I suffered for that!1 Aisha (ra sayin% that .ainab wasnt in"ol"ed in this& but it was her sister who was doin% this for .ainab! Aisha (ra #ontinued& 0(hen Rusool Allah (saw made this address& 5said bin *udair stated& Fif they were from Al'Aus we would deal with them for you& if from our :ha/raj brethren then %i"e us your order and I swear by Allah& they deser"e to ha"e their heads but off! Then $ad ibn 5bada arose& he had been pre"iously been #onsidered a fine man& he said& Fyou lie& I swear by Allah& youd #ertainly not #ut off their heads& and you only made that statement be#ause you knew that they were of :ha/raj! If they had been from your own tribe you would ne"er say that! 5said said Fits you who lie& I swear by Allah& you are a hypo#rite& ar%uin% on behalf of the hypo#rites! People be#ame so an%ry that there was almost a fi%ht between Aus and :ha/raj!1 This is four or fi"e years after be#omin% Muslim& and still this problem of nationalism is still present& that it #ould #ause a fi%ht inside a masjid! This shows us how dan%erous nationalism is! Rusool Allah (saw says that& Fthis is one of the thin%s of @ahiliya that will remain in you! These were %reat sahabi who he sayin% this to! Aisha (ra #ontinued& 0 *e (saw #alled for Ali bin Abi Talib (ra and 5sama bin .aid (ra and #onsulted me to him! 5sama spoke well of me and then said& FRusool Allah& this is about your family about whom& we know nothin% but %ood! This is all foolish lies! Ali bin Abi Talib (ra said& FMessen%er of Allah there are plenty of women& you #an e3#han%e them& ask the sla"e %irl she will speak the truth to you! $o Rusool Allah (saw #alled for 4arira to ask her! Ali went up to her and stru#k her "iolently sayin%& Fspeak the truth to the messen%er of Allah! 4arira replied& FI swear by Allah& I know nothin% but %ood& I ne"er fault with Aisha at all e3#ept that when I need dou%h and ask her to wat#h o"er it& she may fall asleep and the domesti# %oats #ome and eat it! Then Rusool Allah (saw #ame to me& I had with me both my parents and an Ansari woman! I was weepin% and so was she! *e sat down& %a"e praise and thanks to Allah and then said& FAisha you ha"e been informed what people ha"e been sayin% about you! Hear Allah& if you had indeed done wron% as they say& then repent to *im! Allah a##epts repentan#e from *is ser"ants! As


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

soon as he said this my tears dried up so that I #ould feel nothin% of them& I waited for parents to respond on my behalf to Rusool Allah (saw but they didnt speak! I swear to Allah& I felt myself to be humble and unimportant for Allah to sent a "erse of 2uran about me& one that would be re#ited and used for the prayer! 4ut I had hoped that the prophet would ha"e some "ision in his sleep& by whi#h Allah would pro"e my inno#en#e& from *is knowled%e of my inno#en#e and would %i"e some information! 4ut as a "erse of 2uran to be re"ealed about me& I swear I felt myself too insi%nifi#ant for that! (hen I saw that my parents were not replyin% on my behalf& I asked them& F(ill you not reply to Rusool Allah= They replied& F4y Allah& we dont know what to reply! I swear I dont know any household that e"er suffered so mu#h as that of Abu 4akr& throu%h those days! (hen they were unable to respond for me& I burst out #ryin% a%ain! Then I said& Fby Allah& I will ne"er repent to Allah for what you refer to! I swear I well know that if I were to affirm what people say& while Allah knew me to be inno#ent of it! I would be affirmin%& what had not happened! If I were to deny what they say& you would not belie"e me! I then tried to remember the name of +a)ub but I #ould not remember it& so I said& F4ut I will speak as did& the father of +usufA Patien#e is fine and Allahs help is to be sou%ht a%ainst what you despite! I swear the Messen%er of Allah had not left his seat& before Allah sent down upon him what he used to send! *e as wrapped up in his #loak& and a pillow of leather was pla#ed beneath his head! As for myself& when I witnessed this& I swear& I felt no alarm or #on#ern! I knew that I was inno#ent that Allah would not harm me! *owe"er I swear by *im who bears Aishas soul in *is hands that as soon as the Messen%er of Allah re#o"ered& I thou%ht my parents would e3pire from fear that #onfirmation of what people were sayin% would #ome from Allah!1 $ubhanAllah Aisha (ra was sayin% that her parents were worried that 2uran would #ome to #onfirm the a##usation that Aisha (Ra #ommitted .ina& and this shows you how dan%erous these rumors #ould be! Aisha (ra #ontinues& 0*a"in% re#o"ered the Messen%er of Allah sat up& his fa#ed streamed with droplets like a winter day& he be%an wipin% the sweat from his fa#e and sayin%& FRejoi#e Aisha& Allah All'Mi%hty And All -lorious is *e& has sent down #onfirmation of your inno#en#e! I said& FAll praise is for Allah! *e then went out to address the people& re#ited to them what Allah the All' Mi%hty and -lorious re"ealed from 2uran on the subje#t! *e then %a"e orders about Mistah& *assan bin Thabit& and *amna! These ha"in% the most out spoken in their #alumny& and they re#ei"ed the flo%%in% pres#ribed by law!1 This was narrated by Aisha (ra In a different narration it says that when these ayat were re"ealed& and Rusool Allah (saw %a"e her the news! The mother of Aisha (ra told her to thank Rusool Allah (saw ! Aisha (ra said& F,o& I wont& I will only thank Allah! The ayat re"ealed are in S;BA& A<#<;B Allah .aujal says (2<611'2C


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Indeed, those who ca e with falsehood are a group a ong you. 5o not thin' it bad for you% rather it is good for you. For every person a ong the is what !punish ent" he has earned fro the sin, and he who too' upon hi self the greater portion thereof # for hi is a great punish ent.

$hy, when you heard it, did not the believing say, ")his is an obvious falsehood"E

en and believing wo en thin' good of one another and

$hy did they !who slandered" not produce for it four witnessesE And when they do not produce the witnesses, then it is they, in the sight of Allah , who are the liars.

And if it had not been for the favor of Allah upon you and &is ercy in this world and the &ereafter, you would have been touched for that !lie" in which you were involved by a great punish ent


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

8hen you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah , tremendous.

And why, when you heard it, did you not say, "It is not for us to spea' of this. 7*alted are +ou, !O Allah "% this is a great slander"E

Allah warns you against returning to the li'es of this !conduct", ever, if you should be believers.

And Allah

a'es clear to you the verses, and Allah is :nowing and $ise.

Indeed, those who li'e that i orality should be spread !or publici9ed" a ong those who have believed will have a painful punish ent in this world and the &ereafter. And Allah 'nows and you do not 'now.

And if it had not been for the favor of Allah upon you and &is Merciful.

ercy... and because Allah is :ind and


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

5 you who have believed, do not follow the footsteps of atan. And whoever follows the footsteps of atan & indeed, he en/oins immorality and wrongdoing. And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and "is mercy, not one of you would have been pure, ever, but Allah purifies whom "e wills, and Allah is "earing and 1nowing.

And let not those of virtue a ong you and wealth swear not to give !aid" to their relatives and the needy and the e igrants for the cause of Allah , and let the pardon and overloo'. $ould you not li'e that Allah should forgive youE And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Indeed, those who !falsely" accuse chaste, unaware and believing wo en are cursed in this world and the &ereafter% and they will have a great punish ent

On a 5ay when their tongues, their hands and their feet will bear witness against the used to do.

as to what they


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

)hat 5ay, Allah will pay the is the perfect in ?ustice.

in full their deserved reco pense, and they will 'now that it is Allah who

$ubhanAllah& Aisha (ra said she thou%ht she was too insi%nifi#ant& for Allah to re"eal "erses for her& but all of these "erses were re"ealed to defend Aisha (ra ! 7essons

A##usin% a Muslim woman or man& is a major sin! There is that %ood that #ame out of this in#ident! Allah .aujal said6 5o not thin' it bad for you%
rather it is good for you. (e learned how to deal with su#h issues from this in#ident! +es Aisha (ra and the family of Abu 4akr (ra suffered& but the ummah learned a lot! As a result the family of Abu $akr earned a lot of hasanaat because of their patience.

Muslims should #are for the reputation of other Muslims and think %ood of them! This is somethin% that is lost today! $ometimes you find that %ood brothers and sisters be#ome happy when they hear about so and so! This isnt how we should be! (e shouldnt be happy to hear somethin% bad about our brothers and sisters! Allah .aujal said6 $hy, when
you heard it, did not the believing en and believing wo en thin' good of one another rand say, ")his is an obvious falsehood(E This applies to the entire ummha! (e ha"e a duty not to belie"e in rumors! (e ha"e to #all su#h rumors lies and not belie"e them!

(e should not spread rumors! Allah said 0 And why, when you heard it, did you not
say, 9(t is not for us to speak of this. 7$alted are ;ou, [5 Allah ]# this is a great slander9: Muslims should ha"e no time for this nonsense! (e shouldnt %o around listenin% to su#h hearsay and spreadin% it around! Muslims spend their time wisely!

It should ne"er happen a%ain! Allah says6 Allah warns you against returning to the li'es of this
!conduct", ever, if you should be believers.

(e should not talk about su#h immoral thin%s and spread it! $ometimes brothers and sisters sit and talk about the fasaad in the ummah& and they would brin% up all these e3amples whi#h would %o beyond what is ne#essary! $ome people a#tually enjoy talkin% about su#h immoral thin%s& they ha"e a #ertain attra#tion towards it! Allah says $ Indeed,
those who li'e that i orality should be spread !or publici9ed" a ong those who have believed will have a painful punish ent in this world and the &ereafter. And Allah 'nows and you do not 'now. People at times talk about immoral thin%s not to stop them but to fulfill their desire to talk about such things, this is very dangerous. 5f there is an evil going on in the community, and nobody knows about it, sometimes it is better for the community. 7specially related to things like <ina, adultery, etc. #he more we talk about this stuff, the more we start believeing that the community is corrupt, the more people will start acting like how they believe the community is. $ut if they think, that everything is fine, people are good then the youngsters will not try to break that. There is a fine line between spreadin% e"il and forbiddin% e"il! +ou want to strike a balan#e! >ne should talk as mu#h ne#essary!

Mistah& the one who was spreadin% rumors about Aisha (ra & he was a poor man and Abu 4akr (ra was the one who was fulfillin% his finan#ial needs! $o when Abu 4akr found out that this man was the one talkin% about his dau%hter& he be#ame "ery upset& so he stopped spendin% money on him! $o Allah .aujal said6 And let not those of virtue a ong you and


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

wealth swear not to give !aid" to their relatives and the needy and the e igrants for the cause of Allah , and let the pardon and overloo'. $ould you not li'e that Allah should forgive youE $o Allah was tellin% Abu 4akr to pardon them!

Indeed, those who !falsely" accuse chaste, unaware and believing wo en are cursed in this world and the &ereafter% and they will have a great punish ent0 It is a serious #rime to a##use a
woman of adultery& and e"en thou%ht this ayat is talkin% about a woman& but the same applies for the man! The reason why the ayah mentiones woman& is be#ause it is e"en worse when you a##use a man& but the rulin% is the same for the man! On a 5ay when their tongues, their hands and their feet will bear witness against the as to what they used to do. )hat 5ay, Allah will pay the in full their deserved reco pense, and they will 'now that it is Allah who is the perfect in ?ustice. $o Allah does not want Muslims to slander a%ainst one another!

Muhammed (saw was a human bein% and he didnt know the unseen! Rusool Allah (saw himself suffered the pain of ha"in% people talk about his wife for an entire month! If Rusool Allah (saw knew the unseen& he would ha"e known that Aisha (ra was inno#ent! 4ut he suffered just like the others! The rulin% of 2adr and its importan#e in prote#tin% the Muslim #ommunity! If someone a##uses a Muslim of adultery or forni#ation& they must produ#e four witnesses! If they do not& then they are flo%%ed publi#ly E9 lashes! They are labeled as faasi)& and their witnesses are not a##epted! This is to prote#t the Muslim #ommunity! ,ow the issue has be#ome "ery small& people talk about ea#h other and slander all the time! Rumors spread like fire! People dont reali/e that they are #ommittin% a major sin!

*assan bin Thabit and Mistah were flo%%ed& but not Abdullah bin 5bayy! B"en thou%h Abdullah bin 5bayy had done the most in the effort of spreadin% this rumor! $o how #ome he wasnt punished= Ibn al 2uyyum %i"es four possibilities6 1! 4e#ause the punishment is a kuffara& for the sin in duniya& so the person will not be punished in akhirah! $o he deser"ed to be punished in Akhirah! 2! Probably he was spreadin% the rumours and talkin% about it& and doin% it in su#h a #le"er way& that he #ould not be held responsible for it! 7! This punishment is only established throu%h witnesses or throu%h personal admission! $o there was no e"iden#e! <! *e wasnt punished to brin% his people #loser to Islam& and a"oid fitnah! The fourth situation is "ery unlikely be#ause if the e"iden#e is established then the punishment #annot be o"erruled! Importan#e of prote#tin% the reputation of our leaders6 (e see here that the enemies of Allah will try to assassinate the #hara#ter or will try to in"ol"e in assassinatin% the #hara#ter! $o we had already seen that the enemies of Allah ha"e tried to kill Rusool Allah (saw and be#ause they didnt su##eed in that& so they tried to assassinate his #hara#ter! The enemy of Allah will try to desi%n dan%erous stories about the dan%erous leaders of the ummah! (e need to not belie"e these stories! Today no "erse will be re"ealed to defend a #ertain leader& it is our duty to learn from these e"ents and apply them to our li"es!



The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Ibn Isha) said& 0(hat happened at Al':handa) was that a %roup of @ews brou%ht to%ether a #oalition of #lans a%ainst the Messen%er of Allah1! $o this was a #oalition that was pulled to%ether by the @ews! They went to Me##an and other tribes& -hatafaan and mana%ed to brin% to%ether an army of 19&999 stron%! This was the lar%est army a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw up to that point! The a%reement was that -hatafaan would pro"ide ;999 men& in e3#han%e of the @ews payin% them the entire date har"est of :haibar for one year! $o -hatafaan was in it for money& nothin% else! (hile the @ews and the people of Me##a wanted to defeat Rusool Allah (saw ! The Arabs used to #onsider the @ews as the wise and learnt ones! The @ews would %o to Me##a and the people of Me##a would ask them& 0(ell you are the learned menA you are the people of the 4ook& and so tell us& who is ri%htA us or Muhammed=1 The @ews would tell them& 0+ou are!1 Allah .aujal re"ealed in Surah An#<isa .10H>3 .10H@

&ave you not seen those who were given a portion of the Scripture, who believe in superstition and false ob?ects of worship and say about the disbelievers, ")hese are better guided than the believers as to the way"E

)hose are the ones who helper.

Allah has cursed% and he who

Allah curses # never will you find for hi

>ne would wonder& what in the world would make the @ews #laim that the pa%an worshippers are more %uided than the Muslims! The @ews ha"e mu#h more in #ommon with the Muslims than the pa%an worshippers! @ews were jealous and hated Rusool Allah (saw ! Anyway the news rea#hed Rusool Allah (saw that a hu%e army is #omin% their way! Rusool Allah (saw holds a shura session! $alman Harsi (ra had a su%%estion& he said& 0>h Messen%er of Allah& in our land in Persia& if we fear the #a"alry we would di% a tren#h& oh Messen%er of Allah& why dont we di% a moat=1 RusoolAllah (saw and the Muslims liked the idea! The projue#t thus started! It was impossible for them to di% a tren#h all around Medina be#ause they didnt ha"e the man'power! They had to #hoose the "ulnerable lo#ation& whi#h was north of medina! This was be#ause Medina had a natural prote#tion from the east and west& that portion is #alled Al'*arra& these are "ol#ani# tra#ks! Towards the south there are dwellin%s and farm land whi#h also makes it diffi#ult to penetrateN so the dan%er was towards the north! B"ery ten men were %i"en <9 ft of land to di%& they split into %roups and started to di%! The Muslims were hun%ry and were poor& there was a la#k of food and people.
Anas ibn "alik ,ra0 said, (#he "essenger of Allah went out to the trench and found that the "uhajireen and the Ansar were busy digging, it was a very cold morning and they had no slaves to


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

do that work for them. When he saw what they were suffering from, the hard labour and hunger he said, %3h Allah, there life is indeed that of the afterlife, forgive the Ansar and the "uhajirun.&) o there life might be difficult in duniya ,this world0 but their life belongs to the Afterlife. 6usool Allah ,saw0 himself participated in the digging, Al $arra narrates in $ukhari, (3n the day of Ah<ab when 6usool Allah ,saw0 was digging the trench, 5 saw him carrying dirt until there was so much dirt on his stomach, 5 couldn&t see his skin any more.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 set a leadership e4ampleJ he worked along with his companions. 6usool Allah ,saw0 was so hungry, he would have to tie a stone to his stomach to supress his hunger, but his spirit was high. 6usool Allah ,saw0 and the sahabah ,ra0 would recite these lines of poetry, (3h Allah, without you we would not have been well guided nor would we have been charitable, nor would we have prayed. o do sent tran1uility upon us, and make us stand firm when we meet the foe. #hey have wronged usJ if they want trouble we will meet them.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 would stretch the final words.

There were %uards around the #lo#k& %uardin% medina! The sahabah would take turns in %uardin%! The diffi#ulties were in#reasin%& you ha"e an army of 2uraish and -hatafaan #omin% and then there was a serious problem that #ame up at the worst time! The dwellin%s of 4anu 2uraida& were part of the plan for the prote#tion of Medina! Rusool Allah (saw was re#ei"in% news that 4anu 2uraida themsel"es were betrayin% their a%reement with Rusool Allah (saw & and were %oin% to join a%ainst the enemy! $o Rusool Allah (saw sends A/'.ubair bin Awwam (ra to in"esti%ate the matter! A/'.ubair brin%s ba#k information that they are brin%in% in their li"esto#k and that they are pa"in% their roads& and that was an indi#ation of preparation for battle! Rusool Allah (saw sent $ad bin Muadh& $ad bin 5bada& Abdullah bin Rawaha& and :hawwat bin @ubair to further in"esti%ate the matter! Rusool Allah (saw said that if 4anu 2uraida has de#ided to betray the Muslims then se#retly #ome and %i"e me the news but if they find that 4anu 2uraida is keepin% their word& then they #an make the news publi#! $o this tells us that sometimes you need to hide information from people for their benefit! They go and come back and say two words to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and that is, (Adal and ;arah.) Adal and ;arah were the two tribes that betrayed the men that were sent by 6usool Allah ,saw0, and killed them. o this was an indication that ;uraida had broken the agreement. 6usool Allah ,saw0 made preparations for that. 6usool Allah ,saw0 sends out two groups, one >// men and the other one E// men as guards. #hey would go around the area of $anu ;uraida, to show them that we are still here and still strong and we are willing to fight. 5t was a show of strength. #he "uslims were able to intercept >/ camel loads of dates, figs and barley that were going towards the army of Ah<ab and their point of origin was $anu ;uraida. #his made it clear that $anu ;uraida had betrayed 6asool Allah ,saw0. #his was a very difficult for the "uslims. Allah Zaujal describes the situation to us in S;BA& A&FA8 .AA0>23

OBe e ber" when they ca e at you fro above you and fro below you, and when eyes shifted !in fear", and hearts reached the throats and you assu ed about Allah !various" assu ptions.

Byes shifted in fear& heart poun#ed so fast that is seemed that you #an feel it in your throats and some people were makin% assumptions of Allah! Iike Allah will not make us win& or that this


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

reli%ion is not true and "arious thou%hts like this! >b"iously the ones who had made these "arious assumptions were the munafi)un! Allah says (77622

S;BA& A&FA8 .AA0>A#@23And when the believers saw the companies, they said, 9.his is
what Allah and "is Messenger had promised us, and Allah and "is Messenger spoke the truth.9 And it increased them only in faith and acceptance.

(hen the belie"ers saw the diffi#ulties their faith in#reased more& be#ause they knew that Allah would test them! $o one in#ident brou%ht forth different rea#tion s to it. $oth parties had
fear, but their reactions were different. #hat is the defference between believers and the hypocrites. #he hypocrites acted negatively while the believers acted positively.

Ibn Isha) said& 0There upon the an3iety and fear in#reased& their enemy #ame at them from abo"e and below!1 Tthe "uslims were very confused. 2issension arose to the point where, "uattib
bin 'ushair commented, ("uhammed used to promise us that we would eat treasure of kisra and Deasar and now we don&t even feel safe going to the toilet.) #his was a reaction of a hypocrite. #he ayat of ;uran described the munafi1un in

And when a faction of the said, "O people of +athrib, there is no stability for you !here", so return !ho e"." And a party of the as'ed per ission of the 4rophet, saying, "Indeed, our houses are unprotected," while they were not e*posed. )hey did not intend e*cept to flee. The munafi)un wanted to lea"e the site of the tren#h& they wanted to %o ba#k home with the e3#use that they wanted to prote#t their homes!

And if they had been entered upon fro all its !surrounding" regions and fitnah had been de anded of the , they would have done it and not hesitated over it e*cept briefly.
This ayat tells us that if the munafi)un are pressured e"en a bit by the disbelie"ers they will lea"e Islam!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

And they had already pro ised Allah before not to turn their bac's and flee. And ever is the pro ise to Allah !that about which one will be" 6uestioned.

Say, !O Muha ad", "<ever will fleeing benefit you if you should flee fro !if you did", you would not be given en?oy ent !of life" e*cept for a little."

death or 'illing% and then

Allah .aujal is sayin% that death is destined& so runnin% away from it& wont #han%e it a bit!

Say, "$ho is it that can protect you fro Allah if &e intends for you an ill or intends for you a And they will not find for the selves besides Allah any protector or any helper.


The munafi)un were lookin% for help from the wro ng place, they were looking for help from the Cews, from the disbelievers. Allah is saying only Allah can benefit you, and only Allah can harm you.

Already Allah 'nows the hinderers a ong you and those !hypocrites" who say to their brothers, "Do e to us," and do not go to battle, e*cept for a few,


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Indisposed toward you. And when fear co es, you see the loo'ing at you, their eyes revolving li'e one being overco e by death. 8ut when fear departs, they lash you with sharp tongues, indisposed toward !any" good. )hose have not believed, so Allah has rendered their deeds worthless, and ever is that, for Allah , easy. Allah talks about a #ertain traits of hypo#rites! In time of fear& their eyes rotate out of fear& they are #onfused& but when fear %oes away they are "ery loud! They talk a lot of critici<ing so and so.
o it is only in difficult times that people can be judged.

)hey thin' the co panies have not !yet" withdrawn. And if the co panies should co e !again", they would wish they were in the desert a ong the bedouins, in6uiring !fro afar" about your news. And if they should be a ong you, they would not fight e*cept for a little. If the armies atta#k Medina& these munafi)un would wish they were not in Medina but rather somewhere far in the desert hearin% the latest news! In other words the munafi)un wish they were sittin% far away wat#hin% what is happenin% to the Muslims on their t" sets! 4ut they dont want to be their! And e"en if they were amon% the Muslims& they would not fi%ht e3#ept for a little! The Muslims were sufferin% hun%er& in 4ukhari Anas ibn Malik (ra said& 0They would brin% a hand full of barley and some ill'smellin% fat& as a meal for them! *un%ry as they were& it stru#h in their throats and smelled bad!1 This was their food& rotten fat& and barley! Muhammed ibn muslamah said& 0>ur ni%hts durin% the :handa) was day time!1 Meanin% they had to work all the time! Allah was testin% them! Hi%htin% did o##ur& some dualin% one in#ident that happened , was a challenge to single combat.
Amr bin Abd Wudd was one of the heroes of ;uraish, he challenges the "uslims to send forth one of their men. #he one who went forwad was Ali bin Abi #alib ,ra0. Amr asked him, (Who are you?) Ali ,ra0 said, (5 am Ali.) Amr said, (Ali the son of Abdula "unaf?) He said, (+o, 5 am the son of Abu #alib.) Amr said, (+ephew there are among your uncles, men who are more senior than you, 5 feel sorry spilling your blood.) Ali bin Abi #alib ,ra0 said, ($ut 5 don&t feel sorry spilling your blood.) Amr


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bin Abd Wudd wanted someone more senior and stronger to come and meet him. Amr was very upset and 5bn 5sha1 said, (He draws out his sword as if it was a brand of fire.) #hey e4change blows, Amr striked the shield of Ali ,ra0, the blow was so hard that the shield ended up hitting the head of Ali ,ra0. 5n fact the blow was so hard that the sword got stuck in the shield of Ali ,ra0. #hen Ali bin Abi talib ,ra0 struck Amr in the neck and he fell down dead. #he sahabah then made takbeer that is when 6usool Allah ,saw0 figured out that Ali bin Abi #alib ,ra0 won.

$ad bin Abi (a)as (ra was a %ood marksman& he had in his si%ht this enemy soldier who was holdin% two shields! *e was sort of teasin% the Muslims& be#ause he would mo"e down his shield down a bit so that the upper part of his head would show and then he woudld #o"er it a%ain& he would do that a%ain and a%ain! $ad (ra aims at the man& and he fires his shot while the shield was down& and it hits the man ri%ht in his forhead! The man falls down and his le%s %o up& Rusool Allah (saw saw that and lau%hed& the way the man fell down was funny! $ad ibn Muadh (ra & Aisha said& 0*e was a tall and lar%e man& and he was wearin% armor but his arms were not #o"ered! (hen I saw him& I was really worried about his arms!1 $ubhanAllah he was shot by an arrrow in his arm& and it #ut the main "ein& he was seriously injured! These were the serious skirmishes that happened at :handa)! J? 1G Rusool Allah (saw tried to break the #oalitionA it was part of the strate%y! $o what he did was& he tried to ne%otiate a deal with -hatafaan! -hatafaan were ;999 troops& more than half of the enemy! Rusool Allah (saw met with the two leaders! *e proposed to them that they withdraw from the #oalition in e3#han%e Rasool Allah ($aw was %oin% to pay them one'third of the har"est of Medina! They a%reed and they wrote up a do#ument& but they did not finali/e it by #allin% in witnesses! Rusool Allah (saw #alled $ad bin Muadh and $ad bin 5bada and he made shura with them! ,oti#e here that Rusool Allah (saw only made shura with the Ansar! This shows that shura is not done with e"eryone& only with the pertainin% people to e"ery situation! $in#e Rasool Allah (saw was offerin% the har"est of Medina whi#h belon%s to Aus and :ha/raj he (saw needs to seek their #ounsel! *e told them their proposal& they responded& 0Messen%er of Allah& is this somethin% that you wish to do& somethin% Allah has ordered you to do& whi#h we must take into effe#t or is it somethin% you are doin% for our sake! If it somethin% form Allah .aujal well a##ept it& but if its your opinion and you are doin% it for our sake& then its no!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0+es& Im doin% it for your sake!1 $ad ibn Muadh said& 0Messen%er of Allah& we used to be disbelie"ers in Allah& and worship idols on with those people& not worshippin% or knowin% Allah! At the time& they would ne"er ha"e dreamed of eatin% a sin%le date of ours& e3#ept as a %uest or with pur#hase! $hould we %i"e them our property now= After Allah has honored us with Islam& led us to *im and %i"en us esteem throu%h you and throu%h *im= (e will ha"e none of this! 4y Allah& all we will %i"e them is the sword& until Allah de#ides between us and them!1 $o they were sayin% that these people would not ha"e dreamed of e"en takin% a date from us& e3#ept as a %uest or from pur#hase& so how #an we just %i"e them Muslim property just so they #an lea"e! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0As you wish!1 $ad ibn Muadh took the do#uments from Rusool Allah (saw and he erased the writin% from it and sayin%& 0,ow let them fi%ht us!1 Rusool Allah (saw was willin% to ne%otiate but the Ansar were insistent to fi%ht& this shows the stren%th of their imaan! They were not willin% to ne%otiate with the people who are with falsehood! May Allah ha"e mer#y on them! 4e#ause the Muslims throu%h their imaan& )ualified in the eyes of Allah .aujal to attain "i#tory& Allah would help them! $o from e"ery an%le Muslims had no #han#e to win& but be#ause they deser"ed to win& Allah helped them! $ubhanAllahL (e should ha"e ta)wa in Allah& Allah will help you from the way least e3pe#ted! A man #ame to Rasool Allah (saw & his name was ,uaim bin


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Masud& this man is from -hatafaan! *e #omes to Rasool Allah (saw and sais& 0Messen%er of Allah& I ha"e a##epted Islam& but my people do not know of this! -i"e me whate"er orders you wish!1 This man #omes out of nowhere and says I am a Muslim! $ubhanAllahL Jome to think of it& it was a wron% time to be#ome a Muslim& as the Muslims were weak and they were under sie%e but he #ame forward be#ause he was a soldier of Allah! >nly Allah knows *is soldiers& we dont know them! The Messen%er of Allah said& 0+ou are only one man& use tri#kery to relie"e us from them& if you #an! (ar is de#eption!1 Rasool Allah (saw said to him that youre just one man& so it wont really make a differen#e to the army but if he #an use some te#hni)ue to weaken his people& then he should! *e (saw #laimed war is de#eption& in other words Rasool Allah (saw was sayin% that de#eption #an be used if ,uaim #an relie"e the Muslims of -hatafaan! ,uaim (ra left and he went to the @ews with 4anu 2uraida& 0you know me and I know you& and you know our friendship and you know that I will only %i"e you a sin#ere ad"i#e! (hat you ha"e done is wron%! +ou ha"e de#ided to fi%ht a%ainst Muhammed (saw but you are li"in% in Medina& your women& #hildren and property are here! (hile 2uraish and -hatafaan are #omin% o"er to fi%ht but their women #hildren and property are somewhere else! ,ow 2uraish and -hatafaan are %oin% to try to sei/e the opportunity to defeat Muhammad (saw but if that opportunity doesnt arise& they are %oin% to pa#k up and lea"e and you know what will happen if they lea"e! Muhammed (saw will atta#k you first sin#e you are ri%ht there with him in Medina& and you know that you #ould not fa#e off alone a%ainst Muhammed (saw !1 They said& 0(hat you are sayin% is true& what shall we do=1 ,uaim (ra said& 0+ou want to make sure that 2uraish and -hatafaan are willin% to fi%ht until the end& until you a#hie"e the obje#ti"e! ,ot just try to win& if it doesnt work out then they lea"e! +ou want to make sure that they stay behind and fi%ht with you and not betray you and me!1 They said& 0Alri%ht but how #an we %uarantee that=1 he said& 0Ask them to lea"e some of their men with you as assures!1 This was a pra#ti#e that e3isted in those days& so it was nothin% unusual! ,uaim told them to take some men of the 2uraish and -hatafaan as assuran#e that they will fi%ht till the end! The @ews a%reed! ,ow ,uaim (ra lea"es the @ews and %oes to the 2uraish& he tells them& 0+ou know how #lose our friendship is& and you understand that I would be sin#ere in my ad"i#e to you and I would only tell you the truth! I #ome here be#ause I ha"e somethin% to dis#lose to you and I want you to keep this information #lassified!1 They said& 0+es ,uaim& we trust you and you know that& %o ahead!1 ,uaim (Ra said& 0The @ews ha"e re%retted the fa#t that they ha"e abro%ated their a%reement with Muhammed (saw and now they are in"ol"ed in ne%otiations with him to brin% ba#k the a%reement! And they ha"e offered Muhammed to hand o"erA some of your men to him (saw to be e3e#uted as their si%n of their sin#erity and repentan#e of their deeds! $o if the @ews #ome to you askin% for hosta%es& do not %i"e them any!1 Then ,uaim (ra %oes to -hatafaan and tells them the e3a#t same thin%! The sie%e was takin% a lon% time and the 2uraish were %ettin% si#k of it! Remember 2uraish didnt #ome to Medina to lay sie%e to it& they #ame in to fi%ht& and they were surprised to find this moat in front of them& they werent prepared to wait for a lon% time! They didnt ha"e the supplies and pro"ision! I)ramah bin Abi @ahl was sent to head a dele%ation to %o and meet with the @ews of 4anu 2uraida and said& 0(e are %ettin% tired of this lon% sie%e our #amels and horses are dyin%! (e want to wa%e an all out war so %et ready and we want to atta#k today!1 They @ews said& 0,o& you know we dont fi%ht in the $abbath& and some of our people that did fi%ht in the $abbath& this and this happened to them plus were worried that you mi%ht not stay the #ourse to ensure that you are willin% to fi%ht until the end& we want you to hand o"er some of your men& as a %uarantee!1 I)ramah went and #on"eyed the messa%e to Abu $ufyan and Abu $ufyan said& 0This is it& this is what ,uaim told us! That the @ews ha"e betrayed us& and they want to hand o"er our men to Muhammed (saw !1 Abu $ufyan sent the messa%e to 4anu 2uraiba that& 0we are not %oin% to send one sin%le man& not one sin%le person!1 The @ews said& 0This is e3a#tly what ,uaim told us&


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

these men are not serious and they are %oin% to lea"e us alone to suffer the atta#ks of Muhammed (saw !1 The same thin% happened with -hatafaan and therefore one sin%le man was su##essful in breakin% up this #oalition! This help was part of the 2adr of Allah& be#ause the Muslims had passed the test of imaan& patien#e& perse"eran#e and trust in Allah .aujal! 7essons "rom w#at Nuaim did and t#e ne%otiation wit# 8#ata"aan Rusool Allah (saw ne%otiated with -hatafaan be#ause they were there only for finan#ial %ains but the @ews and 2uraish wanted to breakdown the foundation of Islam Therefore Rusool Allah (saw didnt e"en attempt to ne%otiate with them! +ou need to know the obje#ti"es of your enemy! Rusool Allah (saw told $ad ibn Muadh and $ad ibn 5bada that the reasom he (saw was makin% this offer was for the sake of the Muslims! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0as if the Arabs were shootin% you from one sin%le bow!1 Meanin% the Arabs had unified a%ainst the Muslims& so Rusool Allah ($aw wanted to break this #oalition! It is important for the leader to ha"e hikmah and if its possible to neutrali/e a parti#ular party from the enemies& rather than ha"e them all fa#e it on#e& then su#h a plan #an be part of the strate%y! (hy fi%ht e"erybody at on#e= Muslims #ould deal with -hatafaan later! The Muslims should not try to make enemies& as lon% as it doesnt %o a%ainst any prin#iples! The leader should ha"e the #apability of takin% ad"anta%e of the abilities of his soldiers! Rusool Allah (saw did not %i"e ,uaim (ra a sword and tell him to fi%htA he (saw knew where to use this person! B"eryone should be put in the ri%ht pla#e& for the ri%ht job! Rusool Allah (saw used a powerful weapon a%ainst the enemies and that is dua! Rusool Allah (saw was sayin%& 0>h Allah! Re"ealer of the 4ook& )ui#k to take a##ount& defeat the #lans& >h Allah& defeat them and shake them!1 Allah .aujal a##epted this dua and sent soldiers whi#h the Muslims #ouldnt see! Allah .aujal said in S;BA& A&FA8 .AA0/3

O you who have believed, re e ber the favor of Allah upon you when ar ies ca e to !attac'" you and $e sent upon the a wind and ar ies !of angels" you did not see. And ever is Allah , of what you do, Seeing. Allah .aujal sent armies that the Muslims did not see& Allah sent wind for the Muslims! Allah sent soldiers! Muslims had a battle#ry in :handa) and that was& 0They will now be victorious.)
Ahmed narrated* A man from 'ufa, asked Hudhaifa bin Al!:aman, (Have you actually seen the "essenger of Allah? And were you really a companion of his?) , o this narrations is of the time of the tabaeen.0 Hudhaifa said, (:es nephew.) #his man said, (How did you treat him?) Hudhaifa said, (5t was difficult for us, 5 swear by Allah but we tried our best.) #his tabaee said, (5 swear, if we lived at his time, we&d never had let his foot, so much as touch the ground, we&d have carried him on our soldiers.) o this man had heard stories of how the sahabah treated 6usool Allah ,saw0, so this man


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

thought that if 6usool Allah ,saw0 had come in his time then they would have treated 6usool Allah ,saw0 much better than the sahabah.

*udhaifa wanted to tea#h this man a lesson& and that it is easier said than done! 4e#ause now the sahabah were the ones who passed on Islam to the tabaeen& and the tabaeen were seein% the fruits of this mission& so they think that they would ha"e done more! This tabee didnt understand that these sahabah had to fi%ht their own fathers& brothers! They had to %i"e up their wealth& and their li"es! ,ow it is easy to say& that if he was there he mi%ht ha"e a#ted differently! *udhaifa wanted to %i"e an e3ample to the tabaee of how diffi#ult it was for them!
Hudhaifa said, (+ephew 5 swear 5 see us now, with the "essenger of Allah at 'handa1 and after he had prayed for part of the night, he turned to us and said, %Who will volunteer to go and see what the enemy is doing and then come back?& #he "essenger of Allah stipulated that if the volunteer would come back he ,saw0 would ask Allah the man be his ,saw0 companion in =aradise. $ut so severe was the fear, cold, and hunger that not one person volunteered.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 was asking for a volunteer to go and check on the enemy in return for =A6A25 7, but no one volunteered thats was how hard it was. #he sahabah couldn&t think straight because of the cold, hunger, and fear.

*udhaifa said& 0$in#e no one had risen& he (saw #alled upon me& and on#e he had done so& I had no alternai"e but to do so! He then told me, %Hudhaifa go and infiltrate the enemy, go and see
what they are doing, but don&t cause any trouble then return to us.& o 5 did. #he gale and Allah&s soldiers were greatly damaging them ,the enemy0, leaving them no fire, nor pots nor tents of right. Abu ufyan rose and said, %;uraish, every man check out the person sitting ne4t tom him.&) Abu ufyan was worried that in such a wind and condition the enemy can come and infiltrate them. Hudhaifa ,ra0 said* (At this 5 took the hand of the man ne4t to me and asked him his name.) o Hudhaifa ,ra0 acted very 1uickly and asked the man his name, before he would ask his name. mart move.

*udhaifa (ra said& 0*e told me who he was& Abu $ufyan then said& Fwe are not in a permanent #amp& our horses and #amels are dyin% and 4anu 2uraida are at odd with us& and we"e heard thin%s about them that we dont like! +ou #an see what we"e lost due to the %ale& how our #ookin% pots wont stay upri%ht& and we #ant keep fires burnin% and our tents standin%! +ou should lea"e as I am about to do! *e then went to his #amel whi#h was hobbled& mounted it& stru#k it so that it arose on three le%s sin#e he only unhobbled it& when it was standin%! If it had not been for the promise for the Messen%er of Allah& make not to #ause trouble& i #ould ha"e shot him with an arrow! $o I returned to the Messen%er of Allah& and found him standin% in prayer shrouded in a wrap belon%in% to one of his wi"es! (hen he (saw saw me& he asked me to #ome in and sit at his feet and throu%h an end of the wrap o"er me! *e then bowed and prostrated while I was under& when he was finished I related the news to him! (hen -hatafaan had heard what the 1uraish had done, they hurried off home.)
#he other narration in "uslim is by the father of :a<id At #haini, he said, (We were with Hudhaifa when a man told him, (if 5 had been alive with the "essenger of Allah, 5 would have fought along side him, heroicly.) Hudhaida said, (Would you, indeed? 3nce we were there at the battle of Ah<ab with 6usool Allah ,saw0 it was night time and there was a fierce cold gale blowing. He ,saw0 asked us %5s there no man, who would bring me news of the enemy and be with me on Cudgment 2ay?& When none of us reponded, he asked the same 1uestion the second and the third time, then he ,saw0 said, %Hudhaifa, you go and bring us news of the enemy, since he had called on me by name, 5 had no alternative but to get up. $ring me news of them without giving them any calls for alarm about me.&

$o I left made my way to them& feelin% as if walkin% throu%h a publi# bath (he was feelin% hot ! I found Abu $ufyan there warmin% his ba#k to the fire& I pla#ed an arrow in the #enter of my bow and was about to release when I remembered how Rusool Allah (saw had told me not to %i"e them any alarm about it! If I had shotted& I would ha"e hit him! I then left to return to Rusool Allah (saw and a%ain the feelin% of walkin% in a publi# bath& o"er#ame me! (hen I arri"ed ba#k& I felt "ery #old and #hilled on#e a%ain! I told this to him& and he put o"er me part of the #loak he was


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

wearin% as a he prayed! *e slept ri%ht on throu%h till mornin% when he spoke to me sayin%& Fup you %et sleepy head!1
o Hudhaifa ,ra0 was telling this tabaee how their situation was, and that he needs to realise that its easier said than done. o Ihatafaan and ;uraish leave, 6usool Allah ,saw0 wakes up in the morning and takes a look at the empty camp ground, no one was left. 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (#here is no one worthy of worship e4cept Allah, His promise came true, and He gave victory to His servant, and He defeated the coalition alone.) 5t was Allah who did this.

Miracles at 8#a;wat Al,>#andaq

(hen the muslims were digging the trench, Caber ibn Abdullah saw the condition of 6usool
Allah ,saw0. =eople had tied one stone to their stomach while 6usool Allah ,saw0 had two stones tied to his stomach. Caber goes back to his wife and tells her, (5 have seen 6usool Allah ,saw0 in an intolerable condition. 2o you have any food for him?) he said, (All what 5 have is some barley and a small goat.) Caber goes and slaughters the goat, and he tells his wife to prepare some dough for baking bread, while the meat was cooking. Caber went to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and said, (5 have some food for you, so you can come along with one or two of your companions.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 asked him how much food he has, when Caber ,ra0 told him, he ,saw0 said, (3h that&s plenty. #ell your wife not to move the meat from its place until 5 come.) And then 6usool Allah ,saw0 stands up and to the ama<ement of Caber, 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (3h "uhajirunF 3h AnsarF Caber has prepared some for you.) Caber asked 6usool Allah ,saw0 to bring one or two companions and he ,saw0 had invited the entire camp. Caber runs back home very embarrassed, he didn&t know what to do. Caber told his wife, so she said, (2id he ask you how much food we have?) He said, (:es.) he then said, (Allah and His "essenger know best.) Caber said, (#hose words comforted me.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 comes in and he would pour the soup and the meat and crush bread over it, he told the sahabah to come in, in groups. #he sahabah were very hungry so 6usool Allah ,saw0 told them to slow down. #hey would come in, in groups of tenJ 6usool Allah ,saw0 prepared the food for them, and brought it for them. #hey would eat and leave, then another ten came in, 6usool Allah , aw0 would prepare meal for them again they would eat and leave and so on. When they were done 6usool Allah ,saw0 went back and the pot was full as it was and the bread was still baking in the oven. o 6usool Allah ,saw0 told the wife of Caber to feed her neighbors. #his was a miracle of 6usool Allah ,saw0.

When they were digging the trench, a bolder stood in their way, and they could not move it, or break it. #he sahabah went and told 6usool Allah ,saw0 about it, he ,saw0 went there grabbed an a4e, and said %$ismillah& and struck it, a lightening came out, 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (Allah u Akbar.) He then struck it again, light came out, and he ,saw0 said, (Allah u Akbar), he ,saw0 struck it a third time and then it disintegrated into dust and 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (Allah u Akbar.) alman asked 6usool Allah ,saw0, (3h "essenger of Allah, why were you saying Allah u Akbar and what was that light?) 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (#he first time 5 struck it, 5 was given the glad tidings of con1uering the 6oman 7mpire, and 5 could see the red palaces of yria right here, the second time 5 said Allah u Akbar, 5 was given the glad tidings of con1uering the =ersian 7mpire and 5 was able to see its white palace from right here and the time 5 said Allah u Akbar was that 5 was given the glad tidings of con1uering :emen and 5 was able to see the gates of inah from right here.)

,oti#e here that Rusool Allah (saw was %i"en the %lad tidin%s at the worst of times& when the morale was low& when you are besei%ed! 4ut that was the whole point of %i"in% %lad tidin%s that is when %lad tidin%s should be %i"en! (hen you are weak and youre almost %oin% to %i"e up! In the time of today& if the Muslims are weak and feel defeated then we should %i"e them the %lad tidin%s that Rusool Allah (saw %a"e us& 0This reli%ion


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

will rea#h as far as ni%ht and day #an rea#h! Allah has shown me the entire 7arth and He
told me the kingdon of my nation will reach all of it.) Lictory belongs to this ummah.

When 6usool Allah ,saw0 saw Ammar bin :assir working very hard he said, (3h Ammar, you will be killed by the aggressing party.) #hat was it, that is all he said. Ammar lived throught the time of 6usool Allah ,saw0, Abu bakr ,ra0, Gmer ,ra0 Gthman ,ra0 and in the time of Ali ,ra0 he joins in the army of Ali ,ra0 and was killed by the army of "uawiya. o this Hadith tells us that the party of Ali ,ra0 was right, while the party of "uawiya was wrong. #his was news of the unseen given to 6usool Allah ,saw0.

7essons "rom t#e story o" Hud#ai"a

?is#ipline6 Rusool Allah (saw told him not to #ause any trouble! *udhaifa (ra #ould ha"e easily shot Abu $ufyan but he didnt be#ause of the instru#tions %i"en to him by Rusool Allah (saw ! *is fast response& to what Abu $ufyan said! As soon as Abu $ufyan told e"eryone to #he#k who is standin% with you& *udhaifa was the one who took the initiati"e and a#ted wisely! ?ifferen#e between fury and reality! That Tabaeen was talkin% about fury while *udhaifa was talkin% about reality! ?ont assume thin%s until they happen& and dont ha"e too mu#h #onfiden#e in your emaan until you are tested!

L ss!ns "r!# $ha%&a' (handa)

Hor the @ews to ally themsel"es with the mushri)een a%ainst the Muslims is #ontradi#tory& when they are #loser to the Muslims in terms of similarities of reli%ion! 4ut this shouldnt surprise us! #his is happening till today, contradictory theories and political views will come
together to fight the religion of truth. #oday, the %democratic& west, the %human rights& of west, is allying itself with the most auticratic and oppressive regime on the face of the earth. Aor the sake of fighting 5slam.

Make use of a"ailable te#hnolo%y! Rusool Allah (saw appro"ed the idea of $alman Harsi brin%in% in a forei%n idea& an idea that belon%ed to the kuffar! $in#e it wasnt an issue of reli%ion but rather a matter of strate%y& Rusool Allah (saw adopted that idea whi#h was no"el to Arab warfare! The e3ample of leadership %i"en by Rusool Allah (saw & not for the sake of brin%in% t" #ameras to show people& Rusool Allah (saw did this sin#erely to tea#h us how a leader should a#t! *e went hun%ry like his #ompanions and when he finds food& he shared it with them! *e was raisin% their morale by nasheeds! They were #hantin% those words of poetry to raise their spirits! *e is the person whom the followers take refu%e in when thin%s %et tou%h& so if he (saw %i"es up& then the #ompanions will to the same! Rusool Allah (saw before findin% out 4anu 2uraibas trea#hery& told $ad bin Muadh& $ad ibn 5bada& and Abdullah bin Rawaha to hint Rasool Allah (saw without lettin% people know of their trea#hery and announ#e it publi#ly if banu ;uraida is sticking to their


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

word. o that the "uslim&s morale does not weaken. When 6usool Allah ,saw0 heard of the news, he said, (6eceive the glad tidings.) o 6usool Allah ,saw0 was optimistic, this helped the sahabah ,ra0 stay firm.

?iffi#ult times show what is in the hearts of men6 5bn 5sha1 said, (When condition
worsened, so did the attitude of many people and they began saying ugly things.) Ggly things in terms of a1eedah. Ggly things that show the weakness of personalities. We need to prepare ourselves, our imaan for difficult times.

(e talked about the "erses re"ealed related to the m unafi1een, Allah also revealed verses for the believers at Ah<ab. Allah Zaujal says* in S;BA& A&FA8 .AA0@>#@A3

)here has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an e*cellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last 5ay and !who" re e bers Allah often.
#his ayah is saying that we have a good pattern of conduct in 6asool Allah ,saw0 for us to follow in our life. o this ayah is telling is to follow the sunnah. +ow was this verse revealed because one of the "uslims did not use the miswaak? Was this ayah revealed because one of the "uslims did not have their clothes above the ankle? Was this ayah revealed because one of the "uslims did not have a beard? All this is a part of sunnah but what was the reason this ayah was revealed. #he reason why this ayah was revealed according to 5bn Career At!#abari is, (Allah was reprimanding the believers who stayed behind and didn&t go and join the camp that was right ne4t to the #rench. o Allah was telling them that they should follow 6usool Allah ,saw0 and be with him ,saw0. 5bn Abi Hatim narrates that, As! uddi, a muffassureen said, (5t means here that you should be standing ne4t to him ,saw0 and fighting.) #his was the conte4t in which the ayah was revealed. o nowadays unfortunately people talk about sunnah, but they neglect the issue of Cihad fi sabi lillah as being part of the sunnah of 6asool Allah ,saw0. unnah should be taken as a whole package.

And when the believers saw the co panies, they said, ")his is what Allah and &is Messenger had pro ised us, and Allah and &is Messenger spo'e the truth." And it increased the only in faith and acceptance. (hen the munafi)een saw the #oalition they said that6 Allah has lied to us& Rusool Allah (saw has lied to us! They were ha"in% doubts in the promise of Allah! (hile the belie"ers faith in#reased and said that this is e3a#tly what Allah promised us! (hat does this mean= Allah said in $5RA* 4A2ARA* (2621< 6 Or do you thin' that you will enter 4aradise while such !trial" has not yet co e to you as ca e to those who passed on before youE )hey were touched by poverty and hardship and were sha'en until !even their" essenger and those who believed with hi said, -$hen is the help of AllahE" ;n6uestionably, the help of Allah is near.

Allah tested them the limit& that they ask Allah when *e will %i"e them "i#tory! The sahabah were sayin% that this is what Allah promised us! $o it only added to their imaan!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

A ong the believers are en true to what they pro ised Allah. A ong the is he who has fulfilled his vow !to the death", and a ong the is he who awaits !his chance". And they did not alter !the ter s of their co it ent" by any alteration R


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

J? 1E (e mentioned that 4anu 2uraida& the last @ewish tribe remainin% in Medina did parti#ipate in the 4attle of Tren#h alon%side the 2uraish and -hatafaan! Iets %o ba#k to a #on"ersation that o##urred between *uayy bin Akhtab and :ab ibn Asad& whos the head of 4anu 2uraida! *uayy bin Akhtab belon%ed to 4anu ,adhir& and we know that they were besie%ed and then they left! $ome went to Ash'$haam and some went to :haibar! *uayy bin Akhtab was one of those who stayed in :haibar& and he #arried on his fi%ht a%ainst Rusool Allah (saw ! *uayy bin Akhtab was the one who was dis#ussin% with Abu +asser the day Rusool Allah (saw entered Medina! Abu +asser asked him if Rusool Allah (saw is the Prophet! *uayy bin Akhtab said& 0+es its him!1 Abu +asser asked if he was sure& *uayy said& 0+es Im sure!1 Abu +asser asked& 0(hat are you %oin% to do=1 *uayy said& 0Im %oin% to be his enemy until the end of my life!1 $o he knewL *uayy bin Akhtab was true to his promise& so he went to :ab bin Asad& when :ab ibn Asad sees him approa#hin%& he lo#ks his %ates! *uayy kno#ks on the door and said& 0>pen for me& damn you!1 :ab said& 0?amn you& *uayy& youre an e"il man and brin% misfortune! I"e made a pa#t with Muhammed and I am not %oin% to break my a%reement with him! I"e ne"er found him to be anythin% but trustworthy and truthful!1 *uayy said& 0?amn you& open so that I #ould talk to you!1 :ab said& 0I will not!1 Then *uayy insulted :ab sayin%& 0I swear the reason why youre lo#kin% me out& is that you are s#ared that I would share your dinner with you!1 This embarrassed :ab and he opened the door! *uayy said& 0I brin% you %lory of all times and a sea of %ood news!1 :ab said& 0(hat are you talkin% about=1 *uayy said& 0I brin% you 2uraish with their #hieftains and their nobles& whom I ha"e left en#amped at the streams of Ruma alon% with -hatafaan with their #hief and nobles whom I ha"e positioned at ?hum kinakmah near 5hud! They ha"e made a treaty that they will not lea"e until we #ompletely destroy Muhammed and those with him!1 :ab responded ba#k& 0(hat you brin% me& I swear by Allah is shame fore"er and a #loud that has lost its rain& so its thunderin% and li%htenin% and there is nothin% in it! ?amn you *uayy& lea"e me to maintain my pa#t with him! I ha"e ne"er found Muhammed to be anythin% but trustworthy and honest!1 *uayy would not take no for an answer& he insisted for 4anu 2uraida to break this pa#t with Muhammed (saw ! This shows how e"il this man was! ,ow the 4attle of the Tren#h was o"er and Rusool Allah (saw heads ba#k home and he takes off his armor and takes a bath! Aisha (ra said in 4ukhari& 0(hen the Prophet (sa returned from the Tren#h and he (saw had put down his arms and taken a bath& @ibrael #ame to him and said& Fso you ha"e put down your arms& we"e not done so& I swear by Allah& %o forth to them!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0(here to=1 @ibrael (as said& 0>"er there1& and he %estured towards 4anu 2uraida! Rusool Allah (saw and the Muslims suffered a lot durin% the sie%e of the Tren#h& they were e3hausted& #old& and hun%ry! ,ow when they finally %et the time to rest& @ibrael (as #omes and tells them to fi%ht 4anu 2uraida& so no rest for them yet! Rusool Allah (saw felt the matter was so ur%ent& he told the sahabah (ra & 0?o not pray Asr& e3#ept at 4anu 2uraida!1 $o the sahabah left& but sunset was approa#hin% and they did not rea#h yet to 4anu 2uraida! They dis#ussed the order of Rusool Allah (saw ! $ome said that they ha"e to pray Asr now& be#ause its already sunset& and what Rusool Allah (saw meant was to hurry up! The others said& no we will pray at 4anu 2uraida just as Rasool Allah (saw said! $o both wanted to follow what they understood to be the meanin% of the hadith of Rasool Allah (saw ! (hen they returned and brou%ht the matter up with Rasool Allah (saw & he ($aw didnt reprimand anyone of them! *e didnt disappro"e any one! This tells us that disa%reements in sharia were and always will be present but as lon% as you do your best in what you belie"e is ri%ht then there is no harm! (e shouldnt a##use people of bein% wron%& maybe both sides are ri%ht! There is room for different interpretation in fi)h& but one should follow the opinion be#ause they belie"e it to be true!


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

Rusool Allah (saw laid sie%e to 4anu 2uraida! Allah .aujal says in AL#A&FA8 .AA0 @=#@N3

And &e brought down those who supported the a ong the 4eople of the Scripture fro their fortresses and cast terror into their hearts !so that" a party you 'illed and you too' captive a party.

And &e caused you to inherit their land and their ho es and their properties and a land which you have not trodden. And ever is Allah, over all things, co petent. Allah #ast terror into the hearts of the enemies! The sie%e lasted from 2C or 2G narrations!
'a&b ibn Asad gathers his people and gives them options. He said, (:ou are aware of the difficult position in which we find ourselves, 5&m offering you three possibilities to choose from. #he first one is to believe in this man, "uhammed, and to follow him by Allah now we are certain that he is a prophet and he is sent by Allah. He is indeed the one described in our own $ook, if you do so, you spare your own lives and protect your children and families.) #he people objected to this and said, (We will never abandon the 3ld #estament and substitute anything else for it.) 'a&b said, ( ince you refuse me this possibility, 5 suggest to you that we kill our women and children and go out to fight "uhammed ,saw0 and his followers. 5f we do so we can fight much harder, since we have no responsibility behind us. We can fight him, until Allah rules between us. 5f we are e4terminated, then we will face death without any worry of our offspring. 5f on the other hand we achieve victory, we will soon find new women and new children.) #hey said, (What would be the purpose of our lives, if we kill these poor women and children?) 'ab said, (5f you refuse this also the only thing 5 can suggest to you is that since tonight is the abbath night, it may well be that "uhammed and his followers may rela4 their watch, thinking we will not do anything serious on the abbath night, let us then take him by surprise and fight them to the bitter end.)

They said& 0+ou want to spoil our $abbath& and "iolate it in a way that has ne"er been done before= B3#ept by those whom you know& re#ei"ed the punishment!1 >ne of them& his name is ,abbash bin 2ays said& 0*ow do you e3pe#t us to take them by surprise& when you #an see that they are %ettin% stron%er e"eryday= In the early days of the sie%e they were in their positions durin% the day& and retreatin% at ni%ht! ,ow we see them maintainin% the sie%e day and ni%ht! The surprise element is not in our hands!1 :ab bin Asad& 0,one of you has made affirmed de#isions sin#e he was born!1 $o now they were thinkin% of surrenderin%! They sent to Abu Iubaba& one of the sahabah and their friend pre"iously in the time of @ahiliya! They seek his ad"i#e! Abu Iubaba %oes there& they #ome out with their women and #hildren #ryin% and sobbin%! It was an emotional situation! (hen they asked Abu Iubaba and said& 0(hat do you think Muhammed will do& if we surrender=1 Abu Iubaba pointed towards his throat and made a %esture meanin%& he (saw will slau%hter you! As soon as he did that he reali/ed he has betrayed Allah and his Messenger. He shouldn&t have said that.
He rushed back and tied himself to a pillar in "asjid e +abvi, and said, (5 am not going to untie myself, until Allah Zaujal accepts my repentance.) Abu Bubaba ,ra0 remains tied up for si4 days in the masjid, his wife would go to him, for every salah and untie him, and then after every salah she


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

would tie him again. #his continued until one night 6usool Allah ,saw0 was at the house of Gmm e alama and he smiled. he asked him, (3h 6usool Allah, what is it?) He said, (Allah Zaujal has accepted the repentance of Abu Bubaba.) Gmm e alama said, ( houldn&t 5 go and deliver the good news to him?) 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (:es, if you want to.) o she opens the door of her room, which was right across the masjid and she delivered the news to Abu Bubaba ,ra0. #he sahabah ,ra0 rushed to untie him, but he said, (2o not do so, until 6usool Allah ,saw0 comes and does that himself.) o when 6usool Allah ,saw0 went to pray alah tul Aajr, 6usool Allah ,saw0 untied Abu Bubaba ,ra0. +ow there is a pillar in "asjid e nabvi and it is called %=illar of #awbah&. #his was the pillar by which Abu Bubaba tied himself to.

$till 4anu 2uraida& thou%h they %ot a hint& they a%reed to surrender! 4ut they a%reed to surrender when they knew that $ad ibn Muadh would be the one& who would rule in their #ase! $ad ibn Muadh was their ally in the time of @ahiliya! They surrendered& and were tied up& and $ad ibn Muadh was %i"en full authority to rule in their #ase!
a&d ibn "uadh was injured during the siege in the battle of the #rench, he was shot in his arm. a&d had made a dua then, ("y Bord, if we are to fight ;uraish again, spare me now for that fight. #here are no people 5 like to fight for your cause more than those who have opposed your "essenger, rejected him and forced him out of :our hometown. 5f :ou have willed that this encounter between us and them will be the last, 5 pray to you, my Bord, to make this wound of mine, my way to martyrdom. $ut do not let me die, until 5 see our affair with the ;uraida have a happy ending for 5slam.)

$ad ibn Muadh was bitter at what they did& when they betrayed Rusool Allah (saw at the bleakest of moments! Rusool Allah (saw had prepared for $ad ibn Muadh a tent in Masjid e ,ab"i& and he was pla#ed in that tent so he #ould be taken #are of& and Rusool Allah (saw would #ome and "isit him! $ad ibn Muadhs injury was a bit better& but he still needed to be #arried! He
was carried to where 6usool Allah ,saw0, the "uslims, and the Cews were. a&d ,ra0 while he was being carried was told by Al!Aus to be kind and giving him advice. 5n one narration, the Aus came to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and said, (Hand over $anu ;uraida to us, as you have handed over $anu ;aynu1a to our brothers in 'ha<raj.) $anu ;aynu1a was handed over to Abdullah bin Gbayy, the head of the hypocrites. Abdullah bin Gbayy had set them free. +ow the Aus and 'ha<raj would compete in everything. 7ven Al!Aus wanted such an opportunity. 6usool Allah ,saw0 handed over the authority to a&d ibn "uadh and a&d ibn "uadh was the head of Al!Aus. o when people from Al!Aus were advising a&d to be kind, a&d ibn "uadh was silent throughout their advices. 5n the end, a&d ibn "uadh ,ra0 said, (5t is time for a&d to disregard any possible criticism in serving Allah.) As soon as he said this some of Al!Aus went back delivering their condolences, saying he is going to kill them. a&d statement meant that he ,ra0 will do what will please Allah Zaujal, he will not look into the politics of it. 5 am not going to look at what people will say about it. o just this statement was enough for the sahabah to understand what he meant. #hey all knew that the crimes committed by $anu ;uraida were sufficient enough to punish them by death.

$ad (ra was brou%ht in and& Rusool Allah (saw said& 0$tand up before your master!1 (e know that Rusool Allah (saw has dis#oura%ed his ummah to stand up before his leaders! This situation was a howe"er e3#eptional! *ere Rusool Allah (saw told them to stand before $ad ibn Muadh (ra & so they all did in two lines& and then they told $ad to %i"e his rulin%! $ad ibn Muadh (ra looked towards the @ews and said& 0?o you a##ept my rulin%=1 They said& 0+es we do!1 Then he points towards the Muslims and said& 0?o you a##ept my rulin%=1 *e did not look at the Muslims be#ause of Rusool Allah (saw & he didnt want to look at him (saw & he was too shy& and embarrassed to ask Rusool Allah (saw this )uestion! $o out of respe#t he didnt look up at him! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0+es we do!1

#his was a very critical moment as this decision will affect the future of an entire tribe that has lived in "edina for hundreds of years. aid ibn "uadh ,ra0 said, (5 hear by rule that all the men of the ;uraida are to be killed. #heir properties& to be divided and their women and children be


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

enslaved.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (:ou have ruled the same ruling from Allah Zaujal from on top of seven heavens.) #his is the ruling which would please Allah. #he way they would separate the men and the children was by seeing if a person has grown hair, facial hair, or pubic hair. 5n Abu 2awud they said Atayy Al! ;uradi said, (#hey uncovered my pubic area and since 5 didn&t grow any pubic hair, they set me free.) #he number of men which were e4ecuted varied from @//!?// according to different narrations. 3nly one woman was e4ecuted and that is because she killed one of the sahabah ,ra0, by throwing a stone on top of him. #his woman was sitting with Aisha ,ra0 and Aisha ,ra0 had no idea, what this woman had done. #his woman was laughing and joking, and all of a sudden her name was announced. Aisha ,ra0 asked, (Why is your name being announced?) he said, (#hey want to kill me.) Aisha ,ra0 said, (Why would they kill you?) he said, ($ecause of a crime that 5 have committed.) Aisha ,ra0 said about her,) 5 will never forget how high spirited she was, even though she knew she was facing death.) o all of the men were killed e4cept a few who became "uslim, they were just a few of them. #hey were then treated one of the ummah, there is no racism in 5slam. 3ne of the women, her name was 6ehana, she was taken by 6usool Allah ,saw0 as a slave. 6usool Allah ,saw0 invited her to 5slam, in the beginning she refused but eventually she became a "uslim. 6usool Allah ,saw0 gave her the option, do you want to remain as a slave, or do you want to be freed and 5 will marry you. he preferred to remain as a slave, and she did remain as a slave of "uhammed ,saw0 until he died. 3ne of the sahabah ,ra0 appealed for a Cewish manJ this was because this man had done him a favor in the time of Cahiliya. o the sahabi wanted to pay him back for that. #he sahabah was #habit bin ;ays and he went to 6usool Allah ,saw0 to appeal for A<!Zubair bin $ata. Zubair was an old man, who had become blindJ #habit went to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and asked him to spare the life of Zubair. 6usool Allah ,saw0 agreed, but then Zubair told #habit ,ra0, (What would an old man who would have no son and no family do with his life?) o #habit went to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and asked him to free his wife and his children. 6usool Allah ,saw0 agreed. #hen A<!Zubair said, (What should become of a household in Hija<, that has no property, how could they survive?) o #habit goes to 6usool Allah ,saw0 and asks for the property of this man to be released. 6usool Allah ,saw0 did that too. o now Zubair is free, his wife and children are free, and his property is back. $ut them A<! Zubair asked #habit, (What became of 'ab bin Asad? Whose face was like a mirror that reflects the faces of the tribe&s virgins.) #habit said, (He has been killed.) A<!Zubair said, (#hen what of our vanguard in the attack and our protector in plight A<<aal bin himaual?) #habit said, (He has been killed.) A<!Zubair said, ( o what became of the two counsels?) He said, (#hey have been dispersed and have been killed.) #hen A<!Zubair, (5 ask you then #habit, by your obligation to me to let me join my own people, there is no good in life for me now, that they have gone, and 5 can&t stand postponing joining my loved ones for so long, as it will take to fill an empty bucket being born along by a camel.) o according to A<!Zubair&s wish, #habit ibn ;ays went up to him and cut off his head. When the news of this reached Abu $akr ,ra0, he said, (He&ll meet them by Allah, in the fire of Hell, where he will dwell in forever.)

Hour fifth of the %hanimah (war booty was di"ided amon% the fi%hters and one'fifth went to the Messen%er of Allah& and Ibn Isha) narrates how he (saw used it! Ibn Isha) said& 0The Messen%er of Allah& dispat#hed $aeed bin .ayd& with the #apti"es taken from 4anu 2uraida to ,ajd& where he sold them& in e3#han%e for horses and weapons! The Messen%er of Allah had #hosen for himself one of their women& Rehana! *e stayed intimate with her& until he died& she still bein% at that time& in his household! The Messen%er of Allah had su%%ested that she a##ept Islam& but she had refused! B"entually she did a##ept Islam& and this brou%ht %reat pleasure to him! *e su%%ested releasin% and marryin% her& but she #hose to #ontinue in sla"ery& #onsiderin% that easier for her! $he remained with him until the Messen%er of Allah died!1 5slam had changed the
ruling of slavery so much, that here you have a person who chooses to remain a slave rather than being freed.


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki


(hy was the punishment so se"ere= (hy were <99'899 men slau ghtered? Why were the
women and children enslaved? Why was their property taken? We can answer in one word and that is 'r as!n. $anu ;uraida were citi<ens of the 5slamic state and they committed treason, and it is an accepted rule that the punishment should be befitting of the crime. #hey have committed treason against the "essenger of AllahF We aren&t dealing with an ordinary man or a particular head of state or a king. "uhammed ,saw0 was the most beloved creation of Allah to Allah, and they betrayed him ,saw0. #hey lied to him, and conspired against him. 5bn 'athir said, (All that was due to their disbelief, their breaking of pacts between themselves and the "essenger of Allah, and their allying themselves with the clans against him. +one of that did them any good, but brought the wrath of Allah and His "essenger down upon them A bad bargain for them in this world and the ne4t.)

$ad refused to be lenient in his rulin%& be#ause he knew that lenien#y in su#h matters is weakness& it is not a si%n of mer#y! In su#h situations we should be firm! $o the per#eption that some Muslims ha"e that& Muslims should be lenient so that Islam doesnt %et a bad name! They want people to think that Muslims are tolerant and pea#eful and they dont want people to #all us terrorists! This is a si%n of (BA:,B$$! (e #an see Muslims leaders be soft and in return the enemy be#omes arro%ant! $ometimes the sword needs to be used& and sometimes the word of wisdom needs to be used! $ometimes the pen and sometimes the sword& it depends!
Gthman bin Affan says, ( ometimes Allah can fulfill some of the objectives of religion, through the sultan, through the authority that cannot be fulfilled through the ;uran.) o there are some lessons in the statement of a&d. When he said, ("y Bord, if we are to fight ;uraish again, spare me now for that fight. #here are no people 5 like to fight for your cause more than those who have opposed your "essenger, rejected him and forced him out of :our hometownM) a&d being the head of one of the Ansar, wanted to carry on fighting ;uraish, if there is any fighting left. He wanted to fulfill his pledge to 6usool Allah ,saw0 of protecting him. #hen sa&d said, (5f :ou have willed that this encounter between us and them will be the last, 5 pray to you, my Bord, to make this wound of mine, my way to martyrdom.) o here he asked Allah to make him die if there is no fighting left with ;uraish. #his shows us that a&d ibn "uad had no purpose in living e4cept to fight Cihad fi sabi lillah. He doesn&t want to live earn money or marrying. He wants to live for a noble purpose.

$aid (ra then said& 04ut do not let me die& until I see our affair with the 2uraida ha"e a happy endin% for Islam!1 4anu 2uraida was his ally& but now sin#e his allian#e was with Rusool Allah (saw & he was askin% Allah to not make him die till he sees a happy endin% for Islam a%ainst 4anu 2uraida! ubhanAllah, Allah made him, be the person to rule for $anu

T#is battle o" 6anu Duraida was special "or t#e "ollowin% reasonsF

It was #ommanded by @ibrael @ibrael a##ompanied the Muslims6 Anas ibn Malik says in 4ukhari& 0It was as thou%h I #ould see
the dust risin% in the street of 4anu -hanam due to the mar#hin% of @ibraels troops when Rusool Allah (saw set our for 4anu 2uraida!

The e3e#ution of 4anu 2uraida was a #ommand from Allah deli"ered from the ton%ue of $ad ibn
Muadh! This was what Allah wanted!

This battle remo"ed the last tribe of the @ews from Medina!

The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

*ome irtues o" *a?d ibn Muad# -ra1

$ad ibn Muadh was the head of Al'Aus& after the rulin% was deli"ered on the @ews of 4anu
2uraida& the injury of a&d which was almost entirely healed, ubhanAllah it again opened, and it
caused the death of a&d ibn "uadh ,ra0. #he dua of a&d was fulfilled.

Airst of all, there was no more fighting with the ;uraish, he died as a shaheed because of his
wound, and he saw a happy ending of 5slam with $anu ;uraida.

6usool Allah ,saw0 said, ( tand up for your master.) He is the only man for which 6usool Allah
,saw0 told the sahabah ,ra0 to stand for.

When 6usool Allah ,saw0 heard the news of a&d ibn "uadh dying he rushed towards him with the
sahabah, and he told them to come along with him. 6usool Allah ,saw0 was walking so fast the shoes of the sahabah were tearing and their garments were falling down. #hey complained about it, 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (5 want to go there, 5&m afraid that the angels will reach there before us.) o the angles were rushing towards him too.


a&d ibn "uadh ,ra0 died, his mother was weeping, so 6usool Allah ,saw0 said, (7very mourner is e4aggerating, e4cept for the mother of a&d.) 6usool Allah ,saw0 meant that she had a reason to cryJ because a&d ibn "uadh ,ra0 was such a "uslim.

(hen they #arried the janaa/a of $ad& it was so li%ht! They went to Rusool Allah (saw and told
him how li%ht it was! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0And why shouldnt it be li%ht when an%els that ne"er #ame down to duniya& #ame down to #arry the janaa/a of $ad ibn Muadh!1 This is su#h a %reat sahabi!

The %reatest "irtue of all& a "irtue that we didnt hear& Rusool Allah (saw said in $ahih Muslim&
0The throne of Allah shook be#ause of the death of $ad ibn Muadh!1 This is how %reat $ad ibn Muadh was! $ome of the s#holars say that the reason why the throne of Allah shook was be#ause of the #ommotion that was #aused amon% the an%els that were #arryin% $ad ibn Muadh (ra !

Rusool Allah (saw ne"er for%ot about $ad& one day when Rusool Allah (saw re#ei"ed %ifts& they
were pie#es of #loth& the sahabah ne"er saw the likes of those #loths! $o the sahabah were holdin% this beautiful pie#e of #loth! Rusool Allah (saw said& 0Are you ama/ed at how soft this #loth is=1 They said& 0+es!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0The handker#hiefs of $ad ibn Muadh in @annah are softer and better than this #loth!1

(hen they were buryin% $ad ibn Muadh (ra & lowerin% his body and #o"erin% the %ra"e& Rusool
Allah (saw was standin% ri%ht on top of the %ra"e and suddenly his fa#e #han%ed and then he said& 0$ubhanaAllah1 three times! The sahabah repeated after him (saw ! Then the fa#e of Rusool Allah (saw returned to the usual& and he said& 0Allah u Akbar1 three times! The sahabah asked Rusool Allah (saw & 0(hy did you make tasbih and then takbir!1 Rusool Allah (saw said& 0The %ra"e s)uee/ed the body of $ad and if there was %oin% to be anyone who would be spared of the sufferin% of the s)uee/in% of the %ra"e it would ha"e been $ad! And then the %ra"e released itself!1 #he earth s1uee<es the body of a person, when he is buried. 6usool Allah ,saw0 was worried
when he saw that, but then when the earth released the body of (Allah u Akbar.) a&d, 6usool Allah ,saw0 said,


The Madeenan Period by Imam Anwal Al Awlaki

We ask Allah to spare us from the punishment of the grave, we ask Allah to make our time in the grave, times of blessing, because the righteous servant of Allah will see his place in Cannah, we ask Allah to make us one of those We ask Allah to save us. Ameen. #his was a great sahabi ,ra0, he was E8 years old when he died, meaning that when 6usool Allah ,saw0 made hijrah, he was E/ years old. Here you have a young man giving his prime life for the service of Allah. #his is how you give support to the religion. 5ts not that you stay home laid back and attend 5slamic conferences in a five star hotel, go to your mos1ue driving the air!conditioned car in summer, using the heater, when its winter. #hen you think you have done your best for the message of Allah ZaujalJ without spending a dime, without shedding a drop of blood. 5t wasn&t how the Ansar did thisJ they spared nothing for the service of Allah and His messenger. #hat is why they deserve to be called, %#he Ansar.& 6usool Allah ,saw0 after the battle of the #rench said, (Arom now on we will attack them, and they will not attack us. We will attack them.) o the $attle of #rench was a turning point in the life of 6usool Allah ,saw0, it represented the move from the stage of defensive Cihad, to the stage of offensive Cihad. We ask Allah to accept our deeds, we ask Allah to make us of those who understand the sunnah of 6usool Allah ,saw0. We ask Allah to make us of those who support 5slam.


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