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MROA Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 15th January 2014 At 6.

30pm 4 MR Way Present: Malcolm Alford, Brian Dennistoun, Sandy Myles, Margaret Weatherspoon, Janet Pearse

Apologies: Tony Flynn In Attendance: Lisa McDonald and Kyle Brine (Hacking and Paterson) Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Matters arising: 1. The motorcyle parked on the pavement in MR Drive has been removed. 2. The tree stumps outside 15-21 MR Drive have been removed by Kerax. 3. Common Ground: This to be covered in Chairman!s Report. Chairman!s Report: Our lawyers commissioned a search at the Registers of Scotland that established that ownership of the strip on to the south of the estate could not be established denitively and RoS assume that it must belong to the Trotters by sasine. Taylor Wimpey had also been unable to establish ownership of that area of land, however, they clearly thought they were at liberty to build a wall and landscape the area. Discussion took place with the Committee who were divided as to the next step. Some were of the opinion that we should approach Mortonhall Estates to establish if they were the owners and if so, to ask them to assign the title to ourselves, whilst others thought that this should be done by T-W who had already altered the grounds. It was suggested that we should take legal advice on this but unfortunately the meeting had to be adjourned at this stage due to news of a family bereavement. The Chairman and Secretary will re-arrange when suitable. Continuation of Meeting on Wednesday 29th January 2014 at 6.30 Apologies: Sandy Myles, Tony Flynn, Lisa McDonald and Kyle Brine of Hacking and Paterson.

The Committee opened the meeting by expressing their condolences to Malcolm and Louise on their recent bereavement. Chairman!s Report (cont!d). Since the last meeting, Malcolm had taken the opportunity to have a meeting with George Veitch of Sturrock, Armstrong and Thomson Solicitors, regarding the boundary issues and he had in fact received a letter back from him setting out the various options open to us. This is available to view on request. After discussion, the Committee unanimously agreed that we should attempt to resolve this matter and that we request George Veitch (S, A &T) to write to the MD of Taylor Wimpey requesting that TW take responsibility for resolving this issue. It should also be pointed out that the brochure given to all residents (and other prospective purchasers) was misleading in that it shows the boundary running right down to the pavement. Action: Malcolm Factors Report: In his absence, Kyle submitted his report and everything seems to be ne with the exception of replacing the Velux window/smoke vent in the middle stairwell of 15-21 MR Drive. Matters are progressing and Brian and Kyle and liaising on the solution to this matter. Action: Kyle/Brian Grounds Report: Concern was expressed about reworks being set off at late hours and those responsible not then tidying up afterwards. An item will be included in the next newsletter. Action: Margaret/Malcolm Remedial work around 1 MRA has progressed but wire grilles, re-turng and planting will commence in the Spring. A request has been received from 1 MRW to put additional planting in two shrub beds and this will be done in the Spring. Action: Margaret A letter of complaint had been received about dog fouling and abusive behaviour towards a house owner. This matter is outwith the remit of the Committee but we will write to the Council advising them of the problem and ask if it is possible for a Dog Warden to make occasional appearances at certain times of the day. A letter will be sent to the complainant advising them of this. Action: Margaret Buildings: Brian has kindly offered to take on the role of Buildings Coordinator and will liaise with the various block reps. Reduction of costs in blocks: A note of the insurance premiums and claims paid-out have been given to Scott Ross (a resident Insurance Broker) to obtain alternative quotations for the building cover in advance of the renewal date at the end of May. Action: Brian/Janet.

Concern was expressed at the standard of work by some service providers and this matter will be taken up with H & P. Action Brian/Janet Treasurer!s report: None given in Sandy!s absence .

AOCB: Due to the recent thefts in MR Avenue and MR Loan, a reminder about security will be put in the next newsletter: Action: Janet/Malcolm AGM will be held on Monday 16th June, 2014 and the church hall is to be booked. Action Janet Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 16th April at Brians, 21/2 MR Drive. Meeting closed 8.10pm with thanks to Malcolm.

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