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Hubbel Campaign 4605 W Graceland Ct. Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Priority One: Creating Jobs

Lora believes the free market is the best job creating machine ever invented. We need to revamp the Governor's Office of Economic Development, neither the Federal government nor State government has ever been good at what belongs in the hands of private market. Businesses will be attracted to South Dakota if they don't have to compete with the current GOED's line-up of players.

Join Lora's Team

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Change South Dakota to a Producer:

Rather than a net taker, Lora supports private entrepreneurship in developing our Natural Resources so we can cut our apron strings from the Federal Government.

ObamaCare will Stop in SD:

Lora will stop ObamaCare at every instance, not encourage it with Navigators and legislation to get more money to implement it. Even the architects of ObamaCare say the way to thwart ObamaCare is held in the State's hands.



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CommonCore is like ObamaCare:

Lora will protect your children from the harmful effects of CommonCore. She will resist the mandates and refuse to allow your children's data to be compiled and manipulated by government.






Always Pro-Life.


3, 201

Period. Lora believes no civilization can prosper if they treat the innocent among us as worthless ... at either end of life.

Registered Nurse Science Teach er South Dakota Legislator Property Renovation Real Estate/Business Owner Married to Dr. Tim Hubbel 3 grown children Tithing Member of local church Facebook: Lora Hubbel for Governor

Always Pro-Constitution.
Both South Dakota and United States Constitutions.
Paid for by Hubbel Campaign 4605 W Graceland Ct. Sioux Falls, SD 57106

Governor Daugarrd's Administration has written that they "will continue to advocate FOR THE OBAMACARE Exchange" and "While (Obamacare) is unpopular in SD ... it is prudent to PROCEED WITH IMPLEMENTION." That was written in a grant application for more Federal money. Does that sound like a Governor who is against Obamacare? After helping Gov. Daugaard get elected in 2010, we all promised to get rid of Obamacare. It is odd then, that in SD only PRO-Obamacare bills have passed and all ANTl-Obamacare bills have failed. After learning about the grant applications mentioned above, I now know why. As a legislator, I tried to represent the people's wish to end Obamacare and was deemed a bridge-burner. The truth is that I didn't bend to flattery (Pierre's favorite tactic to keep your legislators in line). If flattery doesn't work then more oppressive measures will. Many legislators are afraid to challenge the administration after they have seen what happens to those of us who fight for the people. They do what they are told ... or else! The "good" legislators are rewarded with lucrative jobs, positions, stock options or even a casino. Some are rewarded with easy passage of special corporate structuring bills that benefit their firms. "The Legislature is up for sale," quipped a political insider on the phone to me. After seeing Pierre refuse to release documents on the recent investigation of the Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED), I'm wondering: Is the Judicial branch up for sale also?

the Rounds/Daugaard team drafted bills for the Individual Mandate and a State Health Insurance Exchange. Does that sound conservative? The Governor's largest donors are hospitals that promote Obamacare.

Things need to change. I will stop our State from advancing Obamacare and its ugly twin, CommonCore. I will stop government from data-gathering on our citizens. Your information is a commodity and it belongs to you alone. Anyone taking it against your will is stealing and should be prosecuted. Businesses can have their own data bank with your consent, but government should not be involved. If you stop the government data banks it will gut Obamacare and Common Core. The state can interpose to stop bad Federal laws from hurting our citizens. Instead of lapping up every Federal dime which enslaves us to mandates, we need to develop our oil and gas resources similar to North Dakota. Plus we must have fair business practices. As your Governor, I will not compete with your business. If you want to start a casino, a beef processing plant, a wind-generator repairs business, a turkey farm or dairy, you can. And I will not make up rules that favor the State government's "pet" business nor have the taxpayers bail them out. Government will be a referee in my administration and not a player. This will encourage businesses to come to South Dakota, knowing we have a government that will help them grow, not over-regulate or compete with them.


There is no local control in this expensive program. Its standards are not state-led. The Governor adamantly supports it, amid all the outcries of its abuses. In letters, he infers that anyone who questions this program just isn't informed. Legislators were arm-twisted into passing HB 1234 (2012) to further establish Common Core, even after public rejection. Unlike Obamacare, Governor Daugaard doesn't even pretend to be against this top-down Federal take-over of our schools.


The oppressive Chinese way of life is what my father tried to save his family from when he fought in Korea. Dad was on his deathbed and in his mind he was in Korea again, fighting the Chinese at Old Baldy. Why are the Chinese the favored nation in the Governor's Office of Economic Development (GOED)? And then there is the greed and corruption of our own doing. Google "GOED, EB-5 fraud" and South Dakota is the first link. Our Governor's office is under an FBI investigation. According to the Argus Leader the failed GOED Northern Beef project is accused of playing favorites ... missing large amounts of money ... questionable shell corporations ... off-shore lenders ... a lawsuit involving unpaid Chinese investors (which was dropped just before John Morrells was sold to Communist China for half the assessed value) ... and a suspicious death, where again, no documents have been released to the public. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. We have over 140 state-owned properties for sale with failed GOED Public-Private Partnerships.

Vote Lora Hubbel Wife, Mother, Grandmother on June 3, 2014. Your Moral Choice for Governor

South Dakota is "Light years ahead of every other state in the nation," (on gathering your personal data) says SD Dept of Health. This data is the life blood of Obamacare; the fuel that propels it. Governor Rounds took Stimulus money to start this data-gathering machine. In 2007,

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