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EN BANC G.R. No. 159618 BAYAN MUNA, represented by Rep. SATUR OCAM O, Rep. CR!S !N BE"TRAN, #nd Rep.

. "!$A ". MA$A, et%t%oners &. A"BERTO ROMU"O, et #'., Respondents.

Promulgated: February 1, 2011 x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


CAR !O, J.)

I dissent.

The RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement $#greement% &iolates existing muni'i(al la)s on the Phili((ine !tate*s obligation to (rose'ute (ersons res(onsible +or any o+ the international 'rimes o+ geno'ide, )ar 'rimes and other 'rimes against humanity. ,eing a mere exe'uti&e agreement that is indis(utably in+erior to muni'i(al la), the #greement 'annot (re&ail o&er a (rior or subse-uent muni'i(al la) in'onsistent )ith it.

First, under existing muni'i(al la)s arising +rom the in'or(oration do'trine in !e'tion 2, #rti'le II o+ the Phili((ine .onstitution, the !tate is re-uired to surrender to the

(ro(er international tribunal (ersons a''used o+ gra&e international 'rimes, i+ the !tate itsel+ does not exer'ise its (rimary /urisdi'tion to (rose'ute su'h (ersons.

!e'ond, and more im(ortantly, Re(ubli' #'t "o. 0121 $R# 0121% or the Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide, and Other Crimes Against Humanity re-uires that the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement, )hi'h is in derogation o+ the duty o+ the Phili((ines to (rose'ute those a''used o+ gra&e international 'rimes, should be rati+ied as a treaty by the !enate be+ore the #greement 'an ta3e e++e't.

!e'tion 2 o+ R# 0121 ado(ts as a !tate (oli'y the +ollo)ing: !e'tion 2. Declaration of Principles and State Policies $a% x x x xxx $e% The most serious 'rimes o+ 'on'ern to the international 'ommunity as a )hole must not go un(unished and their e++e'ti&e (rose'ution must be ensured by ta3ing measures at the national le&el, in order to (ut an end to im(unity +or the (er(etrators o+ these 'rimes and thus 'ontribute to the (re&ention o+ su'h 'rimes, %t be%n* t+e d,ty o- e&ery St#te to %ts /r%0%n#' 1,r%sd%/t%on o&er t+ose respons%b'e -or %ntern#t%on#' /r%0es. $4m(hasis su((lied%

To im(lement this !tate (oli'y, !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121 (ro&ides:

!e'tion 15. !urisdiction. - The !tate shall exer'ise /urisdi'tion o&er (ersons, )hether military or 'i&ilian, sus(e'ted or a''used o+ a 'rime de+ined and (enali6ed in this #'t, regardless o+ )here the 'rime is 'ommitted, (ro&ided, any one o+ the +ollo)ing 'onditions is met:

$a% The a''used is a Fili(ino 'iti6en7 $b% T+e #//,sed, re*#rd'ess o- /%t%2ens+%p or res%den/e, %s present %n t+e +%'%pp%nes7 or $'% The a''used has 'ommitted the said 'rime against a Fili(ino 'iti6en. In the interest o+ /usti'e, the rele&ant Phili((ine authorities may dis(ense )ith the in&estigation or (rose'ution o+ a 'rime (unishable under this #'t %- #not+er /o,rt or %ntern#t%on#' tr%b,n#' %s already/ond,/t%n* t+e %n&est%*#t%on or ,ndert#3%n* t+e prose/,t%on o- s,/+ /r%0e. !nste#d, t+e #,t+or%t%es 0#y s,rrender or s,spe/ted or #//,sed persons %n t+e +%'%pp%nes to t+e #ppropr%#te %ntern#t%on#' /o,rt, %- #ny, or to #not+er St#te pursuant to the applicable extradition laws and treaties $,old+a'ing, itali'i6ation and unders'oring su((lied%

!e'tion 2$e% and !e'tion 15 im(ose on the Phili((ines the 8duty9 to (rose'ute a (erson (resent in the Phili((ines, 8regardless o+ 'iti6enshi( or residen'e9 o+ su'h (erson, )ho is a''used o+ 'ommitting a 'rime under R# 0121 8regardless o+ )here

the 'rime is 'ommitted.9 The Phili((ines is ex(ressly mandated by la) to (rose'ute the a''used be+ore its o)n 'ourts.

I+ the Phili((ines de'ides not to (rose'ute su'h a''used, the Phili((ines has only t)o o(tions. First, it may surrender the a''used to the 8a((ro(riate international 'ourt9 su'h as the International .riminal .ourt $I..%. :r se'ond, it may surrender the a''used to another !tate i+ su'h s,rrender %s 4pursuant to the applicable extradition laws and treaties.9 nder the se'ond o(tion, the Phili((ines must ha&e an a((li'able extradition la) )ith the other !tate, or both the Phili((ines and the other !tate must be signatories to an a((li'able treaty. !u'h a((li'able extradition la) or treaty must not +rustrate the Phili((ine !tate (oli'y, )hi'h embodies a generally a''e(ted (rin'i(le o+ international la), that it is 8the duty o+ e&ery !tate to exer'ise its 'riminal /urisdi'tion o&er those res(onsible +or international 'rimes.9

In any 'ase, the Phili((ines 'an exer'ise either o(tion only if 8#not+er /o,rt or %ntern#t%on#' tr%b,n#' %s already /ond,/t%n* t+e %n&est%*#t%on or ,ndert#3%n* t+e prose/,t%on o- s,/+ /r%0e.9 In short, the Phili((ines should surrender the a''used to another !tate only i+ there is assuran'e or guarantee by the other !tate that the a''used )ill be (rose'uted under the other !tate;s 'riminal /usti'e system. This assuran'e or guarantee s(rings +rom the (rin'i(le o+ international la) that it is 8 t+e d,ty o- e&ery St#te to %ts /r%0%n#' 1,r%sd%/t%on o&er t+ose respons%b'e -or %ntern#t%on#' /r%0es.9

T+ere %s #t present no 4applicable '#5 or tre#ty #''o5%n* t+e s,rrender to t+e Un%ted St#tes o- U.S. n#t%on#'s #//,sed o- /r%0es ,nder RA

9851, spe/%-%/#''y, Cr%0es #*#%nst !ntern#t%on#' 6,0#n%t#r%#n "#5 or 7#r Cr%0es, Geno/%de, #nd Ot+er Cr%0es #*#%nst 6,0#n%ty.
2 <

The RP- ! 4xtradition Treaty 'annot be 'onsidered an a((li'able extradition la) or treaty. Paragra(h 1, #rti'le 2 o+ the RP- ! 4xtradition Treaty (ro&ides: 8#n o++ense shall be an extraditable o++ense i+ it is p,n%s+#b'e ,nder t+e '#5s %n bot+ Contr#/t%n* #rt%es xxx.9

The rule in the nited !tates is that a (erson 'annot be tried in the +ederal 'ourts +or an international 'rime unless the .!. .ongress ado(ts a la) de+ining and (unishing the o++ense. In"edellin # $e%as, the .!. !u(reme .ourt held that 85+%'e
> 5

tre#t%es 0#y /o0pr%se %ntern#t%on#' /o00%t0ents ... t+ey #re not do0est%/ '#5

,n'ess Con*ress +#s e%t+er en#/ted %0p'e0ent%n* st#t,tes or t+e tre#ty %tse'/on&eys #n %ntent%on t+#t %t be se'-8e.e/,t%n*9 #nd %s r#t%-%ed on t+ese ter0s .9 The .!. .ongress has not ena'ted legislation to im(lement the Gene#a Con#entions of &'(' )Gene#a Con#entions* )hi'h is one o+ the +oundations o+ the (rin'i(les o+

International ?umanitarian @a). Ahile the .!. !enate has rati+ied the Bene&a .on&entions, the rati+i'ation )as not intended to ma3e the Bene&a .on&entions sel+0

exe'uting under .!. domesti' la).


The nited !tates has not rati+ied the +ome Statute of International Criminal Court $Rome !tatute%. Ahile the Phili((ines has also not rati+ied the Rome !tatute, it has 'riminali6ed under R# 0121 all the a'ts de+ined in the Rome !tatute as Beno'ide,

Aar .rimes and :ther .rimes against ?umanity. T+ere %s no s%0%'#r 'e*%s'#t%on %n t+e Un%ted St#tes.

"ot all 'rimes (unishable under the Rome !tatute are 'onsidered 'rimes under .!. la)s. # re(ort based (artly on inter&ie)s )ith re(resentati&es o+ the .!. delegation

in Rome stated: 8The domesti' la)s o+ the nited !tates xxx do not 'o&er e#ery 'rime listed )ithin the /urisdi'tion o+ the CInternational .riminalD .ourt.9 The re(ort +urther

ex(lained the *#pbet)een the de+initions o+ Beno'ide, Aar .rimes and :ther .rimes against ?umanity, under the Rome !tatute and under .!. domesti' la)s, in this )ise:


ICC Statute in Contrast to the ,S Code

In 'on&ersations )ith both (ro(onents and o((onents o+ the .ourt, many suggested that )hile the ! has ob/e'ted to the .ourt*s (otential authority o&er ! ser&i'e members, )hat really lies behind that 'on'ern is the re'ognition that those most &ulnerable to the s'rutiny o+ the .ourt are notably higher u( in the 'hain o+ 'ommand: the 'i&ilian and senior military leadershi(. @egal ex(erts, both in the military and outside, (ointed out that there )ere more li3ely to be 8ga(s9 bet)een the ! .ode and the Rome !tatute than ga(s )ith the ni+orm .ode o+ Eilitary Fusti'e. #+ter retirement, military (ersonnel are not 'o&ered by the .EF, but instead )ould be held a''ountable to the ! .ode, in (arti'ular Title 10 and Title 11. For some retired military (ersonnel, this )as an area o+ some 'on'ern. T+ese %nd%&%d,#'s o--ered t+#t -or0er 'e#ders, %n p#rt%/,'#r t+e 46enry :%ss%n*ers o- t+e 5or'd,; #re 0ost #t r%s3. !ndeed, t+ey stressed t+#t #s t+e 0#%n /on/ern -or t+e US) t+#t t+e Co,rt 5%'' t#3e ,p /#ses o- -or0er sen%or /%&%'%#n 'e#ders+%p #nd 0%'%t#ry o--%/%#'s 5+o, #/t%n* ,nder t+e '#5s o- 5#r, #re no 'on*er /o&ered by t+e UCM< #nd t+ere-ore, potent%#''y open to *#ps %n -eder#' '#5 5+ere t+e US #b%'%ty to #ssert /o0p'e0ent#r%ty %s neb,'o,s. T+e -e#r %s t+#t t+ey /o,'d be s,b1e/t to !CC prose/,t%on -or #/t%ons t+ey d%d pre&%o,s'y %n ,n%-or0. One 'e*#' s/+o'#r po%nted o,t t+#t se&er#' /r%0es de-%ned 5%t+%n t+e Ro0e St#t,te do not #ppe#r on t+e US boo3s =e.*., #p#rt+e%d, perse/,t%on, ens'#&e0ent, #nd e.ter0%n#t%on.> 7+%'e s%0%'#r '#5s e.%st, %t 5o,'d be 5%t+%n t+e /o0peten/y o- t+e C+%e- rose/,tor to #r*,e be-ore t+e re8Tr%#' C+#0ber t+#t %n -#/t, t+e US does not +#&e '#5s to prose/,te -or t+e /r%0es t+#t +#&e been /o00%tted . # similar situation arose in 100>, )hen .ongressman Aalter Fones $R".% determined through a series o+ in&estigations that 'i&ilians ser&ing o&erseas under a 'ontra't )ith the ! military )ere not 'o&ered under the .EF. It had been assumed that the ! .ode ga&e ! (rima'y o&er 'i&ilians ser&ing in a military 'a(a'ity, but instead it )as dis'o&ered that i+ a 'i&ilian ser&ing )ith a military unit de(loyed o&erseas is a''used o+ )ar 'rime, the +oreign state )hose territory the 'rimes )ere 'ommitted

in )ould in +a't ha&e (rimary /urisdi'tion to try the 'ase. There+ore, Re(. Fones authored the 8Aar .rimes #'t o+ 100>,9 )hi'h )as designed to 'o&er 'i&ilian ser&ing in a military 'a(a'ity.

To ens,re t+#t no *#ps e.%st bet5een t+e US Code, t+e UCM<, #nd t+e /r%0es 5%t+%n t+e Co,rt9s 1,r%sd%/t%on, # s%0%'#r e--ort /o,'d be 0#de. T+%s pro/ess 5o,'d need to %dent%-y -%rst 5+ere /r%0es e.%st %n t+e St#t,te t+#t #re not /o&ered %n so0e /onte.t t+ro,*+ T%t'e 1@ #nd T%t'e 18 o- t+e US Code #nd t+en dr#-t 'e*%s'#t%on A 0ode'ed #-ter t+e 7#r Cr%0es A/t A des%*ned to -%'' *#ps. T+%s 5o,'d prote/t -or0er US ser&%/e 0e0bers #nd sen%or /%&%'%#n 'e#ders+%p -ro0 !CC prose/,t%on. There is &ery little dis'ussion today about the ga(s in la). !'holars are a)are o+ the (otential ga(s and see this area as one )here the ! might be able to mo&e +or)ard to 'lari+y legal ambiguities that may exist, and to ma3e 'orre'tions to ! la)s. This exer'ise )ould strengthen the ! assertion o+ 'om(lementarity. $4m(hasis su((lied%

The same re(ort added, 8#t Rome, the .!. )as 'on'erned )ith the de+inition o+ 'rimes, es(e'ially the de+inition o+ )ar 'rimes and, to lesser extent, the de+inition o+ 'rimes against humanity xxx79 that the 'rime o+ geno'ide )as a''e(table to the .!.

delegation7 and that throughout the negotiations, the .!. (osition )as to see3 one hundred (er'ent assuran'e that .!. ser&i'e members )ould only be held a''ountable to .!. systems o+ /usti'e.


Aith the existing ga( bet)een the 'rimes o+ Beno'ide, Aar .rimes and :ther .rimes against ?umanity under the Rome !tatute - no) all 'riminali6ed in the Phili((ines under R# 0121 on the one hand, and .!. domesti' la)s on the other, these 'rimes 'annot be 'onsidered 4p,n%s+#b'e ,nder t+e '#5s %n bot+ Contr#/t%n* #rt%es; as re-uired under the RP- ! 4xtradition Treaty, and hen'e, 'annot be 'onsidered as extraditable o++enses under the treaty. The 'rimes 'onsidered as Beno'ide, Aar .rimes, and :ther .rimes against ?umanity under the Rome !tatute and R# 0121 may not ne'essarily be 'onsidered as su'h 'rimes under nited !tates la)s. .onse-uently, the RP- ! 4xtradition Treaty does not -uali+y as an4#pp'%/#b'e; '#5 or tre#ty under !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121, )hi'h allo)s the Phili((ines to surrender to another state a (erson a''used o+ Beno'ide, Aar .rimes and :ther .rimes against ?umanity. !n s+ort, t+e +%'%pp%nes /#nnot

s,rrender to t+e Un%ted St#tes # U.S. n#t%on#' #//,sed o- #ny o- t+ese *r#&e %ntern#t%on#' /r%0es, 5+en t+e Un%ted St#tes does not +#&e t+e s#0e or s%0%'#r '#5s to prose/,te s,/+ /r%0es.

"either is the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement an 8a((li'able9 extradition la) or treaty as re-uired in !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121. Thus, the #greement 'annot be im(lemented by the Phili((ine Bo&ernment in the absen'e o+ an a((li'able extradition la) or treaty allo)ing the surrender to the nited !tates o+ .!. nationals a''used o+ 'rimes under R# 0121.

I+ a .!. national is under in&estigation or (rose'ution by an international tribunal +or any 'rime (unishable under R# 0121, the Phili((ines has the o(tion to surrender su'h

.!. national to the international tribunal i+ the Phili((ines de'ides not to (rose'ute su'h .!. national in the Phili((ines. This o(tion o+ the Phili((ine Bo&ernment under !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121 is not sub/e't to the 'onsent o+ the nited !tates. Any dero*#t%on -ro0 Se/t%on 1B, s,/+ #s reC,%r%n* t+e /onsent o- t+e Un%ted St#tes be-ore t+e +%'%pp%nes /#n s,/+ opt%on, reC,%res #n #0end0ent to RA 9851 by 5#y o- e%t+er #n '#5 or tre#ty. S,/+ #n #0end0ent /#nnot be e0bod%ed %n # 0ere e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent or #n e./+#n*e o- notes s,/+ #s t+e #ss#%'ed A*ree0ent.

!e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121 has 'learly raised to a st#t,tory 'e&e' the surrender to another !tate o+ (ersons a''used o+ any 'rime under R# 0121. #ny agreement in derogation o+ !e'tion 15, su'h as the surrender to the .!. o+ a .!. national a''used o+ an a't (unishable under R# 0121 but not (unishable under .!. domesti' la)s, or the nonsurrender to an international tribunal, )ithout .!. 'onsent, o+ a .!. national a''used

o+ a 'rime under R# 0121, 'annot be made in a mere exe'uti&e agreement or an ex'hange o+ notes. S,/+ s,rrender or non8s,rrender, be%n* /ontr#ry to Se/t%on 1B o- RA 9851, /#n on'y be 0#de %n #n #0end#tory '#5, s,/+ #s # s,bseC,ent '#5 or tre#ty.

Eoreo&er, !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121 allo)s the surrender to another !tate only 8 %#not+er /o,rt ... %s already /ond,/t%n* t+e %n&est%*#t%on or ,ndert#3%n* t+e prose/,t%on o- s,/+ /r%0e.9 This means that only if the other !tate is already in&estigating or (rose'uting the 'rime 'an the Phili((ines surrender the a''used to su'h other !tate. The RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement does not re-uire that the nited !tates must already be in&estigating or (rose'uting the 'rime be+ore the Phili((ines 'an surrender the a''used. In +a't, a .!. national a''used o+ a 'rime

under R# 0121 may not e&en be 'hargeable o+ su'h 'rime in the .!. be'ause the same a't may not be a 'rime under .!. domesti' la)s. In su'h a 'ase, the .!. 'annot e&en 'ondu't an in&estigation o+ the a''used, mu'h less (rose'ute him +or the same a't. Thus, the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement &iolates the 'ondition in !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121 that the other !tate must already be in&estigating or (rose'uting the a''used +or the 'rime (enali6ed under R# 0121 be+ore the Phili((ines 'an surrender su'h a''used.

To re(eat, the assailed #greement (re&ents the Phili((ines, 5%t+o,t t+e /onsent ot+e Un%ted St#tes, +rom surrendering to any international tribunal .!. nationals a''used o+ 'rimes under R# 0121. !u'h 'onsent is not re-uired under R# 0121)hi'h mandates that any non-surrender )ithout the 'onsent o+ another !tate must be

embodied in an extradition la) or treaty. The assailed #greement also dis(enses )ith the 'ondition in !e'tion 15 that be+ore the Phili((ines 'an surrender the a''used to the nited !tates, the a''used must already be under in&estigation or (rose'ution by the nited !tates +or the 'rime (enali6ed under R# 0121, a 'ondition that may be im(ossible to +ul+ill be'ause not all 'rimes under R# 0121 are re'ogni6ed as 'rimes in the nited !tates. T+,s, t+e A*ree0ent &%o'#tes Se/t%on 1B o- RA 9851 #s 5e'' #s e.%st%n* 0,n%/%p#' '#5s #r%s%n* -ro0 t+e %n/orpor#t%on do/tr%ne o- t+e Const%t,t%on. The #greement 'annot be embodied in a sim(le exe'uti&e agreement or an ex'hange o+ notes, but must be im(lemented through an extradition la) or a treaty rati+ied )ith the 'on'urren'e o+ at least t)o-thirds o+ all the members o+ the !enate.

In international la), there is no di++eren'e bet)een treaties and exe'uti&e agreements on their binding e++e't u(on (arty states, as long as the negotiating +un'tionaries ha&e remained )ithin their (o)ers. ?o)e&er, )hile the di++eren'es in nomen'lature and

+orm o+ &arious ty(es o+ international agreements are immaterial in international la), they ha&e signi+i'an'e in the muni'i(al la) o+ the (arties. #n exam(le is the

re-uirement o+ 'on'urren'e o+ the legislati&e body )ith res(e't to treaties, )hereas )ith res(e't to exe'uti&e agreements, the head o+ !tate may a't alone to en+or'e su'h agreements.


The 1015 Phili((ine .onstitution (ro&ides: 8"o treaty or international agreement shall be &alid and e++e'ti&e unless 'on'urred in by at least t)o-thirds o+ all the

Eembers o+ the !enate.9 This ex(ress 'onstitutional re-uirement ma3es treaties


di++erent +rom exe'uti&e agreements, )hi'h re-uire no legislati&e 'on'urren'e.

#n exe'uti&e agreement 'an only im(lement, and not amend or re(eal, an existing la). #s I ha&e dis'ussed in Suplico # -ational .conomic and De#elopment Authority, although an exe'uti&e agreement has the +or'e and e++e't o+ la), /ust li3e

im(lementing rules o+ exe'uti&e agen'ies, it 'annot amend or re(eal (rior la)s, but must 'om(ly )ith the la)s it im(lements. #n exe'uti&e agreement, being an

ex'lusi&e a't o+ the 4xe'uti&e bran'h, does not ha&e the status o+ a muni'i(al la).


#'ting alone, the 4xe'uti&e has no la)-ma3ing (o)er7 and )hile it has rule-ma3ing (o)er, su'h (o)er must be exer'ised 'onsistent )ith the la) it see3s to im(lement.


T+,s, #n e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent /#nnot #0end or repe#' # pr%or '#5, b,t 0,st /o0p'y 5%t+ St#te po'%/y e0bod%ed %n #n e.%st%n* 0,n%/%p#' '#5. T+%s #'so

0e#ns t+#t #n e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent, 5+%/+ #t t+e t%0e o- %ts e.e/,t%on /o0p'%es 5%t+ t+en e.%st%n* '#5, %s dee0ed #0ended or repe#'ed by # s,bseC,ent '#5 %n/ons%stent 5%t+ s,/+ e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent. Under no /%r/,0st#n/e /#n # 0ere e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent pre&#%' o&er # pr%or or s,bseC,ent '#5 %n/ons%stent 5%t+ s,/+ e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent.

This is 'lear +rom #rti'le 5 o+ the .i&il .ode, )hi'h (ro&ides:

#rti'le 5. x x x #dministrati&e or e.e/,t%&e #/ts, orders and regulations s+#'' be &#'%d on'y 5+en t+ey #re not /ontr#ry to t+e '#5s or the .onstitution. $4m(hasis su((lied%

An executive agreement like the assailed Agreement is an executive act of the President. nder #rti'le 5 o+ the .i&il .ode, an exe'uti&e agreement 'ontrary to a (rior la) is &oid. !imilarly, an exe'uti&e agreement 'ontrary to a subse-uent la) be'omes &oid u(on the e++e'ti&ity o+ su'h subse-uent la). !in'e #rti'le 5 o+ the .i&il .ode (ro&ides that 8exe'uti&e a'ts shall be &alid only )hen they are not 'ontrary to the la)s,9 on'e an exe'uti&e a't be'omes 'ontrary to la) su'h exe'uti&e a't be'omes &oid e&en i+ it )as &alid (rior to the ena'tment o+ su'h subse-uent la).

# treaty, on the other hand, a'-uires the status o+ a muni'i(al la) u(on rati+i'ation by the !enate. ?en'e, a treaty may amend or re(eal a (rior la) and #ice/#ersa nli3e


an exe'uti&e agreement, a treaty may 'hange state (oli'y embodied in a (rior and existing la).

In the nited !tates, +rom )here )e ado(ted the 'on'e(t o+ exe'uti&e agreements, the (re&ailing &ie) is that e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ents /#nnot #'ter e.%st%n* '#5 b,t 0,st /on-or0 to #'' st#t,tory reC,%re0ents. The .!. !tate Ge(artment made a

distin'tion bet)een treaties and exe'uti&e agreements in this manner: x x x it may be desirable to (oint out here the )ell-re'ogni6ed distin'tion bet)een an exe'uti&e agreement and a treaty. In brie+, it is that t+e -or0er /#nnot #'ter t+e e.%st%n* '#5 #nd 0,st /on-or0 to #'' st#t,tory en#/t0ents, )hereas a treaty, i+ rati+ied by and )ith the ad&i'e and 'onsent o+ t)o-thirds o+ the !enate, as re-uired by the .onstitution, itsel+ be'omes the su(reme la) o+ the land and ta3es (re'eden'e o&er any (rior statutory ena'tments. $4m(hasis su((lied%

The #greement in&ol&ed in this 'ase is an exe'uti&e agreement entered into &ia an ex'hange o+ notes. The (arties to the #greement $RP and !% agree not to surrender

ea'h other*s nationals to any international tribunal or to a third (arty +or the (ur(ose

o+ surrendering to any international tribunal, 5%t+o,t t+e ot+er9s /onsent, (ursuant to the (ronoun'ed ob/e'ti&e o+ 8(rote'tCingD Phili((ine and #meri'an (ersonnel +rom

+ri&olous and harassment suits that might be brought against them in international tribunals.9 T+e A*ree0ent #0ends e.%st%n* +%'%pp%ne St#te po'%/y #s e0bod%ed

%n 0,n%/%p#' '#5 #r%s%n* -ro0 *ener#''y #//epted pr%n/%p'es o- %ntern#t%on#' '#5 5+%/+ -or0 p#rt o- t+e '#5 o- t+e '#nd. The #greement also runs 'ounter to R# 0121 )hi'h 'riminali6ed )holesale all a'ts de+ined as international 'rimes in the Rome !tatute, an international treaty )hi'h the Phili((ines has signed but has still to rati+y. The #greement +rustrates the ob/e'ti&es o+ generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+

international la) embodied in the Rome !tatute. Thus, 'onsidering its nature, the #greement should be embodied not in an exe'uti&e agreement, but in a treaty )hi'h, under the Phili((ine .onstitution, shall be &alid and e++e'ti&e only i+ 'on'urred in by at least t)o-thirds o+ all the members o+ the !enate.

The 1015 Phili((ine .onstitution states as one o+ its (rin'i(les, as +ollo)s:

The Phili((ines x x x ado(ts the generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) as (art o+ the la) o+ the land and adheres to the (oli'y o+ (ea'e, e-uality, /usti'e, +reedom, 'oo(eration, and amity )ith all nations.

This 'onstitutional (ro&ision enun'iates the do'trine o+ in'or(oration )hi'h mandates that the Phili((ines is bound by generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) )hi'h automati'ally +orm (art o+ Phili((ine la) by o(eration o+ the .onstitution.


In 0uroda # !alandoni, this .ourt held that this 'onstitutional (ro&ision 8is

not 'on+ined to the re'ognition o+ rules and (rin'i(les o+ international la) as

'ontained in treaties to )hi'h our go&ernment may ha&e been or shall be a signatory.9 The (ertinent (ortion o+ Huroda states: !t /#nnot be den%ed t+#t t+e r,'es #nd re*,'#t%on o- T+e 6#*,e #nd Gene&# Con&ent%ons -or0 p#rt o- #nd #re 5+o''y b#sed on t+e *ener#''y #//epted pr%n/%p'es o- %ntern#t%on#' '#5. . . . S,/+ r,'e #nd pr%n/%p'es, t+ere-ore, -or0 p#rt o- t+e '#5 o- o,r n#t%on e&en %t+e +%'%pp%nes 5#s not # s%*n#tory to t+e /on&ent%ons e0body%n* t+e0, +or our .onstitution has been deliberately general and extensi&e in its s'o(e and is not 'on+ined to the re'ognition o+ rules and (rin'i(les o+ international la) as 'ontained in treaties to )hi'h our go&ernment may ha&e been or shall be a signatory. $4m(hasis su((lied%

?en'e, generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) +orm (art o+ Phili((ine la)s e&en i+ they do not deri&e +rom treaty obligations o+ the Phili((ines.


Benerally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la), as re+erred to in the .onstitution, in'lude 'ustomary international la). .ustomary international la) is one o+ the

(rimary sour'es o+ international la) under #rti'le <1 o+ the !tatute o+ the

International .ourt o+ Fusti'e. .ustomary international la) 'onsists o+ a'ts )hi'h, by


re(etition o+ !tates o+ similar international a'ts +or a number o+ years, o''ur out o+ a sense o+ obligation, and ta3en by a signi+i'ant number o+ !tates. It is based on

'ustom, )hi'h is a 'lear and 'ontinuous habit o+ doing 'ertain a'tions, )hi'h has gro)n under the aegis o+ the 'on&i'tion that these a'tions are, a''ording to international la), obligatory or right. Thus, 'ustomary international la) re-uires the

'on'urren'e o+ t)o elements: 8C1D the established, )ide-s(read, and 'onsistent (ra'ti'e on the (art o+ the !tates7 and C2D a (sy'hologi'al element 3no)n as opinion 1uris si#e necessitatis $o(inion as to la) or ne'essity%. Im(li'it in the latter element is a belie+ that the (ra'ti'e in -uestion is rendered obligatory by the existen'e o+ a rule o+ la) re-uiring it.9


!ome 'ustomary international la)s ha&e been a++irmed and embodied in treaties and 'on&entions. # treaty 'onstitutes e&iden'e o+ 'ustomary la) i+ it is de'laratory o+ 'ustomary la), or i+ it is intended to 'odi+y 'ustomary la). !n s,/+ # /#se, e&en # St#te not p#rty to t+e tre#ty 5o,'d be bo,nd t+ereby. A tre#ty 5+%/+ %s 0ere'y #

-or0#' o- /,sto0#ry %ntern#t%on#' '#5 %s en-or/e#b'e on #'' St#tes be/#,se o- t+e%r 0e0bers+%p %n t+e -#0%'y o- n#t%ons . For instan'e, the Iienna

.on&ention on .onsular Relations is binding e&en on non-(arty !tates be'ause the (ro&isions o+ the .on&ention are mostly 'odi+ied rules o+ 'ustomary international la) binding on all !tates e&en be+ore their 'odi+i'ation into the Iienna .on&ention. #nother exam(le is the @a) o+ the !ea, )hi'h 'onsists mostly o+

'odi+ied rules o+ 'ustomary international la), )hi'h ha&e been uni&ersally obser&ed e&en be+ore the @a) o+ the !ea )as rati+ied by (arti'i(ating !tates.


.orollarily, treaties may be'ome the basis o+ 'ustomary international la). Ahile !tates )hi'h are not (arties to treaties or international agreements are not bound thereby, su'h agreements, i+ )idely a''e(ted +or years by many !tates, may trans+orm into 'ustomary international la)s, in )hi'h 'ase, they bind e&en non-signatory !tates.


In +epu2lic # Sandigan2ayan, this .ourt held that e&en in the absen'e o+ the

.onstitution, generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) remain (art o+ the


la)s o+ the Phili((ines. Guring the interregnum, or the (eriod a+ter the a'tual ta3eo&er o+ (o)er by the re&olutionary go&ernment in the Phili((ines, +ollo)ing the 'essation o+ resistan'e by loyalist +or'es u( to 2= Ear'h 101> $immediately be+ore the ado(tion o+ the Pro&isional .onstitution%, the 105< Phili((ine .onstitution )as abrogated and

there )as no muni'i(al la) higher than the dire'ti&es and orders o+ the re&olutionary go&ernment. "e&ertheless, this .ourt ruled that e&en during this (eriod, the (ro&isions o+ the International .o&enant on .i&il and Politi'al Rights and the ni&ersal Ge'laration o+ ?uman Rights, to )hi'h the Phili((ines is a signatory, remained in e++e't in the 'ountry. The .o&enant and Ge'laration are based on generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) )hi'h are a((li'able in the Phili((ines e&en in the absen'e o+ a 'onstitution, as during the interregnum. .onse-uently, a((lying the (ro&isions o+ the .o&enant and the Ge'laration, the Fili(ino (eo(le 'ontinued to en/oy almost the same rights +ound in the ,ill o+ Rights des(ite the abrogation o+ the 105< .onstitution.

The Rome !tatute o+ the International .riminal .ourt )as ado(ted by 120 members o+ the nited "ations $ "% on 15 Fuly 1001. It entered into +or'e on 1 Fuly 2002,

a+ter >0 !tates be'ame (arty to the !tatute through rati+i'ation or a''ession. The

ado(tion o+ the Rome !tatute +ul+illed the international 'ommunity*s long-time dream o+ 'reating a (ermanent international tribunal to try serious international 'rimes. The Rome !tatute, )hi'h established an international 'riminal 'ourt and +ormally de'lared geno'ide, )ar 'rimes and other 'rimes against humanity as serious international 'rimes, /od%-%ed *ener#''y #//epted pr%n/%p'es o- %ntern#t%on#' '#5, %n/',d%n* /,sto0#ry %ntern#t%on#' '#5s. The (rin'i(les o+ la) embodied in the Rome !tatute )ere already generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) e&en (rior to the ado(tion o+ the !tatute. !ubse-uently, the Rome !tatute itsel+ has been )idely a''e(ted and, as o+ "o&ember 2010, it has been rati+ied by 11= states, 11< o+ )hi'h are members o+ the ".


There are at (resent 102 members o+ the ". !in'e 11< member states ha&e already rati+ied the Rome !tatute, more than a ma/ority o+ all the " members ha&e no) ado(ted the Rome !tatute as (art o+ their muni'i(al la)s. Thus, the Rome !tatute itsel+ is generally a''e(ted by the 'ommunity o+ nations as 'onstituting a body o+ generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la). T+e pr%n/%p'es o- '#5 -o,nd %n t+e Ro0e St#t,te /onst%t,te *ener#''y #//epted pr%n/%p'es o- %ntern#t%on#' '#5 en-or/e#b'e %n t+e +%'%pp%nes ,nder t+e +%'%pp%ne Const%t,t%on. The (rin'i(les o+ la) embodied in the Rome !tatute are binding on the Phili((ines e&en i+ the !tatute has yet to be rati+ied by the Phili((ine !enate. In short, the (rin'i(les o+ la) enun'iated in the Rome !tatute are no) (art o+ Phili((ine domesti' la) (ursuant to !e'tion 2, #rti'le II o+ the 1015 Phili((ine .onstitution.

#rti'le 10$1% o+ the Rome !tatute (ro&ides as +ollo)s:

!urrender o+ (ersons to the .ourt

1. The .ourt may transmit a re-uest +or the arrest and surrender o+ a (erson, together )ith the material su((orting the re-uest outlined in arti'le 01, to any !tate on the territory o+ )hi'h that (erson may be +ound and shall re-uest the 'oo(eration o+ that !tate in the arrest and surrender o+ su'h a (erson. !tates Parties shall, in a''ordan'e )ith the (ro&isions o+ this Part and the (ro'edure under their national la), 'om(ly )ith re-uests +or arrest and surrender. xxxx

!t %s # pr%n/%p'e o- %ntern#t%on#' '#5 t+#t # person #//,sed o- *eno/%de, 5#r /r%0es #nd ot+er /r%0es #*#%nst +,0#n%ty s+#'' be prose/,ted by t+e %ntern#t%on#' /o00,n%ty. A St#te 5+ere s,/+ # person 0#y be -o,nd +#s t+e pr%0#ry 1,r%sd%/t%on to prose/,te s,/+ person, re*#rd'ess o- n#t%on#'%ty #nd 5+ere t+e /r%0e 5#s /o00%tted. 6o5e&er, %- # St#te does not s,/+

pr%0#ry 1,r%sd%/t%on, t+en s,/+ St#te +#s t+e ob'%*#t%on to t,rn o&er t+e #//,sed to t+e %ntern#t%on#' tr%b,n#' &ested 5%t+ 1,r%sd%/t%on to try s,/+ person. This principle has been codified in Section 2 e! and Section "# of $A %&'" .

Eoreo&er, !e'tion 12 o+ R# 0121 has ex(ressly ado(ted 8C rDe'e&#nt #nd #pp'%/#b'e %ntern#t%on#' +,0#n r%*+ts %nstr,0ents9 as sour'es o+ international la) in the a((li'ation and inter(retation o+ R# 0121, thus: !e'tion 12. Applicability of (nternational )aw. - In the a((li'ation and inter(retation o+ this #'t, Phili((ine 'ourts shall be guided by the +ollo)ing sour'es: $a% x x x xxx $e% The rules and (rin'i(les o+ 'ustomary international la)7 xxx $g% Re'e&#nt #nd #pp'%/#b'e %ntern#t%on#' +,0#n r%*+ts %nstr,0ents7 $h% :ther rele&ant international treaties and 'on&entions rati+ied or a''eded to by the Re(ubli' o+ the Phili((ines7 and x x x. $4m(hasis su((lied%

The Rome !tatute is the most rele&ant and a((li'able international human rights instrument in the a((li'ation and inter(retation o+ R# 0121. !e'tion 12$g% o+ R# 0121 authori6es the use o+ the Rome !tatute as a sour'e o+ international la) e&en though the Phili((ines is not a (arty to the Rome !tatute. !e'tion 12$g% does not re-uire rati+i'ation by the Phili((ines to su'h rele&ant and a((li'able international human rights instruments. International human rights instruments to )hi'h the Phili((ines is a (arty are go&erned by !e'tion 12$h%, re+erring to treaties or 'on&entions 8rati+ied or a''eded to9 by the Phili((ines, )hi'h 'onstitute a di++erent 'ategory o+ sour'es o+ international la) under !e'tion 12 o+ R# 0121. Thus, !e'tion 12$g% and !e'tion 12$h% re+er to di++erent instruments, the +ormer to international human rights instruments to )hi'h the Phili((ines is not a (arty, and the latter to international human rights instruments to )hi'h the Phili((ines is a (arty. ,y mandate o+ !e'tion 12 o+ R# 0121,

both 'ategories o+ instruments are sour'es o+ international la) in the a((li'ation and inter(retation o+ R# 0121.

?o)e&er, (aragra(h 2 o+ the assailed RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement (ro&ides as +ollo)s:

2. Persons o+ one Party (resent in the territory o+ the other shall not, absent the ex(ress 'onsent o+ the +irst Party, $a% be surrendered or trans+erred by any means to any international tribunal +or any (ur(ose, unless su'h tribunal has been established by the " !e'urity .oun'il, or $b% be surrendered or trans+erred by any means to any other entity or third 'ountry, or ex(elled to a third 'ountry, +or the (ur(ose o+ surrender to or trans+er to any international tribunal, unless su'h tribunal has been established by the " !e'urity .oun'il.

.learly, the #greement is in derogation o+ #rti'le 10$1% o+ the Rome !tatute. Ahile #rti'le 01$2% o+ the Rome !tatute, )hi'h states as +ollo)s:

2. The .ourt may not (ro'eed )ith a re-uest +or surrender )hi'h )ould re-uire the re-uested !tate to a't in'onsistently )ith its obligations under %ntern#t%on#' #*ree0ents (ursuant to )hi'h the 'onsent o+ a sending !tate is re-uired to surrender a (erson o+ that !tate to the .ourt, unless the .ourt 'an +irst obtain the 'oo(eration o+ the sending !tate +or the gi&ing o+ 'onsent +or the surrender.9 $4m(hasis su((lied%

allo)s +or derogation o+ #rti'le 10$1% i+ there is an %ntern#t%on#' #*ree0ent bet)een !tates allo)ing su'h derogation, su'h international agreement, being in derogation o+ an existing muni'i(al la) inso+ar as the Phili((ines is 'on'erned, 0,st be e0bod%ed %n # tre#ty #nd r#t%-%ed by t+e +%'%pp%ne Sen#te. #rti'le 01$2% does not i(so +a'to allo) a derogation o+ #rti'le 10$1%, but re-uires a +urther a't, that is, the exe'ution o+ an international agreement. S%n/e s,/+ %ntern#t%on#' #*ree0ent %s %n dero*#t%on oArt%/'e 89=1> o- t+e Ro0e St#t,te #nd Se/t%on 1B o- RA 8951, s,/+ %ntern#t%on#' #*ree0ent 0,st be r#t%-%ed by t+e Sen#te to be/o0e &#'%d #nd e--e/t%&e.

In'identally, the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement allo)s the Phili((ines to surrender, e&en 5%t+o,t U.S. /onsent, a .!. national a''used o+ a 'rime under R# 0121 (ro&ided that the surrender is made to an 8international tribunal xxx established by the " !e'urity .oun'il.9 The nited !tates agrees to this be'ause it has a &eto (o)er in the " !e'urity .oun'il, a blo'3ing (o)er )hi'h it does not ha&e, and 'annot ha&e, in the International .riminal .ourt.

The International .riminal .ourt 'reated under the Rome !tatute )as designed to 'om(lement the e++orts o+ states to (rose'ute their o)n 'iti6ens domesti'ally )hile ensuring that those )ho &iolate international la) )ould be brought to /usti'e. # state

is gi&en a 'han'e to exer'ise 'om(lementarity by in+orming the I.. o+ its 'hoi'e to


in&estigate and (rose'ute its o)n nationals through its o)n domesti' 'ourts. Thus,

the !tate has the (rimary /urisdi'tion to in&estigate and (rose'ute its o)n nationals in its 'ustody )ho may ha&e 'ommitted the gra&e international 'rimes s(e'i+ied in the Rome !tatute. nder the same (re'e(t, #rti'le 01$2% o+ the Rome !tatute allo)s the !tate o+ the a''used to a't 'onsistently )ith its obligations under international agreements, and the I.. 8may not (ro'eed )ith a re-uest +or surrender9 )hi'h )ould re-uire su'h !tate to a't other)ise. The I.. ste(s in and assumes /urisdi'tion only i+ the !tate ha&ing (rimary /urisdi'tion and 'ustody o+ the a''used re+uses to +ul+ill its international duty to (rose'ute those res(onsible +or gra&e international 'rimes.

The nited !tates has not rati+ied the Rome !tatute, and instead, entered into bilateral non-surrender agreements )ith 'ountries, 'iting its ability to do so under #rti'le 01$2% o+ the Rome !tatute. These agreements, also 'alled ,ilateral Immunity #greements

$,I#%, )ere intended as 80e#ns Eto pro&%deD #ss,r#n/es t+#t no U.S. /%t%2en

5o,'d be +#nded o&er to t+e =!ntern#t%on#' Cr%0%n#'> Co,rt -or %n&est%*#t%on #nd prose/,t%on o- #''e*ed /r%0es t+#t -e'' 5%t+%n t+e Co,rt9s 1,r%sd%/t%on. xxx9 There is 'urrently an argument )ithin the international

'ommunity about the use o+ #rti'le 01 agreements, as negotiated by the .!. a+ter the ado(tion o+ the Rome !tatute, and )hether they should be re'ogni6ed as ha&ing (re'edent o&er I..*s authority. Ahen #rti'le 01 )as originally in'luded in the

Rome !tatute, it )as intended to 'o&er !tatus o+ For'es #greements $!:F#s% and !tatus o+ Eissions #greements $!:E#s%, )hi'h establish the res(onsibilities o+ a

nation sending troo(s to another 'ountry, as )ell as )here /urisdi'tion lies bet)een the .!. and the host go&ernment o&er 'riminal and 'i&il issues in&ol&ing the de(loyed (ersonnel. ?o)e&er, under the ,I#s, the standard de+inition o+ 8(ersons9

'o&ered is 8'urrent or +ormer Bo&ernment o++i'ials, em(loyees $in'luding

'ontra'tors%, or military (ersonnel or n#t%on#'s o- one p#rty.9 The ,ush


#dministration 'ontends that 8su'h bilateral non-surrender agreements are #rti'le


01$2% agreements and that all ! 'iti6ens o+ )hate&er 'hara'ter are 'o&ered by any su'h agreement, xxx Cand thisD ! (osition on s'o(e o+ the bilateral non-surrender agreements, namely that it %n/',des US /%t%2ens #/t%n* %n t+e%r pr%&#te /#p#/%ty , is legally su((orted by the text, the negotiating re'ord, and (re'edent.*9 Me#n5+%'e,

%ntern#t%on#' 'e*#' s/+o'#rs #nd 0e0bers o- t+e US <AG Corps %n&o'&ed %n t+e dr#-t%n* o- t+e Ro0e St#t,te e.pressed -r,str#t%on 5%t+ t+e 4e.p#ns%&e ,se oArt%/'e 98 #*ree0ents to #pp'y to #'' A0er%/#ns, not 1,st t+ose %nd%&%d,#'s ,s,#''y /o&ered %n SOFAs #nd SOMAs.9 There are e&en those )ho 'ontend that

sin'e the ,I#s do not deal solely )ith the 'ondu't o+ o++i'ial business, rather, they a((ly to a )ide &ariety o+ (ersons )ho may be on the territory o+ either (arty +or any (ur(ose at any time, then 8the Rome !tatute does not authori6e these agreements and

by adhering to them, the 'ountries )ill &iolate their obligations to the CI..D under the !tatute.9 Regardless o+ these 'ontentions, ho)e&er, the ultimate /udge as to )hat

agreement -uali+ies under #rti'le 01$2% o+ the Rome !tatute is the I.. itsel+.


The assailed RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement 'o&ers 8o++i'ials, em(loyees, military (ersonnel, and n#t%on#'s.9 nder the #greement, the Phili((ines is not allo)ed, )ithout .!. 'onsent, to surrender to an international tribunal, in'luding the I.., .!. nationals )hether military (ersonnel or (lain 'i&ilians a''used o+ geno'ide, )ar 'rimes and other 'rimes against humanity, that is, the 'rimes 'o&ered by the Rome !tatute and R# 0121. Ahether or not this #greement )ould be re'ogni6ed by the I.. as an 8international agreement9 -uali+ied under #rti'le 01$2% de(ends on the I.. itsel+. In the domesti' s(here, ho)e&er, the #greement, being in derogation o+ the

generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) embodied in #rti'le 10$1% o+ the Rome !tatute, as )ell as being 'ontrary to the (ro&isions o+ !e'tion 15 o+ R# 0121, should be rati+ied by the Phili((ine !enate to be &alid and e++e'ti&e.

In sum, any derogation +rom the generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) embodied in the Rome !tatute, )hi'h (rin'i(les ha&e the status o+ muni'i(al la) in this 'ountry, 'annot be underta3en through a mere exe'uti&e agreement be'ause an exe'uti&e agreement 'annot amend existing la)s. # la) or a treaty rati+ied by the Phili((ine !enate is ne'essary to amend, +or (ur(oses o+ domesti' la), a derogable (rin'i(le o+ international la), su'h as #rti'le 10$1% o+ the Rome !tatute, )hi'h has the status o+ muni'i(al la).

"%3e5%se, #ny dero*#t%on -ro0 t+e s,rrender opt%on o- t+e +%'%pp%nes ,nder Se/t%on 1B o- RA 9851 0,st be e0bod%ed %n #n #pp'%/#b'e '#5 or tre#ty #nd not %n # 0ere e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent be/#,se s,/+ dero*#t%on &%o'#tes RA 9851, 5+%/+ %s s,per%or to, #nd pre&#%'s o&er, # pr%or e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent #''o5%n* s,/+ dero*#t%on. Under no /%r/,0st#n/e /#n # 0ere e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent pre&#%' o&er # pr%or or s,bseC,ent '#5 %n/ons%stent 5%t+ s,/+ e.e/,t%&e #*ree0ent. Thus, the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement to be &alid and e++e'ti&e must be rati+ied by the Phili((ine !enate, and unless so rati+ied, the #greement is )ithout +or'e and e++e't.

#''ordingly, I &ote to GRANT the (etition and to (EC"ARE the RP- ! "on!urrender #greement ine++e'ti&e and unen+or'eable unless and until rati+ied by the !enate o+ the Phili((ines.

ANTON!O T. CAR !O #sso'iate Fusti'e

1 .:"!TIT TI:" $1015%, #rt. II, !e'. 2 (ro&ides: 8The Phili((ines xxx #dopts t+e *ener#''y #//epted pr%n/%p'es o- %ntern#t%on#' '#5 #s p#rt o- t+e '#5 o- t+e '#nd and adheres to the (oli'y o+ (ea'e, e-uality, /usti'e, +reedom, 'oo(eration, and amity )ith all nations.9 2 !e'tion = o+ R# 0121 (ro&ides:

!e'tion =. Aar .rimes. - For the (ur(ose o+ this #'t, 8)ar 'rimes9 or 8'rimes against International ?umanitarian @a)9 means:

$a% In 'ase o+ an international armed 'on+li't , gra&e brea'hes o+ the Bene&a .on&entions o+ 12 #ugust 10=0, namely, any o+ the +ollo)ing a'ts against (ersons or (ro(erty (rote'ted under (ro&isions o+ the rele&ant Bene&a .on&ention:

$1% Aill+ul 3illing7 $2% Torture or inhuman treatment, in'luding biologi'al ex(eriments7 $<% Aill+ully 'ausing great su++ering, or serious in/ury to body or health7 $=% 4xtensi&e destru'tion and a((ro(riation o+ (ro(erty not /usti+ied by military ne'essity and 'arried out unla)+ully and )antonly7 $2% Aill+ully de(ri&ing a (risoner o+ )ar or other (rote'ted (erson o+ the rights o+ +air and regular trial7 $>% #rbitrary de(ortation or +or'ible trans+er o+ (o(ulation or unla)+ul 'on+inement7 $5% Ta3ing o+ hostages7 $1% .om(elling a (risoner a (risoner o+ )ar or other (rote'ted (erson to ser&e in the +or'es o+ a hostile (o)er7 and $0% n/usti+iable delay in the re(atriation o+ (risoners o+ )ar or other (rote'ted (ersons. $b% In 'ase o+ a non-international armed 'on+li't, serious &iolations o+ 'ommon #rti'le < to the +our $=% Bene&a .on&entions o+ 12 #ugust 10=0, namely, any o+ the +ollo)ing a'ts 'ommitted against (ersons ta3ing no a'ti&e (art in the hostilities, in'luding member o+ the armed +or'es )ho ha&e laid do)n their arms and those (la'ed hors de com2at by si'3ness, )ounds, detention or any other 'ause7 $1% Iiolen'e to li+e and (erson, in (arti'ular, )ill+ul 3illings, mutilation, 'ruel treatment and torture7 $2% .ommitting outrages u(on (ersonal dignity, in (arti'ular, humiliating and degrading treatment7 $<% Ta3ing o+ hostages7 and $=% The (assing o+ senten'es and the 'arrying out o+ exe'utions )ithout (re&ious /udgment (ronoun'ed by a regularly 'onstituted 'ourt, a++ording all /udi'ial guarantees )hi'h are generally re'ogni6ed as indis(ensable.

$'% :ther serious &iolations o+ the la)s and 'ustoms a((li'able in armed 'on+li't, )ithin the established +rame)or3 o+ international la), namely: $1% Intentionally dire'ting atta'3s against the 'i&ilian (o(ulation as su'h or against indi&idual 'i&ilians not ta3ing dire't (art in hostilities7 $2% Intentionally dire'ting atta'3s against 'i&ilian ob/e'ts, that is, ob/e't )hi'h are not military ob/e'ti&es7 $<% Intentionally dire'ting atta'3s against buildings, material, medi'al units and trans(ort, and (ersonnel using the distin'ti&e emblems o+ the Bene&a .on&entions or #dditional Proto'ol III in 'on+ormity )ith intentional la)7

$=% Intentionally dire'ting atta'3s against (ersonnel, installations, material, units or &ehi'les in&ol&ed in a humanitarian assistan'e or (ea'e3ee(ing mission in a''ordan'e )ith the .harter o+ the nited "ations, as long as they are entitled to the (rote'tion gi&en to 'i&ilians or 'i&ilian ob/e'ts under the international la) o+ armed 'on+li't7 $2% @aun'hing an atta'3 in the 3no)ledge that su'h atta'3 )ill 'ause in'idental loss o+ li+e or in/ury to 'i&ilians or damage to 'i&ilian ob/e'ts or )ides(read, long-term and se&ere damage to the natural en&ironment )hi'h )ould be ex'essi&e in relation to the 'on'rete and dire't military ad&antage anti'i(ated7 $>% @aun'hing an atta'3 against )or3s or installations 'ontaining dangerous +or'es in the 3no)ledge that su'h atta'3 )ill 'ause ex'essi&e loss o+ li+e, in/ury to 'i&ilians or damage to 'i&ilian ob/e'ts, and 'ausing death or serious in/ury to body or health. $5% #tta'3ing or bombarding, by )hate&er means, to)ns, &illages, d)ellings or buildings )hi'h are unde+ended and )hi'h are not military ob/e'ti&es, or ma3ing non-de+ended lo'alities or demilitari6ed 6ones the ob/e't o+ atta'37 $1% Hilling or )ounding a (erson in the 3no)ledge that heJshe is hors de com2at, in'luding a 'ombatant )ho, ha&ing laid do)n hisJher arms or no longer ha&ing means o+ de+ense, has surrendered at dis'retion7 $0% Ea3ing im(ro(er use o+ a +lag o+ tru'e, o+ the +lag or the military insignia and uni+orm o+ the enemy or o+ the nited "ations, as )ell as o+ the distin'ti&e emblems o+ the Bene&a .on&entions or other (rote'ti&e signs under International ?umanitarian @a), resulting in death, serious (ersonal in/ury or 'a(ture7 $10% Intentionally dire'ting atta'3s against buildings dedi'ated to religion, edu'ation, art, s'ien'e or 'haritable (ur(oses, histori' monuments, hos(itals and (la'es )here the si'3 and )ounded are 'olle'ted, (ro&ided they are not military ob/e'ti&es. In 'ase o+ doubt )hether su'h building or (la'e has been used to ma3e an e++e'ti&e 'ontribution to military a'tion, it shall be (resumed not to be so used7 $11% !ub/e'ting (ersons )ho are in the (o)er o+ an ad&erse (arty to (hysi'al mutilation or to medi'al or s'ienti+i' ex(eriments o+ any 3ind, or to remo&al o+ tissue or organs +or trans(lantation, )hi'h are neither /usti+ied by the medi'al, dental or hos(ital treatment o+ the (erson 'on'erned nor 'arried out in hisJher interest, and )hi'h 'ause death to or seriously endanger the health o+ su'h (erson or (ersons7 $12% Hilling, )ounding or 'a(turing an ad&ersary by resort to (er+idy7 $1<% Ge'laring that no -uarter )ill be gi&en7 $1=% Gestroying or sei6ing the enemy*s (ro(erty unless su'h destru'tion or sei6ure is im(erati&ely demanded by the ne'essities o+ )ar7 $12% Pillaging a to)n or (la'e, e&en )hen ta3en by assault7 $1>% :rdering the dis(la'ement o+ the 'i&ilian (o(ulation +or reasons related to the 'on+li't, unless the se'urity o+ the 'i&ilians in&ol&ed or im(erati&e military reasons so demand7 $15% Trans+erring, dire'tly or indire'tly, by the o''u(ying (o)er o+ (arts o+ its o)n 'i&ilian (o(ulation into the territory it o''u(ies, or the de(ortation or trans+er o+ all or (arts o+ the (o(ulation o+ the o''u(ied territory )ithin or outside this territory7

$11% .ommitting outrages u(on (ersonal dignity, in (arti'ular, humiliating and degrading treatment7 $10% .ommitting ra(e, sexual sla&ery, en+or'ed (rostitution, +or'ed (regnan'y, en+or'ed sterili6ation, or any other +orm o+ sexual &iolen'e also 'onstituting a gra&e brea'h o+ the Bene&a .on&entions or a serious &iolation o+ 'ommon #rti'le < to the Bene&a .on&entions7 $20% tili6ing the (resen'e o+ a 'i&ilian or other (rote'ted (erson to render 'ertain (oints, areas or military +or'es immune +rom military o(erations7 $21% Intentionally using star&ation o+ 'i&ilians as a method o+ )ar+are by de(ri&ing them o+ ob/e'ts indis(ensable to their sur&i&al, in'luding )ill+ully im(eding relie+ su((lies as (ro&ided +or under the Bene&a .on&entions and their #dditional Proto'ols7 $22% In an international armed 'on+li't, 'om(elling the nationals o+ the hostile (arty to ta3e (art in the o(erations o+ )ar dire'ted against their o)n 'ountry, e&en i+ they )ere in the belligerent*s ser&i'e be+ore the 'ommen'ement o+ the )ar7 $2<% In an international armed 'on+li't, de'laring abolished, sus(ended or inadmissible in a 'ourt o+ la) the rights and a'tions o+ the nationals o+ the hostile (arty7 $2=% .ommitting any o+ the +ollo)ing a'ts: $i% .ons'ri(ting, enlisting or re'ruiting 'hildren under the age o+ +i+teen $12% years into the national armed +or'es7 $ii% .ons'ri(ting, enlisting or re'ruiting 'hildren under the age o+ eighteen $11% years into an armed +or'e or grou( other than the national armed +or'es7 and $iii% sing 'hildren under the age o+ eighteen $11% years to (arti'i(ate a'ti&ely in hostilities7 and $22% 4m(loying means o+ )ar+are )hi'h are (rohibited under international la), su'h as: $i% Poison or (oisoned )ea(ons7 $ii% #s(hyxiating, (oisonous or other gases, and all analogous li-uids, materials or de&i'es7 $iii% ,ullets )hi'h ex(and or +latten easily in the human body, su'h as bullets )ith hard en&elo(es )hi'h do not entirely 'o&er the 'ore or are (ier'ed )ith in'isions7 and $i&% Aea(ons, (ro/e'tiles and material and methods o+ )ar+are )hi'h are o+ the nature to 'ause su(er+luous in/ury or unne'essary su++ering or )hi'h are inherently indis'riminate in &iolation o+ the international la) o+ armed 'on+li't. xxxx < !e'tion 2 o+ R# 0121 (ro&ides:

!e'tion 2. Beno'ide. - $a% For the (ur(ose o+ this #'t, 8geno'ide9 means any o+ the +ollo)ing a'ts )ith intent to destroy, in )hole or in (art, a national, ethni', ra'ial, religious, so'ial or any other similar stable and (ermanent grou( as su'h:

$1% Hilling members o+ the grou(7 $2% .ausing serious bodily or mental harm to members o+ the grou(7 $<% Geliberately in+li'ting on the grou( 'onditions o+ li+e 'al'ulated to bring about its (hysi'al destru'tion in )hole or in (art7 $=% Im(osing measures intended to (re&ent births )ithin the grou(7 and $2% For'ibly trans+erring 'hildren o+ the grou( to another grou(. $b% It shall be unla)+ul +or any (erson to dire'tly and (ubli'ly in'ite others to 'ommit geno'ide. xxxx

= !e'tion > o+ R# 0121 (ro&ides:

!e'tion >. Other Crimes Against Humanity - For the (ur(ose o+ this #'t, 8other 'rimes against humanity9 means any o+ the +ollo)ing a'ts )hen 'ommitted as (art o+ a )ides(read or systemati' atta'3 dire'ted against any 'i&ilian (o(ulation, )ith 3no)ledge o+ the atta'3:

$a% Aill+ul 3illing7 $b% 4xtermination7 $'% 4nsla&ement7 $d% #rbitrary de(ortation or +or'ible trans+er o+ (o(ulation7 $e% Im(risonment or other se&ere de(ri&ation o+ (hysi'al liberty in &iolation o+ +undamental rules o+ international la)7 $+% Torture7 $g% Ra(e, sexual sla&ery, en+or'ed (rostitution, +or'ed (regnan'y, en+or'ed sterili6ation, or any other +orm o+ sexual &iolen'e o+ 'om(arable gra&ity7 $h% Perse'ution against any identi+iable grou( or 'olle'ti&ity on (oliti'al, ra'ial, national, ethni', 'ultural, religious, gender, sexual orientation or other grounds that are uni&ersally re'ogni6ed as im(ermissible under international la), in 'onne'tion )ith any a't re+erred to in this (aragra(h or any 'rime de+ined in this #'t7 $i% 4n+or'ed or in&oluntary disa((earan'e o+ (ersons7

$/% #(artheid7 and $3% :ther inhumane a'ts o+ a similar 'hara'ter intentionally 'ausing great su++ering, or serious in/ury to body or to mental or (hysi'al health. xxxx 2 4m(hasis su((lied. > , S # Coolidge, 1= .!. =12, 111> A@ 1550 $ .!. Eass.% = @.4d. 12=, 1 Aheat. =12. 5 222 .!. =01, 121 !. .t. 1<=> $2001%. 1 The Bene&a .on&entions o+ 12 #ugust 10=0 'onsists o+ +our .on&entions or International #greements: Con#ention I - +or the #melioration o+ the .ondition o+ the Aounded and !i'3 in #rmed For'es in the Field. $11>=%7 Con#ention II - +or the #melioration o+ the .ondition o+ Aounded, !i'3 and !hi()re'3ed Eembers o+ #rmed For'es at !ea $100>%7Con#ention III - Relati&e to the Treatment o+ Prisoners o+ Aar $1020%7 and Con#ention I3 - Relati&e to the Prote'tion o+ .i&ilian Persons in Time o+ Aar $10=0%. There are three Proto'ols to the Bene&a .on&entions: Protocol I - Relating to the Prote'tion o+ Ii'tims o+ International #rmed .on+li'ts, 1 Fune 10557 Protocol II / Relating to the Prote'tion o+ Ii'tims o+ "on-International #rmed .on+li'ts, 1 Fune 10557 and Protocol III / Relating to the #do(tion o+ an #dditional Gistin'ti&e 4mblem, 1 Ge'ember 2002. !ee htt(:JJ))).i'r'.orgJ)ebJengJsiteeng0.ns+JhtmlJgene&a'on&entions7 last &isited on 21 Fuly 2010. 0 The .!. rati+ied the Bene&a .on&entions o+ 10=0 on 02 #ugust 10227 the .!. made Reser&ations on 02 #ugust 1022, 0= Ear'h 1052, and <1 Ge'ember 105=. !ee htt(:JJ))).i'r'.orgJihl.ns+J":REJG>,2<F2,2G1=F<2#.122>=0200<F0020K:(enGo'ument 7 last &isited on 21 Fuly 2010. 10 In "edellin # $e%as, su(ra note 5, the .!. !u(reme .ourt em(hasi6ed: 8This .ourt has long re'ogni6ed the distin'tion bet)een treaties that automati'ally ha&e e++e't as domesti' la), and those that- )hile they 'onstitute international la) 'ommitments- do not by themsel&es +un'tion as binding +ederal la). xxx a treaty is e-ui&alent to an a't o+ the legislature,* and hen'e sel+-exe'uting, )hen it o(erates o+ itsel+ )ithout the aid o+ any legislati&e (ro&ision.* xxx Ahen, in 'ontrast, CtreatyD sti(ulations are not sel+-exe'uting they 'an only be en+or'ed (ursuant to legislation to 'arry them into e++e't.*9 $.itations omitted% 11 Ii'toria H. ?olt and 4lisabeth A. Gallas, 8:n Trial: The ! Eilitary and the International .riminal .ourt,9 The ?enry @. !timson .enter, Re(ort "o. 22, Ear'h 200>7 a&ailable at htt(:JJ))).stimson.orgJ+o(oJ(d+J !LEilitaryLandLtheLI..LFI"#@L)ebsite.(d+7 last &isited on 02 #ugust 2010.

This is a Re(ort issued by the ?enry !timson .enter )hi'h is des'ribed as a non(ro+it, non(artisan institution de&oted to enhan'ing international (ea'e and se'urity through a uni-ue 'ombination o+ rigorous analysis and outrea'h. It has a stated mission o+ 8urging (ragmati' ste(s to)ard the ideal ob/e'ti&es o+ international (ea'e and se'urity.9 !ee htt(:JJ))).stimson.orgJ aboutJKsnM#,20011102127 last &isited on 11 #ugust 2010. 12 Id. at <=-<2. The 8.ourt9 re+ers to the International .riminal .ourt.

1< Id. at =2-=>. 1= The International .riminal .ourt has +our organs: the .hambers, the Presiden'y, the Registry and the :++i'e o+ the Prose'utor. The .hambers is 'om(osed o+ 11 /udges di&ided into three di&isions: the Pre-Trial .hamber, the Trial .hamber and the #((eals .hamber. CId. at 22.D 12Re(ort*s Footnote: 8?e amended #rti'le 11 se'tion 2==1 o+ the ! Federal .ode 2==1. ! .ode, Title 11, Part 1, .ha(ter 111, !e'tion 2==1, states... $b% .ir'umstan'es N The 'ir'umstan'es re+erred to in subse'tion $a% are that the (erson 'ommitting su'h )ar 'rime or the &i'tim o+ su'h )ar 'rime is a member o+ the #rmed For'es o+ the nited !tates or a national o+ the nited !tates $as de+ined in se'tion 101 o+ the Immigration and "ationality #'t%.*9 CId. at =2.D 1> Id. at <=. 15 Id., 'iting Inter&ie)s )ith re(resentati&es o+ the ! delegation in Rome, 21 Fune 2002 and > :'tober 2002, and 'omments +rom the !timson Aor3sho(. 11 4ayan # 5amora, B.R. "o. 1<1250, 10 :'tober 2000, <=2 !.R# ==0, =10, 'iting Ri'hard F. 4ri'3son, 8The Ea3ing o+ 4xe'uti&e #greements by the nited !tates Ge(artment o+ Ge+ense: #n #genda +or Progress,9 1< ,oston . Intl. @.F. 21 $1002%. 10 Forge R. .o-uia and Eiriam Ge+ensor !antiago, Publi' International @a) $101=%, (. 212. 20 Id. 21 .:"!TIT TI:" $1015%, #rt. III, !e'. 21. 22 Gissenting :(inion, B.R. "o. 1511<0, 1= Fuly 2001, 221 !.R# <20, <>0-<01. 2< Id. at <5>, 'iting Land 4an6 of the Philippines # Court of Appeals, <10 Phil. 2=> $1002%. 2= Id. 22 Id. 2> Id. 25 Id., 'iting Secretary of !ustice # Lantion, <50 Phil. 1>2 $2000%. 21 Id. at <55. 20 Id., 'iting Pro+. 4d)in ,or'hard $Fustus !. ?ot'h3iss Pro+essor o+ @a), Oale @a) !'hool%, $reaties and .%ecuti#e Agreements / A +eply, Oale @a) Fournal, Fune 10=2, 'iting .urrent In+ormation !eries, "o. 1, < Fuly 10<=, -uoted in 2 ?a'3)orth, Gigest o+ International @a) $10=<% ((. =22-=2>. <0 4J" ,F:-021-0<7 Pa(er on the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement, rollo, (. 52.

#n 8ex'hange o+ notes9 is 8an inter'hange o+ di(lomati' notes bet)een a di(lomati' re(resentati&e and the minister o+ +oreign a++airs o+ the !tate to )hi'h he is a''redited. xxx9 C.o-uia and !antiago, su(ra note <, (. 21=.D It is a re'ord o+ routine agreement, 'onsisting o+ the ex'hange o+ t)o or more do'uments, ea'h o+

the (arties being in the (ossession o+ the one signed by the re(resentati&e o+ the other, and is resorted to be'ause o+ its s(eedy (ro'edure, or to a&oid the (ro'ess o+ legislati&e a((ro&al. CRuben #g(alo, Publi' International @a) $200>%, (. <50.D <1 The #greement a'tually uses the term 8(ersons9 )hi'h re+er to 8Bo&ernment o++i'ials, em(loyees $in'luding 'ontra'tors%, or military (ersonnel or nationals o+ one Party.9 !ee rollo, (. >1. <2 Pa(er on the RP- ! "on-!urrender #greement, su(ra note <0. << The Phili((ines signed the +ome Statute of International Criminal Court on 21 Ge'ember 2000, but has yet to rati+y the same. !ee ))).i''no).org7 last &isited on 12 Fuly 2010. <= .:"!TIT TI:" $1015%, #rt. II, !e'. 2. <2 #g(alo, su(ra note <0, (. =21. <> 1< Phil. 151, 151 $10=0%. <5 Id. <1 "i1ares # +anada, B.R. "o. 1<0<22, 12 #(ril 2002, =22 !.R# <05, =21 'iting ?. Thirl)ay, 8The !our'es o+ International @a),9 International @a) $ed. by E. 4&ans, 1st ed, 200<%, (. 12=. <0 Fo&ito !alonga and Pedro Oa(, Publi' International @a), 2th ed. $1002%, (. 12. =0 #rti'le <1 o+ the !tatute o+ International .ourt o+ Fusti'e reads: 1. The .ourt, )hose +un'tion is to de'ide in a''ordan'e )ith international la) su'h dis(utes as are submitted to it, shall a((ly: a. international 'on&entions, )hether general or (arti'ular, establishing rules ex(ressly re'ogni6ed by the 'ontesting states7 2 international custom, as e#idence of a general practice accepted as law7 '. the general (rin'i(les o+ la) re'ogni6ed by 'i&ili6ed nations7 d. sub/e't to the (ro&isions o+ #rti'le 20, /udi'ial de'isions and the tea'hings o+ the most highly -uali+ied (ubli'ists o+ the &arious nations, as subsidiary means +or the determination o+ rules o+ la). xxxx =1 #g(alo, su(ra note <0, (. >. =2 Id., 'iting :((enheimer*s International Law, 0th ed., (. 25. =< Id. at 5, 'iting "i1ares # +anada, su(ra note <1. == Isagani .ru6, International @a) $1001%, (. 2<. =2 Id. at 152. => #g(alo, su(ra note <0, (. 0.

=5 Id. =1 Id. at >. =0 B.R. "o. 10=5>1, 2< Fuly 200<, =05 !.R# 10, 21, 2>-25. 20 The 105< Phili((ine .onstitution also (ro&ides +or the Go'trine o+ In'or(oration, to )it:

#rti'le II Ge'laration o+ Prin'i(les and !tate Poli'ies xxxx !e'tion <. The Phili((ines renoun'es )ar as an instrument o+ national (oli'y, ado(ts the generally a''e(ted (rin'i(les o+ international la) as (art o+ the la) o+ the land, and adheres to the (oli'y o+ (ea'e, e-uality, /usti'e, +reedom, 'oo(eration, and amity )ith all nations. 21 htt(:JJ))).un.orgJ"e)sJ+a'tsJi''+a't.htm7 last &isited on 1 "o&ember 2010. 22 Id. 2< !ee htt(:JJ))).un.orgJenJmembersJindex.shtml and htt(:JJ))).i''-'(i.intJEenusJ#!PJ statesP(arties7 last &isited on 1 "o&ember 2010. 2= Ii'toria H. ?olt and 4lisabeth A. Gallas, 8:n Trial: The ! Eilitary and the International .riminal .ourt,9 The ?enry @. !timson .enter, Re(ort "o. 22, su(ra note 11, ((. 21-22. 22 8 nder the (remise o+ 'om(lementarity, the (rimary /urisdi'tion +or any 'ase lies +irst )ith the state*s national /udi'ial systems.9 CId. at <2.D 2>I+ the I.. Prose'utor belie&es that the 'rime 'ommitted is )ithin the I..*s dis'retion and that in&estigations should be initiated, the Prose'utor must see3 authori6ation +rom the Pre-Trial .hamber, )hi'h is the /udi'ial body 'harged )ith e&aluating and 'ommen'ing in&estigations. I+ the Pre-Trial .hamber belie&es there is a 8reasonable basis to (ro'eed )ith an in&estigation,9 and the 'ase 8a((ears to +all )ithin the /urisdi'tion o+ the .ourt,9 the Prose'utor must in+orm the states and (arties in&ol&ed. 8xxx C#D state, )hether or not a member o+ the I.., 'an exer'ise 'om(lementarity by in+orming the .ourt )ithin one month o+ noti+i'ation by the Prose'utor, that it 'hooses to in&estigate the 'ase and, i+ su++i'ient e&iden'e exists, to (rose'ute through its o)n national 'riminal /usti'e systems. nder the Rome !tatute, the Prose'utor must de+er to the state*s re-uest to in&estigate and (rose'ute at that national le&el unless the PreTrial .hamber determines that the state is unable or un)illing to exer'ise /urisdi'tion e++e'ti&ely and de'ides to authori6e the Prose'utor to in&estigate the 'laim. CId. at 2=-22, 'iting the Rome !tatute, #rti'les 12$=%, 11$1-<% and 10.D 25 Id. at 1>. 21 Id. at 2<.

20 Id. at 11.

#s o+ Eay 2002, the .!. #dministration has signed bilateral agreements )ith 100 'ountries, =2 o+ )hi'h are states (arties to the Rome !tatute, in )hi'h they (ledged not to turn #meri'an 'iti6ens o&er to the .ourt. CId. at 1< and 2<.D >0 Id. at 2=. >1 Id., 'iting #EI.., 8,ilateral Immunity #greements,9 a&ailable at htt(:JJ))).ami''.orgJusin+oJ administrationL(oli'yL,I#s.html. >2 Id., 'iting Blobal !e'urity, 8!tatus o+ For'es #greements,9 a&ailable at htt(:JJ))).globalse'urity. orgJmilitaryJ+a'ilityJso+a.htm.

!:F#s de+ine the legal status o+ .!. (ersonnel and (ro(erty in the territory o+ another 'ountry. Their (ur(ose is to set +orth rights and res(onsibilities bet)een the .!. and the host 'ountry on su'h matters as 'i&il and 'riminal /urisdi'tion, the )earing o+ the uni+orm, the 'arrying o+ arms, tax and 'ustoms relie+, entry and exit o+ (ersonnel and (ro(erty, and resol&ing damage 'laims. CBlobal !e'urity, 8!tatus o+ For'es #greements,9 id.7 last &isited on 11 #ugust 2010.D >< Ga&id !'he++er, 8#rti'le 01$2% o+ the Rome !tatute: #meri'a*s :riginal Intent,9 ((. <==-<=27 a&ailable at htt(:JJ/i'/.ox+ord/ournals.orgJ'giJre(rintJ<J2J<<<7 last &isited on > #ugust 2010. >= The administration o+ +ormer .!. President Beorge A. ,ush. >2 Ga&id !'he++er, 8#rti'le 01$2% o+ the Rome !tatute: #meri'a*s :riginal Intent,9 su(ra note ><, ((. <==-<=27 'iting 8Pro(osed Text o+ #rti'le 01 #greements )ith the nited !tates,9 Fuly 2002, a&ailable at htt(:JJ))).i''no).orgJdo'umentsJotherissuesJim(unityart01J !#rti'le01#greementJ #ug02.(d+7 and @. ,loom+ield,8The .!. Bo&ernment and the International .riminal .ourt,9 Remar3s to the Parliamentarians +or Blobal #'tion, .onsultati&e #ssembly o+ Parliamentarians +or the International 'riminal .ourt and the Rule o+ @a), "e) Oor3, 12 !e(tember 200<, a&ailable at htt(:JJ))).ami''.orgJdo'sJ ,olton11L<L0<.(d+. >> Ii'toria H. ?olt and 4lisabeth A. Gallas, 8:n Trial: The ! Eilitary and the International .riminal .ourt,9 The ?enry @. !timson .enter, Re(ort "o. 22, su(ra note 11, 'iting the !timson Aor3sho(. >5 #EI.., 8,ilateral Immunity #greements,9 su(ra note >17 last &isited on 11 #ugust 2010. >1 The determination )ould be done by the I..*s Cham2ers 'om(rised o+ 11 /udges. CIi'toria H. ?olt and 4lisabeth A. Gallas, 8:n Trial: The ! Eilitary and the International .riminal .ourt,9 The ?enry @. !timson .enter, Re(ort "o. 227 su(ra note 11, ((. 2= and 227 see also note 1=.D

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