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The Unreasonable Achievers Club

The Unreasonable Achievers Action Manual

A Tried-and-Tested Step-by-Step Approach To Creating, Achieving & Celebrating Any Ultimate Outcome and Realizing Who You Really Can Become in the Process.
Auth Lionel Batuo Egbe

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

Outcome : To make 100 million fcfa in 100 days (31/12/2009 10/04/2010)

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. - Bernard Shaw

Ive continued to recognise the power that individuals have to change virtually anything and everything in their lives in an instant Ive learned that the resources we need to turn our dreams into reality are all within us, merely waiting for the day when we decide to wake up and claim our birthright. Anthony Robbins

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

[In this section, you are given a list of the typical important areas of a mans personal and professional lives, from which you are required to choose five areas that matter most to you and that you have decided and are committed to focus on and constantly improve from now on. These areas can be personal and/or professional. But they must be those important areas of your life which if you fail to handle right now, and always improve up to where they deserve to be, your whole personal and/or professional life will have little or no meaning and you will ultimately become a categorical failure].
Typical IMPORTANT Areas (TIA) of My Personal Life Typical IMPORTANT Areas (TIA) of My Professional Life

o Spiritual Life: My relationship with JESUS o Spiritual Life: My relationship with spirit man o Contribution Life: The advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ o Contribution Life: The less fortunate (poor, homeless, hungry, widows, disabled, etc) o Contribution Life: My environment and ecosystem o Contribution Life: My community o o Emotional Life: My code of conduct (That is the emotions and emotional states I live by daily) o Relationship Life: My relationship with my first immediate family (that is: my wife/girlfriend or husband/boyfriend and/or children) o Relationship Life: My relationship with my second immediate family (that is; my father, mother, brothers and/or sisters) o Relationship Life: My relationship with my external family (that is; my cousins, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts and/or other relatives) o Relationship Life: My relationship with those with whom I share just a common humanity o Physical Life: My energy, vitality and health o Physical Life: My physical appearance o Financial Life: My income o Financial Life: My savings and/or investments o Adventure Life: Rewarding myself for my successes o Adventure Life: Reprimanding myself for my temporary defeats/failures
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

o Career Life: My dedication to my professional responsibilities o Career Life: My relationship with my hierarchy (boss, etc) o Career Life: My relationship with my business associates, Mastermind/peer group, employees and/or work colleagues o Fulfillment Plan: Enabling users/customers have easy access to products and/or services o Career Life: My work ethic o Personnel Plan: Employee compensation o Personnel Plan: Recruiting and training workforce o Personnel Plan: Employee work ethic o Product Offering Plan: Creating products and/or services o Marketing Plan: Acquiring more customers/ clients o Growth Plan: Capturing market share o R & D Plan: Research and development strategy o Financial Plan: Saving costs without affecting customer acquisition and profits o Management Plan: Recruiting and compensating management team o Shareholder Plan: Raising funds and compensating shareholders/stakeholders
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Choose-It! Example
Typical IMPORTANT Areas (TIA) of My Personal Life Typical IMPORTANT Areas (TIA) of My Professional Life

o Spiritual Life: Developing and consistently improving my relationship with JESUS o Spiritual Life: Developing my spirit man o Contribution Life: Contributing towards the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ o Contribution Life: Impacting/Making a difference to the lives of the less fortunate (poor, homeless, hungry, widows, disabled, etc) o Contribution Life: Impacting/Making a difference to my environment and ecosystem o Contribution Life: Promoting creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in my community

o Career Life: Challenge & keep myself higly motivated abt what I do and becoming a raving fan of it o Career Life: Improving my relationship wt hierarchy o Career Life: Enhancing my relationship with my business associates, Peer group and work colleagues o Fulfillment Plan: Making the process of acquiring and/or assessing each product and/or service cheap, instant, quick, user-friendly and reliable for the end user o Career Life: Enabling myself work passionately and with a team spirit in a pressurized environment o Personnel Plan: Rewarding employees for their dedication, contribution and the results they produce o Personnel Plan: Recruiting a talented workforce, o challenging and keeping them extremely motivated at work, and creating raving-fan employees out of them o Emotional Life: Applying organized & productive o Personnel Plan: Enabling my workforce work thinking and unshakable faith, iron self-confidence passionately in a pressurized environment and instituting and bulldog courage to every activity I undertake a collaborative (team) spirit within them o Product Offering Plan: Creating products and/or o Relationship Life: Enhancing my relationship with services that move people emotionally ;stamp footprints my first immediate family (that is: my wife/girlfriend on their minds & wallets and convert them into raving or husband/boyfriend and/or children) fans, active collaborators and passionate referrers o Marketing Plan: Creating a marketing strategy that o Relationship Life: Enhancing my relationship with brands the company in peoples minds & wallets as the my second immediate family (that is; my father, go-to place to shop and consume the benefits its products mother, brothers and/or sisters) and/or services offer and creates a cult-like following o Relationship Life: Enhancing my relationship with o Growth Plan: Capturing a market share of at least my external family (that is; my cousins, nephews, 30% for each product and/or service and growing the nieces, uncles, aunts and/or other relatives) company by at least 1000% every six months o R & D Plan: Creating & implementing exceptional o Relationship Life: Improving my relationship with market research & development strategies thatd lead to those with whom I share a common humanity better & more competitive products and/or services o Physical Life: Increasing my energy and vitality o Financial Plan: Creating an optimal environment and improving my health thatd save operating & personnel-training costs, and o Physical Life: Enhancing my physical appearance still bring in more customers and generate higher ROI o Financial Life: Increasing my income streams o Management Plan: Recruiting a genius peer group o Financial Life:Improving my savings +investments that is passionate about & committed to company growth o Adventure Life:Rewarding myself for my successes and rewarding them as per overall company performance

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

If you are reading this, then I assume you that have already chosen the five areas of your personal and/or professional life that matter most to you and have decided and committed yourself to do all it takes to consistently improve each area from now on. If so, then fold up your sleeves because the remaining exercises in this action manual are going to challenge and push you to evaluate each important area of your life in a new way. But if not, then I employ you to do so before proceeding to the next exercise on your Pre-DefineIt! table. Remember that if you have truly decided and committed yourself to improve any of your five Most Important Areas of your life, then you must first learn to apply an ancient philosophy called the Philosophy of Stretching to that area. This philosophy states that: What you CANT, then you MUST; What you MUST, then you CAN. It is best applied to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy the odds that stand in the way of success and to do whatever it takes to make each important area better. Really stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone to do whatever is necessary to overcome any challenge of any magnitude and to produce your desired result takes more than just shear will powerIt requires you to: first create and condition the emotional states of relentless faith, iron Self-confidence and bulldog Courage in your subconscious mind (See Chapter 2 to learn how to condition your subconscious mind to always keep you in all three states), then to use them to consistently apply the four most powerful spiritual success principles of organized and productive thinking, empowering and colourful visualizations, positive and emotionallyinfivese declarations and outcome-focused actions to your desired result. In other words, a truly decisive and committed person by my definition is someone who has learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends using the two aforementioned strategies. By most peoples standards, such a person is simply referred to as committed and hardworking. But I consider him a paradigm shifter, a trend creator and an unreasonable achiever in the making. Consult the preceding chapters of this book for more information. Ok enough with the little sermon thereLets get back to our discussion Now that you are done choosing the five Most Important Areas (MIAs) of your life from the Choose-It! table, take each area in turn and Pre-Evaluate-It!, then create a detailed action plan that would not only improve it, but would make it outstanding. The steps involved in this process include the: 1. Pre-Evaluate-It!, 2. Define-It!, 3. BrainstormIt!, 4. Evaluate-It!, 5. List-It! More Efficient, 6. Re-Evaluate-it!, 7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It!, 8. Source-It!, 9. Cost-It!, and 10. Pre-Sheduled-It!.
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends. It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

What is the Important Area of Your Life You Are Committed To Improve?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

For How Long Are You Committed To Make This Area the Way You Want It?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

1. Pre-Evaluate-It!
[It is assumed that you have already chosen the five areas of your life that are most important to you. If you have not yet done so, it is obvious that you are not fully committed to improving your life. Please go back and finish with your Choose-It! table .Here, you are going to take each of the five areas you identified as most important in turn, evaluate its present state and suggest improvements that would make it outstanding (that is; you are going to ask yourself specific primary questions that would identify/ascertain what is good about it right now, the features/aspects/factors of it that make it good, the tasks/goals/objectives it is unable to accomplish right now, the features/aspects/systems it lacks, the risks/problems/challenges likely to arise as a result of each lack, the tasks/goals/objectives and the feature/aspect/factor improvements or additions that would make this important area of your life outstanding)].
A. What is good about this important area of my life right now?
2. What is likely to go wrong and what is it

(That is; What tasks/goals/objectives is it able to accomplish at the moment?) After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is able to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
B. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment?

going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Make each consequence so big and bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening right before your eyes...Let your feel the pain to the extent that you can no longer bare it. Doing so will push you over the edge to break free from this pain to pleasure. When this happens, ask yourself this question:
E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish?

After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is unable to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
D. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it?

(This question requires you to brainstorm those tasks/goals/ objectives that if accomplished by this important area of your life, would take it to the level of fame & recognition)Then take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
F. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D?

After listing ALL the features/aspects/factors improvements or new feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) that it requires in order to accomplish each of the tasks/goals/objectives in C , take each feature/aspect/factor improvement or each new feature/aspect/system and ask yourself these two questions:

(The kind of extra improvements/additions mentioned here should be of a higher standard that those you mentioned in 1. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a D). Then ask yourself this question:
result of not implementing it? Risk/Problems/challenges usually arise from one or more of these categories: Privacy/data protection, I. Health, II. The environment, III. Public safety, IV. Law/rules &regulation, V. Available space/infrastructure, VI. Finance, VII. Authorization/permit issuance, VIII. Available transportation/accessibility, IX. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, X. The attitude of the government and/or community, XI. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, XII. Usability.
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? (This question requires you to:

first spend time talking to God about the steps you need to take through prayers and meditation, then create a detailed action plan that would take you step-by-step through the whole process
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

1. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
A. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life able to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ B. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in turn, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

1. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

1. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D. To accomplish each task/goal/objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D1. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a result of not implementing each needed feature/aspect/factor improvement or each needed new feature/aspect/ factor? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


1. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D2. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


1. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ F. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


1. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? DO NOT let this Book of the Law depart From your mouth; meditate on it day and night So that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and success. - Joshua 1:8 In this passage, Jesus Christ is teaching us that; the ultimate secret to lasting prosperity and success is found in the word of God and this secret lies in the application of the four most powerful spiritual success principles of organized and productive thinking, empowering and colourful visualizations, positive and emotionally-intense declarations and outcome-focused actions, which we discussed in part one of this master plan What does this mean? Taking any actions to make ALL the feature/ aspect/factor improvements or new feature/ aspect/system additions in any important area of your life possible requires you to first create an Ultimate Outcome for the area of your life. The men that are looked upon as the world's successes have not always been men of great physical or academic power, nor at the start did they seem very well adapted to the conditions which encompassed them. In the beginning they were not considered men of superior genius, but they won their success by their resolution to achieve results in their undertakings by permitting no set-back to dishearten them; no difficulties to daunt them. Nothing can turn them or influence them against their determination, persistence, centeredness and focus. They never lose sight of their Ultimate Outcome.

They understand the initial feeling of excitement that is generated within them when they put down in writing this Ultimate Outcome and In a nutshell, the LORD is saying that in order to consistently meditate on it day and night. successfully make ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or new feature/aspect/ (Note: Defining your Ultimate Outcome system additions in any important area of your requires you to write down a statement that life possible, you must first develop the habit of combines ALL the tasks/goals/objectives in C repeatedly; and E with ALL the feature/aspect/factor i. thinking through the promises/assurances improvements or additions in D and F). His word gives you about that area of your life. (I usually use Matthew 16:19, Luke They also know that finding strong enough 10:19, Philippians 4:13, Proverbs 18:21 for reasons to support their Ultimate Outcome not this process); only spurs them to stay up late at night and wake ii. visualizing these promises, seeing, hearing up very early in the morning, it gives them a and/or feeling them as if they are happening sense of purpose and motivates/drives them to right before you. Doing so will eventually create/seize the kind of opportunities and take get you to believe them for your life; the kind important action measures that would iii. declaring these promises just as you make the Ultimate Outcome a reality. visualize them in your minds eye. Doing so will eventually transform your believe into But the question remains; how do such men the conviction that you are unstoppable. generate such strong enough reasons? iv. taking action. In this state of conviction, create a detailed action plan and get to work They have learned to repeatedly ask themselves immediately, just as Proverbs12:11 says: specific primary questions until they obtain He who works his land will have answers abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement. (See the Define-It! table)
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends. It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It!
[Here, you are to define exactly what you want to achieve long term in this important area of your life (that is; your Ultimate Outcome) and explain why you must achieve it, no matter what. Defining your Ultimate Outcome requires you to write down a statement that includes ALL the tasks/goals/objectives you outlined in C and E and that identifies ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or additions in D and F of your Pre-Evaluate-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in achieving these tasks/goals/objectives. I shall call this statement; the object of your Ultimate Outcome. The following questions will help you generate strong enough reasons why achieving your Ultimate Outcome is a must for you: Which other most important areas of my personal and/or professional life is (e.g. increasing my revenue streams) going to affect (say the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ)? What will it add/contribute to each of these important areas? (e.g. what will increasing my revenue streams add/contribute towards the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ per say? What impact/legacy/mark is it going to create and leave on the people whose lives I love to affect positively? How will all this make me feel in the long run? And/or What human need(s) will this feeling satisfy?

A. What is my Ultimate Outcome for this important area of your life?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ B. Why must I achieve this Ultimate ______________________________________________________ Outcome, no matter what? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Brainstorm-It!
[Here, you are required to set aside at least 30 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time daily, to brainstorm possible ideas and strategies you may need to develop and/or implement in order to achieve the object of the ULTIMATE OUTCOME you created on your Define-It! table. This is not the time for you to judge nor analyze the thoughts that pop up in your mind. Simply let both your mind and pen flow...DONT EVALUATEJust write down the first thought(s) that come(s) to mind be it a word, symbol, picture, idea or strategyQuantity is good, BUT quality DOES NOT MATTER. Who cares? Simply let your mind play with you and write down all that flows out of it that is associated with your ULTIMATE OUTCOME.
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Evaluate-It!
[After you finish writing down all the possible ideas and strategies that you could come up with during the brainstorming exercise on your Brainstorm-It! table, take each idea or strategy in turn and evaluate it for its effectiveness in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOMEThat is to say; assess its benefits against the drawbacks involved in its development and/or implementation. By drawbacks, I mean the risks/problems involved in developing and/or implementing the idea or strategy and the financial cost, resources (internal, material and personnel) and/or the timeframe required to minimize or completely eliminate each risk/problem. Questions A E will guide you through this evaluation processOnce you are through with the thorough evaluation, go back to your Brainstorm-It! table and place a tick next to the idea/strategy you found to be more effective & an X next to the one you rejected/found not effective enough.]. A. How is this idea or strategy going to help Make each consequence and its resulting effect(s) so big and me achieve the Ultimate Outcome for this bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening important area of my life? right before your eyes...Then ask yourself this question:
B. What risks/problems are likely to arise in the process of its development and/or implementation? (Here, you are to brainstorm all the possible complications that could arise as you develop and/or implement this idea or strategy.
Risk/Problems usually arise from one or more of these categories: 1. Privacy/data protection, 2. Health, 3. The environment, 4. Public safety, 5. Law/rules/policy, 6. Available space/infrastructure, 7. Finance, 8. Authorization/permit issuance, 9. Available transportation/accessibility, 10. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, 11. The attitude of the government and/or community, 12. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, 13. Usability. Thus in answering this question, first identify the category(ies) the idea or strategy affects. Then list the risks/problems likely to arise from each category.
3. What could be the root cause(s) of this risk/strategy?

(This question requires you to first brainstorm all the possible causes that bring about each risk/problem. Then investigate and eliminate each cause that does not fit the facts of the risk/problem, until you eventually identify the real/root cause(s).)

Take each root cause of each risk/problem in turn and ask yourself this question:
C. What improvements would I need to make to this idea or strategy Or what new idea(s) or strategy(ies) would I need to add to the present one, in order to deal with this root cause and minimize the risk/problem associated with it?

PLEASE NOTE: Risks/Problems could also arise from using inaccurate information (e.g. error in calculation, error in collection, D. What estimated financial cost, resources incorrect data, carelessness, and faulty calculator) during (internal, material and/or personnel) and/or development and/or implementation of an idea or strategy. timeframe would be required to implement this updated idea or strategy? If you suspect any information you used to evaluate any idea or strategy to be unreliable, you should double-check and decide what [The info here will help you with your Source-It! & Cost-It! tables] implications it has on the effectiveness of the idea or strategy).

Now update this idea or strategy to include ALL these improvements/additions. Then ask yourself this question:

Now take each risk/problem and ask yourself these questions:

1. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to develop and/or implement this idea or strategy without first dealing with this risk/problem?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Finally, go over all your answers in A, B and D and ask yourself this question:

E. How effective is this updated idea or strategy in achieving my Ultimate Outcome? [This question requires you to compare the total benefits of your updated idea or strategy to the total drawbacks involved. To do so, give each benefit a +ve score from 0 to 10 and each drawback a ve score from -10 to 0. Do so for all the benefits and drawbacks.
Then add the sum total of all the benefits to the sum total of all the drawbacksIf the overall result is positive, it means the updated idea or strategy is more effective. But if it is negative, then the updated idea or strategy less effective and needs to be rejected.]
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

2. What overall effect(s) will each consequence

have in the long run (i.e. Think in terms of emotions/emotional states, identity, etc)?
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.


5. List-It! More Effective

[Here, you are going to list ALL the updated ideas and strategies you identified on your Evaluate-It! table as more effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome,]
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


6. Re-Evaluate-It!
[Here, take each idea or strategy you identified to be more effective, on your Evaluate-It! table and re-evaluate it in order to determine whether it is most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome or not, NOTE: To re-evaluate a more effective idea or strategy, first refer to those features/aspects/factors improvements or additions you outlined on your Define-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in fulfilling your Ultimate Outcome; then take each idea or strategy and assess how directly/closely related it is to any/or of these features/aspects/factors improvements or additions. To do so, give a rating of 5 to the most directly/closely related more effective idea or strategy and a rating of 0 to the least related more effective idea or strategy. The more effective ideas and strategies that fall within the rating of 3 to 5 are the ones you should consider as most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome. (Write these down below].
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 1: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 2: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 3: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 4: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 5: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


8. Source-It!
[Here, you are required to specify the internal and external resources you may need to acquire and put in place in order to overcome the risks & drawbacks involved in achieving of each of the Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) on your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It! tables; that is; identify the training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them (The reasons may be that they are part of the problem or affected by it, or that they have experience or knowledge of this type of problem, or that they have the resources needed to solve it). Also identify the ideal character roles/identity you may need to develop & hold yourself to, the code or conduct you may need to live by daily, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use]. Training I May Have to Undergo i. The Type of People I May Need Other External Vital Material To Collaborate With, Why I May Resources I May Need to Use Need Their Services i. e.g. Engineers 1. 2. ii. ii. 3. 4. iii. iii. 5. 6. iv. iv. 7. 8. v. v. 9. 10. The Ideal Character Roles/Identity I May Need To Develop & Hold Myself To i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Codes of Conduct I May Need To Develop and Live By - Daily i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. x. ix. Use emotional triad to build rapport wt self viii. vi. 11. 12. vii. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Web Sites & Publications I May Need To Reference

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


9. Cost-It!

[Once you have identified all the external resources (that is; training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use) on your Source-It1 table, take each external resource and explain/outline why you need it to implement the idea or strategy (i.e. Its Purpose), for how long you need it (i.e. Its Duration), in what quantity you need it (i.e. In Units), how much each unit may cost you (i.e. Price per unit), the total cost of all the units and the person assigned to acquire it].

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It







The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It









The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It








The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

10. Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly

[I assume that you have already completed your Brainstorm-It! and Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! and Source-It! tables before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in these aforementioned tables here)Here, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

___/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

What is the Important Area of Your Life You Are Committed To Improve?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

For How Long Are You Committed To Make This Area the Way You Want It?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It!
[It is assumed that you have already chosen the five areas of your life that are most important to you. If you have not yet done so, it is obvious that you are not fully committed to improving your life. Please go back and finish with your Choose-It! table .Here, you are going to take each of the five areas you identified as most important in turn, evaluate its present state and suggest improvements that would make it outstanding (that is; you are going to ask yourself specific primary questions that would identify/ascertain what is good about it right now, the features/aspects/factors of it that make it good, the tasks/goals/objectives it is unable to accomplish right now, the features/aspects/systems it lacks, the risks/problems/challenges likely to arise as a result of each lack, the tasks/goals/objectives and the feature/aspect/factor improvements or additions that would make this important area of your life outstanding)].
A. What is good about this important area of my life right now?
5. What is likely to go wrong and what is it

(That is; What tasks/goals/objectives is it able to accomplish at the moment?) After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is able to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
B. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment?

going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Make each consequence so big and bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening right before your eyes...Let your feel the pain to the extent that you can no longer bare it. Doing so will push you over the edge to break free from this pain to pleasure. When this happens, ask yourself this question:
E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish?

After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is unable to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
D. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it?

(This question requires you to brainstorm those tasks/goals/ objectives that if accomplished by this important area of your life, would take it to the level of fame & recognition)Then take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
F. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D?

After listing ALL the features/aspects/factors improvements or new feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) that it requires in order to accomplish each of the tasks/goals/objectives in C , take each feature/aspect/factor improvement or each new feature/aspect/system and ask yourself these two questions:

(The kind of extra improvements/additions mentioned here should be of a higher standard that those you mentioned in 4. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a D). Then ask yourself this question:
result of not implementing it? Risk/Problems/challenges usually arise from one or more of these categories: Privacy/data protection, I. Health, II. The environment, III. Public safety, IV. Law/rules &regulation, V. Available space/infrastructure, VI. Finance, VII. Authorization/permit issuance, VIII. Available transportation/accessibility, IX. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, X. The attitude of the government and/or community, XI. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, XII. Usability.
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? (This question requires you to:

first spend time talking to God about the steps you need to take through prayers and meditation, then create a detailed action plan that would take you step-by-step through the whole process
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
A. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life able to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ B. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in turn, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D. To accomplish each task/goal/objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D1. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a result of not implementing each needed feature/aspect/factor improvement or each needed new feature/aspect/ factor? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D2. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ F. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? DO NOT let this Book of the Law depart From your mouth; meditate on it day and night So that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and success. - Joshua 1:8 In this passage, Jesus Christ is teaching us that; the ultimate secret to lasting prosperity and success is found in the word of God and this secret lies in the application of the four most powerful spiritual success principles of organized and productive thinking, empowering and colourful visualizations, positive and emotionally-intense declarations and outcome-focused actions, which we discussed in part one of this master plan What does this mean? Taking any actions to make ALL the feature/ aspect/factor improvements or new feature/ aspect/system additions in any important area of your life possible requires you to first create an Ultimate Outcome for the area of your life. The men that are looked upon as the world's successes have not always been men of great physical or academic power, nor at the start did they seem very well adapted to the conditions which encompassed them. In the beginning they were not considered men of superior genius, but they won their success by their resolution to achieve results in their undertakings by permitting no set-back to dishearten them; no difficulties to daunt them. Nothing can turn them or influence them against their determination, persistence, centeredness and focus. They never lose sight of their Ultimate Outcome.

They understand the initial feeling of excitement that is generated within them when they put down in writing this Ultimate Outcome and In a nutshell, the LORD is saying that in order to consistently meditate on it day and night. successfully make ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or new feature/aspect/ (Note: Defining your Ultimate Outcome system additions in any important area of your requires you to write down a statement that life possible, you must first develop the habit of combines ALL the tasks/goals/objectives in C repeatedly; and E with ALL the feature/aspect/factor v. thinking through the promises/assurances improvements or additions in D and F). His word gives you about that area of your life. (I usually use Matthew 16:19, Luke They also know that finding strong enough 10:19, Philippians 4:13, Proverbs 18:21 for reasons to support their Ultimate Outcome not this process); only spurs them to stay up late at night and wake vi. visualizing these promises, seeing, hearing up very early in the morning, it gives them a and/or feeling them as if they are happening sense of purpose and motivates/drives them to right before you. Doing so will eventually create/seize the kind of opportunities and take get you to believe them for your life; the kind important action measures that would vii. declaring these promises just as you make the Ultimate Outcome a reality. visualize them in your minds eye. Doing so will eventually transform your believe into But the question remains; how do such men the conviction that you are unstoppable. generate such strong enough reasons? viii. taking action. In this state of conviction, create a detailed action plan and get to work They have learned to repeatedly ask themselves immediately, just as Proverbs12:11 says: specific primary questions until they obtain He who works his land will have answers abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement. (See the Define-It! table)
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends. It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It!
[Here, you are to define exactly what you want to achieve long term in this important area of your life (that is; your Ultimate Outcome) and explain why you must achieve it, no matter what. Defining your Ultimate Outcome requires you to write down a statement that includes ALL the tasks/goals/objectives you outlined in C and E and that identifies ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or additions in D and F of your Pre-Evaluate-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in achieving these tasks/goals/objectives. I shall call this statement; the object of your Ultimate Outcome. The following questions will help you generate strong enough reasons why achieving your Ultimate Outcome is a must for you: Which other most important areas of my personal and/or professional life is (e.g. increasing my revenue streams) going to affect (say the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ)? What will it add/contribute to each of these important areas? (e.g. what will increasing my revenue streams add/contribute towards the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ per say? What impact/legacy/mark is it going to create and leave on the people whose lives I love to affect positively? How will all this make me feel in the long run? And/or What human need(s) will this feeling satisfy?

C. What is my Ultimate Outcome for this important area of your life?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ D. Why must I achieve this Ultimate ______________________________________________________ Outcome, no matter what? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Brainstorm-It!
[Here, you are required to set aside at least 30 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time daily, to brainstorm possible ideas and strategies you may need to develop and/or implement in order to achieve the object of the ULTIMATE OUTCOME you created on your Define-It! table. This is not the time for you to judge nor analyze the thoughts that pop up in your mind. Simply let both your mind and pen flow...DONT EVALUATEJust write down the first thought(s) that come(s) to mind be it a word, symbol, picture, idea or strategyQuantity is good, BUT quality DOES NOT MATTER. Who cares? Simply let your mind play with you and write down all that flows out of it that is associated with your ULTIMATE OUTCOME.
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The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Evaluate-It!
[After you finish writing down all the possible ideas and strategies that you could come up with during the brainstorming exercise on your Brainstorm-It! table, take each idea or strategy in turn and evaluate it for its effectiveness in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOMEThat is to say; assess its benefits against the drawbacks involved in its development and/or implementation. By drawbacks, I mean the risks/problems involved in developing and/or implementing the idea or strategy and the financial cost, resources (internal, material and personnel) and/or the timeframe required to minimize or completely eliminate each risk/problem. Questions A E will guide you through this evaluation processOnce you are through with the thorough evaluation, go back to your Brainstorm-It! table and place a tick next to the idea/strategy you found to be more effective & an X next to the one you rejected/found not effective enough.]. A. How is this idea or strategy going to help Make each consequence and its resulting effect(s) so big and me achieve the Ultimate Outcome for this bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening important area of my life? right before your eyes...Then ask yourself this question:
B. What risks/problems are likely to arise in the process of its development and/or implementation? (Here, you are to brainstorm all the possible complications that could arise as you develop and/or implement this idea or strategy.
Risk/Problems usually arise from one or more of these categories: 1. Privacy/data protection, 2. Health, 3. The environment, 4. Public safety, 5. Law/rules/policy, 6. Available space/infrastructure, 7. Finance, 8. Authorization/permit issuance, 9. Available transportation/accessibility, 10. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, 11. The attitude of the government and/or community, 12. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, 13. Usability. Thus in answering this question, first identify the category(ies) the idea or strategy affects. Then list the risks/problems likely to arise from each category.
6. What could be the root cause(s) of this risk/strategy?

(This question requires you to first brainstorm all the possible causes that bring about each risk/problem. Then investigate and eliminate each cause that does not fit the facts of the risk/problem, until you eventually identify the real/root cause(s).)

Take each root cause of each risk/problem in turn and ask yourself this question:
C. What improvements would I need to make to this idea or strategy Or what new idea(s) or strategy(ies) would I need to add to the present one, in order to deal with this root cause and minimize the risk/problem associated with it?

PLEASE NOTE: Risks/Problems could also arise from using inaccurate information (e.g. error in calculation, error in collection, D. What estimated financial cost, resources incorrect data, carelessness, and faulty calculator) during (internal, material and/or personnel) and/or development and/or implementation of an idea or strategy. timeframe would be required to implement this updated idea or strategy? If you suspect any information you used to evaluate any idea or strategy to be unreliable, you should double-check and decide what [The info here will help you with your Source-It! & Cost-It! tables] implications it has on the effectiveness of the idea or strategy).

Now update this idea or strategy to include ALL these improvements/additions. Then ask yourself this question:

Now take each risk/problem and ask yourself these questions:

3. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to develop and/or implement this idea or strategy without first dealing with this risk/problem?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Finally, go over all your answers in A, B and D and ask yourself this question:

E. How effective is this updated idea or strategy in achieving my Ultimate Outcome? [This question requires you to compare the total benefits of your updated idea or strategy to the total drawbacks involved. To do so, give each benefit a +ve score from 0 to 10 and each drawback a ve score from -10 to 0. Do so for all the benefits and drawbacks.
Then add the sum total of all the benefits to the sum total of all the drawbacksIf the overall result is positive, it means the updated idea or strategy is more effective. But if it is negative, then the updated idea or strategy less effective and needs to be rejected.]
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

4. What overall effect(s) will each consequence

have in the long run (i.e. Think in terms of emotions/emotional states, identity, etc)?
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.


5. List-It! More Effective

[Here, you are going to list ALL the updated ideas and strategies you identified on your Evaluate-It! table as more effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome,]
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


6. Re-Evaluate-It!
[Here, take each idea or strategy you identified to be more effective, on your Evaluate-It! table and re-evaluate it in order to determine whether it is most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome or not, NOTE: To re-evaluate a more effective idea or strategy, first refer to those features/aspects/factors improvements or additions you outlined on your Define-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in fulfilling your Ultimate Outcome; then take each idea or strategy and assess how directly/closely related it is to any/or of these features/aspects/factors improvements or additions. To do so, give a rating of 5 to the most directly/closely related more effective idea or strategy and a rating of 0 to the least related more effective idea or strategy. The more effective ideas and strategies that fall within the rating of 3 to 5 are the ones you should consider as most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome. (Write these down below].
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 1: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 2: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 3: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 4: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 5: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


8. Source-It!
[Here, you are required to specify the internal and external resources you may need to acquire and put in place in order to overcome the risks & drawbacks involved in achieving of each of the Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) on your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It! tables; that is; identify the training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them (The reasons may be that they are part of the problem or affected by it, or that they have experience or knowledge of this type of problem, or that they have the resources needed to solve it). Also identify the ideal character roles/identity you may need to develop & hold yourself to, the code or conduct you may need to live by daily, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use]. Training I May Have to Undergo i. The Type of People I May Need Other External Vital Material To Collaborate With, Why I May Resources I May Need to Use Need Their Services i. e.g. Engineers 1. 2. ii. ii. 3. 4. iii. iii. 5. 6. iv. iv. 7. 8. v. v. 9. 10. The Ideal Character Roles/Identity I May Need To Develop & Hold Myself To ii. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Codes of Conduct I May Need To Develop and Live By - Daily i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. x. ix. Use emotional triad to build rapport wt self viii. vi. 11. 12. vii. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Web Sites & Publications I May Need To Reference

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


9. Cost-It!

[Once you have identified all the external resources (that is; training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use) on your Source-It1 table, take each external resource and explain/outline why you need it to implement the idea or strategy (i.e. Its Purpose), for how long you need it (i.e. Its Duration), in what quantity you need it (i.e. In Units), how much each unit may cost you (i.e. Price per unit), the total cost of all the units and the person assigned to acquire it].

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It







The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It









The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It








The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

10. Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly

[I assume that you have already completed your Brainstorm-It! and Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! and Source-It! tables before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in these aforementioned tables here)Here, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

___/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

What is the Important Area of Your Life You Are Committed To Improve?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

For How Long Are You Committed To Make This Area the Way You Want It?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It!
[It is assumed that you have already chosen the five areas of your life that are most important to you. If you have not yet done so, it is obvious that you are not fully committed to improving your life. Please go back and finish with your Choose-It! table .Here, you are going to take each of the five areas you identified as most important in turn, evaluate its present state and suggest improvements that would make it outstanding (that is; you are going to ask yourself specific primary questions that would identify/ascertain what is good about it right now, the features/aspects/factors of it that make it good, the tasks/goals/objectives it is unable to accomplish right now, the features/aspects/systems it lacks, the risks/problems/challenges likely to arise as a result of each lack, the tasks/goals/objectives and the feature/aspect/factor improvements or additions that would make this important area of your life outstanding)].
A. What is good about this important area of my life right now?
8. What is likely to go wrong and what is it

(That is; What tasks/goals/objectives is it able to accomplish at the moment?) After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is able to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
B. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment?

going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Make each consequence so big and bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening right before your eyes...Let your feel the pain to the extent that you can no longer bare it. Doing so will push you over the edge to break free from this pain to pleasure. When this happens, ask yourself this question:
E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish?

After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is unable to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
D. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it?

(This question requires you to brainstorm those tasks/goals/ objectives that if accomplished by this important area of your life, would take it to the level of fame & recognition)Then take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
F. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D?

After listing ALL the features/aspects/factors improvements or new feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) that it requires in order to accomplish each of the tasks/goals/objectives in C , take each feature/aspect/factor improvement or each new feature/aspect/system and ask yourself these two questions:

(The kind of extra improvements/additions mentioned here should be of a higher standard that those you mentioned in 7. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a D). Then ask yourself this question:
result of not implementing it? Risk/Problems/challenges usually arise from one or more of these categories: Privacy/data protection, I. Health, II. The environment, III. Public safety, IV. Law/rules &regulation, V. Available space/infrastructure, VI. Finance, VII. Authorization/permit issuance, VIII. Available transportation/accessibility, IX. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, X. The attitude of the government and/or community, XI. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, XII. Usability.
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? (This question requires you to:

first spend time talking to God about the steps you need to take through prayers and meditation, then create a detailed action plan that would take you step-by-step through the whole process
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
A. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life able to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ B. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in turn, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D. To accomplish each task/goal/objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D1. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a result of not implementing each needed feature/aspect/factor improvement or each needed new feature/aspect/ factor? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D2. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ F. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? DO NOT let this Book of the Law depart From your mouth; meditate on it day and night So that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and success. - Joshua 1:8 In this passage, Jesus Christ is teaching us that; the ultimate secret to lasting prosperity and success is found in the word of God and this secret lies in the application of the four most powerful spiritual success principles of organized and productive thinking, empowering and colourful visualizations, positive and emotionally-intense declarations and outcome-focused actions, which we discussed in part one of this master plan What does this mean? Taking any actions to make ALL the feature/ aspect/factor improvements or new feature/ aspect/system additions in any important area of your life possible requires you to first create an Ultimate Outcome for the area of your life. The men that are looked upon as the world's successes have not always been men of great physical or academic power, nor at the start did they seem very well adapted to the conditions which encompassed them. In the beginning they were not considered men of superior genius, but they won their success by their resolution to achieve results in their undertakings by permitting no set-back to dishearten them; no difficulties to daunt them. Nothing can turn them or influence them against their determination, persistence, centeredness and focus. They never lose sight of their Ultimate Outcome.

They understand the initial feeling of excitement that is generated within them when they put down in writing this Ultimate Outcome and In a nutshell, the LORD is saying that in order to consistently meditate on it day and night. successfully make ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or new feature/aspect/ (Note: Defining your Ultimate Outcome system additions in any important area of your requires you to write down a statement that life possible, you must first develop the habit of combines ALL the tasks/goals/objectives in C repeatedly; and E with ALL the feature/aspect/factor ix. thinking through the promises/assurances improvements or additions in D and F). His word gives you about that area of your life. (I usually use Matthew 16:19, Luke They also know that finding strong enough 10:19, Philippians 4:13, Proverbs 18:21 for reasons to support their Ultimate Outcome not this process); only spurs them to stay up late at night and wake x. visualizing these promises, seeing, hearing up very early in the morning, it gives them a and/or feeling them as if they are happening sense of purpose and motivates/drives them to right before you. Doing so will eventually create/seize the kind of opportunities and take get you to believe them for your life; the kind important action measures that would xi. declaring these promises just as you make the Ultimate Outcome a reality. visualize them in your minds eye. Doing so will eventually transform your believe into But the question remains; how do such men the conviction that you are unstoppable. generate such strong enough reasons? xii. taking action. In this state of conviction, create a detailed action plan and get to work They have learned to repeatedly ask themselves immediately, just as Proverbs12:11 says: specific primary questions until they obtain He who works his land will have answers abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement. (See the Define-It! table)
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends. It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It!
[Here, you are to define exactly what you want to achieve long term in this important area of your life (that is; your Ultimate Outcome) and explain why you must achieve it, no matter what. Defining your Ultimate Outcome requires you to write down a statement that includes ALL the tasks/goals/objectives you outlined in C and E and that identifies ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or additions in D and F of your Pre-Evaluate-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in achieving these tasks/goals/objectives. I shall call this statement; the object of your Ultimate Outcome. The following questions will help you generate strong enough reasons why achieving your Ultimate Outcome is a must for you: Which other most important areas of my personal and/or professional life is (e.g. increasing my revenue streams) going to affect (say the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ)? What will it add/contribute to each of these important areas? (e.g. what will increasing my revenue streams add/contribute towards the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ per say? What impact/legacy/mark is it going to create and leave on the people whose lives I love to affect positively? How will all this make me feel in the long run? And/or What human need(s) will this feeling satisfy?

E. What is my Ultimate Outcome for this important area of your life?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ F. Why must I achieve this Ultimate ______________________________________________________ Outcome, no matter what? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Brainstorm-It!
[Here, you are required to set aside at least 30 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time daily, to brainstorm possible ideas and strategies you may need to develop and/or implement in order to achieve the object of the ULTIMATE OUTCOME you created on your Define-It! table. This is not the time for you to judge nor analyze the thoughts that pop up in your mind. Simply let both your mind and pen flow...DONT EVALUATEJust write down the first thought(s) that come(s) to mind be it a word, symbol, picture, idea or strategyQuantity is good, BUT quality DOES NOT MATTER. Who cares? Simply let your mind play with you and write down all that flows out of it that is associated with your ULTIMATE OUTCOME.
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Evaluate-It!
[After you finish writing down all the possible ideas and strategies that you could come up with during the brainstorming exercise on your Brainstorm-It! table, take each idea or strategy in turn and evaluate it for its effectiveness in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOMEThat is to say; assess its benefits against the drawbacks involved in its development and/or implementation. By drawbacks, I mean the risks/problems involved in developing and/or implementing the idea or strategy and the financial cost, resources (internal, material and personnel) and/or the timeframe required to minimize or completely eliminate each risk/problem. Questions A E will guide you through this evaluation processOnce you are through with the thorough evaluation, go back to your Brainstorm-It! table and place a tick next to the idea/strategy you found to be more effective & an X next to the one you rejected/found not effective enough.]. A. How is this idea or strategy going to help Make each consequence and its resulting effect(s) so big and me achieve the Ultimate Outcome for this bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening important area of my life? right before your eyes...Then ask yourself this question:
B. What risks/problems are likely to arise in the process of its development and/or implementation? (Here, you are to brainstorm all the possible complications that could arise as you develop and/or implement this idea or strategy.
Risk/Problems usually arise from one or more of these categories: 1. Privacy/data protection, 2. Health, 3. The environment, 4. Public safety, 5. Law/rules/policy, 6. Available space/infrastructure, 7. Finance, 8. Authorization/permit issuance, 9. Available transportation/accessibility, 10. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, 11. The attitude of the government and/or community, 12. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, 13. Usability. Thus in answering this question, first identify the category(ies) the idea or strategy affects. Then list the risks/problems likely to arise from each category.
9. What could be the root cause(s) of this risk/strategy?

(This question requires you to first brainstorm all the possible causes that bring about each risk/problem. Then investigate and eliminate each cause that does not fit the facts of the risk/problem, until you eventually identify the real/root cause(s).)

Take each root cause of each risk/problem in turn and ask yourself this question:
C. What improvements would I need to make to this idea or strategy Or what new idea(s) or strategy(ies) would I need to add to the present one, in order to deal with this root cause and minimize the risk/problem associated with it?

PLEASE NOTE: Risks/Problems could also arise from using inaccurate information (e.g. error in calculation, error in collection, D. What estimated financial cost, resources incorrect data, carelessness, and faulty calculator) during (internal, material and/or personnel) and/or development and/or implementation of an idea or strategy. timeframe would be required to implement this updated idea or strategy? If you suspect any information you used to evaluate any idea or strategy to be unreliable, you should double-check and decide what [The info here will help you with your Source-It! & Cost-It! tables] implications it has on the effectiveness of the idea or strategy).

Now update this idea or strategy to include ALL these improvements/additions. Then ask yourself this question:

Now take each risk/problem and ask yourself these questions:

5. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to develop and/or implement this idea or strategy without first dealing with this risk/problem?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Finally, go over all your answers in A, B and D and ask yourself this question:

E. How effective is this updated idea or strategy in achieving my Ultimate Outcome? [This question requires you to compare the total benefits of your updated idea or strategy to the total drawbacks involved. To do so, give each benefit a +ve score from 0 to 10 and each drawback a ve score from -10 to 0. Do so for all the benefits and drawbacks.
Then add the sum total of all the benefits to the sum total of all the drawbacksIf the overall result is positive, it means the updated idea or strategy is more effective. But if it is negative, then the updated idea or strategy less effective and needs to be rejected.]
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

6. What overall effect(s) will each consequence

have in the long run (i.e. Think in terms of emotions/emotional states, identity, etc)?
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.


5. List-It! More Effective

[Here, you are going to list ALL the updated ideas and strategies you identified on your Evaluate-It! table as more effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome,]
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


6. Re-Evaluate-It!
[Here, take each idea or strategy you identified to be more effective, on your Evaluate-It! table and re-evaluate it in order to determine whether it is most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome or not, NOTE: To re-evaluate a more effective idea or strategy, first refer to those features/aspects/factors improvements or additions you outlined on your Define-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in fulfilling your Ultimate Outcome; then take each idea or strategy and assess how directly/closely related it is to any/or of these features/aspects/factors improvements or additions. To do so, give a rating of 5 to the most directly/closely related more effective idea or strategy and a rating of 0 to the least related more effective idea or strategy. The more effective ideas and strategies that fall within the rating of 3 to 5 are the ones you should consider as most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome. (Write these down below].
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 1: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 2: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 3: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 4: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 5: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


8. Source-It!
[Here, you are required to specify the internal and external resources you may need to acquire and put in place in order to overcome the risks & drawbacks involved in achieving of each of the Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) on your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It! tables; that is; identify the training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them (The reasons may be that they are part of the problem or affected by it, or that they have experience or knowledge of this type of problem, or that they have the resources needed to solve it). Also identify the ideal character roles/identity you may need to develop & hold yourself to, the code or conduct you may need to live by daily, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use]. Training I May Have to Undergo i. The Type of People I May Need Other External Vital Material To Collaborate With, Why I May Resources I May Need to Use Need Their Services i. e.g. Engineers 1. 2. ii. ii. 3. 4. iii. iii. 5. 6. iv. iv. 7. 8. v. v. 9. 10. The Ideal Character Roles/Identity I May Need To Develop & Hold Myself To iii. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Codes of Conduct I May Need To Develop and Live By - Daily i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. x. ix. Use emotional triad to build rapport wt self viii. vi. 11. 12. vii. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Web Sites & Publications I May Need To Reference

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


9. Cost-It!

[Once you have identified all the external resources (that is; training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use) on your Source-It1 table, take each external resource and explain/outline why you need it to implement the idea or strategy (i.e. Its Purpose), for how long you need it (i.e. Its Duration), in what quantity you need it (i.e. In Units), how much each unit may cost you (i.e. Price per unit), the total cost of all the units and the person assigned to acquire it].

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It







The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It









The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It








The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

10. Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly

[I assume that you have already completed your Brainstorm-It! and Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! and Source-It! tables before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in these aforementioned tables here)Here, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

___/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

What is the Important Area of Your Life You Are Committed To Improve?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

For How Long Are You Committed To Make This Area the Way You Want It?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It!
[It is assumed that you have already chosen the five areas of your life that are most important to you. If you have not yet done so, it is obvious that you are not fully committed to improving your life. Please go back and finish with your Choose-It! table .Here, you are going to take each of the five areas you identified as most important in turn, evaluate its present state and suggest improvements that would make it outstanding (that is; you are going to ask yourself specific primary questions that would identify/ascertain what is good about it right now, the features/aspects/factors of it that make it good, the tasks/goals/objectives it is unable to accomplish right now, the features/aspects/systems it lacks, the risks/problems/challenges likely to arise as a result of each lack, the tasks/goals/objectives and the feature/aspect/factor improvements or additions that would make this important area of your life outstanding)].
A. What is good about this important area of my life right now?
11. What is likely to go wrong and what is it

(That is; What tasks/goals/objectives is it able to accomplish at the moment?) After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is able to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
B. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment?

going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Make each consequence so big and bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening right before your eyes...Let your feel the pain to the extent that you can no longer bare it. Doing so will push you over the edge to break free from this pain to pleasure. When this happens, ask yourself this question:
E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish?

After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is unable to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
D. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it?

(This question requires you to brainstorm those tasks/goals/ objectives that if accomplished by this important area of your life, would take it to the level of fame & recognition)Then take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
F. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D?

After listing ALL the features/aspects/factors improvements or new feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) that it requires in order to accomplish each of the tasks/goals/objectives in C , take each feature/aspect/factor improvement or each new feature/aspect/system and ask yourself these two questions:

(The kind of extra improvements/additions mentioned here should be of a higher standard that those you mentioned in 10. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a D). Then ask yourself this question:
result of not implementing it? Risk/Problems/challenges usually arise from one or more of these categories: Privacy/data protection, I. Health, II. The environment, III. Public safety, IV. Law/rules &regulation, V. Available space/infrastructure, VI. Finance, VII. Authorization/permit issuance, VIII. Available transportation/accessibility, IX. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, X. The attitude of the government and/or community, XI. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, XII. Usability.
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? (This question requires you to:

first spend time talking to God about the steps you need to take through prayers and meditation, then create a detailed action plan that would take you step-by-step through the whole process
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
A. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life able to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ B. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in turn, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D. To accomplish each task/goal/objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D1. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a result of not implementing each needed feature/aspect/factor improvement or each needed new feature/aspect/ factor? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D2. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ F. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? DO NOT let this Book of the Law depart From your mouth; meditate on it day and night So that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and success. - Joshua 1:8 In this passage, Jesus Christ is teaching us that; the ultimate secret to lasting prosperity and success is found in the word of God and this secret lies in the application of the four most powerful spiritual success principles of organized and productive thinking, empowering and colourful visualizations, positive and emotionally-intense declarations and outcome-focused actions, which we discussed in part one of this master plan What does this mean? Taking any actions to make ALL the feature/ aspect/factor improvements or new feature/ aspect/system additions in any important area of your life possible requires you to first create an Ultimate Outcome for the area of your life. The men that are looked upon as the world's successes have not always been men of great physical or academic power, nor at the start did they seem very well adapted to the conditions which encompassed them. In the beginning they were not considered men of superior genius, but they won their success by their resolution to achieve results in their undertakings by permitting no set-back to dishearten them; no difficulties to daunt them. Nothing can turn them or influence them against their determination, persistence, centeredness and focus. They never lose sight of their Ultimate Outcome.

They understand the initial feeling of excitement that is generated within them when they put down in writing this Ultimate Outcome and In a nutshell, the LORD is saying that in order to consistently meditate on it day and night. successfully make ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or new feature/aspect/ (Note: Defining your Ultimate Outcome system additions in any important area of your requires you to write down a statement that life possible, you must first develop the habit of combines ALL the tasks/goals/objectives in C repeatedly; and E with ALL the feature/aspect/factor xiii. thinking through the promises/assurances improvements or additions in D and F). His word gives you about that area of your life. (I usually use Matthew 16:19, Luke They also know that finding strong enough 10:19, Philippians 4:13, Proverbs 18:21 for reasons to support their Ultimate Outcome not this process); only spurs them to stay up late at night and wake xiv. visualizing these promises, seeing, hearing up very early in the morning, it gives them a and/or feeling them as if they are happening sense of purpose and motivates/drives them to right before you. Doing so will eventually create/seize the kind of opportunities and take get you to believe them for your life; the kind important action measures that would xv. declaring these promises just as you make the Ultimate Outcome a reality. visualize them in your minds eye. Doing so will eventually transform your believe into But the question remains; how do such men the conviction that you are unstoppable. generate such strong enough reasons? xvi. taking action. In this state of conviction, create a detailed action plan and get to work They have learned to repeatedly ask themselves immediately, just as Proverbs12:11 says: specific primary questions until they obtain He who works his land will have answers abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement. (See the Define-It! table)
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends. It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It!
[Here, you are to define exactly what you want to achieve long term in this important area of your life (that is; your Ultimate Outcome) and explain why you must achieve it, no matter what. Defining your Ultimate Outcome requires you to write down a statement that includes ALL the tasks/goals/objectives you outlined in C and E and that identifies ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or additions in D and F of your Pre-Evaluate-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in achieving these tasks/goals/objectives. I shall call this statement; the object of your Ultimate Outcome. The following questions will help you generate strong enough reasons why achieving your Ultimate Outcome is a must for you: Which other most important areas of my personal and/or professional life is (e.g. increasing my revenue streams) going to affect (say the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ)? What will it add/contribute to each of these important areas? (e.g. what will increasing my revenue streams add/contribute towards the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ per say? What impact/legacy/mark is it going to create and leave on the people whose lives I love to affect positively? How will all this make me feel in the long run? And/or What human need(s) will this feeling satisfy?

G. What is my Ultimate Outcome for this important area of your life?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ H. Why must I achieve this Ultimate ______________________________________________________ Outcome, no matter what? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Brainstorm-It!
[Here, you are required to set aside at least 30 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time daily, to brainstorm possible ideas and strategies you may need to develop and/or implement in order to achieve the object of the ULTIMATE OUTCOME you created on your Define-It! table. This is not the time for you to judge nor analyze the thoughts that pop up in your mind. Simply let both your mind and pen flow...DONT EVALUATEJust write down the first thought(s) that come(s) to mind be it a word, symbol, picture, idea or strategyQuantity is good, BUT quality DOES NOT MATTER. Who cares? Simply let your mind play with you and write down all that flows out of it that is associated with your ULTIMATE OUTCOME.
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The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Evaluate-It!
[After you finish writing down all the possible ideas and strategies that you could come up with during the brainstorming exercise on your Brainstorm-It! table, take each idea or strategy in turn and evaluate it for its effectiveness in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOMEThat is to say; assess its benefits against the drawbacks involved in its development and/or implementation. By drawbacks, I mean the risks/problems involved in developing and/or implementing the idea or strategy and the financial cost, resources (internal, material and personnel) and/or the timeframe required to minimize or completely eliminate each risk/problem. Questions A E will guide you through this evaluation processOnce you are through with the thorough evaluation, go back to your Brainstorm-It! table and place a tick next to the idea/strategy you found to be more effective & an X next to the one you rejected/found not effective enough.]. A. How is this idea or strategy going to help Make each consequence and its resulting effect(s) so big and me achieve the Ultimate Outcome for this bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening important area of my life? right before your eyes...Then ask yourself this question:
B. What risks/problems are likely to arise in the process of its development and/or implementation? (Here, you are to brainstorm all the possible complications that could arise as you develop and/or implement this idea or strategy.
Risk/Problems usually arise from one or more of these categories: 1. Privacy/data protection, 2. Health, 3. The environment, 4. Public safety, 5. Law/rules/policy, 6. Available space/infrastructure, 7. Finance, 8. Authorization/permit issuance, 9. Available transportation/accessibility, 10. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, 11. The attitude of the government and/or community, 12. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, 13. Usability. Thus in answering this question, first identify the category(ies) the idea or strategy affects. Then list the risks/problems likely to arise from each category.
12. What could be the root cause(s) of this risk/strategy?

(This question requires you to first brainstorm all the possible causes that bring about each risk/problem. Then investigate and eliminate each cause that does not fit the facts of the risk/problem, until you eventually identify the real/root cause(s).)

Take each root cause of each risk/problem in turn and ask yourself this question:
C. What improvements would I need to make to this idea or strategy Or what new idea(s) or strategy(ies) would I need to add to the present one, in order to deal with this root cause and minimize the risk/problem associated with it?

PLEASE NOTE: Risks/Problems could also arise from using inaccurate information (e.g. error in calculation, error in collection, D. What estimated financial cost, resources incorrect data, carelessness, and faulty calculator) during (internal, material and/or personnel) and/or development and/or implementation of an idea or strategy. timeframe would be required to implement this updated idea or strategy? If you suspect any information you used to evaluate any idea or strategy to be unreliable, you should double-check and decide what [The info here will help you with your Source-It! & Cost-It! tables] implications it has on the effectiveness of the idea or strategy).

Now update this idea or strategy to include ALL these improvements/additions. Then ask yourself this question:

Now take each risk/problem and ask yourself these questions:

7. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to develop and/or implement this idea or strategy without first dealing with this risk/problem?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Finally, go over all your answers in A, B and D and ask yourself this question:

E. How effective is this updated idea or strategy in achieving my Ultimate Outcome? [This question requires you to compare the total benefits of your updated idea or strategy to the total drawbacks involved. To do so, give each benefit a +ve score from 0 to 10 and each drawback a ve score from -10 to 0. Do so for all the benefits and drawbacks.
Then add the sum total of all the benefits to the sum total of all the drawbacksIf the overall result is positive, it means the updated idea or strategy is more effective. But if it is negative, then the updated idea or strategy less effective and needs to be rejected.]
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

8. What overall effect(s) will each consequence

have in the long run (i.e. Think in terms of emotions/emotional states, identity, etc)?
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.


5. List-It! More Effective

[Here, you are going to list ALL the updated ideas and strategies you identified on your Evaluate-It! table as more effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome,]
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


6. Re-Evaluate-It!
[Here, take each idea or strategy you identified to be more effective, on your Evaluate-It! table and re-evaluate it in order to determine whether it is most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome or not, NOTE: To re-evaluate a more effective idea or strategy, first refer to those features/aspects/factors improvements or additions you outlined on your Define-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in fulfilling your Ultimate Outcome; then take each idea or strategy and assess how directly/closely related it is to any/or of these features/aspects/factors improvements or additions. To do so, give a rating of 5 to the most directly/closely related more effective idea or strategy and a rating of 0 to the least related more effective idea or strategy. The more effective ideas and strategies that fall within the rating of 3 to 5 are the ones you should consider as most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome. (Write these down below].
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 1: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 2: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 3: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 4: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 5: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


8. Source-It!
[Here, you are required to specify the internal and external resources you may need to acquire and put in place in order to overcome the risks & drawbacks involved in achieving of each of the Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) on your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It! tables; that is; identify the training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them (The reasons may be that they are part of the problem or affected by it, or that they have experience or knowledge of this type of problem, or that they have the resources needed to solve it). Also identify the ideal character roles/identity you may need to develop & hold yourself to, the code or conduct you may need to live by daily, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use]. Training I May Have to Undergo i. The Type of People I May Need Other External Vital Material To Collaborate With, Why I May Resources I May Need to Use Need Their Services i. e.g. Engineers 1. 2. ii. ii. 3. 4. iii. iii. 5. 6. iv. iv. 7. 8. v. v. 9. 10. The Ideal Character Roles/Identity I May Need To Develop & Hold Myself To iv. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Codes of Conduct I May Need To Develop and Live By - Daily i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. x. ix. Use emotional triad to build rapport wt self viii. vi. 11. 12. vii. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Web Sites & Publications I May Need To Reference

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


9. Cost-It!

[Once you have identified all the external resources (that is; training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use) on your Source-It1 table, take each external resource and explain/outline why you need it to implement the idea or strategy (i.e. Its Purpose), for how long you need it (i.e. Its Duration), in what quantity you need it (i.e. In Units), how much each unit may cost you (i.e. Price per unit), the total cost of all the units and the person assigned to acquire it].

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It







The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It









The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It








The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

10. Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly

[I assume that you have already completed your Brainstorm-It! and Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! and Source-It! tables before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in these aforementioned tables here)Here, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

___/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

What is the Important Area of Your Life You Are Committed To Improve?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

For How Long Are You Committed To Make This Area the Way You Want It?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It!
[It is assumed that you have already chosen the five areas of your life that are most important to you. If you have not yet done so, it is obvious that you are not fully committed to improving your life. Please go back and finish with your Choose-It! table .Here, you are going to take each of the five areas you identified as most important in turn, evaluate its present state and suggest improvements that would make it outstanding (that is; you are going to ask yourself specific primary questions that would identify/ascertain what is good about it right now, the features/aspects/factors of it that make it good, the tasks/goals/objectives it is unable to accomplish right now, the features/aspects/systems it lacks, the risks/problems/challenges likely to arise as a result of each lack, the tasks/goals/objectives and the feature/aspect/factor improvements or additions that would make this important area of your life outstanding)].
A. What is good about this important area of my life right now?
14. What is likely to go wrong and what is it

(That is; What tasks/goals/objectives is it able to accomplish at the moment?) After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is able to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
B. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment?

going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Make each consequence so big and bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening right before your eyes...Let your feel the pain to the extent that you can no longer bare it. Doing so will push you over the edge to break free from this pain to pleasure. When this happens, ask yourself this question:
E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish?

After listing ALL the tasks/goals/objectives that it is unable to accomplish at the moment, take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
D. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it?

(This question requires you to brainstorm those tasks/goals/ objectives that if accomplished by this important area of your life, would take it to the level of fame & recognition)Then take each task/goal/objective in turn and ask yourself this question:
F. To accomplish this task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D?

After listing ALL the features/aspects/factors improvements or new feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) that it requires in order to accomplish each of the tasks/goals/objectives in C , take each feature/aspect/factor improvement or each new feature/aspect/system and ask yourself these two questions:

(The kind of extra improvements/additions mentioned here should be of a higher standard that those you mentioned in 13. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a D). Then ask yourself this question:
result of not implementing it? Risk/Problems/challenges usually arise from one or more of these categories: Privacy/data protection, I. Health, II. The environment, III. Public safety, IV. Law/rules &regulation, V. Available space/infrastructure, VI. Finance, VII. Authorization/permit issuance, VIII. Available transportation/accessibility, IX. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, X. The attitude of the government and/or community, XI. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, XII. Usability.
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? (This question requires you to:

first spend time talking to God about the steps you need to take through prayers and meditation, then create a detailed action plan that would take you step-by-step through the whole process
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
A. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life able to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ B. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in turn, what feature(s)/aspect(s)/factors(s) does it possess right now? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
C. What tasks/goals/objectives is this important area of my life unable to accomplish at the moment? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D. To accomplish each task/goal/objective in C, what improvements do I need to make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) do I need to add to it? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D1. What risk(s)/problem(s)/challenge(s) is this important area of my life likely to face as a result of not implementing each needed feature/aspect/factor improvement or each needed new feature/aspect/ factor? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
D2. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to carry out each task/goal/objective in C without first implementing the required improvement(s)/ addition(s) in D?...And how likely is each consequence to happen? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ E. To order for this important area of my life to be outstanding, what tasks/goals/ objectives must it first accomplish? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ F. To accomplish each task/goal/ objective in E, what extra improvements must I make to the present features/aspects/factors of this important area of my life or what new feature(s)/ aspect(s)/factor(s) must I add to it, other than those in D? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


5. Pre-Evaluate-It! Contd
G. What can I do from now on to make ALL the feature/aspect/factor improvements or new feature/aspect/system additions in D and F possible? DO NOT let this Book of the Law depart From your mouth; meditate on it day and night So that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and success. - Joshua 1:8 In this passage, Jesus Christ is teaching us that; the ultimate secret to lasting prosperity and success is found in the word of God and this secret lies in the application of the four most powerful spiritual success principles of organized and productive thinking, empowering and colourful visualizations, positive and emotionally-intense declarations and outcome-focused actions, which we discussed in part one of this master plan What does this mean? Taking any actions to make ALL the feature/ aspect/factor improvements or new feature/ aspect/system additions in any important area of your life possible requires you to first create an Ultimate Outcome for the area of your life. The men that are looked upon as the world's successes have not always been men of great physical or academic power, nor at the start did they seem very well adapted to the conditions which encompassed them. In the beginning they were not considered men of superior genius, but they won their success by their resolution to achieve results in their undertakings by permitting no set-back to dishearten them; no difficulties to daunt them. Nothing can turn them or influence them against their determination, persistence, centeredness and focus. They never lose sight of their Ultimate Outcome.

They understand the initial feeling of excitement that is generated within them when they put down in writing this Ultimate Outcome and In a nutshell, the LORD is saying that in order to consistently meditate on it day and night. successfully make ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or new feature/aspect/ (Note: Defining your Ultimate Outcome system additions in any important area of your requires you to write down a statement that life possible, you must first develop the habit of combines ALL the tasks/goals/objectives in C repeatedly; and E with ALL the feature/aspect/factor xvii. thinking through the promises/assurances improvements or additions in D and F). His word gives you about that area of your life. (I usually use Matthew 16:19, Luke They also know that finding strong enough 10:19, Philippians 4:13, Proverbs 18:21 for reasons to support their Ultimate Outcome not this process); only spurs them to stay up late at night and wake xviii. visualizing these promises, seeing, hearing up very early in the morning, it gives them a and/or feeling them as if they are happening sense of purpose and motivates/drives them to right before you. Doing so will eventually create/seize the kind of opportunities and take get you to believe them for your life; the kind important action measures that would xix. declaring these promises just as you make the Ultimate Outcome a reality. visualize them in your minds eye. Doing so will eventually transform your believe into But the question remains; how do such men the conviction that you are unstoppable. generate such strong enough reasons? xx. taking action. In this state of conviction, create a detailed action plan and get to work They have learned to repeatedly ask themselves immediately, just as Proverbs12:11 says: specific primary questions until they obtain He who works his land will have answers abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgement. (See the Define-It! table)
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends. It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It!
[Here, you are to define exactly what you want to achieve long term in this important area of your life (that is; your Ultimate Outcome) and explain why you must achieve it, no matter what. Defining your Ultimate Outcome requires you to write down a statement that includes ALL the tasks/goals/objectives you outlined in C and E and that identifies ALL the feature/aspect/ factor improvements or additions in D and F of your Pre-Evaluate-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in achieving these tasks/goals/objectives. I shall call this statement; the object of your Ultimate Outcome. The following questions will help you generate strong enough reasons why achieving your Ultimate Outcome is a must for you: Which other most important areas of my personal and/or professional life is (e.g. increasing my revenue streams) going to affect (say the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ)? What will it add/contribute to each of these important areas? (e.g. what will increasing my revenue streams add/contribute towards the advancement of the gospel of JESUS Christ per say? What impact/legacy/mark is it going to create and leave on the people whose lives I love to affect positively? How will all this make me feel in the long run? And/or What human need(s) will this feeling satisfy?

I. What is my Ultimate Outcome for this important area of your life?

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


2. Define-It! Contd
______________________________________________________ J. Why must I achieve this Ultimate ______________________________________________________ Outcome, no matter what? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


3. Brainstorm-It!
[Here, you are required to set aside at least 30 minutes of quiet uninterrupted time daily, to brainstorm possible ideas and strategies you may need to develop and/or implement in order to achieve the object of the ULTIMATE OUTCOME you created on your Define-It! table. This is not the time for you to judge nor analyze the thoughts that pop up in your mind. Simply let both your mind and pen flow...DONT EVALUATEJust write down the first thought(s) that come(s) to mind be it a word, symbol, picture, idea or strategyQuantity is good, BUT quality DOES NOT MATTER. Who cares? Simply let your mind play with you and write down all that flows out of it that is associated with your ULTIMATE OUTCOME.
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The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


4. Evaluate-It!
[After you finish writing down all the possible ideas and strategies that you could come up with during the brainstorming exercise on your Brainstorm-It! table, take each idea or strategy in turn and evaluate it for its effectiveness in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOMEThat is to say; assess its benefits against the drawbacks involved in its development and/or implementation. By drawbacks, I mean the risks/problems involved in developing and/or implementing the idea or strategy and the financial cost, resources (internal, material and personnel) and/or the timeframe required to minimize or completely eliminate each risk/problem. Questions A E will guide you through this evaluation processOnce you are through with the thorough evaluation, go back to your Brainstorm-It! table and place a tick next to the idea/strategy you found to be more effective & an X next to the one you rejected/found not effective enough.]. A. How is this idea or strategy going to help Make each consequence and its resulting effect(s) so big and me achieve the Ultimate Outcome for this bright in your mind, until you begin to see & feel it happening important area of my life? right before your eyes...Then ask yourself this question:
B. What risks/problems are likely to arise in the process of its development and/or implementation? (Here, you are to brainstorm all the possible complications that could arise as you develop and/or implement this idea or strategy.
Risk/Problems usually arise from one or more of these categories: 1. Privacy/data protection, 2. Health, 3. The environment, 4. Public safety, 5. Law/rules/policy, 6. Available space/infrastructure, 7. Finance, 8. Authorization/permit issuance, 9. Available transportation/accessibility, 10. The attitude of customers/ members, colleagues, employees, supplies/manufacturers and/or shareholders, 11. The attitude of the government and/or community, 12. The attitude of family members and/or loved ones, 13. Usability. Thus in answering this question, first identify the category(ies) the idea or strategy affects. Then list the risks/problems likely to arise from each category.
15. What could be the root cause(s) of this risk/strategy?

(This question requires you to first brainstorm all the possible causes that bring about each risk/problem. Then investigate and eliminate each cause that does not fit the facts of the risk/problem, until you eventually identify the real/root cause(s).)

Take each root cause of each risk/problem in turn and ask yourself this question:
C. What improvements would I need to make to this idea or strategy Or what new idea(s) or strategy(ies) would I need to add to the present one, in order to deal with this root cause and minimize the risk/problem associated with it?

PLEASE NOTE: Risks/Problems could also arise from using inaccurate information (e.g. error in calculation, error in collection, D. What estimated financial cost, resources incorrect data, carelessness, and faulty calculator) during (internal, material and/or personnel) and/or development and/or implementation of an idea or strategy. timeframe would be required to implement this updated idea or strategy? If you suspect any information you used to evaluate any idea or strategy to be unreliable, you should double-check and decide what [The info here will help you with your Source-It! & Cost-It! tables] implications it has on the effectiveness of the idea or strategy).

Now update this idea or strategy to include ALL these improvements/additions. Then ask yourself this question:

Now take each risk/problem and ask yourself these questions:

9. What is likely to go wrong and what is it going to cost me (i.e. think in terms of consequences) if I go ahead to try to develop and/or implement this idea or strategy without first dealing with this risk/problem?...And how likely is each consequence to happen?

Finally, go over all your answers in A, B and D and ask yourself this question:

E. How effective is this updated idea or strategy in achieving my Ultimate Outcome? [This question requires you to compare the total benefits of your updated idea or strategy to the total drawbacks involved. To do so, give each benefit a +ve score from 0 to 10 and each drawback a ve score from -10 to 0. Do so for all the benefits and drawbacks.
Then add the sum total of all the benefits to the sum total of all the drawbacksIf the overall result is positive, it means the updated idea or strategy is more effective. But if it is negative, then the updated idea or strategy less effective and needs to be rejected.]
It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

10. What overall effect(s) will each consequence

have in the long run (i.e. Think in terms of emotions/emotional states, identity, etc)?
The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.


5. List-It! More Effective

[Here, you are going to list ALL the updated ideas and strategies you identified on your Evaluate-It! table as more effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome,]
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


6. Re-Evaluate-It!
[Here, take each idea or strategy you identified to be more effective, on your Evaluate-It! table and re-evaluate it in order to determine whether it is most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome or not, NOTE: To re-evaluate a more effective idea or strategy, first refer to those features/aspects/factors improvements or additions you outlined on your Define-It! table as MOST IMPORTANT in fulfilling your Ultimate Outcome; then take each idea or strategy and assess how directly/closely related it is to any/or of these features/aspects/factors improvements or additions. To do so, give a rating of 5 to the most directly/closely related more effective idea or strategy and a rating of 0 to the least related more effective idea or strategy. The more effective ideas and strategies that fall within the rating of 3 to 5 are the ones you should consider as most effective in achieving your Ultimate Outcome. (Write these down below].
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 1: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 2: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 3: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 4: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


7. Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It!

[Here, organize the ideas and strategies you re-evaluated to be most effective in achieving your ULTIMATE OUTCOME into 3 categories: Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs). Besides each category, allocate a maximum length of time you plan to spend working on it (This is your Block Time) and specify a deadline by which you are committed to complete work on it. Then explain why you must complete it by this deadline...Finally, prioritize (PRI) the Important Action Measures under each goal, giving priority to the MOST URGENT & IMPORTANT IAMs. Then next to each Important Action Measure, write down the name(s) of the person(s) assigned to accomplish it].
Strategic Objective, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) Strategic Objective 5: Block Time
Planned Deadline for Completion

Why I MUST Complete It By this Deadline

Goal 1:

Important Action Measures (IAMs): 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: Goal 2:


Important Action Measures (IAMs): 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: Goal 3:



Important Action Measures (IAMs): 3.1: 3.2: 3.3:



The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


8. Source-It!
[Here, you are required to specify the internal and external resources you may need to acquire and put in place in order to overcome the risks & drawbacks involved in achieving of each of the Strategic Objectives, Goals & Important Action Measures (IAMs) on your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-It!, Prioritize-It!, & Assign-It! tables; that is; identify the training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them (The reasons may be that they are part of the problem or affected by it, or that they have experience or knowledge of this type of problem, or that they have the resources needed to solve it). Also identify the ideal character roles/identity you may need to develop & hold yourself to, the code or conduct you may need to live by daily, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use]. Training I May Have to Undergo i. The Type of People I May Need Other External Vital Material To Collaborate With, Why I May Resources I May Need to Use Need Their Services i. e.g. Engineers 1. 2. ii. ii. 3. 4. iii. iii. 5. 6. iv. iv. 7. 8. v. v. 9. 10. The Ideal Character Roles/Identity I May Need To Develop & Hold Myself To v. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Codes of Conduct I May Need To Develop and Live By - Daily i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. x. ix. Use emotional triad to build rapport wt self viii. vi. 11. 12. vii. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Web Sites & Publications I May Need To Reference

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


9. Cost-It!

[Once you have identified all the external resources (that is; training you may need to undergo, the type/caliber of people you may need to collaborate with and why you may need each of them, the websites you may need to reference and other vital external resources you may need to use) on your Source-It1 table, take each external resource and explain/outline why you need it to implement the idea or strategy (i.e. Its Purpose), for how long you need it (i.e. Its Duration), in what quantity you need it (i.e. In Units), how much each unit may cost you (i.e. Price per unit), the total cost of all the units and the person assigned to acquire it].

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It







The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It









The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

External Resource Needed Its Purpose

Its Duration

Quantity Needed (In Units)

Price Per Unit (000)

Total Cost of All Units (000)

Person To Acquire It








The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

10. Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly

[I assume that you have already completed your Brainstorm-It! and Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! and Source-It! tables before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in these aforementioned tables here)Here, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact month of the year and the exact week of the month you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/_ ___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

Pre-Shedule Over the Next 12 Months (Specify the month & year. E.g. Feb/13)
___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

___/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

___/__ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

Weeks 1-4

____/_ ___/_
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 1-4

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Pre-Shedule-It! Month 1

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 2

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 3

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 4

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 5

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 6

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 7

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 8

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 9

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 10

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 11

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

Pre-Shedule-It! Month 12

[I assume that you have already completed your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table before getting to this section. If not, then please first do so, then come back to this table (You would need to use the data you filled in this aforementioned table here)Just like on your Pre-Shedule-It! Yearly table, you are required to pre-schedule the Important Action Measures (IAMs) in a way that makes the best use of available finance, resources (personnel and material) and/or time. For example, if you need to carry out two IAMs that require one-days use of a video camera, which can be hired only on Saturdays, then you would need to pre-schedule these two IAMs to be carried out in the same month, week and possibly on the same dayFinally, next to each Important Action Measure (IAM), precise from the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to begin work on it, up to the exact week of the month and the exact day of the week you are committed to finish it (i.e. Precise your Block Time on the table). To do so, simply colour or place a tick in the appropriate box].
Pre-Shedule Over the Month of:______________
Week of : Week of : Week of : Week of : ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S

Important Action Measures (IAMs)

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -

identify how you currently spend your time and better plan your time in order to focus more on the activities that are URGENT AND IMPORTANT and that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Assess How Your Spend Your Time Right Now & Manage Your Time Better
[The way people spend their time is divided into four arenas: The Arenas of Distraction, Delay, Urgency and Unreasonable Achievement. Where you have been spending the majority of your time (i.e. the arena) up to this moment is responsible for the quantity and quality of results you have been producing and how effective you have been up to now. This goes to say that in order to produce more and better quality results and become a more effective person, it is advisable to shedule at least 80% of your time (~19 hours) daily, carrying out activities that fall under the arenas of Urgency and Unreasonable Achievement.

Arena of Distraction
This includes any activity that is:

Arena of Delay
This includes any activity that is:

distracting in nature distracting in nature money consuming money consuming resource (material) consuming resource (material) consuming time consuming time consuming and does not require you to do it urgently and requires you to do it urgently, but that and that does not add/contribute any value to does not add/contribute any value to any any important area of my life. important area of my life. e.g. Aimless talking e.g. Other peoples to do that does not - Uncalled for debates/arguments. benefit any important area of your life. -. Such activities are NOT Urgent NOR Important Such activities are Urgent BUT NOT Important

Arena of Urgency
This includes any activity that is: money consuming resource (material) consuming time consuming and requires you to do it urgently or face consequences and that adds/contributes great value to one or more important areas of my life. e.g. Other peoples to do that is beneficial to one or more important areas of your life. -. Such activities are Urgent AND Important

Arena of Unreasonable Achievement

This includes any activity that is: money consuming resource (material) consuming time consuming and does not require you to do it urgently, but that you want to do because it adds/ contributes to one or more important areas of your life. e.g. Praying, fasting and meditating - Working on the important areas of your life. Such activities are NOT Urgent BUT Important

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Day: Date: [First, anticipate any potential deviations, problems and/or challenges you are likely to face on this day (Include action measures that are NOT URGENT NOR IMPORTANT and/or that are URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT, especially the demands of others) & plan to deal with each of them;

Anticipate-It, Schedule-It!, and Execute-It!

then schedule the execution of your Important Action Measure (IAM)s at specific time intervals of the day. Secondly, prioritize (PRI) the order in which you plan to execute your Important Action Measures (IAM)s (Give Priority to IAMs that are URGENT & IMPORTANT, then to IAMs that are NOT URGENT BUT IMPORTANT). Thirdly, maximize your time by assigning each Important Action Measure (IAM) to the same person you assigned it to in your Organize-It!, Block-It!, Deadline-it!, Prioritize-It! & Assign-It! table. Finally, measure your progress at the end of the day; recording both your achievements & failures; identify the cause of any failure to carry out an IAM and taking necessary steps to deal with it].
Potential Deviations, Problems and/or Challenges Duration LEV Comments

Measure Your Progress

Under Status, use Tick for Completed, Semi-Tick for Uncompleted &X for Not Done or Failed. LEV Status Evaluate Your Day Using Self-Analysis Questions 1.What has been great about today?

Schedule The Execution of Your Important Action Measures (IAMs) Time Important Action Measure (IAM)

Mdnite 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am Noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm

2. What have I learned or gained?

3.What have I improved/ contributed?

4.What have I enjoyed most today?

5.What have I failed to do? If anything, then what is the cause of the failure?

6.What improvements am I prepared to make that would deal with this cause?

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


Keys to Success
Collaboration/Partnerships We value the collective wisdom that emerges when individuals work together to solve problems and create opportunities. We believe that in most instances all of us working together is better than one of us working alone. We are committed to establishing and sustaining positive education, business and community partnerships Integrity We value integrity, trustworthiness and ethical behavior in all that we do. We are committed to truthfulness, fairness and honesty in our internal and external relationships, communications and transactions. We continuously strive to provide objective and balanced assessments of the issues pertaining to our projects. We value open, transparent and democratic decision-making Communications We value communications in all forms, across all levels of the organisation, and in all interactions with our constituents. We acknowledge that accurate, clear, concise, respectful and transparent communication is fundamental to enhancing relationships, developing shared understanding and assuring the long-term success of our projects. We value empathic listening as a core element in all effective communications. Respect We value civility in our oral and written word, as well as in our interactions with donors, one another and with our constituents. We value each person's special contributions to our projects. Stewardship We value the full-range of resources - human, fiscal, capital and technology - that have been entrusted to us globally. We acknowledge our collective responsibility to serve as effective stewards of all resources at all times. We affirm our commitment to being accountable for the fulfillment of all duties and professional obligations associated with our positions. Leadership We value leadership at all levels of the organisation. We acknowledge that all employees are responsible for continuously providing effective leadership within the context of individual roles and responsibilities. We encourage every project manager and coordinator to demonstrate vision, to think systemically and to act courageously when engaged in decision-making. We affirm that effective, collaborative and informed leadership is essential to our long-term success.

The Unreasonable Achievers Club is a union of persons who through unshakable FAITH, iron SELF-CONFIDENCE & bulldog COURAGE, and then the consistent application of organized & productive thinking, colourful visualization, positive declarations and outcome-focused actions, have learnt to overcome overwhelming obstacles, defy odds and create extraordinary trends.

It is part of the WAOUCH Group of Companies, whose other subsidiaries include: - - - -


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