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MAXALDING is printed on fine art paper, richly illustrated with over forty prints from hand-etched, half-tone blocks, which have been adapted from un-retouched photographs. All useful feats of muscle-control known to science—including the central and single-sided isolation of the abdo- men—are included. It is bound im rigid over-lapping covers. SIZE IO INCHES BY 7] INCHES. THE ABOVE IS A SAMPLE ILLUSTRATION POSED FOR BY PUPIL VIC. ALDERSON, who writes —“51, Woone Lane, Clitheroe, Lancs., February, 1930.—Maxalding builds muscle that is full, round and supple, which never gets stale. It does build energy. My work as a P.T. Teacher and Masseur keeps me at work late, ¢ I am always there in the morn MAXALDING The Greatest and Most Complete Book on Curative and Developmental Physical Culture ever published. This Book is founded on the very latest discoveries in Exercise, Hygiene, Therapeutics, Dietetics, Mental Control and Muscle Control. By A. MONTE-SALDO. BRIEF SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. A complete series of graduated exercises from a degree safe for performance by invalids and children to a degree only possible for the most advanced athictes. A full Explanation of Maxalding. How to Conserve the Energies and Develop Great Nervous Energy and Vitality. How to Develop Speed and Endurance for Sports. General Rules for Health. Respiration. Full instruction and exercises for Fuiz- Tiwat-Breatuinc, whereby the lung capacity can be increased from 30/10 50 cubic inches. How to secure sound and refreshing Sleep. Care of the Mo: Hew to check Pyorrhesa. Barking studied from all view points. Substitutes for Bathing. Self- Massage. Full instructions, exercises and dietetic advice for the cure of Constipation. Full instructions, exercises and dietetic advice for the cure of Indigestion. Full instructions, exercises and dietetic advice for the rotal eradication of Obesity. Full in- structions, exercises and dietetic advice for increasing weight and curing thinness. How to eradicate Nasal Catarrh. Advice to those with weak and diseased hearts as to exercises to avoid. How to exercise. When to exercise. Only a limited PRIVATE PRINT of MAXALDING is being issued for the benefit of those people who have found it impossible to take a personal course under Mr. A. Monte-Saldo. PRICE POST FREE TO YOUR DOOR: GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND - = = 5/9 BRITISH COLONIES & AMERICA - = - 6/3 TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES - - - - Fe ‘Gimdy by Mick

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