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1st Semester Content

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Describe the Second Industrial Revolution. Describe major social and labor problems facing industrializing nations in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the early attempts to address them. Explain the basic principles of capitalism, utopianism, socialism, and communism and the thinkers associated with them. Explain how and why existing go!ernments attempted to address the problems of industrial growth and urbanization. #dentify major landforms$ climates$ bodies of water$ and resources in Europe. &ecognize ways in which physical geography contributed to industrialization in 'reat (ritain and )entral Europe. Explain that while England was the first nation to industrialize$ 'ermany surpassed its output by the early twentieth century. Explain the relationships among natural resources$ entrepreneurship$ labor$ and capital in an industrial society. -nalyze maps$ graphs$ and charts to gain information on the human and political geography of Europe. Describe the influence of /orld /ar # and its aftermath on mo!ements in the arts. Explain why the 0nited 1tates experienced an economic boom after World War I while Europe did not. 2ist examples of cultural and societal changes in the postwar era Describe the rise of nationalism and Islamism in the Middle East after /orld /ar #. #dentify major nationalist leaders in the 3iddle East in the 1,2.s and 1,3.s. Describe ways in which forces of cooperation and conflict influence the di!ision of Earth4s surface. Explain the causes and spread of the Great epression! #dentify "itler, Stalin, and Mussolini and their philosophies. &ecognize characteristics of communism and fascism.

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&ecognize the influence of Gree# and Roman philosophy and 5udeo6)hristian ethical principles on /estern political thought. Describe 'reco6&oman and 5udeo6)hristian !iews of law$ reason and faith$ and the duties of the indi!idual. -nalyze Gree# political philosophy on the role of go!ernment. Explain how the &enaissance and &eformation contributed to the growth of democracy. #dentify the basic principles of the Magna Carta, English common la$$ and the English (ill of &ights. &ecognize major philosophers of the Enlightenment and what they are known for. 'i!e examples of the influence of the 0.1. )onstitution on political systems in the contemporary world. 1ummarize the principles of major documents of the %merican and &rench revolutions. Describe the #ndustrial &e!olution as the shift from making goods by hand to making them with machines. Explain the major arguments of %dam Smith's (he Wealth of )ations! Describe &omanticism as the mo!ement in literature and the arts that emphasized nature and emotion o!er reason. Explain the major causes of /orld /ar #. #dentify the causes of World War II. #dentify major political and military leaders during /orld /ar ## and their leadership 7ualities. #dentify the term "olocaust. Explain the rationale for the de!elopment and use of the atomic bomb. -nalyze the impact of /orld /ar ## on populations around the world. &ecognize the basic structure and goal of the *nited )ations. #dentify Eleanor &oose!elt.

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8race the rise of 5apan from an isolated society to a major industrial and imperial power in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the reasons for it. Explain the reasons for and conse+uences of ,apan's imperialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Explain why most industrialized nations of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries competed for o!erseas colonies and how they justified their actions. 1ummarize the conse7uences of )hina4s response to the /est as compared to 5apan4s. Explain the differences between colonies in -frica and spheres of influence in )hina. #dentify Sun -at.sen and the mo!ement he led. Describe the ways in which the Mei/i dynasty supported and encouraged 5apan4s modernization and industrialization$ and the changes that occurred as a result. 2ocate on a map the major areas of the world controlled by (ritain$ 9rance$ 'ermany$ &ussia$ the 0nited 1tates$ and 5apan in the early twentieth century. 1ummarize major attitudes and trends in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century. Describe the initial strategies and theaters of battle in /orld /ar #. 'i!e examples of new weaponry and tactics used during /orld /ar #$ and their impact on warfare. &ecognize the -rmenian 3assacre as an early example of genocide. Define total war and gi!e examples as it applies to /orld /ar #. Describe the challenges geography has posed for &ussia across time. Explain the major causes and e!ents of the Russian Revolution! #dentify 0enin and Stalin and their roles in the &ussian &e!olution. -nalyze the effect of &ussia4s &e!olution and the *!S! entry into World War I on the outcome of the war. Describe /oodrow /ilson4s ideals as found in the 9ourteen :oints. #dentify major pro!isions of the (reaty of 1ersailles. -nalyze the 8reaty of ;ersailles to assess how well it addressed the causes of the

war and to what extent it incorporated /ilson4s 9ourteen :oints. "+. ",. #dentify major landforms and climates of East -sia. -nalyze the effect of &ussia4s &e!olution and the 0.1. entry into /orld /ar # on the outcome of the war.

%.. Describe /oodrow /ilson4s ideals as found in the 9ourteen :oints.

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