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COMfïltlJ, tlJUtlJ anJ annotattlJ tg

~~~, Set#U
Published for the Honor. and Glory of God in Obedience to the
Blessed Virgin Mary.

First Printing
---------- - 1976
Second Printing
In obedience to the decree of Pope Urban VIII and in
conformity with the Apostolic Constitution "Officiorum
ac munera" of Pope Leo XIII, l declare that l claim no
more than a purely human consideration for the extra­
ordinary graces reported in this book, anrl that !
thereby submit at aIl times and unreservedly to the
judgment of the Catholic Church.
The Au thor


Copyright 1959. AlI rights reserved.

No part of this may be reproduced in any
form without permission from the author.

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Forward . l
- l - It AlI Started with Thirty Pieces of

Silver . 1

2 -_ The Serpent . 7

-- --B......-::-MISCenaneous Plans of the Serpent . 11

4 - The Devil Laughs with Glee . 15

-5 - The Devils _ . lS

6 - The Plotters . 25

7 - Work of Serpent with our southern

Neighbors , . 32

S - The Serpent at Work in Canada . 34

9 - Destruction of MoraIs . (.1)

10 - Subversion in Education
. 41

11 - Dellnquency . 43

12 - Revelations given March 5, 1955 . 52

13 - Revelations given November 11 and lS,

1955 . 60

14 - Dionne Quintuplets ..•................ 73

15 - Christmas in the SIums . 75

16 - Message given October 6, 1955 . 7C

17 - Message given October 30, 1955 . 90

lS - Mongrelization . 103

19 - Labor Union Rackets . 105

20 - Sports Rackets . 107

21 - Foundations . lOS

22 - Just Mail Your Contributions to

Cancer cio your Local Post Office . 110

23 - Treason and Mass Murder for Gold . 112

24 - God' s Teaching Pushed Aside in Field

of Science . 115

25 - The Story of ~n Nneric~ Scientist . 117

26 - The Sword of Darnocles .

.-llS "
07 - I!1ternatIonalt{evêTationS') . ( p4- Z_24.1
--2g-'~ïrrfërl1ational ReveIatlons, Coded . . 225

29 - Subversives . 242

30 - Sorne of our Senators and Representa­

tives . 246

31 - Election 1956 · 249

32 - Sh~ghaied . 263

33 - A Trip to Dives and Joints . 266

34 - A Success Story . 270

35 - Poison ·.···· 274


36 - Let's Destroy Complacency ..........•. 275

37 - Benedict Arnold was Just a Piker ..•.. 277

38 - The Pot Calls the Kettle Black 282

39 - The Beast............................ 283

40 - The Dragon........................... 285

41 - Tin Gods............................. 287

42 - Black Gold.... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

43 - Chickens Come Home to Roost 290

44 - Just Part of the Plan..............•. 293

45 - The Hand of Gad 297

46 - Disasters of Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298

47 - Things Given That Have Happened 299

Our Holy Mother, the Mother of Our Lord Jesus

Christ, has through Mary Ann Van Hoof given certain work

and facts the ur ose of which 1 do not kllow. 1 do know

that the Revelations given change t.e entire worTd pic­

ture trom Chat g.ven to the people through the-press,

radIO and television.

The cunning and basic plot for the control of the

Il wor~d-nas come down~ïfiDUgn-tfie a~s. It~of:rhe

devll, of the Aiïtl-Christ. It has, in part or in its

entirety, been adopted by groups or even by individual
dictators, whose ambition was world control and world ""J
power. In its adoption by each one of these groups, it
has been furthering the plan of those by whom it was
first conceived.

Lenin and Marx in their plan for Communist control
adopted it ln ItS entirety. It lS so dlabolical,so
cunnlng, so ruthless that-those ~o have had an opgpr­
tunity to read and study this plan can hardly believe~
that l t could !:Je CODC-ejvèd by il bJ!man mlnd. Tt lS-SO
weil disguised, so cleverly hidden and the:raths leading
t~the Central Plot and those behind made sa compilcated
that ln trying to trace back to those behind the Plot,
most et lost in the lab rinths where these devious
gaths ea t em, an never get to the center Olt.
People have at times discovered some of the huge

plot of the Forces of Evil and the involVement of cer­

tain people in the plot, and many of them have lost

their lives as a result of their knowledge.

Many of them have been forced to hold their

tongues by threat of reprisaI.

Here lS a statement made by General Douglas

McArthur, a great American patriot and one who co~ld

Shed the light of much truth. "1 have been warned by

many that an outspoken course ~en if it be sole'ly !È.e

ll truth, will bring down upon my head ruthless retaIla L
tIon~ that efforts will be made to destroy public faith
on the integnEy oI-my rnws. Not by force of just argu-j
ments but by applicatIon of the false methods of propa­
ganda. 1 am told in effect, 1 must follow blindly the
le ,der, - keep silent or t,ke the bitter consequences.· J
Bos ton, Ma s s . J u l y 25 , l 95 l
Many have been discredjte~ in the ~yes of those ~o \
whom~wished to expose theIr knowledge of the EVII
Forces,~~ means of sIDear campaigns and character

assassination. Absolutely any mea~Jlli1ye-be~m
assassination down, to achieve their purposes and goals.
There is no foui means the Enemy will not resort to
to achieve the end they desire, which is absolute WOrld)\
Control with ail the corumon people as slaves, tolbe
u ~ they desire.



This is a statement of very great significance for

many reasons. It was an answer to a question 1 had

asked one clay ta try and find out how far back 1 would

have ta go to find the-foun~~lon for the gigantic plot

of the EVll Forces for World Control. Tt answered that

questIon and also another which T had asked and that was

this. 1 asked Mary Ann if in any of her work the answer

had been given as ta who was behind this Plot from the

beiinning. She said: "It aIl started with 30 pieces of

si ver.~ In that very simple statement lies the answer

to both of those questions and more. Those behind the

Plot are the descendants of those who crucified Christ

when He was here on earth, and have ever Slnce that tIme

been trYlng to destroy His Teach~s and His Church. ~

----rhlS places the blame for tnis Plot to control the

world squarely on those dest~ers whQ crucified Christ
and have ever Slnce been destroyers. "l'm supposed to
talk to you about the Yiddish ~uy~and how they control
things.· (Statement from work on October l, 1955).
·You know that place in Wilmette, Il~is where the Huh
is and what type of peopl~ are mostly. It was some j
ot those, Hank, as early as 19 0, that went into Russia.·
The Jews or Yiddish (as Mary Ann calls them) have always
,_ been destroyers, revolutio 's 'n to the basic
eVl! lan contained in the "Protoco s t e ~arned
ciers 0 Ion. e ln l tr stro rom wIthin
and always their principal tool has been money, go
The great Bahai Temple in Wilmette, IlllnoiS-is set

up as a point for WorldïControl, through the control of )

World Rel~n. Christianity in their plan must be des­

troyed an causing wars hetween Christian natl~s, has

been the most effective way of dOlng it.

However, man m.ust have a religion to cling to, sa

that has also been taken care of. It is to be the


Bahai Religion, which is evil. Bahal Rel~on 15

JUdaism in disguise, Talmudic Judaism.

That, when the World Plot is complete, i~s
to be meted out to us.
They have bU11t two temples at opposite sides of
the world, from which two poi~s this World Religion is
( to spread and take control. One in S~a and the op­
posite here in Wilmette. -­
1 The ~nternat1?na~ Yiddish Bankers have financed the
l whole th1ng. Th1s lS aIl part of the plot for One '1
World Government.
Russia is the seat of Communism today. Communism
J1 is $ontrolled bfhthe Jews and is~nl~ a to 1 tJîàt t~ey
use to achieve t elr purposes. e ussian Revolution
was planned many years as part of this Y1dd1sh 'l'almudic
P~, many yeaTs hefore lE successfull y took Q.lace. As

earlY as 1900 they were infiltrating. Part of their
~ plan was, as usual, to destrgy and create sltuat10ns \
1 which the GOvernment could not handle and thus cause un- j
rest and d1ssatlsfactîon among the people. wnen peoPle
, are d1ssatisfied with their Government, then conditions
/ are ripe for revolution and a change.

-{ _1 Russ ian Cossacks, horsemen of the Russ ian plains,

- were hired as paid Revolutionists. They created great

Eerror among the people wlth tneir raiding, their cruel

and inhuman treatment, murdering grownups and children
al ike in their cruel raids. The fact that tfie Govern­
ment wasn't able to cope with this situation altho~h
they tried, was one of the reaSODS the people were-Iook­
ing for a change.
The COssacks were able to dominate

Ukraine ln Wh1te Russla, which lS the

area, the breadbasket of Russia.

Z - While this was going on, Lenin and other Revolu- ]

tionists were demandi~~~overthrow of the Gôvernment
which permitted those conditions to exist. The Czar and
the Government were innocent and were trying to control
things; in fact the Czar, a good man, recognized what
w~in& on, but was unable to control the situation.
The Hub (Bahai Temple at Wi1metke ) was pushing out
spokes already at that t1me. At the same cime spokes
were being pushed out into China and other portlons of
the world, set tin the sta e for that which was to take
'place later on. Thls was a part 0 t e 'falmu­
dic Plot for world control.
This great Plot was and is of necessity very co~x
Ho~e~er. certain thi?gs are elementary. .Th~ pu01ic }
op1n1on must be led ln the cnannels of thlnklng that 1
they des ire . We must ~ subjected to propaganda and kept
from the truth. In thls the Plot has been very success­
fuI. Our new~ rs and ress services are controlled.
Many, many thlngs are kept from t e peop e, many are dis­
( to~ and changed t~ fit:DëSt the purposes of the p1Ot­
~ One ?f~maln means of controlling the expres­
SIon of opInIons that might be detrimental to their
~ause or their plans is by rneans of controlled advertis­
~. No newspaper or periodical can eXIst wifhout
advertisin so b . rneans of threats to shut off-aavëi­
( tlsln the can dlctate edltorla po icies. They can
~an e that very nlce y_ ecause t ey control the
national advertising. Many papers ln the Oêmocratic
{ South came out in support of Dwight Eisenhower for
President due to this pressure.
The depression which started with the ~arket crash
of 1929 was created to serve a pur...Qose. Many of the
newspapers, news services and magazines were bought up

l at that time as they were in financial trouble. Control

of sorne were bought up for about five cents on the dollar
of actual valuation. Radio. ·television and aIl means of 1
communication are conttolled. Some of our radio news­
"""te'T an a"'''ng the ma te Dr oat Ü ute s who have sold \
themse vesfor a price. Their analysis of news duects
the thinking of many, manr people. 'Even faise pol~f
one klnd or another are used ta influence pUblIc opInIon.
For instance, many people like to be able to pick a
winner when they vote, and sometimes can be influenced
in their vote by falsp. polIs.
Many items of news that could be harmful are
s~d~~tely and never get into the news ~t aIl.

The true s tory of pearl Harbor bas pever been g1Ven to

the public in the news. Pearl Harbor had been arranged

t to create an incident which would lnvolve us lnto the

war. These facts were revealed in the Work here. Kimme l

and Short were made the oats wer ccu of inerrIë­

iency"arïcfbeing- ere ICt ta their duties, but it was

orily to keep any suspicion from falling on ~hose who~e

actually~uilty. Exactly how many had gUllty knowledge

and hadl>êen in on the intriglle regarding Pearl Harb.9~, l

do not know but of these l do know as they were glven

{ in the Work'. Franklin l 0 Rooseve It was uilty in

v wa. He e Wlt arran ements, 50 was ullty

of murder of those who lost t elr Ives t ere. ~

["Hopkins made some of the arrangements., This lSa

direct quote from the Work: "Scrap materlal and scrap

iron was sent in great quantities to Japan first before
the war. Also concea led under the s.c-I:a_p--flla-t-e-ci.~S)
much new m~~rial of war, all ready to be used for the
Pearl Harbor deal. Ali this was planned long ln ad~nce.
"Cordell Hull, Sinclair, Franklin D Roosevelt,
Louis D Brande i~HarryL1f<)pki.!!-s, Harol~ Ickes, George

C Marshall,ttL St1.mson, Walter Bedell SmIth -- all knew
1 aboutrt and he lped t:ô promote il to a greâter or~r
degree .... Pear l Harbor was a great d isappointment tO)
them because there were too many survivors. It was
supposed to be a complete massacre, like Custer's last
Some facts have since been brought out in investi­
gations, but no ward has been given to the public. The
truth would not be good for them and would destroy their
faith in Government and would be damaging to certain
politicians. If the real War Criminals were to he prose­
cuted, there would be many vacant homes and apartments
in Washington, D.C., and if they were executed as they
,1 rshould be, it would probably be necessary to increase
\the facilities ln HëII to handle the InlIux.
Another very good example of news prostitution was
t~ reports that were given·out to the public for their
consumptlOn on the recent Geneva Conference. Most of the
( issues had been discussed and handled before_-1.he Geneva
Conference was called. The Conference-was solely-for )
propaganda purposes, to continue the brainwashing of thel
people:ana-ke~P-them in a state of confusion.
- As Joe McCarthy said, there were secret conferences
and secret agreements. It was determined b~e Geneva
that Red China was to articipate and also ~dmitted
\ to the United Nations. Now to so ten eo e of
the Unlted-States so that t 1.S W1. be acceptable to
them. Our diplomats and our President are in agreement
and are in full cooperation with England and Russia.
An agreement was also made previous ta the Conference)
that Great Britain was to have air bases in Greenland.
Enemy submarines have been lurking in our w~ters,
both British and Russian. Great Britain, our supposed
Ally, has been trying to secure bases on Greenland for a )
long time, and not for our protection either.
Here is a direct quote. from the Work here, given
Jul y 24, 1955: "Cordell Hull, H A Wallace, Louis D
Brandeis, H L Hopkins, Sinclair, Warren, Harding were in
on the Greenland deal. Harding wanted to back out and
knew too much, so~is demise was arranged. It was one
of their firs~ successful removals (by the less crude
mea~s). Hardlng could see the danger of Great Britain
havlng a base on Greenland. Il
Aere is another quote that seems to fit in here'
"Hank, can you remember that news correspondent that died
i~ t he Sec on~ Wor .ld War '!" (J~rn le PYle). "He cl idn't
dle as was glven ln the news. True he was shot but
t~at was because he got into the plans of the Big~
wlth re ar~ to Greenland and other things. In his
search for news he caug t a lS that was bigger~n
the hmlt."
The news coverage and propaganda on Korea was the
same. In the first place, the Korean Polic~ction as
it was called, to coyer fact that we had been
en aged in an il e al war bord 0 the reSl ent
i~tea of y claration as provided for ln t e onsti­
tutlon of the Unlted States, was a disastrous War which
l served its pur ose in the great worl~t. I-t--!as
lmldesl ne to weaken hon off the man ower of
~·qthls Christlan Nation. lE s ma us more susceptible
when the comes for our final destruct ion. Aggjn
Great Britain and their friend Russia were in comDT;te ~
agreem~nt, as were t e traltors 1 r own ountry.
Neither Russia nor Great Britain sustained any losses in
achieving their purpose. We lost 150,000, the cream of
our youn~ men. The were not permltted to go ln andl\
win the war as they could ave one, u w re oree tQ
fight according to the rules of our enemies, Russia and
Great I3ritain. Our supposed Ally, Great Britain, wasJ
getting Lend Lease material from the United States as
our Ally, and re-selling it to Hussia to be thrown ba~
at our soldlers b the Red Cnlnese, Allies of Russla.
It was the greatest disgrace to w lc t ~s ountry was
ever exposed, and it was aIl done with full knowledQell
and su ort b man in our government. 1 do not ln 1
t lS case blame Presl ent Truman too much as he was only
a stooge, and l believe not entirely capable of under­
standing. l think ~ was in way over his head. I would
rather think of him asbeing mentally incompetent than
guilty of treason. I think he was extended to the
hl11ullest of his mental capacity whe~ he wa.s
\~hirts in a haberdashery. If my analysls of hlS capabl­
lities is untrue then I must apologize to him and can
calI him a traitor with the rest.
General MeArthur called b.ack to this Country in
disgrace because hè wanted to go ahe~~ win the War
in~ad of seeing our ;boys slau~htered off in useless

combat, in a War not supposed ta he won. When he got

here he was silenced by thréats of reprisai against him-

self and his family and was finally bribed off ~~_~ig

I{ p~ing job. He could te II many ITings il he would ta lk .


The Serpent is the symbolic snake of Jud~m. lt

has been mentioned in the revelations on several oc­
March 9, 1952: Just the words were mentioned,
"Serpent. of Evil".
March 21, 1952: "Clean out the Ser~ent, it is
crawling right through the center of your Country.
Evilness, and when he will strike, he will strike like al
volcano in the center of your Country. STOP IT! Pray
Pray and pray much. ",
Apr il 3, 1953: "Pray for your Pres ident, the prayers
for him are already falling off, when they should be in­
creasing. Do not let the Evil One guide him, instead of
your prayers.
"The SerPent is coiled in your Country, ready to
strike, unless you pray, pray much.
January 19, 1955: "Our Lady warned us in 1951 that
the Serpent is coiled in our Country, ready to strike.
He's ready to strike now; he sinks his poisoned fan~s in\\~
many of our people, there w1.11 be mant poisoned m1.nds. mu
-- "They will strike at our most lmportant cities
first, the industrial centers. They have su~ceeded in

.ollst;ng our Senator out of his work, they tied his Fiands
The Serpent .blinded many of their eyes during the in
v"eSt:îgKt l on. "
Tite above quota tians were a 11 taken from the
Revelations given on the Fridays of Lent.
As earl as 929 B.C., according ta the records of

Secret eW1s ,on>sm Solomon and other Jewish learnecl
\ men t u t out a scheme 1.n tFieor for powerful con uest
Jar the who e un1.Verse y lon. As lstory eve ope the
scheme was worked out in âetail. These learned men
decided bs peaceful means ta conquer the world for Zion,
with the slyness of the symbolic Snake. The head Qi tbc/t
s~e was ta represent those who had been l.nltlated into 1
-7 ­

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of the Serpent and still our American people sleep on,
seemingly unable~o recognize anything wrong or un­
natural. Have we lost our power of reason as a Nation?
\Vhat is the answer?
Many times in the Revelations it has been given
accidents that aren ' t_~ccide!1ts. the latest t ime being
March 24, 19~6 when this statement was given: "There will
be sorne more accidents that won't be accidents.·
Pick up your newspaper and read. In nearly every
one you will find another plane crashed, with anywhere
from three or four to sixty passengers wiped out. We
aIl know that there will occasionally be a crash from
natural causes, but there is hardly a major airline
that has not had major crashes with great loss of life.
Look back over the crash records of these same airlines
over a period of years, years when they were flying \'
equipment that was very inferior in aIl respects to what
they are now flying, yet they had not the percentage of
accidents as today.
~ o t arouse in your mind any suspicion that
things are not j ust right: that s~tage must be in­
volved? The papers do not play up~ese wrecks, An
investigation is held and then it is forgotten.
Admittedly it is very hard to examine the rubble
that is left after an airplane crashes and tell e~ry­
thing that happened. I have had an opport~~ity to listen
in when the C A A was investigating small plane crashes,
Iland they are ~ust pues~ing contests if the passengers
were-klltled an can t talk.
These plane crashes, train wrecks', cargo ships and
t~kers burning, great fires and explosions, such as the
one recently in Philadelphia, could not all happen just
( from natural ca~ses. How long will it be before reali­
zation strikes?
Train wrecks, plane crashes, f~s, explosions,
labor tr~le, racial troubles, ~ j\uœnile troubles,
youth gangs., crime, murder, robbery -- aIl the work of
the Serpent' s promotion for the destruction of our
Country, sa that, weakened, we wlll fall into the hands
of ~he Serpent as Lenin said: "Li~e a ripe fruit withoutJt
reslstance. • "
l know as sure as l sit here and write that the
big cry will go up snd th~ big smear against this book
will start as soon as sorne of the big Zionists get th~r



Sometimes 1 have such a feeling of inadequacy to

get down in writing these things which 1 must put down.
Sometimes 1 cannot help but wonder at the position in
which 1 find myself, that of transmitting messages
directly from Heaven. Ihat of ~ut€lng ~~~r thlngs ~f
~uch terrlflc Import, things which of nec~~sity must
11 ch.-'!lliS~ our ent ire concept of History as it has been
taught to us. tllstory as l t has been taught to us with
an idea of creatin in our minds {aIse impressions-aDa
( ideas. History t at has een s verte or a QurRose to a Master Plan. The urinions of the
Devil, the !orces of evil are directing this Plan. Man
is placed on a pedestal as supreme, and in his ego man
has Îatlen for the baiE and become a willing tool of
the Devil.
Oh God, how small and insignificant am 1. lIow
small and insignificant is man when Gad wishes to mani- )
fest His power and magnificence. Why can't man recog­
nize the power of God and his own wealmess? He will,
but how much punishment must he submit himself to before
he gets down on his knees before His Maker? ---­
thIS was taken down on the night of January 18, 1956
"Hank, you know the ÔI1e Worlders haye got aIl of
( the~r plans laid. They have the world aIl zoned up for
1 theu purpose.
"The Forces of the Serpent, t.he International Jew
Bankers were in a position of Great power and influence
ln our country between 1840 and 1875.
"The part played by the I~ernational Jew Bankers in
the politics and promQted subversion in our Country
1 duri~~receding the Civil War, was never made known
in hlstory. They were responslble for the fact that it
remained covered up. T nternati nal Zionist Jew
Bankers in this instance rou h Great Britain, di a
t ey cou to promote the Civil War in our untry~y
had an idea that divided we would be much easier to take
over.and control. Di~ide ~nd Conquer. To this end they
\ furmsh~d the South wlth hnances, and in Great Britain
,was ~ullt the.only Navy which the South had. They
furnlshed suppl les and materials of war.
~~Vhen the war was over they had assassinated Abra­
ham Llncofn, the .one man mo~e responsible than ;;y ~r
for fOlIlng thelr p~ot by keeping the Union together.
However, ~hrough thelr efforts wounds were inflicted on/(
1both sicles, some of WhlCh have not been healed to thlS
very clay. .
·President McKinley's assassination was brought
ab?ut by the same eVl! tortes and beèau~~t
tnat he trl€!d to promote plans which would take the
control of money out of their hgn~s. ------­
"'lhat "Tittle sub is coming up again by the Aleu­
tians. "

"Those accid~nts lately were not accidents; the

b~ng oL t~~oil tanker and those oil barges.
"The Bear has much more fur on him than they claim.
Compared to him our Eagle looks plucked.
"What would be gained by flying over the .;3outh ,EQle?
H~, there's lots of ~tivi!y clOwn t~re.·

'- ·You know, Hank, that we are already partially in­

vaded now by the Enemy. Many British, Russians and
Yellow ones also.·

"Paul Robeson is preaching aIl over. He's a Com­
munist, a Blg Guy.
"the Jaes would like to be our friends. General
MeArthur w~~~&~o~o our slcte. lhey didn'~e
1.J. (lM Forces.. of E:v-i.l...L-The-r are trying tO-tur.IL.tbem
~gainst us.
"Th~ ar~ing tu create a God out of Eisenhower.
It's falling fIat in sorne places.
"They are sure trying to tease the Serpent now in
our Country, Hank. Trying to stir up trouble within,~
get our Senators pitted a ~ each other before ~n))
- "There wi 11 be more strikes .and union trouble,
more dropping of farm priees.
"There is a good possibility !bat they will finishl
Ike before the year is out. He must play baIl. Tt was
~phesied years ago that during this period of time we
wQJJl.ç the yo~est leader ln our Hlstory.
"19~~s-going to be a stinker, politically and
"Much damage is foins to be done b~ those m~ratory)\
worke~s. It's aIl p anned that way.II theyave to
do is give them guns."
----Work given January 19, 1956:
"Allen W. Dulles and Dr. Otto John were budd~s.
When Hitler turned a ainst the J ws he was ~g
M agalnst t e e -Plot te s d Contro
. ~to 0 n, who is a Jew, an ~s is oQe of
the One Worlct P!otters, and as such an associate pal and
S100ge of the Jews. Allen Dulles a n d ~
glotted tolUTl~ and attempted to bave l t carried
out bX bamtHng ln a meeting ln a beer hall. But the
tunlng was wrong and Hltler was nat klilea. Dr. Otto
John has been responsible for other murders. Dr. John
got much information from ourHCountr y and pasaed-it-on
tto the Russians ju§t as Alger lSS did."
~ ~ . _ . _ ~ N HAS 8EEN ~ E NEWS RECE.!:0-LY

"Allen W. Dulles is the headof the Central Intel­
l igence Agency of-our Government . He is t.he-.-hro.tber of
John Foster Dulles ~hom our President has just named as
the\best Sêcretary of Stat~he has ever known. Th~­
operatlon between the brothers Dulles is ver ood.
Exc ange lnformation a~d ideas. ey are oth valued
servants of the Serpent, and they~ave earned tnat
dubious honor."
January 19, 1956:

"You can see how Ike is p1aying baIl.

"These skull caps were in on lots of things."




The Devil is lau hing in glee these days as he sees

his lans Jor worl ~ruction and domination~g
forwar at a~r-i~creasing spe~d. He is Iaughlng-in
gIee as he sees the ever-increaslng number of people who
are swallowing his poisonous bait, as he sees those who
are his enemies destroying each other. Imag~is joy
at seelng the indifference, the aeathy of millions of
people throughout the worla as to what is going on in
M~their own countries. In many countries they now h~e
J"" f ound out, buLit is too late.
- In no countJ;y of the world is this true as it is
here in our own United States of America. In no country
in the world have the 0 le as much to lose as ln our
own country. r country, 0 s country, w ere the
people have been showered with more of God's blessings
than any country in the world. Our count~y where with
God's help our forefathers were aore-to set"up the
greatest, free~overnment in the world.
----QUi country which has been looked on with hQPe ~
l( aIl tho~worldWhohave lost thelr frèe­
dom to the forces of evil, who now sweat and toil and
lIve ln constant fear under their dictator masters,
where even those-samë dictator masters sweat ln rear of
each other and of those they rule. -­
18, the greatest of allnations, the greatest of
aIl governments in the world, was founded by our fore­
( fathers as a artnershi between Gôa and man. God sat
in on its ormatlon, on t e rawing up 0 our Constitu­
Il tion and at aIl government meetIngs. No decIsion was(lf
~ without asking the help and guidance of that part­
Those in whom we have placed our trust in recent
yeaTs have revoked tliat partnership. TEey h'ave decided
ta go it alone and here, as in other countries for
which we have been feeling sorry, we have now lost our

evicted. We must go back(to Hi;]on our knees as a
whole nation and ask His forglveness. Then and only

* * * * * * * * * *


Mary Ann, through Our Lady, has been given much work
pertaining to world conditions, world affairs and the
great International Plot to destroy and then rule the
world. 1tepIot of the Anti-Ü1rist, and in our speaking
of the Anti-Christ, I am not talking of an individual
but of aIl who for personal gain, polit~cal power or
whàEever may be thelr great deslre, woulj destroy the
Ü1urch. Œïnst has said: "If you are not for Më you are
1 agalllst Me." Those who are against Him and His Church
are the Anti-Christ.
In making this International Work (or the Plan of
the Serpent) known to me to record as 1 was directed,
from Heaven, Mary Ann has had to fi~t the devils every
inch of the way. l have been with er on aIl occasiOns
when the Revelations were given, and tbey were aIl given
at great cost to the Ylctlm.
I have tried to get these Revelations as near as
possible into proper sequence from the standpoint of
time, past, present and future, with added notes for
clarification. I know that to most peo le the will
sound fantastic beyond e le ecause lt lS contrary to
aIl concepts they have, but perhaps by the t ime this js Ir
read, people will be lookin for answers lnstead of
6urYlng t elr ea s l e ostriches and s utting out from
their mincis things they do not wish to believe.
How do 1 know the devils are loose? Because 1 have~

been in very c ose contac - ity as
one who was c osen to at tend Ann Van Hoof in su f (
ferings which our Lad ha asked b r 0 accept.
metlmes s e and I are strong and are able to over-
come these devils and do the work in spite of them.
Sometimes we are weak, and they succeed in disrupting our
w k of reeording these messa es from W le lS
( what they wan to p.
Who are these devils? The devils that have been
working on us _ ~._ n~"..., n v .. u .L~ a

people here on earth involved 1.n the Plan of ïJle Ser

~fit. Sorne of these devils were so-called big shots of
our nation, men of prominence, men of wealth. In the
ey~s of a misinforrned an~ misled public, many of them are
st1.l1 names mentloned wlth respect and even admiration.
They were condemned by God for the part they played
while on earth for the destruction of His Kingdom.
They were aIl trait ors to their country. They were
aIl Judases again, and plotting against Gad and
our NafîOn, scheming and plotting to take over the world
for Satan. Therefore, when th1.s International Work, or
Satan's Plan began coming through, these devils, who in
life were its promoters, did ever thi 1.n the1.r ower to
I( confuse, arass an V1.0 en
from t e ot.
ar Ann to eep her

The'mental torture these devils can cause by putting

temptations in one's mind is, I bel ieve , even more severe
than physical sufferin and seems to be harder on the
vict1.m, lt is just'another type of sufferlng w lC s e
i~rmitted to go through for the salvation of souls.
Remember it was permitted that even Our Lord should be
tempted by the devil when He was here on earth; it was
part of His suffering also.
There were times when Mary Ann was thrown around
vjolentl~ bi the dev~ on several occasions she was
thrown from the chair in spi te of my efforts to hold her.
One time she was thrown violently out of the wheel chair
backwards. On this occasion her head hit the floor so
hard she saw double for several days. That made the
torture of the devils even worse, for she would see
twice as many pairs of fiery eyes.
On several occasions she wa~ thrown from the chair
and landed aboutei.ght feet from it on the floor. At
another time she was kicked in the chest by one of the
devils several times and the chair and table and aIl
were moved about four feet.
In order for the reader to understand aIl this, 1
must explain that at night during the suffering, Mary
Ann's wheel chair is backed up against the kitchen table
and pillows are piled on the table so that she can lean
back and rest against them. Because of her extreme heart
condition that is the way she has spent aIl of her n1.ghts
since Ascension Day, May 19, 1955. Also aIl of her
days are spent in the wheel chair because she is unable
to walk.
At times when the devils were tormenting Mary Ann
to a great extent, her body would get exceptionally hot
to touch, it would feel hot and dry as if she were
burning up with a high fever. There is a small heating
stove in the kitchen which she leaned on at one time
when it had a fire in it. 1 was afraid she would be
badly burned, but she showed no signs of it and said
afterward that she didn't even feel it.
A few words from Mary Ann's suffering on the night
of August 2, 1955 throws a little light on how the
devils torment her: "It's getting hotter, Hank, hotter
aIl the time. It's hot, l'm burning, burning. Help me
Hank, l'm burning, too hot."
In this dis course on devils 1 must mention hitting )
sorne of them with Holy Water. ~1y respect for HoIr Water,
rmust admit-, ~en î"ncreased a hundredfold Slnce my
experlence with these devils. 1 am not permitted to see
\ them ~lthough they are visible to Mary Ann and seem to
be sitting in the rafters of her ceiling in the kitchen
where her night suffering occurs. Mar'y Ann and 1 had to
devise a s stem sa s e could let me know where they
were and if the we close enou 1. so cou l.t t em:
It was by squeezing my arm which they cou not etect.
A certain number of squeezes would indicate a certain
location, and then 1 would throw Holy Water from the
bottle. 1 even learned to detect whether or not 1 had
hit them br the sound i t made. li o~ of them were hit,
there would be a snap, the sound being more like a s ark
j ump t an an)' lng e se can \. n o . Sometimes lf 1
got them good there would be a series of those snaps and
then a hi ss as of s te am.
On the night of December 14th, Bob and Richard
(Mary Ann's sons) were making up their school lunch for
the next day during the early part of the suffering.
Prune Face tried ta come down and 1 hit him good.
There was a series of snaps and a hiss. Bob and
Richard heard it tao and talked about it. They spoke of
it before 1 mentioned it ta them. December 14th was one
of my good nights. On that night 1 was successful in
hitting severa!.
As tb~ identity of tbese devils was made known to
Mary Ann, she revealed them to me by giving initiaIs ta
them or fictitous names. Among those who constantlY](
harassed Mary Ann when this International Work was being
revealed were the f~llowing six who Mary Afin referred
to always by initiaIs:
- 20­
H.L.H. we called him as that represented his name he
bore on earth. He w~ guilt~ of participation in rackets
before he got into the 1iel of national politics. He
was an advisor to F.D.R. and was behind many plots and
~ntrigues. He was gUllty of plotting the deaths of some
who were-in the way or who were tne-lrc5Iders of dangerous
kr1OW1ectge. He niUïse:tî""dld not die of naturaT causëS but
was removed in the wer he was:gulltY~rnoYing others.
H~ur.~mmitte SUIcIde when he was being inves­
tigated. He was guilty of many intrigues and plots, and
was, among other things, at one time a big boy in our
lreasury Department.
H.I., another of the boys from F.D.R. 's time. In on
the cutting of many political pies and a participant of
the plots to destroy us.
B4 was the designation of the fourth member of our
group of In~ernational Deviis. He was a former member (
of the United States Supreme Court~e-~greatést
of the plotters, one 01 the heàa Zionists in the country,
one guilty of plotting severa! murders.
F.V., another 'member of our Supreme Court, Ch~f )
Justice. One in the know on most things and guilty of
e~ything i~way of IntrIgue, subversion and murcter.
No. 6. We have not iden~ified by name as yet, but
he \Vas in on the plot. \Vas a higher-up member in the Air )1
Force of the United States. Helped plot Pearl Harbor.
More devils came into the picture to harass Mary
Ann. On December l, 1955 we had a meeting of the local
group of workers in the cause of Our Lady. The Bahai
Temple and its Yiddish connection was spoken of. ~- 1)1
parently the YIddIsh dIdn't~i1e it. because soon af~er
~-Silfferjn started we found we had nin ew devils
present . h. T ree 0 them we a l with
skull caps. Near ly every n ight Since, e
three have been present. They will not be identified
bY name, but aIl three of them were Very important
\l leaders in the Serpent's Zionist Movement when here on J'
eart . ~. . . IJJ
-= "Whiskers"\ was a RabbI leader of the Talmudic ~n-
ist Movement;-a' member of many CoUIDunist Front movements,
and a prime pIotter of great influence wItn-o.TIr late
Presidential Administrations.
==- e:tat0 as we ca lled him was another of the s.ame i lk,
and gUllty of the saille plot for World DestructIon and
Co~l· Died quite recently.
::: ~e _~has been in heU lo~--=--!Ie
- 21­
\{. , tr"J.

~ guilty of the same offences against God and the

world.O.J...ea:ln ""I:!!5. He was one who plotted the
assassination of Abraham Lincoln~une face, as Mary
Ann caUs film, has been 'Very active nearly every night.
She says he appears old and wrinkled and dried out as
though he hadJL~n in hell for a long time. His fi~r
and toe nails have grown sa they curl round. He is one
[ of the most vicious of the deyils with whom w~.~ad
1- )1\ i an 0 t e l s arasslng ;\1ary Ann, sad ta say,
had been men of the urch. The first to appear on the
;;:. icene Mary Allli cai lM h€ e "Furry Mutt", due to his ap- t'5 1
pearance. He was with us last winter on a couple of
occasions, and until recently has spent aIl his time
with us. He was a pri.est on earth who was killed in a
1 car accideilEl:ilr~O~ rie did not receive the Sacraments

at(feath and was condemned. While on earth he was a bad
priest, a drunka.nd an-adulterer. One who used Mass Ir'
füilëISi~omen and song. He is shown to Mary AIm •
1 in an oId. ragged and torn cassock with buttons missing" J
It1laS brown spots on lot where, lï1lns contacts wit1l us,
l we haye managed ta burn him good with Holy~ater. Mary
Ann has never identified him further te me, though she
knows and could. H~s not of o-.J).r Diocese but was 1

from the State of Wisconsin.

on the 25th of May, 1955 a good priest was here who
said Exorcism Prayers and apparently Qut the rua on the
"Furry Mutt" , for from that day for th he has not been
seen. Howeve.r, we were bothered by two skinny devils
who were very active for a.while. At times they were
ac tua 11y wor se -chan the "Fur l'y Mutt" whom l had managed
ta hit 50 often with Holy Water that he stayed out of
These two skinny devils were with us until October
when another good Priest was present and they were
chased away, but always more of them came to replace

- those who left. Two more came, o~ of which was an ex­

priest who had -iven up his reli ion, and the Other a
con emne Pl' lest w 0 - "ln fo-;-tne sarne ~
te<ison as te" ur l'Mut t" . e ad been ln t le -~ry
U lce at - - - - an was partir resp-onsible for the
... frammg of an Archbisho , in ord 0 et him out 0 of­
~ -e was a po ct lcian, dipplDg his hands in irty
politics for the sake o~n. For some time we had
'" another déV]l, another . e~n~t riding-ën
an'"ôfTter pe.~.§.Q.n' s shoulder, and because Mary Ann;:-s
prayers ·and suffering had disrupted his plans for that
persan, he was now he 0 torture her. -­
one of the d~~ils who gave 1 ary Ann a particularly

- hard turm we nallle~ C 2., Me was a meîriter of the Catholic

[ Hierarchy tn chi ./. e was gUI y 0 man
as are sorne of tne-Ailerarchy at present. Ils death took
pl ace in 1939. He was engagedln money rackets and

politics, not only inside the Church but in National

f and International aff"al:l's. lle-----waS cooperating with the

l~Or rackets, and with the bj~~ewish B~ers. H~s
gUllty Qf trY1n~ to keeU-f>eople ln the dark with regard
ta the plot within our Government. He was one whose in­
flUenCe was used to silence Fath ou hlin sa that
people CQuld not earn the truth and become educ~ed as
to what was and still is going on. }~ was supposed to be
a Representative of Christ here on earth; he who is now
trying ta destroy good and drag souls with him; he who
attained position and wealth here on earth now hangs up
in the roof like a huge bat, with glaring red balls of
( fire for eyes, .....--­
r\nother devil whom we cal,C ~ ,or ~are ti~e, be­
cause of Ins great fat body, wlt"h 1tS rorrsof flesh

- ~l around its middle, was another member of the CathQlic

Hierarchy Qf equal rank. He was wen thought of ln his
Ulocese by Priests and people, but he was a Dr. Jekyl and
~1r. Hyde sort. He Y!~uilty of furtheri.nlL the great
PIQt throl,gh Jnternati.onal Polltics, He tried ta promote
-;-League of Nations along with WoodrQw Wilson. He was
a. member of the International Jew conts ed BaIiJ{Qf
Englan. -Je tne to ln uence reland ta join the
League. He had several Conferences with the Bishop of
Ireland between 1918 and 1920 to that end. He also
worked \Vith and throuyh DeValera. He had his fingers in
many internatlonaI po iticaI intrigues.
~~en sorne of his Priests discovered what he was in-~
volved in a.nd there 'Nas dan er of his ex osure, he had
them exi e as missionaries to the 'un es of the azon
River in raZl rom w lC t ey never returne . . e was
another Œnst on eartIl who turned Judas, who instead of
devoting his efforts to the work of His ~'Iaster, Jesus
Christ, devoted his efforts to the work of the Anti­
[ 02rist, 'those who were plotting ta destroy Christ' s
Church and a11 of its good works. He also sits as a huge
bat.Qn the rafters and glares, trying ta disruQt the
J\ work of Our Lady, the Mother of His Master. There he
sits in the faded dirty robes of his rank, still carrying

did here on earth, still
th, trying to destroy


There are a number of groups of Internationalists

who a~ at the _presen_t t i rne working togeW"r-iîlfhis
great subversive ~t for-worr,r-Control. ey are aIl
working together: traveLi-Hg-toget.her becaus~they-<rre
aIl going to the sarne_ F~a~eL but like a gang of thieves
who are starting out to rob a bank, each one fias in mind
that they will-knock off the rest and-take aIl of the
swag. These groups are.. all under the contrêil-of one
~,:ho~h they may notrecognize the tacts.
'. \!)lnternatlonarJewlsnBankers; Leaders of the
Zionist plot for world control, . 's based on the
basic world plot exposed in the .~~ f~fie Lëarned
Elùèrs orZ'îon";-fâlmûdtc'J'lidalsm 0 e world suprerne-­
every Jew a king and every Gent ue a ;lave. EëOnomic
cofftfOloy-the-International Bankers over small countries
'I has been a very sImple operation. Force them to their
kriees financially and then help them to their feet again,
but each time before you help them to their feet, make
them grant sorne additional concessions, such as tying up
their exports and imports or sorne such agreement. In
that manner they can he absolutely controlled economical­
ly. It is a truly beautiful set-up for the big Jew
bank~~ .
31 British Natio~ists, controlled by the Inter-J~
national Jew BanKers, but made up also of Gentile stoo es
W,ho pictu~e themselv~~s and England a~ ,~he .controirfng
l force behInd the World Government. rnls--In~l~es the
"Kingfish" (Ant,h.on_y- Edenr,~ston Churchjll, the hus':"
bana--oI-Cne-OÜeen an-a-variou~hers. There ar~y
miÏior st-ooge~nd political male prostitutes there as
there are over here, who range from mere minor tools to
those who have sold their souls completely to the
Talm14dic Jews. ~, _.
r3') Russian Nationals who are also controlled by
the înternational Jew Bankers, b~t who picture themselves
and we.9-1th.



riddles and double talk where she could convey to me what
she wanted me to know what was being transmitted. How­
ever, she has checked over aIl ~his work and aK'd it as
I have it written and it does convey that which she wit­
. . . . . . . . . .

nessed in vision in an accurate manner.

The same enemy, the same Evil Forces that were res­

ponsible for the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ when He was

here on earth, are still responsible for what is going

on today. For the Crucifixion of the Church of Christ

here on earth, for the destruction of the people for whom

Christ came on earth. The same tools are used now as

were used at that time. It was thlrty pleces 01 slIver

WhlCh purchased Judas' betrayal oI Oür LOrd, and lt is

money and power and the thirst for the same that is

used today to purchase betrayals. The~.)~

stead of the Cross of Our Lord could weIl be the symbol
of many natlons and lndlvlduals.
• • * •
Great Britain today is our greatest enemy and has

always been our greatest enemy among nations. Looked

upon as an Ally, she ls in position by means of the

doub le cross to do us much ha rm, ma re th an any 0 f

ou r other recognized enemies. This fact is known to sorne

of the Judases in high positions in our Government, ~

in the hidden government behind our Government. Sorne

of our patriotlc leaders in this country have recognized

this hidden force and have commented on it, but they

have always been silenced in one way or another. General

M!;:Arthur was one of them.

Tte International Jew Bankers control this hidden

Government, both here and in Great Britain. The same
mgney changers who brought about the Crucifixion of Jesus
Christ when He chased them out of the l'emple. ­
The hidden government behind Great Britain, the hid·
den government behind the United States, the hidden gov­
ernment behind Russia are aIl one and the same. Th~
control the smaller goyernments mainly by th~r control
( of money and corrmerce. Thus they are able to force âU
these smaller natlons to do their will.
Many of our good meh have been eliminated, although
by means so natural in appearance as to arouse no sus­
picion. Murder has become a scien w l develo d
IJ with nothing cru e or messy about it. .Mostl it is an
inject io~ inta a person and then tney are af 1icted by
cancer or have a heart attack and the Nation mourns
another great public sp1r1tëà citizen who has finally
s~ccumbed to the strain of his duties in his great ser­
V1ce to the people, and the leaders of the mourners of
those who extol the virtues of the "great" one who'has
passed on, are those who are responsible for his demise.
Sometimes, when other means fail, accidents can also
happen, and train crashes and plane crashes have Occur­
red and taken many lives in order to remove one indivi­
( dual.
---- Inasmuch as our interests lie here in our own
Country, we will try to start and carry on from here
into foreign fields and tie them together. AlI of our
martyred Presidents starting with Abraham Lincoln have
been killed because in sorne way they stood in the way of
the Great Plot. Abraham Lincoln was shot as was Garfield
and McKinley. Those methods of disposaI have since been
discarded as being too crude and there is too much
danger of detect ion. The present methods are much more
l effect ive in that they appear to be natural.
Here is a partial list of sorne whose demise was ar­
1. Fiorella La Guardia - La Guardia had cancer
l which was discovered after he had been injected wlth a
h~art attack. Heart attacks can now be induced by means
of injection. Even doctors cannot detecE the lact tnat]
it was art1ficially induced and it lS a very handy and
n1Eural way to disposê or-fhose who--are undes1rable ob­
stacles or who knew too much. La Guard1a was a po1]1;i­
clan who had cooperated, but was stricken by conscience
and became dangerous because of his knowledge.
2. Robert Taft - Senator from Ohio, was too honest
in his opposition, could not be controlled. Cancer was
injected into him and he did not last long. They can in­

1 J~aDcer as:ëaSily in humans as in monkets. '

3. Sênator Pat McCarrôn - Ini,ection. .. . .

4. . Frank Murphy - Supreme COurt Just1ce - InJectlon
5. Senator Vandenberg of Michigan - Medicine tame­
ered with.
6. Will Rogers and
7. Wiley Post - Killed in~lane accident in Alaska
Plane had been tampered wlth, t e mechanic who had been
bribed to tamper with the planewa::s-a-t~±:ttê<Cina car
( accldent., . 'Th~ trip They were on was to verify s~.ow-l\
l~lch Wlll Rogers had. It was to check on a h~e
arsenal Wh1Ch is maintained in ice caverns in Northern
Siberia. This has also been mentioned other places in
the Revelations and has been in existence since World
War 1.
8. Ernie Pyle - Foreign Correspondent, was shot and
not accidentally during World War II. He had stumbled on
information which was resRQnsib~for his death.
9. Floyd Gibbons - Another correspond~ was killed
or the Sarre reason. ---­
10. Woodrow Wilson - Was worried ~ death. ije had
co~rated but when he fQund-.9JJt what th.ë Plot was ~­
1in~o. it broke his heart and his health.
11. Wendell Wilkie - Died of he art injecSion
12. President McKinley - Shot
13. Huey Long - Senator fM Louisiana was shot. Was
against Klu Klux Klan - --...
14. Cermak - Mayor of Chicago - Shot
15. A woman - was secretary t~. Phil Jessup ­
Discovered evidence of Plot. Was killed in a car acci­
dent in 1952.
- 16. Warren Harding - President of the United States.
Died of p~ison administered in his food.
These are Just a few who were of national fame.
Thousands of persons of lesser importance have also been
eliminated by foul means. Many have been even in the
land of the free, been-imprisoned on false charges ~
still worse languish in institutions where the have been
Il 1\
dec are 1ns~ne. ose things have all happene~ ~~~ .
tfiê Onited ~tates of America.

l' 1­

~. '7'" ,

N~ _.~-­


{:~ -,



newspapers came out recently with headlines that Hitler

was dead. They spoke the truth, at least in part; he is
You needed only to read the newspapers and listen to
the news report to know how well the Serpent has done
his job in South America. Dictators, strikes, riots,
destruction of property, destruction of Churches, reli­
1(gious trouble, revolutions, exiles, racial troubles -­
these are all-the work Qf the Serpent.
The exiled ex-dictator of Argentina,(juan PeronS is
still very active behind the scenes and-is-now ln a
position to carry on his subversion in P~ama, which is
already a~e-boiling point. He is also directing
forces which are trying to create the same situation in
Mexico. Mexico is ri~ for it. There is already racial

d~SenSi.Qn....ancLreligions dissension there. The high rate
of illiteracy rnakes that country fertile ground for that
destruct ion. f..--- . .
Sorne of the wealth ac~ired b Peron 'became the loot
of the International Bankers when his Governrnent was
~{overthrown in.Argentina. They do not hesitate to des­
J troy even thelr own.
----ethers of the exiles from foreign countries under
disguise and ~ith n~w .n~es readily serve as .l~aders \D

I these subverSIve actl Iles. They-have the ablll~~y

were ea e s
have been exiled.
h ir o~~es or tliey would not


Ali of the things that apply to the work of the

Serpent in the United States also apply in Canada. G~t
Britain has for man years been trying to turn the
Reople 0 Canada ag f' a es. ey would
like to use Canada as a base for their operations against
us. They haven' t been too successful in that project
because the Canadians look upon themselves as AmericaI]s
, and the hnks of friendship are actually stronger 6e-
( tween Canada and the United States than between Canada
and the Mother Country. This has always been a source
of great jealousy to England, and they have worked hard
to alienate those affections.
However, through the efforts of the Ser~nt, they
have accomplished some degree of success. T ere are a
n~er of the Serpent's servants, among them a Canadian
doctor who have been working hard. They are trying to
turn the English against the French because the Frencp
are Catholics, and rellglous dlssenslon lS the worst
~. For this purpose lies and propaganda are being
used. There are many crimina~ype Unlteu States citi-
zens up there prom~ing. They make up the rough labor
in lumber camps and mines. They also have the problem
there of having ail kinds of riff raff in war refugees.
The Forces of Evil have been able to see it, that that
was what happened just as it did here in this country.

Strikes, riots, religious persecution, government
controls, hate, Labor Union racketeers, Goon Squads,
bribes, treason, subverted education -- aIl of those
things are very much ln eVldence. All tools of the
Serpent,and in Canada as in the United States,~e con-
~ :aE2R
prop'!&anda ::~­
t.he created filt
troy t e morals O~Qut and grown-ups; ail are there
according to the Plan of the Serpent.
Anthon~ Eden has tried to get Canada to throw in
with Englan ln their plans to destroy and control us.




One of the most effective means of bringing about

the destruction of a COuntry is by destroying the morals
of its people. You need only to piCK up a newspaper to~
day and read of the cLimes co~itted and publ~zed to
realize to what a state the moFâis 1n our Coun ry have
degenerated. Some of course will say that we have always
had crime, and of course that is true; but the inCreaSe]
is aIl out of proportion to the increase in popul~,
w1i1ëTi 1S anôt~tFilng that wd 1 he thrown at Xo0U when
you mention that facto Also there has been a tremendous
increase in crime by juveniles. There are many who will
try to explain that away, but the figures and the per~
centages are not easily pushed aside. The situation is
m~ch more serious than even the newspapers and magazines
ind1cate. Tne reason for that 1s ObV10US: those who
/ p~ the moral deprav.i!:.Ldo not want a realizationof
"the problem, and people would rather blind themselves to
the pro~em for fear they would have to do something
about it, and-a Iso bec_aUs~!l1!1~ï cases, they are well
sa.tisii_eL\lLÜlL.t.htLü own .moral laxity. -­
This applies particularly to those who are parents
and are responsible for the teaching of morals to their
own offspring. They, you will find, are .playing the old
"IAmerican game of passing the buck, of bJarning the scho.ol,
fi t~e Church,_t_he times. P.iF'"city~ offi~, the Police
Dèpartments -- excuses, aIl to excuse themselves for not
Ldoing the job which is their respônSlo111ty. True,
a11 of them do have a responsibilit-y, but it is
secolldary t.o that of the parents. ~o the p'arents areJI
unES who àré tn:posî u on To cont ra 1 a Il th-e others
that are mentio.ned.
This moral leprosy which is spreading in epidemic

! 1 proportions, is infectin those in all walks of life and

social posit\on. It has had its effects o~t e
the teach1ng profession and the pollce and Law Enforce~

personality. That bait was thrown out and eagerly
s!allowed up ?y the educators in your Teachers Colle~s.
L They passed It on to those whom they were teaching.
Don't punish Johnny, let him do as he pleases.
Mothers fell for the Jarne l~ne when it was written up in
oooRs on chlld psycno ogy. ~
~ What an asslnine idea for anyone with any degree of
intellect to ~lieve, let alone pass on. What a swell
out for the weak teacher who couldn't maintain any dis­
cipline or maintain the respect of her pupils. What a
swell excuse for the mother who couldn't, wouldn't or
possibly was too lazy to discipline her kids. And last,
'bUtlr6rleast-;What a swe-tïpFeparaEï:"OrÎfor Johnny to
meet those frustrations which he is bound to come up
against in later life. Teach him there is no punishment
for ~~r:t or ~g doir:tg and pve ~lm ~9o~s~art tow3lrd
a ~Y-lmmal c areer whl1e he lS st l rrm the Fust Grade,
rath~ than -te ach l1liii't"o be a good Citizen- a:nd- niëiiiber
oi the group he associates wlth. --Again now foolish can
~o~le be? l have even talked to teaëhërs or-high school
students who were profound exponents of that idiotic
theory to cover up their own inability to handle their
pupils. However, l will say for them that if the teach­
ers in the Grades have followed that fallacy, by the time
they get to High School, you have a bunch of outtâws on
yo~r hands and maintaining-any degreé()f control-is a
major problem and requires a good strong disciplinarian.
They will have no respect for any authority whatsoever.
As a result of this c~~d discipline problem,
m~.ItLg-g:ocL.teaihe~s h~v~ bëc'Oriië"'""d1~gusteëLandîëTt the
profession. That also was ac~~ding__t~. I~e
room for the èrackpots ana-CommtlnïSrs-in the teaching
field. Weak, indoctrinat:ed teachers teachïng-our-kiCfs;
t;~ers who, except for the created shortage, would
never be hired by any intelligent School Board.
If you have an education yourself, have your child
bring his textbooks home and examine them. See if you
can find an~h~ in them that would teach him patriotism
( or love of country. See how many false ideas are being
taught in thë:SOcial Sttldïes, ln E~omlcs. If you kllow
anything of the faets of history, study the books for Jl1e
( propaganda and falsifications that ar~ there. You will
f'1i1'd pmty if you are able ~nize them. ILYQll
are too Y0J.llg., you wi l1...Eot rec~gni ze_them because they
~ _ther:e. .~hen you we.nt to_ s.chool and you acce.p~.eil ~~m
as facts. However, the thi~gs given here as Revelatlons



Many of our American people in government are good

honest patriotic Americans who have fallen for the propa­
ganda of the' and th.ose in the know. Ihey are easy
)'Iprey , es eCla . one and ad n e t
1 tg. The same thing applies to many of our teachers and
professors. They have been taken in by this UNESCO
deal. They don't understand it. Many were subjected to
wrong schooling themselves. The changes in our educa- \)
tional system have crept in very gradually, sneaked ln. )
---Many of the Clergy and filerarchy, both Cathollc and
Protestant, have been sucked in in the same manner.
Bishop Oxnam is an example. His name was mentioned in
the Revelations. J
Sorne have fallen fo~ t~otherhood line and ev~n
attended meetings of B'nai lB'rith like B B S.
~~ of our college prolessors are atheists: are
G2dless. Those the devil can twist around his litSIe )
Many Qirit
the wrong s l e 0
~att0!iç Hierarchy who have fal.len on
efence on UNESCO a~y.!DK.~o
i~ that the Pope favors it. That is not çrue.
'fhe evidence of the-attempt to subvert. t~e_teac~ing
in our schoois and 0 . ducatlon s stem through
UNESCO has een lIwest 19a teci, and weil documente re- )
ports are a,Y.aJ.1.abJe on l t . . The AîTIenc an Leglon has a
report on it, as has the Veterans of Foreign Wars as
weIl as many others:
The American Legion is trying to clean up the Çgm­
munist situation down at the Univers~r-wïsconsin.
'rhe..Y_\'LlllJlay~._a-y~ry rough-!:.une1Jecause tney are very
weIl established there. E. B. Fred, the President lS no
gôOd. His shade ~somewhere between Pink and Red.
George F. watson, our State Superintendent ~f )\
SchooIs, ~fl.-e·n-~e'Yeryshïïdy ëleals. He J,s I}
very mucR antl-Catholic.



Our Lady, the Mother of Our Savior, has asked us,

has warned us, has pleaded with us again and again in Her

~~ssages to clean up our schools, to clean up the bad

situation that exists with our Youth of today. If-!h~

are lost we are aIl lost, for they are the future oi-olir

[ Count~. This fact should be easily understood by every­

one. It is.purely elementary. The Evil forces, the

}( ~nions of the Serpent, are very well aware of this fact

and through d1srupting, degenerating, destroying the
morals of our youth, they intend to destroy our Country
and us.
They are working very hard day and night, us~ll
the foul means at their disposal to do just that.~ir

II Pian is not new, it is ages old and has been used suc­
cessfully again and again as anyone who has any know~edge
of history weIl kriows. An epidemic of moral degeneraCY)i
has receded the destruct ion,-·thë âis1nte raf:"îOïï""of
every great nat10n t at as ever r1sen to a pos1t10n of
great power and wealth in the world S1nce the beginning
of t1me.
The United States of America has risen through the

help of God .Alm1 ht to become the wealth1es€ , most
power u nat10n on eart , an n~~.t rou~ t e mac 1na­
tions of the Sër.l2ent has turned itSbiëk ~and is
following the path to destrUëtion. ~~generacy has
become so common~at we even fail to recognize its
hideous symptoms. It has extended into all walks of life.
Our Youth, following the example of màny of their
elders,. and aided down the path b aIl the tools and
means at the d' 's minions, are hea 1ng
for destruction and will eventually lead the whole Nation
to that same destination if something is not done prompt-
li and effectively to interrupt the journey. That is
exactly what Our Lady has asked that we do if we would
( save our Country and ourselves.
We must recognize the problem, we must face it.
le must fight it in an alI-out fight on aIl of the
fronts. Everyone who loves GOd, everyone who loves His
Holy Mother, eve4Yooe who calls himself a Christian must
( pick up his arms and fight.
There are many who will try to excuse themselves by
saying conditions are not that bad, it is just the trend
of the times, things were just as bad when 1 was a child.
( Does the Devil love those people for they are playing

right into his hands~

There are even some ~n~ the clergy who excuse

themselves for not fighting agalnst this rising tide of

delinquency and crime,~attributing it to modern times.~

They like to look upon tnemselves and to hear themselves

spoken of as LiberaIs. Do they realize that in so doing

they are belittling Gad Almighty, that they are trying to

make it appear that God could not foresee modern con­

ditions when the rules for life were given. Gad not only

foresaw but foretold. The Devil must love them also,

l\f~ they are making his work easier.

Oür Lady has warned us many times in Her Messages
to clean up the situation of the Youth at the present
tirœ and of our schools, etc. Juvenile Delinquency, gr)})))
rather Parental Deli~ency, which lS the prlmary cause
ol"Oiir youtlî pt06Iem f today, has grown to such an ex­
tent as Our Lady warned us it would, that many, many ar­
ticles have been written on the subject in newspapers
and magazines, periodicals of aIl kinds, Catholic and
otherwise. Our National Government has taken recogni­
tion of the problem to the extent that a Senate Investi­
gating Cornmittee was set up to investigate the causes and
seek the cures. Many states in their Legislative Bodies
are taking steps to investigate and legislate to help
cut down the problem. In some cases they are actually
working to accomplish something, and in others they are
just talking and bemoaning the fact that we have the
problem. Societies, church , civic and otherwise aretry­
ing to do something about the problem. . .
We first contacted our County Judge.. who ~s very ln­
terested in the problem. We had a dlScusslon of the
problems in his office, and from h~m ~e were able to get
many good ideas. He, of course, lS ln constant contact
wlth the problem as the youth cases c~ ~fore hi~. The
increase in the number of cases comlng before hl~S
very disturbing. In preparation for what we we~e trying
to do, we got wnat statistics t~ Judge could glve us as
to the number of cases handled and how they were disposed
of. We also got the files from the Sheriff's Office on
arrests of youths and what they were charged with.
In our discussion with the Judge it was determined
that if we were to accomplish much, we should work with
the sponsorship of some organization if possible, even
tfirougfi tfie County BOard. We decided that the best or­
ganization for sponsorship if we could interest them,
was the American Legion. We chose them to contact first
because of a number of reasons. They represent a good
cross section of our people. Many·of them are parents
and are Interested from that standpoint. They are a
nation wide organization with chapters in most every tOwn
or viII~e of any SlZe at aU, and that fact to us was
considered very important because what we accomplish in
our County is going to lose most of its value if sur­
rounding counties do fiOt follow suit and institute a
sîmllar program. We know that other counties are in-·
terested and recognize the problem, but if sponsorship
( of the American Legion from our County carries inco
others, it will be a big help. If it does not carry over
into adjoining counties, the force of our program will
be largely lost, and we will be chasing our chi1dren
farther from home to find the type _2..L.!"ecreation in
other ~laces that we have eliminated here at home.
Anoth~~ ~eason for- our choice of the Legion for sponsor­
ship was because we felt the program fitted very weIl
with the 'B~ck to Church, Back to God Movement,' which
( the Legion is seonsoring on a national scale. AlI told
we felt that once presented with the ...p..Loblem in the
) proper light, they would be interested and go along with
us. They did. .
In getting the problem before the Legion, we asked
the Judge how we could best do it, and he thought the
best man to contact to get a reaction would be our County
Service Officer. He was also one of the easiest ~ d
as we had only to walk a short way down from the Judge's
Office to his and talk to him. We had a good talk on
the problem, and he was very much interested and said he
would be very glad to brin th up before the
( County mee l~ t erican 1egion which was scheduled
for the next week. This was done and after discussion,
they voted to sponsor the program and appointed a member
to appear before the County Board with a recommendation
that the chairman appoint a committee from the Board to
be known as the Juvenile Committee and to investigate and
make recommendations as to what could be done. We had
prepared a resolution to that effect and brought it in
during that session, and it was passed by the Board. We
also brought in a resolution for an appropriation of
$300 for the use of that Committee.
-- The Chairman of the Board appointed a Committee of

three members to serve ,withl the Legion as a Juvenile

CoI'Q!!l..Ïllee .

We had a couple of meetings and determined to try

and keep the Legion an~ other interested members at work

and ac~ve. We asked that the Legion County Commander

app01nt a committee to serve with us. He did appoint

each Post Commander to serve on that Committee. We had

a couple of meetings of this whole group. In addition

to the Legion members the County Sheriff, County Judge

and the County Superintendent of Schools were present.

The Distr1ct Attorney was always notified, but was not

present at any of our meetings.

First, we had to go over the problem, and l am sure

many of those present did not realize how much of a prob­

lem we had and were themselves much enlightened by the

conversation. Xt was determined here to sponsor an

Essay Contest by the High Schools of the County: We

were to use the money appropriated by the County Board

for prize money. We decided on the prizes to be of­

fered, had posters printed and got our program u~der

way. The Superintendent of SêhooIs contacted the schools,

j ana-we had a letter made up which was sent to each school

pr1nc1paI, g1ving the rules governing the co~test. They

were-arl very cooperative and in most of the schools in

Civics or Social Problems, the teacners made up a project

and held cla~s discus~ns on the prohlems involved, and

( so the Essay counted toward their class work. While the

Il Contest was open to aIl high school students, the school

made 1t oh11gatory for Juniors and Sen10rs.
We were very pleased with the results of the Contest
because they became a powerful weapon to be used in
\lbringing to the parents a realization of what the problem
/was and the seriousness of it. Also ther e could be noll
discounting of what was said, as it was our Own children
fr~r own County, and what they said applied right
he~ and could not be denied.
-=- We knew more or less what conditions were ourselves,
and of course papers and magazines carry plenty of ar­
ticles on Juvenile Delingyency and there have been many
surveys held 1n many parts of the country, but people
could always say yes, we know it is bad in sorne places,
and still close their eyes to what is going on here, but
the y could not deny the statements made by their
( chlldren rl,ht here ln our C6unty.
A tahuation of the results of our Essay was made,
and it was a bi~ job but worth it. Here are the results
and aTSo sorne 0 the quotes taken at random from sorne of
the Essays copied.
Our County Juvenile Committee, after much study and
research, made a report on their findings to the County
Board. They also included in their report recommenda­
tions with regard to what they thought the Board could do
to better conditions. The report also contained a record
on how the funds appropriated were used. The report also
/gave the findings from the Judge's Off~ich showed
~an alarming increase in the number of Juvenile cases be­
lng handled by the two Dëpartments.
In brief it was this: during 1953 there had been
twice as many Juvenile cases handled than in any previous
year, and in 1954 up until the month of July, at which
time the report was made, there were more than twice as
many cases handled as during the same period in 1953.
This alarming rate of increase showed the necessity of
action on the problem.
The results of the tabulations of the Essays showed
the following results:
~ 93% placed the primar
mentlonlng speclflcally such thlngs as lacK-or-supervl­
sion and training, indifferençe, poor example, lack of
love, etc.
40% ~entioned broken homes and included under that
were those broken not only by divorce, but the absence
of both parents when working, et~ ~
30% rnentioned lack of Church participation and reli­
gious training.
C lR% mentioned lack of discipline in schools.
25% mentioned lack of proper law enforcement.
25% mentioned gangs.
Automobiles werernentioned universally as was liquor
~Iand bee~They were mentioned 100% as being contributing
"causes and also recommendations were made about them.
Here are sorne quotations taken more or less at ran­
dom from sorne of the essays, which 1 believe show that
the children, or rather youth, have a better idea of
condItIons and what causes those conditions than their
parents do. They were copied from the essays word for
- 47­
words with no corrections made even as to grammatical
error~or otherwise.
~ "A child is only a mirror of his parents."
~ "These children are trying to grow up too fast.
If they do not find what they need, they will try to ap-
pear older than what they are. They will try to take to
smoking and drinking. This they consider a sign of
adulthood. Why? This is because they see many adults
and t ir own parents do jUSt-·tllis sortOI thlng. "
"Juvenlle dellnquency contlnues. It even seems
to be getting worse than better and l think it will con-.
tinue as l~nâ as parents place their own interests and
desires ahea of tl1e==welfare of their children." ,
(!) "Many parents are more delinquent than their
children. " ----- -----
~ "But what can be done about me? When you call
me Juvenile Delinquent you have given me the wrong name.
It is rather parent delinguency,school delinquency, and
Church deliRquency. A deIlnquent i~e not born. It
is the Inefficiency, slackness and l on't care attitude
of these important Instltlitions that is causing young
( peopl~ to commit crimes,"
Q[)"I am sure if the young people of today were al-
lowed more responsibility, there would be less delln:
quency. BY treatlng them like babies they will rebel,
but if they feel someone lS depending on them, they will
be PS't\d and do their best."
l!J "You - the parents - are one of our problems.
Have you ever stopped to think of how much time is 8~ent
at home with the whole family gathered around the fl e-
place? Not very muc. T ere 18 no eSlre to stay home
~ f~the simple reason t nobod is even there. Stat-
iStlCS s ow that there has been much more delinquency
~ since the family' has bee~_drawn away from home. Bring
your boys and girls up in a real boIDë - a real home.
Give them a chance to live the life they were meant to."
"1 don't feel however that we need more recreation,
but definitely a better quality. In our County there are
too many back woods haunts for the Youths to lose them-
selves in."
8. "The answer to juvenile problems is not the
school; the school can only clarify and direct the ideals
originally learned at home. Therefore, both the plan
and the remedy for juvenile delinquency rests i~e
home. "
-::=- 9. ".If gentle methods won't work, the law holding
arents res onsible for their childrens misdeeds is a

good idea. After a parents brought their chi dren into

the world and it would ~ l10fair to let the children suf­

\ fer neglect from too busy parents unwilling to accept

( responsibility.n

"Poor examples from parents and others."

~ "Pa and Ma must keep up with the Jonses while

Junior must keep up with the gang."

There were also included such statements as: "The

parents s!!.ould be in jail instead of the child. Il

II. "Parents shouldn't let their children just go

and come when they want to. If the parents set the time

I}for their children to be in and have sorne idea of wh~re

they are, It wlll be better for the children also. If
they kllow their parents worry and care about what they
do, t~e are le ss like l y to go wrong. Il

12. "A question in a recent magazine asks, - How

much, l at all, does Church attendance help youngsters

who already classed as Juvenile Delinquents? Study of

l( approXimatel Y 2000 Juvenile Delinquents in Detroit reveal

that about three fourths of them wenE to rellglous ser­
vices after gettlng lnto ~5Ie. In at least two cases
out of three, those who went to Church apparently
st~aightened out and committed no further offenses. The
}I~mportance of religion in combating Juvenile Delinqu~~
\lS well recognlzed. J Edgar Hoover, the F.B.I. chlef,
has said that môSt young delinquents "Have never been in­ 1
side a Church." Religious ~~aining is very important in
life. It is up tô th~ents to see that they get this
l 3 "~h can do a lot for a young person. Ij
m~eople went to Church l don't think there would be
so many Crimes or juvenile problems". fut how can parents
expect their children to go to Church if they don't set
the examele."
U4) "1 think the church is on~~f the greatest con- \
tributions to help chlldren. But most parents seem'to
be-ousy or have something else more important to do w~n
Sunday morning cornes or time to go to Church. Most par- )1 '
ents try to send their children to_Ch!:!Fch by themse1Ves, .
bu~ isn' t often that the children make It to Qlurch or
Sunday School because they think if their parents are too )
busy to go or have something else to do, the child too
thinks so."

----Jllere were sorne complaints of teachers and monotony

in school being a contributing factor.

15. "Next to the home in its influence upon the
juvenile, stands the school. Sorne children are in close
contact with the school environment more hours per day
than they are with that of the home."
"It seems only fair to point out that in so far as
the school is responsible for delinquent behaviors, its
shortcomings usually have been acts of omission rather
than of commission. They are duties that the school
n.~lects." ­
"If a student reaches the age of 18, he or she may
be admitted in many of these places which are not fre­
quented by many people except students and which are far
enough out of town to ~e_ u.~.~i~ed. " -­
----some-recommendéd that the age limit on buying beer
and liquor should be 21 in aIl instances. 4% mentioned
directly that the age limit should be 21.
16. "The Police Forces should keep a doser watch
on the local taverns. There are several taverns in our
County that do serve minors. There have been several
people arrested but that has not stopped it. If the
teenage liquor Laws were enforced more strictly there
would be less trouble in this branch of delinquency. "
17. "There should be Laws with more effects on the
sale of liquor. l think the reason the teenagers drink
is because there is nothing to do at night and they drink
just to have sorne fun. l think that they should raise
the age of buying beer to at least 21. It would save a
lot of grief if they were a lot stricter on the sale of
beer. The people that sell beer should watch who they
are selling it to and make sure they are of age. There
are too many taverns in this town. If sorne of the tav­
erns would close up a little earlier there would not be
quite so much drinking."
"One of my favorite Laws for getting teenagers into
trouble is the State Law that says that 18 year olds can
buy beer. -This makes the teenager of 18 years old eli­
gible to buy beer, in these places and while he is at it,
he can buy beer for his under age friends."
18. "You parents should stop aIl movies, magazines
and books that are full of crime, criminals and loose
19. "Certain comics, movies and books are indirectly
causes of juvenile problems. They should have a cens or
examine aIl the books that are in public libraries and
see if they are fit for teenagers to read. The parents
should keep closer watch of the books brought into the
- 50­
house and the movies seen by the children.'
Automobiles were mentioned universally as was
liquor and beer. They were mentioned 100% as being con­
tributing causes and also recommendations were made
about them.
Lack of enforcement of Cigarette Law was mentioned
very frequently.
'We are de l inquent in a much srmller sense than many
mature citizens who we are supposed to look up to and
respect. •
20. "The little use a Juvenile has for a car, it
would be better for everyone if they didn't have a car.
Its O.K. for them ta have a driver's license but a car,
No! The ones that have a car or use the family car use
then recklessly. If its an old car, they see how fast
it will go, and how much noise it .will make. If it is
a new car, they show it off by squealing brakes and
speeding. Less juveniles should have a car unless it
is very important to the rest of the family and the
parents should be more careful about letting the juve­
niles use the car.'
l do not believe it is necessary to comment on the
. quotes, their meaning is clear, their importance is
) great.
We have greatly expanded our work and have made
\ wide contacts with people in communit ies a Il over the
) state and from other states to encourage and help them
to-gêt started on similar work. ­
--~wê nave gaï]ierea-~nd passed out free, much material
pertaining to aU of these problems and the factors that
pertain to them.
We have contac1-ed and have ur~ed others to coqtact
their legislators to have legislatio~-Eassea on such
things as bad literature, movies, televlslo~WS,
)\etc. We have tried to work on aIl angles that we
thought could help to prevent the moral degeneration of
our you~and we.ll.-··wenave-t.rie<1totlié hëSt
of our ability to encourage and promote aIl that is good
and to stamp out that which îs evil and to promote and
encourage others to cto IlkeWise:­




"Our Lady ~~diatrix of Peace has tried ta help us.

The Mother of Gad, She has tried pleadingly ta save us
aIl, but we reject Her, we do not accept Her as the
Mother of God Who created you.
"She, the Mother of Gad, She loves us, we are self­
ish. Place yourself beneath Her Mantle, he through wi
selfishness, gre~d. Give yourself ta Her. Ask Her ta
protect us. Oh Blessed Mother, 1 am your child forever.
If you do this thing She will protect you. 1 have failed
Her, l'm ashamed to admit, 1 have failed Her many times,
my flesh is weak, mind is willing.
"That's the trouble with man, our minds
flesh is weak. Place yourself at the 1
of Necedah and Our scrrrowfui Mother. Oh Sorrowl'ûl
sne suffered every pang Our Lord suffered as a
She felt every pain. ~~y mothers today vow theYII
ir children. but they dô not, they lôve them­
Màny a child would not go astray if their mother
1ôn't fall them. We mothers deny our ch11dren the
chances ta live a life of purity because we are sa lax
and careless in our dut y as mothers.
"Our Lady helped us save a girl who had made a miS_]
take. Thank you, dear Mother. She is a Catholic and a
good girl. Now she'll pray. \fuàt she so foolishly lost
iQ a half hour, may God forglve her and lead her to a
good FÇiest to make a good Confession. She made a mis­
..taise. sb~ng~y.
"A rotten apple will destroy aIl the good ones in
the basket. It will be a basket of rotten apples if
1 1 it' s not taken care of. Too many Parents pay no atten-
I tion to their children. The ch1Iar~~. Ile and the parents
" helieve them. They think theiir chiTdls a saint. 'my
J <----­
child don't do no wrong'; through this many children are
being led to sin, through the neglect of the parents.
Parents must keep continuaI vigil so that the Serpent
doesn't tempt them into sin.
-The Serpent, the Enemy of God, he' Il destray this
Country through the cliildren Ti nobody does anything
about it. The Serpent is coiled, his fangs poisoning
your children' s mi t QUgh bad books and 1 ite~e,
1 sion and movies. You must nat let the Enemy of
God poison the mIn s of your children. The anti-Christ
is destroying the children. Oh folks, if you would only
wake up! Our Lady said save your innocent children. We
didn't pay any attention to the message of Our Lady of·
-When He (Gad) strikes it will be too late to ask
for Mercy, we have done nothing. If~y of you have any
filt oks in our home, burn them cleanse your homes

Ilof aIl filthy Ilterature, estroy it. lhen turn to ur

Ho1y MôtherL ~!he Boury, say_those prayers with xour
heart. Don't just say them like a poem, 'Little Bo
Peep , say them with your heart.
-If distracted say to Our Lady, 'take my distrac­
tions and place them where You want them, , then the devil
loses these distractions.
-If we live up to the Commandments, do the Stations
every day, you can' t go wrong. LiY-e- your 3tatlOils.
What's the Fifth Station, by givin~?elping hand to
those whose cro~heavy, leaden~ herp~nem~~t's
the .~lxtll~tation, Ve~onica's Veil, help the sick and ~he
( afflicted; be a Vero~ana-to the sütrer1ng
neighbor. Turn to Goa~lmlghty and OurlB~ther.
Instead Our Blessed Mother gets pushed back, Our Lord
gets pushed back. We ourselves come first.
-You cannot win ~ut theQne Who created you.
What's~é1ore you is not pleasant; what'~oefore you is
Hell. Turn your face·around, don't look at the old page
in the book, it's rotten. Turn a new leaf. Don't look
back, change your ways. We love ourse Ives. We don't
love Our Lady. We t urn our b acks to Her. She is sa
good. She cornes down ta earth to heIn ~. She pleads
( with us éo repent, urges us to pray the osary daily and
daily Mass and Communion. That's what She asks, just a
little sacrifice.
"The sacrifice of a few humble prayers tonight
Ilsaved a gul's liîetnls mgnt. See Flow easy l t is.
lie say, l'm tued, l want to sleep.' The devil doesn't
Mary Ann Van Hoof in 1955

Fred Van Hoof, Mary Ann Van Hoof and Henry Swan
May 28, 1955 at Sacred Spot of Apparitions
wan~~you to go to Church and face the Altar. He wants
you to3Ieëp--ancr-miSs Mass. -­
"If you would only consecrate yourself to Our Lady,
say your prayers above aIl with your heart, not only
your .lips. Those are the kind of prayers Our Holy Mother
asked for.
"Our Lady Mediatrix of Peace wants to help the
United States. We helped to tie Senator McCarthy's
I/ hands and many others by lack of 2raïer. But once the
bombs fall on America, we'll scream; it will be too
"1 was placed in the center of the H 80mb, and what
l saw in the middle of that H 80mb, you haven't a chance,
know you cannot escape. How little man is. How great
Gad is. He gives strength to His loved ones, and they'l~
go to Heaven. What gJgSS_w.~_')l have whe.u.. we do as God
wants us to do. Who is man; he's afraid of man. Who is
man? Ünly a speck of dust.
"Place youraeJye~ before God, He will prote ct you.
If He wants you to live, you'Tnlve even"-if you are in
the middle of it (H Bomb). If the H Bomb hits your
house, so what? He' Il save you, for Gad is Almighty.
l saw cities disappear in a riWiiiënT;'-gone, not even a

SP~ck. A .t_~ain disal2Peél:red_.l.~ke no.thing, people and
anlmals too. What a stup1d fooI man lS. He cannot yell
and scream for mercy when it's too late. The one that
doesn't pray and forgets Gad will land into Hell when the
bombs fall. Man in his own self will thinks he can con­
~01 the world. They forget that they are liv1ng ln tne
It world that Gad made.
"Right now we have a group of nations that are try­
ing to pull the United States int,o the abyss of He II
( greed and for want of power. Man is so stupid, he tries
to do away with things God made, change God's ways to
suit himself."
'=::::==--;11 TH
WAS THE . ..~R:;;:X;;MliiUc;T~T".
i:;"" " DEVILS.

~.~1 "Satan don't like what l am saying. You don't like

me out there you don't dare come through the wall. l
dare you to ~ome through the wall at me. Why don't you
go ta Our Lady's SQot if )'OU clare? No, you're aIrn<Lto,
yo~behind the bus~s. Sure l talk too much, sure
my mouth's too big. l wou't shut up. l love.Hank, l
love Clara, but they are ~ticking by me. l f1ght for
.!ëh~m. 'Ygu tried for {ive years to tet them from ,Lre. You
trled to hurt Clara in many ways, ut you have not won.
"You tried to win Hank, he fell. He's paying recom­
pense. 1 left him stranded, felt 1 was being too bossy.
O'iithought you had ~ You~t. draw Hank awa~ny
more. You have tried, but you can't win, you won't get
Bank. You can't take it, can you? Your friend tried to
get the door open the other night, but you can't. l've
warned Hank not to leave the doors unlocked. Y~tJ'
snuff m life out, but ou can't destro the Sacred Sot. 1

l l'm trying to save t e l les, you Furry Mutt. You're

not going to win Hank back. He's fallen, but you can't
get him away.
"~dy in the corner. She is at my feet, at my
head, on the '. on aU s ides of me. ÏDILare going.J4o
twist my mind. you canit. You trled, you can't win. -l
have consecrated my life to Our Lady. You have tried to
WIn K~rie, you didn't succeed. We are praying for ber.
You have been tossing her around.
"You tried to get Louise, we'll win her and her
spouse (Henry). We'll win Betty and Bill. We will
win Doc and Frances. She (Frances) throws devout
prayers right in your face. If she only knew how power­
( ful her pra~s are, but maybe 1 will tell her you have

tried your s~ts on ber. You have even given Frances

pains .. She_offe.œUk pains to Our Lord, so you

We have got to place ourselves under Our Mother's Mant le ,

a~d if we put Gad before ourse Ives we got you beat.

"lt's fun towatch you tonight, you furry devil.

Why don't you go to the Sacred Spot? WhY'don't you come
in here? You don't clare to come through the wall. We've
got Holy Water. We've got the True Cross. That's Judas
out there tonight. He does not like the Relie of the
True Cros~. He knows wha t he d id. You bëtrayed o;rr
flNLord. You didn' t betray Our Lord, you betrayed
nll.Yo~re nothng.
"Our Lord Who died on the Cross is King, not you.
Our Chur will stand even if you drag a·few souls down.
She will stand. 1 saw you w en ~~ ere t~ PassIon,
saw-you gîve Our tord and-GOQ-::i<iss. Y'Ollhave the~O
(1 piem Of'Uver. YOllyere so brave then. YOll watched
OUr Lord before Pilate; you watch~d Our Lord belng
scourged; you watched Our Lord sit on a stool.cove:ed
with nails and briars; you watched the crownlng wlth
thorns; ou watched them s ueeze blood out with t e
tourniquet. ou oun out OW StUpl you were, for 30
.~ __ .~~~ ."]~~ •• __ ]_~. _u ~.~~~~~ "._~U~ •• _1
, i , . . . . '0 with as Thou

We forget Our Lady

and like Judas we forget Chr~

condemning your own individual self when you condemn your
mother, for your mother loves you, it was her womb that
bore you. Prayers run much deeper than condemnation.
l'le condemn our priests. Do we blame ourselves because
we caused that Priest to make mistakes?
"It's the parents who make mistakes. l'le parents
that neglect the children that make the Priests of tomor­
roll', the president of tomorrow, congressman of tomorrow,
senator of tomorrow. It's the parents who bring forth
either for good or evil. Since lqOO it's been going down
hill because we parents have failed our Priests, presi­
dents, congressmen, senators, doctors and our schools.
""Vho is to blame? l'le parents, WE (Mary Ann spelled
it). It's ~ small word of very few letters. We have
failed to bring up the righteous, the parents have failed
Got!. l'le have failed Our ln~ssed Mother. We Catholics,
we are the failure of the earth. We do not stand up for
what we know, we do not help those who wander by the way­
side. the Protestants, we do not help. We do not love
Our t3lessed ,\10the r and Our Lord. We do not gi ve t hem an
example, the Protestants. Let's bring them back to the
light. Our Lord instituted our Church. We condemn them
(Protestants). Oh, our selfish pride, our own selfish­
ness. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Remember what
you're saying. That's a big word. Do not condemn our­
selves because we'd hurt ourself, we'd rather condemn
our ne ighLor. If you love your ne ighbor as thyse lf then
you've won. It would be I~avenly.
"1 wish l could take you folks along with me when l
go to i3ethlehem. lIow peaceful, how heavenly, how beau­
tiful, the birth of Our Lord, of Justice, of Peace on
earth to men of Good Will.
'We got to go on and look for the true Light Gad
gave us. God gave us a free witl. He gave us a free
will as a test whlle on earth lie gave us the power to
love Him, to follow lhm, or to destroy ourselves.
Our Fa ther, who ar t in Heaven, ha LLowe,l be Thy
name; Thy h"ingdom come, Thy Wi LL be done on ear th as i t
is in Heaven. Cive us this day our daiLy breaJ, and
forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us; and Lea,l us not into temptation,
but de Liver us from evi L. A m e n . . .
Do we forgive them that trespass agalnst us? Medl­
on every sentence you're, live-.ll.p- toTf=­
yOU1QT 1011'

Hail Mary, full of grace' The Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit
or-Thy womb, Jesus. Holy ~ry, Mother of Cod, pray for
us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
ory be to the f'"ather and to the SonanJu to the
HoLJ Chost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever
sha li be, world wi thou tend. Amen.

·Place yourse lf underneath Ber Mantle, then no evil

can strike you.
"Oh Lady of Necedah, Oh Mother ~1ediatrix of Peace
·Oh Blessed Mother, Oh Sorrowful Mother
·We children so unworthy of your love, we children
who have so neglected you, so you had to humiliate your­
self to come to the filth of this world to plead with us
we children, so unworthy. '
"You are pleading for us for the last time. 1
know it's the last time.
"We turn our backs to you, we long for material
things, the luxurious things.
·We forget not only You, but Your Divine Son, Our
Dear Lord, Who was crucified for us.
·Oh Lady of Necedah, Mediatrix of Peace, help us,
open our eyes, tear away that film before our eyes.
·Open our hearts, so that pure blood, clean blood
flows through its veins. 8ring us to Thy Divine Son at
the foot of the Cross, so that we sin no more as we did
in the past when we plunged those seven swords into
Your Heart.
"Place us beneath Your Mantle to protect us; place
us beneath the Cross in sorrow and repentance.
"As 1 saw Bis Body all bloody, as the blood left
the Body shriveled away for us. We who now, today, take
Him off the Cross as we go into slime and muck, we re­
crucify Ihm every day, 365 days of the year.
"If only humanity could see those Eyes, the love He
shows in those Eyes; we slap Ihm, throw mock in His face.
We still say 'Gad have mercy on us'.
"Let' s be true children of the Blessed ~lother, help
us, we the weak.
"These last perilous times to bring the souls that
are on the edge of the slime of sin, bring them into the
Light to God.
"Belp us, Dear Lady, to bring these souls to You,
to place under Your Mantle, to protect them that they
cannot go astray and offend Your Divine Son.
Only through Him can we see what has been promised
to us.
-Oh Blessed Mother, give me the strength to save
the children that are being neglected every day. Those
delinquent parents who go out for pleasure and neglect
their children. 1 thank You for both of us that 1 had
strength to save that girl you gave me the privilege to
suffer for and save.
"He Ip me Dear Mother, too, so 1 can do as You re­
quest 1 do.
-llelp Hank, Clara, Louise and Marie.
"Let us meet deadlines which will be noon on Holy
"Mother, help me to save the children, to save
those 1 have promised to help. Without Your help 1 can­
not make it, and Dear Holy Mother, give the parents the
grace that they save children in our cities and vil­
lages, in our large cities, no matter where they may be,
sa that they clean out their schools. Oh Blessed Mother,
1 don't want them ta protect me, but the poor children.
-Then the parents are to help protect their children
as you asked in your 1950 Message. 1 offered my life
for-Fred's relatives, my relations,- for the Cause. 1 no more. It's up to them to do the things You
want them to do. 1 can't suffer for them because it
it would be too large an area. It' s up to them to
cIe anse the schools, the filth before their children.
-Oh Blessed Mother help them, their flesh is weak,
their minds are willing, strengthen their flesh that is
weak,with Thy graces, Oh Blessed Mother.
-Cear Lord, Your Head ached when they crowned Your
He ad. My headache ts one thorn, j ust one thorn, how
simple it is to offer that headache, that's aIl that'g
needed, ta offer tu Our Lord that headache.
-Belp them Dear Mother, they don't know. Give them
the grace to underst<inJ. They won' t fail You when they
once understand, ~ar Mother. 1 have failed You because
1 fclt sorry for myself; we can't forget ourse Ives , our
weakness of self pity. Your Heart that has been pierced
many t il!les as You follow Your Son on the way to CalvarYI
every pain rd suffereJ was inflicted on you.
-Sain Mar Magdalen, 0 the reatest sinner, ({
and t e ot er , ar iJ!20 stooci aL !,IL Sl e as r ord
hung on e ros sanag.aye rOll s as Our 1 ot e r.
For You came l1rst, Our Lord wills it that way. We
woulJ fail without YOli. ~ You came dow to earth so
that we do not !"rgt·· YOll, the ~l(Jthpr "f Gad. fmen.

MESSAGE I;IVE\ ïlIRUUGl1 'IAin ,\N;\ V\;'-i IIOOt­

FRTOAY, NOV. r~rq~S, BETWEEN 12 and 3 PM

j, y, IIlerarchy, crucif Our Lord oilily. not

being the ,\post les they vowed toe. lhey vow, th en
breaking the vow is il grievous sin. It would be betc;r
if the vow was neve r made.
~Ve are re-crucltying Our Lord today, the picture
of vision is horrible.
oThe llierarchy are the first offenders, for they
are the Apostles. They are taught the Word of God.
They are told to spread His Word, to save souls. For
wherever. they go, they are thp. Shepherds of many souls.
th~r guide and light. They can wear the crown of
---\a glory, ~d yet they play with hell fire.
oThe humbleness, the poverty as Our Lord when He
willked here on earth, set the example. Obedience, love,
kindness. He set the example for His fellow Apostles to
follow, for man to follow.
"The Apostles were chosen to go teach His Word.
They are ta be the ex ample to mankind, to set the way,
to hold the candie or the light of truth, to teach the
Oivine Word, to teach true love into man's heart, and
yet they cast aside the teachings of their Lord and God
~ and follow the alorious Dath as it seems to shine in
their cyes, of t~e man-made glories -- man-made glories,
material thlngS.
"They t~ansp~nt and leave out sorne of the most im­
( ~o~~hing so it is easier to follow. At this
cr·ucial time in history, those things must not be done,
but follow the full words of Our Lord's Divine teaching.
Omit nothing. For only then cari the righteousness and
truth be brought forth.
"The Spouses of Christ who vowed obedience, hum­
bleness, chastity, t~ give up the world for Christ. They
too turn their backs and reach for materïal things and
\follow slnful ways. .
- "That is Number One - that is Number One in the
re-crucifying Our Lord. The dut Y of the Apostles is to
show the truth, ta show nothin~ but the truth. No mat­
ter how hard lt mlght be. But yet they forget the words
of Christ and transplant an easier word. They blind
themselves to the sins of those they are to save, which
is their duty. The souls of man falls upon the souls of

to this aIl, we cannot see it; we don't want to see it.
ll: cling to. Satan. We fo.llo-: Satan and his telDpta­
t1onS. lt 1S so easy to glve ln to temptation. lt is
aueh harder to do right.
-How fllerciful - How .ercl.IU! uur LOra u an tlle
fross. Hi.3 ~c::xnPassioEate ~es look tJP9l1 tm s cruel \\Or~ ,'ë1l'ittl.ef1.e Ids of de Ilth an,' , . - ,
f and IDOnstr-ous -minas of man.
ILlg l'j)nst:er tAllt is be-rpg built_now.
-Yet they forget their Maker. That no matter how
large or ho. powerful they think they are, they do not
ount to more than a speck of dust when their Maker
strikes out. '
-our I..t>rd was crucified, Our Gad, cruciIied and died
for us, to save man. roday man does not want ta be
saved, for he thinks today he's much more powerful than
any God, for he has the A Bomb, the H Bomb, the Cobalt
He cao make them do things. Man, stupid, mon­
strous man. and he is a mere speck of dust. ­
-They are standing beneath Our crucified Lord with
their plotting minds, their dirty sins, their impure
ways, the slime of sin. ~ wallow in.tne slime ai
sin. They are dragging down the yolitn, the future citi­
ms, the parent of tomorrow .
•~ our ronpassionate wrd looks 00...., upon th en, III s
eyes look in pain upon a siBiul world. Yes, we re­
crucify Our Maker, Our I..t>rd.
-&t Gad in Heaven loveJl His Son, for we forget God
the Father, Gad the Son and God the Hol y Ghost. There
is no power greater than this. You cannot destroy the
trut~ no matter how hard you try At ':he end man d
troys himaelf. The Apostles destroy themselTea. ,e
Spouses of Christ destroy themselTes. .
-For Gad ma<J,o. l'IIan and God made eareh. He made the
wor id. lie wlllked the I1'Or Id. He wa1ked. the earth He rœde.
He died ·the cruelest death to show man the Way, the
Truth. Man is fOTgetting it aIl, turning his back on
bis own salvation. He is wallowing in slime, in black­
est of sin. At the end destruction and eternal hell
fire. 'And before that the')' are re-crucifying their I..t>rd
and God daily. They are twisting the crovrn of thortl3;
they are driTing the nails deeper and deeper, turning the
lance in His W~unds, ripping open the Wounds of His a>dy,
tearing Him off of the True cross, down into the mire of
sina, then picking Him up and re-crucifying of today-­
-God gave man h~ti~ee ,ill.' Go<!. gave Ilan the
lilbt to follow 1 and I.n8t light Ii: ga,.-, ua1lis mly
Begotten Son. Yes, the Father in Heaven ~id aIl this,
but we forpt, we turn to Judas and the· thirty pioeea of
silverj .e sneak like a t,hief in the nisbt ,1p,Dc! pl.y with
tbe thirty pieees of silver. They are shin~1 ;efore
our sinf"ul eyes. reaching for the t.h-irty piecu oi sil­
ver, ignoring the light, ignoring the Crucif{ed Lord,
icnor ing Gad Almigh ty, Our Maker, Our Mas ter, our on ly
SaI vation. . . _'\ \
-Turning towards tbe shiny silver, 30 pieees. lt 1.i
sa easy to follow Judas, ie i8 so easy; bQt yet that j,
the path .e ehoose, and at the end eternal hell fire.
-We are re-erucifying Our Lord daily, every day,
every minute of the day by forgetting Our Gad. .
-Have mercy r have mercy.
Now Mary Ann Van Hoof's expression had changed and
SUddenlY there was the most unearthly, prolonged sere

that we haa eVer he ard. Then ahe sereamed - HELL,
fElL. 'lhen Mary ADn passea out. Shë hid us ioned ~ 11.
MESSAGE ON NOVEMBER 18, 1955 Bet.een 12 and 3PM

"Oh Sorrow ful Mother help us, give us streng th,
so that the Serpen t won't tempt us and lead us in the
black sin and his evilne ss.
"That' s how we are re-cru cifyin g Our Lord today.
Much of the Apoca lypse is true right now. W
~Mary Ann smiles , and Hank asks: "What do you
Mary Ann?")
"Our Blesse d Mothc r, how sad She looks, man is
hurtin g Her, twisti ng the Seven Swords in Her Heart.
She is sittin g there, Her head bowed, lookin g at Our
Lord, tears stream ing from Her beaut iful face, tears
that we are placin g there. She looks pitifu l, the
anguis h in Her eyes as She watche s us wall o~~i n.
Never before since the birth of Our Lord~ Our Holy
N~ther had to wi~ness the evilne ss, sins of youth,
want of destru ct1on, the gre~ ~nat e of the nat10n s,
each reachi ng ~ut t"or want of .. pow'.,..e....r~.-------
' 'llie conrus.i0n-~ponmanlsgreatert,han ever in
h1stor y. me persec ut1 Qn. of our Church, the frue Church.
1/ Never in histor y, never 1n h1Sto~y was_Jne~fcI so close
to~b rink of total destru ction. NEVER.
ca~se of the ~d ..an_d th~ orac::kest-<>r::s:rn.
iworg otten ......Lih Blesse d Mothe r, how sad She
sittin g- there. We a-re re-cru cifyin g Her Son. The
tears stream from Her eyes as She looks up at Her Son
and God. .
"We are about to enter the period of Expec tation,
the period of cleans ing, of hope, reachi ng up for Peace.
But we are destro ying it with greed. The birth of Our
Lord will aga in be forgot ten, broken hearts , destru ction
will be in place of it, for man will destro y himse lf.
"Oh Blesse d Mothe r, can we not wipe those bitter
tears, can we not? Is it too late, Holy Mother , is it
too late? No, No, Oh Merci ful Mothe r help us. Oh
~~rciful Lord in Thee l trust. Oh ~~rciful Lord,
~~rcy is our only ray of hope, but we turn away from
to the beaten path of the Serpen t, instea d the Mercif ul
Lord as light; instea d Satan is our lig~t. Thy Divine
Word is forgo tten; Thy Holy Mothe r 1S forgo tten-­
the Crucif ixion is forgot ten, our only hope and salva­
t ion. •
"The youth situat ion is ver~ se:iou s an~ disg:a ceful
in our Countr y. Unless someth 1ng ~s d?ne 1mm~d1ately,
it will reach such a height that 1t w111 be Just about
impos sible to do someth ing with.
"There is youth organi zation , not for the good, but

only for evilness, destructiveness. Gangland in youth
from the ages of 12 to 18, youth that should be under
th~ supervision of their parents or the Clergy for
"There's large groups organized of just teenagers,
some come from broken homes, some come from drunken
homes, some come from just plain careless homes, but
aIl these flock together and find one another, and they
have adults as their teachers in crime.
This was mentioned before, that they are taught how
to use firearms, how to use knives or instruments not
doing good, but doing harm. They are taught how to
tackle a woman or a young girl and treat her in the mast
cruel way. They are taught how to attack helpless
old men that sit on the par.k benches or only are stroll­
ing in the park. They use these old men not for what
they take off of them in currency or jewels, for mast of
these have no jewels or anything worth while on them.
They do it to practise, they use them for an out let of
fun. While the parents, patrol officers, or your police
or your Clergy are asleep to the fact of what's going on.
Sorne are alarmed, but not to the extent that it should
be taken care of.
"New York City has four large gangs of youth organi­
zations, smaller ones also, but four exceptionally large
ones that are getting ready to band together and strike
and tear and rape, break and rob--anything to he destruc­
tive. Is it an animal, a human or an automobile, a
building or just a home ... just to destroy. It isn't what
they themselves will have gained in the money situation,
for they always get a certain amount of that in aIl
their mischiev'ous doings.
"There are several large places in v.hich there are the
mast horrible things towatch, and some are by'
doctors and sorne just by ordlnary eVll minded, heartless
women. You can call them abortionists if you wish, but
to see sometimes as many as 5 to 6 infants taken and
thrown into a furnace, infants that could so::-.::: day walk
the street ... yes, that's what's going on.
"That is what makes our Crucified L":-d Lok down
with compassion and sorrow. That's what is going on
today, right today this very moment, sOlilcwhere in the
U.S.A. You do not have to go into the foreign bnds to
find the most blackest sins, the most crimill<Ji..; and
crimes. You do not have to leave your own shores, be­
cause it' s taking place right here.
"The Serpent has been coiled, and the Serpent is
sinking his fangs of poison into these places. He has
gained that control over humanity in beautiful America.
'The Serpent has struck, the rest will be simple. Des­
troy the youth and that's all that will be necessary to
destroy your Country. Stop and think it over parents,
stop and think it over.
"In Chicago, in Cincinnati, in Cleveland, St.
Louis, New Orleans, you can keep on naming them right
down the line, most all cities with a population of over
50,000 have an organi zatioTl of this type well imbedded.
"To V1Sl0n the horrible things they do is terrible.
It takes a strong human stomach to vision it and be able
to describe it. Yes, those involved have stomachs, but
their minds have not been taught decency. They are
anima ls .
"It would be an insult to the beast, for the beast
does not destroy, only in defense or in need of hunger.
"!fumans that have been educated in this intelli­
gent world of today, are worse than beasts; for it is
not the uneducated, the ignorant ones that are in this.
No, you have college educated ones, high school. They
come, many, from intelligent homes and families. No,
they are not the ones that you are ready to jump upon
and claim they are the ones, the uneducated, the dumb
ones. No, it is the educated ones that are so cunning
and so shrewd to do what they are doing and make it
unnoticeable tothe public.
"This could not have increased in such capacity if
it would be of ignorant minded people or youth. Even,
sad to say, he has been classified as B.B.S. at one time.
Ile has several other names. He himseH should have been
their greatest protector. He himself was so blind so as
not to see the things that weré said before him and done
before, and the height of those at the head of the or­
ganization and that is in Chicago, the Catholic Youth
Organization. Yes, the Catholic Youth Organization.
TIley have not watched whom they put ahead of it. Right
in Chicago.
"Dig into that. Investigate, and l'm afraid you' 11
have a hair raising match, not of looking at a horror
picture, but of looking at facts of what you will dis­
cover. Investigate for it is terrible. It doesn't just
involve the Catholics,·but it involves the non-Catholics.
But the biggest blame lies upon the shoulders of the
Catholics for they have the True Faith, have been taught
the truth.
"fhey are re-crucifying Our Lord.
-It was mentioned in one parish at one time there
was no delinquency in this parish. How blind ~an one
get? H0-:V b} ind? ~ere are the 900 to 1000 parents in
that parlsh. Rlght ln that very parish, there is no de­
l~nquency, s~ qu?ted, Right in that parish there is a
( dlve of t~e fllthlest grQUp Qf youths, Catholics, lProtes­
tants, whlte and negro, doesn't matter. Right in that
very parish, there is no delinquency?
"1 am n~t ~pe~king of Just the YQuth, but the

parents. It lsn t Just the youth, many a parent is at
1 the tQe Qf the list, and they are sho~ng thelr Slns tQ
Il thos~ lnnocer.t t chl1dren. Slxth grade up they can""jive
YQU lnfQrmatlon that WQuld shock an ordlnar~ human mlnd.
Let's go dQwn a htt.le Iower: take a chd of 6,l, 8
y~ars of age. It'~rising what a little inn~ent
mlnd of that age can te you. 'They tôday can educate a
youth in the 1000's oefore the 1900's .. They CQuld edu- JI
cate them in the fiel f 'me in the field Qf sex,'
yes, a C l of ,7 ani. 8. That is t plcture that
is before you.
"To see Our Lord looking dQwn upon the millions
of children, His eyes filled with sorrow and compas­
sion. Yes, that's what we the adults are doing.
"Vou cannot blame the 6, 7 and 8 year old child.
Vou can't blame them for they are innocent, for they are'
innocent of t~ ~ they baye hee" pulled into.
-Many are questioning, could that be in Catho­
lic schools. such things couldn't happen in the Catholic
schools. Let's not blind ourse Ives tQ such stupidity,
let's cleanse our eyes, pull the web and look intQ the
school~ be it Catholic or non-Cath~lic. Xou c~ot have
filth going on down your streets wlthout lnvolvlng many
of those that should be innocent.
"For many a young girl of the age of 13, 14, 16, 17,
they walk down the dark :street. There is a group Qf
hoodiums waiting at the side street. That's what they
are--hoodlums. No they're not, they are young boys.
They have been taught how to attack this fema~e without
letting her even outcry, for t?ey are weIl tra~ned. She
is swished off of the street wlthout any commotlon. They
have been trained as weIl as your Armed Forces are trained
in combat duty. The girl dQes not struggle much, fQr
they are telling her if ~he came a~ong ~icely th~y won't
harm her, but if she won t, they wdl glVe her ldlfferent
examples of what has happened. No one wants to die,
so she is one of their victims. Once drawn into the fly
net, into the web of sin, their mouths are sealed. And

that ~~ t~ way many an innocent gu 1 or boy lS pulled
in. to the s:rime .. Some tney h~v~ a grudge again~t, .or
others, as mentioned before, it s fun to see thelr 1n­
nocent eyes, to see the fear in them ara to torture ;nd
t9rrœnt t4ç.m untÜ they ar---eID and pranise.
"It's fun, it's amusement. It isn't always done
for the pleasure of it, for the beastly pleasure as Vou
might cal! it. Ir's done just for the fun of,it.
"And to many of the Authority today, if this very
message were given to them, they'd say it's just bar­
room talk, just bar room talk, there's no truth to such
a thing, no~ in America, for we have police protection.
How many of your police are involved in some of the same
doings? Have Vou checked?
"Is this not aIl the plot to destroy the youth, re­
gardless of whom they may be. Wake up, America, wake up'
"It's unsafe for many adults, women or men, in Chi­
cago, New York, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New OTleans,
Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, San
Antonio, Dallas, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Detroit, Albany,
Washington, D.C., your Capitol, Cleveland, Akron, it is
dangerous for a woman or a man to walk down the street
alone at night, especially between the hours of midnight
and 3--4 in the morning. Much crime has been committed
during these hours, and many of the victims involved
never reported because they are afraid. 'They haven' t the
protection that they should have -- WHY? Because no
one is ready to believe that those things are possible
in the U.S.A.
"But should Vou investigatc and open the door of
crime that's going on, as mentioned before, Vou would
have a hair raising match, without a horror picture
bef ore Vou.
"Many a parent would have heart failure to know
that those things are actually happening in this Country.
"The Clergy do not want to accept it, or do they
believe it. Sorne, yes, do; some have discovered the sins
and filth, but they are helpless. They cannot get the
support because not enough is being done of the things
that have been asked in the year of 1950. Much of this
could have been nipped in the bud in many places. Oh,
in sorne places this has been going on years back, as far
as World War J, but not in the capacity of today. It
was small and less daring. In those days you mostly had
a gangland of adults, but loday you have your youth
playing the biggest role of gang land.
"Machine guns, yes they even have them. Ho. do
they obtain them? Just how they obtain a simple packaee
of beer or whiskey. It's just that simple. There is
always the one ready to give it to them, to sell for a
priee. Sometimes it's quite dear, sometimes it's cheap-
er. Those are the things that are going on and will
continue until the Almighty God strikes out with His Arm.
"Yes, in compass ion as a Mere ifu l God, He' s st ill
hold ing back 'beca use -Our' Hoi y Mother pleads for uS,
Her love for the youth and us spineless parents, Her love
for us. She is trying to give us a chance to cleanse
ourse Ives , to open our eyes, to investigate as has been
mentioned before. Investigate and you will see. No
one is ready to investigate, no one is ready to take the
blame. It's dangerous today, for be you discovered, your
life will be snuffed out. That is the reason so many of
them that do know of it are afraid, for they have no
"Buithere are many, and if they would get together
in action and prayer, the Rosary, your Sacraments, he lay
apostles, much of this could be easily lessened and
weakened. Once a link is broken in the chain it isn't
hard, once that link is broken.
"But keep that chain tight and secure with sin and
crime as it is right now, as the Evil Forces have it
weIl linked together aIl over the U.S.A. and Mexico,
Canada, down through Central America, into South America.
"Th nt is coiled all over the Americas. Its
head is the Bahal e e the Hub of Evil, the depth,
deep down Ln t e eart. he dens that have been built
deep down, weIl prep?red for you, the ignorant.
"Des 0 th Hu es S nt. Our LadY~'1
will elp once we are willing to show Her we want to
h€dJr11er. When we are willlng to show Hêr that w~ I?ve
Her, and love Her Divine Son, that wh en we are wllllng
to go out and face the danger, but still know in our
heart we are saving future Americans, the youth of
"Look up at Our Lord, look at His Cross. Look at
the corpse upon it. He was crucified for us over 2000
years ago. Yes, that sounds strange, doesn't it, f~t
ail started then by the Eyil Forces. :It came down to
the day Our ïCord was born. They were waiting then, at
the b~rth of Our Lord, for the Messiah to save the world
to bnng Peace unto men of good will. '
"Yes, Our Lord was born. He walked the earth to
sho~ man the way, to show man how to live, to show man
It ls not impossible to follow His Path, His Way. And
ye~, He gav~ us the most beautiful, the most strongest
thlng to chng to. He gave us Himself just before His
Way ~o Calvary: ~Ie gave us ,Himself, for 'This is My
Body , and ThIS ls My Blood. That Holy Thursday He
gave us the strength, the strength, the Light, the Truth.
He instituted the True Church for man, and yet we do not
accept it. We will again destroy the Church of man
but we will never destroy the True Church of God. w~~
will destroy himself for he fails to remember the birth
of Our Lord.
"The Last Supper and the Crucifixion, the death of
Our Lord and then the glorious Resurrection. Man for­
gets those things because it's so easy to forget. It's
much easier to follow the path Judas took. It's so much
easier. The sneaking in the dark streets, the convers­
ing with the Evil Forces, to hide in the darkness, to
hide in the darkness of night, to wallow in the blackest
of sin. For it seemed Our Lord knew, or God knew, just
what spineless man oi tomorrow would be, for He was in
the dungeon, in the slime and filth during the same
period that man of today wallows in the slime and s,n,
during the same period of the night.
"Yes, youth as well as parents are wallowing' in
that s11me and SIn. on parents, wake up! You of the
Irue Faith, you tnat have the education, the truth taught
to you. And those that do not know the truth, the full
extent of it, go to your Pastors, go to your Pastors, the'
representatives for Christ, go and ask them, because if
they help you go through this class, this education, it
helps them as well to stay within. Thus doing as he has
been taught to stay within the laws of it, that he will
not wallow in that same slime.
"Parents and man of today should protest in groups
be it to Vicar of Christ, be it to your Cardinal, that
the representatives of Christ stay within the robes and
the black cloth that they represent. Do not let them
takc off their cloth and hide in civilian garments and
drive away 100 miles, 200, so they are not known and
fall into the sins that the parent has helped them,to
fall into, because every Priest or every Clergy, b~ l~
Catholic or non-Catholic, that sin that befalls hlm lS
the fault of the parent. For it is the carelessness of
the parent ~hat is the cause of aIl delinquency, no
matter whom It might concern, from the youngest to the
oldest. It aIl starts with the parents.
RYes, there a.e families that do everything in
their power to bring up good children. But you take
the basket where they are imbedded and tip it over and
roll it amongst rotten ones, they will also get tainted.
·50 the good parent must help the delinquent parent
to do his dut y also. That is where the Lay Apostle must
lead its path to, the delinquent parent, to show them
the Way, the Truth and the Light, and it is through this
that you will he able to have good citizens of tomorrow.
-B~t right now, as the picture stands, the g~Odll
cit1zen of tomorrow bas no chance, for the infiltration
oT Sln, oI the wron aoctnne Dein ta htto our youth,
he It 10 t e at 0 lc or your public sc 00 s, or any
other private school. You can't have the better youth
of tomorrow unless this wrong doctrine is removed. AlI
these things must be investigated, there must be a pro­
test by the parents. Sorne of you see it, but what can
we do about it, is the shrug of the shoulder. What can
we do? Afraid to talk. Have faith in God Almighty, for
again whom do you fear, MAN? It is only God you need
to fear. You need to fear Him only in this respect,
that you do not break His Commandments. For God loves
you and God is rnerciful. Go to Him with love and love
thy neighbor. 'Go to Him with the Commandrnents clean.
Do not tint any of them, and you need not fear Almighty
Gad, but fear that you break His Commandrnents.
-For the Wrath of Gad is mighty. .
·Parents,.·",ake up' America, wake up! Save the
youth, save the souls of man, for the ~rpen~'s
raised, his mouth is wide open and the polson IS dnpplng
over the fangs. . .
·Right at the Bahai Temple 13 the head; the body IS
coiled over the rest of the Country. It is the head you
have to fear, the head that carries the poison.

·One fang reaches into the U.N. You have been

asked to destroy the U.N. for much of the evilness is
plotted there. An~deepest one is the Bahai Temple,
right straight through, through the other Hub on the
other side in the Eastern Hemisphere. It's a Hub, the
spokes are reaching far and wide on both sides of the

(November 25, 1955 Revelation)

"Hank, the five Dionne children are victims for

the sins committed in Canada. The awful racket of sell-
~ and transporting babies from the O.S. into Canada,


or from canada into the U. S., f or a pr ice of $500 to

"They are victims; have been since their birth.
One is gone, the second is on the way unless those sins
and crimes are stopped.
"They represent the Five Wounds of Our Lord for /1111
~the sln~ 0 ln an s . . le t lS, or
lE woul frlghten them. They will aIl succumb before
any of them will reach an old age, unless this evilness J))
is stopped, this horribleness of selling a human life.
I~Ç _ ( "Evilness has crept into Canada. It is frighteni~g
~ especiarry-lnto Montreal and Quebec area. It should
not be, but it is being permjtted.
"Prayers, more pray~are needed. Selfishness
must cease. Selfishness between Religious must cease.
·'There's an underground movement that's been im­
bedded for some time against the French. The En lish
against the French, or the Fre ch are of
( Fai~e Engllsh are not--t at lS t e trou e ln
e rue llill
Canada. It lS not the United States alone.
---"There is also trouble in ~~xico through the move­
ment of the exiled one, who is now moved to the Panama
Canal. That movement is not dead, is very active bebiu,d
t~e scenes. It is strong also still in the Country
w ere fie was exiled from.
"God is being forgotten. They have germihted ~y
an evil one'to exile i~~~~ir-P.os§essiQn~ permitted to
carry the drops of poison falling from the fangs of the
Serpent. . }JJ
"Th~eyes of the Serpent are fiery coals of Hell.
Each eye a pit of Hell.
'We must he!? Our Holy Mother to step on the heaj ~
of the Sgrp~t. She will if we are willing to do our
d'ut les.
"The Serpent has been the symbol of evil through­
out the ages. Over 2000 years ago he started to coil
and crawl over the earth.
(At this time Mary Ann screamed very loudly and
the scream was prolonged. She ha1~i~oned the Serpent! )


Message given on December 23, 1955

-Hank, 1 saw something awful today. 1 saw the

slums of our big cities. They won't have no Christmas.
They say we have surpluses. Families of 5 and 6 and up
to 8 peop le living in two r oorœ, a 11 cr o.vded toget her,
They don't have enough to eat. That's here in America-­
New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles,
San Francisco Minneapolis and St, Paul., In this land
of. plenty they-need food and clothes and medicaI care.
( It's terrible..-l:l.ank>-JighLln our own Country. l'hese
are the people from whom politicians buy their votes.
·It's terrible also in sorne of the southern cities:
Atlanta, Shreveport, Baton Rouge. Sorne of those southern
states have ~~xicans and Indians. We could move a lot
of surplus right in our own Country if those poor people
were fed, and the ~ons in ~~xico.
-You c~ buy !~~eople for a few dollars.
-1 was shown the evilness in our Country, what
. they do on Christmas Eve. No Christmas, just evil.
-We could have everything so nice, Hank. We have
( enough of everything in our Country.·

Message Spoken During Hours of Suffering on
October 6, 1955 and Played by Tape Recording
ta the Pilgrims on October 7,1955

"Ta the friends of Our Lady and the pilgrims of

Necedah, 1 thank all of you that have prayed for me, for
without the prayers of the many thousands of you, the
~~ses, the Rosaries, the spiritual bouquets that's been
sent to me, 1 could not have been able ta fulfill my cluty
ta persevere. l'm thanking you aIl from the bottom of
my heart, for had it not been for your prayers on
November 2, 3, and 4th, 1 probably would not have been
here today. Again a crucial period was dur ing Holy Week
of this year 1955. The other was the three days men­
tioned in 1954; during the period of suffering from
G::tober 21st 'til 6 o'clock December 24th when the
G::tave of Christmas began. 1 again began suffering at
the end of this Octave, which was the 13th of January.
o~.fy suffering began January 14th and ended Holy
Saturday at noon. If it had not been Îor the prayers of
\hose that love Our Lady and love the Cause, 1 could not
have made it. l neecl your prayers, 1 need your support
to p~rseYere, that 1 grant YO\!. But one mistake you aIl
are making is that you are placing me, Mary Ann, on a
pedestal. 1 am nobody. Place Our Lady on this pedestal.
Forgat Mary Ann, don't put he;=above the Holy Mother;
that is the biggest mistake sa many of you are making.
You come here ta pray, yes, but your thoughts are more
on what 1 am doing or if you could see me for just a
moment; or you watch the house, who is entering the home.
Don't do that. Pray ta Our r~dy, forget that 1 am here.
Pray for me, yes; but outside of that, j ust do Ilot place
me on a pedestal, for l am not worthy of that.
01 pray for you aIl every day. 1 pray for our
Religious, our Priests, our President, the Governmen~IJ
those are the things we must conslder. Pray for-thOSe l
that are the leaders, he it Church or in State, that
they do the rlght thing.
O"any of you ask what can we do? Oh dear folks,
if you follow Our Lady' s Message, you have so much to
do that you will find no leisure moments, you will be
occupied fully. Our Lady asked in 1950, through me, to
clean out your schools, to help the innocent childre~
ti'ïe Vlct1ms olus parents, the elde~,- for__t.h..~.Y are in­
llQffi.t. Haêf' Message been heeded in 1950, we toaay
would not see such an uprising of delinquency that it
has climbed to the highest peak in record. Why? Because
we failed to be parents. We do not look upon ourselves
as the guilty ones. We're always pointing to the next
"But remember we parents are the cause of the de­
linquent government official, the delinquent teacher,
the ieli~uent Priest or Nun, no matter where they are,
or whom they may1Je. -rrrs-we parents that are to blame

r~or that. ~~matter which way you try to get around it,
\lt cornes bacK to-~e paren~s. Ihere lS so much that you
allr4:an-oo for those innocent children, for they are 'n­
( nocent, for we leave the fi th be ore t eir eyes. Have
~you gone into the book stores, the drug stores,
the 5 and 10 cent stores, the variety store? Have you
gone in and taken a good look? Have you examined the
books that are there for your children to look into? No!
Some have, yes, but they are very far and few. Your
television. your entertainment, have you examined what
goes behind the scenes? No! Your theatres, how many
theatres have the proper films, filmslthat are educa­
tional and good clean entertalnment for children? There
is nothing wrong in a child seeing a movie, but there
certainly is something wrong with sorne of the movies
that are on today. The ones that you do not have to
read between the lines. Parents, where are you?
"Bridge games, clubs, your children are left to
home alone; tavern parties, other parties or sorne too
busy, they've got work to do. The children"are left,
or even if they are home when the child cornes in, they're
not concerned where the child had been. How many child­
ren are left just wandering, no one wants to take that
collar around its neck.
"It's not the child's fault. Don't calI the child
a brat for he was not a brat when he was born. He was
innoce~t. We parents make them brats, as many are re­
'ferred to. They are aIL sweet ch1ldren, and it's what
( we make them t t s w t t ey grow up to be. And
t at, my dear folks, will be the future generation. Can
you picture it? It's not pretty. Oh, they're not aIl
that way, but Vou throw • few good apples in a basket of
rotten ones and you'll saon have themall affected.
"Be -ther Catholics, Protestants, be they white, )
red or black lt does not matter. They are aIl huroan be­
i~s with souls within them. They are aIl God's children
and it is ~ ta the lai}y, with the help of our Priests
and Ministers, to make the children the good citizens
of tornorrow. But leave the fi Ith that' s here today be- ~
rore them, leave tie ene~d fill your theatres,
your dance halls, your boa san, your television, your
radio, your press with filth they are placing in front
of your children, and Vou will not have the good citizen
of tomorrow. It's aIl up ta vou!
"What can we do ta help Our Lady? That is one of

the biggest jobs Vou can do, go out and take care of the

J) innocent children. There is other things that Vou wifl

find ta do. but cne of the mast important cnes is that.
Many of Vou ask and wonder what l am suffering for? This
suffering was fiOt forced u on me this suffering l have
as or, or ove chi dren, a ways a e, an l
offered mvse to~ Lord and Ris Blessed Môther that
if l coulci suffer tà save the saufs of ~Iflaren: l would
be willi.Ili to do so. l was not urmed1.ately grantedtIUS.
1 was told in 1950 that l would not lose my,
but the suffering 1 had at that time is minor ta what I
have. today. F~E..r!;aven knOllis that we humans here on

bro e in gradually. s a did not immedlately receive

t~ great pa1.n-, it gradu~lly became more pronounced.
earth ~.weak and sp1. el-i ss , they knOlli that we must .!>e

At first only Advent and Lent. and slowly i.t

became during the Glorious season.
"'Til the year of 1953 in Spring it became more
severe, but l still could continue to do my daily duty.
my work. &Jt in July 1954 after midnight of Mount Carmel
it began. Most. of you know (fI this penOd. lt Iessened
in September until G;toœr 2lst, when it s'Carted up a­
gain and then as l have mentioned. But since Resur­
rection of 1955, on account of the strain upon my heart,
1 found myself in a wheel. chair. Sc many of you pity me.
Please,don't. J am ~ratefu~ th~t I am able ta move)
about ln a wheel chalr. Don t p1.ty me. 1 have been
able ta prepare the meals for my family. As long as I
can do those things, I feel very happy.
"rh not..I?ray that the pains be lessened, only pray
that 1 can persevere, th~'s aIr-! asK. For if you~ay
that the palUS are-lessened, then Vou are praying against
( my wishes, for the youth needs my suffering. 1 .Qffered)
~f for my COmmunlty, the chlldfen as weIl as the
adults, the surroundlng area of the children, my family
and my husband's family and those dear and near to me:
-Those that have stood by me, those that have
sacrificed much, those that's been persecuted so vi­
ciously by 50 many of you jealous ones. Those of you
that have called them the 'click' or the 'mongrels', are
you not ashamed of yourselves, do you calI yourself
Christians when you do not know the reason or the truth
( behind it? Don't go by rumors unless you know they are
the truth. D:m't think it was EliOSe that you cal1ëd the
'cllck', those that have been at the door and would not
permit you in the home when you wished, they did not malae
those laws or requests. They came from me and my hus­
band. But mostly they were the wishes of myself. 1 was
told by the Chancery Office not to speak to the people.
1 have tried to be obedient to that order, but many of
you through pressure have caused me at times to break
that obedience because you would speak to me or push
yourselves upon me when 1 was out in the yillage or at
-Since 1 have been in the wheel chair, it has been
much easier to avoid this. Don't condemn, for the con­
demning is for God alone, for God'g Commandments are)
these: Loye thy neighbor as thyself. Remembër without
tne-1~ for your nelghbor, you will never find Peace.
For we Catholics, we that know the Irue Faith, we have
such a wonder fuI thlng to cling to, we ~ld-hJL-the
example. We, sy-tnts I-mèan the Catholics, for we are)
t le rue Faith the one Olurch that Our Lord instituted,
that He has brought here or us, as glven that. We
have so much, yet we are the cause of the purges and the
sin in this world today--we. the Catholics.
"We can't blame our brothers' and sisters in the
shaoows, for ÜJr Lady said te me we should never leave d1en
in the shacbws, be i t spi ri tual or otherwi se, bring thfJll
\rlto the ligltt so the purity can shine forth. When
1 received that Message l couldn't understand it. l
wondered what She meant.
"Don't leave them in the shadow, but bring them
out into the iight GO the purity can shine forth. Yes,
1 know today what is meant--the fallen away Catholic,
they are in the shadows. It is up to us to bring them
If into the light. Aiso those not of our Faith, they are If
l in the shadows, for chey are not ln the true llg~t.
The Light Our Lord has lit for us and is shining for us
to follow. They have not that. They are groping in the
shadow~ and in th~ darkness and it is up to us, we, the
Catho11cs, to br1ng them out of that shadow and into
the Light. And yet, the purity of many of those souls
will shine forth.
"But we are to be the ones--we, the laity, we have
such a tremendous job before us. But what do we do? We
don't. We snicker, we bicker, we pick on one another.
We're always sweeping the doorstep of our neighbor, but
if we'd of swept our own doorstep, you'd be shocked the
filth you'd find. Don't put your nose into your neigh­
bor's door. Keep it at home and clean it. We all have
so much to do.
"One of our biggest mistakes we are making is when
we condemn our Priests, for remember, they are human
beings like you and I. So many of you make the saddest
mistake, because a Priest makes a mistake you condemn
your Faith and your Church; for remember a Priest is
human like you. If he makes a mistake, it might be your
own fault. Think of it that way. Did you pray for him
~y? How many of you pray daily for the Priests
and the Religious?
"Our Lady asked, 'Pray for the Vicar of Christ
first, then for the Religious and yourself next.' But
first the Vicar of Christ, Pope Pius XII. In the year
of 1953 Our Lady told me, told us that the next four
months will prove how much we love the Vicar of Christ.
When we received that Message in December, we did not
know of the health of Our Holy Father. But in January
the Message came through from Rome that Pope Pius XII
was ill, that they didn't exactly understand his illness,
intest inal d isturbance. In February He bec ame much
worse. We immediately went to·work right after New
'We tried to get the Spiritual Bouquet going to
help His Holiness, for we love Him. It was a very dif­
ficult task to get the people to realize that without
their Shepherd they are lost. It was a tremendous task,
but finally we got the wheels moving and thousands and
thousands of Spiritual Bouquets started to roll. Yes,
it was even ment10ned that there was a fear that Pope
Pius XII would not be able to make Pope Pius X the
Saint, a canonized Saint on the 29th of May, for his
health was failing badly. But when the wheels they
started to roll and when the time came, the four months
that Our Lady spoke of were up, we found we had won
For Pope Pius XII was weIl on the road of recovery. ~
was weak, but He was able to fulfill His duties. Yes,
that was one of the tasks that came through the Work
here. That's just one of them.
-The question today from the War Department is and
many others, they are asking where are the 500 boys?
Yes, 1 know where they are, 1 have visioned them. The
Message in 1950 said that therè would be many broken
hearts at Christmas, how many Christmases since? How
many mothers are still waiting for that son to come
home? Yes, still the American people do not wake up to
the fact that the Evil Fortes are behind this aIl. And
it aIl started out with the delinquent parents. It aIl
points right back at you. And we, the Catholics, be­
cause we are the light, we are holding the candIe of
truth, the True Faith; and yet we dim that light or even
flick out the light, for reaching out rather for the
dollar, the material, the pleasure, the joy. We shut
out the light that shines towards Our Lord, Who died
for us.
-00 we parents, we Catholics, want ta re-crucify
CÀ.tr lArd? That is what we are doing, we are re-crucify­
ing Him now. Don't speak of the Reformation in the
history as being the most terrible time. What are you
looking for now? Are you not looking for the same thing?
Are you not slapping Our Lord in the Face daily? 00
you not daily spit upon Him with the sins and your lack
of love for Him' Our Lady cries and pleads for She
loves lier Son and She loves us. We make Her walk the
road to Calvary again and aga in. And yet we profess to
love Our Lady. Oh, how little we love Our Lady, but how
much we love ourselves--me, myself and 1. That's the
goa 1.
-~member you cannot slap your Lord in the face,
you cannot forget Him and expect ta find joy, peace and
happiness. There must he unity hetween home, school and
Church. When you have that unit y between your home,
school and Church, it will bring peace and joy in the
whole Country. That is the goal you must work for.
You must continue to strive for that.
·You must hear Mass, if possible daily, the Sacra­
ments daily. Yes, at times it might he a sacrifice, .but
Our Lady asks for sacrifice, penance, the Rosary dally.
You might have ta break your sleep a half hour sooner
to attend Mass, to go and hear Mass. What is Mass?
It's the Passion af Your Lord. If you do not ~lderstand
what ~~ss really means, it is time that you go ta YOur
Pastor and ask him ta explain it to you. Don't go to
Mass without really ~~owing what r~s is. Go ask him if
you don't understand it. That's what he's there for
he's your Shepherd of your Parish.
"And if your Priest becomes angry at times, don't
condemn him, but pray for hL~. How many times when your
children come ta you and you don't feel Just right, how
many times do you talk real kind and gentle to them?
Aren't there many times when yOll talk a little crabby?
Remember the Priest also can feel a little under the
weather, YOll might say. He might have a headache, or he
might he worried or disturbed about something. Oh yes,
1 know at times they do wrong, but don't blame them
entirely alone, for it is our fault. We do not pray
enollgh for them.
"In my own parish here, in my own Diocese, the dis­
unity is terrible. In 1950 Our Lady gave me a Message
abOllt my Bishop, that was that my Bishop loved children,
that my Bisho~ loved the old folks. Yes, he does, for my
Bishop has suffered greatly of persecution through his
own Diocesan folks, who do not stop to consider what he
is trying to do for them, but it is for their children.
He has built many a Catholic school; he has built many a
Gmrch that was neeJed. He has taken c are of the aged,
both men and women. He has taken care of the homeless
children. For Our Blessed Mother told me he loves them
and he loves Her. Yes, he loves Our Lady, but what has
he gained, condemnation and persecution and look at him
today. If my Bishop lives another year, it will be only
that the people in his Diocese open up their hearts to
him and pray for him instead of condemning him as they
have done in the pasto For he is a good Bishop. He
has made his mistakes, he has his fauits, his weaknesses;
He's human. He's human like you and lare. Why must
YOll condemn him? Not only is he condemned and persecuted
from his own Diocese, but also from the pilgrims of the
Cause of Necedah. You can't win the Cause by condemning
my Bishop. Look what you've done to him, he has wasted
"1 was told in 1950, October 7th about this. 1
have never made that known, 1 only waited. 1 would have
told my Bishop personally had 1 had the opportunity to
talk to him alone, but as that was not granted to me 1
could not tell him. 1 would not tell the Chancery Office
or anyone else because it was a Message for him alone.
"But today, under the condition and the pleas that
1 want for my Bishop, 1 am telling you of it today.
Pray.for him, and for God's s~ke quit condemning him,
for lf anyone loves the Blessed Mother it is my Bishop.
For Our Lady told me April 7, 1951, do not let anyone
change your opinion of your Bishop. You can imagine how
( 1 felt when those words were spoken to me, for 1 had
listened to the gossiping tongues, 1 had.
"There's different thlngs that were said about him:
that he is a maney man, he came from Massachusetts, that
he was wealthy, that he was this and he was that; con­
demnation right and left. So, as a weak fool as 1 was,
tl 1 started to think, weIl, mfYbfi some of those Ehîllgs
a~e true. But if lt wouldn t ave been for Our Holy
Motner, r would have probably followed in that same
line. No, 1 have always lovedmy Bishop, and r feel
very concerned about his health right now. He is
physically very bad. He has a very bau heart, and
other complications which r will not· mention. He needs
aIl your prayers, not only from our Diocese, but as
weIl as from you pilgrims.
"r thank sorne of you that have been so kind to send
him Masses and prayers. There's many of you that have
but so many of you have condemned him. Pray for him.
You cannot expect anyone to be good when you are con­
C demning film. Try to remember that. You cannot speak
evil of someone behind their back without making Satan
laugh in glee. The only way you can help someone if
they are doing wrong is pray for them, for sometimes what
we think is wrong in our eyes, is not wrong in the eyes
of God. Sa we cannot judge. We are not here to judge.
For we are on the testing grounds ourselves. We are
only here on this earth as a test. Will we make the
test? Will we win the goal, or are we going to lose it?
"So remember, my dear friends, and those that pro­
fess to love Our Lady and Our Lord, do not be the judge
of your neighbor, no matter how much Satan tempts you.
Stay humble and pray, and as the Priests and ~eligious
are concerned, tell God their faults, but do not tell
your neighbor, not your neighbor! lf-your Priest does
something wrong, or he says something to you that
doesn't-Suit you, tell it to God, not your neighbor,
because once you tell your neighbor it becomes a gossip­
ing tale. And if you feel you can hel~him, go talk to
hi.!!h..-..QQ_rLt be aIrald orhim. TaIl< to fi.lii1in a Jecent
way. If you find him out of sarts today, bid him a
happy day and go on your way, pray for him. Then try
again. Maybe today his head doesn't ache or he feels a
lliittie better. Maybe today you can talk to him, and
you__ ,Ç..a.n~,,!g_ges.t---!..9-lli!!um~~lI? hfm .. But go off and
talk eVll af hlm, C~EID hl~, you re not helping him,
on.!LI1ushing.JUmJa.r.t er down.
"How many of you are condemning Father Claude
Heithaus, talking evil of him? Yes, evil! Pray for
the man, pray for Father, don't condemn him. Let God be
the judge. You can't judge him.He's not hurting me
with sorne of the slander that's coming out thraugh the
papers. He's nat hurting me; in his heart he feels
he's doing justice. Let Gad judge that, but pray for
Father. Shower him with pr~ers and you will help him.
"Father told me in 19~O ne doesn't know what a
headache is, he's never been sick in his life. But
Father can't say that today. He's had many a headache,
l!\al\y_digestive .J.!pset.s.. He' s very nervous. He couldn' t
hold a~andle still in his hand--;-ithout ëXtingu1sh1ng
the_fLames_wi th the shaking-or~nis hand .-TIfaI:;' my
dear friends, we have helped to put there. Remember
when you condemn, speak wrong of anyane instead of help­
ing this pe!:..s9_11YoU are pushing him furth~n, regard­
less is he a Priest, a Nun or your ne1ghbor, or your
"How many do that ta your parents? Prayer first
and then try to help them. Talk_~o therJLin a nice way
and _in k~ndness, for-.t...b-.!'l---2ld saying~y'ou c~n do m~h
III~y-sugar1ng, more than you can by v1negar, ano-Ehat 1S
~. Sugar is much sweeter than Vlnegar. That stanJs
true in human beings. A kind word goes sQ-IDuch fart~er
thÂn an unkind word, and at times you might feel that
, your talk has accomplished nothing, but many times you
1 have left that seed of thought, and-that seed begins~o
\ swell, and befare you might even know it or are unaware
of it, that seedbursts open. That, mydear friends, is
asked here. Nothing else. The Rosary, the Way of the
Cross, hear Mass daily, the Sacraments daily if possible,
if not, the Sacrarnents on Sunday or liol y Days of Cl>liga­
t ion.
"Cleanse your book shelves, your Community. No
matter what it may be, cleanse it. Help those children.
Those are the pleas of Our Lady: 'Consecrate yourself to
( My Immaculate Heart and tQ th~ Sacred Hea~'~COnsecrate
yo~ë[f ta Our Lady. Lave thy neighbor as thyself.
Love thy ne ighbor. That means your Protestant ne ighbor
as we 11 as your Catho l ic neighbor. Do not let anyone
or anything stay in the shadows, be it spirituai or
otherwise. Bring it forth into the light so the puritv
can shine [ortho That, my dear friends, all of Vou ca~
do. For we a11 have a faHen away, sO/œone lost at the
wayside, he it a child, a man or a woman. Delinquent
parents as weIl as delinquent children; they are in the
shadows, the darkness. They need to be brought into
that light so the purity of their souls can he brought
forth, for we are all born with a pure soul. For it is
after we are here on earth that we get.t~rnished. But
we have, we Catholics, have the lig-ht to keep our souls
clean. ll1at light is always burning for us. !t is up
ta us to follow it, and it can only be done through
-The Unity, the Blessed Trinity, Our Holy Mother,
go .through Mary to the Blessed Trinit y, and then Vou
shall haye unit y and peace. The white dove of Beace
will fly above us if we remember these simple things.
They are not hard. The Ten Commandments, they' re not
hard. We make an awful big wall out of them.
"Another thing 1 beg of Vou folks, to pray for our
Priests in the mission fields, the Nuns. None of Vou
here know .bat hardships mean, none of Vou. Nooe of Vou
know what sacrifices Mean, but step in the shoes of a
missionary Priest and Nun, and then Vou will know what
hardships are. For 1 have visioned Priests and Nu~s.
<li. ~r.cif..u . LHeaven, it lS----Ri1:aul what they have gone
through, it is pitiful. You have read of sorne ortliem,
yes, sorre have corre back. &lt rather:-tO---re!le.'tILt.~y
ane! ~ùbey went through, -t-he--y- d.o~ t _c_a:r:!L~ak
oLit., œly a little now and then. For they rather for­
get, but does that turn most of them back? If only G9d
gixe...~ th.e_m .t-'Le_heJilth. llilS! the~!'F~gth, ~y are ready
t~~ck .Jffier..e they....Jd! off.
-How many of Vou here are ready to do the same
thing? Are Vou willing to sacrifice what they have
done? NO.~~,__you couldn't. You.couldn't give up
your luxuri~~-~.ect~icity, your_bea~t:..1ful car--~o, you
couldn't give those things up. They re a necesslty to­
day. But how many in the mission fields have that
luxury'~ e are the mes that ., souls
to God. And it is t e utY of the laity today to go
~ and work and bring 90uls to God. For <lIr I-hly ~
i8 ver, sad and depr~t.-orook down upon us here on
earth, when the material things of life are the most im­
portant things in 1iie, and Her Son, Her Divine Son,is
forgotten. In sorne sections of our Country much has
beel1 done, the clevotion to Our Holv Mother has been
wonderful. But in many sections li is sa far behind,
great large Churches stand empty, no devotions during
the week, only on Days of O:Jligation. . ,
"Where's the devotions, your love for the Blessèd
Sac r ame nt ? For when you walk in the door of your CllUreh
there is Christ! He is alwa s with you if you cali for
Il Him. If you keep
lst ln you. y.ou ave ln ront of
. ., ou and above you. But you must
keep Him with in you, then He s a about you, and that
can only be accomplished through true love. Love from
the heart and prayers from the heart, not on1y your lips.
"Oh dear people, go to work, forget the luxuries.
They are not importfu,t. Help the yo~th, don't wait for
your neighbor ta do it. You yourse1f do it, and above
aIl, don't forget ta pray for your Priests and your Nuns.
And please, please folks, don't eondemn my Bishop, but
pray for him. He needs your prayers very much.
"Pray for the Viear of Christ, Pope Pius XII. Do
not let Him down for He needs your prayers. Pray for
Him first in the morning whe~you arise. Say an Our
Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Bë for Him first; then
offer the rest of your offerings ta Gad, but pray for
the Vicar of Christ first and don't forget your own
Bishop, no matter where you may come from. Don't for­
get my Bishop for he has a heavy cross on his shoulder.
help him. Be true soldiers of Christ, not companions of
Satan, for every t ime you condemn a Priest or a Re li ­
r1 gious you' r~ mahng Silt~n la~g!ï l~ ~ for. tl1at ~s
just what he wants you ta do. Don t follow hlm, don t
cling to his tail and go up for a ride. Stay with Christ,
stay with your Lord.
"And dea~ folks, forget Mary Ann and remember Our
Blessed Mother, Her Divine Sqn. Pray to them, ask
them ta help you. Ask Our Holy Mother ta intercede
for you. She loves us. Sne loves us a11, hut how little
do we do for Her. We tUrn our backs on Her. Yes, we
turn our back on Her.
-Please remember we Catholics can be the shining
example for those in the shadows, those that do Dot
have the True Faith, those that do not have what we have,
those that are groping in the darknes8. Let's reach out
a helping hand, let's he Veronica. Let's help!
"Say your.Stations, and when you do, meditate upon
them, try to dIgest what they mean. They're beautiful.
Th~y show you your way, they help you. So my dear
friends, say your Josary every day, remember the Vicar
of Christ every day, and the Religious and those in the
mission fields, and then go on to your material things
if it's necessary.
·We ail have our little troubles, but we ail for­
get them quickly. When we have one dying on the death­
bed, how fervently we can pray, how we can pray with
Jevotion, but the minute a smile becomes known, shown
on their faces, the crisis is over, the prayers faU
off. We hav~ a son out in the battlefields. We pray
every day, wemake sacrifices; but lIhen he cornes back we
forget. That 1s the weakness of we Catholics. But we
must continue to do just that--fervently praying. Right
now at this crucial time of the world when the H bomb,
the A bombs are ready to fall on your heads, now is the
time to pray! Don't wait until disaster hits before
you start. The disaster that struck the Eastern Coast
that should have opened many of your eyes what the Hand
of God can do. It should awaken you to the strength of
Almighty God. An earth 1uake, a severe storm, the
{ floods, it's not man made. "[hose are the things that
the Almighty controls, and yet we 'gnore Uim comeletely.
We go on our merry way until we are struck with disaster.
'Oh, my dear friends, open your eyes. W~e !li!
Wake up! The world situation, there is no Peace ln
sigl'i't:"" llip.'t be luUed to sleep with this Peace Llliaby.
You can have that Peace, but there must be much more
effort made to have that Peace. You can't let the youth
in this beautiful Country to be destroyed as we have in
the past and expect Peace to come to our Country. You
can't win Peace by ignoring the pleas of Our Blessed
Mother. (f:
'Our Lady told you at atim:;7 What was Uer Mes­
sage? Uow many of you have heard it over and Over
aga in, and yet you have seen the outcome because we
have failed to follow Uer Message, and yet you pay
little heed to it. The Evil Forces have spread Qver
the whole world, but do you listen to ~ Lâdy's pleas?
NO! 1 haven't the time. 1 have to do this, or
that cornes first. Our Lady's pleas and Uer Divine Son
come last. They must come first, and unt il they come
first, you will not finti that Peace. Not Peace to the
( ( ~d, nor Peace within yourself.

"We're not supposed ta go around with moody or
1 long faces. Wc are supposed ta be happy people, and
if we find that Peace, we will hnd joy and happin~
for that is what Oür Merclrul Lord wan~s us Eo have--lQY
_and hallP~s. He wdl help us obtaln thaE JOY if we
make Him a partner in everything we are doingevéry~.
We've got to keep Hlm on our side with us. We can't do
that by forgetting Him or Our Blessed Mother. Sa remem­
ber, dear friends and pilgrims and those who profess ta

}I l ove Our Ho l y ~1oth~r, go bac k home whereve r you may be,

get ta ~. ~ere is ~ for aIl of r2u. ~ h
must be done. sa much can be ûone.
'Cleanse the lives of the lTelinquents, be it parent
or child. For in many places it's the delinquent parent
that needs cleansing before you can cleanse and help that
young child that is the victim of this delinquent parent.
And above aIl, pray first for the Vic ar of Christ, the
Beligious, your Bishop and for those that have this at
he art. Pr ay for my Bish op, don' t condemn h im, for He
loves Blessed Mother and he needs our help. lie
has lIer, by His sicle, but we have left him down. We are
not helping him.
"How much more beautiful everything would be if we
would r~member ta love our neighbor as ourse Ives. That
would cover so much anatake out of the shadows those
that are on the wayside, lead them in ta the light so the
purity can shine forth. Inat is what 1 have been told.
That is what 1 have tried to follow .
•And as far as Mary Ann is con ce rned , al! 1 ask is
that you pray that 1 persevere, ~~ght do the Will
( of God, that 1 stay without lamenting and accept whatever
GoUWïlls me to do. Please do not pray that 1 be re­
lieved of any pains, but only that 1 can do what God
(Wills. .\nJ that we sorne day will have that beautiful
( IShrine; its blue prints l now have in my possession. .
It's beautiful folks, but unless you work for lt, make
{ sacrifices, ~-OYr Lady asks, that Shrlne will never
be built. It will not be handed to you on a silver
platter. It will only become a reality through sacri­
fices and pains. If that frightens you, then l feel
awfully sarry for you, because nothing that is beautiiulJ}
cornes without sorne sort of a sacrlflce, nothlng!
·We must aIl travel a rocky and hard road somewhere
( in our lives ta reach that beautiful ending.
"1 thank you all agaln from the bottom of my heart
for aIl the prayers, the Masses and Spiritual Bouquets.
r cannot promise that r' 11 be with you a year from
today, but whatever God Wills, that Will be done, is
my fervent prayer,
"May God love you, and Our Lady of Necedah for­
ever protect and guide YOl ­
"r thank you,"

Message Given Ottober 30, 1955, Feast of Christ the King

Played for Pilgrims December 8, 1955 and May 271 1956

"I.h?pe you folks and aIl you people will wake up

before It s too late. You need to be j arred to wake you
up but this time when you will get the jar, l am afraid
It mlght be too late because, folks, the forest is al­
ready on fire, and if you find yourself in the middle
of a forest and it's fire aIl around you, where
could you possibly go?
"This mlght sound fantastic, but it isn't as fan­
tastic as you might think it is. And when l say the
clock is striking 12 or has already struck 12, you' 11
say that 1 don't know what l am talking about. You
have radios most of you; you read the newspapers;
what they tell you is frightening enough, but if they
would really print the truth, and they would tell you
the truth on radio and television, you would not say
that when l say the forest is on fire and you're ln
the middle of it, that it is fantastic.
"Oh America, WAKE Upi That's what Our Lady
asked in 1950. Our Lady asked in 1950 through my voice
to WAlΠUP, that the black cloud is roll ing over you.
Some of you believed it and some of you didn't. The
black cloud has rolled over and has gone over and still
you can' t see the danger .. This time you won' t get a
sign to show you the danger, because this time it' 11
strike without a warning.
oYes, Our Lady warned you, be you Catholic, Protes­
tant or be you Black or be you White or Yellow. It'll
str ike aIl of us regardless of who we are. Our Lady
loves us, that is why She comesl down to us worthless
children and warns us. But we heed not. We go on our
merry way, good times. Wake Upl for those that still can
wake up; for many of them it's too late to wake up. They
already have gone, they are gone forever. They saw the
danger wh en it was too late. Don't wait for the same
fa te.
·Our Lord is merciful. Our Lord died for us. He
died for all of us, no matter what Faith we belong to.
And it is up to we, the Catholics, to follow that Faith
that Religion, that Church, and we are to show that way
to the others. Our Lady asked that we work together, and
by that She meant that no matter what Faith or Religion
we belong to, that we work together. For when the Forest
is on fire you don't start to pick out the Religion, the
color they belong to. You all start fighting for
survival and that is what we are facing now. We must
fight to survive. Ail religions must work together.
"And if we Catholics, if we work like"true Christ­
lans when we are working together, we will show those
that are in the darkness the way of the Light, and in
that way we are gaining. But we must do that with love-­
love thy neighbor as thyself. That is one thing we must
remember, and we must always keep Our Lord by our side.
"Oh yes, Our Lord is merciful, but what have we
done to Him? How long will He hold back that arm? How
long are we going to sling the sins into His Face? How
soon will He strike out that arm, the wrath of Gad? Do
we not fear the wrath of God? Or do we enj~_the gl~e-jj
fui, sneering face o~ Satan who merrily Ieaa~. Are
we-going to continue to fOTlow Satan, the Judas, or
are we going to follow Our Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ,
Who died on the Cross to redeem man, Who today we are
re-crucifying with the blackest of sin.
'We have seen many battlefields, World War l,
World War II @nd the Cold War, as they cali it, w~h
is World War 1. Oh, it is not a hot war yet, but
t ere lsn t much left to make it a hot war, is there?
"Go inside of that forest when it's on fire and
see how hot it gets. You' 11 be gasping for a breath of
pure air. vfuy don't you gasp for that ~reath now? How?
( I~ turning to your God. That ls pure alr. That lS y~ur
o~l~ chance, to turn to your Maker, to keep Hlm always
Wlt you.
"/iow many mothers that bore the sons and daughters
of this Country, just in our own Country, in America,
how many of them are waiting for a son that has gone to
battle on foreign soil, who has not returned. You are
still waiting for him. He is classified missing. The
IVar Department says 500 are still missing. Yes, out oi
that 500 your son is amongst them.
"ln IQSO Our Lady told you that your sons are dyin~
in brutality, not in warfare. How many of you believec
those wo~ds? l have visioned your sons marching along
de~p raVInes. The boys thought they were being taken
p~lsoners. They were being abused. They were jabbed at
with bayonets, they were bunted with the butt of the
rifle. They were tripped and made to fall and then
~used when they could not rise quickly, for they were
tired, they were marching for a long ways, whilè the
aggressor or the enemy was driving in a jeep. He
didn't have to tire his legs. He had water, he had
cigarettes, he had food within the jeep to eat, while
the weary boy was marching on, tired, for he was cap­
tured off a battlefield, sometimes 12 hours, sometimes
longer without any sleep, without any rest, continuous
-Now they were captured and were made to march
without one moment of rest and when the path got too
rocky, too impossible to pass, the group was halted and
made fun of, was abused, and when they thought they had
to march on, suddenly the y were shot down. You could
see the astonishment on their faces. You could see the
pitiful eyes as sorne of them left o~t a cry, as they all
slumped backwards and fell down the ravine. One or two
hung out to a branch, were hanging suspended in the air.
That is the war that is going on today, that is the
type. It's n6t in regular warfare.
"How about the sons that were held prisoners in
several warehouses, not only Americ ans , but boys from
other battlefields, civilians, natives also encamped. l
don't believe any of you can picture in your mind the
terrible place they were placed into, all pushed together
worse than cattle. For when the cattleman pens up a
bunch of cattle, he puts in bedding for them to be com­
fortable; there is feed placed for them te eat; there
is water for them to drink. So you can't say just like
cattle, because cattle do not get the same treatment.
as these civilians and soldiers received through the
cruel hands of the enemy.
-There was no sanitation, there was nothing; no
privacy, no nothing; and the food that was bro~ght in
by the point of a bayonet of a rifle, was nothing but
dry hard gruel of sorne type with a half a glass of water.
That had te do all day, and then at times a little
water was brought for them to wash w.~th. And rna~y
times just to be abusive, they would sling the water.In
their faces, and they'd be so thirsty, they would drl~k
the water that was running off their face over their
lips, grabbi ng it for it was moist. It didn't matter
~f it was dirty. Dirt didn't matter . They were
It. used to
"So you people in this Countr y that have comfo rts
of every type, place yourse lf into that place and that
wareho use, dear folks, l vision ed at the time that there
was the exchan ge of prison ers. l imagin e they were
afraid of being discov ered sa it was burnt down. No
one was evicte d, they were all burnt; but you can rest
assure d they' are in lieaven , for they are martyr s. l am
sure God was mercif ul to those poor souls in hell fire,
heU fire that man placed upon them, not God Almigh ty.
And still you contin ue to go on your merry way. God is
forgo tten.
"Turn to Gad, your Maker. Get down on those knees,
America! Oown on those knees, and beg the Almigh ty God
ta spare you, to be merci ful, sa that same purge does
not come upon your own beaut iful Americ a, the Countr y
the forefa thers came to, to find God, and they found
God in America so many years ago.
"The Father of this Country,[G~ge Washin gton] he
never forgot the Almighty Gad. He never fought a battle
( withou t first asking his Father in Heaven to guide him
and show him the way. He loved his fellow men, he lovedj
his Countr y, ~d above aU he loved His Maker '. the Father
in Heaven . He had the nght spuIt ; fust comes God
Atffilghty, hlS fellow men and Côuntr y, and no matter how
small a group he had, what a sacrif ice It was, if you
remem ber, he won the battle . It would not have been
possib le had he not the Father of IIeaven ta hel him.
It would not ,ave een pOSSI e or him to win t e attle
(on such odds, but Gad Almigh ty, when YOU tbjnk of Rim
\first , Re is mercif ul. SA follow the example of ~e
Washln ~ton and y~shall save your beauti ful Americ
, ~ur Blesse d Mothe r, the Mother of Jesus Chris
She loves us. She came down to warn us, to plead that \
we save oursel ves, but we hear Rer not. We turn our J
backs on lfur and contin ue ta sin, contin ue ta forget
Rer Divine Son. . ,
"How m~ny of our Pries ts and yes, mlnls ters ~f
other religi ons that are to preach the Gospe l to theu
flocks , how many of them rememb~rl~h~lr }o1h tand do~'t
turn to the materi al things of lde fust, he maten al
things of life, the pleasu res come first, and Our Lord
cornes last. .
'Unles s you folks, we Americans and we Catho llcS,

who know the TIue Faith, turn t CÀ1r L::>~first and place Jt."
the material things of life last, untl we do that and
go on our knees and turn to Almighty Gad, your Maker,
your Master, untll you do that you will not fInd the
Pe ace that they are speaking of 00 much today, but only a
false Peace, the Peace of Satan, the smoke screen to
dull your eyes, to lull you to sleep while the ~emy,
(,yes, the Enemy of Our Lord, the Judases, continue to I~
fde~oy you. Iljey destroy your children, yoU[ sch~ls,
your theatres, rour newsstands. It is aIL infiltrated
with viciousness, crime, sex--any way to blacken man's
souls. "ake upi SaYe"the Innocent chdd! CIe anse your
scll<)ols, your theatres, your amusement places, your
books, your newsstands. Look into them, take ~a~ the
filth. That is what CÀ1r Lady pleaded for in 1950. Five
years have gone by; very little has been done, very
little, while the forest keeps burning.
oYes, dear folkS, wake UR ~ica! Wake~! Re-
move the smoke screen, the filsè 1ce song.t after
your leaders, see that they are just. Pay attention to
the future of the children, the future of your Country.
Don't think it's not your responsibility. It is every­
one's responsibility! Every one.
"Pray for the Priests and Religious. Pray for them.
For the material things are drowning out the spiritual
th ings. Even those in the re 1igious fie Ids 1 they are
IIbringing dOiilthe ~th of God uPQn themselves, upon
their souls; for they are responsible, for they are res­
ponsible for every soul in their Community, but~y
forget the souI and turn toward the material things.
Why? Because we neglect them. We shine before their
eyes the worldly things. We do not pray enough for
them. We do not help them to see and make them turn
( back to their duty. The vows they have taken to be
Christ here on earth. They are the representatives of
Il~t a~t the worldly goods, the worldly pleasures
come first.
"Don't bring the~s upon you. You have. seen it
happen. in foreign countrles. Y~u cannot be dIctat~rs
and expect to fin,d peace ansLh'!.PpIness. You gnn~t dIC­
tate the life of ~our fellow man. You must dIctate
[ y~t-9!P life, you must cleanse y~n path, and then
reaëi'1out and help :y:onr neigfibor in peace and love, ~t
i~be wa~~an. -
OYes Oéar fôlks, the dock bas .s.ttllck tw~"lve. Pray
folks, pray like you have never prayed before. ês

f i
" l'I <1" <; ~ ~t!2'& .~. ~lJ .~u ~.~
~ lL __ .J''': ... 11L"t.r. ......

dail over r?
You cannot forget 0 an expect to have peace. one
of it is turning ta God. ALI of it is forgetting Gad.
Oh, a few mention Him occasionally to lull sorne of those
that they believe are Christians, that they could have
helped their way, so they must mention Him occasionally.
"But look into it, watch the evil that is spread.
lIave you examined your textbooks? Have you examined the
books your children are reading in school? Have ypu
seen into them? Your history book, your reading book,
:lave you examined them? 'They are not teaching the truth.
Are your children taught in school to think? Are your
children taught the respect of their eIders? Are your
children even taught to respect the American f ?
~ "Are your children taught to ev en think of
Lord?} Oh no, that isn't for the schoo s. 0, t
\~ be wrong. As long as they think it's wrong to
teach a child, to mention to any child that the Lord
Jesus Christ is their Master, that He is their Salva­
tion, without Him they cannot survive. Be wrong, yes,
that would be wrong; yes, that is the trend today-­
to bring Him up would be wrong. It is much more right
to shine 30 pieces of silver, the Judases, before him;
to shine them in front of the children and follow that
path. That is why our beautiful America will receive
the same purges, the same destruction, the same wrath
of the Almighty God that the foreign countries have
"Wake upl Follow the \Vay of Christ. -.We Catholics
( know the True Faith, the True Church. Vie have the most
beautiful thing ta cIIng to, and yet we cast it aside.
We have the most beautiful opportunity of anyone to show
the way to those that are in the shadows, in the dark­
ness. Yes, we Catholics havé so much and yet we give
sa little. ASK you~~tf, examIne yaurself: how much
have you given to your fellowman? 00 you think of that
at night before you retire? 00 you think that you have
done your good deed of the day? How many of you even
stop to think about a good deed, let alone think of
"Do you kneel down, if able, ta say a prayer? Do
you ask God to forgive you for the sins you have com­
mitted that day? Do you cleanse'yourself before that
Crucifix, before that Cross, so that you go to sleep
with a clean heart, a clean mind, a clean conscience.
Have you c leansed your se lf bef ore your Maker? If you
hav~, then yo~ sure can feel assured that should you die
durlng the nlght that there will be a Resurrection.
Have you ever thought of it that way? No, you haven' t.
You are wondering what you are going to do tomorrow.
Yes, what material le ad you can follow, what wor ldl y
way you can have pleasure in--those are your thoughts.
"How many of you do your duty to your own Country,
~ow many of you? That is the duty of everyone of us. It
lS your dut y to protect your Country, for the Father of
your Country did just that. He thought first of the
Father in He aven , his fellowman and his Country. If you
II can follow the way of the Fathe r of Ollr-.COlLntry, for
h~ knelt d~ in Valley Forge and prayed for guidance,
for help, for he loved his country, he loved the fellow­
man, and he won the battle. He woU-Ït.
"Are you sure of that? NO. We are not winning
~battle; we are losing it. Every day that you forget
JlJ our Father ln HeaveiiJyou are losing the battle. One
can only~ook 5ack to the year 1900, don't even have to
go beyond, and it's not pretty before that. How many
wars have we had since 1900? How many crosses have we
placed on the battlefield? How many? That's not a
pretty picture.
"We continue te battle. We continue to blind our­
selves to the !f;rse proQ2gaJ}!âJfe~t2 y"0u cLaiJy. Your
D.N., what is ~ u t a aen of evilness? What is
('\ the D.N.? That's not security. Where is the security?
It's misguiding, misleading. They open their arms to
the enemy, to the enemy of Christ, and as long as the
D.N. opens its doors to the enemy of Christ, it cannot
b~our guide, your help. If the D.N. would think of the
Either ln Heaven)first, then you could turn to the D.N.
for help. But the D.N. is S~an.... the D.N. is led by
Ii thirty pieces of silver.
"Wake up before it's too late! Wa~p to save
( yourser~t's not too late to save yourse1f, to save
your soul from destruction.
·We were warned in the year of 1917. Had we heeded
that warning how many boys would still be alive? Have
you ever stopped to count them? These wars that fol­
lowed would never have been. They would not have been,
for that is what ~::Ef]pleaded for, but vie opened our
arms to the thirty pleces of silver, and by that o~d
the door to udas. We slung the sins and the crime in
J'v t e face of . We-are gatfierlng to~ether beneath
\l/~ are spitting in pur Lor<r"S) face
daily. We are throwing rocks atl Him{insults every day,
every hour. We are helping t'nose so helpless so
bl inded to the truth, we are he Iping to pull the ~ool
ov~r their e~s, instead of pü1ring:it ofl and le~ the
light shine into their eyes, th~ght of truth, of love,
of punty.
( rrurn out in groups and take care of the youth of
today. Follow the Ten Commandments, Ilve tfiem as you
should. They are not impossible. The-Wa~~the cross,
y~ Rosary, sftcrifice and penance. They are very few
and simple things.
"There' Il be anQther wpr, more bloody, more ter­
rible than what you nave ever witnessed, for that is
what you want, that is what you are reaching out for.
More bloody than ever has been. Are you not sick of
it yet) How can you figure yourself escaping it? How
can you? For that is\~d. It has been planped
since the year Our Lord was:crucified. Why must we '
J,- low ~t? Why c~w.e not t.~:fP Wour cru2"1he(J
for~~loves us, Hells merCl ul.
~ "Our Holy ~bt el' plëâds with us. The tears stream
down Hel' beautlful Face, for She loves Hel' Priests, Hel'
.x ~~ligious, and how many of them hurt Hel' so; and yes, we
parents are the fault of it aIl. We parents are the
fault of the sinful Priest and Religious, the sinful
Governor. No matter what position he holds, we parents
are the fault 'cause we failed to bring up the future of
your Country in the purity. We failed to show them the
truth, the light, and above aIl the thought of the Al­
mighty first.
"How can we e~p'ec1-that son or daughter to grow up
r~ and become (t'rue ChristtaWwhen we fail to show them
the way. When we plante\)çe ~m crime--be it se~al,
( or be it murder, robberY;....Çall. i~_what -y_ou...m.ay. When we
pi~nose thlngs before them, your comic books ~
blueprint of crime: how they escape the law, the drink­
ing, t~dope~~ulls the mincis, the speeding auto­
mobile, the dark roadside, that cabin that can be bought
( or Motel as you calI them today. Any~heres~ure the
y.9-ll-t-h .
• ~e"1! ~k about you. It's not clean . ..!..û
~~yiug ur LOr]
thef:AlÎÛi~t~e ~dlI
5 ... and bringing disa ter u.
Have you no Sé t(e strength of
Have you not witnessed floods, storms, be it cyclones,
hurricanes or tornadoes? ~G you n~ fitnessed the
strength, the disaster that Atmighty Ç$ld can let come



~~ 1 ""::_ .J



J ....



s...., before YmOUbehind you, above you. &lis aIl about you,
onc Pelis a11 about you, you cannot go astuy for
lMs pro ecting you. There is no opening forJ~ is in
-l'ont of you, behind you, beside YOll and abovp VOII', and
of course within you. That is your protection, r~ffil-
ber that,
• And when you do that you mak L .
Sile the most beilutiful sm· e, for/~!.lls _~ ._
~is beauti ul, n us, i@l
we would only loveliler Jand follow lŒËJwaT
"Remember that. You will have peace and happiness
'May Gad bless aIl of you, RememberŒ?ur Lady of
~Nê-c-e-d~a~h~J She loves you,
- odb ye. "



In the brief amount of space which l can devote to

this subject, l cannot come close to doing justice to
the topic. Whole volumes could and some have been
written on the evil praçtices of the racketeering Labor
- r n the first place, let i
de fin i te l in f av or 0f the l abo r ~.~;-~m~an~~a~n~::l.~n~~l.~s?:~e~
& orgarll.ze· or -e saM of --.lrtsOWi1""wër are. here in
llies tKe fauit and falseness of'thè whoie sîtuation.
l has not been organized for his own welfare, nor does- ne
I c"omfflWlthhl.stheownrepeal
oI-prohibition in 1933 whole or­
ganized gangs of racketeers and bootleggers were put out
of business and might possibly have had to go to work
for an honest living or find sorne other racket to get
into. President Roosevelt and some of his Serpent Ad­
visors saved the-day for ~m. They said, come on boys
we have l.t aIl set up for you, a much better and more
lucrative racket than you have ever known, and further­
mor2 _we willsee that it is al! made strictlx-tegarSo
you wlfIllOtliave to worry about t:J1'ê""1aw. AI l ~e
toCIO for USlS SUpport us ana. ~political plans,
and w~_~ill ~!lP.R0rt you.
- This w~__J~art of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt' s~w f:eal,
or ratfïë"r-the Serpent~ New Deal.
You of course know the results. The racketeers
accepted and the organization started, and they really
went to town. Their old rackets were as nothi~m­
pared to the new, ancLthe.:Iiê::ra::oLp0SSJ.biht le~s
~solut~lY limitless. Of course in th~process of tak-\I
ing over, we had gang wars ana~o~tlngs~_beatings,
Goon-Sg;uad oR~Jatîons. The Ameri~all p_ublic na;-b~
conditioned to accept these thinRs as a matter ôî course
and not pay too much attention to them.
Our Government has ever since
because they swing a powerful vote, also a powerful
lobby. MosLpo-lîticians~do nôt dare bucKthem. In
j 'I~most lines of work. a man is now forced to contilbute to
~their rackets to have a Job. Hu.~co~rôlled and ? e
n~ rebe1. ":te,.RriSJs have been roug e~gn to lS­
c<:ur~e. that. He is force~~~tribute u(lder pr~sure
to tnelr so-calleci cnarltles. fJe:1S:forced to con­
( tribute to theup..9JÎtica! camR1!igns. He 1S forcëa to
carry their Insurance. They control his life and fils
11.Vël1Fiooo-;--n;:ey are in the main fiOOa]wns, racKeteers,
Communi§ts and just plain l'e"s.'
If any~h~ has~ t~ the laboring Elan through
~s, i~ i~_E....urely coincidentaI because they a~e not
organized for that ~ur~se.

-Strikes, riots, s akedown of botlLemEloyers and
employees, destruction of property, fear, hate, Goon
) Squa~boycotts and aIl type of pre~s are aIl in­
luded in their stQCk of trâde:--
Smear, vituperation, propaganda: lie.s are part of
their political tools and are used very frequently
whenever anyone dares to offer any resistance ~~e
aclùëVeriïërïCoi tlieïr ends .
In the promot ion of ~s, man has created a
Fr ankenSEëï.nT or h iSôWï1des tr uc t ionïï5û-fl'ië _aes truc­
tYon-of-dn,Governrentli'nd Constitution which his fore­
fafhers--createu-ana-fought anü a1ëëI1or.
..)t The union man, innocent ~hough he maLJ:e, is be­
rrl ing usea-for FilS own aestructlon.


iDSfQhead of the Garment Makers Union, is in

contrOl ot the cnemical and the racket. -Tt" is now~g
determinëa"Wllo-sh"alTbe tfie winners and who fhë losers
ill-"tITe next year 's footoall sèhe~ulè·s. There will
undoubtedly be many u~~ts this year, particularly in
football because through upsets where the odds are
long, g~ers can make the most money.


When you make out your Federal or State Income

Tax, you finJ on it a place for Jeductions. If YO'.l
donate ~o philanthropies or charities you do not have
to pay tax on the money donated. We try to recall how
many of these donations we have made so that we can
take advantage of the deductions and eut down on the
tax. Now if we cou Id only own and control these phil­
anthropies ourselves, how nice it would be. We could
make donations to ourse Ives and still have control of
the money. That is exactly what is being done by the
Big Boys.
TIley set up their own philanthropie foundation so
called and transfer money in huge SUffiS to this founda­
tion. They still have it under their control. It is a
beaut iful deal for them and is a11 perfectly legal. In
th is Country we have many of these philanthropie founda­
tions, and they control billions of dollars. Some of
the famous and best known are the Rockefeller Founda­
~, the Laura Spellman Foundation, the Larneg1e j'ounda­
t10n and the Ford Foundation. Most of the grants from
these foundations are made where they can purchase the
most for those making the grants in forms of conces­
sions or influence. Grants to foreign countries unâer
guise of philanthropies have purchased many concessions
in form of mineraI and oil rights and many other things.
Grants to schools and u~ersities have made it
possibIe""""to dictate policies ai? teach1ngs ancr;;e-n~e
personnel to benl:'ed by the schooI. 'That lS one reason
'Iwny we have_hÊu-so many èollege and ~iv~ity presidents
1suppotting .Left Wing__ac~ivities t?eir
sdlools. Many subverSlVe and Leftl~r outrL htlJ
Communist Fronts ave een sponsore y t ese same
foundatlons and when there lS any threat o~i­
gations the controlled press and radio immediately come
to the tr rescue _wi~ a propaganda program.

One of these foundations who have come under obser­
vation and threatened investigation for subversive
connections is the great Ford Foundation. Henry ford,
the first who built up the financial emEire, was ~e
of ~irst--..!!!e!!-to rec~_nize....J;k=a::ctivlti~ of the
Serpent and fought it all his lifetime. He must have
himself aIL worn out from rOlling over in his grave
as he sees what the fortune he built is now being used)
for, anawnell he sees the compan ions and tnose wlth
;nom his ~randsons have chosen to ally themselve~
Anot er great group of foundations WhlCh comprise
the best rackets ever conceived by man are the so-called
~~ùical Foundations too numerous to mention. You have
only to listen to your radio for a very short time, and
you will listen tO'a heart rending appeal for funds for
sorne of them. Many of them have annual campaigns to
which thousands of good hearted Americans donate the ir
time as well as their money. They net yearly from the
generous American public many, many millions of dollars.
We are a bunch of good hearted, gullible goofs. lt is
true that for the sake of wlndow dresslng ana to throw
dust in the public's eyes, they do make a show of doing
something with a very small portion of the money, ~
there is no accounting. There is no way of check~ng
o!.!...ITïe millions they received. There is no accurate way
of checking expenditures, nor should anyone be so gul­
lible or foolish as to expect that there ever will be.

Righ~ now in this Country we have reached the point
where. they \~ill. have~come up wlth sorne new anapre­
viously unheard of diseases so that we can have more
fo~aEiDns ~o_invelgle money out of the pockets of the
p':lblic. The racket is so good that they would never]l
clare come out with a cure for the disease, and thus
eliminate the necessity for the Foundation.
If you have money for charities, find orie where )
you can do some good and know what you are doi~t
helpllï1e the pocketsOfrackët:eers who are much b~ter
orf than vou are. You perhaps worked for your money.
Thev don' t.


only issues the warnings at tax­

kill off any competition for the
furnishes the Agency for handling

~"é-•. ~r, or


No more dastardly crime has ever been conceived

in the mind of man than that which has been committed
against the people of the wor Id by the subversive kw­
/! controlled American Medical Association.

This statement is based on three revelations given

on two separate dates.

June 15, 1956: "The American Medical Association

is trying awfully hard to destroy the Hoxsey Cancer
( Clinic. He's fortunate he doesn't have to bow to ~m /
fîiŒncially. He has saved many lives." ~
June 27, 1956: "The A.M.A. has known the cause of
cancer and the cure for cancer for 25 ars. The A.~l~
also kriows Ene causes an cure or 0 10 - ~
The treatment of HarryM. Hoxsey hàs been success­
fuI in curing hundreds of people of cancer. The Ameri­
can Medical Association does_no~ waut any cure for cancer
t9 be kng.wn; in fact, they themselves as given anove,

l know and h --- th the cause and the cure for

cancer for many years. What they wou Id erlve ln
~1~way:]Q money for cüring people i§ nothing to what 8ïey

\~ )a~ettmg outOT~eTIîrough the Cancer FUilëfand

various private funds, such as the Damon Runyon-rulld,
e~- In other words, they do not intend that anything
shall interfere with their pot 01 gold. They do not
want the goose killed that rays for ~em golden eg~;
or in just plain words, the racket is so good that they
[ can't afford a cure.
Meanwhile every year thousands, many thousands of
Americans suffer and die needlessly. They, the tO P
brass orthe A.M.A., are traitors to the human race, to 1

) the woitâ-,__and a.!".t=..masS.J1!Jlrderers o[many, many thousarids
of people ~early, and that for money!
A ~ired killer is looked upon as about the lowest
thing to whiCJlthe human can descend, but the hired
killer is as~hite ~t. Peter compared to the âlrty
-= ­
black devils who are responsible for the mass murders.

1hey are !ower than the Iowest wfîo can watch numan suf­

fering that they could cure.

There are others who are just as guilty, acces­

f sories, because they hav e-4-gQilty knowledge. Among
them are sorne U.S. Senat ors and n~mbers of the U.S.
Supreme Court. Check on the Board of Direct6rs of the
\ A. M. A. and see who you findtnere. --="

-== friends and relatives have

bee~ their victims. Perhaps-you have daily to look at

o~e' of your own childre1:cr~ppleart>~ Then thînk

how you got out and wor ed for the ~a of Dimes, the

Pol io_Fund Drive so that others woulëln' t h~e to go

throug~hat vou d1d. Then think-or-the fact that aIl

of your suffering and aIl of your work was contributedJ~\

to one of the lowest bunch of racketeers that God ever
permitted to l~ve--those vultures who prey on ~uman suf­
fer~ng and sympathy for money. Lis~~ their heart­
rend~ appeals over the radio and television. 1
cause of their -pêwerIuIPolltical connect ions,' 1

attempts which have been made to 1nvestigate the Amêrican

flkàicalASsoClat lOn, have alw'ays been sfymi"ëd. If they
were investigatë-a-,· 'sorne-of fhëD-1g"shOEaoctors would,
in aU probability, commit suicide or flee the Country.
The head,__~tor Fishbein, would most likelY_take refuge
in_lSrae 1.
Se~by tried t2 have the A.M.A. investigated,
but he is now dead. There are others dead also who
refused to cooperate wit.h them. They now have very fine)]
( mean§ of disposing of~le, and that knowledge was
also develo~~ ~A.M.A. scient~sts.
This article lS copië<f"'Out of the "La Crosse

Register", our Catholic diocesan newspaper. l have seen

this same warning in other papers and magazines. It just

shows to what extent they are going to try to kil~f

the H0XSeY'-ëi.ire-To-r'cancer. -- - - - - - - - - - ­


"The Food and Drug Administration has issued a

publ ic warnlngt"Flattlï~ Hoxsey trea~ent for internaI
cancer distributed by the Hoxsey Cancer Clinics at Dal­
las, Texas and Portage, Pennsylvania is worthless and
may be dangerous to those who rely on it instead of
obtaining "competent ~medic al treatment. AlI pers ons who
may be considering t~e Hoxsey Treatment are advised to
sec ure a copy of the warnlng notice. Write to: Food
anù Drug Administration, Washington 25, D.C.
" official notice of the United
States Government. n -­


Daslc material for thisgive~\iay 27, 19~.:J

Many crimes against God, man and nature are per­
formed in the name of Sc ience. The pract ice of art ifi­
cial insemination and selective breeding is being carried
on usin~ humans, and helpless humans, as guinea pigs by
the medicaJlïprofession in this Country. T~ are using )
as their guinea pigs women confined to mental institu­
tions, par~arly in~York. They are using par­
ticularly women who are not inherently insane, but rather
those who were of high mentality and who for sorne reason
or other had mental breakdowns. Operations are per-]
formed on th~m without their know ledge or consent and
also without the knowledge and consent O[-i:heu:reIa­
----They have even tried to raise the human embryo under
entirely artificial conditions outside the human body.
To a degree they have been sllccessful. They have had
the fertilized egg develop into an embryo and develop to
the age of six months before it died.
The artificial fertilization of the egg without the
female has successfully been carried on for many years.
We of course know of its common use in the breeding of
In order to bring up a super breed of Negroes who
could excel in fields of sports, etc., and to create an
acceptance of the Negro race in those fields of compe­
tition, selective breeding of Negroes, as with cows and
horses, has been !practiséd. in several states in the
South; namely, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. They
picked out large athletic, weIl formed N~ro men-afia
useâ them as studs 1n--thë breealng of selected Negro
women. This has been going on now since the early
ICJ2W sand some of the results have shown ':P now -inthe
field of SRorts. AITpart-oCΑ--evTI-pfan to promote
acceptance of the Negro by the White, and also the
mQngreliz~on of the races to the ultimate destruction
of aIl those lnvolved.
1 In th~~~ion they have now bred three' women
who have had over-intellectual minds with the sperm
from brilliant males. They hope in the progeny to find
what caused the original mental crackllps, to experiment
with brain food and drllgs.
To those experimenting scientists, man is but
1 a nother anlmal to he treated as such. It woula b~t
cer-tainly fitting and just--{î disaster were to strike
them for their crimes qgainst both Gad and man, invading
His realm to the extent of producing a race of~-
J\ less -Frankenste-llls. ­
-- Quote from W2!:.!<: "r've got to find a list of Yid
( ~rs. l thinkTcan End those that are working on
\ th is .•


You have aIl no doubt at sorne time read fantastic

stories, but no author of fantastic stories has enough
imagination to write stories as fantastic as sorne that
are true. This is the story of Dr. Roberts, an American
scientist who made sorne very remafKable discoveries in
the w:;e Of.s.9smic ~s. .----
During the war German airplanes were cause~cSillk
QYt by means of projecting cosmic rays at them by means
of the use of cosmic rays \Y.hich_wi-11 pen.et_~a~.~EE<?ugh
solid materials. It is possible to photograph what a
ship is carrying through the steel hull of the' vessel.
From a Russian submarine ~!l.J\b'l_j~.Qrk..Bar:bor jt has
been-possible for the Russians to take pictures oI un~­
ground New York City with aIl of lts maze of sewers and
(subways. Cosmic~.Ean also he used to pick up c<;n-
versations at a considerable distance.
. - Wh~Dr. Honerts analyzed the possibili~ies _~is
dlscü'rerles, he wlshed to destroy atl-or-n~ata so
(1/ it couTd not ~sed as a weapon of war. The potent ial
pcïSSibiTif:tes w~re ansô1litëTy--UrïTîïTïited. fFPr. Conwi0:)
who ass lsted him g.<!..v:.~9!!~i!!iQ.!'-rn_,!~_lOn to the Russ ians ,
w~o got hold of D~~obert~~ut him in prison in
this Country on trumped up charges, and from there, with
assistance of subversive forces in our Government,~
Jlw~s smugyled out of th~Country ~nd forced to~ivu:ge
Il hlS knowedge to the RUS:Slans. H1S wlfe was âone away
;ith to prevent her talklllg. She had an accident. Dr.
Roberts is now back in this Country, but is kept hidden
} in St. Eli~~s_A$_ lum in Washin ton, D.C.
A tru y fantastic true story, and it happened
(. right here in good old U.S.A.

-117 -

Damocles was forced to sit through a banquet with a

heavy sword hanging over his head suspended on a single
hair. l imagine it was rather hard on his digestion and
nervous system--death hanging over his head suspended by
a single hair.
We the people of the United States have hanging over
aIl of our heads a danger much, much greater than that
which hung over the head of Damocles.
Let's take a trip and examine this great threat to
our safety and security, the sword of Damocles, which
is hanging over our heads, the heads of all Americans.
yourself and your family, your friends, relatives and
We will start in rugged country in the far northern
part of Siberia, beginning at the edge of the great
sheet of ice and glaciers which extend over the great
wasteland clear to the North Pole, where the tem~rature
never gets above fr~g~an.cL.t.he.....-ice ba~la in_fOfCèn­
--First we will cross a bridge over a fast running
stream that comes through a deep gorge in the rugged
terrain. Then we will proceed along a ledge which fol­
lows that same gorge. ·nle road is rough and rugged but
p~le. ~~ we travel up this gorge it gets narrower
and narrower. As you look ahead there are great ice
over hangings, and it looks absolutely impassible, but
always when you get to these apparently impassible
places you find that the trail, such as it is, contin­
ues up hill and down and around many sharp curves and
corners. Sometimes it appears the ledge is too nar­
row to drive on and a ilip would drop you clown into the
river many feet below. After about a half day of
torturous travel of this kind, you !lflally come to a
pla-ce whe-re-tt seems the ice nearry cornes over ~, and
t11ëïlthere is a turnora" spI itt ing in the road. ·men
you head for what you are sure is the end of the trail
but again you are fooled, for you come to a ~wher~
there is a square hole cut in tllè ice and you ènter
in~a.~Jm)).gl l,lnae_~ce.
-- The natural surroundings thernselves serve as a very
good camouflage for the entrance to the tunnel. Travel­
ing...J:hrough th is turmel gives a person a very eerie ,con­
fined feeling, a cr~EY f~_~~g. You thi~~going
to fall on :'t0u, but _l'ou keep right on_going for mîIés.
There's a sharp curve to the left and you go clown hill,
then a sharp curve to the right and up grade for quite
a ways. Then another curve where the trail isn't so
steep and then the trails widen out, but you are st ill
in the whiteness of surronnding ice. You haven' t been
able to travel fast, but you have spent at least a ha If in the t~nnel. lt seems longer
than that, but finâ11y you arrive at your destination.
You are now entering into one of the Great Wonders
of the modern world. lt_is tB~~reat secret Arsenal of
the Russians. lt is a miracle of construction, aIl
uÏléfer'lce. Huge beyond the lmagmat Ion, two mlles long,
three miles wide. Enough space under ice for a vil­
l~, e!!~,!gJ1 mater iaTOI w~':ID-aer there to <§s troy the
w~ole Western Hemisphere and_perhaQ.s__ th.e whole wOiId.
Mary Ann saw this place first in vision in l~ts
construction was first Wor::1d War l, and
then for a while It was abandoned, and then it was
started up again after Stalin became the leader of the
Russians. From that time until now it has been under
cont inua l cons truct lon un t n-it'nas-lïëcome-Enenuge
mons ter of potent ia l des truc t ionthat -itls.
---~lostort1ïose who are laborers iil-this great under­

ground sLorehouse-- are prisoners of war'-orpo1ltTcal

prisoners in exile. Once in there they are nev~ut

again for tne secrecy of this place is of necessity very
closely guarded. There are st ill prisoners who have
been there s inee WorTd-War l, sorne arel\iiïël"lcans.
There are 'many~ many Ïrore "Irom World War II andlater.
Airplanes ariLp..~.E.ts gf sul;!-.rl~§. ?~re mapuIactured
here, as weIl a~_gui~ed missiles and atomic bombs. They
are making two types of guided missiles. The larger of
the two is accurate up to 1500 miles. 'Ihey are way
ahead of us in their missile development. They haVe)
working on them_s.9J!l,e_o; t~ _cê.P..tu.Ee~ German scïë'ïltlSts
who dëVë10ped the guidecL miss iles oJ that C:'mntry. The~e
missiles have a range capable of reachlng from thlS
Siberian base ~most of_ql! the main cltles in the
United States. There is a path of \.LlcKyalr---cur-rents
comlng down across Canada that these missiles would have
to pa·ss through, and they are not yet sure of the
Mary Ann in her visionary visits also saw the
large launching devices used for laWlching these mis­
siliS. It is very easy tocamoufGg~thesë' devlœswnen

theY are out on the surface by the v~r'i..~imple e'fpedient
of coveri~ them over with canvas and spray~them with
water, which irmtediately becomes ice and part of the
lCescape of the surroundings.
They even have a smaller guided missile which when

launched rides~ig&~ bgfk~on the large guided missile.

These smaller mISSI es are of course also launched by

themse Ives.

()Jote May 24, 1955: "Hank, how d id they get some of ]

our airplanes?' They have some Wl~USÂ ~r1s--on-t~m.
They hrnsorœ they cafr1JOugliSTrans"port planes. Ibey
have some of those cartons l saw before in ships.
They' re marked 'Corn and Peas', but they contain am­
mun it ion. l saw those in sh ips near the Statue of
Liberty leaving New York Ilarbor. :'\obody will listen
to me, Hank. Nobody cares.
"ÂnthonLEden knows about that place, Ilank.

always ~ e -;as- no gOOee-- --

Tne Russians are far ahead of us in the deve loprœnt

of ... atomic energy. They had the ~ydrog~:.!!....~mb a lread) in
lQ:JO. They ha':..e work~much hil./::_~!:r on dev~l(1)pin~u­
de ar power . . ~,han~e__~i!.ve, l'he oi 1 monopIïes in our
COuntry have sabotaged our nuclear \If'velo[!ment becausel
they don'\'. want tne-Coi'fiçieTTT"lort01 nuclear power.)
The International Bankers control the 011 monopo­
11f'.hJ2ill th(~vhaYen'tas.];:;.t go"tte!1 compTetecOî1"t.rol )
ove.!:..-_IJ..l!.f..lear development.
l{uss l-;-~'g~ne ahead because they do~ha~e the)
surplu~es of oil. They were"~omlsed more oil, but~e
been doubrecrossed in that bv Great Britain. Just one
more double cross for 13ritain"s score cardo
In this great Siberian Arsenal, they transport rœn
arol1nJ on small cars that con~i.~t of a steerinfl wheel
...irar~k and seats mounted on whee ls. "n;ey mave noise­
Il'sS arollnd among the equ Ipment. Thev have a sma 11 box
on the back-ir om._wh iç<ie.ï...ÙQped witllQu t
use of gasoline or electricity. Some of these small cars
carry su< men.
This vast stockpile of material is aIl for destruc­

tion--tanks, guns, trucks, tires, supplies of aIl kinds,

atomic bombs, guided missiles, airplanes--everything for

destruction, ~~der one roof of ice and ready to be

used on a moment's notice. AIl of this, located in the

f!northeastern tip of Siberia, right close to American

\ terrltory, IS that Sword of Damocles which~ver
t'fië""" head of aIl America.
Sorne Americans have discovered the existence of
thi~-ylace an~ave d kcLfor t.b~iLJsDoWledge.
-ml know is what r read in the ~~ers.· Many
of you wïTTrecognli:ê that as an oft repeatea quotat ion
1\ of a great ,\merican, \Vi 11 fugers. That statement, how­
ever, was not true because if it were, Will n0!r.ers might
still be with us. IÈ died in a plane crash as previously
given, _and it was becau:sehel<i1ëiVtoo much.z.nat pran.L~
crashed b~cause it had Lecn tamper~J ~tth b a_ mechanic ,'''''''''
who was htred to do the Job. Later It also caused fne ­
mec~anic hi;:; death becaL!~ he c...Q1!..ld hav~-p~t hi's finger
on the one who had hired him. The one who hired~llm-was
one--Louis D. Brandeis, a leadi~g ...Zio~~sr-Jew_and_on~of

Il I;I}-eprime Rlotters again~t oUf._Government, at that time

a member of the Supreme Court oCtJ1e-nnited States.
Will Rogers and Wil~ Post were trying on that trip
to 10caFë -Efiehuge Russ-ian Arsenal, the existence of
wnfë1)'WllTllad gotten thekï1.o~re(fge of in sorne manner,
and it wasn't through the newspapers.
Sorne of our American plotters know of this place,
and have even been there and inspected it. One was)
ulsU:-BrandelS/ and another former Secretary of State,
an AchéSon.J How manymore nave giülty knowTëëlge or its
eXlStencè'-r'(fa not know but there undoubtedly are others. •
Mary Ann has often visited this place in vision and
commented on its s ize al1d-.the _g~~at~unt of act ivity
theJe. .
Y!r:_ ha~ ha,g .iL. nl!'llbe!:__~_An:e_r:_lÇ ~!.I_JLLa!l~sh~n
up in that area. When American planes get too close,
th'ë'Yshootthem down and the..n we have an apolo{rLfrorn
the Soviets thr0!--1gh _djp!omat ic.~ha_~ ls;-a:rïaîn--the --case
of~recent happening, they even agreed to pay half in
reparat ion. Peally a good deal.
There has been a Russian submarine lying off the
Aleutians constantly for a long time. Perhaps it has
abroad raiar equipment to spot planes that get too close.
1 suppose also that if President Eisenhower's
~sinineprop?sal for the exchange of military secrets
wlth the Russlans was accepted tnat they would send oVèr
( a picture of this Siberian Arsenal. The Russians would
have to be a nation of mental midgets to accept that
proposaI. ~~lr~~ know as much about our military
installations as we do oürsë1Ve5." _._ . . ".
'If --rJ<now that J.t is part of the propaganda hne to
make us think that we are so much ahead of aIl our
1 enemies in aIl things. That tickles our ego and creates
in our minds a sense of fa Ise se~ltY:-=-It he Ips to
luI! us to sleep as ~ne-aangers we face. Neither
oceans or international boundaries were barriers when
t~e brains were b~in~passed out. ~
Talking about p~ople being misled by propaganda and
being lulled into a faise sense of security, we are go­
ing to sleep at night feeling secure because we are pro­
tected supposedly by our Air Force who could intercept
an enemy task force of bombers and supposedly destroy
them. That is the story for Eublic con~umption.
Th e t r t!.t fi l S we are-be-lH-g- p r..o.t.e..cLe.d-h.)L."~a r
screen t~has more holes in it tha~is~ cheese. The
enemy have sent planes ~own-;;e; our Co~nt~Y-and back
again on test flights without being detected. They
could have dropped an A or an H bomb on any city in the
Lnited States and gone on home as safely as your child
can go to the corner grocery for a pound of butter.
To be more specifie: two Russ ian bombers of a new
type flew down into our Country as far as St. Louis and
then turned around and returned over their course back
out aga in. This hap~ned the first_week in October,
1955. These planes have an exceptiona11y long nose and
swe pt back wings. T~e'y. ~~~x.cep.ti~~a_!J:Ljas ~..l~bout
720 mi1e~ an ~ur_.t.2.E.~ed. These two 'planes flew down
from Siberia to St. Louis back out aga ln, then east to
Greenland and then over the Pole back to Siberia.
On N9vember 8, 1955 this was given: ",\irp1ane Hank,
up high, right above Necedah, up high. Going south Han~,
going south. It.-i-..§......wéry~.P_~bove t~q~s Han..b.--f.illl t
he~any sOlJ.I1..u.L . it. ~t s the same type that went
before, on1y this time it sone alone. GOlng south now
over Necedah -- gone." . 0
At the time it was over Necedah, It was 10:3
0' c lock at night. That a irplane we~t south as far as
Mexico City, then it went ov~r S~n D~ego and back north
along the co·ast to its home ln Slbena. The only cargo
it's carrying is fuel. The plane only spent three hours
over our territory on its l'lay south and three hours
on the l'lay back. Mary Ann l'las shown the course it flew.
When these planes come clown to drop the bombs on
I( us, they will not be .ab le ta carry fuel for t~e
return trIp, and sa 1'1111 he forced to land somewhere ln
this hemisphere ta refuel before their return trip.
ArL~nts have been--llJadet.o_hay~these bombers land
on Br~Perty of our lJJYi!L~Y! In-facf-,~we
will also ~ore than f ikely he b~mbed b.L~r..eaLl3Ll§.in at
Jl the same tlme. Theu planes 1'1111 come ln from the new
b~seJLthey are buildin~!LGI'ee~d. ~---_.. _--~
The two nussian planes whose flight was just des­
cribed flew out illld over Greenland to show the British
that the door l'las open and they could successfull~at­
~ a c ~ l n hne wlth BfltlsnpoIïcy, if they
can get the Russians ta do the job alQne they will do
it but will be in on the deal ta pick up the ir share

of the spoils.
\Vith the aid of a traitior Air Force Officer in our
Count r~tne-plan-tlâ-s-[i h e ad~~-rL ct r a~ll~l~_J_~he
atnck:--t fhe-'p1-ânes are to come ln two l'laves if neces­
s~if we are not completely pulverized in the first
The cities to be hit, to feel the force oi the bombs
in the first raid, are as follows (and this is to be
( used onl~~ase they are not successful in destroying
us from with inr-'fhey right across the
country. These cities would aIl he hit at the sarre time:
NINew York - Detroit - Chicago - Denver - Los Angeles ­
and San Francisco
If it l'lere necessary to come in the second time,
they would hit:
Washington, D.C. - Akron, Ohio - Gary Indiana - Oil
Fie Ids around Oklahoma City and San Antonio, Texas
New Orleans - St. Louis.
Russ ia has deve loped an atomic bomb wh ich c an be
set off under water from a submarine, mld so submarines
could he used in a cooperative attack in hitting coastal
cit ies.
Another reason for their reluctance ta use the above
listed plan unless it is necessary is that they would be
destroying many Reds in our Country. Th~.~ planning
.~ ing the Red Chinese to _~~their dirtLwork, just as
thev ~~.d.tb.e_Jgp.L..\!L& aI' l_Harbor.
To protect their own hides, many of our Big Boys
have hideaways for thernse Ives where théy expect to be
when th~ack comes, unless they are double crossed
by thei~ pals, w~ich could ve~y well happen. EisenhôWer)
has a Indeaway ln the mpJJnt_au!§ about 75 miles outside
of Denver, Colorado. ­
----mat isOïlé" of the th ings that ace ounts for h is
fre quen t vac at ions to t ha tare a. As a me ans of pro­
tection' it was planned to maye our Capitol to the
Central part of the Country, and the c~ ~icked for
that honor was St. Louis, MissoU"r"i;-but t en it was
det~rmined that, beca~of its strategie importance, St.
Louis would have to be destroyed also. AIl the important
~pers were transferred out of Washington, D.C., and our
untry's Capitol will be set ,up in a cavern in the
Ozarks outside of St. Louis. ThELRapers are aU s.tQ!:ed
there right now.
Part of this plan was thoughL up by H.D.W~ who
is now one of the devils who sits up above ana tries to
rlsrupt Mary Ann' s work.
Russian subs have been hanging around off our West
Coast for a long time. There are also submarines of the
same nation in the Gulf of ~~xico and the Caribbean
ne ar Cuba and Bermuda.
AlI of you undoubtedly know of how much damage was
done in World War 1 and World War II by the submarines of
the Germans. When World War II was over, as part
their loot, the Russians were given most of Germanyrs
su6iiia:rmes. They aIso got control .~t.TI},êJW. of ~en­
tists ana know=liow of.. theGërmans.
------rhë-gr;atest num5ê~subs the Germans ever pos­
sessed was 79 aQq"..B"!J?sj.~....!!.Q~ __"~_s. ,posses!>~"d_of ~"~or
nearly four omes as many as Germany ever had. Yes, go
on and be lulled into a false sense of security.
The E~sitive abs~r~of some of our Na~ional
Civilian Defense plans does not seem tObe" reëOgntzëd by
our people at all.T~ue-;;--;il1neeaorganizat1.onto
car~for-woümrëd and hungry and those victims who are
far enough away from the center of the explosion not to
be killed, but where they speak of mass evacuatlons from
large cities that, if it were not so serious, would be
both foolish and funny. If they were to carry out suc­
ce;;-;:r~lly ail evacuation, it ~.<?uld have t9 start about)
three days before the attack. Bet~er yet, st~t It now.
1 doubt If you will have that ~lnd of ~~tlce. Thât
propaganda is for human cons~mptlon, and If you :ar~ to
grasp at it as a straw of ope, hang on--but It ls a
very flimsy straw.
l wonder how many people will take any warnings
from these Revelations, and how many will continue to
believe the Big ~ie. ,Many r>e-oplù~~-.talked and spoken.
the t!ut~L__Ql,lt lmmedute ly _t hey_.~re censored and dis­
creditect in the minds of those wl1Os'hoüTa-iisten and
reason'ana- be Iëd' t-o fli iïlk-.- Dnë"ortlie-t-nings-rremém­
ber-from a class l was in, in Educat ionai Psychology in
college, was t.his staternent: ·There,~ nds to WhiChW LQ
a man will not r~9lt t eJ>~ e _t ~ ln .• lIe~'
The trt'i'til 'ô1 that staternent was never so t>V1 t>nt- t- .... mt> ~
as it is now.
~~ C~o-u-g~h~l~~~/talked long and loud and told the
truth unt il the Forces of Evil were successful in shut­
ting hi:!!! off.
IBi;-s'h::":o:':p:":"""S""he-e-n"":" has ta l ke d.
Many good Priests and lay people have talked and
t~o avail.

to_~x~~:ee o:o~~r t~i:~~:[r~~b~~~~i~o~~a~:g~<\~:~

Graft, even treason, but they have, in the mairi-,"been

.§ilenced _by threats oCr-ë'RrlsaI, or by other m~ans.

Sorne of them have been b~h!~f.
Harry S. Truman, as head_of the TrumanJdl.rrunit.tee,
made sorne discoveries which could have helped toward
( opening up sorne people's eyes and ears had they been made
known. As a reward for his silence, he was made ViceJ
Pres id~nt ial cand idat~, and hence--.5eCâ"'!~f--pres1.dent , of
the Unlted~aEë~ ~ aoubt very much lf you can flnd
that in MI'. Truman's Autobiography. I~-lLl~_st~~was
compIet::~-,- it should b_~__ ,~here.
----rhe ArmY=McCarthy hearings and aIl of the ballyhoo
and smear against JoeTCarthy were bec.,aus..e......Q.f hl~ ex­
posure _o.r:__çorm:nuni~i infilliat ion jn_ high places_ in
GOvernment. Because he dar.eLt~t.heMuth about
othe;t'hings, incltiding our ForeignJ?ol~cy u~the
Trùiïla.n~cheson, Marshall regime. However ,Elie m;in
re~to shut him up was because of his.avowed inten-\\
tion of hlilding an in,:,estigati<:~ àrtfi.è-Cëntr~l Intèl­
ligence-A€ { ency l'!hich lS set-up to be thELAîjënç,~Gés­
t~hen we are taken over. It is and has been a
haven for subversives and-~raitors, and is headed by
Allen W. ~~s, ÈE~t~f J~pn Foster DulIes,~e­
t~r-State and one of those who ~as been selllng the
United States down the river as fast as possIble. BOth
are J:>r:.~m_e mov,er~, orbig-;1i_eels~{n-t'he Invis'n;Te
Government which control our destinies. John Foster
( Dul~e~ ~a~_19Jlg_he.eILtheerrand-boY<:lJthe Rockefeller)
~e 2.D on theÜ -plot to cëintlOI cllt:! wUlld.
Here lS an addItIon since glven as further eVldence:
December 3, 1955, 8:30pm: "U.S. ~~.2-§~~W
( Foundland transferring cargo to submarine. Cargo to go
to the rled sea. .­
ftSubmarine off Bermuda.
"Submarine off San Diego; lookout sub at usuai )
place" (off the Aleutian Islands). NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN
"The Russians -ha~ep~ov~n- 'th~t----;;ur de-~se system
is a myth. ~él~th~_iE_S,ub~~~? l~rk off.. our~h~~h-II
out dete<:.! lo_n, that thelr planes-canrly over our
country without detect ion or difficulty. "
8: 45pm: "Hear 'em, Hank, hear them. Fiy_e--.Q.f them
Hank, flying in a V formation, hear them. Right now over
JUIl~_a!JCo~ty. \tent-r..ight over Wis~in Rapids ,_going
~~tJ,~h. Must be another test flight. These are not the
same type, Hank. They are smaller, haven't that long
nose. 'They have four jets on each one. Our announcer ~
was recentl y_ us assu.!:..ance that we have Planes) tfiëy_fi3ve. _.Tjlat is false.
--- "That new plane previousfy ae~crib~ is faster than
anything wenave·tna'oomoer:-'"
---The course for tnese planes was shawn i\lary Ann.
They went south to St. Louis; one returned over the same
course. Two went straight east over the coast. Of
those two, one developed trouble with one jet engine and
turned back inland in a course directly back to ItS
Sioe--rïan--nase .TF\ls tool<ïl;-east 0 It-nest"iiteorrvliiuïe.
It again passed over our s.o-called radar screen and
fa irly-rol'l-;-tQcî-;-aslt couldÏ1't ma intain -ltS8:lt Ilude.
The other planes continued up the coast and to Greenland.
Hence back to its base. The other two went due west over
the West Coast, and hence north back to their Siberian
With enemy subs Iurking on our shores and enemy
planes flying at will over our country, we are sure weIL
protectea-.-STeep -sou.. ndl y , don't worry. "Xou are ?eingjl'
protected, tluf- if_y~~_~reJ it is onl~y God Almlghty •
and not the source of protection you are placing your
confidence in.
December 15, 1955: "Submarine by the Aleutians
aga in. Large submarine always there. Small submarine is
approaching it again."
·Submarine off San Diego.

·Submarine near Cuba.

·Submarine near Philippine 1s lands. What are all

those subs by those places for, rhnk? \Vhy aIl those subs
maneuvering around. One in waters about 100 miles east
o~i.· (This was given just previous to 9:55pm)~.--
Submarines have been mentioned again and again.
Th~:L~e const~ntly ) !IrkingJD.-QlK_~.!lt~!_S, but we never
1\ hear orane belng detected. .­
At 10:40pm: "Noise, Hank, noise. Airplane jets,
can't find them. Jets, Hank. Long nosed ones again;
two of them going real fast, going fast."
l could not hear the planes in the house, but
Freddie was still up and stepped outside. He said he
could hear them plain; said they seem to have more of a
$..Ç.ream.J;han ours do.
"Going south, going to split at Chicago; going
east and west. Must be trying out sornething new, Hank.
One going straight~asr-from chicago and up to theïëüa;t.
That covers vital cities. The other one is going over
Oklahoma City, then Denver, then up West Coast to
Siberia. Those planes were traveling about 675 miles
an hour, carrying just fuel. They have four jets.
"rhos~lanes were des igned bL~ captured German
J after 1Ke" waltëâ for them to capture Berlin. It
don' t t ake thos e guys long, Hank. They coula sure do
us dirt.
"Radar screen Huh - who~re.-1h~"y-.kidding?·
TFils-wa-s-tne-s-të;r~it was given and at the t iine
it was given. As far as our radar screen, it looks as
( though the Russ ian.s ~ouJ~-r~ ~-~neduTë-d air l ige Q~er
and we" woüTanever"kl).,ill'Ijt. Also these planes we have
statloneclaround might as we 11 stay on the ground as
try to catch those that have been going over. It would
be like taking a Model T Ford to catch the new Lincoln.
Listen to the appeal for plane spotters, etc., and
have yourself a good laugh, if you are not too scared to
laugh when you know what is hanging over your head.
Plane spotters might be able to spot sorne guy with a Cub
and get the C.A.A. (Civil Aeronautics Authority) after
him for flying too low, but that's all the good they
could hope to accomplish.
There must be sorne reason or connection betw~_en
the small s ub'-~;d-the-p-Ianës fTYlng..... 1ïëca'ûse-ëachErne
the pla;e-S- ha~gQ.~~-~Q.~~~_~~_~~-;~ali-;u"b iiar; bèèn éüt
t~~ ~ w~Jl... ~th~ Ja, Qn~ J'hlcll i~lw~.there.
~cember 28, 1955: "You know that submarine by the
Aleutl~s, Hank. The little one is approaching it again.
There ls a sub in the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi.
They are watching something there. They were there the
other night too.· (That was Monday night. l was not
with ~fury Ann on that night. Hel' brother~ were caring
for her). "There is one sub neal' Cuba, one near Ber­
muda, and one near Panama.
"Place in Siberia is very active (city under ice-­
Arsenal previously mentioned). They're prisoners of

Wo. l'Id War land. World War T.I both still working there.

( Tho~prisolleLs. look~.g9~~...:_.. 1h~X must be .geU ing good

~ "There's a big submarine and also a small one east
of Newfoundland.
"1 keep hearing the noise of jets. There's three

going oye. Necedah right now. Going to beat the blazes.

They're lower than they were before; they are getting

more daring. They are going over the sarne route, going

to split. One is going west over Denver and back up

past the Aleutians. One going east over Chicago, New

York, Newfoundland and Greenland andback to Siberia.

oille third is going south to St. Louis and then back.

The.y_._ar~t;.he lo~~ed_ new~s, Hank.· The time was

8:20pm when this was given. "Boy, can those babies

trél..veL;_-ahouU.l:i milglLjLe.LJ1Q!!r~ just cruising."

N IGfn.

"Ike is no good, Hank. They are only feeding us

propaganda. He's an awfu1 sick man. For a while they
{ had him aIl stimulated up with medical stuff, but he's
no good. At the' same time he can make contacts. That's
why he went South.
"There's a rather serious distill'bance between four
top leaders in Russia.
·Yoll are...g.Q1..I1g. té he al' of an9.-theI_a.iœl~Jl~jiÇCij.ent

with qmte a few hlled. You are also going to hear of
another c~~burned.
".Jet over Aleutians right now and-SJlb__&w aled with
!ig_~s. B1inked 1ight five times, th~ee .times, th~n
five times, th en sorne other strange fllcklng; then lt
stopped. Don't know what it means."
If an H bomb hit Chicago, it would destroy three

i cit ies in sout,he.IJ!'HWi§Ç.Qusin_alQ!lg-!Vl th lt. 'Ibey would

Inot be destroyed complete1y, but much damage wou Id .be

done from concussion. There would be severe destructlon


within a radius of lQO miles with damâge and destruction

for another 50 miles.
"If planëSëome to fulfi11 plan of air attack,
there would be five planes for each target. Three will
drop bombs, one the large bomb and two smaller bombs.
If they would drop one like the Russians exploded,
there wouldn't be anything left but a new lake."
* * * * * * * * * *
After the Three Hours of suffering of the Passion
on Friday, March 9, 1956 there was a continuation of the
suffering, a reactionary period which we always have
before Mary Ann finally becomes conscious. During this
period mentioned, sorne revelations were given as written
up. It was mentioned during the period that a small
submarine and a large aircraft carrier were approaching
the spot between the Aleutian Islands and the Siberian
mainland where the same sub and carrier had been before.
Always before when the small submarine approached the
large one that is stationed there aIl the time, it has
been followed by an airplane flight as told in the pre­
vious airplane episodes. As it was broad daylight at
the t ime that th is was given (between 3 and 4 0' c lock in
the afternoon), l asswned that it was in preparation for
a flight to take place that night. l expected that
during the night suffering more would he given and it was.
"Jets; jets. The Russians on this trip really
tested our radar system along the Canadian border. They
flew from Greenland over Newfoundland, then over New
York, then Detroit, Minneapolis and over Seattle,
Washington and back up the Coast to home in Siberia."
This trip, of course, proved to them that our
radar screen is a myth, worthless for either protection
or warning. l have written before l thought the Russians
could operate a scheduled Airline Service over our
cOlmtry without being detected. This should prove that.
On the return trip one of those planes developed
jet trouble and then also ran into icing conditions,
ice forming on the wings. The plane was forceci to land
on the Russian aircraft carrier which was waiting for
emergencies near the Aleutians. It overshot the first
attempt and nearly got plunked, but on the second try
made a successful landing. So one of those babies can
he landed on a carrier, at least in an emergency.
These planes flew real high wh en they went over.
They were bucking terrific east to west air currents
a11 of the way.
· A short time later on this same night three more
Jets went over. Mary Ann again said: ·Jets, jets .•
1 asked her where? She answered: ·Going 'straight south
high above the range of clouds. There are three of
them big ones with long noses going over Petenwell Lake."
Ag~in Freddie and Richard went outside, and again
~hey sald they could hear the jets as they went over,
Just east of us. These planes swung slightly east. At
a point near the small town of Albion, just north of
Highway 51, there was a car that signaled with a flasher
light to these planes. The planes were apparently look­
ing for the signaIs, as they had come down low and were
circling about. The car was a Lincoln, and apparently
equipped for the purpose, as those flashes of light could
not be seen from the highway unless someone should see
the beams as they flashed upward. This car was also
equipped with sound detectors so they could tell when the
planes were near enough to detect their signaIs.
Flashes from the car were as follows:
1,2,3,4,5,6 -- 1,2,3 -- 1,2 (Red lights) -- 1,2,3,4,5
2 short blinks with red light -- 1,2,3,4,5,6 -- 1,2,3
1,2,3,4,5 -- 2 blinks with red light
One of the jets was now circling, coming down low
and answering the signaIs. The same light signaIs as
given above were repeated. Then the following:
1,2,3 -- 1,2,3 -- then 2 red.
The plane dropped a parachute. Mary Ann sa id this
parachute had a strange light or glow so that those in
the car could see it and trace its fall. It feU into
what Mary Ann said was a large clearing or lake sur­
rounded by low hills and sorne woods or trees. According
ta the map it must have been on Lake Koshkonong which
is a short distance east,of the main highway on a high­
way which Mary Ann said looked like either County Trunk
Mor N.
After dropping the parachute, the planes shot up
and then turned back north over the course they had fol­
lowed south. This time 1 went out and listened, leaving
Freddie with Mary Ann, and while the sound was faint, 1
was sure 1 could hear the jets over east of us. The air
was clear and cold with bright stars shining. While 1
was outside Mary Ann said: "Going north over Petenwell
720 miles per hour, way up high. Look for trouble."
"The small sub is submerging, going to leave now,
heading into the Sea of Okhotsk. The carrier is follow­
ing .•
On this night also Mary Ann gave the locations of
the following Russian submarines:
l - One was 150 miles east of the Philippine Islands
2 - One heading towards Hawaii
3 - One near Japan head for the Sea of Okhotsk
4 - One near the Rock of Gibraltar
5 - One near the Island of Cuba
6 - One near Panama
Our three jets that dropped the parachute went home
by way of Newfoundland and Greenland, then over the
Pole to home base in Siberia.
A United States Blue Line cargo ship, carrying con­
traband of war to Israel in secret, was intercepted by a
Russian sub near the Azores. The material was taken
aboard the submarine, and then the cargo ship was des­
troyed with all hands aboard to destroy all eviJence. The,
material then went on to Israel. The Brown Dear has
been furnishing war material to Israel as well as to the
The sailors who went down (18 of them) nad been
shanghaied from San Francisco on January 6, 1056.
~1arch 14, 1!)56: "This afternoon, Hank, the Brown
i3ear shot off another one of those guided missi les. It
was shot over the wastelands of Siberia. The air cur­
rents over Siberia are very rough, more severe than
those over our (ont inent. They were we 11 pleased with
the results. There was much cheering. Their missile
traveled 2500 miles through very adverse air currents
at the rate of 1500 miles an hour."
Friday, ~1arch 2, 1056 after the 3 !lours Pass ion:
'ûetting bold, Hank. They are getting boldo
'There's a sub by ~ew York between the Liberty
Statue and ~ew York !larbor. They've got a funny Jevice,
Hank, a funny thing. It shoots a stream under water,
and when it hits the harbor, it takes a plcture by atomic
power. ~oes right through all the water, fishes and
eve ry th ing .•
(I asked 'Is it something ltke X-ray pictures?")
'Yes, something like X-ray pictures. You know whose got
lt, Hank?" (1 asked 'Our Russian pals?') "The 13rown
I3ear. They are doing that just about now, S o'clock,
Eastern Standard rime. Thev are getting bold, Hank.
'rhey got sorne of those shanghaied sailors that l
saw in San Francisco. 'me y have those guys on the Shlp,
'Ihey keep llsing those guys. :'-lobody mis:--es thern. l want
to see, !lank, but 'bubbles' is dimming t.he p\cture (her
heart was bothering her) Cau't see, Hank, it's getting
"l'ou know 1 t old YOl!..-the~ould s
h~ into the subterranean tunnels right througn 11Ke
a pie. New York has subterranean tunnels under most
of it. They can shoot it into the center of New York
Harb~, and it goes through a ha If mi Ië of tunne led
earth and from there concussion will follo w the sub­
terranean tunnels right through like pie. From there
it's mush, like a pie crust. lt will crumble the whole
of New York. The lar e sk scrapers will crumble oh
it's terrible!" Mary Ann t en screame an sai: ,i
don't want to see it.

The following Revelations show just to how great

a degree the servants of the Serpent have been able to
sabotage our defense efforts. Almost every day 1 have
been given Revelations to indicate that our defense,
both within and without, are much more ~f a my!h than)},
they are a facto These thlngs couDfïnOt Se so were it 1
not for the cooperation and support of many traitors
within our own Government.
Friday, March 23, 1956: ·What's the matter with our
defense? lt' s full of holes, Hank."
From aIl of the Revelations that have been given, 1
would say that the above is probably the understatement
of the year. 1 have written up where Russian planes
have flown at will over our country. Russian spies
operate without detection in our country. Our Defense
System has been sabotaged. Our soldiers who might have
a chance to put up sorne sort of a defense have been
sent out aIl over the world. In addition, they have been
double crossed by our own Government who has taken away
(( from them the rights of the Constitution wnen tne) leave
our shore. What a beautlfUTpïcture, and Stl 1 the}1
American people won't wake up, won't recagnize that th~e \
is anythlng wrong. Talk about sheep being led to the
slaughter! But then 1 suppose that people who show no
more ability to think than sheep should be treated the
same way.
March 23rd also this was given: ·Some more cans of
peas and corn are being transferred from an American
cargo vessel into a Russian submarine. The exchange is
taking place about 50 miles from New York City from the
Statue of Liberty. There are also sorne more outboard
motor cases in the transfer. When they are aIl as­
sembled -- Oh boy, what they do! ft


"\fuen the cargo is removecl from the cargo vessel,

it will go clown with aIl hancls on board so there will be
no evidence. The crew is made up of men shanghaied for

tha_t _purpose, shanghal.eêf [0 -aie. Tl1eywere pl.cked be­
cause they have no, because they will not be
missed. They wére drugged and pl.cked up at ~ome seapo;t
town, and no one kfiows where the went exce t tnose wno
shanghal.ed them. ou l ear a out l.t l.n the paper,
Hank, but they won't tell the truth."
Again on this clay was given the location of Russian
submarines scatterecl around in our waters:

2 subs near Cuba

2 subs about 100 miles from San Diego

l at the Aleutians

l near New Orleans in the Gulf

l near Panama in Gulf.


January 19, 1955: "Trouble is going to strike, not

local trouble, national trouble. They've got the ground­

work laid out to strike. They've got a few plans to

finish yet. They are aIL ready to strike.

"Our Lady's Warning wasn't heeded, 'It can't happen

here', was their motto. l feel sorry for a lot of

people, Our Lady warned them. They didn't pay any at­

tention to it, even when She told them where they were

going to strike. l can't help much no more. 1 can't

help them.

"Maybe 1 failed them; maybe 1 should have warned

them more. Maybe l should have been more courageous.

" 'Finis, Finis', t'hat goes over my Work. 1 wish 1

could go over and talk to some of those people. to show

them how blind they are ..... No, No. "

"It's no good, .things aren't good, Han~. Our Lad Y

warned us in 1951 that the Serpent is coiled--ulOur

Country ready to strike. fie's ready, he's ready to

strike now. He sinks his poisoned fangs in many of

our people. There will be many poisoned minds.

"They will strike at our most important cities

first, the industrial centers. 1 don't know what to do

about it. 1 don't l1ke to see it happen. What can 1 do

about it? lt's awful to see it and know it, and can't

do nothing. ",

"Where are you, Hank? (l'm right here) Our Hier- ~D

archy are in with it. Some are ignorant, somé know àll J v
about 1t.
r "The Enemy were planning to strike during the
1 Christmas daY§. Now they've changed them to March and
\ April.
"They mustn't, they mustn't! We got to do more

praying. roo ma~~~r Clergy ~ren't interested ~n

prayers. They just want to dd the1r must cluty, that s


"They have succeeded in ousting our Senator out of
his work. They tied his hands. The S~rpent blinded
'many Qf'the~~ during the investigation. -­
"Sins, sins, srime and corruption. One cheating,
the other no good.
"Why are people so blind? Why are they so blind?
Why do they think they can slap Gad in the face and win
the world?
"l'm worried. l'm not afraid, I don't need to be
afraid" (We understood it as ~aid. Mary' Anncorrected
us, not afraid but the word worried was used). "I am
worried about the people, but not afraid.
"Many people every day drive the nails into Our
Lord." (Mary.Ann awakens)
January 28, 1955: "Hank, Hank, pray for aIl the
Crue ihxes belng rno~sted in our Country. Not enotigh
( prayers said. Many more Crucifixes wi 11 be d~e.crated
unless more prayers.
"In. some churches EE~ers have increased more than
75%. In many- they have decreased to a mere few. This
is the fault of the lait y, and lack of understanding of
their duties toward their Priests who needs the co­
operation and love of his Flock. Without this many fall
lnto temptation. Satan tempts them that they falter
and des pair so that they forget the Christ whom they
represent. ~~re prayers are needed for the Clergy. The
laity do not pray enough for their Clergy, for the Reli­
gious, for the Missions.
"We of the Catholic Faith do not show the others an
exampl~, instead of being a star example of our Catholic
"There's too much condemnation against the Priests.
Not enough prayers are said for them, when we, the lait y
and the parents, are the fault of the conditions of those
"Pray, Pray, Pray much for Our Shepherd, Our Vicar
of Christ, as the clouds are blackening in the horizon
and rolling over.
·We must not and cannot lose the Vicar of Christ
and save th6se souls that Christ wishes us to save.
We, thè lait y, do not work enough. We are more in­
terested in the earthly goods, self glorification,
luxury, comfort of flesh rather than the spiritual needs
of life, self denial, to win souls, to do extra Penance
and sacrifice to help save a soul. The extra Penances
get shoved aside for comfort of oneself.
"Best to warn Joe, Hank. Going to be too late if
we don't. Can't 10s~Joe, can't, can't, can't.
\\ "People don't reaIm that the 've lost their free­
} dom already. yone w 0 comes forth with the truth t ey
shut up one way or the other.
"Got to tell Joe to take more precautions, be sure
to piCK out h1S truè: loyal fr1ends From the heart, not
just the mouth.. He has sorne among them only fnenas
w1th their mouths. Tell him at times to put his hand
on either Crucifix or either the True Relie he's wear­
i~ or should be wearing at aIl times to h;lp him and
keep the EnI Forces away from him.
"Pray often to Our Haly Mother to protect him and
his wife. The Enemy is very much out to get him now,
very much. He might not be aware of it to the fullest.
"Those that were his enemies during Hearings are
still worlùng beh1nd scenes to narm h1m. Joe knows sorne
of o;-;-'Senators wl1lêTliïrenlsen:emies, afi4 they ~ow
that Joe knows where they were exploiting our own
people, of many of our secrets, even of two bases out­
side of our Continent.
"They also know that Joe is suspicious of them.
Enemies, one so-called Ally, position in the West
Indies, espënal1y 13êrmuda, Puerto Rico.
"l'm sure Joe knows the reason behind the at­
tempted assassin;tion by the Puerto Ricans on the
Senate. The situation in the Philippines and our posi­
tion with Central and South America, l'm sure Joe knows
aH those things. ­
"The infiltration of the Evil Forces in the Pen­
tagon, l'm sure he knows the U.N. is al! evil. He)
ShOUld be warned that if he ever has to have a pnysician

I\ attend h1m that he should know defw1tei who he B ,

so le oesn t have cancer shot into him like Taf~ey
can aIso shoot h1m a serum that would cause his death to
ap~~o-he from ~ heart condition.
"A lot of spies~vehëênbrought into our Country,
refugees, displaced persons or any other title. Many of
them have preference ta certain jobs before our own
countrymen. The reason is for them to spy on certain
th ings.
"1 wish Joe would investi~ate into infiltra~ion in­

mu~h h~
to Catholic è01leges and Un1vers1t1es. He wou Id be
1( surprïSed how would find. He should investigate
our Youth Organ1zat10n aIl over the Country.
"We need our Senators, the good ones that are left,
to work on it. They are sa few .
. 'You've got ta make a drive aIl over the Country
to clean up our Youth situation. Can't just do it in
one place."
January 31, 1955: "Our Holy Father is in danger.
They are plott~ainst Hirilagain.:::::Th.ë::y'-had hOEeâthat
tbe-tttne_~Qu t ke Him. He needs prayers. Pray for
Hlm. He needs prayers.
"We are going to get sorne real trouble in Red China.
Two other nations ar~g~ing to lOln them. Not enough
prayers are said, not enough prayers ror Our Holy Father.
If people would only pray for a United Government. Now
we have an un-united Government.
"Things look awfully clark. We have been warned be­
fore, but nothing has been done about it.
"We'vegot to pray for our Senator. He's down in
spirits because he fought sa hard. Now he can't continue
the work he knows should continue. I wish our people
had prayed more for McCarthy. We failed him. He is
still working, but he ëan~accomplish much because his
( hands are t ied .•
February l, 1955: 'We can't let Hel' down, Our Lady.
She' Il help us, Hank. It's going ta be awfully hard,
Hank, it's going to be awfully hard. It's going to be
bad, it's going to be bad for everybody when the Formosa
crisis busts Ioose. It' s going to 5e tough.
"SOrne oI the things Our Lady warned us about in the
past are sure going ta come to the fore now. I don't
think Our Lady is going to warn us any more. She said
aIl She's going to say. People just won't listen to
Hel'. They still think the dollar is more important than
Our God.
'Our Lady' s Message She sent is that they' ll. wake
up when it's too late and then they'll scream for help.
Our biggest trouble is we were aIl tao slow on Our
lady's Message. We didn't accomplish anything. ~
Constitution is bein'" r1e.c:;t.raved and the Il N has t
l.tS pl ace.
'We Americans won't have much of a chance. We
have sold ourselyes out ta t.he D.N. -­
-The . g Our Lady gave us some tirne ago about
the tl a ai Tem le is going to be a surprising blow some­
lme ln e near future. If only our Catholic peoPlell
would stay away from that place, but their curiosity
kee"Qs them to it like sugar to a fly. MAny good Dttho­
Ircs have attended some of EReir services there.
They're only doing it because they're curious, but they

don't know t it leaves them in, it's a streky

su stance 0 eVl ness.

% 'People wl11 soon know what Our Lady meant when

She said to watch the Pacifie and Alaska. Sorne of these

things make me sick. It takes your stomach and twists

it . •

February 19, 1955: ·50 many, so many of the Priests

jo wron~. Why don't people pray for them more?

·Father, you were in the house in 1950. 1 told you

what your trouble was as soon as you ~ntered. 1 told you
what' to do. You'-œ-Dn4-a YOul1K..Eriest, why ruin your­
~t-l!!ake a fool of yourse lf? Your parishioners love \
you. They want to help you, must help yourself. You cano

1 told you what to do, do it. You_pLQllli~d..vou' d write

when you had control of yourself. That's why you didn't

write. You have no backhone. 1t' s made of je 11y ins tead

of bone. Get hold of yourself. It's making you very

unhappy, and makes those that love you unhappy., TI~
are helping you keep your faults and mess from the
Bishop. When he finds out, there'll be troLible. 1"
·In 1050 it was only a year since you started. It's )
about six years now. You'~e a very devout Priest on the
altar. Wh do u 11 i~to tem tation? Sa NO. ~
onl a sim e word N O! t eVl tem t ou.
ur dy oves you. You need to obey er. It
takes will power. lt's the only way. You're stubborn in
one way, why not be stubborn in that respect? Oh, what
a mess you make of your life.
·You raise your consecrated hands, those beautiful
hands, hands of Chri~t, still then turn around and use
those hands to ruin yoursçlf. The Christ here on earth
you !:epresenF;-;ny don't you live up to it? Because
Satan eggs vou on, makes you fa 11 into temptat ion. 1
told you what to dOL-grasp your Crucifix and say jN()T
when tempted. Always keep a Crucifix wit~ou. T~t,
you' 11 succeed. You could do lt for you make yourself
look very foolish and stupid. Please ask St. Anne to
help you. It's the narre of your place. Ask Her to help
you. She'll help you.
"There are many good ones. They work very hard, so
devoted to whom they represent. Hank, 1 don' t want to )
narre him, but pray for him.
wu "There are so many ptiests in our Diocese ~e doing
~. lt puts an awful impression on the Pa1'tsh, st>
~that some of them have not gone back to Church. Ile
talk sooner? l'm
talked. Now it's

"1 wish l had
or keeping records.

w~t~~~_wilre-v-e-n"'-=-'::"f"":indit. It' 11 be destroyed

w1th others. What good is it anyway?

"1 didn't do nothing. l did like some do. They

that have cancer and put salve on the outside.
"That's what our nation is like,cancer on the inSide)
and salve on the outside. If l'd spoke in time, l could
of saved some of our good Senators. What good are they
dead? Could have hel~d MCCarthy if 1 wou~ have only
'I contacted qim. I~istëffea ta athers, now his hands are
tiéd, and it's too late.
"Our Lady warned us of the accidents that won't be
accidents, death not to natural causes. We paid no
attention. Nothing was done. What good is it? lt just
lies there, our work. The people must wake up.
"We have a number of 0 P Priests in this Country
that ~ plain 0 P' s, too. So;e orthose D P Priests are
devout, hûmble Pr1ests, but too manx are just Qlain no
l{ good, are here for no good:
~ "l'm a coward.
1 am no good, haven't the courage
of a chicken. Let myself get lulled to sleen. that~
j~~hat the enemy wanted me~do. Had no courage to
,(stand up for my own convictions, told what l knew was
l com1ng. steaa l was Just a éoward, afraid to talk, so
l not only etraye my un r an ose ov, every­
one. l'm a cheat, a betrayer.
"Silence, silence at the wron time is darna5i~g.
At leas ot el' .l1ves cou ave een saved.: l farled
everybody. l failed everybody. 1 should never haveJJ
listened to those who were afraid of the1r own shadow,
af'raiaOl§e1.J!ghurt, so t1ï~silenced me.-Now it'Stoo
ate. l crawled in their shadow and now it's too Tâte.
~ ( "Those pictures are awful. those picture:s-are
• awful that l see.
"Bank. Hank. l've failed vou and everybody. l get
so sick when l see it coming so close. You're going to
hate me sorne day, Hank" you' re g01ng to hate me, hate
'me for what l did to you and your family and everybody.
They're aU going tlLhate me when t~~~s. You
know l could have helped. You're going to turn ver
bitter because l listened to those who were cowards,' who
a!ra id of the u own shaaow. - - ­
"1 cla1rn l love aIl of you. That's a lie. If l
loved you, if you love someone, you' d do anything for
them, give your own life for those you truly love. 1
didn't, so you see l'm false in everything." (Mary
Ann is suffering head pains as she strikes her forehead
repeatedly) .
"Hank, it isn't far away no more. Hank, l've been
wa~ne~ about those in sheep's clothing that are tra1tOrs
to our Country, no belief in nothing.
"Hank, our Country is as helpless as a man behind
Ilthe wheel of a car on a steep hill with the steering )
wheel removed. TIlat's the way we are. Uncle Sam is just
like this man, this' man in the car with th~ steerin'g •
wheel with blindfolds on him going down a steep hiB,
with onry destruction on the bottom.
"Terrible important points in our Country a~e in
serious danger. OUI' enemy, since the birth of our
. nation, is going to destroy it. We believe that ·this

this Country are {ut .lP br our me

one large Country is our enemy, but even thé leaders of

Ihe real €ru Ir 19 wé ln Alli

Clt e helped ta set
the keg of powder and the enemy only set fire to the
fuse. For we ourselves have planted our own destruction •
by supplying the enemy with material that was used ta
destroy our boys and will be used to destroy our vital
"Hank, Hank." ("Yes, Hank's. here," 1 answered.)
Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Lourdes, they didn't
listen to Our Lady of Lourdes either. They don' t lis­
ten ta Our Lady of Fati~leas. They wouldn't listen
\{to Our Lady'of LaSal~. She warned them. until thou­
sands of th~They wouldn't listen. She gave
~ ~ They wouldn't listen. Bad they listenéd
then it wouldn't be happening now. Our Lady tried ta
warn them. She knew Her Son's wrath, the sins we com­
ml~-Sne warned tnem at ba Salette. They would not
listen. She warned them agaïniat Fatima. They would
not listen. --­
"Our Lord don't like to have His Mother hurt, so
He struck out again, so now He' 11 strike very hard. He
will let the enem strike as He has in man laces. TI
we d lstened to His Mother, none 0 t lS have
"Hank, they don't love Her today. They hurt Hel' by
turning their backs to Hel' pleas.
"Hank." ("Yes, Mary Ann") "1 ain't no good. 1
disobeyed Our Lady. She gave me a Message to give, and
l didn't do it. l listened to cowards. l shouldn't have
lis tened t 0 cowards. Our trouble is we are afraid of
man instead of God. We fear man when we should fear
the wrath of God.
(Question by Hank: "What have they got in it, Mary
Ann?') "Give me your eyes if you can't come along. You
got to see it, Hank. Maybe l shouldn't endanger you,
shouldn't take you along. They don't think anything of
~ life. I~ey m~t kill you.
"Wish JOel1ad lis tened tome, but he don' t. He' s
another scairdy cat, scairdy cat, afraid to listen to me,
believes the rumors. Saw this place two years ago, saw
this place two years ago. They were working on it then.
They abandoned it, and now they are working on it ;ïain.
That~s where many of our population, our péople,
ppear to, working here. Even pr1.soners of World War l
~e working here.
*Get out of here, get out of here, you hairy mutt.
l can't talk no more, can't endanger Hank's life. l
betrayed him already. l can't harm him any more."

"Who can l tell? The Bishop won't listen. Can't

get to-e1ieHOlyrather, can't get therej Sut the Hô1 y
r Fatner would listen. If l could only get to H1.m, fie
would lis ten.
"Senator won't listen, it's too late to tell him
anything. If he had listened to me l could have told
him many things that would have helped him, not only
here, but further in the ice regions, further down in
the mountains. In 1950 l saw that huge arsenal fully
"Get out of here, you needn't scream. Get out of
here! Get out, shut up." (NOTE: MARY ANN WAS TALKING 'rD

"How dumb we are. The American people are so' dumb.

They bel1.eve everyt~'~~cln't 1 tell someboëry t1ïis?
Wnat's tne use of seeing it? \~y don't those people
[ listen to Our Lady's Messâge? She told them June l6th
what was going to happen.
"Nobody listens. They think l'm just talking.
They can't change it after it's too late. lt's impos-
sible. 1 feel awful. 1 didn't have no courage in 1950.
1 shouldn't have listened to anybody. 1 should have
yelled fro.m the house tops. Either they would have .e.,ut
Ilme in an in~ane asylum, or t~ey would have k1.1led me. 1
tr1.ed to see the higher ofr1ë1aJ~~was tolrcCJrwouUf
antagpnize' them. What if l did? They'd have got over it.
"1 ~ to write to S.M. They told me l shouldn't.
l followed their advice like a sap.
"r told my Bishop on tape recorder l had a special
message for him. AlI he eve~anted me was the audi­
ence, but not alone.If he had onIy hstened, given me
a cnance to t~im. For aIl l know the Priests may
have erased it, that' s simple enough. There would have
been enough time then yet. l can describe the exact
places, ca,!-, show y<::,u the ~ot.
"~n t shut up. Get out of here. l said it, get
out of here. l said it, you can't make me take it back.
l said it! You Furry Mutt, leave me alone, leave me

"God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost,
Jesus ~ucified." (~~ry Ann clutches her ~ucifix with
relies and the relie of the True Cross).
"The Government officiaIs should know, but they're
either murdered or they had an accident prepared for
them. They tie ~heir hands, the few that are left.
[hey tie their hands. Our Senior Senator plays baIl
with them. He'os only a 'yes' man. People are too dumb
to see it. The Junior Senator, they can't see him. AlI
they can see is the Senior Senator." (I askeJ: "What's
the matter with the Senior Senator?") "The Senior
Senator stuck his fingers in more than one pie, not
blinded either. He had his eyes open.
"Oh, why didn' t Joe come? l could have helpeJ him.
He could have gotten ahold of certain documents which
this way he never will. l saw the fellow. l know who
he is that betrayed Joe.
.- "The yellow skin is more cruel looking than the
( others; even got hordes of black ones trained to help
them. They' ve got the manpower. What have we got?
We send the manpower to the Korean Hills ta play baIL
with them, roll them up the hill and roll them down
aga in. They wete killed. Rolled them clown, hundreds
of our boys," just roll them up to roll them down again,
slaughter them needlessly. Just see-sawed them around.
"Hank, Hank, wish you could give me your eyes, H~lk.
Sa that l could show you nll.this, Hank.
"Hank, l have no peace of mind. l know l harmed
everybody. Yon can't be cbedien!-~~O~_~e
killed." (r-saïd~ Le obedient.") "Just
~cause one person i s afraid, there are other souls just
1 A?
... -.!.'~J-
as good as theirs, losing thousands of souls when i\
was my dut Y to warn them, if l hadn' t asked anyoody an(J
gone ahead and done lt. l placed myself under obedience
by belng a 'fraidy' cat. l placed myself in that posi­
tion oy as king too many questions, by having too much
confidence in sorne.

"r didn't have to be obediant to FK. ru, FV and~
other--raEhers! J.O. 1 êI1.ëIn'thave to l~sten to them, to
( a few who tr1ed to tell me. My own lnstlnct told me
\what to do. l didn't listen to i't.'
~·I was even a coward to write Joe to be careful or
sorneone would try to kill him in 1950. Should have tried
to warn him later again, in September. l had someone
else write to him. l should have written to him myself,
( given him aIl the information r had. That would have
he l ped more. l' m no good at a 11, no good to any~ 1
wisn-r-could tell somebody of danger to our Country.
"Hank, 1 need you. l'm afraid to hurt you, Hank."
(1 said: ·You've got to get over that.") "You don't know
the strength of the ~vil Forces, Hank. We got a man in
an ï~sylum. He lsn' t ins-ane:--No50dy kÏ10ws about
him. They shut him up. He cou1d have spilled a lot of
beans, but ln the institution he can't talk. They see
to that.
"There must be a reason why they don't kill him,
why they are keeping him alive. Maybe afterward they
may want to use him for their own use, torture him to say
what they want. He's in a sound proof cell. 'He could
yell to the top of hlS VOlce, nobod~n hear him.
That.'s right here in our own Country. That's noLin
~bruary 12, 1955: "There will he a lot of starva­
tion when the next war breaks out, which is very close.
The enemy keeps the food supply from the people. In
that way they' 11 get the people to do their will. Sorœ
of our high leaders know all about it. They're in~ith
the plans. There'll be lots of robbing and killing to
obtain food. They'll rob farrners of their livestock, as
weIl as poultry. Sorne of our main leaders know this ~d
are in with the e~~~ur leaders thlnk we are more
powerful than the enemy. so if war breaks out, we'd
soon destroy the enemy, but the~don't know what 1 saw.
We have a di vided ~~IL<:!illQD.gst:-<>~goy..ei:.nme.D.1: one 1S
..'ri.t..h.--t.hAe-lWf-,-~er one .J.s~iJLtbUark ln regard
to s orne th ings.
"00 you know who our main enemy is? It is not the
Big Bear lUI many believe. Better supply yourselves
with a lot of fruit jars. You'll have to can meat and
everythin. g.. You can can rneat, but not freeze it. Mfine y \
won't mean anything. You won'~ De able to get anyt lng
with it.>-JIDJy wfi~2.!L!al.~-2.ut ot.~!i~ ground your,3.e If.
You' Il have to learn how to_~at without sugar or salt,
<f<)WîUïOütfToïïr~lrOfthesethings wi 11 become im­
possible to obtain.
"You' Il have to live on meat, vegetables, etc.,
even the wild fruits which vou can gather for yourselves.
You won't be able to light a kerosene lamp because once the
oil industry will be destroyed in this country. You'll need a snall
grinder to grlnd rye or wheat for flour. There won't be
any oil for heaters, lamps, tractors, cars. Horses are
destroyed for luxuries of furs, fox and mink foods. There will
be shortage of work horses.
"The enemy will try to strike the ail industry
first, for they know they'll cripple the whole nation by
doing sa. We have lost years transferring our locomo­
tives into diesel which burn ail. Most of our homes are
heated by ail. Electricity is made by ail generation.
"This information 1 just gave must not be spread,
because it would create a panic. Oh, why didn't they_
listen ta Our l.3dy? l'd like ta name the places they
are going ta hit first. Time enough when it gets in
proper authorities' hands.
"Hank, l'm going ta write a letter ta the Chancery
Office. 1'11 give it ta vou ta hold, vou mail it. In
~here will be instructions ta them as ta what there is
here for them. It will be up ta them from there on. 1
have done my par t as far as they ar e cancer ned. The
rest is up ta them.
March Il, 1955: "Hank, they blamed the Czar. Iney
blarned Hindenberg, but they didn.'t blame the right ones,
the International I3ankers. They bought Lenin and Trot­
sky and then murdered them. They operated on Stalin's
brain. An English doctor took care of Stalin. Ile had a
brain tumor, it was only a cist.
"The ot rid of Hit 1er. The
put in arrother 1 itler, disguised him. No ody ows w at
happened to the reaL Altier. Ifis been go ne a long
"Just l1ke L----- They murdered filS son and
threatened his wife and family.
"Just like 0 M---- threatened his family.
"Trotsky and Lenin
"Trying ta get Franco. Trying ta say Franco lS a
bad man. He's for Spain. He's not for the war mongers.
They want Spain for in the war. Franco will be dying
one of these days, not from nat~ral causes.
"I(illed Vandenberg, Taft. They smeared their names
and then killed them.
"M R----- was good so they got rid of him. , When
they are working for the good, they get rid of them.
, "Commander in charge of Pearl Harbor was no good, so,
they claim. He was asleep on the switch. He was not . •
He sent the alarm in, but they had to shut him up so it
would not be known.
"They just murdered the Panama President because he
wouldn't give in. They put a guy in that' 11 play ball

" ..

there, our own United States of America. Those dumb­
bells, L . L t • ~
Hank. Roosevelt is

Universities? Check into them. You'll find the dirty
stuff. Why don't they wake up and clean up the mess?
It means colleges, universit ies, seminaries. Clean out
the seminaries. Our seminaries are not what they used
to be. The'y- are infiltrated with sin, corruption'r:>The
wrong doctrrru;-ls belng ta~t, splendor and w~~f
the world, not the way of rist--poverty, hUml Ity,
hu~ss as when He walked theearth to show His way.
, ln ~ , e saw t e wrong as' 1
do~.~ saw the wrong that was belng done to our'
people. Hë Ead a change of heart. i
"No, we are destroying the youth. We are destroy­
ing the human race, for one H 80mb can destroy more than
the human mind can conceive. WfiënlRussia plants the H
80mb on America, we will scream for mercy. There is
still a chance, but they won't accept it, for self
glorification and pit y, me, myself and l, that is sup­
reme. The~~ ~rucifying you. Oh Lord, every d~y.
They enlarge the wounds. They are driving the nalls
deeper into the wounds.
"Hank, the people àre awful. They love themselves
before their God who created them. Eve~ythin~s rotten
( tonight, Hank. It's past 9pm and l can't still get out
or it." C3üffering was very severe. Mary Afin usually
relaxes after 7:30pm, but suffering continued into the
nig h t. )
April 25, 1955:~. E---- iL,llo.t..J..nJ.av.Qr......9f what
they are doing, but they keep mos: of t~~ thing~om 1
he~~1er-husba~ls wlth most of l ~ s not as goOd
hearted ;S--She ~Slle'rs only a Queen in name.
·She l ikes the American people and she means it '/r
She likes to see help from us, but she doesn't like to
exploit us, drain us, like the rest of them. ]
"~y're trYÏJ:,1K-a~:(ul1y ..D..a.r:.d_t.Q get Franço,_Ha~k.
Be's been in their.~ay to g"~~ into Spain; The sametlllng
is .! don t dare go Into
Po~_~gal on account of ~ma.
-148- . . .. - ' 1
~at would stand true of the Philippines account
of liipa li~ they had not started to commercialize and
ta lk out_~lace. 'l'hose tba:tIJetiève, chey -don' t get
down ana pray enough. T~~y are at~Q fight for the
truth accoupt of ~nfil!!:.~ltion_of the enemy. -Had they
prayed more, this would not have happened. Instead they
lost account of commercializing and not enough faith and
prayers. That's what happens when material things come
first. That's what will happen here if we're not care­
'Our Lady bestowed our Country with love for us.

She wants to be Mediatrix of Peace for us. She is

~~diatrix between man and God, but if we talk wrong and

COiiinërCiâI ize , ~orget to do Our Lady' s requests, we. t t '

CflD lose our be'!-~t iful_);;;~t that She has b lessed t e

United States with, and which would include the whole

North American Continent.

~She wants leaders like the forefather of our

Country was, George Was'hington. If we had heeded his

principles as we shoular,-we wou id not have aIl this mess,

lo~t ~ux:_Cons-t.i tut-ion-,·0ur---fr.ee4-Gm---des.tI4):y-e.~~ng

1( ~u~.h!~s.
wFreedom of Speech is only an echo. Freedom of
Religion is falling, too. The people won't follow the
right way, they just won't do it. They turn the dollar
into the Almighty Dollar. That's their Almighty instead
of Almighty Gad, first and always. ulXuries and material
things come first.
"Sorne of the se days, Hank, they will know what the
~~ssage meant, 'watch Alaska and Pacifie Coast', but
it will be too late. Aleutian Islands are only a joke
like joker in deck 01 cards with corners turned down to
let players know where it's at, and it isn't the Com­
munistsŒt the Internat:tona-r-&nk~whose head~ar-
{( ters are Britain , New Yor anada.
• t Wl l soon be a very sad state of affairs unless IIJ
~o le et clown on thelr kriees and do a lot more pra'ing.~
"BUl ets won t e p them if enough Rosaries are
clasped in the hands, but our people will wait '.til the
Wrath of God will strike. They forget God lS more
powerful than A and H bombs.
*l'onight, Hank, there's a sub near E~lis .Islan~,
enemy sub, signaling in New York to sples ln thlS
Country. Sorne of our high officiaIs are weIl aware 2 f
Ithis sub. They're getting the lay of the land like
It~~S caslng a Bank. Mere the subs are caslng our

lt's no good, Ilank. L·.:'i. i.s no good, ail

rott.e.n,_}iank. No gOoUr-no gooJ. terriLJle.

~Wish l could take you with me ln this cold place

Hank. They're awfully active, Hank, awfully. Actuail;

tunnel roads under glaciers, but busy.

"Don't like me to talk. DO do yo!! fnrry Mutt?/I("'"


- "Something very close to happening, activity very

strong. We believe they're not prepared. Oh boy, look
at it' Strong, husky boys, weil trained. When they

l strike, then they' Il scream. Very 1itt le lS clone or

heeaedllke Ourladysaidin 1950. We' 11 scream, Hank,
we' 11 scream.
. "The sad part of it is we've supplied them with ~il
Il the material that they will use to kilt our boys.
"If the people only heeded Ber and believe in what

prayer-could go. 1 l they' a only geE on the l r knees.

They have no time for prayer and God and Our Olessed

~hther. Pushed back for material things, pleasure.

"If they could only see what l see in SiLJeria.

Radar no good. Th~ (ly way aboye sound. Sound no good.
They're weil equipped. Many in our Country know..Yll\{
about il. They're the ones on radio telling us 'peace'.
lt's Just a smoke 'screen for our guilible people. How
( ignora nt c an -;e=ffi?F=

"y.N. stetJping p\ace for treachery. V.N. nothingJ

but en!, the lotters Dën. Il

"West Indies will be one of the enemies' headquar­

ters. You know who they belong to.

"Onc of our good ALI ies who stabs us in the back,

they now have the Panama Canal under their control.

"That fellow 1 told you about before, tall guy in

Chicago, he's now working in Denver on kids, teaching

( them how to do wrong, evti and slniai ways. ,

"One of our Hierarchy was justsfulled in .• He was

~orking with the sarre group. Can'tme the-'aity when

they get pulled in. !bey' re supposed to be our Shepherds.

There must be more prayers for the Religious. Not enough

prayers. That's our fault.

"We need an awful lot of workers, Hank, ta protect

our Youth. Parents are lulled ta sleep. Don't seem ta
wake up and know what's happening ta Youth today. ~)
a />(7 and raised u without love b th,etr
p~s. Then there s t ose t at are orn out 0 wed­
lock. You should see aIl the llDwanted babjes They su;e
th,çown ln tnclnerators, rivers. lakes. Where are the
l,l3.rents? . 's the hl.lllan heart? Just alone in Chicago

~n one year If aIl the unwante babies should start cry­

ln at t e wou w e nOIses. ey

could blow aIl factory w ist es, babies wou ârown them

"~rder, murde r. AlI one can s ee, murder. 1t' s
awful, Ü s awlul. 'Can t stand sucR ptctures. Why
can't 1 tell them, Hank? Why?
"100 many delinquent p-ar

parents. We need workers
destroy the things that are only fi1th.
"Can you picture a baby burning in an incinerator?
lDok at it. those eyes s taring in ic waters. Can
ou see it? Innocent VIC 1ms 0 ac est SIn of to~
w a 0 omorrow. 0 somet lng. e p those
innocent chi1dren.
Aprll 21, 1955: "They're betraying us, Hank. Our
Government's hetraying us. This was back a few ye;?s
a1ready they shook hands on it in 1950.
"June 4th 1 saw a vision of aIl hands across a
tab le, no .faces.
"Put in action then Hank. 0 A was in on the hand
shaking at Panmunjon; J~, A W D~. Russian (he
wears glasses at times). ~
"Big battle due for big Canal.
"E is in accord with those guys. He wasn't from
the start, but he is now. He kn0ws too much. He can't
get out. He's going to go in for the next term, too, ~
"They're going to try to
he knows too much. Th~ got u ". ,-v ",ccp SI.. L~'-.~
t~ threatened his son. He could spill a lot of apples.
Sa coillëflM-R, 50 could S and K aiter Pearl Harbor.
JJ .
1 'They are sllenclng aIl the gëîod::mt:n . . I!i.ey f2I'ced
B L ta cOlTI1llt SUl Cl de, B Wta retue and T was glVen cancer.
~e of our ('..athoti ç hi erachy have alsa been taken in. and now
they are afraid ta talk or quit: They were in before they ))
a\\Oke as ta wnat they were gettlng LOtO.
" &me peopl e seffil ta be f ri ghtened. There has been a
l ~ se in rayers and rosaries since the first of Jan­
uary. Others are sa blind they think we h~Ye lIOn e battle. )
They listen to the propaganda over the radio and on the news.
&me tumed ta prayer Weil the)' saw the hand 1àting on t.be_~J.
"They are speeding up prodfcbon 101' war are, our
C wuntry, Ehgland, fussia, Red Ülina.

"State of ('T]inT] sppcch was uiggest smoke screen

('ver. They've 1IIIIl'd"I3IIV of them tù sleep, lIa~

"\"ou'll hear ol large forest fires this year, lIank,

ta Jestroy our vital timi>er.

"nIe Wrath of God when Ile lets go. flood, draught,

hunger, storms, earthrl'Iakes. When He strlkes, men can't

control thosl', th l')' , re going ta sing a different tune.

"rhe Brttl::;h are lanning sort of a refu e in Canada

lJecause Ikitaln s a ral t eu sIan mlg t get ulown up,

l atr<t 13 they mlf!ht get a JoulJle cross because they are

guilty of many of them.

"Britain's trying ta get sorne more aid from us,

finances and lJesides ail the material, material that's ta ue used against us.

"Gritain alwavs did want the ~orth American Conti­

1{n~. fh~ are t'rylng ta accompllsh that b y double
crossing the ..\mericans. They will try ta stir up re­

vo""t"'U: agalnst the Ü.S.

"I3ritain h<l.s tried ta stir the continent of South

,\merica against us, but they are afraid Britain will

turn on them as they, Britaln, did on the U.S.A. They

are still working on it.

"You know 1 told you 1 uelieve the British are

secretly keepin{! mef'tings with the fiussians.

"If trouble bre<l.ks out, which is just breaking out

now, our Phd ippines will be in the middle of it because

our islands are infdtered with COnTnunists.

"Governrrent no good, Hank, tnlngs no good, the)"' r e )

ev en thinking of getting rld of E lf he doesn't go along
with sorne of the thLngs they plan. E doesn't approve of
all the things they are doing, but he can't help him­
self. He's tao far in iL cap't back out now.
"J-E-D is with them aIl the way; sa is AE, B~.

TItey've-gnt T over a staal, forcing him ta do ~ir ~d­

ding. Sorre ~ these guys are getting awfully afraid be­

cause of what they dld to thrs-Russian, B. ifië~re

working awful hard on Cll-C.

"There are ?olng to~ more accidents that are not

accidents. TItey 11 be intentional, not accidents.
"The next night after 1 told you they were going tO]I\
hurt ~, they tried ta assassinate him. They tried,
but tRey didn't succeed. They're gOlng ta try again
because he isn't afraid of them. Got ta pray for Joe,
April 23, lqSS: ";'-la, Hank; no, lIank: no, Hank.
Supposed ta tell Hank. Can't. Ilearl hurLs ::;Il. Can't
see. It's kinda foggy.
"The British got a secret base at Newfoundland
Hank. '
"The Alcan Highway we built is going to he used one
of these days to enter our Country from the Canadian
"~e~ le believe Russia is our biggest enemy. lt's
I(the Brltls. ey a ways ave een. e e em into
our Country, even take them into some of our important
places, under this 'brotherly love' thing.

I( "rhese different nations are trusting each other

like a bunch of thieves, all ready to j ab each other in
~ t~e back,.even driving the~lves into state of confu­
"American people are gullible enough to swallow
their tales.
"We've even had one of the big leaders in the~'ahai
Te~ from over across touring our Country, guest of thê
es ident . Tour was f or !:LeUe.r__un~.r.s_t_and ing between
nati..o.ns. People don't realize that the Bahili Templel}
at Wilmette 1s a centrali zed keg of dynamis.e.
May 2, 1955: "GOing to have trouble ln the Philip­
pines, Hank. More trouble brewing in R~nà, F~e.
They don't agree with us. Our President lS lettlng on
he's trying to make peace with them, not to appease them.
Meanwh1Ietney're Ketting prepareâ. Trying to make the
public think he is against R e ~ ~ k e
first. Meanwhile we're laying the kegs of dynamite.
for them to light the fuse.
"B~h are going to double cross the Ecench ~
Il like théYlïave in the pasto -----­
"People are dumb, Hank. They think they can do aw~y
with the Church Christ Ilimself instituted. It will be
here long after they are gone. Sorne are so gullible th~

ll think One World Government, One World Reli ion will~e

the answer. They forget Our rd an was here first.
President was for this One World Religion and World
Government when he was a General yet. People d1dn't oe­
lieve il.
May 3, 1955: "One of those refugees they brought
across in 1952, funny narne, no poor fellow, wife and four
children. The family when thev first came acrosSWëre
written up in the newspaper. They're spies
for this sub.
(Question asked by Hank: "What's the sub doing?")
"Information 1 suppose. They're going to make
contact with a cruiser. Claude PeQEer seems to be in on
this 'cause l can see him too. Guess he owns sorne
plantation Jown there. He has been working against
( ~~Carthy and Bob LaFo! Jette and aIl thQ~e for good_of
"Stassen he thinks he's such a big guy, but he~s Il
just a dunb, blind foo1. I!e's not fully aware of it, but
Fies ln with tfiem deert>r than is good for him, worhng
hard against Joe, throwing his chest out at parties, etc.
"June 4, 1951 l SdW this same guy l see now. He's l
sort of a s y or under round an ster o_n...our water
ronts. g y .00 ing guy, cruel, ~ ruddy face, sandy
haired, blue eI~s., scar across his right eye. Looks 1ike
( ~omebody punc ed him in the nose, looks 1 iKe a movle
tough guy. There'~ a~~~-lo.~~guythat works
wul1Filin. He and this other tough looking guy, sJimmer, are
re~ible for air crashes ln-the East, the thr-;e planes
that crashed near-sënOOl or orph9 nage; also for train
crash at bridge. Want~d to get rid of one of their
group on train. There' li be more crashes unless they
,catch uB wÎth those gu-ys .
"lIme Qieen ~_I1Zabeth toured our Country with her
husband, lbis water front guy sent a wease ly litt le
fcllow to a man that went with Queen Elizabeth and her
husband, went with guard for Queen and ave him letter
~er. ter on t e guard slipped this letter
ta the husband of Queen Elizabeth. This same wease1Y ))
10Ql<lng fel1ow, hook nose, loo~~ike a dope aadlct,
also gave note to the man that's wi~fc)Iotov. lt's a
man with this Russian guy, body guard or something. This
weasely guy makes trips to Canada to Ottawa, meets this
doctor or whatever he is in Canada, never did get his
name. One of those secret guys in Canada.
"There wi 11 be rires and stuff on the waterfronts,
waterfronts of New York, Gulf of Mexico, Texas, San
"Ilank, they did away with about 25 different Ji
workers because they knew too much, fire, car accidents,
~Others just disappeared completely.
"Sorne of those ships had cases on thffil marked, 'corn
peas'; but instead of canned goods they held ammunitlon.
They went ta West lndies, to Bermuda and even the
~lilippines. Those fellows that discovered what was in
th~~s are the ones that disappeareJ.
":'Jo, No, No, Hank, Hank. The enemy is t;.E.Ying to
stir \lp trouble with our Country. They have sorne of

trying ta
ta remain
Something must be done, Hank.
-Hank, Hank, it' s awful what they' can do to the
minds of kids, the devil, they use-ë1(ery method they can
th1nk ol--bad books, movies. They don't heed Our Lady's
Requests, H~Tha~hy everything has been getting
worse with the Youth.
-8ecause Our Lady's Message wasn't heeded, deI in­
q.l!.ency has climbe.d to th~ighest in history. It's
gotten out 01 control ror-both parents, civil authori­
ties, both Church and State. Not decreasing, still on
increase. Awful, Hank, awful. At the rate delinquency
is lncreaslng, they soon won't be able to handle them.
They' Il handle the authorities instead of the authori­
ties handling them. They'll steal and te~roy for

Il fun-- They'll murder for~~ftrtTl1-,-âttac the Clergy

and Religic>us for the fun of seeing them battle.
"If Our Lady'sMessage had been heeaeaall this
could have been averted. Many have turned to sexual
abuse. Many of the parents are not aware of this.
-~he ~~e~h had an experience a number of ye~rs
bac k ,trti!. ï S no th ing to wha t we have in our own
America, beautiful U.S.A.
"No good, no good in our cities. Hank, NO GOOD~
Sorne of our large cities have young Nudists Clubs, be­
sides just the rough GaEgster Clubs. 'Ibey [ure many,
just cOTTYllon drunken brawl. .Beer parties, no supervision;
( sorne ~oung, 12, sorne even as young as la, besides the

older clubs, 16 to 22.

"They study literature on sex both male and female.

Even practice different ab~i~~s in sexual ·relation­
ship, show movies, etc. It'Ê~rible, HankL-pictures
terr16Ie. No good, rotten. These thlngs go on in aIl
( làrge Cltles in the U.S. Even sorne smaller ones have

started them.

-No good, Hank. 1 don't want to see it. Hank,

don't want to see it. Many instances adults in lead of

{l t~youth organizations. Hurts to see~Qse nice kids

ruin themselves. Sorne of the most attractive kids are in

these places; only their eyes show i.t. lrom eVil~ssllll
have turned to lust, greed and evil instead of urity.
truth and true ove ln t e1r eyes, Instea of sick ook­
ing eyes, dope, over-sex. ­
-Sex~al abuse in sorne places is horrible. Not
enough wor~rs, no~ enough people to live by the Golden
Rule. No modesty, only how to attract bodies for man
toward woman. Many men aIs 0 to a tt rac t women, jus t
"What a terrible picture to see an infant. des­
tro.yed in ~uch a manner then again you ~e another mother
( \\here the ~nfant means more to her than her own l ife.
You see the plcture of the mother that takes first
liquor and the bar staal. lier children are only here
because they came and she didn't want them, sa you see
picture of little children left home alone, babies
dirty., wallowing in their own disposaI;
older ones doing as they shouldn't, while mother sits
at the bar and drinks and smokes.
"You see the mother that thinks more of earning
and grasping ,for, that . almighty dollar', that green
piece of paper. The career woman has no love for her
child, has somèone else to care for them; too busy to
look in on them when she cornes from her parties, busi­
ness. That's Mother's Day, too. She has no love for
"You see picture of poverty stricken mother who
has to go out and earn the bread, but her heart breaks
when she comes home and looks on the child whose love she
loses because she can't mother it as she wishes. Her
eyes are full 0: grief and sorrow, this mother.
"You also see the mother who takes in an unwanted
child and mothers it because she wants to mother aIl
she can, her own as we Il as the unwanted ones. "They' re
aIl mothers. How pitiful, how sickening in many cases.
"Hank, Hank, it's no good, Hank. Hank, I see a
picture of the Blessed Mother holding the Baby Jesus and
the love She had for Her Son and the love we should have
for ours, because once a child is conceived you are
a Mother.
"Mother's Day, yes Mother's Day, but what a dif­
ferent Mother's Day of today. No respect or true love;
today is drinking, smoking, career wQmen.
"If we wou Id only be examples of Our Holy Mother,
what a difference, what a difference. I don't like to
see those horrible pictures. 1 don't want to see those
pictures. fhey're rotten, Hank. 1 like babies. 1 don't
want to see those things.
"We have seme more coming. Nine mothers in our
area now. Unwanted again, many of these will l'lever be
born. 1 wish we could stop it. Can't we stop it, Hank?
May 9, 1955: "They're starting a new kind of propa­
ganda against General McArthur. They're claiming that
he's supposed to have said that he would like a progr?m
to take action against the aggressives. That isn't
true. His wishes are that we should quit fight ing for
he has a program that would work for peace, but they
won't listpn to his pro~rarn.
.. M:>st people wr'i ting in ta thei r Congressnen and Senators
are asking why they don't follow the Peace Program of
General McArthur that he wanted when he came back from
the war zone, Korea.
"They' re trying awfully hard, Hank, to try to turn
people against men like McArthur, Lindbergh, and of
course, McCarthy.
Nby 10, 1955: ·Pacific Coast sub slipped away. Sub
was fifty miles off San Diego.
"Atomic blast set off in Pacific. Test blast did
damage. Won't let the public know.
oU. S. Senator is going to die, not of natural
causes.· (This was Joe M::Carthy).
"Get so foggy, Hank. l can't see straight.
"Something about airplane accident. This isn't
accidentai. Can't get i l straight, Hank. Plane crash
May 4th no accident. °Going to be another. Can't see,
Hank, darn pressure. l lost my work, Hank. l'm sorry.
l lost my work.
May 13, 1955: "That big fire they had in Brooklyn
that was no accidentaI fire. That's the one we spoke
about a while back. Four blocks, two hundred yards,
gas tanks, factories. That big guy l described, saw
June 4th, looks like gangster, he's responsible for
those fires.
·llhat vaccine, that's just a money racket. Sorne of
it' s harmless, sorne is harmful, but sorne -1"8 mlXed,
t~hat' s very harmr-Ul. That-' s what Our [ady warnedus
about in 1%1. ­
·Warned me about it in lQ50, the serum that's in
sorne of 1t is 50 bad that 1t takes the victim; ei~her
[ he dles or is a crlpple. That's the way the enemy
waots lt. Iney~dn~expect it to~how up in the ar~
which chase~back. They must improve it so it can't
se traced. They want to create a~panic and that would
be one way t"O'do it, t_hrough the innocenLchildren.
(r' It's ma de-y y J~ti-Ü\rist and a.oti-Religion. The)' are
. against Our [ordo °
r "We were told about this before, Hank. Chemlcal
would be used.. They even have invented chemicals ta put)
in clot;hing which reacts on body. I~ aU peopl1< would
wash cIotfnng. bef~e t!ie~~wTar them, lL~!11d not work.
This chemica l, not in use yet but tested in .places, they
even have used in footba 11 or basketball,.games if ~y
wanted a certa1:n team to win, it wouldweakent1Ïem. Thœe

betting would win; wears off,~eakens them for this
game. It's cheaper to put the chemical in than ta buy
! the te am. .
"When are people going to wake up, Hank, when?
"They're making Agricultural Exchanges of i{ussian
farmers with our Arœrican farmers. No good, Hank. JU$t
like with students, tao. They never before in our history
allowed the enemy to come into our Country on this kind
of an exchange in time of unrest.
"They're going to grant the President more power to

put us in action without Congress. One man's decision

instead of.people's decision. Those farmers they ex­

change will be SC\ they can get information they want,

no farming informâtion eitner, but other vital infor­

mation they want.

May 14, 1955: "Hank, that meeting they're having in

Vienna was scheduled for before, but change in Russian

Cabinet delayed it. The reason Russian fellow resigned

is he couldn't go along with sorne of the things the

British and sorne of the other Russians were trying to

pull. There' s no honor among thieves. That' s one of the

cases there. What they· are pretending to settle n~v was

settled a long time aga, might add some details now.

"Some of our leaders really think they are working

for peace; when the Four meet. they actually bel ieve
it, talking about disarmament. That's what the enemy is
really waiting for so they can strike. and take over. If
we pray enough, Our Lord will destroy sorne of that
enemy equipment. He could melt snow on those Siberian
ice caverns and destroy their equipment.
May 16, 1955: "Hank, the British want the
St. Lawrence Seaway and the South American countries turned
against us, Hânk; they' re having riots there now against
Catholics tao. Religious persecution growing very much
the last three months. getting worse.Persecution
{~gains~ the True Religion is getting worse instead of
"Too much bickering between religious. In parts of
England religion has improved, r~nk. frying awfully hard
ta stop it, Hank.
May 24, 1955: "l'd like to take you and show you
that arsenal in Siberia, don't like to go, Hank.
[00 cold. Joe would go if he knew. He isn' t afraid.
~vil will keep you both back.
"Hank, how did they get sorne of our airplanes?
They got USA on them, Hank. They got some we calI Doug­
las Transport planes. They got some of those same
cases 1 saw in the ships before marked 'peas' and 'corn'
but contain ammunition. Saw those ships near the Stat~e
o~ Liberty after leaving New York Harbor. ~~obouy will
hsten to me. Hank. Nobouy cares." (NorE: Devil inter­
feres.) 'They are trying to mix me up, get me confused.
See 1 knew i t.
"A.E. knows about that. 1 always knew he was a
long-eared polecat.
"Don't be afraid, Hank. Come with me. You're
'afraid, Hank. l'm gonna take you in spite of yourself,
one of these days. l can't describe it as you would
NAL ) •
"You can't say these people here are dumb. Takes
skill ta figure out this layout here. They're Dot
gonna hurt you, Hank. They're not gonna hurt you.
Have to protect Hank.
"They are trying to bring up a law that the indi­
{ vîdual states lose their powers and rights. They're
sort of thinking of moving the Government into the cen­
ter of the country which might be St. Louis. It will aIl
be governed by one office. They want to abolish State
Gove r rune nt , that is the freeaom and law of each state
as we see it now.
"Be more of a Military Government, U.M.T. of men
from l~ to 60. If that goes through that' Il be terrible
for aIl our people and children. They have sold the
birthright already of our soldiers overseas. Next it's
to do it here. The people think it can't happen here.
The people believe it can't happen here, Hank, but right
in the middle they have the U.N. and they have the Bahai
Temple. They're not reckoning with that. If those laws
get in full swing, it will be terrible for our country.
Som ev.:h a ton th a t 0 r cl e r n 0 W , Han k . Th a t '11 b 'e
terrible if ail those things happen, Hank. ·Our people
won't he able to take it, Hank, 'cause they're not used
to that kind of life.
"Hank, Hank, something is up again. Did you hear
Bernard Baruch talk again last ~i$t? Another smo~e
. screen wonderful talk. lf----r-dlân t know better. 1 d
Jt .f~ITf·~r it. NO-wonder people are misled, taiking
about~ow Wilson at the Centennial of his birth,
the tlernnrial. It was one of those sugar coated pil1s
that are bitter inside. lit> <;pok~ of th" hil Forc!'s, <;~_
tuaI needs. etc. 'Evil-rorceS'tnat refers ta h.mself. Û1e thing
) hë did do, Hank. He admltteJ the worlJ ~ituatlon wasn't
settled yet. He also admiLted it doesn't look like
there's any settlement in the near future.
"Hank, it's a shame, Ilank, the way a.lot of our
geoè P-riests are fa 11 ing for the propaganda they' re dish­
lll.g out. They think the worsl is over, that the new
Russun Regime is better than the last one .. They should
oe sllspicious when they're making friends with fito.
Some are even telling their rarishioners the battle is
over. fhey shouldn't do that; should encourage them to
pray more. People won't pray if they think the crisis
is over. It' s 1ike with the s ick. They pray when they
think they' 11 die, and quit when the crisis is over.
"Hank, our people won't be able ta take it if
there's a shortage of food, etc. They're used to hav­
ing plenty, wheat crop looks awfully short this year.
"Remernber the crash of '29, many suicides, died of
heart trouble. If famine should strike this country
that would be nothing, that \5 the crash of '2Q.
"If famine did strike, would you !Je able ta take it,
"Talk to Joe McCarthy before it's tao late. Joe's
got a betrayer among his group. lIe's got to oe wàrne;
béfore ic's too late. ~11aëJ that mess sorne time ago,
but in the me'antime he's away with information.
"Hank, remernber Hank, when Hess parachuted into
England from Germany trying to make--;greement with each
other at the time? That was just before the Russians
turned Allies with us instead of going against them.
England didn't want Russia as her enemy, for Russi~s
friendly with the Yellow Race. She didn't want to have
t~ell~ce as her enemy, turned it down. ft (Ger­
many's proposai).
"England had exploited the Ye llow Race, was afra'id )1'

of the Yellow Giant; h~~1) ~pl.oiting Black~d ~

Ye llows.

------Russia has not and even now does not exploit them

like the British are. Although nations that have wil1- \

ingly joined the Russian Forces don't realize the In­

ternational Bankers are behind the Russians tao. The
RusSians are not as cr'ue1-,-as rüthfess, as the Brit~h
hav~_l!..ee_~.L~QJ11eand potsess ions.
"When the sleeping giants, ~ e Yellow and the
. 1" 1­
1Black, turn on the White .. the s in of birth control has
l weakened the Whites against the Xe llow and BlaclC Ihere
1S no birth control practiced by them.
"A lot of people are pleased ;Ith England's elec­
tion. fhink it is for the good and Tito. They can't
feel there's a double cross in the air withusin the
middle of it.
June 27, 1955: "1950 Message keeps bothering me.
'Alaska and Pacifie Coast' and 'Sheeps Clothing'. Some­
body will be here in sheep's clothing.
"Our Lady, they didn't heed Her. They didn't clean
out the schools. Now leaders of Youth Gangs are shoot­
ing at each other like the big gangsters did in boot­
legging days.
"Much is the fault of sorne of our Priests because
they don't want to give up easy life and luxuries,
parents the same.
"The priee we'll have to pay will be awful, Hank.
We should have heeded Our Lady's Message, Hank.
"Has been a great increase in some parts, but not
enough. l'm afraid there's going to be a lot of blood­
shed, Hank. Alaska and the Pacifie Coast .... all those
things bother me. The Serpent is coi led in our CoWltry,
Hank. l'm worried, Hank. Nobody will listen, Hank.
Too much pressure, Hank, too much uDf:baritahleness.
July l, 1955: "1 wish General McArthur and Charles
Lindberg could tell what they know. They're afraid of
10s1ng some member of their family. Lindbergh had one
sad experience.
"The Evil Forces are terrible, Hank, when they
get to work. You-have no iàea now-bad. --­
-·weare gOlng to deteriorat~ oU.LseheS-S..O.-b.a~m t r
. thin, that the enmiy -;ill'Just have to walk in and take ,
over. No, it can't happen here, etc.
"Foreign boys are raised on real food. Our"
boys are raised on refined food and it' s no good .•
July 5, 1955: ·~~eting~r2Pj!ganda meeting, that's
aU, to fool the ~o'ple. Was a 11 set up,2..Li..s
just to dece"lVet e people. -­
"T~ Oldî30y, he'sgoing- to g@t me y~t. lt's no
( good Hank.
"Hank, submarine ... " (At this time Mary Ann was
attacked by the devils. There were two devils at first,
later on there were {ive in all. Th~cks are he­
coming more furious, choking Mary-Ann,~h~not
saYEIlë-.!h:iI)g§ sh~_is trying to-lëll me),
":"iewspapers, radLo. t~1..J.i~." (The.n \tary ,\nn said:
"lioney, they are behlnd you. '"!Ook out." (·\t this tiJ11t>
she was re ferring to her husband. Fred. who was stand ing
before her.)
"Hurn ship, deny it as a ho",x. lJllrn ship; evidence
on ship.·
"That llttle fellow, Iw sllp~ right in and chokes
me." Obis refers ta the sma Ilpst d,!vi 1. Evr>n with the
use of 1I0ly Water he seemed to dodgo~ thl' Iloly Water and
come through trying to dlOk{' \l;lry\nn l.
"r want to tell .... ou it's It's true.
\'ou' 11 read it in the paper~'morrnw. Pr,ople will be­
1 ieve that.
"Hank, they're going to bcltf~Vf' il, Blue :';tar Cargo
ship burning. :"iewspapers and radios wi-lLp.r:..o..claim it a
lliwl no truth··to it. There's aIl enemx submarinc, it
wi II be on the 10 0' c lock news lOlllg-ht.
The fol1owing article appcared in th~ Madison. Wis­
consin, Wisconsin State Journal on July H, 1955:
"New York (,\P)-- A dramatic radio report of the sink­
in& of the ghost ship Blue Star was written off as-a hoax
Frld~~the Coast G~ard .
. "fhe prank cost the government $SO,()On.
"'Our evaluation is that there is nothing out
there,' said Coast Gllard Lt. Cmdr. Jàmes l)oyle as a vast
air-seasearch was called off more than30 hours after
it begân.
"At least eight planes and six ships took part in a
criss-cross of 4,000 square mi les of the At lant ic Ocean
in the vain hunt for the Blue Star.
"A radio report early Thursday said the 40~t
fiEPrring v~sel was afire and sinking and that a foreign
su marine had picked up 21 survlvors.
"A tug off the mouth of l'jew York lIarbor h ~ e
rad iotili_p-hon~ messages and re Il!.yed them to the Coast
- "The phantom mue Star' s pos it ion was given as about
30 miles off Barnegat, :"i.H., sorne 55 miles southeast of
New York. fhe sea in that area was combed, but no signs
were found of any marine disaster.
"Searchers also were sure no foreign subs were
operating in that area. AlI American and Allied subs
also were accounted for.
·The coast guard was inclined to think the fake
di stress message may have come from a shore station,
possibly manned by an amateur operator.
·It would he unprintable what you'd like to say or)
do to a person who would do such a thing,· Cmdr. Doyle
said. ·Fortunately no one was injured or killed in the r
se arch. •
·Coast Guard marine investigators and the Federal
investigators and the Federal Communications Commission
will continue trying to trace the source of the message,
but admitted there wasn't much hope of pinning it down.
"The Coast Guard estimated the se arch cost S50,OOO."
The following article in the samepaper July 9th:
"New York (AP)-- A mystery voice, trembling as
though from terror, besought help at sea Thursday.
·The radioed plea sLùmed a foreign suhmarine picked
up 21 survivors fLOITl ~ ~ric,!n fishing boat aflame ,and
sinking off the New Jersey coast. Seasoned seafarers
heard the weird message as it was beamed their way by
rad iotelephone .
"But there was mounting evidence that it was nothing
but a fantastic hoax.
·A vast air and sea search of 3,700 square miles of
calm Atlantic waters failed to produce any concrete evi­
dence t2 back ue t~ marine d~ama s?_ vividJy described by
th~oic~ cryjng out in the night.
·Last word received from a vessel ident ifying itself
as the 40 foot Blue Star, was the agitated cry:
"'A aübîDânne lS surfacing about 350 yards from us.
It is coming alongside. It is proceeding to take sur­
vivors aboard. It is not an American submarine.' Then \1
a pause, and the !...oice tr a i ~ed_oîf with ; he WQr<:G: J
'1 dOîl't think they' 11 let me talk an)' IOOre.
---ALter that, silence and, despite hours of intensive
search, no trace of any disabled fishing craft- or its
·All American and Allied submarines in the general
Atlantic area were accounted for, and aIl vessels on the
East coast knnWD-to ~ar the name Blue Star were ac­
counted for. - - -- -- -----­
"Searchers did find an orange life jacket bobbing
in the sea about 10 miles south of where the Blue Star
was reported in dis~s, but it bore no markings to ti~
it to such a vessel.
"An oil slick was sighted in the same area. 1I0w­
ever, Coast Guard officials said such a slick need not
necessarily denote a tragedy.
"Coast Guard Capt. Jul ius F. Jaycot, a veteran of
31 years service, said the search would continue 'as long
as there is a possibility of someone being trapped out
there,' despite 'the possibility that it's a hoax.'
"Jaycot said 21 seemed like an aunormal number of
people on such a small craft. Ile pointed out that the
broadcaster was on the radiophone for an hour and a hal [
on a boat supposed to be afire and sinking.
"It was a damned hot place to ue on the rad io' for an
hour and a half," the captain declared.
"Jaycot also remarked on the absence of calls [rom
persons anx ious about the fate of re lat ives and friends
aboard such a craft.
"Finally, Jaycot added: 'The submarine--that just
puts it in outer space. '
"He was asked what the Coast Guard could do if it
was a hoax. 'Just get mad about it,' Jaycot replied.
'They practically never find the persons responsible. '"
* .. .. .. ..

"They just about killed one of our Senators because

Il he knew something of this fracas. He stumbled ante the
evidence." - ---"


"1 think that's his name."


BETHSEO. N.VH Hos_P..l2.L. M.RYL.Nol.

"l J's not so good a Senator, was in on the cutting

of many political pies. He stumbled on evidence--nuclear
weapon, Cobalt bombuhearttrOU:J)Ie in]ecéëë[""


H. 0
OEV..u.S • • NO
F LOO R. • Nol
W. 5

July 8, 1955: "Hank, afraid, afraid. Help me fight

than. l' m a coward.
"They are active off of Florida, Key West.
"l J is going to have a relapse, as they will calI
it later on.
"Hot, head hurts, side hurts, throat hurts. They
want me sorne more, Hank. ~ still has one of
the many wh~ crJJciiie.cL9uLLor.d~ his ~~dst. We should )
have seen h1m there qU1te a wh1le back, when the Devil
stopped us.
"Can you get that name?O (NOTE: AGAIN THEllE WERE

"Research laboratory; LJ.

saw their plans for Nuc-
lear weapons. ---
"A.E. ~ill be the cat that swallowed the canary, and
M. andT w111 corne back like F.D.R. did.
"World situation is a keg of dynamite with Con-
ference going on." (NOTE: THI S WAS THE FOUR POWER CON-

"They won't even think of Gad. l wish God would

stop this spinning wheel.
(At this time 5~s were again attacking Mary
Ann, and she thought she recognized three as known
l/ humans who were formally ln high posItions ln our Gov-
ernment) .
-----(Now Mary Ann is kissing the Relic of the True
Cross and saying: "Lord, Lord, Crucified Lord").
"Hank, you'll just have to think it, Hank. TheY1J
can't read~ th0l!..ghts, t\1iiT's th:~ th~ can't do.
"We s~ould get him \Joe ~rc:Cartny) t~lnformatlon,
but he won' t listen, Hank. He thinks this lS Just a hoax.
"That ship cargo, you know where it is, Hank."

"Lo~give us peace from those Devils.

coward, Lord. l'm tao w_~L.1ord. .
~a Il
r~-You know who our biggest enemy ls.
"Sneering Devil. 0 (1 asked, "Is that the one whose
face you know?") "1 know aIl three of them; one of them,
l'm not tao sure of.
"Help, help, help me ft (Mary Ann was trying ta tell
me where the plans and materials came . fron:.that were on )
the cargo shïp-:- -The fight with the Devdsl3ec.ame sa
severe-fiere ln their effort ta stop her from tell1ng me,
~ha~ l could not do any writing and consequently this
ls ln my own words and put together by me.
Material and plans came from experimental labora­
t~ The man's name she was trying so hard to give me
and tha~ the Dèvils. were tr~ so hard ~revent her
from ELnsleLn.
She taiked in riddles, and l was able to figure
from that, that she referred to the thr~~y~f bombs,
she spoke of them as three sisters, and mentioned~rne a
date (April 7th) which nelpéd me to identify what she
III was talking about. This seerned to confuse the devils.
Atom Bomb, Hydrogen 80mb, Cobalt Bomb were the
three sisters!
Then she said: "Enemy submarine taking plans qnd
rnaterial to London. ft 'That was croabnglywnispered in my
1 JI ear, but was understandable.
~~en she said that, she was chokeg~nd~~g~om
the chair by the devils_aruLher-head-.w8s-on_tJ1LfJoor
under-the whE;ëIChair. As she was choked, she struggled
and eventually passed out under the chair. l k~~w­
i~oJLy-Wat~er and finally revived her and got her
back in the chair. lt is aIl hard to understand and
much harder to describe.
AlI the above had placed a terri fic strain on her
heart, and at about twelve she asked for prayers. l cal­
led Wakersh!ill-SJtr~s and talked to Bill as Betty wasn't
ho~~et. l told him to calI Marie, WhlCh later l-round
out he did. l also called Clara Hermans and told her
Mary Ann called for prayers.
l gave Mary Ann a little white pill which Doc ~~yers
had given us to use. They are aheart stimulant ofsome
kind. TIley are placed under the tangue and allowed to
dissolve. Mary Ann quieted down, but the suffering was
( qu ite severe. l f ixed her for the n ight and left for
horne to get sorne sleep. lt was about 2:üOam. .
However, she said as soon as l leit the devils came
back ancCS:he---1\'as ml:SüSëÔ-and treated ver'y----!'oj!ghly and
once more found herself on the floor beside the wheel­
chair, but she came to and was able to get backln the
chair by herself. Next day she s~ed~_ign~of the
s~le. Her throat was aIl scratched and marked up;
she showed signs of bleeding and her handkerchief had
blood on it.
July 9, 1955: "You got the machinery going at Pearl
thrbor, you louse. Same propaganda as now. Peace, then
bang! Haüy Harry,that's what you are, hairyape. What
are you doing, opening new doors for other pals you ex­
pect to join you? You were behind in Hiroshi esl,
~ 00. You seem to enJ oy oclies that squum.
-You succeeded in scaring Lindbergh, didn't you?
Chattering Apes!
"There's only the three devils tonight, the three
mean ones.
"Did you ever know that Vou electrocuted an innocent
man for the crime? That's why Vou got him afraid to talk;
y01L! aw~nd s ilenced him. He found out
( the~uth and was go~ng tâlt~ny;;y, but he was go­
ing to have another chi Id.
"You know, Hank, this Hairy Mutt was active befoLe
he got in the position he was ~n.
"Crucified Lord, crucified Lord." (Mary Ann kisses
the relic of the True Cross). "Take him away. Begone
Satan! ­
- - You know who l was talking about, Hank?" (1 an­
swered "Yeso) "Come on, Lord, protect him!" (At this
time the devil was. coming right down for me).
"How did that New York Governor die, Hank? You know
they narned an airfield after him. How did he die? Do
Vou know? Harry and this other guy got him. He was
playing baIl with them until it got too rotten; then he
wanted to pull out and go back in the gambling racket.
He was too greedy; got into rackets and then deeply
played baIl with .the Big Guys and then when Vou want to
( baek out ... so t_h~_~iA_away withnlm. Just hke the
other~t Was inRÇ1;~d in him , too."

(1 asked "What happened to hlm?") "A ~espiratory )

injec~_._They didn't know then h~ad.~ancer aTready.
There s no j ust ice-getw.een thieves, Hank. They know it.
They l_ive ln}ear of· every shadow.
"One thing thoügh, tl~y didn't get old Bob La·
follette. He died a natural death. =-
Hank, they started this inrecting stuff already in
the Theodore Roosevelt days. 1hey dldn't use them so
often. They were not so skilled yet. Harding was one~f
their s,!cc~ssfuLones. _Th.ey- botched a f~ers. l11ey
didn't have the sarr~ skill in McKinley and Lincoln's
days. They just used crude method~, like guns.
"Orie ortne next in their way is--starts with R." (I
said, "1 thought she was one of their pals.") "She is.
but is getting tob big. One we heard over radio is too;
may get in their way. Either use accidents or hearts,
and it will be so pitiful if it's the heart; overwork
for humanity. That's the one we heard on the radio.
"Had that one former Governor of New York decided to
run again, he would have got the same treatment. Has
that strange name that means something else too' also
carries an Apostle's name. '
"You see, Hank, quite a number of our High OfficiaIs
are getting afraid of the Three Sisters, especially the
youngest one. They know what the eIder ones can do.
"Hank, you haven't been writing down sorne of the
names l have been giving you. CI answered, "No.")
"There is a scientist that knew sorne of these


weapons they are-Working on. He had the formula, but

threw it out. He said it could do lots of good, but if
Evil For~.,g~ lLlE.:.c.Q0érsre,sir~ôi:TwIîolecolÎtlllërit.
They have him'now in New Yor:J{ State inan'îii.stÙut l.Ôn
~~.~,~s'ylürn.'-tI;,s-the';-;;-ie~t(~t'beY{ind~:-but they'cl

never give him credit c~.the ~IJsLthink.s,h.e's dead.

They don't abuse him,~t they 42n~t-giv~_him h~e­

dom. That's in the U.S.A. Hank, not in R u s ~

-- "Strike for higher wages; farmers' things going to

decline. Machinery and things they must buy increase.

Free Enterprise
now. -"
--_.,.will be aIl- "---_._--
through with,

which is about

"McCarthy -- No, no!" (When Mary Ann started to

speak about McCarthy, Satan began doing battle and gave
her a bad time. There i8 information he does not want
her to divulge.)
"Father Dominic, help! St. Dominic, help.
"Our Allies are playing the biggest propaganda game
now. Meantime our true Allies, as the American people
believ~ they are, ~-=-Elot~i~!5"again:>~.~,a.-~.. ~h~,L~eJ,1
been S1.nce the of Amerlca. ~
•AIl ÛÏîEîiiTS'-lga:ve-â coupIe' of days ago are lay­
ing the groundwork, combining their speeches and talks
being fully aware that it's just to fool the people.
The rest think they are sharing the big piece of cheese.
It aIl looks so peaceful and friendly, as if the battle
is over with, and then it will strike as Our Lady said
in 1950."
(At Il:30pm a car drove into the yard to Jring
Freddie home. He had been at the movie. Mary Ann had
been more or less quiet, and l relaxed somewhat and lit
up my pipe, and when l did, Bang~ Mary Ann l.eft the
chair as if picked up, and landed on the floor ln front
of the safe about ten feet from where the wheelchair
was parked' ~gainst the table. That marked the appear­
ance of the Devils as far as any action was concerned.
After l got Mary Ann back in the chair, the DeVilS
started to battle with her. "Hank, get them out of here.
Want to fight me. Nasty business, Hank. They are mad.
. (I asked: "How many?") "Just two, ma~Other
wlii come. Our little friend is here, right on the
baIl. Two are here tonight, with the same names H.L.H.;
H. D. W. ) •
"This will refer to somebody that is still here
with us CH.s. T.) (This was indicated t~ me by riddle
to confuse the Devils. lt s ~ m ~ L ~ o
nead ~erson's mind, and~~t surè~f they can read
as the wr-it i~s" done in the dark, or in the very dim
light, as we had only the light from a vigil light in
the kitchen). '
"The second party (of the devils H.D.W.) and
H.S. T. were in cahout~ together. He CH.s.1'.) used to be

on an Investigating Committee. He-L90 aCLQss sorne

shady tEihg~_a~d~as sU.cked in. He rg st i11 working on

L some or te same trUCks even now.

"Former V. P., H.A. W"., was in cahouts 'with a11 this

too. He wanted to be V.P. second ti me and when the plum
was given to another to suck him i..n.. and silence him, he
( 90t angry and left this Country and then'talked against
"'fhese were aIl working together and aided in get­
ting material and weapons out of the Country. Ih.ose
(( m ~of war ar~_ now in the_g!:~at hid~e!!_$s~D91::::p:r
'Russ -la 1.n S.J.1?Elf.1.a. There lS a great huge Arsena l there
that hangs over our heads like the Sword· of Damocles.
Larger than a city, under ~è. Those that helped to
get those things ou~ur Country were H.S.T., D.A.,
H.A.W., H.D.W. Two of them for ,sure know of the exis­
tence of the place and its purpose.
"1 wonder why E .H. doesn' t get·· wise to these th ings?"
"J.M. would have liked to say more 'against H.S.T.,
H.A.W., H.D.W. when he was on trial." {Army-~~Carthy
trial) ­
"Oh oh here comes number three. Two were enough,
why thre~? We have got meffiber now. l don't know
him." (A new Devil puts 1.n an appearance).
"He is from the same departrœnt as F.F. He" has be~n
there (he 11) longer than some of these others. (DeV1.1
No. 4) "1 don' t remember hi m. " .
(There are four up there now, as another puts ln
his appearance). "Number four's hairs curl up and look
like horns. Oh, that hideous face!"

"Had caught onto sorne things _and would have exposed

( them; that ','las his end. He ','las disposëa-oL·----·~---
------- At this point she said: "1 could tell you more, but

they're tao ugly. The last member bere ','las instrnrœn.\cll.l

in having lke held up autside of Berlin ta ','lait fQr

Russia but it ','las primarily of interest ta the S.O.C.

o;ë,SRockefeJIer E b a~d i~s European Subsidiaries,

tHe I.G. Farben ll1P1

Note: Many things here tie together which l be­

lieve are totally unsuspected by most pa e those
in the know on many other things. Th Rockefell l' m_]1

With.211 its s!!bsidiaries and palihcaI t1e:::t! ,
ma~ of which are unsuspected, are d~finitely behind
1 the movement for ONE-WOBLD-GOVETh~MENT and also ONE
Ibey have long been in control of the policy making
of our United States Government, and have controlled
things mainly through ~he State Department, which is
under the il' control.
The State Department of the United States has long
been a subsidiary of the Rockefeller Empire, and as a
consequence the policy has ociways Been to the advantage
of the Empire. In fact that has been one of the major
meap.s ai building t~e Empire.
Un i t ed St ates mone y'GA.a~d....lIll!1

in foreign conntries f l' the Rockef

since the inauguration 0 our 1ve-'way program.

The One World Religion lS Baha'i and ','le have had

here many exponents and promoters of it among those
who have been elected by or foisted on the American
They include F.D.R., his spouse, E.R., his son,
also E.R. and many others in high position, bath in the
past and now. Among those at the extreme top it is a
requisite, althou h man of them still subscribe ta sorne
other church affiliation for the sake of win bw ressing.
Sorne of the big shots, including a Sultan, have)
been shawn aIl the hospitality and points of interest
in onr Country by Pres ident Eisenhower and others of
prominence. This Sultan visited the Temple at Wilmette
while here. :"
(1'hëBQckife Il~r E.mpiI:;) is behind this World Reli­
gion~hâs4argeiyi1nanced ifS promot ion aIl over.
E.R. the son, makes frequent trips to Marocco in
the natllre of a re 1 tgious pi 19rimage and to look over
financial interests there and at other places including

IWO women who have been rather high in the circ les
of the htdden power behind our government, are marked for
disposal as they are becoming too big and important.
They will probably go by the usual means--an accident
or if time isn't pushing, they may succumb to heart at­
tacks or cancer brought on through fat igue, etc., as the
( result of their efforts for humanity so that us pOOl'
. fools can mourn for those who are trying to destroy us.
- - July 13, 1955: "Hank, Vou know what's going on ln
tne Western Hemisphere, lIank. (This refers to up­
risings and political trouble in Argentina, Church
troub le) .
"They're going to start an uprising next in Cen­
tral America, Hank, which will extend lnto ~\<;x-ico.
- "It. A. W. toured these Countr ies and left them with a
sour taste in their mouths.
"Central America doesn't want any part of us because
of our interference in their affairs, part icular ly on the
part of Arrerican Big &lsiness, who for personal gain have
been behind a big share of their troubles.
"I~st winter H.A.W. was in Argentina as a tourist,
"Why do we supply equipment and materials for A
Bombs to N.B. ?"


fhe Br~l~h c~tr01 ~~;:;nee in<:rLïStry in Brazil

{ and the shorta e was a taIse ro sltlon. They were Just
.' co ee as a racket to blee more dollars out of the

lldAmerican people. There was no shortage; in fact sorne 1

flY/as burned to dispose 01 ll.
"Aleutian Islands--Russians are planning on using

them. Have been us ing them. Intend to use A bomb there,

under water, destroy fishing industry, causes contamina­
tion, which in turn causes severe consequences to humans
who eat 01 the material affected.
"Would be diagnosed by Arnerican doctors as ulcers]l
because it causes seYe~~~~ both upward and
~Blue Star Liner was sunk about 75 miles east of
the Statue of Liberty and the fire of its burning could
have been seen from the top of the Statue had there been
someone to watch. The fire started was too severe and
Our Allies didn't manage to get a11 rnaterial off. The
sub will be back about the 15th or 16th of July. They
will try to salvage further material off of the sunken ship
which is down about 75 fatho~~ of water.
·Wish they would get caught, but then of course our
newspapers would have to be given a very logical explana­
tion for the sub being there. Of course they are our
our •Loya 1 Allies' 1
·Some of the Revelations given June 4th, 1951 are
active now.·
Copy of Revelations given on June 4, 1951:
·Suddenly 1 had a feeling of, not [ear, it's hard to
explain, when 1 saw a man. A very brutal looking fellow
in c thes. hen he changed inco bëtter-Gressed
fe llow and he was head of cons Irac ter ronts
[ and air fields, both East and West coasts. It showed New
Yorr-Harbor and sorne ships were burnlng and exploding.
Then it showed an air field, an air ship raising there,
and then suddenly nose dive, showed a train wreck.
·And all ov~r this appeared a table and many hands
as if at a meet ing, no faces. Also showed an object drop
from airplane and large forest burst into flames. AIl
this was very sickening. Even after all this was over, 1
could still see the planes wrecked and forest bursting
in flames.
July 14, 1955: "Hank, they're

hands around the table, Hank.

T~ ~on't want t0 ive ~n to oUr:-.J>0hc-les,-but tfîë

Klnghsh (A. E. J,JV; 9s gOln~ WIn any'!!..ay.

"Each one is trying to cheat the other of oil and

other resources. fhat's the big thing ta be settled,
Hank. They are trhing to ou.tsmart the French and
Morocco away from t em ln tnelr settlement.
*Hank, ln reallty aIL of the leaders are afraid of

the Big Sister (Cobalt 80mb), or sornething would have

l/been done about it before. Neither trusts the other.

) 'They know they can' t trust each other.

·Why is it so hot, Hank? You haven't got the
heater going, have you?· (NOTE: Ir WA5 HOT IN THE HOU5E
rrhink you'll be able to take things after while,
Hank? There's going to be recompense, Hank. 1 don't
know when, but there's going to be a whole hour of
recompense. 1 don't like recompense, Hank.
"Pat McCarron didn't die a natul'al death, knew too
"Black took the place of one of those devils up
there, the one yet unnamed.
"Oid you hear who said what would win our peace?
H.S.T. said at a luncheon U.N. and of courage of the
"Teapot Oome ail scandaI, dated back to time of
T.R. and W.W. B.B. was also in on the deal; also J.P.M.
was also in on the deal, promoted by Standard ail Co.
·W.H. died for it. fhis was one of the first suc­
cessful murder jobs. W.W. also died for it. He was
trapped. E.W. wife of W.W., wrote a book of expose. J1
ockefeller m l i b~ tRlil 'l'bgle th, OldJ
J.O. was ve a t a time. A.S. was in on the deal-­
C--, C.G.D., J.F.O.
"Many knew of these scandaIs and for political
expediency kept still. J.N.G., J.F., S.R., Senator
N-- was fighting against the deal, as was old B.L.
"Remember when OUi Northern neighbor sold us so
much wneat and Argentina also. Manillulations in wheat
market to disaster of America. After importing from
North and South, we had surplus which was sold to Great
Britain at a very cheap priee.
"The same game was played with cattle. Our own
raisers couldn't get price on account of surplus. One
of the things that brought on depression. Australia had
a locust plague that year and was able to get cheap meat
and supplies from us.
"After World War II, our Army and Navy had sur­
pluses of many items of equipment which was decl~red
surplus and was supposed to have been destroyed. It was
cavered with bulldozer by U.S. Army and Navy, and then
was dug up by the ~itish and Russians, and becomes part
of their war supplies and armament to be used against us.
Thousands and thousands of tires were buried when we
were short and vou had ta go to the ration board to get
one. Enough tires were buried so that each farnily in
the U.S. coura have !lad four.
-The BrItIsh, our supposed Ally, rooked us good on
the priee of crude rubber and American capitalist, for
their own ends, also helped on that score.
"Lots of this manipulation was promoted through our
Oepartment of Agriculture at the time when H.A.W. was
Secretary., 1'nere was supposed to be shortages of many
thlngs whlch were not short, just as with the ~e
sltuat lon of recent occurrence, - -­
•Aluminum In®S.till,LJÛIQI:.-tag!',-,,'1nd. man ipula\ ion,A. M.
"11~ others were creat ing short age 0 coppel'.
Much of these materials were being saved and collected by
people as 'unk and bein w cl in turn by the Government.
e ockefeller Em ire 1s removing as many re­
If fineries an fac1 Ities from this country as poss' so
they-can-~ed against Us,
- "Most of those ref l:l.eries are being paid for and
the oil concessions bought ~\meric'liLtax:payers mo-;:;;Y
t.hrough Lend Leas--e:- 'They are exploiting us to thepo'illt)
of disaster. They have even t.aken care of the trans­
portat ion problems so that taxp3:ters stand that expense.
- - July 15, 1955: "The anes ,who cause the greate;
persecution against our Church and Religion are the ex­
Priests and Nuns. They dist.ort the true facts and a1ways
get those who have no Faith ta fo110w them, for they a1so
have the cooperation of those Priests and Nuns that were
condemned and are no\\' wande ring the .fl..aLth, t l'y ina t 0
destroy AP.u-l,gs.....- - - - - - - - - - ~---
-Tbose that bave hee" loosf,d from Hell, condemneù
Pr lests and Nuns tha.t Lire lause on earth, seek t hOSël.n
reLgious life that are weak: Ihat's why it's sa urgent
that we pray for Priests and Nun~t,hat l:h~ weak o~s
he not led to condemnatlon. ~
-Hank, every effort ls made now ta l uU our--peopre
to s leep, to steel' them off of the path of t.ruth. They

C are trying to bring confusion ta Priests and Brothers and

aIl of Hé bglOus and Lâlt-[. They are putting minds ta
sleep with talk of peace and security.
"Thi.s i.s the longest period without war, how we
have shJwn our neighbors peace and r.ight, how we have
grown in religion; at the sarre tirre drawing people
the-uap- of One Wor Id Government and one WerId Rellg10n.
"They have already drawn the youth lIlto mdltary
bandage; no step toward peace, but ml Iltar)' bond~
-"Hank, such great confusion, Hank. It's terrible
among the AmerÏcan pubhc. Even the Religious and
.EX.ies.t.s.-a.r-p--con-f-used._ with sorne of Re hgl0US Orders and
definitions of world affairs, also confuses them.
"The American public has lulled itself ta s~h
s~r they do not even try ta thinK loI' themselves7 ~ut
artoW television and radio do their thinking, be lt
right or be it wrong. The paper and the television says

set off that

enter then to

live as Jesus ljyed we need

'"' .Lc;.QJ.
1 ••
"""" ........ 1o"..1\...-..L1;' ..... .&, .... o.~ .loi. .......
, • ;-~
We m~e

ca:il"'-l touch us.

us for

sorne of the \
1'111 use and
_______ ,_. Iater that
.~L .LoL L_ ·.. --ned me

~ cz.,... 8( 5l..,'r
now of mud slinging like the U.S.A. has used in political
the Truth.
l WIll not fight back with smear but with
July 19, 1955: "Can't concentrate on the meeting,
Hank. Tao much deviltry, tao much pressure. Our
President held his own ground and his war buddy didn't
like it.
"The reasons they have planned, A.E. and J.F.D.
"A.~. had document in front of him pertain ing ....t...o
division of spoils oron:
and natural resources. Our
) Pres ident soft pedaled the propos it i~l:rldn'twant ta
hurt fee lings of a Id war buddy.
"Demands of A.E. harsh; wants lion's share of
spoils which are mainly oil. Also wants Morocco from
France on another double cross. That would give England
positive control of the Mediterranean entrance.
"England has control of Iran. Russia and the United)
States want a s lice for the aiL Eng land would r ather
let United States get it than Russia, because if Britain
gets control of Morocco and does control Gibraltar, we
could not even get it out anyway.
"They are trying ta push Tito out in Bulgaria.
Russia wants Tito's ail, and they are agreeing that there
will be no interference from Britain or United States.
'Russia wants NATO scuttled in arder to insure
that there will be no interference. Russia, United
States and Britain don't want any more slicing into the
pie, as the pieces in this division wouldn't be as large.
"United States wante9 Ftanc~ in there as they ~lt
they coura-c~ol France ta ~extent, as from-Brevious
experlence. ­
"F'rance fears Great Britain' s double cross, but
F~e f§ Iike a lamb going to a party with a bunch of
wolves, and the same thing 1S gOlng to hap~n to 11er
that would ta the 1 1
'In aIL this scramble, they are going ta take the
I( Philippine Islands away from our controI-.­
"Four DevlIs present now--H.L.H., H.I., H.D.W.,
84. •


B4 0 AT E S BAC K A l ON G WA YS TO TH E T l' loi E 0 F PRE S IDE N T Il


"A.E. wants Greenland out of this meeting." (NOTE:

"The reason Great Britain wants Greenland will not
be made known through corttrolled press and radio, but we,
the United States of America, will go along with our
loyal Allies on the deal.
"Our President is taking a stand on some of these
issues for public consumption and propaganda purposes
and may even be sincere to an extent, but if he turns
out to be too sincere and hard to move in his opinion,
it may be necessary to remove him by rneans usually em­
ployed, as it is weIl known his successor will cooperate."
was taken in by B.S. who was an open enemy of
an ardent follower of 34. B4 and B.M.B. were

Catholic Church."
"Cardinal Mindzenty, when he was over in this
Country, even tried to talk one of them out of it, but
was unable to. These men have bten drawn in. Sorne of
"The time of the U.N. celebration in California they
let Molotov walk aIL over different places in the cities
of ~eles and San Francisco. We believe they are}
our enemy, but we give themall the assurance we will co­
operate with them. No good, no good.
"Some of these things they are trying to make the \~
people believ~ they are agreeing upon, they had agreed.
upon a lonfa t1.Iœ aBo, Hank.
"Russla gets the points in America, Aleutians, and
England gets what they want--Greenland. They' Il both be
right side by side to double cross us, Hank. It's onl
p~pagan9a. Their great des ire for United Europe and
unification in Germany.
"It seems that boy friend of our President and A.E.
seem to understand each other very much without too much
dispute or talk. Some of their decisions have been be­
hind closed doors, just the three. They are sure dimming
the lights for the people and putting on soft lulling
music. If only our peo le would ra hard and more,
l ma b ~orne of is. It s just anot er

puzzle and the pieces will slide in.

July 24, 1955: "Boy, did that Geneva Conference

play the lullaby for our people. That's what they are
so happy about.
"Hank, l can't talk again. You know what l told
you once before, like article on the submarines. One
sub was off the tip of Cuba. It intended to land there,
but it didn't work out so good, so they went to Bermuda.
They are working from base in Bermuda. Some of our
high officiaIs don't even know of this. It's one of
E--'s doings, double crossing even those who are supposed
( to be 1l1S partners ln cr ime.
1 "1-- doesn't I<lïow of it. Bu
"Other soldiers, Russians, B-- knows. 1-- and B-­
were once pictured shaking hands and toasting each other.
They were aware of plans at that time and were planning
\ on getting together under the circumstarices which they
are now meeting."
July 28 and 29, 1955: "Hank, remember the flyers we
talked of today. Four were guilty and one died for his
sins. Amelia Earha~t's plane went down in the ocean and
Jloated for three days. This guy spotted it, but didn't
report seeing anything. They were not successful either.
B4 knew about thilt but he didn't have the Senate inves­

t,igate. it. Iwo of those fel,lows were of British descent.
~ould ~t be possible ~o checK back on lt? Hank, get the
rlght ulformatlOn on It. Only reason i!iven is on account
of the connect 10'1 with B4. 0

"Remember, Hank, 1 told you about Wi 11 Ro~ rs . He

really did know tao much. For the gooa of us he ~
heading for the place where 1 always as1<ed you ta go.
Note by author: In other Revelations ,Mary Ann has
revealed that in Siberi~ in caverns of ic.e, Rus.sia has a
g~eat Arsenal of supplles for war. It lS equlvalent in
Slze ta a small city and contains everything. ·They
started to build it about the time of World War I, and
then it was inactive for a while, and then they started
again. She has viewed it in vision several times. She
said there were even prisoners working there who had
been in there since World War 1. Sorne of the traitors
of our Hidden Government are aware of its presence.
D.A. has been there.
Wi~1=Rogers had discovered the existence of this
Il place an was heading for it with WiJey Post when they

crashed and were killed in Alaska. Will Rope#s ~s

killed by B4, who as one of the plotters for World Con­

trol discovered that F~gers knew tao much. Rather, l

L should say, that B4 was responsible for hls death because

he paid a mechanic to Camper with the instruments on the

plane. lnls led to the crash and death of Rogers and

1( Post. This same mechanic was later killed in an ac­

cident on the Vlrglnia turnplke.

~d GibbOns, a famous war correspondent of World

'( War land Worla-War II, was wiped out also. B4 was
i responsible again and the reason of course was the same:
he knew tao much.
In his work he was wise ta the treason that tOO]1
p'lace in the Philippine Islands when we lost about 3,000
me because the were purposely left wlthout supphes.
He also discovere t at many 0 e panes a a acked
1\ Pearl Harbor 'Nere Hown by white men and not Japs.
F~d was going to male € h ase t.filngs pub lic knowledge.)
At first they tried to discredit him with a smear
campaign and charged him with accepting bribes. ~n
te found he couldn'c be sto ed in Chat way, theB4T
arranged or lS eat.
- LVld6esgh also came in for a lot of persecution
from the same group. They knew he had lots of nerve,
and of course was a very popular publlc fIgure after-nis
flight across the ocean, but they didn't know he also
had brains. They--t.!J.uug.hL..he was j ust a big gang li ng ,
n rI er and could be a useful tooI for them. They
put a lot of pressure on him. When Lin y met and married
Ann Morrow, they rea.UY went to work on h im.. ' .Lindy got
ij aliOldor
1 -X1.CO
information on shady mine deals oin on in
rom 1.S ather-1.n- aw an w en t reats, etc.
~ldn't work, they had h1.s son kidnapped and killed. Anj]
innocent man was executed for fi1.s death. H.L.H. and D4
and some others were responsible for that deal. They
also threatened and persecuted his wife's family.
International Bankers of Wall Street were b§hi~d
those crooked mine stock deals. Later on when Lindy went
t5 ltve ln Europe to esca the ersecutions over here,)
he 1.scovere ot eT t lngs, such as the preparedness for
war of those countries, Germany particularly, and when
he tried to make those things known to the Americ an
people, he was subject tQ a real smear campaign. His
patr iot ism was impugned and it was even impl ied that he
was a traitor to his country.
His father-in-law, Dwight Morrow, was accused of J
participation in mine stock frauds which were bleeding 1
miU ions from the gul! ible Arnerican publ ic. That, how­
ever, was just a srnear, the big lie. If you can't shut
a man li ou can discredit him with lies'-ïind d1.stor­

II tlons of trut an 0 set any es Imony e may ave to

That's one of the standard tools of the Forces of
Evil, and 1.t lS wlth those Forces that we are ctealing.
--- The Panama Canal Zone is a very hot spot during
this period of plot and counterplot and general intrigue.
Our enemy, Great Britain, has been behind most of
the plots and intrigue in the world and because of the
Canal's strategic the plan of things, have
for some time been trying to get ccmuol of it. They
h~hind-mo~t of the revolutionary troubIe
there. They were responsible for the assassinat ion of
the President there a short time ago. Once again the y}"
are being supported by the subversive hidden hand beh1.nd .
our Government, and many-"""QI our traltorous officials
are in on the deal.
. Sorne of the Canal Zone employees have sold out to
these forces. Aga in Mammon is the weapon of the Dev il' s
'~uly 30, 1955: "Hank, did you stop and think what
would happen to sorne of these poor people around here if
iaflation hits?Suppose it would strike by Christmas
or thereabouts. Hank, you' 11 be able ta eat as weIl as
we. ~hen you quit, we quit tao, Hank.
"Hank, that can strike the Country overnight like
it did in 1929 unless they start another shooting war
and stil~ can't keep on. It's going ta boomerang.
"They' 11 create a shortage. You' 11 get down on your.
Imees when ou are hun r and do an for survlvâl.
le crash 0 wi 11 be j ust a drop in the bucket
when the real crash cames. You won't be able to escape
this crash at aIl. It will be someth' . ;-the
III wo er w l strike aIl!
·Our Lady wants ta spare us that purge, but we are
reaching for it. 1955 was scheduled for the beginning of
the crash, but il' s sôrt of posfponect. 11 people would
only ~ake up and do as Our Lady wishes, it could be
"Will people ever wake up, Hank? J-Iun!1'er is an awful
th ing, Hant<. ~
"In this area it will he awful. Innocent little
kids will suffer. They' 11 never straighten this thing
out. •
August 10, lQ55: ·Our Geneya Conference Deal, whole
bunch of propa~anda. You know R.C. ha~ joined the
1 l'''ânks, Hank .olned the U. N., not PUhl1c,l y but t~e
(. agreement lS made. They eyen made 3 deal wlth the b1g
black Airican, one of the most educated tribes, can't
think of their name. ;
"One reason they couldn't get very far at the Geneya
Conference was because Russia wouldn't give away their
stock piles of A materials and bombs.
"Our Lady told me already in 1950 that they had it.
They are going to wait for the others to do the job be­
tween thernselyes. They wait and look on while--..!J1eir
( enernies and allies both lœock each other out.
"1 wlsh sorne people would go to that place, you
know where. They would straighten out their lives and
, (do the right thing. fu2y~lth ;[Qr aU to live com­
fortable if divided.

"84 and F.Y. didn't like what l s

oo~heY ~~R De oressnred and con

tator 1'J., U.IJ. L. Ivere for the 13î

"H.C.H., R stand for rank. Usually call him Father.

He didn't think what he was doing was going ta cause such
an uprising. It flooded his office, going rnostly two
ways--in his area and our area; also the Archbishop and
the Holy Father.
"J.F.o. told the newsmen ves~er~~hat in 1975 we
would be dQing Qur ç9Qkip~ith Atomic-Energy.
"Isn't there an Atomic Laboratory in Denver,
"One noted sc ient ist d isappeared from there (~nver) ~

three or four years ago. He got~ müëfi of that lnfor­
mation. They tried tQ make the publlc be!leve they were
keep;ng these th in,s so sec ce t, but >lU," le fi xe BliS _ 1
siaps go tbrp)]eh jt."
August 12, 1955: "Hank, things are no good. Hank,
propaganda, no good, Hank. The junk they feed the people
blinds them to the truth. Some of the things mentloned
sorne time agQ, they're stirring up again in MoroccQ, ,
agatnsc che ïr
make the French lQQk bad, Hank, SQ the people will revQlt
"AlI this releasing Qf prisQ~ers, etc. 1s to soften)
up the people. _ ~ J
----How about al1those prisoners that were left ~:XJI
; the warehouse before they burned it and buried them
alive to destroy the evidence. Just like they closed off

the mouth of that mountain cavern where they had pris­
oners. AlI that is left is the crack. AlI prisoners
left. Koreans and Americans they have aIl starved to
death. =
ank, part of that was given in the Revelations
November 13, 1953, closed by avalanche when things got
too hot.
"Now they're stirring up propaganda about the Pre­
mier of Eastern Germany and the Premier of We~tern
"A~r would like to see things different, but}
he's onrya little voice in tlle wl1<lerness. I wonder
Hank, how long they're going~Ieav~denauer-rivebe­
fore he meets up with an accident or someifilng. He has
some twistec1ïdëâ:StOëï. -- ­
"HanK, tney-got sorne more of those subs near Havana,
Cuba. One is there keeping beneath the surface on
account of the storm. The other is near Bermuda. Don't
tell me they are just there on a pleasure trip. I wonder
if the U.N. is going to discover them?
"There's a number of foreign ships tied up in our
harbors now on account of the hurricane. Shows what
God can do. God could turn one of those inland clear
across the country.
"It hurts, Hank . .--!.!:.. h.':!.Its. _Why al! the pressure
! on me on account of F.H. article? He has confused many
con~erts as weIl as Catholics, adds more persecution~
_ a ms t the Churc~.. l t' s erwugh Ant.i=ChrisLpers~;cutes,
why should the Catholics do it too? It's hurt1ng our
"Hurts the Church, that's what it does; lies.
What's the abject l'd like to know, to scare me? "'Tm
not scared of any of them. They're not confusing me. l
don't have ta hide trom their accusatiuDs. God knows
the truth. TIley' re not hurt ing me. They are hurting the
COurch and the people. 1 wish they'd calI me before the
Bishops, aIl of them. l'm not afraid before Gad, so why
should l be afraid before men? They are Christ before
the Altar, but man on the street, not infallible.
August 13, 1955: "Hank, St. Clare told me yester­
day about 1:45 to 2:15 this a.m., she told me that the
Poor Clares send one of their Sisters in to pray for me
from St. Ann's to the Feast of St--lgnatius. She comes
from Mother of PerpetuaI Help. Poot Clares sent her in
because they felt l needed their prayers, for 1 was under
( such a strain, near breaking point on account of added
pressure. This Sister when she was alive (1 will be
told her name) , she made many sacrifices and took extra
penances on herself and spent most of the night in)1
p~~r. She would take and do the most undesirable
jo s gladly from some of the other Sisters, aIl in
reparation and preparation for souls, to help-hër
Spouse, Jesus Chr1st.
"She asked Our Lady to give her this additional
suffering to save souls, for the weak and those fallen by
the ways ide , to brin~ back those sguls.
"That is the Slster that came here ta help me and
to help you, and the other young girl was only our lit­
tle St. Philomena. St. Clare told me 1 would have had a
complete breakdown if it were not for the prayers and
constant vigil of these two. 1 would have broken down
on account of pressure."
August 17, 1955: "Hank, Vice President

startin~ to show some of his colors now, isn't

Sore, l e lS gOlng ta ~un, so is A.S. and they

to try to get T. to run.

"A lot can happen before November ' 56. Gad has
struck His hand in India, 45 million people homeless.
And '55 is going down in history with many different
unusual records--heat, floods, earthquakes, fires--all
things that have been predicted in our work, things we
have been told about: assassination of leaders, accidents
that are not accidents, cl1ange of 1 dershi in Mor~co.
. a ,you re not a raI if sorne of those t ings
strlke our Country. You know those things have been told.
"Hank, the y are going to. try and get Chancelor )
Adenauer out. Surprised that he's still in.
=---"You'll hear of terrible hunger and starvation in
India on account of flood."
September 10, 1955: "lt was F. V. and B4' s idea that
torture chambers be built in U.S.A. They_didn't build
them for nothing. They are planning on using them, Hank.
"Hank, remember l told you about Dôc in Canada.
He' s caus ing trouble in Canada, trying ta ge t t~Cffia-
dian English against the Canadian French who are- at 0- ' \
li~, starting uprising there too. Quebec Province
pretty much Catholic .. They are pitting others agalnst

t em, mIner erjacks, etc. The~ are Poles, Fin­
li l~, rene ades of aIl kinds.any are escaped
convlcts rom . .
"They are cooking up unrest again in Mexico. It's
brewing now.
"Morocco leader, they got him back in F~c~d
promised him the best. Hers urging his peopleiU) ascept
the terms.
"The Serpent has a pretty good job started on them~
Gœeks and ~s; next they' l! use JeJ:usalem, tao. It' s .
al! p~~AAd l'lt wa'l.
ey got Red China in as far as they planned Iii
Now }
they' Il Just go ahead and use them. - 1
'lhey got MêCarthy ~out of the picture now,
Hank. A year ago we could have helped him--too late now.
"The enemy sure is having lots of fun destroying ourll
timber, Hank. The fires are ~dents. lhey are aI­
ways ln the best standing timber, trees 200 years âTd,
[ vlrgln timber. canada Ras lofS of nice timber.
September 13, 1955: "Hank, why does the U.S. qov­
ernment, if we are to protect ourselves, take Russl~ns
throug}1. our facto!,ie~J!Ii~tary ca"ills.' ..!!uclea'r la§..ora­
tories, in~o the Pentagon, lnto our alrplane factorles?
WhY? Why do we take the enemy through tbose places?
Why? They are supposed to be Co~ts. They take the
enemy into our most vital industnes, through tbe nëe l
i~es. Just recently they took one of them througl
the vital industries on the West Coast, even through one
of the jet plants~ir force base at River5ïcIé.
"They have been dinner guests at the Roosevelts
there and also the Governor of California.
"They sure got a good start on sorne of the oil
tanks, Hank. Making good headway with the forests,
"~ gangster-looking frjend sure did what ne-was
( sUPl?osed to. Sorne ..:-irne ,bac~ l told vou l saw him in Gary,
IndIana. I~rrd~ wnat s ëne next deal?
-.rTh7U:-S-:-people, thegovernment of th~ople'i s
being exploited right and left. They are foolish to
fall for aIl these tricks.
"What's their reason to try to delay the production
of the 52 jet plane they are bringing out? That don't
make sense.
"They admitted that Great Britain is also making an
H bomb, Hank.
"We have our Allies and our enemies aIl supplied
with everything they need, Hank. The metals and the)
secrets. They usually end up blaming somebody and hang­
~them or something for it, but it's always nlan~ed.
They are getting a little jittery on dropplng boffibs.
They found they are more power fuI than they thought they
"Hank, can you figure out their plot burning out
those oil tanks and sorne of those things? They burned
sorne fuel tankers on the sea. Of course they never find
anythlng. Report an 011 slick or sornething.
"Now they can send planes out to fly on missions to
do their bidding; don't have to lose a man, just a plane.
"You know man is just about ready to destroy the
whole earth. l wonder just how far Gad is going to let
them go, or will He break the present earth in parts if
He wants to save sorne of us?
"They pitted the Turks and the Greelg; against each
~ just like they did in Morocco. Another techniquè,
pitting pe~le against their government. Peron example
of that. Ing same ln Mexico then they will hide out
in Southern California.
"Senator~. comes up for election next year. Going
to be a good little boy now, talk in favor of what the
public wants to know, Hank. He's just a simpleton, a
'yes' .man. Thinks he' s big.
-~at S. or-the A.F., he's a rat. He's no good.
"Five concentration S~R~~_~ country, ~he
fIllargest ~ ~ a . Showing air force men tortured
sothey can force them to dÇ5 wrïat tfie want them to do
e lme c m e Sa ers are a sample 0 what
'1 CIO tbey ~etj f tbey don' t follow orders.
Mary Ann at thls t lme wltnessed an ad tanker whlch
was .iust blown up).
"Hank, l want ta help you. I won't be able ta
after the l6th. The 16th starts the next period 01 severe
suffering. You'll be on 24 hours the 16th.
"1 th wor d crisis is awful ti ht, ti hter than
a ~ddJe string If it tightens mueh more Lt wllI r~ak.
"Friend (prowler) out there, west of the house. Has
car by tne shed, got his car right by the shed.
"It will be awfuI, Hank when the strike l When the!]
Serpen s r i es, t e 11 strike at ~ li ious ust, ank.
It~e awluI! No c or 1 uns. ---

"What the' Il do ta the Hierarch wi terrible.

\fuy must tnls appen. en the Serpent strikes, it be
bad for the Re 1igious, Hank. Why did the Priests in our
beauti fuI country, forget what G!.l.O rwe Wa shi n!Lton~od
ffW GoJ hehonesty and love of GJd?lhey snouldn t lorget Gad.
IpeJ Llncoln glve the Gettsburg address. They
can' t forget Gad. Tao much worldly things, tao much
materiai ism.
"We got ta keep after pilgrims and others ta pray
for Priests and Rel igious. America' s Pr iests ~ tao
worldly, following those of Europe. (hey were purged-in
Europe. When South America explodes, then what
happen? South America part of it is 95% Catholie. When
they can'T Wln, what can we do?
"This Country is going to see one of the worst
purges, famines and diseases of aIl history. Then it
will be aIl right, but the percentage that will live tO))
see that wlll be small.- Only Prayer and Penanee ta ""COd
can alter thls awfuI pUFge.
"It's about ready, Hank, ta put down the plunger .
.It~ fa l king peace out of one corner of the mouth. Smoke
screen out ot the other side. Increase quota for boys,
Iknk. Daes that look like peace? Looking for more vol-
unteers for Navy and Air Force. When they increase its
quota, does that look like peace? People are too dumb-1 0 \)
see through it, Hank. They got those darn enemy subs J
lurking around.
"God 1S sure sending the female hurricanes around.
There' 11 be sorre awful damage from the next one, but that
won't wake them up, Hank. That's just a storm. They
don't think Gad contraIs those storrns.
~pternB;r_19, 1955: "This is Our lady's night, Hank.
Sh~.ied....a.t La..Salette and She cried here. She warned
them at L~ Sale~d She ynIl be giv~ng us La ~e
IItoo, Hank. rou can t forget God. That s what we r~o­
ing. That's what they did at ~alette.
September 21, 1955, Feast--~ ~ Matthew the Apos­
tle, one of the 12 Apostles. A voice spoke saying:
ftApostles of today aren't like the Apostles of old. We
need more Apostles like of old. They are too worldly to­
day. "
Ottober 27, 1955: "Are we following Our Lady's Mes­
sage about bringing things out of the shadows into the
light, or are we leaving them in the shadows?
"Remember the monk l saw in the trees out there?
That's ~ Hegesip~us. Feast Day is April 7th. He's a
primitive rather. He wrote books. St. Jude just told
me. l've got to put St. Jude on my li~. l always
pushed him aside. St. Jude is supposed to be for hope­
less cases. l suppose l'm hopeless. l can't fight the
devi ls.
November 23, 1955: ftEngland, France, Russia, Poland,
Germany, Israel and the United States of America are now
aIl under the control of the International Jew B~.
"Ihtler was Elamed for many of the atrocities that
done by Stalin's cutthIoats.
--"> J 'Hll1Tnler of German was the Zionist ws.
ere is jea ousy even among those w 0 are aIl
1I1working together. The Rockefeller and Rothschilds'
1 interests are jealous of each other.·
"There will be sorne more air plane accidents and the
burning of sorne more cargo ships.
"The farmers have helped to put their own necks in
the noose by accepting money for things they didn't pro­
{ duce. Sorne day that will he held in front of them.
·Part of the big plot is to destroy the f arrnc;r_. our
source of food.
"Notice aIl the ball~oo now about helping the far­
mer with an elect ion cOiiï up. The only answers they
can come up with are sorne more of the Roosevelt Brain­
trust type of answers which consist of sawing sorne more
loff the legs of the table to make it stand level.
"The noses of the Grace Shipping outfit aren' t
r clean even if he is a Catholic. He wouldn't be pro­
l gressing so well if he didn't play ball.
January 6, 1956: "Hank, the Yids have silenced
McCart~y, McArthur, Wheeler, Lindbergh and Morrow.
fFiey'11 be shuttlng up Jenner and Bracken Lee.~ey
can t let good men talk ~ell the truth. They âT­
ways dig up something or create something to keep them
"There's only about 10 men that are really b~
forces in Russia. Bulganln and Krushchev were big
bosses in Stalin's day.
"Klaus Fuchs was' friends with Hess."
January 7, 1956: "That doctor in Canada is st ill
working hard to cause disunity." (NOTE: TH 1 S HAS BEEN

r~ "There's also a French Jew up there. l believe

1 1\.Jhe' s ~ven ~pposedtô te a~ ~thol~c who pla ys a Dr.
III Jë1<y1 aï1ë1Wlr. Hyâe game . He s apraln louse. Comes to
the United States quite frequently from Ontario into
"Stinking Eced used to be a friend of that Canadian ,
Doctor, Hank. He used to go up there fishing, Hank. ]
"He (Stinking Fred) also had his hands in that
aluminum business." (NOTE: STINKING FRED IS ONE OF THE

January 8, 1956: "That exiled feUo (Peron has

been in ~fuxico stirring up trouble. It's DurnLng now,
but will be worse. He isn't a full white man, mixed with
Something yellow or tan. ~re's trouble being stirred
up south of us and north of us. Much more than people
[ kn~ne wi 11 come into the United States on secret in

' and out deal. rh~L,E~~l him an exile" but ~~s free

[ as a bird. Spends more money on a aay s clgars tnan we

do on a week's food bill.


"Look at it, Hank, look at the pite. Look at the

material' T~s where our dollars went--fancy tools,
( jeeps never unpa-cked, tools never Lii1Packed, .a.H rusted
toget1er. Why, Hank, why were these things done?"
l a~ked where) "Africa, Europe, Alaska. Eiluipment
sent ~9~~2Eg__El~ces, all done on purp~e. For lnstance,
~y ordered jeeps, in one plane got tools and things they
had no use for. These things ha.p.~ned_all_o.Yer during
~.J\.orean War. Happe'ned to McArthur and Ridgeway. "

'We once had an A-nbassador by the name of Dodd. He

was Hot strict 1y for God and Co~try.
'1 would like to show you that factory where they
make those fast bombers.
'You know our last Secretary of the Air Force was
forced to retire (Talbot).
'The Russians have aIl their manpower. They didn't
dissipate their manpower as we did with the cream of the
'They are wondering where to strike for the next
Pearl Harbor. They have several places in mind .
. 'They are going to stir up trouble in Hong Kong
'Russia has sorne German scientists working on sound­
less airplgnes. The Russians provide these scienflSts
good hornes, aIl the comforts; that is, as long as they
'There's a great possibility that the next Pope
might be an American Pope, but foreign people won't want
to accept him. 1 could give you his name, but 1 don't
think 1 should, Hank.
_ 'Durkin got the sarne treatment St~lin got: opera­
tion for brain tumor. (Secretary of ca5Or~ ­
'They want Richard M. Nixon to run in place of Ike.
They figure Ike lS too old, physically unfit. Only
thing, in places they look up to Ike. That's one reason
they sent Richard M. Nixon arouoo. t:.2 bn il d hi fi LI p. li:
i.s oot as smart as Ike and is easlTYTCcf. Ike d idn' t

think the chunk he bit off would be so bitter.

'Th~ssi-;n~ have deve loped sorne chemicals they

can drop from planes above the clouds. Acts like in­
sulation against sounds. They have done it already.
Less noise goes through snow than it does through 1'ai:1,
·'The haule between good and evil will be terrible,
~nk. You'!! need Lots 01 courage. Rang on, don't
break, Hank" -----
January 27, 1956: 'Anthony Eden probably wants sorne
more money for sorne of their projects. Wants to get us
involved so we have to protect the Suez Canal. If we in­
vest in that huge power dam in Egypt and have ta protect
that, then they have LL'> where they want us: We. are in.
'Ike may run if he is able ta carry Nlxon ln to be
pres ident.
'That tra in wreck in Los Angeles was sabotage.
Outside rail was loosened at point of curve. They got
WM they wanted to, HânK.·

"The one in Virginia was purely accidentaI. Neglect

on the part of the railroad.
"The man that they wanted was not a government of­
( ficial. The ~_was working behind the scenes and not
F.B.1. either.
"Ihose metal fish are around more and more; one near
Panama, one near West Indies.
February 4, 1956: "The Kingfish (Eden) swallowed the
canary, Hank. Got what he wanted.
"They're thinking of extending the Alcan Highway,
Hank, clear into Siberia, but it' s too expens ive. They
thought of doing that back in World War 1. Alaska gets
too warm. They went across there as early as 1900 with
( dog s leds . "

February 7, 1956: "There are many cities in Siberia

on the fringe of the cold area.
"We are not tops in air power either as they try to
make us believe. Russia is ahead of us, Hank.
"They are awfully busy down in the Antartic.
"The atmosphere conditions are not the same on the
other side of the globe as here. It is much warmer in
y!:"nada than in Siberia, even though they are about the
same dlstance north~ No wonder they could build what
they did. It couldn't have been done on the Canadian
"The Russian Brown Bear wants to hunt in Alaska.
They want to own Alaska because of the resources. They
could use sorne of their slave labor there.
"There's lots of metal flshes in that water, Hank.
"On February 3rd one of our boys discovered one
(sub) up there. That came on radio today.
"Under pretense of building an Army Training Camp,

~(our Government is now having built a ~entration Ca~
in Alaska. It is north of the Brooks Range, up above
. the Àictic Circle."
February 21, 1956: "There's going to be an uprlslng
in Germany. Youth trained jn East r~r~ny will be used .
It' s going to cause West Germany to divide. They' re
stirring up more trouble against Adenauer. They were in
hopes when Adenauer was so sick that he would die but
he was tough~an they thought. '
"1Jley_ have the youth turJling on Franco, too. They
are gOlng to use the youtl1i'rl thÙ côuntryarso.
"Mexico is having youth trouble too. They can
easily mold the ïQuth." (NOTE: YOUTH WERE TAKEN FROM

\ W0 R K ) •
February 23, 1956: "Hear something, Hank. Hear
something." (The time was 9: 15pm) "Hear it, Hank. It's
getting louder. Jets, Hank, 5 of them, big ones. They
are coming louder, coming louder, going west of Madison,
Hank, going straight south, not switching toward Chicago.
They are the ones with the long noses and the swept-back
wings. They must be testing something.

"Iwo more are coming, Hank. These are smaller ones.

llear 'em, Hank, up high. Day, are they going fast. There
they go straight south, Hank."

"The other five have turned southwest, Hank. They

are heading towards the West Coast, San Diego area. The
two others are still going straight south. Those two,
Hank, are now turning southeast toward the Chicago area.
They seem to go faster than the others. They are going
west of Milwaukee.
"My head hurts too much, Hank. l wish l could watch
airplanes, but l lost them." (NOTE: TIME LAPSE OF AN

"1 found the five, Hank. They are heading over

Little Rock. They are heading for the San Diego area.
"1 found my two planes, Hank. They are just south
of Valparaiso, Indiana and heading straight for Washing­
ton, D.C. Why did l lose them, Hank? They didn't go
over Chicago, but went over Skokie Valley. There is no
sign that any of them have been spotted. They are going
to go southeast from Washington, D.C. and land at Ber­
muda. "


"The five planes are going over San Angelo and El

Paso, Texas
"fhe two planes are going from Bermuda up to the
coast to Newfou~dland and then home.
"There is a landing barge or an aircraft carrier
where the sub usually is. The little sub is there also."

"Hank, that accident was no accident.. They wanted

to get a Senator, but didn't get him. That accident was
not success fu!. "

"The Navy is looking for sorne tankers that have dis­

appeared, Hank. They say they don' t, but they know what
happened te them. The largest tanker had a 25 man crew
Il~d. Remember l told you about the shanghaing of
sailors l saw in San Francisco. Nobody misses them."

~e other tanker was a smaller one.·


On September 13, 1955 this was given: "Ihey have

burned some of our oil tankers on the sea. Of course
they never find anything, report an oil s lick or sorne­
thing." Also on th is night Mary Ann witnessed an ail
t!9ker which was just blown up. --­

March q, 1956 (More on Guided Missiles):

The Brown BeaI' has been testing their f1ying guided
missiles. They shot one south from Siberia over the
Pacifie Ocean. It traveled about 2,000 miles. They feel
that they can eventually cover a distance up to 2,500
miles with what they now have. They also shot across
the wide part of the Siberian wasteland. For greater
distance with the small missile which rides piggy back on
the big on:, they can reach out another 500 miles. They
have atomlC war heads for these missiles and also war
heads containing the hydrogen bombs. It's a huge thing.
They try to tell us there is no danger of war. If
so, why are they spending millions of dollars on those
The Kingfish is afraid. Anthony Eden has double­
crossed the Russians, and they ~getting wise to his
doublecrosses. He is afraid of the results, so in order
to save his own hide and that of Great Britain, he has
tried to blame his doublecrossing of them onto the United
States. This of course is~ust another doublecross by
the most practlsed or-aIr-doublecrossers in the world. '
~tnony-ls-also clalrrïing-thatwe-fiavë doublecrossed
Israel as weIl. He is claiming that knowing that it will
arouse repercussions in our country among the Jews here
who have spent billions of dollars in building Israel
up and supporting it. He hopes by playing on the sympa­
thies of the Jews over here to get more support for Great
Britain in carrying out their policies in the Near East.
The British are and have been losing prestige over in
that territory. They are trying to build us up to pull
their chestnuts out of the fire for them again.
·Our big oil interests in this country are trying to
push us in the same direction because they have got chest­
nuts in the same fire. (Remember who controls our State
Department). The Brown Bear, because they hope to des­
troy aIl Christian countries and influence, are using the
bellows to blow on the fire from both sides.
How long can this unholy alliance between the Bear
and the Lion stand up? It is contrary to nature as they
are natural enemies. We like to think of our symbol as
that of the American Eagle, but I am sure that these two
other animaIs both look upon us as a certain type of rough
fish known as the sucker, and I believe we have earned
that name. '
The Brown Bear of Russia and the Lion of Great Bri­
tain are now hunting together, but when the hunt has been
successful, nature will then take its course, and they
will tear each other apart.
Richard M. Nixon will be President of the United
States if the Republicans get back in office. No, 1
didn't say he would be elected President; neither was
\Truman the first time. The members of the~anization
) lof the Serpent want him in. He has been advised to hold
off on stating his aims until convention time. The
çe;,6.... ~. 1..

mac~inery will not ~ave such a big job getting the man
nomlnated for Presldent as long as Ike is running so
they can concentrate on getting the man they want in for
v ice pres ident.
Our Lady has said they will try to destroy us from
within. They are nOI!/ concentrating their efforts in that Il
direction. The Serpent is just beginning to snap his
,tail. ~ything-!:..o~isru~ things will be used--labor

r trouble, promoted crimes aner sabotage;" disruted mory8,

( youth gangs, ~, race troûhle 1 hatred. ything to

crea te a condltlon which wdI permÙ""'the plans of the
s;rpënt to be put ln effect, to take over and.. force con­
trol over aIl peoFles. The groundwork has all been care­
fûlly Lald, our reedoms have been taken from us. Our
Constitution has been relegated to the ash cano lt will
be much worse here than in the countries of our foreign
neighbors whom we have been accusing of being sa bad.
There i5 only one way it could he revented, and
that wou e or a eo e to t on their ees. How­
( ever, it appears t at there are too many who Wl ,1 not go
on their knees unt il they are knocked down. Tao many

have T ' at can't stand kOeeling.
~ him PrO z is one of t e 19gest leaders of
)J/ the Serpent 's_Zionlst Movement iÙhlsêoÙ-ntry today. He 1

was expelled from Germany for revolutionary activities.

Jq "rI 1Je-y b~en t he big louse s ince Rabb i Wise d ied . He was)
~l the big boy directlng Hitler No 2. Rê romoted the er­
se . f t ttl~ Jew in German 0 cOY e '1
activities and what Talmudic wnl m was œa rYln~
do. Ihe members of e~_~ p~er eE',J;Lwl lDQ to
~I:i.fice their own people if theyeel they can ga.1.n
;nything by it-: 1'0 them the blood and suife,ring ~a
few million of their own people means fiot a thlng.
"When Anthony Eden got to bè the Klnghsh in Great
Britain and the International Bankers who had been res­
ponsible for his election 0a;ned the door and let him see
~at he was in for, he di n't I~~e wnar-he saw. ~
same thing had happened to Elsen~ower after he be~me
rl' President. ~d 20 years overnlBft. A~ter,treY have
l been shownc e leture, the kIlow a t the wd not "Be
a lVe 1 he..1 don t cooperate. They are m
and they can' t get out. The trap has snappe.d. 1 am
afrald that by the tlme the Eagle gets filS tall out of
the trap, he won't have any tail feat~ers left. He' Il
be stripped. 1 can just see him flYlng away to crash
with his rudder gone.

"When the United States of America crashes we aIl

crash with it. Uncle Sam is in the position of a man
going down hill in a car with the steering wheel out of
order and no brakes. \Vhen we hit the bottom that's when
the people will start to pray, but it will be too late
then. It wi.ll be like the vision 1 saw June 16, 1950 of
the great ci.ty. 1 saw the man with his arms up screamipg
to God for help. He--wlls aIl blown open and his insides
( were out. It was too rate lor fi1m to scream then, Jùst
as it will be too ~ate for you.t? scream wh~n everything

you value--your 11fe, YOUF faon l y, yo~y and your
country--are ~estroyed. You have got to do the
praying to Goa beforehand.
"We are dumb, America is dumb. Too much good t irnes,
too much money.
"We have just delivered sorne more goods to Israel,
Hank. The goods were delivered in secret. As has hap­
pened before in the Revelations, the stuff was smuggled
out in boxes marked 'corn' and 'peas' which, of course
didn't.contain corn and peas but ammunition. There are
many like cartons of 'corn' and 'peas' in the Great
Siberian Arsenal. There were also many large boxes sup­
posedly containing outboard motors. Outboard motors
that are anti-aircraft guns knocked down.
"That guy that was across here lamenting got a
birthday present. Maybe he's got a birthday coming."

"That Canadian doctor has been in the United States

again, has been in New York and Washington, D.C."
IN THE ----­

"rhere have been many Negro Comm~ists trying to


fan the fire of race hatreaover this integration

trouble. There will be much trouble and bloodshed over
it. It is planned that way.
"That Canadian doctor is also planning and plot­
ting to disrupt things in Canada. He is trying to pro­
mote religious trouble in Canada ~~~ French ând
".Jls.e don't look like himself. He has t..o-h.e-.lœ.p.t....up
with~al],d ....s timulints-a.lLthe......time. They' 11 have
to use props to keep him up for his T.V. campaigning
"1 WOriaer how long El.e<!nor is going to smile? She
has a place aIl set in Morocco. She don't like the
Si.tJ.i~IlJ 1("S tlQt.h~I..!.l}g_he r .- She' 11 t k t 00 muc h and
-197­ sorne of the r,$st. T~

qnd that they won't do. Parents have got to he parents,
DULt looks so hopeless, sa hORel~ss. It makes one

I Gove~nrnent.
just sick. Listen ta the radio and listen to sorne of
the Priests and the 'lbo don' t"0" "om to
)1\ \know thev are he ln foo.led
ey wa °e up and look into tnlDgs.
e. y can t
they sec.? AIl
this is going on under their noses~ Where are they?---­
--"Too muchgooa-·t imes, good times. ­
"Sorne of our Priests~re working h~.rd. They lfloW

the truth. They kno\\' what. ' s .co'E,ing _éill.a are -stŒgWng

a~iving. --'fhey_g~-! rnocke-<Land made fun of. In sorne

plaëëSthey are even forced ta keep still. ~

"The parents think it can't happen here. Sorne have

tried ta scare them and tell them it can happen here.
When are they going to wake up?
'Will they be lilfimrr-r visioned on June 16, 1950
( sticking up their arms and screaming for mercy when
everything is bombed a 11 around them. ls that what they
are waiting for?
"The year was supposed to have been 1955. l don't
know why Gad was so merciful and held His arm back. It
doesn't look happy for 1956 and it might go in 1957.
"When the forest is on fire aIl around you, there
isn' t much YElU can do r ight now unless we bring unit y
and get everyone
unity. ~arents,
ta work together in........­
teachers, prlests, our government, mlnlsters, no matter
what _and.~n
1 ~ Ir\ God. We aU have got ta fi~ht to~ether because the
snake or the Së-rpent 1S code anâti~ fangs àFê arïP­
ID.Dg with pOIS 00.--­
"As l have repeated, theLh.J).b in Wilmey.e.3and the
Unlted Natlonslare the pOlsonous centers. --­
"We must work.--We must ~for God and Our Bles­
sed Mother. They love us. Our Hol y Mother came here
pleading. l have seen Hel' in tears l'oUing down her
cheeks, but nobody cares, nobody cares.
"At Christmas time l saw Our Holy Mother with
empty arrns. The Infant wasn't tl~re. Our standards in
(t~erica have drop~ed so low that Christ isn't ln the ,'>~
ICxib where He belongs. That's what we have done i~e i?r~
Lâ.n.d of tAe Eree.
"If I had 1iven my Message...J&-the world as Ourl!r,
Lady asked me to slnce ~ the oul u me in an1

a~f/~; and. throw away the ey as . ny
o e _ that tried to spread t e now _ e 0 truth.
e e a _ e ln I!.ltzabeth"'s in
March 19, 1956: "Big Fellow is going to ~troit to
meet the Canadian doc'tor." (NOTE: THE BIG FELLOW IS
THE H E AD 0 F THE Co M MU N 1 ST SA BOT'A G E 50.::.: 0 PRE V 1 0 U S L y )

"The little sub is approaching the big sub by the

Aleutian Islands--8:20pm.
"They are still working the baby racket. They sold 1)
one Canadlan baby to 'a couple. for $5,000 and one to ~
another couple for $2,500.
"The little sub has ta submerge because of airplane
overhead. The"'y"'usually travel on the surface because
they can inake better tIme. !he httle sub has reached
~estination and is signaling with flashes:
"1-2-3-1 red; 1-2-3-1 red; 1-2-3-1 red; 1-2-3-1
green; 1-2-3-1 green.
"There are answering flashes from over,on a mountain
range in Canada. Ihey have a powerfuI Ilght: .
"1-2-3-1 green; 1 red; 1-2-3-1 green. 1 red."
March 20, 1956: "The Fraulein got her mission ful­
filled. "
March 24, 1956: "They tested that smal1 piggy back
guided missile today in the Siberian wasteland. They
fired two of them; one of them went about 500 miles and
the other went about 600.
"Sorne of our planes have been kind of active around
the Arctic. l wonder if they have ta put on an act.
"When the world keg of dynamite is set off, they J
will acèuse us of pushing down the pltgjger. - ...
"There's a Fish at the usual place near the Aleu­
tians. It must be there sa it can serve warning of ap­
"There' s also one near the mouth of the Amazon and,
another one 300 miles from it.
"fhere are two small jets coming· our way from the
Sea, north of Japan, destinationSarr Diego." (NOTE:




'Chief J\l~ t ice ~ n of the Supreme Court 1S

je alous of F'rankfurter'-:---Wanen thinks he should be
the KIngfÎsh. - •
.. The Fraulein and her gang are makingarrangements
I co bring a bunch of Mexicans Peons Into chIS country as
workers. They are Revolutionists. They aisa pJan~rm
J\\ them.
tl -- "Brin in in these Mexicans also aids in their mon­
\Iigre11zat1on pans.
"Ihey are bringing a bunch of trouble shooters out of
Mexico and taking them into San Diego. They are smuggl­
ing the first bunch in tonight at midnight.
"There is sorne more 'peas' and 'corn' being loaded)
at Boston in a boat that looks like a fishing boat,
the name on the boat is Dutch Boy. The stuff is going to

"The jets that came out of the sea north of Japan

are now approaching San Diego. They a~e
signaling. to the/l
shore and answering signal~ are coming from a bl.g Duttd­

i~tLiJ!st_9Jf tl:!-e main waterfront. They are splitting--­

One is going north and one 1S going on south.

. "They had quite a youth riot the otber clay in Lgn­

11(1 d0!1..t.-Fnê! aïid.·
March 26, 1956: "They have been making aIl kinds of
tests up there in that iceberg country.
( "General LeMay is sure a shyster, but he did say the
\ Brown BeaI' has air and s)1 bm a r ine lHlp!H'i-G~er us.
"There will be sorne more m~nipili.tio..!!. this year in
the coUee de!;!.!. They will try to hook us good on Qië
pPIce, BdE Ëhey have an over roduction; coHee la ing
around in p~ es. ey ave coffee to ~rn. e~e~
teers get rich, but the collee farmers get very Il.ttle
for their crops.
''Inere is st i 11 much dis t urbance being c aused between
the English and the French in Canada. There are alSO"imill y
accl.dents up there that aren't accidents." (NOTE: T~E

"The woman who was 'n ~h wa named' V;~_ 1JI

inski. a o. ish Jew. SI~ was bac king up on the deal, but
was shown that they mean business. She is a Communist
sQY from Canada. Right now she is in Minneapolis ful­ her assignment." (NOTE: A NEWS REPORT GIVEN

"The la in off of men from factories is the nextll

thing on t e ooks. t is easier to contro their votes
~1en they are broke and hungry.
"They are planning to unite Canada and Mexico and
the United 3ta~s. Our Const1tut1on would be ripped to
~. It would ;Iso open our Mors wtde to al! The
[ riff-raff south of the border.

- I l l d1dn' t th1nk they would put in the paper about



"All of those fish are not out for play:

"2 subs off San Diego
"1 each side of Bermuda
"2 near Ûlba
"3 near Hawaiian Islands
"2 near Manila
"6 Sea of Okhotsk north of Japan
"1 near Aleutians
"There will be more shanghaing done. The ones they
got are not enough. They planned to get some out of New
tork Wednesday, ~t the weather was too bad."
March 27, (12~J "Hank, this year;S camI?aigning will
be the worst we ever had. They won t hes1tate at ~ll
to snuff somebody forceful out ôf the1r way. Ib&y will
use in'ections,poison accidents, kidnapping or anything.
T ey will even ~rec a tra1n and kill 100 to get one if
{ '"!.ecessary. Those who are the ant -i.-Chnst haven' t al1Y
L nearts at all.
\llllr-"YOU know, Hank we have sorne rofessors who are
j~ IComffijj!i'tS"ts at a lS on. One 0 t em as got my hubEy' s
OR LAST NAME.) "His last name."
8: 10pm: "There is a little sub approaching the
larger one at the Aleutia~ It's about 150 miles away
yet. -
CPero~ has gone back ta Mexico. He went to a Con­
sulat~exico City. l don't know which Consulate he
went to whether Russian or British.
"They are usinlL a dead man ta st ir up unrest for
them in Russi~~~ondemning Joe Stalin. What's behind
"Hank, two jets flew over Bering Strait. They flew
down over the Aleutians and blinked at the fishes there.
They are going down along the coast of Canada' and the
United States. The arrow points to ~~xico.·
Later this was given: "~s arc 1~ Mexico City now.
They are signaling each other, cirrlinp, the city both to­
gether. They are going to land. Th" lights came on one
landing strip. There are many J 'i i ;. 'crs 01 Lenin and
1/ TrotskI in Mexico l:::î"fY, traitors to liS. The Planes met
lhree ellows and a woman and e~changeJ papers, then re­
fueled and took off. The arrow say~ planes mostly north­
west and then straight north. They will go south to the
Aleutians. They will signal the fishes there and then
go to home base. It will take till about midnight to
complete the journey.
"lvtexico's President is to see Ike, Hank; and also
Canada. --,rying to cook up a deal. ~
~ -=- "YOI! know, Hank, that Brita in and the Brown Bear
q are paIsy walsy' .

"There will be mo,e disrllpcion "n.d destruction,

Hank, burning of grain elevators, c>.pl')<1ing oil tanks,etc
April 2, 1956: "H8cnk,is OlÜ (~"vernment
enollgh to !ûllow Rrushç1:ev's plan'; on tins d'~~a~2-ment?
The) k~arl our open skies, but they kêep aIl of their
nue car secrets. They want us to open up wide wh1.le
they keep closed. They will keep their doors locked.
"r hear on the news report that Harold S. Stassen is
ma king headway with the Russians on disarmament. The
( more headway he makes the worse becomes our plight here
in America. All.that's necessary now to finish things UPl11
is for that to happen. We wDuld be helpless as a babe
in the woods and Russia with her hidden Arsenals would 1

really have us where they want us, which is also where .

our traitors. our One Worlc!!:!:s. want us."

"''vhy would tj1e Internat iona l Ba;kê~s advance the)

Russ i~ns instead of the Brit ishJ Hank?" (The-ïinswerto
th isgtle'~t:l.On-·:Cs;;ïjvio_l!~_.
_JhelnterAA40P-,iI Ylddish
Bankers would most certainly support thâS front or tool they have created to use in about w~
~ntroI, .9)~sm. H
Apld ~%6:
". ·'''.h near Guatemala
l near San Diego
l near the Aleutians
Several near Island of Sicily
2 near Morocco
l other side of where Suez Canal cornes out
2 near Norway·
April 11,1956:
"1 sub at Cuba
l sub near Bermuda
l sub near Key West
2 subs near Morocco
2 subs near Norway where they had trouble with fish­
ing vessels
l sub near Buenos Aires'
April 14, 1956:
"The Russians have made some more tests of their
flying missiles in Siberia. They shot off another big
missile. It was very successful. They also shot down a
pilot-less plane with one of the small missiles. It was
very accurate, hit the plane dead center.
"On this night also three of the jet bombers went
over our territ ory. They came fro~ the region of Mac­
kenzie River Basin area and flew west of Duluth going
southwest. They went as far as San Antonio, Texas, then
turned westerly ten miles south of San Diego and back
again to the sub by the Aleutians where they signaled
and then disappeared over the Sea of Okhotsk to their
home base.'
April 22, 1956:
Another submarine report:
l near New York Harbor
l in Gulf of Mex ico
2 near Cuba
2 near San Diego
l near the Aleutian Islands
l near Island of Cypress
l on the other s ide of the mouth of the Sue z. "

"We should pray for Senator Jenner. They don't like

his stand. They would like to destroy him. Governor
Lee doesn't want to get involved. He knows the danger.
"The grants of the Ford Founda~ion are aIl tied up
with n1.ce~rings." (NOTE: THIS IiEFERRED TO RECENT



"They are making it hotter and hotter for Franco in.

Spain. How long can he hold out?
"Allen Dulles, one out of the five ~~. X's and Otto
John, have~n the latest to put the pressure on him.
They wjlL.eith"l' cQnttGl bjm or kil.L.him.
·It has been implied in newspapers and on radio, in
~/lorder to cover UE-his movements, that-he has met with
"They are spreading an awful lot of t"0paganda.
July will just sizzle with it.. lhey would h~e us to be­
lieve that the Far East situation is all right.
"The campaigning in the three months ahead will be
awful hot. There will be bloodshed.
"The youth gangs in our large cities are still
April 26, 1956: "The (five) 5 X men have got out a
map. They are planning on using guided missiles. They
will shoot them so they can hit one target with the
first or the larger missile 'and another one with. the
smaller, piggy back job. They would work in such places
as Chicago and St. Louis. By using this method, they
would not have to lose any men. They could hit New York
with one and send the other on to Washington, also De­
troit and Akron, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
"If they would use the hydrogen ~mb on San Fran­
cisco, it would destroy clear to tne mountains and 100
miles each way. The same would apply to Los Angeles. The
damage will be ~uch greater in cities that are under.-­
mined, as most cities are, with tunnels and sewers.·
Apr il 29, 1956:"2 Russian submarines near Cuba
l Russian submarine by Key West.
"The rebels have been terrorizing in Cuba this last
week, especially this last two days."
April 30, 1956: "They sure want to get rid of
Franco. Franco is a Catholîc.
"They are still testing guided missiles in Siberia.
They are testing them alone and together. The smaller
missile has been tested mostly on shooting clown pilot­
less planes. They are very accurate."
~~y l, 1956: "Our Government don't like what they

They found out that their Air


May 5, 1956: "Location of Russian subs:
One near Aleutians (usual spot)
One near Cuba
One near Corpus Christi, Texas
Four near San Francisco
Two near Los Angeles"
"Those near California are close enough so they
could let fly with atomic war head torpedoes: two for
San Francisco and two for Los Angeles would do the job.
Do you think Our Lady meant that when She said: 'Watch
the Pacifie?'
"Rabbi Prinz is in Mexico City scheming something
with one of Trotsky's {riends down there."
~ May 6, 1956: "Three airplanes going over way up
high. They sound different. They have gone by. They
cruise at about 1,000 miles per hour. They tested these
planes in Siberia. l watched them testing them over the
North Pole. England has a fast new plane too, but it
doesn't beat that of Mr. Bear. Right now the planes are
over St. Louis, going south to Mexico City and then
southeast over the Panama Canal. Then they will go back
north over the Ocean, heading toward the Sea of Okhotsk.
This is just another test flight."
Note: Just another test flight, true, but how many
of these test flights have been given here in the Revela­
tions where they fly in and out at will over ou~thical
~reen and none are ever detected.
They have missi les that are aceurate up to 250 and
300 miles. Also they are even speaking in our Country
of the -possibil ity of atomie anù hyèTogen l.varhe~ds being
attacheo ta the:,e missiles. RU3sia right 1l0W is shooting
missiles that are aecurate at 2,SOO miles and that carry
a smaller guided missile aceurat.e for another 500 miles,
and they know they ean equip them with bath atomie and
hydrogen bomn warheads beeause they have successfully
done sa. \!/hile our Armed Forces fight arnong thernselves
for control of our pun)' development, they have deve loped
one very superior ta ours and have kept still about it.
Through their system of espionage, they know of
everything we have, and if we do develop anything worth­
while, they can apply that knowlcdge to theirs.
While we over here are trying ta build up our
Fleet of B 52 Intercontinental Bombers and without great
success, they have developed and are mass producing a
bomber that can fIl' circles around our B 52, can out­
perform it in every way, even to the point uf making it
look like a canard, the bird that fl ies backwards.
It is true that weare further developed scientifi­
cally in sorne fields, notably that of medicine and allied
fields. The Russians, however, eat much simpler than do
the pampered Americans; therefore, their need ta develop
medical science is not as great as ours. They are, as a
nation, healthier than we are.
Russia has developed atomic a degree
that very shortlx she wiii be a arr-Df
her Industrx. over to nuclear power.
May 1, 1956: "Flshes ton"tgnt in same piaces bes ides
two near the Statue of Liberty. "
May 9, lq56: "X Men are meeting in East Berlin.
Otto John is there. fhey are planning sorne more youth
riots ta take place in Spain, Paris and West Germ~lY~
- "Submarlne report:
2 subs by Statue of Liberty

l sub near Ellis Island

l near Corpus Christi, several in Pacifie

l south of San Diego near border.

"Dr. Bunche and Paul Robeson, also woman neîress

name of Robertson, are supposed ta lead the revo t of
the negroes in the South. Sorne of the head guys are notll\
satisfied beeause things are not stunng ur fasE enough.
"Bunche, Robeson, Robertson and Anderson are going
~ to try ta stop any move to edueate the n~groes in-thë

-207 ­
South as to what is going on, and that they are being
used as tools."
May 15, 1956: "Anthony Eden got l'id of frogman."

"You' 11 never hear about the dropping of the II bomb.

n.'s to be dropped tomorrow. They' Il coyer up aIl mis­
takes. l11t:rc were people infftÇted.J.ast tUne, but it was
) ~cpt. "pder cover. fi (NOTE: MEANS H BOMB TEST WHIêiiW:t:'s

"Submarine Report:
2 subs near San Diego
2 subs near San Francisco
2 subs near Los Angeles"
"There will be sorne more cargoes fired that won't be
acc idents.
"rhe Russians are laughing at our President on the
disarmament deal. They are trying to get us to disarm.
They w0uld like that.
"They are preparing a Siberia for us in Alaska." .
May 16, 1956: "The Russians are going to make be­
lieye they are reducing their armies. It's propaganaa)l
only to lull us to sleep. They are worklng on other
countries, too--France-and others.
"There's going to be lots of changes taking place
by October. This is the lull before the storm. l'm
afra id it wi 11 be an awful bad s tOJ;:lll-. - - __
"Those trying to disavow~imjare worse than(.':?talin:-, )0
"TIank, lt'S funn~ how some of those b~ snots and
and crooks are'all dea , and wha,t ald the): ~ln?
. "F.D.R., F.H., H.!., H.L.H., C.H., A.N., H.D.W.,
L.D.B., F.Y.
"They didn't get world control. Some are devils
sitting on the rafters. It's unbelievable. lt doesn't
s~em posslble wlth"èaUëatëd people.
"L.D.13. fias got somethlng named in his honor at last~
May 21, 1956: "They are going to try to inveigle the
D.S. into making the first move and then they can bl~me
the D.S. [hat was already told in 1950. We are partl y )
to blarne anyhow for playing ba11 with the Internationtd
l3ankers. "
"One of the worst subversives we' ve got in the
United States is G1ahbi Pnnz."î
May 23, 1956: "The Brown ~ar is way ahead nf us in
everything. This has been true since 1950. They were
more true to their country than we were. They didn't
destroy their manpower. We did.

"The Brown Bear is way ahead of us in nuclear
e9wer. 111ey could even run Eheu lndustry on it witFiout
c~l or gasofine. They're so far advaoced, and 1 thought
we were smart people.
"If Russia were converted, they would be a wonder­
( fuI coùotry. Ihey llve on more common =nd pure food than
1 we do. We are too art ificial. They are behind us in
i; sôme things like medicine, but on the whole they
are healtbjer than we!'e. " -
- May 24, 1956: "l'm afraid that most of the bills
that are brought up in Congress are already eut and dried
"Submarine report:
1 near Statue of Liberty
l near Key West
l near Cuba
1 near Aleutians
1 near San Diego
l lying east of Newfoundland"
May 25, 1956: "Some of the campaigning nearly gets
to blows. Kefauver and Stevenson agree on some things
and next are tearing each other apart. This show keeps
people's minds off real issue. Everything has a reasoo.
"They are promoting Nixon now, telling what a great
guy he lS. ­
"LYndQR~~SOn is Kingfish in Texas. ~e
doing their bl~ng. Next t lme he m1.gFi"t'"not be sa l ucl<y. "
June 2, 1956: "Russian guy who was over here work­
ing with the Fraulein went back to Russia. 1 don't know
his name. Unc1e Sam is dumb and blindf01ded. He was
called back home because he made a mistake hand1ing
the Russian Navy men who wanted to stay here.

"Got to pray for him, Hank, thï Pope. H~o
~od. th!Qwn.peop\f fight him.hey are trYlng
to scan a lze film. hy can't they let the poor fel­
low alone? Things will blow ur bad if he goes."
"Poor Cardinal Mindzenty~as-;rwst on a leash. ~
was i us t turned loose for propaganda. He 1 s pulIed bac k .
j There's no reason to re-arrest hîm. He wants to do good
1but is so helpless.
"Our Bishop doesn't feel good either. He has im­
proved, but he's not good now. "
June 4, 1956: "Five years ago l described a meeting
with hands across the table. There's no change. The
~ame men are still at the helm.
"1 also described hands in prayer with the Rosary,
r pray ~ tl~re'll be more white crosses. We got
those whlte crosses and there wlII bê more whlte crosses.
"I saw the same l'OU hneck an ster-like u, but [I{
. l?e has morne he pers now. must e 0 e lent to those

"We st i 11 have-~n Ache son on tl"îé} ob.

"Ik~'s p~s were active and directing things behind;
the. scenes-;hen Stalin was alive. \Thy don't they tell
{ the...J:.ruth? What can they ga.J..IL.P.Y, thei~~r campa~gn
~in.s.LSta lin?
"The Canadian leader, MacKenzie King, was gotten
.Q.!!t of offise because-he didn' t play ball. He was a
Rockefeller employee, but was getting s2ft.
"The guy is now in much worse. He's trying to
promote the uniting of Canada with the United States.
"Senators Wheeler, La Follette and Vandenburg
helped block it when it was attempted before beqJlse of )11
t~:-----mF0se behind it. Thex kne w there were hooks ].n
the a.
"This thing will be brought up again and will
present a great battle like the St. Lawrence Seaway and
Alaska Statehood. These things will be issues involved. "
June 5, 1956: "The Brown BeaI' did sorne more testing
of bombs.

"Russia subrnarine report:

2 subs near the Azores

l near Aleutians (usual place)

l near I~s Angeles

l near San Francisco
l near San Diego
l neal' Key West
l near Cuba
2 near Hawaii
l near Jarnaica
l near Rock of Gibraltar
l near Philippines
l near Norway (where they had trouble with the Rus­
sian fishing boats)
16 near Sea of Okhotsk. "
"There are sorne srnall ones and sorne large ones.·

June 15, 1956: "Rabbis Prinzand Silver

went to
Mexico City to meet with their henchmen there. ~
met Peron and one of Russ ians the F'raUlein met in San
Fr anc isc o.
"There will be an awful hotbed in San Francisc6
when the Republicans meet there.
"Truman asked IIarriman to l'un instead of him. He
doesn't wanL to run aga in. .
"8ecause of the divided South, the Democrats will
have to pull sorne kind of a cat out of the bag.
"You don' t hear aI!.ythi~f Anna Rosenberg. \;
have theY-dOThë\Wïtn~
----wInat woman C~mmie spy that was shot in the shoulder
is back in Minneapolis and St. Paul."
June 16, 1956: "They_are shaOgbaing some more men,\)
Hanh..J:~Minne~pol is~--,- Paul, SL-Lo.uiS-aIld....Qùcago.
Tr~in~to get seven or eight from e~kh-place. ~t
"~~y don't someone investtfate those youth rallies,
Young Democrats and Young Repu icans?
"rhose forest fires in Arizona weren't accidents.
Thty were set. Conflicting monoplies behind the fires.
Three big Iumbering concerns. One big concern in Oregon
and one a big Mormon concern with headquarters in RenO'}J)
Ne'vada. They are trying to gyp the Indians out of the
Indian land for the trees."
lune ti. 1956: "TIiere's a little submarine in Lake)
Michigan near Milwaukee. l don't understand it. How
did it get there?
"There was a meeting of Rabbi Prinz, SeQ~or Leh­
man, Jake Arvey and Walter Reuth€r. lney want Reu~er to
iûn for VIce President, figurtng he can control enough
labor votes to offset the loss of Southern votes on the
segregation and States Rights program. He doesn't want

to run he saïS. He ca D do !pore
1 l'chi
pd the scenes. Row­
\ ever, Ü they res_Lh ~anLhillh-1'~.:.l._ be there. -­
"They are working hard to geL the Alcan Highway in
shape. Do you think there's a reason?
"N~ is coming into the United States.
D good. \~do we want t 0 dea 1 wItnh1:ii1~ ~ ~ ..wu~
CI Disraë1l. •

"The Yids are very clever. There is a campaign

going on aIl over the United States collecting money to
mQYe the p.Q..or~tlLA.fri~-t.oJsr~l. Most of the
III tlmoney comes from Gentiles. Thn can use the Gentile
'" \ suckers' monel' anUéLve.....t.h.e.iL own.
"Is there a Russian Naval Base in the Sea of
Oktosk? There are subs aIl around there tonight, aIl
kinds, big and little.
·Onr army boys are sure stupid. They are after the
guy tbat told of missing the island in the recent H bomb
test. Who did they think they were fooling?
"The enemy \Vas sure watching as it was advertised
enough. It seems they are more in~LeBLed in with- )
holding thiIlgsJ.I:..UlD-t.he-P...e.QJl.lLç>-f_the U.S. than from
the enemy.·
June 20, 1956: "They are stining~Loub1e in
North Korea aga in.
"They are not much worried about Adenauer. They
figure he' 11 die soon anyway.
[ "Th~Quth are trained and ready to take over in
Wes t Germany.
"Gad will show SOille of His strength in the next two
or three weeks."

"8y shooting up at the moon, man will create atmos- )

pheric condÜÏ!:ms he won' t like. God will punish them.
Be gave us the eartl!. He didn't give us the moon too."
JUne 21, 1956: "Kefauver refused to l'un for Vice
l Pres ident . He doesn' t want to pl ay second fidd1e. If
that does him any good, it's what they want.
"Dean ~hnion could tell of many things that are not
right àt Notre Dame University.
"There is no end to WhlCh those devils wi 11 not go
tg smeax;\I:.b.Q....d9L~Q.p.Pose them. They even !!,se
forged documents as threats. They are using aIl means
at theu dISPOS~l-agai~st ~~CWhy. They smearea @d­
~JIn tne-sâme manner.~
une 25, 1956: "It doesn't look very much like we J
are going to keep States Rights, Hank. They have been
trying ta destroy States Rights for a long tIme. 'lhe
centrâT Government wants eventual control of everything.
The taxpayers and voters don't seem to recognize that
"It is necessary to the plans of the subversivesl~
who are in control of our FederarGovernment that the \
individual right of the States be revoked, and that all
pawers De concentrated in their hands. Toward the
accompIlshment of~at end, many moves have been made.
_ -212­
Mainly the states have been beaten into line by the
Federal control of money.
"A recent example of that is Federal money for edU-\

cation. If the-E€ d era' 0 ment controls money or the
gr anting.......oLnone.+- () s h Is the wi 11 a so contro l
th, ,chool,. Any to t , contr,ry or, 1
deflnltely false, The control of education so far has
been in the hands of the individual states, but as soon
as any state acce ts Federal morre for their schools, 11/1
they are surrendering t eir rl ts an one more ates
Rl'gfit li:as gM l3y the board. E~ucat ion in the hands of
the states is too far separated from the control of the

peoyle, but in the hands of tfie Federal Government lt

wou d be completely gone."




1 Ji.A!'lLIJ:LElol-T..D-KlLO_W-I'ti! Y-3 H E Y A RL 50.


June 26, 1956: "How dumb can people be? They think
Twining saw everything." (NOTE: GENERAL NUHAN TWINING
MIN D S. )

"He found out nothing about their guided missiles

which are far advanced over ours in all ways. He
didn't see their stockpile of A and H bombs.
"Twin ing reported tha t t hey have a l arger air
force than we have, but that our planes were superior in
performance and our men were better trained. Our men)
may be better trained, but it is very evident that the
General didn't see their latest bombers, for we have
nothing to match them. They have a bomber with-a 720 \
miles-p'er hour cruisinK-Àpeed, and their latest has a
thousand M.P.H. speed. e saw nothing .iLLt..heir
ae~J.opment~ i~__nucl~a.!:.....l?-ower. They let h im th ink they
are still depending on gas and coal. He saw nothing 01
1( the• _ instruments~ can use to shoot
_ into our _large
c lt les.
"TI1ey said that l'le exploded another H bomb yester-
day. They didn't say what happened. They didn't report
it, but Russia has been exploding them too. Twining
didn't find that out.·
June 28, 1956: "Subs are at all the usuai
Jlme 29, 1956: "The Yids are sure fixin us
with olson Ln our water an olson ln our food. ey
a sa rUln our land with sorne of t ese c emlcal fer-
til ïz'ers.
"High-blooo.-pres.s.w::e, a.aemia and h~art trouble ~ \
caused by the poisons. ..-.
-----ïr"The are killin our kids withCSJk vaccine.) ~n /1 1)
i L.iL__Q§!L t L t e - - y HI
a~ never the same aga in.
"QJemjea! spr-':'-ljl:st!'d UJL are d ange rous . .
" rhe~.lwu~~-€ls ,l-Z!*-l1S.-O.l:.._~ wlll des-
troy ourselves.
-"Illey ~re selling s.gft .dri,:ks to our kids that ar~,

full of pOlson. Oscar E!~~g-lS the head ot aIl th

pOLson Lnthë drinUs and ln water.·
c.nC'T l'"\OI"IVC no DI:"I:"D '5
- pOise

... ,,"vuu,"",~ uv,," vu,"", McCarthy let.JJte Jews pull the

wool over his eyes.
'"Senator ~r will get a kick in the teeth one
of these days. ~s agajnst the American Medical Ass'n.
~rhe man who has courage enough to open .an inves­
atlon of the AIDëiican Medical Association and~.S.
~~5.Qc-ia.tion.,\i:i! 1 ha'0è"TM5R hj s side. on
M.' Many patrlOts thtnk Bernard Baruch is the big
MI head. He is . ust the fronCman. .
Ij _ ~J
~ the RUSSlWlS.
u was oree 0 ive our mone s to

;;0;,,,,, ""'" " '" "'''''' ". "COroSu " ' ' " " " , ;
'-H 1 CH WE H"'D Ta REDEEM "'T T ... XP ... YERS· EXPENSE.

were afraid he (Morgenthau) wou Id talk, sa
1\ they knoc ea-hïffi()ff."
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt, a doctor friend of his
and Harry L Hopkins headed the-!1arch of Dimes racket.
"Who is going to doublecross who, between the Brown
J\ Bear, the Lion and the poor plucked Eagle?
liA year ago in April, as John Foster Dulles said,
we were on the verge of war. Our President gave John
Foster Dulles credit for averting that war, but it was
fear of the use of atomic weapons that prevented it.
"There is trouble brewing again in Korea and Fo;:.­
mosSl. T~ are waiting for and hoplng for Siggan
1 1 Rhee to dl.e.
~ NO TE; • TH E y ' R.f....U-R-S-LO-J"-H-E-S...lJ8-V.E R S 1 V. E FO R CES

. "The servants of the Serpent are hoping this seg­
gregatlon sltuation wi 11 cause us much trouble and
( disruption from within. The colored situation will be
much worse when school starts.
-"T'm afrald our AIaskan Siberia is going through.
People won't exert enougn preS-suré on their Congressmen
ta prevent its passage. They are planning to use a lot
of veterans ta build it. rhe~n~t daE~ J~~ th~_m come
home when they_see_ what chey are bullchng.

July l, 1956: "We have got to pray for the 1I0ly
Father. We can't afford to lose him now. We must keep him
at least 5 or 6 more xears.
"One of these days'you will be reading of the death
of ,Jildge Medipa • ...lh~j.u4g0ILthe sedition t.rials. He

l knows too mu~h. He was pressured into the job he did

oecause they had something on him. His conscience
bothers him.
"Attorney Cenerai Biddle was a no good servant of
t.he Serpent. -- - - ­
wWarren has no conscience at ail." (NOTE: THIS"

July 2. 1956: "Hank. those planes didn.'t collide. (

Don't let them kid you." (NOTE: THIS REFERRED TO THE


rl( T~X
(;éll L
r'\ 1
r Til
~II .... lV uay. ....'" -..-... a .......


...~ ~~~'" -.-y appeared ta

.... /. as he called Her, was our Holy
"...-:"'"1 y--~~--:..~~~ "MA kJjffles

"Our Country was fQundacLon_the.......ptinçiples Qf the
true Spirit, the Father in Heaven. The Father of QUI'
Countr~ayed ta Him many tImes. He never deci~d
a ?attfe '.':ltllOut praYlng tQ the Heayen Iy. Eather fOr
gu Idan,çgJus t.
"The Father of our Country proved ta this Nat ion
that you can ?nly have victot y by praying ~d-iD
Heaven and 10Vlng your Country and your feI1owmen .•
"George W:;shington lovèd his Country, his fellow­
meE and never torgot GOd. Mad enat nQt been the truth,
he would oevel' have been victorious, fQLthe_enemy was
much greatel' than he. If we would only turn back ta
the true Spirit Qf GeQrge WashingtQn whQ fought for
freeaom-îorh-iS Country a.nd ma;-;-fërIreedom of speech,

liberty and justice for aIl, by turning ta Gad the
Father-in-He·a"Veh and-EarEh fil'st f or guidance, for
he also had the guidance of the beautiful lady that
loves th is Country and loved h im.
"We have lost al! the victor that Geor e Washing­
ton fouO' r. AIl t. e free am e ou t for has een
Jlt estroyed. That's why ta ay the celebratIon
Iaration of Indepenae..~~e~~s alfa fraud '. mi~re~e~dJI
e c­

j~~_llke Christmas and Easter. The bIrtn andlResur- 1

rection ~f OurLord isbeing-misrepresented today. This
is not thought of in the true spirit it represented, nor
Freedom and Jus t ice and Liberty for all.
"Hank, we ar~~ll battling the ~ame gan~t
Washington battled. Our biggest eneiny.!-~§_tei el
Brit i~DOWJl throuKh_tlle~g~)L__W~_a_re still figh0ng'
the same enemy.
--~ enemy that crucified Our Lord, same like
the n i s""""t'rüe -i; od~-y . ~
"The higher leaders use men like t~se tg d~ their
lI work: =tJJ(, J.F:'fF; A.E., R..M.N., O.J., D.A., A:l5":',
J beside a few staal pigeS!)s like Eisenhower and his
Cabinet members. The others we call our enemy and are
accused of being our real enemy are just falling in line
with our real enemy.
- - "The R.usslan BeaI' is not our real enemy, you knOW\l
that, don't you, Hank? The eoemy at the beginn}ag of
our time, the birth of our~ation and at the beglnnln
of the ChrIstIan world, those are our real enemles.
saffie enemy that onc~destroyed tn~ch. Not the
-Iii!. 1

true Church, -but_ma~churc!l,~ill_~aintry ta des­

troy ma!L~;u~.lLurch. .
"The True Chu,Ech f ou~~ei by Chnst man can never

shoot ing it
fi lling our
CAN ONLY BE MAINTAINED LoT_lM!; \,.V;)I ut" LUN:::> 1 Ar-. 1 VlbILA!'i,j.;



li WE









Ju1y 5, 1%1), "Hank, the large sub is by the

Aleutians, at iLs usual place.

"There are Jets, their second best, going

south, about Inn miles west of San Diego. 'They will
go south as far as ~~xico City, then back out over the
sea and back to base near Sea of Okhotsk where they
came from."
July 7, 1956: "Twining found out Russians have
more bombers than we have. Th~y didn't show him the
wo~_They are not that foolish.
'( "Things woul-dbe wonderful if we would treat
l . people eguaC ifwe woulël-fol1ow tneConstitï:lt~ We
shoûTërnr't have dingy slums or skid rows. If the prin-Jl}tt
ciples ,~aShlngton an~ gOWn7had been Tb11owed, we U
wouldn t ave the cond t fi e have now. The money
_spent f?r destruction should he spent for decent living.
Wè wo~ave no underfed people. We have followed the
rYids instead. A pOOl' person in this Country has no
1 chance. They can' t even get into most hospitals unless
J \ they can l ay the money on the l ine. "

July 8, 1956: "There's going to be sorne more revolts

in South America There will be revolts in a11 difierent

parts of the world.

"The Yids are very clever. They join patriots'

meetin~s to tlna out=What the plans=anà movernents are.

--. ou know these stnkes and îayoffs are aIl part

of the plan."

July 10, 1956: "Fishes in the usual places."



·What we have gained in Japan is in danger of

being lost again. l don' t know why those Japs are so
foolish. They know what McArthur did for them. There
was much infiltration there. They will turn Red by '57.
"They were trying to make us think the people of
Poland weredoing so weIl and were happy under the Rus­

"!k.J;..Îa, BulU!1i-lL~_Kr_\l-sJ;H;hey weLfLbehind the

killing of those "'4U:000 people"<Wèr therè."
SACR E WAS BE 1 N G PU T ~1'L.SH.L!N_I'I.!!_iL H.uUL.!U.~.~~ T
~uly 13, 1956: "There will be more accidents, Hank,
one right after another.
"There will be wars between movie and TV producers,
r. j ust as between the railroads and airlines. 'l'he big

1 Yids are behind it. Tq~--k.r.y:.:i.J!K. to scare people

\aw~:Lr:g.':Jl r id Î 0 n a irp l~!1e.s -'---~~~It age ~~ved .

"The railroacrs and the 011 monopo les nave teamed3P

to sabotage our nuclear development. The 011 monop­
oIies don't want nuclear competItIon, and Ehe ralltoad
monapo 1iêSCIOn t want--ro---ro:se-tne-0ïl c ompantes--ti au 1­
ing business. ILrnos ioto huge figur~Lin money."
July 14, lq56: "The people in. the world, and par­
ticularly the Ri,issians, have too good memor1es to swal­
10ïVatltlîë propaganda against ~n that' s being put
out by Bulganin and Krushchev. SEa1in was no good, but
B~in and Kr~~ev are worse. Th~y were Instrumental
haVin Lenin Trots and Stal in all killed. Now Krush­
( chev, tfiïnking what may appen to hlm, gets drunk to
. forget. Tito knows some of those things.
"BrDtain and Russla have already agreed on the
division of the world. Russ,ia is to have all of the old
( world and Britain aU of the new. ~ L
July 15,1956: "They did sorne more testing in
Siberia of guided missiles.
"There will be more burninlL of crosses that you
will hear of.
"The race battle wiU get more intense in the South.
Many poor whites living near Negro settlements will be
afraid to go out unless weIl protected."
July 19, 1956: "There will be lots of layoffs be­
fore election. It will be worse as the summer goes on."
July 20, 1956: "Ike' s health has improved a lot, but
he's still taking medicine, heart pills. The only time
he didn't take them was right after his operation. His
brother Milt is pretty weIl bossing Ike. He is always
near hirn."
July 22, 1956: "Those threats that blood would be
spilled if American soldiers remained in Germany were
from .!hose organized youth gangs in ~ny, youth who

were taken lnto East ~rmany and trained and then sent

"It will be terrible when t~g~Ch~nese over­

run everything. Th~r~el." (NOTE: 1 T HAS 6EEN
July 25, 1956: "Three big Russian jets came out of
the Sea of Okhotsk and went over the Suez Canal and
Israel and then back home again. They did the same
thing two nights ago.
-"Anthony Eden is trying to sharpen the Lion's
_te.eth so 1iecan bite ~
"Phifllp is pretty active lately. He's a determine
boy." (Husband of the Q.1een of England) _.....-:­
~ûry-~6,- 1956: "The main witness they aren't gOlng
HO LM " )
"The Texas Coast is going to have a lot of des­
truct ion. That's God's way.
-You know, Hank, the people in the world are just
like those people on une ship. An hour before eVery~
hing was normal, sorne praying, sorne playing, sorne
inging. some drunk-~all goi!1g on heedless and not
worrying, - and then disastel' struck. VIe will he struck
in the s ame manner. "

Jul y 27, 1956: "Thel" é are three enemy s ubs on the

West Coast:
l - Southwest of Sau Francisco
l - West of San Diego
l - near the WJexican Border
They are aIl about 75 te 100 miles off the coast."
"Radar isn't true, Hank. There are many holes in it.
"There are sorne awfully rough, suspicious looking
characters on islands off the state of Washlngton. Jhere
are tlsfiermen there, toc.
"Our I~rd said: 'The wageS of sin is de~h.'·
August 2, 1956: "1hêy are afraid of A and H bombs,
Hank, but they are planninâ on using small ones. Th~
( are just as poisonous and angerous.
"LOts of Bed (Jana's equlpment cornes fr~ the U.S.A.
The same was t!"'ttëat PearrHarbor. They used QUI' mat­
1\eria1 to destroy our boys." ~
~ugust 3, 1956: ·You know that dumb Stassen thinks
he's a pretty big man. He thinks he could be president
of the U.S. He has lots of people fooled-into thinking
he's a wonderf~l guy.
"We~n~~~~ any__e~~tion this year)for the
T' 0 N,
They are already in." (NOTE: 1 ASKED THE OUES.
"WH OIS l '1 1· A /Il 5 WE . : "Y 0 U K N 0 II' 'If HO 1 SIN. " )

"There aren't enough patriots to make a dent, Hank.

They are pulling too many different ways.
"Why was Ike clown at the Panama Canal. There will
be more news on that place." (NOTE: IT IS EVIDENT THAT
TH E SUE Z CA N AL W' L L A L 5 0 H A V'é: ABE A R 1 N G 0 N THE f U TU RE

"'The-f'e-:i-s-much.•.wJlcl<. that ~es on behind the scenes

o{ the so-called neutral coun~ries. =rhey are not as
utral as tbey would like to ~p~ar::Norway an~den
and South America.
:'North Kor~ is now so weIl fortified. that the
only way a break through could be made would-be with H
bombs from the air. There wou1d be no chance on the
ground., It would be a slaughter."


August 7, 1956: The Andrea Dw;.ia Vias rammcd in

tentionally by the StoçkbolJn. The radar man on the
StockKOlm won't be·round. AlI (m the Angrea Oz,rja ~e
sUDposed to dr()wn. Now they are t..rUng to twistt e
story. Why don't; tb, e:u<~i.:le the Stockholm and Jind
ol,t?Habbi probably won' t let them.
-1hree Jets tram the ::-:'ea 01 Okhotsk just went over
the Suez Canal. They are watching the action the~e. The
BrOlvIl bear is s iding with Egypt.
-The Lion is with Isr~el, and we are in the middle.
The Eagle wi Il be t orn up.
"There are Russian subs aIL around the danger zone.
Sorne are ncar the rock (Gibraltar.)
~~don't l~ke ~2e loo~ of the_R~ Dragon, ~k.
He throws hre rromnls nose.
'They have been experimenting again with the little
A bombs. They mus t plan on us ing them at the Sue z Canal.
"It is quieter in the Siberia Arsenal now. I-like

II their little cars."

o CLE S·

"Russ submarine report;

l by Aleut ians
l by Los Angeles
l by San Francisco
l near Cuba
2 Tlcar the Florida Keys
l near spot where Andrea Doria sunk."
"The Canadian doctor is meeting at the spot near
the Pentagon with Felix Frankfurter and Jake Arvey.)
TH E L E AD 1 N G 5 E_S_V..AJ!I T S 0 ETH E 5 ERp E N T 0 f Z ION F ROM 0U R

"If the people aren't careful we won't have any

State Governments at aIl. It will aU he national.
. "A lot of people did wrlte lnto theu congressman\ll
against the Alaskan Mental Health Bill, our American
Siberia. ft

August la, 1956: "The Dey;! is wading oy.ertime day \

and nigh~. Things are no good. J
-----rnei':~:n~tional Bankers are sending the Bed
~ ta dI:~l; dil'ty ~k.· (NOTE: 1 T HAS BEEN GI VÊN

"The next battle fought will he awful. The most
vicious ever seen.
"The Klu Klux Kla~ are growing and getting more
1 powerful. They are gOlng to s2I e ad il!.!:!k in the
North as well as the South. Sorne pranksters use the
disguise_of the Klu Klux Klan to Carry out their ovvn
grudges. " .
August 11, 1956: ~Looks ~lke India is sick of Bri­
tain and is going to tle up wlth Russia. They are con­
fused. They have a.lways been ~a'::d _and doublecrossed.
1With Egypt
ing a lot."
Indl~ on Russla s SlUe, England lS 10s­

August 13, 195~: "Many ~f th ese delegates reall y

_think-they-ar-e-iightlng for ~helr. ~y, but the wrong'
gUYS are in the lead. Rabbl Prlnz, Weinburg, Lehma~,
)lFranlCfurter, Ar~ 1 c?uld. go On and on. If there
were enough prayers sald, \t wouldn't be quite so
rough, but people have only tlme for good times.
"1 think Prune Face andat1--ene--ne~vlIs are down in
aücago. 1 wonder whose shoulder H. L.H. is sitting on."

"Lincoln will soon have to be shot again.

"The people are being told that Britain are lift­
ing their troops from. Isra~l. Tha;'s not true. They are
sending more. The sltua~lon hasn ~ changed. They talh
out of both sides of thelr mouths.
AugustT4-,-19~ts fl ew otfer A1eutians.
TIley are flying southeasterly and will go west of San
Francisco and Los Angeles and then over Mexico City
and back. They can see the hurricane from where they
are at. .
"There is a sub by the Aleutlans.
"It seems they still have use for I~a yet. She
has to help bring in the horses. "

August 20, 1956: "There are .two Russian subs near

San Francisco. One of them put ln a boat and two men
went ashore. They have been there before and are known.
They are the same two who .met ;he Fraulein there. They
are watching the conventlon. (NOlE: 'THE REPUBLI CAN
SP Y. )

·Subs are at all the usual places. One went near

the place where Andrea Doria sUnk. They submerged and
looked around with instruments.·
August 26, 1956: "The Brown Be ar tested another
bornb. The British are wondering what it was. It was an
H bomb. They have shot lots of them.
"Britain and America now realize Russia is with
Egypt. India is also with them."
August 27, 1956: "The Russians have been testing
A bomb torpedoes in the Be~ing Strait by shooting them
into icebergs. The concussion Just about wrecked the
SUbS. They opened up quite a gorge in the lcebergs.
On~submarine got caught and pulled up into the air on
an---ïëël)ëFgc~urned over. lE shd off hke a fish,
but narrowly escaped being crushed and was badl shaken
up. n alrp ane gOlng over wou d ave gotten ~ulte a
plcture of a submarine up in the air. I couldn t find
out if they got any satisfaction from the tests.
"Suppose the Brown Bear holds off till after the
election and then pops off the West Coast. It will
settle slowly into the Ocean from the big gorge. The
only way people could get out would be by plane. There
would be violent air currents set up by the gorge."

August 29, 1956: "It wouldn't be good for us if
Britain would moye their headquarters to Canada. The
Queen likes Canada. Anthony Eden is getting iittery.
He's li all the big b ys. They aren't so brave when
t ey face rea lty. en was in on things much longer
than Ike. I~~ed qui»k w~n the dont was opened (or
him." ­


DECEMBER 19, 1952

Rememher 1951 Lent Revelations, one word mentioned

"Rock". Rock refers to Gibraltar. 1 wondered why that
place was sa important. If an A bomb was dropped on
Gibraltar, it would cloS€ the mouth of the Mediter­
tanean Sea and make it an inland lake with the only
exit through the Suez Canal. It is part of the Plan to
do this. They have a plane waiting in ~ no~. How­
ever, they are deterred by fear of the results because a
blast of necessary size to close the mouth would create
such a tidal wave of water that it would cause floods
even on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States.
Bulganin doesn't favor this plan because of the
danger~oding White Russia (Ukraine), and also be­
cause it would not be able to export the products of
the country, mainly wheat. That was what turne~ Germany
and Russia against each other. Britain was the promoter
of that split, or rather the doublecross. Britaii1
couldn't stand to see Russia and Germany combined be­
cause it would make too powerful a combination and
could be a threat to the power of Great Britain. So
through diplomacy or rather intrigue, which is the
foundation on which aIl Britain's diplomacy is based.
She succeeded by promis ing Russ ia a sea outlet through
the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal. Russia double­
crossed Germany, and then after the split with Germany,
England triple-crossed Russia on the Suez proposi tion.
Germany found out it was being double crosse~ by
Russia and it was throu h so e of this thût the 111
Adol~h Hit er a to he di~osed of an t e for \
Adol fi insta 1led biS plâëë. The real Adolph was too
honest and patriotic and after England's double cross
refused to follow instructions of those who are behind
i i governments. ~
ThiS aIl ties in with the policies and politics
and greed behind the Government. Oil in Iran, compe­
tltlon for this oil rich country and who is to get it is
still a major bone of contention, with each of the cut­
throat group trying to take over. This is one of the
arguments they are going to settle in October. Two of
them even want to include Red China into this and use
them for protecting their interests.
They would be guinea pigs. Britain was behind the
Korean ~usin~ss too, tI:!2.J<..:_s-whJ:-~had this see-sawing
1 oIijjLSe-C),U l .
You see Red China will get the same thing that
Japan got in 1941. That is, they will be inveigled or
double~cro_ssed_inLo_usi}}g tne1L-!!!<!!!p_o_w.e.r. .<lJ1ILgetfing
them slaughtered off. Britain has always managed to get
'someone-else to-ao-their fighting for them.
England, who is feeling herself in a weakened con­
dition in Egypt and whose control of the Suez Canal
seems to be slipping is trying to get control of Mor­
occo from France.
Riots in Morocco at the present time are bein g]
c[eated to show the inadequac of France in handling the
s1tuatlon an~ate a need_-2r U~o slip in and do
someth illg--..\Ü th i t. England ~yülJ-_tSike__~er and then
control both sides or-th~trait of Gibraltar and also
control the oil pipe l ines through Morocco, which trans­
por,t the Black Gold from the fields in Iran and Iraq,
b~ide~ the wealth of ~rorQCCQ ~elf.

Message given on July 25, 1955:

'The President didn't have too much to do with the
'-0 bombing ~f Hiroshima. It has frightened sorne of those
to see sorne of_~~~ick peoQle, their victims, under ob­
servation in this country now from those bombings. It
,\ doesn't show itself right away.
"1 would rather be dead outright. It carries a
long way in cloud formation, cornes dOWTI in rain. When it
c~own in rain, it wor~~sp~lo~_&DÀ~akes years ~
before It:iili!iWS.::! eats away flesh like cancerf We '.
have a number here~ho worked ln the lâbo~ories. Doc­
tors claimed it was cancer, but it was from this ma~
'i J~~
~. AU of these things they aIl were aYl1ffë'ôf '
" ng before t e use 1. \
- - 'One of the trou es with the Arnerican people is
that they underestimate the Russians. We are being
fed propaganda that they are behind us in experimental
ways and aU things. They are trying ta make us bel
lieve ~he Russians are fifty years behind the times.
-226- ~
that isn' t true.
"H.L.H. took a great big chunk of bribe at the
time of his boss' death. Funny part is it didn't do him
any good because he went soon after. They can't take it
with them.·

SOME ~ O ~ S ~ T WERE 1
------- ----EXpECTED



I\CHANGED. ~N2-1 ~A~ BEEN ORDE~_~~~. _W-,RI~E ~RIAL !



1 1

T ~
1N G 5
MAD E ï<;ô';N :-
A!:,D IT 15
~ w1 L L







Message of Dec~mb~r 19, 1952 - between the hours

12 Noon and 3: 0 0pm.
A- M- G ( Co de)
·Our top government officials aware of Communistic
activity while telling the people they are cleaning it. up.
·Some of t.he highest officials açtl!ally working
.... e enem:y of God:
- In Supreme Court

Sta'te DëIJartment

- Treasury ..lRp~tment

Postal ~partment

Educ at iooal Depart~nt



1.'? st,,,--,L;,o.S

--.----------, --- --- _ --------0 way, blinded the

, .. L _. 1_ .. _ --.- -- __ L - _llect without the

over our boys in

a ids, .Jf!:!­
weIl as common
This is gr"adual­

of the
Br ave?
·Oh, wake up! In med ic ine they have it now so
that they can inject cancer geJ::m; also serum tnat works
llke the person dled al heart attack.

- ·Man~ Congressmen. $êoators suddenJ...y died of heart
CK w ~ch was in'ected into them; also cancer. TK;;e
InjectIons ar ar to trace.
amma Globin and other vaccines they are working
on. Penicillin_-.-..
is also a racket; public is overcharged.

lS ready ta strike, it
ta believe them and ga
against the correct rnethod, -as..-thLmind is in a state of
confusion; striking discriminating b10ws against Re11gloUS
schoo1.~eLan(L.;eli~ious teachtng ln schooI, making 1
sorne of the CathoJLlc~l~en-feErl they are outcasts, for
the enemy of God wants to des~ts greatesr-âbstacle:
the Catholic Faith. ­
- "Turning sports also into a racket, destroying the)
tru~ort to a gambier and evil den by-Suymg thé
winning game and putting chemicaJs jn clotJ1ing of play­
ers so that the bidder's side is sure to win. This is
cheaper than buying the team, as it weakens the players.·

C-M-S-F (Code)
"(Foreign Policy) With this capacity, our top of­
ficiaIs want to be the greatest, so in this achieve the \
biggest goal. This cl blinds some of them from see­
1( ing the real threat a~as!ërthey. ~!..lngLng_O?, tFïeir
l own-eoun_trLar:ill..peoQle. . ~t;.ss, gloqhcatW'QJpr 1
of some that have not elr Country at heart.
"No 5;Cd or ~ry matters to ~hem: Th~y thinkj\
of the Rower. Ihey a~he enemy wlth~n our Country; so
the enemy to our Country tS not only those from the
foreign lands. ~overnment officiaIs within. Sa the
enemy to our Natlon both Brltlsh and Russia each try to
outsmart the other for want of power.

"Our people are made to believe the British are our\1
stoutest and faithful allies, when in realit.lf-t~..Y..-â.!:..ab
us i~E~__back. Sorne of our highest officiaIs are weIl
a~e of this and are tn with this double kLQss; a1so do )
aF.umber of th~ ofhclals G1o~of th~_~risoners still

Il held by the enemy of World War II; also a few left of

WDr~I. Those that they can use 6f these many~ve
d ied. A few of them j oin the enemy for a l iu le freedom

l th~_could get. -rhree oC these have gone underground,

help sorne of thos~ held in World War II.
"No1.hing_has_D.eeJLdsme about..-Wo.IJUar II prisoners,
let alone Number III or the so-ca11ed Cold War.
Many SClentlsts were taKen lnto enemy country,
given a good living to contlnue theu worl<l"O"rthe

enemy, but were weIl uarded. Those tnat refused were

1 Kruf'SQrne Iy tort "ce,] bJore the l'est to set an exanple for

l:lfem Lo heed. .
"Mostly aIL above mentioned are working in Siberia
which i3 a huge arsenal, which we Americans have helped
( supply and which will be turned against us and our ser­
O-M-A-A )(Code)
"Agriculture (A.A.A. ) method here used has been
raduall~ destroy t~ s~ll far~r an~_ large concerns
taking over complete business, causing many of the small
farmers to seek employment by the large [armer because
al1oimen.t-S---..on ~c.orn, whe-a-t, c.ot ton, sllgarbeets, wool,
tobacco, peanuts. This method used for many years is the
A.A.A. Payments Commodities. Yes, they have done sorne
good, w~ich has been done to be able to get control of

verYth!.ng, So many farmers are not aware of this, that
once the Government co trols.. all your w::ices. blltter,
h~~gg~. even piwJÎry, they~l have full control
reveryth1ng you w_ant to plant by giving out allot­
ments of so many acres, paying a fine if you exceed
this allotment. Where's the freedom here? It is gone!
"To many farmers it st1ll lS the greatest thing our
Government ever did for the .farmer,. but the uJll control
theY-sr~gradually working to obtain, they are not a~are
of, not until the noose is pulled tight.·
E - M - A.A.N. - Air Force - Army - Navy (Code)
ft Pea rl Hal' bol' i s onl y a .SIDa 11 exampl e 0 f wha t the
officiaIs are able to do wheri:ih~_pIiy~âlï with the
)1 enemy <Satan).
np~ilippines is another, Korea, Berlin--al~se
forces know the rart they are plfflng (t~ offic~ls).
-"~HQly~cr;-wïpeoutRëligion,_t-he big­
"One thing Air Force OfficiaIs know is the under-]
~yme~t. of the Air Force men, making-it ~ndesl~_le for
ma_Il)' of thèfiien QEefer the ajl'. They have better con­
trol of the ground men than those in the air, for the
air man learns and.-§ees ~ lot--Which tl1~ g~ounëtmafl aœs
~~ -fhrough this the enemy will get control of-the
air. As"'the Governmen~ has sold out our own boys to
th; enemy once they are on foreign soil~ ta~tng tnem
prisoners wlthout a chance to defend themselves or choose
the'ir()Wn counsel; aTs-o-rI1ëy caîlriOtappëilt(;"" our
Country. Ther~ are many prisoners now still held under
this law.
---Also Air Force in period of so-called Cold War,
making overseas dl!0'_ compulsory, wJif.h...J..s-~ the
ConstÙ!!pon. Th~-Arnerican public iS--U1laware of this.
For those that do question, they have very convincing
I(answers ready for them, to lu!! them to sleep.
·Our so-called enemy is-and fias been in on aIl the
round table discas~iqns an~s. Just the,general

J[püb[lc are lulled to sleep with what we are trYlng to do

for the unfortunate countries.

-"The--erlemy ~r ,-~ or ~y have. not exp 10 ited t~e il'
boys or equipment as we have; even 011, rubber, so lm­
portant to aIl three, Army Air Force and Navy.
·Our three can be crippled very quick when ready to
Ilstrike; can gain control of vital needs to keep our
~A.A.N. in full operation."
Here given are certain revelations which are of

great significance, but you can fit them into the pic­

J t ure yourse lf.

"Adlai Stevenson is very active. He is able ta do

more damage than 11 he had been elected president.

"The-2hooting in the gallery was only a demonstra­

tian of what can be done. They were ta kill one of the
Congressmen. ~ was only wounded.
"This brea~p can take place immediately or can
drag on till April 1956.
"We must pray for --- and for --- (alive) and __

~ "The Devils don't want us ta pra for th m.

"~e won esca e Isas er, ut we could, escape the

most extreme l we wor
lost sheep into the fora.
worr a
e l 1
ard for prayer and bring those

mus wbrk exce ElOïlall- har:Cf and not

a . 1ng: . ause ~ney W2 an any­
thing 1f Gad lets the ei\iwy strîke:yhiëh J-îe pr~bl y
- "'The
bl ocked o-·.-K-an~'-=-t'-e'--r-':':'-o-='n-T-""'-r--"--'=":''--~=''-'--a::';pO:-e=-.--=-'':'''::''::'-''::''::,~=
e reason the lait y must work sa hard is because
s~allY aL 9.Qr Pr iests have turned l&-pka.s-1l~d
materiai things and than help
Iithem. They don.:'Lha.\é.e_Ürne-enough-io·p both-ple.a~nd
~s. The lait y must make up for the laxity of the
lTPriests, because when the Ser ent strikes we will not
fihave the su art riests. Sa many a t em are
invo ved in wrong doings and can oeyer straighten out
r!:.Rfu. - ­
"When the Serpent strikes unions will be involved,
education, meâlcin~--StnJœs. rIirough aIl thlS de. struc­
tl0n there ;rrr]be no ~s, thin~s necessary for life,
JI n..2...!!l2!l.ey, no way of obtalning things. This wdI cause
revoIt, mob Violence. We, the weak, will storm our
Churc hes._ That i~ it is sa n~s<u:Y ta pray for
"You know Eisenhower has been in on this Bed China
deal with his old army friend, Krushchev." ~


"They are going to use the R~Chine~e to protect
Today over the radio daily and in ehe news reports
one of the big issues is lining up candidates for. the
1956 Presidential election.
On Oecember 14, 1951 on one o.t' the' Fridays of Ad­

vent, l asked the question during the Three Hours of

Il the Passion, will there be an election in 1952. The

answer was: "No election".

But there was an election, people will say. Yes, we
had an opportunity to put a cross after the name of one
of the two candidates. However, it was no election in
the true sense of the word because Lt was like the ëlëc­
tlons run~n Russlan domlnated countJles. There they
have a free electlon witE only one candidate. For the

sake of the show and to make people think they wer~v­
ing-an-e1ectlon we had two, but to those behind the
scenes it w s ' a race between two horses f om
he same stable and the owners ldn t care whic one of
them won. They__o~ed-th~h. The only battle that
took place was in the conventions of the two major
Part ies.
It was there that the pressure, intrigue, SCUlb
duggery, bribery and subver3ion took place. Threats of
reprisals,~arI_the means of dirty P?litical control were
usea-aDd ln'them the people have absolutely no vOlce.
Many,- many t imes (fur ing tnose convent ions you heard over
the radio, "This is Democracy at work." Why was it nec­
essary to mention that so many times, if not to allay the]J
suspicion of the people who )iste~d, wno l1!..lght b~gln to
l5ëTîëVe that tfiat was_exa~tly wh~re-Democra~~s nOt at
There was no free election. You had a chance to
vote for one of two candidates, but you had absolutely
no voice in who those candidates were to be.
"'They are still trying to get rid of D~u~s.~He
doesn't play along with the ideas of ~en. ustlce
of the Suprem~~rt). .

"Lyndon Johnson is getting to he too spry for hlS
own good, will get another shot. He doesn't know what
happened. Nexttime-hewïTr. (NOTE: ~YNDON JOHNSON
Il DIDN'T PROVE fAT ... L . )

"Anthony Eden has sent one of those secret agents
into t'Fië kab Country to stir up trouble. -'fiiey~J2..e
mighty vicious. The Arabs are suspicious of Americans.
Tne Near East trouble canalso become a religiQUS ~ar.
They would like the UnIted States kicked out so they
can c~ntrol the oil. , . 1
Anthony Eden resents Ike s popUI2Ilty .•
"May use Aooirib to scare the Arabs.
'" . ".latest Geneva Confere.nce another smoke. screen. -AU
)fldeclslgp§ made hefore"the ·Conferince. . .
-- "Ike's soldier fiiend, Krus~hev, also jealous of
Ike's popularity.
"Watch thè Vice President on the Democratie ticket.

"The commentator Westbrook Pegler will stick his

nose in the wrong hole,-and he'rfget it like-Wi.e
~ d id 0" ( fil 0 • 0 TIN G WA S NOT Ace 1 DEN TA L. )

"When the kettle gets to boiling over, ank, it

will sure be awful. I wonder how long God is going to
hold His arm. He' s giving us a long l'ope to hang our­
"Don't worry about Warren running for any other of­
fice. They have him where tF~y want him. He would only
make a chang~iTFie fen_Qut wi th the thieves.
"You know General M:mtgomery, Hank. He has brought
Ike a token from Eden--roses full of thorns; he brought
him an ultimatum.'" (MONTY WAS IN TO V/SIT IKr WHU! HE

"Pope Pius XII is very much disappointed in the

Geneva Conference and-in-Dulles. .
-"IJU~:saidn't"~st ~ on IiLoJ.QL.a frien<!;Lhip
--- "There is ~ Russian sub in Mediterranean, hov~ing
oH the Island-or-Sicily.. .
·Why would Turkey be interested in the Island of

l'"' """
HC "
"'H """' .. ,""
co"''''','. ""

We have previously mentioned "Operation Cork...iP]

_Bottle" , the. pl~ to_~los~the _mouth of the. Mê<!.l,!er~ean
Sea hy atomlc~~_l'on: . They who have planned lt are
afraid, but the greed is so gre at t haLth.e-w..a.r.pecLlIIQlli!.ter
minds may use it for their own gain. Th~y are monst~s
instead of humans.
-New Arch5isho from Pennsylvania, O~a, tLied ~o
go good.
-The strange thing is there is still a chance for
oU!,'-pe().E1e if th~ woul(I onn wake up.
-Russiiâ has everything we have. ~ir closest
friends are our clos~~ly.- (NOTE: THE SIGNIFICANCE
ALL --

-.lke recently OK' d the giving of a piece of Green-

Il tlYld t~eat Brit,.ain. Anthony Eden promoted it.
-Propaganda trying to make the public think the
new ruler of Morocco is a good fellow.
( "Eleanor Rooseve It wl!§....jJ)'s t over 4.0 Morocco to see
him o

- -The Devil is workjng hard to try and destroy ~e.

He th1~S l'Il start sguawking.
"Adolph BltIer is ready to start -another role, Hank. )
'~hat' s why tJ1ey. m~st assu~e people Ehat ne is dead. ~

lS a very d1gnIfl.ed looklng characte,r. ft? (NO 1 E: l HIS

~A number of men have been placed in the F.B.I. by
the International Bankers to subvert the organization
and destroy it.
-The Central Intelligence Agency under Allen W.
Dulles is to be the supreme police agency, the Arnerican
Gestapo when the time comes. It has always been a hav;n
for everything from New Dèalers to Communist spies and
trait ors .
-J. Edgar Hoover could have made many things known
and been a great help to Joe McCarthy a year ago if
they hadn't tied him up.
-They have got Red China very weIl fortified and
supplied for their attack on Formosa. Our people don't
know that we helped with aIl that, that some of our
material is there and was there for a long time.
-1 wonder if Ike will give in to them or not. He's 1
ha.d lots of time to think. It's either that or get the
( second 'shot'. He is not aware of what happened. He is
s~prised that he 1S ln" tb1S condlt1on.
~roiV is flot as leep. We will be hearing of his
movements soon aga in. He w.i.LLheJp-1i.t ir up trouble in
-----"It seems that God is punishing the East Coast and
the West Coast both. Soon it will strike in the middle
to let us know how strong He is.
--iïSpain arurportug~l '~re bothering those guys. They
are working on Franco now, pressuring him. He needs
prayers because he is in danger."
)1\ WA3-~EfEATED~-DTHïl(ïWN
"They are trying to create trouble for Po~l
ucked in ®-that WorJ9 Deal by cn~,ahng
Q' the PorJ;.JJ~§~ Col.9rty of Goa.
T •• "

trying to create trouble between

S~ain·in North Africa.
E ueprlnt for aIl of this was laid a long
time ago. Sorne changes have been made, but they are

~ite closely following~aLkern. -­

"Anthony-Eden-iS-the Big Kingfish. He's throwing

his we~ght around pretty much. ~ is aIl for world

! p~r.
This was given through Mary Ann on November 3, 1955:
"Hank, yon know that plane that just crashed? T~~S)
one of those accidents no a.~GisL~,l)t. ~_was a
Je~sn Mr. X on t'hat plane. He must have mad.La .!!!i.s­
t~ke and no mistakes are tolerated."


......--... .
"'SUP ~~EE.


--- 'ANHOU~'nn"l)op"f-to-ôO-'1



Ir Î

•~ is more with-Russia than ever hefore. •


H~ Y

·~s turn.E:.d t_he pre$suJ'~_on frgnc_o. This is the

second tune they have put pressure on him and threatérïed
hini recentl~ 0UQ J2hn of GermaDY was al;Qthere
rec~~~ly to pxessqr.e_hi~_in-th~ name of the Ope WolJd­
ers, the Sergent. l wonder if the pr..essw::e_.W.Qtl he too
much~ Reid rat.her_Iive th~n_die. That's the trQuble. Jl
"They try to make it ~ppear as if Clement Atlee
aqg_ ~ are at o~ut It IS aIl cooked and dried.
They are aIl in cahouts .
.- -nTur1œy anc.fTiieece are get t ing in the frying pan,

too, over some possessions, That whole duck pond is

going to be involved. ­
"They may still have to cork the bottle, They
can't come to an agreement on anything. Ea~s try~ng
to cut the other's throat,
-Fort:Eëllext President ial term it' s going to be
hard to get anyone good in. Even if they~~qgd,

they couldn t do anything. T~~ulW[1e mart~d. 1

'We wlIl saon have to pay five cents to mail a
letter. Isn't inflation yet." (NOTE: THE PROPAGANDA111

dtLwn morally. "

"Our Northern neighbors ~e kept their hands

clean of most of this. They would like to be inde­
pendent of Great Britain and united to the United States.
The two could then control this continent and fight
against the evil of Great Britain. Great Britain hopes
also for their unification, but only when she has us
under control. Then she controls the whole continent. Il




"The forces qf good that want this unification are

against the One World Government.
"That fire in Stillwell, Texas was no accident.
"They shot Molotov's D.N. clerk. It was no suicide.
They gave him something to drink, but he didn't drink it.
They had to shoot him ta shut him up. Secret agents
had meeting. No names, meeting was secret."
October 19, 1955: 'IThey're frying McCarthy again.
They're afraid he will talk again. He may not be so
} bold now on account of his wife.
"Why-are w.e acknowledging Re~ C~i~a i~r
dirty business? You know who Joe:S McCarthy). The
statemenL-he maâe 1.s true: ~rhey did have a secret con­
ference on Red China and Greenland. The agreement was
made on Greenland, also on the Aleutians." (NOTE: JOE
August 2, 1955: "TheYids control Communism today.
Corrmunism is just a tooL iney contraI Masonry and B'nai
If B~h. Ti?:~re are two t~pes of Yid~e_.r.el.ig.i~pe
!and the Godless type. We have both in our Country. The
J \ International Bankers cont~tne-YlaS. T~ are :i~
"It aIl started way back with 30 pieces of sllver.
"One thing, Hank, nobody realized how power fuI
this Kub thing was. They got nlne points, and they
ce,rtainl y have got nine points. ,They are leadin& up tOI'
th~~ame t'y~ of doin~.l.ike_.w_e.Jl~ackin hlStOry';
the Reformation. We're gg~,ee something similar.
·T~ar--re;;ognized this plot '. but..!~s unable to
---- -239­
do sornething about it. ' , .

--TIlëykllocked Trotsky off in Mexico:

. ~Th"8t 1$ alI ~~nned _and operated ,btthe",~ ;;;;-ï--- ,-­

Ialmud1.~t. Ihat StKe\~110Ie t11lng. '

theu BiE-le, which i$n't our Bible. - ,

"The ),ids started aIL that mob stuff__in Argentina."


l sit down he~ on the thirteenth day of February,
in the year of Our', Lord, 1956, to work up s'ometlling of a
summaryon the International and State work that has
been given. From time to time l have tried to insert
notes which would help clarify the picture for you, and
1 am sure that by now you must h~~9iffer~nt
tëtur:eoTwhat i~.hAJ.meni!.!g ~n .tJ1~~ Ig t.hajl you ever
~a ~elorë-.---r-am sure that in ~Qjte pf aIL the faJ:s e )
Rropaganda that has been fed to the public, at tlmes you
were not able to make things fit in the picture as it
was painted for you. Through subversion and treason,
beginning in Roosevelt' s time . che betrayal of
Poland, we so d mlilion Polish into Communls lC
s[avery, ana then continuing in Mr. Truman's Administra- .
tion our State Department ably assisted b Mr. AChesonlll\)
a~eQera ars a , succee e ln delivering to the
Cornmies another 600 rnlillon slaves, the Chlnese.
Not to be stopped, le appears that 1.i their plans
'work out, the present Administration under the very

able guidance, of John Foster Dulles, our pr:~~Sec­

jretary Qf State, may be able to outdo all Of his prede­

ces~JL,i.!1J.hak3,ield. How can you make these figures Il

it in with the propaganda that we are fed about con- 1
titn1ng ft stopplng the $pread of Communism. Are you
hat. gul lb le ?
Can you not see that the facts have been concealedl
from'y~u? That you have not and are not Seing glven the
truth T Can you not see t'lla.t those wno-woulcl tell the
t~have been smeared and condemned? Here is a state­
ment maae-Ey Gënera11DOuglas McArthur, a great American
patriot and one who could shed the light of much t~th:
al ~een warn~a:liy many that an outSPOken]1
c()urse, even lf lt be solely the truth, will bring down 1
upon my'head ruthless retaliation, that efforts will be
made to ?estro eublic faith on the integrity of .rny
v~N~ orCe of just arguments, but by applica­
tion of the false methods of propaganda.
"1 .a~._ t~l? i~ ~gect l must .follow b~ly ~e
leaders, ~eep sLlent, or take the bltter consequences"
(General.Douglas McArthur,Bosto~ Mass., JUTy"-2S, 1951)
Are you so blind that you cannot see that we are al1
hankrupt fiat ion, that we have disregarded aIl the nITes
01 ec~omLcs and have been traveling clown the road to
ru.:.n for more than a g~L...Q~~ury, or do-you
hélleve, as they tell you, that we nave never had it so
gOOd? Do you think that our Nation can continue with
t~ese gi~e-aLwaY programs to supyort the world lndefi­
\{ mt-ely wfEliout ruiJï?

---Rowrnanyimore victories, so-called, can we stand

llike KOfëa~ow many men aiërwe.. . To~ny--were

1lost by our arcIi~emies,..Russ-1.-a-anâ-GI:eaLBritain?

--rra; many more years of containing Communism at the
rate it has been*contained before we succuffib to it?
\ glone?
How and why have we~otten in~~~~rs all over the

---How long are vou g.oiI!g to be fooled into looking

1 upon Great Britain as an Ally when everything they have
f done~s b~.~I2_,!gainst us? -­
l could ask a thousand questions of like importance
but l will just finish up with one: How dumb can we
American people be?

~~ê' wno cannot help ourselves, are now being given
Divine Help by Our Most Holy ~fu. ther who came to America
as She came to warn France at la Salette, as She appeared
at F~to save Portuga(.and the worlù-.-She now
come~to plead and give us Her Heavenly aid, if only
we will listen. '
'Yes, Our Lady warned you, be youCatholic, protes_)\
tant or be you black or be you whLte or yeI1ow. It~ll
~ike all of us regardless of who we are. Our~y
tôVes us. Thar-is ~Sne cornes down to us worthless
children and warns us." (October 30, 1955)


Note by Author: On the night of August 15, 1955,

Mar1 Ann was shown in vision 30 faces, aIl of whom are
arch-consplrator&-Qr wer~n-som~ co~ected wlm-tne
Së~pent's PIanS for One World Govern~---------
Some are living and some are dead, but they aIl
played their part, and of course those who are alive
are still playing their parts. There are undoubtedly
many who could have been shown besides these. She was
able to identify themall after st~dy. Some of them
haVé been identified previously in work given. How­
ever, 1 am going to list them here just as they were
given to me by Mary Ann. Most of them have held a num­
ber of positions in Government at one time or another.
(Some will be identified with one job which they held at
one time or another.
1. Fr~d Vins on , Chief Justice of the United States
Supreme Court. Arch PIotter; now dead.
2. Anirew Mellon, one time head of United States
Treasury Department; now dead.
3. O.E. Lilienthal, Zionist and head of Atomic
Energy CommissiOn. ­
4. Sidney Hillman, big shot in C.I.O., o~)(
the Inyjsible (îovernment. A power behind Frankl in
Delano Roosevelt. Th~ J~y behind getting Father
Coughlin off the air so he couldn't glve the truth to
the people.
5. Cordell Hull, Secretary of State under Franklin
Delano Roosevê1t. Arch PIotter for the One Worlders. Dead
6. Charles ~ Da~es, one tlme Attorney General at
time of Teapot Dome scandaIs.
7. Embassador Bullett, United States State Dep't.
8. General Geor~e C. Marshall, Secretary of State~
and other positions 0 importance. Subversive in many
ways. In on Pearl Harbor deal~nd betrav l of Nationa­
list China ta Reâs. Sponsored subversive~Jarshall Pla~.
- '
9. C.E.Hughes, Chief Justice of"the Supreme Court.
10. Dr. Phil1~p C. Jessup, Embassador atlarge.
Subversive arch-pIotter. Had one of his women secretar­
( ies murdered because she discovered sorne of his activi­
ties in World Plot.
Il. L.H.Johnson, Secretary of Defense under Harry
S. Truman.
12. Dr. Cor&0n, Communist sympathizer involved in
Lindbergh case.
13. Bo&~~e~ t, political boss and racketeer.
GaY.eJLU!Ilan filS start.
14. lMalter ReutEer, big shot in Union rackets.
15. l);en Lt;ttjmore, supposed e~rt on Asia.
Arch-pIotter and s versive. .
16.. Alger Hiss, Assistant Secretary of State,
Commie spy, promoter of Serpent's U.N.
17. A~lnsteln, nuclear scientist, arch pIot­
ter, protector or Communists.

IR. Cyrus S. Cheng, Federal Medical Chief.

19. PhlITlP Murray, political racketeer, head of

United States Steel Workers C.I.O. In on Japanese scrap
20. aabbi Rillel Silver, leading Zionist pIotter.
Power in Hid~Gôvernment of Unitea-5tates. ---­
t:- Heil5ë""rtr:ëlliiuüm, United States Senator, lead­
ing Zionist pIotter with Silver, International Bankër.
~~a~êifûITîrg, ZÜmiseplotter and an
important mari""h.ehirui.Eisenhower. Banker.
~23. QI'. Le0 Pasvolsky, builder of United Nations.
World flotter. . ­
2. Walter Bedell Smith, Under Secretary of State
in l Q4l, one 01 the traltors who was in on the p~ l
Harbor deal. --­
25.~gpr~gentheau, Secretary of the U.S. Trea­
sury-,- arch p.IOtter. Gave Hussia plates and paper so
fi they êOul~Rrint lmited State~ money.
""26. DaVid Dûbmsky, one ofrranklin Delano Hoose­

velt's cohorts and support~rs. ~nion racketeer, Com~

munist. Plot to use chemlcals ln garments; head of
\ Clothing Union. Eygene Meyer also in on that deal.
27. Felix Frankfurter, member 0.1 the United States
Supreme Court. Head of Communist aboI' Movement. As
former was mentor of many who
J are now subversnes in Government. -n~ading pIotter
Eor the Serpent of Zion.
--:zB: !~llal Stevenson, former pupil ~r,
who learned his~ons weIL. Working behind
- ­
- scenes
.lth Eisenhower, Weinburg and Frankfurter. Was can­
didate for President on Democratic ticket and looks
like he might be aga in.
2Q. Ed. M. Warburg, Zionist plotter, Kuhn loeb Co.
International Bankers. Connected with Farbon Industries
~.!J1any. - =-­
O. Colonel E.M. House, promoter of the Leagûe of
~ations follow1ng Worid War 1. Wor19 plotter.
Tt has since been given that Dr Paul D. White,
Ike's heart specialist, is also a memner of the 6ehind
the scenes racket.
As 1 said, there are many, many more whose names
should be on this list as traitors to their Country.
They are all servants of the Sêrpent or-210nism.
Sorne of the bankers involved are:
Rothschilds, Kuhn Loeb, Morgentheau, Lehmann, Baruch,
J J.~\1organ.
L. B. Orr was big in the horse meat r~ket. Many
of our boys in the Army ate horse meat for beef.
Sorne others mentioned; sorne good and sorne bad.
Many rœn have been forced to resign to be replaced
by others who would follow the program of the Serpent.
Admiral Loui s E. Danfield was pushed out and re­

é placed oy Àdm1raI Forest P. ~herman.

Admiral J.Y, Forrestal, Secretary of Defense, died
a broken man; was pressured by General Omar Bradley.
Justice Tom C. Clark, renegade politician, New Deal
and One Worlder, fQxmer Attorney General.
Reuther is a devil. -
Julius A. Krug, Secretary of Interior, resigned in
lq4Q because of too much pressure. His place was taken
lby Oscar L. Chapman who was Assistant Secretary of
Interior under Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Judge Harold Medina, Judge in COJm1unist trials,
tri~i33 Communists, ~9X.l<---CiLy-. Was we11 [@.lër
Francis é1ddle, Former Attorney Genera~ong Red
record. Attorney General during hatched up Sedition
Henry Cabot lodze - In deep right now.
Thomas K. F1nletter, Former Secretary of Air Force
Doan Acheson is a rat. He has a nephew narred Ache-
son who works for him. Believe his narre is Dan.
f Editor Luce, husband of Claire &oth Luce is as
bad as Brandeis was.
Governor Long of Louis iana, brother of Hughie, lS
l rotten. H1S name is Earl Long.
Bishop ~~am, head of Methodist Bish~ps and Pro­
fessors, is subversive. He favors and plugs for
Ex-Senator Claude Pepper, subvNsive. He helps
arrange for fruit pickers to enter lnto our country-­
Jamaicans and Puert 0 fhc ans . l1eIps bnng ln revol u­
( tionaries. .-----
Ihe French Premier is not so good. He is with
1lJ Iles.
';( Mendez France, another plotter.
Rabbl G6idberg, another tnlrluential boy behind the
Adamanski, behinJ the scenes Yid.
Hansen, Lend Le ase German Jew
Paul Whyte, Lend I~ase Gêr~ Jew. Uses other names
Weisland, behind the scenes lid. Played part in
betrayal of Poland.


Some of our Senators and Representatives have very

consistently followed the line of the Serpent's One World
plotters, and they are among some of those male prosti­
tu~ who have sold themselves and-who would also sell
1. Senator Kefauver of Tennessee
Ile was built up ~vertised as a great fighter of
crime. What he was actually doing was eliminating sorne 1
Italian racketeers _WhD_R~C_OJDpetition-for sorne of .!:.he Il
Jew racketeers who are his Mas!ers. It was partly be­
cause of this advertising bu~ld up that he was considered
as a Presidential candidate. He still has ambitions.
2. Senator Flanders of Vermont
Another tool of t~ws who was used to try and dis­
cr_~di.!-McCuthy dl.lring the ArJD.y..:...::.McCarthy"t!:ial.-..A
f.<iithfu!. tooLof the~ent.
3. Senator Humph!y of Minnesota
Always a playmate and consort of Commies. Can be de­
Pi!.!ldc=_d Q!Lto support and promote any~egislation orthe
SerDent's One Worlders.
4. Senator Jackson of Washington
Another of the boys the Serpent's followers can depend on
S. Senator Lehmann - New York
Not only one to b~ended on by the Serpent, but ac­
tually a member of the subversive plotters for world
control. One of the Big Boys.
6. Senator Long of Louisiana

Another dependable member of the traitor gang.

7. Senator ~~Namara of Michigan

Another of the boys; not a Big Boy, jlt~..!:...3_s~ge.

8. Senator Murray ol~ntana

H.!L.Q}lLe;:dÙs~L~Big.J2Qys. They financed his cam-l~
paign after pressuring B~rton K. ~~eeler into resigning. Il
Burton K. Wheeler was too ~~~rè8~1c an American to be al­
lowed W ofhce. Wheelér )iuseâ ta he.. cheu stooge.
9. Senator Nejl.Y of West Virginia

He also votes with t le trait ors .

10. Newberaer of Oregon

He also wil~ays vote against the United States ~n
favor of the U.N.
Il. Senator Sp,arkman of Alabama
Sa popular with the Servants of the Devil that the~en
put hlm on the ticK~~a~ce~LeS~dëntialcandidate.
That should be enough recommendat ion for him. ­
12. Senator Scott of North Carolina
If you are interesïted in maintaining your freedom,
vote him out.
13. Senator O'Maloney of Wyoming

Name sOlmds Irish, but dâêsn't vote Christian.

14. Senator ~e of Maine

Owned and ~eLated by the would-be destroyers of our
l~ Senat or Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin

Just another Charley McCarthy.--

There are others of varying degree of guilt, but

these havealTneen boyght ancLpaiiJor, wrapped up and
de livered. Belo~ a list of representat ives who fit
into the same category:
1. Zablocki of Wisconsin
2. Republican Frank Smith of Mississippi
3. He pub lic an James G. Murray of Illinois
4. Republican Walter of Pennsylvania
5. Hale of Main~
6. Republican Cole of New York
7. Republ ican Judd of Maine
8. Republican Daves of Tennessee
9. Republican Boggs of Louisiana
10. Republican Johnson of California

Il. RepublicanRadwan of New York

12. Republican Priest of Tennessee

13. Republican Metcalf of ~~ntana
14. Holefield of California
15. Republican Multes of New York
16. Republican Bently of Michigan

There has been an attempt made QIl... the 1 ife of

Supreme Court Justice W 0 Douglas. He must be too
Il honest to get along with the rest of the Y~s they have
in there. Perhaps he isn't for the destruction of the
Const itut ion he has sworn to upnûTcr1n favor of the One
-WorId D.N.
As l have written up before, the people listed here
are only a very few of the most important servants of the
::erpent, and even then perhaps not the most important.
How has this condition come about, and why isn' t some­
thing done about it? Perhaps this paragraph or two may
give you a little insight into the thing.
Congressman Martin Dies, whose name has been men­
tioned by Mary Ann in our work, was former Chairman of
the Bouse Committee on UnAmerican Activities. He has
revealed to what extent Communism was favored during
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's New Deal. His Committee in)f
its investigation, found there were more than ~O
agents and stooges of Russla on the a rol1s of our Gôv­
erDment, ln many lnstances ln ey positions in t e tate
Department, the Justice Department and the Interior .
Actual membership records of these people had been
checked. \fuen Roosevelt was told of this, he was furious.
lie said: "There is nothing wrong with Communists. Sorne
of the best friends l have are Communists."
Ali efforts to get these people fired from the
Government payrolls were of no avail.
One of the White Bouse secretaries was a Communist.
It was easier for a Communist to be heard in the White
House than for any others. Communists are being protec-
ted while any good '\m.erican who wanDe~~_Q!9tect his
CDuntry from t~roads b~ made-Ey the enemy, the
servants of-ïJle S~rp'entl was smeared, belittled and dis­
credited if possible.
With this att itude on the part of the Chief Execu­
tive of the United States, was it any wonder that the
Communists, One Worlders, New Dealers and just plain Ser­
vants of the Serpent were really having their day? ~y
{ became Iirmly intrenched in all Government .DeQartments
and have ever since been able to l'etaln thell' hold. It]
is only logical ta assume th~t aIl Presidenti-ar-appoint- 1
ments were of those whose Ideologles were the same as
those of the President. New Dealism was Communism, and
as the rose by any other name, lt would st tiRmell a.s

sweet. We must, however, recognize Communlsm for_what lt'Il
')-- a,
1,s, on 1y_ a t 00 1 owned and -cOITIT 0 11 e by t he Sel' ~0 f
Is it any wonder then that any effort to dislodge
any of the traitors immediatel y brings aIl of the ~est
of them to their defense, as ln-rl1ecase of Alger Rlss,
a proven Russi an spy?


It was given in the revelations written up in this

book that there would be no election in 1952, and if
you are smart enough to recognize facts, it will be
1\ very obvious to you that there will be no election in
1956 as weIl.
During the past two weeks you have had an oppor­
tunity to watch and listen to the nominating conventions
of the two political parties who control things in our
Country, and once more you will have an opportunity in
November of placing YOUF check after the names of one
or two men for Pres ident of the Un ited States.. ~
of those n~n are owned and controlled by the same lntër­
national racketeers, the same One Worlders. They care
not which one you vote for. ~naa-already won-the
elect~nen-tne candidates were named.
You had an opportunity during those two conventions
of watching in operation the most smoothly running,
best lubricated political machines ever operated in any
country. The oil used for lubrication (money) was
gold in the-hands of~~e World racketeers.
ou had also a chanc~fisten to.-llll.I.C1:L.p.Ql.itical
oratory, mostlY- all hogwash. Some of those poor tools
t(even believed what ~ere saying, were sincere in
\ statements-tney maa~1any deserveiin ~d-rrom the
Burlington LiaTSclub. You listened tonews reports so
slanted as to direct your thinking into the grooves you
are supposed to follow.
You saw Harold Stassen, who had dared speak in op­
position to the machine, trying to support another
candidate for the Vice-Presidency on the Republican
ticket. You saw the manipulation of the Republican
National Chairman of putting that candidate in a posi­
tion where he couldn't accept such nomination, and
finally you saw the same St~ssen get up and apologe­
tically and cravenly make a seconding speech for the man
whom he had dared to oppose. It was truly a most
beautiful example of power politics.
The two parties, Democrat and Republican, could

exchange platforms, and it wouldn't make a particle of

difference to either one nor to you as a citizen.

The election of 1956 for President of the United

States and for Congressional candidates will go down in
history in pages of red. The forces of the Serpent of
Evil are so close to achieving their goal to complete
world control that they cannot afford, at this stage of
the game, to allow any setbacks in their plans. Men
will die, blood will be spilled and millions of dollars
will be spent, possibly billions. Slander and hate will
be in evidence, character assassination will be the rule
rather than the exception. The candidates for whom we
will have a chance to vote will be hand picked, have
been hand picked for their willingness to cooperate with
the Serpent's forces. rfhis applies not only to the party
now in power, but also to the Democratie Party.
We had an exarrople at the Party nominating conven­
tions that were he Id in Chicago in 1952. The machines
took over and ran t.he convent ion. Votes were openly
bought and sold, and aIl possible means of pressure was
exerted to assure the fact that the American people
would have a chance to vote for a presidential nomine~
who was a stooge of the Serpent. We had that chance,
and little did the Forces of Evil care whether we elected
Eisenhower or Stevenson; they owned them both. They
couldn't lose. The biggest money, however, was behind
Eisenhower and he won.
Eisenhower is a p~n in the next election as he was
in the last. However, they don't want Eisenhower for
President again. Ile has served his purpose in that
capacity and now the only job he has left to do~o
live 1.Q!!g enough to carry Richard ~1. Nixon.into the Pres­
[ <!.en~cY:- If he lives to accompl1:SFlthat: his life's work
will be accomplished and his life will be forfeit. When
Eisenhower agreed to L'un again, he signed his own death
warrant. ~Qn \s a much more useful and W1' lling t?ol. ]
~ has no conSC1ence or scruples what~v~ to f1ght
\\ a.g,a !-l!§.t.- Hîs amb it 1Ôn is absôIüteb_lln'l t. Jess. He
in his own mina~i:511great man and deserving of aIl
honors. His ego is as great as his ambition and un­
~~_ulo~~r:-lhe-SerpenCfëëls he will make "n
1deal President for their purpose.
Ike's scruples, though he hasn't too many, have
always been somewhat of an obstacle to them, and he did
come back from fishing and golf once in a while long
enough occasionally to present them with a problem.
They determined to do something about t hat last
Septernber, and when Ike came down with a cold out in
Denver, the opportunity had arrived. He was given what
he thought was a cold shot. The injection given was to
cause the heart attack which Ike had a short time later.
Ibe dosage was not enough, perhaps they underestimated
Ike's resistance and physical stamina. It ruined hirn,
but didn't kill him. Nixon nearly gave away their play
in his anxiety to take over the duties of the President.
They had hopes at that t ime that Nixon, with a year
in office, would be able to build up enough of a follow­
ing to assure his re-election, but now that Ike refused
to die, they are faced with the necessity of keeping him
alive until he can carry ~k. Nixon back into the Number
Two spot again. And then.
Dr. Paul Whyte, Ike's heart specialist from Boston,
is one of the boys of the Serpent.
The vicious fight for control will also extend into
the elections of Senators and Representatives in the
variolls states. It is going to be a very rough propo­
sition to have any Congressman elected whose sympathies
are not with the Serpent's One Worlders. Billions of
dollars will be spent and no holds barred. Brass
knuckles will be standard equipment.
They will not hesitate to remove anybody forceful
out of their way. Poison, injections, accidents, kid­
napping will be used. They will not hesitate to wreck a
ri train and kill one hundred people to get one. Those
that are the Anti-Christ have no hearts.
* * * * *
The Presidential Electioll of 1956 lS now over with
and the people have returned the same crew to the Capitol
for another four years. It had been foreordained what
the outcome of the election was to be, and the big money
in the Country was aIl in support of the administration.
However, l truly think that n'Ore people voted in
this election with tongue in cheek and doubt in their
hearts than in any other election ever held.
1 listened to campaign speeches of four candidates
for President. l heard President Eisenhower and Vice
President Nixon both give campaign speeches.
The usual campaign promises were made, prom1ses
which never wear out in their appeal to the gullible
public. We were reminded of the prosperity that we are
enjoying, but no mention was made of the fact that the
prosperity was aIl at the expense of the future genera­
tions, as has been the prosperity of the last twenty­
four years. We were reminded that this remarkable
prosperity for which the Republicans claim credit, was
during peace time. We were not reminded of the fact
that during this beautiful perioJ of Armistice (not
peace) aIl of the nations of the world were on a war
economy and that a mad scramble to arm and prepare for
the war, which any thinking person can predict, was in
progress. We were told of a balanced budget anJ of_
lowered taxes, but the spending goes on and on.
The Republicans were more or less on the defensive
on foreign policies as they were unJer criticism from
the Democrats. Criticism in that regard unjustifieJ
because our foreign policies under the Republicans had
been dictated by the same Synagogue of Satan as haJ been
tho~e of the Democrats who preceded them in office. The
Republicans were also on the defensive on farm policies
as they were also under fire from the Democrats. Perhaps
you can figure out ~~lch is the most stupiJ. 1 can't.
111e Republicans favoreJ paying the t'armer for not rais­
ing anything on portions of his land. The Democrats,
under Franklin D. Roosevelt, had been paying him for
plowing under what he raised, and then in addition
teaching birth contn·l to his hogs. In justifying the
Republican Farm Program, 1 will say this: they were for­
ced into sorne kind of give away program in support of
the farmer because the farmers' economic table llad been
upset by the Administrat ions (Dernocrats), who !wd pre­
ceded them in office. The farmers truly needed sorne
kind of relief becausp. of that.
When Franklin D. Rooseve lt was e lected Pres ident in
1932 he immediately Lrought into being his so-called
Brain Trust, and they, seemingly with malicious fore­
thought and design, immediately relegated to the ash can
aIl the time proven laws of economics and started sawing
away at the legs of the economic table to make it level,
and now with the table on three legs, they are still
sawing away. Our whole economy now rests on that very
wobbly table .. Every attempt to level it on one corner
throws it out of level on another, thereby sett ing up a
chain of necessitated continuous action which can only
end in d isaster when the top of our economy hits the

floor. We are on the way down. It was planned that

- - On certain issues, namely States Rights and Inte··

gration, both of the major political parties tried ta
stay on both sides of the fence. They didn't want ta
say ~nyth ing that would a lienate, cause them ta lose the
votes cf either the Negroes or the Jews. On the first
issue both political parties proclaimed themselves ta
favor States Rights. Words only. How can the people
believe those words when it is deeds and not waLds that
count, and when every act in the ~ast twenty-flve years
has-been to concentrate p-ower in t e hands of the F deral
Go ernmen to t e etrl~ent 2--the ln IVI ua sta es,
us~ion of states' powers contrary tCltne Constitu­
tion of the lmited States.
We now hear the cry for the tmited States Govern­
ment ta take a hand in and control the education of our
children. Is there stiUanyone sa gullibfe inthis
country who will still believe that the Federal Govern­
ment will appropiate money for school purposes and not
have a dictatorial hand in the operation oflthOSe
) \ schools'> If they have after what has already happened
intJiis country in the way of usurping power from the
various states, then 1 can only say that they belong ta
l'the class of gullible gQQ.fs that deserve to lose their\
{r~-E;hts and libert ies. Why dope-opte fh1.nK that "the
situation would in any way be improved by paying more
taxes into the Federal Government and a little less into
the State?
Administration costs for maintaining a National 1

Department of Educatj on as weIl as aState Departm;nt 1

would be a very_u~essary and exp-ensive duplication of \
Administrative Departments, at least doubling tne cast
of administration. lt would be just one more State'
function and dut Y taken over by a graspinfU power m~d
ll Federal Government.
l listened ta ~~. Stevenson, speaker as candidate
for president on the Democratie ticket. His talk was
mostly condemnation of the policies of the present Ad­
ministration as would be expected. 1 could find very
litt le in anything that he said that would be of a con­
structive nature; rather he was just inferring that
under the .Democrats things would be much better and that
the Democratie Party was of the people. He sa id that
aIl that was good in the Republican Administration was
just a continuation of what the Democrats had started
and aIl that was bad was their own.
Adlai. Stevenson talked on the stopping of further
testing of atomic weapons, particularly the testing of
the more powerful Hydrogen bombs. Though his talking up
was solely for politica1 gain as he figured, the people
should take warning from what was sa id. Here again muchtl
more was concealed thaD was revealed, f.Qr the dangers are
very much g.r~aLeL than he ev en Ilinted at. In fqçt, it
is only fear of .t~i!' ~n desgucti()Jl along withthat of
1 their, that has deterred_the use. DL~lear
bombS-Up to the presen1-time. Whether or not that fear
winbe enough to prevent their use by pOWer mad maniacs

When-tb~Y~hnd th.emselves in d.esp.e!:~e circltlmstances
st Ul.J~ains....l...QJLe~n. 1 have already wntten up an
article which exposes these dangers in much greater
1 listened to the talk of one of the Socialist can­
didates. Social ism was ,. aêcording to hîm, Ehë answer to
al} ~ur problems, and if electedlall would-be:ros~e
working man would rece-tve just compensation for his
labors and world problems would aIl fall into place
very nicely. Gis talk was short and he was advocating
sending for literature which explained in more detail
this wonderful plan.
I listened to T. Coleman Andrews, the candidate on
the Constit.utio! Party. His talk
was a1so quite short but came close to the heart of the
problems with which we are faced than did any of the
others. He talked in favor of the re~al of the illegall11
Sixteenth Amendment to the D.S. Constitution, which by
seffïn~~p tne-lllcüme-tax without restriétlons, has made,
us a11 virtua l s raves of the Federal Government, as it
màkes 'it possible for them to take not only a- portion' of
our incarne but a11 of it if the~ so des ire. He spoke ofll'
the usu--!:P..?tion of States .R1.ghts ~)y the Federal Goyernment
whi'ëh~as ~een p;gt_oLt;)le_I::>rogréillLQf a 11 QLthe recent
Administrations. There has been a great deal of Federal
LegL;lation passed in recent years that has been aimed
at makIng the State Coyernments more subservient to thel)
Federal Government . Thls has come about graduaJly, and
on tl~~{ most people has not beeri too much:noticed.
Mich ~Q:f the Federa l control of the States has been ma-in­
tained·.by ~c(Jnomig, c.QJlJ.rol ,_colLtrol_Q;LF.eJi.tlaL.l!UHley,

where in the States, in order· to receive the.Fedëra 1. Aid
on variOus {unct ions, mus!:S--0mpT'i- 1l




infamous, "Red He~(~Statement·, which in truth f~ed
ill'fëry'Wé-r1-ynLth his proven inte11ectual stature. MC.
Truman was used as a p01itical-ailpe, but was never smart·
111 ~no.JJgh _t~re a Eze t hat he_was_heing-1}sed.
The Ejsenhower Administratjon had a1so followed
the same plans of the same Evi1 Forces to trie let ter. He
WhO has in sorne 1nstances triedto orIel' sorne resistance

l but has not the intestinal tortitUde, or 1n the vernacu­

laI', gues, t-o~o~'Illrbuà-tneti.ger. He ~taiti1rü.lly
fOllOW~ their program of coyer up, of ke~ping the trllth
from reaching the eyes and ears-S1__tbose who voted him
in~~tfiLAm~n"'ëaIi"Reop1e. As a result of tfiis
'1(,t<.Oken res,istance ,to sorne of the plans of the evil forces,
, Eisenhower came clown a year ago last September with an
~ artificially i"~o~t~ heart attack which was to have
ended his career. ose who ..zave him the injecUon
un~stimat~d-hiS-Skr~ngthand stam1na and he recovered.
In view of circumstances, it th en became necessary to
continu.:" :.~ build up Ike's popularity that he might serve
as the y,·j,ic1e far carrYlng Richard M. Nixon !-Jack into
0ffice. ';i.xon js the rf'dl tool the Evil Forces want as
Er'esidenl. ûf the United ~tates. l'hey fee! certain that
limitl~3s l~ck sc.ruuJ.e~
l1 ins ambition and âbsolute

proven tL'i", wi lhngness to cooperate.

Tfi'- -,cection is ove;: and won.
of. will
make h 111lJ.•,t-s toù.ge_ivI' 1 Ile ) ob. he nas a 1l'ead)

Ike's usefulness is
ended an') éi.ny day now we can expect him to have a serious
relapse or accident which will open the way for Richard
M. Nixon'<::.-Jiç"cession t.9.., the.i.residency. Once again
tfiose responsible f~e dëITïise will s it in mourners row
and weep tb loudest and shed tears most copious ly.
Who ure the insidious Forces that operate behind
the scenes and control the actions of a11 nations?
Without tbiir identification this would be absolutely
The ~v(L-Eorce§ ~ha mo~e behind and control aJl
overnments, whose plot it is to set up a One World
Governmen~ and a One Wokld a~!lgion fLom whe~~y
can centralize anô take over absorute control witnout
woS.1.lÏÏ,g_{.r~m-~~~ i ndth~ s ce~ës---arë" made up of the ~~goIJI
ftop Jews in the worldrwith one of the Rothschilds in~
\C~ as supreme heaa ....they control tfie world's suppJy
o~d. They control aiL of the money and the I~r­
national Banks. They, through the1r agents, their
Il stooges and their cont~d sec!et societ ies ~uch..2s
EI~masogry, control_the go~nments and the finances of

Through chose same facilities they
have bath made and destroyed rulers in aIl countries~n
the-;Qrlêl. They are l'es pons ible for the murder or Ene )

111~nts and~sser
assassination of at least si Russian Tzars, ten Kings,
ma~ othe.!'.-.memb.erc~~ {ami 1ies,' . t~tes
and innumerable Ministers tatesmen
in countries aIl over the world. ­
-They have built up and torn dow!!.,..&reat .s,mpires to
achieve their ends. Wnat are their ends? As sons and
agents of Satan, com l e destructi 0 aIl ristian­

~. aIl ~ality! ali.~!'ià~ goOâ, an c p omi­
na, ~on of~orTd-a1'rd-a-i1.-rt's- people ~n the name of
whose sons and helrs they are.
If these things are true, why have we not been

warned?~L~.ould not~whom aIl Ü1ristians accept as

Lord and Master have warnëO'i:iS?-Why woulël-He âllow

thin~ to go ofLand on until the worIa-nas reachedïù1e

point ln conditions where man faces possible annihila­

tion? Oh, but He has warned us and not in parable

either, where there could be a question of interpre­

( tation, but in w2..rA~ as plain as could or: a...s can he

S~!l. Christ spoke t~..t.he Jews as follows: "You are of

your rather the devil ~rE...tb~ desir~s of ,your fatli~_~!c-.ll

do. He was a murderer from the beginnlng and he stood

-nDt in the truth; because truth is not in him. \fuen he

speaketh a lie; he speaketh of his own for he is a

liaI' and the Father thereof."

This statement from the Gospel of St. John, Chapter

8, Verse 44, certainly needs no explanation, hor to

anyone with sufficient intelligence ta read it. Should

there be need of interpretation?

Ü1rist most certainly did warn us, not only in this

passage of the Bible, but in others, such as Matthew,

,f,3, 15: ­
'Woe ta you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites:~
because you go round about the sea and the land ta makeJ
one proselyte; and when he is made, you make him the
child of hell twofold more than yourselves."
Christ warned us aIl right, but just as the world

has refused ta follow his teachings, sa also have they

((r~ed ta accept His warnings and refusing to accept His

Warnlngs must pay the consequences.

, How many of Ü1rist's Apostles here on earth have

been urging us ta accept those of Satan's Synagogue as

brothe'rs. We, the sons and heirs of Jesus Ü1rist, accept­

ing as-brothers the sons and heirs of the Devil and

collaborat ing an~ c0c:>perat i]!g-w.~he~~r~ot~_ ~lUr
own destruction. Christ didn t refüSe to name them,

but-Mis Apostles who are süpposed to be carrying on His
work here on earth have, tJLrough fear of man and the
DeviI, refused to carry on the riglit for Christ's King­
. . . .
Recently what has been taking place within the
United Nations has been constantly in the news, and the
people have been mis led into bel ieving that all that
cornes from the United Nations is good, and that it is
only through the United Nations that peace and security
for the world can come about. There has been sorne talk
of the failure of the United Nations to bring those
things about.
If we are to judge as to the failure or the success
of the United Nations, we must first analyze the pur­
poses for which it was set up, and whether or not it has
achieved those purposes. My contention is that the
United Nations has achieved a remarkable degree of suc­
cess for the purposes for which it was created and for
those who sponsored its creation.
First, those who sponsored the United Nations did
not set it up to be an instrument of peace, but an in­
strument through which they could promote war and
destruction, and then to serve as a Central World Gov­
ernment when they had succeeded in their plans and had
gathered together under that dictatorial government the
remnan~of the wo;'Id sttll Ilndestroyed. -tt was s~
sore~by the agents of the Evil Forces, those minions of
,Hell who would destr~Ï-Christiani~y and all that is ~od
(\and decent. Its prInCIpal arcllYfëCt from our country
wastAIger Hj~s1 ace agent of the Hidden Hand and a con­
victeffi-eo~munlsL§.I2.Y. Can anyone with ord inary human
InteIligence be so gullible as to suppose that one whose
aim was the destruction of our Government, and who was a
known agent of our enemies, was trying to set up an
agency that was to work for our'benefit? Just how fool­
ish can people be? Those agents who sponsored thëLJil'fted
Nations were working directly under the guidance of
Satan whose main office is Hell, but who is now, with his
expanded operations, maintaining many branch offices
throughout the world, sorne of which we furnish free
office space for in the United Nations Building in New
York City.
If you want to be sure what to fight against, find
out what the DeviL favors.
The United Nations, to achieve its ends, must
have an Army. The situation around the Suez Canal has
served to implement the formation of that army without
the opposition that it might otherwise have created.
True at present it is but a small token force which was
approved, but the die has been cast; the Army has been
created and in less than one week after it was set up
the General in charge was asking for three times the
number of soldiers originally approved. Does that in
itself not expose the plan? ~.Y nat ion whi-<JL contribu­
tes soldiers to the United Nations is contributing to
its own downIall:. -- --­
(-Overrsu-:o(Jo good OJ.rist ian American boys have al­
re~een swa110Wëà tnatlilonstrousFrânkenste1n.
Sorne other members oftFïe Thîted Nations furnisfiëd small
token forces and support in the illegal and undeclared
war in Korea while others of our Loyal Allies and fellow
members in the U.N., namely Great Britain, set up a
naval blockade along the China Coast so they could pro­
tect their shipments of war materials to the Communists
to be used against our soldiers. Needless to say the
Communists, through the facilities of the United Nations,
knew our every move before it was made. Surely a beau­
tiful setup for slaughter, and we paid in human I1fe and
"àISo in money and furnished t e war m terials for our
( own destru.çt-lon. "Yes,' for thosè who spawned 1t, t e
Dn1teu-Nations has accomplished mu ch and still is ac­
complishing much.
Need you be told, any of you who read anything in
the newspapers besides the funnies or who listen to
anything on the radio besides Elvis Presley, how much
more concern there is now in the news commentary for
gas and.oil for the cars of England and France and for
oil for the ve~'of thei;lndustry than "there is for
( blood that has been spilled from the veins of the
Again the United Nations has admirably served the
cause of its founders, for again any action which could
ha,,,~ a ided the Hungarian§.....bgggt~~LrlQ.wDJ!I)~j.1act ion was
too late ~nd aîl that can be done for the Huï1gar~s
sing-dtrges and attend wakes.
All of those conditions and those things which have
contributed to them have existed and been created during
the past Presidential Administrations, but you didn't
hear any mention made of any of them during the political
campaigns. Rather, to the contrary, every effort was
made to keep them buried from the eyes and ears of the
public or to paint them over in such manner as to keep
the truth covered up.
For those of you who profess to be Christians need
an y more be said than the fact that even the name of
( Jesus Christ is never ment10ned there because iL is
offens1Ve to some-or--Œe meiïiDers, and who are those mem­
bers? It isn't to the Mohammedans or evento the Heath­
ens, but cnly ta the Jews, the Ant i -ChtÜ.~_J._~hose of
Satan' s own Synagogue who S onsored the crea t ion oCthe
U. . , w 0 nect lts est iny and the destiny ûr-a:Il
2hose nations who are its members. The Anti-ehrist
are doing it for the greater honor and glory of him
whose sons and heirs they are--Satan.
The United States of America is now and has been
for many, man~ars the Rn..m~t.u~et o~ Evll
Forces for destruction. It is the last bastia~of
\ -fieedom in the "orld, the [ast-christian nation 01 ",e
1 and conseguence. We are not only tHe target for des­
truction by those whom we recognize as our enemies, but
also of sorne on whom we look as friends and Allies. As 1
long as we cont inue to accept Great Britain as fri-;;d
and ally, we are ifltlie position of a man who crawls in
bed-evërY mght wiflladea< poisonous snake.
It took more than a century of-s~~~n-
triguë-;-Gf ass1mdat10n, 01 propagan.da and .lies to
des-f:ï'OYRuss1a, Wh1Ch was up to the t1me of Hs des­
truction the greatest Cfir1st1an nat10n on eart~are
next and the same methods, the same tooti, the same
propaganda an4 lies, the same methods of infiltration on
the part of the Evil Forces, the same promotion of moral
degeneration and materialism, the same flooding of our)
Country with undesirable aliens,~he same promotion of
race trouDles-arrd-rrat~~-d~hesame brainwashing and
controlled thinking, the sarne subvers10n 1n f1eIds of
commerce and bus 1ness, the saine s ubvers ion in the fie Id
of education, tne same distor-tilon of historical facts,
the ...same faise economies, the s·ame efforts to turn man
against his employer and even man against man, and last
but most certainly nôtleast, the same efforts to dis­
tort religious truths and turn man aga inst God. AlI of
these th1ngs and many more aré in evidence in our
Country today and still the American people swallow it
ill and placidly follow the downhill path ta certain
This 1S a picture of actual conditions in our
Country at the time of the election, ~6. It is cer-
ta inl y not the picture portrayed to us in the campaign
True, .we do not recognize it as yet,. but World
War III wlmh <s tohe the ,,,,al 'tep m ·0", ~on

has a Iready s tarted. We are--a:tlYeadY-Ior the hna l
coup, the final disillusionment and destruction.lQ.Q!s
that we are and undeserving as we ~re - may God be
MercdUit 0 us-=--tOtl1e-unlteèl-States.



Shanghaiing has, be~n practiced down through the
1 ages as a me~s ~f fdhng up the crew of a ship. In
the old days lt slmply meant to the one shanghaied that
he was .on board t~e ship for the voyage. Shanghaiing
Iii today lS a much dlfferent deal. Today the man who is
shanghaied is as good as dead. He may not know what
fate is in store for him when he cornes to on board a
strange ship, but that is it. He has become the vic­
tim of one of the most vicious of ail rackets in the
world, a racket that involves treason, a racket of in­
trigue so deep that human life carries no value.
God only knows how many American men and youth have
met their end as food for fish in the carrying out of
the great plot against our Country. In addition to
those who have been shanghaied to go down with the
ships, many dock workers have also lost their lives
when they discovered that the labels on the boxes they
were handling didn't indicate what was inside the boxes.
Much arms and ammunition has been illegally ship­
ped out of this country to those countries who are
enemies and want to destroy us.
In the Revelations it has been told that cargo
vessels have been sunk with ail hands aboard.
Note the incident given on this same day:
"That cargo 1 was telling you about, Hank. Sorne
more fish ba it. The whole th ing is going to be des­
troyed." (1 asked, "With aU men aboard?") "That's
right, because if the crew and the boat went back sorne
would be sure to talk, so it's easier to dispose of
those shanghaied boys, and that's part of the deal with
the bunch tonight.
"They've got to shanghai sorne more boys tonight.
Sorne that have no home. They will take them into the
sea on another voyage of the same type, and then they
won't come back. They are going to do it tonight at
New Or leans. They piek them up at Chinatown and at
waterfront dives. There's lots of visitors in New Or­
leans tonight, and the offieers who should be on guard
will be just as happy as the rest. Some of these places
are really hell ho les . "
- This is the shanghaiing incident as described to me
during Mary Ann's suffering period on the night of
~1arch 23, 1956.
"The sub in the Gulf of Mexico in on the surface
east of new Orleans it is signaling:
1-2-3-4 green; l red; 1-2-3-4-5 short red; 1-2-3-4 white,
l red; 1-2-3-4, 3 short red; 3 white.
From a high building near the waterfront came
answering signaIs:
1-2-3 short red; 1-2-3, 2 short red; l white.
"This was repeated, and then there were two short
white flashes in answer from the sub.
"The town is awful jammed tonight.
"There's airplanes up above; it's funny they don't
see the signaIs.
"It stinks here, Hank. It's a waterfront spot,
French quarters. It's the same place l was in before."

"There's plenty of drinks in here and Janes hanging

around with cigarettes hanging in the corners-of their
mouths. They sure look tough. It's warm here tonight."
"There's people of aIl kinds in here--soldiers,
sailors, flyers. Some flyers just looked in and left.
lt looked too tough for them. l wish l could tell you
what they said, but it wouldn't be ladylike.
"1 don't like the smell in here. Boy, is this
town a dump. It is terrible.
"1 think they are going to pick up a blond haired
fellow. 0\ man just slapped him on the back and is
ordering him a drink and one for himself also. The
bartenders are in oTlth~eal. They slip the boys the
kn'oct-out drops. -- ,
"There's one of the girlR that went out the s1de
door and into a cafe. She seems to be acquainted here,
went right through into a back room. She signaled
Ifirst: 3 raps, l short, 3 more. She's reporting to a
19uy l saw before in San Francisco. ~e's g01ng back
into the barroom and taps the blond fellow on the
\ shoulders, but he's not drunk enough to suit them.
"Oh, they are taking this blond boy out now. They
put him in a panel truck. They are going to put him
in a warehouse. They have another rellow lying in the
truck already. They dump this blond fellow in also."
This ended the description, but at 1:30am Mary Ann
said that the shanghaiers had accomplished their mis­
sion, which means that they had taken another 18 men
( who ended up as fish bait.
This happened here in America.
They took the eighteen men through the marshland
east of the city, and then took them by boat out to
the submarine.


At one time our Immigration Laws were set up to

protpct the interest of the people and our Country in
general. Very few people of races other than Cauca"~al1
were included in the quotas as they were set up. The
reasons for these things are obvious, and at the time
when l was in school, we made quite a problem of studying
Immigration and its effects on our Country. Most of our
immigrants at that time were from Northern Europe. It
was found that as to cUstoms and way of life, they were
more similar to the people of our Country; in fact at
that tirne the people who made up the biggest share of
our population were from that part of the world. Those
people ~c~e more easily assimilated and became better
citizens as a whole.
Tn recent l'ears and particularly since World
War II as pa,rt of the plan tg weaken and destr~s, an_~
tnrough the direct efforts of the Ser~nt of Zion, ~e
barriers imposed by our Immigration Laws have âll been
t-srnJJWr.~À:; a res~lt of this wltJï the gates wide open, )1
weh~e been flqpded with a great influx 01 unciesil'­
ables from aIl over the w~Ve are a1ready an 1nvaded
CJ")~~" \V;-h;~; ",i thl n our boundaries tnousands upon
t:h0'~:;~ds ~f pecr;~ewh""C:' sole purpose tOI' COili~;~b ~::;-':'
( ( was for our destruction in one way or another.
N ·They have broup:ht many cri~lnartY..Pe __Chinese and
\11 Mongol ians into thÜ :~olJntry s ince the war, .Ha::k They
mix with the whites. There are many of them settled ·Ln
Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, Richmond,
Chicago, St. Paul, Minnesota, Corpus Christi, San
Antonio, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh.

. (' ·They blame the G.1.' s .for this. In the Army tllE:)'
~ II à
p~osely ut ~olorecl girls around white bOYS and clark
\' ooys aroun whlte kml' gu Is. "

')6 ..
"Hank, sorne of those dens are disguised by beinq
behind stores or .greenhouses-;-ln basements and so forth.
It's awful, Hank.
ô "Ha~k, why don't ~ur Police Forces investigate
these Chlnatowns? Theyre not really run by Chlnese.
ltëy use the Chinese as a front. Why don't the cities
watch those places) l'hey make money, get kickbacks.
"Opium is smoked tnere andüŒer narcot lCS. "Many
foolish people go visit thes e places when they visit
large towns. Many are started as narcot ic users because
of innocent visits to these places. Even-_c;!lllle-E~s
anJ Ministers go into these dives, Hank. Sorne of them
are investigating, but they"are few and far between.
Sorne Senators and Representatives go in those dives.
Sorne even help finance them."



"Devils, live devils." ("Where?" 1 asked) "New

'.1...- 1 c <in s water f r on t . Mos t 1y ----catFïOTi ~~~~o_YilëSt s
'l·,t d.ressed as Pr~; one just left with agir 1. Teen
( ;-.~e kids here, 17, 18, 19. They have a guard at the
do:."Jr, peephole. - - - _.
--- "Take me out of here, let's go. They smoke dope
:L, marijuana, sell con~raceptives.. Anyo~e who steps \\,
1;; here gets bLaciL.§.gul. You ~et tnnted ln heJ'e. In J1
.~.::'ont thlS JOlnt loOks just hK"e a tavern. The rest
\ ; s in back. .
"In Chicago one has a barber shop in front. Take
me ont, Hank. Please, Hank. My stomach is sick. l
diJn't mean to vomit aIl over; my ~tomach is sa sick
fror;; thût place. Senators and Representat ives, sailors
and soldiers, everything here·." (I asked, ·Where are
I,e"l"') "St. Louis Chinatown. Those p~aces are generally
full. This place has gOt a smoking room. They calUt
'Sweet Dream Room' .- . Flrst you go there and then you go
-on--;--I-warrt-to-gn-15 aëK~edah àri.dtlîe sand burr s.
f i going to get away if l have to start craw ling up
Highway 66. l can't stand this smoke, su~h funny dOJley
stuff, makes me sick.·
-Kids, Parents, P-tiests, dottors, lawyers Minis-
ters, officiaIs and even cops. Take rne out ~f here.
TàJ{é rne back to Nêcedâh. lfil.s is a sort of a white slave
) lace. The never ou of here. Sorne a~e retty,
sorne are, haggard looking. Corne. and get me out 0 ere.
My nose, throat and mouth 'are burning.
-Come on, 1 don't want to ,,osee this stuff--even grey

l haired woman in here with young kids, 17 and 18 years

~~throat hurts. l'm dizzy from that stuff. Please,
Hank, please! Get rne out of here. Every door 1 o~n
has sorne darn wornan in it. Get me out. 1 canit stand
the smell! This is-a-gTëat big place and 1 get so mixed
up. I~'s blue with smoke.
·One door 1 opened up, Hank, vou should have seen
it, soft carpets and cushions. People sitting on the
floor, about 10 of them. Theil' eyes have the funniest
expression. Why do they always use red rugs? \~y not
d~Jerent colors? They got bouncers here, tao. l'Il jgo
and aggravate him, maybe he' 11 throw rne out. No use 1',0
ask anybouy anything because when vou look inco their
faces, vou k~~_they-?on't even know their own nœnes. 1
don't like that taste ln my mouth. Have l'ou got sorne
whiskey in your pocket? 1 wouldn't get any here. It's
probably doped.
"Let's try this door and go home. Oh, that doesn't
go out either. Oh, oh, no! Come on over here; they
didn't see me, Hank. They dope officero!irls and then
question thern. That girl won't everl ow she was, in
here when she cornes to. Maybe it .was a lucky th ing 1
found this door, Hank. It's marked private, but they
didn't see me. I was careful.· Let's go, 1 got enough.
l'm going to try this uoor. It goes up some~teps.
I can hear sorne car horns. ~~ybe it's going out of here.
"Dumps , dumps, dumps! Take me out of these dumps.
Take me home. What am 1 doing here? 1 don't want to
see it, Hank. No, Hank. No, Hank. l'm tired, This
place is just as dunlpy as sorne of the l'est." (J asked
where) "Minneapolis, Hank. 'l've seen enotlgh, l'm
tireu so tired. Tt' s colder and people talk diUerent
((here, \ut as far aS !l1orals and dec~ncy, they're j\i~t. as
\.rotten as New Orlcrllls. Sure lots of people. fl1ey
don't smoke opium here like the~ did in Chinatown, in St.
Louis. Take me out of this dump, Hank. but
drunks here. Don't let me look. 1 don't want to see
no more. 1 saw sorne yesterday. No opium here, just
dope. They use it in c igaret tes. Sorne use syr inges.
Let's go home. Come on, Hank. There's card tables and
pool tables in here. lt's cold here. Let's go home in
the warm kitchen. Come on, Hank."
Il:15: "Do 1 have to stay here, Hank? 1 don't want
to be here." (1 asked where?) "San Francisco Chinatown
again. 1 clon't like to smell that dope, Hank. Makes
me sick. No, no, no, no! Get me out of here, Hank.
_____ "Spies move in and out of here, Hank. Spies and
CommieS',> The~ ~l!..iloJ:'_§.be.!'e a...nd pump them for in­
Iormatlon llke they clid that office glrI in St. Côuis.
lliey got what they calI Spotters here. ThlS place looks
like a Cho? Suey Restaurant. Has a front entrance and
aIso a slde entrance wl1ere you walk downstairs. They
;,;;hanghai sailors here from one cargo ship to another.
1 They just take them. They get them drunk or doped and
~ then they have girls who roll them for their money.
\Then they can' t help themselves.
"lt' s damp and co Id down here where they roll
these sailors. Tt' s a sub-basement. Let' s go home~ 1
got a headache from thlS place, take me home.
"This shanghai business is a real racket. They
even shanghai them from inland cities as far as Chicago.
They-sheck their bac~ounds and get those who won't be
missed if the ship is destroyed or sonething happens to
"Take me home, Hank, please. This has aIl the other
filth the same as St. Louis, Hank. Honkey Tonk juke
boxes going. You should hear them. C~tting sick from
dope aga in. Take me home. They are playing aIl those
songs you don't like, Hank. Rock and Roll, Seventeen
Black Denim Trousers.
"It' s foggy here, dampness from the ocean. The
smell of opium makes me sick. 1 feel dopey and sleepy."



l am about to write up a success story, the success

story of a certain woman Communist spy who is operating
here in the United States.
January 6, 1956 this was given: ·Some women who were
spies in Germany were released by the Yids. They changed
their names and dyed their hair and came intG this
\ country. A Mes. Luedendod, former s~' is in the United
States now. Rer name lS Mary Sc midt now.
'--S'ome sples are men chty- and women at
night and vice versa. Many have gone back home after
getting the dope they wanted.
'Many foreign intel1ectuals have been in and out
our country and have been Tëaching in our schools and
colleges \Vhile over here. They have been given aIl the
opport',mity ln the world E~~~ their fake 1.deologles
to our students and teachers over hete. flrankhn D.
Roo;;velt knew aIl about it. Harry S. Truman didn't.
r ·'There was an article in tl·,,~ paper sume time ag0
\ ,that a cerLain rranjein SChUlldt, '·,:,'mû., lillt a Husslal,
Conmunlst spv was in prison. That's a Jif::.
'Fraulein Schmidt or Smith, sOl1letimes Mary or
Maria, sometlmes TIeIëi1 or Helena, sometimes b.lond, some-

t tin~s brunette, sometimes redheaJ, is in 1::et::,oit workin",

for General Motors. She is irL..a_P,9Sit ion uI r ('sponsi-
billty sotllat she can~ath~LA.~t.?ils of j?l'cbction
worK and dey_~l.9.~I2.-t2...t.~ng ~~~ them on to Russ ia. She
has contacts in Chicago, New York, Akron, St. Louis,
New Orleans, Denver, San Antonio, San Francisco, San
Diego and San Diego Naval Base, Los Angeles airplane
"The Russ ians know as much about our defenses as we
dO' any wonder that BulganirLa.nd-.Keushchev can
la~Llke's proposaI for arl1).~ irtW1ecJi.Q..J}~d open
l(a~r inspection? Open aIr inspect1.on wouldn't mean a
thing. Russia has their arsenals conce3..!.ed LlIld~rground
and under the ice.
Sword of Damocles.
"On March 12, 1956 there was information dropped
by parachute for Fraulein Schmidt. "
Sword of Damocles.
"Fraulein Schmidt has her paws in aIl the right
places so that she can pass on information of aIl our
advances and developments to the Brown Bear.
"fraulein Schmidt is only 25 years old and a very
attractive woman. She left Oetr01t by airplane at
4:50 yesterday to put in a very busy weekend. She is
flying to San Francisco where she is to meet two men at
the Russian Consulate. They are then to be taken for a
tour through some of our important plants on the West
Coast. rDley will inspect the aîrplane factories on the
West Coast and the Atomic Laboratories in Denver,
Colorado. There is a plant out there that mâkes guided
missiles. She is leaving instructiQns in Chinatown to
get another 25 men shangnaied. -They wilÎ he këpt
prisoner until they are needed.
"The Fraulein is then flying to Washington, D.C. to
make some contacts there on Sunday. She will be with
(Rabbi Prinz/while in Washington, a~als~_g~eport
( from a spy in the Pe~on.·

~"If only the workers for the forces of &ood would ))

~.~ as hariL3.s .th~se who-;OrKfor:-th-eforces of tWl.r. p

Tne onTy sleep the Fraulein will get this week end will
~e when she is. in the air. She will be back on ~r))
Job Monday morn1ng at General Motors.
~rhe Fraulein has been in contact with the big,
gangster-like boy previously described who heads the
Commie Sabotage Squad. There will be more airplane
wrecks, big fires of tanks and forests, train wrecks
and disasters of aIl kinds.
"The Fraulein has also been in cooperation and \
contact withŒero~inhis promotion for dest:?üétïôn-{n
South--America, lPanama and Mexico .•
March 20, 1956:' "The Fraulein ~ot her mission ful­
filled. She met her gangstër=Iike friend and the doctor. The information she had acquired was
taken from Detroit 'acros'-s-[ake~Er:ie to the-eanâdian
slde. There it wa~-p-l~ked up by an airplane-:--The
plane that picked it up was an Americ an, . two motored
Douglas, such as we gave to Russia after World War II.
We gave them 25 of them.
"This plane was scheduled ta. fly toward New­
foundland, but because of the storm, it flew toward
Seattle, then flew on the Canadian side tow~rd the
Aleutians and signaled the small submarine: 1-2-3 green;
1-2-3 green; 1-2-3- green; 45 red.
"These signaIs were repeated three times and then
the plane turned back to Seattle and landed in an ~pen
field between sorne mountains. They had 'to refuel the
plane. This morning the plane refueled and flew back
to its base with the Fraulein's message. No wonder
Krushchev and Bulganin laugh at Ike's 0R~n air promot10n.
( Our aH here is aU open to them. They have got every­
thing they want. 0
March 23, 1956: "Fraulein is still busy. She is
going on another mission tonight. Every Friday night
she boards a plane. Tonight the Fraulein is using the
name of Helen Smith, andSIle 1Sil~l,.~Lhair bru)l­
ill.e. Sfi'SïlcïtllraÎ'y--sëliffiiàCarld she' s not a blond to­
nigbt. She ~01ng.!.Q. Washington, D.C._~e 1S g01ng
tO-.J]eet with Felix Frankfurter--:--That Canad.1an doctor
is also meeting her. They are going to the U.N. Building
to meet sorne of the Mr. X's. There's five of them:
Mr. X A, Mr. XC, Mr. X D, MI. X E and Mr. X F. 1 don't
know why they missed the other letter. The~e's five of
them. They are also ~jog to meet with(Rabbi Pr1nz~
IRabbi Silve~ and Boss Jake ArveYjof Chicago who was
sent as a representative of B.B.S.
~1arch 27, 1956: "After Easter Fraulein Schmidt is )
quitting General Motors in Detroit. ,S,he iS_J.oill_~To
LDilleed 00 Elie We~_Coast. 3tré has i:l..c:comili~~Uer
job in Detroit." . ,
~1arch 30, 1956: OThe Fraulein is going to Oy over
to London. There will be a meeting with her contacts
over there. They have Uncle Sam on the sucker list.
You can be sure that what cornes out of the meeting will
not be to Uncle Sam's advantage."
April 2, 1956: "The Fraulein won't be back till
next Sunday. She is staying in LDndon aIl week."
April 8, 1956: "The Fraulein is staying in New
York tonight at the Astoria Hotel where she is meeting
.some of her contacts. She will fly ,tO the West; Coast
\\here she is to work at wckheed."
April 22, 1956: "The Fraulein is at the Astoria
Hotel in New York. She is meeting with the Canadian
doctor and with Jake Arvey of Chicago. Arvey is closely
connected with B.B.S. She is also meeting with -one of
the Yiddish Mr. X's. with the gangster head of the Com­
mies Sabotage Squad, with Rabbi Prinz and a Yiddish
Finke lstein. another Rabbi. ·Th is bunch are planr.i'~g
on something aga in. There will be more forest fiH's
and more plane accidents.
~_ are st ill..~rking .np the youth gangs. lne
gangs are still in action."



On one of the very f irst Fridays during Lent of

1951, February 23rd to be exact, this revelation was
given: 'Water poisoned, Communism destroy water.· At
various other times the pois~ of food and the poison­
ing of water was mentioned as you will note in going
over the revelations.
The water systems in many of our cities have been
poisoned and many of our people are forced, whether they
want to or not, to drink this poison~e~ir
only source 01 supply. This rat poison is sa deadly
that those who handle it must take very grave precautions
that it does not come in contact with them.
~ in any form ar~.9..eagJy~on and no
human power can change the facto It has its place in
compounds for killing rats and other undesirables,
. but under no c ircums tances should i! u~ed for
humans . Iftiiere are anysUCh---roors-wno woulëLWiS1'lto
( { po~ themselves, let them buy their o~son instead
of gett ing it at taxpayers ' expense and others
to take it along with them. The only ones who can pos­
sibl y profit by it are the chemical and equi pnent com­
( panies, and of course those who would like to see us
,-destroyed by poison or other means. They, therefore,
w~th the aid of many innocent nitwits, are the ones who
promote ~idea.


From time to time through the Revelations, things

have been told which indicate that the Russians, in the
development of materials of war and the science and
development of things pertaining to war, are far superior
to us in this Country. Only recently in our newspapers
have articles been written that would indicate that the
United States recognizes that fact at this late date.
The Russians not only have more of everything needed
for war, but those things they have are better developed
than what we have.
Our Armed Forces are now in a political squabble
as ta which branch shall control the guided missiles,
and it is boastfully given out that we have developed
guided missiles that are accurate up ta 250 ta 300 miles.
Also in our Country they are even speaking of the pos­
sibility of Atomic and Hydrogen Warheads being attached
of these missiles. Russia right now is shooting missiles
that are accurate at 2500 miles and that carry a smaller
guided missile accurate for another 500 miles, and they
know they can equip them with bath Atomic and Hydrogen
Warheads because they have successfully done sa. While
our Armed Forces fight among themselves for control of
our puny development, they have developed one very sup­
ior ta ours and have kept still about it.
Through their system of espionage, they know of
everything we have, and if we do develop anything
worthwhile, they can apply that knowledge ta theirs.
iVinile we over here are trying ta build up our Fleet
ai B 52 Intercontinental Bombers, and without great suc­
cess, they have developed and are mass producing a bomb~I"
that can fly circles around our B 52, can out-perform lt
in every way, even ta the point of making it look like
a canard, the bird that flies backward.
May l, 1956: "Russia just unveiled a big plane to­
day. It goes higher and faster. That airplane was in
production, and had been well tested and tried and a
number of them built before it was unveiled.·
May 6, 1956: "Three airplanes going over way up
high. They sound different, they have gone by. They
cruise at about 1,000 miles per hour. They tested
these planes in Siberia. l watched them testing them
over the North Pole. England has a fast new plane too,
but it doesn't beat that of Mr. Bear. Right now the
planes are over St. Louis, going south to Mexico City,
and then southeast over the Panama Canal. Then they
will go back north over the Ocean, heading toward the
Sea of Otkosk. This is just another test flight.·
Just another test flight, true, but how many of
these test flights have been given here in the Revela­
tions where they fly in and out at will over our mythical
radar screen and none are ever detected.
It is true that we are further developed scienti­
fically in sorne fields, notably that of medicine and
allied fields. The Russians, however, have and eat ~ch
s impler than do the pampered Americans; therefore their
( neëa-tOêieVëlop l1ledicar-sëi~i~ as great as ours.
Âs a nation they are healthier than we are.
Rllssia has developed atomic Sower to such a degree
that ver;' shortl~he wLll:be a le to convert aflof
her-industry over to nuclear power.
----- -


Through Revelations given from time to time, from

as far back as 1951, it has been very obvious that
treasonous force~ in our_~ountr.y, for the sake of gold.,
h~e been sup.P-l.Y-IDg..b~lOUS lntnE!!e rraterla-J:sOI aIl
( k1nd? necessary to build up the Soviet War-Machlne-wïth
th e u l t i ma t L-W_oLhr_Ï I:.-d~t..I.:J!tl ion.
While we aIl know that material necessary for their
.war machine was being sent to Russia ever since World

Il·~ar II and even before that, here is a question and the

r~ry answer given throggh Mary Ann Van Hoof by
Ou~ther on Decemb~ 21, 1951:
Question: "Are war materials still reaching the
enemy fr am here?"
Answer: "Yes, definitel
years been gather~'thël
\l(back to murder your boys."
----ceneraI Nathan '1winning is back in the United States
and has given his report and that portion of it which
was intended to be given out to th~_~ople has bëen al­
lowed to leak out. Ihose things which he was permitted
to see are jus t those t11111g§ wh lcfit1ie Russ ians wiShed
hlm to see~th~~couid as weIl have written his
report for him. He was permitted to see some of their
second and third rate airplanes. He was permitted to see
sorne of the airfields and sorne of their manufacturing
fac il it ies. In other words, he could come home and
report to· the people that the American Air Force is
superior to that of Russia, which was just as Russia
l(wanted. He did not see their bet~er planes, their larg~r
high performance bombers. He dld not see an-l-0f t~~r \
guided miss des nor a.nY-9.L\;h~. advances they nave made Hl,
t'lie use of neuclear po~er. He cl id not see theiÎ' 'st'ôëk­ 1

pile of atomic and hYdrogen bombs.; in fact, he sa,,:, what

they wanted. him t.o see and transmltJ;gd to us the plcture
they wanted him to tr~_Q§mjt.
["I<lUe ~. ryuc,....!;.,


and their way of life, their saf~ and their s~curity.

Instead o~ng re-elected, Eisenhower should be
It is interesting to recall that at the time of
the first Truman Blackout ~r, Ric~r~ ~~xon and a host
ofOther Senator" and Cpngress meYl cll;rged that the
{ order was both unconstitutional~Dd ille$al.
There was a law passed by Congress in 1912 and re­
enacted in 1948, which states:
"The right of persons employed in Civil Servic~of
the United States (this means aIl Gov r ment em 10 ees
and Assistant of the De artment to furnish
in ormat1.on ta e1.t er ouse 0 Congress or to any Côm­
mit tee or member tfiereof slial! not be denied or
interfered with .•
Tnerefore, it can be readily seen that these
Executive Blac~~t Orders are against the law of the
Jl( country.
-----you, the American taxpayer, are sub~_dizing-1he
construction of tli~_Communlst War-lY@çhine. You are
footl.'ng t~b;llfor millions of dollars of American
aid to the so-called friendly nations that are!- in turn,
supplyfng--l1îgFîTy strat~egic war ITLat.eriah to the Russian
Soviét.-- -­
----In August 1954 our Government made secret conces­
sions ta our Allies in regard ta what they could Sh~to

he ~unist Bloc without losing Àffier1.can a1.~er
~. 20'0 fîighly strategic items, such as machine tools,
taIs, electronics, transportation and electrical
1 equipment were embargo.
Below are 1lsted a few of the materia]s that we
agre~ let:;_çQ.untJ:;.ies r:eçeivi.n.g_U._Laid-.ê.hip to
----1. Electric power generators up ta 60,000 KW, tur­
bines up to 85,000 horse power and motors up to 12,500 HP
to be f-iss-iona-131e material-for_atQJJl.. . a. nd
~drog.enJl.Dmbs .
2. Horizontal boring mIls. Machine too1s which
cast from-.m.Uo:SQO tho_usand .dolla~ece, used for
making tanks, arti11ery weapons, aircraIt and-atQ;Ic
reactors. - ---­
3~ Vertical boring mills, used in making jet en­
4. Dynamic balancing machines, used in making jet
engines an~~d mISSIles.
5. Externa1 cylinder ~inders, used in making
guided missiles, radar equipment.
6. Surface grinding machines, used in making jet
eng~ne parts, guided missiles, radar equipment, diesel
7. H\gh precision boring mills, used in Meg Jet
engines and guided missile parts. -­
8. ~-;rer wire. Copper is the most important
strategic meta next to fissionable materials. Thousands
of miles of it go into each bomber.
9: AlumiDum - indispensable in making aircraft.
10. Ni~kel Alloys - Aircraft parts to tanks.
11. Mq~denum Alloys - Jet aircraft parts
12. Ma~~esium - Used in aircraft construction and
foot soldiers equipment.
In return for this material, Russians are shipping
to the free world butter, cotton and wood pulp.
Ha~old Sta~n was the principal figure in the mak_)
ing of these agreements. He dla not..annQ.U!!ce what the
agreements were, but by way of cover up, said: "These
.Agreements wlll result in a net advantage to the free
w~d of expanded peaceful trade and more effective
control of war potential items."
No~_content with misleading statements of a ~eneral
nature, ~r. Stassen r~sorted to~ecific falsiflcation
when, as Battle Act Adriïiï1iStr-a-tor, he made his Annual
Report to Congress in Nov ember, 1954. The following is
a paragraph from Mr. Stassen's Report: "Minerals and
metals of basic importance to the Soviet Power, such as
aluminum, copper, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt, magnesium,
tungsten and titanium remain on the embargo list."
MX. Stassen's statement with respect to aluminum,
copper wire, magnesium and alloys of nickel and molyb­
denum was purely a lie.
Tlie seriousness of our concessions can be better
appreciated by taking a close look at just one of the
items being shipped to the Communists--c~r. Mr.
Stassen said copper was still embargoed. He was right.
Unprocessed copper was on the list, but he failed to
mentIon the ïiïaï1ufactured, hlgIïly strateglc copper wire
was taken oif the embargo. The Committee then Iearned
the-r01Iowlng facts: Since August 1954, when the embargo
was raised, more than 2au-million pounds of copper W1re
has.Eeen shlpped to the $ôVlet Bloc by~ountries receiv­
i~Onïfëâ-States ala-.--The principal shipper Eeing
Great ~in. The United States is providing a direct
subsidy to British copper mines in Rhodesia. In the
United States copper is ~n the critic~t and because
it is in short supply, it was found necessary in 1954
and 1955 to divert 150 million ounds of co er from
our strategie stock .~11e for industrial use. t ough
we badly need copper in our country for our war pot en­
I( tial, we are-Eiving the British rnoney to mine copper,
which they, in turn, sell to the Communists.
Mr. Stassen got around-the-Battle Act by himself

determining that certain obviously impo(tant strategie

( items were not of primary strategie importance, thus

braz nlv def . . ress.---

Benedict Arnold was just a piker as compared with
~~rtlmer nerd--Stassen and_those who manipulate the
strlngs that make him work.




June 4, 1956: "What can they hope to gain by their

smear campaign ag~inst Stalin? Their answer to this
question is so obvious, i~uld need no explanation;
however, we have been getting explanations from news com­
mentators, who it seems, are able to direct the thlnking
of many people who are.not capâble or are too lazy to do
their own tllinking. l listened to a news commentator
~ast night on a radio newscast who was expressing an~­
ln10n that there was truly _~ ..!!..~_l9_okin Russia. and
thal-be was optimtsrte-rhïif they had a real des ire for
Peace, that we were closer to deve10plng a real~id
~eace now than we had been for a long time.
When American newsmen hand us those lines, it is
1 very obvious what the Russians hope to accomplish, and
1 it should be as obvious to anyone capable of thinking
r that they are accomplishing their purpose as weIl.
If Russia is to convince the world that she is in
any way changed and could be accepted as a worthwhile
citizen of the world, she would have to sh~ntance
and disown the past. How better than t0--Rut thel:">"G'me
for her former actions on Stalin, the Dictator-God of
( the past, and how much be~hat he is dead and thus
cannot deny or defend.
Exactly the same forces, including Bulganin and
I(ruslichev, whowere- béFîind die po l1.cies and the cnmes of
Russia in the past, are still in power and directing the
policies and planning the future crimes of Russia right
now. How goofy can anyone be to believe otherwise?
Given on JllDe 19th: "In Czar Alexander III's time,![
the Secret Polic~trayed him. Krushchev, Bulganln,
Molotov and Malenkov are worried. They don't want the
same thing to happen to them.

At 9:20pm on April 12, 1956 Mary Ann, during her
suffering, let out the most unearthly scream of fear,
and then made a dive for me and grabbed me by the neck
and hung on as a drowning person might.She exhibited
a very unusual strength such as a person could only ex­
hib it under the s tre ss of a gre at fear.. She had j ust
seen a vision, a most horrible vision, a most realistic
From long experience in caring for her, l knew
she had seen something very terrifying. At first when
she became conscious she would not tell me what it was.
She said that there was, that there could be no such
thing as she had visioned, that if she wou Id të1T me
what she saw l wouldthinKshe was-sraZY:"'" She ~as st i11
\ v.§.LYJOudl. shaken ana ~PP~re!ltly_in_a st~ck.
After considerable talking to her and trying to
get her calmed down, she finally said that what she had
seen was an animal, but that there was ~no such animal.
l t0l.~ her p~~aps it was s.y~olicar7LnaE t~.~_~s a
deflnlte me~nlng to Lhe V1Slon, ana perfiaRs l could
11 help her figure~ut'what i~ant if she would describe
Finally after much persuasive talk she did give me
a description. She looked toward the door in the kitchen
which was on the opposite side of her from which l was
sitting, and there right close to her, ~o close that
she could feel 1e...h~ ho~ r_eeki~g breath, s.tood a fiuge
animal.-wi.tn_two heads on a singJe body-. One head was
that of a huge male lion. His mouth was dripping with
saliva and mixed with this saliva were feat. hers showing
that what it was devouring was a bird. The other head
was that of a huge brown bear ~ing~g~y __tQwprds
the lion's head. From these great open jaws was also
drooling saliva, the saliva o.L.a bllngqc animal watching
another animal eat. Under the foot of the lion was an
]OOH U"8 A ·S.IW Âq UM"8.Ip S"8 lS"8aq pap-eaq·0A\J­
~ partially,devoured. The other front foot and leg
was that of a bear.
l believe any one of you could interpret the sym­
bo lism of the vis ion. To me it was very obv ious. How­
ever, these revelations had been given just previous to
the1fiSlon wnrcn-makes the interpretation aïl-rfiëlmOre
obviOüs~ - - ~ .
-~·They are going to have a meet in~ between Anthony
Eden,. K:t:.u~hchev1\nd BuJ.ganin ang t ~ International
1Bankers. They are going to divide UE the loot. Eisen­
ho~is not going to be rn-on the meetIng.
"They have us either way. The B..:.:itish Lion and
the Russian Brown Bear are cooperating wItn the Inter­
( national BanKers, directing-rne wnole thing. ~rown
l3ear-wll1 be the--rà"lI guy---and"tnet:Ion wi 11 get the
Lion's share.·
May l, 1956: ·Uncle Sam is still t~o dumb"to know
he' s being sle..voured h_y_the Br i t ish Lign. "
îlîe much advertised visit of Bulganin and Krushchev
to Great Britain took pl aèe jllst artel? t\~is, and the
meeting of Eden and the Russians took place at which
your fate and mine was probahly decided. Our greatest
hopefôr survlVaI possll)"!y lies in the fact that the
l3ear and the Lion may turn ana-destroy eacn other over
tnïs d-lV lsion ofthe spollS: which -incIü.<les our CDuntry,
yours and mine"


July 29, 1956: "Ike has betrayed us by getting Red

China into the United Nations. It is another secret
deal. They're going to be our greatest threat to Peace,
not only to us but to aIl other countries that are
looking for Peace."
Mary Ann said: "1 saw Ike put a cloak with a Red
Dragon on it over the shoulders of Uncle Sam. The
flames from the nose of the Red Dragon was spreading out
over the people, mowing them down.
"The Red Dragon is getting very active in their
preparations. "
The above were words as spoken by Mary Ann Van Hoof
during the suffering period on the night of July 29, 1956.
How weIl does that fit into the picture wlth aIl
that has been given previously and with the world picture
of today as we look back on events that have already
taken place, and as we look back on revelations pre­
viously given.
The symbol of the Dragon down through the ages has
been the syni1501----or-Cl1ina. 'The great Dragon wltnlue
sEfeamlng from his nostrils has been depicted in various
colors, but at present we have him in two colors: green
and red. The green repr~s~nts the Natio.nalist Chinese,
our Allies who we have, to our everlastingcfiS1lëïMr,

betrayed aga ln and aga in. - - - - - ."

ThTRea- Dré!iOn of ':OJILsLL~_p!,~sents our enemies,

the Red Chinese, who have aIre ady accountedlor the loss
olmany thousands of liv~, and the suffering
and torture of many thousands-rrlore.----­
-----Gn prêVtOUS pages l "nave wrîtten up on the Korean
War, .its illegality and its purJl.Clse, a p_~~pose wfiîëllÎt
(( served very weIl.
Also previously written up as given in the revela­
1f(t.ions is the fact that the R~ssians and the British will
1 use the Cb;neae to do the-lightlr1g as they used the Ja~s
to do their dirty work at Pearl Harbor during World
War II. It will serve their purpose in two ways~
destroying us and at the same time destroyin~y of
the yellow race Whose-nürnber-.t~ar.
The situation is now very, very tense in the Is­
raeli Egyptian area. Egypt has nationalized the Suez
Canal, which of course was under British control.
Egypt and Israel are at sword points. The United States
has to protect the Standard Oil interests in Arabia
which makes our interests parallel those of Great
! (Britain. The Red Chinesç at the instigation of the Big
Jew Internationar-Bankers, the Serpent, will step in on
the sIcle orthe Jews in Israe 1, as Israe l itse lf is
more Communistic than either Russia 01 Red Cfi~o
if plans work out, Israel and Red ChIna WIll be righting
agaif@:Egypt and good unèTesam-W1l"()wltl be fnere to
protect the Standard Oil interests, will be in between.
Our Russian enemies and their Ally, the British,

lcan then sit in the bleachers, whoop it up for both

sides and watch those whom they would have destroyea,
dëStroyin~~-TheBritish, of course, for the
purpose of carrying on the masquerade as our Ally, must
give us token assistance jus-.!:.~-!!t~..Y. di~ in Korea, büt
( toKen assIstance It wITIIJë, and onlytlïat.

TIN G 0 0 S

The Russians are now trying to kick the pedestal

out from under one whom they spent many years in build­
~nto a regular.Tin God in their country. His picture was
ln every home, and they tried to make him inco a Deity.
Now he has passed on and it seems apparent that sorne
others are jealous and would like to occupy his pedestal.
They are running into resistance from the people. Tho
are findi~ out that it is easier to implant hero wor­
~~ ln minds than to ~des~!.9~ after it has been
lmp anted.
Another reason for trying to pick the pedestal from
under Joe Stalin is the fact that the rough and tough

policie~, the_.61un~statements t,hat Stalin made in reB:.ard
to the IntentIons or-c"ne-co-mmunlsts as to world control,
his purges orTITose wnomne consl:aered as hlS enemles 1

does not fit in with the disguise of amiability and

friendship which the present leaders are trying to
Il They would like very much to have the world think
that those policies ~assed on with Stalin, as with the
st ory of the wolf in LittIe-~iëfU1g-Hood, they would
like to assume the disguise of Grandma. -My what big
teeth you have, Grandma.· ,
In Argentina there are still many who favorcr;ron
even though he has been exiled from the country ana his
government taken over by others. He had been put on~a
pedestal, as had been his wife. ­
- --- ~At the presenf-ti"më i~his Country, they are try­
ing to make Dwight D. Eisen~wer into that kind of a
figure. They are being aided in that by the ~ress and
radio the news commentators and aIl the Bepubllcans who
hope ~o ride back into office on his. ta ils. They
are trying to build him up into an IndIspensable m~n.
We were in war when he took over; now we are havlng
peace -- and what a beautiful peace it is! Billions
-287 ­
spent for defense. ......,""'.L\"L ... \,,~b) .L.LVII..l ",",YI. J,.,NUUL.L l ~,,",a.1,;,",'
aIL over tne-worId. People being taxed into bankrupr
Suoversion in aIL departments of Government. Labor ln
the hands of racketeers and Communists. Sabotage beillg
carrled on aIL through the country. Fires and explo­
sions, ships destroyed, airplane crashes, train wrecks.
Our Const itution has been torn to shreds. Our soldiers
double crossed, with the rïghts of cltizenship and pro­
tection of the flag taken from them as soon as they are
( on foreign soi!. Peace, what a beautiful peace -- and
that's the peace we have.
Eisenhower in seeking re-election is taking credit
for this peace. Ike is just a stoo~e or a front as were
those before him who were given t e same kind of build
up. He is to die as soon as he has served his pu~se,
and that pur2Qse now is to carry Nixon Luta ~Vice­
Piesidency so he can become President after Ike's death.
He -;lIrmake a much more willing tool of the Devil than
Ike has. Ike still has scruples. Nixon has none.
At the present t irne"the best medlcalSëlënce has
to offer is trying to keep Eisenhower going. In the
case of the event of failure, one of his own broth~
being schoole~ to S~~3~ as hl~ double. It lS a possi­
( bilïty that the American people might elect to the
Presidency a man already dead.

B LAC K G 0 L 0

~erhaps the greatest single resource for which wars

have been fought, territorial disputes have arisen and
men have died is oil. Oil, the Black Gold which fur­
nishes the motive power for practically aIL means of
transportation in the world today. Oil, for which wars
have been fought, and without which any modern army
would bog down helplessly. Oil, the Black Gold, the
control of which means power to an even greater degree
( than does the control of the yellow gold. Oi l, without
WhlCh the whole industry in any nation would be totally
helPless and useless. Oil--there is probably nothing you
own, nothing you eat, nothing you wear, the production
( of which has not been_d!::IJf;nde!'1 on oil. Many of you
depend on oil for heat and light. ~
Control of oil is the means by which the .fl.OCkefel-(11
l~r Empire nopes to control the worln, toward wR1Ch eEd
t ey are wërl<ïng. 1n~.lp.n.aLEolü. ic li and J.n.u i~e s
for-the control of oil, though the name may never be
mentioneJ, plays a great part in aIL International
~~etings, such as was recently helJ at Geneva where
diplomatie sword play takes place; where political
intrlgue takes place; where world diplomats _spar and)
parry and look for an 0 ening to use-t1îenou cross
L tO~lr grea est avantage; w ere t e Cross-oii rlst

îs ±orgotten and the double cross of the Devil and

f( International Intrigue r~i~reme.


Russian diplomats ~ave been in secret meetings with

Nassar of Egypt. They are in complete agreement. Egypt
is to have complete backing of Russia on the nationaliz­
ing of the Suez Canal. Inasmuch as Russia and Great
Britain have been in cooperation, this is Russia giving
good old Great Britain a double cross of the kind she
has been dishing out for years. The situation with
Egypt and Russia is much the same as it is with many of
the other countries in the world. Egypt does not
entirely trust the promises of Russia, but on the other
hand, she knows she can't trust England, so_~~k­
i~~ch~~~~ with what ~.Qn~iders to be the lesser
of two evils.
She also knows that the policies of our State
Department are not exactly dependable, especially where
such things are involved as Arabian ail.
Russia is also playing for the Black Gold. She
not only has use for the oil to power her War Machine,
but knows that she is striking a blow at Uncle Sam and
at Great Britain at the same time.
The British Lion is getting old, and many of his
teeth are not as sharp as they used to be, are falling
out anJ decaying. India pulled a few. She also does
not completely trust Russia, but she also knows of the
double crosses of Great Britain and feels that while
taking a chance on Russia, she is getting away from a
sure thing with tngland.
Iran tried to get Great Britain out several years
ago about the time the pipe line was layed to Morocco.
Russia has been playing a double game aIl of the
time by building up both Egypt and Israel. However, it
now appears to them that the r\rabs have more to olfer
that is to their advantage; therefore, even though the
Hussian leaders are turning against the Jew& even whde
many of them are Je>,ys. That is of little consequence to
because there never was a

1_~'p~ ga ined.

]uman life and human suffering are to them the

cheapest commodities in which they deal.

England and France under pressure From the Inter­

national Bankers are going to be forced to align them­
selves ~that li~tle country of thieves and murderers,
'. Israel.
- A l l honor and integrity between nations has long
since gone down the drain, as the gr~-l [!owe_:,-mad
( oJ each nat iOIt seek to use thë aouD le cross on
e~ch o~her for ~ powe~and wealth. -----
Even the International BanIers themselves, though
they are cooperating to a degree as minions of the
devil for world cont.rol, occasionally take Q..ut \
From theircooperative-ill.oLts~acticethe double J
cross on each other. The Rothschilds
i.n this present crisis are trying on the side to slip a
knife between the ribs of the Rockefellers and sorne of
the big International J,~w Bankers over in the United
There are two powerful factions in ou~ country
that are partly at cross purposes over here. Our State
Department is at present trying to straddle the fence.
On the one side we have the Standard ail CompanYJ~e
Rockefeller intere§ts, who want to maintain control of
tte Black Goid of Arabia. They would like to out-bid
tFie Husslans in making concessions with American tax dol­
lars in a bid for friendship and cooperation with Egypt.
This would, of course, be to the best interests of the
On the other hand, we have the Zion;~s who
have poured millions of dollars into th°.
Isra~l and who would lîke to see Israel~tecte~en
ldup of

if the last drop oCAmerican blood nad to be spiTIed

in tne efîort. ---­
-D~pressure From both sides, the present
administration is in between and would like very much
to he able to stay straddling the fence to avoid being
forced to take any side in the matter until after the
election is over.
Further plans of the big International Bankers call~1
for the destnir:;siqn of Franco in Spain as he has so far
succeeded in ~ g thelr plans for the destruction
of that country. He defeated Communism in his country,
and that has always been a thorn ln tReu sNes . .. He
has been subJecEed to aIl Rtnds o! pressure from ail
sources, and has 50 far had the resistance to hold out
on their demands.
Dr. Otto John, John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles
and other minions of the devil have worked him over
w1:thout success, 50 now otliër"'n;ans must be resorted to.
\The y will .!.ry to dest.roy h is. Government--antieve~o
J ~\10narchy. TheWJl use revolut ionary means and yo th
r~s ~nd~!mine_ the _present government . . F:-anco is
( very apt to d1e soon e1ther of a-1reaI't condlt10n or a
cerebral hemorrhage.
This ~~ite-up when it is read will of course be a
matter of history, but again true history will not be
gi~enJ_nor_w_ill the Sorces lLêFïlriâ. be expos_ed in the news
\1[ reports. Tt will be all. covered up and a false pictjJre
drawrï" by those who are more experienced in the use of
lies than the use.-cl. the truth.~
The ch ickens th-;;;ta~e~oming home to roo~ are
crosses. They are not the little wnl1e crosses E~ât are )
scattered ail over the world, over the heads of those
wh~~he victims of th~ h.Qrri.ble~S-~t.~t of lJëS­
truction, but the black double crosses that have been
(u~ea~ the Forces of the Devil in th~nt~i~f
n~s. 'They are so much a natural tool of the EVll
Forces that in arder to keep in gract ic..e. the.y even use
it on each other. Our -Sr lt ish Ally, sa ca lled, needs
1 1ong;-
a long roost.




built Ur r----- _

tive and develop-our ReoRle lnto a bun~Ç~i !.-~~~~,.,

de~aent on the Governmen~

Our Country was buift by pioneers, our forefathers

was built throlFh ambition hard work and initiative'
I( and Chey \\Jere tnan u to Gad for t ae opportunitvt~
work, f::lr' and b~ild the'jr O\\ln Soria] Sel'nrity. They' did
and bullt the Country at the same tlme. They expected to
1('"Ppo,t the Government ..d not have the Governrnent '"p_
port them. They were not parasites. They expect.;d ta
earn their own way, l'lere proud of this, their ability ta
do sa. They cooperated amo~.emselves when troub le
struck and overcame it.
"ivly rocking chair money is going ta l'un out next
month, and l will have ta go and get me a 'job." How
many times have l heard that statement or one of similar
meaning? What could bring about a statement of that
-Je kind? nem là ment"'lnsill'ârtce,J another Socialist
idiotie a ortion a as een oa e onto us to estroy
and maRe parasites us, but they like it sOlll.~ wilf say,

l ano some Wl vote for those who promote it. Sure they
wiTI~ soliie- who thin\{ that-the Govë-rnmeÎi and their em­
ployers owe thern a living whether they earn it or not.
Some even believe they have earned it. Sorne .gL~.~dy
ta $rab whatever t~ ~~..D- geJ with no ~ffQLt~t.hem-
selves, but tney-'nave deg~nel:ated ta the Roint w~e
f they are j~s ~ \\'.9:r:,t;s_ on the f ace of So~iet y, and that is
wnat they would like ta have us a11oo,
Taxes, if as our forefathers said when they threw
off the English yoke, ·T~xati.on without
tyrann,}''', then l'le are sure subJected ta lots 01 tyr anny ,
i ecause l am sure that l'le do not have represent at ion in
a11 of the Countries where our money is spent. MgçJLof
it eventually lands in the hands of our enemies, t~e
who~!- to 3SH5lL us. n-you can tmM of any possible
rhlng that you use or buy on whlch YOIl are ~ot now pay­
ing a tax, let the Government know because l.t sure ly 18
an oversight. .
Every time an election is held, l'le are given the
campaign promise of lawered taxes, balanced budget and
other similar false promises. Those planks seem ta
wear better in political platforms than anything that
has ever been known, and still the spending gaes on-­
g.,iy~_ ra rams l ike Lend Lease and Marshall ~lan.
(Diaboli~p'lans ta destroy us, and they are succeedmg.
They have succeeded in trans errlng 1 lons a a ars
-294- .
from the t~xpaye~.Q~s into the pockets of the
( plotters in this Country and around tfie-wuf1a. lhese
are Includeo ln GôVë"r'i1ment-r'êp5r't-s. '
In addition to aIl the money taken from you on
taxes, you hav~ been robbed of more than half of what/l
y~o~ed lf you had any money by the simple ex-
pedient or-depreciating it in value. Buy Goxernment
Bonds and invest in your future. If you now have
bonds maturing, you are getting back only a part of
what you invested in purchasing power. Sure you get
the money back and the interest, but because of deJ?re-
ciation in money v~ue, you have lost the use of your

l money Ior ten years and now will get 5aëK in purchasing
~ower only the equivalent of part of what YOll orlglnally
When in answer to my question, a man who was cam-
paigning for our Congress said he was buying War Bonds, 1
told him 1 could not vote for him, for he wa"St'OO dumb
for the job, as he couldn't even figure simple arithmetic.
"The Government of the ~le, by the people and
for th,.e P~ple "-;-no-longer exists on the face of ~tlie
earth as such.
In line with the plot to destroy us, billions of ~
dollars worth of military supplies and equipment lies
rusting and rotting on foreign shores aIl over the world.
N_o.t._w~...~d~, but brand ~w. IlLAirica, equip-
ment, new jeeps and motorcycles thousana5 of tires,
tools and machinery of aIl kinds was covered up by
bulldozers. It was in crates never opened. Tires were
paper wrapped. The Russians uncovered a lot of the
stuff and appropriated it for their own use. A truly
beautiful situation when you recall how you had to beg
the Ration Board and then pull strings of influence to
get one tire for your car during World War II. The~e)
was m~li~ary equip~~t of untold~lue left to rust. a~ay
to .!l6Ehlng. on most o~ tne 1~d~..~iï1the-So.u.t.~ PCl:ClÜC.
AlI of thls was being done whlle you patrlotlcally
turned in your aluminum cooking utensils to the scrap
In order further to promote this condition, material
and supplies that our troops couldn't use were de~ibe-r­
ateJy sent to-chem. There was cbld weather equlpment
and waol underwear sent to troops in the tropics and
des e rLe..q.u..ï...pmen, i IL f r igid c 0 u~ t r leS:
At the same time they were left short on suppl les and

ammunition they needed. W~? lt was aIl planned that
Zionist Jew pIotter, was
fi - 1 - .. .L ,


"Throughout America, we have had more than our share

of catastrophes this year, with floods, hurricanes and
tornadoes racking ruin and destruction throughout the
natlon. Our own State has more than once faced rising
flood waters, for example in the Trempeleau River Val­
ley. "
The above statement of fact is a direct quote from
Senator Wiley's Weekly Newsletter from our Nation's Capi­
tol of April 12, 1956. As a staternent of fact, l can
take no exception to the above staternent whatsoever, but
l was very much interested in sorne of the statements in
the Eight Point Program of Constructive Action.
1. "Fully Support the Red Cross' l listened to an
appeal over the radio for Red Cross funds to replenish
their disaster fund which has been all used up.
2. "Contribute personally to the Blood Bank." No
3. "Pass sound disaster reinsurance legislation."
No comment.
4. "Enact needed flood control rneasures." This
has been a means by which the Federal Governrnent has been
able to build up much federally-controlled power on the
path toward socializing our Country. Flood control has
much public appeal; therefore, it makes it easier to
gain approbation from the people and the states. The
power cornes first, the flood control is incidental.
5. "Step up research by the United States Weather
Bureau and other sc ient ific sources into weather anal y­
sis and controls.· Man cannot seem to recognize how
puny he is. God and God alone controls the weather, a~d
l am sure that He is not gOlng to let man lnvade H1S
Powers. Man would do much better to recognize the source
of the power and get on his knees. Perhaps then God
would give us relief from these dlsasters. In fact! we
will all be on our knees before we do get any rellef.

. .~. '?f.,1p~

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Disregard for God's Laws and attempts by man to take
over from God are the reasons for these disasters, and
what we have faced in the way of disasters up till now
are as nothing compared to the disasters which man still
has to face.


Since this article was written, there has been a

continuation of disasters of ail kinds caused by nature.
Perhaps sorne have hit in your Community. The Government
is talking of sett ing up a disaster insurance. fhe Red
Cross is crying for funds because the millions they had
set up for that purpose has been used up and the claim
still goes on.
Nature's rebellion under God's control has taken
other paths also to make us recognize the power of God.
Sorne places are starving for moisture and can grow
nothing; others are trying to recover from floods.
Man's faith in his own supremacy and ability to
control things through science and other means has net­
ted him no results in the control of nature. The total
results of his efforts have been very puny. The dis­
asters continue and will increase until we get down on
our knees and pay homage to Him who does control those

"Accidents that won't be accidents.'

Many of these have been reported in the work at

the time that they occurred, so l will not list them
here. Check article on plane crashes, train wrecks,
ships destroyed.


Many people will disagree with sorne of the things 1

am going to write here because many things have happened
in the world and in our country that the people don't
know about. The means of communication ïn this country
~hile theoretically free, as the__ constantly remlnd us,
lS ln trut very y contro e , as lS 0 and
1( other means by which the truth of things might~gotten
to the people. ~ little does seep through once in a
1while, but this is so far outweighed by the propaganda
1that people are easily led along the paths that the
powers in and behina our government want them to be.
IVe have the Cathol ic Press, of course, and while
they print more of the truth than sorne of the secular
papers, they depend to uite an extent for their news on
. the same contro e sources of information, and t ere­
fore, they also mislead the people ln many things.
From the Public ~~ssage told to the people by Mary
Ann Van Hoof on the 15th of August, l Q50 cornes this
quotation: "l3eginning is now in Korea. It will not end \
there unless we pray. It's only the beginning." Octo- 1
ber 7, 1950 was th is: "By Chr is tmas many of you here wi Il
have heavy hearts, and don't blame no one but yourself. "
Also: "The war is not ceasing. Tt' s only a luI!. Your
boys are dying, not as in warf2Ie but ~ty.
( Twenty thousands of your sons have lost th!0:.r l.~s."

At the time that these statements were made, the news­

l papers were predict ing that our boys from Korea would be

home by Christmas and, of course, you aIl know how far

from true that proved to be. Also the figure of twenty

thQUsand dead became many more. 1 do not believe it

would be possible from any government source to get the

true figures on the number of Korean casualties or the

1 number of prisoners that were left over there. It would
not be considered expedient by our government to let
those facts be known so we will never know. It has been
covered up, alon with man, many other things.
June. 4, .: "Clean out t e sc 00 s, put clean
thoughts lnto thelr mlnds and devotion to My Son into
thelr hearts.· Many, many times the same thing was
given, and the last time on ~cember 10, 1954 as follows:
"Our Lady said had Her requests been heeded in 1950 the
Cleaning of schools, the Sacraments, the prayers, clean­
( lng out of government, much could have been done to avert
what's before us now."
l guess there is no question in anyone's mind in
regard to the seriousness of our school situation now
in this country. The papers and magaz ines all contain
articles on the youth problem and the problem in the
schools in general -- subversion in schools has been
cond uc ted on a large sca le. Our te acFier s who are nC;-w
f( teachlng our kids are themselves the products in th~n
Il of the teachlng of [alse phllosophles when they were ln
school, so what can be expected of them?
l taught in our local high sch021 for six weeks
this last fall and was shocked at conditions there, and
l suppose they were mild in comparison to sorne places.
l had not been teaching for over 20 years, and so the
change was probably more noticeable than had l been
there constantly as the changes undoubtedly took place
slow ly. Even the history texts which were used and
which are approved by our State ~partment of Education
haVe been changed to fit the brainwash they are trying
(( to inflict upon o~oungsters. l asked the principal
\ 01 the hlgh school as 1 was teaching history: "Shall l
., teach what' s in the books, or are you allowed to teach
the truth?" 'Ibough he had formally been teaching history
he didn't give me any answer, but just said: "1 don't
know what to tell you.· So our schools are really in
fine shape.
Sorne of the teachers had not the respect of the
pupils, and therefore were not able to maintain any dis­
cipline. There was no reason why they could expect that
respect because they did not deserve it, as the acted
( like averaK~ j uveni e e lnguents t. emse lves. l was
disgusted. Parents should take more lnterest l~ school
affairs and see that the condltlons l descrlbed are
changed 'for the better. 1 know that what 1 ran into in
our local school is the same all over our county because
of the survey that we made on the juvenile problem, and
l am also sure from what l have read that they are the
same the country over. Catholics, and 1 assume other
parochial schools, are generally better, but conditions
there are not up to standard either.
Even before l quit teaching school back in 1927 sorne
of the false philosophy and screwy teaching methods were
already creeping in, and perhaps had started long before
that. Our students are no longer being taught to think,
but to accept what's in the book by teachers who were
taught the same way and who, as a consequence, didn't
learn to think either. Many of the older and better
teachers have become disgusted with the teaching and the
schools and have quit the profession for something else.
To sum it aIl up, our schools are in a very sorry mess
and our children suffer as a result.
Eisenhower and MacArthur were both mentioned Ly
name in the revelations of March 0, lQ51. On May 29,
lQ50 this was given only for the Church authorities:
";m important great army leader will Le persecuted, re­
moved from leadership. His death is plotted, prayers
will spare him."
MacArthur was removed from his leadership by
President Truman. He was certainly persecuted for te11­
ing the truth and for refusing to be a traitor to his
Country by following the dictates of a President who was
only a tool in the hands of the sinister forces which
which are now running our Government. There must have
Leen prayers as he is st i11 al ive, hut they have mèJ.le
him inactive and have succeeded in shutt ing his mouth.
-"\rmy leadÙ wiTI reslgn Trom Ieadersn-lp and become
pres ident in 1952." Eisenhower did this.
During the suffering on December 14, 1951, l asked
the question: "Will there Le an election in 1952?n The
answer was, "No."
i\hny people will say that was wrong, that we d id
have an eiection. True, we went through the formaiity
of voting if that is what constitutes an election, but in
myestimation, it doesn't. We had the sarre type of elec­
tion that they hoid in the nations behind the Iron
Curta in. Sure, you could vote as a Repub lican or a
Democrat, you could put your check after the name of
Eisenhower or Stevenson, but in either case and whichever
one won the election, we would have been in the same
boat because they were both horses from the Same stable.
Sure, sorne who don't know will argue on that, but the
truth is as l have spoken it. There is no thinking
persan who can help but realize that the policies of the
present administration are the same exactly as those of
past years.
Mary Ann told me very shortly after the 7th of
October in 1950 that there should be an attempt on the
life of President Truman. I~ was only a matter of weeks
after that an attempt was made on the life of President
Truman at Blair House.
On February 23, 1951 in revelation it was given:
"Truman attempt of life."
There was an attempt on the life of President
Truman in 1952. Although it was given no publicity, it
was the thing that determined him not to run for ihe
Presidency in 1952.
"~ilver is buying aIl deaths," came through on
March 23, 1%1. ­
l wonder what would be said if it were known how
many of our legislators, our presidents and others of in­
fluellf e have succumbed in.JILUllI@.tural manner. l wonder
if someone has ever thought of checking into the number
of our congressmen who have died in office, to see what
was the cause; some in plane crashes, auto accidents and
some in hospitals. Ihose deaths have been made to appear
natural. The same is true, not only here but in foreign
~ies because the sinister force that is behind our
overnment is also the same forçe behind world government.
will name sorne, among them are sorne whom 1 know by
revelation did not die a natural death, and some who died
under very suspicious circumstances.
Franklin D. Roosevelt was disposed of because of
1\ qualms of conscience and because the forces were afraid

he was weakening. He was killed w1th acid and was never

shown to the public. An autopsy would show the cause of

his death even at this late date.

President Harding was poisoned.

Robert Taft had cancer inserted into his body. A

n1ce way to die and a very easy one to cover up.

loe Stalin was murdered by a surgeon.
Sifuftô'""r"Van~-didrïôtaïeoî natural causes,
medicine was tampered with. ~ ----~~
- Hitler was murdered 1n 193'9 and n1s place taken by
a double who would coonerate with the Forces of Evil. ­
a11 l go on w1th more? No, necause the gu111b1e
nfpeople are willing to accept a reasonable explanation,
~ and you who read this, unless it is some time hence, will
not believe it anyway. Some day.histQty wjll he rewtittenll
to include the truth. Now no historian would dare print
j the truth.

May 29, 1950: "England will betray our country to

the Russians." This was included in the material for
the Church.
1 should think that it would be increasingly
evident to thinking people that the above statement was
true, but to many England is still our loyal Ally. She
œver was, even in World War 1 when we pulled her
chestnuts out of the fire for her. .An ally, as a friend,
has a much better chance to knife you in the back than
an enemy. She is now openly supporting Red China for the
U.N., and was doing so even when our boys were dying,
fighting the Red Chinese in Korea. Those Red Chinese
were firing at our boys with ammunition and war material
furnished to them by our loyal ally and païd for by
American Lend Lease. We in this country paid for the
material used to kill our own soldiers, and this through
the help of our loyal ally, England.
December 19, 1952: "Your ally has now betrayed you
although America does not yet know it. They are unaware
of the betrayal. It was planned last July and will be
in effect shortly."
N~rch 23, 1951: "Evilness in Government."
When 1 was a boy, a teacher could ask who was the
man who betrayed our country, and everyone would have
the same answer: Benedict Arnold. Today were that ques­
tion asked, 1 wonder what a variety of answers could be
given and aIl be true. We have many, many in our
government and in places of great importance and power
who for greed fpr money or power would make Benedict
Arnold appear whiter than St. Peter. While people were
thinking it can't happen here, it has happened, and aIl
of our vaunted freedoms have been relegated to the ash
can, along with our Constitution.
December 5, 1952: "Clean out the United Nations.
It' s aU evil."
That's what Our Lady said about the United Nations
in 1952, and there again it is still a point to be
argued, and is argued and also propagandized in most of
our papers to lead us down the path to destruction.
Our Constitution has become a scrap of paper and sub­
servient to treaty law. United Nations reigns supreme.
It is Communist controlled or is rather Internationalist
cQntrolled as t~ InternathQoal Money Trust ON~ns and con­
traIs Communism. They sponsored lE ana pa1.d for l t ,
and they Slt ln the driver's seat at the United Nations.
It's the devil's playground and aIl of the exponents of
the United Nations in our government are traitors to our
country, sorne as innocent dupes it's true, but the main
ones are knowingly so and deserve treatment as such.
March 23, 1951: "Earthquakes, fires, floods."
People refuse to recognize such things, or at
least do not look upon them as controlled by God, and
therefore are used as one of the means of punishment
of people. l think that if records are checked, you
will find out that we have had more deaths and damage
from these things throughout the world since this was
predicted than in any previous time with many more to
come. Sorne of the places where these things occurred
had never~een subject to them before. l just noticed
toclay of an earthquake in th~nïfippine Islands where
there were many killed and where the governrnent and the
Red Cross, etc. were sending aid to the people.
must aOO nere anotner, altnoug
give the date exactly. We had a son born on the
May, 1951. A very short time after my wife became
pregnant, in fact almost before we were sure that she
~~regnant, Mary Ann told rne that l was going to be
the father of a son. My son, Char les, was born on
May 17, 1951. There is more to this story than is here,
but it is not for the record, as it is a very personal
------""cember -2~195f: On this date the word "Morocco"
was mentioned with no further words of explanation.
Since that time it has most certainly become one of the
ot spots of the world, and a great deal of news copy
has been devoted to the happenings in Morocco.
~~rch 2, 1951: "Poisoning of food, water and cloth­
ing. "
March 9, 1951: "Water poisoning."
December 14, 1951: "Poison in foods."
Question asked: "Are those foods on the market nowl\
with poison in them?" ­
~swer: oYes. slow poison. Fills our blood with
poison, gradually works up. ....Açl,s like h~art trouQle.

-----~1any-or the preservatives now used in foocis are

eoison . Our Food and ~ug Laws which were originally set
~ protect us from such things have been so controlled
~nd subverted that they no longer serve for the prote2-
tion of the people.
The fact that the end result of an accumulation of
these poisons in the human system creates a condition
which can be and is analyzed by the doctors as heart
trouble and also that heart trouble has risen ta an degree in this country, has provided for another
be.gutlful racket by the servants of the Devil. The
lI~art Foundation which nets for those who control ""'ft:
mdf.êoliS Of dollars annualTy 0!!.L9.t the pockets of the
\ Ame r lCtrlrye'Op te .
Note: See write-up on "Foundations" and "Treason
and Mass Murder for Gold"; also article on "Sports
Racket for Cllemicals in Clothes."
-- ·Poisoning of Water."
1here can be no 1uestion of the slyness of the
Symbolic Snake, the Serpent, for they have been so sly,
so sneaking, sa wily, so smooth in poisoning our waser
supplies in this country that they have been able ta
conVlnce many of the people whom they are poisoning
ta promote the poisoning themselves. So successful have
they been that organizations of mothers have gone to
their City Councils, urging them to put pOisonoUSr
fluoriJes in their water supplies tJLPQ.ison:Cheu ~n i
children, along wlth thems~Jves and aIL who partake of
the dnnhng water. '[bis is rat poison. the deadli.èst
01 aIl pOl.sons for rQdents,.-ins-e.ct.s-,-hugs Qr humans.
December Il, 1953: "Much trQuble is brewing over
large Canal and who is ta have the right of the Rock."
At the present time a meeting is in prQgress at
the United Nations Building in New YQrk City on the
Suez Canal problem. Your newspapers and news repQrts
are full of it. The situation created by the national­
ization Qf the Suez Canal is admittedlv one of the most
controversial, the hottest ever to a~ise. Some even
claim that ~he fate of the U.N. hangs on the ability of
that organization to arrive at a satisfactory solution.
[PersQnall y l can put no faith in that statement. The
friction there may, however, generate enough heat ta set
off the explosion which will involve aIL of the world in
the last cQnflict of mortal man.
The Rock mentioned is the Rock of Gibraltal', which
controls the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea. lt has so
far not been mentioned in this present crisis, but you
can make up your minci that its control is going ta play
a very important part in any conIlict in that area. lt
has long been a bone of content ion because of its strat­
( egie importance. lt has been mentioned at other times
in the revelations.
There are without doubt many other things glVen ln
the revelations which have come true, and by the time
you are reading this, you yourself will recognize them.
. Many. thlngs are now c.oming forth about the dangers
Involved ln nuclear exploSIons, things which should have
been m~de public knowledge a long time ago. Even now
there lS no lntent to expose aIl. What is now coming
forth ls comlOg only because one of the presidential
aspirants, in the dirtiest of all political campa*ns
has used the issue of nuclear test expToslons as a C ea~

le pol i tic al propaganda for the furtherance ~ w n

~. If any good cornes from the knowledge that the
people thus gain, it will be purely coincidental. Many
of the statements now coming forth are false. Assertions
are being made, supposedly backed by scientific data
from the one party, while from the other political party
cornes denials, also supposedly backed by scientific
data. AIl of this 0 ds much more to the state of
confusion and uncertainty in which t e peop e 0 t~e
l\\ world now eXlst .
.be~o.r.c~e.S--QL des.!..r-uc.t.ion. of the Dev il, are now
trying to use the f ~ b s to bring about
our destruction from wlthin, Just as they are trying to
achieve it by the promotion of moral deg.eneration, the
promotion of ra~~ble and race hatred, labor
troubles, strjkes and strife between employers and
e~ployees, and by the promotion and creation of friction
~-!.:v_ee n -pe 9v,de of d i ff~fl'&--riligions . AIl of these
things and more are being used daily with aIl vicious-,"
ness and evil intent by the Satanlc Forces to destroYIII
us Irom wÜ!nn, and thus ehminate Œe necesslt y 10r
using [orce and power from outside. If fear of the
nuclear bomb can bring about or add to our internaI
disintegration without the actual dropping of the bombs
on us, they will have served their purpose without any
danger or destr\!ction to tJ10se f!:..iends of t~e enemy
witbin our boundaries, of which there ~re-IT@ny;-aTso
;ithout any~dange~ to those who were guilty of having
them dropped.
Fear, and fear alone, has been the only thing which
has prevented the nuclear bomb from falling, fear that
those who were behind the dropping of the bombs would
bring about their own destruction, along with that of
their intended victims.
That fear is gene rated by the know ledge of the
nuclear tests. The scientists know that in----eowerful
nuclear e~~losions~ ~he raa~oactlve_mate.r~~fr~mthe
eXi;IQsion is _c~~ed above the stratosphere where It may
remain frozen and inactive for a long time, and then
evencually come back to rne-atmosphere and fall to
~earth at any point or place. They know that it is aIl
beyond their power ta control. Some of it may even
float almlessly in outer space for a long time until it
comes within the pull of gravit y from some other planet
and eventually land there, with the same poisonous re­
sults Ü has here.
Ihe sClentists aIl know these things. They know
that when the material falls on the gro!lnd itCën-lJ
tamlnates the land and the food grown on that land, and
tl'leharm that can result to humans therefrom. They know
that when it falls into the sea, it contaminates theJI
water anJ a11 of the fish and food that come's from the
wat~F lsh contamlnated in that manner has be~ld
on-the American markets already with damaging results.
Take your Geiger counter with vou to the grocery store
[ il you want ta Ge sure that you are not buying tuna or
sa Imon that has come from contaminated waters.
The results of accumulating .aD overdose of the
material internally, or oi coming in contact with an
over amount externa11y are equa11y disastrous.

have already dieJ in a very pajofu! and terrible manner
Irom the results, but to keep the knowledge frorn the
p,opl,. th, cau,., rum alwoy, 1.,,"
kept {rom th, public.
Sorne doctors probaGly have Lost patients and been
unable to diagnose the cause. Sorne workers in atornic
plants and laboratories have died as a result of their
contacts, and as a result of lack of proper precautions.
Some of these cases have been analyzed as cancer.
Those in power will sa' that these thin s have been))
kept from t e peop e or security reasons. F~se
( s~curte1? It c~rtalnl lsn't lor our security or. for
mlne. . an thln s '" e t rom t e r mer lcan
Eeaple or so-called security reasons that are commonl~
nowledge with aIl our enemies. Not_onlv have ~ese
e1hn s been ke t ±rom the e le but from Co~s, the
duy e ecte representatives of the people. lhet:"Xecu­

tive Branch of our Gavernrnent has, in maintaining the

cloak of security, rnany times been guilty of over­ the boun.ds of the United States Cons_titutlon.

"The forces of nat ure have aIre ady been upset."

The preced ing statement has been gi ven in reve lat ions

from the Mother of Gad. That fact should be readlly

recognized for we now have many areas where they are

applying for drought relief. where practically no crops

were raised, where stock is starving. In other places,
thcre have been crops destroyed by violent storms, by
floods, hurricanes. Will these things he recognized be­
fore it is too late, or will man, ~reedYI power crazy
[ man, acting as an instrument of the Devil, destroy
h lmse If )
llicember 14, 1951, one of the Fridays of Advent,
this was given:
Question: Will atomic energy be Q~ed in this warfare?
é\nswer: lt will destroy you.
Quest ion: \Vhere will it be used?
Answer: lt ~ ~ready used--Chemicals, pOlson ln
- - March 26,1954: "Products infected with radioactivity
will be distribute amon natlons. Ihe enemy lS using
1.-S_ ~ ir meaIU?~ est roying the stoma~hs qJ
~hey will be calling this new disease a new sort
of cancer. lt will spring up in many countries, includ­
ing the United States. lt ~~ot cancer. lt is man-made
cancer. lt will destroy many. Tnatls why yi1t:Pîiftfst
pray like you have never prayed before. Only prayer will
avert this and make it a lesser illness.
"The picture is shown me of sorne of the victims
s uffer ing unae~this condition. - lt maKes one' s stomach
sick to look at them, arHLt.Q_thi.nk that man himself has
ca~~d this. lt is used for ev{r insteaâof--goQd.
Much good could come from this, but they may turn it
to ev il uses.
"You have sorne of disease alread
western paFt-oî your coun
tlS not cancer. \
"1 have warned you of this in the year 1951 during
Lent. Little heed has been taken. More, more prayers
are needed. The lait y must work to open their hearts
and their mindsto~od-tns'te-~d ofêle~truc6on. onry ~he
Rosary~fhë Saëraments and love for each other wlll
/ bring Peace,
April 5, 1954, 12:22 Question: Can you tell us
what you see Mary Ann? . . .
Answer: "Grief and sorrow. Man ls not satlsfled
with the' harmful bombs that are alrea~y made, the ~
the~-the Brbomb. Now he is planning on making one they
will substitute with p_oi.§,on in~t" A~d when i~ ~alls ':Ipon
the earth whatever it touches wdl dle, aIl hYlo,g_thmgs. \
The only d"î"ing that wilr~kee p them from us ing th iSO-ne
1.S fear of destroying thernselves.
"Pray, children, pray that God's Hand will reach
loout and Qrotect you before man goes c;~mJlletelY_lTIad w],th
Jfgr~ed a~ want of pOIV.!:r, for t~os~s:ontrol of this
"'C ~1.nk the~ are GQa, tnat there is no Gad.
"No A bomb, no II bomb will bring your Peace, only
your Rosary, your daily prayers, and above all those
that can, l repeat, those that can must make a little)
sacr~ficeL_à:ikffle efIort to ~~ tour Churches da1.1y, Thy Lord, Thy God and He will you strength."
July 25, 1955: (This referred to the bombing of
iroshima as what came before it indicated.) "It has
nghtened sorne of those to see the sick people. 1nere)
are victims under observation in this country now r;,;m
those bom61.ngs. It doesn't show itself rignt away.
"1 would rather be dead outright. This radio­
activity carries a long way in cloud formation. --l.!:.
cornes down in rain. It wocks so s~ow; ie takes years
before lt shows. It eats away flesh like cance~We
have a number here who worked in the laboratorlès. The
doctors claimed it was cancer, but it was from this
--"lIank, al! of these things we were aware of long
before they used it."
August 10, 1955: "One reason they couldn't get far
at the Geneva Conference was because Russ ia wouldn' t give
away their stockpile of A materials and bombs.
"One noted scientist disaRP-eared from the Atomic ]
Laboratory at Denver three or four years ago. He got
roo much of that information. ~ triea-to make the

e publ ic. be Lieve they are keeping those things so secret,

but they let five Russians go through it."
The ab ove statement just bears out the statement l
made--that the veil of secreç~ is to conceal things from

the American ~eople and not !

Russ Uad the ri"' 60mb a 1re ady ln1950, and the A
bomb long before that. In defense of Eisenhower 1 s stand
for the testing of nuclear weapons, Secretary of Defense

Wi~son.said that it was absol~tel~ e~.sential thatJ~e
ma1.nta1.n our nuclear super1.or1.ty. That statement 1s
foolïSh pï:'opaganaaforth~ 2l!
.~ - Ruma lS1ar-: far ahead of us in the development of
nuclear power and has been for sorne time. As l have
written up, they have_gJ.udecLmis~iles.~ith a 3,000
.mile-I:-Mlg.e- that can carry either Atomic or Hydrogen war
Heads. Their advancements in the use of @uelear L
for -.peace:time-appri:ëat:i-~iS also much further than
o"'ii'i'SLecause our eIforts l.n that-dIrect l.Onl1àvebeen
Jl ~abota~d by the Oif Monopoly in our country -as they
don't_~a!l!..!.I~ competition of anv cill;aper J;?wer.
10 sum tEe whole up, sorne tfi1.ngs are DOW
corning to light as a campaign issue wh ich should have
been~k~n to the people 10ng~0-,-5ut we die people
are only entitled to know_what~he Bi~Boys in our
Government think we should know. We can t be trusted
wit1l Triowl:edge wh\_ch is ~m.QJ:!. knowledge·-t;-o~our
enernies. T~ took Russ ians through Oür!\luc lear Lab­
oratories, but w1ty d;n'tyou, as âTJnited _citizen,
try to get in?

AM, 231


1Arrny. \74
A Pomb, 62, 87, 95, 99, 101, 110, 119, 121,
Anny, /.le C.'l'thy Heori nbs, 125, 170, 231, 2,16

122, 123, 149, 167, 172, 183, 195, 207,

Amold, llcneoict, 215, 281, 303

213, 214, 221, 222, 223, 225, 235, 275,

Arsenal, 230

277, 279, 308, 309

Arsenal, Sibcri31\, 197, 270, 271

Abol'tion, 65, 151, 157

Arti fi ci al Rrecding, 115, 116

Accidents, 30
oIrvey,, 211, 222, 223, 272, 273

Accidents that n.fe not .I\ccidents, 9, 12,

ASSflSinal.ions, 1,\6

128, 154, 158, 168, 186, 191, 192, 194,

Assasination~, Olaractcf, 17

201, 216, 219, 237, 263, 271, 288, 298,

I\storia Hetel, 272

Ache""n, O'--'n, 121, 125, 1·16, 181, 210, 240, 2'14

Action & Prayer, 69

Acheson Pl nn, 40

AdMlski, 245
Atlanta, Gcol'gia, 75

Aden.uer, 184, 186, 193, 212

Atlantic Ocean, 163

Advent, 78, 234

Atlee, Oemet, 238

Advcn t, t-ri day 0 f, 270

Atomic RIast, 158

Africa, 196, 237, 295

Atomic i::ne rgy , 120, 183, 206, 242, 271, 308

Agl'j eu 1tu ral Oepart1nen t, 17 4­ Atomic Laboratories, 309

Ai l'force, 122, 188, 231

Attorney. District, 46

Ai r Way Accidents, 228

Austral i 8, 114

Ak l'on, Ohio, 68, 123, 205, 270

A,.ores, 131. 210

Al.b""., 115

Alaska, 138, 149, 162, 181, 190, 192, 208

Dahai T""ple, 1. 2, 21, 69, 71, ~37, 153, 160,

Alask. Mental Heal th nill, 215

171, 179

Albany, 68
Baltimore,, 194

Albright, 55
l1arncgat, N. 11.. 163

Ifllcan Hi ghwoy , 153, 192, 211

~anuch, !le ni ard, 1.60, 215, 2~4

Aleutinns, 12, 121, 126, 128, 129, 132, 149,

DOlOn Pouge, Ln., 75

172, 180, 200, 202, 203, 204, 206, 209, 210,

D.nle Act, 278, 280, 281

218, 222, 223, 239, 272

Batde Fields, 67, 91, 92

Allies, 173
D. n. S., 41, 66

Ali l'eligious \\bl'k Together, 91

Reast, 66, 283, 284

Alrnî ghty G>d, 43, 44, 69, 94

Dentl y, Rcp., 247

Aluminum Industries. 17S Beri. (K.G.R.l, 219

! A.M. A., 14, 42, llO, 112, 113

Bering Struight, 203, 223, 224

Amawil. 23
Berl in, 127, 146, 171, 207, 232

Amenebent, 16th, 254

ne.""o., 123. 124, 126, 136, 154, 180, 184, 193,

Americo, 68, 75, 91, 93, 180, 197

1 194, 202, 104

America, Central, 136. 172

Dethlehem, 57

America in Danger, 90
Bethseda I~aval flospi tuI, ~ID., 165

Americ",". North, 149, 152

Bibl e. 258

lime ri ca, South, 159, 188, 219

nidde1, Gener.l, 216, 244

Amel~ en Tu rn &ck to G>d, 100, 136

ni l'th OlUtrol, 162

America.n Airforce, Z17

Ri shop Oxna:n, 24-5

A'Tlcrican Eagle, 195

Bishop Treaey, 82, 83, 86, 88, 139, 143, 209,

Ivnericnn Legion, 011


Ameri CM Medi ca1 Assn., 215

Di shops, 185

AmericM Public, 175

Bl ack. & Yel1o.s, 103

Amerioans, 28
Black Oouds, 90

Andrea, !bris, 221, 222, 223

Dlock "'Id, 226, 234, 289. 290, 291

Andrews, ColEman, 254 Hace, 238, 239, 24J

Anemi a, 213
DLessed Mother, 88

Antartic, 192
nIessed Mothcr Appcara ln Washington, 216.
Anti-Cathol i cs, 41

Anti.Qll·ist, 18, 23, 53, 95, 158, 185, 202,

Blessed Mothp.r in Teartl, 6·., 98

251, 261
Olessed Sacrr..nlCTlt, 86

Anti ·Religion. .lS8

Blessed Trilli ty, Way ta PeAl:e, 85

Anti-Senct.ic, 10
Blood Bank, 297

,Apoc.l ypse, 64
Blue Mnntle, 52, 55, 56, 58, 72, 100

AposTIë0O;- 61, 189

Dlue Star, 163, 16,1, 172, 1.73

.Apostles, Loy, 155, 175

.B'nai Grith, 239

Arabia, 291
Bo88" Rep., 247

Arabs, 235, 290

llombs, HisLOry, 27

Arch Bi shop, O'Horo, 236

Books, Text, 38, 96

Arclic Grele, 192

Roston, Moss., 21H, 251

Argentin., 32, 33, 172, 174, 198, 287

Dracken, L., 190

Ari 1.004, 211

Bradley, Onu, 24'1

l\nnedForces, 67, 275

Brain ....ashins, 4, 17

~~~' . . .
S, i'-i.. '1-, j J,~ r'+'

B raIl dei s, Lewis, D., 4, 121. 244

Olinese Nationalists, 285

Ilraûl, 23, 172, 231

arist' s Cburch, 153

13 nbe P,' , 234­ Ülrist' s Kingdom, 259

Briti.n, 203, 206, 220, 223, 226, 238, 239,

Christian Nations, S, 37

241, 260. 280, 290

Olristians, IAhite, 103

[lhtish, .1, 27, 153. 159. 172. 181, 202, 217,

ChriStJ1l's, 75, 76. 183, 194, 217, 299

224, 225, 230, 281, 285. 286. 290

Church, 36, 44. 49. 91

Bri ti sil Canal, 286

Church Devotion, 85

British Lion, 284

Church & State, 156

'I3ritish Nationalist, 25
C!ll!r~hiU..$jnston. 25

I3rooklyn, 158
Cincinnati, O1io, 66, 68, 198, 266

Brotherhood, IH
Citizen of Tomorrow, 71

Brothers, 175
Civil Deft!llse, 124

Bra.n Bear, 131, 192, 195, 201, 203, 206, 208,

Ci vil Service, 279

209, 210, 215, 223, 224, 271, 284,

Clark, Torn C., 244

Brutality, 91
Clean out the Schools, ~9, 76, 77, 96, 99, 147,

Buenos Ai r~s, 204

198, 300

Bulganin, 180, 190, 208, 219, 225. 270, 272,

Cleansing, 96

282, 284
Clcrgy, 36, 4·1, 61, 65, 68, 70, 134, 135, 156

Bulgari a, n7


Cleveland, O1io, 66, 68 ...

Bullitt, 4nbassado1=, U2
Const Guard, 163, 164, 165 1 Ze
nu rl ington li ar' s Oub, 249
Cobalt Ibmb, 62, 99, 101, 165, 167. 173
f Jos- ~
Buses. 230
Cold W.r, 232

Cole, Aep .• 247

C.A.A., 9. In Collegos, 147

c. \'.0.,66
Cannan<lnents 53. 71. 79. 100

Cai ro, 172

Coomami .... ~ 95. 125C20J) 227. 229.

Cnlifomia, 180, 187

~) t4al241,~, 244.~, 256.

Cali fomi a, G>"'cmors of. 187

258, 259, 260, 269, 270, 273, ~

Cal \'<lr)'. Va'ilY to, 100

278, 279, 28J. 286, 288, 292. ~

Canpal gn, Poli ti cs, 255

Cannunist, <!!X,79
106, 152, 186, 202

c.'J1pai ~"n ~eechc.s, 252, 262

Conmuni st fronts, lOB

Canada, 34, 35, 73, 149, 152, 154, 155, 186,

Cotrrnuni sts, Negro, 197

190, 200, 202, 203, 210, 222, 224, 239

Conrnuni tl', 61, 78, 84

Canada, t'rench 1 201

Concentration Camps, 192

Canadian l),ctur, 34. 200, 222, 271, 272

Condon, Or., 243

Cancer, 30, 110, 111, 113, 200, 226. 228, 308,

Confession, SacrllTlCflt, 52

Confusion, 64, 230

Cancer I-ùnd, 112

Congress, 159, 278, 295

Canoni lation, Pope Pi liS X 80

Consti tution, 26, 40: 106, 132, 196, 202,

Cardinal Millds1.enty, 147, 176, 179, 209

218. 232, 247, 252, 254, 255, 288. 303,

Career \\'omcn, 157


Cari bbean , 124

Contraband, ""ar MateriaJs, 154, 160, 197, 263­

Catholie Colleges & Universilics, 136

Control, Federal, 254

Catholù:. F&.Jl {."ll Away, 79, 60, 85, 86, 88

Control Q)vernment. 34

Catholie Pre~s. 299

Convention, 251

CiJtholic: Schooh, 301

Con.'ay, Dr., 117

Catholicism, 57, 66, 67, 78, 90. 91, 96, 230,

Coolidge, Calvin, 147

Corpus (bristi, 128, 207, 266

CClutiJs'i an~. 266

Corruption, MoraIs, 8

Central G>vernment, 259

Cosnic Rays, 117

Centnll Intelligp.ncc, 9, 125, 235

County. ~4
Cernlak, Ma.yor of O1i ca.go, 31
Coun tl', lJoal'd, 45, 48

Olancellor Office. 22, 82

County, Judge, 44

Chaucery Orfi œ, 145

County, 5Jpt, Schools, 46

Character Assa~i.T\ation, 250

Creator, 72

Olasti sement, 91, 152

Crime, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. 44, 61, 65, 68,

Ülernicals, Air, (Jothing, Food, ~i l, 107, 158,

94, 97, 98. 115

159. 230, 243, 305. 308

Criminal, 40

Cherni cal Fertili z,ers, 213

Cross of Cil ri st, 289

Cheng, Cyrus, S.. 243

Cruci fixion, No..., 29, 70

Chicago, Ill., 66, 68, 75. 123, 127, 128, 151.

Cuba, 124, 127, 128. 133. 180, 184, 202.

193, 198, 205, 211, 266, 267, 270, '272, 273

204, 205, 206, '209, 210, ·222

'Childr"", Victims of Eiders, 52, 59. 85, 96

Cyclone, 98

o,ina, 2, 260
Cyprus, 235

~, 4,5, 123, 137, lsl, 0153, 220, 221,

C,ar, 2. 27, 28, 145, 239, 258

236, 239, 242, 286, 303 " 1,0

Czar, Alex, 282

Chinato,,", 26'1, 266, 268,. 271

- 2­
l'DL. Il 1

Dai 1Y Mas>. 81, 84

Eden, t\nthony, ];), 25, 3,~, 120, 15'2, 160, 166,

Il.llns. 68, 114

Ji3, 176, 191, 192, 19.5, 197. 208, 220, 233.

DlVTIoc1es, SII,'ord of, lIB, 121, 142, )70, 23S

2:15, 2:16. 23i, 284

Oun fi el d, Adni raI Loui s E., ::!,~,~

l':ducation, 39, 227, 233, 25], 300, :m1

D,I\'I s, Bep., 2,n Education"l I)epürtmcnl., 2lJ

n3we~, ~ . ~2
Egypt. 191, 223, 226, 286, 290

Il, D. T.. 21'1

Eigllt(~('n Yt'<ll' O1ds, -SO

De Val f:f(l. 23
~:ill!o\tcin, 167, 2.\3

Dec1ar<ltion, 216, 217

Ei!o\enho\lo'C!I'. J'M'ight, 122, .l"Z4., l:zR, 116, 159, 179,

DC!CCJlLion. 95
lAO, 182, 185, 191, 198. 203, 208. 2n. 220.

Il.,,,,.r. 68, 123, 124, 127. 150. .18,1. ;97, 237,

223, 233, 23;, 236, 2,13, 2·H, 250. 251. 256.

251, 270, 309

278, 279, 287, 296, 301, 309

Ue$ecration of Cruci fixes. 135

Ei~cnho .....(~r. Miltoll,'214, 220

Oesll'O)' the Iiuh, 69

Eiders of uon, A

,Ilcstnoetion. 17, 33, 36, 43, 64. 87, 95, 96. lOI.
Ellis Island, 149

103, 104. 106, 129. Hl. 218. 292, 293, 308

FI i 7.<Ibcth. Q,leen, 35. 223

D,·tl'Oit. Mieh .. '19, 68, 75. 123, 129. 200. 270.

El Paso. Texas, 1.9'~

271. 272
Enan}. 1.2, ;3, 95, IH, 136. HI, IH. 154. 1.76.

Devi Is. r~2. C-3, Il: 19, 20, 21, 23. 28, ·13. H.
186. 229. 232, 233. 2,IA

53. 55, 10,1, ID, 162, 165. 166. 167. 168.

Enuny in 91t:ep' io\, 162

J7ï. 178. 179. 188, 189. 208. 218, 222, 223.

EnallY PInne, 130. Ul

m,~,B.~.~,~,_,29~~. England. 25, 34. 35. lot, 159. 161. 162. 176.

305, 306. 308

J80, ]97, 201, 206, :207, 22:3. 226. 260, 276,

D~"ll s, Fatsa, 21
280. 291, 303

n~\'lls,Furry M\ltl. 21, 22, 54, S6

Fngli~h, T~

De,'; l:-s, Prune Face. 20, 21

Ess ..)' Contest, 7, A, 9, ,16, sa

DE'\·i 1... , \\hi :"oker~, 2]

Europe, 182. 190

Oellnquenc.y, (hurch, 48
b:,,1 Fnrens. l, 11. '15, 27, 29, 31, 3,1, U, 69,

OeJin{J1It~llcy, Juvenile, 43, H, .\6,·m, fiO, 67,

iO, 81. 87, 99, 136, 114. 161, 162, 169, 1.82,

n('llnqu~n<:y. Parental, tH, ·18 71, ia,'

218. 257, 259. 26 I. 29,J, 302

Dictl'ILors. IJ 77
Evi 1 One, 1

Dies. Martill, 2'

Ex! 1cs, 33

Olon o.linulplets, 7:~

1':xpE'ct:ltions, 6,1

ni sa mlUlIlen t , 159. 208

h:plosi ons, 9

Di ~,H,;t(:fS, 29H
Ex Prie~t & Nunl'\, 17'"
1)1 ::;'('1 pli nl~ , {8
~.,nt.ion 13ct\l,~en l\a!l.:-:.j;) & Ll~;ld(~rs, 128
Fallh, 71, 79, 9.1, 2,10

(-- Pi sr:lel i, 21 fl
Fallout. 226. 304, 307, 308, 309

...... -Oï~er, 31
F<tlse Ideologies, 37

llodd,ft;nba:'>~Ad()r, J91
r~ubon Indu:::t.ri es. 241­
Dop". 37. 9A, 237. 267, 269, 210
FIll' Ei.l !o\t , 205

IJope InJ\l~tI'Y, \7
Farmer. 159. 252

Do"hl" Cmss, 120. 289. 290. 291

Faüma, 56, 87. )4.l, 241

Doublas, .Jll dgc , 231, 2,H

Father Claudc lIei thatlB, 8·1

Or. 1\10 t"1. (', 207

Father Coubml in. 23. 125

Dr" Conw.}. 117

. Father lhninic:, 169

Or, Fishbelll, 113

1'."0, 178, 179

Or . .Jekyl êtrld \lr. Hyde. 23

F,Il.I., 49, 236

DI'. Poberts. 116

F.c.e, 16,\

Unnlung, 98
F.n.R., 21. 166. 1.71. 215

~bi n"ki. 107

Fcderal Governl'nent, Fcdel'al Conuol. 213. 25'1. 255

Oull('~, Allen, 1]. 14. 125, ]8.1, 204, 235, 236,

Finletter, lhomas K" 2,14 .

fi l'es, 9

OuI les, John, 125, 126, 146, 152, Hô, 204,
fishbein, Or.. lU

215. 2,lA. 2<W, 292

rive: Wouncl.:s al Lord, 73

lÀJluth, MilIO, t 204

Flag, 218

lÀlpon't, 214
FI anders. 2!\6

llurkin, 19J
Floods, 98, 99, 225, 297, 298, 304, 308

Florida, 165, 222, 195
Fluoridation, Ill, 21i, ~OS

Earthqlll'lk~s, 212, 304

t'Ol')d & Dr·ug Ad'nini ~tl'ation, 110. 11\ 114, 304

1::: a rh art , A11elifl,

Food Contaïlin:'ltion, 110

Easicr Maxlm.s., 60, 87. 99

Food Poisoning, 301

I::il~t I3erl in, .207

Food Refined, 162

East Cons<, 173, 237

Food Shartag(:, 145, 161

F.astel', 217
Food Surplus, 174

East~rn lterni sphcre, 71

Ford foundat.lon. 109, 20'1

t::conomi cs, ,18

Fore Fflthen, 16

- 3­
VOL. 1Il

Foreign Aid, 278

lIail Mary, 58

Foreign PoIiey, 2:\0 lIal«:. Rep., 247

Formos;), 137, 139, 236

'lIiinsen, L., 245

Forrestill, ,J. ({., 2iH Hurding, Presidenl. 147, 168, 302

Fort Y lhousand Pol.i.~h Officers, 32

Harvnnl Law School, 39, 243

foundal.ions, lOR, 109

Ilawai l, 210

Foundalions, Mcdic;)l, 109

Ili1wai i an Islands, 20:2

Fourth CDIlItlCindmcnl., 10U li Ihnb, 5·1, 56, 62, 87, 95. lOI, 110, 120. 122,

France, 153, 155, 156. 186, 189, 197, 201, 208,

128, 148, 149, 167, 195, 206, 208, 212, 213.

-----z26,~, 260, 291 1 H

214, 221, 254, 275, 277, 279, 308, 309

Fr.'~ 115, 146, 148, 193. 20.1. 205, 237. 238.

H.n,W.. 124

291. 292
Hearl. !\tlnck, 228, 234

Frankfurtcr, Felix. 'lO, 201, 211, 223, 270, 271,

t\eiit't Founcialion, 305

IIc3\'U), Messages fran, 18•

Franz, Joseph, 146

Hcirarchy, 23, -Il, 60, 61. 13,1. ISO, 151, 178

Frau1eiu, 201, 209, 21], 223, 270. 2iJ, 272

53, 54. 56, 63, 73, 93, 100. lOI. 175

Fred, E. Il. ·11 Henoan, Oara, 54, 55, 59, 167

f'reedom, 16, 228

tl eSll, 161 l ' .

Free MaseRS, 257

H. lé. Il., 21

F.tes.JUlL 57. 63, 101

Hi11rrHm, Sydney, 24:2

Fr<.'n~h, :H Hi l'oshima, 168,~. !1:l

hlel $, J45 ~ger:-ï'I, ·10, 24\ 248, 259

Furry MUll, 54. 56. 142, 143, ISO, 178

lIillJenbllrg, 27. 145

lIislllrv. Il. 38, 64, 300,302 1-1. ,,'t

Gmma Globin, :U8 , .,Jlistory [bok.3, }7 ?1, ?Q 2'E r:;~

Gangs !\dult, 69 / II

Hitler, '\d<)IPh.(3lJ~33lQJ,'16' 18~jID

GangR, YOl.lth, 69, 271
Gangster Clubs, 156
.-' 236,~
~. . .
Haler; eld, l'ep .• 24
'.n Ho ........ ~

Gary. lndianit, 123. J87 1I0ly father, 205

Cciger, CounLer, Dl 1101 Y tond. 232

General Mitchell, 178

Holy lhursday, 69

General MaLOrs. 270, 272

Iioly W3te" 22, 55. 167. li8

Gmc\'fI r.D\lfC'rcnce, 166, lï9, 180, 183, 235, 2H9,

Hol)' Willer. Devils OH1Sf'd by, 20

Iloly \Icek.1955. 76

Gecrgi <J. 115

Il Ot'lVI'.l", J. &h:~al', ·~9
Cennany, EUsl. 13. 184, 193. 220
lIopk,ns. ILort'y L. (II, Ul.), .'. 21. 223

Ge nJHmy , WC-S-l, 13, 14, 18i~, 192, 207. 212, 220

lIouso, (>,/., 2014

Get.lyshurg, lB8 lIousc· CÜUlni lleC' on Unmnerican ACli vi lJ cs, 248

Gi bbons, Flovd, 31. .181

IJoxst:y Canter r.1H~, ] 12, 113

Gibraltar. 177 222

Ilob, l, 2, 69. il, 239

Glorias, Seé:1SOfi of, 18

Il Il ghl"$., Ct-:. 20U

God Our Ma~teL 16, 17

flull, Co,dell, 3, 4. 242

God the Father, 93, 94

1I11mphry, Hubert, 246

God'sWill, 59.89 lIungary, 260

GOl'df:ll l'hlr:, 40
lIurl'Jctlnc, 98. 99, 18il. 297

Goon Sqund, 34
I.G, F~rben Tlldul'ltrieR, 171

(jO\lerTliflNll, 2, 'L 40. 'n, 61, 76, 106, JI0,

lrrnlélculalf' ~bry, Conse'cratioTl of, 8~

199. 229. 29,1, 295, 298. 1O0, 307, 310

Infll.igraLion La'Ns, 12, 266

Gl)v~l'l1mcnt C{)ntt"ol. 229, 232

InC:Ofne Tax. Fedt'.ral, J08. 2;)IJ, 29.1

Go\'emmf'nl, F~dcral, 39, 251

T;.,x. StiltC. lOB

GOV<:lmmr.Jlt. Mi litary, 16U
IIlJcpClldcllcc l\lY, 218

GO\'t:rnm<, Offi ci al s, 77
lndi li, 185, 222, 237, 290

GO\'emor:", 98, 187

l ndi ana, Val pal'ai sn, 193

Gracf~ Qlippillg Lin\~s, 189

lnditUl,s, i5. 211

Grants, 108, 204

Il1du~t.J"\', ,~2
Great Ikitain, 8, Il, 12, 27, 28, 29, 34, 103,
lnSlll"tlIlCC, 229

120. 123. 149, 152, 1].1, m. 178. J82.

l nsll l':llln' l~ack<.:ls, J4

187. 19o, 235. 2:16. 238. 2>I. 260, 280. 290

lnterior DepL 2,\8

Greal I1ri Lain ;'ûd$ Ell e'lly , 5

lntf'rnat-iou:d, 240

Great" \\bnder, IJ9

1ntf:rnalioll'.i Haukers. 2. ) l, 27, 29, 32. 3:\, 145,

Gret~'X. 13H 1,19, 161, 182, 189, 196, 19A, 203, 200. 208,

Grl~f'd, ~htn'd, JealollsJy, .15, 64

21-1, 222, 236. ,239. 2n, 25;, 28·1. 286, 291,

G]'(~"ki>, 18ô, IB7 :lO3

Greenland. ~L ,), 122, 1'23, 126, 128, 129, nl.

Internat.io1lal Je'...·::', 23, 25, }03

L78, 180. 239

1ntcmaLÎonil'! Pol i li c~. 23, 2J], 289 il, 203

1nt.eMlational Hacketeers, 249

Gul f of M.'xieo, 12B, 154. 20,1, 264

lnlemational \\;0 rk , 18, 19, 20

Illtl~lilational i sts, 25, 26


Inn~st.ignte, 66, 68. J.l7 Lilienthal, O.E., 242

1nvi sabll' Covp,rnnt(·nt.. 125 Lincoln, 188, 218, 223

J rnn, 225, 226. 231 I.indbera, O,arles, 158, 162. ]68, 181, 182.

Lnlg, 226, 234 190, 243

lr('land, 23 Literaturc, 37, 51

hbnd 0 f C)ïJTll s. 20'L 235 Little Ibck, Arkansas, 183

1sLand, Elli s, 149 Lockh.ed, 272

1srn.·1, 131, 195, 21 J. 223, 286, 290 Lodge, Cabot, 2'14

Issur. is Sun,j"al, 91 London, ,!/, 35, 201

Long, F.. ri. 244

J ""lien, 210 Long, i'l.Jey, 31, 246

J .pnn, 3, 13, 200, 206, 226 Los Angeles, 68, 75, .123, 180, 191, 205, 208,

J Ilpnnesf', 243' 223, 266, 270

Japs, 222, 286 LourdeZ:', <ÀJr Lady of, 141

Jenner, Senator, 190, 204

Love n.y Neighbor. 57. 84, 85
Jel'llsaloo. ]86 Loyola Uni versi ty, 39 .
Jessup, 24.3 Luce. C.11., 244

Jet Planes, 129. 130, 203, 218, 238

Lusitania, 28
.Jet Plants, 186, 187

J ..·s, 1. 10. 26J. 290, 291

Mac Arthur, Gencral, 5.6, 13, 29. 157, 158, 162,

JOhll, nr. Otto, 13. 238. 292

190, 2l9. 240, 241, 301
John,wn lkprcsC:~rJtati l'c, 247 Machine Guns, 69

Johnson, Scnator, 165. 234

Madison, 162, 202

Jll:d.~, 179 Madisoll, Wisconsin, 193

Judas, Judnsa" 19, 23, 24. 55, 63, 70, 96 Madri d, 8

J uc.kJ. f\eprcsl"JIt.ati l'e, 247 Malenkov, 282

Justice Dept., 248 Main &H,ny, 144

Jtlv~llilcCrime. 36, 47 Monilia, 202

Jtlvcnilt: ~llnquency, 44, 46. 47, 48. 49, Manion. Delut, 212

50. 51, 300 March oI Dimcs, 113

Juvenile Troubles, 9 Marij uana, 267
Marshal l, 125. 240, 2012

K(' fauvH, 209, 212, 246 Marshall, George c., 3

K..,l' ~est. 165, 204, 205, 209, 210 Marshall, Plan, 294

King, McKcnzie, 210 Manyrs, 93

K.K.K .. '1I, 223 Mary Ann olloks for Prayers, 79

Korea, 99. 143, 184. 190, 212, 221, 241, Mary Ann, Center of H 110mb, 54

260, 285. 286, 296. 299. 303 Mary Alm; Devils chased a"'ay"by, 20

Krug, JuLiu~ A., 244 ,llory Ana, IJcvils Molest, 19, 20. 165, 167, 169,

Krushchev. 190. 203, 206. 208. 219, 233. 235, .170

270. 27.1, 282, 284 Mary Ann Protectcd. 20, 21

Kllhll and Loeb, 2 Mary Ann, Rt!lief of SJffering for Üiristmas, 76
Mary lum Sufferings, 76, 88, 129

Laoor Union Racket!', lOS, 106, ]5,) Mery Ann Vidoions Hell. 63

La Bucr.a, Ete_Hllo r Ibosevel t , 223 Mary Ann Visions Serpent. 75

LaCrosse, Regi l'lter, 113, 139 M...., K.d.......1l"D

t.a Follette, fuhel'I, Jr.. 154 ·M·â·8ôn;'y~


1.i1 Follt·ttc. Fbherl, Sr., 168, 210 Mass, 76, 81, 10l. 102

I..i ty. 63, 78, 80, 85. 175, 176, 233, 3O~ Massachll setts, 84

L"kt! Michigan. 211 Mnss. Llaily. 53. 8l, 84

Land of die' hef", tlOlne of th~ nral'e, 2'2R Mass Murder, 113

.La Sai"".·. 141, 188, 241 Master Plan. 11. 17

Lu~l SuPPCI', 70 Material Things, 94
Latimer, \\i Iliam, 243 M8l.Cri ols, Scrap. 2, 3
Las', 16 Mc Ca rron , Pal, ScnaLor, 30, 174
Lay IIpostle., 63, 71. 155 Mc Carthy, Senatet Jos!!.eh. 4. 5, 54, 125, .135, 136,
Le;j~lc of Nation, 23. 244 137. 139, 1'10, Hl. 143, 141 . .152, 154, 155,
L(~(·, rIJV('1110r, 204 158. 159, 161, 166. 169, 186. 190, 214, 236,
Le~i1n, Senator, 223, 243, 246 239. 246
Lernni t7,C:I'. 1.)1nnn. r.en .. 296 Mc Naln& ra, 246
Lend Leose, O. H, 175, 295, 303 Mediat.rix of Peacc, 149
Lenin, 2, 1'~5, 220 Medical r.are, 229
Lent, 78, 308 M"dical Oopt., 227

Li beral s, 44, 278 Mp.dical Pl'Of(~~sion, 115

l.ibra..y, Public, 50 Medicai Scient;st, 110. Ill, 276. 288

Library. SchooJ, 50 Medicine, 228. 233. 235, 305

Li fe hue i oS a Test., 101 Medi nn, Judge, 216. 244

Lih11t Sill'l.l s, 264 Medi lerranean $ea, 225

- 0­

M~I JOli, l\ndrew. 242 New Odenn>, 66. 6R, 133. 26,1, 266. 268. 270
-Mende7., Frnllct', 245 . Newspnpe ... 3. :l:l, 90, 99. 162. 179. 205. 275, 282,
,\lcllt. .. I Institution, 115, lJ6
287. 299
Mercy of Cod, 53
New Ynrk City, 65. 68, 75. 117. 123, 128. 132. 147.

Mes$sges, Gent"fal, Il, 18, 43

J.l9. 154. 162, 163. 16,1. 198, 200, 202, 205.

Messuges of (À.ir Lldy, 99

259. 270, 272. 305

Messitth, 70 New Yo ..k IInroOl', 120. J31, 1.12. 162. 173

Meteal f. I1ep.• 247

:"lC' . . . Yo,'k StnlC', 169

Meye ... IÀ'.. 167

Nix')fl, Vi Ct: Pres., IRS. 19l. 209, 250. 251. 257,

Meyer, rugene, 2D
279. 2B8
Mexican, Pions, 201
Non·Cnthol j cs. 66

Mexico. 33. 73, 155. J86, 187, 190. 193. North Afrien, 237

202. 203, 221. 217, 2·10. 271

North ;\ncl'icün Conlinent, JI~9, 152

Mexico City. 122. 203, 206. 211. 22.1

,~orth Pole. UR, 206, 276

Mi lwaukee. Wi sconsîn, 193 l\lùrthèMl Europe, 266

Mi J j tary lbndage. 175 ,\lorway, 204, 210

Mi li t&ry rOVenllll(~ril, 160 ;'olorth Afrien, 211, 221

Mini SLers of end, 78, 9:\, 139 Not.ft~ Illmt: . .l47

Mindzenty, Cardinal, 178, 179, 209 NCll.l'c 1'\11111' Un i \·èr .,i l)', 198

Mini.~lers, 199 ~ll('lellr Destruction, 306

Minneapolis, r·lilllH"sot.a, 68. 75, l29,.202, 211, :'iuclcilr Po ..'cr, Z76, 309, 310

268 ,'\lllcil'ar W~'lr)()tlR, 166

Mi ssil..s. 119, 120. 121. 136, 194. 207. 275. Nudi st CI uLs, 156

277. 279. 280, 309 ,~"n., 77, 84, 85. 86. JOI. 1U8
Mission Fields, 87, lOI
Mi~siss:ippj, US
Offici,<tl.." of the Olun'Ii, 229
Milchell. General ni 11,:" 178
O'Bara, Arc:hbi SIIOP, 2]6, 261
Di 1 Ûlmpany, 206
Molotov. J54. 180, 239, 282 Oi 1 ll:>nopoly. 120, 219. 225. 226, 231. 232. 235,
Mon~o 1i ans, 266
289. 290. 310

Mougrdi 7"ltion, 103, 238, 239. 255, 266

Oi 1 S..pply. 176

Montgomery, 235
Oklnhoma City, 123, 127

Mont ren 1, 73 O<hot.k, 130. 20,1, 206, 210, 2J2. 218. 220, 276

Mo rgnn llHl 1, 215, 211j

Old Glu ...,.. 96

Mo rgall , J.P., 2·14

O'Maionf'y, 2·t?

Monoon, 211
Olle World eovr:l'lllllcnt, 26, 1I0, J.53 . 171, 175, 237,

Moroeeo, 172. 176, 18,1, 186. 197 • 20,1, 226,

239, 242, 248, 251. 2:,5, 256. 257, 2S9

290. 30'~ 011e IIbdd IIc1>8ion, IS3. 17 J. 175. 179, 2S7

MorrolV, Ann, 182 On. IIbdd" ..s, II. loi, 203. 246, 249

Moses, 16
Opi "n, 268

Mothcr' s Day, 157

Oregon, 211
Movi~s. 36, 51
O.. r, LIl.. 244

Multes, flep .• 247 Otto, John, 205, 207, 238, 292

Murray, Jarne!" G., 247

Our F'ath<:r Proycr, .57

Murray, Phi. lip,. 243

Our 1101)' MOlher. 56, 88

Murray, Sto'nator, 246 Our Ludy of Fntimu. IH. 241

MurdC'f, 29, 98, 151
Our Lady of La Srtlclle Stl'lUC, '141, 241
Mu~i c, 42
Qllr Lady Medinlrix or Pellel.', 52, 51L 56, 58, 100, .101
Ou r Lndy 0 r Neccdoh, 8~
N&gllsaki, 206
Ou .. l.ody .n T.... s. 81. 98. 100
~assdr. 290
Our Lody' s Warning.~, 134
Nalionl'list, COlna, 242, 285
O.nrks, 124
Nato. 177

Navy, IH. J88. 194, 232

Paei fic <.Doxt, 139. 158. 162, 206

P aei fi e Oceon. 138, 19,1

Near East, 235 Pan"·,,o. 33, 133. 146, 192. 271

Nccedah, 128
PonlU"o Canal, 73. 150, 182, 206. 221, 23J. 2'16,

Near F.ast, 195

Pa ...nts, 45, 47. ,19. 50, 52, 57. 59' 61, 65,

Nee1y. 247
6A, 69, 70. 7J. 77. 150. 157. 199. 229,
Negro, 115
300 -,
P~I'enl8J DcIinqllency ....

Negro and Sports, 115

Nehru, 2U
Panmujon, 151, 2jJ

Newf1c.l, 248, 256

f!.ti.s, f'rilllrr:, 207

Nev.burg~r, Senalor, 2,n Pa~~lns l\.Ick, 36

P;ls~jon of C\lr LDro, 82, 23,t

New FouIIllland. 128. 129. 131, 153, 194, 209, 272

~e ..· (Ianpshî re, 163 Pasto l'S, 70

NE:'" Jersey, 164 Pas\'ol ~kj, 243

PltLrlOi i &1\, 38

\OL. Il [

P ~lylt(', 2-t7 !l",SS (()fll /"011 l,d, JOH

Pt"an~, 6~, 69, 79, 87, RB, {H, 99, 100, lOI, Pn'ss, :L :?H?
16i, 282, 285, 28i, 308 11n's:-i Cal hol il', 2.)9
Pt'art Il(lrbor, 1, .~. J21, U9, 1 ~6. 151', 167. l'r-j dl' 0 f Ihlf'I', 103
181, J9], 221, 122, 232, 2\2, 2·n 2HiJ Pnl·~'l. ... , H. D: 57, 61, 70, 76, ïï, 7H, HO, H2,
Pq{ll'r, \\(":-lLIJfOOk, 2.35 fi,!. B~. Q:~. 9,t, %, (lR, 101, l't5, U9, I(d,
Penhllcc. al. 98. )135, J88 1(12, 17:>, IHB, 2:n, ~6i
PenÎ,:i.11 in. 228 P,·il'sl...... D.P., l·lO
Pf'll lagon , 2n, 271 Pri (;.. .,l, 'UI'pn'sl'nliH 1 \'l', ~:t7
Pcndt;gast. lbs:,,:, 2'+3 1','1 :->UIl l~lmps, 231
Peptll'r, (J audc. 15,~. 245 '') PriS(llIt~l"s, Cf'lll'''II, 81, 91, 9:1., <n, 119, 1~13, 184,
rp"l~ ~ 190, ~, 2,l!.2: ?!.o/:u2' 2i l, 2R; 2:~2
'-rrcr:-'èclll.IOIt,fll:II~IOIIS, .!4. 199 Pnsullers of \hll", 119, IH?, ~30

Penlll ssi H:f\ess. 38 Pri"illl' Schools. na

Phi lad('lphis, 68, 75. J9B Progrcssiv(' Ed\J(;utIOIl, .l9, 10
Phi (lip, Prince. 220 ProhilJi tion, 105
Philippiot' Islilllds. 127. B6. j'19, 152. 15:~, P1"Owln, 173
15,\, 177, 181, 2JO, 2:i2, :\0·1 PSydlOlflf.,'Y, :m
Pit.l!s.huq;. Pennsylvallia. 166 Propilllg;uHla. 3, n, C).~, \06, lOB, 122, 125, 10J.
P 1,"llw Crl1Shû5. 9 161, 167, 17B, HW. 20R, 209, 212, 21H. 226,
PI(';lsurc, 96, 97 236, ~'!7, 2:38, 210, 261. 281, 299, 106
Plot, J, 2... :~, 8, 12, 17, IY, 12 Prpluu\L.. or t~IJI'I',!l- of I.ÜJll, B, JO, 20 A
Plot, Ü1H~ \\orld, H. 2,13, 2lO 1"'i="tl~ll:"" .~\:, 67, 77, ~o, ~,I\ 1-
Plut of ,\nl.i -(}lI·j :'>l, 18, 21, 23, JO;1 Pro'iiIH'(' of OI(·beC". IB6
Plot. to I~~st.roy dl(" YUlIlh. 6n Put'l'lu Hieo, 136
P1..111 of SUt"111, 1<;) 'PU l'W', 26, 79, 96
P<liiroll food, Wôter, 27'1, 3Ol, 305 Il T'me Fan', 223
Polond, 189, 219, 2,\5 Pro . . . ll'l', (Frlt'IHl), lAt!
Pol <0, 112, LJ:I Pyle, h-ni(" :i, .11, ~35
Pol i Cl~, 50
Polil..ind r,(~'I1p;ùgll, 211. 255. :lOi1 Queen Ui7.nbcLh, litA, 15'1, :!20, 221
Pol iliCil1 CDllvention, 250
POP(~ Pill:-:' XII. 8U, Hl. 86, l3ï, U2. 206, 20Y, Rabbi Ihill:o, 9
216, 235 ItJcket~, Haf'keLl.'er:;, :H, lOS, J06, lOf), J.I~,
Pol it.:f.:, 36 21B
POl'nognlphy, 77 Ihcket:'i, Spo)'t~, lOi, ~:10
POrLaS':' Pa. 14,~ Radar', 122. ln, 280
Ponua.Jl , 148, 2.1'1 Badin ;kti~'jt~ 1 Ill, 113, JOH
Po~t Wil~y. 30, J21 Radjo, T. \'" 3, 9U, 96, !UH, lU9, lU, 151,
PCJ.f;lal Ikpt., 227 168, 1(,9, 1;9, 2\)2, 205, 219, 229, 211, 2:\1
PO . . . Çl· MOili ne.':>, 239 2~)4-, 2Hï, 2y9
Polnnd, :31. 240 Rad.. . an, Hep, 217
Prayers, .57, 63, n, 88 Heeoolpem;e, 173. !7,f
P!'ic::a,~ & Ik-Ligiolls, ':I.~, ']99 RCCl'lIcifying Ütll' Lprd, S8, 60, 61. 62, h:~.

Pn:r:itlUS Blood. 63 64, 6i, 69, i2, Hl, 91, 97, ~B, 100, 13S,
Pre:~cn'\lli yc-s, UO l'lB,
Prcsi dents, 7( 76. 182 . Hcd Olina, .~. 5, 12;~, U7, 151. J'.,.1, Wb,
President Cnolidge, lIn 226, 2.1,1, 2J6. 239
pl"(~'l.Îdellt Ei senhower, .1, D, l'~. 122, 121-, 128, He;d Cmss, '297, .298, 'W 1
. 159, 171, 18U, lB2, 185, 19J, 196, J98, 203, R{x! DrClgon, 222, ~85

20B, 21-1. 217. 220, 22'1, 233, 235, 236, 2101, I~(~fin('d Food. 162
2~,2S1.256.257.2n.~9.W7.~8,296, Rdnnn.1lilifl, 81, 239
3Ul, .lU9 Hcfugl~f!~, 12,.:H
PFegid~jl!,I'\-)osen-..I~, F. Il. li. , 21. 105, 171,186, nel if' of dw True Cro~~, 11:1. 166
2W.241,2«.2~,2~,2S5.2~.270.~3. Hel igion, !leI igiolls, 1\('1 i~jn\l:' OrdCl':", '\0, 61,
302. 252 63, 76, 87, )]5, 136, 17:), J76, lHR, :!:!9
Prt'$idenl loos.e\"flll. 11,codore. 168 2:l2
President. t1ardin~. 'k 5, 31, 147. 16R, 302 Rel igl()l1~ Wal', '21S
Prt-"sid(:nl Xixoll. 195, 209 BellO, I\c\>nd.." '211
Presidenl Tmrnall, J, 125, 170, J7t, 195. 21-0, 213 HepreSI'1ltatl ~'(~ lor Ollï !'lI , ~O
2.56, 207, 270, 301, 302 Ih'Puhlirilll ;\laliclIl;:l1 (:Oll\l'nlioll, 2:!J
Prf>sldenl McKinlc)', 12, 30, 31. 168, 178 n('~iH-'C:I, 61,--96
Pr"'$i.dt::IIL Lincoln: 12, 21, 3D, 168 ReSIl I"l"tc t.i 011 , 70, 91
PrcsidNll Wi 1son, 23, 31, 160 fkuth(~r. 211, :!:{5, 2.U, ].11
Presidf-'lIl (":arflcld, 30 Hcmlutiolts. U(·\,OlllllOlustS. 2, 33, 20J, 215
Pn'sl dCllt \\ash i ngLolI, l·t9 Bhee, S.i~fln, ~lS

Pelf~ll\!.cll. no Hlchmnnd. 26fl

Prf~.sll'·y. El "1',. 260 Ihdgv"IY, 190

Riots, 33, 3,~, 106, 226

Scientisls, 116, 191, no

a;o Washington, Z12
Hoob,'ry, 98
Secret, .Iewisn, Zionism, 7, 189

Robe.-<.s, 1),.. , Jl7, 196

.Sf:lf. Glorification, Pit y, Will, 135

Robe""" PHU l, 13, 207

:Sel & Greed, ,52, 13; 99"'

Rock of Gibr.l tcr, 210, 222, 225, 226, 2J5,

'Senate, lnvestigating Gmwni tlee, 1-1

Senataro, 113, 154, 155, 159, 165

Rockefellers, .a6:) ~ 289, ;l2J

Serpent, 7, 8, 9, Il, 13, 14, lB, 19, 32,

Rod::efeJlcl" s ~ire, Q§'

lOR, 110, 126, q!D'
33, 3,1, 35, 43, 53, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71,

Iw"?'§'-m, _' '9 - - -

73, 103, 104, lOS, 109, 134, 135, 155,

Ifogcrs, Will, :10, L , IBI

162, 176, 186, 18B, 195, 196, 233, 238,

Romc, B, 232
242, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250, 251, 292,

Roosevelt, Mrs. (F.D.R.), 105, l7I, 197, 198,

293, 305

223, 236, 255, 256

Serpent of Zion, 266

RosaI')', 53, 76, BI, 84, 9R, 155, 210, 30B, 309
Service, Jàhn Stewart, 40

Rosenberg, Ann, 211, 2J.l

Sex Abuses, 37, 156

Rothchild, IB9, 2:;7, 291

ISh""ghicd, 128, 131, 133, 194, 263, 264, 265,

Royals Jewe15, 27
267, 269, 271

Rubb..., 232
Sheonan, 244

Huma.., 79
Short, General, 3

Russia, l, 2, -l, S, B, 29, 37, 144, 151, 161,

Shortage of Food, 145, 183

169, 171, 177, 180, IBI, 183, 191, 192, 202,

Shields, Bernard, B., 272, 273

206, 207, 2Jl, 214, 218, 219, 220, 223, 226,

Shreveport. 75

230, 2:14, 235, 236, 23B, 241, 242, 248, 261,

Siberi a, 1IB, 121, 126, 127, 12Il, 129, 131,

270, 275, 276, 277, 279, 282, 285, 287, 290,

139, 159, IB1, 200, 205, 206, 208, 220, 222

303, 309, :no,

Siberian Arsenal, 120, 121, 122, 160, 170, 192,

Russia, 'l'lhite, 2, 225

194, 197, 230, 276

Ruuinn, Arsenal, 271

Sicily, 204

Russian Rear, 217

Sin, 62, 63, 65, 70, 91, 93, 95, 97, 135

Russian CDssacks, 2
Sinclair, 4

Russiao, National. 25
Sixteenth Aànenànent, 254

Russian Navy, 209

Slander, 250

Ru.ssian Planes, 194

Sleeping Giants, Black and Yellow, 161

Russian, ~ime. 161

Smear Canpaign, 17, 182

Russian Revolution, 21
iSmi th, Frank, 247

Rossi ans, 31, 159, 172, 174

ISmi th, Waller Bedell, 4, 243

Soci al Prabl ems, 46 1­

Sabotage, 120, 219, 287
Social Security, 293, 294

Sacr.."cnts, 80, B4, 30B

$oci al Studies. 38

Sacred Cause, 59
.Soci ali,,,,, 254, 294

Sacred Heart. 72
Socialists. Marxian, 39

Sacrcd Spot, 55, 56

Soldiers of Ülrist, 86

Sac ri fice, 81, 98

Sorrowful Mother, 58

Saint Andrew, 28
. South, 12

Saint Eliubeth, Aslyum, 117, 199

South ""erica, 32, 33, 63, 159, IBB, 219, 221,

Saint Hcgesippus, 189


Sain t James, 28
South Korea, 'l17
Saint Lawrence Seaway, 159, 210.
South Paci fi c, 295

Sain t Matthew, 189

South Pole, 12

Sai n t Mary Magdal en. 59

.Southern Henisphere, 12, 159

Salk, Vaccine, 214

Spain, 146, 205, 237

San ,Ingela, 194

Spal'kman, 247

San Antonio, Tcxas, 68, 123, 198, 204, 266, 270

SpcUmon, Lo ra, l08

San f)icgo, Col., 68, 122, .133, 158, 192, 127,

Spics, 12, 264, 269

200, 201, 202, 204, 207, 208, 209, 218, 221,

Spiritual Bouquet, 76, 80, B8

Sports, Di version, B
San Francisco, Col., 68, 75, 123, 131, 154, IBO,
SportS, Rackets, 107, 305

198, 205, 206, 208, 210, 2J1, 221, 222, 223,

Spouses of ari st, 60, 62

264, 265, 269, 270, 271

St. Louis, /ob., 66, I~, 128, 164, 205, 206, 211.

Satan, 53, 54, 61. 64, 8 , B6, 91, 95, 97, 99,

1:15, 138, 156, 160, 169, 232, 261, ·306

St. Paul, Minn., 68, 75, 211, 266

Schmidt, Mary. or Sni th. fraulein. 270

St. Petetsbur«. 8

Schoo1., 71, lOB, 147

Sta1in, 47>B9:~ 191, 203, 208, 210, 219,220, 2B2,

Schools, Cotho1ics, 43, 46, 47, 48, 6.7, 19B


Schools, Private, 228

Standard Qi 1 0:>., 174, 2B6, 291

Schools, Public, 43, 46, 47, 48, 67, 19B

Starvation" 144

Schools, Superintendent of, 44

Stassen, 203, 221, 249, 280, 2Bl

Scimcc, 115
St.t.c Department, 10; 12, 26, 171, 227, 22B, 290,


\'OL. 1 II

Still.!" Ihghts Progr~lt, 211, 2]2, 2'W, 253, 254 U.M. 1'., 160

St.:ILion:;; of t.h~ Cro:,;,:.;, 5~}, 87

U.N. or U,N.O., '1, 26, 71, 91, 99, 136, 137,

Statue of Lib("rty, 120, 1.11, 132, 1·72, 173, 207,

150. 155, 160, 17<1, 180. 183, IR'I, 199,

:.>09 ,1

226. 228, 233, 239, 2,13, 2,17. 259, 260,'261,

St€ ' \ elIS~n, {\<fIai, <tO, 209, 233, 243, 250, 252, 254,
272, 281, 285, 303, 30'\' 305

Uncle Sam, 141, 197, 209

Unesco. 41, 213, 245

Swckholro, 22i, 222

Union Jack, 28

StOlr.l:-<, Flood.s, :Jod FI rf'!'O, 99. 212

Union llac:kets, 218

S"'ih., :n, 31, 106, 23.3

lini on:'> , 13, 228, 233

$ubmnriof:l'l.. Gernlun, 1.2·~ Unions, Gallli(:'nt, 107

Sulrll3rines, flussÎ an, .~, 12., 117, 123, 12,1, 126, 13J
Uui ty, 85

J:l2, 162, lM, 16., 180, 198, 200, 201, 205,

Linity, Ilonu~, School & OlUrch, 81

206, lH, 219. 223, 26~. 265, 272

Uni versi tics, 1"l7. HB

Nclwor~;, 119
Uni ver.5i ti es, CI'allts, 107, 108, 109

Subt('rl'~uwan V~ 11 age, 118, J8,t

Un\lo<mt.(~d -Chi ld, 157

Subvt:t~i()n, 37, 178, 23·t, 239, 261, 286, 290

Ural Mount.ains, 280

Suez C~nal, 191, 204, 220, 221, 225, 231, 260, 286
Uranium, III

290, 305
U.S. Cargo ~lips, 126

Sufft:ring, Friday, 129

U.S. F.O'A., 110, ]]3. lI·1
Su (fl:nng, 16, lU
lJ.S. wvcrnment.. ]]4
SUptUtllt [.oUI't, 39, 1l3, l2J, 2'fl
U.S. Constitution, 252

Sw.tlr\. H~IH)', 1, 12, 13, 54, 55, 59. 1'4

U.S. of Europe, 180

S,,,,,.d of '....des, 118, 121, 142, HO" 1~2, 231,

U.S. lntemationéiJ.ists" 26

235. 2îl
U, S. &'Hil:tors, 113

S)"H'Igogue 0 J Sal,lTl, 252, 258

U.S. Stdl \\0 rk s, 2>\,1
li. S. A., 14, l.s, 29, 3,1, 35, 43, 65. 68, 69, 102,

Toft, 1\>b~:rl Sr., Senali'r, JO. 136, 1,*6, 302

146. 152, 155, 156, 169, li6, 177, 186. 221

Talbot, 191

Talmudie, .1.tldIJi Sm, l, l,~, 25, 196, 240

V~ccinf:S, F)8
Ta:«ltlOll, 293
,ÇTI ey fo rge. 97, 216

"TI~adl1l1g Pl'O fessi (m. :\6

V<llparai sa. 193

T('ac:hel"s. lY9
Vanderbcrg, Seniltor, 30, 1-\.6, 210, J02

Tcnpot l'h:rrc, l1,n 4-, 2..t2

VM 11001. &b, 20

Teenager!':, 61, 66, 26i, 268

Van Hoof, Fred, ~9, 162

Tm.ptations, 62
Van IJoof, Preddie. 127, 169, 193

Ten CcmmmcrncnUi, 16, 85, 97, 98, 100

Vc.fl fioof"He1ilr.l Vt:f., 78

Tex'ls, El Pnso, 1, 94­ Van l'bof, Hiclra:rd, 20, '193

Tcx<'I:i\, San ..\ ntonio, 204

Vilti.c8n. 32

Tfo':xtbook~, 38, 96, 229

Vt!ltoni ca' s Veil, 53, 86

The Times, 36
Veterans of Foreign Wilrs, 41

Theaters, 7ï, 78
Vlcar of OHist, 63, 70, 80, 66, 87, 88, ]35

l1d.rty Pieces of Sih'cr, 1, 29, S,), 56, 63, 95, 97

Vl.ctim 5Jul, 59

179. 239
Vinson, Fred, 190, 242

Tito, 162, 17 •. 238

\Ii .sczinski, 201

TOl'nadoc.:s, 98
Von Hindenburg. 28, 145

Train \hccks, 9, 30
Vows, ReligiollS, 95

Trai top, 19, 112, 141

Trcacy, 209, 23l

Wake.rshauser, Betl)" , 55, 167

T,eason. 34, 112, 256, 305

Wakershauser, Bi 11, 55, 167

T'reasury 1)ept., 227

Wake lJp A~crica, 63, 63, 71. 90, 94. 95, 96, 98,

Tri !:lI & Test, 101

99, lOI, 19R, 228

Wall Street, 182

Teotsky. l4.5, 220, 240

Wallace, H.A., 4­
Tnle OJul'ch, 70, 96, 101, t79, 21.6

\\'al ter, Hep., 247

Tcue Cross, 55. 62, 136, ].13. 166

I\ar, 98, 99

Tme Faith, 66, 72, 79, 86, 94, 96. lOI,

Il'ar Bonds, 294, 295


\\iar Crirninals. ,1­

Tmth, 11, 33, 60, 62, 70, 79, 90, 99,

lI'.r IJepL 8J., 91

177, 199, 240. 302

\\lnl' Matcrial~. 279, 280, ~8], 295

Tu rkey, 235, 238

War Hefugces, 34

Turk~, 186, 187

Warburg, ;\2, 244

TWlning, General ~attum, 2U, 21'l, 218, 277

\\ar \' & Prù,onf:rs, 81, 91, 92, 91, 230

T....'04head l3ea,sl, 283, 28,t

~\ar·, 184 .

T. V.& lladio, 51, 53, 61, 18. 90, 96, lOB,

Wan~n, 201 l 216, 2

109, lI3, 173, 202, 219.229, 231. 234, 299

WashIngton, Blesned Mother Appears ta, 2J6, 217

Washington, Il.C., 68, 1J1, 123, 193, 194, 199,

Ukra~n{~, 2, 225

200, 205, 2ïi. 272

Umhoerer, Made, 3·~, 59, 167


Washington, Goor'ge. 93. 100', ll~9. 188, 216, 217,

Washington tJnive.rsities. 147
Water Poi ~ning, 172, 214
Viat.son. George F. (Supt. of Schools), 41
W&.y of t.he Cros~, 81~, 98
Way to Clilvary, 70, 100
Way, Truth & Light, 70, 11
Weinbllrg, 223, 243, 24'1
WCI sland, 245
Wessling. l.oui se, 55, 59
West Coast, [26, 127. 129, 173, 186, 193. 22[,
224, 237, 271. 272
West Gcml<my, 207
West Indif:::s, 150, 154, 192
Western Ilt'l1l.isphere, 172
Yi11at We .\tust. Cb, 77
Wheeler, 190. 210, 2·16
Whi te, Paul, U., l, 244
Whl lof': liace, 23H
Whyte, Dr. PauJ, 245, 2:il
Wi 1ey, Scnator, 247. 297
Wi Lkie, Wendell, 31
Wilmeltc. 1, 2, 1.53, 171, 199
Wilson, i\Oodr'lw, 160
Wil !:iOn , Sec. of Ck:fnrL:".e. 309
Wi sconsin Rapids, 126
Wi sc Rabbi, J 96
Wolves in Sht'cp' s Clolht_ng, 162
World Control, l, 14, 25, 35
World Federalists, 26, 2SÔ

World G:>vernment, 25, 26. 153, lï l, 175. 213,

World Plot.t(Jt'B, 1, 3, 26. tU. 246, 255
World Religion, 153. 171. 175, 179
World Wur l, 68, 91, 128. 181, 230
World War Il, 5. 91, 128, IH, 230, 272. 277, 286, 295
277, 286. 295
World Wur III. 91, 98, 262
Wrath of God. 99. 152
Wrong fbctrinc, 71

X-Ray, 131

Yellollo' Giant, 12
Yello.· Rac", 161, 238. 239. 241
Yids. Yidd"h, 1. 2, 21, 41. lJ6, 221, 214. 219,
239, 240, 245. 270, 273
Youth, 43, 44. 52, 61. 62, M, 65, 66. 67. 69,
70, 71, 79, 87. 95, 98. 137, 150. 15J. 155,
156, 193, [98, 212, 263, 269, 292, 300
YOllth Gangs, 9, 69. 156, 162, 198, 205, 220
267, 268, zn
Yauth Organit8tion, 64, 65, 156, 136, 211

Zablocki, Sen., 247

Zion EIders, 1. 8, 9. 10, 25. 222
liont st Baok<:r:'i, (International), il, 23, 25.
291, 303
Z.ionist Jewish, 7, 121, 189
Zionist Talmudic Plot, 14, 21, 104

A Ihmb. 155. 176. 192, 197
B(oring St!"ni t, 212, 213

Abraham I.incoln Brigade, 162

JknoudaA, 202. 20,~, 214. 218

Accidents l.hat are Ilot Accidents, 28, 14.7, 177,

Birmingham, "la., III

182. 185. IB8

Bi shops. 6. 84

Acheson, Dean, 196

Bishops, filocric'Ifl, 110

Adéms, John ()Ji ncy, 11

Bi ~"marck, 15, 16 Poppoff. U
Black G"ld, 176. 178, 179, 18·'1

Africa, Nonh. 131

' ~I .... H

Agriculture, 189
BI ~c:k Ilnce~ ] 10

Ai r Force, 189
BI\lcK Shi rl~. 107

Akron, 158 & V.. llow Boco', JO? Ill, 169

AI.b..... 111
Black. & ~hi les, IJ2

Alask •. 93. IB2. 187

Blesscd Mothe .. , 12

Alcan ~Iighw"y, 187, 209

BI~ssl:d Mothtlr in Tean;. 72

Aleuü.n •. 185. 187. 20·1. 205, 206. 207. 210.

Bles~iI'd ~blhr.r, 1.K·\'oll()n~ to, 97

211. 212. 213, 214

jBlcssed MOlhcr and the' Tl'illil~, 119

Algee ttiss, 27. 124

'Black I,,..ey. 133

!\lexsndP.r III Vi5i ts Pane. 40

Bille Mande, 100

Ali ergi cs, 157

fl' rlf1i, fl' ri th, 75

AlmighlY CbIL:u", 171

&IROradi l'Ut, 99

Arneri ca, 72, 184

Ilomb" 1.\5

Aniche! ~1ayer'.s Sons F..ach Giv(;n la COunt.r)',

130mb. ,l, J55

America, Centrai, 160, 195

Homb, Il. 155. ]65, 192, J97

America, &.luth, 23, 104·, 160, 175

&0 lhe, John Wi 1kf~l:I. 93

Amcri cnn Bi shop~, 118

Boslon. 26, 15J

Americûn Mt~dical Assoc.iation, (t\.M.A.), 125, 137,

l3oyle, Hep,. 22

190. 196
I3rennolO. Judgc, 173

Andecd, Ibei., lBI, 192, 185, 203, 207, 210, 211,

Bre.scnh8ll1, J.75

213. 215, 217.

Beitish, 12,92, 17,1, 18l, 201. 206, 20B,

AngliCl:l1l OHlfCh, 66, 191

209, 215. 218

Antarti c Ocean, 177, 181

Br; li.1I Isi 17<1. IRI. 201, 206. 208, 215,

f\nti-Cleri cali sm, 168, 169


Anü-Olcisl, 6. 9, 10, 22, 23, on. 74, 82

,8rilil;h SJlxnjlrincs. 158

Arali· Forces of, 98, 107

Beothcrhood. 84. 186 /

,\ntl -GXItTluni. ~t, 162

131'0..... Beae, 155, 156, 173. 182, 202

Anti -Selll'tj C, 25, 169

BrolW\ 9li ,.ls, 107

Apostlt:s, 12, 168

Bulg.nin. 20. H8, )7,1, ]75. 181, 192

Appari tions. 1830 and 1846, 32

l:Jul gari Q, 28

Aqua Tofanna, 18. 86

Byrd, J\âni rai. 177

Arabs, 22, ]73

l3Y7.anline Ft.i te, 66

Arabi •. 93
Bucien., 185

. Archduke ~1axin\illian, 14
l3oenosAircs, l51, '211

Aegentina, 151, 156, 181

Bunche. De. H.lph, L09

. Arkans.s. 197, 199

Aundcn. Stoffen, 107

Artiste Briand, BD, BI

l3l1nden, Ordcn l}-llidi !lnl, 107

Arvey, Jake, 144

Busing Forccd, 109

Asiatic Flu, 194, 198

Astori il fblel. 152",i •. 187, 191, 209, 211, 212. 215, 216

Atl.nt •• 151. 159

Calvacy, 96. 115

Atomit: fnergy, 1S6

C""P !.bugl ••. 145, 151, J96

Attorney General Iierbert Bro\l.ll~ll, 30

C~"P McCay, 147. 196

Aurora IlJrcali s Ove,r Sacred Spol, 129, 130, 131

Can.d•• 13, 26, 30, JI, IH. 149. 152. 163,

Au.nia, 7, 16. 17, 28. 42, 103

]BJ. 185, J86, ]91, 192. 196. 211

AUlces. 207, 216

CJlladi an !.hCl.Or, 149, 153, 198

CanQdinn News Reports CD., 30

Bahai Temple. 72, B4, 176

C.ncce. 73. 155, 157, 197

B.l LinlOcc. 26. 151. 159

Cardinal CollcgilUl) l\Jssicu'n in Ihlle, 66, 67

Baruch, Bernaed. 37. 153

Cardinal Ccl Pompai li, Tindilro, ·11

,Baton Pouge, 159

Cudinal Mindl.enty, 185

Bavari a, 139
Coribbean Se., 20B, 209, 217

Beac. 175. 190. 21B

Calalina Island, 193, 196 174, 190

Cathedrnl, 97

Bclgium, 12
IC.tilOlic Oluech. 4. 5. 9. 37. 138, 191

Oenedict J\rnold, 24
Calholic lhclrinc, 65

Benj ..nin Judah, 14

CallioI i c Hicrarchy, 75

Beri a. 20. BI
COlholic Uistory, 65

Berlin, East, 28
C.lholic Sehool. 124, 125

Berl in, Wesl, 150

C.tholi.i"", 4. 17. 166. 167

VOL. 1 V

Catholici~ll,Orthodox or Poman, 17, 39, 42 Devils (.oo,:<;e in the \\h rl d, lUI, 103, 165
Cavour of Sardina, 79 De~'otiOllS, 97
Cebu, 217 De Valel'a,,:JAsraeli, 71
Centréll ,'\lH'.ri Cil, 103, 104, 160, 195 Displaccd Persons, 182
Olapel, 18ï ~i.!,l~ Cha~Ü:'\~t~ ..)86.,l IB7, 188. 197
Gari ty, 167 Oisr.ell, Benjamin, 5, 6,8':"lJ:-tT.""r( 16, 43,
Chastisonent, 185 71, 19, 80, 92, 117, 1'1_" l'il, lBl, lBB
Ot(fl1i cills, 156 Disraciis, lA, 19, :20, 21, 29, 71, 73, 86, 143,
Chicago 1Il., 25, 26, 27, HI, 145, H9,150, L5_4_ _ ._._~ _ _
15'1, 155, 158, 18B, 194, 196, 197, 200, 210 nnrrrl, 65, 66 --
Olristiun Itis-tory, 65 11,CUfnf:nts to Unt te the Cast.crned Western Owrches,
Christiûll fk!igjon, 135 OlUTches, 40, 97
Christian Unl ty. 84. [hminic.n RepubJic, 160, 16), 191, 195, 196,
Ch ri 1;Iti ani ty, 1;13. ~ Cr 209, 212, 213
CfiD"sllans, 26, 178 [}J!H~, 184
Church Mi j li tarit, 113, 172 Dr. Botkin, 88
Cinci.nnati, 113, 158, 19,~ Dr. 1s&dor Rabi 1 153
Ci ti es üvcr 50,000, 29 Dragon, 218
Ci ",j l IJefcnst', ]84 DnJ~{>; 'llld fbpe, ] 37
Ci"il Fùghc.;, 109 llüJln:<>ki! David, 146, 153
Ci "il W,r, 1.), lI, 15, 92, 110 ll.lbj i 1\, 1·~9
Clcrgy, :16, :18, 41, 168, \69, 170, 172, lB5, IH6 Duke of W~! 1i ngton, 10
Clcvebnd, 113, US, 158 Duluth, l'~I, 198
Coashel, 192 f)uIJ.(;~, John Faster, 178, 196
[.0 tonel E. M, Hnll~e, .r: Du l'lois, W, E, B" Ill, 150
Columbia, 209
Col~L'llbi<t University, 160 Eagle, li5, 190, 218
Connunications. 136 Earthqu.kes, 186, 187
(,,,,,,,,m,,,,,, 3B, 114, 124, 125, HO, ~, 1 East Ber! in, 28. 145
162, lm;:' IB9~ East, J55, 194, 203
Çsmru.mist, 23, 30, B3, lll, 113, 116, 144 Ea.5t GcCTllany. 27
Coornunist PClrty, 2.1 Eastt:r, 96
Confederaçy, 1~ Eastern Schisn, 65
C'...onfession, Sacrwncnt of, 70 Eastern Ri tc~ Orthodox, 97
Confusion, 184 Ebbon, Abba, H, 139, 176
CnngresSill:ln, 116 Edm, Anthony, 73, 153, 17B, lB?, 188
Congressl1\;'lI\ E. WHI Le!', 30, 92, J03 Education, 1261 1.24
C.ùnst<:tlJtinoplc, 98 Egypt., 9, 11.3: 174, 177
Constitution, .21, 110 Ei fn.defe, 149
Continental Amy, 68 Eisenhower, lke, 153, 173, 175, 17B, 182,
Control.led Press, 123, \33, 153 183, 187, 188
Corpus Onisti. Texas, 26, 150, 203, 204, 215 Eisenho""r, Mil "'n, 77, 9,~, 182, 183, lBB, 191
Corregidor. 217 EIders of lion, 136, 143
Cossacks, 16 Elvis Presley, 71
Cmneaux, Adolph, 16, 80, 109, 183 ElJllerol' Maximillian' 15
Cnmean '!'t'nr, 9 Encycl i cal, 40, 41, 43, 64
Cub., 131, 147, 160, 191. 197, 202, 204, 207, Encyclical,of Free Masonry, Pope Loo XIII,
208, 209, 210, 21l, 218 43, 64
CzestochoVo'<l, 99 En""y, 74, 76, 78, 120, 164, m, 193
Del'ldier, 81 England, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, ll, 12, i3, 14, 15,
Delaware, 159 16, 39, 77, 79, 92, 93, 131, 174, 191,
i:bwes, Olarics, 81. 93 213, 217
D6nocrates, 38 English, 24
Den of Evi lness, 21 Engl ish Channel, 210, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218
Oenlila rk, 17, 211 Espous.d of Our Holy Mother, 41
Dental Msocial.ion, 125 Europe, 4, 5, 8, 14, 32, 107, 177, lB2
Denvol', 150, 115, 210 Evans\'i11e, 150 .
Oeschmaneau, Rt:ynoldo or Louis, 81 Evil Forces, 4, 14, 16, 17, 33, 3B, 39, 41, 69,
'Destruction, 2, 7, 13, 19, 21, 32, 81, 110, 120, .a8, 90, 92, 93, 96, 103, 104, 106, 109, 110"
122, 132, 136, ,169 Ill. 116, 117, 121, 123, 135, HO, 141, 144,
rkstr'Jction of .%nerican Heroes. 69, 124 166, 169, 170
Del"truction of Œurch, 77
DestnH:tion nf Christiallity, .1, 2S Fail'bands. 211
Destruction of Minci. 125, 126 Faith and MoraIs. 115
DestrucLion of Ll.S.A., 10 F.U-out, 156
Detroit, MichigclO, 113, 1.\1, 146, 149, ISO, 152'1 False Prophets, 187
1.\8, 19B, 206, 214, 215 F.r East 210
Oui\s, ,~, 7, 19, 25, 26, 33, 38, '1,2, BI, B4, f-ather Al.del, 34
102, 101, 103, 121. 142, 113, 165 Father George Varga, 65, 66

- 2­

Father Evan. 17, 40

GJI f of :.1exico. 209, 216

father O'Bri an, 76

Gdov. 91, 27, 28, 99, 172

F.B.I., 152, 197, 198

Hai ti, 160, 195. 203, 209, 212

Ferdinand, 103
H"",iltan Ho te! , 144, 148, 153, 154, 193

Fi fth Scige, 1, 68, 69, 70, 73. 109, 133

Havana, Cuba, 182. 194. 210, 212. 213, 214,

finklestein. 81
216, 217, 218

fi re~, Stonns, Destruction. 132, 198

Haute Vente Pomaine. 81, 107

Fishbein, 153
H.wai i, 203, 204, 207. 209, 216, 217, 218

Florida, 187, 196, 209, 218

'Hawaiian Islands, 217, 218

~'luoridation, 125. 126

H Bemb. 77, 154, 165. 176. 192, 197

Food POl scning, 126

Heart Att~ck, 73

Forced Iltsing, 109

Heaven, 127

Forces of Evil, S, 14, 41, 71,75, 79, 83,

Hel ",a, 151

85, 125. 161, 170

He li , 102, 127. 142

Ford Henry. Sr., 184

Hersch, Otto. 192

Fordhan Uni versi ty. 65, 67

Hessi ans, 8.
Foreign G>vemment, ÜS Hidden Hands. 185

Foreign PoIicy. 169

Hienreh):> 28. 36, 38, 75. 77. 84, liS. 168,

Fo nno sa. 132, 214, 216, 217

170. 171. 172. 185

Fort\lo'O rth, 150

Hienrchy of Sat.... 137·

Fr!!!9', 7, la. 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 27. 33, 35.
Hi 1ton Hotel, h3, 184

42, 163, 131, 174, 213

Franco. 147. 151, 162, 163
Historulns, 1

Frmkenstein, 174
History, Il, l, 18. 73, 86, 91, 105, 114, 170

Franldurter, Yelix. 31, 110, 111, 153, 197

History Books, 66, 84

Fran,. Joseph, 16, 17

Hi sto ry. Bible. 138

Froulein, 27. 29, 73. 74, 144, 145, 146. 147,

Hi sto ry, Qmrch, 97

1-18, 149, 151, 152, 163, 193, 194, 195,

Histary of 'lCrld, 41

196, 198. 212

Hi story Rewri tten. l, 4

Frederich Wilhelm III (King of ProssiaJ, 83

Hi.-ilir, 28, 151 ~! ?~ IOY

Yreedom. 122
Holy F""ily. 72

Freanasons-~1asonry. 17, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43'1

Holy Father, 28. 43

75, 80. 81. 106. 107, 138, 171

Hol y Glost, 26

French, 24
Holy Office, 40, 42

f'i'ldaYs of Lent, 133

Home, School, OlUreh, 19

Frogman, 191
Honduras, 211, 212

l'buse Irmligration S-ib-ÛXJmi ttee, 30

Galendos, 160
Hoxsey Qinic, 149, 190

Georgi a, ) 12
Iilb of Evil, 72. 84

General Andrew Jackson, 11

Iildscn Bay. 206. 209, 210. 212, 214, 215. 216

Geneva Conference, 179

liJmanum Genus, 40, 41, 43. 115. 171, 184

Gennan. 24. 202

tiJngari an ReJugees, 30, 31

Gennan-U-Ibats. 201
Hungari an Revo1 t, 27

Gel1Dany, 17. 42. 107. 151, 175, 179

Hungary, 27, 28, 81, 177

Germany. East, 149, 194, 196. 212

Hurricane, 132. 186. 199

Gennany, Frankfurt. 7
Hypocri tes, 26

Giggenheim, 82

Gladstone, 5
leeland. 210, 212, 213, 216

Glondeaux, 82
lcons, 95, 99. 101

Goats Beard, ISO Ignatius, 98

G>dlcss Materi aH sm, 11luminati. 139

God' s ll'i Il, 130

InmaculBte Conception Shrine, 118. 119

Goldstein. 86, 107

Inmigrants, 22

Gospel of St. John. 26

lllf1ligration Law5, 22, 23

Govcnlment. 114. 119. 120, 121. 159

India, 211

- Grah.... Bi 11 y, 186
lndianasx>lis, 158

Grond Masters. 10. H, 77. 107, 138. 139, 145,

Industries, 24, 136

1,19, IH Infallibility of Pope, 42

Great Britain, S. 7. 11, 103. 189

Insti tutions, 128

Greece, 131. 178

Insul. Sanuel. 81

Greenland, 93, 203. 205. 206. 207. 214. 215.

lnterfai th, 84

1ntemational Afrai TS, 142'
Green Dragon, 174. 192
1ntemational Bankcrs, 2. 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15,

Gretta Schnapper, 7
16, 17, 28. 92, 106, 136, 143, 162, 174.

Gu"",. 205. 207

175. 182, 191

Glatemal a. 194. 195, 1% Invisible Gn'ernment, 10, 29

G.ggeoheim, 93
10""8. 206

- 3­

'Iran. 173, 174

~a SOUe\;>e, 34, 35, 99, 172

Ireland, 71, 147, 179, 181, 182, 207, 209, 211,

Latin Ri te, 66

213, 217, 218

Irish, 24

j Lazarcvi tch.
L.A.V., 192


1 ri sh Bay, 21B
League of Nations, 36, 38

l ri sh Olannel, 218
Lehman, Senator, 111, 153, IB2

Island, 22
Lmin, 17, 19, 20, 82, 17,~

Israel, 22, 174, 185, 191

Leame<! EIders of Zion, 107, 136, 143

Italy, 7, 17, 131

Leyvi tch, 80

Liberalisn, 36, 38

Jackson, 109, Ill, 180

Liginov, 148

J ...aica, 202, 203, 206, 208, 209, 214

Lincoln, Abe, 3, 4, 14, lB, 22

Japan, 132, 202, 206, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214,

Lion, 175, 190, 218

216, 217, 218

Lipa (P'nilippine Islands), 172

Japanese, 178, 186, 190

CTOyd, Geo rge, BI

Jerusal"",. 177
Long, Huey, 82

Jet Planes, 173, 197, 201, 202, 206, 207, 208

London, 149, 186, 216

Jew Agent, 24
Look Magazine, 76

Jews, 8, 9, 10, 13, H, 16, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28,

Los Angeles, 26, 149, 204, 207, 208, 217

30, 37, 38, 39, 76, 84, 86, 92, 105, 106,
Louisianna, 10, 132

112, 136, 137. 140, 169

I~s, 99

John, Otto, 145, 147, 149, 152, 192, 193, 211,

Lubin, 153

Luk6Ui a, 155, 156

Johnson, 111
~,:" l~ Lutherans, 17. 76

Jordan, 190' Modonna Maria, 3, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27. 31.

J"daism, 17, 38, ·~2, 84, 86. 106, 137

67, 68, 69, 70, 83, 90, 95, 96, 97, 9B.

Judas, 169
99, 109, Ill, 162

Judases, 24, 168

'Madonna ~aria of Vladimir, 97

Jugoslavia, 175
Madison, Wi scons! n, 149

Justice Brennan, 31, 173

Madison, President, 11

Mahatma Cl\andi, 179

Kadar, 81
Molenkov, 20, 21, 192

K;'Igenovitch, 20, 21, 81, 148

Manneseh, ",lias Massine, 79

Kahn, 184
Mardi s Gras, 158

Kahn, Otto, 81
Mal'shall &>\lIte, "îO', 16

Kaiser Wilbc.lm, IS
MarshaTI, Ihurgood, 11 1

Kamanov 82

1 ,Martyrs, 21

Kansas City, 200

Mary t....l0 Suffering of Passion. 133

Kasper, 29, 112

Maryland, 113

Kateri Tekak"i tha, 195, 196

Masonic Secret Societi es, 6, 117. 138

Kavenovi tch, 82
Massachusetts, 199

Kennedy, Sen., 31
Mauston, Wisconsin, 148

Key' 5, 203, 204, 207, 208, 214, 216. 218

Maxim and MelaniE', 31~

Key West, 203, 20,1, 206, 216

Mani ni. 5. 16

Kiel, I\lssia, 40
Mc Arthur, General. 178, 186

Ki en, 99
Mc Carron, Pat, 29, 30

King Saud, 93, 94

Mc C'...arthy, Scnator Joseph. 145

King of Prussia, 103

Mc Millan, 153, 181

K.K.K., 33, 112, 1901, 198

Mc Kensec, R., 206, 209, 210, 211

King &>lomon, 136

Medical & I)mtal Auociations, 125

Knights of ll,lta. 85
Medical Research, 136

Kor.. , 192
Mediterrane"n, 131, 208, 209, 211, 212. 213, 217,

Kolrnanovi.cb, 148

Kremlin, 78, 188, 192

Mc~sagcs, 134

K.rubachev, 80, 81
Messages [rom Heaven had bcst b~ hecded, 25

Kruhkov, 80, 81
Metternich. Prince, 79, 103

Krushchev, 20, 21, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179,

Meyer, 4nschel, 7, 81, 139

180, 181, 183, 189, 190, 191, )92

M(:xican War, 12

KuchMOVl tch, 80, 81

Mexico, 13, 14. 15, 20, 30, 31, 132, 147, 152.

Kuho & Loeb, 15, 184

172, 187, 192, 191, 203, 212

Mexico Ci ty, 21, 132. 152, 172, 195, 197. 202,

Labor Rackets, 189

203, 201. 210, 211. 212, 213. 214

(, Laboure, lï2 ')

Mi ami, U5, 151, 161. 195

La~sse. Wi sêonsÎn, ]49

Middl{~ East, 131

LaQjinski. Dr., 153

Mi lcnkov, 191

Laity. 134
Milwaukee, 199

Lake Michigan, 199, 210

Mindzenty, Cardinal, 176, 185"

La Sai Le IloteL, 199

Minneapoli s, 113, U9, 200

lUI.. 1 V

\Ii 1lll('.~,O!..I. ::!Ot> Our Lady of iJrompt SJccor, 12

~111·.H'Uioll~ ~ll'dal. 18. JO. 3J. 31

~Îi·:.;~i Il'. 1:;1. JSb. J(}.l, 165. 180. l89. 191. ]~j.
Pari fic. 2ll, 212

Pi9. ~O~
PallliH Ilotl~e, U4. B5, 200

-.\Ii ,..;:o:i :-;,..,ippl. F19

Puna"., 19,\, 202, 203, 205~, 207

\\pd"l"I\ !\n l, 9.1, 101. 102

lJalt,<VJlil Cmal, 81, 133. 188, 202. 2O-l

M"lilll0\. :?D. 21, 80. 191

PM"] Id, 38th, 192

'lolld. ,\i rn-o. 81

I~ France, 32, :n, IllB, 151, 1B6. 216

\1011fO',,11 ion, llï Pa::;sion of Lord, 95, 96

MOl\rI1(> lhl"ll"llll', n. 10:1 Passport:.>, 2,~

\l~\\\i'.\fIlQl· .'oul"l 81~
Palriolislfl lU, 123. 12·-t
~1()1l;-;'1 ~"llO' ~tr:pn 1 ak. J7
Peace, TI, 84, 100

\Iol),.:,q ~1I(11' Tamnssi. ·H

Pcace Conferellce. 11

\lOlll r('ld. lBS

l>e<Kefui Co-~:xi stenec, 169, 170, 171

\Ionll 1)"W'!WralJ(!Il, J::!, :n. :\5

Pearl Ilal'bor, 178. 203, 206, 207, 213. 2J5, 216,

\Ioqt:l'Illl'illi. lBS
217, 218

\\onll'('I1, 77. 173. n·l, 2Oj, 2lH, 20.5, 206, 20A,

Pconsyl v'ani a, 197

'21 L 217, 218

Pentagon, H9, 151

~los.I«)""·. 87
P(.'Ori a, 1S8
~lll\'i 1.23
('z'. Peron, 23

\hllldt. Dr. 6. HO
~serlltion. 29, 33, 3i, 67, 79, 8,1, 91. 130

Murph\', Jl'lT)'. 16J

Pt~L(:r th(~ Great, 3, 66, 67, 142

\IUllli k, 16·' Pbarisee~, 26

'.A.ALP.. lJO, III
Phillippine Jslands, 77, 175, 194, 203, 204,

!\ô1g<l~aki, 176 .
205, 206, 207, 209, 216, 217

C%,\\._5,~ 13,80
PhoLi.ll~, 98

_~n~S;tr. Ir-t
Pi CC() 1i Tigrc. 81, 187

\; 123. 12·1

Pi ke, .'Ilberl, 107

\;ltO, 2.1, 165

Pi ttsburgh. 105, 158

~<Illll':d Hf'nl~:-:. 124

Plot. ta !)e.sLroy U.S.A" la, 12, 29

Nav)'. 189
Plot, One \\Orld G::Jvernmt:nt, 123, 140

.~~ll, 1~2
Plot La Destro)' \\Orld, J41
.'i('r~dllh thl-,h School, 8. 21,~ 215, 216. 2]7,
P~iOU.s fbods, 126 \ ç(
Pol and, 177

r'\lf'h1'1I, .179
Poles, ,ID. 000, lOB, 182

\t: .... f(lundl and. .11, 151, J 52. 158, 202. 20,t,
Polio, 19ï
205. ~06. ~07. 208, 209, 2]0, 2U, 212,
POlllcston, BO
Pond, 112

\c\\' l.i sbon, 199

Ponds, Lily, 183

~f"\""Orleal1_";, La., Il, 12, ~6. lr~7, l'Si, J52,

Pupe Loo 1X, 98

158, 180, 188. 198. 200

Pupe Lc'O XI 11 , 39, 40. 41, -\3, U5, 171

,\I('w$.papns., 1~3
Pnpe Paul 1, 67, 97

.\c.· \Iorld, 68, 103

Pope Pius IX, 34, 36, 37, 38. 39. 40, ,\2, 99,

,.\ew York Üly, 23, 26, 28, 139, 145, 151,

1J 5, 138

153, 151, J80, 186, 206

Pope Pi us X. 38, 'U
Ne · Y<ll'k tla l'ho r. )·l
Pope Pius XII, 28, 40, 75, 179, 185, J93

;-.:c· Zf'al,md. 206

Pope, St. Ni cho 1as the Great, 98

,.\,hiii.c, 2, 3, S, 11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21,

Purlugal, 17, 2]], 213, 217

23. n, 73, 77, 117, ]]9. 188

Po.cll, Ad"" C1aytuo, 109, Ill, 1J2, 151

N,,"n. 173, 189 1"1

Prayer. lB, 20, 73, 99

~l I\fri('an.(n.. ~l., 212

President ~'ight Eisenhower, 2B, 38, 73, 95, 153,

Nr)rl.h Pole. 2J2, 21,\

173, 175, 17B, 182, 183, 187, J88

):ort.1l Sea, 210, 211, 213, 215

P,'csident Harding, 93

l\orthcrn Lighb, 129. UO, 131

Pr("s,idcnt Abrah.-n Lincoln. 14, lB. 19, 80, 92.

;\nrl.hcl"rI StêltC$, t8S

93, 1J 2, 143

"orwny, 174, 213

President Madison, 11

\otl't' Dame Un.i versi ty, 95

Pre$idf~nt Mc Kinley, 93

.\\lcll~ar &mb, 180. 182

Prcsi d('nt Monroe, ]03
,\'lIl11Î k, 164
President Richard ~ixon, 94, IB8
President rr~nklin Poosevclt, 93, 124, 181, 189

O'l\<lssi ck, 199

President Harry Truman, 116, 195

OId \\orld, 8,1

Pride, 127, 128, 129, 171

Olga, 96, 97, 99

Priests, False. 125 .

Onl" \\orld CoVCnllllenL, rl, 38, 87, 123, 12\~

PrJnct' Ferdinand, 17,

Onlario, H'I, 156. 215

Prince Mettcrnick, 8

Oppcnllf'im. \1orri s, 81
Prince Nicholas of Gr('ece, 16

Orlhodux, 66, 85, 88. 97

Prince Nicholas o.f l\issia, ]6, B7
OLUlwa, .149, J51
Pri son Canps. 108

- 5·
1'01.. IV

Pri soncrs, 190 99. 100. 109, 142. 1,\8, H9, 155. 156. 164.
Propag.nd., 6, 16, 24, 26, 36, 37, ')2, 71, 165, 1.73. 114, 175. 176. 177, 180. 1.8,1, 185,
91, 123, 116, 117, 153, 162, lM, 170, 186. 190, 191, 196, 197. 201, 202. 209, 211.
180, 181, 18,1, 192, 201 213, 21')
Protel'tant QlUrch, 19J Russian tlisto!')', 65

ProtestanLiS'fl, 6. 66, J66, 167 Hutlsi on i'l<tti 01131 Chu rch, G6. 67, 85

Protocnls, 75, 8·' Rll~si.m"av)' Under Pl'csidcmt Llnr.oln. 11

Protoco[s of th l'! r]ders of Zion, 143 Hussian Peop1(', 97

Prune Foce, 142, 113, 184 Russian Revolution, :\7

Publ i c School s, 124- llussinn SJr.mnrinp., 152

Puerto Ri co, 31, 194, 204, 209 I~u sso-J apanesC' WO r, 15

Purge, 120

Sabotage, 28

RabI" M.x, 153 Sacrarneots. 133

Rabbi, .84, 137, 19·) Sncrœlents 0 f PenDItCe. 70

Rabbi Brodi e. 154 S.crcd Spot, 73, 130, 131, 192

Rabbi Issaac Wise. 80. 82. 153. l51 Sacri Cice of tlH' Mass, 66
Rabbi ls racl. 180 SnJ..i, 192
Rabbi Israel Moses, 80. i43. 185 SaJk Vaccine, 186
Rabbi Lewi.. 81 SMille). ), 82
Rabbi Ludwi g, 81 San AIILonio, Texa.... ISO
Rabbi Prin", 147, 149. 153. 154, 176 S.n Diego. Ûlli forni •. 26. 28, 144. 152. 196.
R.bbi I\>sen. 154 203, 20'1, 205, 207. 208, 209. 210. 211, 212.
Rabbi Silver. 81. 154 213, 214. 215, 217
Rabbi Steven Wi se, 153 SlIn Frulici .sr.o. Cnl i Carni a, 14, 26, 144, 142, 146,
Radio Acti vi ty, 155, 156, 157 1.\7. H8. 150, 151. 189. 199, 204, 206. 207,
Radio & Tel evi $.10[1, 22, 123 209, 216
Rai 1 road~, 184 Sasson. 184
'Red O>i na. 109 SnlOn. 2. 6. 7. 70, 77. 78, 133. 135. 138, 143,
_Red Dragon, 174, 175, 178, 192 182. 186
Refugees, 22. 24. ~. :!'J, 30. 31. 125. 1·14 S.lan Agencles, 8. 12. 13, 25, 31. 33. 39. 40.
Regi!;:ter of History Ihoks, 67 42. 67, 71, 86. 103. 104. 106. 107. 110,
Religious. Kecp Wnstant Vigi l, 172 121. 122. 191 .
Representnti vc &)'lc. 22 Sat.nie l'orees. 8. 9. 13. 16. 22. 36, 37. 78, 82
Rr.publ i CilllS, 38 84. 85. 90. 139. 140, 165. 189.
Hesurrectiolt. 96 SOL<tn's Iiiernrchy, )J. 137
Reutller, Wal ter. )84- SatelllLc. 165

Rev, JohnO'Hriau, 76 SeI,i Cf s. 80

Revel ations. 168. l88 Scboenburg, 7

Rcvo1utionary \'t'ars, 8, 68 Scbool., 73. 133

Revolution>, 21, 79, 139. 140, 160. 162 Schmi rdo\' j ch, 148

Richmond, Vi rgi ni a, 151. ISO Sc i ence, 129

Rio Oejaneiro, 211, 212 Seri bes, 26

RiolS, 77, 106, 175. 181. 182, 183. 184, 192, Se. of Ckbotsh. 132, 202. 203. 204, 206,

193 207. 208. 209. 210, 211. 212. 213. 214.

Rip V.n Winkle. 72, 73 216. 217

Fbb~nsort, Poul, 109. III St:attl~ 'n'ashington. 148

Ibcl< of Gibralt", 203. 210. 211, 216, 217 Sec ret Agen t, 40

I\>ckrfellers. 28, 184 Secret PoIt cc, 91

~, 4, 5, 6, iO. 12, 13, 14. 16, 20, Sec reL Soclety. 107

42. 79. 80, 81. 82. 86. 87. 109, 184 Segregatio". III, 132. 197, 198
Ibthschi Id :\n,~elm, 7, 85 Sel r Glol'i fication, PI t)' & Wi Il, 133

FbthschildJarncs. 7,9,86 Sel i 8... n. 82, 184

Ibthschi Id, Karl. 7 Sc.flllnarics. 12R

IbthRchi Id I.ionel, 1. ", 8. 154 Scnator Lt1nan. 153

Rothschi IJ, Nathan, 7

Scnator Mc Ca rron , 22. 28, 30
Rothschi 1J, :-:loIOOlOn, 7, 8 St:nator Mc; Curthy. 145
ROOHUl Catholic Û1urch, 39, 97
ScnatCJrial InvcstigMions. 16,~
Romanoffs. 2, 18, 97, IDS Sonu l, 192
SepAration of Ollirch & SL<lI.C', 38
R""". 37. 67, 97 Serpent, 71. H. 135
Rompdlo, 125, 172. 185
Romulo. 188
Shon.hird, 158, 198
Roosevelt, \Irs. F.D.R, 173, 175, 191
Shapi 1'0, A., 61. 15:\

Hoscnberg, t\lm. 29, 151

Shundarn, Khn.lhf'VOn [)isr.. eli~. 20

Aoseufel t. 82
SiI,.,·i., 155, 181, 182, 188. 199. 205. 211.
Rubtfl Morri s, 180 214
Rubl e, 3 Si cil y. 213, 216, 217
Russi., l, 5, 9, 10, Il, 12, n, 14. .16, li, I~, Sill\Ony. 98
22, 2i. 31. 41. 80. 82, 83. 84, 95. 96. 98, Si ... 69

. b·
s-.J 1; t 10

\'01.. l\'

.-;;Islt'l""; or (JI.H". Lv, :n

Tar'I.;II',s. 65

-"'lui th, ·\1, Hl:! .

TI'i~IISlf'r:-- lJni c;m, 1S~

\01)(·[ ,.:llllll()\, l ~8
Tpnn('~~('(', lU, 195, 199

~';od(.'1. J 18
TC'qui 1;1. 19(\

S,I'I'I., }tJ2
T,,-x:ls. ]97

:-\tll't il, l.i:? 1(j ~

Th llllk:--g 1 vi ng. 177

..;,,,1(111;1:'", -:-1
'11"" .. \.1"("$. 131

:-\llll"; ot lh l , CO\I'IIHllt, 107

l'hi rt~· PicLt'l:i of Si 1\"('1-, 29. .'\.0. 71

=-")II~ ur ïf,
.'111111, TigA'C'. Pl('(;olo, lOi

:-'''Il\,'. liS. 1:12. lfil, 19·L ]96. 198, 212

TûhitlS. III

:-,op!li Il. ]51


:-\ollth c'lIl't'i ('il, 2:~, 103, 10·1, 160. 17:')

Tnlt~dn. OhIO, 158

;-';Ollt!t1\.1 ", 1";"9, LBI

Tokyo. 209. lll, 213. 21~, 216. 217, 218

:->lllltlwrn Cd i forni'l. 187

T rail spo rl al,. i on, J 36

SlI 1 1'1. l S ~
Tr{'a~m, 2k Il.-l

."l'<fiu, 1J, 17. 27. 10]. nI. Ill. H9, J60,

TrotRky, 17. 18. 20

.162. 16.\, 1:-:;, 181

l'rue Olllrl"h & TrLll~ FiJi th. 7'L 87

...h. Il

'-';pdll i _ Tnl,ii lIn, 1llO

....;p.llll~h (:1'11 \\'<11', lh~ Turkt"y. 'J, ,t.!. Ui. li8

~IM.I\ S \ld tht' SIll. 1:..)(,), no, Hl T. \". & Bolllin. 2J. J21

~Jll'i II/r'1I11. htltlll". 110

Tl.dt" \!'·'xlllldt·[' 1. 9. Il. 86, 102, 193

Splltlli II" lb 1
Tl.àl' AI (:xlHldcr Il. 3. U. 14, J5. 18,

:'"'t. l-'r;'il\ci:-.. 193

39. ,10. IL 67. 82. 86. 99. 105

('.1 ./l';lll Ill" ·\n", J:.?, ï 1. \-'"

Tzar ~\If'xandl'r Ill, 1, 2, 6 r 8, 1(), no,

~I .lollll . ..2J J,
~1 18. 2L 22. 25. 27. la, :n. 12. :n.

-"'1.. IJJlil.". \!o .. ::!f"), 'j~j, 15:1. 1:18. 20ü, 3.10

1:,. 3'J. ·10. ·11, ,12, 68. :8. 81. 82.

'.t. !l;1I ri rk, 179

8·\. 86. 87, 88, 'la. 91, 95. 96. 97 .

..... t.P"ll!. WB, 199

99. 105. 106. 107. 117. 138. H3, 162

~t.. PAU!. \lillll., H9. 150. 15\

T:l<l r ~i chnJ a~ l, 3. 5. 6. lô, 80, 82,

:-:"1. Pl'ter' ~ C"'llheJr<ll. ()7

86. n. 97, 99, JO]

.'::-t. I\.:vrsb., I"K. k~I,,~i il. W.~J, 183

Tzar Nicholils l , J7, -lI. 81. 82. 89,

."\l;)llll. Jo.'. 19. '20. ~1. 1':"~, 175. IB2

90, 91, 97. lOS, 106

St;Jlill''iOI<I1l,.Wortlp~t, 20
TZi.\r Paul l. M2. 8S. 8o, 88, 97

~l ;.Ildil['d oi 1. 189

.""itaio\~('Il, 183
UIlf'SCO. J 2'~
St.illioll:' of lhl' Crnl'\~. 9S
Uni fi côllion of OlUrch , l2

:ihllP l)ep:lrlfl1f1ll. l;~O 1

Lnion of the Orthodr)x <tnd Ctlt.bolir 01lln:h.

~Ullue of tIlH'rl.Y. 202

65, 66, 67

:,,>\elllb,....k. Dr. .151

Unite-d :'li-itinH:<;, :21, 2.3. 37, 38, )'24, 125.

~UI,'khnlm. J81
Hl. l7A. 179. 197 198

~tolln."i, FI (.oJ.-.;, Firl".s. 186. IBi. 19ft

nit.s .\Ied,d. 219 1 22.~
~ll'f)ng . .'\1111t1, Il5. 116, LjO, 15l. 152, 196
UnI vcrs1ty. Fordh8'II, 61

~\lb <:nlf1lil 1.1.('''. 30

ltnivl~I":.;.it.y of Wiscoll~ln, lU

~uhl'af·iHt'S. Il;;, J69. 181, 19·~. 196, 2OJ. 202. Urai MounulÏ.J\s, 149 1 199

t!rl>oline Üm\'enl. 12

::illh\(oIT~tlWl\l1 \'dL,gl'. \:"!), 1':1, 176, 180, 187.

Il.S.,I., la. 11. 13, H. 20. lJ.. 68, 10,\.

106, 107. 110. 131, 137, I:JR, 16L

:-;ld)L(·IT;Ul'~I.Î~ TIIHIlC' 1~.

IN. 178, 187, 19Q. 201. 21l, 2.12

:--\il!H'cr,-;ic'llr, H, 21. ~I,

',9, 71, lU·" 11,3, 11,",.
l ~2, l n.
i:! 1. 126. il~, U5. 149. 103, '68
\'allt')' forg{', 78

:-:nth.·'-.... \!.IIl.Con'rnlni,<;.l., ~3
Vargrl, Fr. Gt·orp;'c. 65

~lIh\f'rsi \(':;;,']
Vnti cun. 9, 65

.'-'IIN L'lI<.d 171, 1; l. 176, \";8, 119, 188. 198.

Vt.'J\tClÎ ,\1 to. 107

_\J.! 20 1. ~l)h. ::!ll. 2J 2, 2 .... 2\5. ~16. 211

ViCOir' of OHisl-. 78. 185

'-;UIiC'l \\urld C'J{)I"llhllll,tH. 87, ll(l. ]21, 124

Vlr"pllia. 159

~lon:l:J" (JjHI'l-. :11. !10

V1shinskl, ~l'O. 191

:"Illp"'111'~ Glillld o\t'Sl('I, 7'1.!J=>. 136. 151

\'ladimir, 9ù. 97, 99

S\f'l'dJ·)··, Uï. ),18

lolk fu·ld. 1'18

:--'o\;)Il. lieur), 1. l, 2'l

Von Ui ~nark, OllO. 5. 80

:-)\\,U\ l··.tdnd .205, 20~,. :lOi. 20S. 2119.2\0. 211.

2P. 2.13, :!l L 216

115, 213

,'sI\"I'(lf'lI. \\'M~lak('fS. J8·.l

~1If,tT.Nlnnd. 27 lïY
\\<11', L 85. 192

:-i',\l;)M or l)a:l:or·ll.·s, 17.1, lio

W~H' of 1IH2. 10, 11

S)nagu~1f' of S;tt,llll . •~, 1~, 6­

W"r\"u rg, I··d i x Paul, 80

:-;) ~t r't~l". 1S-; "'<lfbu rg. James & Ed. 153

Wanljn,g"s fra", Beavcn. ]44

Talbol I-t.lùlo. 187

l''arrm, SlJprf~IH: Ü1U rt .Ill Stl ce, 183

Tilhuud. :'6


W.,hington, Ile., 23, 26, 112, 116, i17,

liB, 119. US. 15J. 177, 186. 210

Washington. G..· orge, 11, 68, 69. 7ft. 109.

Ill. Jl6, 12·1. 180

Washingloll Monument 1, 119, 120

Wss.hingLOll' s Vision, 68, 69


Weinburger, 153

Wcisenhélllpt, Man, 81, 1.19

Wei .sr1lan, Olaim, 81

Wei SSP., 82

W(~sl &~rl in, 150

West Co.Sl, 145. 187. 202, 208. 2lï

W<,stern I1ffili sphere, lO{, 172

.Yihi Le, Dr., 153

\\lliting, Indiana, 148

Wi Ikin,. Poy, 109. Ill, 153

Wi Il iilllS, 111

Wi Imette. 8·1

\\'i 1SOli, Presi dent \\i:lodrollo', 37

Windsor. Canad'l, ISO, 198, 216

Winnepcg, 216

Wi :s(~ Rabbi, 80

\\'i !ole, Slèphcn, 82

World wntrol. 123

World Co\'crnment, 93, 121, 12,~

World Health Organizatioll, \\'.11.0., 125

Ivodd PloL, HO. HI

Wodd 11'. . l, 17, 32, 37
ll'orld WBr Il, 37, 69

x- rsys, 155

Yids, 1. S, 24. 25, 2B, 10, 31, 110, 136, 13B,

J.l4, 1.JJl. 151. 154, 156, 184
Youth, 72, 73, 113, llï, 120. 122, 124, 133, 162,
163. 175, 182, IR3, 185, 186, 191, 192, 19,1

YOlJLh fuols, 77. 192

Yu~oslavi(l, Tita's, 27, 175

Yurovsk)', 87

ZargO", BR, A9
Zioni~t, ]35, 136, 137, ]38


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