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Top 1 0 Antio xidants

Nature’s Elixirs That Help You

Stay & Feel Young
*Powerful secret that the government misled you
about…..and it’s free!!!!
1. Vitamin D is the most potent vitamin in the body. Vitamin D is
produced by your skin in response to UV irradiation in sunlight.
Regardless of what you’ve heard, sunlight is good for you. The
government’s public health campaign began in 1987 with the
Department of Health’s statement “if people avoid excessive exposure to
sun, they can prevent melanoma”. The history of sunbathing has been
rewritten. Now sunbathing has no medical value. Nothing could be
further from the truth.

Without out sunlight, production of vitamin D is impaired. Many elderly

people are deficient in vitamin D. They have higher rates of breast,
colon, ovary, and prostrate cancer. These older individuals tend to suffer
higher rates of high blood pressure, impaired immune response and
mood disorders. The further from the equator you live the more likely
you are to suffer Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to
osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rickets.

Dr. Niels Finsen was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize in medicine for his
work using photo therapy. Finsen was sick and suffered numerous
complications from Picks disease. He suffered from anemia and
weakness. He made an astute observation that he felt better
when exposed to sunshine. And so began his intense interest in an
area of science called photo therapy. He did use UV light to heal TB
lesions and for that he won the Nobel Prize at the age of forty
two. He died one year later. Others built on his work and bridged a
gap: photosynthesized vitamin D and vitamin D in cod liver oil were
similar. This allowed the use of cod liver oil in the treatment and
prevention of rickets. This discovery led to the eradication of rickets in
the US.
Epidemiological Studies
Numerous epidemiological studies have been done over the past 20-30
years comparing northern versus southern exposure. Overall, people
who live in states like Arizona, Hawaii, Florida, and Texas (the highest
UV radiation range) had less risk of dying of breast, ovarian, prostate, or
colon cancer [internal cancers] than those who lived states like Maine,
New Hampshire, Ohio, and Washington (the lowest range UV radiation
range). An occupational difference was most found in cases of breast
and colon cancer. People who worked outside, regardless of the UV
radiation levels had a 20 to 25% less risk of these cancers. Researchers
theorize that sunlight, the UV radiation offers cancer protection through
its contribution of vitamin D. A variety of research is ongoing. Laboratory
tests have shown that vitamin D can slow or halt the growth of breast
and colon cancer cells. It has been found that breast cancer patients’
serum concentrations of a form of vitamin D are low when compared
with healthy individuals.

Vitamin D is not widely available from foods. Cod liver oil is good source,
but that is an exception. Eggs contain a very small amount and even
fortified milk is not sufficient unless you drink 10 glasses each and every
day. Sun exposure is the most reliable method to generate Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is required for calcium absorption in your intestines.
Supplementation with calcium is useless without sufficient Vitamin D. UV
radiation that generates Vitamin D can not penetrate glass. Because of
that fact, you do not generate Vitamin D sitting inside your car or home.

Individuals with dark skin may need 20-30 times the exposure to
sunlight than fair skinned individuals require producing the same amount
of Vitamin D. This fact explains the large numbers of black men
suffering from prostate cancer. It is a sunlight deficiency. The farther
away from the equator an individual lives, the longer the exposure
needed to sunlight to produce Vitamin D. Most of the people that live in
Canada, UK, and the US need longer exposure times to produce vitamin
D from sunlight.

Everyone feels better when the sun shines. We now know that
bright light eases depression. That means photo therapy has value.
Whatever else sunlight does, it makes us feel better. In winter
individuals living in the northern latitudes may require supplementation
with Vitamin D. The type of Vitamin D is critical. You should look for
Vitamin D-3 (cholecaliferol) and not D-2. Vitamin D-3 is what your body
produces and it is more powerful than D-2 version available in many
inferior vitamins on the market. The governments suggest is 400 IU.
That is insufficient for good health. New data shows level to be 1000-
4000 IU when supplementing your diet.

Vitamin D begins its life in the dermis, but it is activated by your kidneys
and liver before it can be used. Your body self regulates the amount of
Vitamin D it makes. This means it’s impossible to generate too much
Vitamin D.

How to get vitamin D?

Hippocrates wrote about ‘Heliois’ or ‘aerination’ practice. It involved
exposure of the nude body to sunlight generally in the sand. These
locations were called ‘aerinaries’ and were generally found along the
seaside. So ‘sunbathing’ is a very old practice.

The question becomes what is a sensible amount of sunlight to improve

and maintain good health. Dr. Michael Holick has conducted major
studies on this issue. He is considered an expert. His recommendation
is to spend 5 to 15 minutes in the sun, 2 to 3 times a week unprotected:
no sunscreen. That’s all the time it takes for your body to generate all
the Vitamin D it requires.

Vitamin D is generated by UV-B. Antioxidants can boost the body’s

ability to handle UV irradiation without burning. UV radiation (sunlight)
exposure can be minimized by eating/drinking powerful antioxidants
found in variety of fruits. Blueberries, mangosteen fruit, pomegranates,
and Acai are four of the more powerful. The antioxidants act as ‘internal
sunscreens’ and allow individuals to stay out in the sun up to twice as
long. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
showed that beta-carotene and vitamin E are internal sunscreens. The
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology published a study that
revealed green tea drinkers were 20-30% less likely to develop basal cell
carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

Beware of Chemical Sunscreens

Sunscreens that have a physical block (titanium or zinc oxide) are a
better choice. There are micro-fine zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that
offer a higher level UVB penetration without the tell tale white color.

Sunscreens with chemical blocks are problematic. University of

California researchers have found that sunscreens can do more harm
than good once they penetrate the skin. Check you cosmetics and
sunscreens for these ingredients: octymethoxcinnamate [OMC],
benopheone 3[Bp-3], PABA [octyl-dimethy, padimate-O], Homosalate
[HMS], and octocrylene. PABA is neutral unless exposed to sunlight.
Exposure to sunlight it attacks DNA and causes mutations. OMC is toxic
and may kill cells. OMC, Bp-3, and HMS mimic hormone estrogen. This
may disrupt natural hormone system and cause cancer cells to grow.
Avoid them if possible.

Get out in the sunshine. You’ll feel better and it’s free.

*Good forms of Sugar

2. Glyconutrients- This group is composed of eight nutrients. These are
essential sugars: glucose, mannose, galactose, xylose, fucose, N-
Acetylglucosamine, N-Acetylgalactosamine, N-Acetylneuraminic Acid.

Of course everyone is familiar with glucose because it’s common in our

diet. It’s found in white bread, pasta, and table sugar. The other sugars
listed are found in seaweed algae, mushrooms, aloe vera,
arabinogalacants, bread molds, and some fruit pectin. Some can also be
found in shells of crab and shrimp. The easiest and most available form
of glyconutrients is aloe vera.
Aloe vera gel is a miraculous material and is high in glyconutrients.

The gel is found inside the aloe leaf. It has many functions. First, it
boosts immune function. It contains acemannan which is a potent
phytonutrient. Aloe vera reduces inflammation. It has been used
topically for 1000 of years. You can drink aloe vera gel and get the
benefits internally too. Aloe vera enhances skin health. It is one of the
most used ingredients in skin care products. Aloe hydrates, nourishes,
soothes the skin and speeds the regeneration of tissue. I’ve used it to
soothe and heal burns. A quick and easy beauty treatment is to cut off a
portion of aloe leaf and spread the raw gel over a clean face. Your skin
will thank you. Aloe vera has been shown to lower cholesterol and
triglycerides. It may reduce joint and muscle pain. Google Scholar lists
thousands of links aloe vera and its benefits.

*Reduce inflammation and joint problems.

3. Essential Fatty Acids- EFAs are ‘good’ fats. There are two types of
essential fatty acids: omega 3s and omega 6s. They are
polyunsaturated which means they are liquid at room temperature or if
refrigerated. These fats are naturally occurring in plants, grass-fed beef
and seafood (wild salmon and sardines).

They are considered essential because the body requires them to

function properly. They must be ingested through your diet. DHA is a
key component of the brain, retina cells and breast milk. DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid) & EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are
primarily found in cod, mackerel and salmon. ALA (alpha linolenic
acid) is omega 3 oil found in seeds and leaves of green plants. The most
commonly used are fish and flaxseed oil. Health benefits were identified
in the 1970’s when researchers were studying Inuit Eskimo people. They
discovered a low incidence of heart, cardiovascular system and joint
problems. EFAs maintain moisture content, flexibility, and skin repair.
EFAs are effective at treating a variety of disorders, from arthritis to
cancer to depression to heart disease to infant development. The regular
American diet contains an abundant amount of omega-6 fatty found in
baked goods, salad dressings and fried foods. The problem becomes
adding enough omega-3s to be balance the omega-6.

There is debate on the ratio of omega 3 (fish, flax, borage, cod liver, &
salmon and combinations of oils) to omega 6 (corn & soybean being the
most common). The common ranges are 1:1, 2:1 or 4:1 of omega 6s to
omega 3s. The average American diet is closer to 20:1. This large
difference promotes internal inflammation and its related health
concerns. Add more cold water fish, dark green leafy vegetables,
walnuts, and a variety of beans and seeds (flaxseed, pumpkin) to your
diet or supplement with good oil. One should not exceed 3-4 grams per
day of omega 3’s from the appropriate oil. You may want to add take
some vitamin E when you take omega-3 oil as it is a polyunsaturated oil.

*Increase your energy and protect your brain.

4. R-fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid (r-isomer is type that occurs in the
body) is a super antioxidant. ALA provides fuel for the through the
Krebs’s cycle and promotes good mitochondrial function. It compliments
CoQ10 in energy production. ALA supports and helps maintain good
vision, nerve function, slows the aging process, improves blood flow,
improves immune function, and promotes good blood sugar along with
many other functions.

ALA has the unusual ability to dissolve in both water and fat. This allows
it to move easily into any part of your body, including your brain.

Once it's in your brain, it does several things. First, it removes heavy
metals that can poison your brain cells. But, more importantly, ALA is a
critical nutrient for your mitochondria, your cells' furnaces. Your
mitochondria need ALA to generate energy for your cells.

ALA also improves the blood flow to your brain. It protects neurons
against the build up of amyloid material. This typically builds up in the
brains of Alzheimer's victims. And, finally, ALA recycles glutathione, a
detoxifying agent in your cells.
*The secret Indian cure that saved early explorers.
5. Pycnogenol is mixture of proanthocyanidins from pine bark. It was
discovered by French Professor Jacques Masquelier. Masquelier wanted
to know what substance saved French explorer Jacques Cartier and his
expedition in 1535. Cartier’s ship was locked in heavy ice on
St.Lawrence River in the province of Quebec. They hunted for food but
his men began to die of a horrible disease: scurvy. The explorer and his
men lacked necessary levels of vitamin C in their diets. Cartier ran into
an Indian who shared a secret, an ancient remedy to this disease.

The remedy involved making a tea from the leaves and bark of a certain
tree in the area. Cartier had his doubts. Instead of giving the tea to
everyone, he gave the tea to two sailors with scurvy. These two men
made a remarkable recovery. Cartier then shared the tea with the rest of
his men. He never lost another man to scurvy. Masquelier decided to
investigate this well documented event. He knew that medicine men
pass their knowledge to the next generation. He learned that the Anneda
pine tree was the source of the cure. He analyzed the bark and leaves in
his lab and found potent bioflavonoids. He isolated one compound and
patented it ‘pycnogenol’. Additional studies showed pycnogenol is 50
times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times more powerful than vitamin

*The miraculous healing abilities of the grape.

6. Resveratrol is a naturally occurring red wine polyphenol. It is
produced by plants in response to injury, fungal infections, stress and UV
radiation. Resveratrol and other polyphenols are considered part of
plants natural defense system. It is found in grapevines, but the most
concentrated form is found in grape skin. Resveratrol is found in a
variety of other plants. This list includes mulberries, peanuts and
raspberries. For years there has been the “French paradox” which is
the low occurrence of heart problems among the French people who eat a
relatively high fat diet. Resveratrol works to slow and prevent oxidative
damage caused by free radicals. Another important antioxidant found in
grapes is Pterostilbene. This antioxidant has antifungal properties,
immune system benefits and has shown the ability to reduce blood
glucose levels. Pycnogenol is found in the grape seed.

*Protect your heart and increase your energy.

7. CoQ10- is vital for the production of energy (ATP) at the cellular level.
The highest levels are found in the heart, lungs, and liver. CoQ10 also
defends against free radical production during the process of making
energy. CoQ10 production falls as we age so supplementation becomes
an option to keep levels in an optimum range.

*Protect your largest organ.

8. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are tied together. Vitamin C is considered
to be a potent booster of the immune system. It is often taken at the first
sign of a cold or flu. Vitamin C is the most abundant antioxidant in your
skin, which is the largest organ system in the human body. It is vital for
the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Vitamin C is generally considered a
water soluble antioxidant unless you take ascorbyl palmitate.
Bioflavonoids are derived from plant material. They are generally found
in conjunction with Vitamin C. This molecule acts as a bodyguard to
Vitamin C. It protects the vitamin C and boosts its power. Vitamin E is
considered to be a potent booster of endurance and strength. It has
been found helpful in arthritis and circulatory conditions. It is a fat
soluble vitamin. The best Vitamin E contains d-alpha tocopherol along
with other naturally occurring forms: d-beta, d-gamma, and d-delta.
Vitamin E is also necessary in the production of collagen and elastin.
Avoid synthetic versions of Vitamin E.

*Support a vital organ

9. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) It increases glutathione and supports the
liver. Glutathione is an important antioxidant that plays multiple roles:
regulation of cellular processes (cell growth, immune response, protein
synthesis), and metabolism. It also helps protect other antioxidants and
keeps them active. Glutathione is not considered an essential nutrient
because it can be by the body using the amino acids Cysteine, glutamate,
and glycine. It is not well absorbed through the stomach. NAC is
recommended as it is easily absorbed and is shown to increase
glutathione levels. Glutathione is found in fruits and vegetables.

*World’s 2nd most popular beverage

10. Green Tea contains EGCG. This component of green and white tea
has been shown high in antioxidant activity, improved immunity
[reduction of cancer in animals] and increase thermogenesis which
results in some individuals reducing fat. Green Tea also contains
polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants as well as
proanthocyanidins, lignans, organic acids, caffeine, protein, chlorophyll
and amino acid known as theanine. Positive effects have been shown on
cancer, heart disease, and inflammation. White tea has more

antioxidants than green tea with a less bitter flavor. Many studies were
based on 5 cups of tea. A study published in the Journal of the American
Academy of Dermatology found green tea drinkers were 20-30% less
likely to develop basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Green tea
consumption is on the rise. Join the trend. It’s easy and convenient.
Visit your favorite local market and pick up some white or green tea
today. You body will thank you!

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