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Energy and Heat Transfer

Now that we have a better understanding of energy and power, we will learn how these concepts apply to thermodynamics. - Thermodynamic concepts of energy (1) - Energy transfer by heat (7)

- Heat transfer modes (3)

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Thermodynamic Concept of Work (1)

We talked about how there are different kinds of energy. In addition to mechanical forms of energy (potential and kinetic), there is energy stored in vibrational, rotational, and translational motion of the molecules of a substance. We will lump all these additional forms together as internal energy U.

Internal energy is what we change during chemical reactions and phase changes, but also during cooling/heating, evaporation/condensation, and other phase changes.
The total energy E of a system is the sum of all forms of energy in the system

Since total energy is very difficult to define, we prefer to deal with the differences in total energy between states:

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Energy transfer by heat (1)

Heat: The form of energy that is transferred between two systems (or a system and its surroundings), driven by a temperature difference.

Energy can cross the boundaries of a closed system in the form of heat and work.
G. Bramesfeld AER 309 Thermodynamics

Temperature difference is the driving force for heat transfer. The larger the temperature difference, the higher is the rate of heat transfer.


Ryerson University

Energy transfer by heat (2)

Heat transfer per unit mass

Amount of heat transfer when heat transfer rate is constant

Amount of heat transfer when heat transfer rate changes with time

Energy is recognized as heat transfer only as it crosses the system boundary.

During an adiabatic process, a system exchanges no heat with its surroundings, which only occurs if the system is perfectly insulated or there is no temperature difference.
v1.0 Ryerson University

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics

Energy transfer by heat (3)

Some history of heat it wasnt correctly articulated and based on molecular motion until around the 19th century with kinetic theory, which treats molecules as tiny balls that are in motion and thus possess kinetic energy. So heat is the energy associated with the random motion of atoms and molecules. Heat transfer mechanisms: Conduction: transfer of energy from more energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less energetic particles as a result of interaction (contact) Convection: transfer of energy between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid in motion, involving the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion (advection) Radiation: transfer of energy due to the emission of electromagnetic waves (photons)
G. Bramesfeld AER 309 Thermodynamics

In the early nineteenth century, heat was thought to be an invisible fluid called the caloric that flowed from warmer bodies to the cooler ones.
v1.0 Ryerson University

Energy transfer by heat (4)

Formal sign convection: heat transfer to a system and work done by a system are positive; heat transfer from a system and work done on a system are negative According to this work and heat transfer have opposite sign conventions! The alternative used is to use the subscripts in and out to indicate direction

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Energy transfer by heat (5)

Some more details about Heat and Work: Both are recognized at the boundaries of a system, as they cross the boundaries; they are both boundary phenomena Systems possess energy, but not heat or work; both are associated with a process, not a state Unlike properties, heat or work have no meaning at a state Properties are point functions, but heat and work are path functions, meaning their magnitudes depend on the path followed during a process as well as the end states
Properties are point functions have exact differentials (d ). Path functions have inexact differentials ( )
G. Bramesfeld AER 309 Thermodynamics v1.0 Ryerson University

Energy transfer by heat (6)

A special note about Electrical Work: Electrical work

Electrical power

When potential difference and current change with time

Electrical power in terms of resistance R, current I, and potential difference V.

When potential difference and current remain constant

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Energy transfer by heat (7)

Rate of Heat Transfer Like work, heat transfer is a function of the process. The rate at which occurs is called rate of heat transfer . It has the same unit as power. Like with power and work, the heat transfer rate integrated over a time interval yields the total heat transferred

Heat Flux Since heat is transferred through the boundaries of a system it is often helpful to express the rate of heat transfer per unit area, or as heat flux . The total rate of heat transfer is given by the area integral:

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Heat Transfer Modes (1)

Conduction Requires direct contact, e.g. you touching a hot plate. For 1-D conduction through a solid planar wall: Thermal conductivity coefficient k in [W/mK] Heat flux = (linear temperature gradient) Cross-sectional area A perpendicular to x. The total heat transfer rate in positive x-direction is gi: = = Assuming a linear temperature gradient simplifies this to 2 1 = or = 1 2

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Heat Transfer Modes (2)

Convection Convection is the transfer of energy between a surface and a moving fluid, e.g. air over hot plate. Fluid with temperature far from surface. Convection coefficient in [W/m2K]. Surface at uniform with temperature > . Heat flux is = This is known as Newtons Cooling Law.

The total rate of heat transfer from a surface of area A is given = Note that the fluid has to be in motion (convect) for convection to occur. Convection can be free (motion due to buoyancy effects) or forced (e.g. by a fan)

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

Heat Transfer Modes (3)

Radiation Radiation is the transfer of energy from a surface by emission of photons (e.g. red glowing hot plate). Surface at uniform temperature . Heat flux is = 4 This is known as Stefan-Boltzmann Law (tragic person). The Stefan-Boltzmann constant is = 5.67 108 2 The emissivity coefficient 0 1 is a material property. The total rate of heat transfer from a surface of area A actively involved in radiation is = 4

G. Bramesfeld

AER 309 Thermodynamics


Ryerson University

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