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MRKT 429

Book Report
During the course of the semester you will be expected to independently read the assigned book Customer Centered Selling: Sales Techniques for a New World Economy and complete a report! The following elements should be included in the book report" #! $rite a one page executi%e summary as though you were describing what the book is about to your sales manager &'(')*T+,' -*MM.R/0! 2! *sing the %arious information presented in class describe the nature of selling as the author portrays it! Does the author describe the buying process1 $hat is it1 &D'-)R+2T+34 35 .--*M2T+34-0! 6! Describe the model for selling used in the book! +f the author pro%ides a process for selling list the steps in that process! +f they do not list the process used in class and then identify which steps of the process the authors address and what they call each step &-.7'2R3)'--0! 4! +dentify what you belie%e to be the three to fi%e most important messages that the author would like to con%ey to the readers &)'4TR.7 T8'M'-0! 9! $hat were the top ten things that you belie%e you learned from this book1 &$8.T + 7'.R4'D0! :! $hat were the three to fi%e strongest points about this book1 Three to fi%e weakest1 &-TR'4;T8- < $'.K4'--'-0! =! Make a clear cut recommendation about the book! +f a salesperson asked you if s>he should read it what exactly would you want to say to them1 &R')3MM'4D.T+340 This paper should address each of the abo%e points! 3utline the paper by the titles in parentheses for each point abo%e &i!e! the ma?or headings of the %arious sections of your paper would be @'xecuti%e -ummary A @Description of .ssumptions A etc!0! The paper should be singleBspaced and formatted like a business report &e!g! use subBheadings double space between paragraphs0! The final report should include the executi%e summary plus a maximum of four additional pages addressing the rest of the Cuestions! Reports will be graded on accuracy of the information presented ability of the report to con%ey essential information to a professional salesperson or sales manager thoroughness of pro%iding answers to each Cuestion insight on what can be learned clarity of the strengths and weaknesses and recommendations organiDation and clarity of writing and finally spelling and grammar! /ou can turn in this assignment anytime during the semester but the due date is Tuesday! "ecem#er th at $:%% pm! Eook reports which are submitted after 9"FF pm on December ##th will immediately be gi%en a 29 point deduction &out of a total of 9F possible points0! 5urther a #F point deduction &out of 9F possible points0 will be taken off for each day after December #2th this report is late! 5or example if you submit the report on December #9th you will ha%e 69 points taken from your grade &29 points for being late #F points for not submitting the report on .pril 2=th0 and the highest possible grade you can earn will be a #9>9F!

Customer Centered Selling: Sales Techniques for a New World Economy &2nd ed!0G Robert Holles 2FF9! &+-E4#6"9=I#469#44:660 &+-E4B#F" #469#44:6(0

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