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Chapter 3 What can I say? I never thought of pocorn for breakfast. Are you trying to disembowel me?Thanks, anyway.-Cynthia.

So shes recieved the first package. I grinned at her text message, shaking my head. I usually give women flowers and jewelries. I let Ria take my credit card during monthsaries so she can shop and pick her gift. Cynthia, on the other hand, has helped me finish the album which I count as a huge favor. I never let people help me with songwriting, even at collaborations with other artists. I come up with my own lines and they add theirs. Its really weird, the way things are going. I typed. 10 bags of cheeze-flavored popcorn should do it, right? It took me 30 minutes before I was able to hit send my first EVER text message. I exclusively use my phone for calls and voice mails. I never text, until now. The weird feeling still lurks in my chest somewhere when I arrived at the door of the band room. Tad, I told you. Somethings fishy here. You know what man, chill. Paranoia will get you nowhere. And besides, were the ones who ARE up to something. I turned back to the main entrance, and walked again to our band room with heavy footsteps as I whistled through my teeth. Hey.. By the time I entered, they were at least four feet away from each other. Mike, ____s in town. Cool. I thought their first gig will be at Vegas. They signed up for the Band Clash. On our side. Our side? Am I finally gonna hear the story from Pyre? I gave my word to Jab Wolsey that wed take the challenge. Pyre finally came clean. Wolseys a big wig concert producer. What challenge? Were not just gonna participate at the band clash, Mike. Were getting on with the showdown with Jarheads. So this is what its all about. Showdown. The word hung for a few silent seconds before Tad decided to speak up. Mike, the fans are blowing the issue out of proportion. Corm Shiprey called us a group of overrated, no talent, horny dorks. I dont care about horny, but the rest, well... downright insulting, dont you think? Its everywhere Mike. TV, internet.. everywhere. Theyre turning us into a joke. I smiled. You sound like cheerleaders. Loud and nonsense. If you dont care if people insult you, thats fine. But Ill be damned if I let Corm Shiprey Shitless laugh at us on TV again. Pyre stated. Hes trying to pick a fight with me. Im not gonna give him the satisfaction. I looked Pyre in the eye. He looked back at mine with equal hatred and defiance. Everyone in here. Great. I have an announcement. Ethan walked into the room, perfectly oblivious to the tension, and launched off into a tirade of speech. I know this is an unexpected turn of events but Wolseys cut a deal with our boss. Were gonna do the showdown with Jarheads. Schedules pretty banged up, got phonecalls and a helluva mess I gotta sort. Anyway, Ill take care of that. You guys just

need to prepare your set for the concert. It will be war with the Jarheads. Ring of Fire, Cardigones, 59th Avenue and Soredead will be the guests. We might be inviting more- Ethan stopped speaking when he saw I was heading out the door. Mike. Good luck with the concert. I cried stoically as I jammed blaring large headphones to my ears. Before I could make it through though, someone yanked it off. I was pushed in the scapula. I turned, finding Pyres fuming face. You coward!

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