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what’s inside:

Health Facts and Fiction 5 Sweet Points

By: Vaughn Gray From:
Additional Notes by Garey Simmons

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 1

Table of Contents
Health Facts and Fiction 3
Fact: Health is Our Natural State 3
Fiction: People Today Live Far Longer Than Ever Before 4
Fact: Exercise is just about the best thing you can do for you body 5
Fiction: All Exercise is Good for You 6
Fiction: Carbs Make You Gain Weight 7
Fact: Healthy Carbs are Critical to a Healthy Metabolism and Weight Loss 7
Fiction: Fat is Bad for You 8
Fact: Fat Helps you Stay Full, Nourishes Your
Brain, and is Critical for the Health of Your Heart and Your Entire Body 9

5 Sweet Points 10
1. Understand sugar. 10
2. Eat less sugar. 12
3. Be a food detective. 12

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 2

4. Know the negative effects of sugar on your health. 13
5. Connect with your big “Why”. 14

Thousands of people are controlling their blood sugar safely and naturally! 15
Cinammon 17
Gymnema Sylvestre 20
Chromium 22
Banaba Leaf 23
Guggal 24
Bitter Melon 24
Synergistic Formula 25

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 3

Health Facts and Fiction
By: Vaughn Gray Updated: 10/28/2009

Our culture abounds with myths about health and disease. Here’s our attempt to explode the
misperceptions that we think are most pernicious and highlight the facts that we think everyone
should know.

Fact: Health is Our Natural State

These days it seems like everyone is fighting some sort of health
problem. From depression to allergies to ADD to asthma to cancer,
chronic disease is rampant. Amidst all of this, did you ever wonder:
is it meant to be this way? Studies of hunter gatherers and primitive
farmers living out amidst nature show that they have far lower
incidences of chronic diseases in spite of not having any advanced
medical care. So with all of our advanced medical technology (which
has, no doubt, made some wonderful contributions to our quality of
life), why are we so sick? The answer is simple: the way we live our
lives in America today is incomensurate with our biological design. Our
bodies are designed to eat very specific foods, and move and sleep

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 4

in very specific patterns. In modern America all of these patterns are disrupted. In a nutshell, a
healthy diet, the right type of exercise, the right sleep rhythms, and a low stress, positive mind
state are the keys to health. Processed food, inactivity, crazy hours, and stress lead to disease.
Check out The Pillars of Health (Mindset, Exercise, Diet, Sleep) for more.

Fiction: People Today Live Far Longer Than Ever Before

Statistics show that the average human lifespan 100 years ago was
40-50 years, whereas today it is around 75 years. From this stat, it
seems reasonable to conclude that people are a lot healthier today
than they were in the past. But this statistic is misleading. For one
thing, a lot of people back then died in infancy due to unsanitary
birthing procedures. Think about this – if a baby dies during birth, and
another person lives to 100, the average age of these two people is
only 50. From this you can see how a lot of infant deaths could make
it look like people centuries ago were living much shorter lives. The
fact of the matter is that a high percentage of the people who made it
through infancy back in 1900 lived almost as long as we do today.

Many of the people who did die in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s back
then died of infectious diseases that modern medicine has

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 5

helped control. But, critical to our point, people in previous centuries didn’t suffer from any
where near the levels of chronic diseases that we have today (cancer, MS, Parkinson’s disease,
diabetes, etc). In truth, the longest lived people ever documented on Earth are not found in
modern America or any other modern country. They are in places like the Caucasus Mountains
in Georgia (the country, not the US state), the Hunza Valley in Pakistan, Vilcabamba in Ecuador
or rural China, living out amidst nature. Since we’re not going to be giving up electricity, indoor
plumbing, and the rest of the luxuries of modern living and moving out amidst nature anytime
soon, the key for us is to learn what we can from studying these people to help us live the
healthiest lives possible here in the modern world. What is it about their lives that allows them to
live longer, healthier lives than we do without any of our technology? This question is what gave
birth to ReEvolution, and hopefully we’re providing part of the answer.

Fact: Exercise is just about the best thing you can do for you body
Ever heard of Lipitor? If you haven’t, you must not watch TV or read magazines. Lipitor is
a cholesterol drug that is given to people with high cholesterol to prevent heart attacks. And
some studies show that it has some helpful effects. But studies of exercise show that even
moderate exercise can be as much as 20 times as effective as Lipitor in helping with heart
disease. Similar studies have been done comparing exercise to drugs for treating depression,
Parkinson’s disease, and a host of other ailments. Across the board, exercise is good for just
about everything that ails you. In addition, exercise, unlike drugs, doesn’t have any negative
side effects. What amazes us here at ReEvolution is that the exercise that people do in these

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 6

studies (generally just running at a steady pace) isn’t even the best kind
of exercise. It’s based on outmoded theory, and doesn’t take account of
how our bodies are meant to move. And it still has amazing effects on
health. Exercising the ReEvolution way will serve you even better.

Fiction: All Exercise is Good for You

You hear everywhere these days that “exercise is good for you”.
This statement is about as meaningful as saying “Food is good for you”.
While it is generally true that food is good for you, some foods are bad
for you. The amount of food you eat is important too, as is when you
eat it. The same things hold true for exercise. Exercising the ways our
bodies are meant to is wonderful for our health. But a lot of forms of
exercise are actually bad for us. For example, using machine based
weights like chest and leg press machines can twist your muscles out
of shape leading to poor posture and joint pain. Ever notice how many
amateur body builders are stooped forward, with their shoulders drawn
in and their backs curved? Free weights and cable machines (which are free to move in every
plane) come closer to the way our bodies are meant to move, and are, thus, a lot healthier. Take
a look at Improving Posture and Alignment for more.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 7

Another common exercise mistake is going for long bouts of cardiovascular exercise with no
breaks. Workouts that last over 45 minutes begin to tear down joint tissue, release inflammatory
chemicals into your body, leading to aging, and can actually be dangerous for your heart. A
number of prominent distance runners have died young, some at the end of long runs! Our
bodies are meant to move in bursts of activity followed by rest. Our Exercise Overview discusses
this at greater length, and your free ReEvolution Fitness Action Plan includes a personalized
cardio program based on these ideas.

Fiction: Carbs Make You Gain Weight

Low carb diets aren’t quite the rage that they once were, but a lot of people are still terrified
of eating carbs, believing that they will invariably lead to weight gain. The opposite is true.

Fact: Healthy Carbs are Critical to a Healthy Metabo-

lism and Weight Loss
Eating enough high quality carbs helps to elevate metabolism,
control appetite, and sustain the kind of healthy body that
easily keeps weight off. So how many carbs is enough? Your
Health and Fitness Action Plan includes nutrition guidelines on
balancing carbs with fat and protein in your diet. To learn more
about choosing quality carbs, check out Nutrition, Energy, and

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 8

Mood, Choosing Healthy Food, and Eating for Performance.

Fiction: Fat is Bad for You

People are gradually waking up to the idea that not all fat is bad for you. The low fat movement
of the 1980’s led to our current obesity epidemic, prompting scientists to question weather low
fat diets are really a good idea. Studies of cultures like Greece and the Alaskan Inuit revealed
low rates of heart disease and obesity in spite of higher fat diets. This
led to the realization that some fats are actually good for you. Olive
oil and omega 3 fats (available in cold water fish – especially Alaskan
salmon) have received a lot of positive press in recent years, and for
good reason. These are the healthiest fats you can put in your body.
Even saturated fats, once cast as the worst possible things you could
eat, have begun to receive vindication. Recent studies have indicated
that saturated fat intake has little or no effect on heart disease. The
fact of the matter is that most natural sources of fat are good for you in
moderation. Olive oil and fish fats should be staples of most people’s
diets (if you don’t like fish, supplement with fish oil). Almond oil and
coconut oil are two healthy oils that are under consumed. Saturated
animal fats have their place as well. Even bacon, beef, and full fat
cheese can be part of a healthy diet as long as they come from a quality
source. Choose organic bacon, grass fed beef (organic if possible) and

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 9

raw milk cheese (again, organic is best).

Unnatural fats are the most important fats to eliminate from your diet. These fats, so called
trans fats, are found in many processed foods. Be on the lookout for any kind of hydrogenated
or partially hydrogenated oil. Canola oil, often mistakenly branded as a healthy fat because it
shares some characteristics with olive oil, is also best avoided. In its natural form canola oil
is violently toxic. The canola oil in stores is from plants specially bred to reduce the levels of
toxic compounds (These plants were bred because canola oil is cheap to produce and can be
passed off as olive oil). But the basic truth of the matter is that human beings are not meant to
be eating canola oil, so it’s probably best not to. Palm kernel oil, which is so often hydrogenated,
is another unhealthy fat that should largely be avoided. A number of vegetable fats such as soy
oil, safflower oil, and peanut oil are also best eaten in strict moderation.

Fact: Fat Helps you Stay Full, Nourishes Your Brain, and is Critical for the Health of
Your Heart and Your Entire Body
A number of your organ systems depend on fat to function. This is especially true of your heart,
which runs off of fat almost exclusively, and your brain, which requires healthy fats, especially
omega 3’s, as building blocks. Fail to eat enough fat in general and your heart suffers. Fail to eat
enough omega 3, and your brain ends up being built out of sub-par materials. Your Health and
Fitness Action Plan will give you an estimate of your daily fat requirements as well.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 10

5 Sweet Points
One of the benefits of my job is that I get to speak with really great folks who know a thing
or two.

Heather has a report on 25 ways to reduce your sugar intake. Here are five of them. If you
want to read all 25 go to her web site and check it out. My comments are included here.


One of the simplest ways to improve your overall health and wellbeing is to reduce or
eliminate sugar from your diet. The following 25 Simple Solutions will show you how. Start by
implementing one tip per day or week, and stay with it until you’ve kicked the habit. You can do

1. Understand sugar.
When most people hear the word “sugar” they think of the white stuff on the table in their
favorite diner. But any simple carbohydrate food is essentially a simple sugar, breaking down
quickly in the body causing blood sugar highs and subsequent lows. Complex carbs, on the
other hand, are comprised of chains of simple sugars that are absorbed slowly. They create

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 11

balanced blood sugar levels, and provide needed fiber, minerals and nutrients. To look and feel
your best, limit simple sugars in your diet and increase the complex carbs.

(Garey: Simple carbohydrates are digested quickly. Many simple carbohydrates

contain refined sugars and few essential vitamins and minerals. Examples include
fruits, fruit juice, milk, yoghurt, honey, molasses and sugar.

Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest and are usually packed with fiber,
vitamins and minerals. Examples are vegetables, whole grain breads, cereals like
oats and quinoa, legumes and pasta.

Most experts recommend that 50 to 60 per cent of the total calories in our diet
come from carbohydrates. The bulk of the carbs we consume should be complex
and most of the simple ones should come from fruits and milk or yoghurt, which
also contain vitamins and minerals.

Avoid getting the bulk of your carbs from refined foods high in sugar, since they
are usually low in the nutrients we need to maintain health and energy levels.)

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 12

2. Eat less sugar.
Like attracts like, especially with a highly addictive substance like sugar. Have you noticed
when you indulge in candy, soda or ice cream, you tend to crave them again the next day?
(Garey: Or the next hour?) By reducing your sugar intake today, you could see an immediate
reduction in sugar cravings tomorrow. One teaspoon of sugar equals 4 grams, contains an
average of 15 calories, and is equivalent to one sugar packet.

(Garey: Zero calorie substitutes are not an alternative! The substances these
are made out of are harmful to human health. The one exception is Stevia. This
zero calorie sweetener is made from a root and can be used in moderation. The
brain registers “sweetness” and expects to receive calories. If it doesn’t, then it
will crave sweets even more. You might find yourself going for some other carbs
when you drink that diet soda, your body knows what you are doing! )

3. Be a food detective.
Learn to recognize sugar’s many disguises and discover surprising sources of excess
sugar. Food manufacturers take advantage of sugar’s allure and addictive quality by adding
simple sugars to a variety of products, including the usual suspects like cakes and candies, and
less obvious products like lunch meats, ketchup, soups, sauces, salad dressing, bread, cereal,

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 13

peanut butter, yogurt and much more. Read the labels and know what you’re eating. Look for
high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar and words ending in -ose on the ingredients list.

(Garey: Next time you go supermarket shopping see if you can walk out of the
store without any high fructose corn syrup! It is much harder than you might

4. Know the negative effects of sugar on your health.

Excess sugar leads to obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Sugar weakens your immune
system, contributes to depression, and fuels cancer cells. It can contribute to cholesterol
imbalance, osteoporosis, tooth decay, food allergies and so much more. Next time you reach for
a snack, consider the many potential dangers hiding beneath the icing of your favorite treat.

(Garey: Wise words. Increase the veggies in your life and slow way down on
processed, refined carbs. Just say NO to sugary bakes goods, candies, and sugar
laden “treats”. They are not really treats. They are threats to your health, immune
system and seem to be the root causes of diabetes and heart disease.)

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 14

5. Connect with your big “Why”.
Making nutrition and lifestyle change requires a big commitment if you want to succeed. Dig
deep to discover a reason to reduce sugars that has more to do with your life’s greater purpose
(as a parent, an athlete, an artist, an entrepreneur, a healer, a role model in your community),
than with a number on the scale. What is your “Why”?

(Garey: Another very good point and fundamental to true lifestyle change. It’s
got to be bigger than what your stomach wants! Find your why and anchor
your commitment to the WHY and you will be half way to your goal of a better,
healthier YOU.)

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 15

Thousands of people are controlling their blood
sugar safely and naturally!
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If you’re overweight, obese, pre-diabetic, or already

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your blood sugar, and you probably already know that
MSRP: $67.00 Now: $47 Only too much blood sugar...

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 16

• Increases risk for heart disease. Diabetes makes larger blood vessels more
susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. “Seventy percent of people with
diabetes die of cardiovascular disease,” says Hertzel Gerstein, director of the
division of endocrinology & metabolism at McMaster Universtiy in Hamilton.
• Makes it almost impossible for you to lose weight: diets and exercise seem
to have little or no effect.
• Drains you of energy, always feeling tired, sluggish, unable to focus for more
than a few minutes at a time.
• Causes anxiety and stress, affecting memory, mood, relationships.
• New medical research warns that too much sugar reduces your immunity by
up to 92 percent!

That’s a big problem for most people. But it doesn’t have to be for you. Why? Doctors
and scientists have unlocked nature’s secrets for promoting healthy blood sugar, glucose and
insulin—and boosting your health to new heights.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 17

Whether you are overweight, obese, pre-diabetic or diabetic, Cinammon helps--a lot! That’s
why we added it to Diacetinol™.

A high blood glucose level raises the risk for diabetic complications. The best way to avoid
diabetic complications is to maintain a normal blood glucose level. A healthy Diabetes blood
glucose level is below 110 mg/dl or 6.1 mml/l depending on whether you are using the US scale
or international scale. An acceptable blood glucose level is 140 mg/dl (US) or 7.8 (international)
two hours after eating.

Diabetics have to be concerned with more than just high blood glucose levels. Diabetics
also have to be concerned with a diet to lower cholesterol. High cholesterol raises the risk for
heart disease. Diabetics are at much higher risk for heart disease than the general population.
So it is important to include food to lower cholesterol. A good diet to lower cholesterol should
also be one to lower high blood glucose levels. Cinnamon as been shown to be a food that
lowers cholesterol, and helps lower high blood glucose levels.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 18

Type 2 diabetes arises when the body loses sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that shuttles
the sugars from food into body cells to be used for energy. As a result, the amount of sugar, or
glucose, in the blood remains high, leading to fatigue and blurred vision. Over the long term,
high blood glucose level can increase the risk of heart disease, kidney failure and blindness.

For people with diabetes, the less glucose level in blood, and cholesterol in the body the
better. You can see why it is so important to maintain a normal blood glucose level.

In the study done by Dr. Richard A. Anderson of the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research
Center in Maryland, diabetics who incorporated one gram (equivalent to less than one-quarter
teaspoon) of cinnamon per day for 40 days into their normal diets experienced a decrease in
high blood glucose level, cholesterol and blood fats. That means cinnamon is also a way to
lower cholesterol naturally According to study author Dr. Richard A. Anderson, “Diabetics could
add a dash of cinnamon to their morning servings of coffee, orange juice or cereal. You can also
make a cinnamon tea by simply boiling water with stick cinnamon.” The current findings suggest
that a small amount of cinnamon can help protect diabetics from these and other potential
complications of their condition. Cinnamon may also help stave off the onset of type 2 diabetes
in people at risk of the condition.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 19

During the study, Anderson and his colleagues at the USDA Agricultural Research Center
asked 60 people with type 2 diabetes to consume 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon each day for
40 days, or the equivalent amount of wheat flour, as a placebo. Both the cinnamon and wheat
flour were administered in capsule form. Reporting in the journal Diabetes Care, Anderson and
his team found that all cinnamon-takers experienced a drop in blood levels of glucose, fats and
cholesterol by up to 30 percent. No change was seen in the people taking placebo capsules.
Anderson explained that cinnamon contains compounds that help make insulin more efficient,
improving the hormone’s ability to bring glucose to the cells that need it.

As an added bonus, cinnamon contains virtually no calories, allowing diabetics to add zest
to their meals without adding to their waistlines. Cinnamon contains less than 3 calories per
gram, negligible in the total dietary intake. Previous research has shown that cinnamon appears
to help fat cells recognize and respond to insulin. In test tube and in animal studies, the spice
increased glucose metabolism by about 20 times.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 20

Gymnema Sylvestre
We added Gymnema Sylvestre to Diacetinol™

Gymnema sylvestre R.Br. is a herb native to the tropical forests of southern and central India
where it has been used as a naturopathic treatment for diabetes for nearly two thousand years.
Literally, the Hindi name Gurmar means “Sugar Destroyer”

Sanskrit Name : Meshasringi, Madhinasini or madhoolika,

Hindi: Gurmar,
Tamil and Malayalam Name: Sirukurinchaan, Amudhapushpam, Chakkarakkolli.

Gymnemic acids have antidiabetic, antisweetener and anti-inflammatory activities. The

antidiabetic array of molecules has been identified as a group of closely related gymnemic acids
after it was successfully isolated and purified from the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre. Later, the
phytoconstituents of Gymnema sylvestre were isolated, and their chemistry and structures were
studied and elucidated.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 21

Use as herbal medicine

While it is still being studied, and the effects of the herb are not entirely known, the herb has
been shown to reduce blood sugar levels when used for an extended period of time. Additionally,
Gymnema reduces the taste of sugar when it is placed in the mouth, thus some use it to fight
sugar cravings. From extract of the leaves were isolated glycosides known as Gymnemic acids,
which exhibit anti-sweet activity.[1]

This effect, however, is short-lived, lasting a mere fifteen minutes. Some postulate that
the herb actually reduces cravings for sugar by blocking sugar receptors in the tongue, but
no scientific studies have supported this hypothesis. It is currently being used in an all natural
medication for diabetes with other ingredients such as cinnamon, chromium, zinc, biotin, banaba,
huckleberry and bitter melon.

The active ingredient is thought to be gurmenic acid which has structure similar to saccharose.
Extracts of Gymnema is not only claimed to curb sweet tooths but also for treatment of as varied
problems as hyperglycemia, obesity, high cholesterol levels, anemia and digestion. According to

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 22

the Sushruta of the Ayurveda it helps to treat Madhumeha ie glycosuria.

In 2005, a study made by King’s College, London, United Kingdom, showed that a water-
soluble extract of Gymnema Sylvestre, caused reversible increases in intracellular calcium and
insulin secretion in mouse and human ß-cells when used at a concentration (0.125 mg/ml)
without compromising cell viability. Hence forth these data suggest that extracts derived from
Gymnema Sylvestre may be useful as therapeutic agents for the stimulation of insulin secretion
in individuals with T2DM.

Diacetinol™ Contains Chromium for a Very Good Reason!

90% of Americans are Chromium deficient. Chromium is needed to make insulin work right.
Balanced blood sugar, fewer sugar cravings, and fewer energy crashes. That’s why chromium
has been added.

Chromium is known to enhance the action of insulin, a hormone critical to the metabolism
and storage of carbohydrate, fat, and protein in the body. In 1957, a compound in brewers’ yeast
was found to prevent an age-related decline in the ability of rats to maintain normal levels of

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 23

sugar (glucose) in their blood. Chromium was identified as the active ingredient in this so-called
“glucose tolerance factor” in 1959.

Chromium also appears to be directly involved in carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism.
Understand, trace amounts are needed and 67 mcg to each capsule to aid in the blood glucose
balancing act. Chromium in large quantities are known as “industrial pollutants”.

Banaba Leaf
We added Banaba Leaf extract to Diacetinol™

Know for thousands of years to the peoples of the Philippines, India and the people of south
Asia. Scientists say that the high concentration of corosolic acid stimulates glucose transport
to the cells. Type II Diabetes occurs when the body loses sensitivity to insulin and the sugar
remains in the blood instead of moving into cells to be used as energy. Corosolic acid moves
the blood sugar out of the blood and into cells. Oh, there is a side effect I should tell you about:
Banaba Leaf extract helps you lose weight. Banaba has been used in the Philippines for blood
sugar control for millenia.

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 24

Guggal is contained in Diacetinol™

We’ve added Guggal an ayurvedic herb from India that has been used for thousands of years
for heart ailments. Produced from the resin of the Indian Myrrh tree, it also has been shown to
reduce cholesterol. High cholesterol, being an indicator in and of itself for heart disease also
complicates the metabolic systems dealing with the utilization of blood sugar.

Bitter Melon
Bitter Melon is contained in Diacetinol™

Three independent studies have shown that bitter melon, used in South America and India
has a positive effect on blood serum glucose levels. And helps to “balance” insulin in your

Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 25

Synergistic Formula
In fact, there are 20 proven ingredients in Diacetinol™

There is a profound synergy in the blend of herbs and vitamins that will give you the results
you are looking for.

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Take up to Six Bottles of Diacetinol. We guarantee it will work for you or we will refund
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Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 26

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Vol. I No. 4 October 2009 page 27

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