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Zeitgeist Refuted

I've already written some things before on the topic of why people like the makers of the
"Zeitgeist" movie are off about throwing Jesus into one pot with all the ancient religions
and depicting Christianity or religion per se as one of the great evils the Illuminati are
using to enslave mankind.

What they don't realize is that all the ancient religions and mythologies of the Egyptians,
Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans were largely based on Astrology, and what
the stars were telling them since the beginning of time, and that was a message that
clearly pointed to a Savior Who was to come.
The difference is, while the ancient religions only picked up on that story told in the stars,
it actually happened and was fulfilled in Jesus.

Perhaps that's what John meant when he said wrote, "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God:
Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God" (1John 4:2).

All the other religions worshiped similar deities, based on the information they had gotten
from the stars (see Psalm 19), but Jesus made the difference by putting flesh to that

I can only urge believers to overcome their fright of astrology and buy themselves the
book "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God," which explains how the Gospel was truly
written in the stars in every perceivable language, long before it was fulfilled in Jesus,
which would give them much greater understanding of the orgins of the Pagan religions
that were only foreshadowing the story of Jesus, which again would help them to debunk
all the countless Zeitgeist disciples on the Internet claiming they know something
because they've seen "Zeitgeist."

The Devil never gives you any truth without getting you to swallow a big lie along with it,
and while the information in Zeitgeist about the NWO hierarchy may be accurate, the
makers' stance on religion is totally off because they're ignorant of this one simple fact.

Of course, it doesn't exactly help that Christians are so scared stiff of astrology that they
don't even want to hear what their own book has to say about it.
It doesn't help either, that they're still killing their enemies by the millions, instead of
loving them, as Jesus told them to.

But one wrong doesn't make another right, and one lie doesn't make another one right,
either. Christians may be off on a lot of things, including who the good guys and the bad
guys are in the mideast (which doesn't exactly help the onlooking seeker, either, to find
out what on earth is the truth), but so are the Zeitgeist makers, and in their case, it
seems as if their mind is simply made up with a theory that comes in very hand for all the
millions of people who don't really welcome the idea of having to deal with the Presence
of an Almighty Creator in their conscience, either, along with the Evolution hogwash.

They may know that there are culprits who want to enslave them, but at the same time
they let the same culprits fool them into believing that the only Guy Who could ever save
them out of this mess was a fraud that they cooked up...
People always underestimate the Enemy of their souls, and the extent to which he can
lie the blue out of the sky and make up stories just in order to fool and confuse us.

Now, how do I know that the Devil is such a talented liar? From Jesus. See, contrary to
the gruesome Zeitgeist fairy-tale of "there is no good whatsoever, except perhaps in
ourselves, and nothing and no one is going to come and save us," there IS a God, and
He loves us, and there IS a Way, a Truth and a Life apart from the Matrix the Devil has
been cooking up for us.

All you need is to want that Way Out.


Upon closer inspection of Zeitgeist and the ideology behind it, with the aid of the fairly
good answer to it, "Zeitgeist Refuted," it turns out that its makers appear to be less than
just innocently erratic, but actually from the camp of the "enlightened ones" themselves,
trying to turn up their blinding light a bit more in order to stop anyone from seeing
anything, much less the truth, even if they had to admit to a few facts about themselves
that are already widely known and available on the web, anyway...

It all goes back to making Christianity the culprit, and Jesus and His follwers the bad
guys and conspirators, one of the oldest tricks of the Devil, accusing his enemies of his
own crimes... Which is also something Keith Truth says in his video exposing the New
Age movement.
One thing about the Christian Zeitgeist debunkers, though: they shoudn't be too early to
dismiss the comparisons between Christ and the sun, since God evidently created
certain physical things to illustrate spiritual truths (a point I'm trying to make in my eBook
project "The Deeper Meaning of Everything"). There are many Scriptures that would
back up that comparison, about the Lord God being a "Sun and shield," and "Unto you
that fear My name, shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings."

There is nothing wrong with the sun, or its representing to an extent what God is like to
us. Of course, a whole different story is worshiping the creation rather than the Creator...
Why not just enjoy the creation and thank our Creator for it? If we as Christians had
done that, allowing our fellow-humans to do the same, a whole lot less people might be
upset at us and bent on destryoing Christianity altogether...

Besides that, the Antichrist has got to come as predicted and wage his war on the saints,
and Christians ought to get ready for it, instead of always being scared of the truth...

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