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Practical 1 : Basic needs of plants Objective : To determine the basic needs of plants : sunlight, air and water.

Theory : Plants, like all living organisms have basic needs: a source of nutrition (food), water, space in which to live, air, and optimal temperatures in order to grow and reproduce. For most plants, these needs are summarized as light, air, water, and nutrients. Plants are known as one type of autotrophs, or "self-feeders". They can carry out the photosynthesis process to produce food, that is sugars or starches by its own. In order to do this, plants need water, air, nutrients, and sunlight to grow. The energy from sunlight is used to chemically change water and carbon dioxide (air) into sugar. A waste product from photosynthesis is oxygen. Water is also essential for a healthy plant cell to function as well. Besides photosynthesis, plants will also carried out cellular respiration. Respiration is not just a process for animals. Plants also need it to convert the energy in glucose molecules produced during

photosynthesis into usable energy-containing molecules. Transpiration of plants need water to keep the plants maintain turgid and can support the plant to stand. Without water, the plants will dry up and wilted.


Problem : Do Plants need Sunshine Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis process to produce food. 1. Growing plant with large leaves 2. Vaseline 3. Black construction paper 4. Microscope 5. Paper clips

Hypothesis : Materials :


Procedure A: 1. Green plant is placed in well-lighted place where it can be seen without being handled by class members. 2. Both sides of several leaves are covered carefully with vaseline. 3. These leaves are observed each day and are compared with uncoated leaves. 4. The colour and the freshness of the leaves are noticed.

Procedure B: 1. A pattern is cut out on one side of a folded piece of black construction paper. 2. The pattern is clip on the leaf and the leaf is left attached for several days. 3. The construction paper is removed after several days. 4. The results are observed and recorded.


A) Manipulated variable B) Responding variable C) Fixed variable

: The condition of the leaves : The colour and the freshness of the plant : The place of the plant placed

Results: Observation Inferences

The leaves that covered by the The air is been blocked by the Vaseline became wilted and Vaseline to enter the leaves. Procedure A died. However, the others that This causes the leaves cant are not covered by the Vaseline produce food because lack of were remained unchanged. carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis process. The leaf that covered by the construction paper has started to change colour from green to The leaf are lacked of sunlight Procedure B pale yellow. The yellow spot and cant do the photosynthesis formation on the leaf and the process to make food by itself. leaf became wilted.

Questions: 1. What would happen if only the topside were coated? The bottom side? If the topside of the leaf was coated, the leaf will able to live. This is because the topside of leaf is full with palisade mesophyll cell that need to absorb the sunlight. The Vaseline is transparent, therefore it can allow the sunlight to pass through and go into the cell and make the photosynthesis process occur. However, if the bottom side is coated, that is the side that full with stomata that allow gas exchange and transpiration process. The Vaseline will block the opening of the stomata and cause the leaf lack of water and air. The leaf will eventually wilted and died.

2. Would leaf continue to die if the coating were removed after one day? The leaf will not continue to die if the coating were removed. This is because the leaf can be able to get in the air and water. The transpiration process and photosynthesis process can be carried out as usual.

3. What would happen if only half the leaf were covered? (half of the topside and half of the bottom side) The pale yellow spot were formed on the half of the leaf that had been covered. It will lose their green colour to pale yellow. The other half of the leaf will stay in their green colour.

4. What happen to the plant leaf after the mask is removed? Observe for several days The leaf will slowly change back to green colour leaf after several days. This is because the leaf now is able to receive the sunlight and carry out the photosynthesis as usual.

Discussion: From the experiment above, we can know that the leaves that covered up by the Vaseline and the construction paper will not able to survive. Plants just like others living things need basic needs to survive. When the leaf was coated by the Vaseline, the stomata on the bottom side of the leaf are blocked by the Vaseline. This causes transpiration process cant be gone through and causes gases cant be exchange. Photosynthesis is a process that converts carbon dioxide into organic compounds, especially sugars, using the energy from sunlight. Therefore, without any carbon dioxide gone through the plants, the process cant be carried and causes the plant lack of the food and energy and eventually wilted or died. When the leaf is covered by the construction paper, the light cant go through the paper and caused the plant lack of sunlight. Plants use the suns energy to makes their own food energy in their leaves. Not enough sun will slow down a plants growth and even kill it. This is because sunlight is needed during the process of photosynthesis to provide the necessary energy. It is absorbed by chlorophyll molecules and it utilized in the light dependent stage where it is used to split water into its constitutive components. Therefore, in the absence of sunlight,

photosynthesis cannot take place as it is the primary source of energy and caused the plants unable to survive.

Conclusion : Plants need sunlight to carry out the photosynthesis process to make food and energy.


Problem : Can Plants Live Without Water? Plants will wilted if dont get enough water when transpiration process.

Hypothesis :


1. Bean seeds 2. Two small flowerpots 3. Water 4. Soil



1. Some bean seeds are planted in each of the two flowerpots. 2. Both plants are placed in the sunshine. 3. Two of the plants are labeled with plant A and plant B. 4. Plant A is watered lightly each day. 5. Plant B does not water any. 6. The result and the observation are be taken and recorded.


A) Manipulated variable B) Responding variable C) Fixed variable

: The presence of water : The condition of the seeds : The place of the plant placed


: Observation Inferences The seeds receive enough

Plant A

The seeds grow healthy.

water to geminate and grow healthy. The seeds are lack of water to

Plant B

The seeds did not grow.

germinate. Therefore, it can't be grew.


1. Would the same results be possible with different kind of seeds? Yes, the results will remain the same. This is because water is one of the basic needs for the plants to germinate and grow. Therefore, changing seeds without adding any water will cause the same results occur.

2. Is it possible to give a plant too much water? No, if the plant gets too much water, the plant cell will become too turgid. Besides, the root will also become rot. This will cause the plant unable to get in the nutrients and oxygen from the soil nicely and eventually causes the plant suffocates.

3. How can farmer tell if a plant is receiving enough water? Not enough water? Too much water? The farmer can check the condition of plant with checking the soil that attached to it. If the soil is moist, it has enough water. If the soil is dry, the water is insufficient while the water in the pot is expanded on the soil, the water is too much for the plants.

Discussion: From the experiment above, the plant A that water lightly each day is able to grow healthy compare to the plant B that does not water any. This showed that water is essential for the seeds to grow. Water is important for the germination of all seeds. Plant seeds are encased within an outer shell of varying thicknesses. The shell protects the tiny embryo within from parasites, injury or extreme temperatures. Inside the shell also is the endosperm, the food that nourishes the embryo during its early stages of grow. When seeds absorb water, it can activate the biochemical mechanisms required for germination and growth. After absorbing enough water, the embryo bursts the seed's outer shell and the small, growing plant emerges. Besides, the water is also playing a role as a medium to transport the essential nutrients and gases to the plants. When the plants are growing, water also needs for photosynthesis process. When the plants or seeds are lack of water, the photosynthesis could not be carried out and causes the plants cant produce their food by it owns. Water is also a good temperature controller for plants to stable the temperature inside the plants. However, taking too much water will also be harm to the plants. The roots of the plants will rot and causes the plants cant get enough gases from the soil to be used for respiration. Plants need water to survive. Taking too much or too less will harm to the plants.

Conclusion: Plants need suitable amount of the water to survive.


Problem : Can Plants Live Without Air? Plants need air to grow. 1. Bean seeds 2. Two jars and two plastic cups 3. Soil 4. Water 5. Cotton

Hypothesis : Materials :


Procedure A: 1. Bean seeds are plant in jars 2. Both soils are watered fairly well. When air bubbles cease to rise, the air has been expelled from the soil. 3. The first jar is capped to cut off the air supply to the plant. 4. The second plant is kept moist by watering as needed. 5. The observation is taken after a few day and recorded.

Procedure B: 1. Two cups are filled with water. 2. A cotton pad is placed on top and some beans are placed on the cotton to keep the seeds moist. 3. The seeds are dropped into the water of the second cup thus eliminating the air. 4. The temperature and light are keep the same for both cups.


A) Manipulated variable: The presence of air B) Responding variable: The growing of the seeds C) Fixed variable : The light intensity of the plant receive

Results: Observation i) Spore started form on plant A Procedure A ii) Plant B grow healthy. i) Plant A grow healthy. Inferences i) Plant A did not get any air and cause respiration couldnt occur ii) Plant B gets enough air and water. i) Plant B gets enough air and water. Procedure B ii) Plant B does not grow. ii) There is no air inside the water to help the plant in respiration and germination.

Questions: 1. What other ways might air be eliminated from the cup? The air can be eliminated from the cup by using the vacuum pump.

2. Is too much air ever a problem to the farmer? No, the amount of air will not affect the growth of the seeds. More gases can provide more oxygen for germination of the plants.

3. Would the same results occur with different types of seeds? Yes, the air is one of the basic needs for the plants. The different types of seeds without changing their condition will having the same results.

4. Plants make their food but they do need a supply of minerals. Choose three minerals and describe what happens to plant growing without them. Minerals Potassium Functions 1. To synthesis protein 2. For carbohydrate metabolism Effects of deficiency 1. Protein synthesis are reduced. 2. Leaves become yellowedge. Phosphorus 1. To synthesis nucleic acids, ATP energy. 2. Act as a coenzyme in photosynthesis and respiration Nitrogen 1. To synthesis proteins, 1. Stunted growth 1. Poor root growth 2. Red or purple spots on old leaves

nucleic acids, chlorophyll 2. Chlorosis and enzymes. 2. For rapid system and leaf growth. 3. Increases seed and fruit yields.

5. Animals and plants need food. Give two reasons why animals and plants need food. Animals and plants need food because food can provided energy for chemical process. Besides, food can also provide nutrients for growing for animals and plants.

Discussion: From the experiment, plant A in procedure A and plant B in procedure B cant be grew up. This is because both of the plants lack of air. The plant A in procedure A is capped to cut off the air supply to the plant while plant B in procedure B is sank into water that the air had already been eliminated. Air is one of the essential sources for all the living things to survive including plants. Air consists of many things, including nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Plants must have air to carry out two important processes. They need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis process to make their own food of sugars and starches. They also need oxygen for cellular respiration to convert the sugars and starch to energy required to grow. Without air, gaseous oxygen that needed to metabolize sugars and starches Air is important for seeds germination. This is because germination requires the energy that is in the stored food inside the seed. Getting energy from that food requires cellular respiration which needs oxygen. Otherwise, the embryo cannot begin to grow.

Conclusion: Plants need air to carry out photosynthesis, respiration and germination.

References: Foo Yuen Kooi (2003). STPM Biology Volume 1. Bangi; Penerbit Pelangi. Liew Shee Leong, Lee Soon Ching dan Chan Cheok Lean. (1984). Biologi STPM Jilid 1. Petaling Jaya. Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd. Wai, M. C. (2003). Biologi SPM Tingkatan 4-5. Petaling Jaya: Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.

Shari Armstrong. (n.d.). How Does Water Affect Plant Growth? Retrieved January 19, 2014, from Gardening Know How:

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