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Dears FollowingtooursitecablingandterminationinbothsubstationQR&BQbesidetoSaidSadiqSS wearefacingtechnicalissuewhicharementionedbelowinDetail, 1) cableswhichisusedbetweenBatterytoFuseBoxtoChargerevenwedonthavecircuit DiagramandanytypeofVoltagedrop&selectivitycalculationsand110VDCLoad CalculationBattery&ChargerDimensioningseephoto1.

,seeblowtablewhichshowingthat themaincablecomingfromBatterytoRectifiersmallerthanDistributedcablefromRectifier toNKpanels,normallycablewhichisusedforBatteryCELLtoRectifieris95mm2

1246 1247 =NK1-W701 =NK1-W702 BAT1-W101 BAT2-W101 REC1-W101 REC2-W101 NYRY 3x70 NYRY 3x70 NYRY 2x16 NYRY 2x16 NYRY 2x16 NYRY 2x16 =NK1+NK1-X110 =NK1+NK1-X120 BATTERY-1 BATTERY-2 RECTIFIER-1 RECTIFIER-2 =+Rectifier P.1-X =+Rectifier P.2-X FUSE BOX-1 FUSE BOX-2 FUSE BOX-1 FUSE BOX-2

1074 1075 1076 1077

2) cableno.E02W115.1(oranyOHL)isconnectedfromMBtoVTBox,butincircuitdiagramof relaypanelitshownthatthesamecableno.shouldbeconnectedfromVTBoxtoRelay panelseephoto2,3. 3) DCSUPPLYFORSwitchyardwhichis4*6mm2butthejumperbetweenMBsare4*35mm2 evenIgotanswerfrompreviousmailingcorrespondence. 4) MistakeandconfusinginterminationfacinginBuscouplerMBasinDetailbelow Cable NO. E01-W9115 Wire NO. 8 should be connected to block terminal X3.1:30 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W9215 Wire no. 8 should be connected to block terminal X3.2:30 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W9015.2 Wire no. 9 should be connected to block terminal X3.0:46 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W9015.2 Wire no. 11 should be connected to block terminal X3.0:43 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W955 Wire no. 4 should be connected to block terminal X8:4 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W955 Wire no. 5 should be connected to block terminal X8:5 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W955 Wire no. 6 should be connected to block terminal X8:6 which does not exist. Cable NO. E01-W955 Wire no. 7 should be connected to block terminal X8:7 which does not exist. (Document NO. G77552-Y2046-S1139- MB01 5 SH 5, 6, 7, 8)

5) For all OHLs we have below confusing issue Cable no. E (any OHL)-w140.4 is connected from relay panel to control panel (each OHL) but in MBs its shown that (the same cable no) Tow wires are connected from CP to MB Wires are no.13 connected to x5:25 and no.14 to x5:28

(Document no. G77552-Y2046-S1139- MB02 (or any OHL) 12 SH 12)

6) Also all block terminals inside MBs and NK1 dedicated for 4*35 type are small (designed For 6 mm) see document of MB05 as an example (document no G77552-Y2046-S1139 MB05 3 SH 3) 7) All Isolators (QB1, QB2, QB9, QB8) are not matching factory Drawing this is has to be reviewed by Engineering Dep. 8) In all circuit Breaker Cable no. E01-W9015.1 and all breakers same number (w9015.1) same problem Wire no. 17 should be connected to X1:897 which does not exist (Document NO. G77552-Y2046-S1139- MB02 5 SH 4, 12) 9) SaidSadiq SS : As you know this Substation is Extension so the Voltage Selection & Synchro check for existing system which is ABB is designed as U-N ( phase to neutral ) but in your design is ph-ph ( phase to phase ) so this is not matching really . 10) Auxiliary transformer cable connection not matching circuit diagram with aux.trafo terminal block which is provided on transformer it seems that is not reviewed ( cables are :
Cable no. 01AK12-W101.1 , 01AK12-W101.2, 01AK25-W101.1, 01AK25W101.2, 01AK38-W101.1 and 01AK38-W101.2, from the circuit diagram all wire connected to same block-terminal X: A which is not exist.

(Document NO.G77550-C0322-S125-P0 sheet 4)

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