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American and British Spelling American Aluminum Analyze Catalog Center Color Harbor Neighbor Honor Labor Defense

Jewelry Pajamas Paralyze Practice Program Realize Theater Tire Whiskey Traveling Instaled Legalize Advertize British Aluminium Analyse Catalogue Centre Colour Harbour Neighbour Honour Labour Defence Jewellery Pyjamas Paralyse Practise Programme Realise Theatre Tyre Whisky Travelling Installed Legalise Advertise Meaning Alumunium Menganalisa Katalog Pusat Warna Pelabuhan Tetangga Penghormatan Tenaga kerja Pertahanan Perhiasan Piyama Melumpuhkan Mempraktekkan Acara Menyadari Bioskop Ban Wiski Perjalanan Melantik Mensahkan mengiklankan

American and British Words American Airplane Apartment Flat Cab Can Candy Crazy Mad Elevator Eraser Fall First floor Flashlight Garbage Trashcan Gasoline Highway Movie Store Cookie Truck Sneakers Rest room Vacation Mail Diaper pants British Aeroplane Flat Puncture Taxi Tin Sweet Mad Angry Lift Rubber Autumn Ground floor Torch Rubbish Dustbin Petrol Main road Film Shop Biscuit Lorry, van Trainers Toilet Holiday Post Nappy Trousers Meaning Pesawat terbang Rumah susun Ban kempes Taksi Kaleng Permen Gila Marah Lift Penghapus Musim gugur Lantai dasar Lampu senter Sampah Tempat sampah Bensin Jalan raya Film Toko Biskuit Truk Sepatu olahraga WC umum liburan mengeposkan popok Celana panjang

AmE : 562 BrE

five hundred sixty two

: 562 five hundred and sixty two AmE : one billion BrE : one thousand million AmE : one trillion BrE : one billion AmE :one quardrillion BrE : one thosand billion

1. 000. 000. 000

1. 000. 000. 000. 000

1.000. 000. 000. 000. 000

1. 000. 000. 000. 000. 000. 000

AmE : one quintillion BrE : one trillion


AmE : BrE :

twenty four hundred two thousand and four hundred

1,50 dollars

AmE : a dollar fifty BrE : one dollar fifty AmE : The Barito river BrE : The River Barito

Nama sungai :


Sentence Pattern in Indonesia Subyek Saya Kamu Bapak dan Ibu Mereka membaca, menulis, pergi, dll buku, surat, majalah, dll Predikat Obyek Keterangan di kamar di meja ke pasar pagi hari

Sentence Pattern in English Almost all English sentences contain a subject (subyek) and a verb (predikat). Examples: Subject I You They John and Mary He The baby My friends Father and I The elephant The cat and the mouse The verb may or may not be followed by an object (obyek). Examples: Subject I You They John and Mary Verb Study Walk Sing Write Object biology a song an article Study Walk Sing Write Buys Cries Come Eat Sleep Fight Verb

He The baby My friends Father and I

Buys Cries Come Eat

a bag fried rice

SUBJECT (SUBYEK) Every sentence in English must have a subject. It is the person or things that does the action of the sentence, and it normally precedes the verb. Subjects Orang pertama tunggal (yang berbicara) Orang kedua (yang diajak bicara) Orang ketiga tunggal (yang dibicarakan) I Orang pertama jamak (yang berbicara) Orang ketiga jamak (yang dibicarakan) we

You he, she, it


1. The subject may be a single noun (kata benda tunggal) Example: bird, baby, coffee, flower, milk, etc. 2. The subject may be a noun phrase (frase kata benda). It is a group of words (lebih dari 1 kata) ending with a noun. Example: the book, new red car, the wheather, the biology professor, etc. VERB (PREDIKAT/ KATA KERJA) The verb follows the subject. It generally shows the action of the sentence. Every sentence must have a verb. 1. The verb may be a single word (kata kerja tunggal) Examples: I play basketball My sister goes to school

2. Verbs that are not followed by an object are called intransitive verbs (kata kerja intransitif) Common intransitive verbs : agree,

arrive, come, cry, exist, go,

happen, live, occur, rain, rise, sleep, stay, walk, swim, run, fly, work, dance
3. Verbs that are followed by an object are called transitive verbs (kata kerja transitif) 4. The verb may be a verb phrase (frase kata kerja). It consists of one or more auxiliaries (kata kerja bantu) and one main verb. Example: Nancy is going to Jakarta next week David has been eating that snack She must have gone to the office

NOUN (KATA BENDA) 1. Count nouns: Nouns that can be counted Example: book: one book, seven books, twenty books, ..... student: one student, five students, thirty three students, ............ cat: one cat, ten cats, twelve cats, ........... except: child children mouse mice tooth teeth man men

person- people foot feet

woman - women ox - oxen

2. Non-count nouns: Nouns that cannot be counted Example: Milk, sand, news, food, soup, air, meat, homework, feeling, ............. It is possible to count some non-count nouns if the substance is placed in a countable container. Example: a glass of milk, two glasses of tea, a bar of chocolate, a plate of pizza, ..........


1. Subject pronouns: letaknya ada di awal kalimat sebagai subyek I you they we he she it

Example: 1. I am going to the campus 2. She and I would like to go to Jakarta 3. We live in Banjarmasin since 2002

2. Complement pronouns: letaknya setelah kata kerja (verb) me you them us him her it

Example: 1. The teacher gives him a bad mark 2. They called us on the telephone 3. I see them in the library 3. Possessive adjective: diikuti kata benda (noun) my your their our his her its

Example: 1. It is my book 2. Your teacher is the same as his teacher 3. Our bags are heavy

4. Possessive pronoun: tanpa diikuti kata benda (noun) mine yours theirs ours his hers its

Example: 1. It is mine 2. Yours is the same as his 3. Ours are heavy

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