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Ms MichIe 5terry
PIanning Division
DeveIopnent Managenent
PO Box 64529
London 5E1P 5LX
Dear Ms Sterry
Re: 127, 129-131, 133-135, 141 and 143 Borough High 5treet, London 5E1 1NP.
PIanning Ref: 13/AP/1714, 13/AP/1716 and 13/AP/1718
Thls plannlng appllcatlon ano relateo oocuments were olscusseo at our group's last meetlng helo on 16
October 2013. Followlng a vote on the appllcatlon by our members, we wrlte to you now to recoro our
strong objection to the proposeo oevelopment. Our vlews are largely ln unlon wlth those ot Lngllsh
Herltage, AMS, Georglan Group, vlctorlan Soclety ano local resloents, ln that, the proposeo oevelopment
ooes not aoequately justlty the oestructlon ot local herltage structures.
The elstlng bullolngs are an lmportant asset to the 8orough Hlgh Street Conservatlon area ano thelr
oestructlon wlll only aoo to the number ot casualtles that thls area along wlth lts nelghbourlng 8ermonosey
area has suttereo recently. The notes by Lngllsh Herltage at pre-appllcatlon stage llst out qulte clearly the
slgnltlcance ot the elstlng bullolngs oesplte thelr poor state ot repalr ano theretore we tlrmly belleve that
the benetlts ot the proposeo scheme can be equally achleveo by preservlng ano restorlng the bullolngs.
Whllst we oo not consloer that the scheme ls ot partlcularly low quallty, ano lnoeeo ls better than most ot
what the area has seen bullt ln recent years, lt ooes not slt well wlthln the hlstorlc settlng ot 8orough Hlgh
Street, partlcularly glven lts lmmeolate prolmlty to the Graoe || llsteo 127 8orough Hlgh Street.
We woulo llke to polnt out that lt we were able to proceeo wlth the nelghbourhooo plan - The St Thomas
St Plan - whlch has now been obstructeo by Southwark Councll tor some 18 months thls scheme woulo be
contrary to local pollcy tor the reasons spelleo out above.
|n summary, we request that permlsslon tor the proposeo scheme be refused on the above grounos.
8esloes, the proposal ls contrary to the Natlonal Plannlng Pollcy Framework requlrements ano sectlon 72
ot the Plannlng (Llsteo 8ullolngs ano Conservatlon Areas) Act 1990 whlch requlres that oevelopment
preserves or enhances the character or appearance ot conservatlon areas ano the settlng ot llsteo bullolngs.
|t ls lmposslble to argue that thls requlrement ls met by the proposeo scheme.
Yours slncerely
Ravi Bhaskaran

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