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Never before has the rapid increase in new knowledge and technology and in the base of change and itself demanded a learning response as great as what is now required to remain competitive. Today individuals and organizations must become continuous learners to survive and hence it is not surprising to find that most successful organizations operate in a continuous learning mode. The challenge of globalization, technological innovation increasing competition and growth through expansion, diversification and acquisition has had a wide-ranging and far reaching impact on !". There is a need for a continuous process that aims at providing fresh knowledge and skill inputs to the employees so as to ensure the development of their competencies, dynamism, motivation and effectiveness in a systematic and planned way, thereby improving the productivity and overall organizational effectiveness. #s a result, training and development activities have acquired great significance and are now firmly centre-stage in most of the organizations. ence it can be said that with the advent of free market economy rapid change in the environment, training and development activities have assumed an importance never before witnessed in $ndian corporate history. Training is the process of assisting a person in enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his professional knowledge developing his personal skills relevant to his work and cultivating in him appropriate behavior and attitude towards his work and people he is working with. "evelopment takes place as a result of training and essentially implies growth plus change. Thus, training and development go hand in hand.

Training and Development Scaling New


%orporate success depends upon having and retaining talented people. This is true today as it has always been. The shortage of such people is widely accepted and training, at long last, is beginning to be recognized as part of the solution and hence the total investment in training is on the rise. This is true for all organizations. There really is no alternative than to make sure that human skill so vital to the corporate success are recognized, harnessed, developed and suitably maintained. Training is not however, one &one-off' investment. $t is a continuing investment. Not only is it needed to create the skilled workforce, but also maintain the high levels of skills demanded by the ever changing, highly dynamic work place. The return on investment on !" is still controversial in view of the time variable in achieving the desired change and effectiveness in the employees. The top management looks at the loss and profit equation for any activity. $t is interested in the benefits to the organization in the terms of increased productivity, increased profitability, reduction in wastage etc in return for investment in training. ence, evaluation of training programmers and introduction of the necessary corrective measures also assumes considerable significance. Training is the most important function that contributes directly to the development of human resources. $f human resources have to be developed, the organization should create conditions in which people acquire new knowledge and skills and develop healthy patterns of behavior and styles. (ne of the main mechanisms of achieving this environment is training. Training is essential because technology is developing continuously and at a fast rate. )ystems and practices get outdated soon due to new discoveries in technology, including technical, managerial and behavioral aspects. (rganizations, which do not develop mechanisms to catch up with and use the growing technology, soon become outdated. owever, developing individuals in the organization can contribute to the effectiveness of the organization. Training and development are important activities in all organizations, large and small. *very organization, regardless of size, needs to have well-trained employees in its workforce who are prepared to perform their +obs. The term ,Training, refers to the acquisition of specific skills or knowledge. Training programs attempt to teach trainees to perform a specific +ob and a particular activity. The term ,"evelopment, usually refers to improving the intellectual or emotional abilities needed to do a better +ob.

#rinciple" and Eval$ation o% training Training is the process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his professional knowledge, by developing skills relevant to his work and cultivating appropriate behaviour and attitude towards work and people. Training could be designed either for improving present capabilities at work or for preparing a person for assuming higher. !esponsibilities in future which would call for additional knowledge and superior skills. Training is different from education particularly formal education. -hile education is concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, training aims essentially at increasing knowledge, stimulating aptitude and imparting skills related to a specific +ob. $n $ndia, considerable importance has been accorded to training in social development and this is evident form the fact that the community spends roughly six million dollars annually on training every year. .ut there are complains about the ineffectiveness of training and possible waste of resources because of the use of stereotyped and conventional methods in training which are often not set completely in tune with +ob requirements. It i" a contin$o$" proce"" Training is a continuous and life long process. !ight form the time a child is born he starts receiving training form his mother for a variety of needs, so that he becomes a social being. is training continues in the school and the college situations. owever training as an organized effort, designed with certain ob+ectives, for example to help the trainees to be informed of the sub+ect matter which they have to use in their work situation. #part from change of attitudes, their skills have to be improved and knowledge or information has to be imparted through effective methods. $n other worlds, training provides and synthesizing with the help of the trainers, the information already available on the sub+ect. Training is a time-bound programme. Thus there is a separate specialized discipline of trainers specializing in the field of human activity.

#revailing concept

New concept

/. The acquisition of sub+ect matter /. 0otivation and skills lead to action. knowledge by a participant leads to action. 1. The participant learns what the 1. 2earning is a complex function of trainer teaches. 2earning is a simple function of the capacity of the participant to learn and the ability of the trainer to teach. the motivation and capacity of the individual participant, the norms of the training groups the training methods and the behaviour of the trainers and the general climate of the institution. The participant,s motivation is influenced by the climate of his work organization. 3. $ndividual action leads to 3. $mprovement on the +ob is complex function of individual learning the norms of the working group and the general climate of the organization. $ndividual learning used leads to frustration. 4. Training is the responsibility of the 4. Training is the responsibility of training institution. $t begins and ends with the course. three training partners5 the participant $t has and a a organization the participant, and the institution. preparatory pertaining )kills are acquired through practice.

improvement on the +ob.

subsequent, post-training phase. #ll are equally important to the success

of training.

There has been in some quarter's criticism of training and it is often argued that personnel can acquire administrative capabilities and work skills through apprenticeship capabilities and work skills through apprenticeship rather than through formal training. -hile the training cannot by itself guarantee the success of a development programme, its untrained personnel are unlikely to prove effective. $t is in this context that expert6 administrators and planners greatly appreciate the relevance of training in development process.

T!e Training C&cle # training cycle consists of a series of steps which lead to a training event being undertaken. *valuation provides feedback which links back to the initial stages of training design. $ndeed, it is the evaluation7 feedback process which makes this a cyclical event without it training would be a linear process leading from initiating training through to its implementation. The steps in the cycle are5Stage'5 $dentification of training needs. *xamining what skills and attributes are necessary for the +ob to be undertaken, the skills and attributes of the +ob holder and the extent of the gap. Stage(5 "esign, preparation and delivery of training. Stage )5 "iscovering the trainee's attitude to training 8reaction9 and whether the training has been useful from the point of view of training. !eaction involves the participant's feelings towards the training process, including the training content, the trainer and the training methods used. 2earning is the extent to which the trainee has actually absorbed the content of the learning event. Stage *5 "iscovering whether the lessons learnt during training have been transferred to the +ob and are being used effectively in doing the +ob. Stage+5 *valuating the effects of the training on the organization. Thus is the area on which there is perhaps most confusion, subsequently little real action to clear it. Stage ,5 !einforcement of positive behavior. $t is optimal that positive outcomes are maintained for as long as possible. $t is not rare event for changes in behavior to be temporary, with a gentle slide back to previous ways of working. $t is important to note the feedback loops. :eedback on the process of actually delivering the training can come from the reaction and learning stage, the transfer of the training to the work place and the evaluation of the impact of the training. The main, feedback for the identification of training needs comes from an assessment of the transfer of work to the training and the evaluation of the impact on the organization. $t is important to note that these feedback loops may consist of two very different types of information. To determine the worth of training to the organization- a process best done by quantitative methods and with hard, numerical data. #llowing insights into the method of learning, where the experience of those involved are the main focus, thus using mainly softer, qualitative information.

Identi%ication o% training need"

The procedure of identifying training and development needs is crucial for the success of the training function and requires to be carried out systematically on a regular basis, preferably every year. ow are training needs identified to match the organizational requirements in terms of technology 7task7 people; as the training bought the desired change in the individuals' performance and if so, how is it assessed; These are the focal points, which require attention of the ! professionals to assess the training needs of the employees working in the organization. 0any organizations have their own system to identifying training needs every year. owever, need identification exercise can do real harm if the needs are not met by conducting suitable programs. 0anagers must perceive that their recommendations are grown due consideration and suitable actions are initiated to satisfy the felt needs. (nly then, they will take this exercise seriously. ence, formulation of suitable and need based training programs and their timely implementation is very important for the success of any training program. Eval$ation o% Training #rogram" Training programs are conducted with a view to help the employees to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to perform the task assigned to them. They are conducted in order to bring about a planned change which in turn involves substantial investment of money, time and efforts. Therefore, one has to know whether such an investment in training yielded the desired results. This desire naturally leads to evaluation of training. *valuation means literally, the assessment of value or worth. )trictly speaking the act of evaluating training is the act of +udging whether or not it was worthwhile in terms of some criterion of value, in the light of the information available. *valuation is the tool whereby information about the result of trainees, interaction with the learning experiences systematically collected and analyzed. Thus, evaluation can provide useful data both for improvement of training and enhancement of learning. $n brief it is important in 3 ways. $t indicates whether appropriate monetary investment is made on the implementation of training programs. $t determines the degree of effectiveness and success of the training programs. $t provides a basis for introductory the necessary corrective measures. The benefits of constructive, practical evaluation of training substantially outweigh the costs six direct benefits of evaluating training programs are5-$alit& Control5 <uality control systems are designed to ensure that products or services are fit for their intended purpose. *valuation in training will assess the extent to which work-related results can be demonstrated to arise from the training. )uccessful, positive elements of training can be maintained and reinforced, whilst negative elements removed

or revised. $f results cannot be +ustified, then it becomes hard to +ustify the commitment of any resources to the training activity and they can be re-allocated . E%%icient training de"ign5 $t throws an emphasis on those elements of a training system which matter, such as proper definition of ob+ectives and setting criteria on now these ob+ectives are to be measured. En!anced pro%e""ional e"teem5 Training professionals can gain enhanced stature from having systematic evaluation of data rather than intuitive assessment of their contribution to the business. .eing assessed on their contribution to the &bottom-line' of the business puts the !" function on the same footing as other functions, instead of claiming that the nature of their work does not allow an application of the same criteria. This helps to break down the barriers facing the integration of !" professionals within the organization. En!anced negotiating power5 (n much the same tack evaluation makes it possible for the ! function to demonstrate a successful contribution to the business over a period of time. -hen resources are to be allocated and new investment decisions to be made, them being able to show the outcomes of training would be invaluable. Appropriate criteria o% a""e""ment5 $ndividuals within an organization will make +udgments about how effective the training function is, regardless of whether an evaluation system is in place or not. =iven this, it is very important that the ! controls the choices of appropriate criteria, which it can most safely do on the back of a formal evaluation process. Intervention "trateg&5 *valuation can be a tool for changing the way that training is integrated into the organization. $t offers a means by which the ! function can build on its enhanced esteem and negotiating power to play a more active role in developing policies.

"ifferent +obs require different capabilities. These capabilities can be considered under four categories5 /. Technical 1. 0anagerial 3. .ehavioural 4. %onceptual

TEC NICA. CA#A/I.ITIES0 They deal with the technology of the +ob or the tasks the employee is expected to perform. They include information, skills and knowledge.

MANA1ERIA. CA#A/I.ITIES0 They include the ability to organize, coordinate, plan, monitor, evaluate and redesign a variety of activities. #s managers have the task of getting things done by others with optimal use of resources for achieving the best possible results, they need to possess managerial capabilities. >nowledge of management techniques like ?*!T, systems analysis, performance budgeting etc. are evidences of managerial capabilities. 0anagement skills involve the application of these techniques for better planning, better coordination, better monitoring, and for better achievement of results. /E AVI2URA. CA#A/I.ITIES0 These include leadership skills, ability to motivate others, communication skills, ability to work as a team member, dynamism, initiative etc. 0ere knowledge of behavioral sciences does not ensure that person has behavioral capabilities. #ttitudes and orientations play an important role in determining the effectiveness of the employees to a great degree. C2NCE#TUA. CA#A/I.ITIES5 These involve conceptual understanding of one,s own tasks in relation to those of others, imagination, futuristic thinking, model building capabilities and perception of various tasks and their interrelationships within the organization and outside it.

TY#ES 23 TRAININ10 '4 2rientation5Ind$ction Training0 The orientation or induction training is given to employees as soon as they +oin an organization. The purpose of this training is to orient the employee to the company and its tasks, to help his role in detail and see the link his role has with other roles in the company, to help him understand the expectations of other employees from him, and to give him a feel of the organization and feel part of it. The induction training normally does not focus on skill development. $t focuses more on perspective development and understanding of the organization. -ithout such understanding of the organization, its mission etc., the employee may soon feel alienated. $nduction training is one way in which culture and traditions are established and

maintained through socialization of the new employees into the culture of that organization. (4 2n6T!e67o8 Coac!ing0 (n-the-+ob coaching is another way of training employees. This type of training is given to employees who are new to a given +ob 8not necessarily to the organization9. The purpose of this kind of training is to equip the employee with the capabilities required to perform various tasks of his +ob. This may involve skill training by the supervisor of the employee, either on a day-to-day basis or periodically. (n-the-+ob training techniques also include +ob instruction training, +ob rotations, internships, coaching and counseling. (n-the-+ob training should be particularly stressed upon during the early stages of their careers. )4 Apprentice Training0 #pprentice training is given to those who have +ust completed their studies and are about to enter the organizational world. The apprenticeship involves practical training under the guidance of one or more instructors designated by the organization to train the trainees. +4 2%% T!e 7o8 Training .ect$re" 9or Cla""6Room In"tr$ction:0 2ecture is formal organized talks by the training specialist, then formal superior or other individual specific topics. T!e con%erence met!od0 $n this method, the participating individuals &confer' to discuss points of common interest to each other. There are three types of conferences. $n the directed discussion, the trainer guides the discussion in such a way that the facts, principles or concepts are explained. $n the training conferences, the instructor gets the group to pool its knowledge and past experience and brings different points of view to bear on the problem. $n the seminar conference, answer is bound to a question or a solution to a problem. Seminar or Team Di"c$""ion This is an established method for training. $t may be based on a paper prepared by one or more trainees on a )ub+ect selected in consultation with the person in charge of the )eminar. $t may be a part of a study or related to theoretical studies or ?ractical problems. The trainees read their papers, and this is followed by a critical discussion. The %hairman of the seminar summarizes the contents of the papers and the discussions which follow their reading. Ca"e St$die"9or .earning 8& Doing:0 This method was first developed in the /@AAs by %hristopher 2angdell at the arvard 2aw )chool to help students to learn from themselves by independent thinking and by discovering in the ever-tangled skein of human affairs, principles and ideas which have lasting validity and general applicability. # collateral ob+ect is to help them develop skills in using their knowledge. Role6#la&ing0

This method was developed by 0oreno, a Benetian psychiatrist. $n role-playing, trainees act out a given role as they would in a state play, two or more trainees are assigned parts to play before the rest of the class. !ole-playing primary involves employee-employer relationship-hiring, firing, discussing a grievance procedure, conducting a post-appraisal interview or disciplining a subordinate or a salesman making a representation to a customer. # programmed instruction involves breaking information down into meaningful units and then arranging these in a proper way to form a logical and sequential learning programmer or package. The training programmers' can be made effective and successful5 /. )pecific training ob+ectives should be outlined on the basis of the type of performance required to achieve organizational goals and ob+ectives 1. #ttempt should be made to determine if the trainee has the intelligence, maturity, and motivation to successfully complete the training programmers. 3. The trainee should be helped to see the need for training by making him aware of the personal benefits he can achieve through better performance. 4. The training programme should be planned so that it is related to the trainee's previous experience and background. C. #ttempts should be made to create organizational conditions that are conductive to a good learning environment D. $f necessary, a combination of training methods should be selected so that variety is permitted and as many of the senses as possible are utilized E. $t should be recognized that all the trainees do not progress at the same rate. Therefore, flexibility should be allowed in +udging the rates of progress in the training programmer. @. #s the trainee acquires new knowledge, skills or attitudes and applies them in +ob situations6 he should be significantly rewarded for his efforts.

IN6 2USE TRAININ15 $n-house training programs are programs offered exclusively for the employees of an organization by the organization. The Training "epartment assesses the training needs of various categories of employees periodically, invite suggestions from the senior executives of that company on the training needs as perceived by them, keep in touch with the new developments taking place in the outside world that have relevance to their own organizational activities and periodically invite outside trainers to train their employees. $n the in-house training programmes, the training department may use its own senior employees as trainers or may depend exclusively on outsiders or may use both sets of resources.

S#2NS2RED TRAININ10 #s most organizations do not have sizeable units of training, it is easier for them to sponsor a few employees for training by outside agencies. DISTANCE TRAININ15 "istance training is the training conducted without the trainer being physically present near the trainee. The most well known forms of distance training are correspondence courses, auto-teaching machines, programmed instruction materials, video and audio cassette programs, alumni bulletins etc. This form of training is useful mainly to keep the trainee informed about various developments in his field or to acquaint him with new technology, processes etc. CAREER DEVE.2#MENT #R21RAMS %areer "evelopment programs help people grow and continue after they begin their employment. %areer "evelopment refers to helping individuals plan their future careers within the organization. The ob+ectives of career development are to help individuals achieve maximum self-development and also to help the organization achieve its ob+ectives.

*mployees and the organization need to realize the importance of contribution and learning for mutual growth and development. Training is the answer to deal with stagnation stage by constantly updating it in every field. (ther benefits of training include5 iring appeal5 companies that provide training attract a better quality -orkforce. #ssessing and addressing any performance deficiency. *nhancing workforce flexibility. %ross-cultural training is essential for better ad+ustment in the new environment. $ncreasing commitment5 Training acts as a loyalty booster. *mployee motivation is also enhanced when the employee knows that the organization would provide them opportunities to increase their skills and knowledge. $t gives the organization a competitive edge by keeping abreast of the latest changes6 it acts as a catalyst for change. igher customer satisfaction and lower support cost results through improved service, increased productivity and greater sufficiency. Training acts as benchmark for hiring promoting and career planning. $t acts as a retention tool by motivating employee to the vast opportunities for growth available in an organization. $mprove the quality and quantity of work done. !educe the learning time required for employees to reach acceptable standards of performance. %reate more favourable attitudes, loyalty and cooperation. )atisfy human resource planning requirements. !educe the number and cost of accidents. elp employees in their personal development and advancement. elp organizations to respond to dynamic market conditions and changing consumer demands.


'4NE; RECRUITS T2 T E C2M#ANY These have a requirement for induction into the company as a whole in terms of its business activities and personnel policies and provisions, the terms, conditions and benefits appropriate to the particular employee, and the career and advancement opportunities available. (4 TRANS3ERS ;IT IN T E C2M#ANY These are people who are moved from one +ob to another, either within the same work area, i.e. the same department or function, or to dissimilar work under a different management. Fnder this heading we are excluding promotions, which take people into entirely new levels of responsibility. )4 #R2M2TI2NS #lthough similar to the transfer in that there is a new +ob to be learned in new surroundings, he is dissimilar in that the promotion has brought him to a new level of supervisory or management responsibility. The change is usually too important and difficult to make successfully to permit one to assume that the promotes will pick it up as he goes along and attention has to be paid to training in the tasks and the responsibilities and personal skills necessary for effective performance. *4 NE; #.ANT 2R E-UI#MENT *ven the most experienced operator has everything to learn when a computer and electronic controls replace the previous manual and electro-mechanical system on the process plant on which he works. There is no less a training requirement for the supervisors and process management, as well as for technical service production control and others. +4 NE; #R2CEDURES 0ainly for those who work in offices in commercial and administrative functions but also for those who we workplace is on the shop floor or on process plant on any occasion on which there is a modification to existing paperwork or procedure for, say the withdrawal of materials from stores, the control of customer credit the approval of expense claims, there needs to be instruction on the change in the way of working in many instances, a note bringing the attention of all concerned the change is assume to be sufficient, but there are cases, such as when total new systems in corporating $T up dates are installed, when more thorough training is needed.

,4 T E MAINTENANCE 23 MANA1EMENT S<I..S = STANDARDS )kills in supervising, employee appraisal, communications, leadership etc are important in all companies. )ome of these skills are seen to be critical to ma+or developments in company organization, culture, employee empowerment and so on. $nitial training in these skills is not uncommon in the largest companies on appointment into management and supervision. .ut continuous training and performance monitoring is rare, despite the common knowledge that standards are as varied as human nature. >4 RETIREMENT AND REDUNDANCY *mployees of any position in the company who are heading towards retirement will benefit from learning about health, social life, work opportunities money management etc. $nternal or external courses are best attended a year or two before retirement date, in a few companies a member of ?ersonnel will act as a counselor as required.


G (ptimum Ftilization of uman !esources H Training and "evelopment helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. G "evelopment of uman !esources H Training and "evelopment helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources' technical and behavioral skills in an organization. $t also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. G "evelopment of skills of employees H Training and "evelopment helps in increasing the +ob knowledge and skills of employees at each level. $t helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees ?roductivity H Training and "evelopment helps in increasing the productivity of the *mployee's that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal. G Team spirit H Training and "evelopment helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. $t helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees. G (rganization %ulture H Training and "evelopment helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. $t helps in creating the learning culture within the organization. G <uality H Training and "evelopment helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life. G ealth and )afety H Training and "evelopment helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence. G 0orale H Training and "evelopment helps in improving the morale of the work force. G $mage H Training and "evelopment helps in creating a better corporate image. G ?rofitability H Training and "evelopment leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation. G Training and "evelopment aids in organizational development i.e. (rganization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. $t helps in understanding and carrying out organizational policies. G Training and "evelopment helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers and managers usually display. T!#$N$N= 0*T ("),

T*% N$<F*) #N" #$") $N $N:()I) T*% N(2(=$*) 2T". $ntroduction to the company istory of the company $nfosys Technologies 2td. was started in /J@/ by seven people8 N. !. Narayana 0urthy, Nandan Nilekani, N. ). !aghavan, >ris =opalakrishnan,). ". )hibulal, >. "inesh and #shok #rora, with N. ). !aghavan officially being the first employee of the company9 with F)K 1CA. Today, it is a global leader in the Lnext generation of $T and consulting with revenues of over F)K 4 billion. $nfosys began its +ourney in $ndia&s business environment in the /J@As, in an era when endless red tape was imposed on the private sector. $n this environment, building a company whose long-term ob+ectives included operational longevity, high ethical standards and global respect demanded commitment to a core set of values. :or $nfosys, these values focus on instilling trust in their relationships with all stakeholders, including employees, investors, clients, society and the communities in which $nfosys operates. $ts tag line L?owered by $ntellect, "riven by Balues reinforces its focus on a strong value system in the organization. The key areas of its corporate value system include5 %ustomer "elight, 2eadership by *xample, $ntegrity and Transparency, :airness, ?ursuit of *xcellence. %ompany (verview5 $nfosys defines designs and delivers technology-enabled business solutions that help =lobal 1AAA companies win in a :lat -orld. $nfosys also provides a complete range of services by leveraging its& domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with leading technology providers. $nfosys& offerings span business and technology consulting, application services, systems integration, product engineering, custom software development, maintenance, reengineering, independent testing and validation services, $T infrastructure services and business process outsourcing $nfosys pioneered the =lobal "elivery 0odel 8="09, which emerged as a disruptive force in the industry leading to the rise of offshore outsourcing. The ="0 is based on the principle of taking work to the location where the best talent is available, where it makes the best economic sense, with the least amount of acceptable risk. $nfosys has a global footprint with over CA offices and development centers in $ndia, %hina, #ustralia, the %zech !epublic, ?oland, the F>, %anada and Mapan. $nfosys and its subsidiaries have /A3,JAC employees as on Mune 3A, 1AAJ. $t maintains various business units aligned to clients& geographies, such as *0*# 8*urope, 0iddle *ast N #frica9, #?#% 8#sia-?acific9 and %#N" 8%anada9. There are also horizontal business units such as *) 8*nterprise )olutions9, which specializes in *!? and package implementation and works with clients across industries and geographies and )$ 8)ystems $ntegration9, which provides integration services to clients.

)ervice and ?roduct (verview The core service offerings of $nfosys can be categorized as follows5 /9 %ustom #pplication "evelopment The %ompany provides customized software solutions for its clients. $nfosys creates new applications and enhances the functionality of its clients& existing software applications. The %ompany focuses on long-term functionality, stability and preventive maintenance to avoid problems that typically arise from incomplete or short-term solutions. 19 )oftware !e-engineering The %ompany&s software re-engineering services assist its clients in converting their existing $T systems to newer technologies and platforms developed by third-party vendors. $nfosys& re-engineering services include -eb-enabling its clients& existing legacy systems, database migration, implementing product upgrades, and platform migrations, such as mainframe to client-server and client-server to $nternet platforms. 39 ?ackage *valuation and $mplementation $nfosys assists its clients in the evaluation and implementation of software packages developed by third-party vendors. $t also provides training and support services in the course of their implementation. 49 $nformation Technology %onsulting The %ompany&s $T consulting professionals assist its clients by providing technical advice in developing and recommending appropriate $T architecture, hardware and software specifications to deliver $T solutions designed to meet specific business and computing ob+ectives. C9 (ther )olutions $nfosys& service offerings including testing services, engineering services, business process management, systems integration, infrastructure management, and operational and business process consulting. The %ompany offers end-to-end validation solutions and services, including enterprise test management, performance benchmarking, test automation and product certification. D9 :inacle :inacle, the universal banking solution from $nfosys, helps banks by enabling them to shift their strategic and operational priorities. :inacle currently powers J/ banks across C4 countries, helping them serve over /AA million customers, /CA million accounts, @A,AAA users and supporting over 3D million peak banking transactions per day spread across multiple installations.

.usiness 0odel

$nfosys is the incredible story of success and successful execution of business model, the company has entered red ocean market with insignificant stake and power in market, but because of successful market re-definition, the company managed to achieve a huge market share of the $T industry and become a remarkable example for rivals. The reasons behind $nfosys& success can be attributed to the fact that, the company managed to realize what was the market pain before, anyone else could and they managed to translate it into successful business model. The .usiness model proposed by $nfosys redefined market needs, improved service time and quality and conceptually changed the game rules that bigger players where following. .usiness model of $nfosys was not complicated, yet it was very hard to copy because it required from company flexibility and dynamic changes in business processes. .usiness concept of $nfosys was different from any other companies because they managed to identify problematic areas of $T pro+ects, they realized that $T pro+ects needed more and more detailed, customized business process mapping, which in most cases was done by independent consultants without relevant $T background, this was the reason why the pro+ects implemented by $nfosys competitors had lower quality and had high risk of failure or contingency. (n the other hand $T pro+ect implementations where taking an average of / year to implement, which also was a big disadvantage from the client&s perspective. $n order to reduce the time frame, $nfosys combined business process mapping service with the traditional $T pro+ect package. $t created local implementation teams on shore and support teams offshore and in this way $nfosys achieved to work on pro+ects practically 14 hours every day. %ause of these initiatives $nfosys was able to bring the pro+ect implementation time down to D months. #nother very innovative change in company performance was the measurement and assessment methodologies, $nfosys managed to start measuring almost everything, including customer satisfaction, employee efficiency, and financial results related to pro+ect implementations. This innovation was breakthrough in the existing environment because it was equally satisfying both for client as well as employees. .y implementing and adopting above mentioned changes, $nfosys managed to reach its goals in a very short period of time, it managed to achieve fast growth and rank alongside larger players of the market, managed to propose faster and better services to customers and created unique organizational culture based on meritocracy and transparency. $nfosys has adopted a client-focused strategy to achieve growth. !ather than focusing on numerous small organizations, it focuses on limited number of large organizations throughout world. #nother differentiating factor for $nfosys is that it commands premium margins. %ompany does not negotiate over margins beyond a certain limit and some time prefers to walk-out rather than compromise on quality for low-cost contracts. This has helped in building an image for quality driven model rather than cost-differentiating model. $ncrease business from existing and new clients5 $nfosys has focused on expanding the nature and scope of engagements for the existing clients by increasing the size and number of pro+ects and extending the breadth of its service offerings. $t increases its recurring business with clients by providing software re-engineering, maintenance, infrastructure management and business process management services which are long-

term in nature and require frequent client contact. (ver JEO of it&s& revenues come from existing customers. *xpand geographically5 $nfosys plans to establish new sales and marketing offices, representative offices and global development centers to expand its geographical reach. $t plans to increase presence in %hina through $nfosys %hina, in the %zech !epublic and *astern *urope directly and through $nfosys .?(, in #ustralia through $nfosys #ustralia and in 2atin #merica, through $nfosys 0exico. *nhance solution set5 $nfosys focuses on emerging trends, new technologies, specific industries and pervasive business issues that confront our clients. $n recent years, it has added new service offerings, such as consulting, business process management, systems integration and infrastructure management, which are ma+or contributors to its growth. "evelop deep industry knowledge5 $nfosys has specialized industry expertise in the financial services, manufacturing, telecommunications, retail, transportation and logistics industries. *nhance brand visibility5 $nfosys invests in the development of its premium brand identity in the marketplace by participating in media and industry analyst events, sponsorship of and participation in targeted industry conferences, trade shows, recruiting efforts, community outreach programs and investor relations. ?ursue alliances and strategic acquisitions5 $nfosys is known for its organic growth 8risk averse9 strategy though it has strategic alliance with leading technology providers take advantage of emerging technologies in a mutually beneficial and cost-competitive manner.

Training scenario at $nfosys $n /J@/, a small team led by N! Narayana 0urthy and his wife, started P"ata .asics %orp& a small time on-site software developer company. The company was later renamed as $nfosys. "uring its initial years, $nfosys struggled to get pro+ects due to lack of reputation, inadequate infrastructure, and government regulations. .ut the determination of the promoters and their full involvement got them their first order which they completed successfully in time. *xports increased over time and $nfosys set up a )oftware development center in .angalore, $ndia. $n /J@E, it established its first international office in %alifornia, F). $n /J@@, $nfosys bagged its first ma+or order from the !eebok and in /J@J bagged another ma+or order from "igital *quipments based in the F). The year /JJ/ was a significant year in the history of $ndian business. $n the Fnion .udget that import tariffs were reduced, taxes were rationalized, and exports were encouraged. (ther reforms introduced were free-market pricing of $nitial ?ublic (ffering 8$?(9 and relaxation in restrictions on foreign exchange, etc. $n /JJ3, $nfosys successfully completed its $?(. .y /JJC, $nfosys had become the fifth largest software exporter in $ndia. $n /JJD, it set up its office in F> and then in %anada in /JJE.$n /JJJ, $nfosys achieved annual revenues of F)K/AA mn. $n the same year it earned the highest level of certification, %00 2evel C, conferred to only a few companies in the world. $t was the first $ndian company to be listed on N#)"#< in /JJJ. $n 1AA/ and 1AA1 it was rated as the P.est *mployer in $ndia& and P$ndia&s most respected company& by leading $ndian business magazines. $n 1AAD, $nfosys Technologies 2imited was one of $ndia&s biggest $T companies and provided $T services, solutions, and consultation globally. .y the year 1AAD it had over 4J,AAA employees worldwide. .y 1AAD, there were close to CA,AAA $nfoscions 8employees of $nfosys9. =etting a +ob at $nfosys was tough as it admitted only /O of applicants. (ut of the total number of applicants, $nfosys short-listed only top 1AO of students from premier colleges, universities, and institutes. $nfosys in its history had hired many people from different engineering fields who exhibited a high aptitude for learn-ability& and preferred them over those computer engineers who could not solve problems beyond their technical training. The short listed candidates underwent a rigorous selection procedure, which involved a series of aptitude tests and interviews. The aptitude tests were significantly tougher and very few candidates cleared them. The successful candidates were invited for a personal interview. %andidates were +udged mainly on their analytical abilities, learn-ability, and communication skills. The selected few candidates were then given +ob offers.

The $nfosys 2eadership $nstitute in 0ysore, $ndia, pumps out executive talent for $nfosys Technologies, the global $T solutions provider with fiscal 1AA@ revenue of K4./@ billionand year-over-year growth of 3C percent. $nfosys employs J/,/@E people and has offers out for an additional /@,AAA.

The ! function is responsible for the institute&s curriculum and an on-site staff of @A. ! is also responsible for all leadership development programs, including designing the curriculum and monitoring the results. $nfosys& underlying philosophy is that leadership cannot be taught, but it can be learned. *very quarter, ! reports to the board on the number of personal development plans in progress and the status of the leadership development programs. $nfosys also conducts an annual survey of the participants from all three tiers. ! reviews the list of participants and determines whether anyone should be dropped from the program for performance reasons. To gauge the results of the leadership development program, ! uses a leadership index based on the nine dimensions and rates each participant on a / to C scale, with C as the highest rating. The rating hinges not only on each leader&s actions but also on the leader&s efforts to share learning with others in the business unit or function.

Need %or Training The dynamic nature of the software and $T industry requires its workforce to upgrade frequently in technology and skills. %ompanies were focusing on continuous training and development of their employees, which also helped in the reduction of attrition rate. #t $nfosys, every new recruit underwent approximately three months of training before they were made billable to clients. The #merican )ociety for Training and "evelopment 8#)T"9 rated $nfosys as the world&s best in employee training and development and conferred P*xcellence in ?ractice #ward continuously for three consecutive years 1AA1, 1AA3 and 1AA4. The award was conferred for its =lobal .usiness :oundation )chool.& $t was a program for all fresh engineering entrants to $nfosys to equip them for the challenging software career ahead of them. The program ran around the year and was implemented over several global centers across the organization. The =lobal .usiness :oundation )chool comprised of generic conceptual courses, platform specific courses, mini pro+ects for application, and an end term pro+ect tailored from real life pro+ects. $n addition to technical courses, fresh entrants were also exposed to courses on communication skills, interpersonal skills, customer interaction etiquettes, management development, and quality systems. $n 1AAC $nfosys established $nfosys F one of the largest corporate training centers in the world. The =lobal *ducation %enter was set up in 1AAC. $t was one of the biggest corporate training centers in the world. The =lobal *ducation %enter would run a /4.C week residential program, which would impart generic and work specific training in technology areas, along with soft skills and leadership programs to freshers .The center had 1,3CA rooms spread across the campus, C@ training rooms, /@3 faculty rooms, stateof-the-art library and a cyber cafe. The center had the capacity to train around /C,AAA freshers in one year.

The Training ?rogram #fter the new recruits +oined $nfosys, they were taken to $nfosys F for a /4.C week training program. #t $nfosys F, the freshers were welcomed in $nfosys by N! Narayana 0urthy through an audio visual presentation. The initial days of the training program, freshers filled forms and learned the values that drove $nfosys. "uring the entire training program, new recruits were trained to work or program different tech applications. The library had an online database of $nfosys case studies to help the recruits. The trainers generally imparted training in hard skills through lectures on the concepts and theory for a few hours and then allowed the recruits to work independently and build their own applications for the rest of the day. -hile the training program focused mainly on technical skills, the freshers were also trained in soft skills. There were separate rooms and faculties for soft skill training. Training was imparted on global etiquette, comportment, importance of body language, public speaking, improving interpersonal communication and team-building. The various methods used included, asking the freshers to perform skits, going through several Pwhatif& scenarios and to practice smiling in front of the mirror. The campus provided best of food to at an affordable price. #mong other options, the campus had the retail outlet of the pizza chain "omino&s ?izza where both -estern and $ndian varieties of pizzas were available. The pizza could also be ordered while the employee was working, but the $nfosys culture discouraged working during lunch. The $nfoscions believed in taking break during lunch and socializing. The center had an *mployee %are %enter to facilitate all round development. The employee care center offered recreational facilities such as a gymnasium, a swimming pool, Macuzzi, bowling alley and a meditation hall. $t also had an international-class cricket ground and a multipurpose ground with a six-lane synthetic track, which housed basketball, volleyball, squash, and tennis courts. The campus also housed an auditorium, which had a seating capacity of /,3AA people and three multiplex theatres with a capacity of /CA seats each. The freshers had to work for eight hours every day and at the end of the training program, the freshers had to pass two comprehensive exams before proceeding further. #bout /O to 1O failed in the exams. $nfosys F also served as the opportunity to interact with $nfoscions working in countries other than $ndia. The spirit of learnability among the people at $nfosys and an organizational commitment to continuous personal and professional development keeps $nfosys at the forefront in a fast-changing industry. The framework for continuous learning at $nfosys is built around a number of focused programs for our employees. These range from ma+or initiatives such as the $nfosys 2eadership $nstitute to various ongoing management development and personal improvement programs. They complement a host of technology advancement and ongoing training options. The training plan provides a sequence of inputs as individuals grow through their professional career. %ommencing with a structured induction at the beginning to leadership trainings while assuming senior responsibilities.

Training and development initiatives are available at each milestone and cover the following/9 Technical training by *ducation N !esearch 8*N!9 department5 $nfosys as part of *N! department runs the largest corporate technical university in #sia. $t has a state of an art technology6 offering training in all its development centres in $ndia to about 3A,AAA new +oiners in a year. The *N! department creates, manages, and sustains the infrastructure for learning and knowledge sharing in the company. This includes courseware, library services, intranet based learning and online services. $nfosys has an entry-level technical training program, which is for duration of /4 weeks. This program has been certified by educationists as being equivalent to a .) program in the F). The *ducation N !esearch 8*N!9 department at $nfosys offers a variety of training programs on a regular basis for 0iddle level employees as well. The following Training and learning programs are rolled out by $nfosys to its employees as part of its *N! department5 *-learning5 (n-2ine learning program to enable access to training programs from remote locations :oundation ?rogram5 :reshman graduate engineers undergo a /1-/4 weeks full time rigorous educational training program before induction into production. Must-$n-Time 8M$T9 courses are delivered to $nfosys employees based on sudden or unforeseen requirements to meet the urgent requirements of $nfosys& clients >nowledge management group is the hub of all the knowledge sharing activities in $nfosys. This is a very active platform and works through multiple channels of knowledge sharing. Thanks to its knowledge management, $nfosys has won the =lobal 0ake awards in 1AA3, 1AA4, 1AAC and 1AAE.

%ertifications5 "eepening competencies is a strategic imperative with twin ob+ectives, to give employees an opportunity to continuously enhance their competencies and help them achieve their career aspirations. $nfosys has a strong internal certification program for all its employees, which encompasses technical and business related certifications. 19 $2$5 The $nfosys 2eadership )ystem5 The $nfosys 2eadership $nstitute 8$2$9 is a blend of leadership and managerial development. $t has role based training programs and a global business school for in house development of employees& managerial and interpersonal skills. The $nfosys 2eadership )ystem 8$2)9 and the $nfosys 2eadership $nstitute 8$2$9 address the issue of sustained growth in general and creates a formal and committed system for developing leadership capabilities in $nfoscions. The most significant attribute of the $nfosys leadership development model is its partnership approach with the other groups in $nfosys and the ownership of the entire process by the top management in what is termed

as the $nternal )ynergy 0odel&. $2$ is based at a world-class physical infrastructure, in 0ysore, $ndia. 39 !ole .ased Training ?rograms5 2earning is a continuous process. #t the core of learning in a human being are involvement, desire to excel, and motivation to widen horizons of knowledge6 use this learning productively. !especting this, the $2$ has created multiple learning forums which offer a mix of all options it suit the various learning styles, increasing the individual&s thirst for knowledge and guiding his efforts to quench his thirst while allowing him to take responsibility for this +ourney himself is at the core of this philosophy. *ntry-level program The trainees at $nfosys undergo training for four months at the $nfosys 2eadership $nstitute. "uring this period, they handle numerous assignments and undergo assessment programs and developmental interventions. 2earning management $nfosys& learning process is aligned with the specific context, business outcome and initiatives of the unit. $t is managed by the learning consultants who work closely with the unit. Tier leadership development $nfosys& training program is focused on grooming a new generation of leaders. $ts leadership development initiative categorizes leaders into different tiers. %andidates undergo various assessment, personal development and mentoring programs. 49 $n)tep5 $nstep is $nfosys& global internship program to attract students from the best academic institutions around the world. $t includes premier institutes like arvard, 0$T, (xford etc. $t helps students to work on live, organizationally relevant technical and business pro+ects in the company. The $n)tep program is largely responsible for exposing students from all over the globe to living and working in $ndia and experience firsthand the challenges of working in one of the most exciting emerging markets of the world. The advantages of the $n)tep ?rogram are5 $nfosys *dge-$nfosys, $T consulting and software solutions address the mission critical needs of :ortune CAA corporations as well as emerging corporate leaders. $nfosys manages a range of multi-million dollar pro+ects for global clients including #didas-)alomon #=, #pple %omputer, M. )ainsbury ?2% =roup, Nortel Networks, )alomon and Taylor 0ade and Toshiba %orporation through its pioneering =lobal "elivery 0odel. $nfosys offers a stimulating and challenging, yet informal and campus-like work environment. Benture, "iscover, #chieve5 $n)tep is an internship program for undergraduate, graduate and ?h" students from top global academic institutions. #s part of the

$nfosys family, the interns get to realize their potential, while working on highquality, customer-facing pro+ects. They are exposed to new and emerging technologies and business opportunities. Fnlimited ?ro+ects5 $n)tep enables the interns to work on live technical and business pro+ects, ranging from application development to business consulting at $nfosys, offices worldwide. )chedule :lexibility5 $n)tep runs through the year, to suit academic calendars worldwide. The internship assignment ranges from @ weeks to 14 weeks. =lobal *xposure5 #s an $n)tep intern, they gain experience in the dynamic $nformation Technology industry and get global exposure by working in a multiculturalenvironment. $nteraction with )enior 0anagement5 $nfosys, senior management is regarded for its pioneering leadership in the $ndian $T industry. 0r. Narayana 0urthy 8%hairman and %hief 0entor9 and 0r. Nandan Nilekani 8%o-%hairman of the .oard of "irectors, then 0anaging "irector, ?resident and %*(9 were voted :ortune #sia,s .usinessmen of the Iear 1AA3. The interns get an opportunity to interact with top management during their internship at the company. %onstant )upport5 # student mentor helps the interns to settle into $nfosys, international working environment, while a pro+ect mentor guides the intern through the internship assignment. )tipend, airfare, accommodation, ,$ntern *xcursion, and other benefits- the intern receives a monthly stipend. The stipend is structured according to the cost of living in the region that the interns are based during your internship period. $nfosys also pays for the airfare, lodging and boarding.

C9 %ampus %onnect5 *ngineering and management colleges are the natural bedrock for the $T talent in the knowledge economy. The educational institutes and the $T industry have realized the need to scale up industry ready quality students to meet the growing demands of the industry. #s a primary stakeholder in creating a vibrant talent pool for future graduates, $nfosys launched %ampus %onnect in 0ay 1AA4, a first of its kind, industry-institute initiative. %ampus %onnect is a forum where some of the best practices at $nfosys are shared with educational institutions and aligns the needs of the colleges, its faculty and students with those of the $T industry. %ampus %onnect is $nfosys& initiative to help increase $ndia&s competitiveness in the knowledge economy. %ampus %onnect aims at evolving a model through which

$nfosys and engineering institutions can partner for competitiveness, enhance the pool of highly capable talent for growth requirements in $nformation Technology 8$T9 space. $t is aimed at creating an effective means of backward integration into the supply chain by going into the college campuses from where the $T industry gets the people for its growth. %ampus %onnect equips graduates not only with computer science and software engineering, but also helps them apply their learning in practical situations, with special emphasis on teamwork, pro+ect management, cross functional networking and effective communication. The variety of things lined up under the %ampus %onnect initiative is as follows5 )eminars and faculty training for colleges5 This will give an industry perspective to the faculty. #ligning the college curriculum with industry requirements and working with educational bodies for implementing it. ?ublishing $nfosys courseware on the web5 This will give students and faculty access to courseware designed by us. The courseware adds to the existing college courseware and highlights the integrated, systems way of looking at hitherto discrete topics. This is the courseware we use to prepare our new recruits for global Lindustry ready standards. )abbatical for ?rofessors5 ?rofessors can pursue areas of research interest with us, and also add to the intellectual content.

$nfosys makes this program exclusive for participating colleges by providinga9 #ssistance to the faculty in order to introduce industry oriented courses b9 )abbaticals for the faculty c9 )ponsorship of events in the tech-fests of the colleges d9 Technical seminars by expert $nfoscions in their campuses e9 #llowing industry visits by students of the college to $nfosys campuses Through this initiative, $nfosys will help with its experiences and work with the academia to plug in the gap to integrate learning with practical situations. This includes the creation of a pro+ect bank on the $nfosys portal to give final year students practical experience in working on real life situations. The program also aims to provide a holistic view to the students to develop business and communication skills that are required to compete in the global arena. D9 <uality ?rocess Training5 $nfosys has a strong focus on quality processes and methodologies. This training is tailored to the role that one is playing i.e. )oftware *ngineer, ?rogrammer #nalyst,?ro+ect 0anagers etc

E9 ?ersonal *ffectiveness and 0anagerial ?rograms5 ?rograms to enhance the managerial capabilities and leadership abilities, to enable better customer satisfaction, achieve organizational vision and create high performing multicultural teams. $nfosys Technologies spends !s. ECA crore a year on training fresh recruits. The company adds about 4AAA-CAAA staff every quarter. This comes to !s. 1.CA lakh spent on each potential new employee during a /D-week training period. #part from containing attrition at around /3.E per cent against the industry average of /E per cent, the training turned out young men and women with additional Psoft skills&, including the ability to communicate clearly, learn efficient team work and decision-making, 0r. ?ai said. %lose to five per cent of trainees did not match the +ob skills required and had to return home. $nfosys has its on-campus +ob skills programme, %ampus %onnect, covering C/A engineering colleges in several regions. )o far, 1,3AA faculties have been trained on industry needs like better understanding of concepts involved in work such as software engineering. The 0ysore campus has two software development centres and a special economic zone 8)*Q9 facility, both being expanded now. The )*Q recorded !s. @AA crore exports last year. Concl$"ion -hile $ndia stands at the threshold of change in its policies and economic reforms, its corporate giants too are witnessing a need to shift towards the next generation of leaders. $ndia&s large companies have been built on the back of entrepreneurs and visionary risktakers, who started from scratch. -ith this backdrop, the new set of leaders now come more prepared and experienced. %ompanies have, down the ages, focused on training N development of Pperformanceoriented skill sets amongst their managers. Bariety of factors including the financial meltdown has made Pcredibility of leaders& extremely important and given Pleadership training N development& a new-found respect even in sectors that refused to acknowledge its importance earlier. %ompanies that were initially challenged have now started looking at structured leaders. # Psystematic succession& becomes extremely important as large companies cannot afford to groom individuals +ust at the P%& level executives and ignore senior and mid level managers. The latter will become the next set of leaders and so it is extremely important for companies to bring out training programs at both the levels. $ndustries that have been maturing and feeling the need to groom leaders are $T7 $Te) industry that grew 1DO last year. 0ore traditional sectors such as telecom and banking have taken up the steps in early days. $nfosys Technologies is expected to announce developments in its senior management. The second generation of leaders at $nfosys are being groomed at $nfosys in its tradition of building leaders who can seamlessly take over from where predecessors have left off. $nfosys had, in fact, developed $nfosys leadership $nstitute at its 0ysore campus where all the grooming takes place. ) >ris =opalakrishnan had once mentioned about the process the company usually undergoes to capture the next generation of leaders. The company identifies the next generation of leaders depending on their performance and tenure in the company. There is a 3-tier mentoring process at$nfosys. Tier-/ of the $nfosys 0anagement %ouncil, which consists of the company&s

board of directors, who mentor Tier-1 leaders who, in turn, guide the Tier-3 group. #bout 4C executives are a part of Tier-/ council. *ach of the leaders undergo exhaustive and sustained training through the company&s personal development programme. $nfosys training programmes are designed to enable professionals enhance their skill sets in tune with their respective roles. .usiness leaders are evaluated on an ongoing basis by the shareholder, employee and corporate community. %redibility of the Pblackboard of training and skill developmentprogrammes& will be revealed depending on how do these leaders take up their roles and bring required capabilities to the company.

.ibliography http577www.infosys.com7offerings7industries7education7whitepapers7"ocuments7infosys-learning-services.pdf http577www.ciiiq.in7)ectors7<ualityO1Ain O1A*ducation7events7N)<*A@7ppts7=B$2$.pdf http577www.infosys.com7$n)tep-eb7about-internship7default.asp http577www.indianmba.com7:acultyR%olumn7:%EJE7fcEJE.html http577www.financialexpress.com7news7the-insiders-at-infosys7E@A@3173 http577campusconnect.infosys.com7faq.aspx http577www.infosys.com7investors7reports-filings7annualreport7annual7"ocuments7#!-1A/A7#nnual-!eport7"irectors-!eport-p1.html http577www.financialexpress.com7news7lack-of-talent-pushes-software-cos-toinvest-in-training734@AJE7A

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