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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 1 of 33 Homework 1 Due: 11:59pm on Sunday, September 12, 2010 Note: You will

receive no credit for late submissions. To learn more, read your instructor's Grading Policy [Switch to Standard Assignment View] Converting Units The ability to convert from one system of units to another is important in physi cs. It is often impractical to measure quantities in the standard meters, kilogr ams, and seconds, but the laws of physics that you learn will involve constants that are defined in these units. Therefore, you may often have to convert your m easured quantities into meters, kilograms, and seconds. The following table list s metric prefixes that come up frequently in physics. Learning these prefixes wi ll help you in the various exercises. mega- ( kilo- ( ) centi- ( ) milli- ( ) ) micro- ( ) nano- ( ) When doing unit conversions, you need a relation between th e two units. For instance, in converting from millimeters to meters, you need to know that . Once you know this, you need to divide one side by the other to obt ain a ratio of . in the denominator, so that it will cancel the units of the If you are converting from millimeters to meters, then this is the proper ratio. It has , then you would have quantity that you are converting. For instance, if yo u were converting . If you were converting a quantity from meters to millimeters , you would use the reciprocal ratio: . to : Part A Suppose that you measure a pen to be 10.5 Hint A.1 long. Convert this to meters. Relating centimeters and meters Hint not displayed Express your answer in meters. ANSWER: 10.5 = 0.105 Correct When converting areas, you must be careful to use the correct ratio. If you were converting from to , it might be tempting to use again. Be careful! Think of as . That is to say, think of this as a pair of millimeter units, each of which mus t be to square meters you would use the following calculation: . converted separately. To convert Notice that the exponent distributes to both the numbers and the units: . Now th e will cancel properly: . 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 2 of 33 Part B Suppose that, from measurements in a microscope, you determine that a cer tain bacterium covers an area of meters. Hint B.1 Find the conversion factor Hin t not displayed . Convert this to square Express your answer in square meters. ANSWER: 1.50 = 1.5010-12 Correct As with areas, you must be careful when converting between volumes. For volumes, you must cancel off three copies of whatever unit you are converting from. Part C Suppose that you find the volume of all the oceans to be in a reference book. To find the mass, you can use the density of water, also found in this reference book, but first you must convert the volume to cubic meters. What is this volume in cubic meters? Hint C.1 Find the conversi on factor Hint not displayed Express your answer in cubic meters. ANSWER: = 1.401018 Correct Part D In a laboratory, you determine that the density of a certain solid is . C onvert this density into kilograms per cubic meter. Notice that the units you are trying to eliminate are now in the denominator. Th e same principle from the previous parts applies: Pick the conversion factor so that the units cancel. The only change is that now the units you wish to cancel must appear in the numerator of the conversion factor. Hint D.1 Find the convers ion factor Hint not displayed Express your answer in kilograms per cubic meter. ANSWER: = 5230 Correct You are now ready to do any sort of unit conversion. You may encounter problems that look far more complex than those you've done in this problem, but if you ca refully set up conversion factors one at a time to cancel the units you don't wa nt and replace them with the units that you do want, then you will have no troub le. Interpreting Graphs Learning Goal: To be able to gain many different types of information from a gra ph. Being able to read graphs is an important skill in physics. It is also criti cal in day-to-day life, as information in the news and in business meetings is o ften presented in graphical form. In this problem, you will consider a single gr aph and all of the information that can be gained from it. Since the graph axes have no labels, think of it as a graph of something important to you, whether th at is GPA, your bank balance, or something else. Specific applications will be n oted for each way of analyzing a graph. The easiest information to obtain from a graph is its value at a point. The height of the graph above the horizontal axi s gives the value of the graph. Points above the horizontal axis have positive v alues, whereas points below the axis have negative values. The vertical axis wil l usually have specific values marked off so that you can tell exactly what valu e each height corresponds to. In the graph you've been given, there are no exact values labeled, but you can still tell relative values; you can make statements such as, "At point D, the graph has a greater value than at point C." Part A At which point(s) does the graph have a positive value?

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MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 3 of 33 Hint A.1 Determining positive values from a graph Hint not displayed Enter all of the correct letters in alphabetical order. For instance, if you thi nk that the correct choices are B and F, you would enter BF. ANSWER: ABCDEF Correct The difference between positive and negative is important in many situations, fo r instance on your bank statement. In physics it makes a big difference in many scenarios. Positive position means to the right or above some reference point; n egative position means to the left or below the reference point. Positive veloci ty means moving to the right, whereas negative velocity means moving to the left . The graph is often more convenient than a table of numbers or an equation, bec ause you can immediately see where the graph takes positive values and where it takes negative values. With an equation or a table of numbers, this would take s ome algebra or guess work. Since the value of the graph at a point is indicated by its height above the horizontal axis, the maximum value of the graph is the h ighest point on the graph. Similarly, the minimum value of the graph is the lowe st point, which may be below the horizontal axis. Part B At which point does the graph have its maximum value? Enter the correct letter. ANSWER: E Correct Rate of change and slope Another type of information that can be gleaned from a graph is the rate of change of the values. Just as you care whether your bank ac count has a positive or negative value (i.e., if you have money or owe the bank money) you may also be interested in the rate of change of your bank account. If the rate of change is positive, then you are gaining money. If the rate of chan ge is negative, then you are losing money. The rate of change of a graph is give n by the slope of the graph. If the graph is a line, then the slope is just the slope that you are accustomed to for lines (i.e., the change in the vertical pos ition divided by the change in the horizontal position). There are a few importa nt things to remember about slope. If the line tilts upward as you follow it to the right (like this: ) then the graph has a positive slope. We would say that t he graph is increasing. Similarly, if it tilts downward as you follow it to the right (like this: graph is decreasing. The steeper the tilt, the larger the rate of change. Part C Look at the graph from the introduction. The three points C, D, and F are all on straight segments. Rank them from greatest rate of change to least rate of change. Hint C.1 Slope at point D Hint not displayed ANSWER: ) th en the slope is negative and we say that the 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 4 of 33 View Correct For more complex curves, you will have to draw the tangent line at a point to de termine the rate of change of the graph at that point. The tangent is a line tha t just touches the curve. To do this, instead of passing through two nearby poin ts, the line has to align itself so that its rate of change is the same as the r ate of change of the graph at that point. Therefore, once you've drawn the tange nt line, its slope is the same as the slope of the curve at that point. In gener al, you will be able to rely on your intuitive sense of "Is the graph growing hi gher or lower at this point?" but it's good to keep in mind this more precise de finition in terms of the tangent line. It will help you out in situations that a re hard to figure out by simple examination. In the following two parts, conside r again the graph shown in the introduction to the problem. Part D At which point is the graph increasing at the greatest rate? For now, ign ore point E. We will discuss it after this part. Hint D.1 Drawing the tangent Hi nt not displayed Enter the correct letter. ANSWER: D Correct You were told to ignore point E for this part. This is because the rate of chang e is not well defined at sharp corners. You won't ever be asked for the rate of change of a graph at a sharp corner, though points near the corner should have w ell-defined rates of change. Points B and C are also special, because the slope at those points is zero. This should be easy to see at C, since the graph is act ually a horizontal line in the area near C. If you carefully work out the tangen t at point B using the method described in the hint for this part, you will see that the tangent is horizontal there as well. Since a horizontal tangent has a s lope of zero, which is neither negative nor positive, the graph is neither incre asing nor decreasing at points B and C. Part E At which point(s) is the graph decreasing? Enter all of the correct letters in alphabetical order. For instance, if you thi nk that the correct choices are B and F, you would enter BF. ANSWER: FGH Correct Area under a graph The other piece of information important to physics that can be found from a graph is the area under the graph between two points on the grap h. The light blue region in the figure shows the area under the graph between tw o points. The area under a graph is important if you have graphed the rate of ch ange in some quantity. In physics, you might have a graph of the velocity of som e object vs. time. Since velocity is the rate of change of position, the area un der the velocity graph between two times gives the total change in position betw een those two times. An important point is that if the graph dips beneath the ho rizontal axis, then the area below the axis is subtracted from the area above th e axis. In this figure , the same graph is shown, but now the area is between tw o more widely separated points. However, if you compare this figure to the previ ous one, you'll see that equal areas were added above and below the horizontal a xis. Therefore, the "area under the graph" in the two figures is the same, even though you see more shading in the second figure. In the following two parts, co nsider again the graph shown in the introduction to the problem. Part F You wish to find the area under the graph between the origin and some poi

nt on the graph. Which point will yield the greatest area? 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 5 of 33 Enter the correct letter. ANSWER: G Correct Part G You are looking at the area under the graph between two points. The area is zero. Which two points are you looking at? Hint G.1 How to approach the probl em Hint not displayed Enter the two letters in alphabetical order. For instance, if you think that the correct choice is B and F, you would enter BF. ANSWER: FH Correct The Mathematics of Waves Learning Goal: To qualitatively understand the formula for sine functions. Consi der a wave moving on a string. If you take a picture of the string at a specific time, then you get a graph of shape sinusoidal wave (such as the standing wave harmonics found in musical instruments), then you can write , where is the ampli tude of the wave and is the angular frequency. The figure shows . Note that when you are is in radians. In this problem, we will look . If this is a simple how these quantities appear in the graph of graphing the sine function, the argu ment at the sine function, which is useful for modeling the motion of everything from pendulums to ocean tides. The function oscillates between a minimum value of and a maximum value of . Multiplying this function by a number . changes the minimum and maximum values, increasing the magnitudes if Part A Give the minimum and maximum values of the function . and decreasing the magnitudes if Give the minimum value followed by the maximum value, separated by a comma. ANSWER: -3,3 Correct 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 6 of 33 If you move to the right starting from function as the value at has a period , o f , the function begins to repeat itself when you reach . This shows that the is the same . More formally, saying a function has a period of , , and so on). means the value of the function at , etc. (as well as at If you change the function to see that the period has changed from Part B What i s the period of the function , then starting from to . , the function begins to repeat itself when Solving for , you can ? Express your answer to three significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.57 Correct Part C For a sine function with amplitude Hint C.1 and period , what is ? Find the angular frequency . Use the same formula to find the angular frequency of a sine function with period . For Part B, you used the fact that Express your answer to three significant figures. ANSWER: = 0.628 Correct Express your answer to three significant figures. ANSWER: = 0.441 Correct The cosine function The generic cosine function .[ is on top; works the same way as the generic sine function. Compare the graphs of is on the bottom.] and Part D For a cosine function with amplitude Hint D.1 Find the angular frequency Hint not displayed and period , what is ? Express your answer to three significant figures. ANSWER: = -0.607 Correct 7


MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 7 of 33 Made to Order (of Magnitude) Learning Goal: To be able to make order-of-magnitude calculations. Imagine that a company wants to build a new factory. Such a complex project would involve sig nificant investment in terms of both time and money. Consequently, before constr uction can start the company asks for an estimate of the total cost. Although es timate figures are not exact, they are still helpful: For instance, if the proje cted cost is three times the amount of money that the company is willing to spen d, the project will be canceled or substantially changed. Individuals make such estimates all the time. For instance, when you need to drive somewhere for a mee ting, you can roughly predict how much time you will spend on the road and depar t accordingly. Of course, the actual travel time is unlikely to be exactly the s ame as the estimated onebut it still helps to make an estimate so that you can de cide when to leave. Physicists must frequently make such estimatesknown as orderof-magnitude calculationsas part of their job. Depending on the results of the es timate, a potentially lengthy and costly research project may be postponed, canc eled, or redesigned. Being able to make a quick calculation and get a "ball-park figure" of the expected result is an important skill for a scientist, involving processes such as identifying relevant information, searching for this informat ion, and using your experience or background knowledge. In this problem, you wil l practice making such order-of-magnitude calculations. What is the total mass o f all the people on earth? It is impossible, of course, to give an accurate answ er to this question. However, it is quite possible to find the order of magnitud e of the answer. All one needs to do is to use some common sense and, possibly, search for relevant reference information. The calculation can proceed as follow s: There are about people on earth. An average adult male weighs, say, 75 ; an a verage adult female weighs about 60 , and an average child will weigh considerably less than 60 mass is about 50 . Figuring roughly one child per adult, we can reasonably say that an average pe rson's , which gives the total mass of all humans on our planet as . Of course, we may be off in our estimates of the average mass or number of peopl e. While it would be unreasonable to say that we know the total mass is , we can be reasonably sure that we have the correct order of magnitude; that is, we hav e the correct exponent to which the number 10 is raised. In each of the followin g problems, you will be asked to make similar estimates. Part A How many people could fit into the largest office building in the world? Assume that everybody m ust be standing on the floor. Hint A.1 What reference information should you be looking for? What information should you be looking for? Check all that apply. ANSWER: What is the tallest building in the world? What is the most massive buil ding in the world? What building in the world has the largest floor area? In whi ch country is the largest building in the world located? How many people can be found in the largest building in the world on a typical day? Correct Only the floor area matters here; height, mass, and location are irrelevant. The number of people working in the building on a typical day probably does not mat ter: One would hope that, on a normal day, this building is not "standing room o nly." What numeric quantities do you need to estimate?

Hint A.2 What numeric quantities do you need to estimate? Check all that apply. ANSWER: the mass of an average person the height of an average person the amount of space the average person needs to work efficiently the the area that an aver age person takes up while standing the volume of an average person Correct 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 8 of 33 Round the answer to the nearest power of 10 and then express your answer as the order of magnitude. For instance, if your estimated answer is 10). ANSWER: 6 , enter 5. If your estimated answer is , you should enter 6 (rounding up to the next power of Correct Your process for solving this problem might have been something like this: First , a simple library or Internet search would tell you that the largest building i n the world (in terms of the total floor area) is the Pentagon, the main buildin g of the U.S. Department of Defense. Its total floor area is about occupied; it would be hard to stand inside a wall! Assuming that an average person occupies a bout 2.0 estimate), we can see that about but only can be when standing (a conservative people (more than three times the entire population of Washington, DC) could fit into the Pentagonassuming the floors held up! Your own answer may have been different from ours or used different details; however, the order of magnitude was, hopefully, the same. Part B If the entire population of the United States forms a human chain by hold ing hands, how many times can such a chain be wrapped around the earth's equator ? Round your answer to the nearest integer. ANSWER: 8 Correct Here is one way to solve this problem: There are about 300 million people in the United States. The distance between the tips of a person's outstretched hands i s roughly equal to the height of the person. Counting children, we estimate the average palm-to-palm distance as one meter. Since the equator is about 40 millio n meters long, division yields about 7.5. However, in this part any answer betwe en 5 and 15 is considered correctafter all, we are just estimating. Part C How many times does your heart beat during your lifetime? Round the answer to the nearest power of 10 and then express your answer as the order of magnitude. For instance, if your estimated answer is 10). ANSWER: 9 , enter 5. If your estimated answer is , you should enter 6 (rounding up to the next power of Correct On average, your heart beats about once every second. The number of seconds in t he lifetime of an average U.S. resident is assuming a lifetime of 75 years. Of course, we didn't account for leap years sin ce this is just an estimate.

Part D Legend has it that, many centuries ago, Archimedes jumped out of his bath tub and ran across town naked screaming "Eureka!" after he solved an especially difficult problem. Though you may not have thought of things this way before, wh en you drink a glass of water, the water that you are drinking contains some wat er molecules that were in Archimedes' bathwater that day, because water doesn't get created or destroyed on a large scale. It follows the water cycle, which inc ludes rain, evaporation, flowing of rivers into the ocean, and so on. In the mor e than two thousand years since his discovery, the water molecules from Archimed es' bathwater have been through this cycle enough times that they are probably a bout evenly distributed throughout all the water on the earth. When you buy a ca n of soda, about how many molecules from that famous bathtub of Archimedes are t here in that can? Hint D.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint D .2 Avogadro's number Hint not displayed Hint D.3 What to estimate Hint not displ ayed 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 9 of 33 Round the answer to the nearest power of 10 and then express your answer as the order of magnitude. For instance, if your estimated answer is 10). ANSWER: 6 , enter 5. If your estimated answer is , you should enter 6 (rounding up to the next power of Correct We used the following assumptions: The total mass of water on the earth's surfac e is many different sources); the mass of the water in the bathtub is guessed to be 200 estimated to be about 0.33 ; and 1 of water contains about (reference in formation available from ; the mass of the water in the can of soda is . . Thus the total number of molecules in the can is roughly . The fraction of the bathtub molecules in the can is Therefore, the number of bathtub molecules contained in the can is . Your answer is most likely different but it should still have the same order of magnitude, equal to 6. In case of some "wilder" assumptions, we count 5 and 7 as correct to o. PSS 1.2 Unit Conversions Learning Goal: To practice Problem-Solving Strategy 1.2 Unit Conversions. A gall on of water in the United States weighs about 8.33 ? What is the density of wate r in ? . In other words, the density of water is 8.33 . What is the density of w ater in Problem-Solving Strategy: Unit conversions IDENTIFY the relevant concepts: In mo st cases, you're best off using the fundamental SI units (meters, kilograms, sec onds) within a problem. If you need the answer to be in a different set of units , wait until the end of the problem to make the conversion. SET UP the problem a nd EXECUTE the solution as follows: Units are multiplied and divided just like o rdinary algebraic symbols. This gives us an easy way to convert a quantity from one set of units to another. The key idea is to express the same physical quanti ty in two different units and form an equality. For example, since the ratio equ als 1. EVALUATE your answer: If you do your units conversion correctly, unwanted units will cancel. Finally, check whether your answer is reasonable. If you hav e converted to a smaller unit, for example, the number representing the quantity should be larger. IDENTIFY the relevant concepts The physical property of densi ty is given by mass/volume. The SI unit for mass is the kilogram ( Therefore, de nsity should be given in units of . ) and for volume it is the cubic meter ( ). SET UP the problem and EXECUTE the solution as follows Part A Calculate the density of water in Hint A.1 . Find the conversion factor between pounds and kilograms Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find the conversion factor between gallons and cubic meters Hint not displayed Express your answer in kilograms per cubic meter using three significant figures .

ANSWER: 8.33 = 1000 Correct of 8.33 , you would write . If you were to complete the conversion and find the equivalent density in 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 10 of 33 Part B Now, convert the density of water to Hint B.1 . Find the conversion factor between cubic meters and cubic centimeters Hint not d isplayed Express your answer in grams per cubic centimeter using three significant figure s. ANSWER: 1000 = 1.00 Correct . If you had 1 of water (about the size of a sugar cube), it would have a mass of 1 EVALUATE your answer Part C The same physical quantity, such as ent units. Above, you found that water has water must be the same regardless of what conclude that an object whose density is 1 er words, 1 ,1 , and 1 is less than 1 . density, can be reported using differ a density of . Because the density of units you use to measure it, you can must be less dense than water. In oth

If you had three different objects with densities of 1 Hint C.1 How to approach the problem , which object would be the most dense? If all these densities were given in the same units, you could easily compare th e objects to identify the most dense and least dense. Since the units given are all different, convert all the densities to a common set of units, such as , bef ore making your comparison. Rank the given densities from most to least dense. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER: View Correct These three densities are readily compared if they are converted to the SI unit of density, : PSS 1.3 Vector Addition Learning Goal: To practice Problem-Solving Strategy 1.3 Vector Addition. Three p eople pull horizontally on ropes attached to a post, as shown in the figure. The total force that they exert on the post is zero. One of them pulls directly nor th with = 500 . Another pulls with = 400 in a direction west of north. Find the magnitude and direction of the force three forces is zero. exerted by the third person so that the sum of the 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 11 of 33 Problem-Solving Strategy: Vector addition IDENTIFY the relevant concepts: Decide what your target variable is. It may be the magnitude of the vector sum, the di rection, or both. SET UP the problem using the following steps: Draw the individ ual vectors being summed and the coordinate axes being used. In your drawing, pl ace the tail of the first vector at the origin of the coordinates; place the tai l of the second vector at the head of the first vector; and so on. Draw the vect or sum vector to the head of the last vector. Use your drawing to make rough est imates of the magnitude and direction of from the tail of the first ; you'll use these estimates later to check your calculations. EXECUTE the solution as follows: Find the x an d y components of each individual vector, and record your results in a table. Be particularly careful with signs: Some components may be positive, and some may be negative. Add the individual x components algebraically, including signs, to find , the x component of the vector sum. Do the same for the y components to fi nd Then, the magnitude . and direction of the vector sum are given by . EVALUATE your answer: Check your results for the magnitude and direction of the vector s um by comparing them with the rough estimates you made from your drawing. Keep i n mind that the magnitude is always positive and that is measured from the +x ax is. The value of that you find with a calculator may be the correct one, or it m ay be off by 180 degrees. You can decide by examining your drawing. IDENTIFY the relevant concepts Force is a vector quantity, so vector addition must be used t o add the three forces acting on the post. This problem requires you to find bot h the magnitude and direction of one of the forces, such that the total vector s um is zero. SET UP the problem using the following steps Part A Add vectors to the diagram below to indicate the vector sum of the three forces acting on the post: conventional choice of coordinates, with the +x axis as east and the +y axis as north. Hint A.1 How to approach the problem . Use the You should draw the three vectors corresponding to the forces applied to the pos t, adding them head to tail as outlined in the Set Up step of the strategy. You have enough information to straightforwardly draw the vectors the post is zero, you can determine how to draw the unknown force . and . By considering that the total force exerted on Hint A.2 How to draw the vector of the force exerted by the third person . When a set of vectors sum to zero, the head of the last vector must be located at the to the t ail of . The total force on the post is zero: tail of the first vector. is therefore drawn from the head of Draw vectors , , and on the diagram below such that . . Draw

starting from the origin of the axes provided. Each unit on the graph is 100 ANSWER: View All attempts used; correct answer displayed EXECUTE the solution as follows Part B Calculate the magnitude of the force exerted by the third person. 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 12 of 33 Hint B.1 How to approach the problem . . and to find the negative of the x component of . Once you know , use the formula . Similarly, add the y components of and to fin d the The total force on the post is zero: This can be written as Add the x components of negative of the y component of from the introduction. Hint B.2 Determine the vector components of the force exe rted by the second person It is important to use the correct angle and trigonometric function when calcula ting the component of a vector. If the direction of the vector (with magnitude ) is described by the angle that it makes with the +x axis, then its components a re . However, the angle given in this problem is not measured from the +x axis. You should use geometry to calculate an angle from the +x axis before using the above formulas. Calculations using the angle measured from the +x axis will also give the correct sign (positive or negative) for the components. Consider the f orce vector = 400 , west of north. Calculate the x and y components of the force , and , using the conventional choice of coordinates, with the +x axis as east a nd the +y axis as north. Express the x and y components of ANSWER: in newtons, separated by a comma, to three significant figures. , = -346,200 Answer Requested Express the magnitude of ANSWER: in newtons to three significant figures. = 781 Correct Part C Determine the direction in which the third person is pulling. Express the angle in degrees significant figures. ANSWER: = that makes, counterclockwise, with the +x axis. Express your answer to three 296 All attempts used; correct answer displayed

EVALUATE your answer Part D By adding vectors using components, you have been able to determine an un known force, both magnitude and direction, to three significant figures: = 781 S ome other students calculated actual value of , south of east. You can check you r answer by comparing it to the diagram in Part A above. , not as correctly as y ou, and came up with a set of different values. Pretend that you do not know the , and by considering the vector addition diagram in Part A, decide which of the following values could possibly be correct, and which are definitely incorrect. Drag the appropriate values to their respective bins. ANSWER: 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 13 of 33 View Correct Vector Components--Review Learning Goal: To introduce you to vectors and the use of sine and cosine for a triangle when resolving components. Vectors are an important part of the languag e of science, mathematics, and engineering. They are used to discuss multivariab le calculus, electrical circuits with oscillating currents, stress and strain in structures and materials, and flows of atmospheres and fluids, and they have ma ny other applications. Resolving a vector into components is a precursor to comp uting things with or about a vector quantity. Because position, velocity, accele ration, force, momentum, and angular momentum are all vector quantities, resolvi ng vectors into components is the most important skill required in a mechanics c ourse. The figure shows the components of , and , along the x and y axes of the coordinate system, respectively. The components of a vector depend on the coordi nate system's orientation, the key being the angle between the vector and the co ordinate axes, often designated . Part A The figure shows the standard way of measuring the angle. vector from the x axis, and counterclockwise is positive. is measured to the Express and in terms of the length of the vector and the angle , with the components separated by a comma. ANSWER: , = Correct In principle, you can determine the components of any vector with these expressi ons. If will be an angle larger than 90 degrees (or Unfortunately this way of re presenting such as and . These must be used to reduce all trig functions present in your equations to either step flawlessly, you will fail to recoginze that , and your equations will not simplify so that you can progress further toward a s olution. Therefore, it is best to express all components in terms of either or , with between 0 and 90 degrees (or 0 and in radians), and determine the signs of the trig functions by knowing in which quadrant the vector lies. or . Unless yo u perform this followup in radians) and and lies in one of the other quadrants o f the plane, will have the appropriate signs and values. , though mathematically correct, leads to equations that must be simplified usin g trig identities Part B 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 14 of 33 When you resolve a vector into components, the components must have the form and the other with or . . The signs depend on which quadrant the vector lies in, and there will be one component with In real problems the optimal coordinate system is often rotated so that the x ax is is not horizontal. Furthermore, most vectors will not lie in the first quadra nt. To assign the sine and cosine correctly for vectors at arbitrary angles, you must figure out which angle is and then properly reorient the definitional tria ngle. As an example, consider the vector where you know the angle between shown in the diagram labeled "tilted axes," and the y axis. Which of the various ways of orienting the definitional triangle must be used to resolve into components in the tilted coordinate system shown? (In the figures, the hypotenuse is orange, the side adjacent to is red, and the side opposite is yellow.) Hint B.1 Recommended procedure for resolving a vector into components Hint not displayed Hint B.2 Finding the trigonometric functions Hint not displayed Indicate the number of the figure with the correct orientation. ANSWER: 1 2 3 4 Correct 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 15 of 33 Part C Choose the correct procedure for determining the components of a vector i n a given coordinate system from this list: ANSWER: Align the adjacent side of a right triangle with the vector and the hypotenuse along a coordinate direction with as the included angle. Align the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the ve ctor and an adjacent side along a coordinate direction with as the included angl e. Align the opposite side of a right triangle with the vector and the hypotenus e along a coordinate direction with as the included angle. Align the hypotenuse of a right triangle with the vector and the opposite side along a coordinate dir ection with as the included angle. Correct Part D The space around a coordinate system is conventionally divided into four numbered quadrants depending on the signs of the x and y coordinates . Consider the following conditions: , , , , Which of these conditions are true in which qu adrants? Write the answer in the following way: If A were true in the third quadrant, B i n the second, C in the first, and D in the fourth, enter "3, 2, 1, 4" as your re sponse. ANSWER: 1,4,2,3 Correct Part E Now find the components and of in the tilted coordinate system of Part B. Express your answer in terms of the length of the vector ANSWER: , = and the angle , with the components separated by a comma. Correct A Trip to Europe Learning Goal: To understand how to use dimensional analysis to solve problems. Dimensional analysis is a useful tool for solving problems that involve unit con versions. Since unit conversion is not limited to physics problems but is part o f our everyday life, correct use of conversion factors is essential to working t hrough problems of practical importance. For example, dimensional analysis could be used in problems involving currency exchange. Say you want to calculate how many euros you get if you exchange 3600 ( ), given the exchange rate , that is, 1 to 1.20 . Begin by writing down the starting value, 3600 . This can also be wr itten as a fraction: . Next, convert dollars to euros. This conversion involves multiplying by a simple conversion factor derived from the exchange rate: . Note that the "dollar" unit, , should appear on the bottom of this conversion factor , since appears on the top of the starting value. Finally, since dollars are divided by dollars, the units can be canceled and the final result is . 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 16 of 33 Currency exchange is only one example of many practical situations where dimensi onal analysis may help you to work through problems. Remember that dimensional a nalysis involves multiplying a given value by a conversion factor, resulting in a value in the new units. The conversion factor can be the ratio of any two quan tities, as long as the ratio is equal to one. You and your friends are organizin g a trip to Europe. Your plan is to rent a car and drive through the major Europ ean capitals. By consulting a . Consider the euro-dollar exchange rate given in the introduction and use map you estimate that you will cover a total distance o f 5000 dimensional analysis to work through these simple problems. Part A You se lect a rental package that includes a car with an average consumption of 6.00 av erage fuel cost is 1.063 Hint A.1 of fuel per 100 . Considering that in Europe t he , how much (in US dollars) will you spend in fuel in your trip? How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find the unit factor to express the cost of fuel in euros Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Find the unit factor to convert euros to dollars Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Canceling units Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in US dollars to three significant figures. ANSWER: Cost of fuel = 383 Correct Part B How many gallons of fuel would the rental car consume per mile? Hint B.1 How to approach the problem Begin with writing the consumption rate in liters per kilometer. Then multiply t his by the unit factor needed to convert kilometers to miles. Finally convert li ters to gallons. Be sure to cancel units so that your answer is dimensionally co nsistent. Hint B.2 Find the unit factor to convert kilometers to miles Which of these unit factors can be used to convert kilometers to miles? Hint B.2 .1 Conversion factor Hint not displayed ANSWER: Answer not displayed Hint B.3 Find the unit factor to convert liters to gallons Which of these unit factors can be used to convert liters to gallons? Hint B.3.1 Conversion factor Hint not displayed 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 17 of 33 ANSWER: Answer not displayed Express your answer numerically in gallons per mile to three significant figures . ANSWER: 2.5410-2 All attempts used; correct answer displayed Part C What is the average cost, in dollars per gallon, of fuel in Europe? Hint C.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint C.2 Find the unit factor to convert euros to dollars Hint not displayed Hint C.3 Find the unit factor to convert liters to gallons Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in dollars per gallon to three significant figur es. ANSWER: 4.83 Correct Adding Scalar Multiples of Vectors Graphically Draw the vectors indicated. You may use any extra (unlabeled) vectors that are h elpful; but, keep in mind that the unlabeled vectors should not be part of your submission. Part A Draw the vector Hint A.1 . How to approach the problem You can add the vectors graphically or using components, but a graphical approac h will be the simplest. It may help to draw the vector first. Hint A.2 Draw the vector . Draw The length and orientation of the vector will be graded. The location of the vec tor is not important. ANSWER: Answer not displayed 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 18 of 33 Hint A.3 Adding vectors graphically To add two vectors, slide one vector (without rotating it) until its tip coincid es with the tail of the second vector. The sum of the two vectors is the vector that goes from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second: The length and orientation of the vector will be graded. The location of the vec tor is not important. ANSWER: View Answer Requested Now use the same technique to answer the next two parts. Part B Draw the vector Hint B.1 Draw the vectors . Find and and . Recall that mu ltiplying a vector by a negative number reverses its direction. The length and orientation of the vectors will be graded. The locations of the v ectors are not important. ANSWER: Answer not displayed 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 19 of 33 Hint B.2 Adding vectors graphically To add two vectors, slide one vector (without rotating it) until its tip coincid es with the tail of the second vector. The sum of the two vectors is the vector that goes from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second: The length and orientation of the vector will be graded. The location of the vec tor is not important. ANSWER: View All attempts used; correct answer displayed Part C Draw the vector Hint C.1 Draw the vectors and . Find and . The length and orientation of the vectors will be graded. The locations of the v ectors are not important. ANSWER: Answer not displayed 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 20 of 33 Hint C.2 Adding vectors graphically To add two vectors, slide one vector (without rotating it) until its tip coincid es with the tail of the second vector. The sum of the two vectors is the vector that goes from the tail of the first vector to the tip of the second: The length and orientation of the vector will be graded. The location of the vec tor is not important. ANSWER: View Correct Converting between Different Units Unit conversion problems can seem tedious and unnecessary at times. However, dif ferent systems of units are used in different parts of the world, so when dealin g with international transactions, documents, software, etc., unit conversions a re often necessary. Here is a simple example. The inhabitants of a small island begin exporting beautiful cloth made from a rare plant that grows only on their island. Seeing how popular the small quantity that they export has been, they st eadily raise their prices. A clothing maker from New York, thinking that he can save money by "cutting out the middleman," decides to travel to the small island and buy the cloth himself. Ignorant of the local custom of offering strangers o utrageous prices and then negotiating down, the clothing maker accepts (much to everyone's surpise) the initial price of 400 . The price of this cloth in New Yo rk is 120 . Part A If the clothing maker bought 500 Hint A.1 of this fabric, how much money did he lose? Use and . How to approach the problem Hint not displayed 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 21 of 33 Hint A.2 Find how much he paid Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Find the price in New York Hint not displayed Express your answer in dollars to three significant figures. ANSWER: 5.32104 Correct Still think that unit conversion isn't important? Here is a widely publicized, t rue story about how failing to convert units resulted in a huge loss. In 1998, t he Mars Climate Orbiter probe crashed into the surface of Mars, instead of enter ing orbit. The resulting inquiry revealed that NASA navigators had been making m inor course corrections in SI units, whereas the software written by the probe's makers implicitly used British units. In the United States, most scientists use SI units, whereas most engineers use the British, or Imperial, system of units. (Interestingly, British units are not used in Britain.) For these two groups to be able to communicate to one another, unit conversions are necessary. The unit of force in the SI system is the newton ( ), which is defined in terms of basic SI units as British system is the pound ( Part B Find the value of 15.0 Hint B. 1 in pounds. Use the conversions and . . The unit of force in the . ), which is defined in terms of the slug (British unit of mass), foot ( ), and s econd ( ) as How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint B.2 Calculate the first conversion Hint not displayed Express your answer in pounds to three significant figures. ANSWER: 15.0 = 3.37 Correct (3.37 ), they were actually entering a value nearly Thus, if the NASA navigators believed that they were entering a force value of 1 5 four and a half times higher, 15 . Though these errors were only in tiny course corrections, they added up during the trip of many millions of kilometers. In the end, the blame for the loss of the 125-million-do llar probe was placed on the lack of communication between people at NASA that a llowed the units mismatch to go unnoticed. Nonetheless, this story makes apparen t how important it is to carefully label the units used to measure a number. Covered in Cash Part A How much would it cost to cover the entire United States (including Alask a and Hawaii) with dollar bills? Hint A.1 Determine what equation to use The "cost" of doing this is another way of asking for the "number of dollars (bi lls)" required to do this. This is related to the area of the United States and the area of a dollar bill . What is the relation between cost and these areas? Express your answer in terms of

ANSWER: and . Cost = Answer not displayed Hint A.2 Find the area of the United States Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Find the area of a dollar bill 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 22 of 33 Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Find the area of the United States in square centime ters Hint not displayed Express your answer to one significant figure. ANSWER: 9.01014 dollars Correct Part B What would be the cost to each person in the United States? Hint B.1 Popu lation of the United States Hint not displayed Express your answer to one significant figure. ANSWER: 3.0106 per inhabitant Correct Finding the Cross Product The figure shows two vectors and separated by an angle . You are given that , , and . Part A Express ANSWER: as an ordered triplet of values, separated by commas. 0,0 ,10 Correct = Part B Find the magnitude of ANSWER: . 10 Correct = Part C Find the sine of the angle between ANSWER: and . = 0.707 Correct 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 23 of 33 How Many Drops in All the Oceans? Part A How many drops of water are in all the oceans on earth? Assume that conta ins 25 drops of water. Remember that this is an order-ofmagnitude problem, so you should expect that you will only find rough estimates for the numbers you require. Hint A.1 Mean depth of the oceans Hint not displaye d Hint A.2 Radius of the earth Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Percent of the earth covered by ocean Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Surface area of a sphere Hint not d isplayed Express your answer to one significant figure. ANSWER: 4.01025 drops Correct Although order-of-magnitude calculations may seem silly at times, they are a maj or tool used by physicists. Any time that you are solving a problem in physics, it is helpful to have an estimate in your head of the order of magnitude that yo u expect from the answer. For instance, if you were trying to find the average s peed of a car over a long trip and got an answer of 1000 miles per hour, you wou ld immediately know that you had done something wrong, because your answer has t he wrong order of magnitude. Order-of-magnitude problems are sometimes called Fe rmi problems, after the physicist Enrico Fermi who was reportedly a master of su ch approximate calculations. When the first atomic bomb was tested, Fermi was ab le to get a rough estimate of the power that the bomb released by throwing some torn bits of paper into the air as the pressure wave from the bomb passed him an d then performing a rough calculation. Neptunium In the fall of 2002, a group of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory det ermined that the critical mass of neptunium-237 is about density of Part A What would be the radius Hint A.1 of a sphere of neptunium-237 that has a critical ma ss? . . The critical mass of a fissionable material is the minimum amount that m ust be brought together to start a chain reaction. Neptunium-237 has a How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Convert the critical mass to grams Hint not displayed Hint A.3 Find the needed volume Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Volume of a sphere Hint not displayed Express your answer in centimeters to three significant figures. ANSWER: = 9.02 Correct 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 24 of 33 Significant Figures Part A To seven significant figures, the mass of a proton is . Which of the foll owing choices demonstrates correct rounding? Check all that apply. ANSWER: Correct The number is incorrect because when we round to four significant figures we get 1.673, not 1.672. Similarly, is incorrect because when we round to six signific ant figures we get 1.67262, not 1.67263. Part B To eight significant figures, Avogadro's constant is . Which of the follo wing choices demonstrates correct rounding? Check all that apply. ANSWER: Correct All these options are correct; they represent different levels of precision, eve n though the numerical value is the same. Tracking a Plane A radar station, located at the origin of xz plane, as shown in the figure , det ects an airplane coming straight at the station from the east. At first observat ion (point A), the position of the airplane relative to the origin is magnitude of 360 and is located at exactly 40 . The position vector has a above the horizon. The airplane is tracked for another 123 the origin is (the magnitude of in the vertical east-west plane for 5.0 , until it has is 880 ). The contact poi nts are shown in the passed directly over the station and reached point B. The position of point B re lative to diagram, where the x axis represents the ground and the positive z dir ection is upward. Part A Define the displacement of the airplane while the radar was tracking it: Hint A.1 How to approach the problem Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Finding the com ponents of Hint not displayed Hint A.3 . What are the components of ? 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 25 of 33 Finding the components of Hint not displayed Express ANSWER: in meters as an ordered pair, separating the x and z components with a comma, to two significant figures. -1100,26 Correct = Vector Addition Ranking Task Six vectors ( through ) have the magnitudes and directions indicated in the figu re. Part A Rank the vector combinations on the basis of their magnitude. Hint A.1 Ad ding vectors graphically Hint not displayed Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER: View All attempts used; correct answer displayed Part B Rank the vector combinations on the basis of their angle, measured counte rclockwise from the positive x axis. Vectors parallel to the positive x axis hav e an angle of 0 . All angle measures fall between 0 and 360 . Hint B.1 The angle of a vector Angle of a vector is to be measured counterclockwise from the x axi s, with the x axis as 0 . The following vectors are at the angles listed and are shown on the graph below. 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 26 of 33 Notice that the magnitude of the vector is irrelevant when determining its angle Rank from largest to smallest. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ANSWER: View Answer Requested Vector Dot Product Let vectors Calculate the following: Part A Hint A.1 Remember the dot product eq uation Hint not displayed ANSWER: -10 Correct , , and . = Part B What is the angle Hint B.1 between and ? Remember the definition of dot products Hint not displayed ANSWER: = 2.33 Correct Part C ANSWER: 30 Correct = Part D 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 27 of 33 ANSWER: = 30 Correct Part E Which of the following can be computed? Hint E.1 Dot product operator Hin t not displayed ANSWER: Correct and are different vectors with lengths and respectively. Find the following: Part F Hint F.1 What is the angle between a vector and itself? Hint not displaye d Hint F.2 Remember the definition of dot products Hint not displayed Express your answer in terms of ANSWER: = Correct Part G If and Hint G.1 are perpendicular, What is the angle between perpendicula r vectors? Hint not displayed ANSWER: = Correct Part H If and Hint H.1 are parallel, What is the angle between parallel vectors? Hint not displayed Express your answer in terms of and . 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 28 of 33 ANSWER: = Correct Vector Math Practice Let vectors Calculate the following: Part A Hint A.1 How to approach this proble m Hint not displayed , , and , where are the components of the vectors along , , and respectively. Express your answer as an ordered triplet of components ANSWER: 14,2,15 Correct with commas to separate the components. = Part B Hint B.1 Magnitude of a vector Hint not displayed Express your answer as an ordered triplet ANSWER: 2.45,5.83,4.58 Correct with commas to separate the magnitudes. = Part C ANSWER: 11 Correct = Part D Determine the angle Hint D.1 between and . Definition of the dot product Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in radians, to two significant figures. ANSWER: = 1.8 radians Correct Part E Express your answer as an ordered triplet of components ANSWER: -20,11,12 Correct with commas to separate the components. = Part F 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 29 of 33 ANSWER: = -39 Correct Vectors in a Unit Cell In nature, substances often possess a crystalline structure. The basic component of a crystal is the unit cell, such as the rectangular parallelpiped illustrate d. In the questions that follow express your answers in terms of the unit vector s that is, a vector with components respectively, is written , , and . in the x, y, and z directions, , , and , Part A What is the vector Hint A.1 from point C to point O? Remember vector notation , , and in the x, y, and z directions, respectively, is written . The terms , , and A vector with components are the components (projections of length that can have either sign) along the t hree directions. ANSWER: = All attempts used; correct answer displayed Part B What is the vector ANSWER: = All attempts used; correct answer displayed from point O to point E? Part C What is the vector ANSWER: = from point O to point F? Correct Part D What is the vector from A to B, ANSWER: = ? Correct 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 30 of 33 Part E What is the vector ANSWER: = from point B to point E? Correct Biking Vectors A student bikes to school by traveling first Part A If a bird were to start out from the origin (where the student starts) and fly directly (in a straight line) to the school, what distance bird cover? Hint A.1 How to approach the problem b y finding components Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find the y component of Hint no t displayed Hint A.3 Find the x component of Hint not displayed Hint A.4 Magnitu de of a vector Hint not displayed would the = 1.10 north, then = 0.500 west, and finally = 0.200 south. Express your answer in miles. ANSWER: = 1.03 Correct This direct distance is sometimes called the distance "as the crow flies." Part B You will now find the same quantity algebraically, without the need to us e much geometry. Take the north direction as the positive y direction and east a s positive x. The origin is still where the student starts biking. Let be the di splacement vector corresponding to the first leg of the student's trip. Express in component form. Express your answer as two numbers separated by a comma (e.g., 1.0,2.0). By conv ention, the x component is written first. ANSWER: , = 0,1.10 All attempts used; correct answer displayed Part C Similarly, let be the displacement vector corresponding to the second leg of the student's trip. Express in component form. Express your answer as two numbers separated by a comma. Be careful with your si gns. ANSWER: , = -0.500,0 Correct Part D Finally, let be the displacement vector corresponding to the last leg of the student's trip. Express in component form. Express your answer as two numbers separated by a comma. Be careful with your si gns. 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 31 of 33 ANSWER: , = 0,-0.200 Correct Part E The displacement vector for the bird can be written as (see the figure ). In the space provided, type in component form. Hint E.1 How to add vectors algebraically . You can find the components of you would get . by comparing components on either side of this equation. For You are given that example, for Use this equation to find the x component. Write down a similar equation for the y component , and calculate its value. Express your answer as two numbers separated by a comma. Be careful with your si gns. ANSWER: , = -0.500,0.900 Correct and is given by . Using this definition, you ca n check that this approach yields the same value for as the one found earlier. D epending on the The magnitude of a vector with components individual vectors in a given situation, you can decide whether the geometric or the algebraic approach would be more suitable. Part F Finally, find Hint F.1 , the angle north of west of the path followed by the bird. Method 1: Simple trigonometry Hint not displayed Hint F.2 Method 2: Ve ctor equations Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in degrees. ANSWER: = 60.9 Correct Moving at the Speed of Light Part A How many nanoseconds does it take light to travel a distance of 5.10 Hint A.1 How to approach the problem in vacuum? 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 32 of 33 Hint not displayed Hint A.2 Find how many seconds it takes light to travel the g iven distance , how many seconds does it take light to travel a distance of 5.10 ? Given that the speed of light in vacuum is Hint A.2.1 Find the time it takes light to travel a certain distance be the speed of light. How long does it take light to travel a distance ? Let Hint A.2.1.1 The speed of an object Hint not displayed ANSWER: Correct Hint A.2.2 Convert Convert the given distance to meters = 5.10 to meters. Hint A.2.2.1 Conversion of kilometers to meters Hint not displayed Express your answer numerically in meters. ANSWER: 5.10 = 5100 Correct Express your answer numerically in seconds. ANSWER: 1.7010-5 Answer Requested . Now convert the time into nanoseconds. Recall that Express your answer numerically in nanoseconds. ANSWER: 1.70104 Correct Resolving Vector Components with Trigonometry Often a vector is specified by a magnitude and a direction; for example, a rope with tension exerts a force of magnitude in a direction 35 north of east. This i s a good way to think of vectors; however, to calculate results with vectors, it is best to select a coordinate system and manipulate the components of the vectors in th at coordinate system. 7 9/16/2010

MasteringPhysics: Assignment Print View Page 33 of 33 Part A Find the components of the vector Hint A.1 with length = 1.00 and angle = 20.0 with respect to the x axis as shown. What is the x component? Hint not displayed Enter the x component followed by the y component, separated by a comma. ANSWER: = 0.940,0.342 Correct Part B Find the components of the vector Hint B.1 with length = 1.00 and angle = 10.0 with respect to the x axis as shown. What is the x component? Hint not displayed Enter the x component followed by the y component, separated by a comma. ANSWER: = 0.985,0.174 Correct The components of drawing. still have the same form, that is, , despite 's placement with respect to the y axis on the Part C Find the components of the vector Hint C.1 with length = 1.00 and angle 3 5.0 as shown. Method 1: Find the angle that makes with the positive x axis Hint not displayed Hint C.2 Method 2: Use vector addition Hint not displayed Enter the x component followed by the y component, separated by a comma. ANSWER: = -0.574,0.819 Correct Score Summary: Your score on this assignment is 86%. You received 86.03 out of a possible total of 100 points. 7 9/16/2010

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