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Global Chalice Lighting for February 2014

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists announces the 126

in its monthly global chalice
lighting readings. Congregations worldwide are invited to participate and to use the readi ng for at l east
one worshi p servi ce i n the desi gnated month, i denti fyi ng i t as the I CUU Gl obal Chal i ce
Li ghti ng for that month and nami ng the group whi ch submi tted i t. This Global Chalice Lighting
was originally submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa and is suggested for use in February 2014.

As we gather in the shadow of our mountain,
The ocean laps around our feet.
We reach deep for the silence within.
Feel the rhythm of the ancient drum.
We light our flame, it lifts us high.
Our rainbow seems alight.
Diverse as we are
Together as one!
Our flame will shine afar
And guide our journey's light.
Karien van der Walt
submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa

Ons vergader in die skadu van ons berg.
Branders spoel om ons heen!
Ons streef na dieper inner stilte.
Voel die ritme van eeu ou trom.
Die aansteek van ons vlam, dit hef ons hoog!
Ons reenboog skyn verlig!
Uiteenlopend soos ons is, tersame as een.
Gloeiend is ons vlam van ver, dit lei ons reistog's pad.
Karien van der Walt
submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa

Office of the Secretariat
345 Addiscombe Road
Croydon, Surrey
+44 20 8407 2866

Council of
Unitarians and

Comme nous nous runissons l'ombre de notre montagne, l'ocan clapote nos pieds. Nous
parvenons ainsi, profondment, un silence intrieur afin de mieux vibrez au rythme du tambour
Puis, allumons notre flamme pour quelle nous lve avec elle.
Voil, notre assemble arc-en-ciel semble maintenant, elle aussi, toute en lumire. Divers nous
sommes, ensemble comme un.
Notre flamme brillera loin et nous guidera de sa lumire durant notre voyage.
Karien van der Walt
submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa

Wenn wir im Schatten unseres Berges zusammenkommen,
umsplt der Ozean unsere Fe.
Wir spren ganz innerlich der Stille in diesem Geschehen nach.
Fhlen den Rhythmus der alten Trommel.
Wir entznden unsere Flamme, sie hebt uns hoch empor.
Unser Regenbogen scheint hernieder gekommen zu sein.
Unterschiedlich wie wir sind,
sind wir zusammen doch eins.
Karien van der Walt submitted by the Unitarian Church of South Africa

MenLre cl raccogllamo all'ombra della nosLra monLagna,
l'oceano lamblsce l nosLrl pledl.
nel profondo dl nol sLessl, ascolLlamo ll sllenzlo.
AscolLlamo ll rlLmo dl anLlchl Lamburl.
ll nosLro arcobaleno sembra rlsplendere.
ulversl Lra nol,
lnsleme come uno.
La nosLra flamma rlsplendera lonLano.
L guldera la luce del nosLro cammlno.
--karlen van der WalL presenLaLa dalla Chlesa unlLarlana del Sud Afrlca

Al reunlrnos en la sombra de nuesLra monLana,
el oceano chapoLea enLre nuesLros ples.
rofundlzamos en el sllenclo de nuesLro lnLerlor.
SenLlmos el rlLmo del anLlguo Lambor.
Lncendemos nuesLra llama que nos eleva hacla lo alLo.
nuesLro arco lrls parece llgero.
ulversos como somos.
}unldos como uno!
nuesLra llama brlllar le[os
y ser la luz que gule nuesLro vla[e.
-karlen van der WalL envlado por la lglesla unlLarla de Sudfrlca

(With many thanks to our volunteer translators: Jean-Claude Barbier (French),
and Freya Bednarski-Stelling (German), Paola Ferrari (Italian) and Jaume de Marcos (Spanish).)

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