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Fire SupporI 4
lh!ahIry SupporI 4
1roop 1rahsporI 4
HandIer 6
1FA5AU5 10
Armor 11
NegaIroh Shield 11
MeIee Weapons 11
CombaI 8lade 11
GreaI Axe 11
Vibro ScyIhe 11
anged Weapons 11
AssaulI Grehades 11
AuIopisIol 11
AuIoshoIguh 11
8lasIer 11
Gauss Carbihe 12
Gauss Ri!le 12
Grape Guh 12
Grehade Lauhcher 12
MouhIed Chaih Guh 12
Shiper Ri!le 12
Heavy anged Weapons 12
Chaih Guh 12
Flame 1hrower 12
Gauss Cahhoh 12
HowiIzer 8arrage Cahhoh 12
Mihi-MLRS 12
MorIar 12
Recoilless Cahhoh 12
RockeI Lauhcher 12
Conversions, WriIing, LayouI, eIc.
GurIh <gurIh@xs4all.hl>
Page borders scahhed !rom a vOA. !he
Mae/strom rulebook, used wiIhouI permissioh
buI also wiIhouI evil ihIehI.
FrohI cover arIwork by Adriah SmiIh, adapIed
!rom Ihe !rohI cover o! Ihe v/r/d/an /orce 8oo/,
model illusIraIiohs !rom i-Kore's web siIe,
hIIp:// 8oIh also used wiIh hei-
Iher permissioh hor commercial ihIehIiohs.
1his documehI is copyrighI 2004 by GurIh
<gurIh@xs4all.hl>. lI may be !reely disIribuIed, oh
Ihe cohdiIiohs IhaI iI is hoI modi!ied ih ahy way,
ahd IhaI ho pro!iI is made o!! Ihe disIribuIioh.
vO/0 ahd several oIher hames ahd IiIles used
ih Ihis documehI are Irademarks or regisIered
Irademarks o! i-Kore LId. Origihal vO/0 maIerial is
copyrighI by i-Kore LId. vOA. !he Mae/strom is
a Irademark o! FASA CorporaIioh. All used wiIh-
ouI permissioh, Ihe use o! Ihese Irademarks ih
Ihis documehI should hoI be seeh as a challehge
Io, or spohsorship o!, Iheir Irademark sIaIus. Go
buy Ihe books ahd Ihe mihiaIures-you woh'I be
able Io use Ihese cohversiohs wiIhouI Ihem .
Viridian Forcelist 2
1his is a !orce lisI !or vOA. !he Mae/strom, allowihg Ihe use o!
Viridiah models !rom Ihe vO/0 uhiverse ih vOA games. lI ihcludes sIaIisIics !or all
Ihe geheric Iroops, weapohs ahd equipmehI, ahd hamed models !rom Ihe
v/r/d/an /orce 8oo/ showh aI righI, ahd aIIempIs Io IrahslaIe Iheir vO/0 sIaIis-
Iics as closely as possible Io vOA equivalehIs, so IhaI Ihey should hoI be sighi!i-
cahIly di!!erehI !rom Ihe way Ihey appear ih Iheir haIive game sysIem.
Re!er Io /orce l/sts oh page 120 o! Ihe vOA Au/eboo/ !or ah explahaIioh o!
Ihe hoIaIioh ahd sIaIisIics used oh Ihe !ollowihg pages.
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 5 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 6 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 21
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-10
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
Chain Gunner (+4 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may
replace Iheir gauss ri!les ahd combaI blades wiIh chaih guhs.
FIame 1hrower (+8 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may
replace Iheir gauss ri!les ahd combaI blades wiIh !lame Ihrowers.
Grenade Launcher (+16 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les
ahd combaI blades wiIh grehade lauhchers. 1his also gives Ihem Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below).
ockeI Launcher (+59 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les ahd
combaI blades wiIh rockeI lauhchers. 1his also gives Ihem Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below).
5ergeanI (+2 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 7 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). 1he sergeahI does hoI have a combaI blade, buI as lohg as Ihe
sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIaIisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io
1acIicaI Awareness (Grenade Launchers, ockeI Launchers and 5ergeanI onIy): l! Ihe model
makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, iI may ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack.
Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe model is coh!used ahd iIs acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. l! Ihis IesI
is made by Ihe sergeahI, all models ih Ihe squad may aIIack ahy ehemy ih rahge ahd LOS uhIil Ihe ehd
o! Ihe squad's currehI acIivaIioh (Ihough rollihg a 10 does hoI ehd Ihe squad's acIivaIioh, ohly Ihe
sergeahI's). |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 5 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 6 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 29
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 3
FquipmenI: 8lasIer
5upporI Weapon (+39 PV): lh addiIioh Io 3 marihes, Ihe
squad musI have a gauss cahhoh. 1his weapoh is moved IogeIh-
er wiIh Ihe squad, wiIhouI Ihe heed Io spehd MP: iI may be
moved a!Ier ohe or more o! Ihe squad members has, ahd is
placed ih squad coherehcy wiIh Ihem. 1he gauss cahhoh musI
remaih ih squad coherehcy wiIh Ihe marihes ih Ihe squad, ahd
may hoI be !ired i! iI is hoI ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh a
3 Viridian Forcelist
marihe. lI may also hoI be !ired ih a Iurh ih which iI has beeh moved, hor be moved ih a Iurh ih which iI
was !ired. 1he MP heeded Io !ire Ihe weapoh musI be spehI by ohe o! Ihe models ih base-Io-base coh-
IacI wiIh iI.
1urhihg Ihe cahhoh Ihrough up Io 90` ih iIs currehI posiIioh does hoI couhI as movihg iI, however,
buI Ihis may ohly be dohe ohce per Iurh (else Ihe weapoh is cohsidered Io be movihg). 1he gausscahhoh
cahhoI be aIIacked, buI Ihe marihes cah, ahd Ihe weapoh is removed !rom Ihe baIIle i! all iIs aIIehdahI
marihes have beeh killed.
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe model makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, iI may ighore ehemy models wiIhih
12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe model is coh!used ahd iIs acIiva-
Iioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
Fire 5upporI
MP: 10 1C: 2 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 6 OD: 6 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 5 A: 2(2)
PoinI VaIue: 215
1ype: Medium Walker
Weapons: HowiIzer barrage cahhoh (90` !orward !irihg arc), mouhIed chaih guh (180` le!I !irihg arc),
mouhIed chaih guh (180` righI !irihg arc)
InfanIry 5upporI
MP: 10 1C: 2 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 6 OD: 6 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 5 A: 3(2)
PoinI VaIue: 213
1ype: Medium Walker
Weapons: Gauss cahhoh (180` le!I !irihg arc), gauss cahhoh (180` righI !irihg arc)
1roop 1ransporI
MP: 10 1C: 2 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 6 OD: 6 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 5 A: 1(2)
PoinI VaIue: 189
1ype: Medium Walker 1rahsporI (8)
Weapons: MouhIed chaih guh (360` !irihg arc), 2 mouhIed chaih guhs (90` !orward !irihg arc)
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: lhdividual
FearIess: 1he behemoIh does hoI heed Io make a GuIs or
Morale 1esI i! IhaI is caused by some kihd o! !ear-
ihducihg abiliIy possessed by ahoIher model. lI musI
sIill make GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs !or all oIher reasohs
as hormal, however.
Living 1ank: AlIhough Ihe rules IreaI behemoIhs as
vehicles, Ihey have 8raihs ahd GuIs sIaIisIics, ahd musI
make 8raihs, GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs ahy Iime ah ih!ahIry
model would be required Io do so.
MeIee AIIacks: 1he behemoIh's melee aIIacks are
|MPC: 2, Power: 7, AM: 0, Damage: 2{
ampage: Wheh a behemoIh !ails a Morale
1esI ahd rolls 3 Io 9 oh Ihe Pahic 1able (p. 88,
vOA Au/eboo/), iI does hoI geI pushed back,
buI iI goes oh a rampage. For Ihe resI o! iIs
currehI acIivaIioh-or oh iIs hexI acIivaIioh, i!
Ihe Morale 1esI was !ailed while Ihe behemoIh
was hoI acIivaIed-iI moves ih a rahdom direc-
Viridian Forcelist 4
Iioh (use Ihe scaIIer rules, p. 84, vOA Au/eboo/) !or as !ar as iI cah go, i! iI hiIs ah obsIacle IhaI iI cah-
hoI climb, esIablish a hew direcIioh ahd cohIihue movemehI. l! iI comes ihIo base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh
ahy oIher model, iI will make a melee aIIack agaihsI IhaI model i! ehough MP are sIill available. 1he
behemoIh may hoI spehd MP oh ahyIhihg else while oh a rampage. Each Iime Ihe model is acIivaIed
a!Ier Ihe ihiIial rampage, make a hew Morale 1esI !or iI, i! Ihis !ails, Ihe rampage cohIihues.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisI: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, behemoIhs couhI 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd
Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
5hock 1rooper (InfanIry 5upporI onIy): Wheh chargihg ihIo melee combaI (p. 86, vOA Au/eboo/),
Ihe behemoIh receives a +2 CC modi!ier ihsIead o! +1. lI also gaihs a +1 modi!ier Io Ihe Damage 1esI
agaihsI Ihe model IhaI was charged, buI ohly ih Ihe same Iurh IhaI Ihe charge was made.
1errifying: Ahy ehemy model ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh a behemoIh musI make a GuIs 1esI wheh
Ihe ehemy model is acIivaIed, i! Ihis !ails, iI musI aIIempI Io break !ree ahd move direcIly away !rom Ihe
Ierri!yihg model !or aI leasI 2" oh iIs hexI acIivaIioh.
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 23
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-10
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
AssauII Grenades (+10 PV per modeI): 1he ehIire squad may be equipped wiIh assaulI grehades.
Chain Gunner (+6 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les wiIh
chaih guhs.
FIame 1hrower (+10 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les wiIh
!lame Ihrowers.
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 6 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
InfiIIraIe: Durihg Ihe deploymehI phase o! Ihe game (p. 75, vOA Au/eboo/), commahdos may be
placed ahywhere oh Ihe board, provided Ihey is aI leasI 12" away !rom Ihe hearesI ehemy model ahd
ouI o! LOS o! Ihem. l! hecessary, models wiIh Ihe lh!ilIraIe abiliIy musI be moved a!Ier all squads have
beeh deployed, ih order IhaI Ihey adhere Io Ihis rule.
Prone: Commahdos may ihIehIiohally go prohe aI Ihe cosI o! 1 MP (see pp. 79 & 80, vOA Au/eboo/).
While prohe, Ihe model's Size is Small, ahd iI gaihs a +1 RC modi!ier, buI iI may hoI move.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisIs: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, commahdos couhI 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd
Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 12 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: L
PoinI VaIue: 34
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-8
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 6 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
5 Viridian Forcelist
MeIee AIIacks: 1he sIruIhiosaur may make a |MPC: 4, Power: 5, AM: 0{ melee aIIack.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisIs: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, scouIs couhI 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd
Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 14
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 1-2
FquipmenI: CombaI blade
5upporI Weapon: lh addiIioh Io 1-2 commahdos, Ihe squad musI have eiIher a morIar (+27 PV) or a
mouhIed chaih guh (+20 PV). 1his weapoh is moved IogeIher wiIh Ihe squad, wiIhouI Ihe heed Io
spehd MP: iI may be moved a!Ier ohe or more o! Ihe squad members has, ahd is placed ih squad
coherehcy wiIh Ihem. 1he supporI weapoh musI remaih ih squad coherehcy wiIh Ihe commahdos ih Ihe
squad, ahd may hoI be !ired i! iI is hoI ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh a commahdo. lI may also hoI be
!ired ih a Iurh ih which iI has beeh moved, hor be moved ih a Iurh ih which iI was !ired. 1he MP heeded
Io !ire Ihe weapoh musI be spehI by ohe o! Ihe models ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh iI.
1urhihg Ihe weapoh Ihrough up Io 90` ih iIs currehI posiIioh does hoI couhI as movihg iI, however,
buI Ihis may ohly be dohe ohce per Iurh (else Ihe weapoh is cohsidered Io be movihg). 1he weapoh cah-
hoI be IargeIed, buI Ihe commahdos cah, ahd Ihe weapoh is removed !rom Ihe baIIle i! all iIs aIIehdahI
commahdos have beeh killed.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisIs: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, commahdos couhI 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd
Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe model makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, iI may ighore ehemy models wiIhih
12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe model is coh!used ahd iIs acIiva-
Iioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 3 C: - POW: 4 OD: 3 N: 3 GU1: 3 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: S
PoinI VaIue: 5
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 3-9 + 1 hahdler
MeIee AIIacks: CyhorapIors cah make basic melee aIIacks ohly.
5warm: Wheh more Ihah ohe cyhorapIor is ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh Ihe same ehemy model, IhaI
ehemy receives a -1 CC modi!ier !or every cyhorapIor, Io a maximum o! -3.
MP: 11 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 21
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per cyhorapIors squad
5IrucIure: A hahdler musI be parI o! a cyhorapIors squad ahd adhere Io squad coherehcy.
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
HandIer: As lohg as Ihe hahdler is alive, Ihe cyhorapIor squad uses his GuIs sIaIisIic !or all GuIs ahd
Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
Viridian Forcelist 6
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 5 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 6 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 25
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-12
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
GreaI Axe (no change in PV): 1hree members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir combaI blades wiIh
greaI axes.
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 7 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
erserk Charge: Wheh Ihe model charges ihIo melee combaI, iIs aIIacks may hoI be parried by Ihe
IargeI, ahd Ihe IargeI also may hoI Iry Io receive Ihe charge (see p. 86, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 5 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 6 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 28
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-10
FquipmenI: Gauss carbihe, combaI blade, hegaIroh shield
Drop 1roops (+5 PV per modeI): 1he squad heed hoI be deployed aI Ihe sIarI o! Ihe game, buI may
ihsIead be deployed ih ahy o! Ihe owhihg player's Iurhs ihsIead o! acIivaIihg ahoIher squad. lI musI be
placed wiIhih 6" o! a Iable edge o! Ihe player's choice, buI hoI closer Ihah 12" Io ahy ehemy model. As
sooh as iI has beeh deployed, Ihe ehIire squad is cohsidered Io be holdihg iIs acIiohs ahd may hoI spehd
MP oh ahyIhihg else !or Ihe resI o! Ihe Iurh. 1he ehIire squad musI be giveh Ihis abiliIy.
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 7 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
5hock Marine (no change in PV): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss carbihes ahd
combaI blades wiIh vibro scyIhes.
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 13 1C: 1 CC: - C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 6 LIF: 1 A: 0
PoinI VaIue: 23
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
1ype: LighI Flyer
5IrucIure: 2-6
Weapons: MouhIed Chaih Guh (90` !orward !irihg arc)
Jaguar AssauII CrafI (+11 PV per modeI): 1wo
models ih Ihe squad may replace Iheir mouhIed chaih
guhs by mihi-MLRS sysIems (90` !orward !irihg arc). 1his also
gives Ihem Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below).
7 Viridian Forcelist
5ergeanI (+3 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg iI Ihe 1acIical
Awarehess abiliIy (below).
FIyer: Jaguar cra!I cah ohly move over Ierraih !eaIures whose heighI is less Ihah Ihe disIahce Ihe
model has already moved ih Ihe currehI Iurh, or 6 ihches, whichever is less. 1he model musI move
arouhd higher obsIacles.
1acIicaI Awareness (Jaguar AssauII CrafI and and 5ergeanI onIy): l! Ihe model rolls 5 or less oh
1D10, iI may ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe die roll a 10, Ihe
model is coh!used ahd iIs acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. l! Ihis IesI is made by Ihe sergeahI, all models
ih Ihe squad may aIIack ahy ehemy ih rahge ahd LOS uhIil Ihe ehd o! Ihe squad's currehI acIivaIioh
(Ihough rollihg a 10 does hoI ehd Ihe squad's acIivaIioh, ohly Ihe sergeahI's). |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 3 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 4 GU1: 4 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 10
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-10
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
Chain Gunner (+4 PV): Ohe member o! Ihe squad may
replace his gauss ri!le ahd combaI blade wiIh a chaih guh.
Grenade Launcher (+16 PV per modeI): 1wo members
o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les ahd combaI
blades wiIh grehade lauhchers. 1his also gives Ihem Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below).
ockeI Launcher (+59 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les ahd
combaI blades wiIh rockeI lauhchers. 1his also gives Ihem Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below).
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 5 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
5niper (+7 PV): Ohe member o! Ihe squad may replace his gauss ri!le ahd combaI blade wiIh a
shiper ri!le, which also gives him Ihe Marksmah abiliIy (below).
Marksman (5niper onIy): lh rahged combaI, a shiper scores a criIical hiI oh a roll o! 1 as hormal
(p. 80, vOA Au/eboo/), buI i! he rolls a 2, he may roll agaih, i! Ihis secohd roll would hiI Ihe IargeI
(regardless o! wheIher iI was a criIical hiI or hoI), Ihe aIIack is also cohsidered a criIical hiI. NoIe IhaI
Ihe IargeI has hoI beeh hiI Iwice i! boIh rolls succeed-iI ohly Iakes damage !rom a sihgle aIIack.
1acIicaI Awareness (Grenade Launchers, ockeI Launchers and 5ergeanI onIy): l! Ihe model
makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, iI may ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack.
Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe model is coh!used ahd iIs acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. l! Ihis IesI
is made by Ihe sergeahI, all models ih Ihe squad may aIIack ahy ehemy ih rahge ahd LOS uhIil Ihe ehd
o! Ihe squad's currehI acIivaIioh (Ihough rollihg a 10 does hoI ehd Ihe squad's acIivaIioh, ohly Ihe
sergeahI's). |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 3 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 4 GU1: 4 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 8
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 1-3
FquipmenI: CombaI blade
5upporI Weapon: lh addiIioh Io 1-3 marihes, Ihe squad musI have eiIher
a morIar (+27 PV) or a mouhIed chaih guh (+20 PV). 1his weapoh is moved
IogeIher wiIh Ihe squad, wiIhouI Ihe heed Io spehd MP: iI may be moved
Viridian Forcelist 8
a!Ier ohe or more o! Ihe squad members has, ahd is placed ih squad coherehcy wiIh Ihem. 1he supporI
weapoh musI remaih ih squad coherehcy wiIh Ihe marihes ih Ihe squad, ahd may hoI be !ired i! iI is hoI
ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh a marihe. lI may also hoI be !ired ih a Iurh ih which iI has beeh moved, hor
be moved ih a Iurh ih which iI was !ired. 1he MP heeded Io !ire Ihe weapoh musI be spehI by ohe o! Ihe
models ih base-Io-base cohIacI wiIh iI.
1urhihg Ihe weapoh Ihrough up Io 90` ih iIs currehI posiIioh does hoI couhI as movihg iI, however,
buI Ihis may ohly be dohe ohce per Iurh (else Ihe weapoh is cohsidered Io be movihg). 1he weapoh cah-
hoI be IargeIed, buI Ihe marihes cah, ahd Ihe weapoh is removed !rom Ihe baIIle i! all iIs aIIehdahI
marihes have beeh killed.
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe model makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, iI may ighore ehemy models wiIhih
12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe model is coh!used ahd iIs acIiva-
Iioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 12 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: L
PoinI VaIue: 43
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-8
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 6 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
FIy: PIerarapIors cah move as a !lyihg vehicle (p. 90, vOA Au/eboo/). 1hey cah ohly move over Ierraih
!eaIures whose heighI is less Ihah Ihe disIahce Ihe model has already moved ih Ihe currehI Iurh, or 6
ihches, whichever is less. 1he model musI move arouhd higher obsIacles.
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 7 CC: 5 C: 4 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 6
LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 21
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-10
FquipmenI: Vibro scyIhe, hegaIroh shield
Grape Gunner (+8 PV per modeI): 1wo members o! Ihe squad may replace Iheir vibro scyIhes wiIh
grape guhs.
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 7 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
5hock 1rooper: Wheh chargihg ihIo melee combaI (p. 86, vOA Au/eboo/), Ihe model receives a +2
CC modi!ier ihsIead o! +1. lI also gaihs a +1 modi!ier Io Ihe Damage 1esI agaihsI Ihe model IhaI was
charged, buI ohly ih Ihe same Iurh IhaI Ihe charge was made.
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
9 Viridian Forcelist
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 17
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 4-10
FquipmenI: Gauss carbihe, combaI blade
Drop 1roops (+5 PV per modeI): 1he squad heed hoI be deployed aI Ihe sIarI o! Ihe game, buI may
ihsIead be deployed ih ahy o! Ihe owhihg player's Iurhs ihsIead o! acIivaIihg ahoIher squad. lI musI be
placed wiIhih 6" o! a Iable edge o! Ihe player's choice, buI hoI closer Ihah 12" Io ahy ehemy model. As
sooh as iI has beeh deployed, Ihe ehIire squad is cohsidered Io be holdihg iIs acIiohs ahd may hoI spehd
MP oh ahyIhihg else !or Ihe resI o! Ihe Iurh. 1he ehIire squad musI be giveh Ihis abiliIy.
5ergeanI (+4 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 6 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). As lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIa-
IisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is required Io make.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisIs: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, sIrike commahdos couhI 8rokeh Ierraih as
Opeh, ahd Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Ihe sergeahI makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! Ihe squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe ser-
geahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 11 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 5 OD: 6 N: 5 GU1: 5 LIF: 2 A: 0 5IZF: L
PoinI VaIue: 49
AvaiIabiIiIy: UhlimiIed
5IrucIure: 2-8
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le |Uses/1urn: 2{, combaI blade
Chain Guns (+8 PV per modeI): 1wo mod-
els ih Ihe squad may replace Iheir gauss ri!les
ahd combaI blades wiIh mouhIed chaih guhs.
MorIars (+22 PV per modeI): 1wo models
ih Ihe squad may replace Iheir combaI blades
wiIh morIars. 1his also gives Ihem Ihe 1acIical
Awarehess abiliIy (below).
econ (+6 PV per modeI): 1wo models
ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io recoh
Ierrasaurs. Wheh such a model is Ihe !riehd-
ly model IhaI has LOS wheh makihg ah ihdirecI
aIIack (p. 85, vOA Au/eboo/), Ihe aIIack may be made ouI Io lohg rahge.
5ergeanI (+17 PV): Ohe model ih Ihe squad may be upgraded Io a sergeahI, givihg him GuIs 6 ahd
Ihe 1acIical Awarehess abiliIy (below). 1his also replaces his combaI blade wiIh a recoilless cahhoh. As
lohg as Ihe sergeahI is alive, Ihe ehIire squad uses his GuIs sIaIisIic !or all GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs iI is
required Io make.
MuIIipIe AIIacks: 1he MP CosI !or Ierrasaurs Io make melee aIIacks is 1 MP lower Ihah hormal. 1his
cahhoI brihg Ihe MP CosI !or a melee aIIack Io less Ihah 1, however. Chaih guh, morIar ahd sergeahI
Ierrasaurs do hoI geI Ihis reducIioh, however.
ampage: Wheh a Ierrasaur !ails a Morale 1esI ahd rolls 3 Io 9 oh Ihe Pahic 1able (p. 88, vOA
Au/eboo/), iI does hoI geI pushed back, buI iI goes oh a rampage. For Ihe resI o! iIs currehI acIivaIioh-or
oh iIs hexI acIivaIioh, i! Ihe Morale 1esI was !ailed while Ihe model was hoI acIivaIed-Ihe ehIire squad will
move ih a rahdom direcIioh (use Ihe scaIIer rules, p. 84, vOA Au/eboo/, all models movihg ih Ihe direcIioh
Viridian Forcelist 10
ihdicaIed by Ihe die) !or as !ar as each model cah go, i! a Ierrasaur hiIs ah obsIacle IhaI iI cahhoI climb,
esIablish a hew direcIioh !or IhaI model ohly ahd cohIihue movemehI. l! a Ierrasaur comes ihIo base-Io-
base cohIacI wiIh ahy oIher model, iI will make a melee aIIack agaihsI IhaI model i! ehough MP are sIill
available. 1he squad may hoI spehd MP oh ahyIhihg else while oh a rampage. Each Iime Ihe squad is acIi-
vaIed a!Ier Ihe ihiIial rampage, make a hew Morale 1esI !or iI, i! Ihis !ails, Ihe rampage cohIihues.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisIs: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, Ierrasaurs couhI 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd
Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness (MorIars and 5ergeanI onIy): l! Ihe model makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, iI may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe
model is coh!used ahd iIs acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. l! Ihis IesI is made by Ihe sergeahI, all models
ih Ihe squad may aIIack ahy ehemy ih rahge ahd LOS uhIil Ihe ehd o! Ihe squad's currehI acIivaIioh
(Ihough rollihg a 10 does hoI ehd Ihe squad's acIivaIioh, ohly Ihe sergeahI's). |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
NegaIron 5hieId
1his shield adds 2 Io Ihe model's Armor RaIihg, buI ohly agaihsI aIIacks
comihg !rom Ihe model's !rohI-IhaI is, !rom wiIhih Ihe model's lihe o!
sighI. Do hoI apply Ihis bohus agaihsI aIIacks !rom ouIside Ihe
model's LOS.
AddiIiohally, a hegaIroh shield cah be used as a melee weapoh
|MPC: 4, Power: 4, AM: 0{, alIhough ahy aIIack made wiIh iI su!!ers
a -1 CC modi!ier.
CombaI Iade
|MPC: +1, Power: POW, AM: -1{
GreaI Axe
|MPC: +0, Power: POW+1, AM: 0{
Vibro 5cyIhe
|MPC: +0, Power: POW, AM: 0, Damage: 2{
AssauII Grenades
Ahy model IhaI has beeh ih Ihe blasI radius o! ah assaulI grehade is auIomaIically cohsidered Io have
a lower CC Ihah ahyohe iI is ih melee combaI wiIh, uhIil Ihe ehd o! Ihe Iurh ih which Ihe grehade was
used. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 4/+2, M 8/-1, L -/-, Power: 3, AM: 0, Mode: blasI radius 1"{
|MPC: 4, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 6/+1, M 12/-1, L -/-, Power: 4, AM: 0, Mode: poihI-blahk{
|MPC: 4, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 6/+2, M 12/-, L 24/-1, Power: 4, AM: 0{
|MPC: 4, Uses/1urn: 2, ange: 5 6/+1, M 12/-1, L -/-, Power: 4, AM: 0, Mode: poihI-blahk{
11 Viridian Forcelist
Gauss Carbine
|MPC: 5, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 6/+2, M 12/-, L 24/-1, Power: 5, AM: 0, Mode: poihI-blahk{
Gauss ifIe
|MPC: 5, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 6/+1, M 12/-, L 24/-1, Power: 5, AM: 0{
Grape Gun
|MPC: 5, Uses/1urn: 2, ange: 5 6/+1, M 12/-1, L 24/-2, Power: 5, AM: 0, Mode: poihI-blahk{
Grenade Launcher
|MPC: 5, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 12/-, M 24/-1, L 36/-2, Power: 5, AM: 0, Mode: blasI radius 2",
MounIed Chain Gun
|MPC: 5, Uses/1urn: 2, ange: 5 16/+1, M 32/-, L 48/-1, Power: 5, AM: 0{
5niper ifIe
|MPC: 4, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 16/+2, M 32/+1, L 48/-1, Power: 4, AM: 0{
Chain Gun
|MPC: 6, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 6/+2, M 12/+1, L 24/-, Power: 6, AM: 0{
FIame 1hrower
l! Ihe Damage 1esI !or a !lame Ihrower succeeds, you may immediaIely roll ahoIher ohe. l! success!ul,
Ihe IargeI loses ahoIher Li!e!orce poihI, keep rollihg Damage 1esIs ahd ih!licIihg 1 Li!e!orce damage uhIil
a Damage 1esI is !ailed. |MPC: 6, Uses/1urn: 1, Power: 5, AM: -2, Mode: splash{
Gauss Cannon
|MPC: 8, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 16/+1, M 32/-, L 48/-1, Power: 7, AM: -3{
HowiIzer arrage Cannon
1he howiIzer barrage cahhoh cahhoI !ire aI IargeIs aI shorI rahge, uhlike oIher ihdirecI-!ire weapohs,
iI cah aIIack IargeIs aI lohg rahge wiIh ihdirecI !ire (p. 85, vOA Au/eboo/). Wheh Ihis weapoh is !ired,
Ihe Ierraih ih Ihe ehIire area uhder iIs blasI marker is made worse by ohe sIep: Opeh becomes 8rokeh,
8rokeh becomes Hazardous, ahd Hazardous becomes lmpassable. |MPC: 7, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 -/-,
M 32/-2, L 48/-3, Power: 6, AM: -3, Mode: blasI radius 3", ihdirecI{
|MPC: 6, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 12/-1, M 24/-2, L 36/-3, Power: 6, AM: 0, Mode: blasI radius 3",
|MPC: 6, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 16/-, M 32/-1, L 48/-2, Power: 6, AM: 0, Mode: blasI radius 2",
ecoiIIess Cannon
|MPC: 5, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 16/+1, M 32/-1, L 48/-2, Power: 5, AM: 0, Mode: blasI radius 2"{
ockeI Launcher
|MPC: 8, Uses/1urn: 1, ange: 5 12/-1, M 24/-2, L 36/-3, Power: 7, AM: -5, Damage: 2{
Viridian Forcelist 12
MP: 9 CC: 6 C: 5 POW: 5 OD: 6 N: 6 GU1: 8
LIF: 2 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 44
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per !orce
5IrucIure: CapIaih HelghasI musI be parI o! a squad o! Fehrir's
assaulI marihes ahd adhere Io squad coherehcy
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, loga
erserk Charge: Wheh Fehrir charges ihIo melee combaI, his aIIacks may
hoI be parried by Ihe IargeI, ahd Ihe IargeI also may hoI Iry Io receive Ihe
charge (see p. 86, vOA Au/eboo/).
Loga: l! Ihe Damage 1esI !or Ihis melee weapoh succeeds, you may imme-
diaIely roll ahoIher ohe. l! success!ul, Ihe IargeI loses ahoIher Li!e!orce poihI, keep rollihg Damage 1esIs
ahd ih!licIihg 1 Li!e!orce damage uhIil a Damage 1esI is !ailed. |MPC: 4, Power: POW-1, AM: -2{
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Fehrir makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! his squad may ighore
ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Fehrir is coh-
!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 11CC: 5 C: 5 POW: 5 OD: 5 N: 6 GU1: 7 LIF: 2 A: 0 5IZF: L
PoinI VaIue: 61
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per !orce
5IrucIure: CapIaih HelghasI musI be parI o! a commahdo scouI squad ahd
adhere Io squad coherehcy
FquipmenI: 8lasIer |Mode: !ull-auIo{
FearIess: CapIaih HelghasI does hoI heed Io make a GuIs or Morale
1esI i! IhaI is caused by some kihd o! !ear-ihducihg abiliIy possessed by
ahoIher model. He musI sIill make GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs !or all
oIher reasohs as hormal, however.
HaIes KoraIon: Wheh aIIackihg ahy kihd o! koraloh, cap-
Iaih HelghasI pays 1 MP less Ihah hormal !or ahy aIIack he
makes, buI he also su!!ers -1 CC ahd RC modi!iers !or Ihese
ough 1errain 5peciaIisI: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, capIaih HelghasI
couhIs 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78,
vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! capIaih HelghasI makes a success!ul 8raihs
1esI, ahy member o! his squad may ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12"
wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe capIaih is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh
is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 8 CC: 5 C: 5 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 6 GU1: 8 LIF: 2 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 41
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per !orce
5IrucIure: LieuIehahI Johhhy 'G' musI be parI o! a commahdo squad ahd adhere Io squad coherehcy
FquipmenI: AuIoshoIguh, combaI blade
FearIess: Johhhy 'G' does hoI heed Io make a GuIs or Morale 1esI i! IhaI is caused by some kihd o!
!ear-ihducihg abiliIy possessed by ahoIher model. He musI sIill make GuIs ahd Morale 1esIs !or all oIher
reasohs as hormal, however.
13 Viridian Forcelist
Immune Io Panic: A!Ier Johhhy 'G' or his squad have !ailed a Morale 1esI, Ihey may roll Iwice oh Ihe
Morale 1able (p. 88, vOA Au/eboo/) ahd choose which o! Ihe Iwo rolls Io use.
InfiIIraIe: Durihg Ihe deploymehI phase o! Ihe game (p. 75, vOA Au/eboo/), Johhhy 'G' ahd his
squad may be placed ahywhere oh Ihe board, provided Ihey are aI leasI 12" away !rom Ihe hearesI
ehemy model ahd ouI o! LOS o! Ihem. l! hecessary, Ihe squad musI be moved a!Ier all squads have beeh
deployed, ih order IhaI Ihey adhere Io Ihis rule.
Inspiring: Models wiIhih 6" o! Johhhy 'G' may re-roll ohe Morale 1esI or roll oh Ihe Morale 1able
(p. 88, vOA Au/eboo/) per Iurh, buI musI use Ihe secohd roll. A squad may hoI re-roll boIh iIs Morale
1esI ahd Ihe roll oh Ihe Morale 1able ih a sihgle Iurh.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisI: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, Johhhy 'G' couhIs 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh, ahd
Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! Johhhy 'G' makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! his squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Johhhy is
coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 9 CC: 5 C: 5 POW: 4 OD: 5 N: 5 GU1: 7 LIF: 2 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 53
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per !orce
5IrucIure: LieuIehahI Haze musI be parI o! a sIrike commahdo squad ahd adhere Io squad coherehcy
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, EMP geheraIor
FMP GeneraIor: Wheh Ihis device is used, all veghicles wiIhih 12 ihches o! lieuIehahI Haze couhI as i!
Ihey have already beeh acIivaIed durihg Ihe currehI Iurh-eveh i! Ihey had hoI beeh acIivaIed yeI. 1he
device also !orces ah auIomaIic roll oh Ihe Vehicle Damage 1able (p. 91, VORRulebook) !or each vehicle
wiIhih 12 ihches, Ihough wiIh a -1 modi!ier Io Ihe roll. NoIe IhaI Ihis secohd e!!ecI is applied eveh Io
vehicles IhaI had already beeh acIivaIed ih Ihe currehI Iurh. |MPC: 5, Uses/ 1urh: 1{
ough 1errain 5peciaIisI: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, lieuIehahI Haze couhIs 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh,
ahd Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! lieuIehahI Haze makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! her squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe lieu-
IehahI is coh!used ahd her acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
MP: 10 CC: 6 C: 4 POW: 5 OD: 6 N: 6 GU1: 7 LIF: 2
A: 2 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 55
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per !orce
5IrucIure: Major 1rask musI be parI o! a shock marihes squad ahd
adhere Io squad coherehcy
FquipmenI: Vibro scyIhe
MuIIipIe AIIacks: 1he MP CosI !or major 1rask Io make melee aIIacks is 1 MP
lower Ihah hormal. 1his cahhoI brihg Ihe MP CosI !or a melee aIIack Io less Ihah
1, however.
5hock 1rooper: Wheh chargihg ihIo melee combaI (p. 86, vOA Au/eboo/),
major 1rask receives a +2 CC modi!ier ihsIead o! +1. He also gaihs a +1 modi!ier
Io Ihe Damage 1esI agaihsI Ihe model IhaI was charged, buI ohly ih Ihe same Iurh IhaI
Ihe charge was made.
5Irike FirsI: Major 1rask may receive a charge as described oh page 86 o! Ihe vOA Au/eboo/ eveh i!
he has ho held acIioh.
Viridian Forcelist 14
MP: 9 CC: 4 C: 4 POW: 4 OD: 4 N: 5 GU1: 7 LIF: 1 A: 0 5IZF: M
PoinI VaIue: 24
AvaiIabiIiIy: 1 per !orce
5IrucIure: SergeahI Kwihsky musI be parI o! a commahdo squad ahd adhere Io squad coherehcy, Ihe
squad may hoI Iake Ihe SergeahI opIioh i! Kwihsky is parI o! iI
FquipmenI: Gauss ri!le, combaI blade
InfiIIraIe: Durihg Ihe deploymehI phase o! Ihe game (p. 75, vOA Au/eboo/), Kwihsky ahd his squad
may be placed ahywhere oh Ihe board, provided Ihey are aI leasI 12" away !rom Ihe hearesI ehemy
model ahd ouI o! LOS o! Ihem. l! hecessary, Ihe squad musI be moved a!Ier all squads have beeh
deployed, ih order IhaI Ihey adhere Io Ihis rule.
ough 1errain 5peciaIisI: lh !oresI or juhgle Ierraih, sergeahI Kwihsky couhIs 8rokeh Ierraih as Opeh,
ahd Hazardous as 8rokeh (see !erra/n, p. 78, vOA Au/eboo/).
1acIicaI Awareness: l! sergeahI Kwihsky makes a success!ul 8raihs 1esI, ahy member o! his squad may
ighore ehemy models wiIhih 12" wheh decidihg who Io aIIack. Should Ihe 8raihs 1esI roll a 10, Ihe lieu-
IehahI is coh!used ahd his acIivaIioh is ehded immediaIely. |MPC: 3, Uses/1urn: 1{
15 Viridian Forcelist

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