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Miss Schutze Unit 22

Formats and Genre Unit22 Single Camera Techniques Unit22

The single camera format is a method of filmmaking which can be used in series and film, the series genre can be based around humour, crime, drama and maybe mystery, the show I have chosen is Last man On Earth which is based on comedy and drama, the directors believe that the audience find it more realistic to the audience which has a greater impact as they can relate easier to the character and how they feel. The single camera technique can be used to capture three views in one scene. Single camera is used to capture the reactions of a character in the scene which is shot; single camera can also be used when we see 2 characters in the scene having a conversation while at a standstill. Multi camera means that the cameras are in fixed locations. Multi camera short films settings have a common setup; there will be a front door that leads into the living room from the right of the set, which will feed into a kitchen on the left side of the set. There's usually a flight of stairs directly behind the couch in the living room, so on so forth. The different between single camera shows and multi camera shows, is that single camera has a cinematic effect with no live audience shot over and over again from different views, multi camera shot shows are shot with an audience while different cameras capture everything at once from different angles which gives the director a variety of shots to pick from once editing is being done. The advantage of using single camera is the director has more say on what is being shot in the scene however; in multi camera everything is shot at once from a particular view point but multi camera also has its advantages as actors dont have to stop and start, waiting for another camera angle. All genres can be filmed in single camera as 99% of films are shot with single camera. A single camera production such as The Last Man on Earth which is a short film, I viewed other short films such as The Lazy Superheroes, Colour Bleed and Hot Bothered.

Narrative Last Man on Earth

The narrative use in The Last Man on Earth is different as it doesnt reall y follow the theory of Todorov. Todorov has three different stages which are usually set out in movies, equilibrium is when everything is normal and okay in a soap such as when Kat and Alfie Moon are together in a stable relationship, a disequilibrium is when a problem occurs such

Miss Schutze Unit 22

as Kat arguing with Alfie because of how he may come across to the women costumers in the pub (outgoing and flirtations) she then ends up leaving him and the pub, last is the resolution. Alfie wins back Kats heart then she comes back to the pub because Alfie has changed his ways. The Last Man on Earth movie doesnt follow the Todorov the ory as it doesnt have equilibrium; the main character doesnt have anything to live for so he ends up killing himself. The Todorov theory cant follow Last Man on Earth as there is only one character in this short film however we do see different types of narrative structure, its a linear layout as it doesnt start from the end of the movie, its also a single strand narrative as it possess one character in the short movie and also a closed narrative as theres an end to the short film with no cliff-hanger.

Camera Angles/Camera Shots

1. Very Long Shot (Crab Shot) This is an establishing shot which shows us the surroundings of the Last Man on Earth; the Crab shot is used to make the main character central of the shot as the director is still trying to show us the surroundings. The crab shot is used in this scene to capture the main character as he is all alone and weak. (Cut)

2. High Long Shot This is another established shot where it is showing the area of where the main character is, giving us a good understand that he is the last man on earth. A crane could have possibly been used to get a high shot of the character; this is also called an Ariel. The crab shot was also used to get the character right in the focus of the shot. (Fade)

Miss Schutze Unit 22

3. Wide Shot This is also another establishing shot where we see where the character ends up to spend some time in the pub recording his daily message, the shot used are a wide shot with crab movement. (Cut)

4. Over the Shoulder Medium Shot This is an over the shoulder shot where we only see have of the main characters body; the shot slowly zooms into The Last Man on Earth as he contemplates to take his life or to continue to stay alive.

5. Close Up

This is another shot captured of the Last Man on Earth; it zooms into his face as he gives information about his whereabouts how life is now. We see the fear on his face as he franticly tells the world about the situation he is in and how he is copying. The lighting which comes from outside the pub shines on his face however, I feel as the lighting from the outside shows him that it is judgement day.

Miss Schutze Unit 22

6. Wide Shot This is a wide shot which also zooms into the Last Man on Earth; this shot is trying to capture the emotion which he is feeling. The emotion we can see is fear, he is helpless as he feels as if no one can help him as everyone in the world is dead, no contact from anyone what so ever. He also seems anxieties which look like hes waiting for a reply from someone but nothing comes until he drinks the poison. (Fades out)

7. Close Up Another close up showing all the emotion in his face while he is recording a message on his phone, he looks nervous and worried as the camera continues to get closer and closer. As the camera zooms into the Last Man on Earth, we see more of the fear in is face as he starts to well up in his loneliness. We see the lighting on the door however; as you can see it gets darker on the other side of the room. It seems to me that there is more evil than good as the darkness surpasses the light.

Sound and music is used to create atmosphere, setting the context for the scene we maybe viewing or the next scene. Sound is enhanced to make the scene more dramatic and effective to the audience, it shows us the emotion which the character could be feeling which could be sad, angry, happy or in a state of shock. The sounds used in short films are heard by both character and audience which is diegetic

Miss Schutze Unit 22

sound, non-diegetic sound is only heard by the audience. We hear ambient sounds around the character so for example in the Last Man on Earth short film we hear him drink some alcohol, lay the bottle down on the table and bang the poison on the table. Ambient sound is the sound of everything going on around the character.

Lighting is used to set certain moods in short films, setting the atmosphere however natural light is also used to make the film look authentic and natural. lighting setting are created to capture a certain mood on the camera, the lighting used in Last Man on Earth looks all natural as it looks not too bright and dark giving off a realistic effect. The day we see in the Last Man on Earth is a rainy day which fits in perfectly with the natural light used in the pub. Exposure isn't found in the short film as there is no lack of light in any scene as we can see the main character with the lighting being normal.

Costume and Props

Costumes are used to define a characters personality, what a certain character is usually wearing isn't just put on, certain clothing is picked for the character to make the characters clothing fitted him or her. Certain characters behaviours also have props which we may always see on the character. If you look at some of the clothing on the Last Man on Earth, he seems to be wearing survival clothes which seems to be well suited for him because he thinks he may be the last man on earth, the clothing which was worn by him was a rain jacket, a plain top and some combats with some jeans.

Target Audience
I think the producer of Last Man on Earth targeted the short film to a audience who would find a certain part of the film would be funny although there's only one funny part where he drinks the poison, I think this is a great design because the film started all serious but then ended with us laughing.


Miss Schutze Unit 22

The narrative used in Scrubs follows Todorov as it tends to have equilibrium, disequilibrium and a resolution. The Todorov theory which happens in the script of Scrubs is that a character called Carla doesn't want to have sex with her beloved partner who she will be marrying within 6 months, her partner who plays Christopher Turk doesn't want to take the chance as it seems he may not be able to handle not having sex for that long, to cut the long story short. Carla had a long day at work with people talking about the sex life which seems to look like its aroused her. We see how Chris come to see Chris' understanding of not the relationship not just being about sex but his partner who said who brought the idea up counted resist temptation. Scrubs has also has a multi strand storyline as it wasn't only Carla going through sexual problems with her partner. Other characters had issues because they hadn't had sex in a very long time or they weren't comfortable talking about private parts on the human body, such as the vagina or penis. Scrubs is also a linear series as it is continuous with a storyline which will keep the viewers watching with a cliff-hanger or a new idea in the next episode, Scrubs tend to have another idea in the next episode each week.

Camera Angles
1. Medium Close Up
This is a medium close up shot of a character as he is talking about the nickname he may possibly give his friend Christopher, we see what emotions he may be feeling, as it seems he's trying to make the audience laugh by giving his friend the nickname black whale. The lighting behind him looks like an idea has sparked up in his head, the lighting behind him makes the character look like he has gone seen an epiphany.

2. Over the shoulder shot Here we can see an over the shoulder shot showing us his friends reaction to his new nickname which is black whale, it seems that he's not that amused and impressed by the nickname which his friend has given him which we can see by the paper flinging reaction. As we see it from an over the shoulder shot, we

Miss Schutze Unit 22 see the lighting has gone down which seems as if his epiphany failed.

3. Medium shot This is a medium shot of a character who was just having an intermit moment with his girlfriend however someone walks in on them which the character captured in the medium shot didn't like. The lighting on this shot is gloomy as the character goes into a strop, we see the brightness from a different angle as they were kissing but once theyre interrupted, it changes to dark and mellow colours.

4. Wide Shot This is a wide shot of all the doctors in Scrubs as they hear loud noises from a patience's room, we see all their reactions on their faces as them seem amazed wondering what maybe going on in that room. While this shot was being taken the camera was crabbing, catching everyone in the shot.

Sound and music is used to create atmosphere, setting the context for the scene we maybe viewing or the next scene. Sound is enhanced to make the scene more dramatic and effective to the audience, it shows us the emotion which the character could be feeling which could be sad, angry, happy or in a state of shock. A lot of ambient sound is in the show Scrubs as I can hear when they may hold a pen or paper, it is sound which will be heard once being recorded and being watched by an audience. Music isn't really used in scenes but sound effects are used as some actions preformed in the series are always

Miss Schutze Unit 22

heard such as when Christopher through paper on the floor which would've been hard to pick up by the cameras microphone.

Lighting is used to set certain moods in short films, setting the atmosphere however natural light is also used to make the film look authentic and natural. Lighting setting is created to capture a certain mood on the camera. The lighting in Scrubs is really bright with bright colours attracting the audience to continue viewing the show, the colours aren't too bright, and the show wouldn't like to dazzle the viewers. Exposure isn't found in the series as there is no lack of light in any scene as we can see the main character with the lighting being normal.

Costumes and Props

Costumes are used to define a characters personality, what a certain character is usually wearing isn't just put on, certain clothing is picked for the character to make the characters clothing fitted him or her. All characters have their working uniform on which symbolises that they are all doctors or nurses in the hospital. Costumes, Low-key Lighting, Props, make-up and setting, these are all things will contribute in enhancing Last Man on Earth or Scrubs.

Target Audience
The producer of scrubs targeted working class people who work in hospitals, it could also attract people who may not work in the care sector, they just like the comedy it may bring to them. Since Scrubs is a funny sitcom, people may enjoy and understand it because they also go through the same situations in life. I'm trying to figure it out so I can include it in an assignment I have to do. Like what age, profession, gender, income level, whatever else you can think of. Thanks Additional Details I am watching it on a different network than it usually plays on. I'm trying to figure out if the commercials this network plays match the audience for the show

Narrative - Seconds

Miss Schutze Unit 22 In the beginning of the film, we see some elements of the Todorov theory being followed; this is where we see his journey, meeting the girl in the caf. A two shot is used to show how they have nobody to talk to, also showing the mans eagerness to talk to her. Both of the alone/together at the counter however we can see they are two complete strangers to each other because of the space between them. As it is a wide two shot we also see the establishing shot, showing us the location which is a small caf with the waiter in the background preparing something and the two main characters in conversation. Once he talks to her, the whole story starts from there as they both development their relationship once the guy introduces himself in the caf. The film starts going into chronological order of events which happened in their lives such as her being taught how to drive by the man, however instead of the short film to have a normal ending, the director had choose to repeat the film, starting it from the beginning again explain how time is valuable, in time you have countless options, possibilities and decisions however, only one option can emerge. The director chose to do this because the short film is about possibilities and decisions, the people of today can take one second of their life and change someone elses just by talking to them and the director also shows two different lives from a single change in the characters decision at a key moment, when he decides to speak to the girl in the caf we see a happy couple but going back to the key moment when he 1st saw her in the shop, once he starts to talk to her everything in both of their lives changes.

In the start of the short film Seconds, the director has choose to use a narrative and show the audience a clock which makes the audience think about everything of everyday as all time of parts of the day are important and with each second passing, quick cuts are used to the character doing something within the second and cutting back again, while he speaks about each second containing countless possibilities and decisions which relates to what is being shown, the possibilities and decisions the character has taken within the seconds, his first move was to talk to the young lady beside him but later on in the short film we see what wouldve happened if he didnt start a conversation with her.



Miss Schutze Unit 22


Camera Angles

1. Wide two Shot

Our 1st shot is an establishing shot with the two main characters in it; we also see a wide two shot from the back of the characters that seem very distant from each other, they also look lonely and venerable needing some attention from different sexes. The two shot is good to show an establishing relationship between two people as we see in Seconds.

2. Medium Close Up In the 2nd shot which is a medium close up, we see the man watching the woman next to him in the caf. We see the happy emotion in his face as it seems as if he wants to approach her in a friendly manner. He then approaches her with a compliment then introduces himself with his name with his hand out trying to receive a handshake. This shot is between a mid-shot and a close up; this keeps the viewer comfortable with what theyre viewing, in the shot we come to see his desire to talk to the girl.

Miss Schutze Unit 22

3. Close Up

The random girl looks back at the guy in the caf; she also seems to be showing at the guy she has randomly seen in the shop by looking back and smiling. The shot we can see of her is a close up where the camera catches her happy emotion has she receives male attention.

4. Medium Long Shot Once the main character had complimented her, they begin their new journey together as friends as they become closer and closer, and then enter a relationship together. This is a medium long shot of both of them; we then see their journey together as they become good friends then partners. Later on in the short film we see different types of camera movements such as tracking as the couple are having a stroll in the park, the camera tracks the sun and trees then goes back in to a long shot of the couple walking, this shows the growth in their relationship between both the man and women.

In the beginning of Seconds we hear a clock ticking as the main character describes how important time is, we also see an analogue clock click in time with the hands as they move. Once the scene starts as we see him in the caf with a random girl next to him, a musical piece begins in the background to set the mood, the music was shuttle and calm as we could see the emotion on the guys face of him being lonely yet happy he had seem this beauty girl in the shop. As he approached the girl we hear non-diegetic music in the background. The music gets louder as they become closer but once rewinding it back in time we notice that the

Miss Schutze Unit 22 music becomes calmer as he talks about someones life being erased from someone elses. One day consists of 86,400 seconds. This is one of them.

In the background as the two strangers become friends however, the music then builds up with tension and gets louder as the seconds go by, we see their relationship build up, the music also seems to be synchronised with the point of contact, once the two characters touch, the music has and matching ambience to what is being played out on-screen.

Lighting is used to set certain moods in short films, setting the atmosphere however natural light is also used to make the film look authentic and natural. Lighting setting is created to capture a certain mood on the camera. The lighting in Seconds is really bright but most of the lighting seems natural as they scenery seems as if its in a bright part of America. We see a variety of bright colours in Seconds, there is High-key Lighting in the short film, all the scenes consists with brightness and softness in them apart from when the two partners were arguing.

Miss Schutze Unit 22

Costumes and Props

The Costumes/Outfits worn in Seconds are simple and basic as they both go on a journey together becoming friends then partners, the woman and man seem to both have laid back approach to how they dress, and it isnt fancy yet boring. The partners mix and match with each other as we can see in the 1 st scene, the woman seems to be wearing a cream jacket and the man is also wearing a cream shirt. They way both of them dress conveys their personalities which seems to be relaxed and shuttle with each other, they also like the outdoors lifestyle, experiencing different things in the sea and also on land. Costumes, Low-key Lighting, Props, make-up and setting, these are all things will contribute in enhancing Seconds

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