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Depression, anxiety, suicide Accidents Alcohol is a factor in about 40 percent of traffic deaths Violence often against loved ones

es Risky sexual behavior, such as unprotected sex or sex with ! ploy ent proble s "ealth proble s, including cancer and "#V Addiction a disease described by uncontrollable craving and physical dependence on drugs or alcohol of intoxication that alters $udg ent, perception, ultiple partners

Abused substances produce so e for attention, or physical control%

&any substances can bring on withdrawal'an effect caused by cessation or reduction in the a ount of the substance used% (ithdrawal can range fro ild anxiety to sei)ures and hallucinations% Drug overdose ay also cause death% *early all these drugs also can produce a pheno enon known as tolerance where you use a larger a ount of the drug to produce the sa e level of intoxication%


+obacco, -eople cite any reasons for using tobacco, including pleasure, i proved perfor ance and vigilance, relief of depression, curbing hunger, and weight control%

+he pri ary addicting substance in cigarettes is nicotine% .ut cigarette s oke contains thousands of other che icals that also da age health% "a)ards include heart disease, lung cancer and e physe a, peptic ulcer disease, and stroke% (ithdrawal sy pto s of s oking include anxiety, hunger, sleep disturbances, and depression% / oking is responsible for nearly a half illion deaths each year% +obacco use costs the nation an esti ated 0100 billion a year, ainly in direct and indirect health care costs%

Tobacco and Nicotine Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to contract heart disease. Lung, larynx, esophageal, bladder, pancreatic, and kidney cancers also strike smokers at increased rates. Thirty percent of cancer deaths are linked to smoking. Chronic obstructive lung diseases, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, are 10 times more likely to occur among smokers than among nonsmokers. Smoking during pregnancy also poses risks, such as spontaneous abortion, pre term birth, and lo! birth !eights. "etal and infant deaths are more likely to occur !hen the pregnant !oman is a smoker. #icotine is both psychologically and physically addictive.

Alcohol Lo! doses significantly impair the $udgment and coordination needed to operate vehicles. Small amounts can also lo!er inhibitions. %oderate to high doses cause marked

impairments in higher mental functions, and loss of memory and the ability to learn and remember information. &igh doses cause respiratory depression and death. Long term consumption, particularly !hen combined !ith poor nutrition, can also lead to dependence and permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver. 'f combined !ith other depressants of the central nervous system, much lo!er doses of alcohol !ill produce the effects $ust described. %others !ho drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants !ith fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation.

Alcohol, Although any people have a drink as a 2pick e up,2 alcohol actually depresses the brain% Alcohol lessens your inhibitions, slurs speech, and decreases uscle control and coordination, and ay lead to alcoholis %

(ithdrawal fro alcohol can cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat, tre or, sei)ures, and hallucinations% #n its severest for , withdrawal co bined with alnutrition can lead to a life'threatening condition called deliriu tre ens 3D+s4% Alcohol is the ost co on cause of liver failure in the 5/% +he drug can cause heart enlarge ent and cancer of the esophagus, pancreas, and sto ach% #n addition to its direct health effects, officials associate alcohol abuse with nearly half of all fatal otor vehicle accidents% #n 1667, the total econo ic cost of alcohol abuse was esti ated at 0180 billion%

&ari$uana 3also known as grass, pot, weed, herb4, &ari$uana, which co es fro the plant Cannabis sativa, is the ost co only used illegal drug in the 5nited /tates% +he plant produces delta'6'tetrahydrocannabinol 3+"94, the active ingredient associated with intoxication% &ari$uana resin, called hashish, contains an even higher concentration of +"9%

+he drug is usually s oked, but it can also be eaten% #ts s oke irritates your lungs ore and contains ore cancer'causing che icals than tobacco s oke% 9o on effects of ari$uana use include pleasure, relaxation, and i paired coordination and e ory% :ften, the first illegal drug people use, ari$uana is associated with increased risk of progressing to ore powerful and dangerous drugs such as cocaine and heroin% +he risk for progressing to cocaine is 104 ti es higher if you have s oked ari$uana at least once than if you never s oked ari$uana% illion

9ocaine 3also known as crack, coke, snow, rock4, #n 166;, an esti ated 1%8 people abused cocaine in the 5nited /tates%

Derived fro the coca plant of /outh A erica, cocaine can be s oked, in$ected, snorted, or swallowed% +he intensity and duration of the drug<s effects depend on how you take it% Desired effects include pleasure and increased alertness% /hort'ter effects also include paranoia, constriction of blood vessels leading to heart da age or stroke, irregular heartbeat, and death% /evere depression and reduced energy often acco pany withdrawal%

.oth short' and long'ter use of cocaine has been associated with da age to the heart, the brain, the lung, and the kidneys%

"eroin 3also known as s ack, horse4, "eroin use continues to increase% A 166= *ational "ousehold /urvey on Drug Abuse indicated 7%4 illion A ericans used heroin, including =1,000 new users in 166;% :fficials see increased use ainly a ong people younger than 7> years, often wo en% #n 166;, =;? of heroin users were younger than 7> years, co pared to >1? in 1667%

!ffects of heroin intoxication include drowsiness, pleasure, and slowed breathing% (ithdrawal can be intense and can include vo iting, abdo inal cra ps, diarrhea, confusion, aches, and sweating% :verdose ay result in death fro decreased breathing% .ecause heroin is usually in$ected, often with dirty needles, use of the drug can trigger other health co plications including destruction of your heart valves, "#V@A#D/, infections, tetanus, and botulis %

&etha pheta ines 3also known as eth, crank, ice, speed, crystal4, 5se of this drug also has increased, especially in the (est% &etha pheta ine is a powerful sti ulant that increases alertness, decreases appetite, and gives a sensation of pleasure%

+he drug can be in$ected, snorted, s oked, or eaten% #t shares any of the sa e toxic effects as cocaine'heart attacks, dangerously high blood pressure, and stroke% (ithdrawal often causes depression, abdo inal cra ps, and increased appetite% :ther long'ter effects include paranoia, hallucinations, weight loss, destruction of teeth, and heart da age%

9lub drugs, +he club scene and rave parties have populari)ed an assort ent of other drugs% &any young people believe these drugs are har less or even healthy% +hese are the ore popular club drugs%

!cstasy 3also called &D&A, Ada , /+-4, +his is a sti ulant and hallucinogen used to i prove ood and to aintain energy, often for all'night dance parties% Aong'ter use ay cause da age to the brain<s ability to regulate sleep, pain, e ory, and e otions% B". 3also called AiCuid D+9, B, blue nitro4, :nce sold at health food stores, B".<s effects are related to dose% !ffects range fro ild relaxation to co a or death% B". is often used as a date'rape drug because it is tasteless, colorless, and acts as a powerful sedative% Rohypnol 3also called roofies, roche4, +his is another sedative that can be used as a date'rape drug% !ffects include low blood pressure, di))iness, abdo inal cra ps, confusion, and i paired e ory% Eeta ine 3also called /pecial E, E4, +his is an anesthetic that can be taken orally or in$ected% Eeta ine 3Eetalar4 can i pair e ory and attention%

"igher doses can cause a nesia, paranoia and hallucinations, depression, and difficulty breathing%

A/D 3also called acid, icrodot4 and ushroo s 3also called shroo s, agic ushroo s, peyote, buttons4, -opular in the 16>0s, A/D has been revived in the club scene% A/D and hallucinogenic ushroo s can cause hallucinations, nu bness, nausea, and increased heart rate% Aong'ter effects include unwanted 2flashbacks2 and psychosis 3hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and ood disturbances4% -9- 3also known as angel dust, hog, love boat4, -9- is a powerful anesthetic used in veterinary edicine% #ts effects are si ilar to those of keta ine but often stronger% +he anesthetic effects are so strong that you can break your ar but not feel any pain% 5sually, tobacco or ari$uana cigarettes are dipped into -9- and then s oked%

Inhalants (#itrous )xide, *myl #itrite, +utyl #itrite, Chlorohydrocarbons, &ydrocarbons, 'mmediate effects of inhalants include nausea, snee-ing, coughing, nosebleeds, fatigue, lack of coordination, and loss of appetite. Solvents and aerosol sprays also decrease the heart and respiratory rates and impair $udgment. *myl and butyl nitrite cause rapid pulse, headaches, and involuntary passing of urine and feces. Long term use may result in hepatitis or brain damage. .eeply inhaling vapors, or using large amounts over a short time, may result in disorientation, violent behavior, unconsciousness, or death. &igh concentrations of inhalants can cause suffocation by displacing oxygen in lungs. Long term use can cause !eight loss, fatigue, electrolyte imbalance, muscle fatigue, and permanent damage to the nervous system.

Depressants 3.arbituates, &ethaCualone, +ranCuili)ers4 / all a ounts can produce cal ness and relaxed uscles, but so ewhat larger doses can cause slurred speech, staggering gait, and altered perception% Aarge doses can cause respiratory depression, co a, and death% 9o bination of depressants and alcohol can ultiply effects of the drugs, thereby ultiplying risks% .abies born to others who abuse depressants during pregnancy ay be physically dependent on the drugs and show withdrawal sy pto s shortly after birth% .irth defects and behavioral proble s ay also result% +he use of depressants can cause both physical and psychological dependence% Hallucinogens 3-9-, A/D, &escaline, -eyote, -silocybin4 -hencyclidine 3-9-4 interrupts the functions of the neocortex, the section of the brain that controls intellect and instinct% -9- blocks pain receptors, and users can have violent -9- episodes resulting in self'inflicted in$uries% Aysergic acid diethyla ide 3A/D4, escaline, and psilocybin cause illusions and hallucinations% +he physical effects ay include dilated pupils, elevated body te perature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, and tre ors% Narcotics 3"eroin, &ethadone, 9odeine, &orphine, &eperidine, :piu 4 *arcotics initially produce a feeling of euphoria that often is followed by drowsiness, nausea, and vo iting% 5sers ay experience constricted pupils, watery eyes and itching% :verdoses

ay produce respiratory depression, cla y skin, convulsions, co a and death% Addiction in pregnant wo en can lead to pre ature, stillborn, or addicted infants who experience severe withdrawal sy pto s% 5se of narcotics can cause physical and psychological dependence% Anbolic Steroids /teroid users sub$ect the selves to ore than ;0 side effects, ranging in severity fro acne to liver cancer, including psychological as well as physical reactions% +he liver and cardio' vascular and reproductive syste s are ost seriously affected by use% #n ales, use can cause withered testicles, sterility, and i potence% #n fe ales, irreversible asculine traits can develop along with breast reduction and sterility% -sychological effects in both sexes include very aggressive behavior, known as 2roid rage2, and depression% (hile so e side affects appear Cuickly, others, such as heart attacks and strokes, ay not show up for years% Designer Drugs

Substance Abuse Causes

5se and abuse of substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs ay begin in childhood or the teen years% 9ertain risk factors ay increase so eone<s likelihood to abuse substances%

Factors within a fa ily that influence a child<s early develop ent have been shown to be related to increased risk of drug abuse%
o o o

9haotic ho e environ ent #neffective parenting Aack of nurturing and parental attach ent ay also increase risk of

Factors related to a child<s sociali)ation outside the fa ily drug abuse%

o o o o o

#nappropriately aggressive or shy behavior in the classroo -oor social coping skills -oor school perfor ance Association with a deviant peer group -erception of approval of drug use behavior

Substance Abuse Symptoms

Friends and fa ily ay be a ong the first to recogni)e the signs of substance abuse% !arly recognition increases chances for successful treat ent% /igns to watch for include the following,

Biving up past activities such as sports, ho ework, or hanging out with new friends Declining grades Aggressiveness and irritability Forgetfulness Disappearing oney or valuables

Feeling rundown, hopeless, depressed, or even suicidal /ounding selfish and not caring about others 5se of roo deodori)ers and incense

-araphernalia such as baggies, s all boxes, pipes, and rolling paper Betting drunk or high on drugs on a regular basis Aying, particularly about how uch alcohol or other drugs he or she is using

Avoiding friends or fa ily in order to get drunk or high -lanning drinking in advance, hiding alcohol, drinking or using other drugs alone "aving to drink ore to get the sa e high

.elieving that in order to have fun you need to drink or use other drugs FreCuent hangovers -ressuring others to drink or use other drugs +aking risks, including sexual risks "aving 2blackouts2'forgetting what he or she did the night before 9onstantly talking about drinking or using other drugs Betting in trouble with the law Drinking and driving /uspension fro school or work for an alcohol or drug'related incident

Substance Abuse Treatment Medical Treatment

&ost substances abusers believe they can stop using drugs on their own, but a a$ority who try do not succeed% Research shows that long'ter drug use alters brain function and strengthens co pulsions to use drugs% +his craving continues even after your drug use stops% .ecause of these ongoing cravings, the ost i portant co ponent of treat ent is preventing relapse% +reating substance abuse depends on both the person and the substance being used% .ehavioral treat ent provides you with strategies to cope with your drug cravings and ways to avoid relapse% Gour doctor ay prescribe edications, such as nicotine patches and ethadone, to control withdrawal sy pto s and drug cravings% :ften, a drug user has an underlying ental disorder, one that increases risk for substance abuse% /uch disorders ust be treated edically and through counseling along with the drug abuse%

Next Steps Prevention

/ubstance abuse ay start in childhood or adolescence% Abuse prevention efforts in schools and co unity settings now focus on school'age groups% -rogra s seek to increase co unication between parents and their children, to teach resistance skills, and to correct children<s isperceptions about cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs and the conseCuences of their use% &ost i portantly, officials seek to develop, through education and the edia, an environ ent of social disapproval fro children<s peers and fa ilies%

Costs to society #n 1667, officials esti ated that alcohol and drug abuse in the 5/ cost 074> billion% +hat figure did not include the health care costs related to tobacco%

9ri e, &ore than half the econo ic cost of alcohol and drugs is due to cri e% A substance abuser is 1= ti es ore likely to be involved in cri inal activity than so eone in the general population% &any violent cri es have been linked to the ind'altering effects of drugs% /ubstance abusers often co it thefts to support their drug habits% Drugs and alcohol have been linked to do estic violence and sexual assault% At colleges, ;8? of date rapes are alcohol'related% A ong $ailed sex offenders, 4H? say they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the ti e of their cri e% Disease, &ost abused substances have har ful health effects% For so e substances, such as tobacco, effects are caused by long'ter use% For other drugs, a single use can cause significant disease% .ehavior, #n addition to their direct effects on health, drugs produce other indirect effects% &any drugs lessen inhibitions and increase the likelihood that a person will participate in risky behavior% /tudies show that the use of alcohol and drugs a ong teenagers increases chances for teen pregnancy and contracting "#V@A#D/ or other

sexually trans itted diseases% Any in$ected drug is associated with contracting "#V@A#D/ and hepatitis . and 9%

+rau a, 5p to ;8? of in$ured people treated at e ergency depart ents test positive for illicit or prescription drugs% Alcohol is strongly associated with both intentional and unintentional in$ury% Drug use also puts people at risk of violence% *early half of assault victi s are cocaine users%

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