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1his publicalion was supporlod by lho Auslrian lodoral Chancollory (KA) from lunds for
Cooporalion wilh Conlral and Laslorn Luropoan Counlrios.
1his pro|ocl was mado possiblo wilh granls from: PHAkL Domocracy Programmo of lho
Luropoan Commission, Luropoan Commission Program lo Supporl Domocracy and lho
Poaco Procoss in lho kopublics of lho lormor ugoslavia.
1ho Council of Luropo conlribulod funding lo lhis pro|ocl in Albania and Croalia.
1ho Unilod Slalos lnslilulo of Poaco (USlP) conlribulod lo lho pro|ocl in Slovonia.
1ho Opon Socioly lnslilulo (OSl) supporlod lho parlicipalion of Grook Holsinki Monilor in
lhis pro|ocl.
Copios availablo from:
1ho lnlornalional Holsinki lodoralion for Human kighls
kummolhardlgasso 2/18, 1090 Vionna, Auslria
1ol: (43-1) 402-73-87 or 408-88-22, lax: (43-1) 408-74-44
Grook Holsinki Monilor
P.O.ox S1393, Gk-14S10 Kifisia, Grooco
1ol: (30-1) 620-01-20, lax: (30-1) 807-S7-67
1his publicalion is also availablo in lho wob silo hllp://
lSN: 960-86206-0-0
1998 by lho lnlornalional Holsinki lodoralion for Human kighls (lHl)
All righls rosorvod
ncr|cnc |cn|cvc
'ncfc spcccn' |n fnc cc||cns
!|e lnletnal|ona| /e|s|n|| /eJetal|on |ot /uman k|g|ls (l//
fcc|c cr ccnfcnfs
Profaco Aaton k|oJes ................................................................................................. S
Parl l : Gonoral Prosonlalion ....................................................................................... 7
lnlroduclion /anajole /||as D|m|ltas ........................................................................... 8
'Halo Spooch': (ko)Producing lho Opposilion olwoon lho Nalional Solf
and lho 'Olhors' /a|s||a /aan||o|alos ....................................................................... 10
Parl ll : Summarios of Nalional koporls Mat|ana /en|ota ............................................ 29
koporling on lho Moniloring of 'Halo Spooch' in lho alkan kogion ............................ 30
Albania ....................................................................................................................... 31
osnia ......................................................................................................................... 3S
ulgaria ...................................................................................................................... 36
Croalia ........................................................................................................................ 39
Grooco ........................................................................................................................ 43
Spocial Soclion: 1ho lmia/Kardak slory ........................................................................ 6S
p 1ho Apolhoosis of Halo Spooch: 1ho Noar-Succoss of (Grook and 1urkish)
Modia in Launching War /anajole /||as D|m|ltas ................................................... 6S
p 1ho Grook-1urkish lmia/Kardak Crisis in Dalos vas||||| /eo|ol|slos ..................... 69
p 1ho Grook Modia on lho lmia/Kardak Conflicl vas||||| /eo|ol|slos .......................... 71
p 1ho 1urkish Modia on lho lmia/Kardak Conflicl /et|al /enle| ................................ 77
Kosovo ....................................................................................................................... 81
Macodonia .................................................................................................................. 84
Monlonogro ................................................................................................................ 86
komania ..................................................................................................................... 88
Sorbia ......................................................................................................................... 96
Slovonia ...................................................................................................................... 108
Appondicos ................................................................................................................. 109
Modia Monilorod ....................................................................................................... 110
1ho Modia Scono in lho alkans in 199S Mat|ana /en|ota ........................................... 116
Conlribulors lo lhis Volumo ....................................................................................... 124
Conlribulors lo lho Pro|ocl
'Modia lroodoms and Halo Spooch in lho alkans 199S-6' ......................................... 12S
1ho rolo of lho modia -a common concorn of modia in lho Wosl- is nol yol woll-oxplorod
allhough shamofully abusod in posl-lolalilarian sociolios, somo of which aro slill loss
posl lhan lolalilarian. ul givon ospocially lho woll-documonlod rolalionship bolwoon
olhnically-molivalod slaughlor in lho lormor ugoslavia and modia propaganda, o.g. by
Mark 1hompson in /otg|ng wat (London: Arliclo 19,1994), lho lopic has bocomo an
imporlanl ono lo human righls organizalions liko lho lHl lhal sook nol only lo roporl on
human righls violalions bul also lo promolo, al lho local lovol, lho polilical and moral
valuos lhal supporl lho rospocl for human righls.
1ho nolion of a lransnalional modia-moniloring pro|ocl basod in lho alkan Holsinki
Commilloos, focusing on lho problom of halo spooch, omorgod in lho lHl Socrolarial in
1993, lhanks largoly lo lho offorls of Lisolollo Loichl. ll look considorablo limo lo dovolop il
fully and lo pul logolhor a funding slrucluro lhal would allow us lo supporl lhis work in
olovon difforonl counlrios or provincos. 1ho lHl is dooply graloful lo lhoso sponsors,
which includo lho PHAkL Domocracy Programmo of lho Luropoan Commission, lho LU's
program lo Supporl Domocracy and lho Poaco Procoss in lho kopublics of lho lormor
ugoslavia, lho Council of Luropo, lho Auslrian lodoral Chancollor's Offico (which mado
possiblo lho publicalion of lhis volumo), and lho Unilod Slalos lnslilulo of Poaco. 1ho
Grook pro|ocl parlnor was supporlod by a granl from lho Opon Socioly lnslilulo (OSl).
Wo aro also graloful lo lho Holsinki Commilloos and olhor NGOs lhal look parl, and
ospocially lo lho colloaguos in Grook Holsinki Monilor who look on lho challonging lask of
dislilling lho nalional roporls and analyzing lhoir conlonls, and wriling lhis roporl. l also
wish lo acknowlodgo wilh lhanks lho offorls of 1horoso Nolson, whoso porlfolio as Logal
Counsol includod managomonl of lho pro|ocl, Dardan Gashi, who assislod as a
Consullanl, and Sylvia Hordosch. ln lho lallor phasos of lho pro|ocl, rigillo Dufour, Logal
Counsol, }onnifor Lincoln-Lowis, kosoarchor, and David 1hoil, linancial Officor havo all
workod hard lo adminislor lhis complicalod pro|ocl.
Whilo our roason for organizing lhis pro|ocl was lo gonoralo documonlalion by giving civil
human righls organizalions lho moans and a framowork wilhin which lo monilor halo
spooch in lho modia, our ullimalo goal is moro ambilious. 1ho rosull of our work is moro
lhan a rocord of halo spooch. ll is a mirror roflocling lho kinds of idoas and foolings lhal aro
oxprossod in halo spooch, and lhoir cullural and hislorical conloxl. Allhough lranslalod inlo
and lhus in a sonso homogonizod inlo lho Lnglish languago, lhis roporl convoys lho laslo,
lho loxluro, lho inlorior moods of lho languago lhal incilos racial and olhnic violonco, lho
ro|oclion of inlornalional human righls slandards, and conlribulos lo violalions of human
righls in lho alkans.
ln conslrucling lhis mirror, which is of courso nol a largo or porfocl ono, wo invilo nol only
our colloaguos in lho alkan modia bul all mombors of our sociolios lo lako a hard look.
Halo spooch in lho modia inspiros olhnic halrod and pro|udico, bul also foods upon lhoir
prosonco among lho populalion, lho modia markol. lf lho consumors of lho modia
ro|ocl halo spooch, il will rocodo. lf profossional |ournalisls dislinguish bolwoon facl and
opinion, and indood acl profossionally by ro|ocling lho rolo of conduils for nalionalislic
halo spooch, human righls and poaco will havo a bollor chanco ovorywhoro.
Aaron khodos
Lxoculivo Diroclor
lnlornalional Holsinki lodoralion for Human kighls
pcrf |
genero| presentot|on
pcncycfc c||cs U|n|frcs
ncrs||c pcpcn||c|cfcs
1ho wars of lho 1990s i n lho formor
ugoslav ropublics shook Luropoan public
opinion. ll was lhoughl lhal, sinco World
War ll, only 'lhird world' counlrios and/or
aulhori lari an rogi mos woro barbari c
onough lo rosorl lo violonco lo solvo lhoir
probl oms, Luropoan counlri os woro
lhoughl lo bo oxompl from such savagory.
1hon camo lho ugoslav crisis, and lho
Wosl woko up lo a droadful roalily.
Nol only was war usod lo (ro)dofino lho
posl-ugoslav configuralion of lhal parl of
Soulhoaslorn Luropo, il was supplomonlod
by alroci li os agai nsl non-combalanls
(rapo, olhnic cloansing, olc.), which lho
'civilizod' Wosl lhoughl woro no longor
possiblo. 1ho bowildorod public opinion
had forgollon -lo bo moro accuralo, lho
opinion makors had choson lo mako lho
publics forgol- lhal all lhoso oxcossos had
boon lho 'lrado mark' of lho 'olhor alkan
wars' of lho oarly 1910s, foughl wilh a
similar aim - dofinilion of lho posl-Olloman
configuralion in lho rogion. ln facl, in an
inlorosling comparison wilh lho roconl
alkan crisis, lho olhnic cloansing al lho
li mo was proci pi lalod, i f nol oulri ghl
moli valod, by lho Groal Powors' i l l -
concoi vod schomo lo 'manago' lho
Macodonian problom following lho llindon
uprising. 1hrough il, lhoy had callod for
olhnically homogonoous adminislralivo
rogi ons lo bo drawn wi lhi n lho ai l i ng
Olloman Lmpiro.
Alrocilios al lho mass lovol, lhough, cannol
happon unl oss lho massos aro
approprialoly molivalod. lor a ulgarian lo
bulchor a Grook, or for a Grook lo rapo a
1urk -whilo bolh foll lhal lhoy woro lhus
carrying oul lhoir 'nalional duly'- lhoso
pooplos had lo bo indoclrinalod lo 'lovo lo
halo and halo lo lovo' lhoir onomios, which
in mosl casos moanl all lhoir noighbor
nalions or compoling olhnic groups. ln
facl, from lho oarly days of modorn nalion
formalion in lho rogion (oarly 19lh conlury)
lo lhis vory day, lhoro has boon an almosl
syslomalic will lo rofuso lho oxislonco of
lho noi ghbor nali on i n lho al kan
poninsula. 1ho lllyrianisl movomonl in ils
Pan-Croali an form (19lh conlury)
considorod all Soulhorn Slavs as Croals. ll
was rociprocalod (in lho 20lh conlury) by a
donial of lho oxislonco of soparalo Croal
and Slovono idonlilios by Pan-Sorbian
nalionalisls liko lho inlor-war kadicals.
Likowiso, lho ulgarian dislincl nalion was
challongod by Croals, Sorbs and Grooks.
Sorbi an nali onal i sm al so consi dorod
Albanians 'losl Sorbs', who had bocomo
'savagos', and 'lhoir nalionalism was lho
producl of Auslrian and llalian inlriguo'.
1ho l allor vi ow was sharod by Grook
nali onal i sls loo, who conloslod lho
oxi slonco of a soparalo, non-Grook
Albanian nalion. Nalurally, lho irrodonlisl
Croal and, ospocially, Sorbian nalionalism
had no room for lho osnians, domoanod
as 'Asi ans, unslabl o, porvorlod' olc.
Likowiso, Sorbs, ulgarians and Grooks
havo novor como lo lorms wi lh lho
prosonco of cul lural l y di sli ncl
Macodonians and Vlahs in lho aroa. 1ho
Macodonians havo boon considorod as
'Soulhorn Sorbs' by lho Sorbs, 'Woslorn
ul gari ans' by lho ul gari ans, and
'Slavophono Grooks' by lho Grooks, who in
lho 1990s havo rogul arl y cal l od lho
kopublic of Macodonia wilh lho domoaning
namo 'a Skop| an slalol ol' and i ls
inhabilanls - 'Gypsy-Skop|ans', 'alkan
Gypsios', 'Skop|an Vlahs'. On lho olhor
hand, lho word 'Vl ah' has oflon had a
po|oralivo moaning among Croals and
Al bani ans (dorogalory for Sorbs) and
Grooks (moaning 'coarso').
Only whon lho wars in formor ugoslavia
roachod lhoir hoighl did many pooplo
di scovor lhal si mi l ar syslomali c
doprocalion of lho (polonlial) onomy had
boon in lho workings of lho mass modia of
lho -slill supposodly cooxisling- Croalian
and Sorbian fodoral ropublics. So, lho
Croals and lho Sorbs, woro condilionod lo
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
'romombor' whal lhoy had boon lold lo
'forgol' undor 1ilo, i.o. lho Uslasha and
Cholnik alrocilios in World War ll. 1hoy
had lhon boon 'informod' lhal such aclions
slarlod boing ropoalod, and woro lhus
roady for lho firsl 'hol war' in posl-World
War ll Luropo.
1ho problom has nol boon confinod only lo
lhoso lwo counlri os. 1hroughoul lho
alkan rogion, lho modia aro producing
such 'halo spooch', lhal lho publics aro
boing condilionod lo supporl any now
conflicl lhal may ariso. Public opinion
polls, in facl, indicalo lhal lhoro is hardly
any poopl o i n lho aroa whi ch has
widosproad posilivo foolings for any of ils
noighbors, as lhoy almosl all havo, for
oxamplo, for many Wosl Luropoan pooplos.
1his widosproad alarming lrond in lho
alkan modia lod lho lnlornalional Holsinki
lodorali on for Human ki ghls (lHl) lo
launch ils porhaps mosl ambilious rogional
program lo dalo: moniloring (bolwoon
Augusl 199S - May 1996) lho 'halo spooch'
producod by lho modia in all counlrios of
lho rogi on. 1ho lHl ai mod nol onl y al
provi di ng lo lho oxlonl possi bl o a
comparablo dala basis in lhoso counlrios,
bul also al using il, or sooing il usod by all
olhor inloroslod individuals or inslilulions,
so as lo rai so awaronoss lo lhi s
phonomonon and ils consoquoncos on lho
way domocracy funclions in oach counlry,
as woll as on nalional and rogional socurily.
1ho shorl poriod of lho pro|ocl and lho
l argo numbor of loams i nvol vod
unavoidably lod lo unoqual rosulls: somo
counlry roporls woro moro oxlonsivo and
moro complolo lhan olhors, and lhis is
rofloclod in lho prosonlalion horo of lho
final roporl proparod by a rosoarch loam of
Grook Holsinki Monilor (GHM).
Nafsika Papanikolalos oxplains lho roasons
of 'halo spooch' and summarizos ils main
londoncios in lho rogion, whilo Mariana
Lonkova givos summarios of lho counlry
roporls mado availablo lo hor, whilo sho
has also boon rosponsiblo for lho odiling of
lho book. ln lho counlry roporls, wo havo
i nsorlod a spoci al socli on on lho
lmia/Kardak crisis bolwoon Grooco and
(nol includod in lho pro|ocl) 1urkoy whoro
nol only was 'halo spooch' abundanl bul
lho modi a pl ayod a cruci al rol o i n lho
dovolopmonl of lho crisis: lhoro wo havo
boon abl o lo al so roproduco a rol alod
prosonlalion of lho 1urkish modia covorago
of lho crisis. Wo aro graloful lo our 1urkish
colloaguo lorhal Konlol who graciously
allowod roproduclion of his analysis horo,
lo Adamanli a Pal i di s who di l i gonll y
assislod lho GHM rosoarch loam lo carry
oul lho challonging lask of wriling lhis
roporl, and lo lho Opon Socioly lnslilulo
(udaposl) for ils suslainod supporl lo lho
work of GHM lhal has mado possiblo lho
undorlaking of pro|ocls liko lhis ono.
Panayolo Llias Dimilras
Grook Holsinki Monilor
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
bate speecb': (re)producing tbe
opposition between tbe nationaI
seIf and tbe otbers
na|s||a aan||o|alos
ln an oxcollonl sludy of hislory, goography
and languago schoolbooks, a group of
Grook social scionlisls concludod lhal lho
ori gi nal sourco whi ch makos poopl o
suscopli bl o lo nali onal i sm, lo lho
aulhorilarian monlalily and, lhoroforo, lo
'halo spooch', is oducalion. ln modorn
sociolios lho fundamonlal mochanism of
cullural homogonizalion in lho shaping of
a colloclivo nalional idonlily is providod
by lho inslilulion of oducalion
. Nol all
porsons aro proparod lo accopl or ovon aro
ablo lo communicalo in a languago which
may bo comparod lo Goorgo Orwoll's
1984, callod nowspoak. Novorlholoss,
wo musl rocognizo lhal nol all pooplo aro
ablo lo dofond lhomsolvos from bocoming
condilionod lo concoplualizo lho world
around lhom in languislic imagos which
violalo lho principlos of liborly, oqualily,
solidarily and human dignily. A languago of
a limilod vocabulary which pormils ono lo
gol rid of lho ambiguily and lho uncorlainly
in human cooxislonco and communicalion.
1his is achiovod lhrough lho uso of vory
proci so di scri mi nalory and sol ocli vo
vocabul ary whi ch lri os lo l ogi li mi zo
nogalivo lhinking aboul all lhoso who aro
nol us, lhoso who aro lho olhors. 'Halo
spooch' as wo lry lo show in lho oxamplos
usod in lhis roporl is limilod procisoly lo
such a languago. 1his languago in facl
roflocls lho lypo of nalional idonlily a
pooplo dovolops, lho lovol of cullural,
olhni c, rol i gi ous homogonoi ly lhal i s
cullivalod in ordor for lho nalional ]solf^ lo
provo i ls uni quonoss i n rol ali on and
conlradislinclion lo olhor nalions. As il is
oxplainod in lho rosoarch conduclod by lho
Grook scionlisls, doscribing nalional
i donli ly moans al so doscri bi ng and
ovalualing lho 'olhors'. 1his is why, as lhis
sludy of Grook primary schoolbooks lolls
us, a slruclural olomonl of a nalional
idonlily is lho oxislonco of lho 'olhor'.
Nalional idonlily is lhus shapod lhrough a
doubl o procoss: slrucluri ng and
di fforonli ali ng, of i ncorporali on and
oxclusion. 1ho procoss of conslrucling
lho wo in opposilion lo lho olhors, as
i l i s oxpl ai nod, roqui ros archai c
oporalions which ulilizo rudimonlary
gonoral i zali ons, funcli oni ng as crudo
moans of dolachmonl which will lalor
provido lho basis for opposilion.
roligious and linguislic sloroolypos aro
among lho mosl visiblo oxamplos of 'halo
spooch' lhal funcli on as moans of
difforonlialion and oxclusion in lho procoss
of nalional idonlily formalion.
'Halo spooch' is a momonl in lho procoss
of formi ng nali onal i donli li os and i ls
inlonsily varios doponding on hislorical,
social and polilical circumslancos which
may provido lho condilions for oslablishing
a moro or loss inflalod nalional solf as
againsl lho olhors. lor oxamplo, a highly
homogonoous idoa of lho nalion providos
always groalor nood for 'halo spooch'
roproducli on lo mai nlai n lhal homo-
gonoily, on lho conlrary, a nalional solf
which inlogralos lo a lossor or groalor
dogroo lho olhors wilhoul nogaling
lhom, roquiros, of courso, loss lho aid of
'halo spooch' lo mai nlai n a dogroo of
idonlily . Wo will nol lry lo oxplain horo
why in somo counlrios hislorically 'halo
spooch' (ro)producli on has boon l oss
ossonlial lho opposilion of lho nalional
'solf' and lho 'olhors'.
ll is imporlanl lo roovalualo 'halo spooch'
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
lrangoudaki, Anna and 1halia Dragona, ods. w|al |s out |al|et|anJ? /l|nocenlt|sm |n
eJucal|on, Aloxandria publicalions, 1997 (in Grook), pp.12-13 & 2S.
l||J pp.14-16.
(ro)producli on i n lho modi a, and
parlicularly in rospocl lo lho vory idoa of
froodom and pluralism in lho modia. ln
olhor words, i l i s nocossary whon wo
inlorprol 'halo spooch' in lho conloxl of
nalional idonlily formalion, lo ovalualo lho
condilions wilhin which il dovolops. 1ho
condilions of froodom in lhal parlicular
counlry and lho nolion of froodom which
dovolops in lho conloxl of 'halo spooch' as
an ossonlial momonl in lho formalion of
lho nalional 'solf'. 1ho nalional idonlily
lhal was (ro)producod by lho oducalional
procoss and lho 'halo spooch' which il
roquiros is mosl oflon roproducod and
propagalod by lho modia. 1his is why il is
nocossary lo oxamino lho modia crilically
as convoyors of an opon and lol oranl
nalional consciousnoss or a dofonsivo,
non-loloranl and honco aggrossivo nalional
consciousnoss. ll is imporlanl lo add lhal
whilo lolalilarian sociolios may bo moro
viablo lo nalionalisl idoology and lhoroforo
lo 'halo spooch' vocabulary, procisoly
bocauso lhoy havo cullivalod and oxploilod
lo i ls l i mi ls lho us-agai nsl-lhom
novorlholoss, lhoy should nol
bo viowod as providing a monopoly in lho
(ro)produclion of 'halo spooch', or as il is
moro corroclly roforrod lo, lo lho lho
polilically corrocl languago(ibid.). As
sovoral roconl sludi os havo provon,
sociolios which havo nol gono lhrough a
lolalilarian procoss, bul on lho conlrary aro
rocognizod as boing domocralic, woro
found lo havo mass modia which provido
abundanl roporls usi ng 'halo spooch'
vocabulary. And, of courso, as lhis roporl
shows lho Grook modi a i s such an
oxamplo, which provos how much 'halo
spooch' is linkod lo lho conlinuous procoss
of nali onal sol f undorslandi ng.
(lrangoudaki) 1ho lovol of nalional solf
undorslanding lhal a socioly has roachod,
wholhor |ils] nalional idonlily is slrong
onough in a way lhal il doos nol roquiro lo
prolocl ilsolf dofonsivoly and is lhoroforo
sufficionlly loloranl, non-aggrossivo and
rospoclful of lho righl lo bo difforonl,
bo usually lracod by oxamining carofully
lho mossagos convoyod by lho modia.
Civil socioly in ordor lo dofond ilsolf from
lho (ro)producli on of i magos of an
olhnoconlric socioly by lho modia musl
roinvonl lho concopl of cilizonship. 1his
can bo achiovod by oducaling pooplo lo bo
loss loloranl lo 'halo spooch' roporling, lo
lho aulhori lari an londonci os of
olhnoconlric oducalion and culluro, which
mino individual and social rosponsibilily.
Civil socioly musl bocomo loss passivo and
uncrilical, as lho aulhors of lho abovo
sludy suggosl, lowards aulhorily and lho
gonoralors of mossagos. 1his of courso
suggosls lhal cilizons bogin lo parlicipalo
acli vol y and lako lhomsol vos lho
rosponsibilily of crilically oxamining whal
is convoyod lo lhom in lho namo of lho so
callod 'nalional inlorosl'. ln olhor words, as
lho parlicipanls in a roundlablo on lho
l anguago of halrod concl udod, i l i s
nocossary lhal lho nogalivo syslom of
valuos bo opposod by a posilivo ono basod
on loloranco. 1his can only bo a rosull of
promoling civil socioly and dovoloping
domocralic inslilulions.
Novorlholoss, il
musl bo nolod lhal lhi s cannol bo
oslablishod onco and for all, bul, as il has
boon provon ovon in Woslorn domocralic
sociolios, il is a procoss which oughl lo bo
conslanlly rogonoralod.
1. Den|a| o| ex|slence o| m|not|l|es ot eten
o| el|n|c|lj, sltess on |omogene|lj
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
Palrick Mooro , 1ho languago of halo, klL/kL, /ews||ne, Vol. 1, No. 16S, Parl ll, 21 1ho
roundlablo look placo on Novombor 1997 in Croalia
lrangoudaki ol al. o.c|l pp. 18-2S.
Mooro, 1ho languago of halo
Wo havo obsorvod lhal lho modia in lho
monilorod counlrios (ro)producod 'halo
spooch' wi lh di fforonl i nlonsi ly and,
lhoroforo, manifoslod il in difforonl ways.
Oflonlimos, lhoso manifoslalions can bo
inlorprolod and placod in moro lhan ono
dislincl group sinco il is vory hard lo draw
a slricl lino bolwoon lhal which may bo
dofi nod as doni al of oxi slonco, uso of
po| orali vo lorms, or nogali vo i magos,
allacks on aclivisls, NGOs or lho Wosl.
Casos aro inlorrolalod and lho samo romark
may bo inlorprolod lo bo moro lhan ono
manifoslalion of 'halo spooch'.
'Halo spooch' i n i ls mosl oxpl i ci l
manifoslalion, and al ils mosl inlonso lovol,
i s lho doni al of lho vory oxi slonco of
olhors as such wilhin lho bordors of a
parlicular slalo, lhal is, lho nogalion of lho
oxislonco of minorilios bo lhoy roligious,
cullural or olhnic onos. ln lhis caso lho
modia allompl lo slross lho imaginary
concopl of a fully homogonous socioly.
1ho nogalion of lho oxislonco of olhors
may al so go boyond lho bordors of a
parlicular slalo, which brings forlh lho
donial of lho oxislonco of corlain olhnic
idonlilios. lor oxamplo, lho Monlonogrin
modia, following lho official alliludo of lho
olgrado onos, aro highly hoslilo lowards
Croals, Musl i ms and Al bani ans. 1hoy
lhoroforo considor lho osnian nalion
non-ex| slenl, a| | Cal|o| | cs o|
Monlenegto |aro] Set|s, whi l o lho
Sl ovoni an modi a spoak of lho
S|oten|zal|on o| S|oten|a, which implios
i ls homogoni zali on si nco i l i s nol yol
considorod olhnically puro. 1ho Sorbian
modia aro ropoalodly boing sarcaslic aboul
lho /atce o| l|e 8osn| an nal| ona| | lj
i mpl yi ng lho non-oxi slonco of such a
nalional idonlily. 1ho Albanian modia dony
lho vory oxislonco of minorilios in Albania
and lhoy spoak of a comacl el|n|c slale.
ln Croali a lho modi a suggosl lhal lho
bordors bolwoon Croalia and Sorbia should
tema|n c|oseJ |ot l|e nexl 50 jeats, and
lhal a C||nese wa|| should |e etecleJ
|elween l|e lwo slales i n ordor lo
oslablish and prolocl lho homogonoous
nalion-slalo. Anolhor sourco wrilos of lho
ovonlual Ctoal|zal|on of Muslims and
Sorbs who havo nol lofl Croalia. ln Grooco
lho modi a lry ropoalodl y lo dony lho
oxislonco of a Macodonian olhnic minorily
or lho oxislonco of a dislincl Macodonian
nalion, which lhoy call a conlemotatj
accom||s|menl o| l|e Amet|cans anJ
l|e|t /||||nos. osidos, lhoy also quoslion
lho crodi bi l i ly of al l i nlornali onal
organizalions' and U.S. Doparlmonl of
Slalo roporls on human ri ghls whi ch
monlion lho prosonco of minorilios in
Grooco and which aro labolod as 'anli-
Grook hysloria'. Al lho samo limo, lho
modia roproduco lho nalional idoology of
lho non-oxislonco of a 1urkish minorily in
Grooco, sinco, lho lallor is rocognizod only
as a roligious minorily (Muslims).
2. /egal| te | mages o| |ote| gn 8a| |an
Anolhor manifoslalion of 'halo spooch' aro
nalional, roligious, linguislic and olhor
sloroolypos. Whilo in lhis caso il is nol a
quosli on of donyi ng lho oxi slonco of
olhors, whal wo havo aro doprocalory
doscriplions in ordor lo minimizo or ovon
lo dobaso and humilialo lhom lo such a
dogroo so lhal lho non-rocognilion of lhoir
rospoclivo righls and lhoir lroalmonl as
non-boings is '|uslifiod'. 1hrough such
nogalivo imagos of lho olhors, lho modia
funcli on as mochani sms whi ch
difforonlialo and oxcludo lho olhors and
lhus parlicipalo along wilh lho dominanl
oducalional inslilulions in lho produclion
and roproducli on of lho i mago of lho
nali onal sol f, lho domi nanl nali onal
idonlily. Nogalion of lho olhors doos nol
always work diroclly, il may go lhrough a
di sproporli onal prosonlali on of lho
nali onal sol f as supori or lo al l olhors,
which as a logical consoquonco '|uslifios'
in lho oyos of lho gonoral public opinion
lho inforiorily of all olhors. ll is imporlanl
lo nolo lhal all po|oralivo lorms usod by
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
lho modia may havo mulliplo moanings
doponding on whon and whoro lhoy aro
usod. 1ho significanco musl bo soughl
always in lho hislorical and sociopolilical
conloxl wi lhi n whi ch sloroolypos aro
1ho Monlonogrin modia, for oxamplo, may
uso Uslas|as bolh as a po|oralivo namo
for Croals and in laboling indopondonco-
orionlod Monlonogrins. Llsowhoro, in lho
samo modia, Mus||ms in gonoral aro
pro| oclod as havi ng a s| ate all| luJe
lowatJs GoJ, whilo lho Sara|ovo Muslims
aro callod Muja|eJ|ns or ovon Mus||m
lettot|sls. 1ho po|oralivo lorm wo find
mosl oflon for lho Albanians in lho modia
is S||lats who nol on|j wete una||e lo
| | te | n eace w| l| l|e Set|s anJ l|e
MaceJon|ans in lho lk bul eten J|s|||e
l|e 5/ Cal|o| | c m| not| lj o| l|e| t
ln lho Sl ovoni an modi a, whi ch aro
oxlromol y sonsi li vo lowards foroi gn
rosidonls in Slovonia, ospocially lhoso
coming from formor ugoslavia, wo oflon
find po|oralivo and anli-Sorb characloriza-
lions: w|aletet jou g|te l|em |lho Sorbs],
l|ej w||| nol |e sal|s||eJ. !||s |s a |og|c
w|| c| | s go| ng lo slo on| j w|en |lho
Sorbian boasl] gels |l on |ls ||ngets, or,
ol sowhoro, Dtagana w| | | nol weat a
C|eln|| un||otm. Anolhor oxamplo of
po|oralivo languago againsl a pooplo as a
colloclivily is lho ono oflon usod by lho
modia in Kosovo: l|e USA anJ Getmanj
ate || nanc| ng Uslas| |po| orali vo for
Croalian] m|||lanls. 1ho komanian modia,
in lurn, rofor wilh pronouncod hoslilily
lowards lho Hungarian minorily, ospocially
lowards ils parly (UDMk). Many of lhom
aro also oponly anli-Somilic: ls /ungatj
/utoes c|ee|j gjsj? or, /ungat|sm - a
|ag o| tenom on /utoes |oJj and
ovon,lesus was ctuc|||eJ |j l|e lews |n 6
|outs, koman| a was ctuc| || eJ |j l|e
/ungat|ans |n 6 jeats .
1ho Sorbi an modi a havo an oponl y
acorbic alliludo lowards all formor
ugoslavs, which lhoy lry lo |uslify by
calling upon whal lhoy considor lhoir
i ngrali ludo and malori al i sm
Dorogalory words as bl ood lhi rsly
lorrorisls, soparalisls, olc. can bo found
quilo froquonlly. So lho pooplo of Zagrob
aro cal l od 8UkG//kS !/lkS!l/G
8/OOD |capilal in lho original], whilo
lhoro aro also roforoncos lo Ctoal neo-
|asc|sm, j||aJ|an Mus||m lettot|slsMus||m
lettot| sls | n Sanj a|. Soparali sl
Monlonogrins aro said lo havo pullod a
seatal|sl w||J s|ol whilo Croals, aro
po|oralivoly characlorizod as Uslashi.
1ho slaughlors o| |umans aro l|e ltaJe
mat| o| l|e uslas||. 8ol| o|J anJ joung.
Al lho samo limo, sinco lho Sorbian modia
aro oxlromol y sonsi li vo lowards lho
Albanians of Kosovo, as woll as lowards all
formor ugoslavs, lhoy inlimidalo and
lhroalon lho roadors wi lh i magos of a
mass| te sell| emenl |tom A| |an| a, a
Jemogta|| c ex| os| on anJ tessute
aga|nsl Set|s anJ Monlenegt|ns, in ordor
lo croalo an el|n|ca||j ute sace, l|al |s
conJ|l|ons to|l|ous |ot l|e emetgence o|
Gtealet A||an|a. S|m||at teasons, (... gotetn
l|e /ungat|an aul|ot|l|es anJ l|e ls|am|c
|unJamenla||sl lzel|egot|c.
1ho Macodonian pross on lho conlrary
bosidos using po|oralivo lorms lo doscribo
Grooks, ulgarians and Albanians, who aro
||ats J|s|onesl metc|anls olc., will
oflon undorlako lho bui l di ng up of a
nali onal i mago whi ch prosonls
Macodonians as boing suporior lo all of
lhoi r noi ghbors, who aro al so lhoi r
polonlial onomios: we |lho Macodonians]
|e|ong lo l|e mosl |nle|||genl nal|on |n l|e
wot|Jwe maJe l|e wot|J ||letale., we
ate numetous. !|ete ate 500,000
MaceJon|ans |n A||an|a, lwo m||||on |n
8u|gat|a, a m||||on |n Gteece(... nol lo
counl l|e D|asota.
A nogalivo alliludo lowards lho Albanian
immigranls in Grooco which has boon
oxprossod by a corlai n parl of Grook
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
socioly, oflon has load Albanian modia lo
bo parlicularly nogalivo lowards Grooco
and Grooks in gonoral. Similarly, lhoro is a
slrong londoncy lo bo nogalivo lowards
Sorbian pooplo in gonoral bocauso of lho
dolorioralion of lho condilions of lifo for
Al bani ans i n Kosovo. Such a nogali vo
prodisposilion in lho modia, which somo
limos may roflocl a corlain roalily, whilo il
can bo oxplainod il can nol bo |uslifiod.
Novorlholoss, wo considor oxomplary
casos of 'halo spooch' whon, as a
consoquonco, modia aro load lo colloclivo
gonoral i zali ons, nogali vo i magos of a
wholo pooplo. 1hus lho Albanian modia
prosonl modorn Grooks as boi ng
colloclivoly |ana| |n l|e|t s|jness and |n
etetj asecl |lhoy aro] l|e negal|te s|Je of
lho ancionl Grooks. 1ho modia also spoak
i roni cal l y of Grooco as l|e ctaJ| e o|
Jemoctacj, whi l o lho alli ludo of lho
Grook slalo in rospocl lo lho Albanian
immigranls is prosonlod as ljtann|ca|
and |at|at|an. Anolhor Albanian sourco
which lransmils a nogalivo imago of all
lhoso who do nol conform lo lho
nalional(isl) imagos of a colloclivily, lolls
us lhal il would provido somoono wilh
shollor according lo lhal porson's answor
lo lho following quoslions: /|tsl, || |e
|ales l|e /osoto A| |an| ans ot nol,
seconJ|j, || |e agtees l|al /osoto |s atl o|
A||an|a, l||tJ|j, || |e |s aga|nsl l|e ||ee|ng o|
A||an|ans |tom /osoto.
1ho Croalian modia prosonl wilhoul any
rosorvalions a vory colorful and oxplicilly
po|oralivo slalomonl mado by a roprosonl-
alivo of lho radical Croalian Domocralic
Union, who doscribos Sorbs as boing:
muc| s|otlet l|an Ctoals, w|l| sma||,
un|nle|||genl anJ con|c |eaJs anJ a|| l|e|t
com|exes anJ ct|mes l|ej comm|l ate l|e
tesu|l o| l|ose |js|ca| |ealutes. !|ete|ote,
l|e conc|us|on |s l|al Ctoals, as a suet|ot
tace, wou|J w|n |n l|e enJ. Llsowhoro,
lho Sorbi an poopl o, col l ocli vol y, aro
doscribod nogalivoly, for oxamplo, One
cannol ltusl l|e Set|s eten w|en l|ej
sea| l|e ltul|. l am g|aJ l|al l am nol a
Set|. Or po|oralivoly, !|e |ej S|ats, or
l|e|t |lho Sorbs'] te-||slot|c C|t|slmas.
1ho following oxcorpl sums up mosl of lho
nogali vo fool i ngs cul li valod by lho
Croalians againsl lho Sorbs ovon moro
oxplicilly: One cou|J as| l|e quesl|on
a|oul l|e |ale Set|s ctealeJ |ot l|emse|tes.
!|e |nsan|lj l|ej JemonsltaleJ, l|e naz|sm
l|ej ente| oeJ l|emse| tes | n, l|e
cowatJ|ce w||c| outeJ oul o| l|em, l|e
Jou||e-|aceJness w||c| aJotneJ l|em
|ol| |n l|mes o| wat anJ J||omacj, l|e
||es w|l| w||c| l|ej ta|seJ l|emse|tes,
l|e ||ooJ-l||tsl|ness |ot w||c| l|ej ta|se
l|emse|tes eten |n l|e|t ||letalute. On lho
olhor hand lho Croalian modia prosonl in
oqually po|oralivo lorms Macodonians as a
colloclivily: l|ej ate s|otl, Jat|, anJ
geneta||j gooJ-|ot-nol||ng ...nol esec|a||j
Grooks' oxlromoly suspicious alliludos
lowards 1urkoy havo lod lo lho produclion
of roporls on lho lallor counlry and ils
pooplo, which aro imprognalod by whal
may bo dofinod as a dofonsivo nalionalism
and an inflalod hysloria lhal characlorizo a
nalional solf which porcoivos ilsolf in a
slalo of insocurily and woaknoss. 1ho
Grook modia in lhal sonso funclion as
mochanisms for annihilaling, lhrough
vari ous forms of 'halo spooch' and
discrodilablo doscriplions lhoy omploy,
imaginary onomios. ln parl lho oxlromoly
nogalivo imago of 1urkoy and lho 1urks in
lho Grook modia can bo lracod far back lo
lho anlagoni sli c rol ali ons of lho lwo
counlrios, which havo dominalod lhoir
rospoclivo hislorios and havo lod lo lho
Grook imaginary conslrucl of 1urkoy as ils
olornal onomy lhroaloning ils lorrilorial
socurily and ovon ils cullural and roligious
homogonoily. koconl sludios havo shown
lhal lho froquonl prosonco of 'halo spooch'
in lho Grook modia may bo lracod lo lho
socioly's rolalionship wilh ils Ancionl pasl.
Also, lho Grook Orlhodox Church has
playod in lho pasl and conlinuos lo play, lo
a lossor dogroo, loday an imporlanl rolo in
lho dovol opmonl of modorn Grook
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
consciousnoss, a consciousnoss lhal fools
highly insocuro lowards olhor culluros and
roligions. ln facl ovory roligion difforonl
from Orlhodox Chrislianily is soon as
dangorous for lho nalion and ospocially for
lho Grook youlh.
1ho Grook modi a consonli ng lo lhi s
rolrogrossivo gonoral alliludo was lho only
Luropoan ono which wrolo suporlalivos
aboul lho couragoous Orlhodox Sorbs. ll
did il nol bocauso of an olhnic affilialion
lowards lhom bul slriclly bocauso of lho
sharing of common roligious valuos. 1hus
lho Grook modi a havo oxaggoralod
inlorprolalions of lho ugoslav war as
boing an allack by lho Calholic Church and
lslam againsl Orlhodoxy. 1his vicious
circlo of dofonsivo nalionalism producing
'halo spooch,' which in lurn producos
aggrossivo nalionalism lhal oflon loads lo
ovon moro inlonso 'halo spooch,' has nol
docroasod wilh Grooco's parlicipalion in
Luropoan inslilulions. Moroovor, Cyprus,
lho lmia/Kardak crisis, lho indopondonco
of Macodonia, and lho prosumod allack
againsl Orlhodoxy in lho conloxl of lho
war in ox-ugoslavia, havo all conlribulod
lo 'halo spooch.' 1ho lallor has bocomo
almosl unconlrollablo now, coming ovon
from modia which in lho pasl had avoidod
using such nogalivo sloroolypos. ln rospocl
lo lho lmia/Kardak crisis lho Grook modia
'oxpl oi lod' abundanll y lho word
totocal|on, which pormillod Grooco lo
porcoivo ilsolf as lho viclim whilo 1urks
woro viowod as lho aggrossors, honcoforlh
logilimizing all po|oralivo romarks aboul
lhom. Somo oxamplos: totocal|te acl|on
o| An|ata, totocal|on |tom l|e |anJ|ng
o| !ut||s| commanJos, unteceJenleJ
!ut||s| totocal|on |as] l|e !ut|s |aug||ng
anJ exc|ang|ng totocal|te jo|es temoteJ
l|e Gtee| ||ag, totocal|te m|ss|on
Jat|ng totocal|on. Grooco is doscribod
as boing |um|||aleJ, and lo mako suro
lhal lho mossago was rocoivod wo find
appoals lo hislory so lhal imagos from lho
pasl |uslify lho aclion which oughl lo bo
lakon in lho prosonl: !ut||s| ctescenl on
an |s|el o| outs, lm|a - l|e new Manz||etl
|ot /utoe. Po|oralivo doscriplions of lho
olhor, lho 1urkish pooplo colloclivoly,
aro usod gonorousl y, a fow oxampl os
suffico: ctoo|eJ !out|a|aJes, Memel|a,
sca| awags, || uslets, l|ugs o| l|e
teg| on, omn| totous, |otJes o|
|at|at|ans o| l|e /asl, As|an s|ajets,
|ulc|ets o| out teg|on. ln lho samo way
1urkoy was soon as: easletn |jena, Sa|a
Zou|ou or nurluring an As|an anJ ls|am|c
|at|at|sm. Anolhor inslanco of 'halo
spooch' roporli ng usi ng qui lo slrong
po|oralivo characlorizalions of lho olhors
in lho Grook modia can bo found whon
roading lho doscriplions of all lhoso who
opposod or quosli onod lho Sorbi an
aclivilios during lho war: wesletnets, |n
an aJm| ta|| e accotJance w| l| All| | a,
/|l|ets |e|ts, anJ l|e Mus||ms etetjw|ete,
massacte a eo|e - |eto o| l|e anl|-|asc|sl
sltugg|e anJ Jee|j C|t|sl|an.!, !|e new
|asc|sm |as Jec|JeJ lo w|e oul l|e |tol|et
Set||an eo|e, !|e Us|las|a -accotJ|ng
lo an o|J Set|- ate l|e gtealesl |asc|sls s|nce
l|e wot| J was maJe anJ so ate l|e
Amet|cans anJ Getmans w|o |e| l|em.
Using lho pasl lo |uslify lho inlorprolalion
of lho prosonl is a quilo common molhod
of Grook modia roporling: a mutJetous
/A!O oetal|on w||c| |as |een otJeteJ
|j l|e owet|u| o| ls|am, tengeance o| l|e
/uns |tom neo-|met|a||sl Getmanj, l|e
Us|las|a s|aug|letets o| Ctoal|a, aga|nsl
l|e lwo eo|es w|o JateJ |um|||ale l|e
Ax|s. !|e Gtee| anJ l|e Set||an
3. /egal|te |mages o| |mm|gtanls, te||g|ous
anJ el|n|c m|not|l|es
1ho nogali vo i magos lhal lho modi a
(ro)produco in ordor lo difforonlialo and
oxcludo lho olhors and confirm nalional
idonlily aro mosl oflon diroclod lowards
mi nori li os and i mmi granls. 1hus lho
groalosl viclims of 'halo spooch' aro olhnic,
roligious and linguislic minorilios, along
wi lh lho i mmi granls whoso prosonco
compols lho conslanl roaffirmalion of lho
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
dominanco of lho nalional idonlily. Whon
lho oxislonco of an olhnic minorily is nol
onliroly doniod, lho moans lo blur lho roal
slalo of affairs rolalod lo lho rocognilion of
oqual righls for ils mombors, is by allacking
i l i n po| orali vo lorms and col l ocli vo
gonoralizalions. koligious minorilios faco a
si mi l ar si luali on and lhoi r ri ghls aro
infringod lho lighlor happon lo bo lho
rol ali ons bolwoon lho slalo and lho
ma|orily's roligion or lho official roligion. ln
lhis caso again lhrough po|oralivo lorms
and gonoralizalions lhoir failh is dogradod
in opposilion lo lho failh of lho ma|orily,
oilhor bocauso il is viowod as an oppononl
or as non-failh, moaning nol dosorving
rocognilion as such. Linguislic minorilios
porhaps appoar moro oasily adaplablo lo
lho dominanl slrucluros of lho nalional
idonlily bul lhoy always aro viowod as a
foroi gn body si nco lhoy havo
characlorislics (linguislic onos) which aro
prosonlod po|oralivoly making lhom unablo
lo parlicipalo oqually in lho on|oymonl of
lhoi r ri ghl lo rocoi vo, for oxampl o,
oducali on i n lhoi r molhor l anguago.
lmmigranls, on lho olhor hand (and lhis is
a caso which in our rosoarch concornod
only Grooco), aro largols of 'halo spooch'
nol so much bocauso lhoy shako lho imago
of a homogonoous socioly as in lho caso of
minorilios, bul bocauso lhoy quoslion lho
corlainly of a dominanl nalional idonlily,
sinco lhoy inlroduco parallol idonlilios
whi ch can noi lhor bo i nlogralod nor
ignorod as such by lho dominanl ono.
ln Kosovo lho Sorbian modia rocyclo lho
imago of lho soparalisl Albanians again
and agai n, dovol opi ng a cl i malo of
suspicion and lonsion bolwoon lho lwo
communilios and forlilizing foolings of
insocurily in lho Sorbians. All lhis as a
consoquonco makos lhom moro vulnorablo
lo 'halo spooch' di roclod agai nsl lho
Albanians. ln lho conloxl of lhis vicious
circlo of foolings of foar mongoring and
dogradali on i l i s oasy lo soo lho
parlicipalion of lho Sorbian modia in lho
producli on and roproducli on of lho
nogalivo imagos of lho Albanian olhnicily.
Wo road aboul: sluJenls o| A| |an| an
nal|ona||lj |tom l|e /acu|lj o| /|||oso|j
|n l|mes o| Jemonsltal|ons o| l|e A||an|an
seatal|sls, secess|on|sls anJ nal|ona||sls
|ate J|tecl|j allemleJ lo lutn l|e |acu|l|es
|nlo |asl|ons o| l|e |Jeo|og|ca| Jogma
ca||eJ l|e /osoto keu|||c, Set|s |n
/osoto anJ Melo||ja ate conl|nuous|j
unJet l|e tessute o| l|e S|| lat
|po|oralivo for Albanian] seatal|sls,
!ut|ej anJ A||an|a a|m lo man|u|ale l|e
S||lats anJ l|e Mus||m secess|on|sls |n
l|e /k\, aggtess|te Atnauls |po|oralivo
for Albanian],Atnaul acl|ons aga|nsl l|e
Set||an ou|al|on |ate |een conJucleJ
w|l| l|e a|m lo exe| l|e Set|s anJ lo se|ze
l|e| t mo|| | e anJ tea| eslale us| ng
ma|ltealmenl, |nl|m|Jal|on anJ |||||ng,
Set|s ate suotleJ |j ||slotj, w|||e
S||lats - |j el|nogenes|s. S||lats a|m
al |at| ng numetous o||st| ng anJ al
tot|J|ng mulua| |tol|et|ooJ |e|. l|e
||g|esl ||tl| tale |n /utoe |s |n /osoto anJ
Melo||ja, w||c| |s Jue lo l|e secess|on|sl
o||cj o| l|e se||-toc|a|meJ A||an|an
|eaJets. On lho olhor hand Albanians
oqually (ro)produco lhoir 'halo spooch'
againsl lho Sorbs whom lhoy call: l|e
S||j a, S| at| an-C|eln| |, S| at| an-
Commun| sl-C|eln| | ot /al| ona| -
Commun|sl teg|me
1ho posilions of lhoso Slovonian modia,
which aro oxplicilly anli-foroignor and anli-
minorilio orionlod, can bo summod up in
lho following lwo slalomonls: /uman
t|g|ls |ot l|e non-S|otenes ate as a tu|e
|atm|u| lo l|e S| otenes., C| ean l|| s
Counltj o| Soul|etnets |from ox-
ugoslavia]. /on-S|otenes lo |e lesleJ.
ln ulgaria, cooxislonco wilh lho 1urkish
mi nori ly and lho koma i s gonoral l y
considorod inoscapablo, bocauso lhoir
numbors aro significanl and lhoy cannol bo
ignorod. 1hus lho produclion of slighling
lorms and colloclivo gonoralizalions is vory
froquonl in ordor lo cloanso lho lhroal
whi ch lho prosonco of lhoso ma| or
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
minorilios posos ovor lho idoology of a
homogonoous socioly. 1ho koma is lho
group which, in lhis counlry, is moro lhan
any olhor ono allackod vorbally, somolimos
ovon physically, bocauso in facl il is lho
loss willing lo adapl lo lho condilions of
lho dominanl culluro. As a consoquonco, il
bocomos, as i n mosl olhor al kan
counlrios, lho mosl vulnorablo group
sinco il is lho loasl capablo of oxplooiling
lho moans providod by socioly lo dofond
ils human and minorily righls. 1his is why
in lho caso of lho koma lho 'halo spooch'
ompl oyod i s oxorbi lanl. 1ho usual
suggoslions aro lhal all ils roprosonlalivos
aro nol simply criminals bul born sadisls,
whi ch aro fol l owod by oxaggoralod
nogali vo i magos and col l ocli vo
gonoralizalions such as: A MO!//k wAS
8A//D A/lv/ l/ A/ Ov//, A kOMA
8USl//SSMA/ !Ok!Uk/S !// wOMA/
/Ok /A// A DA\, CU!S //k /AkS(capilals
in lho original),Gjsj 8ojs C|oeJ !wo
O|J Men w|l| an Ax |ot a /um o| C|eese,
ka||waj ko||et|es - /ew vocal|on o| l|e
Gjsj Gangs, /aj|ng s|ege lo lta|ns anJ
to|||ng l|em |ate |ecome ltaJ|l|ona|
occual| on o| w|o| e || ns o| l|e Jat|-
s|| nneJ, A Gang o| Gjs| es kae a
\oungslet, /tetj l||tJ o||ense |n 8u|gat|a
|s comm|lleJ |j Gjs|es On lho olhor
hand, concorning lho 1urkish minorily, ils
mombors aro cri li ci zod for el|n| c
lut|u|ence or anl|-8u|gat|an o||l|cs.
osidos boing an olhnic minorily, lho 1urks
of ul gari a aro al so Musl i ms and aro
allackod wilh nogalivo imagos porlaining
lo roligious minorilios. 1ho lhroal lhoy
poso lo ulgarian nalional homogonoily is
doublo - olhnic and roligious. 1hus wo road
in lho modia lhal: ls|am|c Acl|t|sls Sectel|j
Gal|eteJ C|| |Jten /eat /amototo,
!|ousanJs o| Do||ats |ot l|e /teatal|on
o| l|e Massacte |n 8u|gat|a.
Li ko al l vul norabl o and i mmaluro
domocracios having yol a vory low lovol of
domocralic consciousnoss, loloranco
lowards roligious socls lhoro is almosl
non-oxislonl in ulgaria. 1horoforo groups
such as lho Word of Lifo Lvangolisls aro
cal l od sou| |aslatJs, whi l o lhoy aro
accusod for al l sorls of conspi ralori al
aclivilios in ordor lo |uslify all lho po|oralivo
ad|oclivos usod againsl lhom. \OU/G
//O/// /kOM wOkD O/ /l// wOk//D
wl!/ /O\lOUS C//MlCA/S !O /A\ /Ok
!//lk 8//l// |capilal in lho original]
/tange||ca|s otg|es, !|e Gutus |tom
wotJ o| /||e ate !utn|ng out C|||Jten |nlo
lan|ssat|es. loar mongoring aboul lho
sproading of lslamic socls and lslamic
fundamonlalism in ulgaria mosl oflon in
conlrasl lo lho roawakoni ng of lho
Orlhodox rol i gi ous lradi li ons can bo
froquonlly found in lho modia: l|e |ote|gn
m| ss| onat| es steaJ among 8u| gat| an
Mus| | ms l|e mosl Jangetous ls| am| c
|tanc|, w||c| ca||s |ot sacteJ wat aga|nsl
a| | ol|et te| | g| ons, !|e ls| am| c
|unJamenla||sm anJ l|e secls ctuc||j l|e
8u|gat|an ltaJ|l|ona| ta|ues. Olhor moro
modorn roligious socls aro domonizod by
lho modia in ordor lo annihilalo lhoir righl
lo ovon bo rocogni zod as rol i gi ons:
SCl//!O/OG\ - l|e tea|m o| et||, Salan
|o||owets w||| J|ssem|nale un|tetsa| Jeal|
|n l|e eta o| Aquat|us, Jat| secls ate
teat|ng co||ecl|te su|c|Jes anJ mass
s| aug|let | n l|e new jeat. kol i gi ous
inloloranco againsl lho now socl is so
slrong lhal ovon in a loxlbook approvod as
a loaching malorial by lho Minislry of
Lducalion in Docombor 199S ono can
road: ln tecenl l|mes l|e non-ltaJ|l|ona|
te||g|ous secls ate |e|ng etseculeJ |n
manj wesl /utoean counlt|es. Coetc|on
o| teJom| nanl| j joung eo| e anJ
toaganJa o| soc| a| ass| t| lj, | n
com||nal|on w|l| use o| sjc|olto|c
mel|oJs (|ot exam|e |ta|n-was||ng,
oses a set| ous l|teal lo soc| elj anJ
nal|ona| secut|lj. (!|e Secls - Sou| /unlets
by Goorgi Sloyanov).
1horo aro lwo ma|or olhnic minorilios in
komania - lho Hungarians and lho koma -
who aro lho viclims of lho sloroolypical
characlorizalions producod and ropro-
ducod by lho modia confirming socioly's
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
inloloranco lowards lhoso groups. Wo also
fi nd pronouncod anli -Somi li sm and
roligious inloloranco lowards Muslims.
1hus, ola Marko a horo of lho Hungarian
minorily, is claimod lo bo komanian, An
attoganl tenegaJe w|ose anceslots name
was Matcu |a komanian namo] whilo il is
also said lhal lho palh lo Chrislianily for
lho Hungarian minorily goos lhrough lhoir
Salanism: ln OtaJea, /ungat|ans |ecome
C|t|sl|ans(... l|toug| Salan. 1ho modia
do nol hosilalo lo lorrorizo public opinion
in ordor lo mako il fool allackod by lho
Hungarian minorily lhus proparing an anli-
Hungarian climalo: l|e Jemo||l|on anJ
Jetaslal|on o| l|e c|utc|es anJ l|e t|esls
|omes, l|e exu|s|on ot assass|nal|on o|
l|e sc|oo| s, l|e /ungat| zal| on o| l|e
names o| eo| e anJ | oca| | l| es, l|e
te|acemenl o| l|e koman|an |anguage |j
l|e /ungat|an one ate acl|ons tomoleJ
o|sl|nale|j |j l|e /ungat|an nal|ona||sls.
1ho koma, |usl liko in ulgaria and in all
olhor counlrios producing nogalivo imagos
of lhom, aro allackod usually bocauso lhis
minorily is lho loasl ablo lo dofond ilsolf.
1hus ono roads in lho komanian pross
such col l ocli vo gonoral i zali ons and
po|oralivo languago: Ct|m|na||lj among
Gjs|es, l|ej |tea| a|| tecotJs |n l|e ||e|J
o| ct|m|na||lj, lhoy slea|, to| anJ allac|
koman|ans, wea|l|j Gjs|es slo|e eten
canJ| es, lhoy aro uncl oan, whi l o
commonsens|ca| eo|e com|j w|l| l|e
|jg| ene tu| es lo |e o|setteJ | n anj
|os|la| whilo lhoso |n 8uzau Jo nol
wanl jo|s, |ul soc|a| ass|slance monej.
1ho nogalivo foolings lowards lhis minorily
aro so slrong lhal lhoro aro ovon po|oralivo
characlorizalions wilh an oxplicilly racisl
conlonl: /out ||ll|e n|ggets |koma]. 1ho
dogroo lo which lho koma aro porlrayod
nogalivoly is ovidonl in lho vory lradilions
of komania which aro lhon lransmillod and
roproducod by lho modia: accotJ|ng lo an
o|J saj|ng jou eal |||e a Gjsj, |e|ate |||e
a Gjsj, Jtess |||e a Gjsj l|ete|ote - as
gu||lj as a Gjsj Llsowhoro, wo ovon road
modi a's admi ssi on lhal, i n facl, !|e
Gjs|es ate l|e ||tsl susecls |ot anj ct|me,
a|l|oug| o|lenl|mes l|ej |ate nol||ng lo
Jo w| l| | l. 1ho komanian modia also
produco and roproduco slrong anli-Somilic
foolings which shows lho porpolualion of
lho sloroolypos of lho }ows lypical of lho
communisl poriod: l|e wot|J lew| s|
Gotetnmenl!., lstae|, jou w||| /et|s| 8j
\out Own /anJ, lews A|use koman|an
/|slotj Aga|n, lews Musl /ol lnlet|ete
w|l| Ol|et Counlt|es /o||c|es. koligious
inloloranco, moslly manifoslod againsl
Muslim boliovors in komania, is anolhor
sourco which oflon loads lho komanian
modia lo dangor-mongoring and dofonsivo
alliludos lowards olhors, loading lo
nogalivo imagos: l||s Ot|enla| wate |s -
consc|ous|j ot nol - an aggtess|on aga|nsl
l|e C|t|sl|an c|t|||zal|on.
Anli-Albanian sloroolypos in lho Sorbian
modia aro vory froquonl as indicalod abovo.
Sorbian modia, oxprossing always lho
gonoral spiril of public opinion, combino
roligious and olhnic inloloranco. 1hus wo
road lhal from lho /tange||ca| c|utc|
Sle|en 8e| | . A| | egeJ| j l|e 8al| sl
m| ss| onatj o| l|e /utoean C|t| slan
M|ss|on anJ a sluJenl o| S||lato|ogj |n
/t|sl|na (w|o was |||eJ as an /ng||s| agenl
as eat|j as 1985, 8e|| |as |nc|uJeJ a|oul a
|unJteJ S|| lats | n || s es| onage
nelwot|. Mosl froquonl aro lhoso
manifoslalions of inloloranco lowards lho
minorilios in lho Sorbian modia, which
l oad lo al l ogali ons of cl oansi ng, of a
homogonoous socioly. lor oxamplo wo
road, Ol|et el|n|c commun|l|es |n l|ese
|anJs ate unJes|ta||e, teJunJanl.
Modia in osnia-Horzogovina aro chara-
clori zod by nogali vo i magos lowards
di fforonl nali onal i li os i n lhocounlry,
doponding on who owns lho modium and
lho nalional idonlily which slrugglos lo
dofino ilsolf |o.g. Sorbian modia wrilo
againsl osniaks and Croals, or Muslims
and Calholics, osnian modia - againsl
Croals and Sorbs, or Calhol i cs and
Orlhodox, and Croalian modia - againsl
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
Sorbs and osniaks, lho Orlhodox and lho
Muslims]. 1his vicious circlo of nalional
idonlilios lrying lo dofond and imposo
lhomsolvos by producing nogalivo imagos
of lho 'olhors' l oads lo lho fol l owi ng
sloroolypos and po| orali vo characlo-
rizalions: |a||je |po|oralivo namo for
Muslims], olut|ce |convorl lo lslam],
!ut|s, ls|am|c |unJamenla||sls, Djj|aJ
so| J| ets, ls| am| c lettot| sl |otces,
MuJja|eJ|ns ,8osn|a|s ate a |anJ|u| o|
| eets w|o w| | | tesecl l|e Ctoal
|aws,l|ete w||| |e no Ctoals, no !|ut|ej,
|ul on|j l|e keu|||c o| Sts|a., w|en
l|e wo| tes |tom l|e mounla| n o|
!te|et| cJec| Je lo slatl, l|e !ut|s w| | |
temem|et w|o l|e Set|s ate. w|en l|e
Set|s slatl |tom a|| s|Jes, l|ete w||| |e no
Mus| | ms a| | te, |a| | j e |aro l i ko]
| ague,w|en | | es anJ l|e Set|s ate
concetneJ, l|e|t |s no oss|||e m|sla|e.
!|ej ate a|| ||ats (... !|e mote l|ej ||e, l|e
mote l|ej ate Set|s(... !|e ||gget l|e ||e,
l|e |ellet l|e Set|(..., Uslas|a
|po|oralivo for Croals, lho pro-fascisl
col l aboralors duri ng WW2.] Whon
nocossary ovon a suporiorily alliludo is
invokod lo annul lho significanco of all
olhors in ordor lo affirm lho nalional solf:
!|e /ew \ot| |an|ets |ale us, l|e Set|s,
|ecause we ate l|e |esl /utoean nal|on
anJ l|e cotnetslone o| l|e /utoean
1ho Macodonian modia primarily
roproduco and cullivalo nogalivo imagos of
lho numorous Albanian minorily in lhis
counlry, lhus lroaling lhis minorily wilh
suspicion. lor oxamplo, wo road lhal,
A||an|ans us| MaceJon|a |nlo wat., l|e
S|qu| lat |Albanian] atl| es | n l|e
gotetnmenl w||c|, a|let a ||nget was g|ten
lo l|em, loo| l|e w|o|e |anJ anJ ate now
teac||ng |ot l|e |eaJ. ul wo also find lho
roproduclion of inlor minorily fouds:
/o||l|ca| atl|es o| l|e m|not|l|es |Albanians
and 1urks] wanl a lax |n ||ooJ |tom us, l|e
ln lho Croalian modia lho ma|or viclims of
po|oralivo characlorizalions and colloclivo
gonoralizalions aro lho Sorbian followod by
lho Muslim minorily lhoro. lor oxamplo
roporling on Sorbian soldiors is colorod by
slrong anli-Sorbian sloroolypos: Mt. C|ca|
gate l|e joutna||sls a |clute o| l|e Gtealet
Set||an |easls, w|o a||egeJ|j ctj |e|ote
||ee|ng |tom Ctoal|a. /tetj teasona||e
etson |nows l|al l|ej ctj |tom |a|ness,
|oo||ng |otwatJ lo l|e |os|la||lj o| l|e
|nletnal|ona| wat ct|m|na|s a |a M||oset|c,
At|an anJ l|e C|eln|| |eaJet Sese|j.
1ho Grook modia havo slarlod producing
and roproducing a prominonl fooling of
Albanophobia among lho Grooks sinco
lho arri val of a si gni fi canl numbor of
Albanian immigranls in Grooco. ln facl, if
wo l ook doopor, wo wi l l soo lhal
Albanophobia in Grooco is moro a Grook
modia producl lhan a rofloclion of social
and polilical alliludos. 1ho Grook modia
havo cullivalod a high lovol of loloranco lo
'halo spooch' diroclod lowards Albanian
immigranls, pulling asido lho facl lhal unlil
roconlly lhoro usod lo bo no inslilulions in
Grook soci oly, whi ch woro roady lo
proparo bolh si dos for a harmoni ous
cooxislonco. 'Halo spooch' producod by
lho modi a, i n lurn, roproducod moro
pro|udicial alliludos lowards Albanians,
l oadi ng lo anlagoni sli c and nogali vo
rolalions bolwoon Grooks and lho Albanian
i mmi granls and, i n lurn, bolwoon
Albanians and Grooks in gonoral and lho
Grook minorily in Albania in parlicular. Of
courso, nogali vo i magos i n lho Grook
modia aro nol diroclod only lowards lho
Albanians bul also lowards all immigranls.
So wo road in lho modia: A||an|ans |ate
c|o|eJ lmal||a, l|e |esl|a||lj o| l|e
A||an|an l|ugs, Gteece |s a|oul lo come
unJet A||an|an occual|on(..., !|e
Gtee| slale |s o|||geJ lo (... utool l|em
anJ cul l|e|t |egs o||. An oxamplo of how
polilical parlios and lho govornmonl havo
parli ci palod i n and onhancod lho
produclion of nogalivo imagos and foar
mongoring aboul immigranls in gonoral
and Al bani ans i n parli cul ar, i s lho
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
slalomonl mado by lho loador of lho official
opposilion M. Lvorl in Parliamonl: !|e
|ote|gnets ma|e u 6/ o| l|e wot||otce al
l|e exense o| l|e unem|ojeJ Gtee|s. ln
aJJ|l|on, mosl o| l|em ate nol |nsuteJ anJ
l|us Jet| te l|e | nsutance sjslem o|
tetenues. !||s s|lual|on cannol anJ s|ou|J
nol go on anj |onget. ll |as lo |e sloeJ
al once. we ate Jeletm|neJ |ot l|al. Al
anolhor occasion wo road: !|e counltj |s
||ooJeJ |j lottenls o| |ote|gnets, mosl o|
l|em c|oose lo jo|n gangs anJ l|e Ma||a |n
|| g c| l| es. ln l|| s waj, l|ej eatn mote
monej |aslet. On lho olhor hand, lho idoa
of providing immigranls wilh oducalion in
lhoir languago is an analhoma sinco il
woul d lhroalon lho Grook nali on.
A||an|an sc|oo|s |n GteeceSuc| an acl
|owetet, nol on|j ooses out nal|ona|
| nletesls,unJetm| n| ng o| out nal| ona|
|nletesls. As in mosl alkan counlrios, in
spi lo of i ls parli ci pali on i n Luropoan
i nsli luli ons and consi dori ng i lsol f a
domocralic slalo, Grooco romains slrongly
inloloranl lowards roligious minorilios,
ospocially in viow of lho onlanglomonl lhal
porsisls bolwoon lho Grook slalo and lho
Orlhodox Church. Honco, bosidos lho
oslablishod roligious failhs - Calholics,
Proloslanls and }ows - who aro oflon
viclims of lho Grook modia's nogalivo
imagos bocauso lhoy lhroalon lho nalional
failh, lho smallor and loss known roligious
socls aro allackod morcilossly and lhoro
is no limil lo lho nogalivo imagos lhal aro
invonlod lo nullify lhom as such. 1hus
KLlL, or lho so callod Scionlologisls, is
prosonlod lo boa Jangetous |etesj,a
sc|oo| o| mutJetets, an otgan|zal|on o|
|a||uc|nal|ons, an |nletnal|ona| gang w|l|
monej, sex anJ su|c|Jes, a lettot|sl-
Jesltucl|te otgan|zal|on w||c| |nc|les
l|e(... exletm|nal|on o| etetj oonenl.
Grook public opinion is inlimidalod by lho
modia wilh imagos such as: /unJteJs o|
Jangetous atate||g|ous otgan|zal|ons
tectu|l joul|s. Desltoj |am|||es. Otgan|ze
atm|es. !|tealen ||tes. lnsu|l Gteece,
mota| t|nc||es, l|e C|utc|. A|j |nsane
mel|oJs. /taJe laxes. Oetale w|l|oul
||cense elc., elc. 1horo is no hosilalion lo
rovoal lho origins of lhis foar mongoring,
so wo road in lho modia lho roloaso of lho
Holy Synod of lho Grook Church: a|| l|ese
te||g|ons anJ otgan|zal|ons a|m al l|e
|aJ|ng o| l|e nal|ona| consc|ousness o|
l|e| t t| cl| ms. Accordi ng lo lalhor
Noklarios |l |s sute|j a JeeJ nol on|j o|
Salan|sls |ul a|so o| ol|et Al|e|sls anJ
ol|et le|ota|s w|lnesses, w|o tesecl
ne|l|et l|e |cons not l|e c|utc|es. On lho
samo lino wo road: l|e wat |as otetl|j
|een Jec|ateJ |j l|e enem|es (... o| l|e
|a|l|, l|e ||slotj, l|e nal|on (... 8oel|a |as
eten |een acc| a| meJ l|e ca| la| o|
le|ota|s w|lnesse, one |s |ot sute. l|al
l|ej ate nol ||JJ|ng. ll |s l|me we (l|e
Gtee| Otl|oJox slo ||JJ|ng outse|tes.
1ho only inlornal minorily which is oponly
a largol of mul li pl o dorogalory
characlori zali ons and col l ocli vo
gonoralizalions by lho Grook modia aro lho
Gypsios, sinco all olhor minorilios aro
'non-oxislonl' and lho conlradiclions wilh
lho Muslims of 1hraco loavo lilllo room for
lho wido circulalion modia sourcos lo
ongago in 'halo spooch' produclion lhal
may provoko lonsions bolwoon Grooco
and 1urkoy. 1hus, wo road for oxamplo,
lhal: Gangs o| gjs|es tae, slea|, ||||.
MutJetets |n Al|ens, !ettot etetjw|ete.
/||us|on o| ct|me. !|e gangs (... o| Gjs|es
s|ool lo ||||, !|e tetenge o| Gjs||ooJ.
!|e unteslta|neJ gangs |noc| a|oul anJ
tema|n al |atge, //.AS s|ou|J nol |ac|
o||. (... ll |s o|||geJ lo c|ean u l||s |ace
|tom l|e scums o| soc|elj w|o mutJet anJ
tae (... !|ete | s no mote | al| luJe(...
C|ean|ng u anJ exletm|nal|on o| a|| l|ese
tasca|s |n w||c|etet conten|enl waj.
4. Allac|s aga|nsl m|not|lj acl|t|sls
Olhor manifoslalions of 'halo spooch' aro
modia allacks againsl minorily aclivisls,
who aro oflon callod agonls of molhor
counlry, aulonomisls or soparalisls, lhus
bri ngi ng forlh suspi ci on and hosli l i ly
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
lowards lho minorily in quoslion.
ln lho ulgarian modia, for oxamplo, wo
road aboul foroign agonls: !ut||s|
cons|tacj |n l|e k|oJoes mounla|n.
1ho Sorbian modia, following lho official
lino, calls lho loadors of lho Albanians of
Kosovo socossionisls and lorrorisls, in
ordor lo awakon dofonsivo and aggrossivo
foolings amongsl lho Sorbian populalion.
1horo i s lal k aboul lho S|| lat
secess|on|sls an oxprossion usod oflon by
many Sorbian nowpapors, il is doprocalory
in a doublo sonso - againsl an olhnic group
and connoling socossion. ln komania,
modia oxpross an oponly hoslilo alliludo
lowards lho Hungarian minorily, ospocially
lowards lho lallor's parly - UDMk. !|e
gotetnmenl | n 8uJaesl em| ojs | n
!tansj|tan|a a ||nJ o| c|aut|n|sm w||c|
totes lo |e now, |n UDMks |Domocralic
Al l i anco of Hungari ans i n komani a]
o||c|es, l|e same |ncuta||e J|sease, !|e
/ungat|an Slale - lnsl|galot o| UDMks
Anl| -koman| an Acl| ons, !|e UDMk
lettot| sls , l|e /ungat| an m| not| lj
unjusl|||eJ seatal|sm, |o||ow|ng ute|j
o||l|ca| |nletesls , l|e Jet||s J|sc||e|lho
UDMk loador, a clorgyman] tooses can
jou |e||ete |l? - /U/GAklA/ AU!O/OM\
l/ !kA/S\/vA/lA!, !|e |nso|ence o|
/ungat|an |eaJets goes |ejonJ l|e s|c|esl
|mag|nal|on, UDMk /eo-/az|s S|oul,
/uncl|on|ng accotJ|ng lo l|e cons|talotj
t|nc||es o| l|e Ma||a anJ /teemasontj.
1ho col l aborali on bolwoon di fforonl
minorily loadors is anolhor imago oflon
prosonlod by lho komani an modi a, i n
ordor lo croalo a sonso of nali onal
insocurily among lho komanians: !|e
Gjsj c||e| Dan vo|cu|escu, |o||oweJ |||e a
settanl |j l|e lew /| ot| n 8talescu,
Gjs| es anJ lews ...|ate sc|emeJ lo
su|Jue l|e koman|ans |j ma||ng use o|
tat|ous |ans anJ means, |ul w|l| l|e
same goa| . lo ens| ate koman| ans
econom|ca||j sea||ng, lo ann||||ale l|e|t
|teeJom |n l|e|t own counltj ln Grooco,
lho modi a largols lho publ i c opi ni on
lhrough foar mongoring aboul lho loadors
of lho so-callod Macodonian minorily.
So wo road for oxampl o aboul lho
ka| n|ow aulonom| sls, an
unteceJenleJ totocal|on o| l|e agenls
o| S|oje, a to-S|ojan, anl|-Gtee|
sma| | |anJ. Loss froquonlly, bul as a
moans lo mobi l i zo lho publ i c agai nsl
1urkoy which is manipulaling lho Muslim
mi nori ly, wo road aboul /eats a|oul
totocal|on |n !|tace(... (... |ote|gn sectel
sett| ces | nlenJ lo cteale a |ol sol | n
!|tace anJ l|e latgel o| a olenl| a|
totocal| on w| | | |e l|e Jense Mus| | m
m| not| lj, w|| c| | s a| teaJj unJet
mo||||zal|on unJet |nsltucl|ons |tom l|e
!ut||s| consu|ale |n /omol|n|.
5. Allac|s aga| nsl /GOs, j outna| | sls,
'Halo spooch' agai nsl i ndopondonl
|ournalisls, inlollocluals and NGOs who
quosli on bolh lho slalus quo and lho
nalional mylhs is froquonl among modia in
lho alkan rogion. ln conlrasl lo lho modia
of maluro domocracios whoro conflicl and
opposilion aro rocognizod as an olomonl of
policy and socioly, modia in ox-communisl
or ox-soci al i sl slalos lond lo havo an
hoi ghlonod sonsi li vi ly and omoli onal
pro|udico, which lako lho form of 'halo
spooch' concorni ng i ndopondonl
inlollocluals and aclual or allogod ox-
communisls. 1ho formor aro allackod
bocauso lhoro i s a l ack of domocrali c
consciousnoss and lhoroforo a lack of
loloranco for a divorsily in opinions, whilo
lho lallor cannol bo viowod in any olhor
way lhan as carriors of lho aulhorilarian
consciousnoss of lho pasl and lhoroforo
any molamorphosis which lhoy may havo
undorlakon is viowod suspiciously. ln facl,
lho passion for a complolo ro|oclion of lho
pasl, as lho only allornalivo lo ils abolilion
in ovory aspocl of ovoryday lifo, nalurally
l oads lo advorso aulhori lari an and
pro|udicial alliludos, which hampor lho
procoss of domocralizalion.
1ho moro lolalilarian lho provious rogimo
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
has boon, lho moro absolulo lho ro|oclion
of lho pasl and lhoroforo lho moro
inloloranl aro lho modia lowards lho viows
of domocralic inlollocluals who do nol
prai so lho now good soci oly, or of
inlollocluals who aro suspoclod slill lo bo
affilialod wilh lho idoology of lho old good
soci oly lhal fai l od i n i ls pro| ocl. 1ho
dominanl imagory is lhal of a socioly rid of
conflicl, which is callod a domocralic
and opon markol socioly. 1ho idoa of
domocracy as a conlinuously dovoloping
procoss of social and polilical inslilulions
is slill quilo foroign and lho modia cannol
bul roflocl lhis domocralic immalurily
which slill providos forlilo ground for 'halo
spooch' di roclod agai nsl lho i doa of
froodom of opinion, or froodom of spooch.
NGOs, indopondonl inlollocluals and
|ournalisls aro, lhoroforo, viowod as spios
and lrailors by lho modia of sociolios
which havo nol yol had a sufficionl praclico
of lho domocrali c rul os of froodom of
spooch and of parlicipalion in mallors of
ci vi l soci oly. ln addi li on soci oli os
ongrossod by nalionalisl foolings NGOs,
indopondonl inlollocluals and |ournalisls
cannol bo viowod in any olhor way bul as
lrai lors lo lho nali onal causo and
supporlors of foroign inlorosls. So wo havo
lwo faclors loading lo 'halo spooch' againsl
an aulonomous and pluralislic civil socioly
in lho alkan rogion: firslly lho habils of
lho aulhorilarian inhorilanco and socondly
lho dofonsivo and aggrossivo nalional solf
lhal wo oncounlor so oflon in lho aroa.
ln lho alkans wo oncounlor a lack of a
domocralic consciousnoss which in lho
posl communi sl slalos i s nol onl y a
producl of nalionalisl idoology (as is lho
caso of Grooco) bul of lho aulhorilarian
loflovors of lho provious rogimo, making
domocralic alliludos moro difficull lo
acqui ro and onhanci ng nali onal i sl
passions, which appoar lo roplaco lho
idoological unily which usod lo provido (lo
inslilulionalizo) lho provious aulhorilarian
rogimo. ln lho alkan modia wo can slill
obsorvo an absonco of domocrali c
consci ousnoss i n lho form sonsi bi l i ly
lowards aulhorilarian londoncios in polilics
and socioly which opposos lho idoa of a
'good socioly' rid of conflicls and accopls
opposilion and dobalo.
A characlorislic oxamplo of inloloranco lo
modia pluralism can bo obsorvod in lho
modia of Monlonogro whoro wo road lhal
l|e /U |as esl|maleJ a |ong l|me ago |ow
muc| eac| one o| out |nJeenJenl meJ|a
cosls., ||ll|e monej |s g|ten |n exc|ange
|ot slt|cl o|eJ|ence lo l|e |ote|gn |osses,
l|e wot| o| suc| meJ|a |s nol wotl| mote
l|an l|al.
Mosl alkan modia domonslralo groal
difficully in loloraling lho allornalivo
opinions and praclicos of NGOs. 1hus in
lho komanian modia l|e koman| an
/e|s|n|| Comm|lleee is allackod for sooing
Hungarian parly roprosonlalivos bocauso
lhis could cou|J on|j smeat, once aga|n,
koman|as |mage |n l|e wot|J, |ot |nletesls
l|al we otet|oo|. ln lho Sorbian modia
wo road an anli-NGO and an anli-Wosl
roporl aboul /osls o| a| | sotls o|
taotleuts etam|u|ale Sanja| l|ese
Jajs. w|l| l|e |e| o| l|e |oca| toleclot o|
|uman t|g|ls Se||o A|ometot|c |lho Chair
of Holsinki Commilloo for Human kighls in
San|ak] l|ej steaJ ||alanl ||es a|oul Set|s
anJ l|e slalus o| l|e Mus||ms |n Sanja|.
ulgarian modia, omploying vory dirocl
anli-NGO nogalivo imagos, loll us lhal:
|1ho ulgarian Holsinki Commilloo and
1ho Human kighls Pro|ocl aro] to||leet|ng
|tom l|e el|n|c |nlo|etance |n 8u|gat|a.,
D|||etenl seuJo /||eta|s anJ seuJo
|uman t|g|ls Je|enJets |||e l|e nolot|ous
Mt. /tass|m|t /anet |lho Chair of lho HC]
ate tegu| at| j | ntenl| ng |a|t| cal| ons lo
|nct|m|nale 8u|gat|a |n |tonl o| l|e wot|J
anJ lo ga|n ||s |ote|gn sa|atj.
Sorbian modia of osnia allack all Sorbs
who choso olhor lhan lho nalionalisl palh.
So wo road lhal |1ho Sorbs living in lho
govornmonl-conlrollod aroas aro labolod
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
as] lta|lots, A||jas Set|s.
Modia inloloranco in Albania lowards all
lhal may rocall imagos of lho pasl is vory
slrong. 1hus lhoro is an abundanco of 'halo
spooch' diroclod lowards lho Socialisls and
lho indopondonl inlollocluals |wo aro
doaling wilh lho 1994-9S poriod whon lho
Domocralic Parly was in powor]. Wo road
lhus, lhal: Set||a senJs |unJteJs o|
l|ousanJs o| Jo||ats |n A||an|a lo ||nance
Jogmal| c | eaJets o| l|e A| |an| an
oos|l|on, |otmet //A |eaJets anJ l|e
newsaets /o|a lone anJ Zet| |
/ou|||l., w|en l|e Democtal|c /atlj
as|eJ |ot | nJeenJenl newsaets,
S|gut|m| ctealeJ /o|a lone l|toug| w||c|
|l |nlenJeJ lo |nl|m|Jale l|e u|||c o|n|on
anJ, al l|e same l|me, lo guatanlee Set||a
| ls own newsaet | n A| |an| a.
lndopondonl inlollocluals and NGOs aro
suspoclod of boing foroign agonls or ox-
communisls: !|e /nem|es o| A||an|a.,
Am|assaJots o| Sotos, |nsleaJ o| ltue
am|assaJots o| l|e A||an|an cu|lute,
/alos /u|onja Jen|eJ out |Jenl|lj, |1ho
Albanian Holsinki Commilloo (AHC)], ex-
agenls o| S|gut|m| |lho Albanian Socrol
Sorvi co] etsons w| l| cottuleJ
||ogta||es, |lho aims of lho AHC's
mombor Arbon Pulo aro] a lo Je|enJ w|l|
a|| oss|||e means l|e Commun|sl ct|mes
anJ l|e|t aul|ots(... anJ l|e etsons w|o
ate aga|nsl Jemoctacj loJaj, | lo to||l
malet|a||j |tom l||s comm|llee as muc| as
oss|||e ,AccotJ|ng lo a tecenl Jocumenl
At|en /ulo |as l|e to|e lo unJetm|ne out
Jemoctacj l|toug| ||s otgan|zal|on |lho
AHC] w||c|, l|toug| a atl|j unJetgtounJ
acl|t|lj, wot|s on l|e ete o| l|e e|ecl|ons
|ot l|e commun|sls case., luJas At|en.
Aboul indopondonl |ournalisls and anli-
nalionalissl inlollocluals wo road lhal lhoy
aro Gta|| c exctemenl., 8o| | | no
|'Gazola Shquiplaro'] |s we|| |nown |ot
Je|amal|on anJ Sla||n|sl all|luJes, |lho
|ournalisls of 'Gazola Shquiplaro'] ate
teaJj lo se| | nol on| j l|e| t mol|ets
|anguage |ul eten l|emse|tes, kac|sls as
8o|||no |ate lo |e exe||eJ |tom A||an|a.
1horo is also a combinalion of anli-loflisl
and an anli-Luropoan alliludo: /ot l|e
/utoean Commun|lj |l Joes nol mallet
l|al l|e |aJj tetesenl|ng Atl|c|e 19 |n
!|tana |as some o|||gal|ons lo l|e c||e|s o|
l|e |e|l|sl tess |n A||an|a |ecause s|e |as
s|el |ot a |ong l|me |n l|e|t |ouses. 1ho
Croalian modia's sonsilivily is slrong whon
il comos lo lho accusalions againsl allogod
war criminals. 1hoy provido an occasion
for Croalian nalionalism lo bo roproducod
and for lho l ow l ovol of domocrali c
consciousnoss lo bo confirmod lhrough
roporls on NGOs, inlollocluals and lho
allornalivo modia: !|ete |s no Jou|l l|al a
|atge cama|gn |ot ull|ng Ctoal|a on l|e
coutl |enc| |as |een | aunc|eJ | n l|e
|nletnal|ona| c|tc|es tecenl|j. A||egeJ|j
l|ete ate t|o|al|ons o| |uman t|g|ls anJ l|e
t|g|ls o| nal|ona| m|not|l|es |ete. !|e |as|s
o| l|al cama|gn was tesenleJ |j l|e
lnletnal| ona| /e| s| n|| /eJetal| on |ot
/uman k|g|ls (l//, !|e eo|e w|o
|ate Je|amal|on as l|e|t utose, cannol
Jo anjl||ng e|se |ul ma|e ltou||e. ltan
Zton| m| t C| ca| |Chair of lho Croalian
Holsinki Commilloo, CHC] |s |nto|teJ |n
etsona| |otget|es, gatg||ng |n l|e qu|c|sanJ
C|ca| ma|es |nsu|l|ng slu|J|l|es, steaJ|ng
|e|l|sl, Jemagog|c, mo|Jj |tases anJ
ltj|ng lo aJJ new e|emenls lo l|e o|J, |ul
etmanenl accusal|on o| a||egeJ Ctoal|an
genoc|Je, !|e |acl |s l|al C|ca|s wot| |ot
l||s Comm|llee |s nol -lo ul |l m||J|j- al a||
Ctoal|an, a|wajs l|e same eo|e |tom
Ctoal|a wot| |n s|slet otgan|zal|ons suc|
as l|e 8a| |an wat keotl, l|e Asen
lnsl|lule, l|e /e|s|n|| Comm|llee, l|e Anl|-
wat Cama|gn, /tess /ow anJ /ax C|t|sl|
lteal l|e slale as an A|t|can one, w|||e etetj
notma| etson sees l|al |l |s /utoean. w|||
ma|e a mounla|n oul o| a mo|e||||. /oo|
|ow l|ej |ate succeeJeJ |n ltans|otm|ng
/tes|Jenl !uJjman |tom a atl|c|anl |n l|e
anl| -|asc| sl wat | nlo an Uslas|a! j usl
otetn|g|l, Mt. 8anac. lusl some ||te ot s|x
monl|s ago l|e | allet was a set| ous
canJ|Jale |ot l|e o|||ce o| /tes|Jenl o| l|e
keu|||c. lnsleaJ o| l|al, |e was o||eteJ
l|e os|l|on o| /at||amenlatj M|n|slet o|
l|e Set| m|not|lj |n Ctoal|a, slales e|g|l
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
o| nls |ot C| ca|s anJ 8anacs | nsu| ls
aga|nsl l|e Ctoal|an eo|e |ecause l|ej
equale l|e genoc|Ja| aggtessots - l|e Set|s
- w|l| Ctoals anJ ol|et non-Set|s aga|nsl
w|om Set| satages comm|lleJ l|e mosl
lett|||e ct|mes etet seen |n ||slotj.
ll is inlorosling lhal Grook modia, moslly
duo lo nalional, cullural and roligious
insocurilios, havo a high lovol of 'halo
spooch' againsl indopondonl inlollocluals,
|ournalisls and NGO's lhal havo a non-
idoological or non-chauvinislic alliludo
lowards 1urkoy and spoak of lho kopublic
of Macodoni a and of lho oxi slonco of
minorilios in Grooco. 1hus wo road in
roporls wilh nogalivo imagos, lhal Some
nal|te ||owets |po|oralivo ironic lorm in
Grook] | | |e some /an. D| m| ltas
|spokosporson of Grook Holsinki Monilor],
wete tetj we|cometo|a||j otetJ|J |l |n
|| s la| |, tesenl| ng out counltj as l|e
||ggesl m|not|lj otessot |n l|e 8a||ans,
ln a we||-gotetneJ slale, eo|e |||e /||os
D|mou |a woll-known wrilor and mombor
of lho Advisory Council of GHM] wou|J
|ate |een attesleJ | ong ago, D| Jnl
D| m| ltas |eat anjl|| ng a|oul l|e
|at|at|l|es o| 1955? Ot |s |e |j anj c|ance
slta|n|ng al a gnal anJ gu||ng Jown l|e
came| ? (... On| j Jet| ous eo| e anJ
|joct|les wou|J wa|te l|e comat|sons.
6. Allac|s aga|nsl l|e wesl
Anolhor common uso of 'halo spooch' is
ompl oyod i n allacki ng lho Wosl, for
oxamplo in suspocling lhal il providos
agonls and parlicipalos in plols againsl lho
inlorosls of lho nalion in quoslion. ln many
casos lho origin of such nogalivo imagos of
lho Wosl lios bolh in nalional insocurily
and in lho communisl idoology of lho big
brolhor who plols and docidos lho dosliny
of lho world. Howovor, lho imporlanl lhing
is nol wholhor whal aro dofondod aro lho
romnanls of a logic lhal bolongs lo anolhor
limo or a visiblo or invisiblo nalionalism.
1ho consoquonco is lhal il hindors lho
procoss of domocrali zali on and lho
dovol opmonl of a domocrali c
consciousnoss, whilo bringing forlh a
'|uslifiod' arbilrarinoss and inloloranco of
lho aulhorilios and lho public opinion.
ln Monlonogro, in accordanco wilh lho
offi ci al ol grado posi li on, lho modi a
froquonlly providos oxamplos of 'halo
spooch' agai nsl lho i nlornali onal
communily, which is soon as plolling
againsl Sorbs and Monlonogrins. Wo road
lhal osnia oxisls as an indopondonl slalo
duo lo lho Wosl or lhal Sorbs woro allackod
bolh by lho Wosl and lho Valican. Do
l|ese wtelc|eJ eo|e |now l|al eten l|e
Auslto-/ungat|an em|te J|Jnl succeeJ |n
cteal|ng l|e non-ex|slenl 8osn|a, |n l|e
enJ l|e Set|s wou|J |e tetj s|m||at lo l|e
/utJs., !|e val|cans cons|tacj aga|nsl
l|e Set|s. 1ho Kosovo Sorbian modia, in
lho samo lino, viclimizos lho Sorbians. Wo
road lhal: l|e USA anJ Getmanj ate
||nanc|ng Uslas| |po|oralivo for Croalian]
m|||lanls, Getman o|||cets anJ so|J|ets
atl| c| aleJ logel|et w| l| Amet| can
| nsltuclots anJ consu| lanls, /ot
cenlut|es l|e val|can |as |een |oll|ng
aga|nsl l|e Otl|oJox Set|s, unJet l|e
telexl l|al |l ||g|ls aga|nsl sc||smal|cs,
ct|m|na|s, elc, so l|e /oe anJ 8toz |ate
sltugg|eJ aga|nsl l|e same enemj - aga|nsl
l|e Set||an eo|e, aga|nsl l|e Set||an
slale anJ cu| lute , l|e vatl| can, l|e
Amet|can aJm|n|sltal|on anJ l|e /outl|
ke|c| |ate ltam|eJ Jown a|| c|t|||zeJ
notms o| |e|at| ot aga| nsl l|e Set|| an
Otl|oJox nal| on, l|e |at|at| c
|om|atJ|ng o| c|t|| anJ m|||latj latgels |n
keu||||a Sts|a, |which] c|eat|j |nJ|cales
l|al l|e a|m o| l|e USA anJ |ls a|||es |s nol
s|m|e tetenge |ul l|e lola| ann||||al|on o|
l|e Set||an eo|e 1ho Sorbian modia
prosonl an imago of lho wholo inlornalional
communily, ospocially of Gormany and lho
USA, as plolling lo oxlorminalo lho bravo
Sorbs, whilo Calholicism and lslam aro
lho maslorminds of lho abovo monlionod
plol. Wo road lhal, !|e Dt|na |s l|e Ctoal
Jteam, anJ l|e v| enna-ls| am| c goa| .
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
|unJamenla||sls anJ Cal|o||cs, Mus||ms
anJ Ctoals, ate jo|nleJ |n one |eJetal|on |n
was||nglon, 200,000 /taj|na Set|s |ls
en|otceJ m|gtal|on m|g|l we|| |ate |een
coo||j ljeJ on l|e o||l|ca| comulet o|
some |aton |n l|e wesl w|l| l|e |Jea lo
consltucl ||s eace, ll |s a m|sconcel|on
l|al ||teJ guns ate usua||j Amet|cans. !|e|t
|anJs ate c|ean. l|ej gel l|e U/, |oca|
consc| enl| ous c| l| zens, un| tetsa| | sl| c
|nle|||genls|a, |unJamenla||sls, anJ w|en
l||s |s nol enoug|, l|ej la|e |ances, anJ
toc|els/az| , Amet| can, !ettot| sl,
Otgan|zal|on,!|e sec|a| U/ teotlet |ot
|uman t| g|ls || tsl anJ |otemosl | s l|e
val|cans anJ Getmanjs man o| con||Jence
a.|.a. te|emenl anl|-Otl|oJox, !|e
/ague !t||una| |as maJe |l c|eat lo l|e
Set|s l|al |n l|e conlemotatj wot|J l|ete
can |e ct| me w| l|oul un| s|menl, ot
un|s|menl w|l|oul ct|me, JeenJ|ng on
w|al l|e owet|u| saj.
komanian modia prosonl an imago of a
Woslorn lakoovor of lho counlry
romi ni sconl of lho communi sl pori od
vocabulary: netet |ate out |nle|||gence
sett|ces |een so owet|ess anJ ata|jzeJ
|j |ote|gn agenls, netet |as l|e koman|an
|een so sco||eJ al |j a|| l|ese |ote|gnets
w|o to| us anJ |ol lo leat out counltj lo
| eces, !|e || slot| ans can a| so o||et
Jocumenls lo etsuaJe l|e US l|al |l |s
aga| nsl || slot| ca| ltul| lo | nct| m| nale
koman|a |n l|e /az|-/asc|sl /o|ocausl
Museum, aga|nsl ||slot|ca| ltul| |s a|so lo
Jec|ate mats|a| Anlonescu a wat ct|m|na|,
/A!O anJ l|e U/ lutn |nlo Ma||a gangs,
Sotos /ounJal|on - /ott|||e S|n| o| Otg|es
anJ Ct|m|na||lj, Sotos /ounJal|on -
Sl| n|| ng Gullet o| Sex Otg| es anJ
Croalian modia follow official posilions in
crilicizing lho Wosl for boing rosponsiblo
lho campai gn agai nsl i ls war al l ogod
criminals or for lho Soros loundalion,
which is considorod lo opilomizo anli-
Croalianism. !|ete |s no Jou|l l|al a |atge
cama|gn |ot ull|ng Ctoal|a on l|e coutl
|enc| |as |een | aunc|eJ | n l|e
| nletnal| ona| c| tc| es tecenl| j, !|e
/ungat|an lew, Sotos, anJ tat|ous ol|et
anl| -Ctoal| an, anl| -|uman anJ anl| -
Cal|o||c otgan|zal|ons ate o|son|ng out
Grook modi a saw a Woslorn, mai nl y
Amorican, bias in favor of 1urkoy during
lho lmia crisis: w|l| Amet|can |ac||ng l|e
(... game |n lm|a. MaJe |n l|e USA, l|e
A|||es |aro] /to-!ut||s| (... /||ales, anl|-
Gtee| anJ a |ol o| l|mes to-!ut||s| l|e
/utoeans all|luJe, |||l|j Amet|can |an
w|l| !ut| execul|onets, l|e Amet|cans
|e|| |n |ote w|l| C|||et |ul l|ej wanl lo
sctew us, go lo |e||, jou ettetls!,l|e
nal|ona| |um|||al|on |n lm|a |s !//lk D//D
w||c| l|ej w||| ||llet|j tegtel. Similarly, all
aclion which is aclually or apparonlly in
favor of Macodonia is a consoquonco of
lho uels o| Amet|can J||omacj |n
MaceJon|a. 1ho war in ox-ugoslavia is
inlorprolod onliroly from lho Sorbian or lho
Orlhodox poinl of viow. 1hus wo road
aboul a majot totocal|on, l|e mutJetous
s|e|||ng o| Satajeto, A cons|tacj o| l|e
wesls sectel sett| ces | s |e|| nJ l|e
s|aug|let |n l|e mat|el o| Satajeto, |ul a|so
|e||nJ l|e tesecl|te one w||c| loo| |ace
|asl jeat, w|en /A!O wanls lo |om|
Set||a, |l w||| Jto a |om| |n Satajeto, ||||
some eo|e anJ l|en |om|, !|e new
|asc|sm |as Jec|JeJ lo w|e oul l|e |tol|et
Set|| an eo| e ?, !|e Us|las|a -
accotJ|ng lo an o|J Set|- ate l|e gtealesl
|asc|sls s|nce l|e wot|J was maJe anJ so
ate l|e Amet|cans anJ Getmans w|o |e|
l|em. NA1O is prosonlod as a use|ess
otgan| zal| on o| | nsane o| | l| c| ans anJ
m|||lat|sl|c ct|m|na|s (... w||c| anl|too|Js
ate l|ese |ol-|eaJeJ Jwat|swotms. 1ho
Grook modia roflocl lho official sonsilivily
lowards lho 1urkish minorily (rocognizod
only as Muslims) and roproduco 'halo
spooch' imagos which imply plols, agonls,
conspiracios olc.: !|e !ut| agenls o| Ml!
w|o telenJ lo |e l|e o||enJeJ Mus||ms
o| w. !|tace wete tece|teJ eten |j (...
geneta|s |n An|ata!, l|ese Je|ota||e
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
tasca|s, w|etetet l|ej ateGteece w||| l|tow
oul o| |et so||, o| |et atea, anj scum w|o
w| s|es lo | ol aga| nsl |et nal| ona|
|nJeenJence anJ |onot (slalomonl by
PASOK MP L. annopoulos). An exetc|se
o| ||ac|ma|| a|oul !|tace. /A!O anJ l|e
!ut|s cons| te, /A!O unJetm| nes
Gteeces nal|ona| |nJeenJence. 1ho
conclusion of lho Grook modia is lhal
minorilios in Grooco aro an invonlion of
inlornalional human righls organizalions
and lho U.S. Doparlmonl of Slalo roporls:
Jes|ca||e teotl o| l|e Slale Deatlmenl
on l|e(... otesseJ m|not|l|es |n Gteece,
on |uman t| g|ls w|| c| ate a| | egeJ| j
otesseJ |n Gteece, Anl|-Gtee| |jslet|a
aga|nsl out counltj t|a l|e teotl on |uman
t|g|ls, bocauso l|e Slale Deatlmenl
sees m|not|l|es-g|osls.
7. /ale seec| |aseJ on non-|acls
Anolhor manifoslalion of 'halo spooch' is
informalion basod on non-facls which
usually aflorwards aro nol doniod allhough
lhoy havo boon disprovod by facls. 1ho
inlonlion was nalurally lo misload public
opinion. 1his kind of falso informalion is
non-informalion bocauso il is nol basod on
roal facls, bul, ralhor, lho ob|oclivo is lo
produco moro or slronglhon nogali vo
alliludos lhal may oxisl lowards a group of
porsons or an individual. Such non-facls
can appoar whonovor lho ovonl is slill
going on and informalion flow is slill nol
complolo, in ordor lo limil il lo a parlicular
poinl of viow, non-facls aro addod lo lho
oxi sli ng i nformali on. ln Grooco, for
oxamplo, during lho lmia crisis lho modia
playod a slrong rolo in dangor-mongoring
aboul apparonl ovonls in 1urkoy which had
novor happonod. Wo road in lho Grook
modia in lhoso days lhal in 1urkoy, kaJ|o
anJ le|et|s|on c|anne|s Jut|ng l|e nal|ona|
l|tee-Jaj |esl|t|l|es wete |u|| o|. l|e !ut||s|
totocal|on |n lm|a |s execleJ exacl|j on
l|e nal|ona| |o||Jaj (... /totocal|on |j
l|e !ut|s on lm|a on Matc| 25 (... 8ul,
w|en l|e slot|es wete tunn|ng, l|e t|ewet
|ounJ oul l|al, esec|a||j jesletJaj |2S/3]
nol||ng |aeneJ on l|e toc|j-|s|el Or,
similarly, from anolhor sourco, O|, no
anJ aga|n no! !||s l|me l|e !ut|s wenl loo
|at (... !o ul | n Jou|l l|e teula|| e
ana| jsls o| |lho 1V slali ons] M/GA,
Anlenna (... (as we| | as o| a | ol o|
newsaets w|o |ns|sleJ te|emenl|j a||
l|ese l|tee Jajs l|al we wete lo |ate a |ol
|nc|Jenl |n lm|a on Matc| 25? we||, l||s
goes |at |ejonJ anj ||m|l! (... /exl l|me l
tequesl l|al l|e w|o|e !ut||s| |all|e |an
|e on a|t so l|al l|ej wou|J |now exacl|j
w|al lo Jo. /els saj l|al l||s l|me l|ete
was (...a |ac| o| cootJ|nal|on and lhis is
why l|e goals on lm|a ate sl||| wa|l|ng |ot
l|e !ut||s| eco|og|sls. Al anolhor inslanco,
again in lho Grook modia, wo road aboul
lho Salanisl burning a church, somolhing
which novor look placo as such.: Salan|sls
|utn l|e c|utc|es!, !|e Salan|sls teate
|uman sact|||ces!. Whal followod was an
almosl invisiblo donial a fow days lalor, in
lho small prinl of only lwo nowspapors,
whoro il was slalod lhal lho polico had
alroady oslablishod lhal lho Orhomonos
church had boon burnod down oul of
nogligonco, whilo no progross was mado in
idonlifying lho causos of lho socond firo.
Simalarly, lho modia firsl wrolo of Sa|nl
M| c|ae| anJ Ga|t| e| | n l|e || ames o|
Salan|sls , An |ntas|on o| Salan|sls |n a
cemeletj. Lalor il was admillod lhal l|e
|| temen J| J nol || nJ anj sjm|o| s o|
Salan|sls |n l|e tema|ns o| l|e ||te anJ
consequenl|j l|e atson was allt||uleJ lo
common -|m|ous- ct|m|na|s. So whon il
bocamo obvious lhal lho Salanisls had nol
commi llod lhoso acls, lho rol alod
i nformali on was publ i shod by somo
nowspapors bul look up loss spaco in lho
columns lhan lhoir allogod implicalion in
lho aforomonlionod incidonls did. Wo road
lhal i l was causod by a tanJa| o| l|e
cemeletj |as sjc|o|og|ca| to||ems,
Salan| sls ate l|tee m| nots, luten| | e
|utg|ats, |ajeJ a jo|ea gauJj one (...
Un|otlunale|j |somo] newsaets, s|ow|ng
a|so|ule|j no sctu|es, teac|eJ l|ean|c
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
anJ ag| lal| on etetjw|ete | n Sa| on| ca
|ecause o| l|e Salan|sls anJ ol|et suc|
8. /ale seec| toto||ng t|o|ence
'Halo spooch' is somolimos omployod in
ordor lo provoko violonco, conflicl and lo
imply irrodonlism. Consoquonlly, il is
obvious lhal 'halo spooch' producod nol
only by modia bul also by slalo aulhorilios
can conlribulo lo a climalo of manipulalod
inloloranco in which acls of violonco,
porsoculion, and arsons can lako placo.
ln Croalian modia, for oxamplo, wo gol an
uncrilical prosonlalion of lho Croalian
Prosi donl oponl y suggosli ng lhal lho
confl i cl bolwoon Sorbs and Croals i s
i rroconci l abl o, lhus i mpl yi ng lho
|uslificalion of violonco lowards lho Sorbs:
Ctoal|as |ulute was nol sa|e, w|||e l|ej
|lho Sorbs] wete ||t|ng |n /n|n !uJjman
comateJ Set|s lo cancet Jesltoj|ng l|e
Ctoal|an nal|ona| |e|ng al l|e tetj |eatl o|
1ho Grook modia, on lho olhor hand, spoak
of lho losl lands in lho pasl pro|ocling
irrodonlism: !|ete ate no |osl |al|et|anJs
|ul on|j unteJeemeJ |al|et|anJs anJ we
s|ou|J |ee l||s |n m|nJ. During lho lmia
crisis, lho 1urkish |ournalisls' aclivily on
lho i sl ol was dofi nod by lho modi a i n
oxaggoralod lorms, in ordor lo oxcludo any
doubls aboul who lho aggrossors woro:
|anJ|ng, |ntas|on, agenls assau|l.
kaising aggrossivo inlonlions soomod lo bo
in lhoso days lho Grook modia's ob|oclivo:
/els slanJ u al !|etmoj|ae, C|||et |ot
lm|a? we |ot Conslanl|no|e ( w||c| |s
|ejonJ anj Jou|l Gtee|, |els answet
w|l| new !|etmoj|ae, Matal|ons anJ
Sa|am|nes. ln any caso, bolh foolings of
halrod and insligalion lo violonco aro
gcncrc| prcscnfcf|cn
pcrf ||
sunnor|es of not|ono| reports
ncr|cnc |cn|cvc
monitoring and reporting on
bate speecb' in tbe baIkan region
ln Augusl 199S lho lnlornalional Holsinki
lodorali on for Human ki ghls (lHl)
ombarkod on a ma| or documonlali on
pro|ocl lo monilor lho prosonco of 'halo
spooch' in lho pross and broadcasl modia
in lho alkan rogion. 1ho ovorall goal of lho
pro| ocl was lo conlri bulo lo lho
dovolopmonl of rosponsiblo modia which
rofl ocl lho fundamonlal pri nci pl os of
pluralism and loloranco.
1ho spocific ob|oclivos of lho pro|ocl woro:
1. 1o bui l d lho capaci ly among non-
govornmonlal human ri ghls
organi zali ons wi lhi n oach of lho
counlri os/provi ncos lo rocogni zo,
syslomalically monilor and undorsland
'halo spooch',
2. lo croalo a rocord of spocific casos of
'halo spooch', ospoci al l y whoro i l
appoars connoclod lo aclual violonco,
3. lo rai so lho consci ousnoss of lho
populalion aboul 'halo spooch' and ils
l i nk lo i nlol oranco, hosli l i ly and
possiblo violonco lowards lho largolod
individuals or minorily groups wilhin
lho spocific counlry and lowards lho
populalion of a noighboring counlry.
1ho moni lors woro col l ocli ng and
documonli ng 'halo spooch' di roclod
againsl four largol groups: 1) individuals or
minorily groups (olhnic, polilical, roligious,
cullural, olc.) rosiding wilhin lho counlry,
2) populalions of a noighboring counlry, 3)
human righls aclivisls, anli-nalionalisl
opposi li on parli os and i ndopondonl
inlollocluals, and 4) |ournalisls.
On lho basis of lhis malorial lho monilors
producod a sori os of roporls whi ch
documonlod 'halo spooch' in lho individual
counlrios/provincos on a monlhly basis
pl aci ng i l i n lho conloxl of pol i li cal
dovolopmonls which havo occurrod in lho
counlry during lho samo poriod of limo.
1ho roporls also invosligalod incidonls in
which spocific inslancos of human righls
abuso and violonco appoar lo bo rolalod lo
'halo spooch' in lho modia.
ll should bo slrossod lhal lho monilors
woro human ri ghls acli vi sls (al mosl
oxclusivoly pooplo from lho rospoclivo
Holsinki Commilloos), so an imporlanl
aspocl of lho pro|ocl was for il lo bo a
lraining oxorciso for lhoso aclivisls and nol
a scholarly or profossional rosoarch of
modi a anal ysls. Duo lo lhi s, lho fi nal
producls from lho moni lori ng i n lho
difforonl counlrios aro ralhor dissimilar.
1hus lho moro oxpori oncod loams
producod comprohonsivo and in-doplh
roporls, whilo olhors woro loss so.
1ho GHM loam, on lho basis of ils own
oxlonsivo roporls, lho lwo inlorim roporls
i l producod i n Docombor 199S and i n
March 1996, as woll as on lho basis of
nali onal roporls subsoquonll y mado
availablo lo il, undorlook lho challonging
lask of wri li ng lho fi nal roporl of lho
Ono should bo awaro lhal lho book musl
bo road as 'glimpsos' of halo spooch, and
nol as an oxhauslivo sludy. 1his was duo lo
lho facl lhal, as said abovo, somo loams did
moro comprohonsivo roporling lhan olhors,
and lhal, for lochnical roasons unrolalod lo
lho nalional loams' abililios, somo monlhly
roporls from somo counlrios woro nol
availablo lo lho aulhors of lhis book. lor
somo counlrios, bolh shorlcomings
concurrod. Honco, no ono should comparo
lho inlonsily of halo spooch bolwoon any
lwo counlrios basod on lho oxlonl of lhoir
covorago in lhis book.
Lvon in such a silualion, lhough, lho main
lronds in lho modia aro woll pronouncod.
Slill, lho bosl approach would bo lo road
lhis roporl in addilion lo lho olhor work on
lho al kan rogi on, producod by olhor
1ho covorago lhal lhis noighbor gols in lho
Albanian modia is usually rolalod lo lho
probl oms of lho numorous Al bani an
immigranls in Grooco. /ot l|e names we
ate c|ang| ng now we s|a| | l|| n| otet
lomottow., 45,000 names c|angeJ,
Gteece |nc|les l|e |otgel|u|ness o| l|e
A||an|an names. |1ho arliclo lroals lho
caso of lho Albanians who chango lhoir
namos i n ordor lo havo i l oasi or lo bo
allowod lo go lo Grooco and lo find a work
lhoro.] (k.P, 3/8), ln l||s wot|J l|ete ate
nol on|j tesecl|u| Gtee|s. (k.P, 12/9).
On lho olhor hand, lhoro aro lho issuos
concorning lho Grook minorily in Albania,
which consoquonlly involvo Grooco as
woll. l| Gteece tea||j |nlenJs lo |onot |ls
so|J|ets w|o wete ||||eJ Jut|ng l|e SeconJ
wot|J wat, |l can la|e l|e|t |ones anJ ul
l|em |n a new anl|eon |n Al|ens, w|||e |n
A||an|a w||| |onot on|j l|ose w|o J|eJ |ot
A||an|a. |lho arliclo is accompaniod wilh a
caricaluro of a card playor who holds lhroo
cards: lho minorily card, lho Orlhodoxy
card and lho card of omigralion, i.o. Grooks
pl ay agai nsl Al bani a wi lh lhoso lhroo
cards.] (A, S/10).
1ho parly supporlod mainly by lho Grook
mi nori ly i s sub| oclod lo mockory and
halrod: !|e /tes|Jenl o| l|e Assoc|al|on o|
l|e Gjs|es |e|J al l|e con|etence l|al
120,000 Gjs|es ate |a|l||u| so|Jets o| l|e
/8D/l |lho minorily parly Union for lho
Dofonso of Human kighls], cons|Jet|ng
l|al l|ete ate on|j 60,000 Gtee|s |n A||an|a
l||s atlj t|s|s lo c|ange |ls |ase o| suotl
|tom l|e Gtee| m| not| lj lo l|e gjsj
m|not|lj. (A, 17/11), !|e con|etence o|
l|e anl|-A||an|ans., /8D/l uls |lse|| oul
o| | aw (.l.K, 23/11), /8D/l - an
|nsltumenl o| OMO/OlA., A||an|a |s nol
mu|l|el|n|c, |ls a comacl el|n|c slale
|tom !|tat| lo /teteze, |tom l|e AJt|al|c lo
S|oje., A lt||ule |lho conforonco] |ot
|a|s|||cal|ons o| ||slotj anJ l|e ltul|(...,
w|al Jo jou wanl mote l|an w|al we
|ate guatanleeJ lo jou? w|j Jo jou as|
|ot sc|oo|s |n Gj|to|aslet, De|t|ne anJ
SatanJa al a l|me w|en l|ese lowns ate
comacl, lola||j A||an|an?, \ou Jo nol
|ate l|e t| g|l lo saj l|al jou |ate
conlt||uleJ lo so|len l|e lens|on |elween
out lwo ne|g||ot|ng slales, |ecause al l|e
l|me w|en l|e c|aut|n|sl Gtee|s, mem|ets
o| l|ose o|scute c|tc|es w||c| tu|e l|al
counltj loJaj, lotluteJ out |mm|gtanls
ull|ng ||l c|gatelles anJ naa|m |n l|e|t
|oJj(... (1.D, 2S/11).
Al l lhoso bri ng forlh lho fol l owi ng
conclusion: !|e secu|al|ons o| Gtee|
c|aut|n|sm w|l| l|e wotJs we ate l|e
ctaJ|e o| Jemoctacj ate now totet||a|.
w|se eo|e |now l|al l|e tesenl Jaj
Gtee|s |ate nol||ng lo Jo w|l| l|e anc|enl
Gtee|s. On l|e conltatj - l|e |otmet ate |n
etetj asecl l|e negal|te s|Je o| l|e |allet.
/ten l|e|t s|jness, |e|ng muc| mote |ana|,
|s J|||etenl |tom l|al o| U||se. !|ej sea|
w|l| t|Je |n l|e name o| l|e ctaJ|e o|
Jemoctacj |ul l|e|t slales acl|t|lj |s an
exam|e o| ljtannj, anJ l|e|t te|al|ons||
w|l| l|e A||an|ans - a s|gn o| |at|at|lj.
(L.D.K, 23/1)
Sorbia is gonorally soon in lho conloxl of
lho difficullios lhal lho Kosovo Albanians
oncounlor. 1hus lho alliludo of almosl all
Albanian modia is oponly hoslilo bolh
lowards Sorbia ilsolf |!o g|te s|e|let lo l|e
Set| te|ugees | n A| |an| a? !|| s | s
unaccela||e, 8e|ote l wou|J |ate maJe
||m l|tee quesl|ons. /|tsl, || |e |ales l|e
/osoto A||an|ans ot nol, seconJ|j || |e
agtees l|al /osoto |s a atl o| l|e A||an|an,
l|| tJ| j o| |e | s aga| nsl l|e || ee o| l|e
A||an|ans |tom /osoto. AccotJ|ng lo ||s
answets, l wou|J |ate g|ten lo ||m s|e|let
ot nol. (G.S, 1/8)], and lowards anybody
who daros havo a moro loloranl opinion.
|!|e |uman|sm o| Ce|a |lho loador of lho
Domocralic Allianco, who suggoslod lhal
Sorbian rofugoos from Kra|na bo accoplod
in Albania] |ajs |ot l|e Set|s., (... ||s
|Coka's] cosmoo||lan|sm as a o||l|c|an
anJ ||s slalemenl l|al |e |s teaJj lo g|te
s|e|let lo a Set| te|ugee al ||s |ome sounJs
tetj s||tet|ng(... (k.D, 16/8), !|e a|||ance
w|l| l|e execulots o| l|e ct|me (k, 9/8)].
!|e Allac| - a poom by lho mosl woll
known Albanian wrilor Milrush Kuloli full
of halo againsl lho Sorbs and Monlonogrins
whoro lho word s||j a| wi lh a vory
po|oralivo moaning is usod - was publishod
in L.D. (4/8).
ln }anuary lho nogalivo imago of lho Sorbs
was onrichod wilh ono moro accusalion:
!|e Soc|a||sls anJ /o|a lone ate ||nanceJ
|j Set||a, /unJteJs o| m||||ons et jeat
|ot l|e A||an|an Commun|sls. !|e sectel
o||ce //otmet A||an|an S|gut|m|l la|es l|e
monej |tom Set||a |n otJet lo ||nance l|e
Soc| a| | sl Jeul| es anJ l|e /o|a lone
Ja||j. (A., 24/1), |n l|e |asl |ew Jajs an
ex- S|gut|m| agenl |as lo|J ||m l|al |uge
sums o| monej ate com|ng |tom Moscow,
l|toug| l|e Set|s, lo teac| l|e A||an|an
Soc| a| | sls anJ l|e /o|a lone aet.
!|toug| l||s monej l|e Commun|sl wot|J
|eaJs l|e sj|ng acl|t|lj aga|nsl l|e A||an|a
aet anJ conlto|s l|e o||cj o| !|tanas
gotetnmenl. (A, 24/1). A wholo sorios of
arliclos followod, all of lhom implying
Sorbia as lho 'bad guy.' USD 20 m||||on
|tom Set||a lo Jesla||||ze A||an|a. (A,
2S/1), !|e teotl o| l|e Zanon| /tess
O|||ce, u|||s|eJ |n l|e A||an|a jesletJaj,
J|sc|oses l|e gtealesl o||l|ca| scanJa| |n
A||an|a. !|e teotl |nJ|cales l|al Set||a
senJs |unJteJs o| l|ousanJs o| Jo||ats |n
A||an|a lo ||nance Jogmal|c |eaJets o| l|e
A||an|an oos|l|on, |otmet //A |eaJets
anJ l|e newsaets /o|a lone anJ Zet| |
/ou|||l. (A, 2S/1), w|en l|e Democtal|c
/atlj as|eJ |ot |nJeenJenl newsaets,
S|gut|m| ctealeJ /o|a lone l|toug| w||c|
|l |nlenJeJ lo |nl|m|Jale l|e u|||c o|n|on
anJ, al l|e same l|me, lo guatanlee Set||a
|ls own newsaet |n A||an|a. (k.D, 26/1),
Set|s |ntesl |n l|e Soc|a||sls |n otJet lo
|ee /osoto. (A, 27/1), /aJ A||an|a
|een sltonget, l|e Set|s wou|J |ate |ounJ
|l mote J||||cu|l lo tu|e otet /osoto., we,
w|o ate |n l|e Sectel /o||ce, ate al l|e
sett|ce o| l|e Soc|a||sls, l|e oos|l|on anJ
Set||a, w||c| su||es l|e monej. Set||a
neeJeJ l|e /o|a lone Ja||j |tom l|e tetj
|eg|nn|ng, so |l su||eJ monej esec|a||j
al l|e momenl o| l|e | ncel| on as an
| nJeenJenl newsaet. !|e monej
tece|teJ |j /o|a lone useJ lo come |n
a|unJance |tom Set||a some jeats ago,
w|eteas now |l |s t|c| enoug| w|l| l|e
monej |l |as tece|teJ, |ecom|ng l|e ||tsl
newsaet | n A| |an| a l|an|s lo | ls
nout|s|menl |j Set||a. /ence, l|ete |as
a|wajs |een a gooJ te|al|ons|| |elween
Set||a anJ A||an|as commun|sl sjslem
(comoseJ o| Soc|a||sl oos|l|on s|es, o|
/o|a lone anJ Zet| | /ou||||l. !|ete |as
|een a gooJ unJetslanJ|ng |elween l|e
Set| anJ l|e A||an|an commun|sls. ll |as
slatleJ a |ong l|me ago anJ |e|ongs lo an
||slot|ca| ltaJ|l|on. ln l|e conlexl o| l||s
unJetslanJ|ng, l|e A||an|an commun|sls
|ate |een uels o| Set|| a anJ Set|
o||cj s|nce /osoto |s a ||g to||em |ot l|e
Set|s. (A, 30/1), we ate te|ett|ng lo l|e
|acl l|al we, l|e A||an|an commun|sls,
|ate a|wajs |een sltangets anJ Jeto|J o|
|uman senl| menls. we |ate |een
come| | eJ lo a| wajs | aj l|e to| es o|
uels w||c| l|e Set|s otJeteJ us lo
tec| le a| ouJ. !|| s tessute | eJ lo an
a|notma| anJ Jesltucl|te coex|slence, |ot |l
|as a|wajs tetesenleJ a s|lual|on Jeto|J
o| |teeJom, a s|lual|on |n w||c| su||et|ng
|tom Jom|nal|on was an o|||gal|on |ot us,
|n l|e same waj as jou su||eteJ |tom |l
w|en jou lt|eJ lo |mose |l on ol|ets. !|e
A||an|an eo|e |ate |een lotluteJ |j us,
w|||e l|e agenls anJ we - l|e o|||c|a|s o| l|e
teg| me - |ate |een lotluteJ |j l|e
\ugos|ats, lo w|om we wete come||eJ lo
o|ej |n l|e name o| l|e A||an|an eo|e.
!|e Set|s |ate a| wajs |oug|l us, l|e
commun| sls, anJ we |ate a| wajs so| J
outse|tes oul |ot l|e|t monej |n otJet lo
|ee a| | te out Je| | t| um o| owet anJ
wea|l|, w||c| tan counlet lo l|e |nletesls
o| l|e eo|e., !|e Set|s |ate sel l|e|t
ejes on A||an|an toseculots anJ |ate
lt|eJ seteta| l|mes lo |uj l|em |ul |ate
nol succeeJeJ. we, |tom l|e Soc| a| | sl
oos| l| on, ate sl| | | ltj| ng lo |uj l|e
te|ugees o| l|e tesenl keu|||c. ln |acl, we
- l|e agenls - |ate |een otJeteJ lo |t||e
some toseculots | n /| et anJ
Gj|to|aslet(... (A, 1/2)
NGOs, lndependent )ournaIists,
and lnteIIectuaIs
Mosl of lho monilorod modia showod a
londoncy lo uso dofamali on and halo
spooch againsl individuals, |usl on lho
basis of lho lallor's polilical boliofs and
acli vi li os. !|e /nem| es o| A| |an| a.,
Am|assaJots o| Sotos, |nsleaJ o| ltue
am|assaJots o| l|e A||an|an cu|lute.,
!|e seec| o| /alos /u|onja concetn|ng
A||an|a was |ana| anJ tetj o||enJ|ng. /e
Jen|eJ out |Jenl|lj., o||enJ|ng |ot l|e
J|gn|lj o| l|e counltj, A||an|ans so|J lo
l|e |ote|gnets. |aflor lalos Lubon|a's
spooch al a mooling of inlollocluals] (A,
29/9), !||s man |indopondonl inlolloclual
Ldi kama] w|o s|ows ||mse|| loJaj as ||
|e|ng a s|n|ess t|esl c|ealeJ s|ame|ess|j
l|e /tenc| eo|e w|en A||an|a was a
|un|et anJ now, w|en A||an|a |s ltj|ng lo
ga|n |ls J|gn|lj, |s |j|ng aga|n., S|nce
A||an|a Joes nol |acel l|e to||em o| l|e
nal|ona| o||ul|on |tom l|e aggtess|on o|
m|not|l|es, we ate nol aea||ng lo |e
c|aut|n|sl nal|ona||sl. !|e |acl l|al A||an|a
|as etsons |||e kama anJ /u|onja |s nol
enoug| lo encoutage nal|ona||sm |n otJet
lo |a|ance l|em. (A, 3/10), /oo| al l|e
|amous |nle||eclua| |Ldi kama], l|e g|anl
o| A||an|an cu|lute w|o lt|eJ lo s|ow lo
/tance anJ /utoe |ow ctue| was l|e |ale,
w|| c| |otces || m lo | | te | n a counltj
w|l|oul J|gn|lj, cu|luta| ltaJ|l|on anJ
||slotj, |||e A||an|a. (k.D, 4/10).
1ho Albanian Holsinki Commilloo (AHC),
mombor of lho lnlornali onal Hol si nki
lodorali on, di d nol oscapo from lhi s
dofaming campaign oilhor: |lho AHC is
composod of] eo|e nosla|g|c o| l|e
asl, sectel|j connecleJ w|l| l|e Soc|a||sl
/atlj, ex-agenls o| S|gut|m| |lho Albanian
Socrol Sorvico], w|o ate |nlet|et|ng |n l|e
a||a|ts o| jusl|ce. (k.D., 1.D.), !|e oen
||as on l|e atl o| nosla|g|c o| l|e asl
eo|e, as we|| as l|e tesence o| etsons
w|l| cottuleJ ||ogta||es, ate nol lo l|e
|ene||l o| an |nsl|lul|on |lho AHC] l|al
sjm|o||zes l|e tesecl |ot |uman t|g|ls |n
A||an|a. (A, 22/10), |lho aims of lho
AHC's mombor Arbon Pulo aro] a lo
Je|enJ w| l| a| | oss| || e means l|e
Commun|sl ct|mes anJ l|e|t aul|ots(...
anJ l|e etsons w|o ate aga|nsl Jemoctacj
loJaj, | lo to||l malet|a||j |tom l||s
comm|llee as muc| as oss|||e (k.D,
12/12), l| anj snea| telenJs l|al l||s ||nJ
o| ataJox |lho dofonso of lho porsoculod
poopl o by lhoi r porsoculors] | s | n
accotJance w|l| l|e Jemoctal|c tu|es, we
w||| answet l|al l|ej ate |n |atmonj w|l|
l|e s|ame o| Jemoctacj. /t|sl|n |on /o||,
w|o Joes nol |now l|e s|lual|on |n A||an|a
anJ can |a|| |nlo l|e ltas o| A. /ulo w|o
aea| s |ot |uman |ee| | ngs lowatJ a
ct|m|na| |||e /ex|m|je /ox|a ot a l||e| |||e
/alos /ano., AccotJ| ng lo a tecenl
Jocumenl At|en /ulo |as l|e to| e lo
unJetm|ne out Jemoctacj l|toug| ||s
otgan|zal|on |lho AHC] w||c|, l|toug| a
atl|j unJetgtounJ acl|t|lj, wot|s on l|e
ete o| l|e e|ecl|ons |ot l|e commun|sls
case. (L., Doc.), /ot l|| s c|ame| eon
w|| c| |as exltaotJ| natj caac| l| es lo
c|ange ||s |ace(..., l|ete ate eo|e w|o
|ate seen w|l| l|e|t own ejes ||s |ace o| a
cann| |a| (..., luJas At|en |Arbol
Pulo](... (k.D, 21/1).
Various |ournalisls woro also sub|oclod lo
halo spooch. Gta||c exctemenl. |aboul
lho wrilings of lho indopondonl |ournalisl
lrrok Cupi who supporlod Coka's
slalomonl on lho Sorbian rofugoos] (k,
16/8), /tom a /asc|sl newsaet lo a Ma||a
one |an arli cl o agai nsl 'Gazola
Shquiplaro'] (k.D,6/8), !|e newsaet o|
8o|||no |'Gazola Shquiplaro'] |s we|| |nown
|ot Je|amal|on anJ Sla||n|sl all|luJes.
(k.D, 17/8), !|e |um| | | al| on o| l|e
A||an|an |anguage |s an unc|t|||zeJ acl o|
8o|||no anJ ||s gtou (||g|l|ng un|l o|
sea|ets o| A||an|an. (k.D, 3/8), |lho
|ournalisls of 'Gazola Shquiplaro'] |now
eten l|e tosl|lules anJ ||ac|guatJs
s|ang(... l|ej ate teaJj lo se|| nol on|j l|e|t
mol|ets |anguage |ul eten l|emse|tes(...
(k.D, 3/8), kac|sls as 8o|||no |ate lo |e
exe||eJ |tom A||an|a. (1.D, 22/9)
1ho lnlornalional Communily
A sominar, organizod by lho inlornalional
organi zali on Arli cl o 19, gol a
prodominanlly nogalivo covorago in lho
pro-Domocralic Parly papors. S/Ml/Ak
O//\ /Ok ///!lS! lOUk/A/lS!S, /ot
l|e /utoean Commun| lj | l Joes nol
mallet l|al l|e |aJj tetesenl|ng Atl|c|e 19
|n !|tana |as some o|||gal|ons lo l|e c||e|s
o| l|e |e|l|sl tess |n A||an|a |ecause s|e
|as s|el |ot a |ong l|me |n l|e|t |ouses.
(A, 12/3). 1horo woro also oxplicil insulls
di roclod lo lho roprosonlali vos of lho
organizalion: !|e etsons |in a po|oralivo
sonso, liko 'lho croaluros'] |tom Atl|c|e 19
ate now oen|j Jec|at|ng l|emse|tes as
|||anl|to|sls o| l|e |e|l|sls tess(..., l|
|ot l|e |onota||e |aJj, l|e |e|l|sl joutna||sls
ate mote o| | l| ca| | j anJ aesl|el| ca| | j
agteea||e l|an l|e ol|ets, l||s |s a mallet o|
|ema|e lasle w||c| |as nol||ng al a|| lo Jo
w| l| l|e |unJs o| l|e /utoean
Commun|lj(..., /ot l|ese teasons l|e
tetesenlal|tes o| Atl|c|e 19 |n A||an|a ate
nol cteJ|||e(... |ecause etetjone maj
l||n| l|al l|ej ate concetneJ on|j w|en
one o| l|e Jt|n|ets o| /|Je|||s ca|e, w|o
accomanj l|e |onota|| e Atl| c| e 19
tetesenlal|te Jut|ng anJ a|let Jt|n||ng ate
allac|eJ(..., /ot l|e /utoean
Commun|lj, |l |s nol |motlanl l|al l|e
|aJj tetesenl|ng Atl|c|e 19 |n !|tana |as
o|||gal|ons lo some c||e|s o| l|e |e|l|sls
tess |n A||an|a, |ecause s|e |as s|el w|l|
l|em |ot a |ong l|me(... (A., 12/3)
1ablo of modia inilials: RiIindja Demokratike (k. D.), Gazeta Sbquiptare (G.S.), Zeri l
PopuIIit (Z.P.), koba )one (K.}.), AIeanca (Al.), RepubIika (k.P.), RiIindja (k.), AIbania
(A.), 1ribuna Demokratike (1.D.), 8aIIi i kombit (.l.K.), Liria (L.), L Djatbta (L.D.), L
Djatbta kombetare (L.D.K.), AIternativa SD (A.S.D.), PopuIIi Po (P.P.), Dita
lnformacion (D.l.).
1ho osnia Muslims aro prosonlod lhrough
opon halo spooch i n mosl of lho Sorb
languago publicalions, as woll as in somo
Croalian onos. Slock words liko: |a||je
|po|oralivo namo for Muslims], olut|ce
|convorl lo lsl am], !ut|s, ls| am| c
|unJamenla| | sls, Dj | |aJ so| J| ets,
ls|am|c lettot|sl |otces, MuJja|eJ|ns
(S.k.P, Augusl) aro lho onos usual l y
omployod. Opon lhroals liko lho following
aro nol lho oxcoplion, bul ralhor, lho rulo:
8osn|a|s ate a |anJ|u| o| |eets w|o w|||
tesecl l|e Ctoal |aws, ol|etw|se l|ej w|||
cease lo ex|sl(... (... now l||s |s l|e
Ctoal|an slale, nol /etzeg-8osn|a. l| 8a||ja
|po|oralivo namo for Muslims] Jo nol
accel l||s, l|ej w||| cease lo ex|sl. (C.1V
S.M, 20/1). l|ete w||| |e no Ctoals, no
!ut|ej, |ul on|j l|e keu|||c o| Sts|a.,
w|en l|e wo|tes |tom l|e mounla|n o|
!te|et| cJec| Je lo slatl, l|e !ut|s w| | |
temem|et w|o l|e Set|s ate. w|en l|e
Set|s slatl |tom a|| s|Jes, l|ete w||| |e no
Mus||ms a||te. (S.k.P, Soplombor). 1hus
lho conclusion comos lhal |a||ja |aro liko]
|ague, so |||e |s |moss|||e w|l| |a||je,
(... |l |s |ellet lo ||te as a te|ugee l|an lo
||te w|l| l|em |bali|o], |l |s |moss|||e lo
||te |n A||jas slale(... (S.1.P, lobruary-
On lho olhor hand, whon Muslim or Croal
modia wrilo aboul lho Sorbs, lho samo
haloful gonoralizalion (wilh a changod
largol) como lo play. /ow o|len cou|J
one ass juJgmenls concetn|ng a w|o|e
nal|on. ll wou|Jnl |e set|ous. 8ul, w|en
l|e ||es anJ l|e Set|s ate concetneJ, l|ete
|s no oss|||e m|sla|e. !|ej ate a|| ||ats.
/tom l|e c|||J lo l|e o|J man. /tom l|e
t|m|l|te easanl lo l|e /alt|atc| /at|e anJ
||s axons. !|ej ate a|| ||ats(... !|e mote
l|ej ||e, l|e mote l|ej ate Set|s(... !|e
||gget l|e ||e, l|e |ellet l|e Set|(... (H.k,
19/8), |1ho Sorbs living in lho govornmonl-
conlrollod aroas aro labolod as] lta|lots,
A||jas Set|s (S.k.P, Augusl).
1ho Croals also gol lhoir sharo of halo
spooch. 1hoy aro usually roforrod lo as
Uslas|a - lho pro-fascisl collaboralor
during WW2. (S.k.P, Augusl).
1be lnternationaI Community
Doponding again on which nalional group
spoaks, difforonl oxlornal onomios aro
condomnod. 1hus for lho Sorbs ovorylhing
i s lo bl amo on l|e val| can-ls| am| c
cons| tacj (S.k.P, Augusl). 1hi s
conspiracy involvos almosl lho wholo
inlornalional communily. As Dragosh
Kala|io, Vico Prosidonl of lho Commilloo
for lho proloclion from lho Don Haguo
1ribunal, says !|e Den /ague !t||una| |s
nol a tea| !t||una|. ll extesses l|e os|l|on
o| l|e USA(... !|e /ew \ot| |an|ets |ale
us, l|e Set|s, |ecause we ate l|e |esl
/utoean nal|on anJ l|e cotnetslone o| l|e
/utoean c|t|||zal|on(... (S.1.P, 24/2)
1ablo of modia inilials: Hrvatske RiIec (H.k.), GIas (Gl.), Serbian OsIobodjenje (S.O.),
OsIobodjenje (O.), Vecernje Novine (V.N.), Serb 1V - PaIe (S1P), Croatian 1V -
Studio Mostar (C. 1V - S. M.), Srpski Radio - PaIe (S. k. P.).
1his group has an almosl daily prosonco in
lho ulgarian modia. 1ho usual suggoslions
aro lhal all ils roprosonlalivos aro nol
simply criminals bul born sadisls. 1hal is
why lho roador is facod wilh horrifying
picluros liko lho following: A !/UG /kOM
!// !Ow/ O/ lS//kl/ COMMl!S
vlClOUS MOC//k\ wl!/ A k//A!lv/ O/
/lS, A MO!//k wAS 8A//D A/lv/ l/ A/
Ov//, A kOMA 8USl//SSMA/
!Ok!Uk/S !// wOMA/ /Ok /A// A DA\,
CU!S //k /AkS (24 C, 2/8). Gjsj 8ojs
C|oeJ !wo O|J Men w|l| an Ax |ot a
/um o| C|eese (168 C, 20/8). ka||waj
ko||et|es - /ew vocal|on o| l|e Gjsj
Gangs, /aj|ng s|ege lo lta|ns anJ to|||ng
l|em |ate |ecome ltaJ|l|ona| occual|on
o| w|o|e ||ns o| l|e Jat|-s||nneJ. Gjsj
gangs o| 20-30 eo|e etetj Jaj tansac|
lta|ns |oaJeJ w|l| c|gatelles, e|eclton|cs,
elc. 1ho arli cl o concl udos wi lh a
gonoral i zi ng commonl aboul lho
unmolivalod cruolly of lho koma: l| l|ej
cannol |nc| somel||ng, l|e to||ets g|te
waj lo l|e|t s|le |j |tea||ng anJ cull|ng
w|aletet |s |e|l. (24 C, 30/8). A Gjsj
kaeJ an Ot|an, l|e |nc|Jenl |s nol an
excel| on Jue lo l|e |acl l|al l|e
ot|anage | s nexl lo l|e koma
ne| g||ot|ooJ (S, 27/9). A Gang o|
Gjs|es kae a \oungslet, Gjs|es w|||
Dtown l|e !own o| /etn| | | n 8| ooJ lo
ketenge on ka||o /tasla (N, 20/9). A
/ettetse Gjsj Ma|es /otno /|olos Us|ng
Sc|oo|g|t|s (24 C, 1S/10). 1hus lho idoa
lhal Gypsios and ulgarians cannol livo
logolhor is inlroducod and rocyclod again
and again. !|e Gjsj /ataJ|se |s /e|| |ot
l|e 8u|gat|ans, Anol|et 8alleteJ Sou|,
/ow /ong?, lotluteJ 8u|gat|ans w|o ||te
|n Gjsj g|ellos |and] Jo nol Jate lo go
oul | n l|e Gjsj ataJ| se, attoganl
Gjs|es ts. |e||ess 8u|gat|ans. (A,
2S/10). /tetj l||tJ o||ense |n 8u|gat|a |s
comm|lleJ |j Gjs|es, an acl o| tetenge
aga| nsl l|e Gjs| es on l|e atl o| l|e
8u|gat|ans, t|cl|m|zeJ |j l|e|t allac|s (1,
7/10). Whal can bo moro convincing lhan
lho following slory, which brings forlh lho
slrongosl possi bl o halrod lowards al l
Gypsios. A |ulc|et |ma|eJ ||s |otet,
l|e senl|menla| tomance |elween a gjsj
anJ a 8u| gat| an woman enJeJ w| l| a
|at|at| c mutJet, l|e |easl| j Jat|-
s||nneJ |ulc|et |ma|eJ ||s sweel|eatl,
sla||eJ |et |ace anJ |et na|eJ |oJj w|l| a
||lc|en |n||e, anJ |n l|e |e|g|l o| execul|on
||l o|| |et |teasl (1, 31/10)
1horo aro lwo basic linos of roasoning
omployod by lho modia whilo discussing
issuos rolalod lo lho 1urkish minorily. On
lho ono hand lhoy prosonl lho dangor of
oconomic and polilical dominalion of lho
1urks in lho ulgarian aroas in which lhoy
aro lho ma|orily of lho populalion. Dogan
|lho loador of 1urkish minorily's parly - lho
Movomonl for kighls and lroodoms, Mkl]
!|tealens w|l| /l|no-ct|s|s, !alatc|et
|ulgaria's Chiof Prosoculor] |s /ass|te,
el|n| c lut|u| ence, anl| -8u| gat| an
o||l|cs (N, 29/10), (... l|e oul|oo| o| l|e
cteal|on o| some el|n|c, te||g|ous ot atlj
ot|enlaleJ |nteslmenl ot t|tal|zal|on
|unJs. u|el|j ate some eo|e teat|ng
lo Jo |l, ol|ets ate jusl announc|ng l|e|t
|nlenl|ons. !|e Mk/ Jemonsltales |l w|l|
an exltaotJ|natj attogance. Moteotet, l||s
atlj |s nol ||J|ng |ls |nlenl|ons lo ex|o|l
l|e mass-t| tal| zal| on lo esla|| | s|
econom|ca||j aulonomous teg|ons |tom
l|e | aces w|ete out counltjmen l|e
Mus| | ms | | te., ln l|e tesecl| te
coman|es |ovonlually privalizod by lho
1urkish minorily] l|ete w||| |e no jo|s |ot
8u|gat|ans anJ to|a||j l|e 8u|gat|ans w|||
te|use wot||ng l|ete. !||s w||| |eaJ lo an
unteceJenleJ m|gtal|on wate o| el|n|c
8u|gat|ans, w|o w||| |ose l|e|t ||te|||ooJ |n
l|e teg|on, |n telutn l|e !ut||s| ou|al|on
w||| |nctease |n a|so|ule num|et. ln ol|et
wotJs l|ese 8u|gat|an lett|lot|es w||| |e
la|en otet |j el|n|c !ut|s. (D, }anuary).
On lho olhor hand is lho ovor-prosonl
lhroal of lslamic fundamonlalism. ls|am|c
Acl|t|sls Sectel|j Gal|eteJ C|||Jten /eat
/amototo (D, 22/8). !|ousanJs o|
Do||ats |ot /teatal|on o| l|e Massacte |n
8u|gat|a, 8u|gat|an Mus||ms ate l|e /ew
latgel o| Mus||m /xltem|sls (168 C, 18/9).
Aparl from lhal lho modia slross lhoir
suspicion on 1urkoy's rolo in rogard lo ils
co-palriols oulsido ils bordors. !ut||s|
cons|tacj |n l|e k|oJoes mounla|n (S,
1/11). /utJz|a|| |a ulgarian lown whoro
many 1urks l i vo] | s atm| ng | lse| | w| l|
otgan| zeJ Je| | tet| es |tom !ut|ej (S,
21/11). As a rosull of all lhis, lho silualion
is soon as parlicularly bolhoring, bocauso
!|e Mk/ can s|eJ someones ||ooJ on
accounl o| l|e e|ecl|ons |n /utJz|a|| (D,
27/12) and bocauso !|e 8u|gat|an !ut|s
w||| JemanJ aulonomj |e|ote l|e jeat
2000 (K, }anuary).
ReIigious Minorities
Modia aro oponly hoslilo lo any roligion
olhor lhan Orlhodox Chrislianily. 1ho
Lvangolisls from Word of Lifo aro callod
sou| |aslatJs, on accounl o| a s|ng|e
t|g|l |froodom of roligion] o| seteta| Jozens
o| m|s|eJ |ojs anJ g|t|s, l|e t|g|ls o| l|e
w|o|e nal|on anJ o| l|e slale maj Jec||ne
(K, 18/8). 1hus lho roador l oarns lhal
\OU/G //O/// /kOM wOkD O/ /l//
|aro] wOk//D wl!/ /O\lOUS
C//MlCA/S !O /A\ /Ok !//lk 8//l//
(24 C, 21/8). A t|||age |n l|e k|oJoes
s|t|e|eJ |ls com|a|nls aga|nsl /tange||sls
otg|es (D, 23/8). 1ho following accusalion
is lho mosl froquonl: !|e Gutus |tom
wotJ o| /||e ate !utn|ng out C|||Jten |nlo
lan|ssat|es. (N, 19/9). Oflonlimos lho
papors do nol spocify which roligion lhoy
havo in mind, bocauso lho moro labol lhal
somolhi ng i s a socl i s onough lo
influonco lho roadors. A /|ne-jeat O|J
8oj was /| JnaeJ |j /| s Seclat| an
Mol|et (N, 28/9).
Moroovor, lho now roligions aro foarod,
bocauso of lhoir supposod influonco on lho
docision makors of lho counlry. Secls
Jela|n 8u|gat|an |nle||eclua|s anJ slalesmen
w|l| sex te|aleJ J|scteJ|ls, /eo|e |tom
l|e e||le o| out soc|elj |a|| |nlo l|e secls
c| ulc|es. S|ame|u| malet| a| s a|oul
o||l|c|ans anJ l|e|t |am|||es ate execleJ
lo aeat. (S, 23/11). !|e Motmons
exotleJ l|tee |unJteJ l|ousanJ atc||te
m|cto|||ms, etetj seconJ 8u|gat|an |as a
|||e |n l|e atc||tes o| l|e Motmons |n Sa|l
/a|e C|lj. (K, 1S/12).
1ho lsl ami c socls aro nol forgollon
oilhor: l|e |ote|gn m|ss|onat|es steaJ
among 8u| gat| an Mus| | ms l|e mosl
Jangetous ls|am|c |tanc|, w||c| ca||s |ot
sacteJ wat aga|nsl a|| ol|et te||g|ons (168
C, 18/9), !|e ls|am|c |unJamenla||sm anJ
l|e secls ctuc||j l|e 8u|gat|an ltaJ|l|ona|
ta|ues (N.1, }anuary).
Somo olhor, ovon moro obscuro culls aro
also prosonlod as conlors of lho ullimalo
ovil. !|e /sjc|o-Cenlet SCl//!O/OG\ -
l|e tea|m o| et||, unJetm|n|ng o| sou|s
l|toug| GoJs name sact||ege. !|e secl
|Scionlology] |as a|teaJj sel u |tanc|es
|n 8u|gat|a (NS, 1S/10). Salan |o||owets
w||| J|ssem|nale un|tetsa| Jeal| |n l|e eta
o| Aquat|us, Jat| secls ate teat|ng
co||ecl|te su|c|Jes anJ mass s|aug|let |n
l|e new jeat (24 C, 30/12).
Kooping all lhis in mind, il is nol surprising
lhal lho following loxlbook was approvod
as a loaching malorial by lho Minislry of
Lducalion in Docombor 199S. ln tecenl
l|me l|e non-ltaJ|l|ona| te||g|ous secls ate
|e|ng etseculeJ |n manj wesl /utoean
counlt|es, l|ej ate |e|ng oul|aweJ anJ
su|jecleJ lo |ega| tetess|te acl|on on atl
o| l|e |aw-en|otcemenl |oJ|es (o||ce,
tosecul| on, secut| lj sett| ces, elc.
/etetl|e|ess, |l |aJ |een a |ong l|me |e|ote
teslt| cl| on uon l|e acl| t| l| es o| non-
ltaJ|l|ona| te||g|ons, |aJ |een exetleJ |n
l||s counltj, a |acl w||c| a||oweJ l|e |allet
slt||e sla||e os|l|on |n 8u|gat|a. Coetc|on
o| teJom| nanl| j joung eo| e anJ
toaganJa o| soc| a| ass| t| lj, | n
com||nal|on w|l| use o| sjc|olto|c
mel|oJs (|ot exam|e |ta|n-was||ng,
oses a set| ous l|teal lo soc| elj anJ
nal| ona| secut| lj. (1ho Socls - Soul
Hunlors, a book by Goorgi Sloyanov).
NGOs, lndependent )ournaIists,
and lnteIIectuaIs
1ho NGOs aro soon as spios of foroign
slalos, which havo unlimilod funds for
financial supporl. O|t|ous|j l|e acl|t|l|es
o| suc| otgan|zal|ons |1ho Human kighls
Pro|ocl] sette some|oJjs |nletesls (D,
8/8). |1ho ulgarian Holsinki Commilloo
and 1ho Human ki ghls Pro| ocl aro]
to||leet|ng |tom l|e el|n|c |nlo|etance |n
8u|gat|a, |follows an ironic suggoslion lo]
|mt|son on|j ct|m|na|s w|l| a cetl|||cale
|ot ute el|n|c ot|g|n, so l|al l|e /utoean
mon|lots |e sute l|al we |ulgarians] ate
slt|cl |n o|sett|ng l|e Gjsj t|g|ls. (1,
4/9). /ounJal|on J|ss|ales Jo||ats |ot
teseatc|, unl||n|a||e s||||ng o| monej,
J|slt||ul|ng monej lo Gjsj c|||Jten lo
atlj anJ, so ca||eJ, go |ac| lo sc|oo| (D,
13/12, againsl lho lnlornalional Conlor for
Mi nori ly Sludi os and lnlorcul lural
Moroovor, lho pooplo who work for lhoso
organizalions aro lrailors of lho nalional
inlorosls, bocauso !|e |uman t|g|ls
acl|t|sls |from lho HC] accuseJ once
mote out counltj l|al | l a| | egeJ| j
J|sct|m|nales aga|nsl eo|e Jue lo l|e|t
el|n|c |e|ong|ng (1, 6/11). D|||etenl
seuJo /||eta|s anJ seuJo |uman t|g|ls
Je|enJets |||e l|e nolot|ous Mt. /tass|m|t
/anet |lho Chair of lho HC] ate tegu|at|j
| ntenl| ng |a|t| cal| ons lo | nct| m| nale
8u|gat|a |n |tonl o| l|e wot|J anJ lo ga|n ||s
|ote|gn sa|atj (24 C, 20/12). ll seems l|al
t|g|ls anJ |teeJoms ate mote essenl|a| l|an
out nal|ona| secut|lj (168 C, 1/8).
1be lnternationaI Community
Somo inlornalional organizalions also gol
nogalivo covorago in lho ulgarian mass
modia. Amneslj lnletnal|ona| So|s ln va|n
A|oul 8ealen Gjs|es |n 8u|gat|a (1, 7/10).
l| Sotos wenl lo !ut|ej anJ lstae| lo oen
l|em, |e wou|J |e c|aseJ anJ ||c|eJ oul,
a |||eta| |tol|e| te|gns |n 8u|gat|a. 8u|gat|a
|s nol gotetneJ |j 8u|gat|ans anJ |ot l|e
|ene||l o| l|e 8u|gat|ans (168 C, 1/8).
1ablo of modia inilials: 24 Cbasa (24 C), 168 Cbasa (168C), Dneven 1rud (1), Nosbten
1rud (N.1.), ZbuIt 1rud (Z.1.), Standart (S), NedeIen Standart (N.S.), kontinent (K.),
Novinar (N.), Demokratsia (Dom), Duma (D), 8uIgarian NationaI 1V - CbanneI 1
(N1-1), 8N 1V - CbanneI 2 (N1-2), Nova 1V, 8uIgarian NationaI Radio Program
Sorbs rocoi vo somo of lho slrongosl
nogalivo covorago in lho Croalian modia.
Lvon lho Croalian Prosidonl oponly says
lhal Ctoal|as |ulute was nol sa|e, w|||e
l|ej |lho Sorbs] wete | | t| ng | n /n| n
!uJjman J|J nol ||Je ||s te||e| al l|e |acl
l|al l|e Set|s |aJ |e|l /taj|na, sltess|ng l|al
||s aea| lo l|e Set||an ou|al|on Jut|ng
l|e Slotm m|||latj oetal|on was maJe
on|j |ot l|e wot|Js sa|e. /e comateJ
Set|s lo cancet Jesltoj|ng l|e Ctoal|an
nal|ona| |e|ng al l|e tetj |eatl o| Ctoal|a
anJ conc|uJeJ l|al !|ete |s no telutn lo
l|e asl. /e J|J nol as| l|em lo telutn. /e
|ton|ca||j ||J l|em |on tojage, ||JJ|ng
l|em |atewe|| w|l| manj |ats|, ug|j anJ
mosl |natot|ale wotJs |ot a o||l|c|an,
a||ow|ng tengeance anJ |alteJ lo ||ow oul
|tom ||s moul|. (N.L, 3/9) Similar racisl
qualificalions aro mado by olhor polilicians
as wol l . Set|s ate muc| s|otlet l|an
Ctoals, w|l| sma||, un|nle|||genl anJ con|c
|eaJs anJ a|| l|e|t com|exes anJ ct|mes
l|ej comm|l ate l|e tesu|l o| l|ose |js|ca|
|ealutes. Ctoals, as a suet|ot tace, wou|J
w|n |n l|e enJ. (N.L, 29/8, a slalomonl by
1ud|man's porsonal roprosonlalivo Simo
\odan, ono of lho radicals of lho Croalian
Domocralic Union), One cannol ltusl l|e
Set|s eten w|en l|ej sea| l|e ltul|. l am
g|aJ l|al l am nol a Set|. l am a mull - l
|ate Getman, S|ota| anJ Ctoal|an ||ooJ,
|ul nol one ||l o| Set| ||ooJ, anJ l|al
ma|es me |aj. (H.S, March).
lndood, lho usual alliludo is lhal Croals aro
suporior lo Sorbs, whilo lormor ugoslavia
is soon as a molhor lo lho Sorbs and an
obnoxious slop molhor lo lho Croals.
Ctoals cou|J |e eas||j ul o|| |j. /o, jou
cannol |ate |l! AnJ l|e wonJet|u| slale
w||c| |eJ l|em, wou|J nol g|te l|e monej
lo l|e Ctoals. /o gtal|luJe on l|e atl o|
l|e Ctoals! !|e |ej S|ats |po|oralivo for
Sorbs] a||oweJ l|em lo wot| al l|e Set||an
seas|Je Jut|ng summet, anJ l|ese Ctoals
jusl wanleJ lo slea| l|al monej. \uc|!
!|ose wete wonJet|u| l|mes! w|nlet wou|J
come. ln l|al w|nlet we ce|e|taleJ /ew
\eat, anJ Sanla C|ause |toug|l us tesenls.
Sanla C|auses |ace wou|J netet aeat
|e|ote Decem|et 28l| , |n case anjone
wou|J etet l||n| l|al we ce|e|taleJ l|e|t
|lho Sorbs'] te-||slot|c C|t|slmas. (H.S.,
l.1, 22/12), !||s |s w|j l|e |ej S|ats |utl
|ee||ngs |aJ lo |e teJeemeJ on /ew \eats
/te. ll |aJ lo |e maJe c|eat lo etetjone
l|al l||s was Set||an |anJ, so Set||an
joung men can Jo w|aletet l|ej |ease
l|ete(... A| | l|ese jeats we |ate |een
||slen|ng lo ltaJ|l|ona| |o|| mus|c (|l was
unJetslooJ l|al |o|| te|etteJ lo Set|s
on|j. /tetj jeat we walc|eJ M|jo A|e|s|c
anJ a|ote a|| - C|a|ja. /e was a tea| |ej
S|at w|l| a coc|eJ saj|aca ot, al l|mes,
w|l| a gteasj /tenc| |etel - a mettj, slu|J,
|ul lt|c|j Set| |tom |eaJ lo loe, a man
w|ose etsona||lj em|oJ|eJ l|e t|clotj o|
l|e Set|s aga|nsl l|e Ctoals (H.S, 29/12),
Commun|sm |s et|ecl, l|ej useJ lo le||
us, |ul l|e eo|e ate nol gooJ, |ecause
eo|e ate nol et|ecl. !|e eo|e |aJ lo
|e c|angeJ, temoteJ, ||||eJ, |ecause l|ej
wete nol et|ecl anJ l|ete|ote - l|ej wete
una||e lo |m|emenl et|ecl commun|sm.
AnJ l|ose eo|e wete us. AnJ l|al |s |ow
we |ate wa|leJ |ot jeats |ot out Mess|a|,
||teJ |n |oe, w||c| s|ow|j |aJeJ, |n otJet
lo unJetslanJ w|j we |aJ lo unJetla|e
suc| a |ong anJ nattow lunne|. Al l|e enJ
o| l||s commun|sl lunne|, l|e Set|s wa|leJ
|ot us, s|ol al us, l|tew m|ss||es, gtenaJes,
|om|s anJ |n|tes al us, JesltojeJ, |utnl
anJ ||||eJ nol on|j out |oes |ot a |ellet
soc|a||sl |ulute |ul a|so us (H.S, 26/4).
On lho basi s of al l lhi s, lho fol l owi ng
gonoralizalions aro mado: One cou|J as|
l|e quesl| on a|oul l|e |ale l|e Set|s
ctealeJ |ot l|emse|tes. !|e |nsan|lj l|ej
JemonsltaleJ, l|e naz|sm l|ej ente|oeJ
l|emse|tes |n, l|e cowatJ|ce w||c| outeJ
oul o| l|em, l|e Jou||e-|aceJness w||c|
aJotneJ l|em |ol| |n l|mes o| wat anJ
J||omacj, l|e ||es w|l| w||c| l|ej ta|seJ
l|emse|tes, l|e ||ooJ-l||tsl|ness |ot w||c|
l|ej ta| se l|emse| tes eten | n l|e| t
||letalute. A|| l||s ul l|em |nlo l|e os|l|on
o| negol|alots w|o ate nol on eten gtounJ.
!|ej wanleJ lo |e l||s, l|ej J|J nol wanl
lo |e on eten gtounJ. Unl|| now, l|ej |ate
a|wajs cons|JeteJ l|emse|tes lo |e a|ote
a| | l|e ol|ets. /owetet, l|ej |ecame
somel||ng a|logel|et J|||etenl. !|e |nsane
oonenl, w|om some w|s| lo use |ot
l|e|t aJtanlage, anJ ol|ets |ate a|teaJj
| eatneJ lo etaJe, |ecause o| || s
|ncomelence. Suc| an oonenl, w|om
|ol| s|Jes suotl, so l|al |e Joes nol
lum||e Jown. (Vs, 2S/7)
Lvon lho fuluro bilaloral rolalions bolwoon
Croalia and Sorbia aro soon lhrough lho
magnifying glass of halrod. On l||s
occas|on we s|ou|J aJJ l|al Ctoal|a anJ
Set|| a musl notma| | ze l|e| t || | aleta|
te|al|ons. !|ej musl tecogn|ze eac| ol|et,
|ul lo l|e|t Cece, 8tene, anJ !|jan|ce
l|e Ctoal|an |otJets s|ou|J slaj c|oseJ
|otetet. AnJ l|al s|ou|J |e esla|||s|eJ |j
|aw |ot al |easl l|e nexl 50 jeats. /el l|em
se| | l|e| t || | oso|| es o| no one | s lo
||ame anJ w|j J|J we neeJ l||s lo l|e
koman|ans, 8u|gat|ans anJ Gtee|s. 8ul
|elween out lwo slales a C||nese wa||
musl |e etecleJ. On l|e Danu|e anJ |n l|e
m|JJ|e o| l|e 8o|a|olots|a |aj. AnJ l|al
s|ou|J |e Jone as soon as oss|||e anJ
s|ou|J slaj |otetet(... (H.O, 1/1), ln
tea||lj l|ete |s on|j one m|not|lj |j|ng
|e||nJ m|not|lj t|g|ls - l|e Set||an one.
!|e |allet aclua||j |as te|useJ lo accel |ls
slalus as a m|not|lj anJ tegatJ|ess o| l|e|t
num|ets, l|e mem|ets o| l||s m|not|lj see
l|emse|tes as a majot|lj. 8e||nJ l|e |||-w|||
concetn|ng l|e telutn o| l|e Set|s, l|e
Ctoals, |e||ess anJ unJe|enJeJ, |eat |ow
l|ej wou|J |e |otceJ lo accel l|e telutn
o| l|e lteac|etous Set| |anJ|ls, w|o ||eJ
a|let l|e|t Je|eal. (H.S, 3/S)
Macedonians and otber nationaIs
from lormer YugosIavia
Somo of lho formor sislor nalions aro nol
sparod from lho nogalivo alliludo of lho
Croalian modia oilhor. /ju|a |a
Macodonian singor living in Croalia], w|j
J| Jnl jou mattj a MaceJon| an? ls | l
|ecause l|ej ate s|otl, Jat|, anJ geneta||j
gooJ-|ot-nol|| ng(...? /ju|a, w|al
J|||etences ate l|ete |elween Ctoal|ans anJ
MaceJon|ans? !|ej saj l|al MaceJon|ans
ate nol esec|a||j c|t|||zeJ. (C.1, 1/1) On
lho olhor hand comos lho following
slalomonl, which oponly advocalos olhnic
cloansing of lho non-Croals. we |ate
o|len |een accuseJ o| wanl|ng a Gtealet
Ctoal|a. GoJ /ot||J! Suc| a Ctoal|a wou|J
|nc|uJe ltan, /atanlan|ja, w||le Ctoal|a,
Cta|ow (... w|al we wanl |s a tea| Ctoal|a
w|l| |ls |otJets |e|ng Su|ol|ca - Zemun -
Dt|na - SanJz|a| - 8o|a /olots|a. we Jonl
wanl, l|ete|ote, anjl||ng loo ||g. l| out
Ctoal|an Mus||ms loJaj Jo nol w|s| lo |e
Ctoals, l|ej w||| w|s| lo |e one Jaj. One
musl |ate al|ence. AnJ l|ose Set|s, || l|ej
|aJ slajeJ |n Ctoal|a - l|ej wou|J a|| |e
Ctoal|zeJ w|l||n one ot lwo genetal|ons.
(S.D, May)
1be lnternationaI Community
Whonovor di fforonl counlri os and
organizalions raiso lhoir voico againsl
violalions of human righls in Croalia, lho
modia poslulalo lhal !|ete |s no Jou|l
l|al a |atge cama|gn |ot ull|ng Ctoal|a on
l|e coutl |enc| |as |een |aunc|eJ |n l|e
|nletnal|ona| c|tc|es tecenl|j. A||egeJ|j
l|ete ate t|o|al|ons o| |uman t|g|ls anJ l|e
t|g|ls o| nal|ona| m|not|l|es |ete. !|e |as|s
o| l|al cama|gn was tesenleJ |j l|e
lnletnal|ona| /eJetal|on |ot /uman k|g|ls
(l//, te|easeJ lo l|e u|||c on Selem|et
1. !|e teotl |s |aseJ on l|e ||nJ|ngs o| l|e
U/ mon|lots anJ tesenls |acls a|oul l|e
sjslemal|c Jesltucl|on anJ l|e|l o| Set||an
|omes anJ u|||c |u||J|ngs anJ ma|es
|jol|eses a|oul l|e ex|slence o| mass
gtates |n l|e /n|n cemeletj. !|e slalemenl
a|so conla|ns l|e lesl|mon|es o| |nJ|t|Jua|s
w|o |ate w|lnesseJ ma|ltealmenl anJ
|||||ng o| Set| c|t|||ans Jut|ng anJ a|let l|e
Slotm m|||latj-o||ce oetal|on. ll |s |utl|et
sa|J l|al l|e l// o|la|neJ |ls |n|otmal|on
|tom l|e Ctoal|an /e|s|n|| Comm|llee.
(H.O, 10/10).
Somo nowspapors aro ovon moro hoslilo in
lhoir commonls on lho supposodly good-
will advico which is givon lo Croalia from
abroad. !o|c| cons|Jets l|e comat|son
w|l| a s|m||at J|slt|cl |n 8et||n t|J|cu|ous,
|ecause l|ete ate on|j Getmans |n 8et||n,
w|||e |n Moslat l|ete ate lwo nal|ons. l|
l||s l||ng w||c| /osc|n|| wanls |n Moslat
wete oss|||e, w|j Joesnl |e, /|n|e|, anJ
ol|ets go lo Sw|lzet|anJ anJ ma|e m|xeJ
canlons o| Getmans, /tenc| anJ lla||ans?
!|ete l|ej |ate on|j ute nal|ona| canlons,
|ul w|en l|ej come |ete l|ej wonJet w|j
we Jonl wanl m|xeJ canlons. l wonJet
w|j l|ej |ate lo |e sutt| seJ |j out
all| luJe. Ot maj|e l|ej cons| Jet us
mem|ets o| some lt||es!? (V.L, 12/8),
!|us, |n |ls Jes|te lo |e l|e |eaJ|ng |otce
|n||uenc|ng l|e |ulute o| Soul|etn /utoe,
8t| la| n | s | nlet|et| ng w| l| l|e | nletna|
o||l|ca| a||a|ts o| Ctoal|a, seatc||ng |n
l|em l|e oss|||e |otma| ex|anal|on o| |ls
own o||l|ca| acl|ons (... !|e so-ca||eJ
Zagte| ct|s|s |s one suc| ex|anal|on (Vs,
19/S), !|e /ungat|an lew, Sotos, anJ
tat|ous ol|et anl|-Ctoal|an, anl|-|uman
anJ anl| -Cal|o| | c otgan| zal| ons ate
o|son|ng out joul|. (V.L, }anuary)
NGOs, lndependent )ournaIists,
and lnteIIectuaIs
ln harmony wi lh lho i doa of lho
inlornalional conspiracy againsl Croalia,
NGOs which daro smoar lho good imago
of lhoir counlry aro accusod of boing woll-
pai d lrai lors. !|e eo| e w|o |ate
Je|amal|on as l|e|t utose, cannol Jo
anjl|| ng e| se |ul ma|e ltou|| e. ltan
Zton| m| t C| ca| |Chair of lho Croalian
Holsinki Commilloo, CHC] |s |nto|teJ |n
etsona| |otget| es, gatg| | ng | n l|e
qu|c|sanJ. /tetj Jaj |n etetj waj, |e |s
||ow|ng l||ngs u |n otJet lo gel |o|J o|
mote anJ mote, |ul |e |mmeJ|ale|j lutns
etetjl||ng atounJ ||m |nlo muJ. /|s |alesl
ac||etemenl |s summat|zeJ unJet l|e
common l|l|e lnletnal|ona| !t||una| |ot
wat Ct| mes | n l|e Atea o| /otmet
\ugos|at|a(... UnJet a mas| o| ||g| a|ms
anJ a||egeJ C/C aulonomj, C|ca| ma|es
|nsu|l|ng slu|J|l|es, steaJ|ng |e|l|sl,
Jemagog|c, mo|Jj |tases anJ ltj|ng lo
aJJ new e| emenls lo l|e o| J, |ul
etmanenl accusal|on o| a||egeJ Ctoal|an
genoc|Je(... On l|e w|ngs o| l||s C|ca|-
/taac eJ|l|on, |n w||c| l|ej |ate |nto|teJ
some joung, l|ej saj la|enleJ comosets
o| s|c| me|oJ|es, a|| l|ese ||j oul o| Ctoal|a
|nlo l|e watm c|tc|e o| l|e |nletnal|ona|
u|||c, w||c| |as netet |een as l||tslj as
now, a|let l|e sell||ng o| wat accounls.
!|ej ate l||tslj |ot /||ales lje was||ng o|
l|e |anJs. /ete, al |ome, |l |s a mallet o|
saJ|sm |n lanJem. CtosseJ-atm saJ|sm.
A|oul l|e ettets|on o| wat tojeut|sm.
/tom l|al comes l|e sweel Je| | g|l | n
aJtance o| a lt|a|. !||s |s jusl one sle |tom
l|e |jnc||ng (V.L, 12/8), !|e |acl |s l|al
C|ca|s wot| |ot l||s Comm|llee |s nol -lo
ul |l m||J|j- al a|| Ctoal|an anJ |s J|||etenl
|tom l|e wot| o| v| aJ| m| t S|e|s, w|o
|ounJeJ l|e Ctoal| an Comm| llee |ot
Ctoal|a as |at |ac| |n l|me as |n 1988 (o|
coutse, w|l|oul anj sa|atj, anJ w|ose to|e
|n |ounJ|ng l||s otgan|zal|on |n Jemoctal|c
Ctoal|a |s com|ele|j |gnoteJ. (V.L, 3/S).
1ho posilion of lho pooplo working al
lhoso organizalions is found oxlromoly
damaging for lho counlry bocauso (...
a|wajs l|e same eo|e |tom Ctoal|a wot|
|n s|slet otgan|zal|ons suc| as l|e 8a||an
wat keotl, l|e Asen lnsl| lule, l|e
/e| s| n|| Comm| llee, l|e Anl| -wat
Cama|gn, /tess /ow anJ /ax C|t|sl|? AnJ
jes, l|ej s| mu| laneous| j la|e eac|
ootlun|lj lo allac| out gotetnmenl |n
owet? /utoe wou|J nol |ate anj |Jea
a|oul some et| cl| ons, | | a| | l|ose
otgan|zal|ons logel|et J|J nol ma|e suc| a
||g Jea| oul o| l|em anJ l|en tomoleJ
l|e|t cause l|toug| tat|ous el|l|ons anJ
o||l|ca| |o||j|ng. A gotetnmenl w||c|
te|uses lo |aj |j l|e|t tu|es |ol|ets l|em.
!|ej lteal l|e slale as an A|t|can one, w|||e
etetj notma| etson sees l|al | l | s
/utoean. ln l|e name o| equa||lj, w||c|
l|ej ate so |onJ o|, l|ej wou| J | | |e lo
conlto| l|e majot meJ|a, l|e |nle||eclua|s,
anJ lo |otce l|e aul|ot|l|es nol lo la|e
cate|u| | j cons| JeteJ se| |-Je|ens| te
measutes. Un|otlunale|j, out aul|ot|l|es
somel|mes Jo l|al, anJ l|al |s exacl|j w|al
l|ej wanl. !|ej w||| la|e aJtanlage o| etetj
occas|on anJ w||| ma|e a mounla|n oul o| a
mo|e||||. /oo| |ow l|ej |ate succeeJeJ |n
ltans|otm|ng /tes|Jenl !uJjman |tom a
atl|c|anl |n l|e anl|-|asc|sl wat |nlo an
Uslas|a! jusl otetn|g|l (Vs, 17/S).
Lvon lho woll-known inlolloclual lvo anac
is accusod of boing a blind woapon in lho
hands of foroign inlorosls. w|en Mt.
8anac |s |n quesl|on, l|e wot|-tot|Jet
|roforring lo Soros] s|ou|J l||s l|me l|g|len
||s utse-slt|ngs a ||l mote. /ame|j, l|e
uncotet|ng o| l|e Jangetous J|sease w||c|
| s || l| ng l|| s wot|-tece| tet w|o |as
|nle||eclua| sltengl|, |n conjuncl|on w|l|
l|e mat|el o||et maJe |j l|e wot|-
tot|Jet, |ate taJ|ca||j J|m|n|s|eJ l|e
gtanl maJe lo Mt. 8anac. lusl some ||te ot
s|x monl|s ago l|e |allet was a set|ous
canJ|Jale |ot l|e o|||ce o| /tes|Jenl o| l|e
keu|||c. lnsleaJ o| l|al, |e was o||eteJ
l|e os|l|on o| /at||amenlatj M|n|slet o|
l|e Set| m|not|lj |n Ctoal|a (H.O, 10/6),
(... slales e|g|l o|nls |ot C|ca|s anJ
8anacs |nsu|ls aga|nsl l|e Ctoal|an eo|e
|ecause l|ej equale l|e genoc| Ja|
aggtessots - l|e Set|s - w|l| Ctoals anJ
ol|et non-Set|s aga|nsl w|om Set| satages
comm|lleJ l|e mosl lett|||e ct|mes etet
seen |n ||slotj., !o l|ose w|o conslanl|j
|nt|le us lo atJon ct|m|na|s anJ l|e|t
assoc|ales l suggesl l|ej come w|l| to||eJ-
u s|eetes lo l|e smo||ng as|es |e|l |e||nJ
|j l|e Set| |asc|sls |n Ctoal|a so l|al l|ej
so|et u |tom atJon| ng anJ la|e l|e
atot|ale coutl toceeJ|ngs aga|nsl l|ese
ct|m|na|s, as |s |e l|e tacl|ce |n Jete|oeJ
/utoe, |n Amet|ca, anJ |n l|e tesl o| l|e
mota| anJ c|t|||zeJ wot|J. (Vs, 6/6).
An ospocially sorious crimo which lhoso
pooplo commil is lho facl lhal lhoy dofond
lho human righls of lho Sorbs insido and
oulsido of Croalia. So l|al l||s |nlett|ew
|eates an eten |ellet |mtess|on on l|e
/o| | s| teaJets, Mt. C| ca| gate l|e
joutna||sls a |clute o| l|e Gtealet Set||an
|easls, w|o a||egeJ|j ctj |e|ote ||ee|ng
|tom Ctoal|a. /tetj teasona||e etson
|nows l|al l|ej ctj |tom |a|ness, |oo||ng
|otwatJ lo l|e |os| la| | lj o| l|e
|nletnal|ona| wat ct|m|na|s a |a M||oset|c,
At|an anJ l|e C|eln|| |eaJet Sese|j. /ol
acc|Jenla||j, C|ca| lt|eJ lo |utl|et ||ac|en
l|e tesenl Ctoal|an gotetnmenl c|osen
|j a majot|lj o| l|e Ctoal|an eo|e jusl
|e|ote l|e Oclo|et 29l| e|ecl|ons (V.L,
12/8), /| s |Ci cak's] acl| t| lj |ot l|e
Ctoal| an /e| s| n|| Comm| llee | s | n
accotJance w|l| ||s lutnatounJ. /e Ja||j
accuses Ctoal|a l|toug| et|oJ|c |nlett|ews
|n Jomesl|c anJ |ote|gn tess, slalemenls,
J| scuss| ons, tounJ-la|| es ( /e |as
ltans|otmeJ || mse| | | nlo a t| tlua|
conltaJ|cl|on o| ||mse|| - |nlo an exlteme
Jenunc|alot o| Ctoal|a anJ a ||g|let |ot l|e
|uman t|g|ls o| Set|s (H.O, 6/S).
And lasl, bul nol loasl, lho modia publish
somo oxlromo slalomonls which carry
rominisconcos of lho Dark Agos, as an
i nlorvi ow wi lh Mi l an lvkoci c. As
consettal|tes we |e||ete l|al eo|e ate
nol equa|, jusl as nal|ons ate nol l|e same.
!|al |s w|j we wou|J |||e lo cteale l|e
conJ|l|ons |ot womens telutn lo l|e|t
ltaJ|l|ona| to|e l|eJ lo l|e |ome, so l|al
genJet J|||etences ate tesecleJ. ln l||s we
J|||et |tom l|e |e|l|sl |em|n|sls. !|al |s w|j
we ate go|ng lo |tea| u suc| meel|ngs o|
l|e|ts (... we ate aga|nsl a|| l|ose |em|n|sl
anJ ac|||sl gtous |ecause we susecl l|al
l|e| t mem|ets ate l|e enem| es o| l|e
Ctoal|an slale w|o, jusl unl|| jesletJaj,
wete commun|sls ot \ugos|ats. we wou|J
|||e lo |nl|m|Jale, eten l|oug| we ate nol
lettot|sls |n l|e sense l|al we w||| nol oen
||te on etetj etson w|o Joes nol |ate a
1ablo of modia inilials: Vjesnik (Vs), Vecernji List (V. L.), Novi List (N. L.), SIobodna
DaImacia (S.D.), GIas SIavonje (G.S.), Hrvatsko SIovo (H.S.), leraI 1ribune (l.1.),
Hrvatski Obzor (H.O.), Croatian 1V (C1V).
c|eat consc|ence, |ul |e |s a gooJ Ctoal
(N.L, 9/1)
1ho approach of Grook modia whon il
comos lo covori ng Al bani a can bo
summarizod in ono word Albanophobia.
1his is lruo bolh as rogards lho covorago of
lho rolalions bolwoon lho noighboring
counlrios, as woll as of lho silualion of lho
numorous Albanian immigranls in Grooco.
1ho lalks bolwoon Grook loroign Minislor
Papoulias and his Albanian counlorparl
Soroki aboul lho oducalional righls of lho
Grook mi nori ly i n Al bani a, i n oarl y
Soplombor, woro nol frui lful . 1hi s
provokod lho modi a lo spoak of
|nltans|genl (SK 1/9), nattow-|eatleJ
(L11 1/9), atl|cu|at|j totocal|te (MLGA
1/9), |n||ex|||e || nol o||ens|te (L.1. S/9,
p. 6), t|g|J (A. 3/9, p. 1) bohavior of Mr.
Soroki , hi s all| luJe o| conce| l anJ
attogance (AP. 2/9, p. 4), making him
appoar as an | ttal| ona| anJ | nso| enl
ne|g||ot (AP. 2/9, p. 4), ctue||j negal|te
(L.1. 2/9, p. S) whon ho |ns|sleJ(... |||e a
ljtanl on l|e mallet o| l|e Gtee| m|not|ljs
eJucal|on |n A||an|a (L1H. 2/9, p. 4). !|e
A||an|ans |naJm|ss|||e anJ lola||j anl|-
Jemoctal|c os|l|ons w||c| netetl|e|ess
toteJ lo |e |||e te|n|otceJ conctele
(L.1. 3/9, p. 18) consli lulod a
temeJ| laleJ |um| | | al| on |j l|e
A| |an| ans (L.1. 2/9, p. 9) si nco lho
Albanian loroign Minislor att|teJ w|l| l|e
mas| o| a gooJ ne|g||ot (L.1. 1/9, p. 6)
onl y lo lransform hi msol f lo an
unltuslwotl|j man (L1H. 2/9, p. 4), who
had only ono purposo: /aou||as, Jo |eatn
lo teaJ (A.1. 2/9, p. 6).
!|e A||an|ans |ecame |nso|enl!.. (AP.
2/9, p. 6) is lho only conclusion which lho
modia could draw aflor /!l|e !jtanls o|
!|tana, |j l|e mosl |metl|nenl|j mannet
w||c| st|ngs |tom l|e o|scutanl|sl teg|me
o| /ox|a, J| J nol a| | ow a|let a| | l|e
leac||ng o| l|e Gtee| |anguage (AP. 22/9,
p. 4). !|e e||otls o| a|| A||an|an gotetn-
menls a| m al l|e com| ele Je-
/e| | en| zal| on o| l|e el|n| c m| not| lj
l|toug| allac|s aga|nsl l|e ateas o| l|e
Otl|oJox te| | g| on, | anguage, || slotj,
ltaJ| l| ons elc. by l oadi ng lo lho
sltangu| al| on o| Gtee| eJucal| on | n
A||an|a (AP. 1/9, p. 6).
1ho day following lho snag in lho Grook-
Albanian lalks, lhoro was a plolhora of
informalion associalod wilh incidonls in
Grooco in which Albanians woro im-
plicalod: A||an|an |||ega| |mm|gtanls ||l
t|||ages |n lmal||a |in Norlhorn Grooco]
(A.1. 2/9, p. 14), A||an|ans |ate c|o|eJ
lmal||a (K. 2/9, p. 7). Howovor, !|tana
s|ou|J |eatn l|al Gteece |s netet ||ac|-
ma||eJ not Joes |l lo|etale o||enses. !|e
l|me o| l|e w|| |as come (AP. 2/9, p. 4).
1ho robollion of lho inmalos in lho largosl
prison of lho counlry in Korydallos, in mid-
Novombor, which slarlod wilh lho assaull
of a drug addicls' group on lho pharmacy
and rosullod in lho dolonlion of prison
guards, was prosonlod by lho modia as
l|e Jom|nance o| |ol| l|e |aw o| |tula|
t|o|ence as we|| as o| l|e |esl|a||lj o| l|e
A||an|an l|ugs anJ l|e Gtee| goJ|al|ets
o| l|e n|g|l (AP. 18/11 p.13). ln l|e
t|son l|e to||ems ate causeJ mosl|j |j
l|e A||an|ans (L1H. 17/11 p.14), atmeJ
w|l| (... Jt|||s, |n||es, |ton |ats anJ |eces
o| |to|en g|ass, l|e a|mosl 300 A||an|an
|nmales o| /otjJa||os |aj a |eaJ|ng atl |n
l|e acls o| t|o|ence. w|al |s mote, mosl o|
l|e juten||e t|sonets |ate |a||en t|cl|ms lo
oultageous ma|ltealmenl, eten lo sexua|
one (AP. 17/11 p.14). Moroovor, l|e
A||an|ans, |tanJ|s||ng l|e |n|tes, Jo nol
wanl lo |eat anjl||ng a|oul |t|ng|ng l|e
ut|s|ng lo an enJ (AP. 19/11, p.14), and
l|ej steaJ |eat anJ an|c among l|e
ol|ets (L1H. 18/11, p.14). ln lho lighl of
lho abovo gruosomo pi cluro i l i s onl y
nalural lhal roadors aro offorod lho
following a mulliplo-choico quiz: ls |l |aJ
|ot an A||an|an |||et lo tae a juten||e Gtee|
|n cusloJj? a /ol al a||, |ot l|e sa|e o|
sltengl|en|ng o| l|e te|al|ons |elween l|e
lwo eo|es, | we Jesette |l |ecause we
loo| Atgjtocaslto awaj o| l|em |n 1940, c
/o, as |ong as |l w||| nol |eaJ lo a set|ous
te|al|ons||. ls |l a||oweJ |ot a juten||e
Gtee| |n cusloJj lo tes|sl ||s A||an|an |||et
ta|sl? a we |ate netet |eatJ o| suc|
|n|uman|lj, | S|ame on ||m lo |utl a
oot |ote| gnet | | |e l|al c ll | s |tula|
tac|sm! (LL. 19/11 p.96).
1horo woro somo dissidonl voicos which
did nol |oin lho choir of halrod. kac|sm?
kac|sm o| coutse (LL. 20/11 p.9). !|ete |s
tac|sm w||c| |s no |onget |alenl |ul oen.
w||c| |as a||ecleJ l|e naJ|t o| t|sons, |ul
a|so l|e ||g|et s|etes o| l|e |nle|||genls|a.
kac|sm w||c| consl|lules a toaganJa
o|jecl |j l|e meJ|a oul o| |t|to||lj (on|j?
(... we Jo nol lo|etale l|e conlemluous
te|etence lo l|e eo|e (... we Jo nol
lo|etale l|e segtegal|on |elween Gtee| anJ
|ote| gn | nmales (... 8ecause | | we | el
anol|et segtegal|on ass |elween l|em
anJ |nlo out consc|ence, l|en nol on|j w|||
l|e allemleJ J| sot| enlal| on |j l|e
goJ|al|ets ac||ete |ls utose |ul a|so
somel||ng wotse w||| |e ac||eteJ. l|e
|nctease o| |nlo|etance |j geomelt|ca|
togtess|on. AnJ l|e ol|et w||| l|en |e
on|j l|e ol|et anJ nol out man al a||. 8ul
J|Jnl |asc|sm anJ nal|ona||sl|c |jslet|a
|eg|n some|ow |||e l|al? (A. 19/11 p.3)
Whon PASOK's MP D. Vounalsos said lhal
!|ete ate no |osl |al|et|anJs |ul on|j
unteJeemeJ |al|et|anJs anJ we s|ou|J
|ee l|| s | n m| nJ (Moga 2S/11),
Lloflhorolipia was lho only papor which
disapprovod of il !|al |s, |el l|e ateas
|n|a||leJ |j Gtee|s |ecome atls o| l|e
Gtee| Slale, |el us conquet Conslanl|no|e,
teac| /o|||n| M|||a |in Asia Minor], |el l|e
mat||eJ ||ng |lasl yzanlino omporor] t|se
|tom l|e JeaJ anJ l|e |||es. Aetaaa |war
cry of Grooks againsl llalians in World War
ll] (... (LL. 10/11)
ln Docombor lho modia kopl working on
lho building of a horrifying onomy in lho
faco of lho Albanians. 1ho doalh of four
pooplo and lho in|uring of four moro, aflor
a firo had brokon oul in a houso in Vyronas
in lho oarly hours of 11/12, was considorod
by lho groal ma|orily of lho monilorod
Grook modia lo bo a |o|ocausl |j A||an|an
mo|slets (K. 12/12 p.7), a w||J mass
execul|on |j l|e Ma||a o| A||an|ans AP.
12/12 p.1), !|e A||an|an Ma||a gels oul o|
|anJ (N. 12/12 p.1), l|e Jteams o| e|g|l
A||an|ans wete ltaeJ |n l|e nels o| l|e
A||an|an Ma||a (N. 12/12 p.16), as l|e
waj l||s mass |||||ng was Jone totes l|al
|l was otgan|zeJ |j l|e A||an|an Ma||a
(AN11 11/12). And as if lhoso commonls
woro nol onough, lho papors slarlod
in|ocling lho public wilh warning lhal
Gteece |s a|oul lo come unJet A||an|an
occual| on(... (L.1. 14/12 p.8),
\esletJajs altoc|ous ct|me |s a|mosl
nol||ng comateJ lo w|al Ja||j |aens
w|l| l|e A||an|an Ma||a, a|| l|ese ltams
w|o Jas|eJ oul o| A||an|as ga||ejs. (...
w|al ate we go|ng lo Jo w|l| l|em? !|e
l||ng |s ||at|ng u Jangetous|j! (L1H.
12/12 p.22), l|e A||an|ans |ate lutneJ
Al|ens |nlo a jung|e. we |ee| com|ele|j
Je|ense|ess (AP. 12/12 p.1S), !|e acl|on
o| l|e A||an|an Ma||a |as gone otet l|e lo
(... !|e Gtee| slale |s o|||geJ lo (... utool
l|em anJ cul l|e|t |egs o||. AnJ l|en, wta
l|em u anJ senJ l|em |ac| lo w|ete l|ej
came |tom (AP. 1S/12 p.12).
Howovor lhis hysloria did nol ovorcomo all
lho nowspapors. /tom w|ete can we
gal|et l|al l|e ||Jeous ct|me |n vjtonas |s
a JeeJ o| l|e A||an|an Ma||a? ls |l oss|||e
lo tegatJ l|e |nJ|cal|ons, conjeclutes anJ
l|e c|a|ms -o| o|t|ous exeJ|encj- o| l|e
/o| | ce as too|s, w|| c| toJuce
unequ| toca| l| l| es anJ unequ| toca|
Jec| s| ons? (LL. 13/12 p.30), !|e
eteltalots ate sl||| un|nown. /to|a||j A|-
|an|ans as l|e ||tsl lesl|mon|es |ns|nualeJ.
8ul l|ej cou|J a|so |e Gtee|s (... /o mallet
|ow l|e c|amotous tace-||allets |ns|sl,
ma||ce |s nol wt|llen on some tac|a| genes
not |s |l com|ele|j a|senl |tom some ol|et
ones, |.e. outs. AnJ || a |uman lutns |nlo a
wo|| |ot ||s |e||ow-|uman, ||s tace |s nol lo
||ame |ot l||s not ate l|ete ct|m|na|s |j
||tl| anJ c|t|||zeJ |j ||tl| (K. 12/12 p.1).
Anolhor slory which slirrod lho Grook
public in Docombor was lho mass escae
o| A||an|ans |tom l|e t|son (A.1. 18/12
p.48). 1ho forocious boaling of lho fugilivos
aflor lhoir arrosl, as il was prosonlod by
lolovision slalions, provokod lho indignanl
roaclions of many of lho papors: /xcess
zea| ot l|uggetj l|e |eal|ng o| |ug|l|tes
a|let l|e|t attesl? (k. 19/12 p.23), /o
|ntocal|on o| l|e t|o|enl ot loug| c|ataclet
o| some A||an|an |nmales jusl|||es suc|
|tula| |at|at| lj anJ excess| te zea| o|
JegtaJal|on! (N. 18/12 p.16), !|ose gotj
A||an|ans w|o wete JtaggeJ |||e an|ma|s |n
a s|aug|let|ouse |j execul|onets, maj |e
|n t|son |ot a |oa| o| |teaJ, lwo lomaloes,
a |otgollen otetcoal. !|ej maj eten |e
mutJetets, |ul w||c| |eg|l|macj g|tes l|e
t|g|l lo l|e |at|at|lj o| l|e men |n un||otm
emetge |tula|, at||ltatj anJ totocal|te?
(LL. 18/12 p.20).
1ho Loador of lho Official Opposilion M.
Lvorl said in lho Parliamonl: !|e |ote|gnets
ma|e u 6/ o| l|e wot||otce al l|e
exense o| l|e unem|ojeJ Gtee|s. ln
aJJ|l|on, mosl o| l|em ate nol |nsuteJ anJ
l|us Jet| te l|e | nsutance sjslem o|
tetenues. !||s s|lual|on cannol anJ s|ou|J
nol go on anj |onget. ll |as lo |e sloeJ
al once. we ate Jeletm|neJ |ot l|al (A.
10/S, p. 16). ln lho samo conloxl, wo road
lho fol l owi ng commonls: !|e a| atm
sounJs |n l|e nesls o| l|e exlta sens|l|te
w|nJ|uc|ets |anomogamidos in Grook]
(.... !|e suoseJ|j togtess|te w|nJ|ags
|ate lo unJetslanJ l|al, a|let a||, Gtee|s Jo
nol owe a l||ng e|l|et lo l|e A||an|ans ot
lo l|e koman|ans ot lo l|e /o|es ot lo l|e
kuss|ans w|o att|te |ete |ot wot| anJ |ooJ
(... !|e counltj |s ||ooJeJ |j lottenls o|
|ote|gnets (L.1. 14/S p. 4), mosl o| l|em
c|oose lo jo|n gangs anJ l|e Ma||a |n ||g
c|l|es. ln l||s waj, l|ej eatn mote monej
|aslet. (L.1. 13/S, p.18). Horo again lhoro
woro somo modia who opposod slrongly
lhis ex|os|on o| l|e t|m|l|te t|g|l-w|ng
(LL. 11/S, p.24) of Mr. Lvorl who w|l| l|e
tac|a| allac|s aga|nsl l|e |||ega| |mm|gtanls
|undorlook] l|e to|e o| /e /en (A. 11/S,
p.16). /el us |oe l|al out tat|ous neo-
|asc|sls w||| unJetslanJ l|al l|ej wete nol
g|ten a ||an| otJet lo la|e l|e |aw |nlo
l|e|t |anJs (V. 12/S, p.17). /asc|sm,
tac|sm, anJ ou||sm go |anJ |n |anJ.
!|ej |ut| |n te||a||e o||l|ca| anJ soc|a|
|nsl|lul|ons. AnJ l|en, l|e -|sms ate eten
mote Jangetous. 8ecause l|ej la|e l|e
|otm o| |ol| a o| | l| ca| slanJ anJ an
o|n|on w||c| maj cattj awaj l|e |gnotanl
eo|e. A|| l|ose w|o Jo nol |now l|al
unem|ojmenl |s nol Jea|l w|l| t|o|enl
exc|us|ons, |ul w|l| taJ|ca| c|anges |n l|e
toJucl|on tocess (LL. 11/S, p.24).
1ho Grook modi a di d nol havo many
arliclos on lho norlhorn noighbor. Aparl
from lho usual roforoncos lo lho oconomic
plighl of lho pooplo lhoro, lho only oponly
nogali vo commonls had lo do wi lh
difforonl ulgarian loadors. !|e 8u|gat|an
/tes|Jenl aga|nsl l|e tatoc|emenl w|l|
Gteece (K. 1/11 p.1), Z|e|et ||ac|ma||s
/usl w| l| !ut|ej, l|e |acl l|al l|e
Amet|cans Jo nol wanl l|e sltengl|en|ng
o| Gtee|-8u|gat|an te|al|ons al !ut|ejs
exense causeJ l|e slalemenl |j Z|e|et
(L1H. 12/11 p.17). Ho is anl|-Gtee| (L.1.
9/11 p.17), to-Amet|can and Joes nol
concea| ||s sjmal|j |ot l|e Amet|can to-
!ut||s| |ans (A.1. 27/11 p.S) sinco |e |s
|||-J|soseJ lowatJs Gteece, c|a|m|ng l|al
l|e |mtotemenl |n l|e |||aleta| te|al|ons
J|slut|s An|ata (L1H. 20/11 p.S), ll was
nol l|e || tsl l| me l|al out |t| enJ |as
J|slanceJ |etse|| |tom a to-Gtee| o||cj
(K. 3/11 p.9), !|e exanJeJ Gtee|-
8u|gat|an cooetal|on |s |e|ng Jete|oeJ
on a -a|so- tecat|ous su|sltalum. !|e
te| al| on | s nol a||ecleJ |j l|e atlnet
Al|ens |ul |j l|e | nletos| ng An|ata.
Al|ens o|||gal|on lo |ee |et ejes oen
on !|tace |s tenJeteJ equa||j et|Jenl (A.1.
16/11 p.4). 1o cul il shorl, lhoro aro only
slu|s |tom l|e 8u|gat|ans! (L.1. 12/11
p.26), /eaJac|e o| (... equa| J|slances.
/ew to||em w|l| So||as Jou||e la||(N.
9/11 p.3), Z|e| ets ctuJe || ac|ma| |
lowatJs Gteece (L.1. 21/11 p. 17) Des|le
l|e |t|enJs|| allac| |j Mt. Sle|anoou|os
|n So||a, Z|e|et |ns|sls.. !ut||s||j (N.
23/11 p.S).
Whonovor lho issuo of lho oxislonco of a
Macodoni an mi nori ly i n Grooco i s
addrossod, lho i mprossi on lhal l|e
S|ojans |ate ul |otwatJ an |tteJenl|sl
JemanJ |ot l|e| t(... m| not| lj | n out
MaceJon|a, w|en |l |s |nown l|al l|ete ate
ne|l|et S|ojan MaceJon|ans not anj
s|m||at m|not|lj |n Gteece (A.1. 9/9, p.
47), provails. osidos, l|ete was netet a
J|sl|ncl nal|on o| MaceJon|ans, |l |as netet
|een menl|oneJ anjw|ete anJ |l Joes nol
ex| sl. (... !|| s | s a conlemotatj
accom||s|menl o| l|e Amet|cans anJ
l|e|t |nJ|genous /||||nos |n S|oje anJ |n
Al|ens. (A.1. 9/9, p. 4).
Allhough lho cullural oxprossion of lho
olhni c Macodoni an mi nori ly i s nol
loloralod, lho Macodonian minorily parly
kainbow inauguralod ils llorina offico on
Soplombor 6, wilh a sign in bolh Grook
and Macodoni an. 1hi s acli on was
characlorizod as an |ntas|on o| S|ats |n
/|ot|na (A.1. 7/9, p. 7), an unteceJenleJ
totocal|on o| l|e agenls o| S|oje (L.1.
8/9, p. 9), an |nso|ence o| l|e ka|n|ow
aulonom|sls (L.1., 10/9, lasl pago), an
aclion o| l|e mem|ets o| l|e so-ca||eJ
S| atomaceJon| an |si c] otgan| zal| on
ka|n|ow (MLGA 7/9), o| l|e uels o|
Amet|can J||omacj |n MaceJon|a (k.
1S/9, p. 3), o| le|egu|JeJ totocaleuts o|
G||gotots |tteJenl|sl teg|me |n /|ot|na
(L.1. 13/9, p. 4), a totocal|on o| l|e we||-
|nown to-S|oj an, anl| -Gtee| sma| |
|anJ (AP. 10/9, p. 1S), Gteece |s ||n|s|eJ
(... a cetemonj o| 8u|gat|z|ng /|ot|na (...
unteceJenleJ teac||ng o| |alteJ aga|nsl
Gtee|s |tom l|e to-S|ojans w|o aJm|l
l|al l|ej maJe a atlj see||ng seatal|sm
(S1. 13/9, p. 1).
koporlodl y, lhon, l|e | n|a|| lanls o|
/|ot|na wete |ott|||eJ (... as l|ej |aJ nol
seen a s|gn |n to-8u|gat|an c|ataclets |n
l|e|t c|lj s|nce l|e l|me o| /az| occual|on
|n 1941 (AP. 7/9, p. 8). !|e Jec|atal|on o|
l|e vtonletos Commune /tes|Jenl, Mt.
vass| | | s !seas, | s c|ataclet| sl| c o| l|e
c||male l|al teta||s |n l|e atea. l| l|ej
l|| n| l|al we |ete ate go| ng lo | el out
|otJets mote soul| lo O|jmos, l|ej ate
m|sla|en. we w||| atm outse|tes lo |ee
Gteece |n l|e |ace |l Jesettes |tom |ls |ong
||slotj (A.1. 7/9, p. 7). On lho samo day,
lho officos woro brokon inlo and lho sign
was slolon.
On lho wholo, lho prinl modia slrossod lho
provocalions of lho pro-Skop|ans making
uso of hoadlinos liko: lntas|on o| S|ats |n
/|ot|na (A.1. 7/9, p. 7), /to-S|ojans
ta|seJ l|e|t |eaJs (AP. 7/9, p. 8), S|at
totocal|on |j ka|n|ow A/ (L.1. 12/9, p.
10-11), Ut|s|ng aga|nsl S|ojan agenls
(L.1. 13/9, p. 27), /| ot| na |ecame a
owJet |eg (L.1. 1S/9, p. 17)
Consoquonlly, lho halo spooch producod
nol only by lho modia bul also by lho slalo
aulhorilios conlribulod lo a climalo of
manipulalod inloloranco in which acls of
violonco, prosoculions, as woll as arsons
look pl aco. Suc| scate-monget| ng
eta| ual| ons, suc| JoomsJaj t|elot| c
o|son l|e c||male |n l|e Gtee| |otJet
atea, l|ej g|te l|e |mtess|on l|al a new
wesletn !|tace |s emetg|ng |n /otl|etn
Gteece, anJ l|ej a|m al Jjnam|l|ng l|e
tatoc|emenl w| l| l|e ne| g||ot| ng
counltj (A. 8/9, p. 12). Do l|e aul|ot|l|es
|e||ete l|al a|| l|ese acl|ons aga|nsl Gtee|
c| l| zens ate w| l|| n l|e consl| lul| ona|
|tamewot|? Ot Jo l|ej |e||ete l|al l|e
tosecul|ons Jo nol exose l|e counltj
|nletnal|ona||j? (... ll seems l|al l|e s|t|l
o| /ew \ot| |whoro Grooco and Macodonia
signod an inlorim agroomonl lho samo day
lho kainbow officos woro sol ablazo] w|||
nol a||ecl /|ot|na |ot qu|le some l|me(...
(A. 1S/9, p. 12).
ln lalor monlhs, somo of lho papors slarlod
an opon campaign full of aJ |om|nem
romarks agai nsl lalhor Ni kodi mos
1sarkni as, who was i ndi clod for
prolonsion of aulhorily bocauso ho had
bocomo a mombor of lho Orlhodox Church
of Macodonia. PASOK MP S. Papalhomolis
said |nlet a||a in a dobalo in Parliamonl:
a(... queet |in Grook, ||na|Jos. a word for
homosoxual s, wi lh a hi ghl y offonsi vo
moaning] t|esl was senl |n watsaw |j
G||gotot |n otJet lo steaJ anl|-Gtee|
toaganJa (LL. 30/4 p.11). Lvonlually
lalhor 1sarknias was acquillod on appoal
by lho Misdomoanor Courl of Ldosa (May
8, 96). 1ho acquillal was prosonlod by
somo prinl modia as lt|a| (... o| l|e we||
|nown toaganJ|sl o| S|oje (... w|o was
Je|toc|eJ |ot |e|ng queet as we|| (AP.
13/S p.10). A Gtee| c|l|zen anJ Je|toc|eJ
t| esl |tom l|e C|utc| o| Gteece l|al
otJa| neJ || m | s al l|e same l| me an
em|ojee o| a |ote|gn slale, ||teJ lo wot|
aga|nsl Gteece! lnJeeJ an unteceJenleJ
|enomenon ca||eJ |uman t|g|ls (A.1.
27/S p.4). An a||cal|on |n otJet lo oen
(.... a MaceJon|an c|utc| |n MaceJon|a
w||| |||e l|e we||-|nown cottul lo (... l|e
exlteme /||oJ|mos !sat|n|as, a |otmet
t|esl o| l|e Gtee| Otl|oJox C|utc| anJ
now a wanJet| ng agenl o| S|oj an
toaganJa (... !|e essence o| l||s case |s
l|al l|e S|ojans |ate nol gol a |ellet
so|esetson o| l|e|t toaganJa l|an a
tul||ess|j cottuleJ etson. ll |s naluta|
l|al |e | s equa| | j cottuleJ | n ol|et
acl|t|l|es as we|| (.... Cottul|on |s one
l||ng, etsona| atl|cu|at|l|es |s anol|et(...
(A.1. 11/S p.13).
1his counlry is almosl non-oxislonl in lho
Grook modia. ll was monlionod |usl whon
parl of lho modia monilorod prosonlod
|out koman|ans (MLGA 2/4) as suspocls
for lho robbory and murdor of lho
accounlanl D. Papadopoulos in oarly April.
/out |ote|gnets ||||eJ an accounlanl |n ||s
o|||ce |n |toaJ Jaj||g|l (.... /eteltalots o|
l|e altoc|ous mutJet ate, accotJ|ng lo eje-
w| lnesses, oss| || j A| |an| ans ot
koman|ans (A.1. 3/4 p.9). Howovor, lhoro
was a dissidonl poinl of viow: !|ej caug|l
l|e koman|ans, l|e mutJetets tan awaj(...
(.... !|e attesl o| l|tee koman|ans, w|o
wete cons|JeteJ - w|l|oul |e|ng- lo |e l|e
eteltalots o| jesletJajs |2/4] |etoc|ous
ct|me (... |atmeJ l|e e||otls |ot l|e attesl
o| l|e tea| mutJetets (AP. 3/4 p.21). ll is
noloworlhy lhal lho disclaimor of lho
komanians' involvomonl in lho robbory
and murdor, was prosonlod only in a fow
casos: As |at as l|e koman|ans w|o wete
l|oug|l lo |e susecls ate concetneJ, (...
no et|Jence lutneJ u aga|nsl l|em (LL.
4/4 p.18), a|let a|| (... l|e |out |ote|gnets
(... |aJ nol||ng lo Jo w|l| l|e mutJet anJ
wete te|easeJ (MLGA 3/4).
1ho Grook modia omployod all lhoir powor
lo dofond Grooco's valuablo rolalionship
wilh Sorbia. Mosl of lho arliclos woro full
of halo spooch lowards lho Wosl and
difforonl inlornalional organizalions. 1ho
shol l i ng of lho markol of Sara| ovo on
Augusl 28, which causod lho doalh of 37
ci vi l i ans and l od lo NA1O's mi l i lary
roprisals againsl lho Sorbs, was prosonlod
by almosl all Grook modia as a provocalion.
!|e | aunc|| ng o| l|e | ong teateJ
oetal|on De|||etale /owet |aJ as a
telexl a majot totocal|on, l|e mutJetous
s|e|||ng o| Satajeto (L1H. 7/9, p. 2), A
cons|tacj o| l|e wesls sectel sett|ces |s
|e|| nJ l|e s| aug|let | n l|e mat|el o|
Satajeto, |ul a|so |e||nJ l|e tesecl|te
one w||c| loo| |ace |asl jeat (AP. 8/9, p.
Moroovor, w|l| |a||-wotJs l|e tete|al|on
l|al l|e Set|s ate nol |m||caleJ |n l|e
Jto| ng o| l|e s|e| | | n l|e mat|el o|
Satajeto |is roporlod]. (... ln l||s case, |l |s a
totocal|on. w|en /A!O wanls lo |om|
Set||a, |l w||| Jto a |om| |n Satajeto, ||||
some eo|e anJ l|en |om| (SK 1/9).
Polilical Spring MLP, Ms. K. Daskalaki,
monlions: !|e a|t|anes |tom l|e ol|et
s|Je o| l|e /atl| metc||ess|j |om| l|e
Set|s, |ot w|om l|ete |s l|e cetla|nlj (l
wonJet |ow? l|al l|ej JtoeJ l|e
|amous s|e|| (|ot l|e ol|et one, l|e o|J
one, l|e one o| Mus||m ot|g|n, l|ete |s
com|ele s||ence, anJ we |ate coteteJ |l
u tetj we||, anJ l|ej |||| women anJ
c|||Jten w||c|, s|nce l|ej ate Set|s, |l
Jonl mallet tetj muc| (K. 3/9, p. 4).
Accordi ng lo lhi s roasoni ng l|e
wesletnets, |n an aJm|ta||e accotJance
w|l| All||a, /|l|ets |e|ts anJ l|e Mus||ms
etetjw|ete, massacte a eo|e -|eto o| l|e
anl|-|asc|sl sltugg|e anJ Jee|j C|t|sl|an.
AnJ l|ej ul l|e ||teatm on out lem|e.
8ac| o||! (L.1. S/9, p. 4). !|e new |asc|sm
|as Jec|JeJ lo w|e oul l|e |tol|et Set||an
eo|e (A.1. 6/9, p. 10).
ln such a silualion, il is nol surprising lhal
NA1O i s porlrayod as a use| ess
otgan| zal| on o| | nsane o| | l| c| ans anJ
m|||lat|sl|c ct|m|na|s w|o |ate ||teJ l|e|t
m|ss||es aga|nsl 8osn|an Set| c|t|||ans. (...
w||c| anl|too|Js ate |n l|e enJ l|ese
|ol-|eaJeJ Jwat|s o| /A!O so l|al l|ej
||te l|e|t m|ss||es sa|e|j aga|nsl Clvl/lA/S?
AnJ |ow Joes man||nJ ul u w|l| l|ese
wotms? (A.1. 12/9, p. 3). !|e Us|las|a -
accotJ|ng lo an o|J Set|- ate l|e gtealesl
|asc|sls s|nce l|e wot|J was maJe anJ so
ate l|e Amet|cans anJ Getmans w|o |e|
l|em (L1H. 4/9, p. 3S). Some scums,
w|o cons| Jet l|emse| tes lo |e
togtess|te, a|auJ a mutJetous /A!O
oetal|on w||c| |as |een otJeteJ |j l|e
owet|u| o| ls|am, l|e |motlanl o||-t|c|
slales. AnJ l|ej sal| s|j l|e |ee| | ng o|
tengeance o| l|e /uns |tom neo-|met|a||sl
Getmanj anJ o| l|e|t co||a|otalots, l|e
Us|las|a s|aug|letets o| Ctoal|a, aga|nsl
l|e lwo eo|es w|o JateJ |um|||ale l|e
Ax|s. !|e Gtee| anJ l|e Set||an (A.1.
10/9, p. 19).
1horo woro fow skoplical, if nol oulrighl
dissidonl viows: w|o |s g|t|ng l|e t|g|l lo
w|om lo assetl unequ| toca| | j |tom
|||omelets awaj l|al l|e s|e|| |n Satajeto
was JtoeJ |j l|e Mus||ms ot l|e 8osn|an
Set|s? As || anj ol|et oss|||||l|es Jo nol
ex|sl. As || a|| Mus||ms jusl as a|| 8osn|an
Set|s ate com|ele|j unJet conlto| (A.
13/9, p. 6). 8ecause o| l|e |acl l|al
m||||ons o| un|n|otmeJ t|ewets ate Ja||j
|nt|leJ lo la|e a slanJ on J|sules |||e l|e
8osn|an one, l|e sleteoljes o| l|e gooJ
anJ l|e |aJ ones, l|e Cal|o||cs anJ l|e
Otl|oJox, l|e Ctoals anJ l|e Set|s, l|e
|t|enJs o| l|e wesl anJ |ls enem|es ate
|otgeJ tal|et eas||j (LL. 3/9, p. 41). !||s
jeat l|e |eaJquatlets o| Gtee|
J|s|n|otmal|on |ate Jec|JeJ lo tesuttecl
l|e teltacleJ |oax |lhal an LU roporl
claimod lhal lho lobruary 1994 sholling of
lho Sara|ovo markol was dono by Muslims]
anJ |al|ze |l tea||lj. Aga|nsl l|e (... tea|
tea||lj l|al l|e 8osn|an Set| lettot|sls ate
l|e ones w|o |es|ege Satajeto |tom l|e
suttounJ|ng ||||s anJ w|o, on|j |n l|e ||tsl
lwo jeats, |aJ ||teJ 300,000 m|ss||es on |ls
|n|a||lanls. \ou see, |n Gteece we ate |at
|e||nJ Set||a. Al |easl l|ete, l|ete ate
manj mote w|o Jo nol |e| | ete Dt.
/ataJj|c, w|en |e sa|J |asl jeat (6/2/94l
l|al l|e 68 JeaJ eo| e wete s|o
w|nJows mannequ|ns! (A. 8/9, p. 6).
Al lho boginning of lho now yoar }ohn
Shalluck, US Undorsocrolary of Slalo
rosponsiblo for human righls, visilod lho
Sorbian capilal and mado a slalomonl lhal
some 7,000 eo|e ate m|ss|ng a|let l|e
occual|on o| Ste|ten|ca (A. 23/1 p.4) by
lho Sorbs. 1his was characlorizod as a
|om| o| an Amet|can UnJetsectelatj. !|ej
gol(...a s|ote| |ot wat ct|mes (L1H. 23/1
p.2S), new anl|-Set||an man|a (K. 23/1
p.1), new anl|-Set||an allac| o| l|e /tess
(... l|e | nletnal| ona| /tess te|ets lo
ex|o|l, once mote, cetla|n Jenunc|al|ons
a|oul l|e ex|slence o| common gtates
w||c| conla|n t|cl|ms o| l|e Set|s |tom l|e
s|aug|let |n Ste|ten|ca (K. 23/1 p.8).
!|e wesl |s |||nJ lo l|e Mus||m |etoc|lj.
!|ej ate ltj|ng lo tesenl l|e Set|s as l|e
on|j |aJ s|Je (L.1. 23/1 p.21)
1urkoy is lho counlry which gols lho mosl
profound hoslilo covorago in lho Grook
modia. lndicalivo of lhis characlorislics is
lho noar roal war ovor lho rocky islol lmia,
which lho modia in Grooco slarlod and
lhon lhoir 1urkish counlorparls flarod up
ovon moro |Soo soparalo chaplor on lho
lmia Crisis].
Almosl a monlh and a half aflor lho incidonl
bolwoon Grooco and 1urkoy in lmia wo
saw lhal l|e esca|al|on o| l|e !ut||s|
totocal| te all| luJe | s nol a seasona|
|enomenon (L1H. 3/3 p.8). C|||ets new
totocal|on (L.1. 2/3 pp. 12-13), a |osl||e
s|| tams a wats|| o| outs |n lm|a!.. (A.1.
2/3 p.1). A new !ut||s| totocal|on (A.
2/3 p.3), Jtamal| c anJ exlteme| j
Jangetous |nc|Jenl (A.1. 2/3 p.10), A
!ut|| s| alto| |oal (... totocal| te| j
t|o|aleJ out lett|lot|a| walets |and] tammeJ
l|e Gtee| gun|oal (MLGA 2/3). !|e
a||egeJ|j secu|at slale o| !ut|ej |o||ows
|a|l||u||j l|e exam|e o| |ls ||ooJl||tslj
|ounJet /ema| Alalut| (A.1. 3/3 p.10),
An|atas J| tlj game (... |ot !| gt| s -
/u|tales (L.1. 3/3 p.32), !ut|ej |s now
oen|ng a |tonl eten |n !|tace w|l| l|e
agenls o| /omol|n| Consu|ale as l|e seat-
|eaJ (L.1. 3/3 p.18). !omottow |lho
1urks] w||| teac| /u|oea (... S|ou|J |j anj
c|ance out (... |n|a|||||e ||na||j ma|e a
m|sla|e? (AP. 2/3 p.9). Howovor, il was
also said lhal l||s new Gtee|-!ut||s|
|nc|Jenl w|l| l|e wats||s neat lm|a |oo|s
mote |||e a co|||s|on (... 8ul l|ete musl |e
no com|a|nl. we J|J nol |el |l t|Je, m||J|j,
l|e |nc|Jenl (... \es, jes no com|a|nl al
a||! (K. 3/3 p.24).
ln addilion, new totocal|ons |n lm|a. A
!ut|| s| wats|| tetenleJ l|e Gtee|
s|e|etJ, w|o was accoman|eJ |j lwo o|
out wats||s, |tom gell|ng on l|e toc|j-
|s|el, a new unteceJenleJ totocal|on
(MLGA 16/3), |nc|Jenl |which] mat|s l|e
totocal| te anJ aggtess| te all| luJe o|
!ut|ej |n l|e teg|on (slalomonl by lho
Minislor of lho Pross D. koppas, SK 19/3),
sinco etetj Jaj l|al goes |j, l|e !ut|s
|ecome mote | nso| enl | n l|e Aegean
(slalomonl by PASOK MP Karol os
Papoulias, L.1. 20/3 p.S). Also, lho 1urks
|oc|eJ l|e (... Joots o| l|e Aegean!
(L1H. 18/3 p.1), lm|a = 2 sel u |j l|e
!ut|s (N. 18/3 p.1 lillo). Al lho samo limo,
l|e /atj anJ l|e Coasl GuatJ Jenj
l|e(...|ol |nc|Jenl w||c| l|e s|e|etJ o|
lm|a Jesct||es (LL. 18/3 p.1). AnJ |e
s|ou|J slo Je|ot|ng us w|l| lm|a anJ ||s
an|ma|s |ecause - |l |s a|oul l|me |e |new
|l - l|e counltj w||| nol gel |nto|teJ |n
aJtenlutes |ot a |atten |s|anJ jusl |ecause
l||s |s w|al l|e |e|||cose anJ l|e c|anne|s
w||c| J|tecleJ l|e ct|s|s wanl (LL. 18/3
ln such a climalo lho following quolos aro
indicalivo of lho aggrossivonoss cullivalod
by lho modia: new !ut||s| totocal|ons.
(... ketesenlal|tes o| l|e |n|otma| m|not|lj
comm| llee w|| c| | s conlto| | eJ |j l|e
!ut||s| Consu|ale |n /omol|n|, mel (...
w|l| !ut||s| /tes|Jenl Su|e|man Dem|te|,
w|o extesseJ, |n ||s slalemenls, An|atas
|u|| so||Jat|lj w|l| l|e !ut|s o| wesletn
!|tace (L.1. 1/3 p.20). A new
totocal|on |tom Dem|te|. !|e m|not|lj
quesl|on |nJ|tecl|j ta|seJ |j l|e /tes|Jenl
o| !ut|ej (AP. 1/3 p.6), |muJence |s
mote l|an enoug| | n l|e tosecl| te
/utoean ne|g||ot|ng counltj (LL. 1/3
p.8), l|e !ut|s seem lo |e Jeletm|neJ lo
esca|ale l|e lens|on (K. 2/3 p.3), !|e !ut|
agenls o| Ml! w|o telenJ lo |e l|e
o||enJeJ Mus| | ms o| w. !|tace wete
tece|teJ eten |j (... geneta|s |n An|ata! So
l|al l|ete |s no Jou|l anj |onget a|oul
w|al l|ej ate gell|ng al (... AnJ |ecause |n
Gteece l|e se||-ex|analotj l||ngs musl nol
|e om|lleJ, we as|. /ate we slatleJ la||ng
tecaul|ons? (LL. 1/3 p.64) Howovor, lho
quoslion was askod: 8j l|e waj, w|j |s |l
l|oug|l lo |e exasetal|ng |ot l|e |eaJets
o| l|e Mus||m m|not|lj lo go otet lo !ut|ej,
lo |e tece|teJ |j Mt. Dem|te| anJ lo cate
a|oul l|e t|g|ls o| l|e m|not|lj? (... /xcuse
me, |ul w|en |eaJets||s o| out m|not|l|es
come lo Gteece, Jo we |t|ng |nlo |aj l|e
same c|ataclet|zal|ons? (LL. 2/3 p.24).
Al lho samo limo, conl|nual|on o| l|e
totocal|on (... we |ate a totocal|te
all|luJe, |els ca|| |l |||e l|al, al l|e a|totl
o| Conslanl|no|e. !|e em|ojees al l|e
a|totl sctul|n|zeJ a|| l|e |eces o| |uggage,
| nsu| leJ anJ su|j ecleJ l|e w| |e o| l|e
Gtee| Consu| | n Conslanl| no| e lo
|um|||al|ng conlto|s (SK 22/3), l|e
!ut||s| M|n|sltj o| /ote|gn A||a|ts wenl |at
|ejonJ anj ||m|l o| |muJence (MLGA
23/3), An|ata |e|g|leneJ (... l|e c||male
w|l| an |||ega| conlto| o| l|e |uggage o| a
Gtee| J||omals w||e (A.1. 23/3 p.7). So
|tom now on we|| |ate lo guatanlee |lho
1urks' socurily], |j lutn|ng l|e|t |uggage
| ns| Je oul anJ |j slt| | ng l|e !ut|
J||omals anJ l|e|t w|tes lo l|e |u||, etetj
l| me l|ej w| s| lo ltate| |j !ut| /atas
\o|at|(... (AP. 23/3 p.9)
Consoquonlly, Out |t|enJ anJ a||j
ne|g||ot|ng !ut|ej was a tetj gooJ sluJenl
o| /|l|et (... S|ou|J we |j anj c|ance wa|e
u? (k. 16/3 p.22). |Whal happonod] lo
l|ose 'l lan i opi las' |'rolurn wilh your
shiold or on il' in Ancionl Grook] 'Molon
Lavo' |'como and grab lhoso from us if you
daro' in Ancionl Grook] Sou||? A|amana?
Gtat|as |nn? 1940s /O? !o l|e c|||Jten
o| Gteece, l|e c|||Jten? (AP. 14/3 p.22).
we | n|otm |lho 1urks] l|al we, l|e
Gtee|s, un|le (... w|en out counltj |s |n
Janget anJ |ecome a ||sl |n otJet lo gt|nJ
l|e one w|o |ols aga|nsl us (L1H. 12/3
p.40). AnJ l teeal l|e oal| o| l|e anc|enl
Al|en|an leenaget. (... AnJ l s|a|| Je|enJ
l|e sancl|l|es |j mjse|| anJ |j ol|ets (...
Come on! On jout |eel! A|| l|ose w|o ate
Gtee|s! (commonls by ND MP V.
Polydoras, AP. 12/3 p.8).
!|e !ut|s |aj w|l| ||te |n lm|a. !|ej |an
lo senJ (|og|sl agenls on l|e toc|j
|s|el on Matc| 25 (AP. 23/3 p.S), !ut||s|
agenls, JtesseJ u as eco|og|sls l||s l|me,
maj alleml lo (... |eeJ l|e goals (A.1.
23/3 p.S), on a slanJ|j |ot a new |ol
|nc|Jenl (LL. 23/3 p.1), as l|e nal|ona|
|o| | Jaj o| Matc| 25 comes c| ose, l|e
concetn l|al !ut|ej w||| mote on lo new
totocal| on | n l|e atea | s | ncteas| ng
(MLGA 23/3). An|ata |ans totocal|on |n
l|e atea o| lm|a |j |anJ|ng !ut||s| c|t|||ans,
a||egeJ|j eco|og|sls (SK 23/3).
Moroovor, w|||e we ce|e|tale l|e /al|ona|
kegenetal| on, All| | a 3 | n !|tace, l|e
DoJecanese (A.1. 24/3 p.1 lillo), l|e
!ut|s, on l|e telexl o| a set|ous Janget |ot
l|e !ut||s| m|not|lj, teate All||a |n
!|tace anJ l|e DoJecanese (A.1. 24/3
pp.12-13). An|ata | s | | |e| j lo | anJ
s|e|etJs (|n tea||lj agenls on lm|a on
l|e telexl lo g|te a|J lo l|e s|ee anJ
goals w||c| ate on l|e toc|j |s|el (V. 24/3
p.14). O| (... no l||s |s a totocal|on!
Matc| 25 se|ecleJ |j l|e !ut||s| eco|og|sls
lo |eeJ l|e goals on lm|a (A.1. 24/3 p.96),
a facl lhal w||| consl|lule one mote gtaJua|
totocal|on w||c| w||| |e conl|nuous|j
aggtatal|ng unl|| |l tesu|ls e|l|et |n a geneta|
concess|on on l|e atl o| Gteece (... ot |n a
con|tonlal|on. AnJ we musl gel teaJj |ot
l||s con|tonlal|on w|l|oul Je|eal|sm, w|l|
comosute anJ w|l| Jas| (slalomonl by
PASOK MP, D. Vounalsos, SK 23/3). On
lho olhor hand lhoro was an i roni c
commonl loo: || l|e goals on lm|a ate so
muc| o| a to||em, w|j Jonl l|ej ul
ta|||ls on |l?
lurlhormoro, a poinl was mado, lhal lho
dangor-mongoring did nol roflocl any aclual
facl lhal happonod or was lo happon lhoso
days: kaJ|o anJ le|et|s|on c|anne|s Jut|ng
l|e nal|ona| l|tee-Jaj |esl|t|l|es wete |u|| o|.
l|e !ut||s| totocal|on |n lm|a |s execleJ
exacl| j on l|e nal| ona| |o| | Jaj (...
/totocal|on |j l|e !ut|s on lm|a on Matc|
25 (... 8ul, w|en l|e slot|es wete tunn|ng,
l|e t| ewet |ounJ oul l|al, esec| a| | j
jesletJaj |2S/3] nol||ng |aeneJ on l|e
toc|j-|s|el (LL. 26/3 p.8) O|, no anJ aga|n
no! !||s l|me l|e !ut|s wenl loo |at (... !o
ul |n Jou|l l|e teula||e ana|jsls o| |lho
1V slalions] M/GA, Anlenna (... (as we||
as o| a |ol o| newsaets w|o |ns|sleJ
te|emenl|j a|| l|ese l|tee Jajs l|al we
wete lo |ate a |ol |nc|Jenl |n lm|a on
Matc| 25? we||, l||s goes |at |ejonJ anj
||m|l! (... /exl l|me l tequesl l|al l|e w|o|e
!ut||s| |all|e |an |e on a|t so l|al l|ej
wou|J |now exacl|j w|al lo Jo. /els saj
l|al l|| s l| me l|ete was (...a | ac| o|
cootJ|nal|on (k. 27/3 p.4) and lhis is why
l|e goals on lm|a ate sl||| wa|l|ng |ot l|e
!ut||s| eco|og|sls (N. 26/3 p.3)
1be lnternationaI Community
1ho |oinl sossion of lho Nalional Dofonso
and loroi gn Affai rs Commi lloo of lho
Grook Parliamonl wilh lho Parliamonlary
and Public kolalions Commilloo of lho
Wosl Luropoan Union's Parliamonlary
Assombly (WLU/PA) on socurily probloms
in lho Modilorranoan, lho porspoclivo of
solving lho Cyprus issuo, lho Macodonian
issuo, lho Grook-1urkish rolalions and lho
ugoslav crisis in mid-Oclobor ondod in a
Gtee|-8t|l|s| con|tonlal|on (A. 13/10
Al l Grook modi a soomod lo adopl lho
slandpoinl lhal l|e l|tee 8t|l|s| J|J nol
jusl |ate a o|nl o| t|ew J|||etenl |tom
outs, w||c| |s |onesl anJ cottecl on l|e
|as|s o| l|e tea| |acls. !|e|t all|luJe was
c| eat| j |osl| | e. !|ej aeateJ lo |u| | j
accel l|e os| l| ons o| Gteeces
oonenls. (L.1. 14/10 p.11), 8t|l|s|
totocal|on |ns|Je l|e /at||amenl, (...
exlteme|j |muJenl anl|-Gtee| allac|
(L.1. 13/10 p.8), untoto|eJ 8t| l| s|
|om||ng o| out os|l|ons on out nal|ona|
| ssues (AP. 13/10 p.10), exlteme| j
|muJenl anJ untoto|eJ 8t|l|s| allac|
aga| nsl out counltj, anJ | n atl| cu| at,
|ns|Je l|e Gtee| /at||amenl (A.1. 13/10
p.6), Man, |oo| w|os la|||ng!.. (/ej,
/|J!.. /elc| a otl|on o| (... a so|ul|on
lt|s|-slj|e |ot l|e S|oje |ssue anJ anol|et
(... ute |tom l|e /a|||anJs |ot !ancu |n
l|e |oe (... we sell|e out J|||etences,
qu|c||j!.. O./. |oss??? /aj??? (A.1.
17/10 p.10).
Moroovor, l|ej came | gnotanl,
un|n|otmeJ anJ totocal|te l|e |eal|et-
|ta|neJ |tom wesletn /utoe, l|e /ng||s|
Jt|tets o| l|e !ut||s| atmoteJ te||c|es,
w||c| J|t|JeJ Cjtus. !|ej came, a||egeJ|j
so|et, s|nce l|ej ate |og|ca|, l|e |tenz|eJ,
|n otJet lo leac| tea||sm lo l|e |um||e
8a||an eo|e o| Al|ens (LL. 14/10 p.28).
8t|l|s| aga|nsl Gteece |n a Jemonsltal|on
o| anl|-/e||en|sm anJ |gnotance (K. 13/10
p.1) who Jete|oeJ l|e|t o|nls o| t|ew
anJ gate l|e|t otJets w|l| l|e |tula||lj o|
suzeta| ns (k. 13/10 p.8), si nco lhoy
tec| tocaleJ out |os| la| | lj w| l|
totocal|on (Moga 12/10), consoquonlly
lhoy aro askod /otJs(... GO /OM/! (A.1.
13/10 p.6).
Howovor, lho |ncenJ|atj slalemenls
(A.1. 13/10 p.6) toto|eJ tuJe| j l|e
Gtee| M/s (L.1. 13/10 p.8) who, aflor
|at|ng un|leJ, |ammeteJ l|e|t |ote|gn
co||eagues (N. 13/10 p.7) and |e|J l|e
8t|l|s| a||egal|ons |n c|ec| |j telutn|ng
||te (AP. 13/10 p.10). 1hus, PASOK MP
1h. Pangalos cul l|e gtounJ |tom unJet
l|e unteateJ /ng||s| M/s |eel (LL.
13/10 p.64) by roforring lo a |joct|l|ca|
all| luJe o| 8t| la| n (L1 1 12/10) si nco
8t|la|n |s a guatanlot o| l|e |s|anJ anJ
|eats l|e tesons|||||lj |ot loJajs s|lual|on
- t| o| al| on o| l|e | nletnal| ona| | aw |j
!ut|ej (N. 13/10 p.7). Ho also assorlod
lhal we | | |e l|e Set|s. we |aJ l|e
|mtess|on l|al we ate on l|e t|g|l s|Je.
Some eo|e ate ltj|ng lo tote us l|al we
|ate lo te-wt|le ||slotj (Moga 12/10). Al
lho samo limo ND MP Ms. M. Koulsikou
mai nlai nod lhal l|e use o| l|e letm
MaceJon|a |j l|e ne|g||ot|ng counltj |s
connecleJ lo l|e |tteJenl|sl J|sos|l|ons o|
gtous o| eo|e, w|o come eten |tom
lettot|sl otgan|zal|ons, w||c| Jete|o
l|eot| es l|al |ate nol|| ng lo Jo w| l|
/|slotj (AN1 12/10). lurlhormoro, suc|
an |Albanian] m| not| lj Joes nol ex| sl.
w|en we wete accel|ng A||an|ans, ol|ets
wete l|tow|ng l|em |nlo l|e(... sea (A.1
13/10 p.6).
linally, ND MP Lu. Hailidis callod lho
govornmonl lo procood wilh acl|ons o|
tolesl, J| satota| anJ JemanJ |ot
conctele te|ulal|on o| l|e totocal|te
assetl|ons (AP. 14/10 p.10) and lo gal|et
| n|otmal| on l|toug| | ls J| | omal| c
Je|egal|ons w|o among l|ese genl|emen
ot l|ose o| ol|et |ote| gn slale-tun
otgan|zal|ons anJ meJ|a w||c| Jete|o
anl|-Gtee|, to-!ut||s| ot to-S|ojan
toaganJa own tea| eslale ot ol|et
econom|c |nletesls |n occu|eJ Cjtus,
!ut|ej anJ S|oje! (A.1. 14/10 p.7). we
s|ou|Jnl ta|se |e|| w|l| l|e 8t|l|s| M/s.
w|o s|oweteJ a|use on us, | n out
|ome(... 8es|Jes, l|ej ate |ol| /ng||s| anJ
!ot| es, a | el|a| com|| nal| on. Mosl
J|sagteea||e |tom |ong l|me ago (A. 1S/10
Again in Oclobor lhoro was a mooling
bolwoon lho Mi ni slor lo lho Pri mo
Minislor, Mr. Anl. Livanis wilh lho Official
Opposilion Loador Mr. M. Lvorl in ordor
for lho lallor lo ass on a gtate |ece o|
|n|otmal|on on a nal|ona| |ssue |which, in
spilo of lho publicily givon lo lho mooling,
was nol communicalod lo lho gonoral
publ i c], exc| leJ | mag| nal| on anJ
sltengl|eneJ scenat| os |rol alod lo]
ate|ens| ons a|oul Jangetous
Jete|omenls (LL. 13/10 p.7). 1ho modia
rocycl od lho i ssuo i mmodi alol y,
producing a wholo sorios of frighloning
slorios which woro nol basod on any facls.
/eats a|oul totocal|on |n !|tace(... (...
|ote|gn sectel sett|ces |nlenJ lo cteale a |ol
sol |n !|tace anJ l|e latgel o| a olenl|a|
totocal| on w| | | |e l|e Jense Mus| | m
m| not| lj, w|| c| | s a| teaJj unJet
mo||||zal|on unJet |nsltucl|ons |tom l|e
!ut||s| consu|ale |n /omol|n| (L.1. 13/10
p.10). !|e /tes|Jenl o| /D, Mt. /tetl,
|eats totocal|on. Dee concetn a|oul
!|tace (L.1. 14/10 p.10).
Consoquonlly, moro voicos |oinod lho
choir of scaro-mongors. Gotetnmenl
a|ta|J o| totocal|on |n !|tace (LL. 14/10
p.6), Scenat|os o| lens|on |n !|tace (k.
14/10 p.6). PASOK MP Mr. Sl.
Papalhomolis o|nleJ oul l|al nol||ng |s
acc|Jenla| (... |l |s cetla|n l|al !|tace
consl|lules !ut|ejs sltaleg|c latgel (A.1.
14/10 p.7) whilo lho opinion lhal l|e
nal|ona| sectel was a|oul l|e cteal|on o|
| mtess| ons |as] | l | s oss| || e l|al l|e
|Li vani s-Lvorl] meel| ng concetneJ
Jomesl|c a||a|ts a|oul w||c| |ol| s|Jes
wou|J nol wanl anjl||ng lo |e |nown (A.
14/10 p.2) was sol oul.
1hon lho informalion is givon lhal !o
v|ma |a 'roliablo' Sunday papor wilh lho
largosl circulalion] u|||s|es a slotj on a
|an |n l|e |otm o| a sla|| maneutet. (... ll
|s su|slanl|a||j a|oul a con|||cl scenat|o
w||c| anl|c|ales /A!Os |nlettenl|on anJ
a| mosl exc| us| te| j concetns wesletn
!|tace. !|e so| ul| on w|| c| w| | | |e
tooseJ |j l|e A|||ance, anJ |s no ol|et
|ul l|e atl|a| aulonomj o| !|tace, |s a|so
|nc|uJeJ |n l|e |an. (AN1 14/10), as woll
as lho osli mali on, i n lho samo nows
bullolin, of Howard Univorsily Profossor
N. Slavros lhal /A!O |as |een
ltans|otmeJ |nlo a |etet o| |mos|l|on o| a
new wot|J otJet. (... ll |s ||g||j a|atm|ng.
1ho i nformali on i s confi rmod by lho
nowspapors: !o v| ma tetea| s a mosl
set| ous nal| ona| | ssue w|| c| l|e
gotetnmenl |s a|teaJj awate o|. /A!Os
|an |ot(... !|taces aulonomj! Con|||cl
exc|ange o| ou|al|ons anJ ma|ng
oul o| new |otJets. Maneutet on aet
w|l|oul l|e atl|c|al|on o| Gtee| o|||cets
(V. 1S/10 p.1 lillo). !|e etenl acqu|tes (...
gtate s|gn|||cance ma|n|j |ot l|tee teasons.
/|tsl|j, /A!O |s nol useJ lo cattj|ng oul,
eten on aet, maneutet o| l|eotel|ca|
|nletesl on|j. SeconJ|j, l|e maneutet on
aet co|nc|JeJ (? w|l| an u|eata| w||c|
| s susla| neJ etet s| nce | n l|e m| not| lj
e|emenl o| !|tace (... !||tJ|j, l|e exc|us|on
o| Gtee| o|||cets |tom l|e exetc|se |nJ|cales
l|al |l |s nol mete|j a|oul an |nnocenl as
muc| as |mag|nal|te wot||ng |jol|es|s
(V. 1S/10 p.8).
Subsoquonlly, il was arguod lhal we |ate
lo |e teateJ nol on|j lo extess out
wtal| |j means o| an oen |anJ |ul a|so
lo s|allet anJ ltam|e l|ese Je|ota||e
tasca|s, w|etetet l|ej ate, w|o l||n| l|al
l|ej ate go|ng lo |aj games |n Gteece. /o
mote games. Gteece w||| l|tow oul o| |et
so||, o| |et atea, anj scum w|o w|s|es lo
|ol aga|nsl |et nal|ona| |nJeenJence anJ
|onot (slalomonl by PASOK MP L.
annopoulos on AN1LNNA 1S/10). !|ete
musl |e a tetj sltong Gtee| watn|ng. !|e
genl|emen o| /A!O ate nol enl|l|eJ lo |aj
games (slalomonl of PASOK MP Sl.
Papalhomolis on Moga 1S/10).
ll was hoard howovor lhal, l l||n| |l |s an
exaggetal|on - |el a|one an |ttesons|||||lj -
o| !o v|ma, lo l|e exlenl l|al we a|| |now
l|al l|ese otgan| zal| ons, |ul a| so l|e
suetowets |||e l|e USA, anJ to|a||j
Getmanj, ma|e tat| ous |jol|el| ca|
scenat|os |ot etenlua| cases o| ct|s|s. (... A
|ol o| l|e scenat|os ate nol a||eJ |ecause
l|ej |otm wot|| ng |jol|eses w|| c|
|uncl|on as case sluJ|es |ot sc|o|ats anJ
m| | | latj ot o| | l| c| ans (slalomonl of
Panloi os Uni vorsi ly Profossor Chr.
Giallouridis, Sky 1S/10).
Lvon aflor lho official NA1O donial of lho
oxislonco of such plans and lho oxhorlalion
lo temem|et - |ecause we ||ow u l|ese
slot|es tetj muc| |n Gteece - l|al a |ew
jeats ago l|ete wete /A!O scenat|os w||c|
|otecasl a m| | | latj cou | n 8e| g| um, a
counltj w||c| |s l|e seal o| /A!O |lse||
(Sky 16/10), lho dobalo conlinuod we
came |tom As|a M|not, we wete g|ten a
toug| l|me anJ now l|e Amet|cans w|s| lo
|t|ng us !ut|ej |ete? /o! !|ej ate go|ng
lo cteale a 8osn|a, jusl as l|ej |ate Jone |n
Set|| a (slalomonls by i nhabi lanls of
1hraco, L1 1 16/10). l am a|ta| J l|al
!|tace anJ l|e Aegean ate |n l|e nexl otJet
o| t|ot|l|es |n l|e |ans o| l|e new otJet
(PASOK MP M. Kapsis, Moga 16/10).
Al lho samo limo, lhoro was lalk aboul an
|ns|J|ous sla| |n !|tace. /A!O |s |aj|ng
|nlo l|e |anJs o| An|ata. (L.1. 16/10 p.1
lillo). Allenl|on! we ate |e|ng sel u. An
exetc|se o| ||ac|ma|| a|oul !|tace. /A!O
anJ l|e !ut|s cons|te (AP. 16/10 p.1
lillo). So, J|J jou saj l|al jou jusl J|J a
maneutet on aet? Ot on lo||el aet?
A|, O./. l|ej sa|J |l |aeneJ w|l||n l|e
|tame(... o| tetenl|te sltalegj! As we saj,
tetenl| te meJ| c| ne on a cotse (LL.
16/10 p. 64). we wete walc||ng otet l|e
8u|gat|ans, \an|ees anJ Dulc|men anJ
Getmans anJ /tenc| stung u. AnJ weJ
|ellet wa|| oul |tom l||s |||l|j a|||ance o|
|J|ols (... we |ate lo Jo somel||ng /Ow.
8ecause l|ese scums ate nol ||JJ|ng! (A.1.
17/10 p.14), 8|unl wat games |j /A!O.
Mu|l|utose sus|c|ous scenat|os (k.
17/10 p.1). Games o| Olloman
|mag|nal|on. !|e |an on a ata-/A!O
comulet was comm|ss|oneJ |j An|ata
(LL. 17/10 p.1 lillo), !|e sus|c|ous anJ
|muJenl /A!O scenat|o |s allt||uleJ lo a
o||l|ca| anJ lo a m|||latj |ann|ng (AP.
17/10 p.7), Sus|c|ous scenat|os |ot !|tace
wete |ammeteJ oul |e||nJ l|e scenes |j
/A!O c|tc|es |ot l|e |ene||l o| !ut|ej
(Moga 17/10).
lurlhormoro, /A!O unJetm|nes Gteeces
nal|ona| |nJeenJence (k. 17/10 p.7).
wat te|uJe maJe |n l|e USA. (... !|ete |s
no smo|e w|l|oul ||te. (... ll |s o|t|ous l|al
l|e Amet|can s|Je ent|sages a sla||e anJ
owet|u| !ut|ej, a||e lo |aj a|| l|ese to|es
l|al tat|ous sltaleg|c |ta|ns |ate gtanleJ |l
|tom l| me lo l| me (LC.1. 19/10 p.S).
According lo lho inlornalional rolalions
and mililary affairs oxporl Mr. 1h. Drougos,
l|e wat games, |ecause o| l|e |acl l|al
l|ej come |tom /ang|ej, v|tg|n|a, |tom l|e
ClA, anJ l|en ass l|toug| lo /A!O w|ete
s|mu|al|ons ate maJe, wanl !|tace as l|e
/asletn S|aton|a o| l|e Soul|, l|al |s jusl
|||e l|e to||em o| Set||a-Ctoal|a, l|e
to||em o| Gteece-!ut|ej s|ou|J a|so
ex|sl. ln aJJ|l|on l|ej cteale !|tace now
|||e a s|lual|on |ot a cus||on-slale, l|al |s
aulonomj o| l|e atea anJ l|e un|on o| a||
Mus||m ou|al|ons |n Gteece-8u|gat|a-
!ut|ej. (On lho lalk-show 1ho 1imo of
1rulh AN1LNNA 18/10).
lnformalion connocling NA1O's sconario
lo a uni vorsi ly l ocluro as wol l as
publ i cali ons roforri ng lo pol i li cal
oxpodioncios and parly rivalrios gavo lho
issuo a difforonl dimonsion: Scenat|os
a|oul l|e aulonomj o| wesletn !|tace
wete J| scusseJ | n a c| oseJ sem| nat | n
/ao||, lla|j, w|l| l|e tesence o| /A!Os
Soul| w|ng commanJet, AJm|ta| C|ajlon
Sm|l|. !|e|t |nsl|galot was l|e Amet|can
to|essot M|c|ae| kos||n. (AN1LNNA
18/10), !|e scenat|o was(... a sem|nat!
(... Slu| J| lj (l|e mosl | en| enl
c|ataclet|zal|on teac|es |ls zen|l| (P.
19/10 p.8-9), Un|tetsa| ||te |ot l|e nal|ona|
||unJet (L1H. 19/10 p.4). !|ej |anJeJ
l|e Amet|can scenat|o w|l| a ellj o||l|ca|
teason|ng. /|tsl l|ej |us|eJ u, l|en(...
l|ej |ea|eJ oul (L.1. 19/10 p.6), A|let
|e |ajeJ w|l| !|tace, |e |ea|eJ(... l|e
nal|ona| sectel lo !o v|ma. /tetl l|e
us|et (L1H, 16/10 p.1 li ll o), !|e
scenat|o was |aJ, l|e aclots wete wotse
anJ l|e J|teclot was l|e wotsl (A. 22/10
/|na||j, |l |s et|Jenl l|al l|e on|j ones w|o
gol l|e |esl o| l|e unsu|slanl|aleJ scenat|o
Je|ale on !|tace, w|| c| esleteJ l|e
counltj Jut|ng l|e tet|ous Jajs, ate l|e
to|ess|ona| scate-mongets o| a|| ||nJs, l|e
suotlets o| el|n|c c|eans|ng |n l|e atea,
l|e ones w|o ||te u |at|at|sm (LL. 21/10
p.27). /etet |e|ote, lo l|e |esl o| out
|now|eJge, was l|e quesl|on o| !|tace
ta|seJ, |el a|one(... l|e quesl|on o| |ls
atl| l| on!!! (... /ow /v/k\O// la| |s
a|oul(... l|e quesl|on o| !|tace!.. (P.
19/10 p.9).
1ho approval of lho agroomonl on lho
Cusloms Uni on of 1urkoy wi lh lho
Luropoan Union was covorod by all Grook
modia sinco lho boginning of Docombor.
So, whon lho Luropoan Popular Parly, lho
Soci al i sls and lho Uni on for Luropo
suggoslod lhal lho Cusloms Union lako
offocl from 1/1/1996, il was arguod lhal
lho /utoeans JtoeJ(...An|ata |lho
Grook word for Ankara, 'AAE\', also
moans 'anchor'] (A.1. 7/12 p.12), out
/utoean atlnets ate maslets | n (...
/tan||s| |joct|sj (AP. 8/12 p.8) as l|e
atlnets o| a (...|oo||s| ma|Jen |aj l|e teJ
catel |ot !ansu C|||et |and] (... s|ame|ess|j
sneet al Gteece (A.1. 8/12 p.6) bocauso
l|ej tole |ot !ut|ej w|l| ||j|ng co|ots (LL.
13/12 p.1).
Al lho samo limo, l|e \aj-/anoum
!ut||s| /t|me M|n|slet o| !ut|ej (AP.
11/12 p.8), /noc|s atounJ /utoe (LL.
6/12 p.1S) anJ |ac|||lales l|e /utoean
|joct|sj gag |ls consc|ence |n l|e cause o|
econom|c execlal|ons ot a|let su|otnal|on
on an |nJ|t|Jua| |as|s (Lc.1. 21/12 p.3).
1ho vi owpoi nl lhal l|e J| sgtace|u|
mo||||zal|on o| was||nglon, 8onn, /onJon,
/at|s (K. 8/12 p.1), and l|e lacl|cs l|e /U
|as |naugutaleJ |ot conlacls w|l| An|ata
s|ou|J |e unequ|toca||j conJemneJ
(Lc.1. 7/12 p.3), i s vi ndi calod by lho
polilion of 129 acadomics againsl lho
Cusloms Union, who, |nlet a||a, nolo lhal
l|e tewatJ o| l|e s|n|u| teg|me o| l|e
J|sgu|seJ m|||latj-|uteauctals o| An|ata |s
an |nsu|l lo l|e |nle|||gence o| etetj |tee
l||n|et (LL. 13/12 p.21).
1ho approval of lho Cusloms Union of
1urkoy - LU by lho Luropoan Parliamonl on
13/12 was characlorizod as an exetc|se |n
|nletnal|ona| o||l|ca| |joct|sj (L11
13/12), a !ut||s| |ntas|on |n /utoe (L.1.
14/12 p.1), totocal|te anJ |naJm|ss|||e
Jec|s|on o| l|e /utoean /at||amenl (k.
14/12 p.3), nal|ona| Je|eal |n /utoe
|sinco] !ut|ejs w||m was sal|s||eJ (AP.
14/12 p.1), l|e lt|um| o| /uto-|joct|sj
(A. 17/12 p.10), 8a|s|ees| |lip] lo !ut|ej
|tom l|e /utoean /at||amenl (LL. 14/12
p.16-17). !|e /utoean /at||amenl |osl a
s|gn|||canl atl o| |ls cteJ|||||lj (N. 14/12
p.3), |ac|eJ u an | | | | |eta| anJ
aul|ot|lat|an teg|me (... anJ |s J|tecl|j
toto||ng l|e Jemoctal|c senl|menls o| l|e
eo|es o| /utoe (LL. 14/12 p.8). !|e
||ooJsla|neJ All||as enlets Jjnam|ca||j l|e
atea o| l|e /utoean Un|on (... unJet l|e
unan|mous 'oskoldiniz' |'wolcomo' in
1urki sh] o| l|e C|t| sl| an Democtals,
Soc|a||sls anJ kaJ|ca|s (A.1. 16/12 p.10).
Moroovor, lho Prosidonl of Polilical Spring
(POL.AN.), Mr. A. Samaras, lalkod aboul
Je|eal o| /utoe, l|e /utoean |Jea, l|e
/utoean c|t|||zal|on anJ l|e /utoean
t|nc||es |ot l|e tolecl|on o| Jemoctacj
anJ |teeJom (A.1. 14/12 p.8), whilo lho
KKL undorlinod lho totocal|on o| ||tsl
magn| luJe w|| c| |u| | j tewatJs l|e
teacl|onatj teg|me o| An|ata (A. 14/12
p.6). Characlorislic aro slalomonls by Ms
K. Daskalaki, POL.AN MLP: ll |s a|| a|oul
an unJ|sgu|seJ || nol tu|gat |joct|sj (L11
13/12), by Mr. V. Lfraimidis, KKL MLP:
8|g Amet|can ca|la|, /utoean ca|la|,
m|||lat|sl|c c|tc|es, l|e commetc|a| anJ
econom|c o|jecl|tes |n !ut|ej anJ |tom
!ut|ej |n geneta| (... wanleJ l||s jes lo |e
a|| e lo |ac| u loJajs m| | | lat| sl| c
auloctal|c teg|me o| !ut|ej (L11 13/12),
by Mr. P. Avgorinos, PASOK MLP: !||s |n-
Jesct||a||e |at|sa|sm al l|e /utoean
/at||amenl |s w|al ma|es |l |oo| na|eJ anJ
as| |ot a ||g |ea| anJ l|al was l|e teso|ul|on
|in which 1urkoy is accusod of violalion of
human righls]. So, Jo jou see w|al a s|ame
loJaj |ot l|e /utoean /at||amenl, w|al a
s|ame! (Sky 13/12).
Aflorwards, lho invilalion of Ms. 1. Cillor in
Madri d from lho Luropoan Counci l
Prosidonl Mr. l. Gonzalos as woll as hor
mooling wilh lho LU 'lroika' on lho sido of
lho summil woro rogardod as l|e mosl
otetl anJ totocal| te extess| on o|
|t| enJs|| lowatJs !ut|ej |from]
l|e(...genl|emen o| |onot |ot C|||et! (A.1.
1S/12 p.8). osi dos, exlteme| j
totocal| te, !ut|| s| /M !ansu C| | | et,
c|a|meJ l|al s|ou|J Cjtus |nlegtal|on
|nlo l|e /U |e etm|lleJ, !ut|ej wou|J
annex l|e occu|eJ teg|on o| l|e |s|anJ
(K. 17/12 p.1). ND MP Mr. V. Polydoras
arguos lhal gi von lho mosl | nso| enl
slalemenl |and] |ecause we ate l|e
gtanJc|||Jten o| /o|o|olton|s, AnJtoulsos,
/ata|s|a||s, 8olsat|s, /anat|s (l am l|e
gtanJc|||J o| cala|n !s|tan|s, Mts. C|||et
Jo |eatn l|al (... we gol l|e message anJ
we te|j w|l| lwo sjnonjms. 'Ai sichlir'
|'f(...) you' in 1urkish] anJ 'Molon lavo'
|'como and grab lhoso from us if you daro'
in ancionl Grook] (AP. 18/12 p.8). Also, ND
Prosi donl M. Lvorl ca| | eJ uon l|e
gotetnmenl (... lo as| |tom l|e /eaJs o|
Slales anJ l|e /Ms o| l|e /U |n MaJt|J lo
conJemn l|e !ut||s| /Ms slalemenl
(AN11 16/12) ol|etw| se l|e Gtee|
Je|egal|on s|ou|J wa|| oul |n tolesl (L11
!ut|ej Joes nol g| te u | ls Olloman
ltaJ| l| on. | l |as a| wajs Jteaml o| l|e
conquesl o| /utoe. /| l|et |j wat ot
cu|luta||j. 8ecause as |ls toaganJ|sls
s|ame|ess|j anJ totocal|te|j Jec|ate, on|j
|l |s caa||e o| t|JJ|ng /utoe o| |ls Gtee|-
C|t|sl|an |et|lage! (A.1. 24/12 p.10).
Somo dissidonl voicos woro hoard lhough:
l wonJet w|al |n essence |s l|e utose o|
out negal|te all|luJe lowatJs l|e mallet o|
l|e Cusloms Un|on o| !ut|ej anJ l|e /U
(V. 17/12 p.13). !|e Cusloms Un|on can
lutn lo Gteeces aJtanlage. 8ecause Gteece
Joes nol wanl a !ut|ej w| l|oul anj
Jemoctal| c | nsl| lul| ons, w| l|oul anj
|teeJoms anJ c| t| | t| g|ls, w| l|oul a
Jemoctal|c gotetnmenl (P. 14/12 p.1S).
Gteece |as nol||ng lo |ose |ul, on l|e
conltatj, a |ol lo |ene||l |tom a !ut|ej l|al
w||| atoac| /utoe anJ l|e Jemoctal|c
|Jea|s. So, |nsleaJ o| |e|ng |oslage o| l|e
co||ecl|te atano|a o| unteceJenleJ anl|-
!ut||sm as -un|otlunale|j- |l was l||s l|me
aga|n, l|e l|me |as come |ot a coutageous
c|ange (A. 19/12 p.8).
1ho World koporl of lho Slalo Doparlmonl
for 199S on human righls, causod l|e
| nlense J| s| easute o| o| | l| ca| anJ
joutna||sl|c c|tc|es as we|| as o| l|e u|||c
o|n|on |n /otl|etn Gteece (AP. 8/3 p.6).
ln lho Jes| ca|| e teotl o| l|e Slale
Deatlmenl on l|e(... otesseJ
m|not|l|es |n Gteece (L.1. 8/3 p.4) on
|uman t|g|ls w||c| ate a||egeJ|j otesseJ
| n Gteece (N. 19/3 p.6). Anl| -Gtee|
|jslet|a aga|nsl out counltj t|a l|e teotl
on |uman t|g|ls (AP. 10/3 p.10) bocauso
l|e Slale Deatlmenl sees m|not|l|es-
g|osls (AP. 7/3 p.7), !|ej ma|nla|n l|e
mallet o| a MaceJon| an m| not| lj | n
Gteece (L1H. 7/3 p.10). A concuttence o|
| | es (AP. 10/3 p.10), Gteece, saj l|e
agenls o| was||nglon, Jen|es l|e ex|slence
o| S|at-MaceJon|ans |n l|e counltj (...
l|ej saw !ut|s (... l|ej saw(... Attan|les
anJ v|ac|s (! (L.1. 8/3 p.4). !|e exlens|te
te|etence (... l|al Gteece J|J nol a||ow l|e
|ounJ|ng o| a MaceJon|an (! cu|luta|
cenlet |n /|ot|na anJ l|al s|e |s etsecul|ng
(! l|e tetesenlal| tes o| l|e seuJo-
MaceJon|ans, cteales a sensal|on! (AP. 7/3
p.7). osidos, according lo PASOK MP Mr.
Sl. Papalhomolis, lho roporl is o||ens|te,
|naJm|ss|||e anJ a|| loo c|eat ||cl|l|ous, as
|at as Gteece | s concetneJ. (... !|e
genl|emen w|o teateJ l|e teotl musl
unJetslanJ l|al l|ete ate ne|l|et a !ut||s|
not a MaceJon|an m|not|lj anJ Jec|Je lo
|onot l|e |nletnal|ona| contenl|ons l|e
USA |ate s|gneJ (AP. 8/3 p.6). SomeJaj,
we|| |ate lo la|e a slanJ aga|nsl |gnotance,
m|s|n|otmal|on ot lteac|etj w||c| ate
| | |e| j lo | eaJ us (... lo t| s| || e ot eten
|nJeletm|nale otJea|s |n MaceJon|a ot
!|tace arguod ND MP Mr. Pylarinos, and
ho suggoslod l|e cteal|on o| a comm|llee
o| gteal we|g|l (... l|al w||| |ntesl|gale l|e
||e o| l|e toc||etous t|o|al|ons o| |uman
t|g|ls |n l|e USA (N. 16/3 p.S). 1horoforo,
l|e lwo m||||on Gtee|s o| MaceJon|a, ate
senJ|ng l|e teotl o| l|e Slale Deatlmenl
|ac| lo was|| nglon Jec| at| ng | l lo |e
oultageous (AP. 10/3 p.10).
1ho nolificalion of lho US Socrolary of
1ransporl Mr. lrodoric Pona according lo
which some to||ems on l|e sa|elj tu|es
o| l|e /e||en||on a|totl ate noleJ, w||c|
concetn ma| n| j l|e c|ec|| ng o| l|e
| uggage (L1H. 23/3 p.7), was
characlorizod by lho considorablo ma|orily
of lho Grook modia as !oteJo |tom l|e
USA lo lout|sm. !|ej lutn a |||nJ eje lo
totocal|on anJ |e| !ut|ej (L1H. 23/3
p.1 lillo), sa|olage (... w||c| |s |nJ|tecl|j
Jes|gneJ lo sltengl|en l|e !ut||s| lout|sl
mote (L1H. 23/3 p.6). A|t lettot|sm anJ
US || ac|ma| | (k. 23/3 p.1), a |tula|
|nlet|etence |n out Jomesl|c a||a|ts (L.1.
28/3 p.S), | naJm| ss| || e Amet| can
JemanJs (L.1. 28/3 p.1S), Amet|can
ma||gn|lj al out exense, ma||c|ous anJ
slu|J ltate| |nsltucl|on, Amet|can J|tl,
a sca||jwag exlotl|on (A.1. 29/3 p.3).
1ho anl|-Gtee| ltate| aJt|sotj (L.1. 26/3
p.8) was characlorizod as l|e seconJ
|tula| ||ac|ma|| (... a|let 1985 w|en we
|aJ l|al tenowneJ ltate| |nsltucl|on (...
anJ a |osl| | e acl (Mi ni slor of
1ransporlalion, Mr. H. Kaslanidis, SK
23/3), an acl o| o||l|ca| lettot|sm anJ
|tula| exlotl| on (lho Coal i li on's
spokosporson P. Lafazanis, SK 24/3). ln
addilion, l|e teacl|on o| l|e wot|-eo|e
|ot l|e C|t|| At|al|on, w|o la|| a|oul an
otgan|zeJ anl|-Gtee| |an, was |mmeJ|ale
(MLGA 23/3): l|ete |s a jo|nl allac| aga|nsl
l|e Gtee| |nletesls anJ l|e Gtee| lout|sm
(Prosi donl of lho Ci vi l Avi ali on Pi l ol
(OSlPA)'s Union, Mr. N. Slamoulis, MLGA
24/3). ll | s a|oul a |osl| | e acl o| l|e
Amet|cans aga|nsl out counltj (OSlPA's
Prosidonl P. Alovizopoulos, L11 24/3).
Moroovor, !|e USA |s an a|t |osless o|
!ut|ej (N. 23/3 p.1 li ll o), l|e USA
contetl l|emse|tes once mote |nlo an
agenl o| l|e !ut||s| |nletesls (AP. 23/3
p.2). kete| al| on-s|oc|. Amet| can
|us|nessmen w|s| lo se|| secut|lj sjslems!
/|tales-ltate||ng sa|esmen maJe |n l|e USA
|e||nJ l|e loteJo |n /e||en||on (L1H.
27/3 p.18-19), /|g|l on l|e |ac|slage o|
l|e USA ltate| |nsltucl|ons. /e||en||on,
latgel o| mu|l|nal|ona|s (A.1. 31/3 p.8),
/ete |s l|e sectel |an o| l|e USA w|o
w|s| lo conlto| l|e a|tsace! !|e s||es ate
(... outs! (A.1. 29/3 p.9), !owatJs l|e
totocal|on o| l|e Amet|cans a|oul l|e
a||egeJ |ac| o| sa|elj o| l|e /e||en||on
a|totl, we ate enl|l|eJ lo ctj oul lo l|e
\an|ees, GO /OM/. !|ej wete nol a|| o| a
suJJen gt| eteJ |j l|e secut| lj o| out
a|totl, |ul w|s|eJ lo se|| us l|e|t sjslems
(A.1. 29/3 p.11). !|ese /tan||s| |ens musl
|e as|ameJ o| l|e|t alleml lo tu|n Gteece
w|l| suc| an econom|ca||j et||J|ous wat.
Unsa|e a|totls |in Grooco]? Oul o| l|e
quesl|on! (A.1. 29/3 p.18). A|| t|g|l, l|e
Amet|cans |ajeJ a s|a||j lt|c| on us w|l|
l|e /e||en||on a|totl. 8ul w|al a|oul l|e
/utoean /e||ows? w|ete |s l|e |amous
commun|lj so||Jat|lj? w|j J|Jnl l|ej
come oul lo |e| us w|l| l||s t||e la||ng
|ace aga|nsl out lout|sm? (A.1. 27/3 p.3).
1horo woro fow oxcoplions. /ol on|j
Jonl we Jo somel||ng (... lo |mtote l|e
ma|n a|t gale o| l|e counltj (... |ul we a|so
commence l|e Jeatesl -anJ so conten|enl-
w|lc|-|unl|ng. !|ej slt||e us aga|n, l|ej
unJetm|ne us, l|ej Jec|ate wat aga|nsl
Gtee| lout|sm (N. 28/3 p.6). /ow ate we
a|| so sute l|al out a|totl |s sa|e? l am
awate o| l|e lenel l|al Amet|cans ate
a|wajs wtong |ul (l w||set l/ l|e secut|lj
sett|ces o| /e||en||on wete on l|e same
|ete| w|l| l|e ol|ets -l|e mosl Je||c|enl?
(/asl |n lA!As ta|ual|on. S|ou|J we, |j anj
c|ance, |nsleaJ o| |mmeJ|ale|j Jenounc|ng
!ut|| s|-Amet| can cons| tac| es, Jo
somel||ng |ot l|e a|totl? (LL. 31/3 p.16).
1ho discussion on lho 1urkish minorily of
1hraco in lho Holsinki Commission of lho
US Houso and Sonalo on Socurily and
Cooporalion in Luropo which was hold on
2S/4, was characlorizod by a considorablo
ma|orily of lho Grook modia monilorod as
8om|s|e|| on !|tace. !|e Amet|cans
te|ajeJ(... a J|tlj lt|c| on us aga|n (AP.
20/4 p.1 lillo), Amet|can |om|s|e|| on
!|tace. !|e USA(... gate |n lo l|e tessutes
o| l|e !ut|s. (... unteceJenleJ
|nlettenl|on o| l|e Amet|can Congtess
(AP. 20/4 p.S), a discussion lhal conslilulos
l|e l|eotel| ca| tecutsot o| Gteeces
mul||al|on! (... |gnom|nj anJ lteason ate
otgan| zeJ al l|e exense o| Gteece
(commonls of N.D. MP V. Polydoras, AP.
20/4 r.8), a new |||l|j |an o| l|e USA |ot
!|tace. !|ej ltj lo |oss |et atounJ! (...
C|oc|wot| |om| |n l|e sotete|gnlj o| l|e
Gtee| slale anJ l|e sla|| | | lj o| a| | l|e
8a||ans (A.1. 20/4 p.7), a ||al |nlettenl|on
o| l|e Amet| cans w| l|| n l|e counltjs
Jomesl| c a||a| ts (..., exasetal| ng
totocal|on o| l|e |met|a||sls (k. 20/4
p.6). ln addilion, eten a !|tace |ssue al l|e
Congtess! UnteceJenleJ anJ || al| j
un|t|enJ|j |s l|e Jec|s|on o| l|e US /ouse
anJ Senale Comm|ss|on Jea| w|l| wesletn
!|tace (L1H. 20/4 p.7), !|e scenat|os |ot
Jesla||||zal|on ||ate u. A J|scuss|on al l|e
Congtess |ot wesletn !|tace! (L.1. 20/4
p.9), !|e USA. !|e Congtess |s s|ll|ng |ot
out sotete|gnlj! /aw|s w|l|(... |ez otet
!|tace (A.1. 2S/4 p.6), !acl|cs a |a(...
lm|a |n !|tace as we||! (... An|ata allemls
lo sel |ool t|a (...was||nglon. A et||J|ous
atoac| al l|e Slale Deatlmenl w|l| l|e
m|not|lj as a telexl (AP. 21/4 p.14),
annojance a|oul l|e |ssue on !|tace. On
a non-ex|sl|ng |ssue l|e J|scuss|on al l|e
Congtess o| l|e USA (L1H. 22/4 p.12).
w|j Joesnl l|e Congtess o| l|e USA Jea|
w|l| l|e t|g|ls o| l|e Gtee| ou|al|ons |n
lmttos anJ !eneJos? O|, Jon l |e so
w|c|eJ now(... (P. 30/4 p.4), l|ej ate
|||nJ lo o Jown lo Conslanl|no|e lo see
w|al exl|ncl|on o| eo|e anJ tesecl |ot
l|e|t |uman t|g|ls means(... (L1H. 22/4
p.2). !|e seuJo-lt|a| o| !|tace |s ne|l|et
acc|Jenla|, not co|nc|Jenla|. ll |s a gtate
anJ Jangetous totocal|on w||c| |s |aceJ
among l|e |ans o| l|ose w|o cons|Jet
!|tace as Ac|| | | es |ee| o| l|e lt| ang| e
Aegean-MaceJon|a-!|tace (slalomonl of
Polilical Spring's loador A. Samaras, AN11
21/4). According lo lho Minislor of Nalional
Dofonso G. Arsonis, /aluta||j we cannol
||Je, anJ etsona||j l cannol ||Je, mj
annojance anJ mj J|s|||e |ot l||s Amet|can
|n|l|al|te (L11 21/4).
8ul, l Jon l gel |l! w|al |s l|e Amet|can
Congtess? !|e (...U/ ot l|e lnletnal|ona|
Coutl o| !|e /ague? AnJ |ow we||-|aseJ |s
l|e |n|otmal|on l|al l|e USA ate teat|ng
a ac|age-Jea|, somel||ng |||e a new
/ausanne anJ w| l| cate|u| | j | anneJ
motes (|||e l|e one o| l|e Congtess(...
l|ej ate sell|ng u l|e scenetj |n(... a
et|ecl cooetal|on w|l| An|ata? (K. 20/4
p.3). wetenl l|ej a|ta|J l|al l|e cott|Jots
o| l|e Congtess wou|J gel sla|neJ w|l| l|e
||ooJ tee||ng |tom An|atas so|esetson?
!|ej |otgel l|e |ale o| l|e m|not|l|es |n
!ut|ej. o| l|e Amet|cans anJ o| l|e Gtee|s
w|o wete s|aug|leteJ al l|al l|me. /||e l|e
/utJs now. w|l| |om|s maJe |n l|e USA
(N. 27/4 p.39). O|t|ous|j, l|e |al|ets o|
l|e Amet|can con|eJetacj (... a|let l|ej
|aJ tesloteJ l|e wot|J otJet, Jec|JeJ lo
|ntesl|gale lo w|al exlenl l|e /oma|s, l|e
koma anJ l|e Mus||ms o| wesletn !|tace
ate equa| Gtee| c|l|zens!.. !|e totocal|on
|s cjn|ca|, |tula| anJ coatse (A.1. 23/4 p.4)
givon lhal l|e t|o|al|on o| |uman t|g|ls
|eg|ns anJ enJs |n l|e Amet|can Congtess
(L1H. 24/4 p.2). 1horoforo, /O lo l|e
Amet|can |nlettenl|on. OU! wl!/ !//
AM/klCA/S /kOM w/S!/k/ !/kAC/,
/kOM !// A/G/A/, /kOM !// 8A//A/S
(k. 2S/4 p.3). Gteece g|tes - anJ Joes nol
la|e - |essons |n mallets o| l|e utsu|l o|
l|e Jemoctal|c anJ |uman t|g|ls (L.1.
24/4 p.2).
And now lho counlorpoi nls. we
consumeJ anol|et nal|ona| lteac|etj (...
catt|eJ awaj |j l|e conten|enl lta, we J|J
nol cate lo |n|otm anJ lo gel |n|otmeJ o|
w|al l||s Comm|ss|on was a|oul, w|al |ls
comelence was, w|el|et | l |as etet
Je|aleJ on mallets |atota||e lo Gteece,
anJ ||na||j w|al l|e conc|us|ons |ot l|e
m|not|lj wete (K. 30/4 p.1). (... 8ul, w|j
s|ou| J a counltj w|| c| atgues l|al | l
guatanlees equa||lj |e|ote l|e |aw |ot a||
c|l|zens, |eat Je|ales? (LL. 23/4 p.30).
As a consoquonco of lho arliclo of Mr. V.
Vasi l i kos, i n whi ch, roforri ng lo lho
agroomonl for cooporalion bolwoon 1urkoy
and lsraol , ho wrolo mj m| nJ
un|nlenl|ona||j goes |ac| lo l|e ones w|o
ctuc|||eJ l|e|t |e||ow-counltjman (N.
16/4), lho }owish Organizalion Simon
Wiosonlhal roquoslod UNLSCO nol lo
accel ||m as an Am|assaJot. (N 11/S)
1ho modia inslanlanoously look Vasilikos'
sido, saying /e, w|o |s a genu|ne anl|-
Z| ons| l Jec| | nes Anl| -Sem| l| sm. !|e
J|sc|atge o| l|e lstae|| commun|lj |tom
l|| s teacl| onatj | Jeo| ogj |otms a
teconJ|l|on |ot |ls emanc|al|on |tom l|e
o|sess|on (ot o|sess|ons o| l|e asl anJ |ls
|atmon|ous te|nlegtal|on, nol on|j |n l|e
M|JJ|e /asl, |ul a|so |n l|e conlemotatj
eta. (L1H. 11/S p.27), l|e |nletnal|ona|
lettot|sm l|al lstae| exetc|ses aga|nsl l|ose
w|o (| l | lse| | acqu| tes l|e t| g|l lo
c|ataclet|ze(s as anl|-Sem|les, as|tes lo |e
ana|ogous lo l|e lettot|sm |l exetc|ses, as a
slale, aga|nsl l|e Ata|s w|l| tat|ous telexls
on l|e one |anJ |ul on l|e ol|et -jusl |||e
l|e /az|s J|J aga|nsl l|e|t t|cl|ms, |a|| a
cenlutj ago. /noug| (... w|al Jo l|ej
wanl? Us nol lo juJge? /ol lo l||n|? Ot
maj|e nol lo ex|sl? (N. 13/S p.14), !||s
|nlenl|ona| e||otl lo c|ataclet|ze as an anl|-
Sem|le w|ometet |s nol a Z|on|sl |s tetj
Jangetous -anJ | n l|e case o| mj
|ns|gn|||cance |l |s jusl c|ea. /owetet, |n
l|e case o| /anas m| sla|e | l means
|nnocenl JeaJ c|||Jten! /ot l|em J|J GoJ,
w|o |s one anJ on|j one |ot a|| o| us ex|sl
ot |s oss|||e l|al l|ej wete c|||Jten o| an
|n|et|ot GoJ? (N. 16/S p.10)
NGOs, lndependent )ournaIists and
Allacks on Grook Holsinki Monilor's slands
and porsonally on ils mombors, parlicularly
in April, woro prosonl in many nowspapors.
/anajole D|m|ltas |GHM' Spokosporson],
w|||e atl|c|al|ng |n a /utoean comm|llee
on |uman t| g|ls, so|e | n |atot o| l|e
oetal|on o| A||an|an sc|oo|s |n Gteece
w|l| l|e atgumenl l|al a |ol o| A||an|an
|mm|gtanls Jwe|| |n out counltj anJ l|e|t
c|||Jten ate enl|l|eJ lo eJucal|on |n l|e|t
mol|et longue. Suc| an acl |owetet, nol
on|j ooses out nal|ona| |nletesls, |ul
a|so, || catt|eJ oul, |l consl|lules a J|tecl
ac|now|eJgmenl |j l|e Gtee| slale o| l|e
ex|slence o| an A||an|an m|not|lj |n out
counltj. Suc| an acl |otms a slta| g|l
unJetm|n|ng o| out nal|ona| |nletesls anJ,
w|al |s mote, w|en l|e o|||c|a| A||an|an
gotetnmenl Jen|es lo gtanl |u|| t|g|ls |n l|e
||e|J o| eJucal|on lo l|e eo|e |n /otl|etn
/|tus (AP. 7/4 p.2, loading odilorial).
Sectel sc|oo|(... A||an|an! Sltange |s l|e
acl|t|lj (... o| l|e cu|luta| assoc|al|on
/|||a|||||a unJet l|e too| o| w||c| l|e sc|oo|
oetales. (... we |ounJ on l|e nol|ce |oatJ
Jocumenlal|on l|al |n|otms o| sem|nats
anJ la||s |n te|al|on lo l|e keu|||c o|
MaceJon|a w|eteas |n a |ea||el o| /|||a|||||a
we teaJ l|al l|e assoc|al|ons lta|n|ng
togtams wete occas|ona||j |e|eJ |j l|e
/o|j SjnoJ o| l|e Otl|oJox C|utc| o|
Gteece anJ l|e C|utc| o| AJtenl|sls o|
/etam||os!! (A.1. 2S/4 p.41). Some nal|te
||owets |po|oralivo ironic lorm in Grook]
w||c| |ang atounJ |n tat|ous |ota, |||e
some /an. D|m|ltas, wete tetj we|come.
On l|e |as| s o| w|al l|e slale taJ| o o|
/\kOM |toaJcasl on l|e meel|ng o| l|e
/e|s|n|| comm|llees |n SatanJe |n A||an|a,
D|m|ltas to|a||j otetJ|J |l |n ||s la||,
tesenl| ng out counltj as l|e || ggesl
m|not|lj otessot |n l|e 8a||ans. (... /els
nol go nuls. !|ete ate muc| wotse l||ngs
atounJ us. AnJ toosa|s lo exetc| se
|nletnal|ona| tessute, |n co||a|otal|on w|l|
l|e otgan|zal|on ka|n|ow on Gteece |n
otJet lo so|te l|e to||ems o| l|e m|not|l|es
anJ l|e J||||cu|l|es l|al l|e MaceJon|ans |n
out counltj meel w|l|, ate mote Jangetous
l|an consltucl|te (A. 13/4 p.27), ln a
we||-gotetneJ slale, eo|e |||e /||os
D|mou |a woll-known wrilor and mombor
of lho Advisory Council of GHM] wou|J
|ate |een attesleJ |ong ago. (LL. 1. 2S/4
On lho occasion of lho publicalion of lho
arliclo !|tace anJ Conslanl|no|e (LL.
20/4 p.18) whoro il was monlionod lhal
l|e m|not|lj o| !|tace |tom l|e /ausanne
!tealj |as |mos|ng|j |ncteaseJ |n num|et
anJ none |as |e|l u lo l|e tesenl Jaj,
GHM and Minorily kighls Group - Grooco
wilh a lollor of lhoir Spokosporson, nolod
lhal !|ete |s nol||ng mote unltue. (...
Un|otlunale|j l|e mem|ets o| l|e m|not|lj
|n !|tace loJaj (... ate |ess l|an 90,000.
l|| s wou| J |e con|| tmeJ | | someone
esl|maleJ l|e ou|al|on o| l|e m|not|lj
on l|e |as|s o| l|e o|||c|a| tesu|ls o| l|e
census |n 1991 as we|| as l|e el|no|og|ca|
sjnl|es|s o| !|taces mun|c|a||l|es anJ
commun|l|es. (... ll |s a|oul, a m||Jet o|
coutse, s| | enl el|n| c c| eans| ng. 1ho
nowspapor ropliod wilh an aggrossivo
arliclo, which al corlain momonls roachos
opon halo spooch D|Jnl D|m|ltas |GHM's
Spokosporson] |eat anjl||ng a|oul l|e
|at|at|l|es o| 1955? Ot |s |e |j anj c|ance
slta|n|ng al a gnal anJ gu||ng Jown l|e
came| ? (... On| j Jet| ous eo| e anJ
|joct|les wou|J wa|te l|e comat|sons
(LL. 27/4 p.18).
ReIigious Minorities
Whonovor lho Grook modia covor churchos
and rol i gi ous groups, olhor lhan lho
Orlhodox Church, lhoir alliludo is oponly
hoslilo. 1ho roforoncos lo lho aclivilios of
lho Grook Conlor of Appliod Philosophy
(KLlL) which roprosonls lho Church of
Scionlology in Grooco lod a significanl
numbor of Grook modia lo characlorizo
KLlL as a Jangetous |etesj (AN1LNNA
18/10), sc|oo| o| mutJetets |n Jownlown
Al|ens (AP. 22/10 p.1), an otgan|zal|on
o| |a||uc|nal|ons (... w||c| en||sls ma|n|j
joung tectu|ls w|om |l ex|o|ls (L1H.
18/10 p.10), an otgan|zal|on w||c| |otces
|ls mem|ets lo cul l|emse|tes |oose |tom
l|e|t |am|||es anJ |ees l|em unJet lola|
conlto| (A.1. 19/10 p.16), new Salans
(L1H. 18/10 p.6). ln addilion, Scionlology
is doscribod as an |nletnal|ona| gang w|l|
monej, sex anJ su| c| Jes (L1H. 18/10
p.10), a lettot|sl-Jesltucl|te otgan|zal|on
w||c| |nc|les l|e(... exletm|nal|on o| etetj
oonenl (AP. 22/10 p.6). !|e
AJm|n|sltal|te Coutl o| /am|utg, |n a
tecenl tetJ|cl, tegatJs l|e |etesj o| l|e
Sc|enlo|ogj C|utc| as a Jangetous |etesj
|ot joul|, soc|elj anJ Jemoctacj (L1H.
21/10 p.13), il is a |etesj anJ a atl|cu|at|j
Jangetous one |ot l|e Otl|oJox tea||lj
(AN1 1 18/10), whoroas lho pooplo who
bolong lo lho organizalion aro cottuleJ,
|aJ anJ Jangetous (AP. 22/10 p.6-7).
1ho accusalions againsl KLlL by formor
mombors, rolalivos of lhoso who bolong lo
lho organizalion and roprosonlalivos of lho
Orlhodox church havo lho placo of honor
in modia slorios, whilo wilh rogard lo lho
inlornal molhods and praclicos which aro
allogodly adoplod by KLlL, wo road aboul
Jela||s o| |n|l|al|ons tem|n|scenl o| l|e
M|JJ|e Ages (Moga 20/10), !|e atenls
o| l|e joul| w|o |ecame mem|ets o| l|e
atate||g|ous C|utc| o| Sc|enlo|ogj ate |n
Jesa| t. !|tee o| l|em c| amot | n a| |
J|tecl|ons. /e|! !|ej |eaJ out c|||Jten lo
su|c|Je! (L1H. 19/10 p.12). According lo
lalhor Alovizopoulos -in chargo of lho Holy
Synod's offico for lho anli-horolic slrugglo
(L1H. 21/10 p.13)- Sc|enlo|ogj |s w|Je|j
|nown lo tat|ous teseatc|ets |ot |ls tetetse
el||cs anJ |ls |asc|sl mel|oJs w|l| w||c| |l
allemls lo lettot| ze anJ neulta| | ze
etetjone w|o w| | | Jate ct| l| c| ze | l
o|jecl|te|j. !|e mem|ets o| //// |ate lo
enJute lt|s |n l|e asl w|l| l|e use o|
|atmaceul| ca| toJucls anJ a| so
| nlettogal| ons | n Jat| tooms anJ | n
sec|a||j teateJ |aces o| a we||-|nown
|ole| |n Al|ens (Moga 20/10). ln otJet
|ot one lo |ecome c|eat, l|al |s lo c|ean
||mse|| o| engtams (|nsct|l|ons, |e |as
lo answet lo l|e same quesl|ons |ot |outs.
/e |s o|||geJ lo jog, |ate sauna, swa||ow
sa|lj walet(... o||, mela|s anJ l|e meJ|c|ne
Suslan|ac|n, w||c| |s on sa|e |n casu|es o|
500 mg. /owetet, //// aJm|n|slets lo |ls
mem|ets amounls w||c| teac| u lo 5,000
mg et Jaj. (AP. 22/10 p.7).
!|e oss|||||lj l|al l|e mem|ets o| l|e
atate| | g| ous otgan| zal| on C|utc| o|
Sc|enlo|ogj eten sj oul al l|e exense o|
Gteece |s |ntesl|galeJ |j l|e /toseculot
|who] ossesses a |ol Jocumenl
accotJ| ng lo w|| c| l|e otgan| zal| on
tewatJs one o| |ls mem|ets (... |ecause
s|e manageJ (... lo |t|ng a sectel teotl
o| l|e Gtee| ClA lo //// (L1H. 20/10
p.16). lurlhormoro, aflor lho |ntas|on
|n(... l|e |oJge o| |a||uc|nal|ons (L1H.
21/10 p.1 lillo), lho ons|aug|l on(... l|e
we|| o| sou|s (L1H. 21/10 p.12) il onsuod
lhal l|e mem|ets o| //// aj an
ecc|es|asl|ca|(... lax, w||c| l|ej ca|| l|l|e
lo l|e mol|et-otgan|zal|on o| Sc|enlo|ogj,
|n l|e USA. ln l||s waj, ta|ua||e Gtee| |atJ
cuttencj |s exotleJ |||ega||j, w|||e l|e
otgan|zal|on, w||c| aeats as a c|at|la||e
soc|elj, etaJes laxes as we||. !|e |alesl
|ntesl|gal|on conJucleJ |j l|e /toseculot
al //// (... tetea|eJ l|al l|ese |horolical]
gtous |KLlL and olhor si mi l ar
organizalions] consl|lule sec|a| catle|s lo
cootJ|nale l|e|t sltugg|e anJ s||ence
anjone w|o |s ct|l|ca| o| l|em (K. 31/10
p.6). /al|et A|et|zoou|os assetleJ l|al
l|e atate||g|ous otgan|zal|ons, gtous anJ
|etes|es, |n otJet lo ac||ete l|e|t a|ms, use
mel|oJs o| sectel sett|ces anJ lola||lat|an
teg|mes, |||e l|ose o| Getman naz|sm (LL.
31/10 p.S1).
/unJteJs o| Jangetous atate||g|ous
otgan|zal|ons tectu|l joul|s. Desltoj
|am|||es. Otgan|ze atm|es. !|tealen ||tes.
lnsu|l Gteece, mota| t|nc||es, l|e C|utc|.
A| j | nsane mel|oJs. /taJe laxes.
Oetale w|l|oul ||cense elc., elc. /owetet,
l|e /u|||c /toseculot otJets ta|Js on l|tee
atl|cu|at|j Jangetous otgan|zal|ons (...
w||c| ate lettot|sls o| consc|ence. ka|Js
aga|nsl l|e wotsl w||c| |s ////, aga|nsl l|e
casl|e o| l|e |nJesct||a||e |omeoal| S.
D|amanl|J|s anJ (... on /t|snas Jen. (...
!|e m|sce||aneous otgan|zal|ons cooetale
anJ to|a|| j |otm a catle| , a| m| ng al
Jamag| ng l|e C|utc|. (... Ate we
untolecleJ al l|e metcj o| some
lettot|sls w|o suJJen|j emetge m|g|lj
anJ u|||ng l|e slt|ngs? w|o w||| ao|og|ze
s|ou| J a Gtee| Soc|o As|a|ata casl
o|sonous gas |n Omon|a?.. (AP. 29/10
p.6-7). According lo lalhor Alovizopoulos
l||s l|teal w||| conl|nue lo ex|sl anJ as
l|me goes |j |l w||| |nctease, un|ess a||
tesons|||e agenc|es as we|| as l|e meJ|a
un| le | n l|| s |o| j atmj lo Je| | tet out
counltj |tom l|al Janget (A.1. 31/10 p.9).
1owards all aforomonlionod commonls,
!|e tetesenlal| tes o| l|e cenlet o|
Sc|enlo|ogj |n Gteece, |n a |ellet lo l|e
meJ|a te|et lo s|anJetous, |a|se te|etences
anJ a|so|ule|j etsona| Jocumenls o| out
mem|ets ot| g| nal| ng |tom a c| ass| || eJ
|ntesl|gal|on w||c| was suJJen|j |ea|eJ
|ot l|e tess (L.1. 20/10 p.18). //// |s an
otgan|zal|on w||c| |e|s eo|e. ll |as
|e|eJ l|ousanJs o| eo|e, anonjmous as
we|| as we||-|nown ones. Sc|enlo|ogj |as
nol||ng - a|so|ule|j nol||ng lo Jo w|l|
masontj. ll |s a |||oso|j oen lo a|| w|l|
we| | -|nown a| ms anJ ltansatenl
Consoquonlly, il is plausiblo lo ask, as
unforlunaloly vory fow |ournalisls did:
Donl we |ate |teeJom anJ te||g|ous
lo|etance? S|nce some eo|e w|s| lo Jo
J|||etenl l||ngs |tom l|e atetage, |l |s l|e|t
t|g|l. /el l|em enjoj l|e|t ||tes. (A.1.
23/10 p.SS). S|nce |Scionlology] |uncl|ons
al l|e | ete| o| |uman consc| ousness,
etetjone |as l|e t|g|l lo |e ||mse|| anJ
|e||ete w|al |e |e||etes. ln anj case, l|e
t| g|l lo slu| J| lj | s a |uman t| g|l
(slalomonls of Mr. kaphai l i di s on
AN1LNNA 21/10). ll |s to|a||e l|al out
unotl|oJox conJucl |s acl|taleJ once
mote lowatJs l|e mallets o| consc|ousness
Jue lo l|e |nlettenl|on o| l|e unt|nc||eJ
w|o |e||ete l|al l|e|t own consc|ousness |s
o| exce||enl qua||lj (L1H. 27/10 p.7).
ln lhis lighl, Jut|ng |ls |ong ||slotj, out
counltj |aceJ manj l|mes |ote|gn |nletesls
anJ slales w||c| wou|J |ate |||eJ (... lo
w|e |et oul o| l|e ma! Al one l|me l||s
|aeneJ w|l| weaons (... !oJaj |l |a-
ens |tom w|l||n, w|l| l|e calute l|al
atate||g|ous otgan|zal|ons a|m al (AP.
S/11 p.24-2S). /ote|gn-|teJ |etes|es,
naluta| | j. Amet| can mu| l| nal| ona| s,
/toleslanl |oJges, /aa| !tojan /otses,
Ang||can contenl|c|es anJ As|an |a|l|s -
w|l| Jat| cenlets o| aJm|n|sltal|on anJ
||nanc|ng (A.1 S/11 p.10). So, we o|sette
a tea||j sltange a|||ance o| |eletogeneous
anJ ||slot|ca||j |osl||e lowatJs eac| ol|et
te||g|ous anJ atate||g|ous wot|Js, w|l| l|e
Gtee| soc|elj, |ls |nsl|lul|ons anJ ma|n|j |ls
conjuncl|te l|ssue w||c| |s l|e Otl|oJox
C|utc|, as l|e|t common latgel (K. S/11
p.8). ln ol|ets wotJs, l|ej alleml lo
ma|e l|e Gtee| lutn aga| nsl || s own
||slotj, w||c| |s |owetet accommoJaleJ
lo anJ |nletteleJ on l|e |as|s o| l|e|t
susecl a|ms (K. 19/11 p.9).
Sinco, Counltj - ke||g|on ate |n quesl|on
(K. 19/11 p.9) and l|e consettal|te Gtee|
soc| elj | s nausealeJ |j l|e l|teal (V.
19/11 p.16), a teso|ule Jjnam|c tesence
|aseJ on l|e Otl|oJox l|oug|l |s tequ|teJ
(K. 26/11 p.12). /els a|| unJetslanJ |l
once anJ |ot a| | . (... we |ate |ot l| me
|mmemot|a| |een suttounJeJ |j loug|
wat|||e eo|es anJ we |ate ma|nla|neJ
out |teeJom w|l| ||ooJ. So, a|| l|ose (...
w|o ||ame l|e ones w|o |e||ete |n l|e
co|es| on e| emenls o| Gtee|ness, | | |e
te||g|on, |am||j anJ, o| coutse, l|e w|o|e,
l|e counltj, |el l|em Je||tet us |tom l|e
|osl||e suttounJ|ng sace anJ l|en l|ej
w||| see w|el|et ot nol l|e Gtee| |ee|s |||e
(... enjoj|ng |n a cate|tee waj ||s |teeJom
al | asl (K. 26/11 p.12), l|e et| | s
emanal| ng |from lho probl om of lho
horosios, pararoligions as woll as all kinds
of 'spi ri lual i sli c' organi zali ons] ate
nal|ona|, s|nce a|| l|ese te||g|ons anJ
otgan| zal| ons a| m al l|e |aJ| ng o| l|e
nal|ona| consc|ousness o| l|e|t t|cl|ms. !||s
|s w|j l|e mallet |s ma|n|j a concetn o| l|e
Slale anJ nol o| l|e C|utc| (A.1 4/11
p.18, in a roloaso of lho Holy Synod of lho
Grook Church).
Howovor, lhoro woro fow dissidonl voicos:
!|e | | m| ls o| w|al | s etm| ss| || e ate
ltansgtesseJ as soon as l|e ex|o|lal|on o|
l|e |nl|male te|al|ons |elween Slale anJ
C|utc| |eg|ns, |n otJet |ot l|e t|macj lo
|e conso||JaleJ atl|||c|a||j. !|e |nlettenl|on
o| /\/ |lho Grook Socrol Sorvi co], l|e
Secut|lj /o||ce, l|e /u|||c /toseculots
o|||ce |n quesl|ons o| |a|l| anJ consc|ence
o| l|e c|l|zens, on l|e |as|s o| |n|otmal|on
ot otJets g|ten |j C|utc| e|emenls, |s
unaccela|| e. Accordi ng lo lho
conslilulional law oxporl Mr. A. Lovordos
/etesj ot te||g|on ate -musl |e- |nJ|||etenl
magn| luJes |ot l|e Gtee| Slale anJ
esec|a||j as |at as l|e Je||cale |ssue o| l|e
enjojmenl o| some |unJamenla| t|g|ls |s
concetneJ (LL. 4/11 p.26). Novorlholoss,
w|al |s l|e |motlance o| l|e atgumenls,
w|en l|e w|o|e Je|ale |s JeJ|caleJ lo
quesl|ons o| l|e lje. ate Gtee|s o| anol|et
te||g|on alt|ols ot nal|ona| unJet||JJets?
(A. 4/11 p.20).
1ho firos which broko oul al lho church of
Virgin Mary of Skripous in Orhomonos as
woll as al lho church of Agios Nikolaos in
Gl yfada, on 2S and 26 Docombor
rospoclivoly, lod lho Grook modia adopl
lho vi ow lhal Salan| sls |utn l|e
c|utc|es!.. (AP. 28/12 p.1S), (...w||J
n|g|l! Salan|sls Jec|JeJ lo ce|e|tale /uc||et
|j |utn|ng l|e c|utc| o| v|tg|n Matj on
C|t| slmas Daj (A.1. 27/12 p.24-41).
Moroovor, lho Church of Grooco
roprosonlalivos, see Salan|sls etetjw|ete
(LL. 28/12 p.1) as according lo a mombor
of lho oulh of lho Church of Grooco l|ese
eo|e |ate tose|jl|zeJ etsons w|om
l|ej lteal as awns (L.1. 28/12 p.17),
whoroas l|e C|utc| |eats an e||us|on o|
Salan|sm. !|e Salan|sls teate |uman
sact|||ces! (L1H. 29/12 p.14) and so lhoro
aro |eats o| a new c| tc| e o| Salan| sls
acl|on (K. 28/12 p.6) bocauso l|e cases
o| atsons o| c|utc|es (... ate Salan| sl
acl|ons. Anjl||ng e|se |s oul o| l|e quesl|on.
8ecause |ot l|em, GoJ |s a scanJa| (AN11
Gi von lho facl lhal Salan| sls anJ
atate||g|ous otgan|zal|ons ate |e||nJ l|e
|attage o| atsons | n c|utc|es anJ l|e
sancl|l|es o| out tace (L1H. 28/12 p.14),
|ot l|e cala|ns o| l|e ||te s|| o| Salan (...
l|e latgel |s Otl|oJoxj (A.1. 28/12 p.24-
41). According lo falhor Noklarios |l |s
sute|j a JeeJ nol on|j o| Salan|sls |ul a|so
o| ol|et Al|e| sls anJ ol|et le|ota|s
w|lnesses, w|o tesecl ne|l|et l|e |cons
not l|e c|utc|es (SK 27/12). As ND MP
Mr. V. Polydoras poinls oul l|e wat |as
otetl|j |een Jec|ateJ |j l|e enem|es (... o|
l|e |a|l|, l|e ||slotj, l|e nal|on (... 8eol|a
|as eten |een acc|a|meJ l|e ca|la| o|
le|ota|s w|lnesses, !, one |s |ot sute. l|al
l|ej ate nol ||JJ|ng. ll |s l|me we (l|e
Gtee| Otl|oJox sloeJ ||JJ|ng. AnJ we
|ecome set|ous, Je|enJ|ng out sancl|l|es!
(AP. 28/12 p.8). !|e || ames l|al ate
|utn|ng l|e sacteJ ltusls o| out /eo|e lo
as|es (... ate mete|j sat|s oul o| l|e anl|-
/e||en|c ||te w||c| atoac|es us (... !|ej
s|ou| J |e | nc| uJeJ | n l|e manj
m| satot| al| ons o| e| emenls o| out
nal|ona| |Jenl|lj -|n l|e /asl, l|e /otl| anJ
l|e wesl. !|ej s|ou|J |e aJJeJ a|ong w|l|
l|e acl| ons o| l|e val| can anJ l|e
mu|l|nal|ona| |tom 8too||jn |moaning lho
}ohovah's Wilnossos] |n out counltj(...
(A.1. 29/12 p.4).
A fow days lalor, in }anuary 1996, in lho
small prinl of only lwo nowspapors, wo
found oul lhal lho pol i co had al roady
oslablishod lhal lho Orhomonos church
was burnod down oul of nogligonco, whilo
no progross was mado in lho causos of lho
socond firo.
ln such a climalo, whon lho church of
Michaol and Gabriol in lho liold of Mars
was lho largol of arsonisls in lho oarly
hours of }anuary 9, lhoro was no doubl lhal
Salan|sls |utnl l|e ||slot|c c|utc| al
n|g|l (Moga 9/1), Salan|sls ot sact||eg|ous
eo|e |utnl a l||tJ c|utc| as we|| w|l||n
15 Jajs (AP. 10/1 p.14), Sa|nl M|c|ae|
anJ Ga|t|e| |n l|e ||ames o| Salan|sls!
sinco a ||ll|e l|me ago Salan|sls |aJ enleteJ
l|e |nlet|ot anJ wt|llen anl|-C|t|sl|an
s|gna|s on l|e wa||, w|||e |asl w|nlet l|ej
|aJ sel ||te aga|n w|l| gas-|oll|es (A.1.
10/1 p.22), Salan|sls, w|o |ate qu|le
tecenl| j |ecome l|e n| g|lmate o| l|e
Jee|j te||g|ous Gtee| eo|e, conl|nueJ
l|e| t ct| m| na| wot| jesletJaj |j
comm|ll|ng one mote ||slot|c |o||j c|utc|
lo l|e ||ames (L.1. 10/1 p.28-29).
osidos, |o||ow|ng l|e tecenl atsons o|
/o||j C|utc|es |j un|nown Salan|sls
(A.1. 20/1 p.20), l|e conl|nuous tanJa||sm
sounJs l|e a|atm. !|e Salan|sls |noc|
a|oul (L1H. 12/1 p.19), l|e Salan|sls
l|tealen t|esls. A|let l|e atson o| l|tee
c|utc|es |tom sact| | eg| ous eo| e ot
Salan|sls, Salans aosl|es gtew |nso|enl
anJ commenceJ a sjc|o|og|ca| wat|ate
aga|nsl l|e C|utc| (... |j l|tealen|ng l|e
t|esls l|al l|ej w||| |utn l|e|t c|utc|es
(AP. 2S/1 p.17). 1horoforo, as l|e u|||c |s
|nlense|j uzz|eJ (... a|let l|e conl|nuous
atsons o| c|utc|es, lho telutn lo l|e
M|JJ|e Ages appoars lo bo corlain. (L1H.
12/1 p.19). Parlicularly if wo boar in mind
lhal l|e ||temen J|J nol ||nJ anj sjm|o|s
o| Salan|sls |n l|e tema|ns o| l|e ||te |of lho
church of Mi chaol and Gabri ol ] anJ
consequenl|j l|e atson was allt||uleJ lo
common -|m|ous- ct|m|na|s (A.1. 10/1
1ho oaso wilh which lho rosponsibilily for
incidonls such as arsons in churchos, black
magic riluals, graffili againsl Orlhodoxy
olc. is allribulod lo Salanisls is noloworlhy,
dospilo lho ropoalod rofulalions. During
May, lwo such incidonls -acls of vandalism
in lho comolory of Horaclion in Lagadas in
Salonica as woll as a ponlaclo on lho wall of
a nursory in Salonica- woro doall wilh in
lho samo way. Wo road: An |ntas|on o|
Salan|sls |n a cemeletj (L.1. 6/S p.11),
Sact||eg|ous eo|e |to|e 172 ctosses.
Salan|sls |e||nJ l|e sact||ege (AP. 6/S
p.S1), vanJa||sms on 250 gtates. !|e
|n|a||lanls allt||uleJ l|e |acl lo Salan|sl
anJ ata-C|t|sl|an otgan|zal|ons (A.1. 6/S
p.46), Meltoo||s o| Salan|sm Sa|on|ca.
!|ej |ate l|e| t ejes on l|e c|| | Jten.
/ol||ng |s sacteJ lo l|em (AP. 7/S p.16).
Whon il bocamo obvious lhal Salanisls did
nol commi l lhoso acls, lho rol alod
i nformali on was publ i shod by somo
nowspapors bul look up loss spaco in lho
columns lhan lhoir allogod implicalion in
lho aforomonlionod incidonls did. So: l|e
tanJa| o| l|e cemeletj |as sjc|o|og|ca|
to||ems (A.1. 9/S p.18), l|e Salan|sls o|
!oum|a ate l|tee m|nots (L1H. 9/S p.18),
luten||e |utg|ats |e||nJ l|e ||ac| mag|c
|n a nutsetj |n Sa|on|ca (L.1. 9/S p.27), ll
J|J nol la|e muc| |ot one lo tea||ze l|al
l|e tat|ous Salan|sls w|o |to|e |nlo (...
l|e nutsetj o| Sa|on|ca mun|c|a||lj |n
!oum|a, |ajeJ a jo|e, moteotet |l |s a
gauJj one. (... Un|otlunale| j |somo]
newsaets, s|ow| ng a|so| ule| j no
sctu|es, teac|eJ l|e o|nl w|en l|ej eten
wtole a|oul l|e an| c anJ ag| lal| on
etetjw|ete |n Sa|on|ca |ecause o| l|e
Salan|sls anJ ol|et suc| l||ngs (L1H. 8/S
1ho nows lhal a privalo doloclivo ltac|eJ
Jown ||ll|e 8en |a six-yoar-old Lnglish boy
who wonl missing in Kos in 1991] |n l|e
|anJs o| Gjs|es (AN11 12/12), causod a
flullor in lho Grook modia: l |ounJ joung
8en |n a |ouse (... o| Gjs|es! (L1H. 13/12
p. 3), l|e o||cemen toceeJ w|l| l|e|t
|ntesl|gal|ons |n l|e Gjsj cams |n l|e
atea. !|e Gjs|es l|emse|tes (... |ate
lutneJ l|e atea | nlo an | mtegna|| e
|otltess (L1H. 14/12 p.18) as l|e w|o|e
|ssue (... |as a|so sel l|e koma anJ l|e
soc|elj o| veto|a agog (AP. 14/12 p.42).
1ho 1V channol lhal so i rrosponsi bl y
prosonlod lho slory firsl, was asking lho
noxl day | s a || Jna| ng | n|| | cleJ on
Gjs|es once mote, l|oug| l|ej maj nol
|e tesons|||e |ot |l? (AN11 13/12). ll is
corlain lhal l|e ta|ng|otj |ot l|e exc|us|te
news anJ l|e w|lc|-|unl|ng |ot l|e a||egeJ
success |s unmas|eJ once mote. Anj|ow,
|| jou |ate a ||ue-ejeJ anJ ||onJ-|a|teJ
son atounJ s|x, Jo nol s|ow ||m atounJ
muc|, |ecause aatl |tom | ngen| ous
Jelecl|tes l|ete ate |ngen|ous joutna||sls as
we||. 8e cate|u|, l|e Jajs ate s|j(... (A.
1S/12 p.16).
1ho pol i co rai d of a koma campi ng i n
Aspropyrgos |ot l|e attesl o| l|e s| x
ta|sls gang w|o lettot|ze l|e notl|-easl
su|ut|s anJ mutJeteJ an | ce-se||et | n
/a|||Ja lwo Jajs ago |18/2] (MLGA 20/2)
was casli galod by lho ma| ori ly of lho
modia, as woll as by lho public al largo.
UnteceJenleJ t|o|ence |n a o||ce tounJ-
u |n Astojtgos g|ello. Ons|aug|l
|alla| | ons on lenls! (A. 21/2 p.1
lillo).kam|o aga|nsl Gjs|es. /xcesses
a|let l|e |a|t (L.1. 21/2 p.26). A s|ow o|
|u||j|ng al l|e Gjs|es l|n |ouses. S|ame
//.AS! |Grook polico] (L1H. 21/2 p.1 lillo).
!|e tounJs-u o| l|e occual|on jeats
tet|teJ (k. 21/2 p.1)
Novorlholoss, wo also road lhal Gangs o|
gjs| es tae, slea| , || | | . MutJetets | n
Al|ens (A.1. 21/2 p.1), !ettot
etetjw|ete. /||us|on o| ct|me. !|e gangs
(... o| Gjs|es s|ool lo |||| (AP. 21/2 p.1
lillo). !|e tetenge o| Gjs||ooJ. !|e
unteslta|neJ gangs |noc| a|oul anJ tema|n
al |atge (A.1. 22/2 p. lillo), l|ej steaJ
a|oul lettot anJ an|c. !|e |n|a||lanls o|
Astojtgos w|l| l|e ||nget on l|e lt|gget
accuse l|e Gjs|es o| to||et|es, taes,
allac|s (AP. 22/2 p.17). //.AS s|ou|J nol
|ac| o||. (... ll |s o|||geJ lo c|ean u l||s
| ace |tom l|e scums o| soc| elj w|o
mutJet anJ tae (... !|ete |s no mote
|al|luJe (... C|ean|ng u anJ exletm|nal|on
o| a|| l|ese tasca|s |n w||c|etet conten|enl
waj (AP. 23/2 p.12). /el l|e |joct|l|ca|
ct|es a|oul soc|a| tac|sm slo (A.1. 23/2
p.4). !|e ct|es a|oul tac|sm (... ate al |easl
1ablo of modia inilials: l Avgi (Av.), Adesmeftos 1ypos (A.1), Apogevmatini (Ap.),
Ltbnos (Llh), LIeftberos 1ypos (L.1.), LIeftberotypia (Ll.), l katbimerini (K.),
Rizospastis (k.), 1a Nea (N.), 1o Pontiki (P.), 1o Vima (V.), Lconomicos 1acbydromos
(Lc.1.), Stobos (Sl.), Mega, Antenna, L1-1, Sky.
oul o| lune (AP. 22/2 p.2). l| l|ej |aJ
taeJ anJ s| aug|leteJ jout Jaug|let,
wou|J jou |ate |aJ l|e same sens|l|t|lj?
(A.1. 22/2 p.3). !|e o||ce |otces atounJ
l|e wot| J usua| | j |uncl| on | | |e l|al,
un|tetsa||j l|al |s |ow |l |s Jone, l|ej Jo
nol J|slt||ule |ats o| c|oco|ale. AnJ jou
wou|J nol wanl l|em lo J|slt||ule |ats o|
c|oco|ale || l|ej ||||eJ jout man, || jou
wete to||eJ, || l|ej comm|lleJ some ||nJ
o| o||ense al jout exense (Slalomonls by
PASOK MP Mr. Sl. Papalhomolis, A. 22/2,
SpeciaI section:
tbe imia/kardak story
1be apotbeosis of bate speecb:
tbe near-success of (greek and
turkisb) media in Iauncbing war
anajole e||as J|m|ltas
As has boon arguod i n lhi s book and
olsowhoro, mosl alkan modia, wilh lhoir
syslomalic nogalivo sloroolyping and halo
spooch di roclod lowards i nlornal
minorilios or pooplos across lho bordor,
havo proparod a forlilo ground from which
sorious conflicls and wars can spring or, in
somo casos, havo i ndood oruplod.
Howovor, whilo lho modia havo somolimos
conlribulod lo if nol lriggorod violonl
i nci donls (as i n lho caso monli onod
olsowhoro in lhis sludy of lho mob allack
againsl lho hoad offico of lho kainbow
Macodonian minorily parly in Norlhorn
Grooco) such conflicls and ospocially (lho
posl-ugosl av) wars woro usual l y lho
rosull of aclions of lho polilical and mililary
loadorships of lho parlios involvod. During
lho 199S-1996 moniloring poriod of lho
pro|ocl prosonlod in lhis volumo, lhough,
lwo (supposodly alliod) counlrios - Grooco
and 1urkoy - camo vory closo lo fighling a
warm war, ovor a liny barron uninhabilod
islol (callod lm|a in Grook and /atJa| in
1urkish). 1ho conflicl was in facl lriggorod
and lhon aggravalod by lho modia of lhoso
lwo counlrios.
1his bordorlino rocky islol appoars lo
bolong lo Grooco as impliod in lho oxisling
inlornalional lroalios. 1ho facl lhough lhal
Grook sovoroi gnly i s nol oxpl i ci ll y
monlionod in a documonl boaring lho
signaluro of lho lwo counlrios has lod
1urkoy lo challongo lho slalus quo. An
opporlunily was givon whon a 1urkish
morchanl ship ran aground on lho shoros
of lhal islol in lalo Docombor 199S. 1ho
lwo counlrios disagrood ovor who had lho
aulhori ly lo roscuo lhal shi p, whi ch
ovonlual l y was dolachod by a Grook
lugboal. As il froquonlly happons in such
casos, lho lwo foroi gn mi ni slri os
oxchangod nolos wilh lhoir conlradicling
claims and lho mallor soomod lo havo
boon laid lo rosl by oarly }anuary 1996,
wilh nol ono monlion mado in lho modia of
oilhor counlry (soo lho chronology bolow).
1his silonco indicalod lhal bolh foroign
minislrios considorod lho mallor minor
and unworlhy of public allonlion.
1hon, a monlh aflor lho 1urkish vossol ran
ashoro, lho Grook modia rovoalod lho slory
and rivalod ono anolhor in oxaggoraling lho
imporlanco of lho incidonl and allacking
1urkoy's claims on lho island. 1horo is
onough ovidonco availablo lhal lhis bolalod
'rovolalion' was a consoquonco of lho
chango of govornmonl in Alhons. kopulod
modoralo and modornisl Coslas Similis, in
a slunning upsol, won a ma|orily in lho
socialisl PASOK's parliamonlary group lo
succood ailing Androas Papandroou as
Primo Minislor. illor losor Gorasimos
Arsonis, lho lhon Minislor of Dofonso, as
woll as lho nalionalisl-loaning righlisl
opposilion Now Domocracy (ND) had
convorging roasons lo challongo lho now
PM on hi s 'sofl' by Grook slandards
posilion, and on his concilialory approach
lo 1urkoy (and inlornalional rolalions in
gonoral). 1ho facl lhal lho mallor was firsl
rovoalod by nalionalisl pro-ND modia and
lhal was dono immodialoly aflor a PASOK
Mayor known for his loanings lowards
Arsonis rushod lo planl lho Grook flag on
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
lho islol woro crucial concurring ovidonco.
All lhis was nol onough, lhough, lo bring
lho lwo counlrios lo lho vorgo of war. 1ho
1urkish sido had lo 'roplicalo' for mallors
lo gol hoalod onough, and il did. 1urkish
| ournal i sls fol l owod by 1V camoras
omulalod lho Grook Mayor and wonl lo lho
islol lo
romovo lho Grook flag and roplaco il wilh
lho 1urkish ono. 1hoir 'proud' channol
showod lhal 'scoop' round lho clock, lo bo
followod by olhor 1urkish modia. 1o which
lho Grook modia ropliod by showing lons
of limos lhoir 1urkish colloaguos' mission
wilh war mongoring commonls. ll lhus
look a fow days of modia aclivily for lho
lwo govornmonls lo find lhomsolvos in a
posilion which lhoy could hardly back
away from as lho lwo publ i cs woro
oxpocling lhoir rospoclivo govornmonls lo
'savo lhoir nalion's prido' by kooping lhoir
flag on lho islol (which roporlodly had
novor unlil lhon soon noilhor flags and
warships, nor ovon living croaluros oxcopl
for a Grook shophord and his goals). Only
inlonso inlornalional, mainly Amorican,
'arm-lwisling' forcod lho lwo sidos lo find
a compromiso solulion, which was nolhing
moro lhan lho rolurn lo lho slalus quo anle
31 }anuary.
During lhoso days, and in lho immodialo
aflormalh, mosl modia in lho lwo counlrios
ongagod in oxlromo halo spooch and war
mongoring. lrom lho modia moniloring
roporls prosonlod bol ow (lho Grook
soclion of lho lHl pro|ocl and an oxcorpl
from lho 1urkish parl of a similar pro|ocl) il
appoars in facl lhal Grook modia woro
much moro aggrossivo againsl 1urkoy and
lho 1urks lhan woro 1urkish modia againsl
Grooco and lho Grooks. Wo will summarizo
horo lho main lrails of lhis halo spooch (for
complolo roforoncos, soo lho dolailod
roporls furlhor bolow).
1. Grook modia usod numorous limos lho
words totocal|on and ils dorivalivos
lo doscribo any 1urkish aclivily lhoy
disapprovod of. Characlorislic aro lho
following oxcorpls from |usl ono, lho
moslly walchod, nighlly nowscasl, al
lho hoi ghl of lho cri si s: new
totocal|on, totocal|te acl|on o|
An|ata, totocal|on |tom l|e |anJ|ng
o| !ut||s| commanJos, untece-
JenleJ !ut||s| totocal|on |as] l|e
!ut|s, | aug|| ng anJ exc|ang| ng
totocal|te jo|es, temoteJ l|e Gtee|
||ag, totocal|te m|ss|on untece-
JenleJ totocal|on, unteceJenleJ
etenl, unteceJenleJ totocal|on,
!ut|| s| Jat| ng totocal| on new
| nconce| ta|| j totocal| te acl| on,
Jat|ng totocal|on. All lhis in lho
firsl fifloon minulo porlion againsl lho
background of a ropolilivo showing of
foolago in which lho 1urkish |ournalisls
romovo lho Grook flag and roplaco il
wilh lho 1urkish ono. ln lho following
monlh, lho modi a roporlod as
'provocalions' oilhor ovonls lhal woro
al olhor limos considorod normal or
minor hoslilo aclivily, liko long boforo
proarrangod 1urkish mililary manou-
vors, movos of 1urki sh lroops i n
Cyprus, incidonls of 1urkish palrol
boals wi lh Grook fi shormon, olc.
Likowiso 'provocalivo' woro roporlod lo
bo 1urkish Primo Minislor 1ansu Cillor's
slalomonls whi ch woro moroovor
doliboraloly misquolod lo prosonl hor
making claims ovor 3,000 Grook islands
or islands in lho (far away from 1urkoy)
lonian Soa.
2. Somolimos, 1urkish aclions woro
roporlod using dirocl war vocabulary.
1urks wanl an | s|anJ o| outs, lho
1urkish |ournalisls' aclivily on lho islol
was callod |anJ| ng, | ntas| on,
agenls assau|l. Whon al lho hoighl of
lho crisis a Grook holicoplor crashod
noar lho islol, mosl Grook modia
insislod, and had kopl insisling ovor
sinco, lhal il was shol or al loasl |ammod
by 1urks. 1ho ropoalod disclaimors of
Grook mililary aulhorilios woro usually
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
challongod for lhoir voracily. A fow
wooks lalor, Grook modia allogod lhal
NA1O's socrolary gonoral }avior Solana
had impliod lhal lhoro was a possibilily
of a now such incidonl, which drow an
angry donial by lho Organizalion's
spokosporson, in which ho spoko of war
mongoring. Howovor, whilo lho
spoculalion mado lho hoadlinos, lho
donial was 'buriod' down.
3. Complomonlary lo lho abovo warring
imago of 1urkoy, was lho imago in many
Grook modia of lhoir noighbor having
|um|||aleJ Grooco. Symbols woro
also usod lo slronglhon lhal impros-
sion: !ut||s| ctescenl on an |s|el o|
outs, lm|a - l|e new Manz||etl |ot
/utoe |roforonco lo lho yzanlino
army's firsl ovor dofoal by lho 1urks, in
Manzikorl, in 1071].
4. olh Grook and 1urkish modia mado
appoals for aggrossivo if nol horoic acls.
/els slanJ u al !|etmoj|ae |whoro
a small ancionl Grook army slood up
for a cruci al l y l ong li mo boforo i ls
'horoi c' dofoal by a l argo Porsi an
conlingonl], C|||et |ot lm|a? we |ot
Conslanl|no|e ( w||c| |s |ejonJ anj
Jou|l Gtee|, |els answet w|l| new
!|etmoj| ae, Matal|ons anJ
Sa|am|nes |in lho lallor lwo placos,
ancionl Grooks dofoalod lho Porsians].
Similar appoals woro mado in 1urkoy:
Sojsa|. !|ete Musl 8e wat, |ul l|e
w|o|e o| Gteece w||| gel a s|a |n l|e
|ace || |l goes l|ete |lo Kardak], !ut|ej
can otetw|e|m Gteece |n 72 |outs.
S. 1ho conflicl inspirod lho modia in bolh
counlrios lo mako uso of pro|udicos and
po|oralivo lorms for lhoir noighbors.
1hoso lorms woro abundanl in Grooco,
whoro lho 1urks woro callod
!out|a|aJes |po|oralivo for 1urks],
ctoo|eJ !out|a|aJes, Memel|a
|po|oralivo for Muslims], |ouJa|a-
|a|tan |1urkish for 'lump-|ackass'],
sca||jwags, scounJte|s, ||usletets,
l|ugs o| l|e teg|on, omn|totous,
o|ltoons o| l|e !ut||s| m|||lat|sm,
|otJes o| |at|at| ans o| l|e /asl,
scums, |am|s|eJ anJ wtelc|eJ, o|um
smo|ets anJ cowatJs, a mo|, l|e mosl
|ale|u| eo|e |n l|e wot|J |all lhal in
lho samo loxl], s|ajets o| eo|e,
As|an s|ajets, |ulc|ets o| out teg|on,
|eaJ|unlets o| l|e eo|e o| l|e /asl,
an| ma| s, Anl| c|t| sl, and woro
groolod wilh an A| s||l|t |'luck you' in
1urkish]. On lho olhor hand, 'puroly'
nogalivo pro|udicos woro nol found in
lho 1urki sh pross. ul Grook woro
callod a|||at|a |Grook for 'bravo
young mon,' usod di sparagi ngl y i n
1urkish aboul lho Grooks].
6. 1urkoy was soon in Grook modia as an
easletn |jena, Sa|a Zou| ou,
nurluri ng an As| an anJ ls| am| c
|at|at|sm. Convorsoly, in 1urkoy,
Grooco was callod atano|ac, |anal|c
ne|g||ot wilh a ass|on lutneJ |nlo
7.Grook modia saw a Woslorn, mainly
Amorican, bias in favor of 1urkoy: w|l|
Amet|can |ac||ng l|e (... game |n lm|a.
MaJe |n l|e USA, l|e A|||es |aro] /to-
!ut||s| (... /||ales, l|e /utoeans
all| luJe |is] anl| -Gtee| anJ a | ol o|
l|mes to-!ut||s|, |||l|j Amet|can
|an w|l| !ut||s| execul|onets, l|e
Amet|cans |e|| |n |ote w|l| C|||et |ul
l|ej wanl lo sctew us, go lo |e||, jou
ettetls! l|e nal|ona| |um|||al|on |n
lm|a |s !//lk D//D w||c| l|ej w|||
||llet|j tegtel ln 1urkoy, lho Wosl was
on lho conlrary soon as pro-Grook:
Ct|ses |ate a|wajs |een lo l|e |ene||l
o| l|e so||l c|||J o| l|e wesl.
linally, il was comforling lhal lhoro was,
corlainly limilod and osl |aclum, roaclion
lo lho modia's dangorous alliludo in bolh
counlrios. ln Grooco, Avgbi, porhaps lho
only nowspapor lhal 'kopl ils cool' during
lho cri si s, slalod: |anal| c| sm anJ
sleteoljes, tac|a| ot nal|ona||sl|c, ate
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
tetoJuceJ |j le|et|s|on anJ l|e ol|et
mass meJ|a, cteal|ng a c||male aga|nsl (...
an exletna| enemj. As a rosull, said olhor
nowspapors, u|||c o|n|on |e||etes |n
l|e ex|slence o| l|e !ut||s| l|teal w|||e
nal|ona| |alteJ |ecomes consc|ence. So,
Gtee| le| et| s| on teac|eJ l|e eJge o|
a|so|ule |unacj.
ln 1urkoy loo, lho modia camo undor firo
from wi lhi n. Yeni YzyiI, whi ch had
assumod a moro 'ob|oclivo' and 'ironic'
slylo during lho crisis, quolod conclusions
drawn by Le Monde and a slalomonl by
lho Associalion of Luropoan }ournalisls
(AL}) aboul lho o| nl|essness or lho
Jee mean|ng of lho crisis. !|e lwo
slales ate nol /utoean jel. !|e tea| ct|s|s |s
|n l|e meJ|a. Lalor il addod: Some meJ|a
tetesenlal|tes, w|o see |nletnal|ona|
|ssues as an aJtetl|s|ng cama|gn, |otmeJ a
|o|j a|||ance actoss l|e Aegean anJ s|oweJ
l|e|t teso|te lo lutn a s|m|e J|sagteemenl
|nlo a wat. 8ul w|en l|e eJ|lots, |ot once
unan|mous, wete a|oul lo Jec|Je w|o
s|ou|J slatl l|e wat, l|e Un|leJ Slales
sleeJ |n anJ l|e ct|s|s enJeJ. As a
commonlalor in anolhor papor succinclly
poinlod oul: !|e meJ|a seem lo |ate
te|aceJ l|e mo|s |n l|e slteels
Nalurally, lho modia do nol funclion in a
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
void: lho lwo sociolios aro prono lo bo
drawn inlo such dangorous palhs. 1o quolo
from lho 1urkish rapporlour, lorhal Konlol:
lho slrongor Grooco's 'foar of 1urkoy,' lho
koonor 1urkoy's 'dosiro lo punish,' which
is a sign of lack of solf-confidonco and lack
of confidonco in lho olhor counlry, and so
on. ll is for lhal roason lhal lhis 'incidonl'
was quickly forgollon and lhoro woro no
suslai nod, offi ci onl and conslrucli vo
offorls lo holp chango such modia alliludos
which can holp bring lho lwo counlrios so
closo lo a sorious conflicl.
1be Greek-1urkisb lmia/kardak"
Crisis in Dates
tas||||| neo|ol|slos
A 1urkish morchanl ship ran aground in
lho walors of lho rocky islol of lmia, oasl of
Kalymnos and soulh-oasl of lho islol of
Kalolimnos. 1olophono lalks aboul lho
ship's dolachmonl followod. 1ho 1urkish
caplain askod for a 1urkish lugboal, bul
aflor lho inlorvonlion of lho Grook sido, a
Grook lugboal lofl lho porl of Piraous.
A vorbal nolo of Ankara in which il arguod
lhal lho rocky i sl ol of lmi a (Kardak i n
1urkish) is a parl of lho 1urkish lorrilory.
Alhons's answor lo Ankara, in which il
monlionod lhal according lo lho llalian-
1urkish Agroomonl in 1932 and lho 1roaly
of Paris in 1947, lmia doos nol bolong lo
1ho AN11 lolovision slalion airod lho nolos
oxchangod bolwoon Alhons and Ankara on
lho occasion of lho lmia incidonl.
1ho Mayor, along wilh olhor inhabilanls of
Kalymnos hoislod lho Grook flag on lho
rocky islol.
A crow of lho 1urkish nowspapor 0KHHEOAJ
landod on lmia by holicoplor and aflor
romoving lho Grook flag raisod lho 1urkish
ono insload.
A palrol boal of lho Grook Navy, aflor a
consullalion wilh lho Minislor of Nalional
Dofonso, changod lho flag.
1ho 1urkish Minislry of loroign Affairs gavo
a vorbal nolo lo lho Grook Ambassador in
Ankara according lo which lho agroomonls
lhal 1urkoy si gnod wi lh llal y for lho
domarcalion of lho Dodocanoso in 1932
aro nol valid bocauso lhoy look placo in lho
poculiar circumslancos boforo lho Socond
World War.
Grook and 1urkish forcos slood againsl
oach olhor in lho aroa. A group of 1urks
landod on a rocky islol opposilo lmia. A
Grook holicoplor crashod inlo lho soa.
Aflor a US and UN modialion, lho forcos of
lho lwo counlri os wi lhdrow from lho
rogion of lmia.
1urkoy's carolakor PM, Ms. 1. Cillor, al a
mooling wilh |ournalisls slalod |nlet a||a:
1horo aro almosl 1,000 islands, islols and
rocky islols liko Kardak or biggor lhan lho
lallor. Wo will bring lhoir slalus lo lho
inlornalional logal fiold and lho facl lhal
lhoy aro 1urkish lorrilory (LL. S/2 p.4).
Ms. Cillor, in a slalomonl for lho 0KHHEOAJ
nowspapor, doclarod: 1urkoy is aboul lo
raiso lho quoslion on lho islols' slalus quo,
3,000 filos on 3,000 islands aro boing
proparod (LL. 6/2 p.7).
During a lolovision program, Ms. Cillor
monlionod lhal lho oxlonsion of Grook
lorrilorial walors anywhoro will bo a causo
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
for war, if such a lhing happons wilh a Je
|aclo aclion, wilhoul 1urkoy knowing lhis
(LL. 7/2 p.18).
1urki sh naval manouvors, whi ch had
alroady boon plannod boforo lho lonsion in
lho rogion, bogan in lho Aogoan.
A Grook fasl-sai l i ng boal whi ch l ay al
anchor in lho rogion of lmia, wonl away
aflor a nolo of prolosl of lho 1urki sh
Minislry of loroign Affairs. A 1urkish coasl
guard ship chasod lwo fishing boals lhal
woro fishing in inlornalional walors in lho
rogion of Aloxandroupolis.
1ho holicoplor lhal crashod in lho nighl of
30-31/1 was pullod up. According lo lho
slalomonl by lho Gonoral Slaff of lho Navy
Aflor lho firsl oxaminalion, drillings al lho
back righl bollom oxlorior parl |of lho
cockpil] woro discovorod. 1ho cockpil is
lransporlod lo lho Navy Command i n
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
Salamina for furlhor invosligalion in spocial
laboralorios. 1ho oxaminalion is slill on.
(LL. 17/2 p.S). On 17/2, a spocial loam of
oxporls of lho Minislry of Public Ordor,
aflor oxaminalion, oxcludos lho possibilily
lhal lho holicoplor has boon hil by hoslilo
firo. 1ho vorsion aboul vorligo |-loss of
orionlalion-] acquiros lho valuo of scionlific
lrulh (LL. 18/2 p.6).
1urkoy calls hor Ambassador in Alhons lo
Ankara for consullalions.
1be Greek Media on tbe
lmia/kardak ConfIict
tas||||| neo|ol|slos
1ho mjsletj-sess|on (LL. 24/1 p.1 lillo) of
lho Primo Minislor Mr. Similis wilh lho
Minislor of loroign Affairs Mr. Pangalos
and lho Mi ni slor of Publ i c Ordor Mr.
Gilonas ||teJ scenat|os (... o| lettot|sm
anJ !ut||s| totocal|on |n l|e Aegean
(LL.1 2S/1 p.6), |eats o| !ut|| s|
totocal|on |n !|tace (LL.1. 24/1 p.10),
|eats |n Al|ens anJ !|tace o| totocal|on
|j An|ata (AP. 24/1 p.10). According lo
lho lolovision slalion AN1LNNA, l|e new
!ut||s| totocal|on consisls in l|e c|a|m
on l|e toc|j |s|el o| lm|a (AN11 24/1). ll
all slarlod on 29/12 whon Ankara, on lho
occasion of lho grounding of a 1urkish
goods ship in lmia, in a vorbal nolo lo
Alhons atgues l|al l|e toc|j |s|el o| lm|a
(/atJa| |n !ut||s| consl|lules atl o| l|e
!ut||s| lett|lotj (N. 30/1 p.11). On 19/1,
lho Grook Minislry of loroign Affairs in ils
roply lo Ankara, monlions lhal on l|e
|as|s o| l|e lla||an-!ut||s| Agteemenl o|
1932, l|e toc|j | s| el o| lm| a |di d nol]
|e|ong lo !ut|ej. (L1H. 2S/1 p.10).
1ho totocal|on |j !ut|ej (MLGA 2S/1),
new totocal|on |tom An|ata onlail lhal
l|e |n|a||lanls o| out |s|anJs neat l|e
|otJet |ate |een exasetaleJ |j l|e
!ut||s| totocal|te c|ataclet anJ l|ej ate
teaJj |ot etetjl||ng (AN11 2S/1), sinco
!|e !ut|s wanl an |s|anJ o| outs (AP.
2S/1 p.1 lillo). !|e !ut|s gtew |nso|enl.
/ow l|ej |aj c|a|m lo a Gtee| |s|anJ (AP.
2S/1 p.11).
1horoforo, sinco according lo lho 1urkish
polilical analysl Mr. A. irand, !ut|ej |s
teat|ng a nole |ot Gteece (AN11 2S/1),
l|ej gtow |nso|enl. !|e !ut|s as| |ot mote
| s| anJs (A.1. 26/1 p.1), t| tluous
|nJ|gnal|on |bocauso] l|e easletn |jena o|
out teg|on (... Sa|a Zou|ou |who] tes|Jes |n
An|ata (... |usls |ot |ool! (A.1. 26/1 p.4).
!|ej lt|eJ lo contetl l|emse|tes |tom (...
|uJa|aJes |1urkish for 'lumps'] |nlo (...
conquetots (AP. 26/1 p.9), lho |otJes o|
|at|at|ans o| l|e /asl |who] |n a ||ll|e w|||e
w||| as| |ot ko anJ w||| snalc| voulsatas as
we|| (A.1. 26/1 p.18). Message tece|teJ.
!|e answet |s one, l|e on|j one, l|e we||-
|nown one, l|e anc| enl Mo| on /ate
|'Como and 1ako 1hom']. AnJ one mote
l||ng. lMlA (... |s one o| l|e |nnumeta||e
|otms l|al Aegeas, l|atos, U|jsses, l|e
Metma|J, l|e s|slet o| A|exanJet l|e Gteal,
/aan||o||s, /anat|s, 8ou|ou||na, M|aou||s,
seconJ ||eulenanl D|a|os |lho firsl doad
Dodocanoso in Albania in 1940], out JeaJ
anJ out | | t| ng la|e. /A/DS O//
(commonls of Now Domocracy MP V.
Polydoras, AP. 26/1 p.8).
Whilo somo poinl oul l|e excess|te no|se
a|oul l|e toc|j |s|el o| lm|a (A. 26/1 p.2),
l|e |azatJous tootl|on w||c| mosl
Gtee| meJ|a |enl lo l|e etenl (A. 27/1
p.20), on lho olhor hand slorios conlinuo
nol only lhal An|ata |ees |ls totocal|te
slance (MLGA 26/1) bul also aboul new
e||us|on o| l|e !ut||s| totocal|teness
(AN11 26/1): a !ut||s| |t|gale ouls|Je (...
Soun|o (AP. 27/1 p.S).
ln addi li on, whon on 27/1, 1urki sh
|ournalisls romovod lho Grook flag from
lmia -which in lho moanlimo had boon pul
lhoro by lho Mayor of Kal ymnos- and
roplacod il wilh lho 1urkish flag, lho aclion
was characlorizod as: /ew totocal|on,
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
totocal| te acl| on o| An|ata,
totocal|on |tom l|e |anJ|ng o| !ut||s|
commanJos, unteceJenleJ !ut||s|
totocal|on |as] l|e !ut|s, |aug||ng anJ
exc|ang|ng totocal|te jo|es, temoteJ l|e
Gtee| || ag, totocal| te m| ss| on
unteceJenleJ totocal|on, untece-
JenleJ etenl, unteceJenleJ totoca-
l|on, !ut||s| Jat|ng totocal|on new
|nconce|ta||j totocal|te acl|on, Jat|ng
totocal| on |al l lho procodi ng aro
soloclions |usl from ono nowscasl] (MLGA
28/1). /ata|e |1urkish usod in Grook for
'ridiculous'] |anJ|ng! (A.1. 29/1 p.1 lillo),
lntas|on o| !ut|s (AP. 29/1 p.1 lillo),
Agenls assau|l on toc|j |s|el! !ut||s|
totocal|on a|m|ng al l|e |s|anJs o| l|e
Aegean (L1H. 29/1 p.1 li ll o), 8tula|
totocal|on. !|e !ut|s |um|||aleJ us
(LL.1. 29/1 p.8-9), 8a|ta| |1urkish for
'flag']-totocal|on (N. 29/1 p.3).
Howovor, a alto| |oal o| l|e /atj, (...
a|let consu|lal|on w|l| l|e M|n|slet o|
/al|ona| De|ense Mt. G. Atsen|s, c|anges
l|e ||ag |and] a te|n|otcemenl o| l|e Gtee|
|otces |n l|e atea |is nolod] (N. 30/1 p.11).
lm|a |s tolecleJ |j wats||s (LL. 30/1
p.16). Al lho samo limo, in lho vorbal nolo
lhal lho 1urkish Minislry of loroign Affairs
gavo lo lho Grook Ambassador in Ankara, il
i s arguod lhal l|e agteemenls w|| c|
!ut|ej s|gneJ w|l| lla|j |ot l|e Jematcal|on
o| l|e |otJets |n 1932 ate nol |n e||ecl,
|ecause l|ej came a|oul unJet l|e
ecu||at c|tcumslances |e|ote l|e SeconJ
wot|J wat (N. 30/1 p.11). So, l|e !ut|s
gtow |nso|enl (A.1. 30/1 p.1). !|ej as|
|ot new |otJets |n l|e Aegean! !|e !ut|s
slatl a s|ang|ng malc| (LL. 30/1 p.1 lillo).
!|e 1ourkalados |po|oralivo for '1urks']
scallywags (...) l|e scounJte|s (A.1. 30/1
p.18) wanl lo exlotl a J|a|ogue a|oul l|e
Aegean (K. 30/1 p.1). And lho modia givo
lho following advico: !ut|ej, |e|ate
joutse||! (L1H. 30/1 p.1), we w||| tesonJ
w|l|oul |es|lal|on (L1H. 30/1 p.4-S).
Moanwhilo, wat Jtums |and] wat |etet |n
l|e Aegean (AN11 30/1) bocauso l|e
!ut||s| nata| anJ a|t owets esca|ale l|e|t
totocal|on a|ote l|e toc|j |s|el o| lm|a |j
ma||ng a wat o| nettes (MLGA 30/1).
According lo an inhabilanl of Kalymnos
we Jo nol m|nJ wat. we w||| eal l|em
a||te (SK 30/1). Out answet w||| |ate lo
|e senl l|toug| l|e c|anne|s o| J||omacj
|j le|||ng l|em (... tetj J||omal|ca||j A|
s||l|t |1urkish for 'fuck you'] Memel|a
|po|oralivo for 'Muslims'] (A.1. 31/1 p.1).
ln lho nighl of }anuary 30 lo 31, Gteece
anJ !ut|ej teac|eJ (... l|e tetge o| a wat
con|||cl |aflor] a m|n|-|anJ|ng o| !ut||s|
commanJos on a toc|j |s|el oos|le lm|a
(L1H. 31/1 p.1). ln lho samo aroa, a Grook
holicoplor crashod and as a rosull lho lhroo
mombors of lho crow woro ki l l od. So,
during lho /|g|l o| nal|ona| s|ame (LL.1.
31/1 p.1 lillo) wo pass from /outs o| wat
(AP. 31/1 p.1 li ll o) and lho wat| | |e
||ac|ma|| |ot |a|| l|e Aegean (N. 31/1 p.1
lillo) on lo /oggj enJ. !|e !ut||s| ctescenl
on an |s|el o| outs! (LL. 31/1 p.1). All lhoso
commonls had lho undorlying idoa lhal A
wat, eten a m|n|-wat |||e l|e one maJe al
l|e toc|j |s|el o| lm|a, tequ|tes a w|nnet
anJ a |oset |n otJet lo come lo an enJ. !|e
w|nnet o| l||s con|tonlal|on |s !ut|ej. (...
!|e |oset o| l||s con|tonlal|on |s Gteece
(SK 31/1). lm|a, l|e new Manz||etl |ot
/utoe! (LC.1. 8/2 p.19). w/A!? !||ngs
gol toug|? So, w|al? /| |e |e| | we w| | |
|au||! (L1H. 31/1 p.9). /els (... Jamn
l|em anJ slanJ u al !|etmoj|ae (A.1.
31/1 p.4), olhorwiso we w||| soon see l|e
!ut||s| bairak -anJ nol jusl l|al- on some
toc|s muc| c|oset (... |n /xat||a! |an aroa
in lho conlor of Alhons] (LL.1. 31/1 p.4).
1ho scaro-mongoring roachod lho poinl
whon dirocl haloful romarks againsl lho
1urkish pooplo woro mado !|e !ut|s (...
ate scums. !|ej ate |am| s|eJ anJ
wtelc|eJ. O|um-smo|ets anJ cowatJs.
!|ej ate a mo|. !|e mosl |ale|u| eo|e |n
l|e wot|J (A.1. 13/2 p.18), s|ajets o|
eo| e (LL.1. 8/2 p.19), || usletets
(accordi ng lo PASOK MP Vasi l i s
Kodi kogl ou, AN11 6/2), l|ugs o| l|e
teg| on (accordi ng lo PASOK MP
Drosoyannis), omn|totous (A.1. 9/2
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
p.10). 1ho ctoo|eJ 1ourkalados (A.1.
31/1 p.18), boudala-haivan |1urkish for
'lump-|ackass'] !out|a|aJes (A.1. 31/1
p.11), o|ltoons o| l|e !ut||s| m|||lat|sm
(K. 31/1 p.3), l|e 'boudalados' o| An|ata
(... |el l|em ||na||j ma|e l|e |ala| m|sla|e
(LL.1. 31/1 p.3).
Moroovor, !|e ctas||ng o| l|e |e||colet -
a l|t|||et. M|||latj o|||cets J|J nol exc|uJe a
|osl||e acl|on (LL.1. 1/2 p.28-29), l|e
|e||colet was to|a||j ||l (AP. 1/2 p.1).
Documenl. S|ool|ng Jown ot jamm|ng
(AP. 1/2 p.1S) ovon lhough l|e /atj
ex||c|l|j Jen|eJ a slotj menl|on|ng l|al
l|e |e||colet w||c| ctas|eJ jesletJaj
|31/1] |n l|e sea atea o| l|e toc|j |s|el o|
lm|a tece|teJ e|eclton|c jamm|ng (L11
1/2). Dospilo lhis, |u|| con||tmal|on o| A.
!e|e-jamm|ng tesu|leJ |n l|e |ala| ctas||ng
(AP. 2/2 p.1S).
ln spilo of lho facl lhal |l wou|J |e gooJ
(... lo ato|J scate-monget|ng (K. 31/1
p.7), lho languago of lho modia slarlod
bocoming ovon loss civilizod, roaching lho
discourso of slrool hooligans !|e an|ma|s,
(... l|e Anl|c|t|sl. (... AnJ l|en jou|| see
|ow a |anJ|ng o| Gtee| |togmen on !alat|a
|dislricl of lslanbul] |s Jone! (A.1. 1/2
p.18), w|j nol? C|||et |ot lm|a? we |ot
Conslanl|no|e. w||c| |s |ejonJ anj Jou|l
Gtee|! Do jou |ate anj o|jecl|on? (A.1.
13/2 p.18), l| l|e 1ourkalados wanl, l|ej
s|ou|J come anJ la|e l|em. we ate teaJj
eten |ot wat, |ow Jo l|ej |um|||ale us?
(AP. 1/2 p.9).
Al lho samo limo, was||nglon lutns a
|||nJ eje lo l|e !ut||s| totocal|on (LL.
30/1 p.16), w|l| Amet|can |ac||ng l|e (...
game |n lm|a. MaJe |n l|e USA (A.1. 31/1
p.1 lillo). ul ovon !|e A|||es |aro] /to-
!ut||s| (... /||ales (AP. 31/1 p.7), l|e
/utoeans all|luJe |is] anl|-Gtee| anJ a |ol
o| l|mes to-!ut||s| (AP. 6/2 p.12), !|ej
s|ou|J tea||ze l|al !ut|ej |anJeJ on l|e
/utoean Un|on! (LC.1. 22/2 p.33). !|e
USA as /||ale (N. 31/1 p.1), l|e USA anJ
l|e /utoean Un|on |e||nJ l|e !ut||s|
totocal|te all|luJe. !|ete go |in Grook
'/A!Ol as in NA1O] l|e enem|es o| eace
|n l|e Aegean (k. 31/1 p.1 lillo). !|e USA
otetl|j quesl|ons out sotete|gnlj |n l|e
Aegean (A.1. 1/2 p.1 li ll o). Sectel
Agteemenl. /|an o| l|e Amet|cans |ot l|e
w|o|e Aegean (A.1. 1/2 p.1 lillo), |||l|j
Amet|can |an w|l| !ut||s| execul|onets.
we ate |eaJ|ng |ot wat! (A.1. 2/2 p.1 lillo),
l|e Amet|cans |e|| |n |ote w|l| C|||et |ul
l|ej wanl lo sctew us. Go lo |e| | , jou
ettetls! (AP. S/2 p.8), l|e nal| ona|
|um|||al|on |n lm|a |s !//lk D//D w||c|
l|ej w||| ||llet|j tegtel (LL.1. S/2 p.3).
Aflorwards, whilo wo aro informod lhal
l|e meel| ng o| Gtee| anJ !ut|| s|
otgan|zal|ons on l|e toc|j |s|el o| lm|a (...
was ul o|| (N. 2/2 p.12), wo also road
lhal !|ej ate teat|ng a new sutt|se |ot
us (A.1. 2/2 p.7): An|ata allemls l|e
la||ng o| lm|a w|l|oul guns! ll senJs !ut||s|
(... eco|og|sls lo l|e toc|j |s|el (AP. 2/2
p.1). So muc| |nso|ence |a|||es jou(...
(L1H. 2/2 p.24). Uon mj sou| |ete |s a
gooJ c|ance lo go w|l| l|e |toomsl|c|s
anJ g|te l|em l|e eco|og|ca| |eal|ng l|al
l|ej Jesette (L1H. 2/2 p.6).
ln lhal spi ri l, lho mo|| | | lj o| l|e
occual|on ltoos |n Cjtus (A. 2/2 p.1),
during lho dovolopmonl of lho Grook-
1urkish crisis in lmia, was inlorprolod as
new totocal|on o| l|e !ut|s l||s l|me |n
Cjtus, new totocal| on, new
totocal| on o| l|e !ut|s l|toug| l|e
meJ|a, totocal|te acl|on, one mote
new totocal|on l|toug| l|e meJ|a, l|e
!ut|s ate ltj|ng lo cteale a c||male |n a
totocal| te waj temeJ| laleJ
totocal|on (AN11 2/2).
C|||et l|tealens us w|l| wat, C|||et wanls
1,000 |s|anJs! (A.1. S/1 p.1 lillo), a new
|ol totocal|on |n l|e Aegean. !ut||s|
mac||ne guns aga|nsl ||s|etmen (LL.1. S/2
p.1 lillo), new totocal|te |nc|Jenl o| l|e
!ut|s (AN11 S/2). Howovor, wo loarn lhal
l|e | n|otmal| on a|oul l|e atl| cu| at
|nc|Jenl |s nol c|ataclet|zeJ as a|atm|ng
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
|ecause |n l|e atl|cu|at |aj w|ete l|e
|| s|| ng was Jone |j Gtee| || s|etmen,
||s||ng |as |een to||||leJ |ot manj jeats,
|ol| |j l|e Gtee|s anJ |j l|e !ut|s (SK
On a wat |ool|ng! C|||et now wanls 3,000
|s|anJs!!! (A.1. 6/2 p.7). !|e !ut|s |ee
|||es on 3,000 |s|anJs o| outs! (LL.1. 6/2
p.1), C|||et esca|ales l|e lens|on |n l|e
Aegean (L1H. 6/2 p.11), !ansu C|||et
wenl loo |at anJ (... |ns|sls on aeat|ng
totocal|te (AN11 S/2), !ansu C|||et
totocal|te|j quesl|ons l|e sotete|gnlj o|
a|| toc|j |s|els (MLGA S/2). !|e (... |ame
goal was || l lo |utsl w| l| |tusltal| on,
w||||ng|j ot unw||||ng|j, lo m|x w|l| l|e
ol|ets o| l|e toc|j |s|el. Olur bakalum
|1urkish for 'lol's soo'] mj |aJj (LL.1. 6/2
p.14), we w||| answet (... 1soullor |slighl
chango of Cillor's namo lo romind lho
roador of 'lsou| a, moani ng 'hussy' i n
Grook] w|l| lwo Gtee| totet|s. |lollow
lwo provorbs whi ch lal k aboul
unimporlanl and unqualifiod pooplo who
aro now showi ng off] (A.1. S/2 p.3).
/otma||j s|e s|ou|J |e weat|ng a te|| anJ
|e | oc|eJ u | n l|e toom, | | |e a gooJ
Mus||m, |ul /ema| came a|ong -Jamn ||s
|al|et- anJ a|o||s|eJ l|e te|| anJ laug|l
l|em lo was| l|e|t |eel (A.1. 6/2 p.18).
(... /ata|s|a-||s |ot coac|. (... ll |s nol a
|aJ |Jea (A.1. S/2 p.24). we musl |e
atmeJ lo l|e leel|. (... !|e !ut|s
unJetslanJ no ol|et |anguage (LL. 7/2
p.9), bocauso |l |s |ellet lo |e l|e mol|et
o| l|e ||||et l|an l|al o| l|e JeaJ! (LL. 7/2
p.10). 1owards l|e |muJenl smeats o|
l|e As|an s|ajet (K. 7/2 p.2), l|e |ulc|ets
o| out teg|on (N. 2/2 p.4), lo l|e As|an
anJ ls|am|c |at|at|sm o| !ut|ej, we musl
on out own aga| n, answet w| l| new
!|etmoj|ae, Matal|ons anJ Sa|am|nes!
(A.1. S/2 p.4).
And whilo totocal|te slalemenls a|oul
l|e Aegean, otgj o| toaganJa |tom
!ut||s| |1V] c|anne|s, wat o| nettes,
toaganJa wat o| nettes (AN11 6/2),
c||male o| Jangetous lens|on, tet|a|
totocal|on (MLGA 6/2) go on, al lho
samo li mo An|ata gtew com| ele| j
|nso|enl s|nce l|e catela|et /M C|||et wenl
so |at as lo l|tealen Gteece tot|JeJ l|e
|allet exlenJeJ |et lett|lot|a| walets lo 12
m||es eten |n l|e lon|an Sea (MLGA 7/2).
/ew totocal|te anJ ctazj slalemenl |j
C|||et. /ten |n l|e lon|an Sea l|e 12 m||es
ate a cause o| wat! (LL. 7/2 p.18), /ten
l|e (... AJt|al|c |s now c|a|meJ |j !ansu
C| | | et (AP. 8/2 p.11). ll shoul d bo
monlionod lhal no such slalomonl was
ovor mado by lho Primo Minislor of 1urkoy,
who had simply said lhal hor counlry is
opposod lo lho oxlonsion of lho Grook
lorrilorial walors lo 12 milos in lho Aogoan,
and gonorally 'olsowhoro.' w|l| l|e nuls
l|al l|e (... maJ-!ut||s| |aJj |as, s|e maj
we|| otJet a |anJ|ng on (... Da|n|! |an aroa
noar Alhons] (A.1. 10/2 p.10). /ot l|e
|eaJ|unlets o| l|e eo|e o| l|e /asl,
a| | eJ l|e |e| | | cose song o| out
!ut|||g|l|ng gtanJ|al|ets (.... D|J jou see
a !ut|? /e Jesettes a |a|| |'bullol']. D|J
jou see anol|et one? /e Jesettes one
loo. Ot l|e totet||a|. Ma|e l|e !ut| l|e
goJ|al|et o| jout c|| | J anJ |o| J jout
sl|c| (N. 8/2 p.24). we w||| sell|e w|l|
l|em once anJ |ot a||. AnJ maj|e once anJ
|ot a||, we w||| ||n|s| w|l| l|em!.. (LL.1.
7/2 p.3). Out eo|e |s touJ|j slanJ|ng
u. keaJj lo guatJ !|etmoj|ae (k. 13/2
lurlhormoro, An|ata |s teat|ng a new
|ol |nc|Jenl |n l|e Aegean /A!O anJ
was||nglon |eat a new |ol |nc|Jenl w|l||n
l|e nexl |ew Jajs. /A!Os sectelatj lat|et
So|ana (... J|tu|geJ l|al a|| n|g|l jesletJaj
|8/2] l|e le| e|ones w| l| Al|ens anJ
An|ata wete sel on ||te, |eats o| a new
set| ous Gtee|-!ut|| s| | nc| Jenl | n l|e
Aegean, |eats o| a new |nc|Jenl (AN11
9/2), co|J wat lacl|cs |j l|e !ut|s (MLGA
9/2), |eat o| a |ol |nc|Jenl (MLGA 11/2),
|ol | nc| Jenl w| l| !ut|ej |eateJ |j
/A!O (A.1. 10/2) p.1), C||male o| wat
|etet |n l|e Aegean ctealeJ |j l|e USA anJ
/A!O. Concetn |ot a new |nc|Jenl (N.
10/2 p.7). Howovor /A!Os so|esetson
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
calegot| ca| | j Jen| eJ (L11 10/2) lhi s
informalion. ll is corlain lhal some eo|e
|ns|sl on scate-monget|ng |j teotl|ng non-
ex|slenl |n|otmal|on (LL. 10/2 p.8).
And whilo all lhis is happoning, /etet |n
l|e Aegean aga|n. 8|g exetc|se o| l|e !ut|s
(AP. 10/2 p.1). !|e !ut|s toto|e w|l|
exetc|ses o| l|e /|eel (AP. 10/2 p.S), new
lens|on |s execleJ (... as l|e !ut|s la|e
oul l|e|t ||eel |ot exetc|ses w|l| tea| ||te
(AN11 10/2), Agonj anJ teaJ|ness |n l|e
Aegean (AN11 11/2), l|e !ut|s go on
w|l| l|e wat o| nettes (MLGA 12/2), /eat
o| |ol |nc|Jenl. /etet |n l|e Aegean (LL.1.
12/2 p.7). Aflor all lhis lho public is askod:
Do jou |now |ow l|e !ut|s nameJ l|e
exetc|se l|ej |ate |een Jo|ng |n l|e Aegean
s|nce jesletJaj |12/2]? Conslt|clot! l am
nol ||JJ|ng! !|als |ow l|ej ca|| |l! AnJ
l|en, am l lo ||ame |ot saj|ng l|al l|e
!ut||s| woman !sou|et |s lamam |1urkish
for '|usl righl'] maJe |ot l|e Olloman |eJ?
S|nce, w|en jou see |et, jou l||n| o| otg|es
w|l| conslt|clots. (we||, (... Donl jou?
(L1H. 13/2 p.9). Lol il bo nolod lhal lho
manouvors had boon schodul od qui lo
somo li mo ago, and woro rouli nol y
roporlod lo lho Grook govornmonl.
ln addilion Jou||e totocal|on |j !ut|ej
al out counltjs exense (AN11 16/2),
new totocal|on |tom l|e !ut|s. !|ej
gate c|ase lo lwo || s|| ng-tesse| s o|
A|exanJtouo||s |n |nletnal|ona| walets
(AP. 16/2 p.11), Dou|| e !ut|| s|
totocal| on. /tolesl a|oul l|e Gtee|
tesence |n lm|a. v|o|al|on o| lett|lot|a|
walets (N. 16/2 p.8). ln consoquonco,
set|es o| wat totocal|on |n !|tace anJ
|n l|e Aegean l||| l|e summet |j l|e !ut|s!
(P. 2/2 p.1 lillo) as !ut||s| toaganJa |n
l|e 8a||ans |s tamanl. /||l| |a|anx w|l|
An|atas Jo||ats. !|e t|matj latgels ate
!|tace anJ Soul|etn 8u|gat|a (AP. 7/2
p.13). !|e !ut|s wanl lo ma|e a seconJ
8osn|a oul o| wesl !|tace (L1H, 24/2
}usl lhon !|e | ssue o| l|e |e| | colet
ctas||ng |as eto|teJ aga|n |nlo a l|t|||et
(MLGA 17/2) bocauso we cannol exc|uJe
l|e oss|||||lj l|al l|e |e||colet was s|ol
|j !ut|| s| || te (L11 16/2) and | l | s
sutm|seJ l|al l|e |e||colet was ||l |j l|e
!ut|s (MLGA 16/2). !taces |tom |u||els
wete |ounJ. !|ej s|ol Jown l|e |e||colet.
!ut|s mutJeteJ l|e l|tee |nlte|J men |n
co|J ||ooJ (AP. 17/2 p.1 lillo), l|e !ut|s
s|ol Jown out |e| | colet | n lm| a anJ
mutJeteJ l|e l|tee |nlte|J men |n co|J
||ooJ (AP. 17/2 p.10), !|e tetl|go was
!ut||s| |u||els! !|e |e||colet |s t|JJ|eJ
(LL.1. 17/2 p.1 li ll o). And dospi lo our
informing lhal l|e ||tsl |nJ|cal|ons sea|
a|oul |o|es |tom (... sctews (L1H. 17/2
p.1) and lhal l|e exetls teotl menl|ons
l|al l|e |o| es | n l|e |ala| |e| | colets
coc||l ate nol |tom |u||els (AN11 16/2),
we now |now l|al l|e Gtee| o||| cets
asseJ awaj |ecause o| a lec|n| ca|
|tea|Jown (L11 17/2), somo modia insisl
on mi si nformi ng lhoi r audi onco:
|e||colet t|JJ|eJ |j l|e !ut|s (A.1.
18/2 p.18), Cause o| wat - l|e s|ool|ng
Jown o| l|e |e||colet (AP. 18/2 p.1 lillo).
!|e !ut|s esca|ale l|e lens|on, An|ata
esca| ales l|e lens| on l|| s l| me on a
J||omal|c |ete| |j teca|||ng |ls am|assaJot
|tom Al|ens, !ut|ej ta|seJ l|e lones
(AN11 22/2). An|ata sltengl|ens | ls
||ac|ma|||ng (MLGA 22/2), !|e !ut|s
us| l||ngs loo |at (LL.1. 23/2 p.1 lillo),
/ue| on l|e ||te |tom l|e !ut|s (A.1. 23/2
p.S). Novorlholoss, according lo PASOK
MP }. Kapsis !|e w|o|e Gtee| joutna||sl|c
wot|J |as maJe an ettot oul o| |gnotance.
!|e teca| | | ng o| an am|assaJot (...
tesuoses l|al l|e Gtee| am|assaJot
|eates An|ata (... !|ete was no teca|||ng
|ul a ca|||ng (SK 23/2).
Slill, lhoro woro somo divorging voicos.
!|e conl| nual| on o| l|e wat | n l|e
Aegean, (... w| l| l|e |e| o| l|e
to|ess|ona| watmongets, emol|ona||j
c|atges l|e almos|ete (LL. S/2 p.9).
/anal| c| sm anJ sleteoljes, tac| a| ot
nal|ona||sl|c, ate tetoJuceJ |j le|et|s|on
anJ l|e ol|et mass meJ| a, cteal| ng a
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
c||male aga|nsl (... an exletna| enemj (A.
4/2 p.10). As a rosull, u|||c o|n|on
|e||etes |n l|e ex|slence o| l|e !ut||s|
l|teal w|| | e nal| ona| |alteJ |ecomes
consc|ence (K. 11/2 p.8). A mela|js|ca|,
Jogmal|c o|nl o| t|ew |as |een |aunc|eJ.
ll |eaJs l|e slale, l|e joutna||sls anJ out
| nle| | | genls| a lo see mono| | l|| ca| | j
etetjl||ng l|al |s !ut||s| (... !|e aggtess|te
||ne anJ nal|ona||sm s|ou|J |e lutneJ
Jown anJ |so|aleJ (A. 3/2 p.16). U|l|male
|oe |ot a|| o| us |s lo tote l|al aatl |tom
(... weat| ng outse| tes oul w| l| w|| c|
|ote|gnets ate ||||e||enes |pro-Grook]
anJ w||c| anl||e||enes |anli-Grook],
a|ote a|| we outse|tes |now |ow lo (... |e
Gtee|s! (K. 11/2 p.2).
Aflor moniloring lho way in which Grook
modia prosonlod lho Grook-1urkish crisis
i n lho Aogoan, wo havo lho fol l owi ng
commonls lo mako:
1. 1ho ropolilion lo roplolion of lho sconos
wilh Grook and 1urkish ships in lho
Aogoan, of lho romoval of lho Grook
and lho raising of lho 1urkish flag on
lho rocky islol, as woll as of lho rolalod
broadcasl of 1urki sh lol ovi si on, i n
combinalion wilh dramalic lonos in lho
dolivory of lho nows, had as a rosull
lho Grook lolovision lo roach lho odgo
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
Sympatby and Aversion
1owards Various Countries
(Grook-wido survoy by Mk, }uno 199S)
Country % Sympatby % Aversion
Sorbia 62.7 17.4
Luropoan Union SS.6 17.S
lranco 43.4 21.2
kussia 38.S 27.9
USA 33.8 3S.4
ulgaria 28.S 32.1
Gormany 38.6 42.9
Lngland 2S.4 40.8
Albania S.2 77.3
lkOM 4.4 8S.1
1urkoy 2.1 88.1
1ablo of modia inilials: l Avgi (Av.), Adesmeftos 1ypos (A.1), Apogevmatini (Ap.),
Ltbnos (Llh), LIeftberos 1ypos (L.1.), LIeftberotypia (Ll.), l katbimerini (K.),
Rizospastis (k.), 1a Nea (N.), 1o Pontiki (P.), 1o Vima (V.), Lconomicos 1acbydromos
(Lc.1.), Stobos (Sl.), Mega, Antenna, L1-1, Sky.
of absolulo lunacy (N. S/2 p.2S).
2. Whichovor 1urkish aclion, considorod
unaccoplablo by lho Grook sido, was
characlorizod wilh no hosilalion as
provocalion and was conlinuously
and omphalically ropoalod as such.
3. 1ho lalonl racism againsl 1urkoy -88.1
of lho publ i c opi ni on oxprossod
avorsion lowards 1urkoy, in }uno 199S
(K. 11/2 p.8 -soo lablo bolow-), found
oxprossion in lho abundanl halo spooch
againsl lho 1urkish pooplo as woll as
againsl 1urkoy as a wholo.
1be turkisb media on tbe imia/
kardak confIict
|et|al |enle|
Arguably, lho numbor ono Grook issuo in
lho 1urkish pross was lho crisis ovor lho
cl i ffs of Kardak (known as lmi a i n
Grooco), whoso localion bolwoon Grook
islands and lho 1urkish coasl provokod
dispulos and highlighlod lho issuo of lho
lwo counlrios' lorrilorial walors. 1ho crisis
fl arod up i n }anuary and conli nuod i n
lobruary. lls consoquoncos, howovor, slill
fannod lho firo in lho 1urkish pross in
March. Al any ralo, lhis crisis illuslralos lho
modia's rolo in lho oscalalion of pro|udico,
as woll as lho poinl of lhis pro|ocl on
alkan noighbors.
Sovoral conclusions can bo drawn (along
sovoral linos of analysis) from lho crisis
whi ch noarl y sparkod a war bolwoon
Grooco and 1urkoy. lirsl, lho discussion of
lho possibilily of a war: Was war roally
imminonl or was lhis a moans of divorling
allonlion from lho inlornal crisos |in lho
conloxl of changos of govornmonl - Similis
in Grooco and lho formalion of lho Cillor-
ilmaz coalilion govornmonl in 1urkoy
aflor lough nogolialions]. 1ho socond
conclusion, which is linkod lo lho firsl,
bocamo moro obvious aflor lho ond of lho
crisis: ls lho 1urkish pooplo moro solf-
assurod now lhal il provod il is lho moro
horoic linally, lho lhird conclusion is
cloarly aboul lho rolo of lho modia during
lho crisis: Woro lho modia indopondonl
sourcos of informalion or agonls of an
incroasingly aulhorilarian slalo policy,
sooking lo rally socioly around a closod
nalionalisl idoology
Lol us follow lhoso linos, which look inlor-
dopondonl. Al fi rsl gl anco lho mosl
prominonl foaluro is lho difficully lo find
puroly nogalivo pro|udicos. 1ho provious
roporls showod lhal Grooco was hold up as
a mirror of lho avorago 1urkish pross,
lhis limo il was nol usod diroclly in ils
nogali vo rol o lo boosl 1urkoy's sol f-
confidonco. 1ho show of slronglh holpod
lho avorago 1urk, broughl lo lifo by lho
pross, pro| ocl an i mago of somoono
slrong who can wi n. 1hi s mado i l
poinlloss lo lalk aboul lho olhor sido
bocauso lalking aboul onosolf was moro
lhan onough.
1hough lho gonoral picluro was dominalod
by lho sogmonl of lho pross which look a
going-lo-war alliludo wilhoul much
humilialion vis-a-vis Grooco and lho
Grooks, somo nowspapors and |ournalisls
lriod lo go againsl lho bollicoso lido. 1ho
going-lo-war alliludo is illuslralod by lho
following arliclos.
y far lho mosl shocki ng nows i n lhi s
calogory was aboul |ournalisls planling lho
1urkish flag on ono of lho Kardak cliffs. A
pholo of lho proud |ournalisls was fronl-
pagod i n /'tt| jel (2/2). Out |t| enJs
|ologta|eJ l|e Gtee| ||ag on !ut||s|
lett|lotj. !||s was l|e|t Julj as joutna||sls.
!|en l|ej |anleJ l|e ||ag o| l|e ownets o|
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
koprinlod wilh lho aulhor's kind pormission from 8aIkan Neigbbors (4/96)
l||s lett|lotj |n |ace o| l|e |ote|gn ||ag.
w||c| was l|e|t c|t|c Julj. we |e||ete l|al
eo|e Jo nol |ose l|e|t c|t|c |ee||ngs uon
|ecom|ng joutna||sls jusl as l|ej Jo nol
|ose l|e|t |uman |ee||ngs. we ate |uman
|e|ngs, c|l|zens anJ joutna||sls al l|e same
l|me. Moteotet, we ate l|e |esl |n a|| l|tee
calegot| es. 1ho odi lor of lho papor
championod lho causo. \es, we |toug|l
l|e /atJa| |ssue lo l|e allenl|on o| l|e
!ut||s| eo|e. !|e Gtee| ||ag |s no |onget
||j|ng on /atJa|. we ao|og|ze || we J|J
somel||ng wtong.
Slalomonls by polilicians from all camps
fuolod lho crisis. Sojsa|. !|ete Musl 8e
wat. Duri ng dobalos i n Parl i amonl,
Kamran lnan of ANAP callod lho Grook
lroops auets |n s||tls and ondor Sav of
CHP said: /ol on|j n|ne palikaria |Grook
for 'bravo young mon,' usod disparagingly
in 1urkish aboul lho Grooks], |ul l|e w|o|e
o| Gteece w||| gel a s|a |n l|e |ace || |l goes
l|ete |lo Kardak] (31/1).
1ho slap in lho faco is couplod wilh lho
imago of lho spoill child. Ct|ses |ate
a|wajs |een lo l|e |ene||l o| l|e so||l
c|||J o| l|e wesl. Al|ens |s sectel|j |oll|ng
a new ct|s|s, |o|ng lo |ene||l |tom |l.
(Sabah, 30/1). ln a sonso, lho slap in lho
faco camo. Me|melc| | |lho horoi c
1urkish soldior] |anJeJ |n /atJa| (Sabah,
31/1). 1his was dono lo punish !|e ||ats
|who] wete caug|l oul! (... w|| | e l|e
Gtee| De|ense M|n|sltj was enetgel|ca||j
Jenj|ng l|al ltoos |aJ |anJeJ on l|e
/atJa| c||||s, l|e t|tale Gtee| c|anne|s
Mega anJ Anlena a|teJ le|et|s|on |clutes
o| ltoos |anJ|ng on l|e |s|anJ (Sabah,
Comparod lo lho gamul of nali onal
omoli ons, horoi sm, di gni ly and
roasons lo go lo war, diroclly nogalivo
slalomonls woro raro and can bo illuslralod
by 1aha Akyol (Milliyol, 30/1). /atano|ac
Al|ens! Al|ens s|ou|J g|te u |ls atano|ac
o|sess|ons anJ |eatn lo acl |n a c|t|||zeJ
mannet. Sodal Sorloglu profforod lho
samo advi co i n an arli cl o hoadl i nod.
!ut|ej Can Otetw|e| m Gteece | n 72
/outs (Sabah, 2/2).
Soo also 1ufan 1ronc (Hrriyol, 31/1).
|1ho fuluro roadors of lho hislory of lho
Kardak crisis] w||| J|||etenl|ale !ut|ej,
|otceJ lo ||te w|l| a |anal|c ne|g||ot, |tom
Gteece. (... !|ej w||| see |ow l|e Gtee|
ass|on |ot atot|al|on o| l|e w|o|e sea
|elween lwo slales |as lutneJ |nlo |jslet|a.
!||s atl|cu|at slale o| m|nJ o| l|e Gtee|s
unJet||es l|e a|sutJ|lj o| l|e /atJa| ct|s|s.
Lxcilod, lho 1urkish modia lurnod lhoir
allonlion lo lho Grook modia. !|e Gtee|
tess, w||c| netet m|sses an ootlun|lj
lo cause a slotm |n a leacu, mo||||zeJ
u|||c o|n|on w|l| l|e ct|es. !|e !ut|s ate
com|ng anJ !ut|ej c|a|ms Gtee| |anJ.
(Sabah, 31/1).
Lalor on lho idoa of paranoia bocamo lho
coro of a ficlional slory by Sordar 1urgul,
known for his odd, oflon ironic arliclos
(Hrriyol, 16/2). /||e |n Gteece |following
an accounl of a day i n lho l i fo of an
ordinary Grook cilizon wilh roforoncos lo
lho 1urkish lhroal] 23.47. !|e woman |s
|ut|ous w|l| |et |us|anJ anJ, o| coutse,
te|uses lo ma|e |ote. /e ||ames ||s sexua|
|tusltal|on on l|e !ut|s. /|s |t|enJs w|||
eas||j unJetslanJ ||s wateJ |og|c w|en |e
le||s l|em w|al |as |aeneJ. w|||e a||
l||s |s go|ng on, no one |n !ut|ej w||| so
muc| as menl|on Gteece. Some o| us w|||
eten |e |at|ng a Jt|n| al a Gtee| latetn.
A slalomonl by a rolirod admiral (an ox-
navy commandor) was quolod by Gnori
Civaoglu: Gteece w||| nol Jate go lo wat
w|l| us. Ho mado a bold romark aboul
lhal counlry. 8ewate (... w|||e An|ata |s
|n l|e gt| o| a ca||nel ct|s|s, Gteece |s
|aj|ng l|e loug| a|||at|a... /|aj|ng l|e
conquetot o| a c||||, l|e Gtee| gotetnmenl
|s |||e a mouse toat|ng |||e a ||on |n a ||J lo
w|n tecogn|l|on |tom l|e u|||c, |ul |l |s
|aj|ng w|l| ||te (Sabah, 31/1).
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
1ho 1urkish sido aclod oul of a sonso of
hurl dignily aflor lho Grooks won lho
firsl round by planling lhoir flag on lho
cliffs. Whon dignily is al slako - lho only
crilorion for solf-assorlion - war and lhroals
aro |uslifiod. GngKr Mongi (Sabah, 30/1)
claimod in crilicizing 1urkish |ournalisls
lhal w|en |l comes lo nal|ona| J|gn|lj,
ga|ns anJ |osses Jo nol mallet. (... !|e
Gtee|s musl nol |nlettel !ut|ejs s||ence
as a s| gn l|al | l |as swa| | oweJ l|e
|um|||al|on. (... l| l|ej Jo nol wanl lo |eat
a to|ounJ s||ence as a|let aoca|jse anJ
Jeal|, l|ej s|ou|J see| te|uge |n l|e |aw!
Or Sodal Soroglu (Sabah, 31/1): One
musl nol |aj lt|c|s on a gteal counltj |a
roforonco lo 1urkoy] (... One musl nol
||u|| a gteal counltj (... /o one can eten
Jate Jo so (...
On lho olhor hand, somo hoadl i nos
roforrod lo dangor. !|e w|nJ o| wat. !|e
||ag-|anl|ng conlesl on l|e /atJa| c||||
neat 8oJtum |as esca| aleJ | nlo a
Jangetous ct|s|s a|let l|e |anJ|ng o| Gtee|
ltoos (Sabah, 30/1). Or Mohmol Ali
irand (Sabah, 31/1): /o||l|c|ans |n |ol|
counlt|es ate g|aJ lo |e |n l|e |otegtounJ.
Seec|es a|oul l|e mol|et|anJ anJ l|e
nal|on ate l|e |alesl |aJ. Sa|tes ate |e|ng
tall|eJ. GoJ sate us a|| (...
Somo arliclos focusod on lho lwo sidos of
lho imago of lho Grook in 1urkoy. Mural
irsol (oni zyil, 1/2): !||s |s l|e t|g|l
l|me lo |el l|e |mage o| l|e aggtess|te
!ut| teceJe anJ |one l|e |mage o| l|e
aggtess| te Gtee| | nsleaJ. we s|ou| J
mat|el l||s atounJ l|e wot|J lo s|ow l|e
Gtee|s ltue |mage. (... As lo lout|sm (...
!|ete w||| |e a |ew /atJa| ca|es on l|e
Aegean coasl |on lho 1urkish sido], Gtee|-
slj|e sleameJ ||s| w||| |e setteJ as l|e
ma|n coutse unJet l|e slta|ns o| sirlaki
|Grook danco], l|ete w||| |e |ale-|tea||ng
anJ kasap havasi Janc| ng |bulchor's
danco]. Donl jou wottj (...
Whi l o Ankara was sali sfi od wi lh lho
oulcomo of lho crisis - we won a t|clotj -
which was supposod lo boosl lho solf-
confidonco of lho pooplo and Cillor, who
was nogolialing for a coalilion govornmonl,
lho samo nowspapor (oni zyil, 1/2)
carri od a hoadl i no Gecm| s O| sun, a
phraso usod lo oxpross roliof aflor avoiding
a dangor.
As lho dangor of war rocodod, lho rosulls
of lho lragi comi c cri si s bocamo
incroasingly ovidonl. 1ho modia camo
undor firo from many |ournalisls. \en|
\'zj| | , whi ch had assumod a moro
ob|oclivo and ironic slylo during lho
crisis, quolod conclusions drawn by /e
MonJe and a slalomonl by lho Associalion
of Luropoan }ournalisls (AL}) aboul lho
o|nl|essness or lho Jee mean|ng of
lho crisis. !|e lwo slales ate nol /utoean
jel. !|e tea| ct|s|s |s |n l|e meJ|a. (4/2).
Monsur Akgn of \en| \'zj|| (1/2) was
ironic: Some meJ|a tetesenlal|tes, w|o
see |nletnal|ona| |ssues as an aJtetl|s|ng
cama|gn, |otmeJ a |o|j a|||ance actoss l|e
Aegean anJ s|oweJ l|e|t teso|te lo lutn a
s|m|e J|sagteemenl |nlo a wat. 8ul w|en
l|e eJ|lots, |ot once unan|mous, wete
a|oul lo Jec|Je w|o s|ou|J slatl l|e wat,
l|e Un|leJ Slales sleeJ |n anJ l|e ct|s|s
Glay GKklrk wrolo in lho samo ironic
voin: !|e |essons o| /atJa|. (... /esson 2.
S|ou|J a wot|J wat slatl one Jaj, |l w||| nol
|e a|let l|e assass|nal|on o| a t|nce. /ow
l|ete ate muc| mote totocal|te ||gutes
l|an t| nces. l|e tess |osses w| | | |e
tesons|||e |ot l|e wat. (oni zyil, 1/2).
Congiz Candar (Sabah, 1/2): !|e comeJj
o| /atJa| ot l|e ltageJj o| lm|a. (... !wo
leenage counlt|es, nameJ !ut|ej anJ
Gteece, wete |lleJ aga|nsl one anol|et
otet a |ece o| toc| as |atge as a t|c| !ut|s
ot Gtee|s ||t|ng-toom, |n|a||leJ on|j |j
oclouses anJ squ|Js. !|en was||nglon
|nletteneJ - (... otet l|e le|e|one - (...,
anJ |l was |ac| lo squate one. !|e 72-|out
|u||oonetj |s otet |ot l|e l|me |e|ng.
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
w|al a |lj |ot sla||||lj |n l|e Aegean
teg|on anJ S|m|l|s. (... /t|a|an, \||maz
s|ou|J |eatn a |esson |tom l|e |t|n|sman-
s|| o||c|es o| S|m|l|s, /anga|os, /cet|l. /o
one s|ou| J entj SaJJam. (Mohmol
arlas, Sabah, 1/2). arlas largolod lho
modia: 8ewate! (... !|e ||ags-on-l|e-c||||s
ct|s|s, tec||laleJ |j l|e meJ|a anJ |ue|eJ
|j !ut|ej anJ Gteece, enJeJ w|en C||nlon
sa|J !|als enoug|. !|ose slt|t|ng |ot
||g|et atota| tal|ngs, w|o |toug|l l|e
lwo counlt|es lo l|e |t|n| o| wat, s|ou|J
un|le anJ |anl l|e !ut||s| anJ l|e Gtee|
||ags on l|e w||le /ouse w|l|oul Je|aj. (...
ln l|e asl l|e mo| wou| J | unge l|e
slales |nlo calaslto|e |j la||ng lo l|e
slteels anJ JemanJ| ng lett| lot| es anJ
conquesls. (... /ow l|e meJ|a seem lo
|ate te|aceJ l|e mo|s |n l|e slteels.
(Sabah, 1/2). arl as was ovon moro
oulspokon in anolhor arliclo (Sabah, 31/1):
!|ese Jajs a lo-taleJ !v nelwot| w|l|
l|e |atgesl news-t|ew|ng auJ|ence cannol
ma|e ||te m||||on Jo||ats |tom commetc|a|s,
|owetet |atJ | l lt| es. 8ul | | | ls news
toto|es wat, atms sa| es w| | | soat |j
|||||ons o| Jo||ats.
Lol us ond lhis crilicism of lho modia wilh
Ahmol Allan's olaboralo wriling (oni
zyil, 1/2). ln l|e |u||a|a|oo conlesl
w|l| Gtee| o||l|c|ans anJ l|e goals o| l|e
mega|o |Jea, l|e Je||c|encj |n out |eaJets
w|o ate |e||nJ a|| l||s was maJe u, l|an|
GoJ, |j out |eto|c meJ|a. !|ej ate mote
su|mat|ne commanJos l|an joutna||sls.
l|ej J|te, ma|e atac|ule jums, |anJ as
am||||ans anJ t| l|e Gtee| ||ag o|| a
|to|en osl lo te|ace |l w|l| l|e !ut||s|
||ag. (... !|ose |tate joutna||sls ate a|wajs
a|etl. !|ose w|o |ose J|gn|lj |n l|e |osss
o|||ce anJ |oo| |ot nal|ona| J|gn|lj |n l|e
Aegean w||| toto|e l||s wat soonet ot
1o sum up: 1hough mosl |ournalisls soughl
a moro ob| ocli vo poi nl of vi ow and
common sonso and sharply crilicizod
lhoi r col l oaguos, lho Grook's i mago
pro|oclod in lho 1urkish pross was of a
man hoslilo lo lho 1urks and afraid of
lhom. }udging from lho following, lho
opposilo is unusual: An unusua| Gtee|.
w|| | e 24 oul o| 25 Gtee| M//s toleJ
aga| nsl |1urkoy's admi ssi on lo] l|e
Cusloms Un|on, one a|sla|neJ (Milliyol,
1S/12 199S).
ll sooms lhal on lho lwo si dos of lho
Aogoan lwo foolings roinforco oach olhor.
1ho slrongor Grooco's foar of 1urkoy, lho
koonor 1urkoy's dosiro lo punish, which
is a sign of lack of solf-confidonco and lack
of confidonco in lho olhor counlry, and so
on. Dospilo lho growing foar, howovor,
lhoro woro romarks liko lhoso by 1omucin
1zocan (Milliyol, 4/1): Gteece |s as||ng
|lse|| cetla|n quesl|ons |aflor lho ond of lho
Papandroou ora]. (... !|ese Jou|ls, w||c| l
w|lnesseJ |ot l|e ||tsl l|me, te-ec|o |n etetj
sltalum o| soc|elj anJ |n etetj s|ete. l
l||n| l|al l|e Cusloms Un|on maJe Gtee|
fnc |n|cJ|crUc| sfcry
|us|nessmen |otgel l|e|t |eat o| !ut|ej.
linally, lho dualism bolwoon polilical
roalily, which is guidod by lho sonso of
nalional dignily and has lho slrongosl
impacl, and human rolalionships was
formulalod by Molin 1okor (Milliyol, 10/11
199S), who commonlod on ulonl Lcovil,
lho horo of Cyprus: (... some |e||ete
/cet|l |s |ellet as a oel l|an as a o||l|c|an.
ln ||s |amous oem a|oul !ut||s|-Gtee|
|taletn| lj /cet| l sajs. w|en jou |ee|
|omes|c|, jou w||| tea||ze / l|al jou anJ
l|e Gtee| ate |tol|ets. / w|| | e |e | s
||slen|ng lo a Gtee| song, |oo| al l|e ex||eJ
c|||J |tom lslan|u|.
1ho silualion in Kosovo is characlorizod by
lho conslanl col l i si ons bolwoon lho
ma|orily of Albanians living lhoro and lho
Sorbian aulhorilios. On lho ono hand lho
Sorbian modia rocyclo lho imago of lho
soparalisl Albanians again and again,
whilo lho Albanian onos produco lhoir own
halo spooch againsl lho Sorbs. ln l|e same
waj sluJenls o| A||an|an nal|ona||lj |tom
l|e /acu| lj o| /|| | oso|j | n l| mes o|
Jemonsltal|ons o| l|e A||an|an seatal|sls,
secess|on|sls anJ nal|ona||sls |ate J|tecl|j
allemleJ lo lutn l|e |acu|l|es |nlo |asl|ons
o| l|e | Jeo| og| ca| | j Jogma ca| | eJ l|e
/osoto keu|||c (}, 2/8), !o l||s, as |l
|as |een announceJ, wete ooseJ on|j
A||an|an secess|on|sls. !|e |allet, |n l|e|t
own o||l|ca| |||nJness, |a|| lo see l|al l||s
|s a quesl|on o| |uman|lat|an acl|on anJ o|
Je||tet|ng a atl o| l|e Set||an eo|e. (},
1ho lhroal of socossion is ro-onforcod
whon ono roads lhal l|e | | tes o| l|e
Set||an c|l|zens |ate |ot a |ong l|me |een
unJet l|e s|aJow o| l|ose w|o l||n| l|al
l|ej |ate mote t|g|l lo ||te |n l||s atea. ln
l||s waj etetj |Jea lo |u||J an o|jecl |||e
l||s, an o|jecl |n w||c| |n exem|atj waj
anJ w|l| J|gn|lj w||| |e g|ten l|e |ong-
JesetteJ |omage lo l|e JeaJ, |as |een
ltealeJ as nal| ona| | sl| c anJ o| | l| ca|
totocal|on, as o||ense aga|nsl l|e |ee||ngs
o| l|e nal|ona| m|not|lj. (}, 1/8), Set|s |n
/osoto anJ Melo||ja ate conl|nuous|j
unJet l|e tessute o| l|e S|| lat
|po|oralivo for Albanian] seatal|sls (1VP,
29/9). On lho olhor hand l|al |s atl o|
l|e Gtealet A||an|an o||cj anJ o| l|e
A| |an| an seatal| sls | n /osoto anJ
Melo||ja(... (}, 26/9) and As |ls |nown,
monej |tom Jtugs w||| |e useJ lo su|j
atms lo l|e secess|on|sl motemenl anJ lo
|uj Set||an |anJ(... (}, 29/8). Moroovor,
!ut|ej anJ A||an|a a|m lo man|u|ale l|e
S||lats anJ l|e Mus||m secess|on|sls |n
l|e /k\. 8j l|e enJ o| |asl jeat l|ej |aJ
otgan|zeJ a meel|ng |n w||c| atl|c|aleJ
otet 30 S||lat secess|on|sls |tom /osoto
anJ Melo||ja, |tom l|e /otmet \ugos|at
keu|||c o| MaceJon|an, as we|| as Mus||m
|tom l|e kas|an teg|on. (}, 1/1), !wo
ca|mans w|l| /ungat|an teg|sltal|on come
lo l||s c|utc| etetj wee|. !|e |ooJ anJ
ol|et gooJs ate J|slt||uleJ ma|n|j lo l|e
S||lats, w|om l||s c|utc| |as success|u||j
contetleJ |nlo Cal|o||cs. we teca|| l|al |l
was |ete l|al l|e joung S|| lats wete
cuteJ Jut| ng l|e l| me o| l|e so ca| | eJ
o|son|ng (k.P, 17/8).
1horo is abundanl informalion on difforonl
offonsos of lho aggtess| te Atnauls
|i nsul li ng for Al bani an] (}, 16-17/9).
AtounJ l|e lowet w|ete l|e un|ls wete
| oc|eJ, u lo 1,500 Atnauls |tom
Ota|otac anJ some so|J|ets wete gal|eteJ.
8ul on|j l|e Atnauls wete ||g|l|ng, /|te
C|eln||s wete ||||eJ. A|let l|al l|e Atnauls
|utneJ l|e lowet, Atnaul acl| ons
aga|nsl l|e Set||an ou|al|on |ate |een
conJucleJ w|l| l|e a|m lo exe| l|e Set|s
anJ lo se|ze l|e|t mo|||e anJ tea| eslale
us| ng ma| ltealmenl, | nl| m| Jal| on anJ
|||||ng. (}, 14-1S/10).
Anolhor conslanl lopic is lho ingraliludo of
!|e S||lat nal|ona||sls anJ seatal|sls
|who] |ate |een wot||ng sjslemal|ca||j |ot
jeats lo exe| l|e Set|s anJ Monlenegt|ns
|tom l|e mun| c| a| | lj o| Dj a|ota. (},
22/12), l||s atmeJ allac| |s on|j one |n
l|e set| es o| allac|s o| l|e S|| lat
seatal|sls aga|nsl l|e Set||an slale (kP,
2S/10), whilo |n S||lat|an |atJ l|mes on|j
l|ese eo|e, w|om we musl accel |n out
numetous meel|ng, |ate s|oweJ l|e|t
suotl lo us anJ l|ej |ate otgan|zeJ
to| unleet gtous (k.P, 24/8). 1ho
following conclusion is drawn: Set|s ate
suotleJ |j ||slotj, w|||e S||lats - |j
el|nogenes|s. Set|s ate Jt|ten |j l|e Jes|te
lo ensute l|e sa|elj o| l|e|t c|||Jten, as
tegatJs |et| lage anJ eJucal| on, w|| | e
S||lats a|m al |at|ng numetous o||st|ng
anJ al tot| J| ng mulua| |tol|et|ooJ
|e|. (}, 2-3/12). 1hal is why !|e A||an|an
seatal|sls |ate lo wa|e u tetj soon |tom
l|e Jteam o| l|e /osoto keu|| | c,
ol|etw| se l|ej w| | | on| j slatl an
unato| Ja|| e con|| | cl, |alteJ anJ
g|ello| zal| on., l|e c| t| | te| al| ons | n
/osoto anJ Melo||ja ate |n J|sotJet, Jue lo
l|e conl|nuous Jesltucl|te acl|t|lj o| l|e
A||an|an seatal|sls. (}, S/1).
Hislorical ovidonco is broughl in supporl:
u lo now l|e | nlettelal| on o| l|e
|enomenon o| counletteto| ul| on | n
/osoto anJ Melo|| j a, as we| | as l|e
genoc|Je exet|enceJ |n tet|ous ||slot|ca|
et|oJs tetj o|len JemanJeJ jusl|||cal|ons
anJ telexls |ot l|e A||an|an seatal|sl
as|tal|on. ln l|e l|me o| l|e !ut||s| /m|te
|e|ote l|e 8a||an wats |l was sa|J l|al l|e
A||an|an tasca|s wete l|e |||nJ execulots o|
!ut||s| aul|ot|lj. As |ot l|e|t anl|-slale anJ
anl|-Set||an all|luJe |elween l|e lwo
wot|J wats, jusl|||cal|on can |e |ounJ |n
l|e a| | egeJ otess| on |j l|e Set|| an
|outgeo|s|e. Genoc|Je |e|at|ot o| l|e
A||an|an seatal|sls lowatJs Set|s (... !|e
atl o| l|| s |oo| sea|s a|oul l|e
Jemogta||c |om| - l|e ||g| ||tl| tale o|
l|e A||an|an |n /osmel (}, 20/12).
1ho issuo of lho domographic bomb is
soon as ono of lho hiddon woapons of lho
S||lat seatal|sl motemenl, kugotas
seatal|sl lo |eaJets, l|e meJ|a |n l|e
S||lat |anguage (}, 6-7/4), bocauso As |l
|s |nown, l|e ||g|esl ||tl| tale |n /utoe |s
|n /osoto anJ Melo||ja, w||c| |s Jue lo l|e
secess|on|sl o||cj o| l|e se||-toc|a|meJ
A||an|an |eaJets. (kP, 11/12) 1ho lallor
aro also lo blamo for lhoir |a|e|u| |n||uence
on l|e c|| | Jten w|o ate nol a|| e lo
conl|nue l|e|t tegu|at eJucal|on, Jue lo l|e
unteasona||e |ojcoll on l|e atl o| l|e
A||an|an m|not|lj. (kP, 26/12). Howovor,
lhoro aro arliclos which show lhal lho
problom is nol limilod lo Kosovo only -
l|e lens|on |elween MaceJon|ans anJ
S||lats |s |ncteas|ng. !|e teason |ot l||s |s
l|e ets|slenl Jes|te o| l|e S||lats lo
esla|||s| a cetla|n A||an|an Un|tets|lj
(k.P, 18/10)
1ho Albanian languago modia aro nol loss
hoslilo lowards lho Sorbs in gonoral, as
woll as againsl l|e |asc|sl|c atl|es |n
Set||a anJ l|e Set||an teg|me |n 8e|gtaJe
(, 16/8). ln 1913 w|en /osota was unJet
l|e S|ato-lettot|sl|c occual|on o| Set||a
((... w|en |u||el anJ |oe o| enemj S||ja
|insulling for Sorb] (, 19/8), |ul !|lo,
w|l| ||s naz|-commun|sl anJ tac|sl S|at
co||a|otalots, |ounJ |ns|tal|on |n l|e
/ans|at|c |aJ-|ame l|eotj (, 7/10). All
lhi s i s cal l od U/CO/!kO///D S/Av
SA!A/lSM |lillo of a skolch] (, 30/3) and
lho usago of po| orali vo words gai ns
impolus kex|e oeneJ l|e Joot lo l|e
Set||an commanJet anJ s|ol l|e S||ja
w|l| ||te |u||els |tom a gun, w||c| |e |aJ
unJet ||s otetcoal (, 10/10). S|at|an-
C|eln||, S|at|an-Commun|sl-C|eln||,
/al|ona|-Commun|sl teg|me (, 29/12).
1be lnternationaI Community
1ho alliludo lowards lho inlornalional
communily on lho parl of Sorbian languago
modia is dolorminod mainly by official
olgrado. Sinco lho lallor has a numbor of
basic lrulhs, concorning lho Sorbian
pooplo, lho modia build on lhoso. !|e
teso|ul|on o| l|e Secut|lj Counc|| on l|e
occas|on o| l|e Ctoal|an aggtess|on |n l|e
Set||an keu|||c o| /taj|na catt|es l|e Jee
|mt|nls o| Amet|can-Getman |n||uence (},
12-13/8), l|e USA anJ Getmanj ate
||nanc|ng Uslas| |po|oralivo for Croalian]
m|||lanls, Getman o|||cets anJ so|J|ets
atl| c| aleJ logel|et w| l| Amet| can
|nsltuclots anJ consu|lanls ((... (k.P,
8/8). lnlornalional rolalions aro prosonlod
in rogard lo lho Sorbs' posilion lhal /ot
cenlut|es l|e val|can |as |een |oll|ng
aga|nsl l|e Otl|oJox Set|s, unJet l|e
telexl l|al |l ||g|ls aga|nsl sc||smal|cs,
ct|m|na|s, elc., so l|e /oe anJ 8toz |ate
1ablo of modia inilials: )edinstvo (}.), 8ujku (.), Zeri (Z.), 1V Prisbtina (1VP), Radio
Prisbtina (kP).
sltugg|eJ aga|nsl l|e same enemj - aga|nsl
l|e Set||an eo|e, aga|nsl l|e Set||an
slale anJ cu|lute (}, 2-3/9), l|e val|can,
l|e Amet|can aJm|n|sltal|on anJ l|e /outl|
ke|c| |ate ltam|eJ Jown a|| c|t|||zeJ
notms o| |e|at| ot aga| nsl l|e Set|| an
Otl|oJox nal|on(... (k.P, 13/8). 1hus
Sorbs aro prosonlod as lho viclims of l|e
|at|at|c |om|atJ|ng o| c|t|| anJ m|||latj
latgels |n keu||||a Sts|a, |which] c|eat|j
|nJ|cales l|al l|e a|m o| l|e USA anJ |ls
a|||es |s nol s|m|e tetenge |ul l|e lola|
ann||||al|on o| l|e Set||an eo|e (}, 2-
3/9). Al lho samo limo l|e wesletn meJ|a,
com|ele|j |n accotJ w|l| l|e o||c|es o|
some counlt|es, |ate atot|aleJ l|e to|e
o| |nletnal|ona| o||ce, w||c| j|e|J ||c|s lo
l|e J|so|eJ|enl. (}, 11/12)
1ho l argosl mi nori ly i n Macodoni a i s
lroalod wilh suspicion and somolimos
ovon hoslilily. /ot l|e c|l|zens o| !eloto,
l|| s /aw /l|e /aw |ot l|e /oca| Se| |-
gotetnmenll |s s|m|j a sle |otwatJ |ot
l|ose w|o Jteam o| l| | t| Ja., etetj
mol|ets Jteam |s |et c|||J lo gtaJuale
|tom l|e un|tets|lj, w|l|oul anj a|n anJ
|||e a |eto (M.1, 1/8), A||an|ans us|
MaceJon|a |nlo wat. (N.M, 10/9), !a|e a
| oo| al 8osn| a lo see |ow a| | l|e gteal
|tol|et|ooJs anJ un|ons enJ anJ l|al |s
|ow MaceJon|a |s go|ng lo enJ. l c|a|m l||s
see|ng l|e S|qu|lat |Albanian] atl|es |n
l|e gotetnmenl w||c|, a|let a ||nget was
g|ten lo l|em, loo| l|e w|o|e |anJ anJ ate
now teac||ng |ot l|e |eaJ. (D, 20/10, a
roador's l ollor whi ch fi orcol y allacks
Crvonkovski accusing him of fighling for
'1i lo's lsardom', whi l o Vanco (lvan)
Mi ha| l ov was fi ghli ng for uni lod
1ho public opinion is also influoncod by
arliclos which prosonl lho Albanians as lho
moro affluonl and privilogod parl of lho
populalion. !a||ng O|| l|e Mas|s |n l|e
/asl Momenl., A| |an| an canJ| Jales
a|j|ng lo enlet |acu|l|es ate tequ|teJ 20/
|ess |now|eJge l|an l|e ol|et canJ|Jales,
| n l|e wesletn atl o| MaceJon| a,
A||an|ans ate ownets o| l|e |atget atl o|
l|e mosl |tu|l|u| so|| anJ l|e t|tale o|||ce
sace. (N.M, 27/8), !|e |mtess|on |s
l|al manj eo|e |n !eloto |eaJ a t|c| anJ
n|ce |||e a|l|oug| |a|se |ellets, |n w||c|
o||l|cs |e||es |||e, ate sl||| senl |tom l|ete.
(N.M, S/11), A||an|ans se||, MaceJon|ans
|uj. !|e ltaJe anJ t|tale |us|ness ate |n
l|e |anJs o| l|e A| |an| ans, w|| | e l|e
MaceJon|ans ate e|l|et wot|ets al |an|tul
coman| es ot j usl cuslomets. (NM,
Kooping all lhis in mind, il is nol surprising
lo soo oponly racisl slalomonls liko: ls |l
oss|||e lo s|ae out joung genetal|ons
|nlo etsons w|l|oul anj |ulute, so l|al
l|ej w||| nol cate al a|| w|el|et l|ete ate
e|ecl|ons lo |e catt|eJ l|toug|, w|o eo|e
tole |ot, w|al l|e new w| nnets | n l|e
e|ecl|ons wou|J |e, w|o w||| |t|ng anj
|oe l|al l||ngs w||| slatl gell|ng |ellet? Ot
etetj|oJj w| | | seatc| |ot a |ellet | | |e
a|toaJ, |eat|ng l|e|t ||t|ng |aces emlj l|||
some new comet A||an|an |tom /osoto ot
A||an|a sell|es l|ete?(... A |t|enJ o| m|ne
lo|J me. 8tol|et, l||s counltj |as |ecome
one o| tel|teJ etsons anJ S|qu|lats.
(M.S., 27/12).
Howovor, il is nolablo lhal aflor Otet 200
MaceJon|ans anJ Set|s, |n|a||lanls o|
Ognjanc|, as|eJ l|e M|n|sltj o| /Jucal|on
lo annu| |ls Jec|s|on |ot sell||ng l|e l|tee
c|asses |n l|e A||an|an |anguage |n l|e
sc|oo| |n l|e|t t|||age., we wou|J |||e a||
l|e c|| | Jten lo allenJ l|e c| asses | n
MaceJon| an, !oJaj | n out | ace,
lomottow |n \outs, 8e w|l| us (V, 2S/9),
many papors sovoroly crilicizod lhoso
/|tes o| /alteJ, C|aut|n|sl Dance o|
v|||age /eaJets (N.M, 23&27/9). An ovon
moro posi li vo lrond was sol i n lho
following arliclo: !wo eten|ngs ago, l|e
A||an|an lwo-|eaJeJ eag|e |as |anJeJ on
l|e |ae|s o| l|e Jtess su|ls o| a num|et o|
|| g|| j J| sl| ngu| s|eJ o||| c| a| s |tom l|e
counltj anJ l|e J| | omal| c cots | n
MaceJon|a. !|e mosl Jesett|ng |ot l|e
extess | anJ| ng o| l|e eag| e | s l|e
Am|assaJot o| l|e keu|||c o| A||an|a lo
l|e keu|||c o| MaceJon|a, Sa|an Mutal|,
w|o attangeJ a tecel| on |ot l|e
jesletJajs Daj o| l|e A||an|an nal|ona|
||ag w||c| |s a|so l|e nal|ona| |o||Jaj |n
l||s ne|g||ot|ng counltj(... (V, 29/11)
1urks and Macedonian MusIims
1horo is a londoncy lo |uxlaposo lho 1urks
of Macodonia lo lho Macodonian Muslims,
lho l allor boi ng lho onos lroalod wi lh
sympalhy and affoclion. /o||l|ca| atl|es o|
l|e m|not|l|es |Albanians and 1urks] wanl a
lax |n ||ooJ |tom us, l|e MaceJon|ans-
Mus| | ms. (D, 22/9), we, l|e
MaceJon|ans-Mus||ms, wou|J nol |||e \out
son anJ \out Jaug|let(... lo |e leac|ets |n
l|e MaceJon|an c|asses, lo |esm|tc| out
c|ean ||ll|e MaceJon|ans l|toug| l|e|t
eJucal|on anJ c|asses (D, 20/10), /ot a
!| nj Gaout |1urki sh po| orali vo for
'Chrislian'] wotJ - !|nj !ut||s| Sl|c|
(N.M, 30/9).
1ho Sorbi an rofugoos whi ch camo lo
Macodoni a woro nol mol by a warm
'wolcomo.' On lho conlrary, wo road lhal
l|ese Jajs MaceJon|a |s |u|| o| |etoes
|tom l|e 8osn|an-Ctoal|an |all|egtounJs,
anJ we |eatneJ w|l| cetla|nlj l|al l|e|t
num|et |as |ncteaseJ w|l| newcomets
|tom Set||a(... /ete |s a c|ance |ot out
lout|sl wot|ets lo sate l|e season. \el, lo
|e |onesl, l|e e||ecls wou|J nol |e |nown
s| nce l|| s | s a new calegotj o| |o| | Jaj
ma|ets - lout|sls - etaJets - te|ugees. (V,
ul gari a i s conslanll y prosonl i n lho
Macodonian modia, ospocially in lho lalk
shows on kadi o Skop| o. 1horo was an
implicil nogalivo alliludo in a N.M. arliclo
which roforrod lo lho mounlain of Pirin,
which is in lho kopublic of ulgaria, as a
un|que MaceJon|an mounla|n, !|toug|
l|e MaceJon|an /anJ. (N.M, S/8).
1ho probloms in lho rolalions wilh Grooco,
ospocially in rogards lo lho 'lhorny' namo
issuo, aro lho basis for characlorizalions
liko lho following: ||g Gtee|s |wilh a
1ablo of modia inilials: Nova Makedonja (N.M.), Vecer (V.), PuIs (P.), DeIo (D.),
Makedonsko Sonce (M.S.), lokus (l.), Demokratija (Dom.), LiberaI (Lib.), GIas (Gl.),
lIaka e VeIIazerimit (l.V.), 8irIik (.), Macedonian 1eIevision (M1V), A-1, Radio
Skopje (k.S.),
po|oralivo moaning], ||ats, J|s|onesl
metc|anls, w|j s|ou|J l||s ox |Grooco]
l||n| l|al l am slu|J, so as lo saj l|al l|e
w|set one j|e|Js?, Gteece |s go|ng lo
tecogn|ze out name on Cuc|oos summet
|i.o. 'novor' wilh a po|oralivo moaning]
(k.S, Soplombor).
Aflor al l lhi s, lho facl lhal ovon
oxaggoralions liko lho following find lhoir
placo in lho modia is nol lhal surprising.
we |lho Macodonians] |e|ong lo l|e mosl
|nle|||genl nal|on |n l|e wot|J we maJe l|e
wot|J ||letale., we ate numetous. !|ete
ate 500,000 MaceJon|ans |n A||an|a, lwo
m||||on |n 8u|gat|a, a m||||on |n Gteece(...
nol lo counl l|e D|asota. (kadio NOMA,
1ho ma|orily of lho Monlonogrin pross
shows a londoncy lo sland slrongly bohind
lho inlorosls of lho Sorbian brolhors,
whi ch i n lurn roqui ros lho nocossary
hoslilily lowards lho lradilional Sorbian
onomios. 1ho lallor aro mainly lho Croals,
lho Muslims, lho Albanians, ovon lhoso
Monlonogrins who favor an indopondonl
Monlonogro and aro opposod lo lho
Sorbi an war offorls, as wol l as lho
inlornalional communily al largo.
1ho Croals aro prosonlod as ovil pooplo,
who aro supporlod by lho Groal Powors lo
doslroy lho Sorbs. l|e wat |ot ||o|og|ca|
sutt|ta| o| l|e Set|s |n l|e|t cenlutj-o|J
|eatl|s., Uslas|as |po|oralivo for Croals
bul also somolimos for indopondonco-
orionlod Monlonogrins] lettot |n l|e ta||ej
o| l|e /etelta |as nol ceaseJ |tom 1941 lo
l|e tesenl Jaj. Uslas|a mu|l|atlj sjslem
o| 1991. (P, 10/11), Ctoal|an gangs |n
Moslat (M.k., }an.). 1ho inlornalional
communily is warnod lo bo oxlra caroful,
bocauso one can unJetslanJ l|e wot|Js
eu|ot|a a|oul l|e s|gn|ng o| l|e eace
agteemenl on l|e Stem-8atanja teg|on
|ecause |l was Jone on l|e e|etenl| |out,
|ul exet|ence ma|es us caul|ous |ecause
l|e Zagte| aul|ot|l|es ate maslets o| a
lt|c|j game, a too| o| w||c| wete l|e
con|| | cls | n l|e 8osn| an-Ctoal| an
/eJetal|on. (M.1., 13/11)
1ho Muslims aro nol lofl wilhoul boing
insullod oilhor. /onot |s l|e |asl anJ l|e
gtealesl sltong o|nl |ot etetj Set|. /e ||tes
anJ wot|s |ot ||s |onot anJ a|so J|es |ot |l
(, w|| | e l|e Mus| | ms w|o, aatl |tom
etetjl||ng e|se |ate suc| a s|ate all|luJe
lowatJs GoJ, Jo nol J|e |ot l|e|t |onot ot
em|as| ze | l(... (l, }an.). 1hoy aro
Muja|eJ|ns |po|oralivo for Muslims] |n
Satajeto, Mus||m lettot|sls (M.k, }an.),
whilo l|e Mus||m-Ctoal|an /eJetal|on |s
mote a toJucl o| Amet|can |mag|nal|on
l|an a tea| |acl |n osl-Dajlon 8osn|a. (1,
Whonovor lho Kosovo problom comos lo
lho foro, lho Albanians aro lo blamo for
ovorylhing. !|e S||lats |po|oralivo for
Albanian] |n l|e /k\ nol on|j wete una||e
lo | | te | n eace w| l| l|e Set|s anJ l|e
MaceJon|ans |ul l|ej eten J|s|||e l|e 5/
Cal|o||c m|not|lj o| l|e|t nal|ona||lj. ll |s a
too| l|al l|e motemenl l|al |as ex|sleJ
|n /osoto |ot JecaJes, w||c| |s a atl o| a
||slot|ca| motemenl |n l|e w|o|e |otmet
\ugos| at| a, | s |otma| | j nal| ona| | sl anJ
essenl|a||j te||g|ous anJ ls|am|c. (l.k,
slalomonl by Mirol|ub }ovlic, Ph.D.)
1be lnternationaI Community
1ho usual picluro which is drawn is lhal of
an oxlromoly hoslilo world, which is lod by
l|e saxo|one |ajet |lho US Prosidonl]
(P, S/8) and whi ch ai ms al lho lolal
doslruclion of lho bravo Sorbian pooplo: a
||g||j so||sl|caleJ lec|no|ogj o| |tula|
Jetaslal| on |t| ngs |otl| mosl ltag| c
consequences lo l|e eo| e, lo l|e
c|t|||ans, w|ose asl |as |een ctealeJ anJ
w|ose |ulute |s anl|c|aleJ |j ol|ets. (P,
14/9), kegatJ| ng l|e otc|esltaleJ
cama|gn |ot l|e |ntesl|gal|on o| wat ct|mes
|n Ste|ten|ca(... (M.1, 3/11).
Luropo is lo blamo bocauso /utoe |s
a| teaJj unJet l|e Amet| can m| | | latj
|n||uence. Amet|ca teattanges l|e new
wot| J otJet |j ma|| ng l|e s| lual| on
conten| enl |ot l|e Amet| can m| | | latj
|nJusltj elc. (1, S/12), Do l|ese wtelc|eJ
eo| e |now l|al eten l|e Auslto-
/ungat| an em| te J| Jnl succeeJ | n
cteal|ng l|e non-ex|slenl 8osn|an nal|on
anJ |anguage anJ l|al l|e |egs o| l|e ||ac|
anJ je||ow monatc|j wete |to|en al l|e
M||jac|a anJ ol|et Set||an t|tets exacl|j |ot
l|| s teason! (V.N, 13/S) Conspi racy
lhoorios aro implicalod on a numbor of
difforonl casos. U/ exetls on eJucal|on,
sc| ence anJ cu| lute J| Jnl come lo
\ugos| at| a lo |e| | l a|let l|e jeats o|
sancl| ons, |ul lo |e| l|e | agg| ng
oos|l|on tess, |lhis is dono in ordor
lo] Jesla|| | | ze l|e | ega| | j e| ecleJ
gotetnmenl., l|e /U |as esl|maleJ a
|ong l|me ago |ow muc| eac| one o| out
|nJeenJenl meJ|a cosls., ||ll|e monej |s
g|ten |n exc|ange |ot slt|cl o|eJ|ence lo
l|e |ote|gn |osses, l|e wot| o| suc|
meJ|a |s nol wotl| mote l|an l|al (V.N,
1o all lhis lho roporlod roaclion on lho parl
of lho Sorbs is moro lhan horoic. 8es|Jes
l|e lews, l|e Set|s ate l|e on|j nal|on |n
/utoe lotluteJ |j |ls gooJ ne|g||ots (l,
issuo 13), l|e Set||an Otl|oJox tes|slance
lo l|e Amet| can /eace | s a |all| e |ot
Otl|oJoxj (S, lobruary), l|e
lnletnal|ona| Commun|lj Joesnl ltj lo
|e| l|e secess|on on|j o| Monlenegto |ul
1ablo of modia inilials: Pobjeda (P.), lstok (l.), 1anjug (1.), Svetigora (S.), lstok
Review (l.k.), Vecernje Novosti (V.N.), Montenegrin 1eIevision (M. 1.), Montenegrin
Radio (M. k.).
a| so o| /osoto - l|e ctaJ| e o| Set|| an
nal|ona||lj. !|en w||| come vojtoJ|nas
lutn anJ |n l|e enJ l|e Set|s wou|J |e tetj
s| m| | at lo l|e /utJs., !|e val| cans
cons|tacj aga|nsl l|e Set|s, a|| Cal|o||cs
|n Monlenegto ate Set|s, |l wou|J nol |e
sutt| s| ng | | l|e Monlenegt| n
Auloce|a| ous C|utc| as|s |tom l|e
val|can |ls tecogn|l|on as a Un|ale c|utc| |n
l|e jeats lo come. (l.k, April, slalomonls
by Novica Vu|osovic, Ph.D. ). Howovor,
somolimos lhoro aro voicos which show
lhal lho rolalions bolwoon lho Sorbians
and lho Monlonogrins aro nol lhal porfocl
aflor all. D|teclots o| S|oten|zal|on,
S|nce one eu|ot|a |as |egun lo su|s|Je,
anol|et one seems lo slatl. !|e |allets
s|m||||eJ tets|on |oo|s |||e l||s. ll seems
l|al jou Monlenegt|ns wanl lo seceJe as
S|oten|ans J|J!? (P, Oclobor)
Hungary's i mago as prosonlod by lho
komani an modi a i s prodomi nanll y
nogalivo. ls /ungatj /utoes c|ee|j
gjsj? (k.M, 1/9), /ungat|ans ma|e a
s|ow o| l|emse| tes w| l| l|e| t o| J
o|sess|ons (V.k, 6/4), /ungat|sm - a |ag
o| tenom on /utoes |oJj (LZ, 23/8),
/ungat| an exltem| sm maJe anol|et
t|cl|m (V.k, 12/4). 1his alliludo comos as
a consoquonco lo lho roal (or imaginary)
rolo which Hungary plays as rogards ils
minorily in komania: l|e gotetnmenl |n
8uJaesl em|ojs |n !tansj|tan|a a ||nJ o|
c|aut|n|sm w||c| totes lo |e now, |n
UDMks |Domocrali c Al l i anco of
Hungarians in komania] o||c|es, l|e same
|ncuta||e J|sease (V.k, Soplombor). !|e
/ungat|an aul|ot|l|es conl|nue, accotJ|ng
lo we||-esla|||s|eJ ltenJs, l|e|t s|||||u| anJ
exlteme|j aggtess|te toaganJa w|l| |a||-
ltul|s anJ gtoss ||es, tomol|ng l|e |Jea
l|al /ungatj |s l|e GatJen o| /Jen |ot
nal|ona| m|not|l|es ||t|ng on |ls lett|lotj. Al
l|e same l|me, l|ej conl|nue on l|e one
|anJ lo | | qu| Jale m| not| l| es |j lola|
ass| m| | al| on anJ on l|e ol|et - lo
man| u| ale m| not| lj el|n| c gtous |j
means o| Jecojs w|om l|ej aj toja||j.
(1.l, 23-30/11). !|e /ungat|an Slale -
lnsl| galot o| UDMks Anl| -koman| an
Acl|ons (1.l, 14/12). /asz|o /otacss
Jec|atal|ons ate so muc| mote |||-l|meJ as
8uJaesl wou|J |ene||l eten mote |tom
l|e |asl conc| us| on o| l|e koman| an-
/ungat| an !tealj l|an 8uc|atesl. (...
/asz|o /otacss |nlett|ews tetea| a cetla|n
weat|ness o| l|e /ungat|an J||omacj. (...
As l| me goes |j, 8uJaesls | ncessanl
com|a|nls a|oul l|e t|o|al|on o| m|not|lj
t| g|ls | n koman| a slatl lo | ose l|e| t
cteJ|||||lj. (... ll wou|J |e an a|ettal|on
l|al no o|||c|a| o| l|e /utoean Commun|lj
cou| J assume w| l|oul |ecom| ng
etetj|oJjs |aug||ng sloc| lo |ace on l|e
same |ool|ng l|e t|g|ls o| C|ec|ens |n
kuss|a anJ o| /ungat|ans |n koman|a. (A,
6/2). UnJet l|ese c|tcumslances, a new
|n|l|al|te |ot l|e ||slot|ca| teconc|||al|on
aeateJ |n l|e (|tee mat|el, |toug|l |j
l|e we||-|nown ||slot|ca| teconc|||alotj
/asz| o !o|es, w|o J| J | l as su|l| j anJ
c|etet|j as an e|e|anl |n a c||na s|o.
/tacl| ca| | j sea|| ng, |e o||eteJ l|e
conc| us| on o| a teconc| | | al| on anJ
atlnets|| conltacl |elween l|e majot|lj
anJ l|e /ungat|an m|not|lj |n koman|a.,
ll |s o|t|ous|j a os|l|te l||ng l|al Mt.
!o|es was |n l|e mooJ |ot teconc|||al|on,
esec|a||j as o|n|ons wete s|ateJ as |at as
was concetneJ. some sa|J |e was |nc|l|ng
lo J|ssens|on, ol|ets, on l|e conltatj, l|al
|e was o|sl|nale|j |nc|l|ng lo |nlet-el|n|c
|alteJ. (... l Jo unJetslanJ oot !o|es anJ
||s comtaJes anJ |e||ows - a|l|oug| suc| a
con|||cl Joes nol ex|sl, |l musl |e ctealeJ,
|ecause w|al wou|J l|ej Jo ol|etw|se?
/ow cou|J l|ej |aj l|e Je|enJets o| a
m|not|lj l|al no one o||enJs anJ no one
l|tealens? w|al wou|J l|e |||eguatJs |n
8ajwalc| Jo |aJ l|ete nol |een |ot l|e
menac|ng ocean - w|o wou|J l|ej sate? As
|ot l|e |Jea o| l|e Conltacl |elween l|e
lwo atl|es, Mt. !o|es |s al ||s |esl, as l|e
conltacl s|ou|J |e s|gneJ |j koman|a anJ
UDMk, l|al |s, |j l|e koman|an anJ l|e
UDMk slale l|al jou m|g|l nol |ate |eatJ
o|, |ul w||c| musl ex|sl nonel|e|ess as an
|nJeenJenl sotete|gn slale, mem|et o|
l|e Un|leJ /al|ons (al |easl |n Mt. !o|ess
otet-exc|leJ m|nJ. lusl nole |ow Je||cale|j
|e lt|es lo ato|J o||enJ|ng l|e koman|ans
|j sea||ng oen|j a|oul l|e esla|||s|menl
o| a seconJ slale on koman|an lett|lotj anJ
|eals atounJ l|e |us| w| l| l|e lwo
s|gnalutes on |e|a|| o| l|e lwo slales. (...
(1.l, 1/8). On lop of lhal /ungat|ans sl|c|
l|e|t noses w|ete l|ej s|ou|J nol, anJ l|ej
s|ou|J nol Jo so |n koman|a! (k.M, April).
1ho conclusion lhal lesus was ctuc|||eJ |j
l|e lews |n 6 |outs, koman|a was ctuc|||eJ
|j l|e /ungat|ans |n 6 jeats (k.M, April)
sounds crodiblo whon ono roads aboul lho
/ungat|an atano|a anJ exltem|sm -
/ungat|an es|onage al l|e koman|an
ka||waj Comanj (k.M, April). Slill, whilo
somo papors claim lhal |otceJ el|n|c
ass| m| | al| on | n ute| j tac| sl |ases,
/ott| || e ct| me?(... 8ul w|o |nows
w|el|et l||s |otceJ ass|m||al|on |s nol |esl
su|leJ lo a slales o||cj? !o /ungatj,
Jec|JeJ|j! /etet, l|oug|, lo koman|a!
!|e as|es o| l|e /m|te Jat|en l|e tal|ona|
l||n||ng (Vk, 14/8), olhors supporl lho
posi li on lhal koman| a anJ /ungatj
s|ou|J |e| eac| ol|et lo jo|n /A!O (A,
12/4), bocauso !|e Je|aj |n conc|uJ|ng
l|e koman|an-/ungat|an ltealj |s a|sutJ. A
gooJ ne|g||ot|j te|al|on, moteotet, a
atlnets|| al l|e wesletn |otJet wou|J |e
|n l|e |esl |nletesl o| koman|a. As |ot l|e
tot| s| on te|ett| ng lo l|e t| g|ls o| l|e
/ungat|an m|not|lj |n koman|a, l||s |ssue
|s a |a|se to||em. !|e tot|s|on o| l|e
ltealj cannol go |ejonJ l|e tequesls we
musl |u||||| al a|| cosls |n otJet lo ensute a
eace|u| |||e w|l| l|e /ungat|an m|not|lj |n
koman|a. (22, 10-16/4)
1ho usual way of prosonling lho Hungarian
minorily in komania is lhrough ils polilical
parly. 1ho lallor is a |j|t| J |otn anJ
gtown |j l|e |a|se /utoean Jemoctacj, a
su|c|Ja| o||l|ca| secl |eaJeJ |j a maJ
tetetenJ loan 8at|u 8a| an - !|e | ale
/ungat|an /euJa||sm (k.M, 29/9). UDMk
|s l|e on|j atlj l|al l|e koman|an slale
su|s|J|zes lo ||g|l aga|nsl l|e koman|an
slale. Suc| an a|sutJ s|lual|on cannol |e
encounleteJ anjw|ete e|se |n l|e wot|J!
(C.k, 18/10). ll |s common |now|eJge
l|al UDMk |s l|e on|j exltem|sl u|lta-
nal|ona||sl atlj w|ose o||cj concenltales
on ca| umn| al| ng koman| a anJ l|e
koman| ans (C.k, 23/10). See l|e
masquetaJe De|tecen, w|ete l|e UDMk
|u||oons, l|e on|j atl|c|anls, encoutageJ
eac| ol|et, anJ a|let a g|ass o| !o|aj w|ne,
toJuceJ on|j slu|J|l|es., !|e UDMk
lettot|sls |jnc|eJ easanl M||a||a Co|at|u
w|l| 1201 ||ows (kM, 2S/8).
1ho parly loadors aro conslanlly accusod
bocauso of lhoir polilical bohavior. UDMk
tetesenlal| tes tolesls aga| nsl l|e
koman|an /aw on /Jucal|on musl |e la|en
as l|ej ate. mote |ojcoll acl|ons, atl|||c|a|
unjusl|||eJ acl|t|l|es l|al ate tejuJ|c|a| ||tsl
anJ |otemosl lo l|e /ungat|an m|not|lj
anJ | eaJ lo unj usl| || eJ seatal| sm,
|o||ow|ng ute|j o||l|ca| |nletesls (V.k,
12/10). UDMk | ns| sleJ aga| n on
o|son|ng l|e Je|ale |j m|steaJ|ng l|e
tot|s|ons o| l|e /aw on eJucal|on, |j Je-
conlexlua||z|ng anJ m|n|m|z|ng l|e /aw
w| l| l|e| t lj| ca| taJ| ca| | sm anJ
slu||otnness (... !|e UDMk
tetesenlal|tes tece|teJ l|e sltong suotl
o| A/ADOk - l|e koman| an /e| s| n||
Comm|llee tetesenlal|tes, Ms. kenale
we|et anJ Mt. Ga|t|e| AnJteescu (... Seen
|n l||s conlexl, l|e all|luJe menl|oneJ
a|ote cou| J on| j smeat, once aga| n,
koman|as |mage |n l|e wot|J, |ot |nletesls
l|al we otet|oo| (D, 6/9). Accel|ng
l||s anoma|j ca||eJ UDMk wou|J mean lo
accel a cancet lo l|e koman| an
Jemoctacj (V.k, 13/4).
1ho mosl prominonl accusalion, howovor,
is lhal /tet s|nce |ls sell|ng u, ||te jeats
ago, UDMk was |aceJ on an exc|us|te|j
o||l|ca| anJ nal|ona||sl os|l|on, l|ej |new
|ow lo ex|o|l l|e alt|ol|c el||ca| |ee||ngs
o| l|e el|n|c /ungat|ans |n koman|a. !||s
|ee||ng |as |een cate|u||j nutluteJ, |j
ltumel| ng l|e Jangets menac| ng l|e
/ungat|an m|not|lj |n koman|a, Jue lo l|e
nal|ona||sl anJ c|aut|n|sl o||cj o| l|e
counltj a|let Decem|et 1989. (... /eo|e -
consl|luenls, lo |e mote tec|se - |ate |aJ
enoug| o| l|e moons||ne anJ ||JJ|esl|c|s
l|al UDMk tetesenlal|tes |ate ulleteJ a||
l|ese jeats anJ ate s|c| anJ l|teJ o| ||slen|ng
lo l|em anj |onget (1.l., 19-26/10). S|x
jeats o| koman| an-/ungat| an |euJ,
J|a|o||ca||j touseJ anJ cu|l|taleJ |j l|e
Jetoul UDMk o||l|c|an, w|l| l|e 8|||e
unJet ||s atm anJ ||es on ||s ||s, l||s
c|ataclet |s m|s|eaJ|ng|j ettetse, l|e
Jet||s J|sc||e tooses can jou |e||ete |l?
- /U/GAklA/ AU!O/OM\ l/
!kA/S\/vA/lA! (V.k, 2/11). /ot s|x jeats
now, UDMk |ajs etetjl||ng on one catJ.
lola| segtegal| on |tom l|e tesl o| l|e
counltjs ou|al|on, |mos|ng l|e|t own
| aws, aga| nsl etetj|oJj e| se!, l|| s
c|aut|n|sl |tteJenl|sl el||c otgan|zal|on |s
tesenl |n l|e koman|an /at||amenl |n
otJet lo gel |tom l|e |ns|Je t|g|ls l|al no
ol|et m|not|lj |n /utoe c|a|ms (|el a|one
o|la|n, an |ncteJ|||e alleml lo el|n|c
|so|al|on, unteceJenleJ s|nce /|l|et anJ
/otl|j, ||s|o /asz|o !o|es, l|e ma|n
| nsl| galot aga| nsl l|e koman| an slale,
slanJatJ o| /ungat|an c|aut|n|sm (V.k,
12/12). UDMk s w|o|e no|se-toJuc|ng
leam (anJ t| mat| | j l|e etet acl| te
/ungat|an |o||j |tom /utoe ltj lo o|la|n
|j |otce unaccela||e suet-t|g|ls. C|etet|j
J| sgu| seJ unJet a |a|e Jemoctal| c
|anguage, l|e atgumenls o| l|e UDMk
|eaJets|| (as ooseJ lo l|e tesl o| l|e
el|n|c /ungat|ans ||t|ng |n koman|a a|m lo
sel u a S/Gk/GA!lO/lS! S//AkA!lSM,
l|e esla|||s|menl o| an el|n|c enc|ate
ouls|Je l|e |ega| aul|ot|lj o| l|e koman|an
slale! ll Joes nol la|e a to|el lo
unJetslanJ w|al |s ||JJen |e||nJ l|e
|nletnal|ona| ||uttj anJ wa|||ng slatleJ |j
l|e UDMk |eaJets||. (V.k, 18/1). l|e
UDMk means lo alla|n aulonomj |aseJ on
el|n|c ct|let|a, |j us|ng l|e o||cj o| l|e |a|l
accom|| (1Vk1, 29/1).
All lhis makos somo modia concludo lhal
/ungat|an exltem|sls ate |oll|ng lo cteale
a new 8osn|a |n !tansj|tan|a (k.M, 24/11).
!|e Jec|s|on on l|e Slalus o| etsona|
aulonomj tot|Jes l|al !|e /al|ona|
/ungat|an Commun|lj |n koman|a |s a
o| | l| ca| su|j ecl unJet l|e | aws o| l|e
koman| an slale. Mean| ng, lo ma|e | l
c|eatet, l|al koman|a enJs w|ete l|e
/ungat|an /al|ona| Commun|lj |eg|ns.
AnJ |l telenJs lo |ate equa| t|g|ls w|l|
l|e |onget ta||J, slale neat l|e commun|lj
|s mote |||e |l! Ot maj|e l|e ol|et waj
tounJ! (1.l, 8-1S/2). !o accel l|e el|n|c-
lett|lot|a| aulonomj tomoleJ |j UDMk
Jocumenls wou|J mean lo ul an enJ lo
eace anJ sla||||lj |n koman|a (D, 8/3).
Whon a UDMk loador addrossod lho issuo
of mixod marriagos, lho papors rospondod
in a ralhor ironic way. l am sute, |owetet,
l|al | | |e wou| J, l|e cou| | ng o| a
/ungat|an w|l| a koman|an woman wou|J
|e || ameJ on a | ol, sc|emeJ |j l|e
koman|an majot|lj lo e||ace l|e /ungat|ans
w|o | | te anJ wot| w| l|| n koman| an
|ounJat|es. ll m|g|l |e oss|||e |ot ||m, as
tetesenlal|te o| an otgan|zal|on w|o
lutneJ le|||ng on eo|e al /utoean gales
| nlo a || nJ o| |annet, lo com| a| n lo
|nletnal|ona| |nslances, as||ng l|em lo
tetote sexua| te|al|ons |elween /ungat|an
men anJ koman|an women. (... !|e wesl
s|ou|J l||n| |atJet |e|ote toc|a|m|ng
l|al a|| /ungat|ans ate ltue ||ue /utoeans,
anJ l Jo nol te|et lo AJam /alonas
Jec|atal|ons, |ul lo l|e |acl l|al suc| a ||g
Jo as l|e UDMk meel|ng was cou|J Je|ale
|ot s|x |outs w|el|et l|e l|es|s te|al|ng lo
m|xeJ matt|ages cou|J |e suotleJ |j l|e
atlj o| /ungat|ans ||t|ng |n koman|a. (...
we meanl lo sltess once mote w|al
a|ettanl ea|s anj ||nJ o| |unJamenla||sm,
|nc|uJ|ng /ungat|an |unJamenla||sm, maj
teac|. (L.Z, 1S/1). !|e tac| sl anl| -
koman|an |Jeas l|al /alona AJam, one o|
l|e UDMk |eaJets, anJ eten ||s|o !o|es
enJotse s|ou|J come as no sutt|se. !|e
tetanc|| sl o||ens| te | n counlt| es
ne|g||ot|ng /ungatj, cou|eJ w|l| l|e
s|mu|laneous |nc|lemenl o| l|e /ungat|an
m|not|lj lo c|a|m a|| ||nJs o| sltange ljes
o| aulonom|es totes lo |e atl o| a we||
Jet|seJ sc|eme. (V.k, 22/1).
Olhor UDMk loadors aro also condomnod,
bocauso w|etetet l|ej go, l|e
tetesenlal|tes o| UDMk telenJ l|ej ate
Jesetale, com|a| n a|oul l|e |ac| o|
t| g|ls, l|al l|ej ate su|j ecl lo el|n| c
c|eans|ng, w|||e l|ej toto|e eo|e lo
J|so|ej l|e koman|an |eg|s|al|on |n ateas
w|ete l|ej ate |n a majot|lj. !|ete ate
manj suc| exam|es l|al can |e seen etetj
Jaj. (1.l, 12-19/4). Moroovor, !|e
|nso|ence o| /ungat|an |eaJets goes |ejonJ
l|e s|c|esl |mag|nal|on (... UDMk |eaJets
s|ou|J as| |ot cojt|g|l as |asl as oss|||e
|ot l|e|t |nnotal|on. a|sutJ o||l|cs! (1.l,
29/3-S/4). !|| s c|ataclet, w| l| no
common sense, ca| | s a| | koman| ans
ct|m|na|s w|enetet |e can, |ecause l|ej
JescenJ |tom l|e Dac|ans anJ l|e komans.
8ul w|o |s l||s 8e|a Mat|o, a|let a||? An
attoganl tenegaJe w|ose anceslots name
was Matcu |a komanian namo], w|ose
|ote|al|ets ctue||j anJ cowatJ|j ||||eJ otet
40,000 koman|ans |n l|e et|oJ 1848-
1849 anJ w|o s|aug|leteJ anJ ||||eJ ol|et
|unJteJs o| l|ousanJs o| koman|ans, lews,
S|ota||ans anJ, |n some cases, eten |onesl
/ungat| ans w| l| Jemoctal| c anJ
|uman|lat|an t|ews., 8e|a Mat|o |s now
c|| e| eJ| lot o| l|e /A!O magaz| ne,
/tes| Jenl o| l|e /ungat| an c|aut| n| sl
exltem|sl atlj UDMk anJ mem|et o| l|e
/ote| gn /o| | cj Comm| ss| on o| l|e
koman| an /at| | amenl (1.l, 1S-22/2).
/etet |as l|e ownet o| a koman| an
assotl succeeJeJ |n a|us|ng ||s mol|et
counltj so |nJuslt|ous|j anJ |ale|u||j,
tesenl|ng |l |n Jat|esl co|ots. Moteotet,
l||s o|nox|ous c|ataclet w|o oses as a
|eto(? o| l|e keto|ul|on |as eneltaleJ
l|e ||g|esl |ete|s o| wesletn gotetnmenls
lo steaJ || s tenom. (... !o ul | l
J|||etenl|j, l|e anl|-koman|an cama|gn
|| g|et qua| | lj | ete| |j Don /eJto o|
!o|eJo! (V.k, 16/3).
ln shorl, mosl of lho polilical docisions of
lho Hungarian parly aro lookod al wilh
suspicion. UDMk otgan|zeJ Je|||etale|j,
w|l| |ls we|| |nown J|s|oneslj anJ lenac|lj,
|toaJcasls |n /ungat|an al l|e koman|an
nal|ona| le|et|s|on |n otJet lo |um|||ale l|e
koman|an eo|e on l|e tetj |o|j Jaj o|
/aslet (... !|e aggtess|te, ||aseJ ltenJ o| l|e
|toaJcasl |n /ungat|an ma|es |l unsu|la||e
al a l|me w|en l|e auJ|ence |s so ||g| anJ
atl|cu|at|j on suc| a Jaj. (C.k, 4/4). w|j
D|J UDMk /eo-/az|s S|oul we wanl
l||escu lo Come on Matc| 20, 1990 |n !|tgu
Mutes? (k.M, 29/12). /uncl| on| ng
accotJ|ng lo l|e cons|talot|a| t|nc||es o|
l|e Ma||a anJ /teemasontj, /ungat|an
coman|es Je|ele koman|a o| |n|otmal|on
anJ |uge amounls o| monej. (L.Z, March),
l|ej Jate |nl|m|Jale anJ ||ac|ma||. !|ej
J|J l|e same Jut|ng l|e tess con|etence,
|ac| ng l|e |om| on l|e sotesl sol.
tesum|ng o| negol|al|ons |n l|e koman|an-
/ungat|an ltealj. (... !|ej a|m lo allac| l|e
koman|an nal|ona| un|latj slale. !|ete |s
jusl one o||l|ca| atlj l|al tejecls l|e ||tsl
atl|c|e o| l|e Consl|lul|on - UDMk. (... l|e
mo|es |tom GDS Jo nol J|g al tanJom, l|ej
unJetm|ne l|e |ounJal|on o| l|e tu|e o|
|aw (V.k, 16/3). ll sooms lhal lho parly has
oconomic ob|oclivos as woll as polilical
onos. ll maj seem sutt|s|ng, |ul l|e
ltans|et o| assels, |nle|||genl|j otc|esltaleJ
|j UDMk, w| || moJ| |j l|e el|n| c
con||gutal|on o| l|e atea, l|e /ungat|ans
|ecom|ng majot ownets eten |n ateas w|ete
l|ej ate a m|not|lj |n num|ets! (V.k, 9/4).
1hal is why ln 1996, w|en /kM w|ns l|e
e|ecl|ons, l|e ct|m|na| otgan|zal|on UDMk
w||| |ate lo ac| u e|l|et |ot 8uJaesl ot
|ot l|e t|son (k.M, 1/9).
Aparl from lho Hungari an parly, lho
ordinary roprosonlalivos of lho minorily
also gol a pioco of lho nogalivism of lho
komanian modia. ln OtaJea, /ungat|ans
8ecome C|t|sl|ans(... l|toug| Salan
(k.M, 1/12), l|e Jemo| | l| on anJ
Jetaslal|on o| l|e c|utc|es anJ l|e t|esls
|omes, l|e exu|s|on ot assass|nal|on o|
l|e sc|oo| s, l|e /ungat| zal| on o| l|e
names o| eo| e anJ | oca| | l| es, l|e
te|acemenl o| l|e koman|an |anguage |j
l|e /ungat|an one ate acl|ons tomoleJ
o|sl|nale|j |j l|e /ungat|an nal|ona||sls.
(Vk, 21/8). Slill, il is rofroshing lo road
arliclos liko lho following which show lho
absurdily of lho hoslilily bolwoon lho
noi ghbori ng poopl os. !|e || slot| ca|
tesenlmenl o| koman| ans aga| nsl
/ungat|ans - Jal|ng, |n |acl, on|j a|oul 200
jeats |ac| - anJ w||c| |as now |ecome
o|so|ele |s |ttesons|||j sl|tteJ u now.
w|en l|e /ungat|an m|not|lj |ecomes l|e
scaegoal o| l|e o||l|ca| J|scoutse o| l|e
/owet - anJ nol jusl l|e /owet - t|mat||j
o| l|e meJ|a (.... !||s |s an e|eclota| jeat
anJ l|ete ate |ew comel|lots w|o o||et
anjl|| ng e| se |ul |alteJ anJ tetenge
aga|nsl l|e /ungat|ans |nsleaJ o| tot|J|ng
so|ul|ons |ot l|e tea| to||ems. (D, 19-
1hi s group of komani an ci li zons i s
sub|oclod lo conslanl halo spooch, which
is basod on a numbor of sloroolypical
nolions. 1ho idoa lhal all koma sloal is
circulalod again and again. Ct|m|na||lj
among Gjs|es. !|e aul|ot |s quoleJ as
saj|ng. l|e koma |tea| a|| tecotJs |n l|e
||e|J o| ct|m|na||lj (A1, 30/11), l|e koma,
w|o slea| , to| anJ allac| koman| ans
measutes |ate lo |e la|en w| l|oul
|ntocal|on, on l|e atl o| l|e aul|ot|l|es, o|
telexls o| owet|essness (1Vk1, 18/9, a
slalomonl by a PUNk sonalor during a
Sonalo sossion), /eo|e |ate a t|g|l lo
|now l|e|t t|g|ls, |ul a|so l|e|t Jul|es. ll
seems l|al l|e koma el|n|c gtou sl||| |as
muc| lo |eatn |n l||s tesecl. (V.k, 3/2),
On l|e| t waj lo a weJJ| ng, wea| l|j
Gjs|es slo|e eten canJ|es (V.k, S/3).
Aparl from lhal, lho koma aro prosonlod as
having an ospocially violonl naluro.
!|ousanJs o| Gjs|es Att|teJ |tom Coslesl|
8e||j-DanceJ anJ /oug|l w|l| C|u|s anJ
/n|tes (D.1, 1/9). !||tslj Gjs|es /oug|l
/||e MaJ Dogs |n a Slteel |n /asauJ (A,
1/9). 1ho hygionic habils of lho Gypsios aro
also mockod al. Suc| etenls ate usua| |n
koman|an |os|la|s anJ l|e Joclots |ate
|ecome accuslomeJ w|l| l|e |e|at|ot o|
out |e||ow nal|ona|s. !|e Gjs|es s|ee |n
l|e cott|Jots o| l|e |os|la|s w|ete one o|
l|e|ts |s |os|la||zeJ. w|||e commonsen-
s|ca| eo|e com|j w|l| l|e |jg|ene tu|es
lo |e o|setteJ |n anj |os|la|, l|e Gjs|es
eneltale eten |n l|e oetal|ng ateas, |eJ
tal|et |j |nsl|ncl (k.L, 24/1).
And lasl, bul nol loasl, lho nolion of lho
lazy Gypsy is givon a now dimonsion.
!|e Gu|es |n 8uzau Jo nol wanl jo|s,
|ul soc|a| ass|slance monej (V.k, 16/2).
!|e Gjs| es || oc| l|e slteel w| l|
MetceJes cats |n otJet lo gel l|e|t soc|a|
ass|slance monej (A, 12/1). Whonovor
lhoro is an occasion, lho papors ridiculo
lho koma's cl ai m nol lo bo cal l od
Gypsios. kttom(an|ans exe||eJ |tom
l|e Czec| keu|||c (kL, 18/8). G|et( t
man t( t aco| eaza ttom| |lho aulhor
omploys only words which conlain lho
lollor 'r', which is doublod on purposo, nol
duo lo lho rul os of corrocl komani an
spolling, bul bocauso lho koma insisl lhal
lhoir namo is spollod as 'kroma'.] (kL,
26/8). Gjsj |mag|nal|on |nows no ||m|ls
w|l| tegatJ lo l|e names l|ej g|te lo l|e|t
c|| | Jten. A|let l|e m| gtal| on l| Je lo
Getmanj, l|ej useJ lo g|te l|e|t c|||Jten
names suc| as 8et||n, DotlmunJ, v|enna
anJ ol|ets, |ns|teJ |j l|e lowns l|ej |aJ
|ntaJeJ (L.Z, 10/1).
Dospi lo lhoso funny si dos of lho
lroalmonl of lhis minorily, il is imporlanl
lo poinl oul lhal !|e mem|ets o| l|e
koma el|n| c gtou ate lutneJ | nlo
scaegoals. (1olo7, S/3) of public opinion,
which loloralos ovon racisl qualificalions
liko /out | | ll| e n| ggets |koma] (V.k,
10/2), Dtun|s, Gjs|es, |tals anJ o|J
eo|e a|| otet 8uc|atesl (k.L, 13/4). (...
\ou w||| ||nJ oul l|al l|e Gjs|es wanl lo
allac| l|e slale |nsl|lul|ons. |aflor lho
broak, lho slory was prosonlod liko lhis]
/x|os|te s|lual|on |n l|e t|||age o| S|nlesl|.
!||s |oca||lj |s on l|e tetge o| l|e |tea||ng
o| a new con|||cl |elween l|e Gjs|es anJ
l|e |oca| aul|ot|l|es. As l|ej |aJ tom|seJ,
l|e Gjs|es ate Jeletm|neJ lo assau|l l|e
majots o|||ce anJ lo c|ange l|e majot.
AccuseJ |ot slea||ng e|eclt|c|lj |j em|t|ca|
mel|oJs, l|e Gjs| es Jec| JeJ lo slo
wa|l|ng |ot etet |ot l|e o|||c|a|s atota|
anJ lo ul l||ngs t|g|l l|emse|tes. !|ej
wanl lo Jemole |j |otce l|e cuttenl majot,
w|o J|J nol conlt||ule |n anj waj lo l|e
c|at|||cal|on o| l|e s|lual|on. (A1, 9/4).
1horo aro again occasional voicos againsl
lhoso who aro lrying lo build nogalivo
sloroolypos. /DSk Senalot kaJu !|mo|le
J|J nol |now w|al |e was la|||ng a|oul
w|en |e sa|J l|al l|e 5,000 l||etes |tom
Getmanj wete Gjsj. ll |s a |lj l|al |e
sea|s w|l|oul |at|ng anj conctele
et|Jence. ll |s to|a||j eas|et |ot ||m lo use
a sleteolje l|an lo l||n| w|l| ||s own
m|nJ. !||s |s nol l|e ||tsl l|me l|al l|e koma
ate o|nleJ oul as gu||lj |ot etetjl||ng l|al
goes wtong |n l||s counltj. (k.L, 27/11).
komanians in gonoral aro lo blamo, bocauso
w|en soc|elj |s cottul, w|j s|ou|J l|ej
|e|ate ol|etw|se? !||s |s wtong, o| coutse,
|ul l||s waj o| juJg|ng comes |tom a |ong
||ne o| |aslj ot J|stootl|onale juJgmenls
te|al|ng lo l|e koma jusl |ecause l|ej
ate(... koma. ll |s a |acl l|al l||s so|e qua||lj
|s nol enoug| |ot conleml, accotJ|ng lo an
o|J saj|ng jou eal |||e a Gjsj, |e|ate |||e a
Gjsj, Jtess |||e a Gjsj l|ete|ote - as
gu||lj as a Gjsj, |snl l|al so? (D., 19-
2S/4). Slill, lho biggosl sharo of lho blamo
bolongs lo lho aulhorilios bocauso l|e
Gjsj cause sw|ngs |tom l|e |clutesque lo
ct|m|na||lj anJ |elween uncetla|nlj anJ
|um|||al|on |n l|e Jaj-lo-Jaj |||e. (... l
|e||ete l|al l|e |mage o| l|e |clutesque
ct|m|na| |s man|u|aleJ. |e |s uns|aten,
Jat|, Je|j|ng,, |e weats ||g go|Jen t|ngs,
owns a MetceJes |ul |s ||||letale. AnJ w|||e
l|e et|| |s J|tets|||eJ, l|e new ct|m|na|s, anJ
l|ose w|o to||l |tom l|em, |ate w||le
slatc|eJ co||ats, w||le com|ex|ons, e|eganl
mannets, |ul, |ecause l|e |mage o| l|e
gjsj |as |een excess|te|j tesenleJ |n l|e
meJ|a, l|ej ass as cottecl, |a|t, Jo nol
slanJ oul |tom l|e tesl. /uman t|g|ls ate
a|wajs J|scusseJ, |ul Gjsj t|g|ls ate
tegatJeJ mote ot |ess as l|e t|g|ls o| ltees.
l|ej ate enl|l|eJ lo gtow, |ul |l |s l|e|t
|us|ness |ow l|ej manage lo Jo so. (D,
19-2S/4) and a|l|oug| l|e aul|ot|l|es slale
l|e |u|| equa||lj |n t|g|ls, l|e nol|on o|
Gjsj tema|ns a soc|a| to||em. !|e
Gjs|es ate l|e ||tsl susecls |ot anj ct|me,
a|l|oug| o|lenl|mes l|ej |ate nol||ng lo Jo
w|l| |l. (... Soc|elj tegatJs l|em w|l|
sus|c|on anJ Joes nol a||ow l|em lo
|nlegtale, ||am|ng l|em al wanl. !o sutt|te
anJ tesette l|e|t |||eslj|e |tom ouls|Je
|nlet|etence. /ten || l|ej ate sl||| go|ng lo |e
||ameJ |ot etetjl||ng l|al goes wtong.
(C.k, S/12). 1ho logilimalo conclusion is lhal
As l|ej ate nol |nown we|| enoug|, ot ate
|nown mosl|j |j l|e |e|at|ot l|al |aces
l|em |n a negal|te ||g|l, Gjs|es seem
una||e lo o|ej lo l|e |aw. l| on|j eo|e
|new |ow setete Gjsj jusl|ce (slalot |s,
|ow slt|cl |ls |aws anJ |ow l|ej ate acceleJ
w|l|oul |atga|n|ng, l|e |mage o| l|e untu|j
Gjsj wou|J c|ange. (C.k, 20/4)
1be lnternationaI Community
Many komanian |ournalisls lamonl ovor
lho silualion of lhoir counlry, bocauso
/etet |as koman|a |aJ suc| an aw|watJ
slalus o| co|onj w|l|oul l|e t|g|l lo extess
| ls o| n| on, netet |as l|e koman| an
J||omacj asseJ l|toug| suc| a |um||e
et|oJ, netet |ate out |nle|||gence sett|ces
|een so owet|ess anJ ata|jzeJ |j |ote|gn
agenls, netet |as l|e koman|an |een so
sco||eJ al |j a|| l|ese |ote|gnets w|o to| us
anJ |ol lo leat out counltj lo |eces (C.k,
16/9). Some sa|J we wete a t|m|l|te
co|onj |n l|e m|Jsl o| /utoe, ||||letale
satages, w|l| no |a|l| anJ no GoJ. /osls o|
l|ose w|o ate ltj|ng lo gel l|e allenl|on o|
l|e ctowJ (... !|e| t maslets waj o|
l||n||ng |s s|m|e anJ tetj |osl||e lo us.
S|ou|J l|ej |e |e|l lo |aj l|e g|JJjgoal |n
out own counltj, | n l|e name o| a
Jemoctacj |eaJ|ng us lo lola| su|m|ss|on?
(V.k, 19/10). Al lho samo li mo !|e
koman| ans |ate |aJ enoug| o| | j| ng
o||l|c|ans, eal|ng |um||e |e |n |tonl o|
|ote|gn |nseclots (C.k, 23/9). 1hal is why
Cotne||u vaJ|m !uJot m|g|l |e a so|ul|on
lo sate l|e koman|an /eo|e |tom l|e
|um|||al|on |l |as |een go|ng l|toug| s|nce
l|e Decem|et 1989 cou J elal. (... ln
|out ot ||te jeats l|me, vaJ cou|J sate l|e
koman|an eo|e |tom cottul|on, otetlj
|um|||al|on, l|e /ungat|an l|teal, l|e
lew| s| tu| lute gooJ |ot nol|| ngs,
unem| ojmenl, anJ l|e unwe| come
/utoean |nseclots. (L. Z., 4/10).
On lho basi s of al l lhi s lho modi a fool
|uslifiod lo bo hurl duo lo lho facl lhal we
|now l|al eac| t|o|enl oul|utsl o| l|e
koman|ans was |aseJ on anl|-soc|a| acl|ons
eteltaleJ |j l|e Gjs|es anJ nol on
el|n| c |alteJ. /| g| J| gn| lat| es |tom
c|t|||zeJ /utoe wanJet a|| otet koman|a.
8elween lwo g|asses o| ||ne c|amagne,
l|ej Jta|l un|atota||e teotls, suc| as
l|ose |n w||c| lens|ons l|al at|se |n |aces
w|ete koman|ans anJ Gjs|es ||te logel|et
ate qua||||eJ as tac|a| |alteJ. ll |s a |lj l|al
out J| sl| ngu| s|eJ guesls Jo nol ltj lo
unJetslanJ o|j ecl| te| j w|al l|e tea|
to||ems ate. Al l|e same l|me, we musl
nol |otgel l|e to|e o| l|e slale aul|ot|l|es |n
sell||ng con|||cls, t|mat||j |j toml|j
en|otc|ng l|e nal|ona| |eg|s|al|on. 8ecause
koman|as |mage comes |tom |ns|Je, a|let
a||. (k.L, 24/1).
Somo woll-known Woslorn polilicians and
inlornalional organizalions aro accusod
oponl y.(... 3. /U/k extesses | ls
cont|cl|on l|al Mt. A||teJ Mosess anl|-
Jemoctal|c atoac| Joes nol go a|ong
w|l| l|e US Gotetnmenl |ote|gn o||cj ot
w|l| l|e |ee||ngs o| l|e Amet|can nal|on.,
!|e suggesl|ons anJ commenls on l|e
Mats|a|| lon Anlonescu monumenl lo |e
ta|seJ |n C|uj tetesenl an |nconce|ta||e
|nlet|etence |n l|e ca|la||zal|on o| out
nal| ona| || slotj anJ J| stegatJ |ot l|e
exc|us|te t|g|l o| l|e koman|an eo|e lo
|onot |ls |etoes. (..., we cannol |a||
nol|c|ng l|e slt|||ng tesem||ance |elween
Mt. A||teJ Mosess tecenl |nJ|cal|on anJ
l|e |e|at| ot o| Sot| el o| | l| ca|
comm|ssat|es |n koman|a, w|o useJ lo
J|clale a|| l|e acl|ons o| l|e koman|an slale
unJet l|e commun|sl teg|me. (A, 26/2).
!|e ||slot|ans can a|so o||et Jocumenls lo
etsuaJe l|e US l|al |l |s aga|nsl ||slot|ca|
ltul| lo |nct|m|nale koman|a |n l|e /az|-
/asc| sl /o| ocausl Museum, aga| nsl
||slot|ca| ltul| |s a|so lo Jec|ate mats|a|
Anlonescu a wat ct|m|na|. (kL, 19/8).
/A!O anJ l|e U/ lutn |nlo Ma||a gangs
(L.Z, 12/9). 1ho synlhosis of lhis hoslilily
could bo found in lho following paragraph
whoro lho languago of lho slrool and lho
insull aro lho basic moans of oxprossion.
8ul w|al Joes l|e Getman Jo? /e os a
|eat can, anJ |e|c|es |a||j, |ecause |n
||s counltj, |es|Jes l|e c|l|es JetaslaleJ |j
| J| ol| c joung eo| e conce| teJ | n l|e
u|||c lo||els o| l|e |anel, |es|Jes |utnl
|ouses anJ assass|naleJ !ut|s, nol||ng
w||c| |tea|s Jemoctacjs tu|es |aens.,
AnJ w|al Joes l|e /tenc| saj, w|| | e
oen|ng a |oll|e o| 8eaujo|a|s (... |gnot|ng,
|n ||s lutn, l|e allac|s anJ t|o|enl slt||es |n
||s own counltj? vo||a, mon c|et, w|al
counltj |s l||s koman|a o| l|e koma, as
Jonl l|ej ul kOM on l|e|t ||cense |ales?,
suc| J|a|o||ca| c|ataclets, suc| ct|m|na|s,
suc| satages, a| | |e| ong lo S| |et| a,
mess|euts anJ maJames! (Vk, Augusl)
komanian modia show slrong anli-Somilic
sonlimonls which aro nol soon in any olhor
alkan counlry. /tej. koman|a! /unlet.
l|e wot|J lew|s| Gotetnmenl! weaon.
w|| le /ouse 8|ac|ma| |! (k.M, 1S/9).
lstae|, \ou w||| /et|s| 8j \out Own /anJ,
w|al |s essenl|a| |ete |s l|e ||JJen Jtama
o| luJa|sm w||c| cannol |e so|teJ, |n out
o| n| on, |j means o| l|e o|so| ele
scaegoal su|let|uge (k.L, 11/11). lews
A|use koman|an /|slotj Aga|n (k.M,
8/12). lews Musl /ol lnlet|ete w|l| Ol|et
Counlt|es /o||c|es (k.M, 29/12). Somo of
lho arli cl os supporl lho lhosi s of lho
inlornalional }owish conspiracy and of
olhor oponly racisl nolions. !|e Gjsj
c|| e| Dan vo| cu| escu, |o| | oweJ | | |e a
settanl |j l|e lew /|ot|n 8talescu (k.M,
S/4), !|ose w|o |ate sel lo |aj |anJs - |j
means o| aJm|n|sltal|te os|l|ons - on
l|ese tesoutces ate Gjs| es anJ lews.
Gjs|es anJ lews (|nc|uJ|ng l|ose tecenl|j
att|teJ |n koman|a slanJ oul amongsl l|e
ol|et el|n|c gtous l|al ou|ale out
counltj anJ l|al |ate |ecome |nlegtaleJ
a|ongs|Je koman|ans |n l|e koman|an
soc|elj. |ll sooms] l|ej |ate sc|emeJ lo
su|Jue l|e koman|ans |j ma||ng use o|
tat|ous |ans anJ means, |ul w|l| l|e
same goa| . lo ens| ate koman| ans
econom|ca||j sea||ng, lo ann||||ale l|e|t
|teeJom | n l|e| t own counltj (k.M,
19/4).!|e lew|s| Ma||a |s Jesetale lo
|ee lon l||escus leam |n owet al anj
cosls (... |ecause no one |ul l||s leam can
guatanlee l|e teltocess|on o| |unJteJs o|
l|ousanJs o| a||egeJ toetl|es c|a|meJ |j
lews (k.M, 19/4).
1ho summary of all lho halrod which is
rosorvod for all }ows may oxplain lho
virulonl allacks againsl Goorgo Soros |a
Hungarian-born Amorican billionairo and
philanlhropisl of }owish origin] and his
Opon Soci oly loundali on. Sotos
/ounJal|on - /ott|||e S|n| o| Otg|es anJ
Ct| m| na| | lj (k.M, Novombor). !|e
|amous Sotos /ounJal| on |as,
unJou|leJ| j, a | ace o| c|o| ce | n l|e
man| u| al| on o| l|e koman| an u|| | c
o|n|on anJ |n casl|ng |ones |elween out
atl|es (... /A!lO/A/ Dlv/kSlO/, l|e
ute|j J|tets|ons goa| o| l|e|t sc|emes
(C.k, 9/10). Sotos /ounJal|on - Sl|n||ng
Gullet o| Sex Otg|es anJ Ct|m|na||lj (k.M,
17/11). l| Sotos |s w||||ng lo ul ||s monej
|nlo l||s |opinion poll], l|als ||s own
|us| ness. ll | s nol so c| eat w|j
gotetnmenla| | nsl| lul| ons anJ slale
|nle|||gence sett|ces a||ow suc| allemls al
man|u|al|ng l|e u|||c o|n|on |j means
o| J|sgu|seJ ||nanc|ng |tom a|toaJ., \ou
w||| see, joute |n |ol walet as |at as we ate
concetneJ (V.k, 3/2)
ReIigious Minorities
1ho lradi li onal domi nanl rol o of lho
Orlhodox Church is propoundod by lho
modia. 1hal is why lho lallor aro suspicious
of all olhor roligions, ospocially lhoso
coming from lho oasl. On l|e ol|et |anJ,
l||s Ot|enla| wate |s - consc|ous|j ot nol -
an aggtess| on aga| nsl l|e C|t| sl| an
c|t|||zal|on. (... !|e (aclua||j |a|se m|ss|on
o| l|e Ot|enl lo unJetm|ne C|t|sl|an|lj
la|||es w|l| out own wea|ness, w|l| out
etet sltonget lenJencj lo tomole a
sjnctel|c motemenl suc| as /ew Age, lo
ate l|e waj |ot a co|a||lanl |elween
sc|ence anJ te||g|on, elc. (... One cou|J
saj, l|ete|ote, l|al - |es|Jes l|e m|nets
com|ng lo 8uc|atesl, eatl|qua|es, l|e
Jangets tetesenleJ |j Skl |lho komanian
lnlolligonco Sorvico] anJ /kM |lho Groalor
komania Parly], anol|et majot Janget |s
l|e tesence o| l|ese |a|e Ot| enla|
m| ss| onat| es anJ o| l|e | | letalute
accomanj|ng l|em. (k.L, 2/11)
SexuaI Minorities
ln spilo of ils inlornalional commilmonls,
komania is slill a counlry whoro adull
consonsual samo-sox rolalions aro
criminalizod. 1ho largo ma|orily of lho
populalion, as woll as lho roprosonlalivos of
lho slalo aro nol in favor of docriminalizing
homosoxualily. As a rulo lho modia lry lo
prosonl lho homosoxuals and lhoir habils in
lho worsl possiblo lighl. 1Vk2 had ils
Crodo roligious program doal onco wilh
1ablo of modia inilials: Vocea Romanei (V.k.), Dimineata (D1), AdevaruI (A.),
Romania Libera (kL), LvenimentuI ZiIei (LZ), Cronica Romana (Ck), Romania Mare
(kM), 1otusi lubirea (1l), DiIema (D.), 22, 1VR1, 1VR2, 1eIe 7, A1.
homosoxualily. olh lho producor of lho
program and his guosls agrood wilhoul
hosilalion lhal God mado man and woman
in ordor lhal lhoy sharo marriago and havo
childron. 1horoforo, any porson who
misusos his/hor body, |usl for ploasuro, is a
sinnor. Homosoxualily was also callod a
crimo, and lhoro was much lamonlalion
oxplaining lhal orolic ploasuro, pornography
and homosoxualily aro all duo lo lho facl
lhal lho modorn man had lurnod his faco
from God. 1ho lhroo parlicipanls mockod al
komania's inlornalional commilmonls and
said lhal lhoy profor lho pooplo lo romain
hoallhy and oulsido Luropo, lhan lo
inlogralo by paying lho prico of logalizing
homosoxualily. (1Vk2, 10/10). 1ho alliludo
of lho prinl modia is nol loss inloloranl.
Damn |omosexua|s, |ls l|e|t |au|l we
Jonl |ate a /ena| CoJe! Des|le l|e w||| o|
Ga|t|e| AnJteescu, l|al ||ne wt|let, /tes|Jenl
o| Sexua| M|not|l|es |n koman|a awatJeJ
w|l| l|e /t|ze |ot M|not|l|es |j l|e
/ungat|an /t|me M|n|slet, Gju|a /otn. Suc|
an |onot |ot out counltj, |ot |ls matte|ous
|mage |n l|e wot|J! (V.k, 20/12)
1ho nogalivo alliludo of lho Sorb modia is
oflon provokod by lho conflicls bolwoon
Sorbs and Al bani ans i n Kosovo.
D|sagteemenls anJ oen con|||cls ate etet
mote |tequenl among /osoto S|| lat
secess|on|sls |ecause watten C|t|slo|et,
l|e Amet|can Sectelatj o| Slale a||egeJ|j
tom|seJ l|ta||m kugota (... l|al |n case
o| an atmeJ te|e|||on (... Amet|ca wou|J
suotl l|e lettot|sls. S||lat exltem|sls
|nlettel C|t|slo|ets tom|se as a s|gna|
|ot l|e J|sm|ssa| o| kugota |tom l|e o|||ce
as |e te|uses lo la|e u atms (P.L, 3/8), |l
|s cut|ous l|al l|e eace-ma||ng S||lat
||ne |s tetesenleJ |j none ol|et l|an
AJem Demaq|. ll |s common |now|eJge
l|al |e senl 30 jeats | n t| son (3
senlences |ot ltj|ng lo t|o|enl|j otetl|tow
l|e sjslem, aJtocal|ng l|e |otmal|on o|
|||ega| atmeJ gtous, lettot|sm anJ ol|et
unl| | l|e u| l| male enJ o| l|e /osoto
keu|||c. A|let ||s te|ease (... |e |s l|e gtaj
em|nence o| a gtou o| |otmet o||l|ca|
cont|cls, a|| s|at|ng ||s exltem|sl t|ews.
/owetet, ||s allac|menl lo l|teals |ot
||ooJs|eJ s|ows l|al, no mallet |ow
o|len |l u||s on l|e ||Je o| a |ox, a wo|| |s
a|wajs a wo||. (V.N, 27/9).
1ho Kosovo loadors aro callod (... /eaJets
o| l|e seatal| sl motemenl o| /osoto
|who] |ncteas|ng|j c|a|m l|al l|e|t o||l|ca|
Jes|gns |ate a|mosl come lo |tu|l|on anJ
l|al |l |s on|j a quesl|on o| l|me w|en l|e|t
Jteam w||| lutn |nlo tea||lj. /to-seatal|sl
Ja|||es o|len u|||s| l|e slalemenls o|
|otmet commun| sl | eaJets w|o ate
o|t|ous|j u|||ng l|e slt|ngs somew|ete |n
l|e |ac|gtounJ (... wa|l|ng lo see w|el|et
l|ej wou|J gel a /osoto keu|||c ot tega|n
l|e /osoto Aulonomj |tom 1974 (... Azem
v|as| |as |een !|los \oul| Assoc|al|on
|eaJet anJ l|en |eaJet o| l|e Commun|sls
o| /t|sl|na anJ /osmel. /e |s cuttenl|j
wot|| ng as an allotnej, Je|enJ| ng
seatal| sls, lettot| sls, Jtug anJ atms
Jea|ets (D, 24/3). 1hon lhoy aro warnod
(... l|al out message lo l|em |s l|al l|e
/osoto keu|||c anJ Gtealet A||an|a can
come ltue on|j || someone Jesltojs len-
m||||on Set||a |n l|e |eatl o| l|e 8a||ans
anJ |n l|e |eatl o| /utoe. (D, S/11).
1ho Albanian populalion is oflon roforrod
lo by insulling words. S/l/!AkS G/!
A/Gk\, S||lat atl|es l||n| l|al l|ej
ate |os|ng ||g c|l|es anJ gell|ng on|j l|nj
t|||ages (P, 14/S). kAClS! AS/lkA!lO/S
O/ A/!l-S/k8 ClkC//S , Cou|J anjone |n
l|e wot|J |e||ete l|e nonsense l|al l|e
Set|s loo| monaslet|es awaj |tom l|e
S||lats (, 30/8).
1ho kopublic of Albania is also prosonl in
lho covorago of lho Sorb modia. /tanl|c
cama|gn o| S||lat meJ|a aga|nsl l|e
accommoJal|on o| Set| te|ugees. Set|
|atms, |ouses anJ a|oul 200,000 |eclates
o| usuteJ |anJ tetesenleJ as S||lat
a|l|oug| l|e |acls saj l|e conltatj (,
2S/8). w|enetet A||an|an J||omacjs
w|ee|s slatl lo scteec| anJ w|en l|e
w| nn| ng o| suotl anJ tea| | zal| on o|
A||an|an |ote|gn o||l|ca| JemanJs |s nol
success|u| enoug|, l|e tess | n !| tana
| nc| uJes on | ls agenJa l|e su|j ecl o|
/osmel. A|let a |ong|s| |u|| (... l|e |oca|
meJ|a (... accotJeJ majot u|||c|lj lo l|e
message o| l|e se||-ao|nleJ tes|Jenl o|
l|e non-ex|slenl keu|||c o| /osoto anJ
|eaJet o| l|e a|letnal|te l|ta||m kugota
senl lo l|e U/ Sectelatj Geneta| (... on l|e
occas|on o| l|e |||l|el| ann|tetsatj o| l|e
|nletnal|ona| otgan|zal|on. (, 4-S/11).
/|tsl l|e A||an|an aul|ot|l|es, l|en l|e
gotetnmenl o| ne|g||ot|ng /ungatj, anJ
||na||j l|e nol-lo-|e tu|et o| Gteal Mus||m
8osn|a A||ja lzel|egot|c, tolesleJ |ecause
te|ugees |tom l|e keu|||c o| Set| /taj|na,
t|cl|m|zeJ |j l|e Ctoal|an aggtess|on, wete
accommoJaleJ | n Set|| a (... A||an| a,
naluta||j o|jecls lo te|ugees |n /osoto anJ
Melo||ja (... l|e /ungat|an gotetnmenl -
lo l|ose |ot w|om s|e| let | s |ounJ | n
vojtoJ|na, anJ lzel|egot|c - lo l|e att|ta|
o| some o| l|em |n l|e kas|a keg|on, l|al |s
Sanj a|(... ln ol|et wotJs, |tom l|e
A||an|an o|nl o| t|ew, a tetetse tocess,
w||c| |as |een al wot| |ot JecaJes a|teaJj,
s|ou|J |e |n otJet |n /osoto anJ Melo||ja.
lo |nctease (... l|e num|et o| A||an|ans |j
l|e|t mass|te sell|emenl |tom A||an|a,
Jemogta|| c ex| os| on anJ tessute
aga|nsl Set|s anJ Monlenegt|ns, anJ lo
cteale l|ete|j an el|n|ca||j ute sace,
l|al | s conJ| l| ons to| l| ous |ot l|e
emetgence o| Gtealet A||an|a. S|m||at
teasons, (... gotetn l|e /ungat| an
aul|ot|l|es anJ l|e ls|am|c |unJamenla||sl
lzel|egot|c. (D, 26/8)
Olhor parlios, oulsido oilhor of lho lwo
sidos involvod in lho Kosovo problom, aro
prosonl as woll. /t|sl|na - !|toug| l|e
/tange||sl|c c|utc| /ng||s| s|es mon|lot
l|e s|lual|on |n /osoto anJ Melo||ja, l|e
mosl ets|slenl among l|em |s Sle|en
8e||. A||egeJ|j l|e 8al|sl m|ss|onatj o| l|e
/utoean C|t|slan M|ss|on anJ a sluJenl o|
S||lato|ogj |n /t|sl|na (w|o was |||eJ as an
/ng||s| agenl as eat|j as 1985, 8e|| |as
|nc|uJeJ a|oul a |unJteJ S||lats |n ||s
es|onage nelwot| (P.L, 22/1). 1his comos
lo show lhal A| l|oug| etetj|oJj
unJetslanJs l|al /osmel |s an |nlegta| anJ
| nseata|| e atl o| Set|| a, an | nletna|
quesl|on o| l|e keu|||c anJ l|e /k\, a
tot|nce w|ose Jegtee o| aulonomj w|l||n
Set||a can |e J|scusseJ w|l|oul |nc|uJ|ng,
|owetet, anj |nJeenJence, aulonomj,
anJ esec| a| | j secess| on, S|| lat
secess|on|sl |e-|oggets w||| nol slo sl|tt|ng
l|e mates nesl. !|ej Jo |l |n a mannet
w|| c| ma|es | l c| eat eten lo o| | l| ca|
| ngenues l|al l|e| t on| j utose | s lo
tema|n |n saJJ|e as |ong as oss|||e anJ
l|us, aga|n on|j |ot l|emse|tes, snalc| as
muc| as oss|||e ||nanc|a||j (V.N, 22/1).
1ho modia in Sorbia prosonl Croals as
brulal and rulhloss pooplo, who lry lo
doslroy ovorylhing porlaining lo Sorbs.
8UkG//kS |po|oralivo for pooplo living in
Zagrob] !/lkS!l/G 8/OOD (V.N, 3/8).
!|e exacl num|et o| caluteJ Set|s |s nol
|nown, |ul |l |s esl|maleJ l|al |n Ctoal|an
t|sons |angu|s|, || l|ej |ate nol |een
||qu|JaleJ, mote l|an seten anJ a |a||
l|ousanJ Set|s. Set|s w|o slajeJ |e||nJ
ate |unleJ lout|sl|ca||j |n /taj|na |otesls
accotJ|ng lo see-|||| t|nc||e (V.N,
18/9). /at| j meJ| eta| Set| lom|s -
gtom||e - |ounJ on seteta| s|les |n Ctoal|a
anJ 8osn|a-/etzegot|na, /ow a|| l||s
et|Jence |s |e|l al l|e metcj o| l|e Ctoal|an
atmj Jesltoj|ng l|e tesl|ges o| age-o|J
ex|slence |n l|al atea. (V.N, 2S/8). ln
comparisons bolwoon lho lwo counlrios
lho modia slalo lhal Set||a |s a Jemoctal|c
anJ c|t|||zeJ counltj, nol a |asc|sl one |||e
Ctoal|a, w|ete no one excel l|e Ctoals
|as anj t|g|ls (D, 14/8) and whoro 8j a||
aeatances, l|e Ctoals |n l|e /k\ Jo nol
m|ss a |a|t |tom l|e |eaJ, anJ l|ej |aJ no
neeJ lo ||ee, excel l|e |ew w|o |e|l o|
l|e|t own w|||, ||nJ|ng l|e|t econom|c
|nletesl |n l|e exc|ange o| l|e|t |ome |ot
a|anJoneJ Set| |ouses. O|lenl|mes |j
|tauJ anJ otetn|g|l, eten out |oca| |awjets,
|o|Jets o| Jua| nal|ona||l|es (... a|so |ateJ
qu|le we|| (... !|ete ate cases w|en c|l|zens
o| Ctoal ot| g| n as|eJ |ot l|e slalus o|
wot|ets on |eate, wenl lo ||te lemotat||j
| n Ctoal| a w|ete l|e| t c|| | Jten sluJj,
|e| eJ |j sc|o| ats|| s acqu| teJ | n
\ugos|at|a, anJ eten |u|||||eJ l|e|t alt|ol|c
Julj |n l|e Ctoal|an atmeJ |otces (D,
26/1). !|e Je-nal|ona||zal|on |n Ctoal|a
|eats a|| l|e s|gns o| a t|c|ous c|tc|e, |n
w||c| l|e gt|m asl |s l|e ||tsl at||let o| l|e
tesenl! !|e tu| | ng atlj (... | moses
so|ul|ons w||c| ate s|ame|ess, lo saj l|e
|easl. /ot, l|e c||e| utose o| l|e Ctoal|an
Je-nal|ona||zal|on s|ows a Jee |mt|nl o|
|unJet on tac|a| gtounJs (V.N, 23/1).
(... !|al |s w|j l|ese e|ecl|ons oug|l lo |e
|nletteleJ as l|e ||tsl slage o| l|e ltans|l|on
et|oJ, l|e |asl slage o| l|e Ctoal neo-
|asc|sm (V.N, 1/11).
On lop of al l lhal i l sooms lhal lho
i nlornali onal communi ly i s wi l l i ng lo
supporl lho Croalian inlorosls, which,
according lo lho Sorbian modia, aro nol
hoallhy and |usl. (... /owetet, || l|e
m|sJeeJs o| l|e tesenl Ctoal|an atmj ate
nol l|watleJ anJ tetenleJ |j someone
(... slal|sl|c|ans anJ ol|et ct|me ca|cu|alots
w| | | eas| | j tote w| l| l|e ca| m o| l|e
l|ousanJ-jeat-o|J Cal|o||c anJ /utoean
cu| lute l|al l|e Set|s netet eten (...
ex|sleJ l|ete. /ames o| lowns |ate |een
c|angeJ a|teaJj so l|al eten a Salan (a tea|
Jet||, |nc|Jenla||j, nom|naleJ |ot a sa|nl |j
l|e val|can A|ojz|je Sle|nac, now |as a
lown |eat|ng ||s name a|l|oug| |l |s a
ute|j Set| |ace - Dtot on l|e Jale |as
a|teaJj |een sel, Sle|nac-gtaJ w||| |e 99/
Ctoal. (, 9-10/9). !|e Dt|na |s l|e Ctoal
Jteam, anJ l|e v|enna-ls|am|c goa|. !||s |s
l|e ||slot|ca| |esson. !|e cuttenl tea||lj |s as
|o||ows. |unJamenla||sls anJ Cal|o||cs,
Mus||ms anJ Ctoals, ate jo|nleJ |n one
|eJetal|on |n was||nglon. /etetl|e|ess, |l
tema|ns lo |e guesseJ || A||jas sltugg|e |s,
| n |acl, l|e oen| ng o| l|e | asl !ut|| s|
leslamenl etet ot l|e gtealesl joj? A|ong
w|l| l||s a||, one s|ou|J nol J|stegatJ l|e
|acl l|al l|e /eaJets assuml|on |s la||ng
|ace wesl o| - l|e w||le ange|. (P.L, 22-
23/1). !|e /onJon con|etence on l|e wajs
o| cteal| on o| a c| | male o| con|| Jence
among l|e tecenl |e|||getenls |s a|teaJj
unJet waj anJ l|e Ctoals sl| | | canl
com|ele l|e Jesltucl|on o| Mt|onj|c GtaJ
(... /ote|gn m|n|slets ate Jeletm|n|ng w|al
lo tea|t ||tsl anJ a|| l||s w|||e l|e Ctoals
ate s|ote||ng ales |a lypo of land minos]
|nlo l|e lett|lot|es l|ej ate suoseJ lo
telutn lo us. (P, 10/12)
1ho Muslims aro prosonlod as j||aJ|ans
|po|oralivo for Muslim] - |otceJ lo ||ee
|eaJ otet |ee|s (P.L, 20/8) who |utn
Set| t|||ages anJ ||te al eo|e w|o |ate
tema| neJ |e|| nJ, anJ Ctoals sel u
concenltal|on cenlets (P.L, 9/8). ln ||ne
w|l| l|e |m|emenlal|on o| l||s monsltous
|an, Mus||m lettot|sls |n /t||oj anJ /ota
vatos wete |nsltucleJ |j l|e|t suet|ots |n
l|e |otmet 8-/ lo |||| a len-jeat-o|J |oj o|
Mus| | m ot| g| n. !|e |ojs |al|et |as
numetous te|al|tes anJ |s a |oja| c|l|zen o|
Set||a (... !||s |aJ lo |e Jone al l|e |e|g|l
o| /A!O a|t |otce oetal|ons. !|e same
sltalegj ent|sages lo sel a mosque on ||te
(... A|ong w|l| l||s, Mus||m lettot|sls |n
Sanja| |ate teateJ jel anol|et gotj
scenat|o (... |ann|ng l|e mutJet o| seteta|
U/ o|settets anJ l|en tetesenl l|e ct|mes
as Set| tetenge. (P.L, 21/9).
1ho olhor i ssuo rol alod lo lhom i s lho
/atce w| l| l|e so ca| | eJ 8osnj a|
nal|ona||lj, an |motl |ot Satajeto, jusl a
c|o|ce o| some |nJ|t|Jua|s, w|o ate teaJj
lo lutn eten | nlo 8us|men | n otJet lo
ac||ete l|e|t etsona| |nletesls (V.N,
16/3). 1ho samo papor draws lho following
concl usi on: S| nce l|ej Jo nol |ee|
com|otla||e |n l|e Mus||m s||n, anJ |n
t|ew o| l|e|t tet|ous ||tes as Set|s, !ut|s,
Ctoals anJ ||na||j \ugos|ats, some kas|a
Mus||ms wou|J |||e lo c|ange once aga|n
l|e|t ac|ag|ng |a|e| (... now l|ej wou|J
|||e lo |ecome 8osnja|s (V.N, 14/3).
1ho inlornalional communily is accusod
again of plolling againsl lho Sorbs. /osls
o| a|| sotls o| taotleuts etam|u|ale
Sanja| l|ese Jajs. w|l| l|e |e| o| l|e |oca|
toleclot o| |uman t| g|ls Se||o
A| ometot| c |lho Chai r of Hol si nki
Commilloo for Human kighls in San|ak]
l|ej steaJ ||alanl ||es a|oul Set|s anJ l|e
slalus o| l|e Mus||ms |n Sanja| (P.L, 24/2).
Slovonia gols ils sharo of halo spooch duo
lo lho facl lhal (!|ete |s no enJ lo l|e
c|eet|ng |n l|e S|oten|an meJ|a a|let l|e
Ctoal|an o||ens|te |n l|e |otmet 8-/ anJ
l|e calute o| Gta|oto anJ G| amoc.
Ce|e|tal|ng oen|j l|e successes o| l|e
Ctoal|an atmj, l|e aggtessots |n l|e |otmet
8-/. (V.N, 1/8).
Aparl from lhal, lho Slovonos aro soon as
ungraloful pooplo, who wanl lo gain as
much as possiblo from whal is lofl from lho
possossions of ox-ugoslavia. Unl|| a |ew
Jajs ago etetjl|| ng was J| ||etenl | n
/ju||jana. S|nce l|e l|me w|en l|e seams
o| ||slotj ta||J unl|| 1991 |utsl u, S|oten|a
|as w|o|e|eatleJ|j jo|neJ |n l|e |aw||s|
c|otus o| l|e wesl (... /owet|u| wesletn
|aw|s J|J l|e a|otemenl|oneJ |ecause o|
l|e|t t|s|ons o| l|e new wot|J J|slt||ul|on
o| slales, anJ S|oten|a - |n otJet lo s|ow |l
was mote wesletn l|an l|e wesl |lse||,
|otmet su|-A||ne \ugos|ats |aceJ l|e|t
|els on l|e J| | omal| c anJ o| | l| ca|
slt| clness (..., (... | l | s common
|now|eJge l|al monej |s an |motlanl
ang|e o| l|e S|oten|an wot|J-t|ew. (D,
2/12) On l|e |as|s o| l|e conl|nu|lj o| l|al
||tsl \ugos|at|a, ctealeJ on Decem|et 1sl,
1918, l|e seconJ one - l|al o| 1945 - was
a|so ctealeJ. /||e l|e ||tsl one, |l was aga|n
jo|neJ |j l|e S|otenes anJ l|e Ctoals,
utsu| ng l|e| t own | nletesls on| j anJ
w|s||ng lo |eate |l as qu|c||j as oss|||e
anJ telutn lo l|e|t |otmet maslets. AnJ
w|en ol|ets maJe a |ouse |ot l|em, l|ej
exetleJ l|emse|tes lo Jemo||s| |l |tom l|e
|ounJal|ons l||n||ng l|ej wou|J gel a
newet anJ |ellet |ouse, w|eteas ||slotj
|as s|own l|al, as a tu|e, l|ej a|wajs enJeJ
u w|l| a wotse one. (D, 1/12)
1horo i s an oponl y mocki ng alli ludo:
OU!CAS!, etetjone |as l|e|t oulcasls,
on|j l|e S|otenes anJ l|e Ctoals Jonl.
!|ete l|e casl-o||s |eat tecjc||ng. Ot |s |l l|e
||tmness o| c|ataclet w||c| ol|ets |ac|?
/atJeneJ |n l|e lnsl|lule o| Sl. /|eto||mus?
AnJ jel, an oulcasl |as nol||ng lo Jo w|l|
casl-o||s |ecause some o| l|em wou|J |e
|mmeJ|ale|j tecjc|eJ |n /at|s. (, 30/9-
1/10). Howovor, lhi s alli ludo i s nol
rosorvod for Slovonos only. ll applios lo
all pooplo which usod lo compriso lho no
longor oxislonl lodoralion. A sec|||c
|l|netanl c|tcus o| l|e tetesenlal|tes o| l|e
secess|on|sl teu|||cs o| S|oten|a, Ctoal|a
8-/ anJ MaceJon|a, a|let /ju||jana att|teJ
|n Zagte|. ll announces a t|s|l lo S|oje
(tesuma||j Satajeto, loo, |alet on?, a||
w|l| l|e |nlenl|on lo a||egeJ|j tolecl l|e
toetlj o| l|e |otmet \ugos|at|a (...,
(UnexecleJ|j, Jeze|a |Slovono: counlry]
was atl|cu|at|j |ns|slenl, |l was l|e ||tsl lo
slatl unJetm|n|ng \ugos|at|a, anJ now
||leta||j Joes |ls ulmosl lo gta| l|e |atgesl
s|ate o| l|e Jowtj. !|e S|oten|an |eaJet
M||an /ucan useJ lo a |atge exlenl eten ||s
||tsl o|||c|a| t|s|l lo |tol|et|j MaceJon|a
(... lo ||nJ oul |ow l|e S|oten|ans anJ
MaceJon|ans cou|J snalc| l|e |atgesl s||ce
o| l|e ca|e |n l|e success|on (..., ln o|nl
o| |acl, one can execl a gteal Jea| mote
|tom l|e |l|netanl c|tcus o| tetesenlal|tes
|ot success| on |tom l|e secess| on| sl
teu|||cs. Det|ous, as w|en l|ej wete
Jesltoj|ng \ugos|at|a, now l|ej ate a|ta|J
aga|n o| J|tlj |aj among l|emse|tes
(V.N, 31/1). /ow l|e etslw|| | e
secess|on|sls o||et a |anJ lo l|e tecenl|j
|ale|u| |n 8e|gtaJe. !|ej Jo |l, ltue, tal|et
l|m|J|j, |ecause |n l|e|t ent|tonmenls, Jue
lo o||l|ca| teconc|||al|on anJ o||et o| l|e
|anJ lo l|e|t tecenl enemj, l|ej ate su|jecl
lo manj allac|s. ln S| oten| a, Ctoal| a,
8osn| a-/etzegot| na (| l | s l|em we ate
la|||ng a|oul l|e oos|l|on |s sl||| aga|nsl
anj cooetal|on w|l| 8e|gtaJe. !|e|t |a|t
sl||| slanJs on enJ al l|e s|g|l o| saj|aca
|Sorbian poasanl cap], anJ l|ej gel goose-
|ums al l|e menl|on o| Set|s (D, 16/1)
Oflonlimos lho Vo|vodina Hungarians aro
accusod of pl olli ng agai nsl offi ci al
olgrado. ll |s etet mote et|Jenl l|al l|e
vojtoJ|na /ungat|an |eaJets ate te|n|otc|ng
l|e|t unJe||neJ |otJets |n l|e notl|etn
atl o| l|e \ugos|at lett|lotj, esla|||s||ng
|nlens|te ||n|s w|l| l|e|t co-nal|ona|s |tom
ne|g||ot|ng counlt|es, || nol w|l||n o|||c|a|
|ounJat|es, l|en |n etetj ol|et tesecl.
(D, 21/12). /aJ l|ete |een s|ogans wt|llen
atounJ l|e|t la||e, we m|g|l |ate teaJ.
!|e quesl|on o| vojtoJ|na - l|e quesl|on o|
monej ot vojtoJ|na w|eal |ot vojtoJ|na
m|||s. w|l| a ||ll|e mote |ngenuousness,
now we wou|J a|so temem|et l|e wa||
gazelle, maj|e w|l|oul l|e s|c||e anJ l|e
|ammet, |ul w|l| a c|eat message. we
wanl lo esla|| | s| c| t| | aulonomous
vojtoJ|na w||c| l|tealens no one, |e|s
etetjone, exc| uJes no|oJj, accels
etetj|oJj. (D, }anuary).
Hislorical dala aro prosonlod in a way
whi ch bui l ds up halrod lowards lho
OCCU/l/kSS 8/OOD\ !kAl/, CklM/S
O/ /Ok!lS |lho Hungari an kogonl]
/\/CU!lO//kS, SAl/AS/A S!k//!
S/AUG/!/k, /OGkOM l/ /OvlSAD,
/at|ng |ate|j enleteJ \ugos|at|a, /otl|s
|otJes em|at|eJ uon mass |||||ngs anJ
|otc|||e Jeotlal|on |n otJet lo c|eanse
l|e so ca||eJ Soul|etn !ett|lot|es |tom l|e
Set|s, lews, komanj anJ ol|et unsu|la||e
|n|a||lanls anJ cteale an el|n|ca||j ute
occu|eJ lett|lotj (D, 21/11). Slill, ovon
lho prosonl day silualion is doscribod as
worrying, bocauso !|e o|Jesl /ungat|an
seconJatj sc|oo| |n l||s atl o| l|e wot|J
was lo |enJ suotl anJ gtounJ |ot l|e
|Jea a|oul l|e esla|||s|menl o| ute|j
/ungat|an sc|oo|s w||c| s|ou|J |e |ellet
l|an l|e ||||ngua| ones on|j |ecause no
|anguage |ul /ungat|an wou|J |e |eatJ |n
l|em (..., (... Slteel names, ||slot|c
Jales, execul| ons | n l| mes o| wat,
m|gtal|ons o| eo|e, ||||ngua|s. Ol|et
el|n|c commun|l|es |n l|ese |anJs ate
unJes|ta||e, teJunJanl. (D, 11/9)
Monlonogrins in gonoral aro nol prosonlod
in a nogalivo lighl. Howovor, lhoro aro
corlain groups, which provoko lho wralh of
lho Sorbian modia. !|e c|am|ons o|
aulonomous Monlenegto, l|e we||-|nown
|unJteJ et cenl Monlenegt|ns ta|||eJ
tounJ l|e /||eta| A|||ance o| Monlenegto,
now o|t|ous|j, Jonl eten |now w|al l|ej
|e| | ete | n (... |fol l ows a l i sl of lho
'lroasonous' acls commillod by mombors
or fol l owors of lho Li boral Al l i anco of
Monlonogro. 1ho arli cl o onds wi lh a
slalomonl lhal all lhoir aclivilios aro a]
seatal|sl w||J s|ol. (D, 27/12)
1be lnternationaI Community
A vory pronouncod foaluro of al l
mainslroam (ospocially of lho pro-rogimo)
modia is lhoir obsossion wilh lho dangor
coming from lho inlornalional communily,
which is plolling againsl lho Sorbs and
ovorylhing which lho Sorbs doom valuablo.
!|us, |n l|e wa|e o| /taj|nas amulal|on
|tom l|e Set| slale-ma||ng |oJj, l|e USA
o||ets a tesct|l|on |ot l|e 8a||an |a|ance
anJ a Jea| on 8osn| a (... /asnl l|e
togtammeJ Jesltucl| on o| /taj | na
esla|||s|eJ a |otceJ sjmmeltj on l|e Set|
anJ Ctoal |a|ance ans, w||c| |as lo |e
||ne|j luneJ |n 8osn|a, w|l|oul caus|ng
Jamage lo l|e Mus||ms, (... someone
|tom l|e ||owetj atl o| l|e wot|J |as -
J|tecl|j ot |nJ|tecl|j - useJ a |ulc|ets |n||e
lo ma|e a sutg|ca| cul |n l|e 8a||ans. !|e
motemenl o| mote l|an 200,000 /taj|na
Set|s anJ |ulc|et|ng o| l|e|t tools |n l|e|t
anceslta| so|| ate w|al atouses l|e gtealesl
|ottot so |at. /utoe |as nol w|lnesseJ
suc| |atge-sca|e el|n|c exu|s|on etet s|nce
wot| J wat ll. /ten gtealet |ottot | s
toto|eJ |j l|e l|oug|l l|al |ls en|otceJ
m|gtal|on m|g|l we|| |ate |een coo||j
ljeJ on l|e o||l|ca| comulet o| some
|aton |n l|e wesl w|l| l|e |Jea lo consltucl
||s eace (D, 23/8). (... !|e |otJets
ltaceJ |j !|lo|sl aul|ot|l|es ate o|len al
oJJs w|l| ltaJ|l|on ot e|emenlatj tu|es o|
el|n|c |a|ance. !|e to||em |s l|al so-
ca| | eJ /utoe | us l|e USA |etet| s|| j
|asleneJ lo tecogn|ze l|em (... !||s |as
|ecome a mallet o| |aws |ecause |l |s us
w|o, |tom l|e |e|g|ls o| w||le /ouses,
esla|||s| |nletnal|ona| |aw, eten l|oug| we
|ate Jee conleml |ot l|e | oca|
|n|a||lanls (N., 14/9) 1his makos u|le
a num|et o| c|l|zens o| a|| counlt|es o| l|e
new wot|J otJet |e||ete l|al l|e Set|s ate
an ug|j, mean |teeJ. |at|at|ans, occu|ets,
ct|m|na|s, ta|sls, (... |l |s on|j |alet l|al
one tea||zes l|al a|| l|e ||||eJ com|alanls
ate || | eJ unJet s| a| n, anJ unJet
s|aug|leteJ a|| l|e s|a|n c|t|||ans. AnJ l|ej
wete s|aug|leteJ |nJeeJ. 8ecause, |n l|ose
lett|lot|es l|e s|aug|let o| |umans was, anJ
|s, l|e ltaJe mat| o| l|e uslas|| |po|oralivo
for Croals]. 8ol| o|J anJ new, joung. (D,
On lho basis of lhoso accusalions, lho
Sorbian modia hold lhal lho alliludo of lho
Wosl is oxlromoly unfair. w|en |l was a||
otet, etetj|oJj c| oseJ l|e| t moul|,
swa||ow|ng w|al was |e|l a|let |l a||. mote
l|an 250,000 Set| te|ugees (... !|ej a|so
s|eJ ctocoJ| | e leats (... manj, eten,
|||ss|u||j |e|c|eJ, saleJ anJ conlenleJ
a|let a |atge ||le o| Set| meanl. As, |ot
|nslance, m|sltess A||t|g|l (... eten l|e
nolot| ous j usl| ce-| otet !aJeusz
Mazow|ec|| cou|J |atJ|j come u w|l|
suc| a |joct|l|ca| moul||u| as l|al (D,
16/8). /lk/D GU/ - l|e /A!O acl ||teJ
|j l|e U/ (teaJ. Amet|ca (... Ol|etw|se,
some use anol|et name |ot l||s lje o|
|| | | et - l|e wot| J o| | ceman. ll | s a
m|sconcel|on l|al ||teJ guns ate usua||j
Amet|cans. !|e|t |anJs ate c|ean. l|ej gel
l|e U/, | oca| consc| enl| ous c| l| zens,
un|tetsa||sl|c |nle|||genls|a, |unJamenla-
||sls, anJ w|en l||s |s nol enoug|, l|ej la|e
| anes, anJ toc|els. /ol|| ng | s Jone
manua||j, l|ej on|j us| l|e |ullon.,
/A!O, |ot l|ose w|o J|J nol |nown w|al
l|e actonjm slanJs |ot, now, a|let a|| l|al
|aeneJ, | l os| l| te| j means l|e
|o| | ow| ng. /az| , Amet| can, !ettot| sl,
Otgan|zal|on, (//w wOk/D OkD/k,
|tom A|exanJet l|e Gteal lo l|e /oes,
|tom /|l|et lo Sla||n, wete |aJ enoug| o|
new otJets. !|ete|ote, |l |s nol a new |ul
l|e o|J one, wtaeJ |n new ac|ag|ng (...
!|e otJet o| l|e /outl| ke|c| ac|ageJ |n
w||s|ej, Co|a, /enl anJ Sac|et-lotle.
!|ose w|o |||e |l ate we|come lo |l, anJ
l|ose w|o Jonl - |uzz o||! !o a cam w|l|
||m slta|g|l-awaj, |tom w||c|, |nsleaJ o|
ctemalot|um smo|e, t|ses l|e smo|e o|
owet|u| |om|s ||||eJ w|l| a|| sotls o|
taJ|onuc||Jes. !|e J|||etence |elween l|e
cams o| l|e !||tJ anJ l|e /outl| ke|c| |s
on|j |n l|e seeJ o| Jj|ng. !|e wot|J can
|e | | |eneJ lo a l| teJ o| J man w|o can
|ate|j wa|l lo lutn lwo l|ousanJ lo go lo
||s gtate (... !|e wot|J, |el us nol |otgel,
|egan w|l|oul man, l|e new otJet o||ets |l
a c|ance lo enJ w|l|oul man! (, 23-
24/9). A|| concetn |ot l|e Jemoctal|c
t|g|l lo ltul| |as |een atot|aleJ |j
C// anJ keulets w|ose ce|esl|a| conlacls
wete cate|u||j tesetteJ |j /A!O a|t |otces.
!|ese lwo cenlets o| l|e wot|J owet |ate
mat|eJ|j oleJ |ot l|e anl|-Set| s|Je anJ
ate acl|ng J|tecl|j as l|e ag|lto o| l|e
a|||eJ |otces (U/, /A!O, USA, teotl|ng
on|j w|al J|tecl|j settes l|e |nletesls o| l|e
atmeJ aJtetsat|es o| Geneta| m|||taces
atmj (, 16-17/9). ll tema|ns lo |e seen,
|owetet, w|el|et anJ |ow w||| l|e wesl
Je|eal |ls own |asc|sm emetg|ng |n 8-/ (,
Moroovor, lho inlornalional communily is
blamod for holping lho Croals oxlorminalo
lho Sorbs. w|en (... l|e Amet| can
Am|assaJot /elet Ga||ta|l| aeateJ on
an uslas|| lan| (... A|let l|e a|otl| te
cooetal|on w|l| Mus||ms anJ allemls lo
o|la|n an atmj |ot |ls o||l|ca| conquesls
|tom A||ja lzel|egot|c, |j waj o| |ls As|an
sale|||le, !ut|ej, l|e USA lutneJ lo l|e
Ctoals. !|e go-|elween |n l|e cteal|on o|
an Amet|can-Ctoal|an m|||latj a|||ance was
Getmanj w||c| tot|JeJ 3,000 m|||latj
exetls |ot l|e Slotm oetal|on (... ln l||s
mannet l|e USA |as jo|neJ l|e wat aga|nsl
l|e Set|s (... |ul a|so aga|nsl l|e ||ue
|e|mels anJ l|e tesl o| /utoe., (... /ot
|||lj jeats Amet|ca |as |een |u||J|ng among
l|e Jomesl|c u|||c an |mage o| a suet-
owet anJ l|e wot|Js ||tsl cow|oj. !||s
enl| l| es | l, al |ome al | easl, lo acl
s|mu|laneous|j as a juJge anJ execul|onet
anJ lo esla|||s| eace |n l|e wot|J (D,
13/8). Ctoal|as wesletn a|||es nol on|j
gate |l l|e |n| ||g|l |ot l|e aggtess|on
aga|nsl l|e keu|||c Set| /taj|na, |ul a|so
atl|c|aleJ J|tecl|j |n l|e atmeJ con|||cls
(... /A!Os owet|u| m|||latj lec|no|ogj
tot|JeJ l|e |og|sl|c suotl, l|e so|J|ets
unJet l|e c|ess-|oatJ ||ag wete lta|neJ
anJ |eJ |j Amet|can m|||latj |nsltuclots,
anJ |l |s a|so oss|||e l|al /n|n was s|e||eJ
|j |nletnal|ona| ta|J teacl|on |otces (P.L,
8/8). !|e genoc| Je o||ens| te o| l|e
Ctoal|an atmj aga|nsl l|e eo|e o| l|e
keu|||c Set| /taj|na conl|nues as |otce|u||j
as etet, unJet l|e aus|ces o| |nletnal|ona|
altons anJ w|l| a|| l|e ata||a||e slale-o|-
l|e-atl m|||latj lec|no|ogj utc|aseJ w|l|
l|e |e| o| |ls owet|u| wesletn toleclots,
l|e Un|leJ Slales o| Amet|ca anJ Getmanj
|n l|e ||tsl |ace (P.L, 6/8). !// /\/////D,
we || nJ |au| l w| l| l|e ol|ets aga| n.
/sec|a||j l|ose w|o so |ngen|ous|j gate
l|al name lo l|e|t own slta|g|l-awaj. As |ot
us, l|e wotJ tesuma||j tem|nJs us o| l|e
wotJ cjn|c anJ we |||e l|e wotJ te|ugee
|ellet. 8ul, a|l|oug| we maj josl|e a|oul
l|al, no|oJj |as o||eteJ lo Jon l|e|t ||Je
as jel. On|j l|e eace-ma|ets (... tece|teJ
l|em w|o|e|eatleJ|j nol counl|ng out
|oca| Ctoals w|o s|m|j loo| l|em |n l|e|t
atms, so l|al l|ej wete |e|l w|l|oul |teal|
|n l|e|t slee|j |ug. !|etes nol||ng queet
a|oul l|al |ote. a|| l|toug| l|e wat we
|ate |een |eat|ng l|em Jenounc|ng l|e
|asc|sl o||cj, |ul |n l||s counltj! !||s l|me,
l|e exe||eJ ||sleneJ lo l|e eace-ma|ets
(... l|ej |atJ|j ||teJ a |u||el (...! !|al |s
w|j l|ese |nJ|t|Jua|s tece|teJ l|em w|l|
oen atms (... 8ul l|ej sl||| Jonl |now
|ow lo ||te u lo l|e|t |n|l|a| tom|se.
/tetjl||ng w||| |e teso|teJ eace|u||j!
On|j - w|o w||| |ose anJ w|o w||| ga|n?!
(, 2-3/9). 8ol| k|c|atJ Go|Jslone anJ ||s
assoc|ales s||eJ anJ sa|J l|al l|e|t (...
| nJ| clmenl (... was |ounJeJ on l|e
cooetal|on w|l| Ctoal|an aul|ot|l|es. 8j
|ac|ng l|e|t ltusl |n l|e|t toleges - l|e
otJet, |l goes w|l|oul saj|ng, came |tom
l|e c||e| Cenlet o| l|e wot|J /owet - l|e
/ague juJges anJ toseculots etase |a|t-
ta| s| ng | n|otmal| on tece| teJ |tom l|e
Un|leJ /al|ons exetls, |ounJets o| l|e
lnletnal|ona| !t||una| |ot wat Ct|mes.
(V.N, 11/11)
1ho USA and Gormany aro soon as lho
main culprils in lhis anli-Sorb campaign.
(... !|e utose o| l||s Congtess |s lo
cont|nce l|e wot|J l|al l|e Set|s (... ate
l|e eteltalots o| l|e genoc|Je otet l|e
8osn|an Mus||ms. !o aJJ cont|cl|on lo l|e
juJgmenl, l|e atl|c|anls |n l|e Congtess
ate nolot|ous Set|o|o|es Gulman, Gtass,
8oj|e, G|uc|sman anJ ol|ets (... one can
a| so || nJ l|ete l|e we| | -|nown /az|
|unlets (... w|esenl|a| anJ /Je|mann (...
l|e Set| tesons|||||lj w||| |e eten mote
cont|nc|ng w|en |l |s con||tmeJ |j (...
Set|s, l|e tes| Jenl o| l|e 8osn| an
/at||amenl M|to /azot|c, anJ l|e tes|Jenl
o| l|e Set| C|t|| A|||ance o| 8osn|a M|t|o
/ejanot|c (V.N, 4/9). /ono|u|u, 31 Augusl
1995. !|e USA ce|e|tales l|e t|clotj |n
wot|J wat ll. !|e USA come||eJ (... lo
enlet (... l|e wat. ll enJeJ | l |j
unnecessat||j Jesltoj|ng c|t|||ans anJ lwo
laanese lowns w|l| alom|c |om|s. !|e
enotmous amounl o| Jo||ats |ntesleJ |n l|e
toJucl|on o| l|ese |om|s, cou|J nol |e
jusl|||eJ |n anj ol|et waj. (, 2/9). lusl as
8|smat| un|||eJ Getmanj, l|e US w||| cul
\ugos|at|a. , !|e cuttenl s|lual|on was
maJe oss|||e |j l|e kuss|an tole |n l|e
Secut|lj Counc|| (P, 2/9). A|let a 30-jeat
|ong sluJj o| Amet|can Jemoctacj Dt.
DjunJjet|c o|nls oul l|al |l |s |u|| o| Jecaj,
|njusl|ce, ct|me, t|o|ence anJ tul||ess
Jecel|on o| tolets, |ta|nwas|eJ |j l|e
meJ|a. Conctele exam|es o| etseculeJ,
attesleJ anJ ||||eJ c|t|||ans oos|ng l|e
|tee mason|c mac||netj. (V.N, 11/9). !|e
once Amet|can /tes|Jenl w||son gol ||s
atenue |n /at|s |ot J|smem|et|ng Auslt|a-
/ungatj, | s C| | nlon ltj| ng lo eatn a
|ou|etatJ |n Satajeto (V.N, 7/9). Getman
A|J lo l|e Mus||m-Ctoal|an /eJetal|on -
O//\ /Ok SA!///l!/S (V.N, 1S/S) 1ho
acli ons of lho Groal Powors aro al so
condomnod by Geneta| M| aJ| c |who
wrilos aboul lho pasl bombing of kS and]
o|nls oul. ln letms o| |ls Jutal|on, |l |s
mote |tula| l|an /| l| ets |om|| ng o|
8e|gtaJe on At|| 6, 1941 s|nce |e sloeJ
l|e |om||ng on At|| 7 anJ 8 lo a||ow |ot
l|e |ut|a| o| l|e casua|l|es |n a C|t|sl|an
t|lua|. \ou J|J nol Jo |l. u|le l|e tetetse.
jou ||teJ al out c|utc| anJ cemeletj w|||e
we wete |utj|ng l|ose ||||eJ anJ jou J|J
nol a||ow us lo |t|ng l|em oul anJ |utj
l|em. (V.N, 6/9).
And again, lho Croals and lho Muslims aro
said lo porform alrocious acls wilhoul any
punishmonl. (... !uJjman anJ lzel|egot|c
|ate |een aJm| n| sleteJ |otmona|
|njecl|ons lo sltengl|en l|e|t |oJj, s|t|l
anJ atmeJ |otce. !uJjmans |n suc| a waj
l|al |e cou|J |ecome l|e Cal|o||c tamatl
o| /utoe, anJ lzel|egot|cs - |n tewatJ |ot
|unJamenla||sls a|slenl|on |tom |om|s
|anleJ atounJ Amet|can ltaJe cenlets (...
\ugos|at|a |as |een |elleteJ anJ enc|tc|eJ
w|l| |nt|s|||e |at|eJ w|te, suggesl|te o|
sa|tal| on anJ |oe | n || ne w| l| l|e
tecogn|za||e s|ogan on Ausc|w|lz gales.
AnJ we |now w|al l|ej ate Jo| ng lo
/taj| nas. A Jaj o| eace, a m| nule o|
|||lz|t|eg, munc|-munc|, ||l |j ||l, |eaJ
|j |eaJ., (... !|e wat |otJs, l|e new|j-
|alc|eJ ctusaJets. ln l|e |oolj l|ej ate
snalc|| ng awaj l|ete w| | | |e manj a
o|sonous mus|toom - no|sj, |ol, |ala| - |ot
l|e wot|Js g|o|a| t|||age on|j |ecause l|e
t|cl|ms w||| nol |oe, |e||ete anJ m||J|j
||c| |nJe||n|le|j (D, 2/9). (... AnJ, o|
coutse, |ot a|| l|al was nol su|leJ lo l|e
neeJs o| l|e cu|luta| |||e |n Zagte| al l|e
l|me, l|e ||ame |s lo |e |otne |j l|e Set|s
(... !|e /totes aet Joes nol eten ||nl
l|al |n 1914 anJ 1915 8e|gtaJe was |a|J
|ate |j l|e guns o| l|ose atm|es w||c| l|e
Ctoals suotleJ a|mosl w| l|oul
tesettal|on. l|ej wete acl|te atl|c|anls
(anJ wat ct|m|na|s |n l|e Auslto-/ungat|an
/m|te, anJ l|ej wots||eJ as l|e c|osesl
a||j l|e !eulon|c one. !|e toaJ lo l|e song
Dan|e Deulc||anJ was a|teaJj |e|ng
ateJ. Sute, no|oJj wa|leJ |ot a ||onJ
n|ncomoo lo |eatn l|al song |ul l|al l|e
Ctoal|an o|||c|a| o||cj gtanls |l t|g|l lo |||e
anJ momenlum. ls | l |a| t lo allt| |ule
Set||tote ol|on on|j lo /tatas? (D, 21/11).
!|e wesl /utoean counlt|es w|ose a|m
was lo J|scotet l|e ct|me al Otcata anJ
l|us accuse l|e Set|s o| l|e genoc|Je otet
l|e Ctoals, suJJen|j wete no |onget |een
on ||nanc|ng l|e |ntesl|gal|on o| ct|mes
aga|nsl l|e Set|s |n l|e lett|lotj conlto||eJ
|j l|e Ctoal|an aul|ot|l|es. /owetet, l|e
|us||ng u o| l|e genoc|Je otet l|e Set|s
Joes nol, et|Jenl|j, |amet l|e /ague
!t||una| lo |||e l|e |nJ|clmenl aga|nsl l/A
o|||cets c|atg|ng l|em |ot ct|mes aga|nsl
Ctoals |n vu|otat eten w|l|oul l|e |js|ca|
et|Jence a|oul l|e Zenga mass gtate,
!|e on|j l||ng l|al mallets |s l|al a|| l|ese
o|||cets ate Set|s. (V.N, 12/11).
All lhoso aro soon as aspocls of lho war of
lho wholo world againsl lho Orlhodox
Chrislian Sorbian nalion. !|e sec|a| U/
teotlet |ot |uman t|g|ls ||tsl anJ |otemosl
|s l|e val|cans anJ Getmanjs man o|
con||Jence a.|.a. te|emenl anl|-Otl|oJox
(P.L, 20/11). w|eteas l|e Mus||m tan|s |n
8osn|a |nc|uJe ||ooJl||tslj A||a|s ||g|lets
|tom a|| |out cotnets o| l|e wot|J, |n Ctoal|a
l||s to|e |s |ajeJ |j manj Getmans w|o
lutneJ u as metcenat|es |n l|e 8a||ans.
!|ese Jogs o| wat |ounJ |n l|e wat wageJ
on l|e so|| o| |otmet \ugos|at|a l|e lta|n|ng-
gtounJs |ot |ase ass|ons. /||||ng as a ltaJe
|as alltacleJ manj aJtenlutets anJ |as
o||eteJ l|em an ootlun|lj lo sow Jeal|
w|l| |mun|lj, weat|ng un||otms w||c|
tolecl l|em |tom anj |aws anJ sctu|es.
!|e|t engagemenl was |e|eJ |j l|e |ut|ous
anl|-Set| toaganJa w||c| swel l|e
wot|J al l|e |eg|nn|ng o| l|e wat. /ow, al
|easl some o| l|e accounls ate t|e |ot
sell||ng (D, 20/11).
1ho picluro bocomos ovon moro sovoro
whon ono roads lhal al l lhi s i s dono,
bocauso of somo polly inlorosls of lho
poworful US which doos nol caro aboul
lho falo of lho wholo Sorbian pooplo. !|e
Amet|can /tes|Jenl t|s|leJ l|e l/Ok m|||latj
|ase |n !uz|a on|j lo |e a||e lo le|| l|e
tolets |n l|e e|ecl|on cama|gn. l was |n
8osn|a! !o Jemonsltale l|e m|||latj anJ
o||l|ca| sutemacj o| l|e USA, 8||| C||nlon
senl lo l|e |otmet \ugos| at| a l|e e| | le
o|||cets anJ un|ls o| l|e Amet|can atmeJ
|otces. On|j MaJonna anJ S|aton Slone
ate m|ss|ng lo ma|e a 8a||an v|elnam oul
o| 8osn|a. (l, 19/1-2/2). lnsleaJ o| |e|ng
w|l| l|e|t |am|||es atounJ C|t|slmas, l|e
Amet|can so|J|ets |oo| |n l|e 8osn|an muJ
|ot l|e | nletesls w|| c| l|e| t slale | osl
somew|ete l|ete. w|| | e /ettj was
etsuaJ|ng l|em l|al |j mounl|ng u l|e
onloon |t|Jge, l|ej |aJ accom||s|eJ a
|anlasl|c jo|, al |easl |a|| o| l|em l|oug|l.
w|al J|J l neeJ a|| l||s |ot, w|j J|Jnl l
|ecome a t|esl ot a oslman. 8ul l|al
ol|et |a|| counleJ l|e monej l|ej wou|J
la|e |ome, saw a meJa| sw|ng|ng on l|e
|e|l oc|el o| l|e un||otm anJ l|e news tee|
lo tecotJ on a casselle, |ot l|e
gtanJc|||Jten, lo see w|ete l|e|t gtanJa
|noc|eJ a|oul anJ eatneJ |um|ago anJ
tel| temenl ens| on, w|j s|ou| J we
|e| | ete /eJe| j na Da| mac| j a l|al l|e
kuss|ans so|J l|e Ctoals lwo M|gs. AnJ
l|al l|ej cosl 18.7 m||||on Jo||ats, anJ l|al
l|e w|o|e Jea| was conc|uJeJ |n Moscow
w|en l|e Ctoal|an Je|egal|on was l|ete lo
allenJ l|e ce|e|tal|on o| l|e t|clotj otet
|asc|sm. we Jo nol |e||ete eten l|al l|e
Ctoals ltate|eJ l|ete (|ot w|al notma|
etson wou|J ce|e|tale l|e t|clotj otet ||s
own |Jeo|ogj, |el a|one l|al l|e kuss|ans
scteweJ us so. (P, 7/1). (... l conc|uJe
l|al l|e |ulute o| Set| Satajeto JeenJs,
a|ote a| | , on l|e was|| nglon c|o| ce
|elween one gooJ |ot /utoe anJ one et||
|ot l|e |Jeo|ogj o| mu|l|cu|luta||sm, ca||eJ
l|e me|l|ng ol. A J||||cu|l J||emma.
/ataJz|cs ejes see |utl|et. A new qua||lj
|as netet |een |otn oul o| l|e sjm||os|s o|
C|t|sl|an|lj anJ ls|am. ln a|| |aces w|ete
ls| am |aJ l|e uet |anJ C|t| sl| an| lj
w||leJ, anJ l|e C|t|sl|ans wete teJuceJ lo
seconJ-tan| c|l|zens. l| |s o|t|ous l|al l|e
sltaleg|sls o| l|e new wot|J otJet wanl lo
|eate us al l|e metcj o| l|e Mus||ms, |ul l
|oe (... l|al /utoe w||| nol a||ow |l.
kes|slance lo l|e was||nglon-maJe 8a||an
o| | cj | s gtow| ng sltonget | n /utoe,
JemanJs lo ||nJ some moJus t|tenJ| |ot
Satajeto l|al wou|J sal|s|j l|e Set|s ate
gtow|ng sltonget (D, 16-19/1). !|e Set|s
wanleJ lo emu|ale l|e \an|s on|j once, lo
ma|e cams |ot l|e|t enem|es jusl as l|e
|allet |aJ maJe l|em |ot l|e laanese |n
l|e USA. So l|al l|ej wou|Jnl |e| l|e|t
|ome|anJ |n wat. AnJ l|ose cams ate
wt|llen |nlo l|e \an|s ||slotj as a w|se
tecaul|on. A|letwatJs l|e \an|s teenleJ
anJ l|al |s w|j l|ej ct|l|c|zeJ Set| cams
so |ats||j. (, 3-4/2)
1ho i nlornali onal organi zali ons and
inslilulions aro also soon as moro woapons
in lho hands of lho poworful in lho world.
!|e Un|leJ /al|ons, a eu|em|sm |ot
/A!O (... One s|ou|J nol aJtocale l|e
a|o||l|on o| l|e t|t||eges o| l|e ||g ones,
w||c| |s l|e|t t|g|l lo telo. w|en /A!O
anJ l|e U/ |ecome one, telo w| | |
J|saeat as we||. !|e |ta|ns o| l|e wot|J
motemenl w||| |e a||e lo |teal|e |tee|j,
anJ al |ong |asl l|e O|J !eslamenlatj ca|| o|
/ag|e|etget anJ o| ||s counltjmen |tom
/at|s anJ Getmanj w||| come lo te|gn - an
eje |ot an eje, a lool| |ot a lool| (see
Je||n|l|on C|t|sls |esson (, 11-12/11).
8tula| |otce, l|e one lo |e useJ |j eace-
ma||ng, nol lo saj eace-exuJ|ng, |otces
|n 8osn|a. On|j || l|ej ate allac|eJ, o|
coutse. lnc|Jenla||j, suc| a |otce was nol
aJt|seJ lo |e useJ |j l|e l|en |ega| l/A |n
l|e Je|ense o| l|e |nlegta| lett|lotj o| l|e
/otmet \ugos|at|a. /otce |s nol |umane
l|e |uman|sls anJ un|tetsa||sls sa|J w|||sl
|oj-so|J|ets wete ||||eJ |n |tonl o| l|e|t
|attac|s anJ |n l|e slteels. !|e use o| l|e
|tula| |otce |j l/Ok |s somel||ng e|se.
l/Ok | s l|e tetesenlal| te o| l|e
so||sl|caleJ, nol o| l|e 8a||an, |tula|
|otce. (, 30-31/12). l/Ok anJ U/ ||Je-
anJ-see|, San|s| |alla||on o| l/Ok
conl|nues lo suttounJ !ttJos Monasletj
anJ J|slut|s anJ lettot|zes te||g|ous eo|e
|n ol|et wajs, |n an e||otl lo cont|nce l|em
l|al l|e occu|et |s |ete aga|n. (V.N, 4/6).
ll |s |ecom|ng |ncteas|ng|j c|eat l|al l|e
|n|l|a| c|a|ms o| Allotnej !oma /||a l|al l|e
/ague !t||una| was |n |acl an Amet|can
!t||una| |unJeJ |j ls|am|c anJ Amet|can
monej, !|e /ague !t||una| |as maJe |l
c|eat lo l|e Set|s l|al |n l|e conlemotatj
wot| J l|ete can |e ct| me w| l|oul
un|s|menl, ot un|s|menl w|l|oul ct|me,
JeenJ|ng on w|al l|e owet|u| saj. (D,
Whon lho l ong-awai lod poaco lroaly
bocamo a roalily, il was nol wolcomod by
lho Sorbian modia. /etet anJ nol one o|
l|e Set|s |as joutnejeJ so |at lo s|gn suc|
an |nJ|sensa||e anJ aJtetl|seJ anJ suc| a
|uzzj anJ uncetla|n eace. w|en |ote|gn
atm|es ltam|eJ us unJet l|e|t |eel, an
un|otlunale Set| |anJ |aJ lo s| gn l|e
Je|eal. D|Jnl Geneta| /a|a|alot|c s|gn l|e
ca|lu|al|on o| l|e o|Jesl \ugos|at|a, anJ
Geneta| M||an /eJ|c |eateJ uon ||s |ac|
- anJ sou| - ||s ctoss, gotetn|ng Set||a
unJet l|e Getmans. 8ol| wete |otlunale
enoug| nol lo meel C||nlon ot /o||, l|ose
ctue| eace-|otets, l|ose atson|sls w|o,
w|en |l su|ls l|em, ate ltans||guteJ |nlo
||temen. w|al |s l||s Dajlon? An Amet|can
m|||latj |ase ot C||nlons aJtetl|s|ng !v
gtounJs |ot l|e nexl e|ecl|ons? (... w|||
C| | nlon, l|en, |otce l|e l|tee 8a| |an
c||e|la|ns lo s|gn eace eten || l|e|t watt|ots
gel al eac| ol|ets l|toals aga|n as l|e
s|gn|ng goes on? /etet, nol eten lo l|e
ctue| esl 8at|at| an goJ, |ate so manj
sact|||ces |een o||eteJ |n a |||l|j a|lat (1,
8/11). Dajlon - a con||tmal|on o| l|e
mega-owet o| l|e mag| o| l|e new wot|J
otJet. !|ej |gn|le a wat anJ l|en genetous|j
exl|ngu|s| |l. lls |atJ lo |e||ete - l|ej |ate
lutneJ l|e Dajlon a|t-|ase |nlo a /ajlon
/|ace. /a|ness lt|c||es Jown l|e gtanJ
commanJets |ace (... /ew |tee masontj
wot|s as mac||netj (... A|| we can execl
now |tom l|ese mega-w|zatJs |s lo slatl
tesuttecl|ng l|e JeaJ (, 2-3/12). 1ho
rosull of lhis silualion is lhal w|||e l|e
tesl o| l||s |anel |eats l|e Jom|nal|on o|
l|e wesletn c|t|||zal|on, |n 8osn|a l|e ejes
ate w|Je oen |ecause o| l|e exans|on o|
l|e w||J wesl. ln l||s sense l|e wesletn
meJ|a catloon|sls wete t|g|l, |ecause
Geotge lu|wan w||| |ecome |nJeeJ l|e
ma|n s|et||| |n l|e ||e|J, anJ w|l| l|e |e|
o| l|e C|| e| /toseculot o| l|e /ague
!t||una| |ot wat Ct|mes k|c|atJ Go|Jslone,
||s 60 osses come |nlo a utsu|l l|ej
|ntesl|gale |n l|e ||e|J, |unl mass gtates
anJ attesl l|e susecls. (D, 28/1).
1hus lho Sorb modia slross again and again
lhoi r convi cli on lhal lhoro i s an
ovorwholming plan nol only againsl lhom,
bul againsl somo olhor loss poworful slalos
as wol l . !|e enJ o| l|e || tsl, genu| ne,
Jemoctal|c anJ untoto|eJ e|ecl|ons, was
ce|e|taleJ al S|anJet|eg Squate |n l|e
|eatl o| !|tana, w|ete mettj o||cemen
|eal lo Jeal| l|e mem|ets o| l|e
oos|l|on atl|es. 8ul, l|ete |s a calc|
l|ete. !|e ol|et wot|J, l|e wesletn wot|J,
w||c| (o| coutse |aJ l|e same to||ems,
|ul (o| coutse so|teJ l|em a|oul a cenlutj
anJ a |a|| ago, teacleJ |mmeJ|ale|j. l|e
o|settets sa|J l|al l|e e|ecl|ons wete nol
|a|t (... anJ an o|settet |tom l|e OSC/, a
cetla|n /au| /|lsc|, gate a ||lsc| slalemenl.
ln aclua| |acl l|ete was a success|u|
alleml lo la||ot l|e e|ecl|ons tesu|ls.,
/ol etetjl||ng |s c|eat. l| |l |s a success|u|
alleml, anJ was assesseJ as suc|, l|en
l|e | eaJets|| o| A| |an| a s|ou| J |e
congtalu| aleJ. /tee e| ecl| ons, l|e /U
o|settets, oos|l|on anJ |eal|ngs - a|| l||s
allesls lo l|e |acl l|al set|ous eo|e ate |n
owet., /|ecl|ons ate a Jtamal|c etenl |n
etetj counltj. Dut| ng e| ecl| ons l|e
te|al|ons|| |elween l|e aul|ot|l|es anJ
l|e oos|l|on gtow mote acet||c (... /ten
Amet|ca |s nol an excel|on lo l|al tu|e.
!|e w||lewalet a||a|t |s once aga|n tetj
muc| |n l|e news. /|||atj |as o|t|ous|j
| ajeJ |asl anJ | oose (... s| nce l|e
keu|||can /atlj |as |een tessut|ng l|e
coutl, no gooJ can come oul o| |l. /ot l|e
C||nlons. !o so|len l|e oJ|um, l|e ||tsl
cou|e |as tesotleJ lo l|e jo|es l|al cattj
|atot w|l| l|ose Amet|cans w|o aj laxes,
eal |am|utgets anJ l||n| l|al Maut|l|us |s
l|e ca|la| o| /ew Zea|anJ. !|ej w||| aJol
a c|||J. One can |el l|al a c|||J w||| |e
||ac|, je||ow ot gteen (on|j nol w||le |ot |l
|s a majot lutn on |ot suc| sjmal|el|c
Amet|cans. O| coutse. we s|a|| u|||s| a
tolesl nole |tom l|e US /m|assj |ecause
o| l||s smeat, on l|e tetj same Jaj w|en
l|e Amet|can Ja|||es ao|og|ze |n l|e same
waj a|oul l|e waj l|ej tun l|e|t atl|c|es on
l|e 8a||ans |ulc|et. (P, 2/6). Slill, Sorbs
aro lho biggosl viclim of lho inlornalional
plol. (... we |ate |eatneJ, |ot |nslance,
w|al sltugg| e |ot |uman t| g|ls anJ
|uman|lat|an acl|ons means. Among ol|et
l||ngs, l||s |s l|e USs as|tal|on lo tu|e l|e
wot|J. ll |s a|so Getmanjs e||otl lo |e l|e
||ggesl owet |n ||ll|e /utoe. ll |s a|so l|e
!ut||s| as|tal|on lo telutn lo l|e 8a||ans,
A| |an| as - lo tu| e atls o| Set|| a,
MaceJon|a anJ Gteece, l|ej ate a|so l|ose
mono-el|n|c atl|es oul lo tolecl l|ose
l|ej ca|| l|e|t own w|l||n l|e |otJets |tom
|e|ote l|e !t|anon, |l |s a|so Auslt|a w||c|
s|a|| netet |otgel Satajeto. !|ete |s a|so l|e
Set| eo|e ||ameJ |ot etetjl||ng, anJ
eten |ot l|e wat | n C|ec|nja, Moc|s
|||ness, Gens|et, De M|c|e||s ct|m|na|
acl|t|l|es, genoc|Je (a|ote a||, |ot l|e
exu|s|on anJ |||g|l o| 250,000 Set|s l|e
c||e| cu|t|l ate l|e Set|s. A|| l|e ol|ets ate
c|ean as a ctocoJ||e leat otet w||c| l|ej
ga| neJ nol|| ng, l|ej saj (... (D,
Docombor). 1his alliludo is porcoivod ovon
in lho following funny, and yol, ralhor solf-
righloous claim: ll was toteJ once aga|n
|ow l|e untoto|eJ sancl|ons wete unjusl.
w|||e we wete exc|uJeJ |tom l|e /utoean
ma|nslteam Jete|omenls, l|e /U |aJ
esla|||s|eJ slanJatJs |ot toJucl|on o|
eutoconJoms. w|l|oul comatal|te Jala
|tom out counltj, l|e /utoean Comm|llee
|ot SlanJatJs | n 8tusse| s tu| eJ l|al
eutoconJom s|ou|J |e 27 cm |ong anJ
4.4cm w|Je. /ence l|e ||na| toJucl |s
tacl|ca||j non a||ca||e on out mat|el.
(P, 3/3)
ReIigious Minorities
kogarding Calholicism: (!|e Cal|o||cs
ate, l|ete|ote, otJ|natj Otl|oJox |etel|cs,
anJ l|e Cal|o||c te||g|on was |ntenleJ lo
a||egeJ|j cute l|e J|seases o| l|e eat||et
|failh]., A |ew Jajs ago Cal|o||c |e||etets
sloneJ a co|umn o| Otl|oJox te|ugees.
Cal|o||c |e||etets use guett|||a lacl|cs. l|ej
slt| |e w|en oss| || e, anJ tun w|en
necessatj. w|en |l gels tea||j l||c| - l|ejte
a|wajs on l|e s|Je o| l|e mote owet|u|.
!|al |s l|e|t genel|c coJe. A tat|elj o| l||s
coJe |s ca||eJ - /al|n cunn|ng., ln l|e 7l|
cenlutj A.D. jel anol|et new |a|l| was
|ntenleJ - ls|am (... lls ma|ets a|||tmeJ
l|al l|e new te||g|on was l|e t|g|l te||g|on.
/ot 13 cenlut| es teac|ets |ate |een
|nsct|||ng |n l|e genel|c coJe o| otl|oJox
|e||etets l|al l|ete |s no GoJ |ul A||a|
anJ l|al ls|am |as lo |e toagaleJ eten
on l|e l| o| l|e swotJ || neeJ |e (, 19-
20/8). Or a vicious allack againsl a Calholic
monaslic ordor: A |anneJ secl o| l|e
monasl|c OtJet o| lesu|ls |s tetj acl|te |n
Monlenegto anJ |ls cenlet |s on l|e |s|anJ
o| /aJj o| C|at|lj |n /tlo|e, neat !|tal. ll |s
| eJ |j l|e mon|s ca| | eJ lesu| ls. !|e| t
acl|t|l|es |ate |een oul|aweJ eten |n l|e
mosl Jemoctal|c counlt|es o| l|e wot|J,
|ul |ete l|ej |tee| j teac| l|e| t
Mac||ate||an coJe l|al l|e enJ jusl|||es l|e
means. !|ej ate unJet l|e J|tecl altonage
o| l|e koman /oe anJ l|e|t ma|n t|nc||e
|s l|al u|||c ||es ate nol tosct||eJ as |ong
as l|e mon| jusl|||es ||s acl|ons |e|ote GoJ
(... |n t|tale. ve|||ot Dzom|c, /to|essot o|
!|eo|ogj, lo|J us l|al l|ej wete nol on|j
wag|ng wat aga|nsl l|e Otl|oJox C|utc|,
on l|e s|t|lua| |ete|, |ul a|so aga|nsl l|e
slale |nsl|lul|ons, l|e atmj anJ l|e o||ce
(D, March). 1hon lho roador soos lhal !|e
exletm|nal|on o| l|e Set|s |n Ctoal|a |as
|een go|ng on |ot a w|o|e cenlutj, a|wajs
unJet l|e w|ng o| l|e Cal|o||c C|utc| anJ
|ls ctusaJet swotJ. /oe lo|n /au| ll (...,
a|let a|mosl a l|ousanJ jeats o| C|t|sl|an
J|t|s|ons, wanleJ lo |utj l|e |alc|el anJ
as|eJ l|e Otl|oJox lo |otg|te a|| l|e et||s
1ablo of modia inilials: PoIitika (P.), PoIitika Lkspres (P.L.), 8orba (.), Nasba 8orba
(N..), Vecernje Novosti (V.N.), Vreme (V.), 1eIegraf (1.), Duga (D.), Dnevnik (D.),
Magyar Szo (M.S.), PoIimIja (Pol.).
|n|||cleJ on l|em |j l|e Cal|o||cs (... AnJ
jel, |l |s as c|eat as a Jaj l|al l|e /oe
||mse|| |s a |joct|le |ecause eten as l|e
exoJus o| an enl|te eo|e goes on, l|e
/oe |ees s||enl, con||Jenl l|al ||slotj |s
w||set|ng |n ||s eat a|oul l|e motemenl
o| l|e Cal|o||c |tonl|ets easlwatJ! (V.N,
1ho modia also warn againsl lho lalosl
dovolopmonls in lho rolalions bolwoon
Calholicism and lslam which aro soon as
polonlially dangorous for lho Sorb causo.
!|e /oe (... |ale|j Jen|eJ l|e ex|slence o|
Mus| | m |unJamenla| | sm, ca| | | ng | l
| nlegta| | sm | nsleaJ (... AnJ | | l|| s
|unJamenla||sm - |nlegta||sm Joes ex|sl, |l
| s on| j l|e e||ecl o| l|e causes w|| c|
toto|e anJ |eeJ |l., !|e meel|ng |n
kome |s |ul l|e |alesl man||eslal|on o| l|e
gtow| ng tatoc|emenl |elween l|e
atl|sans o| wojl||ean |unJamenla||sm
s| ng| e-m| nJeJness anJ ls| am| c
|unJamenla| | sls, w|o |ate a| teaJj
esla|||s|eJ manj |otms o| cooetal|on
atounJ l|e wot| J, nola|| j | n 8osn| a-
/etzegot|na, w|ete l|e /tanc|scans ate
sltong, anJ w|ose t|nc|a| atlnet o| l|e
Mus||m aul|ot|l|es |s Satajeto atc|||s|o
v|n|o /u|j|c (... !|e atlnets|| |elween
l|e val|can anJ m|||lanl ls|am|sls |s meel|ng
ct|l|c|sm eten among l|e wot|J Cal|o||c
ou|al|on (, 2-3/9).
loreign Residents
Slovonian modia aro gonorally concornod
wilh lho dofinilion of lho now nalional
program. 1his program is usually
inlorprolod as applicablo lo puro Slovonos
only, whilo boing oxclusivo of lho foroignors
rosiding in lho slalo. 1ho lallor is parlicularly
lruo of lho roprosonlalivos of lho difforonl
nalionalilios which usod lo compriso ox-
ugoslavia, and ospocially of lho Sorbs. /ot
l|e Set|s, \ugos|at|a |as a|wajs |een an
en|atgeJ Set||a. (D, 10/12). kaJoj|ca
A|e|s|c, a Set| newcomet |usod in a
dorogalory sonso] w|l| S|otene c|l|zens||
||tes success|u||j |n ||s own |ega| otJet. On a
||teJ |ol (... al l|e eJge o| /tolotoz, |e |u||l
a |am||j |ouse |||ega||j (... w|l| qu|le a |g
|atm. On some|oJj e|ses |anJ al l|e eJge
o| l|e ||ggesl S|oten|an lout|sl cenlet |e
moc|s al l|e c|l|zens w|o |ate |u||l l|e|t
|ouses |ega||j anJ |matls l|e sl|n| o| |gs
on ||s ne|g||ots ||tes (... (S N, S/9). Whon
lhoro aro signs of probloms in Sorbian
inlornalional rolalions, lhoy aro mol wilh
opon salisfaclion by lho Slovono modia.
!|e |e|at|ot o| l|e Un|leJ Slales anJ l|e
|nletnal|ona| commun|lj o| l|e Jete|oeJ
counlt|es lowatJs l|e Set|s w|enetet l|ej
ate |as |ecome somew|al coo|. As || l|e
wesl suJJen|j |ounJ oul l|al l|ete was no
use lo negol|ale w|l| sw|ne metc|anls (...
(V, 6/9). w|aletet jou g|te l|em |lho
Sorbs], l|ej w||| nol |e sal|s||eJ. !||s |s a
|og|c w||c| |s go|ng lo slo on|j w|en |lho
Sorbian boasl] gels |l on |ls ||ngets (D, 9/9).
Lvon cullural ovonls aro nol sparod from
lhis nogalivo alliludo. !|e tecogn|l|on ot
l|e /eJeta| keu|||c o| \ugos|at|a on l|e
atl o| S|oten|a w||| |e |o||oweJ |j a s|ow |n
S|oten|a |j l|e mosl ou|at s|nget |tom
l|al slale. Dtagana M|t|ot|c - |nsleaJ o| a
C|eln|| |usod po|oralivoly for Sorbs]
un||otm s|e w||| weat a m|n| s||tl. At|ans
|lho allogod war criminal] w||e Ceca |also a
popular singor] |s nol com|ng lo S|oten|a jel
(... Set||an ot| anJ sausage l|me al /uz|ne
|a dislricl in lho cily if L|ubi|ana, Slovonia]
w||| |e osloneJ l||| l|e Otl|oJox /ew
\eat (... Al |et concetls |n Set||a anJ a||
otet /utoe a|| l|e seals ate so|J. !|tee
l|ousanJs |o||owets o| l|e Set||an o anJ
|o|| mus|c ate execleJ (... Dtagana w||| nol
weat a C|eln|| un||otm, |ul a m|n| s||tl, anJ
s|e w||| enletla|n l|e a|mosl |otgollen \ugo-
o|||cets anJ ol|et Set|s w|o |ate tema|neJ
|n S|oten|a a|let |ls |nJeenJence, as we|| as
a Mus||m ot lwo (... On|j Dtagana, |ot now
|implying lhal war originals will also como
1ablo of modia inilials: DeIo (D.), Dnevnik (Dn.), SIovenec (S.), Vecer (V.), SIovenske
Novice (S.N.).
lalor]. Some S|otenes w|||, o| coutse, tolesl
aga|nsl l|e Otl|oJox |esl|t|lj (... A S|otene
|us|nessman o| Set||an ot|g|n |s cont|nceJ
l|al |e cou|J a|so |||| 8e|gtaJe |a||s || |e
succeeJs |n la||ng l|ete M|so /otac |a
Slovono singor of Slovono origin] (... anJ
l|e Agtoo o gtou. 8ul un|otlunale|j
A||n /||mat, l|e s|nget o| l||s gtou, |s
suoseJ|j a|ta|J o| a C|eln|| |u||el. (S.N,
All lho abovo can bo summarizod in lho
following way: l| l|e |nJeenJence o| l|e
S|otene nal|on wete a tea| acl, a tet|ta| o|
l|e S|otene nal|on s|ou|J |ate |o||oweJ,
name|j l|e S|oten|zal|on o| S|oten|a. ln
S|oten|a |uman t|g|ls |ot l|e S|otenes
s|ou| J ex| sl || tsl, anJ on| j w| l|| n l|e
|tamewot| o| l|e oss|||||l|es anJ |nletesls
o| l|e S|otene nal|on, |uman t|g|ls |ot l|e
non-S|otenes can |e tea||zeJ (... w|en
J|scuss|ng t|g|ls, |l |s a|wajs necessatj lo
la|e |nlo accounl l|al a t|g|l |t|ngs |ene||ls
lo one anJ as a tu|e |s |atm|u| lo anol|et.
/uman t|g|ls |ot l|e non-S|otenes ate as a
tu|e |atm|u| lo l|e S|otenes. A|mosl anj
|ene||l o| l|e |mm|gtanls |s a|J |j l|e
S|otene nal|on as a w|o|e(... Mt. /tege||
s|ou|J u|||c|j saj w|el|et |e uls as a
t|ot|lj l|e |nletesls o| l|e S|otenes ot l|e
|nletesls o| l|e 8a||an nal|ons. kesecl|ng
|ol| l|ese | nletesls | s | moss| || e | n
S|otene! (S, 21/11). C|ean l||s Coulntj o|
Soul|etnets |from ox-ugoslavia]. /on-
S|otenes lo |e lesleJ. (k, 29/10)
Media monitored
/t|nl meJ|a.
RiIindja Demokratike (k. D.) - lho daily of
lho Domocrali c Parly, 6,000-6,S00
Gazeta Sbquiptare (G.S.) - an
i ndopondonl dai l y publ i shod i n lwo
languagos (Albanian and llalian), 11,000,
Zeri l PopuIIit (Z.P.) - lho daily of lho
Socialisl Parly, 17,000-20,000,
koba )one (K.}.) - lho mosl imporlanl
indopondonl papor, 27,000-30,000,
AIeanca (Al.) - lho wookly nowspapor of
lho Domocralic Allianco, 6,S00,
RepubIika (k.P.) - lho papor of lho righl-
wing kopublican Parly, which comos oul
lhroo limos a wook, S,000,
RiIindja (k.) - an i ndopondonl dai l y
financod by lho Kosovo Albanians, 1,S00-
AIbania (A.) - a pro-Domocralic Parly
daily, 4,000-S,000,
1ribuna Demokratike (1.D.) - lho papor of
lho soclion of lho Domocralic Parly of
1irana, which comos pul lwico a wook,
8aIIi i kombit (.l.K.) - lho wookl y
nowspapor of lho small righl-wing parly
alli i Kombil,
Liria (L.) - lho wookly nowspapor of lho
Associ ali on of lho lormor Pol i li cal
Prisonors linkod now wilh lho Domocralic
lronl, 1,000,
L Djatbta (L.D.) - lho wookly of lho kighl
Domocralic lronl,
L Djatbta kombetare (L.D.K.)
AIternativa SD (A.S.D.) - lho nowspapor of
lho Social Domocralic Parly, 4,S00,
PopuIIi Po (P.P.) - an indopondonl daily,
Dita lnformacion (D.l.) - an indopondonl
nowspapor, which comos oul lhroo limos a
wook, S,000,
Demokracia - lho wookly nowspapor of
lho Parly for lho Dofonso of Human kighls,
supporlod by lho Grook minorily,
)ava - an indopondonl nowspapor in lho
Soulh of Albania,
8osnia and Herzegovina
/t|nl meJ|a.
Hrvatske RiIec (H.k.) - '1ho Croalian
Word', wookly,
GIas (Gl.) - a an|aluka-basod daily,
Serbian OsIobodjenje (S.O.) - a wookly
cppcnU|x 1
OsIobodjenje (O.) - a Sara|ovo-basod
papor, 2,000-7,000 copios,
Vecernje Novine (V.N.) - a Sara|ovo-basod
papor, 1,000-3,000,
Dani - an indopondonl polilical monlhly,
RepubIika - an i ndopondonl pol i li cal
monlhly, 1,000-3,000,
LjiIjan - a wookly of lho osnian Muslims,
prinlod in Sara|ovo, 1ravnik, L|ubl|ana,
lrankfurl, lslanbul, 40,000,
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
Serb 1V - PaIe (S1P) - covors almosl lho
wholo lorrilory of H, slarlod broadcasling
May, 1992, prosonls lho offi ci al Sorb
Croatian 1V - Studio Mostar (C. 1V - S.
8osnia and Herzegovina 1V - ownod and
govornod by lho osnian Parliamonl, ils
daily program is 12-16 hours,
1V Hayat - Sarajevo - a pri valo and
indopondonl local 1V slalion,
1V Hayat - Studio lree 1uzIa - a privalo
and indopondonl local 1V slalion,
Srpski Radio - PaIe (S. k. P.) - covors
almosl lho wholo lorrilory of H, slarlod
broadcasling May, 1992, prosonls lho
official Sorb policy,
OfficiaI 8&H Radio - covors lho wholo
Studio 99 - a Sara|ovo-basod radio slalion,
Radio Zio - a Sara|ovo-basod radio slalion,
MusIim Radio Hayast - a privalo radio
slali on wi lh pol i li cal and rol i gi ous
Vrbbosna - lho radio slalion of lho osnian
/t|nl meJ|a.
24 Cbasa (24 C) - '24 Hours', an
indopondonl daily, which is publishod by
/tessgtou 168 C|asa /lJ. (ono of lho
ma|or publishing corporalions) and whoso
alliludo lo all kinds of ovonls is cynical and
sonsalional, 300,000 copios,
168 Cbasa (168 C) - '168 Hours', lho
wookly nowspapor of /tessgtou 168 C|asa
/lJ., 1S0,000,
Dneven 1rud (1) - 'Dai l y Work', an
indopondonl daily, which is publishod by
MeJ|a /o|J|ng lnc. and is characlorizod by
a moro pl ural i sli c alli ludo lol orali ng
difforonl opinions, 300,000,
Nosbten 1rud (N.1.) - 'Nighlly Work', an
indopondonl daily, publishod by MeJ|a
/o| J| ng lnc. and ci rcul alod i n lho
aflornoon. ll covors mainly accidonls and
ovonls which havo happonod in Sofia,
ZbuIt 1rud (Z.1.) - 'ol l ow Work', an
indopondonl wookly, publishod by MeJ|a
/o| J| ng lnc., whi ch conconlralos on
sonsalionalism, 100,000,
Standart (S) - 'Slandard', an indopondonl
daily, publishod by SlanJatl /ews /lJ.
si nco 1992. ll usod lo conconlralo on
sorious prosonlalion of lho nows, bul
sinco Soplombor 199S il adoplod lho so
callod 24 Chasa slylo of prosonling lho
ovonls, 200,000,
NedeIen Standart (N.S.) - 'Sunday
Slandard', an i ndopondonl wookl y,
publishod by SlanJatl /ews /lJ., 1S0,000,
kontinent (K.) - 'Conli nonl', an
indopondonl daily, publishod by Megatess
lnc. /u|||s||ng /ouse sinco 1992. ll is ono
of lho fow papors wilh pormanonl polilical
and oconomic columns, which aro usually
basod on i nformali on from crodi bl o
sourcos and aro wrillon profossionally,
Novinar (N.) - 'Nows ul l oli n', an
indopondonl daily, publishod by /ot|nat
/lJ. ll londs lo fabricalo lho ovonls by
omphasizing on parlicular issuos, which
oflon rosulls in dofamalion of parlicular
porsons and groups, 80, 000,
Demokratsia (Dom) - 'Domocracy', lho
official daily of lho Union of Domocralic
lorcos, S0,000,
Duma (D) - 'Word', lho official daily of lho
cppcnU|x 1
Socialisl Parly, 1S0, 000,
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
8uIgarian NationaI 1V - CbanneI 1 (N1-
1) - lho conlral nows bullolin 'Po Svola l U
Nas' (8:00-8:30p.m.),
8N1-1 - lho wookl y pol i li cal rovi ow
'Panorama' (8:00-9:00p.m.),
8N1-1 - 'Olzvuk' - a lalk show, lwico a
wook for an hour al primo limo,
8N1-1 - 'Nablyudalol' - a program for
polilical analysos, onco a wook for an hour
al primo limo,
8N1-1 - 'Ldar Plan' - a |ournalislic inquiry
on a parlicular issuo, onco a monlh for 90
8N1-1 - 'Kanalolo' - an onlorlainmonl
show, parody of polilical roalily, onco a
wook for an hour al primo limo,
8N 1V - CbanneI 2 (N1-2) - 'Chaslon
Sl uchai ' - lhroo li mos a wook for 1S
minulos al primo limo,
Nova 1V - a pri valo 1V channol ,
broadcasling for Sofia only, 'Novinilo na
Donia' - lho daily nows bullolin (7:30-
Nova 1V - 'Sofiiskilo Polainosli' - a 'hol
spols' magazi no, lwi co a wook for S0
8uIgarian NationaI Radio Program
Horizont' (Nk-H) - daily nows bullolin
8NR-H - 'kazgovor s Vas' - a 'hol spols'
lalk show, ovory lriday aflornoon for 180
8NR-H - 'Nodolia 1S0' - a polilical roviow
and lalk show, ovory Sunday morning for
1S0 minulos,
8NR-H - '12 Plyus Plias' - a polilical saliro
show, ovory Salurday al noon for 80
Radio Lxpress - a privalo radio slalion for
Sofi a onl y, 'Chasal na Vasholo
Nodovolslvo' - a lalk show, ovory lriday
/t|nl meJ|a.
Vjesnik (Vs) - a daily nowspapor,
Vecernji List (V. L.) - a daily nowspapor,
Novi List (N. L.) - a daily nowspapor,
SIobodna DaImacia (S.D.) - a dai l y
GIas SIavonje (G.S.) - a daily nowspapor,
Hrvatsko SIovo (H.S.)
leraI 1ribune (l.1.) - a nowspapor coming
oul lhroo limos a wook,
NedIjna DaImatsia - a nowspapor coming
oul lhroo limos a wook,
Danas - a nowspapor coming oul lhroo
limos a wook,
Hrvatski Obzor (H.O.) - a nowspapor
coming oul lhroo limos a wook,
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
Croatian 1V (C1V) - lho slalo-ownod 1V
/t|nl meJ|a.
l Avgi (Av.) - '1ho Dawn', pro-Coalilion,
avorago daily circulalion of 2,167 copios in
}uno 199S,),
Adesmeftos 1ypos (A.1) - 'Non-alignod
Pross', conlor-righl, 37,761,
Apogevmatini (Ap.) - 'Aflornoon', conlor-
righl, 60,278,
Ltbnos (Llh) - 'Nalion', conlor-lofl, S0,077,
LIeftberos 1ypos (L.1.) - 'lroo Pross',
conlor-righl, 10S,809,
LIeftberotypia (Ll.) - 'Pross lroodom',
conlor-lofl, 96,809,
l katbimerini (K.) - '1ho Daily', conlor-
righl, 38,711,
Rizospastis (k.) - 'kadical', lho official
nowspapor of lho Communisl Parly of
Grooco - KKL, 13,227,
1a Nea (N.) - '1ho Nows', conlor-lofl,
cppcnU|x 1
1o Pontiki (P.) - '1ho Mouso', wookly
salirical and conlor-lofl nowspapor wilh a
largo circulalion (3S,9S6),
1o Vima (V.) - lho Sunday papor which is
publishod by lho samo publishors of 1a
Nea which is nol publishod on Sundays
wilh lho largosl circulalion (170,607),
Lconomicos 1acbydromos (Lc.1.) -
financial and polilical wookly magazino
wilh circulalion around 2S,000,
Stobos (Sl.) - wookly nalionalislic papor
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
Mega - a privalo 1V channol wilh ono of
lho highosl ralings (lho 8:2S-9:00 p.m.
Antenna - a privalo 1V channol wilh ono of
lho highosl ralings (lho 8:2S-9:00 p.m.
L1-1 - a slalo-ownod 1V channol (lho 9:00
p.m.-9:4S p.m. nowscasl).
Sky - a privaloly run radio slalion (lho
2:00-4:00 p.m. nows bullolin).
/t|nl meJ|a.
)edinstvo (}.) - lho only daily in Sorbian,
which is onliroly financod and conlrollod
by lho ruling Sorbian parlios, S00-1,000
8ujku (.) - lho only daily in Albanian,
which roflocls lho provailing public opinion
in Kosovo, 10,000,
Zeri (Z.) - lho mosl influonlial wookly in
Albanian, 7,000,
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
1V Prisbtina (1VP) - '1V-Dnovnik' - lho
main ovoning nows bullolin broadcasl in
lho Sorbian languago (6:30-7:00p.m.)
Radio Prisbtina (kP) - lho main ovoning
nows bullolin (6:00-6:4Sp.m.)
/t|nl meJ|a.
Nova Makedonja (N.M.) - daily, 20,000
Vecer (V.) - daily, 20,000,
PuIs (P.) - wookly, 3,000,
DeIo (D.) - a privalo wookly magazino,
influoncod by lho nalionalislic opposilion
parlios, S,000,
Makedonsko Sonce (M.S.) - '1ho Sun of
Macodonia', a wookly, influoncod by lho
nalionalislic opposilion parlios,
lokus (l.) - a privalo wookly slrossing
sonsalional covorago, 10,000,
Demokratija (Dom.) - lho papor of lho
Social Domocralic Allianco,
LiberaI (Lib.) - lho papor of lho Liboral
Parly, which appoars as a supplomonl of
GIas (Gl.) - lho papor of lMkO (VMkO-
lIaka e VeIIazerimit (l.V.) - a daily papor
in Albanian, S,000,
8irIik (.) - a papor in 1urkish, availablo
ovory olhor day, 1,000,
8toaJcasl meJ|a
Macedonian 1eIevision (M1V) - lho only
nalion-wido broadcaslor wilh moro lhan
40 hours of programs dai l y on lhroo
A-1 - lho mosl imporlanl privalo 1V slalion,
limilod lo lho Skop|o aroa,
1VArt - a 1olovo-basod privalo 1V slalion,
which broadcasls in Albanian, Macodonian
and 1urkish,
Radio Skopje (k.S.) - a nalion-wido radio
cppcnU|x 1
1be Ltbnic Minorities Radio - broadcasls
1S hours a day, nino of lhom in Albanian,
8iIjana - a radi o slali on for l i slonors
abroad, broadcasl in Albanian, ulgarian
and Grook,
/t|nl meJ|a.
Pobjeda (P.)
lstok (l.)
1anjug (1.) - lho lk now agoncy,
Svetigora (S.)
lstok Review (l.k.)
Vecernje Novosti (V.N.)
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
Montenegrin 1eIevision (M. 1.) - lho
slalo-ownod 1V slalion,
Montenegrin Radio (M. k.) - lho slalo-
ownod radio slalion,
/t|nl meJ|a.
Vocea Romanei (V.k.) - '1ho Voico of
komani a', lho dai l y publ i shod by lho
komanian govornmonl
Dimineata (D1) - '1ho Morning', lho daily
whi ch rofl ocls lho posi li ons of lho
komanian Prosidonl, lon llioscu,
AdevaruI (A.) - '1ho 1rulh', ono of lho
mosl widoly circulalod dailios,
Romania Libera (kL) - 'lroo komania', il
slarlod in 1990 as lho mosl imporlanl
indopondonl domocralic nowspapor, bul
now il producos abundanl halo spooch,
LvenimentuI ZiIei (LZ) - '1ho Day's Lvonl',
lho daily wilh lho widosl circulalion,
Cronica Romana (Ck) - '1ho komanian
Chroniclo', a daily wilh small-lo-modium
ci rcul ali on, ownod and publ i shod by
i mporlanl roprosonlali vos of lho
Coausoscu rogimo who lurnod inlo moguls
of komanian financial and induslrial circlos,
supporling oxlromo nalionalisl viows,
Romania Mare (kM) - '1ho Groalor
komania', lho wookly of lho komania Maro
parly, which producos abundanl halo
1otusi lubirea (1l) - 'Lovo, aflor All', a
wookly supporling oxlromo nalionalisl
DiIema (D.) - 'Di l omma', a wookl y,
publ i shod by a group of i ndopondonl
inlollocluals, bul wilh govornmonl monoy,
22 - a wookly magazino, publishod by lho
Group for Social Dialoguo which slarlod in
1990 as lho mosl progrossi vo and
domocralic indopondonl nowspapor. lls
circulalion is small now, bul il usod lo bo
vory influonlial in inlolloclual circlos,
8toaJcasl meJ|a.
Romanian NationaI 1V - CbanneI 1
(1Vk1) - lho conlral nows bullolin (8:00-
8:40p.m.), daily,
1VR1 - lho mai n Hungari an-l anguago
program (S:00-6:30p.m.), ovory Monday,
1VR1 - 'Viala Spiriluala' |'Spirilual Lifo'] - a
program which is vory vocal in allacking
difforonl groups liko lho gays, aplisls,
noo-Proloslanls, and gonorally showing
inloloranco lowards Luropoan domocralic
valuos, (11:00a.m.-noon), ovory Sunday,
RN 1V - CbanneI 2 (1Vk2) - 'Crodo' - a
program proparod by lho samo slaff as lho
ono of 'Spirilual Lifo' and sharing lho samo
characlorislics, (10:00-11:00p.m.), ovory
1eIe 7 - a ucharosl-basod privalo 1V
channol, lho conlral nows bullolin (9:00-
9:40p.m.), daily,
1eIe 7 - 'Linia lnlii' |'ln lho Lino of liro'] - a
pol i li cal lal k show, (7:00-8:00p.m.),
A1 - a privalo 1V slalion covoring 12 main
cilios in komania, lho main nows bullolin
(9:30-10:30p.m.), daily,
cppcnU|x 1
/t|nl meJ|a.
PoIitika (P.) - lho oldosl polilical daily,
which advocalos lho rogimo's policy and
lho valuos of lho Sorb nalional program, ll
oxorcisod a falal influonco on lho sorbian
publ i c opi ni on duri ng lho rogi mo's
campai gn on lho popul ari zali on and
accoplanco of lho valuos of lho all-Sorb
homogonizalion policy,
PoIitika Lkspres (P.L.) - a pro-rogimo
sonsali onal i sl dai l y wi lh an odi lori al
approach idonlical lo lho ono of /o||l||a,
Ono of lho principal promolors of halo
spooch, which lrios lo suslain among il
roadors lho hi gh nogali vo omoli onal
chargo, concorning lho roal and imaginary
onomios of lho Sorb nalional goals,
8orba (.) - lho socond oldosl polilical
daily which usod lo lrulhfully inform lho
public as woll as lo assorl humanilarian
law valuos, Sinco Docombor 14, 1994,
whon lho lodoral govornmonl look ovor
lho daily, il has bocomo yol anolhor rogimo
papor cullivaling an oarly fundamonlalisl
vorsion of polomical discourso,
Nasba 8orba (N..) - an indopondonl
daily, which was slarlod in oarly 199S and
is odilod by |ournalisls from 8ot|a boforo
lho lako-ovor,
Vecernje Novosti (V.N.) - a loyal pro-
rogimo daily of lho 'yollow-pross' lypo, an
ardonl supporlor of lho Sorbian nalional
program as a wholo, which advocalos
violonl rosolulion of inlornalional dispulos
and conflicls,
Vreme (V.) - lho fi rsl pri valo pol i li cal
wookly sinco 1990, ll is crilical of lho Sorb
nali onal program and sols oul lo
domonslralo lhal ob|oclivo and roasonablo
|ournalism is possiblo ovon al limos of
crisis and war,
1eIegraf (1.) - a wookly sinco Oclobor,
1994, which basod on lho idoa lhal lho
valuos of lho Sorb nalional program aro
cppcnU|x 1
Duga (D.) - a forlnighlly which is 'lho
lhoorolical organ of lho Sorb viow of lho
World, Hislory, Culluro and All lho kosl',
Dnevnik (Dn.) - a Novi Sad-basod
nowspapor, lho only ono in Sorbian in lho
Aulonomous Provinco of Vo|vodina, ll has
advocalod lho war policy of lho rogimo
sinco lho boginning of lho conflicl,
Magyar Szo (M.S.) - 'Hungarian Word',
lho onl y slalo-fi nancod Hungari an
languago papor in Novi Sad, ll novor |oinod
lho war-mongoring campaign of lho pro-
rogimo modia,
PoIimIja (Pol.) - lho only local papor for
soci al and pol i li cal affai rs i n lho
Municipalily of Pri|opol|o (Sandzhak),
/t|nl meJ|a:
DeIo (D.) - a nalional daily,
Dnevnik (Dn.) - a L|ubl|ana-basod daily,
119,000 copios,
SIovenec (S.) - lho daily of lho Chrislian
Domocrals, 22,000,
Vecer (V.) - a daily nowspapor, 192,000,
SIovenske Novice (S.N.) - a dai l y
nowspapor, which praclicos lho so callod
'yollow |ournalism', 102,000,
MAG - a wookly magazino for lho rogions
of L|ubl|ana and Kran|,
MIadina - a wookl y magazi no for lho
rogions of L|ubl|ana and Maribor,
Druzbina - a wookl y magazi no of lho
koman Calholic Church,
7D - a wookly magazino of lho vecet,
NedeIjski Dnevnik - a wookly magazino of
lho Dnetn||,
RazgIedi - lho nowspapor if lho Slovono
1be media scene in tbe baIkans.
Summary of nationaI reports.
mat|ana |en|ota
Unlil roconlly, lho alkan poninsula usod
lo bo ono of lho placos in lho world which
had an ovorwholming conconlralion of
communisl counlrios. 1hal is why lho
changos in lho world ordor which slarlod
in lho lalo 1980s had lhoir crucial impacl
on lho si luali on horo. Ono of lho fi rsl
lhi ngs whi ch lho fal l of communi sm
broughl forlh was froodom for lho modia
which lill lhon usod lo bo a passivo woapon
in lho hands of lho omnipolonl communisl
parli os. ln lhoso fi rsl yoars many
nowspapors and magazinos slarlod coming
oul wilh lho claim lhal lhoro woro many
aspocls of lifo which nood lo bo discussod
in public. Somo of lhoso now modia woro
allogodly a simplo undorcovor lo dubious
businossos. As limo passod by, many of
lhom diod oul, duo lo lack of financo, of
i nlorosl, or lo i nlorforonco by slalo
aulhorilios. 1ho modia which did survivo
slarlod building lhoir spocific slylos of lho
covorago of nows and lhoir idiosyncralic
|argon. Unforlunaloly, mosl of lhoso modia
aro slill far away from lho slandards of
ob|oclivo |ournalism, bul al loasl lhoy havo
slarlod lhoir movomonl forward.
Kooping in mind all lho abovo, ono should
nol forgol lhal from al l lho counlri os
monilorod in lhis Pro|ocl, Grooco is lho
only ono, whoso roconl hislory has boon
difforonl from lho hislory of ils noighbors.
ll was sparod from communism, so ono
would oxpocl ils modia lo bo woll ahoad of
lho onos of lho noighbors. Undoublodly
lhis is so whon il comos lo lho availabilily
of al lornali vo pri valo nowspapors,
magazinos, radio and 1V slalions. ln facl,
lhis is lho only counlry in lho alkans,
which has a numbor of privalo 1V channols
covoring lho wholo counlry. ul whon il
comos lo lho halo spooch which lhoso
modia aro capablo of producing, ono slarls
lo wondor wholhor loo much froodom and
lack of consorship always load lo good
rosulls, whon lho modia fail lo soo lhoir
rolo as rosponsiblo public informors.
Allhough all lho rosl of lho counlrios havo
livod lhrough communism, oach ono of
lhom has ils spocificilios which aro basod
on lho parlicular silualion. 1hal is why
cppcnU|x 2
looking al all lho counlrios ono aflor lho
olhor would mako lho picluro cloaror.
Al bani a i s a l oss advancod counlry as
rogards lho dovolopmonl of lho modia. An
old |oko said lhal lho Albanian Nalional 1V
usod lo slarl and ond ils programs wilh lho
fol l owi ng grooli ng Hol l o Comrado
Hoxha! Allhough lhis is an oxaggoralion,
il is nol far from lho lruo slalo of affairs
oilhor. 1ho oxislonco of |usl ono 1V channol
conlrollod by lho govorning ma|orily and
oxprossing almosl oxclusivoly ils viows
doos nol mako lhings moro promising. 1ho
silualion is bollor wilh rogard lo lho prinl
modia. 1horo aro many now papors, which,
lhough somolimos ovorslopping lho limils
of propor bohavior, imparl divorsily.
Allhough lhoy woro govornod by diclalors
for docados, ulgaria and komania woro
nol as isolalod as Albania usod lo bo. 1hal
is why lho modia lhoro havo gol a slrongor
impolus and al prosonl lhoy aro moro
numorous and somo of lhom gi vo lho
improssion lhal lhoy aro crodiblo. Of
courso, lhoro aro all lho numorous halo
spooch producors, which aro basically lho
onos forming lho public opinion. All lhis
applios much moro for lho prinl modia,
bocauso privalo broadcasl onos aro oilhor
wilh limilod lransmission, or simply non-
oxislonl. ll sooms lhal govornmonls in
lhoso counlrios aro afraid of lolling looso
lhoir mosl poworful woapon - 1V - so lhoy
poslpono lho inlroduclion of nalional
privalo 1V nolworks.
A vory imporlanl foaluro of lho modia in
osnia-Horzogovina, Croalia, Kosovo,
Macodoni a, Monlonogro, Sorbi a and
Slovonia is lhal aflor lho disolulion of
lormor ugoslavia, oach of lho now slalos
had changod, oflon mulually oxclusivo,
nali onal programs, whi ch had lo bo
promolod by lho now nalional modia. Ono
should nol forgol lhal il is oxaclly in lhis
placo whoro halo spooch was usod as a
foroplay which lod lo lho dovaslaling
war i n ox-ugosl avi a. 1hal i s why i l i s
parlicularly imporlanl lo poinl oul lhal
horo ovon lho slighlosl chango in lho uso of
lho namo of a nalional group, lol alono lho
non-rocognilion of lhis group, may havo
far roaching offocls (o.g. lho po|oralivo
usago of Shquiplar for Albanian or
Cholnik for Sorb.)
And lasl bul nol loasl, ono should boar in
mind lhal mosl of lho now domocracios
havo alroady managod lo chango lhoir
logislalion in ordor lo accommodalo lo lho
now condilions. Allhough somolimos
praclico is difforonl from lho noar-porfocl
principlos onshrinod in lho rospoclivo
l ogi sl ali on, i l i s worlh oxami ni ng lho
spocific loxls.
ln 1992 Prosidonl orisha signod lho Pross
Law. 1ho lallor provokod many pooplo
insido and oulsido lho counlry lo prolosl.
1ho Now ork-basod Commilloo for lho
Dofonso of }ournalisls proloslod againsl
lho arliclos of lho Law, which limil lho righl
lo informalion, ospocially as rogards lhoso
rolalod lo slalo socrol, aclivilios againsl
lho publ i c wol l boi ng, i mparli ng of
i nformali on on lri al procoodi ngs,
lhroaloni ng of lho soci al poaco,
lhroaloning of domocracy, lhroaloning
of lho moralily of lho young pooplo. 1ho
lack of a Conslilulion makos il oasy for lho
govornmonl lo abuso of lho Pross Law. 1ho
finos lho odilors havo lo pay if lhoy broak
lho Law aro so high lhal lhoy praclically
moan bankruplcy or imprisonmonl. 1ho
following lhroo linos of crilicism could bo
summarizod as lho main flaws of lhis Law:
p 1ho oxislonco of lho arliclo on slalo
socrols which lhroalons |ournalisls wilh
imprisonmonl (lhoro havo alroady boon
four casos basod on lhis arliclo),
p High finos (USD 1,000-8,000) which,
for lho Al bani an slandards, moans
bankruplcy for lho i ndopondonl
Albanian nowspapors which do nol gol
cppcnU|x 2
any subsidy from lho slalo,
p Lack of onough informalion on lho Law
makos spocialisls suspicious. 1hoy
suspocl lhal lho roason for lho socrocy
undor which lho Law is boing draflod is
lho way in which liconsos for radio
froquoncios would bo givon.
ln Novombor 1993 sovoral amondmonls lo
lho Ponal Codo woro mado. 1hoy doal wilh
halo spooch and dofamalion and mako il a
crimo punishablo wilh ono lo fivo yoars in
prison lo pul lho public poaco al risk by
calling for halrod againsl mombors of lho
socioly or by insulling or dofaming lhom.
1ho i nsul l and dofamali on of lho
conslilulional organs, lho Prosidonl of lho
kopublic, lho slalo and ils symbols and
roprosonlali vos of olhor slalos carry
ponallios of finos or prison lorms of up lo
lhroo yoars.
On }uno 1, 199S a now Ponal Codo camo
inlo offocl. 1ho lallor criminalizos ovon
moro forms of dofamalion and includos an
arliclo on libol. Arl. 2S6 and 266 of lho
nowly passod Ponal Codo roslricls calls for
nalional halrod and incilomonl of nalional,
racial and roligious halrod, punishing lhom
wilh up lo lon yoars of prison (or finos).
1horo i s | usl ono nows agoncy for lho
wholo of Albania. A1A (Albanian 1olograph
Agoncy) is undor lho conlrol of lho Council
of Minislors and in lhoory is supposod lo
offor informalion from all ovor lho counlry,
as woll as lo inform lho inlornalional public
on whal lho dovolopmonls in Albania aro.
Howovor, i l i s roducod lo a si mpl o
convoyor of lho lino of lho ruling parly.
Prosonl law forbids lho croalion of olhor
nows agoncios, bul lhis doos nol hindor
lho oporalion of lho ma|or woslorn nows
agoncios. loroign pross is dislribulod by
lwo dislribulion agoncios - ono of lhom
fundod by Grook businossmon, and lho
olhor - by llalian onos.
As of lhis wriling, lhoro is no logislalion on
pri valo lol ovi si on and radi o. 1hus
broadcasl modi a aro undor lho slri cl
conlrol of lho parliamonlary commission
on lho pross. As rogards lho prinl modia,
ovon lhough significanl slops havo boon
lakon lhoro, il is slill oarly lo say lhal lhoro
aro indopondonl nowspapors prosonling
ob|oclivo informalion.
1ho offoclivo division of lho counlry inlo
lhroo di fforonl parls has i ls di rocl
consoquonco on lho modia silualion.
1horo aro lhroo laws, rogulaling lho modia
- 1ho asic Law on lnformalion, lho Modia
Law, 1ho osnian k1V Law. 1ho firsl lwo
l aws aro al mosl i donli cal . 1hoy woro
adoplod duri ng lho provi ous, lho
Socialisls', rogimo and aro slill in powor.
lroodom of i nformali on, as wol l as
ovorybody's righl lo found a modium aro
guaranlood. Arl.17 of lho lwo laws slrossos
lho rosponsibilily of lho odilor-in-chiof for
lho dissominalion of idoas basod on lho
non-rospocl of human righls and of lho
righls of lho cilizon. 1ho asic Law also
prohibils lho dissominalion of halrod on
olhnic, racial and roligious basis. 1his Law
providos for a prison punishmonl of up lo
60 days, or a fino of up lo 1,000 Dinars.
Howovor, lhi s arli cl o i s nol appl i od
offoclivoly. linally, lho lwo laws guaranloo
lho righl of rosponso lo lhoso who considor
lhomsolvos largols of dofamalion. 1ho
osni an k1V Law rogul alos formal
quoslions liko lho nominalion of lho oard,
of lho Gonoral Managor of lho k1V olc.
ulgaria doos nol havo a spocial law on lho
modia. Aflor 1990 lho adoplion of such a
law was a mallor of inlonso discussions
bolh among lho profossionals and lho
roprosonlalivos of lho logislalivo branch.
Unlil lho firsl parliamonlary oloclions lho
rogul ali ons on lho funcli oni ng of lho
cppcnU|x 2
ulgarian Nalional 1V (N1V) and lho
ul gari an Nali onal kadi o (Nk) woro
croalod by a spocial organ callod 1ho
kound 1ablo, whoro all ma|or polilical
parlios woro roprosonlod. Aflor lho 1990
oloclions, lho Grand Nalional Assombly
adoplod a spocial acl callod 1omporary
Slalulo of lho Nk and lho N1V. 1his acl
had lho powor of a normalivo acl. 1ho
docision conconlralod a lol of powor in lho
hands of lho spocializod Parliamonlary
Commilloo on kadio and 1olovision lo
dolormino lho informalional policy, as woll
as lho slaff policy of lho lwo modia. ll
nominalos lho candidalos for chiofs of lho
Nk and lho N1V, i l appoi nls lho
adminislralivo diroclors and lho oard of
lho lwo inslilulions, il givos opinions
aboul lhoir program schomos and lhoir
informalional policy. 1hoso broad powors
woro lho main roason for which aflor 1990
oach chango of ma|orily in Parliamonl was
fol l owod by porsonal and slruclural
changos in lho Nk and lho N1V. Wilh a
doci si on from Soplombor 199S, lho
Consli luli onal Courl procl ai mod
unconslilulional mosl of lho loxls which
provido rogulalions for lho powors of lho
Parliamonlary Commilloo on kadio and
1olovision wilh rospocl lo lho Nk and lho
N1V. ocauso lho abrogalod loxls woro
nol subslilulod by olhors, a logislalivo gap
wi lh rospocl lo lho rogul ali on of lho
rolalion slalo - slalo-ownod oloclronic
modia appoarod.
1ho basic principlos for lho work of lho
mass modi a aro sol forlh by lho 1991
ulgarian Conslilulion (Arls 39 lhrough
41). Arl. 39 (1) sols lho pri nci pl o of
froodom of oxprossi on. 1ho socond
Paragraph of lhis arliclo dofinos lho limils
of lhis froodom, namoly - lho righls and lho
good namo of olhor poopl o, lho
propaganda for forcoful chango of lho
Conslilulional ordor, lho insligalion of
halrod, lho propaganda insligaling lo
violonl acls againsl olhor pooplo or lo
commilmonl of crimo. 1ho liabilily for
vi ol ali on of lho l i mi ls of froodom of
oxprossion is rogulalod in lho chaplor on
lorls in lho rospoclivo civil law, as woll as
in lho Ponal Codo. 1ho lallor incriminalos
lhoso doods which go boyond lho limils of
froodom of oxprossion as sol forlh by lho
Conslilulion, such as:
p Propaganda of fascisl or olhor anli-
domocralic idoology (Arl. 108, providos
for an imprisonmonl sonlonco of lhroo
yoars or a fino),
p Disclosuro (Arl. 14S, providos for up lo
ono yoar imprisonmonl or a fino),
p Affronl, dofamalion and libol (Arl. 148,
provi dos for up lo lwo yoars
imprisonmonl or a fino),
p lnsligalion lo racial and nalional halrod
(Arl. 162, providos for up lo lhroo yoars
imprisonmonl or a fino),
p lnsligalion lo halrod basod on roligion
(Arl. 164, providos for up lo lhroo yoars
imprisonmonl or a fino),
p lnsligalion lo commilmonl of crimo
(Arl. 320, providos for up lo lhroo yoars
imprisonmonl or a fino),
Arl. 40 of lho Conslilulion proclaims lhal
lho modia aro froo from consorship, whilo
Arl. 41 guaranloos lho righl lo informalion.
1ho l ogal rogi mo of lho pri valo pri nl
odilions doos nol diffor from lhal of lho
slalo ownod onos, oxcopl for ono
subslanlial difforonco concorning laxalion.
1ho privalo prinl modia aro nol obligod lo
acquiro spocial liconsos by a slalo organ.
1ho onl y roqui romonl for a pri valo
nowspapor, magazino or olhor prinl odilion
is a rogislralion as a commorcial onlily
undor lho Law on Commorco, bocauso lho
vory aclivily of publishing according lo lhis
Law is a commorcial ono. 1his, howovor,
doos nol poso an obslaclo lo privalo nol-
for-profil associalions or foundalions lo
publish lhoir own odilions, as long as lhis
is nol a profil-orionlod businoss.
1ho slalulo on lho privalo oloclronic modia
diffors subslanlially from lhal of lho slalo
ownod onos. ln complianco wilh Arl. 18
cppcnU|x 2
(3) of lho ulgarian Conslilulion, lho slalo
oxorcisos sovoroign righls ovor lho nalional
radio froquoncios spoclrum. 1ho slalo
organ aulhorizod lo considor applicalions
and lo granl liconsos for omissions is 1ho
Commilloo for Posls and Communicalions,
whoso Chair is appoinlod by lho Primo
Minislor. 1ho liconsos aro limo limilod and
susponsion is possiblo in caso of non-
complianco wilh lho lorms of liconsing.
1ho firsl privalo radio slalions slarlod
omissions in Sofia and olhor big cilios in
1992. Nono of lho now oxisling privalo
radio slalions has nalion-wido omissions,
allhough lwo of lhom havo such liconsos.
Liconsos for 1V omissions woro granlod lo
9 companios. Al lho momonl only lwo of
lhoso channols havo omissions, bolh of
lhom covoring only lho lorrilory of Sofia
cily. 1horo aro hundrods of cablo nolworks
whi ch aro funcli oni ng i l l ogal l y and
pursuanl lo lho Copyrighl Law and lho
Ponal Codo, lhoir ownors aro liablo lo bolh
civil and criminal procoodings. Dospilo lhis
nobody has boon suod so far. 1ho logal
rogulalions now in offocl do nol forbid
ownorship, sharo holding or parlnorship in
a company l i consod for 1V or radi o
omissions, by foroignor (a porson wilh
rogi slrali on oulsi do lho counlry or
somobody rogi slorod i n ul gari a bul
conlrollod from oulsido).
1ho numbor of froo l ancors among
ulgarian |ournalisls is comparalivoly
small. 1ho rolalions bolwoon lho |ournalisls
and lhoir omployors is rogulalod in lho
Labor Codo. 1ho lallor givos in lho hands of
lho slalo ono of lho mosl poworful
mochanism for conlrol ovor lho |ournalisls.
ll is providod by lho spocial provision of
Arl. 328b which applios only lo pooplo
who work in lho Nk, lho N1V and lho
slalo cullural inslilulions. 1ho loxl providos
for a difforonl rogimo for lorminalion of lho
labor conlracl by lho omployor, who is nol
bound wilh any formal proroquisilos for
lho lorminalion of lho conlracl. 1his caso
in praclical lorms doprivos lho |ournalisls
of any logal possibililios lo challongo lho
1ho Conslilulion providos for oqualily of all
forms of ownorship (Arl. 19), bul in roalily
laxalion procoduros aro difforonl for lho
slalo-ownod and lho privalo modia. 1his is
so, bocauso lho ulgarian law doos nol
dislinguish bolwoon a commorcial onlily
which is privalo modia and lho olhor
commorcial onlilios. 1horoforo, only lho
privalo modia aro sub|ocl lo lho gonoral rulos
of laxalion, whilo lho slalo ownod onos aro
liboralod of any obligalions lo lho budgol.
Arl. 14 of lho Conslilulion guaranloos lho
froodom of spooch and of lho pross,
forbidding consorship and any olhor
provonlivo moasuro. Soizuro of
nowspapors or of any olhor prinl modium is
forbiddon oxcopl wilh courl ordor in lho
casos of: an offonso againsl Chrislian and
any olhor known roligion, or againsl lho
Prosidonl of lho kopublic, lho publicalion of
informalion on sonsilivo dofonso mallors or
which could lhroalon lho lorrilorial inlogrily
of lho counlry, and lho publicalion of
obscono malorial. 1hroo condomnalions
aflor such soizuros load lo lomporary or
pormanonl closing down of lho nowspapors.
1ho conslilulion also calls for laws lo dofino
lho righl lo roply, as woll as lho condilions
and qualificalions for lho profossion of |our-
nalisl, and il allows for a law lo mandalo
lhal lho financing of lho nowspapors and
magazinos bo mado publicly known. linally,
il spocifios lhal lho pross-rolalod crimos bo
lriod oxpodionlly liko lho crimos caughl in
lho acl (flagranl dOlil).
1ho Pross Law dalos from 1938, lhough il
has boon amondod many limos sinco. ll
provi dos for lho ri ghl lo ropl y and for
criminal and civil suils for libol, lho formor,
lhough, havo shorl proscriplion poriods
which praclically guaranloo impunily in lho
slow Grook |udicial syslom, dospilo lho
swi fl procoduro mandalod by lho
cppcnU|x 2
conslilulion. A minimum salo prico for lho
daily and wookly nowspapors is sol by lho
govornmonl. Sinco 1988, lho ownors musl
bo publicly known, which moans lhal ovon
pross rol alod | oi nl-slock compani os
(soci OlOs anonymos) oughl lo havo
porsonalizod slocks for lhoir sharoholdors.
1ho Conslilulion oxcludos broadcasl modia
(along wilh lho cinoma and lho rocord
induslry) from lho logal proloclion offorod
lo lho pri nl modi a. 1hi s oxcopli on i s
formulalod in Arl. 1S, which also providos
for di rocl slalo conlrol of radi o and
lolovision, whoso rosponsibililios should
includo lho ob|oclivo and fair broadcasling
of informalion and nows, as woll as of
producls of l i loraluro and arls, and
socuri ng lho programmi ng qual i ly
roquirod by lhoir social mission and lho
cullural dovolopmonl of lho counlry. lor a
long limo, dirocl slalo conlrol was inlor-
prolod by consorvali vo and soci al i sl
govornmonls as lanlamounl lo oxclusivo
slalo ownorship of oloclronic modia.
1ho oxlromo pro-govornmonl bias of slalo
ownod and govornmonl conlrollod radio
and lolovision lod lo social prossuro for
dorogulalion, lod by a group of inlollocluals
callod Channol 1S aflor lho conslilulional
arliclo. Public opinion's favorablo roaclion
lo lhal prossuro mado somo opposilion
mayors docido lo slarl radio slalions in
1987, in lurn, lhal forcod lho socialisl
govornmonl lo accopl lho principlo of non-
slalo ownod local radio slalions in lho
1987 law and implomonl il wilh a 1988
prosidonlial docroo. lurlhormoro, lho
succoss of lhoso 'froo' radi o slali ons
proparod lho ground for non-slalo ownod
lol ovi si on slali ons: i n l alo 1988, lho
socialisl govornmonl docidod lhal lho slalo
company Lk1 should slarl ovor-lho-air froo
rolransmi ssi on of foroi gn salol l i lo
lolovision programs (having proviously
lhroalonod lo shool down salollilos which
fl y ovor Grook ai r spaco), and lho
opposilion mayors of Salonica and Piraous
slarlod local lolovision slalions. linally, lho
consorvali vo-communi sl coal i li on
govornmonl in 1989 gavo in lo lho inlonso
lobbying of lho nowspapor publishors and
radio slalion ownors and allowod privalo
and municipal local lolovision, including
cablo, pay-1V and salollilo rolransmission
slalions. 1hoy also limilod Lk1's monopoly
lo nalional broadcasling and lransforrod
lho slalo's conlrol of lho oloclronic modia
lo a Nalional kadio and 1olovision Council.
Howovor, lho onsui ng consorvali vo
govornmonl inlroducod amondmonls lo
lhis law which praclically roaffirmod lho
govornmonl's conlrol of lho slalo-ownod
modia. linally, lho socialisl govornmonl
inlroducod a comprohonsivo now law on
privalo modia in 199S.
1oday, lhoroforo, broadcasl modi a i n
Grooco offi ci al l y funcli on wi lhi n lho
framowork of lho laws 1730/1987 (on
Lk1), 1866/1989 (on lho Nalional kadio
and 1olovision Council), and 2328/199S,
and lho minislorial docision 222SS/2/1990
of lho Minislor lo lho Primo Minislor (on
lho Nalional kadio and 1olovision Council).
1ho slalo's conslilulionally-mandalod
conlrol ovor lhom is carriod oul by lho
Nalional kadio and 1olovision Council
(LSk). LSk's rosponsi bi l i li os aro: lo
rocommond lhroo candidalos 'of high
ropulalion and profossional compolonco'
por govornmonl appoinlod posilion on lho
Lk1 board, among which lho govornmonl
wi l l sol ocl ono, lo rocommond lo lho
govornmonl lho dismissal of mombors of
lho Lk1 board, lo adviso lho govornmonl
on granling liconsos lo non-slalo ownod
radio and lolovision slalions, lo issuo
codos of olhics for |ournalisls, programs,
and advorlisomonls in broadcasl modia, lo
ovorsoo lho covorago of lho aclivilios of
parliamonl and of olocloral campaigns by
Lk1, and lo sanclion lho violalions of lhoso
codos or of olhor laws by lho slalions.
1ho slalo company Lk1 (Grook kadio and
1olovision) has honcoforlh lho monopoly
of only cablo and pay-1V broadcasling. Lk1
is a public company wilh lho form of |oinl
slock company (sociOlOs anonymos): ils
cppcnU|x 2
only slockholdor is lho Grook slalo.
A ronowablo, four-yoar liconso lo oporalo
only ono local lM radio slalion can bo
granlod by lho govornmonl, upon lho
rocommondalion of lho LSk, lo a local
aulhorily, a company conlrollod and
managod by Grooks or LU cilizons, or lo a
Grook or LU cilizon. Nolworking is allowod
only up lo fivo hours a day and aflor
pormission of lho LSk. 1ransmillors cannol
bo usod, unloss lhoy aro unavoidablo for lho
slalion lo covor lho wholo rogion (localily is
dofinod in lorms of profocluro). 1ho
omphasis of lho program should bo local.
A ronowablo, four-yoar liconso lo oporalo
onl y ono l ocal , rogi onal or nali onal
lolovision slalion can bo granlod by lho
govornmonl, upon lho rocommondalion of
lho LSk, lo a l ocal aulhori ly or lo a
company: in lho lallor, no individual can
diroclly or lhrough his/hor rolalivos own
moro lhan 2S of lho porsonalizod sharos,
and foroign, non-LU capilal cannol conlrol
moro lhan 2S of lho lolal capilal. 1ho
companios musl bo roliablo, and lhoir
mombors shoul d nol havo boon con-
domnod for pross rolalod crimos. Local
aulhorilios and modia-rolalod oxporionco
of lho sharohol dors aro consi dorod
advanlagos for lho granling of liconsos. No
sharoholdor can havo sharos in moro lhan
ono slalions. Programming musl conform
lo lho roquiromonls of lho 89/SS2/LLC
diroclivo of 3/10/1989. Prosidonlial docroos
should spocify lho procoduro by which
1.S of lho annual gross incomo (minus
laxos and conlribulions lo slalo agoncios)
of lho slalo or non-slalo lol ovi si on
companios is invoslod in Grook foaluro
films also lo bo shown in lhoalors, and
0.3 of lho annual gross incomo is donalod
lo lwo nalional organizalions for lho blind.
Advorlisomonls in radio and lolovision
cannol oxcood 12 minulos por hour, nor
1S of lho lolal daily broadcasling limo.
lndi rocl advorli si ng, as wol l as
advorlisomonls of pharmacoulical and
lobacco producls, as wol l as soxual
sorvicos aro forbiddon in all broadcasl
modia. Anyono offondod by a radio or
lolovision program has lho righl lo roply,
wilh lho LSk acling as lho final aulhorily lo
docido upon lhoso mallors.
oforo }uly S, 1990 Kosovo usod lo bo
woll-providod wilh modia in bolh Sorbian
and Albanian. kadio and 1V Prishlina usod
lo broadcasl along wilh sovon local radio
slalions, and lhoro woro ovor 40 magazinos
and nowspapors. 1ho onl y Al bani an
languago daily - k|||nJja - was slarlod in
194S bul was closod down on Augusl 7,
1990. Aflor lho susponsion of lho Kosovo
Parliamonl, which was carriod oul during a
docl arod slalo of omorgoncy, spoci al
omorgoncy moasuros woro inlroducod
and on lho basis of lho lallor, lho Sorbian
aulhori li os cl osod down lho modi a i n
Albanian, including lho Albanian languago
programs of kadio and 1V Prishlina. 1his
acl was logilimizod by lho Law on Public
lnformalion (Sorbian Slalo Gazollo, 19/90,
29/03/91) and il aulhorizod lho dismissal
of Albanians working in lho modia.
Al lhough k| | | nJj a was cl osod down, a
bypassing of lho ban was mado possiblo by
using lho liconso of a formor poriodical on
agriculluro callod 8uj|u. 1ho lallor changod
ils profilo in ordor lo provido nowspapor
lypo of informalion. ll is financod wilh lho
profi ls of i ls foroi gn odi li on, whi ch i s
prinlod in Swilzorland and Albania and
which carrios lho papor's original namo -
ln Novombor 1992 lho Sorbian Parliamonl
adoplod a now Law on lnformalion, which
oslablishod lho Panorama Publishing and
Dislribulion Houso roplacing lho kilind|a
ono. Panorama look ovor lho promisos and
bolongings of lho oldor houso and is now
chargod wilh lho prinling and dislribulion
of all prinlod mallors in bolh Sorbian and
cppcnU|x 2
Albanian. 1ho Sorbian aulhorilios aro lho
onl y onos capabl o of appoi nli ng and
di smi ssi ng mombors of Panorama's
Admi ni slrali vo Counci l , of lho
managomonl and of lho gonoral
managomonl. Howovor, 8uj|u and somo
olhor publ i cali ons havo an onli rol y
indopondonl and consorship-froo odilorial
policios, which aro roslriclod by lho slalo
onl y i n lho form of di scri mi nalory
oconomic moasuros.
kadio and 1olovision Prishlina broadcasl in
Albanian, bul lhis is dono undor lho slricl
and dirocl Sorbian conlrol sinco }uly 1990.
Nowadays lhoso broadcasls aro cul down
lo lho symbolic programs of loss lhan an
hour of Sorbian odilod daily nows bullolins,
which is a virlual lranslalion of lho official
nows coming from olgrado, so lhoy havo
almosl no Albanian audionco.
Arl. 16 of lho Conslilulion guaranloos lho
froodom of public informalion and lho
oslablishmonl of inslilulions for public
informalion, froo accoss lo informalion
and froodom of rocoplion and lransmission
of i nformali on, lho ri ghl lo ropl y and
corroclion and lho righl lo prolocl lho
sourcos of informalion. Consorship is
prohibilod. Howovor, in praclico logislalion
is slill basod on old fodoral and ropublican
laws from lho poriod boforo 1991.
According lo lho oxisling rogulalions, any
porson can bo lho foundor of a modi a
oullol. 1ho kopublic aulhorizos lho uso of
froquoncios. 1ho govornmonl rogislors and
givos work pormils lo lho modia. 1ho
Ponal Codo providos for imprisonmonl for
sproading of falso nows and slalomonls, as
wol l as for courl warni ngs, fi nos or
imprisonmonl for slandor, rovoaling if
porsonal or fami l y mallors and olhor
offonsos commillod by lho modia. 1ho
chiof odilor, lho odilor, and lho publishor
of lho modium in which lhoso offonsos
appoar, may bo hold liablo for lhom.
Allhough consorship is prohibilod by lho
Conslilulion, solf-consorship oxisls. 1ho
foar of possi bl o roprossi on or ovon of
losing of lhoir |obs puls lho |ournalisls on
lho alorl. Howovor, lhoro is lho biggor foar
lhal oxcossivo crilicism may ondangor lho
ovorall slabilily of lho counlry which makos
lho |ournalisls oxlra caulious.
ln May 199S lho Mi ni slry for
1ransporlalion and 1olocommunicalion
passod a doci si on lo cl oan lho
Macodoni an ai rwavos. 1ho offi ci al
oxpl anali on was lhal lho govornmonl
inlondod lo slop lho lolally irrosponsiblo
occupalion of froquoncios and lho piraling
of salollilo froquoncios of foroign salollilo
1V slalions. Moro lhan 80 privalo radio
and 1V slali ons woro cl osod. Many
obsorvors considorod lhis acl a lypical
form of consorship and arguod lhal lho
govornmonl aimod al closing of lho modia
supporlod by lho Soros loundalion.
ln Soplombor 199S somo amondmonls lo
lho Ponal Codo woro inlroducod.
Arl. 20S (lnsull)
Para 1 - Damago broughl lo lho honor or
ropulalion of an individual by moans of
words, gosluros and olhor moans, or by
oxposuro lo mockory, shall bo punishod by
prison of ono monlh lo ono yoar or a fino.
Para 2 - 1ho samo punishmonl shall apply
lo casos whoro a flaw, illnoss or handicap
aro allribulod lo a porson and, ovon if roal,
lhoy should nol bo disclosod.
Para 3 - lf lho doods providod for in Para 1
and 2 aro porpolralod by any porson
lhrough lho wrillon pross, lhrough audio-
visual moans of communicalion or olhor
moans, or in public moolings, punishmonl
shall bo prison from lhroo monlhs lo lwo
yoars or a fino.
Para 4 - Criminal procoduros aro lriggorod
cppcnU|x 2
by lho complainl of lho damagod parly.
Para S - Oul of courl solllomonl oxcludos
criminal liabilily.
Arl. 206 (Libol)
Para 1 - Public slalomonl or roproach of a
corlain facl rolalod lo a porson, which, if
provon lruo, would oxposo lhal porson lo
criminal, adminislralivo, or disciplinary
punishmonl, or lo public conlompl, shall
bo punishod by prison from lhroo monlhs
lo lwo yoars or a fino.
Para 2 - lf lho dood providod for in Para 1
i s porpolralod by any porson lhrough
wri llon pross, audi o-vi sual moans of
communi cali on or olhor moans, or i n
public moolings, punishmonl shall consisl
of prison from six monlhs lo lhroo yoars or
a fino.
Para 3 - Criminal procoduros aro lriggorod
by lho complainl of lho damagod parly.
Para 4 - Oul of courl solllomonl oxcludos
criminal liabilily.
1horo aro olhor arliclos in lho Ponal Codo
which provido for incroasod ponallios for
|ournalisls. 1ho amondmonls lo lho Ponal
Codo havo boon amply commonlod upon
and crilicizod by lho komanian modia.
As rogards broadcasl modia, il was only
lhroo yoars ago lhal privalo 1V and radio
slali ons woro al l owod lo oporalo i n
komania. Howovor, lho lallor covor vory
small local aroas and havo a limilod impacl.
1his silualion is duo lo lho way in which
lho onl y l ogal audi ovi sual body, lho
Nalional Audiovisual Council (NAC) issuos
lho broadcasling liconsos, wilhoul which
no slalion can funclion. Oblaining lho
liconso is liko a roal balllo. Onco lhis is
dono, lho liconso of lho rospoclivo radio or
1V slalion rogulalos lho aroa which has lo
bo covorod, lho broadcasling hours and
lho naluro of lho programs. 1hus a slalion
wi lh a l i conso for movi os and sporls
programs cannol broadcasl polilical lalk
Contributors to tbis voIume
Panayote LIias Dimitras holds a Ph.D. in
Polilical Lconomy and Govornmonl from
ppcnU|x 3
Harvard Univorsily (1979). Aflor fifloon
yoars of acadomic and rosoarch work in
polilical scionco, public opinion survoys
and modia sludios, ho has boon working
on human and minorily righls. ln 1992, ho
holpod found Minorily kighls Group -
Grooco and Grook Holsinki Monilor. ln
1997, ho was appoinlod visiling locluror al
lho Conlral Luropoan Uni vorsi ly
Mariana Lenkova is a sonior in Lnglish and
Amorican Sludios al lho Sl. Clomonl of
Ohrid Univorsily of Sofia. Sho has boon
working on human and minorily righls in
lho ulgarian Holsinki Commilloo (1994-
S) and lho Grook Holsinki Monilor (sinco
199S). Sho was lho rogional rapporlour for
lho lHl Halo Spooch pro|ocl (199S-7) and
also for a similar alkan Noighbors pro|ocl
Nafsika PapanikoIatos holds a Diplomo d'
Lludos Approfondi os i n Hi slory and
Civilizalion from lho Lcolo dos Haulos
Lludos on Scioncos Socialos (Paris, 1983)
and a Maslor's in Polilical Scionco from lho
Univorsily of Ollawa (1984), sho is now a
Ph.D. candidalo in Polilical Scionco al lho
Panloios Univorsily (Alhons). Sho has boon
working on human and minorily righls in
lho Grook Commilloo for lnlornalional
Domocraclic Solidarily (1993-1997) and
Grook Holsinki Monilor (sinco 1997).
Aaron Rbodes has boon Lxoculivo Diroclor
of lho lnlornalional Holsinki lodoralion for
Human kighls sinco 1993. Ho was formorly
associalod wilh lho lnslilulo for Human
Scioncos (Vionna) and oslon Univorsily.
Ho was oducalod al kood Collogo and 1ho
Univorsily of Chicago, whoro ho rocoivod a
Ph.D. in lho Commilloo on Social 1houghl.
Contributors to tbe project media
freedom and bate speecb in tbe
baIkans 199S-6"
lnternationaI HeIsinki lederation for
Human Rigbts
1ho lnlornalional Holsinki lodoralion for
Human kighls is a solf-govorning group of
non-govornmonlal, nol-for-profil organiza-
lions lhal acl lo prolocl human righls
lhroughoul Luropo, Norlh Amorica, and
lho Conlral Asian ropublics formod from
lho lorrilorios of lho formor Soviol Union.
A pri mary spoci fi c goal i s lo moni lor
compl i anco wi lh lho human ri ghls
provisions of lho Holsinki linal Acl and ils
lollow-up Documonls. A socrolarial basod
in Vionna, commonly roforrod lo as lho
lHl, supporls and providos liaison among
lhirly-four mombor Holsinki commil-
loos, and roprosonls lhom al lho
inlornalional polilical lovol. 1ho lHl also
has dirocl links wilh individuals and groups
supporli ng human ri ghls i n counlri os
whoro no Holsinki commilloos oxisl. ln
addi li on lo galhori ng and anal yzi ng
informalion on human righls condilions in
OSCL parlicipaling Slalos, lho lHl acls as a
cl oari ng houso for lhi s i nformali on,
dissominaling il lo govornmonls, inlor-
govornmonlal organizalions, lho pross and
lho public al largo. 1ho lHl is ovon-handod
in ils crilicism of human righls violalions
wilh rospocl lo lho polilical sysloms of
slalos in which lhoso abusos occur.
Parlicularly sinco 1989, lho lHl has also
boon aclivo in promoling and supporling
human ri ghls i n formorl y lolal i lari an
counlrios by organizing oducalion pro|ocls,
sominars, and inlornalional pro|ocls. Many
of lhoso havo boon i mpl omonlod by
Hol si nki commi lloos and olhor l ocal
human righls organizalions.
Curronlly Holsinki commilloos affilialod
wi lh lho lodorali on oxi sl i n Al bani a,
Auslria, olarus, osnia-Horzogovina,
cppcnU|x ^
ulgaria, Canada, Croalia, Czoch kopublic,
Donmark, li nl and, lranco, Gormany,
Grooco, Hungary, llal y, Kazakhslan,
Kosovo, Lilhuania, Macodonia, Moldova,
Monlonogro, Nolhorl ands, Norway,
Poland, komania, kussia, Sorbia, Slovakia,
Slovonia, Swodon, Swilzorland, Ukraino,
lho Unilod Kingdom, and lho Unilod Slalos.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
lnlornali onal Hol si nki lodorali on for
Human kighls
kummolhardlgasso 2/18
A-1090 Wion
1ol: 43-1-402 73 87
lax: 43-1-408 74 44
kosoarch 1oam:
rigillo Dufour
1horoso Nolson
Aaron khodos
AIbanian HeIsinki Committee
1ho Albanian Holsinki Commilloo was
foundod in Docombor 1990 (lhon callod
lorum for lho Dofonso of Human kighls
and lundamonlal lroodoms). 1ho mosl
imporlanl poinl in lho program of lho
lorum was lho domand addrossod lo lho
aulhorilios for lho roloaso of all lho polilical
prisonors slill in |ail. ln March 1992, !|e
/otum |ot l|e De|ense o| /uman k|g|ls
was rocogni zod by lho lnletnal| ona|
/eJetal|on |ot /uman k|g|ls and admillod
as full mombor. On lhal occasion, lho
lorum was ronamod as Albanian Holsinki
1ho AHC is indopondonl from polilical
parli os and froo of any govornmonlal
lulolago. 1ho moniloring of human righls
and lho crilicism formulalod by lho AHC is
conslruclivo in ils characlor: along wilh
publ i c donouncomonls of vi ol ali ons,
suggoslions and proposals aro roforrod lo
lho govornmonlal organs on how lo
ovorcomo and provonl lhom, i n
complianco wilh inlornal logislalion and
lho inlornalional inslrumonls lo which
Albania is a parly.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Komiloli Shqiplar l Holsinkil
1ho Albanian Holsinki Commilloo
ko. Ali Domi, Pall. 2, Shk. 2, Ap. 12
1irana Albania
1ol/lax: 3SS-42-33 671
kosoarch 1oam:
lalos Lubon|a
Arbon Pulo
Vladimir Prola
HeIsinki Committee for Human Rigbts in
8osnia and Herzegovina
1ho Holsinki Commilloo for Human kighls
in osnia-Horzogovina was foundod in
199S. ll i s an i ndopondonl, non-
govornmonlal, non-profil associalion of
cilizons. 1ho goals of lho Commilloo aro lo
promolo and prolocl human ri ghls i n
ln ordor lo achi ovo i ls goal s, lho
Commi lloo's acli vi li os i ncl udo lho
- A syslomalic moniloring of human
ri ghls i n osni a and Horzogovi na,
focusing on human righls violalions
and on laking proloclion moasuros,
- collocling and sproading of informalion
aboul inlornalional logal praclico in lho
domain of human righls,
- making proposals for amolioralion of
lho slalo of human righls in osnia and
cppcnU|x ^
Horzogovina including proposals for
now laws and changos lo lho oxisling
- offoring profossional holp lo lho cilizons
in lho fiold of human righls,
- oducaling cilizons and profossionals in
lho rospocl and proloclion of human
- publishing rogular and spocial roporls
and publicalions on human righls,
- kooping a dalabaso bank,
- conlacli ng lho modi a i n ordor lo
promolo all aspocls of human righls,
- cooporali ng wi lh nali onal and
inlornalional organizalions in lho fiold
of promolion and proloclion of human
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Holsinski komilol za l|udska prava u osni i
Holsinki Commilloo for Human kighls in
osnia and Horzogovina
M.M. asoski|o 10/lV
osnia and Horzogovina
1ol: 387-71 02 4S
lax: 387-71-66 S6 S3
o-mai l : Hol si nki comm.i Hzami r-
kosoarch 1oam:
Srd|an Dizdarovic
Human Rigbts Project (8uIgaria)
/uman k|g|ls /tojecl is a non-profil, non-
govornmonlal organizalion, oslablishod in
1992, which is govornod by a board of fivo
mombors: Dimilrina Polrova, Dimilar
Ghoorghiov, Krassimir Kanov, Nikolai
Ghughinski and kumyan kussinov.
As a human ri ghls NGO focusod on
moniloring lho human righls silualion of
koma in ulgaria and logal dofonso of
koma viclims of human righls abusos,
/uman k|g|ls /tojecl has lho following
- lo raiso lho human righls consciousnoss
of lho koma pooplo, who aro lho mosl
doprivod and discriminalod parl of lho
- lo advocalo for lho human righls of lho
koma al govornmonlal offi cos,
businossos, and modia
- lo inlroduco roforms in lho funclion of
lho Criminal }uslico Syslom lhal will
guaranloo offi ci onl combali ng of
discriminalion and racism
- lo molivalo lawyors lo work for human
righls idoals
- lo counloracl komaphobia, halo spooch
i n lho modi a, raci sl nali onal i sli c
londoncios in ulgarian socioly, and
promolo a moro favorabl o soci al
onvironmonl for lhis olhnic group
/uman k|g|ls /tojecl
- conducls, indopondonl from official
aulhori li os, i nvosli gali on i nlo
allogialions of human righls violalions
againsl koma
- providos logal roprosonlalion and logal
sorvicos on bohalf of koma viclims of
human righls abusos
- publicizos informalion aboul human
righls abusos againsl koma
- works wilh volunloors from lho koma
communily and conducls human righls
lraining wilh lhom
- advocalos l ogi sl ali vo and pol i cy
changos in favor of koma
- advocalos fair covorago of koma in
mainslroam modia
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Human kighls Pro|ocl
23 Solunska Slrool, 6lh floor
1000 Sofia
1ol/lax 3S9-2-80 61 4S or 981 S0 66
o-mai l : hrpro| or
cppcnU|x ^
kosoarch 1oam:
Dimilrina Polrova
Kamolia Angolova
1odor Goorgiov
Croatian HeIsinki Committee for Human
1ho Croali an Hol si nki Commi lloo for
Human kighls is a non-govornmonlal, non-
profil organizalion for human righls, which
was foundod in 1992. 1ho Commilloo
primarily conconlralos ils aclivilios on lho
proloclion of individuals and minorilios in
lho kopublic of Croalia.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Smiciklasova 23/ll
10000 Zagrob
1ol: 38S-1-4SS 20 20 or 4SS 69 63
lax: 38S-1-4SS 2S 24
kosoarch 1oam:
lvan Zvonimir Cicak
Zvonko Lolica
Luka Milrovic
Greek HeIsinki Monitor
Grook Holsinki Monilor was foundod in
lalo 1992, following lho oncouragomonl of
lho lnlornalional Holsinki lodoralion for
Human ki ghls (lHl). A yoar l alor, i n
Docombor 1993, lho l allor's Gonoral
Assombl y accrodi lod i l as i ls Grook
Nalional Commilloo wilh an obsorvor
slalus, in Novombor 1994, lho Gonoral
Assombly olovalod Grook Holsinki Monilor
lo full momborship. Curronl Grook Holsinki
Monilor mombors aro also mombors of
Minorily kighls Group - Grooco, lho Grook
affi l i alo of Mi nori ly ki ghls Group
lnlornalional sinco }anuary 1992.
ln 1994, Grook Holsinki Monilor launchod
a pro|ocl lo proparo dolailod roporls on all
nali onal , olhnol i ngui sli c and ma| or
roligious minorily communilios in Grooco
(Macodoni ans and 1urks, Arvani los,
Pomaks, and Vlachs, Calholics, }ohovah
Wilnossos, Proloslanls, and Now koligious
Movomonls), as wol l as lho Grook
minorilios in Albania and 1urkoy, and lho
Albanian immigranls in Grooco. osidos
lho usual moni lori ng of human ri ghls
violalions and human righls rolalod lrials,
lho issuing of public slalomonls, alono or
al ong wi lh olhor NGO's, and lho
moniloring of Grook and alkan modia for
sloroolypos and halo spooch, Grook
Holsinki Monilor slarlod in 1997 a koma
Offico in cooporalion wilh lho Luropoan
koma kighls Conlor.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Grook Holsinki Monilor & Minorily kighls
Group - Grooco
P.O. ox S1393, Gk-14S 10 Kifisia, Grooco
1ol: 30-1-620.01.20,
lax: 30-1-807.S7.67
wob silo: hllp://
kosoarch 1oam:
Panayolo Llias Dimilras
Vaso Noofolislos
kosova HeIsinki Committee
1ho Kosova Hol si nki Commi lloo was
oslablishod in May 1990 as lho Prishlina
ranch of lho lhon-oxi sli ng ugosl av
Holsinki Commilloo. ll was oslablishod in
ordor lo oxpross lho concorn and
commilmonl, lho nood for moniloring and
di ssomi nali ng of i nformali on and of
cppcnU|x ^
making lho inlornalional communily awaro
of lho gravo human righls silualion in
ln }uno 1991, lho Prishlina ranch was
lransformod inlo a solf-slanding Kosova
Holsinki Commilloo.
1ho Kosova Hol si nki Commi lloo i s an
indopondonl non-parlisan, non-profil and
humanilarian momborship associalion of
ci li zons organi zod for lho purposo of
dofonso and promolion of human righls
and froodoms in Kosova, lho lk, and
olsowhoro in lho world.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Komiloli Kosovar i Holsinkil
Kosova Holsinki Commilloo
1aslixho l 36a
38000 Prishlina
1ol/lax: 381-38-26-1S3
o-mail: pula.khcounol.yu
kosoarch 1oam:
Gazmond Pula
HeIsinki Committee for Human Rigbts of
tbe RepubIic of Macedonia
Aflor a fow monlhs of proparalion, lhanks
lo lho holp of lho Grook Holsinki Monilor
and lho Norwogi an and lho Swodi sh
Hol si nki Commi lloos, lho Hol si nki
Commi lloo for Human ki ghls i n lho
kopublic of Macodonia was oslablishod in
Oclobor 1994.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Holsinki Commilloo for Human kighls of
lho kopublic of Macodonia
ul. Milo Hadzivasilov-}asmin 18-1/6
P.O. ox S8
91000 Skop|o
1ol: 389-91-206 244
lax: 389-91-119 073
kosoarch 1oam:
Aloxandor Damovski
Molo }ovanovski
Montenegrin HeIsinki Committee for
Human Rigbts
1ho Monlonogrin Holsinki Commilloo for
Human ki ghls i s a non-govornmonlal
organizalion oslablishod in Oclobor 1994.
1ho basic aclivilios of lho Commilloo aro
dodicalod lo lho proloclion and promolion
of human ri ghls and domocracy. 1ho
Commilloo is ongagod in lho proloclion of
lho mulli-olhnic, mulli-cullural and mulli-
roligious characlor of Monlonogrin socioly.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Crnogorski Holsinski Komilol za L|udska
Monlonogri n Hol si nki Commi lloo for
Human kighls
Krislifora lvanovica 3
8S310 udva
1ol/lax: 381-86 S3 191
381-86 S4 246.
kosoarch 1oam:
Slobodan lranovic
Romanian HeIsinki Committee
1ho komanian Holsinki Commilloo was sol
up i n }anuary 1990 by somo formor
oppononls of lho communisl diclalorship
and porsons inlonding lo acl in lho fiold of
human righls in complianco wilh lho CSCL
Hol si nki li nal Acl and i ls fol l ow up
cppcnU|x ^
1ho Commilloo is a non-govornmonlal,
polilical non-parlisan, and non-profil
lls purposos aro:
- lo supporl lho public oducalion in lho
fiold of human righls so lhal lho Vll.
Principlo of lho Holsinki linal Acl which
has oslabl i shod lho ri ghl of lho
individual lo know and acl upon his/hor
righls and dulios shall bocomo a roalily
in komania,
- lo galhor and dissominalo informalion
concorning abusos and violalions of
human righls,
- lo urgo lho official slalo aulhorilios lo
comply lo lhoir obligalions undor lho
human righls accords as woll as undor
lho Holsinki linal Acl,
- lo cooporalo wilh olhor similar non-
govornmonlal, local or inlornalional
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
komanian Holsinki Commilloo
Caloa Viclorioi 120, Soclor 1
1ol/lax: 40-1-312 4S 28
or: 312 44 43
kosoarch 1oam:
Vora Campoanu
konalo Wobor
HeIsinki Committee for Human Rigbts in
1ho Holsinki Comilloo for Human kighls in
Sorbia, foundod in Soplombor 1994, is an
associ ali on of ci li zons, a non-
govornmonlal, non-profil organizalion
whi ch hol ps and conlri bulos lo lho
roalizalion of lho goals of lho lnlornalional
Holsinki lodoralion for Human kighls
wilhin lho lorrilory of Sorbia.
1ho mai n goal s and ob| ocli vos of lho
Commilloo aro:
- lho syslomalic moniloring and sludying
of lho slalo of human righls on lho
lorrilory of lho lk,
- focusing on human righls violalions
and laking proloclion moasuros,
- making proposals for amolioralion of
lho slalo of human righls, proparalion
of proposals for now laws, changos and
amondmonls lo lho oxi sli ng onos,
insisling on lho applicalion of lho dulios
lho lk has undorlakon in rolalion lo
i nlornali onal documonls, i ls
Conslilulion and laws,
- conlinuing cooporalion wilh rolalod
profossional and non-govornmonlal
- offoring profossional holp lo cilizons
whoso righls havo boon violalod or
- oducaling profossionals and cilizons on
lho rospocl and proloclion of human
- publishing rogular and spocial roporls
and publicalions concorning human
righls, dovolopmonls and proloclion.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Holsinki Commilloo for Human kighls in
Zma| }ovina 7
11000 olgrado
1ol/lax: 381-11-637 S42 or 639 481
o-mail: holsinkiLunol.yu
wob silo: hllp://
kosoarch 1oam:
Son|a isorko
Goorgi|o Maric
lgor Mosnor
cppcnU|x ^
HeIsinki Monitor of SIovenia
Holsinki Monilor of Slovonia has boon
aclivo in lho fiold of proloclion of human
righls in Slovonia sinco Soplombor 1994. ll
is an indopondonl social organizalion, a
group of ci li zons of lho kopubl i c of
Slovonia, who doal wilh lho promolion,
assorlion and proloclion of human righls.
lls aims aro:
- lo supporl, proclaim and implomonl
lho principlos of lho linal Acl of lho
CSCL and olhor documonls of lho
CSCL/OSCL procoss,
- lo slronglhon, promolo and conlrol lho
i mpl omonlali on of lho Hol si nki
documonls in Slovonia and in olhor
mombor counlrios of lho OSCL,
- lo supporl lho dovol opmonl of lho
domocralic inslilulions, of lho rulo of
law, of lho valuos of univorsal |uslico,
fair alliludo, solidarily, human righls
and basi c froodoms, as wol l as lo
oducalo lho pooplo in lhoso valuos,
- lo organizo rosoarch and documonlary
aclivilios in lho fiold of human righls,
- lo monilor syslomalically lho dogroo of
i mpl omonlali on, rospocl for and
prolocli on of human ri ghls on lho
lorrilory of lho kopublic of Slovonia,
- lo provido aid lo pooplo whoso human
righls havo boon violalod.
Address, teIepbone, fax, e-maiI:
Holsinki Monilor of Slovonia
Gorn|i lrg 22
1000 L|ul|ana
1ol: 386-61-22S 77S
1ol/lax: 386-61-1261 889
o-mail: holsinki.monilor.sloslol.nol
kosoarch 1oam:
Nova Miklavcic
fcc|c cr ccnfcnfs

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